HOOVER POLICE DEPARTMENT STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES EFFECTIVE DATE: 03/01/2005 SUBJECT: ADMINISTRATION Biased Policing REVISION DATE: SECTION: 100.03 APPROVED BY: Nicholas C. Derzis, Chief of Police Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to reaffirm the Hoover Police Department’s commitment to unbiased policing and to reinforce procedures that serve to maintain public confidence by providing service and enforcing laws in a fair and equitable manner. Procedures: A. Officers should keep in mind the “probable cause” and “reasonable suspicion” criteria for their stops and searches. Traffic enforcement and pedestrian contacts are routinely performed by officers but for the motorist or pedestrian who are stopped it is frequently an emotionally upsetting experience. Officers should be aware of these conditions and should strive to make each contact educational and leave the motorist or pedestrian with an understanding that the officer has performed a necessary task in a fair, professional and friendly manner. B. It is the poliey of the Hoover Police Department that all police-initiated actions, which include all investigative detentions, traffic stops, arrests, searches of persons and/or property by officers, will be based on a standard of reasonable suspicion or probable cause as required by the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and statutory authority. Officers must be able to articulate specific facts, circumstances and conclusions that support probable cause or reasonable suspicion for the arrest, investigative detention or traffic stop. Officers shall not consider race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, age, gender, gender identity or sexual orientation in establishing either reasonable suspicion, probable cause, or as a basis for requesting consent to search. C. Officers should take into account the reported race, ethnicity or national origin of a specific suspect or suspects in the same way they would use specific information regarding age, height, weight, etc. about specific suspects. 100.03