City at Philadelphia Of?ce {11' the Medical Examiner ?335': Number i 311 Univar?iw Avenue Date of Death PM a I hia Pa isle-:1 Intestie?mr :Sttehen Glaze-watt I a E: i Date Tedajr INVESTIGATION ascent? Decadent: ELLEN R. DRIGIN AND DETAILS Km 1 2151! 11 at ?193]. Det- Sierra 9103 at l-Iemicide. called te repert the death at the abeve decedent [mind in her apartment with a knife in her chest- AT SCENE I arrived tn the scene at and was met by Fifth District Felice, Snipes 6358 and Teung 69133, the leg. NWDD Sgt. Fergusen 446;?Det Veal 9216 and Det Revel] the assigned. DC Hemicide Sierra SIDS and Peters 351 arrived a shert time later. The decedents fiance. Samuel Geldberg aleng with his fatnilj,r and seme friends are alse present The decedents Fiance, Samuel GDLDEERG DDE: a left the decedent at the apartment areund 16115 te ge te the gym. He returned areund S?l 373D and was unable te get inte the apartment. He epened the deer with his keys but the deer was secure frern the inside. He preceeded te and centact the decedent via teat messages telephene calls and emails fer appreaiiriatelyr an heur befere he ferced inte the apartment. An apartment securitj.r man was repertedly present during the entry. He immediatelyr discevered her and called 911 radie time is at 1333. He was briefly instructed te start CPR until he neticed a knife in her chest, then was instructed te step- PFD Medic?5 respended and preneunced death at 1840. EDDY AND The leeatien at death is in the kitchen ef the decedents apartment lecatecl at the 1iv?enice Left Apartments, d??l Flat ltuclt Rd unit Ertl'd, Philadelphia, PA 1912?. It is a twe bedreem apartment en the ?eet ef the building. shared by the decedent with her fiance?, Samuel GOLDBERG, The apartment is well kept, clean. The inside leek tn the frent deer, a cemmen latch.?f selid bar deer guard, is brehen with the screws en the deer leese. ebvieuslv ferced in when in a lucked pesitien. Threu gheut the entire apartment, there is nu evidence ef a struggle. Furniture and items appear in place, nelhing is ebvieuslv missing er disturbed. There are nu mereus valuables present, menev, keys. 3 laptep cemputers; ene in the kitchen en the island (appears te be ene in the master bedreem suite en the ?eet [appears he be the decedents, as evidenced by wedding material and ene en an additienal hedreem desk [appears te be the decedents wurk cetnputer, as evidenced by numereus teaching materials}- The decedent is a teacher. There is ne nete fen nd er anything indicative ef suicide en the cemputers er in the rest ef the apartment. The enlv vita}.r te exit the apartment with the frent deerwav lucked is threugh a rear slider leading in a pane- The patie is 1?5 steries high. There is snew present with he tracks er feetprints. cempletEly undisturbed. The ambient temperature is inside the apartment reads +39 Deg en a thermestat. The incident eccerred during a winter snewsterm Pages?um ELLEN lt- n-auaru Prescription medication are recovered from a bed stand located in the master bedroom, Prescriber, Dr Ellen Berman Rx: aIpraaolam, clonaaepam and solpidem- a paper booklet is in the decedents pocketbook that's on a chair at the living room island, resembles a journal of her medications and her state of mind while taking, last dated if 16- {see evidence for details}- The decedents cell phone is in the master bathroom. Review of her call and message log reveals: 1. last outgoing call was to a number on 1 11 at 1433 duration 3f] seconds 2- last missed call was to a programmed, Additional missed calls from a programmed Sam Goldberg on 1/26/11 between 1?3f1v1?'42 and programmed lv'enice Lofts 1. 16X 11 between last outgoing text to a programmed on lfl?fil at 154? 4. last incoming texts and an email from a programmed Eiam Goldberg on ifEi-if'll between 12732-1 175% 5? Hello open the door what doin im getting pissed hello you better have an excuse what the fuck have no idea The decedent is on the hardwood kitchen floor, located just. inside the door entrance. The decedent is found supine with her head and some of her upper body shoulders resting against the lower half of the white kitchen cabinets next to the range. Her body, starting with the head is facing north and the legs west. She is clad in a zipper up dark colored shirt overtop a t-shirt, grey sweatpants, underwear, and light brown [It?it; boots- a pair of eyeglasses are on the floor to the right of the decedent. A white towel is grasped in her left hand. A hair tie or scrunchie is on her right wrist. There are no personal effects on the body. Upon further examination of the body, the decedent has a knife embedded in her left chest, through her clothing. There are multiple stab wounds examined at the scene; at the chest where the knife is located, a few superficial grouped nearby, one to the left upper chest near the clavicle, 2 more at the mid chest between and just below the breasts. There are defects to the shirts consistent with the underlying wounds. There are no defense injuries to the hands, wrists or forearms- The right hand is closed in a loose fist. Postmortem findings at arrival at 2112? and 2155 are the same. The body is mostly ?accid. The hands appear to be stiff. The body is cool to the touch at the extremities and warm to the touch at the torso, front and back. Lividity is inconspicuous- Findings are consistent with current position of the body. Blood is present on the head, in the hair and neck. The right hand has blood on it- {in the front side of her shirts, along her pants on the front side and on the top of bolh of her boots is blood. The right boot has blood on the sole. The blood around her his generally confined to the area of the body, on the floor underneath and on the face of the cabinets behind her. Cine small blood spatter is on the cabinet to the left of the body- Two separate drops of blood spatter are on the granite counter top above her {see pictures}. Two kitchen knives are in the sink adjacent to the body- They are free of any blood or tissue. The sink underneath is dry and also bears no evidence of blood or tissue. it knife block is on the counter between the sink and range. It is turned over to the side. The three utensils are a spatula, fork and pearing knife, all that bears no evidence of blood or tissue. The knife in her body is consistent with the knife set found in the sink and in the block. 