U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT WASHINGTON, DC 20410-3000 OFFICEOF ADMINISTRATION Mr. Austin Evers American Oversight 1030 15th Street, NW B255 Washington, DC 20005 NOYJ 6 2018 RE: Freedom of Information Act Request FOIA Control No.: 18-FI-HQ-00218 Dear Mr. Evers: • I ,. This letter is the fourth interim response to you; Freed~m oflnformation Act (FOIA) request dated and received on November 2, 2017. The FOIA request is currently the subject of litigation you filed in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, American Oversight v. US. Department of Commerce, et al., Civil Action No. 18-0534. You asked for copies of all calendars or calendar entries for any of the following individuals employed by the Department of Housing and Urban Development between the date of January 20, 2017, to the date a search is conducted, including any calendars maintained on behalf of these individuals (e.g., by an administrative assistant or a scheduler): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Secretary Ben Carson. Pamela Hughes Patenaude, Deputy Secretary. Sheila Greenwood, former Chief of Staff. Deana Bass, former Deputy Chief of Staff. Calendars maintained for the Secretary's Conference Room. Calendars maintained for the Deputy Secretary's Conference Room. Your request is granted in part. In a letter dated August 10, 2018, you were informed the Department had processed 647 pages of the search results for this request. In a letter dated September 11, 2018, you were informed the Department had processed 1,016 additional pages (released 1,014 pages on that date). In a letter dated October 12, 2018, you were informed the Department had processed an additional 894 pages of the search results. The Department has processed an additional 1,127 pages for this fourth interim release. This release consists of the calendar entries of Sheila Greenwood, former Chief of Staff. The Department is withholding access codes, cell phone numbers, personal appointments (medical and children's), personal events (weddings, baptisms, children's events), homeowner and family member names, home addresses, frequent flyer numbers, private discount codes, and personal email addresses under Exemption 6 of the FOIA, because release of such information would constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. The interest of the general public in reviewing these portions of government documents does not outweigh the individuals' right to privacy. www.hud.gov AMc.~ICAN PVERSIGHT espanol.hud.gov ---- ---·· ···-··--··~ 2 The Department is still reviewing records that may be responsive to your request. A final response letter will be sent to you at the completion of the review process. For your information, your FOIA request, including your identity and any information made available, is releasable to the public under subsequent FOIA requests. In responding to these requests, the Department does not release personal information, such as home address, telephone number, or Social Security number, all of which are protected from disclosure under FOIA Exemption 6. ,: . If you have any questions regarding your request, you may contact Eugene McGirt at (202) 402-4315. Thank you for your interest in the Department's programs and policies. Sincerely, DEBORAH SNOWDEN AME~ GAi\J pVERSIGHT Enclosures Olalilr...-,!bf:DEBOIWISNOWIOEN bN:CH•DEIIORAH~C•USO -1~ °::::=-" .0-,:2D1L11.1$1.~1f-0,W Deborah R. Snowden Deputy Chief FOIA Officer Office of the Executive Secretariat Subject : HOLD - Meet i ng w/She i la r e : RAD/Hunt Compan i es Location : COS Office Greenwood and Campbe l l Kaufma n Tue 3/7/2017 2 : 30 PM Start : End : Tue 3/7/2017 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Organize r: Greenwood , Sheila M Required Attendees : Greenwood , Shei l a M; Clemmensen , Craig T; Gol ri ck , Janet M; Charles , Genger M; Davis , Thomas R; Iber , Robert G; Campbell Kaufman Your meet i ng was found updated . to be out of date and Sent by Microso ft Exchange Server Subject : Pre - meeting w/Sheila re meeting Lo cation : COS Off ic e has request been automatically - Hunt Compan i es Start : Thu 3/2/2017 1 : 15 PM End : Thu 3/2/2017 1 : 45 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Greenwood , Shei la M Required Attendees : Clemmensen Char l es , Genger M; Davis , Thomas Your meeting updated . was found to be out , Craig T; Golri ck , Janet R; Iber , Robert G of date Sent by Microso ft Exchange Server Subject : National Homebuyers Fund Loc ation : Dep Sec Con f erence room Call and has been M; automatically Start : Thu 3/2/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Thu 3/2/2017 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organize r: Kasper , Maren M Required Attendees : Golrick Gr ee nwood , Shei la M /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT , Janet M; Petty , Timothy J; HUD-18-0504-D-000001 Hi - ca n we please others as you see Thanks ! have fit . th i s r oom boo ked? Sub j ect : HOLD - Meet i ng w/She i la r e : RAD/Hunt Compan i es Locatio n : COS Office Feel Greenwood f r ee to and i n v it e a ny Campbe l l Kaufman Start : Tue 3/7/2017 2 : 30 PM End : Tue 3/7/20 1 7 3 : 3 0 PM Show Time As : Tent a tive Recurrence : (none) Organ iz e r : Greenwood , She i la M Required Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Clemmense n , Craig T; Golrick , Janet M; Charles , Genge r M; Davis , Thomas R; Ib e r , Robert G; Campbe ll Kaufman Your meeting update d . was found t o be out of date and Sent by Mi crosoft Exc hang e Server Subjec t : Pre - meet i ng w/Sheila r e meeting Locatio n : COS Of f ice h as been reques autom a tically t - Hun t Companies Start : Thu 3/2/2017 1 : 15 PM End : Thu 3/2/2017 1 : 45 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer : Gr ee nwood , Shei l a M Required Attendees : Clemme n sen , Crai g T; Gol ric k, Char l es , Genge r M; Davis , Thomas R; Ibe r, Robe r t G Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server Subjec t: Pre-meeting w/Sheila re meeting Locatio n : COS Off i ce and has reques been Ja ne t M; automatical ly t - Hun t Compan i es Start : Thu 3/2/2017 1 : 15 PM End : Thu 3/2/2017 1 : 45 PM Show Time As : Tenta ti ve Recurrence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) HUD-18-0504-D-000002 Organi zer : Greenwood , Sheila M Requ ir ed Attendees : Clemmensen , Cr aig T; Gol ri c k, Char l es , Genger M; Davis , Thomas R; I ber , Robert G Your meeting up dated . was f ound Sent by Microsoft Subjec t: Coffee Locatio n: TBD to be out o f date and h as been Ja n et M; a ut oma t ical l y Ex c h a ng e Se rver w/She i la and Jaso n Woolwi n e Star t : Fri 3/10/20 17 10 : 00 AM End : Fr i 3/10/20 17 11 : 00 AM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Rec urrence : (non e) Org an iz e r: Gr eenwood , She i la M Required Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila (Appropriations ) Your meeti ng was f ound up dated . Sent by Microsoft Subject : Coffee Loc a tio n: TBD to be out M; Woolwine , Jason o f da t e and h as been Exch a ng e Se rv e r w/She il a and Jason a ut oma t ical l y Woolwi n e Start : Fri 3/10/20 17 10 : 00 AM End : Fri 3/ 10 /20 17 1 1 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence : (none) Organ iz e r: Greenwood , Sheila M Required Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila (Appropriations ) Your meeting updated . was f ound to be ou t of date Sent by Microsoft Exc h a ng e Serve r Subject : HOLD - Meet i ng w/Sheila re : RAD/Hunt Companies Locatio n: COS Off ice M; Woolwine , Jason and h as been Greenwood a u tomatical ly an d Campbe l l Kaufman Start : Tue 3/7/20 1 7 2 : 30 PM 3 : 30 PM End : Tue 3/7/2017 /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000003 Show Time As : Recurrence Tenta tive : (none) Organi zer : Greenwood , Sheila M Requ i r ed Atte ndees : Greenwood , She i la M; Clemmense n , Cra i g T; Golr i c k , Janet M; Cha rl es , Ge ng e r M; Davis , Thomas R; Iber , Robe r t G; Campbell Kau f man Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be out o f date Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Se rv e r Subjec t: HOLD - Meet i ng w/She i la re : RAD/Hunt Compan i es Lo cation : COS Off ic e and Greenwood h as been and a ut omatical ly Campbe l l Kaufma n Start : Tue 3/7/20 1 7 2 : 30 PM End : Tue 3/ 7/ 2017 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Organizer Required Gol r i c k , G; Campbe : (none) : Greenwood , Shei la M Attend ees : Gr eenwood , She il a M; Cl e mmens en , Craig T; Jane t M; Charles , Genger M; Davis , Thomas R; Iber , Robert ll Kau fman Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and has been automat ical an d h as been automatical ly Sent by Mic ro so f t Exchan ge Server Subjec t : Cof fe e w/Sheila and S teve n Nesmith Locat i o n : Manda rin Hotel Start : Thu 3/9/2017 10 : 0 0 AM End : Thu 3/9/2017 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurre Organizer Required n ce : (none) : Greenwood , Sheila M Atte ndees : ~l (b-)(_6_) ----------~ Your meeting updated . Sent was found by Mic rosoft /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT to be out Exchange Server of date ly HUD-18-0504-D-000004 Subjec t : Locat i o n: Co ffee w/Sheila Manda rin Hotel and Steve n Ne smith Start : F ri 3/1 0 /2017 1 0 : 00 AM End : Fri 3/10/20 17 1 1 : 00 AM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Recurrence : (none ) Organi zer : Greenwood , Sheila M Requ i r ed Attendees : Gr eenwood , She i la Your mee ting upd a te d . was found to be out of d a te Sent by Mic ro soft Exchan ge Server Subjec t : Co ffe e w/Sheila and St even Locat i o n : Manda rin Hotel M; ~l Thursday , November 02 , 201 7 5 :2 3 PM Greenwood , Shei la M t: Tenta t iv e : HFR mee ting Sub j ec t: Curt i s o u t o f th e o ffi ce Start : Mon 11/ 13 /2017 12 : 00 AM End : Tue 11 /14/20 1 7 12 : 00 AM Show Tim e As : Free Recu rr ence : (none) Meet in g Status : Not ye t r espo nded Organizer : Ha rdiso n , James C Required Att en d ees : Rod ri guez , Aida N; Dawk i ns , Eun ic e D; Mill s , All i so n F ; Dema rz o , Benjamin E ; Del ahoyde , Abigail M; Fleischer , Laura A; Han i ble , Donald C; Gr ee nwood , Sh e il a M Subjec t: Curtis out of the office at 1pm Start : Thu 1 1/9/20 17 1 : 00 PM End : Thu 11 /9/20 17 5 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Tent a tive Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng S t atus : Not yet responded Organiz e r : Ha r dison , James C Required Atte ndees : Rodriguez , Aida N; Dawk i n s , Eun ice D; Mills All i so n F ; Demarzo , Be nj ami n E ; De l ahoyde , Abigail M; Fle i sche r , La ur a A; Hanible , Donald C; Gree n wood , Sheila M Subjec t: Loca tion : , HFR meeting EEOB Start : Tue 11 /7/20 17 1 1 : 30 AM End : Tue 11/7/2017 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurre n ce : (none) Meeti ng Status : Not ye t responded Organ iz e r: Greenwood , Sheila M Required Attendees : Calabria , Mark A . EOP/OVP ; Olmem , Andr ew J . EOP/WHO; Smith , Ja ' Ron K. EOP/WHO; Marzol , Ado lfo F Subject : Loc ation : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT BRIEF o n Sout h Ca r o li na Secretary ' s Co n feren ce Room HUD-18-0504-D-000014 Start : Thu 11 /2/20 17 4 : 15 PM End : Thu 1 1/2/20 17 4 : 45 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Not yet r espo nd ed Organiz er : DocBen Required Attendees : Benjamin E Dema rz o (Benjami n . E . Dema r zo@hud . gov) ; Sheila M Gr eenwood (Sheila .M.G reenwood l @hud . gov) ; Fr ee , Kenne th E; Amy C Thompson (Amy. C . Thompson@hud . gov ); Raphael L Wil li ams (Raphae l . L . Will ia ms@hud.gov) ; Dendas , Micha el W; Ke lle y , Michae l J ; Seth D Appleto n (Seth.D . App l eton@hud . gov ); Andrew Hug he s (Andrew .H ughes@ hu d . gov ); Drew A McCa l l (Jon athan . A . McCall@hud .g ov) ; Hunter , Matthew F; PHP (PHP@hud . gov) ; Delahoyde , Abigai l M; Bur ley , Michael N; Fila , Stephanie C; Cl evelan d - Leggett, Denise C; Wade, Dana T Subject : Location : Sheila Gr eenwood and Marga ret Peterlin 2201 C St . NW, Washington , DC 20520 Lunch at DoS Lunch at DoS Start : Wed 11 /15/20 1 7 12 : 00 PM End : Wed 11 /15/20 1 7 1 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence : (none) Org a nizer Subject Locatio : : n: Pe ter lin , Margaret JA Sheila Greenwood and Margaret Peterlin 2201 C St . NW, Wash i ng t o n , DC 20520 St art : Wed 1 1/15/20 1 7 12 : 00 PM End : Wed 11/ 1 5/2017 1 : 00 PM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Organi S t atus : zer: Peterlin Subject : Loc ation : Review DepSec Accepted , Marga re t JA o f Strategic Confe r ence Plan Room and Object i ves Start : Mon 11/6/2017 10 : 15 AM End : Mon 1 1/6/20 17 1 1 : 30 AM Recu rr ence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : : Accepted PHP HUD-18-0504-D-000015 Requ ire d Atte ndees : Eag l es , Dav i d T; Mars h all , Mi c h ae l J ; Hughes , Andrew ; Greenwood , Sheila M; Kasper , Ma r en M; Joy , Jo hn son P ; App l eto n, Seth D; Rack leff , Neal J ; Thompson , Amy C; Bour ne , Chris tophe r M; Tomchic k III , George J; Farias , Anna Maria ; Bravacos , John G; Wade , Dan a T; Youngb l ood , Ri c h a r d A; Ma rz o l, Adolfo F; Barton , Vi cto ri a L; Hunter , Matt h ew F ; Zo r c , Bet h any A; Bass , Deana ; Hens l ey , Henry ; Br i gh t , Mi chael R; Ha rk e r, Thomas W Subjec t: In - person Interagency Disast e r Updat e Meeting Loca ti o n : Ginn i e Mae/Capita l Vi ew Bui l di ng, 425 Third Str eet , SW Wash i ng ton , DC 200 24 Start : Thu 11/9/2017 2 : 30 PM End : Thu 11/ 9/20 17 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Ten tative Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Status : Not ye t r espo nded Org a nizer : Gorm l ey , Joseph M Required Attend ees : Shaffer , Julie ; Wade, Dana T; Dep uty Secretary Pate naude; Golrick, Janet M; Marzol , Adolfo F ; Greenw ood, She il a M; Kaspe r, Mare n M; Ca mpbe ll, Pat ri c i a A; Gibbon s , Ka thlee n M; LOGAN, LEAH M; Mea ux , Les li e A; Fr i edman , Warr en ; Roget , Gisele G; Bowes , Robert B; Haller , Ju lia Z; Carr , Terry M; Mars h al l, Michael J ; Himes, Ivery W; Kumi , Thomas K; Br own, Amy L; Saunders , Elissa O; Steven s , Kevi n L; Brig h t , Mic h ae l R; Ste f a ni e . Johnso n @f h f a . gov ; 'D a n ie ll e . Walton@ fhf a . gov '; alexandra . tr a vis@fem a . dhs . gov ; Cynthia . Adcock@fhfa . gov ; Don ald . Co rin@f h fa . gov ; Maria . Fernandez@f h f a . gov ; Paul . Theruviparampil@fhfa . gov ; Stuart . Walden@wdc . usda . gov ; Rhonda . Ar mitage@va . gov ; je ff rey . londo n @v a . gov ; Laur i e . Magg i ano@cfpb . gov ; Prasa n t . Sar@fhfa . gov ; May , Ma r lene L; Cooper , Di a ne J ; Thomas A Rose (thom as . a . rose@ h ud . gov) Subjec t: In-perso n Interagency Disaster Upda te Mee ting Locat i o n: Gi nn i e Mae/Cap i ta l Vi ew Bu il ding , 4 25 Third St r eet , SW Wash in gton , DC 20 02 4 Start : Thu 11/9/2017 2 : 30 PM End : Thu 1 1/9/20 17 3 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tentat iv e Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng Status : Not ye t responded Organize r : Gorm l ey , Joseph M Required Attend ees : Gormley , Joseph M; Shaffer , Ju li e; Wade , Dana T; Dep u ty Sec r etary Pa t enaude ; Golr i c k , Janet M; Marzol , Ado lf o F ; Gr eenwood , She i la M; Kasper , Ma r en M; Campbe l l , Patr i c i a A; Gibbons , Kath l ee n M; LOGAN, LEAH M; Meau x, Leslie A; Friedman , Warren ; Roget , Gisele G; Bowes , Robert B; Haller , J ulia Z; Carr , Terry M; Marshall , /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000016 Mi chael J ; Hime s , Ivery W; Kumi , Thomas K; Brown , Amy L; Saunde r s , Elissa 0 ; Steve n s , Kev in L; Brigh t , Mi c h ae l R; Stefanie . Johnson@fhfa . gov ; 'D anielle . Walton@fhfa . gov' ; alexandra . travis@fema . dhs . gov; Cynthia . Adcock@fhfa . gov ; Dona ld . Cor i n@fh fa . gov ; Mar i a . Fe rn andez@f hf a . gov ; Paul . Th e r uv i parampil@fhfa . gov ; Stuart . Walden@wdc . usda . gov ; Rhonda . Armitage@va . gov ; jeffrey.london@va . gov ; Laurie . Maggiano@cfpb . gov ; Prasa n t . Sar@fhfa . gov ; May , Mar lene L; Cooper, Diane J ; Thomas A Rose (thomas . a . rose@h u d . gov) Opt i o n al Attendees : McArdle , Mar k (CF PB) Subject : Location : OSEC Bu d g et Update Davi d ' s Office - 1 0 232 Star t : F r i 12/8/20 17 10 : 30 AM End : Fri 12/8/2017 1 1 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : Weekly Recur r e n ce Pa tt e r n : 11 : 00 AM Meeting Status : Not every 2 wee k( s ) on Friday from 10 : 30 AM to ye t r esp ond e d Organ iz e r : Eagles , Dav i d T Required Atte ndees : Rodriguez, Aida N; Ha wki ns, Gregory R; Ballard , Daniel L; Cl emmensen , Craig T Opt i o n al Attendees : Marshall , Mi c h ael J ; Gree nwood , She il a M Subject : Loc a tio n: OSEC Bu dget Update Dav id ' s Off ic e-1 0232 Start : Thu 11 /9/20 17 10 : 30 AM End : Thu 1 1 /9/20 17 1 1 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Not ye t r espo nded Organizer : Eagl es, Davi d T Required Attendees : Rodriguez , Aida N; Hawk i n s , Gregor y R; Ballard , Daniel L; Cl emmensen , Cr a i g T Opt i o na l Atte ndees : Marshall , Mi c h ael J ; Greenwood , She ila M Subjec t: Loca tion: OSEC Budget Update David ' s Office-10232 S tart : Thu 11 /9/ 2 0 17 10 : 30 AM End : Thu 11/9/2017 11 : 00 AM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Status : Accepted HUD-18-0504-D-000017 Organize Required Ballard , Opt i onal r: Eag l es , Dav i d T At tendees : Rodriguez , Aida N; Hawkins , Gregory R; Daniel L; Clemmensen , Craig T Attendees : Marshall , Mi chael J ; Greenwood , She il a M From : Sent : To : Subjec Wolfso n, Len Thursday , November 02 , 2017 1 1 : 57 AM Greenwood , Shei l a M t: Accep t ed : Mee t ing w/Sheila re : Nomi na t ions From : Sent : To : Subjec Zorc , Bethany A Thursday , November 02 , 2017 11 : 45 AM Greenwood , Shei l a M t: Dec lin ed : Mee t ing w/Sheila re : Nomi nations Subject : Location : Meeting w/Sheila re : Nominations OSEC Sma l l Conf . Room (1 0210) Start : Fr i 1 1/3/20 17 10 : 00 AM End : Fri 1 1/3/20 17 10 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organizer : Greenwood , Sheila M Requ i red Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila Bethany A; Wolfson , Len ; Dendas , Michael Drew A Subjec t: Location : M; Appleton , Seth D; Zorc , W; Hughes , Andrew ; McCall , Meet in g w/Sheila re : Nominations OSEC Small Conf . Room (102 1 0) Start : End : Fri Fri 11/3/2017 10 : 00 AM 11/3/2017 10 : 30 AM Recurrence : (none) Meeting Status : Meeting organizer Organize Required Bethany Drew A r: Greenwood , Sheila M At tendees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Apple t on , Se t h D; Zorc , A; Wolfson , Len ; Dendas , Michae l W; Hughes , Andrew ; McCal l , From : Brown , Christina M Sent : Thursday , November 02 , 2017 1 1 : 35 AM To : Greenwood , Shei l a M Subject : Accepted : Meeting w/Sheila Greenwood , Deana Thomas Dortch /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Bass and HUD-18-0504-D-000018 Subjec t: and Thom as Loc a tio n: Meeting w/Sheila Dortch 10th Floor Greenwood , Dea n a Bass , Christina Start : Thu 11 /2/20 17 2:30 End : Thu 11 /2/20 17 3 : 15 PM Recurrence Meeting Brow n PM : (none ) Status : Meeting organizer Organize r : Greenwo o d , Shei l a M Required Attend ees: Greenwood , Shei la M; Bass , Deana ; tdortch@TWD-inc.net ; Brow n , Chr ist ina M Subject: Locatio Meet in g w/Sheila 10th Floor n: Greenwood , Deana Bass a n d Thomas Dortch Thu 11 /2/20 17 2 : 30 PM Start : End : Thu 11 /2/ 2 0 17 3 : 15 PM Recu rr ence: Meeting (none) Status : Meeting organizer Organizer : Greenwood , Shei l a M Required Attend ees: Greenwood , Shei l a M; Bass , Dean a ; tdortch@TWD-inc.net ; Brow n , Chr istina M Subject : Loc a tio n: Meet abou t SOHUD South Sheila ' s Office Carolina Trip Start : Thu 11 /2/20 17 10 : 30 AM End : Thu 11 / 2 /20 17 1 1 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer Required : Not yet r espo nd ed : Demarzo , Benjamin E Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila Subject : Loc ation : Meet abou t SOHUD Sout h Carolina Sheila ' s Office M; Dawkins , Euni ce D Trip Start : Thu 11/2/2017 10 : 30 AM End : Thu 11 / 2 /20 17 1 1 : 00 AM Recu rr ence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : : Accepted Demarzo , Benjamin E HUD-18-0504-D-000019 Requ i red Atte ndees : Subject : Location : Greenwood , Sheila M; Dawkins , Eunice D Week l y Media Update SOHUD' s office Start : Thu 1 1/2/20 17 2 : 00 PM End : Thu 1 1/2/20 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : Week l y Recurre n ce Pat t e r n : Meeting Status : Not every yet Wednesday from 11 : 00 AM to 11 : 30 AM responded Organi z e r: DocBe n Requ i red Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Thompson , Amy C; Wil l iams , Raffi ; Brown , Jereon M; Thompson , Caitlin H Optiona l Attend ee s : Cowan Jr ., Chad ; PHP (PHP@hud . gov) ; Marshall Michael J ; Dunn , Connor M From : Wednesday , November 01 , 2017 6 : 42 PM Greenwood , Sheila M : Dec lin ed : After Work Gather i ng From : Calabria , Mark A . EOP/OVP Wednesday , November 01 , 20 1 7 4 : 43 PM Greenwood , Sheila M : Accepted : After Work Gathering From : Sent : To : Subjec Greenwood , Sheila M Wednesday , November 01 , 2 017 4 : 43 PM Salvi , Mary E . EOP/WHO t: Accepted : Meeting w/ Sec . Carson i a@ovp . eop . gov> HFR meeting Room 223 EEOB Subject : Location : Start : Tue 11/7/2017 1 1 : 30 AM End : Tue 11/7/2017 12 : 00 PM Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : : Meet in g organizer Greenwood , Sheila M HUD-18-0504-D-000020 Requ i re d Atte ndees : Calabria , Mar k A. EOP /OVP ; Ol mem, Andrew EOP/WHO; Smi th , Ja ' Ro n K. EOP/WHO; Marz ol , Adolfo F Subject Locatio : n: J . HFR meet in g EEOB Tue 1 1 /7/ 2 0 17 1 1 : 30 AM Start : End : Tue 1 1/7/20 17 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not y et r esp ond e d Organi zer : Greenwood , Sheila M Requ i r ed Attendees : Calabria , Mar k A . EOP/OVP ; Ol mem, Andrew EOP/WHO; Smith , Ja ' Ron K. EOP/WHO; Marzol , Ado lfo F Fr om : Sent : To : Subjec J . Greenwood , Sheila M Wednesday , November 0 1 , 2017 4 : 42 PM PHP t : Accep te d : Bir th day Surpr i se Party Subjec t : Locat i o n : Birthday Surp ri se Par t y DepSec Conference Room Sta r t : Wed 11/1/2017 5 : 00 PM End : Wed 11 /1/20 17 5 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta ti ve Recurrence : (none ) Meeti ng Status : Not ye t re spo nded Org a nizer : PHP Required Attende es : Coresse l , Jacie ; Mills , Allison F ; Garza , Sarah J ; McCall , Drew A; Hughes , Andrew ; Baco n , James A; Appleton , Seth D; Dendas , Mi chael W; Kelley , Mi c h ae l J ; Stowe , Alexander D; Kasper , Maren M; Alexander , Maso n ; Bass , Deana ; Beck l es , Angela L; Bourne , Chr isto p h er M; Bowes , Rob ert B; Bravacos , John G; Brig h t , Michael R; Brown , Ch ri st in a M; Browning , Austin G; Burl e y , Micha e l N; Byrd , Dav i d J ; Co f fe y , Al exander ; Cowan Jr. , Chad ; Cummings , Matthew L ; Delahoyde , Abiga i l M; Demarzo , Ben j amin E ; Dun n , Co nn o r M; Eagles , David T ; Farias , Ann a Mar ia ; Fila , Stephanie C; Gai n es , Ralph H; Gibbs , John ; Gormley , Joseph M; Gr eenwood , She il a M; Gribbi n , William J ; Gr u son , Barbara ; Haller , J u lia Z ; Heredia , Evonne G; Hipp , Van D; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Holderfield , Stepha n ie A; Hunte r , Matthew F ; Joy , Johnso n P ; Ku rtz , R . Hun ter ; Ludlow , Ashley ; Marzol , Ado l fo F ; Nelson , Ri ckey M; Petty , Timot h y J ; Roge t , Gise l e G; Smith, Cooper J ; Thompson , Amy C; Thompson, Caitlin H; Tuf ts, Suzan n e I ; Wade , Dana T ; Will iams , Raffi ; Wol f so n , Len ; Wol l J r , Dav i d C; Youngblood , Richard A; Zorc , Bethany A Subject /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : BRIEF on South Carolina HUD-18-0504-D-000021 Locatio n: Secre t a r y ' s Co n ference Room Start : Thu 11 /2/20 17 4 : 45 PM End : Thu 11/2/2017 5 : 1 5 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not ye t respond ed Orga n iz e r: DocBe n Required Atte ndees : Benjamin E Demarzo (Benjamin . E . Demarzo@hud . gov); Sh e ila M Greenwood (Sheila.M . Gree nwoodl@hud . gov) ; Free, Kenneth E ; Amy C Thompson (Amy. C . Th ompso n @h ud . gov ); Rap h ael L Williams (Raphael . L . Wi lliams@hud . gov) ; Den das , Michae l W; Ke ll ey , Mi chael J; Seth D Appleton (Seth . D. App l eto n @hud . gov ); Andrew Hughes (And r e w. Hugh es @hud . gov) ; Drew A McCall (Jonathan . A . McCall @hud . gov) ; Hunter , Matthew F ; PHP (PHP@hu d .g ov) ; Delahoyde , Abi gail M; Burley , Mi chael N; Fi la , Step h a n ie C; Cleve l a nd-Leggett , Den i se C Subjec t: Location : Weekly Media Update SOHUD's office Start : Thu 11 / 2 /20 17 2 :0 0 PM End : Thu 1 1/2/20 17 2 : 20 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : Weekly Recurrence Pa ttern Meeting Status : : Not every from 11 : 00 AM to 11 : 30 AM ye t responded Org an iz e r: DocBe n Required At te ndees : Williams , Raffi ; Brown Optio n a l Attendees : Mi chael J ; Dunn , Conno Subject : Location : Wednesday Greenwood , Sheila M; Thompson , Amy C; , Jereon M; Thompson , Cait l in H Cowan J r., Chad ; PHP (PHP@hud . gov ); Mars h all , r M BRIEF on FHA Actuar ia l a nd Annu al Secr eta ry ' s Conferenc e Room Report Start : Wed 11 /8/ 2 0 17 1 1 : 30 AM End : Wed 1 1/8/20 17 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng S t atus : Not yet responded Organize r: DocBe n Requ ir ed At tendees : She il a M Greenwood (She i la .M.G ree n wood l @hu d . gov) ; Adolfo F Marzo l /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000022 (Adolfo.F . Marzol@hud . gov ) ; Wade , Dana T; PHP (PHP@hud.gov) Marshall , Mi chael J Subject : Locat i o n: BRIEF o n FHA Actuar i al Secreta r y ' s Co n ference and Annu al Room ; Report Start : Wed 11/8/2017 1 1 : 30 AM End : Wed 1 1/8/20 17 12 : 00 PM Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Accep te d Organi z e r : DocBe n Required At tendees : DocBen ; Sheila M Greenwood (Sheila . M. Greenwoodl@hud . gov); Adolfo F Marzo l (Adolfo.F . Marzol@hud . gov ) ; Wade , Dana T; PHP (PHP@hud.gov) Marshall , Mi chael J Opt iona l At tendees : Roget , Gisele G Subjec t : Locatio n : Canceled : MEET wi th SOHUD' s o ffi ce She il a and ; Pam S t art : Tue 11 /21/20 1 7 9 : 15 AM End : Tue 11/2 1 /2017 9 : 30 AM Show Time As : F ree Recurrence Recurrence Meeting : Dai l y Pattern Status Organizer Required (Sheila.M Subject Locatio : : Not every day from 9 : 30 AM ye t r espo nded : DocBen Attendees : PHP; She i la . Gree nwoodl@h u d .g o v) : n: 9 :1 5 AM to Canceled: MEET with SOHUD' s office M Greenwood Sheila and Pam Tue 1 1/7/20 17 9 : 15 AM Start : End : Tue 1 1/7/20 17 9 : 30 AM Show Time As : Free Recurrence Recurrence Meeting : Daily Pa tt ern : S t atus : every Not yet day from 9 : 15 AM to 9 : 30 AM responded Organizer : DocBe n Requ ir ed Atte ndees : PHP; Shei l a M Gr eenwood (Sheila .M . Greenwoodl@hud . gov) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000023 From : Wednesday , No vember 01 , 2017 2 : 23 PM Greenwood , Sheila M : Ac cep t ed : Aft e r Work Gat h er i ng Subjec t: Loca tion : Aft e r Wor k Ga the ring Joe ' s Stone Cr ab or TBD St a rt : Mon 1 1/13/20 1 7 5 : 30 PM End : Mon 11/ 1 3/2017 6 : 00 PM Sho w Time As : F ree Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Status : Meeting Orga n iz e r: Greenwood , Required Attendees : bgreenwood@crop li feamer (h eid i . gree n@osec . us da Subjec t: Lo ca tio n: Af ter Joe 's o r ga niz er Sheila M Adcock , Rebecka h - OSEC, Washington , DC; i ca . org ; Appleton , Seth D; He idi Gr ee n . gov) ; br oo ke . app l e ton@ osec . usda . gov Wor k Ga th e ri ng St o ne Crab or TBD Tue 1 1/14/20 1 7 5 : 30 PM Star t : End : Tue 1 1/ 1 4 / 2 0 1 7 6 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tent ati ve Rec urr ence : (non e) Mee t in g Sta t us : Not y e t r espo nded Organizer : Gr ee nwoo d , Shei l a M Required Atte ndees : Apple t o n, Se th D; brooke . app l eto n @osec .u sda . gov ; Adcoc k , Rebec k a h - OSEC, Wash in gton , DC; Hei di Gree n (he i d i.gr een@osec . usda . gov) ; bgr ee nwood@c r oplife a meric a . org Su bject : HUD' s CFC Ki c koff St art : Thu 1 1/16/20 1 7 10 : 00 AM End : Thu 11/ 1 6/2017 11 : 00 AM Sho w Time As : Ten tat i ve Recurrence : (none ) Meet i ng Status : Not yet responded Orga n iz e r: Greenwood , She i la M Required Attendees : Gr eenwo o d , Sheila /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT M HUD-18-0504-D-000024 Subject : Location: LUNCH White House ; Oval Pr i vate Di ning Room Sta r t : Mon 11/20/2017 12 : 30 PM End : Mon 11/20/2017 1 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meeti ng Status Organizer Required (Sheila.M Subject: Location 6200 : Not yet responded : DocBen Attendees : Sheila . Gree nwoodl@hud . gov) : Lunch w/She i la and The Capital Grille M Gr eenwood Joshua Venable - 60 1 Pennsylvania Ave ., NW, 202 - 737 - Start : Fri 1 1/3/20 17 12 : 00 PM End : Fri 11/3/20 17 1 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) S t atus Organizer Requ i red Ka thry n : Not yet responded : Greenwood , Sheila M Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila Subject : Loca tion : LUNCH with POTUS and VP White House ; Oval Private M; Jos h Venable ; Walke r, Dini n g Room St art : Mon 1 1/20/20 1 7 12 : 30 PM End : Mon 11/20/2017 1 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organize r: DocBen Required Attendees : Sheila (Sheila . M. Gr eenwoodl@hud . gov) Subject : Location : M Greenwood LUNCH with POTUS and VP White House ; Oval Pr i vate Di ning Room Start : Mon 11/20/2017 12 : 30 PM End : Mon 11/20/2017 1 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (no ne ) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000025 Meet i ng Status : Not yet r espo nded Organiz e r : DocBen Required Attendees : She il a M Gree nwood (She i la.M . Gree nwood l @hud.gov) Subject: Loc at i on : LUNCH White House ; Oval Privat e Din i ng Room Start : Mon 1 1 /2 0 / 2 0 1 7 12 : 30 PM End : Mon 1 1/20/20 1 7 1 : 30 PM Recu r rence : (none) Meet i ng S tatus : Accepted Organiz e r : DocBen Required Attendees : She il a M Gree nwo od (She i la.M . Gree nwood l @hud . gov) Subjec t : Lo cation : HOLD for MEET with SOHUD' s o ffice J udge Ma ho ney Start : Thu 11 /16/20 1 7 1 : 30 PM End : Thu 1 1/ 1 6/20 1 7 2 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeti ng S t atus : Not yet responded Organi zer : DocBe n Requ i r ed At tendees : She i l a M Gree nwood (She i la . M. Gree nwood l @hud . gov) Subjec t: Loc ation: MEET with Judge SOHUD' s o ff i ce Mahoney S t art : Thu 11 /16/ 2 0 1 7 1 : 30 PM End : Thu 11/ 16 /2017 1 : 50 PM Recur r e n ce : (non e ) Meeting Status : Accep te d Or ganizer : DocBe n Requ i r ed At tendees : She i l a M Gree nwood (Sheila . M. Gr ee nwood l @hu d . gov) ; Mahoney (Judge) Subjec t: Loc ation : HOLD f o r MEET wi th SOHUD' s o ff i ce Start Thu 11/ 16/20 17 1 : 30 PM : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Judge , Jeremia h Maho n ey HUD-18-0504-D-000026 End : Thu 11 /16/20 17 2 : 00 PM Rec urre nce : (none ) Meeting Sta t us : Accepte d Orga n iz e r: DocBe n Requ ir ed Attendees : Shei l a M Gree nwood (Sh e il a . M. Gr eenwoodl@hu d . gov); Mahoney (Judg e), Subject Trav el : Jeremia h by Uber Start : Wed 11/ 1/20 17 1 : 0 0 PM End : Wed 11/ 1 /2017 1 : 30 PM Recurrence : (none ) Or ga niz e r : Gr ee nwo o d , Shei l a M Sub j ec t: HUD' s CFC Ki c ko ff Sta r t : Thu 11/ 1 6/2017 9 : 30 AM En d : Thu 11/ 16 /2017 1 0 : 30 AM Show Time As : Ten tative Rec urre nce : (none ) Meeting Sta t us : Org a nizer Required Not : Greenwood Atte nd ees : Su bje c t: ye t re spo nde d , Sheila M Greenwo o d , Sheila M HUD' s CFC Ki ckoff St a rt : Thu 1 1/16/20 1 7 9 : 3 0 AM End : Thu 11/ 1 6/2017 1 0 : 30 AM Recurrence Meet ing : (none ) S t a tus : Meet ing o rg a nize r Or ganizer : Greenwood , Sh ei la M Requ i r ed Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila Subject : Loca t io n : M Weekly Media Upda t e SOHUD' s office Start : Thu 1 1 / 2/2 0 17 2 :0 0 PM End : Thu 1 1/2/20 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : Weekly Recurrence Patt ern : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT every Wednesday from 11 : 00 AM to 11 : 30 AM HUD-18-0504-D-000027 Meet in g Sta t us : Not y et r espo nded Organizer : Doc Ben Req uir e d At tendees : Gr ee nwoo d , Sheila M; Thomps on , Amy C; Wi lli ams , Ra ffi; Bro wn , Jereo n M; Thompson , Ca it l in H Op t i o n al Atte ndees : Cowan J r., Chad ; PHP (PHP@hud . gov) ; Mar s hall Mi ch a el J ; Du nn , Conno r M Subjec t: Loca tion : , Execu t iv e Pe rfor man ce Serv i ce Days B-174 Start : Wed 1 1/ 1/ 20 17 3 : 00 PM End : Wed 11/1/2017 5 :0 0 PM Sho w Time As : Ten tative Recur r e n ce : (non e ) Meeting Status : Not y et respond ed Org ani z e r: Off i ce Of Exec u tive Reso ur ces Required Attendees : Ammon, Matthew E ; Appleton , Set h D; Ausby , L; Bal lard , Dan i e l L ; Bass , Deana; Bastarac h e, Dan i elle L; Janice Benison , Jo hn P ; Betts , Susan A; Blom , Domini que G; Boling , Dan; Bo wes , Robe r t B; Brego n, Nelson R; Brig ht, Mi c h a el R; Br ooks , To wanda A; Brown , Jereo n M; Bryon , Jemine A; Chr istop h e r , Nan cy D; Clem e nt , Pa trice D; Clemmensen , Crai g T; Cl evela nd - Leggett , Denise C; Constantine , Peter J ; Cooke , Kevin R; Cooper - Jon es, Barbara ; Cors i glia , Na n cy E ; Cruc ian i, Li n da M; Dau g h erty , Joh n T ; Dav is , Thomas R; DeFelice , Joseph J ; Don ze ll, Ke i th M; Drayn e , Mi chael R; Eag l e s , Dav id T ; Enzel , Dav id H; Ferry - Jenn i ng s, Shy l o n C; Forrester , Al thea M; Foster , Helen G; Frechette , He id i J ; Gain es , Ralp h H; Ga n t, J o n L; Gerecke , Sarah S ; Ge tchis , Jo hn F ; Gimo nt, Stan le y ; Gol r ick , Jane t M; Gr eene , Brya n; Gree nwood , She i la M; Had l ey , Jo y ; Hayes , Mar k S ; Hen sley , He nry; Hern ande z, Debora h A; Hi mes , Ivery W; Holbert , Kennet h F ; Hungate , Jo sep h I; Hunter , Mat t h ew F ; Johnso n , Calvin C; Joy , J ohnson P ; Kasper , Mare n M; Keit h , Gr egory A; Kos kinen , Larry A; Kurtz , R. Hun ter ; La voy, Dona ld J ; Lin coln , Paula A; Li tt l e , Jeff r e y D; Luko ff, Roger M; Ly be r g , Sarah A; Mal ge r i , Jac k R; Mars h al l , Mi c h ae l J ; Ma r t i n , Stephe n A; Mea ux , Les li e A; Meyer s , Sa r a M; Mic halsk i , Lori A; Mills , Krista ; Mul de ri g, Robe rt E ; Na r o d e , Dane M; Niga m, Nita; Ozdinec , Mila n M; Pa o , Jea n Lin ; Pa tton , Lynne M; Pereir a , Arie l ; Pot ts , Mi lli ce n t B; Pr es ton , Tawa nn a ; Pur ifoy , Fel i cia A; Rack l e f f , Nea l J ; Ri cha r dson , Tod d M; Roget , Gise l e G; Sardone , Virginia ; Saunders , E liss a O; Scott , Jimmy ; Scott , Pau l A; Shuback , Susan J; Sim pson , Kevin M; Smyt h , Timo t hy M; Surb er , Kei th W; Togans , Tamara A; Tomchic k III , George J ; Us owski , Kur t G; Va n Duy ne , Beth A; Wade , Da n a T ; Wadhams , Unaby rd ; Woll J r , Dav i d C; Word e n, Jea n i n e M; Wr ight , She il a D; Zorc , Bethany A; Mccowa n - Wi ll iams , Bessie L ; MIDDLETON, J ULIETTE ; Warr en , Lyn ette Subject : Loc ation : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Ex ecu tiv e Per formanc e Se r v i ce Days B1 7 4 HUD-18-0504-D-000028 Start : Wed 11/1/2017 10 : 00 AM End : Wed 1 1/1/20 17 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurre n ce : (none) Meet i ng Status : Not yet r esponded Organizer : Office Of Executive Resources Requ i red Atte ndees : Ammon, Matthew E ; App l eton , Se t h D; Ausby , Jan i ce L ; Ba l la r d , Daniel L ; Bass , Deana ; Bastarache , Danie ll e L ; Benison , John P ; Betts , Susan A; Blom , Dominique G; Boling , Dan ; Bowes , Robe r t B ; Bregon , Nelson R; Bright , Michael R ; Brooks , Towanda A; Brown , Jereon M; Bryon , Jemine A; Ch r isto pher , Nancy D; Cleme nt, Patrice D; Clemmense n, Cra i g T ; Cleveland-Leggett , Den ise C; Constant i ne , Pe ter J ; Cooke , Kev i n R ; Cooper- Jones , Barbara ; , John T ; Davis , Corsiglia , Nancy E ; Cruciani , Linda M; Daugherty Thomas R; DeFel i ce , Joseph J ; Donzell , Keith M; Drayne , Michael R; Eag l es , Dav i d T ; Enzel , Dav i d H; Ferry-Jenn i ngs , Shy l o n C; Forreste r, Al thea M; Foster , Helen G; F r echette , He i di J ; Ga i nes , Ralph H; Gant , Jon L; Gerecke , Sarah S ; Ge t chis , John F ; Gimont , Stanley; Gol ri ck , Janet M; Greene , Bryan ; Gr eenwood , She il a M; Hadley , Joy ; Hayes , Mark S ; Hensley , Henry ; Hernandez , Deborah A; Himes , I very W; Holber t, Kenne t h F ; Hun gate , Joseph I ; Hunter , Matthew F ; Johnson , Calvin C; Joy , Johnson P ; Kasper, Mar en M; Keith , Gregory A; Koskinen , Larry A; Kurtz , R . Hun ter ; Lavoy , Dona l d J ; Linco ln , Paula A; Little , Jeffrey D; Lukoff , Roger M; Lyberg , Sarah A; Mal geri , Jack R; Marshall , Michael J ; Mart i n , Stephen A; Meaux , Lesl i e A; Meyers , Sara M; Mi chalsk i, Lori A; Mills , Krista ; Mulderig , Robert E ; Narode , Dane M; Nigam , Nita ; Ozdinec , Milan M; Pao , Jean Lin ; Pa tton , Lynne M; Pereira , Ariel ; Po tts , Millicent B; Preston , Tawanna ; Purifoy , Felicia A; Rackleff , Neal J ; Richardson , Todd M; Roget , Gise l e G; Sardo n e , Vi rginia ; Saunders , E lissa 0; Scott , Jimm y ; Scott , Paul A; Shuback , Susan J ; Simpson , Kev i n M; Smyth , Timothy M; Surber , Keith W; Togans , Tamara A ; Tomchick III , Geo rg e J ; Usowsk i , Kurt G; Van Duyne , Beth A; Wade , Dana T ; Wadhams , Unabyrd ; Woll Jr , David C; Worden , Jeanine M; Wri ght , Sh eila D; Zorc , Bethany A; McCowan-Wi ll iams , Bessie L ; MIDDLETON, JU LIETTE ; Warren , Lynette Subject : Loca tion : Executive B174 Performance Service Days Start : Thu 1 1/2/20 17 3 : 00 PM End : Thu 11/2/2017 5 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organize r: Off i ce Of Executive Resources Required Attendees : Ammon, Matthew E ; Appleton , Seth D; Ausby , L; Ballard , Danie l L ; Bass , Deana ; Bastarache, Danielle L; Janice /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000029 Ben i so n, John P; Betts , Susan A; Blom , Domin i que G; Boling , Dan; Bowes , Robert B; Bregon , Ne l son R; Bright , Mi chael R; Brooks , Towanda A; Brown , Jereon M; Bryo n, Jemine A; Chr i s top her , Nancy D; Clement , Pat ri ce D; Clemmensen , Craig T ; Cleveland - Leggett , Den i se C; Co nstant i ne , Peter J ; Coo k e , Kev i n R; Cooper-Jones , Barbara ; Cors i glia , Nancy E ; Crucian i, Linda M; Dau gherty , John T ; Davis , Thomas R; DeFelice , Joseph J ; Donze ll, Ke i th M; Drayne , Mi chael R; Eag l es , David T ; Enzel , David H; Ferry - Jennings , Shy l on C; Fo rr es t er , Al t hea M; Foster , He l en G; Frechet t e , Heid i J ; Gaines , Ralph H; Gant , Jon L; Gerecke , Sarah S ; Getchis , John F ; Gimo nt, Stan l ey ; Gol rick , Janet M; Greene , Bryan ; Greenwood , Sheila M; Had l ey , Joy ; Hayes , Mark S ; Hensley , Henry ; Hernandez , Deborah A; Himes , Iv e ry W; Holbert , Kenneth F ; Hungate , Joseph I ; Hunter , Matthew F ; Joh n son , Calvin C; Joy , Joh n son P ; Kaspe r , Maren M; Keith , Gregory A; Kos kinen , Lar r y A; Kur tz , R. Hunter ; La voy , Dona l d , Jeff rey D; Lukoff , Roger M; Lyberg , J ; Li ncoln , Paula A; Little Sarah A; Mal geri , Jack R; Marshall , Mic h ael J ; Mar t in , Stephen A; Meaux , Leslie A; Meyers , Sara M; Mi chalski , Lor i A; Mills , Krista ; Mulderig , Robert E ; Narode , Dane M; Nigam , Ni ta ; Ozd in ec , Mil an M; Pao , Jea n Li n ; Patton , Lynne M; Pere i ra , Ar i el ; Po t ts , Mill i cent B; Preston , Tawanna ; Purifoy , Felicia A; Rackleff , Neal J ; Richardson , Todd M; Roget , Gi sele G; Sa r done , Vi rgi n i a ; Saunde r s, E li ssa O; Scott , Jimmy ; Scott, Pau l A; Shuback, Susan J; Simpson , Kevin M; Smyth , Timothy M; Surbe r, Ke it h W; Togans , Tama r a A; Tomchick II I , George J ; Usowski , Kurt G; Van Duyne , Beth A; Wade , Dana T ; Wadhams , Unabyrd ; Wol l Jr , David C; Worden , Jeanine M; Zorc , Bethany A; Wrigh t , Sheila D; Warr en , Lynette ; MIDDLETON, JULIETTE ; McCowan Wil li ams , Bessie L Subject : Location : Executive Bl74 Performance Service Days Start : Thu 11/2/2017 10 : 00 AM End : Thu 1 1/2/20 17 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Not yet r esponded Organizer : Office Of Executive Resources Requ i red Atte ndees : Ammon, Matthew E ; App l eton , Se t h D; Ausby , Jan i ce L ; Ba l lard , Daniel L ; Bass , Deana ; Bastarache , Danie ll e L ; Benison , John P ; Betts , Susan A; Blom , Dominique G; Boling , Dan ; Bowes , Robe r t B; Bregon , Nelson R; Bright , Michael R; Brooks , Towanda A; Brown , Jereon M; Bryon , Jemine A; Christopher , Nancy D; Clement , Patrice D; Clemmensen , Craig T ; Cleveland-Leggett , Den ise C; Constant i ne , Peter J ; Cooke , Kev i n R; Cooper- Jones , Barbara ; Corsiglia , Nancy E ; Cruciani , Linda M; Daugherty , John T ; Dav is , Thomas R; DeFelice , Joseph J ; Donzell , Keit h M; Dr ayne , Mic h ael R; Eag l es , Dav i d T ; Enzel , Dav i d H; Ferry-Jenn i ngs , Shy l on C; Forreste r, Al thea M; Foster , Helen G; F r echette , He i di J ; Ga i nes , Ralph H; Gant, J on L; Gerecke , Sarah S ; Ge tchi s , John F ; Gimont , Stanley ; Gol ric k , Ja n et M; Greene , Bryan ; Gre enwood , She ila M; /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000030 Hadle y , Joy ; Hayes , Mark S ; Hens ley , Henry ; Hern and ez , Debo ra h A; Himes , Ive ry W; Ho lb e rt , Kenne th F ; Hungate , Joseph I ; Hun ter , Matthew F ; Johnso n , Calvin C; Joy , Johnso n P ; Kaspe r , Mare n M; Ke i t h , Grego ry A; Kosk in e n , La rry A; Kurt z , R. Hu nt e r ; Lavoy , Do nal d J ; Linco ln , Pa u la A; Little, J effrey D; Luko f f , Roge r M; Lyberg , Sarah A; Mal ge ri , Jac k R; Mars h al l , Mi c h ae l J ; Ma r t i n , Stephen A; Meau x , Les l i e A; Meye r s , Sara M; Mic hals ki , Lori A; Mills , Krista ; Mu ld eri g , Robert E ; Narode , Dane M; Nigam , Nita ; Oz dinec , Mi l an M; Pao , Jean Lin ; Patton, Lynn e M; Pereira, Ari e l ; Potts, Mi llicent B; Presto n, Ta wan n a ; Pur ifoy , Fel i cia A; Rack le f f , Nea l J ; Richard son , Tod d M; Roget , Gisele G; Sardone , Vi rg inia ; Saunders , E liss a O; Scott , Jimmy ; Sco tt , Pau l A; Shuback , Susa n J ; Simpson, Kev i n M; Smyth , Timo t hy M; Surber , Keith W; Togans , Tamara A; Tomc hi ck III , George J ; Us o wsk i , Ku rt G; Va n Duy ne , Bet h A; Wade , Da n a T ; Wadhams , Unaby rd ; Woll J r , David C; Worden , Jea n i ne M; Wri g h t, Sheila D; Zorc , Bethany A; MI DDLETON, JU LI ETTE ; Mcc o wan-W il liams , Bess i e L; Warren , Lynette Su bjec t: Loca tion : Exec u tive B-1 7 4 Per form anc e Service Days Start : Wed 11/ 1 /2017 3 : 00 PM End : Wed 11/ 1 /2017 5 : 00 PM Sho w Time As : Tentative Rec urre nce : (none ) Meeting Sta t us : Not yet resp o nded Org a nize r : Office Of Exe cu tive Resources Required Attendees : Ammon, Matthew E; Appleton , Seth D; Ausby , Jani ce L; Bal l ard , Dan i e l L ; Bass , Deana ; Bastarac h e , Danielle L; Ben i so n, John P ; Be tts , Susan A; Blom , Domin i que G; Bol i ng , Da n; Bowes , Robert B; Br ego n , Ne l so n R; Bright , Mi c h ae l R; Br ooks, Towanda A; Brow n , Jereon M; Bryon , J e mine A; Chr istop h er , Na ncy D; Cl e ment , Pat ri ce D; Clemmensen , Cr aig T ; Cleve la nd - Leggett , Den i se C; Co nst ant ine , Peter J ; Cooke , Kevin R; Cooper-Jones , Barbara ; Cors i glia , Nan cy E ; Cru cian i, Linda M; Daughe rty , Joh n T ; Davis , Thomas R; DeFelice , Joseph J ; Donz e ll, Ke i th M; Drayn e , Mi chael R; Eagl es , Da v id T ; Enzel , Da v id H; Fe rry-Jenn i ngs , Shy lon C; Fo rr ester , Al thea M; Foster , He l e n G; Frechette, Heid i J ; Gaines , Ralph H; Gant , J on L; Gerecke , Sa r ah S ; Getchis , John F ; Gimo nt, Stan l e y ; Golrick , Jane t M; Gree n e , Bryan ; Greenwood, Sheila M; Hadl ey , Joy ; Ha yes , Mark S ; Hensley , He nry ; Hernandez , Debor ah A; Himes , Iv e ry W; Holbert , Kenn eth F ; Hunga t e , Joseph I; Hunter, Mat t h ew F ; J o hnso n , Cal v in C; Joy , J o hnso n P ; Kasper , Ma re n M; Keith , Gregory A; Kos ki ne n , Larry A; Kurtz , R. Hunter ; La voy , Donald J ; Li n coln , Pa u la A; Littl e , Jeff r ey D; Luko ff , Roger M; Ly be rg , Sarah A; Mal geri , Jack R; Mars h al l , Mic h ae l J ; Mart i n , Stephe n A; Mea ux , Les li e A; Meye rs , Sara M; Mi c halski , Lor i A; Mill s , Kri sta ; Mu lderig , Robe rt E ; Na ro de , Da ne M; Nig a m, Ni t a ; Ozd i ne c , Mil a n M; Pao , Jea n Li n ; Patton , Lynne M; Pere i r a , Ar i el ; Potts , Mill i ce n t B; Preston , Tawanna ; Purif oy , Felicia A; Rac k l eff , Nea l J ; Richardson , Todd M; Roget , Gi sele G; Sar done , Virginia ; Saunde r s, E li ssa O; /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000031 Scott , Jimmy ; Scott , Pa u l A; Shub ac k, Su san J ; Simpso n, Kevin M; Smyth , Timothy M; Surbe r , Ke ith W; Toga n s , Tama r a A; Tomch i ck III , George J ; Us owski , Kurt G; Va n Duyne , Beth A; Wade , Dan a T ; Wadh ams , Unab yrd ; Woll Jr, David C; Worden , Jean i ne M; Wri ght , Sheila D; Zorc , Bet hany A; McCowa n -Willi ams , Bessie L ; MIDDLETON, J ULI ETTE ; Warre n, Lynette Subject : Loc ation : Executive Bl 7 4 Performance Service Days Start : Wed 11 /1/ 2 0 17 10: 00 AM End : Wed 1 1/1/20 17 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng S t atus : Not yet responded Organi zer: Offi ce Of Exec ut ive Resources Requ ir ed At tendees : Ammon , Matthew E ; Appleton , Set h D; Ausby , Jan ic e L ; Bal lard , Dan iel L ; Bass , Dea n a ; Bast arache , Danie ll e L ; Benison , John P; Betts, Susan A; Blom , Dominique G; Boling , Dan ; Bowes , Robe r t B; Brego n, Nelson R; Brig ht, Mic h a e l R; Br o oks , Towanda A; Brown , Jereo n M; Bryon , Jemi ne A; Chr istop her, Nancy D; Clement , Patr i ce D; Clemmense n, Cra i g T ; Cleveland-Leggett , Denise C; Co ns tant i ne , Pe ter J ; Cooke , Kevin R; Cooper - Jones , Barbara ; , John T ; Dav i s , Co r sigl ia , Nanc y E ; Cruciani , Linda M; Daugherty Thomas R; DeFelice , Joseph J ; Donzell, Keith M; Drayne , Mi chael R; Eagles , Dav i d T ; En zel , Dav i d H; Ferry- Jenn i ngs , Shy l o n C; Forrester , Alth ea M; Foster , Helen G; Frechette , He id i J ; Gaines , Ralph H; Gant , Jon L; Gerecke , Sarah S ; Getchis , John F ; Gi mont, Stanley ; Gol rick , Janet M; Green e, Bryan ; Gr een wood , She il a M; Had l ey , Joy ; Hayes , Mark S ; Hen sley , Henr y ; Hern andez , Debora h A; Hi mes , Ive ry W; Ho lb e rt , Kenne th F ; Hung ate , Jose ph I ; Hunter , Matthew F; J o hnso n , Calvin C; Joy , J o hnso n P ; Kasper , Maren M; Keith , Grego ry A; Koskin e n , Larry A; Kurtz , R. Hu nter ; Lavo y , Donald J ; Lin coln , Pa u la A; Little , Jeffrey D; Luko ff, Roger M; Lyberg , Sarah A; Mal ge r i , Jack R; Marshall , Mi c h ae l J ; Mart i n , Stephe n A; Meaux , Lesl i e A; Meyers , Sara M; Mic halsk i, Lori A; Mills , Krista ; Mu ld erig , Robert E ; Naro de , Dane M; Nigam , Nita ; Ozdinec , Mil an M; Pao , Jean Lin ; Patton , Lynn e M; Pereira , Ari e l ; Potts , Milli cent B; Preston , Tawa nn a ; Purifoy , Felicia A; Rack leff, Nea l J ; Richardson , Todd M; Roget , Gise l e G; Sardo n e , Vi rg in ia ; Sa un de r s , Elissa O; Scott , Jimmy ; Sco tt , Pau l A; Shuback , Susan J ; Simpso n, Kevin M; Smyth , Timothy M; Su rb e r , Kei th W; Togans , Tamara A; Tomchick III , George J ; Usowsk i , Kur t G; Va n Du yne , Beth A; Wade , Da n a T ; Wadh ams , Unabyrd ; Woll Jr , David C; Worden , Jean i n e M; Wri ght , Sheila D; Zorc , Bethany A; McCowa n -Willi ams , Bessie L ; MIDDLETON, JU LIETTE ; Warren , Lynette Subjec t: S t art : End : Tue /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HOLD f o r l unc h w/She i la and Vivieca Wrig h t Tue 1 1/ 1 4/20 1 7 12 : 00 PM 11/14/2017 1 : 00 PM HUD-18-0504-D-000032 Recur r e n ce : (none ) Or ga niz e r : Gr ee nwoo d , Sh e i l a M Sub j ec t: Loc a t i o n : Cance l ed : Chec k -in 10 226 (Sh e l i a ' s Off i c e ) St a r t : F ri 1 1/ 1 0/ 20 17 8 : 30 End : F r i 11 /1 0 /20 1 7 9 : 00 AM Sho w Tim e As : Fr ee Re curr en c e : Dai l y Re cur ren c e Pa t t e r n : Meet i ng Status : Not eve ry day AM f ro m 8 : 30 AM to 9 : 0 0 AM y e t r es p o nded Or ga niz e r : Golri ck , Ja net M Re q u i r ed At te nd e es : Cl emme n s e n , Cr ai g T; Hughe s , And rew ; Gr een wood , She i la M; Ea g les , David T Su bjec t: Lo cat i on : DOL SG Offi ce Star t : Tue 1 0 /31/ 2 0 1 7 2 : 30 PM En d : Tue 1 0 / 3 1/ 2 0 1 7 3 : 00 PM Sh ow Tim e As : Te n tat iv e Recur r e n ce : (none ) Meet in g S t a tu s : Not yet r e s po nded Or g an izer : Zorc , Bet hany A Requ i r ed At t e ndees : Ti m Pe t t y (Ti mot hy . J . Pett y@hud . g ov ) ; Sh ei l a Greenw oo d (Sheila . M. Gr ee n woo dl @hud . gov ) Su bje c t: Loca ti o n : DOL SG Offi ce St a rt : Tue 1 0 / 3 1/ 2 0 1 7 2 : 3 0 PM End : Tu e 10 /3 1 / 20 1 7 3 : 00 PM Sho w Time As : Ten t a tive Recur r e n ce : (none ) Me et i ng Sta t us : Not y e t r espo nd e d Or gan iz e r: Zo r c , Bethan y A Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Ti m Petty (Timo t h y . J . Petty @hud . go v ) ; Sh ei l a Gr ee nwoo d (Sh e i l a . M. Gr eenw oo d l@hu d . gov ) Sub j ec t : Loc a tio n : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT DOL SG Office HUD-18-0504-D-000033 Start : Tue 10 /31/20 1 7 2 : 30 PM End : Tue 1 0/31/20 1 7 3:00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Not yet r espo nd ed Organiz e r : Zorc , Bethany A Required Attendees : Tim Petty (Tim ot hy . J . Petty@ hud . gov) ; She i l a Greenwood (Sheila . M. Gr ee nwood l @hu d . gov ) Subject : Canceled : DOL Star t : Tue 10 /31/20 1 7 3 : 30 PM End : Tue 1 0/31/20 1 7 4:00 PM Show Time As : F ree Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng Status : Not yet responded Organiz e r : Zorc , Bethany A Required Attendees : She il a Greenwood (She i la . M. Greenwood l @hu d . gov) ; Tim Pe tty Subject : (Ti mothy . J . Pe t ty @hud . gov) DOL Tue 1 0/31/20 1 7 3 : 30 PM Start : End : Tue 1 0/3 1/20 1 7 4 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tent ati ve Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status : Not yet responded Organi zer : Zorc , Bethany A Requ i r ed Attendees : She i l a Gr eenwood (She i la . M. Gree nwood l @hud . gov) ; Tim Pe tty Subject : (Ti moth y . J . Pe t ty @hud . gov) DOL Start : Tue 1 0/31/20 1 7 3 : 30 PM End : Tue 10 /31/ 2 0 1 7 4 : 00 PM Show Time As : F ree Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng Status : Dec lin ed Organize r : Zorc , Bet hany A Requ i r ed Attendees : She i l a Gr eenwood (She i la .M . Gree n wo od l @hu d . gov) ; Tim Petty /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT (Timothy . J . Petty@hud . gov) HUD-18-0504-D-000034 Subjec t: Aida - Compressed Day S t art : Mon 11 /13/20 1 7 12 : 00 AM End : Tue 11/14/2017 12 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : Week ly Rec urre nce Pattern : Meeting Status : Not Organizer : Rodriguez Required Attendees : Hawkins , Gregory R Subject: Aida every 2 weeks on Friday ye t r espo nded , Aida N Greenwood , Shei la - Compressed M; Eag l es, David T; M; Eag l es , David T; Day Sta r t : Mon 11/13/2017 12 : 00 AM End : Tue 11 /14/20 1 7 12 : 00 AM Show Time As : Free Recu rr ence : Weekly Recu rr ence Pattern Meet in g Status : : eve ry 2 weeks on Friday Accepted Organiz e r : Rod ri guez , Aida N Required Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila Hawk in s , Gregory R Subject: Loc ation : Executive B184 Performance Service Days Start : Thu 1 1/2/20 17 3 : 00 PM End : Thu 1 1/2/20 17 5 : 00 PM Show Ti me As : Tentative Recurre Meeting n ce : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organi zer: Offi ce Of Executive Resources Requ i red At tendees : Ammon, Mat thew E; Appleton , Seth D; Ausby , Jan ice L; Ba l lard , Danie l L; Bass , Deana ; Bastarache , Danie ll e L; Benison , John P; Betts , Susan A; Blom , Dominique G; Boling , Dan; Bowes , Robert B; Brego n, Nelson R; Bright , Michael R; Brooks, Towanda A; Brown , Jereon M; Bryon , Jemine A; Christopher , Nancy D; Clement , Patr i ce D; Clernmense n , Cra i g T; Cleveland-Leggett , Denise C; Constan t ine , Pe ter J ; Cooke , Kevin R; Cooper - Jones , Barbara ; Corsiglia , Nancy E; Cruciani , Linda M; Dau gherty, John T; Dav i s, Thomas R; DeFelice , Joseph J ; Don ze ll, Kei th M; Drayne , Michael R; Eagles , Dav i d T; Enzel , Dav i d H; Ferry- Jenn i ngs , Shy l o n C; Forrester , Alth ea M; Foster , Helen G; Frechette , Heidi J ; Gaines, Ralph H; Gant , Jon L; Gerecke , Sarah S ; Getchis , Jo hn F ; Gimont , /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000035 Stan le y ; Gol rick , Jane t M; Gree ne , Bryan ; Gree nwood , She i l a M; Had l ey , Jo y ; Hayes , Mark S ; Hen sley , He nry ; Hern ande z , Debora h A; Hi mes , Ivery W; Holbert , Kennet h F ; Hungate , Joseph I ; Hunter , Matthew F ; J ohnson , Calvin C ; Joy , J ohnson P ; Kaspe r , Maren M; Keith , Greg ory A; Kos kine n , Lar r y A; Kurtz , R . Hunter ; La voy , Dona ld J ; Li n coln , Pa u la A; Little , Jeff rey D; Luko ff , Roger M; Lyberg , Sarah A; Mal ge r i , Jac k R; Mars h al l , Mi c h ae l J ; Mart i n , Stephe n A; Meaux , Lesl i e A; Meyers , Sara M; Michalski , Lori A; Mills , Krista ; Mulderig, Rob e rt E ; Na rode , Dane M; Nigam , Nita; Ozdinec, Milan M; Pao, Jea n Lin ; Patton , Lynne M; Pereira , Arie l ; Potts , Mi lli ce nt B; Preston , Tawa nn a ; Pur if oy , Fel i cia A; Rackleff , Nea l J ; Ri cha r dson , Todd M; Roget , Gise l e G; Sardone, Vi rgi n ia ; Saunders , E li ssa O; Scott , Jimmy ; Scott, Pau l A; Sh uback, Susa n J; Simpson , Kevin M; Smyt h , Timo t hy M; Surbe r , Ke ith W; Togans , Tamara A; Tomchic k II I , George J ; Usowski , Kurt G; Va n Du yne , Bet h A; Wade , Da n a T ; Wadh ams , Unab yrd; Wol l J r, David C; Word e n , Jea n i n e M; Zorc , Bethany A; Wright , Sheila D; Warren , Lynette ; MI DDLETON, JUL I ETTE ; McCowan Williams , Bess i e L Subjec t: Lo cation : Executive B184 Perfo rmance Se r v i ce Days Sta r t : Thu 11/2/2017 1 0 : 00 AM End : Thu 1 1/ 2/ 20 17 12 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recu rr ence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Not yet r espo nded Org a nize r : Off ic e Of Executive Resources Required Att en d ees : Ammon, Matthew E ; Appleton , Seth D; Ausby, Jan i ce L ; Ba ll a r d , Da nie l L ; Bass , Dea n a ; Bas t a r ache , Danielle L; Ben i so n , John P ; Betts , Susan A; Bl om , Domi n i que G; Boli ng , Dan ; Bowes , Robert B; Brego n , Ne lson R; Bright , Mic h ael R; Bro oks , Towanda A; Brown , Je r eon M; Bryon , Je min e A; Christoph e r , Na ncy D; Cleme nt , Pa t rice D; Cl emmensen , Cra i g T ; Cle v ela nd - Leggett , De n is e C; Co n stant i ne , Pe ter J ; Coo k e , Kev i n R; Coope r -Jones , Barbara ; Cors i glia , Nancy E ; Cr u cian i, Linda M; Daughe rt y , Joh n T ; Davis , Thomas R; DeFelice , Jos eph J ; Don ze l l , Kei th M; Drayne , Michael R; Eagl e s , Davi d T ; Enz e l , Davi d H; Fe rry - Jennings , Shylon C; Forres ter , Althea M; Foster , Hel en G; Frechette , He id i J ; Ga ine s , Ra lp h H; Gant , Jon L; Ge r ec ke , Sarah S ; Getchis , John F ; Gi mont , Stan l ey ; Golrick , Janet M; Gree n e , Bryan ; Greenwo od , Sheila M; Hadley , Joy ; Hayes , Mark S ; Hensley , Henry ; Hernandez , Deborah A; Himes , I very W; Holbert , Kenne th F ; Hung ate , Joseph I ; Hunter , Matthew F ; Johnson , Calvin C; Joy , Johnson P ; Kasper, Maren M; Ke it h , Gr egory A; Kos kin en , Lar ry A; Kurtz , R. Hunter ; Lavoy , Dona ld J ; Lin coln , Pau la A; Little , Jeffrey D; Lukoff , Roger M; Lyberg , Sarah A; Malg e ri , Jack R; Marshall , Michael J; Martin, Stephen A; Meau x , Leslie A; Meyers , Sara M; Michalski , Lori A; Mills , Krista ; Mu ld e rig , Robe r t E ; Narode , Dane M; Nigam , Ni ta ; Ozd i n ec , Mi l a n M; Pao , Jean Lin ; Pa tton , Lynne M; Pere ir a , Ar i el ; Potts , Mil lic e n t B; Preston , Tawanna; Purifoy , Felicia A; Rackleff , Neal J ; Ric hardson , /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000036 Todd M; Roget , Gise le G; Sardo ne, Vi rgi n ia ; Sa un ders , E lissa 0; Scott , Jimm y ; Sco tt , Paul A; Shuback , Susan J ; Simpso n, Kev i n M; Smyth, Timothy M; Surber, Keith W; Togans, Tamara A; Tomchick III , Geo rg e J ; Us owski , Kur t G; Van Duyne, Beth A; Wade, Dana T; Wadhams , Unabyrd ; Woll J r, David C; Worde n, Jeanine M; Wright , Sh eila D; Zorc , Bethany A; MIDDLETON, JULIETTE ; McCowan-Williams, Bess i e L ; Warre n, Lynette Subjec t: Loca tion : Execu t ive B-184 Performance Service Days Start : Wed 11 /1/20 17 3 : 00 PM End : Wed 11/1/2017 5 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meeting Status : Not ye t responded Organize r: Off i ce Of Executive Resources Required Attendees : Ammon, Matthew E ; Appleton , Seth D; Ausby , Janice L; Ballard , Danie l L ; Bass, Deana; Bastarache, Danielle L; Benison , John P; Betts , Susan A; Blom , Dominique G; Boling , Dan; Bowes , Robert B; Brego n, Nelson R; Bright, Mi c h ael R; Brooks, Towanda A; Brown , Jereon M; Bryon , Jemine A; Christopher , Nancy D; Clement, Patrice D; Clemmensen , Craig T; Cleveland - Legget t , Denise C; Constantine , Peter J ; Cooke , Kevin R; Cooper - Jones , Barbara ; Cors i glia , Nancy E ; Cruciani , Linda M; Daugherty , John T ; Davis , Thomas R; DeFelice , Joseph J ; Donz e ll, Kei th M; Drayne , Michael R; Eagles , David T; Enzel , David H; Ferry - Jennings , Shylon C; Forrester , Al thea M; Foster, He len G; Frechette , Heidi J ; Gaines , Ralph H; Gant, Jon L; Gerecke , Sarah S; Getch i s, John F ; Gimont, Stan le y ; Gol rick , Jane t M; Gr eene , Bryan ; Gree nwo od , She ila M; Hadley , Jo y ; Hayes, Mark S ; Hensley , Henry; Hernandez , Deborah A; Himes , Ivery W; Holbert , Kenneth F ; Hungate , Joseph I; Hun ter , Matthew F; Johnson, Calvin C ; Joy , J ohnson P ; Kasper , Maren M; Keith , Gregory A; Koski ne n , Larry A; Kurtz , R . Hunter ; La voy, Donald J ; Li ncoln , Paula A; Little , Jeff rey D; Lukoff , Roger M; Lyberg , Sarah A; Mal geri , Jack R; Marshall , Michael J ; Mart i n , Stephen A; Meaux , Leslie A; Meyer s , Sara M; Michalski, Lori A; Mills , Krista ; Mulderig, Robert E ; Narode , Dane M; Nigam , Nita; Ozdinec, Mi lan M; Pao, Jean Lin ; Patton , Lynn e M; Pereira , Arie l ; Potts , Millicent B; Preston , Tawanna ; Purifoy , Felicia A; Rackleff, Nea l J ; Ri chardson , Todd M; Roget, Gisele G; Sardone , Virginia ; Saunders , E liss a O; Scott , Jimmy ; Scott , Pau l A; Shuback, Susan J; Simpson , Kevin M; Smyth , Timothy M; Surber , Keith W; Togans , Tamara A; Tomchick III , George J ; Usowsk i , Kurt G; Van Duyne , Beth A; Wade , Dana T ; Wadhams , Unab yrd ; Woll J r, David C; Worden , Jeanine M; Wr ight, She il a D; Zorc , Bethany A Subject Location Start : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : : Executive B184 Performance Wed 11/1/2017 Service Days 10 : 00 AM HUD-18-0504-D-000037 End : Wed 11 /1/20 Show Tim e As : 17 12 : 00 PM Tenta tiv e Rec urr en c e : (non e) Meet i ng Status : Not yet r espo nded Organizer : Office Of Exec u tive Resources Req uir e d Att endees : Ammon, Matth ew E ; App l eton , Seth D; Ausby , Jan i ce L ; Ba l lard , Da n ie l L ; Bass , Dea n a ; Bas t a r ache , Danie ll e L ; Ben i so n , John P ; Be tt s , Susan A; Bl om, Domi n i que G; Boling , Da n ; Bowes , Robert B; Brego n , Ne lson R; Bright , Micha e l R; Bro oks , Towanda A; Brown , Je r eon M; Bry on , Je min e A; Chr i s top he r , Na ncy D; Cleme n t , Pa t rice D; Clem mense n, Craig T ; Cle ve la nd-Leg gett , De n ise C; Co n stant i ne , Pe ter J ; Coo ke , Kev i n R; Coope r -Jones , Barbara ; Co r s i glia , Nan cy E ; Cru cian i, Linda M; Daughe rty , Joh n T ; Davis , Thomas R; DeFelice , Jos eph J ; Don ze ll, Keith M; Dr a yne , Mic h a el R; Ea gles , Davi d T ; Enz e l , Davi d H; Ferry - J e nnings , Shylon C; Forres t er , Al t h ea M; Foster , Helen G; Frechette , He i di J ; Ga in es , Ra lp h H; Gant , Jon L; Ge r ec ke , Sarah S ; Getchis , John F ; Gi mont , Stanley ; Gol rick , Janet M; Greene , Bryan ; Gree nwo od , Sheila M; Hadley , Joy ; Hayes , Mark S ; Hens l e y , Henry ; He rnandez , Deb ora h A; Himes , Iv e ry W; Holbert , Ke nne th F ; Hunga t e , Joseph I ; Hunter , Matthew F ; Jo hn son , Cal v in C; Joy , Jo hn son P ; Kas pe r , Ma r en M; Keith , Gregory A; Kos kin en , La rry A; Ku r tz , R. Hunter ; Lavoy , Dona l d J ; Linco ln , Paula A; Little , Jeffrey D; Lukoff , Roger M; Lyberg , Sarah A; Malg e r i , Jack R; Marsha l l , Mic hae l J; Martin , St ep h en A; Meau x , Les l i e A; Meye rs , Sara M; Mic halski , Lo r i A; Mills , Krista ; Mu ld e rig , Robe r t E ; Na r ode , Da n e M; Nig am , Ni t a ; Ozd i n ec , Mil a n M; Pao , Jean Lin ; Patton , Lynne M; Pereira , Ar i el ; Potts, Mi llic e n t B; Preston , Tawanna; Purifoy , Felicia A; Rac k l eff , Ne a l J ; Richardson , To dd M; Roget , Gisel e G; Sardone , Virginia ; Saunders , E l issa O; Sco tt , Jimmy ; Scott , Pa u l A; Sh ubac k , Su san J ; Simpso n, Kev i n M; Smyt h , Timo t hy M; Surbe r, Ke i th W; Toga n s , Tama r a A; Tomch i c k III , George J ; Us owski , Kurt G; Van Duyne , Beth A; Wade , Da na T ; Wadha ms , Unaby rd ; Woll Jr , David C; Worden , Jean i ne M; Wri ght , Sheila D; Zorc , Bethany A; McCowa n -Wi lli ams , Bessie L ; MIDDLETON, J ULI ETTE ; War re n , Lynette Subject : Loca t ion : LUNCH a t the Navy Mess Navy Mess Start : Wed 1 1 /1/ 2 0 17 12 : 30 PM End : Wed 1 1/1/20 17 1 : 15 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng Status : Not yet r espo nd ed Organize r : DocBe n Requ i r ed Attendees : She il a M Gr ee nwood (S he ila . M. Gree n wo od l @hu d . gov) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000038 Subjec t: Locat i o n: LUNCH at the Navy Mess Navy Mess Start : Wed 11/1/2017 12 : 30 PM End : Wed 1 1/1/20 17 1 : 1 5 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recurrence Meet ing : (none ) Status Organizer Required (Sheila.M Subject: Locatio : Not ye t r espo nded : DocBen Attend ees: Sheila M Gr eenwood . Gree nwo od l @hu d .g o v) n: LUNCH at the Navy Mess Navy Mess Start : Wed 11 /1/20 17 12 : 30 PM End : Wed 11 /1/ 2 0 17 1: 15 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recu rr ence : (none ) Meet in g Status : Not yet r espo nded Organiz e r : DocBen Required Attendees : She il a M Gree nwood (She i la.M . Gree nwood l @hud.gov) Subject: Loc ation : BRIEF on South Caro l ina Sec r eta ry ' s Co n f e rence Room Start : Thu 11 / 2 /20 17 4 : 30 PM End : Thu 1 1/2/20 17 5 : 00 PM Show Ti me As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeti ng Status : Not yet responded Organi zer: DocBe n Requ ir ed At tendees : Benjamin E Demarzo (Benjami n. E . Demarzo@hud .g ov) ; Sheila M Gr eenwood (Sheila . M.G r eenwoodl@hud . gov) ; Free , Kenne th E ; Amy C Thompson (Amy. C . Th ompso n @h ud . gov ); Raphael L Williams (Raphae l . L . Williams@h u d .g ov) ; Dendas , Michae l W; Kelley , Michael J; Seth D Appleton (Seth . D.Appleton@hud . gov) ; Andrew Hug h es (And rew .H ughes@ hud. gov ); Drew A McCal l (Jonathan . A . McCall@hu d. gov) ; Hunter , Matthew F ; PHP (PHP@hu d .g ov) ; De laho yde, Abigail M; Bu rl e y , Mi chael N; Fil a , Step h a n ie C Subject : Location : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT BRIEF o n South Caro lin a Secretary ' s Conference Roo m HUD-18-0504-D-000039 Start : Thu 11 / 2/2 0 17 4 : 45 PM End : Thu 1 1/2/20 17 5 : 15 PM Show Time As : Ten tat iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Meet ing S t a tus : Not yet r esponded Organi zer : DocBe n Requ i r ed At t e ndees : Benjamin E Demarzo (Benjami n . E .D ema r zo@hud .g ov) ; Sheila M Gr eenwood (Sheila . M. Gr eenwoodl@hud . gov) ; Free, Kenneth E ; Amy C Thompson (Amy . C . Th ompso n @h ud . gov ) ; Rap h ael L Williams (Raphael . L . Will iams@h u d . gov) ; Dendas , Michae l W; Ke ll ey , Mi chael J; Se th D Appl eto n (Seth . D. App l e t o n @hud . gov ); Andrew Hug h es (And rew .H ughes@ h ud . gov ); Drew A McCal l (Jonatha n . A . McCall @hu d. gov) ; Hunter , Matthew F; PHP (PHP@hu d .g ov) ; De l ahoyde, Abigai l M; Bu rl e y , Mi chael N; Fi la , Step h a n ie C; Cle vel a nd-Legge tt , Den i se C Sub ject : Location : Ca nceled : Mee ting w/ Sec . Carson Andrew ' s Office (WW 217 ) Start : Tue 11 /7/20 17 1 : 00 PM End : Tue 11 /7/20 17 2 :0 0 PM Show Time As : F ree Recurrence : (none) Meet in g S t atus Organiz er : Subjec t: Lo cation : : Salvi, Accepted Mary E . EOP/WHO Weekly Med ia Update SOHUD' s office Start : Thu 11/2/2017 3 : 15 PM End : Thu 11 /2/ 2 0 17 3 :4 5 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Re currence Recurrence : Weekly Pa tter n : Meet in g Status : Not every yet Wednesday from 1 1 : 00 AM t o 11 : 30 AM responded Organizer : DocBe n Required Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Thompson , Amy C; Willi ams , Ra ffi; Brow n , Je reon M; Thompson , Ca i tl i n H Opt i o n al Atte ndees : Cowan J r ., Chad ; PHP (PHP@hu d. gov) ; Mars h a ll, Michael J ; Dunn , Conn o r M Subjec t: Loc a tio n: /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT MEET with She il a and SOHUD' s o ff ic e Pam HUD-18-0504-D-000040 Start : Tue 11 /7/20 17 9 : 15 AM End : Tue 1 1 /7/20 17 9 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : Da il y Recur r e n ce Patte r n : Meeting Status : Not every yet day from 9 : 30 AM r esponded Organi zer : DocBe n Requ i r ed Attendees : PHP; Sheila (Sheil a . M. Gree nwood l @hud . gov) MEET with Sheila SOHUD' s o ff i ce Subjec t : Locatio n : 9 : 1 5 AM to and M Gr eenwood Pam Start : Tue 1 1/7/20 17 9 : 15 AM End : Tue 11/7/2017 9 : 30 AM Recur r e n ce : Da ily Recurrence Patt ern : Meeting Status : every weekd ay fr om 9 : 15 AM to 9 : 30 AM Accep te d Organ iz e r : DocBe n Required Atte nd ees : PHP; Sheila (Sh e ila . M. Gre enwo odl@hud . gov) Subject : Inv i tation : Sh e r yl (EDT) (Sh ei la Greenwood) M Greenwood Coh e n @ Mon Oct 30 , 2017 4pm - 5pm Start : Mon 10/30/2017 4 : 00 PM End : Mon 10 /30/20 1 7 5 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta ti ve Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status Organizer : : Not yet r espo nd ed l(b )(6) ANNUAL LEAVE - AIDA RODRIGUEZ USE OF LOSE LEAVE Subjec t: Locat ion : Start : Tue 12/26/2017 12 : 00 AM End : Sat 12/30/2017 12 : 00 AM Show Time As : Free Recurrence : (none) Mee t i ng Status Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : : Not Rodriguez ye t re spo nded , Aid a N HUD-18-0504-D-000041 Requ i red Atte ndees : Marshall , Mi chael J Subjec t: Locatio n: Greenwood , Sheila M; Eagles , David T; M; Eagles , David T; , David T; ANNUAL LEAVE - AIDA RODRIGUEZ USE OF LOSE LEAVE Start : Tue 12/26/20 1 7 12 : 00 AM End : Sat 12/30/20 1 7 12 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurre n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not yet responded Organi z e r: Rodr i g u ez , Ai da N Requ i red Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila Marshall , Michael J Subjec t: Locatio n: ANNUAL LEAVE - AIDA RODRIGUEZ USE OF LOSE LEAVE Start : Tue 12/26/2017 12 : 00 AM End : Sat 12/30/2017 12 : 00 AM Show Time As : Free Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status : Accepted Organizer : Rodriguez Required Attendees : Marshal l , Michae l J , Aida N Greenwood Subjec t: Inv i tation : She r yl (EDT) (Sh ei l a Greenwood ) , Sheila Cohe n M; Eagles @ Mon Oct 30 , 20 1 7 4pm - 5pm Start : Mon 10/30/2017 4 : 00 PM End : Mon 1 0/30/20 1 7 5 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organize : (none) r: ~l (b~)(~6~) _____________ Subject : Invitat i on : Sheryl (EDT) (Sheila Greenwood ) _, Cohen @ Mon Oct 30 , 2017 4pm - 5pm Start : Mon 1 0/30/20 1 7 4 : 00 PM End : Mon 1 0/30/20 1 7 5 : 00 PM Show Time As : Free Recurrence Meeting /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) Status : Declined HUD-18-0504-D-000042 Organize Subject r: ~l (b~}(~6 )"---------------' : Sheryl Coh e n Mon 1 0/30/2 0 1 7 4 : 00 PM Start : End : Mon 1 0/30 / 2 0 1 7 5 : 00 PM Rec urr ence : (non e) Mee t i ng Status Organizer : : Mee t i ng organize r Gr ee nwood , Shei l a M Su bject : In v i tat ion : Alex dermatology 10 : 20am (EDT) (Shei l a Gr een woo d) @ Thu Nov 2 , 2017 9 : 20am - Start : Thu 11/2/2017 9 : 20 AM End : Thu 11/2/2 0 17 10 : 20 AM Show Time As : Tenta tiv e Rec urr ence : (non e) Or ganizer : ~ ~l (b_)(_6)_____________ ~ @ Thu Nov 2, Su bj ect : Inv itat i on : ~f b_)(_6l_______ 10 : 20am (EDT) (She i la Greenwood) 2017 9 : 2 0 am - Start : Thu 1 1/2/2 0 17 9 : 2 0 AM End : Thu 1 1/2/20 17 10 : 20 AM Rec urr ence : (non e) Mee t i ng Sta t us : Organizer : Acc ep ted ~ ~l (b_)(_6)_____________ Sub j ec t: Upda t ed inv i tation : ~l (b_)(_6)_______ 9 : 20am - 1 0 : 20am (EDT) (S he il a Greenwood) ~ @ Thu Nov 2 , 2017 Start : Thu 11/2/2017 9 : 20 AM End : Thu 11/2/2 0 17 10 : 20 AM Show Time As : Ten tativ e Rec urr en c e : (non e) Meeting Organizer Sta t us : : Not yet responded ~l (b~)(~6)"---------------' Subject : Qu ick Chec k- i n w/She i la Assess me n t Repo r t Loc ation : COS Office /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT and Ralp h Ga i nes - re : Homel ess HUD-18-0504-D-000043 Start : Mon 10 /30/20 1 7 9 : 00 AM End : Mon 1 0/30/20 1 7 9 :1 5 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status : Not Organiz e r : Greenwood Requ i red Attendees : Subject : Loc ation : DepSec DepSec yet r espo nded , Shei la M Greenwood , Sheila Weekly Senior Sta ff Conference Room M; Gai n es , Ralph H Meeti n g Star t: Wed 1 1/8/20 17 3 : 00 PM End : Wed 11 /8/20 17 4 :0 0 PM Recu rr ence : Weekly Recurrence Pa tter n : Meeti ng Status : every Tuesday from 1 : 00 PM to 2 : 00 PM Accepted Organiz e r : PHP Required Atte ndees : Marshall , Mi c h ael J ; Gree nwood , She il a M; Bass , Deana ; Kur tz , R. Hunter ; Marzo l, Ado lf o F ; Bravacos , Jo hn G; Eagles , Dav id T ; Tomc h ick III , George J ; Harker , Thomas W; Hug h es , Andrew ; Racklef f , Nea l J ; Ga in es, Ralph H; Farias , Anna Mari a ; Wade , Dana T ; Wolf so n , Len ; Th ompson , Amy C; Bright , Michael R; Kaspe r, Maren M; Zorc , Be than y A; Petty , Ti mot hy J ; Appleton , Seth D; Hunter , Matthew F; J oy , John son P ; Youngblood, Rich a rd A; Bour n e , Chr isto p h er M; Richardso n, Todd M; Bl om, Dominique G; Golrick , Janet M; Pao , Jean Lin Subjec t: Loc a tio n: Start : End : Tue DepSec DepSec Week l y Se ni or St aff Conference Room Mee t i ng Tue 10/3 1/ 2017 1 : 00 PM 1 0/31/20 1 7 2 : 00 PM Recurrence : Weekly Recu rr ence Pa tte rn : Meet in g Status : e very Tuesday from 1 : 00 PM to 2 : 00 PM Accepted Organizer : PHP Required At t e ndees : Hughes , Andrew ; Petty , Timothy J ; Wolfso n, Len ; Greenwood , Sheila M; Kasper , Mar en M; Gai ne s , Ra lp h H; Golrick , Jane t M; Joy , Jo hnson P ; App l e t o n, Seth D; Rac k leff , Neal J ; Thompso n, Amy C; Bourne , Christopher M; Tomchick III, George J ; Fa ri as , Anna Mar ia ; Bravacos , Jo h n G; Bright , Mich ael R; Blom , Domi niq ue G; Wade , Da n a T ; Youngblood , Richard A; Marzol , Ado l fo F ; Pao , Jea n Li n ; Ha r ker , Th omas W; Barto n , Vi ctoria L ; Hun ter , Matthew F; Zorc , Betha n y A; Bass , Dea n a ; Eag l es , Dav id T ; Rich ardson , Todd M; Kurtz , R . Hunte r ; Mars ha ll , Michael J /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000044 Subjec t: Loc a tio n : Eth i cs Bri e f i ng Dep a rtme n t a l Con f erence Room Star t : Wed 11/8/2 0 17 10 : 15 AM End : Wed 1 1/8/2 0 17 10 :4 5 AM Recurre nce : (none ) Meet in g Sta t us : Accep te d Org a nize r : Zorc , Be th a ny A Req uir e d At tendees : Hughes , Andr ew ; Hobbs , Ben j am i n R; Mills , Alliso n F ; Fila , Step h a n i e C; DeFelice , Josep h J ; Ha l l er , Ju l ia Z; Dendas , Mi cha el W; Thompson , Amy C; Wade , Dan a T ; Zorc , Be tha n y A; Fa r i as , Anna Mar ia ; Br a v acos , Jo h n G; Ga r z a , Sa r ah J ; Gaines , Ralph H; Hunter , Matt h ew F ; Smi th , Cooper J . EOP/WHO; Mar zol , Ado l fo F; Appleton , Seth D; Shasky , Jo h n E ; Smith , Cooper J ; Kasper , Mar en M; Ra wlin son , Steven W; Joy , Joh n son P ; Byr d , Davi d J ; Browning , Aust i n G; Gr i bbin , Wil liam J ; Patton , Lynne M; Coffey , Al e xan de r; Gi bbs , John ; Ke l l ey , Mich a e l J ; Youngbl o od , Richa r d A; Alexander , Mason ; Roget , Gi sele G; Williams , Raff i ; He r ed i a , Ev onne G; Wolf so n , Le n ; Co r esse l , Jac i e ; Gru son , Ba rbara ; Pet t y , Timo t hy J ; Bac on , J ames A; Bass , Deana ; Be c kles , Angela L ; Greenwood , Sh ei la M; Fitzpatrick , Nora S ; De la hoyde , Abigail M; Rackleff , Nea l J ; Bur l ey , Mi chael N; Bourne , Chr istop h er M; Woll Jr , Da v id C; Br i g ht , Michael R; Naso n, Micha e l C; Cowan J r ., Chad ; Hipp , Van D; Brow n , Christina M; Gorm l ey , Joseph M; Eagles , Davi d T ; Van Dam, Kate l yn M; Bowe s , Robert B; Ludlow , Ashley ; Hol de r f i e l d , Stephanie A; Kurtz , R . Hunter ; Mc Ca l l , Drew A; Barton , Victoria L ; Demarzo , Be nja mi n E Subjec t: Loca tion : Ethics Briefing Depa r t men ta l Co nference Room St a rt : Wed 1 1/ 1/ 2 0 17 10 : 15 AM End : Wed 11/ 1/20 17 1 0 : 45 AM Recurrence Mee t ing : (n one ) S t a tus : Accepted Or ganize r: Zorc , Bet hany A Requ i r ed Attendees : Hu g hes , Andrew ; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Mi lls , Allison F ; Fila , Ste phanie C; DeFe lic e , Jo seph J ; Hal ler , Julia Z; De n das , Micha e l W; Thompson , Amy C; Wade , Dana T ; Zorc , Betha ny A; Farias , Anna Mar ia ; Bra v acos , Jo h n G; Ga r za , Sarah J ; Gaines , Ralph H; Hun ter , Mat thew F; Smith , Cooper J. EOP/WHO; Marzol , Adolfo F; App l e ton , Seth D; Shasky , Joh n E ; Smi th , Coo p e r J ; Kaspe r, Mar e n M; Ra wl inso n, Steve n W; Joy , J oh nso n P ; Byr d , David J ; Bro wni ng , Aus t i n G; Gribbin , Wil li am J ; Patton , Lynne M; Coffey , Al exander ; Gibbs , John ; Ke l ley , Michae l J ; Youngblood , Ri c h ar d A; Alexander , Maso n ; Roget , Gise l e G; Will i ams , Ra ffi ; Heredia , Evonne G; Wolfson , Len ; Coresse l , Jacie ; Gruso n , Bar bara ; Petty , Timothy J ; Bacon , Jam e s A; Bass , Deana ; Beckles, Angela L ; Greenwood , Shei la M; Fitzpat ric k , /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000045 Nora S ; Delahoyde , Abigail M; Rackle f f , Nea l J ; Bur l ey , Michael N; Bourne , Chr i stopher M; Woll Jr , Dav i d C; Br i ght , Mi chael R; Nason , Michael C; Cowan Jr ., Chad ; Hipp , Van D; Brown , Christina M; Gorm ley , Joseph M; Eagles , David T; Van Dam, Katelyn M; Bowes , Robert B; Ludlow , Ashley ; Hol de r fie l d , Stephanie A; Kurtz , R . Hunter ; McCal l , Drew A; Barton , Vi ctoria L; Dema r zo , Benjam i n E Subject : Lo cation : Lunch w/Shei l a Greenwood and Capitol Hill Club - basement A . Bradford Card Start : Mon 1 0/30/ 2 0 1 7 12 : 00 PM End : Mon 1 0/30/20 1 7 1 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) S t atus Organizer Requ i red : Not yet responded : Greenwood , Sheila M At tendees : Greenwood , Sheila Subjec t: Lo cation : MEET w/ Sheila SOHUD' s Office M; A . Bradford Card & Pam Start : Fr i 1 1/3/20 17 10 : 45 AM End : F ri 1 1/3/20 17 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) S t atus : Not yet responded Organize r: DocBe n Requ i red Attendees : She il a M Greenwood (Sheila . M. Greenwood l @hud . gov) ; PHP Subjec t: Location : BRIEF o n Baltimore SOHUD' s off i ce S t art : F ri 1 0/27/20 1 7 9 : 15 AM End : Fri 10/27/2017 9 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meeti ng Status : Not ye t responded Organize r: DocBen Required Attendees : Benjamin E Demarzo (Benjam i n . E . Demarzo@hud . gov) ; Sheila M Greenwood (She i la.M . Greenwood l @h ud . gov) ; Gribb i n , Wil li am J ; Raphael L Wi l li ams (Raphael . L . Williams@hud . gov) ; F r ee , Kenneth E ; Amy C Thompson (Amy. C . Thompson@hud . gov) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000046 Subjec t : Locat i o n: BRIEF o n Ba ltim o r e SOHUD' s off i ce Start : Fri 10/2 7 /2017 9 : 15 AM End : Fri 1 0/27/20 1 7 9 : 30 AM Show Tim e As : Free Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Status Organizer Required (Benjamin (Sheila.M Will i ams Thompso n : Dec lin ed : DocBe n Attendees : Benjamin E Demarzo . E . Dema r zo@hu d .g ov) ; Sheil a M Gree nwood . Gree nwood l @hu d .g ov) ; Grib b in , Willi am J ; Raphael L (Raphael . L . Wi lliams@h u d .g ov) ; Free , Kenneth E ; Amy C (Amy. C . Thompso n @hud . gov ) HOLD for Subjec t : Viv ie ca Start : Tue 11 /7/20 17 12 : 00 PM End : Tue 11/ 7 /2017 1 : 0 0 PM Recurrence Organizer : (none) : Subjec t: Greenwood , Sheila HOLD for A . Bradford M Ca r d Start : Mon 10 / 30 /20 1 7 12 : 00 PM End : Mon 10 /3 0 /20 1 7 1 : 00 PM Recurrence Org a nizer : (none) : Subjec t: Locat i o n: Stree t) Greenwood , Sheila M Lunch : Andy Blocker a nd Sheila Casa Luca 1 099 New York Avenue Greenwood NW (Corner (HUD) o f 1 1t h and I Start : Thu 11/ 1 6/2017 12 : 30 PM End : Thu 11 /16/20 1 7 2 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Recurrence Organizer Subject : (none) : : Blocker HOLD for , Andy lunch w/Andy Blocker Start : Thu 11 /16/20 1 7 12 : 00 PM End : Thu 1 1 /16/20 1 7 1 : 00 PM Recurrence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) HUD-18-0504-D-000047 Organize r: Subject Greenwood : , Sheila M Tr ave l by Ube r Tue 1 0/3 1/ 2 0 1 7 12 : 30 PM 1 0/3 1/ 2 0 1 7 1 : 00 PM Start : End : Tue Rec urr ence : (non e) Orga n iz e r: Greenwood , Sheila Subject : Loca tion : Lun c h w/Sheila TBD and M Mar k Ca la b ria Start : Tue 1 0/3 1/20 1 7 12 : 00 PM End : Tue 10 / 3 1/ 201 7 1 : 00 PM Show Time As : Te n tat iv e Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Status : Not Or ganizer : Greenwood Requ i r ed Attendees : EOP/ OVP Subjec t : Locat i o n : yet r esponded , Sheila M Greenwood , Sheila Check-in w/Sheila COS Office M; Calab r i a , Mark an d Jo hn Bravacos A. - re : Hab i t a t S t a rt : Thu 1 0/26 /20 1 7 3 : 00 PM End : Thu 10/26/2017 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurre Meeting n ce : (none ) Sta t us : Not Organiz e r : Greenwood Required Attendees : Su bjec t: Government Loc a tio n : yet resp o nde d , Sheila M Gre enw ood , Sheila M; Br avacos LUNCH with 0MB Pr o g ra m As soc i a t e Di rec t or Kathy Kraning e r Secretary ' s Din i ng Room , J o hn G f or Ge nera l Star t : Mon 11/ 1 3/2017 12 : 00 PM End : Mon 11/ 1 3/2017 1 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta tiv e Rec urr en c e : (non e) Meet i ng Status Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : : Not yet r espo nded DocBen HUD-18-0504-D-000048 Requ i red Atte ndees : She il a M Gree nwood (She i la . M. Gree nwood l @hu d . gov) ; Eagles , Dav i d T; PHP; Mar sha ll, Michael J Subjec t: Location : BRIEF o n FHFA Quarterly SOHUD' s off i ce Meet i ng S t art : Mon 1 1/13/20 1 7 1 : 00 PM End : Mon 11/ 1 3/2017 1 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence : (none) Meeti ng Status : Not ye t r espo nded Organi z e r: DocBe n Required Atte ndees : Ado l fo F Marzol (Ado l fo .F. Marzol@hud . gov ); Sheila M Greenwood (She il a . M. Gre e nwoodl@hud . gov ); Bright , Michael Subject : Location : Interage n cy Wor k i ng Group on Hur r i cane Ca l l 9202 - via Conference R Respo n se Sta r t : Fri 10/27/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Fri 10/27/2017 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Meet in g Status : Not yet r espo nded Organizer : Shaffer , Ju l ie Required Attendees : Wade , Dana T ; Deputy Secreta ry Patenaude ; Golr i c k, Jane t M; Marzol , Adolfo F ; Greenwood , Sh ei l a M; Bravacos , John G; Kasper , Maren M; Campbell , Patric i a A; Gibbons , Kath l een M; LOGAN, LEAH M; Mea u x , Leslie A; F riedman , Warren ; Roget , Gise le G; Bowes , Robe r t B; Haller , Julia Z; Gorml ey , Joseph M; Carr , Terry M; I ber , Robert G; Wol f so n, Len ; Marshall , Michael J ; Himes , Ivery W; Rose , Thomas A; Kumi, Thomas K; Mart in, Matt B; Brown , Amy L; E; Br i ght , Saunders , Eli ssa 0 ; Stevens , Kevin L; Mu lder i g , Robert Michael R; ' Ste fan ie . Jo h nson@fh fa . gov '; ' Daniel le . Wal ton@fhfa . gov '; ' alexandra . t ravi s@fema . dhs . gov '; ' Cynthia . Adcock@fhfa . gov '; ' Donald . Cor i n@fh fa . gov '; ' Maria . Ferna ndez@fh f a . gov '; ' Pau l. Theruv i pa r amp il @fhfa . gov '; ' Ri chard . Kane@wdc . usda . gov '; ' Stu art . Walden@wdc . usda . gov '; ' Rhonda . Armi t age@va . gov '; ' Rita . Falcioni@va . gov '; ' j effrey . london@va . gov '; ' Laurie . Maggia n o@cfpb . gov '; ' Prasant . Sar@fhfa . gov ' Optio n al Atte ndees : Russell , Jessica (CFPB) ; Carter , M Ja l on ; ' McArdle , Mark (CFPB) ' Subject : Location : FHFA Quarte r ly Meeting FHFA-- Const i tution Ce n ter , 400 7th St . SW S t art : Mon 1 1/ 1 3/20 1 7 3 : 00 PM End : Mon 11/ 1 3/2017 4 : 30 PM /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000049 Show Time As : Recurrence Meeting Tenta tive : (none) Status : Not ye t re spo nde d Organ iz e r : DocBe n Required Attendees : Sheila M Greenwood (Sheila . M. Gr eenwoodl@hud . gov); Adolfo F Marzo l (Adolfo.F . Mar z ol@hud . gov) Subject : Loc ation : FHFA Quar ter l y Meet i ng FHFA-- Constitut ion Cent e r , 400 7 th St . SW Start : Mon 1 1/13/20 1 7 3 : 00 PM End : Mon 1 1 /13/20 1 7 4:30 PM Recu rr ence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Accep t ed Organizer : DocBen Required Attend ees : Sheila M Greenwood (Sheila . M. Gree nwood l @hu d . gov) ; Adolfo F Mar zol (Adolfo . F . Mar z ol@hud . gov ) Subjec t : Loca tion : Check - in w/Shei l a and COS Office Matt Hun te r S t art : Wed 1 1/ 1/ 2 0 17 10 : 30 AM End : Wed 1 1/1/20 17 11:00 AM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not yet responded Organ iz e r : Greenwood , She i la M Requ i r ed Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila Subject : Loca tion : Check - in w/Shei la COS Off ice and Matt M; Hun ter , Matthew F Hun te r Start : Wed 1 1/ 1/ 2 0 17 10 : 30 AM End : Wed 11/ 1/201 7 11 : 00 AM Recu rr ence : (none) Meeti ng S tatus : Meeting organizer Organize r : Greenwood , Sheila M Requ i r ed At tendees : Gr eenwood , She i la Subject /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : ATTEND Opioid M; Hun ter , Matthew F Even t HUD-18-0504-D-000050 Location : the awning The White House ; East Room . Cabinet entry to the West Wing Affairs will greet at Start : Thu 10/26/2017 1 : 00 PM End : Thu 10/26/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer Required (Sheila.M : Not yet responded : DocBen Attendees : Sheila . Gree nwoodl@hud . gov) Subject : Location : M Greenwood ATTEND Opi o i d Event The White House ; East Room Thu 10/26/2017 1 : 00 PM Start : End : Thu 1 0/26/20 1 7 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Not yet responded Organizer : DocBen Required Attendees : She il a M Greenwood (She i la.M . Greenwood l @hud.gov) Subject: Loc ation : BRIEF on Baltimore SOHUD' s office Start : Fri 1 0/27/20 1 7 9 : 00 AM End : Fri 1 0/27/20 1 7 9 : 15 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organizer : DocBe n Requ i red At tendees : Benjamin E Demarzo (Benjamin . E . Demarzo@hud.gov) ; Sheila M Greenwood (Sheila . M. Gr eenwoodl@hud . gov) ; Gribbin , William J ; Raphael L Williams (Raphae l . L . Williams@hud . gov) ; Free , Kenneth E ; Amy C Thompson (Amy. C . Thompson@hud . gov ) Subject : Loc ation : MEET w/ Sheila SOHUD' s Office & Pam Fri 1 0/27/20 1 7 8 : 45 AM Start : End : Fri 1 0/27/20 1 7 9 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000051 Recurrence Meeting : (non e) Status : Not yet responded Organi z e r: DocBe n Requ i red Attendees : She il a M Greenwood (S he ila . M. Gree nwood l @hud . gov) ; PHP Subjec t: HOLD for Lunch w/She i la St art : End : Tue Tue 1 0/3 1/ 20 1 7 12 : 00 PM 10/3 1 /2017 1 : 00 PM Recurrence : (none) Organizer Subjec t: Locat ion : : Gre enwood , Sheila and Mark Ca l abria M Canceled : Champions ' Co unci l Mont h ly Depar tm e n ta l Conference Room-10233 Meeting Start : Thu 11/ 1 6/2017 1 : 00 PM End : Thu 11/ 1 6/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Free Recurrence : (none ) Meet i ng Sta tus : Accepted Organizer : Eag l es , Dav id T Required Attendees : Hens l ey , Henry ; Clemm e nse n , Craig T; I ; Whippie , Tanya L ; Sung , Phi li p Milligan , Maria L ; Mill er , Catie E ; Coope r . J . Smith@hud.gov ; Sco t t , Angie R; Gol r ick , Ja n et M; Bro oks , Towanda A; Gree nwood , Sheila M; Hoban-Moore , Patric i a A; Mar zol , Adolfo F ; Zorc , Bethany A; Gates , Scott L ; Kurtz , R . Hun ter ; Bryon , Jemine A; Gaines , Ralph H; Bass , Deana ; Ozdinec , Milan M; Hug hes , Andrew ; Thompso n , Amy C; Apple t on , Seth D; Hun t er , Matt h ew F ; Suchar , Norma n A; Kaspe r, Mare n M; Bright , Mi c h ae l R; Lyberg , Sarah A; Fa ri as , Anna Mar i a ; Albert , Helen M; Jen k i ns , Anne ; Kirk l and , Jeremy ; Koskinen , Larry A; Domi n ique G Blom (Domin ique . G. Blom@hud . gov) ; Bregon , Ne lson R; Francesch i ni - Petty , Raquel ; Greene , Bryan ; Wade , Dana T ; May , Marle ne L ; Richardso n, Todd M; Ammon , Matthew E ; Li ncoln , Paula A; Joy , Johnso n P ; Surber , Keith W; Cruciani , Linda M; Hinton - Mcclam , Linda D; Benison , Jo h n P ; Brown , Jereon M; Rackl e ff , Nea l J ; Cowan Jr ., Chad ; Van Dam, Katelyn M; Bi ng-Grant , Max A; Shank , Rebecca H; Glavin , William A; Margeson , Mitchel l J ; Ouzts , Walter L ; McClur e , Laura L ; PHP; Jones , A' ndre a M; Pereira , M; Al e x a nd er , Mason ; Akpakip , Ek anem 0 ; Brown , Christina Ariel ; Tufts , Suzanne I ; Harker , Thomas W; Stowe , Al exa nde r D; Dunn , Connor M; Fleischer , Laura A; Cool , Debra M; Dawkins , Eunice D; Cooper , Diane J ; Axe , Jessi K; Marshall , Michael J ; Johnson , Tiffany M; Zi ff , Susan B; Tomchick III , George J ; Gargiulo , Emily ; Wi ng e r, Katherine A; May III , Floyd O; Lewis , Rac he l E ; Thomas , Todd C; /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000052 Bravacos , Joh n G; Forero , Ja i me E; Al len , Denise L; Kevin R Cooke HUD; FOSTER, IRIS C; Evans-Burke , Adrian A; Hobbs , Benjamin R Subject : 1pm (EDT) Invitat (Sheila i on : Landon Gree nwood) phone call @ Fri Oct Jr 27 , 20 1 7 12pm - Start : Fr i 1 0/27/20 1 7 12 : 00 PM End : Fri 1 0/27/20 1 7 1 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status Organizer : Not yet responded : ~l (b~)(~6~) -------------~ Subject : Location : Disaster Assistance Discussion HUD cal l Kathy 202 - 546 - 3892 w/ HUD+ 0MB Start : Wed 1 0/25/20 1 7 3 : 00 PM End : Wed 1 0/25/20 1 7 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Subject : Location : Kraninger, Disaster HUD call Kathleen L. EOP/OMB Ass i stance Discuss Kathy 202-546-3892 i on w/ HUD+ 0MB Start : Wed 1 0/25/20 1 7 3 : 00 PM End : Wed 10/25/2017 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Free Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status Organizer : Subject : Location : : Declined Kran i nger , Kathleen L . EOP/OMB Office of Genera l Counse l ' s 2017 Annual Brooke-Monda l e Auditorium & Webcast Ethics Training St art : Thu 1 0/26/20 1 7 2 : 00 PM End : Thu 10/26/2017 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organize r: Eth i cs Law Di vision Required Attendees : Albert, Helen M; Ammon, Matthew E; Appleton , Seth D; Ausby , Janice L; Bacon , James A; Ballard , Dan i e l L; Barton , /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000053 Victoria L ; Bass , Deana ; Bastarache , Danielle L ; Beckles , Angela L; Ben i so n , John P ; Betts , Susan A; Blom , Domi n i que G; Boling , Dan ; Bourne, Christopher M; Bowes , Robert B; Bravacos, John G; Bregon , Nelson R; Bright , Micha e l R; Brooks, Towanda A; Brown , Christ i na M; Brown , Jereon M; Brow ning, Austin G; Br yon , Jemine A; Buck , John ; N ; Byrd , Dav i d J ; Carlson , Mari lyn E ; Ch ri stophe r, Burley, Mi chael Nancy D; Clement , Pat ri ce D; Clemmense n , Cra i g T ; Cl evelandLeggett , Denise C; Coffey , Al exa n der ; Co ns t antine , Peter J ; Cooke , Kevin R; Cooper - Jones , Barba r a; Coressel, Jacie; Corsigl ia , Nancy E; Cowan L ; Da ugher ty , John Jr ., Ch ad ; Cr u ciani , Linda M; Cummi ngs , Matthew T ; Davis , Thomas R; DeFelice , Jose ph J ; De la hoyde , Abigail M; Demarzo , Benjamin E ; Dendas , Michael W; Donzell , Keith M; Drayne, Michael R; Dukl i s , Pe te r S; Dunn, Connor M; Eagles , Dav id T ; Enzel, David H; Farias , Anna Ma ri a ; Fa rri or , Laura ; Fe rn ande z, Alexander ; Fer ry-Je n nings , Shy l o n C; Fila , Stepha n ie C; Fo rre s ter, Althea M; Foster , Helen G; Frechette , Hei di J ; Gaines , Ralph H; Gant , Jo n L ; Ga rza , Sarah J ; Gerecke , Sarah S; Getchis , John F; Gibbs , John ; Gimont, Stanley; Gol ri ck , Janet M; Gorml e y , Josep h M; Greene, Bryan ; Greenwood , Sheila M; Gribbin , Wi l li am J ; Gruso n , Barbara ; Hadley , Jo y ; Ha ller , J u lia Z; Hayes , Ma rk S ; He n s l ey , He nry; He r ed ia, Evonne G; Hernandez , Deborah A; Himes , Ivery W; Hipp , Van D; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Holbert , Kenneth F ; Holderf i eld, Stephanie A; Hughes , Andrew ; Hungate, Joseph I ; Hunter, Matthew F ; Johnson , Calvin C; Joy , Jo hn son P ; Kasper , Maren M; Ke ith, Gregory A; Ke l ley , Mi c h ae l J ; Ki rkland , Je r emy ; Koskinen , Larry A; Kurt z, R . Hunte r; Kwalwasser , Rober t ; La voy , Dona ld J ; Lincoln , Paula A; Litt l e , Jeffr ey D; Ludlow , Ashl e y ; Luko ff , Roger M; Lyb e rg , Sarah A; Mahoney (Judge) , Jeremia h ; Malge ri, Jack R; Mars h al l, Michae l J ; Marti n , Stephe n A; Marz ol , Adolfo F ; McCa ll, Drew A; McGinn i s , Randy ; Meaux , Le slie A; Meyers , Sara M; Michalski , Lori A; Mi ll s , Allison F; Mills , Krista ; Montoy a , David ; Mulderig , Robert E; Narode , Dan e M; Nigam , Nita ; Roge t , Gisele G; Ozdinec , Mil an M; Padilla , Nicholas ; Pao, Jea n Lin ; Pattison , Br i a n T ; Pat ton , Lynne M; Pereira , Arie l ; Petty , Timothy J ; PHP ; Potts , Mil li ce nt B; Preston , Tawa n na ; Purifoy, Felicia A; Rack leff , Neal J; Randall , Kimber l y; Rawl i nson, Steven W; Richardson , Todd M; Rokosz, Frank A; Sardone , Vi rgi n ia ; Saunders , Elissa O; Saylor , Kathryn ; Scott , Jimmy ; Sco tt, Paul A; Shubac k, Susa n J ; Si mpso n, Kev in M; Smit h, Coope r J ; Smyth , Timothy M; Stayanov i ch , Jason E; Stowe , Alexander D; STRACNER, J AMES L; Surber , Keith W; Thompson , Amy C; Thompson , Cait l in H; Tille , David E ; Togans , Tamara A; Tomchick III , George J; Toon , Th e odore K; Tu ft s , Suz anne I ; Usowski , Kurt G; Va n Duy ne , Beth A; Wade , Da n a T ; Wadhams , Unabyrd ; Webbe r , Christopher S ; Will iams , Raffi ; Wolf so n, Len ; Woll Jr , David C; Worden , Je anine M; Wright , Sheila D; Wuhrman , Robe r t; Youngblood , Ric h ard A; Zorc , Bethany A Subjec t: Locat i o n: BRIEF on Baltimore SOHUD' s off i ce Start : Fri 10/27/2017 9 : 30 AM End : Fri 1 0/27/20 1 7 9 : 45 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000054 Meet i ng Status : Not yet r espo nded Organiz e r : DocBen Required Attendees : Benjamin E Dema rz o (Benjamin . E . Dema r zo@hud.gov) ; Sh e ila M Gr eenwood (She i la . M. Gree nwood l @hud . gov) ; Grib b i n , Will i am J ; Rap h ae l L Wil l iams (Raphae l . L . Williams@hud . gov) ; Fr ee , Ke nn eth E ; Amy C Thompson (Amy. C . Thompson@hu d . gov) Subjec t : Lo cation : BRIEF o n Ba ltim o r e SOHUD' s office Star t : F ri 10/ 27/20 1 7 9 : 00 AM End : F r i 10 / 27 /20 1 7 9 : 15 AM Show Tim e As : Free Rec urrence : (non e) Meet i ng Status : Dec l i n ed Organiz e r : DocB en Required Attend ees : Be n jam i n E Demarzo (Benjamin . E . Dema rz o@hu d .g ov) ; Sheil a M Gre enwood (She i la . M. Gree nwood l @hu d . gov) ; Gribb i n , Wil li am J ; Rap h ae l L Williams (Raphae l . L . Williams@ hu d . gov) ; Fr ee , Ke nn eth E ; Amy C Thompson (Amy. C . Thompson@hu d . gov) Subject : Loc a tion : MEET w/ She i l a & Pam SOHUD' s Off ic e Sta r t : Fri 10/27/2017 9 : 1 5 AM End : F r i 10 /27/20 1 7 9 : 30 AM Show Tim e As : Tenta ti ve Recu rr en ce : (no n e) Meet i ng Status : Not yet r espo nded Organizer : DocBe n Re quired Att en de e s : Sheila M Gr eenwood (She i la . M. Gree nwo od l @hu d . gov) ; PHP Subject : Loc at io n : MEET wit h Admi n istr SOHUD' s office ator Brock Long Start : Thu 10/26/2017 3 : 30 PM End : Thu 1 0/26/20 1 7 4 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurren c e : (none) Meet in g S t atus /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Not yet responded HUD-18-0504-D-000055 Organi zer : Doc Be n Requ ir ed At tendees : She i l a M Gree nwood (She i l a.M . Gree nwood l @hud . gov) ; PHP Subjec t: Loc ation : HOLD for CALL/ BRIE F o n Opi o i d Announcement SOHUD' s o ffic e St a rt : Fri 10 /27/20 1 7 1 0 : 15 AM End : Fri 10/27/2017 1 0 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : (none ) Meetin g Sta t us : Not ye t re spo nded Organ iz e r : Doc Be n Req u ired Atte ndees : Sheila (Sh e ila . M. Gr eenwo odl@h u d . gov) Subjec t: Lo cation : M Gree nwood BRIE F on Opi o i d Annou n cement SOHUD' s o ffi c e Sta r t : Fri 10/27/2017 1 0 : 1 5 AM End : Fri 10 / 27 /20 1 7 1 0 : 30 AM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recu rr en ce : (none) Meet in g Status : Not yet r espo nded Org a nize r : DocBe n Required Att en d ees : Sh eila (Sheila .M. Gree nwoodl@hud . gov) Su bject : Appointee Education Hou sing Repo r t Loca tion : TBD - Departme n tal M Gr eenwood al Br ief i ng - St a te Confere nce o f the Nat ion's Room or Audit ori um Start : Wed 11 /8/20 17 9 :0 0 AM End : Wed 1 1/8/20 17 10 : 00 AM Recurren c e : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer Required Su bj e ct : Loc at i on : : Acc e pt ed : Dunn , Connor M Atte ndees : Politic BRIE F on Opi oid SOHUD' s offic e al Appoi n tees Anno u nc ement Start : Thu 1 0/26/20 1 7 1 : 00 PM End : Thu 1 0/26/20 1 7 1 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000056 Recurrence Meeting : (non e) Status : Not yet responded Organiz e r : DocBe n Requ i red Attendees : She i la (She ila . M. Gree nwood l@hud . gov) Subject : Locat ion : Canceled : HOLD for SOHUD' s off i ce M Greenwood CALL/BR IE F on Opioid Announcement Start : F ri 10/27/2017 1 0 : 30 AM End : Fri 10/27/2 0 17 1 0 : 45 AM Show Time As : Free Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Status : Not yet resp o nde d Organizer : DocBe n Required Attendees : Sheila (Sheila . M. Greenwoodl@hud . gov) Subject: Loc ation : M Greenwood BRIEF on Opi o id Annou nc ement SOHUD' s office Start : Fri 10 /27/20 17 10 : 15 AM End : Fri 1 0/27/20 1 7 10 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tent ati ve Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Not yet resp o nded Organizer : DocBen Required Attendees : She ila (She i la.M . Greenwood l @hud.gov) Subject : Loca t ion : M Greenwood BRIEF on ATLANTA Secretary ' s Conference Room Start : Wed 1 0/25/20 1 7 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 10/2 5/ 201 7 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet resp o nded Organize r : DocBe n Requ i r ed Attendees : Amy C Thompson (Amy. C . Thompson@hud . gov ) ; Andrew Hug hes (Andr ew . Hug hes@ hud . gov) ; Fila , Stephanie C; Free, Kenneth E; Delahoyde, Abigail M; Seth D Appleton /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000057 (Seth . D. App l e t o n @hud . gov ); Be n jamin E Demarzo (Benjami n. E . Dema r zo@hu d . gov) ; PHP ; Hunt e r, Matt h ew F ; Sh e i la Greenwood (Sheila . M. Gree n woodl@ h ud . gov ) Optiona l Attende e s : Victoria Coresse l Sub j ect : Locat i o n: BRIEF o n ATLANTA Secreta r y ' s Co n ference M Room Start : Wed 10/25/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 1 0/25/20 1 7 2 : 30 PM Show Ti me As : F r ee Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status : Dec lin ed Organizer : DocBen Required Attend ee s : Amy C Thompson (Amy. C . Thompson@hud . gov) ; Andrew Hughes (Andrew .Hug hes@ hu d . gov) ; Fi l a , St ephan i e C; Free , Kennet h E ; Dela h oyde , Abiga il M; Seth D App l eto n (Seth . D. Appleton@ h ud . gov ); Benjamin E Demarzo (Benjamin . E . Demarzo@hud .g ov) ; PHP ; Hun t er , Matt hew F ; Sheila M Greenwood (Shei l a . M. Greenwoodl@hud . gov ) Opt i o n al Atte ndees : Victoria Coressel Subject : Lo cation : Quick Call PHP to call - Re : OMB/Friday She il a - (202) Meeting 705 -77 23 Tue 1 0/24/20 1 7 5 : 00 PM Start : End : Tue 1 0/24/20 1 7 5 : 15 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurre n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not yet respo nded Organi z e r: PHP Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Greenwood Subject : Location : - Re : OMB/Friday She il a - (202) Quick Call PHP to call , Sheila Start : End : Tue Tue 1 0/24/ 2 0 1 7 5 : 00 PM 1 0/24/20 1 7 5 : 15 PM Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Michael J Michael J Meeting 705 - 7723 Accepted Organiz e r : PHP Requ i red Atte ndees : Subject : Location : M; Ma r sha ll, Greenwood ATTEND Opioid Event The White House ; East , Sheila M; Ma r sha ll, Room HUD-18-0504-D-000058 Start : Thu 1 0/26/20 1 7 2 : 00 PM End : Thu 1 0/26/20 1 7 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Meet in g S t atus : Not yet r esponded Organi zer : DocBe n Requ i r ed At t e ndees : She il a M Gree nwood (Sheil a . M. Gree nwood l @hud . gov) Subjec t : Loca ti o n : MEET w/ She il a & Pam SOHUD' s Off i ce S t art : Thu 1 1/2/20 17 10 : 00 AM End : Thu 11/2/2017 1 0 : 1 5 AM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurre n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not ye t r esp ond e d Organ iz e r : Doc Be n Required Atte ndees : Sheila M Greenwood (Sh e ila . M. Gr eenwoodl@hud . gov); PHP Subject : Request Loc a tio n: Chec k - in w/Shei la Gree nwood a nd Joe Sul livan - r e : Unio n COS Off ice Start : Tue 10 /31/20 1 7 3 : 00 PM End : Tue 1 0/31/20 1 7 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recu r rence : (none) Meet i ng Status Organizer Requ i red : Not ye t r espo nd ed : Gr eenwood , Shei la M Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila Subject : Request Loca tion : Check - i n w/Sheila M; Su ll iv an , J oseph Gree nwood and Joe Sullivan - re : Unio n COS Office Start : Tue 1 0/31/20 1 7 3 : 00 PM End : Tue 1 0/3 1/ 2 0 1 7 3 : 30 PM Recurren c e : (none) Meet in g S t atus /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Meet in g o rganizer HUD-18-0504-D-000059 Organi zer : Greenwood , Sheila M Requ ir ed Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Su ll iva n , Joseph From : Tall e y , Keith L Sen t : Tuesday , Oct obe r 24 , 2017 1 : 1 9 PM To : Gr eenwood , She i la M Sub j ec t: Accepted : Qui c k Check- in w/Sheila and Keith signature for app roval - the classif i ed program Subjec t: Qui c k Che ck- in w/She i la and fo r app r ova l - t h e c l assi fi ed p r og ra m Locatio n: COS Office Keith Ta l ley Talley - re : signat - re : ure Star t : Fri 10/ 27/20 1 7 11 : 30 AM End : Fri 10 / 27 /20 1 7 11 : 45 AM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Rec urrence : (non e) Meet in g Status : Not yet r espo nded Or ga niz e r : Gr ee nwood , Shei la M Required Att endees : Gr ee nwoo d , Shei l a M; Tall ey, Subject : Quick Ch eck- in w/She i la and for approval - t h e classified progr a m Lo cation : COS Off ic e Start : End : Fri Fri 1 0/27/20 1 7 11 : 30 AM 10 /27/20 1 7 11 :4 5 AM Recurrence : (none) Mee ting Sta t us : Kei t h Ta l ley : n: L - re : signat ur e Mee tin g o rga n iz e r Or ga niz er : Gr ee nwood , Shei l a M Required Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila Subject Locatio Ke i th MEET w/ She il a SOHUD' s Off ic e & M; Talley , Keith L Pam Fri 10 /27/20 1 7 10 : 45 AM Start : End : Fri 1 0/27/20 1 7 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status : Not yet r espo nd ed Organiz e r : DocBen Requ i red At tendees : She il a M Gree nwood (She i la . M. Gree nwood l @hud . gov) ; PHP Subject /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : BRIEF on ATLANTA HUD-18-0504-D-000060 Locatio n: Secre t a r y ' s Co n ference Room Start : Wed 10 /25/ 2 0 1 7 5 : 30 PM End : Wed 10/25/2017 6 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not y et respond ed Orga n iz e r : DocBe n Required Atte ndees : Amy C Thompson (Amy . C . Thompson@hud . gov ); Andrew Hughes (Andrew . Hughes@hud . gov) ; F i la , Stephanie C; Free , Kenneth E; Dela ho yde , Abiga il M; Seth D Appleton (Seth . D.Appl eto n @h ud . gov ); Benjamin E Demarzo (Benjamin . E . Demarzo@hud . gov) ; PHP; Hunt e r , Matth ew F ; Sh e ila M Gr eenwood (Sheila . M. Gree n woodl@ hud . gov ) Optiona l Att en d ees : Victoria Cor esse l Subject : Loc a tio n : BRIEF o n ATLANTA Secretary ' s Co n ference Room Start : Fri 10/27/2017 9 : 30 AM End : F ri 1 0/27/20 1 7 10 : 00 AM Show Tim e As : Tenta ti ve Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Not yet r espo nded Organize r : DocBe n Required Att en d ee s : Amy C Thompson (Amy. C . Thompson@hud . gov ); Andrew Hug hes (Andrew .Hug hes@ hu d . gov) ; F ila , Ste phan ie C; Free , Kenneth E; Delahoyde , Abiga i l M; Seth D Appl e t o n (Se t h . D. Appleton@hud . gov ) ; Benjamin E Demarzo (Benjamin . E . Demarzo@hud . gov); PHP; Hun te r , Matthew F ; Sheila M Greenwood (Shei l a . M. Gree nwoodl@ hud . gov) Subjec t: Locatio n : BRIEF o n Opi o id Annou n cement SOHUD' s office Start : Wed 1 0/25/20 1 7 5 : 00 PM End : Wed 1 0/25/20 1 7 5 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Not ye t r espo nd ed Organiz e r : DocBen Required At te ndees : She il a M Gree nwood (She i la . M. Gree nwood l @hu d . gov) Subject /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : BRIEF on Opioid Announcement HUD-18-0504-D-000061 Locatio n: SOHUD' s o ffi ce Start : Wed 1 0/25/20 1 7 5 : 00 PM End : Wed 10/25/2017 5 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not y et respond Orga n iz e r: DocBe n Required Atte ndees : Sheila (Sheila . M. Greenwoodl@hud . gov) Subjec t: Locat i o n: BRIEF o n Opi oid SOHUD' s off i ce ed M Greenwood Annou n ce men t Start : Wed 10/25/2017 5 : 00 PM End : Wed 10 /25/20 1 7 5 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Free Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer Required (Sheila.M Subject Locatio : Dec lin ed : DocBe n Attend ees : Sheila . Gree nwo od l @hu d . gov) : n: Canceled : Lunch WH Navy Mess M Greenwood wi t h HUD Start : Thu 10 /26/20 1 7 12 : 00 PM End : Thu 1 0/26/20 1 7 1 : 1 5 PM Show Time As : F ree Recurrence : (none) Organ iz e r : Nas i m, Laura Subjec t: Locatio n : F . EOP/WHO Champions ' Counc i l Month l y Meet i ng Depar tmen ta l Co n ference Room-10233 St art : Wed 1 0/25/20 1 7 2 : 30 PM End : Wed 10/25/2017 4 : 00 PM Show Time As : Free Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Declined Org an iz e r: Eagles , Dav i d T Requ ir ed At te ndees : Hens l ey , Henry ; Clemmensen , Craig T; Milligan , Mar ia L; Miller , Catie I ; Whippie , Tanya L; Sung , Phi li p /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000062 E ; Coope r.J.Smith@ hud .gov; Hamilton , An gie S ; Golric k, Janet M; Brooks , Towanda A; Gree nwood, Sheila M; Hoban-Moor e , Patric i a A; Marzol, Adolfo F; Zorc , Bethany A; Gates , Scott L ; Kurtz , R . Hun ter ; Bryon , Jemine A; Gaines , Ralph H; Bass , Deana ; Ozdinec , Milan M; Hughes , Andrew ; Thompson , Amy C ; App l eton , Set h D; Hunter , Mat thew F ; Sucha r, Norman A; Kasper , Ma r en M; Br ight , Michael R ; Lyberg , Sarah A; Far i as , Anna Maria ; Albert , Helen M; Jenk in s , Ann e ; Kirkland , Jeremy ; Koski n en , Larry A; Dominique G Blom (Dominique . G. Blom@hud . gov) ; Bregon , Nelson R; Franceschini - Petty, Raquel ; Greene , Bryan ; Wade , Dana T ; May , Marle ne L ; Richardson , Todd M; Ammon, Matthew E ; Li ncoln , Paula A; Joy , Johnso n P ; Hubbard (Ctr) , Kat rina R; Surber , Ke ith W; Cruciani , Linda M; Hinton - Mcclam , Linda D; Benison , John P ; Brown , Jereon M; Rack l eff , Neal J; Cowan Jr ., Ch ad ; Va n Dam, Kate l yn M; Bing-Grant , Max A; Sha nk, Rebecca H; Glavi n, Wil li am A; Marges on , Mit che ll J ; Ouzts , Walter L ; McCl ure, Laura L ; PHP; Jo n es , A 'n drea M; Alexander , Maso n; Akpakip , Ekanem 0 ; M; Pereira , Ariel ; Tufts , Suzanne I; Har ker , Thomas Brown , Chris tina W; Marshall , Michael J ; Tomchick III , George J ; Ga rgi u lo , Emily ; Bravacos , Joh n G; Forero , Ja i me E Opt i o na l Attendees : Stowe , Alexande r D; Dunn , Connor M; Fleischer , Laura A; Cool , Debra M; Dawkins , Eunice D; Cooper , Diane J ; Axe , Jessi K; Johnson , Tiffany M; Ziff , Susan B; Winger , Katherine A; May III, F l oyd O; Lew is , Rachel E ; Thomas , Todd C Subject Locatio : n: Ho ld for ful l panel [murder board] Departme n ta l Conference room Tue 10 /24/20 17 9 : 00 AM Start : End : Tue 1 0/24/20 1 7 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tent ati ve Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status : Not yet re spo nded Organizer : Dendas , Michael W Required Attendees : Kelley , Michael J ; Se th D Appleton (S eth . D.Appl eto n@hud . gov) ; Wolfson , Le n; Vi cto ri a L Barton (Victoria . L . Barton@hud . gov) ; Wade , Dana T ; Marzo l , Adolfo F ; Roget , Gis e l e G; Kurtz , R . Hunter ; Blom , Dominique G; Ozdinec , Milan M; Frechette , Heidi J ; Carter , Stevens J; Sparks, Andrea L .; Tufts, Suzan n e I ; Hug hes, Andrew ; Bravacos , Jo hn G; Zorc , Bethany A (Betha ny.A . Zorc@hud . gov ); Brow n , Jereo n M; Hobbs , Ben j amin R; Bowes, Robert B; Br ian Montgomery ; Sheila M Greenwood (Sheila . M. Greenwoodl@hud . gov) Optio n a l Attendees : Hanible , Donald C; Flores , Virginia ; Manning , Shailee B; Ludlow , Ashley ; Gormley , Joseph M Subject : Lo cation : FW: Hold for Departm en tal full panel Conference [mur der room board ] Tue 1 0/24/20 1 7 9 : 00 AM Start : End : Tue 1 0/24/20 1 7 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000063 Recurrence Meeting Organi : (non e ) Status z e r: Subject : Loc at i on : : Not yet responded Dendas , Mi chael W Hold for fu ll panel [murder board] Depar t mental Conference room Start : Tue 1 0/24/ 2 0 1 7 9 : 00 AM End : Tue 1 0/24/20 1 7 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : Free Recurrence Meeting : (none) S t atus : Dec l ined Organizer : Dendas , Michael W Requ i red Atte ndees : Kel l ey , Mi chael J ; Seth D Appleton (Seth . D. Appleton@h u d . gov ); Wolfson , Len ; Victoria L Barton (Victor ia . L . Barton@hud . gov) ; Wade , Dana T ; Marzol , Adolfo F ; Roget , Gisele G; Kurtz , R . Hunter ; Blom , Domin iqu e G; Ozdinec , Milan M; Freche t te , Heidi J ; Carter , St evens J ; Spar k s , Andrea L .; Tu ft s , Suzanne I ; Hughes , Andrew ; Bravacos , Jo hn G; Zorc , Bethany A (Bethany . A . Zorc@ h ud . gov ); Brown , Jereon M; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Bowes , Robe r t B; Brian Montgomery ; Sheila M Greenwood (She i la . M. Greenwood l @h ud . gov) Opt i onal Atte ndees : Han i ble , Donald C; Fl ores , Vi rgi ni a ; Manni ng , M Shai l ee B; Ludlow , Ashley ; Gormley , Joseph Subjec t: Loca tion : DepSec DepSec Weekly Senio r St aff Con f ere n ce Room Mee t i ng St art : Tue 1 0/24/20 1 7 1 : 15 PM End : Tue 10/24/2017 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Free Recurrence Recurrence : Week l y Pattern : Meet in g Status : every Tuesday from 1: 00 PM to 2 : 00 PM Dec lin ed Organizer : PHP Required Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Marzol , Adolfo F; Rackleff , Neal J ; Gaines , Ralph H; Zorc , Betha n y A; Pe t ty , Timothy J ; Hun ter , Mat thew F ; Richar dson , Todd M; Mars ha ll , Mic hael J ; Bass , Deana ; Ku rtz , R . Hunter ; Bravacos , Joh n G; Eagles , David T ; Tornch i ck III , George J ; Harker , Th omas W; Hughes , Andrew ; Farias , Anna Maria ; Wade , Dana T ; Wolfson , Len ; Thompson , Arny C; Bright , Mic hael R; Kasper , Maren M; App l e t on , Seth D; Joy , Johnson P ; Youngblood , Ri chard A; Bo urne , Christopher M; Bl om, Domi nique G; Gol ri ck , Janet M /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000064 Subjec t: Locat i o n: Lunch with HUD WH Navy Mess Sta r t : Thu 10/26/2017 12 : 00 PM End : Thu 1 0/26/20 1 7 1 : 15 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta ti ve Recurrence Organi : (none ) zer: Subject : Loc ation : Nas i m, Laura F . EOP/WHO Canceled : Lunch WH Navy Mess with HUD Star t: Thu 10 / 2 6/20 1 7 12 : 00 PM End : Thu 1 0/26/20 1 7 1 :1 5 PM Show Time As : F ree Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng Status Organiz : Accepted e r : Nasim , Laur a F . EOP/WHO Subjec t: Locatio n: Senate Bank i ng Commi ttee 538 Dirksen Senate Office con f irmat i on h ear i ng Buildi ng Start : Thu 1 0/26/20 1 7 1 0 : 00 AM End : Thu 1 0/26/20 1 7 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recu rr ence : (none) Meet in g Status : Not yet r espo nded Or ga nizer : Wolfson , Len Required Attendees : Thompso n, Amy C; Dendas , Michae l W; Kurtz , R . Hunte r; Marshall , Mi c h ael J ; Gr eenwood , She il a M; Wade , Dana T; McCa ll, Drew A; Tufts , Suz anne I ; Hughes , Andrew ; Appleton , Seth D Subject : Loca tion : Champions ' Coun cil Month ly Meet i ng Depar tmen ta l Co n ference Room- 10 233 Start : Wed 1 0/25/20 1 7 2 : 30 PM End : Wed 10/25/2017 4 : 00 PM Show Time As : F ree Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Declined Org an iz e r: Eagles , Dav i d T Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Hens l ey , Henry ; Clemmensen , Craig T; Milligan, Maria L; Miller , Catie I ; Whippie , Tanya L; Sung , Philip /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000065 E ; Coope r.J.Smith@ hud .gov; Hamilton , An gie S ; Golric k, Janet M; Brooks , Towanda A; Gree nwood, Sheila M; Hoban-Moor e , Patric i a A; Marzol, Adolfo F; Zorc , Bethany A; Gates , Scott L ; Kurtz , R . Hun ter ; Bryon , Jemine A; Gaines , Ralph H; Bass , Deana ; Ozdinec , Milan M; Hughes , Andrew ; Thompson , Amy C; App l eton , Set h D; Hunter , Mat thew F ; Sucha r, Norman A; Kasper , Ma r en M; Br ight , Michael R; Lyberg , Sarah A; Far i as , Anna Maria ; Albert , Helen M; Jenk in s , Ann e ; Kirkland , Jeremy ; Koski n en , Larry A; Dominique G Blom (Dominique . G. Blom@hud . gov) ; Bregon , Nelson R; Franceschini - Petty, Raquel ; Greene , Bryan ; Wade , Dana T ; May , Marle ne L ; Richardson , Todd M; Ammon, Matthew E ; Li ncoln , Paula A; Joy , Johnso n P ; Hubbard (Ctr) , Katrina R; Surber , Ke ith W; Cruciani , Linda M; Hinton - Mcclam , Linda D; Benison , John P ; Brown , Jereon M; Rackleff , Neal J; Cowan M; Bing-Grant , Max A; Sha nk, Rebecca H; Jr ., Ch ad ; Va n Dam, Katelyn Glavi n, Wil li am A; Marges on , Mit che ll J ; Ouzts , Walter L ; McCl ure, Laura L ; PHP; Jo n es , A 'n drea M; Alexander , Maso n; Akpakip , Ekanem 0 ; M; Pereira , Ariel ; Tufts , Suzanne I; Har ker , Thomas Brown , Chris tina W; Marshall , Michael J ; Tomchick III , George J ; Ga rgi u lo , Emily ; Bravacos , Joh n G; Forero , Ja i me E Opt i o na l Attendees : Stowe , Alexande r D; Dunn , Connor M; Fleischer , Laura A; Cool , Debra M; Dawkins , Eunice D; Cooper , Diane J ; Axe , Jessi K; Johnson , Tiffany M; Ziff , Susan B; Winger , Katherine A; May III, Floyd O; Lew is , Rachel E ; Thomas , Todd C Subject : Inv i tation : Lunch wi th Michael 12pm - 1pm (EST) (Sheila Greenwood) Stein @ Wed Nov 8 , 2017 Start : Wed 11/8/2017 12 : 00 PM End : Wed 11/8/2 0 17 1 : 00 PM Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Status Organizer : : Accepted l(b )(6) Subjec t: Updated inv itat ion : Lunch with Michael 8 , 2017 12 : 30pm - 1:30 pm (EST) (She il a Gr eenwood ) Stein @ Wed Nov Start : Wed 11 /8/20 17 12 : 30 PM End : Wed 11/8/2017 1 : 30 PM Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status Organizer Subject : Location : : : Accepted l(b )(6) HUD Executive Leadership Brooke - Mondale Auditorium Forum A&B Tue 1 0/24/20 1 7 9 : 00 AM Start : End : Tue 1 0/24/20 1 7 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : F ree /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000066 Recurrence Meeting : (non e ) Status : Declined Organi z e r: Off i ce Of Executive Resources Requ i red Atte ndees : Ammon, Matthew E ; App leton , Seth D; Ausby , Janice L ; Ba l lard , Danie l L; Bass , Deana; Bo l i ng , Dan; Brown , Jereon M; Christopher , Nancy D; Cleveland - Leggett, Den i se C ; Cooke , Kevin R; Coope r -Jones , Barbara ; Corsiglia , Nancy E ; Cru ciani , Linda M; DeFe li ce , Joseph J ; Donzell, Keith M; Dr ayne , Michael R ; Enzel , David H; Forrester , Althea M; Gaines, Ra l ph H; Gant , Jon L ; Getchis , John F ; Gimont , Stanley; Gol ri ck, Janet M; Himes , Ivery W; Holbert , Kenneth F; Joy , Johnso n P; Kosk i nen, Larry A; Kurtz, R . Hunter ; La voy, Dona ld J ; Lincoln , Paula A; Lybe rg, Sarah A; Mah oney (Judge) , Je remiah ; Marshall , Mi chael J ; Mar t i n , Stephe n A; Meau x, Leslie A; Narode , Dane M; Pao , Jean Lin ; Pa tton , Lynne M; Po tt s , Millicent B; Rackleff, Neal J ; Richardson , Todd M; Roget, Gisele G; Sardone , Virginia ; Sau nde r s , Elissa 0 ; Scott , Pau l A; Shub ack , Susan J ; S i mpso n, Kev in M; Toga n s , Tamara A; Wade , Dana T ; Wol l J r, David C; Worden , Jeanine M; Wrig h t , Shei l a D; Zorc , Bethany A; Warren, Lyn ette; Cool , Debra M; Sealy , Lo ri P ; Hannah , Kathe ri ne R; Purifoy , Felicia A; Smith - Thomas , Makia ; Meye r s, Sara M; Farias, Anna Maria; Bowes , Robert B; Wadhams , Unabyrd ; Hunter, Matthew F ; Smyth , Timothy M; Malger i, Jack R; Hayes , Mark S ; Usowski , Kur t G; Mayo , Sammy E ; Tomchick III , George J ; Constantine , Peter J ; Eagles, David T ; Clement, Patrice D; Brooks , Towanda A; Mi chalsk i , Lori A; Daugherty, John T ; Keith , Gregory A; Joh n son , Calvin C; Fe rr y-Je nn ings , Sh ylon C; Gerecke , Sarah S ; Thompson , Amy C; Kasper , Maren M; Clemrnense n, Craig T ; Blom , Dominique G; Surber , Keith W; Brigh t , Michael R; Hoban-Moore, Patricia A; Bryon , Jemine A; Muld erig , Rober t E; Ozdinec , Mi lan M; Van Duyne , Beth A; Preston, Tawanna; Hungate , Josep h I ; Her n andez , Deborah A; Pereira , Arie l ; Nigam , Nita ; Little , Je ffrey D; Lukoff , Roge r M; Betts , Susan A; Foster , Hele n G; Bastarache , Dan ielle L ; Hadl ey , Joy ; Bregon , Nelson R ; Benison , John P ; Greene , Bryan ; Davis , Thomas R; Scott, Jimmy; Gr eenwood , She il a M; Mills , Kris t a ; Hensley , He nr y ; Frechette, He id i J Opt i o n al Atte ndees : Johnso n, Roby n R; Deans , Dan'Talisha N; Ror i e , Joshu a C Subject : Loca tion : Call She il a Greenwood 202-705-7723 Start : Tue 10 /24/20 1 7 3:00 End : Tue 10/24/2017 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer Subject : Loc ation : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT PM : (none) : Hazlett, Anne - OSEC, Washington, DC Cal l Sheila Gree n wood 202 - 7 05 - 7723 HUD-18-0504-D-000067 Start : Tue 10 /24/20 1 7 3 : 00 PM End : Tue 1 0/24/20 1 7 3:30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organ iz e r : Haz l et t , Anne - OSEC, Wash i ngto n , DC Subject : Loca tion : Canceled : Call 202-705-7723 Sheila Greenwood St art : Tue 1 0/24/20 1 7 3 : 00 PM End : Tue 10/24/2017 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Free Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Tenta t iv e ly accepted Orga n iz e r : Haz l et t , Anne - OSEC, Wash i ngto n , DC Subject : Lo cation : MEET with Administrator SOHUD' s office Brock Long Start : Thu 1 0/26/20 1 7 3 : 30 PM End : Thu 1 0/26/20 1 7 4 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting S t atus : Not yet responded Organi zer : DocBe n Requ i r ed Attendees : She i l a M Gree nwood (Sheila . M. Gree nwood l @hud . gov) Subjec t : Locat i o n: BRIEF o n ATLANTA Secreta ry ' s Co n ference Room S t art : F ri 10 /27/20 1 7 2 : 30 PM End : Fri 10/27/2017 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not ye t responded Organ iz e r: DocBe n Required Attendees : Amy C Thompson (Amy. C . Thompson@hud . gov ) ; Andrew Hughes (Andrew . Hughes@hud . gov); F il a , Stephanie C; Fr ee, Kenneth E; Del a h oyde , Abigail M; Seth D Appleton (Se th . D. Appleton@hud . gov ) ; Benjamin E Demar zo (Benjamin . E . Demarzo@hud . gov) ; PHP; Hunt er , Matt h ew F ; Sheila M Greenwood (Shei la . M. Greenwoodl@hud . gov) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000068 Subject : Location : BRIEF on ATLANTA Secretary's Conference Room Start : Wed 10 /25/20 17 5 : 30 PM End : Wed 1 0/25/20 1 7 6 : 00 PM Show Time As : Free Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status : Dec lin ed Organizer : DocBen Required Attendees : Amy C Thompson (Amy. C . Thompson@hud . gov) ; Andrew Hug hes (Andrew.Hughes@hud . gov) ; F ila , Step han ie C; Free , Kenneth E; Delahoyde , Abiga il M; Seth D Appleton (Se th . D. Appleton@hud . gov ); Benjamin E Demarzo (Benjamin . E . Demarzo@hud . gov); PHP; Hun te r , Matthew F ; Sheila M Greenwood (Sheila . M. Greenwoodl@ hud. gov) Opt i o na l Attendees : Vi cto ri a Coressel Subject : Location : HOLD: Senate 538 Dirksen Banking Committee confirmation Senate Office Building hearing Start : Thu 1 0/26/20 1 7 10 : 00 AM End : Thu 1 0/26/20 1 7 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organize r: Wol f son , Len Requ ir ed Attendees : Thompso n, Amy C; Dendas , Mi chael W; Kurtz , R . Hunter ; Marshall, Michael J ; Greenwood , Sheila M; Wade , Dana T; McCall , Drew A; Tufts , Suzanne I ; Hughes , Andrew ; Appleton , Seth D Subject : Locat i on : ATTEND Opi o i d Event The Whi te House ; East Room Start : Thu 10/26/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Thu 10 /26/20 1 7 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentat iv e Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status Organizer Required (Sheila.M Subject : Location : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Not ye t responded : DocBen Attendees : Sheila . Greenwoodl@hud . gov) M Greenwood ATTEND Opioid Event The White House ; East Room HUD-18-0504-D-000069 Start : Thu 1 0/26/20 1 7 1 : 00 PM End : Thu 1 0/26/20 1 7 2 : 30 PM Show Ti me As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Meet in g S t atus : Not yet r esponded Organi zer : DocBe n Requ i r ed At t e ndees : She il a M Gree nwood (Sheil a . M. Gree nwood l @hud . gov) Subjec t: Loca ti o n : HOLD f o r MEET wi t h Admi n istra SOHUD' s o ffi ce t o r Broc k Long S t art : Thu 1 0/26/20 1 7 3 : 30 PM End : Thu 10/26/2017 4 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurre Meeting n ce : (none) Status : Not ye t r esp ond e d Organ iz e r : Doc Be n Required Atte ndees : Sheila (Sh e ila . M. Gr eenwoodl@hud . gov) Subject : Loc a tion : DepSec DepSec M Greenwood Week l y Se ni or Staf f Meeti ng Conference Roo m Sta r t : Tue 10/24/2017 1 : 00 PM End : Tue 10 /24/20 1 7 2 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Free Recu rr en ce : Weekly Recu r rence Pa tter n : Meet i ng Status : eve ry Tuesday from 1 : 00 PM t o 2 : 00 PM Dec lin ed Organizer : PHP Marshall , Mi c h ael J ; Greenwood , She il a M; Requ i red Atte ndees : Bass , Deana ; Kurtz , R. Hunter ; Ma rz o l, Ado lf o F ; Br avacos , Jo hn G; Eagles , Da v id T; Tomc h ick III , George J ; Harker , Thomas W; Hug h e s , Andrew ; Racklef f , Nea l J ; Gaines , Ralph H; Far ia s , Anna Mari a ; Wade , Dana T; Wolfson , Len ; Thomps o n , Amy C; Brigh t , Michael R; Kasper , Maren M; Zorc , Bethany A; Pe tty , Timo th y J ; App l eton , Seth D; Hunte r , Matthew F ; Joy , Johnso n P ; Youngblo o d , Richard A; Bou rn e , Chr i stop h er M; Ri cha r dson , To dd M; Blom , Dominique G; Golrick , Janet M Subjec t: Loc ation : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT WH Announcement East Room w/SOHUD HUD-18-0504-D-000070 Start : Thu 10 /26/20 1 7 2 : 00 PM End : Thu 1 0/26/20 1 7 2:3 0 PM Recurrence Organi : (none) z e r: Subject : Location : Greenwood , Sheila WH Annou nc ement East Room M w/SOHUD Start : Thu 1 0/26/20 1 7 2 : 00 PM End : Thu 1 0/26/20 1 7 2 : 30 PM Recurrence : (none) Organ iz e r: Greenwood , Sheila Subject Locatio MEET w/ Sheila SOHUD' s Office : n: M & Pam Start : F ri 11/3 /20 17 9 : 15 AM End : F ri 11/3/2017 9 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet respond ed Organize r: DocBe n Required Atte ndees : Sheila M Greenwood (Sheila . M. Greenwoodl@hud . gov) ; PHP Subjec t: Locatio n: Canceled : MEET w/ Sheila SOHUD' s Off i ce & Pam Start : F ri 11/3/2017 10 : 45 AM End : Fri 11/3/2017 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : Free Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Status Organizer Required (Sheila.M Subject: Locatio : Accepted : DocBen Attendees : Sheila . Greenwoodl@hud.gov) n: M Greenwood ; PHP MEET w/ She il a & Pam SOHUD' s Office Start : Thu 11 /2/20 17 9 : 15 AM End : Thu 11 /2/20 17 9 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000071 Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng Status : Not yet responded Organi zer : DocBe n Requ i r ed Attendees : She il a M Gr ee nwood (She i la .M. Gree nwood l @hud . gov) ; PHP Subject : Loca ti o n : & Pam MEET w/ Sheila SOHUD' s Offi ce Start : Thu 1 1/2/20 17 1 : 15 PM End : Thu 11/2/2017 1 : 30 PM Sho w Time As : Ten t a t ive Recur r e n ce : (none ) Meeting Status : Not y et respond ed Org an iz e r: DocBe n Required Atte ndees : Sheila M Gree nwood (Sheila . M. Gre enwoodl @hud . gov) ; PHP Subjec t: Locat i o n: MEET w/ She il a & Pam SOHUD' s Off i ce Start : Tu e 10/3 1 /2017 9 : 1 5 AM End : Tue 10 /31/20 1 7 9 : 30 AM Show Tim e As : Tenta ti ve Recurrence : (none ) Meetin g Status : Not ye t re spo nded Org a nizer : DocBe n Required Attend ees : PHP; She i la (She i la .M . Gree nwoodl@hud . gov) Subjec t: Locatio n : M Gr ee nwood Canceled : MEET w/ She il a & Pam SOHUD' s Off ic e Tue 1 0/31/20 1 7 9 : 15 AM Start : End : Tue 1 0/31/20 1 7 9 : 30 AM Show Time As : Free Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status : Accep t ed Organiz e r : DocBen Requ i red Attendees : PHP; She i l a M Gree nwood (She i la . M. Gree nwood l @hud . gov) Subject /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : MEET w/ Sheila & Pam HUD-18-0504-D-000072 Locatio n: SOHUD' s Office Start : F ri 10 /27/20 1 7 9 : 15 AM End : Fri 10/2 7 /2017 9 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not ye t respond ed Orga n iz e r : DocBe n Required Atte ndees : Sheila M Greenwood (Sheila . M. Greenwoodl@hud . gov); PHP Subjec t: Locat i o n: MEET w/ She il a SOHUD' s Off i ce & Pam Start : F ri 10/2 7 /2017 8 : 45 AM End : F ri 10 /27/20 1 7 9 : 00 AM Show Tim e As : Free Recurrence Meet ing : (none) Status Organizer Required (Sheila.M Subject Locatio : Dec line d : DocBe n Attend ees : Sheila M Greenwood . Gree nwo od l @hu d .g ov) ; PHP : n: MEET w/ She ila SOHUD's Off ic e & Pam Start : Thu 10 /26/20 1 7 10 : 45 AM End : Thu 10 /26/ 2 0 1 7 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Not yet r espo nded Organizer : DocBen Required Attendees : PHP; She i l a M Gre enwood (She il a . M. Gree nwood l@hu d . gov) Subjec t : Loca tion: Canceled: MEET w/ Sheila SOHUD' s Office & Pam Start : Thu 10 / 2 6/20 1 7 1 0 : 4 5 AM End : Thu 10 /26/ 2 0 1 7 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : Free Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Status : Accepted HUD-18-0504-D-000073 Organ iz e r: Doc Be n Required Atte ndees : PHP; Sheila (Sheila . M. Gr eenwoodl@hud . gov) M Greenwood MEET w/ She i l a a n d Pam SOHUD' s Off i ce Sub j ect : Locat i o n : Start : Wed 10/25/2017 1 0 : 1 5 AM End : Wed 1 0/25/20 1 7 1 0 : 30 AM Show Tim e As : Tenta ti ve Recu rr ence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer Required (Sheila.M : Not ye t r espo nded : DocBe n Attend ees : PHP; She il a M Greenwood . Gree nwood l @hu d .g ov) Ca nceled : MEET w/ Sheila SOHUD' s Office Subject : Loc ation: and Pam Start : Wed 1 0/25/20 1 7 1 0 : 15 AM End : Wed 1 0/25/201 7 1 0 : 30 AM Show Time As : F ree Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng Status : Not yet responded Organiz e r : DocB en Required Attendees : PHP; She ila (She i la . M. Gree nwood l @hu d . gov) Subjec t : HOLD for Lunch M Gre enwood w/Sheila and Tue 1 0/31/20 1 7 12 : 00 PM Start : End : Tue 1 0/31/20 1 7 1 : 00 PM Recu rr ence : (none) Org an iz e r : Gr eenwood , She i la M Subjec t : 8 : 30 am - 9 : 45 am (MT) - General Sess io n : The Goalposts of Leadership are Shif t i ng : Are You? - Spea k er : Pey t o n Manni ng Loca tion: Le vel 3 , Ba llroom Level , Mi le High Ballroom S tart : Tue 10 /24/ 2 0 1 7 8 : 30 PM End : Tue 10/24/2017 9 : 45 PM Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Greenwood , Sheila M HUD-18-0504-D-000074 Subject : 6 : 30 p m-8 : 00p m (MT) - Chairman ' s Recep t ion Loc a tio n : The Poo l Deck at the Four Seasons Hotel , 11 11 14 th De nv e r , CO St ., Mon 1 0/2 3/ 2 0 1 7 6 : 30 PM Start : End : Mon 1 0/23 / 2 0 1 7 8 : 00 PM Rec urr ence : (non e) Orga n iz e r: Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Lo cation : Weekly Check - i n w/Sheila COS Off ic e , Jac i e & Ben Start : Tue 6/6/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Tue 6/6/201 7 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Te n tat iv e Recurrence Recurrence : Wee kly Patter n : every Tuesday fr om 2 : 00 PM to Or ga niz er : Gr ee nwo o d , Shei l a M Req u ire d Atte ndees : Coressel , Jacie Subject : Lo cation : Weekly Check - in w/ Sheila COS Off i ce 2 : 3 0 PM ; Demarzo , Ben j amin , Jac ie E & Ben Tue 6/6/2017 2 : 00 PM Start : End : Tue 6/6/201 7 2 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tentative Rec ur ren ce : Week l y Recurrence Pa tt e r n : every Tuesday Or ga niz er : Gr ee nwoo d , Shei l a M Required Attendees : Coresse l , Jacie Subject : Loc a tio n : HUD Executive Leadership Brooke- Mond al e Auditorium f r om 2 : 00 PM t o 2 : 30 PM ; Demar zo , Ben j a min E Forum A&B Tue 10 /24/20 1 7 9 : 00 AM Star t : End : Tue 1 0/24/20 1 7 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none ) Meet i ng Status Or ga niz er : Req u i re d At Sealy , Lo ri E ; Eagles , /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Not yet r espo nd ed Offic e Of Ex ecut i ve Resources tendees : SES-SL 2017 ; Warren , Lynette ; Coo l , Deb r a M; P ; Hannah , Kather in e R; Smi t h- Thomas , Maki a ; Mayo , Sammy David T ; Hoba n - Moore , Patricia A HUD-18-0504-D-000075 Opt i o n al Atte ndees : Pur if oy , Fe li cia A; Meye r s , Sara M; Fa rias , Anna Maria ; Bowes , Robert B; Wadhams , Unabyrd ; Hun ter , Matthe w F ; Smyth , Timothy M; Malgeri , Jack R; Hayes , Ma r k S ; Usowsk i , Kurt G; Tomchick III , George J ; Constant in e , Pete r J ; Clement , Patrice D; Broo k s , Towanda A; Mi c h alsk i, Lo r i A; Daugherty , John T ; Johnson , Robyn R ; Deans , Dan ' Talisha N; Rorie , Joshu a C ; Keith , Gr egory A; Johnso n , Ca l vi n C; Fe rry-Jenni n gs , Shylon C; Ge r ecke , Sa r ah S ; Thompson , Amy C ; Kasper , Maren M; Cl emmensen , Craig T ; Blom , Domini que G; Surbe r , Ke ith W; Bright , Mich ael R ; Bryo n , Jemine A; Mulderig , Robert E ; Ozdinec , Mi lan M; Van Duy n e , Beth A; Pres t on , Tawanna Subject : Loca tion : MEET w/ Max St i er SOHUD' s Office Start : Fri 1 0/20/20 1 7 11 : 30 AM End : F ri 1 0/20/20 1 7 1 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organizer : Doc Be n Requ i red At t e nd ees : Eag l es , Da v i d T ; She i la (Sheila . M. Gree nwood l @hud . gov) ; PHP Subject : 7 : 4 0 am (MT) - Shutt Arpt to Den ver Airp or t l e from the M Greenwood Courtya r d Mar riot t Den S t art : Wed 1 0/25/20 1 7 7 : 30 AM End : Wed 10/25/2017 8 : 00 AM Recurrence : (non e ) Organizer : Gr ee nwood , Sheila M Subject : 1 : 00 pm - 3 : 00 pm (MT) MBA ' s I ndep e ndent Mortgage Bank e rs Executiv e Council Lo cation : Colo r ado Con ve n tion Center - Le ve l 2 , St reet Le ve l , Room 10 7/109 Start : End : Tue Tue 1 0 / 24/20 1 7 1 : 00 PM 1 0/24/20 1 7 1 : 30 PM Recu rr ence : (none) Organize r: Subject : Locat ion : Gre enwood , Shei la M Weekly Med i a Update SOHUD' s off i ce S t a rt : Wed 1 1/ 1/ 20 17 10 : 00 AM End : Wed 11/1/2017 1 0 : 30 AM /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000076 Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : Weekly Recu rr ence Pa tte rn : Meet i ng Status : Not e very yet Wednesday from 11 :0 0 AM to 11 : 30 AM r espo nded Organizer : DocBen Greenwood , Shei la M; Thompson , Amy C; Required Attend ees : M; Thompso n, Ca itl i n H Wil li ams , Rap h ael L; Br own , Jereon Cowan J r., Chad Opt i o n al Attendees : Subjec t: Itin erary/Return Loca tion : Depar t Denver 3 : 18 pm (Termi n al B) Denver to DC - 9 : 55 am via United Flt 1 767 - Arrive DCA S t art : Wed 1 0/25/2017 1 0 : 00 AM End : Wed 10/25/2017 3 : 48 PM Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer : Gr eenwood , Shei la M Subjec t: Travel to Denver It i ne r a r y Locat i on : Depar t DCA - 6 : 00 pm via UA #1954 - Seat : 25F (Term i nal B) - Arrive I AH - 8 : 22 pm (Terminal C) // Depart I AH- 9 : 30 pm (Te rmi na l C) via UA #1963 - Arrive Denver - 10 : 56 pm// Hotel : Magnolia Hotel Denver , 818 17th Stree t S t art : Sun 1 0/22/20 1 7 6 : 00 PM End : Sun 1 0/22/20 1 7 1 0 : 56 PM Recurrence Org a nizer Subjec t: Locat i o n: : (none) : Greenwood , Shei la Tra ve l Receipt Denve r for M GREENWOO D/SHEILA M Travel Date 22Oct fo r GREENWOOD/SHEI LA M Tr ave l Date 22Oct Start : Sun 10 /22/20 1 7 6 : 00 PM End : Wed 10/25/2017 6 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurre n ce : (none) Meeti ng Status : Not ye t responded Organ iz e r: Hard i so n , James C Required Attendees : Greenwood , Shei la M Optional Attend ees : Dawkins , Eunice D Subject Start : : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Tr avel Rece i pt Thu 10/19/2017 4 : 30 PM HUD-18-0504-D-000077 End : Thu 10 /19/20 17 5 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta tiv e Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status Organizer Required : Not yet r espo nd ed : Hardison , James C Attend ees : Greenwood , Shei l a M; Dawkins , Eunice Subject : Date 22Oc t Canceled : Travel Rece ipt for D GREENWOOD/S HEI LA M Trav el Start : Thu 10/ 19/ 2017 4 : 30 PM End : Thu 10/ 19/20 17 5 : 00 PM Show Time As : Free Recurrence : (non e) Meet i ng Status Organizer Required Subject Locatio : Not yet r espo nded : Hardison , James C Attend ees : Greenwo o d , Shei l a M; Dawkins, : n: Travel Denver Rece i pt for Eunice GREENWOOD/S HEILA M Trave l Date D 22Oct Start : Thu 10 /19/20 17 4 : 30 PM End : Thu 1 0/19/20 1 7 5 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tent ati ve Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Not yet r espo nded Or ga nizer : Hardison , James C Required Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila M Opt i o na l Attendees : Dawki n s , Eun i ce D Subject : Location : Travel Receipt Denv e r for GREENWOOD/SHEILA M Trave l Date 22Oct Start : Sun 1 0/22/20 1 7 6 : 00 PM End : Wed 1 0/25/20 1 7 6 : 30 PM Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Acc ep t ed Organiz er : Hardison, Requ i red Attendees : Opt i o n al Attendees : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT James C Greenwood , Sheila M Dawk i n s , Eun i ce D HUD-18-0504-D-000078 Subjec t: Fli gh t : UA 1 954/UA 1 963 - Washington a rr ive Denver Housto n - Vendo r Locator : PH4WE6 for GREENWOOD/SHEILA M Locatio n : Ronald Reagan National vi a Start : Sun 1 0/22/20 1 7 6 : 00 PM End : Mon 1 0/23/20 1 7 12 : 56 AM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recu rr ence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Not yet r espo nded Organiz e r : Hardison , James C Required Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila Subject : Denver via Lo cation : M Canceled : Fli ght : UA 1 954/UA 1963 - Wash ingto n a rri ve Houston - Ven dor Locator : PH4WE6 for GREENWOOD/SH EI LA M Ronald Reagan National Start : Sun 1 0/22/20 1 7 6 : 00 PM End : Mon 10/23/2 0 1 7 12 : 56 AM Show Time As : Fr ee Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng St atus : Not yet responded Organi zer : Hard i so n , James C Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Gr eenwood , She i la Subject: Loc ation : Weekly Check-in COS Off ic e w/Sheila M and Adolfo Start : Fri 1 0/20/20 1 7 9 : 30 AM End : Fri 10 /20/ 2 0 1 7 10 : 00 AM Show Ti me As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer Required Subjec t: Locatio n: : Greenwood , Shei la M Att en de e s : Greenwood , Shei la M; Marzol , Adolfo F Weekly Ch ec k - in w/She il a and Adolfo COS Office Start : Fri 10/20/2017 9 : 30 AM End : Fri 10/20/2017 10 : 00 AM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recu rr ence : (none) Org an iz e r: Gr eenwood , She i la M Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Greenwood , Shei la /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT M; Marzo l, Adolfo F HUD-18-0504-D-000079 Subject : Locat ion: Weekly Check-in COS Office w/Sheila and Adolfo Start : F ri 10/20/2017 9 : 30 AM End : Fri 10/20/2 0 17 10 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tenta tiv e Recurrence : (none ) Organi zer : Greenwood , Sheila M Requ i r ed Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila Subject : Location : Weekly Check - in w/Sheila COS Office Start : Fri 1 0/20/20 1 7 9:30 End : Fri 10 /2 0/201 7 1 0 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recurrence Meeting and F Adolfo AM : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organi zer : Greenwood , Sheila M Requ i r ed Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila Subject Locatio M; Marzol , Adolfo : n: Weekly Check - in w/Sheila COS Office and M; Marzol , Adolfo F Adolfo Start : Thu 6/29/20 17 4 : 00 PM End : Thu 6/29/20 17 4 :30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Recurrence : Week l y Pattern : every Thursday from Organi zer : Greenwood , Shei la M Requ i r ed Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila Subject : HOLD for l unch w/Sheila and Start : End : Fri Fri 11/ 3/20 17 12 : 00 PM 1 1/3/20 17 1 : 00 PM Recurrence : (none) Organizer Subject : Location : : Greenwood , Shei la 4 : 00 PM to 4 : 30 PM M; Ma rz o l , Adolfo Joshua F Venable M MEET wit h Anna Maria SOHUD' s office Farias Start : Thu 1 0/19/20 1 7 2 : 20 PM End : Thu 1 0/19/20 1 7 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000080 Recurrence Meeting : (non e ) Status : Not yet responded Organi z e r: Doc Ben Requ i red Atte ndees : Far i as , Anna Maria ; Hered i a , Evonne Hughes (Andrew . Hughes@hud . gov) ; Drew A McCall (Jonathan . A . McCall@hud . gov) ; PHP; Sheila M Greenwood (Sheila.M . Gree nwoodl@hud . gov) Subject : Loc ation : MEET with Anna Maria SOHUD' s office G; Andrew Farias Start : Thu 10/ 19/20 17 2 : 20 PM End : Thu 1 0/19/20 1 7 2:30 PM Show Time As : F ree Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Declined Organizer : DocBen Required Attendees : Farias , Anna Maria ; Heredia , Evonne Hughes (Andrew . Hughes@hud . gov) ; Drew A McCall (Jonathan . A . McCall@hud . gov) ; PHP; Sheila M Greenwood (Sheila . M. Gr eenwoodl@hud . gov) Subject : Loc ation : MEET with Neal SOHUD's office G; Andrew Rack l eff Start : Thu 10/ 19 /2017 2 : 30 PM End : Thu 10 /19/2017 2 : 40 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Not yet r espo nded Organizer : DocBen Required Attendees : Rackleff, Neal J ; Gibbs, John; Byrd , David Gaines , Ralph H; Andrew Hughes (Andrew . Hughes@hud . gov) ; Drew A McCall (Jona than . A . McCall@hud . gov) ; PHP; She i la M Greenwood (Sheila.M . Greenwood l @hud .g ov) Subjec t: Loca tion : MEET with Neal SOHUD' s office J; Rackleff S tart : Thu 10 /19/20 1 7 2 : 30 PM End : Thu 10/ 19/20 17 2 : 40 PM Show Time As : Free Recurrence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) HUD-18-0504-D-000081 Meeting Sta t us : Dec line d Organizer : Doc Ben Req uir e d At tendees : Racklef f , Nea l J ; Gib b s, Jo hn ; Byrd , Dav i d J; Gaines , Ralph H; Andrew Hu ghes (And rew . Hug hes@ hud . g o v) ; Drew A McCa l l (Jon athan .A. McCall @hud . gov) ; PHP; She i la M Gree nwo od (She i la .M. Gree nwood l @hud .g ov) Subjec t: Loca tion : Meet and Gr eet COS Office w/Sheila Gr ee nwo o d a nd Tom Ha r ker St a rt : Thu 10 /19/20 1 7 2 :4 5 PM End : Thu 10/ 1 9/2017 3 : 1 5 PM Sho w Time As : Ten tative Recurrence : (non e ) Or ga niz er : Gr ee nwo o d , Shei l a M Req u ir ed At tendees : Greenwood , Sheila Subject : Location : Meet and Greet COS Off i ce w/ She ila M; Ha rk er , Thoma s w Greenwo o d a n d Tom Harker Star t : Thu 10/ 19/20 1 7 2 : 45 PM End : Thu 10 /19/ 201 7 3 :1 5 PM Show Time As : Tentative Rec ur ren ce : (none) Meet ing Status : Not Or ga niz er : Gr ee nwo od, Req u ire d At tendees : Subject : Lo cation : yet r e sp o nd ed Shei l a M Greenwood , Sheila BRIE F on Pr i ncipa l's SOHUD' s of fi ce M; Ha rk er , Th omas W Meet i ng Star t : Fri 10 /20/20 1 7 8 : 30 AM End : Fri 10 /20/20 1 7 9 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative Rec ur ren ce : (n on e) Meet ing St atus : Not yet r espo nd ed Or ga ni zer : DocBe n Required Atte ndees : PHP; She i la (She i la .M. Gree nwood l @hu d . gov) M Green wood Subject : MEET w/ Max Stier Locatio n: Partne rship f or Pub li c Service, Ste 200 E, Washi ng ton , DC Sta r t : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT F ri 10/20/2017 1 1 00 New Yor k Ave nue NW, 11 : 3 0 AM HUD-18-0504-D-000082 End : Fri 10 / 20/2 0 1 7 1 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Ten tativ e Rec urr ence : (non e) Meet i ng Status : Not yet r espo nded Organizer : DocBe n Req uir e d Att endees : Ea gles, Davi d T; Shei l a M Greenwood (She i la . M. Gree nwood l@hu d . g o v) ; PHP Subject : Partnership for Ste 2 00 E, Wash i ngton , DC Loca ti o n : SOHUD" s Office Public Service, 1 1 00 New York Avenue NW, Start : Fri 1 0/20/20 1 7 11 : 30 AM End : F ri 10 /2 0/2 0 1 7 1 : 00 PM Show Time As : Ten tat iv e Recurrence : (none ) Meet i ng Status : Not yet r esp o nde d Or ga n izer : DocBe n Requ i r ed Attendees : Eag l es , Dav i d T; She i la (Sheil a . M. Gree nwo od l @hud . gov) ; PHP M Greenwood LUNCH with Administrator Broc k Long Executive Di n ing Room/Nav y Mess . Ne x t t o Sit uation Subjec t : Locat i o n : Room S tart : Thu 1 0/ 19/20 1 7 12 : 00 PM End : Thu 10/ 1 9/2017 1 : 00 PM Show Time As : Ten tative Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Sta t us : Not yet re spo nde d Organ iz e r : DocBe n Required Attendees : Sheila (Sh e ila . M. Gr eenwo odl@ hu d . gov) M Gree nwood BRIEF on Pr i nc ip a l ' s Meet i ng SOHUD' s office Sub j ec t : Locatio n : Star t : Thu 10/ 1 9/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Thu 10/ 1 9/2017 2 : 20 PM Show Time As : Tenta tiv e Re currence : (non e) Meet i ng Status Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : : Not yet r espo nded DocBen HUD-18-0504-D-000083 Requ ire d Atte ndees : PHP; She i la (She i la .M. Greenwood l @hu d . gov) Subject Locatio : n: BRIEF on Principal SOHUD' s off i ce M Gr eenwood ' s Meeting Start : Thu 1 0/19/20 1 7 2: 00 PM End : Thu 10 /19/20 1 7 2 : 20 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organi zer : DocBe n Requ i r ed Attendees : PHP; Sheila (She ila.M . Gree nwood l @hud . gov) BRIEF o n Pr i ncipal SOHUD' s off i ce Subjec t: Locat ion: M Gr eenwood ' s Meeti ng Sta r t : Thu 10/ 1 9/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Thu 10/ 19 /2017 2 : 20 PM Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Status : Acc epte d Orga n iz e r: DocBe n Required Atte nd ees : PHP; Sheila (Sheil a.M . Greenwood l @hu d . gov) Subjec t: Locat ion: LUNCH with Navy Mess M Greenwood Administrator Broc k Long Sta r t : Thu 10/ 19 /2017 12 : 00 PM End : Thu 10 /19/20 1 7 1 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentat iv e Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Status : Not ye t r espo nded Organizer : DocBe n Required Attendees : Sheila (Sheila .M . Greenwoodl@hud . gov) Subject Locatio : n: M Gr eenwood Quick Ph one Call w/Sheila and Dan a W. Dana will call Sh ei l a - 20 2 - 402 - 6068 Start : Wed 1 0/18/20 1 7 4 : 30 PM End : Wed 1 0/18/20 1 7 4 : 45 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000084 Recurrence : (none) Organizer Required : Greenwood , Sheila M Attendees : Wade , Dana T Subject: Location Quick Phone Call w/Sheila and Dana W. Dana will ca l l She il a - 202-402-6068 : Start : Wed 10/ 1 8/2017 4 : 30 PM End : Wed 10/18/2017 4 : 45 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Organizer Requ i red : Greenwood , Sheila M Atte ndees : Wade , Dana T Subject : Location : Quick Phone Call w/Shei la and Dana W. Dana wi ll ca l l Shei l a - 202-402-6068 St art : Wed 1 0/ 1 8/20 1 7 4 : 30 PM End : Wed 10/18/2017 4 : 45 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organizer Required Subject : Greenwood , Shei l a M Attendees : Wade , Dana T : Lunch : Andy Blocker and Sheila Greenwood (HUD) Sta r t : Mon 11/6/2017 12 : 00 PM End : Mon 11/6/2017 1 : 00 PM Recurrence : (none) Meeting Status Organize Required r: Greenwood , Sheila M Attendees : Blocker , Andy ; Dawkins , Eunice Subjec t: Location : Street) : Meeting organizer Lunch : Andy Blocker a nd She il a Gr eenwood Casa Luca 1 099 New York Avenue NW (Corner D (HUD) of 11th and I Start : Mon 11/6/2017 12 : 30 PM End : Mon 11/6/2017 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Organize Subject /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT r: : Blocker , Andy Lunch : Andy Blocker and Sheila Gree nwood (HUD) HUD-18-0504-D-000085 Location Street) : Casa Luca 1099 New Yor k Avenue NW (Cor n er o f 11th and I Start : Thu 11/16/2017 12 : 30 PM End : Thu 11/16/2017 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Out of Office Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer Subject : : : Blocker Accepted , Andy HOLD fo r lunch w/Andy Bl ocker Start : Mon 1 1/6/20 17 12 : 00 PM End : Mon 11/6/20 17 1 : 00 PM Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Subject : Wild f ires Location : Greenwood , Shei la DMG Response DepSec M Meeting Conference : Hurricane Maria & Californ ia Room 10106 Start : Wed 10/18/2017 9 : 30 AM End : Wed 10/ 18/20 17 1 0 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : Weekly Recu rr ence Pattern 10 : 00 AM Meeting St atus : : Not eve ry Monday yet and Wednesday from 9 : 30 AM to responded Organizer : Golrick , Janet M Requ i red Atte nde es : Greenwood , Sheila M; Eagles , David T ; Alexander , Frank J ; Brooks , Towanda A; Cooke , Kev i n R; Greene , Bryan ; Ki ttrell , Katharine D; Renner , Robert N; Richardson , Todd M; Thompson , Amy C; Timberlake , Courtney B; Potts, Millicent B; Hun t e r , Matthew F ; Va n Duyne , Beth A; Ramon , Nicolas ; Bradley , Lesl i e Ann ; Woll J r , Dav i d C; Ammon, Matthew E ; Hebe r t , Tony X; Sullivan, Brian E ; Blom , Dominique G; AMOS, WILLIAM L; Coffey , Alexander ; Kidd , Stephen C; Huggi ns , John C; Farias , Anna Maria ; Smith (Ctr) , Raymond V; Stayanovich , Jason E ; Kurtz , R . Hun t er ; Munir , Rafiq A; Albert , Helen M; Kasper , Mare n M; Wright , Sheila D; Rios , Eric C; Rackleff , Nea l J ; Jo y , Jo hnson P ; PHP; Cleveland-Leggett , Den i se C; Ozdinec , Milan M; Appleton , Seth D; Bet hea , Shelia M; Clemmensen , Craig T; Lavoy, Don ald J ; Ballard, Dan i e l L ; Bregon , Nelson R; Bres , Dana B; Brown , Jereon M; Bryon , Jem i ne A; Campbell , Renae M; Constantine , Peter J ; Cruciani , Li nda M; Friedman , War ren ; HEOC; Holland, Rena D; Lincoln , Paula A; Lyberg , Sarah A; Michalski , Lori A; Mil ler , Mic helle M; Nichols , Delton; Rodkey , Kitt ; Scott , Jimmy ; Su rber , /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000086 Keith W; Wadha ms , Unabyrd ; Kelley , Mi c h ae l J ; Ga rrett , Willie C; Dan i els , She i la J ; Barton , Vi c tori a L; Burley , Michael N; Ell is , Edward D; McClu r e , Laura L; Zorc, Bet