12. Pr0posed Project Emissions List the total emissions following the proposed project for this facility or process unit (for process unit-speci?c permits). Speciate all criteria pollutants. TAP, and HAP for the proposed project. PM10 PM2.5 $02 NOX CO GHG (mass) VOC Benzene Formaldeh Toluene 1.3-Butadiene Aceta Cumene Dib phthalate Di sulfate Eth benzene Elh Eth lene oxide Methanol n-Hexane Phenol Pr ldeh Vin I Acetate lene H2804 H28 NH3 Pollutant Emission Rate 671.46 389.47 91.67 1304.54 2705.84 13.601 ,521.32 13.686.392.61 1.995.25 42.81 9.12 8.72 35.58 17.23 1.17 0.01 0.34 0.57 81.31 36.14 0.05 0.18 139.03 0.05 0.48 0.83 63.13 3.23 6.01 0.10 436.17 Totals represented on this page are for complex-wide emissions. A plant unit-by- unit emissions summary is available in the individual Part 70 Air Permit Applications for each plant. form_71 95_r05 07707117 FG LA1-14