2of4 investiesries interest A Page a an e. - 11-00420 INTERVIEWS Felice at the scene previded the infermatien described in the background sectien. Unifermed pelice briefly canvassed the hall. At the time, ne neighhers reperted any leud neiscs er arguments. Fiancee. Samuel GOLDBERG: Felice initially interviewed him. He previded the described in the backgreund sectien. lie was taken te HWDD fer further interviews. Parents: lashes and Sandra Grenbera _Interviewed ifl?r?'l at DEL The identificatien was cempleted via telephene by the decedents parents, Ieshua and Sandra GREENHERG. They were netified ef the death by the parents ef the decedents fiancee. lviem states she last talked te the decedent the same day at Wilt] when they were beth en their way te werk. They had a pleasant cenversatien. She gave ne indicatien that semething was imrninently wreng. The decedent has been battling issues with anxiety since the end ef last year- Mem states she was "struggling with semething", fer which she urged her te seek help. She was seeing a Ellen HERMAN, in l'vierien Statien. The decedent as described as ansieus, insecure, net sure ef herself and net liking hew she felt, charactetistics that were net the nerm her entire life. The decedent expressed te the parents that she was a bit everwhelmed with her classreern werk. The decedents eccupatien is a teacher fer the Scheel District ef Philadelphia, currently teaching at juniata Academy Elementary Scheel, empleyed fer 3 years. She is described as a bright weman, whe was very successful and recently received her master's degree in Educatien and certified in Reading specialty. The day the incident eccurred is the same day that scheel grades were te be handed in- The decedent was in a cerntnitted relatienship with Sam GULDHERG. They have been tegether fer years, recently engaged ever the summer. The parents have ne reservatiens abeut their relatienship. They described the fiance Sam as a "fine yeung man." They were happy te have him as an in-law. They have ne knewledge ef any verbal er physical abuse. The parents deny any previeus suicide attempts er ideatiens- The incident is a surprise te them despite her issues with anxiety. Perch-i?lri?h Ellen Herman. Via UZWH at 113i]. V?fhen netified ef the death, HERMAN was upset. She states that the decedent was a new patient ef hers, enly seeing her 3 times lfl?fll, and 1/19f1'1. She was scheduled fer an appeintment 1f 11. The decedent presented initially as severe ansiety fer menths. During her brief sessiens it was believed that she was having difficulty with werk, everwhelmed and felt pressure. She did mentien that she was deing well but the scheel district changed seme regulatiens- She alse had issues with difficult students. She didn?t knew whether te quit er werk threugh it. HERMAN was in the precess ef develeping a treatment plan and was in centact with the decedents mether whe called expressing cencerns fer her daughter. There was never any feeling ef suicidal theughts- When asked abeut her fiancEe, the decedent had nething but geed things te say abeut him, mentiened they were getting married, and he was wenderful. HERMAN even neted a smile when she speke ef him. HERMAN recalls asking abeut abuse, the decedent denied any verbal er physical eenfrcintal'iuns 3ef4 "Isvics'rles'rren ssecucr Page 4 ef If sushi R. GRE-EHBERG il-??dl? The decedent was initiallv prescribed medicatien. altlieiigh she expressed the uneasiness ef taking medicatien. She tried Fieleft first, and then switched in a lew dese ef sanas. After ne success, HERMAN prescribed her ambient and clenepin in help her get sleep. There was never any indicatien ef abusive beliavier. The scene and beclv were examined, interviews were cenclucted, and plieteg?raphs were taken. "the linife was kepl in place during transpert- The He: needs and small beekiet was taken as evidence. The bend}.F was nrclerecl fer i'ranspertatien lc: the MEG via Felice W'agen further peslmerlem examinatien. CUMMENTS The knife receverecl fr-nn'i autripsv is a single edged serrated blade appresimatelv 12-5 in length and 1-5 cm wide- The handle is alse appresimatelv 12-5 cm in length- It is a CUTCCI brand steak knife. Uiclecr is available. Fer further infrn'matitm en surveillance, cel?ltact ??Hrfer is the scene and case?le fer?rrther reference. - Staplieri ?lsaewshi, 4ef4 ?it}r ef Philadelphia Of?ce ef the Medical Examiner Jeshua Greenberg 32] Universi Avenue Philadelphia tile isiea ?33? Numb? 1 ?'Wm Date ef Death Jan 1d 1011 when see FIE sex ELLEN H. GREENBERG . Years White Female 5 ft 3' in 135 H: DEAD El?r' AT DATE. Tll'rIE Mgdicej d??l Each Rd- Unit 503 Jan 25 ?-sl?PM Philadelphia PA ID WITNESS HMHIE ADDRESS . RELATIDH Father Findings: The decedent is a 27-year-e1d female with a histerv ef anxiety. Per the peliee investigatien the decedents' live in fiance returned heme ?'em the te deer Iecked and the securityJ latch en the deer. He made several attempts te eentaet the decedent by veiling late the apartment, sending her a series ef text messages, sending her an E?mail, and calling her phene. The ?ance ultimately brelce inte the apartment and feund her dead in the kitchen- Multiple stab weunds tn the chest, abdemen, and back ef neck- A knife (115 centimeter blade) is present in ene ef the chest weund {at a depth ef ll] centimeter). There is an incised weund te right eecipital scalp The weunds are asseeiated injuries tn the aertie arch, the upper lebe ef the left lung, liver, and the cervical Spinal card at C2423 level dersallv. er The spinal cerd was evaluated gresslv by neurepathelegv. It was eeneluded that the injurj,I tn the spinal cerd weuld net have incapacitated the decent. Therefere the decent weuld be able te inflict the subsequent stah weunds te her bed_v. c: There are bilateral hemetheraees, a hemeperleardium, a small cellectien ef subarachneid bleed ever the velmis and the base ef the right cerebellar hemisphere- There are ne gress defects In the ef the cerebellum er hrainstem. Multiple eentusiens are an upper and lewer extremities in varieus stages ef reselutien DNA. analysis ef bleed stains en the knife and the decedent clething ?nlji' match her DNA analysis ef the decedent?s laptep previded ne additienal infermatien Cause ef Death: Multiple Stab Weunds ?ther Signi?cant Cenditiens: Manner ef Death: Suicide - +l'vlarlen Debeurne, MB- assistant Medical Examiner Printed en: City of Philadelphia Of?ce of the Medical Examiner Case Number 11-00420 Date ofDeath Jan 26 2011 --, -.R.E P. are}? EXAM Ina-r1 DEC NAME ELLEN R. GREEN BERG An autopsy was performed on the body of the decedent at the Philadelphia Medical Examiner's Of?ce on January 27, 2011. The external examination was started at approximately 9AM. The internal examination was started at approximately 11AM. Clothing: The clothing that accompanies the decedent consists of grey/purple hooded sweatshirt, grey sweat pants, and brown