han y A; Snow, Christopher ; Den das , Michael W; Radosevich , Tara J; LOGAN, LEAH M; Taylo r , Chr i s topher D; Van Darn, Katelyn M; Ga rg i ul o , Emily ; Ga r cia , Juan C .; Va r gas , Dav i d A. ; Ga i n es , Ra l p h H; Smyt h , Ti mothy M; Karp, Rac h el E; Garc i a Rolon , J u an C; Key , Ted L; Wade , Dana T Opt i o na l Atte ndees : Dunn , Con nor M; Pe tty , Timothy J ; Henry , Ellis ; Wi ckes, Donna L; Evans - Burke , Adrian A; Abbott , Cynthia L; Carter , Jane t L; Jankowski , Debbie Subject : Lo cation : BRIEF on DHAP SOHUD' s Offi ce Star t : Thu 10 /19/20 1 7 9 : 15 AM End : Thu 1 0/19/20 1 7 9 :4 5 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng St atus : Not yet responded Or ga niz e r : DocB en Req u ire d Attendees : Ozd i nec , Milan (She i la.M . Greenwoodl@hud.gov) Subject : Lo cation : M; Sheila M Gree nwood BRIEF on DHAP SOHUD' s Offi ce S t art : Thu 10/ 19/ 2 0 1 7 9 : 15 AM End : Thu 10/ 19/20 1 7 9 :45 AM Recurrence : (none ) Meet in g St a tus : Accepted Organi zer : DocBe n Requ i r ed At tendees : Ozd i nec , Milan (She i la.M . Gree nwood l@hu d . gov) ; Vargas Subject : Loc ation : M; Sheila M Gree n wood , David A; Blom, Domi n i que G Max Stier Meet ing SOHUD" s Office Start : F ri 1 0/20/201 7 11 : 30 AM End : F ri 10/20/2017 1 : 00 PM Show Time As : Ten t a t ive Recurrence Meet ing : (none ) Status : Not yet respond ed Orga n iz e r : DocBe n Required Atte nd ees : Eagles, David (Sheila . M. Gre enwoodl@hud . gov) ; PHP /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT T; Shei la M Gree n wood HUD-18-0504-D-000087 Subject : Location : OSEC Budget David ' s Office - 10232 Start : Thu 10/ 19/20 17 10 : 30 AM End : Thu 1 0/19/20 1 7 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentat iv e Recurrence Recurrence 9 : 45 AM Meeting : Weekly Pattern Status : : Not every yet LUNCH with Navy Mess on Wednesday from L; Rodriguez , Aida 9 :1 5 AM to responded Organi zer: Eagles , Dav id T Requ ir ed Attendees : Ballard Cle mmensen , Craig T Optional Attend ees: Marshal Hawkins , Gregory R Subject : Location: 2 week(s) , Dan i el l , Micha e l J ; Greenwood, Administrator Brock N; Sheila M; Long Start : Thu 10/19/2017 1 : 10 PM End : Thu 1 0/19/20 1 7 2:1 0 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organizer : DocBen Required Attendees : She ila (She i la . M. Greenwood l @hud . gov) Subject Locatio : n: M Greenwood OSEC Budget David ' s Office-10232 Start : Thu 1 0/19/20 1 7 10 : 30 AM End : Thu 10 /19/20 1 7 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Recurrence 9 : 45 AM Meeting : Week ly Pattern : Status : Not every 2 week(s) on Wednesday from 9 :1 5 AM to ye t responded Organizer : Eagles , David T Required Attendees : Ballard , Daniel L; Rodr i guez , Aida N; Clemmensen , Craig T Opt i o n al Attendees : Marshall , Mi chael J ; Greenwood , She il a M; Hawkins, Gregory R /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000088 Subject : Locat ion: HOLD for MEET with SOHUD' s off i ce Administrator Broc k Long Start : Thu 10/26/2017 2 : 30 PM End : Thu 10/2 6/20 17 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta tiv e Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Status Organizer Required (Sheila.M Subject: Locatio : Not ye t resp o nde d : DocBe n Attendees : Sheila . Greenwoodl@hud . gov) n: HOLD fo r MEET with SOHUD' s office M Greenwood Administrato r Brock Long Brock Long Thu 10/2 6/20 17 2 : 30 PM Start : End : Thu 1 0/26/20 1 7 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tent ati ve Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status : Not yet r espo nd ed Organizer : DocBen Required Attendees : She ila (She i la.M . Gree nwo od l @hud.gov) Subject: Location : HOLD for MEET with SOHUD' s office M Greenwood Administrator Start : Thu 1 0/26/20 1 7 3 : 30 PM End : Thu 1 0/26/20 1 7 4 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organi zer: DocBe n Requ ir ed Attendees : She il a M Greenwood (Sheila.M . Greenwood l @hud.gov) Subjec t: Loc ation : MEET with Administrator SOHUD' s office Brock Long Start : Thu 10 /26/ 2 0 1 7 3 : 30 PM End : Thu 10/26/2017 4 : 00 PM Recurrence Meeting /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) Status : Accepted HUD-18-0504-D-000089 Organize r: Doc Be n Required Attendees : Sheila M Greenwood (Sh eila . M. Gr eenwoodl@hud . gov) ; PHP Subject: Location : Quick Phone COS Office Call w/Sheila and Dana W. Start : Wed 10/ 1 8/2017 4 : 30 PM End : Wed 10/ 1 8/2017 4 : 45 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Organizer Requ i red : Greenwood , Sheila M Atte ndees : Wade , Dana T From : Wade , Dana T Sent : Tuesday , October 17 , 20 1 7 4 : 29 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Quick Phone Ca l l w/Sheila Subject : Loca tion : Quick Phone COS Office Call w/Sheila and and Dana W. Dana W. S t art : Wed 1 0/ 1 8/20 1 7 4 : 30 PM End : Wed 10/18/2017 4 : 45 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organizer Required : Greenwood , Sheila M Atte ndees : Wade , Dana T Su bject : Hold Loca tion : Quick Check - in w/Sheila and Tim Pe tty : Greenwood , Sheila M Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Petty - re : LA Lit igation COS Office Start : Wed 1 0/18/20 1 7 4 : 00 PM End : Wed 10/ 1 8/2017 4 : 15 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status Or ganizer Requ i red Subject : Locat ion : Start : End : F ri /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Not yet HOLD Max Stier SOHUD" s Office responded , Timothy J Meeting Fri 1 0/20/20 1 7 11 : 30 AM 10/20/2017 1 : 00 PM HUD-18-0504-D-000090 Show Time As : Recurrence Meeting Tenta tive : (none) Status : Not ye t re spo nde d Organ iz e r : DocBe n Required Attendees : Eag l es , Dav id (Sheila . M. Greenwoodl@hud . gov); PHP HOLD for LUNCH with Navy Mess Subjec t : Locatio n : T; Sheila Administrator M Greenwood Broc k Long Start : Thu 10/ 1 9/20 1 7 1 : 10 PM End : Thu 10 /19/20 1 7 2 : 10 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Not yet r espo nded Organizer : DocBen Required Attend ees : Sheila (Sheila . M. Gree nwood l @hu d . gov) Subject : Location : M Greenwood LUNCH w/ Rick Dearbor n & Joe Secre ta ry ' s Din i ng Room Hag in Fri 1 0/27/20 1 7 12 : 00 PM Start : End : Fri 1 0/27/20 1 7 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng Status : Not yet responded Organi zer : DocBe n Requ i r ed Attendees : Andrew Hug hes (Andrew . Hug hes@ hu d .g ov) ; Sh erra Jackso n (Sherra . L . Jac kso n@hud . gov) ; Sheila M Gr eenwood (Sheila . M. Greenwood l @hud . gov) ; Drew A Mc Cal l (Jonathan . A . McCal l@hud . gov) LUNCH w/ Ri c k Dea rb or n & Joe Secretary ' s Di n ing Room Subjec t : Locatio n : Hagin Start : Fri 10/27/2017 12 : 00 PM End : Fri 10/27/2017 2 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : : Not yet r esponded DocBen HUD-18-0504-D-000091 Requ i red Atte ndees : Andrew Hughes (Andrew.Hughes@hud Jackson (Sherra . L . Jackson@hud.gov) ; Sheila M Greenwood (Sheila . M. Greenwood l @hud . gov) ; Drew A McCal l (Jonathan . A . McCall@hud . gov) Subject: Location : LUNCH w/ Rick Dearborn & Joe Secreta r y ' s Dining Room . gov) ; Sherra Hagin Sta r t : Fri 10/27/2017 12 : 00 PM End : Fri 10/27/2017 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Meet in g Status : Not ye t respo nded Organizer : DocBen Required Attendees : Andrew Hughes (Andrew . Hughes@hud . gov) ; Sherra Jac k so n (Sherra . L . Jackson@hud.gov) ; Sh eila M Greenwood (She i la . M. Greenwood l @hud . gov) ; Dr ew A McCal l (Jonathan . A . McCall@hud . gov) Subject : Loca tion : Canceled : HOLD for Secre t a r y ' s Di n ing LUNCH w/ Rick Room Dea rb orn & Joe Hagin S t art : F ri 1 0/27/20 1 7 11 : 00 AM End : F ri 10/27/2017 12 : 15 PM Show Time As : Free Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Accep t ed Organize r: DocBen Required Attendees : Andrew Hughes (Andrew . Hughes@hud . gov) ; Sherra Jackson (She rr a . L . Jackson@hud . gov) ; She il a M Greenwood (Sheila.M . Gree nwoodl@hud . gov) ; Drew A McCall (Jonathan . A . McCall@hud . gov) Subject : Loc ation : LUNCH w/ Rick Dearborn & Joe Sec r etary ' s Din i ng Room Start : End : Fri Fri 1 0/27/20 1 7 12 : 00 PM 1 0/27/20 1 7 2 : 00 PM Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Hagin Accepted Organizer : DocBen Requ i red At tendees : Andrew Hughes (Andrew.Hughes@ h ud . gov) ; Sh erra Jac kson (Sherra . L . Jackson@hud . gov) ; Sheila M Greenwood (Sheila . M. Greenwood l @hud . gov) ; Drew A McCall (Jonathan . A . McCall@hud . gov) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000092 Subjec t: Loc a tio n : Meet a n d Greet Office cos w/She i la Greenwood and Tom Harke r Star t : Thu 1 0/19/20 1 7 2 : 30 PM End : Thu 1 0/ 19/ 2 0 1 7 3 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Rec urr ence : (non e) Mee t in g Status Organizer Required : Not y e t r es p o nded : Gr ee nwoo d , Shei la M Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila Subject : Loc a ti on : Meet a n d Greet COS Office w/She i la M; Ha r ker , Thom as Greenwood and W Tom Harke r Thu 1 0/19/20 1 7 2 : 30 PM Star t : End : Thu 1 0/19/ 2 0 1 7 3 : 00 PM Rec urr ence : (non e) Meet in g Sta t us : Meeting organi ze r Organizer : Gre enwo o d , Sheila M Req uir e d At tendees : Gr ee nwoo d , Shei l a M; Harker , Thomas Subject : Loc a tio n : MEET wit h FEMA Admi n i st r ator SOHUD's o ff ic e W Bro ck Lo ng Start : Thu 10/ 1 9/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Thu 1 0/19/20 1 7 2 : 30 PM Show Ti me As : Ten tativ e Recurrence : (non e) Meet in g Status : Not yet r espo nded Organizer : DocBe n Req uir e d At tendees : Sheila M Gre enwood (She i la .M. Gr eenwo od l @hu d .g o v) Subject : Location : HOLD for LUNCH with Navy Mess Administrator Brock Long Star t : Thu 10/ 19 /2017 1 : 10 PM End : Thu 1 0/19/20 1 7 2:1 0 PM Show Tim e As : Tentative Rec ur ren ce : (n one ) Meet ing /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Status : Not yet r espo nd ed HUD-18-0504-D-000093 Organi zer : Doc Be n Requ i r ed At tendees : She i l a M Gree nwood (She i l a . M. Gree nwood l @hud . gov) MEET with FEMA Administrator SOHUD' s o ff i ce Subjec t : Loc ation : Bro ck Lo ng S t a rt : Thu 1 0/ 19/ 20 1 7 2 : 00 PM End : Thu 10/ 19/20 17 2 : 30 PM Recur r e n ce : (non e ) Meeting S t atus : Accep te d Organi zer : Doc Be n Requ i r ed Atte nd ees : She il a M Gree nwood (Sheil a . M. Gree nwood l @hu d . gov) LUNCH with Administrator Broc k Lon g Executive Di n ing Room/Navy Mess . Next Subjec t: Loca tion : to Sit uation Room Start : Thu 10/ 19/20 17 12 : 00 PM End : Thu 10/ 19/20 17 1 : 00 PM Recur r e n ce : (none ) Meeting Status : Acc epte d Orga n iz e r: Doc Ben Required Atte ndees : Sheila M Gree nwood (Sheil a . M. Greenwood l @hu d . go v ) Subjec t : Loca tion : Qui c k Che ck- i n w/Sheila cos Office and Da n a W. St a r t : Tu e 10/1 7/ 2017 5 : 00 PM End : Tue 10/ 1 7/2017 5 : 15 PM Show Tim e As : Tentat iv e Rec ur rence : (none ) Organi ze r: Greenwood , Sheila M Requ i r ed At t e ndees : Gr een wood , She i la Subjec t : Loca tion : Qui ck Che ck - in COS Office w/Sheila and M; Wade , Dana T Dana W. Start : Tue 1 0/1 7/ 20 1 7 5 : 00 PM End : Tue 1 0/ 17/ 2 0 1 7 5 : 15 PM Show Ti me As : Tentative Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Greenwood , Sh e ila M HUD-18-0504-D-000094 Requ i re d Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Wade , Da n a T F rom : Wade , Dana T Sent : Tu esd ay , October 1 7 , 201 7 12 : 12 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Sub j ect : Accep t ed : Qui c k Chec k - in w/Sheila Subject : Lo cation : Quick Ch eck - in COS Off ic e w/She ila and and Dan a W. Dana W. Start : Tue 1 0/17/20 1 7 5 : 00 PM End : Tue 1 0 /17/ 2 0 1 7 5 : 1 5 PM Show Time As : Te nta t ive Recurrence : (none) Meet in g S t atus : Not yet r espo nded Organi zer : Greenwood , Sheila M Requ i r ed At tendees : Gr eenwood , She i la Subject : Lo cation : Quick Phone COS Off ic e Call w/Shei la M; Wade , Dan a T and Dana W. Start : Wed 1 0/18/20 1 7 4 : 30 PM End : Wed 1 0/18/20 1 7 4 :4 5 PM Recurrence : (none) Meet in g S t atus : Meet in g o rg a nizer Organiz e r : Greenwood Required Atte ndees : Subject : Hold Loca tion : Quick , Sh e ila M Wade , Dana T Check - in w/She i la and Tim Pe tt y - re : LA Litig at io n COS Office Start : Tue 1 0 /17/20 1 7 4 : 30 PM End : Tue 10 /17/ 2 0 1 7 4 :4 5 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting S t atus : Not yet responded Organizer : Greenwood , Sheila M Requ i r ed Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila Subject Locatio : n: HUD Executive Le aders h ip Brooke-Monda l e Auditorium M; Petty , Timothy J Fo rum A&B S t art : Tue 1 0/24/20 1 7 9 : 00 AM End : Tue 10/24/2017 12 : 00 PM /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000095 Show Time As : Rec ur rence Meeting Tenta tive : (no ne ) Status : Not ye t re spo nded Organ iz e r: Off i ce Of Executive Reso ur ces Req u ired Attendees : SES - SL 2017; Warren, Lyne tte ; Cool , Debra Sealy , Lo ri P ; Hannah , Katherin e R; Smi th - Thomas , Mak ia Op t i o n al At tendees : Pur if oy , Felicia A Subject : Loc at i on : M; Max Stier Meeti ng SOHUD"s Office Start : Fri 10 /20/20 1 7 10 : 00 AM End : Fri 1 0/20/20 1 7 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organizer : DocBen Req u ire d At tendees : Eag le s , David (She i la .M. Gree nwood l @hu d . gov) ; PHP T; She i la M Gree nwood Organiz e r: Doc Be n Requ i red Atte ndees : Eagl es , Dav i d T; She i la (She ila . M. Gree nwoodl@hud . gov) ; PHP M Gree nwood Subjec t: Loca tion : Max St i er Meet i ng SOHUD" s Office Fri 10 /20/20 1 7 1 0 : 00 AM St a rt : End : Fri 10 /20/20 1 7 11 : 30 AM Show Tim e As : Tenta t iv e Recurre n ce : (non e ) Meeting Status Subjec t: Loca tion : : Not yet responded Max Stier Meeting SOHUD" s Off i ce Start : End : Fri Fri 10/20/2017 11 : 30 AM 10/20/2017 1 : 00 PM Recurrence : (non e ) Meeting Status : Accepted Organize r: Doc Be n Required Attendees : Eag l e s, Dav id (Sheila . M. Greenwood l@hu d . gov) ; PHP /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT T; She i la M Gree nwoo d HUD-18-0504-D-000096 Subjec t: Loc a tio n : Fri 10 /2 0/2 0 17 11 : 30 AM 1 0/20/2 0 1 7 1 : 00 PM Star t : End : Fri Recurre MEET w/ Ma x Stie r SOHUD' s Off ic e nc e : (none ) Meeting Sta t us : Accep te d Org a nize r : Doc Be n Req uir e d At tendees : Eagles , Davi d T; Shei la (She ila.M . Gree nwoodl@hud .g o v) ; PHP Subject : Loc a tio n : M Gr eenwo od HOLD Max St i e r Meet i ng SOHUD" s Office Star t : Fri 10 /2 0/2 0 1 7 11 : 30 AM End : Fri 1 0/20/20 1 7 1 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tent ati ve Rec urr ence : (non e) Meet in g Status : Not yet r espo nd ed Or ga niz e r : DocB en Requ ir ed Attendees : Eag l es , David (She i la.M . Gree nwood l @hud.gov) ; PHP Subj ect : Partners h ip for Ste 2 00 E, Wash i ngton , DC Loca tion : SOHUD" s Offi ce Pub li c Service St a rt : End : F ri Fri 10 /20/20 1 7 11 : 3 0 AM 10/20/2017 1 : 00 PM Recurrence : (none ) Meet ing S t atus : T ; She i la , 1 1 00 New York Avenue NW, Accepted Or ganizer : DocBe n Requ ir ed Attendees : Eag l es , Dav i d T; She i la (She i la .M.G ree nwood l @hud . gov) ; PHP Subjec t: Loca tion : M Greenwood Manda tor y Meeting Departmental Co n ference M Gree nwo od Room S t art : Tue 10 /17/ 2 0 1 7 4 : 3 0 PM End : Tu e 10/ 1 7/2017 4 : 45 PM Recur r e n ce : (none ) Meeting /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Sta tus : Accepted HUD-18-0504-D-000097 Organ iz e r: Doc Be n Required Atte ndees : Subjec t: Wildfir es Loc ation : Politica DMG Response DepSec l Appoi n tees Meeti ng : Hurri ca ne Mar i a & Ca lif o rn ia Conferenc e Room 1 01 06 Start : Mon 10/2/2017 9 : 30 AM End : Mon 1 0/2/20 17 10 : 00 AM Show Tim e As : Tenta ti ve Recu rr ence : Weekly Recu r rence Pattern 10 : 00 AM Meeti ng S t atus : : eve ry Mond ay a n d Wednesday Not yet f ro m 9 : 30 AM to responded Organi zer: Golr i c k , Jane t M Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Gr eenwood , She i la M; Eagles , David T ; Alexander , Fra nk J ; Brooks , Towanda A; Cooke , Kevin R; Gr eene , Bryan ; Kittr ell , Katharine D; Ren ner , Robe r t N; Ric h ardson , Todd M; Thompson , Amy C; Timberlake , Courtney B; Potts , Millicent B; Hunte r , Matthew F; Va n Du yne , Bet h A; Ra mon , Nico l as ; Br ad le y , Lesl i e Ann ; Wol l J r , Dav i d C; Ammon , Matthew E ; Hebe r t , To ny X; Ozdinec , Milan M; Sullivan , Br ian E ; Bl om, Domi ni que G; AMOS, WILL I AM L ; Coffey , Al e xand e r ; Kidd , Stephen C; Hugg in s , Jo hn C; Farias , Anna Maria ; Smi t h (Ctr ), Raymond V; Staya n ovich , Jason E ; Kurtz , R. Hun ter ; Mun i r , Ra fiq A; Al bert , He l en M; Kasper , Mare n M; Wri g h t , Sheila D; Rios , Er ic C; Ra ck l eff , Nea l J ; App l eton , Seth D; Bet h ea , She li a M; Cl emmensen , Cr a ig T; Lavoy , Don ald J; Bal la rd , Danie l L ; Brego n, Nelson R; Br e s , Dan a B; Brown , J e reon M; Bryon , Jemine A; Campb e ll , Renae M; Cons t a nti ne , Pet er J ; Cr uc i a n i , Linda M; Fr i edman , Warre n ; HEOC; Hol l and , Rena D; Jo y , Jo hn son P ; Linco ln, Pau l a A; Lyberg , Sarah A; Michalski , Lori A; Miller , Mic h elle M; Nichols , Del to n; Rodkey , Kitt ; Sco tt , Jimmy ; Su rb e r , Ke i th W; Wadhams , Unabyr d; Kelley , Mi chael J ; Garr ett , Willie C; Daniel s , Sheil a J ; Bar t o n, Vi cto ri a L ; Burl e y , Mi c h ae l N; Ellis , Edward D; McC l u r e , Laura L ; Zorc , Bethany A; Snow , Chr i stop h er ; Dendas , Mic h ael W; Radosev i ch , Tara J ; LOGAN, LEAH M; Cleve l and- Leggett , Den i se C; Taylor , Ch ris t op he r D; Van Dam, Katelyn M; Gargiulo , Emily ; Garcia , Ju an C . ; Vargas , Dav i d A.; Ga in es , Ra l p h H; Smyth, Ti moth y M; Karp , Rache l E ; Ga r c i a Ro l on , J u an C; Key , Ted L ; Wade , Dana T ; PHP Opt i o na l Atte ndees : Dunn , Connor M; Petty , Timothy J ; Henry , L Ellis ; Wick es , Donna L ; Evans - Burke , Adrian A; Abbott , Cyn thia Subjec t: @ Sat Oct Updated 2 1, 2017 inv itat ion : SSAT make u p class for TG a t 2 pm EST 3pm - 4p m (EDT) (Sh eila Gree nwood) Start : Sat 10/2 1/20 17 3 : 00 PM End : Sat 1 0/21/20 1 7 4 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Recu rr ence : (no ne ) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000098 Organize r: Subject : Loca tion : ~l (b~}(~6~) _____________ _. Update on Hurrican e Maria & Harv e y DepSe c Confere n c e Room 1 01 06 Start : Tue 1 0/24 / 2 0 1 7 9 : 30 AM En d : Tue 1 0/24/2 0 1 7 1 0 : 00 AM Show Tim e As : Te n tat iv e Recurrence : Week l y Rec ur r e nce Patter n : 1 0 : 00 AM Meeti ng Sta t us : Not every yet Tuesday and Thursday from 9 : 3 0 AM to resp o nded Organizer : Gol r ick , Ja net M Req uir e d At tendees : Gr ee nwo o d , Shei l a M; Eag l es , Dav i d T; Alexa nder , Fra nk J ; Brooks , Towa nda A; Cooke , Kevin R; Greene , Brya n ; Ki ttrell , Katha rin e D; Renner , Robert N; Richardson , Todd M; Thomp son , Amy C; Timberlake , Courtney B; Pott s, Millic e n t B; Hun ter , Mat t h ew F ; Van Duy n e, Beth A; Ramo n , Nicolas; Bradley , Leslie An n ; Woll Jr, David C; Ammon, Matthew E ; Heber t , Tony X; Sul li van, Brian E ; Bl om, Domin ique G; AMOS, WILLIAM L ; Coffey , Ale xander ; Ki dd , Stephen C; Huggins , Jo hn C; Fa r ias , Anna Mar i a ; Smith (Ctr) , Raymond V; St ayano v ich , J as on E; Kurtz , R . Hunter ; Munir , Ra fiq A; Albert, Helen M; Kaspe r , Ma r en M; Wright , Sheila D; Rios , Eri c C; Ra ck l e ff , Nea l J ; PHP; Ozdinec , Milan M; Appleton , Se th D; Bet hea , She l ia M; Clemmensen , Craig T ; Lavoy , Don ald J ; Bal lard , Dan i e l L ; Br ego n , Ne lson R; Bres , Da n a B; Br own , Jereon M; Bryo n, Jem i ne A; Campbel l , Renae M; Const an t i ne , Pe ter J ; Cr uc iani , Li n da M; Fr i edman , Warren ; HEOC; Hol land, Re n a D; J oy , Johnso n P ; Lincol n, Paula A; Lyberg, Sarah A; Mich als ki , Lor i A; Mil l er , Michelle M; Nich ols , Del to n; Rodkey , Ki t t ; Scott , J immy ; Surber , Keith W; Wadhams, Un ab yrd ; Kell ey , Mic h a el J ; Garrett , Willie C; Daniels , Sheila J ; Ba rto n , Vic to ria L ; Bu rl ey , Mi chae l N; Elli s , Edwa r d D; McCl ur e , Laura L ; Zorc , Bet hany A; Sno w, Christopher ; Dend as , Mic h ael W; Radosevich , Ta ra J ; LOGAN, LEAH M; Cleveland-Leggett , Denise C; Taylor , Ch r i stopher D; Van Dam, Kate l yn M; Ga rgiulo , Emi ly ; Ga r cia , J uan C .; Vargas , Da v id A.; Gaines , Ral p h H; Smyt h , Timothy M; Karp , Rachel E; Ga r cia Rolo n , Juan C; Key , Ted L ; Wade, Dan a T ; Tufts, Suzanne I; STRACNER, JAMES L Op t i o n al Attendees : Dunn , Co n nor M; Petty , Timo t hy J ; Wi ckes , Donn a L ; Henry , Ellis ; Evans - Burk e , Adrian A; Ja n kows ki , Debbie ; Piacent i ni , Suzanne; Campbell , Patricia A; Aggr ey - Antwi , I r e n e W; Jon e s , Carol D; Abbott , Cynthia L ; Landecker , Anthony S ; Orriols , Mirza ; Patton , Lynne M Subject : Lo cation : Upda te DepSec on Hurricane Maria & Harvey Conference Room 1 0 106 Tue 1 0/17/20 1 7 9 : 30 AM Start : End : Tue 1 0/ 17/ 2 0 1 7 10 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tenta t ive /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000099 Recurrence Recurrence 10 : 00 AM : Week ly Pattern Meet i ng Status : : Not every yet Tuesday and Thursday from 9 : 30 AM to r esponded Organizer : Golrick , Janet M Required Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Eag l es , David T ; Alexander , Fra nk J ; Brooks , Towanda A; Cooke , Kevin R; Gr eene , Bryan ; Ki ttrell , Katharine D; Renner , Robert N; Ri chardson , Todd M; Thompson , Amy C; Timberlake , Cour tney B; Potts , Millicent B; Hun ter , Matthew F; Van Duyne, Beth A; Ramon, Nicolas ; Bradley , Leslie Ann ; Wol l Jr , David C; Ammon, Matthew E ; Hebert , Tony X; Sullivan , Brian E ; Blom , Dominique G; AMOS, WILLIAM L; Co ff ey , Ale x ande r; Kidd, Stephen C; Huggins , John C; Farias , Anna Mar i a ; Smi th (Ctr) , Raymond V; Stayanovich , Jason E; Kurtz , R . Hunter ; Munir , Rafiq A; Al bert , Helen M; Kasper , Ma r en M; Wright , Sheila D; Ri os, Eric C; Rackleff , Nea l J ; Ly berg , Sarah A; PHP ; Tufts , Suzanne I ; STRACNER, JAMES L ; Ozd i nec , Mil an M; Appleton , Seth D; Bethea , Shelia M; Clemmensen , Craig T ; Lavoy, Don ald J ; Ballard , Danie l L ; Bregon, Nelson R ; Bres , Dana B ; Brown , Jereon M; Bryon , Jemine A; Campbe ll , Renae M; Constant in e, Peter J; Cruciani , Lin da M; Friedman, Warren ; HEOC; Hol l a nd , Rena D; Joy , Jo h nson P ; Lincoln , Paula A; Mi c h alsk i, Lor i A; Mi ller , Mi chelle M; Nicho l s , Delton ; Rodkey , Ki t t ; Scott , Jimm y ; Surber , Keith W; Wadhams , Unabyrd; Kelley , Michael J ; Garrett , Willie C; Daniels , She il a J; Barton , Victori a L ; Burley , Mi chae l N; Ellis , Edward D; McClure, Laura L ; Zorc , Bethany A; Snow , Chr i stopher ; Dendas , Michael W; Radosevich , Tara J ; LOGAN, LEAH M; Cleveland - Leggett , Denise C; Tay lor , Christopher D; Van Dam, Katelyn M; Gargiulo , Emily ; Garcia , Juan C .; Vargas , David A .; Gaines , Ralph H; Smyth, Timo th y M; Karp, Rache l E ; Garcia Rolon, Juan C; Key , Ted L ; Wade , Dana T ; Campbell , Pa tr icia A Opt i onal Attendees : Dunn , Co n nor M; Petty , Timothy J ; Abbott , Cynthia L ; Patton , Lynne M; Wickes , Donn a L ; Henry , E lli s; Evans Burke , Adrian A; Jankowski , Debb i e; Piacentini , Suzanne ; Aggrey Antwi , I rene W; Jones , Carol D; Lan decker , Anthony S ; Orriols , Mirza Subject Location : : Upd ate DepSec on Hurricane Conference Maria & Harvey Room 1 0106 Start : Tue 1 0/3/20 17 9 : 30 AM End : Tue 1 0/3/20 17 10 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : Weekly Recurrence Pa tt ern : 10 : 00 AM yet and Thursday f ro m 9 : 30 AM to Status Organize Required Alexander r: Golr i ck , Janet M Attendees : Greenwood , Shei la M; Eag le s, David T ; , Frank J ; Brooks , Towanda A; Cooke, Kevi n R ; Gree ne , pVERSIGHT Not Tuesday Meeting /\MERICAi\ : every responded HUD-18-0504-D-000100 Bryan ; Kittrell , Katha r i ne D; Ren ner , Robert N; Richardson , Todd M; Thompso n , Amy C ; Ti mbe r lake , Co u r tney B ; Potts , Mil li ce nt B; Hun ter , Mat thew F ; Van Duyne , Beth A; Ramon , Nico las ; Bradl ey , Lesl i e An n ; Woll Jr , David C; Ammon , Matt hew E ; He b e rt , Ton y X; Ozd i nec , Mil an M; Sulli v an , Br ian E ; Blom , Domi niq ue G; AMOS, WILLIAM L ; Co f fe y , Al e xan de r; Ki dd , Step h e n C; Hugg ins , Jo hn C; Fa r ias , Anna Maria ; E; Ku r tz , R . Hunte r ; Smi th (Ct r) , Raymond V; Stayanovich , Jason Mun i r , Ra fiq A; Alb ert , He l en M; Kas per , Ma re n M; Wr igh t , Sheila D; Rios , Er i c C ; Ra ckl eff , Neal J ; Appl e t on , Seth D; Bet hea , She l ia M; Clemme n sen , Cra i g T ; Lavoy , Do n ald J ; Bal l ard , Dan ie l L ; Brego n, Ne l so n R; Bres , Dana B ; Br own , Je r eon M; Bry o n , Jem i ne A; Campbell , Renae M; Constantine , Peter J ; Cr uc ian i , Linda M; Fr i edman , Warren ; HEOC; Ho l lan d , Re na D; Joy , J ohnson P ; Li ncol n , Paula A; Lyberg , Sarah A; Michalsk i , Lori A; Mil l er , Mic h elle M; Nic hols , Delto n; Rodkey , Kitt ; Scott , Ji mmy ; Surber , Keith W; Wadhams , Un abyrd ; Kel l ey , Mi chael J ; Ga rr ett , Wil lie C; Da n i e l s , Sh e il a J ; Barto n , Victoria L ; Burley , Mic h ael N; Ellis , Edwa r d D; McCl ure , La ura L ; Zorc , Bethany A; Snow , Christopher ; Den das , Michael W; Radosevich , Tara J ; LOGAN, LEAH M; Cleve l a n d-Legge t t , Den ise C; Taylor , Chr i s toph er D; Van Dam, Kate l yn M; Ga rg i ul o , Emily ; Ga r cia , J u a n C . ; Varg as , Dav id A .; Gain e s , Ral p h H; Smyth , Ti mot h y M; Karp , Rachel E; Ga rcia Rolon , Juan C; Key , Ted L; PHP ; Wade , Dana T ; Tu ft s , Suzanne I ; Campb e ll , Patricia A; STRACNER, J AMES L Op t i o n al Atte ndees : Dunn , Co n nor M; Petty , Timo t hy J ; Wi ckes , Donna L ; Henry , Ell i s ; Evans-B u rk e , Adrian A; Ja n kows ki , Debbie ; Piacentini , Suza n ne ; Agg r ey - Ant wi , I re n e W; Jon es , Carol D; Abbott , Cynthia L ; Landecker , Anthony S ; Orriols , Mirza ; Pat ton , Lynn e M Sub j ect : Loc a tion : Update DepSec o n Hur ri cane Mar ia & Ha r vey Conference Room 1 01 06 Start : Tue 10/24/2017 9 : 30 AM End : Tue 1 0/24/20 1 7 10 : 00 AM Show Tim e As : Ten tati ve Recurrence : Weekly Recurre n ce Pa t t ern : 10 : 00 AM Meeti ng Status : Not every yet Tuesday a n d Thursday f rom 9 : 30 AM to r espo nd ed Organi ze r: Golr i c k, Janet M Requ i r ed Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Eagles , David T ; Alexander , Fra nk J ; Brooks , Towa nda A; Cooke , Kevin R ; Gr eene , Bryan ; Ki ttrell , Kathar i ne D; Ren ne r , Robe rt N; Richards o n , Todd M; Thompso n , Amy C ; Timber l ake , Co ur tney B ; Po tt s , Millice nt B; Hu n ter , Matthew F ; Va n Duy ne , Beth A; Ramon , Nicolas ; Bradley , Leslie Ann ; Wol l J r , Dav i d C; Ammon, Matt h ew E ; Hebe r t , To ny X; Su llivan , Br i an E ; Blom , Dominique G; AMOS, WILLIAM L; Co ffey , Alexander ; Kidd , Stephen C; Hugg i ns , John C; Far i as , Anna Maria ; Smith (Ct r ) , Ra ymond V; Staya n ov i c h, Jason E ; Kurtz , R . Hunter ; Munir , Ra f iq A; Al be rt , He l en M; Kaspe r , Mare n M; Wri ght , She il a D; Rios , Er i c C; Rac kl ef f , M; Nea l J ; PHP ; Ozdinec , Milan M; Appleton , Seth D; Bethea , Shelia Clemmensen , Cra i g T ; Lavoy , Dona l d J; Ba l lard , Daniel L ; Bregon , /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000101 Ne ls o n R; Bres , Dana B; Brown , Jereon M; Bryo n, Jem i ne A; Campbel l, Renae M; Constantine , Peter J ; Cr uc i a ni, Linda M; Fr i edman , Warr en ; HEOC; Hollan d, Rena D; Joy , Johns on P ; Linco ln, Paula A; Lyberg , Sarah A; Michalski , Lor i A; Mill e r , Mich e lle M; Nichols , Delton ; Rodkey , Kitt ; Scott , Jim my ; Surber, Keith W; Wadhams , Un abyrd ; Kelley , Mi chael J ; Ga rr ett , Wil lie C; Dani e l s , Sh e il a J ; Barto n , Vi cto ri a L ; Burley , Mi c h ae l N; Ellis , Edward D; McC l u r e , Laura L ; Zorc , Bethany A; Snow , Ch ristop h er ; De n das , Mic h ae l W; Radosevich , Tara J ; LOGAN, LEAH M; Cl eveland - Legge tt, Den i se C; Taylor , Chr i s t op h er D; Van Dam, Kate l yn M; Ga rg i ul o , Emily ; Ga r cia , Juan C .; Vargas , Dav i d A.; Ga in es , Ra l p h H; Smyth , Ti mothy M; Ka r p , Rac h el E ; Garcia Rolon , Juan C; Key , Ted L ; Wad e , Dana T ; Tufts , Suzanne I; STRACNER, JAMES L Opt i o n a l Atte ndees : Dunn , Co n nor M; Petty , Timothy J ; Wicke s , Donna L ; Henry , Ell i s ; Evans-Burke , Adrian A; Ja n kows ki, Debbie; Pi ace nt in i, Suzanne ; Campbe ll, Pa t r i cia A; Aggrey-Antwi , Irene W; Jones , Caro l D; Abbott , Cynthia L ; Lan decker , An thony S ; Orriols , Mirza ; Patton , Lynn e M Subject : Lo cation : Update DepSec o n Hur ri cane Mar ia & Har vey Conference Room 1 01 06 Sta r t : Tue 10/ 1 7/2017 9 : 30 AM End : Tue 1 0/17/20 1 7 1 0 : 00 AM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recu rr ence : Weekly Recurrence Pa tter n : 10 : 00 AM Meeting S t atus : Not every yet Tuesday a n d Thursday f rom 9 : 30 AM to responded Organi zer: Golr i c k, Jane t M Requ ir ed Attendees : Greenwood , She i la M; Eagles , David T ; Alexander , Fra nk J ; Brooks , Towanda A; Cooke , Kevin R; Gr eene , Bryan ; Kittr ell , Katharine D; Renne r , Robe r t N; Richardson , Todd M; Thompso n, Amy C; Timberlake , Co ur tney B; Potts , Millicent B; Hunter , Matthew F ; Va n Duyne , Beth A; Ramon , Ni co l as ; Br ad l ey , Les li e Ann ; Woll J r , Dav i d C; Ammon , Matthew E ; Hebe r t , To n y X; Sullivan, Bri an E ; Blom , Dominique G; AMOS, WILLIAM L; Co ffey , Alex ander ; Kidd, Stephen C; Hugg i ns , John C; Farias , Anna Maria ; Smith (Ct r) , Raymond V; Staya n ov i c h, Jason E ; Kurt z, R . Hunt er ; Mun ir , Ra f iq A; Al be rt, He l en M; Kaspe r , Mare n M; Wri g h t , She il a D; Rios , Er i c C; Rac kl eff , Nea l J ; Lyberg , Sarah A; PHP; Tufts , Suzanne I ; STRACNER, JAMES L ; Ozdinec , Milan M; Appleton , Seth D; Be thea, She li a M; Clemmensen , Craig T ; Lavoy , Donald J ; Ballard , Danie l L ; Bregon , Nelson R; Bres , Dana B; Brown , Jereon M; Bryo n, Jem ine A; Campbell , Re n ae M; Constantine , Peter J ; Cru c i an i , Li nda M; Fr i edma n, Warr e n; HEOC; Hol lan d , Rena D; Joy , Jo h nson P; Lincoln , Paula A; Mic h alsk i, Lori Kitt ; Scott , Jimmy ; A; Mill e r , Mich e ll e M; Nichols , Delton ; Rodkey, Surber , Keith W; Wadhams , Unabyrd ; Kelley , Mi c h ae l J ; Ga rre tt , Willi e C; Dan i els , She i la J ; Ba r ton , Vi ctor i a L ; Bur l e y , Mi chael N; Ell is, Edward D; McClur e , Laura L ; Zorc , Betha n y A; Snow , Chris tophe r ; Dendas , Michael W; Radosev ich , Tara J ; LOGAN, LEAH M; /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000102 Cleveland-Leggett , Den i se C; Taylor , Chr istop her D; Va n Dam, Kate ly n M; Ga rg i ul o , Emily ; Ga r cia , J u a n C .; Va rg as , David A.; Gaines , Ra lp h H; Smyth , Timothy M; Karp , Rache l E ; Garcia Rolon , J ua n C; Key , Ted L ; Wade , Dana T ; Campbe ll , Pa t ricia A Opt i o n al Attendees : Dunn , Co n nor M; Pe t t y , Timo t hy J ; Abbott , Cynth ia L ; Pa tt o n , Lynn e M; Wi c kes , Do nn a L ; He n r y , Ellis ; EvansBurke , Adrian A; Jan kow sk i , Debbie ; P i acent i ni , Suzanne ; AggreyAn tw i , I r ene W; Jones , Ca ro l D; Lan d ec k e r , Ant hon y S ; Orrio l s , Mirz a Subjec t : Locat ion : Upda te DepSec on Hur ri cane Mar ia & Harvey Conference Room 1 01 06 Sta r t : Tu e 10/3/2017 9 : 30 AM End : Tue 10/ 3/20 17 1 0 : 00 AM Sho w Time As : Ten tative Recurrence Rec urrence 10 : 00 AM : Weekly Pa tte rn : Meet in g St atus : Not eve r y Tuesday yet and Thursday f r om 9 : 30 AM to responded Or ga niz er : Golric k, Ja net M Req u ire d Atte ndees : Greenwood , She i la M; Eagles , David T ; Al e xan de r , Fra nk J ; Brooks , Towa n da A; Cooke, Kev i n R; Gr eene , Bryan ; Kittrell , Ka thari n e D; Re n ner , Rob ert N; Richardson, Todd M; Thompson , Amy C; Timb e rlake , Courtney B; Pot ts , Millic ent B; Hunte r , Mat t hew F ; Van Du yne , Bet h A; Ra mon , Nico l as ; Br ad le y , Les l i e Ann ; Woll J r , Dav i d C; Ammon, Matt h ew E ; Hebe r t , To ny X; Ozdinec , Milan M; Sullivan , Br ian E ; Bl om, Dominique G; AMOS, WILLIAM L ; Coffey , Alexander ; Kidd , Ste phen C; Hu g g in s , Jo hn C; Farias , Anna Maria ; Smith (Ct r ) , Raymo n d V; Stayanov i ch , Jason E ; Kur tz , R . Hunter ; Mun i r , Rafiq A; Albert , Hele n M; Kaspe r , Mare n M; Wri ght , Sheila D; Ri os , Eric C; Rackleff , Nea l J ; Appl e t o n , Seth D; Bet h ea , Shel i a M; Cl emmens en , Craig T ; Lavoy , Dona l d J ; Ba l la r d , Danie l L ; Brego n , Nelso n R; Bres , Dana B; Brown , J e r e on M; Bryo n , J e min e A; Campbe ll , Renae M; Cons tanti ne , Pete r J ; Cruciani , Linda M; Friedman , Warren ; HEOC; Hol l and , Rena D; Jo y , Jo hn son P ; Linco ln , Paula A; Lyberg , Sarah A; Mic halsk i, Lor i A; Mil ler , Mi c h e ll e M; Ni chols , Del ton ; Rodkey , Ki tt ; Sco tt , Jimmy ; Surber , Keith W; Wadhams , Un a by rd ; Kelley, Micha e l J ; Garr et t , Willi e C; Dani els, She ila J ; Barton , Victoria L ; Bur l ey , Mi c h ae l N; El li s , Edward D; McC l u re , Laura L ; Zo r c , Bethany A; Snow , Christopher ; De n das , Mic h ae l W; Radosev i c h , Tara J ; LOGAN, LEAH M; Cleve lan d - Leggett , Denise C; Taylor , Chri stophe r D; Van Darn, Katelyn M; Gargi u lo , Emily ; Garcia , Ju an C .; Vargas , David A. ; Gai nes , Ralp h H; Smyt h , Timo t h y M; Karp , Rac he l E ; Garcia Rolon , Juan C; Key , Ted L ; PHP ; Wade , Dana T ; Tu fts , Su za n ne I ; Campbe ll , Pa t r i c i a A; STRACNER, JAMES L Opt i o na l Atte ndees : Dunn , Connor M; Pe tt y , Timothy J ; Wickes , Donna L ; Henry , Ellis ; Evans - Burke , Adrian A; Jankows ki , Debb i e; Pi ace nt i ni , Suz a n ne ; Aggrey-Antwi , I re ne W; Jone s , Carol D; Abbot t , Cynthia L ; La ndecker , Anthony S ; Or r i ols , Mi r z a ; Patto n , Lynn e M Subject /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Weekly Media Upda t e HUD-18-0504-D-000103 Location : SOHUD' s off i ce Start : Wed 1 1/8/20 17 10 : 00 AM End : Wed 11/8/2017 10 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Recurrence : Week l y Pattern : Meet in g Status : Not every yet Wednesday from 11 : 00 AM to 11 : 30 AM respo nded Organizer : DocBen Required Attendees : Greenwood , Shei l a M; Thompson , Amy C; Williams , Raphae l L; Brown , Jereon M; Th ompson , Caitli n H Opt i o n al Atte ndees : Cowan J r. , Chad Subjec t: Sch i avone Location : Cal l with Sheila 8888586021 ,,, Gree nwood (HUD), Tom Fox and Chris (HUD), Tom Fox and Chris 1787340238# Start : Wed 10/ 1 8/2017 4 : 30 PM End : Wed 10/18/2017 5 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organize : (none) r: Subject: Schiavone Location : Tom Fox Cal l with Sheila 8888586021 ,,, Greenwood 1787340238# St art : Wed 1 0/18/20 1 7 3 : 30 PM End : Wed 10/ 1 8/2017 4 : 00 PM Recurrence : (none) Meeting St atus Organize r: Subject : Location : : Accepted Tom Fox MEET w/ Sheila SOHUD' s Office Start : Mon 10/ 1 6/2017 4 : 00 PM End : Mon 1 0/16/20 1 7 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) St atus : Not yet responded HUD-18-0504-D-000104 Organi zer : DocBe n Requ i r ed Attendees : She i l a M Gree nwood (S he i l a . M. Gree nwood l @hud . gov) Subjec t : Ho ld Locat i o n : Qu ick Ch eck-in w/Sheila and Tim Pe t t y - r e : LA Lit i ga tion COS Office Start : Tue 10/ 1 7/ 2017 4 : 00 PM End : Tue 10 /17/20 1 7 4 : 15 PM Show Tim e As : Ten tati ve Rec urr ence : (none) Meeti ng Sta t us : Not Org a nize r : Greenwood Req uired Att en d ees : Sub j ec t : Ho ld Location : Quick ye t , re spo nded M Sheila Gre e nwo o d , Ch eck- i n w/She i la Tue 10 /17/20 1 7 4 : 00 PM 1 0/17/20 1 7 4 : 1 5 PM As : Tent at ive Recurrence : (none) Subjec t : and Tim Petty , T i mothy Petty - J r e : LA Lit i ga tion COS Off i ce Start : End : Tue Show Time Org a nizer Required Shei l a M; : Greenwood Atte nd ees : , Sheila M Greenwood , Sheila M; Petty , Timothy J Olmem mee t i ng St art : Tue 1 0 /17/ 2 0 1 7 2 : 30 PM End : Tu e 10/ 1 7/ 2017 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Ten t a t ive Recur r e n ce : (none) Organiz e r : Gre e nwood , Requ i red Atte n dees : F rom : Sent : To : Subjec Shei la M Marzol , Ado lf o F Marzol , Adolfo F Monday , Octob e r 1 6 , 201 7 9 : 02 AM Greenwood , Sheila M t : Accepted : Olmem meeti ng Subject 8am - : Inv i tation : Paren t Teacher 9 : 1 5a m (E DT) (She il a Gr een woo d) Start : End : F ri Show Time /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT conference @ Fr i Oct 27 , 2017 Fri 1 0/27/20 1 7 8 : 00 AM 1 0/27/20 1 7 9 : 1 5 AM As : Tentative HUD-18-0504-D-000105 Recur r e n ce : (none) Organiz er : Sub j ect : Locat i o n: l(b )(6) BRIEF o n Denve r Secreta r y ' s Co n ference Room Start : Wed 10/ 1 8 /2017 1 : 30 PM End : Wed 1 0/18/20 1 7 2 : 00 PM Show Ti me As : Tenta ti ve Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status : Not ye t r espo nded Organizer : DocBe n Required Att e nd ee s : Cobb , Er i c R; Be njamin E Demarzo (Benjami n . E . Dema r zo@hu d .g ov) ; Delahoyde , Abi gail M; Amy C Thompson (Amy. C . Th ompso n @h ud . gov ) ; Rap h ael L Wi lliams (Raphael . L . Williams@hud . gov) ; Sh eil a M Greenwood (Sheila . M. Gre e nwoodl@hud . gov) ; Andrew Hug hes (Andrew . Hughes@ h ud . gov ); Adolfo F Marzol (Ado l fo . F . Marzol@hud . gov ) ; Drew A McCa ll (Jonatha n. A . McCall@hud . gov ) ; Se th D Appleton (Seth . D.App l e t o n @hud . gov ) ; Kelley , Mi c h ae l J ; Fila , St ephan i e C; Bur l ey , Michael N; Zorc , Betha n y A; Petty , Timot h y J ; Free , Ken n eth E; Hun te r , Matt h e w F ; Thompson , Caitlin H Subject : Loc a tion : HUD Cybe r secu ri ty HUD HQ Cafeteria & Day - Wednesday Audit o rium , Octobe r 18t h , 2 0 17 Start : Wed 10/ 1 8 /2017 9 : 00 AM End : Wed 1 0/18/20 1 7 3 : 00 PM Show Ti me As : Tenta ti ve Recurr e nce : (none) Meet i ng Status : Not yet r espo nded Organizer : Security Aware n ess Optional Att e nde e s : Sliom (Ctr ) , Dav i d L; Carter (Ctr) , Ju lian V; Ba i g (Ct r) , Praseeda ; Amspo k e r (Ctr) , Ma r k C; Hope (Ct r ) , Walt e r B; Bo r ows k i (Ctr ) , Gl enn J ; Jac k so n (Ctr ) , Jef f rey ; Jac k so n (Ctr) , Lynnette C; Swaminatha n (Ctr ) , Abhishek ; Fu l c h er (Ctr ) , Pau l B; Rakasi (Ctr) , Praveena R Subjec t : Locat i o n : OSEC Bu dget Dav i d ' s Of f i ce-1 0 232 Start : Wed 10/ 1 8/2017 9 : 15 AM End : Wed 1 0/18/20 1 7 9 : 45 AM Show Ti me As : Tentat i ve Recurrence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Weekly HUD-18-0504-D-000106 Recurrence 9 : 4 5 AM Meeting Pattern Status : : Not every y et 2 week(s) respond on Wedne sday fr om 9 : 1 5 AM to ed Orga n iz e r : Eagles, Dav i d T Requ i r ed Attendees : Ballard , Dan i el L; Rod r igue z , Aida N Opt i o na l Atte ndees : Marshall , Micha el J; Greenwood , Sheila Subjec t : Locat i o n : M Canceled : OSEC Budget Dav i d ' s Off i ce-1 023 2 Sta r t : Wed 10/ 1 8/ 2017 9 : 1 5 AM End : Wed 1 0/18/20 1 7 9 : 45 AM Show Time As : Free Recurrence Rec urrence 9 : 45 AM Meeti : Weekly Pa tte rn : ng St atus : eve ry 2 week(s ) on Wednesday from 9 : 15 AM to Tent at ive l y acc epted Organiz e r : Eagl es, David T Required Attendees : Ballard , Daniel L; Rodriguez, Aida N; Clemmensen , Cr ai g T Opt i o na l Atte ndees : Marshall , Mi c ha el J ; Greenwood , Sheila Hawkins , Gr e gory R Subject : Loc a tion : CIA Briefing Room 62 80 w/Sheila Sta r t : F ri 10/ 13 /2017 9 : 30 End : Fri 10 /13/20 1 7 11 : 00 AM Show Tim e As : Tenta ti ve a n d David M; Eagles AM Recu rr en ce : (none) Orga n iz e r : Gr eenwood , She i la M Requ i r ed Attendees : Tal l ey , Keith Your meeting update d . was found to be out of Sent by Microsoft Ex c h a nge Server Subjec t : Canceled : Mee t a n d Greet Har ke r Locatio n : cos Office L date and w/Shei la h as been automatically Gree nwood a nd Tom Start : Fri 1 0/13/20 1 7 1 : 30 PM End : Fri 1 0/13/20 1 7 1 : 45 PM Show Time As : Free /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000107 Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not Organize r: Greenwood Requ i red Attendees : Subject : Location : yet responded , Sheila M Greenwood , Sheila M; Ha r ker , Thomas W Champions ' Council Mont h ly Meeting Depar t mental Conference Room- 1 0233 Start : Wed 12/6/20 17 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 12/6/20 17 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organizer : Eag l es , Dav i d T Requ i red Attendees : Hens l ey , Henry ; Clemmensen , Craig T; Milligan , Maria L ; Miller , Catie I ; Whippie , Tanya L; Sung , Philip E ; Cooper . J . Smith@hud . gov ; Hamilton , Angie S ; Golrick , Janet M; Brooks , Towanda A; Greenwood, Sheila M; Hoban - Moore , Patricia A; Marzol , Ado lf o F ; Zorc , Betha n y A; Kur t z , R . Hunter ; Bryon , Jemine A; Gaines , Ralph H; Bass , Deana ; Ozd i nec , Mil an M; Hughes , Andrew ; Thompson , Amy C; Appleton , Seth D; Hunter , Matthew F ; Suchar , Norman A; Kasper , Maren M; Bright , Michael R; Farias , Anna Maria ; Albert , Helen M; Kir k land , Jeremy ; Koskinen , Larry A; Domin i que G Bl om (Domi nique . G. Blom@hud . gov) ; Bregon , Nelson R; F r anceschin i -Petty , Raquel ; Greene , Bryan ; Wade , Dana T ; May , Marlene L ; Richardson , Todd M; Ammon, Matthew E; Lincoln , Paula A; Joy , Johnson P ; Hubbard (Ct r ) , Katrina R; Surber , Keith W; Cruciani , Linda M; Benison , John P ; Brown , Jereon M; Rackle ff, Neal J ; Cowan Jr ., Chad ; Van Dam, Kate l yn M; Bi ng-Grant , Max A; Shank , Rebecca H; Glav i n , Wi l li am A; Margeson , Mitchell J ; Ouzts , Walter L; McClure , Laura L ; PHP; Jones , A ' ndrea M; Alexander , Mason ; Akpakip , Ekanem O; Brown , Christ i na M; Pereira , Ariel ; Tufts , Suzanne I ; Harker , Thomas W; Stowe , Alexander J ; Ballard , D; Dun n, Connor M; Axe , Jess i K; Marshall , Mi chael Dan i el L Optional Atte ndees : Ga te s , Sco tt L ; Jenkins , Anne ; Hin ton- McClam , Lin da D; Cooper , Diane J ; Dawkins , Eunice D; Fleischer , Laura A; Coo l, Debra M Subject : Loc ation : HOLD for Sec r etary BRI EF on Florida and ' s Conference Room Puer to Rico Start : Fri 10/13/2017 11 : 30 AM End : Fr i 1 0/13/20 1 7 12: 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) S t atus : Not yet responded HUD-18-0504-D-000108 Organi zer : Doc Be n Requ ir ed At tendees : Benjamin E De marzo (Benjami n . E . Demarzo@hud . go v ) ; Delahoyde , Abigai l M; Amy C Thompson (Amy. C . Th ompson@hud . gov ); Fila , S t ephan i e C; Hunte r , Matt h ew F ; Andrew Hug hes (And rew .Hug hes@ hu d . gov) ; Cleve l a n d-Legge tt , Denise C; Dr e w A McCa ll (Jonatha n.A . McCal l@hu d . gov) ; Se th D App leton (Seth . D. Appl e ton@hud . gov ); Bregon , Ne lson R; Fr ee , Ke nn eth E; Gol r ick , Janet M; Shei la M Gree n woo d (Sh ei la . M. Gr eenwoodl@hud . gov) ; Kelley, Mic h ae l J ; Burl ey, Mi chael N; Rap h ael L Williams (Raphael . L . Wil li a ms@hud . g o v) ; Thompso n, Ca itl i n H; Zo r c , Be t ha n y A; Pett y , Timothy J ; PHP; Rack l e ff , Ne al J ; Ga i nes , Ra lph H Subject : Loca t io n: Weekly Check - i n w/Sheila COS Off ic e S tar t : Tue 6/6/201 7 2 :00 End : Tue 6 /6/2017 2 : 30 PM Sh ow Ti me As : Ten tat iv e Recur r e n ce : Weekly Recurre n ce Patt ern : Organiz e r : Greenwood Required At te ndees : Your meeti ng was update d . every , Jac i e & Be n PM Tuesd a y f rom 2 : 00 PM to , Sh e ila M Coressel , Jacie found to be out of Sent by Mic rosoft Exc hang e Ser ve r Su bject : MEET to discuss meeting Loca tion : SOHUD' s Offi ce 2 : 30 PM ; Demarzo , Ben j amin d ate with and has been E autom a tical ly Max Stier St a rt : Thu 10 /12/ 2 0 1 7 5 : 00 PM End : Thu 10/ 12 /2017 5 : 30 PM Sho w Time As : Ten t a t ive Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting S t at u s : Not y et respond ed Org an iz e r: Doc Be n Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Eagl e s , Da v id (Sh ei l a . M.G r eenwoodl@hud . gov) Su bject : T; She i la M Gree nwood Tra ve l by Uber S tart : Tue 1 0/ 17/ 2 0 1 7 12 : 30 PM End : Tue 10/ 1 7/2017 1 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta tiv e Recurre /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT n ce : (none) HUD-18-0504-D-000109 Organizer Requ i red : Greenwood , Sheila M At tendees : Greenwood , Shei la Your meeting updated. was found Se n t by Mic ro so ft Subject : Travel to be out Ex change by Uber Server of date M; Bass , Dea na and has been automatically St a rt : Tue 1 0/ 17/ 20 1 7 2 : 00 PM End : Tue 10/ 1 7/2017 2 : 30 PM Recurrence Meeting : (none) S t at u s : Meeting organizer Organizer : Greenwood , Sheila M Requ i r ed At t e ndees : Greenwood , Sheila Subject : Lo cat i on : Weekly Check - i n w/Sheila COS Off ic e M; Bass , Dea na , Jac i e & Ben Start : Tue 1 0/1 7/ 20 1 7 2 : 00 PM End : Tue 1 0/ 17/ 20 1 7 2 : 30 PM Sh ow Tim e As : Tentative Recurrence Recurrence : Weekly Pattern Organizer Required : every Tuesday from : Gr eenwood , Sheila M At te ndees : Coressel , Jacie Your meeting updated . was found to be out of Sent by Microso ft Exchange Serve r Su bject : Meeting with HUD on the Loca tion : EEOB 178 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM ; Demarzo , Benjamin date and has Opportunity been E automatically In i t i a tiv e Start : Tue 1 0/ 17/ 20 1 7 1 : 15 PM End : Tue 10/ 1 7/2017 2 : 00 PM Recu rr ence : (no ne ) Meeting S tatus Organizer Subject : Location : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : : Accepted Conant , Ann M. EOP/WHO Weekly Check - in w/Sheila COS Offic e and Adolfo HUD-18-0504-D-000110 Start : Thu 6/29/20 17 4 :0 0 PM End : Thu 6/29/20 17 4 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : Week l y Recur r e n ce Patte r n : every Thu rsday f r om 4 : 00 PM to Organiz e r : Greenwood , Sheila M Requ i red Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date Sent by Microsoft Excha n ge Server Subjec t: Weekly Check - in w/Sheila Location : COS Office 4 : 30 PM M; Mar zol , Adol f o F and has been automatically and Adolfo Start : Thu 1 0/19/20 1 7 3 : 30 PM End : Thu 10/19/2017 4 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta t iv e Recurrence : Week l y Recurre n ce Pattern : Organizer Requ i red every Th ursday from 4 : 00 PM to 4 : 30 PM : Greenwood , Sheila M Atte ndees : Marzol , Ado l fo F Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server Subjec t: Week ly Ch ec k -i n w/Sheila Locat i o n: COS Office and has been automatically and Adol f o Start : Thu 6/29/20 17 4 : 00 PM End : Thu 6/29/2017 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Recurrence Organizer Requ i red : Week l y Pattern : pVERSIGHT Thu rsday from : Greenwood , Sheila M Atte ndees : Greenwood , She i la Your meeting updated . /\MERICAi\ every was found to be out of date 4 : 00 PM to 4 : 30 PM M; Mar zol , Adolfo and has been F automatically HUD-18-0504-D-000111 Sent by Microsoft Exch a nge Server Subject : Interage ncy working group Loc ation : 9202 - via Conference Call on hu r rican e r espo ns e Start : Thu 10/ 12/20 17 11 : 30 AM End : Thu 1 0/12/20 1 7 12 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta tiv e Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Not yet r espo nd ed Organizer : Shaffer , Julie Required Atte ndees : Wade , Dana T; Patenaude , Pamela H; Golrick , Jane t M; Mar zol , Adolfo F ; Gree nwo od , Sheila M; Bravacos , Joh n G; Kasper , Mar en M; Campbell , Patricia A; Gibbons , Kathleen M; LOGAN, LEAH M; Mea ux , Lesl i e A; Fri edma n , Warren ; Roget , Gis ele G; Bowes , Robert B; Haller , Julia Z; Gorm l ey , Josep h M; Carr , Terry M; Ib e r , Robert G; Wolfson , Len ; Marshal l , Michae l J ; Himes , Ivery W; Rose , Thomas A; Kumi , Thomas K; Mart in , Matt B; Brown , Amy L; Saunders , Elissa O; Stevens , Kevin L; Mulderig , Robert E ; Bright, Mic hael R; Stefanie . Johnson@fhfa . gov ; Danie l le . Walton@fhfa . gov ; alexandra . travis@fema . dhs . gov ; Cynthia . Adcock@fhfa . gov ; Dona ld.Corin@fhf a . gov ; Mar ia . Fernandez@fhfa . gov ; Paul . Theruv i parampil@fhfa . gov ; Richard . Kane@wdc . usda . gov ; Stuart . Walden@wdc . us da . gov ; Rhonda . Armitage@va . gov; Rita . Fa l cioni@va . gov; jeffrey . london@va . gov ; Laur ie . Maggiano@cfpb . gov ; Prasant . Sar@fhfa . gov Opt i o na l Attendees : Russell , Jess i ca (CFPB) Subject: Hold Locatio Quick n: Check-in w/Sheila and Tim Petty : Greenwood , Sheila M Atte nd ees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Petty - re : LA Litigatio n COS Office Start : Mon 1 0/ 16/ 20 1 7 2 : 00 PM End : Mon 10/ 1 6/2017 2 : 15 PM Show Time As : Ten tative Recurrence Meeting : (non e) Status Organizer Required Subjec t : Hold Locat ion : : Quick Not yet responded Chec k-i n w/Sheila and Tim Petty , Timothy J - re : LA Lit igation COS Office Start : Tue 10/ 1 7/2017 4 : 30 PM End : Tue 10/ 17/20 17 4 : 45 PM Recurrence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) HUD-18-0504-D-000112 Meeting Sta t us : Meeting organize r M Organizer : Gre enwo o d , Sheila Req uir e d At tendees : Gr ee nwoo d , Shei l a M; Pett y , T i mothy Subject: Locat i o n: MEET to d i scuss SOHUD' s Off i ce meet i ng wi th J Ma x St i e r Start : Thu 10/ 12 /2017 4 : 00 PM End : Thu 1 0/12/2017 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Ten tativ e Rec urr ence : (non e) Meeting Sta t us : Not ye t r espo nded Organizer : DocBe n Req uir e d At tendees : Ea gles, ( She i la .M. Gree nwood l @hud . gov) Subject Location : : Davi d T ; Shei l a M Gr eenwood CEREMONY a t the White Hous e East Room; f oll owed b y recept i on in the State Dining r f or Ge n e ral Roo m Star t : Thu 10 /12/20 1 7 2 : 15 PM End : Thu 10 /1 2 /20 1 7 3 :4 5 PM Show Time As : Tentative Rec ur ren ce : (n one ) Meet ing Status : Not yet responded Org a niz er : DocB en Req u ir ed At tendees : She il a M Gree nwood (S he i la . M. Greenwood l @hu d . g ov ) Sub j ec t: Gover nment Loc a tio n : LUNCH with 0MB Pr ogram Assoc i ate Kathy Kraning e r Secretary ' s Din i ng Room Di recto Mon 1 1/13/20 1 7 12 : 00 PM Star t: End : Mon 1 1 /13/ 2 0 1 7 1 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none ) Meet i ng Status : Not yet r espo nd ed Or ga niz er : DocB en Req u ir ed Attendees : She il a M Greenwood ( She i la . M. Gree nwood l @hud . g ov) ; Ea gl es , Dav i d T ; PHP ; Ma r sha ll, Mic h a el J /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000113 Subjec t: Government Loc a tio n : LUNCH with 0MB Program Assoc i a te Ka thy Kr an ing er Secretary's Dini ng Room Director f or Ge n era l Mon 11 /13/20 1 7 12 : 00 PM Start : End : Mon 11 /13/20 1 7 1 : 00 PM Recurrence Meet ing : (none ) Status : Accepted Organize r : DocBe n Required Attend ees: Sheila M Gr eenwood (Sheila.M . Gree nwoodl@hud . gov) ; PHP; Mar s h al l , Micha el Jac k so n (Sherra . L . Jac kso n@hud . go v) ; Wade , Dana T Subject : Lo cation : DepSec DepS ec J ; Sherra Budget Br ief i ng Confe r ence Room Start : Thu 1 0/12/20 1 7 3 : 00 PM End : Thu 10/ 12/201 7 4 : 00 PM Show Time As : Te nta t ive Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng S t atus : Not yet responded Organi zer : PHP Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Gr eenwood , She i la M; Ma r sha ll, Michael J; Eagles , David T ; Golrick , J a net M; Lyberg , Sarah A; Moran , Mic ha e l J ; Ballard , Dan ie l L; Ro driguez , Aid a N; Hawki n s , Gregory R; Dawkins , Eunice D; Dagg et t , Ta n ya R; Stowe , Alexander D Subjec t: Loc a tio n: HOLD: Se n ate Banking Commi ttee conf i rmation 538 Dirksen Senate Office Buildi n g hea r ing Start : Thu 10/26/2017 1 0 : 00 AM End : Thu 1 0/26/20 1 7 12 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Re currence : (none) Org an iz e r: Wolf so n , Len Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Thompso n, Amy C ; Dendas , Michael W; Kurtz , R . Hunter ; Mar shal l , Michael J ; Greenwood , Sheila M; Wade , Dana T ; McCall , Drew A; Tufts , Su zanne I ; Hughes , Andrew ; Appleton , Se th D Sub j ec t: Locatio n : Senate Bank i ng Commi ttee 538 Dirksen Senate Office con f irmat i on h ear i ng Buildi n g Start : Thu 1 0/26/20 1 7 1 0 : 00 AM End : Thu 1 0/26/20 1 7 12 : 00 PM Recu rr ence : (no ne ) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000114 Meet i ng Status : Accepted Organiz e r : Wolfson , Len Required Attendees : Thompso n , Amy C; Dendas , Mi chael W; Kurtz , R . Hunte r ; Marshall , Mi c h ael J ; Gr eenwood , She i l a M; Wade , Dana T ; McCa ll , Drew A; Tufts , Suz anne I ; Hughes , Andrew ; App leton , Seth D Subjec t : Loca ti o n : HOLD: Senate 538 Dirk sen Banking Committe e confi Se n ate Offi ce Bu i ldi ng rma t ion hearing St art : Thu 10 /26/ 2 0 1 7 1 0 : 00 AM End : Thu 10/26/2017 12 : 00 PM Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng S t atus Organi Requ ir Hunter McCall : Accepted zer : Wolfson , Len ed At tendees : Thompso n , Amy C; Dendas , Mi chael W; Kur t z , R . ; Marshall , Mic h ael J ; Greenwood, Sheila M; Wad e , Dana T ; , Dr ew A; Tufts , Su zann e I ; Hug hes, And r e w; Appl eto n , Seth D Subjec t : Loca tion: BRIEF o n Fl orida and Puer to Rico Secre t a ry' s Co n ference Room Start : Thu 10/12/2017 4 : 30 PM End : Thu 1 0/12/20 1 7 5 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Rec ur rence : (none ) Meetin g Status : Not ye t re spo nde d Org a nizer : DocBen Required Attende es : Benjamin E Demarzo (Benjam i n . E . Dema r zo@hud.g ov) ; Delahoyde , Abigai l M; Amy C Thompson (Amy. C . Th ompso n @h ud . gov ); Fi l a , Stepha n ie C; Hun ter , Matthew F; Andrew Hughes (Andrew . Hug hes@h u d . gov) ; Cle veland-Leggett , Denis e C; Drew A McCall (Jonatha n . A . Mc Call@hud . gov ) ; Seth D Appleton (Se th . D. Appl et on@hud . gov ); Br e gon , Ne lson R; Fr ee , Kennet h E ; Sheila M Gree nwo od (Sheila . M. Gre enwoodl@hud . gov) ; Ke l ley , Mi c h ae l J ; Burl e y, Mi chael N; Rap h ae l L Wi ll i ams (Raphael . L . Will iams@hud .g ov ) ; Th ompso n, Caitl i n H; Zorc , Bethany A; Pe tty , Timothy J Subjec t: Loca tion: BRIEF o n Flo ri da and Puerto Rico Secre t ary ' s Co n ference Room S tart : Thu 10 /12/ 2 0 1 7 5 : 00 PM End : Thu 10/ 12/20 17 5 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta tiv e Recurre /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT n ce : (none) HUD-18-0504-D-000115 Meet in g Sta t us : Not y et resp o nde d Organizer : Doc Ben Req uir e d At tendees : Benjamin E Demarz o (Be n jam i n . E . Dema r zo@hud . gov) ; Delahoyde , Abigail M; Amy C Thompson (Amy. C . Th ompso n@hud . gov ) ; Fi l a , Stephanie C; Hun te r , Matthe w F ; Andr ew Hug hes (Andr ew . Hug hes@ hu d . gov) ; Cleve l and-Leggett , Denise C; Drew A McCal l (J o n a th an . A . McCal l@hu d . gov ); Seth D Appleton (Se th . D. Appleton@h u d . gov) ; Br egon , Ne l son R; Free , Kenneth E ; Sheila M Gree nwood (She i l a . M. Greenw oodl@hu d . gov) ; Ke lley , Mich a el J ; Burl e y , Mic hael N; Raphael L Williams (Ra p hael . L . Williams@ hu d . gov) ; Thompson, Caitl i n H; Zor c , Bet hany A; Pe tty , Tim o th y J Su bje c t : Loca tion : MEET w/ David SOHUD' s Office Ea gles to d isc uss meeting with Ma x Stier S t a rt : Thu 10 /1 2/2 0 1 7 4 : 00 PM End : Thu 10/ 12 /2017 4 : 30 PM Sho w Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Status : Not yet responded Organizer : DocBe n Req u ir ed Atte ndees : Eagl es , Da v id (Sh ei la . M. Gr eenwo o dl@hu d . gov) Subject: Loc ation T; She i la M Gree nwood FOIA meeting Shei l a ' s office : Start : Thu 10/ 12/2017 4 : 30 PM End : Thu 10/ 12/20 1 7 5 : 00 PM Show Time As : Ten tativ e Recurrence : (non e) Meet i ng Status : Not y et r espo nd ed Organizer : Brow n , Chris ti na M Req uir e d At tendees : Gr ee nwo o d , Shei l a M; Thompso n , Amy C; Brown , Jereo n M Subject : Curtis ou t of the office Star t : F ri 10/ 13/ 2017 12 : 00 AM End : Sat 10/ 14 /2017 12 : 00 AM Show Time As : Ten tativ e Rec urr en c e : (non e) Meet i ng Status Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : : Not Hardison, yet r espo nded Ja mes C HUD-18-0504-D-000116 Requ i red Atte ndees : Rodr i guez , Ai da N; Gr eenwood , Sheila Dawki ns , Eun i ce D; De marzo , Benjam i n E ; Han i ble , Dona l d C Subject : Loca tio n: Ch eck - i n w/She ila COS Office a nd Janet M; G. Start : Wed 1 0/ 11/ 2 0 1 7 5 : 00 PM End : Wed 1 0/ 11/ 20 1 7 5 : 30 PM Show Ti me As : Tenta t iv e Recurre n ce : (non e ) Organizer Required : Gr ee nwood , She ila M At te ndees : Greenwood , Sheila Your meet i ng was found updated . to b e out M; Gol ric k, of dat e and has Sent by Mic ro so ft Ex change Ser ve r Subjec t: Ch eck - i n w/S h e ila a n d Janet Lo cat i on : COS Off ic e Ja ne t M been a u tomatically G. Start : Wed 1 0/11/20 1 7 5 : 00 PM End : Wed 1 0/ 11/ 20 1 7 5 : 30 PM Sh ow Tim e As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer Required : (none) : Greenwood , Shei la M Attendees : Gr ee nwood , Sheila Your meeting updated . was found to be ou t of date Sent by Mi crosoft Exchange Se rv e r Su bject : MEET w/ Da v id Eagles to discuss Loc at i on : SOHUD' s Office M; Golri ck , Janet and has meeting been M automatically with Max St i er Start : Thu 1 0 /1 2/20 1 7 3 : 30 PM End : Thu 1 0/ 12/20 1 7 4 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tentative Re curr ence : (none ) Meeting Status : Not yet resp o nded Organizer : DocBen Requ i r ed At tendees : Eag l es , Dav i d T; She i la (She ila . M. Gree nwood l @hud . go v ) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT M Greenwood HUD-18-0504-D-000117 Subjec t: Loca tion: MEET w/ David Ea gles SOHUD' s Off i ce Start : Thu 10/ 12/2017 3 : 30 PM End : Thu 1 0/12/20 1 7 4 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta tiv e Rec urre n ce : (none ) Meeting Sta t us : Not y et r espo nded Organizer : DocB e n Req uir ed At tendees : Eagles , Davi d T; Sh ei l a M Gr eenwo od (She ila.M . Gree nwoodl@ hu d .g ov) Subject : Loc ation : DepS ec Bu dget Dep Sec Confere Bri e f i ng nce Room Thu 1 0/12/20 1 7 2 : 45 PM Star t : End : Thu 1 0/12/ 2 0 1 7 3 :4 5 PM Show Time As : Tent ati ve Rec urr ence : (non e) Mee t in g Status : Not y e t r espo nded Organiz e r : PHP Req u ir ed Atte ndees : Greenwood , She i la M; Ma r sha ll, Michael J; Eagl es , Dav i d T; Gol r i c k , Jane t M; Lybe rg, Sa r a h A; Mor a n, Mi c h ae l J ; Ballard , Daniel L; Rodri guez , Aida N; Hawkins , Grego ry R; Dawkins , Eun ice D; Dagge tt , Tanya R; Sto we , Alexander D Su bject : Loca tion : DepSec DepSec Budget Br ie fi ng Conf ere n ce Roo m Sta r t : Thu 10/ 12/2017 3 : 00 PM End : Thu 10/ 12/2017 3 : 45 PM Sho w Time As : Tenta tiv e Recurre n ce : (n o ne ) Meet in g Sta t us : Dec line d Org a nize r : PHP Req uir e d At tendees : Gre e nwo o d , Shei l a M; Marshall , Mi chae l J ; Eagles , David T; Golrick , Jane t M; Lyberg , Sarah A; Mora n , Mic h ael J ; Ballard , Da n i el L; Ro drigu ez , Aida N; Hawki n s , Gregory R; Dawkin s , Eun i ce D; Dagg ett , Ta n ya R; Stowe , Alexander D Subject Locatio : n: Check - i n w/Shei l a a nd Janet COS Off ice G. Start : Wed 1 0/ 11/ 2 0 1 7 5 : 00 PM End : Wed 10/ 11 /2017 5 : 30 PM /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000118 Show Time As : Recurrence Meeting Tenta tive : (none) Status : Not ye t re spo nde d Organ iz e r : Greenwood , Sheila M Required Attendees : Greenwood , Shei la Subjec t : Locat i o n : M; Gol rick , Ja n et M FOIA meeting She i l a ' s of f i ce Sta r t : Thu 10/ 12 /2017 3 : 30 PM End : Thu 1 0/12/20 1 7 4 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : (none ) Meetin g Status : Org a nizer : Brown, Required Attendees J e reo n M Subjec t: Locatio n : Not ye t re spo nded Christina M : Gr eenwood , Shei la MEETIING between SOHUDs o ff ice M; Thompson , Amy C; Brown, OSEC and OIG Start : Fri 1 0/13/20 1 7 11 : 00 AM End : Fri 1 0/13/20 1 7 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recu rr ence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Not yet r espo nded Organizer : DocBen Required Attendees : Zorc , Bethany A; O' Leary , Mar k ; Shei l a M Greenwood (Sheila . M. Gr ee nwood l @hu d . gov) Opt i o na l Atte ndees : Kirk l a n d , Jeremy ; Jenk in s , Anne Subject : Meeting with She il a Gre enw oo d, Chief Secre t a r y Carso n (HUD) Locat i o n : Conference Call 202-402-6068 of Staff to Start : Wed 10/ 11 /2017 1 : 15 PM End : Wed 10/ 11/20 17 1 : 45 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Mee t ing Organizer Required /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) Status : Not ye t re spo nded : Wil lin g h am, Keit h Attendees : Eunice . D. Dawkins@hud . gov HUD-18-0504-D-000119 Opt i o na l Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : FW: Meeting wit h Sheila Greenwood, Secretary Carson (HUD) Locatio n : Conference Call 202-402-6068 Chief of Staff to Sta ff to Start : Wed 10 /11/20 1 7 1 : 00 PM End : Wed 10 /11/20 1 7 1 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not Organi zer : Willingham yet responded , Keit h Subject : FW: Meeting wit h Sheila Greenwood , Chie f of Secretary Carson (HUD) Locatio n : Con feren ce Call 202-402-6068 St art : Wed 10/ 11/ 2 0 1 7 1 : 00 PM End : Wed 10/ 11/20 17 1 :3 0 PM Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng St atus : Accepted Organi zer : Willingham Subject Locatio : n: , Keith Meet and Greet COS Office w/Sheila Greenwood and Tom Ha rker Start : Fri 10 /13/20 1 7 1 : 30 PM End : Fri 1 0/13/20 1 7 1 : 4 5 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status Organizer Required : Not yet r espo nd ed : Greenwood , Shei la M Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila Subject : Loc ation : Meet and Greet COS Off ic e Start : End : Fri M; Ha rker , Thomas w/She il a Greenwood and w Tom Harker Fri 10/ 13/20 17 1 : 30 PM 10 /13/20 1 7 1 :4 5 PM Recu rr ence : (none) Meet i ng Status Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : : Meet i ng o rg an iz e r Greenwood , Shei la M HUD-18-0504-D-000120 Required Attendees Subject : Location : : Greenwood , Sheila MEET wit h Suzanne SOHUD' s office M; Ha rker , Th omas W Tufts Mon 1 0/16/20 1 7 10 : 00 AM Start : End : Mon 1 0/16/20 1 7 1 0 : 1 0 AM Show Tim e As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meet in g St atus : Not yet r espo nded Organi zer : DocBe n Required Attendees : su z an ne.t u ft s@hu d . gov ; Al exander Andrew Hug hes (Andrew .Hug hes@ hu d .g ov) ; Dr ew A Mc Ca ll (Jo nat han . A . McCal l@hud . gov) ; Sheila M Greenwood (Sh e ila . M. Gr eenwo odl@h u d . gov) Sub j ec t: Loc a tio n : PHP + Sheila DepSec Office , Maso n; Gr eenwood Sta r t : Wed 10/ 11 /2017 11 : 30 AM End : Wed 10 /11/20 1 7 11 : 50 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recu rr en ce : (none) Meet i ng Status : Not yet Org a nize r : PHP Required Att en d ees : Subjec t: Budget Lo cation : Check-in r espo nded Gr ee nwood , Sh e ila w/Sheila M , David , Ai da & CFO Staff - r e : SOHUD' s COS Off i ce Start : Wed 1 0/11/20 1 7 9 : 00 AM End : Wed 1 0 /11/20 1 7 9 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Greenwood , Shei la M Required Attendees : Greenwo o d , Shei la M; Eag l es, Rod rig uez , Aida N; Lyberg , Sara h A; Ballard , Daniel Gregory R; Golrick , Janet M Opt i o n al Attendees : Moran , Michael J Your meeting upd ated . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was found to be out of date and David T; L; Hawkins , h as been a ut omatically HUD-18-0504-D-000121 Sent by Microsoft Exch a nge Server From : Moran , Mic hael J Sent : Tuesday , October 10 , 2017 5 : 55 PM To : Gr ee nwood , Shei l a M Subject : Accepted : FW: Ch eck-in w/Sheila - re : SOHUD's Bu dget Check - in Subject : Budget Loca tion : w/Sheila , David , Aida , David , Aida & CFO Staff & CFO Staff - re : SOHUD' s COS Office St art : Wed 1 0/ 11/ 20 1 7 9 : 00 AM End : Wed 10/ 11 /2017 9 : 30 AM Show Time As : Ten tative Recurrence : (non e ) Organizer : Greenwood , Shei l a M Required Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Eagles , David T; Rodr i guez, Ai da N; Lybe rg , Sarah A; Ballard, Daniel L; Hawk i ns , Gregory R; Golrick , Janet M Optiona l Attendees : Moran , Mi chael J Your meeting updat ed . was fo und to be out of date and h as been Sent by Mi crosoft Exchang e Server From : Hawkins, Gr egory R Sent : Tuesday , October 10 , 2017 5 : 4 4 PM To : Greenwood , Shei l a M Subjec t : Accepted : Check-in w/Sheila , David , Aida re : SOHUD' s Budget Subject Locatio : n: Check - in w/Shei l a and COS Office Alexand er a utomat ical & CFO Sta ff ly - Mason Start : Fri 1 0/13/20 1 7 2 : 00 PM End : Fri 10/ 13/20 1 7 2 : 15 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Organizer Required : (none) : Greenwood Attendees : Your meeting updated . , Shei l a M Greenwood , Shei la was found to be out Sent by Mic rosoft Exc hang e Server Subject : Check - in w/Shei la and /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT of date Alexander M; Alexander and has been , Mason a ut omatical ly Mason HUD-18-0504-D-000122 Loca tion : COS Office S t a rt : Fri 1 0/ 1 3/2 0 1 7 2 : 00 PM End : F ri 10/ 1 3/2017 2 : 1 5 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (non e ) Or ga niz er : Gr ee nwo o d , Shei l a M Req u i red At tendees : Greenwood , Sheila Your meet i ng was found updated . t o b e ou t of date M; Alexander a n d has Se nt by Mic ro so ft Exchange Serve r Subject : Check - i n w/S h e ila a nd Al exa nder Loca tion : COS Off ice , Mas on be en automatically Maso n Fri 1 0/ 1 3/20 1 7 2 : 00 PM St a rt : End : F ri 10/ 1 3/2017 2 : 1 5 PM Show Ti me As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer Req u ired : (non e ) : Gr ee nwo o d , Sh e ila M Attendees : Greenwood , She i la Your meet i ng was foun d t o b e ou t of updat ed . M; Alexander dat e a n d has , Mas on b een automatically Sent by Mic rosoft Ex change Se r ve r Subject : Ch eck - i n w/Shei l a a nd Al exa nde r Maso n Loca tion : COS Off ice Start : Fri 1 0/ 13/20 1 7 2 : 00 PM En d : Fri 10/ 1 3/201 7 2 : 15 PM Show Time As : Te n tat iv e Recurrence : (n one ) Meet i ng S t at u s : Not yet responded Or ga nizer : Greenwood , Shei la M Requ i r ed Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila Subject Locatio : n: M; Al e xa nde r , Mason Check - i n w/Shei l a Gr eenwo o d and William COS Off ice Ru sse ll S t a rt : Wed 1 0/ 11/ 2 0 1 7 4 : 00 PM End : Wed 10/ 11 /2017 4 : 1 5 PM /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000123 Show Time As : Recurrence Tenta tive : (none) Organi zer : Greenwood , Sheila M Requ i r ed Atte ndees : Greenwood , She i la wrussell@sarasotahousing . org Your meeting up dated . was found to be out of date M; and has Sent by Microsoft Ex c h a nge Serve r Subjec t : Chec k -i n w/Shei la Gree nwood a nd William Locat i o n: COS Office been automatically Russe l l Start : Wed 10/11/2017 4 : 00 PM End : Wed 10 /11/20 1 7 4 : 15 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta ti ve Recu rr en ce : (none) Organi zer : Greenwood , Sheila M Requ i r ed Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila wrussell@sarasotahousi ng . org Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be out o f date M; and h as been a ut omatical ly Sent by Microsoft Exc h a ng e Ser ver Subjec t : Check-in w/Sheila Gree nwood and Wil li am Russell Lo cation : COS Office Start : Wed 10/ 11/ 2017 4 : 00 PM End : Wed 1 0/11/20 1 7 4 : 1 5 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recu rr ence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Not yet r espo nded Organizer : Gr eenwood , Sheila M Required Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila wrussel l@sarasotahousi ng. org Subject : Loc ation : DepSec DepSec - Senior Staff Disaster Conference Room M; Coordination Meeting Start : Thu 1 0/19/20 1 7 4 : 00 PM End : Thu 1 0/ 19/ 20 1 7 5 : 00 PM /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000124 Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng Status : Accepted Organi ze r: PHP Requ i r ed Attendees : Eag l es , Dav i d T; Rackleff , Neal J ; Fa ri as , Anna Mar ia ; Wade , Dana T; Thompson , Amy C; Mar s h a ll , Mi c h ae l J ; Bright , Mic hael R; Zorc , Betha ny A; Appleton , Seth D; Hun ter , Matthew F ; Gr een woo d , Sheila M; Bass , De ana ; Kurtz , R. Hunter ; Hughes , Andrew ; Marzol , Ado lf o F ; Bravacos , John G; Wolfson , Len ; Kasper , Maren M; Joy , Jo h nson P Opt i o na l Atte ndees : Rawl inson , Steven W; Gaines , Ra lph H; Petty , Timothy J Subjec t: Locat i o n : DepSec DepSec - Sen i o r Sta ff Mee t i ng Conference Room Start : Thu 10/ 1 9/2017 4 : 00 PM End : Thu 10 /19/20 1 7 5 : 00 PM Recurre n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Accep te d Organ iz e r : PHP Required Atte ndees : PHP; Eag les , David T; Rack l eff , Nea l J ; Fa rias , Anna Mar i a ; Wade , Dana T; Thomps o n , Amy C; Marshall , Mi chael J ; Brig h t , Mi c h ae l R; Zorc , Be t h any A; Appleton , Se t h D; Hun ter , Matthew F ; Gree nwood , Sh e i la M; Bass , Deana ; Kur tz , R. Hunter ; Hughes , Andrew ; Marzol , Ado l fo F ; Br a vac os , John G; Wolfson , Len ; Kasper , Maren M Optiona l Att en d ees : Rawlinson , St e v en W; Ga i nes , Ra l ph H; Ti m Petty (Timothy . J . Petty@ hu d . gov ) Subject : Location : Weekly Check - i n w/Sheila COS Off i ce , Jacie & Ben Start : Wed 1 0/11/20 1 7 11 : 00 AM End : Wed 1 0/11/20 1 7 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : Week l y Recur r e n ce Pat t e r n : Or ga nizer Required : Greenwood At t e ndees : Your meeting updated . every Tu esday , Shei l a M Coresse l , Jacie was f ound to be ou t of Sent by Mic rosoft Exc h a ng e Server Subject : Weekly Che ck - in w/Sheila /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM ; Demarzo , Ben j amin date and h as been E a u tomatical ly , Jac i e & Ben HUD-18-0504-D-000125 Locatio n: COS Off ice Start : Wed 10 /11/ 2 0 1 7 11 : 00 AM End : Wed 10/11/2017 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recur r e n ce : Weekly Recurrence Patte r n : every Tuesday from 2 : 00 PM to 2 :3 0 PM Organi zer : Greenwood , Sheila M Requ i r ed Attendees : Coressel , Jac i e ; Demarzo , Ben j amin Your meeting upd ated . was found to be out of date Sent by Microsoft Exchan ge Server Subjec t : Weekl y Ch ec k -i n w/Sheila Locat i o n : COS Office , Jacie and has been E a u tomatically & Ben Start : Tu e 6/6/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Tue 6/6/2017 2 : 3 0 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence Recurrence : Week l y Pa tte rn : e very Tuesday Org an iz e r : Gr eenwood , She i la M Required Atte ndees : Coressel, Your meet ing up dated . was found to be out from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM J ac ie ; Dema rzo , Benjamin of d a te and has Sent by Microsoft Ex c h a nge Ser v e r Subject : FW: MEET to Follow-up o n Murde r Board Rank i ng Membe r Cleaver Locatio n : SOHUD' s Off ic e been E automatically a n d CALL with Tue 1 0/10/20 1 7 2 : 00 PM Start : End : Tue 1 0/10/20 1 7 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Organ iz e r : DocBe n Subjec t : Locat ion : BRIEF on Denver Secre t a r y ' s Con ference Room Start : Thu 10 /19/20 1 7 2 : 30 PM End : Thu 10/19/2017 3 : 00 PM /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000126 Show Time As : Recurrence Meeting Tenta tive : (none) Status : Not ye t re spo nde d Organ iz e r: DocBe n Required Attendees : Cobb , Er ic R; Be n j amin E Demarzo (Benjam i n . E . Demarzo@hud . gov); De l ahoyde, Abigail M; Amy C Thompson (Amy. C . Th ompso n @h ud . gov ); Rap h ael L Williams (Raphael . L . Wi lliams@h u d .g ov) ; Sheila M Gr eenwood (Sheila .M.G ree nwood l @hud . gov) ; Andrew Hug hes (And r ew . Hughes@hud . gov ); Adolfo F Ma rz o l (Adolfo . F . Marzol@hud . gov ); Drew A McCa ll (Jonatha n. A . McCall@hu d . gov ); Se th D App l eton (Seth.D . Appleton@hud . gov ); Kelley , Mi c h ae l J ; Fila , Ste p h an i e C; Burley , Mi chael N; Zo r c , Betha ny A; Petty , Ti mothy J ; Fr ee , Ke nn eth E; Hunt er , Matt h ew F ; Thompson , Cai t l i n H Subjec t: MEET t o Fo ll ow- up on Mur der Membe r Cleave r Lo cation : SOHUD's Office Board and CALL with Ranki ng Sta r t : Tue 10/1 0 /2017 2 : 00 PM End : Tue 1 0/10/20 1 7 3 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recu rr ence : (none) Meet in g Status : Not yet r espo nded Organize r: DocBe n Required Att en d ees: Seth D Appleton (Seth . D. Apple ton @hud . gov) ; She il a M Gree nwood (She ila . M. Gree nwoodl@ h ud . gov ); Ado l f o F Marz ol (Adolfo . F . Mar z ol@hud . gov ); Wade , Dana T; Amy C Th ompso n (Amy. C . Th ompso n @h u d . gov ); Dendas, Mich ael W; Ke lley , Mic ha e l J Subjec t: MEET t o Follow-up Membe r Cleave r Locat i o n: SOHUD' s Off i ce on Mur der Board and CALL with Ranking Sta r t : Tue 10/ 1 0/2017 2 : 30 PM End : Tue 1 0/10/20 1 7 3 : 15 PM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Recu rr en ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not ye t respo nded Organizer : DocBen Required Attend ees: Seth D Appleton (Seth . D. Apple ton @hud . gov); She il a M Gree nwood (Sh eila . M. Greenwoodl@ h ud . gov ); Ado l fo F Marzol (Adolfo . F . Mar z ol@hud . gov ); Wade , Dana T; Amy C Th ompso n (Amy. C . Th ompso n @h ud . gov ); Dendas , Mich ael W; Kelley , Mic ha e l J /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000127 Subjec t : Budget Locatio n : Check-in cos w/Sheila , David , Aida & CFO St af f - re : SOHUD' s Office Start : Wed 10 /11/20 1 7 9 : 00 AM End : Wed 1 0/11/20 1 7 9 : 30 AM Show Tim e As : Tentat iv e Recu rr ence : (none) Orga n iz e r : Greenwood , She i la M Required Atte ndees : Greenwo o d , Shei l a M; Eag le s , David T; Rod rig uez , Aida N; Lyberg , Sarah A; Ballard , Daniel L; Hawkins , Gregory R; Gol r ick , Janet M Opt i o na l Attendees : Moran , Michael J Your meeting updated . was found to be out of Sent by Mic ro soft Exchan ge Server Subject : Check - in w/Shei l a, David, Budget Locat i on : COS Office date Aida and has been & CFO Staff automatica lly - re : SOHUD' s Sta r t : Wed 10/ 11/20 17 9 : 00 AM End : Wed 10 /11/20 1 7 9 : 30 AM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Recurrence : (none ) Organi zer : Greenwood , Sheila M Requ i r ed Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Eagles , David T; Rodriguez , Aida N; Lyberg , Sarah A; Bal lar d , Daniel L; Hawkins , Gr e gory R; Golrick , J anet M Optio na l Attendees : Moran , Michael J Your meeting updated . was found to be ou t of date and has been Sent by Mic rosoft Exc h ange Server F rom : Lybe r g , Sarah A Sent : Tuesday , October 10 , 2017 11 : 04 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subjec t: Accep t ed : Chec k -in w/Sheila , David , Aida re : SOHUD's Budge t Subjec t : Budget Loc ation : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Chec k -i n w/Shei la , David , Aida & CFO St aff a u tomatical ly & CFO Staf f - - re : SOHUD' s COS Office HUD-18-0504-D-000128 Start : Wed 10 /11/20 1 7 9 : 00 AM End : Wed 1 0/11/20 1 7 9 :3 0 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organ iz e r : Greenwood , Sheila M Required Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Eag les , David T; Rodriguez , Aida N; Lyberg , Sarah A; Ballard , Daniel L; Hawkins, Gregory R; Golrick , Janet M Opt i o na l Attendees : Moran , Michael J Your meeting upd ated . was found to be out of date Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server Subjec t: MEET t o Follow-up on Mur der Locatio n: SOHUD' s Off i ce and has been automatically Board Sta r t : Tue 10/ 1 0/2017 2 :3 0 PM End : Tue 10/ 1 0/2017 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not ye t re spo nde d Organizer : DocBen Required Attendees : Se th D Appleton (Seth . D. App l eton@hud . gov ); Sheila M Greenwood (She il a . M. Greenwoodl@hud . gov ); Adolfo F Marzol (Adolfo.F . Marzol@hud . gov) ; Wade , Dana T; Amy C Th ompso n (Amy. C . Th ompson@ h ud . gov ); Dendas , Mi chael W; Kelley , Mi c h ae l J Subject : Loca tion : MEET to Follow - up on Murder SOHUD' s Office Board Start : Tue 1 0/10/20 1 7 2: 00 PM End : Tue 10 /10/20 1 7 2 :4 5 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting S t atus : Not yet responded Organizer : DocBe n Requ i red Attendees : Seth D Appleton (Seth.D . Appleton@hud . gov) ; Sheila M Greenwood (Shei la . M. Greenwoodl@hud . gov ); Adolfo F Marzol (Adolfo . F . Marzol@hud . gov) ; Wade, Dana T; Amy C Thompson (Amy. C . Th ompso n @h ud . gov ); Dendas , Mi c h ael W; Ke lley , Mi c h ae l J ; Kurtz , R . Hunte r; Davis , Thomas R Optional Attendees : Len Wolfson /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000129 Subject : Budge t Locatio n: Check - i n w/Sheila , David , Aid a & CFO Staff - re : SOHUD' s COS Off ice Start : Wed 1 0/11/20 1 7 9 : 00 AM End : Wed 1 0/11/20 1 7 9 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer : Greenwood , Shei l a M Required Atte ndees : Eagles , Dav id T; Rodrig ue z , Aida N; Lyberg , Sarah A; Ba ll a r d , Daniel L; Hawkins , Gr egory R; Gol r i c k, Jane t M Your meeting updated . was found to be out of Sent by Mic r osoft Exchan ge Server Subject : Check - in w/Shei l a , David, Budget Locat i on : COS Office date Aida and has been & CFO Staff automatica lly - re : SOHUD' s Sta r t : Wed 10/ 11 /2017 9 : 00 AM End : Wed 1 0/1 1 /20 1 7 9 : 30 AM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Recurrence : (none ) Organi zer: Greenwood , Shei l a M Requ ir ed Attendees : Eag l es , Dav i d T; Rodrig u ez , Aida N; Lybe rg, Sarah A; Ba ll ard , Da nie l L; Hawkins , Gregory R; Golrick , Janet M Your meeting updated. was f ound to be out of date and h as been Sent by Mi crosoft Exc h a ng e Ser ver Subjec t: Check-in w/She i la , David , Ai da & CFO Staff Budget Location : COS Off i ce a ut omatica l ly - r e : SOHUD' s Start : Wed 10/ 11 /2017 9 : 00 AM End : Wed 1 0/11/20 1 7 9 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) : Greenwood , Shei l a M HUD-18-0504-D-000130 Required Attendees : Eagles , Dav id T; Rodrig uez , Aida N; Lybe rg , Sarah A; Ba ll a r d , Daniel L; Hawkins , Gr egory R; Golr i c k , Jane t M Your meet ing up dated . was found to be out of date and h as been automatically Sent by Mic ro soft Exchan ge Server Subjec t: She il a a n d Ben a n d Len o n MBA Conf ere n ce Locat i o n : COS office Sta r t : Wed 10/ 11 /2017 1 0 : 30 AM End : Wed 1 0/11/20 1 7 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : Ten t a tive Recurrence : (none ) Organi zer : Greenwood , Sheila M Requ ir ed At tendees : Wolf so n , Len ; Demar zo , Benjamin Your meeting update d . was found to be out of d a te and has been E a ut omatically Sent by Mic ro so f t Exc h an ge Server Subjec t: She il a a nd Be n a nd Len on MBA Confe re n ce Locat i o n: COS office St art : Wed 10 /11/20 1 7 1 0 : 30 AM End : Wed 10/ 11/20 17 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : (none) Organi zer : Greenwood , Sheila M Requ i r ed At tendees : Wolf so n , Len ; Demar zo , Benjamin Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and has Sent by Mic ro so ft Exchange Server Subjec t: Sheila and Be n a nd Len on MBA Confere Loca tion: COS office been E automatica l ly n ce Start : Wed 10 /11/ 2 0 1 7 1 0 : 30 AM End : Wed 10/ 11/20 17 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurre /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT n ce : (none) HUD-18-0504-D-000131 Organi zer: Greenwood Requ ir ed Attendees : Your meet ing up dated . was , Sheila M Wolf so n, Len ; Demar zo , Benjamin found to be out of date and has been E automat i ca l ly Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server Subjec t: Week l y Media Update Locat i o n: SOHUD' s off i ce Sta r t : Wed 10/ 11 /2017 1 : 30 PM End : Wed 1 0/ 11 /20 1 7 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence Recurrence : Weekly Pa tte rn : Meet in g Status : eve ry Wednesday Not yet from 1 1 : 00 AM to 11 : 30 AM r espo nded Organizer : DocBen Greenwo o d , Shei l a M; Thomps on , Amy C; Required Attend ees: Wil li ams , Rap h ael L ; Br own , Je re on M; Thompso n, Cait l i n H Opt i o n al Attendees : Cowan J r. , Chad Subjec t: Locatio n: Visit East WH- - Chai Lifelin e Wing Reception Room S t art : Tue 10 /1 0 /20 1 7 1 0:45 End : Tue 10 /1 0 /20 1 7 11 :1 5 AM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e AM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not yet responded Organ iz e r: DocBe n Requ ir ed Atte ndees : She il a M Gree nwood (S heila .M. Greenwood l @hud . gov) Rol l o ut TBD Subjec t: Locat i o n: of 2017 Point-In-Time Co u nt St a r t : Tue 10/ 1 0 /2017 3 : 00 PM End : Tue 10/ 1 0/2017 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence : (none) Mee t in g S t atus Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : : No t ye t re spo nded Thompson , Amy C HUD-18-0504-D-000132 Requ ire d Atte ndees : Brian E Su lliv a n (br i a n. e . su l livan@hud .g ov ); Appl e ton , Seth D; Mi c h ael W Dendas (Mi c h ae l . W. Den das@ hu d . gov) ; R . Hunter Kur tz (Robert .H. Kur tz @hud . gov) ; Suchar , Norman A; Bryo n, Jemin e A; Snow , William ; Rackl e ff , Nea l J Opt i o n al Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Hughe s , And r ew ; Gai ne s , Ra lp h H; Dunn , Connor M; Mars h all , Mi c h ae l J ; PHP Subject : Lo cation : Shei l a and COS office Ben and Le n on MBA Conference Start : Tue 1 0/10/20 1 7 2 : 30 PM End : Tue 10 /10/ 2 0 1 7 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Te nta t ive Recurrence Organizer Req uired : (none) : Greenwood Att en d ees: Your meeting updated . , Shei l a M Wolfson , Len ; Dema rzo , Be njamin was f ound to be ou t of date and h as been E a u tomatical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Server Subject : Sheila and Ben and Le n on MBA Conference Lo cation : COS office Tue 1 0/10/20 1 7 2 : 30 PM Start : End : Tue 10 /10/20 1 7 3:0 0 PM Show Time As : Tent ati ve Recurrence Org a nizer Required : (none) : Greenwood Attende es: , Shei l a M Wolfson , Len ; Dema rzo , Be njamin Your meet i ng was f ound up dated . to be ou t o f date and h as been E a u tomatical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Serve r F rom : Wolfson , Len Sent : F ri da y , October 06, 201 7 12 : 43 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subjec t: Accepted : Sheila and Ben and Len on MBA Conference Subject : Loc ation : Sheila a nd Ben a nd Le n on MBA Conference COS office Tue 1 0/10/20 1 7 2 : 30 PM Start : End : Tue 1 0/ 1 0/20 1 7 3 : 00 PM Sho w Time As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000133 Recurrence : (non e ) Organizer Required : Gr ee nwood , Sh e ila M At tendees : Wol f so n , Len ; Demarzo , Ben jami n E Your meet i ng was updated . fo un d to b e out of date and ha s been a u tomatically Sent by Mic ro so ft Exchange Ser ve r F r om : Dema rz o, Be njami n E Sent : Friday , Octob er 06 , 2 017 12 : 42 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Acc e pt ed : Sheila and Be n and Le n on MBA Conf e r e n ce Subject : Loca tion : Sheila and COS o ff ice Ben and Len on MBA Conference Start : Tue 10 /10/20 1 7 2 : 30 PM End : Tue 10/10/2017 3 : 00 PM Sh ow Ti me As : Tenta t iv e Recurrence : (non e ) Organiz e r : Gr ee nwood , Sh e il a M Required At tendees : Wol f so n , Len ; Demarzo , Ben jami n E Your meet ing updat ed . was found t o b e ou t of Se nt by Mic ros o ft Exchange Subject : 2017 Feds Feed Loca tion : Broo k e-Mondale date Ser ve r Fam i ly Campaign Audit o rium a n d has b een automatically Clo si ng Ce r emony Start : Thu 1 0/ 12 /20 1 7 2 : 00 PM En d : Thu 10 /12/20 1 7 3 : 30 PM Rec ur ren ce : (none) Meet ing Status : Accepted Or gan i zer : OCHCO Req u ire d Atte ndees : Su bj e ct : Loc at i on : SES-SL 201 7 Ca nceled : SPEAK to Politi cal Appointees Depa r tmen ta l Conference Room Tue 1 0/ 1 0/2 0 1 7 5 : 30 PM Start : End : Tue 1 0/ 1 0/2 0 1 7 7 : 00 PM F ree Show Time As : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000134 Recurrence Meeting : (non e ) Status : Not yet responded Organiz e r: Doc Be n Requ i red Atte nd ees : She il a M Greenwood (She ila . M. Gree nwoodl@hud . go v ) ; Andrew Hughe s (And r ew . Hughes@hud . gov) ; PHP Op t i o n al At tendees : Coressel , Jacie Subject : Loc at i on : Briefing Secretary on Congressional ' s Conference Hearings Roo m Star t : Fri 10 /6/20 17 11 : 30 AM End : Fri 1 0/6/2 0 17 12:3 0 PM Sh ow Time As : Tentative Rec ur ren ce : (none) Meet ing Status : Not yet r e sponded Organizer : Doc Ben Req u ire d At tendees : Seth D Appleton (Seth.D.Appleton@ hu d . gov ); Dendas , Mic hael W; Kelley , Mi c h ae l J ; Amy C Thompson (Amy. C . Th ompson@ h u d . gov ); Brow n , Je re on M; Adolfo F Marz ol (Adol fo . F . Ma rzo l @hud . gov ); PHP; Mar s hal l , Mi chae l J ; She i l a M Greenwood (Shei la . M. Greenwo o dl @hu d . gov) Subject : Loc ation: Shei l a and Ben and COS office Le n on MBA Conference Star t : Fri 1 0/6/20 17 1 : 30 PM End : Fri 1 0 /6/ 2 0 17 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurre n c e : (no n e) Organiz e r: Greenwood , Sheila M Required Attendees : Wolfson , Le n ; Demarzo , Benjamin Your meeting updat ed . was f ound to be out o f date and h as been E a ut oma t ical ly Sen t by Microsoft Exch a nge Server Subject : She il a a nd Be n a nd Le n on MBA Conf ere n ce Locati on : COS office Start : Fri 1 0/6/20 17 1 : 30 PM End : Fri 1 0/ 6/ 2 0 17 2 : 0 0 PM Show Time As : Tent ati ve /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000135 Recurrence Organizer Required : (none) : Greenwood Attend ees: Your meeting up dated . , Sheila M Wolfson , Len ; Dema rzo , Be njamin was f ound to be ou t of date and h as been E a u tomatical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Se rv e r F rom : Wolfson , Len Sent : F riday , Octob e r 06, 201 7 10 : 25 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subjec t: Accep t ed : Sheila and Ben and Len on MBA Con f erence Subject : Lo cation : Sheila a nd Ben a nd Len on MBA Conference COS office Start : Fr i 1 0/6/20 17 1: 30 PM End : F ri 10 /6/20 17 2 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Organizer Required : (none) : Greenwood Attend ees: , Shei la M Wolfson , Len ; Dema rzo , Be njamin Your meet i ng was f ound updated . to be ou t o f date and h as been E a u tomatical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Server F rom : Dema rzo , Benjami n E Sent : Friday , Octob e r 06, 201 7 10 : 22 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Sub j ect : Accepted : She il a and Be n and Len on MBA Con f e r e n ce Subject : Loc ation : Briefing on Congressiona l Heari ngs Sec r eta ry ' s Conf e renc e Room Start : Fri 1 0/6/20 17 1 1 : 00 AM End : Fri 1 0/6/20 17 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recu rr ence : (none) Meeti ng S tatus : Not yet responded Organize r: DocBe n Requ ir ed At tendees : Seth D Appleton (Seth . D. App l eto n @hud . gov ); Dendas , Mic hael W; Kelley , Mich ael J ; Amy C Tho mpson (Amy. C . Thompson@hud . gov ); Brown , Je reon M; Adolfo F Marzol /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000136 (Ado l fo . F . Marzol@hud . gov ); PHP; Marshal l , Mi chael Greenwood (Shei la . M. Greenwoodl@hud . gov) Subject : Loca tio n: Weekly Check - in w/Sheila COS Office J ; Sheila M , Jac i e & Mason Start : Thu 1 0/ 5/ 20 17 11 : 00 AM End : Thu 1 0/5/20 17 1 1 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Recurrence : Week l y Pattern : every Thursday f rom 1 1 : 00 AM to Organizer : Greenwood , Sheila M Required Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila Alexande r, Mason Exchange Server calenda r. re - created a meeting that M; Co r esse l, was missing Sent by Mic ros o ft Exchange Server Subjec t: Check-in w/Shei la , David , Ai da & CFO St aff Budg e t Loc ation : COS Office 1 1 : 30 AM Jac ie ; from your - re : SOHUD' s Tue 10/ 1 0/2 0 17 4 : 30 PM Start : End : Tue 1 0/10/20 1 7 5 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Organize r: Greenwood , Sheila M Required Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Eag les , David Rodriguez , Aida N; Lyberg , Sarah A; Ballard , Daniel L Your meet i ng was found updated . to be out of date Sent by Microsoft Exchange Serve r Subject : Check - in w/Sheila , David , Aida Budget Loca tion : COS Office and has been & CFO Staff T; automatically - re : SOHUD' s Start : Tue 1 0/10/20 1 7 4 : 30 PM End : Tue 1 0/ 1 0/20 1 7 5 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) : Greenwood , Sheila M HUD-18-0504-D-000137 Requ i re d Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Ea g les , David Rodr i g u e z , Ai da N; Ly be rg , Sarah A; Ballard , Dan ie l L Your meet ing upd ated . was found to be out of date Sent by Mic ro soft Exchan ge Server Subjec t: Chec k -i n w/Sheila , David , Ai da Budget Locatio n : COS Office and h as been T; a ut omatically & CFO St af f - re : SOHUD' s Star t : Tue 10/ 1 0/2017 4 : 30 PM End : Tue 10 /10/20 1 7 5 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Rec urrence : (non e) Orga n iz e r: Gr eenwood , She i la M Required Atte ndees : Greenwood , Shei l a M; Eag le s , David Rod ri guez , Aida N; Lyberg , Sarah A; Ballard , Dani e l L Your meeti up dated . ng was f ound to be out o f date and h as been Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a ng e Se rv e r F rom : Lyberg , Sarah A Sent : Thursd a y , October 05 , 2017 4 : 21 PM To : Gre e nwood , Shei l a M Subjec t : Accepted : Chec k -in w/Sheila , David , Aida r e : SOHUD' s Budget Subject : Loca tion : Interag enc y working group 9202 - via Co nfere nce Call on hurricane T; a ut oma t ical ly & CFO Sta f f - r esp ons e Start : Thu 1 0/12/20 1 7 11 : 30 AM End : Thu 10 /12/ 2 0 1 7 12 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting S t atus : Not yet responded Organizer : Shaf fe r , Julie Requ i r ed Attendees : Wade , Da n a T ; Patenaude , Pamela H; Gol r ick , Janet M; Marzol , Ado l fo F ; Gree nwoo d , Sheila M; Bravacos , John G; Kasper , Mar en M; Campbell , Pa t ricia A; Gi bbons, Kathleen M; LOGAN, LEAH M; Meau x , Les l i e A; Fr i edman , Warren ; Roget , Gi sele G; Bowes , Robert B; Ha ll e r, Ju li a Z; Go rm ley , Joseph M; Ca r r , Te rry M; Ibe r , Robert G; Wol fson , Le n ; Marshall , Mich ael J ; Himes , I very W; Ros e , Thomas A; Kumi , Thomas K; Mar t in , Matt B; Brown , Amy L ; Saunders , /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000138 Elissa 0 ; Steve n s , Kevi n L ; Mu lderig , Robert E; Brigh t, Michael Ste f a ni e . Johnso n @fh f a . gov ; Dani el l e . Walton@ f hfa . gov ; alexandra . travis@fema . d h s . gov ; Cynthia . Adcock@f h fa . gov ; Donald . Corin@fhfa . gov ; Maria . Fernandez@fhfa . gov ; Pau l. Th e r uv i parampi l @fh fa . gov ; Richard . Kane@wdc.usda . gov ; Stuart . Wal den@wdc . usda . gov ; Rho n da . Armitage@va . gov ; Ri ta . Falc i on i @va . gov ; j effrey . lo n don@va . gov Subjec t: Location : Interag e ncy Working Group 9202 - via Co n fe r ence Call Start : End : Fri F ri 1 0/27/20 1 7 2 : 00 PM 10/27/2017 3 : 00 PM Recurrence : (none) Meeting Status : on Hurricane Respons R; e Accepted Organi z e r: Sha ff er , Ju li e Requ i red Atte ndees : Shaffer , Ju li e ; Wade , Dan a T ; Deputy Secretary Patenaude ; Golrick , Janet M; Marzo l, Adolfo F ; Greenwood , Sheila M; Bravacos , J ohn G; Kasper , Maren M; Campbell , Patricia A; Gibbons , Kathleen M; LOGAN, LEAH M; Meaux , Lesli e A; Fri e dman , Warre n; Roget , Gise l e G; Bowes , Rober t B; Ha l le r, Ju l ia Z; Gormley , Joseph M; Carr , Terry M; Iber , Robert G; Wol fson , Len ; Marshall , Michael J ; Himes , Ivery W; Rose , Thomas A; Kumi , Thomas K; Marti n, Matt B ; Brown , Amy L ; Saunders , Elissa O; Stevens , Kevin L ; Mulderig , Robert E ; Brig h t , Mic h ael R ; Ste f anie . Johnso n @fh f a . gov ; Dan i elle . Wal to n @fhfa . gov ; a l exa n dra . t r avis@fema . dhs . gov ; Cynthia . Adcock@fhfa . gov ; Donald . Corin@fhfa . gov ; Maria . Fernandez@fhfa . gov ; Paul . Th eruviparampil@f h fa . gov ; Richard . Kane@wdc . usda . gov ; Stuart . Walden@wdc . usda . gov ; Rhonda . Ar mitage@va . gov ; Rita . Falcion i @va . gov ; jef f rey . lo n don@va . gov ; Laur i e . Magg i a n o@cfpb . gov ; Prasa n t . Sar@fhfa . gov Optional Attendees : Russell , Jessica (CFP B ) ; Carter , M Jalon ; McArdle , Mark (CFPB) ; Collins , William I Subject : Locat i on : Interagency 9202 - via wor k i ng group Co n fe r ence Call on hu r r i ca n e r espo n se Start : Thu 10/12/2017 11 : 30 AM End : Thu 1 0/12/20 1 7 12 : 30 PM Show Ti me As : Tentat i ve Recurrence : (none) Meeti ng Status : Not ye t respo nded Organizer : Shaffer , Ju l ie Required Attendees : Shaffer , Julie ; Wade , Dana T ; Patenaude , F ; Gr eenwood , She i la M; Pame l a H; Gol rick , Ja n et M; Marzol , Adolfo Bravacos , Joh n G; Kaspe r, Mare n M; Campbe ll, Pat ri c i a A; Gi bbo n s , Kath l een M; LOGAN, LEAH M; Meaux , Leslie A; Friedman , Warren ; Roget , Gisele G; Bowes , Robert B; Haller , J ulia Z; Gormley , Joseph M; Carr , /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000139 Terry M; Iber , Robert G; Wolfson , Len; Marsha l l , Michael J ; Himes , Ivery W; Rose , Th omas A; Kumi, Th omas K; Marti n , Matt B ; Brow n, Amy L ; Saunders , Elissa O; Stevens, Kevin L; Muld erig , Robert E ; Br ight , Michael R; Stefanie .J ohnson@fhfa . gov; Danielle . Walton@fhfa . gov ; ale xa ndr a . travis@ fe ma . dhs . gov ; Cynthia . Adcock@fhfa . gov ; Dona ld.C or i n@fhfa . gov ; Mar ia . Fe rn andez@fhfa . gov ; Paul . The r uv i parampil@fhfa . gov ; Richard . Kane@wdc.usda . gov ; S tu art . Walden@wdc . usda . gov; Rhonda . Armitage@va . gov; Rita . Falcioni@va . gov; je ffrey . london@va . gov ; Laur ie.M agg i a n o@cfpb . gov ; Prasant . Sar@fhfa . gov Opt i o na l Attendees : Russell , Jessica (CFPB) ; Carter , M Jalo n Subject: Loca tion: Phone Chris Call w/She il a and Chris Bourne wil l call Shei l a - 202-402-6068 S tar t : Fri 1 0/6/2017 10:00 End : F ri 10 /6/20 17 10 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recurre Organizer Required AM n ce : (none) : Greenwood Attende es: Your meeting updated . was , Shei la M Greenwood, found to be Shei l a M; Bourne, ou t of date and has Christopher been M a u tomatically Sent by Microso ft Exchange Server Subject: Phone Call w/Sheila and Chris Bourne Lo cation : Chris will call Sheila - 202 - 402 - 6068 Start : Fri 1 0/6/20 17 10 : 00 AM End : Fri 10 /6/20 17 10 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurre Organizer Required n ce : (none) : Greenwood Attendees : Your meeting updated. was Sent by Microsoft Subject : Phone Loc ation : Chris , Sheila M Greenwood , Shei la found to be out of date M; Bourne, and has Christopher been M automatically Exchange Server Ca l l w/Sheila and Chris Bourne will call Sheila - 202 - 402 - 6068 Fri 1 0/6/20 17 10 : 00 AM Start : End : Fri 10 /6/20 17 10 : 30 AM Sho w Time As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000140 Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organi z e r: Greenwood , Sheila M Requ i red Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila Subjec t: HOLD - l unch w/Sheila Vanessa Morrone , Laura Nasim Location : WH Mess M; Bourne , Ch r istophe , Amy Thompson , Mercy Schlapp r M , Start : Thu 10/26/2017 12 : 00 PM End : Thu 10/26/2017 1 : 00 PM Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Subject : Budget Location : Greenwood , Shei l a M Check-in w/Sheila , David , Ai da & CFO Staff - re : SOHUD' s COS Off i ce Start : Tue 10/10/2017 4 : 30 PM End : Tue 1 0/10/20 1 7 5 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organizer : Greenwood , Shei l a M Required Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Eagles , David Rodr i g u ez , Ai da N; Lyberg , Sarah A; Ballard , Daniel L Subject : Budge t Location : Check - in w/Shei l a , David , Aida & CFO St aff T; - re : SOHUD' s COS Office Start : Tue 10 /10/20 1 7 4 : 30 PM End : Tue 10/ 1 0/2017 5 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Greenwood , Shei l a M Required Atte ndees : Greenwood , Shei l a M; Eag l es , Dav i d T; Rodr i g u ez , Ai da N; Lyberg , Sarah A; Ballard , Daniel L Your meeting updated. /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was found to be out of date and has been automat i ca l ly HUD-18-0504-D-000141 Sen t by Mi crosoft Ex c h a nge Se rver Sub j ec t : Inv i tation : EHS shadow 1 2 : 30pm (EDT) (Sh ei la Greenwood) @ Thu Oct day 26 , 2 0 1 7 8 : 50am - Start : Thu 1 0/26/20 1 7 8 : 50 AM End : Thu 1 0/26/20 1 7 12 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recu rr en ce : (none) Meet i ng Status Organiz : Not yet r espo nded e r : l(b)(6) Subjec t : Locat i o n: Chec k -i n w/Shei la , David COS Office & Aida - re : SOHUD' s Bu dge t Sta r t : F ri 10/6/2017 12 : 00 PM End : F ri 10 /6/20 17 12 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta ti ve Recu rr en c e : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer Required Rodriguez : Not : Greenwood Attend ees : , Aida N Subject : Tufts Loc ation : Reschedu ye t r espo nde d , Shei la M Gr eenwood , She il a M; Eag l es , David l ing COS Off ic e - Check - i n w/Sheila T; Gree nwood a nd Suzanne (Su it e 10000 ) Start : Thu 1 0/5/20 17 3 : 00 PM End : Thu 1 0 /5/20 17 3 : 30 PM Show Ti me As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer Required : Greenwood Att en de e s : Your meeting updated. , Shei la M Tufts , Suzann e I was found to be ou t of Sent by Mi crosoft Exc h a ng e Serve r Subject : BRIEF on Denver Loc ation : Secretary ' s Conference date and h as been a u tomatical ly Room Start : Thu 1 0/19/20 1 7 3 : 00 PM End : Thu 1 0/ 19/ 20 1 7 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000142 Recurrence Meeting : (non e) Status : Not yet responded Organiz e r: DocBe n Requ ir ed Attendees : Cobb , Eric R; Be n jam in E Demarzo M; Amy C Thompson (Be njami n.E.D ema r zo@hud .g ov) ; Delahoyde , Abigail (Arny. C . Thompson@hud . gov ); Raphae l L Wil li ams (Raphael . L . Wi lliams@hud . gov) ; Sheila M Greenwood (S he i la .M. Greenwood l @hud . gov) ; Andr ew Hug hes (Andrew .H ughes@ hud.go v) ; Ado l fo F Marzol (Adolfo .F. Marzol@hud . gov) ; Drew A McCall (Jo nathan . A . McCall@hu d.gov); Seth D App l eton (Seth . D.Appleton@hud . gov) ; Kelley , Mi c h ae l J ; Fi l a , Stephanie C; Bur l ey , Mi chael N; Zorc , Betha n y A; Petty, Ti mothy J ; Fr ee , Kenn eth E ; Hunte r, Matth ew F; Thompson , Cait lin H Subject Locatio : n: BRIEF on Denver Secretary ' s Co nference Room Start : Wed 10 /18/20 1 7 1 : 30 PM End : Wed 10/ 1 8/2017 2 : 00 PM Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Accepted Organi zer: DocBe n Requ ir ed Attendees : Cobb , Eric R; Be n jam in E Demarzo M; Amy C Thompson (Benjamin . E .Demarzo@hud . gov) ; Delahoyde , Abigail (Arny.C.Thompson@h ud . gov ); Raphael L Williams (Raphae l . L . Will i ams@hud . gov) ; Sheila M Gree nwood (Sheila .M. Gree nwoodl@ hu d . gov) ; Andrew Hug hes (Andrew .H ughes@ hud. gov ); Ado l fo F Mar zo l (Adolfo . F . Marzol@hud.gov) ; Drew A McCall (Jonatha n.A. McCall@hud . gov ); Seth D Appleton (Seth . D. Appleton@hud . gov) ; Kelley , Micha el J ; F il a , Stephanie C; Burley , Mic hael N; Zorc , Be thany A; Petty , Timothy J ; Free , Kenneth E ; Hunte r, Matthew F; Thompson , Cait lin H Subject : Location : BRIEF on Flo rida and Secretary ' s Conference Puer to Rico Room Start : Thu 1 0/12/20 1 7 2 : 30 PM End : Thu 1 0/12/20 1 7 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organize r: DocBe n Requ ir ed Attendees : Benjamin E Dema rz o (Benjamin . E .Demarzo@hud . gov) ; Delahoyde , Abigail M; Amy C Thompson (Arny. C . Thompson@hud . gov ); Fila , Stephan i e C; Hunter , Matthew F; /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000143 Andrew Hughes (Andrew.Hughes@hud . gov) ; Cleve l a n d-Legge tt , Denise C; Dr ew A McCa ll (J onathan . A . McCall@hud . gov ); Seth D Appleton (Seth . D. Appleton@hud . gov ); Bregon , Nelso n R; Free , Kenneth E; Sheila M Gr eenwood (She il a . M. Greenwood l @hud . gov) ; Kell e y , Micha e l J; Burley , Mic hael N; Raphael L Williams (Raphae l . L . Will iams@hud . gov) ; Th ompso n , Ca i tlin H; Zo r c , Bethany A; Petty , Ti mothy J Subject : Loc ation : Ca nceled : HOLD f or BRIEF on Florida Secre ta ry ' s Conf e rence Room and Puerto Rico Start : Fri 1 0/13/20 1 7 11 : 30 AM End : F ri 10 /13/ 2 0 1 7 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : F ree Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng S t atus : Not yet responded Organi zer : DocBe n Requ ir ed At tendees : Benjamin E Dema rz o (Benjamin . E . Demarzo@hud .g ov) ; Delahoyde , Abigai l M; Amy C Thompson (Amy. C . Th ompson@ h ud . gov ); Fila , Stephanie C; Hunte r , Matthew F ; Andrew Hughes (Andrew . Hughes@hud . gov) ; Cl evel a n d - Legge t t , Den i se C; Lu d l ow, Ash l ey ; Drew A McCall (Jonatha n. A . McCall@hud . gov ); Se th D Appl eto n (Seth . D. App l e t o n@hud . gov ); Bregon , Nelson R; Fr ee , Kenneth E; Golrick , J a n et M; Sheila M Greenwood (Sh e ila . M. Gr eenwoodl@hud . gov); Kelley , Mi chae l J ; Burley , Micha e l N; Raphael L Wil liams (Rap h ae l . L.Wil li ams@hud . gov ) ; Thompson , Cai t lin H; Zo r c , Betha ny A; Petty , Ti mothy J ; PHP; Rac k le ff , Neal J ; Gaines , Ralph H; Kasper , Mare n M Opt i o na l Atte nd ees : Brown , Jereon M; Van Dam, Katelyn M Subjec t: Chec k -i n w/Shei la , Se th , Ke ll ey , and Upcoming Congressional Hear i ng Loc a tio n: COS Office Dendas - re : Start : Thu 10/5/2017 1 : 30 PM End : Thu 1 0/5/20 17 2 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recu rr ence : (none) Org an iz e r: Gr eenwood , She i la M Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Greenwood , Shei la Kelley , Michael J ; Dendas , Michael W Your meeting up dated . was found to be out of date M; Appleton and h as been Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Se rv e r Subject : Check - in w/Sheila , Seth , Ke ll ey , and Upcoming Congr essio nal Hea ring /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT , Seth Dendas D; a ut omatically - re : HUD-18-0504-D-000144 Locatio n: COS Off ice Start : Thu 10 /5/20 17 1 : 30 PM End : Thu 10/5/2017 2 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recur r e n ce : (none) Organiz e r : Greenwood , Shei la M Required Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila Kelley , Mi chael J ; Dendas , Mi c h ae l w Your meeting upd ated . was found to be out of M; Appleton date and has Sent by Microsoft Exchan ge Server Subjec t: Chec k -i n w/Sheila , Se th , Ke lle y , and Upcom ing Congressional Hear i ng Loc a tio n: COS Office , Seth been D; a u tomatically Den das - re : Start : Thu 10/5/2017 1 : 30 PM End : Thu 1 0/5/20 17 2 :0 0 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recurrence : (none) Org an iz e r: Gr eenwood , She i la M Required Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila Kelley , Mi chael J ; De ndas , Michae l W Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be out M; Appleton o f date Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Se rv e r From : Kel l ey , Mi chael J Sent : Thursday , October 05 , 2 0 17 11:33 To : Greenwood , Shei la M Subjec t: Accepted : Chec k -in w/Sheila, r e : Upcom i ng Co ngr ess i o n a l Hea r i ng Subjec t: Check - in w/Shei la , Se th, Upcomi ng Congressional Hearing Loca tion: COS Office and , Se th h as been D; a ut omatical ly AM Set h, Kelley Ke l ley , and , and Den das Dendas - - re : S tart : Thu 10 /5/20 17 1 : 30 PM End : Thu 10/5/2017 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta ti ve Recurrence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) HUD-18-0504-D-000145 Organi zer : Greenwood , Sheila M Requ ir ed At tendees : Greenwood , Shei la Kelley, Mic h a el J ; De ndas , Mich ae l W Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be out M; App leton o f date , Seth and h as been Sent by Microsoft Ex c h a ng e Se rver Subjec t: Check-in w/Shei la , Se th , Kell ey , and Upcoming Congressional Hear i ng Lo cat i on : COS Off ic e D; a ut oma t ical l y Den das - re: Star t: Thu 10 /5/20 17 1 : 30 PM End : Thu 1 0/5/20 17 2 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Org a nizer : Greenwood , Shei l a M Required Attendees : Gr ee nwood , Sh e ila Kelley , Mic h ae l J ; Dendas , Mic h a e l w Your meet i ng was found updated . M; Appl e ton , Seth to be ou t of dat e and h as b een Sent by Mic ro so ft Exc h ange Ser ve r From : Den das , Mic h a el W Se n t : Thursday , Octob e r 0 5, 2 0 1 7 11 : 16 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subjec t: Accep t ed : Chec k -in w/Sheila , Set h, re : Upcoming Congressional Heari n g Su bject : Chec k -i n w/Shei la , Se th, Upc oming Cong r ess i onal Hea r i ng Loc ation : COS Office Kelley Kelley , and D; a u tomatical , and Dendas Dend as ly - - re : St a r t : Thu 10/5/2017 1 : 30 PM End : Thu 1 0/5/20 17 2 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Recu rr en ce : (non e) Meeting Status : Not ye t responded Organizer : Greenwood , Shei la M Required Attend ees : Gr ee nwood , Sh e ila Kel l ey , Michael J ; Den das , Mi c h ae l W Subject : Location : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Briefing on Congr ess ion al SOHUD' s office M; Appleton , Se th D; Hearings HUD-18-0504-D-000146 Start : Fri 1 0/6/20 17 11 : 00 AM End : Fri 1 0/6/20 17 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) S t atus : Not yet responded Organizer : DocBe n Requ i red At t e ndees : Seth D Appleton (Seth . D. App l eton@hud . gov ); Dendas , Michael W; Kelley , Michael J ; Amy C Thompson (Amy. C . Thompson@hud . gov) ; Brown , Je r eon M; Adolfo F Marzol (Adolfo.F . Mar zo l@hu d . gov) ; PHP; Marshal l , Michae l J ; Sheila M Greenwood (Shei la . M. Greenwoodl@hud . gov) Subject : Lo cation : Canceled : Briefing on Congressional Sec r etary ' s Conference Room Hearings Start : Fr i 1 0/6/20 17 11 : 30 AM End : Fri 1 0/6/20 17 12 : 30 PM Sh ow Ti me As : F r ee Recurrence Meeting : (none) S t atus : Accepted Organizer : DocBen Requ i r ed Atte ndees : Seth D Appleton (Seth . D. App l eton@hud . gov) ; Den das , Michael W; Kelley , Michael J ; Amy C Thompson (Amy. C . Th ompson@ h ud . gov ) ; Brown , Jereon M; Adolfo F Marzol (Adolfo . F . Marzol@hud . gov ); PHP; Mar shal l , Mi chae l J ; She il a M Greenwood (Shei la . M. Greenwoodl @hud . gov) Su bject : Lo cat i on : BRIEF on Congressional SOHUD' s office Start : Thu 1 0/ 5 /20 17 2:00 End : Thu 1 0/ 5 /20 17 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meet ing Hearings PM : (none) Status : Not yet r e sponded Organizer : DocBe n Required Attendees : Den das , Mic ha e l W; Brown , Jereon M; Amy C Thompson (Amy. C . Thompson@hud . gov ); Kelley , Mi chael J ; Seth D App l eton (Seth . D. Appleton@hud . gov) ; Adolfo F Marzol (Adolfo . F . Marzol@hud . gov ); PHP; Mar shal l , Mi chae l J ; She il a M Greenwood (Shei la . M. Greenwoodl @hud . gov) Subject Locatio /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : n: BRIE F on Congressional SOHUD' s office Hearings HUD-18-0504-D-000147 Start : Thu 1 0/5/20 17 2 : 0 0 PM End : Thu 1 0/ 5/ 2 0 17 3 : 0 0 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Meet ing S t a tus : Not yet r esponded Organi zer : DocBe n Requ i r ed At t e ndees : Dendas , Mi chael W; Brown , Jereo n M; Amy C Thompso n (Amy. C . Thompso n@hu d . gov) ; Kelley , Micha e l J ; Seth D Appl eton (Seth . D. Appl eton@ hu d . gov ) ; Ado lfo F Marzol (Ado lf o .F . Mar z ol@hud . gov ) ; PHP; Marshall , Mich ael J ; She i l a M Greenwood (Shei la . M. Greenw oodl@ hu d . gov ) Top ic : Give Cong r ess Sub j ec t : Lo cation : brie f ing book to Hudd l e on Manufac Sheila ' s Office SOHUD, pote n t ial ly ca l l Members of ture d Hous i ng Sta r t : Thu 10/5/2017 11 : 30 AM End : Thu 10 /5/20 17 12 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recu rr en ce : (none) Meet i ng Status : Not yet r espo nded Org a nize r : Thompso n , Amy C Required Att en d ees : Gr ee nwood , Sh e il a M; Dana T Wade (Dana .T . Wade@hud . gov) ; Hug hes , Andrew Su bject : Tr a vel Time Start : Tue 10/ 1 0/2017 11 : 30 AM End : Tue 1 0/10/20 1 7 12 : 00 PM Rec ur rence Organi zer : Subject : : (none ) Greenwood , Sheila Travel M Time Start : Tue 10/ 1 0/2 0 17 1 0 : 00 AM End : Tue 10/ 1 0/2017 1 0 : 30 AM Recurrence Organize Subject /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none ) r : : Greenwood , Sheila M 0 HUD-18-0504-D-000148 Start : Wed 10/4/2017 8 : 00 AM End : Wed 1 0/4/20 17 8 : 30 AM Recurrence Organize : (none) r: Greenwood , Sheila Subject : Location : Sheila DepSec M Greenwood Office Start : Wed 1 0/4/20 17 1 : 45 PM End : Wed 1 0/4/20 17 1 : 55 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status Organizer Requ i red : : PHP Attendees Subject : Location : Not : yet responded Dawk i ns , Eun i ce D; Greenwood , Sheila Quick Check - in D/S Office w/Sheila and M Pam Start : Wed 1 0/4/20 17 1 : 45 PM End : Wed 1 0/4/20 17 2 : 00 PM Recurrence Organizer : (none) : Greenwood , Sheila Subject : Location : CIA Briefing Room 6280 M w/Sheila Start : End : Fri Show Time Fri 1 0/13/20 1 7 9 : 30 AM 10/ 1 3/2017 11 : 00 AM As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organizer Requ i red : Greenwood , Shei l a M Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date M; Talley and has , Keith been L automatically Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server Subject : CIA Briefing w/Sheila Location : Room 6280 Start : End : Fri /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Fri 1 0/13/20 1 7 9 : 30 AM 10/ 1 3/2017 11 : 00 AM HUD-18-0504-D-000149 Show Time As : Recurrence Organizer Requ i red Tentative : (none) : Greenwood Atte ndees : Your meeting updated . was , Sheila M Greenwood , Sheila found to be out of date M; Talley and has , Keith been L automat ical ly Sent by Mic ro so ft Exchange Server Subject : CIA Briefing w/Sheila Loca tion : Room 6280 S t art : Fri 10/ 1 3/2017 9 : 30 AM End : Fri 10/ 13 /2017 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer Required : (none) : Greenwood Attendees : Your meeting updated . was , Shei la M Greenwood , Sheila found to be out of date M; Talley and has , Keith been L automatically Sent by Microso ft Exchange Server Subject : CIA Briefing w/Sheila Loca tion : Room 6280 St art : End : Fri Show Time Fri 1 0/ 1 3/20 1 7 9 : 30 AM 10/ 13/20 17 11 : 00 AM As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organizer Required : Greenwood Attendees : Your mee t ing updated . was , Shei la M Greenwood , Sheila found to be out of date M; Talley and has , Keith been L automatically Sent by Microso ft Exchange Server Subject : CIA Briefing w/Sheila Locat ion : Room 6280 S t art : End : Fri /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Fri 1 0/ 13/ 20 1 7 9 : 30 AM 10/13/2017 11 : 00 AM HUD-18-0504-D-000150 Show Time As : Recurrence Meeting Tenta tive : (none) Status : Not ye t re spo nde d Organ iz e r : Greenwood , Sheila M Required Attendees : Greenwood , Shei la Subjec t : HOLD f o r Walk the M; Talley , Keith L Hall s St art : Thu 1 0/19/20 1 7 10 : 00 AM End : Thu 10/ 19 /2017 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not y et respond Org an iz e r : DocBe n Required Atte ndees : Kurtz, (Sheila . M. Gr eenwoodl@hud . gov) Subjec t : Locat i on : ed R. Hunter ; Sheila M Greenwood Walk the Hall s 4th a nd 10th floors Sta r t : Thu 10/19/2017 1 0 : 00 AM End : Thu 1 0/19/20 1 7 11 : 00 AM Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Accep te d Org an iz e r : DocBe n Required Atte ndees : Kurtz , R. Hunter ; Sheila (Sheila . M. Gr eenwoodl@hud . gov); PHP Optio na l Attendees : Delahoyde , Abiga i l M Subjec t: HOLD fo r Wal k the M Greenwood Hal ls Sta r t : Thu 10/ 19 /2017 1 0 : 00 AM End : Thu 1 0/19/20 1 7 11 : 00 AM Recurre Meeting n ce : (none) Status : Accep te d Organ iz e r: DocBe n Required Attendees : DocBen ; Kurtz , R . Hunter ; She ila (Sheila . M. Gr eenwoodl@hud . gov); PHP Opt i o n al At tendees : Delahoyde , Abigail M Subject : Location : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Rollout TBD of 2017 M Gree nwood Point - In - Time Count HUD-18-0504-D-000151 Start : Thu 1 0/12/ 2 0 1 7 1 : 30 PM End : Thu 10 /12/20 1 7 2 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Ten tat iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Meet ing Status : Not yet r esponded Organi zer : Thompso n , Amy C Requ i r ed Atte ndees : Br i an E Sul li va n (br i a n. e . su l l i van@hud .g ov) ; App l eto n, Seth D; Micha el W De n das (Mic ha e l . W. Dendas@hu d . gov) ; R . Hunter Kurtz (Robert . H. Kurtz@hud . gov) ; Suchar , Norman A; Bryon , Jem i ne A; Snow , Wil li am; Rac k leff , Neal J Opt i o n al Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Hughes , An d r ew Subject : Location : Rol l out TBD of 2017 Point - In - Time Count Start : Thu 1 0/12/20 1 7 1 : 30 PM End : Thu 10 /12/20 1 7 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Te nta t ive Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng Status : Not yet r espo nded Organi zer : Thompso n, Amy C Requ i r ed Attendees : Thompso n , Amy C; Br i a n E Su ll iva n (b r ian . e . su ll iva n@hud . gov) ; Appleton , Seth D; Michae l W Dend as (Mi c hael . W. De ndas@ hud . gov ); R . Hunter Kur tz (Rober t. H. Kur t z@h ud . gov ); Suchar , Norman A; Bryon , Jem in e A; Snow , Wil li a m; Rac kle ff , Ne al J Opt i o n al Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Hugh es , Andrew ; Gai n es , Ralph H; Dunn , Connor M; Mars ha ll , Micha e l J ; PHP This brie fi ng will cover the results o f our upco mi ng (e arly Novembe r) 20 1 7 Annua l Home l ess Assessment Repo r t to Co ngr ess , as wel l as the plann i ng fo r i ts release . P lease fo r ward t o anyone I may h ave i n adverte n tly l eft off . Subjec t: Inv it a t ion : Lun c h wi th Michael 1 2pm - 1pm (E DT) (Sheila Gr ee nwood ) Stein @ Wed Oc t 4 , 2017 Start : Wed 10/4/2017 12 : 00 PM End : Wed 10/4/2017 1 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Organize : (none ) r : ~l (b~)(~6~) _____________ _, Subject : Updated inv i tation : Lunch wi t h Mich a el 11 , 201 7 12pm - 1pm (EDT) (Shei l a Greenwood) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Stein @ Wed Oct HUD-18-0504-D-000152 Start : Wed 1 0/11/20 1 7 12 : 00 PM End : Wed 1 0/ 11/ 2 0 1 7 1 : 00 PM Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Accepted Or ga niz e r : ~l (b~)(~6~) _____________ Subjec t : Lo cation : Update DepSec __. o n Hur ri cane Irma & Mari a Confere nc e Room 1 01 06 Star t : Wed 10/ 4/20 17 9 : 30 AM End : Wed 10 /4/20 17 10 : 00 AM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Rec urrence Recurrence 10 : 00 AM Meeting : Weekly Pat t ern : Status : Not every y et Mond ay a n d Wednesday f rom 9 : 30 AM to r esp onded Organizer : Gol r i c k, Jane t M Requ i r ed At t e nd ees : Gr een wood , Shei la M; Eagles , David T ; Alexander, Fra nk J ; Brooks , Towanda A; Cooke , Kevin R; Gr eene , Bryan ; Kittr el l , Katharine D; Ren ner , Robe r t N; Richardson , Todd M; Thompso n , Amy C; Timber lak e, Co ur tney B; Po tt s , Milli ce nt B; Hun ter , Matthew F ; Va n Duy ne , Beth A; Ramon , Ni co l as ; Br ad l e y , Les l i e Ann ; Woll Jr , Dav id C; Ammon, Matt h ew E ; Hebert , To n y X; Ozd i nec , Mil an M; Sull iv an , Br i an E ; Bl om, Domi ni que G; AMOS, WILLIAM L ; Cof fey , Stephen C; Hu ggins , Jo hn C; Farias , Anna Ma ria ; Alexand e r ; Kidd, Smit h (Ctr ) , Ra ymond V; Staya n ov ich , Jason E ; Kur tz , R. Hunte r ; Mun i r , Raf iq A; Alb er t , He l en M; Kaspe r , Mare n M; Wri ght , Sheila D; Rios , Er i c C; Ra ck l eff , Nea l J ; Appleton , Seth D; Bet h ea , She li a M; Clemmensen , Crai g T ; Lav o y , Dona l d J; Ba ll a r d, Dani el L ; Br egon , Nelso n R; Bres , Dana B; Brown , J ere on M; Bryo n , J emine A; Campbell , Renae M; Consta n t i ne , Pete r J ; Cr uc i a ni , Linda M; Fr i edman , Warr en ; HEOC; Hol l and , Rena D; Jo y , Jo hn son P ; Linco ln , Paula A; Lyb e r g , Sarah A; Michalski , Lor i A; Miller , Mic h e ll e M; Nichols , De l to n ; Rodk e y , Ki t t ; Sco tt , Jimmy ; Surbe r , Ke i th W; Wadhams , Unabyr d; Kelley , Mi chael J ; Garret t , Willie C; Daniels , Sheila J ; Barto n , Vi cto ri a L ; Bur le y , Mi c h ae l N; El li s , Edward D; McC l u r e , Laura L ; Zorc , Bethany A; Snow , Christopher ; De n das , Mic h ae l W; Radosevic h, Tara J ; LOGAN, LEAH M; Cl eveland - Legg et t , Deni se C; Taylor , Chris t ophe r D; Van Darn, Katelyn M; Gargi u lo , Emily ; Garcia , Juan C .; Vargas , David A.; Gai ne s , Ra lph H; Smyth, Timo th y M; Ka rp , Rache l E ; Garc i a Ro l on , J u an C; Ke y , Ted L ; Wade , Dana T ; PHP Opt i o n al Atte ndees : Dunn , Connor M; Pe tt y , Timothy J ; Henry , Ellis ; Wi ckes, Donn a L ; Evans - Bur ke , Adrian A Subjec t : Loc a tio n : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT MEETIING betw ee n OSEC a n d OIG SOHUDs o ffi ce HUD-18-0504-D-000153 Start : Fri 10 /13/20 1 7 11 : 00 AM End : Fri 1 0/13/20 1 7 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status : Not yet r espo nd ed Organiz e r : DocBen Required Attendees : Zorc, Bet hany A; O'L eary , Mark ; She il a M Greenwood (Sheila . M. Gr ee nwoodl@ hu d . gov) Optional Attendees : Kirkland, Jeremy Subjec t: Con f erence Location : SPEAK at Family Promise of St . Tammany National Arl i ng t on , VA Start : Fri 10/ 1 3/2017 3 : 00 PM End : Fri 10 /13/20 1 7 4 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status Organizer Required (Sheila.M Subject : Location : : Not ye t re spo nde d : DocBen Attend ees: Sheila . Greenwoodl@hud . gov) M Greenwood Stakeholder Outreach Strategy Meeting Deputy Secretary Conference Room Start : Tue 10 /10/20 1 7 11 : 00 AM End : Tue 1 0/10/20 1 7 11 : 45 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status : Not yet r espo nd ed Organizer : PHP Required Atte ndees : Eagles , Dav id T; Daggett , Tanya R; Zorc , Bethany A; Thompson , Amy C; Appleton , Seth D; Richardson , Todd M; Dunn , Connor M; Wade , Dana T; Rackleff , Nea l J ; Farias , Anna Maria ; Hunter , Matthew F ; Kurtz , R . Hunter; Br i ght, Michael R; Kasper , Maren M; Gree nwood, Shei l a M; Marshall , Michael J ; Hoban-Moore , Patricia A; St owe , Alexander D; Barto n, Victoria L Subject : Location : Stakeholder Outreach Strategy Meeting Deputy Secretary Confer en ce Room Tue 1 0/10/20 1 7 11 : 00 AM Start : End : Tue 1 0/10/20 1 7 11 :4 5 PM Show Time As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000154 Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organi z e r: PHP Requ i red Attendees : Eag l es , Dav i d T ; Daggett , Tanya R; Zorc , Bethany A; Thompson , Amy C; Appleton , Seth D; Richardson , Todd M; Dunn , Connor M; Wade , Dana T ; Rackleff , Neal J ; Farias , Anna Maria ; Hunter , Matthew F ; Kur t z , R . Hunter ; Bright , Michae l R; Kasper , Maren M; Greenwood , Sheila M; Mar sha l l , Mi chael J ; Hoba n -Moore , Patricia A; Stowe , Alexander D; Barton , Victoria L Subjec t: Location : Sta k eho l der Out r each St r ategy Meeting Deputy Secretary Con f erence Room Start : Tue 1 0/10/20 1 7 11 : 00 AM End : Tue 10/ 1 0/2017 11 : 45 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Declined Organ i zer : PHP Required Attendees : Eag l es , David T ; Daggett , Tanya R; Zorc , Bethany A; Thompson , Amy C; App l eton , Seth D; Ri chardson , Todd M; Dunn , Connor M; Wade , Dana T ; Rackle f f , Nea l J ; Far i as , Anna Maria ; Hunter , Matthew F ; Kurtz , R . Hunter ; Bright , Michae l R; Kasper , Maren M; Greenwood , Sheila M; Marsha l l , Michael J ; Hoban - Moore , Patricia A; Stowe , Al exander D; Barton , Victoria L Subjec t: Locatio n: MEET with Suza n ne Tu f ts SOHUD' s off i ce Start : Mon 10/ 1 6/2017 1 0 : 00 AM End : Mon 10/ 1 6/2017 1 0 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status : Not ye t r espo nded Organizer : DocBen Required Attendees : Tufts , Suzanne I ; Alexander Hughes (Andrew . Hughes@hud . gov) ; Drew A McCall (Jonathan . A . McCa l l@hud . gov) ; She i la M Greenwood (She i la . M. Gree nwood l @hu d . gov) Subject : Location : Check - in w/Shei l a Greenwood COS Office (Suite 10000 ) and Suzanne , Mason ; Andrew Tufts Start : Thu 1 0/5/20 17 3 : 00 PM End : Thu 10/5/2017 3 : 30 PM /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000155 Show Time As : Recurrence Tentative : (none) Organizer Requ i red : Greenwood , Sheila M Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date M; Tufts , Suzanne and been Sent by Mic ro so ft Exchange Server Subject : Check-in w/Shei la Gree nwood and Loca tion : COS Office (Suite 10000) has Suzanne I automat ical ly Tufts S t art : Thu 1 0/5/20 17 3 : 00 PM End : Thu 10/5/2017 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organizer Required : Greenwood , Shei la M Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date Sent by Microso ft Exchange Server Subject : Check - in w/Sheila Gr eenwood Loca tion : COS Office (Suite 10000) M; Tufts , Suzanne and been and has Suzanne I automatically Tufts St art : Thu 1 0/5/20 17 3 : 00 PM End : Thu 10/5/2017 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meeting Status Organize Required r: Greenwood , Sheila M Attendees : Greenwood , Shei la Subjec t: Loca tion : : Not yet Marcia Davies 202-402-6068 responded t o call Sheila M; Tufts , Suzanne I Greenwood S tart : Tue 1 0/3/20 17 4 : 30 PM End : Tue 10/3/2017 5 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) HUD-18-0504-D-000156 Organi zer : Su bject : Lo cat i on : Davies , Marc i a Marcia Dav ies 202 - 4 02 - 60 68 to call Sheila Greenwood Tue 1 0/3/20 17 4 : 30 PM Start : End : Tue 1 0/3/20 17 5 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurren Meeti ce : (none) ng St atus Organi zer : Subject : : Not yet responded Davies , Marc i a mar cia davies ca ll Tue 1 0/3/20 17 4 : 30 PM Start : End : Tue 10/3 / 2 0 17 5 : 0 0 PM Recu rr ence : (n o ne) Organ iz e r : Gr eenwood , Sh e i la M Su bject : Lo cation : Bri e fin g on Econ omic Po li cy Agen da a nd Messag i ng Dep Sec Con f erence Roo m S t a rt : F ri 1 0/ 6/ 2 0 17 3 : 0 0 PM End : F ri 1 0 /6/20 17 3:45 PM Sho w Ti me As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting S t atus : Not yet responded Organiz e r : Thompson , Amy C Requ i r ed Atte ndees : PHP ; Gr een woo d , She i l a M; Cowa n J r ., Ch ad ; Appleton , Seth D; Den das , Micha el W; Wade , Dana T; Marzol , Adolfo F; Zorc , Bet h a ny A; Hugh es, Andr e w; Fa ri as, Anna Maria ; Rackleff , Nea l J ; Du nn , Connor M; Marshall , Mi c h ae l J ; Eagles , Dav id T Opt i o n al At t e ndees : Ka s p e r , Ma r en M Subjec t : Loca tion : Ch eck - i n w/S h e ila COS Office a n d Seth - r e : Correspondenc e Start : Tue 1 0/3/20 17 3 : 30 PM End : Tue 10 /3/ 2 0 17 3 : 45 PM Show Ti me As : Tentative Recur r e n ce : (non e ) Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Greenwood , Sh e ila M HUD-18-0504-D-000157 Required Attendees Your meeting updated . was : found Greenwood , Sheila to be out of Sent by Mic rosoft Excha ng e Server Subject : Check - in w/Shei l a and Loca ti o n : COS Office M; Appleton dat e and Seth has , Seth been D automatically - re : Correspondence St art : Tue 1 0/3 / 2 0 17 3 : 30 PM End : Tu e 10/3/2017 3 : 45 PM Show Time As : Ten t a tive Recurrence : (none ) Organiz e r : Gre e nwood , Shei l a M Required Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila Your meeting updated . was found t o be out of Sent by Mic rosoft Exc hang e Server Subject : HOLD for Coffee w/Eli date M; Appleton, Seth and automatica has been D lly Mill er Start : Wed 1 1/ 1/ 2 0 17 8 :0 0 AM End : Wed 1 1/1/20 17 8 : 30 AM Recurrence : (none) Organiz er : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject Locatio : n: Check - in w/Shei l a and COS Office Seth - r e : Co rr espo ndenc e Start : Tue 1 0/3/20 17 3 : 30 PM End : Tue 10 /3/20 17 3 : 45 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting S t atus : Not yet responded Organizer : Greenwood , Sheila M Requ i r ed Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila Subject Locatio : n: Check - in w/Shei l a and COS Office M; Appleton , Seth D Beth S t art : Tue 1 0/3/20 17 3 : 00 PM End : Tue 10/3/2017 3 : 30 PM /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000158 Show Time As : Recurrence Tenta tive : (none) Organi zer : Greenwood , Sheila M Requ i r ed Atte ndees : Greenwood , She i la Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date M; Zo r c , Bethany and has been A automat ical l y Sent by Mic ro so ft Exchange Server Subjec t: Chec k -i n w/Shei la and Bet h Loca tion : COS Off ice St art : Tue 10 /3/20 17 3 : 0 0 PM End : Tue 10/3/2017 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurre n ce : (none) Organiz e r : Greenwood , Shei la M Required Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila Your meeting updated . was found to be out M; Zorc , Bethany of d ate and has been A autom a tical ly Sent by Microsoft Excha ng e Server Subj ect : Check - in w/Sheila and Beth Loca tion : COS Off ice St art : Tue 1 0/3/20 17 3 : 00 PM End : Tu e 10/3/2017 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not y et respond ed Org an iz e r : Gr eenwood , She i la M Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Greenwood , Shei la Subjec t: re : Events Locat i o n : Meeting w/Sheila COS Office M; Zorc , Bet h any A Gree nwood , Amy and Con s ue lla - Amy will j oin the meet i ng at Jordan - 2 : 15 Start : Wed 10/4/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 1 0/4/20 17 2 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Recu rr ence : (no ne ) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000159 Organize r: Greenwood , Sheila M Required At tendees : Greenwood , Shei l a M; Thompson , Amy C; Jordan Consuel l a (Federal) Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and has been , automatically Sent by Microsoft Exchange Serve r Subject : Meeting w/Sheila Greenwood , Amy and Consuella Jordan re : Events Location : COS Office - Amy will join the meeting at 2 : 15 - Start : Wed 1 0/4/20 17 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 10/4/20 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organizer Required Consuella : Greenwood , Shei l a M Attendees : Greenwood , Shei l a M; Thompson, (Federal) Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server Subject : Briefing on Economic Po li cy Agenda Location : Dep Sec Con f erence Room has been and Amy C; Jordan , automatically Messag i ng St art : Fri 1 0/6/20 17 3 : 00 PM End : Fri 10/6/2017 3 : 45 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organize r: Thompson , Amy C Required At tendees : PHP; Greenwood , Sheila M; Cowan Jr ., Chad ; Appleton , Seth D; Dendas , Michae l W; Wade , Dana T; Marzo l , Adolfo F; Zorc , Bethany A; Hughes , Andrew ; Farias , Anna Maria ; Rackleff , Neal J ; Dunn , Connor M; Marshall , Michael J Opt i onal Attendees : Kasper , Maren M Subject : Location : Weekly Check - in w/Sheila, COS Office Jac i e & Mason Start : Thu 1 0/5/20 17 11 : 00 AM End : Thu 10/5/2017 1 1 : 30 AM /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000160 Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : Weekly Recu rr ence Pa tte rn : e very Thursday from Orga n iz e r : Gr eenwood , She i la M Requ i r ed Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila Al exande r , Maso n Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be out o f date Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Se rv e r Subjec t: Weekly Check-in w/Sheila Locatio n : COS Office 11 : 00 AM to 11 : 30 AM M; Co r esse l , Jac i e ; and h as been a ut omatical ly & Maso n , Jacie Thu 10 /5/20 17 1 1 : 00 AM Start : End : Thu 1 0/5/20 17 1 1 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recu rr ence : Weekly Recurrence Pattern Organizer Required Alexander : : Greenwood Attend ees : , Maso n Your meeting updated . every Thursday f r om 1 1 : 00 AM t o 1 1 : 30 AM , Shei la M Gr eenwood , Shei l a M; Cor essel, was found to be out of Sent by Mic rosoft Exc h a ng e Server Subjec t : Weekly Check - i n w/Sheila Loca tion : COS Office date and Jacie h as been ; automatical ly , Jaci e & Mason Start : Thu 1 0/5/20 17 1 1 : 00 AM End : Thu 10 /5/20 17 1 1 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : Weekly Recurre n ce Pattern : every Thu rsday f rom 1 1 : 00 AM to Organizer : Greenwood , Sheila M Required Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila Al exa nd e r, Maso n Your mee ting updated. /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was found to be out of d a te M; Coressel and has been 1 1 : 30 AM , Jacie ; a ut omatically HUD-18-0504-D-000161 Sen t by Microsoft Ex c h a nge Se rver Sub j ec t : She i l a/Dana/Adolfo re fha St a r t : Wed 10/4/2017 1 : 0 0 PM End : Wed 1 0/4/20 17 2 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta ti ve Recurrence : (none ) Organi zer : Greenwood , Sheila M Requ i r ed Attendees : Wade , Dan a T; Ma r zol , Adolfo Your mee ting upd a te d . was found to be out Sent by Mic ro soft Exchan ge Server Subjec t : She il a/Dana/Adolfo re of d a te and has F been a u tomatically fha Start : Wed 10 /4/ 2 0 17 1 : 0 0 PM End : Wed 10/4/2017 2 : 0 0 PM Show Time As : Te nta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none ) Organiz e r : Greenwood , Shei l a M Required Attendees : Wade , Dan a T; Ma rz o l, Your meeting updated . was found t o be out of date Adolfo F and h as been autom a tical ly Sent by Mic rosoft Exc h a ng e Server Subjec t : Sh e ila/Dana/Adolfo r e f ha Start : Wed 1 0/4/20 17 1:0 0 PM End : Wed 1 0/4/20 17 2 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer Required : (none) : Greenwood , Shei la M Attendees : Wade, Dana T; Marzol, Your meeting up dated . was found to be ou t of date Adolfo F and h as been a u tomatically Sent by Microsoft Ex c h a ng e Se rv e r Subject : Stake h older Outreach Stra tegy Meeting Location : Deputy Secretary Conference Room /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000162 Start : Tue 1 0/10/20 1 7 11 : 00 AM End : Tue 1 0/10/20 1 7 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Meet in g Status : Not yet r esponded Organi zer : PHP Requ i r ed Attendees : Eag l es , Dav i d T; Daggett , Tanya R; Zo r c , Bethany A; Thompson , Amy C; Apple t on , Seth D; Richar dson, To dd M; Dunn , Connor M; Wade , Dana T ; Rackleff , Neal J ; Fa rias , Anna Maria ; Hun ter, Mat t hew F; Kurtz , R . Hunte r ; Br i g ht , Mic h ae l R; Kasper , Maren M; Gree nwood , She ila M; Ma r sha l l , Mi chael J ; Hoba n -Moore , Patr i c i a A; Stowe , Al e x a n der D; Barton , Vi cto ri a L Subject Locatio : n: Stakeho Deputy l der Outreach Strategy Meeting Secreta r y Con f erence Room Tue 10 /10/20 1 7 11 : 00 AM Start : End : Tu e 10/ 1 0 /2017 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : F ree Recur r e n ce : (none ) Meeting Status : Declin ed Orga n iz e r: PHP Required Atte ndees : Eag l es , Dav id T; Daggett , Ta nya R; Zorc , Bethany A; Thompson , Amy C; Appleton , Seth D; Richardson , Todd M; Dunn , Connor M; Wade , Dana T ; Rackleff , Neal J ; Fa rias , Anna Maria ; Hunte r, Matthew F ; Kur tz, R . Hunte r ; Br ight , Mi c h ae l R; Kasper , Ma r en M; Gree nwood , Sh eila M; Ma r sha l l , Mi chael J ; Hoba n -Moore , Patricia A; Stowe , Al exa nd er D; Barton , Victoria L Subjec t: r e : Eve n ts Locat i o n: Meetin g w/Sheila COS Office Gree nwood, - Amy will j oin Amy and the Co n s uell a Jo rd an - meet i ng at 2 :1 5 Start : Wed 10/4/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 1 0/4/20 17 2 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Greenwood , Shei l a M Requ ir ed Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila Consuella (Federal) Your meeting up dated . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was f ound to be out of date M; Th ompson , Amy C; Jo r dan , and h as been a u tomatical ly HUD-18-0504-D-000163 Sent by Mi crosoft Excha ng e Serve r Subject : Meeting w/Sheila Greenwood , Amy and Consuel l a Jordan re : Events Locatio n : COS Of f ice - Amy wi ll jo in the meet i ng at 2 : 1 5 - Start : Wed 1 0/4/20 17 2 :0 0 PM End : Wed 1 0/4/20 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer Required Consuella : Greenwood Atte ndees : (Federal) Your meeting updated . , Shei l a M Greenwood , Shei l a M; Thomp son , Amy C; Jo rd an , was found to be out of date and has been automatically Sent by Microsoft Exchan ge Server From : Thompson , Amy C Sent : Monday , Octobe r 02 , 2017 5 : 47 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Meeti ng w/S h eila Gree nwood , Amy and Jor dan - re : Ev en ts Subject : Loc a tion : Week ly Ch ec k - in w/She il a , Jacie COS Office Co ns ue l la & Ben Start : Tue 10/3/2017 4 : 00 PM End : Tue 1 0/3/20 17 4 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta ti ve Recurrence : Weekly Recurre n ce Pa tt ern : every Tuesday from Organ iz e r : Greenwood , Sheila M Required Attendees : Coressel , Jacie Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be out 2 : 00 PM to ; Demarzo , Benjamin o f da t e and Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server From : Coressel , Jac i e Sent : Monday , October 02, 2017 5 : 42 PM To : Greenwood , Shei l a M Subjec t: Accepted : Weekly Chec k-i n w/Sheila Subject : Location : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Week l y Check - i n w/Sheila COS Off i ce 2 : 30 PM , Jacie h as been , Jacie E a ut omatical ly & Be n & Ben HUD-18-0504-D-000164 Start : Tue 1 0/3/20 17 4 : 00 PM End : Tue 1 0/3/20 17 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Recurrence : Week l y Patte r n : Organizer Requ i red every Tuesday f r om 2 : 00 PM to : Greenwood , Shei la M Atte ndees : Coresse l , Jacie Your meeting updated . was found to be out of ; Demarzo , Benjamin date and Sent by Microso ft Exchange Ser ve r From : Demarzo , Benjamin E Sent : Monday , October 02 , 2017 5 : 42 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Weekly Check - in w/Sheila Subject : Loca tion : Weekly Check - in w/Sheila COS Office 2 : 30 PM has been , Jacie E automat & i ca l ly Ben , Jac i e & Ben S t art : Tue 6/6/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Tue 6/6/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Recurrence Organizer Requ i red : Week l y Pattern : every Tuesday from : Greenwood , Sheila M At tendees : Coresse l , Jacie Your meeting updated. was found to be out of Sent by Mic r oso f t Ex change Server Subjec t: Week l y Check-i n w/Sheila Loca tion : COS Office 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM ; Demarzo , Ben j amin date , Jacie and has E bee n automat i ca lly & Ben St a r t : Tue 6/6/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Tue 6/6/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence : Weekly Recu rr ence Pattern Organize Required /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : eve r y Tuesday r: Greenwood , Sheila M Attendees : Coresse l , Jacie from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM ; Demarzo , Benjamin E HUD-18-0504-D-000165 Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be out o f date and h as been Sent by Mi crosoft Excha ng e Serve r From : Coressel , Jac i e Sent : Monday , Oc to ber 02, 2017 5 : 41 PM To : Greenwood , Shei l a M Subjec t: Accepted : Weekly Check-in w/Shei la , Jacie Subject : Lo cation : Weekly Check - in w/Sheila COS Off i ce automatically & Ben & Ben , Jacie Start : Tue 6/6/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Tue 6/6/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Recurrence : Weekly Patte r n : Organizer Required every : Greenwood Attende es: Your meeting updated . Tuesday from , Shei l a M Coresse l , Jacie; was found to be out of Sent by Microso ft Exchange Server Subject: Ca nceled : Transpor t ation Lo cation : EEOB/HUD 2 : 00 PM to Demarzo, date and for Cos has 2 : 30 PM Ben ja min E been a u tomatical f r om 10 :0 5 AM to 11 : 4 5 AM ly Start : Tue 4/25/20 17 10: 05 AM End : Tue 4 /25/20 17 11 :4 5 AM Show Time As : Free Recurrence Recurrence : Week ly Patte r n : Meeting Status Organize Required r: Daggett Attendees Subjec t: re : Events Locat i on : : Meeting every Not yet Tuesday responded , Tanya R : Greenwood , Shei la w/Sheila COS Office M; Dawkins , Eunice Greenwood , Amy and - Amy will j oin the Co nsue lla meet i ng at D Jordan - 2 :1 5 Sta r t : Wed 10/4/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 1 0/4/20 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000166 Organ iz e r : Greenwood , She i la M Required At te ndees : Greenwood, Consuel l a (Federal) Your meeting up dated . was found to Shei l a M; Thompson , Amy C; Jordan be ou t of date and has been a u tomatical Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Se r ve r Subject : Meeti ng w/Sheila Greenwood , Amy and Co nsu el la Jordan re : Events Locatio n: COS Office - Amy will join the meeting at 2 : 1 5 , ly - Start : Wed 10 /4/20 17 2 :0 0 PM End : Wed 10 /4/20 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not ye t responded Organi zer : Greenwood , Sheila M Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila Consuella (Federal) Subjec t: Locat i o n: M; Thompson , Amy C; Jo r dan , Meetin g w/Sheila Gree nwood , Amy and Co n s uell a Jo r dan COS Office - Amy will j oin the meet i ng at 2 : 1 5 Start : Wed 10 /4/20 17 2 :0 0 PM End : Wed 10/4/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not ye t responded Organ iz e r : Greenwood , She i la M Required Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila Consuel l a (Federal) M; Thompson , Amy C; Jordan , Champ i o n s ' Cou n ci l Month ly Meeti ng Departmen t a l Conference Room- 10233 Subjec t: Location : Start : Wed 10/25/2017 2 : 30 PM End : Wed 10/25/2017 4 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : : Eagles Not yet , David r esponded T HUD-18-0504-D-000167 Required Attendees : Hens le y , Henry ; Clemmensen , Cr aig T ; Mill i gan , Mar i a L ; Mi ller , Ca ti e I ; Whippi e , Ta ny a L; Sung , Philip E ; Cooper . J . Smith@hud . gov; Hamilton , Ang ie S ; Go lr ick , Janet M; Brooks , Towanda A; Gr eenw oo d, Sheila M; Hoban - Moore , Patricia A; Mar zol , Adolfo F ; Zorc , Bethany A; Ga tes , Sco tt L ; Ku rtz , R . Hun ter ; Bryon, Jem i ne A; Ga i nes , Ra lph H; Bass , Deana ; Oz d i nec , Mila n M; Hughes , Andrew ; Thompso n , Amy C; Appleton , Seth D; Hunt e r , Matth ew F; Suchar , Norma n A; Kasp er , Mar en M; Br ight , Mich a e l R; Lyb erg , Sarah A; Fa ri as, Anna Maria ; Alb e rt , He l e n M; Jenkins, Anne ; Kirkland , Jere my; Kos kine n , La rry A; Dominique G Bl om (Domi ni q u e . G. Bl om@hud .g ov ); Bregon , Nelson R; F r ancesc h i ni-P e tty , Raquel ; Greene , Bryan ; Wade , Dana T ; May , Ma rlene L ; Ric ha rdso n, Tod d M; Ammon, Matthew E ; Lincoln , Pa u la A; Jo y , Johnson P ; Hu bbard (Ctr ) , Katrina R; Surbe r , Ke ith W; Cr u ciani , Linda M; Hi n ton- McClam , Li nda D; Ben is o n , John P ; Brow n , Jereon M; Ra c k l eff , Neal J ; Cowan M; Bing-Grant , Max A; Shank , Rebecca H; J r ., Ch ad ; Va n Dam, Katelyn Gla v in , William A; Margeson , Mitche ll J ; Ouzts , Walter L ; McClure , Lau r a L ; Pat enau de , Pame l a E ; Jones , A ' ndrea M; Al exan d e r , Mason ; Ekanem Akp a ki p ; Christina Brow n ; Ariel Pereira ; Tu ft s , Suz anne I ; Ha rk e r, Thomas W Opt i o na l Atte nd ees : Stowe , Alex a nder D; Dunn, Connor M; F l e isc he r , Laura A; Cool , Debra M; Dawk i ns , Eun ic e D; Coope r , Dian e J Subject: Loc a tio n : SPEAK t o Po l i ti ca l Appointees Dep a rtme n t al Con feren ce Room Star t : Tue 10 /10/20 1 7 5 : 30 PM End : Tue 1 0/10/20 1 7 7 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recu rr ence : (non e) Mee t i ng Sta t us : Not Or ga niz er : DocB en Required Attendees (She i la.M.Greenwood (Andrew .H ughes@ hu d Opt i o na l Atte ndees Subjec t : Locat ion : yet r espo nded : She il a M Gree nwood l @hud.gov) ; Andrew Hug hes . gov ); PHP : Coressel , Jac ie SPE AK to Po liti Brooke-Mondale ca l Appointees Aud it o rium St a r t : Tue 10/ 1 0/ 2017 5 : 30 PM End : Tue 10/ 1 0/2017 7 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Mee t ing Org a nizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none ) Status : : Not ye t re spo nded DocBe n HUD-18-0504-D-000168 Requ i red Atte ndees : She il a M Gree nwood (She i la . M. Greenwood l @hu d . gov) ; Andrew Hughes (Andrew . Hughes@ h ud . gov) ; Patenaude , Pamela H Subjec t: Location : Canceled : SPEAK to Politica l Appointees Departmenta l Conference Room Start : Tue 1 0/10/20 1 7 5 : 30 PM End : Tue 10/ 1 0/2017 7 : 00 PM Show Time As : Free Recurrence : (none) Meeti ng Status : Accepted Organi z e r: DocBen Required Attendees : Sheila M Greenwood (Sheila . M. Greenwoodl@hud . gov) ; Andrew Hughes (Andrew . Hughes@hud . gov) ; PHP Opt i onal Attendees : Coressel , Jacie Subjec t: Location : Weekly Check - in w/Sheila COS Office and Ado l fo Start : Thu 6/29/20 17 4 : 00 PM End : Thu 6/29/20 17 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Recurrence Organizer Requ i red : Week l y Pattern : every Thursday from : Greenwood , Shei l a M Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila Your meeting updated . was found to be out of Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server Subjec t: Weekly Check - in w/Sheila Location : COS Office date and 4 : 00 PM to 4 : 30 PM M; Marzol , Adol f o F and has been automatically Ado l fo St art : Thu 6/29/20 17 4 : 00 PM End : Thu 6/29/2017 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Recurrence Organizer Requ i red /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Week l y Pattern : every Th ursday from : Greenwood , Sheila M Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila 4 : 00 PM to M; Mar zol, 4 : 30 PM Adolfo F HUD-18-0504-D-000169 Your meeti ng was f oun d to up dated . be out o f d a te and h as been a ut oma t ical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a ng e Serve r Subject: Ta x Policy Locati on : Sheila Gr eenwo o d ' s Office Star t : Mon 10 /2/20 17 10 : 00 AM End : Mon 1 0/2/20 17 10 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence : (none ) Meet i ng S ta tus : Not yet r espo nd ed Or ga niz e r : Marzol , Adolfo F Requ i re d Atte ndees : Greenwood , She i la Subject : Location : M 2 : 00P M EST - Update on Hur ric an e s Harvey , I rm a and Ma ria Confer ence line : 877 - 848 - 7 030 ; Code : ijxm I Star t : Tue 10 /3/20 17 2 : 00 PM End : Tue 1 0/3/20 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence Recurrence Meeti : Da i l y Patte r n : ng S t atus : Not every yet day f rom 10 : 30 AM to r espo nd ed Organ izer : DocBe n Requ i r ed Attendees : Golr i c k , Jane t M; Sheila (She i l a . M. Gree nwo od l @hud . gov) Sub je c t : Locat i o n : 11: 00 AM M Gree nwood 10 : 30AM EST- Update o n Hurricanes Harvey , Irma Con f e r e n ce l i n e : 877-848-7030 ; Code : i{b){6) I a nd Maria S t art : Mon 10 / 2/2 0 17 10 : 30 AM End : Mon 10/2/2017 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : Dai ly Re curr en c e Pa tte rn : Meeting Status : Not eve r y day /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Canceled 1 0 : 30 AM to 11 : 00 AM ye t responded Organize r : DocBe n Req uired Atte nd ees : Golric k, (She i la.M . Greenwoodl@hud . gov) Subject : and Maria from Janet M; She il a M Gr een woo d : 1 0 : 30AM EST - Update on Hurrica n es Harvey , Irma HUD-18-0504-D-000170 Location : Janet will d i al you Start : Sun 1 0/1/20 17 10 : 30 AM End : Sun 10/1/2017 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : F ree Recurrence Recurrence : Da il y Pattern Meet in g Status Organizer Required (Sheila.M : : every Not day Canceled Janet 10 : 30 AM to 11: 00 AM ye t respo nded : DocBen Attendees : Golrick . Gree nwoodl@hud . gov) Subject : and Maria Location : from , Janet M; Sheila : 10 : 30AM EST- Update will dial M Greenwood on Hurricanes Harvey , Irma you Start : Sat 9/30/20 17 10 : 30 AM End : Sat 9/30/20 17 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : Free Recurrence Recurrence Meeting : Dai l y Pattern Status : : Not every yet from 10 : 30 AM to 11 :00 AM responded Organize r: DocBen Required Attendees : Golrick (Sheila . M. Greenwood l @hud . gov) Subjec t: Location : day , Janet BRIEF on NEC Principals SOHUD' s Off i ce M; Sheila M Greenwood Meet in g : Housi n g Fina n ce Re f orm Sta r t : Thu 10/5/2017 10 : 00 AM End : Thu 10/5/2017 10 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status : Not ye t r espo nded Organizer : DocBen Required Attendees : Sheila M Gr eenwood (Sheila.M . Greenwoodl@hud . gov) ; Adolfo F Marzo l (Adolfo . F . Marzol@hud . gov ) Subject : Loc ation : MEET w/ Sheila SOHUD' s Office Start : Thu 1 0/5/20 17 9 : 00 AM End : Thu 1 0/5/20 17 9 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000171 Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organi z e r: DocBen Requ i red Attendees : She il a M Greenwood (Sheila . M. Greenwood l @hud . gov) Subjec t: Location : MEET w/ She il a SOHUD' s Off i ce Start : Thu 10/5/2017 10 : 00 AM End : Thu 10/5/2017 10 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status : Not ye t respo nded Organizer : DocBen Required Attendees : Sheila (Sheila . M. Greenwoodl@hud . gov) Subject : Location : M Greenwood MEET w/ She il a SOHUD' s Office Start : Thu 10/5/2017 10 : 00 AM End : Thu 1 0/5/20 17 10 : 30 AM Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer Required (Sheila.M : Accepted : DocBen Attendees : Sheila . Gree nwoodl@hud . gov) Top i c : general Subjec t: and Maria Location : M Greenwood update Canceled Janet : 10 : 30AM EST - Update will d i al on Hurricanes Harvey , Irma you Start : Thu 10/5/2017 10 : 30 AM End : Thu 10/5/2017 1 1 : 00 AM Show Time As : Free Recurrence Recurrence : Daily Pattern Meet i ng Status Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : : : Not every yet day from 1 0 : 30 AM to 11 : 00 AM r esponded DocBen HUD-18-0504-D-000172 Requ i re d Atte ndees : Golr i c k, (S he i la . M. Greenwood l @hu d . gov) Subject Locatio : n: Jane t M; Sheila M Gree nwood Cos Reports DepSec Of fice Start : Mon 1 0/2/20 17 1 1 : 00 AM End : Mon 1 0 /2/20 17 1 1 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not yet responded Organi zer : PHP Requ i r ed Attendees Marshall , Micha el : J Subjec t: Locat ion : on Hur ri cane Mar ia & Harvey Conference Room 10 1 06 Update DepSec Greenwood , Sheila M; Dawki ns , Eun i ce D; Start : Tu e 10/3/2017 9 : 30 AM End : Tu e 10/3/2017 1 0 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Recurrence 10 : 00 AM : Weekly Pa tte rn : Meet in g Status : Not eve ry yet Tuesday and Thursday fr om 9 : 30 AM to responded Organiz e r : Golric k , Janet M Requ i re d Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Eagles , David T ; Al e xan de r, Fra nk J ; Brooks , Towa n da A; Cooke, Kevin R; Greene , Bryan ; Kittrell , Ka thari n e D; Re n ner , Rob ert N; Richardson , Todd M; Thompson , Amy C; Tim be rlake , Cour tney B; Potts , Millicent B; Hunter , Matthew F ; Van Du yne , Beth A; Ra mon , Nicolas ; Br adley , Lesl i e Ann ; Wol l J r , Dav i d C; Ammon, Matt h ew E ; Hebe r t , To ny X; Ozdi n ec , Milan M; Sullivan , Br ian E ; Blom , Domi n i que G; AMOS, WILLIA M L; Coffey , Alexander ; Kidd , Stephen C; Hug g ins , Jo h n C; Farias , Anna Maria ; Smith (Ctr) , Ra ymon d V; Stayanovich , Jason E ; Kurtz , R . Hunter ; Mun i r , Ra fiq A; Albert , Helen M; Kasper , Mare n M; Wri ght , Sheila D; Ri os , E r ic C; Rackleff , Nea l J ; App l eto n , Set h D; Bet h ea , Shel i a M; Cl emmens en , Craig T ; Lavoy , Do n ald J ; Bal la rd , Danie l L ; Brego n , Nelson R; Bres , Dana B; Brown , Jereon M; Bryon , Jemin e A; Campbell , Renae M; Cons tant ine , Pete r J ; Cr ucia n i , Linda M; Friedman , Warren ; HEOC; Holland , Rena D; Joy , Johnson P ; Lincol n , Paula A; Lyberg , Sarah A; Mi chalsk i , Lo r i A; Mil ler , Mi c h e ll e M; Ni chols , Del ton ; Rodkey , Kitt ; Scott , Jimmy ; Surber , Keit h W; Wadh ams , Un abyr d ; Kelley , Michael J ; Garr et t , Willie C; Daniels , She ila J ; Bart on, Victoria L ; Burley , Mic h ae l N; Ellis , Edward D; McC l ure , Laura L ; Zo r c , Bethany A; Snow , Chr i stop h e r ; De n das , Mic h ae l W; Radosev i c h , Tar a J ; LOGAN, LEAH M; Cleve lan d - Leggett , Denise C; Tayl o r , Christopher D; Van Dam , Katelyn M; Gargiulo , Emily ; Garcia , J u an C .; /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000173 Vargas , Dav id A. ; Ga ine s , Ra l ph H; Smyth, Ti moth y M; Karp , Rache l E ; Garc i a Rolon , J u an C; Key , Ted L ; PHP ; Wade , Dan a T Optional Attendees : Dunn , Connor M Subjec t: Location : Canceled : Update DepSec Conference on Hurr icane Room 10 1 06 Maria & Harvey S t art : Tue 10 /3/20 17 9 : 30 AM End : Tue 10/3/2017 10 : 00 AM Show Time As : F ree Recurrence : Week l y Recu rr ence Pattern : 10 : 00 AM Meet in g Status : eve r y Tuesday Tentatively and Thursday f r om 9 : 30 AM to accep te d Organizer : Gol ri ck, Janet M Required Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Eagles , David T ; Alexander, Fra nk J ; Brooks , Towa n da A; Cooke , Kev i n R; Gr eene , Bryan ; Ki ttrell , Katharine D; Renner , Robert N; Richardson , Todd M; Thompson , Amy C; Timber lak e, Courtney B; Potts , Millicent B; Hunte r , Matthew F ; Van Duyne , Beth A; Ramon, Nicolas ; Bradley , Leslie Ann ; Woll J r , David C; Ammon, Matt hew E ; Hebe r t , Tony X; Ozdinec , Mi lan M; Sullivan , Brian E ; Blom , Dominique G; AMOS, WILLIAM L ; Coffey , Alexander ; Kidd , Step hen C; Huggins , Jo hn C; Farias , Anna Maria ; Smith (Ctr) , Raymond V; Stayanovich , Jason E ; Kurtz , R . Hunter ; Munir , Rafiq A; Albert , Helen M; Kasper , Mar en M; Wri ght , Sheila D; Ri os , Eric C; Rackleff, Nea l J ; Appleton , Seth D; Bethea , Shelia M; Clemmensen , Craig T ; Lavoy , Dona l d J ; Ba l lard, Dan iel L; Bregon , Nelson R; Bres , Dana B; Brown , Jereon M; Bryon , Jemine A; Campbell , Renae M; Constantine, Pete r J ; Cruciani, Linda M; Friedman , Warren ; HEOC; Holland , Rena D; Joy , Johnson P ; Linco ln, Paula A; Lyberg , Sarah A; Michalski , Lori A; Miller , Michelle M; Ni chols , Delton ; Rodkey, Ki tt ; Scott , Jimmy ; Surber , Keit h W; Wadha ms , Unabyrd ; Kelley , Michael J ; Garrett , Willie C; Daniels , Sheila J ; Barton , Victoria L ; Burley , Mic h ael N; Ellis , Edward D; McClure , Laura L ; Zorc , Bethany A; Snow , Chr i stopher ; Dendas , Michael W; Radosev i ch , Tara J ; LOGAN, LEAH M; Cleve l a n d-Leggett , Denise C; Taylor , Christopher D; Van Dam, Ka te l yn M; Gargiulo , Emily ; Garcia , Juan C .; Va rg as, David A.; Gaines, Ralph H; Smyth, Timothy M; Karp , Rachel E; Garc i a Rolon, Juan C; Key , Ted L ; PHP ; Wade , Dana T ; Tufts , Suz anne I ; Campbell , Patric i a A; STRACNER, JAMES L Optional Attendees : Dunn , Connor M; Petty , Timothy J ; Wickes , Donna L ; Henry , Ellis ; Evans - Burke , Adrian A; Jankowski , Debb i e; Piacent i ni , Suzanne ; Aggrey-An tw i , Ire ne W; Jones , Carol D; Abbott , Cynthia L ; La ndecker , Anthony S ; Orriols , Mi rza ; Patto n, Lynne M Subject : Loc ation : Update DepSec on Hurricane Irma & Maria Conference Room 1 0106 Mon 1 0/2/20 17 9 : 30 AM Start : End : Mon 1 0/2/20 17 10 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000174 Recurrence Recurrence 10 : 00 AM : Week ly Pattern Meet i ng Status : : Not every yet Monday and Wednesday from 9 : 30 AM to r esponded Organizer : Golrick , Janet M Required Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Eag l es , David T ; Alexander , Fra nk J ; Brooks , Towanda A; Cooke , Kevin R; Gr eene , Bryan ; Ki ttrell , Katharine D; Renner , Robert N; Ri chardson , Todd M; Thompson , Amy C; Timberlake , Cour tney B; Potts , Millicent B; Hun ter , Matthew F; Van Duyne, Beth A; Ramon, Nicolas ; Bradley , Leslie Ann ; Wol l Jr , David C; Ammon, Matthew E ; Hebert , Tony X; Ozdinec , Milan M; Sullivan , Brian E ; Blom , Dominique G; AMOS, WI LLIAM L ; Co ffe y , Alexander ; Ki dd , Ste phen C; Hu ggins , Jo hn C; Fa r ias , Anna Maria; Smith (Ctr) , Raymond V; S t ayanovich, Jason E ; Kur tz , R . Hunter ; Muni r , Rafiq A; Albert , Helen M; Kasper , Ma r en M; Wri ght, Sheila D; Rios , Eric C; Rackleff , Nea l J ; Appleton , Set h D; Bethea , Shelia M; Clemmensen , Craig T ; Lavoy , Donald J ; Ballard, Dan i e l L ; Bregon , Nelson R; Bres , Dana B ; Brown , Jereon M; Bryon , Jemine A; Campbe l l , Renae M; Co n stantine, Pete r J; Cruciani, Linda M; Friedman , Warren ; HEOC; Hollan d, Rena D; Joy , Johns on P ; Lincol n, Paula A; Lyberg , Sarah A; Michalski , Lori A; Miller , Mic helle M; Nichols , Delton ; Rodkey , Ki tt ; Scott , J immy ; Sur ber , Keith W; Wadhams , Unabyrd; Kelley , Michael J ; Garrett , Willie C; Da ni e l s , Sh ei la J ; Barton , Victor ia L ; Burl e y , Mi chael N; Ellis , Edward D; McClure, Laura L; Zorc , Bethany A; Snow , Ch ristop he r ; Dendas , Mic h ael W; Radosevich , Tara J ; LOGAN, LEAH M; Cleve l and-Leggett , Denise C; Taylor , Christopher D; Van Dam, Ka te l yn M; Gargiulo , Emily ; Garcia , Juan C .; Vargas , David A .; Gaines , Ra l ph H; Smyth , Timothy M; Karp , Rachel E; Ga r cia Rolon, Juan C ; Key, Ted L; Wade , Dana T ; PHP Opt i o n al Attendees : Dunn , Connor M Su bject : Loc at i on : Update DepSec on Hurricane Conference Mon 1 0/2/20 17 9:30 Start : End : Mon 1 0/2/201 7 10:00 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : Weekly Recurre n ce Patte r n : 10 : 00 AM Meeting Status : every Tentatively Irm a & Maria Room 1 0106 AM Monday and Wednesday from 9 : 30 AM to accepted Organ iz e r: Golr i ck , Janet M Required Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Eagles , David T ; Alexander , Frank J; Brooks , Towanda A; Cooke, Kevin R; Greene, Bryan ; Ki ttrell , Katharine D; Renner, Robert N; Richardson , Todd M; Thompson , Amy C ; Ti mberlake , Cou r tney B ; Potts , Mill i cent B; Hun ter , Matthew F ; Van Duyne, Beth A; Ramon, Nicolas ; Bradley, Les lie Ann ; Woll Jr , David C; Ammon , Matt hew E; Hebert , Tony X; Ozdinec , Milan /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000175 M; Sullivan, Brian E ; Blom , Dominique G; AMOS, WILLIAM L ; Co f fey , Alexande r; Ki dd , Stephen C; Huggins , Jo hn C; Farias , Anna Maria ; Smith (Ctr) , Raymond V; S t ayanov i ch , Jason E ; Kur tz , R . Hunte r ; Muni r , Rafiq A; Albert , Helen M; Kasper , Ma r en M; Wright , Sheila D; Rios , E r ic C; Rackle f f , Nea l J ; App l eto n, Seth D; Bethea , Shelia M; Clemmensen , Craig T ; Lavoy , Donald J ; Ballard , Danie l L ; Bregon , Nelson R; Bres , Dan a B; Brown , Je reon M; Bryon , Jem i ne A; Campbell , Renae M; Constantine , Peter J ; Cruciani , Linda M; Friedman , Warren ; HEOC; Holl and , Rena D; Joy , Johnson P ; Lincol n , Paula A; Lyberg , Sarah A; Michalski , Lori A; Miller , Michelle M; Nichols , Del to n; Rodkey , Ki t t ; Scott , J immy ; Surber , Keith W; Wadhams , Unabyrd ; Kel l ey , Michael J ; Garrett , Willie C; Daniels , Sheila J ; Barton , Victoria L ; Burley , Michael N; Ellis , Edwa r d D; McClure , Laura L ; Zorc , Bethany A; Snow , Christop h er ; Den das , Mic h ael W; Radosevich , Tara J ; LOGAN, LEAH M; Cleve l a n d-Legge t t , Denise C; Tay lor , Chr i stopher D; Van Darn, Ka te l yn M; Gargiulo , Emi l y ; Garcia , Juan C .; Vargas , David A.; Gaines , Ralph H; Smyt h, Timothy M; Karp , Rache l E ; Ga r cia Rolon , Juan C; Key , Ted L; Wade , Dan a T ; PHP Opt i o n al Atte ndees : Dunn , Connor M Subject : Loc ation : DMG Response Meeting : Puer to DepSec Confe r ence Room 1 0106 Rico and US Virgin I slands Start : Mon 10/2/2017 9 : 30 AM End : Mon 1 0/2/20 17 10 : 00 AM Recu rr ence : Weekly Recurrence Pattern Meeting Status : : every Monday from 9 : 30 AM to 10 : 00 AM Accepted Organizer : Gol ri ck , Janet M Requ i red Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Eag les , David T ; Alexande r, Frank J ; Brooks , Towanda A; Cooke, Kev i n R; Greene , Bryan ; Ki ttrell , Katharine D; Renner , Robert N; Richardson , Todd M; Thompson , Amy C; Timberlake , Courtney B; Po tts , Millicent B; Hunter , Matthew F ; Van Duyne , Beth A; Ramon , Nicolas ; Bradley , Les lie Ann ; Wol l J r , Dav i d C; Ammon, Matt hew E ; Hebe r t , Tony X; Ozdinec , Mi lan M; Sullivan , Brian E ; Blom , Domin i que G; AMOS, WILLIAM L; Coffey , Alexander ; Kidd , Step hen C; Huggins , Jo h n C; Farias , Anna Mar ia ; Smith (Ctr) , Raymond V; Stayanovich , Jason E ; Kurtz , R . Hunter ; Muni r , Rafiq A; Albert , Helen M; Kasper , Mar e n M; Wri g h t , Sheila D; M; Ri os , E r ic C; Rackleff , Nea l J ; App l eton , Seth D; Bethea , Shelia Clemmensen , Craig T ; Lavoy , Dona ld J ; Ba l lard , Dan iel L ; Bregon , Nelson R; Bres , Dana B; Brown , Jereon M; Bryon , Jemine A; Campbe ll , Renae M; Constantine , Peter J ; Cruciani , Linda M; Friedman , Warren ; HEOC; Hollan d , Rena D; Joy , Johnson P ; Linco ln , Paula A; Lyberg , Sarah A; Mi chalsk i, Lori A; Miller , Michelle M; Ni chols , Del ton ; Rodkey , Ki tt ; Sco tt , Jimmy ; Surber , Keit h W; Wadh ams , Unabyrd ; Kelley , Michae l J ; Garrett , Willie C; Daniels , Sheila J; Bart on , Victoria L ; Bur ley , Mic h ael N; El lis , Edward D; McCl ure , Laura L ; Zorc , Bethany A; Snow , Chr i stopher ; Dendas , Michael W; Radosevich , Tara J ; LOGAN, LEAH M; Cleve land - Leggett , Denise C; Taylor , Chris tophe r D; Va n Darn, Katelyn M; Gargiulo , Emily ; Garcia , J uan C .; /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000176 Vargas , Dav id A. ; Ga ine s , Ra l p h H; Smyth , Ti moth y M; Karp , Rache l E ; Garc i a Ro l on , J u an C; Key , Ted L ; Wade , Dana T ; PHP; Ha r dy IV , S t anley; Kirkl an d , J eremy Optional Attend ees: Dunn , Connor M; Petty , Timothy J ; Henry , Ellis ; Wickes , Donna L ; Evans-Burke, Adrian A; Abbott , Cynth i a L ; Carte r, Jane t L; Jankowsk i , Debbie ; Win dt , Ge r a r d ; Moses , Edwa r d L ; Magrude r , Jer ri e G; Bailey , Nikel A; Scott-Ford , Alesia ; Broad n a x, Chandra M; Gormley , Joseph M; Tomchick II I, George J; Koskinen , La rry A Subjec t: Wildfires Loc ation : DMG Response DepSec Meet i ng : Hurri Confe r ence ca n e Mar i a & Cal if o rn ia Room 1 0 106 Start : Mon 10 /2/20 17 9 : 30 AM End : Mon 1 0/2/201 7 10: 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : Wee kl y Recur r e n ce Pa tt e r n : 10 : 00 AM Meeting Status : every Tenta t iv e ly Mo n day a n d Wednesday f rom 9 : 30 AM to accepted Organ iz e r: Golr i c k , Jane t M Required Atte ndees : Greenwood , Shei la M; Eag les , David T ; Al e xand e r , Frank J ; Brooks , Towanda A; Cooke , Kevin R; Greene , Bryan ; Kittrell , Kathari ne D; Ren ner , Robe rt N; Richardson , Todd M; Thompso n, Amy C; Ti mbe r lake , Co ur tne y B; Potts , Milli ce n t B; Hun ter , Matthew F; Van Duyne, Beth A; Ramon , Nico las; Bradley, Le slie Ann ; Woll Jr , David C; Ammon, Matthew E ; Hebert , To n y X; Ozdinec , Mil an M; Sull iv an, Brian E ; Blom , Domi nique G; AMOS, WILL IAM L; Coffey , Alexander ; Kidd , Step hen C; Hu ggins , Jo hn C; Farias , Anna Maria ; Smit h (Ct r), Raymond V; Staya n ovich , Jason E ; Kur tz , R. Hunte r; Mun i r , Rafiq A; Albert, Helen M; Kasper , Mare n M; Wrig h t , She ila D; M; Rios, Er ic C ; Rackleff , Neal J ; Appleton , Seth D; Beth e a , Shelia Clemme n sen , Crai g T ; Lavoy , Do n ald J ; Ba l lard , Daniel L ; Brego n, Ne l so n R; Bres , Dana B ; Brown , Je reon M; Bryo n, Jem i ne A; Campbel l, Renae M; Constantine, Peter J ; Cr uc i ani , Linda M; Fr i edman , Warr en ; HEOC; Hol la nd , Rena D; Joy , Johnson P ; Linco ln, Pau la A; Lyberg , Sarah A; Mi chalski , Lor i A; Miller , Michelle M; Nichols , Delton; Rodkey , Kitt ; Scott , Jimmy ; Sur ber , Keith W; Wadhams , Un abyrd ; Kelley , Mi chael J ; Ga rr ett , Wil lie C; Dani e l s , Sh e il a J ; Barton , Victoria L ; Bur ley , Mic h ael N; Ellis , Edward D; McC l ure , Laura L ; Zorc , Bethany A; Snow , Christopher ; Dendas , Michael W; Radosevich , Tara J ; LOGAN, LEAH M; Clevela n d-Legge tt, Den is e C; Taylor , Chris t op h er D; Van Dam, Ka te lyn M; Gargiulo , Emily ; Garcia , Juan C .; Vargas , Dav i d A. ; Ga in es , Ra l p h H; Smyth , Ti mothy M; Karp , Rac h el E ; Garcia Rolon , Juan C; Key , Ted L ; Wade , Dana T ; PHP Optional Attend ees: Dunn , Connor M; Petty , Timothy J ; Henry, Ellis ; Wickes , Donna L ; Evans-Burke , Adrian A; Abbott, Cynth i a L Subject: Location /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : PHP + Sheila DepSec Office Greenwood HUD-18-0504-D-000177 Start : Thu 9/28/20 17 2 : 0 0 PM End : Thu 9/28/20 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Meet in g St a tus : Not yet r esponded Organi zer : PHP Requ i r ed At t e ndees : Greenwood , She i la M; Dawki ns , Eunice Pa ten aude , Pamela H; Mars ha ll , Michael J Subjec t : Loca ti o n : D; PHP + Sheil a Gree nwood DepSec Of fi ce St art : Thu 9 /2 8/2 0 17 2 : 0 0 PM End : Thu 9/28/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurre Meeting n ce : (none) Status : Not ye t r esp ond e d Organ iz e r : PHP Required Atte ndees : Greenwood , Shei la M; Dawkins , Eunic e D; Pat e naud e , Pame l a H; Marshall, Mi c h ael J Subject: Loc at i on : Briefing on Economic Po li cy Agenda Dep Sec Conference Room and Messagi ng Start : Tue 1 0/3/20 17 2 : 30 PM End : Tue 1 0 /3/20 17 3 : 30 PM Sh ow Ti me As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeti ng St atus : Not yet responded Organi zer : Thompso n , Amy C Requ i r ed At t e ndees : PHP; Gr eenwood , She i l a M; Co wan J r . , Ch ad ; Appleton , Seth D; Dendas , Mich ael W; Wade , Dan a T; Marzol , Adolfo F; Zorc , Bet h a n y A; Hugh es , And r ew ; Fa ri as , Anna Mar i a ; Rackleff, Neal J Sub j ec t: Lo cation : HUD Inte r nat i o n al Engagement Po lic y Room 8106 . o r ca ll in : 8 77 - 336 - 1 828 code : =kb= lf=6 l.____, Start : Fri 9/29/2017 4 : 30 PM End : Fri 9/29/20 17 5 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000178 Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet Organize r: Richardson Requ i red Attendees : Hughes , Andrew Optional Attendees : Subjec t: Location : responded , Todd M Greenwood , Sheila Marshall , Michael M; PHP; Eagles , David T; J Canceled : HUD International Engagemen t Policy !{b~ l(-6)-~ Room 8106 . or call i n : 877-336-1828 code : ~ Start : Fri 9/29/2017 4 : 30 PM End : Fri 10/ 1 3/2017 5 : 00 PM Show Time As : Free Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status : Accepted Organizer : Richardson Required Attendees : Hughes , Andrew Opt i o n al Atte ndees : Subject : Location : , Todd M Greenwood Marshall PHP Meet with Dep Sec Office , Shei l a M; PHP; Eag l es , Dav i d T ; , Mi chael Sh eila Greenwood J - Cos Reports Fri 9/29/20 17 3 : 00 PM Start : End : Fri 9/29/20 17 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : No t yet Organizer : PHP Requ i red Attendees : Dawk in s , Eun i ce D Subjec t: Location : responded Marshall Quick Intro COS Office w/Sheila , Mi chael and Robert J ; Greenwood Melvin , She il a M; wi th AHA St art : Thu 9/28/20 17 11 : 00 AM End : Thu 9/28/2017 1 1 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer Requ i red Opt i onal /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) : Greenwood Attendees : Attendees : , Shei l a M Robert Melv i n Greg Brown HUD-18-0504-D-000179 Your meeti ng was f oun d to up dated . be out o f d a te and Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a ng e Serve r Subject: 2 : 00P M EST- Update on Hurri ca n es Locati on : J a net wil l dial you h as been a ut oma t ical Harvey , Irma ly a n d Maria Star t : Tue 10 /3/20 17 2 : 0 0 PM End : Tue 1 0/3/20 17 2 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tent ati ve Recurrence : Da ily Re cur ren ce Patter n: every day f rom 1 0 : 30 AM to Organizer : DocBe n Req uir e d At tendees : Golric k , Ja net (She ila . M. Gree nwo od l@hu d . gov) Subject : Location : Quick I n tro COS Off i ce w/ Sheila and 11 : 00 AM M; She il a M Gr eenw ood Rob ert Me l v in with AHA Star t : Thu 9/28/2017 1 1 : 00 AM End : Thu 9/28/20 17 1 1 : 30 AM Show Tim e As : Tent ati ve Recurrence : (none ) Org a nizer : Greenwood Required Atte nd ees : Optio na l Att endees : , Shei l a M Robert Me l v i n Gr e g Brown Your meet i ng was f ound updated . to be out of Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a ng e Server Subject : Quick Intro w/Sheila and Lo cation : COS Off ic e date and Robert h as been Me l v in with a ut omatical ly AHA Start : Thu 9/28/20 17 1 1 : 00 AM End : Thu 9/28/20 17 1 1 : 30 AM Show Time As : Te nta t ive Recu r rence : (none ) Organize r : Gr eenwo o d , Shei la M Req uired Atte nd ees : Robe r t Melvin Opt i o n al At tendees : Greg Brow n Your meeting updated . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was found t o b e out of dat e and has been automatica l ly HUD-18-0504-D-000180 Sent by Micro so ft Ex change Server Sub ject: Quick I n tro w/S heil a a n d Robe rt Locat ion: COS Office Melvin with AHA Start : Thu 9/28/201 7 1 1 : 00 AM En d : Thu 9 /2 8/ 201 7 11 : 30 AM Sho w Time As : Ten t a tive Recurre nc e : (none ) Or ga ni zer : Greenwood , Sheila M Req u ire d At tendees : Robe r t Melvin Opt i o na l Attendees : Greg Brow n Your meeting update d . was found to be out of date and has been automat i ca lly Sent by Microsoft Excha nge Server Su bje c t : SWEARI NG IN f or Su za n ne Tu fts Loca ti o n: SOHUD' s o ff i ce Start : F ri 10/6/2017 9 :0 0 AM End : Fri 10 /6/20 17 9 : 30 AM Sho w Time As : Tenta tiv e Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Sta t us : Not ye t re spo nded Org a nize r : DocBe n Required At tendees : Al exander , Mason; Mayo , Sammy E ; Mill e r , Mi tchell E; She ila M Green wood (She ila . M.Gree nwoodl @hud.g o v) ; Andrew Hughes (Andrew . Hug hes@ hu d . gov) ; Dr ew A McCa ll (Jona th a n . A . McCal l@hud . gov) Subject : Loca ti o n : Canceled : MEET with SOHUD' s off i ce Suzanne Tufts St art : Mon 1 0/16/20 1 7 10 : 00 AM End : Mon 10/ 1 6/2017 1 0 : 30 AM Sho w Time As : F ree Recurrence Meet ing : (none ) Status Orga n iz e r: /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Acc epte d DocBe n HUD-18-0504-D-000181 Requ ire d Atte ndees (She i la .M. Greenwood (An d rew . Hughes@ h ud Optional Attend ees Sub j ect : Locat i o n: : Alexa nde r, Maso n ; Sheila M Gree nwood l @hu d . gov) ; Andr ew Hug hes . gov ); Drew A McCall (Jonat han . A . McCall @hu d . gov) : suzanne . tufts@hud . gov 2 : 00P M EST- Update on Hurri ca n es Jane t will d i al you Harvey , Irma a n d Maria Start : Tue 10/3/2017 2 :0 0 PM End : Tue 10 /3/20 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta ti ve Recurrence Recurrence : Daily Pat t e r n : Meet i ng Status : Not every yet day f rom 1 0 : 30 AM to r espo nd ed Or ga niz e r : DocB en Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Golr i c k , Janet (She i la .M. Gree nwo od l @hud . gov) Subjec t: Location : 11 : 00 AM 2 : 00PM EST - CALL w/ J anet Janet will dial you M; Sheila M Gree nwood Golrick Start : Tue 1 0/3/20 17 2 :0 0 PM End : Tue 1 0/3/20 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recurrence Recurrence Meeting : Da ily Patt ern : Status : Not every y et day 1 0 : 30 AM to 11:00 AM responded Organiz e r: DocBe n Required Atte ndees : Go l r ick, (Sheila . M. Gr eenwoodl@hud . gov) Sub j ect : Locat i o n: from Janet M; Sheila 10 : 30AM EST- Update o n Hurri canes Jane t will d i al you M Gree nwood Harvey , Irma a n d Mari a Start : Mon 10/2/2017 1 0 : 30 AM End : Mon 1 0/2/2017 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentat iv e Recu rr en ce : Daily Recurrence Pat t ern : Meet i ng Status : Not every yet day from /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : 11 : 00 AM r espo nd ed Organiz e r : DocBen Requ i red At tendees : Golr i c k , Janet (She i la . M. Gree nwood l @hud . gov) Subject 1 0 : 30 AM to M; Sheila 10 : 30AM EST - Upda t e on Hur rica nes M Gree nwood Harvey , I rma and Maria HUD-18-0504-D-000182 Location : Janet will d i al you Start : Thu 9/28/20 17 10 : 30 AM End : Thu 9/28/2017 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Recurrence : Da il y Pattern Meet in g Status Organizer Required (Sheila.M : : Not every from 10 : 30 AM to 11: 00 AM ye t respo nded : DocBen Attendees : Golrick . Gree nwoodl@hud . gov) Subject : Location : day , Janet M; Sheila 10 : 30AM EST- Update on Hurr i canes Janet will dial you M Greenwood Harvey , Irma and Maria Mon 10/2/2017 10 : 30 AM Start : End : Mon 1 0/2/20 17 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Recurrence Meeting : Daily Pa tt ern : S t atus : Not every yet day from Interagency 9202 - via 11 : 00 AM responded Organizer : DocBen Requ i red Atte ndees : Golr i ck , Janet (Sheila . M. Greenwood l @hud . gov) Subject : Location : 10 : 30 AM to M; Sheila work in g group on hurricane Co n ference Call M Greenwood response St art : Wed 9/27/20 17 1 : 00 PM End : Wed 9/27/2017 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organize r: Wade , Dana T Required Attendees : ' alexandra . travis@fema . dhs . gov '; ' Cynthia . Adcock@fhfa . gov '; ' Dona ld . Corin@fhfa . gov '; ' Maria . Fernandez@fhfa . gov '; ' Pau l . Theruviparampil@fhfa . gov '; Campbell , Patricia A; Gibbons , Kathleen M; Kasper , Maren M; LOGAN, LEAH M; Meaux , Lesl i e A; Fr i edman , Warren ; Greenwood, Sheila M; Marzol , Adolfo F ; Golrick , Janet M; ' Ric h ard . Kane@wdc . usda . gov '; ' Stuart . Walden@wdc . usda . gov '; ' Rhonda . Armitage@va . gov '; ' Rita . Falcioni@va . gov '; ' j e ff rey . london@va . gov '; Bravacos , John G; Roget , Gise l e G; Gormley , Joseph M; Bowes , Robe r t B; Haller, J ul i a Z; Carr , Terry M; Iber, Robert G; Van Dam, Katelyn M; Wolfson , Len ; Patenaude , Pamela H; Mars ha ll , Michael J /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000183 Opt i o n al Atte ndees : Sha ff e r , Ju li e ; Brown , Amy L; Jo h nson , Ste f a ni e (Mul l in) ; Wal t o n , Dani el l e ; Mulder i g , Robert E ; Steve n s , Kev i n L ; Kumi , Th omas K; Saunders , El issa O; Himes , I very W; Mar t in , Matt B; Brigh t , Micha e l R Sub j ect : Locat i o n: Congressiona l Hear i ng P r ep-Secreta r y ' s Co n ference Room Mur der Boa r d Start : Wed 10/ 11 /2017 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 1 0/11/20 1 7 4 : 00 PM Show Ti me As : Tenta ti ve Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status : Not ye t r espo nded Organizer : DocBe n Required Attend ee s : Zorc , Be thany A; Wolfson , Len ; Wade , Dana T ; Roget , Gise l e G; Gimo nt , Stanley ; Eagles , David T ; Ri c h a r dson , Todd M; Adolfo F Marz o l (Adolfo . F . Ma rz o l @hud .g ov) ; Br ight , Michae l R; Hobbs , Benjami n R; Kurtz , R . Hunter ; Dendas , Mic h ae l W; Shei l a M Greenwood (Shei l a . M. Greenwoodl@h u d . gov) ; Kelley , Michael J ; Seth D Apple t on (Seth . D. Apple t on@hud . gov ); Barton , Vi ctoria L Subjec t: Locatio n : Congressiona l Hear i ng Pr ep-Secret a ry ' s Co n ference Room Mur der Boa r d Start : Tue 1 0/10/20 1 7 8 : 30 AM End : Tue 1 0/10/20 1 7 10 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tent a tive Recurrence : (none ) Meet in g Status : Not ye t r espo nded Organizer : DocBen Required Atte ndees : Zorc , Bethany A; Wolf so n , Len ; Wade , Dan a T ; Roget , Gise l e G; Gi mon t , Stanley ; Eagles , David T ; Ri c h a r dson , Todd M; Adolfo F Mar zol (Adolfo . F . Ma r zol@h u d . gov) ; Sh e i la M Gr eenwood (Sheila .M . Gree nwood l @hud . gov) ; Bright , Michael R; Hobbs , Benjami n R; Kurtz , R. Hun t er ; Dendas , Michael W; Ke ll ey , Michael J ; Seth D App l e t o n (Set h . D. App l e t o n @hud . gov ) ; Barton , Victoria L Subject : Location : Murder Board Secre t ary ' s Conference Room Start : Tue 10/ 1 0/2017 8 : 30 AM End : Tue 1 0/1 0 /20 1 7 1 0 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurre n ce : (none) Meet in g Status /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Not yet respo nded HUD-18-0504-D-000184 Organi zer : Doc Be n Requ i r ed At tendees : Zo r c , Bethany A; Wolf so n , Len ; Wade , Dan a T ; Roget , Gi sele G; Gimont , St anley; Eagles , Dav id T ; Richardson , Todd M; Ado lf o F Marz ol (Adolfo . F . Marzol@hud . gov); Sheila M Gree nwood (She i la .M . Gree nwoodl@hud . gov) ; Br ig h t , Michael R; Hobbs , Benjami n R; Kurtz , R . Hunte r ; Den das , Mi c h ael W; Kelle y , Mi c h ae l J ; Seth D Appl e ton (Seth . D. Appleton@hud . gov) ; Barton , Victor ia L Subjec t : Loca ti o n : Mer catus Ce n ter Regulatory Training Depar tmen ta l Co n ference Room Sess ion St a rt : Wed 1 0 /4/20 17 10 : 30 AM End : Wed 10/4/2017 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Ten t a t ive Recur r e n ce : (none ) Meeting S t atus : Not y et respond Org an iz e r : Eagles , Dav i d T Required Atte ndees : Political Good Morning ed Appointees Team - As part o f our e ff o r ts to r e ima g in e the way HUD works , we h ave in vited scho l ars fr om the Me rca tus Center a t Geo rge Maso n Un iv e r s i ty to g i v e a one a n d a half hour train i ng sess i o n o n r eg ul atory r efo r m to all po li tical appoin tee s . Th i s will take place next Wednesday imme dia te l y following our a l l- polit ica l meeti ng , a t 1 0 : 30am . I un d erstand many of you have concer te d effo rt t o attend at and collect the materials and Thank you all, and keep up the busy schedules , but p l ease make a l eas t part of th i s tr ain i ng sess i on books the y ha v e promised to p ro vide . good work! David Subjec t : Loca tion : 2 : 00P M EST- CALL w/ Janet Jane t wil l d i al you Golr ic k Start : Tue 10/3/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Tue 1 0/3/20 17 2 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Re curr en ce : Dai ly /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000185 Recurrence Pattern Meet in g S t atus : : Not every yet day f ro m 10 : 30 AM to AM responded Organi zer : DocBe n Requ i r ed At tendees : Gol r i c k , Jane t M; Sheila (She i la.M . Gree nwood l @hud.gov) Subject : Loca ti o n : 11:00 M Gree nwood 10 : 30AM EST - CALL w/ Jan e t Golrick Janet wi l l dial you St art : Thu 9/28/20 17 10 : 30 AM End : Thu 9/28/2017 11 : 00 AM Sho w Time As : Ten t a tive Recurrence Recurrence Meeting : Da ily Patte r n : Status : Not every from , Janet 2 : 00P M EST- CALL w/ Ja n et Janet will di al you n: Start : Tue 10 /3/20 17 2:00 End : Tue 1 0/3/20 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recu rr ence : Daily Recurrence Pa tter n: Meet in g St atus Not : : n: 1 1 : 00 AM every yet M; She ila M Gr een woo d Golri ck PM day f ro m 1 0 : 30 AM to 11:00 AM responded Organi zer : DocBe n Requ i r ed At tendees : Gol r i c k , Janet (She i la.M . Gree nwood l@hu d . gov) Subject Locatio 1 0 : 30 AM to ye t re spo nded Org a nizer : DocBe n Required Attend ees : Golrick (Sheila . M. Gr een wo odl@h u d . g ov) Subject: Locatio day M; Sheila M Gree n wood 10 : 30AM EST - CALL w/ Jan e t Golrick Jane t wi l l dial you Start : Tue 1 0/3/20 17 2 :0 0 PM End : Tue 10/3/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Ten t a t ive Recurrence Recurrence Mee t ing Org a nizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Da ily Patte r n : Status : : Not every day from 1 0 : 30 AM to 1 1 : 00 AM ye t re spo nded DocBe n HUD-18-0504-D-000186 Requ i red Atte ndees : Golr i c k , Jane t M; Sheila (She i la . M. Greenwood l @hu d . gov) Subject Locatio : n: 10 : 30AM EST- CALL w/ Janet Janet will d i al you M Greenwood Golrick Start : Thu 9/28/20 17 10 : 30 AM End : Thu 9/28/20 17 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurre n ce : Dai l y Recurrence Pattern Meeti ng Status : : Not every from 10 : 30 AM to 11: 00 AM ye t r espo nded Organi z e r: DocBe n Required Atte ndees : Golrick (Sheila . M. Gr eenwoodl@hud . gov) Subject : Location : day , Janet 10 : 30AM EST- CALL w/ Ja n et Janet will dial you M; Sheila M Greenwood Golrick Start : Fri 9/29/2017 10 : 30 AM End : Fri 9/29/2017 1 1 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Meet in g Status : Not yet r espo nded Organizer : DocBen Required Attendees : Gol ri ck , Jane t M; She il a M Greenwood (She i la . M. Gree nwood l @h ud . gov) Subject : Lo cation : Canceled : 10 : 30AM EST - CALL w/ Janet Janet will dial you Gol rick Start : Fr i 9/29/20 17 10 : 30 AM End : Fr i 9/29/20 17 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : Free Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organizer : DocBen Required Atte ndees : Golric k, (She i la . M. Gree nwood l @hu d . gov) Subject : Location : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Jane t M; Sheila 10 : 30AM EST- CALL w/ Ja net Janet will dial you M Greenwood Golrick HUD-18-0504-D-000187 Start : Thu 9/28/2017 10 : 30 AM End : Thu 9/28/20 17 1 1 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurre n ce : (none) Meet i ng Status : Not yet r espo nd ed Organiz e r : DocBen Requ i red Atte ndees : Golr i c k, (She i la . M. Gree nwood l @hud . gov) Subject : Lo cation : Janet M; Sheila 10 : 30AM EST - Update on Hurricanes Jane t wil l dial you M Gree nwood Harv e y , I rma and Maria S tar t : Thu 9/28/20 17 10:3 0 AM End : Thu 9/28/20 17 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : Ten tat iv e Recur r e n ce : Da il y Recurre n ce Patt ern : Meeting Status : every Te nta t iv e ly Organ iz e r : DocBe n Required Atte nd ees : Golrick (Sh e ila . M. Gr eenwoodl@hud . gov) Subject: Lo cation : day from 1 0 : 30 AM to 11:0 0 AM accepted , Janet M; Sheila Interage ncy working group on hurrica 9202 - via Conference Call M Gree nwoo d ne response Start : Wed 9/27/20 17 1:0 0 PM End : Wed 9/27/20 17 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeti ng S t atus : Not yet responded Organi zer : Wade , Dan a T Requ ir ed At tendees : a l e xa nd r a . tra vis@fema . d h s . gov ; Cynthia . Adcock@ f h fa . gov ; Donald . Cor i n@fh f a . gov ; Mari a . Fernan de z@fhfa . gov ; Paul . Theruviparampil@fhfa . gov ; Ca mpb e ll , Pat ricia A; Gibbons , Kathleen M; Kasper , Mare n M; LOGAN, LEAH M; Meaux , Lesl ie A; Friedman , Warren ; Greenwood , Sheila M; Marzo l , Ado lf o F ; Golri ck , Ja n et M; Ri c h ard . Kane@wdc . u sda . gov ; S tuart . Walden@wdc . usda . gov ; Rhonda . Armitage@va . gov ; Rita . Falcioni@va . gov ; je ffrey . london@va .g ov ; Bravacos , John G; Roget , Gise l e G; Gormley , Josep h M; Bowes , Robert B; Haller , J u l ia Z; Ca rr , Terry M; Iber , Robert G; Van Dam, Katelyn M; Wol f son , Len Opt i o na l Atte ndees : Shaffer , Julie ; Brown , Amy L; Jo h nson , St efanie (Mullin ); Walton , Danie ll e /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000188 Subject : Location : FW: Harvey Update DepSec Conference Room 1 0106 Start : Wed 9/27/2017 9 : 30 AM End : Wed 9/27/20 17 10:00 AM Show Time As : Tentat iv e Recurrence Recurrence effec ti ve Organizer : (none) Pattern : Occurs every 9/25/2017 u nt il 9/29/2017 : Subjec t: Location : Golrick , Janet day fr om 9 : 30 AM to 10 : 00 AM . M Meeting w/Sheila COS Office and Nancy Corsiglia Sta r t : Thu 9/28/2017 11 : 30 AM End : Thu 9/28/2017 12 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Organi zer: Greenwood , Sheila M Requ i red Attendees : Cors i glia , Nancy Your meeting updated. was found to be out of date E; Dawkins , Eunice and has Sent by Mic r osoft Exchange Server Subjec t: Quick Intro w/Sheila a n d Rober t Melvin Locatio n: cos Office been with D automat i ca lly AHA Sta r t : Thu 9/28/2017 10 : 30 AM End : Thu 9/28/2017 1 1 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none ) Organi zer: Greenwood , Sheila Requ ir ed At tendees : Robert Your meeting upd ated . was found to Sent by Mic ro soft Exchange Subjec t: Meeting w/Sheila Locatio n: COS Office Star t : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Thu 9/28/2017 M Melv i n be out of date and has been automatically Server and Na n cy Corsiglia 11 : 30 AM HUD-18-0504-D-000189 End : Thu 9/28/2017 12 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Ten tativ e Rec urr ence : (non e) Orga n iz e r : Gr eenwood , Sheila M Requ i r ed Attendees : Cors i glia , Nan cy E; Dawkins , Eun ice Your meeting upd a ted. was found to be out of date and has Sen t by Mic rosoft Exch a nge Serve r Fr om : Cors igl ia , Nan cy E Sent : Tuesday , September 26 , 201 7 3:23 PM To : Greenwo o d , Sheila M Subject : Acc epte d : Meet in g w/She il a and Nancy Sub j ec t: Loc a tio n : Quick I n t r o w/Sheila COS Office a n d Robe rt been D automat i ca lly Corsiglia Me lv i n with AHA Start : Thu 9/28/2017 1 0 : 30 AM End : Thu 9/28/2017 1 1 : 00 AM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recu rr ence : (non e) Orga n iz e r : Gr eenwood , Sheila Required Atte nd ees : Robert Your meeting upd a ted. was found to M Me l v i n be out of date and Sen t by Mic rosoft Exch a nge Ser ver Sub j ect : Qui c k I n t r o w/Sheila a n d Robe rt Locat i o n : COS Office has bee n automatically Me lv i n wi th AHA Sta r t : Thu 9/28/2017 1 0 : 30 AM End : Thu 9/28/2017 1 1 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentat iv e Re curr en c e : (none) Organizer : Greenwood , Sheila Requ i r ed Attendees : Robert Your meeting upda ted . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was found to M Me lv i n be out of date and h as been a ut omatically HUD-18-0504-D-000190 Sen t by Mi crosoft Ex c h a nge Se rver Fr om : Rober t Me lv i n Sent : Tues d ay , September 26 , 2017 3 : 18 PM To : Gr ee nwood , Shei la M Subjec t : Accepted : Qui c k Intro w/She il a a nd Robert Sub j ec t: Locatio n : Qui ck I n tro COS Office w/Sheila a n d Robe rt Me lv i n with Mel vin with AHA AHA Star t : Thu 9/28/20 17 10 : 30 AM End : Thu 9/28/20 17 1 1 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence : (none) Organ iz e r : Greenwood , Sheila Required Atte ndees : Robert Your meeting up dated . was f ound to M Melvin be out o f date and Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Se r ve r Subjec t : Qui c k I n tro w/Sheila a n d Robe rt Locatio n : COS Office h as been Me l v i n with a u tomatical ly AHA Start : Thu 9/28/20 17 10 : 30 AM End : Thu 9/28/20 17 11:00 AM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recu rr ence : (none) Org an iz e r : Greenwood , She i la Required Atte ndees : Robert Your meeting up dated . was f ound to M Melv i n be out of date and Sent by Mi crosoft Exc h a ng e Se rver Subjec t : Qui c k I n t r o w/Sheila a n d Robe rt Locatio n : COS Office h as been Me lv i n with a ut oma t ically AHA Start : Thu 9/28/2017 10 : 30 AM End : Thu 9/28/2017 11 : 00 AM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recu rr ence : (none) Org an iz e r : Gr eenwood , She i la M Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Greenwood , Shei la Optional Attendees : Gr eg Brown /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT M; Rober t Melvin HUD-18-0504-D-000191 Your meeting updated . was found to be out of Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a ng e Server Subject : Quick Intro w/Sheila and Lo cation : COS Off ic e date and Robert h as been Me l v in with a ut omatical ly AHA Start : Thu 9/28/20 17 10 : 30 AM End : Thu 9/28/20 17 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : Te nta t ive Recurrence : (none ) Org a nize r : Greenwood Req uired Att en d ees : Your meeting updated . , Shei l a M Ro be r t Melvin was f ound to be ou t o f date Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Server Subject : Quick Intro w/S h eil a and Lo cation : COS Off i ce and Robert h as been Melv in with a u tomatical ly AHA Start : Thu 9/28/20 17 10 : 30 AM End : Thu 9/28/20 17 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tent ati ve Recurrence Org a nizer Required : (none ) : Greenwo o d , Shei l a M Atte nd ees : Robe r t Melvin Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be ou t o f date and h as been Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Serve r F rom : Robert Me l v i n Sent : Tues day , Septembe r 2 6 , 2 0 1 7 3 : 14 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subjec t : Accepted : Quic k Intro w/Sheila a n d Robert Subject : Loc ation : Quick Intro COS Off ic e w/S h ei la a n d Robert Me l v in with a u tomatical Mel v i n with ly AHA AHA Start : Thu 9/28/20 17 10 : 30 AM End : Thu 9/28/20 17 1 1 : 00 AM Sho w Time As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000192 Recurrence Organizer Required : (non e ) : Greenwood , Shei la Attendees : Robert Your meeting updated . was found to Sent by Microso ft Exchange Subject : Meeting w/Sheila Loca tion : COS Office be out Organizer Required of date Server and Nancy Start : Thu 9/28/201 7 11:30 End : Thu 9/28/2017 12 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recurre M Melvin and has been a u tomatically Corsiglia AM n ce : (none) : Gr eenwood , Shei la Attendees : Corsigl Your meeting updated . was found to M ia , Nancy be ou t of Sent by Microso ft Exchange Server Subject: Eth ics Briefing Loc ation : Depar tmen tal Conference date E; Dawk in s , Eun ic e D and has been a u tomatically Room Start : Wed 9/27/20 17 10 : 00 AM End : Wed 9/27/20 17 10 : 30 AM Show Ti me As : Tentative Recurre Meeting n ce : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organi zer: Zorc , Bethany A Requ ir ed At tendees : Hughes , Andrew ; McCall , Drew A; Fallowfield, Linda ; Coffey , Alex ander ; Barton , Victoria L; Bass , Deana ; Beckles , Angela L; Bowes , Robert B; Byrd , David J ; Fitzpat ri ck, Nora S; Greenwood , Sheila M; Gr u son , Barbara ; Hol derf i e ld , Stephanie A; Kasper , Maren M; Patton , Lynne M; Pet t y , Timo th y J ; Youngblood , Ri chard A; Wi lliams , Raphael L; Browning , Aust in G; Gribb i n , Will i am J ; Dendas , Michael W; Smi th , Cooper J. EOP/WHO; DeFelice , Joseph J; Thompson , Amy C; Demarzo, Ben j amin E ; Delahoyde , Abigail M; Coressel , Jacie ; Zorc , Be thany A; Baco n , James A; Marzol , Ado l fo F ; Kurtz , R . Hunte r; Burley , Mi chael N; Eagles, David T; Shasky , John E; Al exander , Mason; Gibbs , John ; Gormley , Joseph M; Bourne , Chris tophe r M; Joy , J ohnson P ; Hobbs , Ben jamin R; Gaines, Ralph H; /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000193 Mill s , Alliso n F ; Wol l J r, David C; Appleton , Mi chael R; Ludlow , Ashley ; Kelley , Mi c h ae l J ; Chr ist i n a M; Hunter , Matthew F ; Roget , Gise l e Fa rias , Anna Mar i a ; Hall e r , Ju lia Z; Bravacos J ; Ga rz a , Sara h J Opt i o n al Attendees : S i mpso n , Kev i n M This month ' s training wil l be on procurement Seth D; Br igh t, Wade , Dana T ; Brown , G; Rackleff , Neal J ; , John G; Smith , Cooper . Subjec t: Ch ief of Sta ff' s Brow n Bag Lu n c h with Admi n i st r ators Locatio n : HQ Conference Roo m 8202 th e FPM Regi onal Star t : Tue 9/26/2017 12 : 00 PM End : Tue 9/26/2017 1 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Rec urrence : (non e) Meet in g Status : Not Organiz e r : Routt , Required Att en d ees Greenwood , Sheila Opt i o n al Attendees yet r espo nded Lo r a D : Dawkins , Eunice D; Car te r , Stevens J; M : Franceschin i -Petty , Raq u e l; Dou glas , Lashawn N Subjec Brown ba g wi th t: Regionals S t art : End : Tue Tue 9/26/20 17 12 : 00 PM 9/26/20 17 1 :0 0 PM Recurrence : (none ) Meet in g St atus Organi zer : Subjec t: Locatio n : : Meet in g organizer Greenwood , Sheila M MEET w/ Jane t Golr ick SOHUD' s Off ic e Mon 9/25/20 17 2 : 45 PM Start : End : Mon 9/25/20 17 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Not yet r espo nd ed Organiz e r : DocBen Requ i red At tendees : She il a M Gree nwo od (She i la . M. Gree nwood l @hud . gov) Subject /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Housing F inance Refo rm HUD-18-0504-D-000194 Location : DEPSEC Conf . Rm. S t art : Fri 9/29/20 17 11 : 00 AM End : Fri 9/29/2017 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organize r: Marzol , Ado l fo F Required Attendees : Patenaude , Pamela E; Greenwood , Sheila M; Kasper , Mar en M; Bright , Mi chae l R; Wade , Dana T; Stowe , Alexander Subject : Location : D Hous in g Finance Reform DEPSEC Conf . Rm. Start : Fri 9/29/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Fri 9/29/2017 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Meeti ng Status : Not yet respo nded Organizer : Marzol , Adolfo F Required Attendees : Patenaude , Pamela E; Greenwood , Sheila M; Kasper , Maren M; Br i ght , Michae l R; Wade , Dana T; Stowe , Alexander Subject : Loca tion : Ch eck In with Sheila Greenwood COS Office , Suite 10000 and Aida Rod rig uez and Aida Rodriguez D St a rt : Mon 9 /25/ 20 17 10 : 30 AM End : Mon 9/25/2017 10 : 45 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meeting Status Organize Required r: Rodr i guez , Ai da N Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila Subjec t: Loca tion : : Not yet responded Check In with Sheila Greenwood COS Office , Suite 10000 M Start : Mon 9/25/20 17 10 : 30 AM End : Mon 9/25/2017 10 : 45 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) HUD-18-0504-D-000195 Meet in g Sta t us : Not y et resp o nde d Organizer : Rodr iguez , Aida N Req uir e d At tendees : Gr ee nwoo d , Shei l a M Subject : Location : Che ck - In w/ Aida Rod rig u ez Sheila ' s Office - Suite 10 000 Start : Mon 9 /25/ 2 0 17 10 : 30 AM En d : Mon 9/2 5/ 20 17 11 : 00 AM Recurrence : (none ) Meet i ng Status : Meet i ng organizer Or ga niz er : Gr ee nwoo d , Shei l a M Req u i re d At te ndees : Rodr i guez , Ai da N Subject : Loca tion : MEET with Sheila SOHUDs office St a rt : Mon 9 /25/ 2 0 17 9 : 45 AM En d : Mon 9/25/2017 1 0 : 0 5 AM Sho w Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Status : Not yet responded Organiz e r: DocBe n Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Sheila (Sh ei l a . M. Gr eenwo o dl@hu d . gov) Sub j ec t: @ Sat Oct Updated 2 1, 2017 M Gr ee nwood inv i tation : SSAT makeup c l ass f o r TG at 2pm - 3pm (EDT) (Sh eila Gree nwood) 2 pm EST Start : Sat 10/2 1 /2017 2 : 00 PM End : Sat 1 0/21/20 1 7 3 : 00 PM Sho w Time As : Ten t a tiv e Rec urr en c e : (non e) Organizer : ~l (b~)(~6~) _____________ Subject : Inv i tati o n : ~l (b~)(~6~ ) ___________ 2pm - 3pm (EDT) (Sh ei la Gr ee nwoo d ) _. _, @ Sa t Oct 21 , 2 01 7 Start : Sat 1 0/21/20 1 7 2 : 00 PM End : Sa t 1 0/2 1/20 1 7 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000196 Recurrence : (non e ) Organizer : Subject: @ Sat Oct ~l (b~)(~6~) _____________ Updated 2 1, 2017 __. inv i tation : ~l (b_)(_6)___________ 2pm - 3pm (EDT) (Sh eila ....,lat 2 pm EST Gree nwood) Start : Sat 10/2 1 /2017 2 : 00 PM End : Sat 1 0/21/20 1 7 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Meeting Status Organizer : Subjec t: Locatio n: : Not ye t r espo nded l(b )(6) Interagency 9202 - via working group on hurri Co nf e r ence Call cane r esponse Start : Wed 9/27/2017 1 : 00 PM End : Wed 9/27/2017 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not ye t re spo nded Organizer : Wade, Dana T Required Attendees : alexandra . tr avis@fema.dhs . gov ; Cynthia . Adcock@fhfa . gov ; Donald . Co rin@f hfa . gov ; Maria.Fernandez@fhfa . gov ; Paul . Th eruvipa r amp i l@f hf a . gov ; Campbell , Patr i cia A; Gibbons , Kathleen M; Kasper , Mare n M; LOGAN, LEAH M; Meaux , Leslie A; Friedman , Warren ; Wade , Dana T; Greenwood, Shei l a M; Marzol , Adolfo F ; Golrick , Janet M; Rich a r d . Kane@wdc . usda . gov ; Stuar t. Walden@wdc . usda . gov ; Rho n da . Armitage@va . gov ; Ri ta . Falc i on i @va .g ov ; j effrey . london@va.gov ; Bravac os , John G; M; Bowes , Robe r t B; Haller , J u l i a Roget , Gise l e G; Gormley , Joseph M Z; Carr , Terry M; Ib er , Robert G; Van Dam, Katelyn Subjec t: Locatio n: Disas ter Ca ll with Agencies 9202 - via Co nf e r ence Call Start : Wed 9/27/2017 1 : 00 PM End : Wed 9/27/2017 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Meeting Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) Status : : Not ye t responded Wade , Dana T HUD-18-0504-D-000197 Requ i red Atte ndees : alexa nd r a . travis@ f ema.d h s . gov ; Cynthia . Adcock@fhfa . gov ; Donald . Cor i n@fhfa . gov ; Maria . Fernandez@ fhf a . gov ; Paul . Th eruviparampil@f h fa . gov ; Campbe ll , Patricia A; Gibbons , Kathleen M; Kasper , Maren M; LOGAN, LEAH M; Meau x, Lesl i e A; Fr i edma n, Warre n; Wade , Dana T ; Gree nwood , Sh eila M; Mar z ol , Adolfo F ; Gol ri ck , Ja ne t M; Richard . Kane@wdc . usda . gov ; Stuart . Walden@wdc . usda . gov ; Rhonda . Armi tage@va . gov ; Ri t a . Falcioni@va . gov ; je ffre y . london@va . gov ; Bravacos , John G; Roget , Gi sele G; Gorml ey , Joseph M; Bowe s , Robert B; Ha ll er , Julia Z; Carr , Terry M; Iber , Rober t G; Van Dam, Ka t e l yn M Subject : Lo cation : Disaster Deputy briefing Secretary for DepSec Conference Room 10106 Start : Tue 9/26/20 17 1 1 : 30 AM End : Tue 9/26/20 17 12 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) St atus : Not yet responded Organizer : Stowe , Alexander D Requ i red Atte ndees : Golr i c k, Jane t M; Eagles , David T ; Hunt e r, Matthew F ; Greenwood , She i la M; Rack l eff , Neal J ; Farias , Anna Maria ; Lincoln , Pau l a A; Bregon , Ne l son R Optional Attende e s : Mar shal l , Michael J ; Van Dam, Katelyn M; Dunn , Connor M; Hol l a nd , Rena D; Richardson , Todd M; Hebert , Tony X Subject : Location : Housing Finance COS Office Reform Start : Mon 9/25/20 17 1 1 : 00 AM End : Mon 9/25/20 17 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurre n ce : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer Requ i red : Not yet r espo nded : Marz ol , Adolfo F Atte ndees : Greenwood Subject : Loc ation : , Sheila M GNMA VA issue c h at Sheila ' s office Start : Mon 9/25/2017 2 : 30 PM End : Mon 9/25/20 17 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) S t atus : Not yet responded HUD-18-0504-D-000198 Organi zer : Kasper , Maren M Requ ir ed Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila Bright, Mic h a el R Subjec t: Locat i o n: Di sas ter br i efing Deputy Sec r eta ry M; Ma rz o l , Adolfo F; f or DepSec Con f e r e n ce Room 1 0 106 Start : Mon 9125120 17 10 : 00 AM End : Mon 912512017 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : (none ) Meetin g Sta t us : Not ye t r espo nded Organ iz e r: Stowe , Ale xa nde r D Required Atte ndees : Go l r ick, Janet M; Matthew F; Gr eenw oo d, Sheila M; Rackleff Mar i a ; Linco ln, Pau l a A; Brego n , Nel so n Opt i o na l Attendees : Ma r shall , Mi c h ael Dunn , Connor M Subject Locatio : n: Eagles , David T; Hun te r, , Nea l J ; Farias , Anna R J ; Va n Dam, Katelyn M; Disas te r b ri e fin g for DepSec Deputy Secreta r y Con f erence Room 10106 Start : Mon 9125120 17 10 : 30 AM End : Mon 912512017 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Ten t a tive Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Status : Not ye t respond ed Org an iz e r: Stowe , Ale x ande r D Required Atte ndees : Golrick , Janet M; Ea gles , David T; Hunt er , Matthew F ; Gr een woo d, Sheila M; Rackleff , Nea l J ; Farias , Anna Maria ; Linco ln, Paula A; Brego n , Nel so n R Opt i o n al Attendees : Marshall , Mi c h ael J ; Va n Dam, Katelyn M; Dunn , Co n nor M Subjec t: Texas Update Meeting Locatio n: She il a ' s Offi ce - Su it e 10000 II Sheila ' s Co nf e r ence Li ne #: 1-877-3361 828 II Access Code - ~l (b~)(6~)----,! II Hos t Code - !iliRill Start : Wed 912012017 4 : 30 PM End : Wed 912012017 5 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence : (none ) Organize r : Greenwood , Sheila M Requ ir ed Attendees : Gol r i c k , Janet M; Hug h es , Andrew ; McCall , Drew A; Demarzo , Benjamin E; Cowan J r . , Chad ; Frank lin, DeShau n ta /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT M HUD-18-0504-D-000199 Your meeting up dated . was f ound Sent by Mi crosoft Subject: Texas Locatio n: Sheila Lin e# : 1 - 877 - 336 to be out o f date and h as been automatically Excha ng e Serve r Update Meeting ' s Office - Suite 10000 // Sheila ' s Conference - 1828 // Access Code - ~!( b-)(-6)--..! // Hos t Code - 1ml Start : Wed 9/20/20 17 4 : 30 PM End : Wed 9/20/20 17 5 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Greenwood , Shei l a M Required Attend ees: Gol r ick , Janet M; Hughes , Andrew ; McCall , Drew A; Demarzo , Benjamin E; Cowan Jr. , Chad ; Franklin , DeSha unt a M Your meeting update d . was found to be out of Sent by Microso ft Excha ng e Server Subject : Legal Hono r s Graduation Locatio n: Brooke Mondale date and has been automatica l ly Remarks S t art : F ri 9/29/20 17 10 : 00 AM End : F ri 9/29/20 17 11:00 AM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not yet responded Organ iz e r: Cruc i a n i , Li nda M Requ ir ed Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila Be th any A Subjec t: Locatio n: M; Dawki ns , Eunice D; Zorc , GNMAVA issue c h at She il a ' s off i ce St a r t : Mon 9/25/2017 1 0: 00 AM End : Mon 9/25/2017 10 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Meeting Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) Status : : Kasper, Not ye t responded Maren M HUD-18-0504-D-000200 Required Attendees : Bright , Mi chael R Subject : Loca tion : Greenwood , Sheila M; Ma rz o l , Ado l f o F ; CDBG- DR/S BA r e payment i ssue HHQ CPD Con f erence Roo m 72 02 Start : Thu 9/2 1/ 2 0 17 1:3 0 PM End : Thu 9/2 1 /20 17 2 : 0 0 PM Sh ow Ti me As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (non e ) Meeting S t at us : Not yet Organizer : Gim on t , Stan Requ i r ed At t e nd ees : Be th any A; Richardson , Optional Att en d ees : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Loc at i on : r esp ond e d le y Rack l eff , Ne al J ; Pate n a u de , Pame l a E ; Zorc , Todd M A; Mar sha ll , Mi chae l J ; Le e, Regina CDBG- DR/SBA repayment issue HHQ CPD Confer en c e Room 7 202 Start : Thu 9/2 1 /2 0 17 1 : 30 PM End : Thu 9/21/201 7 2 : 0 0 PM Show Time As : F ree Recurrence : (none) Meet in g S t at u s : Dec lin ed Organiz e r : Gimon t, S t a n ley Required At tendees : Rackleff Be th any A; Ri c h a r dson , Todd M Opt i o na l Atte ndees : Marshall Gr ee nwood , Sh e ila M Sub j ec t: Loc ation : , Ne al J ; Pa ten a u de , , Mich ael Pamela J ; Lee , Regina E ; Zorc , A; Catch Up 888-8 58- 2144 , Code : _!{ b-)(~6)~~ St a r t : Wed 9 /2 0/ 2017 6 : 00 PM End : Wed 9/20/20 17 6 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Recu rr en ce : (non e) Or gan i zer : Pilkerton , Christo Su bj e ct : Loc at i on : GNMA VA issue cha t Sheila ' s office p her M Mon 9 / 2 5/ 2 0 17 9 : 30 AM Start : End : Mon 9/25/20 17 10 : 00 AM Show Tim e As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000201 Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organi z e r: Kasper , Maren M Requ i red Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila Bright , Michael R M; Mar zol , Adolfo F; Subjec t: Texas Update Meeting Location : She il a ' s Off i ce - Su i te 10000 // Sheila ' s Confe r ence -}/-6}-~I // Host Code - ~ Line# : 1 - 877 - 336 - 1828 // Access Code - ~!rb Start : Wed 9/20/2017 4 : 30 PM End : Wed 9/20/20 17 5 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organize r: Greenwood , Sheila M Required Attendees : Golrick , Janet M; Hughes , Andrew ; McCall , Drew A; Demarzo , Benjam i n E; Cowan J r ., Chad ; Franklin , DeShaunta Your meeting updated . was f ound to be out of da t e and h as been M automatically Sent by Mi crosoft Exchange Serve r Subject : FW: MEET with Adolfo Location : SOHUD' s Office Start : Wed 9/20/20 17 5 : 15 PM End : Wed 9/20/20 17 5 : 35 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurre n ce : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer : Subject : Location : : Not yet r esponded DocBen MEET with Adolfo SOHUD' s Office Start : Wed 9/20/2017 5 : 1 5 PM End : Wed 9/20/2017 5 : 35 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : : Not yet r esponded DocBen HUD-18-0504-D-000202 Requ i red Atte ndees : She il a M Gree nwood (She i la . M. Gree nwood l @hu d . gov) ; Marzo l, Adolfo F Subject : Texas Update Meeting Lo catio n: She il a ' s Of fi ce - Su i te 10000 II Sheila ' s Co n fe r ence Li ne# : 1-877-3361 828 II Access Code - ~ !(b _)(_6-l~I II Host Code - liliRfilJ S t art : Wed 9/20/20 17 4 : 00 PM End : Wed 9/20/2017 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence : (none) Organize r: Greenwood , Sheila M Requ i red Atte ndees : Golr i c k, Jane t M; Hug h es , Andrew ; McCall , Drew A; Demar z o , Benjamin E; Cowan Jr. , Chad ; Fr ank lin, DeSha un ta Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and has been M automatically Sent by Mic ro soft Exchange Server Subjec t: PRE BRIEF on East St . Louis a nd Housto n Locat i on : Secretary ' s Co n ference Room Sta r t : Wed 9/20/2017 4 : 00 PM End : Wed 9120/20 17 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none ) Meet in g Status Organizer Required (Benjamin She il a M Subject : Loc ation : : Not ye t r espo nded : DocBen Attendees : Benjamin E Demarzo . E . Demarzo@hud . gov) ; De lahoy de , Abigai l M; Wade , Dana T; Greenwood (Sheila . M. Greenwoodl@hud . gov) Meeting DepSec to discuss Confe r ence CDBG grantee Room rol l out Start : Wed 9120120 17 2 : 30 PM End : Wed 9120120 17 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Meeting S tatus : Not yet responded Organizer : Dendas , Michael W Requ i red At tendees : Bur l ey , Mi chael N; Fi la , Stephanie C; Thompson , Amy C; Seth D App l eton (Seth . D. App l eton@hud . gov) ; Victoria L Barton (Victor ia . L . Barton@hud . gov) ; Stanley Gimont /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000203 (Stanley.Gimont@hud . gov ) ; Sheila M Gr eenwood (She i la .M . Gree nwood l @hu d .g ov) ; Rack l e ff , Neal J Subjec t: Texas Update Meeting Loca tion : She il a ' s Offi ce - Su ite 10000 // Sheila ' s Co nfere nce Li ne # : 1-877-3361 828 // Access Code - ~ !b(_)(_6-l~I // Host Code - liliRfilJ S t art : Wed 9/20/2017 4 :0 0 PM End : Wed 9/20/2017 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : (none) Organi zer : Greenwood , Sheila M Required Attendees : Gol r i c k , Jane t M; Hug he s , Andrew ; McCall , Drew A; Demarzo , Benjami n E; Cowan Jr . , Chad ; Fr ank l i n , DeSh aunta Your meeting up dated . was found to be out of d a te Sent by Mic ro so f t Exchan ge Serv e r Subjec t : Meet in g w/Sheila Gree nwood and Loca tion: COS Office and has Brooke been M automatically Appleton Start : Wed 9/20/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 9/20/20 17 2 : 45 PM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Recurrence : (none ) Organi zer : Greenwood , Sheila l(b )(6) Requ ir ed At tendees : Your mee ting upd ated . was found to M be out Seth of date and Sent by Mic rosoft Ex change Se rv e r Subjec t : Roundtab le Pre-B ri e f w/ SOHUD Loca tion : SOHUD' s Off i ce ; Conference lin e in has App leton bee n a u tomatically notes Start : Wed 9/20/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Wed 9/20/2017 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence : (none) Meet ing Status Organizer : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Not ye t r espo nded Thompson , Amy C HUD-18-0504-D-000204 Required Attendees : Golrick , Janet M; Rich a r dson , Todd M; Gimont , Stanley ; Jereo n M Brow n (Jereon.M . Brow n @hud . gov ); Greenwood , Sheila M Subjec t: Location : GNMA VA issue c h at She il a ' s off i ce S t art : Wed 9/20/2017 4 :3 0 PM End : Wed 9/20/2017 5 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : (none) Organize r: Kasper , Maren M Required Attendees : Greenwood Bright , Michael R , Sheila M; Marzol Subject : Check - In w/ Hunt e r , Dav id , Seth, 0MB Meeting/Briefing Locatio n: She il a ' s Off i ce - Su i te 10000 and , Ado l f o F ; Andrew r e Today 's Sta r t : Tue 9/19/2017 5 : 30 PM End : Tue 9/19/2017 6 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Greenwood , Sheila M Requ i red Atte ndees : Hughes , Andrew ; Kurtz, Appleton ; Eagles , David T Your meeting updated. was found to be out of date and R . Hunte r; has Sent by Microsoft Ex cha nge Server Subject : Check-In w/ Hun ter , David , Seth , and 0MB Meeting/Brief i ng Location : Sheila ' s Office - Suite 10000 been Andrew Seth automatically re Today ' s Tue 9/19/20 17 5 : 20 PM Start : End : Tue 9/19/20 17 5 : 50 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Organ iz e r: Greenwood , Sheila M Required Attendees : Hughes , Andrew ; Kurtz , R . Hunter Seth D; Eagles , David T Your meeting updated. /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was found to be out of date and has been ; Appleton , automatically HUD-18-0504-D-000205 Sent by Mic rosoft Exc hang e Server F rom : Hughes , Andr ew Sen t : Tuesday , Sep tember 19 , 2017 4 : 53 PM To : Gr eenwood , She i la M Sub j ec t: Accepted : Chec k -In w/ Hun ter , Dav i d , Seth , and Today ' s 0MB Meeting/Briefing Subjec t : Check-In w/ Hunter , Da v id , Se th , and 0MB Meeting/B ri ef i ng Locatio n : Sheila ' s Office - Su it e 10000 Andrew re Andrew re Today ' s Star t : Tue 9/19/2017 5 :2 0 PM End : Tue 9/19/2017 5 : 50 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Rec urrence : (non e) Orga n iz e r : Gr eenwood , She i la M Required Atte ndees : Hughes , Andrew ; Kurtz Seth D; Eagles , Davi d T Your meeti ng was up dated . f ound to be out o f date and , R. Hunter ; Appleton h as been a ut oma t ical Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a ng e Se rv e r Subject : Meet in g w/Sheila Gree nwood a nd Brooke Loc a tio n: COS Office , ly App l eto n Start : Wed 9/20/20 17 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 9/20/20 17 2 : 45 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence : (none) Organ iz e r : Greenwood Required Atte ndees : Your meeting up dated . was , Sheila f ound M ~ ~l (b-)(_6 _) __________ to be out o f date Sent by Microsoft Ex c h a ng e Server Subject: Meet i ng w/Sheila Greenwood Locatio n : COS Office and and Se th App leton h as been Brooke a ut omatical ly Appleton Start : Wed 9/20/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 9/20/20 17 2 : 45 PM Tent at ive Show Time As : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000206 Recurrence Organizer Required : (none) : Greenwood , Shei la l(b)(6) Attend ees : Your meeting up dated . was f ound Sent by Microsoft Subject : Travel to M Seth be ou t of date Appleton and h as been a u tomatical ly Ex c h a ng e Se rv e r Itinerary for GREENWOOD/ SHEILA M Star t : Thu 9/2 1/ 2017 11 : 30 AM End : Thu 9/2 1 /2017 12 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recu rr ence : (non e) Org an iz e r: Hard i so n , James C Required Atte ndees : Greenwood , Shei l a M; Dawkins , Euni ce Subject : Updated : Travel Itinerary for D GREENWOOD/ SHEILA M Start : Thu 9/21/20 17 12: 00 PM End : Thu 9/21/20 17 12 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeti ng St atus : Not yet responded Organi zer : Hard i so n , James C Requ ir ed Attendees : Greenwood , She i la M; Dawki ns , Eunice Opt i o na l Atte ndees : Carter , Steve ns J Subjec t: Locat i o n: D Todd Data Funkiness Nea l ' s of fi ce 71 00 St art : Tue 9/19/20 17 1 : 15 PM End : Tue 9/19/2017 1 : 45 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurre n ce : (none) Organizer : Rackleff , Ne al J Required Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila Gimont , Stan l ey Subjec t: Locat ion : FW: INTERVIEW with SOHUDs office Reporte M; Richardson , Todd M; rs St art : Wed 9/20/20 17 1 1 : 30 AM End : Wed 9/2 0 /2017 12 : 30 PM /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000207 Show Time As : Recurrence Tenta tive : (none) Meetin g Status : Not ye t Organ iz e r : DocBe n Subjec t : Attached) Locat i o n : NEC Deputies Roosevelt re spo nded Meeting on Housing Policy (Read Ahe ad Room Start : Tue 9/19/2017 4 : 0 0 PM End : Tue 9/19/2017 5 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Tenta tiv e Recurrence : (none ) Meet in g Status Organizer : : Not Delahoyde ye t r espo nded , Magdelana A . EOP/WHO The Na t i onal Economic Council will be hos ting a Deputies Meet i ng on the Administration ' s h o u sing policy o n Tue sday , Septembe r 19th at 4 : 00 PM in the Whi te Ho u se Rooseve lt Room . The p u rpose of th i s meeting is to develop t h e Admi n istratio n's strategy o n ho us i ng fin ance reform . Please let me kn ow i f your no p lus ones or proxies . deputy i s able If you are able to attend and need please u se the WAVES li nk : h ttps : //events . whitehouse . gov/form?r Thank you and have a great Maggie 202-395-4744 Nat i o na l Economic Cou n cil Invi ted Participants Kirstjen Niel se n Ri c k Dea r born Jeremy Katz Daris Meeks Jessica Ditto Paul Winfree Greg Katsas Antho n y Campau DJ Nordquist Ra j Sh a h Dere k Lyons Amy Swonger Joyce Meye r /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT to to attend b e cleared . We kindly into the ask bui ldi ng , i d=9Q8Y2RTWH6 wee kend , (No + ls or proxi es) : HUD-18-0504-D-000208 Pamela Patenaude Russ Voug ht Craig Ph ill ips Adolfo Marzol Kathy Kraninger Mark Calibr i a Eli Mi ller Andrew Olmem Subjec t: Location : Harvey DepSec Update Conference Room 10106 Start : Tue 9/19/2017 9 : 30 AM End : Tue 9/19/2017 10 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tenta tiv e Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status : Not yet r espo nded Organizer : Golrick , Janet M Required Attende es: Greenwood , Sheila M; Eagles , David T ; Alexander , Fra nk J ; Brooks , Towanda A; Cooke , Kevi n R; Greene , Bryan ; Kittrell , Kathari n e D; Renner , Robert N; Ri cha r dson , Todd M; Thompso n, Amy C; Timberlake , Courtney B; Potts , Millicent B; Hun ter , Matthew F ; Van Duyne , Beth A; Ramon , Nicolas ; Bradley, Les lie Ann ; Woll Jr , David C; Ammon, Matt hew E ; Hebe r t , Tony X; Ozdi nec, Milan M; Sullivan , Br ian E ; Blom , Dominique G; AMOS, WILLIA M L ; Coffey , Alexander ; Kidd, Stephen C; Huggins , Jo hn C; Farias , Anna Maria ; Smith (Ctr) , Raym ond V; Stayanovich , Jason E; Kur tz , R. Hunter ; Apple ton, Seth D; Bethea , Shelia M; Clernmensen, Craig T; Lavoy , Dona ld J ; Ba llar d , Da nie l L ; Breg on , Nelson R; Bres , Dana B; Brow n , Jereo n M; Bryo n , Jem in e A; Campbe ll, Renae M; Co n stant in e , Pete r J ; Cruciani, Linda M; Friedman , Warren ; HEOC; Holla nd, Rena D; Joy, Johnson P ; Lincoln , Paula A; Lyberg , Sarah A; Michalski, Lori A; Miller , Michelle M; Nic hol s , Delton ; Rodkey , Kitt ; Sco tt, Jimmy ; Surbe r, Keith W; Wadhams , Unaby r d ; Kelley , Mi c h ae l J ; Ga rr ett , J ; Barton , Vi ctor i a L; Bur l ey , Mi chael N; Willi e C; Daniels , Sheila Ellis , Edward D; McClur e , Laura L ; Munir , Rafiq A; Zorc , Bethany A; Alber t, Helen M; Kasper , Maren M; Snow , Christopher ; Dendas , Michael W; Radosevich , Tara J ; LOGAN, LEAH M; Cleve l a nd -Legge tt , Denise C; Tay l o r, Chr i stop h e r D; Van Dam, Katelyn M; Ga rg i ul o , Emily ; Wrigh t , She ila D; Garcia , Jua n C. ; Vargas , David A . Call-i n Number : Access Host Code : Code : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT 888-675-2535 l{b)/6) ml {Janet Only) HUD-18-0504-D-000209 Subject : Location : Meeting w/Sheila COS Office Greenwood Start : Tue 9/19/20 17 3:00 End : Tue 9/19/20 17 3 : 45 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer Required and Brooke Appleton PM : (none) : Greenwood Atte ndees : Your meet i ng was updated . , Shei l a M Appleton l(b)(6) found to Sent by Microsoft Exchange Subject : Meeting w/Sheila Location : COS Off i ce be out of date Server Greenwood and and has Brooke been , Seth D automatically Appleton Start : Tue 9/19/20 17 3 : 00 PM End : Tue 9/19/20 17 3 : 45 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer Required : (none) : Greenwood Attendees : Your meeting updated . was , S~h_e_ i _l _a_ M ________ found ~ ~ Appleton ~l (b_)(_6_) __________ to be out of date and has been , Seth D automatically Sent by Mi crosoft Exchange Server From : Google Calendar on behalf of Brooke Shupe l(b)(6) Sent : Friday , September 15 , 2017 5 : 12 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Meeting w/Sheila Greenwood and Brooke Appleton @ Tue Sep 19, 20 1 7 3pm - 3 : 45pm (EDT) (Greenwood , She i la M) I Subject : Location : Meeting w/Sheila COS Office Greenwood and Brooke Appleton Sta r t : Tue 9/19/2017 3 : 00 PM End : Tue 9/19/2017 3 : 45 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recu r rence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) HUD-18-0504-D-000210 Organize Required r: Greenwood , S~h_e_ i _l _a_ M ________ Atte ndees: ~l (b~)(~6~) ----------~ Your meeting updat ed . was fo und to Sent by Mic rosoft Exc h a nge Subject : Meet in g w/Sheila Location : COS Office be out of ~ App l eton , Seth date Server Greenwood and and h as been D a utomat ical ly a utomat ical ly Br oo ke Shupe Start : Tue 9/19/2017 3 : 00 PM End : Tue 9/19/2017 3 : 45 PM Show Time As : Tenta tiv e Recurrence : (none) Orga n iz e r: Greenwood , Sheila M Required Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila Apple ton, Seth D Your meeting updat ed . was fo und to be out of M; _l (b~)(~6~)----------~ date Sent by Mi crosoft Exc h a ng e Serve r Subject : Meeti ng w/Sheila Gree nwood and Location : COS Office and h as been Brooke Shupe Start : Tue 9/19/2017 3 : 00 PM End : Tue 9/19/20 17 3 : 45 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organ iz e r: Greenwood , Sheila M Required Attendees : Gre enwood , Sheila Apple ton, Seth D Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date Sent by Micr osoft Excha ng e Serve r Subject : Mee ting w/Sheila Greenwood Lo cation : COS Off i ce and M; _ l(b_)(_6_) __________ ~ and ly h as been Brooke a ut omatical Shupe Tue 9/19/20 17 3 : 00 PM Start : End : Tue 9/19/20 17 3 : 45 PM Show Time As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000211 Recurrence Organizer Required Appleton : (none) : Greenwood , Shei l a M Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila , Seth D Your meeting updated . was found to be out of M; ~l on be h al f o f Brooke Shupe l(b)(6) I Sent : Friday , Septembe r 15 , 2017 5 : 06 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accep te d : Mee t ing w/She il a Greenwood and Brooke Shupe@ Tue Sep 19 , 2017 3pm - 3 : 45pm (EDT) (Greenwood , She il a M) Subject : Location : Meeting w/Sheila COS Off i ce Greenwood and Brooke Shupe Start : Tue 9/19/2017 3 : 00 PM End : Tue 9/19/20 17 3 : 45 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meeting Status Organizer Required Appleton : Greenwood , Shei l a M Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila , Seth D Subjec t: Locatio n: : Harvey DepSec Not yet Update Confere responded M; ~l [mailto : FSA@BCDTRAVEL . COM] Sent : Friday , September 15 , 2017 2 : 35 PM To : Har dison , James C > ; TRAVEL@FISCAL. TREASURY. GOV ; FSA@BCDT RAVEL. COM ; Ro driguez , Aida N >; Greenwood , Sheila M > Subject : Trav e l Itinerary for GREENWOOD/ SHEILA M TRAVELER NOTI CE - Many airl i nes charge fees for baggage and o ther serv i ces . Amounts vary by a i rl in e and a r e sub j ect to c h a ng e . Travelers are responsible for verifyi ng all fees charged by in dividual carr i e rs . Please visit the opera t ing carrier website o f yo u r ticketed it i ne rary for applicable f ees . Travel Summary - Agency Record Locator LWlDVS Traveler GREENWOOD/ /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT SHEI LA M HUD-18-0504-D-000215 Reference numbe r by tr ave le r : T0087TS Date Fro m/To Flight/Vendor Status Depart/A rriv e Class/Type 09/21/2017 DCA- I AH UA 1436 Confirmed 11 : 59 AM/02 : 12 PM Economy IS 09/21/20 17 IAH- LFT UA 3543* Confirmed 03 : 45 PM/0 4 : 4 9 PM Economy 09 /21/2 /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT IS 017 HUD-18-0504-D-000216 LFT Enterprise Ren t A Car Con firm ed 09 /2 1 - 0 9/2 4 Compac t 2/4 09 /24/2 Doo r 017 LFT- IAH UA 3664* Con fi rmed 0 5 : 25 PM/06 : 35 PM I Y Economy 0 9/2 4 /2 0 17 IAH- DCA UA 1 955 Confirmed 07 : 25 PM/ 11 : 26 PM I Y Economy AI R - Thur sday , Septembe r 21 2017 United UA1436 Depart Ai rlines Flight - Agency pVERSIGHT LWl DVS Economy : Rona ld Reagan National , Term in al B Washington , District of Columbia , United /\MERICAi\ Reco r d Locator St ates HUD-18-0504-D-000217 Weather r 21 2017 Arr iv e : Geo rge Bush Interc nt l, Houston , Texas , United Terminal States C Weather 02 : 12 PM Thu r sday , Septembe Duratio r 21 2017 n: 3 hour (s) and 13 minute(s) Non - stop Sta tus : Confirmed - Uni ted Airlines Record Locator : B3GFC9 Meal : Food For Purc hase Equipment Airb us : I nd ust ri e A3 1 9 Seat : 29B (Non smo king) Distance Confirmed : 1 206 mi l es/ 1940 . 454 k il ometers CO2 Emissions : 530 . 64 lbs/241 /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT . 2 kgs HUD-18-0504-D-000218 Remarks : FOR UP TO DATE TRAVEL INFORMATION ON AIRL INE CHECK- IN/REST RICTIO NS/ LIMITATIONS/SECU RITY . PLEASE CHECK WWW .UAL . COM AIR - Thursday Uni ted , September Air l i nes Fl i g ht 21 2017 UA3543 - Age n cy Record Locator LWl DVS Economy Depar t : Geo rg e Bus h Intercntl , Te rminal Houston , Texas , Unit ed States B Weath er 03 : 45 PM Thu r sday , Septembe r 21 2017 Arr iv e : Laf ay ette Lafayette Regio nal , Lou i s i ana , Unit ed St ates Weat h e r 04 : 49 PM Thur sday , Sep tembe r 21 2017 Dura tion : 1 . hour (s) and 4 minute (s) No n - stop 49 minute (s) i ncluding Tota l d ur at i o n : 5 hour (s ) and /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT lay o ver(s ) HUD-18-0504-D-000219 Status : Confirmed - United Airli n es Record Locator : B3GFC9 Equ i pment : Embraer * 170 Operated By : Republ i c Airlines Dba Un ited Exp r ess Seat : 18A (Non smo king) Dista Con firm ed nc e : 201 miles/ 323 . 409 kilom eters CO2 Emissions : 1 10 . 55 l bs/50 . 25 kgs CAR - Thursday Enterprise , September Re nt 2 1 2017 A Car Pi c k Up : Lafayette A/P In-Term 2 00 Termi n a l Dr Lafayette 70508-2159 , LA, Unit ed States ; Tel : + l (33 7) 232 - 5493 04 : 49 PM Thursday Drop , September 21 2017 Off : Lafayette A/P I n -Term 200 Term in a l Dr Lafayette 70508-2159 , LA, United States ; Tel : + l (337) 232 - 5 4 93 /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000220 05 : 25 PM Sun day , September 24 20 1 7 Type : Compac t Car Status Aut o AC : Con fir med Dai l y Rate : USD 36 . 00 Extra Day All owance : Unlimi t ed Miles Extra Per Ex t ra Day Ho u r Fee : USD 7 . 00 Extra Hour Unlimited Mileage Al lowance Free Miles : Per Extra Hour Allowa n ce : Unlimited Free Miles Estima t ed Total : USD 1 92 .2 9 p lu s tax Confirmation a nd any addit i onal fees : 1030689736COUNT Corp . Di scount : l(b)(6) CO2 Emissions : Each gallon of l i tre of petrol /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT unl eaded gaso l i n e cons u med is is 5 lbs/2 . 3 1 kgs 19 . 6 l bs/8 . 91 kgs a nd HUD-18-0504-D-000221 Remarks : BASE RATE DOES NOT INCLUDE TAXES AND SURCHARGES CAR RENTER MUST BE 25 OR 18 YEARS OF AGE IF GOVERNMENT RATE CONFIRMED WITH VALID DRIVERS LICENSE. CREDIT CARD IN THE NAME OF THE DRIVER IS REQUIRED FOR RENTAL. AIR - Sund ay , September 24 2017 - Age n cy Record United UA3664 Economy Ai rlines Flight Locator LWlDVS Depar t : La f aye tte Regio n al Lafaye t te , Louisiana , United St ates Weather - 24 20 1 7 : George Bu sh Intercntl , Term i nal Housto n , Texas , Uni ted States A Weat h er 06 : 35 PM Sunday , September Duratio n: 1 . ho ur( s ) and Status /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT 24 2017 10 mi nute( s) No n -stop : HUD-18-0504-D-000222 Con fi rmed Equipment Embraer * - Un ited Ai rli n es Reco r d Locator : B3GFC9 : 170 Operated Republic By : Airlin e s Dba Un it ed Express Seat : 1 6A (Non smoking ) Confirmed Dista n ce : 201 miles/ 323 . 409 kilometers CO2 Emissions : 110 . 55 l bs/50 . 25 kgs AIR - Sun day , September United Depart Airlines 24 2017 Fligh t UA195 5 - Age n cy Record Locator LWlDVS Economy : George Bush I n te r cnt l, Housto n, Texas , Uni ted Term i nal States C Weat her 07 : 25 PM Sunday , September - 24 2017 Arr i ve : Rona l d Reagan National , Term in al B Wash in gton , Dist ri ct of Co l umbia , Uni ted /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT States HUD-18-0504-D-000223 Weather 11: 26 PM Sun day , Septembe Duratio r 24 20 1 7 n: 3 hour (s) and 1 minute(s) Non - stop Tota l d ur at i o n: 5 hou r( s ) and Status 1 minute (s ) i ncl u ding l ayover (s ) : Con firm ed - Uni ted Air li n es Reco r d Locato r : B3GFC9 Meal : Food Fo r Purchase Equipment : Boe i ng 737-700 Passenge r Seat : 31B (Non smo king) Dista n ce : 1206 mi l es/ Con firm ed 1940 . 454 k ilome ters CO2 Emi ss i ons : 530 . 64 lbs/2 41 . 2 kgs Rema r ks : NO AISLE OR WINDOW SEATS AVAILABLE . A CENTER SEAT HAS BEEN ASSIGNED . WE WILL CONTINUE TO MONITOR UNTIL DEPARTURE. /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000224 Remarks FOR 24/7 TRAVEL ASSISTANCE PLEASE CONTACT THE BCD TRAVEL TEAM AT 1-8 44-2 78-552 1 FOR OUTSIDE THE US CALL COLLECT 770 - 829 - 2604 FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED - PLEASE DIAL 7 11 TO ACCESS RELAY SERVI CE- PROVIDE PHONE NUMBER OF 1-8 44-278-5521 TO ACCESS TRAVEL DUE TO RECENT CHANGES IN THE FY15 GOVERNMENT CITY PAIR PROGRAM/CPP YOUR AIR RESERVATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CANCELLATION BY THE AIR LI NES IF NOT TICKETED AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO SCHEDULED DEPARTURE PLEASE ENSURE ALL NECESSARY APPROVALS ARE PROCESSED IN ACCORDANCEWITH YOUR AGENCYS BUSI NESS RULES BUT NO LESS THAN 3 BUSINESS DAYS PRIOR TO DEPARTURE TO ENSURE TICKETING . THIS 48 HOUR CANCELLATI ON RULE DOES NOT APPLY TO INTERNATIONAL RESERVATIONS UNLESS YOUR TRIP HAS DOMESTIC CONNECTIO NS ON MORE THAN ONE AIRLINE OR THESE RESERVATIONS REQUIRE SEPARATE AIR TICKETS . *********************************** AIRFARES ARE ONLY GUARANTEEDUPON TICKET ISSUANCE . THIS IS A NEGOTIATED FARE VALID ONLY ON BOOKED CARRIER. 1 5Sep /01 : 35PM Es t i mated tr ip tota l 689 . 39 USD Air Car Hote l Rail Other 497 . 10 USD 192 . 29 USD /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000225 Fare details : Not guaranteed unt i l ti c kete d Vendo r Fare information Refund before r estr i c t ions departure Change re str i c t i ons a f ter t icke ting Ticket i n formation Air UA1436 21Sep UA3543* 21Sep UA3664 * 2 4Sep UA1955 24Sep Tota l : USO 4 97 . 10 REFUND RESTRICTIONS MAY APPLY CHANGE RESTRICTIONS MAY APPLY All quotes are prov i der quotes exc l ud ing possible ta x es and c h a rg es en route . Curre n cy co nversions shown i n this i t i nera ry r ece ip t are d on e us ing the bank rate app li cable at the date show n i n the he ader of this document . Pl ease note t ha t some loca l taxes a nd charges may be i n vo i ced dur i ng your t rip and ca n not be show n at time o f rese rv at i o n. Advice to Transportatio Passe ng ers n of Hazardous Mater ials Federal law f o rb ids the carr i age of ha z a r dous mater i al aboard t he aircraft , in you r l uggage , or on your pe r son . A vio la tio n can result in 5 years imprisonmen t and pena lti es o f $250,000 or mor e (49 U. S . C 5124) . Hazardo u s materials i ncl u de explosives, compressed gases , f l ammable l i quids and sol i ds , o x id iz e r s , po i so n s , cor r osives a nd radioactive materia ls . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000226 Forbidden Dangerous Item s Examples : Paints, l ighter f l u id, firewo rks, te ar gases , oxygen bottles a nd radiopharmaceu t ic als . There are special e xcep t ions for small quanti t ies (up to 70 oun ces t o t al ) o f medicinal and t oilet ar ti cles carr i ed in your luggage and ce r ta i n smoking mate ri a l s ca rri ed o n your pe r son . Fo r further i n f o rmat i on , co n tact yo ur a ir line r eprese n tat i ve . Note : Spare batteries a nd h o ld ba gg age . Th ese it ems your carry - on ba g is gate c e lls mus t be r emove d and Email ge n erated f uel ce ll s a re no t pe rmi t ted i n chec ke d or MUST be packed i n ca rry -on ba gg age . If checked , the spare batter i es and fuel ca rri e d in the cabin . on 15S ep/6 : 35 PM UTC BCD Travel acts only as an a gent for the airlines , hotels , bus companies , r a ilr o ads , tou r op e rators , cruise li nes , car rental compa n ies , and other similar th i rd part i es providing accommoda t ions , transpo r tat i o n, or ot h e r meet ing and travel related se r vices (" Suppliers " ) . Supp li e r s are in depende n t and do not act for o r on behalf o f BCD Trave l, are not emp l oyees of BCD Trave l, a nd d o no t ha v e a joint venture or pa r tnership with BCD Travel . Suppliers have their own terms and co n ditions for the serv i ces they prov i de , a nd you ag r ee to abide by th e ter ms and co n dit i ons set f o rth i n a ny and all documents for any such Supp lier services , includ in g , without limi tat i on , all cancellation f ee s . By u tilizing th e services rep res ented by this itinera ry , you agree to the foregoi ng and also agree th at nei th er BCD Travel or its parent , affiliates , subs i dia ri es , pa r tners , agents , and thei r respective officers , directors , employees , a n d representatives shall be or become lia ble for any los s , cost , expense , injury , acc id ent, or damage to person or proper ty res u lt ing di re ct l y or indirec t l y fr om (i) the acts or omi ss i o n s o f Suppli ers , inc l ud ing, but n ot limi ted to , de l ays o r cancellation of services, cessation of operations , breakdown in machinery or equ ipmen t , or changes in fares , i t in e rari es, or /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000227 sched ule s ; and/o r (ii) acts of God , dangers in cident t o the sea , f ir es , acts of government or other autho ri t i es , wars, acts of terrorism , civi l unre st, strikes , riots , theft s, pi l ferage , ep idemics , quarantines , othe r diseases , climatic abe rration s , or from a n y other cause beyond BCD Travel ' s control . Please see add i tional terms and cond i t i o n s r elated to this it i nera ry at Te r ms and Co n dit i ons . Subject : Loca tion : MEET w/ Sheila SOHUD' s Office and Janet to d i scuss Harvey Start : Mon 9/18/201 7 8 : 15 AM End : Mon 9/18/2017 8 : 45 AM Show Time As : Tentativ e Recurre n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not yet responded Organi zer: Doc Ben Requ i red Attendees : She il a M Gree nwood (Sheila . M. Greenwoodl@hud . gov) ; Golrick , Janet Subject : Locat ion: LUNCH with Vi ce President The White House M Pence S t art : Mon 9/18/2017 1 1 :45 AM End : Mon 9/18/2017 12 : 45 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not ye t responded Organ iz e r: Doc Ben Required Attendees : Shei l a M Greenwood (Sheila . M. Gr eenwoodl@hud . gov) MEET with NAFCU Lea dership Dep Sec Conference Room Subject : Loc ation: Start : Mon 9/18/2017 1 : 30 PM End : Mon 9/18/2017 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : : Not yet r esponded DocBen HUD-18-0504-D-000228 Requ i red Atte ndees : She il a M Gree nwood (She i la . M. Gree nwood l @hu d . gov) Subject : Travel Time Start : Thu 1 0/12/20 1 7 8 : 30 AM End : Thu 1 0/12/20 1 7 9 : 00 AM Recu rr ence : (none) Organize r: Greenwood , Sheila Subject : Lo cation : M Coffee w/ Sheila Greenwood , Eli Treasury dini ng Room Miller S tar t : Thu 1 0/1 2 /20 1 7 8 : 00 AM End : Thu 1 0/12/20 1 7 8 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentativ e Recurre n ce : (none) Organizer : Subjec t: Locat i on : Eli . Miller@treasury Canceled Treasury . gov : Co f fee w/ Sh ei la d i n i ng Room Greenwood , Eli Mil l e r Sta r t : Thu 10/ 12/20 17 8 : 00 AM End : Thu 1 0/ 12 /20 1 7 8 : 30 AM Show Time As : Free Recurrence : (none ) Meet in g Status Organizer : Subjec t: Location : : Accepted Eli . Miller@treasury . gov Cof f ee w/Eli Mi ll er Treasury Di n i ng Room S t art : Thu 1 0/12/20 1 7 8 : 00 AM End : Thu 10/ 12 /2017 9 : 00 AM Recurrence Organizer Subject : Location : : (none) : Gr eenwood , Shei la Week l y Meet i ng with SOHUDs o ff ice M Beth Zorc Tue 1 0/10/20 1 7 11 : 00 AM Start : End : Tue 1 0/10/20 1 7 11 :1 5 AM Recu rr ence : Weekly /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000229 Recurrence AM effective Organizer Requ i red Subject Pa tt e r n : 10/10/2017 : DocBen Attendees : Travel : Occurs . every Tuesday from 11 : 00 AM to 11 : 15 DocBen Itinerary for GREENWOOD/ SHEI LA M Start : Thu 9/21/2017 11 : 30 AM End : Thu 9/21/ 2 0 17 12 : 00 PM Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer Required : Accep t ed : Hardison , James C Attend ee s : Greenwood , Shei l a M; Dawkins , Eunice D From : FSA@BCDTRAVEL.COM [mailto :F SA@BCDTRAVE L. COM] Sent : Thursday , September 14 , 20 1 7 3 : 18 PM To : Hardison , James C > ; TRAVEL@FISCAL. TREASURY. GOV ; FSA@BCDTRAVEL.COM ; Rodriguez , Aida N > ; Greenwood , Sheila M > Subject : Travel Itinerary for GREENWOOD/ SHEILA M TRAVELER NOTICE - Many airlines charge fees for baggage and other serv i ces . Amoun ts vary by a i rline and a r e subject to c h ange . Travele r s are responsible for ve ri fy i ng all fees charged by individual carriers . Please v i sit the operat i ng carr i er webs i te of your ticketed itinerary for applicable fees . Travel /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Summary - Agency Record Locator LWlDVS HUD-18-0504-D-000230 Traveler GREENWOOD/ Refe r ence SHEILA M numb er by travele r : Not Applicable Date F rom/ To Flight/Vendo r S t at u s Depart/Arrive Class/Typ e 09/ 2 1/ 2 0 1 7 DCA-IAH UA 143 6 Con firme d 1 1 : 59 AM/02 : 12 PM Economy IS 09/21/20 17 I AH- LFT UA 3543* /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000231 Confirmed 03 : 45 PM/04 : 49 PM Economy IS 09/21/20 17 LFT Enterprise Rent A Ca r Confirmed 09/2 1 -09/24 Compact 2/4 09/24/20 17 Door LFT - IAH UA 3664* Confirmed 05 : 25 PM/06 : 35 PM Eco nomy I Y 09/24 /2 0 17 IAH- DCA UA 1 955 Confirmed 07 : 25 PM/11 : 26 PM Economy I Y AIR - Thursday /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT , September 21 2017 - Agency Record Locator LWlDVS HUD-18-0504-D-000232 United Airlines Flight UA1436 Economy Depar t : Ronald Reagan Nat ional , Term i n al B Washington, Dis t ric t of Col umbia , United States Weather 11 : 59 AM Thursday Arriv , Septembe r 21 2017 e: George Bush Intercntl , Te r mi nal Housto n , Texas, United States Weather - r 21 2017 : 3 hou r( s ) and Status , Septembe C 13 mi nu t e(s ) Non-stop : Con f i rmed - United Ai rl i n es Reco r d Locator : B3GFC9 Meal : Food Fo r Purc h ase Equipment Airbus : I n dustrie A319 Seat : 24A (Non smo king) Dista Confi rme d nc e : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000233 1206 miles/ 1940 . 454 k ilomete CO2 Emissions rs : 530 . 64 lbs/241 . 2 kgs Remarks : FOR UP TO DATE TRAVEL INFORMATION ON AIRLINE CHECK- IN/RESTRICTIONS/LIMITATIONS/SECURITY . PLEASE CHECK WWW .UAL . COM AI R - Thursday United , Septembe Airl i nes Fl i g ht r 21 2017 UA3543 - Agency Reco r d Locato r LWl DVS Economy Depar t : George Bush Int ercnt l, Houston , Texas , United Terminal Sta te s B Weather 03 : 45 PM Thursday Arrive Lafayette Lafayette , September 21 2017 : Regio n a l , Louisiana , Uni te d States Weather r 21 2017 HUD-18-0504-D-000234 Duratio n: 1 . hour (s) 4 minute (s) No n - stop Tota l duration : 5 hou r( s ) and 49 mi nute (s) i ncl u d i ng layover(s) Status and : Conf i rmed - Uni ted Equipment Embraer * Ai rl i n es Reco r d Locator : B3GFC9 : 1 70 Operated Republic By : Airlines Dba Un ited Ex p re ss Seat : 1 9A (Non smoking) Confirmed Di sta n ce : 201 mil es / 323 . 409 kilomete rs CO2 Emiss i ons : 1 10 . 55 l bs/50 . 25 kgs CAR - Thur sday , Septembe Enterprise Pick Rent r 2 1 201 7 A Car Up : La fayette A/P In-Term 200 Term in a l Dr Lafayette 70508- 21 59 , LA, United Sta tes ; Tel : + 1 (33 7) 232 - 5493 04 : 49 PM Thursday /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT , September 21 2017 HUD-18-0504-D-000235 Drop Off : Lafayette A/P I n- Term 200 Term in a l Dr Lafayette 70508-215 9 , LA, Uni ted States ; Te l : +l (33 7) 232-5493 0 5 : 25 PM Sunday , September 24 2017 Type : Compac t Car St atus Aut o AC : Confirm e d Da il y Rate : USD 36 . 00 Ex tra Day All owa n ce : Unli mited Extra Mil es Hour Per Extra Day Fee : USD 7 . 00 Ex tra Hour Allowance Unl i mit ed Free Mil eage Mi l es Allowanc : Pe r Ex tra Hour e: Unl i mit ed Fr ee Mi l es Estimated Total : USO 192 . 29 pl u s tax Confirmation a nd an y additional fees : 1030689 736COUNT Corp . Discount /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : HUD-18-0504-D-000236 XXXXYTY CO2 Emissions : Each gallon o f unle aded g aso l i n e consumed l i tre of petrol is 5 lbs/2 . 3 1 kg s i s 19 . 6 lb s/8 . 91 kgs a nd Remarks : BASE RATE DOES NOT I NCLUDE TAXES AND SURCHARGES CAR RENTER MUST BE 2 5 OR 18 YEARS OF AGE IF GOVERNMENT RATE CONFI RMED WI TH VALID DRIVERS L I CENSE . CREDIT CARD I N THE NAME OF THE DRIVER I S REQUI RED FOR RENTAL . AIR - Sunday, United Airlines Depart September Fli g ht 2 4 2017 - Agency UA3664 Economy Lo cator LWlDVS : Lafayette Regional La f aye t te , Lo ui siana , Un ited St ates Weat h er - 2 4 20 1 7 e: George Bus h Intercntl , Terminal Housto n , Te xas , United States A Weath er 24 20 1 7 HUD-18-0504-D-000237 Duration : 1 . hour(s) Status and 10 minute(s) Non-stop : Confirmed - United Airlines Record Locator : B3GFC9 Equ i pme n t : Embraer * 1 70 Operated Republic By : Airlines Dba United Express Seat : lSC (Non smoking) Distance Confirmed : 2 01 mi les/ 323 . 409 kilometers CO2 Emissions : 1 1 0 . 55 lbs/50 . 25 kgs AIR - Sunday , September 24 2017 - Agency United UA1955 Economy Dep art Airlines Flight LWlDVS C Weat h er - 24 20 1 7 HUD-18-0504-D-000238 Arrive : Ronald Reagan National , Term in al B Wash in gton , District of Columbia , Uni ted Weather - 24 2017 n: 3 hour (s ) and 1 minute(s) Tota l duration : 5 hour (s) 1 minute(s) Status and Non-stop including layover(s) : Confirmed - Unit e d Airlines Record Locator : B3GFC9 Mea l : Food For Purchase Equ i pment : Boeing 737 - 700 Passenger Seat : 31B (Non smoking ) Confirmed Dista n ce : 1 206 mi les/ 1940 .4 5 4 ki lomete rs CO2 Emissions : 530 . 64 lbs/241 .2 kgs Remar ks : NO AISLE OR WINDOW SEATS AVAILABLE . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000239 A CENTER SEAT HAS BEEN ASSIGNED. WE WILL CONTINUE TO MONITOR UNTIL DEPARTURE. Remarks FOR 24/ 7 TRAVEL ASSISTANCE PLEASE CONTACT THE BCD TRAVEL TEAM AT 1-844-278-5521 FOR OUTSIDE THE US CALL COLLECT 770-829-2604 FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED- PLEASE DIAL 711 TO ACCESS RELAY SERVICE - PROVIDE PHONE NUMBER OF 1 - 844 - 2 78 - 552 1 TO ACCESS TRAVEL DUE TO RECENT CHANGES IN THE FY15 GOVERNMENTCITY PAIR PROGRAM/CPP YOUR AIR RESERVATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CANCELLATIO N BY THE AIRLINES IF NOT TICKETED AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIO R TO SCHEDULED DEPARTURE PLEASE ENSURE ALL NECESSARY APPROVALS ARE PROCESSED IN ACCORDANCE WITH YOUR AGENCYS BUSI NESS RULES BUT NO LESS THAN 3 BUSINESS DAYS PRIOR TO DEPARTURE TO ENSURE TICKETING . THIS 48 HOUR CANCELLATION RULE DOES NOT APPLY TO I NTERNATIO NAL RES ERVATIONS UNLESS YOUR TRIP HAS DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS ON MORE THAN ONE AIRLINE OR THESE RESERVATIONS REQUIRE SEPARATE AIR TICKETS . *********************************** AIRFARES ARE ONLY GUARANTEED UPON TICKET ISSUA NCE . THIS IS A NEGOTIATED FARE VALID ONLY ON BOOKED CARRIER . 1 4S ep/0 2:1 7PM Estimated tr ip total 689 . 39 USD Air Car Hotel Rail Other /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000240 497 . 1 0 USO 1 92 . 29 USO Fa re details : No t guaranteed until t ick eted Vendor Fare in format Re fund before i on r es tric t i o ns depart ure Change res tr ictions after t i cketing Tic ket i nf orma t ion Air UA1436 21S ep UA3543 * 21Sep UA3664* 2 4 Sep UA1955 24Sep Total : USD 497 . 10 REFUND RESTRICT IO NS MAY APP LY CHANGE RESTRICT IONS MAY APP LY All quotes a r e provider quot es e xclu d ing poss ibl e tax es and charges en ro ute. Curre n cy co nv e r sions s h own i n th i s it i n e r ary r ece i pt a r e done u s i ng th e bank r ate applicab l e at the date show n i n the h eader of th is documen t . Ple ase n ote th at some loc al t axes and charg es may be i nvoiced during your tr i p and cannot be show n at t ime of reservatio n. Adv i ce to Transportat /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Passe nge rs i o n o f Hazard o u s Materia ls HUD-18-0504-D-000241 Federal la w f o r bids the carr i age o f ha z a r dous materia l aboard the a ir craft , i n your l ugga g e , or o n your pe r son . A v i o lati o n can r esu lt in 5 years i mprisonme nt and pena lt ies o f $ 25 0 , 000 or more (49 U. S . C 5124) . Haza r dous materials incl u de explosives, comp r essed gases , f l ammable liqui ds and so l i ds , oxid izers , poisons , corrosives a nd r ad i oactive mate ri a l s . Forbidde n Dangero u s It ems Examples Paints , l ig h ter f l u id , firewo r ad i op h a r mace ut ica l s . Th e r e quantities (up to 70 ounces carried in your lu ggage and your pe r son . Fo r f ur ther inf r eprese nt at ive. : rk s , tea r gases, oxygen bott l es a n d are spec i al e x cep ti o n s f o r sma ll total) of medicinal and toilet artic le s certain smok in g mate rials carried on o rmation , co n tact yo u r a ir li ne Note : Spare batteries and hold ba ggage . These i te ms your ca rr y-on ba g is gate ce ll s mus t be r emoved a n d fuel ce lls are not permitted i n checked MUST b e packed in carry - on ba ggage . If chec ke d , the spare batter ie s a n d f uel car ri ed i n the cab i n . Email : 17 PM UTC ge ne rated on 14Sep/7 or BCD Travel ac t s only as an age nt f or the air l i ne s , ho te ls , bus compa ni es , ra ilr oads , t o ur ope r ato r s , c rui se l in es , ca r r ental compa n ies , and other similar t h ird parties providing accommodations , transportation , o r oth e r meetin g and t ravel r elated serv ic es (" Suppliers ") . Suppliers are i n dependent and do not act f or or on behalf of BCD Travel , are not employees of BCD Travel , and do not have a joint ve n ture or partnership with BCD Travel . Suppl i e r s have the i r own ter ms and co n ditions f or the services they provide , a nd you agree to abide by the t erms and cond ition s set forth in any and a ll documents for any s u ch Supplier services , including , without l i mi tation , all cancellat i on fees . By u t il i z i ng the se r v i ces represented by t his it inerary , you agree to t h e foreg oing and a lso agree tha t nei the r BCD Travel or its parent , affiliates , /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000242 subs idi a ri es , pa r tners , agents , and their respective o f ficers , d ir ec t o r s , employees , a n d represen ta tives shall be or become liab l e for any lo ss , cost , expe n se , injury , accident , or damage to person o r p r operty r esu lting directly or indir e ctly from (i) the acts or omissions o f Suppli ers , inc l udi ng, but no t limit ed to , de l ays o r cancellat i on of serv i ces , cessation of operatio n s , breakdown in mach in e ry or eq u ipment , or cha ng es i n fares , itineraries , or schedules ; and/or (ii) acts of God, dangers inc ident to the sea , fir es, acts of gove rn ment or other authorities, wars , acts of terrorism , c ivi l unres t , str ik es , r i o t s , the ft s , pilferage , ep id e mics , quaran t in es , other diseases , c li mati c aber r ations , o r from any other cause beyond BCD Travel 's control . Pl ease see additional terms an d condi tio ns related to th i s itin erary at Te rms and Co n ditions . Wee kl y Ch ec k - in w/She i la COS Off ice Subject : Loc ation : and Ado l fo Start : Thu 6/29/2017 4 :0 0 PM End : Thu 6/29/20 17 4 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta ti ve Recu rr ence : Weekly Recurrence Pa tter n : Org a nizer Required : Greenwood Attendees : Your meeting up dated . was Sent by Mi crosoft Subjec t: Travel every Thursday f r om 4 :0 0 PM to , Shei la M Greenwood , Sheila f ound to be out o f date M; Marzo l, and 4 : 30 PM Adolfo h as been F a ut omatical ly Exc h a ng e Se r ve r to Housto n Start : Thu 9/2 1/201 7 11 : 30 AM End : Thu 9/21/20 17 12 : 00 PM Recurre n ce : (none) Organizer Su bject : Loc at i on : : Greenwood , Sheila SWEARING IN for SOHUD' s Office M Pam Pate n au d e Mon 9/18/20 17 8 : 00 AM Start : End : Mon 9/18/20 17 8 : 15 AM Show Time As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000243 Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Meeting Organi z e r: DocBen Requ i red Attendees : organizer DocBen ; Mayo , Sammy E; Miller , Mitchell E MEET w/ Pam Patenaude SOHUD' s Office Subject : Location : Start : Mon 9/18/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Mon 9/18/2017 2 : 45 PM Recurrence : (none) Organizer Requ i red : DocBe n Attendees : Subject : Location : DocBen CALL Pam Patenaude I ~b)(6) Start : Thu 9/14/20 17 3 : 00 PM End : Thu 9/14/2017 3 : 05 PM Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Meeting organizer Organizer : DocBe n Requ i red Attendees : DocBen ; Andrew Hughes (Andrew . Hughes@ h ud . gov) ; Raphael L Williams (Raphae l . L . Will i ams@hud . gov) ; Sheila M Greenwood (Sheila.M . Gree nwoodl@hud . gov) Subject : Location : PRE BRIEF on BREAKFAST wi th SOHUDs office Linda McMahon St art : Thu 9/14/20 17 3 : 05 PM End : Thu 9/14/2017 3 : 20 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meeting Status Organize r: /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Not yet responded DocBen HUD-18-0504-D-000244 Requ ire d Atte ndees : She il a M Gree nwood (S he i la .M. Greenwood l @hu d . gov) ; Gimont , Stan l ey ; Rack l eff , Neal Kurtz , R . Hunte r Subjec t: Locat i o n: J; Hurr i ca n e Har ve y & I rma Indus tr y Wor k i ng Group NOTE: LOCATION CHANGED: Con f e r e n ce Room 9 2 02 S t a rt : Thu 9/14/2 0 17 2 :0 0 PM End : Thu 9/14/2017 3 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Ten t a tive Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Sta t us : Not yet r espo nded Organ iz e r: Golr i c k , Jane t M Required Atte ndees : alexandra . tr avis@fema . d hs . gov ; cyn t hia . adcock@fhfa . gov ; Corin , Donald ; pau l.th eruv i parampi l @fhfa . gov ; Campbell , Patricia A; Gibbons , Kath l ee n M; Kaspe r, Mar e n M; LOGAN, LEAH M; Mea ux, Leslie A; F riedm an, Warren ; Wade , Dan a T ; Greenwood , Shei l a M; Marz o l, Adolfo F; ri chard . kane@wdc . usda . gov ; stua r t . wa ld e n@wdc .us da . gov ; rhonda . armi tage@ v a. gov ; rita . fa lcioni@v a . g ov ; Lond on , J e ffr e y , VBAVACO (j e ffr ey .l ondo n @v a . gov) ; Van Duyne , Be th A Opt i o n al Attendees : Iber , Robert G; Roget , Gise l e G; Van Dam, Ka te l yn M Subjec t: Locat i o n: Hurr i ca ne Har ve y & I rma Indus tr y Wor k i ng Group NOTE: LOCATION CHANGED: Con f e r e n ce Room 9 2 02 S t art : Thu 9/14/201 7 2 :0 0 PM End : Thu 9/14/2017 3 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Ten t a tive Recurrence Meeting : (none) Sta t us : Not ye t re spo nde d Organ iz e r: Golr i c k , Jane t M Required Atte ndees : ' alexandra . travis @fema . d h s . gov '; ' cynthia . adcock@fhfa . gov '; ' Corin , Don ald '; ' pau l.th eruv i pa r amp il @fhf a . go v '; Campbell , Patricia A; Gibbons , A; Kath l ee n M; Kasper , Mar e n M; LOGAN, LEAH M; Mea ux, Leslie F riedma n, Warren ; Wade , Dana T ; Greenwood , Shei la M; Marzo l, Adolfo F; ' ri cha r d . kane@wdc . usda . gov '; ' stuart . walden@wdc . usda . gov ' ; ' rhonda . armi t age@va . gov '; ' ri t a . falcio n i @va . gov '; Londo n, Je ffre y , VBAVACO (je ff rey . londo n @va . go v); Van Du y n e , Be th A Opt i o n al Attendees : Iber , Robert G; Roget , Gise l e G; Van Dam, Ka te lyn M Subjec t: Locat i o n : HUD Reform Pl a n Town Hall Brooke-Monda l e Aud i torium Start Wed 9/2 0 /2017 : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT (New Date and Time) 1 :0 0 PM HUD-18-0504-D-000245 End : Wed 9/20/2017 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Meet i ng Status Organizer Required : Not : Townhal l Attendees : yet r esponded All HUD HIDs ; All HUD CIDs Image : RESCHEDULED- HUD Refo r m Pl an Town Hall . Wednesday , September 20 , 2017 at 1 : 00 p . m. ET . Brooke-Mondale Audito r iu m a nd Live v ia Webcas t. Lear n more about the agency ' s r e f orm efforts , p r ogram pr i orities , a nd upcom in g i n i tiatives . Lo go - Home wi t h open Toget h e r. Colleagu door . Logo text - FORWARD: Forging A New HUD es, Please jo i n Sec r etary Ben Carson and Acting Dep u ty Secretary Dav i d Eag l es Wednesday , September 20 f or an employee town hall and the officia l launch of HUD' s Reform Plan , FORWARD: Forging A New HUD Toget h e r. You will have an opportun i ty to l ear n more about HUD' s key in itia t i ves , meet the Reform Plan Champ i o n s Council , and give input on how best to forge a new HUD toge ther . The town hall will begin at 1 : 00 p . m. ET . Headquarters staff may join th e program in t h e Brooke-Monda l e Auditorium . Regiona l and fie l d staff may watch live v i a webcast We recommend using I nternet Exp l orer to view the webcast . We welcome your questions about the r eform p l an i n advance of the t own hall . Please email questio n s to TownHall@hud . gov a nd we wi ll attempt to answer them d u ring the p r ogram . Thank you again . We look forward shar in g more o n Septembe r 20 ! Public to The Office of Subject : Location : HUD Reform Plan Town Ha ll Broo k e-Monda l e Auditorium unveiling HUD' s Reform Plan and Affairs (New Date and Time) S t art : Wed 9/20/20 17 1 : 00 PM End : Wed 9/20/2017 2 : 00 PM /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000246 Show Time As : Recurrence Meeting Tenta tive : (none) Status Organ iz e r : : Not ye t re spo nde d Townhall Image : RESCHEDULED- HUD Reform Plan Town Ha ll. Wednesday , September 20 , 2 01 7 a t 1: 00 p . m. ET . Brooke - Monda le Auditorium and Live via Webcast . Lea r n more about the ag e ncy ' s r e form e ffor ts, prog r am priorit i es , a nd up comi ng initiat i ves . Logo- Home wi th Together . Col l eagues open door . Logo text- FORWARD: Forg i ng A New HUD , Please j o in Secreta ry Ben Ca r son and Acting Deputy Secretary David Eagles Wednesday , Sep temb er 20 for an employee town hall and the off i c i al l aunc h of HUD' s Re f o rm Plan , FORWARD: Forg i ng A New HUD Toget h er . You will have an opportunity to l ear n more about HUD' s key initiativ es , meet the Re form Plan Champions Counc il , and g iv e input o n how best to forge a n ew HUD t o ge ther . The town ha ll wil l begin a t 1 : 00 p . m. ET . Headquarters s t aff may join the progr a m in the Brooke-Mondale Auditorium . Regiona l and fiel d staff may watch live via web cas t We recommend u si ng I n tern et Explorer t o view the webcast . We welcome your questions about the reform plan in advance o f the town hall . Ple as e ema il quest i o ns to TownHall@hud . gov and we will attemp t to answer them during t he program . Thank yo u aga in . We l ook sharing more on September The Office of Sub j ec t: Locatio n : I NTERVIEW wi th SOHUDs o ff ice Start : End : Fri Public forward 20 ! to u nv ei li ng HUD' s Refo r m Pl a n and Affairs Bible Stu dy Magazine Fri 9/15/20 17 1 1 : 30 AM 9/ 1 5/ 2 0 17 1 1 : 45 AM Recu rr ence : (no ne ) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000247 Meet in g Status : Meet in g organ iz e r Organiz e r : DocBen Required Attendees : DocBe n ; Raphael (Raphael.L . Wi lliams@hud.gov) Dia l i n: Landline Mob il e backup Subjec t: Loca ti o n: is the best L Wil l iams : l~ September 13 , 2017 12 : 31 PM She i la M t ed : Mee ting w/Sheila Gree nwood , HUD staff , Mary staff - re : SBA/Duplication of Benefits BREAKFAST with Senator J o hn Cornyn Sena te Din i ng Room; US Capit ol S-112 Start : Thu 9/14/20 17 8 : 45 AM End : Thu 9/14/2017 9 : 30 AM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeti ng S tatus : Meeti Organi zer : DocBe n Requ ir ed Attendees : Exter na l At tendees of St a f f ng organizer DocBe n ; Appl e t o n , Set h D; Dendas , Mi c h ael : Senator Cornyn and Be th J afari Meet in g w/Sheila Greenwood , HUD sta ff, Subject : SBA staff - re : SBA/Duplication of Benefits Loca t ion : Secretary Conf e r e nce Room (T) w , Cornyn ' s Ch i e f Mary Bradf i e l d & Start : Wed 9/13/20 17 4 :0 0 PM End : Wed 9/13/20 17 5 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence : (none) Organize r : Greenwood , Sheila M Required Attend ees : Mary . bradfield@sba . gov ; Rackleff, Gimont , Stan l ey ; Richardson , Todd M; Kur tz , R. Hunter Opt i o n al Attendees : Pilkerton , Ch ri stophe r M /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Nea l J ; HUD-18-0504-D-000263 Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be out o f date and h as been Sent by Mi crosoft Excha ng e Serve r Subject: Meet in g w/Sheila Greenwood , HUD staff SBA staff - re : SBA/Duplication of Benefits Location : Secretary Conference Room (T) automatically & , Mary Bradfield Start : Wed 9/13/20 17 4 : 00 PM End : Wed 9/13/20 17 5 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Gre enwood , Sheila M Required Attend ees: Mary . bradfield@sba . gov ; Rackleff Gimont , Stan ley; Richardson , Todd M Opt i o na l Attendees : Pilkerton , Ch ri stophe r M Your meeting updated . was found to Sent by Microsoft Exchange Subjec t: MEET with John Locatio n: SOHUDs off i ce be out Meeting date Status : Meeting automatica l ly organizer MEET wit h Abby and SOHUD' s office Fri 9/15/2017 1 1 : 00 AM 9/15/20 17 1 1 :1 0 AM Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status : : , Joh n G; Andrew Hughes (Jonathan . A . McCall@hud . gov) Ben RE London Start : End : Fri pVERSIGHT been : (none) Subject : Location : /\MERICAi\ has PM Organ iz e r: DocBe n Requ ir ed Attendees : DocBe n; Bravacos (Andrew . Hughes@hud . gov ); Drew A McCall Organizer and Server Bravacos Start : Wed 9/13/20 17 1:45 End : Wed 9/13/2017 2 : 00 PM Recurrence of , Nea l J ; Meet in g organize r DocBen HUD-18-0504-D-000264 Requ i red Atte ndees : DocBe n; Delahoyde , Abigail M; Benjam in Demar z o (Benjami n. E . Demar zo@hud . gov) ; Free , Kenneth E Optional Attendees : Judge , John F Subject : E MEETING Sta r t : Wed 9/13/2017 4 : 45 PM End : Wed 9/13/2017 5 : 30 PM Recurrence : (none) Organizer Requ i red : DocBe n Atte ndees : Subject : Location : DocBe n Check - in w/Shei l a and COS Office Lynette Warren St art : Wed 9/13/20 17 4 : 00 PM End : Wed 9/13/2017 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence : (none) Organiz e r : Greenwood , Shei l a M Requ i red Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date M; War ren , Lynette and has Sent by Microso ft Exchange Server From : War r en , Lyn ette Sent : Wednesday , Sep t ember 13 , 2017 1 1 : 44 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Check-in w/Sheila a nd Lynette Subjec t: Location : Check - in w/Shei la COS Office and Lynette been automatically Warre n Warren Start : Wed 9/13/20 17 4 : 00 PM End : Wed 9/13/2017 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meeting Status Organize Required r: Greenwood , Sheila M Attendees : Greenwood , Shei la /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Not yet responded M; Warren , Lyne tte HUD-18-0504-D-000265 Subjec t: Locatio n: CALL with Br i a n Montgomery SOHUDs off i ce Start : Wed 9/13/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 9/13/2017 2 : 15 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not ye t r espo nded Organizer : DocBen Required Attendees : Sheila M Gr eenwood (Sheila.M . Gree nwo odl@ hu d .g ov) ; Andrew Hug hes (Andrew.Hughes@hud . gov) ; Drew A McCall (Jona than.A Subject : Lo cation : . McCall@hud . gov ) BREAKFAST with Linda McMahon Secre ta ry ' s Din i ng Room Start : Fri 9/15/ 2 0 17 8 :0 0 AM End : Fri 9/15/2017 9 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Meeting : (none) S t atus : Not yet responded Organizer : DocBe n Requ i r ed Atte ndees : She il a M Gree nwood (Sheila . M. Greenwoodl@hud . gov) ; Golrick, J anet M Subjec t: Loca tion : to APPOINTMENT Ground F loor of the WH r ight next Map Room St art : Thu 9/14/20 17 8 : 00 AM End : Thu 9/14/2017 8 : 30 AM Recurre n ce : (none) Organizer Required : DocBen Attendees : DocB en (b)(6) Subject : Loca tion : Weekly Check - in w/Sheila COS Office , Jac i e & Ben Start : Tue 6/6/ 2 0 1 7 2 : 00 PM End : Tue 6/6/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tentative Recur r e n ce : Week ly Recurrence Pattern : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT every Tuesday from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM HUD-18-0504-D-000266 Organi zer : Greenwood , Sheila M Requ ir ed Attendees : Coressel , Jac i e ; Demarzo , Ben j amin Your meet ing up dated . was found to be out of Sent by Microsoft Exchan ge Server Subjec t: Week l y Ch ec k -i n w/Sheila Locat i o n: COS Office date and , Jacie h as been E automat i ca l ly & Ben Sta r t : Wed 9/13/2017 2 : 30 PM End : Wed 9/13/2017 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Ten t a tive Recurrence Rec urrence : Weekly Pa tte rn : eve ry Tuesday from Org an iz e r: Gr eenwood , She i la M Required At te ndees : Coresse l , Jacie Your meeting up dated . was found to be out of 2 : 00 PM to ; Demar zo , Benjamin date and has Weekly Check-in COS Office w/Sheila E bee n automat Sen t by Mic rosoft Ex c h a nge Se rver From : Coressel , Jac i e Sent : Wednesday , September 13 , 2 0 17 10 : 0 4 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accep te d : Weekly Check - i n w/She il a , J ac i e Subjec t: Loc a tio n: 2 : 30 PM & i ca l ly Ben & Ben , Jacie Start : Wed 9/13/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 9/13/20 17 2 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Re currence Recurrence Organizer Required : Weekly Pa tter n : every Tuesday : Greenwood , Shei l a M Attendees : Coress e l , Jacie Your meeting up dated . was found to be out of Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Se rv e r F rom : Demarzo , Benjamin E Sent : Wednesday , Septembe r 13 , 2017 /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT fro m 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM ; Demarzo , Benjam i n E date and h as been a ut omat i ca l ly 1 0: 0 4 AM HUD-18-0504-D-000267 To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subjec t: Accepted: Weekly Subject : Location : Check-in Check - in w/Shei la COS Office w/Sheila and Matt , Jacie & Ben C. Start : Wed 9/13/2017 10 : 15 AM End : Wed 9/13/2017 10 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organizer Required : Greenwood , Shei la M Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila Your meeting updated . was found to be out M; Cummings , Matthew of date Sent by Microso ft Exchange Server Subjec t: Check - in w/Shei la and Matt Lo cation : COS Off ic e and has been L automatically C. Start : Wed 9/13/2017 10 :1 5 AM End : Wed 9/13/2017 10 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organizer Required : Greenwood , Shei la M Attendees : Greenwood, Your meeting updated . was found to be out Sheila of date M; Cummings , Matthew and has been L automatically Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server From : Cummings , Matthew L Sent : Wednesday , Septembe r 13 , 2017 10 : 00 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Check-in w/Sheila and Mat t C . Subject : Loca tion : CALL with Brian SOHUDs office Montgomery Start : Wed 9/13/201 7 2 :0 0 PM End : Wed 9/13/20 17 2 : 15 PM Recurrence Meeting /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) St atus : Meeting organizer HUD-18-0504-D-000268 Organi zer : Doc Be n Requ i r ed At tendees : Doc Be n ; She i l a M Gree nwoo d (She i l a . M. Gree nwood l @hud . gov) ; And rew Hug hes (And r ew . Hug h es@hud . gov ) ; Dr ew A McCall {Jonat h an . A . McCa ll @hu d . gov) Ca ll-in# : 202-626-9720 Subject : Lo cat i on : CALL wit h Br ian SOHUDs o ffi ce Montgome r y Start : Wed 9/13/20 17 2 : 0 0 PM End : Wed 9/13/20 17 2 : 15 PM Sh ow Time As : Te nta t ive Recurrence : (none) Meet in g S t at u s : Not yet r espo nded Organi zer : DocBe n Requ i r ed At t e ndees : She i l a M Gree nwo od (Sheila . M. Gree nwo od l@hu d . gov) ; Andrew Hug he s (And r ew . Hug h es@hud . gov ) ; Dr ew A McCal l (Jonathan Cal l -in# : 512-791-636 Su bject : Lo cat i on : . A . McCa ll @hu d . gov) 3 Check - i n w/Sheila COS Off ic e and Matt C. Start : Wed 9/13/20 17 10 : 1 5 AM End : Wed 9/13/20 17 10 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tent ati ve Recurrence : (none ) Meet in g St a tus : Not yet responded Organi zer : Greenwood , Sheila M Requ i r ed At t e ndees : Gr een wood , She i la Su bject : Loc at i on : Check-i n w/Sheila COS Off ic e and Matt M; Cummi ngs , Matthew L M; Cummi ngs , Matthew L C. Start : Wed 9/13/20 17 10 : 1 5 AM End : Wed 9/13/20 17 10 :4 5 AM Sh ow Ti me As : Tenta t iv e Re curr ence : (none) Meeti ng S tatus : Not yet r espo nd ed Organizer : Greenwood , Sheila M Requ i r ed At tendees : Gr een wood , She i la Subject /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Meeting to Discuss Dep Sec Process HUD-18-0504-D-000269 Locatio n: Chie f of Sta ff Of f ice Start : Wed 9/13/20 17 3 : 00 PM End : Wed 9/13/2017 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recur r e n ce : (none ) Organiz e r : Hughes , Andrew Requ i red Atte ndees : Eag l es , Dav i d T ; Gree nwood , Sh eila R . Hunt e r Subjec t : Locatio n : Meeting to Disc u ss Dep Sec Chie f of Sta ff Of f ice M; Kur tz , Process S t art : Wed 9/ 1 3/20 17 3 :0 0 PM End : Wed 9/13/20 17 3 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not ye t responded Organi z e r : Hughes , Andrew Requ i red Atte ndees : Eag l es , Dav i d T ; Gree nwood , Sheila R . Hun ter Subject : Lo c a tion : M; Kur tz , CFC Bri ef i ng wi t h 0MB a n d OPA SOHUDs o ff ice Sta r t : Wed 9/20/2017 10 : 30 AM End : Wed 9/20/20 17 1 1 : 00 AM Recurre n ce : (none ) Meeti ng Status : Meeti ng organi z er Organ iz e r : DocBe n Required At tendees : DocBen ; Thompso n , Caitli Williams (Raphae l . L . Wil li ams@hud . gov) Subjec t : Start : End : Thu HOLD for n H; Rap h ae l L BREAKFAST on th e Hill Thu 9/14/2017 8 : 00 AM 9/ 1 4/20 17 9 : 30 AM Recu rr ence : (none) Or gan iz e r : DocBe n Requ i red Atte ndees : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT DocBe n HUD-18-0504-D-000270 Hu r r i ca n e Harvey & Irma Indus try Dep Sec Confere nce Room 1 01 0 6 Subjec t: Loc a tio n : Working Group Star t : Thu 9/14/20 17 2 :0 0 PM End : Thu 9/14/20 17 3 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Rec urr ence : (non e) Mee t in g Status : Not ye t r es p o nded Organizer : Golri ck, Ja n et M Required Atte ndees : ' ale x a n d r a . t ra v is @fema . d h s . g o v '; ' cynt hi a . adcoc k @fhf a . gov '; ' Co r i n, Do n ald '; ' pa u l.th eruv i pa r amp il @fh fa . gov '; Campbell , Patric i a A; Gibbons , A; Ka th l ee n M; Kasper , Mare n M; LOGAN, LEAH M; Meaux , Leslie F ri edman, Warren ; Wade , Da n a T ; Gr ee nwoo d , Shei l a M; Mar zol , Adolf o F; ' r ich a rd .k a n e@wdc . us da . gov '; ' stuar t.w a lden @wdc . usda .g o v' ; ' r honda . a rmit age@va . gov '; ' r i t a . fa lcioni@va . gov '; Londo n, Je ffr ey , VBAVACO (jeffrey .l ondon@va . gov ); Van Duyne , Beth A Optiona l At tendees : Robe r t I be r ; Gisele Roget Su bject: SBA staff Lo ca tio n: Meeting w/S he il a Gr eenwood , HUD sta ff, - re : SBA/Du pl i cation o f Be n ef i ts Sec ret ar y Conference Room (T) Mary Br adf ield & Star t : Thu 9/14/20 17 10 : 30 AM End : Thu 9/14/20 17 1 1 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tent ati ve Rec urr ence : (non e) Organiz e r: Greenwood , She i la M Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Gr eenwo o d , Sheila M; Mar y .b r ad fie ld @sba . go v ; Rackleff , Nea l J ; Gimont, Stanley ; Richardson , Todd M Op t i o n a l Atte ndees : Pil k er ton, Chris t opher M Your meet i ng was upda ted . fo un d to be ou t o f date Sent by Mic rosoft Exc hang e Server Subject : Che ck - i n w/Shei l a and Loc ation : COS Of f ic e Neal and ha s been a u tomatically R . - re : USICH Start : Thu 9/14/2 0 17 1 1 : 30 AM En d : Thu 9/14/201 7 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none ) Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Greenwood , Sheila M HUD-18-0504-D-000271 Required Attendees Your meeting update d . was : Greenwood found to be out , Sheila of M; Rack leff dat e and has Sent by Mic rosoft Excha ng e Server Subject : Meeting w/Sh e ila Greenwood , HUD staff, SBA s t aff - re : SBA/D up l i ca ti o n o f Benefits Locat i o n : Secre t a ry Conference Room (T) , Nea l J been Mary automatica lly Bradfiel d & Sta r t : Thu 9/14/2017 1 0 : 30 AM End : Thu 9/14/2017 1 1 : 30 AM Show Time As : Ten t a tive Recurrence : (none ) Organi zer : Greenwood , Sheila M Requ i r ed Attendees : Gr eenwood , She i la M; Ma ry . bradfield@sba.gov Rack l eff , Ne a l J ; Gi mon t , Stanley ; Ric h ardson , Todd M Optiona l Attendees : Pilker ton , Christopher M Your meeti ng was up dated . f ound to be out o f date and h as been a ut oma t ical ; ly Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a ng e Se rv e r F rom : Lee , Regina A on behalf o f Rack leff , Neal J Sent : Tuesday , September 12 , 2017 5 : 51 PM To : Greenwood , Shei l a M Subjec t : Accepted : Mee ting w/Sheila Gree nwood , HUD sta ff , Mary & SBA sta ff - r e : SBA/Dup li cat i on of Benefits Bradfield Subject Locatio : n: Check - in w/Shei COS Office l a and Neal R . - re : USICH Start : Thu 9/14/20 17 1 1 : 30 AM End : Thu 9/14/2017 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer Required : Greenwood At t e ndees : Your meeting updated . was , Shei l a M Greenwood , Shei l a M; Rackle found to be ou t of Sent by Mic rosoft Exc h a ng e Server Subject : Check - in w/Shei l a and /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT date Neal and h as ff , Neal been J a u tomatical ly R . - re : USI CH HUD-18-0504-D-000272 Locatio n: COS Off ice Start : Thu 9/14/20 17 11 : 30 AM End : Thu 9/14/2017 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not ye t respond ed Orga n iz e r : Gr eenwood , She i la M Required Atte ndees : Greenwo o d , Sheila Subjec t: Locatio n : Start: End : M; Rackl eff , Neal HOLD f o r Combi ne d Federa l Campaign Reagan Building , 1300 Pen nsy lv a n ia J Kickoff Ave , NW Mon 9/25/2017 9 : 0 0 AM Mon 9/25/2017 9 : 30 AM Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer Required Dear : DocBen Attend ees : DocBen Ben , It was g reat chatting with you today . As I mentione d, I ' m a HUD co lle ag ue (De p ut y Assistant Sec re tary-C h ie f Man a ge men t Of fi cer ). I ' m cu rr ent ly o n l oan to the Comb i ned Federa l Campa i g n (CFC) o n behalf of HUD and Secretary Carson , t h is year's CFC Honora ry Chairperson, to h e lp ensure the Campaign's success, about which the Secretary is very passionate . You can r eac h me at either this CFC email address o r my HUD email address (cc ' d above ) . My HUD mobile I a n d my CFC of fi ce phone i s 202-4 65-7235 . phone i s lrblf6l Thanks so much for agree in g to collaborate coordi n ate the Secretary ' s sc he d ule with agency CFC Campaign eve n ts ! wi th CFC and me to individual governmen t Att ached are 1) the September 26 CFC Leadership Confere n ce announcement ; 2 ) a list of all the key dates across the enti r e CFC fundraising campaign , including a li s t of sched u l ed " Ca u ses o f the Wee k ; " a n d 3) a copy of the l e t te r i nv i ting the Secreta ry to be the CFC Honora ry Chairperson . Than k s for the list of good da te s in October a n d for offering to rese r ve other dates for us. We will def ini te ly focus agencies on the week of Oc t ober 9th for kick-off eve n ts (espec i a l ly the 10th and 13th) , as we l l as October 26 th f or other fo ll ow- on eve n ts . We' ll l et you know as soon as we ge t confirmed requ ests for the Secreta r y ' s appearance . For pla n ning p urp oses , a drop-i n appea r ance (10 to 20 or 30 minutes) and s h o r t rema rk s (5 to 1 0 mi nu tes) at ind i vidual eve n ts would be adequa te . Of course , agencies would welcome whatever time they can ge t , but the most important thing is /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000273 to ge t the Sec ret ary i n front of as man y agencies as poss ible. that e n d , we a r e enco ur a gi ng jo i n t eve nt s to make the best use his l imited time . To of One addit i onal spec i al req ues t is f or the Sec ret ary t o stop by the to mee t and gr eet th e HQ Campa ig n CFC offices (1 7t h & H, NW) briefly team when he i s planning to be i n the n eighbo rh ood - for Whi te House or 0MB mee t i ngs , for examp l e . It would be a hug e b oost to the te a m. Just l et me know if yo u think th at might be poss i ble when he i s in town i n ear l y October a n d I 'l l coord in ate e ver yt hi ng with you. As for agency - specific Campaign kick - of f s , so fa r, I can te ll you that there a r e dat es and times alr ead y p l anned by some o f the lar ge r agencies as f ollows . If there is any c h ance th at the Secre tar y can make a n appea r a n ce and spea k a t any o f these i t wou l d be f abulo u s . Just let me know h i s spec if i c t ime availabi lit y and I will pu t you in touc h with t h e speci fi c a ge n cy Campaign Manag er a nd CFC Loa n ed Execu t iv e for the agency . * Septembe r 27 - HHS/ NIH at NI H main camp u s in Bethe sda , 11 : 00 am - 1 : 00 pm Octo b er 3 , 2017 - USPS - HQ, 470 L ' Enf ant Plaza , SW t i me TBD * Octob e r 5 , 2017 - DOT, 1200 New J e r sey Ave SE , 1 0 : 00 am - 2 : 00 * pm Novembe r 2 - Commer ce HQ, 1401 Const itut ion Ave , NW, 1 0 : 00 am * - 12:0 0 pm November 6 - NSF, 241 5 Eisenhower Ave ., Alexandria, VA, time * TBD As f o r other imp o r t ant dates for us , th ey are as f o ll ows : * September 25, 2 0 1 7 - CFC Leadership Con feren ce (9 : 00 am - 10 : 0 0 am) November 2 , 2 0 17 - Show Some Lov e Day to showcase charitable * causes (The Campaig n theme is " Show some Love ") Novembe r 28 , 2017 - Giv i ng Tuesday * December 5 , 2 01 7 - I nter na t i o na l Gi v in g Day * Finally , we u nder stand that the Secre t a r y is i nte res ted in possibly part i c ip at i ng in a CFC volunteer act i vity . If you co ul d l et me kno w of particular ca u ses or char iti es tha t h e cares most abo u t , we can identify some scheduled CFC volu n teer events fo r his co nsid eration . Many th a n ks f or your he l p Ben! I ve ry much l ook f orward to co ll abo r at i ng with you a n d to mee t i ng you at n e x t week ' s HUD Town Hall or before . Best re g ards , Nancy Subject : MEET wit h NAFCU Leadersh i p Locat ion : NAFCU HQ; 3 138 1 0 th S tree t N, Ar l ington f l oor boa r d room Start : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Mon 9/18/2017 , VA 22201 ; third 1 : 30 PM HUD-18-0504-D-000274 End : Mon 9/18/2017 2 :0 0 PM Show Tim e As : Ten tativ e Rec urr ence : (non e) Meet i ng Status : Not yet r espo nded Organizer : DocBe n Req uir e d Att endees : Sheila M Greenwood (She i la .M. Gree nwoodl@hud .g o v) Subject : Loca t i on : LUNCH with Vice Th e White Hou se President Pence Star t : Mon 9/18/2017 11 : 45 AM End : Mon 9/18/20 17 12:4 5 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meet ing : (none ) Status : Not yet r espo nd ed Or ga niz er : DocB en Req u ir ed Atte ndees : She il a M Gree nwood (She i la .M. Greenwood l @hu d . gov) Subject : MEET with NAFCU Leade rs h i p Loca tion: NAFCU HQ; 3 138 10th S tree t N, Ar l i ng ton , VA 222 0 1 ; t hi r d f l oor boa r d room S tart : Mon 9/18/201 7 2 :0 0 PM End : Mon 9/18/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Ten tative Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Sta t us : Not ye t re spo nde d Organ iz e r: DocBe n Required Attendees : Sheila (Sh e ila . M. Gr eenwo odl@ hu d . gov) M Gree nwood LUNCH with Vi ce Pres i de nt The White House Sub j ec t: Locatio n: Pence Star t : Mon 9/18/2017 1 1 : 45 AM End : Mon 9/18/2017 12 : 45 PM Recurrence : (none ) Mee t in g Status Org a nizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : : Meeting organize r DocBe n HUD-18-0504-D-000275 Requ ire d Atte ndees : DocBe n; (She i la .M. Greenwood l @hu d . gov) POC: Caitlin She il a M Gree nwood Patenaude Hu r r i ca n e Harvey & Irma Indus try DepSec Con f ere n ce Room 1 01 06 Sub j ect : Locat i o n: Start : Wed 9/13/2017 10 : 00 End : Wed 9/13/20 17 11 : 00 AM Show Tim e As : Ten tati ve Worki ng Gr oup AM Rec urr ence : (non e) Meeting Sta t us : Not ye t re spo nded Org a nize r : Go l rick , Ja net M Req uired Att en d ees : alexandra . travis@fema . dhs . gov ; cynthia . adcoc k@fhf a . go v ; ' Corin , Donald '; ' pau l.th e r uv i pa r amp il @fh fa . gov '; Campbell , Patricia A; Gibbons , Ka th l ee n M; Kasper , Mare n M; LOGAN, LEAH M; Meaux , Leslie A; F rie dman, Warren ; Wade , Dana T; Gr ee nwood , Shei l a M; Marzol , Adolfo F; ' ric ha rd . kane@wdc . us da . gov '; stuart . wald e n@wdc . usda . gov ; r honda . a rmitage @v a . gov ; ri ta . f alcion i @va. gov ; London, Jef f rey , VBAVACO (je ffr ey .l ondo n @va . gov ); Van Du yne , Beth A Subject : SBA s ta ff Locat i o n: Meeting w/Sheila Greenwood , HUD staff - re : SBA/Dup licatio n o f Benefits Secreta r y Confe r ence Room (T) , Mary Bradfiel d & Start : Thu 9/14/201 7 10 : 30 AM End : Thu 9/14/2017 1 1 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : (none) Organi zer : Greenwood , Sheila M Requ ir ed Attendees : Gr eenwood , She i la M; Ma r y . bradfie Rac kl eff , Neal J ; Gi mon t , Sta nl ey ; Ri c h a r dson , Todd M Opt i o na l Attendees : Pi lk erto n, Christopher M Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be out o f da t e and h as been Sent by Microsoft Ex c h a ng e Server Subject : Meet in g w/Sheila Greenwood , HUD sta ff, SBA staff - re : SBA/Duplication of Benefits Location : Secre ta ry Conference Room (T) Mary l d@sba .g ov ; a ut omatical Bradfie ly ld & Start : Thu 9/14/20 17 10 : 30 AM End : Thu 9/14/20 17 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000276 Recurrence : (non e ) Organizer : Greenwood, Shei la M Required Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Mary . bradfield@sba.gov Rack l eff , Neal J ; Gi mont , Stanley ; Ri cha r dson , Todd M Opt i onal Attendees : Pilkerton , Christopher M Your meeting updated. was found to be out of date and has been automatically Sent by Microsoft Exc h ange Server From : Richardson , Todd M Sent : Tuesday , September 12, 2017 3:26 PM To : Greenwood, Shei la M Subject: Accepted : Meeting w/Sheila Greenwood , HUD staff, of Benefits Bradfie ld & SBA sta ff - r e : SBA/Dup li cation Subject : Loc ation: ; Ma ry MEET with NAFCU Le adership Dep Sec Conference Room Start : Mon 9/18/2017 End : Mon 9/18/2017 2:00 1 : 30 PM PM Recu rr ence : (none) Meet i ng Status Organizer Required (Sheila.M : Meet i ng organize r : DocBen Attendees : DocBen ; Sheila . Gree nwood l @hu d .g ov) M Gr eenwood Topic : TBD External Credit 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Atte ndees : Union CEOs Cutler Dawson , President/C EO of Karen Rosales , Pres i dent/CEO of Credit Union Tim Anderson , President/C EO of Federal Credit Union Bill Kennedy , President/CEO of Kim Adams , Board Member at HUD /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Navy Federal Credit Arl i ngton Commun ity Gove rnm ent Printing Union Fede r al Office HUD Fede r al Credit Uni on Federa l Credit Union HUD-18-0504-D-000277 NAFCU Staff 6. 7. 8. 9. Dan Berger , President and CEO Carrie Hunt, EVP of Government Alexand e r Monte rrubio , Di rector Brad Thaler, VP o f Legislat ive Subjec t: Location : Chec k -in w/Shei COS Office Affairs and General Counsel of Regu l atory Affairs Affairs l a , Neal , Hunter & Todd - re : CDBG-DR Start : Tue 9/12/2017 4 : 00 PM End : Tue 9/12/2017 4 : 45 PM Show Time As : Tenta tiv e Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Greenwood , Shei l a M Required Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila R . Hunt e r; Ri cha r dson , Todd M Your mee ting updated. was found to be out of M; Rackleff date and Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server Subjec t: Check-i n w/Sheila , Neal , Hunter Locatio n: cos Office has , Neal been & Todd J ; Kurtz, automat i ca l ly - re : CDBG-DR Start : Tue 9/12/2017 4 : 00 PM End : Tue 9/12/2017 4 : 45 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurre n ce : (none) Organi zer: Greenwood Requ ir ed Attendees : R . Hunter ; Richardson Your meeting updated. was , Sheila M Greenwood , Sheila , Todd M found to be out of M; Rackleff da te Sent by Microsoft Exc h a ng e Server Subject : Check-in w/Sheila , Neal , Hunter Location : COS Office /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT and has & Todd , Neal been J ; Kur tz , a ut omatica l ly - re : CDBG-DR HUD-18-0504-D-000278 Start : Tue 9/12/20 17 4 : 00 PM End : Tue 9/12/20 17 4 : 45 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organ iz e r : Greenwood Required Attendees : R . Hun te r ; Richardson, Your meeting updated . was , Sheila M Greenwood , Sheila Todd M found to be ou t of M; Ra ck l eff , Nea l J ; Kurtz , date and Sent by Mi crosoft Excha ng e Server Subject : Check - i n w/Sheila , Neal , Hunter Location : COS Office h as been & Todd a u tomatical ly - re : CDBG- DR Start : Tue 9/12/20 17 4 : 00 PM End : Tue 9/12/20 17 4 : 45 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Greenwood Required Attend ees : R . Hunter ; Richardson Your meeting updated . was , Sheila M Greenwood , Sheila , Todd M found to be out of date M; Rackleff and , Nea l J; h as been Kurtz , automatical ly Sent by Mic rosoft Exc hang e Server Subjec t : Check - in w/Sheila , Ne al , Hunt e r & To dd - re : CDBG- DR Locatio n : COS Office Start : Tue 9/12/20 17 4 : 0 0 PM End : Tue 9/12/20 17 4 : 45 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer : Greenwood Required At t e ndees : R . Hunt er ; Richardson Your meeting updated . Sent was by Microsoft /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT , Sheila M Greenwood , Sheila , Todd M found to be out Exchange Server of date M; Rackle an d h as ff , Neal been J ; Kurtz , automatical ly HUD-18-0504-D-000279 Subjec t: Locatio n: Chec k -i n w/Sheila COS Office , Neal , Hunter & Todd - re : CDBG-DR Start : Tue 9/12/2017 4 : 00 PM End : Tue 9/12/2017 4 : 45 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Status : Not ye t r espo nded Organizer : Greenwood , Shei la M Required Attendees : Greenwood , Shei la R . Hunter; Ric h a rd son , Todd M Subject M; Rackleff, Neal J; Kurtz , : Start : Tue 9/12/2017 3 : 00 PM End : Tue 9/12/20 17 4 : 00 PM Recurrence Organizer : (none) : Greenwood , Sheila M Subjec t: Meet in g w/Sheila Gree nwood , HUD sta ff, SBA staff - re : SBA/Dup l ication of Bene f i ts Lo cation : Secre ta ry Conference Room (T) Start : Thu 9/14/20 17 10:30 End : Thu 9/14/2017 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Mary Bradfield & AM : (none) Organizer : Greenwood , Shei la M Required Attendees : Greenwood , She ila M; Mary . b r adf i eld@sba .g ov ; Rackleff , Neal J ; Gimo nt, Sta n ley ; Richardson , Todd M Opt i o n al Atte ndees : Pilkerton , Christopher M Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and has Sent by Mic ro so ft Exchange Server Subjec t: Meeting w/Sheila Greenwood , HUD staff SBA s t aff - r e : SBA/Duplication of Benefits Locat i on : Secreta ry Confe r ence Room (T) been automatically , Mary Bradfield & Start : Thu 9/14/2017 10 : 30 AM End : Thu 9/14/20 17 1 1 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (no ne ) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000280 Organize r: Greenwood , Sheila M Required Atte ndees: Greenwood , Shei l a M; Mar y . bradfield@sba Rackleff , Neal J ; Gimont , Stanley ; Richardson , Todd M Opt i o na l Attendees : Pil k erton , Christopher M Your meet i ng was updated . found to be out of date and has Sent by Mic rosoft Exc hange Server Subject : Meeting w/Sheila Greenwood , HUD staff SBA staff - re : SBA/Dup l ication of Be n efits Locatio n: Secre tary Conference Room (T) been , Mary . gov ; automatically Bradfield & S t art : Thu 9/14/20 17 10 : 30 AM End : Thu 9/14/2017 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Greenwood , Shei l a M Required Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Mary . bradfield@sba.gov Rack l eff , Neal J ; Gi mont , Stanley ; Ri cha rd son , Todd M Op t i onal Atte ndees : Pilkerton, Christopher M Your meeting updat ed . was fo und to be out of date and h as been a utomat ; ical ly Sent by Mic rosoft Exc h a nge Server From : Pilkerton , Christopher M Sent : Tuesday , September 12 , 2017 12 : 29 PM To : Gr ee nwood , Shei l a M Subjec t: Accepted : FW: Mee ting w/Sheila Greenwood , HUD staff , Mary & SBA sta ff - r e : SBA/Duplication of Benefits Bradfield Subject : SBA staff Locatio n: Mee ting w/Sheila Greenwood , HUD staff - re : SBA/Dup li cation of Bene fits Secre tary Conference Room (T) , Mary Bradfie ld & St art : Thu 9/14/20 17 10 : 30 AM End : Thu 9/14/2017 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence : (none) Organiz er: Greenwood , Shei l a M Requ i red Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Ma ry.b radfie Rackleff , Neal J ; Gi mont , Stanley ; Ri c h a r dson , Todd M /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT ld @sba . gov ; HUD-18-0504-D-000281 Your meeti up dated . ng was f oun d to be out o f d a te and h as been a ut oma t ical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a ng e Serve r Subject: HOLD for FEMA Vis i t Start End : : Mon Recurre Mon 9 /1 8/ 201 7 9 : 0 0 AM 9/18/2017 10 : 00 AM n ce : (none ) Or ga ni zer : DocBe n Req u ire d At te ndees : DocBe n Subject : Meet ing w/Sheila Greenwood , HUD staff, SBA s taff - re : SBA/D up l icati o n o f Benefits Locat ion : Secre ta r y Confe r ence Room (T) Start : End : Mary Bradfi eld Thu 9/14/2017 1 0 : 30 AM Thu 9/ 14/2017 1 1 : 30 AM Show Time Rec urre As : Ten tative nce : (none ) Or ganizer : Greenwood , She i la M Requ i r ed Attendees : Gr eenwood , Sheila M; Ma r y . bradfield@sba Rackleff , Ne al J ; Gi mon t , St anl ey ; Richardson, Todd M Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and has Subject Locatio : n: PRE BRIEF on CALL with SOHUDs office : Rec urrence pVERSIGHT Mary Cornyn : (non e) Meet i ng Status /\MERICAi\ l ly Fri 9/15/2017 9 : 30 AM 9/15/20 17 10 : 00 AM Fri Organizer Senator . g ov ; bee n automatica Sen t by Mic rosof t Exch a nge Ser ver From : Gi mon t , Stan l ey Sent : Tuesday , September 12 , 201 7 1 1 : 33 AM To : Greenwo o d , Sheila M Subject : Acc epte d : Meet ing w/Shei l a Gr eenw ood , HUD staff, SBA/D up lic at i on of Be ne f i t s Brad f ie ld & SBA sta ff - re : Start End : & : : Meet i ng o rga n iz e r DocBen HUD-18-0504-D-000282 Required Attendees Subjec t: Location : Start : End : Fri Recurre : DocBe n; Appleton CALL with Sena tor Cor n y n SOHUDs off ic e ; Allie will , Set h D; Dendas , Mich ael W con n ect F ri 9/15/2017 10 : 30 AM 9/15/2017 1 1 : 00 AM n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Meeting Organi zer: DocBe n Requ i red Attendees : Mills , Allison F Subject Location : : organizer DocBe n; MEET with Acting SOHUDs office Appleton IG and Start : End : Fri Fri 10/13/2017 11 : 00 AM 1 0/13/2017 11 : 30 AM Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer Required Opt i o n al : : DocBen Attendees Attendees Subjec t: Locatio n: Update DepSec Meet in g organize : : , Seth Acting Deputy W; IG r DocBen ; Zorc , Bethany Kirkland , Jeremy Harvey Confere D; Dendas , Mi chael A; O' Leary, Mark Response n ce Room 10 1 06 Start : Thu 9/14/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Thu 9/14/2017 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not ye t responded Organ iz e r: Golr i c k, Janet M Required Attendees : Wade , Dan a T ; Roget , Gisele G; Kasper , Maren M; Gibbons , Kath l een M; ' paul . theruviparampil@fhfa . gov '; Greenwood , She il a M; Van Dam, Katelyn M; LOGAN, LEAH M; Allen , Joyce - RD, Wash in gton , DC (Joyce . Allen@wdc . usda . gov ); Tremols , Joaqu i n - RD, Washington , DC (Joaquin.Tremols@wdc . usda . gov) ; London , Jeffrey , VBAVACO (jeffrey . london@va . gov) ; Trevayne , Andrew , VBAVACO /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000283 (Andrew . Trevay n e@va . gov ); Nelm s , Grego r y W., VBAVACO; Bu ck le y , Phi li p H; Mar z ol , Adolfo F ; Kei t h , Grego r y A; Go r ml ey , J oseph M; FEMA- ESF 15 - Coordination ; Tagliento , Marc ; DeFelice , Jos eph J ; Foley , John P .; Meaux , Lesl i e A; Campbe ll , Pa t ricia A; ri chard.kane@wdc . usda . gov Sub j ec t: Locatio n : Update DepSec Harvey Confere Response nc e Room 1 01 06 Star t : F r i 9/15/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Fri 9/15/20 17 3 : 0 0 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Not yet r espo nd ed Organiz e r : Golric k, Janet M Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Wade , Dana T ; Roge t , Gise le G; Kasper , Maren M; Gi bbo n s , Kath leen M; ' pau l. theruv i pa r amp il @fh fa . gov '; Gree nwood , Sheila M; Va n Dam, Kate lyn M; LOGAN, LEAH M; Allen , Jo yce - RD, Washington , DC (Joyce . All e n@wdc .u sda . gov ); Tr e mols , J oaquin - RD, Washington , DC (Joaquin . Tremols@wdc . usda . g ov) ; Lo ndon , J e ffrey , VBAVACO (je ffr ey .l ondo n @v a . gov) ; Trevayne , Andrew , VBAVACO (Andrew . Trevay n e@va . gov ); Ne l ms , Grego ry W., VBAVACO; Bu ck l ey , Phi l ip H; Marzol , Ad olfo F; Keit h, Grego r y A; Gormley , Joseph M; FEMA- ESF 1 5 - Coordination ; Tagli ent o , Marc ; DeFel ic e, Josep h J; Meaux , Les li e A; Campbel l , Pa tr icia A; ' richard . kane@wdc . usda . gov' Opt i o n al Attendees : Ar mi tage , Rho nda , VBAVACO; Mech tly , Chr ist i ne - RD, St . Louis , MO 88 8- 6 75 - 2 535 Call - i n Numbe r : Access Host Code : !/b)/6) filillfilJ(Jan Cod e : Subjec t: Locat ion: e t Only ) PRE-B RIEF on McConne l l ca ll SOHUDs of fi ce Sta r t : Thu 9/14/2017 1 0:4 0 AM End : Thu 9/14/2017 11 : 00 AM Recur r e n ce : (none ) Meet ing Status : Meeting Orga n iz e r: DocBe n Requ ir ed Atte ndees : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT organiz er DocBe n ; Appleton , Seth D; Dendas , Mich ael W HUD-18-0504-D-000284 Subject Location : : CALL wit h Leader McConnell SOHUDs office ; Allie will Start : End : Thu Thu 9/14/20 17 11:30 9/14/20 17 11 : 45 AM Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status : AM Meet i ng organize Organizer : DocBen Required Atte ndees : Mil l s , Alliso n F DocBe n; connect r Appleton , Seth D; Dendas , Michae Subjec t: Meet in g w/Sheila Gree nwood , HUD sta ff, SBA staff - re : SBA/Duplication of Benefi ts Location : Secretary Conference Room (T) Mary l W; Bradfie ld & Organizer : Greenwood , Shei la M Required Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Mary . b r adf i eld@sba Rack l eff , Neal J ; Gi mon t , Sta n ley ; Richardson , Todd M . gov ; Sta r t : Thu 9/14/2017 10 : 30 AM End : Thu 9/14/2017 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Meet i ng Status Su bject : Loc at i on : : Not yet r esponded MEET with Ed Olsen SOHUDs o ffi ce Mon 9/18/20 17 11 : 00 AM Start : End : Mon 9/18/20 17 11 : 30 AM Recu rr ence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Meet i ng organize r Organizer : DocBen Required Attendees : DocBen ; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Wade , Dana Kurtz , R. Hunter ; Andrew Hughes (And r ew . Hug hes@ hud . gov) Subject Location Start : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : : Canceled : Transportation EEOB/H UD Tue 9/12/2017 for T; CoS 10 : 05 AM HUD-18-0504-D-000285 End : Tue 9/12/2017 11 : 45 AM Show Tim e As : Fr ee Rec urr ence : Weekly Recurrence Patte r n : Meet i ng Status : Not Or ga niz er : Dagg ett, Required Attendees : Subject : Lo cation : Transportat EEOB/HUD every yet Tue sday from 10 : 05 AM t o 11 : 45 AM r espo nd ed Tanya R Greenwood , Sheila M; Dawkins, Euni ce D i o n f o r Cos Star t : Tue 9/12/2017 10 : 05 AM End : Tue 9/12/2017 1 1 :4 5 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : Weekly Recur r e n ce Pa tt e r n : Meeting Status : Not every yet Tuesday 10 : 05 AM to 11 : 4 5 AM r esp ond e d Organ izer : Dagge tt , Tanya R Requ i r ed Attendees : Greenwood Subject : Loca tion : from , Sheila M; Dawk i ns , Euni ce D BREAKFAST with Lin da McMahon Secre tar y ' s Din i ng Room S t art : End : F ri F ri 9/15/2017 9/15/201 7 9:00 Recurrence : (none ) Meet in g St a tus : 8 : 00 AM AM Meet in g o rg a nizer Organi zer : DocBe n Requ i r ed At tendees : DocBe n ; She i l a M Gr ee nwood (S he i la . M. Greenwood l @hud . gov) ; Zorc , Bet h any A Ext e r na l Att en d ees : Mary Ann e Bradfield, Chr i s Pilkerton Subjec t : Locat i o n : , Gene r al Chief of Staff Counsel Agency Ch ie f s of Sta ff Meeting Secretary o f War Room , EEOB 230 A Sta r t : Tue 6/6/2017 10 : 30 AM End : Tue 6/6/2017 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentat i ve Recu rr ence : (none) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000286 Org an iz e r: Uli , Gab r i e ll a M. EOP/WHO Su b j ect : Loca ti o n : Age n c y Ch i efs o f St a ff Mee ting Se cre t a r y o f Wa r Room , EEOB 230 A Start : Tue 9 / 12 / 2 0 17 10 : 30 AM En d : Tue 9 / 12 / 2 0 17 1 1 : 3 0 AM Sho w Tim e As : Te n tat iv e Recur r e n ce : (none ) Or g aniz e r : Uli , Gab ri e lla Su bj ec t : HOLD f o r Hi ll M. EOP/ WHO Vis i ts S t a rt : Wed 9 / 13 / 2 0 17 8 : 0 0 AM En d : Wed 9 /13/2017 1 0 : 00 AM Recur r e n ce : (none ) Meet i ng St at u s : Meet i ng o r ga niz e r Or g an izer : Doc Be n Requ i r ed At t e ndees : Sub j ec t: Loc a tio n : DocBe n ; App l e t o n , Set h D; Dendas , Mi c h ael BRIEF o n Co l o mbian SOHUD' s Off ic e Ambassador W Lun ch St a r t : Wed 9 /13/201 7 9 : 30 AM End : Wed 9/ 1 3/20 17 9 : 45 AM Re c urre n ce : (none ) Meetin g Sta t us : Meetin g o r g ani zer Or g a n iz e r : DocBe n Requ i red Atte ndees : Su b ject Locatio : n: DocBe n ; Gai nes , Ral ph H; Ba ss , Dea n a FEMA Visi t FEMA HQ; 5 00 C St SW, Washing t o n , DC 2 00 2 4 Star t : Tue 9/12/2017 3 : 1 5 PM End : Tue 9 / 12 / 2 0 17 4 : 15 PM Sh o w Time As : Tentative Recur r e n ce : (none ) Meet in g St a tu s : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Not yet r e s po nded HUD-18-0504-D-000287 Organi zer : DocBe n Requ i r ed Attendees : She i l a M Gree nwood (S he i l a . M. Gree nwood l @hud . gov) ; Th ompson , Amy C; Raphael (Rap ha e l . L . Will iam s@hud . gov) MEET w/ Darryl Sub j ect : L Wil liams Scott Start : Thu 9/14/20 17 4 : 0 0 PM End : Thu 9/14/2017 5 : 30 PM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Meeting Organi zer : DocBe n Requ i r ed Attendees : Subjec t: Locat ion : organizer DocBe n Har ve y Update DepSec Conference Room 10 1 06 Sta r t : Wed 9/13/2017 1 0 : 30 AM End : Wed 9/13/2017 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Sta t us : Not ye t re spo nde d Org a nizer : Go l r ick , Janet M Required Atte nd ees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Eag les , David T; Alexand e r , Fra n k J ; Appl e ton , Seth D; Bethea, Shelia M; Brooks , Towanda A; Cl emmensen , Cr a i g T ; Coo ke , Kevin R; Greene , Bryan ; Kittrell , Kat h a r ine D; Lavoy , Don a ld J ; Renne r , Rober t N; Richardson , Todd M; Thompson , Amy C; Timberlake , Courtney B; Pot t s , Millicent B; Hunter , Matthew F ; Van Duyn e , Be th A; Ramon , Ni co las ; Bradley , Les lie Ann ; Woll Jr , David C; Ammon, Matthew E ; Ba ll ard , Dan i el L ; Brego n , Nelson R; Bres , Dana B; Brow n , Jereo n M; Bryon , Je mi ne A; Campbell , Re n ae M; Co n stant in e , Pete r J ; Cr u cian i , Linda M; Friedman , Warren ; Hebert , Tony X; HEOC; Holla nd , Rena D; J oy , Johnson P ; Linco ln , Paula A; Lyberg , Sarah A; Mich alski, Lori A; Mil l er , Mi chelle M; Ni c hol s , Delton ; Oz dinec , Milan M; Rodkey , Kitt ; Scott , Jimm y ; Sullivan , Brian E ; Surbe r , Ke i th W; Wadh ams , Unaby r d ; Blom , Domin iqu e G; Kelley , Mi c h ae l J ; Garrett , Willie C; Dan i els , Sheila J ; Bar t on , Victor i a L; Burley, Mich ael N; Ellis , Edward D; McClure , Laura L ; AMOS, WILLIAM L ; Coffey , Alexander ; Kid d , S tephe n C; Huggi n s , John C; Farias , Ann a Maria ; Smith (Ctr ) , Raymond V; Staya n ovich , Jason E ; Ku r tz , R . Hunte r ; Mun i r , Ra fiq A; Kasper , Maren M; Zorc , Be th any A; Snow , Chr i stop h er ; Den das , Mic h ae l W; Radosev ich , Tara J ; Clevelan d - Leggett, De nise C; Taylor , Chris top her D; Sco t t-Ford , Ales i a ; Cook , Bob W; Maldonado , Efra i n ; Cri tte ndo n , Al vera ; Bailey , Ni ke l A; Magr u de r, Je rr ie G; Stewa rt , Matthew S; German, Mic h a el ; Comas, Henry ; LOGAN, LEAH M; Gaines , Ra lph H; Racklef f , Ne al J ; Van Dam, Ka te lyn M /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000288 Subjec t: Location : Harvey DepSec Update Conference Room 1 0106 Start : Wed 9/13/20 17 9 : 30 AM End : Wed 9/13/20 17 10 : 00 AM Show Ti me As : Tentat i ve Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status : Not ye t r espo nded Organizer : Golrick , Janet M Required Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Eag l es , Dav i d T ; Ale x a nde r, Fra n k J ; App l eton , Seth D; Bethea , Sh elia M; Broo k s , Towanda A; Cl emmensen , Cr a i g T ; Cooke , Kev i n R; Greene , Bryan ; Ki ttre ll , Katharine D; Lavoy , Donald J ; Renner , Robert N; Richardson , Todd M; Thompson , Amy C; Timberlake , Cour t ney B; Potts , Mil li cent B; Hunter , Matthew F ; Van Duy n e , Be th A; Ramo n, Ni colas ; Brad l ey , Les l ie Ann ; Woll Jr , Dav i d C; Ammon, Matthew E ; Ba ll a r d , Daniel L ; Bregon , Ne l son R; Bres , Dana B; Brown , Jereon M; Bryon , Jemine A; Campbe ll , Renae M; Constantine , Peter J ; Cr uc i ani , Linda M; Friedman , Warren ; Heb e rt , Tony X; HEOC; Holland , Rena D; J oy , Johnso n P ; Lin coln , Pa u la A; Lyberg , Sa r ah A; Micha l ski , Lor i A; Mi l l er , Mi chelle M; Ni chols , Delton ; Oz dinec , Milan M; Rodkey , Kitt ; Scott , Jimmy ; Su l livan , Brian E ; Surber , Keith W; Wadhams , Unabyrd ; Blom , Dominique G; Kelley , Michael J ; Garrett , Will ie C; Daniels , She il a J ; Barto n, Vi cto r ia L; Burley , Michae l N; El li s , Edward D; McCl ure , Laura L; AMOS, WILLIAM L; Coffey , Al exa n der ; Kidd , Stephen C; Huggins , John C; Farias , Anna Maria ; Smith (Ctr) , Raymond V; S t ayanovich , Jason E ; Kur tz , R . Hunter ; Munir , Rafiq A; Kasper , Maren M; Zorc , Bethany A; Snow , Chris t opher ; Dendas , Michael W; Radosevich , Tara J ; Cleveland-Leggett , Denise C; Tay l or , Chr i s t opher D; Sco t t-Ford , Ales i a ; Cook , Bob W; Maldonado , Efra i n ; Cr i tte ndo n, Alvera ; Bai l ey , Nike l A; Magruder , J errie G; Stewart , Mat thew S ; German , Michael ; Comas , Hen r y ; LOGAN, LEAH M; Ga in es , Ra l ph H; Rac k leff , Neal J ; Van Dam, Kate lyn M Opt i o n al At te ndees : Garc i a , Juan C .; Vargas , Dav i d A . Cal l -in Access Host Number : Code : Code : Subject : Start : End : Tue /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT 888-675-2535 !