PO Box 932 ● Bangor, Maine ● USA ● 04402-0932 Notice of Proposed Increase in Distribution Rates Maine Public Utilities Commission Docket No. 2019-00019 March 4, 2019 Dear Customer: On March 25, 2019, Emera Maine will be filing a request with the Maine Public Utilities Commission (the Commission) to increase its distribution rates by approximately 18 percent, which is designed to produce approximately $16 million in additional revenues. Distribution rates cover the costs of delivering electricity over the local electric system to your home or business. The proposed distribution rate increase is estimated to be approximately $5.75 per month for a residential customer with typical usage of 500kWh per month, approximately a six percent increase in the total electricity bill. Emera Maine will propose that any increase in distribution rates approved by the Commission be shared equally amongst all residential, commercial and industrial customers. The proposed increase to distribution rates includes investments in system reliability, customer service, and operations. The distribution rate proposal will be filed in accordance with Maine law, pursuant to 35-A M.R.S. § 307 and Chapter 120 of the Commission’s Rules and has been assigned Docket No. 2019-00019. This notice is provided in accordance with Chapter 110 § 8.A.1(c) of the Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure. You may participate in the distribution proceeding in one of three ways: 1. If you wish to be notified when a filing is made in the case or when Commission orders are issued, you may add your name to the case notification list using the Commission’s case management system (CMS). For information on how to register and use the Commission’s CMS, please access this information at www.maine.gov/mpuc/online. 2. You may petition to intervene. If your petition to intervene is granted, you will be a party with the right to participate formally in the hearings and in negotiations. Your petition must be submitted through the Commission’s CMS and must include the name and docket number of this proceeding (2019-00019), and the manner in which you are affected by this proceeding. Your petition must also include a short and plain statement of the nature and extent of the participation you seek, and a statement of the nature of the evidence or argument you intend to submit. You may also submit your petition in writing via U.S. mail to the Commission’s Administrative Director, Public Utilities Commission, 18 State House Station, Augusta ME 04333-0018. Your petition to March 4, 2019 intervene must be filed with the Commission no later than March 21, 2019. An initial case conference is scheduled to be held on March 28, 2019, at 10:00 a.m. in the Commission’s offices located at 101 Second Street, Hallowell, Maine. 3. You may appear as a witness at a public witness hearing and give your views. If you wish to be notified when a public witness hearing is scheduled, you can file a request through the Commission’s CMS or by U.S. mail to the address set forth above on or before April 16, 2019. Please note that the Commission may not publish any newspaper notices of these proceedings or associated hearings. If you would like more information about this proceeding, you may contact the Administrative Director of the Commission at 207-287-3831 or by visiting www.maine.gov/mpuc or Emera Maine at 207-973-2000 or by visiting www.emeramaine.com. Page 2 of 2