boots. EXTERNAL EXAMINATION: The body is that of a 5 foot 7 inch, 136 pound, white female who appears compatible with reported age of 27 years. The atraumatic scalp is covered by brown hair. The facial bones have no palpable fractures. The irides are brown. The sclerae are white. The conjunctivae have no petechiae. The external auditory meatuses have no discharge. The nares are patent. The nasal bones and nasal septum are intact. The lips are atraumatic. The oral cavity has no injuries. The tongue has no injuries. The teeth are natural and in good repair. The neck is symmetric. The chest is symmetric. The abdomen is ?at. The body habitus is mesomorphic. The back is symmetric. The upper and lower extremities have no deformities or fractures. The external genitalia are those of an adult female. The anus and perineum have no trauma or abnormalities. STAB WOUND OF CHEST: An elliptical, horizontally oriented 0.4 0.2 centimeter stab wound is centered 30 centimeters below the top of the head in the midline of the chest. The medial end of the wound is sharp. The lateral end is blunt. The edges of the wound are smooth. The wound is approximately 0.4 centimeters when reapproximated. The wound extends through the skin of the chest for a depth of 0.2 centimeters. Associated with the wound track are hemorrhages in the adjacent soft tissues of the chest The pathway of the wound with the body in the normal anatomic position is front to back. STAB WOUND OF CHEST: An elliptical, horizontally oriented 0.3 0.1 centimeter stab wound is centered 31 centimeters below the top of the head in the midline of the chest. The ends of the wound are sharp. The edges of the wound are smooth. The wound is approximately 0.3 centimeters when reapproximated. The wound extends through the skin of the chest for a depth of 0.2 centimeters. Associated with the wound track are hemorrhages in the adjacent soft tissues of the chest The pathway of the wound with the body in the normal anatomic position is front to back. STAB WOUND OF CHEST: An elliptical, obliquely oriented 2 0.6 centimeter stab wound is centered 29 centimeters below the top of the head, and 4.5 centimeters to the right of midline. The sharp end is in the 5 o?clock position. The blunt end is in the 10 o?clock position. The edges of the wound are smooth. The wound is approximately 1.7 centimeters when reapproximated. The wound extends through the skin 1d muscles of the right side of the chest and the right clavicle for a depth of 1.4 centimeters. Associated with the wound track are hemorrhages in the adjacent soft tissues and muscles of the right side of the chest and beneath the right clavicle. Printed on: 4/4/2011 REPORT- OF EXAMINATION . Page 2 of 6 ELLEN Ft. - . 11-00420 The pathway of the wound with the body in the normal anatomic position is right to left, front to back and upward. STAB WOUND OF CHEST: An elliptical, horizontally oriented 0.3 0.1 centimeter stab wound is centered 33 centimeters below the top of the head and 2.7 to the right of midline. The ends of the wound are sharp. The edges of the wound are smooth. The wound is approximately 0.3 centimeters when reapproximated. The wound extends through the skin of the chest for a depth of 0.2 centimeters. Associated with the wound track are hemorrhages in the adjacent soft tissues of the chest The pathway of the wound with the body in the normal anatomic position is front to back. STAB WOUND OF CHEST: An elliptical, horizontally oriented 1.7 0.5 centimeter stab wound is centered 33 centimeters below the top of the head, and 2.5 centimeters to the left of midline. The sharp end is in the 3 o?clock position. The blunt end is in the 9 o?clock position. The edges of the wound are smooth. The wound is approximately 1.6 centimeters when reapproximated. The wound extends for a depth of 10 centimeters through the skin and muscles of the left side of the chest, the left second intercostal space, into the superior mediastinum. Associated with the wound track are hemorrhages in the adjacent soft tissues and muscles of the left side of the chest, creates a 2.4 centimeter incised defect to the aortic arch, and a incises the upper lobe of the left lung. The pericardial sac contains 120 milliliters of liquid and clotted blood. The le? pleural cavity contains 600 milliliters of liquid blood. The right pleural cavity contains 500 milliliters of liquid blood. . The pathway of the wound with the body in the normal anatomic position is left to right, front to back and downward. STAB WOUND OF CHEST: An elliptical, vertically oriented 0.6 0.2 centimeter stab wound is centered 34.5 centimeters below the top of the head and 0.8 to the left of midline. The ends of the wound are sharp. The edges of the wound are smooth. The wound is approximately 0.5 centimeters when reapproximated. The wound extends through the skin of the chest for a depth of 0.2 centimeters. Associated with the wound track are hemorrhages in the adjacent soft tissues of the chest The pathway of the wound with the body in the normal anatomic position is front to back. STAB WOUND OF CHEST: An elliptical, vertically oriented 0.6 0.2 centimeter stab wound is centered 34.5 centimeters below the t0p of the head in the midline. The ends of the wound are sharp. The edges of the wound are smooth. The wound is approximately 0.5 centimeters when reapproximated. The wound extends through the skin of the chest for a depth of 0.2 centimeters. Associated with the wound track are hemorrhages in the adjacent soft tissues of the chest The pathway of the wound with the body in the normal anatomic position is front to back. STAB WOUND OF CHEST: An elliptical, vertically oriented 1.5 0.5 centimeter stab wound is centered 42 centimeters below the top of the head in the midline. The sharp end is in the 6 o?clock position. The blunt end is in the 12 o?clock position. The edges of the wound are smooth. The wound is approximately 1.5 centimeters when reapproximated. The wound extends for a depth of 4 centimeters through the skin and muscles chest, through the right sixth intercostal space, and 2.3 centimeter into the liver. Associated with the wound track are hemorrhages in the adjacent soft tissues and muscles of the right side of the chest a 2.3 Printed on: 4/4/2011 - REPORT OF EXAMINATION Pach of 6 ELLEN R.- - . 