(b)(6) lliillfilJ (Jane t Only ) 11 : 45 Executive Ca r pick - up Tue 9/12/20 17 11 : 30 AM 9/12/20 17 12 : 00 PM HUD-18-0504-D-000289 Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Greenwood Sub j ect : Locat i o n: Harvey DepSec , Sheila M Update Conference Room 10 1 06 Start : Tue 9/12/2017 9 : 30 AM End : Tue 9/12/20 17 10 : 00 AM Show Tim e As : Tenta ti ve Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status : Not ye t r espo nded Organizer : Golrick , Janet M Required Attend ees: Greenwood , Sheila M; Eagles , David T ; Alexa nde r, Fra nk J ; Appleton , Seth D; Bethea , Sh e li a M; Brooks , Towanda A; Cl emmensen , Cr a i g T ; Cooke , Kevin R; Gr eene , Bryan ; Kittrell , Katharine D; Lavoy , Donald J ; Renner , Robert N; Richardson , Todd M; Thompson , Amy C; Timberlake , Courtney B; Potts , Millicent B; Hunter, Matthew F ; Van Duyne , Be th A; Ramon, Nicolas ; Brad l ey , Les l ie Ann ; Woll Jr , David C; Ammon, Matthew E; Ba ll a r d , Dan i el L ; Bregon , Nelson R; Bres , Dana B; Brow n , Jereo n M; Bryon , Jem i ne A; Campbell , Renae M; Constantine , Peter J ; Cruciani , Linda M; Friedman , Warren ; Hebert , Tony X; HEOC; Holland , Rena D; Jo y , Johnso n P ; Lin coln , Paula A; Lyberg , Sa r ah A; Micha l s ki , Lor i A; Mill e r, Mi chelle M; Nichols , Delton ; Oz dinec , Milan M; Rodkey , Kitt ; Scott, Jimmy ; Sullivan , Brian E ; Surber , Keit h W; Wadh ams , Unabyrd ; Blom , Domin iqu e G; Kelley , Michae l J; Garrett , Wi lli e C; Daniels , Sheila J ; Bar ton, Victoria L ; Burley, Michael N; Ellis , Edward D; McC l u re , Laura L ; AMOS, WILLIAM L ; Co ffe y , Al exander ; Kidd , Ste p he n C; Huggi n s , Jo hn C; Fa r ias , Anna Mar i a ; Smit h (Ct r), Raymond V; Stayanovich , Jason E ; Kur tz , R . Hunter ; Mun i r , Rafiq A; Kasper , Maren M; Zorc , Be thany A; Snow , Christopher ; Den das , Michael W; Radosevich , Tara J ; Cleveland-Le ggett, Denise C; Taylor , Chris top her D; Scott-Ford , Ales i a ; Cook , Bob W; Maldonado , Efra i n ; Cri tte ndo n, Alv era ; Bai l ey , Ni ke l A; Magr ud e r, Je rr ie G; Stewart , Matthew S; German , Mic hael ; Comas , Henry ; LOGAN, LEAH M; Gaines , Ralph H; Rackleff , Neal J ; Van Dam, Ka te lyn M Call-in Numbe r: Access Host Code: Code : Subject /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : 888-675-2535 l(b)(6) lllii@J (Janet 10 : 05 Executive Car to Only ) EEOB HUD-18-0504-D-000290 Start : Tue 9/12/2017 10 : 00 AM End : Tue 9/12/20 17 10:3 0 AM Rec urrence : (none) Orga n iz e r: Gr eenwood , She i la Subjec t: Locatio n: RECORD VIDEO SOHUDs of f ice M St art : Wed 9/13/20 17 10 : 00 AM End : Wed 9/13/2017 1 0:3 0 AM Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng S t atus : Meeti ng organizer Organi zer: DocBe n Requ ir ed At tendees : (Raphael . L . Williams@hud Topic : Disaster Subject Locatio : n: DocBe n; Raphael L Wil l i ams . gov) ; Thompson , Caitlin H; Brown , Jereon r ec overy M volun tee rs Interv i ew Prep i n SOHUDs Conference SOHUD' s Conference Room Room Start : Wed 9/13/2017 1 : 30 PM End : Wed 9/13/20 17 4 : 15 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recu rr ence : (none) Meet in g Status Or ga nizer Required (She i la.M Dawkin s , : Not yet r espo nded : Coresse l , Jacie Attendees : Shei l a M Gree nwood . Gree nwood l @hud.gov) ; Mi ll s , All i son Eun i ce D; Hardison , Ja mes C FYI-SOHUDs conference room will SPAN i n terv i ew at 3 : 30 PM Subject : Loc ation : FEMA Visit FEMA HQ; 500 C St be in use SW, Washington in F ; Baco n, pr epa ration James for A; h i s C- , DC 20 02 4 Start : Tue 9/12/2017 3 : 15 PM End : Tue 9/12/20 17 4 : 15 PM Recu rr ence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : : Meet in g o rg an iz e r DocBen HUD-18-0504-D-000291 Requ ire d Atte ndees : DocBe n; She il a M Gree nwood (She i la .M. Gree nwood l @hu d . gov) ; Th ompso n , Amy C; Raphael (Raphael . L . Williams@hud . g ov) SOHUD Visit Tuesday to FEMA Headquar , September L Wil l i ams t er s 12 , 201 7 3 : 1 5 PM- 4 : 1 5 PM FEMA HQ, 500 C St SW, Wash i ng ton , DC 20024 Summar y : SOHUD will t our the Nationa l Resp onse Coord in ation Ce n ter and meet wi th FEMA l eade r sh i p. He wil l also visit wi th HUD personne who are curre nt ly stationed at FEMA. * Pl ease Note : Administrator Broc k Long wi ll tomorr ow, he will b e traveling . Subject : HOLD for no t be at l h eadquarters FEMA Visit Tue 9/12/20 17 3 : 15 PM Start : End : Tue 9/12/20 17 4 : 15 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence Mee ting : (none) Sta t us : Not yet r espo nded Or ga niz er : DocBe n Required Attendees : She il a M Gree nwood (She i la .M. Gree nwood l @hud . gov) ; Th ompso n, Amy C Subject : Loca t ion : Ca nceled : FEMA Visit FEMA HQ; 500 C St SW, Washington , DC 2002 4 Start : Tue 9/12/20 17 3 : 15 PM End : Tue 9/12/20 17 4 : 15 PM Show Time As : F ree Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng Status : Accepted Organize r : DocBe n Requ ir ed Attendees : She il a M Gr ee nwood (She ila.M . Gree n wo od l @hu d . gov) ; Th ompso n, Amy C; Raphael (Raphae l . L . Will i ams@hud . gov) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT L Wil liams HUD-18-0504-D-000292 SOHUD Vis i t to Tuesday FEMA Headquarters , September 12 , 2017 3 :1 5PM-4 :1 5PM FEMA HQ, 500 C St SW, Washington , DC 20024 Summary : SOHUD will tour the Nationa l Response Coordination Center and meet with FEMA leadership . He will a l so v i s i t with HUD personnel who are curre nt ly sta t ioned a t FEMA. * Please Note : Administrator Brock tomor row, he will be traveling . Subject : Loca tion : PRE BRIEF on Ph ill y Secre tar y ' s Co n ference Long will not be at headquarters Room S t art : Thu 9/14/2017 3 : 30 PM End : Thu 9/14/2017 4 : 00 PM Recurrence Meeting : (none) S t atus : Meeting organizer Organize r: DocBe n E Demarzo Requ i red Attendees : DocBe n; Benjamin (Benjamin . E .D emarzo@hud . gov) ; Delahoyde , Abigai l M; Shei l a M Greenwood (Shei l a . M. Greenwoodl@hud . gov) ; DeFe li ce , J oseph J; Hun t e r , Matthew F; Thompson , Amy C; Raphael L Wi l liams (Raphael.L . Wi lliams@hud.gov) ; Fr ee , Ke nn eth E ; Fila , Stephan i e C; Kelley , Michael J ; Zorc , Betha ny A; Petty , Ti mothy J ; Appleton , Seth D; Burley , Michael N; Jacie Coressel (Vic t oria . J . Coresse l @hud . gov) ; Bravacos , John G Subject : Loca tion : PRE BRIEF on Ph illy Secretary ' s Co n ference Room Start : Thu 9/14/201 7 3 :3 0 PM End : Thu 9/14/20 17 4 : 00 PM Recurrence Meeting /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) S t atus : Meeting organizer HUD-18-0504-D-000293 Org an izer : Doc Be n Re q u i r ed At t e ndees : Doc Be n ; Ben jamin E De ma rz o (Benj ami n . E . De mar z o@h u d . g ov ) ; Del a ho yd e , Abi g a il M; Sh eil a M Gr ee nwoo d (Sh e ila . M. Gr eenw oo d l@hud . gov ) Subj e ct : Loc at i on : PRE BRIEF on Ph il ly Se cr eta r y ' s Con f e r e n ce Room Star t : Thu 9 / 14 / 2 0 17 3 : 3 0 PM En d : Thu 9/14 / 2 0 17 4 : 0 0 PM Sh ow Ti me As : Te n tat iv e Re cur ren c e : (non e) Meet in g S t a tu s : Not y e t r e s po nded Org an izer : Doc Be n Re q u i r ed At t e ndees : Ben jamin E De ma r z o (Benj ami n . E . De mar zo @h u d . g ov ) ; Del a hoy d e , Abi g a il Gr ee nwoo d (Sh e ila . M. Gr eenw oo d l@hud . gov ) Su bje c t: In d us tr y STa keh older M; Sh eil a M meeti ng o n Ha rve y (g o l r i c k) S t a rt : We d 9 / 13 / 2 0 17 10 : 00 AM En d : Wed 9/ 13/20 17 1 0 : 3 0 AM Recur r e n ce : (none ) Or ga ni z e r : Greenw oo d , Sheila Su bj ec t : Lo ca ti on : HOLD f o r Hous ing TBD M Fi n an ce Re f o rm Mee t i ng Star t : Wed 9 /13/ 2 0 17 1 : 30 PM End : Wed 9/1 3 /2 0 17 2 : 30 PM Sho w Tim e As : Ten tativ e Re curr en c e : (n o ne) Mee t i ng Sta t us : Not y e t r es p o nded Or ga niz e r : DocB en Req uir e d At t e nd ee s : Sh eil a M Gr e e nwood (Sh ei la . M. Gre enw oodl@ hu d .g o v) Su b je ct : Loc at i on : Can c eled TBD : HOLD f o r Hous i ng Fin a n ce Ref orm Meeti ng Star t : Wed 9 / 1 3/ 2 0 17 1 : 30 PM En d : We d 9/13 / 2 0 17 2 : 3 0 PM Sho w Tim e As : F r ee /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000294 Recurrence Meeting : (non e ) Status : Acc epted Organiz e r: Doc Be n Requ i r ed Atte nd ees : She il a M Greenwood (S he ila . M. Gree nwoodl@hud . gov) -----Origina l Mess age----- From : E i s ner - Poor , Kaitlyn E . EOP/WHO [mailto : Kaitlyn . ep@wh o . eop . gov] Sen t : Friday , September 8 , 2017 8 : 23 AM To : Victoria . j . coressel@ h ud . g ov ; Shirley . Gathers@ tr easury . gov ; Pi ckitt , Kailey M. EOP/O MB > Subjec t: Hou s i ng Fina nce Refo rm Meeting Mor n ing , Ga ry would lik e to g ath e r your principals to discuss housi ng fi na n c e re form s tr a tegy . Pl e as e let me know i f either of the blocks b elow would work for your boss to fi t in a 30 minute meeting . Wedn esda y , September 13t h , 1 : 30 PM - 2 : 30 PM Thursday, 1 4 th , 2 : 0 0 PM - 3 : 00 PM Than k you and Sep t e mber h ap py F ri da y ! Kaitlyn Subject : Loca t io n : Harvey DepSec Upda te Conference Room 1 0 106 Mon 9/11/20 17 10 : 00 AM Start : End : Mon 9/11/20 17 10 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta t ive /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000295 Recurrence : (non e ) Meeting Status : Not yet responded Organi z e r: Golr i ck , Janet M Requ i red Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Eagles , David T ; Alexander , Frank J ; Brooks , Towanda A; Cooke , Kevin R ; Greene , Bryan ; Kittr ell , Katharine D; Renne r , Robe r t N; Richardson , Todd M; Thompson , Amy C ; Timber lake , Cou r tney B ; Potts , Mil li cent B; Hunter , Mat thew F ; Van Du yne , Beth A; Ramon , Nicolas ; Br adley , Lesl i e Ann ; Wol l Jr , David C; Ammon , Matthew E ; Hebert , Tony X; Ozdinec , Mi l an M; Sull iv an , Br ian E ; Blom , Domi nique G; AMOS, WILL IAM L ; Coffey , Ale x a nder ; Kidd , Step h en C; Huggins , Jo h n C; Fa r ias , An na Maria ; Smith (Ctr) , Raymond V; Staya n ovich , Jason E ; Ku r tz , R . Hunter ; App l eton , Seth D; Bethea , Shelia M; Clemmensen , Cra i g T ; Lavoy , Donald J ; Ballard , Danie l L ; Bregon , Nelson R ; Bres , Dana B; Brown , Jereon M; Bryon , Jemine A; Campbell , Renae M; Constantine , Peter J; Cruc i a n i , Li nda M; Friedman , War r en ; HEOC; Holland , Re n a D; Joy , Johnso n P ; Li ncoln , Paula A; Lyberg , Sa r ah A; Micha l ski , Lor i A; Miller , Michelle M; Nic h ols , Delton ; Rodkey , Kitt ; Scott , Jimmy ; Surber , Keith W; Wadhams , Unabyrd ; Kelley , Michael J ; Garrett, Willie C; Daniels , Shei la J ; Barton , Victoria L ; Burley , Mi chae l N; Ell i s , Edward D; McCl ure , Laura L ; Mun i r, Ra f iq A; Zorc , Betha n y A; Albert , Helen M; Kasper , Maren M; Snow , Chr i stopher ; Dendas , Michae l W; Radosevich , Tara J ; LOGAN, LEAH M Cal l -in Access Host Number : 888-675-2535 Code : !ib\/6\ liliRfilJ(Janet Code : Subject : Loca tio n: HOLD for Conservative 801 G St . NW Only ) Action Project Meeting Start : Wed 1 0/11/20 1 7 8 : 30 AM End : Wed 1 0/ 11/ 20 1 7 9 : 00 AM Recurrence : (none) Meeting Status Organizer Required : : DocBen Attendees Origin o f Request Subject : S t art End : Meeting : : Paul organizer DocBe n ; Andrew Hughes (Andrew.Hughes@hud . gov) Tel l er LUNCH : Mon 9/1 1/ 20 17 12 : 30 PM Mon 9/11/2017 1 : 30 PM /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000296 Recur r e n ce : (none) Organiz e r : DocBen Required Attendees : Subject : HOLD for DocBe n Fi re Sta t ion Visit Star t : Mon 9/1 1/ 2017 1 1 : 45 AM End : Mon 9/11/20 17 12:1 5 PM Recu rr ence : (none) Organi zer : DocBe n Requ i r ed Atte ndees : DocBe n Weekl y Ch ec k -i n w/Sheila COS Office Subjec t: Locat i o n: and Ado l f o Start : Thu 9/14/2017 1 0: 00 AM End : Thu 9/14/2017 1 0 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : Weekly Recu rr ence Pa tte rn : e very Thursday from 4 : 00 PM to 4 : 30 PM Org an iz e r: Gr eenwood , She i la M Required Atte ndees : Marzol , Ado l fo F Your meeting up dated . was found t o be out of d a te and has Sen t by Mi crosoft Ex c h a nge Ser ver From : Mar zol , Ado lf o F Sent : Friday , Septembe r 08 , 2 0 17 1: 28 PM To : Greenwood , Shei la M Subject : Acc epte d : Weekly Check - i n w/Sheila Subjec t: Locatio n: Weekly Ch ec k - in w/She il a and COS Office and been automatically Adolfo Adolfo Start : Thu 6/29/2017 4 : 00 PM End : Thu 6/29/2017 4 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recu rr ence : Weekly Recurrence Pa tter n : Organizer Required /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT every Thursday f r om 4 : 00 PM to : Greenwood , Shei la M Attendees : Gr ee nwood , Sh ei la 4 : 30 PM M; Marzol , Adolfo F HUD-18-0504-D-000297 Your meeting updated . was found to be out of Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a ng e Server Subject : Ca nceled : SOHUDs Dining Loca t ion : SOHUDs Dining Roo m date and Room Used h as been for a ut omatical Interview ly Prep Start : Mon 9/11/20 17 12 : 00 PM End : Mon 9/11/20 17 2 : 0 0 PM Show Time As : F r ee Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status : Not yet r espo nded Organi zer : Coressel , Jacie Requ i r ed Attendees : Mill s , Allison F ; Baco n , James Greenwo o d (Sheila . M. Gree n woodl@ hud . gov ) Subject Locatio : n: HOLD for Basement A; Sheila M RECORD VIDEO Studio Start : Mon 9/11/20 17 11 : 30 AM End : Mon 9/11/2017 12 : 00 PM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeti ng Status : Meeti Organi zer : DocBe n Requ i r ed Attendees : (Raphael . L . Williams@hud Subject Locatio : n: ng organizer DocBe n ; Raphael L Wi l l i ams . gov) ; Thompson , Caitlin H MEET w/ PM o f Malays SOHUD' s Off ic e ia Mon 9/11/20 17 4 : 00 PM Start : End : Mon 9/11/20 17 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organ iz e r: DocBe n Required Atte ndees : Subjec t : Loc a tio n : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT DocBe n Canceled : SOHUDs Din i ng Room Used SOHUDs Dining Roo m f or I n terv i ew Prep HUD-18-0504-D-000298 Start : Mon 9/11/20 17 12 : 00 PM End : Mon 9/11/2017 2 : 0 0 PM Show Time As : F ree Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Not yet r espo nded Organiz e r : Coresse l , Jacie Required Attendees : Mill s , Al li so n F ; Baco n , James Greenwood (Sheila . M. Gr ee n wood l @hu d . gov ) Subjec t : HOLD f o r 9/ 11 Me mor i al Observa A; Sheila M n ce S t art : Mon 9/11/2017 9 : 0 0 AM End : Mon 9/1 1/20 17 11 : 00 AM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Meeting Organi zer : DocBe n Requ i r ed Attendees : Subject : Loc a tion : o r ganizer DocBe n ; Andrew MEET with Troy SOHUDs o ff ice Broussard-- Hug hes (Andrew .Hug hes@ hu d .g ov) CEO Da lla s Ho u s i ng Author i ty Sta r t : Wed 9/20/2017 3 : 00 PM End : Wed 9/20/20 17 3 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta ti ve Recu rr en ce : (none) Meet i ng Status Organizer Required (Sheila.M Subject : Loc ation : : Not yet r espo nded : DocBen Att en de e s : Sheila . Gree nwo od l @hu d .g ov) MEET wit h Former SOHUD' s office M Gr eenwood Mayor Sha ron Pra tt Kelly Start : Fri 9/15/2017 10 : 00 AM End : Fri 9/15/201 7 10: 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meet in g S t atus /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Not yet responded HUD-18-0504-D-000299 Organi zer: Doc Be n Requ ir ed At tendees : She il a M Gree nwood (S he i l a.M.G ree nwood l @hud . gov) Subjec t: Loc ation : MEET with Secre tary' Sec ret ary Sa j id Ja v id s Co n fe r en ce Room S t a rt : Wed 9/20/20 17 9 :0 0 AM End : Wed 9/20/2017 1 0 : 00 AM Recur r e n ce : (non e ) Meeting S t atus : Meeting Organi zer: Doc Be n Requ ir ed Atte nd ees : Mill er , Mi t chel l E Subject : Loc ation : o r ga niz e r Doc Be n; Kurtz , R . Hun t e r; Mayo , Sammy E ; Champio ns' Cou n cil Month l y Meeti ng Depa r t mental Conf e r ence Room - 1 0 233 Start : Thu 9/2 1 /2017 2 : 00 PM End : Thu 9/21/20 17 3 : 30 PM Recu rr ence : (none) Meet in g Status : Acc e pt ed Org a nize r: Eag l es , Dav id T Required Att en d ees: Hensley, He nry ; Clemmensen , Craig T; Millig a n , Maria L ; Miller, Ca tie I; Whi pp i e , Ta n ya L; Sung, Phi li p E ; Coope r. J . Smi t h@hud . gov ; Gol r ick , Ja n et M; Brooks , Towanda A; Cool , Debra M; Gr eenwood , Sheila M; Dawkins , Eun i ce D; Hoban - Moor e , Patricia A; Marz o l , Adolfo F ; F l e isch e r , Laura A; Zorc , Bethany A; Ga tes , Scot t L ; Kurtz , R . Hun ter; Bryo n, Jemi ne A; Gai ne s , Ralp h H; Bass , Deana ; Oz dinec , Milan M; Hug hes , Andr e w; Th ompso n, Amy C; Appl e t o n , Seth D; Hun t e r, Matth e w F ; Su char , Nor man A; Kasp er , Maren M; Cooper , Di a n e J ; Brigh t , Mic h ae l R; Ly ber g , Sarah A; Fa r ias, Anna Mari a ; Albert , Hele n M; Jenkins , Ann e; Kirk land, Je r e my; Koskin en, Larry A; Domin ique G Blom (Dominique . G . Blom@hu d . g o v) ; Breg on , Ne l son R; Fra n cesch ini -Petty , Raque l; Gr eene , Br yan ; Wade , Dana T ; May , Mar l e n e L ; Ri c h ardson , Todd M; Ammon, Matthew E ; Lincoln , Pa ula A; Timberlake , Courtney B; Joy , Jo hns on P ; Hubbard (Ctr) , Ka trin a R; Surber , Keith W; Crucia n i , Li nd a M; Hi nto n-Mcclam , Lind a D; Be n ison , John P ; Brown , Jereon M; Rac k l e ff , Nea l J ; Cowa n Jr ., Ch ad Opt i o n al Atte ndees : Hamilt o n , Angie S NOTE: SOHUD will Con f e r e n ce call code : Mill /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT be in n umbe r: atten d ance 1-888-684-8852/access (b~)(~6)'-----~ code : ~l HUD-18-0504-D-000300 Subjec t: Location : Council of Departmenta Champions Meeting l Conference Room Start : Thu 9/21/20 17 2 : 00 PM End : Thu 9/2 1 /2017 3 : 30 PM Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status Organizer Requ i red Subject : Location : : Meeting : DocBe n Attendees : organizer DocBen ; Eag l es , Dav i d T HOLD fo r Wal k the TBD Ha l ls Start : Tue 9/12/2017 1 1 : 00 AM End : Tue 9/12/2017 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Not yet r esponded Organizer : DocBen Required Attendees : Sheila M Greenwood (She i la . M. Gree nwood l @h ud . gov) ; Kurtz , R . Hunter Subject : Location : MEET with Troy SOHUDs office Broussard Start : Wed 9/20/20 17 3:00 End : Wed 9/20/20 17 3 : 30 PM Recurrence - - CEO Dallas Housing PM : (none) Meet i ng Status : Meet i ng organize r Organizer : DocBen Required Atte ndees : DocBen ; Sheila (Sheila . M. Greenwoodl@hud.gov) Topic : 1 . To discuss for Dal l as the development M Greenwood and potential MTW designation 10 . Discuss HUD' s potential app r ova l for demonstration Rent Reform Initiatives /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Authority . HUD-18-0504-D-000301 Location : SOHUDs office Orig i n of Mee ting Ex ter nal Jackson Attendees Subject : Loca tion : : Former : Troy MEET with Troy SOHUDs office Secretary Broussa Alphonso r d , former Broussard-- Jac kson Secretary CEO Dallas Alphonso Housing Aut hor ity Start : Wed 9/20/20 17 3 : 00 PM End : Wed 9/20/2017 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organizer : DocBe n Required At tendees : Sheila (Sh eila . M. Gr eenwoodl@hud . gov) Subject: Loc ation : Start : End : Fri M Greenwood MEET with Forme r Mayor SOHUD' s office F ri 9/ 15/201 7 1 0 : 00 9/15/2017 10 : 30 AM Sharon Pra tt Kelly AM Recu rre nce : (none) Meeting Status : Meeting organizer Organizer : DocBe n Required Attendees : DocBe n ; Sheila (Sh ei la . M. Gr eenwoodl@hud . gov) M Gre e nwood Top i c : discuss an in i tiative whe r eby Horne Preservat i on Exchange , HPE (www.hp exc hang e . org) is pulling together Hou ston Local no np rofits along with l ocal ho us i ng nonp ro f i ts t o create a consortium of nonprofits for purposes of buying Nonperforming Loans f ro m HUD as a resu l t of Harvey . Locatio /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT n : SOHUDs off i ce HUD-18-0504-D-000302 Or i g in of Mee ting : Fo rmer Sec ret ary Alphonso External at tendee s : Mayo r Sha ron Pra tt Alp ho n so Jac k so n , HPE ( Home Preservation founde r , Claude Roxborough III Subject : Loca ti o n : MEET with Former SOHUD' s o ffice Mayor Jackson Kelly , forme r Sec re tary Ex cha ng e ) co un se l and Sharon Pratt Kel l y Pr att Kel ly co- Fri 9/15/20 17 10 : 00 AM St art : End : Fri 9/15/2017 1 0 : 30 AM Sho w Ti me As : Ten t a tive Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Status : Not yet respond Orga n iz e r : DocBe n Required Atte nd ees : Sheila (S heila . M. Gr eenwoodl@hud . gov) Subjec t : Locat i o n : M Gree nwood MEET with For mer Mayo r Sh aron SOHUD' s o ff i ce Fri Sta r t : End : Fri Sho w Time 9/15/20 As : Recurrence : (none ) Meeting ed Sta t us : 9/15/2017 1 0 : 00 AM 17 10 : 30 AM Tenta ti ve Not ye t re spo nde d Org a nizer : DocBe n Required Atte nd ees : Sheila ( She i la .M . Greenwoodl@hud.gov) M Gree nwood Top i c : discuss a n i n i ti at iv e whereby Horne Prese r vat HPE (www. hp ex chang e . org< h tt p : //www . hpexc ha nge .org >) together Hous ton Local nonprofits along with l ocal n onprofits to c re ate a consor tium o f n o npro f its for buy i ng Nonperfo rmi ng Loans f rom HUD as a r esul t o f Loca tion: Orig in /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT i o n Exchange , is pulling ho us i ng purposes of Ha rv ey . SOHUDs office of Mee ting : Forme r Secretary Alphonso Jackson HUD-18-0504-D-000303 Exter n al atte ndees : Mayo r Sha ron Pra tt Alp ho n so Jac k so n , HPE ( Home Preservation foun d er , Claude Roxborough III Subjec t : Locat i o n: HOLD fo r Walk the TBD Kelly, for mer Sec re tary Ex cha ng e ) co un se l and co- Ha lls Start : Thu 9/14/2 0 17 9 : 00 AM End : Thu 9/14/2017 1 0 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Sta t us : Not yet re spo nde d Organ iz e r : DocBe n Required Atte ndees : Sheila M Gree nwood (Sh e ila . M. Gr eenwo odl@h u d . gov); Kurtz , R . Hunt e r Sub j ec t: Loc a tio n : Lunch Maren w/She i l a a n d Mar e n wil l come to your o ff ic e Start : F ri 9/8/2017 12 : 1 5 PM End : Fri 9/8/2017 1 : 15 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recu rr ence : (none) Orga n iz e r : Gr eenwood , She i la M Required Atte ndees : Kasper, Maren Your meeting upd ated . was found to be out of M date and has bee n automatically Sen t by Mic rosoft Ex c h a nge Ser ver Sub j ect : RECORD C-SPA N I n te r v i ew Locat i o n : Secreta r y ' s Co n ference Room Sta r t : Wed 9/13/2017 3 : 30 PM End : Wed 9/13/20 17 4 : 15 PM Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Sta t us : Meetin g organizer Organ iz e r: DocBe n Required Atte ndees : DocBe n ; Raphael (Ra p hael . L . Will iam s@hud . g ov) Subject /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : L Wil lia ms LUNCH HUD-18-0504-D-000304 Start : Tue 9/12/20 17 12 : 00 PM End : Tue 9/12/20 17 1 : 0 0 PM Recurre n ce : (none) Organ iz e r: DocBe n Required Attendees : DocBen HOLD fo r Wal k th e Ha l ls TBD Subjec t : Locatio n : Star t : Tue 9/12/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Tue 9/12/2017 12 : 00 PM Recurrence : (none ) Meet in g Status : Meet in g organize r Org a nizer : DocBen Required Attendees : DocBe n ; Sh e ila (Sheila . M. Gr een wo odl@h u d . gov) ; Kurtz, Subject : Lo cation : HOLD for TBD Walk the M Gr eenwood R . Hunter Halls S t art : Tue 9/12/20 17 11 : 00 AM End : Tue 9/12/20 17 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting S t at us : Not yet responded Organ i z e r: Doc Ben Requ i r ed Atte ndees : She il a M Gree nwood (Sheila . M. Greenwood l @hud . gov) ; Kurtz , R . Hunter Canceled TBD Subjec t: Loca tion : : HOLD for Wal k the Halls Start : Tue 9/12/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Tue 9/12/2017 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Free Recurrence : (none ) Mee t i ng Status Org a nizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : : Accepted DocBen HUD-18-0504-D-000305 Requ i red Atte ndees : She il a M Gree nwood (She i la . M. Greenwood l @hu d . gov) ; Kur t z , R . Hunter Andrew Subject: and Sheila meeting S t art : Thu 9/14/20 17 4 : 00 PM End : Thu 9/14/2017 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer Required : (none) : Greenwood , Sheila M Atte ndees : Olmem , Andrew Your meeting updated . was found to Sent by Mic ro soft Exchange Subject : Lun ch w/Sheila Loca tion : TBD be out of J . EOP/WHO date and has been automatica l ly Server and Maren Fri 9/8/2017 12 : 15 PM S t art : End : F ri 9/8/2017 1 : 1 5 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer Required : (none) : Greenwood , Shei l a M Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila Your meeting updated . was found to Sent by Microso ft Exchange Subject : Lun ch w/Sheila Location : TBD be out of date M; Kasper , Maren and has been M automatica l ly Server and Maren Start : Fri 9/8/2017 12 : 15 PM End : Fri 9/8/2017 1 : 1 5 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer Requ i red : (none) : Greenwood , Shei la M At tendees : Greenwood , Sheila Your meeting updated . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was found to be out of date M; Kasper and has , Maren been M automatically HUD-18-0504-D-000306 Sent by Microsoft Subjec t: Lunch Locat i o n: TBD Exchange Serv e r w/She il a a n d Mare n Start : F ri 9/8/20 1 7 12 : 15 PM End : Fri 9/8/2017 1 : 1 5 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence : (none) Organi z e r: Greenwood , Shei l a M Requ i red Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date M; Kasper , Mar en M and has Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server From : Cooper , Diane Jon beha l f of Kasper , Maren Sent : F riday , Septembe r 08 , 2017 10 : 04 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Lunch w/Sheila and Maren Subjec t: Locatio n: Lunch TBD been automatically M w/She il a a n d Mare n Start : F ri 9/8/2017 12 : 15 PM End : Fri 9/8/2017 1 : 1 5 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence : (none) Meeti ng Status : Not ye t respo nded Organ iz e r: Greenwood , She i la M Required Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila Subjec t: Locatio n: Lunch TBD M; Kasper , Maren M M; Kasper , Maren M w/She il a a n d Mare n Sta r t : Fri 9/8/2017 12 : 1 5 PM End : Fri 9/8/2017 1 : 1 5 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurre n ce : (none) Organizer : Greenwood , Sheila M Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000307 Your meeti ng was f oun d to up dated . be out o f d a te and h as been a ut oma t ical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a ng e Serve r Subject: VISIT th e Credit Uni o n Locati on : 3241 , 3r d Fl oor Star t : End : Fri Fri 9/8/2017 12 : 10 PM 9/8/2017 12:4 0 PM Rec urr ence : (non e) Organ izer : DocBe n Requ i r ed Attendees : 9 : 45 AM ARRI VAL AT FT . MCNAIR Subjec t: Start : End : Sat DocBe n Sat 9/9/2017 9 : 4 5 AM 9/9/2017 9 : 45 AM Re cur ren ce : (none ) Org a nize r : DocBe n Required At ten d ees : Subject : Loc a tio n: HOLD for TBD DocB en Housi ng Fi n anc e Reform Meet in g Star t : Wed 9/13/2017 1 : 30 PM End : Wed 9/13/20 17 2 : 30 PM Recurrence : (non e) Meet i ng Status : Meet in g o rga n iz e r Organize r : DocBe n Req uir e d Att en d ees : DocB en; (She i la .M. Gree nwo od l@hu d . gov) - ---- Ori gi na l Message ---- Sheila M Greenwood - F rom : Eisner-Poor , Kait l yn E . EOP/WHO [mail to:K aitly n.ep@w ho .e op . go v] Sent : Friday , September 8, 2017 8 : 23 AM To : Victoria . j . coressel@ h ud . go v ; Sh ir ley . Gat h e r s @treas ury . gov ; Pick itt , Kailey M. EOP/OMB > /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000308 Sub j ec t: Hous ing Fi na n ce Re f o r m Meet i ng Morn i ng , Gary wou ld lik e to ga th e r you r p ri nc i pals to discuss h o u s i ng f i n ance r eform st r ategy . Pl ease let me kn ow i f either of the blocks below wou ld wo rk for your boss to fit in a 30 minute meet i ng . Wednesday , Sep t ember 13t h , 1 : 30 PM - 2 : 3 0 PM Thur sday , Septembe 1 4 th , 2 : 0 0 PM - 3 : 00 PM Thank y ou and h appy Friday r ! Ka i t l yn Subject : Loc a tion : MEET w/ Beth Zo r c and SOHUD' s Off i ce Star t : End : F r i Fri 9/8/2017 11 : 30 AM 9/8/2017 11 : 45 AM Recurre Hun ter Kur tz n ce : (none ) Mee tin g Sta t us : Mee t i ng organi Organ iz e r : DocBe n Required Atte ndees : z er DocBe n ; Zorc , Bethany A; Kurtz , R . Hun ter Top i c : Camp Da v id Subject : Location : Harvey Response 9202 (Meeting room chan g ed) Start : Fri 9/8/2017 10 : 00 AM End : Fr i 9/8/ 2 0 1 7 11:0 0 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurre n ce : (none) Meet in g Status /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Not yet respo nded HUD-18-0504-D-000309 Organi zer : Gol r i c k, Janet M Requ i r ed At tendees : Wade , Dan a T ; Roge t , Gi se l e G; Kasper , Maren M; Gi bbo ns , Kath leen M; ' pa u l . ther uv i paramp il @fh f a . gov ' ; Greenwood , Sh e ila M; Va n Dam, Kate lyn M Opt i o n al Attendees : LOGAN, LEAH M; Al le n , Joyce - RD, Washington , DC (Joyce . All e n @wdc. usda .g ov) ; Tr emo l s , Joa quin - RD, Wash i ngto n , DC (Joaq uin . Tremols@wdc . u sda . gov) ; Lon don , Je ff rey , VBAVACO (jeffre y . lo ndo n@va . gov ) ; Trevayne , Andrew , VBAVACO (An d r ew . Trevayn e@va . gov ) ; Nelms, Gr egory W., VBAVACO; Buckley, Phi li p H; Mar z ol , Adolfo F ; Keith , Gr egory A; Gor mle y , J oseph M; ' Cor i n , Don ald '; ' Sar , Pr asan t '; FEMA-ESF15-Coordination ; Tagl i e n to , Marc ; DeFe lic e , Jerome ; Fo l ey , J o hn P .; Meaux , Le slie A Subjec t : Loca ti o n : Canceled : Harvey Upd a te DepSec Con fe re n ce Roo m 1 0106 S t art : F ri 9 /8/20 1 7 9 : 30 AM 1 0 : 00 AM End : Fri 9/8/2017 Show Time As : Free Recurrence : Daily Recu rr ence Pa tte rn : Meeti ng Status : Not eve ry day from 9 : 30 AM to 10 : 00 AM ye t re spo nded Org a nize r : Golric k , Janet M Required Attend ees : Gr ee nwood , Sh e il a M; Eag l es , David T ; Alexander , Fra nk J ; Brooks , Towanda A; Cooke , Kevi n R; Greene , Bryan ; Ki ttre ll , Katha r i n e D; Renner , Robert N; Ri cha r dson , Todd M; Thompson , Amy C; Timber l ake , Cour tney B; Pott s, Millic ent B; Hun ter , Matthew F ; Van Duyne , Beth A; Ramon , Nico las ; Bradl ey , Le slie Ann ; Woll Jr , David C; Ammon, Matthew E ; Bryon , Jem i ne A; Hebe rt , Tony X; Su l l iv a n , Br i a n E ; Bl om, Domi n ique G; AMOS , WILLIAM L ; Co ffe y , Al e xan de r; Ki dd , Ste phen C; Hu g g ins , Jo hn C; Fa r ias , Anna Maria ; Smith (Ctr) , Ra ymond V; St ayano vi ch , Jason E ; Kurtz , R . Hunte r ; Apple ton , Set h D; Bethea , Shelia M; Cl emmensen , Cr aig T ; Lavoy , Dona ld J ; Ba llar d , Da n iel L ; Bregon , Nelson R; Bres , Dana B; Brown , Je r eo n M; Campbel l , Re n ae M; Co n stant in e , Pete r J ; Cr u cian i , Linda M; Fr i ed man , Warr en ; HEOC; Holla n d , Re n a D; Joy , Johnso n P ; Lincoln , Pa u la A; Lyb erg , Sarah A; Micha l ski , Lor i A; Miller , Mic h e l l e M; Nichols , Delton ; Oz dinec, Mi lan M; Rodkey , Kitt; Scot t, Jimmy ; Surber , Keith W; Wadhams , Unaby r d ; Kelley , Mi c h ae l J ; Ga rrett , Will i e C; Danie ls , She i la J ; Ba r ton , Vi cto r i a L ; Bur l e y , Mi chael N; Ellis , Edwa r d D; McClur e , La u ra L ; Mun ir , Raf iq A; Kasp e r , Maren M; Hug h es , Andrew ; McCal l , Dr ew A; Ga in es , Ralp h H; Rackl e ff , Nea l J Optio n al At t e ndees : Zorc , Bet hany A; Snow , Ch ris t op he r ; Den das , Mi cha e l W; Radosevich , Tara J ; Clevela n d-Legge tt , Den is e C; Taylor , Ch r i s t op h er D; Scott-Fo r d , Al esia ; Coo k , Bob W; Maldo n ado , E fr ai n ; Critte n don , Alve r a ; Bai ley , Nikel A; Mag r u de r , Jerr i e G; Stewa rt , Mat thew S ; German , Mi chael ; Comas , Henry ; LOGAN, LEAH M; Velma Navarro ; Ant o nio Cordova ; Ell is Henry ; Dona l d Woot en Subject Locatio /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : n: Ha rvey DepSec Response Conference Room 1 0 106 HUD-18-0504-D-000310 Start: Fri 9/8/2017 10:0 0 AM End : F ri 9/8/2017 11 : 0 0 AM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Meet in g S t atus : Not yet r esponded Organi zer : Golr i c k , Janet M Requ i r ed At t e ndees : Wade , Dan a T; Roge t , Gi se l e G; Kasper , Ma r en M; Gibb ons , Kath leen M; pa u l . ther uv iparampil@ f h f a . gov ; Gr eenwood , Sheila M; Van Dam, Kate lyn M Opt i o na l Attendees : LOGAN, LEAH M; Al le n , Joyce - RD, Wash i ng ton , DC (J oyce . Allen@wdc . usda .g ov) ; Trem o l s , Joa quin - RD, Washington , DC (Joaq uin. Tr emols@wdc . u sda . gov) ; Lon don , Je ffrey , VBAVACO (jeff rey . lo ndo n @va . gov ); Trevayne , Andrew , VBAVACO (And r ew . Trevayn e @va . gov ) ; Nelms, Gr egory W., VBAVACO; Buckley, Phi li p H; Mar z ol , Adolfo F ; Keith , Gr egory A; J oseph Gormle y ; Corin , Dona ld ; Sar , Prasant ; FEMA-ESF 1 5-Coord in at i on ; Tag l i e nt o , Marc ; De Felice , Jerome ; Fo l ey , Jo hn P. Subject : Andr e w and Sh ei l a mee t in g Start : Thu 9/14/201 7 4 :0 0 PM End : Thu 9/14/201 7 4 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Org a nize r : Greenwood Required Att en d ees : Your meeting updated . , Shei la M Olmem , Andrew was found to be ou t of J . EOP/ WHO date and h as been a u tomatical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a ng e Serv e r Su bject : Ha rvey Response Loc at i on : DepSec Confe r en c e Room 1 0106 Start : Fri 9/8/20 1 7 10 : 00 AM End : Fri 9/8/201 7 11 : 00 AM Show Tim e As : Tenta t iv e Recu rr ence : (none) Meeti ng S tatus : Not yet r espo nded Organize r : Golrick , Jane t M Requ i r ed At tendees : Wade , Dan a T; Roge t , Gi se l e G; Kasper , Ma r en M; Gibbons , Kat h leen M; ' paul . ther uv i paramp il @fh f a . gov ' ; Greenwood , Sheila M; Va n Dam, Ka te l y n M /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000311 Opt i o n al Atte ndees : LOGAN, LEAH M; Allen, Joyce - RD, Washing ton , DC (Joyce . Allen@wdc . usda .g ov) ; Tr emo l s , Joaqui n - RD, Wash i ngto n , DC (Joaquin . Tremols@wdc . usda . gov) ; London , Jeffrey , VBAVACO (jeffrey . london@va . gov) ; Trevayne , Andrew , VBAVACO (Andrew.Trevayne@va . gov ); Nelms , Gregory W., VBAVACO; Buckley , Phil i p H; Marzol , Adolfo F Subject : Location : AMTRAK from 30th St . PHL to WAS Start : End : Tue Tue 9/19/20 17 5 : 10 PM 9/19/20 17 6 : 53 PM Recurrence : (none) Organi z e r: DocBe n Required At tendees : Subject : Location : DocBen AMTRAK f r om Philade lphi a to Washington Departing from 30 t h Stree t Station Start : End : Tue Tue 9/19/2017 5 : 1 0 PM 9/19/2017 6 : 53 PM Recurrence : (none) Organizer Requ i red : DocBe n At te ndees : DocBe n Train 2165 : PHILADELPHIA (30TH ST) , PA - WASHINGTON, DC Depar t 5 : 10 PM, Tuesday , September 19, 201 7 Arrive 6 : 53PM , Tuesday , Septembe r 19 , 2017 1 . ACELA EXPRESS BUSINESS CL SEAT Subject Locatio : n: AMTRAK from Wash i ngton to Phi l adelphia Depar t i ng from Uni on St ation Start : End : Tue Tue 9/19/20 17 7 :0 0 AM 9/19/2017 8 : 34 AM Recurrence : (none) Organizer Required : DocBen Attendees : DocBen Train 2 1 54 : WASHI NGTON, DC - PHIL ADELPHI A (30TH ST) , PA Depart 7 : 00 AM, Tuesday , September 1 9 , 201 7 Arrive 8 : 34 AM, Tuesday , September 1 9 , 2017 1 . ACELA EXPRESS BUSINESS CL SEAT Subject : Location : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Harvey DepSec Response Confe r ence Room 1 0106 HUD-18-0504-D-000312 Start: Fri 9/8/2017 10:00 End : F ri 9/8/2017 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting AM : (none) S t atus : Not yet responded Organize r: Golr i c k, Janet M Requ i red At t e ndees : Wade , Dan a T; Roge t , Gisele G; Kasper , Maren M; Gibbons , Kath leen M; pa u l.th eruviparampi l@fhfa . gov ; Gr eenwood , Sheila M Optio na l Attendees : LOGAN, LEAH M; Al len , Joyce - RD, Washi ng ton , DC (Joyce . Allen@wdc . usda .g ov) ; Trem o l s , Joa quin - RD, Washington , DC (Joaquin.Tremols@wdc .u sda . gov) ; Lon don , Je ffrey , VBAVACO (jeff rey . london@va . gov ); Trevayne , Andrew , VBAVACO (And r ew . Trevayn e @va . gov ); Nelms, Gr egory W., VBAVACO; Buckley, Philip H Subject : Location: Canceled : CANCELED: New Executive Brooke Mondale Auditorium C Mee t & Greet Start : Thu 9/14/2017 3 : 00 PM End : Thu 9/14/201 7 4 : 00 PM Show Time As : F ree Recurrence Meeting : (none) S t atus : Accepted Organizer : Office Of Ex ecut iv e Resou r ces Required Attendees : Warren , Lynette ; Coo l, Debra M; Brooks , Towanda A; Bra t ton , Sand r a V; MID DLETON, JULIETTE ; Gree nwood, She ila M; Eagles , David T; Kasper , Maren M; Bass , Deana; Kurtz , R . Hunter ; Patton , Lynn e M; Va n Duyne , Be th A; Zorc, Bethany A; Bowes , Robert B; De Felice , Joseph J ; Gaines , Ralph H; Joy , Jo hn son P ; Cleve la n dLe ggett , Den i se C; Appleton , Seth D; Rog et , Gisele G; Wade , Dana T; Meyers , Sara M MEET with Andrew SOHUD' s office Subject : Loc ation: and Drew RE Research a n d Person n el Start : Thu 9/7/2017 2 : 30 PM End : Thu 9/7/2017 2 : 45 PM Recu r rence Meeting : (non e ) Status : Meeting Organizer : DocBen Requi r ed Attendees : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT organizer DocBe n ; Hu g hes , Andrew ; McCal l , Dr ew A HUD-18-0504-D-000313 Subject Locatio : n: CALL w/ Dep ut f Secretary l(b)(6) of State (TX) , Colby Shorter _ Start : Wed 9/20/20 17 10 : 00 AM End : Wed 9/20/2017 10 : 30 AM Recurrence Organizer Required : (none) : DocBe n Attendees : DocBen Personal : ~l Internal Attendees Ex ter nal Attendees Housing Alliance : Anna Maria Farias & CEO, National : Shanna Smith , President (NFHA) (Washington , DC) Keenya Robertson , NFHA Board Chair and Pres i dent for Excellence , Inc . (HOPE) , (Miami , Florida) Morgan Willi ams, Project Genera l Counse l , NFHA Debby Goldberg Jorge Soto , Directo Lisa Rice , Executive Subject : Location : & CEO of Fair , Vice President r of Public Vice of Housing Policy, President MEET with Wayn e County SOHUDs office Policy , NFHA NFHA , NFHA (Detroit) Executive Warren Eva n s Start : Thu 9/2 1/201 7 9 : 00 AM End : Thu 9/21/2017 9 : 30 AM Recurrence : (none) Meeting Status : Organize Required r: DocBen Attendees Meeting : organizer DocBe n ; Rackleff , Nea l J Topic : Wayne County Executive Warren C . Evans would like to update the Secretary on progress made i n Detroit/Wayne County on HOME, CDBG and NSP projects , and discuss how changes/streamlined to the programs could be tter serve the community . Loc ation /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : SOHUD's office HUD-18-0504-D-000321 POC: Tom Ke lly; tke llyl@ waynecou n ty . com Internal Atte ndees : Neal Rackleff Ex ter na l Attendees : Warren Evans, Wayne County Executive ; Tom Kelly , Director of Governmen t Affairs ; Assad Turfe, Sen ior Advisor to the County Executive Subject: Locatio n: Start : End : Tue ATTEND ONAP Principal Conference Room 8236 Staff Meeting Tue 9/12/2017 9 : 30 AM 9/12/20 17 9 : 40 AM Recu rr ence : (none) Organi zer: DocBe n Requ i red Attendees : DocBe n Topic : This is a two - day meeting of the ONAP Leadership from a ll across the natio n. There will be 25 a tte ndees , inc l udi ng those that off i ce here at HQ. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss op t ions/al ter natives/limi t ations and any ramifications that may impact ONAP's business process due to continued l ack of adequate staffing resources . POC: Ted Key , 202-404-6161 ; ted . l . key@h u d . gov Origi n of Meeting Request : Step h anie Hold erfield Descr i ption : The Secretary wi ll be i ntroduced by Stephanie Holderfield (his HUD Indian Programs portfo l io advisor ). Then the Sec r etary ' s vis i t will i nclude first a roundtable introduction of ONAP' s Principa l Sta f f with identific a t ion o f each service areas . Th i s will be followed by the Secre tar y ' s reflections on/impressions from his recent trip to Indian Country in Montana , as we wou ld all lik e to hea r his point o f view . I will for ward to you the meeting ' s agenda tomorrow morning. Subject: Locatio n: MEET w/ Travel SOHUD' s Office Start : Thu 9/7/2017 9 : 30 AM End : Thu 9/ 7/ 2017 10 : 00 AM Recu rr ence : (none) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000322 Meet i ng Status : Meet i ng organ iz e r Organiz e r : DocBen Required Attendees : DocBe n ; Eagles , Dav id T; Cle mmen sen , Craig T; Lawre n ce , Westo n J ; Timber lak e , Court n ey B; Mor a n , Mi c h ae l J ; Sh e ila M Gree nwood (Sheila . M. Gr een woodl@hud . gov) Weekly Check-in COS Office Subjec t: Lo cation : & Ben w/She il a , Jacie Star t : Tue 6/6/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Tue 6/6/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Rec urrence Recurrence Org a nizer Required : Weekly Pa tter n : every Tuesday from : Greenwood , Shei l a M Attendees : Coress e l , Jac i e; Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be out Demarzo, o f date Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a ng e Se rv e r Subject : Weekly Check - i n w/Sheila Loc a tio n: COS Off ice 2 : 00 PM to and , Jac ie 2 : 30 PM Ben j amin h as been E a ut oma t ical ly & Ben Start : Wed 9/13/20 17 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 9/13/201 7 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recu r rence : Weekly Recur r e n ce Patte r n : Organizer Re quired : Greenwood Att en de e s : Your meeting updat ed . ever y Tu esda y from , Shei la M Co r esse l , Jac i e; was f ound to be ou t of Sent by Mi crosoft Exc h a ng e Serv e r Su bject : Weekly Check - i n w/Sheila Loc at i on : COS Office date 2 : 00 PM to Demarzo, and , Jac ie 2:30 Benjam in h as been PM E a u tomatical ly & Ben Tue 6/6/20 1 7 2 : 00 PM Start : End : Tue 6/6/201 7 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000323 Recurrence Rec ur rence : Week ly Pattern : every Tuesday f rom 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Organizer : Greenwood , Sheila M Requ i r ed Atte nd ees : Coressel , Jac i e ; Demarzo , Ben j a mi n E Your mee t i ng was f o un d t o b e ou t of updated . date a n d has Sent by Micro so ft Ex change Server F rom : Dema r z o , Be n jam i n E Sen t : Wednesd ay , Sep t ember 0 6 , 20 17 3 : 2 0 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Su bj e ct : Accepted : Weekly Che ck - i n w/Sheila Subjec t: Loca tion : be en au tom at ical , Jac ie & ly Be n Cab i ne t Member Re trea t Camp David Start : Sun 9/ 1 0 /2017 8 : 00 AM End : Sun 9/ 1 0/2017 11 : 30 AM Recurrence : (non e ) Organiz e r : DocB en Req u ir ed Atte ndees : DocB en Cat h ol ic Mass at Chapel 8 : 00 a . m. - Pro te stant Serv ic e at 9 : 00 a . m. Chapel 10 : 30 a . m. - Lu ggage Pick-up a nd Dep a rt ures b egi n 11 : 00am Cab in et gr oup 2 departure begins 1 1:1 5a m Cab i net gr oup 2 depart ur e b eg i ns 1 1 : 3 0a m Po tential VPOTUS departure POTUS departure Subjec t: Cab i ne t Member Re tr eat Loca tion : Camp David Start : End : Sat Sat 9/9/20 1 7 11 : 00 AM 9/9/2017 8 : 00 PM Recurrence : (none ) Or ga niz er : DocB en Req u ir ed Atte ndees : DocBe n 1 1 : 00 a.m . - 11 : 30 a . m. Arrival at HUD-18-0504-D-000324 11 : 45 a.m . : //30> : //31> : //32> - Gro up - Gat h er - Seated - Cabin e t Picture at Aspen at Laurel Lu nche on Mee t i ng for : //33> - Spouses : //34> : //35> - Refreshments a t Laur el - Cabinet Mee t i ng Breaks/ t a-detec tors : //37> Skeet Shoo t Gym and Pool Ava i l ab le al l afternoon 6 : 00 p.m. - Co c k tail Laurel 6 : 30 p . m. - Dinn er 7 : 45 p . m. - Optional Activities Movi es Bowl in g Camp David Bar a n d Game Room all Subj ec t: Hi sto ri c Camp - Guided ing (sign Ga therin up) g at Even in g ava il able 10 : 30 AM DEPART F t . McNair Sta r t : End : Sat Sa t 9/9/2017 10 : 30 AM 9/9/2017 10 : 30 AM Recurrence : (none) Organiz er : DocBen Required Attendees Subject : Lo cation : : DocBe n BRIEF on Rep . Burgess SOHUD' s Off ice Mee ting Thu 9/ 7 /201 7 8 : 5 0 AM S tar t : 9 : 00 AM End : Thu 9/7/2017 Recurrence Meet ing : (none) St a tu s : Organizer Required Meet ing : DocBen At tendees : organizer DocB en ; Barto n , Victoria Subjec t: Loc ation : HUD Reform Plan Town Hall Brooke-Mondal e Auditorium Star t : Tue /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT 9/12/2017 L ; Kelley , Mic hael J 2 : 0 0 PM HUD-18-0504-D-000325 End : Tue 9/12/2017 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (no ne) Meet i ng Status Organizer : Not yet r esponded Townhall Image : House Together . Col l eagues : with an open door . Text : FORWAR D: Forging A New HUD , Please join Secretary Ben Carson and Acting Deputy Secretary David Eagl es on Tuesday , September 12th for an employee to wn hall and the officia l launch of HUD' s Reform Plan , FORWARD: Forging A New HUD Together . You will hav e an opportunity to learn more about HUD' s key initiatives, meet the Reform Plan Champions Council , and give in put on how best to forge a n ew HUD together. The town hall will begin a t 2 : 00 p . m. EDT. Headquarters staff may join the p rogram in the Brooke - Mondale Auditorium . Regional and fie l d staff may watch live v i a webcast We recommend using Int e r ne t Explorer to view the webcast . We welcome your questions about the reform plan in advance o f the town hall . Please email questions to TownHall@hud . gov and we will attempt to answer them during the program. Thank you again . We look forward sharing more on the 12th! The Office of Subject Locatio HUD Reform Plan Town Ha ll Brooke - Mondale Auditorium : n: Public to unveiling HUD' s Reform Plan and Affairs Start : Tue 9/12/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Tue 9/12/20 17 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) Status : Not yet responded HUD-18-0504-D-000326 Organi zer : Townhall Requ i r ed At tendees : Image : House Togethe r. with All HUD HID s ; All HUD CIDs an ope n doo r . Te x t : FORWAR D: Forg i ng A Ne w HUD Coll eag u es , Please join Secre t a r y Ben Ca r son and Acting Deputy Secreta r y David Eagles on Tuesday , Sep tembe r 12t h f or a n employee to wn h a ll a nd th e o ffi cial l aunc h o f HUD' s Re f o rm Plan , FORWAR D: Forg i ng A New HUD Togethe r . Yo u will have an oppo r tun i ty to l ea rn more about HUD' s key init i a t i ve s , meet t h e Reform Plan Ch amp i ons Council , and give in put on ho w best to for ge a new HUD toge th e r . The town ha ll wi l l b eg in at 2 : 00 p . m. EDT. Headquarte r s sta f f may join the program in t h e Brooke - Mondale Auditorium . Regi o na l and fi eld staff may watch liv e via webcas t We r ecommend us i ng I n te rnet Explorer to view the webcast . We welcome your ques t ions abou t the r e f or m plan i n advance of the t own hall . Pl ease ema i l q u est i o n s to TownHall@hud . gov an d we will attempt to answer them du ring t h e prog r am . Thank you aga in. We l ook f or war d to s h a r ing mor e on the 12t h! The Office o f Public Subject : Loc ation : Wee kly Ch ec k-in COS Office u nv ei li ng HUD' s Refo r m Pl a n and Aff a ir s & Ben w/She il a , Jacie Start : Tue 6 /6/201 7 2 : 00 PM End : Tue 6/6/2017 2 : 3 0 PM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Recu rr en ce : Weekly Recu rr ence Pa tter n : eve ry Tuesday from Organ iz e r : Gr eenwood , Sh e i la M Req u ired Attendees : Coresse l , Jacie; Your meeting up dated . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was found to be ou t of date 2 : 00 PM t o 2 : 30 PM Demarzo , Benjamin and h as been E a u tomatical ly HUD-18-0504-D-000327 Sent by Microsoft Exchange Serve r Su bject : Conference Call on Procurement Efforts Loc ation : Conference line ; Allie will d ial out Start : Thu 9/7/2017 End : Thu 9/ 7/ 201 7 11:00 10:30 AM AM Recu rr ence : (none) Meet i ng Status Organizer Required Opt i o n al : Meet i ng organize : DocB en Atte ndees : Attendees : r DocBe n; Surber Mills , Al lison , Keith F W Ex ter na l a tte ndees : Chr i stopher Rohe Sheldon Wilson Kenneth Koldenhoven Int e r na l : Keith Su r ber Subject: E . O. Loca tion Meeting : w/Sheila , Adolfo , Beth and Michael B . - re : HFR COS Office Start : Wed 9 / 6/201 7 4 : 00 PM End : Wed 9/6/2017 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Gr eenwood, Sheila M Required Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila Be tha ny A; Bright , Mi chael R Your meeting updated. was found to be out of date M; Marzol, and has Ado l fo been F ; Zorc , automatically Sent by Mic ro so ft Exc hange Server Subject : MEET with NAHRO Lea dership Locat ion : SOHUDs office Start : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT F ri 9/22/2017 11 : 30 AM HUD-18-0504-D-000328 End : Fri Recurrence 9/22/2017 12 : 00 PM : (none ) Or g ani zer : DocBe n Requ i r ed At tendees : Topic : This meeting NAHRO' s Boar d, the new CEO. 1. 2. 3. Doc Be n is a " meet and greet " wi t h t h e President incomin g Presid e n t of NAHRO' s Board , and of NAHRO' s Introductions Ove rvi ew of NAHRO' s Membe rship and Operations Di scussion on HUD and NAHRO' s Shared Goals Locat i o n: SOHUDs o ff i ce Ext e r na l At ten d ees : National Associa Redevelopment Off i c i als (NAHRO) President Steve Merritt Ex ec u t iv e Di r ector Norwood , MA Hou sing t i on of Housing and Authority Senior Vice President Ca r l Richie Chairman Hous i ng Autho ri ty o f the Ci ty of Austin , TX Chief Ex ecutive Officer Adrian ne Todman Sub j ec t : Loc a tio n : Deana/ Env i s i o n Center COS Office , Detroit Tr i p Star t : Wed 9/6/2017 3 : 00 PM End : Wed 9/6/2017 3 : 15 PM Show Time As : Tenta tiv e Re curr en ce : (non e) Meet i ng Status Or ga nizer Required Subject: Locatio n: : Not yet r espo nd ed : Bass , Deana At t e ndees : Greenwood , Sheila M Weekly Med i a Update SOHUD' s Off ic e Start : Thu 9/7/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Thu 9/ 7/ 2017 11 : 30 AM Recu rr ence : (none) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000329 Meet i ng Status : Meet i ng organ iz e r Organiz e r : DocBen Required Attendees : DocBe n ; Amy C Th ompson (Amy . C . Th ompso n @h ud . gov ) ; Brow n , Jereo n M; Rap h ae l Wi l liams J r ., Ch ad ; Thompson , Cait li n H Subjec t: Lo cation : Deana/ Env i s i o n Center COS Office , Detroit ; Cowan Tr i p Star t : Wed 9/6/2017 11 : 30 AM End : Wed 9/6/2017 11 : 45 AM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Rec urrence : (non e) Meet in g Status : Not yet r espo nded Organiz e r : Bass , Deana Required Attend ees : Greenwo o d , Shei la Subject : E . O. Loc ation : Meeting w/Sheila , Ad olfo , Beth M and Micha e l B . - r e : HFR COS Office S t art : Wed 9/6/2017 4 : 00 PM End : Wed 9/6/2017 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : (none) Organi zer : Greenwood , Sheila M Requ i r ed Atte ndees : Greenwood , She i la Be th any A; Bright , Mi c h ael R Your meeting upd ated . was found to be out of Sent by Mic rosof t Ex cha nge Server Subjec t: Meeting w/S heila , Adolfo E . O. Locati on : cos Office date , Be th M; Ma rz o l , Ado l f o F ; Zorc , and and has bee n automatically Michael B . - re : HFR Start : Wed 9/6/2017 4 : 00 PM End : Wed 9/6/2017 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000330 Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Greenwood , Sheila M Required Attendees : Greenwood , Shei la Bethany A; Brig h t , Michael R Your meet i ng was found updated . to Sent by Microso ft Exchange Subject : Meeting w/Sheila E . O. Location : COS Office be out of Server , Adolfo date , Beth M; Marzol , Adolfo and and has been Michael F ; Zorc , automatically B . - re : HFR S t art : Wed 9/6/2017 4 : 00 PM End : Wed 9/6/2017 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Greenwood , Shei la M Required Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila Bethany A; Bright , Mi chael R Your meeting updated. was found to be out of date M; Mar zol , Ado l fo and has Doc Ben ; Marzol , Adolfo F been F ; Zorc , automatically Sent by Mic ro soft Exchange Server Subjec t: MEET with Mor t gageinsure Location : SOHUDs office Start : Thu 9/14/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Thu 9/14/2017 1 1 : 30 AM Recurrence : (none) Meeting Status : Meeting Organize Required r: DocBen Attendees : organizer Topic : I ntroduct ion of Mortgage i nsure , an innovative patent pend in g insura nce product protecting against the risk of unemployment. Locat ion : SOHUDS of fi ce /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000331 POC: Aaron Bl ackman , 212-866-5524 ; ablackman@mo r tgagei Ori g in Inter of n al Re qu est : Adolfo n s u re . com Mar z ol Atte ndees : Adolfo Marzo l Exter n a l Atte ndees : TBD Subject : Inv i tation 1 : 15pm (EDT) (Sh eila : Lun c h wi t h Dave @ Wed Sep 13 , 2 0 1 7 12 :1 5pm Greenwood) Start : Wed 9/ 13/201 7 12 : 1 5 PM End : Wed 9/13/20 17 1 : 15 PM Show Time As : Ten tativ e Rec urr ence : (n o ne) Organiz e r: ~ ~l (b_)(_6_) _____________ Subject: Inv itat i o n : Lun c h with 1 : 1 5pm (EDT) (Sheila Greenwood ) Dave@ Wed Sep 13 , 20 1 7 12 : 15pm - Start : Wed 9/ 1 3/20 17 12:1 5 PM End : Wed 9 /13/ 201 7 1 : 15 PM Recurre n ce : (no ne ) Meet in g Status : Dec lin ed Org a niz er : l(b )(6) Subject : Loc a tio n: Deana/ Env i s ion COS Office Cente r, De troit Tr i p Star t : Wed 9/6/2017 11 : 30 AM End : Wed 9/6/2017 11 : 45 AM Show Tim e As : Ten tativ e Rec urr ence : (non e) Meet in g Status Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : : Not yet r espo nded Bass , Deana HUD-18-0504-D-000332 Requ i red Subject E . O. Locatio Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila : Meeting w/Sheila n: COS Office , Adolfo , Beth M and Michael B . - re : HFR Start : Wed 9/6/2017 4 : 00 PM End : Wed 9/6/2017 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurre n ce : (none) Organizer : Greenwood , Shei la M Required Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila Betha n y A; Bright , Mi chael R Your meeting updated . was found to Sent by Mic ro soft Exchange Subject : Meeting w/Sheila E . O. Location : COS Office be out of Server , Adolfo date , Beth M; Mar zol , Ado l fo and and has been Michael F ; Zorc , automatica l ly B . - re : HFR Sta r t : Wed 9/6/2017 4 : 00 PM End : Wed 9/6/2017 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none ) Organize r: Greenwood , Sheila M Requ i red Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila Be th any A; Brig h t , Michael R Your meeting updated . was found to Sent by Microsoft Exchange Subject : Meet i ng w/Sheila E . O. Loc ation : COS Off ic e be out of Serve r , Adolfo date , Beth M; Mar zol , Adolfo and and has been Mi chael F ; Zorc , automatically B . - re : HFR Start : Wed 9/6/2017 4 : 00 PM End : Wed 9/6/20 1 7 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) : Greenwood , Shei la M HUD-18-0504-D-000333 Requ i red Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila Bethany A; Bright , Mi chael R M; Marzol , Adolfo Your meeting updated. and has was found to be out Sent by Microsoft Exchange Subject : Meet in g w/Sheila E . O. Location : COS Office of date Server , Adolfo , Beth been and Mi chael F ; Zorc , automatically B . - re : HFR Start : Wed 9/6/2017 4 : 00 PM End : Wed 9/6/2017 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Not yet r esponded Organizer : Greenwood , Shei la M Required Attendees : Greenwood , Shei l a M; Marzol , Adolfo Betha n y A; Bright , Mi chael R Subject : Lo cation : F ; Zorc , PRE BRIEF on NHC Meeting SOHUDs office Start : Wed 9/6/2017 8 : 50 AM End : Wed 9/6/2017 9 : 00 AM Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status Organizer Required : Meet i ng organizer : DocBen Attendees : Subject : Location : DocBen ; Bass , Deana Deana/ Envision COS Office Center, Det r oit Trip Start : Wed 9/6/2017 11 : 30 AM End : Wed 9/6/2017 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meeting Status Organize Required r: Bass , Deana Attendees : Greenwood , Shei la /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Not yet responded M HUD-18-0504-D-000334 Subjec t: Locatio n: Quic k Che ck- in w/Sheila COS Office and Aida Sta r t : Wed 9/6/2017 10 : 00 AM End : Wed 9/6/2017 10 : 1 5 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status Organizer Required : Not ye t r espo nded : Greenwood , Shei l a M Attendees : Greenwood , Shei la Subjec t: Location : Deana I Envision COS Office Centers & M; Rodriguez Sec t ion , Aida N 3 Sta r t : Wed 9/6/2017 11 : 30 AM End : Wed 9/6/2017 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Meeting Status Organizer Required : Not ye t r espo nde d : Bass , Deana Attende es: Gr eenwood , Shei l a M Subject : Loc ation : Deana/ Env i sion COS Office Center , Detroit Tr i p Sta r t : Wed 9/6/2017 11 : 30 AM End : Wed 9/6/2017 11 : 45 AM Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Decli ne d Organ iz e r: Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Greenwood , Shei la Subjec t: Locatio n: M MEET w/ She il a & David SOHUD' s Off i ce Start : Wed 9/6/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Wed 9/6/2017 11 : 30 AM Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Meeting organizer Organize r: DocBe n Required Attendees : Doc Ben ; Eag l es , David (Sheila . M. Gre enwoodl@hud . gov) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT T; Shei la M Greenwood HUD-18-0504-D-000335 Top i c: Admin i strative Subject Locatio : n: Issue Discuss & David MEET w/ Sheila SOHUD' s Off i ce Start : Wed 9/6/2017 11:00 End : Wed 9/6/2017 11:30 AM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurre i on AM n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not yet responded Organi zer: DocBe n Requ i red Attendees : Eagles , Dav i d T; She i la (Sheila . M. Greenwoodl@hud . gov) Subjec t: Convention Location : SPEAK at Embassy National Suites Bankers Hotel, Start : End : Fri Fri 10/6/2017 7 : 30 PM 10/6/2017 8 :0 0 PM Recurrence : (none) Organizer Requ i red : DocBe n Attendees : 1000 Association K St. M Gree nwood 90th Annual NW, Washington , DC 20001 DocBe n OCTOBER 6 , 2017 LEAD: ABBY EVENT: National Bankers Association (NBA) 90th Annual Co n vention ROLE: Keynote Speaker DATE: Friday , October 6th TIME : 7 : 30PM-8 : 00PM LOCATION: Embassy Su i tes Hotel , 1000 K St . NW, Wash i ngton , DC 2000 1 SETUP : Banquet Recept i on , Di n n e r served while speakers make rema r ks from a stage and podium . Reception begins at 7PM, and SOHUD speaks at 7 : 30PM INTRO : TBD ATTENDEES: 200-300 PRESS : Closed press POC: Michael Grant , 202 - 870 - 4334 . Victor Cook, 202 - 573 - 5793 WALKTHROUGH : TBD NOTES: TIMELINE : 6 : 00PM- 7 : 00PM- VIP Reception 7 : 00PM- Reception 7 : 30PM- YOU make remarks for 25-30 minu tes 8 : 00PM- YOU depart /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000336 Subjec t : ATTEND Of fi ce of Depa rt menta l Eq u a l Employmen t Oppor tun ity Fu ll Sta f f Meet i ng Loc a tio n : Room 21 02 Start : Wed 9/20/20 17 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 9/20/ 2 0 17 3 : 00 PM Recurre n ce : (none ) Organi z e r : DocBe n Requ i r ed Atte ndees : Subjec t: Loca t io n : DocBe n VI SIT Father McKenna Fathe r McKenna Center Ce n ter , 19 I Str eet NW, WDC 20001 Start : Thu 9/7/2017 11 : 45 AM End : Thu 9/7/2017 12 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurre n ce : (none) Me eti ng Status : Not ye t r e spond e d Organ iz e r : DocBe n Required At te ndees : Delahoyde , Abigail M; Be n jami n E Dema rzo (Be njamin . E . Demarzo@h u d . g ov) ; Jacie Cor e ssel (Victoria . J . Coresse l @hu d . go v ) ; Sh ei l a M Greenwood (She i la .M. Gree nwood l @h ud . gov) Subject : Location : MEET wit h Andrew SOHUDs offic e and Drew Start : Tue 9/5/20 1 7 12 : 00 PM End : Tue 9/5/2017 12 : 10 PM Recurre n ce : (none) Meet i ng Status Organizer Requ i red : Meet i ng organ iz e r : DocB e n Atte ndees : Subjec t: Loc atio n: DocBe n ; Hughes , Andrew ; McCa l l , Drew A INTERVIEW wit h WMAL " Mor n ings SOHUDs office on the Mall " Start : Thu 9/7/20 1 7 8 : 32 AM End : Thu 9/7/2017 8 : 45 AM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Status : Meeting organizer HUD-18-0504-D-000337 Organ iz e r : Doc Be n Required Atte ndees : Doc Ben ; Raphael (Raphael . L . Will iam s@hud . gov) L Wil lia ms Ca ll in t i me i s at 8 : 32 . Stud i o h ot l i n e 202-686-3056 3018 . Top i c i s Harvey Subjec t: Loca tion : I NTERVIEW with SOHUDs of fi ce The Laura o r 202-686- Ing ra ham Show Start : Wed 9/6/2017 9 : 30 AM End : Wed 9/6/2017 10 :0 0 AM Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng St atus : Meeti ng organizer Organi zer : DocBe n Requ ir ed Atte ndees : (Raphael . L . Williams@hud EVENT Show ROLE: TI ME: LOCATION: SETUP : Backup : 855-405-2872 AUDIENCE: CONTACT: r~ DocBe n ; Raphael .g ov) Radio intervi L Wi l l i ams e w wi th The La u ra Ingraham Interviewee 9 : 35AM SOHUD office 202-760-3510 National audience Alex is Papa , 804-839-0382 , I b)(6) Subjec t: Locat i o n: I NTERVIEW with Fox Busi ne ss 10th Floo r Reco r d i ng Stud i o Start : Wed 9/6/2017 8 : 20 AM End : Wed 9/6/2017 8 : 50 AM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Meeting Or ganizer : DocBe n Requ i r ed Atte ndees : (Raphael . L . Williams@hud EVENT: Fox Bu si n ess TIME : LOCATION: /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT o r ganizer DocBe n ; Raphael . gov) L Wi l l i ams TV I n terv i ew wi th Mo rni ngs 1 0th 8 : 30 AM (In s tu d io at floor r ecord in g stud io with Maria , 8 : 20 ) HUD-18-0504-D-000338 SETUP : AUDIENCE: CONTACT: e ric . sp i nato@foxnews Satellite interview Nat i onal Aud i e n ce Eric Spinato , 212 - 60 1- 2399, . com INTERVIEW wi th NPR Sub j ect : Start : Wed 9/6/2017 6 : 30 AM End : Wed 9/6/2017 6 : 40 AM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Meeting Organi zer : DocBe n Requ i r ed Attendees : (Raphael . L . Williams@hud organizer L Wi l l i ams DocBe n ; Raphael . gov) EVENT: Radio Interview with Morn ing Edition , NPR TIME : 6 : 30- 6 : 40 AM CALL- IN : 2 02 - 51 3 - 2158 SETUP : Raff i will call YOU and conference the producer into the call . AUDIENCE: National aud ien ce CONTACT: Jacob Con r ad , 202-513-3661 , j co nr ad@np r. o rg Subjec t: Locat i o n: Weekly Check-in COS Office w/Sheila , Jacie & Ben St art : Tue 9/5/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Tue 9/5/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : Weekly Recu rr en ce Pa tter n : eve r y Tuesday from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Organ iz e r : Greenwood , She i la M Requ i r ed Attendees : Coressel , Jac i e ; Demarzo , Ben j amin Your meeting updated. was found Sent by Microsoft Subjec t : VISIT Locat i o n : Father to be out of date and has Ex cha nge Server Father McKenna Center McKenna Center , 19 I Street been E automatically NW, WDC 20001 Sta r t : Thu 9/7/2017 11 : 30 AM End : Thu 9/7/2017 12 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentat i ve Recu rr ence : (none) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000339 Meet i ng Status : Not yet r espo nded Organiz e r : DocBen Required Attendees : De l ahoyde , Abigail M; Ben jam in (Benjamin . E . Dema rz o@hu d .g ov) ; Jac i e Co r esse l (Victoria . J . Co r esse l@hu d .g ov) ; Sh e ila M Greenwood (S heila . M. Gree nwood l @hud . gov) Subjec t: Loc ation : Weekly Ch ec k -i n w/Sheila cos Office E Demarzo & Ben , Jacie Sta r t : Tu e 6/6/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Tue 6/6/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Ten t a tive Recurrence Rec urrence : Weekly Pa tte rn : eve ry Tuesday from Org an iz e r : Gr eenwood , She i la M Required Atte ndees : Coresse l , Jacie; Your meeting up dated . was found to be out of Sen t by Mic rosoft Ex c h a nge Se rver Subject : SPEAK at NAFCU 2017 Loc a tion : Regency Ballroom of Hyatt Jersey Ave NW, Washington DC 20001 . Start : End : Tue 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Demar zo , Benjamin date and has E bee n automatically Rege n cy Cap i to l Hil l , 400 New Tue 9/12/20 17 10 : 00 AM 9/12/201 7 10 : 1 5 AM Recu rr en ce : (no n e) Organ iz e r : Doc Ben Requ i r ed Atte ndees : Doc Ben SEPTEMBER 12 , 2 0 1 7 LEAD: ABBY EVENT: NAFCU 2017 Congressional Caucus ROLE: Keynote Speaker DATE: Tuesday , September 12 TIME : 10 : 00AM-10 : lSAM LOCATION: Rege n cy Ba llr oom o f Hyatt Rege n cy Capitol Hill , 4 00 New Jersey Ave NW, Washington DC 20001 . SETUP : Ballroom , audience seated a t r ound t ab l es and speake r s maki ng rem ar ks from s t a ge and podium . I NTRO: TBD CIR : Rep res enta tiv e Patric k McHe nry /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000340 Representat iv e Andy Barr (R-KY) Representat i ve F r ench Hil l (R-AR) Representa t i ve Blaine Luetkemeyer (R- MO) Senator Heidi He itk amp (D- ND) Senato r She ll ey Moore Cap i to (R-WV) Representat i ve Jo yce Beatty ( D-OH) Representat i ve Ed Perlm u tter (D-CO ) Representative Lacy Clay (D- MO) Representative J eb Hensarling (R- TX) Representat i ve Bill Posey (R-FL) Senato r Mi ke Rounds (R-S D) Representative Maxi ne Waters (D- CA) Representative Tom Emme r (R- MN) Sena t o r Tom Co t ton (R-AR ) Sena t o r Thom Tillis (R-NC ) Representat i ve Ed Royce (R-CA ) Representa t i ve Steve Pearce (R- NM) Rep r esenta tiv e Bill Hu iz e nga (R- MI) Representat i ve Kevin Br ady (R-TX) Senato r T i m Scott (R-SC Representa t i ve Ted Budd (R- NC) ATTENDEES : 350 - 4 0 0 PRESS : Ope n POC: Dan O' Brien , 703-842-2237 , > WALKTHROUGH: TBD NOTES : TI MELI NE: 9 : 55AM- YOU a rr ive at the Hyatt Regency 10 : 00AM- YOU are introduced o n stage for rem arks 10 : 00AM-10 :1 5AM- YOU make remarks 10 : 15AM- YOU depart Subjec t: Loc a tio n : Briefing on Disaster Conference Room 10 1 06 Start : Wed 9/6/2017 3 : 00 PM End : Wed 9/6/20 1 7 4 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta tiv e Re currence : (none) Meet in g Status : Not yet r espo nd ed Organizer : Golric k, Janet M Required At t e ndees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Kurtz , R. Hunter ; DMG; Friedman , Warren ; Lincoln , Pa u la A; Yar u s , Cla u dia J ; Wadhams , Unaby rd ; Bethea , She li a M; Hebe r t , To ny X; Bres , Dana B; Brego n , Nelso n R; Lavoy , Donald J ; Renner , Robert N; Ozdinec , Milan M; C; Holland , Alexand e r , Frank J ; Clemmensen , Craig T ; Kid d, Stephen Rena D; Richardson , Todd M; Smyt h, Ti mot h y M; E llis , Edward D; DeHave n , Jud i th G; Rod k ey , Ki tt ; Staya n ov i ch , Jason E ; Lyberg , Sa r ah A; Eldr idge , Charles ; Simms , Candace S ; Osafo - Danso , Ransford ; Gimont , Stan ley ; Garrett , Willie C; Campbell , Ren ae M; Miller , /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000341 Mi chelle M; Mic h a l s ki , Lori A; Sulliv a n, Br i a n E ; Brow n, Jereo n M; Potts , Mi ll i cent B; Surber , Keith W; Ja nk ows k i , Debb i e ; McBr i de , Helen K; Constantine , Peter J ; Ballard, Dan i el L ; Bryon , Jemine A; Timberlake , Courtney B ; McClure , Laura L ; Parker , Tennille S; Hun ter , Mat t hew F ; Kaspe r, Mare n M; Duk lis , Pete r S Opt i o n al Atte ndees : Appl eto n , Set h D; Thompson , Amy C; Purifoy , Fel i cia A; Radosev i ch , Tara J Subject : Loca ti o n : MEET with Maren SOHUDs of fi ce RE Cairo Kasper St art : Wed 9/6/2017 4 : 00 PM End : Wed 9/6/2017 4 : 30 PM Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng S t atus : Meeti ng organizer Organi zer : DocBe n Requ ir ed At tendees : Subjec t: DocBe n ; Kasper , Maren M; Brow n, Je reon M SBA/HUD ca ll S t art : Mon 9/4/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Mon 9/4/2017 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Ten t a tive Recurrence : (none ) Organiz e r : Greenwood Required Atte ndees : Bradfield Opt i o na l Atte ndees : Your meeting up dated . was , Sheila M Gim on t , Stan l ey ; Gol rick Tennille fo und to be , Jane t M; Mar y Parker out of date and h as Sent by Mi crosoft Exc h a nge Se rver Subjec t: Inv i tation : Sy n ops i s of PDR st u dies 2 : 1 5pm - 3 :1 5pm (EDT) (Sh ei la Greenwood ) been a ut oma t ically @ Tu e Sep 5 , 20 17 Start : Tue 9/5/2017 2 : 15 PM End : Tue 9/5/2017 3 : 15 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recu rr ence : (none ) Orga n iz e r: ~l (b~)(~6~) _____________ Subject Cabinet /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Member __, Re trea t HUD-18-0504-D-000342 Locatio n: Camp David Start : Sat 9/9/2017 12 : 0 0 AM End : Sun 9/1 0 /2017 12 : 00 AM Show Time As : F ree Recur r e n ce : (none ) Organiz e r : DocBen Requ i red Atte ndees : Saturday , Sep t ember DocBe n 9t h 7 : 00 a . m. - 9 : 30 a . m. - Brea kf ast availab l e at 9 : 30 a . m. - 1 0 : 3 0 a . m. -Gu i ded Wal k i ng Tour ( s i Skeet (sign Gym a nd Poo l Av ai l ab l e al l mor n ing 1 1 : 30 a . m. - Lu g g age Pi ck-up 11 : 45 a . m. - Group Photo at Aspen 1 2 : 00 p . m. - Gat h er a t Laurel 12 : 20 p . m. - Seated Luncheon 2 : 00 p . m. - Cabi n et Meeting f o r Membe r s o f the 2 : 00 p . m. - Spo u ses Hi stor i c Camp Dav i d Prese nt 3 : 00 p . m. - Refreshme n ts at Laurel 3 : 30 p . m. - Cab i net Meeting Breaks and De partur Subject : Loc a tion : your l eis u re g n up) Sh ooting up ) Cabine t at i on i n Chapel e Begins SOHUD Br ief Book She il a office Start : Tue 9/5/2017 9 : 00 AM End : Tue 9/5/2017 9 : 30 AM Show Ti me As : Tenta ti ve Recurr e nce : (none) Organ iz e r : Greenwood , She i la M Requ i r ed Atte ndees : Golr i c k , Jane t M; Appleton , Set h D; Wade , Dana T ; Zorc , Bethany A; Rackleff , Neal J ; Bass , Deana ; Bright , Michael R; Thompson , Amy C; Marzol , Adolfo F Your meet i ng was updated . found to be ou t of date and h as been a u tomatical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Excha n ge Se r ve r Subject : SOHUD Brief Book Lo cation : Sheila office Tue 9/5/20 1 7 9 : 00 AM Start : End : Tue 9/5/2017 9 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000343 Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Greenwood , Shei l a M Required Attendees : Golr i ck , Janet M; Appleton , Set h D; Wade , Dana T; Zorc , Bethany A; Rackleff , Neal J ; Bass , Deana ; Bright , Michael R; Thompson , Arny C; Marzol , Adolfo F Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and has been automatica l ly Sent by Microsoft Exc h ange Serve r Subjec t: SOHUD Brief Book Location : She il a off i ce Start : Tue 9/5/2017 9 : 00 AM End : Tue 9/5/2017 9 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organi zer: Greenwood , Sheila M Requ i red Attendees : Golr i c k , Janet M; Appleton , Seth D; Wade , Dana T; Zorc , Bethany A; Rackleff , Neal J ; Bass , Deana ; Bright , Michael R; Thompson , Amy C; Marzol , Ado l fo F Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and has been automatically Sent by Microsoft Ex cha ng e Server Subject : MEET w/ Keith Surber Location : SOHUD' s Office Start : Tue 9/5/2017 3 : 00 PM End : Tue 9/5/2017 3 : 30 PM Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status Organizer Required : : DocBen Atte ndees : Ke it h Surb er i s the Or i g in of Meeting Subject : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Meet i ng organize DocBen ; Surber Chief Call , Keith Proc ur ement : SOHUD requested Conference r w/Sheila the W; Eagles , David T Off i cer meet i ng , Janet , Matt and Beth Van Duyne HUD-18-0504-D-000344 Locatio n : COS Office # : 202-402-2851 - Ja ne t & Matt// Beth will ca ll in on polycom Start : Fri 9/1/2017 1 : 00 PM End : Fri 9/1/2017 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentat iv e Recurrence : (none ) Organi zer : Greenwood , Shei la M Requ i r ed Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila Hunter , Matthew F ; Van Duyne, Be th A Your meeting updated. was fo und to be Sent by Mic rosoft Exc h a nge Subject: FLY DCA to FLL Lo cation : 6 : 10 AM out Sun 9/3/2017 6 : 1 0 AM 9/3/2017 8 : 37 AM Recurrence : (none) FLY PBI to DCA West Pa lm Beach (PBI) Fri 9/1/2017 2 : 53 PM 9/1/2017 5 : 18 PM Recurrence : (none ) Reco r d Locator h as FLT #1279 . Arr ive Start : End : Fri Organi zer : DocBe n Required At tendees : and been a ut omatical ly DocBe n FLY from DCA to FLL on Jetb l ue Reco r d Locator : TJIPWB . Subjec t: Location : date M; Server Sta r t : End : Sun Organi zer : DocBe n Requ i r ed At tendees : of M; Gol ri c k , Ja n et 02 : 53PM l ocal a t FLL a t 8 : 37 AM. time DocBe n : TJIPHA I TINERARY AA Fligh t 1849 Depa r t : PBI - West Palm Beach on Fr i 1 Sep 2017 at 02 :53 PM Arrive : DCA - Washington on Fri 1 Sep 20 1 7 at 05:18PM Booking Code : Y Meals Offered : Food For Purc h ase Trave le r Informat i o n: BENJAMIN S CARSONSR - Coach - 23D Check in a t https : //www . aa . com within 24 hou r s o f departure . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000345 B6 Flight 14 79 Depart : DCA - Washington on Sat 2 Sep Arrive : FLL - Fort Lauderdale on Sat Code : Z Mea l s Offered : Beverage Serv i BENJAMIN S CARSONSR - Coach - Ch eck i 24 ho urs of depa r ture . Subject : the Clo u d Locat ion : Stennis Site BRIEF SOHUDs office Vis it /Plan to 2017 at 08 :4 5PM 2 Sep 2017 at 11 : 20PM Booking ce Traveler In f ormation : n at https ://www . aa . com within Migrate the main frame into Start : Wed 9/13/2017 3 : 00 PM End : Wed 9/13/2017 3 : 30 PM Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Meeting Orga n iz e r: DocBe n Required Attendees : Subject Locatio : n: organizer DocBe n ; Joy , Jo hns on P SOHUD Br ief Book Sheila office Start : Tue 9/5/2017 9 : 00 AM End : Tue 9/5/2017 9 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tent ati ve Recurrence : (none) Organiz e r: Greenwood , Sheila M Required Attendees : Gol rick , Janet M; Appleton , Seth D; Wade , Dana T ; Zorc , Bethany A; Rackleff , Nea l J ; Bass , Deana ; Brigh t , Michael R; Thompson , Amy C; Mar zol , Ado lfo F Your meet i ng was updated . found to be out of date and has been automatically Sent by Mic rosoft Exchange Server Subject : SOHUD Br i ef Book Lo cation : Sheila office Start : Tue 9/5/2017 9 : 00 AM End : Tue 9/5/2017 9 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) : Greenwood , Shei la M HUD-18-0504-D-000346 Required Attendees : Golrick , Janet M; Appleton , Se th D; Wade , Dana T; Zo r c , Bethan y A; Rac kl eff , Neal J ; Bass , Deana ; Bright , Mi ch a el R; Thompson , Amy C; Marzo l , Adolfo F Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be out o f date an d h as been a ut oma t ical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Se rver Subjec t: Secre t a ry ' s Awards Locatio n : Brooke - Monda l e Auditorium Tue 10/ 1 0/2017 1 : 00 PM Star t : End : Tue 10 /10/20 1 7 3 : 00 PM Recurrence : (none ) Organi zer : DocBe n Requ i r ed At tendees : Subject : Loca tion : DocBe n SOHUD Br i e f Book She il a of fi ce Tue 9/5/2017 9 : 00 AM S t art : End : Tu e 9/5/2017 9 : 30 AM Show Time As : Ten t a tive Recurrence : (none ) Organiz e r : Greenwood , Sh e ila M Required Attendees : Gol r i c k , Janet M; App l eton , Se th D; Wade , Dana T; Zorc , Bethany A; Rac kl eff , Neal J ; Bass , Deana ; Bright , Mic h a el R; Thompson , Amy C; Marzo l , Adolfo F Your meeting up dated . was fo und to be out of date and h as been a ut oma t ically Sent by Mi crosoft Exc h a nge Se rver Subjec t : SOHUD Br ief Book Locatio n: She ila o ff ice Start : Tue 9/5/2017 9 : 00 AM End : Tue 9/5/2017 9 : 30 AM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recu rr ence : (none ) Orga n iz e r : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Gr eenwood , She i la M HUD-18-0504-D-000347 Required Attendees : Golrick , Janet M; Appleton , Se th D; Wade , Dana T; Zo r c , Bethan y A; Rac kl eff , Neal J ; Bass , Deana ; Bright , Mi ch a el R; Thompson , Amy C; Marzo l , Adolfo F Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be out o f date an d h as been a ut oma t ical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Se rver Subjec t: Conference Call w/Sheila , Jane t , Matt a n d Bet h Van Duyne Locatio n : COS Office - Ja n et & Matt// Bet h wil l call in on polycom # : 202 - 402 - 2851 Star t : Fri 9/1/2017 1 : 00 PM End : Fri 9/1/2017 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Org a nizer : Greenwo o d , Shei l a M Req uir e d Attend ees : Gr ee nwood , Shei la Hunter , Matthew F ; Van Duy ne , Beth A Your meeting updated . was f ound to be ou t of date M; Golri ck, and h as been Jan e t M; a u tomatical ly Sent by Mic rosoft Exc h ange Server Subject: Confere nc e Call w/ Sheila , Janet , Ma tt and Bet h Van Duy n e Lo cation : COS Off ic e - Jan e t & Matt// Beth wil l call in on polycom # : 202-402-2851 St art : F ri 9/1/2017 1 : 00 PM End : Fri 9/1/2017 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Ten t a t ive Recur r e n ce : (none) Organiz e r : Gre e nwood , Shei la M Required Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila Hunte r , Matthew F ; Va n Duy ne , Beth A Your meeting upd ated . Sent by Mic Subjec t : Locat i o n : # : 202 - 402 /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was found to be out of date M; Gol rick , Ja ne t M; and has been automatically ro so ft Exc h an ge Server Con fer e n ce Call w/Sheila , Jane t , Mat t a n d Bet h Van Duy ne COS Office - Ja n et & Matt// Bet h wi l l ca ll i n o n polycom - 2851 HUD-18-0504-D-000348 Start : Fri 91112017 1 : 00 PM End : Fri 91112017 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organ iz e r : Greenwood , Sheila M Required Attendees : Greenwood , Shei la Hunter, Matthew F ; Van Duyne , Bet h A Your meeting updated . was found to be ou t of date M; Gol rick and , Ja n et h as been M; a u tomatical Sent by Mi crosoft Excha ng e Server Subject : Confere n ce Call wlSheila , Janet , Matt and Beth Lo cation : COS Off i ce - Jan e t & Matt II Beth wil l call in # : 202-402-2851 ly Van Duyne on polycom St art : F ri 91112017 1 : 00 PM End : F ri 91112017 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recurrence : (none) Organiz e r : Greenwood , Shei l a M Required Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila Hunte r , Matthew F ; Va n Duy ne , Beth A Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date M; Gol ric k, and has been Ja ne t M; automatica Sent by Mic ro so f t Exchange Server From : Franklin , DeShaunta Mo n behalf of Golrick , Janet M Sent : Friday , Septembe r 0 1, 2017 11: 09 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Conference Call wlSheila , Janet , Matt Van Duyne Subjec t : Conference Locatio n : COS Office # : 202 - 402 - 2851 and lly Beth Call wlShe il a , Janet , Matt a n d Bet h Van Duyne - Janet & Matt II Be t h wil l call in on po l ycom Start : Fri 91112017 1 : 00 PM End : Fri 91112017 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) : Greenwood , Shei la M HUD-18-0504-D-000349 Requ ire d Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila Hunte r , Matthew F ; Va n Duy ne , Beth A M; Gol ri c k, Your meeting upd ated . and was found to be out of date has been Ja ne t M; a ut omatically Sent by Microsoft Exchan ge Server Subjec t: Con f erence Call w/Sheila , Jane t, Matt a n d Bet h Van Duy n e Locat ion : cos Office - Ja n et & Matt// Bet h wil l ca ll i n o n po l ycom # : 2 02 - 402 - 2851 Star t : F ri 9/1/2017 1 : 00 PM End : Fri 9/1/2017 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta tiv e Rec urrence : (non e) Meet in g Status : Not yet r espo nded Or ga niz e r : Gr ee nwood , Shei l a M Required Att endees : Greenwo o d , Shei l a M; Gol rick, Hunte r , Matthew F ; Va n Duy ne , Bet h A Subject : Lo cation : Janet M; PRE BRIE F on HUD Town Ha l l Brook e - Mondale Aud itorium Mon 9/11/20 17 2 : 30 PM Start : End : Mon 9/11/20 17 3 : 00 PM Recurrence Mee ting : (none) Sta t us : Mee tin g o rga n iz e r Or ga niz er : DocBe n Required Attendees : DocBe n ; Benjamin E Dema rz o (Ben j ami n. E .D ema r zo@hud.gov) ; Thompson , Amy C; De l ahoyde , Abi gail M; Gadson , Jo vette G; Rap h ae l L Wi ll i ams (Raphael . L . Will iams @hud . gov ) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000350 Subject : Locat ion: OSEC Budge t Upd ate Dav i d ' s Off i ce-10232 Start : End : Fri F ri 12/8/2017 1 0 : 30 AM 12/8/2 0 17 11 : 00 AM Recurrence Recurrence 11 : 00 AM : Weekly Pattern Meet i ng Status : : every 2 week (s) on Friday from 1 0 : 30 AM to Acc ep t ed Organizer : Eagles , Davi d T Required Atte ndees : Rodriguez , Aida N; Hawk i ns , Gre gory R; Bal l ard , Daniel L; Cl emmensen , Craig T Opt i o na l Attendees : Marshal l , Mi chael J ; Gr eenwood , She il a M Subject : Loc ation : MONTHLYMEETING with SOHUD' s o ffice OIG and OSEC Start : Thu 11/2/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Thu 11/2/2 0 17 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta tiv e Recurrence : Monthly Recurrence Pattern : 1 1 : 00 AM to 1 1 : 30 AM Mee ti ng Status : the Tentatively f irst Thursday o f every 1 month(s) from accep ted Organi zer : DocBe n Requ i red Attendees : DocBe n ; Kirkland , Jeremy ; Al bert , Helen M; Sheila M Gr ee nwood (Sh eila . M. Greenwoodl@hud . gov ) ; Zorc , Bethany A; Andrew Hughes (Andrew . Hughes@hud . gov) ; BassWilliams , Deana Optio na l Attendees : Paul Compton (Pa ul . Compton@hud . gov) Subject : Travel by Uber Tue 1 0/17/20 1 7 12 : 30 PM Start : End : Tue 1 0/17/20 1 7 1 : 00 PM Recurrence Organize Subject Locatio : (none) r: : n: Greenwood , Sheila M MEET with Senior Staff Secretary ' s Co n ference Room Start : Thu 1 0/12/20 1 7 1 : 00 PM End : Thu 10/12/2017 2 : 00 PM /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000351 Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Accepted Organi z e r: DocBen Requ i red Attendees : Seth D Appleton (Seth.D.Appleton@hud . gov ); PHP; Zorc , Bethany A; Wade , Dana T; Andrew Hughes (Andrew . Hughes@hud . gov) ; Sheila M Greenwood (Sheila.M . Gree nwoodl@hud .g ov) ; Gimont , Stan l ey ; Eagles , Dav id T; Roget , Gise l e G; Richardson , Todd M; Adolfo F Marzol (Adolfo .F. Marzol@hud . gov ); Bright , Michael R; Kur t z , R . Hunter ; Dendas , Michael W; Barton , Victoria L; Marsha l l , Michae l J ; Lud l ow, Ash l ey ; Kasper , Maren M; Rac k leff , Neal J ; Gribb i n , Wil li am J ; Cummin gs , Mat th ew L; Bravacos , John G; Amy C Th ompson (Amy. C . Thompson@hud . gov ); Ke l ley , Mi chael J ; Len Wolf son ; Brown , Christina M; Drew A McCall (Jonathan . A . McCall @hud . gov) ; Bass , Deana ; Brown , Jereon M; Farias , Anna Maria Subjec t: Curtis out of the office Start : Fri 10/13/2017 12 : 00 AM End : Sat 1 0/14/2017 12: 00 AM Show Time As : F ree Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organizer : Hardison , James C Required Attendees : Rodriguez , Aid a N; Greenwood , Sheil a M; Dawk in s , Eun i ce D; Demarzo , Benjamin E ; Han i ble , Donald C Subject : Locat i on : MEET w/ Dav i d Eagles SOHUD' s Off i ce to d i scuss meet in g wi th Max St i er Start : Thu 10/ 12/2017 4 : 00 PM End : Thu 1 0/12/20 1 7 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting Organizer Required (Sheila.M /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) Status : Not yet responded : DocBen Attendees : Eagles , David . Gree nwood l @hu d . gov) T; Shei l a M Greenwood HUD-18-0504-D-000352 Subjec t: Locat i o n: MEET w/ Dav id Eag l es SOHUD' s Off i ce Start : Thu 10/12/2017 3 : 30 PM End : Thu 1 0/12/20 1 7 4 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Rec urre n ce : (none ) Meet in g Status Organizer Required (Sheila.M : Not ye t r espo nded : DocBen Attendees : Eagles , David . Gree nwood l @hu d .g o v) Subjec t: Loca tion : MEET t o discuss SOHUD' s Offi ce meeting T; Shei la with M Gr eenwood Max Stier Start : Thu 10 /12/ 2 0 1 7 4 : 30 PM End : Thu 10/12/2017 5 : 00 PM Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng St atus : Accepted Organi zer: DocBe n Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Eagles , Dav i d T; She i la (Sheila .M.G ree n wood l @hu d . gov) Subjec t: Lo cation : M Gree nwood FOIA meeting Sheila ' s office Start : Thu 10/ 12/20 17 4 : 30 PM End : Thu 1 0/12/20 1 7 5 : 00 PM Recurre n ce : (none ) Meet in g Status : Accepted Organizer : Brown , Ch risti n a M Required Attendees : Gre enwood , Sheila Jer eon M Subjec t: Locatio n: PHP + Sheila DepSec Office M; Thompson , Amy C; Brown , Gr ee nwood Start : Wed 1 0/ 11/ 20 1 7 11 : 30 AM End : Wed 10/11/2017 11 : 50 PM /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000353 Show Time As : Recurrence Meeting Tenta tive : (none) Status : Organ iz e r: PHP Required Attendees Subject : Loc ation : Not ye t : re spo nde d Greenwood FW: Update on Hur rica n e Irma DepSec Confe r ence Room 1 0 106 Start : Mon 10 /9/20 17 9 : 30 End : Mon 1 0/9/2017 10: 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Recur r e n ce Pa tt e r n : AM to 10 : 00 AM effective Organiz er : , Shei la Golric k, M & Mari a AM Occurs every Mo n day 10/2/20 17 . Janet a nd Wednesday from 9 : 30 M F rom : Golrick , Janet M Sent : Friday , Sep tem ber 29 , 2017 4:19: 22 PM UTC To : Golrick , Jan e t M; Greenwood, Sheila M; Eagles , David T ; Alexander , Fra nk J ; Brooks , Towanda A; Cooke , Kevi n R; Gree ne , Bryan ; Kittrell , Katha r i n e D; Renner , Robert N; Ri cha r dson , Todd M; Thompso n, Amy C; Timberlake , Cour tne y B; Potts , Millic ent B; Hun ter , Matthew F ; Van Du yne , Beth A; Ramon, Nicolas ; Bradley , Leslie Ann ; Woll Jr , David C; Ammon, Matthew E ; Hebe r t , Tony X; Ozdinec , Milan M; Sullivan , Brian E ; Blom , Dominique G; AMOS, WILLIA M L ; Co ff ey , Al exa nde r; Ki dd , Stephen C; Hu ggins , Jo hn C; Fa r ias , Anna Maria ; Smith (Ctr) , Raymond V; S t ayanovich , Jason E ; Kur tz , R. Hunter ; Muni r , Rafiq A; Alber t, Helen M; Kasp e r , Maren M; Wri ght, Sheila D; Rios, Er ic C; Rack leff, Nea l J ; Appleton , Set h D; Bet he a , Shelia M; Clemmensen , Cr ai g T ; Lavoy , Donald J ; Ballard , Dan i e l L ; Br egon , Nelso n R; Bres , Dana B; Brown , Jereon M; Bryo n, Jem i ne A; Campbell , Renae M; Constantine, Pete r J; Cruciani, Linda M; Fri edman , Warren ; HEOC; Holland , Rena D; Joy , Johnson P ; Linco ln , Paula A; Lyberg , Sarah A; Michals ki , Lor i A; Miller , Michelle M; Nichols , Delto n; Rodkey , Ki tt ; Scott , J immy; Surber , Kei th W; Wadh ams , Un abyrd ; Kelley , Mic hael J ; Garrett , Willie C; Dani e l s , Sheila J ; Barton , Victoria L ; Bu rley , Michael N; Ellis , Edwa r d D; McClure, Laura L ; Zorc , Bethany A; Snow , Chri stop her; Den das , Mic h ae l W; Radosevich , Tara J ; LOGAN, LEAH M; Cleve l a n d-Leggett , Denise C; Taylo r, Christopher D; Van Dam, Ka te l yn M; Gargiulo , Emi l y ; Garcia , Juan C .; /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000354 Vargas , Dav id A. ; Ga ine s , Ra l p h H; Smyth , Ti moth y M; Karp , Rache l E; Garc i a Ro l on , J u an C; Key , Ted L; Wade , Dana T; PHP Cc : Dunn, Connor M Subjec t: Update on Hurricane Irma & Maria When : Monday , October 9 , 20 17 1 : 30 PM-2 :0 0 PM. Where : DepSec Co nf ere n ce Room 10106 Call - i n Number : Access Code : Host Code : Subjec t: Loca tion : 888 - 675 - 2535 !(b)(6) Im] Check - in w/Shei la COS Off ic e ! (Ja ne t Only ) Gr eenwood and William Russe ll Start : Wed 1 0/11/20 1 7 4 : 00 PM End : Wed 10 /11/20 1 7 4 :1 5 PM Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng Status : Meeti ng o rganizer Organiz e r : Greenwood , Sheila M Required Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila wrussell@sarasotahousing.org Subject : Loc a tion : M; Sen i o r Staf f - Po li cy Rev i ew Meet i ng Dep Sec Conference Room Start : Thu 10/19/2017 4 : 00 PM End : Thu 1 0/19/20 1 7 5 : 00 PM Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Accep te d Organ iz e r: PHP Required Attendees : Eagles , Dav id T; Rackleff , Neal J ; Farias , Anna Mar ia ; Wade , Dana T; Thompson , Amy C; Marshall , Michael J; Bright , Mi chael R; Zorc , Betha n y A; App l eton , Seth D; Hun ter , Matthew F ; Gree nwood , Sh e il a M; Bass , Deana ; Kurtz , R. Hunter ; Hu g hes , Andrew ; Marzol , Ado l fo F ; Bravacos , John G; Wolfson , Len; Kasper , Mar en M Su bject : FW: MEET to Follow - up on Mur der Ranking Member Cleaver Locatio n: SOHUD' s Off i ce Board a n d CALL with Start : Tue 1 0/ 1 0/20 1 7 2 : 00 PM End : Tue 10/1 0 /2017 3 : 00 PM /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000355 Recurrence Meeting : (non e ) Status : Acc epted Organi z e r: Doc Be n Requ i r ed Atte nd ees : Doc Be n ; Seth D Appl eto n (Set h . D. App l et on@hu d . gov ); Sheila M Greenwood (S h ei l a . M. Gr eenwoodl@hud . gov) ; Adolfo F Marzol (Ado l fo . F . Mar zo l@hu d . gov) ; Wade , Dana T ; Amy C Thompso n (Amy. C . Thompson@h ud . gov ); Dendas , Mi chael W; Kelle y , Mi c ha e l J ; Kurtz , R. Hunter ; Davis , Thomas R Optiona l At tendees : Le n Wolfson Inc l uding Len on th i s if Ge t Out l oo k for i OS From : DocBen Sent : Tuesday , October 1 0 , 2017 2 : 38 : 02 PM (UTC) Coordi na t ed Universa l Time To : DocBen ; App l e ton , Seth D; Gr eenw ood , Sh e i la M; Marzo l , Adolfo Wade , Dana T ; Thompson , Amy C; Dendas , Michael W; Ke l le y , Mi chael Kurtz , R . Hunter ; Davis , Thomas R Subject : MEET to Follow - up on Murde r Board a nd CALL wi th Ra nki ng Member Cleaver When : Tuesday , Octobe r 1 0 , 2017 6 : 00 PM-7 : 00 PM. Where : SOHUD' s Office Subject : Loca tion : Start : En d : Tue F; J; MEET to Follow - up on Murde r Board SOHUD' s Office Tue 1 0/ 1 0 /20 1 7 2 : 30 PM 1 0/ 1 0/20 1 7 3 : 00 PM Rec ur ren ce : (n on e) Meet ing St atus : Accepted Or ga ni zer : DocBe n Required Attendees : Seth D Appleton (Se t h .D . Appleton@hud . gov ); She il a M Greenwood (Sh eila . M. Gr een woo dl@h ud . gov ); Adolfo F Marz ol (Ado l f o . F . Marzol@hu d . gov ); Wade , Dana T ; Amy C Th ompson (Amy. C . Th ompson@h ud . gov ); Denda s , Mi chae l W; Ke ll ey , Mic hael J Subject /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Informal Meetin g in the Dep Se c Conference Room HUD-18-0504-D-000356 Start : Fri 1 0/6/20 17 1 : 45 PM End : F ri 1 0/6/20 17 2 : 15 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Meet in g S t a tus : Not yet r esponded Organi zer : Alexa nder , Maso n Requ i r ed At t e ndees : Hughes , Andrew ; Mil l s , Al li so n F ; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Fila , Stephanie C ; Hall er , Ju lia Z; Den das , Mic hael W; Thompson , Amy C ; Wade , Dan a T ; Hi pp , Van D; Cu mmings , Mat th ew L ; Zorc , Bet hany A; Far i as , Anna Ma ri a ; Br avacos , John G; Garza , Sarah J ; Gai n es , Ralph H; Hu n ter , Matthew F ; Marzo l, Adol f o F ; App l eton , Se th D; S to we , Ale xa nde r D; Mar s h a l l, Michae l J ; Smi t h , Cooper J; Kasper , Maren M; Joy , Jo h nson P ; Byrd , Dav id J ; Browning , Austi n G; Gribbin , William J ; Tufts , Suzanne I; Coffey , Al exa nde r ; Gibbs, John ; Ke l le y , Michae l J ; Youngb l ood , Ri c h ard A; Roget , Gise l e G; Will i ams , Ra ffi ; Hered i a , Evo nn e G; Th ompson , Cait l i n H; Coresse l , J acie ; Pe tt y , Timo thy J ; Baco n, James A; Beckles , Angela L ; Bass , M; Delahoyde , Abigail M; Burl e y , Mi chae l N; Dea na ; Gr ee n wood , Sh eila Bourne , Chri stopher M; Woll J r , David C ; Brig ht , Mi chae l R; Gorml ey , Jos eph M; Cowa n Jr . , Ch ad ; Du nn, Conno r M; Brown , Christina M; Eagl es , Dav i d T; Bowes , Rober t B; Ludlow , Ash le y ; Hold e r f i e l d , S teph anie A; Kur tz , R . Hunter ; McCall , Drew A; Bar ton , Victoria L; Dema rz o , Be n jam i n E Subject: Loc ation : Sheila a nd Ben and COS office Le n on MBA Co n fere n ce Start : End : F ri Fri 1 0/6/20 17 1 : 30 PM 1 0 /6/20 17 2 : 0 0 PM Recu r rence : (none) Meet i ng Status Organizer Requ i red Meet i ng organ iz e r : Gr eenwood , Shei la M Atte ndees : Wol f so n , Len ; Demarzo , Ben jami n E Subjec t: Loca tion : S tart : End : F ri : Chec k -i n w/Shei COS Office la , David & Aida - re : SOHUD' s Budget F ri 1 0/6/20 17 12 : 00 PM 10/6/2017 12 : 30 PM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Status : Meeting organizer HUD-18-0504-D-000357 Organize r: Greenwood , Sheila M Req u ir ed Atte ndees : Gre enwo od , Sheila Rod rig uez , Aida N Subject : Location : M; Eag les , David T; BRIE F on Fl orida a n d Pu e r to Ric o Secretary ' s Conference Roo m Start : Thu 1 0/12/20 1 7 4 : 30 PM En d : Thu 1 0/ 12/ 20 1 7 5 : 00 PM Recurrence : (none ) Meet i ng Status : Acc ep t ed Or ga niz er : DocB en Req u i re d At te ndees : Benjamin E Dema rz o (Ben j a min . E . De ma r zo@hud . g ov) ; Delahoyde , Abi ga i l M; Amy C Thompson (Amy. C . Th omps on@hu d . g ov ) ; Fila, Stephanie C; Hun ter , Matthew F; Andr ew Hughes (And r ew . Hughes@hud . gov) ; Cl evelan d - Leggett , Deni se C; Dr ew A McCall (J o n at ha n . A . McCall@hu d . gov) ; Seth D Applet o n (Seth . D. Appleto n @h ud . go v ); Bregon , Nelson R; Free , Ke nn eth E; Golr i ck , Jane t M; Sheila M Gree nwood (Sh e ila . M. Greenwoodl@hud.gov) ; Ke ll ey , Mic h a el J ; Burley, Michael N; Rap h a e l L Williams (Rap ha e l . L . Williams@hud . g ov) ; Thompson , Caitl i n H; Zorc , Bet ha n y A; Pe tty , Timo t hy J ; PHP ; Rack l eff , Nea l J ; Ga i nes , Ra l ph H Subject : Save the Date : OCHCO Leade rs h ip Fe a t u ring Joh n Beniso n Loca tion : Brooke-Mondale Audit o rium , Suites Jo ur ne y Series - A &B Sta r t : F ri 10/ 1 3/2017 11 : 00 AM End : F ri 10/ 13 /2017 12 : 00 PM Sho w Time As : Tenta tiv e Recurrence : (none ) Meet in g Sta t us : Org a nize r : OCHCO Req uir e d Att endees /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Not : y e t re spo nded All HUD HIDs HUD-18-0504-D-000358 OCHCO Leadership Jour n ey Ser i es : John Be ni son Each of HUD' s Senior Leaders h as the ir own i nd i vidua l story they j o ur neyed to become the leaders th ey are t oda y . So me tr a velled many miles , wh i l e ot h e rs began the ir journey just st r eet . Regardl ess, the ir journey has brought them to HUD and le ad us into the futur e . of h ow have down the to serve Ple ase join OCHCO f or o ur ne xt conversation in the Le ade r sh ip Journey Ser ie s , when we talk with Joh n Benison , Direct o r , Off ice o f Depar tm e n ta l Employme nt and Equal Oppo r t u n ity, about hi s jour n ey to become a HUD Leader . For t hos e v i ewi ng v ia webcast , y o u ma y send questions during the sess i on to LeadershipJourn eySe ri es@HUD. gov . Webcast Lin k : Subjec t: Loc a tio n: http : //W ebcast.hu d . gov or . Hous i ng Start : Thu 10/5/2017 1 1 : 30 AM End : Thu 1 0/5/20 17 12: 00 PM Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Status : Accepted Organizer : Thompso n, Amy C Required Attendees : Greenwood , Shei la (Dana . T.Wade@hud.gov) ; Hughes , Andrew Subject : Locat ion : S t art : End : F ri /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT CIA Bri e fing Room 6280 M; Dana T Wade w/Sheila Fri 1 0/ 1 3/20 1 7 9 : 30 AM 10/ 1 3/2017 11 : 00 AM HUD-18-0504-D-000359 Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting St at us : Meeting organizer Orga n iz e r : Gr eenwood , She i la M Requ i r ed Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Talley Subjec t : Inv i tation : Lun c h wi th Michael 12pm - 1pm (EDT) (Sheila Greenwood) Ste i n , Keith L @ Wed Oc t 4 , 201 7 Star t : Wed 1 0/4/20 17 12 : 00 PM End : Wed 10 /4/20 17 1 : 00 PM Recurrence : (none ) Meet in g Status Org a nizer more : Accepted (b~)(~6~) -------------~ : ~l details» Lunch with Mi c h ae l Stein When Wed Oct 4, 2017 1 2pm - 1pm Eastern Calendar Sh e ila Greenwood Who l(b)(6) She i l a Gr eenwood Time i- organizer Going ? Yes - Maybe - No more options» I n vit at io n from Goog l e Calendar You a re r ece iving th i s courtesy email at the account she i l a . m. greenwoodl@hud . g ov beca u se you a r e a n attendee o f this event . To stop receivin g fut u re upda tes for th i s event , decl i ne this e vent . Alternatively yo u can si g n up for a Goo g l e acco un t a t h ttps : //www . google . com/ca l enda r / and co n tro l your notificat i on sett i ngs for yo ur ent ir e ca l e nda r . Forwardi ng this inv i tation c ould al l ow a n y recipient to mod i fy your RSVP respons e . Le arn More . Subjec t : FW: MEETI IN G between OSEC and OIG Locat i o n : SOHUDs of fi ce Start : End : Fri F ri 10/ 1 3/2017 11 : 00 AM 10/ 1 3/2017 11 : 30 AM Recur r e n ce : (none ) Meet ing Status Org an iz e r : Are : Accep te d DocBe n you attending? /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000360 - ---- Or i ginal Appointment ----Fr om : Co re ssel , Jac i e On Behal f Of Doc Ben Sent : Tu esday , Septembe r 12 , 2017 1 0 : 47 AM To : DocBen ; Zo r c , Betha ny A; O ' Leary , Ma r k ; Sheila M Gr eenwood (S heila . M. Gree nwood l @hud . gov) Cc : Kirk l and , J e remy ; J en kins , Anne Subjec t : MEETIING between OSEC a n d OI G When : F r iday , October 1 3 , 2 0 1 7 11 : 00 AM-11 : 30 AM (UTC-05 : 00) Eastern Time (US & Cana da) . Where : SOHUDs office Subjec t : Con f e r e n ce Locatio n : SPEAK at Family Promise o f St . Tammany National Arl i ngton , VA Start : End : F ri Fri 10/ 1 3/2017 3 : 00 PM 1 0/13/20 1 7 4 : 00 PM Recurrence : (none ) Meetin g Status : Accepted Org a nizer : DocBe n Required Attendees : Sheila (Sheila . M. Greenwoodl@hud . gov) M Greenwood LEAD: BEN EVENT : Family Promise ROLE: Backstage DATE: Friday 15th Photos , October Annua l Nat ional , Brief Remarks Conf e rence a n d Mode r ated Pa n el Q&A 13 TIME : 3 : 00PM-4 : 00PM LOCATION: Crystal Ga teway Marriot Arling to n , Virg i nia 222 02 SETUP : Remarks INTRO : Board from Chair Pod i um followed Angela t , 1 700 Jefferson by Seated Davis Moderated Highway , Q&A On stage Schroeder ATTENDEES: 350 CIR : N/A /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000361 PRESS : Closed POC: Claas Ehlers/ cehlers@familypromise / WALKTHROUGH: Mo rni ng of 13 Friday, Oct . org 9 08 273 - 11 0 0 x12 TI MELINE : 3 : 00P M - YOU a rr ive a nd h ead t o a green Board of Directors and Adv i so ry Council r oom with 3 : 03PM - YOU take photos Council (3 c l icks ) of with the Board the Directors Family Pr omi se and Advisory 3 : 05P M - YOU meet Boa rd Cha i r Angela Sc hr oede r a n d Advisory Coun c il Members Sarah Jackson , Hope Johns on , and Kat Li lley who wi ll be con d uc t i ng the modera te d Q&A 3 : 1 3P M - YOU depa r t 3 : 15PM - Board Chair intro ductory remarks 3 : 16 PM - YOU make the gr een Angela Schroede r introduc from the p o dium i nt r od u ctory 3 : 2 5 PM - YOU conclude Q&A o nst age r oom f o r backstage intro es r emar k s f r om the make pod i um r emarks and s it 3 : 26PM - Moderator Cl aas Eh l ers introduces members who eac h give a two-minute overview expe ri encing homelessness the of advisory council t h eir backgrou nd 3 : 32P M - Adv i so ry Council 3 : 59 PM - Moderat o r Claas d uc to ry YOU to membe r s beg in moderated Ehlers concl u d es mode rated for a mode rat ed Q&A Q&A 4 : 00P M - YOU depart MEET with Suza nne SOHUD' s off i ce Subjec t : Locat i o n : Tu ft s Start : Mon 10/ 16/20 17 9 : 50 AM End : Mon 10/16/2017 1 0 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence : (none) Mee t ing Status Organizer : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Not ye t re spo nded DocBe n HUD-18-0504-D-000362 Required Attendees : suzanne.tufts@hud . gov ; Alexander Andrew Hug hes (And r ew .Hug hes@ hu d .g ov) ; Dr ew A McCa ll (Jo n athan . A . McCall @hud . gov) ; Sheila M Greenwood (Sheila . M. Gr eenwoodl@hud . gov) Subject : Lo cation : Check - in w/Sheila Gree nwood and COS Off ic e (Su it e 10000 ) Suzanne , Maso n ; Tufts Start : Thu 1 0/5/20 17 3 : 0 0 PM End : Thu 1 0 /5/20 17 3 : 30 PM Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Meet i ng organ iz e r Organiz e r : Greenwood , Shei l a M Required Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila Subject : Travel M; Tuft s , Suz a n ne I by Ube r Start : Tue 10 /3/20 17 1 1 : 30 AM End : Tue 1 0/3/2017 12 : 00 PM Recurrence : (none) Org a nizer : Subjec t : Locat i o n : Greenwood , Sheila M Meetin g w/Sheila Gree nwood , Amy and Co n s uell a Jo rd an COS Office - Amy will j oin the meet i ng at 2 :1 5 Sta r t : Wed 10/4/2017 2 : 0 0 PM End : Wed 10/4/2017 2 : 30 PM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Meeting organizer Org an iz e r : Gr eenwood , She i la M Required Atte ndees : Greenwood , Shei la Consuella (Federal) Depa r tm e n t of the F r eeway) HUD - come to 451 7th , SW Street Wash i ng ton , DC Eunice /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT the South M; Thomp son , Amy C; Jordan entrance securi , t y des k (ne ar 204 10 - 4 02 - 6624 HUD-18-0504-D-000363 She i la - 402-6068 Subject : Location : Senior DepSec Staff Strategy Meeting Confere n ce Room Start : Wed 1 0/4/20 17 4:30 End : Wed 1 0/4/20 17 5 : 30 PM Recurrence Meeting PM : (none) St atus : Accepted Organizer : PHP Required Atte ndees : PHP; Eagles , David T ; Rackleff , Nea l J ; Far i as , Anna Mar ia ; Wade , Dana T ; Thompson , Arny C; Marshall , Michae l J ; Brig h t , Michael R; Zorc , Bethany A; Appleton , Seth D; Hunter , Matthew F ; Greenwood , Sheila M; Bass , Deana ; Kurtz , R. Hunter ; Hughes , Andrew Opt i onal Attendees : Marzol , Ado l fo F ; Bravacos , John G DSOHUD requested a meet i ng with senior staff strategy . Subject : Location : Pol i tical Strategy DepSec Conference the above ind i v i duals to discuss Meeting Room Start : Wed 10/4/2017 4 : 30 PM End : Wed 1 0/4/20 17 5 : 30 PM Recurrence : (none) Meeti ng Status : Accepted Organizer : PHP Required Attendees : Eagles , David T ; Rack l eff , Neal J ; Farias , Anna Maria ; Wade , Dana T ; Thompson , Amy C; Mars h all , Michael J; Bright , Mi chael R; Zorc , Bethany A; Apple t on , Seth D; Hun t er , Matthew F ; Greenwood , She i la M; Bass , Deana ; Kur tz , R. Hunter ; Hughes , Andrew DSOHUD r equested pol i tical strategy Subject : Location : a mee t ing . wi t h the BRIEF on NEC Pr i ncipals SOHUD' s Office above Meeting individua l s t o discuss : Hous i ng Finance Reform Start : Thu 1 0/5/20 17 10 : 30 AM End : Thu 1 0/5/20 17 11 : 00 AM Recurrence Meeting /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) S t atus : Accepted HUD-18-0504-D-000364 Organi zer : DocBe n Requ ir ed Attendees : She i l a M Gree nwood (She i l a.M . Gree nwood l @hud . gov) ; Adolfo F Marzol (Adolfo .F. Marzo l @hud . gov) Subject : Loca t ion : Cos Reports DepSec Offic e Start : Mon 1 0/2/20 17 1 1 : 00 AM End : Mon 10 /2/ 2 0 17 11 : 30 AM Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Accepted Organiz e r : PHP Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Ma r shall , Mi c h ael J Subjec t: Locat i o n: Greenwood , Sheila M; Dawkins , Euni ce Brie f ing on Economic Po licy Dep Sec Conference Room Agenda and Messagi D; ng Sta r t : Tu e 10/ 1 0/2017 4 : 00 PM End : Tue 10 /10/20 1 7 4 : 45 PM Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Status : Accep te d Org an iz e r: Thompso n , Amy C Required At te ndees : PHP; Greenwood , Sheila M; Cowan Jr ., Chad ; Apple ton, Set h D; Dendas , Mi ch a e l W; Wade , Dan a T; Marzo l , Ado lfo F ; Zorc , Bethany A; Hughes , Andrew ; Farias , Anna Maria ; Rackle ff , Neal J ; Du nn, Conno r M; Mar s h a ll , Mi c h ae l J ; Eagles , Dav i d T Opt i o na l Attendees : Kasper , Maren M; Smi th , Cooper J Re sch e du l ed for next Tuesday , October 1 0, 4 : 00 p . m. Agen d a : Overview I. Discuss /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT the ra t iona l e a n d how we identified t h ese po l icy pr i orities HUD-18-0504-D-000365 I I. Policy Provide details and Agenda timi n g for II I. each t i ve Messag i ng Discuss points key themes rel at iv e to IV . of broader narrative, eac h init i a t ive Ot her Next V. Subjec t: Loc ation : PHP Mee t with Dep Sec Office Conside Sheila Greenwood Recurrence : (none) : as spec ifi c t alking - Cos Repo rt s Accepted Organiz e r : PHP Required Attendees : Dawkin s , Eun i ce D Subject : Locat i o n: well Steps Fri 9/29/2017 3 :0 0 PM 9/29/2017 3 : 30 PM ng Status as r at i o n s Start : End : F ri Meeti initia Marshall , Mi c h ael J ; Gree nwood , She il a M; SWEARING IN f o r Suzan n e Tufts SOHUD' s off i ce Start : F ri 10/6/2017 9 :0 0 AM End : Fri 1 0/6/20 17 9 : 30 AM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Recu rr en ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not ye t respo nded Organizer : DocBen Required Attend ees : Alexand e r , Mason ; Mayo, Sammy E ; Mi ller, Mi tchell E ; Sh eila M Greenwood (Sheila . M. Gree nwoodl@h u d .g ov) ; Andrew Hughes (Andrew . Hug hes@ hu d . gov) ; Dr ew A McCall (Jonathan . A . McCall@hud . gov) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000366 Subject Location : : Congressional Depar t men tal Hearing Conference Start : Wed 1 0/11/20 1 7 2:00 End : Wed 1 0/11/20 1 7 4 : 00 PM Recurrence Pr ep -- Mur der Room Board PM : (none) Meet i ng Status : Accep t ed Organizer : DocBen Required Atte ndees : Zorc , Bet hany A; Wolf so n , Len ; Wade , Dan a T ; Roget, Gise l e G; Gimo nt , Stanley ; Eagles , David T ; Richardson , Todd M; Adolfo F Marz o l (Ad olfo . F . Ma rz o l @hu d .g ov) ; Br ight , Michae l R; Kurtz , R . Hunter ; Dendas , Micha el W; Amy C Thompson (Amy . C . Thompson@hud . gov ) ; Sh e ila M Gr een wood (Sheila.M . Gree nwood l @hu d .g ov) ; Kelley , Michael J ; Set h D Appleton (Seth . D.Appl e t o n @hud . gov ) ; Barton , Vi cto ri a L ; Brown , Je r eon M; PHP; Marshall , Micha el J ; Lud low , As h ley ; Br avacos , J o hn G; Rack l eff , Neal J Optio na l Attend ees : Kasper, Maren M Subjec t : Loca tion : Mur de r Boar d Secre t a r y ' s Co n ference Room S t art : Tue 10 /1 0 /20 1 7 8 : 30 AM End : Tue 10 /1 0 /20 1 7 1 0 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not yet responded Organ iz e r : Doc Ben Requ i r ed Atte ndees : Zorc , Bethany A; Wolf so n , Len; Wade , Dan a T ; Roget , Gise l e G; Gimont , St anley; Eagles , David T ; Richardson , Todd M; Ado lfo F Marzol (Adolfo . F . Marzol@hud . gov); Sheila M Greenwood (Sheila.M . Gree nwo od l @hu d .g ov) ; Bright , Michael R; Hobbs , Benjami n R; Kurtz , R . Hunte r ; Dendas , Mi c h ael W; Kelley, Mi c h ae l J ; Seth D Appleton (Seth . D. App l eto n @hud . gov) ; Barton , Victoria L Subjec t: Locatio n : Start : End : Tue Congressional Hear i ng Prep-Mur der Departme n ta l Co n ference Room Board Tue 1 0/10/20 1 7 8 : 30 AM 1 0/10/20 1 7 10 : 30 AM Recu rr ence : (no ne ) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000367 Meet i ng Status : Accepted Organiz e r : DocBen Required Attendees : Zorc , Bet hany A; Wolf so n , Len ; Wade , Dana T; Roget , Gise l e G; Gi mont , Stanley ; Eagles , David T; Ri c h a r dson , Todd M; Adolfo F Marz o l (Adolfo . F . Ma rz o l @hu d . g ov) ; Sh e i la M Gr eenwood (She i la . M. Gree nwood l @hud . gov) ; Bright , Michael R; Hobbs , Benjami n R; Kurtz, R. Hun te r ; Dendas , Micha e l W; Ke ll ey , Michael J ; Seth D App l eton (Se th . D. App l eton@hud.gov) ; Barton , Victor i a L; Amy C Thompso n (Amy. C . Thompso n @hud . gov ); Brown , Jereo n M; PHP; Mars h all , Mic hael J ; Ludl ow, As h ley ; Bass , Deana ; Fa r ias, Anna Mar ia Optiona l Attend ees : Andrew Hughes ; Jonathan McCal l Subject : Jac i e Out of Office Start : Thu 9/28/2017 12 : 00 AM End : Fri 9/29/20 17 12 : 00 AM Show Time As : F ree Recurrence : (none ) Meet i ng Status : Not yet r espo nded Organiz e r : Coresse l , Jacie Required Attendees : Mil l s , Allison F ; Baco n , James A; Daw kin s , Eun i ce D; Andrew Hughes (Andrew . Hughes@ hu d . gov ) ; Drew A McCa l l (J on athan . A . McCal l@hud . gov) ; Benjam i n E Dema rzo (Benjami n . E . Demarzo@hud . g ov) ; Delahoyde , Abigail M; Sheila M Greenwood (Shei l a . M. Gre enw oo d l@hud . gov ) Subject Locatio : n: 1 0 : 30AM EST - CALL w/ Janet Janet wi l l dial you Gol r i ck Start : Thu 9/28/20 17 10 : 30 AM End : Thu 9/28/20 17 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : Da ily Recurre n ce Pattern : Meeti ng Sta t us : Not every day from /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Senior 11: 00 AM ye t responded Organ iz e r: DocBe n Required At te ndees : Golric k , Janet (Sheila . M. Gr eenwoodl@hud . gov) Subject 10 : 30 AM to Staff M; Sheila M Gree nwoo d Meeting HUD-18-0504-D-000368 Locatio n: Secre t a r y ' s Co n ference Room Start : Mon 10 /2/20 17 3 :0 0 PM End : Mon 10/2/2017 3 : 30 PM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Accepted Organi zer: DocBe n Requ ir ed Attendees : She il a M Gree nwood (Sheila .M.G ree nwood l @hud . gov) ; Kurtz , R. Hunter ; Bass , Deana ; Andrew Hughes (Andrew . Hughes@hud . gov) ; Adolfo F Marzol (Adolfo.F . Mar z ol@hud . gov ); Bright , Mi c h ael R; Seth D Appleton (Seth.D . Appleton@hud . gov ); Bourne , Christopher M; Joy , Johnso n P ; Wade , Dana T; Hun ter , Matthew F ; Eag l es , Dav i d T; Amy C Thompso n (Amy. C . Th ompso n @h ud . gov ); Gain es , Ra l p h H; Zorc , Betha n y A; Kasper , Maren M; Rackleff , Ne al J ; Marshall , Michael J ; Patena u d e, Pamela H Subjec t: Re : Request for Meeting Start : Thu 9/28/20 17 11 : 30 AM End : Thu 9/28/20 17 12: 30 PM Recu rr ence : (none) Meet in g Status Organize Required : Meet in g o rga n iz e r r: Greenwood Att en d ees: , Shei la Corsigl M ia , Nancy E; Dawk in s , Eun ic e D Chief of Sta f f ' s Brow n Bag Lunch Subjec t: Administra tors Loc ation : HQ Conference Room 8202 with th e FPM Regional Tue 9/26/20 17 12: 00 PM Start : End : Tue 9/26/20 17 1:0 0 PM Recu rr ence : (none) Meet in g Status : Organizer : Routt , Required Atte ndees Greenwood , Sheila Opt i o n al Atte ndees Accepted Lora D : Dawki n s , Eunice D; Car ter, Steve n s J ; M : Franceschin i -Petty , Raq u e l; Douglas , Lashawn N Per Chie f o f St aff Gree nwood ' s discussio Secreta r y Matt h ew Hunte r Subject /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : MEET w/ Janet n wi t h Assistant Deputy Golrick HUD-18-0504-D-000369 Locatio n: SOHUD' s Office Start : Mon 9/25/20 17 2 : 45 PM End : Mon 9/25/2017 3 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not ye t respond Orga n iz e r: DocBe n Required Atte ndees : Sheila (Sheila . M. Greenwoodl@hud . gov) Subject Location : Mtg . wit h DEPSEC DEPSEC Conf . Rm. : ed M Greenwood & COS Start : End : Fri Fr i 9/29/20 17 11 : 00 AM 9/29/20 17 12 : 00 PM Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status : Fi n a nc e Reform Accep t ed Organiz e r : Marzol , Adolfo F Required Attendees : Patenaude Kasper , Maren M; Bri g ht , Mi chael , Pamela H; Greenwood , She il a M; R; Wade , Dana T ; Stowe , Alexander Subjec t: Inv i tation : ~l (b_)(6_)______ 2pm - 3pm (EDT) (She i la Greenwood) Start : End : Sat RE : Housing ~1~1(b_)(6_)_~1 @ Sat D Oc t 21 , 2017 Sat 10/2 1 /2017 2 : 00 PM 10/21/2017 3 : 00 PM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status Org an iz e r: more : Accep te d ~l (b~)(~6~) _____________ _, details» I l(b)(6) ~' (b)_(6_) ~ When Sat Oc t 21, 20 1 7 2pm - 3pm Eas t e r n Ti me Calendar Sheila Greenwood ~l (b~)(~6_____________ ) organ i z e r Who She il a Gree nwood _.!- Going? Calendar /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Yes - Maybe - No more options » Invitation from Goog l e HUD-18-0504-D-000370 You are r ece iving th i s cour tes y email at the accoun t she il a . m.gr ee nwood l @hu d .g ov beca u se y ou a r e a n attendee of this event . To stop receiving fu tu r e updates for th i s event , decline thi s eve n t . Al ter n ative l y you can sign up for a Goo g le accou n t at h ttps : //www . goo g le . com/calendar/ and co n t r o l yo ur noti f icat i o n sett in gs for yo ur ent ir e ca l e nda r. Forwarding this inv i tati o n c o ul d all ow a n y recipient to modify your RSVP r espo n se . Lea rn More . Su bje c t: Di sas t e r Ca ll with Age n cies Locat ion : 9 2 02 - via Co nf e r ence Cal l Start : Wed 9/ 2 7/2 017 1 : 00 PM End : Wed 9/27/2017 2 :0 0 PM Recur r e n ce : (none ) Meet i ng Status : Acc epte d Orga n iz e r: Wade , Dan a T Required Attendees : alexandra . tr a vi s@fem a . d hs . gov ; Cyn t hia . Adco ck @fhfa . gov ; Donald . Co rin@f h fa . gov ; Mari a . Fernandez@fhfa . gov ; Pa ul . The ruvipar a mpil@f hfa . g ov ; Ca mpbell , Pa tr i cia A; Gi bbons , Kat hl een M; Kasp er , Mare n M; LOGAN, LEAH M; Meau x , Les l i e A; Fr i ed ma n, Warren ; Wade , Dana T ; Gree nwood , Sheila M; Mar z o l , Adolfo F ; Go l rick , Ja n e t M; Rich a rd . Kane@wdc . usda . gov ; Stuar t. Walden@wdc . us da . gov ; Rhonda . Armi tage @va . gov ; Ri ta . Falcion i @v a .g o v ; jeffrey . lo n don@va .g ov ; Br a v acos , John G; Roget , Gise l e G; Gormley , Josep h M; Bowes , Robe r t B; Halle r, J u l i a Z; Carr , Terry M; Ib er , Robert G; Van Dam, Katelyn M Call i n n umbe r : 1 - 877 - 336 - 1839 Access Host Cod e : icbl/6l lfiillfilJ (DANA ONLY) Code : Sub j ec t: Locat i o n : Interage n cy working g r o up on hurri 9202 - via Co nf e r ence Cal l cane r esponse Start : Wed 9 /2 7/ 201 7 1 : 0 0 PM End : Wed 9/27/20 17 2 : 0 0 PM Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Sta t us : Accepted Organ iz e r: Wade , Dana T Requ ir ed Atte nd ees : a lexandr a . tr avis@fema . dhs . gov ; Cynthia . Adcoc k@fh f a . gov ; Donald . Corin@fhfa . gov ; Mar i a . Fernandez@fhfa . gov ; Paul . Th eruviparamp i l@f hf a . gov ; Campbell , Patr i c i a A; Gi bbons , Kat hl een M; Kaspe r , Mare n M; LOGAN, LEAH M; Meaux , Le sli e A; Friedman , Warren ; Greenwood , Sheila M; Marzol , Adolfo F; Golrick , J anet M; Richard . Kane@wdc . us da . gov ; /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000371 Stuar t.W alden@wdc . usda . gov ; Rhonda . Armitage@va.gov ; Rita . Falc i on i @va . gov ; j effrey .lon don@va . gov ; Bravacos , J ohn G; Roget , Gisele G; Gormley, Joseph M; Bowes, Robert B; Ha ller , Julia Z; Carr , Te rry M; Iber , Robe r t G; Van Dam, Kate lyn M; Wolf son, Len Opt i o n al Attendees : Sha ff er , Julie ; Brown , Amy L; Jo h nson , Stefa ni e (Mullin) ; Walto n, Danielle Call in Access Host n umber : 1 - 888 - 675 - 2535 !(b)(6) Code : filillfilJ (J ANET ONLY) Code : Subjec t: Location : Harvey DepSec Update Con fe re n ce Room 1 0106 S t art : Mon 9/25/20 17 9 : 30 AM End : Mon 9/25/2017 10 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : Dai ly Recu rr ence Pa tte rn : Meeting Status : eve ry day Tenta tivel from 9 :3 0 AM to 10 : 00 AM y accepted Organizer : Golrick , Janet M Required Attend ees: Greenwood , Shei l a M; Eag l es , David T; Alexander , Fra nk J ; Brooks , Towanda A; Cooke, Kevin R; Gree ne , Bryan ; Kit tre ll , Katha r i n e D; Renner , Robert N; Ri cha r dson , Todd M; Thompson , Amy C; Timberlake , Cour tney B; Potts , Millic ent B; Hun ter , Matthew F; Van Duyne , Beth A; Ramon , Nicolas ; Bradl ey , Leslie Ann ; Woll Jr , David C; Ammon, Matthew E ; Hebert , Tony X; Ozd i nec, Mil an M; Sullivan , Brian E ; Bl om, Domi niq ue G; AMOS, WILLIAM L ; Co ffe y , Alexander ; Ki dd , Stephen C; Hu ggins , Jo hn C; Fa r ias , Anna Maria ; Smith (Ctr) , Ra ymond V; St ayanovich , Jason E ; Kur tz , R . Hunter ; Muni r , Rafiq A; Albert , Helen M; Kasper , Maren M; Wri ght , Sheila D; Appleton , Seth D; Bet he a , Shelia M; Clemmense n, Craig T ; La v oy , Dona l d J ; Ba ll a r d , Daniel L ; Bregon , Nelson R; Bres , Dan a B; Br own , Je reon M; Bryo n , Jem in e A; Campbell , Renae M; Constant in e , Pete r J ; Cruciani , Linda M; Friedman , Warren; HEOC; Holla nd, Rena D; Joy , Johnson P ; Linco ln , Paula A; Lyberg , Sarah A; Mich alski, Lori A; Miller, Mi chelle M; Ni c hol s , Del ton ; Rodkey , Kitt ; Sco tt , Jimmy ; Surbe r, Keith W; Wadhams , Unabyrd ; Kelley , Mi chae l J ; Ga rr ett , Wil li e C; Daniels , Shei la J ; Barton , Victoria L; Bur l ey , Michael N; A; Snow , Ellis , Edward D; McClure , Laura L; Zorc , Bethany Chris t opher ; Dendas , Michael W; Radosev ich , Tara J ; LOGAN, LEAH M; Cleveland-Leggett , Denise C; Tay lor , Christopher D; Va n Dam, Katelyn M; Gargi ul o , Emily ; Garcia , J u a n C .; Va rg as , David A. ; Gaines , Ra lp h H; Smyth , Timothy M; Rios , Eric C; Rack leff , Neal J Cal l-in Access /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Number : 888-675-2535 b~}/=6.}_ _. Code : ~k HUD-18-0504-D-000372 Host Cod e : lilii@J (Janet Subject : Loca tion : Only) Senior Staff Meet ing Secre tary ' s Co nference Room Start : Mon 9/2 5/ 20 17 3 : 00 PM End : Mon 9/ 2 5/2 017 3 : 30 PM Sho w Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (non e ) Status : Not yet responded Organize r: DocBe n Required Attendees : Sheila M Gree nwood (S h ei l a . M. Gr eenwoodl@hud . gov) ; Kurtz, R . Hun ter ; Ba ss , Dea n a; And r ew Hu g h es (And r ew . Hug h es @hu d . gov) ; Adolfo F Ma rz o l (Ado l fo . F . Mar zo l@hu d . gov ); Bright , Mich a el R; Seth D App leton (S e th . D. App l e ton@ hud . gov ); Bo urn e , Ch ris tophe r M; Joy , Johnso n P ; Wade , Dana T ; Hun ter , Matthew F ; Ea g les , Dav id T ; Amy C Thompson (Amy. C . Th ompson@h u d . gov) ; Gaines , Ralph H; Zorc , Bet ha ny A; Kaspe r , Maren M; Rac k leff , Ne al J Subject : Loca tion : Dis aster b ri ef i ng for DepSec Dep u t y Se cr et a ry Con f erence Room 10106 Start : Tue 9 /26/ 2 0 17 1 1 : 3 0 AM End : Tue 9/ 26/201 7 12 : 30 PM Sho w Time As : Ten tative Recurrence Meeting : (non e ) Status : Te n tat iv el y accep t ed Organiz e r: Stowe , Ale x ander D Required Atte nd ees : Van Dam, Kately n M; Holland , Re na D; Eag les , Davi d T ; Ma r sha ll , Mic hael J; Hebe rt , Tony X; Go lri ck, Janet M; Dunn , Co n nor M; Hun t er , Mat t hew F ; Gi mont , Stan l e y ; Gree nwood , Sheila M; Lincol n , Paula A; Richardson , Todd M; Rackleff , Nea l J ; Far i as , Anna Mar ia ; McCl ur e , La u r a L; Br egon , Nelson R; Pa tena u de , Pamela H Op tio na l At tendees : Clemmensen , Crai g T ; Borum , Mark G Mov i ng t h e meeting will be present . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT to Tuesday t o ensu r e those t r ave li ng th i s weekend HUD-18-0504-D-000373 Thanks , Alex Stowe F rom : Golr i c k, Janet M Sent : Thur sday , Septembe r 21, 2017 6 : 30 PM To : Eagles , David T > Cc : Mar s h al l , Michae l J > ; Stowe , Alexander D Dam, Ka te ly n M > Subjec t: RE : Disaster b r ie fi ng for DepSec > ; Van No p r ob l e m ... Stan and I already talked about giv in g her a full brie f ing upon my retu rn. We al re ady h ave a slide dec k so we ca n just fine tune it . From : Eagles , Dav i d T Sent : Thursday , September 2 1, 2 0 17 6 : 24 PM To : Golrick , J an et M > Cc : Mar s h a ll, Michae l J > ; Stowe , Alexander D Dam, Katelyn M > Sub j ect : Disaste r br i efi ng f o r DepSec > ; Va n Janet - just a he ads u p Pam mentioned t o us s he' d like a wide briefing on Di saster . Fund i ng/W R engagement/e x ecut i o n etc - the who l e t h ing . Alex Stowe (cc ' ed - her spec assistant) should be schedul i ng something soon . Can you v e rify the atten dees once it is set up a nd let h im k now i f anyo ne was miss ed th at could give he r the full picture? I ' d suggest yo u lead the meeti ng in terms of what to cover , etc and we sho u ld do i t when yo u are back i n person ne xt week . Thank /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT you . HUD-18-0504-D-000374 Subjec t: Loca tion: Legal Ho n ors Gr adua tion Bro o k e Mondal e Rema r ks Start : Fri 9/29/2017 9 : 00 AM End : Fri 9/29/2 0 17 10 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tenta tiv e Rec urre n ce : (n o ne ) Meeting Sta t us : Not y et r espo nded Organizer : Cr u cian i , Li nda M Req uir ed At tendees : Gr ee nwood , Sh e ila Be tha n y A M; Dawkin s, Eun ic e D; Zorc , She il a , Thank you for agreei ng to be the key n ote speaker for the Lega l Honors Gr adua ti on Ceremony . I wi ll dr aft remarks fo r you . Beth will intr oduce you . At the e nd of the h our , if you ca n stay for photos with the Leg al Honors that would be great . Many , many t ha nks, Li nda Subjec t: Loca tion : Catch Up 888-858-2144 , Cod e : ~l , !rb\/6\ Wednesday WHO: , Sep t ember Ben Ca r son , HUD Secreta Todd Richardson , Gene r al Deve l opment and Research Gimont , Dep u ty WHAT: I 20 Janet Assis Stan . L . Wil l i ams@HUD. gov Pen and Golrick , Associate t ant Secretary for Deputy Assistan ry Ass i sta n t t Secretary Pad on Disaster for General Housing Sec r eta ry Grant Deputy f o r Pol i cy Progra ms Recovery Reporte r s wil l be a ll owed to take notes wi ll no t be allowed to make recordings /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT but HUD-18-0504-D-000380 WHERE: Rober t C . Weaver Federal Building 451 7t h St . SW Wash i ngton , D. C . 204 1 0 Please WHEN: the south l obby en t rance 11 : 30 AM ET Wednesday Arrive use , Sep t ember 20 , 20 17 by 1 1: 10 AM ET Subject : Loca tion : National Media Roundtab l e re : HUD Disaster SOHUD Con f ere n ce Room ; Con f ere n ce l i ne in Recovery notes S t art : Wed 9/20/20 17 11 : 30 AM End : Wed 9/20/2017 12 : 30 PM Recurrence Meeting : (none) S t atus : Accepted Organize r: DocBe n Requ i red Attendees : DocBen ; Raphael L Wil liams (Raphae l . L . Williams@hud . gov) Optional Attendees : Gol ri ck , Janet M; Girnont , Stanley ; Richardson , Todd M; Thompson , Arny C; Brown , Jereon M; Cowan Jr ., Chad ; Cummi ngs , Matthe w L ; Neal Rack l eff ; Appleton , Seth D; Greenwood , Sheila M; Co r esse l, Jac i e ; Mills , Allison F ; Thompson , Caitlin H Con f erence Code Lin e : 877-848-7030 :k ..,b..,\/.,._6\ ._____. Topic : HUD' s response to the hurricanes WEDNESDAY , SEPTEMBER 20 , 20 17 /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000381 HUD SECRETARY BEN CARSON TO HOST REPORTER PEN & PAD ON DIS ASTER RECOVERY EFFORTS Next Wednesday , HUD Se cre t ary Ben Ca r son , along wi th senior members of t h e HUD disaste r r ecove ry te am , wi ll host se l ec t r epor t e r s at HUD Headquarters t o discuss HUD' s ro le i n the l on g-term r ecovery eff or ts for Hur r icanes Harvey a n d Irma . Top i cs will in cl u de CDBG-DR funding, the timeline fo r recovery , and wha t people in the affec ted regi on can expec t f r om HUD. To RSVP, please , Septembe , Rap h a el . L . Wil lia ms@HUD.go v I ! ASAP. Subject Locatio : n: CALL w/ Deputy ! Inter na l Attendees External Attendees Subject : : Anna Mar i a Farias : TBD DEPART Ft . McNair Start : End : Sat Sat 9/9/2017 9/9/2017 10:30 Recurrence : (none) Organi zer: DocBe n Requ i red Attendees : Subject Locatio : n: 10 : 30 AM AM DocBe n BRIEF on Rep . Burgress SOHUD's Office Meeting Start : Thu 9/7/2017 8 : 50 AM End : Thu 9/7/2017 9 : 00 AM Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Meeting Organi zer: DocBe n Requ ir ed Attendees : Subjec t: HOLD for Start : End : Fri organizer DocBe n; MEET with Barton , Vi cto ri a L ; Kelley , Mic h ae l J NAHRO Leadership Fri 9/22/20 17 11 : 30 AM 9/22/2017 12 : 00 PM Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : DocBen HUD-18-0504-D-000403 Requ i red Subject Locatio Atte ndees : : n: DocBe n Deana/ Envision COS Office Centers & Sect i on 3 Start : Wed 9/6/2017 11 : 30 AM End : Wed 9/6/2017 12 : 00 PM Recurrence Meeting : (none) St atus Organizer Requ i red : Accepted : Bass , Deana Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila Subjec t: Location : M MEET w/ She il a & Dav i d SOHUD' s Off i ce Sta r t : Wed 9/6/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Wed 9/6/2017 11 : 30 AM Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Accepted Organize r: DocBen Required Attendees : Eag l es , David (Sheila . M. Greenwood l @hud . gov) Top i c : Admin i s t rative Subject : HOLD for Issue Discuss T; Sheila M Greenwood i on INTERVIEW with Fox and Friends/ WMA L Start : Thu 9/7/2017 8 : 00 AM End : Thu 9/7/20 1 7 9 : 00 AM Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status : Meet in g organize r Organizer : Doc Ben Required Attendees : DocBen ; Raphael (Raphae l . L . Williams@hud.gov) Subject : L Wil lia ms SBA/HUD call Mon 9/4/20 1 7 2 : 00 PM Start : End : Mon 9/4/2017 3 : 00 PM /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000404 Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng Status : Meeti ng organizer Organi zer : Greenwood , Sheila M Requ i r ed Attendees : Gi mont , Stan l ey ; Gol rick , Janet Bradfield Subjec t : Invita t i on : Synopsis of PDR stud i es 2 : 15pm - 3 : 15 pm (EDT) (Sh ei l a Gre enwood ) M; Mary @ Tue Sep 5, 2017 St art : Tue 9/5/2017 2 : 15 PM End : Tu e 9/5/2017 3 : 1 5 PM Recurrence Meeti ng S t atus Organi more : (none) : Accepted zer : ~l (b_)(~6)_____________ _. details» Synopsis of PDR studies When Tue Sep 5 , 2017 2 : 15pm - 3 : 15pm Eastern Time Calendar She i l a Greenwood Who • l(b)(6) I - organizer Sh e ila Greenwood I n v i tat i o n f rom Goog l e Goi ng? Yes - Maybe - No more opt i o n s» Ca l endar You are r eceivi ng th is courtesy ema il at the account sheila . m. greenwoodl@hud . gov because you are an attendee of th i s event. To stop r ece iving future upda t es for th is eve nt , dec l i n e th i s event . Al ter na tive ly you can sign up for a Google acco u n t a t h ttps : //www . goo g l e . com/calendar/ and control yo u r notification setti ngs f or yo ur entire ca l e nd a r . Forwarding th i s inv i tation co ul d a ll ow a ny rec ip ient to mod i fy your RSVP r esponse . Learn Mo r e . Subject : HOLD for Secretary ' s Awards Start : Thu 9/21/20 17 12 : 00 AM End : Fri 9/22/20 17 12 : 00 AM Show Time As : Free Recu rr ence : (none) Organ iz e r : DocBe n Required Attendees : Subject : Loc ation : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Harvey DepSec DocBen Update Confere n ce Room 1 0106 HUD-18-0504-D-000405 Start : Thu 9/7/2017 9 : 30 AM End : Thu 9/7/2017 10:0 0 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : Da il y Recur r e n ce Patte r n : Meeting S t atus : every Tentative ly day from 9 : 30 AM to 1 0 : 00 AM accep te d Organi zer: Golrick , Janet M Requ ir ed Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Eagles, David T ; Alexander , Fra nk J ; Appleton , Seth D; Bethea , Shelia M; Brooks, Towanda A; Clemmensen , Craig T; Cooke , Kevin R; Green e, Bryan ; Kittrel l , Ka thar in e D; La voy , Donald J ; Renner , Robert N; Richardson , Todd M; Thompson , Amy C; Timberlake , Cour tney B; Pot ts , Milli ce n t B; Hun ter , Matthew F ; Van Duyne , Beth A; Ramo n , Ni colas ; Bradley , Leslie Ann ; Woll Jr , David C; Ammon, Matthew E; Ba llar d , Dani e l L; Br egon, Nelson R; Bres , Dana B; Brown , Je r eon M; Bryon , Jem i ne A; Campbel l, Renae M; Co n stanti ne , Peter J ; Cr u ciani , Linda M; Fr i edman , Warr en ; Hebe r t , To ny X; HEOC; Holla n d , Re n a D; Joy , Johnso n P ; Linco ln , Paula A; Lyberg , Sarah A; Micha lsk i , Lori A; Miller , Michelle M; Nichols , De l ton; Ozdinec , Mil an M; Rodkey, Kitt ; Scott, Jimmy ; Su lli van, Brian E; Su rb er, Keith W; Wadhams , Unabyrd ; Blom , Dominique G; Kelley , Mi c h ae l J ; Ga rr ett , Willie C; Daniels , She il a J ; Bar t on , Vi c t o r ia L; Burl ey , Michae l N; Elli s , Edward D; McCl ure , Laura L ; AMOS, WILLIAM L ; Coffey , Al exa nd er ; Kidd, Stephen C; Huggins , John C; Farias , Anna Maria ; Smith (Ct r ), Raymon d V; Staya nov ich , Jason E Call - i n Number : Acc ess Host 888 - 675 - 2535 Code : l/b)(6) MfilJ (Ja n et Only) Code : BREIF o n Upcomi ng Media SOHUDs off i ce Subjec t: Locat ion: St a r t : End : Tue Tue 9/5/2017 1 : 45 PM 9/5/2017 2 : 15 PM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status Orga n iz e r: /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Meeting organiz er DocBe n HUD-18-0504-D-000406 Requ ire d Atte ndees : (Raphael . L . Wi lliams@hud Brown , Jereon M Subject : Seminar Loca t ion : DocBe n; Raphael L Wil lia ms .g ov) ; Thompson , Amy C; Th ompso n , Ca i tlin Open i ng Remarks Depa r t mental at OGC' s Fi e l d a n d Headquarters Conference H; Manage r s Room Start : Tue 9/12/20 17 9 :0 0 AM End : Tue 9/12/20 17 9 : 30 AM Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Accep t ed Or ga niz e r : Cruciani , Linda M Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila Dawkin s , Eun i ce D Sheila M; Zorc , Bethany A; , Thank you for agr ee i ng to give opening remarks Headquarters Managers Seminar . I hav e attach ed wil l introduce you and then the floor is yours Please let me kn ow i f you want me to draft any your remarks . Af ter you spea k , Be t h will be giv i ng ou t service Dist in guishe d Service Award . at OGC's F ie ld and the agenda . Beth for 15 minutes. b ull et points for pins a n d the It wou ld be g r eat if Eun ice could send me a copy o f you r biography so we can include it i n the course mate r ia ls . If you h ave any materials tha t you would lik e us to includ e, we need them by COB on Wednesday , Sep t ember 6 . Than k you so much , Li nda X . 5108 /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000407 Subjec t : FW: St at u tor il y Manda te d Designation o f Diffi c u l t Deve l opment Areas and Qu a lif i ed Census Tr acts for 2 0 18 (FR-6043-N01) b~l{~6.l__. Lo cation : Room 8106 or ca ll in 877 - 336 - 1 828 code : ~k Start : Fri 9/1/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Fri 9/1/2017 2 : 3 0 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meet in g St atus Organi zer : : Not Richardson yet r espo nded , Todd M -----O r i gi na l Appointment----F rom : Richardso n , Todd M Se nt : Thu r sday , Augus t 31 , 2017 1 : 46 PM To : Richardson, Todd M; Kurtz, R . Hun te r Cc : App l eton , Seth D; Bo ur ne , Chri stop her M; Usowsk i, Kur t G; Hol lar , Mi chael K Subject : St atutorily Mandate d Design at io n of Difficu l t Deve l opme n t Ar eas and Quali fi ed Census Tracts for 2018 (FR- 60 4 3 - N- 0 1 ) When : F r iday , Septembe r 01 , 2017 2 : 00 PM-2 : 30 PM (UTC-05 : 00) Eastern Ti me (US & Ca n ada ) . Where : Ro om 8106 or cal l in 8 77 - 336 - 18 28 code : =k b~l<~6~ l~ Presentation added . I am in vit i ng a sma ll e r group . th i s i s the us u al crowd . Feel free to forward to others F rom : Kur tz , R . Hunte r Sent : Thu r sday , Augus t 3 1 , 2017 1 : 3 2 PM To : Ric h ardso n , Todd M > ; Sa n ta Ann a , Aaro n Golrick , Janet M > ; Eagles , David T > Cc : Gr ee nwood , Sh e il a M ; Clemmensen , Craig ; T . gov> >; HUD-18-0504-D-000408 Appleton , Set h D > ; Zo r c , Betha ny A >; Pereira Ariel > ; Bourne , Chr i s t op he r M > ; Usows k i , Kur t G > ; Forreste r , Alth ea M >; Foxx , Nac hes hia L > ; Ho llar , Mi chael K > Subject : RE : Statutorily Mand a te d Designation of Difficu l t Deve l opment Areas and Qu a lified Census Tr ac t s for 20 18 (FR-6043-N01) I would be i n tere sted , can , we do some th i ng tomorrow? From : Ri chardson , Todd M Sent : Thursday , August 31 , 2017 9 : 04 AM To : Santa Anna , Aaron > ; Golrick , Ja n et M > ; Kurtz, R . Hunter > ; Eagles , Dav i d T > Cc : Gree n wood , Sheila M > ; Clemmensen , Cra i g T > ; Appl e t o n , Set h D > ; Zorc , Bet h any A > ; Pe r e i ra , Ariel > ; Bourne , Chr i stop h er M > ; Usows k i , Kur t G > ; Forr e s te r , Al the a M > ; Foxx , Nac he sh i a L > ; Hol lar , Mic hael K > Subjec t : RE : St atutorily Manda te d Designation of Difficu l t Development Areas and Qualified Census Tracts for 2018 (FR-6043-N01) Dav i d/Hunter/Seth/Sheila /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000409 Let us know i f you would lik e a briefing on how we calculate th e Qualified Census Tracts and Di fficu lt Development Areas for the Low Incom e Housing Tax Credit p rogram . This is business as us ual , but you mig h t find it interes t in g . Todd F rom : Santa Anna , Aaron Sen t : Thursday , August 31 , 2017 8 : 44 AM To : Gol r ick , Ja ne t M > ; Kurtz , R . Hun ter > ; Eagles , Davi d T > Cc : Greenwood, Sheila M > ; Clemmensen , Cr ai g T > ; Apple ton, Seth D > ; Zorc, Bethany A > ; Pereira , Ari e l > ; Bourne , Chr istophe r M > ; Usowsk i , Kur t G > ; Forreste r, Althea M > ; Foxx, Nac h eshia L > ; Richardson , Todd M > ; Hollar , Michae l K > Subject : Statutorily Mandate d Designati on of Difficu lt Deve lo pme n t Ar eas and Qualified Census Tracts for 2 0 18 (FR- 6 043 - N- 01) Dav id/Hun ter/Ja n et that our Statutorily Areas and Qualified r eady to subm it to - Good mor ning . I just wanted to let you know Mandated Des igna t ion of Difficult Developm en t Ce nsu s Tracts f or 2018 (FR- 6043- N-0 1 ) notice is the Federal Register fo r publicat i o n. As yo u may know , under 26 U. S.C . 42 (d) (5 ) (B) ( iii ), for purposes of the LI HTC, HUD must designate DDAs , which are a r eas with h i gh construction , land , and uti l ity costs relative to area median gross income . This notice designates DDAs for each of the 50 states, the District of Col umbia, Puer to Ri co , American Samoa , Guam , the Norther n Mar i a n a Islands , and the U. S . Vi rgin Islands . The des i g na tions of DDAs in this no tice are based on mod i fied Fiscal Year (F Y) 2017 Small Area Fair Market Ren ts (S mall Area FMRs) , /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000410 FY2017 i n come limits exp l ai n ed be l ow . , a n d 20 1 0 Census populatio n coun t s , as Similar l y , under 26 U. S . C . 42 (d) (5) (B) (ii ) , HUD mu st designate QCTs , whi ch are a r eas eit h er i n which 50 percent or more of t h e house h olds have an income which is l ess than 60 percent of the area median gross i ncome f or such yea r or which have a poverty rate of at least 25 percent. Th i s n ot i ce designates QCTs based on new income and poverty da t a released i n the American Community Survey (ACS) . Specifical l y , HUD relies on the most rece nt three sets o f ACS data to ensure that a n omalous estimates , due t o samp l i ng , do n ot a ff ec t the QCT status of tracts . Please let Thank you . Subject : Location : me know i f you have a ny questions r egard i ng t hi s matter . Aaron 2019 Community I n frastructure Secre ta ry ' s Conf e rence Room Start : End : Tue Tue 9/5/20 1 7 11:00 9/5/2017 12 : 00 PM Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status : Investment AM Accepted Organizer : DocBen Required Attendees : DocBe n ; Lyberg , Sarah A; Sheila M Gree nwood (She i la.M . Gree nwood l @hud.gov) ; Ga i nes , Ra l ph H; Rack l eff , Neal J ; Eag l es , Dav i d T ; Kurt z , R . Hunt e r; Golrick , Ja n et M; Gi mont , Stan l ey ; Ba ll ard , Daniel L ; Clernrnensen , Craig T ; Timberlake , Courtney B Opt i o n al Attendees : Lee , Regina A Subjec t: Location : DHAP SOHUDS office Start : Wed 9/6/2017 9 :0 0 AM End : Wed 9/6/2017 9 : 30 AM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Status : Accepted HUD-18-0504-D-000411 Organ iz e r: DocBe n Required At te ndees : DocBe n; Kurtz , R . Hunter ; Ozdinec Sheila M Greenwood (She il a . M. Greenwoodl@hud . gov ) Opt i o n al Attendees : Blom , Domin i que G Subject : Check - in w/Shei l a and Mi chael Reform f r om CLPHA, NAHRO, PHADA Locat i o n: COS Office K. - re : Public , Milan M; Housing Start : Thu 8/3 1 /2017 3 : 30 PM End : Thu 8/3 1 /2017 4 : 30 PM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Meeting organizer Org an iz e r: Gr eenwood , She i la M Required Atte ndees : Kelley , Mic h a el Subjec t: Locatio n: Transpo r tat i o n for EEOB/ HUD J COS Start : Thu 8/31/20 17 10 : 30 AM End : Thu 8/31/ 2 0 17 12 :1 5 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status : Not yet r espo nded Organizer : May , Mar l ene L Required Attendees : Greenwood , Shei l a M; Fra n kl i n , DeShau nt a M; Daggett , Tanya R Rev i ew HUD HFR Policy Subjec t: Views - Dr a f t o f Aug 9 St art : Wed 8/30/20 17 3 : 30 PM End : Wed 8/30/2017 4 :0 0 PM Recurrence Organizer Subject Start : : : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) Greenwood , Sheila M lunch and Nea l with She i la Wed 8/3 0 /2017 12 : 00 PM HUD-18-0504-D-000412 End : Wed 8/30/20 Recurrence Meeting 17 12 : 30 PM : (none) Sta t us : Meeting Orga n iz e r : Greenwood Required Atte ndees : organizer , Sheila M Racklef f , Neal J Subject : HOLD for MEET with 0MB Office o f I nformation Reg ula tor y Affair s Admini s tra to r Neomi Rao Lo cation : SOHUDs office and S tar t : Mon 9/18/201 7 10:3 0 AM End : Mon 9 /1 8/2 0 17 11 : 00 AM Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng St atus : Meeti Or ga niz e r : DocB en Required Attendees : Top ic : i n tro duc tory Loc a tion Staff DocBe n ; Zorc , Bet hany meeting : Secretary's External (Associate ng o rg a nizer ; discuss agenda o ff ice Staff : Antho ny Campau Admi n istr ator) : Beth regulatory A; Kaspe r , Mare n M (Ch i e f of Staff) , Je ffr ey Harris Zorc Ori g i n of Meet ing : 0MB r eached meeting request. o u t to Ma r en , who passed a l ong t he POC: Ant h ony Campau ; 202-88 1-8471 ; Ca r oline Moor e ; Caro l i n e . E . Moore@omb . eop . gov Subject Locatio /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : n: 6 : 30 Depart Camp Springs Residence , MD e n route - Andrews AFB HUD-18-0504-D-000413 Start : Tue 8/29/20 17 6 : 30 AM End : Tue 8/29/20 17 7 : 00 AM Recurre n ce : (none) Organ iz e r : Greenwood , She i la M Subjec t: SMG - TRAVEL TO CORPUS CHRISTI w/SOHUD/POTUS AND AUSTIN , TEXAS Start : Tue 8/29/2017 12 : 00 AM End : Wed 8/30/2017 12 : 00 AM Show Time As : F ree Recurre Organi n ce : (none ) ze r : Subjec t: Location : Greenwood , Sheila M FW: Mee ting to discuss HECM op - ed Secre t ary ' s Sma ll Confer e nce Room Start : Mon 8/28/20 17 10: 30 AM End : Mon 8/28/20 17 11 : 00 AM Show Tim e As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none ) Meeting Organi In case Status ze r : you : Not yet responded Thompso n , Ca it li n H can join , meeting Mon day to discuss the OpEd on HECM. -----O r ig i na l Appo i ntme n t----F rom : Th ompson , Cait l in H Sent : Friday , August 25 , 2017 1 : 47 PM To : Th ompson , Cait li n H; Will iams , Rap h ae l L; Sh osky , Jo h n E ; Thompso n , Amy C; Mar z ol , Ado l fo F ; Wade , Dana T Subject : Meeting t o discuss HECM op - ed When : Monday , August 28 , 2017 1 0: 30 AM- 11 : 00 AM (UTC- 05 : 0 0) Eastern Time (US & Ca n ada) . Where : Secretary ' s Smal l Conference Room Subject : Location : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HOLD MEET w/ AFFH SOHUD' s Office HUD-18-0504-D-000414 Start: End : Wed 9/6/2017 10:0 0 AM Wed 9/6/2017 10 : 30 AM Recurrence : (none) Organ iz e r : DocBe n Required Attendees : DocBen FLY fr om ATL t o PBI Departi ng Hartsfield - Jackson Subjec t: Locatio n: Star t : End : F r i F ri 9/1/2017 6 : 02 PM 9/1/2017 7 : 56 PM Recurrence : (none ) Organi zer : DocBe n Requ ir ed At tendees : Confirmation (Atlanta) DocBe n : GI G8ZD It i ne r a r y Detai ls : Delta Air Lines , I nc . Flight : 72 Depar ts: Ra l eigh-Durham Int l o n Fri, Arriv es : Hartsfie l d-Jackson Atlan ta De l ta Ai r Lines , I nc . Flight : 206 5 Depar t s : Harts f ield-Jackson Arri ves : Pa l m Beach Intl Subjec t: Loca tion : S t art : End : Fri 01 Sep 2017 2 : 50 PM Intl on F ri , 0 1 Sep 2 0 1 7 4 : 17 PM Atlanta Int l on Fri , 01 Sep 2017 on F ri , 0 1 Sep 201 7 7 : 56 PM 6 : 02 PM FLY f rom RDU t o PBI Departing Ra l e igh-D ur h am F ri 9/1/2017 2 : 5 0 PM 9/1/2017 4 : 1 7 PM Recur r e n ce : (non e ) Organizer Required : DocBen At t e ndees : Conf ir mation Itin erary : GIG8ZD Details : De lt a Ai r Li nes , Inc . Fli ght : 7 2 Depa r ts : Raleigh - Durham /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT DocBe n Int l on F ri , 01 Sep 201 7 2 : 50 PM HUD-18-0504-D-000415 Arr i ves : Harts f ie l d-Jackson At la n ta I nt l on F r i , 01 Sep 2017 Delt a Air Li nes , I nc . Fligh t: 206 5 Depar t s : Harts f ie l d-Jackson Atla n ta Int l on Fri , 01 Sep 2017 Ar r i ves : Pa l m Beach I n tl on F ri, 0 1 Sep 20 1 7 7 : 56 PM Subject : Location : Start : End : F ri Recurre 6 : 02 PM FLY from RDU to ATL Depar t ing Ralei g h - Durham F ri 9/ 1 /20 1 7 2 : 5 0 PM 9/1/2017 4 : 17 PM n ce : (none) Organ iz e r: DocBe n Required Atte ndees : Con fi rmation Itinerary 4 : 17 PM DocBen : GIG8Z D Details : De lta Air Lines , Inc . Fl igh t: 72 Depar t s : Ra l e i gh-Durham Int l o n Fr i, 0 1 Sep 20 1 7 2 : 50 PM Arr i ves : Hartsfield - J ackson Atla n ta In tl on Fri , 01 Sep 2017 De l ta Ai r Li nes , Inc . Fl i ght : 2065 Dep a rts : Hartsfie l d - J ackson Atlanta In tl on Fri , 01 Sep 2017 Arr i ves : Pa l m Beach In tl on Fri , 0 1 Sep 20 1 7 7 : 56 PM 4 : 17 PM 6 : 0 2 PM Subjec t: GOT FOOD? FEDS FEED FAMILIES ENDS NEXT WEEK, THURSDAY, AUGUST 31 ! Loc a tio n: DROP OFF DONATIONS IN THE FEDS FEED FAMILI ES BOXES OR TAKE A GROCERY BAG HOME THIS WEEKEND! Start : Fr i 8/25/ 2 0 17 3 : 00 PM End : Fr i 8/25/20 17 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurre n ce : (none) Meet in g St atus : No t yet respo nded Organizer : Fleisc h er , La u ra A Required Atte ndees : Barto n, Victoria L ; Brown , Apri l A; Brow n, Jereo n M; Car t e r , Steve n s J ; Daggett , Ta n ya R; Dendas , Michael W; Doug l ass , B . J.; Dunn , Tracey ; Eag l es , David T ; F rank l i n, DeShau n ta M; Gadson , J ovette G; Go lri ck , Janet M; Hall , Vanessa L ; Har d y IV , Stan l ey ; Hayes , Meishoma A; Jo n es , I ama n adette T ; Maho n ey (Judge ), Jerem i a h; Manu el , Al ex ; Matos , Cinth i a ; Pao , Jea n Li n ; Pr u i tt , De r e k L ; Sullivan , Brian E ; Wu, Sandra J ; Youngb l ood , Richard A; Bacon , James A; Browning , Aust i n G; Cooper , Diane J; Coresse l , Jacie ; /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000416 Dawkin s , Eun i ce D; Dea n a Bass (Deana . Bass@hud . gov ) ; Dela h oyde , Ab i ga i l M; Demarzo, Benjamin E ; Greenwood , Sheila M; Ha r d i son , James C; Hawki n s , Gregory R; Hughes , And rew ; Kasper , Maren M; Kurtz , R . Hunter ; Marzol , Adolfo F; McCal l , Dr ew A; Mill s, Allison F; Rodriguez , Aida N; Clemme nsen , Cr a i g T ; Appleton , Set h D; Ke l l ey , Mi chael J ; Ludlow , As h ley ; Burley, Mi c h ae l N; Bravacos, John G He ll o , TEAM HUD! As we ne ar the fina l week o f FEDS FEED FAMILIES 2017, a BIG " THANK YOU" fo r al l th e dona ti o n s made that h ave f i l led up boxes i n the DEPSEC & OSEC Win gs . Ne xt Thursday , August 31 , is the l ast day to receive donations , and as a he l pful rem inder I am passing ou t grocery bags that can be taken home th i s week for i tems n eeded -- see the l i s t be l ow ! Feel free Families! to r each out with a ny quest i o n s regarding Feds Feed THANK YOU! Laura , FEDS FEEDS FAMILIES PROGRAMOFFICE VOLUNTEER THE FEDS FEED FAMILI ES 2017 Campaign **CAMPAI GN ENDS THURSDAY AUGUST 31 ! ** PLEASE DONATE! SHELVES ARE STI LL EMPTY AT THE CAPITAL AREA FOOD BANK /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000417 In the final week of th is year ' s Feds e lim i nat e hunge r in o ur commu nity ! Feed Families , let ' s help ITEMS NEEDED Canned f r u its grains/multi & vegetables - grain cereals soups canned or dry prote i ns 100% ju ice water condiments snac ks baking goods! Toiletry items Pe t & food contact ; paper supp li es products for all Laur a Fleischer@ ; ho use ho ld domes t ic #3667 for pets any items! ! questions ! DONATIONS CAN BE DROPPED INTO THE FEDS FE ED DONATION BOXES Located in the DEPSEC & OSEC Wing Subjec t : Locat i o n: FLY from IAD to Depart ing Dulles CDG S t art : Tue 9/26/20 17 6 : 15 PM End : Wed 9/27/2017 1 : 45 AM Recurrence Organizer Required : (none) : DocBen Attendees : DocBe n It in e rary inform at i on Confirmation Number : SkyLux Travel : fbl(6) Reservation Da t ~e-=---~ Ju n 22 , 2017 Ticket number(s) : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000418 0578608723478 / CARSON BENJAMIN SOLOMON 0578608723479 / CARSON LACENA RUSTIN Itinerary Detai l s Sep 26 , 2017 Oct 3 , 2017 Tue , Sep 26 - Wash i ngton to Naples Total Travel Ti me llh : 25mi n FLIGHT AF55 Business Flight durat i o n: 7h : 30min Washington Dulles Intl Arp t , IAD Washi ngton United States 6 :1 5 PM Sep 26 , 2017 Tue Char l es De Gaulle Intl Ar pt , CDG next day Paris France Term in al : 2E 7 : 45 AM Sep 27 , 2017 Wed : MEAL/SNACK Aircraft type : N/A I Mea l options 1 H 40 MIN layover in Par i s FLIGHT AF 1 178 Business Flight durat i o n: 2h : 15min Charles De Gaulle Intl Arp t , COG Paris France Term i nal : 2F 9 : 25 AM Sep 27 , 2017 Wed Capodichino Arpt , NAP . com/image? i d =245103&lastEd i t =2015- 10- Naples Ita ly 11 : 40 AM Sep 27 , 2017 Wed Aircraft type : AIRBUS INDUSTRIE A320 I Meal options : BREAKFAST Tue , Oct 3 - Naples to Detro i t Tota l Travel Time 12h : 36min FLIGHT AF 1 579 Business /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000419 F l igh t durat i o n : 2h : 25mi n Capo d ic h ino Arpt , NAP Nap l es Ita l y 6 : 4 5 AM Oct 03 , 2017 Tue Char l es De Gau lle Intl e l . com/image?id=245103&lastEdit=20 1 5 - 10 - Ar pt , CDG Paris F rance Term in al : 2F 9 : 1 0 AM Oct 03 , 2017 Tue : BREAKFAST Aircraft type : AIRB US INDUSTRIE A319 - 114 I Meal options 1 H 10 MIN l ayove r i n Par i s FLIGHT AF3618 opera t ed b y DELTA AIR LINES Bu siness F l igh t d u rat i o n: 9h : 0lmi n Char l es De Gaulle Intl Arpt , COG Par i s F r ance Termi n al : 2E 10 : 20 AM Oct 03 , 2017 Tu e Detroit Metro Wayne Cou n ty Arpt , DTW Detroi t Uni ted States Term i n al : EM 1 : 2 1 PM Oct 03 , 2017 Tue Aircraft type : AIRBUS INDUSTRI E A330-300 Subject : Location : I Meal i t = 2015- 10- opt i o n s : LUNCH BRIEF on MONTANATRI P SOHUD' s Conference Room Start : Mon 8/28/2017 1 : 30 PM End : Mon 8/28/20 17 2 :0 0 PM Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : : Meet in g o r gan iz e r DocBen HUD-18-0504-D-000420 Required Attendees : DocBe n; Burley , Mi chael N; Dend as , Mi c h ael W; Benjamin E Demarzo (Benjamin . E.Demarzo@hud . gov) ; Hunter , Matthew F; Thompson , Amy C; Raphael L Williams (Raphael . L . Williams@hud . gov ); Thompson , Caitlin H; Zorc , Bethany A; Petty , Timothy J; Kenneth E Free (Kenneth . E.Free@hud.gov) Subject : Location : Harvey Update via co nfer ence Start : Sun 8/27/20 17 12 : 00 PM End : Sun 8/27/2017 12 : 30 PM Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Accepted Organi zer: Golrick , Janet M Requ i red Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Eagles, David T ; Alexander , Frank J ; Ammon, Matthew E ; Appleton , Seth D; Ballard , L; Bethea , Shelia M; Bregon , Nelson R; Bres , Dana B; Brooks , Daniel Towanda A; Brown , Jereon M; Bryon , Jem ine A; Campbell , Renae M; Clemmensen , Craig T ; Constanti ne , Peter J ; Coo ke, Kevi n R; Cr u ciani , Li nda M; Fr i edman , Warren ; Greene , Bryan ; Hebert , Tony X; HEOC; Hol lan d , Rena D; Joy , Jo h nson P; Kittrell , Katharine D; Lavoy , Donald J ; Lincoln , Paula A; Lyberg , Sarah A; Michalski, Lori A; Miller , Michelle M; Nichols, Delton ; Ozdinec , Milan M; Renner , Robert N; Ri cha r dson , Todd M; Rodkey , Kitt ; Scott , J i mmy; Su l livan , Brian E ; Surber, Keith W; Thompson , Amy C; Timberlake , Courtney B; Wadhams , Unabyrd; Bl om, Dominique G; Potts , Millicent B; Ke ll ey , Michael J ; Garrett , Willie C; Daniels , Sheila J ; Barton , Victoria L; Burley , Michael N; Ellis , Edward D; McClure , Laura L; Hun ter , Matthew F; Ramo n , Ni colas ; Bradley , Leslie Ann ; Wal l, Dav i d Call - in Number : Access Host 888 - 675 - 2535 Code : lnillfilJ(Janet Code : Subjec t: Meeting to Troubled MF Properties Locat i on : COS Office Start : End : Fri Recurrence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT !