Enseph Bdrdan Yes, it actually is. ddn?t necessarilyr agree Iwith "free Icl'u'e". but I think having a mentally ill genetic abcrminatidn Jew like Seymbur?lss de?ne sexual cm tape ydu is far mbre damaging tn sdciety and spirit than just dcring it as ydur instincts tell ydu.Jews pbrn. pretty much all the are kil-tes. and the impact mdyies have an pe-uple is quite dangerbus. tc: mentien disgusting. Images df bizarre and irratidnaIJewish "se1:ua ' practices gen straight tn the pleasure side df ydur brain by assdciating the increase in dcrpamine with the images screenI this ddpamine rush beings tp you until ycru becdme addicted- It's my sd many men and wdmen are dne andther, despite the fact that 1} normal interccruse is far mbre pleasurable and 2} the anus isI by bidldgical design. the least sexy part bf the human bddy. it de?es legic fer pebble td salad and plug it crnl'g,r becdn'les cummdn after it is repeated dyer and cryer in even the mainstream bf ?lth- Jews use td try and infect ndrmal pebple with the mental insanity dF queersI pedbphiles. etc. Lilce everything they get their hands the weapdnizes visual media th spread diseases that WEEll-t?r?l their enemies [in the case pf the Jew. the enemy is every ncrn-Jew in the 4 Mars age: - Lilce - I21 2 Pedrp Seusa ldent disagre with ydur yiews ljust ?nd hedcrnist sea: as bad. In fact is mctre destrutiye because it takes that that sh-uuld be pure sensual and build an and turns int-d sbmething material and dirty has easy has shewing a buble gum. 4 Mars age: - Lilce Pedrp Spusa Cir clbse th a type pf drug. Since yeu need th have it is matearial need ydu have in that is close td adicts. Sex adicts n-drr'nalyI are adicts. And nbrmaly theyI are interc-unected. 4 hdurs age - Lilce