11-00420 :entimeter deep liver defect, and intraabdominal blood. The pathway of the wound with the body in the normal anatomic position is left to right, front to back. STAB WOUND OF ABDOMEN: An elliptical, vertically oriented 2 0.8 centimeter stab wound is centered 46 centimeters below the top of the head in the midline. The sharp end is in the 6 o?clock position. The blunt end is in the 12 o?clock position. The edges of the wound are smooth. The wound is approximately 1.9 centimeters when reapproximated. The wound extends for a depth of 6 centimeters through the skin and muscles of the abdominal wall. Associated with the wound track are hemorrhages in the adjacent soft tissues and muscles of the abdominal, intramesentric hemorrhage and intraabdominal blood. The pathway of the wound with the body in the normal anatomic position is left to right, front to back. IN CISED WOUND OF SCALP: An obliquely oriented 6.5 1.1 wound is centered 8 centimeters above the right external auditory meatus, and 6 centimeters to the right of midline. The ends of the wound are sharp. The edges of the wound are smooth. The wound is approximately 6.5 centimeters when reapproximated. The wound extends through the skin and the scalp. STAB WOUND 0F NECK: An elliptical, vertically oriented 2 0.2 centimeter stab wound is centered 9 centimeters below the top of the head, and 2 centimeters to the left of midline. A 1 0.2 centimeter serrated abrasion is associated with the wound. The ends of the wound are sharp. The edges of the wound are smooth. The wound is approximately 1 centimeter when reapproximated. The 0.3 centimeter deep wound extends through the skin of the posterior neck. Associated with the wound track are hemorrhages in the adjacent soft tissues of the posterior neck. The pathway of the wound with the body in the normal anatomic position is left to right, back to front. STAB WOUND OF NECK: An elliptical, vertically oriented 1.1 0.6 centimeter stab wound is centered 14 centimeters below the top of the head, and 4 centimeters to the left of midline. The ends of the wound are sharp. The edges of the wound are smooth. The wound is approximately 1:1 centimeter when reapproximated. The 0.2 centimeter deep wound extends through the skin of the posterior neck. Associated with the wound track are hemorrhages in the adjacent soft tissues of the posterior neck. The pathway of the wound with the body in the normal anatomic position is left to right back to front. STAB WOUND OF NECK: An elliptical, vertically oriented 0.2 0.1 centimeter stab wound is centered 11 centimeters below the top of the head in the midline. The ends of the wound are sharp. The edges of the wound are smooth. The wound is approximately 0.2 centimeter when reapproximated. The 0.3 centimeter deep wound extends through the skin of the posterior neck. Associated with the wound track are hemorrhages in the adjacent soft tissues of the posterior neck. The pathway of the wound with the body in the normal anatomic position is back to front. Printed on: 4/4/20] 1 REPORT OF EXAMINATION . Page 4? of 6 ELLEN R. GREENBERG . . . . 11430420 STAB. WOUND OF NECK: An elliptical, vertically oriented 1.1 0.4 centimeter stab wound is centered 13 centimeters below the top of the head, and 0.5 centimeters to the left of midline. The ends of the wound are sharp. The edges of the wound are smooth. The wound is approximately 1.2 centimeter when reapproximated. The 8 centimeter deep wound extends through the skin and muscles of the posterior neck through the occipital triangle and into the ligamentum nuchae. Associated with the wound track are hemorrhages in the adjacent so? tissues and muscles of the posterior neck, a defect in the ligamentum nuchae, incises small vessels overlying the cerebellum, creating a subarachnoid hemorrhage over the vermis, the caudal aspect of the right cerebellar hemisphere. The pathway of the wound with the body in the normal anatomic position is left to right, back to front and upward. STAB WOUND OF NECK: An elliptical, horizontally oriented 1.2 0.6 centimeter stab wound is centered 14 centimeters below the top of the head, and 6.8 centimeters below the right external auditory meatus. The ends of the wound are sharp. The edges of the wound are smooth. The wound is approximately 1.4 centimeter when reapproximated. The 3 centimeter deep wound extends through the skin and muscles of the posterior neck. Associated with the wound track are hemorrhages in the adjacent soft tissues and muscles of the posterior neck. The pathway of the wound with the body in the normal anatomic position is right to left, back to front. STAB WOUND OF NECK: An elliptical, vertically oriented 1 0.3 centimeter stab wound is centered 13.5 centimeters below the top of the head, and 2 jentimeters to the right of midline. The ends of the wound are sharp. The edges of the wound are smooth. The wound is approximately 1 centimeter when reapproximated. The 2.1 centimeter deep wound extends through the skin and muscles of the posterior neck. Associated with the wound track are hemorrhages in the adjacent soft tissues and muscles of the posterior neck. The pathway of the wound with the body in the normal anatomic position is right to left, back to front. STAB WOUND OF NECK: An elliptical, vertically oriented 0.6 0.3 centimeter stab wound is centered 15 centimeters below the top of the head, and 3 centimeters to the left of midline. The ends of the wound are sharp. The edges of the wound are smooth. The wound is approximately 0.6 centimeters when reapproximated. The 2 centimeter deep wound extends through the skin and muscles of the posterior neck. Associated with the wound track are hemorrhages in the adjacent soft tissues and muscles of the posterior neck. The pathway of the wound with the body in the normal anatomic position is left to right, back to front. STAB WOUND OF NECK: An elliptical, vertically oriented 0.9 0.6 centimeter stab wound is centered 16 centimeters below the top of the head, and 3 centimeters to the left of midline. The ends of the wound are sharp. The edges of the wound are smooth. The wound is approximately 0.9centimeters when reapproximated. The 1.9 centimeter deep wound extends through the skin and muscles of the posterior neck. A ssociated with the wound track are hemorrhages in the adjacent soft tissues and muscles of the posterior neck. Printed on: 4/4/2011 REPORT OF EXAMINATION Page 5 of 6 ELLEN R. GREENBERG ?