Get the Bible out at Stun}? 1: Students hatred frem velnutarilj; reading the Bible at recess. Scund screws}? It is. The stery is here. Stun}? a: Each student at a elementary scheel has a "Me Week" 1where the}; are featured in class. As part of this. the student can have their parent read out cf a heel: at their chcice. Unless, that is: the chcmu heel: is Bible. The star}; is here. I thinlt it is lilreljrheth scheels' actions will he declared uncenstitutleual. Heither at these actions by the students in sterj.? 1 er parent in 2 violates the First Amendment. This dues re?ect ten things, though. Cine, there is a real bias against Christians and the Bible in public schools. And twc, mest schecls den't knew their First Amendment last very ill-Ell. master: as cams: Hseanean 9.1" 11:15:41: PM remnants