ARREST: Risk Involved: Members shall distinguish between foolhardiness and courage in 3.11 ______ making ari'est and investigating suspicious persons. While a certain degree of risk in involved in all police seiwice, officers should not unnecessarily jeopardize their lives or the lives or others. Since their purpose is to apprehend criminals, they shall summon assistance when unaided arrest seems unlikely or dangerous. Unnecessary Force: Members shall not use unnecessary force or violence in 3.12 _________________ making an arrest or in dealing with a prisoner or any person. Members shall not strike or use any other form of physical force on a prisoner or other person except when necessary to prevent an escape, self defense, to overcome actual physical resistance or to prevent violence to another person. However, he must be firm, resolute and energetic, exercising the necessary means to properly perform their duty. 3.13 Degree of Force to be Used in Making an Arrest: In making an arrest, an officer must be careful not to submit their prisoner to any greater severity or indignity than is necessary to effect the arrest and bring the prisoner safely to the police building for booking. XXIV The statutes require the officer to do their duty under all hazards, but in the perfonnance of their duty they require officers to be considerate as circumstances will permit. The officer must remember that they are responsible for their prisoner and are required to do what is necessary to secure him. The officer must use their own good discretion and if they do their duty in a consistent, careful and prudent manner, they will be justified. While the officer is required to be as gentle and considerate in making an arrest as circumstances will permit, they must also remember that they are a representative of the law, to whose lawful demands all must submit. The officer is charged with the duty and armed with the power to compel such submission. 3.14 Report to be Made on Any Force Used: Whenever it is necessary to use an unusual physical force or other means, said member shall report same as soon as possible to their Commanding Officer, and a written report to the Chief of Police, through channels, relating all circumstances, shall be included with the arrest report on the case. Should he have to use physical force or other means to overcome actual physical resistance, the officer will, on approval of their Commanding Officer, also charge the subject with resisting arrest and/or assault, as the case may be. XXV FIREARMS AND WEAPONS 4.19 Authorized Use: A member shall not draw or display their firearm except for legal use, or official inspection. A member should never draw or display their firearm unless they plan to and are ready to use it. A member may discharge their firearm in connection with the performance of their official police duty; A. To defend themselves from death or serious injuiy, or to affect a felony arrest according to Alabama Criminal Code Title 13A, Chapter 3. B. To defend another person, unlawfully attacked, from death or serious injury, according to Alabama Criminal Code Title 13A, Chapter 3. C. At the pistol range for target practice, or when authorized for training purposes. D. To give an alarm or to call for assistance for an important purposes no other means can be used. XXXIX