$0420 The pathway of the wound with the body in the normal anatomic position is left to right, back to front. STAB WOUND OF NECK: An elliptical, vertically oriented 0.5 0.1 centimeter stab wound is centered 16.5 centimeters below the tOp of the head, and 1.10entimeters to the left of midline. The ends of the wound are sharp. The edges of the wound are smooth. The wound is approximately 0.5 centimeters when reapproximated. The 2.1 centimeter deep wound extends through the skin and muscles of the posterior neck. Associated with the wound track are hemorrhages in the adjacent soft tissues and muscles of the posterior neck. The pathway of the wound with the body in the normal anatomic position is left to right, back to front. STAB WOUND OF NECK: An elliptical, horizontally oriented 1.5 0.3 centimeter stab wound is centered 16.5 centimeters below the top of the head, and 4.5 centimeters to the right of midline. The medial end of the wound is sharp. The lateral end is blunt. The edges of the wound are smooth. The wound is approximately 1.5 centimeters when reapproximated. The 7 centimeter deep wound extends through the skin, and muscles of the back, between the second and third cervical vertebra laterally, and incises the dura covering the subjacent spinal cord. Associated with the wound track are hemorrhages in the adjacent soft tissues and muscles of the left side of the back, a defect of the dura and focal epidural hemorrhage. Grossly there is bulging of the cervical cord subjacent to the dural defect. Note: Neuropathologist Dr. Lucy Rouke examined the spinal cord and concluded that there is no defect of the spinal cord. The pathway of the wound with the body in the normal anatomic position is right to left, back to front. OTHER INJURIES: The right upper arm has a round 3 4 centimeter contusion. The right forearm has a 3 1.5 centimeter area of three round contusions. The right lower quadrant of the abdomen has a 3 3.5 centimeter contusion. The right thigh has vertical row of round confusions that are a 2.5 3 centimeter, 4.5 3 centimeter, and 5 6 centimeters. Above the right knee is a 4.5 3 centimeter area of three round confusions. INTERNAL EXAMINATION: The firm, brown, muscles of the anterior neck, have no hemorrhage or injuries. The adjacent connective tissue and vessels of the anterior aspect of the cervical spine are unremarkable. The clavicles, sternum, and pelvic bones have no fractures. The hyoid bone and thyroid cartilage are intact. The peritoneal cavity has no adhesions. The intrathoracic and intraabdominal organs are in their normal positions. The smooth epicardium has a normal amount of subepicardial adipose tissue in a normal distribution. The heart is 230 grams. The right coronary artery supplies the posterior interventricular septum. The coronary arteries have no atherosclerosis. The chambers of the heart contain no mural thrombi. The atrioventricular and semilunar valves are normally formed and have no calci?cations, modularity, or vegetations. The coronary arteries arise normally from the sinuses of Valsalva. The ?rm, red-brown, homogenous myocardium has no areas of ?brosis or necrosis. Injuries to the aorta are as previously described. The aorta arises from its usual position, has a normal branching pattern and no atherosclerosis. The pulmonary arteries have no thromboemboli. The larynx and trachea have no foreign objects or mucous plugs. The right and left lungs are 220 grams and 200 grams, respectively. Injuries to the right lung are as previously described. The smooth pink-tan to purple visceral pleural surfaces have mild anthracosis. The red-maroon and congested lung has no areas of consolidation, granulomata or masses. The tracheobronchial tree has no mucous plugs or foreign objects. Printed on: 4/4/2011 REPORT OF EXAMINATION Page 60% 11-00420 ELLEN R. The esophagus has a white-tan, longitudinally folded mucosa and no varices. The empty stomach has a pink smooth serosa. The tan gastric mucosa has rugal folds and no erosions or ulcers. The small and large intestines have tan, smooth serosa and no perforation, obstruction, masses or ischemic injuries. The appendix is normal. The rectum is ?lled with green stool. The 1160 gram liver has an intact capsule, red-brown congested and no masses or The gallbladder is empty. The tan, lobulated pancreas has no masses or The 100 gram spleen has a lavender intact capsule, red-maroon and inconspicuous Malpighian corpuscles. The paraaortic, paratracheal, and mediastinal nodes are inconspicuous. The right and left kidneys are 110 grams and 140 grams, respectively. The cortical surfaces are smooth. The renal has pale cortices and distinct and prominent medullary pyramids. The calyces and pelves are not dilated and have no masses or calculi. The ureters are unobstructed and normal in course and caliber to the urinary bladder. The urinary bladder contains 100 milliliters of yellow urine. The vagina has a smooth mucosa and no lesions. The cervix is normal. The uterus has a normal shape and normal myometrial thickness. The endometrium is smooth and has no lesions. The ovaries are normal. The fallopian tubes have normal caliber. The brown, bilobed thyroid gland has no masses or The parathyroid glands are inconspicuous. The adrenal glands have thin yellow cortices and brown medullae. The re?ected scalp has no subgaleal hemorrhages. The calvarium and skull base are intact. The epidural and subdural spaces have no liquid accumulations. A small amount of subarachnoid blood covers the rostral surface of the vermis, right cerebellar hemisphere, and the basal cisterns. No gross defects are identi?ed in theses areas. The leptomeninges are thin and translucent. The brain is 1440 grams. The cerebral hemispheres are symmetric. The corpus callosum is intact. The basilar artery, its tributaries and branches have no atherosclerosis 0r The cingulate gyri, unci and cerebellar tonsils are not herniated. Marlon Osbourne, MD. Assistant Medical Examiner (End of Report) Printed on: 4/4/2011 Toxicology Report CASE NO. 11-00420 Name: ELLEN R. GREENBERG City of Philadelphia Age: 27 Years Sex: Female Rac . Of?ce Of?ie Medical Examiner Pathologist: Marlon Osbourne ,2 A. . I ELISA - Enzyme Immunoassay BENZODIAZEPINES Blood, Cardiac (F) Negative FENTANYL Blood, Cardiac (F) Negative OPIATES Blood, Cardiac (F) NegatiVC OPIATES Urine Negative Wet Chemical Tests Calorimetry VOLATILES Blood, Cardiac (F) Negative Drug Screen - SPE, ZOLPIDEM Urine Trace ZOLPIDEM Blood, Cardiac (F) Trace Benzodiazepine Con?rmation/Quantitation - SPE, CLONAZEPAM Blood, Cardiac (F) Present <75 pg/L Analysis Notes Volatiles analysis is a colorimetric method that screens for low molecular weight organic volatile reducing agents such as ethanol, methanol, isopropanol, acetaldehyde, and formaldehyde. Drug Screen by includes screening for the following drug(s) and class of drugs: anticonvulsants, antidepressants, antihistamines, anticholinergics, barbiturates, muscle relaxants and non-steriodal anti?in?ammatory agents (excluding salicylates), non-benzodiazepine sedative-hypnotics. Detection of speci?c compounds of each class is concentration dependent and not all drugs of