Independent Review Panel Statewide Assessment of Gas Pipeline Safety Appendix E - Conflicts Disclosure E.1 Request E.1.1 Bidders must identify any past, pending, or threatened litigation or administrative, state ethics board, or similar proceedings to which the Bidder or any staff member who will be engaged in this project for DPU is a party, and which would either materially impair the ability of the staff member to perform the services described herein or materially affect the financial condition of the staff member or the Bidder. Dynamic Risk states nothing to identify. E.1.2 Any Contracting Bidders selected must not have any conflicts of interest that under applicable ethics laws or rules of professional responsibility would prevent them from representing DPU. Dynamic Risk states nothing to identify. E.1.3 All Bidders must identify each and every consultancy or business relationship between: (i) your firm and all staff members assigned to the engagement, as well as any proposed subcontractors/partners and their assigned staff members; and (ii) any investor-owned or municipal gas companies in the Commonwealth and any of their affiliate entities during the past five (5) years. Note: This disclosure should include, without limitation, engagements to complete internal audits, performance assessments, or regulatory filings, and provide a brief description of the nature of the engagement Dynamic Risk states nothing to identify. E.1.4 Bidders must indicate whether engagement under this RFP would require the consent of the former client(s) in each of the prior matters disclosed. Dynamic Risk states nothing to identify. E.2 Response Dynamic Risk has no active contracts or engagements with any of the companies listed in Section 4. In addition, with two exceptions, the professional subcontractors who will serve as part of the Panel of Evaluators have not previously performed work for any of the companies listed in Section 4. These exceptions are discussed below. Given the amount of time that has passed since Mr. Howe and Mr. Courtien left the employment of National Grid, we believe these past-employments do not rise to creating a current conflict of interest. Page 29 of 40 Independent Review Panel Statewide Assessment of Gas Pipeline Safety Jim Howe (Subcontractor to Dynamic Risk) and member of the Independent Review Panel was previously employed by National Grid where he served as Senior Vice President, Gas Network Strategy when he left the organization in 2011. Michael Courtien (Subcontractor to Dynamic Risk) and may provide support to the Panel was previously employed by National Grid where he served as Vice President - Customer Meter Services and Dispatching when he left the organization in 2014. Page 30 of 40