From : To : Re: NVLS Subject : Dat e: Attachments : Wednesday. March 07. 2018 6:04:13 PM kbl(6Hbl bd! Hi there .. Sorry i didn't reply sooner .. I was sleeping after my graveyard shift when you emailed me .. 1attached the LPR report.. 1 LE scan that i could find .. hope you are well .. kb)(6):(b}(7)(C) IDetect ive Ora nge County Intellige nce Assessment Center (OCIAC) La Habra Police Depa rtment desk (7141 289.J!iillID1 ce ll (949) 27 9 ~ t b)(6);(b}(7)(C) ==::J Su bmit a Tip or lead at :k.'"V"" VE,:;: , ered Uncl ass if ied 1/ Fo r Official Use On ly 1/ l aw Enforcement s.ensitive (UIIFO UOI/lES) un less ot herwise noted an d This informat ion s 0 con tains informat ion that may be ex empt r I ase under the Free dom of Inform.tion Act 15 USC SSZI_ It is to be controlled, stored, han dled, transm il1ed. dimibute d. an d disposed of in accordance wi tmen! of Home land Se<:uriw policy re lating to FOUO information an d is not to be release d to t he media. pu blic Or other pe rsonnel who do not have a valid "nee ยท sha ll not be distr ibu ted beyon d t he origina l ad dressees without prior au tho rization of the orig inator. Receipt acknowledges a comm itment 10 comply wit h all ap rotecting privacy, civil rights, an d civil liberties in the co lle<:tio n, use, ana lys is. retent ion, destruction. sha ring an d disclosure of information. f From: b)(6);(b}(7)(C) Sent: Wednesday, March 7, 201810:41 AM To : kb)(6):(b}(7)(C) I Subject: NVLS Hj !~!!!! ~ Will you please run AZ plate i1l}(6);(b}(7)( ! I am only able to pull from commercial databases for now. Thanks! Yb)(6);(b}(7)(C) Intelligence Research Spec ialist Narcotics and Gang Group Homeland Security In vestigati ons 2018-ICLI -00035 484 Office: (7 14) 972J1h)(Rl d Fax: (7 14) 972-4 14 1 f b )(6);(b}(7)(C) War is email andanyattachmentsare UNCLASSIFIEDIIFOROFFI CIALUSE ONLY {U//FOUO). lt contains inform t may be exempt from public release under the . Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552) . It is to be con tored, handled, transmitted , distributed, and disposed of in accordance and is not to be released to the public or other personnel with DHS policy relating to FOUO infor who do not have a valid "need-to-know" without p roval of an authorized DHS official. No portion of this email should be furnished to the media, either in written 0 I form . If you are not an intended recipient or believe you have received this communication in error, pleas t rint, copy, retransmit, disseminate, or otherwise use this information. Please inform the sender that you re this message in error and delete the message from your system . 2018-ICLI-00035 485