each class are detected. Certain compounds outside of these classes are also detected. Common incidental findings such as caffeine and metabolites or nicotine and metabolites are not reported. Benzodiazepine Con?rmation/Quantitation is a screen/quantitation for: diazepam, nordiazepam, oxazepam, temazepam, alprazolam, triazolam, estazolam, midazolam, lorazepam, clonazepam, 7-aminoclonazepam. Enzyme immunoassay testing results are preliminary. Any positive results must be con?rmed by another technique. Toxicologist: Lisa A. Mundy Date: 2/8/201 1 1-00420 ELLEN R. GREENBERG Page 1 of] CYEIL H. WECHT, MIL. J.D. FATHDLEIDT MEDICINE January 1 1, 20'12 Dr. leshua Greenberg lit? Ellen Greenherg. Dear Dr. Greenberg: Pursuant tn ynur request, lhaue reviewed all the reenrds and materials pertaining tn the death at" ynur daughter. CLINICAL Ms. Ellen Greenberg, years nld, was fnund dead by her ?ance, Mr. Samuel in their leeked apartment en .l?n?tltj" 25, 2011. their. Geldberg ueperted that he had left their apartment. fur the in their apartment building at 16:45 that atternnen and returned between ?:15 tn El. He stated that he tried te eentaet the 1tria test message, telephnne and email fer appresimately ene hnur in. attempting tn get bask in, but he get ne- respeuse (een?rmed by iueeming tests and email in eell phene between 1182 and NH). The 91 eall was made at 1333. The snlid bar deer guard was brnken {ennsistent with Mr. Geldberg's repnrt nf tbreing in the deer}. An apartment seeurity man was neptu?tedl}r present during Mr. Geldberg?s entry. He was brie?y,r instructed tn start CPR until he nntieed a knife in her ehest and was instrueted tn stnp. Medies preneuneed death at 1340. There was nu euidenee nf a struggle. Valuables were present and unthing was missing in the apartment. The decedent was fnund supine in the l-dteheuJ her head and upper bad}r resting against the lnwer half at the kitehen eabinets. Blend was present an the head, in the hair and en the neek. Multiple ehest wnunds were nbseraed. It knife was embedded in her left ehestt it was a Dr. .leshua Greenberg January ll, 2012 Page 2 single edged serrated blade appreainrately 12.5 em in length and 1.5 ern wide with a handle apprenintately 12.5 ent in length. The right hand with bleed in it was elesed in a lease list. There was he nete er anything te indieate suieide en the eemputers er in the rest ef the well kept apartment. The last eutgeing eali in the eell phene was fer 3t} en itl?fi at 1433. The reeipient ef the telephene eali was net identified. The was elethed in a T?shirt, sweat pants, underwear, a zippered shirt and USS beets. Bleed was present en the head, in the hair, en the Trent side ef the shirts, an the frent ef her pants and en the tep el?beth beets. A path et? eyeglasses was en the ?eer te her right. A white tewel was grasped in her left hand. It is net knewn if there was bleed err the tewel. r't hair tie ?semnehie? was en her right wrist. The was in a eerntnitted relatienship with Sam Geldberg. They had been tegetber fer 3 years, and were engaged. Her parents had ne reservatiens abeut their relatienship. There is he knewiedge ef any verbal er physieai abuse. Ne repert ef a detailed interregstien ef the tinned is available. {Hew did the behaye befere Mr. Geidberg went tn the euly 31'} minutes earlier? Her urethet? stated that when she spake with the that inerning, they ?had a pleasant eenyersatien. She gave an indieatien that surnething was binninently wreng.?) Her ntether knew that her daughter was ?struggling with sernething?. Ms. Greenberg was seeing a psyehiatrist, Dr. Ellen Eernran. Ms. Green berg yisited the psyehiatrist en January 12, and 19. She was upset and stressed abeut her jeb as a seheel teaeher fer the Distriet ef' Philadelphia, where she had been earpleyed fer three years. She had expressed that she was eyerwhelnred with her elassreeui werk. She had been preseribed Zeie? first, then switehed te a lew dese ef Fianna. A?er ne the deeter preseribed Ambien and Kienepin. Dn Januruy it was speeifiealiy neted by the psyehiatrist: ?she starts thinking abeut everything else net suieidal.? Du January 19, Dr. Berrnan neted: ?way better?. Ms. Greenberg denied any ye-rbal er physieai eenfrentatiens with her ?anee. Aise reyiewed is diary-like ernaiied Ms. Ellen Greenberg repertedly respeuded te this elese friend?s tent en January 25: abeut 12 pm saying ?yah, yeu are getting eut early? (Philadelphia seheeis were getting eut early en ef the snew sterin). Ms. Greenberg?s respense was ?Thank Geedness?. Dr. esl1ua Greenberg January 11, 2li12 Page 3 As published in newspapers en February 1, 21:11 1, ?the Medieal Examiner's Ofliee ruled the death as a l1en1ieide?, based en the Philadelphia Peliee Department?s anneuneement en .lannary Ell. A few days late1?, the Peliee Department banked away, making a statement that the ease had net been ruled a hemieide and was being investigated as Heweyer, e11 February 13, Elli l, the peliee retraeted their eriginal ruling, and eflieially deelared that the death ef Ellen Greenherg had been ruled a sulelde. Philadelphia City Assistant Medieal Examiner Marlee ?sbeurne, M.D., listed ?multiple stab weunds? as the eause at death. The manner was ruled te be suieide. There were multiple stab weunds tn the ehest (E), abdemen (1), bank ef neek (ill) and sealp A knife with a 12.5 e111 blade was present in the ID em. deep ehest weund. There were injuries In the aettle areh, the le? upper lung lebe, liver and dersal eeryieal spinal eei'd at C2-C3. There were asseeiated bilateral hemetheras and hemeperieardium. The weunds were listed as fellews: Chest: (3 we unds) Frent te baelt (0.2 e111 deep}111idline Frent te baek (13.22 em deep) midline Right te left (1 .4 em deep) right ehest, frent te baelt, upward Frent te baek (2.7 em right ef111idline. {1.2 e111 deep) Trent te baelt Left te right, fi'ent te heel: and dewnwartl [herisentaL ll] em deep left 2"?ll ICS, sharp end 3:tiD, blunt. end 91m} superlur tuediastinum, aettie arel1, left upper lung lube, ee left pleural l1en1ethera1t, EDD ee right. pleural hemetheraa, ee hemeperieardium Frent te baelc (HE are deep} Frent te baelt em) Frent te baelt, left te right (4 em deep, yertleal blunt end 12331;}, sharp end brill? tlueugh right ICE ashes sea Abdemen l. Frent te baelt, left te right (6 end deep] Head Dr. Joshua Greenberg January 11, 2012 Page 4 Right occipital scalp (8 cm above right external auditory meatus Neck (10 wounds) Back to front, left to right (0.3 cm deep) vertical Back to front, left to right (0.2 cm deep) vertical . Back to front (0.3 cm deep) vertical Back to front (8 cm deep) through occipital triangle into ligamentum nuchae, small vessels overlying cerebellum, subaraclmoid over vermis, caudal right cerebellar hemisphere Back to front (3 cm deep), horizontal right to left Back to front, (2.1 cm deep), vertical right to left Back to front (2 cm deep) vertical, left to right Back to front (1.9 cm deep), vertical left to right Back to front (2.1 cm deep) vertical left of midline left to right Back to front (7 cm deep) horizontal between and 3rd cervical vertebrae, incising dura over spinal cord right to left 4.5 cm right of midline no defect in spinal cord Heapsp Multiple contusions ?in various stages of resolution? were present on the upper and lower extremities: right upper arm, right forearm (3), right lower abdomen, right thigh (round contusions in a vertical row) and above the right knee (3). 