BAY AREA RAPID TRANSIT POLICE DEPARTMENT Of?ce of Internal Affairs 800 Madison Street P.O. Box 12688 March?3, '201 5 TO: Internal Affairs File FROM: Lieutenant Lance Haight SUBJECT: Administrative Investigation, IA2014-019 Involved Emnlovee: Of?cer Deborah Erdy (Retired) Allegations: Truthfulness Policy/Procedure Date, Time and Location of Incident: January 21, 2014, at about 1415 hours, 6450 Dougherty Road in Dublin, CA Police Report: 1401-3215 INTERNAL AFFAIRS FILE: IA201 4-019 2 of 8 BACKGROUND On January 21, 2014, at about 1403 hours, Of?cer Deborah Erdy responded to the scene of an of?cer involved shooting, in which BART Police Sergeant Thomas Smith was fatally shot. Erdy arrived on scene and was later tasked with following witness of?cer, Pablo Chamorro, to Dublin Police Department. Erdy was then asked to sit with Of?cer Chamorro at Dublin PD until his interview with Dublin PD investigators. Along with four other of?cers who responded to the scene and transported involved of?cers, Erdy was asked to write a supplemental report regarding her involvement with the witness of?cers. It was later discovered that Of?cer Erdy?s police report was not in agreement with an AXON video recording from the scene. An administrative investigation was initiated regarding the discrepancy between the video and Erdy?s report. The Of?ce of Internal Affairs has been assigned to investigate the administrative allegations. This investigation will focus on any policy violations with regard to truthfulness and/or policy/procedure on the part of Of?cer Erdy. I, Lieutenant Lance Haight, have taken the assigmnent to conduct this investigation. INVESTIGATION STATEMENTS AND EVIDENCE Supplemental Police Report: All transport and escort of?cers were instructed to write a supplemental report detailing their 1 - interaction with involved of?cers. Of?cer Erdy wrote the following narrative: On 01/21/14 at 1403 HRS I responded to 6450 Daugherty Road #1714 in the city of Dublin on a report of a BART Of?cer that was shot during a probation search of that residence. Upon my arrival there were numerous Dublin P.D. units on scene. A Paramedics Plus ambulance was leaving the location Code 3(emergency lights and sirens activated) with a Dublin P. D. Unit following them. I saw Of?cers Hamilton #124 and Chamarro #119 standing outside a yellow crime scene tape outside the residence. They were standing apart ?om each other. Sergeant LaPerle of the Dublin Police Department approached me and requested that I follow a Dublin P.D. Unit which would transport Officer Chamorro to the Dublin P.D. Police Station and to sit with him while he was waiting for his interview. INTERNAL AFFAIRS FILE: IA2014-019 3 of 8 1 Of?cer Chamarro was then transported to Dublin PD, 100 Civic Piaza, in?a"Dub?lin"PiDr patrol vehicle which I followed. I sat in a squad room with O?icer Chamarro, O?icer Zendejos#]46, and a Dublin P.D..0?icer. 7W en a eneerespon I I of 7 en? interview. ospia;~a While I was present, Officer Chamarro did not discuss the probation search incident. I stayed with O?icer Chamarro until approximately 2200 HRS. Nothing Further. AXON Video: Of?cer Chamorro activated his AXON video recorder in the aftermath of the officer involved shooting. The following segment pertains to this investigation: At the 13:09 minute mark in the video, Of?cer Erdy walks into view. (The ambulance has already left the scene.) Erdy approaches Chamorro and the following dialogue takes place: Erdy: Are you in Chamorro: Yes, ma?am Erdy: Oh, I?m Deborah Erdy Chamorro: (inaudible) meet you Erdy: What?s your name? Chamorro: Pablo Chamorro Erdy: Sorry you had to come to something like this. Chamorro: We were actually we were part of it. Erdy: Oh Erdy disengages from Chamorro and then approaches him again at the 17:06 minute mark. The following dialogue takes place: INTERNAL AFFAIRS FILE: 4 of 8 Erdy: You look like you?re not alright; you guys [sic] need some water or something? (Erdy was speaking Only Chamorro: (inaudible) Thank you though ma?am. Erdy: Okay au a hushed tone. There are no other persons 1' i sat After a brief . se, Erdy then begins speakin gin .a at .5 a .. Erdy: Where was he shot? Chamorro: (appears to make gestures with his hands, but his verbal response is not audible on the recording, Erdy watches) Erdy: The arm? (pause) Didn?t look good? Was it a detective who shot 1 him? (Chamorro?s response is inaudible. Erdy nods her head.) Chamorro: Maybe shock, maybe shock. Erdy: Yeah (inaudible) by accident? Chamorro: Yeah (inaudible) Erdy: Sorry you had to see this on FTO Erdy then walks out of camera View. An ACSO deputy engages Chamorro in conversation and tells him that he is a peer support counselor. They have a brief conversation, but they do not discuss the incident. End of video. Investigator?s Notes: The discrepancy between Erdy?s police report and the AXON video is as follows: Erdy wrote the following in her police report, ?While I was present, O?icer Chamarro did not discuss the probation search incident. The AXON video shows that Erdy asked Chamorro questions about what happened and that Chamorro responded with the above listed information. Internal Affairs noti?ed Of?cer Erdy of the allegations against her on February 7, 2014, and she was noti?ed of an interview scheduled for February 14, 2014. Of?cer Erdy ?led an industrial injury claim on February 10, 2014. INTERNAL AFFAIRS FILE: 5 of 8 Internal Affairs contacted Erdy through her attorney, Erich Knorr, and requested an interview regarding'this invesugation. Internal Affairs Was advised that Erdy wOuld'not be aVaila'ble'for interview while she was on industrial injury leave. The length of Erdy?s leave was unknown at the time. Erdy was advised on February 28, 2014, that the investigation would be tolled pending her release from industrial injury leave. Of?cer Erdy was granted