Doc SECURITV CLASSIFICATION NSA STAFF PROCESSING FOI 3" 81289 at we we come ?cc comm NUMBER THDRIIJR A 4A t/ I 1/ ACTION exnee suspense I SQ 4, APPROVAL 3' KCC SUSPENSE 5U if? sk Note to BM Blair/President Clinton SIGNATURE eeting (TS) INFORMATION s?us?P?E?Nse DISTRIBUTION DDI, DDP, DDT, DDO, DDS, N5, N5F, ExReg SUMMARY (FOUO) The attached note is at the request of the DIR for background information on the relationship to be forwarded to President Clinton in advance of a 29 May 97 meeting with UK Prime Minister Tony Blair. Km e/g? va?mw' (DI Wyd?gw This correspondence may be downgraded to upon removal ofthe enclosure(s). (3) -P.T.. 86?36 I FOUO ,1 Approved for Release by NSA on 09-11-2018, FOIA Litigation Case #100386 OFFICE N5 NAME AND DATE 79?. [gamma?? CDO UK FORM A6796 REV NOV 95 {Supersodss A6796 FEB 94 Dem? Fm?: 123-2; 339119 1 which is obsolete) ORG. NSF NRN- 7m.FM.nm.:4A: 3561391 OFFICE PHONE (Secure) 963-3745 NAME AND DATE SECURITY CLASSIFICATION Page 00268 DATE PREPARED 5/14/97 Doc ID: 6635978 DIRECTOR 19 May 1997 TO: SUBJ: Background for President Clinton Meeting with PM Blair (U) (U) The Director of GCHQ, David Omand. will be brie?ng UK Prime Minister Tony Blair on the relationship in preparation for an upcoming session between Blair and President Clinton. The two leaders are scheduled to meet on 29 May in The Hague after the summit. We offer the attached paper as background for the President?s session with the Prime Minister. VL (Chg-:4? KENNETH A. MINIHAN Lieutenant General, USAF cc: 'mts CORRESPONDENCE MAYBE . . . . . UPON REMOVAL OF THE ENCLOSURES) . . A . . NSA OIA Case 100386 Page 00269 Doc ID: 6635978 WEE-ELI: U.S. PARTNERSHIP WITH THE UNITED KINGDOM Background (U) #QUO-the U.S.-UK relationship is the oldest and most productive of foreign partnerships. it is based on a formal Agreement,? which was signed in 1946. and includes numerous supporting agreements signed over the years with counterpatt. the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ). This agreement is the basis for comprehensive cooperation on SIGINT and, to a lesser extent, INFOS EC activities. The U.S.-UK ryptologic Relationship will continue to be broad and deep well into the 2 1 st Century. 11) . . (3)?50 USC 3024(1) Key Elements Relations (U) 86-36 Under the UKUSA Agreement, each side agrees to share all information; the exchange is unrestricted except for those a1eas ?that are speci?cally excluded (0. 0. U. ONLY information) at the request ofeither party I and 5 intelligence priorities are largely convergent and SIGINT collection and processwg capabilities often complement our One vibrant example isl . - They have agreed to continue this participation in) future. and are currently I rnakrng arrangements with their government to do so. GCHQ offers resources for advanced collection. processing and analysis efforts. Some solely to satisfy NSA tasking. NSA and address collection plans to reduce duplication and maximize coverage through joint sites and cross-tasking. despite site CIOsur'es. +9-The exchange with GCHQ is at the heart of our INFOSEC relationship. GCHQ is only peer in the ?eld and virtually all major advances within the ?eld of have occurred as a result of our mutual sharing. We enjoy a mutually bene?cial exchange at the highest teclmieal level in the design and evaluation of As NSA supports US. Government efforts towards achieving a secure global information infrastructure GCHQ stands as our most in?uential foreign partner in advancing policies in the international arena. NSA OIA Case 100386 Page 00270