223 color photographs at the scene and at autopsy have been submitted. No toxicology reports are found in the materials submitted. (Reportedly, the tests were negative.) Ms. Greenberg had seen Dr. Ellen Berman. Her handwritten notes from three patient visits have been reviewed. There had not been any summary of a detailed interrogation of the ?ance. MEDICOLEGAL QUESTION What was the most likely manner of death? Suicidal stab wounds can rarely be multiple. Suicides by stabbing are becoming less frequent, with simpler choices being drugs, hanging, or gunshot. Cutting of the wrist and throat. is often associated with suicide, whereas stab wounds to the back are unlikely to be suicide. A murder usually involves multiple stab wounds to the side, back or stomach. In a suicide, there may be additional cuts across the wrist, or tentative stabbings to see if it will hurt, or to work up courage. Then there will usually only be one wound and most likely in the chest. Dr. Joshua Greenberg January 11, 2012 Page 5 The multiple stab wounds to the back of the upper neck and lower head found at autopsy were unlikely suicidal stab wounds especially the different directions that K, L, Q, and with vertical direction left to right, straight vertical of M, and T, and, right to left horizontal, and vertical P. The locations of the stab wounds high up the back of neck and lower back of head are also unlikely for self-in?icted wounds. A suicide victim will ?'equently leave a note. There was none. There was also no indication that. the decedent was suicidal from the standpoint of her own family, friends, professional associates and the who had evaluated her. There had not been any indication that she had the intention to commit suicide, or was depressed during the day she was found dead. She seemed her usual self in the morning when she had a telephone conversation with her mother, and later at mid-day during her texting with a friend at approximately noon. It would be important to ?nd out from the ?ance how she behaved barely half an hour before, when he left their apartment as he claimed. A suicide victim will rarely stab herself through her clothing. Instead, she will open her shirt to expose the skin. Stabbing through clothing may indicate homicide. It is not known if ?ngerprints on the knife were taken and examined. OPINION Following the review of all submitted documents, the results of the autopsy and the accounts from the investigation, based upon reasonable degree of medical certainty, it is my professional opinion that the manner of the death of Ellen Greenberg is strongly of homicide. Very truly yours, ,6 if} Cyril H. M.D., .D. CHW/srw WAYNE K. ROSS, M.D., RC. S?ecieh?sinir in Ferensic and Nennipntheiegy David Skinner, t?Jj?ee Manager Jenner}.f 1U, l?l't' Themes P. Brennan Jr., Censuitant Criminal ?nalisis RE: Greenberg, Ellen 119} Inspectien Date ef ?rgan Tissue- August ii? Ell Scene Phetegraphs Repert Autepsv Phetegraphs After review at the aheve iufermatiun, lean after the fullewing te a reaseuahle degree at? medical certainty: There was evidence cf a stab wetind which penetrated the cranial carvit?j,r and severed the cranial nerves and brain. ?ts a result she weuld experience severe pain, cranial nerve dvsfunctieu and traumatic brain signs and sv mptems including, numbness, tingling, irregular heartbeat and bradvcardia, respirater depressien, ncuregeuic shriek and irnpniredtless ef censcieusness. 2. There was evidence ef strangulatien. There was a marl: ever the Trent ef the neck which was censistent with a futgernail marl-r. There were multiple bruises under the neck and in the strap muscles ever the right side ef the neck. The patterns were cernpatihle with a manual strangulatien. 3. There were multiple bruises ever the beeh.r seme ef which were fresh, men},r ef which were elder. The patterns were ceusistent with a repeated heating. 4. The scene ?ndings were indicative ef a hemicide. Sheuld [unite-r infennatien bceemc available. we reserve the right te amend this repeit at that time- Wayne hi- Hess, MD- THE HENRY C. LEE OF - - FORENSIC SCIENCE AT THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAVEN lanui?i 29, 2013 Mr. Thomas P. Brennan, 1r. Criminal Inmtiga?ve Analysis He: Decedent- Ellen Ft. Greenberg Item: reviewed: 1. Case reports 2. Photographs. Submitted by: Theme: P- Brennan Jr. Harrisburg, After review ef the photographs and repel-I15 sent to the I-lriinr'it lee Institute of Fprensir: Science, the fella-Hing were pbeewed. 1. Photo #1 51mm 3 view at the deer leading mm the residence with security loci: visible. Some damage appears: he he in the area of this lack in the close-up photograph. There does not appear te he damage-tn the depriamb er evidence of break-In atthe dead belt leek the other side hi the door. A person can be seen en the floor, in the earner of the kitchen cabinets. The View of the decedent in Photo #2 shows a temaie en the kitchen flu-er with her head Ind the-timers against the carrier cabinet: near the Steve and sink. A pair of glasses are on the ?our tn the decedent?s right hand. Blood-like stains are seen an the finer and en the wernan?s dething. A white time] is in her left hand- Seueral bleed-flu stains appear to be en the kitchen counter near the sink. A close-up view of the decedent head and shoulders is seen in photo #3 shows a knife in her left upper chest. There are blooddike stains on the knife, her face and her clothes. There appear to be several cuts on her head. The blood is flowing in different directions on her face. This could mean that she moved after receiving the initial bleeding injuries to her head. The location of several of the wounds would be a difficult position for her to cause these wounds. The decedent?s upper body and the cabinets behind her are shown in Photograph Swipe- type patters can