a disability retirement effective October 31, 2014. Internal Affairs contacted attorney Knorr and requested an interview with Erdy following her retirement. Knorr advised that Erdy would not avail herself for an interview as it would hinder her ongoing treatment. Subiect: Of?cer Deborah ErdV Of?cer Erdy was not available for an interview at any point during this investigation. Subsequently, the ?ndings of this investigation will be determined without the bene?t of a statement from Erdy. POLICY AND PROCEDURE: The following policies pertain to this investigation: Operations Rules and Procedures Manual, section 1703: No employee shall knowingly falsify any of?cial report, or knowingly enter, or cause to be entered, any inaccurate, false, or improper information on the books, reports, logs or records of the District. Employees shall not withhold information, or fail to give all the facts to those authorized to receive information regarding unusual events, accidents, personal injuries, or rule violations. Policy 201, General Duty Regulations and Conduct 201 .2.9 Conduct which may Result in Discipline The following list of causes for disciplinary action constitutes a portion of the disciplinary standards of this department. This list is not intended to cover every possible type of misconduct and does not preclude the recommendation of disciplinary action for speci?c action or inaction that is detrimental to ef?cient department service: INTERNAL AFFAIRS FILE: IA2014-019 6 0ft? i. The falsi?cation of any work-related records, the making of misleading entries or statements with"the" intent to deceive, or the and/or mutilation of any department record, book, paper or document. 0. Criminal, dishonest, infamous or disgraceful conduct adversely affecting the employee/employer relationship, whether on? or off-duty. misleading statement on any application, examination form, or other of?cial document, report or form or during the course of any work?related investigation. ad. Giving false or misleading statements, or misrepresenting or omitting material information to a supervisor, or other person in a position of authority, in connection with any investigation or in the reporting of any department-related business. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION Of?cer Erdy responded to the scene of the of?cer involved shooting on January 21, 2015, at 6450 Dougherty Road in Dublin, California. While on scene, Erdy asked Chamorro questions about the incident and Chamorro replied with the information outlined in this report. Their conversation was recorded on Chamorro?s AXON Flex video. It should be noted that Erdy asked Chamorro the questions in a hushed tone, which appears to show that she did not want others to hear what she was asking. It appears as though Erdy knew she should not have been discussing the incident with Chamorro. Erdy was instructed to write a police report regarding her interaction with involved of?cers. Erdy wrote the following in her police report, ?While I was present, O?icer Chamarro did not discuss the probation search incident. An administrative investigation was initiated regarding the accuracy and truthfulness of Erdy?s report, due to discrepancy between her report and what was recorded on AXON Flex video. Erdy was advised of the allegations against her and of a scheduled interview. Erdy ?led an industrial injury claim prior to her interview, did not return to work, was granted a disability retirement, and she did not submit to an interview with Internal Affairs. This investigation was concluded without the bene?t of an interview of Of?cer Erdy. INTERNAL AFFAIRS FILE: IA201 4-019 70f8 RECOMMENDATIONS After reviewing the case and based on the preponderance of evidence, the Of?ce of Internal Affairs make the following recommendations of ?nding: As to the allegation of Policy/Procedure (documenting false information in a police report) on the 7 Erdy wrote the following in her report, ?While I was present, O?icer Chamarro did not discuss the probation search incident. The AXON video shows that Erdy asked Chamorro questions about what happened and that Chamorro responded with information about the incident as outlined in this investigation. It appears as though Of?cer Erdy knowingly entered false information into her police report. As to the allegation of Truthfulness (the falsi?cation of any work?related records, the making of misleading entries or statements with the intent to deceive) on the part of Of?cer Erdy, the recommended ?nding is Sustained: Of?cer Erdy wrote false information in her police report. It should be noted that Erdy asked Chamorro questions about the incident in a hushed tone, which appears to show that she did not want others to hear what she was asking. It appears as though Erdy felt she should not have been discussing the incident with Chamorro. It appears as though Erdy knowingly denied discussing the incident in her police report in an attempt to hide the fact that she had discussed the incident with Chamorro. Because Erdy did not avail herself for an interview with Internal Affairs, she has offered no explanation of the information in her police report. Internal Affairs has not been presented with any information to refute that Of?cer Erdy was intentionally untruthful. INTERNAL AFFAIRS FILE: IA2014-019 80f8 EXHIBITS The following is a list of evidence as it relates to this investigation: A. AXON Flex Video B. Supplemental police report written by Of?cer Erdy B. Email Correspondence CASE DISPOSITION EMPLOYEE ALLEGATION POLICY FINDING Policy??rocedure . (documenting false information in a police report) ORP 1703 suStamed Of?cer Erdy 201 2 140) (rented) Truthfulness 201.2. 14(0) Sustained 201.2.l4(ad) Bills/1f Date aw fieutenant Lance?aight 3W) Wit/(5 Deputy Chief aneith Glenn-Dams Dale ?Agra z/mzag Chief Kenton W. Rainey Date