{b)(6) De-brief Only ) COS re : Garden Spires (Region 2) and Fri 8/25/2017 2 : 00 PM 8/25/20 17 2 : 30 PM : (none) HUD-18-0504-D-000421 Meeting Sta t us : Meeting organize r Organizer : Gre enwo o d , Sheila M Req uir e d At tendees : Gr ee nwoo d , Shei l a M; Thomps on , Amy C; Brown , Jereo n M; Hun ter , Matthew F Op t i o na l Atte nd ees : Golr i c k , Jane t M Su bje c t: Locat ion : MEET w/ Andre w SOHUD' s Off i ce Start : Thu 8/24/2017 3 : 30 PM End : Thu 8/24/20 17 4 :0 0 PM Sho w Time As : Tenta tiv e Rec urre nce : (n o ne ) Meeting Sta t us : Tentatively accepted Organizer : DocBe n Req uir e d At tendees : Andr ew Hughes Bethany A; Shei l a M Greenwood (Sheila Top i c : secur Subject : Loca tion: (And rew . Hughes@hud . gov); . M.G r ee nwo o dl @hud . gov) Zorc , i ty Principa Roosevelt l s Commi ttee Room : Dr ug Deman d Reduct ion Strategy Start : Mon 8/28/20 17 4 : 00 PM End : Mon 8/28/20 17 5 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Te nt at iv e Recurre Meeting n ce : (none ) Status Orga n iz e r: : Sa lv i, Not yet Ma ry responded E . EOP/WHO Team , DPC i s h ost i ng a n inter a genc y Pr inc ip als Commi t tee Whit e Hou se ' s Drug Dema n d Red u ction Strategy . An informatio attac he d . n memorandum -- the primary focus mee t i ng RE : t h e o f discussion -- is Inv i t ed Part i c ip ants : Sec . Tom Pr ic e , Hea l t h a nd Human Se rvices Attor ney Ge ne ral Jeff Sess ions Sec . Be tsy DeVos , Dep a rtment of Education Sec . Be n Carson , Department o f Hous i ng a nd Urba n Development Sec . Alex Acosta , Department of La bo r Sec . Rex Tillerson , Departmen t o f State /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000422 Sec . So nny Perdue , Depa rt ment of Agr i c u lture Act i ng Sec . Elai n e Duke , Department of Home l a nd Securi ty Director Mick Mulvaney , Off ic e of Management and Budget Mr . Tony Kurta , Acting Under Secretary for Personnel and Rea d i ness , DOD Ch i e f Jo h n Kelly Ki rstjen Ni e l se n Andrew Bremberg Stephen Miller Kel l ya nn e Conway Rober t Porter Reed Cardish Acting Dir ecto r Richard Baum , ONDCP Nina Sc h aefer , Heal t h a n d Human Ser vi ces Gary Ba rn ett , Departme n t o f Justice Joshua Venab l e , Depar tm e n t o f Educat i o n Hunter Kur tz , Department of Housing and Urban Deve l opme n t Molly Conway , Depa rtm ent of Labor Margaret Peterli n, Depa r tment of State Ambassado r James Nea l o n , Departmen t of Home l a nd Security Thank yo u - please d o not hesi t ate to ask any questions . Mary Mary Sa lv i White House !(b)(6) Subject Locatio : n: I Domestic Policy Co u ncil I 2 0 2 - 4 5 6 - 3 2 5 1 (o ) ! (c ) PC : Drug Roosevelt Demand Room Reduction Strategy Start : Mon 8/28/20 17 4 : 00 PM End : Mon 8/28/20 17 5 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer : : Salvi Not yet , Mary r espo nded E . EOP/WHO Team , DPC is hos tin g an interagency Pr inci pals Commi t tee White House ' s Dr ug Dema n d Red u ction S t rategy . Briefing meeting mate ri als wi ll c ir culate to pri n c i pals mee t i ng RE : the prior t o the . Inv i ted Part i cipants : Sec . Tom Pr i ce , HHS Sec . Betsy DeVos , DoEd Acting Sec . Elaine Duke , OHS /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000423 Attorney General Je ff Sessions , DOJ Sec . Ben Carson , HUD Sec . James Mattis , DOD Sec . David Sh u lkin , VA Sec . Alex Ac os ta , DOL Sec . Re x Ti ll e rson , State Sec . Sonny Perdue , USDA Dir e ctor Mi ck Mulv a ney , 0MB Chi ef John Kelly Kirstjen Nielsen Andr e w Br embe rg Kellyanne Conway Robe r t Porter Reed Co r dish Ac t i ng Direc tor Ri cha rd Ba um, ONDCP Thank please you - please d o not hesitate to ask any questions email me no tifyi ng me if you/your p rin c ipal can . Also , attend . Mary Mary Sa lvi Whi te House I Domestic Policy (c) I 202-456-3251 !{bl/6) I Su bject : Strategy Loca tion: PC w/ WH Domestic Rooseve Council (o) Po licy l t Room , White Coun ci l ; Drug Dema n d Red u ction House Start : Mon 8/28/20 17 4 : 00 PM End : Mon 8/28/20 17 5 :0 0 PM Recurrence Meeting : (none) St at us : Meeting Or ganizer : DocB en Requ i r ed Atte nd ees : DPC is ho sting Whi te House's organizer Doc Be n ; Ku rtz, R. Hunte r an i ntera gency Pr inc ipals Committee Dr ug Demand Reduction Strategy . Briefing meeting. materials will Invi ted Participants : circulate to principals meeting p rior to RE : t he th e Sec . Tom Pr i ce , HHS Sec . Betsy /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT DeVos, DoEd HUD-18-0504-D-000424 Act i ng Sec . Elai n e Duke , OHS Attorney Genera l Jeff Sec . Ben Carso n , HUD Sec . James Mattis Sec . David Shulkin Sec . Alex Acosta Sec . Rex Ti l lerson Sec . Sonny Direc t or Ch i ef Sessions , DOJ , DOD , VA , DOL , S t ate Pe r d u e , USDA Mick Mul vaney , 0MB Jo h n Kelly Kirstjen Nielsen Andrew Br ernberg Kel l yan n e Conway Robert Reed Porter Cordish Acting Director Thank please Richard Baum , ONDCP you - please do not hesi t ate to email me noti f yi n g me if you/yo ask any questions . Also , u r principal ca n attend . Mary Mary Sa l vi White House kb= ~ }= /6}.__ ___ /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Domestic ~I (c ) Policy Council I 202 - 456 - 3251 (o) HUD-18-0504-D-000425 Subjec t : Locatio n: HOLD WH PC w/ WH Domestic Po l icy Whit e Ho u se , Roosevelt Room Council 4 : 00 PM Start : Mon 8/28/2017 End : Mon 8/28/20 17 5 : 00 PM Recur r e n ce : (none) Organiz e r : DocBen Required Attendees : DocBe n DPC is hos t ing an interagency Pr incipals Committee White House ' s Drug Demand Reduction Strategy . Briefing materials meet i ng . will circulate to pri n cipals meeting prior RE : t h e t o the Invi ted Participants : Sec . Tom Pr i ce , HHS Sec . Betsy Devos , DoEd Ac t ing Sec . Elaine Duke , OHS Attorney Genera l Jeff Sessions , DOJ Sec . Ben Ca r son, HUD Sec . Ja mes Matt is , DOD Sec . David Shulkin , VA Sec . Alex Acosta , DOL Sec . Rex Tillerson , St at e Sec . So nn y Perdue , USDA Dir ecto r Mi ck Mulvaney, 0MB Chief John Kelly Kirstjen Nielsen Andrew Bremberg Kellyanne Conway Rober t Po r ter Reed Cordish Acting Dir ector Richard Baum , ONDCP Thank please you - please do n ot ema il me no t i fying hes it ate to ask any quest me if you/yo ur pr i nc i pal i o n s . Also, ca n attend . Mary Mary Salv i White Hou se !(b)(6) ! (c ) Subjec t: Locatio n : WH PC w/ WH Domestic White Hou se , Roosevelt I Domestic Policy Counci l I 2 0 2 - 4 5 6 - 3 2 51 ( o ) Policy Coun c il Room Mon 8/28/20 17 4 :0 0 PM Start : End : Mon 8/28/20 17 5 :0 0 PM Recu rr ence : (no ne ) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000426 Organize Required r: DocBe n At tendees : DocBe n DPC is h ost i ng an interagency Pr inc i pals Committee White Hous e ' s Dru g Dema n d Red ucti on Strategy . Briefing meeting materials will circulate to principals meeting prior to RE : the the . Inv i ted Part i cipants : Sec . Tom Pr ice, HHS Sec . Betsy DeVos , DoEd Acting Sec . Elaine Duke, OHS Attor n ey General Je ff Sessions , DOJ Sec . Be n Carson , HUD Sec . James Mattis , DOD Sec . Dav i d Shulk in , VA Sec . Alex Acos t a , DOL Sec . Rex Till e rson, State Sec . Sonny Perdue , USDA Direc tor Mick Mul vaney , 0MB Chief John Kelly Kirstjen Nielsen Andr ew Bremberg Kel l yanne Conway Robert Porter Reed Co rdish Act i ng Di r ecto r Ri cha rd Baum , ONDCP Thank please you - please do not email me notifying hesitate to ask any questions me if you/your principal can . Also , attend . Mary Mary Sa l vi White House !(b)(6) Subject Locatio : n: I Domestic ! (c ) Policy Co uncil I 2 0 2 - 4 5 6- 3 2 5 l ( o ) FY 2019 Budget Consideration DepSec Confere n ce Room - 10 106 St art : Thu 8/24/20 17 1 : 00 PM End : Thu 8/24/2017 2 :0 0 PM Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Accepted Organize r: Eag l es , Dav i d T Requ ir ed Attendees : Eag l es , Dav i d T ; Greenwood , Sheila M; Golrick , Janet M; Lyberg , Sarah A; Timberlake , Courtney B; Kurtz , R . Hunter ; Sung , Ph i lip E /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000427 Opt i o n al Atte ndees : Rupar , Christopher Conference code : '-I call Sub j ect : Locat i o n: LIVE INTERVIEW w/ Bret Ba i er Fox News , 4 00 N Cap i tol Street J ; Kruse, n umber : 1 - 888 - 684 - 8852/access David N code : ~l Itinerary you would like this information forwarded o forward this itinerary along , but can n ot the content o n ce sent . to be you . MY UPCOMING TRIP Confirmation /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Number : GAQC6M HUD-18-0504-D-000431 Who ' s Coming Benjaminsolomon Along Carso n s r Our Flights F l ig h t Numbe r : Mi sso u la , MT (MSO) ? Mi nneapol i s/S t Pau l , MN (MSP) DL 988 Departs 08 /22/2 0 17@ 5 : 40 AM Arrives 08/22/20 1 7@ 9 : 12 AM F ligh t Numbe r : Mi nneapolis/St Paul , MN (MSP) ? Phoenix , AZ (PHX) DL 1769 Departs 0 8/22/2 0 1 7 @ 11 : 45 AM Arrives 0 8/22/2 /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT 0 17@ 12 : 59 PM HUD-18-0504-D-000432 Subjec t: Qui c k Br ie f w/Sheila Chicago Update Locatio n : COS Office Gree nwood a n d Ralph Gai nes - re : Fri 8/25/20 17 2 : 30 PM 8/25/ 2 0 17 2 :4 5 PM Start : End : Fri Recurrence : (none ) Meet in g Status Organizer Required : Meet in g organi zer : Greenwo o d , Shei l a M Attend ees : Gaines , Ralph Subject : Lo cation : H HOLD Father McKe n na Center Fa th e r McKenna Cente r , 19 I St r ee t NW, woe 20001 Start : Thu 9/ 7/ 2017 11: 30 AM End : Thu 9/ 7/ 2017 12 : 30 PM Recu rr ence : (none ) Meet in g Status : Meet in g organ iz e r Organiz e r : DocBen Required Attendees : DocBe n ; Del ahoyde , Abigail M; Ben jam in Demar z o (Ben j ami n. E . Dema r zo@hud .g ov) ; Jac i e Cor esse l (Victoria . J . Coresse l@hu d . gov) Subjec t: Loc a tio n : E VISIT Father McKenna Ce n ter Fa the r McKenna Cen ter , 19 I Stree t NW, WDC 20 00 1 Start : Thu 9/7/2017 11 : 30 AM End : Thu 9/7/2017 12 : 30 PM Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Status : Meeting organizer Organizer : Doc Ben Required Attendees : DocBen ; Delahoyde , Abigail M; Benjamin Demar z o (Benjam i n . E .D emarzo@hud.gov) ; Jacie Coressel (Victor ia . J . Coressel@ hu d .g ov) ; Sh eila M Greenwood (She i la .M. Gree nwood l @hud . gov) Subjec t: Meet with OPA, CIR on HECM; 9202/DIN Access ~! (b-l(-6)--~I (Host o n l y ~ Location : 9202 /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT #1-877-336-1839 E , HUD-18-0504-D-000433 Start : Mon 8/21/20 17 2 :0 0 PM End : Mon 8/21/20 17 2 : 40 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Meet ing Status : Not yet r esponded Organi zer : Wade , Dana T Requ i r ed Attendees : Appl e ton , Seth D; Gree nwood , Sh ei l a M; Marzol , Adolfo F; Roget , Gisele G; Wolfson , Le n; Bowes , Robert Thompson , Amy C Subject : Eunice Dawk i ns - Dental B; Appointment/Afternoon Wed 8/23/20 17 12 : 00 AM Start : End : Thu 8/24/ 2 0 17 12 : 00 AM Show Time As : F ree Recurrence : (non e) Meet in g Status : Not yet r espo nd ed Organiz e r : Dawkins , Eunic e D Requ ir ed Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Mi lls , Allison F; Ha rd i so n , James C; Fl e i scher , Laura A; Carter , Stevens J ; Rod rigu ez , Aida N Subjec t: Loc a tio n : The HUD So la r Ecl ip se HUD Cafeteria Peace Co n ce r t Start : Mon 8/21/20 17 12 : 30 PM End : Mon 8/21/ 2 0 17 1: 30 PM Recurrence : (none ) Organi zer : Subject : Greenwood , Sheila HOLD for Affordable M Hous i ng Magazine Profile Start : Wed 9/6/2017 10 : 00 AM End : Wed 9/6/20 1 7 10:3 0 AM Recurrence : (none ) Meet in g Status Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : : Meet in g o rga n iz e r DocBen HUD-18-0504-D-000434 Requ ire d At t e ndees : Subjec t: Locat i o n: St a rt : End : Fri DocBe n ; Willi a ms , Rap h ael L CALL wit h PPO SOHUDs of fi ce F ri 8/1 8 /20 17 1 :3 0 PM 8/18/201 7 2 : 0 0 PM Recur r e n ce : (none ) Mee ting St a tus : Mee ting Organi z e r : DocBe n Requ i r ed Atte ndees : Sub j ec t: Loc a tio n : organiz er DocBe n ; Hughes , Andrew ; McCa l l , Drew A HUD Town Ha l l Brooke - Mond al e Start : Tue 9/12/2017 2 : 0 0 PM End : Tue 9/1 2 /20 17 3 : 00 PM Recurre n ce : (none ) Mee tin g Sta t us : Org a nizer Required HUD Reform Tuesday Mee tin g organi : DocBe n Atte ndees : ze r DocBe n ; Thompson , Arny C Pl a n Town Hall , September 12 , 201 7 2 : 00P M Brook e - Mondal e Auditorium 1 : 45 p . m. Room for final aside . 1 : 50 p . m. while staff /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Town Hal l overview are seated SOHUD escor te d to Gr e en . Time allo tt ed for media pu ll - i n Brooke - Mondale Town Hal l a n imation Auditor ium plays HUD-18-0504-D-000435 1 : 57 p . m . speaks . Mus i c pipes * Music Ann ounce r speaks . up after fades Announc e r : Ladi e s and Ge ntlemen , please take HUD Re f orm P lan Tow n Hal l will begi n shortly . 2 : 00 p . m . fades ; Ch ampions Council video Eag l es MINS) House House Ac t ing Deputy - Openi n g Remar k s : lights Harvey/Ellis Secre your House l i ghts wit h out introductio plays 2 : 04 p . m . (5 min s ) Please welcome ; An nounce t ary David r sea t s . The dim and mus i c n (4 mi n s) li ghts up An n o u ncer : HUD Family! Eag le s to t h e stage! (SP EAKS FOR 3 MINS ; Ha r vey Video f or 1.5 dim Video (1. 5 MINS) 2 : 09 p . m . - 2 : 24 p . m. (16 mins ) r emar ks ; Wel comes SOHUD to House the stage : l i ghts up Eagl e s - Wraps up op e n i ng (SPEAKS FOR 1 MIN ) Eag l es off stage SOHUD - Delivers town ha ll key address : (SPEAKS FOR 15 MINS ) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000436 2 : 25 p . m. - 2 : 41 p . m. and Eagles Stools (16 mins ) with SOHUD; Eagles announces - Answer email 2 : 42 p .m. Thanks staff fo r atte nd ing : Music plays Subject Location : : as audience and Meeting Eagles returns e questions : f or to the SOHUD stage audienc Eagles (SPEAKS FOR 1 MIN) ( 15 MINS) - Cl oses program ; depar ts Economic Messaging SOHUDs office Start : Mon 8/28/20 17 2:00 End : Mon 8/28/2017 2 : 30 PM Recurrence on stage (1 MIN) Q&A segment SOHUD/Eagles brought Briefing PM : (none) Status : Meeting organizer Organizer : DocBen Required Attendees : DocBe n; Thompso n, Amy C ; Appleton , Se th D; F ; Raphael Will iams Roget , Gisele G; Wade , Dana T ; Marzol , Adolfo Optional Attendees : Brian E Sullivan (brian . e . sullivan@hud . gov) Topic : Specific Subject: Locatio n: Start : End : Tue Recurrence Meeting Organizer Required Opt i o n al /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT to Resched TBD HECM u l i ng - Lu nch w/Sheila and Mark Calabria , et al Tue 8/29/20 17 12 : 00 PM 8/29/20 17 1 : 00 PM : (none) Status : Meeting : Greenwood Attendees : Attendees : organizer , Sheila M Calabria , Mark A . EOP/OVP Smith , Ja ' Ron K. EOP/WHO HUD-18-0504-D-000437 Subjec t : Locat i o n: ~ Meet o n HECM 9 2 02/DIN #1 -877-336- 1 839 , Access 1 New Or leans - 555 Ca n al Street , New Start : Mon 8/14/20 17 12 : 00 AM End : Tue 8/ 1 5/ 2 0 17 12 : 00 AM Show Time As : F ree Recurrence : (none) Organ iz e r : Greenwood , Sheila M Subjec t: Lafayatte Loc a tio n : Rental Car Drop Off : I n Terminal 200 Terminal Driv e 70508 - LA (1 - 866 - 434 - 2226 ) // Co n firm a tion : H36136 414 5 0 Start : Sun 8/2 0/ 2017 12 : 30 AM End : Sun 8/20/20 17 12 : 30 AM Recurrence Organi : (none ) zer : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject: Dollar Rent a Car Location : Pick Up : In Terminal 200 Temi na l Drive - Lafayatte 70508 , LA (1-866-434-2226) // Co nfi rma t ion : H361364 1 450 St art : Sun 8/13/20 17 3 : 30 AM End : Sun 8/13/2017 4 : 0 0 AM Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer : Greenwood , Sheila M HOLD for BRIEF o n Coffee SOHUDs office Subjec t : Locatio n : with Ca r son Start : Thu 8/10/2017 3 : 00 PM End : Thu 8/10/2017 3 : 1 5 PM Recurrence : (none) Mee t i ng Status Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : : Meet i ng organize r DocBe n HUD-18-0504-D-000441 Requ ire d Atte ndees : DocBe n; (She i la .M. Greenwood l @hu d . gov) Sub j ect : Locat i o n: Beck l es , Angela L ; Sheila M Greenw ood Meet i ng w/She il a Gr ee nwood - r e : HUD Messag i ng Secreta r y ' s Co n fe r ence Room Start : Tue 8/8/2017 3 : 00 PM End : Tue 8/8/2017 3 : 45 PM Recurrence : (none ) Meetin g Sta t us : Meetin g organizer Organ iz e r: Greenwood , Sheila M Required Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Thomps on , Amy C; Ma r zo l, Adolfo F; Wade , Dana T; Zorc , Bethany A; Wolfson , Leonard ; Appl et on , Seth D; Dendas , Mi chael W; Hughe s , Andrew ; Hunt er , Matthew F Subject : FLY from DCA to FLL Start : Thu 8/ 10 /20 17 8 : 45 PM End : Thu 8/10/20 17 11 : 2 0 PM Recurrence Org a nizer Required : (none) : DocBe n Atte nd ees : FLY fr om DCA to Confirmation DocBe n FLL o n JetB l ue FLT# 1479 . Arrive at FLL@ 11:2 0 PM. : XJNIST Sea t s : 13C and 13D Sub j ect : GOT FOOD? FEDS FEED FAMILIES August 12t h WEEKEND GROCERY LIST : Toiletry Items , Paper Products & other Ho u seho l d Items Locatio n : DROP OFF DONATIONS IN THE FEDS FEED FAMIL I ES BOXES OR COLLECTING STATION IN YOUR OFFICE*** ONLI NE SHOPPING OPTION TOO *** Start : Thu 8/ 10 / 2 0 17 4 : 00 PM End : Thu 8/10/20 17 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng Status : Not yet r espo nd ed Organize r : Flei sc her , La ur a Requ ir ed Attendees : Barton Jereo n M; Carter , Stevens J; Douglass , B .J.; Dunn , Tracey /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT A , Vi cto ri a L; Brown , April Daggett , Tanya R; Dend as, ; Eagles, David T ; Franklin A; Brown , Mich a el W; , DeShaunta HUD-18-0504-D-000442 M; Gadso n, Jovette G; Golric k, Janet M; Ha ll, Va n essa L ; Hardy IV , Stan l ey ; Hayes , Me i shoma A; Jo n es , Iama n adette T ; Maho n ey (Judge ), Jeremi ah; Ma nuel , Al ex ; Matos , Cinthia ; Pao , Jea n Li n ; Pruitt , Derek L ; Sull i van , Br i an E ; Wu, Sandra J ; Youngblood , Richard A; Bacon , James A; Brow n i ng, Aus t i n G; Cooper , Dia n e J ; Co r essel , Jac i e ; Dawk in s , Eun i ce D; Dea n a Bass (Deana . Bass@hud . gov) ; Dela h oyde , Ab i ga i l M; Demarz o , Be n jam i n E; Greenwood , She i la M; Ha r d i son , Ja mes C; Hawki n s , Gregory R; Hughes , An drew ; Kasper , Maren M; Kurtz , R . Hunter ; Marzol , Adolfo F ; McCall , Drew A; Mills , Allison F; Rodr i g u e z, Ai da N; Wolfson , Leo n ard THE FEDS FEED FAMILI ES 2017 Campaign menu i t em 2 Toi l etry Items Pap e r Products & othe r House h old Items ** ONLINE SHOPP ING - b u y on lin e from to Feds Feed Fami li es** Ship orders Capital Area Pu e r to groce r y store and do n ate to : Food Ban k ATTN: FEDS FEED FAMIL I ES - HUD (your 4900 yo ur Rico program office) Aven u e , NE Wash in gton , DC 20017 /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000443 Than k you f or Quest i o n s : Subjec t: your & d o n ations participation Co n tact La ur a@ ! #3 667 . HOLD fo r INTERVIEW wi th Bret Baie r Start : Thu 8/24/2017 6 :0 0 PM End : Thu 8/24/20 17 7 :0 0 PM Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Status : Meeting Org an iz e r: DocBe n Required Atte ndees : Subjec t: Locatio n : organizer DocBe n ; Williams Backgrounder SOHUDs office with Mol ly , Rapha el L Parker Start : Thu 8/3/2017 9 : 00 AM End : Thu 8/3/20 1 7 9 : 30 AM Recurrence : (none ) Meetin g Status : Meet ing organizer Org a nizer : DocBe n Required Attend ees : DocBen ; Kasper , Maren Thompso n , Cai t li n H; Brown , Jereon M Subject Locatio : n: Fwd : Sma l l Ar e a Fa ir Market Rents Room 8202 ; call i n : 877-336-1828 M; Williams , Raphael L; code : l= {b ~)(~6)_~ St art : Mon 8/7/2017 12 : 30 PM End : Mon 8/7/2017 1 : 00 PM Show Time As : Ten t a t ive Recur r e n ce : (none ) Meet ing Status Orga n iz e r: : Not yet respond ed Ri cha r dson , Todd M FYI /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000444 Sent from Begin my iPho ne forwarded message : From : " Richardson , Todd M" > To : " Dennis , Michael S " > , " Basta r ache , Dani e ll e L" > , " Osowski , Kurt G" > , " Kahn , Peter B" > , " Kurtz , R . Hunter " > , "Thompso n , Amy C" > , " Sul liv an , Br i a n E " > , "Appleton , Seth D" > , " Dendas, Michae l W" > , " Bourne , Chr istop her M" > Cc : " Coffey, Alexander " > , " Hobbs , Benjamin R" > , " Hughes , Andrew " >, " McCall, Drew A" > Subject : Sma l l Area Fair Market Rents Hi folks Updated Plan (from 8/1 meeting) : Todd spoke to 0MB, no problems there . Monday (8 /7 ) - Secretary signs the memo . PDR (hopefully) publishes the Interim Eval u ation PIH r eaches out to CLPHA, NAHRO, PHADA. PDR reaches out to NLIHC , CBPP . Letters are prepared to be mailed out before end Signed by PIH GDAS. report of week. Primary talking point : The r esea r ch shows that SAFMR reduces the n umber of units available to tenants , PHAs need adequate time to recruit land l ords to ensure a smooth transit i on to Small Area FMRs . Seco n dary point : This only de lay s the mandatory component of the rule, PHAs may choose to implement Small Area FMRs if they wish . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000445 FAQ' s are attached , feel free to offer edits/additions . *** OLD MESSAGES*** Th i s will be the Th ur sday . He r e is fo llo w-up my unde r standing of mee t i ng to next steps the mee t i ng we had on : PDR will lead development of FAQs PIH wi ll lead contact wi t h s e l ect PHAs / I ndustry Groups Nee d a "t ic - toe" - PDR a nd PIH wi ll d evelo p COS will get Secre t a r y s ign ature . PIH will send letter to PHAs f o ll owed by a me ssage from P I H to all PHAs . Publi c Aff a i rs a nd CIR will f ield any med i a or congressiona l inq u iri es . Po in ts o f Co n tac t on answe r i ng qu estions PDR: Todd Ri c h a r dson , Kur t Osowski , Pe ter PIH : Dani e ll e Bastarac h e, Mik e Denn i s : Kahn The r e i s some urge n cy b e caus e abse n t act i o n appro xim ate ly PHAs wi ll be required to implement rule o n October 1. Background 200 : PDR and PI H are movi ng forwa rd with chan gi ng how Sma l l Area FMRs a r e implemented . Th i s may i nvite Congressional and Media i nq u i ries . Th i s meeti ng is to g ive a brief i ng to Pu b li c Affairs and CI R s t aff on th e to p i c , l i ke ly q u es t i o n s , and who mi g ht lik e/not like the changes . Su bject : Loc at i on : HOLD f or CALL w/ Gover nor Jaci e will connec t yo u McMas ter of SC Start : Thu 8/ 10 / 2 0 17 10 : 30 AM End : Thu 8/10/20 17 1 1 : 00 AM Recu rr ence : (none) Meet i ng S ta tus : Meet i ng organ iz e r Or ga niz e r : DocB en Required At tendees : DocBe n ; Burley , Mi chael N; Jacie (Vi cto r ia . J . Co r esse l@hu d . g o v) ; Gimont , Stan l ey Origin /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Coressel : Micha e l Burley HUD-18-0504-D-000446 Subjec t: Loc a tio n : Fri 8/4/20 17 1 : 3 0 PM 8/4/ 2 0 1 7 1 : 45 PM Star t : End : Fri Recurre HOLD for CALL w/ Shawn Smi th J ames wil l connect nc e : (none ) Or ganizer : DocBe n Requ i r ed Attendees : Applied for White DocBe n Hou se Fe llows h ip// worked on Ben Fun d !(b)(6) Subject : Loc a tio n : BRIEF o n The Clo u d Secretary ' s Conference Room Thu 8/1 0/2 0 17 1 : 0 0 PM Star t : End : Thu 8/ 10 / 2 0 17 2 : 0 0 PM Rec urr ence : (non e) Meeting Sta t us : Accep te d Organizer : DocBe n Req uir e d At tendees : DocB en; Hayes , Mark Bright , Mic hael R; She i la M Greenw oo d (Sh ei Kaspe r , Ma r en M; Appl e t o n, Seth D; Hughes , Bourne , Chr istoph er M; Wade , Dana T; Hun ter Da v id T; Gai nes , Ra l ph H; Thompson , Amy C; Optio na l Att endees : Cooke, Kevin R Subjec t: HOLD f or Coffee with the S ; J o y , Johns on P ; l a.M . Greenwoodl@hud . gov) ; Andrew ; Marz ol , Adolfo F; , Matthew F ; Eag l e s, Zorc , Betha ny A Secretary Start : Thu 8/ 1 7/ 2 0 17 1 1 : 30 AM End : Thu 8/17/20 17 12 : 00 PM Rec urr en c e : (non e) Mee t i ng Sta t us : Mee t i ng organize Or ga niz e r : Gre e nwo o d , Sheila Subjec t : MEET with Hun ter r M Kur tz Start : Wed 8/2/2017 3 : 30 PM End : Wed 8/2/2017 4 : 00 PM Recurrence Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none ) : DocBen HUD-18-0504-D-000447 Requ i red Atte ndees : Topic : PD&R Studies Subject : HOLD for DocBe n DINNER with Start : Wed 9/13/20 17 5:00 End : Wed 9/13/20 17 8:00 PM Mark Victor Hansen PM Recu rr ence : (none) Meet i ng Status Organizer Subject : : : Meet i ng organize Greenwood , Shei la lunch with r M Rex S t art : Thu 8/24/20 17 12 : 00 PM End : Thu 8/24/2017 12 : 30 PM Recurrence Organizer : (none) : Greenwood , Shei la Subject : Check-in w/Sheila Housing Needs News Release Lo cation : COS Off ic e M , Hunter & Amy - re : 2015 Worst Case Mon 7/31/20 17 4 : 30 PM Start : End : Mon 7/31/20 17 5 : 00 PM Recu rr ence : (none) Meet i ng Status Organizer Required : Meet i ng organizer : Greenwood , Shei l a M Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila Subject : Location : HOLD for Detroi t SPEAK at Housing M; Thompson , Amy C America ' s Families Forum Start : Wed 1 1/ 15/ 20 1 7 12 : 00 AM End : Thu 11/ 16 /2017 12 : 00 AM Show Time As : Free Recurrence Organizer Requ i red Subject /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) : DocBen At tendees : : Meet with DocBen Pinto and the AEI gang HUD-18-0504-D-000448 Locatio n: FHA co n ference r oom Start : Mon 8/7/2017 4 : 30 PM End : Mon 8/7/2017 5 : 3 0 PM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Accepted Organize r: Wade , Dan a T Requ ir ed Attendees : Mar zol , Adolfo F ; Roge t, Optio na l Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject Locatio : n: Lapse in Sheila's Gi sele G Approp r iat i o n s Plan Office Tue 8/8/2017 2 : 30 PM Start : End : Tue 8/8/20 1 7 3 : 00 PM Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status : Accepted Organizer : Eagles , Davi d T Required Attend ees: Greenwood , Shei l a M; Gol rick , Janet Cooper . J . Smith @hu d . gov ; Hensley , Henry Opt i o n al Attendees : Dawkin s , Eun i ce D Subjec t: Locatio n: M; Meet in g w/COS - r e : Se n ate Nomi ne e Strategy OSEC Smal l Co nf e r ence Room - 10210 F ri 7/28/2017 10 : 30 AM 7/28/2017 1 1 : 30 AM Sta r t : End : Fri Recur r ence : (none) Meeting Status : Meeting organizer Org ani z e r: Gr eenwood , She i la M Required At tendees : Greenwood , Shei l a M; Apple t on , Se t h D; Dendas , Michael W; Wolfson , Leonard; Hughes, Andrew ; McCall, Drew A; Zorc , Bethany A; Wade , Dana T Subject Locatio : n: PHOTOS wi th Bil l y Gribb i n , Ca i t li n Thompson SOHUD' s off i ce and Ben Hobbs Start : Wed 8/2/2017 1 : 00 PM End : Wed 8/2/2017 1 : 1 5 PM /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000449 Recur r e n ce : (none ) Meet i ng St at u s : Meet i ng o r ga niz e r Orga n i z e r: Doc Be n Re q u i r ed Atte ndees : Doc Be n ; Ma yo , Sa mmy E ; Mi ll er , Mitchel l E ; Hobbs , Benj a mi n R; Th omp s on , Ca it li n H; Gr i b b i n , Wi ll i a m J ; Smit h , Coo pe r J Su b j ect : HOLD f o r And r e w Star t : Tue 8/1/ 2 0 17 8 : 30 AM End : Tue 8/ 1 / 2 0 1 7 9 : 15 AM Rec urr en c e : (non e) Org an iz e r: DocBe n Re q u i red Atte ndee s : Su bje c t: Loca ti o n : DocB e n HOLD f o r MEET wi t h Ch ri s Liddel SOHUD' s o ff i ce l St a r t : Thu 8 /24/20 17 1 1 : 00 AM End : Thu 8/ 2 4/20 17 1 1 : 30 AM Recurre n ce : (none ) Meet i ng S t at u s : Meet i ng o r ga niz e r Org an iz e r: Doc Be n Requ ir ed Atte ndee s : John son P Top i c : discuss a pp DocB e n ; Coffey , Al ex an de r ; Bass , De a na ; Joy , wo r k f o r ce / op p o rtun i t y i n it i at i ves an d a HUD mob i le Loca ti o n : SOHUD' s o ffi ce POC: Qu e l lie Moorhea d ; Qu el lie . u . moor he ad @who .e op . go v Ori g i n of Mee ting : Re qu este d b y SOHUD as a f ol l ow-up fr om l unc h wi t h Iv a n k a Tr ump i n June . Dean a Bass put i n the reque s t o n beh al f o f SOHUD. /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000450 Internal Attende Ex ter nal Attendees Subjec t: Locatio n : es : Deana Bass , Alex : Chris Liddel Coffey , Johnson Joy l, MEET with Ra ff i SOHUD' s o ffi ce S t art : Wed 7/26/20 17 3 : 20 PM End : Wed 7/26/2017 3 : 30 PM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Meeting Organi zer : DocBe n Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Subject : Hanse n Location : o r ganizer DocBe n ; Will HOLD for LUNCH with Secretary ' s Dini n g Room i ams , Raphael Sec r etary Perry L ; Thompson , Amy C a nd Mark Vi ctor Start : Thu 9/14/20 17 1 1 : 45 AM End : Thu 9/ 1 4/20 17 12 : 4 5 PM Recu rr en ce : (none) Organ iz e r : Doc Ben Requ i r ed Atte ndees : Subjec t: Locat i o n : DocBe n LUNCH with Sec re tary Perr y a nd Mar k Victor Secreta ry ' s Dining Room Han sen Start : Thu 9/14/2017 11 : 45 AM End : Thu 9/14/2017 12 : 45 PM Recur r e n ce : (none) Organiz e r : DocB en Required At tendees : Subject /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : HOLD for DocBe n LUNCH and WH Mee tings HUD-18-0504-D-000451 Locatio n: Ex ecu tive Dining Room ; Th e Whi te House Start : Wed 9/6/2017 12 : 0 0 PM End : Wed 9/6/2017 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not ye t respond ed Orga n iz e r : DocBe n Required Atte ndees : Hughes , Andrew ; McC al l , Drew A; Sheila Greenwood (Shei l a . M. Greenwoodl@h ud . gov) Subject : Location : Check - i n w/Sheila Sheila wi ll stop and Chris Bourne by Chr i s Bourn e ' s offic M e - Room 8100 Start : Wed 7/26/ 2 0 17 3 : 30 PM End : Wed 7/26/ 2 0 17 3 : 45 PM Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Meet i ng organ iz e r Organiz e r : Greenwood , Shei l a M Required Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila Subj ect : HOLD for M; Bo ur ne , Chr istop he r M Counci l of Champions Start : Thu 8/ 1 7/20 17 2 : 00 PM End : Thu 8/17/20 17 4 : 00 PM Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status Organizer : Subjec t : : Meet i ng organ iz e r Greenwood , Sh e i l a M HOLD for HUD Town Hall Sta r t : Thu 8/1 7 /2017 2 : 0 0 PM End : Thu 8/17/2017 4 : 00 PM Recur r e n ce : (none) Organiz e r : DocBen Required Attendees : DocBe n Subject check /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Background meeting HUD-18-0504-D-000452 Start : Mon 7/31/ 2 0 17 9 : 0 0 AM End : Mon 7/ 3 1/ 2 0 17 10 : 00 AM Recurrence : (none ) Meet i ng Status : Meet i ng o rga n iz e r Or ga niz er : Gre e nwo o d , Shei l a M Sub j ec t : Loc a tio n : HOLD fo r CALL with SOHUD' s office f o rme r Secretary Shaun Donovan Star t : Thu 8/1 0/2 0 17 11 : 00 AM End : Thu 8/10/20 17 1 1 : 30 AM Recurrence : (none ) Or g an izer : DocBe n Requ i r ed At tendees : Subject : HOLD for DocBe n MEET with ADAPT Leade rs h ip Start : Fri 9/22/20 17 12 : 00 AM End : Sa t 9 /23/ 2 0 17 12 : 00 AM Show Ti me As : F r ee Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeti ng S t atus Organ izer : : Meeti ng organizer Greenwood , She i la M Su b ject : HOLD for REAC Meeting and Dona l d Lavoy Lo cation : SOHUD' s office with Hunt er Kurtz , Dominique Blom Start : Thu 8/1 7 /20 17 10 : 30 AM End : Thu 8/17/20 17 1 1 : 00 AM Recurrence Meet ing : (none ) Status : Meet ing Or g ani zer : DocBen Required Attendees : Lavoy , Dona l d J Sub j ec t : Lo cation : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT organizer DocB en ; Blom , Dominiq ue G; Kurtz , R . Hunte r ; REAC Meet i ng with SOHUD' s o ff ic e Hunte r Kurt z a n d Dominique Bl om HUD-18-0504-D-000453 Start : Wed 8/16/2017 10 : 30 AM End : Wed 8/16/20 17 11 : 00 AM Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status Organizer Required : : DocBen Attendees Subject : Location : Start : End : F ri Recurrence Meeting Meet i ng organi : : Meeting Martinez wi l l dial Recurrence Organizer Required Subject Start : End : Fri Recurrence Organizer Required organizer DocBe n; James and Bacon , James he wil l con n ect A you . HOLD F ri 8/4/2017 7 : 00 PM 8/4/2017 10 : 00 PM : (none) : DocBen Attendees : Mel Martinez : (none) : DocBen Atte ndees : Start : End : F ri Secretary G; Kurtz , R . Hunter Fr i 8/4/2017 11 : 00 AM 8/4/2017 11 : 30 AM Status : DocBen ; Blom , Dominique CALL with former SOHUD' s office Organizer Requ i red Subject ze r : DocBen HOLD fo r Q&A-- Young Ameri cas Fo u ndation Fri 8/4/2017 7 : 00 PM 8/4/2017 10 : 00 PM : (none) : DocBen Atte ndees : DocBe n Ash l ey : VPOTUS is keynoting the Friday dinner of the YAF conference on 8/4 . Their typical run of show is to have the keynote speaker do a Q&A at the end of dinner . VPOTUS won ' t be doing tha t port i on , and they we r e wonde r ing i f Dr. Carson or Sec . Devoss wou l d be i nterested in doing a post - dinner Q&A. Full run of show below . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000454 (T) 6 : 50pm : VPOTUS arrives (T) 6:55pm : Meet and Gr eet ( 1 0 people) 7 : 00pm : Welcome remarks 7 : 1 5pm : VPOTUS moves to Off Stage Announce VPOTUS Introd uced by TBD 7 : 20pm : VPOTUS de liv e r s keynote r emar ks * VPOTUS Departs upo n conc l us ion of r emarks * Dinn er served immediately upon conclusion 7 : 40pm : Dinner service (T) 8 : 45pm : Cabi ne t Q&A Subject : of remarks HOLD Start : Thu 8/3/2017 6 : 00 PM End : Thu 8/3/2017 9 : 00 PM Recurrence : (none ) Organi zer : DocBe n Required Attendees : Subject: DocBe n HOLD Start : Wed 8/2/2017 6 : 00 PM End : Wed 8/2/2017 9 : 00 PM Recurrence Org a nizer Required Subject: Locatio n: : (none) : DocBe n Attendees : DINNER with TBD DocBen fri e nd s Start : Wed 8/2/2017 6 : 00 PM End : Wed 8/2/20 1 7 9 : 00 PM Recurrence : (none) Organizer : DocBe n Requ i r ed Attendees : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT DocBe n HUD-18-0504-D-000455 Subject : HOLD Start : Mon 7/3 1 /2017 6 : 00 PM End : Mon 7/31/2017 9 : 00 PM Recurrence : (none) Organiz er: DocBen Required Attendees : Subject : HOLD for DocBe n Pop - In with Start : Wed 7/26/2017 End : Wed 7/26/20 17 11:30 Recurrence Organize Required Congressman Garret Graves ' Interns 11 : 00 AM AM : (none) r: DocBe n Attendees : Subjec t: Richardson Locatio n: MEET with DocBen Sheila , Drew McCall , Andrew a n d Todd SOHUD' s office Start : Mon 7/24/2017 1:30 End : Mon 7/24/20 17 1:40 PM Tentative Show Time As : Recurrence Hughes PM : (none) Meet in g Status : Not yet r espo nded Organizer : DocBen Required Attendees : Hughes , Andrew ; McCall , Drew A; Richardson Todd M; She il a M Gree nwood (Sheila . M. Greenwoodl@ h ud . gov) Subjec t: Locatio n: 12 : 30 Travel Meet Sheila by Executive in the South , Car Lobby Start : Thu 7/27/2017 12 : 30 PM End : Thu 7/27/2017 1 :0 0 PM Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Meeting organizer Organize r: Greenwood , Sheila M Required Attendees : Kasper, Maren Adolfo F; Wade , Dana T /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT M; Bright , Michael R; Marzol , HUD-18-0504-D-000456 Subjec t: Locatio n: PRE- BRIEF on Meetings SOHUD' s Offi ce wi th Congr e ssmen Barr and Duffy Start : Tue 7/25/20 17 4 :0 0 PM End : Tue 7/25/20 17 4 : 30 PM Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng St atus : Meeti ng organizer Organi zer: DocBe n Required Attendees : DocBe n; Barton , Vic t oria W; Appleton , Seth D; Bright , Mi chae l R Subject HOLD for : Hill L; Den das , Mic h ae l Vis i ts Sta r t : Wed 7/26/2017 1 0: 30 AM End : Wed 7/26/2017 12 : 00 PM Recurrence : (none) Organiz e r : DocBen Required Atte ndees : Subject: Location : DocBe n LUNCH with DC Mayor Bowser Secre ta ry ' s Din i ng Room Start : Mon 7/24/20 17 12:1 5 PM End : Mon 7/24/20 17 1 : 15 PM Recurre n ce : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer Required : Accepted : DocBen Attendees : Subjec t: Authority Location : Pre - brief Bregon , Ne l so n R; Gree nwo od , Sh ei l a M meeting COS Off i ce (Su ite w/COS - r e : Rhode Island Hous i ng 10000 ) S t art : Mon 7/24/20 17 1 : 45 PM End : Mon 7/24/2017 2 : 00 PM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT St atus : Meeting organizer HUD-18-0504-D-000457 Organ iz e r: Greenwood , She i la M Required At te ndees : Greenwood , Shei l a M; Petty , Timothy J; Culpepper , Miniard ; Gain e s , Ralph H; Suchar , Norman A; Sardone , Virg ini a ; Brow n, Chr i s t i n a M; Bastarac he, Danielle L Opt i o n al Attendees : Procto r, Tonya ; Hill, Lisa A; Wil lia ms , Tracey A Subjec t: Location : Start : End : F ri AFFH 10130 Amy Thompson Office F ri 7/2 1 /20 17 2 : 30 PM 7/21/20 17 3 : 00 PM Recurrence : (none ) Meet in g Status : Accepted Organizer : Braxton , Kia L Greenwood Required Attendees : Michael W; Appleton , Seth D , Shei l a M; Zorc , Be th any If you have a n y quest i ons or n eed Braxton@ ext . 4053 , tha n ks . Subject : HOLD for Hi ll any ass i sta n ce please A; Dendas , contac t Ki a Visi t s Start : Tue 7/25/2017 9 : 30 AM End : Tue 7/25/20 17 12 : 00 PM Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Meeting organizer Organ iz e r: Greenwood , She i la Subjec t: HOLD for M APPOINTMENT Tue 7/25/ 2 0 17 9 : 00 AM Start : End : Tue 7/25/ 2 0 17 12 : 30 PM Recurrence : (none) Organ iz e r: DocBe n Required Attendees : DocBen Subject : HOLD fo r SPEAK at Fi na n cia l Services Fall Conference Location : Mandarin Or ienta l Hotel /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Ro un dtable ' s 20 1 7 HUD-18-0504-D-000458 Start : End : Fri Fri 9/15/20 17 12 : 30 PM 9/15/20 17 1 : 0 0 PM Recurrence : (none) Orga n iz e r: DocBe n Required Atte ndees : Subjec t : Transactions Lo cation : DocBe n BRIEF on Streamlining wit h Dana Wade SOHUD' s office Low Income Housi ng Ta x Cr ed i t Star t : Wed 7/26/20 17 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 7/26/ 2 0 17 2 : 30 PM Rec urrence : (non e) Meet i ng Status : Meet i ng o rga n iz e r Or ga niz e r : DocBen Required Att endees : Subject : Transactions Locat i o n : DocB en ; Wade , Dana T BRIEF on St r eam lining Low Inc ome Housin g Tax Cr e dit with Dana Wade a nd Bob I be r SOHUD' s o ff i ce St art : Wed 7/26/20 17 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 7/26/2017 2 : 30 PM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting St at us : Meeting o r gan iz e r Orga n iz e r: Doc Ben Requ i r ed At tendees : Doc Ben ; Wade , Dan a T; Iber , Robe r t G; Toon , Theodore K; Arteaga , Elizabet h H Subject : Loc at i on : HOLD for IN TERVIEW SOHUD' s office Start : Wed 7/26/2017 11 : 30 AM End : Wed 7/ 26/20 17 12 : 00 PM Recu rr ence : (none ) Meet i ng Status Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : : Meet i ng o rg an iz e r DocBen HUD-18-0504-D-000459 Requ i red Atte ndees : Subjec t: Location : DocBe n; Transpo r tat i o n for EEOB/ HUD Wil li ams , Rap h ael L CoS S t art : Mon 7/24/20 17 9 : 30 AM End : Mon 7/24/2017 11 : 15 AM Recurre n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Accep t ed Organi z e r: Dagge tt, Requ i red Atte ndees : Tanya R Greenwood , Sheila M; Dawki ns , Eu n i ce D Hey Tanya , Could Sheila use the executive car on Monday , July to EEOB at 9 : 30 and to be picked up a t 11 : 15? Thank 2 4th to be taken yo u. Eun i ce Subjec t: Locatio n: Sta r t : End : Fri Recurrence Check-in w/Shei la Office and CIR cos Fri 7/2 1/20 17 11 : 00 AM 7/2 1/ 2017 1 1 : 30 AM : (none) Meeting Status Organize Required r: Greenwood , Sheila M Attendees : Greenwood , Shei la Subject : Sta r t : End : Fri Recurrence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Meeting organizer M; Carter , Stevens J AFFH Fri 7/2 1 /2017 10 : 00 AM 7/21/20 17 1 1 : 00 AM : (none) HUD-18-0504-D-000460 Meeting Sta t us : Meeting organize r Organizer : Gre enwo o d , Sheila M Req uir e d At tendees : Brown , Ch ris t i na M MEET with Joh n so n Joy SOHUD' s o ff i ce Subject: Locat i o n: a n d Ra l p h Gaines Start : Mon 7 /24/201 7 11 : 30 AM End : Mon 7/24/2017 12 : 00 PM Recurre nc e : (none ) Meeting Sta t us : Meeting organizer Organ iz e r: DocBe n Req u ir ed Atte nde es : DocBe n ; Hu bbard John son P ; Gaines , Ralph H Top i c : Bri e fing Su bj ect : Pr ospe r it y Task Force Meet i ng HOLD fo r SMG Fri 7/28/2017 12 : 00 PM 7/28/ 2 0 17 1:0 0 PM Star t : End : Fri Recurrence Or ganizer on Rural (Ctr) , Ka tr i na R; J oy , : (none ) : Greenwood , Sh ei la M Star t : Thu 7/27/2017 12 : 00 PM End : Thu 7/27/ 2 0 17 12: 30 PM Recurrence Or ganizer Subject : (n o ne ) : : Greenwood , Sheila HOLD for M SMG Star t : Mon 7/24/2017 12 : 00 PM End : Mon 7/24/20 17 1:0 0 PM Rec urr en c e : (non e) Orga n iz e r: /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Greenwood , She i la M HUD-18-0504-D-000461 Subjec t: Locat i o n: I !{b}(6} Hsng . Fi n ance Re form Wkly Mtg . Ado lf o ' s Of fi ce// Co nf. Line ( 888) Host MfilJ ~l Subject : Phone Call w/Sheila Gr ee nwood , Adolfo Marzo l a n d Barrett Burns Location : Barre tt will ca ll Sheila and Ado l fo - 202 - 402 - 2851 (po l ycom #) St art : Thu 7/27/ 2 0 17 11 : 00 AM End : Thu 7/27/2017 1 1 : 30 AM Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Meeting Organize r: Greenwood Requ ir ed Attendees : barrettburns@vantagescore /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT organizer , Sheila M Marzol , Adolfo . com F; HUD-18-0504-D-000467 Subject : Location : 1 : 00PM- BRIEF HFA Multi SOHUD' s Office Start : Thu 7/20/ 20 17 1:00 End : Thu 7/2 0/2 0 17 1:30 PM Recurrence fami l y Risk Share Program PM : (none) Meet in g Status : Meet i ng organize Organizer : DocBen Required Atte ndees : Bil lin gsley , Donald A DocBe n; r Bowes , Robert MEET with Congressman 10 22 Longworth HOB Subjec t: Locat ion : Steve B; Sul l iva n , Danie l J ; Stivers (OH- 15 ) Start : Wed 7/26/2017 9 : 30 AM End : Wed 7/26/2017 1 0 : 00 AM Recurrence : (non e ) Meeting Status Organize Required r: DocBe n Attendees : Topic : Fa ir Location : Meeting Housing : Stivers o rganiz DocBe n ; Barton , Victoria L Ac t ' office ; 1022 POC: Sara Donlon , Scheduler Office Congressman of er Steve Longwort h HOB Stivers (OH- 15 ) PH: 614 . 77 1 . 4968 Or i g i n of Mee ting Staff : Victor /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT ia : Stive r s ' staff reached out t o Vi ctoria Bar ton Barton HUD-18-0504-D-000468 Subjec t: Loca tion : HOLD for INTERVIEW SOHUD' s office Start : Tue 7/ 1 8/20 17 8 :0 5 AM End : Tue 7/1 8 /20 17 8 : 20 AM Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng Status : Meeti Organi zer: DocBe n Required Attendees : ng organizer DocBe n; Willi ams , Rap h ael L Subjec t: HOLD for Interdepartmental Serio u s Ment al Illness Coordi n at i ng Commi ttee (ISMICC) Kickoff Meet in g Loc ation : HHS-- Hubert H. Humphrey Bui ld ing , Room 800 ; 200 Ind ependence Ave . SW Start : Thu 8/31/20 17 9 : 00 AM End : Thu 8/31/20 17 1 1 : 00 AM Recu rr ence : (no ne) Meet in g Status Organizer Required : Meet in g organize : DocBen Attendees : r DocB en ; Gaines , Ralp h H (b)(6) Subjec t: l Loca tion : ~------------------~ Start : Thu 7/27/ 20 17 2 : 30 PM End : Thu 7/27/20 17 3 :0 0 PM Recurrence Meeting Status Organizer Required Fast : (none) at Bring Arrive /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Meeting organizer : Greenwood , Sheila M Atte ndees : ' Sheila Greenwood least p h oto ' 8 h ours . ID 15 - 20 " early HUD-18-0504-D-000469 Subjec t : Locat i o n: MEET w/ White Ho u se Fellow SOHUD' s off i ce ; Call , Chr is Sto tle Start : Tue 7/1 8 /2017 11 : 55 AM End : Tue 7/18/2017 12 : 00 PM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Meeting Orga n iz e r : DocBe n Required Atte ndees : Mills , Allison F Subject : FLY from organizer DocBe n ; Hu ghes, Andrew ; McCa l l , Drew A; DCA to MSY Mon 8/14/20 17 8 : 35 AM Start : End : Mon 8/ 14 / 2 0 17 10 : 1 3 AM Recu rr en ce : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer : Meet in g organi Greenwood , Shei la zer M Fli gh t # UA367 fro m DCA -> Seat 32A Subjec t: Locat i o n: S t art : End : Fri : F ri 8/11/20 17 8:30 8/11/2017 10 : 30 AM IAH (3 ho ur s and 3 mins . ) AM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Accep te d Organ iz e r : Dawk i n s , Eun i ce D Requ i r ed Atte ndees : Greenwood Trip , She i la M Overview Trip Name : Multi - Segme n t Tr i p Start Date : August 11 , 2 0 1 7 End Da te : Aug u st 20 , 2017 Created : July 13 , 2017 , Sheila Greenwood (Mod i f ied : July 13 , 201 7) Descr i ption : (No Description Available) Agency Record Locator: JP9XTA M Gr ee nwood Passeng e rs : Sheila Tota l Estimated Cost : $ 755 . 73 USO Important : Rese r vat i o n s must be approved and t i cketed n o l ate r than : The trip will be automa t ic ally cancelled 08/09/20 17 6 : 30 AM Eastern if it is not approved before the deadline . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000470 Agency Name : BCD- BFS Pr od Reservations Frid ay , August Fli ght Washington United 367 11 , 2017 , DC (DCA) to Departure : 08 : 30 AM Seat : 32A (Confirmed) Ronald Reagan National Arpt Term i nal: B Duration : 3 hours , 3 minutes Nonstop Arrival: 10 : 33 AM George Bush Intercontinental Terminal : C Confirmation : NMl KR0 Status : Confirmed Aircraft : Airbus A319 Distance : 1 206 miles E- Ticket Emissions : 470 . 3 lbs CO2 Cab i n : Economy (S) Meal : Food for purchase Sunday, Dol lar Pick-up August Car Houston, (DCA) (IAH) 13 , 2017 Rental at : Lafayette at : Lafayette US (LFT) US (LFT) Pick Up : 05 : 00 PM Sun Aug 13 Pick-up at : Lafayette US (LFT) Number of Cars : 1 Return : 06 : 00 AM Sun Aug 20 Returning to : Lafayette US (LFT) Confirmation : H3613641450 Status : Confirmed Rate Code : GOVT Rate : $ 1 71 . 00 USD week l y rate , unlimited dai ly rate 14.000 0 extra mi l es Total Rate : $ 297 . 23 USD Corporate Discount : ~l S t aff : Deana Bass , Nelson Ex ter na l At tendees : Submitted R service Room ; Hubertm@pbso . org Bregon : TBD, wa i ting Orig i n of Meeting Dean a Bass Subject : Loca tion : Bass , Deana ; Bregon , Nelson for online list request form , also contacted HECM Ado lf o ' s Of fi ce St a rt : Mon 7/ 1 7/ 20 17 2 : 00 PM 3 : 00 PM End : Mon 7/17/2017 Recu rr ence : (no ne ) Meeting S tatus : Accepted Organizer : Marz o l , Ado lf o F Requ i r ed At tendees : Greenwood , Sheila Michael R; Wade , Dana T Optiona l Attendees : Zorc, Bethany A /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT M; Kasper, Maren M; Bright , HUD-18-0504-D-000479 Su b j ect : Loca ti o n : HOLD f o r PICTU RES wi th SOHUD' s off i ce Start : En d : Tue Ne w Hir es Tue 7/ 1 8/ 2 0 17 2 : 30 PM 7/ 18 / 2 0 17 3 : 0 0 PM Recur r e n ce : (none ) Meet in g St a tus : Meet in g o rg a nize r Or g ani zer : DocBe n Requ ire d At t e ndees : Su bject : DocBe n FW: DepS e c Ro om for CI R Start : Mon 7/ 10 / 2 0 17 4 : 0 0 PM En d : Mon 7/1 0 / 2 0 17 5 : 0 0 PM Show Tim e As : Te n t a t iv e Recur ren ce : (none ) Meet in g S t a tus : Or g an izer : No t yet Da g ge tt , Tanya r espo nded R -----O r i gi na l Appo i nt me n t----F rom : Da g gett , Tany a R Se n t : Mond a y , J u l y 10 , 2 0 1 7 2 : 49 PM To : Dag ge tt , Ta n ya R; Ca r t e r , St e ve ns J ; Fran kli n , DeS h a u nta M Cc : De n das , Mi c h ae l W Sub j ec t : DepSec Room f o r CIR When : Monda y , J u ly 10 , 201 7 4 : 00 PM-5 : 00 PM (UTC-05 : 0 0) Ea ster n Time (US & Ca n ada ) . Wher e : Sub j ec t : Travel by Ube r St a r t : Wed 7/12/2017 1 : 30 PM End : Wed 7/12/20 17 2 : 0 0 PM Recur r e n ce : (none ) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000480 Organizer Subject : : Greenwood , Sheila Travel M by Uber Start : Wed 7/ 12/20 17 12 : 00 PM End : Wed 7/ 12/20 17 12 : 30 PM Recu rr ence : (no ne) Organize r: Greenwood , Sheila Subjec t: M HOLD fo r CALL wi t h Secretary Betsy DeVos Start : Wed 7/ 12/20 17 11 : 00 AM End : Wed 7/12/20 17 1 1 : 30 AM Recurrence Organizer Required Subject : (none) : DocBen Attendees : : SPEAK to Start : End : Fri Origin Subject Stu dents at HSC Fri 8/25/2017 9 : 30 AM 8/25/2017 10 : 15 AM Recurrence Organizer Required DocB en : (no ne ) : DocB en At te ndees : DocBe n o f Meeting : Mason Alexander : SPEAK to Stu dents at HCS Fri 8/25/20 17 10 : 00 AM 8/25/20 17 10 : 45 AM Start : End : Fri Rec urr ence : (non e) Mee t i ng Status Organizer Subject : : : Mee t i ng organize Gr ee nwood , Sh e ila HOLD for CALL with r M Attorney General Jef f Sessions Start : Thu 7/ 13/20 17 4 : 45 PM End : Thu 7/ 13/20 17 5 : 1 5 PM Recurrence Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) : DocBe n HUD-18-0504-D-000481 Requ ire d Atte ndees : Subject Locatio : n: DocBe n Resc h edu ling COS Off ice - Check - in w/She il a and Willi am Russe ll Start : Tue 7/ 1 1/ 2 0 17 3 :0 0 PM End : Tue 7/11/20 17 3:30 PM Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng St atus : Meeti ng organizer Organi zer : Greenwood , Sheila M Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila Subjec t: Locat ion : M MEET with Rep . Bost 1 44 0 Longworth HOB Sta r t : Thu 7/13/2017 11 : 1 5 AM End : Thu 7/13/2017 11 : 45 AM Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Status : Meeting Orga n iz e r: DocBe n Required Atte ndees : Subjec t: Loc a tio n : o rganiz er DocBe n ; Kasper , Maren M; Barto n, Victoria L She il a/ Ado lf o/ Ma r en/Da n a meet Sheila ' s office Start : Mon 7/10/2017 10 : 00 AM End : Mon 7/ 10/2 0 17 10: 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta tiv e Re currence : (none) Meet in g Status : Not yet r espo nded Organizer : Wade, Dana T Required At t e ndees : Kasper , Maren Adolfo F Subject Locatio : n: M; Greenwood , She ila M; Marzol , FW: Meet in g w/ Rep . Diaz - Balar t Cannon 440 S t art : Tue 7/11/20 17 4 : 00 PM End : Tue 7/1 1/20 17 4 : 30 PM /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000482 Show Time As : Recurrence Meeting Tenta tive : (none) Status : Not ye t re spo nde d Organ iz e r : McCa ll , Drew A ----- Original Appointment ---- Fr om : McCall , Drew A Sent : Mo n day , J un e 26 , 2017 1 1 : 41 AM To : McCal l , Drew A; Hu g h es , Andrew Subject : Meeti ng w/ Rep . Diaz - Balart When : Tuesday, July 11 , 2017 4 : 00 PM- 4 : 30 PM (UTC- 0 5 : 00) Time (US & Ca n ada ) . Where : Cannon 440 Subject : Meeti ng w/Sheila Int e r n Shadow Day Lo cation : COS Of f ice Greenwood and Jordan Bellamy East e rn - re : S t art : Wed 7/19/ 2 0 17 11 : 00 AM End : Wed 7/19/20 17 12:00 PM Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng St atus : Meeti ng organizer Organi zer : Greenwood , Sheila M Requ i r ed Atte ndees : Bellamy , Jorda n M; McCall , Drew A Subjec t : Meeti ng w/Sheila Inter n Shadow Day Locatio n : COS Office Gree nwood and Emily Je nki ns - re : Start : Thu 7/13/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Thu 7/13/2017 12 : 00 PM Recurrence : (none) Mee t ing Status Organizer : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Meeting organize Greenwood , Shei la r M HUD-18-0504-D-000483 Requ i re d Atte ndees : McCa l l , Dr ew A Greenwood , Sheila M; Je nki ns , Emi ly Sub j ect : Meet i ng w/She il a Gr ee nwood and Matthew Inter n Sh adow Day Locatio n : COS Office B; Youngblood - re : Star t : Wed 7/12/2017 10 : 00 AM End : Wed 7/ 12 / 2 0 17 10 : 30 AM Rec urr ence : (none) Meeti ng Sta t us : Meeti ng organi ze r Org a nize r : Greenwood , Sheila M Req uired Att en d ees : Gre e nwoo d , Sheila McCa l l , Drew A Subject : Meeting w/Sh e ila Shadow Day Locat i o n : COS Office M; Youngblood Greenw ood and Jacklyn , Matthew A; Ward - Int e rn Start : Mon 7/10/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Mon 7/10/2017 3 : 00 PM Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Status : Meeting o rganiz er Org an iz e r: Greenwood , Sheila M Required Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila Dr ew A Subject : Loca t ion : M; Ward , Jack lyn A; McCa ll , HOLD PHOTOSHOOT w/ Time Maga zi n e TBD Mon 7/ 10 / 2 0 17 10 : 00 AM Start : End : Mon 7/10/ 2 0 17 10 : 30 AM Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Meet i ng organ iz e r Organiz e r : DocBen Requ i red Attendees : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT DocBe n ; Wil li ams , Rap h ael L HUD-18-0504-D-000484 Subjec t: Al exa nde r Locatio n : HOLD DROP-IN w/ Mayor Secretary's of Conference Nor f olk , VA, Ken ne t h Cooper Room Start : Thu 7/13/20 17 10 : 30 AM End : Thu 7/ 1 3/20 17 10:4 5 AM Recurrence Meet ing Organizer Required : (none ) Status : Meet ing : DocBen Attend ees : organi zer DocBen ; Burley , Michael Subject : HOLD for DROP- IN MEET w/ Mayor Cooper Alexander Loca tion : Secre t a r y ' s Co n ference Room N o f Norfo lk , VA, Kenneth Start : Thu 7/13/ 2 0 17 10 : 30 AM End : Thu 7/13/2017 1 0:45 AM Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng S t atus : Meeti Organi zer : DocBe n Requ i r ed Atte ndees : Background ng organizer DocBe n ; Burley, Mi chael N : The Mayo r would l i ke t o d i scuss the NDRC grant along standa r d urba n HUD i ss u es - HOPE VI , Sect i on 8 , etc received a t HUD Choice Neighbor ho ods pla n ning grant h ttp : //m . nrha . us/newsandevents/press r e l e ases/norfolk 250000 to -transfo rm -st-pa ul %E2%80 %99s-a rea and may seek a n imp l eme n tat i on grant . Secretary the end of Inter n al Stan Gimont Carson is plan ni ng to drop the meeting (10 : 30 AM) . Attendees by for with the . Nor fo lk also in 2011 : - awarded - at some poi n t brie f introduc t i o n s at : - CDBG PIH? /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000485 Michael Burley Externa l Attendees Kenneth Scott - CIR Cooper Alexander D. Mason Subject : Loca tion : : - Mayo r of Nor folk , VA - Mayor ' s DC Rep HOLD for check - i n w/She il a and COS Office Dana Wade S tar t : Thu 7/6/2017 3 : 30 PM 4 : 00 PM End : Thu 7/6/2017 Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Subjec t: Rep . Bost Location : Greenwood , Shei l a M PRE-BRIEF on Meeting Meeting Sena t o r s Durbin and Duckworth ; SOHUD' s office Start : Wed 7/12/2017 2:30 End : Wed 7/12/20 17 3 :0 0 PM Recurrence with PM : (none) Status : Meeting Organizer : DocBen Required Attendees : W; Kasper , Maren M Subject : Loca tion : organizer DocBen ; Barton , Victoria L ; Dendas , Michael HOLD for MEET with Secreta ry John Kelly Depar tmen t o f Homeland Secur it y ; 380 1 Nebraska Avenue , NW Start : Tue 7/11/20 17 2 :4 5 PM End : Tue 7/1 1/20 17 3 : 1 5 PM Recu rr ence : (none) Organizer Required : DocBen Attendees : DocBen Top i c : discuss Secretary Ke lly' Subject: Travel w/SOHUD /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT s proposed drug i ni t i atives HUD-18-0504-D-000486 Start : Thu 7/6/2017 12 : 00 PM End : Thu 7/6/20 1 7 12 : 30 PM Rec urr en ce : (none) Orga n iz e r : Gr eenwood , She i la Subject Travel : by Ube r M (Tenta t iv e) Start : Thu 7/6/20 1 7 1 : 00 PM End : Thu 7/6/2017 1 : 30 PM Recurrence : (none) Organ iz e r : Greenwood , Sheila Subjec t : Locat ion : 12 : 30 Lunch w/Sheila Manda rin Hotel M Gree nwood a nd Anna Hui Start : Wed 7/12/2017 12 : 30 PM End : Wed 7/12/2017 1 : 30 PM Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Status : Meeting organizer Orga n iz e r: Gr eenwood , She i la M Required Atte ndees : Anna . Hui@Labor . mo . gov Subjec t : Loc a tio n : HOLD for TBD MEET with Senators Durbin and Du ckwo rth Start : Thu 7/13/2017 12 : 00 PM End : Thu 7/ 1 3/20 17 12 : 30 PM Recurrence : (none ) Organi zer : DocBe n Requ i r ed Attendees : DocBe n Topic : Cairo , IL Subjec t : FLY from DCA t o FLL Start : End : F ri Recurrence Organizer Required /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Fri 7/ 14 /20 17 2 : 15 PM 7/14/ 2 0 17 4 : 55 PM : (none) : DocBe n Attendees : DocBen HUD-18-0504-D-000487 FLY fr om DCA o n Amer i ca n Airlines FLT #1668 . Arrive PM. Subject : HOLD for Secur i ty Exercise i n FLL@ 4 : 55 Tue 7/ 1 1/ 2 0 17 7 :0 0 AM Start : End : Tue 7/ 1 1/ 2 0 17 1:0 0 PM Recu rr ence : (none) Orga n iz e r: DocBe n Required Atte ndees : Subjec t : Locat i o n : DocBe n Prieb u s Memo Review She i l a ' s Off i ce Sta r t : Wed 7/5/2017 9 : 00 AM End : Wed 7/5/2017 9 : 30 AM Recurre n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Accep te d Organ iz e r : Hughes , Andrew Required Atte ndees : Kurtz , R . Hunter ; Eagles , Dav id T; Kasper, Mar en M; McCall , Dr ew A; Gr eenwood , She il a M; Bass , Deana Subject : Se t up WH pre tied for wedy am Sta r t : Mon 7/3/2017 10 : 4 5 AM End : Mon 7/3/2017 11 : 45 AM Recurrence Meeting : (none) Sta t us : Meetin g organizer Organ iz e r: Greenwood , Sheila Subject : Loca tion : Fa r ewe ll 10226 Start : End : F ri to M Dav e Dela Paz F ri 7/7/20 1 7 2 : 00 PM 7/7/2017 2 : 30 PM Recu rr ence : (none) Meeti ng S tatus : Accepted Organize r : Fle i sc her , La ur a A Requ i r ed At tendees : Fle i sc h e r, La ur a A; P r eston , Tawanna ; Epps , F rieda A; Hanible , Do n ald C; Dawkins , Eunic e D; Ha rd is on , James C; Aida Rodriguez (AIDA . N . RODRIGUEZ@ hud . gov ); Greenwood , Sheila M; /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000488 Coressel , Jacie ; Mi ll s , Allison F ; Alex a n der , Mason ; Bacon , James A; Browning , Aus tin G; Demarzo , Benjam i n E ; Hughes , Andrew ; McCall , Drew A; Kurtz , R . Hunter ; Deana Bass (Deana . Bass@hud . gov ); Brown, Yvonne A; Adolfo Mar zol (Adolfo . F . Marzo l @hud . gov ); Matthe ws , Dorothy J ; Whippie , Tanya L ; Cooper , Dia n e J ; Daggett, Tanya R; Brown , J ereo n M; Su l livan , Brian E ; Calis i (Ctr) , Dana; Kaspe r, Mare n M; Free , Kenneth E; Carte r, Steve n s J ; Cr oss (Ctr) , LaShena A; Delahoyde , Abigail M; Driggers , Jason ; Hawkins , Gregory R Optiona l Attend ees: Boswell , Aretha T ; Farrar - Wilson, Loual i ce After 14 + years at HUD, Dave is leav in g . Very sad ne ws f or u s who work a n d have wor ked wi th h i m over the years , enjoy i ng his compa ny and the fruits (and cookies) of his la bor ! Pl ease join us as we toast Dave , wi th someth i ng spark l ing and cake , on his last day at HUD. Subjec t: Locat i o n: MEET with Craig SOHUD' s off i ce Clernrne n sen , Keith Tal l ey , and Start : Wed 7/5/20 1 7 9 :00 AM End : Wed 7/5/2017 9 : 30 AM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Meeting Organizer : DocBe n Requ i red Atte ndees : Pujda , Pa t rick A Purpose: Subject : PACE Loans /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT organizer DocBe n; t o reco r d digital Meeti ng w/Sheila Clernrnensen , Cr aig T ; Talley , Keith L; s i g n ature and HUD s t aff and Al fred Po l lard - re : HUD-18-0504-D-000489 Locatio n: COS Off ice Start : Wed 7/5/2017 3 : 00 PM End : Wed 7/5/2017 3 : 45 PM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Meeting organizer Organi zer : Greenwood , Sheila M Requ i r ed Attendees : Ma rz ol , Ado lf o F ; Wade , Dana T; Pollard Alfred ; Bowes , Robert B Alfred , , Come to the So u t h Ent r a n ce sec ur ity desk (near Freeway). Eunic e - 202 - 402 - 6624 She i l a - 2 02-402-6068 Subjec t : HOLD f o r CALL with S t art : End : Fri Se n ator Jo hnn y Isakson F ri 6/30/2017 2 : 30 PM 6/30/2017 3 : 00 PM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeti ng S t atus : Meeti ng organizer Organi zer : DocBe n Requ i r ed Attendees : Sub j ect : Locat i o n: DocBe n ; Dendas , Mi chael Weekly Ch eck- in COS Office w/She il a and w Adolfo Start : Thu 6/29/2017 4 : 00 PM End : Thu 6/29/20 17 4 : 30 PM Recurre n ce : Week l y Recu rr en ce Pa tte rn : Meeting Organizer Required /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Status : Meeting eve ry Thu r sday from 4:00 PM to 4 : 30 PM organizer : Greenwood , Shei la M Attend ees : Greenwood , Sh e ila M; Marzol , Adolfo F HUD-18-0504-D-000490 Subjec t: Meet & Greet w/Kathy Kr a ni nge r, General Government Prog r ams Loc a tio n: Cos Office - Room 1 00 0 Associate Di rector f or Tue 7/1 1/ 2017 12 : 30 PM Start : End : Tue 7/ 1 1/ 2 0 17 1:0 0 PM Recurrence : (none ) Meet in g Status : Accepted Organize r : Eagles, Dav id T Required Attend ees: Eagles , Davi d T; Golrick , Janet M; Gr een wood , She il a M; Kur tz, R . Hunte r ; Hen sley , Henr y ; Zorc , Be th a ny A Opt i o na l Atte ndees : Dawkin s , Eun i ce D; Gate s , Sco tt L; ' jess i ca k . l ee@omb . eop . gov ' Sub j ec t: TV Inte r v i ew Loc a tio n: (At t h e Community Ave, Ba l timo r e MD 21205 Fair) Henderso n Hopkins , 2 100 Ashland Start : Thu 6/29/2017 1 : 30 PM End : Thu 6/29/20 17 1: 35 PM Recu rr en ce : (none) Orga n iz e r: DocBe n Required Atte ndees : Stand - up TV Interview DocBe n with Fox 45 Subjec t: Tour Horne tha t has been Control Grant (b)(6) Location : Home Of (WBFF ) ass i s t ed wit HUD Lead Ha zard ~~..... b=-)(6 =-)=--=--=--=--=--=--=----_-_-__,~ l~---------------------~ Start : Thu 6/29/20 17 8 : 15 AM End : Thu 6/29/20 17 8 : 45 AM Recurrence Organizer Required : (none) : DocBen Attendees : DocBen Contac t: Mich el le Miller , Deputy Direc t or , HUD Of fice Control and Healthy Hornes Cel l: (202) != /b=l/=6l ._----;;~1..,.,,.,... _____ ---, Homeowner Co~n~t~ a~c~t~::.....=! (b~\(~6 ~\______ _, l(6l I Ce ll : ( 410 ) !{b of Lead Hazard Atten dees : • rb )(6) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000491 Lori Deveau , Deveau Const r uct ion (Contractor ) Summa ry: Tour h ome o f fam il y that has been assisted with HUD Lead Hazard Control g r ant funds . Home has had l ead hazards co n tro l led and h ousing - related h ea l th and safety hazards mi tigated under an OLHCHH Lead Hazard Control grant and has Heal thy Homes Supplemental fund in g . Contractor fr om Deveau Construction wi ll be o n h and t o answe r a ny questions abo u t l ead r emed i ation process . Subject : Start : End : Fri HOLD for CALL with Sanford Bishop Fri 6/30/2017 12 : 00 PM 6/30/20 17 12:3 0 PM Recu rr ence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer Required Subject : Meet in g o rga n iz e r : DocBen Attend ees: : Start : End : Fri DocBen ; Dendas , Michael HOLD for CALL wi th w Congr ess man Diaz - Balart Fri 6/30/20 17 11 : 30 AM 6/30/20 17 12 : 00 PM Recu rr ence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer Required Subject : Meet in g o rga n iz e r : DocBen Attendees : Bobby : DocBe n ; Dendas , Michael Jernarv ez Start : End : Fri Fri 6/30/20 17 3 : 00 PM 6/30/20 17 3 : 30 PM Recurrence : (none) Organ iz e r: DocBe n Required Attendees : Subject Start : : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT MEET with F ri W DocBen Bobby 6/30/2017 Je rnarvez 3 :0 0 PM HUD-18-0504-D-000492 End : Fri 6/30/2017 Recurrence 3 : 30 PM : (none ) Organi zer : DocBe n Requ i r ed At tendees : Subject : Loca tion : Doc Be n LUNCH wi th Lois Johnson Secre tary ' s Din i ng Room St art : Mon 7/1 0 / 2 0 17 12 : 00 PM End : Mon 7/10/2017 1 : 0 0 PM Recurrence : (none ) Organizer Req uired Subject : DocBe n Att endees : : DocB en Lun c h with Lo is Johnso n Start : Mon 7/10/2017 12 : 00 PM End : Mon 7/10/2017 12 : 30 PM Recurrence : (none ) Or g ani zer : DocBe n Requ i r ed At tendees : Subject : DocBe n Arms t ron g Williams Start : End : F ri Fri 6/30/20 17 1 : 0 0 PM 6/30/20 17 1 : 3 0 PM Recurrence : (none) Organ iz e r : DocBe n Required Atte ndees : HOLD for Secretary Subjec t : Locatio n : DocBe n Pop- I n MEET with Reve r end 's Co n feren ce Room Lui s Cortes Star t : Tue 6/27/2017 11 : 10 AM End : Tue 6/27/2017 11 : 15 AM Recurrence Mee t ing Org a nizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none ) Status : : Meeting organize r DocBe n HUD-18-0504-D-000493 Required Attendees Mayo , Sammy E : Youngblood , Richard A; Kurtz, R. Hunter Topic : discuss ways Esperanza can Trump ' s objective o f more vibrant assist cities. SOHUD achieve Attende es: Rev . Lui s Cortes Esperanza , Peggy J . Ellis Founder , President Int erna l Sta ff: Subject: Location : Start : End : Tue Hunter , Jr .; ; h i s and and CEO of Kurtz MEET with Senator Dirksen 239 Mi ke Crapo (R-ID) Tue 6/27/20 17 4 : 30 PM 6/27/20 17 5 : 00 PM Recu rr ence : (none) Meeting Status : Accepted Organizer : DocBen Required Attende es: Dendas , Michael W Subject : Location : St art : End : Tue Recurre Meeting Greenwood MEET with Senator Dir k se n 425 , Shei l a M; Marzol , Adolfo Bob Corker F; (R- TN) Tue 6/27/20 17 3 : 15 PM 6/27/2017 3 : 45 PM n ce : (none) S t atus : Accepted Organi zer: DocBe n Requ i red At tendees : Den das, Michael W Subject : Location : Start : End : Tue Greenwood , Sheila MEET with Senato r Sherrod ST - 4 (in the Capito l) M; Marzol, Adolfo F; Brow n (D-OH) Tue 6/27/20 17 2: 1 5 PM 6/27/20 17 2:45 PM Recu rr ence : (no ne ) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000494 Meet i ng Status : Accepted Organiz e r : DocBen Required Attendees : Dendas , Mi chael W Greenwood , Sheila The room# i s ST - 4, hidden behind terrace l evel o f the Capitol Subjec t: Lo cation : doorway Ado l f o F ; ST2 - 1 0 , a ll on the MEET with Sena t o r Crapo 239 Dirksen SOB Star t : End : Tue Tue 6/27/20 17 4 : 30 PM 6/27/2017 5 : 00 PM Recurrence : (none ) Organi zer : DocBe n Requ ir ed At tendees : Subject: 12 pm (EDT) the M; Ma rz o l, In vitat (She ila DocBe n i o n : J immy kemp meeting Gree nwood) @ Wed Jul 5, 2017 11am - S t art : Wed 7/5/ 201 7 11 : 0 0 AM End : Wed 7/5/2017 12 :0 0 PM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeti ng S t atus Organi zer : : Accepted ~l (b_)(_6_) _____________ Man age al l your calendars Down load th e Googl e Calendar mor e deta il s » ~ i n one place . app . Jimmy kemp meeti ng When Wed Ju l 5 , 2017 11 am - 12 pm Eastern Ca le nda r She il a Gree nwood l(b )(6) Who • She ila Gre enwood T i me - o rg ani z e r Going? Yes - Maybe - No more op t ions » I nvitation f ro m Google Calendar You a r e r ece i v ing th i s courtesy ema i l at the account she il a . m. gree nwoodl@hud . go v because you are a n atten d ee of this event . To stop re ce iving f ut ure upda t es f or th is event , dec l i ne th i s event . Al ter n ative ly you can si g n up for a Goo g le acco un t at h tt ps : //www . google . com/calendar/ and control your notificat i on settings for your entire calendar . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000495 Forwarding this inv it a t ion co ul d a ll ow a ny recipient RSVP r esponse . Lea r n Mo r e . Subject : MEET wit h Bet h a nd Maso n Lo cation : SOHUD' s office t o mod if y your Mon 6/26/20 17 2 : 30 PM Start : End : Mon 6/26/201 7 3 :0 0 PM Recu rr ence : (none) Meet i ng Status Organizer Required : Meet i ng o rga n iz e r : DocBen Attendees : DocBe n ; Zorc , Bet hany A; Alexander , Maso n Top i c : Bal t i mor e Subject : Lo cation : 2 : 30P M- MEET with SOHUD' s o ffice Bet h a n d Maso n Sta r t : Mon 6/26/2017 2 : 30 PM End : Mon 6/26/2017 3 :0 0 PM Recurrence : (none ) Meetin g Sta t us : Org a nizer Required Meetin g organizer : DocBe n Atte nd ees : DocBe n ; Zorc , Bethany A; Al exa n der , Maso n Top i c : Baltimore Subjec t: Locat i o n: MEET with Bet h Zorc SOHUD' s o ff i ce S t art : Mon 6/26/2017 End : Mon 6/26/2017 3:00 a nd Mason Al exander 2 : 30 PM PM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Meeting Organizer : DocBe n Requ i r ed Attendees : Crucia n i , Linda M o r ganizer DocBe n ; Zorc , Bethany A; Alexander , Maso n; Top i c : Bal t im ore /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000496 Subjec t : Heathe r in OT S t art : Wed 6/28/20 17 6 : 0 0 PM End : Wed 6/28/2017 7 : 0 0 PM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting S t atus : Meeting Organi zer : Greenwood Requ i r ed Attendees : Subjec t: Loca ti o n : organizer , Sheila M ' She i la Gr eenwood ' Intro duction COS Offi ce meeting w/Sheila a n d Joh n Gibbs S t art : Thu 7/6/2017 10 : 0 0 AM End : Thu 7/6/2017 10 : 30 AM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Meeting Organi zer : Greenwood Requ i r ed Attendees : Subject HOLD for : o r ganizer , Sheila M Gibbs , John Local Med ia S t art : Tue 7/25/20 17 12:00 End : Wed 7/26/2017 12 : 00 AM Show Time As : F ree Recurrence Meeting Day with Cab i net Affairs AM : (none) Status : Meeting Organ iz e r : Doc Ben Required Attendees : organizer DocBen ; Williams , Raphael L FOCUS OF INTERVIEWS : J u ly will be themed Made I n America Mont h and ou r p u s h for tax r e f o rm will be the p rim a ry topic . We' d l i ke to ta ke these messages directly to the h eart lan d of t h e country throug h radio and local TV. We' ll have the ou t lets focus on tax reform and ask them to describe what your agency h as done to Make America Great Again i n the past 6 month s of th e admi n istra t io n. Subject : Loc ation : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT MEET with Senato r Brow n his Capitol hideaway HUD-18-0504-D-000497 Start : End : Tue Tue 6/27/2017 2 : 15 PM 6/27/20 17 2 : 45 PM Recurrence : (none) Organ iz e r: DocBe n Requ i r ed Attendees : Subjec t : DocBe n 5 : 00 Travel by Uber St art : Mon 6/26/20 17 5 : 00 PM End : Mon 6/26/2017 5 : 30 PM Recurrence Organizer Subject : (none) : Greenwood , Shei l a M 2 : 30 Tr ave l by Ube r : Sta r t : Mon 6/26/2017 2 : 30 PM End : Mon 6/26/2017 3 : 0 0 PM Recurrence Organiz : (none) er : Greenwood , Shei l a M Subject : Speaker - Manufactured Housing Inst i tute Fly - In Lo cation : Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill Bal l room level) - 2017 - Summer (Regenc y B - St art : Mon 6/26/20 17 3 : 00 PM End : Mon 6/26/2017 5 : 0 0 PM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting S t atus : Meeting Organi zer : Greenwood Requ i r ed At tendees : organizer , Sheila M Gr eenwood , She i la M Subjec t : Int e r view Mee t ing w/ Ms . Sherra Jac kson , and Staff , Shei l a Gr eenwood Locatio n : Off i ce o f The Chief of Staff - Sui te 10 00 0 Start : End : Fri The Chief of Fri 6/23/20 17 2 : 00 PM 6/23/20 17 2 : 30 PM Recu rr ence : (none) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000498 Meet in g Status : Meet in g organ iz e r Organiz e r : Greenwood Required Attendees : Opt i o n al Atte ndees : , Shei la M Jac k so n, Sherra L Andrew Hug hes ; AI DA RODRIGUEZ Subjec t: Int erview Meeting w/ Ms . Sher r a Jac k so n, and Sta ff , Sh e ila Gr eenwood Lo cation : Off ic e o f The Chief of Staff - Sui te 1 000 0 The Ch i ef of Star t: F ri 6/23/20 17 9 : 00 AM End : F r i 6/23/2017 9 : 30 AM Recurrence : (none ) Meetin g Status Org a nizer Required Su bject : Lo cat i on : Start : End : F ri : Meet in g organi zer : Greenwood , Shei l a M Attendees : Jackso n, Sh e rra MEET wit h Andr ew Hughes SOHUD' s office and L Dr ew McCa ll Fri 6/23/20 17 9 : 00 AM 6/ 2 3 / 2 0 17 9 :3 0 AM Recu rr ence : (none) Meet in g Status Or ga nizer Required : Meet in g o rg an iz e r : DocB en Attendees : DocBe n ; Hughes , Andrew ; McCall Personne l upda t e Subject : PRE-B RIEF on This Loc ation : SOHUD' s office Week ' s Events with , Drew A Raffi Mon 6/26/20 17 1 1 : 00 AM Start : End : Mon 6/26/20 17 1 1 : 30 AM Recu rr ence : (none) Meet in g Status : Meet in g organ iz e r Organiz e r : DocB en Requ i red At tendees : Subject /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Senate DocBe n ; Wil li ams , Rap h ael Banking Committee L Meet in g Review(TPs , Q&As) HUD-18-0504-D-000499 Locatio n: She il a ' s Offi ce - Su ite 10000 Start : Thu 6/22/20 17 4 : 00 PM End : Thu 6/22/2017 4 : 30 PM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Meeting organizer Organize r: Greenwood , Sheila M Requ ir ed Attendees : Mar zol , Adolfo F ; Dendas , Mi c h ael Fl eischer , Laura A; Dawkins , Eun ice D Subject: Locatio n: HOLD for Phone SOHUD' s office Interv i ew Start : End : Fri Fri 6/23/20 17 9 : 30 AM 6/23/20 17 9 :4 0 AM Recurrence : (none) Meeting Status Organizer Required : Meeting : DocBen Attend ees: Subject : Location : Start : End : Fri W; organizer DocBen ; Williams, INTERVIEW with SOHUD Studio Sam Sweeney Rapha e l L of SBG Fri 6/23/2017 10 : 15 AM 6/23/2017 10: 30 AM Recu rr ence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer Required : Meet in g organ iz e r : DocBen Attendees : DocBen ; Williams, Raphael L TV i n terview with Sam Sweeney o f SBG EVENT: Interviewee ROLE: Friday , June 23 , 2 0 1 7 DATE: 10 : 15AM TIME : SOHUD Studio LOCATION: Taped TV interv i ew SETUP : Ming Leo ng, 703 - 236 - 9421 , POC: mleong@sbgtv . com MEDIA CONTACT: Ra ffi Williams , !_(b_)(-6 -) ____ ~ Raphael . L . Wil liams@HUD . gov Subject /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : MEET with Japanese Minister HUD-18-0504-D-000500 Locatio n: Start : End : Fri SOHUD' s office F ri 6/30/20 17 8 : 45 AM 6/30/2017 9 :0 0 AM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Meeting Organize r: DocBe n Requ ir ed Attendees : Subjec t: Locat i on : organizer DocBe n; MEET with Japa n ese SOHUD' s off i ce Kasper, Fri 6/30/2017 8 : 45 AM 6/30/20 17 9 : 00 AM Recurrence : (none) Status : Meeting Organ iz e r: DocBe n Required Attendees : M; Lam, Alven H Mini ster Start : End : F ri Meeting Maren organizer DocBen ; Kasper , Maren Subject : PACE Mtg . w/ Duberstein and Renew Loc ation : Dept of Housing & Ur ban DEPSEC Con f. Room . Group, M Renovate Development American , 451 7th , Ygrene, St . SW. , St art : Thu 7/13/20 17 10 : 00 AM End : Thu 7/13/2017 11 : 00 AM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Accepted Organi zer: Marzol , Adolfo F Requ ir ed At tendees : ' Anne Bradbury Mulderig , Robert E; Bowes , Robert B Subjec t: Locatio n: Resched u l i ng - LIHTC Pilot Office '; Gree nwood , Sh eila Briefing w/Sheila M; Greenwood cos Tue 6/27/20 17 3 :0 0 PM Start : End : Tue 6/27/20 17 3 : 45 PM Recu rr ence : (no ne ) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000501 Mee t i ng Sta t us : Mee t i ng o rg an iz e r Or ga niz e r : Gr ee nwoo d , Sh e ila M Req u ire d At t e nd ee s : Mar zol , Ado lf o F ; Cha r l e s , Ge ng er M; Kud l o wi t z , Mark A; Li tt le , Je ff r e y D; Su l li va n , Dan i el J ; Too n , Theodo r e K; I be r, Robe r t G Sub j ec t : a pp o i ntm ent St a r t : Mon 6 /26/201 7 6 : 0 0 PM En d : Mon 6/26/20 17 6 : 30 PM Recur r e n ce : (none ) Or ga niz e r : Doc Ben Re q u i r ed At te nd e es : Su bject : Doc Be n Vac at i on Star t : Sun 9 /10/20 17 12 : 00 AM End : Sun 9 / 1 7/ 2 0 17 12 : 00 AM Show Time As : F ree Re cur ren c e : (non e) Or ga nize r : Gr ibb i n , Anne H Requ i red Atte ndee s : Gr ibb i n , Anne H Su bj ec t : Lo ca ti on : Aca d e my o f Ac hi evemen t Summi t in Lon d o n Lon d o n Star t : Tu e 1 0/1 7 / 2 0 1 7 12 : 00 AM End : Fri 1 0 / 20 / 2 0 1 7 12 : 00 AM Sho w Tim e As : Fr ee Re curr en c e : (non e) Mee t i ng Sta t us : Mee t i ng o rg an iz e r Or ga niz e r : Gr ee nwo o d , Sh e ila M Su bj ec t : Loca ti o n : Sen i or Sta ff Meeting (Weekly ) Secre t a r y ' s Co n fe r ence Room St a r t : Mon 5 /1/201 7 3 : 00 PM End : Mon 5 / 1 /20 17 3 : 3 0 PM Recur r e n ce : Weekl y /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000502 Recurrence effective Meeting Pa tt e r n : 5/ 1 /2017 . Status : Meeting Occurs every Monday f rom 3 : 00 PM to 3 : 30 PM organizer Organi z e r: DocBen Requ i red Attendees : DocBen ; Greenwood , Sheila M; Bass , Deana ; Kasper , Maren M; Patton , Lynne M; Hughes , Andrew ; Zorc , Be th any A; Thompson , Amy C; Dendas , Michael W; Bowes , Robert B; Marzol , Adolfo F ; Kur t z , R . Hunter ; Eagles , David T Subject : Lo cation : MOC Sign in g with SOHUD' s office Japanese S tar t : End : F ri Fr i 6/30/20 17 9 : 00 AM 6/30/20 17 9 : 30 AM Recurrence : (none) Organizer Required * : DocBen Attendees Mee t ing so l idify : Mini ster DocBen topic : The Minister and Secretary i ng the US-Japan Aging i n Place * Recommend Recommend . or don ' t recommend * Notes : S t ate is in favor streng t hen HUD' s drive addit i o n a l leverage Japanese support job growth taking the wou l d s i g n an MOU research partnership . meeting? of the proposed meeting and MOU. They wi ll rela t ions with it s Japanese counte r part , which inves t ment f rom Japa n into the United States , experience to inform U. S . policymaking , and and prosperity in the United St ates . * Appropriate Point of Contac t to give the agency : Off i ce of Japanese Affai r s (EAP/ J ) : Heather Dresser , DresserHL@state . gov or 202-736-7050 (Back-up : Aaron Forsberg , ForsbergAP@state . gov or 202 - 736 - 7233 .) Subject : Location : Start : End : Fri Week l y Scheduling SOHUD' s office /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT . Look-Ahead Fri 5/19/2017 9 : 00 AM 5/19/2017 9 : 30 AM Recurrence : Weekly Recu rr ence Pattern : effective 5/ 1 9/2017 . Meeting will S t atus : Meeting Occurs eve ry Friday from 9 : 00 AM to 9 : 30 AM organizer HUD-18-0504-D-000503 Organi zer : DocBe n Requ i r ed Attendees : DocBe n ; Al e xan de r, jac i e . coressel@hud . gov Sub j ect : Locat i o n : Maso n ; Cab i net Membe r Bible St u d y HHS-H u be r t H Humphrey Bu i l d i ng , Room 6 10-F Sta r t : Wed 5 /24/201 7 7 : 0 0 AM End : Wed 5/24/2017 8 : 00 AM Recurrence : Weekly Rec urr ence Pa tte rn : Occurs AM e f fe ctive 5/24/20 1 7 . Organ iz e r : DocBe n Required Atte ndees : e v e ry Wedn esda y from 7 : 00 AM to 8 : 00 DocBe n Sub j ec t : Pop- i n MEET with Kath ryn Wachsma n and Cente nn ia l Hig h School, Compton CA Location : Sec r etary ' s Co n fer e nc e Room Edna Mi lle r o f Start : Tue 6/27/2017 10 : 00 AM End : Tue 6/27/20 17 10 : 30 AM Recu rr en ce : (none) Meet i ng Status : Meet i ng o rga n iz e r Org a nize r : DocBe n Required Att en d ees : DocB en ; Patton, Top i c : Hea lt h Ca r e Integrated Services Origi n of Mee t in g : Lynne Patton Subjec t : MEET with Moto n Fellows Locat i o n : Secreta r y ' s Co n fe r ence Lynn e M; Bass , Dea na Mode l of t he Glouc ester Room Institute S t art : Thu 6/22/20 17 10 : 20 AM End : Thu 6/22/2017 1 0 : 50 AM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting S t atus : Meeting Organizer : DocB en Requ i r ed Attendees : Dav id J ; Gibbs , John o r ganizer DocBe n ; Bass , Deana ; Patton , Lynne M; By r d , Top i c : Kay Coles James r eques t s a meeting for her Moto n Fe l l ows o f the Glo u ceste r I n st i tute . These Afr i ca n Amer i ca n co ll ege aged s tu dents wi ll be a part o f an i n tens i ve 8 week program le d by Mrs . James . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000504 Locat ion: Origin Secretary ' s Conference of Mee t ing : Submitted Room thro ugh Secretary Invites POC: Edward Sanders , 703-608-5323 ; esa n ders@glo u ceste Attende Team) , Trump James Edward former es: Kay Coles Imhoel (Assistant (Gloucester of Social l Origin Hughes i n regards in gagef l orida form , recommended 20 1 7 Nat i onal Wardman Conference Park ; 2660 . org by Andrew on Ending Woodley Rd . NW, Start : Tue 7/18/20 17 11 : 00 AM End : Tue 7/18/20 17 11 : 30 AM Recurrence Organizer Required : (none) : DocBen Attendees : DocBen Subject : HOLD fo r SPEAK at Home l ess n ess Loc ation : Washington Marriott Wash in gton , DC 20008 20 1 7 Nat i onal Wardman Conference Park ; 2660 on Ending Woodley Rd . NW, S t art : Tue 7/18/20 17 1 1 : 00 AM 11 : 30 AM End : Tue 7/18/2017 /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000508 Recurrence : (non e ) Organizer Required : DocBen Attendees : DocBen Subject: HOLD for SPEAK at 2017 Lecture Series Loca tion : Cap it ol Visitor Center Congressional Summer Intern Auditorium St art : Thu 8/3/2017 10 : 00 AM End : Thu 8/3/2017 12 : 00 PM Recurrence : (none) Organizer Required : DocBen Attendees : DocBen Top i c : Lecture - 1 hour , t yp i cally speakers will ho ld a Q&A portion during the lecture . Allot 30 minu tes afterwards for interns to have the opportunity to take in dividual photos with the speake r on thei r persona l phones . The photo port i on is optiona l . Location : Capitol Vi sito r Center Aud i torium POC: Courtney Parella; Cou r tney . pa r ella@mail . house . gov , Committee on House Admi nist r at i on Chairman Gregg Harper 202 . 226 . 3140 Su bject : Loc at i on : MEET with Amy Thompson, SOHUD' s office Tue 6/6/20 1 7 11:30 Start : End : Tue 6/6/2017 12:00 PM Billy Status : Meeting Organizer : DocBe n Requ i red Attendees : Gribbin , William J pVERSIGHT John Shasky on the first Tuesday iv e 6/6/20 1 7 . of o r ganizer DocBen ; Thompson , Amy C; Shasky , John Top i c : review upcoming speeches and ill icit in put Subject : HOLD for Facebook Li ve I n ter view Loc ation : SOHUD' s office /\MERICAi\ and AM Recu rr ence : Monthly Recurrence Pat ter n : Occurs every month the month from 11 : 30 AM to 12 : 00 PM effect Meeting Gribbin E; on remarks HUD-18-0504-D-000509 Start : End : Fri Fri 6/30/2017 10 : 00 AM 6/30/2017 10:4 5 AM Recu rr ence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer Required : Meet in g organi : DocBen Attend ees: Subject : Lo cation : ze r Williams, Rapha e l L LUNCH with I vanka Trump Sec r etary ' s Din i ng Room Start : Mon 6/26/2017 End : Mon 6/26/2017 1:00 12 : 00 PM PM Recu rr ence : (none) Meet ing Status : Meet in g o rga nize r Organizer : DocBen Required Attende es: Patton , Lynne M DocBen ; Bass , Deana; Greenwood, Sheila M; Subject : FEMA Hurricane Season Prepa r edness Semina r and Exercise Locatio n: FEMA' s National Response Coordi n ation Ce n ter (NRCC) 500 C St ., SW, Washi ng ton , DC 20472 S t art : End : Fri F ri 6/23/2017 11:45 6/23/2017 1 : 45 PM AM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Meeting Organ iz e r: DocBe n Requ ir ed Attendees : organizer DocBe n; Greenwood , Sheila M Sec r etary Kelly , as the principa l federal official for domestic inc ident management , invites yo ur Department or Agency he ad to part i c ip ate in a Federal Emerge n cy Man agement Agency (FEMA) l ed Hurricane Season Preparedness seminar and exercise . The exercise will be held on June 12 , 2017 from 2 : 00pm to 3 : 3 0p m at FEMA' s Natio n al Respo nse Coordinatio n Center (NRCC) i n Washington , DC. A formal i nvitation and exercise package with the necessary logistics and prep mater i als wi ll fol l ow in the n ext f ew days . The full list of i nvited agencies and entities is provided at the bottom of t hi s email . Your Departme nt h as respons and articulated furthe r in during a declared disaster /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT i bilit i es under Fede r a l respo n se doctrine the National Respo ns e Framework (NRF) or other major emergency . It is HUD-18-0504-D-000510 impor tant tha t you unde rs tand yo ur Dep a rtment ' s roles a n d we hope that your principal ca n participate . DHS and FEMA have des i g n ed the seminar as a no fau l t , learni ng experie n ce prese n ted in a " table top exe rcis e" format . Background : Your Department o r Agency is des i gnated as a n NRF Emergency Suppo r t Function (ES F ) Coordinator , Primary, o r Support Agency . ESFs are the fu nc tions n eeded to provide Federal support for disasters and emergencies and designate the following member r o le s : ESG Coord i na ting Agency - r espons i ble for managing a part i c u la r ESF . ESF Primary Agency - providing signif i cant autho r i t ies , ro l es, reso ur ces or capabilities f o r a particular func t i o n within an ESF . ESF Support Agency - prov i ding spec i fic capabi lit i es or reso ur ces that support the primary agency i n executing an ESF. Pleas e note that an agency may b e a Coordinator , Primary Agency , or Suppor t i ng Agency f or more than one ESF. Seminar Log ist ics : RSVP: Please RSVP to Chad Gorman, Di rector of the FEMA National Exercise Division a t (202) 646 - 4683 or via email at nep@ fem a . dhs.gov by May 26 , 20 1 7 . Location : Nat i onal Response Coordination Center , FEMA Headquar t ers , 500 C St . , SW, Washington, DC 20472 Date and Tim e : J une 1 2 , 201 7, 2 : 00 PM to 3 : 30PM . If you h ave Thank a ny quest i o n s , please don 't h es i tate to co n tact me . you , Kirstjen Niel se n Chief of Staff Dep a rtme n t of Homel a nd Security * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Defense Commerce (NOAA) HHS HUD Transpo rt at i o n Energy Sma ll Busi ness Admin Chairman of the Joint FEMA NORTHCOM Nat i o n al Guard Bureau USACOE Justice USCG EPA GSA 0MB /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Ch i efs of Staff HUD-18-0504-D-000511 * * * * * * * Interio r Agr i culture Veterans affairs American Red Cross White Hou se Chief o f St af f AP for Nat i onal Security Affairs AP for Home land Security and Co un terte Subject Locatio : n: MEET with Boys SOHUD's off i ce & Girls Clu b of rrorism America Start : Wed 6/21/20 17 10 : 00 AM End : Wed 6/2 1 /2017 1 0:30 AM Recurrence : (none) Meeting Organi Status zer: Subject Location : Meeting Greenwood : organizer , Sheila M SPEAK at OCHCO Hea th Brooke - Mondale : & Wellness Start : End : Thu Thu 6/22/2017 11 : 30 AM 6/22/20 17 12:0 0 PM Recurrence : (none) Organize Required Subjec r: DocBe n Attendees : t: SPEAK to Fai r DocBe n Po lit ical Team Start : Wed 6/21/20 17 8 : 30 AM End : Wed 6/2 1/20 17 8 : 45 AM Recurrence : (none) Organizer Required Subject Location : DocBen Attendees : : DocBen NY/NJ Priorities SOHUD' s office : Start : End : Thu Thu 6/22/2017 1 : 30 PM 6/22/20 17 2 : 15 PM Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : : Meet in g organize r DocBen HUD-18-0504-D-000512 Requ i red Atte ndees : Orr i ols , Mi r z a Dial in to Subjec t: DocBe n; Patto follow HOLD fo r Congressional Tue 6/27/20 17 11 : 00 AM 6/27/20 17 1 : 00 PM Recurrence : (none) St atus : Meeting Organize r: DocBe n Requ i red Atte ndees : Subjec t: Cente nn ial Locatio n: DocBe n; Dendas , Michael wi t h Ivanka Sta r t : End : Fri Fri 6/23/2017 10 : 00 AM 6/23/2017 10 : 30 AM Recurrence : (none) Status : Meeting Organize Required r: DocBe n Attendees : Subjec t: ATTEND: ~ L~o_c_a_ t_ i _o _n_: _., b)(6) M; Brego n, Ne l so n R; organizer PRE BRIEF on Lunch HS SOHUD' s off i ce Meeting Lynne Visits Start : End : Tue Meeting n, W Trump and Meet i ng with organizer DocBen ; Pa tto n , Lynne M; Bass , Deana Wedd in g (b)(6) b)(6) Start : End : Sat Recurre Sat 6/24/2017 5 : 50 PM 6/24/20 17 9 : 00 PM n ce : (none) Organi z e r: DocBe n Requ i red At tendees : DocBen FYI Securi t y Guests were as k ed to " arrive suf fi cient t i me for sec uri ty governme n t issued photo id . n o lat e r than 5 : 50pm to e n sure sc r een i ng " and to b ri ng a val i d Par kin g and Transporta t ion They are "providing transportation for out of town guests from Internationa l Hotel and the Willard Intercontinen t a l depar t ing p rom ptly at 5 : 40pm " (no valet parking) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Trump HUD-18-0504-D-000513 Subjec t: MEET with Senato r Corker (R-TN ) Start : Tu e 6/27/2017 2 : 30 PM End : Tue 6/27/20 17 3 :0 0 PM Recurrence : (none ) Or ga niz er : DocB en Req u ir ed Atte ndees : Subject : MEET with DocBe n Senator Cor ker (R- TN) Star t: Tue 6/27/2017 3 : 15 PM End : Tue 6/27/20 17 3 : 45 PM Rec urr ence : (non e) Orga n iz e r: DocBe n Required Atte ndees : Su bje c t: Loca ti o n: Start : End : Fri Recurrence DocBe n HOLD for SPEAK to 7 12 Jackson Place White House Fellows F ri 7/7/2017 12 :0 0 PM 7/7/2017 1 : 00 PM : (none ) Org a niz er : DocB en Req u ire d At tendee s : DocBe n 1 2 : 00pm Secretary Carson arrives at 712 Jackso n Place g r eeted by Elizab e th Dial Pin kert on , Dir ec tor o f the President 's Commission on Wh ite Hou se Fellowships 1 2 : 05pm Secreta ry Carso n moves to con f e r ence r oo m, whe r e he will be seated i n a chai r at th e cen t e r o f the table . A Fel l ow will b e assign ed to i ni t iat e a rou nd o f i ntr o duct ions from the Fe l lows 12 : 10pm Secretary Carson mak es brief introdu cto ry remarks (5-15 mi n utes ) a nd then wil l t a ke ques t ions f or the r emainder of the time Secretary Carson is presented with a pe n and asked 1 2 : 50pm b oo k to s ig n a speaker Secre t a r y Carson ta k es a g roup ph oto with the 12 : 55p m Fellows Secreta r y Ca r so n depa rts , eve nt concl u des 1 : 00p m Subject Locatio : n: HOLD for LUNCH with friends Secre t a ry' s Din i ng Room Start : Thu 6/22/20 17 12 : 30 PM End : Thu 6/22/2017 1 : 30 PM /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000514 Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting St at us : Meeting Orga n iz e r : Doc Ben Requ i r ed Atte ndees : o r ganizer Doc Ben ; Bass , Deana Jimmy Finkels te i n Subjec t : HOLD f o r LUNCH with frien Locat i o n : Secre t a ry ' s Dining Room ds Start : Thu 6/22/2017 12 : 30 PM End : Thu 6/22/2017 1 : 30 PM Recur r e n ce : (none ) Meeting Status : Meeting Org an iz e r : DocBe n Required Atte ndees : Subjec t : Locat i o n : organizer DocBen ; Bass , Deana Ta x Day Unit ed States Sta r t : Mon 4/18/202 2 12 : 00 AM End : Tue 4/19/2022 12 : 00 AM Show Tim e As : Free Recurrence : (none ) Meetin g Status Org a nizer : : Meet in g organizer Greenwood , Shei la M Tax Day Uni ted States Sub j ect : Locat i o n : Sta r t : Tue 4/17/2018 12 : 00 AM End : Wed 4/18/20 18 12 : 00 AM Show Tim e As : Free Recu rr en ce : (none) Meeting Status Organizer Subject : Loc ation : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : : Meeting Greenwood organizer , Shei la M Ta x Day United Sta te s HUD-18-0504-D-000515 Start : Mon 4/17/2017 12 : 00 AM End : Tue 4 / 18 /20 17 12: 00 AM Show Time As : F ree Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status Organiz er : Subject : Loc ation : : Meet i ng organ iz e r Greenwood , Shei la M Tax Day United States Star t : F r i 4/15/20 16 12 : 00 AM End : Sat 4 / 1 6/20 16 12: 00 AM Show Time As : F ree Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng Status Organiz er : : Meeti Greenwood ng o rg a nizer , Shei la M Subject : Inv i tation : Dept of Int erior Monuments tour - mee t i n lo bby @ Fri Jun 30 , 201 7 9 : 30am - 1pm (EDT) (She ila Greenwood) Loca tion : Uni te d States Depar t ment o f the Interio r 18 49 C St NW, Wash i ngto n , DC 202 4 0 , Un ited States S t art : End : Fri F ri 6/30/2017 9 :3 0 AM 6/30/2017 1 : 00 PM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Accep te d Organ iz e r : ~l (b~)(~6~) _____________ Man age all your calendars Download th e Google Cal end ar mor e deta il s » __. i n one place . app . Dept of Int e rior Monumen ts tour - mee t i n lobby When Fri Jun 30 , 2017 9 : 30am - 1pm Eastern Ti me Where United States Departme n t of the Interio r 1849 C St Wash i ngton , DC 2024 0 , Un ited St ates (map ) Calendar Sheila Greenwood Who l(b)(6) - organiz e r Erin Pre stage Merryl Wrig ht • Merryl Wright Beau Greenwood /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT NW, HUD-18-0504-D-000516 • Kitty Ca r naha n She i l a Greenwood Going? Yes - Maybe - No more options» Invita t ion from Googl e Calendar You are r ece i ving th i s courtesy ema i l at the account she i la . m.greenwoodl@hud.gov because you are an attendee of this event . To stop receiving fut u r e upda tes for th i s event, decl i ne this e vent . Alternatively yo u can sign up for a Google acco un t at h ttps : //www . goo g le . com/ca l enda r/ and co n t r o l your notificat i on se tt ings for your entire calendar . Forwarding this in vitat i on could allow any r ecip i ent to modify your RSVP response . Learn Mo re . Subjec t : Reimagine the Way HUD works Locat i o n: NOTE: LOCATION CHANGE - DepSec Conference Room - 1 0 106 Start : End : Fri F ri 6/23/2017 1 0 : 00 AM 6/23/2017 12 : 00 PM Recurrence : (none) Meeting Status : Accep te d Organ iz e r : Eagles , Dav i d T Required Atte nd ees : Eagles , Dav id T; Golrick, Janet M; Clemmensen , Crai g T ; Kasper , Maren M; Hensley, He nry ; Hamilton, Angie S ; Walsh , Christopher K; Su ng , Ph ilip E ; Kurtz, R. Hunter ; Castello , Grego ry R; Zi ff , Susa n B; Mil le r , Catie I ; Bing-Grant , Max A; Meyers , Sara M; Mic ha l ski, Lori A; Bry on , Jemine A; Stayanovich , Jason E; Richardson , Todd M; Br egon , Nelson R; Cooke , Kevin R; Constant in e, Peter J; Scott , Jimmy ; Jo y , Johnson P ; Foster , Hel en G; Gibbs , John Opt i o n al Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Sullivan , Jose ph ; F rancesc hi n i - Petty , Raquel ; Flores , Virginia ; Smyth , Timothy M; Surber , Keith W; Be nison , John P ; Timb e rlake , Co u rtney B; Lyb e r g, Sarah A; Jones , A ' ndrea M; Purifoy , Felicia A; Ralph Gai ne s Conference call code : lnillfilJ Reimagine n umber : 1-888-684-8852/access HUD: Pre-Work Ins truct code : ~l(b~)(~6)'-----~ ions We deeply app r eciate all that you do . Fo r tha t r eason , we wi l l be relying on your ideas , data and lea d ers h ip throughout this process to inform our final product and shape HUD' s f utu re . This Friday ' s meeting will be focused on Reimagining HUD through operations . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000517 The top ideas s ugg ested are li sted below . * * * * * * by the GDAS a t last week ' s ki c k o ff meeting Implement a Customer Re lation s Management (CRM) system and consolidated cal l ce nte r (Empower the Field) Build Enterprise Data War ehouse (Improve Data Qu al i ty and Use) Create operat i o n s forums to allow programs to commun i cate feedback and establis h CXOs as service providers (Internal Communic ations) Increase flexi bility f o r rea lign ing s t aff to critica l skills gaps (Sk il ls Fi t ) Enhance Bureau o f Financial Services (BFS) accoun t abi lity (Standa r dize and Streamline Support Functions and Processes) Implement innovative IT serv i ce delivery (digita l services , c l o ud, etc) (Standardize a nd Streamline Sys t ems) We would like you to missing anything bi g with a shared vision these the matic areas va lida te the se i deas and let us know if we are . At th i s mee t i ng , we would l i ke to come out and beginning deve l oping milestones for each of . Before you attend Friday's meeti n g , we ask that you fill the followi ng pages with any data , id eas or names you might have . Since there are s ix topi c areas , there are six areas to complete . P leas e use the temp l ate be l ow as a guide . This work is due to Henry . Hensley@hud . gov by NOON on Thursday (June 22) . Please direct any questions you may have to Hen ry and the OSPM team. iv e #X : Pre - work Ini tiat Key Champion Please consider which projects come to the meeting with your you would top two in like to mind . champion . Pl ease Team Membe r s What type Potentia * * /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT of te am members l ty pes of team would you need? Any names in mind? member : Cross - functional Performance analyst(s) HUD-18-0504-D-000518 Fie l d represe nt ative(s) Pol i tical Adviso r (i f appl i cable Other? * * * Proposed ) Change This fi e l d will be popu l ated with proposed (and most f avo r ed) during a concept or the Kicko ff change that meet i ng . was Problem What is Rationa What the problem we a r e trying to solve? le evidence do we have th at this needs t ake to to be solved? How What are the s t eps we n eed Spec i al cons i de r ations cons i de r ? Primary Measure , regu l a t ions or make other this h appe n ? t h ings we need i a t ive Ini tia t i ve # 1: to o f Success success look like ? What is ONE metric , measure that would allow us t o determ i ne th i s? What does milestone Init to Customer Relations Management or (CRM) #1 Champ i on Is this a p ro ject you would champion? (top two? ) Team Membe r s /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000519 What typ e o f t eam members Potential types o f team would you need? * * * * Proposed i n mind? member : Cross - fu nc t i onal Performance ana l yst(s) Field repre se nt at ive( s) Pol i tical Advisor (i f app li cable Ot her ? * Any n ames ) Change Impl ement consolidated a Custo mer Re l ations call cen ter Management (CRM) system and Problem What i s the problem we a r e trying to solve? ( i . e . Empowe r the Field) Rationale What evidence do we ha ve that th is needs t ake to to be solved? How What are Special consider? /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT th e steps considerations we need to , regulations or make other this hap p en? things we n eed to HUD-18-0504-D-000520 Primary Measure of Success What does success l oo k like ? Wh at i s ONE metric , meas ur e o r mil es t o n e tha t would allow us t o dete rm i n e this? Ini ti a t ive #2 : Enterprise Initia #2 t ive Data Warehouse Champion Is this a project you wou ld champion? (top two?) Team Members What type /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT o f t ea m members would you need? Any n ames in mind? HUD-18-0504-D-000521 Potentia l types o f team membe r: Cross - fu nc t i o na l Performanc e ana ly st(s) Field repre se nt at ive( s ) Pol i tical Adviso r (if app li cable Other? * * * * * Proposed ) Change Buil d Ente r p ri se Data Warehouse Problem What is the Qual it y and prob l em we a re Use ) trying to sol ve ? ( i . e . I mpr ove Data Ra t i o na le What evidence do we ha ve that th is needs t ake to to be so lved ? How What ar e th e steps we need Spec ia l cons id erations consid e r? Prim ar y Measure /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT to , regulations or make o ther th i s happen? t h i n gs we need to o f Success HUD-18-0504-D-000522 What does succ e ss l oo k like? What is ONE me t ric , meas ure mil es ton e tha t would allow us to determine t his? Ini tiat Init or iv e #3 : CXOs iat ive #3 Champion Is this a project you wou ld champion? (top two ?) Team Members What type Po t entia /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT of team l t ypes of members team would you n ee d ? Any names in mind ? member : HUD-18-0504-D-000523 Cross-funct i o n al Performance ana ly s t (s) Field represen t ative(s) Politica l Advisor (if applicable Other? * * * * * Proposed ) Change Create operations forums to allow programs and establish CXOs as service providers to commun icate feedback Problem What is the problem Communications) Rationa What we are tryi ng to so lve ? (i . e . I nternal le evidence do we have th at this needs to take to t o be solved? How What are the s t eps we need Spec i al cons ider ations cons i de r ? Primary What does milestone /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Measure of , r egu l a t ions or make other this h appe n? th ings we need to Success success look like ? What is ONE metric , measure tha t would allow us to determine this? or HUD-18-0504-D-000524 Init i a t ive #4 : Work f orce Sk il l Gaps #4 Ini tia t i ve Champio n I s th i s a p r oject you would champio n ? (top two? ) Team Members What t ype Poten t ial * * * * * o f t eam membe r s would types of team you pVERSIGHT Any n ames in mind? member : Cross-f u nc t i o n al Perf o rma n ce ana lyst (s) Field representative(s) Pol i tical Advisor (if applicable Other? /\MERICAi\ need? ) HUD-18-0504-D-000525 Proposed Change Incr ease flexibility for realigning staff to cr i tical sk ill s gaps Prob l em What is the prob le m we a r e trying to solve? ( i . e. Ski l ls Fit) Rat i o na le What e videnc e do we hav e that th i s nee ds to be solved? How What are the steps we n eed to take Spec i al cons id e r at i ons , r egu l a t ions cons id er? Primary What does milestone /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Measu r e of to make o r other this ha ppe n? th i ng s we n eed to Success success look lik e? What is ONE metric , meas u re tha t would allow us to determ i ne t his? or HUD-18-0504-D-000526 Initiative #5 : Enhance Init #5 iat ive BFS Accou n t ability Champion Is this you would a project c h amp i on? (top two?) Team Members What type Po tential * * * * * of team t ypes of members team would you need? Any n ames in mind ? member : Cross-f un ctio n al Performance a n alyst (s) Fie l d r eprese nt at iv e ( s ) Politica l Ad viso r (if app lica ble ) Other? Pro posed /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Chang e HUD-18-0504-D-000527 Enhance Bureau of Fi na n cia l Services (BFS) accountab i l ity Problem What is the problem Streaml i ne Support we are tryi ng to solve? Funct i on s and Proc esses) ( i . e . Standardize and Rationale What evidence do we have th a t this needs to be solved? How What a r e the s t eps we n eed to t ake Spec i al cons ider at i ons , reg u l a t ions cons i der? Prim ary What does milestone /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Measure of to make o r other this h appe n? th i ng s we nee d t o Success success l ook like ? Wh at is ONE metric , measure tha t would al l ow us to determ i ne th i s? or HUD-18-0504-D-000528 Init i a t ive #6 : IT Service Del ive r y #6 Ini tia t i ve Champ i on I s this a p r o j ect you would champion? (top two? ) Team Members What t ype o f t eam membe r s would Poten t ia l types * * * * * o f team you need? Imp l eme n t etc) in mind? member : Cross-f u nc t i o n al Performa n ce ana ly s t (s ) Field represen t ative(s) Pol i tica l Adviso r (if applicable Other? Proposed Any n ames ) Change inno vat i ve IT service delivery (dig i ta l services , c l oud , Pro blem /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000529 What i s the p r oblem S tre amli n e Systems) Rationa What we a r e trying to solve? ( i . e . Sta nda r d iz e a n d le evidence do we have that this needs to be so lv ed? How What a r e the s t eps Special considerations cons ider ? Primary What does milestone /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Measure of we n eed t o t ake , r eg ula t i ons t o make or o ther t his h appe n ? th i ngs we need to Succ ess success l oo k like? Wh at i s ONE metric , meas ur e or th at would allow us to determine this? HUD-18-0504-D-000530 Reth ink Amer i ca n Communities DepSec Conference Room - 10 106 Subjec t: Lo cation : Start : End : Tue Tue 6/27/2017 10 : 00 AM 6/27/2017 12 : 00 PM Recurrence : (none) Meeting Status : Accepted Organizer : Eag l es , David T Required Attendees : Golrick , Ja n et M; Clemmensen, Craig T; Kasper, Maren M; Hensley , Henry ; Sung , Philip E; Walsh, Christopher K; Kurtz , R . Hunt er ; Akpakip , Ekanem 0 ; Axe, Jessi K; Evans-Burke , Adr i an A; Joh n so n, Ti ffany M; Ammon, Matthew E ; Dav i s , Thomas R; Iber , Robert G; Dominique G Blom (Dominique . G.B l om@hud . gov) ; Ozdinec , Milan M; Miller , Michelle M; Smyth , Timothy M; Gr eenwood , She il a M; Gree ne, Brya n; Bass , Deana ; Bourne, Chri stop her M Opt i o n al Atte ndees : Hamil ton , Angie S ; Campbe ll, Renae M; S t ayanovich, Jason E ; Gargiu lo, Emily Meeting pre - work : Rethink American What a r e act i ons we can take program to improve our efforts Communities fo r the age n cy , an off i ce , or related to : 1. Promote economic mob i lity by encouraging fin anc i a l stab ility among HUD-ass i sted 2. Eliminate 3. Enh a n ce a nd ref orm our prog r ams that reduce the re nt al burdens in every American commun i ty to i nc r ease affo r dab l e h ous i ng options . lead and ensure t h at American self-su residents homes f ficiency . specif are safe ic a nd again . Can these act i ons be imp lemented i n 30 days , 180 days , o r more than 1 year? These suggestio n s should represe n t your priority actions for imp rov ement with no mor e than 4 - 6 ideas . Problem /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000531 Act i on Implementation (choose Target one) List the problem you seek to li sted problem (1 , 2 , or 3) address What add r ess is a specific action to . Highlight this the category o f the problem? 30 days 180 days 1 . year+ 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000532 2 3 Subjec t: Location : Restore DepSec the American Dream Conference Room - 10 106 Start : Mon 6/26/2017 10 : 00 AM End : Mon 6/26/2017 12 : 00 PM Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Accepted Organizer : Eagles, David T Required Attendees : Eagles , David T; Golrick , Janet M; Clemmensen , Craig T ; Kasper, Maren M; Hensley, He nry ; Kurtz , R . Hunter ; Akpakip , Ekanem 0 ; Walsh , Christopher K; Sung , Philip E; Morath , Caitlin M; Bin g-Grant , Max A; Ga rgi u lo, Emily ; Johnso n, Calvin C; Cruciani , Lin da M; Marzol , Adolfo F ; Zorc , Bet ha ny A; Santa Anna , Aaron ; Char l es, Geng e r M; Corsiglia, Na ncy E ; Taffet , Cli ff ord ; Suc har, Norman A; Mul derig , Robert E Opt i o na l Attendees : Hi nto n-M cc lam, Linda D; Greenwood , Sheila M; l(b)( 6 ) I Gerecke , Sarah S Meeting pre - work : Res tore the What are actions we can take program to improve our efforts 1. Respons i bly modernizing efforts . 2. Reduce burdensome customers . 3. Fu lfill o ur duty end homelessness American for the agency, related to : balance our role to and mai n taining the regulations Dream to in c r ease fina ncial empower to those who served among veterans . in an office homeownership viabi lit y of our the partners military Can these actio n s be implemented in 30 days , 180 days, 1 year? These suggestio n s should represent your priority improvement wit h no more than 4 - 6 ideas. /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT , or spec i fic while our and and finally or more than act i o n s for HUD-18-0504-D-000534 Problem Act i o n I mplementa t i o n Ta rg et (c hoo se one) Li s t th e problem you seek to l isted problem (1 , 2 , or 3) add r ess . Hi g h l i g ht Wha t add re ss is a specific ac t io n to th is the ca t e g o ry of the p robl em? 30 days 1 80 days 1 . year + 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000535 2 3 Subjec t: Locatio n: (HOLD) Restore the American Dre am Depar tmen ta l Co nfere nce Room - 10233 Start : Mon 6/26/2017 10 : 00 AM End : Mon 6/26/2017 12 : 00 PM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Accep te d Organi zer: Eagles , Dav id T Requ i red Attendees : Golr i c k, Jane t M; Clemmensen, Cr a ig T ; Kasper , Maren M; Hensley , Henry ; Kurtz , R . Hunt er ; Akpakip , Ekanem O; Walsh, Christopher K; Sung, Philip E; Mora th, Cait l in M; Bi ng Grant , Max A; Ga rgi u l o , Emily ; Johnso n, Calv in C; Crucia ni, Linda M; Mar zol , Adolfo F ; Zorc , Bethany A; Sa nt a Anna, Aaron ; Ch a rl es , Genger M; Corsiglia, Nancy E; Taffet, Clifford ; Suchar, Norma n A; Mulderig , Robert E Optiona l Attend ees: Hinton - McClam, Linda D; Greenwood , Shei l a M Subject : Meeting w/Sheila Housing Insti tute Locat i o n: COS Office Greenwood re : Speech to Manufactured Start : Thu 6/22/2017 10 : 30 AM End : Thu 6/22/2017 1 1 : 00 AM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Meeting organizer Organizer : Greenwood , Shei l a M Requ ir ed Attendees : Gribbin , Willi Teresa L; Glavin , William A Subject: Location /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Week l y Check - i n w/Sheila COS Off i ce am J ; Danner , Pamela and B; Payne , Adolfo HUD-18-0504-D-000537 Start : Thu 6/22/20 17 3 : 30 PM End : Thu 6 /22/ 2 0 17 4 : 30 PM Recurrence : (none ) Meet i ng Status : Meet in g o rga n iz e r Or ga niz er : Gre e nwoo d , Shei l a M Req u ir ed Attendees : Greenwood , Shei la Subjec t: Loca ti o n : M; Ma rz o l, Adol f o F Check-in meeti ng w/Shei la , Maso n & Jacie COS Office St a rt : Tue 6 /2 0/2 0 17 2 : 30 PM End : Tu e 6 /2 0/ 2017 3 :0 0 PM Recurrence : (none ) Meet i ng Status : Meeting o r ganizer Or ga n izer : Greenwood , Sh ei la M Requ ir ed Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila Coressel , Jacie Sub j ect : Lo cation : MEET with She il a and SOHUD's o ff ic e David M; Al exande r, Mason ; Eagles Sta r t : Mon 6 /19/2017 1 : 30 PM End : Mon 6/19/2017 2 : 00 PM Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Sta t us : Accepted Organ iz e r : Doc Ben Required Atte nd ees : To pic: discuss Subject : Locat i on : Greenw oo d , Shei la Wednesday ' s o ff -site s t aff M; Eag le s , David T retreat Q4 New Employee Meet & Gr eet Brook e - Mondale Aud itori um C Start : Wed 6/28/ 20 17 3 : 00 PM End : Wed 6/28/20 17 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurren c e : (none ) Meet in g St atus /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Not yet responded HUD-18-0504-D-000538 Organi zer: Offi ce Of Exec ut ive Resources Requ ir ed At tendees : Greenwood , Shei la M; Eag les , David T ; Kasper, Maren M; Bass , Dean a; Kur tz , R. Hunte r ; Patto n, Lynne M; Van Duyne , Beth A; Zorc , Bet h a ny A; Bowes , Rober t B; DeFel i ce , Josep h J; MIDDLETON, JULIETTE ; Broo ks , Towanda A; Warre n, Lyn ette Add i t i o n a l i nfo rm at i o n to follo~ Subjec t: Loca tion : e Meet & Greet Auditorium C Q4 New Executiv Brooke-Mondale .. Start : Wed 6/28/20 17 3 : 00 PM End : Wed 6/28/2017 4 : 30 PM Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng S t at u s : Accepted Organi zer: Offi ce Of Exec ut ive Resources Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Gr eenwood , She i la M; Eag les , David T ; Kasper , Maren M; Bass , Deana ; Kur tz , R. Hunter ; Patto n, Lynne M; Van Duyne , Beth A; Zorc , Bet h any A; Bowes , Robe r t B; DeFel ic e , Josep h J; MIDDLETON, JU LIETTE ; Broo k s , Towanda A; Warr en , Lyn ette ; Gai n es, Ralph H; Joy , Jo h nson P i o n to fo l lo~ .. Add i tio n al i nformat Subjec t: Loca tion : Meet a n d Gree t the New Politica l Team Depar tmen ta l Co n ference Room - 10 2 33 S t art : Wed 6/2 1 /20 17 12 :1 5 PM End : Wed 6/2 1/20 17 1 : 1 5 PM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Accep te d Organiz e r: Eagles , Dav i d T Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Eag l es , Dav i d T ; Gol rick , Janet M; Cl emme ns en , Craig T ; He nsl ey , He n ry ; Ammon, Matt h ew E ; Bregon , Nelson R; Surber , Kei th W; Timb e rlak e, Cou r tney B; Cruciani , Linda M; Lybe rg, Sara h A; Sa nt a Anna , Aaron ; Foster , Hele n G; Brown , Je r eo n M; Gree nwood , Sh ei l a M; Br yon , Je mine A; Taf f et , Clifford ; Gr eene , Bryan ; Gan t , Jon L (Jon. L . Gant @hu d . gov ); Cooke , Kev i n R; Joy , Jo h nson P ; Benison , Jo hn P ; Corsiglia , Nancy E ; Kaspe r , Mare n M; Kurtz , R . Hunter ; Ch a rles , Ge nge r M; Broo k s , Towanda A; Smyth, Timot h y M Opt i o n al Atte ndees : McC l u r e , Laura L ; Cons t a n t i ne , Pe ter J ; Warren , Lynette Subject Location /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : : (HOLD) Meet and Greet Depar tmen ta l Conference t h e New Po l i t ica l Team Room - 1 0 233 HUD-18-0504-D-000539 Start : Wed 6/2 1 /20 17 12: 00 PM End : Wed 6/21/20 17 1 : 00 PM Recurre n ce : (none) Meet in g Status : Accepted Organiz e r : Eagles , David T Requ i red Atte ndees : Golr i c k, Jane t M; Cl emmen sen , Cr aig T ; Hens l ey , Henry ; Ammon, Matthew E; Brego n, Ne l so n R; Su r ber , Keith W; Timberlake , Courtney B; Cruciani , Linda M; Lyberg , Sarah A; Sa n ta Anna , Aaron ; Foste r , He l en G; Brown , Jereon M; Greenwood , She ila M; Bryon , Jemine A; Ta ff e t, Cli f fo r d ; Gr ee n e , Br yan ; Gan t, Jon L (Jon . L . Gant@h u d . gov) ; Cooke , Kevin R; Joy , Jo hn son P ; Be n ison , Joh n P ; Co r sigl i a , Nancy E ; Kasper , Maren M; Kurtz , R . Hunte r; Charles , Genger M; Brooks , Towanda A Subject : Meeting w/COS - re : Forthcoming Disaster Resilience Competition I ssues Location : COS Off i ce F. R . Notice - Including Start : Mon 6/19/20 17 1 : 00 PM End : Mon 6/19/20 17 2 : 00 PM Recurre n ce : (none) Meeting S t atus Organizer Requ i red Tenn i lle : Meeting organizer : Greenwood , Shei l a M Atte ndees : Kurtz , R . Hun t e r; S ; Kome, Jess i e Handfo r th Subjec t: Loc at i o n: Meeti ng w/Sheila COS Office , Jane t G. and Gi mon t , Sta n ley ; Par k e r, Andrew Hughes S t art : Thu 6/22/20 17 9 : 00 AM End : Thu 6/22/2017 10 : 00 AM Recur r e n ce : (non e ) Meeting S t atus : Meeting o r ganizer Or ganizer : Greenwood , Sheila M Requ i red Atte ndees : Greenwood , She i la Hughes , Andrew Subject : Lo cation : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Check-i n w/Sh e ila COS Off ice and M; Gol ri ck , Ja ne t M; An ge l a Beck l es HUD-18-0504-D-000540 Start : End : Tue Tue 6/20/2017 3 : 00 PM 6/20/20 17 3 : 15 PM Recu rr ence : (non e) Meet i ng Status Organizer Required : Meet i ng organize : Greenwood Attendees : Subject : Loca t i on : , Sheila M Gr eenwood , Sheila Check - in w/Sheila COS Off ic e Start : End : Thu r M; Beckles , Angela L a n d Hun ter Thu 6/15/2017 4 : 30 PM 6/15/20 17 5 : 00 PM Recu rr ence : (none) Meet i ng Status Organizer Required Su bject : Meet i ng organize : Gr eenwood , Sh e ila M Attendees : Gree nwood , Sheila : Hold f or Tue 6/20/2017 2 : 00 PM 6/20/20 17 2 : 30 PM Recurrence : (none) Or ganizer : : Start : End : Thu M; Kurtz , R . Hunter Genger Start : End : Tue Subject r Greenwood , Sheila M regional administrators Thu 6/15/20 17 12 : 30 PM 6/1 5/ 20 17 1 : 00 PM Rec urr ence : (non e) Organize Subjec r: t: Greenwood Eunice , Sheila - Afternoon M ~l (b_)C _6>__ ~1Appointment Start : Wed 6/14/20 17 12 : 00 AM End : Thu 6/15/20 17 12 : 00 AM Show Tim e As : F r ee Recurrence Meeting /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) Status : Not yet responded HUD-18-0504-D-000541 Organ iz e r: Dawkin s , Eun i ce D Required Atte ndees : Greenwood , Shei la M; Coressel , Jacie ; Bacon , James A; Ha r dison , Ja mes C; Fleischer , Laur a A; DeLaPaz , Dave D; Cooper , Diane J ; Rodrig uez, Aida N Subjec t: Loca tion : Intro duction Meeting COS Off ice - 10000 w/Sheila Greenwood and Chris Bourn e Start : Thu 6/22/20 17 10 : 00 AM End : Thu 6/22/2017 1 0: 30 AM Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng St atus : Meeti ng organizer Organi zer: Greenwood , Sheila M Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Gr eenwood , She i la Subject : Curtis out of the offic M; Bou r ne , Chr istop he r M e Start : Mon 7/3/ 2 0 1 7 12 :0 0 AM End : Tue 7/4/2017 12 :0 0 AM Show Tim e As : Free Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting St atus : Not yet responded Organi zer: Hard i so n, James C Requ ir ed Attendees : Rodr i g u ez , Ai da N; Dawkins , Eun ice D; Fl e is cher , La ura A; DeLaPaz , Dave D; Alexander , Mas on ; Gr eenwood , Sh e ila M Subject : Loc ation : HOLD for Nationals Home Runs Par k for Hor ton ' s Kids Start : Wed 6/21/20 17 5 : 30 PM End : Wed 6/2 1/ 2 0 17 6 : 30 PM Recu rr ence : (none) Meet in g Status : Accepted Organiz e r : DocB en Requ i red At tendees : POC: Robin ! by Tuesday , June 13, COB. Your answers will b e synthes iz ed by OSPM and u tiliz e d for an int e ra ct i ve activity du ri ng the meeting . You r feedback is critical for a productive meeting . Please review and co n side r the at t ac he d Risk Reg i s t e r as you f ill in the chart . I am excited to kickoff HUD' s plann i ng proc ess with you ! This meeti ng represents the start of our process , b ut it i s jus t o n e o f many opportu n it i es for your vo i ce to be heard . Follow up meetings wil l be organized with HUD sta ff and stakeholders to capture more id eas as we col la bo r ate to build a vison for HUD' s future . Best , David Eagles Meeting pre-work : Suggestions for agency improvement What are actions we can t ake for the agency, prog ram to improve p r ob l ems r elated to : 1. 2. 3. an office, or specific Employee Effect i veness (EE ), e.g. morale , trai n i ng , commu n i ca ti o n Operatio n al Efficiency (OE), e .g . process, customer service , information systems, hiring Programma t ic Ch al le nges (PC), e .g . majo r cha l le ng es to p r ogram delivery /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000546 Can these act i o n s be imp lemen t ed i n 30 days , 18 0 days , or more than l ye ar? These suggestions should represen t your priority actions for imp ro vement with no mo r e than 4 - 6 i deas . Problem Action Imp l eme n tat i o n Target (c hoose one) Li st th e problem you seek to add r ess . High l i g ht l isted problem (EE , OE, or PC ) . What is a specific ac tion to add re ss th is the category of the problem? 3 0 da ys 1 80 days 1 . year + EE OE PC EE /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000547 OE PC OE PC EE DE [11 OE PC Subjec t: Location : Chec k -in w/Sheila COS Office and Sta r t : End : Thu Thu 6/15/2017 4 : 00 PM 6/15/2017 4 : 30 PM Recurrence : (none) Meeting Status Organize Required r: Greenwood Attendees : Subjec t: Locatio n: : Meeting You n gblood , Sheila M Greenwood , Sheila Check-in w/Shei Office - r e : Pilot Program organizer la and Rich M; Youngb l ood , Richard You n gblood - r e : Pilot A Program cos Sta r t : End : Fri Fri 6/16/2017 1 : 00 PM 6/16/2017 1 : 30 PM Recurrence : (none) Meeting Status Organize Required r: Greenwood Attendees : Subject : 10 : 42 pm Location : Confirmation# Rich : Meeting organizer , Sheila M Greenwood , Shei la Tripp M; Youngb l ood , Richard 9 : 00 pm Sheila and - Depart Delta #40 4 9 // : GT4SL6 Sh ei l a ' s Confirmation# JFK// Arrive : HZ89CQ // A DCA Tripp 's Mon 6/12/20 17 9 : 00 PM Start : End : Mon 6/12/20 17 10 : 30 PM /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000549 Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng Status : Meeti Organi zer : Greenwood Requ i r ed Attendees : Subjec t : 11 : 22 am Locat i o n : Start : End : Mon ng organizer , Sheila M Greenwood , She i la 10 : 0 5 am Sheila Delta and Tripp M - Depart DCA // Arriv e JFK #34 62 Mon 6/12/2017 1 0 : 00 AM 6/12/2017 11 : 30 AM Recur r e n ce : (none ) Meeting Status : Meeting organizer Org an iz e r : Gr eenwood , She i la M Required Atte ndees : Greenwood , Shei l a M Subjec t : Chec k -i n w/Shei MOU S i gning/J un e 30 Locatio n : COS Office la , Jacie , Maso n & Rap h ael - re : Ja panese Start : Wed 6/14/20 17 10 : 30 AM End : Wed 6/14/ 2 0 17 11:00 AM Recurrence : (none ) Meet in g Status Org a nizer Required Alexander Subject : Loc ation : : Meet in g organizer : Greenwood , Shei la M Attende es : Greenwood , She ila , Maso n ; Willia ms , Rap h ael L Save The Date (Poli tical Depar tmen tal Conference M; Coressel , Jacie ; St aff Re tre at) Room ( 10233) Start : Wed 6/21/20 17 8 : 30 AM End : Wed 6/2 1/ 2 0 17 3 :0 0 PM Recu rr ence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Accep t ed Organiz e r : Hughes , Andrew Required At tendees : Cof f ey , Alexander ; Bar t o n , Vi c t o ri a L; Bass , Deana ; Bowes , Robert B ; Gr uso n, Barbara ; Ho ld erfie ld , Stephanie A; Patto n, Lynne M; Petty , Timot h y J ; Youngblood, Richard A; Wil liams , Rap ha el L; Browning , Austin G; Gribbin , William J ; Dendas , Michael /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000550 W; Tho mps on , Arny C; Zorc , Beth a n y A; Bacon , James A; Ma rz o l , Ado lf o F ; Kur tz , R . Hunt e r ; Bur le y , Mi c h ae l N; Eag l es , Dav i d T ; Shosky , John E ; Alexander , Mason; Be ckles , Ange l a L ; Byr d , David J ; F itzpa tr i c k , Nora S ; Greenwood , Sheila M; Gribbi n , Anne H; Kasper , M; Maren M; McCall , Drew A; Dernarzo , Ben j amin E ; Delahoyde , Ab i gail Coressel , Jac i e ; Gi bbs , John ; Jo y , Jo hn son P ; Bo ur ne , Chri stop h e r M; Hobbs , Benjam in R; Go rm ley , Joseph M; Mi l l s , Al lison F Good Morn ing Team , Please see t h e attached updated a ge nda f o r tomo rrow ' s retreat . We ar e goi ng to h ave a gro up disc u ssion t omorrow af ter noo n with a ser i es of ques t ions whi c h I have include d below. Please be t hi nk ing abou t yo u r respo n ses . Fo r regional employees , please co n tact me directly f o r a call - in numb er . Dress Attire : Busi ne ss Cas u al/ No open - toe d shoes a re a l l owed because we will be walk i ng t hro ug h a cons tru ct io n site . Questions for Afternoon (1) fa r? Wh at (2) Wh a t id e as (3 ) what Discussi i s missing How has a r e your I I. from the do you h ave on vision to based support the yo ur relationsh ip progressed e xp ec tation s go ing f or wa r d? o n your visi with experience thus o n? caree r sta ff a nd (8 : 30 AM - 8 : 4 0 AM) Welc ome - SOHUD Loca ti o n : DCR Rm 1 0233 a) Purpose b) Ne xt II I. Bui ld ing /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT of steps t h e offsite after - SOHUD th e of f s it e - Sheila (8 : 4 0 AM - 9 : 45 AM) Introduct Gree nwood i o n Icebrea k e r Team Activity HUD-18-0504-D-000551 Locatio a) n : OCR Rm 10233 Fu n Fa cts IV . Housing/ Locatio Mi xed Bi n go (10: 00 AM - 12 : 00 PM) To ur Use HOPE VI n : Off site V. Sta ff - Navy Yard the Footprint of Pu blic Neighbo rh ood & Greet (12: 15 PM - 1 : 15 PM) Meet Locatio of Lun ch with Career n : OCR Rm 1 0233 (1 : 00 PM - 3 : 00 PM) Po li tical VI. Lo cation Di rection & Mess a gi ng : OCR Rm 10233 a) (1 : 15 PM - 1 : 30 PM) HUD 101 / Hunter b) (1 : 30 PM - 1 :4 5 PM) Re i mag in e , Resto r e and Reth i n k : Our P r omise to Employees, Pa rt n ers , and Customers - David Ea gles i) c) Ove rvi e w of vision (1 : 45 PM - 2 : 50 PM) Group i) Each in d i v i dual fo ll owin g ques t ions : (1) far? What is (2) Wh at (3) what d) and missing id eas How has are your will from Kur tz components Activity s h are the do you ha ve to - And r e w Hughes h i s/ h er vision based support yo u r rela t ionship prog r essed expectations going fo r ward? (2 : 50 PM - 3 : 00 PM) Adjou rn - David i) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Next the t h oughts o n the on your e xp e rienc e thus vision? with career staff a nd Eagles Steps HUD-18-0504-D-000552 Subject between Locatio : Phone Call w/Sheila and Jessica Kathy and HUD Le ade r ship n: JL will ca ll SMG - 202/402-6068 Start : End : F ri Fri 6/9/2017 2 : 30 PM 6/9/2017 3 : 00 PM Recurrence : (none) Meeti ng St atus : Meeti - Plan for Meet and Greet ng organizer Organi zer : Greenwood , Shei l a M Required Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila Subjec t : Save the Date Featuri ng David Eagles Locat i o n : Brooke-Mondale M; Lee , Jessica - OCHCO Le adership Auditorium , Suites Jou r ney K. EOP/OMB Seri es : A&B Sta r t : F ri 6/16/2017 1 1 : 00 AM End : Fri 6/16/2017 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : (none ) Meetin g Status : Not ye t re spo nded Org a nizer : OCHCO Required At tendees : Optiona l Attend ees : OCHCO Leadership Journey All HUD HIDs Okahara , Ryan T; Series : David l~ (b_)(_6)_________ ~ Eagles Each of HUD' s Senior Leaders h as t he ir own i ndivid u al story of how they journeyed to become t he leade r s the y a r e to day . Some have travelled many mi les , whi le o ther s began their journey j u st dow n the stree t. Regard l ess , th e i r journey has brough t t h em to HUD to serve and l ead us i nt o the future . Please join OCHCO for o ur ne x t conversation i n t h e Leade r sh i p Jo u rney Series, when we talk wit h David Eag l es , Chief Operat in g Officer , about h i s journey to beco me a HUD Leader . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000553 For those viewing via we bcast , you may send questions in dur i ng the session to LeadershipJourneySeries@HUD . gov . Webcast Li n k : Subjec t: Locat i o n: ht tp : //Webcast .hu d . gov and or . Pa t Cave Start : Thu 6/22/2017 12 : 00 PM End : Thu 6/22/20 17 1 : 00 PM Recurre n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Meeting organizer Organ iz e r: Greenwood , Sheila M Required Atte ndees : Marzol , Ado l fo F; Subject Locatio : n: Start : End : Fri Check - in w/Sheila COS Office and Beth Pat Cave Zorc F r i 6/9/2017 11 : 00 AM 6/9/20 1 7 11: 30 AM Recu rr en ce : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer Required Subject : Loc at io n : : Meet in g organ iz e r : Greenwood Att en de e s : , Shei la M Greenwood , Shei la M; Zorc , Beth any A Pre - brie f on NYC Tr i p SOHUD' s Office Start : Fri 6/9/2017 10 : 30 AM End : Fri 6/9/2017 11:0 0 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meet in g S t atus /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Not yet responded HUD-18-0504-D-000554 Organi zer : DocBe n Requ ir ed Attendees : Willi ams , Rap h ael L ; Th ompson , Arny C; Gribbi n, Wi ll i am J ; Patton , Lynne M; Alexan d er , Mas on ; Gr eenwood , Sheila M Subject : SPEAK to Whi te House Interns Star t : Mon 6/19/20 17 10 : 00 AM End : Mon 6/19/20 17 10:4 5 AM Recu rr ence: (none) Meeting Sta t us : Accepted Organize Req uired r : DocBe n Att en d ees : Gre e nwood , Shei l a M Top i c : TBD Loca tion : the White Hou se POC: Molly Mi c h ae l; Molly . A . Mic h ae l@who .e op . gov Subject : Lo cation : Check i n -- Senate Hea ri ng Logistics 102 32 (Jan et ' s Office?) Start : End : Tue Tue 6/6/ 2 0 1 7 4 : 30 PM 6/6/2017 5 :00 PM Re currence : (none) Meet in g Status : Accepted Or ga nizer : Lybe r g , Sa r ah A Required At t e ndees : Jane t Golric k (Janet .M. Golric k@hud . gov ); Maren M Kasper (Maren.M.Kasper@hud . go v); Sheila M Gree nwood (She i la .M. Gree nwood l @hu d . gov) ; Dendas , Michael W; Muse , Rebecca Wolfson , Leonard Sett in g aside Subject Locatio /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : n: t i me f or a qu i c k c he c k in Check - i n w/Sheila COS Off ic e and Aida this afternoo A; n o n tomo rr ow . - re : Misc . Items HUD-18-0504-D-000555 Start: End : Wed 6/7/2017 11:00 Wed 6/7/2017 11 : 30 AM Recurrence AM : (none) Meet in g Status : Meet in g organ iz e r Organiz er: Greenwood , Shei l a M Required Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila Subject : Lo cation : Lun ch w/Sheila FHFA Cafeteria Greenwood S tar t : End : F ri Fri 6/9/2017 12:3 0 PM 6/9/2017 1 : 30 PM Recurrence : (none) Meeting St atus Organizer Required Subject Locatio : Meeting : Greenwood Attendees : : n: and M; Rodriguez Alfred , Aida N Pollard organizer , Shei l a M Greenwood , Sheila M; Alfred . Pol la rd@ fhf a . gov Agency Chief of Staff Meeting Secre tary o f War Room , EEOB 230 A S t art : Tue 6/6/2017 10 :3 0 AM End : Tue 6/6/2017 11:30 AM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status Organ iz e r: All Uli, : Tentativ e ly accepted Gab ri e ll a M. EOP/WHO - Cabinet Affairs h osts th is wee k l y meeting on Tues day a t 10 : 30 AM in Secreta r y o f War Room , 230A in the EEOB. Pl ease let me know i f your principa l is unable to attend . We kindly ask no pl us ones or proxies f o r the Chiefs . Thank you Subject : SENATE Appropriations THUD Subcommittee Hearing " Review of the FY2018 Budget Request for th e U . S . Department Housing & Urban Deve l opment " Locatio n: 192 Dirksen Bldg . Start : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Wed 6/7/2017 entitled of 2 : 30 PM HUD-18-0504-D-000556 End : Wed 6/7/2017 Recurrence Meeting 3 : 45 PM : (none ) Sta t us : Accepted Orga n iz e r : Hardy IV , Stanley Required Atte ndees : Dunn , Tracey ; San t a Anna , Aa ro n ; Ba rto n , Victoria L ; Bu rl ey , Mic hae l N; De ndas , Mich ae l W; Ca r te r , Stevens J; Farra r -Wi l son , Loua li ce ; Boswell , Aretha T ; Bass , Dea n a ; Gree nwood , She i l a M; Dawkin s , Eunice D SENATE : Rev i ew of th e FY2018 Budget of Hous i ng & Urban Deve l opment Request for the Subcommit tee on Transpo r tat i o n , Hous i ng and Urban Related Agencies Dat e : Wednesday, June 7, 2017 Add to my Calendar Time : 0 2 : 3 0 PM Locat ion : Di r kse n Sena t e Off i ce Building 1 92 Presiding : Senator Susan Collins (R- Mai n e) Agenda A hea ring to justification Dev elo pme nt n ts Co l li ns Witnesses The Honor ab le Secre t a ry Ben Carso n (Repu bl ican Subject : Reschedu l ing S t ephen Renna Loca t io n : COS Office - 2 : 30 Meeting Start : End : Tue Tue 6/13/20 17 2:30 6/13/20 17 3 : 15 PM Recurrence : (none ) pVERSIGHT , a nd - Maine ) - TBD Lin k : https : //www . appropriations . senate Webcast of-the-fy2018-budget-request-for-the-us-department-of-housing-andurba n-deve l opme n t /\MERICAi\ Development r eview the Pres i de n t ' s fun ding req u est and budget fo r the U. S . Department o f Housi ng and Urban Membe r Stateme Senator Susan Meet in g S t atus U. S . Department : Meet ing w/S h ei la . g ov/h ea rings/r Greenwood e vi ew - a nd PM o rganizer HUD-18-0504-D-000557 Organi zer : Greenwood , Sheila M Requ i r ed At tendees : S te phen Renna Depa r tmen t of HUD (come to the F reew ay) 451 7 th Stree t, SW Wash i ng ton , DC 2041 0 Eun ic e - 202 - 4 02 - 6624 Sh eila - 202 - 402 - 6068 Subjec t : HOLD the South Entra n ce secu ri ty d es k - nea r St a rt : Wed 6/ 7/ 201 7 3 : 00 PM End : Wed 6/7/2017 4 : 30 PM Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Subjec t: " Departmen Loc at i on: Greenwood , Shei la M HOUSE Appropriati ons THUD Subcomm i t t ee Hear i ng e n t itl t of Hou sing a nd Urba n Development - Budget Hearing " 23 59 Ra yburn (House Off ic e Building) ed Start : Thu 6/8/2 0 17 10 : 00 AM End : Thu 6/8/201 7 11 : 30 AM Recu rr ence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Acc e pt ed Org a nize r : Ha rdy IV , Stanley Required Att en d ees : Dunn , Tracey; San t a Anna , Aaron ; Ba r ton, Vi cto ri a L; Bur l ey , Michael N; Dendas , Micha e l W; Car ter , Steve n s J ; Farrar-Wils on , Loua l i ce ; Boswell , Ar e th a T; Bass , Deana ; Gree nwood , Sheila M; Da wki ns , Eu n ice D Depar tmen t o f Housing Thursday , June Transportation a n d Ur ban Deve l opment 8 , 20 1 7 1 0 : 00 AM in , Hou sing and Urban 2358-A - Budget Hearing Raybu r n Deve l opme n t, and Re la ted Agenc i es Witn ess The Hon orable Ben Carso n Sec reta ry , Depa rtment o f Housi ng an d Urban Development Webcast /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000558 This he a ri ng will h ttps : //appropriat 9 4 893 Subject : Loc ation : be webcast i ons .h ouse . gov/ca len da r/event si ngl e . aspx?Eve nt ID =3 HOLD for LUNCH with I va n ka Trump Secre ta ry ' s Din i ng Room Start : Mon 6/26/20 17 12: 00 PM End : Mon 6/26/20 17 1 : 00 PM Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status : Accepted Organiz e r : DocB en Required Atte ndees : Lynne M Subjec t: Locat i on : Bass, Deana ; Greenwood , She il a M; Pat t o n , PRE-BRIEF : Co ngre ssma n Gr aves SOHUD' s o ffi ce Mee ting Start : Wed 6/14/2017 9 : 00 AM End : Wed 6/14/20 17 9 : 30 AM Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Accep te d Org an iz e r: DocBe n Required Atte ndees : DocBe n; Barton , Victoria L; Dendas , Mic h ael E ; Gr eenwood , She il a M W; Gimont , Stan l e y ; Washburn , Tenille Optio n al Attendees : Richardson , Todd M; Cli nt on , Mikaela B Subject Locatio : n: MEET with Congr es sman Garret Graves (LA- 06) The Capitol-H226 (the Li ncol n Room) Start : Wed 6/14/20 17 1 : 00 PM End : Wed 6/14/2017 1 : 30 PM Recu rr ence : (none) Meeti ng S tatus : Accepted Organize r: DocBe n Requ ir ed At tendees : Dendas , Mi chael Gimont, S t anley ; Greenwood , Shei l a M /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT W; Barton , Vi cto ri a L; HUD-18-0504-D-000559 Top i c : discuss HUD' s o ng oing Lou i siana f l oods Locat ion: assistanc e for vi c tims o f the 2016 SOHUD' s office POC: Samantha Til lery ; Saman tha.tillery@mail Or igin of Mee ting: Barto n Staff the Reques ted : Mi ke De n das , Victoria Ex ter n al Atte ndees : Majority Whip Scalise Congressman Graves Cong re ssman Johnso n by the . house . gov , 202-225-3901 Co ngr essma n, sent t o Victoria Ba r ton , Sta n Gi mon t Congr essma n Abraham Senator Cass i dy (cannot stay fo r f u ll d ur at i o n) Senator Kennedy (ca nn ot stay f or duration) Subject : 1 1 : 45 Ex ecut i ve Car full pick - up Start : Tue 6/6/2017 11 : 30 AM End : Tue 6/6/2017 12 : 00 PM Rec urre nce : (none ) Meeting Status : Meeting organizer Org a nize r : Gr eenwo od , Sheila Req uired Attendees : Barton /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT M , Victoria L; Burley , Michael N HUD-18-0504-D-000560 Subject : Location : 9 : 2 0 Ex ecut i ve Car Meet She il a in the to Dirksen Office South Lobby Bu ilding Tue 6/6/2017 9 : 15 AM Start : End : Tue 6/6/2017 9 : 45 AM Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Meet i ng o rga n iz e r Organizer : Greenwood Required Atte ndees : Burley , Mi chael N Subjec t : Locatio n : , Shei la M Greenwood , Sheila 9 : 20 Executive Meet She i l a in M; Barton, Car to Dirksen Office t h e So uth Lobby Victor i a L; Bu il ding Start : Tue 6/6/2017 9 : 15 AM End : Tue 6/6/2017 9 : 45 AM Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng S t atus : Meeti ng organizer Organi zer : Greenwood , Sheila Requ i r ed Atte ndees : Burley, Subjec t : Locatio n : M Mi chael N Phone Call w/She il a Gre enw oo d and Marlene She il a will call Mar lene - 202-744-0751 Colucci St art : Thu 6/1/2017 4 : 30 PM End : Thu 6/1/2017 5 : 00 PM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Meeting organizer Organi zer : Greenwood , Sheila M Requ i r ed At tendees : Ma rl e n e Colucci Subjec t: Loca tion: S tart : End : Fri Pam's 2nd Murd er Board Depa r tm ental Conference Room 10233 F ri 6/2/2017 2 : 00 PM 6/2/2017 5 : 00 PM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Status : Accepted HUD-18-0504-D-000561 Organize r: Hugh es , Andr ew Required Attendees : Barton, Victoria L; Pame l a Patenaude ; McCal l, Drew A; Gr eenwood , She ila M; Wolf son , Leonard; Thompson , Amy C; Scott Ke l ler ; Dendas , Michae l W; Zorc , Bethany A; Pam Patenaude Subject : Loca tion : PRE- BRIEF on Baltimore Secretary ' s Conference Room Start : Tue 6/20/20 17 1 : 00 PM End : Tue 6/20/2017 2 : 00 PM Recurrence Meeting : (none) S t atus : Accepted Organizer : DocBen Requ i red Atte ndees : Patton , Lynne M; Alexander , Mason ; Cruciani, Linda M; Dendas , Michael W; Barton , Victoria L; Miller, Miche lle M; Gant , Jon L; Johnson, Sheryl L; Gr eene , Bryan ; Longosz , Vickie S; Bryon , Jemine A; Williams , Raphael L; Thompson , Amy C; Greenwood, She il a M; Bass , Deana ; Free , Kenneth E ; Hams i k , Pei-Zei ; Al l e n, Lindsey A Optional Attendees : Hadley , Helen ; Campbe ll , Renae M; Smyth , Timothy M; Mills , Krista ; Ghasem i , Jordan A Subject: Notification and Federa l Employee Anti-Discrimination Retaliat ion Act Training Loca tion : Departmenta l Conference Room 1 0233 St art : End : Fri Fri 6/2/2017 12 : 30 PM 6/2/2017 1 : 30 PM Recurrence : (none) Meeting Status : and Accepted Organizer : Hughes , Andrew Requ i red At tendees : Hughes , Andrew ; Mason Ale xand e r (Mason . Alexander@hud . gov) ; Bacon , James A; Barton , Victoria L; Bass , Deana ; Bowes, Robe rt B; Beckles , Angela L; Browning , Austin G; Burley , Michael N; Byrd , David J ; Coffey , Alexander ; Coressel , Jac ie ; DeFe lice , Joseph J ; Delahoyde , Abigail M; Demarzo , Ben jam in E; Dendas , Mi chael W; Eagles , David T ; Fitzpatrick , Nora S ; John Gibbs ; Benison , John P ; Greenwood , Sheila M; Gribbin , Anne H; Gribbin , William J ; Gruson , Barbara; Holderfi eld, Stephanie A; Andrew . Hughes @hud . gov ; Kasper , Maren M; Kurtz , R . Hunter ; Marzol , Adolfo F ; McCall , Drew A; Patton , Lynne M; Petty , Ti mothy J ; Shosky, John E ; Solivan, Elvis ; Thompson, Amy C; Zorc, Bethany A; Williams , /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000562 Raphael L; Youngblood S ; Wat so n , To ny a P ; Opt i o na l Atte ndees : Th i s is a mandatory t r a i n ing. For a ll the , Richard A; Cos t a , Alfonso I !