Moarpheus . All the TRS nazbol fags are non-white. Imagine my surprise. Wk A Reply- Quote - an hour ago Eric Striker :13 Moarpheus is the red pill within the red pill: everyone is a jew or shill. Would you ever be interested in coming on The People's Square and explaining your research and info, moarpheus? A1 Reply - Repost - Quote - 30 minutes ago - edited Moarpheus -- I'm happy to explain it right here. Your father's name is Jose Joseph. Jose is a spic ?rst name and Joseph a Sephardi Jewish surname. Your mother, Mabel, is Anglo. You and your older brother Sven are Sephardi Jews cleverly disguised by your mother's Anglo genes, and you're promoting Communism under the guise of National Bolshevism. Prove me wrong. A Reply - Quote - 11 minutes ago