be seen on the cabinet corner area. There are also some blood spatter patterns and a blood dripping in a downward direction on the mbinet to her right. These stains indicate that the decedent received some of her wounds while she was above the level of the stains. The swipe patterns are consistent with having been formed when she fell to the ?oor. Photograph #5 shows her middle torso and lower arms. There are at least 300-400 blood drops on her upper thighs and waist area. These stains are consistent with vertical blood drops, formed when blood fell from her wounds onto this area while she was in a sitting position. There is also blood on the floor between her legs. Based on the appearance of the bloodstains and their locations, these are consistent with the knife being inserted at the area where she was found. She later fell onto the ?oor with the dripping wounds over her legs. Some blood-like stains are seen on her right hand. No defensive-type wounds an be seen. . The decedent's lower extremities are shown in photograph 86. Multiple blood drops are seen on the upper legs. with addition drops noted on the lover legs and on the boot tops. A closer view of the left boot (photograph shows several vertical blood drops on the boot top and the sides of the boot sole. Some of these stains appear to be the result of vertical blood drops. Based on the number and distribution of the drops, these stains are consistent with having been from her initial injuries. lfthe decedent had received a massive Injury while upright, the number of stains should have been greater. The decedent's right hand and the area around her right hand is shown in photograph There is a blood smear on her right hand. A few blood drops can be seen on the ?oor, which may indicate that she was upright for some of her injuries. There is no indication of cleaning in this area. Photograph #9 is a closer view of the bloodstains on the cabinet doors near the decedent's head. Several bloodstains can be seen that are dripping downward, further indicating that she was upright when she received some of her wounds. A small amount of cast-off type bloodstains are also seen in this area of the cabinets, indioating a downward direction. Photograph 3310 is a close-up picture of reddish-colored stains on the counter. it is unknown if this stain is in fact blood; if, however. it is blood, it is consistent with a blood drop with some spatter. This would be further indication that the decedent was upright when she received some of her injuries, and then subsequently fell to the floor, leaning back against the cabinet 10. Photograph #11 shows the inside of the sink in the kitchen. Two knives and a wash brush are in the sink. Other photographs (See photograph #12) show cut fruit and other knives on the kitdien counter. 11. Review of the medical examiner findims showed thatthe decedent received multiple stab wounds to the chest, abdomen, neck and scalp. Multiple contusion: bruising were noted at various locations on her upper and lower extremities. These bruises were apparently in various stages of healing. Summary of ?ndings: After review of the reports and the photographs, the kitchen area where the decedent was found is consistent with the primary, indoor scene. Assumingthat all of the blood noted was the decedent?s blood, the bloodstain patterns indicate that she was in a standing position when she received her initial injuries, which caused the blood dripping on the kitchen sink, counter, cabinet and drops on the ?oor. Subsequently, she was on the floor with her head leaning forward, producing all of the blood drops that fell onto her pants and between her legs. Two separate contact stains were found on the cabinet near her: one stain was consistent with a wipe from right to left; the second was consistent with a hair swipe, indicating her hair with blood from her head injury, came in contact with the cabinet in a downward direction. The stab wounds noted in the photographs are consistent with being caused by a knife, but there is no indiation of the length or width of the knife, except for the wound in which the knife was embedded to the handle. The decedent received additional wounds to her heck and head that were not clear in the scene photographs. Therefore, it is not possuble to make additional observations on those patterns at this time. The number and type of wounds and bloodstain patterns observed are consistent with a homicide scene. a/ 0214. Elaine M. Pagiiaro, MS, JD Henry C. Lee, From: Grace, Joe Sent: Friday, March 8, 2019 4:34 PM To: Farr, Stephanie Subject: RE: Media request - Ellen Greenberg case “Following the initial 2011 investigation carried out by the Philadelphia Police Department, our office received this case in 2018 on a conflict referral from the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office. We conducted our own thorough investigation to determine a manner of death—interviewing the chief medical examiner of Philadelphia and the medical examiner who performed the autopsy, meeting with the family’s representatives, and reviewing information they provided to our attorneys, among other steps.” “Among the additional evidence we reviewed were web searches for “methods of committing suicide,” “quick death” and “depression” done on Ms. Greenberg’s personal computer in the weeks before her death, and text messages between Ms. Greenberg and a family member on the day of her death showing the decedent in serious mental distress. Our Office has concluded that this evidence supports “Suicide” as the manner of death; accordingly, we have communicated our findings to the family through its representatives and have closed this investigation.” request_key 12/18/2010 14:36 12/18/2010 14:36 12/18/2010 14:36 12/18/2010 14:36 12/18/2010 14:36 12/18/2010 14:36 12/18/2010 14:36 12/18/2010 14:36 12/18/2010 14:36 time_stamp D8q58Aa7ta mU. rch?client=safa ri&q=sertra ine+h 12/18/2010 14:36 1/3/2011 0:09 1/3/2011 0:09 1/6/2011 1:57 1/6/2011 1:57 1/6/2011 1:57 1/6/2011 1:58 1/6/2011 1:58 1/6/2011 9:19 1/9/2011 3:13 1/9/2011 3:13 1/9/2011 3:13 1/9/2011 3:15 1/9/2011 3:15 1/9/2011 3:15 1/9/2011 3:15 1/9/2011 3:16 1/9/2011 3:28 1/9/2011 3:28 1/9/2011 3:29 1/9/2011 3:29 1/9/2011 3:29 1/9/2011 3:29 1/9/2011 3:31 13607&utmh Ith%2Fb og%2 Fdailydose%2F2 1/9/2011 3:31 1/9/2011 23:35 1/9/2011 23:35 1/9/2011 23:35 1/9/2011 23:35 1/9/2011 23:35 1/9/2011 23:35 1/9/2011 23:35 1/9/2011 23:35 1/9/2011 23:35 1/9/2011 23:35 1/9/2011 23:35 1/10/2011 0:40 1/10/2011 0:40 1/10/2011 0:41 1/10/2011 0:41 1/10/2011 0:41 1/10/2011 0:41 1/10/2011 0:41 1/10/2011 0:42 1/10/2011 0:42 1/10/2011 0:43 1/10/2011 0:43