Lethal Dose: Rat Poison & Local Wildlife Local residents may inadvertently be poisoning wildlife. National Park Service researchers have found a direct link between exposure to anticoagulant rodenticides, commonly known as rat poison, and the deaths of wildlife in and around the Santa Monica Mountains. How rodenticide works its way through the food chain: 1 Targeted rodents Rats and other rodents who eat rodenticide do not die right away and may even become lethargic as they approach death, making them easy prey for larger predators. 2 3 Predators Raptors, snakes and larger predators consume poisoned rodents. Top of the food chain Mountain lions feed on smaller predators laced with lethal poison.* Unintended victims In the Santa Monica Mountains… • 11 of 12 mountain lions tested positive for exposure and two died from poisoning. • 93 of 105 bobcats tested positive for exposure and 70+ died from related secondary disease. • 20 of 24 coyotes tested positive for exposure and 12 died from poisoning. As of April, 2014 • Secondary disease, How anticoagulant rodenticide kills What is mange? such as mange. These compounds interrupt blood-clotting, which leads to uncontrolled bleeding and death. They may also suppress the animal's immune system, making it susceptible to other diseases. Symptoms include: A microscopic mite that burrows into the skin and causes... • Blood in urine and feces • Nosebleeds • Bleeding gums Check the label • Ruptured blood vessels, causing bruising • Internal hemorrhaging Here are the most common anticoagulant compounds: • Bromadiolone • Brodifacoum 1. Extreme itchiness and skin lesions. 2. Fluid and nutrient loss through the skin. 3. Infection, starvation, hypothermia or other complications, eventually leading to death. • Diphacinone • Difethialone SOURCES: Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area research, L.E.K. Serieys, UrbanCarnivores.com CREDIT: National Park Service nps.gov/samo