(b)(6) A; Hart , Miche lle Gibbs , John tr ai ni ng if you do no t at ten d Thursday 's ind iv i duals NOT l ocated a t HUD Headq u ar ter s , we wil l send you a cal l- i n numb er tom o rr ow . Th e r e i s n o need to travel here fo r tr a i ni ng . Have a great questio ns . Sincere afternoo n a n d please l et me know i f you h ave any ly , Andrew Subject : Loc a tion : Weekly Check-in COS Office w/She il a , Jacie & Maso n Sta r t : Thu 6/1/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Thu 6/1/2017 11 : 30 AM Recurrence : Weekly Recu rr en ce Pa tte rn : Meet i ng Status : from 11 : 00 AM to 11 : 30 AM Meet i ng o rga n iz e r Organize r : Greenwood Req uired Att en d ee s : Alex a nde r , Maso n Subject : Loca tion : eve r y Thursday , Shei la M Gre e nwood , Shei la Weekly Che ck - in w/Sheila COS Office M; Cor e ssel , Jacie ; , Jac i e & Mason Start : Thu 6/1/2017 11:0 0 AM End : Thu 6/1/2017 11 : 30 AM Recurrence : Weekly Recur r e n ce Pat t e r n : Meeting /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Status : Meeting every Thur sday f r om 1 1 : 00 AM to 1 1 : 30 AM organizer HUD-18-0504-D-000563 Organ iz e r : Greenwood , She i la M Required Atte ndees : Greenwood , Shei l a M; Coresse Al e xand e r , Mason Sub j ec t: Locatio n : Week l y Check- in COS Office l , Jacie ; & Maso n w/She i la , Jacie Start : Thu 6/1/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Thu 6/1/20 1 7 11 : 30 AM Recurrence : Weekly Recurre n ce Pa tt e r n : Meet i ng Status : every Thu rsday f r om 1 1 : 00 AM t o 1 1 : 30 AM Meet i ng organ iz e r Organiz e r : Greenwood , Sh e ila M Requ i red Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila Al exa nde r, Maso n Subjec t: Locatio n : Weekly Check - in w/Sheila COS Off ice M; Co r esse l, Jacie ; , Jac i e & Mason Start : Thu 6/1/2017 11 : 0 0 AM End : Thu 6/1/2017 11 : 30 AM Recur r e n ce : Week l y Recurrence Pa ttern : Meeting Status : Meeting every Thursd a y from : n: 11 : 30 AM organizer Or gani z e r : Gr eenwood , She i la M Required Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila Al e xander , Mason Subject Locatio 1 1 : 00 AM to Week l y Check- in COS Office M; Coresse l, Jacie ; & Maso n w/She i la , Jacie Thu 6/1/2017 11 : 00 AM Start : End : Thu 6/ 1 /20 1 7 1 1 : 30 AM Recu rr ence : Weekly Recurrence Pa tt ern : Meet i ng Status : every Th u rsday from Meet i ng organ iz e r Organiz e r : Greenwood , Shei l a M Requ i red Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila Al e xa nde r, Maso n /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT 11 : 00 AM t o 1 1 : 30 AM M; Co r esse l, Jacie ; HUD-18-0504-D-000564 Subjec t: Locatio n: Weekly Che ck-i n w/Sheila COS Office , Jacie & Maso n Start : Thu 6/1/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Thu 6/1/2017 11 : 30 AM Recurre n ce : Week ly Recurrence Pattern : Meeting Status Organizer Required Alexander : every Meeting Thursday organize Meeting w/Sheila Greenwood Recurrence : (none) Status Subjec t: Prosperity Locatio n: Jefferson : Meeting Lugar ; - re : Bay Area organizer : Greenwood , Sheila M Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila HOLD for Interagency US Department Dr . SW Task of Agr i c u lture Start : Thu 6/15/2017 End : Thu 6/15/20 17 10:30 Show Time As : Tentative M; kelly.lugar@dentons.com Force on Agriculture , Whitten Patio and Rura l ; 1400 8 : 45 AM AM : (none) Meet i ng Status Organizer Required & Kelly , Jacie COS Office F ri 6/16/2017 10 : 00 AM 6/16/2017 1 1 : 00 AM Organizer Requ i red 11 : 30 AM r Start : End : Fri Recurrence 1 1 : 00 AM to : Greenwood , Sheila M Attendees : Greenwood , Shei l a M; Coressel , Mason Subject : Council Location : Meeting from : Not : DocBen Atte ndees : yet r espo nded Greenwood , Shei l a M Locat i on : USDA Top i c : Agenda /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT attached HUD-18-0504-D-000565 POC: Bet h any NOTES: Call gr eeted and Subject : Lo cation : Hu dson time at 9 : 45 AM. Upo n arr iv al , your esco r te d to a ho l d r oom . S t aff Mee ting 10th Floor Small Conference S tar t : Wed 5/31/ 2 0 17 2:00 End : Wed 5/3 1 /2017 2 : 30 PM Recurrence principa l wi l l be Room PM : (none ) Meet in g St atus : Accepted Or ga niz er : McCall , Dr ew A Req u ire d Attendees : Hughes , Andrew ; Greenwood , Sheila M; Zorc , Be th any A; Pe tty , Ti mothy J ; Byr d , Davi d J ; Bowes , Robe r t B; Beckles , Angel a L; Coffey, Al exa nd er ; Hol derf ield , Stephanie A; Marzol , Adolf o F Weekly mee t i ng with Subject : Lo cation : CPD, FHA, P I H, GC a n d FPM sta ff . Che ck -i n w/Sheila COS Off ic e , Jaci e and Maso n Start : Tue 5/3 0 /20 17 2 : 0 0 PM End : Tue 5/30/20 17 2 : 15 PM Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Meet i ng organ iz e r Organiz e r : Gre e nwood , Shei la M Required Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila Subject : Loca t io n : Weekly meeting COS Office w/Sheila and M; Co re sse l , Jac ie Adolfo Start : Thu 6/1/2017 10:0 0 AM End : Thu 6/1/2017 10 : 30 AM Recurrence : (none ) Meet in g S t atus /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Meet ing o rganizer HUD-18-0504-D-000566 Organi zer : Greenwood , Sheila M Requ i r ed Attendees : Ma rz ol , Ado lf o F Subjec t : Meeting w/Sheila Home Lenders Assoc . Locat i o n : COS Office Gree nwood and Scot t Olson , Commu n it y Start : Thu 6/15/2017 10 : 30 AM End : Thu 6/15/20 17 11 : 15 AM Recurrence : (none ) Meeti ng Sta t us : Meeti ng organizer Organ iz e r : Greenwood , Sheila M Required At te ndees : Greenwood , Sheila scottolson@communitylender . org M; Depar tm e n t o f HUD (come to the South e n t r ance the Freeway) 451 7th Stree t , SW Washington , DC Eun i ce Dawk i ns - 202-402-6624 She il a Greenwood - 202-402-6068 Subject : Check - i n Sheila and Jan et Location : COS Off i ce secur i ty desk - n ea r Start : Wed 5/31/ 2 0 17 3 : 00 PM End : Wed 5/31/20 17 4 : 0 0 PM Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Meet i ng o rga n iz e r Or ga niz e r : Gr ee nwood , Shei l a M Required Attendees : Greenwood , Shei l a M; Gol ric k, Subject : Ja ne t M HOLD - Shei l a stop-by Fri 6/9/2017 10 : 00 AM 6/9/2017 10 : 30 AM Start : End : Fri Recu r r en ce : (none) Organizer Subjec t : : Greenwood , Shei l a M 4 : 45 Executive Car pick - up Start : Thu 5/25/ 2 0 17 4 : 30 PM End : Thu 5/25/20 17 5 : 00 PM /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000567 Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng Status : Meeti ng organizer Organi ze r: Greenwood , Sheila M Requ i r ed Attendees : Greenwood , She i la Subjec t : Locatio n : M 1 : 3 5 Executive Car EEOB - Room 228 Start : Thu 5/25/20 17 1 : 30 PM End : Thu 5 /25/2017 2 : 0 0 PM Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng St atus : Meeti ng organizer Organi zer : Greenwood , Sheila M Requ i r ed Attendees : Gr eenwood , She i la Subject Locatio : n: Check - in cos w/Shei la and M Hunte r St art : Wed 5/24/20 17 10 : 00 AM End : Wed 5 /24/2017 10 : 30 AM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeti ng St atus : Meeti ng organizer Organi zer : Greenwood , Sheila M Requ i r ed Attendees : Greenwood , She i la M; Kur tz , Robe r t H Subjec t: Natio n al Housi n g Con f ere n ce 45 th Annual Gala Leadership Ci rc l e Recept i o n Locat i o n : Nat i o na l Buil ding Muse u m Aud i t o r ium - 401 F Street , NW Sta r t : Thu 6/8/2017 5 : 30 PM End : Thu 6/8/2017 6 : 30 PM Recurre n ce : (none) Meeti ng Sta t us : Meeting organizer Organ iz e r: Greenwood , Sheila M Required Attendees : Greenwood , Shei la Subject : Nat i o n al Circle Reception Location : National /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Hous ing Building M Con f ere n ce 45th Museum Auditorium Annual Gal a Leadership - 401 F Street , NW HUD-18-0504-D-000568 Start: End : Thu 6/8/2017 5 :30 Thu 6/8/2017 6 : 30 PM Recurrence PM : (none) Meet in g Status : Meet in g organ iz e r Organiz er: Greenwood , Shei l a M Required Attendees : Greenwood , Shei la Subject : 2 : 30 Meeting w/Sheila Goodlatte letter to SOHUD Update Loca tion : COS Office M - re : Grassley , Chaffetz & St art : Wed 5/24/2017 2 : 30 PM End : Wed 5 /24/2017 3 : 00 PM Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Meeting o r ganizer Organi zer: Greenwood , Sheila M Requ i red Attendees : Golr i c k , Janet Timothy J ; Cruciani , Linda M Subject : Next Steps Location : M; Zorc , Bethany 2 : 00 Check- i n w/She il a a n d Alex Coffey A; Pe tty , - re : Even t & PIH COS Office Start : Wed 5/24/2017 3 : 00 PM End : Wed 5/24/20 17 3 : 30 PM Recu rr ence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer Required : Meet in g organ iz e r : Greenwood , Shei la M Attendees : Coffey, Alexander Subject : Locat i on : Meeting w/C LPHA, Sheila COS Off ic e Start : Wed 6/14/2017 End : Wed 6/14/20 17 3:45 Greenwood and HUD staff 3 : 00 PM PM Recu rr ence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : : Meet in g organize Gr ee nwood , Sh ei la r M HUD-18-0504-D-000569 Required Attendees : Rich Bin de ll ; Bass , Dea n a ; Kurtz , Robe rt Dep a rtme n t of HUD (come to the Sou th entrance security desk the Fr eewa y) 451 7th Stree t , SW Wash i ng ton , DC She i la Greenwood - 202-402-6068 Eunice Dawk i ns - 202 - 4 02 - 6624 Subject : BRIEFIN G with Sheila, Andrew Hughes and WHPA Loca ti o n : SOHUD' s o ffice H - n ear St art : Tue 5/23/20 17 3 : 15 PM End : Tu e 5/ 23/2017 3 : 30 PM Sho w Time As : Ten t a tive Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Status : Not Orga n iz e r : DocBe n Required Atte nd ees : Dr ew A Subject : Lo cation : yet respond Greenwood ed , Shei l a M; Hugh es , Andrew ; McCall , Nomi nee Mur d er Board (HUD Pa m Pa tenaude Sec r etary of War Room (228 EEOB) ) Start : Thu 5/25/ 2 0 17 2 :0 0 PM End : Thu 5/25/2017 5 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tent ati ve Recurrence : (none ) Meet in g St atus : Not yet responded Organi zer : Hughes , Andrew Requ i r ed At tendees : Scott Keller ; Den das , Michae l W; McCall , Drew A; Gree nwood , Sheila M; Zorc , Bethany A; Thompso n , Amy C; Bar t o n , Victoria L; Taylor , Mary Eli zabeth E . EOP/WHO; Wolfson , Leonard Plea se enter a t 1 7th & State u po n arri Subject : Reschedu l ing - 1 : 00 Meeting Corsiglia - r e : GNMA Travel Loca tion : COS Office v al . w/ Sh ei la Greenwood and Nan cy Start : Wed 5/24/20 17 1:0 0 PM End : Wed 5/24/20 17 1 : 30 PM Recurrence : (none) Meet in g S t atus /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Meet in g o rganizer HUD-18-0504-D-000570 Organi zer : Greenwood Requ i r ed Attendees : Subjec t : Tr avel Locat i o n : , Sheila M Cors i glia , Nancy 10 : 30 Ch eck-in w/Sheila E , Arny & Mason - re : SOHUD' s Summe r COS Office Start : Mon 5 /22/201 7 10 : 30 AM End : Mon 5/22/2017 11 : 00 AM Recurrence : (none ) Meeti ng Sta t us : Meeti ng organizer Organ iz e r : Greenwood Required Atte ndees : Alexand e r , Mason , Sheila M Greenwood , Sheila Subject : Quick NYC Trip Staff , She ila Greenwood Lo cation : Chief of Staff Start : End : F ri Check - I n w/ Mason ' s Office - Suite Al exa n der & Chief of 10000 Fri 5/ 1 9/20 17 2 : 0 0 PM 5/19/20 17 2 : 10 PM Recurrence : (none) Meet in g S t atus : Meet in g o rg a nizer Organiz e r : Greenwood Required Atte ndees : Subject Locatio M; Thomps on , Arny C; : n: , Sh e ila M Greenwood , Sheila Brief on lun ch with SOHUD' s office M; Alexander , Mason Mnuch in Start : Mon 5/2 2/2 0 17 9 : 30 AM End : Mon 5/22/20 17 10 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting S t atus : Not Organizer : DocB en Requ i r ed Attendees : Subjec t : Loc a tio n : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT yet responded Greenwood Chec k-in w/Sheila COS Office and , Sheila Michae M; Ma r zol , Adol f o F l Den das r e : Budget Stu ff HUD-18-0504-D-000571 Start : End : Fri Fri 5/19/2017 3 : 00 PM 5/ 1 9/20 17 3 : 30 PM Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer Required : Meet in g organ iz e r : Greenwood Attend ees : Subject : Location : , Sheila M Greenwood , Shei l a M; Dendas , Michael CONFIRMED: HQ Mee t ing 1 0120 with La fayette(LA ) Mayor W Robideaux Start : Tue 5/23/2017 12 : 00 PM End : Tue 5/23/20 17 12 :4 5 PM Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status : Accepted Organizer : Hardy IV , Stanley Required Attende es: Girnon t, Stanley ; Parker Mi chael N; Sa nt a Anna , Aaron ; Dawkins , Eunice M; Barton , Vi cto ri a L * This meeting was requ es ted by Mayor , Tennil l e S ; Bur l ey , D; Gree nwood , She ila Robideaux Date : 5/23/2017 Time : 12 : 00 PM- 12 : 45 PM ET HQ Meeti n g Location : 10120 (CIR A/S Office) Top i c : CDBG- DR Background : Mayo r Robideau x will be in Wash i ngto n DC n e x t week and Ms . Sheila Greenwood (HUD Chief of Staff) suggested he mee t with Stan Gimont to d i scuss i ssues re l ated to CDBG and the f l ooding that occurred in the area last summer . Interna Stan l Attendees : Gimont , CDBG Tennille /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Parker , CDBG HUD-18-0504-D-000572 Mic hael Bu rl ey , CI R Vic t oria Ba r ton , CIR She i l a Gr eenwood , OSEC (I f available meet i ng) External Mayor Attendees Joel stop-b y during the : Robideaux Emi l y Bacque , CJ Lake Subject : Loca t ion : , will LLC HOLD: HQ Meeti ng with TBD La f ay ette (LA) Mayor Robideaux Start : Tue 5/23/ 2 0 17 12 : 00 PM End : Tue 5/23/20 17 12 : 4 5 PM Show Time As : Te n tat iv e Re cur ren ce : (none ) Mee ti ng Status : Not yet r espo nd ed Or g an izer : Hardy IV , St a nle y Requ i r ed Attendees : Gim on t, Stan l ey ; Par k e r , Tennille S ; Bur ley , Mic h a el N; Santa Ann a, Aaron ; Dawkins , Eunice D; Gree nwood , Sheila M * This meeting was r eques te d by Mayor Rob id eau x Date : 5/23/2017 Ti me : 12: 00 PM- 1 2 : 4 5 PM ET HQ Meeti ng Loc a tion Con f erence Call# : TBD : 1-877-336- 1 828 ; Access Code: l= {b ~H ~6)_~ Topic : CDBG- DR Background : Mayor Rob id ea ux will be in Washington DC ne xt week and Ms . She ila Gree nwood (HUD Ch i ef o f Sta f f ) suggested he meet wit h Stan Gim ont to discuss issues r elated to CDBG a n d the flood i ng t h at occurred in t h e area last summer . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000573 Internal Stan Attendees : Gimont , CDBG Tenn i lle Parker Michael Burley Chr i s toph er Sheila , CIR Taylor Greenwood External Mayor , CDBG (by phone) , OSEC Attendees Joel : Robideaux Emi l y Bacque , CJ Lake Subject LLC HOLD - Sheila : drop by Hunter ' s meeting Start : Tue 5/23/20 17 3 : 30 PM End : Tue 5/23/20 17 4 : 00 PM Recurrence : (none) Organizer Subjec : t: Greenwood Aida , Sheila Rodriguez M _ f b)(6) Start : F ri 5/19/20 17 12 : 00 AM End : Sat 5/20/2017 12 : 00 AM Show Time As : Free Recur r ence : (none) Meeting Status : Not ye t responded Org anize r: Rodr i g u ez , Ai da N Required Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila Golrick , Janet M; Hawkins , Gregory R Subject : Loc ation : Start : End : Fri /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT NHC' s Annua l Policy Marriott Washington M; Clemmensen , Craig T; Symposium at Metro Center Fri 6/9/2017 9 : 00 AM 6/9/2017 11 : 00 AM HUD-18-0504-D-000574 Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng Status : Meeti ng organizer Organi zer : Greenwood , Sheila M Requ i r ed Attendees : Greenwood , She i la Subjec t: Program II Locat i o n: Cocktail M 6 : 30 pm NHC' s Housing Visionary 7 : 30 pm Dinne r & Networ king Nat i o n al Buil d ing Muse u m - Attire Award : Gala Dressy II 7 : 00 pm Business or Star t : Thu 618/2017 6 : 30 PM End : Thu 618/2017 10 : 00 PM Recurrence : (none ) Meetin g Status : Meet in g organi zer Org a nizer : Greenwood , Sheila M Required Attendees : Greenwood , Shei l a M Subjec t: Program II Location : 6 : 30 pm NHC' s Hous i ng Vis i onary 7 : 30 pm Di nn er & Networki ng Nationa l Buildin g Mus eu m Award Gala II 7 : 00 pm Start : Thu 618/2017 6 : 30 PM End : Thu 618 /2017 10 : 0 0 PM Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status : Meet in g o rga n iz e r Or ga nizer : Gr ee nwood , Shei l a M Required Attendees : Greenwood , Shei l a M Subject : Location : Check-i n wlSheila COS Off i ce and Amy - re : mt g . wlSOHUD Start : Wed 51 1 71 2 0 17 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 51171 2 0 17 2 : 30 PM Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status : Meet in g organ iz e r Organiz e r : Greenwood , Shei l a M Requ i red At tendees : Greenwood , Sheila /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT M; Th ompson , Amy C HUD-18-0504-D-000575 Subjec t: MEET with Andrew Drew McCa ll , Adolfo Marz o l Locatio n : SOHUD' s Off ic e Ol men, Andrew Hughes , Sheil a Gre enwood , Start : Wed 5/17/2017 4 : 30 PM End : Wed 5/ 1 7/ 2 0 17 5 :0 0 PM Recurrence : (none ) Meet in g Status : Accepted Organizer : DocBe n Required Attend ees : Hughes , Andrew ; Greenwood , Shei la Drew A; Mar zol , Adol f o F M; McCall , Top i c : FHA Subject : Loc a tio n: Introd u ct i on Meet i ng w/Sheila COS Office Gr eenwood and Robe r t Fi s h e r Sta r t : Thu 5 /25/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Thu 5/25/2017 11 : 45 AM Recurrence : (none ) Meetin g Sta t us : Meetin g organizer Org a nizer : Greenwood , Shei l a M Required Atte nd ees : Greenwood , Shei la M; Fisher , Rob ert S Depar tmen t o f HUD - (come to the Sou th Entrance securi t y des k - near the Fr eeway) 4 51 7t h Stree t , SW Washington , DC Shei l a - 202- 4 02-6068 Eun i ce - 202-402-6624 Subjec t: Phone Call w/Treasury - r e : TSY/LIHTC Locatio n : Dia l -i n # : 1 -877-336-1 828 //Code# : ~kb~l <~6 )...__~ Tue 5/16/20 17 2 : 00 PM Start : End : Tue 5/ 1 6/ 2 0 17 2 : 30 PM Recu rr en ce : (none) Meeting Status : Meeting organizer Organizer : Greenwood , Shei la M Required Attend ees : Greenwood , Sh e ila M; Neil . Jain@treasury Opt i o n al At tendees : Michael . Novey@ tre asury . gov ; Dav i d . Dwor k i n@tr easury . gov /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT .g ov HUD-18-0504-D-000576 Subjec t : Eunice Dawk i ns o n Leave S t art : F ri 5/19/20 17 12 : 00 AM End : Sat 5/ 2 0 /2017 12 : 00 AM Show Time As : Free Recur r e n ce : (none ) Meeting Status : Not y et respond ed Orga n iz e r : Dawk i n s , Eun i ce D Required Atte ndees : Greenwo o d , Shei l a M; Coressel , Jacie ; Hardison, James C; Fl e ischer , La u ra A; De LaPaz , Dave D; Cooper , Di ane J ; Rodrig uez , Aida N; Baco n , James A Subject : Gruso n Locat i o n : Start : End : Fri Check - in w/Shei la Gr een wood , Lynne Payn e and Barbara COS Office F ri 5/ 12/2017 3 : 0 0 PM 5 /12/2017 3 : 30 PM Recur r e n ce : (none ) Meeting Status : Meeting o rganiz er Orga n iz e r : Gr eenwood , She i la M Required Atte ndees : Greenwood , Shei l a M; Patton Barbara Subjec t : Loc a tio n : ATTEND FHF Ove r sight FHFA Board , Lynne M; Gruson , Mee t i ng Start : Mon 5/22/2017 3 :0 0 PM End : Mon 5/22/20 17 3 : 30 PM Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Status Organizer Required Subject : Loc ation : : Accepted : Doc Ben Attendees : 2 : 30 Catch COS Office Greenwood , Shei la M up w/She il a a nd Al ex Coffey Tue 5/ 1 6/ 2 0 17 3 : 30 PM Start : End : Tue 5/16/20 17 4 : 00 PM /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000577 Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng Status : Meeti Organi zer : Greenwood Requ i r ed Attendees : Subjec t: Locatio n : ng organizer , Sheila M Cof f ey , Alexande Transportation 1700 K Street for Cos , NW (between r 18 th & Con n. Ave . , NW) /HU D St art : Mon 5/15/20 17 11 : 35 AM End : Mon 5 /15/2017 1 : 1 5 PM Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng S t atus : Accepted Organi zer : Dagge tt , Tanya R Requ ir ed Attendees : Gr eenwood , She i la M; Dawk i ns , Eunice D use the Execu t i ve Car on Monday , May 1 5 to Hey Tanya - Cou l d Sheila be taken to 170 0 K Street , NW (between 1 8 th & Conn . Ave ., NW) at 1 1 : 35 a n d to be picked up at 1 : 1 5? Please l et me know . Thank you . Eun i ce Subject: Williams Locatio n : 3 : 00 Meeting w/S h ei la, Janet G . & Ne l son B . - re : D. COS Off ice St art : Mon 5/15/20 17 3 : 00 PM End : Mon 5 /15/2017 3 : 30 PM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting S t atus : Meeting Organi zer : Greenwood Requ ir ed At tendees : Subjec t: Locatio n: organizer , Shei l a M Go l r i c k , Janet M; Brego n , Ne l so n R Call re : NYSE Be l l Logistics Amy ' s Office S t art : Th u 5/11/20 17 2 : 30 PM End : Thu 5/1 1 /2017 3 : 00 PM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT St atus : Accepted HUD-18-0504-D-000578 Organize Required (Raphae l Opt i onal r: Thompson , Amy C Attendees : Raphael L Wil liams . L . Will iam s@hud . gov) ; Alexander , Mason Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila M Secreta r y Carson Exchange on June lo gistics . Please Subject : Loc ation : i s confirmed fo r the clos i ng bell at the Stock 12 . I h ave a ca l l tomorrow with the NYSE to discuss joi n if you ' re availab l e . Thanks . Murd e r Board Sec Conference & Mock Hea r ing Room Start : Tue 5/30/2017 10 : 00 AM End : Tue 5/30/2017 12 : 00 PM Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status : Accepted Organizer : DocBe n Required Attendees : Kasper , Mar en M; Fitzpatrick, Nora S ; Gol ric k , Janet M; Lyberg, Sa ra h A; Greenwood , Sheila M; Kurtz, R. Hunter ; Timberlake , Cou r tney B; Dendas , Michael W; Gi mont , Sta n l ey ; Marzol , Ado l fo F ; Bl om, Domi nique G; Barton , Victor i a L; Thompson , Amy C; Eagles , David T; Wil l iams , Raphael L Optional Attendees : Zorc , Bethany A; Wolfson , Leonard Mock Hea ri ng-All Subject: Loc ation : to p i cs Meeting to discuss Sheila ' s Office next s teps in AIA v . HUD Start : Wed 5/10/20 17 5 : 00 PM End : Wed 5/10/20 17 5 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organize r: Zorc , Bethany A Requ i red At tendees : Greenwood , Sheila Petty (Timothy . J . Petty@hud . gov) Subject : Location : MEET with Mayor SOHUD' s office of Denve r, M; Kasper , Maren Mi chael M; Tim Hancock Start : Tue 5/16/20 17 1 1 : 30 AM End : Tue 5/16/20 17 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000579 Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Organi zer : DocBen Requ i r ed Attendees Tentatively : accepted Greenwood , Sheila M Topic : Discuss Denver and housi ng issues . "Denver is one of the fasted growi ng cities in the country , and has challenges that we thin k represent a real bellwe th er f or th e cou ntr y , i n particular f or grow i ng cit i es in the American West . " Loca tion : SOHUD' s Off ice POC: Ja mes Wi c k ett , Partner at Hogan Lovells ; 202-637-6422 , james . wickett@hogan l ovells . com ; Emily Hauber , Gover nmen t Relations for Mayor Hancock : emily . hauber@denv ergov . org Origin Staff of Meet in g : James Wickett e - mail ed Jacie and Sheila : Sh ei l a Subjec t: Travel Time Mon 5/15/20 17 1 1 : 30 AM Start : End : Mon 5/15/20 17 12 : 00 PM Recurrence Organize Subject : (none) r: : Greenwood , Sheila 1 : 35 Exe cut i ve Car M p i c k -up Start : Mon 5/15/20 17 1 : 00 PM End : Mon 5/15/2017 1 : 30 PM /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000580 Recur r e n ce : (none ) Or ga niz e r : Gr ee nwoo d , Sh e i l a M Su bj ec t: Pre p Loc at i on : Meet i ng w/She il a , Nora & Hunte r - r e : St r uctu r e/ Budge t COS Off i c e Star t : Wed 5/ 10 / 2 0 17 2 : 30 PM En d : Wed 5 / 10 / 2 0 17 3 : 0 0 PM Re cur ren c e : (none ) Meet i ng Status : Meet i ng o rga n iz e r Or ga niz e r : Gr ee nwo o d , Sh e i l a M Re q u ir ed At ten d e es : Gr een wood , She i la Ku rtz , Rober t H Su bje c t : Loca ti o n : M; Fitzp a t ric k , Nora S; Ch eck - i n w/Sh e i l a a nd Genge r COS Off ice S t a rt : Wed 5 / 10 / 2 0 17 3 : 0 0 PM En d : Wed 5 /1 0 /201 7 3 : 1 5 PM Recur r e n ce : (none ) Meet in g S t a tu s : Meet in g o rg a nize r Or g an izer : Gre e nwood , Sh ei la M Requ i r ed At t e ndees : Gr eenwood , She i la Su bje c t : Sche dul e Loc ati o n : Meetin g w/Sheila M; Ch a rl es , Ge ng er , JC a n d Maso n - r e : SOHUD' s Ne xt M We e k COS Off ice St a r t : Thu 5 /1 1 /20 17 2 : 30 PM End : Thu 5/ 1 1/20 17 3 : 0 0 PM Recur r e n ce : (none ) Me et i ng Sta t us : Mee t i ng o rgani zer Or gan iz e r: Gr eenwood , She i la M Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Coressel , J acie ; Al exa n der , Mas on Sub j ec t : Loc a tio n : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Chec k - in w/She i la COS Office an d Amy Tho mpson - r e : Li ste n i ng To ur HUD-18-0504-D-000581 Start : Wed 5/10/2017 3 : 30 PM End : Wed 5/10/20 17 4 : 00 PM Recu rr ence : (none) Meet i ng Status Organizer Required : Meet i ng organi : Greenwood Attendees : Subject : Lo cation : ze r , Sheila M Greenwood , Shei l a M; Thompson , Amy C Check - in w/Sheila Housing Conference Start : Wed 5/10/2017 End : Wed 5/10/20 17 2:15 , Victoria and Room (9202) Pam 1 : 45 PM PM Recu rr ence : (none) Meet in g Status : Meet in g organize Organizer : Greenwood Required Attendees : Opt i o na l Attendees : Subject Locatio : n: Sheila Secreta r , Shei l a M Greenwood, Shei l a M; Barton Dendas , Michael W and Maren (discuss r y ' s Office , Victoria L Lis ten in g Tour ) S t art : Tue 5/9/2017 4 : 00 PM End : Tue 5/9/2017 4 : 30 PM Recurrence Meeting : (none) St atus : Accepted Organize r: DocBe n Requ i red At tendees : Subjec t: Locatio n: Public North Greenwood , Sheila M; Kasper , Maren M Serv ice Recognition Mee t & Gree t side Lobby (Near Metro Entrance) St a r t : Wed 5/10/2017 8 : 45 AM End : Wed 5/10/2017 9 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Meeting Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) Status : : Golrick, Not ye t responded Janet M HUD-18-0504-D-000582 Required Attendees : Clemmensen , Craig T; Kasper , Maren M; Bryon, Jem i ne A; Taffet , Cl i fford ; Ammon, Matthew E; Greene , Bryan ; Corsiglia , Nancy E; Bregon , Nelson R; Gant , Jon L; Cruciani, Linda M; Santa Anna , Aaron ; Brown, Jereon M; Timberlake , Courtney B; Cooke , Kevin R; Foster , Helen G; Brooks , Towanda A; Ch a r les , Ge nge r M; Greenwood , Sheila M; Lyberg , Sarah A; Gr i bbin , Anne H; Newton Cole , Karen A; Zorc , Bethany A; Thompson , Amy C; Surber , Ke i th W; Benison , John P ; Hensley , Henry Subject : Invitation : Dinner with Greenwoods , Alberts and Poindexters@ Sat Jun 3 7pm - Sun Jun 4 , 2017 2am (EDT) (sheila.m . greenwoodl@hud.gov) Location : BHCC Guenther - S t art : Sa t 6/3/2017 7 : 00 PM 6/4/2017 2 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tenta tive End : Sun Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Organ iz er : martha Not yet responded poindexter Manage all your calendars Downloa d the Google Calendar more details» Dinner with Greenwoods , Alberts in one place . app . and Guenther - Po i ndexters This message may contain confiden t ial information and is intended for spec ifi c recipients unless explicit ly noted othe rwi se . If you h ave reason to believe you are no t an intended recipient of this message , please delete it and n ot ify the sender . Th i s message may not rep r esent the op in ion of I n tercontinenta l Exchange , Inc . (ICE) , its subsidiaries or affiliates , and does not constitute a contrac t or guarantee . Unencrypted electronic mail is not secure and the re c ipient o f th is message is expected to provide sa fegu a rd s from v ir uses and pursue a lt er n ate means of commun i cation where pr i vacy or a binding message is desired . When Sat Ju n 3 7pm - Sun J un 4 , 2017 2 am Eastern Where BHCC (map) Calendar sheila . m. greenwoodl@hud . gov Who martha poindexter - organizer Laura Albert • sheila . m. greenwoodl@hud.gov /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Time HUD-18-0504-D-000583 Going? Yes - Maybe - No more optio n s » I nvit a ti o n f rom Goog le Calendar You are receiving t his courtesy email at t he account sheila . m. greenwoodl@hud . gov because you are an attendee of th i s event . To stop r ece i vi ng future updates for this eve nt, dec l i n e th i s event . Alternatively yo u can sign up for a Google acco un t at h ttps : //www . google . com/calendar/ and co n tro l your notification settings for your entire calendar . Forwarding this inv it a t ion co u ld al l ow a ny recipient t o modify your RSVP r esponse . Learn Mo r e . Subject : Scheduling Look - Ahead Location : SOHUD's Office Start : F ri 5/12/20 17 9 : 00 AM End : Fri 5/ 12 /20 17 9 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) St atus Organizer Required : Not yet : DocBen Attendees : Meeting to l ook over i nvita t i ons . responded Alexander the , Maso n; upcomi ng week 's Subject : HOLD - 45th Annual Symposium 2017 Location : Marriott Washington at F ri 6/9/2017 9 : 30 AM 6/9/20 1 7 12 : 30 PM Recurrence : (none) Greenwood , She i la Subjec t: Travel schedu l e and Housi ng Vi sio n ary Start : End : Fri Organ iz e r: Gree nwood , She ila Metro Award M pe nd ing - Policy Center M Ti me Start : Wed 5/ 1 7/20 17 1: 30 PM End : Wed 5/17/ 2 0 17 2 : 00 PM Recurrence : (none) Organ iz e r: Greenwood , She i la Subject Travel : M Ti me Start : Wed 5/17/20 17 12 : 00 PM End : Wed 5/17/20 17 12 : 30 PM /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000584 Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Subjec t: Locat i o n: Greenwood Lunch TBD , Sheila w/Sheila M Gree nwood and King Muelle r Start : Wed 5/17/2017 12 : 30 PM End : Wed 5 /1 7/ 2017 1 : 30 PM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Meeting organizer Organi zer : Greenwood , Sheila M Requ i r ed Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila Subjec t : Coc kt ails and Di n ner Deve l ope r s Cou n ci l (ADHC) Loc a tio n : Oce a n na ire Restaurant with the M; King Affordable , 120 1 F St Muelle r Housi ng NW, Was hi ngto n, DC 2 0004 Start : Wed 5 /24/2017 7 : 0 0 PM End : Wed 5/24/2017 8 : 30 PM Recurrence : (none ) Meetin g Sta t us : Org a nizer Required * Accepted : DocBe n Atte ndees : NOTES* Coc kt ails Greenwood begin at , Sheila 7 PM, dinner M i s a t 7 : 30 PM. Sta ff : Sheil a Subjec t: Locatio n : EAR Briefing Secretary's Co n ference Room Thu 5/11/20 17 1 : 30 PM Start : End : Thu 5/ 1 1/ 2 0 17 2 : 30 PM Recurrence Meeting Organizer Required Opt i o n al /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) Status : Accep te d : DocBen Attend ees : Attendees : DocBen ; Kasper, Maren Golr i c k , Jane t M M; Greenwood , Sheila M HUD-18-0504-D-000585 Subjec t: 12 : 45 - Travel Time Start : Thu 5/4/2017 12 : 30 PM End : Thu 5/4/2017 1 : 00 PM Recurre n ce : (none) Organizer : Greenwood Secreta Subjec t: Review Location : Sec , Sheila ry Budget Conference Start : Mon 5/22/2017 End : Mon 5/2 2/2 0 17 12:00 Recurrence M Heari ng Prep : Cred i t Programs , Q&A Room 10 : 00 AM PM : (none) Meet in g Status : Accepted Organizer : DocBen Required Attende es: Robert H; Fitzpatrick Subjec t: Locatio n: Greenwood , Sheila M; Kasper , Maren M; Kurtz , , Nora S ; Lyberg , Sarah A; Marzol , Adolfo F Budget Hearing Sec Co n ference Prep Mur der Room Start : Mon 5/22/2017 10:00 End : Mon 5 /22/2017 12 : 00 PM Board AM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Accepted Organ iz e r: DocBe n Requ ir ed Attendees : Robert H; Fitzpatrick Subject : Location : Greenwood , Sheila M; Kasper , Maren M; Kurtz , , Nora S ; Lyberg , Sarah A; Marzol , Adolfo F Budget Hearing Sec Conference Prep Murder Room Board 3 Start : Thu 5/18/2017 10 : 00 AM End : Thu 5/ 18 /20 17 12: 00 PM Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : : Accepted DocBen HUD-18-0504-D-000586 Requ i red Atte ndees : Rober t H Subject : Locat i o n: Greenwood , Sheila Budget Hear i ng Pr ep Murder Sec Co n ference Room M; Kasper , Mar en M; Kur tz , Board 2 Start : Mon 5/15/2017 10 : 00 AM End : Mon 5/15/2017 12 : 00 PM Recurrence : (none) Meeti ng Status : Accepted Organi z e r: DocBe n Required Attendees : DocBen ; Greenwood , Sheila M; Kasper , Maren Kurtz , Robert H; Fitzpatrick , Nora S ; Lyberg , Sarah A; Gimont , Stan l ey Opt i o n al Atte ndees : Thompso n, Amy C Subjec t: Locat i on : Budge t Hear i ng Pr ep Mu rder Sec Co n ference Room M; Board Start : Tue 5/9/2017 1 : 00 PM End : Tue 5/9/2017 3 : 00 PM Recurrence : (none) Meeting Status Organize Required r: DocBe n Attendees : Subject : Location : : Accep t ed Greenwood , Sheila M; Kasper , Maren LUNCH w/Sec . Mnu ch i n , Eli Mil le r, HUD; Secretary ' s Dining Room Sheila M Gree nwood Mon 5/22/20 17 12 : 30 PM Start : End : Mon 5/22/20 17 1 : 30 PM Recurrence : (none) Meeti ng Status Organizer Required Subject /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Accep t ed : DocBen Attendees : : sheila and Greenwood , Sheila amy re M; Marzol , Adolfo F LT revamp HUD-18-0504-D-000587 Start: End : Fri 5/5/20 1 7 2:00 5/5/2017 2 : 30 PM Fri Recurrence PM : (none) Meet in g Status : Meet in g organ iz e r Organiz er: Greenwood , Shei l a M Required Attendees : Thompson , Amy C Subject : Lo cation : Transportation Dir k se n Senate f or Cos Building/EEOB S tar t : Tue 5/9/ 2 0 1 7 8 : 15 AM End : Tue 5/9/2017 10 : 00 AM Recurrence Meeting : (none) St atus Organizer Required : Accepted : Dagge tt, Attendees : Tanya R Dawkins, Eun i ce D; Gree nwood , Sheila M Tanya , Would it be possible Senate Build in g at EEOB? Thank you . for Mac to drop 8 : 15 and pick her Sheila up at off at the Dirkse 10 :0 0 to take her n to Eunice Li ste ning Tour Top 20 Issue & Dispos i tion Review Subject : (Important . Please adjust calendars accord i ngly to eit h er attend dia l-in) Lo cation : Sec r etary ' s Conference Room (Please see Di al - I n Below) or Mon 5/8/20 1 7 11 : 00 AM Start : End : Mon 5/8/2017 12 : 00 PM Recu r rence : (none) Meet in g Status : Accepted Organizer : Patton , Lynn e M Required At tendees : Bass, Deana ; Kasper , Ma re n M; Gree nwood , She il a M; Brego n, Nelson R; Barton , Victor ia L; Dendas , Micha e l W; Williams, Raphael L; Thompson , Amy C; Nason , Michael C; Golrick, Janet M; Alexander , Mason /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000588 Conf . Line # 877- 8 4 8-703 0 {b~}{~6) .__. ACCESS CODE: l~ HOST : 0illfilJ Subject : Loc ation : Lunch w/She ila Gr eenwood and Naan & Be yon d - 1 7 10 L Street, David J effe rs NW Start : Thu 5/ 1 1/ 2 0 17 12: 30 PM End : Thu 5/1 1/ 2 0 17 1 : 30 PM Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng S tatus : Meet in g organ iz e r Organiz e r : Gre e nwood , Shei la M Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila Subject : Lo cation : M; Save the Date - FY17 Q4 Execu t ive Brooke - Mondale Aud itorium A&B David Jeffers Lead e rship For um Start : Thu 8/31/20 17 1:0 0 PM End : Thu 8/31/ 2 0 17 4 :0 0 PM Recurrence : (none) Meet in g S t atus : Accepted Organiz e r : OER. Commu nica t ions Required Atte ndees : SES Members Users ; SL Members Greenwood , She i la M; Smith-Thomas , Maki a Additional deta il s to Sub j ect : Lynne follow Pat ton/ in Users ; ... NYC S t art : F ri 5/5/2017 12 :0 0 AM End : Sat 5 /6/2017 12 : 00 AM Show Time As : Free Recurre n ce : (none) Meeting Sta t us : Not ye t responded Organ iz e r: Patton , Lynne M Required Atte ndees : Greenwood , Shei la M; Kasper , Maren M; Deana Bass (De ana . Bass@hu d . gov) ; Al ex ander , Mason ; Dawkins , Eunice D; Gribbin , Anne H /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000589 Subjec t: Locatio n: Catch- up meeti ng w/Shei la COS Office and Maren Start : Wed 5/3/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 5/3/2017 2 : 30 PM Recurre n ce : (none) Meeting Status Organize Required r: Greenwood , Sheila M Attendees : Greenwood , Shei la Subjec t: MBA meeting Locatio n: : Meeting organ iz e r Phone Call w/Sheila Linda will call Greenwood Sheila M; Kasper , Maren and Linda M Cruc i a n i - re : x6068 Start : Wed 5/3/2017 10 : 30 AM End : Wed 5/3/20 1 7 10 : 45 AM Recu rr ence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer Required : Meeting organi zer : Greenwood , Shei la M Attend ees: Gr eenwood , She ila Subject : Location : Telephone Call w/Sheila Brian will call Sheila M; Cruciani , Lind a M Greenwood and Brian - 202-402-6068 Peretti Start : Tue 5/2/2017 4 : 00 PM End : Tue 5/2/20 1 7 4 : 30 PM Recu rr ence : (none) Meet in g Status : Meet in g organ iz e r Organizer : Greenwood , Shei la M Required Attendees : Greenwood , Shei la Brian.Peretti@Treasury . gov Subject : Loca tion : M; Meeting with Pam 9202 9th Floor Start : Mon 5/1/ 2 0 1 7 1 : 30 PM End : Mon 5/1/2017 2 :0 0 PM Recurrence Meeting /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) Status : Accepted HUD-18-0504-D-000590 Organi zer : Hughes , Andrew Requ ir ed Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Thomp son , Amy C; Ba r ton , Victoria L ; De n das , Mic ha el W; McCa ll , Drew A; Zorc , Bet ha ny A; Pamela Patenaude ; scott@nsgdc . com ; Len Wolfson Good Afternoon , Today ' s meeting with Pam wi ll with Pam be on the 9th f loo r in r oom 9202 . Than ks, Andr ew Subjec Call t: Sta r t : Mon 5/ 1/2017 9 : 00 AM End : Mon 5/ 1/2017 9 : 1 5 AM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Sta t us : Not ye t re spo nde d Org a nizer : Hughes , Andrew Required Atte nd ees : Barton , Victoria L; McCal l, Dr ew A; Gre e nwood , Shei l a M; Scott Keller ; Thompson , Amy C; @K~ Dendas , Michael W; Zorc , Betha n y A; Pame la Patenaude I Brief ca ll with HUD emplo yees Pam to will go over make ca ll this from week . the des i gnated Noms r oom . Call- i n Number : 877-8 48-7030 I Acc ess Code : !{b)(6) Subject : Loc ation : Noms Meeting Sheila ' s Office Start : Fri 4/28/2017 3 : 00 PM End : Fri 4 /28/20 17 4 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meet in g S t atus /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Not yet responded HUD-18-0504-D-000591 Organi zer : Hughes , Andrew Requ i r ed Attendees : Zorc , Bethany Sheila M Subject: Locatio n: CPD Brief Secretary i ng ' s Conference A; Thompso n , Amy C; Greenwood , Room Star t : Tue 5/9/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Tue 5/9/20 1 7 12 : 0 0 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Tenta tiv e ly Organiz e r : DocB en Requ i re d Atte ndees : Subject Locatio : n: Start : End : Fri accepted Greenwood Choice Briefing Secre ta r y ' s Co n ference , Sheila M; Kasper , Ma re n M M; Kasper , Ma r en M M; Kasper , Maren r oom F ri 5/5/2017 9 : 30 AM 5/5/ 2017 10 : 30 AM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeti ng Status : Accepted Organi zer : DocBe n Requ i r ed Attendees : Sub j ect : Locat i o n : Greenwood RAD Brief i ng Secreta r y ' s Co n ference , Sheila Room Start : Wed 5 /3/2017 3 : 30 PM End : Wed 5/3/2017 4 : 30 PM Recurrence : (none) Meeti ng Sta t us : Accep te d Organ iz e r: DocBe n Required Atte ndees : Subject : Location : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Greenwood Choice Briefing Secretary ' s Conference , Sheila M Room HUD-18-0504-D-000592 Start: End : Wed 5/3/20 1 7 3:30 Wed 5/3/2017 4 : 30 PM Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status : Accepted Organiz er: DocBen Required Attendees : Subjec t: Location : Start : End : Fri Greenwood , Sheila Vetting Protoco cos Office M l Meet : (none) Status : Organi zer: Gribbin Requ i red Attendees Subjec t: Locatio n: Accep te d , Anne H : Greenwood , Sheila SOHUD Meeting Re quest Review Secreta ry' s Small Confe r ence Start : Thu 4/27/2017 1:30 End : Thu 4/27/2017 2 : 00 PM Recurrence Meeting M; Kasper , Maren Fri 4/28/2017 3 : 00 PM 4/28/2017 3 : 30 PM Recurrence Meeting PM M; Co r esse l, Jac i e Room PM : (none) Status : Accepted Organ iz e r: Gr i bb in, Anne H Requ ir ed Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Browning , Aust i n G; Coffey , Alexander ; Bass , Deana ; Patton , Lynne M; Barton , Victoria L; Gruson , Barbara ; Russel l , William O; Alexander , Mason; Thompson , Amy C; Coressel , Victoria J ; Demarzo , Benjamin E; Williams , Raphael L; De l ahoyde , Abigail M; Dend as , Michael W Subjec t: Locat i on : Staff 10th Meeting Floor Small Conference Room Start : Wed 4/26/2017 1 : 00 PM End : Wed 4/26/2017 1 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) HUD-18-0504-D-000593 Meet in g Status : Not yet r espo nded Organiz e r : McCall , Drew A Required Attendees : Beck l es , Angela L; Bowes , Robe rt B; Byrd , Dav i d J ; Co ff ey , Alexander ; Gr ee nwood , Sh e il a M; Hold e r fie ld, Stepha n ie A; Holmes , Gr egory A; Hughes , Andrew PI H, CPD and Subjec t: Lo cation : Housing . SOHUD Request Review Secretary's Sma ll Conference Room Star t: Thu 6/22/20 17 1 : 30 PM End : Thu 6/22/2017 2 : 00 PM Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Status : Accepted Org a nizer : Gri bb i n, Anne H Required Attendees : Gr ee nwood , Shei la M; Bass , Deana; Pat ton, Lynne M; Ba r ton , Victor i a L; Gruson , Barbara ; Russell, Willi am O; Co ffe y , Alexa nde r; Al exander , Mason ; Br own i ng , Aust i n G; Thompson , Amy C; Coressel , Vi ctoria J ; Demarzo , Be n jam in E; Wil l i ams , Rap h ae l L; Del aho yde , Abiga il M; Dendas , Michae l W Subject : Leg isla tion Loc ation : Check - In w/ Vict o ri a Barton re (Emer gi ng FHA Iss ue ) Sheila ' s Office - Sui te 10000 Private F loo d Start : Wed 4/26/20 17 1 1 : 00 AM End : Wed 4 /26/20 17 1 1 : 30 AM Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status : Meet in g organ iz e r Organiz e r : Gr eenwood , Shei la M Requ i red Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Ba r ton , Victor ia L * Note (Th i s Private Flood Legis la t i o n check - i n is placed on your calenda r per Victor ia ' s r eques t . ) Subjec t: Weekly Cabine t -Level Departme nt /Agency Policy a nd Sched u li ng Reports Locat i o n: She il a ' s Of fi ce Start : Mon 4/24/2017 5 : 00 PM End : Mon 4/24/20 17 5 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Recu rr ence : (none ) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000594 Meet in g Status : Not yet r espo nded Organiz e r : Kasper , Mar en M Required Attendees : Thompso n , Amy C; Gree nwood, Subject : Loca ti o n: Catch up with Chief of She il a ' s o ffi ce 10000 She ila M A; Gree nwood , Sh eila M Staff and PDGC St art : Mon 4 /24/ 2 0 17 2 : 00 PM End : Mon 4/24/2017 2 : 30 PM Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng S t atus : Accepted Organi zer: Cruc i a n i , Li nda M Requ ir ed At tendees : Zo r c , Bethany This is around Subjec t: Loc ation : 2 : 10 . Beth Zorc MEET Secre t a ry' s Office Sta r t : Mon 4/24/2017 2 : 30 PM End : Mon 4/24/20 17 3 : 00 PM Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Status : Accep te d Org an iz e r: Doc Ben Required Atte ndees : Subjec t: Locatio n: Kennedy/ Secretary Hu g he s , Andrew ; Greenwo o d , Shei la M LOCUS Pr e-br i ef ' s Office Mon 4/24/2017 10 : 30 AM Start : End : Mon 4/24/20 17 1 1 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Meet in g Status : Not yet r espo nd ed Organiz e r : DocB en Requ i red At tendees : DocBe n ; Barton , Victoria Aa r on ; Gr eenwood , She il a M; Kaspe r, Mar e n M Opt i o na l Atte ndees : Charles , Genger M /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT L; Sa n ta Anna , HUD-18-0504-D-000595 Subject : Location : Week run - down w/Sheila Secretary ' s Off i ce (SOHUD) Tue 4/25/20 17 10 : 00 AM Start : End : Tue 4/25/20 17 10 : 10 AM Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status Organizer Required Subject Dates Locatio : Accepted : DocBen Atte ndees : : Meeting n: Secreta Greenwood , Sheila w/COS to Finalize r y ' s Conference the M Remaining Tour Stops & Room Sta r t : Mon 4/24/2017 1 : 30 PM End : Mon 4/24/2017 2 : 1 5 PM Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Meeting organizer Organize r: Greenwood , Sheila M Required Attendees : Greenwood , Shei l a M; Kasper , Maren M; Bass , Deana ; Pa tton , Lynne M; Alexander , Mason ; Bregon , Ne l son R; Williams , Raphael L; Barton , Victo ri a L; Holderfield , Stephan i e A Su bject : Lo cat i on : Announcement Conference Room 1010 6 Start : Wed 5/3/20 1 7 3 : 00 PM End : Wed 5/3/2017 3 : 30 PM Recu rr ence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Accepted Organizer : Gol ri ck , Janet M Required Atte ndees : Golrick , Janet M; Charles , Ge nger M; Kasper , Maren M; Clemmensen , Craig T; Byrne , Gregory A; Rudman , Beverly N; Lavy , Will i am A; Wil so n, Susan ; Ruppel , Chad ; Longosz , Vick i e S ; O ' Neill , Bryan J ; Grosso , Lynn M; Carpentier , Celia Y; Davis , Th omas R; Iber , Robert G; Bryon , Jemine A; Blom , Domi n iqu e G; Wadhams , Unabyrd ; Forrester , Al th ea M; Cruciani , Linda M; Greene , Bryan ; Smyth , Timothy M; Mil ls , Kr i sta ; Taffet , Cl i ffo r d ; Sardone , Virgin i a /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000596 Opt i o na l Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Ma rs ha ll , Su naree K; Zorc , Bethany A; Brow n , Amy L; Brown , April A; Mayo , Sammy E; Mill er , Mi t chell E Subject: Check-in w/Sheila for CDBG Disaster Location : COS Off i ce Start : End : F ri Recurrence and Stan G. a n d Todd R - re : Language Fri 4/21/20 17 1:0 0 PM 4/2 1/20 17 1 : 30 PM : (none) Meet i ng Status : Meet i ng organ iz e r Organiz e r : Greenwood , Shei l a M Required Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila Ri cha r dson , Todd M Subject Locatio : n: S t art : End : Fri M; Gimont , St a nle y ; 1 00 days She il as office F ri 4/21/2017 9 : 0 0 AM 4/2 1 /2017 9 : 30 AM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeti ng S t atus : Accepted Organi zer : Kasper , Maren M Requ ir ed Attendees : Willi ams , Rap h ael Subjec t: Start : End : F ri Recurrence Personne Subject : Location : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT l Update Fri 4/ 21/20 17 1:3 0 PM 4/2 1/20 17 2 : 0 0 PM : (none) Meet in g St atus Organizer Required Drew A L; Gr eenwood , She i l a M : Accepted : DocBe n Attendees : Greenwood , Shei l a M; Hugh es , Andrew ; McCall, Lunch w/She i l a Gr eenwood and Donn a Bernier L ' Enfa n t Pla za (meet by the L ' En fant Plaza Starbucks) HUD-18-0504-D-000597 Start : Wed 5/3/2017 End : Wed 5/3/20 1 7 1:30 12 : 30 PM PM Recu rr ence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer Required : Meet in g organi : Greenwood Attend ees: Subject : Lo cation : u se o n ly ) , Sheila M Greenwood , Shei l a M; Donna Bernier FW: FHA Credit 9202 ; DIN l(b)(6) Reform S tar t : Thu 4/20/2017 2:00 End : Thu 4/20/2017 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recurre Meeting Organi ze r Board I Meeting (CRB) AC 14 04603, HC lf.tillfil:J (Nandini PM n ce : (none) Status zer: : Office Not of yet Risk responded Management and Regulatory Af f airs The deep dive i n to FHA fin ancia l condition begins . We ha ve a l so hi r ed a very good/deep outside actuarial firm to replace the retiring 8A co ntr actor that has been doing the stud ie s to support our a nnu al repo r t to Congress and annual FHA repor ts . Today , there is a kick off mee t ing for our FHA forecasting efforts . The Credit Reform Board is mandated and will design and run cash flow models on FHA cla i ms , prem ium s and capita l levels . I ran a similar effo r t at Fannie Mae forecasting all the Mortgage Insurers . The proposed board c h arter a n d compos it ion are a good start but I think the HUD CFO should be a membe r and I would move the proposed SF , MF and Heathcare DAS memberships to s ub commi ttee advisors . The lead process team for this would be Finance and Risk and un t il we have a FHA Commiss i one r , I would like to be the des i g n ated Chai r. - ---- Original Appointment ----From : Office of Risk Management and Regula tory Affairs Sent : Thursday , Apr il 20 , 20 1 7 9 :1 7 AM To : Office of Risk Management and Regulatory Affairs ; Charles , Genger M; Betts , Susan A; Clarke , Monica A; Iber, Robert G; Luko ff , /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000598 Roger M; Sh i ndelar , St acey L; Rao , Nand i ni B; Br itton , Caro l L ; Dav i s , Br enda ; Bowes , Robert B; Danne r , Pame l a B; Edge , Mar il yn M; Ga rc ia, Roberto G; Comeau , J o hn P ; At ha va l e , Jyoti Cc : Congo , Monica C; Throwe r , La u ra A; May , Marl e ne L ; Mendlen , Rick A Sub j ect : FHA Cr ed i t Refo r m Board Meet ing (CRB) When : Thursday , Apr il 20 , 20 1 7 2: 00 PM-3 : 00 PM (UTC-05 : 00) Eastern Time (US & Canada) . Wher e : 9202 ; DIN 1 - 888 - 2 73 - 3658 , AC !(b)(6) I HC lnilifilJ(Nandini use on l y) Di a l -i n Number Access Host If 1 -888-273-3658 Code !rb\/6\ lnilifilJ(Nandini Code you have any questions , please only) contact the following in div id ua ls : Roy Williams Email: ro y .l. williams@hud Te l e : 202 - 4 02 - 6279 . gov Mon i ca Congo Ema il : monica . c . congo@hud . gov Te l e : 202-402-2752 NOTE: Date/Time/P Subjec t: Loca tion : lace cha nge . Roget S tart : Wed 4 /26/ 2 0 17 2 : 0 0 PM End : Wed 4/26/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) HUD-18-0504-D-000599 Meet in g Status Organizer Required : Not ye t r espo nded : McCa l l , Drew A Attende e s : Hughes , Andrew ; Greenwood Cand i date Sub j ect : Locatio n: fo r CIR DAS. Wi l li am ' s Send-off Secretary ' s Conference , Shei l a M Room Start : Thu 4/20/20 17 4 : 45 PM End : Thu 4/20/ 2 0 17 5 : 15 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurre n ce : (none) Meet in g Status : Not yet r espo nded Organiz e r : Coffey , Alexand e r ; Requ i red Atte ndees : Russell , Will iam 0 ; Coffey , Alexander Willi ams , Rap h ael L ; Gr eenwood , She il a M; You ngblood , Richard A; Byrd , David J ; Gribbin , Anne H; Gruson , Barbara ; Barto n, Victoria L; Kasper , Maren M; Beckles , Angela L ; Bowes , Rob e rt B; Hol mes , Gregory A; Bass , Deana ; Petty , Timothy J ; McCall , Drew A; Browning , Au st in G; Holde rf ie l d , Stepha n ie A; Patton , Ly nn e M; Nason , Mic h ae l C; F i tzpa tr ick , Nor a S Folks , As fate wou l d h ave i t , Wi lli am wi ll be leav i ng us to h ead back to his toilsome life of fis h ing o n the weekends a n d spending quality time wit h his family nig h tly . We are hosting a send-off party today at 4 : 45 before he heads back t o The Great Sta t e of Florida . Look in g forward to seei n g you all there! Al ex Subject Locatio : n: Start : End : F ri SOHUD Columbus Listen Secretary ' s Conference in g Tour Room Br ief F ri 4/21/20 17 3 : 00 PM 4/21/20 17 3 : 30 PM Recu rr ence : (none) Meeti ng Status : Accep t ed Organizer : DocBen Required Attendees : Kasper , Maren M; Bass , Deana ; Patton , Lynne M; Al exa n der , Mason ; Ba r ton , Victor i a L ; Will iams , Rap h ae l L; Greenwood , Sheila M Gribbi n, Anne H; Wi ll iam Gribbin ; Amy Optio n al Atte ndees : Thompson /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000600 For thos e ca l l ing in: 877-848-7030 Dial-in { _ _, code : l~b~}{~6~} Subject : Loca t i on : Interview Anna Farias Secre t ary ' s Off i ce Star t : Tue 4/25/20 17 2 : 30 PM End : Tue 4/2 5/ 2 0 17 3 :0 0 PM Rec urr ence : (non e) Mee t in g Status : Accep t ed Organizer : DocB en Req uir e d Attende es: Dre w A Ca n dida te for Subjec t: Locat i o n: Gr ee nwoo d , Shei l a M; Hughes , An dr ew; FHEO Than k you l unc h for tr a n sit i o n te am Secreta ry' s Dining Roo m S t a rt : Tue 4/25/201 7 12:00 End : Tu e 4 /25/201 7 1 : 00 PM Sho w Time As : Tenta tive Recurre Meeting PM n ce : (none ) Sta t us : Not Organiz e r: DocBe n Required Attendees : E ; Mill er , Mi tche ll E Deana McCall , ye t resp o nded Greenwood , Sheila M; Bass , Dea na; Mayo , Sammy Bass DJ Nordq u i st Kaitli n Vogt Chr i sti n e Ciccone Eric Ueland Chris /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Gullett HUD-18-0504-D-000601 David Vennet Meli nd a Far r is Sheila Beth Greenwood Zor c Scott (whe n ava i la ble ) Ke ll e r I thi nk we ' ll office . Subject : Loca tion : have individual p ho to s i n fron t o f th e fla gs in Thank you lunch for t ran s itio Secr etary ' s Din i ng Roo m h is n Start : Tue 4/2 5/ 201 7 12 : 00 PM End : Tue 4/25/2017 12 :30 PM Rec ur ren ce : (none) Mee t ing S t a tus : Accepted Or ganizer : DocB en Requ i r ed Atte nd ees : E; Mill er , Mitch e ll E Greenwood , Sheila M; Bass , Dea n a ; Mayo , Sammy DJ Nordq u ist Ka itlin Vogt Chri st i ne Ciccone Eric Ueland Chr is Gullott David Vennet Me li nda Fa rr is Sheila Greenwood Subject: Locatio n: (op t io n al ) Fwd : Review TBD o f Col umbu s LxL (Wi ll be in OKC w/S OHUD) Start : Thu 4/20/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Thu 4/20/20 17 1 1 : 4 5 AM Show Time As : Tent at ive /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000602 Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organize r: Patton , Lynne M Requ i red Attendees : Kasper , Maren M; Alexander , Mason ; Barton , Vi ctoria L ; Press , Jacob D; Bregon , Nelson R; Fr ee , Kenneth E; Nason , Michael C; Bass , Deana ; Williams , Raphael L ; Browning , Austin G Opt i o n al Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila M Will we be back Beg i n fo r warded for Dendas , Michael W; Hardy IV , St anley ; this? message : From : " Patton , Lynne M" > To : " Kasper , Maren M" > , " Alexander , Mason " > , " Barton , Victor i a L" > , " Press , Jacob D" > , " Bregon , Nelson R" > , " Free , Kenneth E" >, " Nason , Mic h ael C" > , " Bass , Deana " > , " Wil li ams , Raphael L " > , " Browning , Austin G" > Cc : " Dendas , Michae l W" > , " Hardy IV , Stanley " > Subject : Review of Columbus LxL (Will be in OKC w/SOHUD) Subject : Travel Ti me Start : Wed 4/19/20 17 12 : 00 PM End : Wed 4/19/2017 12 : 30 PM Recurrence Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) : Greenwood , Shei l a M HUD-18-0504-D-000603 Su bject : 1 1 : 10 Executive Car to HHS Start : Wed 4/19/20 17 11 : 00 AM End : Wed 4/1 9/ 20 17 1 1 : 30 AM Rec urre n ce : (none ) Meeting Status : Meet in g organize r Organizer : Greenwood , Sheila M Req uir ed At tendees : Gr ee nwood , Sh e ila Subject : Loc ation : Meet i ng wi th SOHUD o ff ice Jamie M; Barton , Victoria L Di mon Fri 4/21/20 17 2 :0 0 PM 4 /21/ 2 0 17 2 : 30 PM Start : End : Fri Rec urr en ce : (non e) Meet in g Sta t us : Meet in g organi zer Organizer : Greenwood , Sheila M Req uir e d At tendees : DocB en; Gri bb i n, Subject : Meet wit h House Ann e H Fi n a n cia l - Clinton Jon es/T al lma n Start : Wed 4 /19/201 7 11 : 30 AM End : Wed 4/19/20 17 12 : 00 PM Rec ur r e n ce : (none ) Meeting Sta t us : Accep te d Organiz e r : Bart o n , Vi cto ri a L Required Attendees : Dawkins , Eun ic e D; Gree nwoo d , Sh e ila De n das, Mich ae l W Subjec t : Ch at w/Sheila M; and Mar en Star t : Thu 4/20/2017 1 : 30 PM End : Thu 4/20/2 0 17 2 :0 0 PM Rec urr en c e : (non e) Mee ting Status Organizer : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Accep t ed DocBen HUD-18-0504-D-000604 Required Attendees Subjec t: Location : : Follow-Up Conference Greenwood , Sheila on St atus of Room 10 1 06 S t art : Mon 4/24/2017 1:00 End : Mon 4/24/2017 1 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting City M; Kasper , Maren of Houston/Next M Steps PM : (none) Status : Not yet re spo nde d Organi z e r: Golr i ck , Janet M Required Attendees : Greene , Bryan ; Kasper , Maren M; Taffet , Clifford; Gimont , Stanley ; Clemm e nsen , Craig T; Greenwood , Shei l a M Opt i o n al Attendees : Smyth , Timothy M; Ga ige, Jacy D; Sardo ne, Vir g in ia ; Kome, Jess i e Handforth ; Huber , Peter H Subjec t: Locat i on : De-briefing TBD meeting w/Sheila Greenwood - re : OKC Sta r t : Thu 4/20/2017 3 : 00 PM End : Thu 4/20/20 17 3 : 30 PM Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Meeting organizer Organize r: Greenwood , Sheila M Required Attendees : Williams, Raphael L; Patton , Lynne M; Alexander , Mason ; Gribbi n , Anne H; Nason, Michael C; Browning Austin G; Bass , Deana ; Kasper , Maren M; Free , Kenneth E Subject : Loc ation : De-briefing Sec r etary meeting w/S h eila ' s Conference Room Greenwood , - re : OKC Start : Thu 4/20/20 17 3 :0 0 PM End : Thu 4/20/20 17 3:30 PM Recu rr ence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Meet i ng organ iz e r Organizer : Greenwood , Shei la M Required At tendees : Williams , Rap h ael L; Patton , Lynne M; Alexander , Mason ; Gr i bbi n, Anne H; Nason , Mi chael C; Browning, Austin G; Bass , Deana ; Kasper , Maren M; Free, Kenneth E /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000605 Subjec t: Loc a tio n : Con f e r e n ce Call w/Sheila Greenwood Di al - in# : 1- 877 - 336 - 1828 //Code# re: OKC : ~!(b~)(~6)__ ~ Mon 4/17/2017 12 : 45 PM Star t : End : Mon 4/1 7/ 2 0 17 1: 15 PM Recurre nc e : (none ) Meeting Sta t us : Meeting organizer Org a nize r : Gr eenwo o d , Sheila M Req uir e d At tendees : Gr ee nwoo d , Sh e ila M; William s, Ra p ha e l L; Pa t t o n, Lynne M; Ale x a n der , Mas on; Gr ibbin , Ann e H; Nas on , Mi c h ae l C; Browning , Austin G Hos t# : lilillfilJ Subject : Meet i ng w/Sheila Out Plan Locat ion : COS Office Greenwood to d i sc u ss Budget Hearing Ro ll Sta r t : Mon 4/17/2017 1 : 0 0 PM End : Mon 4/17/2017 2 :0 0 PM Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Status : Meeting o rganiz er Orga n iz e r: Greenwood , Sheila M Required Atte nd ee s : Greenwood , Sheila M; Golrick , Janet M; Kasp er , Mar en M; Fi tzpat rick , Nora S ; Clemmense n , Craig T; Santa Ann a, Aaron ; Barton , Victoria L Subject : Lo cation : Cont inua tion on Alexander Conf e r ence Room 1010 6 Cou nt y Housi ng Authority Start : Fri 4/14/2 0 17 1 1 : 00 AM End : Fr i 4 / 14/2 0 17 1 1 : 30 AM Show Tim e As : Tent ati ve Recurrence Meet ing : (none ) St atus : Not yet r espo nd ed Or ga ni zer : Golrick , Janet M Required Attendees : Bro wn , Jereon M; Gree ne, Brya n; Brego n , Ne l so n R; Santa Anna , Aa r on ; Cle mmense n , Cra i g T; Kaspe r, Mare n M; Hardy IV , Stanley ; Cunningham , James A; Press , Jacob D; Smyth , Timo thy M; Mills , Kris ta; Wize , Kimberly ; Bar ton, Victor i a L; Greenwood , Sheila M; Chr istop h er , Nancy D; Pet t y , Ti moth y J ; Re ames , Li ndse y S ; Maco n , To wa n da S Call - in Number : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT 88 8- 675 - 2 535 HUD-18-0504-D-000606 Access Host Code : l{b)/6) ml Cod e: Subject : and Meghan Loca tion : (Janet Only) Phone Ca l l w/Sheila Greenwood , Julie Rees , Mike Trai lor McCabe Con f erence Call - 1-602-761-2839 //PIN# - ml Start : Tue 4/18/201 7 3 : 30 PM End : Tue 4/18/2017 4 : 00 PM Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status Organizer Required : Meeting organizer : Greenwood , Sheila M Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila M; J u lie Rees Julie Rees , Triadvocates Mike Tra il o r , Director o f the Arizona Department of Hous in g and Urban Developme nt Meghan McCabe , Tri advocates Subject : Phone Call w/Sheila Greenwood , Julie Rees , Mike Trai lo r and Megh an McCabe Loc ation : Conference Call - 1 - 602 - 761 - 2839 //PIN# - ml Start : Tue 4/25/20 17 3 : 30 PM End : Tue 4 /25/20 17 4 : 00 PM Recurre n ce : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer Required : Meet in g organ iz e r : Gr eenwood , Sheila Attendees : Jul ie M Rees Ju lie Rees , Triadvocates Mi ke Tra ilor , Director o f th e Arizona Department of Housing Urban Development Megha n McCabe , Triadvocates Subjec t: Meet in g w/Sheila Gree nwood and Ted Hosp , et al Locatio n: COS Office and Start : Wed 5/10/20 17 4 :0 0 PM End : Wed 5/10/20 17 4 : 30 PM Recu rrence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none ) HUD-18-0504-D-000607 Meet i ng Status Organizer Required : Meet i ng organize r : Greenwood , Sheila M Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila Edwa r d A. " Ted n Hosp , Mayna r d , Coope r & Gale , PC , President of MHI Lesli Gooch , head of Gov ' t Affairs for MHI Attendees : Dick Jennison Department of HUD - come to the Freeway) 451 7th Street , SW Washi ngton , DC She il a - 402-6068 Eunice - 4 02 - 6624 Subjec t: Loca tion : Sta r t : End : Fri M; Ted Hosp ; Hughes , Andrew Lunch TBD the South w/She il a Gr eenwood entrance and sec ur ity desk (near Clark F ri 4/28/2017 12 : 00 PM 4/28/2017 1 : 00 PM Recurrence : (none) Meeting Status Organize Required r: Greenwood , Sheila M Attendees : Greenwood , Shei l a M; cmica@tf Subjec t: Loca tion : : Meeting Status of Conference o r ganizer Ci ty of Hous t on/Next Room 10 1 06 i . org Steps St a r t : Mon 4/17/2017 11 : 30 AM End : Mon 4/17/2017 12 : 00 PM Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Accepted Organize r: Golr i ck , Janet M Required Attendees : Go lrick , Janet M; Greene , Bryan ; Kasper , Mar en M; Taffet , Clifford ; Gimont , Stan l ey ; Clemmensen , Craig T; Greenwood , Sheila M Optiona l Attendees : Smyth , Timothy M; Gaige , Jacy D; Sardone , Virg i nia ; Kerne, Jess i e Handforth Please i nvite app ro p ria te staff Subject : 9 : 00 201 7 Samuel (Sammies ) Tribute Breakfast /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT ... J . Heyman Service to Amer i ca Medals HUD-18-0504-D-000608 Start : Tue 5/9/2017 9 : 00 AM End : Tue 5/9/20 1 7 10 : 30 AM Rec urrence : (none) Orga n iz e r : Gr eenwood , She i la Subject Travel : M Time Start : Tue 5/2/20 1 7 11 : 30 AM End : Tue 5/2/2017 12 : 00 PM Recurrence : (none) Organ iz e r : Greenwood Subjec Tra vel t : , Sheila M Time St art : Tue 5/2/2017 10 : 0 0 AM End : Tue 5/ 2/2017 10 : 30 AM Recurrence Organizer Subject : (none) : Greenwood Tr avel : , Sheila M Time S t art : Tue 4/25/201 7 11:30 End : Tue 4/25/2017 12 : 00 PM AM Recur r e n ce : (none) Or ga nizer : Subject: Gr ee nwood , Shei l a M Travel Time Start : Tue 4/25/2017 10 : 00 AM End : Tue 4/25/2017 10 : 30 AM Recurrence Organizer Subject : Loc ation : : (none) : Greenwood , Sheila M Meeti ng Debrief on Al exa nd er Conference Room 1010 6 Cou n ty Housing Aut hori ty Start : Wed 4/12/20 17 1 1 : 30 AM End : Wed 4/1 2/20 17 12 : 00 PM /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000609 Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng Status : Accepted Organi zer : Gol r i c k , Jane t M Requ i r ed Attendees : Brown , Je r eon M; Bry o n , Jem i ne A; Gree n e , Bryan ; Bregon , Ne l son R; Santa Anna , Aaron ; Wadh ams , Un abyrd ; Cruc ian i , Linda M; Clemmensen , Crai g T; Kasper , Maren M; Hardy IV , Stanley Opt i o n al Attendees : Cunningham , James A; Pre ss , Jacob D; Potts , Mill i ce n t B; Smyth, Tim othy M; Mills , Krista ; Lyons , Kelley D; Wize , Kimberly; Barto n, Vict oria L; Flores, Virginia ; Scott , Paul A; Greenwood , Sheila M; Garrett, Willie C; Christopher, Nancy D; Pe tty , Tim o th y J Call-in Numbe r : Acc ess Host 888-675-2535 Code : !{b)(6) liliRill (Ja n et Code : Subject : Location : Meet and SH 125 Greet , Senate Only) Minority Start : Thu 4 /20/ 2 0 17 9 : 30 AM End : Thu 4/ 2 0 / 2 0 17 11 : 30 AM Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status : Accep t ed Or ga nizer : Lyberg , Sarah A Required Attendees : She il a M Gree nwood (She i la.M.Greenwood l @hud.gov) ; Janet Gol ri ck (Jane t . M. Gol r i ck@hud . gov ) ; Mare n M Kaspe r (Maren.M . Kaspe r@hud . gov) ; Nora S F itzpatrick (Nor a . S . Fitzpatr ick @hud . gov ) ; Timberlake, Courtney B Following works for up on my ema i l fr om last Fr i day , co nf i r mi ng th is Senate minority . Th a nk you ! Subjec t: Invi t a t i on : Cal l Swep Ne l son 5 : 30pm (EDT) (Sh eila Greenwood) @ Mon Apr 1 0 , 2017 t i me 4 : 30pm - Start : Mon 4 /1 0 / 2 0 17 4 : 30 PM End : Mon 4/10/2017 5 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurre /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT n ce : (none) HUD-18-0504-D-000610 Meet in g Status Organizer : Not ye t r espo nded (b~)(~6~) _____________ : ~l __. Man a g e a l l your cale n dars i n one place . Downl oad the Goog l e Cale n dar app . more details» Ca ll Swep Ne l so n When Mon Apr 10 , 2017 4: 30pm - 5 : 30pm Easte rn Ti me Calendar She il a Greenwood Who l(b)(6) I - organ iz er Shei l a Gr eenwood Goi ng? Yes - Maybe - No mor e opt i o n s» Inv i tat i on f rom Goog l e Calendar You are receiving this courtesy e mail at the account she il a . m. gree nwoodl@hud .g ov beca u se yo u are a n attendee o f this event . To stop receiving future updates for this event , dec l i n e th is event . Alternatively yo u can s i g n up for a Goog l e account at https : //www . google . com/calendar/ and control your notification sett in gs f or yo ur enti r e ca l e nda r. Forwardi n g th i s inv i ta t ion co u ld al l ow a n y rec i pient to mod if y your RSVP response . Learn More . Subjec t: Meeting to discuss Disaster Funding fol l ow- up from Appropriations Commi t t ee Locatio n: COS Office S t art : Tue 4 /11/20 17 1 0: 30 AM End : Tue 4/1 1 /2017 11 : 00 AM Recur r e n ce : (none) Mee ting Status : Meeting organizer Organ iz e r: Greenwood , She i la M Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Greenwood , She i la M; Lyberg , Sa r ah A; Gimont , S t an l ey ; Gol rick , Janet M; Cl emmensen , Craig T Optional Attendees : Richardson , Todd M; Ti mberlak e, Courtney B; Ryan , Joshua J Subjec t: al Loca tion : Check - in meetin g w/Shei l a Gr eenwood , Hunt Shipman and et COS Office S t art : Thu 4/27/20 17 1 0: 30 AM End : Thu 4/2 7 /2017 11 : 15 AM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Sta tus : Meeting organizer HUD-18-0504-D-000611 Organize Required r: Greenwood , Sheila M Attendees : Greenwood , Shei la Department o f HUD - come to the Freeway) 451 7 th Street , SW Washington , DC Sheila - 402 - 6068 Eun i ce - 402-6624 the South M; Hunt entrance Shipman secur i ty desk (near Meeting Attendees : Sinclair Cooper , Hunt Compan i es Hun t Shipma n, Cornerstone Joh n Keast , Cornerstone Subject : Hi r i ng Location : Conference Room 10 106 Tue 4/11/2017 1 1 : 30 AM Start : End : Tue 4/11/20 17 12 : 00 PM Recu rr ence : (none) Meeti ng Status : Accepted Organizer : Golrick , Janet M Required Attendees : Hughes , Andrew ; Kasper , Mar en M; Gr eenwood , She il a M; Rodriguez , Aida N; Lyberg , Sarah A; Hawkins , Gregory R; Pur i foy , Fel i cia A; Timberlake , Courtney B; Clemmensen , Cra i g T; Miller , Michelle M; Kruse , David N Optional Attendees : Falcone , Al l ison J Cal l -i n Number : Access Host 888-675-2535 Code : !/b\/6\ llliRfilJ(Janet Code : Subject : Location : Week l y CIR meeting COS Office Only) w/Sheila Greenwood Mon 4/10/2017 4 : 00 PM Start : End : Mon 4/10/20 17 4 : 30 PM Recu rr ence : Weekly Recu rr ence Pat t ern : Meet i ng Status : eve ry Monday Meet i ng organize from 4 : 00 PM to 4 : 30 PM r Organizer : Gr eenwood , Sheila M Requ i red Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Kasper , Maren Deana ; Santa Anna , Aaron ; Press , Jacob D; Barton , Vi ctoria Optional Attendees : Den das, Michael W /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT M; Bass , L HUD-18-0504-D-000612 Subjec t: Location : Week l y CIR mee t i n g w/Sheila cos Office Gree n wood Mon 4/10/20 17 4 : 00 PM Start : End : Mon 4/10/20 17 4 : 30 PM Recurre n ce : Week l y Recurrence Pa tte rn : Meet in g Status : every Monday Meet in g organi from 4 : 00 PM to 4 : 30 PM ze r Organizer : Greenwood , Shei la M Required Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Kasper , Mar en M; Bass , Deana ; Santa An na , Aaron ; Press , Jacob D; Bar t on , Vi c t o r ia L Subjec t: Leadership Locatio n: Introduction Secreta Mee ting w/Sheila r y ' s Co n ference Gr e enwood and NAHMA Room Sta r t : Wed 4/12/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Wed 4/12/2017 11 : 30 AM Recurrence : (none) Meeting Status : Meeting organizer Organize Required r: Greenwood , Sheila M Atte ndees : lkeys@nahma . org ; Gol rick , Janet M Depar t ment of HUD - come to the South entrance securi t y desk the Freeway) 45 1 7 t h Street , SW Washington , DC Sheila Greenwood - 202 - 402 - 6068 Eunice Dawkins - 202-402-6624 Meet in g w/She i la Gree nwood and NAHMA Leadership Subject : Locat i on : Secreta r y ' s Co n ference Room (near Start : Wed 4/12/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Wed 4/12/20 17 11 : 30 AM Recurrence : (none) Meeti ng Status : Meeting organizer Organ i ze r: Greenwood , She i la M Required Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila Departme n t o f HUD - come to the F r eeway) 451 7th Street , SW Washington , DC /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT t h e South M; lkeys@nahma e n trance . org secur i ty desk (n ear HUD-18-0504-D-000613 She il a Gr eenwood - 202-402-6068 Eun i ce Dawk i ns - 202-40 2 -6624 Su bject : Chat w/CoS Lo cation : Secretary ' s Off ic e Mon 4/10/20 17 11 : 30 AM Start : End : Mon 4/10/20 17 12 : 00 PM Recu rr ence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer Required : Accepted : DocBen Atte ndees : Ti me flex i b l e - after Subject : Loca tion : Greenwood , Sheila Pr ocurement M; Dawkins , Eunice br i efing D . Int e rvi ew w/ Ken Logan 10th Floor Co n fe r ence Room Start : Mon 4/10/20 17 1 : 00 PM End : Mon 4/10/2017 1 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence : (none) Meeting Status Organize Required r: McCal l , Drew A Attendees : Hughes , Andrew ; Greenwood , Shei l a M Candidate Subjec t: Location : for : Not yet responded GNMA Check-i n w/Sheila COS Office Greenwood and Dav i d Horne Start : Tue 4/11/2017 1 : 00 PM End : Tue 4/11/20 17 1 : 45 PM Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer Required ~! (b~)(6.__ ) ________ : Meet in g organize : Greenwood , Shei la M Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila M; David ~, Optio n a l Atte ndees : Subject : Locat ion : r david@hornellc Check - in w/Shei la COS Office Hor ne . com Gr eenwood and Teresa Greenf i e ld S t art : Wed 4/12/20 17 1 1 : 00 AM End : Wed 4/12/2017 11 : 30 AM /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000614 Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Meeting organizer Organi z e r: Greenwood , Sheila M Requ i red Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila Subjec t: Location : Ohio LT Brie f Secreta r y ' s Conference M; Greenf i eld , Teresa M Room Start : Mon 4/10/2017 9 : 1 5 AM End : Mon 4/10/2017 9 : 45 AM Recurrence : (none) Meeting Status Organize Required Victoria Michael r: DocBen Attendees : L; Alexander C; Will i ams, Subject Locatio : n: : Accepted Pa t ton , Lynne M; Greenwood , Sheila M; Barton , Mason ; Press , Jacob D; Bass , Deana ; Nason , Raphael L , JACKSONVILLE/MIAMI LT Br i ef Secreta r y ' s Conference Room Start : Mon 4/10/20 17 9 : 15 AM End : Mon 4/10/20 17 9 : 45 AM Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Accepted Organizer : DocBen Requ i red Attendees : Patton , Lynne M; Gree nwood , Sheila M; Ba r ton , Vi ctoria L; Alexander , Mason ; Pr ess , Jacob D; Bass , Deana ; Nason , Michael C; Williams , Rap h ae l L NOT Ohio . Lawdy . Subject : Location : Sheila and Wanda Glasper COS Off i ce - OGC 278 Form Start : Tue 4/1 1 /2017 3 : 1 5 PM End : Tue 4/11/20 17 4 : 15 PM Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : : Meet i ng organize Greenwood r , Shei l a M HUD-18-0504-D-000615 Requ i red Subject Locatio Atte ndees : : n: Start : End : F ri Miami Listening SOHUD Small/Large , Wanda M Tour Rev i ew (Meeting 2) Confe r ence Room (TBD) Fr i 4/7/2017 11 : 00 AM 4/7/2017 12 : 00 PM Recurrence Meeting Glasper : (none) St atus : Accepted Organizer : Patto n, Lynne M Requ i red Atte ndees : Kasper , Maren M; Bass , Deana ; Al e x ander , Mason ; Nason , Michae l C; Bregon , Ne l son R; Hardy IV , Stanley ; Barton , Victoria L; Russell , Will iam O; Coffey , Alexander ; Greenwood , Shei l a M; Brown , Jereon M; Willi ams , Raphael L; Browning Auts in G Opt i onal At tendees : Press , Jaco b D Subjec t: Locat i on : Meet in g w/Sheila COS Office Gree nwood and , Dan Murphy Sta r t : Thu 4/13/2017 3 : 00 PM End : Thu 4/13/20 17 3 : 30 PM Recurrence : (none) Meeting Status : Meeting organizer Organize Required r: Greenwood , Sheila M Attendees : Greenwood , Shei la Depar t ment of HUD - (come to South Freeway 451 7 th Street , SW Washington , DC Sheila - 202 - 402 - 6068 Eun i ce - 202-402-6624 Subject : Li sa Trump and guests M; DMurphy@BGRdc . com en t rance security desk - near the St a r t : Thu 4/6/2017 10 : 00 AM End : Thu 4/6/2017 10 : 30 AM Recurrence : (none) Meeting Status Organize Required r: DocBen Attendees : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Accepted Greenwood , Shei la M; Forrester , Al the a M HUD-18-0504-D-000616 Subject : Location : Call w Rep Mike Bost 1 877 336 1839 , code Start : End : Fri Fri 4/7/2017 10: 30 AM 4 /7/ 2 0 1 7 10:4 5 AM Recurrence re : ACHA r b)(6) I l(b)(6) I host code filillfilJ : (none) Meet in g Status : Accep t ed Organizer : Press , Jacob D Required Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila Anna , Aaron ; Ba rt on , Victor i a L Subjec t: Lynne Patton/Dea Jac k so nvi ll e/ Mi ami n a Bass M; Kasper , Ma re n M; Sa n ta - SOHUD Liste ning Tour , Start : Tu e 4/1 1/201 7 12 : 00 AM End : Fri 4/14/2017 12 : 00 AM Show Time As : F ree Recurrence : (none ) Meetin g Status Org a nizer Required Gribbi n, Subjec t: Loca tion : : Not ye t re spo nded : Fl e isch er , Laura A Atte ndees : Kasper , Maren Ann e H; Dawkins, Eunic e D M; Gree nwood , Shei l a M; Ex ec u t iv e Operations Co un cil Con fe re n ce Room 10106 Start : Thu 4 /2 0 /20 17 4 :0 0 PM End : Thu 4 /2 0/ 20 17 5 :0 0 PM Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status : Accepted Organizer : Golric k, Jane t M Required Atte ndees : Golric k, Jane t M; Kasper , Mar en M; Gr eenwood, She il a M; Cl emmen sen , Cr a i g T ; Ammon, Matthew E ; Ba ll ard , Daniel L; Benison , John P; Brego n, Ne l so n R; Brooks , Towa n da A; Bro wn, Jereon M; Bryon , Jemine A; Ch arles , Gen ge r M; Constant i ne , Pete r J ; Cooke , Kevin R; Diaz , Rafael C; Foster , He l e n G; Ga ither, Felicia R; Gant , Jon L; Gr eene , Bryan ; He n s l ey , Henry ; Hung ate , Joseph I ; Ke i t h, Gregory A; Lyberg , Sarah A; Lyn c h, Wi lliam F; McCul l ough , Aisa K; McDonald , Nena S ; Miller , Catie I ; Mishra , Katherine M; Shubac k, /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000617 Susan J ; Taffet , Cliff o r d ; Tim be rl a ke, Courtney B; Wals h , Chr i s t op h er K Opt i o na l Atte ndees : Cruciani, Linda M; Corsiglia , Na n cy E ; Bing Grant , Max A; Worden, J e anine M; Blom , Dominique G; Vasanth , Smitha (Smitha.X . Vasa nth@ hud . gov) ; Potts , Mi llicent B; Edwards , Frieda B Call-in Numbe r: Access Host 888-675-2535 Code : !(b)(6) liliRfilJ(Ja Code : Subjec t: Travel n et Only ) Time St art : Tue 4 /18/20 17 11 : 30 AM End : Tue 4/18/2017 12 : 00 PM Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer Subject : : Greenwood Tr avel , Shei la M Time Start : Tue 4/18/2017 1 0: 00 AM End : Tue 4/18/2017 10 : 30 AM Recurrence Organiz er : Subject : Location : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) Greenwood , Sheila Rep . Livingston, Cos Office M Al Faber , Molly Ba ld ridge HUD-18-0504-D-000618 Start: End : Fri Recurrence Fri 4/7/2017 1:30 4/7/2017 2 : 00 PM : (none) Meet in g Status : Accepted Organiz er: DocBen Required Attendees SOHUD will PM drop : Kasper , Maren M; Greenwood , She ila M by ~Fo rm er Cong r essman Bob Li vingston would like to request an appo intme nt with Secre t a ry Carson . Bob would like to b r ing Al Faber , Pres i dent and CEO of the Baldrige Foundation, a n d Molly Baldrige , daughter of former Commerce Secretary Malco l m Baldr i ge , by to see Secretary Ca r son as soon as hi s schedu l e will al l ow . They won 't need more than 15 minutes of his t im e . The Baldrige Program , an of fi ce with in the National Insti tu t e of S t andards and Technology (NIST) has been s u ccess fu l s i nce its in cept i on in 1987 . Since Fiscal Year 2012 , the private Baldrige Founda t ion has paid sala rie s a n d expenses for employees and program operatio n s at NIST from its own foundation ass ets . Baldrige drives growth in business and manufacturing resul t ing in more jobs , sets s t andards to improve cost and quality o f hea lthca re in the US, and i s d rivi ng improvements i n eff i c i ency and student performance in our sc h ools and h igher education. Additionally , the Baldrige Prog r am is working with the p r ivate sector to deve l op the Baldrige Cybersec ur ity Excellence Fr amework . This framework will build on th e world - class NIST Cybersecurity Framework to deve l op a prog ra m that wi ll ident ify and s h are best pract ic es to strengthe n Amer i ca ' s cybersecur i ty infrast ru cture . Th i s i n it i at i ve a l so has the suppo rt of cybe r secur ity i ndust ry leaders from across the cou ntry. In order t o ensure the con t inuat ion of t h e Ba l dr i ge Performance Excellence Program , the prog ra m needs FY 2018 federal funding re stored in the federal budget . It i s a small funding request with enormo u s i mpact across t h e natio n, and i n eve ry secto r of the economy . I t will also provide funding for the much needed Ba ldr i ge Cybe r secu ri ty Excellence Fr amewor k and Commun i ty of Excellence ini tiat i ve ." Subject : Check - i n w/She ila - re : Response on RMBS Loc ation : COS Office Start : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Wed 4/5/2017 Gr eenwood , Linda C . & Aaron San t a Anna 1 : 00 PM HUD-18-0504-D-000619 End : Wed 4/5/2017 Recurrence Meeting 1 : 30 PM : (none) Sta t us : Meeting organizer Orga n iz e r : Greenwood , Sheila M Required Attendees : Greenwo o d , Sheila Anna , Aaron Subject : M; Cruci a n i , Lind a M; Santa OGC 278 Star t : Thu 4/6/2017 11:00 End : Thu 4/6/2017 12 : 00 PM Recurrence AM : (none ) Organi zer : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Location : Fo llow - up Chec k - in w/She il a and Aida COS Off i ce Start : Tue 4/4/2017 3 : 30 PM End : Tue 4 /4/2017 3 : 45 PM Recurrence Meet ing : (none) St atus : Meet ing o rg a nizer Organiz er : Greenwood , Shei l a M Required Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila Subject : Briefin g on Housing Counseling 3-Year Reappointment Re commendations Locat i o n: Con f e r e n ce Room 10 1 06 M; Rod rig ue z , Aida Fede r a l Advisory N Committee St art : Thu 4/6/2 0 1 7 9 : 30 AM End : Thu 4/6/2017 10 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence Meeting : (none) Sta t us : Not yet responded Organ iz e r : Golr i c k , Jane t M Required Atte ndees : Char l es , Genger M; Kasper , Mare n M; Greenwood , Shei l a M; Gerecke , Sarah S; Cl emmensen , Crai g T Call-in Access /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Numbe r : Code : 888-675-2535 l{b)/6) HUD-18-0504-D-000620 Host ~ Code : Sub j ect : Locat i o n: (Ja n et Donnelly/Durb in b ri e f Secretary ' s Co n fe r ence Only) Room Start : Wed 4/5/2017 10 :0 0 AM End : Wed 4/5/2017 10 : 30 AM Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Sta t us : Accepted Organ iz e r : DocBe n Required Atte ndees : Press , Jacob D Op tional At ten d ees: Bryon , J e min e A; Cunnin gha m, Jam es A; Flor es, Virg in ia ; San t a Anna , Aaron ; Ba rt on , Victor i a L; Gol rick , Jane t M; Kasper , Maren M; Gree nwo od , Sh eila M; Gr eene , Bry an ; Wiz e , Ki mbe rly; Ga rrett , Will ie C; Smyth , Ti mot h y M Apologi es, all - a fair l y massiv e schedu ling I ' m hopi ng we ca n make this work . Pl ease let make it. Subject : shakeup too k place and me know i f you ca n' t Bud Start : Thu 4 /6/ 2 0 1 7 9 : 00 AM End : Thu 4/ 6/20 1 7 9 : 30 AM Recu rr ence : (none) Org an iz e r: Greenwood , Sheila M Subjec t: Locat i o n: Weekl y Staf f Meeti ng Departme n ta l Co n fe r ence Room (10233) S t art : Wed 4/5/2 0 1 7 10 :0 0 AM End : Wed 4/5/2017 10 : 1 5 AM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : Week l y Recu rr en ce Pa tte rn : AM effective 4 /5/2017 Meet in g Status : Occurs eve r y Wednesday from 10 :00 AM to 10 : 15 unt il 1/3/2018 . There are 12 more occurrences . Tenta tiv e ly accepted Organiz e r : Hughes, Andrew Requ i red At tendees : Hobbs , Ben ja min R; Mi l ls , All iso n F ; Holmes , Gr ego ry A; Fi la , Step h a n ie C; DeFe li ce , Jose ph J ; Ha l le r, Ju l ia Z; Dend as, Mic h a el W; Thompson , Amy C; Wade , Dana T; Zorc , Be th any A; Farias , Anna Mar ia ; Bravacos , John G; Garza , Sarah J; Ga in es, Ralph /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000621 H; Hunt er , Matthew F ; Smith , Cooper J . EOP/WHO; Marzol , Adolfo F; App l e t o n , Seth D; Shas k y , Joh n E ; Smi th , Cooper J ; Kaspe r, Mar e n M; Rawlinson , Ste ve n W; Joy , Johnson P ; Byrd , David J ; Browning , Austin G; Gribbin , Wil li am J; Patton , Lynn e M; Coffey , Alexand e r ; Gibbs , John ; Ke l le y , Michae l J ; Youngb l ood, Ri c h ard A; Alexander , Maso n; Roget , Gise l e G; Willi ams , Raffi ; Heredia , Evo nn e G; Wolfson , Len ; Coresse l , Jac i e ; Gruso n , Barba r a ; Petty , Ti mot hy J ; Bacon , James A; , Bass , Deana ; Beck l es , Ang e la L ; Greenwood , Shei la M; Fitzpatrick Nora S ; Dela h oyde , Abigail M; Rackleff, Neal J ; Burley , Mic h ae l N; Bourne , Chr i s t op h er M; Woll Jr , Dav id C; Br i g ht , Mi chael R; Naso n, Mi chael C; Cowa n Jr . , Ch ad ; Hi pp , Van D; Brow n, Chr i st in a M; Gorm l ey , Joseph M; Eagles , David T ; Va n Dam , Katelyn M; Bowes , Robe r t B; Ludlow , Ashley ; Holder fi eld , Stephani e A; Ku rtz , R . Hunter ; McCa l l , Dr ew A; Bart o n, Victoria L ; Dema r zo , Benj ami n E Updated wi th co n ference cal l nu mber . The con f number peop l e l ocat e d ou ts id e o f HQ. Conference ca ll n umber : 1 - 888 - 684 - 88 5 2/access Subjec t: Steps Loca tion: Follow - Up on Al e xan de r Cou n ty cod e: is on ly for ~l< b=l{ ~6l.____, Housi ng Aut hori t y - Ne x t 10 1 06 S t art : End : F ri F ri 4/ 7/20 1 7 10:00 4/7/2017 1 0 : 30 AM AM Recur r e n ce : (non e ) Meeting Status : Accep te d Organiz e r: Gol r i c k, Jane t M Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Golr i c k , Jane t M; Brow n , Jereo n M; Bryo n , Jem i ne A; Greene , Brya n; Bregon , Ne l son R; Santa Anna , Aaron; Wadh ams, Un abyrd; Cru c ia ni , Li nda M; Cl emmens en, Craig T ; Kasper , Maren M; Hardy I V, Sta n l ey Opt i o n al At t e ndees : Cunn in g h am , James A; Pres s , Jacob D; Pott s , Milli ce n t B; Smyth , Timothy M; Mi lls , Kr ist a ; Lyons , Ke lley D; Wize , Kimber ly ; Ba r t on , Victor i a L; Flores , Virginia ; Scott , Paul A; M; Ga rrett , Willie C; Chris t op h er , Na n cy D; Petty , Greenwood , Sheila Timo thy J Call - i n Number : Access Host Code : Code : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT 888 - 675 - 2535 !(b)(6) filillfilJ (Jane t Only) HUD-18-0504-D-000622 Sub je c t: Steps Locat i o n : Fo ll ow-Up on Alexander Coun t y Hou s i ng Authority - Next 10 1 06 Start : Thu 4/6/2017 10 : 30 AM End : Thu 4/6/2017 11 : 00 AM Show Tim e As : Tenta ti ve Recu rr ence : (none) Mee tin g Sta t us : Not ye t r espo nded Organizer : Golrick , Janet M Required Att en d ees : Brown , J e reon M; Bryon , Jemin e A; Gr eene, Bryan ; Bregon , Ne l son R; Santa Anna , Aaron ; Wadh ams , Un abyrd ; Cruc i a n i , Li nda M; Cl emmensen , Cr a i g T; Kasper , Maren M; Hardy IV , Stan l ey Optional Attendees : Cunningham , J ames A; Press , J acob D; Potts , Millicent B; Smyth , Timothy M; Mills , Krista ; Ly o ns , Ke ll e y D; Wiz e , Kimberly ; Bar t o n , Vi c t o r ia L; Flores , Vi rgi n i a ; Scott , Paul A; Greenwood , Sheila M; Ga rr ett , Wil li e C Call - in Number : Access Host 888 - 6 75 - 2 535 Code : !(b)(6) MfilJ (Janet Code : Subjec t: Steps Locat i o n : Follow-Up on Alexander Only ) Coun t y Housing Authority - Next 10 1 06 Sta r t : Wed 4/5/2017 4 : 00 PM End : Wed 4/5/2017 4 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Recu rr en ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not ye t respo nded Organizer : Golrick , Janet M Required Attend ees : Brown , Jereon M; Bryo n, Jemine A; Gr eene, Bryan ; Bregon , Ne l son R; Santa Anna , Aaron ; Wadh ams , Un abyrd ; Cr uc i a n i , Li nda M; Cl emmensen , Cr a i g T; Kasper, Maren M; Hardy IV , S t anley /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000623 Opt i o na l Attendees : Cunningham , James A; Press , Jacob D; Potts , Mill i ce n t B; Smyth , Timothy M; Mills , Krista ; Lyons , Kelley D; Wize , Kimberly; Ba rto n, Victoria L; Flores , Virginia ; Scott , Paul A; Gr ee nwood , Shei l a M; Garrett, Willi e C ; Petty , Timothy J; Christopher, Na n cy D; Sullivan , Brian E Call-in Numbe r : Access Host 888-675-2535 Code : !(b)(6) liliRfilJ(Ja Code : Subjec t : Steps Locatio n : Fo ll ow-Up n et on Alexander Only) Coun t y Ho u s i ng Authority - Next 10106 Tue 4/4/2017 9 : 30 AM Start : End : Tue 4/4/2017 10:0 0 AM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recu rr ence : (none) Meet in g Status : Not yet r espo nded Organiz e r : Gol ri ck , Janet M Required Attendees : Bryon , Jemine A; Brow n , Jereo n M; Gree ne , Bryan ; Bregon, Ne l son R ; Santa Anna , Aaron ; Wadh ams , Un abyrd ; Crucia n i , Linda M; Clemmensen, Craig T ; Kasper, Maren M; Hardy IV , S t anley Optional Att en d ees : Cunningham , J ames A; Press , Jacob D; Potts , Milli ce nt B; Smyth , Timothy M; Mills , Kr ista ; Lyons , Ke ll ey D; Wize , Kimberly ; Bar t o n , Vi c t o r ia L; Flo r es , Vi rgi n i a ; Scott , Paul A; Greenwood , Shei l a M; Garre tt , Wi l lie C Call-in Number : Access Host 888-675-2535 Code : !/b)/6\ liliRfilJ(Janet Cod e : Subject : Loca tion : Ca ncel e d : GDAS Meeting/ Secre t ary ' s Co n ference Only) Li s t en i ng Tou r Debrief Room Start : Mon 4/3/2017 9 : 00 AM End : Mon 4 /3/2017 10 : 0 0 AM Show Time As : Free Recur r e n ce : Wee kly Recurrence Pattern 10 : 00 AM /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : every 2 week(s ) o n Monday from 9 : 00 AM to HUD-18-0504-D-000624 Meet i ng Status : Accepted Organizer : Patton , Lynn e M Required Attendees : DocBen ; Clemme n sen , Craig T; Kasper , Maren M; Bryon , Jem ine A; Taffet , Cl i ffo r d ; Greene , Bryan ; Gant , Jon L; Cooke , Kev i n R; Ben i son , John P ; Brooks , Towanda A; Cha r les , Genger M; Hughes , Andrew ; Greenwood , Sh eila M; Golrick , Janet M; Meyer s , Sara M; Ammon, Matthew E; Co r s i g li a , Nancy E ; Bregon , Nelson R; Cruc i a n i , Li nda M; Sa n ta Anna , Aaron ; Brown , Jereon M; Timberlake , Courtney B; Foster , Helen G; Su r ber , Keith W; Walsh , Ch r istopher K; Scott , Jimmy ; Hensley , Henry ; Bl om, Dominique G; Franceschini - Pet ty , Raquel ; Lybe rg , Sarah A; OGC LEGS REGS; McCul l oug h , Aisa K; Fitzpat r ick , Nor a S ; Alexander , Mason ; Holde r fie l d , Stephanie A; Gribbi n, Anne H; McCl ure , Laura L; Stayanov i ch , Jason E ; Gerec k e , Sarah S ; Newton Cole , Ka r en A; Bass , Deana ; Constant i ne , Peter J; Barton , Victoria L; Gruson , Barbara Optional Attendees : Oliva , Ann M; Dendas , Mi c h ael W; Zorc , Betha n y A Su bject : Loca tion : Weekly CIR meeting COS Office w/Sheila Greenwood S t art : Mon 4/3/201 7 5 : 00 PM End : Mon 4/3/2017 5 : 30 PM Recurrence Meeting : (none) S t atus : Meeting organizer Organizer : Greenwood , Sheila M Requ i red At tendees : Kasper , Maren M; Bass , Deana ; Santa Aaron ; Press , Jacob D; Bar ton , Victoria L Subject : Loc ation : Week l y CIR meeting COS Office w/Sh ei la Anna , Greenwood St a r t : Thu 5/4/2017 5 : 00 PM End : Thu 5/ 4/20 17 5 : 30 PM Recurrence : (none) Meeti ng Status : Meeting organizer Organize r: Greenwood , Shei la M Required Attendees : Greenwood , Shei la M; Kasper , Maren M; Bass , Deana ; Santa Anna , Aaron ; Pr ess , Jacob D; Ba r ton , Victor i a L Subject : Location : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT FY 17 Budget Confer en ce Room 1010 6 HUD-18-0504-D-000625 Start : End : F ri Recurre Fr i 4/7/20 1 7 3 : 30 PM 4/7/2017 4 : 00 PM n ce : (none) Meet in g Status : Accepted Organiz e r : Golrick Requ i red Atte ndees Cruc i a n i , Li nda M; Maren M Optional Attendees Cal l -i n Number : Access Host : Franklin , DeShaunta M 888-675-2535 Code :k ~b~}/=6~} _ __. lllii@J (Janet Code : Subject : / Secretary Lo cation : , Jane t M : Broo k s , Towanda A; Co n stant i ne , Peter J; Cl emmensen , Cr a i g T; Greenwood , Sheila M; Kasper , Only ) LUNCH: F r ank Bisignano -F i rst Alp h onso Jackson Sec r e t ary Ben Carson ' s Office Data/ Sec r etary Bu il ding/ Ben Carson 451 7t h St . SW Tue 4/4/20 1 7 11 : 30 AM Start : End : Tue 4/4/2017 12 : 30 PM Recu rr ence : (none ) Meet in g Status Organizer : : Jackson Accepted , Alphonso The information in this message may be proprietary and/or confidential , and p r o t ected from disclosure . If the r eader of this message is no t t h e i n t e n ded recipient , o r an emp lo yee o r agen t r esponsible f or del i veri n g this message to the i n ten ded r ec i pient , you are hereby no t ified th at any dissemina t ion , distribution or copying of this communication i s st ri ct l y p ro h i b it ed . If you have received this communication in erro r , please not i fy First Data i mmediately by replying to this message and deleting i t from your compute r. Subject : Loc atio n: Ron Terw ill iger Secreta r y ' s Office S t art : Tue 4/4/2017 2 : 30 PM End : Tue 4/4/2017 3 : 00 PM /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000626 Recurrence Meeting : (non e ) Status : Acc epted Organiz e r: Doc Be n Requ i r ed Atte nd ees : Terwiliger Brad Greenwood , Sheila M; Dawki ns , Euni ce D - 305 - 393 - 6199 Ca r d Subject : Location : Status o f FY 1 8 Budget Con f erence Room 10 1 06 Start : Wed 4/ 5/ 201 7 12:00 En d : Wed 4/5/201 7 1 : 00 PM Process & Next Steps PM Rec ur ren ce : (none) Meet ing St at u s : Acc epted Organizer : Gol ric k, Ja net M Req u ire d At tendees : Kasper , Maren M; Fitzp a tri c k, Nor a S ; Greenwood , Sh e i la M; Clemmensen , Cra i g T; Lyb e rg , Sarah A; Timberlake , Courtney B; Mayo , Ki mbe r ly B; Bal la rd, Danie l L Subject : Loc ation: FW: Sta t us on Eas t Chicago/NAACP Confere nce Room 10 1 0 6 Meeti ng Star t : Fri 3/31/20 17 1 1 : 00 AM End : Fri 3/31/20 17 1 1 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurre n c e : (no n e) Meet in g Status Org a niz er : : Not Gol ri ck, yet Ja net r espo nd ed M From : Gol rick , Jane t M Se nt : Tuesday , March 28 , 20 17 8 : 59 : 5 1 PM UTC To : Golr i ck , Janet M; Bryon , Jem in e A; Kasper , Mar e n M; Petty , Timothy J ; Cl emmensen , Craig T; Cunn in g h am, J a mes A; Brow n , Jere on M Cc : Hall , Joh n R Subject : St atus o n East Ch icago/ NAACP Meet i ng When : Fr i day , March 31 , 2017 3 : 00 PM- 3 : 30 PM. /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000627 Where : Con fe re n ce Room 1 0106 Call - in Number : Access Code : Host Code : Subject : Steps Location : 888 - 675 - 2535 ! llliRfilJ(Janet l{b)(6) Fol l ow- Up on Alexander Only ) County Housing Authority - Next 10 106 St art : Mon 4 /3/2017 12 : 00 PM 1 : 00 PM End : Mon 4/3/2017 Recurrence Meeting : (none) S t atus : Accepted Organi zer: Golr i c k , Janet M Requ i red At tendees : Golr i ck , Janet M; Brow n , Jereo n M; Bryon , Jemine A; Greene , Bryan ; Bregon , Nelson R; Santa Anna , Aaron ; Wadhams, Unabyrd ; Cru ciani , Linda M; Clemmensen, Cr aig T; Kasper , Maren M; Hardy IV , Stan l ey Opt i o n al Attendees : Cunn ingh am, James A; Press , Jacob D; Potts , Mill i cent B; Smyth , Tim othy M; Mills, Krista ; Lyons , Kelley D; Wize , Kimberly; Barto n, Victoria L; F l ores , Virginia ; Scott , Paul A; Greenwood , Shei l a M; Garrett , Willi e C; Petty , Timothy J Cal l-in Access Host Number : 888-675-2535 Code : !/b)/6) llliRfilJ (Janet Code : Subject Locatio : n: Only ) Facebook 10106 Mon 4/3/2017 3 : 30 PM Start : End : Mon 4/3/2017 4 : 00 PM Recu rr ence : (none) Meeting Status : Accepted Organizer : Golrick , Janet M Required Attendees : Greene, Bryan ; Kaspe r , Maren She il a M; Petty , Timothy J ; Clemmense n, Cra i g T /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT M; Greenwood, HUD-18-0504-D-000628 Subjec t : 1 : 30 Travel Start : End : Fri Time Fri 3/31/20 17 1 : 30 PM 3/3 1/20 17 2 : 0 0 PM Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer : Greenwood , Sheila M HOLD fo r LUNCH Subjec t : Start : Thu 3/30/2017 12 : 00 PM End : Thu 3/30/2017 1 :0 0 PM Recurrence : (none) Organiz er : Greenwood , Shei l a M Subject : 2 : 30 - Trave l Time Start : Wed 3/29/2017 2 : 30 PM End : Wed 3/29/20 17 3 : 00 PM Recurrence Organi : (none ) zer : Subject: Lo cation : Greenwood , Sheila M FY 18 Bu dget 1 0226 (Maren ' s Office ) Start : Tue 3/28/20 17 8 : 30 AM End : Tue 3/28/20 17 9 : 00 AM Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Accepted Organizer : Golric k, Janet M Requ i red Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Kasper , Ma re n M; Pet ty , Ti mot hy J ; Hugh es , Andrew ; Cl emmensen , Cr a i g T This meeting Subjec t : Locat i o n : will In vite 10226 take the place of the check - in . Review Sta r t : Tue 3/28/2017 3 : 00 PM End : Tue 3/28/20 17 3 : 30 PM Recurrence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) HUD-18-0504-D-000629 Meet in g Sta t us : Acc epte d Organizer : Gribbin, Anne H Req uir e d At tendees : Gr ee nwoo d , Shei l a M; Patt on , Lynn e M; Bass , Deana ; Rus se l l , Wil l i a m O Pl ease alert me as to anyone else who should be inv i ted Subject : Coffee w/Sheila Gr ee nwo o d , Ma r en Kaspe r , Bill Russell, Alex Coffey a nd Mi ke And rews Locat ion : Mi ke will meet Sheila a n d HUD staff at the Starbucks L ' Enfa n t Pla za in Fri 3/31/20 17 1 0 : 00 AM 3/31/20 17 11 : 00 AM Star t : End : Fri Rec urre nce : (n o ne ) Meet in g Sta t us : Meet in g organizer Organizer : Greenwo o d , Sheila M Req uir e d At tendees : Gr ee nwo od , Shei l a M; Kasper , Mare n M; Ru sse ll , William O; Coffey , Al e xan de r ; Mi ke_ And rews@in dian . senate . go v Subject : Loca tion : Briefing on Navaj o Hous i ng Author ity Con f erence Room 10 1 06 Start : End : Fri F ri 3/3 1/ 20 17 2 : 30 PM 3/3 1/20 17 3:00 PM Rec ur ren ce : (none ) Meet ing St a tus : Accepted Organi zer : Golrick , Janet M Requ i r ed Atte nd ees : Golr i c k , Jane t M; Gree nwood , Sheila M; Kasper , Mar en M; Santa Anna , Aa ron ; F r ec h ette , He id i J ; Press , Ja cob D; Clemmensen , Crai g T; Bryon , Jemine A Op tional At tendees : Thompson , Aly ce W; Sparks , Andr ea L . Subject : Wome n ' s Empowerment Pa ne l Loc ation : WH - Southeast Entrance - 15 th Placew , NW St . and Al exander Hamil ton S t art : Wed 3/29/20 17 3 : 00 PM End : Wed 3/29/2017 5 : 0 0 PM Recurrence Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none ) : Greenwood , Shei la M HUD-18-0504-D-000630 Subject : Lynne Pat ton/Dea Start : Wed 3/29/2017 End : Sat 4/1/2017 12:00 Show Time As : Free na Bass - SOHUD Listening Tour , Dallas 12 : 00 AM AM Recu rr ence : (none) Meet i ng Status Organizer Required Gribbi n, : Not yet r esponded : Fleischer , Laura A Atte ndees : Kasper , Maren M; Greenwood , Sheila Anne H; Dawki n s , Eunice D; Hardison , James C Subjec t: Loca tion : Appo i n t ment EEOB 18 Photo M; - Badge Start : Tue 3/28/2017 9 : 45 AM End : Tue 3/28/2017 1 0 : 00 AM Recurrence Meeting : (non e ) Status : Meeting o r ga niz er Organize r: Greenwood , Sheila M Required Attendees : Greenwood , Shei la EOP/WHO Subject : Lo cation : 201 7 Women ' s History Month Brooke - Mondale Auditorium M; Murphy , Christine M. Hono r ee Ceremony Start : Wed 3/29/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Wed 3/29/20 17 12 : 00 PM Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer Required Dear pVERSIGHT Accepted : Office Attendees Colleagues /\MERICAi\ : of : Pu blic Affairs All HUD HIDs; All HUD CIDs , HUD-18-0504-D-000631 Please join the Wideni n g Oppor t unit i es for Women Chap t er of Federal ly Employed Women (W. O.W . -FEW) on Wednesday , March 29th for the 2017 Women's History Mont h Honoree Ceremony in celebration of Women ' s History Month . The ceremony will r ecogn iz e several ded i cated and t r ailb l azing wo men who tireless ly work to ful fi ll HUD' s mission . W. O. W. -FEW wi ll be joined by distinguished guests Mrs . Candy Carson and Fox 5 DC Anchor Shawn Yancy to mark the special occasion . The program will concl u de with a recep t ion f or the 2017 Women' s History Month hono r ees . The event will begin at 1 1 : 00 a . m. EDT . St af f i n the Robert C. Weaver Building may attend the program i n the Brooke - Mondale Aud i torium . Regiona l and f i eld off i ce staf f may view t he program l ive at h ttp : //webcast . hud . gov . Thank you Off i ce of Subject : Loca tion : in advance Public fo r your attenda n ce . Af f airs confirmed : Monday 10 106/ Cal l In Rental Assistance Check In St a rt : Mon 3 /27/ 20 17 4 : 00 PM End : Mon 3/27/2017 4 : 30 PM Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Accepted Organize r: Lyberg , Sarah A Requ i red At tendees : Rupar , Christopher J ; Lee , Jessica K. EOP/OMB; Mare n M Kasper (Mare n . M. Kasper@hud . gov) ; Janet Golrick (Ja n et . M. Gol ri ck@hud . gov) ; Charles , Genger M; Mayo , Kimberly B; Richardson , Todd M; Nora S Fitzpatrick (Nora . S . F itzpa tr ick @hud . gov) ; Bryon , Jemine A; Clemmensen , Crai g T ; Timberlake , Courtney B; Sheila M Greenwood (Sheila . M.Gr eenwoodl@hud . gov ); Askew , Emi ly E . EOP/OMB; Bal l ard , Daniel L ; DeShaun t a M Franklin (DeShaunta . M. Franklin@hud . gov) ; Petty, Timothy J Opt i onal At tendees : Lesco tt , Ann i ka N . EOP/OMB /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000632 Does th is t i me work to ava il able a l ter n at i ves Thank you ! USA Toll-Free : c h ec k i n on re nt al assistance? If not , 0MB a r e below - please adv i se o n bette r opt i o n s . (877) 848-7030 (b=)( =6 ).___. ACCESS CODE: != MfilJ HOST PASSWORD: (Sarah On ly) 0MB Opt ions : Monday 2pm - 3pm Monday 3 : 30pm-5pm Tuesday 3 : 30 - Spm Subject : Travel Time Start : Tue 3/28/2017 9 : 30 AM End : Tue 3/28/20 17 10 : 00 AM Recurrence : (none) Organizer Subject : : Greenwood , Shei l a M 1 : 15 Executive Car pick - up Start : Tue 3/28/2017 1 : 00 PM End : Tue 3/28/20 17 1 : 30 PM Recurre Organi n ce : (none ) z e r: Greenwood , Sheila Subject : Check - in w/Shei Aaron ' s Detail Loca tion : COS Off ic e Start : End : Fri M l a Gr eenwood and Linda Crucian i - re : F ri 3/24/20 17 3 : 45 PM 3/24/2017 4 : 30 PM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Status : Meeting organizer HUD-18-0504-D-000633 Organize r: Greenwood , Sheila M Req u ir ed Atte ndees : Cr uc ian i , Li nda M; Kasper , Mar e n M Subject: She il a - Pr epa r at i on fo r the CFC Speech Start : Tue 3/28/20 17 3 : 00 PM En d : Tu e 3/28/2017 4 : 00 PM Recurrence Organizer Subject : Loc a ti on : : (none ) : Gr ee nwoo d , Shei la M FY 18 Renta l Ass istance 10 106 Budget Thu 3/23/20 17 9 : 30 AM Star t : End : Thu 3/23/20 17 10 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tent ati ve Rec urr ence : (non e) Mee t i ng Status : Not y e t r espo nd ed Or ga niz er : Golri ck , Ja net M Req u ire d Attendees : Char l es , Genger M; Gree nwood , Sheila M; Fi t zp a t r ick , Nor a S ; Bryo n , Je min e A; Lyberg , Sa r ah A; Timberla ke , Court n ey B; Clemmensen , Cra i g T Sub j ec t : Loc ation : Star t : End : Fri Recurrence Da lla s Listen ing Tour Review Secretary ' s con feren c e room Fri 3/24/20 17 12 : 00 PM 3/24/20 17 1:0 0 PM : (n o ne ) Meet in g Sta t us : Acce pte d Org a nize r : Kasp er , Mar en M Req uir e d At tendees : Kasper , Mar e n M; Al exan d e r , Mason ; Nason , Mi cha e l C; Pat t on , Lynne M; Bass , Deana ; Greenwood , She ila M; Free , Kenneth E; Hardy IV , St a n ley ; Bregon , Nelson R Opt i o na l Attendees : Bart o n , Vict o ri a L Subject : Loc ation : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT In f ras t r u cture 10 1 0 6 Ki ck-O ff HUD-18-0504-D-000634 Start : Thu 3/23/20 17 4 : 30 PM End : Thu 3/23/20 17 5 :0 0 PM Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status : Accepted Organizer : Golrick , Janet M Required Attend ees: Golrick , Janet M; Kasper , Maren M; Greenwood , She il a M; Timberlake, Cour tney B; Lyberg , Sara h A; Bryon , Jemine A; Pour , Ivan M; Ch a rl es , Genger M; Dav i s , Thomas R; Iber , Robert G; Taffet , Clifford; Gi mont , Stanley ; Sardone , Virginia ; Clemmensen, Craig T Optio na l Attendees : Petty , Timothy J Call-in Numbe r: Access Host 888-675-2535 Code : !{b)(6) liliRill (Janet Code : Subjec t: Locat i on : Update 10232 Only) on Hous ton (Janet ' s Off i ce) Sta r t : Wed 3/22/2017 4 : 45 PM End : Wed 3/22/20 17 5 : 15 PM Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Accep te d Organiz e r: Golr i c k, Jane t M Required Attendees : Kasper, Maren M; Bryo n, Bryan ; Taffet , Clif ford; Greenwood , She il a M Optio na l Attendees : Wilson , Susan Subject Locatio : n: Sen . Cruz pre - brief Secre tar y ' s Conference Jem i ne A; Gree n e , Room Start : Thu 3/23/20 17 11 : 30 AM End : Thu 3/23/2017 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not Organi z e r: DocBe n Required Atte nd ees : Kasper, Maren M; Santa /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT yet respond ed Barton, Victoria L; Greenwood , Sheila Anna , Aaron ; Press , J acob D M; HUD-18-0504-D-000635 Pl ease let Subj e c t: Loca t io n : me kn ow i f ot h ers s h o ul d be i n v i ted HUD FY 2 0 18 An n u al Pe rforman 10232 (Jane t ' s Of fi ce ) ce wh om I missed . Plan Start : Mon 4 /3/ 2 0 1 7 11:0 0 AM End : Mon 4 / 3 / 2 0 1 7 1 1:3 0 AM Recur r e n ce : (none ) Meet in g Status : Accepted Organi z e r : Gol r i c k , Jane t M Requ ir ed At t e ndees : Greenwood Ma r en M; Cl emmen sen , Cr aig T , Sh ei la Sub j ec t: Loc a tio n : r County Ro om Bri e fing on Westcheste Secret a ry Conference M; He n s l ey , He n ry ; Kasper , Start : Mon 3/2 7 /2017 11 : 30 AM End : Mon 3/27/20 17 12 : 30 PM Recurre n ce : (none ) Mee tin g Sta t us : Accep t ed Org a nizer : Go l r i c k, Janet M Required Atte ndees : Greenwo o d , Sheila M; Kasper , Ma r en M; Petty , Timo t hy J ; Cr u ciani , Linda M; Ca h ill , Jo h n J; Gr ee n e, Bryan ; Brown , Jereo n M; San t a Anna , Aa r on ; Taffet , Clif f ord ; Gri bb in, Anne H; Cl emme n sen , Cr ai g T Opt i o na l Atte ndees : Gio ia , Lo uis J ; Dan i ele , Val erie M; Gim on t , St a nl e y ; Doc Ben Subject : Loca t ion : Che c k-i n 10000 (She lia ' s Offi ce) Start : Thu 3/23/ 2 0 17 8 : 45 AM End : Thu 3/23/ 2 0 17 9 : 15 AM Recurre n ce : Wee k ly Recurr en ce Pa tt ern : AM to 9 : 15 AM Me e ting St a tus : every Tu esday , Th ursday pVERSIGHT Friday f rom 8 : 45 Acc e p t ed Or gan iz e r: Gol r i c k , Janet M Requ i red Atte ndee s : Greenwood Andrew ; Clemmensen , Craig T /\MERICAi\ , and , Sheila M; Kasper , Maren M; Hughes , HUD-18-0504-D-000636 Subjec t: Wintley Phipps Mon 3/27/20 17 3 : 30 PM Start : End : Mon 3/27/20 17 4 :0 0 PM Recu rr ence : (none) Meet in g Status : Accepted Organizer : DocBen Required Atte ndees : Maren M; Bass , Deana To discuss Subjec t: Loca tion : Patton , Lynne US Dream Academy Mor tgagee Let te r for Marens Of fi ce-10226 M; Gree nwood , Sh eila Senato r Kennedy M; Kasper , Request Start : Tue 3/2 1/ 201 7 1 :3 0 PM End : Tue 3/21/2017 2 :0 0 PM Recurrence Meeting : (none) S t atus Organi z er Requ ir ed Greenwood Optional : Accepted : Barto n, Victoria L Atte ndees : Char l es , Genge r M; Kaspe r, , Shei la M; Carr , Terry M Attendees : Petty , Timothy J Mar e n M; Would like to get everyo n e together to clar if y o u r p l a n on the let ter we wil l be draf t i ng f o r Senato r Kennedys off i ce . Subjec t: Loca tion : Morni ng Meeting Secre t ary ' s Co n ference Room Start : Wed 3/2 2 /20 17 9 :0 0 AM End : Wed 3/22/20 17 9 : 30 AM Recurre n ce : Weekly Recur r e n ce Patte r n : 9 : 30 AM Meeting Status : every Mo n day a n d Wednesday f rom 9 : 00 AM to Accepted Organ iz e r: Clemmensen , Cr aig T Required Attendees : Clemmensen , Craig T; Golrick , Ja n et M; Kasper , Mar en M; Ammon, Matth ew E; Greene , Bryan ; Br egon, Nelson R; Timberlake , Cour tney B; Coo k e , Kevin R; Surber , Keith W; Ben i so n, John P ; Scott , Jimm y ; He n s l ey , Henry ; Blom , Dominique G; Brooks , Towanda A; Lyberg , Sara h A; Hug h es , Andrew ; McCullough , Aisa K; Greenwood , Sheila M; Holderfield , Stephan ie A; McClure , Laura L; /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000637 Staya nov ich , Jason E ; Bass , Dea n a ; Eagles , Davi d T ; Marzol F ; Kurtz , R . Hunter ; Gai n es , Ralph H; Bourne , Chri stophe r Richardson , Todd M; Joy, Johnson P ; Wade, Dana T ; Appleton Lincoln , Paula A; Zorc , Bethany A; Thompson , Amy C; Hunter F; Pao , Jean Lin ; Rac kleff, Neal J Opt i o na l Attendees : Cruc i a n i , Li nda M; Dunn , Conno r M; I Tufts , Suzanne Subjec t: Location : Morn in g Meet in g Secretary's conference , Adolfo M; , Seth D; , Matthew PHP ; room Start : F ri 2/3/2017 9 : 00 AM End : Fri 2/3/2017 9 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : Weekly Recurrence Pat t ern : AM to 9 : 30 AM Meeting Status : every Not yet Mond ay , Wednesday , and Friday f rom 9 : 00 responded Organi zer : Clemmensen , Cr aig T Requ i red Attendees : Golr i c k , Janet M; Kaspe r , Mare n M; Meye r s , Sara M; Bryon , Jemine A; Taffet , Clifford ; Ammon, Matthew E ; Greene , Bryan ; Corsiglia , Nancy E ; Bregon , Ne lson R; Gant , J on L ; Cruciani , Linda M; Santa Anna , Aaron ; Brown , Jereon M; Timber l ake , Court ne y B; Cooke , Kevin R ; Foster , He l en G; Surber , Ke i t h W; Beniso n, Jo hn P ; Walsh, Christopher K; Scott , Jimmy ; Hensley , Henry ; Blom , Dominique G; Brooks , Towanda A; Franceschini-Petty , Raquel ; Charles , Genger M; Lyberg , Sarah A; OGC LEGS REGS ; Hughes, Andrew ; Newton Cole, Karen A Opt i o n al Atte ndees : McCu l lough , Aisa K; Gree nwood , Sheil a M; Fitzpatrick , No r a S ; Alexander , Mason ; Ho l derf i eld , Stephan i e A; Gribbi n, Anne H; McClur e , Laura L ; Stayanovich , Jason E; Gerecke , Sarah S Subject Location : : Start : End : Fri Recurrence Check-i n w/Sheila COS Office pVERSIGHT Beck l es : (none) : Meet in g organ iz e r Organiz e r : Greenwood Requ i red Attendees : /\MERICAi\ Ang e la Fri 3/24/ 2 0 17 2 : 00 PM 3/24/20 17 2 : 30 PM Meet in g Status Subject and : , Sheila M Greenwood , Sheila Gov . Hogan pre M; Beck le s , Angela L brief HUD-18-0504-D-000638 Location : Secretary ' s Co n ference Room Start : Wed 3/22/20 17 12 : 00 PM End : Wed 3/22/2017 12 : 30 PM Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Accepted Organizer : DocBen DocBen ; Press , Jacob D; Greenwood , Sheila M; Requ i red Attendees : Barton, Victoria L ; Golrick , Janet M; Kasper , Maren M; Hardy IV , Stanley Optio n al Atte ndees : Simpso n, Kevin M; Charles , Ge nger M; Iber , Robert G; Santa Anna , Aaron Subjec t: Re : Senior Staff Mee ting/Detroit Debrief Start : Sat 3/18/2017 12 : 30 PM End : Sat 3/18/2017 1 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organize r: Gribbin , Anne H Required Attendees : McCa l Wil l iam O; Patton , Lynne M; Kasper, Maren M; Greenwood , Barto n, Victoria L ; Hughes , SOHUD has requested an hour the 9 : 00 staff meeting . l , Drew A; Alexander , Mason ; Russell , Bregon , Nelson R; Pet ty , Timothy J; Sheila M; Bass , Deana ; Nason , Michael C; Andrew long Detroit debrie f to take place at AG Subject : Loca tion : FW: IG/SOHUD Meeting Secreta r y ' s Office Start : Tue 4/4/2017 1 : 00 PM End : Tue 4/4/2017 1 : 30 PM Recurrence Meeting Organizer Requ i red Optional /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) S tatus : : DocBen Atte ndees Attendees Accepted : : DocBen ; Jen k i ns , Anne ; Montoya , Dav i d Greenwood , Shei la M HUD-18-0504-D-000639 -----O r i gi na l Appointme n t----From : Gr ibb i n , Anne H On Behalf Of Doc Be n Sent : Thur sday , March 1 6 , 20 1 7 11 : 4 7 AM To : DocB en ; J e n kins , Ann e ; Monto ya , David Subj ect: IG/SOHUD Meet in g When : Tuesday , Apri l 04 , 20 17 1 : 00 PM-1 : 30 PM (UTC-05 : 00 ) Eas t ern Ti me (US & Ca n ada ) . Where : Secretary ' s Office F ir st of Subj ect: Loca tion Mont hly : Meet ing s Housing F inance Refo rm Briefing Secre t a r y ' s Off ice Start : Mon 3/20/20 17 1 1 : 30 AM End : Mon 3/2 0 /2017 12 : 00 PM Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng S t atus : Accepted Organi zer : Gribbi n , Anne H Requ i r ed Atte ndees : Gr eenwood , She i la Subjec t: Locat i o n : Greenwood) Start : End : Fri Recurrence COS Lun c h Acad i a n a Res tau r ant - 202-408-8848 ( rese r vat i o n u nder F ri 3/31/20 17 12 : 00 PM 3/31/20 17 1: 30 PM : (none ) Meet in g Status Organizer Required M; Bowes , Robe r t B : Meet in g organize : Greenwood Attendees : r , Shei la M Gr eenwood , Sheila M Sub j ec t: Meet i ng w/Sheila Gree nwood/Pa ul re : Locus ' p l a n for rebui ldi ng & re i nvesting Loc ation : COS Office Ra i nwa t e r /Pres i n cit i es Kabacoff - Start : Thu 3/23/ 2 0 17 4 : 45 PM End : Thu 3/23/20 17 5 : 15 PM /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000640 Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng Status : Meeti ng organizer Organi zer : Greenwood , Sheila M Requ i r ed Attendees : Pau l Rainwater Departme n t of HUD - come to the South En trance security desk (n ear the Fre e way) 451 7th Stree t , SW Wash i ng ton , DC Sheila - 2 02 - 402 - 6068 Eunice - 202 - 4 02 - 6624 Subjec t: Lunch w/Sheila Gree nwood/Ja ' Ron Smi t h/A n drew Olmem/Mar k Ca l ab ri a Locat i o n: EEOB Start : Thu 3/23/2017 12 : 00 PM End : Thu 3/23/20 17 1 : 00 PM Recurre Meeting n ce : (none) Status : Meeting o rganiz er Organ iz e r : Greenwood , Sheila M Required Atte ndees : Smith , Ja ' Ron K. EOP/WHO; Ol mem, And rew J . EOP/WHO; Calabr i a , Mar k A . EOP/O VP Subject : Loc a tio n: *upd at ed roster* Confere n ce Call# Eureka Ga rde ns : 888-636-3807 ; Access Code :k =b=l/~6 >~~ Start : Tue 3/21/20 17 4 : 00 PM End : Tue 3/21/20 17 4 : 30 PM Recu rr en ce : (none) Meet i ng Status : Accepted Organize r : Schumac h er , J oel D Req uired Att en d ee s : Orr , Cal eb (Ru bio ); Glenn , Tr e on (Bil l Ne l so n ) ; Ross , Katie (Bil l Nelson) ; Gol r ick , Ja ne t M; Chri stop her , Nancy D; Iber , Robert G; Nichols , Del ton ; Santa Anna , Aaron ; Pr ess , J acob D; Hardy IV , Stan le y ; Matt _ Jones@bank i ng . senate . gov ; Ke rriS@c o j . ne t; Dawkins , Eunic e D; Franklin , De Shaunta M; Kortney.Wesley@mail . ho u se . gov Optio n al Atte ndees : Kasper , Maren M; Gree nwood , She ila M; Brown , Je reon M; LaRose , Adam ; Busby , Jenn y ** updated ro ster Date : Tuesday /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT of , March a tte ndees** 21 HUD-18-0504-D-000641 Tim e : 4 :0 0-4 : 30PM Conference Call# Loc ation for : 888 - 636 - 3807; HQ staff Int erna l Attendees Sheila : DepSec Acting of Jan et Golric k, Maren Kasper , WH Lia i son Nancy Christoph Deputy Deputy Gene r al Aaron San t a Anna , Acting Jacob Pre ss , Specia Treon Glenn , Office Ka t ie Ross, Jo ne s , Se n ate to Sena tor of of Senator Sena tor Banking /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT (OPA) Assistant Secretary (CIR) GDAS (CI R) (CI R) Nelson Nelson Committee o f Rep . Lawton Busby , Office Rep . La wton Wes l ey , Off i ce of Subject : Loc ation : Housi ng) Rub io J enny Stewa r t, the Li aison of Ke rri Secretary Genera l Deputy Adam LaRos e , Office Kortney (Mult ifa mily : Orr , Off i ce of Off ice Secretary (OGC- Litigation) (REAC) Congressional At tendees Counsel Assistant l Assistant Caleb Matt Gene r al Deputy Nicho l s , Director Ex ter n al Room 10106 Sec re tary Ass i sta n t Delton Joe l Schumacher, Conference Staf f e r , Associate Bob Iber , Acting Brown, Code : l~b{~){~6) .__. : Gr eenwood , Chief Jerry Access Office **Reschedul Conference Re p. o f Mayor La wton Cu rry i ng i n pr o gress** Eureka Ga rdens Call# : 888 - 636 - 3807 ; Access Code :11=b=\/=6\ .__, HUD-18-0504-D-000642 Start : Mon 3/20/20 17 9 : 30 AM End : Mon 3/2 0 /20 17 10: 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurre n ce : (none) Meet in g Status : Tentat i ve l y accepted Organiz e r : Schumacher , J oel D Requ i red Atte ndees : Orr , Caleb (Ru bio ); Gle nn, Treo n (Bil l Ne l so n); Ross , Kat i e (Bil l Nelso n ) ; Gol r ick , Ja n et M; Chri stop h e r, Nancy D; I ber , Robert G; Nichols , Del to n; Santa Ann a, Aaron ; Press , Jacob D; Hardy IV , Stanley ; Mat t _ Jones@banking . senate . gov ; Kerr i S@coj . ne t Opt i o n al Atte ndees : Kaspe r, Maren M; Gree nwood , Sh eila M; Br own , Je r eo n M * * Re sch e duling* * Date : TBD Time : TBD Confere n ce Call# Locatio n f or Internal : 888 - 636 - 3807 ; Access HQ sta ff: DepSec Co nf ere n ce Room 10106 Att e nd ee s : She il a Gr eenwood , Ch i ef Janet Golrick Maren Kasper Nancy Ch ristop , Acting of Staff Deputy Se cretary , WH Li a i so n h er , Associate Ge n era l Cou n se l Bob I be r , Acti n g Depu t y Ass i s t a n t Jerry Brown , Ge n era l Delto n Nichols Aaron Santa Jacob Press Deputy , Direc t or pVERSIGHT (OGC-L i tigation) (Mult if amily Secretary Housi n g ) (OPA) (REAC) Ann a , Act in g Gene r al , Sp e cial Secretary Assistant Assistan Joe l Sc hu macher , Cong r ess i onal /\MERICAi\ /b=l/= 6}~~ Code : l= t to Depu t y Ass i s t a n t the Lia i son Sec r etary (CIR ) GDAS (CIR ) (CIR) HUD-18-0504-D-000643 External Attendees : Caleb Orr , Office Treon Glenn , Office Ka t ie Ross , Office Matt of Stewart Subject : Loca tion : of of Jones , Se n ate Kerri Senato r Rub io Senator Sena tor Ba nk ing , Office Nelson Nelson Committee of Mayor Curry Brie f i n g on HUD' s Executive Deputy Secretary Con f erence Ope r ations Room 10106 Council S t art : Tue 3/28/20 17 2 : 00 PM End : Tue 3/28/2017 3 : 00 PM Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Accepted Organizer : Golr i c k, Jane t M Requ i red At tendees : Kasper , Maren M; Greenwood , Shei la Hensley , Henry ; Clemmensen , Craig T Optional Attendees : Daggett , Tanya R; Walsh , Ch ri stophe Mil l er , Cat i e I Subject : Loca tion : Breakfast Mandarin w/Sheila Greenwood and Hotel , SW - reservation St a rt : End : Fri Fri 3 /2 4/20 17 9 : 30 3/24/2017 10 : 30 AM Recurrence : (none) Meeting Status : Meeting M; r K; David Javdan in Sheila ' s n ame AM organizer Organize r: Greenwood , Sheila M Requ i red At tendees : Dav i d Javdan Subjec t: Loca tion : HOLD: Call TBD with appropriations staff S tart : Wed 3/15/20 17 12 : 30 PM End : Wed 3/15/2017 1 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) HUD-18-0504-D-000644 Meeting Status : Not ye t resp o nde d Organizer : Lyberg , Sarah A Required Attende es: Mar en M Kasper (Maren . M. Kasper@hud . gov); She ila M Gree nwood (She ila . M. Greenwoodl@ h ud . gov ); Janet Golrick (Janet .M. Gol r i ck@hud . gov) ; Ti mberlake , Courtney B; Cl emmensen , Cra i g T; Ballard , Daniel L HOLD per our Subject : Location : conversation Eureka 10 232 this am . Thanks ! Gardens (Janet ' s Office) Start : Wed 3/15/20 17 12 : 00 PM End : Wed 3/15/20 17 12 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta tiv e Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer Required Gleaton Opt i o na Kasper , Timothy Call-in Host Not yet r espo nded : Golrick , Janet M Attende es: I be r , Robert G; Christopher , Nancy D; , Ren ita Y; Brown , Jereon M; Nichols, Delton l Attendees : Franklin , DeShaunta M; Greenwood , Sheila M; Maren M; Santa Anna , Aaron ; !(b)(6) I Petty , J Numbe r: Access : 888-675-2535 Cod e : !/b)/6) ml Code : (Ja ne t Only) Janet , I understand Nancy has discussed with yo u a strategy for pursuing default on the current Eureka REAC inspection . Attached is a draft l etter . I asked Shaun to set up a mee t i ng for next Tuesday or Wednesday (or any other day that works on yo ur sched u le) for us to have a d i sc u ss i on on Eureka . We thought you might want to see the l etter in advance . Subject: Pao Lo cation Pre-meeting : o n CFC Clo sing Ce r emony w/Sheila a n d Jean Lin COS Off i ce Start : Wed 3/22/20 17 4 : 00 PM End : Wed 3/22/20 17 4 : 30 PM /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000645 Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng Status : Meeti ng organizer M Organi zer : Greenwood , Sheila Greenwood , She i la M; Pao , Jea n Lin Requ i r ed Attendees : Opt i o na l Atte ndees : Smi th-T h omas , Mak i a ; Edwards , Fr ieda Subjec t: Off i ce r s Locatio n : HOLD f o r mee ting D/S Conference w/Sheila and Ci n dy Chetti and B NMHC Room Tue 3/14/20 17 2 : 00 PM Star t : End : Tue 3/14/20 17 2 : 45 PM Recurrence : (none ) Meetin g Status Org a nizer Required : Meet in g organi zer : Greenwood , Shei l a M Attendees : Greenwood , Shei la Depar tm ent o f HUD (come to 451 7 th Stree t , SW Washington , DC 204 10 Sheila - 202 - 402 - 6068 Eun i ce - 202-402-6624 ELR Brief i ng Subject : Loc a tion : 10 106 the South M; cchetti@nmhc e n trance - ne ar . org th e Freeway ) Sta r t : Thu 3/16/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Thu 3/16/20 17 12 : 00 PM Recurrence Meeting : (none) Sta t us : Accep te d Organ iz e r: Golr i c k , Jane t M Required Atte ndees : Brooks , Towanda A; Su lliv an , Joseph ; Gre e nwood , Shei la M; Kaspe r , Maren M; Clemmensen , Craig T Subjec t : Loca tion : Sheila Speak a t the 2016 Broo ke -Mondale Auditorium HUD CFC Closing Ce r emony Start : Wed 3/29/20 17 2 :0 0 PM End : Wed 3/29/20 17 3 : 0 0 PM Recurrence : (none) Meet in g S t atus /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Meet in g o rganizer HUD-18-0504-D-000646 Organi zer: Greenwood Requ ir ed At tendees : Subjec t: Loc ation : , Sheila M Greenwood , Shei la Spea k at the Brooke-Mondal M 2016 HUD CFC Cl osi ng Ceremo n y e Auditorium S t a rt : Wed 3/29/20 17 2 :0 0 PM End : Wed 3/29/2017 3 :0 0 PM Recur r e n ce : (non e ) Meeting S t atus : Meeting Organi zer: Greenwood Requ ir ed Atte nd ees : Subjec t: Loca tion : 1 839 , code Discuss Deputy kblf6l o r ga niz e r , Sheila M Gre en wood , Shei la r espo n se to Se n ate Ba nk i ng l et t er Secr e tary ' s Co nf e r ence Room- call i n 1 877 Meeting AM : (none ) Sta t us : Accepted Org a nizer : Press , Req u ired Atte nd ees Co ur tne y B; Kaspe r Santa Anna , Aaron ; Opt i o n al At tendees Brian E Subjec t: Lo cation : 336 I Sta r t : Mon 3/ 1 3/2017 1 0:45 End : Mon 3/13/20 17 1 1 : 15 AM Recu r rence M J acob D : Press , Mar en M; Gr eenwood : Ryan , , Jacob D; Ly berg , Sarah A; Timber l ake , Go lri ck, Janet M; Cl emmensen , Craig T; , Sheil a M; Brown , J ereon M Joshua J ; Muse , Rebecca A; Su ll iva n, IG Hea r i n g/Questions 10 1 06 Mon 3/13/20 17 3 : 00 PM Start : End : Mon 3/ 1 3/ 2 0 17 3 : 30 PM Recu rr en ce : (n o n e) Meeting Status : Accepted Organize r : Go l ric k, Jan et M Required Attend ees: Timberlake , Courtney Kasper , Maren M; Clemm e n sen , Cra i g T ; Sa n ta She il a M /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT B ; Ly be r g , Sarah A; Anna , Aa ro n; Gree nwood , HUD-18-0504-D-000647 Subject : Inv i tation : Festiva l of Learni ng ce l eb r at i on 16 , 2 01 7 7pm - 8pm (E DT) (Sheila Gr ee nwood) Start : Thu 3/16/20 17 7:00 End : Thu 3/ 1 6/ 2 0 17 8:00 PM Recurrence Meeting @ Thu Mar PM : (none ) Status Organizer : Accepted : ~l (b~)(~6~) _____________ _. Man a ge all your calendars i n one place . Downloa d the Goog le Cale nda r app . Ti me I- organ iz er Going ? Yes - Maybe - No more options» I n vitatio n from Goog l e Calendar You are receiving th is courtesy email at the accoun t she i l a . m.greenwoodl@hud.gov because you a r e an attendee o f this event . To stop r eceivi ng future upd at es for this eve nt , decline th is event . Alt e rnatively you can s i g n up for a Googl e account at h ttps : //www . google . com/calendar/ and co ntr o l yo ur no t i f icat i o n set t i ng s for your ent ir e ca l e nda r . Forw ar di ng this inv i tation could allow any recipient to modify your RSVP r esp onse . Lea rn More . Subjec t: HOLD for meeting w/Shei la /Stanley Hardy & Cong . Glenn Gr othma n S t art : Mon 3/27/2017 4 : 30 PM End : Mon 3/27/2017 5 : 30 PM Recurrence Meeting : (none) S t atus : Meeting o r ganizer Organizer : Greenwood , Sheila M Requ i r ed Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila Subjec t: Locat i o n : S&E/Tra n s fe r Funding 10232 (Jane t ' s Of fi ce ) Star t : Tue 3/14/2017 /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT M; Ha r dy IV, Stan l ey 3 : 30 PM HUD-18-0504-D-000648 End : Tue 3/14/2017 Recurrence 4 : 00 PM : (none) Meet i ng Status : Accepted Organize r: Golr i ck , Janet M Required Atte ndees : Golrick , Janet M; Lyberg , Sarah A; Timberlake , Courtney B; Kasper , Maren M; Greenwood , She il a M; Clemme n sen , Craig T Opt i o n al Atte ndees : Bal l ard , Dan i el L; Kruse , David N Call - in Number : Access Host Code : !{b)(6) lnillfilJ(Jane t Only ) Code : Subject : Location : 888 - 675 - 2 535 SOHUD Mee t ing w/Sen . Kennedy Sec r etary ' s Conference Room Pre - Brief Start : Tue 3/14/2017 9 : 1 5 AM End : Tue 3/14/20 17 9 : 45 AM Recu rr ence : (none) Meet in g Status : Accepted Organizer : DocBen Required Attendees : Barton , Victoria L; Hardy IV , Stanley ; Cors i glia , Na n cy E; Ch a r l es , Genger M; Carr , Te rr y M; Gr eenwood , She il a M; Gi mont , Sta n ley ; McNally , Franc i s P ; Press , Jacob D; Parker , Tennille S ; Carr (Ctr) , Ange l a N; Fl anery , Ryan D; Huff , Michael Atten dees : Victoria Barto n Stanley Hardy Stanley Gimon t Nancy Co r s i g li a Francis McNally Genger Char l es Jacob /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Press HUD-18-0504-D-000649 Tenn i lle Parker Terry Carr Ryan Flanery Michael Huff She il a Greenwood Secretary Carson Subject : Location : Check-in w/Sheila COS Office and Aida Mon 3/13/2017 11 : 30 AM Start : End : Mon 3/13/20 17 12 : 00 PM Recu rr ence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer Required : Meet in g organizer : Greenwood , Sheila M Attendees : Greenwood , Shei l a M; Rodriguez Subject : w/Secretary Lo cation : Faith Based & Neighborhood Partnerships Carson Sec r e t ary ' s Conference Room , Aida N lBriefing Start : Tue 3/28/20 17 10 : 00 AM End : Tue 3/28/20 17 11 : 30 AM Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status : Accepted Organizer : Clemmensen , Craig T Requ i red Atte ndees : Clemme n sen , Craig T; Greenwood , She il a M; Kasper , Maren M; Lincoln , Paula A; Golrick , Janet M; Gribb i n, Anne H; Dawkins , Eunice D; Franklin , DeShaunta M Optional Attendees : Douglass , B .J.; DocBen Hello all - Than k s for a l l your work thus far to brief the key i ssues and r egu l ations . Office Presentations for the next two weeks with Secre t ary Carson . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Beach Head Team on are now scheduled HUD-18-0504-D-000650 Log ist ics : All meetings wi ll be in t h e Secretary's Conference Room . Th e y will las t 1- 2 ho u rs - because they are scheduled t i ghtly, please a rrive a few mi nute s early and be ready to present on t ime . Presen t ations : These bri e fings will be done e l ectronica lly . By 1 : 00pm the a ftern oon before yo ur presentation , please se n d yo ur comp l e t ed PPT t o Anne Gr ibb i n , Sh e ila Gr eenwood , Mare n Kasper , Craig, a nd myself and cc : DeShaun t a Fra nkli n and Tanya Daggett . I f your pr ese nta t ion is on a Monday , please send yo u r p r esen tation no later th an 2 : 00 PM on the Friday before the weekend . Please bring up to (4) sta ff e r s you believe t o be crucial to th e con tent o f the presentation o r ab il i t y to answer questions . Also , p l ease have print - outs avai la ble i n case we experie n ce tec hnol ogical diffic u lti es . Ar eas o f focus : As indicated in the temp l ate (re - attached her e), the g oals of these presentat ion s ar e to del iv e r key information to Secre t a r y Carso n and allow h im a n d ke y sta ff t o answer q ue st i o n s about yo ur o ffi ces . Please plan your p r esenta ti o n to e n s u re that you address everyt h i n g i n t h e template , inc l uding a n y Items Requiring Immed ia te Att ent ion . I we l come questions Thank - a n d apprec i a te your ongoin g support . You ! Jane t Lunch w/She i l a a n d Ja n ell Byrd-C hi cheste r FHFA - Sh ei la will meet Jane l l in the front Subjec t: Loc ation: Street Start : End : Fri l obby on 7t h Fri 3/17/2017 12 : 30 PM 3/ 1 7/20 17 1: 30 PM Recu rr ence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : : Meet in g o rg an iz e r Greenwood , Sheila M HUD-18-0504-D-000651 Requ ire d Atte ndees : Subject : Loca tion : Start : End : F ri 1 : 00 Meeting w/SOH UD and Mayor SOHUD' s Offi ce R . Emanu e l : (none ) r : Subjec t: Locat i o n: Greenwo o d , Sheila Meeting w/Sheila COS Office M Gree nwood and Michael Bri ght Fri 3/10/2017 1 :0 0 PM 3/10/20 17 1 : 30 PM Start : End : Fri Recurrence Meeting , Janell Fri 3/10/20 17 1:0 0 PM 3/10/20 17 1:30 PM Recurrence Organize Byrd-Chichester : (none) Status : Meeting o rganiz er Organ iz e r : Greenwood , Sheila M Required Atte nd ees : Greenwood , Shei l a M; mbrig ht@milk en in s ti t u te.o rg ; Hughes , Andr ew; Depar tm e n t o f HUD - (come to the the Freeway) 451 7t h S tree t , SW Washington , DC Subjec t: White Ho u se Infr astruc Locat ion : EEOB 229 Sout h e n trance tur e Follow McCall , Dr e w A security Up Discuss des k - near i on Sta r t : Wed 3/15/2017 2 :0 0 PM End : Wed 3/15/20 17 3 : 00 PM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meet ing Status Org an iz e r: : Acc epte d Rami re z , Austin M. EOP/WHO Ente r your WAVES information he re : h ttps : //events . whitehouse . gov/form?rid=6K38KFJ4R3 Please come prepared t o d i scuss the f ollow i ng Meet ing Agen d a : 1 . Des i g nate departme n t/ agency POC for each work 2 . Ident if y in it i a l p r io rit i es ac r oss al l s i x work /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT s tre am st r eams HUD-18-0504-D-000652 Subjec t : Locat i o n: HEARI NG & APPEALS IBr ief i ng w/Secretary Carson Secre t a ry ' s Co n ference Room , Room 1 0233 St a r t : Mon 3/2 7 /2017 1 0 : 30 AM End : Mon 3/27/20 17 1 1 : 30 AM Recur r e n ce : (none ) Meeting Status : Accep te d Orga n iz e r: Gol r i c k , Jane t M Required Atte ndees : Clemmensen , Crai g T ; Greenwood, Sheila M; Kasper , Mar en M; Gri bbin , Anne H; Mahoney , Je remiah Opt i o n al Atte ndees : Dawkin s , Eunice D; Fra n k l in , DeSh aun t a M; Bass , Deana ; Patton , Lynne M; HSBC Hel l o a ll - Thanks f o r al l y o ur work thu s far to brief the Beach Head Team on key iss ues and regula t ions . Office Pr ese ntations a r e now schedu l ed for the next t wo weeks with Secr e tary Carson . Lo gistics : All meetings will b e in the Secre t ary ' s Conf e r ence Room , Room 10233 . They wi ll last 1-2 ho urs - because they are sched u led t ig htly , please ar r i ve a f ew minu tes ea r ly and be r eady to prese n t on time . Presentations : Th ese b r ief i ngs will be done elect r on i cally . By 1 : 00pm t h e a fter n oon before your presenta t ion , please send your compl ete d PPT to Anne Gribbin , She ila Gr ee nwood , Maren Kaspe r , Craig , a nd myself and cc : DeShaunta Fra nkli n a n d Tanya Dagge tt . If your p r esentat i o n i s o n a Monda y , p l ease send your prese n tat i o n no later th an 2 : 00 PM on the Fr i day before the weekend . Pl ease b ring up to (4) staffers you believe to be crucia l to the content of t h e presentation or abili t y to answer quest i ons . Also , pl e ase hav e print-outs availab le in case we experience technolog i cal d iffi c u lt i es . Areas of focus : As indicated i n the temp late (re-attached here) , the goa l s of these p r esen t ations a r e to deliver key information to Secretary Carson an d allow him a nd key staff to answer questions about your offices . Please plan your pr ese ntation to ensu re that you address everything i n th e temp late , in cl u ding a n y Items Requ i ring Immediate Attention . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000653 I welcome questions - a n d app r eciate your ongo ing suppo rt . Than k You ! J a net Subject : Loca t i on: OSDBUIBriefing w/Secreta r y Carson Secretary ' s Con f e r e n ce Room Star t: Mon 3/27/20 17 2 : 00 PM End : Mon 3/27/ 2 0 17 3:00 PM Rec urrence : (non e) Meet in g Status : Accep t ed Or ga niz e r : Golric k, Ja ne t M Required At tendees : Golric k, Ja net M; Clemmensen, Craig T; Greenwood , She i la M; Kasper , Ma re n M; Newton Cole , Karen A; Gribb i n , Anne H Opt i o na l Atte nd ees : F rankli n, DeShaunta M; Dawk i ns , Eunice D; Bass , Dea na ; Patton , Lynn e M; DocBen ; Bass , Deana; Pa tton, Lynne M; Hayes , Mei shoma A; Pruitt , Derek L He ll o all - Than k s fo r a l l your work thus far to b r ief t he Beach Head Team on key issu es a nd regulations . Office Presentations are no w scheduled for the ne xt two weeks wi th Secretary Carson . Log ist ics : All meetings wi ll be in t h e Secretary ' s Conference Room . They wi ll las t 1- 2 ho u rs - because they ar e scheduled t i ghtly, please a rrive a few minutes early an d be ready to present on t ime . Prese nt ations : The se br i efings will be done e l ectronica ll y . By 1 : 00pm t h e a ftern oon before yo ur presentation , p l ease se n d yo u r comp l e t ed PPT t o Anne Gr ibb i n , Sh e il a Gr eenwood , Mare n Kasper , Cra i g , a nd myself and cc : DeShaunta Fra nkli n a n d Tanya Daggett . I f your presentation is on a Monday , please send your p r esen tati on no later th an 2 : 00 PM on the Fr i day before the weekend . Ple ase bring up to (4) sta ff e r s you believe to be cruc i al to the conte n t o f the presentation or abi lit y to answer questi o ns . Als o, p l ease h a ve /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000654 print-outs a v ailab d iff i c u lt i es . le in case we experience technological Ar eas of f ocus : As i nd i cated in the template (re-attached here ) , the g oa l s of these presentations a r e to deliver key information to Secretary Carson and allow h im a nd key staff to answer quest ions a b out your offic es . Please plan your pr ese nta t ion to ensure that you address everything i n the template , in cl u d i ng a ny Item s Requiring Immed i ate Attention . I welcome questions - a n d app re ciate yo ur ongoi ng suppo rt . Than k You! Janet Subjec t: Locatio n : ADMINI Br ief i ng w/Secretary Ca r so n Secretary ' s Conference Room Tue 3/21/20 17 2:00 Start : End : Tue 3/21/ 2 0 17 3 : 30 PM Recurrence PM : (none ) Meetin g Status : Accepted Org a nizer : Golrick , Janet M Required Attende es : Clemmensen , Cra i g T ; Gr ee nwood , Sheila M; Kasper , Maren M; Gr ib bi n , Anne H; Foster , Hele n G Opt i o n al Attendees : Franklin , DeShaunta M; Dawk i ns , Eun i ce D; McC l u r e , Laura L; Bass , Deana ; Patton, Lynne M; DocBe n Hello a ll - Thanks for all your work thus far to br i ef the key iss ue s and regulations . Office Presentations for the n ext tw o weeks with Secretary Carson . Beach Head Team on are n ow sched u l ed Log i stics : All mee t ing s will be in t h e Secre t a r y ' s Co n ference Room , Room 10 233 . Th ey will last 1-2 h ou r s - because t h ey a r e sched ul ed tightly , please arr i ve a few minutes early and be ready to present on time . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000655 Presen t ations : These briefings will be done e l ectronica lly . By 1 : 00pm the a ft e rn oon before yo ur prese n tation , p l ease send your comp l eted PPT to Anne Gr ibb i n , Sh e il a Gr eenwood , Mare n Kasper , Cra i g , and myself and cc : DeSha un ta F r a nkli n a n d Tanya Daggett . If your presentatio n is on a Monday , p l ease send your prese n t ation no l ate r th an 2 : 00 PM on the Fri day before the weekend . Please bring up to (4) sta ffer s you believe to be crucial to the conte n t o f the presentation o r abi lit y to answe r ques t ions . Also , p l ease have print - outs avai l able i n case we experience tec hnol ogical difficulties . Areas o f focus : As i ndicated in the template (re - a tt ached here ), the goals of thes e presentat ion s ar e to del i ve r key informa t ion to Secre t a r y Carson and allow h im and ke y sta ff t o answe r q ue st i o n s about your o ffi ces . Please p l a n your p r esentat i o n to e n s ur e t h at you address everything in t h e template , inc l uding any Items Requiring Immediate Attention . I we l come questions Thank - and apprecia te your ongoi ng support . You ! Janet Subjec t: Loca tion : Ginnie MaelB ri e fin g w/Secretary Ca r son Secre t ary ' s Co n ference Room (NOTE: NEW START TIME ) Start : Tue 3/21/20 17 2 :0 0 PM End : Tue 3/2 1 /20 17 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not yet responded Or ganizer : Golric k, Jane t M Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Clemmensen , Cr aig T ; Greenwood , She il a M; Kasper , Maren M; Gribbin , Anne H; Corsig l ia , Na n cy E ; Ayers , Susan Optional Attendees : Frankl i n, DeShaunta M; Dawkins , Eunice D; Patton , Lynne M; Bass , Deana ; HSBC Hel l o a ll /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT N - HUD-18-0504-D-000656 Thanks for al l your work thus far to brief the Beach Head Te am on key iss ues and r eg ula t ions . Office Pr ese ntations are now schedu l ed for the next two weeks with Sec re tary Ca r son . Lo gistics : All meetings will b e in the Secretary ' s Conference Room . They will last 1-2 ho ur s - because t hey are sc he du led t ight l y , please a rriv e a few minu tes ea r ly and be r eady to present on t ime . Prese nt at i ons : Th ese b r ie fi ngs will be done electron i cally . By 1 : 00pm t h e afte r n oon before your presenta t i on , please se n d your comp l eted PPT to Anne Gribbin , Sheila Greenwood , Mare n Kasper , Craig, and myself and cc : DeShaunta Franklin and Tanya Dagget t . If your presenta ti o n is o n a Monday , please send yo ur prese n tat ion no later th an 2 : 00 PM on th e Fr i day before the weekend . Please b ring up to (4) staffers you believe to be crucia l to the content of t h e p r esent ation or abili t y to answer ques t i ons . Also , pl e ase hav e print - outs avai la b le i n case we expe ri ence technologica l di ffi c u l ties . Areas of f ocus : As i ndicated in the temp late (re -at t ac he d here ) , the g oa l s of these presentations a r e to deliver k ey in f ormation to Secretary Carson and all o w h im and key staff to answer questio ns about your offices . Please p lan your present at io n to e nsu re t ha t you addr ess e very th i ng in the template , incl ud ing any Items Requiring Immediate Attention . I welcome Thank questions - a n d appreciate yo ur ongoi ng suppo rt . You ! Jane t Subjec t : Locat i o n : OFFICE OF CIOIBriefing Secre t a ry ' s Co n ference w/Sec r etary Room Carson Start : Mon 3/20/2017 10 : 00 AM End : Mon 3/20/20 17 1 1 : 30 AM Recurre /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT n ce : (none) HUD-18-0504-D-000657 Meeting Sta t us : Acc epte d Ja net M Organizer : Go l r ick, Golri ck, Ja net M; Clemrnensen Req uir e d At tendees : Greenwood , She i la M; Kasper , Ma ren M; Cooke , Kev in , Craig T; R; Gr ibb i n , Anne H Op t i o na l Attendees : Fr an klin , DeShaunta M; Dawk i ns , Eun i ce D; Bass , Deana ; Pa tton , Ly nne M; DocBen ; Hubba rd (Ctr ), Ka t ri n a R Hell o all - Than ks for all your wo rk thus f a r to b r ie f t he Be ach Head Team on key issues and reg u l ations . Off ice Presen ta t io ns are n ow scheduled fo r th e n e xt two weeks with Sec r etary Ca r son . Lo g i s ti cs : All meet i ng s will be i n the Secretary ' s Co n fe r ence Room . They will last 1 - 2 hour s - b e caus e they are sch edu l e d tightly , p l ease arrive a f ew mi nutes ea rly and b e r ead y to present on t im e . Presentations : Th ese briefings wi ll b e d o ne electron ica lly . By 1 : 00 pm the afternoon b e f o r e your p r esenta tion , please send your comp l eted PPT to Anne Gr ibb i n , Sheila Greenw ood , Mare n Kasper , Cra i g , a n d myself and cc : DeShaunta F r a nkli n a n d Tanya Dagg ett . If your present ation is on a Monday , please send your pre s entat ion no l a ter than 2 : 00 PM on the Friday b efore the weekend . Pl ea s e bring up to (4) staffers you be li eve to be crucial to the content of the prese nt at i on or a bilit y to answer questions . Also , p le ase hav e print-outs available in case we e xp er i e n ce t ec hnol og i cal diff icu lties . Ar eas of foc us : As i ndicated in the t emplate (r e-attac h ed here ) , the goals of these presentations are to d eliver key information to Secretary Carson and allow him and key staff to answer q uestions abou t your o ffi c e s . Please p l a n your p rese n tation to ensure that you address every thing i n th e template , i n cl udi ng a ny Items Requ i ring Immediate Attention . I we l come questions - a n d app r eciate you r ongoing suppo r t . Than k You ! Janet /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000658 Subject : Loca tion : PROCUREMENTIBriefing w/Secretary Secreta r y ' s Co n ference Room Ca r son Start : Mon 4/10/20 17 10 : 00 AM End : Mon 4/10/20 17 1 1 : 30 AM Show Tim e As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (non e ) Status : Not yet responded Organizer : Golr i c k, Janet M Requ i red Attendees : Clemmensen , Craig T ; Greenwood , She il a M; Kasper , Maren M; Sur ber , Keith W; Gribb i n , Anne H; Patton , Lynne M; Bass , Deana Opt i o n al Atte ndees : Fran k lin , DeShaunta M; Dawk i ns , Eun i ce D; Scott , Jimm y ; Magu i re , Lisa D; Mcclure , Damon Q; DocBen NOTE: Completed Hel l o a ll deck attached! - Thanks f or a l l your work thu s far to brief the key issues and regu l ations . Office Presentations for the next two weeks with Secretary Carson . Beach Head Team on are now schedu le d Lo gist ic s : All meetings will be in the Secretary ' s Conference Room . They wi ll last 1-2 hours - because they are scheduled t i ghtly , please a r rive a few minutes early and be ready to present on time . Prese nt ations : These briefings will be done e l ectron i cally . By 1 : 00pm the afternoon before your presenta t i on , please send your completed PPT to Anne Gribbin , Sheila Greenwood , Maren Kasper , Cr aig , and myself and cc : DeShaun ta Franklin and Tanya Daggett . If your presentation is on a Monday , please send your presentation no later than 2 : 00 PM on the Friday before the weekend . Please bring up to (4) staffers you believe to be crucial to the content of the presentation or abi l ity to answer questions . Also , please have print - outs ava ilabl e in case we expe ri ence technological diff i culties . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000659 Areas of f ocus : As i ndicated in the temp lat e (re-attached here) , the goals of these presentations are to deliver key information to Secretary Carson and al l ow him and key staff to answer questions about you r offices . Please plan your presentation to ensure that you address everything i n the template , in cluding a n y Items Requiring Immediate Attention . I welcome questions - a n d appreciate you r ongoi ng support . Than k You! Jane t Subject : (BEING RESCHEDULED) Office of St r ategic Managemen t lBriefing w/Secretary Carson Location: Secre ta ry ' s Conference Room, Room 10233 Planning and Start : Mon 3/13/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Mon 3/13/20 17 3 : 30 PM Recu rr ence : (none) Meet in g Status : Accepted Organizer : Golrick , Janet M Required Attendees : Clemmensen , Craig T; Greenwood, Sheila M; Kasper , Maren M; Hensley , Henry ; Gr ib bi n, Anne H Opt i o n al Attendees : Dawk in s , Eun i ce D; Frankl i n , DeSh aunta M; Koskinen, Larry A; McDonald , Nena S ; Wal sh , Chris tophe r K; Castello Gregory R; Hopkins , Jul i e D; Bass , Deana ; Patton , Lynne M; DocBen Hel l o all , - Than ks for all your work thus far to brie f the key i ssues and r egu l at i o n s . Office P r esentatio for the next two weeks with Secre t ary Carson . Beach Head Team on n s are now scheduled Log i st i cs : All meet in gs will be i n the Secreta Room 10233 . They wi ll last 1- 2 ho urs - because tightly , please arrive a few minutes ear ly and on t im e . ry' s Co n ference Room, t h ey are scheduled be r eady to p r esent /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000660 Presentations : The se b r ie fi ngs will be done electronically . By 1 : 00pm the a ft e rn oon before your presentation , please se n d your comp l eted PPT to Anne Gribbin , Sheila Greenwood , Mare n Kasper , Cr a ig , and mys e l f and cc : DeShaunta Franklin and Tanya Dagget t . If your p re sen t a tion i s o n a Monday , please send yo ur prese n ta ti o n no later than 2 : 00 PM on the Fr i day before the weekend . Please b ring up to (4) sta ff e r s you believe to be cruc i al to th e conte n t of t h e presentation or abi l ity to answer questions . Also , p l ease have print - outs avai l abl e in cas e we expe rience technologica l d iffi c u lt ie s . Areas of fo cus : As i ndicated i n the temp l ate (re -at ta c he d here ), the goals of these presentations a r e to deliver ke y in f ormation to Secreta r y Carso n and allow h i m a n d key staf f t o answe r q u est i o n s about your offices . Please p lan your presentatio n to e nsu re t ha t you address e very th i ng in the template , inc l uding any Items Requiring Immediate Attention . I welcome Thank quest i o ns - and apprec i ate your ongoin g support . You! Janet Subjec t: (BEING RESCHEDULED) Co n gressio n al/In tergove Re l at i o n s l Br i efi ng w/Secretary Carson Loc a tio n: Secretary ' s Conference Room , Room 1 0233 Start : End : Fri Recurrence Meeting rnme nt a l F ri 3/10/20 17 1 : 30 PM 3/ 10/2 0 17 3 :0 0 PM : (none ) Status : Accepted Organizer : Golrick , Janet M Required Attendees : Clemm ense n , Cra i g T; Greenwood , Sheila M; Kasper , Maren M; San t a Anna , Aaron ; Gribbin , Anne H Optio n a l Atte ndees : Dawki n s , Eunice D; Fra nk l in , DeSh aunta M; Press , Jacob D; DocBe n; Barton , Vi cto ri a L ; Har dy IV, Stan l ey Hello /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT a ll - HUD-18-0504-D-000661 Than k s for a ll your work thus f a r to b r ie f the key i ss u es and r egu lati o n s . Office P r esentatio for t h e n ext two weeks with Secre t ary Carson . Beach Head Team on n s are n ow sched u led Lo g i st i cs : All meet i ng s will be i n the Secreta Room 10233 . They wi ll last 1- 2 ho urs - because tightly , please arrive a few minutes ear ly and on time. ry ' s Co n ference Room , t h ey are scheduled b e r eady to pres en t Presentations : The se brie fi ngs wi ll be done electron i cally . By 1 : 00pm the a f tern oon before yo ur presentation , please se n d yo ur comp l e t ed PPT t o Anne Gr ibb i n , Sh e ila Gr eenwood , Mare n Kasper , Cra i g , a nd myself and cc : DeShaun t a Fra n k li n a n d Tanya Daggett . I f send your pr esen tation no your pr ese nta t ion is on a Monday , please later th an 2 : 00 PM on t h e Fr id ay before the weekend . Please bring up to (4) staf f e r s you believe to be cruc i al to the conte n t of t h e prese n tation or ability to a nswer questi o ns . Als o , p l ease h a ve p rin t - outs avai la ble in case we expe ri en ce technologica l diffic u l ties . Ar eas of focus : As indicate d in the temp lat e (r e - attach e d her e), the g oa l s of these presentations are to deliver k ey in f ormation to Secreta ry Carso n and allow h i m a n d key staf f to answe r q u est i o n s about your offices . Please p l a n your present a tion to e nsu re t h at you address everythi n g i n the template , inc l uding any I tems Requiring Immediate Attention . I welcome Thank quest i ons - and apprec i a t e yo u r ongoin g support . You ! Janet Subjec t: w/Secretary Locat i o n : Congressional/I nt ergovernmental Relatio n s l Briefi Carson Secre t a r y ' s Co n ference Room , Room 1 0233 ng Start : Thu 3/23/2017 10 : 00 AM End : Thu 3/23/20 17 1 1 : 30 AM Recurrence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) HUD-18-0504-D-000662 Meet in g Status : Accep t ed Organizer : Golrick , Janet M Required Attende e s : Clemmens e n , Craig T ; Gr ee nwood , Sheila M; Kasper , Maren M; Santa An na , Aa r on ; Gribbin , Ann e H; Bass , Dea n a ; Patto n, Lynne M Opt i o n al Atte ndees : Dawk i n s , Eun i ce D; Fra n kl i n , DeSh aunta M; Press , Jacob D; DocBen ; Barton , Victoria L ; Hardy I V, Stanley He ll o all - Than k s for a l l your work thus f a r to brie f the key i ss u es and r egu l a t io n s . Of fice P resentatio for the next t wo weeks with Sec r etary Ca r son . Beach Head Team on n s are n ow sched u led Log i st i cs : All meet i ngs will be i n t h e Secreta Room 10233 . They wi ll last 1- 2 ho urs - because tightly , pleas e arrive a few min u tes ear l y and on time . r y ' s Co n fe r ence Room , t h ey are scheduled be ready to present Pr e sen t ations : These bri e fings will be done e l ectronica ll y . By 1 : 00pm t h e a ft e rn oon before yo ur prese n tation , please se n d yo u r comp l eted PPT to Anne Gr ibb i n , Sh e il a Gr eenwood , Mare n Kasper , Cra i g , and myself and cc : DeSh aunta Frank l in a n d Tanya Daggett . If your presentatio n is on a Monday , p l ease send your presentation no l ater t han 2 : 00 PM on t h e Friday before the weekend . Please bring up to (4) sta ff ers you believe to be crucial to th e conte n t o f t h e p r ese nt at i on o r ab ilit y to answe r ques t ions . Also , p l ease have print - outs a vailable i n case we experience technological difficulti es . Areas of focus : As i ndicated in the template (re-attached here ), the goals of these presen t at i ons are to d e liver k e y inf ormat i on to Secre t a r y Carso n and allow h i m a n d k ey staf f t o answer q u est i o n s about yo ur o f f i ces . Please p l a n your p r esentat i o n to ens ur e t h at you address everything i n t h e temp late , in cluding any Items Requ i ring Immediate Attention . I we l come questions Thank /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT - a n d appreciate your ongoi n g support . You ! HUD-18-0504-D-000663 Janet Subjec t: Ventro n e Locat i o n : Resched u l i ng - Meet i ng w/She i la Greenwood and Joe COS Office Start : Thu 4/6/2017 3 : 0 0 PM End : Thu 4/6/2017 3 : 30 PM Recurre n ce : (none) Mee tin g Sta t us : Mee tin g organi ze r Organ iz e r : Greenwood , She i la M Required Atte ndees : Joe Ven trone NOTE: ; dbrennen@rea Joe - come to th e Sou th Entra n ce security Sh e il a Gr eenwood - 2 02-402-6068 Eunice Dawkins - 2 02 - 402 - 66 24 Subjec t : Mee ting w/Sheila Greenwood/H UD staff r e : RAD/Hunt Companies Locatio n : D/S Con ference Room ( 10106 ) l tors . org des k and Campb e ll Kaufman St art : Wed 3/15/20 17 1 : 0 0 PM End : Wed 3/15/2017 2 : 00 PM Recur r e n ce : (none ) Meeti ng St atus : Meeti ng organizer Organi z e r : Greenwood , Sheila M Requ i r ed Atte ndees : Gol r i c k , Jane t M; Ibe r , Robert Jem i ne A Optiona l Attende e s : John Ke ast ; Sinc l ai r Cooper G; Bryo n , Departme n t o f HUD - come to t h e South e n trance secur i ty desk the fr eeway) 451 7t h St reet , SW Washington , DC Eun i ce - 202-402-6624 Subjec t : Cof f ee w/She i la and Jaso n Woolwi n e Locatio n: She il a will meet Jaso n at L ' En fant Pl aza St arbucks Start : End : Fri Recurre Fri 3/10/2017 8 : 45 AM 3/10/2017 9 : 30 AM n ce : (none ) Meet in g St atus Organizer Required /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT (n ear : Meet in g organize r : Greenwood , Shei l a M Attendees : ' Woolwine , J ason (Appropriations )' HUD-18-0504-D-000664 Subject : Location : Phone Sheila Mee ting w/She ila wi ll cal l Brian and Brian l . Majority Call hu d . gov> zone: Greenwood (UTC-05:00) , Linda Eas tern C . & Aaron on Budget Sta r t : Wed 3/15/2017 5 : 00 PM End : Wed 3/15/2017 5 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Meet in g Status : Not yet r espo nd ed Organizer : Lyberg , Sarah A Required Attendees : Janet Golri ck (Janet . M. Gol r ick@hud . gov) ; Clemmensen , Craig T; Maren M Kasper (Maren . M. Kasper@hud.gov) ; Sheil a M Gree nwood (Sheila . M. Greenwoodl@hud . gov) ; Ti mberlake , Courtney B; Nora S Fi tz patrick (Nora.S . Fitzpatrick@ hud. gov) ; Ba llar d , Daniel L Placeho ld er available . