Xd HER HECHRRA State ef Calif-smile Arte-may General DEPAREHENT JUSTICE ld?tl I STREET, SUITE 125 ED. HIDE 944155 94244?2 5511 Publie: [5116 445-9555 Telephene: [Elle El?u??ddl Faesimile: {91d dials-3835 Isl-Mail: January 29, 2919 Eebert Lewis Via Email 3.: I15. lv'lail Investigative Studies with the UC Berkelev Investigative Departing Fragrant 2431 Hearst Ave. Berkelev, Cr?t RE: Netiee eI Inadvertent Release ef Department e1" 1 ustiee Ceniidential Infermatien and Ftequest fer Destruetien ef Inferlnatien Dear Mr. Lewis: It has eerne tn the attentien et? the Calit?ernia Department et? Instiee that veu were a eepjvr ef een?dential state erimina1 histerv inferrnatien in respense te the request fer publie veu submitted tn the en Pest Dtt'ieer Standards and Training. The spreadsheet deenments ven were previded were eatraeted direetlv frem the Anternated Criminal I-Iisterv Svstem, a eeniidential law enfereement database maintained by the Department at ustiee Item whieh te infennatien is restrieted by law. (Pen. Cede, 11105 et seq.) The spreadsheets eentain thensands et' entries et' inferinatien regarding eivilians as well as eurrent and fenner peaee effieers that sheuld net have been diselesed te anvene net autheriaed by statute te it. (Pen. Cede, 1 1143.) Altheugh the en PDST is antheriaed te this infermatien frem the Department, veu are net. Therefere, the inadvertently predueed are exempt free] diaelestll'e under the Califernia Pnbtie diet. (Gev. Cede, 6254, snbd. [kl] The Department herebv ferreallv requests that ven itnmediatelv pennanentlv destrev the spreadsheet veu were previded, de net disseminate the spreadsheet (er an}r int'eimatien there??eln}, and previde vet?i?eatien that al1 eepies in hard eepv, email, thumb drives, hard drives, and servers have alse been destreved. Yen are hereby en netiee that the nnantherised erpessesstee ef a frern the Department?s ACI-ltl er infermatien ebtained frem sueh a is a misdemeaner. (Pen. Cede, 11143.} Rehert Lewis January 29:. 2019 Page 2 If yen de net intend tn eemply with em' reqneat, the Department can take legal aetien le ensure that the anreadaheete are nreperly deleted and net The Callfernla Supreme Cetn't hne ertleretl return ef n-larltrertentlj,r diaeleaee under the Eallfelnta l?nhlie r?tet. {See Arden a. City efLea Angefaa e2 Illalalth 1T6.) 'l'hanls: yen fer freer eenrteag.r and Sineerely, - MICHELLE M. MITCHELL Elepnt}? General Fer KAVIHR BECERHA General