Case Document 1 I?iied U/?d/ib Page 1 of 1 110131 (Rm: 5.11113.) ninptriim UNITED STATES DISTRICT CORT State and DISTRICT 0F New 11112wa UN 111213 111133 DISTHIS rccurr l" .. .. . A UNITED STATES CEF AMERICA LWQUEWU E1 NEW 111111321315 Ricardc TORRES-Gonzalez CM DYKMAN CLERK CASE NUMBER: fon/? m- i. 1119 undersigned complainant being duly sworn state the foilcwing is true and correct to the best of my knowledgaand belief. On or about 12--Jui~16 in San Juan county, in the State. and UistriCt Of New Mexico {1811311113111 did, {Track Stastutcry Language of Offense) an aiien', when had been prcvi'c-usiy-arreated and deported frcm- the Unite-d States, subsequent to being convicted of a feicny. to wit:. Assurait against a Pclices?f?cen and who had hat received the: ccnsent cf the authority or the United States to reapply for admission intc 1115 United: States, was fcund-iri the United States, in- .the $1519 and mistrict at New Mexicc, being willfully in the United States unlawfuliy in viciaticn cf Title 8. United 3131331011113, Secticnm 1326 (13x11 1 further state that i am a Deportaticn Officer and that this complaint is based on the following facts: {111%in 11119 The Defendant was referred to immigration and Enforcement Of?cers in Farmington? NEW-MEX1CO by the San Juan County Sheriff?s Deputies who had ccniact 11-11111 the Defendant during an investigation for crueriy to animais. An investigation was initiated to verify the information that war; supplied by the deputies was accurate. it was determined ihat-the informaticnwac A review of the {Defendam A-File indicated that inc De?i?ndant is a cit1zen and natic?nai of Mexico and WAN ordered removed from the United 313163 by an immigration Judge on July 17 2001 and removed an July 20 21101 1111191191?: Laredo Texas The order was reinstated on or about October 20. 2003 and September 18 2012. and the Defendant was aubsequentiy renamed in Mexico on January 13 213134 at Cdiumhus New Mexico and February 13 2013 at Laredc Texas On June 25 2001.1he Defendant convicted in In 1he Fifth District Court St. George Court, Washington Ccunty. State: Utah far 2 count-cf Assault-againsi'a Pc?lice?fiicer and sentenced to a term of 1 year which was suspended: The Defendant was disc: convicted an January 15. 2130411111116 United States District Court, Uistrict Of New Mexico: for 8 1138 132.6 Re~antry of a Damned Ali-en and sentence-c110 83 daysf on February 13, 2013 the Defendant was ccnvicted in the United States District .Ccurt for the District 1:11 Nebraska for 8 USC 1326 Reentry of 3 Removed Alien and wntenced time ssrvad A raview of the Defendant immigration history docs not indicate that the Defendant has ever applied for or rcceivad the ccnsent 0111111 311111131115: 01 the United States in rcapni 3; far admissEcn into the Unitcd States Signature cf Sworn it) mi: and subscribed in aly'prescnce, (2.13/6: Mcxicn V?te 'l 111 Cityand l11:17:11 8.193111311111193. US Magistrate Judge 5 :3 United 31111113 Magistratc Judge a Name Title cfiudicial Of?cer S1gfiaturc til-"Judicial Officer ww-