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT for possible call . Will update as i nformat i on becomes HUD-18-0504-D-000673 From : Zorc , Bet hany A Sent : Thursday , November 02 , 201 7 6 : 43 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Decl in e d : Mee t ing w/She il a re : Hi! I ' m i n Chi cago f o r the NAR speec h . Let l i ke me to se nd someo n e e l se from OGC. Fr om : EOP/WHO Sent : Thursday , Nov embe r 02 , 201 7 5: 38 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subjec t: Accep t ed : HFR meeting F rom : Wol f so n , Len Sent : Thursday , November 02 , 201 7 5 :20 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Acc epte d : Meet in g w/She il a r e: Nomina t i ons me know if you would Olmem , Andrew J . Nomina t i ons From : Thomas Dor tch Sent : Thursday , November 02 , 2017 1: 37 PM To : Greenwood , Shei l a M Subject : Te nta t iv e : Mee t i ng w/S he i la Gre enw ood , Dea na Bass , Chr i s tin a Brow n and Thomas Do rt c h From : Br e nd a Cantrell on beha l f of Thomas Dor t c h Sent : Thursday , November 02 , 2017 1: 25 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject: Accepted : Meeting w/S h eila Greenwood , Deana Bass , Christina Brown and Thomas Dortch F rom : Thomas Dortch Sent : Thursday , Nov embe r 02 , 2 0 1 7 1 : 23 PM To : Greenwood , Shei l a M Sub j ect : Accepted : Meet ing w/S h eila Gree n wood , Deana Chr i s tin a Brow n and Thomas Dortch Fr om : Flei sc her , La ur a A on be h a lf of Bass , Deana Sent : Thursday , November 02 , 2017 11: 54 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subjec t : Accep te d : Meeting w/She il a Gre en wood , Deana Chris t ina Brow n and Th omas Dortch Bass , Bass , From : Den das, Michael W Sent : Thursday , November 02 , 2017 11 : 45 AM To : Gr eenwood , She i la M Subject : Accepted : Meeting w/S h eila re : Nomi nations /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000674 From : Adcock , Rebeckah - OSEC, Washi n gton , DC Sent : Thursd a y , November 02 , 2017 10: 48 AM To : Gr ee nwood , Shei la M Subjec t: Ten t a tive : Aft er Wor k Gather in g F rom : Wednesday , November 01 , 2017 10 : 1 9 PM Greenwood , She i la M : Accepted : After Work Gathering Subjec t: Upda te d inv it a t ion : ~ K~b)(~6~ ) -------~ 9 : 20am - 1 0 : 20am (EDT) (S he i l a Gr eenwood ) @ Thu Nov 2, 2017 Sta r t : Thu 11/2/2017 9 : 20 AM End : Thu 11 /2/20 17 10 : 20 AM Show Tim e As : Tenta ti ve Recu rr ence : (none) Organi zer : she il a . mc . greenwood@gmai This eve n t has been mor e d eta ils » changed l . com . !(b)(6) When Thu Nov 2 , 2017 9 : 20am - 10 : 2 0am Eastern Time Cal end ar Sheila Gr eenwood o rganiz e r Who l(b)(6) She il a Gre enwood I- Going? Yes - Maybe - No more opt i o n s » I nvitati Cal end ar You are rec e iving this court es y e mail at the account sheila .m. greenwoodl@hud.gov because yo u are a n attendee event . To stop receiving future u pdates for t h is eve n t , dec l Alternatively yo u can s i gn up for a Goo g l e accoun t at h ttps : //www . goo g l e . com/calendar/ and co nt rol yo ur no t setti ng s fo r your entire cale ndar . Forwarding this inv i tation co ul d al l ow a ny rec ip ient RSVP response . Learn Mor e . From : Apple ton, Broo ke - OSEC, Washington DC Sent : Wednesday , Novembe r 0 1, 2017 8 : 35 PM To : Greenwood , Shei la M Subject : Accepted : After Wor k Gathe ring /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT o n f rom Goog l e of this i n e th i s event i f icat . ion t o mod i f y your HUD-18-0504-D-000675 From : App l eto n, Set h D Sent : Wednesda y , Novembe r 01 , 201 7 8 : 35 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject: Accep t ed : Aft e r Work Gat h e r i ng F rom : Sent : To : Subjec Bea u Greenwood From : Wal k er , Ka thry n on beha lf Joshua Sent : Wednesday , Novembe r 0 1 , 2 0 1 7 11: 5 9 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Acc epte d : Lunch w/Sheila and Joshua Venable o f Venable , From : Walker , Ka thr yn Sent : Wednesday , Nov embe r 01 , 2017 11 : 59 AM To : Gr ee nwoo d , Shei l a M Su bject : Ac c epte d : Lunc h w/S he il a and Jos h ua Ve n ab le Subjec t: Loca tion : Canceled : OSEC Budget David ' s Office1 02 32 S t a rt : Wed 10 /18/20 1 7 9 : 15 AM End : Wed 10 /18/20 1 7 9 :45 AM Show Tim e As : F r ee Recur r e n ce : Week l y Recurre n ce Patter n : 9 : 45 AM Meet in g Status : Not every y et 2 week (s) o n Wednesday fr om 9 :1 5 AM to r espo nded Organizer : Eagl es , Da v id T Req uir e d At tendees : Ball a rd , Daniel L; Rodr i g u e z , Aida N; Clemme n sen , Cra i g T Op t i o n al Attendees : Ma rs hall , Mi c h ael J ; Gr eenwood , She il a M; Hawkins, Gr ego r y R Fr om : Ta ll ey , Ke it h L Sent : Mon day , Oc to ber 30, 2017 10 : 1 4 AM To : Gr ee nwo o d , Shei l a M Subjec t: Accepte d : Qui c k Chec k -i n w/Sheila an d Ke ith s ig na tur e f or approval - the class ifi ed program /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Tall ey - re: HUD-18-0504-D-000676 From : Ga i nes , Ralph H Sent : F riday , Oc t ober 27 , 2017 11 : 33 AM To : Greenwood , Shei l a M Subjec t: Accepted : Qui c k Chec k -i n w/Sheila Home l ess Assessment Repo r t Subjec t: Locatio n: Canceled : MEET w/ Sheila SOHUD' s Off i ce Sta r t : Fri 11/3/2017 1 0:45 End : F ri 1 1/3/2017 1 1 : 00 AM Show Time As : F ree Recurrence and Ralph Gai ne s - re: & Pam AM : (none ) Meet in g Status : Not ye t r espo nded Organizer : DocBen Required Attendees : Sheila M Greenwood (Sheila . M. Greenwoodl@hud . gov) ; PHP Subjec t: Locatio n: MEET w/ Sheila & Pam SOHUD' s Offi ce Start : Thu 1 1/2/20 17 1 : 15 PM End : Thu 1 1/2/20 17 1:30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not ye t responded Organ iz e r: DocBe n Requ ir ed Atte ndees : She il a M Gree nwood (Sheila . M. Greenwood l @hud . gov) ; PHP From : Google Calendar on be h alf of b r ad@cardandassocia te s . com Sent : Thursday , October 26 , 20 1 7 3 : 51 PM To : Greenwood , Shei l a M Subjec t: Accepted : Lunch w/Sheila Gree nwood and A . Bradfo r d Card@ Mon Oct 30 , 2017 12 pm - 1pm (EDT) (Greenwood , Sheila M) Attachm en ts : i nvit e . i cs brad@ca r dandassoc i ates . com has accepted th i s i nvitat Lunch w/Shei l a Greenwood and A . Bradford Card When Mon Oct 30 , 2017 12pm - 1pm Eastern Ti me /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT i o n. HUD-18-0504-D-000677 Where Cap i tol Hil l Club - basement (map ) Calendar Greenwood , Sheila M Who • Greenwood , Sheila M - organizer brad@cardandassociates . com - creator Invitat i on f r om Google Cale n dar You are receivi n g this courtesy emai l at the account sheila . m. greenwoodl@hud . gov because you are an attendee of th i s event . To stop r ece i vi n g future updates for this eve nt, dec l i n e th i s event . Alternative l y you can sign up for a Google accoun t at https : //www . google . com/calendar/ and control your notification setti ngs f or yo ur entire ca l e nda r. Forwardi n g this inv i ta t ion co u ld al l ow a n y recipient t o mod if y your RSVP r esponse . Learn Mor e . F rom : Tal l ey , Keith L Sent : Thursday , October 26 , 2017 3 : 13 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Qui ck Check-i n w/Sheila and Keith Talley - re : signature for approval - the classified program From : Sent : To : Subjec Calabr i a , Mark A . EOP/OVP Thursday , October 26 , 2017 12 : 55 PM Greenwood , Shei l a M t: Accepted : Lunc h w/Sheila and Ma r k Ca l ab r ia F rom : Sent : To : Subjec Habitat Bravacos , John G Thursday , October 26 , 2017 11 : 59 AM Greenwood , Sheila M t: Accepted : Check-in w/Sheila a nd John Subjec t: Locat i o n: Interagency 9202 - via Working Gro up on Hu rrica Co n fe r ence Call Br avacos - re : n e Respo n se S t art : F ri 1 0/27/20 1 7 2 : 00 PM End : Fri 10/27/2017 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence : (none) Meeti ng Status : Not ye t responded Organ i ze r: Sha ff er , Ju li e Required Atte ndees : Wade , Dan a T ; Deputy Secre t ary Pa ten aude ; Gol ri ck , Janet M; Marzol , Adolfo F ; Greenwood , Sheila M; Bravacos , John G; Kasper , Maren M; Campbell , Patricia A; Gibbons , Kath l ee n M; LOGAN, LEAH M; Meau x, Lesl i e A; Fr i edman , War r en ; Roget , Gi sele G; Bowes , Robert B ; Ha ll er , Ju l ia Z; Gormley , Joseph M; Carr , Terry M; Iber , Robert G; Wolfson , Len ; Marshall , Michael J ; Himes , Ivery W; /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000678 Rose, Thomas A; Kumi, Thomas K; Mart in , Matt B; Brown , Amy L; Saunde r s , El i ssa 0 ; Stevens , Kevin L; Mulder i g , Robert E; Br i g h t , Michael R; Stefanie . Johns on@f h fa . gov ; Dan ie ll e . Walton@f h f a . gov ; al e xandra . travis@fema . dhs . gov ; Cynthia . Adcock@fhfa . gov ; Dona ld . Cor i n@fh fa . gov ; Mar i a . Fe rn andez@f hf a . gov ; Paul . Th e r uv i parampil@fhfa . gov ; Richard . Kane@wdc.usda . gov ; Stuart . Wal den@wdc . usda . gov ; Rho n da . Armitage@va . g ov ; Ri t a . Fa lc ioni@va . gov ; je ffrey . lo nd on@va . g ov ; Lau ri e . Maggiano@cfpb . gov ; Prasant . Sar@fhfa . gov Opt i o n al Attendees : Russell , Jessica (CFPB) ; Carte r , M Ja lo n ; McArdle , Mar k (CFPB) 1 - 877 - 336 - 1839 Access Host !(b""l(""' = 6l'------' Code : Subject : Loc ation: Dan a Only !(b)(6) Ca nceled : MEET w/ Sheila SOHUD' s Offic e & Pa m Start : F ri 1 0/27/20 1 7 8 : 45 AM End : Fri 1 0/2 7/ 201 7 9 : 00 AM Show Time As : F ree Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng S t atus : Not yet responded Organiz e r : DocB en Required Attendees : She il a M Gree nwood (She i la . M. Gree nwood l @hu d . gov) ; PHP From : Hunte r, Matthew F Sent : Thursday , Octobe r 26, 2 0 17 8 : 25 AM To : Greenwood , Shei la M Subject : Acc epte d : Check - in w/She il a and Matt Subjec t : 1pm (EDT) Inv i tation : La n don phone (Shei la Gree nwood) ca ll Hunte r @ Fr i Oct 27 , 2017 12pm - Start : Fri 10/27/2017 12 : 00 PM End : Fri 10/27/2017 1 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recu rr ence : (none) Org an iz e r : ~l (b~)(~6~) _____________ more details /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT _. » HUD-18-0504-D-000679 Lando n phone call When F ri Oct 27 , 2017 12pm - 1pm Eastern Calendar Sheila Greenwood l(b )(6) Who She il a Gr eenwood T i me - organize r Going? Yes - Maybe - No more optio n s» Invitation from Goog l e Calendar You are r ece iving th i s courtesy email at the account she il a .m.gr ee nwood l @hud . gov beca u se you are an attendee of this event . To stop receiving future updates for th is event, decl i ne thi s event . Alte r n ative l y yo u can sign up for a Goo g l e acco un t at h ttps : //www . google . com/calendar/ and contro l you r noti f icat i o n sett in gs for yo ur ent ir e ca l e nda r. Forwarding this inv itat i on could allow any recipient to modify your RSVP response . Lea rn More . Subjec t: DMG Response Meeting : Hurri ca n e Maria & Cal if ornia Wil dfires Loc ation : Dep Sec Conference Room 1 0106 Start : Wed 10/25/2017 9 : 30 AM End : Wed 10/25/2017 10 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentat i ve Recu rr ence : Weekly Recurrence Pat ter n : 10 : 00 AM Meeting S t atus : Not every yet Monday a n d Wednesday f rom 9 : 30 AM to responded Organize r: Golr i c k, Jane t M Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Gr eenwood , She i la M; Eag les , David T ; Alexander , Frank J ; Brooks , Towanda A; Coo ke , Kevin R; Gr eene , Bryan ; Kittrell , Katharine D; Renne r , Robe r t N; Richardson , Todd M; Thompso n, Amy C; Timberlake , Co ur tney B; Po tts , Millicent B; Hunter , Matthew F ; Va n Duyne , Beth A; Ramon , Nico l as ; Bradley , Les li e Ann ; Wol l J r, Dav i d C; Ammon, Matthew E ; Hebe r t , To n y X; Su llivan , Bri an E ; Bl om, Dominique G; AMOS, WILLIAM L; Co ffey , Alexander ; Kidd , Stephen C; Huggi ns , J ohn C; Farias , Anna Maria ; Smith (Ctr) , Raymo nd V; Staya n ov i c h, Jason E ; Kurt z, R . Hunt e r; Munir, Ra f iq A; Al be r t , He l en M; Kaspe r, Mare n M; Wri ght , Sheila D; Rios , Er i c C; Rac kleff , Nea l J ; Gaines , Ralph H; PHP; Ozdinec , Mi lan M; App l eton , Seth D; Bethea , Shelia M; Clemmense n , Craig T ; Lavoy , Donald J ; Ballard , Daniel L ; Bregon , Nelson R; Bres , Dana B; Brow n, Jereo n M; Bryon , Jemin e A; Campbell , Renae M; Co ns tan tine, Peter J ; Cr uc iani , Linda M; Fr i edman , Warr en ; HEOC; Holland , Re n a D; Joy , Johnson P ; Lincoln , Pau l a A; Lyb erg , Sarah A; Micha lski , Lor i A; Mi ller , Michelle M; Nichols , Delton ; Rodkey , Kitt ; Scott , Jimmy ; Surbe r , Keith W; Wadhams , Unabyrd ; Ke l ley , Mi c h ael J ; Ga rr ett , Willie C; Dan i els , She il a J ; Barto n, Vi cto r ia L; Burl e y , Michael N; Elli s , Edward D; McC l ure , Laura L ; Zorc , Bethany A; Snow, Christopher ; Dendas , Michael W; Radosevich , Tara J; LOGAN, LEAH M; Cleveland - Legge tt , /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000680 Den i se C; Taylo r , Christopher D; Van Dam, Kately n M; Ga r g i u l o , Emil y ; Garc i a , J u an C . ; Vargas , Dav i d A. ; Smyt h , Ti mot h y M; Karp , Rachel E; Garcia Ro l o n, Juan C; Key , Ted L; Wade , Dana T; Hardy I V, Stanley ; Kirkland , J eremy Opt i o n al Atte ndees : Dunn , Co n nor M; Petty , Timothy J ; Henry , Ell i s ; Wickes , Donna L; Evans-B ur ke , Adr ian A; Abbott , Cynth i a L; Carte r , Janet L; Jankowsk i , Debbie ; Win dt , Ge r a r d ; Moses , Edwa r d L; Magruder , Jerrie G; Bailey , Nikel A; Scott - Ford , Alesia Ca ll -i n Numbe r : Access Host 888-675-2535 Code : l/b\/6\ llliRfilJ(Ja Code : n et Only ) F r om : Barnes , Mi chelle o n beha l f of Bl oc k e r , Andy Sent : Wednesday , Oc t ober 25 , 2 0 1 7 8 : 54 AM To : Greenwood , Shei l a M Subjec t : Dec lin ed : Lunc h : Andy Blocker a n d Sheila Gree nwood (HUD) Sent an inv i te from Andy ' s cale n dar .... F rom : Coo l , Debra Mo n behal f o f Brooks , Towa n da A Sent : Tuesday , Octobe r 24 , 2017 3 : 2 1 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : FW: Ch eck-in w/Sheila Greenwood Sullivan - re : Union Request Subjec t : Mee ting Forward Notification and Joe Sulliva n - re : Union Req u est Locat i o n: COS Office : Check - in and w/Shei Joe l a Greenwood Start : Tue 1 0/31/20 1 7 3 : 00 PM End : Tue 10/3 1 /2017 3 : 30 PM Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer Your : Sullivan meeting , Josep h was forwarded Sul l iva n , Josep h additional recipients . w/She il a Greenwood and Joe Su ll ivan has forwarded - re : Union HUD-18-0504-D-000681 Meeting Tuesday Time , October Recipients Brooks , Towanda All times Time (US & listed are Canada) 3 1 , 201 7 3 : 00 PM- 3 : 30 PM. A (UTC- 05 : 00) Eastern Greenwood Start : Tue 1 0/24/20 1 7 3 : 00 PM End : Tue 1 0/24/20 1 7 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : F re e Recurrence Organizer : (none) : Hazlett , Anne - OSEC, Washington , DC Th i s electron i c message conta ins i nformat i on generated by the USDA sole l y f or the i n tended recipients . Any unauthorized i n terception of this message or the use or disclosure of the i n formation it contains may vio l ate the l aw and subject the vio l ator t o civil or crimina l pena lt ies . If you be l ieve you h ave received this message in error , please no t ify the sende r and delete the ema il immed i ately . @ Wed Nov 8 , 2017 Subject : Inv itat ion : Lunc h with Mich ae l Stein 1 2pm - 1pm (EST) (S heila Greenwood) Start : Wed 11 /8/20 17 12: 00 PM End : Wed 11 /8/20 17 1:00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer more details : (none) : ~l (b~)(~6~) _____________ » Lunch with Mi chael Stein When Wed Nov 8, 2017 12pm - 1pm Eastern Calendar Sheila Gree nwood l(b)(6) Who Mic hael Ste i n • Sheila Gree nwood /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT __. Time i- organizer HUD-18-0504-D-000682 Going? Yes - Maybe - No more optio n s » I nvit a ti o n f rom Goog le Calendar You are recei vi ng th is courtesy email at the account s h eila . m. g r eenwoodl@hud . gov because you are an attendee of th i s event . To stop r ece i vi ng future updates for this eve nt, dec l i n e th i s event . Al ter n ative ly yo u can sign up for a Google acco un t at h ttps : //www . google . com/calendar/ and co n tro l your notification settings for your e n t ir e calendar . Forwarding this inv it a t ion co u ld al l ow a ny recipient t o modify your RSVP r esponse . Lea rn Mo r e . Subject : Canceled : Travel Receipt for GREENWOOD/SHEILA M Travel Dat e 22Oct Start : Thu 10 /19/20 1 7 4 : 30 PM End : Thu 1 0/19/20 1 7 5 : 00 PM Show Time As : F ree Recurrence Meeting Organizer Required : (none) Status : Not : Ha r dison, Attendees : yet responded James C Greenwood , Sheila M; Dawkins , Eunice D F rom : FSA@BCDTRAVEL. COM [mailto : FSA@BCDTRAVEL.COM] Sent : Thursday , October 19 , 2017 3 : 58 PM To : Demarzo , Benjam i n E > ; FSA@BCDTRAVE L.C OM ; Gre e nwood , Sheila M Cc : Har dison , Ja mes C > ; TRAVEL@FISCAL. TREASURY. GOV ; Rodriguez , Aida N > Subjec t: Travel Receipt for GREENWOO D/SHEILA M Tr ave l Date 22Oct > TRAVELER NOTICE - Many airl i nes charge fees f or baggage and othe r services . Amounts vary by airli n e and are subject to cha n ge . Travelers a r e responsible for v e rifying all fees charged by ind i vid u a l carriers . Pl ease vis i t the operati ng ca rr ier website o f your t i cketed it inerary for applicable fees . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000683 Printer Friendly Ti cket Rece i pt Tota l Amount : 891 . 30 USD This ticket information United Airlines Octobe r 22 United Airlines 22 United Airlines Octobe r 25 applies to the following Fli gh t 1954 f rom Washington Fl ight 1963 from Fli gh t 1767 fr om Denver trip(s DC to Housto n TX to CO to ): Hous t o n TX o n Denver CO on October Washington DC o n ElectronicTick e t Number : 0168614641193 Invoice Number : EZ001247 8 Tic ket Amount : 857 . 00 USD Form of Payme nt: CA************3047 Serv i ce Fee Number : 89007 1 7877209 Service Fee Amount : 34 . 30 USO Form of Payment: CA************3047 Travel Summary - Agency Record Locator NSPHWl Traveler GREENWOOD/ SHEILA M Reference /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT number by traveler : T008D3T HUD-18-0504-D-000684 Da t e Fr om/To Flight/Vendor Status Depar t / Arriv e Class/Type 1 0/22/2017 DCA- I AH UA 1954 Conf i rmed 06 : 00 PM/08 : 22 PM Economy I Y 1 0/22/20 17 IAH-DEN UA 1963 Con f i rm ed 09 : 30 PM/10 : 56 PM Economy I 1 0/22/2 017 Y DEN Magnolia Hotel Denver Con firme d 1 0/22 - 10/24 /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000685 10/2 4/20 17 DEN Courtya r d Mar rio tt De nv e r Arpt Conf irm ed 10/24-10/25 1 0/2 5/ 2 0 1 7 DEN-D CA UA 1767 Con fir med 09 : 55 AM/03 :1 8 PM Economy/ Y AIR - Sunday , October 22 201 7 - Agency Record Locator NSPHWl Add to Calendar Need Help? United Airlines Fli g ht UA195 4 Economy On li ne c h ec k -in HUD-18-0504-D-000686 Depart : Ronald Reagan National , Termina l B Wash in gton , District of Columbia , United Weather 22 20 1 7 : George Houston Bush Intercntl, , Texas , Uni ted Term i nal States C Weathe r 08 : 22 PM Sunday , October Duration 22 2017 : 3 hour (s ) and St atus - 22 minu te( s) Non-stop : Confirmed - United Airlines Record Locator : PH4WE6 Meal : Food Fo r Purc h ase Equipment Boeing : 737-800 Passenger Seat : 25F (Non smoking ) Confirmed Di stance : 1 206 mi l es/ /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT 194 0 . 454 k il ometers HUD-18-0504-D-000687 CO2 Emi ss i ons : 530 . 64 lbs/241 . 2 kgs Remarks : AISLE SEAT NOT AVAILABLE/WINDOW ASSIGNED . FOR UP TO DATE TRAVEL INFORMATION ON AIRLINE CHECK- IN/RESTRICTIONS/LIMITATIONS/SECURITY . PLEASE CHECK WWW .UAL . COM NO FREQUENT FLYER IN YOUR PROFILE FOR CARRIER BOOKED AIR - Sunday , October Unit ed Air l i nes Onlin e check - in Depar t : George Bush Intercnt l, Housto n, Texas , United Te r mi nal States C Weathe r 09 : 30 PM Sunday , October Arrive 22 2017 : Denver I n ternationa l Denver , Colorado , Uni te d Stat es Weath e r /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000688 10:56 PM Sunday , October 22 2017 Durat i o n: 2 hour (s) and 26 minu te(s) Non-stop Tota l d ur at i o n: 6 hour (s) Status and 55 minu te(s) including layover(s) : Confirmed - Uni ted Airlines Record Locator : PH4WE6 Mea l : Food and Equipment Boeing Dista Beverages for Pu r chase : 737 - 800 Passenger n ce : 861 miles/ CO2 Emissions 378 . 84 lbs/ 1385.349 ki l ometers : 172 . 2 kgs Remarks: NO FREQUENT FLYER IN YOUR PROFILE FOR CARRIER BOOKED HOTEL - Sunday , Octo ber 22 2017 Add to Calendar Need He l p? Magnol i a Hotel Address Denver : 818 1 7th Stree t Denve r , CO 8020 2 United Sta t es 1 8 %201 7th %20S t r ee t %20Denver , %20C0 %20 Tel : +1 ( 303 ) 607 - 9000 Fax : +1 ( 303 ) 607 - 010 1 Check In/Check Out : Sunday , Octobe r 22 2017 St atus - Tuesday , Oc t ober 24 2017 : Confirmed Numbe r of Persons : 1 Numbe r of Rooms : 1 Number of Nigh t s : 2 Rate pe r night : USO 200 . 00 p l us /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT tax a nd any additional fees HUD-18-0504-D-000690 Guaranteed : Yes Confirmation : 842259547 CO2 Emissions : Per approx i mately night is 63.8 lbs/29 kgs Remarks : CANCEL BY 4PM DAY OF ARRIVAL LOCAL HOTEL TIME TO AVOID 200.00USD CREDIT CARD REQUIRED AT CHECK IN HOTEL - Tuesday , October FEE 24 2017 Add to Cale n dar Need Help? Courtyard Address Marriott Denver Arpt : 6901 Tower Rd Denver , CO 80249 Unit ed States = 690l %20Tower %20Rd %20Denver , %20C0 %2080 Te l : +l (303) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT 371 - 0300 HUD-18-0504-D-000691 Fax : +1 (303) Check 371 - 2480 In/Check Tuesday St atus Ou t : , Octobe r 24 2017 - Wednesday, October 25 2017 : Confirmed Numbe r of Perso n s : 1 Numbe r of Rooms : 1 Numbe r of Ni g ht s : 1 Rate pe r nigh t : USD 180 . 00 plus Gua r anteed tax and any additional fees : Yes Confirmation : 90036811 Corp . Discount : fb)(6) CO2 Emissions : Per approxima nig ht Add i tional is Informat te l y 63 . 8 l bs/29 kgs i on : REQUEST NONSMOKING KING Remar ks : CANCEL 48 HOURS PRIOR TO ARRIVAL TO AVOID BILLIN G. /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000692 CREDIT CARD REQUIRE D AT CHECK IN AIR - Wednesday , October 25 2017 - Agency Record Locator NSPHWl Add to Calendar Need He l p? United Airlines Onl i ne c he c k -in : Denver International Denver , Colo rad o, United St ates Weather 09 : 55 AM Wednesday , October 25 2017 Arr i ve : Ronald Reagan National , Terminal Wash in gton , District of Columbia B , United Weather /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT States . com/cgi - HUD-18-0504-D-000693 03 : 1 8 PM Wednesday Duratio , Octob e r 2 5 2017 n: 3 hou r( s ) and St atus 23 min u te( s ) No n -stop : Confirmed - United Airl i ne s Record Locator : PH4WE6 Mea l : Food For Purc h ase Equ ipm e n t : Boe ing 757 - 300 Passenger Di sta n ce : 1 471 mil es / 2366 . 839 k ilom ete rs CO2 Emissions 647 . 24 l bs/294 : . 2 kgs Remarks : NO FREQUENT FLYER IN YOUR PROFILE FOR CARRIER BOOKED Remarks FOR 24/7 TRAVEL ASSISTANCE PLEASE CONTACT THE BCD TRAVEL TEAM AT 1- 844 - 2 7 8- 5521 FOR OUTSI DE THE US CALL COLLECT 770 - 829 - 2604 FOR THE HEARI NG IMPAIRE D- PLEASE DIAL 711 TO ACCESS RELAY SERVICE- PROVIDE PHONE NUMBER OF 1 - 844 - 278 - 552 1 TO ACCESS TRAVEL DUE TO RECENT CHANGES IN THE FY15 GOVERNMENTCITY PAI R /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000694 PROGRAM/CPP YOUR AIR RESERVATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CANCELLATION BY THE AIR LI NES IF NOT TICKETED AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO SCHEDULED DEPARTURE PLEASE ENSURE ALL NECESSARY APPROVALS ARE PROCESSED IN ACCORDANCE WITH YOUR AGENCYS BUSI NESS RULES BUT NO LESS THAN 3 BUSINESS DAYS PRIOR TO DEPARTURE TO ENSURE TICKETING . THIS 48 HOUR CANCELLATION RULE DOES NOT APPLY TO INTERNATIONAL RESERVATIONS UNLESS YOUR TRIP HAS DOMESTIC CONNECTIO NS ON MORE THAN ONE AIRLINE OR THESE RESERVATIO NS REQUIRE SEPARATE AI R TICKETS . *********************************** CHECK- IN TIMES ARE 90 MIN UTES PRI OR TO DEPARTURE FOR DOMESTIC FLIGHTS OR 120 MINUTES FOR I NTERNATI ONAL ELECTRONIC TICKET/Sf WILL BE ISSUED FOR THIS TRIP CHECKED BAGGAGE POLI CIES VARY BASED ON CARRIER AND FINAL DESTI NATION . FOR THE LATEST INFORMATION PLEASE CHECK WITH YOUR TRAVEL CONSULTANT OR THE AIRLINES WEBSITE . 190c t/02 : 57PM Estimated trip total 1 , 522 . 55 USO Air Car Hote l Rail Other 857 . 00 USO 665 . 55 USO Fare details : Tick eted Vendor /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000695 Fare information Refund before restrictions d epa rture Change r estr after ticket Ticke t i ctions i ng informa t ion Air UA1954 22Oct UAl 963 22Oct UA1767 25Oct Tota l : USD 857 . 0 0 REFUND RESTRICTIONS MAY APPLY CHANGE RESTRI CTIONS MAY APPLY All quotes are p r ov i der quotes exc l ud ing possible taxes and cha rg es en route . Currency conversions shown in this i t i nerary r e ceip t are d one using the bank rate app li cable at the date show n i n the he ader o f this doc ument . Please n ote that some loca l taxes a nd charges may be i n vo i ced dur i ng your t ri p and ca n not be shown at time of reservatio n. Advice to Pas se ng ers Transpo rt atio n of Hazardous Materi al s Federal law f o rb ids the carr i age of ha z a r dous mater i al aboard t he aircraft , in your l uggage , or on your person . A vio la tio n can result i n 5 years impr i sonment and pena l ties of $2 5 0 ,000 or more (49 U. S . C 5124) . Hazardous materials i ncl u de explosives , compressed gases , f l ammable l i q ui ds and sol i ds , o x id iz e r s , po i sons , cor r osives and radioactive materia l s . Forbidden Dangerous I tem s Examp l es : Paints , l i ghter f l u i d , firewo rk s , tea r gases, oxygen bott l es a n d radiopharmaceuticals . There are special exceptio n s for sma ll quanti t i es (up to 7 0 ounces tota l ) of medicinal and toi l e t a r t ic l es carr i ed in yo ur luggage and certain smoking materi a l s ca rri ed o n your pe r son . Fo r f urt h e r i n f o rmat i on , co n tact your a i rl i n e representative . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000696 Note : Spare batteries and fuel cells are not pe r mitted in checked hold baggage . These i tems MUST be packed in carry-on baggage . If your carry - on bag is gate checked , the spare batteries and fuel cells must be removed and ca rri ed in the cabin . Email generated on 1 9Oct/7 or : 57 PM UTC BCD Travel acts only as an agent for the air l ines , hotels , bus companies , railroads , tour operators , cruise lines , car rental companies , and other sim il ar th ir d part i es prov iding accommodations , transpo r tat i o n, or other meeting and travel related services (" Suppliers " ) . Supp l ie r s are independent and do not act for o r on behalf o f BCD Travel , are not employees of BCD Travel , and do no t have a joint venture or partnership with BCD Travel . Suppliers have thei r own terms and cond ition s for the services they provide, and you agree to abide by t he terms and co n ditions set f or t h in a n y and all documents for any such Supplier services, includ i ng , witho u t l imitation , all cancellation fees . By utilizing the services represented by this itinerary , you agree to the foregoing and a l so agree t h at neit h er BCD Trave l or its parent , affiliates , subs i dia ri es , pa r tners , agents , and thei r respect i ve officers , directors , employees, and representatives shall be or become liable for any lo ss , cost , expense , injury , accident , or damage to person or p r operty r esu lting d ir ectly or indirectly from (i) the acts or omissions o f Suppliers , inc l uding , but not li mited to , delays or cancellation of serv i ces , cessation of operations , breakdown in machinery or equipment , or changes in fares , itineraries , or schedules ; and/or (ii) acts of God , dangers incident to the sea , fires , acts of government or o th er authorities , wars , acts of terrorism , c i vil unrest , str i kes , r i ots , the fts , p il ferage , epidemics , quarantines , other diseases , climatic aberrations, or fr om any other cause beyond BCD Travel ' s contro l . Pl ease see additional terms and conditions related to th i s itin erary at Terms and Co n ditions . Subject : Denver via Loc ation : Canceled : Fli ght : UA 1954/UA 1963 - Washington a r rive Houston - Vendor Locator : PH4WE6 for GREENWOOD/SHEILA M Ronald Reagan National Sun 1 0/22/20 1 7 6 : 00 PM Start : End : Mon 1 0/23/20 1 7 12 : 56 AM F r ee Show Time As : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000697 Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organi z e r: Hard i son , James C Requ i red Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila M Please note any changes made t o this segment wi ll not automat i ca l ly update this appointme nt. Agency Record Locator: NSPHWl Depart  ;   ;   ;   ;   ;   ;   ;   ;   ;   ; &n bsp;         ;    ; &nbs p ;   ;   ;   ;   ;   ;   ; On line check- i n Ronald Reaga n Nat i onal , Terminal B Washington , District of Columbia , United States 06 : 00 PM Sunday, October 22 2017 Arrive George Bush Intercntl , Term in al C Houston , Texas , United States 08 : 22 PM Sunday, October 22 2017 Duration : 3 hour(s) and 22 minute(s) Non - stop Status : Con firme d - United Airlines Record Locator PH4WE6 Meal : Food For Purchase Equipment : Boeing 737 - 800 Passe ng er Seat : 25F (Non smoking) Confirmed CO2 Emissions : 530 . 64 lbs/24 1.2 kgs Remarks : AISLE SEAT NOT AVAILABLE/WINDOW ASSIGNED . FOR UP TO DATE TRAVEL INFORMATION ON AIRL INE CHECKIN/RESTRICTIONS/LIMITATIONS/SECURITY . PLEASE CHECK WWW .UAL. COM NO FREQUENT FLYER IN YOUR PROFILE FOR CARRIER BOOKED Depar t&nb sp ;   ;   ;   ;   ;    ;   ;   ;   ; &n bsp ;   ;   ;   ;   ;   ;   ;   ;   ;   ;   ; &nbs p ;   ;   ;   ;   ;   ;   ; Onl i ne check - in George Bush Intercnt l, Term i na l C Houston , Texas , United States 09 : 30 PM Sunday , October 22 2017 Arrive Denver Internat i onal Denver , Colorado , United States 1 0 : 56 PM Sunday , October 22 2017 Durat i on : 2 ho ur( s) and 26 minu te(s) Non-stop Status : Confirmed - United Airli n es Record Locator PH4WE6 Meal : Food and Beverages for Purchase Equipment : Boei ng 737-800 Passe ng er CO2 Emiss i ons : 378 . 84 lbs/172 . 2 kgs Remarks : NO FREQUENT FLYER IN YOUR PROFILE FOR CARRIER BOOKED /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000698 F rom : Marzol , Ado l fo F Sent : Thursday , Octob e r 19 , 20 1 7 3 : 43 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Sub j ect : Accepted : Weekly Chec k-in w/Sheila F rom : Sent : To : Subjec and Ado l fo Wade , Dana T Wednesday , Oc t ober 18 , 201 7 2 : 40 PM Greenwood , Sheila M t: Accepted : Qui c k Phone Cal l w/S h ei l a a nd Dana Subjec t: Wild f ires Locatio n: DMG Response DepSec Meeting : Hurricane Maria w. & Californ ia Con f ere n ce Room 10106 Start : Mon 1 0/23/20 1 7 9 : 30 AM End : Mon 10/23/2017 1 0 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence : Week l y Recurr e nce Pa tt ern : 1 0 : 00 AM Meet in g Status : Not every yet Monday and Wednesday from 9 : 30 AM to r espo nded Organiz e r : Golric k, Jane t M Requ i red Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Eagles , David T ; Al exa nde r, Fra n k J ; Br ooks , Towa n da A; Cooke , Kev i n R; Gr eene , Bry a n ; Kittrell , Katharine D; Renner , Robert N; Rich a rdson , Todd M; Thompson , Amy C; Timberlake , Courtney B; Potts , Mil l icent B; Hunter , Matthew F ; Van Duyne , Beth A; Ramon , Nicolas ; Bradley , Leslie Ann ; Wol l J r , Dav i d C; Ammon , Matt h ew E ; Hebe r t , To n y X; Su llivan , Br ian E ; Bl om, Domini q u e G; AMOS, WILLIAM L; Coffey , Ale x ande r; Ki dd , Stephe n C; Huggi n s , J oh n C; Farias , Ann a Maria ; Smith (Ctr) , Raymond V; Stayanovich , Jason E ; Kurtz , R . Hun t er ; Munir , Rafiq A; Albert , Helen M; Kasper , Mare n M; Wrig h t , Sheila D; Rios , Eric C; Rac kleff , Nea l J ; Ga i nes , Ra l ph H; PHP; Oz d i nec , Mi l an M; App l eto n, Set h D; Bethea , She li a M; Cl emmen sen , Cr a i g T ; Lavoy , Don ald J ; Bal l ard , Dan i el L ; Brego n, Ne l so n R; Bres , Dana B; Brown , Jereon M; Bryon , Jemine A; Campbe l l , Re nae M; Constantin e, Pet e r J ; Cruc i ani , Linda M; Friedman , Warr en ; HEOC; Holla n d , Re n a D; Joy , Johnso n P ; Li n co l n , Pau l a A; Lybe r g , Sara h A; Mi c h alsk i, Lo r i A; Mi ller , Mi c h e ll e M; Nichols , Del ton ; Rodkey , Kitt ; Sco tt , Jimmy ; Surber , Keith W; Wadhams , Unabyrd ; Kelley , Michael J ; Garrett , Wil lie C; Daniels , Sheila J ; Bar t on , Vic t oria L ; Bu rley , Michael N; Ellis , Edward D; McClure , Laura L ; Zorc , Betha n y A; Snow , Chris t opher ; Dendas , Mi chael W; Radosev i ch , Tara J ; LOGAN, LEAH M; Cleve l a nd-Legge tt , Den i se C; Taylor , Christopher D; Van Dam, Kately n M; Gargiu l o , Emily ; Garcia , Juan C .; Vargas , David A.; Smyth , Timothy M; Karp , Rachel E ; Garcia Ro l o n, Juan C; Key , Ted L ; Wade , Dana T Opt i o n al Atte ndees : Dunn , Co n nor M; Petty , Timothy J ; Hen r y , Ell i s ; Wickes , Donna L ; Evans - Burke , Adrian A; Abbott , Cynth i a L /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000699 Cal l -i n Numbe r: Access Host 888-675-2535 Code : !/b)/6) llliRfilJ(Ja Code : Subject Locatio : n: Canceled : Update DepSec Conference ne t Only) on Hur r icane Room 10 1 06 Ma ri a & Ha r vey Start : Tue 10/2 4/20 17 9 : 30 AM End : Tue 10/2 4/20 17 10 : 00 AM Show Time As : Free Recurrence Recurrence 10 : 00 AM Meeting : Weekly Pat t ern : Status : Not every yet Tuesday a n d Thursday f rom 9 : 30 AM to responded Organi zer: Golr i c k, Janet M Requ ir ed Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Eagles , David T ; Alexander , Fra nk J ; Brooks , Towanda A; Coo ke , Kevin R; Gree ne , Bryan ; Kittr ell , Katharine D; Ren ner , Robert N; Richardson , Todd M; Thompson , Amy C; Timberlake , Co ur tney B; Po tts, Milli ce nt B; Hun ter , Matthew F ; Va n Duy ne , Beth A; Ramon , Ni co la s ; Br ad l ey , Les li e Ann ; Wol l Jr , David C; Ammon, Matt h ew E ; Hebert , To ny X; Sullivan , Brian E ; Bl om, Dominique G; AMOS, WILLIAM L; Co ffey , Alexander ; Kidd, Stephen C; Huggins , John C; Farias , Anna Maria ; Smith (Ctr) , Raymond V; Staya n ov i c h, Jason E; Kurt z, R . Hunt er ; Mun ir , Ra f iq A; Al be rt, He l en M; Kaspe r , Mare n M; Wri ght , Sheila D; Rios , Er i c C; Rac kl eff , Nea l J ; PHP; Ozdinec , Milan M; Appleton , Seth D; Bethea , Shelia M; Clemmensen , Cra i g T ; Lav o y , Dona l d J; Ba ll a r d, Daniel L ; Bregon , Nelso n R; Bres , Dana B; Brown , Jereon M; Bryo n, Jem ine A; Campbell , Renae M; Consta n t i ne , Peter J ; Cr uc i ani , Linda M; Fr i edman , Warr en ; HEOC; Hol l and , Rena D; Joy , Jo hns on P ; Linco ln, Pau l a A; Lyberg , Sarah A; Michalski , Lor i A; Miller , Mic h e ll e M; Nichols , Del ton ; Rodkey , Kitt ; Scott , Jimmy ; Surber , Keith W; Wadhams , Unabyr d; Kel l ey , Mic hael J ; Garrett , Willie C; Danie l s , Sheila J ; Barto n, Vi cto ri a L ; Burley , Mi c h ae l N; Ellis , Edward D; McC l u r e , Laura L ; Zorc , Bethany A; Snow , Christopher ; De n das , Mic ha el W; Radosevich , Tara J ; LOGAN, LEAH M; Cl eveland - Legge t t , Den i se C; Tay l or , Chris t opher D; Van Dam, Katelyn M; Gargi ul o , Emi ly ; Garcia , Juan C .; Vargas , David A.; Gai ne s , Ralph H; Smyth, Timothy M; Karp , Rache l E ; Garc i a Rolon , J u an C; Key , Ted L ; Wade , Dana T ; Tufts , Suz anne I ; STRACNER, JAMES L Optional Attend ees: Dunn , Connor M; Petty , Timothy J ; Wickes , Donna L ; Henry , Ell i s ; Evans-Burke , Adrian A; Ja n kows ki, Debbie ; Pi acentin i, Suzanne ; Campbe ll, Patr i c i a A; Aggrey-Antwi , Irene W; Jones , Ca ro l D; Abbott, Cynthia L ; Landecker , Anthony S ; Orriols , Mirza ; Pa tton , Lynne M /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000700 Cal l -in Acc ess Host Numbe r : 888-675-2535 Code : ~l o n beha l f of Willi am Russell Sent : Tuesday , October 1 0 , 201 7 4:3 5 PM To : Greenwood , Shei l a M Subjec t: Accep te d : Check - i n w/She i la Gre enw oo d and Wil l iam Russe ll F rom : Sent : To : Subjec Demarzo , Benjami n E Tu esd ay , October 10 , 20 1 7 2 : 5 4 PM Greenwood , Shei l a M t: Accepted : Weekl y Chec k-i n w/Shei l a , Jacie Subjec t: Locat i o n: Rollout 7 2 02 o f 2017 Point-In-Time & Ben Co u nt Sta r t : Tu e 10/ 1 0 /2017 3 : 00 PM End : Tue 10/ 1 0 /2017 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : (none ) Meetin g Sta t us : Not ye t re spo nded Org a nizer : Thompson , Amy C Required At te ndees : Brian E Sullivan (brian . e . sul l ivan@hud . gov); Appl eton, Seth D; Micha e l W Dendas (Michael . W. Denda s@hud . gov); R. Hunte r Kurtz (Robert . H.Ku rtz@ hu d .g ov) ; Su char , Norman A; Bryo n, J emi ne A; Snow , Willi am; Rackleff , Neal J Opt i o na l At te ndees : Greenwood , Shei l a M; Hugh es , Andrew ; Gaines , Ralph H; Dunn , Conno r M; Mar sha ll , Micha e l J; PHP; Richardson , Todd M Update travel : We are schedules r esched u ling . f o r Tuesday , Oct . 10 , to accommodate This briefing wi l l cover t he resul t s of o u r upcoming (early Novemb e r ) 2017 Annual Homeless Assessm en t Report t o Congress , as well as the planning for its re l ease . P l ease forward t o anyone I may h ave i n adve r tent l y left off . F rom : Thompso n, Amy C Sent : Tues d ay , October 10 , 20 1 7 1 : 47 PM To : Hughes , Andrew ; Gr eenwood , Sheila M Subject : Dec lin ed : Weekl y St a ff Mee t i ng /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000710 I have a doctor ' s appoi nt ment t omorrow to at t e n d the weekly s t aff mtg . Subject : Meeti ng Forward Not i fication Aida & CFO Staff - re : SOHUD' s Budget Locatio n: COS Of f ice morn i ng a n d wi ll : Check - in n ot w/Sheila be ab le , David , Start : Wed 1 0/11/20 1 7 9 : 00 AM End : Wed 1 0/11/20 1 7 9 : 30 AM Recurrence Organizer Your : (none) : meeting Rodriguez , Aida N was f orwarded Rodr i guez , Ai da N your meeting request to additio n al recipients . Meeting Check- i n w/She il a , Dav i d , Aida Meeting Time Wednesday , October Recip i ents Moran , Mic h ael 11 , 2017 J t ime zone : (UTC-05 : 00) Sent by Mic ro soft Exchange Server From : Haw kin s , Grego r y R Sent : Tuesday , Octobe r 1 0 , 2017 1 0 : 37 AM To : Greenwood , Shei la M Subjec t: Accepted : Chec k - in w/Sheila , David , Aida re: SOHUD' s Budget From : Ly be rg , Sarah A Sent : Tuesday , Octobe r 10 , 20 1 7 10 : 28 AM To : Greenwood , She i la M Subject : Accepted : Check - in w/Sheila , David , Aida re : SOHUD' s Budget Eastern & CFO Staff - & CFO Staff - F rom : Wolfson , Len Sent : Tuesday , October 10 , 2017 10 : 10 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Sheila and Ben and Len on MBA Confe r e n ce F rom : Demarzo , Benjamin /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT E HUD-18-0504-D-000711 Sen t : Tues d ay , Oc t ob er 10, 2017 10 : 06 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Sheila and Be n and Le n on MBA Conference Subject: Locatio n: Briefing Dep Sec on Economic Policy Confere nc e Room Agenda and Messagi ng Star t : Tue 10 /10/20 1 7 4 : 00 PM End : Tue 1 0/10/20 1 7 4 : 4 5 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence : (none ) Meet i ng Status : Not yet r espo nd ed Or ga niz e r : Thompson , Amy C Required Attendees : PHP; Gree nwood , She il a M; Cowan Jr ., Ch ad ; Appl e ton , Set h D; Dendas , Mi c h ael W; Wade , Dan a T ; Marzo l , Adolfo F; Zor c, Bethany A; Hughes , And rew ; Farias , Ann a Maria ; Ra ck l eff , Nea l J ; Dunn, Connor M; Mars ha ll , Michael J ; Eagles , Davi d T Optio na l At tendees : Kasper , Maren M; Smith , Cooper J Rescheduled f o r n e xt Tu esday , October 10 , 4 : 00 p.m . Agenda : Overv iew I. Discuss the ration al e and fie d t h ese policy priorities Pol i cy Agenda II. Provide III how we identi details and IV . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT for e ach initiativ e Messaging . Discuss points t iming key themes r e l at i ve to o f broader n arrati eac h in it i a t ive Other ve, as wel l as specific t alking Cons i de r at i o n s HUD-18-0504-D-000712 V. Next Steps From : Alexande r, Mason Sent : Fr i day , October 06 , 2017 11:2 9 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Declined : Weekly Check - i n w/She il a , Jac i e From : Sent : To : Subjec Bourne , Chr i stop h er M Thursday , October 05 , 2017 4 : 08 PM Greenwood , Shei la M t: Accepted : Pho n e Call w/Sheila and Subject : Invita t i on : ~l(b_)(_6_) ______ 12 : 30pm (EDT) (Shei l a Gree nwood ) Chris ~ @ Thu Oct & Mason Bourne 26 , 2017 8 : 50am - St art : Thu 10/26/2 0 1 7 8 : 50 AM End : Thu 10/26/2017 12 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recurrence Organiz more er : : (none) ~l (b_)(_6_) _____________ ~ deta il s » l(b)(6) When Thu Oct 26 , 2017 8 :5 0am - 12 : 30pm Eas te rn Time Calendar She il a Greenwood Who • l(b)(6) i - organi z e r • I l(b )(6 ) Sheila Greenwood I nvitati o n f rom Goog l e Goi ng? Yes - Maybe - No more opt i o n s» Calenda r You are receiving th is courtesy emai l at the account sheila . m. greenwoodl@hud . gov because you are an attendee of th i s event. To stop r ece i ving future updates for this eve nt, dec l ine th i s event . Al ter natively you can sign up for a Google accoun t at h tt ps : //www . google . com/calendar/ and control your notification setti ng s for your entire cale nd ar . Forward i ng this in vitat ion could allow any recipient to modify your RSVP response . Learn More . Subject : BRIEF on Congressional Hearings Loc ation : SOHUD's Conference Room Start : Thu 1 0/5/20 17 2 : 00 PM End : Thu 1 0/5/20 17 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000713 Recurrence Meeting : (non e ) Status : Not yet responded Organi z e r: Doc Ben Requ i red Atte ndees : Den das , Mi chael W; Brown , Jereon M; Amy C Thompson (Amy. C . Thompson@hud . gov ); Kelley , Michael J ; Seth D Apple t on (Seth . D. Appleton@hud . gov) ; Adolfo F Marzol (Ado l fo . F . Marzol@hud . gov) ; PHP ; Marshal l , Mi chael J ; Sheila M Greenwood (Sheila . M. Greenwoodl@hud . gov) Topic : Giv e brie Congress fing book to SOHUD, poten ti al ly call Membe r s o f FW: Update on Hur ricane Mar i a & Harvey DepSec Conference Room 1 0106 Subject : Location : Thu 10/5/2017 9 : 30 AM Start : End : Thu 1 0/5/20 17 10 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Recurrence Pa tt ern : 10 : 00 AM Organizer : every Gol ri ck , Ja net Tuesday and Thursday f rom 9 : 30 AM to M From : Golrick , Jane t M Sent : Friday , Sep tembe r 29 , 2017 4: 22 : 12 PM UTC M; Greenwood , Sheila M; Eagles , Dav id T ; To : Golrick , Janet Ale x ander , Fra n k J ; Brooks , Towanda A; Cooke , Kevin R; Greene , Bryan ; Ki ttre ll , Katharine D; Renner , Robert N; Ri chardson , Todd M; Thompson , Amy C; Timberlake , Cou r tney B; Potts , Mi l li cent B; Hunter , Matthew F; Van Duyne , Beth A; Ramon , Nicolas ; Bradley , Leslie Ann ; Woll Jr , David C; Ammon, Matthew E ; Hebert , Tony X; Ozd i nec , Milan M; Sullivan , Brian E ; Bl om, Dominique G; AMOS, WILLIAM L ; Co f fey , Alexande r; Ki dd , Stephen C; Huggins, Jo hn C; Farias, Anna Maria ; Smith (Ctr) , Raymond V; Stayanovich , Jason E ; Kur tz , R . Hunte r ; Muni r , Rafiq A; Albert , Helen M; Kasper , Maren M; Wri ght , She ila D; Rios , Er ic C; Rackleff , Neal J ; Appleton , Seth D; Bethea , Shelia M; Clemmensen , Craig T ; Lavoy , Dona ld J ; Ba llar d , Danie l L ; Brego n , Nelson R; Bres , Dana B; Brown , Je reon M; Bryon , Jem i ne A; Campbell , Renae M; Constantine , Peter J ; Cruciani , Linda M; Friedman , Warren ; HEOC; Holl and , Rena D; Joy , Johnson P ; Linco ln , Paula A; Lyberg , Sarah A; Michalski , Lori A; Miller , Mic h elle M; Nichols , Del ton ; Rodkey , Ki t t ; Scott , J immy ; Surber , Keith W; Wadhams , Unabyrd ; Kelley, Michael J ; Garrett , Willie C; Daniels , Sheila J ; Barton , Victor ia L ; Burley , Michael N; Ellis, Edwa rd D; McClure , Laura L; /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000714 Zorc , Bet hany A; Snow , Christopher ; Den das , Mic h ae l W; Radosevich , Tara J ; LOGAN, LEAH M; Cleve l a n d-Legge tt , Denise C; Taylor , Christop h er D; Van Dam, Ka te lyn M; Gargiulo , Emily ; Garcia , Juan C .; Va r gas , Davi d A.; Ga ines , Ralph H; Smyth , Timothy M; Karp , Rache l E; Garcia Rolon , J u an C; Key , Ted L; PHP; Wade , Dan a T Cc : Dunn , Conno r M Subject: Update on Hurricane Ma r ia & Harv ey When : Th ursday , October 5 , 2017 1 : 30 PM- 2 : 00 PM. Where : DepSec Conference Room 10106 Cal l -in Numbe r: Access Code : Host Code : 888-675-2535 ! llliRfil:I(Jane !/b)/6) t Only) Fr om : Tal l ey , Keith L Sent : Wednesday , October 0 4 , 201 7 11: 46 AM To : Gre enwood , Sheila M Subject : Accep te d : CIA Br i efing w/Shei l a Subject : Updat ed in vitat 11 , 2017 12pm - 1pm (EDT) i on : Lunch with Mi chae l Stein (Shei l a Greenwood) @ Wed Oct Start : Wed 1 0/11/20 1 7 12 : 00 PM End : Wed 1 0/11/20 1 7 1 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recurrence Organizer This more event details : (none) : ~ ~l Sent : Tues da y , October 03 , 2017 1 1 : 46 AM To : Gr ee nwood , Shei la M Subjec t : Accepted : Meeting w/She ila Gr eenwood , Amy and Jorda n - re : Even ts Looki ng forw ard Subjec t: Locat i o n : to seeing Co n sue l la you Canceled : Chec k -in 10 226 (Sh e l i a ' s Off i ce ) Start : Mon 10/9/2017 9 : 00 End : Mon 10/9/2017 Show Time As : F ree Recurrence : Dai ly Recu rr ence Pa tte rn : Meet i ng Status : Not 8 : 30 AM AM eve r y day yet from 8 : 30 AM to 9 : 00 AM r espo nded Org a nize r : Go l rick , Janet M Required Att en d ees : Clemmensen , Crai g T; Hughes , Andrew ; Greenwood , Sheila M; Eagles , David T Hol ida y - Columbus Day! From : Wade , Dan a T Sent : Tuesday , Octobe r 03 , 2017 7 :1 4 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Sheila/Dana/Adolfo re Fr om : Sent : To : Subjec Marzol , Ado lf o Tuesday , Octobe Greenwood , Shei t : Accep te d : Subject : Eunice fh a F r 03 , 2017 6 : 40 AM la M Sheila/Dana/Adolfo r e fh a ou t of the Office Appoin tme nt in t h e after noon - rx~ ~--~ Start : Wed 1 0/4/20 17 12 : 00 AM End : Thu 1 0/5/20 17 12 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000717 Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organi z e r: Dawk i ns , Eun i ce D Requ i red Attendees : Greenwood Carter , Stevens J Subject : Location : Canceled Treasury : Coffee dining , Sheila w/ Sheila Room M; Rod ri gue z, Greenwood , Eli Ai da N; Mi l ler Start : Thu 10/12/2017 8 : 00 AM End : Thu 1 0/12/20 1 7 8 : 30 AM Show Time As : F ree Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Eli . Miller@treasury Appointment . gov #63307 Treasury Department address 1500 Pennsy l vania Ave NW Washington DC 20220 is: Please enter th r ough the Ga ll atin entrance White House , we are on the l eft hand side of America . Eli will meet Subject : Location : Sheila i n his Congressional Departmental office Hearing Conference . If you are fac i ng the across from PNC and Bank on t he 3rd Prep -- Murder Room floor in room 3408 . Board Start : Wed 1 0/11/20 1 7 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 1 0/11/20 1 7 4 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) St atus : No t yet responded Organizer : DocBen Required Attendees : Zorc , Bethany A; Wolfson , Len ; Wade , Dana T ; Roget , Gise l e G; Gimont , Stanley ; Eagles , David T ; Ri cha r dson , Todd M; Adolfo F Marzol (Adolfo . F . Marzol@hud . gov) ; Bright , Michael R; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Kurtz , R . Hunter ; Dendas , Michael W; Amy C Thompson (Amy. C.Thompson@hud . gov) ; Sheila M Greenwood (She i la . M. Greenwood l @hud . gov) ; Kelley , Michael J ; Seth D App l eton (Seth . D. Appleton@hud . gov) ; Barton , Victoria L ; Brown , Jereon M; PHP; Marshal l , Michae l J /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000718 Subject : Loca tion : MEET w/ Sheila SOHUD' s Off i ce Start : Thu 1 0/5/20 17 10 : 00 AM End : Thu 1 0/5/20 17 10 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organizer : DocBe n Requ i red Attendees : She il a M Greenwood (Sheila . M. Greenwood l @hud . gov) Subject : Loca tion : BRIEF on NEC Principals SOHUD' s Office Meeting : Housing Finance Reform Start : Thu 10/5/2017 10 : 30 AM End : Thu 1 0/5/20 17 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organizer : DocB en Required Atte ndees : She il a M Gree nwood (She i la . M. Greenwood l @hud . gov) ; Adolfo F Marzo l (Adolfo . F . Marzol@hud . gov) From : Sent : To : Subjec Marzol , Ado l fo F Sunday , October 01 , 2017 11 : 37 AM Greenwood , Sheila M t: Dec lin ed : Weekly Check-in w/Shei la Sheila - sending Subjec t: Loca tion : a decline Canceled because : HUD International Room 8106 ~ or call of the and principals Engagement in : 877-336-1828 Adol f o meeting on HFR Policy code : -!( b-)(-6)-~ Start : Fri 9/29/20 17 4 : 30 PM End : Fri 10/13/2017 5 : 00 PM Show Time As : Free Recurrence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) HUD-18-0504-D-000719 Organizer : Richardson Requ i red At tendees : Hughe s, Andrew Optional Attendees : , Todd M Greenwood , Shei la M; PHP; Eagles , David T; Mar shal l , Mi chae l J From : Gr eenwood , She i la M Sent : Thursday , September 28 , 20 17 1: 04 PM To : Richa r dson , Todd M ; PHP ; Eagles , David T ; Hughes , Andrew Cc : Marshal l, Michae l J Su bject : Re : HUD International Engagement Po l i cy FYI . See below . We can Ge t Outlook for discuss iOS From : Richardson , Todd M Sent : Thursday , September 28 , 2017 1: 02 : 2 4 PM To : PHP ; Eag l es , Dav id T; Greenwood , She i la M; Hughes , Andrew Su bject : HUD International Engagement Po li cy Pam , David , She ila , and Andrew I need to know (1 ) what o ur ge neral policy should be fo r int e r nat ion al engagement ; a nd (2 ) who should be the " dec i de r " i n r espec t to HUD staf f ove r seas tr ave l. Curre nt Policy Cindy Campbell i n IPI has been i mplement in g our int e r nat ion al engagemen ts i n a " business as usual " style . That is , th e State Departmen t requests that HUD attend an internationa l meet i ng to discuss Hou sing or Urba n Development issues and we send someone . Normal cour se of b u siness would be HUD sends an Assistant Sec r eta ry /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000720 with support from IPI. HUD' s role is to provide and receive information . There i s no ob lig at i on beyond that. The r e i s a cost for travel and t h e time of the staff people who attend . There can be a benefit to HUD in terms of th i ngs we l ea rn from other countries . We gai ne d a good deal of knowled ge f rom the Ne therla nds when th i nk ing about build i ng more flood sma r t i nfrast r uctu r e post-Sandy . Sim i lar ly , Ch il e created a ho u si ng voucher prog r am after vis i ting with HUD staff to discuss our program . We currently have a good conversation with Japan on aging in place . We might gain from discussions with other countries on their shallow subsidy ren t suppo rt programs . Pe rh aps there i s someth i ng t o be l ea rn ed to support our housing finance reform conversations . Planned 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Events and questions . For a n Octobe r 16th meeting with sen i or min i st ry of f i cials of Isra el at the State Department , Neal Rackleff in CPD is attending on HUD' s behalf . The Wor ld Urban Forum is February 8 - 13, 2018 i n Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia . Past policy would have the Sec ret ary (or Deputy Secretary) attend as the US r epresentat i ve to th i s internationa l meeting on urban issues held every two years . Do we want to cont inu e with tha t policy? The United Na tion s Eco nomic Commiss i o n for Europe (UNECE) is meeting o n h ous i ng a n d l a nd adm i n i st r at i o n a n nua l meeting in Geneva , Switzerland November 7 - 10 , 2017 . Past Policy would send an Assistant Secretary . We are currently proposing that I attend . Do we want me to a tte nd , do we send someone else, or do we i nf orm State Depa r tmen t we will no t be attend in g? There i s an OECD meeti ng on Urban Po l icy December 5-8 , 2017 i n Paris , France . Past Po licy wou ld send an Assista nt Secretary with IPI support . Do we want to send someone? Who? Or do we inform Sta te Department we will no t be atte n ding? The Sec r etary is t raveling to the US-Japan Aging f orum i n To ky o , Japan December 2-9, 201 7 . Does the Secreta ry want IPI staff support at this meeti ng? I f so , is Ci n dy Campbell approved to atten d? Thanks , I wil l be sendi ng an invite for tomorrow th at hopeful ly we can ge t decisions on all of these events and more broad ly estab li sh our going forward policy o n inter n ationa l e ng ageme n t . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000721 Than k s , Todd Subjec t: Loca tion : HUD Internationa Room 8106 ; call l Engagement Policy b=)(~)6'-__. in 877-336- 1828 code : ~k Start : Fri 9/29/20 17 4 : 30 PM End : F ri 9/29/20 17 5 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not Organi zer : Richardson Requ i red Attendees : Hughes , Andrew ye t responded , Todd M PHP; Eagles , David T ; Gr eenwood , She i la M; F rom : Richardso n , Todd M Sent : Thur sday , Septembe r 2 8 , 2017 1: 02 PM To : PHP > ; Eagles , David T > ; Greenwood Shei l a M > ; Hughes , Andrew > Subject : HUD International Engagement Po l icy Pam , David , Sheila , a nd Andrew I need to know (1) wha t our ge n e r al policy sho u ld be fo r inter n ationa l e ng ageme n t ; and (2) who s ho ul d be the " decider" respec t to HUD staff overseas t ravel . Current /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT , in Policy HUD-18-0504-D-000722 Cindy Campbell i n IPI has been i mplement in g our int e r nat ion al engagements in a "b usi nes s as usu a l" style . Th at is , the State Departme n t req u ests that HUD attend an i n ternationa l meeting to d i scuss Hous ing or Urban Development i ss u es and we se nd someone. Normal course o f business would be HUD sends an Ass istan t Secretary with support from IPI. HUD's role is to prov i de and rec e ive in f ormation . There i s n o ob lig at i on beyond that. There i s a cost fo r travel and t h e time of the staf f peop l e who attend . There can be a benefit to HUD in terms of things we le arn from other countries . We gained a good deal o f knowledge f r om the Nethe rlands when thinking abou t building more f lood smart infrastructure post-Sandy . Sim il a r l y , Chile created a ho us i ng voucher program a fter visiting wi th HUD sta ff to d i sc u ss our p r ogram . We cu rr e n t ly have a good conversation wit h Japan on aging in place . We might gai n from discussions with other count ri es on the ir sha ll ow subsidy ren t suppor t programs. Perhaps there is something to be le a rned to suppo rt our ho u sing fin a n ce refo rm co nv e r sat i o n s . Planned 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Events a n d questions . For a n October 16th meeting with sen ior ministry o ffi cials of Israel at the State Departme n t , Neal Rackleff i n CPD i s att ending on HUD's beha l f . The Wor ld Urban Forum is February 8-13, 2018 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia . Past pol icy would have the Secretary (o r Deputy Sec re tary) attend as the US rep rese nt at ive to th i s i n terna t iona l meeting o n urb an i ss u es held every two years . Do we want t o contin ue wit h th at policy? Th e Uni ted Nat i ons Economic Commission f or Europe (UNECE) is meeting o n ho using and l a nd administ r atio n a n nual meeting in Ge n eva , Switzerland Novembe r 7- 10 , 2017. Pas t Po l i cy would send an Ass i sta n t Secretary . We are currently p r opos i ng that I attend . Do we want me to attend, do we send someone e ls e , or do we i nfo rm State Departmen t we will not be attending? There is an OECD meeting on Urban Po l icy December 5-8 , 2017 i n Pa r is , Fra n ce . Past Po li cy would se n d an Assistant Secreta ry wit h IPI supp ort . Do we want to send someone? Who? Or do we inform State Departmen t we will no t be attending? The Secretary is traveling t o the US-Japan Agi ng forum i n To k yo , Japan December 2-9 , 2017 . Does the Secretary want IPI s t aff suppo r t at th is mee ting? If so , i s Cin dy Campbe ll approved to attend? Thanks , /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000723 I will be sending an invi t e for tomorrow th at hopefu l ly we can ge t decisions on al l of these even t s and more b ro ad ly estab li sh our going fo r ward policy o n inter n ationa l e n gageme n t . Thanks , Todd Subject : Location : 2 : 00PM EST - Update on Hurricanes Harvey , Irma Conference line : 877 - 848 - 7030 ; Code : ijxm I and Maria Start : Tue 10/3/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Tue 1 0/3/20 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurre n ce : Dai l y Recurrence Patte r n : Meeting S t atus : Not every yet day from n ce M; Sheila M Greenwood Li n e : 877-848-7030 Code :k - b-}{~6}~~ Host Code : Subject : Loca tion : 11: 00 AM responded Organize r: DocBe n Requ i red Atte ndees : Golr i ck , Janet (Sheila . M. Greenwood l @hud . gov) Confere 10 : 30 AM to filillill 10 : 30AM EST - Upda t e on Hurri canes Harvey , I rm a and Conference line : 877-848-7030 ; Code : ijxru I Maria Start : Mon 1 0/ 2 /20 17 10 : 30 AM End : Mon 1 0/2/20 17 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Recurrence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Da il y Pattern : every day from 1 0 : 30 AM to 11: 00 AM HUD-18-0504-D-000724 Mee t in g Sta t us : Not y et r espo nd e d Org a nize r : Doc Be n Req uir e d At ten d ee s : Golri ck , J an et (She i la .M . Gree nwo od l @hu d . g o v) M; Sh e ila M Gr ee nwoo d Con f e r e n ce Li n e : 877-848-7030 Co de :l < ~> .6__~ Co d e : Su b ject : and Maria Loca ti o n : lfiillfil:l Ca n c eled : 1 0 : 3 0AM EST- Upd a te Con f er e n ce lin e : 8 7 7-848- on Hurrica n es Harvey , I rma 7 030 ; Co de :k =b~l<~6l.__~ St art : Sun 1 0 /1/ 2 0 17 1 0 : 3 0 AM End : Sun 1 0 / 1 /2017 1 1 : 00 AM Sho w Ti me As : F ree Recur r e n ce : Da i l y Recurre n ce Patte r n : Meet in g Status Org a nize r : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Not every day fro m 1 0 : 3 0 AM to 1 1 : 00 AM ye t r espo nded DocBe n HUD-18-0504-D-000725 Required Attendees : Golrick (She i la.M . Greenwoodl@hud.gov) Conf e r en ce Line: , Janet M; Sheila M Gree nwood 877 - 848 - 7 030 Code :l<~b~)(~6)~~ Host Code : Subject : and Maria Lo cation: Mill Canceled Conference : 1 0 : 30AM EST - Update line: 877-848-7030 on Hurrica ; Code : n es Harvey , Irma ~k b=)(=6)'--__. Start : Sat 9/30/2017 10:3 0 AM End : Sa t 9/30/2017 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : F re e Recur r e n ce : Da ily Recurrence Patt ern : Meeting Status : Not every day from 1 0 : 30 AM to 11 : 00 AM ye t r esp ond e d Organ iz e r : DocBe n Required Atte nd ees : Golrick (Sh e ila . M. Gr eenwoodl@hud . gov) , Janet M; Sheila M Gree nwoo d Con f e r e n ce Li n e : 877-848-7030 Code :k~b~l/=6}~~ Host Code : Subjec t: Locat i o n: l?fil!ill 10 : 30AM EST- Update o n Hurricanes Harvey , Irma Con f e r e n ce lin e : 877-848-7030 ; Code : l{b)(6) I a nd Maria S t art : Thu 9/28/2017 10 : 30 AM End : Thu 9/28/2017 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : Dai ly Recu rr en ce Pa tte rn : Meeting Status : Not eve r y day /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT 1 0 : 30 AM to 11:00 AM ye t responded Organize r : DocBe n Required Attend ees : Gol ri ck, (She il a .M . Gree nwood l @hu d .g ov) Conference from Janet M; Sheila M Gr een wood Lin e : 877 - 848 - 7030 HUD-18-0504-D-000726 Code :!<~b~)<~6)~~ Host Code : Subject: Locatio n: Mill Canceled : PHP Meet Dep Sec Office wi th She il a Gr eenwood - Cos Reports Start : Fri 9/29/2017 3 : 00 PM End : Fri 9/29/20 17 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Fr ee Recurrence : (none) Meet in g S ta tus : Not Organiz e r : PHP Requ i red Atte ndees : Dawkin s , Eun i ce D Subjec t: Locat i on : yet r espo nd ed Marshall FW: Harvey Update DepSec Conference , Mi chae l J ; Greenwood , She il a M; Room 1 01 06 Sta r t : Tue 9/26/2017 9 : 30 AM End : Tue 9/26/2017 10 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentat i ve Recurrence : (none ) Recu rr ence Pa tter n : Organiz e r: eve ry day from 9 : 30 AM to 10 : 00 AM Golr i c k , Jane t M From : Go lri ck, Janet M Sent : Friday , September 22 , 2017 3 : 48 : 33 PM UTC To : Gol r ick , Ja n et M; Gr eenwood , She i la M; Eagles , David T ; Alexander , Fra nk J ; Brooks , Towanda A; Cooke , Kevin R; Gr eene , Bryan ; Kittr ell , Katharine D; Ren ner , Robe r t N; Richardson , Todd M; Thompson , Amy C; Timber lak e , Co ur tney B; Potts , Millicent B; Hunter , Matthew F ; Va n Duyne , Beth A; Ramon , Nicolas ; Bradley , Leslie Ann ; Wol l J r , Dav i d C; Ammon, Matt h ew E ; Hebe r t , To ny X; Ozdinec , Milan M; Sullivan , Br ian E ; Bl om, Domi niq ue G; AMOS, WILLIAM L ; Coffey , Alexand e r ; Kidd , Stephen C; Hugg in s , John C; Farias , Anna Maria ; Smith (Ctr ), Raymond V; Staya n ovich , Jason E ; Kurtz , R. Hunter ; Mun i r , Rafiq A; Alb ert , He l en M; Kasper , Maren M; Wri ght , Sheila D; Appleton , Seth D; Bet h ea , Shelia M; Clemmensen, Craig T ; Lavoy, Donald J ; Ballard , Danie l L ; Bregon , Nelson R; Bres , Dana B; Brown , /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000727 Jereo n M; Bryo n, Jem ine A; Ca mpbell, Ren ae M; Co ns tan tine, Pe ter J ; Cr uc i ani , Li nda M; Fr i ed man , War r en ; HEOC; Holland , Rena D; Joy , Johnso n P ; Linco ln , Paula A; Lyberg , Sara h A; Mich alski, Lori A; Mill e r , Mich e ll e M; Nic hols, De l ton ; Rodke y , Kitt ; Scott , Ji mmy; Surbe r , Keit h W; Wadhams , Una by r d ; Kelley , Mi c h ae l J ; Ga rrett, Wil li e C; Daniels , Sheila J ; Ba r ton , Vi cto r i a L ; Bur l e y , Mic hael N; Ell i s , Ed ward D; McClur e , La u r a L; Zorc , Betha ny A; Snow , Chr istopher ; Dendas , Michael W; Rad osevich , Tara J; LOGAN, LEAH M; Cleveland - Leggett , Den is e C; Tay l or , Chr i s to pher D; Van Dam, Katelyn M; Ga rg i ul o , Emily ; Ga r cia , Ju a n C .; Vargas , David A.; Gaines , Ra lph H; Smyth , Ti mothy M; Rios , Eric C; Rac k le ff , Neal J Subject : Ha rvey Upd a te Wh e n : Tuesday , September 26 , 2 0 1 7 1 : 30 PM- 2 : 00 PM. Where : DepSec Confe re n ce Room 1 0 10 6 Ca ll-in Numbe r : 888-675-2535 I Access Code : !/bl/6} Host Code : filillfilJ (Ja net Only) Subjec t: Location : FW: Harv ey Update DepSec Conf e r ence Room 1 0 106 Start : Tue 9/26/2 0 17 9 : 30 AM End : Tue 9 /26/ 2 0 17 10 : 00 AM Show Time As : Te n tat iv e Recurrence Recurrence Org a niz er : : (none ) Patt ern : every Gol r ick , Ja net day from 9 : 30 AM t o 1 0 : 00 AM M Fr om : Gol rick , Jane t M Sent : Friday , Sep te mber 22, 2017 3 : 48 : 33 PM UTC To : Golrick , Janet M; Greenwood , Sheila M; Eagl es, Dav id T ; Alexander , Fra nk J ; Brooks , Towanda A; Cooke , Kevi n R; Gr eene , Bry an ; Kittrell , Ka t ha r i n e D; Renner , Robert N; Richardson , Todd M; Thompso n, Amy C; Timbe r lake , Cour tne y B; Potts , Millic e n t B; Hun ter , Matth ew F; Van Du yn e, Beth A; Ramo n , Nicolas ; Bradley, Les lie Ann ; Woll Jr , David C; Ammon, Matthew E ; Hebe r t , Tony X; Ozdi nec, Milan M; Sullivan , Br ian E ; Blom , Domi n ique G; AMOS, WILL IAM L ; Co ffe y , Al exa nd e r; Ki dd , Stephen C; Huggins , Jo hn C; Fa r ias , Ann a Maria ; Smith (Ctr) , Ra ymon d V; S t ayanovich , Jas o n E ; Kur tz , R. Hunter ; Munir , Ra fi q A; Al be r t, Helen M; Kas pe r , Mare n M; Wright , She il a D; M; Cle mmense n , Cra i g T ; Lavoy , Appleton , Set h D; Bet h ea , Shelia Dona l d J ; Ba l la r d , Da ni el L ; Br e g on , Nelson R; Br es , Dana B; Br own , Jereo n M; Bryo n, Jemine A; Campbell , Re na e M; Cons t a ntine , Peter J; Cruciani , Linda M; Friedman , Warren ; HEOC; Holland , Rena D; J oy , /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000728 Johnso n P ; Lin coln , Paula A; Lyberg , Sa r ah A; Micha l ski , Lor i A; Mi l l er , Mi chelle M; Nichols , Delton ; Rodkey , Kitt ; Scott , J i mmy; Surber, Keith W; Wadhams , Unabyrd ; Kelley , Michael J ; Garrett , Willie C; Daniels , Shei la J ; Barton , Victoria L ; Burley , Michael N; Ell i s , Edward D; McCl ure , Laura L ; Zorc , Betha n y A; Snow , Chr i stopher ; Dendas , Michae l W; Radosevich , Tara J ; LOGAN, LEAH M; Cleveland-Leggett , Denise C; Taylor , Ch r istophe r D; Van Dam, Katelyn M; Gargiulo , Emi ly ; Garcia , Juan C .; Vargas , David A.; Gaines , Ralph H; Smyth , Timothy M; Rios , Eric C; Rack l eff , Neal J Subjec t: Harvey Update When : Tuesday , Septembe r 26 , 2017 1: 30 PM-2 : 00 PM. Where : DepSec Conference Room 10106 Cal l -i n Number : 888-675-2535 I Access Code : !{b){6) Host Code : lnillfilJ(Janet Only) Subject : Lo cation : Canceled : Harvey DepSec Conference Update Room 1 0106 Sta r t : Fri 9/29/2017 9 : 30 AM End : Fri 9/29/2017 10 : 00 AM Show Time As : Free Recu rr ence : Dai ly Recurrence Pattern Meeting S t atus : : Not every yet day from 9 : 30 AM to 10 : 00 AM responded Organizer : Gol ri ck , Janet M Requ i red Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Eag les , David T ; Alexande r, Frank J ; Brooks , Towanda A; Cooke, Kevin R; Greene , Bryan ; Ki ttrell , Katharine D; Renner , Robert N; Richardson , Todd M; Thompson , Amy C; Timberlake , Courtney B; Potts , Millicent B; Hun t e r , Matthew F ; Van Duyne , Beth A; Ramon , Nicolas ; Bradley , Leslie Ann ; Wol l J r , Dav i d C; Ammon, Matt hew E ; Hebe r t , Tony X; Ozdinec , Milan M; Sullivan , Brian E ; Blom , Domin i que G; AMOS, WILLIAM L; Coffey , Alexander ; Kidd , Step hen C; Huggins , Jo h n C; Farias , Anna Mar ia ; Smith (Ctr) , Raymond V; Stayanovich , Jason E ; Kurtz , R . Hunter ; Muni r , Rafiq A; Albert , Helen M; Kasper , Mare n M; Wri ght , Sheila D; Rios , E r ic C; Rackleff , Nea l J ; App l eton , Seth D; Bethea , Shelia M; Clemmensen , Craig T ; Lavoy , Dona ld J ; Ba l lard , Dan iel L ; Bregon , Nelson R; Bres , Dana B; Brown , Jereon M; Bryon , Jemine A; Campbe ll , Renae M; Constantine , Peter J ; Cruciani , Linda M; Friedman , Warren ; HEOC; Hollan d , Rena D; Joy , Johnson P ; Linco ln , Paula A; Lyberg , Sarah A; Michalski , Lori A; Miller , Michelle M; Nichols , Del ton ; Rodkey , Ki tt ; Sco tt , Jimmy ; Surber , Keit h W; Wadh ams , Unabyrd ; Kelley , Michae l J ; Garrett , Willie C; Daniels , Sheila J; Bart on , Victoria L ; Bur ley , Michael N; El lis , Edward D; McCl ure , Laura L ; Zorc , Bethany A; Snow , Chr i stopher ; Dendas , Michael W; Radosevich , Tara J ; LOGAN, LEAH M; Cleve land - Leggett , Denise C; Taylor , /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000729 Christopher D; Van Dam, Ka te l y n M; Ga rg i ul o , Emily ; Ga r cia , Juan C .; Va r gas , Dav i d A.; Ga i n es , Ra l p h H; Smyth , Ti mothy M Opt iona l Atte ndees : Karp , Ra che l E ; Ga rc ia Rolon , Juan C; Key , Ted L Call-in Access Numbe r : 888-6 75 -2535 Code : ~k b~}C ~6~ }_ _, Hos t Cod e : l!fil@J (J ane t Only) F rom : Gr eg Brown Sen t : Wednesday , Sep t ember 27 , 2017 6 : 20 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Qu ick Intro w/Sheila and Robert Mel vin with AHA From : Rob ert Mel v i n Sent : Wednesday , Septembe r 27 , 2017 6 : 1 6 PM To : Greenwood , She i la M Subject: Accep t ed : Qui c k Intro w/She i l a a nd Robe r t Melvin with AHA When : Sep 28 , 2 0 1 7 11 : 00 : 00 AM Where : COS Office Subject : Loca tion : Int e rag ency work in g gro up on hurr ic a n e response 9202 - v ia Co n fere nce Cal l St a rt : Wed 9 /27/ 2 0 17 1 : 0 0 PM End : Wed 9/ 2 7 /201 7 2 : 00 PM Sho w Time As : Ten tat i ve Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Status : Not yet responded Org an iz e r: Wade , Dana T Required Atte nd ees : ' alexandra . travis@fema . d h s . gov '; ' Cynt h ia . Adc oc k@fhf a . gov '; ' Dona l d . Corin@fhfa . gov '; ' Maria . Fe rnande z@fh fa . gov '; ' Pa u l . Theruv i p ara mpil @fh f a . gov '; Campbel l , Pa tr icia A; Gibbons , Kathleen M; Kasper , Mar en M; LOGAN, LEAH M; Meau x , Les l i e A; Fr i ed ma n , Warren ; Gree nwood , Sheila M; Mar zol , Adolfo F ; Go lrick , Jan et M; ' Ric h ard . Ka n e @wdc . us da . gov '; ' Stuart . Wal den @wdc. u sd a . g ov ' ; ' Rhon da . Armitag e @va . g ov '; ' Rit a . Falcioni@va . gov '; ' j ef f rey . l on don@v a . gov '; Bra v acos , John G; Roget , Gisele G; Gormley , Josep h M; Bowes , Robe r t B; Halle r, J u l i a Z; Carr , Terry M; Iber, Robert G; Van Dam, Katelyn M; Wolf son , Len ; Pa t enaude , Pamela H; Marshall , Mich ael J /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000730 Opt i o n al Atte ndees : Sha ff er , Ju li e ; Brown , Amy L; Jo hnson , Stefanie (Mul lin ); Walton , Danie l le ; Mu lde r i g , Robert E ; Stevens , Kevin L ; Kumi , Th omas K; Sa unde rs , Elissa O; Himes , Ivery W; Mar tin , Matt B; Bright , Michael R Cal l in Access Host number : 1-888-675-2535 Code : lcbl/6l ~ Cod e : Subject : Loc ation : (JANET ONLY) Canceled : 10 : 30AM EST - CALL w/ Janet Janet will dial you Go l rick Start : Fri 9/29/2017 10 : 30 AM End : Fri 9/29/20 17 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : F ree Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organizer : DocBen Requ i red Atte ndees : Golr i c k, (She i la . M. Greenwood l @hu d . gov) From : Sent : To : Subjec AHA Jane t M; Sheila Greg Brown Tuesday , September 26 , 2017 3 : 16 PM Greenwood , Shei la M t: Accep t ed : FW: Quick Intro w/Sheila Subjec t: Loca tion : Canceled : MEET w/ Janet SOHUD' s Off i ce M Gr eenwood a nd Robe r t Melvin with Golrick Start : Mon 9/25/20 17 2 : 45 PM End : Mon 9/25/2017 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Free Recurrence : (none) Meeti ng Status Organize Required pVERSIGHT Not r: Doc Be n Attendees : Subject : Location : /\MERICAi\ : ye t resp o nded Golrick , Jan et FW: Morning Meeting Secretary ' s Conference M Roo m HUD-18-0504-D-000731 Start : Mon 9/18/20 17 9 : 00 AM End : Mon 9/18/20 17 9 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Recurrence 9 : 30 AM : (none) Patte r n : Organizer : every Clemme n sen , Craig Monday a n d Wednesday from 9 : 00 AM to T F rom : Clemmen sen , Craig T Sent : Monday , April 24 , 2017 12 : 51 : 51 PM UTC To : Clemmense n, Cra i g T ; Gol rick , Jane t M; Ammon, Matthew E ; Bregon , Nelson R; Ti mbe r lake , Courtney B; Scott , J i mmy; Hens l e y , Henry ; Blom , Dominique G; Lyberg , Sarah A; McCullough , Aisa K; Greenwood , Sh eila M; Holder fi eld , Step h an i e A; McClure , Laura L; Staya novi ch , Jason E ; Gaines , Ralph H; Joy , Johnson P ; Wade , Dana T ; Appleton , Seth D; Lincol n, Pau l a A; Pao , J ean Li n; Kasper , Mar e n M; Gree n e , Bryan ; Cooke , Kev i n R; Ben i son , John P ; Brooks , Towanda A; Hughes , Andrew ; Bass , Deana ; Eag le s , David T ; Marzo l, Adolfo F ; Kurtz , R . Hunter ; Bourne , Chri stophe r M; Ri c h a r dson , Todd M; Zorc , Bethany A; Thompso n, Amy C; Hunter , Matt h ew F ; Rack l ef f, Neal J Cc : Crucian i, Linda M Subject : Morning Meeti ng Subject: FW: Morning Meeting Loc at i on : Sec r e t ary ' s Conference Room Start : Mon 9/18/20 17 9 : 00 AM End : Mon 9/18/20 17 9 : 30 AM Sh ow Ti me As : Tentative Recurrence Recurrence 9 : 30 AM Organize : (none) Patte r n : r: Clemmensen every , Craig Monday a n d Wednesday from 9 : 00 AM to T From : Clemmense n , Craig T Sent : Monday , April 24 , 2017 12 : 51 : 51 PM UTC To : Clemmensen , Cra i g T ; Gol rick , Janet M; Ammon, Mat thew E ; Bregon , Nelson R; Ti mbe r lake , Courtney B; Scott , J i mmy; Hens l e y , Henry ; Blom , Dominique G; Lyberg , Sarah A; McCullough , Aisa K; Greenwood , Sheila M; Holder fi eld , Step ha n i e A; McClure , Laura L; Stayanovich , /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000732 Jason E ; Ga i nes , Ra l ph H; Joy , Johnso n P ; Wade , Dana T ; App l eton , Seth D; Lincoln , Paula A; Pao , Jean Lin ; Kasper , Maren M; Greene , Bryan ; Cooke , Kevin R; Benison , John P ; Brooks , Towanda A; Hughes , Andrew ; Bass, Deana ; Eag l es , David T; Marzol , Adolfo F ; Kurtz , R . Hunter ; Bourne , Chr i stopher M; Richardson , Todd M; Zorc , Bethany A; Thompson , Amy C; Hunter , Matthew F ; Rackleff , Neal J Cc : Crucian i, Linda M Subject : Morning Meeting Subject : Harvey Update Location : DepSec Conference Room 10106 St art : Mon 9/25/20 17 9 : 30 End : Mon 9/25/2017 10 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Recurrence : Dai l y Pattern Meet in g Status : : Not every ye t AM day from 9 : 30 AM to 10 : 00 AM responded Organizer : Golrick , Janet M Required Attendees : Gr eenwood , Shei la M; Eag l es , David T; Alexander , Frank J ; Brooks , Towanda A; Cooke , Kevin R; Greene, Bryan ; Kittrell , Katharine D; Renner , Robert N; Richardson , Todd M; Thompson , Amy C; Timberlake , Courtney B; Potts , Mil li cent B; Hunter , Matthew F ; Van Duyne , Beth A; Ramon , Nicolas ; Bradley , Leslie Ann ; Woll Jr , David C; Ammon, Matthew E ; Hebert , Tony X; Ozd i nec , Milan M; Sullivan , Brian E ; Bl om, Dominique G; AMOS, WILLIAM L ; Co f fey , Alexande r; Ki dd , Stephen C; Huggins , Jo hn C; Farias , Anna Maria ; Smith (Ctr) , Raymond V; Stayanovich , Jason E ; Kur tz , R . Hunter ; Munir , Rafiq A; Albert , Helen M; Kasper , Maren M; Wright , She ila D; Appleton, Seth D; Bethea , Shelia M; Clemmensen, Craig T ; Lavoy, Dona l d J ; Ba l lard , Dan ie l L ; Bregon , Nelson R; Bres , Dana B; Brown , Je reon M; Bryon , Jem i ne A; Campbell , Renae M; Constantine , Peter J; Cr u ciani , Linda M; Friedman , Warren ; HEOC; Holland , Rena D; Joy , Johnson P ; Linco ln , Paula A; Lyberg , Sarah A; Mich alsk i , Lori A; Miller , Michelle M; Nic h ols , Delton ; Rodkey , Kitt ; Scott , Jimmy ; Surber , Keith W; Wadhams , Unaby r d ; Kelley , Mi chael J ; Ga r rett , Wi l li e C; Daniels , Sheila J ; Ba r ton , Victor i a L ; Bur l ey , Michael N; Ellis , Edward D; McClure , Laura L ; Zorc , Bethany A; Snow , Ch ris tophe r ; Dendas , Michael W; Radosev ich , Tara J ; LOGAN, LEAH M; Cleveland-Leggett , Den ise C; Tay lor , Chr istophe r D; Van Dam, Katelyn M; Ga rgiulo , Emily ; Ga rcia , Juan C .; Vargas, David A. ; Gaines , Ralph H; Smyth , Timothy M; Rios , Eric C; Rackleff , Neal J Call-in Number : 888-675-2535 Access Host b~}C ~6. }_ _, Code : ~k Code : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Im! {Janet Only) HUD-18-0504-D-000733 Subjec t: Locatio n: Legal Honors Graduation Broo k e Monda l e Remarks Start : Fr i 9/29/20 17 9 : 00 AM End : F ri 9/29/20 17 1 0: 00 AM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not yet responded Organi z e r: Cruc i a n i , Li nda M Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila Bethany A M; Dawki ns , Eu n i ce D; Zorc , She il a , Thank you for agreeing to be the keynote speaker for the Legal Honors Gradua t ion Ceremony . I will draft remarks for yo u. Be t h will introduce you . At the end of the hour , if you can stay for photos with t h e Lega l Ho n ors th at would be great . Many , man y thanks , Linda Subject : Location : Canceled : Check - in 10226 (Sh elia ' s Office ) Start : F ri 9/22/20 17 8 : 30 AM End : F ri 9/22/20 17 9 : 00 AM Show Time As : F ree Recurre n ce : Daily Recur r e n ce Patte r n : Meeting Status : Not every yet day from 8 : 30 AM to responded Organi z e r: Golr i c k , Jane t M Requ ir ed Attendees : Cl emmen sen , Cr aig Greenwood , Sheila M; Eagles , David T Subjec t: Locatio n: 9 : 00 AM T; Hug h es , And r ew ; MEET wi th Adolfo SOHUD' s Office Start : Wed 9/20/20 17 4 : 40 PM End : Wed 9/20/20 17 5 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000734 Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng Status : Not yet responded Organi zer : DocBe n Requ i r ed Attendees : She il a M Gr ee nwood (She i la .M. Gree nwood l @hud . gov) ; Ma rz o l, Adolfo Topic : discuss From : Sent : To : Subjec F GSE Divid e nds Demar z o , Benjami n E Wednesday , September 20 , 20 17 3 : 49 PM Gr ee nwood , Sheila M t: Accepted : Te x as Upda te Mee t i ng F rom : Hughes , Andr e w Sent : Wednesday , Sep t ember 20 , 2017 11 : 47 AM To : Gr eenwood , She i la M Subject : Accepted : Texas Upd a te Meet i ng From : Goog l e Calendar on be h a lf of Brooke Shupe l(b )(6 ) I Sent : Tu esday, September 19 , 201 7 3 : 33 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Meet ing w/Sheila Gree nwood a n d Broo ke Appl e t o n @ Wed Sep 20 , 2 0 17 2pm - 2 : 45 pm (EDT) (Greenwood , Sheila M) Att achm e n ts : inv i te . ics Brooke Sh upe h as accep t ed th i s i nvit a ti o n . Mee ting w/Sheila Gr ee nwood and Brooke Appleton When Wed Sep 20 , 2 01 7 2pm - 2 :4 5pm Eas tern Time Where COS Off i ce (map ) Calendar Greenwood , Sheila M Who Gr eenwood , She i la M - o r gan i z e r Brooke Sh upe - c r eato r App l eto n , Seth D Depar tmen t o f HUD - (come to the Sout h entrance [n ear th e f reeway ] secur it y des k) 451 7t h Street , SW Washington , DC Sheila - 202-402-6068 Eunice - 202-402-6624 Invitation f r om Google Cale n dar You are r eceivi ng this courtesy ema il at the account sheila . m. greenwoodl@hud . g ov because you are an attendee of th i s event . To stop r ece i v ing future updates f or this eve nt , dec l i n e th i s event . Al ter na tive ly you can sign up for a Google account at /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000735 h ttps : //www . google . com/calendar/ and co ntr o l yo ur no t i f icat i o n sett in gs for you r ent ir e ca l e nda r. Forw ar di ng this inv i tation could al l ow any recipient to modify your RSVP response . Lea rn More . Subjec t: Har ve y Upda te Locat i o n: DepSec Conference Room 10 1 06 Start : Wed 9/20/20 17 9 :3 0 AM End : Wed 9/20/2017 10 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence Recurrence Meeting : Dai l y Pa tter n : Sta t us : every Not day from 9 : 30 AM to 10 : 00 AM ye t re spo nded Organizer : Golrick , Janet M Required Att en d ees: Gre e nwood , Sheila M; Eagles , David T ; Alexa nde r, Fra n k J ; Brooks , Towanda A; Cooke , Kevi n R; Gree ne , Bryan ; Kittrell , Katha r i n e D; Renner , Robert N; Ri cha r dson , Todd M; Thompso n, Amy C; Timberlake , Courtney B; Potts , Millic ent B; Hun ter , Matthew F; Van Du yne , Beth A; Ramon , Nicolas ; Bradley , Leslie Ann ; Woll Jr , David C; Ammon, Matthew E ; Heb e rt , To n y X; Ozdinec , Milan M; Sulli v an , Br ian E ; Blom , Domi niq ue G; AMOS, WILLIAM L ; Co ff ey , Al e xan de r; Ki dd , Step h e n C; Hu ggins , Joh n C; Fa r ias , Anna Maria ; Smith (Ctr) , Ra ymon d V; Stayanovich , Jason E ; Kur tz , R . Hunter ; Appleton, Seth D; Bethea, Shelia M; Cl e mme nsen , Craig T ; Lavoy , Dona l d J ; Ba l la r d , Da nie l L ; Breg on , Nelson R; Bres , Dana B; Brow n , Je r eo n M; Bryo n , Jem in e A; Campbe ll, Renae M; Co n stant in e , Peter J; Cruc ian i , Linda M; Friedman , Warren ; HEOC; Holland , Rena D; Jo y , Johnso n P ; Lincoln , Paula A; Lyberg , Sarah A; Micha l ski , Lori A; Miller , Michelle M; Nich o ls , Delton ; Ro dkey , Kitt ; Scott , Jimmy ; Surbe r, Keith W; Wadhams , Unabyrd ; Kelley , Mi c h ae l J ; Ga rrett, Willi e C; Dan i els , Sheila J ; Ba r ton , Vi ctor i a L ; Bur l ey , Mi chael N; Ellis , Edward D; McClur e , Laura L ; Mun ir , Ra fiq A; Zorc , Betha n y A; Alber t, Helen M; Kasp e r , Maren M; Snow , Christopher ; Den das , Michael W; Radosevich , Tara J ; LOGAN, LEAH M; Clevela nd-Legge tt , Denise C; Tay l o r, Chr i stop h er D; Van Dam, Kate l yn M; Ga r gi ul o , Emily ; Wrigh t , She il a D; Garc i a , Jua n C .; Vargas , David A .; Gai n es , Ralph H; Smyth , Timothy M Ca ll-in Number : Access Host Code : Code : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT 888-675-2535 !ib\/6\ ~ (Ja ne t Only ) HUD-18-0504-D-000736 Subjec t : Inv it a t ion : Todd Ri cha r dson 2 : 30pm (EDT) (Sh e il a Gr eenwood ) @ Tue Sep 19 , 2017 1 : 30pm - Start : Tu e 9/19/2017 1 : 30 PM End : Tue 9/19/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recurrence Organi more : (none ) zer : ~l (b~)(~6~) _____________ __. details» Todd Ric h ardso n When Tue Sep 19 , 2017 1 : 30p m - 2 : 30pm Eas tern Time Ca l enda r She i l a Greenwood Who • l(b)(6) I - organizer Sheila Greenwood I n v it at i o n f rom Goog l e Goi ng? Yes - Maybe - No more opt i o n s » Cal endar You are r e ceivin g this c o urtesy email at the account sheila . m. g re en wood l@h u d . g ov because yo u are an attendee o f th i s event. To stop r ece i ving future upda t es f or th is eve nt , dec l i n e th i s event . Al ter na tive ly you can sign up fo r a Google accoun t at h ttps : //www . goo g l e . com/calendar/ and control yo u r notification set tin gs f or yo ur entire calendar . Forwarding th i s inv i tation co ul d a ll ow a ny rec ip ient to mod i fy your RSVP response . Learn More . Subject: NEC Deputies Meeting on Housi ng Policy (Read Ah ead Attach e d ) Locatio n : Rooseve l t Roo m St art : Tue 9/19/20 17 4 : 0 0 PM End : Tu e 9/19/2017 5 : 0 0 PM Show Time As : Ten t a t ive Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer : Delahoyd e , Magd e l ana A . EOP/WHO The Na t iona l Econom i c Co u nc i l will be h ost i ng a Deputies Meeti ng on the Admi nis tration ' s h ousing policy o n Tuesday , September 19 t h at 4 : 00 PM in the Whi t e House Roosevelt Room . The pu r pose o f this meeting is t o develop the Admi n istra t ion ' s s t rategy o n ho using finance refo r m. Please let me kno w i f your no plus ones or proxies . d eputy I f you a r e able to atte n d and n eed please use the WAVES li nk : h ttps : //events . whitehouse . gov/form? /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT is to able to attend . We kin dl y ask be c l ea r ed i nto rid;9 the bu i ldi ng , Q8Y2RTWH6 HUD-18-0504-D-000737 Than k yo u and h ave a great Maggie 202 - 395 - 4744 Nat i o n al Economic Cou n cil Inv i ted Part i c ip ants Kirstjen Ni e l sen Rick Dear bo rn Jeremy Katz Da ri s Meeks Jessic a Ditto Paul Winfree Greg Katsas Antho n y Campa u DJ Nordqu i st Raj Sha h Derek Lyons Amy Swonger Jo yce Meyer Pamela Pa ten au de Russ Vought Craig Ph illi ps Ado lf o Marzo l Kathy Kraninger Mark Calibria Eli Mill e r Andrew Olmem Subject: Lo cation : Ha rvey DepS ec weekend , (No +l s or prox i es ) Update Conference Room 1 0106 Start : Tue 9/19/20 17 9 : 30 AM End : Tue 9/19/20 17 10 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeti ng S t atus : Not yet r espo nd ed Organi zer: Golr i c k, Janet M Requ ir ed Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Eagles , David T ; Alexander , Fra nk J ; Brooks , Towa nda A; Cooke , Kevin R; Gr eene , Bryan ; Kittr ell , Katharine D; Ren ner , Robe r t N; Richardson , Todd M; Thompso n, Amy C; Timberlake , Co ur tney B; Po tt s , Millice nt B; Hun ter , Matthew F ; Va n Duyne , Beth A; Ramon , Nicolas ; Bradley , Lesl ie Ann ; Woll J r , Dav i d C; Ammon, Matt h ew E ; Hebe r t , To ny X; Ozd i n ec , Milan M; Sullivan , Br ian E ; Bl om, Domi niq ue G; AMOS, WILLIAM L ; Coffey , Alexand e r ; Kidd , Stephen C; Hugg in s , Jo hn C; Farias , Anna Maria ; Smith (Ctr ), Ray mond V; Staya n ovich , Jason E ; Kur tz , R. Hunter ; Appl eto n, Set h D; Bet h ea , Shel i a M; Clemmense n, Cr a i g T ; Lavoy , Don ald J ; Ba l lard , Dan iel L ; Br egon , Nelson R; Bres , Dana B; Bro wn , Jereon M; Bryon , Je mine A; Campbell , Ren ae M; Constan t ine , Pe te r J; /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000738 Cruc i a n i , Li nda M; Fr ie dman, Warr en ; HEOC; Holla nd , Ren a D; Joy , Johnso n P ; Li n coln , Pa u la A; Lyb e rg , Sarah A; Micha l s ki , Lor i A; M; Nichols , Delton ; Ro dkey , Ki tt ; Scott , Ji mmy; Mill er , Mic helle Surber , Keith W; Wadhams , Unabyrd ; Kelley , Mi chae l J; Garrett , Wil li e C; Daniels , Sheila J ; Ba rt on , Victor i a L ; Bur l ey , Mic hael N; Ell i s , Edward D; McClur e , La u r a L ; Munir , Ra fi q A; Zorc , Betha ny A; Albert , He l en M; Kaspe r , Mare n M; Snow , Chr i s toph e r; Den das , Michae l W; Radosevich , Tara J ; LOGAN, LEAH M; Cleve l and - Leggett , Den is e C; Taylor , Chris t opher D; Va n Dam, Katelyn M; Gargiulo , Emil y ; Wright , She il a D; Garc i a , Jua n C .; Vargas , Davi d A . Cal l - in Numb e r : Access Host 888 - 675 - 25 3 5 Code : !{b)(6) filillfilJ (Ja n et Only ) Code : Su bje c t: Loca ti o n: LUNCH with Vi c e President Penc e Navy Mess , The Whi te Hous e Start : Mon 9/18/2017 11 : 45 AM End : Mon 9/18/2017 12 :4 5 PM Sho w Time As : Tenta tiv e Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Sta t us : Not ye t re spo nded Org a nize r : DocBe n Required At tendees : Sheila M Gre enwood (She i la .M . Gree nwoodl@hud .g o v) The topic of th e l unc h will be to ca t c h up and fo rmer Mayo r o f Ind ianapolis , Stephen Goldsmith , plans t o attend the l unc h as we ll and wants to tou ch base on his privatized pub li c housi ng mod e l . POC: Megha n Pa tena u de Subjec t: Loca ti o n: MEET w/ Sheila a n d Janet to d isc u ss Harvey SOHUD' s Off i ce ; Jane t Co nf ere n ci ng In Start : Mon 9/18/2017 8 : 1 5 AM End : Mon 9/18/20 17 8 : 45 AM Show Time As : Tentat iv e Re currence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none ) HUD-18-0504-D-000739 Meet in g Status : Not yet r espo nded Organiz e r : DocBen Required Attendees : She il a M Gree nwood (She i la.M . Gree nwood l @hud.gov) ; Golri c k, Janet Confere Code M n ce Lin e : 877 - 848 - 7030 :l<...,b"-'l{ .aa.6 }.___, Canceled Subjec t: Kelly Loc ation : : PRE BRIE F o n MEETING with Mayor Sharo n Pra tt SOHUDs off i ce Sta r t : F ri 9/15/2017 9 : 4 5 AM End : F ri 9/15/20 17 10 : 00 AM Show Tim e As : Free Recu rr en c e: Meet ing Status Organizer Required (Sheila.M Su bject (none) : Not ye t re spo nded : DocBe n Attend ees: Kur tz, . Gree nwo od l @hu d . gov) : Trav e l I tine rary R . Hun te r ; Sheila for M Gr een woo d GREENWOOD/ SHEILA M Start : Thu 9/21/20 17 1 1 : 30 AM End : Thu 9/2 1/ 20 17 12 : 00 PM Sh ow Ti me As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeti ng S t atus : Not yet responded Organi zer: Hard i so n , James C Requ ir ed At t e ndees : Gr eenwood , She i la M; Dawki ns , Eunice D F rom : FSA@BCDTRAVEL. COM [mail to :F SA@BCDTRAVE L. COM] Sent : Thur sday , Septembe r 14, 2017 3 : 1 8 PM To : Hardison , James C > ; TRAVEL@FIS CAL . TREASURY. GOV /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000740 ; FSA@BCDTRAVEL. COM ; Rod ri gue z , Ai da N Greenwood , Shei l a M > Sub j ect : Travel It i ne r a r y for GREENWOOD/ SHEILA M >; TRAVELER NOTI CE - Many airlines charge fees for baggage and ot h er services . Amounts vary by airline and are subject to change . Tra v ele r s are responsib l e for ve r ify in g all f ees charged by ind i vid u a l carriers . Please vis i t the operating ca rr ier website o f yo u r t i c k eted itinerary for applicable fees . Travel Summary - Agency Travele r Record Locator LWl DVS GREENWOOD/ SHEILA M Refere n ce numbe r by t r ave l er : Not Applicab le Date From/To F light/Vendor Status Depart/Arrive /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000741 Class/Type 09/2 1 /2017 DCA- IAH UA 1436 Confirmed 11 : 59 AM/02 : 12 PM s Economy/ 09/2 1 /2017 IAH- LFT UA 3543* Confirmed 03 : 45 PM/04 : 49 PM s Economy/ 09/21/2017 LFT Enterprise Rent A Car Conf i rmed 09/21 - 09/24 Compact 2/4 09/24/20 17 Door LFT-IA H UA 3664* Conf i rmed 05 : 25 PM/06 : 35 PM /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000742 I Y Economy 09/24/2017 IAH-DCA UA 1955 Conf i rmed 07 : 2 5 PM/11 : 26 PM Economy I Y AIR - Thursday United , September Airl i nes Flight 21 20 1 7 - Agency UA1436 Record Loca to r LWlDVS Economy Dep a rt : Ronald Reagan National , Termina l B Washington , Di st ri ct o f Columbia , United States Weat h er 11: 59 AM Thur sday , Septembe - r 21 2017 Arr i ve : George Bus h Intercntl , Terminal Houston , Te xas , United States Weath er 21 2017 HUD-18-0504-D-000743 Duration : 6 . hour(s) Status and 13 minute(s) Non-stop : Confirmed - United Airlines Record Locator : B3GFC9 Meal : Food Fo r Purchase Equ i pment : Airbus Industrie A319 Seat : 24A (Non smoking) Dista n ce : 1206 mi les/ CO2 Emissions 530 . 64 l bs/241 Confirmed 1940 .4 54 ki lomete rs : . 2 kgs Remarks : FOR UP TO DATE TRAVEL INFORMATION ON AIRLINE CHECK-IN/RESTRICTIONS/LIMITATIONS/SECURITY . PLEASE CHECK WWW . UAL. COM AIR - Thu r sday , September United Dep art /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Airlines Flight 21 2017 UA3543 - Agency Record Locator LWlDVS Economy : HUD-18-0504-D-000744 George Bus h I nt e r cn t l, Term i nal Housto n , Texas , Unit ed States B Weather , Septembe r 21 2017 : Lafayette La fayette Regio n a l , Lo uis iana , Un ite d States Weat h er 04 : 49 PM Thu r sday , September - 21 2 0 1 7 Dur a tio n : 1 . ho ur(s) Tot al and duration 7 . ho ur(s) 4 minute(s) No n-stop : a nd 49 minute(s) inc l ud ing layov e r (s) Sta t us : Confirm e d - Uni ted Airli nes Record Locator : B3GFC9 Eq u i pment : Embr a er * 170 Operated Republic By : Airlines Dba Un ite d Expr ess Sea t : 19 A (Non smo king ) Confi r med Dis tance : 2 0 1 miles/ CO2 Emissions /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT 323 . 409 kil ometers : HUD-18-0504-D-000745 1 1 0 . 55 lbs/50 .2 5 kgs CAR - Thursday, September Ente rpri A Ca r Pick se Rent 21 201 7 Up : La f aye tte A/P In-Term 200 Terminal Dr Lafayette 70508-2 15 9 , LA, Unit ed States ; Te l : +l (33 7) 232-5493 04 : 49 PM Thursday , September 21 2017 Dr op Off : Laf ay ette A/P In-Term 200 Terminal Dr La f ayette 70508-2159 , LA, Unit ed States ; Te l : + l (337) 232 - 5493 05 : 2 5 PM Sun day , Septembe r 24 20 1 7 Type : Compact Car Auto AC Sta t us : Conf i rmed Daily Rate : USO 36 . 00 Extra /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Day Allowance : HUD-18-0504-D-000746 Unl i mited Extra Mi l es Hour Per Extra Day Fe e : USD 7 . 00 Extra Hour Allowance Unlimite d Free Mil eage Allowance Unlimite d Free Est i mated : Mi les Per Ext ra Hour : Mi les Total: USD 192 . 29 plus Confirmation tax and any additional f ees : 1 030689736COUNT Corp . Discount : l(b)(6) CO2 Emissions Each litre : gallon of of petrol unleaded gasoline consumed is 5 lbs/2 . 31 kgs is 19 .6 lbs/8. 91 kgs and Remarks : BASE RATE DOES NOT INCLUDE TAXES AND SURCHARGES CAR RENTER MUST BE 25 OR 1 8 YEARS OF AGE IF GOVERNMENT RATE CONFIRMED WITH VALID DRIVERS LICENSE . CREDIT CARD I N THE NAME OF THE DRIVER IS REQUI RED FOR RENTAL . AIR - Su n day , September 24 2017 - Agency United UA3664 Economy /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Airlines Flight Record Locator LWlDVS HUD-18-0504-D-000747 Depar t : Laf ay ette Lafayette Regio n al , Louis i ana, Unit ed States Weat h e r 05 : 25 PM Sun day , Septembe Arrive r 24 2017 : George Bush Inte r cnt l , Term i nal Housto n , Texas , United Sta te s A Weat her 06 : 35 PM Sun day , Septembe Duratio n: 1 . hour (s) Status r 2 4 20 1 7 a nd 1 0 mi nute (s) Non - s to p : Conf i rmed - United Ai rl i n es Reco r d Locato r : B3GFC9 Equipm en t : Embraer * 170 Operated Republic By : Air l ines Oba Un ited Ex p re ss Seat : 1 5C (Non smo k i ng) Confir med Di sta n ce : 201 mil es/ CO2 Emissions 110 . 55 lbs/ /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT 323 . 409 k il ome t e r s : 50 . 25 kgs HUD-18-0504-D-000748 AIR - Sunday , September 24 2017 - Agency Unit ed Ai rl i nes UA19 55 Economy Fl i g ht Reco rd Locato r LWlD VS Dep ar t: Geo rge Bush Int e rc nt l , Term i nal Houston , Texas , Uni ted States C Weath e r 07 : 2 5 PM Sun day , September 2 4 2017 Arr iv e : Rona l d Reagan Nation al, Washington , Dis t ric t of Term ina l B Co l umbia , Un it ed States Weathe r 11: 2 6 PM Sunday , Septembe r 24 20 1 7 Dura ti o n : 8 . hour (s) Total a nd 1 minute duration 9 . ho ur( s ) and Status pVERSIGHT No n - stop : 1 min u t e (s ) i ncluding layover(s) : Conf i rmed - United /\MERICAi\ (s) Ai rl i n es Reco r d Locato r : B3GFC9 HUD-18-0504-D-000749 Mea l: Food For Purchase Equ i pme n t : Boe i ng 737-700 Passenge r Seat : 31B (Non smoking ) Confi r med Distance 1206 : miles/ CO2 Emissions 530 . 64 lbs/241 1940 . 454 k ilometers : . 2 kgs Remarks : NO AISLE OR WINDOW SEATS AVAILABLE . A CENTER SEAT HAS BEEN ASSIGNED . WE WILL CONTINUE TO MONITOR UNTIL DEPARTURE. Remarks FOR 24/7 TRAVEL ASSISTANCE PLEASE CONTACT THE BCD TRAVEL TEAM AT 1-844-278-552 1 FOR OUTSIDE THE US CALL COLLECT 770-829-2604 FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED - PLEASE DIAL 7 11 TO ACCESS RELAY SERVICE- PROVIDE PHONE NUMBER OF 1 -844-278-5521 TO ACCESS TRAVEL DUE TO RECENT CHANGES IN THE FY15 GOVERNMENTCITY PAIR PROGRAM/CPP YOUR AIR RESERVATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CANCELLATION BY THE AIR LINES IF NOT TICKETED AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO SCHEDULED DEPARTURE PLEASE ENSURE ALL NECESSARY APPROVALS ARE PROCESSED IN ACCORDANCEWITH YOUR AGENCYS BUSINESS RULES BUT NO LESS THAN 3 BUSINESS DAYS PRIOR TO DEPARTURE TO ENSURE TICKETING . THIS 48 HOUR CANCELLATION RULE DOES NOT APP LY TO INTERNATIONAL RESERVATIONS UNLESS YOUR TRIP HAS DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS ON MORE THAN ONE AIRLINE OR THESE RESERVATIONS REQUIRE SEPARATE AIR TICKETS . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000750 *********************************** AI RFARES ARE ONLY GUARANTEED UPON TICKET ISSUANCE . THIS IS A NEGOTIATE D FARE VALI D ONLY ON BOOKED CARRIER . 14Sep/02 Estima : 17PM te d trip total 689 . 39 USO Air Car Hote l Rail Other 49 7 . 10 USD 192 . 29 USO Fare details : Not guaranteed unt il ti c keted Vendo r Fa r e information Refund before r estr i c t ions departure Change restrictions after t icketi ng Ticket i n formation Air UA14 36 21Sep UA35 4 3* 21Sep UA3664 * 2 4S ep /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000751 UA1955 24Sep Tota l: USD 497 . 10 REFUND RESTRICTIONS MAY APPLY CHANGE RESTRICTIONS MAY APP LY All quotes are provider quotes excluding possib en ro ute . Cu rr ency conversions shown in this i t i nera ry re ce ipt are done using the bank the date show n in the he ader o f this document. loca l taxes and charges may be invo i ced dur i ng be shown a t time of reservation . Advice to Passenge Transpo rt at i o n of Dangerous t axes and charges r ate app licab l e at Pl ease n ote that some your trip and cannot rs Hazardous Federal l aw forbids the ai r c raf t, in your luggag in 5 years i mprisonme nt 5 124). Hazardous materials f lammab le liquids and so radioact ive materia ls. Forbidden le Items Materi al s carriage of hazardous materia l aboard t he e, or on your person . A violation can result and pena lt ies of $250 , 000 or more (49 U. S . C i nclude explos i ves , compressed gases , l ids, ox i dizers, poisons, corrosives and Examples Paints, l ighter f l u id , firewo rks, radiopharmaceuticals . There are quanti t i es (up to 70 ou n ces tota carr i ed in your lu ggage and certa your pe r son . Fo r furthe r i nformat representa t ive . : te ar gases , oxygen bottles and special except i ons for small l ) of medicinal and toi l et articles i n smoking mate ri a l s ca rri ed on i on , contact yo ur a i rline Note : Spare batteries and fuel cells are not pe rmi t ted in checked hold baggage . These i tems MUST be packed i n car ry -on baggage . If your carry - on bag is gate checked , the spar e batteries and fuel cells must be removed and carried in the cabin . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT or HUD-18-0504-D-000752 Email generated on 14Sep/7 : 17 PM UTC BCD Travel acts only as an agent for the airlines , hote l s , bus compa n ies , rail r oads , tour ope rators , c r uise li nes , car renta l compa n ies , and other similar th i rd parties providing accommodations , transpo r tat i o n , or ot he r meeting and trav e l related services ("S uppliers ") . Suppliers ar e independent and do not act for or on behalf o f BCD Travel , are not employees of BCD Travel, and do not have a joint venture or partnership with BCD Travel . Suppliers have the i r own terms and conditions for the serv i ces they provide , and you agree to abide by the terms and cond itions se t forth in any and all documents for any suc h Supp li e r serv ic es, inclu ding , without l imitation , a ll cancellation fees . By utiliz i ng th e services represented by this itinerary , you agree to the foregoing and also agree tha t neither BCD Travel or i ts parent , affiliates , s ubsidia ries , partners , agents , and their respective o fficers , directors , emp loy ees , and r epresen ta t iv es sha ll be or become li able for any loss , cost , expense, injury , accident , or damage to person or prope r ty resulting di r ectly o r indirec t ly from (i ) the acts or omissions of Suppliers , inc luding , but no t limited to, delays or cancellation of services , cessation of operat ions , breakdown in machinery or equ i pment, o r changes in fares , i t i ne r a ri es, or schedules ; and/or (ii) acts of God , da n gers i n cident to the sea , fires , acts of government or other authorit i es , wars, acts of terrorism , civil unrest , strikes, riots , thefts , pilferage, epidem ics , quaran tin es , o th e r d i seases , climatic aberrat i ons , or from a n y other cause beyond BCD Travel ' s contro l . Please see add i tional terms and condit i o ns r e lated to this itinerary at Te rms and Conditions . Subject : Location : PRE BRIEF on BREAKFAST with SOHUDs office Start : Thu 9/14/20 17 3:15 End : Thu 9/14/20 17 3 : 25 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Li nda McMahon PM : (none) Status : Not yet responded HUD-18-0504-D-000753 Organize r: Doc Be n Required Attendees : Sheila M Greenwood (S h eila . M. Gr eenwoodl@hud . gov) ; Gimon t , Stanley Kurtz , R . Hunte r Subject : Loca tion : ; Rackleff , Nea l J ; CALL Pam Patenaude ! !{b)(6) Start : Thu 9/14/20 17 3 : 00 PM End : Thu 9/14/2017 3 : 05 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organize r: DocBen Required Attendees : Andrew Hughes (Andrew . Hughes@hud . gov) ; Raphael L Williams (Raphael . L . Willi ams@hud . gov) ; Shei la M Gr eenwood (Sheila . M. Gr eenwoodl@hud . gov) Subject : Loca tion : Canceled : LUNCH w/ George SOHUD' s Din i ng Room Sifakis S t art : Thu 9/2 1/ 20 17 11 :4 5 AM End : Thu 9/21/20 17 12: 4 5 PM Show Time As : Free Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organize r: Doc Ben Requ i red Attendees : She il a M Greenwood (Sheila . M. Greenwood l @hud . gov) ; Sherra Jackson (She rr a . L . Jackson@hud . gov) ; Aida N Rodr i guez (AIDA . N. R0DRIGUEZ@hud.gov) From : Le e , Reg ina A on behalf of Rackleff , Neal J Sent : Wednesday , September 13 , 2017 4 : 10 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Meeting w/Sheila , David , Amy, Anna Maria Neal - re : General Update From : Gimont, S t anley Sent : Wednesday , Septembe /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT r 13 , 2017 and 3 : 58 PM HUD-18-0504-D-000754 To : Greenwood , Sheila M Sub j ec t: Accep t ed : Mee ting Bradfield & SBA s t aff - re : w/Sheila Gree nwood , HUD staff SBA/Duplication of Benefits Fr om : Far i as , Anna Ma r ia Sent : Wednesday , September 13 , 2 0 17 2 : 50 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Meeti ng w/Sheil a, David , Amy, Anna Neal - r e: General Update From : Thompso n , Amy C Sent : Wednesday , September 13 , 20 17 2 : 49 PM To : Gr ee nwood , Shei la M Subjec t: Accepted : Meeting w/She ila , David , Amy, Anna Nea l - r e : Ge n eral Upd ate Fr om : Lee , Reg ina A o n behalf o f Rackleff , Neal J Sent : Wednesday , Sep t ember 13 , 2 0 17 1: 16 PM To : Greenwood , Shei l a M Subjec t: Accep te d : Mee t in g w/She il a Gr een wood , HUD staff Bradfield & SBA staff - r e: SBA/Duplication of Be nefi ts F rom : Richardson , Todd M Sent : Wednesday , Septembe r 13 , 2017 1 : 00 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Meet ing w/Sheila Gree nwood , HUD staff Bradfie ld & SBA s t aff - re : SBA/Dup l ication of Benefits , Mary Mar ia and Ma r ia and , Mary , Mary From : Hershey , Mi chaels Sent : Wednesday , September 13 , 20 17 12 :4 7 PM To : Gr ee nwood , She ila M Subjec t: Accep t ed : FW: Mee ting w/Sheila Greenwood , HUD sta ff, & SBA sta ff - r e : SBA/Dup li cat i on of Benefits Bradfield Fr om : Sent : To : Subjec Le e , Reg ina A o n behalf of Rac k l eff , Neal J Tuesday , Septembe r 12 , 2017 5 : 51 PM Greenwood , Shei la M t: Accep te d : Check - in w/Sheila and Neal R . - r e : USI CH From : Rac kl eff , Neal J Sent : Tuesday , September 12 , 2 01 7 2 : 53 PM To : Greenwood , Shei la M Subjec t: Accepted : Chec k -in w/Sheila , Neal , Hunter CDBG-DR /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Ma r y & Todd - re : HUD-18-0504-D-000755 From : Ri chardson , Todd M Sent : Tuesday , September 12 , 2017 2 : 33 PM To : Greenwood , Shei l a M Subjec t: Accepted : Check-in w/Sheila, Neal , Hunter CDBG-DR F rom : Lee , Regina A on behalf o f Rackleff, Neal J Sent : Tuesday , September 12 , 2017 2 :2 9 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subjec t: Accep te d : Check - i n w/She i la , Nea l , Hun te r CDBG-DR & Todd - re : Todd - re: & F rom : Thompso n , Amy C Sent : Tuesday , Septemb e r 12, 201 7 1 : 47 PM To : Hughes , Andrew ; Gr eenwood , Sheila M Subject : Dec lin ed : Weekly Staff Meet i ng Apologies . I have a Ors . appointment to morrow morning and wil l miss our staff mee t in g. From : Bradfield , Mary A . Sent : Tuesday , September 12 , 201 7 12 :0 8 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subjec t: Accep te d : Mee t ing w/She il a Greenwood , HUD staff, Mary Brad f ield & SBA sta ff - re : SBA/Dup li cation of Bene f i t s Subjec t: Locatio n: Agency Chiefs of Staff Meeting Secre t a r y o f War Room , EEOB 230 A St art : Tue 9/12/20 17 10 : 30 AM End : Tue 9/12/2017 1 1 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recur r ence : (none) Organizer All : Uli , Gabriella M. EOP/WHO - Cabinet Affairs h osts t h is meeting on Tuesdays from 1 0 : 30 AM - 1 1 : 30 AM in Secretary of War Room, 23 0A in the EEOB. Pl ease let me know if your principal is unable to at tend . We kindly ask no pl u s ones or pro xie s for the Chiefs . Thank you , Gabriel l a Subject : Location : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Harvey DepSec Update Conference Room 10106 HUD-18-0504-D-000756 Start : Wed 9/13/2017 9 : 30 AM End : Wed 9/13/20 17 10: 00 AM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurre n ce : (none) Meet in g Status : Not yet r espo nded Organiz e r : Golric k, Jane t M Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Ea g les , David T ; Al e xan de r, Fra nk J ; Appleton , Seth D; Bethea , Shel i a M; Brooks , Towand a A; Clemmensen , Crai g T ; Cooke , Kevin R; Greene , Bryan ; Kitt r e ll , Kat ha rin e D; La voy , Donal d J ; Re nner , Rober t N; Richardson , Todd M; Th ompson , Amy C; Timber l a ke, Cour tn ey B; Pot ts , Milli ce nt B; Hun ter , Matthew F ; Van Duy ne, Be th A; Ramon , Ni colas ; Brad l ey , Les li e Ann ; Woll Jr , Dav i d C; Ammon, Matthew E; Ba ll a r d , Dan i el L ; Brego n, Ne lson R; Bres , Dana B; Brow n, Jereon M; Bryon , Jemin e A; Campbe ll , Renae M; Constantin e, Pete r J ; Cr uc i ani , Linda M; Fried man , Warr en ; Heber t , Tony X; HEOC; Holla nd, Re n a D; Joy , Johnso n P ; Lin coln , Pa u la A; Lyberg , Sa r ah A; Micha l s ki , Lor i A; Mill er , Mic helle M; Nic hol s , Delton ; Ozdinec , Milan M; Rod key , Ki tt ; Scott , Jimmy ; Su lli van , Brian E ; Su r ber , Ke i th W; Wadhams , Unabyrd ; Blom , Dominiq ue G; Ke ll ey, Mic h a e l J; Garrett , Willi e C; Daniels , She il a J ; Bar t o n , Vi c t o r ia L; Burl ey , Michae l N; Elli s , Edward D; McC l u r e , Laura L ; AMOS, WILLIAM L ; Coffey , Al e x a n der ; Kidd , Stephen C; Huggi ns, John C; Farias , Ann a Maria ; Smith (Ctr) , Raymon d V; Stayanov i ch , Jas o n E ; Kurtz , R . Hunter ; Munir , Rafiq A; Kasper , Maren M; Zorc , Bethany A; Snow , Chr i s t op h er ; Dendas , Mi c h ae l W; Radosevich , Ta r a J ; Cleve l and-Le gg ett , Den i se C; Tay l o r , Chr i stopher D; Scott - Ford , Ales ia; Cook , Bob W; Mald o nado , Efr ain ; Cri tte ndon , Al vera ; Bai l ey , Nike l A; Magruder , J errie G; Stewart, Matthew S; Ge rm an , Michael ; Comas , Hen ry ; LOGAN, LEAH M; Ga in es , Ralph H; Rack l eff , Ne al J ; Van Dam, Ka t e lyn M Opt i o n al Attendees : Garc i a , Juan C .; Vargas , Dav i d A. Call - i n Number : Access Host Code : !{b)(6) lnillfilJ(Ja n et Only ) Code : Subjec t: Loca tion : 888 - 6 75 - 2 53 5 Harvey DepSec Update Confere n ce Room S tart : Thu 9/14/20 17 9 : 30 AM End : Thu 9/14/2017 10 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tenta tiv e Recurre /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT n ce : Week l y HUD-18-0504-D-000757 Recurrence 10 : 00 AM Meeting Pa tt e r n : S t atus : every Not yet Thursday and Fri day from 9 : 30 AM to responded Organi z e r: Golr i ck , Janet M Requ i red Atte nde es : Greenwood , Shei la M; Eag les , David T ; Alexander , Frank J ; Appleton , Seth D; Bethea , Shelia M; Brooks , Towanda A; Clemmensen , Craig T ; Cooke , Kevi n R; Gr ee n e , Bryan ; Kittrel l , Katharine D; La voy, Donald J ; Renner , Rober t N; Richardson , Todd M; Thompson , Amy C; Timber l ake , Courtney B; Pot ts , Mil l icent B; Hunter , Matthew F ; Van Duyne , Beth A; Ramon , Nicolas ; Bradley , Leslie Ann ; Woll J r , David C; Ammon, Mat th ew E ; Ballard , Dan iel L ; Bregon , Ne l son R; Bres , Dana B; Brow n, Jereo n M; Bryo n , Je mi ne A; Campbell , Re n ae M; Co ns tan ti n e , Peter J ; Cr uc ian i , Li nda M; Fr iedman , Warr en ; Heb e r t , Tony X; HEOC; Holland , Rena D; Joy , Johnson P ; Linco ln , Pau la A; Lyberg , Sarah A; Mich a l ski , Lori A; Miller , Mic h e ll e M; Ni chols , Delton ; Ozdinec , Mil an M; Rod key , Kitt ; Scott , Jimmy ; Sulliva n, Brian E ; Surber , Ke i th W; Wadhams , Unabyrd ; Blom , Domin i que G; Kelley , Mi chael J ; Ga r r e tt , Will i e C; Dan i e ls , Sheila J ; Barton , Victoria L; Burley , Mich a e l N; Ellis, Edward D; Kid d , Stephen McClure , Laura L; AMOS, WILLIAM L; Coffey , Alexander; C; Hugg i ns , J ohn C; Faria s , Anna Ma ria ; Smit h (Ctr) , Raymo n d V; Staya n ovich, Jason E ; Kurtz , R . Hunter ; Muni r , Rafiq A; Kasper , Mar en M; Zorc , Bethany A; Snow , Chr i stopher ; Dendas , Michae l W; Radose vich , Tara J ; Cleveland - Leggett , Den ise C; Taylor , Christopher D; Scott - Fo r d , Alesia ; Coo k , Bob W; Mald onado , Efrain ; Cr it tendon , Alvera ; Bai l ey , Nike l A; Magr uder , Jerr i e G; Stewart , Mat th ew S ; German , Mi chael ; Comas , Henry ; LOGAN, LEAH M; Gaines , Ra l p h H; Rack l eff , Ne al J ; Van Dam, Kate l yn M Call - i n Number : Access Host 888 - 675 - 2535 Code : !/b)/6) filillfilJ(Jane Code : Su bject : Loc at io n : Har vey DepSec Update Conf e r ence t Only) Room 1 0106 Start : Tue 9/12/20 17 9 : 30 AM End : Tue 9/12/20 17 10 : 00 AM Show Tim e As : Tentative Re curr ence : (no ne ) Meeting S tatus Organizer : Requ i r ed At Alexander , Towanda A; /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Not yet responded Golr i c k, Janet M tendees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Eag les , David T ; Fra nk J ; Appleton , Set h D; Bet he a , Shelia M; Brooks, Clemmensen , Cra ig T ; Cooke , Kev in R; Gr ee n e , Bryan; HUD-18-0504-D-000758 Kittrell , Kat h a r ine D; Lavoy , Don ald J ; Renner , Rober t N; Ri chardson , Todd M; Thompson , Amy C; Timber l ake , Courtney B; Potts , Mil l icent B; Hunter , Matthew F ; Van Duyne , Beth A; Ramon , Nicolas ; Bradley , Leslie Ann ; Woll Jr , David C; Ammon, Matthew E ; Ballard , Dan i el L ; Brego n, Ne l so n R; Bres , Dana B; Brow n, Jereon M; Bryo n, Jem i ne A; Campbell , Renae M; Constantine , Peter J ; Crucian i, Linda M; Friedman , Warr en ; Hebert , Tony X; HEOC; Holland , Rena D; Joy , Johnson P ; Lincoln , Paula A; Lyberg , Sarah A; Micha l ski , Lori A; M; Nichols , Delton ; Ozdinec , Mil an M; Rodkey , Kitt ; Miller , Michelle Scott , Jimmy ; Sulliva n, Brian E ; Surber , Ke i th W; Wadhams , Unaby r d ; Blom , Domi n i que G; Kelley , Mi chael J ; Ga r rett , Will i e C; Dan i els , Sheila J ; Barton , Victoria L; Burley , Michael N; Ellis , Edward D; ; Kid d , Stephen McClure , Laura L ; AMOS, WILLIAM L; Coffey , Alexander C; Huggins , John C; Farias , Ann a Mar ia ; Smith (Ctr) , Raymond V; Staya n ovich , Jason E ; Kur tz , R . Hunter ; Muni r , Ra f iq A; Kasper , Maren M; Zorc , Bethany A; Snow , Chr i stopher ; Dendas , Michae l W; Radosevich , Tara J ; Cleveland - Leggett , Denise C; Tay l or , Christopher D; Scott - Fo r d , Alesia ; Cook , Bob W; Maldonado , Efrain ; Crittendon , Alvera ; Bai l ey , Nike l A; Magr ude r, Jerrie G; St ewart , Matthew S ; German , Mi chael ; Comas , Henry ; LOGAN, LEAH M; Gaines , Ralph H; Rackleff , Neal J ; Van Dam, Kate lyn M Call - in Number : Access Host 888 - 675 - 2535 Code : !/b)/6) ml Code : Subjec t: Location : Harvey DepSec Update Conference (Janet Only) Room 10 1 06 Sta r t : Mon 9/1 1/20 17 10 : 00 AM End : Mon 9/1 1/ 2017 10 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status : Not ye t r espo nded Organizer : Golrick , Janet M Required Attendees : Greenwood , Shei la M; Eag l es , David T ; Alexa nder , Frank J ; Brooks , Towanda A; Cooke , Kevin R; Greene , Bryan ; Kittrell , Katharine D; Renner , Robert N; Richardson , Todd M; Thompson , Amy C; Ti mberlake , Co ur tney B; Potts , Mi l li cent B; Hu nter , Matthew F ; Van Duyne , Beth A; Ramon , Nicolas ; Bradley , Leslie Ann ; Woll Jr , David C; Ammon, Matthew E ; Hebert , Tony X; Ozd i nec , Milan M; Sullivan , Brian E ; Blom , Dominique G; AMOS, WILLIAM L ; Co f fey , C; Huggins , Jo hn C; Fa r ias , Anna Maria ; Ale xande r; Ki dd , Stephen Smith (Ctr) , Raymond V; S t ayanovich , Jason E ; Kur tz , R . Hunter ; Appleton , Seth D; Bethea , Shelia M; Clemmensen , Craig T ; Lavoy , /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000759 Dona l d J ; Ba l la r d , Danie l L ; Bregon, Nelson R; Br es , Dana B; Brown , Jereo n M; Bryo n , Jem i n e A; Campbell , Renae M; Constantine , Pete r J ; Cruciani , Linda M; Friedman , Warren ; HEOC; Holland , Rena D; Joy, Johnson P ; Linco ln , Paula A; Lyberg , Sarah A; Mi chalski , Lori A; Miller , Mic helle M; Nichols, Delton ; Rodkey, Kitt ; Scott , J i mmy; Surber , Keith W; Wadhams , Unaby r d ; Kelley , Mi c h ae l J ; Ga r rett , Willi e C; Daniels , Sheila J ; Barton , Victor i a L ; Bur l ey , Mi chael N; Ellis , Edward D; McCl ure , Laura L ; Munir , Rafiq A; Zorc , Bethany A; Albe r t, Helen M; Kasper , Maren M; Snow , Christopher ; Dendas , Mi chael W; Radosevich , Tara J ; LOGAN, LEAH M Cal l - in Number : Access Host 888 - 675 - 2535 Code : !{b)(6) filillfilJ (J ane t Only ) Code : From : Olmem , Andrew J . EOP/WHO Sent : Thursday , September 0 7 , 2017 6 : 23 PM To : Gr eenwood , Shei l a M Subject : Accepted : Andrew and She i la meeting Subject : Lo cation : Check - in : HUD Economic Amy' s Office , Rm 10130 Policy Agenda Fri 9/8/20 1 7 11:0 0 AM St art : End : Fri 9/8/2017 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meeti ng St atus : Not yet responded Organi zer : Thompso n , Amy C Requ i r ed At tendees : She il a M Greenwood (She i la .M. Greenwood l @hud . gov) ; Marz o l, Adolfo F ; Dana T Wade (Da na . T . Wade@hud . gov) ; Michael W Dendas (Michael . W. De ndas@ hud . gov) ; Zo r c , Bethany A; Seth D Appl eton (Seth . D. Appleton@hud . gov) ; Hughes, Andrew ; R . Hunt e r Kur tz (Rober t.H. Kur tz@h ud . gov ) Hi all agenda various forward - Sheila f o r the in itia t the inv wou ld like to touch base on our economic policy remaind e r of the yea r and discuss timi ng for the i ves we outlined previous ly . See below . Pl ease i te to a ny one I mi ght h ave lef t off . Than k s , Amy /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000760 DATE POLICY INITIATIVE DELIVERABLE Aug/Sep Home Equity Mortgagee Convers i on Mortgage Letters Sma ll Area Fair Delay Mandatory (HECM) (2) Market Rent Imp l ementation Sep Housing Finance Executive Reform Order Sep Manufactured Housing Restructuring the Office of Manufactured Housing Sep/Oct Rental Assistance Leg islati ve Demon stratio Introd uctio n n Oct/Nov Aff i rmative Notice Sma ll l y Fu r thering of Ex tens ion Entities of Fa i r Housing Deadline (AFFH) for Submission Action (DPA or o f Plans for Certain Nov Single Restore Family Risk Rev i ew Rule Management Rev ie w Rule 14) 14 Dec Super Notice /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Lien Prog r ams (PACE Program) & Comment HUD-18-0504-D-000761 Dec Section 3/Envision Center Cen ters Open i ng Jan GNMA - Fede ral Public Launch MBS Backstop of "Gi n nie Mae 2020" Process for Plan Jan/Feb Streamlining Final the Co n do Approval Rule Subject : Location : Ca ncel e d : Steve COS Office Harvey Start : Thu 9/7/2017 12:00 End : Thu 9/7/2017 12 : 10 PM Show Time As : Free Recurrence Meeting PM : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organi zer : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila M MEET w/ She i l a & Janet SOHUD' s Off i ce Subject : Locat i on : Start : Thu 9/7/2017 10 : 15 AM End : Thu 9/7/2017 10 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentat iv e Recurrence Meeting Organizer Required (Sheila.M : (none) Status : Not ye t responded : DocBen Attendees : Sheila . Greenwoodl@hud.gov) M Greenwood ; Golrick , Janet M Topic : Irma /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000762 Subjec t : Locat i o n: Deana I Env i sio n Cen t e r , Detroit COS Office Tr i p Start : Wed 9/6/2017 11 : 30 AM End : Wed 9/6/2017 11 : 45 AM Show Ti me As : Tentat i ve Recurre n ce : (none ) Meet in g Status Organizer Required : Not ye t r espo nded : Bass , Deana Attendees : Greenwood , Shei l a M F rom : Marzol , Ado l fo F Sent : Wednesday , Sep te mber 06 , 2017 7 : 48 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accep t ed : Meet ing w/S h eila , Adolfo , Bet h and re : HFR E . O. Subjec t: Locatio n : ! !(b)(6) Ca ll r e : Approps Lang u age on CDBG-DR Confere n ce Call Line : (877) 336 - 1839 ; Access Mi c h ae l B . - Code : Tue 9/5/20 1 7 6 : 30 PM Start : End : Tue 9/5/2017 7 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurre n ce : (none) Meeti ng Status : Not yet respo nded Organi Requ i Stan l Rack l z e r : Apple t o n , Set h D Lyberg , Sarah A; Ri cha r dson , Todd M; Gi mont , r ed Atte ndees : ey ; Gree nwood , Sheila M; Golr i ck , Janet M; Dendas , Mi chael W; eff , Neal J From : Bright , Michael R Sent : Tuesday , September 05 , 2 0 1 7 4 : 4 0 PM To : Greenwood , Shei la M Subjec t : Accep t ed : Mee t ing w/S h e ila , Ado lfo , Be t h and r e : HFR E . O. F r om : Zorc , Bethany A Sent : Tuesday , September To : Greenwood , Shei la /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT 05 , 2017 M Michael B. - 4 : 37 PM HUD-18-0504-D-000763 Subjec t: Accepted r e : HFR E . O . : Mee ting w/Sheila , Adolfo , Beth From : Demar z o , Ben j ami n E Sent : Tuesday , September 05 , 201 7 1 0 : 43 AM To : Greenwood , Shei l a M Subject : Accep te d : Weekly Chec k- i n w/She il a , Jac i e Subject : Loca t io n: and & Mi c h ae l B. - Ben Canceled : Briefing on Disaster Con f ere n ce Room 10 106 Start : Wed 9/6/2017 End : Wed 9/6/2017 4 :00 Show Time As : F re e 3 :00 PM PM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not y et responded Organi zer : Go l r i c k, Jane t M Requ ir ed Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Kurtz , R . Hunter ; DMG; F riedma n, Warren ; Linco l n, Paula A; Yarus, Cl audia J; Wadhams , Unabyrd ; Beth ea, Shelia M; Hebert , Tony X; Br es, Dana B ; Bregon , Ne l so n R; Lavoy , Donald J ; Renner , Robert N; Oz dinec , Milan M; Al e xa nde r, Fra nk J ; Clemmense n, Cr a i g T ; Kidd, Stephe n C; Ho l la n d , Rena D; Rich ar dson , Todd M; Smyth , Timot hy M; E ll is , Ed ward D; DeHaven , Judith G; Rodkey , Kitt ; St ayanovich , Jason E ; Lyberg , Sarah A; Eldridge , Ch arles ; S i mms , Candace S ; Osafo - Danso , Ransford ; Gim on t, Stan l ey ; Garre tt , Wil lie C; Campbel l, Ren ae M; Miller , Mi chelle M; Mi c h a l s ki, Lo ri A; Sulliv a n , Br i an E ; Brow n , Jereo n M; Po tt s , Mill ic e n t B; Surber , Keith W; Ja nk owski , Debbie ; McBride , Helen K; Constantine , Pete r J; Ballard , Daniel L; Bryon , Jemine A; Timberlake , Co urt ney B ; McC l ure , Laura L ; Par ker, Ten n ille S; Hunte r, Matthew F ; Kaspe r, Mar e n M; Duklis , Pete r S Opt i o na l Atte ndees : Appl e t o n , Seth D; Thompson , Amy C; Pu ri foy , Fe lic ia A; Radosevich , Tara J; HEOC Ca ll -i n Number : Access Host Code : Code : 888-675-2535 !ib\/6\ ~ ( Ja ne t Only ) Subject : Updated Inv i tation : Sy n ops i s of PDR st u dies /S u san res ume / CDBG update/ @ Tue Sep 5 , 2017 9 :1 5am - 10 : 15am (EDT ) (Sheila Gr ee nwood ) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000764 Start: Tue 9/5/2017 9 : 15 AM End : Tue 9/5/2017 10 : 15 AM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Organize r : ~l (b~)(~6~) _____________ Th i s event has been more deta il s » __, c h a ng ed . Changed : Synops i s of PDR studies /Susan r es ume / CDBG update/ When Changed : Tue Sep 5 , 2017 9 : 15am - 10 : 15a m Eas tern Ti me Ca le nda r She il a Gr eenwood Who • l(b)(6) I - organi z e r • Sheila Gr eenwood Going? Yes - Maybe - No I nvit a tion f rom Goog l e more optio n s » Calendar You ar e receiving th is c o urtesy emai l at the account sheila . m. g r eenwoodl@hud . g ov because yo u are an atten dee of th i s eve nt . To stop r ece iving f ut ure upda te s f or th is eve nt , dec l i ne th i s event . Al ter n ative ly you can sign up for a Google acco un t at h ttp s : //www . google . com/calendar/ and control your notificat i on settings for yo u r e n tire calendar . Forwa rd i ng t his inv it a t ion co ul d a ll ow a n y recipien t t o modify your RSVP r es ponse . Lea r n Mo r e . Subject : Meet in g Forw ard Not i fication : SBA/HUD ca l l Sta r t : Mon 9/4/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Mon 9/4/2017 3 : 00 PM Recurrence Organi Your : (none) zer : Gimont , Stanley meeting Gimon t, meeting was forwarded Stanley req ues t to additiona l recipients. has forwar ded your Meeting SBA/H UD ca ll Meeting Time Mon day , Septembe Recipi e nts Pa rke r , Tennille All times Time (US /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT & list ed are Canada ) r 4 , 201 7 2 : 00 PM-3 : 00 PM. S t i me zo n e : (UTC- 05:00) Eas tern HUD-18-0504-D-000765 Sent by Mic rosoft Exc hang e Server Subject : Age ncy Chiefs o f Staff Meeting Locatio n : Secre t a r y o f War Room , EEOB 230 A Start : Tue 9/5/2017 10:3 0 AM End : Tue 9/5/2017 11 : 3 0 AM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Organiz er : Uli , Gabriella M. EOP/WHO F rom : Rackleff , Neal J Sent : F ri da y , September 01 , 2 0 1 7 5 : 30 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Sub j ec t: Accep t ed : SOHUD Brief Book F rom : Marzol, Adolfo F Sent : Frid ay , Septe mbe r 0 1 , 2017 To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : SOHUD Brief 3 : 46 PM Boo k Fr om : Flei sc her , La ur a A on be h a lf of Marzol Sent : Friday, Septembe r 0 1, 2017 1: 54 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject: Accepted : SOHUD Brief Boo k F rom : Hunter , Matthew F Sent : Friday , September 01 , 2 0 1 7 1 : 15 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Sub j ect : Accepted: Confe r ence Call w/Sheila Van Duyne F rom : Wade, Dana T Sent : Frid ay , Septembe r 0 1, 2017 To : Gr eenwood , She i la M Subject : Accepted: SOHUD Brief , Adolfo F , Ja n et , Matt and Beth 11: 43 AM Boo k From : Thompso n , Amy C Sent : Friday , September 01 , 20 1 7 11 : 15 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : SOHUD Brief Boo k F rom : Van Duy n e , Beth A Sent : F riday , September 01 , 2 0 1 7 11 : 1 1 AM /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000766 To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subjec t: Accepted : Conference Van Duyne Subjec t: Location : Harvey DepSec Update Conference Call w/Sheila , Janet , Matt and Beth Room 10 1 06 S t art : Thu 9/7/2017 9 : 30 AM End : Thu 9/7/2017 10 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : Dai l y Recu rr ence Pattern Meet in g Status : : eve r y day from Not ye t r espo nded 9 : 30 AM to 10 : 00 AM Organizer : Golrick , Janet M Required Attendees : Greenwood , Shei l a M; Eag l es , David T ; Alexa nder , Fra n k J ; App l eton , Seth D; Bethea , Shelia M; Broo k s , Towanda A; Cl emmensen , Cr a i g T ; Cooke , Kev i n R; Greene , Bryan ; Ki ttrell , Katharine D; Lavoy , Donald J ; Renner , Robert N; Richardson , Todd M; Thompson, Amy C; Timbe r lake , Cou r tney B; Potts , Millicent B; Hunter, Matthew F ; Van Duyne , Be t h A; Ramon , Nicolas ; Brad l ey , Les l ie Ann ; Woll Jr , David C; Ammon, Matthew E ; Ba ll ard , Dan i el L ; Bregon , Ne l son R; Bres , Dana B; Brown , Jereon M; Bryon , Jemine A; Campbe l l , Renae M; Cons t antine , Peter J ; Cruciani , Linda M; Friedman , Warren ; Hebe rt , Tony X; HEOC; Holland , Rena D; Joy , Johnson P ; Li nco ln , Pau la A; Lyberg , Sarah A; Micha l ski , Lor i A; Mi l l er , Mi chelle M; Nichols , Delton ; Ozdinec , Milan M; Rodkey , Ki tt ; Scott, Jimmy ; Su l livan , Brian E ; Surber , Keith W; Wadhams , Unabyrd ; Blom , Dominique G; Kelley , Michael J ; Garrett , Willie C; Daniels , Sheila J ; Bar t on , Vic t or i a L ; Burley , Mi chael N; Ellis , Edward D; McCl ure , Laura L ; AMOS, WILLIAM L ; Coffey , Al exander ; Kidd , St ephen C; Huggins , John C; Farias , Anna Mar i a ; Smith (Ctr) , Raymond V; St ayanovich , Jason E Call-i n Number : Access Host Code : !/b)/6\ ~ (Janet Code : Subject : Loc ation : 888-675-2535 Harvey DepSec Update Conference Only ) Room 1 0106 Start : Wed 9/6/20 1 7 10 : 30 AM End : Wed 9/6/2017 11 : 00 AM Tentative Show Time As : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000767 Recurrence Meeting : (non e ) Status : Not yet responded Organi z e r: Golr i ck , Janet M Requ i red Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Eagles , David T ; Alexander , Frank J ; Appleton , Seth D; Bethea , Sh elia M; Brooks , Towanda A; Clemmensen , Craig T ; Cooke , Kevin R; Greene , Bryan ; Kittrel l , Katha r ine D; La voy , Donald J ; Renner , Rober t N; Ri chardson , Todd M; Thompson , Amy C; Timber l a ke , Courtney B; Pot ts , Mil l icent B; Hunter , Matthew F ; Van Duyne , Beth A; Ramon , Nicolas ; Bradley , Leslie Ann ; Woll J r , David C; Ammon, Mat th ew E ; Ballard , Daniel L ; Bregon , Ne l son R; Bres , Dana B; Brow n, Jereo n M; Bryo n , Jem i ne A; Campbell , Re n ae M; Constanti n e , Peter J ; Cruciani , Linda M; Friedman , Warr en ; Heber t , Tony X; HEOC; Holland , Rena D; Joy , Johnson P ; Linco ln , Pau la A; Lyberg , Sarah A; Micha l ski , Lori A; Miller , Michell e M; Nichols , Delton ; Ozdinec , Mil an M; Rodkey , Kitt ; Scott , Jimmy ; Sulliva n, Brian E ; Surber , Ke i t h W; Wadhams , Unaby r d ; Blom , Domi n i que G; Kelley , Mi chael J ; Ga r rett , Will i e C; Dan i els , Shei l a J ; Barton , Victoria L; Burley , Michae l N; Ellis , Edward D; McClure , Laura L; AMOS, WILLIAM L; Coffey , Alexander; Kid d , Stephen C; Huggins , J ohn C; Farias , Anna Ma ria ; Smith (Ctr) , Raymond V; Staya n ovich , Jason E Cal l - in Number : Access Host 888 - 675 - 2535 Code : !{b)(6) filillfilJ (Jane t Only ) Code : Subject : Locat i on : Harvey DepSec Update Confere n ce Room 10106 Sta r t : Tue 9/5/2017 9 : 30 AM End : Tue 9/5/2017 10 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Meeti ng Status : Not yet responded Organizer : Golrick , Janet M Required Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Eag l es , David T ; Alexa nder , Fra n k J ; App leton , Seth D; Bethea , Sh elia M; Broo k s , Towanda A; Cl emmensen , Cr a i g T ; Cooke , Kev i n R; Greene , Bryan ; Ki ttrell , Katharine D; Lavoy , Donald J ; Renner , Robert N; Ric hardson , Todd M; Thompson , Amy C; Timbe r lake , Cou r tney B; Potts /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT , HUD-18-0504-D-000768 Milli ce nt B; Hunter, Matthew F ; Van Duy ne , Beth A; Ramon , Nic olas ; Brad l ey , Les li e Ann ; Woll Jr , Dav i d C ; Ammon, Matthew E ; Ba ll ard , Dan i el L ; Brego n, Nelson R; Bres , Dana B; Brown , Jereon M; Bryon , Jemin e A; Campbe ll , Renae M; Constantin e, Pet e r J ; Cr uc i ani , Linda M; Fried man , Warr en ; Heber t , Tony X; HEOC; Holla nd , Rena D; Joy , Johnso n P ; Li n coln , Pa u la A; Lyberg , Sa r ah A; Micha l s ki , Lor i A; Mill e r , Mi chelle M; Ni c h o l s , Delton ; Oz dinec , Milan M; Rodkey , Kitt ; Scott , Jimmy ; Su l li van , Brian E; Surber , Ke i th W; Wadhams , Unabyrd ; Blom , Dominiq ue G; Kelley , Micha e l J; Garrett, Willi e C ; Daniels, She il a J ; Bar t o n , Vi c t o r ia L; Burl ey , Michae l N; Elli s , Edward D; McC l u r e , Laura L ; AMOS, WIL LIAM L ; Coffey , Al e x a n der ; Kidd , Step h en C; Huggi ns , John C; Farias , Ann a Maria ; Smith (Ctr) , Ra ymond V; Stayanov i ch , Jason E Ca ll -i n Numbe r : Access Host 888-675-2535 Cod e : l/b)/6) lllii®J ( Ja Code : From : Sent : To : Subjec ne t Only ) Calabria , Mar k A. EOP/OVP F riday , September 0 1, 20 17 10 : 29 AM Gr ee nwood , Shei l a M t: Accepted : Lunch w/Sheila and Ma rk Ca l ab r ia , et al Subject: Seminar Loca tion Openi ng Remarks : at OGC' s Fi e l d and Depar tmen ta l Co n ference Headquarters Managers Room St art : Tue 9/12/20 17 9 : 00 AM End : Tu e 9/12/2017 9 : 30 AM Show Time As : Ten t a t ive Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not y et respond Org an iz e r: Cruc i a n i , Li nda M Required Atte ndees : Greenwood Dawkins , Eunic e D Sheila ed , Shei la M; Zorc , Bethany A; , Than k yo u for ag reei ng to g i ve open i ng rem ar k s at OGC' s Field a nd Headq u a r ters Ma n agers Sem i nar . I have attached t h e age n da . Be th wi ll i n troduce y o u and t h en t h e f loor is yours f o r 15 minu te s . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000769 Please let me kn ow if your r emarks . yo u want me to draft After you spea k , Beth wil l be giv i ng ou t Di st i ngu ished Se r v i ce Award . any service b ullet pins points f or a n d the It would be g r eat if Eunice co u ld send me a copy of your b i og r ap hy so we can include it i n the course materials . If you ha ve any mate ri a l s tha t you would like us to incl ude, we need them by COB on Wednesday , Sep tembe r 6 . Thank you so much , Li nda x . 5108 Subject : FW: Statu tor ily Mand at ed Designation of Difficult Dev elo pme nt Areas and Qualifi e d Census Tracts for 2018 (F R- 6043 - NOl) Room 8 10 6 or call i n 877-336-1828 code : =k b~l{~6.l__. Locat i o n: S t art : F ri 9/1/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Fri 9/1/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence Meeting : (none) Sta t us : Organ iz e r : Not Ri chardson ye t responded , Todd M ----- Ori g inal Appointm en t ----From : Richardso n , Todd M Sent : Thu rsday , Augus t 31 , 2017 1 : 46 PM To : Ri c h ardso n , Todd M; Kurtz , R . Hun t e r Cc : Appleton , Seth D; Bou rne , Chri stop h er M; Usowsk i, Kur t G; Hollar , Michael K Subjec t: Stat ut o ril y Ma n dated Designatio n o f Difficu lt Deve l opme n t Ar eas a n d Qual i fied Ce n s u s Tracts f or 2018 (FR-6043-N-01 ) When : Friday , Sep tem b er 01 , 2017 2 : 00 PM- 2 : 30 PM (UTC- 05:00) Eas tern Time (US & Canada ) . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000770 Where : Room 8106 Presentation I am inviting this is the or call in 877-336- 1828 code : l= >; Santa Anna , Aaron > ; Golr i ck , Janet M > ; Eag le s , David T > Cc : Greenwood , Sheila M > ; Clemmensen , Craig T > ; Appleton, Seth D > ; Zorc , Bethany A > ; Pereira , Ariel > ; Bourne , Christopher M > ; Osowski , Kurt G > ; Forrester , Althea M > ; Foxx , Nachesh i a L > ; Hollar , Michael K > Subject : RE : Statutor ily Mandated Designa t i on of Difficul t Deve lo pment Areas and Qu al ifi ed Census Tr acts for 20 1 8 (FR-6043-NOl) I would be interes te d, can we do something tomorrow? From : Richardson , Todd M Sent : Thursday , August 31 , 2017 9 : 04 AM To : Santa Anna , Aaron > ; Gol r ick , Janet M > ; Kur tz , R . Hunter > ; /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000771 Eag l es , Dav i d T > Cc : Gree n woo d , Sh ei l a M > ; Clemm e ns e n , Cra i g T > ; App l eto n , Set h D > ; Zo r c , Betha n y A > ; Pereira , Ariel > ; Bourne , Chr i s t op h er M > ; Usows k i , Kurt G > ; For r es t er , Al t hea M > ; Fo xx , Nac h esh i a L > ; Hol l a r , Mi chael K > Subj e c t : RE: St atuto ril y Man d a te d Designation of Diff i cu lt Deve l opment Areas and Qu a l i fi ed Census Tr acts fo r 20 1 8 (F R-60 43 -N01 ) Dav i d/ Hun ter/Set Let us Qua l i f i In come you mig h /Sheila kn ow i f you wou ld l i k e a brie f i ng on how we ca l c u l ate t h e ed Census Tr acts and Di fficu l t Deve l opme n t Areas for t h e Low Housing Tax Credit program . Th is is business as usua l, bu t h t f i nd it interes t ing . Todd From : Sa n ta Ann a , Aaro n Sent : Th ursday , August 3 1 , 2017 8 : 44 AM To : Golr i ck , Janet M > ; Ku rt z , R . Hun ter > ; Eagles , Dav i d T > Cc : Gr e enwood , Sheila M > ; Clemme n sen , Craig T > ; App l e t o n , Seth D > ; Zorc , Bet h a n y A > ; Pere ir a , Arie l > ; Bourne , Chr i stop h er M > ; Usowski , Kurt G > ; /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000772 Forrester , Althea M > ; Foxx , Nac h esh i a L > ; Richardson , Todd M > ; Hol l ar , Michae l K > Sub j ec t: Statutorily Ma n dated Des ig na ti o n o f Di ff i cu lt Deve l opme n t Areas and Quali fie d Census Tracts for 2 0 18 (FR- 6043 - N- 01) Dav id/Hun ter /Jane t that our Statutorily Areas and Qualified re ady t o submi t to - Good mor n i ng . I jus t wa nt ed to let you know Mandated Des igna t ion of Difficul t Devel opm en t Ce n s u s Tracts f or 2018 (FR-6043- N-01 ) no t ice i s t he Fed eral Register for pub lica ti o n. As yo u may k now , unde r 26 U. S . C . 42 (d) (5 ) (B) ( iii ) , f o r p urp oses o f the LI HTC, HUD mus t designate DDAs , which are a r eas with h i gh construction , la nd , an d u t ility costs re l a t i ve t o area median gross incom e . This notice designates DDAs for each of the 50 states, the District of Colum b ia , Puerto Ric o, American Samoa, Guam , the Northe rn Mar i a n a I s l a nds , and the U. S . Virg i n Is lan ds. The des i g n ations of DDAs in th i s n otice are based o n mod i fied Fi scal Year (FY) 2 0 1 7 Small Area Fair Market Re n t s (Small Area FMRs) , FY2017 i ncome limits , and 2010 Census population counts, as explained below. Sim il arly, unde r 26 U. S . C . 42 (d) (5) ( B l (ii), HUD must designate QCTs , which are a re as either i n which 50 percent o r more of t h e ho u se h o ld s h ave an in come which is le ss t han 60 percen t of t h e a rea median gross i n come for such y e ar or which hav e a poverty r ate of at l e ast 25 pe rcen t . This noti ce designates QCTs based on new i n come and poverty data released i n the American Commu n i ty Survey (ACS ) . Spec if i cally , HUD r e li es o n the most re c e nt three sets of ACS data to ensure th at anomalous estimates, due t o sampl i ng, do not affect the QCT status of trac t s . Please l et Thank you . me know if yo u ha ve a n y quest pVERSIGHT re g arding this matte r . Aaron From : Jac k so n , Larry B Sent : Thursday , August 31, To : Greenwood , Shei la M /\MERICAi\ ions 2017 3 : 48 PM HUD-18-0504-D-000773 Subjec t: Accepted r e : MDP Informationa Sub j ect : Locat i o n: : Mee ting w/Sheila l I nt erv i ew Gree nwood a n d Larry Jackso n - Agency Chief of Sta ff Meet i ng Secretary o f War Room , EEOB 230 A Start : Thu 8/3 1/20 17 11 : 00 AM End : Thu 8/31/20 17 12 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta ti ve Recurrence Organi All zer : : (none) Uli, Gab riell a M. EOP /WHO - Cabinet Affairs hosts th i s meet i ng on Tuesdays from 10 : 30 AM - 11 : 30 AM in Secretary of War Room, 230A in the EEOB. Please let me know if your p r i n c ipal is unable to atte n d . We kindly ask no pl u s ones or proxies for the Chiefs . Thank y ou, Gabriel la F rom : Racklef f , Neal J Sent : Tu esday, Augus t 29 , 201 7 1 : 28 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : l unc h wi th Sheila a nd Nea l Fr om : Bravacos , Joh n Sent : Tuesday , August To : Greenwood , Shei Subject : Accep te d : Subject : Loc ation : G 29 , 2017 12 : 49 PM la M Check - in w/She il a and Deana Bass RE : Envision COS Off ic e John Bravacos Centers Start : Wed 8/30/ 2 0 17 4 : 00 PM End : Wed 8/30/20 17 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng S tatus : Organize r: Bass, Requ ir ed Attendees /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Not yet responded Deana : Gr eenwood , She i la M HUD-18-0504-D-000774 From : Sent : To : Subjec Coressel , Jac i e Monday, August 28 , 2017 3 : 14 PM Greenwood , Shei l a M t: Accepted : Weekly Chec k-i n w/Sheila Subjec t: Locatio n: Transportation EEOB/HUD for , Jacie & Ben Cos St art : Tue 8/29/2017 10 : 05 AM End : Tue 8/29/2017 1 : 1 5 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recur r ence : Week l y Recurrence Pattern : Meet in g Status : Not every Tuesday from 10 : 05 AM to 11 :4 5 AM ye t r espo nded Organizer : Daggett , Tanya R Required Attendees : Greenwood Optiona l Attende es: Franklin, , Shei l a M; Dawkins , Eunice DeShaunta M Could Mac p i c k- up She i la at 1:1 5 i nstead of 1 1 : 45 on n ext August 29? Please l et me know . Thank you . D Tuesday , Eunice Subjec t: Locatio n: Canceled : Transportation EEOB/HUD St art : Tue 8/29/20 17 10:05 End : Tu e 8/29/2017 1 : 1 5 PM Show Time As : Free Recur r ence : Week l y Recurre n ce Pattern : Meet in g Status : Not every for Cos AM Tuesday from 10 :0 5 AM to 11 :4 5 AM ye t r espo nded Organizer : Daggett , Tanya R Required Attendees : Greenwood Optio n a l Atte ndees : Franklin, , Shei l a M; Dawkins , Eunice DeSha un ta M Could Mac p i c k- up She i la at 1:1 5 i nstead of 1 1 : 45 on n ext August 29? Please l et me know . Thank you . D Tuesday , Eunice /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000775 From : Demar z o , Benja mi n E Sent : Monday , Augus t 28 , 201 7 12 : 37 PM To : Greenwood , Shei la M Subject : Acc epte d : Weekly Check - i n w/She il a , Jac i e Subject : Loc ation : " Thank You " Cal l with SOHUDs office Field Office & Ben Staf f Start : Wed 8/3 0 / 2 0 17 10 : 00 AM End : Wed 8/30/20 17 10 : 30 AM Show Time As : Te nta t ive Recurrence : (none) Meet in g S t atus : Not yet r espo nded Organi zer : DocBe n Requ i r ed At tendees : Kurtz , R . Hun t e r ; Hun t e r , Matthew Greenwo o d (Shei l a . M. Gree n woodl@ hud . gov ) ; Brego n , Ne lson Duyne , Beth A Dia l-In : 877-848-7030 Subject : Lo cation : F ; Sh ei l a M R; Van ; Code =!{b= l(=6l,...__~ BRIEF on Harvey SOHUDs o ffi ce Mess a gi ng Mon 8/28/ 2 0 17 2 :0 0 PM Start : End : Mon 8/28/2017 2 : 3 0 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence : (none ) Meet in g St atus : Not yet responded Organi zer : DocBe n Requ i r ed At tendees : Thompso n , Amy C; Raphael Will iams ; Brown , Je reon M; She il a M Gree nwood (Sh e ila . M. Gr eenwoodl @hud . gov ) Topic : Specific to HECM MEET RE Housto n SOHUD's Confere n ce Room Subjec t : Locatio n : Start : Mon 8/28/2017 11 : 30 AM End : Mon 8/28/2017 12 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recu rr ence : (none ) Meet i ng Status Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : : Not yet r espo nded DocBen HUD-18-0504-D-000776 Required Attendees : Thompso n , Amy C; Hun ter , Matthew F ; App l eton, Seth D; Eagles , Dav i d T ; Kurt z , R . Hunt e r; Benjamin E Demar zo (Benjami n . E . Demarzo@hud . gov) ; Ra ckleff , Nea l J ; Sheila M Greenwood (S h e ila . M. Gr eenwoodl@hud . gov); Jacie Co r esse l (Victor ia . J . Co re sse l @hu d .g o v) ; Van Duy ne , Bet h A The Secretary will be tr ave l i ng with POTUS to Te x as tomorrow a n d he wou ld like to mee t at 11 : 30 AM to discuss . The mee t i ng wi ll take place in th e Secreta ry ' s Conference Room . If yo u canno t attend , please send so meone fr om your re spec tive depa rtme nt . Beth - t o dia l i n , please cal l Pleas e l e t me know if 877-848-7030 ; Code ~kb~ )(=6l.___~ yo u hav e q uest ions! WHAT: Meeting to discuss Hous ton WHERE: Secreta r y ' s Co nfere nce Room WHEN: 11 : 30 AM TODAY Subject : Ca nceled : Hsng . Fi n a nce Reform Wkly Mtg . b-lf~6l--~ Loc a tio n: Ado l fo ' s Office// Conf . Li ne (888) ~!/ I Hos t 0illfilJ !{b )(6l Code Start : Mon 8/28/20 17 2 : 0 0 PM End : Mon 8/28/20 17 3 : 0 0 PM Show Time As : Free Recur r e n ce : Wee kly Recur r e n ce Pa tt e r n : Meeting Status : Not every y et Mo n day respond from 2 : 00 PM to 3 : 00 PM ed Org an iz e r : Ma rz ol , Ado lf o F Required Atte ndees : Wade , Dana T ; Kasper , Maren M; Bright , Michael R; Zorc , Bethany A Optio n al At t e ndees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Ro ge t , Gisele G; Wolfson , Len Subjec t: Locat i o n : Canceled : OMB/FHA ca ll to d i sc u ss DIN #1- 877-336-1839 , Access !{bl(6l Start Mon 8/28/2017 : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HECM I (Host only !(b)(6) I 12 : 30 PM HUD-18-0504-D-000777 End : Mon 8/28/20 Show Tim e As : 17 1 : 0 0 PM Fr ee Rec urr en c e : (non e) Orga n iz e r: Wade , Dan a T Requ i r ed Attendees : Lee , Jess i ca K . EOP/OMB; Jones , Shawn R; Mar zol , Ado l f o F ; Kra ning er , Ka t hl een L . EOP/O MB; Santa Anna , Aaron ; Pereira, Ari e l ; Ro get, Gi sele G; Ra d zinschi , Lucas R . EOP/OMB; Rao , Nand in i B; Al exandra . N . Marten@omb . eop.gov ; Mi l ler , Ar n old R; Greenwood , Sheila M; Olmem , And r ew J . EOP/WHO; Nye , Joseph B. EOP/OMB Subject : Loc a tio n : MEET r e g ard i ng Hurr i cane SOHUD' s Office Harvey Mon 8/28/20 17 10 : 30 AM Star t : End : Mon 8/28/ 2 0 17 1 1 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tent at ive Rec urr ence : (non e) Meet i ng Status : Not yet r espo nd ed Or ga niz e r : DocB en Required Attendees : She il a M Greenwood (She i la.M . Gree nwood l @hud.gov) ; Appleton , Seth D; Thompso n , Amy C; M; Golrick , Janet M; Eagl es , David Hunter , Matthew F ; Brown , Jereon T F rom : Smith , Ja ' Ron K. EOP/WHO Sent : Monday , Aug us t 2 8 , 201 7 9 : 26 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Sub j ect : Accepted : FW: Lunch w/Sheila a n d Mar k Calabr i a , et Subjec t: Locat ion : Pri nc i pals Committee : Drug Dema n d Re du ction EEOB 474 - I nd i a n Trea ty Room al Str ategy St a r t : Mon 8/28/2017 5 : 0 0 PM End : Mon 8/28/2017 6 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Organize : (none ) r : Sa lv i, Mary E. EOP/WHO Team , /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000778 DPC is hosting an interagency Pr inc ip als Commi ttee Whit e Ho u se ' s Dr ug Demand Red u ction St r ategy . An information attac he d . memor andum -- the p rim ary focus mee t ing o f discussion RE: t h e -- In v i ted Part i c ip ants : Sec . Tom Price , Hea l th a nd Human Services Attorney Genera l Jeff Sessions Sec . Betsy Devos , Department of Education Sec . Ben Carso n , Departmen t of Hous i ng a n d Urba n Deve lo pment Sec . Alex Acosta , Department of Labor Sec . Re x Tillerson , Department o f State Sec . So nn y Perdue , Depa r tment of Ag r icu l ture Acting Sec . Elai n e Du ke , Department o f Home l a nd Securi t y Dir ecto r Mi ck Mulvaney , Off i ce of Management a n d Budget Mr . Tony Kurta , Acting Und er Secre t ary f or Perso n ne l and Readiness DOD Chie f Jo h n Kelly Kirstjen Nielsen J ared Kushner Andrew Bremberg Stephen Miller Kellyanne Conway Rober t Porter Reed Cordish Tom Boss e rt Acting Director Richard Baum , ONDCP Ni na Sc h aefer , Hea l th a n d Human Serv i ces Gary Barne tt , Departme n t of Jus tice Joshua Venab l e , Department of Education Hunter Kurtz, Department of Hous ing and Urban Development Molly Co nway , Departme n t o f Labo r Marga r et Pete r li n, Department of State Ambassador Ja mes Nealon , Department of Homeland Security Dr . Mig uel Lapuz , VA Dr . Thomas Emmen dor f er , VA Joe Gr ogan , 0MB Alex Campau , DPC Ka ty Ta lento , DPC Anne Hazlett , USDA Brad Ha n se ll, NSC Rebe k a h Armstrong , OVP Chip Muir , ONDCP of American Innovation Dolly Moorh ead , WH Office Thank you - please do not hesi t ate to ask any questio is , ns . Mary Mary Salvi Whi te House ! request to additiona l recipients . All times Time (US to : (none) meeting Brown, meeting : Meeting MF Properties M; Fri 8/25/20 17 2 : 00 PM 8/25/2017 2 : 30 PM Start : End : Fri Organizer D; Greenwood , Sheila i n@hud . gov> (UTC-05 : 00) Eastern to COS re : De-brief Fr i 8/25/20 17 2 : 00 PM 8/25/20 17 2 : 30 PM HUD-18-0504-D-000781 Recurrence Organizer Your : (none) : Brown , Jereon meeting was M f orwarded Brown , Je reon M meeting r equest to additional recipients . Meet i ng Meet i ng t o De-br i ef Tr oubl e d MF Properties cos r e : Garde n Sp i res Meeting Time Fr iday , August 25 , 2017 Recipients Golrick , Janet M f ollow i ng time zo n e : (UTC-05 : 00) Eas tern Sent by Mi crosoft Exc h a ng e Se r ve r From : Galkowski , James J . EOP/OMB on beha lf of Doyle , Emma K. EOP/OMB Sent : Thursday , Aug ust 24 , 201 7 3 : 47 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Mee ting w/Sh eila & HUD sta ff a n d Emma Doy l e re : HECM Upon arrival , pl e ase go to EEOB 2 5 2 and ask you a nd take yo u to the con feren ce room . for F rom : Sen t : To : Subjec Throw e r , Laura A on beha lf of Wade , Dana T Thursday , Aug u st 24, 2017 2 : 07 PM Gr eenwood , She i la M t: Accep t ed : 4 : 4 5 Executive Car p i ck-up From : Sent : To : Subjec Throwe r , Laura A on be h alf o f Wade , Dana T Thursday , August 24, 20 17 2 : 07 PM Greenwood , She ila M t: Accep te d : 3 : 30 Execu t ive Car James . I will meet From : Thrower , Laura A on beha lf of Wade , Dana T Sent : Thursday , August 24 , 20 1 7 1 : 45 PM To : Gr eenwood , She i la M Subject: Accepted : Check - in w/S h eila and Dana Wade /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000782 From : Mi nor , Robi n N Sent : Thur sday , Aug ust 2 4 , 20 1 7 11 : 31 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject: Accep t ed : Check-in w/S h ei la and She il a ' s Passpo r t Rob i n Min o r - r e : Fr om : Thompso n , Amy C Sent : Thur sday , August 2 4, 2017 1 1: 30 AM To : Gr ee nwoo d , Shei la M Su bje c t: Dec l i n ed : Mee t i ng to De-brie f COS re : Ga rde n Spires (Reg io n 2) and Troub l ed MF Prope r t ies I am ou t tomorr ow - trave li ng to Bost on for t he wee ke nd - b ut Jerry has the inf o and will br i e f you and Matt . Ja n et may jo in too . Fr om : Hun ter , Mat thew F Sent : Thursday , Aug ust 24 , 2017 11: 11 AM To : Gr eenwo od , Sheila M Subject : Acc epted : Meet i ng to De- b ri ef COS r e : Garden Spir es (Region 2) a nd Troubled MF Prop er ti es Fr om : Br o wn , Je r eon M Se nt : Thursday , August 24 , 2017 1 0 : 42 AM To : Gr ee nwoo d , Sh e ila M Subj ect : Accepted : Meeting to De-brie f COS re : Ga rden (Reg i o n 2) and Tr oub l ed MF Prope r t i es Spires Fr om : Fle i sc h er , Laur a A on b ehal f of Marz ol , Ado lf o F Sen t : Wednesday , Aug ust 23 , 20 17 1: 53 PM To : Gr eenwo o d , Sheila M Subject : Acc epte d : Meet i ng w/She il a & HUD s t af f and Emma Doyl e re : HECM F rom : Fleischer , Lau ra A on b ehalf of Marzol Sen t : Wednesd ay , Aug ust 23 , 2017 1 : 53 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Travel by Uber From : Sent : To : Subjec , Adolf o F Fl e i sche r, La u r a A on be half of Marz ol , Ado l fo F Wednesday , August 23 , 2017 1: 53 PM Gr ee nwoo d , Shei l a M t : Accepted : Travel by Ube r /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000783 From : Wade , Dana T Sent : Wednesday , Aug u st 23 , 2017 1: 03 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Acc epte d : Check - i n w/She i la and Dana Wade From : Wade , Dan a T Sent : Wednesday , August 23 , 2017 12 : 59 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Acc epte d : Meet in g w/She il a & HUD staff r e : HECM F rom : Sent : To : Subjec Ado lfo Fl e isch e r , Wednesday , Greenwood , t: Dec lin and Emma Doyl e - La ura A on be hal f of Marzol , Adolfo F Aug us t 23 , 2 0 1 7 11 : 56 AM Shei l a M ed : Resc he du li ng - Weekly Chec k -i n w/Sheila and Fr om : Throwe r , Laura A on be h al f o f Wade , Da n a T Sent : Wednesday , August 23, 2017 11: 44 AM To : Gr ee nwood , Shei l a M Subject : Accep te d : Check - i n w/She i la and Dana Wade F rom : Demarzo , Be njam i n E Sen t : Wednesday , August 23 , 2017 11: 30 AM To : Gr eenwood , She i la M Subject : Accepted : Weekly Check - in w/S h eila Subjec t: Loc a tio n : , Jac ie & Ben Canceled : Check-in 10 2 26 (Shelia ' s Off ic e ) Start : Wed 8/23/20 17 8 : 30 AM End : Wed 8/23/ 2 0 17 9 : 00 AM Show Tim e As : Free Re currence Recurrence : Daily Pa tter Meet in g St atus : n: every Not yet day f rom 8 : 30 AM to 9 : 00 AM responded Organize r : Golrick , Jane t M Required Atte ndees : Clemme n sen , Cra i g T; Hugh es , Andrew ; Greenwood , Sheila M; Eagles , David T From : Far i as , Anna Ma r ia Sent : Tues da y , August 22 , 2017 To : Greenwood , Shei l a M /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT 3 : 32 PM HUD-18-0504-D-000784 Subjec t: Far i as Accepted : Chec k -in Sub j ect : Dr ews Ou t o f Office w/Sheila Greenw ood a n d Anna Maria S t art : Mon 8/28/20 17 3:0 0 PM End : Mon 9/4/2017 3 : 3 0 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : (none) Meetin g Status : Not ye t re spo nded Organ iz e r : Hughes , Andrew Required Atte ndees : Greenwood Subject : Wade Lo cation : Meeti , Shei l a M; Mc Call, ng Forw ar d Notification : Check - in Drew A w/Sheila and Dana COS Off ic e Start : Thu 8/24/20 17 3 : 30 PM End : Thu 8/24/20 17 4 :0 0 PM Recurrence Org a nizer Your : (none) : Wade, meeting Dana T was forward ed Wade , Dan a T meeting request to add ition al recipients . has forwa r ded your Meeting Ch eck- i n w/She il a a n d Dana Wade Meeting Thursday Time , August 24 , 2017 Recip i ents Wolfson , Len i n the f ollowing Sent by Mic ro so ft Exc h ange Server Subjec t: Canceled : Tra n sportatio Locat i o n: EEOB/HUD Start : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Tue 8/22/2017 t i me zone : n f or (UTC-05 : 00) Eastern CoS 11 : 35 AM HUD-18-0504-D-000785 End : Tue 8/22/20 Show Tim e As : Recurrence Recurrence 17 1 : 15 PM Free : Weekly Patte r n : Meet in g Status : every Not Organiz er: Dagge tt, Required Attendees : This is from 10 : 05 AM to 11 : 45 AM r espo nd ed Tanya R Greenwood an reoccurring Subject : Location : yet Tuesday , Sheila appointmen M; Dawkins, Eunice D t . Canceled : Briefing on Disaster Con f erence Room 10106 St art : Tue 8/22/2017 3 : 00 PM End : Tue 8/22/2017 4 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Free Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organize r: Golr i c k , Janet M Required Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Kurtz , R . Hun ter ; DMG; F riedman , Warren; Lincoln , Paula A; Yarus , Claudia J; Wadhams , Unabyrd ; Bethea , Shelia M; Hebert , Tony X; Bres , Dana B; Bregon , Nelso n R; Lavoy , Donald J ; Renner , Robert N; Ozdinec , Milan M; Alexander , Frank J ; Clemmense n, Cra i g T ; Kidd , Stephe n C; Hol land , Rena D; Richardson , Todd M; Smyth , Timothy M; E ll is , Edward D; DeHaven , Judith G; Rodkey , Kitt; Stayanovich , Jason E ; Lybe rg , Sarah A; Eldridge , Ch arles ; Simms , Ca n dace S ; Osa f o-Danso , Ransford ; Gi mont , Stan l ey ; Garrett , Wil lie C; Campbel l, Renae M; Miller , M; Mi chalsk i, Lor i A; Sulli va n , Br i an E ; Brow n , Jereo n M; Michelle Po tt s , Millicent B; Surber , Keith W; Ja n kowski , Debbie ; McBride , Helen K; Cons tant ine , Peter J; Ballard , Daniel L; Bryon , Jemine A Opt i o n al Attendees : Timberlake , Court ney B; McClure , Laura L ; Parker , Tenn i lle S ; Hun ter , Matt h ew F ; Kasper , Maren M; Duk li s , Pe ter S This meeting is Call - in Number : Access Host Code : Code : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT being resched u led for nex t Wednesday . 888 - 675 - 2535 !(b)(6) MfilJ (Jane t Only) HUD-18-0504-D-000786 Fr om : Wol f son , Len Sent : Tuesday , August 22 , 2017 9 : 25 AM To : Gre enwo o d , Sheila M Subject : Acc epted : FW: Check - in w/Shei Su bj ect : Wade Loca tion : Mee t ing Forward Not i fication l a and Dana Wade : Check - in w/ She i la and Dana COS Off ice Start : Tue 8/22/2017 4 : 00 PM End : Tue 8/22/2017 4 : 30 PM Re cur ren ce : (none) Organizer Your : Wade , Dana T meetin g was fo r wa rded Wade, Dana T meeting req uest to addi tion al recipients . Meeting Ch eck- in ha s forw ard ed your w/She i l a a nd Dan a Wade Meet in g Time Tuesday , August 22 , 2017 Recipients Wolfson , Le n t he fol lo wing Sen t by Mic rosof t Exch a nge Server Sub ject : Canceled : Weekly Media Loca tion : SOHUD' s off i ce t i me zo n e : (UTC-05 : 00 ) Eastern Upda te Start : Wed 8/23/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Wed 8/23/2017 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Fr ee Re currence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Weekly HUD-18-0504-D-000787 Recurrence Pa tt e r n : Meet in g St atus : every Not yet Wednesday from 11 : 00 AM t o 11 : 30 AM responded Organi zer : DocBe n Requ i r ed At tendees : Gr eenwood , Sheila M; Th ompson , Amy C; Willi ams , Rap ha el L; Br own , Je r eon M; Th ompso n , Ca i t l i n H From : Sent : To : Subjec Far i as , Anna Ma r ia Mon day, August 21 , 2017 3 : 4 9 PM Gr ee nwood , Shei la M t: Accepted : Chec k -in w/She i l a Green From : Sent : To : Subjec Ma rz ol , Ado lf o Mon da y , August Gre e nwood , Shei t: Accepted : Transportat EEOB/ HUD Farias F 21 , 2017 3 : 4 6 PM la M 4 : 1 5 Executive Car pick-up From : Marzol , Adolfo F Sent : Monday , Augus t 2 1 , 2017 3 : 46 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : 2 : 30 Executive Car Subject : Loc a tio n: and Anna Maria to EEOB i o n f o r Cos Start : Fri 8/25/20 17 10 : 05 AM End : Fri 8/25/20 17 1 1 : 4 5 AM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status : Not Organiz e r : Dagg ett, Requ i red Atte ndees : Also , o n Friday to be t aken to Thank you for yet r espo nd ed Tanya R Greenwood , Sheila M; Dawkins , Euni ce , August 25 , she wou ld like EEOB and to be picke d u p at your assistance to use the 11 : 45 . car at D 1 0 : 05 . Eunice /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000788 Subject : Location : Agency Chiefs Secretary of of Staff Meeting War Room , EEOB 230 A Start : Fri 8/25/20 17 10:30 End : Fri 8/25/20 17 11:30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organizer All AM : Uli , Gabriella M. EOP/WHO - Cab i ne t Affairs hosts th is mee t ing on Tuesdays f r om 10: 30 AM - 11 : 30 AM i n Secretary of War Room, 230A i n the EEOB. Please let me know i f your principal is unable to attend . We kind ly ask no plus ones or proxies for the Chiefs . Thank you, Gabriella Subject : Location : !(b)(6) ! Meet with OPA, CIR on HECM 9202/DIN #1-877-336-1839 , Access l={b=l(=6l __ ~ (Host only Start : Mon 8/2 1 /2017 2 : 00 PM End : Mon 8/21/20 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not ye t re spo nde d Organizer : Wade, Dana Required Attendees : Marzol , Adolfo F ; Roge Thompson , Amy C; Su lliv Opt i o na l Attendees : This From : Sent : To : Subjec is now a 30 - minute Calabria , Mark Monday, August Greenwood , Shei t: Accepted : Subject : Location : T Appleton , Seth D; Gr eenwood, She i la M; t, Gisele G; Wolfson , Len ; Bowes , Robert an , Brian E Lyberg , Sarah A; Dendas , Mi chael W meeting to give us time to A . EOP/OVP i a, et al Room Mon 8/21/20 17 9 :0 0 AM Start : End : Mon 8/2 1 /20 17 9 :3 0 AM Sh ow Time As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000789 Recurrence Recurrence 9 : 30 AM Organi : (non e ) Pattern : z e r: Clemmensen every , Craig Monday and Wednesday from 9 : 00 AM to T From : Clemmensen , Cr aig T Sent : Tuesday , July 11 , 2017 12 : 34 : 48 PM UTC To : Clemmense n, Cra i g T ; Gol rick , Jane t M; Kasper , Maren M; Ammon, Matthew E ; Greene , Bryan ; Bregon , Ne l son R; Timberlake , Courtney B; Cooke , Kevin R; Benison , John P ; Scott , Jimmy ; Hens l ey , Henry ; Blom , Dominique G; Brooks , Towanda A; Ly be r g , Sarah A; Hughes , Andrew ; McCul lough , Aisa K; Greenwood , Shei l a M; Hol derfield , Stephanie A; McCl ure , Laura L ; Stayanov i ch , Jason E ; Bass , Deana ; Eagles, Dav i d T ; Marzol , Adolfo F ; Kurtz , R . Hun ter ; Gaines , Ralph H; Bourne , Ch ri stophe r M; Ri cha rd son , Todd M; J oy , Johnson P ; Wade , Dana T ; Appleton , Seth D; Lincoln , Paula A; Zorc , Bethany A; Thompson , Amy C; Hunt e r, Matt hew F Subject : Morn ing Mee ting When : Monday , August 21 , 20 17 1 : 00 PM- 1 : 30 PM. Wher e : Secretary' ; s Confe r ence Room Appo i ntment/Af t ernoon Subject : Eun i ce Dawk i ns - l(b)( 6) I S t art : Wed 8/23/20 17 12 : 00 AM End : Thu 8/24/20 17 12 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organi z e r: Dawk in s , Eun i ce D Requ i red Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Mills , Al lison F; Hardison , James C; Fleischer , Laura A; Car ter , Stevens J ; Rodriguez Aida N From : Co r esse l , Jacie Sent : Friday , August 1 8 , 2017 12 : 44 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Dec li ned : Weekly Check-in w/Sheila Subject : Loc ation : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT , Jacie , & Ben CALL w/ She il a Gr eenwood Allie will connec t HUD-18-0504-D-000790 Start : Thu 8/17/20 17 9 : 50 AM End : Thu 8/ 1 7/20 17 10: 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Not yet r espo nd ed Organiz e r : DocBen Required Attendees : She il a M Gree nwood (She i la . M. Gree nwood l @hud . gov) Fr om : Wade , Dana T Sent : Wednesday , August 16, 2017 1 : 33 PM To : Greenwood , Shei l a M Subject : Acc epte d : Check - in w/She il a and Dana Wade From : May , Mar lene Lon behalf of Wade , Dana T Sent : Wednesday , August 16, 20 17 1 : 15 PM To : Gr eenwood , Shei la M Subject : Accep te d : Check - in w/She il a and Dana Wade From : Bebbe - Ramish , Marcelle A . (WF) (FBI) Sen t : Monday , August 14 , 2017 5 : 19 PM To : Gr eenwood , She i la M Subject : Accepted : Pho n e Call w/S h ei la Greenwood and Marce ll e Bebbe-Ramish - re : Background Ch eck - Len W. When : Aug 21 , 2017 11: 30 : 00 AM Where : Ma r ce ll e will call She il a - 202-402-6068 Subject : Loca tion : Canceled : Agency Chief o f Staff Meeting Secre tar y o f War Room , EEOB 230 A Start : Tue 8/ 1 5/20 17 10:3 0 AM End : Tue 8/15/2017 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : F ree Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer All : Uli , Gabriella M. EOP/WHO - Cab i ne t Aff a i r s hosts th is mee t i ng on Tu esdays f r om 10 : 3 0 AM - 1 1 : 30 AM i n Secretary of War Room, 230A in t h e EEOB. Please let me know i f your pr i ncipal i s unabl e to attend . We k in dly ask no pl us ones or pro xies for t h e Chie f s . Thank you , Gabriella /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000791 Subjec t: Loc a tio n : Canceled : Check-in 10 226 (Sh elia ' s Off ice) Star t : Fri 8/18/20 17 8 : 30 AM End : Fri 8/18/20 17 9 : 00 AM Show Tim e As : Fr ee Rec urr ence : Da ily Rec ur ren ce Pa tt e r n : Meet ing Status : Not every yet day f ro m 8 : 30 AM to 9 : 00 AM r e sponde d Or ga ni zer : Golr i c k , Jane t M Req u ire d At tendees : Clemme n sen , Cr ai g T; Hugh es , And r ew ; Greenwood , Sheila M; Eag les , David T Subject : Loc ation : Canceled : Check-in 10 226 (Sh e lia ' s Office) Start : Thu 8/17/2017 8 : 30 AM End : Thu 8/1 7/2 0 17 9 : 00 AM Show Time As : Fr ee Rec urr ence : Daily Rec ur ren ce Pat ter n : Meet ing Status : Not eve ry day yet f ro m 8 : 30 AM to 9 : 00 AM responded Org a niz er : Gol ri ck, Ja net M Req u ire d At tendees : Clemme n sen , Cr ai g T; Hugh es , And r ew ; Greenwood , Sheila M; Ea g les , David T Sub j ec t: Locat i on : Canceled : Chec k -in 10226 (Shel i a ' s Off i ce ) Start : Wed 8/16/2017 8 : 30 AM End : Wed 8/16/20 17 9 : 0 0 AM Sho w Time As : Fr ee Rec urr en c e : Daily Recurrence Pa tter n: Meet in g Status Not : eve ry day yet f rom 8 : 30 AM to 9 : 00 AM r espo nded Or ga niz er : Golric k, Ja net M Req u ir ed Atte ndees : Clemme n sen , Cr ai g T; Hugh es , And rew ; Gr eenwood , Sheila M; Ea g les , David T /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000792 Subjec t: Location : Canceled : Check-in 10226 (Sh elia ' s Office) Start : Tue 8/15/20 17 8 : 30 AM End : Tue 8/15/20 17 9 : 00 AM Show Tim e As : Free Recurrence Recurrence Meeting : Daily Pa tt e r n : St atus : Not every yet day f rom 8 : 30 AM to responded Organize r: Golr i ck , Jane t M Required Attendees : Clemme n sen , Craig Greenwood , Sheila M; Eagles , David T Subject : Location : 9 : 00 AM T; Hugh es , Andrew ; Canceled : Check-in 10226 (Sh elia ' s Office) Start : Mon 8/14/2017 8 : 30 AM End : Mon 8/14/2017 9 : 00 AM Show Time As : Free Recurrence Recurrence Meeting : Daily Pat ter n : Status : Not every yet day from 8 : 30 AM to responded Organizer : Golrick, Janet M Required Attendees : Clemme n sen , Craig Greenwood , She i la M; Eagles , David T Subject : Locat i on : 9 : 00 AM BRIEF on MONTANATRIP Secreta r y ' s Co n ference T; Hugh es , Andrew ; Room Start : Wed 8/16/2017 3 : 00 PM End : Wed 8/16/20 17 4 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Recu r rence Meeting : (none) Status : Not ye t respo nded Organizer : DocBen Required Attendees : Williams, Raphae l L; Thompson , Amy C; Frechette , Heidi J ; Kurtz , R . Hun ter ; Burley, Michael N; Ke ll ey , Michael J ; Dendas , Mi chae l W; F r ee , Ke nn eth E ; Zorc , Bethany A; Petty , Timothy J ; Sheila M Greenwood (Sheila . M. Greenwood l @hud . gov) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000793 F rom : Goog l e Calendar on be hal f of l(b)(6) I Sen t : Thursday , August 10, 2017 12 : 20 PM To : Gr eenwood , She i la M 1@ Tue Dec 1 2 , 201 7 12 pm Sub j ec t: Accepted : Wash ing ton l(b)(6) 1pm (EST ) (Greenwood , Sheila M) Attachm en ts : invi te . ic s @K~ h as accepted this Washington !(b)(6) I When Tu e Dec 12 , 201 7 12pm - 1pm East e rn Tim e Calenda r Greenwood , Sheila M Who Greenwood , Sheila M - o rg an iz er • l(b)(6) I - creato r inv i tation . Inv i tation from Goo g l e Calendar You are r ece iv ing th i s courtesy ema il at the account she il a . m. greenwoodl@hud .g ov beca u se you a r e a n attendee of this event . To stop receivin g future upda tes for th i s event , decl i ne this e vent . Alter nat i vely you can s i g n up f o r a Googl e account at h ttps : //www . google . com/ca l enda r / and co nt ro l yo ur noti f icat i o n sett in gs for your ent ir e ca l e nda r . Forwardi n g this inv i tation could allow a n y recipient to modify your RSVP response . Lea rn More . Fr om : Campbell , Renae M Sent : Thursday , August 1 0 , 2017 11 : 40 AM To : Greenwood , Shei l a M Subject: Accepted : Check-in meeti n g w/Shei la an d Anna Mar ia Farias Subjec t: Locat i o n: BRIEF o n The Clo u d Secre t a r y ' s Co n fe r ence Room Start : Thu 8/10/2017 1 :0 0 PM End : Thu 8/10/2017 2 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Recurrence : (none ) Meet in g Status : Not ye t r espo nded Organizer : DocBe n Required Attendees : Hayes , Mark S ; Joy , John son P ; Bright , Michael R; Sheila M Greenwood (Sheila . M.Greenwoodl@hud . gov) ; Kasper , Maren M Subjec t: Locat i o n: Canceled : Tra n sportatio EEOB/HUD Start Tue 8/15/2017 : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT n f or CoS 1 0: 05 AM HUD-18-0504-D-000794 End : Tue 8/15/2017 11 : 45 AM Show Time As : Free Recurrence : Weekly Recurre n ce Pat t e r n : Meet i ng Status : Not Organiz e r : Dagge tt, Requ i red Atte ndees : This is every yet Tuesday f r om 10 : 05 AM to r esponded Tanya R Greenwood , Sheila an reoccurring 11 : 45 AM appointmen Subject : Inv i tation : Omar osa (EDT) (Sh ei l a Greenwood ) M; Dawkins , Eunice D t . @ Wed Aug 9 , 20 1 7 10 : 30am - 11: 30am Start : Wed 8/9/2017 10 : 30 AM End : Wed 8/9/20 1 7 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organ i zer : : (none) ~l (b~)(~6_) _____________ ~ mor e details» Omarosa When Wed Aug 9 , 2017 1 0 : 30am - 1 1: 30am Eastern Time Calendar Shei l a Greenwood ~l (b_)(_6)_____________ organ iz er Who She il a Gr eenwood ~1- Going? Yes - Maybe - No more options» Invitation from Goog l e Calendar You are r eceiving this courtesy email at the account she il a . m. gree nwood l @hud.gov because you are a n attendee of this event . To stop receiving future updates for this event , dec l ine th is event . Alternatively you can s i gn up for a Google account at h ttps : //www . google . com/calendar/ and contro l you r notificat i on sett i ngs for you r entire ca l e nda r. Forwarding this invitation could al l ow any recipient to modify your RSVP response . Lea rn More . Subjec t: HOLD for BRIEF on Coffee with Carson Loca tion : SOHUDs office S tart : Thu 8/10/20 17 3 : 00 PM End : Thu 8/10/2017 3 : 1 5 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) HUD-18-0504-D-000795 Mee t in g Sta t us : Not y et r espo nd e d Org a nize r : Doc Be n Req uir e d At ten d ee s : Be ckl e s , Ang e la (She i la .M . Gree nwo od l @hu d . g o v) F rom : Campbe l l , Re n ae Sen t : Tues d ay , Augus t To : Gr eenwood , She i Su b je c t : Accepted : Sub j ec t: Loc a ti on : L; Sh e i l a M Gr ee nwoo d M on b eh alf of Gr ee ne, Bry a n 0 8 , 201 7 2 : 09 PM la M Meeti ng w/ Sh eil a a nd An n a Mar ia Fa ria s Canceled : Di saster Upd ates Confere n ce Ro om 10 1 0 6 Star t : Wed 8/9/20 1 7 1 0 : 0 0 AM End : Wed 8/9/ 2 0 1 7 11 : 0 0 AM Show Time As : F ree Re curr en c e : (non e) Mee t i ng Sta t us : Not y e t r espo nded Or g aniz e r : Golri ck , Ja net M Requ ir ed At t e nd e es : Greenwood , She i la M; Kurt z , R. Hunter ; DMG; Fri edma n , War r e n ; Li ncol n , Pa u la A; Ya ru s , Cl a u dia J ; Wadhams , Unab yrd ; Bethe a , She l ia M; Hebert , To n y X; Bre s , Dan a B; Brego n , Ne l so n R; La voy , Don a ld J ; Re nn e r , Robe r t N; Ozdine c, Mil a n M; Al e x an d e r , Fra n k J ; Cl e mme ns en, Cr a ig T; Ki dd, St e ph en C; Hol l a n d , Rena D; Ri cha r dson , Todd M; Smyt h , Tim ot h y M; Ell i s , Edward D; DeHave n , Jud i th G; Rod k e y , Ki tt ; Sta y a n ov i ch , Jason E; Lyberg , Sa r ah A; El d r idge , Ch a rl es ; Simms , Ca n d a ce S ; Os a fo - Dan so , Ra ns for d ; Gimon t , St a nl e y ; Ga rr et t , Willi e C Op t i o n a l At t e nde e s : Campbel l , Rena e M; Mi l l er , Mi c h e l le M; Mi chals k i , Lo ri A; Sullivan , Br ian E; Br own , Je r eon M; Potts , Mil li ce n t B; Su r be r , Keith W; Ja n ko ws ki , Debbie (d ebbie _ j a nkow s ki @hu d. g ov ) ; McBr i d e , Helen K; Con st a nti n e , Pete r J ; Ball a rd , Dani e l L; Janko wski , De b b i e; Bryon , J e mi n e A Th i s meet i ng i s be i ng r esched u led Call-i n Number : Ac cess Host Cod e : Code : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT f or th e wee k of Aug u st 21 s t . 888-6 7 5-2535 !/b)/6) llliRfilJ(Ja n e t Only ) HUD-18-0504-D-000796 From : Hughes , Andrew Sent : Tu esday, Augu st 08, 201 7 9 : 44 AM To : Greenwood , She i la M Sub j ec t: Accep t ed : Mee ting w/Sheila Gree nwood - r e : HUD Messagi ng Fr om : Dendas , Mi chael W Sen t : Tuesday , August 08, 2017 9 : 08 AM To : Gr eenwo o d , Sheila M Subject : Acce pte d : Meet in g w/Sheila Gr eenw oo d - re : HUD Messaging F rom : Hunter , Matthew Sent : Mon da y , Aug u st To : Greenwood , She i Sub j ec t: Accep t ed : F 07, 2017 5 : 41 PM la M Mee ting w/Sheila Gree nwood - r e : HUD Messagi ng Fr om : Thompso n , Amy C Sent : Monday , Augus t 0 7 , 2017 5 : 00 PM To : Greenwo o d , Sheila M Subject : Acc epte d : Meet in g w/Sheila Gr eenw oo d - re : HUD Messaging Subj ect : Loc at ion : Ca n c eled : Transportation EEOB/HUD for Cos Start : Tue 8/8/20 1 7 10:0 5 AM End : Tue 8/8/2017 11 : 4 5 AM Show Time As : F r ee Recur r e n ce : Weekly Recurrence Pa tt e r n : Meet ing Status : Not every yet Tuesday f r om 10 : 05 AM to responded Org an iz e r: Dagget t , Tanya R Required Atte nd ees : Greenwood , Sheila This is Subject Locatio an reocc u rring : n: 11 : 4 5 AM M; Dawkins , Euni ce D a pp oin tmen t . CDBG- DR Briefin g with B Studio (Bl 60 ) Rep . Garr et Graves via Skype Start : Mon 8/7/2017 3 : 4 5 PM End : Mon 8/7/2017 5 : 00 PM /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000797 Show Time As : Recurrence Meeting Tenta tive : (none) Status : Not ye t re spo nde d Organ iz e r : Appleton , Seth D Required Attendees : Gi mont , S t anley ; Richardson , Todd M; Bar ton , Victoria L ; Dendas , Michael W; Kelley, Mich ae l J ; Burley , Micha e l N Opt i o n al Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Dawk i ns , Euni ce D Outside Atten dees : Cong . Ga rr et Paul Gr aves Sawye r - Cong . Garr e t Grav es Mi chael Eby - Se n ator Michael Wong - Senator Tres Bern hard Cassidy John Kennedy - Cong . Cedric Pa t Forbes - Of fi ce of 3 : 45pm Set Up 4 : 00pm Liv e Start HUD Broadcastin Bill Ri c hmond Community Development , Sta te of Louisiana Time g Contacts : WILLIAM. L . AMOS@ hu d . gov : David . N. Mumbert@ h ud . gov> Producer : Regi n ald . J . Braxton@hud . gov F rom : Google of l(b )(6) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Calendar on be hal f HUD-18-0504-D-000798 Sent : Tuesday , August 01 , 2017 To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Josephine (EDT) (Greenwood , Sheila M) Attachments : inv ite. ics 10 : 49 AM @ Th u Aug 1 0, 2017 6 : 15pm - 7 :1 5pm has accepted this inv i tation Josephi n e When Thu Aug 10 , 2017 6 : 15pm - 7:15p m Eastern Time Calendar Greenwood , Sheila M Who • Greenwood , Sheila M - o r gan i zer • l(b )(6) I - creator l(b )(6) . Inv i tation f r om Google Cale n dar You are re ce iving th i s courtesy email at the account she il a . m. greenwoodl@hud . gov beca u se you are an attendee of this event . To stop receiving future upda tes for th i s event, decl i ne this event . Alter n ative l y you can sign up for a Google account at h ttps : //www . google . com/calendar/ and co n tro l your notificat i on se tt ings for your entire calendar . Forward i ng this invi tat i on could allow any r ecip i ent to modify your RSVP response . Learn More . Subjec t: Canceled : Chec k -in Locat i on : 10226 (Shel i a ' s Off i ce) Sta r t : Fri 8/4/2017 8 : 30 AM End : Fri 8/4/2017 9 : 00 AM Show Time As : Free Recurrence : Dai l y Recu rr ence Pa tte rn : Meet in g Status : Not eve ry day yet from 8 : 30 AM to r espo nded Organizer : Gol ri ck , Janet M Required Attendees : Clemmensen , Craig Greenwood , Sheila M; Eagles , David T Subjec t: Locatio n: 9 : 00 AM T; Hughes , Andrew ; Canceled : Chec k -in 10226 (Shel i a ' s Off i ce) St a r t : Thu 8/3/2017 8 : 30 AM End : Thu 8/3/2017 9 : 00 AM Show Time As : Free Recurrence : Dai ly Recu rr ence Pattern Meet in g Status Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : : Golrick : Not eve r y day yet , Janet from 8 : 30 AM to 9 : 00 AM r esponded M HUD-18-0504-D-000799 Required Attendees Greenwood , Sheila Subject : Locat i o n: : Clemmensen , Craig M; Eagles , David T T; Hughe s , Andrew ; Canceled : Check-in 10226 (Sh el i a ' s Off i ce) Start : Wed 8/2/2017 8 : 30 End : Wed 8/2/2017 9 : 00 AM Show Time As : Free Recurrence Recurrence : Daily Pattern Meet in g Status : : Not every yet AM day from 8:30 9 : 00 AM r espo nd ed Organizer : Golrick, Janet M Required Attendees : Clemmensen , Craig Greenwood, Sheila M; Eagles , David T Subjec t: Locat i on : AM to T; Hughe s , Andrew ; Canceled : Chec k -in 10226 (Sh el i a ' s Off i ce) Start : Tue 8/1/2017 8 : 30 AM End : Tue 8/1/2017 9 : 00 AM Show Time As : Free Recurrence Recurrence Meeting : Dai l y Pa tte rn : Status : Not every yet day from 8 : 30 AM to r espo nded Organizer : Golrick, Janet M Required Attendees : Clemmensen , Craig Greenwood , Sheila M; Eagles , David T MEET with Chairman Dirk se n 239 Subjec t: Locatio n: 9 : 00 AM T; Hughes, Andrew ; Crapo Start : Thu 8/3/2017 2 : 1 5 PM End : Thu 8/3/2017 2 : 45 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Meeting Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) Status : : Not ye t responded DocBen HUD-18-0504-D-000800 Required Attendees : Dendas , Michael W; Mar z ol , Adolfo Appleton , Seth D; Br i ght , Mi chael R; Sheila M Gr eenwood (Sheila . M.G reenwood l@hu d . gov) Top i c : Hous i ng F inance Origin Reform of Mee t ing : Rescheduled Subjec t: Location : F; from June Di scuss LA Sheila ' s office Start : Mon 7/3 1/ 2017 3 : 30 PM End : Mon 7/31/2017 4 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Meet ing Status Organizer Required (Sheila.M : Not yet r espo nded : Zorc , Bethany A Attende es: Sheila Greenwood . Gree nwo od l@hu d .g ov) ; Gaines , Ralph Subjec t: Locatio n: Weekly Media Update SOHUD' s off i ce S t art : Tue 11/ 14/20 1 7 2:00 End : Tue 11/ 1 4/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : Weekly Recu rr ence Pat ter n : Meet in g Status Organizer Required Williams Subjec t: Loca tion: H : Not PM eve r y Wednesday yet from 11 :0 0 AM to 11 : 30 AM r espo nded : DocBen Attendees : Greenwood , Shei la , Rap h ael L; Brown , Jereon M M; Thompson , Amy C; HECM Ro llou t 9202- Confere n ce Room S tart : Mon 7/31/20 17 10 : 00 AM End : Mon 7/3 1 /2017 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) HUD-18-0504-D-000801 Organi zer : Wade , Dana T Requ ir ed Attendees : Kasper , Maren M; Appleton , Seth D; Brown , Amy L; Roget , Gis ele G; Brig h t , Mic h ael R; Marzo l , Adolfo F ; Thompson , Amy C; Tolber t, She r ece ; Ca rr , Te rry M; Greenwood , Shei l a M Per GDAS Dana Wade req u est . Subject : Loc ation : PRE- BRIEF on Eas t Chicago , East Secre ta ry ' s Conf e rence Room Start : Tue 8/ 1 /20 1 7 3 :00 End : Tue 8/1/2017 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Meeti S t . Lou is and Cairo PM : (none) ng S t atus : Not yet responded Organi zer : DocBe n Requ ir ed Attendees : Demar zo , Benjami n E; Barton , Vi ctor i a L ; Kasper , Maren M; Dendas , Michael W; Brown , Jereon M; Cruciani , Lind a M; Pe tt y , Timothy J; She il a M Greenwood (Sheila . M. Greenwoodl@hud . gov) ; Cunning h am, James A; Delahoyde, Abigail M; Free , Kenne th E; Thompson , Amy C; Zorc , Bethany A Fr om : Kasper , Maren M Sent : Friday , Ju ly 28 , 2 0 17 3 : 53 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject: Accepted : Check-in w/Shei la, Status Updat es From : Sent : To : Subjec Mar en & Mic ha e l B . - re : Few Fle i sc h e r, Laur a A on be h a lf of Bass, Deana F riday , July 28 , 20 17 11 : 00 AM Gr ee nwood , Shei la M t: Tenta t ive : Week ly CIR meeting w/Sheila From : Thompson , Amy C Sent : Thursday , Ju l y 27 , 2017 5 : 29 PM To : Gr eenwood , She i la M Subject : Accepted : FW: Meeting w/COS - re : Senate Greenwood Nomin ee Strategy Sub j ec t: Meet in g Forward Not i fi cat i on : Meet i ng w/COS - r e : Sena t e Nomi nee S tr ategy Loc ation : OSEC Sma ll Conf e rence Room - 1 02 10 Start : End : Fri /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Fri 7/28/ 2 0 17 10 : 30 AM 7/28/20 17 1 1 : 30 AM HUD-18-0504-D-000802 Recurrence Organizer Your : (none) : meeting Appleton, was Seth D forwarded Appleton , Seth D . has forwarded Strategy 10 : 30 AM-11 : 30 AM. : Amy. C . Thompson@hud . gov> fol l owing t ime zone : (UTC-05 : 00) Sent by Mic ro soft Exchange Server From : Marzol , Adolfo F Sent : Thursday , Ju ly 27 , 201 7 3 : 56 PM To : Greenwood, Shei la M Subject : Accepted : Weekly Check - i n w/She il a and Eastern Adolfo From : Goog l e Calendar on behalf I of l(b )(6 ) Sent : Thursday , July 27 , 2017 1 :4 6 PM To : Greenwood , Shei la M Subjec t: Accepted : Dr . Fuisz - 202-728-9630@ Thu Jul 27 , 2017 2 : 30pm - 3 : 30pm (EDT) (Gr eenwood , Sheila M) Att achmen t s : invite . ics l(b )(6) has accepted this in vitat i on . Dr . Fuisz - 202-728-9630 Fast at least 8 hours . Bring p ho t o ID Arrive 15 - 20" early When Thu Jul 27 , 2017 2 : 30pm - 3 : 30pm Eastern Where 1 140 19th Street, NW, Sui te 805 (map) Calendar Gr eenwood , Shei la M Who Greenwood , Sheila M - organizer l(b)( 6 ) I - creator Ti me Invita tion f rom Google Calendar You are receiving this courtesy email at the account she il a . m.greenwoodl@hud.gov because you are an attendee event . To stop receiving future updates for this event , decline Alternatively you can sign up for a Google account at /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT of this th is event . HUD-18-0504-D-000803 h ttps : //www . google . com/ca l enda r / and co ntr o l yo ur no t i f icat i o n sett i ngs for yo ur ent ir e ca l e nda r . Forw ar di n g this inv i tation could allow a n y recipient to modify your RSVP response . Lea rn More . Fr om : Hughes , Andrew Sent : Thursday , Ju ly 2 7 , 20 17 1 : 33 PM To : Greenwood , Shei la M Subject : Accepted : Mee ting w/COS - re : Sena te Nominee Stra tegy F rom : Sent : To : Subjec Den das, Mic h a el W Thursday , July 2 7 , 201 7 1 : 0 5 PM Greenwood , Sheila M t : Accepted : Meeting w/ COS - re : Se n ate Nominee Str ategy Fr om : Sent : To : Subjec Wade , Da n a T Thursday , Ju ly 27 , 201 7 1 2 : 38 PM Greenwood , Shei l a M t : Accep te d : Meet i ng w/COS - r e : Senate Nominee Stra t egy Fr om : Flei sc her , La ur Sent : Thursday , Ju ly To : Greenwood , Shei Su bject : Acc epte d : Subject: (R . LEE) Loca tion : Mtg a A on be h a lf o f Marzol , Adolfo 2 7 , 201 7 12 : 34 PM la M 1 : 00 Trav el by Ex ecut iv e Car w/S . Gree nwood S . Gr eenwood Of fice St a rt : F ri 7/ 28/20 17 9 : 30 End : F ri 7/28/2017 1 0 : 00 AM Sho w Time As : Ten t a t ive & R . Gai nes F re : Reques t f/Sec Pr ic e - - Room 10 000 AM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting S t at u s : Not y et respond ed Org an iz e r : Ga i nes , Ra lp h H Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Gr eenwo od , Shei la M From : Bourne , Chris t op h er M Sent : Wednesday , July 26 , 20 1 7 1 : 53 PM To : Greenwood , Shei la M Subjec t : Accepted : Ch eck - in w/She il a and In frastruc ture /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Chri s Bou rn e - r e : HUD-18-0504-D-000804 Subjec t : Locat i o n: CDBG-DR Allocation 7202 Briefing Start : Wed 7/26/2017 3 : 0 0 PM End : Wed 7/26/20 17 3 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Rec urre n ce : (none ) Meet in g Status : Not ye t r espo nded Organizer : Gi mont , Stan l ey Required Attendees : Richardson , Todd M; Gaines , Ralph H; App l e t o n , Set h D; Dendas , Mi c h ael W; Bur ley , Mic h ae l N; Barton , Victo ri a L ; Kelley , Mic h ae l J ; Sulliv a n , Br i a n E ; McNally , Fra n cis P ; Rya n , Josh u a J ; Kome , Jess i e Hand f orth ; Lybe rg , Sa r a h A Opt i onal Atte ndees : Greenwood , Shei la M; Dawkins , Euni ce D To ens ure everyone i s o n the same page a n d to a n swer a n y ques ti o n s , Todd a n d I would lik e t o ta ke about 30 minutes to walk everyo n e through the CDBG- DR alloca t ion t ha t will be sent to t h e Hill . Timing o f r elease will be estab li shed to day by Sheila . Attached are : Tic k t ock (sub je ct CDBG- DR no t ice to summary Excel file disas ter s providing (including Summaries on Louisiana Please Thanks From : Sent : To : Subjec Tr ip s let revision) summary of all new al l ocation) and North me kn ow i f yo u see CDBG- DR f un ding Ca roli na funding a n y i ss u es i n these for in 201 5 - 2016 n ew allocation doc ume n ts . . Thompson , Amy C Wedn esday , J uly 26 , 201 7 10 : 42 AM Greenwood , Sheila M t : Accep te d : Chec k -in w/S he ila , Amy and Jerry - re : Upcoming From : Kurtz , R . Hunte r Sent : Tuesday , Ju l y 25 , 20 1 7 8 : 56 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000805 Subjec t: Accepted r e : FY ' 19 Budget : Chec k -in w/Sheila, Hunte r , David E . & Seth F rom : F l e isch e r , Laura A on b eha lf of Marzol , Adolfo F Sen t : Tuesday , Ju l y 25 , 2017 11 : 16 AM To : Gr eenwood , She i la M Sub j ec t: Accepted : Pho n e Call w/Sheila Gr eenwood , Adolfo and Barre tt Burns A. - Mar zol F rom : F rechette , Heidi J Sent : Tu esd ay , July 25 , 2017 8 : 35 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subjec t: Accepted : Mee ting w/Shei la , Hunte r , Heidi Frechette S te phanie Hold e r f i ed - r e : Tr i bal Intergovernmental Advisory Committee a nd Fr om : Goog le Ca le nda r on be h a lf o f l(b )(6) I Sent : Tuesday , July 25 , 2 0 1 7 6 :4 3 AM To : Gr eenwood , Shei la M Subject : Accep te d : mee t in g with Heather/ Old Town@ Wed Aug 9, 201 7 6pm - 6 : 30p m (EDT) (Greenwood , She ila M) Attac hme n ts : inv i te . ics has l(b)( 6) meetin g with Heather/ accepted th i s in vitat i on . Old Town When Wed Aug 9 , 2017 6pm - 6:30pm Eas tern Time Calendar Greenwood , Sheila M Who Greenwood , Sheila M - o rg an izer • l(b )(6) I - c r eato r Inv itation from Goo g l e Cal en dar You are rec eivi ng this cour t esy email at the accoun t she il a . m.greenwoodl@hud.gov beca u se you are a n attendee o f this event . To stop receiving future updates for this eve n t , decline th is event . Alt e r nat iv ely you can s i gn up for a Google account at h ttps : //www . google . com/ca le ndar/ and co ntr o l yo ur no t i f icat i o n sett in gs for your ent ir e ca l e nda r. Forwardi ng this inv i tation could allow a ny recipient to mod i fy your RSVP r esp onse . Lea rn More . Subjec t: MEET with Sheila , Drew McCall , Andrew Hughes a n d Todd Richardson Locat i o n: SOHUD' s o ffi ce Start : Mon 7/24/2017 1 : 30 PM End : Mon 7/24/20 17 1 : 40 PM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Recu rr ence : (no ne ) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000806 Meet in g Status : Not yet r espo nded Organiz e r : DocBen Required Attendees : Hughes , Andrew ; McCa l l , Drew A; Richardson Todd M; She il a M Gree nwood (Sh eila . M. Gr eenwood l @h ud . gov ) , F rom : Proctor , Tonya Sent : Monday , Ju ly 24 , 2 0 17 9 : 42 AM To : Greenwo o d , Shei l a M Subject : Accep te d : Pr e - bri e f meet in g w/COS - r e : Rho de Island Hous in g Authority Subject : Meet in g Forward Not ifi cat i on : Pr e-br i ef re : Rhode Islan d Housi ng Authority Lo cation : COS Off i ce (Su it e 10000 ) meet in g w/COS - Mon 7/ 24/20 17 1:4 5 PM Start : End : Mon 7 /24/20 17 2 :0 0 PM Recu rr en c e: (non e) Organ iz e r: Proctor Your meet ing Proctor meeting was forward , Tonya request Meet ing Pre-brie , Tonya ed to add ition al recipients . f meet i ng w/COS - re: Rhode h as f o r wa r ded yo u r I s l a nd Hous in g Authority Meeting Time Monday , July 24 , 2 0 1 7 1 : 45 PM- 2 : 00 PM. Recip i ents Proc to r, To ny a Thomas , Tamura H Hill , Lisa A Mor gan , Lynn M All times Time (US & li sted are Canada ) i n the following time zo n e : (UTC- 0 5 : 00) Sent by Mi crosoft Exc h a ng e Serv e r Su bject : Meeti ng Forward Not i fication : COS an d HUD Sta ff w/Dan Murp hy et al - re : Rhode I sland Housing Authori t y Locat ion : Deputy Secretary ' s Co nfere nce Room (1 0106 ) Eastern meeting S t a rt : Mon 7 /24/20 17 2 : 00 PM End : Mon 7/24/2017 3 :0 0 PM /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000807 Recurrence Organizer Your : (non e ) : Culpepper meeting Culpepper forwarded was , Miniard forwarded , Miniard has addit i onal recipien ts. the o : Tracey following . A.Williams@hud.gov> time Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server Subject : Meeting Forward Notification re : Rhod e Island Housing Authority Loca tion : COS Office (Suite 10000) zone : (UTC- 05 : 00) : Pre - brief meeting Eas tern w/COS - S t art : Mon 7/24/20 17 1 : 45 PM End : Mon 7/24/20 17 2 :0 0 PM Recurrence Organizer Your : (none) : meeting Cu lpepper was , Miniard forwarded Culpepper , Min iard forw arded your meeting request to additional recipients Meeting Pre-br i e f mee t i ng w/COS - re : Rhode Meeting Tim e Monday , J u ly 24 , 2017 Recip i ents Williams , Tracey All times listed are Ti me (US & Ca n ada) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT the Hous in g Autho rity 1 : 45 PM-2 : 00 PM. A time zo n e : (UTC-05 : 00) Eas tern HUD-18-0504-D-000808 Sen t by Mi crosoft Ex c h a nge Se rver Sub j ec t : Weekly Med i a Update Loc a tio n : SOHUD' s office Start : Wed 7/26/20 17 1 : 00 PM End : Wed 7/26/ 2 0 17 1: 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recurrence Recurrence Meeti : Weekly Pa tter n : ng St atus : Not every yet Wednesday from 11 : 00 AM t o 11 : 30 AM responded Organi zer : DocBe n Required Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila Will i ams , Raphael L; Br own , Je r eon M M; Th ompson , Arny C; From : Fle i sc h e r , Lau r a A on be h a lf of Mar zol , Ado lf o F Sent : Mon da y , July 24 , 2 0 17 9 : 16 AM To : Greenwood , Shei l a M Subject : Decl ined : 9 : 30 Ex e cutiv e Car to EEOB From : Sar d one , Virgin i a Sen t : Sunday , Ju l y 23 , 2017 9 : 45 AM To : Gr eenwood , She i la M Subject : Accepted : Pre - brief meeting Housi ng Authority F rom : Sardo ne , Vi rgi n ia Sent : Sunday , Ju ly 23 , 20 17 9 : 45 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subjec t : Accep te d : COS and HUD Staff re : Rho de Island Housi ng Auth ority w/COS - re : Rhode meet i ng w/Dan Island Mur phy et Subjec t: Meet i ng Forward Not i fi cat i on : COS and HUD Staff w/Dan Mur phy et a l - re : Rhode Is la nd Hous i ng Authority Location : Deputy Se cretary ' s Conf e renc e Ro om (10 106 ) al - meet i ng Mon 7/24/ 2 0 17 2 : 00 PM Start : End : Mon 7/24/ 2 0 17 3 : 00 PM Recurrence : (none) Organ iz e r : Your mee ting Sucha r , Norma n A was forwarded Sucha r , Norma n A your meeting request to add i tional recipients . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT has forwa r ded HUD-18-0504-D-000809 Meeting COS and Housing HUD Staff Aut h or i ty meet i ng w/Dan Meet i ng Time Mon day , J u ly 24 , 2017 Murp hy et al - re : Rhode Island 2 : 00 PM-3 : 00 PM. Recipients Hill , Lisa A Proctor, Tonya All times Time (US & listed are Canada ) i n the following time Sent by Mi crosoft Excha ng e Server Subject : Meeti ng Forward Not i fication re : Rhode Island Housin g Authority Locatio n : COS Off ice (Suite 10000) St art : Mon 7/24/ 2 0 17 1:45 End : Mon 7/24/2017 2 : 0 0 PM Recurrence Organizer Your (UTC- 05 : 00) : Pr e - brief meeting Eas tern w/COS - PM : (none) : Suchar meeting , Norma n A was f orwarded Suchar , Norm an A . Island has forw ard ed Hous i ng Autho ri ty 1 : 45 PM-2 : 00 PM. Recip i ents Proctor , Tonya . gov> zo n e : (UTC-05 : 00) Eastern Sent by Microsoft Ex c h a ng e Server Subject: LUNCH with DC Mayor Bowser Locatio n : Secretary's Di n i ng Room Start : Mon 7/24/20 17 12 : 15 PM End : Mon 7/24/ 2 0 17 1: 15 PM Show Time As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000810 Recurrence : (none) Organizer Required From : Sent : To : Subjec : DocBe n Attend ees : Bregon , Nelson R; Gr eenwood , She il a M Demar z o , Ben j ami n E F riday , Ju l y 21 , 20 17 2 : 12 PM Greenwood , Shei la M t: Accep t ed : Weekl y Chec k-i n w/Shei la , Jacie Subjec t: Loca tion : Transpo r tatio EEOB/HUD n for & Be n CoS S t art : Tue 7/25/20 17 10 : 05 AM End : Tue 7/25/2017 1 : 10 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurre n ce : Weekly Recu rr en ce Pa tte rn : Meet ing Status Organizer Required : Not eve ry Tuesday from 10 : 05 AM to 11 : 45 AM ye t r espo nded : Daggett , Tanya R Attend ees : Gr eenwood , Shei l a M; Dawkins , Eunice D Th i s i s an reocc urr i ng appo i ntme n t . Subjec t: Locat i o n : AFFH 10 1 30 Amy Thompson Of f i ce Sta r t : F ri 7/2 1/20 17 2 : 30 PM End : Fri 7/2 1/ 2017 3 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tentat iv e Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Status : Not ye t r espo nded Organizer : Braxton , Kia L Required Attendees : Greenwood Michael W; Appleton , Set h D , She ila I f you h ave a ny quest i o n s or n eed Braxton@ ext . 4053 , tha n ks . any M; Zorc , Be th any A; Dendas , ass i sta n ce please contac t Ki a F rom : Thrower , Laura A on beha lf of Wade , Dan a T Sent : F riday , July 21 , 2017 11 :4 8 AM /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000811 To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subjec t: Acc ep t ed : Qui ck Check-in Subject: Locat ion: w/Sheila and Dana Canceled : Check-in 10226 (Shel i a ' s Off i ce) Start : Fri 7/2 1 /2017 8:30 End : Fri 7/21/2017 9 : 00 AM Show Time As : Free Recurrence Recurrence : Daily Pat t e r n : Meet i ng Status : Not every yet AM day f rom 8 : 30 AM to 9 : 00 AM r espo nd ed Organizer : Gol ric k, Janet M Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Clemme n sen , Cra i g T; Hughe s , Andrew ; Greenwood , Sheila M; Eagles , David T From : Bastarache , Dan ie lle L Sent : Thursday , Ju l y 20 , 2017 2 : 49 PM To : Gre enwood , Sheila M Subject : Acc epted : COS and HUD Staff re : Rhode Island Housi ng Authority meet in g w/Dan Murphy Subject : Meet ing Fo rw ard Notification : COS and HUD Staff w/D a n Murp hy et al - re : Rhode Is la nd Hous i ng Authority Location : Deputy Secretary ' s Conference Roo m (10 106) et al - meeting Start : Mon 7/24/20 17 2 : 00 PM End : Mon 7/24/20 17 3 : 00 PM Recurrence Organize Your : (none) r: Horn , Robyn meeting R was forwarded Ho rn , Robyn R meeting request to additional recipients . Meeting COS and Housing HUD Staff Au thor i ty Meet ing Monday, Time J u ly 24 , 2017 Recipients Bastarache /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT , Daniel meeting w/Dan Murphy has e t al forwarded your - re : Rhode Island 2 : 00 PM-3 : 00 PM. l e L HUD-18-0504-D-000812 All times Time (US & l i s t ed a r e in Canada) the f ollow i ng t ime zo n e : Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a ng e Se rv e r From : Coressel , Jac i e Sent : Thursday , Ju l y 20 , 2017 2 : 18 PM To : Gre e nwood , Shei l a M Subjec t: Accep t ed : Chec k -in w/Sheila , Jacie Sched ul i ng Pro to co l & Upcom i ng Tr ave l Fr om : Demarzo , Benjami n E Sent : Thursday , Ju l y 20 , 2017 2 :1 8 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Acc epte d : Check - in w/She il a , Jacie Sched ul i ng Pro t ocol & Upcom i ng Tr ave l Subject : Loca tion : Canceled : Transp o rtation for 1 100 New Yor k Avenue , NW Cos (UTC-05 : 00) Eastern and Ben D. - re : and Be n D. - re : (Drop off only ) S t art : F ri 7/21/ 2 0 17 7 : 15 AM End : F ri 7/2 1 /2017 7 : 45 AM Show Time As : Free Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Status : Not y et respond Orga n iz e r: Dagge tt , Tanya R Required Atte ndees : Greenwood ed , Shei l a M; Dawkins , Eunic e D Tanya , Just to confirm , Sheila would like to use th e Executive Car on tomorrow , 7/21 to be dropped off at the Partners hip f or Pub li c Se rvi ce bui l ding at 11 00 New York Avenue , NW 7 : 15 . Th a nk you . Eunice Subject /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Hs ng . Finance Reform Wkly Mtg . HUD-18-0504-D-000813 Loca tion ! on be h a lf HUD-18-0504-D-000814 To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subjec t: Accepted : Lunch with Barrett 12pm - 12 : 30pm (EDT) (Greenwood , Sheila Attachments : in vite . ic s l(b)(6) has Lunch with Barrett Kallam M) accepted this @ Tu e Jul 25 , 201 7 inv i tation . Kallam When Tue Jul 25 , 2017 12pm - 12 : 30pm Eastern Where 1 16 Club (map) Calendar Greenwood , Shei l a M Who Greenwood , Shei la M - organizer l~ recipients . has forwa r ded Murph y Meet i ng Tim e Mon day , July 24 , 2 0 17 1: 00 PM- 3 : 00 PM. Recipients Brown , Chr istina All times lis te d are Time (US & Ca n ada ) M in the fol l owing t im e zone : Sent by Mi crosoft Excha ng e Ser ve r From : Marzol , Adolfo F Sent : Wednesday , July 19 , 2017 3 : 56 PM To : Gr eenwood , She i la M Subject : Accepted : Weekly Check - in w/S h eila Subjec t: Inv i tation - 12pm (EDT) (Sh eila : ~Kb_)(_6)_________ Greenwood) (UTC- 05 : 00) Eas t e rn a nd Adolfo _,I @ Mon Aug 28 , 2 0 1 7 1 1am Start : Mon 8/28/20 17 1 1 : 00 AM End : Mon 8/28/ 2 0 17 12:00 PM Show Time As : Tent a tive Recu rr ence : (none) Org an iz e r : more d et ails _l (b_)(_6_) _____________ ~ » When Mon Aug 2 8 , 201 7 11a m - 12pm Eastern Cal endar She il a Gr eenwood Who l(b)(6) She il a Gr eenwood Tim e I- organiz er Going? Yes - Maybe - No more optio n s » I nvitation from Goog l e Calendar You are receiving this courtesy email at the account sheila .m.g ree nwoodl@h u d .g ov because yo u are a n attendee of th is event . To stop receiving future up d ates for t h is event , decline th i s event . Alternatively you can sign up for a Goo g l e account at h tt ps : //www . google . com/ca le ndar/ and co n tro l yo ur notificat i on sett i ngs f or you r ent ir e ca l enda r. Forwarding this inv i tation could allow any recipient to modify your RSVP response . Learn More . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000816 Subjec t : Locat i o n: Fo ll ow up : Reform DepSec Conference Pl a n Room -10 1 06 Sta r t : Mon 7/24/2017 1 0 : 00 AM End : Mon 7/24/2017 10 : 30 AM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recurrence Meet ing : (none ) Status : Not ye t r espo nded Organize r : Eagles, Dav id T Required Attend ees : Golric k , Janet M; Clemmensen, Craig T ; Surber , Keith W; Brego n , Nel so n R; Timberlake , Cour t ney B; Cr u ciani , Li nda M; Lyberg , Sara h A; Bryo n , Jem ine A; Taffet , Cl i f ford ; Ga n t , Jon L; Cooke , Kevin R; Benison , John P ; Cors i glia , Nancy E; Brooks , Towand a A; Joy , Johnso n P ; He ns ley , Henr y ; Char le s , Ge ng er M; Kur tz , R . Hun te r ; Gr eene , Bryan ; Gr een wood , She il a M; Sung , Ph ili p E; Foste r , Helen G; Santa Anna, Aaron ; Brown , Jereon M; Kasper , Ma r en M; Ammon , Mat th ew E; Wade , Dana T; Hunt e r , Matth ew F ; Th ompso n , Amy C; Ga i n es , Ra lp h H Optional Attendees : F r anklin , DeShaunta M; Dawkins , Eunic e D; Stayanov ich , Jas o n E; Campbell , Renae M Conference call code : MID] F rom : Sent : To : Subjec n umbe r : 1-888-684-8852/access code : ~~----~ !(b)(6) Fl e isch er , Laura A on be hal f of Kurtz, R. Hunter Wednesday , J uly 19 , 2017 8 : 58 AM Greenwood , Shei la M t : Accepted : Chec k -in w/Sheila a nd Hunter From : Alexander , Maso n Sent : Tuesday , Ju ly 1 8 , 20 1 7 4:54 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Weekly Check-in w/Sheila Fr om : Sent : To : Subjec , Ja cie Coressel , Jacie Tuesday , Ju ly 1 8 , 2 0 1 7 4 : 5 4 PM Greenwood , Shei la M t : Accep te d : Weekly Check - i n w/She il a , Jac i e & Maso n & Mason F rom : Hol d erfie ld , Stephanie A Sent : Tues d ay , July 18 , 2017 3 : 0 4 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subjec t : Accepted : Mee ting w/Sheila , Hun te r , Hei di Frechet S te phanie Hold erfied - re : Tribal Intergovernmental Advisory Committee /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT te a nd HUD-18-0504-D-000817 Su b j ect : Loca ti o n : SBC h ea r i ng o n HUD nomin ees 538 Dirk sen Start : Tue 7/ 1 8/ 2 0 17 10 : 00 AM En d : Tue 7/ 18 / 2 0 17 12 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Te n tat iv e Recur r e n ce : (none ) Meet i ng St at u s : Not y et r esp o nd e d Or g an iz e r : Wo l f so n, Leona r d Requ i r ed Atte ndees : App l e t o n , Se th D; Den d as , Mi c h ael Greenw oo d , Sheila M; Hugh e s , An d r ew ; Mc Ca ll , Drew A Su b je c t : Loc at i on : W; Week l y Med ia Update SOHUD' s o ffi ce Star t : Wed 7/19/20 17 2 : 30 PM End : Wed 7/ 1 9/20 17 3 : 0 0 PM Show Time As : Tent a tive Recur r e n ce : Weekl y Recur r e n ce Pa tt e r n : Meet in g S t a tus : Not every yet Wednes d a y f r om 1 1 : 0 0 AM t o 11 : 3 0 AM r e s po nded Or g an izer : DocB e n Requ i r ed At t e ndees : Gr eenwood , She i la Willi a ms , Ra p ha el L; Bro wn , J e r e o n M Fr om : Be l l a my , Jorda n M Sent : F r ida y , Ju l y 1 4 , 20 17 2 : 3 1 PM To : Gr ee nwood , Sh e i l a M Su bje c t: Acce pte d : Meeting w/S h eila r e : I n te r n Sh adow Day Su bj ec t : Loca ti o n : Mee t i ng with Joe l Robideau M; Th ompson , Amy C; Gr eenw oo d a n d Jor d a n Be l l a my - Joe l Robideau x a nd Sheila McNamara x ' s Off i ce , Cit y Hal l , 2 nd Fl oor Green wood St a r t : Wed 8/16/201 7 1 0 : 00 AM End : Wed 8/16/20 17 11 : 00 AM Sho w Tim e As : Tenta ti ve Recurrence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none ) HUD-18-0504-D-000818 Organ iz e r : Joe l Robideaux 7 /14/17 She il a Gree nwood with HUD i n Washington , DC wil l be in La f ayet te on August 16th a nd r equested a meeting with Joe l while s h e is he r e . I will co n f ir m the date with Joel up on his return and the n re-confirm with Sheila . She asked for a ca len da r i n vite i n the mea n t ime so that the date is held on her ca l enda r . Than k s , Becky Perret Becky Per r et, CPS IExecutive Secreta r y to Mayor - President Joel Robideaux LAFAYETTE CONSOLIDATED GOVERNMENT 705 West Uni ve r sity Ave nu e/P . O. Box 4017-C/Lafayette , LA 7050 2 p : 337 . 291 . 8300/f : 337 . 291 . 8399/ bperret@lafayettela . gov /lafayette . la . gov CONTACT: SHEILA GREENWOOD , CELL : f b_)(_6 l_____ ~ ___. Con fi de nti a lit y Not i ce : This e-mai l message , i n clud i ng a n y attac hme n ts i s fo r the so l e use o f the i n ten ded r ec i pie n t(s) a n d may cont a in confidentia l a n d pr i vileged information. Any receipt and/or response to this email may be co nsid ered a PUBLI C RECORD. I f you have rec e ive d th is emai l in error, please notify the sende r immediately . Any unau th o rized r eview , u se , disc l osure , o r d i str i b u t i on i s p r oh i b i ted . Lafayette Parish Co n so l i dated Gove rn ment 705 W. Uni versity Ave nu e Lafayette , LA 7 0506 Subjec t: Canceled : Transportation for Cos Loca tion: EEOB/HUD Start : Tue 7/ 18/201 7 10:05 End : Tue 7/18/20 17 1 1 : 4 5 AM Show Time As : Free Recur r e n ce : Wee kl y Recurre n ce Pattern : Meeting Status : Not every ye t Tuesday is /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT from 10 : 05 AM to 11 : 4 5 AM responded Organ iz e r : Dagge tt , Tanya R Required Attendees : Greenwood, This AM Sheila M; Dawkins , Euni ce D an reocc ur r i ng appo i n tm e n t . HUD-18-0504-D-000819 Subjec t: Locatio n: HECM Adolfo ' s Of fi ce Start : Mon 7/17/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Mon 7/17/2017 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Status : Not ye t r espo nded Organizer : Marzol, Adolfo F Required Attendees : Greenwood , Shei la Michael R; Wade , Dana T Opt i o n al Attendees : Zorc , Bethany A Subjec Fli gh t # UA367 from t: DCA -> M; Kaspe r , Maren IAH M; Bright (3 ho ur s and , 3 mins . ) Start : F ri 8/1 1/ 2017 8 : 30 AM End : F ri 8/11/2017 11 :33 AM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recurrence : (none) Meeting Status Organize Required r: Dawk in s , Eun i ce D Attendees : Greenwood Trip : Not ye t responded , Shei l a M Overview Trip Name : Multi - Segment Trip Start Date : August 11 , 201 7 End Da te: August 20 , 2017 Created : Ju ly 13 , 20 1 7 , She il a Gr eenwood (Modifi ed : J ul y 1 3 , 2017) Descr i ption : (No Descr i pt i on Availab l e ) Agency Record Locator: JP9XTA Passengers : Sheila M Greenwood Tota l Estimated Cost : $ 755 . 73 USO Important : Rese r vat i o n s must be approved and ticke te d no l ate r than : 08/09/20 17 6 : 30 AM Eastern The trip will be automa t ical ly cancelled if it i s not approved before the deadline . Agency Name : BCD- BFS Prod Reservations Friday Flight /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT , August Washington 11 , 2017 , DC (DCA) to Houston , TX (IAH) HUD-18-0504-D-000820 Unit ed 367 Depar tu r e : 08 : 30 AM Seat : 32A (Co nf i r med) Rona l d Reagan Nat i onal Arp t ( DCA) Term i na l : B Duratio n : 3 hours , 3 minu te s Nonstop Arrival : 10 : 33 AM George Bush Intercontinental (IAH) Termi na l : C Confirmation : NMl KRO Status : Con firme d Aircraft : Airbus A319 Di sta n ce : 12 06 miles E- Ticket Emissions : 470 . 3 lbs CO2 Cab i n : Economy (S ) Mea l : Food f o r purchase Sunday , Augus t Dollar Car Pick-up 1 3 , 2017 Re nt al at : Lafayette at : La f ayette US (L FT ) US (LFT) Pick Up : 05 : 00 PM Sun Aug 13 Pick-up at : Lafayette US (LFT) Number o f Cars : 1 Return : 06 : 00 AM Sun Aug 20 Retur ning to : Lafayet t e US (L FT ) Confirmation : 8 36136 41 450 Status : Confirmed Rate Code : GOVT Rate : $ 17 1 . 00 USD week l y rate, unl i mit ed mi l es ; $ 39 . 00 USO extra da il y r ate 14 . 0 00 0 ex tr a mil es Tota l Rate : $ 297 . 23 USD Co r porate Discount : ~ kb~l< ~6l~~ Inter mediate/ Car/ Automatic t r ansmission/ Air condition i ng Sunday , August Fligh 20 , 2017 t La faye tt e , LA (LFT) to Hous ton , TX (IAH) United 6312 Operated by : MESA AIRL INES OBA UNITE D EXPRESS Dep arture : 07 : 04 AM Seat : 18D (Conf i rmed) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000821 La f aye tte Municipa l (LFT ) Durat i o n: 1 ho ur , 6 minu tes Nonstop Arrival : 08 : 10 AM George Bush Inter con tinen ta l Term i n al : B Conf i rmat i on : NMlKRO Status : Confirmed Aircraft : E7W Di sta n ce : 20 1 miles E-T i c ket Emissions : 106 . 5 lbs CO2 Cabin : Economy (S) 40 min layove r at Fl ight Housto n , TX (I AH) to Unit ed 1235 Geo r ge Bush Depar tu re : 08 : 5 0 AM Seat : 27F (Conf i rmed) George Bush Intercontinental Term i n al : C Duratio n : 3 hours , 5 minutes Nonstop Arrival : 12 : 55 PM Rona l d Reagan Nat i onal Arpt Termi na l : B Confirmation : NMlKRO Status : Confirmed Aircraft : Airbus A319 Di sta n ce : 1 206 miles E- Tick et Emissions : 470 . 3 lbs CO2 Cabin : Economy (S) Mea l : Food f o r purchase Tota l Es timated (IA H) I nt erco nt i n en t al Was h ington (IAH) , DC (DCA) (IAH) ( DCA) Cost Air $ 396 . 28 USO Airfare quoted amount : Taxes and fees : $ 62 . 22 USO Air To t a l Price : $ 458 . 50 USO Car : $ 297 . 23 USO $ 755 . 73 USO Tota l Estimated Cost : TICKET NOT YET ISS UED. AIRFARE QUOTED IN ITINERARY IS NOT GUARANTEED UNT IL TICKETS ARE ISSUED. Remar ks /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000822 FOR 24/7 TRAVEL ASSISTANCE PLEASE CONTACT THE BCD TRAVEL TEAM AT 1844-278-552 1 FOR OUTSIDE THE US CALL COLLECT 770-829-2604 FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED - PLEASE DIA L 711 TO ACCESS RELAY SERVICE - PROVIDE PHONE NUMBER OF 1 - 844 - 278 - 5521 TO ACCESS TRAVEL DUE TO RECENT CHANGES IN THE FY15 GOVERNMENT CITY PAIR PROGRAM/CPP YOUR AIR RESERVATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CANCELLATION BY THE AIRLINES IF NOT TICKETED AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO SCHEDULED DEPARTURE PLEASE ENSURE ALL NECESSARY APPROVALS ARE PROCESSED IN ACCORDANCE WITH YOUR AGENCYS BUSINESS RULES BUT NO LESS THAN 3 BUSINESS DAYS PRIOR TO DEPARTURE TO ENSURE TICKETING . THIS 48 HOUR CANCELLATION RULE DOES NOT APP LY TO INTERNATIONAL RESERVATIONS UNLESS YOUR TRIP HAS DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS ON MORE THAN ONE AIR LI NE OR THESE RESERVATIONS REQUIRE SEPARATE AIR TICKETS . *** ** ****** ** ****** ** ****** ** ****** Subject : Layover of mins . ) (1 hour and 6 mins . ) F light# UA63 12 f rom LFT - > IAH 40 mi ns . Flight# 1235 from IAH - > DCA (3 hours and 5 St art : Sun 8/20/20 17 8 : 0 4 AM End : Sun 8/20/2017 12 : 55 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meeting Status Organize Required r: Dawk i ns , Eun i ce D Attendees : Greenwood Trip : Not yet responded , Sheila M Overview Trip Name : Multi - Segment Trip Sta r t Date : August 11 , 2017 End Dat e : August 20 , 2017 Created : Ju l y 13 , 20 1 7 , She il a Gr eenwood (Modified : July 1 3 , 2017) Description : (No Descript i on Availab l e) Agency Record Locator : JP9XTA Passengers : She il a M Greenwood Tota l Estimated Cost : $ 755 . 73 USD Important : Reservat i ons must be approved and ticketed no later than : The trip will be automa t ical ly cancelled 08/09/20 17 6 : 30 AM Eastern if it is not approved before the deadline . Agency Name : BCD- BFS Prod Reservations Friday Flight /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT , August Washington 11 , 2017 , DC (DCA) to Houston, TX (IAH) HUD-18-0504-D-000823 Unit ed 367 Depar tu r e : 08 : 30 AM Seat : 32A (Co nf i r med) Rona l d Reagan Nat i onal Arp t ( DCA) Term i na l : B Duratio n : 3 hours , 3 minu te s Nonstop Arrival : 10 : 33 AM George Bush Intercontinental (IAH) Termi na l : C Confirmation : NMl KRO Status : Con firme d Aircraft : Airbus A319 Di sta n ce : 12 06 miles E- Ticket Emissions : 470 . 3 lbs CO2 Cab i n : Economy (S ) Mea l : Food f o r purchase Sunday , Augus t Dollar Car Pick-up 1 3 , 2017 Re nt al at : Lafayette at : La f ayette US (L FT ) US (LFT) Pick Up : 05 : 00 PM Sun Aug 13 Pick-up at : Lafayette US (LFT) Number o f Cars : 1 Return : 06 : 00 AM Sun Aug 20 Retur ning to : Lafayet t e US (L FT ) Confirmation : 8 36136 41 450 Status : Confirmed Rate Code : GOVT Rate : $ 17 1 . 00 USD week l y rate, unl i mit ed mi l es ; $ 39 . 00 USO extra da il y r ate 14 . 0 00 0 ex tr a mil es Tota l Rate : $ 297 . 23 USD Co r porate Discount : ~ kb~l< ~6l~~ Inter mediate/ Car/ Automatic t r ansmission/ Air condition i ng Sunday , August Fligh 20 , 2017 t La faye tt e , LA (LFT) to Hous ton , TX (IAH) United 6312 Operated by : MESA AIRL INES OBA UNITE D EXPRESS Dep arture : 07 : 04 AM Seat : 18D (Conf i rmed) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000824 La f aye tte Municipa l (LFT ) Durat i o n: 1 ho ur , 6 minu tes Nonstop Arrival : 08 : 10 AM George Bush Inter con tinen ta l Term i n al : B Conf i rmat i on : NMlKRO Status : Confirmed Aircraft : E7W Di sta n ce : 20 1 miles E-T i c ket Emissions : 106 . 5 lbs CO2 Cabin : Economy (S) 40 min layove r at Fl ight Housto n , TX (I AH) to Unit ed 1235 Geo r ge Bush Depar tu re : 08 : 5 0 AM Seat : 27F (Conf i rmed) George Bush Intercontinental Term i n al : C Duratio n : 3 hours , 5 minutes Nonstop Arrival : 12 : 55 PM Rona l d Reagan Nat i onal Arpt Termi na l : B Confirmation : NMlKRO Status : Confirmed Aircraft : Airbus A319 Di sta n ce : 1 206 miles E- Tick et Emissions : 470 . 3 lbs CO2 Cabin : Economy (S) Mea l : Food f o r purchase Tota l Es timated (IA H) I nt erco nt i n en t al Was h ington (IAH) , DC (DCA) (IAH) ( DCA) Cost Air $ 396 . 28 USO Airfare quoted amount : Taxes and fees : $ 62 . 22 USO Air To t a l Price : $ 458 . 50 USO Car : $ 297 . 23 USO $ 755 . 73 USO Tota l Estimated Cost : TICKET NOT YET ISS UED. AIRFARE QUOTED IN ITINERARY IS NOT GUARANTEED UNT IL TICKETS ARE ISSUED. Remar ks /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000825 FOR 24/7 TRAVEL ASSISTANCE PLEASE CONTACT THE BCD TRAVEL TEAM AT 1844-278-552 1 FOR OUTSIDE THE US CALL COLLECT 770-829-2604 FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED - PLEASE DIA L 711 TO ACCESS RELAY SERVICE - PROVIDE PHONE NUMBER OF 1 - 844 - 278 - 5521 TO ACCESS TRAVEL DUE TO RECENT CHANGES IN THE FY15 GOVERNMENT CITY PAIR PROGRAM/CPP YOUR AIR RESERVATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CANCELLATION BY THE AIRLINES IF NOT TICKETED AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO SCHEDULED DEPARTURE PLEASE ENSURE ALL NECESSARY APPROVALS ARE PROCESSED IN ACCORDANCE WITH YOUR AGENCYS BUSINESS RULES BUT NO LESS THAN 3 BUSINESS DAYS PRIOR TO DEPARTURE TO ENSURE TICKETING . THIS 48 HOUR CANCELLATION RULE DOES NOT APP LY TO INTERNATIONAL RESERVATIONS UNLESS YOUR TRIP HAS DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS ON MORE THAN ONE AIR LI NE OR THESE RESERVATIONS REQUIRE SEPARATE AIR TICKETS . *** ** ****** ** ****** ** ****** ** ****** F rom : Pruitt , Christop h er L Sent : Thursday , July 13 , 2017 4 : 32 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Sheila and Ch r is Pruitt Security Awareness Training - re : FY '1 7 Information From : Fle i scher , Laura A on behalf of Marzol , Ado l fo F Sent : Thursday , July 13 , 2017 4 : 27 PM To : Gr eenwood , Shei l a M Subject : Accepted : Weekly Check-in w/Shei la and Adol f o From : Wade , Dana T Sent : Thursday , Ju l y 13 , 2017 4 : 01 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Check - in w/Sheila Dana Wade From : May , Mar l ene Lon behalf of Wade , Dana T Sent : Thursday , Ju l y 13 , 201 7 3 :4 4 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Check-in w/Sheila and Dana Wade Subject : PACE Mtg . w/ Duberstein and Renew & Urban Loca tion : Dept of Housing DEPSEC Conf . Room . and Group , Renovate Development , American 451 7th , Ygrene , St . SW. , S tart : Thu 7/13/20 17 10 : 00 AM End : Thu 7/13/2017 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) HUD-18-0504-D-000826 Meeting Status : Not ye t resp o nde d Organizer Required Mulderig : Marzol, Adolfo F Attende es: ' Anne Bradbury , Robert E; Bowes , Robert B Greenwood , She il a M; I n tros l. II. General III. Mutu al Participating in this Gabe Maser, Regional Renovate America meeting Director Ari Matus iak , EVP, Renovate Cliff Mike '; Staton Education Mortgag on PACE e I nsura nce Fund (MMIF) : for Mar ket Expa ns ion & Po licy , America , EVP, Renew Financial Lemyre , SVP, Ygrene Ben Taub , consultant Anne Bradbury, , Ygrene VP, The Duberstein Group F rom : Marzol , Adolfo F Sent : Thursday , July 1 3 , 2017 6 : 38 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Weekly Check-in w/Sheila From : Marzol , Adolfo F Sent : Thursday , Ju ly 13 , 2017 6 : 38 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Declined : Travel by Uber to Thanks meeting /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT and Ado lf o HUD for the offer but I have been r equested to jo i n SOHUD at a with Chairman Hensar ling a t 3 : 00pm , so will head s tr aight HUD-18-0504-D-000827 there after t h e NEC meeting e nds . I hope to one . F rom : Marzol , Ado l fo F Sent : Thursday , July 1 3 , 2017 6 : 37 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Sub j ect : Accepted : 1 2 : 30 Travel by Ube r Subjec t: Locatio n: be back f o r our o n e-on- Chec k -i n 10 2 26 (Sh el i a ' s Off i ce) Sta r t : Thu 7/13/2017 8 : 30 AM End : Thu 7/13/2017 9 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurre n ce : Dai l y Recu rr ence Pa tte rn : Meet in g Status : Not e very yet day from 8 : 30 AM to 9 : 00 AM r espo nded Organizer : Gol ri ck , Jane t M Required Attende e s : Clemmens e n , Cra i g T; Hughes , Andrew ; Greenwood , Sheila M; Eagles , David T call in ... Polycom # - 202 . 402 - 285 1 David will F rom : Sent : To : Subjec Kasper , Maren M Wednesday , July 12 , 2017 5 : 30 PM Greenwood , Shei l a M t: Accep t ed : Travel by Ube r to HUD F rom : Alexander , Maso n Sent : Wednesday , J uly 12 , 2017 4 : 07 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Travel Br i efi n g w/COS Subject : Canceled : Meeti n g with Initia t i ves Locatio n: Sma ll Co nf ere n ce Room CIR , Public Affairs Fait h Based St art : Tue 7/11/ 2 0 17 9 : 15 AM End : Tue 7/1 1/ 2017 9 : 30 AM Show Time As : Free Recurrence : Week l y Recurre n ce Pattern : Meet in g Status Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : : Not every Tuesday from 9 : 15 AM to 9 : 30 AM ye t respo nded Hughes , Andrew HUD-18-0504-D-000828 Required Attendees : Barton , Victoria L; Williams, Raphae l L; McCa ll , Dr ew A; Dendas , Mic hael W; Gree nwood , Sheila M; Gruson , Barbara; Gr ib bi n, William J ; Thompson , Amy C; Youngblood, Richar d A Optional Attend ees : Burl e y , Michael N; Appl et on , Seth D; Ke ll ey , Mic hael J ; Ludlow , Ashley All , th is wi ll g o over wha t 's be a weekly mee t i ng wi th She i l a , Andrew going on and to touch base . Fro m: Zorc , Bet hany A Sen t : Monday , Ju l y 10 , 2017 To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : sheila Subjec t : Greenwood Loc a tio n : 5 : 31 PM t o zorc off ic e for Meetin g Forwa rd Not ifi cation Dep . Sec a n d Drew to Conference : Weekly EO call to WH CIR meeti ng w/Shei la Room Sta r t : Mon 7/10/2017 4 : 0 0 PM End : Mon 7/10/2017 4 : 30 PM Recurrence Organi Your : (none ) zer : Dendas , Mic hael meeting was forwarded W De n das, Michael W your meeti ng re q ue st t o add ition a l recipients . Meeting Weekly CIR meeting w/Sheila has forward ed Greenwood Meet i ng Time Mon day , J u ly 1 0 , 2 0 17 4 : 00 PM-4 : 30 PM. Rec i pients Sa nt a Anna , Aaron Barton , Vi cto r i a L Bass , Dea n a All times Time (US & lis te d are Ca n ada ) i n the f ollowing t i me zone: (UTC-05 : 00) Eastern Sent by Mic ro soft Exc h an ge Server Subjec t: Weekly Medi a Update Locat i o n : SOHUD' s o ff i ce Start : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Wed 7/12/2017 11 : 30 AM HUD-18-0504-D-000829 End : Wed 7/12/2017 12 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recu rr ence : Weekly Recurrence Patte r n : Meet in g Status : Not every yet Wednesday from 1 1 : 00 AM to r espo nd ed Organiz er: DocBen Requ i red Attendees : Thompson , Amy C; Greenwood , She ila Je reon M; Wil liams , Rap h ael L Subjec t: Location : 11 : 30 AM M; Br own , Fol l ow Up : Reimagine the Way HUD works DepSec Conference Room - 1 0 106 Sta r t : Tue 7/18/2017 10 : 00 AM End : Tue 7/18/2017 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Meeting Status : Not ye t resp o nded Organizer : Eagles , David T Required Attend ees: Gol ri ck , Janet M; Clemmensen , Craig T; Kasper , Maren M; Hensley , Henry ; Hamilton, Angie S ; Walsh , Chr i stopher K; Sung , Philip E ; Kur t z , R . Hunter ; Castello , Grego r y R; Ziff , Susan B; Mi l ler, Catie I ; Bing - Grant, Max A; Meyers , Sara M; Michalski , Lori A; Bryon , Jemine A; Stayanovich , Jason E; Richardson , Todd M; Bregon , Nelson R; Cooke , Kev in R; Constan t ine , Peter J ; Scot t, Jimmy ; Greenwood , Sheila M; Joy , Johnson P; Sul liv a n , Josep h; Foster , He l en G; Francesch ini -Petty , Raque l; Flo res , Virginia ; Smyth , Timothy M; Surber , Keith W; Benison , John P ; Timberlake , Cou r tney B; Lyberg , Sarah A; Jones, A'n drea M; Purifoy , Felicia A; Gibbs , John ; Gaines , Ralph H; Thompson , Amy C; Hunter , Mat thew F Conference call code : ~ Subject : Loca tion : number : 1-888-684-8852/access MEET w/ Andrew SOHUD' s Office Hughes and code : ~l< b~l(~6~)----~ She il a Start : Mon 7/ 10/20 17 9 :4 5 AM End : Mon 7/10/20 17 10 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recur r ence : (none) Meeting /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Status : Not yet responded HUD-18-0504-D-000830 Organize r: Doc Be n Required Attendees : Andrew Hughes (Andrew . Hughes@hud . gov) ; Sheila M Gr eenwood (She il a . M. Greenwood l @hud . gov) From : Youngblood , Matthew A Sent : Friday, July 07, 2017 1 : 48 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Mee ting w/Sheila Youngblood - re : Intern Shadow Day Thanks , I ' m look in g f orward to Greenwood and Matthew Wednesday! Matt Youngb l ood From : Jenkins , Emily B Sent : Friday , July 07 , 2017 1 : 12 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Mee ting w/Sheila re : Intern Shadow Day Greenwood Subject : Meet i ng Forward Not i fication : Mee t ing Michael D. - re : PD&R Study on Worst Case Need Lo cat i on : COS Off ic e and Emi ly Jenk i ns - w/She i la , Hunt e r & Start : Thu 7/6/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Thu 7/6/2017 2 : 30 PM Recu rr ence : (none) Organize Your r: meeting Kurtz , R . Hunte r was forwarded Kurtz , R. Hunte r . has forwarded D. - re : PD&R Study o n Worst 2 : 00 PM-2 : 30 PM. : Amy. C . Thompson@hud . gov> f ollowing time zone : (UTC-05 : 00) Eas tern HUD-18-0504-D-000831 Sent by Mi crosoft Exc h a nge Serve r From : Hogg , Karla o n beha l f of Hui , Anna Sent : Wednesday , J uly 05 , 2 017 4 : 12 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted: Lunch w/Sheila Gree nwood and Anna Hui (Tentative) From : Gibbs , John Sent : Wednesday , July 05, 2017 12 : 29 PM To : Greenwood , Shei l a M Subject : Accepted : Introduction meeting Subject : Lo cation : w/Sheila and John Gibbs Canceled : Weekly St aff Mee t ing 10th Floor Smal l Conference Room Start : Wed 7/5/20 1 7 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 7/5/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : F r ee Recurrence Recurrence Meeting : Weekly Pattern Status : : every Not yet Wednesday from 2 : 00 PM to 2: 30 PM responded Organize r: McCall , Drew A Required Attendees : Hughes, Andrew ; Greenwood , Shei l a M; Zorc , Be th any A; Petty , Timothy J; Byrd , David J; Bowes , Robert B; Beckles , Angela L ; Coffey , Alexander ; Hol de rfi e ld , Stephanie A; Marzol , Adolfo F ; Gib bs , John ; Hobbs , Ben jam in R; Bour ne , Chr i stopher M; Gormley , Jose ph M; Ga i nes , Ra l ph H; Woll J r , David C Optional Attendees : Brown , Christina M Weekly From : Sent : To : Subjec meeting with CPD, PDR, FHA, PIH , GC and Kel l ey , Michael Wednesday , July Greenwood , Shei t: Accepted : Subjec t: Greenwood Location : Meeting FPM staff . J 05 , 2017 11 : 30 AM la M FW: Weekly CIR meeti ng w/Shei la Forward Notification : Weekly Gree nwo od CIR meeting w/Shei la COS Office Start : Thu 7/6/2017 4 : 30 PM End : Thu 7/6/2017 5 : 00 PM Recurrence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) HUD-18-0504-D-000832 Organi Your zer : Barto n, meeting was Barton , Victoria forwa r ded your Meeting Weekly Victoria L forwarded L add it iona l r ecip i ents & listed are Canada) in the . Greenwood 4:30 PM- 5 : 00 PM. Rec i pients Ke ll ey , Mi c h ae l J time Sent by Mic rosoft Exc hang e Server Subject : Meeting Forward Notification Greenwood Locatio n: COS Off ice zone : : Weekly (UTC- 05 : 00) CIR meeting Eas tern w/Shei la S t art : Mon 7/3/2017 4 : 00 PM End : Mon 7/3/2017 4 : 30 PM Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer Your : Barton meeting was Barton , Victoria forwarded your , Victoria L f orwarded L has addit i onal recipien ts. Greenwood Meeting Time Occ ur s eve r y Monday fr om 4 : 00 PM t o 4 : 30 PM ef f ec t ive 7/3/2017 u n ti l 11 /3/20 1 7 . (UTC-05 : 00) Easte rn Ti me (US & Ca n ada) Rec i pients Kelley , Michael All times Time (US & l i s t ed are Canada) J (UTC-05 : 00) Eastern Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Se rv e r From : Dendas , Mi chael W Sent : Wednesday , J uly 05, 2017 9 : 33 AM /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000833 To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subjec t: Accepted : Weekly CIR meet i ng w/Shei l a Greenwood From : Thomas , LaT i na on behalf of Pollard Alfred Sent : Wednesday , July 05 , 2017 9 :1 7 AM To : Greenwood , Shei la M Subjec t: Accep t ed : Mee t ing w/Shei la and HUD staff and Alfred Pol l ard - re : PACE Loans , Confidentia l ity Notice : The information contained in this e - mail and any attachments may be confident i al or privileged under applicab le la w, or otherwise may be protected f rom disc l osure to anyone other than the i ntended recipien t (s) . Any use , d i stribut i on , o r copying of this e - mail , including any of its contents or attachments by any pe r son othe r than the intended recipient , or for any purpose othe r than its intended use , i s st ric t ly p r oh i bited . If you believe you have received t his e-mai l in er r or : permanently delete the e-mai l and any attachments , and do not save , copy , disclose, or re l y on any part of the information contained in this e - mail or its attachments . Please call 202 - 649 - 3800 if you have questions . From : Santa Anna , Aaron Sent : Wednesday , July 05 , 2017 8 : 53 AM To : Greenwood , Shei l a M Subject: Accepted : Weekly CIR meeting w/S h ei l a Greenwood From : Barton , Victoria L Sent : Wednesday , July 05 , 2 017 8 : 37 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Weekly CIR meet i ng w/She il a Gr eenwood F rom : Marzol , Ado l fo F Sent : Monday , July 03 , 2017 1 : 12 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Mee ting w/Sheila Meeting From : Bur l ey , Michael N Sent : Monday , July 03 , 20 17 1 : 0 4 PM To : Greenwood , Shei la M Subject : Accepted : Weekly CIR meeting From : Alexander , Mason Sent : Monday , July 03 , 2017 /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT - re : HUD Prior i ties for WH w/Shei l a Greenwood 10 : 26 AM HUD-18-0504-D-000834 To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subjec t: Accepted : Weekly w/Sheila , Jacie & Mason From : Coresse l , Jacie Sent : Monday , July 03 , 2017 10 : 21 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Weekly Check-in w/Sheila , Jacie & Mason From : Sent : To : Subjec Check-in Coressel , Jacie Sa tur day , July 01 , 2017 2 : 00 PM Greenwood , Shei la M t: Accepted : SOHUD meeting with Subject : Location : Canceled Secretary Re i nce Pre i bus : Agency Ch i ef of Staff Meet i ng of War Room , EEOB 230 A Tue 7/4/2017 10 : 30 AM Start : End : Tue 7/4/20 1 7 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Free Recu rr ence : (none) Organizer All : Ul i, Gab ri e ll a M. EOP/WHO - Cab i net Affa i rs hosts th is mee t ing on Tuesdays from 10 : 30 AM - 1 1 : 30 AM i n Secretary of War Room, 230A i n the EEOB. Please let me know i f your principal is unable to attend . We kind l y ask no plus ones or proxies for the Chiefs . Thank you , Gabr i ella From : Dendas , Michael W Sent : Friday , June 30 , 2017 1 1 : 47 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Meeting w/Sheila , Hun ter PD&R Study on Worst Case Need From : Bowes , Robert B Sent : Friday , June 30 , 2017 8 : 27 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Meeting w/She ila Pol l ard - re : PACE Loa n s and & Michae l D. - re : HUD staff and Alfred From : Marzol , Ado l fo F Sent : Friday, June 30 , 20 17 7 : 29 AM To : Greenwood , Shei la M /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000835 Subjec t: Accepted : RE : FHA/G NMA Update Fr om : Wade , Dana T Sent : Thursday , June 29 , 20 17 7 : 53 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Meeti ng w/Sheila and Pollard - re : PACE Loans at White HUD staff House and Alf r ed From : Sent : To : Subjec Ol mem, And r ew J . EOP/WHO Thursd a y , June 29 , 2017 7 : 19 PM Gr ee nwood , Shei l a M t: Accepted : FHA/GNMA Upd ate a t White House F rom : Sent : To : Subject Pol lar Pol l ard , Alfred Thursday , June 29 , 2017 4 :5 7 PM Greenwood , Sheila M : Accep t ed : Meet ing w/Sheila and HUD staff d - re : PACE Loa ns and Alfred Confidentiality Notic e: The information contain e d in th i s e - mai l and any a tt achmen t s may be con fid e nt ia l or privileged under app li cable law , o r otherw i se may be protected f rom d i sc l os ur e to a ny one ot h e r than the intended recipient (s) . Any use , distribution, or copying of this e-mai l, includ i ng a n y of its contents or attachments by any person other th an th e intend ed r ec ipi en t , or for any purpose other than its i nte nded use , is strictly prohibited. If you bel ieve you h ave r ece i ved th is e-mail i n e rr o r: permanently de l ete t h e e-mail and any att achm e n ts , and do not save , c opy , d isclose , or re ly on any part of th e information contained in th i s e - mai l or i ts attachm en ts . Please call 202-649-3800 if yo u h ave questions . From : Fle i sc h e r, La ur a A on be h a lf of Bass , Deana Sent : Thursday , June 2 9 , 20 17 1 1 :1 4 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Acc epte d : Check - in w/Sheila and Deana F rom : Wolfson , Leonard Sent : Thursday , June 29 , 2017 1 0 : 58 AM To : Greenwood , Shei l a M Sub j ec t: Accep t ed : Chec k -in w/Sheila a nd Len From : Fleischer , Laura A on b eh alf of Marzo l , Adolfo Sent : Thursday , June 29 , 2017 10 : 51 AM To : Gr eenwood , She i la M Subject : Accepted : Meeti ng w/S h eila and HUD staff Pollard - re : PACE Loans /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT F and Alfred HUD-18-0504-D-000836 From : McCorm ack , Brian Sent : Thursday , June 29 , 2017 7 : 39 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Dec li ned : SWDC COS l unch Week l y Media Update SOHUD' s office Subject : Lo cation : Start : Wed 7/5/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Wed 7/5/2017 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : Weekly Recurrence Pat t ern : Meeting St atus : Not every yet Wednesday from 1 1 : 00 AM t o 11 : 30 AM responded Organizer : DocBen Requ i red Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila Wi l li ams , Raphae l L; Brown , Jereon M M; Thompson , Amy C; Subject : Updated Inv i tation : Dept of Inte ri or Monuments tour meet in lo bby @ Fri Jun 30 , 20 17 9 : 30am - 1pm (EDT) (Sheila Greenwood) Loc at i on : United States Department of the Int e ri or 18 49 C St NW, Washing t on , DC 20240 , Un i ted States - St a rt : Fri 6 /3 0/20 17 9 : 30 AM End : F ri 6/30/2017 1 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer This more : (non e ) : ~l (b_)(_6_) _____________ event has details» ~ be en c hang ed . Dept of Int e rio r Monu ments t o ur - meet i n lobby Changed : Ela ine Hackett - 202-329-5735 When Fr i Ju n 30 , 201 7 9 : 30am - 1pm Eas tern Time Wher e United Sta tes Department of the Interior 1849 C S t NW, Was hi ngton , DC 20240 , United States (map ) Calendar She il a Greenwood Who l(b)(6) - organize r • Erin Pres t age Merryl Wri g ht /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000837 • • Merryl Wright Beau Greenwood Ki tt y Carnahan Sheila Greenwood Inv i tation from Goog l e Going? Yes - Maybe - No more options» Calendar You are receiving th is courtesy emai l at the account sheila . m. greenwoodl@hud . gov because you are an attendee of th i s event . To stop r ece i ving future updates for this event , dec l ine th i s event . Al ter natively you can sign up for a Goog le accoun t at https : //www . google . com/calendar/ and control your notification setti ngs for you r entire cale nd ar . Forwarding this inv it a t ion could al l ow any recipient t o modify your RSVP response . Learn More . F rom : Burley , Michael N Sent : Wednesday , June 28 , 2017 12 : 39 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Weekly CIR meeting w/Sheila Gr eenwood From : Marzol , Adolfo Sent : Wednesday , June To : Greenwood, Shei Subject : Accepted : F rom : Sent : To : Subjec 28, 2017 12 : 36 PM la M Weekly Check - i n w/She il a and Burley , Michael N Wednesday , J une 28 , 2017 11 : 58 AM Greenwood , Sheila M t: Accepted : Weekly CIR meeting w/Sheila From : Dendas , Michael Sent : Wednesday , June To : Greenwood , Shei Subject : Accepted : From : Sent : To : Subjec F W 28 , 2017 11 : 58 AM la M Weekly CIR meeting w/Sheila Adolfo Gr eenwood Greenwood Fle i sche r, Laura A on behalf of Bass , Deana Wednesday , June 28 , 2017 11 : 58 AM Greenwood , Shei la M t: Declined : Weekly CIR meeting w/Sheila Greenwood From : Barton , Victoria L Sent : Wednesday , June 28 , 2017 11 : 56 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject: Accepted : Weekly CIR meeting w/Sheila /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Greenwood HUD-18-0504-D-000838 From : Santa Anna , Aaron Sent : Wednesday , June 28 , 2 017 11 : 54 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject: Accepted : Weekly CIR meeting w/Sheila Gr eenwood L From : Barto n, Victoria Sent : Wednesday , June 28 , 2017 11 : 54 AM To : Greenwood , Shei l a M Subject : Accepted : Weekly CIR meeting w/Sheila Greenwood From : Google Calendar on behalf @ Wed Ju l inv i tation . When Wed Jul 19 , 2017 12pm - 3pm Eastern Time Where Washington Hospital center (map) Calendar Greenwood , Shei la M Who Greenwood , Sheila M - organizer l(b)(6) creator I- Invita tion f rom Google Calendar You are receiving thi s courtesy email at th e account sheila . m. greenwoodl@hud.gov because you are an attendee of this event . To stop rece i ving future updates for this event , dec l ine th i s event . Al ter native l y you can sign up for a Google accoun t at h tt ps : //www . google . com/calendar/ and control your notification sett in gs for your entire ca l e ndar . Forwarding this inv i tation could allow any recipient to mod i fy your RSVP response . Le arn More . Subject : Check - i n w/Shel ia Loca tion : Shelia ' s Office Start : Wed 6/28/20 17 2 : 30 PM End : Wed 6/28/20 17 3 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) Status : Not yet responded HUD-18-0504-D-000839 Organ iz e r : Golr i c k , Jane t M Required Atte ndees : Greenwood, Shei la M; Dawkins , Euni ce D From : Bad i ola , Ir i s CTR (FRA) on beha lf of Burr , Geoff (OST) Sent : Wednesday , J une 28 , 201 7 8 : 18 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subjec t: Accep t ed : SWDC cos l u n c h F rom : Vent im iglia , Er ic Sent : Tuesday , June 2 7 , 20 1 7 5 : 55 PM To : Greenwood , Shei la M Subject: Accep te d : SWDC COS lunch Subject : Loc ation: Transportation f or Cos 601 Penn . Ave ., NW (The Cap ital . gov> o n behalf of Gri lle)/HUD Start : Thu 6/29/2017 11 : 55 AM End : Thu 6/29/2017 1:2 0 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng S t atus : Not Organiz e r : Daggett, Required Attendees : yet responded Tanya R Greenwood , Sheila M; Dawkins , Euni ce D Hi Tanya, Per o ur conve r sat i on , Sh e ila i s r equesti n g to u se the Execut i ve Car on Thursday , Ju n e 29th at 11 : 55 to 601 Penn . Ave ., NW (The Capital Grille) and to be picked up at 1 : 20 . Thank you . Eunice F rom : Barton , Victoria L Sent : Tuesday , June 2 7, 2017 1 0 : 45 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Weekl y CIR meeting Subject /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : MEET w/ Sheila and w/Sheila Gr eenwood Amy Thompson HUD-18-0504-D-000840 Locatio n: SOHUD' s off i ce Start : Tue 6/27/20 17 9 : 15 AM End : Tue 6/27/2017 9 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not ye t respond ed Orga n iz e r: DocBe n Required Atte ndees : Thompso n, Amy C; Sheila (Sheila . M. Greenwoodl@hud . gov) ; Dawkins , Eunice F rom : Santa Anna, Aaro n Sent : Tues d ay , June 2 7, 2017 8 : 50 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accep t ed : Weekl y CIR meeting M Gree nwood D w/She il a Gr eenwood From : Alexa nde r, Maso n Sent : Tuesday , June 27 , 20 1 7 8 :4 5 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Declined : Weekly Check - i n w/She il a , J aci e Subject : Loc a tion : & Mason MEET with Senato r She rr od Brow n (D-OH) ST - 4 (in the Capito l ) Start : Tue 6/27/2017 2 : 1 5 PM End : Tue 6/27/2017 2 : 45 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta ti ve Recu rr en ce : (none) Meet in g Status : Not yet Organizer : DocBen Required Att en dees : Dendas , Mi chael w r espo nded Greenwood The room# i s ST - 4, hidden behind terrac e l evel of th e Capitol From : Sent : To : Subjec pVERSIGHT the M; Marzol , Adolfo doorway I ber , Robert G Friday , June 23 , 20 17 7 : 46 AM Greenwood , Shei la M t: Accepted : LIHTC Pilot Br i efing F rom : Marzol , Adolfo /\MERICAi\ , Shei la ST2 - 1 0 , all w/Sheila F; on t h e Greenwood F HUD-18-0504-D-000841 Sent : Frida y , June 23 , 2017 6 : 57 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : LIHTC Pilot Br ief i ng w/Sheila L From : Jac k so n , Sherra Sent : Thursday , June 22 , 2017 1 : 48 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subjec t : Accepted : Interview Meeting The Chi ef of Staff , Sheila Gree nwo od Gre enwood w/ Ms . Sherra Jackson , and Subjec t : FEMA Hurri cane Season Preparedness Seminar and Exercise Locat ion: FEMA' s Nat i onal Response Coordination Ce n ter (NRCC) 500 C St ., SW, Washington , DC 20472 Start : Fri 6/23/2017 11 : 45 AM End : Fri 6/23/20 17 1 : 15 PM Show Time As : Tent ati ve Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status Organizer Required : Not : DocBen Attendees : yet r espo nd ed Greenwood , Sheila M Secretary Ke lly, as t h e principal federal officia l for domestic inc id ent management , invites your Department or Agency head to participate in a Federal Emergency Manag eme nt Agency (FEMA) led Hurr icane Season Prepa redness seminar a nd exercise . The exercise will be held on June 12 , 20 17 from 2 : 00pm to 3 : 30pm at FEMA' s National Respo nse Coordination Center (NRCC) in Washington, DC. A formal invita t ion and exe rcis e package with the necessary logistics and prep materials will fol l ow i n the nex t few days . The f u ll list o f i nvited agencies and ent i ties i s provided at the bottom o f t hi s ema i l . Your Depa r tme nt h as respons i bilities und e r Fede r a l response doctrine and articulated further in the National Response Framework (NRF) during a declared disaster or other major emergency . It is impor tant tha t you understand your Department ' s roles a nd we hope that your principal can participate . DHS and FEMA have desig ne d the sem i nar as a no fault , learn i ng e xp er i e nc e presented in a "ta ble top exercise" format . Background Emergency /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Your Support Department Function or Agency is designated as (ESF) Coordinator , Primary, an NRF or Support HUD-18-0504-D-000842 Agency . for disas roles : ESFs ters a re the fun ct i o n s needed to provide Federa l suppo rt a n d eme r ge n c i es a n d des i g n ate the fo ll o wing membe r ESG Coord in ating ESF . Agency - responsible ESF Primary Ag ency - providi ng signi r esources or capabilities for a part ESF . ESF Support th at support f or managing a particu fi cant authorities icul a r f un ction la r , roles , within an Agency - prov id i ng speci fic capabilities or th e primary agency in executing an ESF . resources Pl ease n ote th at an age n cy may be a Coo r d i na t o r , Pr i mar y Agency , or Suppo rt i ng Agency for more tha n one ESF . Sem i na r Log i s ti cs : RSVP : Please RSVP to Cha d Gorman , Director Exercise Div i sion a t (202) 646 - 4 683 o r via nep@ fem a . dhs . gov Location : National Response Coordination Headqua rt ers , 500 C St ., SW, Washington Date and I f yo u h ave T im e : Center , FEMA , DC 204 7 2 Ju n e 1 2 , 2017 , 2 : 00 PM to a n y questio n s , please o f the FEMA National email at by May 26 , 20 1 7 . 3 : 30PM . don ' t he s it a te to co nt act me . Than k yo u , Ki r stjen Nielsen Chief of Staff Department of * * * * /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Defense Commer ce HHS HUD Homeland Securi ty (NOAA) HUD-18-0504-D-000843 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * From : Sent : To : Subjec Q&As) Transpo rt Energy Small Bus Chai r man FEMA NORTHCO M Nat i o na l USACOE Justice USCG EPA GSA at i o n iness Admin of the Joint Guard Ch i efs of Staff Bureau 0MB I nterio r Agriculture Vetera n s af f a ir s America n Red Cross White House Chi e f of Staff AP f or National Securi t y Affairs AP f o r Home l a nd Secur it y and Co un terte rr o ri sm Marzol , Adolfo F Thursday , June 22 , 2017 1 1 :1 3 AM Greenwood , Sheila M t : Accep te d : Sena te Banking Commi ttee From : Marzol, Adolfo Sent : Thursday , June To : Gr eenwood , She i Subject : Accepted : F 22 , 2017 11 : 10 AM la M Sheila/Mike/Adolfo Mee t i ng Review(TPs meeting From : Gr i bb in , Wi ll i am J Sent : Thursday , June 22 , 2017 10 : 52 AM To : Greenwood , Shei l a M Subjec t : Accepted : Mee ting w/Sheila Gree nwood Manu f act ur ed Ho u s i ng I n st i tute re : Speec h to From : Danner , Pamela B Sent : Thursday , June 22 , 2017 10 : 46 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subjec t : Accepted : Mee t ing w/She il a Gr een wood re : Speech Manu f actured Ho u sing I n stitute /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT , to HUD-18-0504-D-000844 From : Coressel , Jacie Sent : Thursday , June 22 , 2017 10 : 43 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Weekly Check - i n w/Sheila , Jac i e From : Glavin , Wil l iam A Sent : Thursday , June 22 , 2017 10 : 40 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Meeting w/Sheila Greenwood Manufactured Housing Insti tute From : Sent : To : Subjec & Mason re : Speech to Fle i scher , Laura A on behalf of Marzol , Ado l fo F Thursday , June 22 , 2017 10 : 26 AM Greenwood , Shei la M t: Accepted : Sheila/Mi k e/Adolfo meeting From : Fleischer , Laura A on behalf of Marzo l , Adolfo F Sent : Thursday , June 22 , 2017 10 : 26 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Senate Banking Committee Meeting Review(TPs, Q&As) F rom : Sent : To : Subject Chris Bourne , Christop h er M Thursday , June 22 , 2017 Greenwood , Sheila M : Accepted : Introduct Bourne From : Sent : To : Subjec Den das , Mi chael Thursday , June Greenwood , Shei t: Accepted : Subject : Loc at io n : 10 : 25 AM i on Meet i ng w/She i la W 22 , 2017 9 :4 5 AM la M Sheila/Mike/Adolfo Canceled : Transportation EEOB/HUD for Greenwood and meeting Cos Start : Tue 6/27/2017 10 : 05 AM End : Tue 6/27/20 17 11 : 45 AM Show Time As : Free Recurrence Recurrence Meeting /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Weekl y Patte r n : Status : Not every yet Tuesday f r om 10 : 05 AM to 11 : 45 AM responded HUD-18-0504-D-000845 Organ iz e r: Dagge tt , Tanya R Required At te ndees : Greenwood Th i s is , Shei l a M; Dawkins , Euni ce D an reocc ur r i ng appo i n tmen t . From : Sullivan , Danie l J Sent : Wednesday , Ju n e 21 , 2017 1 : 32 PM To : Gr eenwood , She i la M Subject : Accepted : LI HTC Pilot Br ief i ng w/Sheila From : Payne , Teresa L Sent : Wednesday , June 21 , 2017 9 : 39 AM To : Greenwood , Shei l a M Subjec t: Accepted : Mee ting w/S h eila Gree nwood Manu f act ur ed Ho u s i ng I n st i tute Subjec t: Locat i o n : Reimagine the Way HUD works NOTE: LOCATION CHANGE - DepSec Greenwood r e : Speec h to Conference Room - 1 0 106 Start : Fri 6/23/2017 10 : 00 AM End : Fri 6/23/20 17 12 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Recurrence : (none ) Meet i ng Status : Not ye t r espo nded Org a nizer : Eagles , Dav id T Required Attende es : Gol r ic k , Janet M; Clemm ense n , Craig T ; Kasper , Maren M; Hensley , Henry ; Hamil ton , Angie S ; Wals h , Chr i stop h er K; Sung , Phil i p E ; Kurtz , R. Hunte r ; Castello , Grego r y R; Zi ff , Susan B; Mil le r, Cat i e I ; Bi ng-Grant , Max A; Meyers , Sara M; Mic h alsk i , Lori A; Br yon , Jemine A; Stayanovich , Ja so n E; Richardson , Todd M; Bregon , Ne lson R; Cooke , Kev i n R; Constan t in e , Peter J ; Scot t , J i mmy; Joy , Johnson P ; Foster , Hele n G Opt i o n al Attendees : Gr eenwood , She i la M; Su ll i van , Joseph ; F rancesc hi n i - Petty , Raquel ; Flores , Virginia Conference call code : ~ Reimagine /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT number : 1 -888-684-8852/access code : ~l (b~)(~6)'-----~ HUD: Pre - Work Instructions HUD-18-0504-D-000846 We deeply app re ciate all tha t yo u do . Fo r tha t re ason , we will be r e ly i ng on your ideas , data and leade r s h ip throughout th is process to i nfo rm our fi nal produc t an d shape HUD' s future . This Fr iday's meeting will b e focus ed on Reimagining HUD t hr oug h op e rations . The top ideas suggested are listed be low . * * * * * * by the GDAS at la s t week's kick off meeting Imp l eme n t a Cu stomer Relations Manageme n t (CRM) system a nd conso li dated ca ll center (Empo wer the Fi e ld) Buil d Enterp ri se Data Warehouse (I mprov e Data Qu ality and Use) Create operations f or ums to allow programs t o co mmun i cate fe edback and establish CXOs as service providers ( I nter na l Commun icat i o n s) Increase f l exibility fo r re al ig n ing sta ff to critic al skills gaps (S kills F it) Enhance Bureau of Fi na n cia l Se rv ices (BFS ) acco un tab i l ity (Standard i z e and S tr eam l i ne Support Funct i o n s and Pro cesses ) Imp l eme n t innovative IT service de li very (digita l services , cloud, etc) (Standard iz e and Streamlin e Systems) We would lik e you to validate these ideas and let us know if we are missing anything big . At this meeting, we wou ld lik e to com e out with a s h ared v ision a n d beginning deve l oping mi l estones f or each o f these themat i c a r eas . Before you at ten d Fr id ay ' s mee t i ng , we ask that you f ill the fo ll owing pages with a ny da ta , ideas o r n ames you mi g ht h ave . Since there ar e six topic ar eas , there are six areas to complete . P le ase use the templa te below as a g u id e . This work i s due to Henry . Hensley@hud . g o v by NOON on Thursday (June 22) . Please d i r ect any q u est i o n s you may h ave to Henry and the OSPM team . In it i a t ive #X : Pre-work Key Champio n Please consider which projects come t o the meeting with your you would t op two in li ke t o champio n. mi nd. Please Team Membe r s What type /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT of team members would you need? Any names in mind? HUD-18-0504-D-000847 Potential types of team member : Cross-funct i onal Performance analyst(s) Fie l d representative(s) Political Advisor (if Other? * * * * * Proposed applicable) Change This field wi ll be populated proposed (and mos t favored) with a concept or dur i ng the Kickoff change meeting tha t was . Problem What is the problem we are t ryi ng to so lv e? Rat i onale What ev id ence do we have that th i s needs to be solved? How What are the steps Special consider? considerations Primary Measure What does milestone Initiative In itiat /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT to take , regulations to or make other this happen? things we need to Success success look like? What is ONE metric , measure tha t would allow us to determine this? # 1: ive of we need Cus tomer Relations Management or (CRM) #1 HUD-18-0504-D-000848 Champion Is this a project you would champion? (top two? ) Team Members What type Potentia of team l types of members team would * * * * Proposed need? Any names in mind? member : Cross-functiona l Performance analyst(s) Field representative(s) Politica l Advisor (if Other? * you applicable) Change Imp l ement a Cu stomer Relations consolida t ed ca ll center Management (CRM) system and Problem What is the prob l em we are trying to so l ve? ( i . e . Empower the F i eld) Rat i o na le What evidence do we have that this needs take to to be solved? How What are /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT the steps we n eed to make this happen? HUD-18-0504-D-000849 Spec i al consider? cons i derations Primary Measu r e of , r e g u l a t ions o r other th i ng s we n eed to Success Wh at does success loo k lik e? What is ONE met ri c , measu r e or mile s t o ne tha t would allo w us to determ i ne t his? Init ia tive In it i a t ive #2 : En ter prise Data Warehouse #2 Champion Is this /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT a project you would c h amp i on ? (top two?) HUD-18-0504-D-000850 Team Members What type of team Po ten tia l ty pes members of team would * * * * Proposed Build need? Any names in mind? member : Cross-functiona l Performance analyst(s) Fi e ld representative(s) Politica l Advisor (if Other? * you applicable ) Change Enterprise Data War ehouse Problem What is Quality Rationa What the and prob lem we are Use) tryi ng to so lve ? ( i . e . Improve Data le evidence do we have th at this needs take to to be solved? How What are the steps we n eed Spec i al cons ider ations cons i de r? /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT to , regulations or make other this h appe n? things we need to HUD-18-0504-D-000851 Primary Measu r e o f Success What does milestone success l oo k like ? What is ONE metric , measur e or tha t would al l ow us to determ i ne th i s? In it i a t ive # 3 : CXOs Ini tiat #3 i ve Champio n Is this /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT a project you would c h ampion? (top two?) HUD-18-0504-D-000852 Team Membe rs What type of team Po ten tia l ty pes of members team would you need? * * * Proposed in mind ? member : Cross - functional Performance a n alyst (s) Field r ep r ese nt at i ve ( s) Politica l Advis or (if applicable Other? * * Any names ) Change Create operations f or ums to allow programs and estab li sh CXOs as se r v i ce p r ov id e r s to commun i cate f eedback Problem What is the prob le m we a r e trying Communica t i ons ) to solve? ( i .e. Internal Rat i onale What evidence do we have that th is needs t ake to to be solved? How What are Special consider? /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT the s te ps considerations we need to , regulations or make other th is happen? t h i n gs we n eed to HUD-18-0504-D-000853 Primary Measure of Success What does success l oo k like ? Wh at i s ONE metric , meas ur e o r mil es t o n e tha t would allow us t o dete rm i n e this? Init iat ive #4 : Workforce Skill Gaps #4 In i t i ative Champion Is this a project you would c h amp i on ? (top two?) Team Members What type Potential /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT of team types membe rs o f team would you need? Any n ames in mind ? member : HUD-18-0504-D-000854 Cross-functional Performance analyst(s) Field representative(s) Politica l Adv isor (if Other? * * * * * Proposed Change Increase flexibility applicable) for r ea ligning we are trying staff to c ritical skills gaps Problem What is Rationa What the problem to solve? ( i .e . Skills Fit) le evidence do we have that th is needs t ake to to be so lv ed? this happen? How What are the steps Special considerations, cons ider? Primary What does milestone /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Measure of we need to regulat i ons or make other th i ngs we need to Success success l oo k like? What i s ONE metric , measure that would allow us to determine this? or HUD-18-0504-D-000855 Init i a t ive Initia #5 : En hance BF S Acco un tab i lity #5 t ive Champ i on Is this a pro j ect you would champion? (top two? ) Team Me mbers What t ype Potential * * /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT of t eam members types Cross - funct Performance of team i o n al analyst would you need? Any n ames i n mind? member : (s) HUD-18-0504-D-000856 Field representative(s) Pol i tical Advisor Other? * * * Proposed (i f appl ica ble ) Change Enhance Bureau of Financ i al Serv ic es (BFS) accountabi li ty Problem What is the problem Streamline Support Rationa What we a re trying to solve? Fu n ctions a n d Processes) (i.e. Sta nd a r dize and le evidence do we have that th is needs to be solved? How What are the steps Special consider? considerations Primary Measure What does milestone /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT of we need to ta ke to , regulations or make other th i s happen? things we need to Success success look like? What is ONE metric , measure that would allow us to determine this? or HUD-18-0504-D-000857 Initiative #6 : IT Service Init #6 iat ive Delivery Champion Is this you woul d c h amp i on? a project (top two?) Team Members What type Po tential * * * * * of team t ypes of members team would you need? Any n ames in mind ? member : Cross-f un ctio n al Performance a n alyst (s) Fie l d r eprese nt at iv e ( s ) Politica l Ad visor (if app lic able ) Other? Proposed /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Chang e HUD-18-0504-D-000858 Imp l eme n t e t c) i nnovat iv e IT serv i ce del i very (d i gital services , c l oud , Problem What i s the prob l em we are Streamline Systems) t ryi ng to so l ve? ( i .e. Standardize and Ra t iona le What ev id ence do we have that th is needs take to to be solved? How What are the steps Special consider? considerations Primary Measure What does milestone /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT of we need to , regulations or make other th i s happen? things we need to Success success look lik e? What is ONE metric , measure tha t would allow us to determine this? or HUD-18-0504-D-000859 Subject Locatio : n: Restore DepSec the American Dr e am Con fe re n ce Room - 10106 St art : Mon 6/26/2017 10 : 00 AM End : Mon 6/26/2017 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Te nta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none ) Meeting Status : Not yet respond ed Orga n iz e r : Eagles , Dav i d T Required Atte ndees : Go l r ick, Janet M; Clemmensen , Craig T; Kasper , Maren M; Hensley , Henry ; Kurtz , R . Hunt er ; Akpakip , Ekanem O; Walsh, Christ op her K; Sung, Ph ilip E; Mora th, Cait li n M; Bing Grant , Ma x A; Ga rgi u l o , Emily ; Johnso n , Ca lvin C; Crucia ni , Li n da M; Mar zol , Ado lf o F ; Zorc , Bethany A; Santa Anna , Aaron ; Ch a rl es , Genger M; Corsiglia , Na n cy E ; Ta ffet , Cliffor d ; Suchar , Norm an A; Mulder i g, Robe rt E Optio na l Attendees : Hinton-McClam , Lin da D; Greenwood , Sheila M Meet i ng pre-work : Res t o r e the What a r e act i ons we ca n take program to i mprove our efforts American for the related 1. Res po nsibly balance our role to modernizi ng and mai n taini ng the effo r ts . 2. Reduce burdensome customers . 3. Fulfil l our duty end homelessness /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT r eg ulations to Dr eam age n cy , a n o ff i ce , o r specif to : increase f i n a n cial homeownersh v ia bility empowe r our to those who served among ve te rans . in i p wh il e of our pa r tners t h e military ic and and final ly HUD-18-0504-D-000860 Can these actions be implemen te d in 30 days , 1 80 days , or more than 1 year? These s ugge stio n s sho u ld represent yo ur priority act i o n s f or improvement with no mor e th an 4-6 i deas . Problem Ac t i o n I mplementation (choose Target one) Lis t the p ro blem you seek to l isted p r ob lem (1 , 2 , o r 3 ) address What address is a speci fic action to . Hi ghlight this t h e catego ry o f the problem? 30 days 180 days 1 . year+ 1 2 3 1 /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000861 4.43- LU 1 2 3 Subject Location : : Meet and Greet the New Political Team Departmental Conference Room - 1 0233 Start : Wed 6/21/2017 12 : 15 PM End : Wed 6/21/2017 1 : 15 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organizer : Eagles , David T Required Attendees : Golr i c k, Janet M; Clemmen sen , Cr aig T ; Hensley , Henry ; Ammon, Matthew E ; Bregon , Nelson R; Sur ber , Keith W; Timberlake , Courtney B ; Cruciani, Linda M; Ly berg , Sarah A; Santa Anna , Aaron ; Foster , He l en G; Brown , Jereon M; Greenwood, Sheila M; Bryon , Jemine A; Taffet , Cli ff ord ; Gree ne, Bryan ; Gan t, Jon L (Jon . L . Gant@hud .g ov) ; Cooke , Kevin R; Jo y , Joh n son P ; Benison, John P; Corsigl ia, Nancy E ; Kasper, Maren M; Kurtz, R. Hunte r; Charles , M Genger M; Brooks , Towanda A; Smyth , Timothy Optional Attendees : McClure, Laura L; Constantine , Peter J From : Google Calendar on behalf of l(b)( 6) Sent : Tuesday , June 20 , 2017 12 : 10 PM M To : Greenwood , Sheila Subject : Accepted : Lunch at Hamilton wit h Don and Lee @ Tue Jun 2 7, 2 017 12pm - 12 : 30pm (EDT) (Greenwood , Sheila M) Attac hmen ts : inv i te . ics I ~X~ Lunch /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT at Hamilton with Don and has accepted Le e this invitation . HUD-18-0504-D-000863 When Tue Jun 27 , 2017 12pm - 12 : 30pm Eastern Wher e Hamilton Restaurant (map ) Calenda r Greenwood , Sheila M Who Greenwood , Sheila M - o r gan i zer • l(b )(6) I - creator Time Inv it ation from Google Calendar You are r ece i ving th i s courtesy ema il at the account she il a . m. gree nwoodl@hud . gov beca u se you are an attendee of this event . To stop receiving future updates for th i s event , decl i ne this event . Alter n at i ve l y you can s i gn up for a Goo g l e account at https : //www . google . com/calendar/ and contro l you r noti f icat i o n sett i ngs for yo ur ent i re ca l enda r. Forwarding this invitation could al l ow any recipient to modify your RSVP response . Le arn Mor e. From : Marzol , Ado lf o F Sent : Tuesday , June 20 , 2 0 1 7 12 : 06 PM To : Greenwood , Shei l a M Subjec t: Accepted : Weekly Check - i n w/She il a and Adolfo Subject lo bby Lo catio 18 4 9 C : Invitation : Dept of Interior Monuments tour - mee t in @ Fri Jun 30 , 2017 9 : 30am - 1pm (EDT) (Sheila Greenwood) n: United States Department of t h e Interio r St NW, Wash i ngton , DC 202 4 0 , United States S t art : F ri 6/30/20 17 9 : 30 AM End : Fri 6/30/2017 1 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer : (none) : l(b )(6) ~---------------~ Man age a l l your calendars Download the Google Calendar more details» in one place . app . Dept of Interior Monuments tour - meet in lobby When Fri J un 30 , 2017 9 : 30am - 1pm Eas t e rn Ti me Where United States Departme n t of the Int er io r 1849 Washi ngton , DC 20240 , United States (map ) Calenda r She il a Gr eenwood Who • l(b )(6) - organizer Erin Prestage Merry! Wright Merryl Wri ght • Beau Greenwood Kitty Carnahan /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT C St NW, HUD-18-0504-D-000864 She il a Greenwood Going? Yes - Maybe - No more options» Invitation from Google Calendar You are receiving th is courtesy email at the account she il a . m.greenwoodl@hud.gov because you are a n attendee of this event . To stop receiving future updates for this event , dec l ine th is event . Alternatively you can s i gn up for a Google account at h ttps : //www . google . com/calendar/ and contro l you r notificat i on sett in gs for your entire ca l e nda r. Forwarding this invitation could allow any recipient to modify your RSVP response . Lea rn More . Subjec t: Canceled : Tra nspor tatio n f or CoS Loca tion : EEOB/HUD S t art : Tue 6/20/2017 10 : 05 AM End : Tue 6/20/2017 11 : 45 AM Show Time As : Fre e Recurrence : Weekly Recu rr ence Pa tte rn : Meet ing Status Organizer Required Th i s is : eve ry Not Tuesday from 10 : 05 AM to 11 : 45 AM ye t r espo nde d : Daggett , Tanya R Attend ees: Gr eenwood , Shei l a M; Dawkins , Eunice an reoccurr Subjec t: Locatio n: D i ng appo i ntme n t . Agency Chi e f of Roosevelt Room Sta ff Meeting Sta r t : Tue 6/20/2017 10 : 30 AM End : Tue 6/20/2017 1 1 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organi : (none ) zer: Good afternoon Uli , Gab riell a M. EOP/WHO - The Agency Cos meeting on 6/20 will take place i n the Rooseve l t Room . For those with a green badge who may need escorting , we will have s t aff meet you at the West Exec . entrance . Thank you Subject : Loc ation : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT MEET with Sheila SOHUD' s office RE P r ess HUD-18-0504-D-000865 Start : Tue 6/20/2017 12 : 45 PM End : Tue 6/20/20 17 1 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurre n ce : (none) Meet i ng Status Organizer Requ i red : Not : DocBen Atte ndees : yet r esponded Greenwood , Sheila M From : Kame , Jessie Handforth Sent : Monday , June 19 , 2017 12 : 46 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Meeting w/COS - re : For th coming In cluding Disaster Resi li ence Competition Issues From : Gimont , Stanley Sent : Monday , June 19 , 2017 12 : 01 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Meeting w/COS - re : Forthcoming Inc l uding Disaster Resi lien ce Competition Issues From : Kurtz , R . Hunter Sent : Monday , June 19 , 20 17 11 : 31 AM To : Greenwood , Shei l a M Subject: Accepted : Meeting w/COS - re : For th coming Inc luding Disaster Resi li ence Competition Issues F . R . Notice - F . R. Notice - F . R . Notice - From : Franklin , DeShaunta Mon behalf of Golrick , Janet M Sent : Monday , June 19 , 2017 10 : 55 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Meeting w/Sheila , Janet G. and Andrew Subject : Location : FW: HOLD HUD/Caliber Home Loans Mt g . US Dept of Housing & Urban Deve l opment , 451 7th Hughes St SW Start : Mon 7/17/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Mon 7/17/2017 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Organize /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT r: Ti m Rood HUD-18-0504-D-000866 Hi , She ila : Just a r e minder that we will be at HUD HQ with Caliber ' s CEO on the 17th of Ju l y a t 11am to discuss their role and gr owth plan with FHA and GNMA. They a r e already one of the largest FHA or i ginators a nd serv i ce r s and want to lean mor e h eav i ly into the program. Pl ease l et me know if you can attend or if you are ava ila ble to meet separate l y. All t h e best, Tim EVALUATE • OPTI MIZE Your Bus iness Partner • MANAGE in Washi ng ton TIM ROOD Cha i rman 1700 Pe nns y l va n ia Ave nu e , NW Washington , D. C . 20006 Offi ce : 202-626-9 721 t r ood@col li ngwood ll c . com www. collingwoodllc . com From : Ma r zol , Adolfo F [Ado lf o . F.Marzol@hud . gov) Sent : Thur sday , June 15 , 2 0 17 9 :4 5 PM Requ i r ed : Mar z ol , Adolfo F ; Krystal Shannon; Mulder i g , Robert E; Char l es , Genger M; Margaret Burns Optiona l : Tim Rood; Pau l Mullings Subjec t: FW: HOLD HUD/Cal ibe r Horne Loa n s Mtg . When : Mo n day , J u ly 17 , 2017 11 : 00 AM-12:0 0 PM. Where : US Dept of Housing & Urban Development , 451 7t h St SW Krystal - HUD se n t this inv i te for the meet i ng o n 07/17 , for 11- 12 am . Per our last exc h a ng e , I told them that t h e Caliber reps attending with Sanjiv would be : William Dallal, Rob Cus hman , and Tric i a Black . I have no t included them in this inv i te , so tha t you can se n d on ly to those wh o are approp ri ate . If you do get f i n al conf irm ation on the Caliber participants, p l ease let me know so that I can correct th i s info with Laura , Ado l fo ' s ass i stant . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000867 Thx ! Meg From : Laura . A. Fleischer@hud . gov [Laura . A . Fle i scher@hud . gov] on behalf of Marzol , Adolfo F [Adolfo . F . Marzol@hud . gov] Sent : Thursday, June 15, 2017 1 1 : 36 AM To : Mulderig, Robert E ; Charles , Genger M; Margaret Burns Subject : HOLD HUD/Caliber Home Loans Mtg . When : Monday , July 17 , 2017 1 1 : 00 AM- 12 : 00 PM. Where : US Dept of Housing & Urban Development , 451 7th St SW From : Alexander , Mason Sent : Monday , June 19 , 2017 10 : 24 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Check - in meeting Subject : Location : Transportation EEOB/HUD (pick w/Sheila up only) for , Mason & Jacie Cos Start : Mon 6/19/20 17 11 : 30 AM End : Mon 6/19/2017 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organize r: Daggett , Tanya R Required Attendees : Dawkins , Eunice Greenwood , Shei l a M Subject : Location : Aud i torium SPEAK to White House Eisenhower Executive (SCA) Interns Office D; Hardison , James Bui l ding , South C; Court St art : Mon 6/19/20 17 10 : 00 AM End : Mon 6/19/2017 10 : 45 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meeting Status Organize Required r: DocBen Attendees : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Not yet responded Greenwood , Sheila M HUD-18-0504-D-000868 Top i c : TBD Locatio n: EEOB POC: Moll y Micha e l ; Molly . A . Michael@who Subject Locatio : n: .e op . gov East Ch icago , IN Tr i p P lann i ng Meet i ng OSEC Sma l l Conference Roo m 10210 Start : Fri 6/16/20 17 3 : 45 PM End : Fr i 6/16/ 2 0 17 4 : 15 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recu rr ence : (none ) Meet in g Status : Not yet r espo nded Organiz e r : Demarzo , Benjamin E Requ ir ed Attendees : Dawkin s , Eun i ce D; Gree nwood , Sheil a M; Thompso n, Amy C; Mi chael W De ndas (Mi c h ae l. W. Den das@h u d .g ov) ; Victoria L Barton (Victoria .L. Bar ton @hud . gov) ; Mas on Alexander (Maso n . Alex a nder@hud . gov ); Coressel , Jacie Subject : Lo cation : Canceled EEOB : Weekly COS Meeting Tue 2/14/20 17 10: 30 AM Start : End : Tue 2/14/20 17 1 1 : 30 AM Show Time As : F ree Recurrence : Week l y Recur r e n ce Pat t e r n : Meeting S t atus : Not every yet Tu esday from 10 : 30 AM to 11 : 30 AM responded Organizer : Dawkins , Eun ice D Requ ir ed Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila M From : Al e xa nde r, Maso n Sent : Friday , June 16 , 20 17 12 : 57 PM To : Gr eenwood , Shei la M /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000869 Subjec t : Accepted : Mee ting w/Sheila - re : SOHUD' s Summer Travel From : Parker, Tennille S Sent : Fri da y , June 16 , 2017 12 : 44 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Sub j ect : Accepted : Meet ing w/COS - re : Fo r thcom ing Inc l ud ing Di saster Res i lience Compet i tion Issues From : Sent : To : Subjec Pil ot Youngblood , Ri c h a r d A Thursday , June 15 , 2017 Gr ee nwood , Shei l a M t : Accepted : Check-in Pr ogram From : Kurtz , R . Hunter Sent : Thursday , June 1 5 , 2017 To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accep t ed : Check-in Subjec t : Canceled : HOLD for Semi na r and Ex e r c i se F . R. Not i ce - 2 : 1 1 PM w/Sheila and Rich Youngbl ood - re : and Hunte r 1 1 : 43 AM w/Sheila FEMA Hurr i ca ne Seaso n Prepa re dness Start : Tue 6/20/2017 12 : 00 AM End : Wed 6/21/20 17 12 : 00 AM Show Time As : Free Recurrence : (none ) Meeti ng Status : Not Org a nizer : DocBe n Required Attende es : ye t re spo nded Greenwood , Shei l a M Ti me : TBD From : Sent : To : Subjec Lugar Lugar , Kelly S . Wednesday , J une 1 4 , 2017 10 : 55 PM Greenwood , Sheila M t : Dec l i n ed : HOLD fo r mee t i ng w/Sheila Gr ee nwood - re : Bay Area Cou n ci l Subject : (CONFIMRED) Refo r m Pl a n Kick-Off Locatio n : Departme n ta l Con ference Room- 10233/Conference I code : number : 1 - 888 - 684 - 8852/access code : !(b)(6) & Kel l y call Im! Start : Thu 6/15/20 17 2 : 30 PM End : Thu 6/15/20 17 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000870 Recurrence Meeting : (non e ) Status : Not yet responded Organi z e r: Eag l es , Dav i d T Requ i red Atte ndees : Golr i ck , Janet M; Cl emmensen , Cr a i g T ; Hens l ey , Henry ; Walsh , Ch ristop h er K; Sung , Philip E ; Hamilton , Angie S ; Fr ankl i n , DeShaunta M; Ammon, Matthew E ; Bregon , Nelson R; Timberlake , Cou r tney B; Cruc i a n i , Li nda M; Sa nt a Anna , Aaron ; Foster , Helen G; Brown , Je reon M; Lyberg , Sarah A; Gree nwood , She il a M; Bryon , Jemine A; Taf fet , Clifford ; Greene , Bryan ; Gant , Jon L (Jon . L . Gant@hud . gov) ; Cooke , Kev in R; Benison , John P ; Corsig lia , Nancy E ; Brooks , Towa nda A; Ch a r l es , Genger M; Kurtz , R. Hunter ; Dawkin s , Eun i ce D; Kaspe r, Maren M; Joy , Johnson P Opt i onal Atte ndees : Flores , Vi rg i nia ; Mi chalsk i, Lo r i A; McBr i de , Helen K; Ausby , Janice L ; Hayes , Mark S ; Gaither , Fe l icia R; Shuback , Susan J ; Bigesby , Tracy K; Cooper - Jones , Barbara ; Dray ne , Michael R; Daugherty , John T ; Donze ll, Keith M; Getchis , John F ; Ke i th , Gr egory A (Grego r y . A . Keith@hud . gov) ; Hernande z, Deborah A; Preston , Tawanna ; Adcock , Cynthia D; Johnson , Erica J ; Vasanth , Smitha (Smitha . X. Vasanth@hud . gov) ; Gargiulo , Emily ; Ballard , Daniel L; Campbell, Renae M; Scott , Pau l A; Wri ght , She il a D; Butler , Char l es S ; Sullivan , Joseph ; Seifert , Desiree E ; Sea l y , Lor i P ; Day , Zak i yyah A; Hannah , Kather i ne R; Pur i foy , Fe l icia A; Constantine , Pe ter J All , This is j u st a friendly reminder that t omo rrow ' s kick - off meeting is intended to e ngage a l l the GDAS or thei r des i g n ee . I am aware the inv i te was forwa r ded to others for homework p u rposes b u t I wanted to make sure we were all on the same page about attendance . I look for ward to tomorrow , many th anks! Greeti n gs , I am pleased to invite at 2 : 30 pm . This initial highlight the Strategic through brief overviews you to HUD' s Reform Plan Kickoff on June 15th introduction to th e Re f o rm Plan will a l so Plan and the HR portion of the Reform Plan . To ensure a productive meeting , please fi ll out the chart below and email i t back to Hen ry Hensley at henry . hensley@hud . gov by Tuesday , June 13 , COB. Your answers wi l l be synthesized by OSPM and u t ili zed for an interactive activity during the meeting . Your feedback is critical for a /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000871 productive meeting . Please review and Reg i s t e r as y ou f ill in the c h a r t . co n s ider the a tt ac he d Risk I am e xci te d to kickoff HUD' s plann i ng proc ess with you ! This mee ting represents the start of our p ro cess , b ut it i s jus t o n e o f many oppor tun it i es fo r your vo i ce to be hea r d . Follow up meetings wil l be o rg an i zed with HUD staff and stakeholders to cap ture more id eas as we col la bo r ate to build a vison for HUD' s fu tu r e . Best , Davi d Eagles Meeti ng pre - work : Suggestions for agency improvement What are actions we can take for the agency p rogram to improv e p r ob l ems r e lat ed to : 1. 2. 3. , an o ffice , o r speci f ic Empl oyee Effe c t i v eness (EE), e . g . morale , trai n i ng , commu n i ca ti o n Operatio nal Efficiency (OE) , e . g . process , customer service , information systems , hiring Programmatic Ch al le nges (PC) , e .g . ma j o r cha l le nge s to program delivery Can these actio n s be imp l emented i n 30 days , 180 days , o r more than 1 year? These s ugg est i o n s sho ul d r eprese n t your priority act i o n s f or improvement wit h no more th a n 4- 6 ideas . Prob l em Action Implementa (choose t i o n Ta rg et one) Lis t th e problem you seek to address l i sted p r ob l em (EE , OE , or PC) . What is a specific action to address . Hi ghlight the ca teg ory of the th i s p robl em? 30 days 180 days /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000872 . year OE PC EE OE PC EE OE PC Subject Locatio : n: Pending FHEO Matters COS Off ice Start : Thu 6/15/20 17 1 : 30 PM End : Thu 6/15/2017 2 :0 0 PM /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000874 Show Time As : Recurrence Meeting Tenta tive : (none) Status : Not ye t re spo nde d Organ iz e r : Petty , Timothy J Required Attendees : Greenwood , Shei la Subject : Greenwood Loca tion : Quick Check - In w/ Hunter She il a ' s Of fi ce - Su ite Kurtz M & Chief o f Staff, Shei l a 10000 Star t : Wed 6/14/201 7 5 : 15 PM End : Wed 6 /14/20 17 5 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not ye t responded Organi zer : Carte r , Steve n s J Requ i red Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Kurtz , R. Hunter From : Will i ams , Rap h ael L Sent : Wednesday , June 1 4 , 2017 1 : 46 PM To : Greenwood , Shei la M Subject : Accep te d : Chec k - in w/Sh e il a , Jacie Japanese MOU Sig ni ng/J une 30 , Mason From : Barto n , Victoria L Sent : Wednesday , Ju n e 1 4 , 2017 12 : 26 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Dec l ined : 1 : 4 5 Executive Car pick-up Fr om : Sent : To : Subjec Barto n, Victoria L Wednesday , Ju n e 1 4 , 2017 12 : 26 PM Greenwood , Shei la M t : Declin e d : 12 : 30 Execu t ive Ca r to From : Sent : To : Subjec Gribbin , William J Wednesday , Ju n e 1 4 , 20 1 7 8 :1 2 AM Greenwood , Shei la M t : Accepted : andrew and she il a and william Subject Start : : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Canceled : Strateg Wed 6/14/2017 from & Raphael The Capito - re: l The Capitol talk MHI speech i c Goals 12 : 00 PM HUD-18-0504-D-000875 End : Wed 6/14/2017 1 : 0 0 PM Show Tim e As : Fr ee Rec urr en c e : (non e) Meet i ng Status : Not yet r espo nded Organizer : Kurtz , R . Hunte r Req uir e d Att endees : Gr ee nwo o d , Shei l a M; Thomps on , Amy C; Hughes , Andrew ; Eag l es , Dav i d T I th ink Dav id an d I will work some th ing up a nd emai l it to then you and I and mayb e Amy can r ev i ew at t his time . gr Su bje c t : Canceled : Hous ing Po l i cy Con ference post-meeti you and ng S t a rt : Thu 6 /15/ 2 0 17 4 : 0 0 PM End : Thu 6/15/2017 4 : 30 PM Sho w Time As : Free Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Status : Not Organ iz e r : DocBe n Required Atte nd ees : ye t responded Greenwood , Shei l a M Top i c : CEO' s o f the mortgage compan i es (30 ) peop l e . They want to giv e you the i r t h oughts on HUD/FHA/ Gi nn ie Mae . Thi s meeting will take place across the ha l l from where yo u wil l be speaking . POC: Ed DeMarco ; 2 02-589Subject 1926 5 : Euni ce - Af te rno o n ~!(b-)(_ _ ) _~, Appo i ntment Start : Wed 6/ 14/2 0 17 12 : 00 AM End : Thu 6/15/20 17 12 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence Meet ing : (none ) Status : Not yet responded Or g ani zer : Dawkins , Eunice D Required Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Coressel , Jaci e ; Bacon , Ja mes A; Hard i so n , James C; Fleischer , Laura A; DeLaPa z , Dave D; Cooper , Diane J ; Rod rig u ez , Aida N Subject : Pro sper it y /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Interage n cy Task Force on Agriculture and Rural HUD-18-0504-D-000876 Locatio n : US Depa rt ment Jef f e r so n Dr . SW of Agriculture , Wh itten Patio ; 1400 Start : Thu 6/15/2017 9 : 45 AM End : Thu 6/15/20 17 11 : 30 AM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Recurrence : (none ) Meet in g Status Organizer Required Locatio : Not : DocBe n Attendees : ye t r espo nded Greenwood , Shei l a M n : USDA Top i c : Agenda attached POC: Bethany Hudson NOTES: Call g reeted and time at escorted Subjec t: Loc a tio n : 9 : 45 AM. Upon arriva t o a ho l d ro om . l , your princ i pa l wil l be Tr anspo r tat i o n fo r cos + 3 The Capitol behind SOHUD' s c a r Start : Wed 6/14/20 17 12 : 30 PM End : Wed 6/ 14 /20 17 1:4 5 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recu r rence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer Required : Not yet : Dagge tt, Atte ndees : r espo nded Tanya R Dawki n s , Eunice D; Greenwood , Sheila M Hi Ta n ya , Per our conve r sat i on , Sh e il a (plus Executive Car at 12 : 30 tomorrow to /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT 3) woul d l i k e to use the trave l t o Th e Capito l behind HUD-18-0504-D-000877 SOHUD' s car and for a pick-up th i s message . Th an k you. at 1 : 45 . Please ca ll me when yo u get Eun i ce From : Sent : To : Subjec Dend as, Mic h a el W Tu esd ay , June 13 , 2017 3 : 01 PM Greenwood , Sheila M t: Accepted : 1 : 45 Executive Car pick-up From : Den das , Mic hael W Sent : Tues d ay , June 13 , 2017 3 : 01 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accep t ed : 12 : 30 Executive Car Capi tol From : Gimon t, Stanley Sent : Tuesday , June 13 , 2017 2 : 48 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : 1 2 : 30 Executive Car Capitol From : Sent : To : Subjec fr om The Cap i to l - fo ll ow SOHUD' s Ca r to Th e - fo llow The Gi mont , St anley Tues d ay , June 13 , 2017 2 : 38 PM Greenwood , Sheila M t: Accep t ed : 1 : 45 Executive Car p i ck-up SOHUD's Car to f r om The Cap i to l From : Goog l e Ca l enda r on be h a lf of l(b)(6) I Sent : Tuesday , June 13 , 2 0 1 7 2 : 28 PM To : Gre e nwood , Shei la M Subjec t : Accepted : chec k with St a n and Todd re Disaste r money g one to OMB?? @ Tue J un 27 , 2017 1p m - 1 : 30pm (EDT) (Gr eenwood , She ila M) Attachments : invi te . ic s ~K~ chec k with Stan and Todd re has accepted Disaster money th is in vitat ion . --- gone to OMB?? When Tue Jun 27 , 2017 1pm - 1 : 30pm Eastern Time Ca l enda r Gr eenwood , She i la M Who • Greenwood , Shei la M - organ i zer l(b)(6) I - creator /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000878 Invitation f r om Goo g le Cale n dar You ar e receiving th is courtesy ema il at the account sheila . m. g r eenwoodl@hud . gov because you are an atten dee of th i s event . To stop r ece i ving future updates f or this eve nt , dec l i n e th i s event . Alternatively you can sign up for a Google account at h tt ps : //www . google . com/calendar/ and co n tro l you r notificat i on settings for your entire cal en dar . Forwardi ng this inv it a t ion co ul d a ll ow a ny recipient t o modify your RSVP r esponse . Learn Mo r e . F rom : Goog l e Calendar on be hal f I of l(b)(6) Sent : Tuesday , June 13 , 20 1 7 1 : 12 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subjec t: Accepted: Mee ting w/Sheila Gree nwood a n d Je ff Kramer@ F ri Jun 23 , 2017 2 : 30pm - 3 : 1 5pm (EDT) (Greenwood , Shei la M) Attachm en ts : invi te . ic s I h as accepted this i nvitat i on . Meeti ng w/Sheila Gree nwood a nd Jeff Kramer U. S . Dep artmen t of HUD (come to South en tranc e secu ri t y desk the Fre e way) 451 7 th Stree t , SW Wash i ngton , DC 2041 0 Eunice - 202 - 402 - 6624 Sh e ila - 202 - 402 - 6068 l(b)(6) When Fri J un 2 3 , 2017 2 : 30pm - 3 :1 5pm Easter (map ) Where cos Office Cal endar Greenwood , Shei la M Who Greenwood , Sheila M - organizer l(b )(6) I - crea t o r - nea r n Ti me I nvitation f rom Google Calendar You are receiving this courtesy e mail at th e account shei l a . m. greenwoodl@hud.gov because yo u are a n attendee of this event . To stop r ece i v ing future upda t es for th is eve nt , dec l i n e th i s event . Al ter native l y you can sign up for a Google accoun t at https : //www . google . com/calendar/ and control your notification sett i ngs f or yo ur entire ca le ndar . Forwarding this inv i tation co ul d a ll ow a ny rec ip ient to mod i f y you r RSVP response . Learn More . F rom : Marzol , Adolfo F Sent : Tuesday , June 13 , 2017 12 : 47 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subjec t : Accep t ed : adolfo and s h ei l a nee debr i ef Subject Start : : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Curt i s o u t o f the Mon 7/3/2017 o ffi ce 12 : 0 0 AM HUD-18-0504-D-000879 End : Tue 7/4/2017 12 : 0 0 AM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Rec urr ence : (non e) Meet i ng Status : Not yet r espo nded Organizer : Hardison , James C Required Att endees : Rodriguez , Aida N; Dawki ns , Eun i ce D; Fle i sc her , La ur a A; DeLa Pa z , Dave D; Alexander , Mason ; Greenwood , She i l a M Fr om : Coressel , Jacie Sent : Tuesday , June 13 , 20 1 7 12 : 19 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Acc epte d : Check - in w/She il a , Jac i e and Mi chae l Bu rley re : Confere nce of Mayo r s From : Burl e y , Michael N Sent : Tuesday , June 13 , 2017 12 : 18 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Check - in w/ Sh ei la , Jacie re : Con f e r e n ce of Mayo rs a nd Mich a el From : Ri cha r dson , Todd M Sent : Tuesday , June 13 , 2 0 1 7 11 : 59 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accep te d : Confer e nce Call w/She il a , Todd and From : Sent : To : Subjec dav i d@hornel l c . com Tues day , June 13 , 2 0 1 7 1 0 : 00 AM Gr ee nwood , Shei l a M t : Accepted : Pho ne Call w/Sheila From : Sent : To : Subjec Gi mont , St anley Tues d ay , J un e 13 , 2017 9 : 52 AM Greenwood , Sheila M t : Accepted : Conference Call w/Sheila Subject : Burley - - Stan a n d Dav id Horne , Todd and St a n ANNUAL LEAVE - AIDA RODRIGUEZ Start : Mon 8/7/2017 12 : 00 AM End : Sat 8/ 12/2 0 17 12 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none ) Meet in g St atus /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Not yet responded HUD-18-0504-D-000880 Organi zer : Rodriguez Requ i r ed Attendees : , Aida N Greenwood , Sheila M From : Kurtz , R. Hunte r Sent : Monday , June 12 , 2 0 17 3:50 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accep te d : Meet ing w/CLPHA , Sheila Subject Locatio : n: Canceled : Transportation EEOB/HUD for Greenwood and HUD staff Cos Start : Tue 6/13/2017 10: 05 AM End : Tue 6/13/2017 11 : 45 AM Show Time As : F ree Recur r e n ce : Weekly Recurrence Patt ern : Meeting Status : Not every Tuesday is an reocc urring , Sheila M; Dawkins , Eunic e D appo intmen t . From : Coressel, Jacie Sent : Monday , June 12 , 2017 11 : 34 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Check - in w/Sheila Japanese MOU Signing/June 30 Subject : Location : 11 : 45 AM ye t responded Organ iz e r : Dagge tt , Tanya R Required Atte nd ees : Greenwood This fr om 10 : 05 AM to , Jacie , Maso n & Raphael - re : I NTERVIEW wi th Fo x and Fri ends 1211 6th Ave . , New Yor k, NY 10036 Start : Tue 6/13/20 17 7 : 30 AM End : Tue 6/13/20 17 8 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng Status : Not Organize r : DocBe n Requ i r ed Attendees : WHAT: Interview /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT with yet responded Will i ams , Rap h ael Fox and Friends about L; Greenwood , She i l a M homeownership month HUD-18-0504-D-000881 CHANNEL: FNC DATE: June 13th TIME : 6 :4 0AM WHERE: 12 11 6th Ave CONTACT : Andrew Murray ; Andrew . Mur ray@FOX NEWS. COM Arr i ve by 7 : 1 5 Subject : Location : Interview 4 5 1 7th wi th Street Jeff Davis (CFO Cand ida te ) SW Washington , DC Start : Thu 6/15/20 17 1 1 : 30 AM End : Thu 6/15/20 17 12 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng Status : Not yet responded Organi zer : Hughes , And~r~e~w;---------------, Requ i r ed Attendees : l(b)(6 ) Sheila M; McCall , Drew A Int e rvi e w with HUD Headquarte 451 7th J e ff Davis IGreenwood , (CFO Candidate) rs Street SW Wash i ngton , DC 20410 Contact Ce ll : : Andrew ( 81 7) Extension 7 19 0 880-54 70 Attac he d : CV for Subjec t : Locatio n : Hughes Je ff Davis a nd Position Description Att ached MEET with Congressman Garret Graves (LA- 06) The Capitol-H226 (t h e Lincol n Room) Start : Wed 6/14/20 17 1 : 00 PM End : Wed 6/14/2017 1 : 30 PM /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000882 Show Time As : Recurrence Meeting Tenta tive : (none) Status : Not ye t re spo nde d Organ iz e r : DocBe n Required Attendees : Den das , Mic hael Gimon t, Stanl e y ; Greenwood , She il a M W; Barton Top i c : discuss HUD' s o ng o i ng assistance Lou is ia na f l oods Locat i o n: for the , Vi cto ria L; v i ct i ms of the 2016 SOHUD' s o ffi ce POC: Samantha Til l ery ; Samantha . t ill e ry @mail . h o u se . gov , 202 - 225 - 3901 Or i g i n of Mee ting Barton S t aff : Mike External Majori : Req u ested De n das , Victori Attendees by the a Barton Co ngr essma n , sent , Stan Gi mon t : t y Whip Scalise Congressman Gr aves Congressman Johns on Congressman Abraham Senator Cass id y (cannot s t ay for fu ll durat Senator Kennedy stay for full d ur atio F rom : Ric h Bindell /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT t o Vi cto r ia (cannot HUD-18-0504-D-000883 Sent : Friday , Jun e 09 , 2017 5 : 51 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Su bject : Accepted : Meeti ng w/CLPHA, Shei la Greenwood and HUD staff From : Google Calendar on behalf of srenna@sourceas . com Sent : Friday , June 09 , 2017 5 : 09 PM To : Greenwood , Shei la M Subject : Accepted : 2 : 30 Meeting w/Shei la Greenwood and Stephen Renna@ Fri Jun 16 , 2017 2 : 30pm - 3 :1 5pm (EDT) (Greenwood , Sheila Attachments : invite . ics srenna@sourceas.com has accepted this invitation . 2 : 30 Meeting w/Sheila Greenwood and Stephen Renna Departmen t of HUD (come to the South Entrance secur i ty the Freeway) 451 7th Street , SW Washington , DC 20410 Eun i ce - 202-402-6624 Sheila - 202 - 402 - 6068 When F ri Jun 16 , 2017 2 : 30pm - 3 : 15pm Eastern Time Wher e COS Off ic e (map) Calendar Greenwood , Sheila M Who • Greenwood , Sheila M - organ i zer • srenna@sourceas . com - creator desk M) - near Invitation from Goo g l e Cale ndar You are rece i ving th i s courtesy ema i l at the account sheila . m. greenwoodl@hud . gov because you are an attendee of this event . To stop receiving future updates for th i s event, decl i ne this event . Alternatively you can sign up for a Goo g le account at h ttps : //www . google . com/calendar/ and control your notificat i on se tt ings for your entire calendar . Fo r ward i ng th i s invi tat i on could allow any r ec i p i ent to modify your RSVP response . Learn More . From : Coressel , Jacie Sent : Friday , June 09 , 20 17 4:17 PM To : Greenwood , Shei la M Subject : Accepted : Weekly Check - i n w/Sheila , Jac i e & Mas on F rom : Alexander , Mason Sent : Friday , Jun e 09 , 2017 4 : 15 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject: Accepted : Weekly Check-in Subject : Exercise Location : 10 233 /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Eagle Horizon HUD Headquarters 2017 Senior Departmen w/Shei la , Jacie Leadership & Mason Continuity ta l Conference Room , Tabletop Room HUD-18-0504-D-000884 Start : Tue 6/20/2017 10 : 00 AM End : Tue 6/20/20 17 12: 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurre n ce : (none) Meet in g Status : Not yet r espo nded Organiz e r : Wallis, James Requ i red Attendees : Gol r i c k, Janet M; Gree nwood , She i l a M; Clemrnensen , Cr ai g T ; Th ompson , Amy C; Brown , Je r eon M; Th ompso n , Linda ; Padilla, Nicholas ; Mil ler , Mich elle M; Steinbauer , Shannon E ; Gimon t, S t anley ; Michalski , Lor i A; Surber , Keith W; Cooke , Kev i n R; Brego n, Nelso n R; Charles , Ge nge r M; Wadhams , Un abyrd ; Ammon, Matthew E ; Brooks , Towanda A; Co n stan tine, Pe ter J ; Zorc , Be th a n y A; Pe tt y , Timothy J ; Drayne , Mi chael R; Kim , Jaso n J ; Ti mberlake , Court n ey B; Foster , Hele n G; Holl and , Re na D; Wal lis, James ; Schimmenti , Michael ; McCullough , Aisa K EH 201 7 Sen i o r Leaders Participants , The Eagle Continuity h ip t y Plann i ng Tab l etop Exerc i se Hor iz o n 20 1 7 (EH1 7) Co n t i nu ity Pl an ning Senio r Leadership Tabletop Exercise will be conducted on : * Dat e : Tuesday * Time : 10am - 12pm * Location Please Continui , June 20, : HUD Departmental h o l d this date o n your 2017 Co nf ere n ce Room , Room 1 0233 calenda r s to attend the e x erc i se . The Se n ior Le ade r sh i p Co n tinui t y Planning Tab l etop Exercise wi ll prov i de th r ee overv i ew b ri e fing s on the HUD Co n tinu i ty , Devo lut ion and Recons t i tution Plans to e n sure tra ns itioni ng Sen i or Leaders h ip i s know l edgeable about HUD' s Continui t y of Operations procedur es. Following the briefings , a short Con t i nu ity Tabletop Exercise wi ll be p r esented t o e x ercise and reinforce the HUD Contin u ity Program proced ur es . I f you h ave a ny quest i o n s do n ot hes i tate to co n tact me , J i m Wal li s at email : j ames . wa llis @hud . gov or Rena Hollan d at email : rena . d . holla nd@hud . gov /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000885 in th e Offi ce o f Di saster Manageme n t and Nat i onal Secur it y , ODMNS, Of f i ce of Admin istrat Thank yo u for yo ur co n ti n ued s u pport of the HUD Cont i nu ity i on . Prog r am ! VR, James Wallis Emerg e ncy Manag e ment Off i ce of Office Di saste Sp e cialis r Man agement t a n d Nat i o n a l Sec ur ity of Administration US Depa r tment of Housi n g and Ur ban Developmen t 202-402-2362 james . wal l is@ h ud . gov Subjec t : Locatio n : I NTERVIEW with CNBC, Sq u awk Box 4 Times Square , New York , NY 10036 Start : Tue 6/ 1 3/20 17 8 : 10 AM End : Tue 6/13/20 17 8 : 40 AM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not Organizer : DocBe n Requ i r ed Atte ndees : yet responded Wi l l i ams , Raphael WHAT: Intervi e w with Jo e Kernen , Andrew about h omeowners h ip mon t h CHANNEL : CNBC, Squawk /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT L ; Greenwood Ross Sorkin , She il a M & Becky Quick Box HUD-18-0504-D-000886 DATE: J un e 13 th TI ME: 8AM WHERE: 4 Ti mes Square CONTACT: Toby Tay l or ; Toby . taylo r@nbc un i . com Arr i ve by 7 : 55 AM Subjec t: Loca ti o n : MEET wi th US Mo rtg age I n surers Secre t a r y ' s Co n ferenc e Room St a rt : Wed 6 /14/ 2 0 17 4 : 0 0 PM End : Wed 6 /14/2017 4 : 30 PM Sho w Ti me As : Ten t a tiv e Recurre n ce : (none ) Mee ti ng Sta t us : Not ye t r es po nd e d Or gan iz e r : DocBe n Required Atte ndees : Marzol , Ado l fo F; Gree nwo od , Sh ei la M Top i c : h ous i ng finance , inc l ud ing ways to br in g more p r i v ate cap i ta l to the h ous i ng finance system a n d how to ensu r e r espo n sib l e access to a ffordab l e mortg a ge cred i t Loca ti o n : Sec r eta r y ' s Co nf ere n ce Room POC: Lin dsey Jo hn son ; Pr es i de n t and Exec u t i ve Di r ecto r of Mortgage Insu r e r s . 202-33 1 -2 4 50 ; l joh n so n@usmi . o r g Inter n al Ex ter n al Rohti Atte ndees : Adolfo Br ad l e y Shuste Patrick /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Marzol Atte ndees : Mar k Casale Gupt a, Sinks Pr e sid e n t , Pres i de n t & CEO, Esse n t Guara n ty & CEO, Ge nwort h MI r , Pr es i de n t , President US & & CEO, Nat i o n a l Mortg age CEO, MGIC// USMI Chairman I n s ur ance of the Board HUD-18-0504-D-000887 Ri ck Tho r nberry , CEO, Radian Lindsey , President Johnson Gu a r anty , USM! Chris Curran , SVP , Essent Duane Duncan , SVP , Ge nwo r th Bill Leatherberry , EVP, NMI Sean Di l weg , SVP , MGIC Phil Bracken , Chief Policy Officer , Radian INTERVIEW wi th Sean Hann ity o n FNC 121 1 6th Ave . New York , NY 10036 Subject : Location : Start : Mon 6/12/2017 5 : 30 PM End : Mon 6/12/2017 6 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Tentat i ve Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer Required : : DocBen Attendees Not yet : WHAT: I n terv i ew with r espo nded Williams, Raphae l L ; Greenwood Sea n Han ni ty abo ut , Sheila M h omeowne r sh i p month CHANNEL: FNC DATE: June 12th TI ME: 5 : 30PM (Ha n nity WHERE: 121 1 6th 's team asking today) Ave CONTACT: Porter Berry, por t er . berry@FOXNEWS . COM Subject : Location : 2 INTERVIEWS : with Bloomberg 731 Lex i ngton Ave . New York , NY 1 0022 Tue 6/13/20 17 9 : 40 AM Start : End : Tue 6/13/20 17 10 : 10 AM Show Time As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000888 Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet Organi z e r: DocBen Requ i red Attendees : WHAT: Interview with responded Wi l li ams , Raphael Dav i d West i n about L; Greenwood , She il a M homeownership month CHANNEL: Bloombe r g DATE: June 13th TIME : 9 : 4 OAM WHERE: 731 Lexington Avenue CONTACT: Emma Chandra ; echandra6@bloomber g. net , C : K~ b_)(_6)_____ WHAT: Interv month i ew with CHANNEL: Bloomberg DATE: June Tom Keene and David Gura. ___,0 : 212 about 6 1 7 5 11 2 h omeownership Radio 13th ARRIVAL TIME : Will take place immediately after the TV interview HIT TIME : 9 : 50AM WHERE: 731 Lexington Avenue CONTACT: Emma Ch andra ; echandra6@bloomberg . net , C : t~b_)(_6)_____ Arrive _.I0 : 212 6 1 7 5 11 2 by 9 : 25 AM Subjec t: Location : 10005 NYSE Be ll Ringing and Reception New York Stock Exchange ; 11 Wal l Street , New York , NY Start : Mon 6/12/2017 3 : 1 5 PM End : Mon 6/12/20 17 5 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) HUD-18-0504-D-000889 Meet in g Status : Not Organiz e r : DocBen Required Attendees Subject : Loca ti o n: : yet r espo nded Greenwood , Sheila M SPEAK at Hou sing Policy Counc il Annual 120 1 24t h St . NW, Washing ton , DC 20037 Meeting St art : Thu 6/15/20 17 3 : 30 PM End : Thu 6/15/2017 4 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Ten t a t ive Recur r e n ce : (none ) Meeting Status : Not Org an iz e r: DocBe n Required Atte ndees : Topic : Annual sen i o r member y et respond Greenwood ed , Shei l a M Housing Po licy Council o f the Financial Se rvices Roundtab l e Meet i ng . The HPC Annual Mee t i ng b ri ngs t ogether about 120 e x ecut iv es from t h e mortg age in d u stry r ep r esen ting our 32 companies , as well as ot h er prospect i ve members . Loc a tion : 1201 24 th St . NW, Was h ingto n, DC 20 03 7 POC: Chr istop h e r Monaco ; 202-589-1923 , Christopher . mon aco@FS Round t ab le . org Origi n o f Meeti ng : Submit te d request through fol lowed up with Mason and Craig Clemmenson From : Sent : To : Subjec Barto n, Victoria L Friday , June 09 , 20 17 12:4 7 PM Greenwood , Shei la M t: Accepted : Week ly CIR meet ing F rom : De ndas , Mic ha el /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Secre t ary w/S he ila I n vites , also Gr ee nwood W HUD-18-0504-D-000890 Sen t : Frid ay , Jun e 09 , 20 17 12 : 37 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Weekly CIR meeting w/S h ei la Fr om : San t a Anna , Aaron Sent : Friday, June 09 , 2 0 17 12:1 8 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Weekly CIR meeting w/S h ei l a Greenwood F rom : Se nt : To : Subjec Burley, Mic h a el N F ri d ay , June 09 , 2017 12 : 1 7 PM Greenwood , Sheila M t : Accepted : Weekl y CIR meeting w/Sheila Fr om : Sent : To : Subjec Japanes Alexander , Maso n Friday , June 09 , 2 0 17 1 1 : 4 8 AM Greenwood , Shei l a M t : Accep te d : Check - in w/Sheila e MOU Signing/June 30 Greenwood Gre enwood , Jaci e , Mason & Raphael - re: From : Thomas , LaT i na on be h alf o f Pollard, Alfred Sent : F ri da y , Jun e 09 , 2017 10 : 56 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Lunch w/She il a Gree nwood and Alfred Pollard Confidentiality Not ic e : The information cont a ined in t h is e - mail and any attachments may be c o nfi den tial or privileged un de r applicable la w, or otherwise may be protected f rom disclos ure t o a n yone ot he r than the i nte nded recipien t (s) . Any use , d i st ri but i on , o r copy ing o f th i s e-ma il , in clud i ng a n y o f i ts con t e n ts or attachme n ts by a n y person other t h a n the i n tended recipient , or for any pu r pose ot h er than i ts int en ded us e, i s strictly p r oh ibit ed . If you b e li eve you h ave received th is e-mai l in error : permanent ly de lete the e-mai l and a ny attac hme n ts , a n d do no t save , copy , disclose, o r r e ly o n any part of the in format i o n contai n ed in t h is e - mail or i ts attac hments . Please call 202 - 6 49 - 380 0 if you have questions . From : Google Calendar on be h al f of l(b)(6) I Sent : Friday , June 09 , 20 17 7 :02 AM To : Greenwood , Shei la M Subjec t : Accepted :k ~b~)(=6)---------------,I @ Th u Jul 20 , 201 7 2 : 30pm - 3pm (EDT} (Greenwood , Sh eila M) Attac hme n ts : inv i te . ics l(b )(6) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT has accepted this invita t ion . HUD-18-0504-D-000891 !(b)(6) When Thu Ju l 20 , 201 7 Where 8330 Boone Blvd , Ca l enda r Gr eenwood , Who • Greenwood , • l~ meeting requ est to addit ion al r e cipi ents . Meet i ng Ch eck - in w/She ila a n d Beth has forwarded your Zorc Meeting Time Friday , J un e 9 , 2 0 1 7 11 : 00 AM-1 1 : 30 AM. Recipients Pe t ty , T i mothy All times Time (US /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT & J (UTC-05 : 00) Eastern HUD-18-0504-D-000892 Sen t by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Se rv e r F rom : Lee , Je ss ic a K . EOP/ OMB Se n t : Thu r s d a y , J un e 08 , 201 7 1 2 : 10 PM To : Gre en wo o d , Sh ei la M Sub j ec t: Accep t ed : Pho n e Ca ll w/S h e il a a n d Jess i ca - Pla n f or and Gr eet b etwee n Ka t h y and HUD Leade r s h ip Sub j ec t : le ad e rsh ip Loca t i on : Reques t : Pl a n fo r Mee t and Gr eet be t wee n Kathy and Meet HUD JL c all s SG ( 4 02 - 60 68 ) Star t : F r i 6/9/ 2 0 17 2 : 30 PM End : Fri 6 /9/ 2 0 1 7 3 : 00 PM Sh o w Time As : Tent a tive Recur r e n ce : (non e) Or ga nize r : Lee , Je ssi c a K . EOP/ OMB F rom : Dawkins Se n t : Thu r sda To : Lee , Jess Sub j ec t: RE : le ad er sh ip , Eu nice D [mail to : Eun i ce . D. Dawki ns @hud . gov ] y , Jun e 8 , 201 7 11 : 40 AM i ca K. EOP /OMB Req u est : Meet and Gr eet between Kat hy and HUD She il a ' s d i r e c t # i s 20 2 -402-6068 ----- Or i gi n al Me s s a ge ----F r o m: Lee , Jess i ca K. EOP/OMB [mail t o : J e s s i ca _ K. _ Lee @omb . e op . g ov ) Sen t : Th u rs d ay , June 08 , 20 17 1 1 : 38 AM To : Daw k ins , Eun ice D Sub j ec t : RE : Req u est : Meet an d Gr eet between Kat h y an d HUD le ad ers h ip Sure , what nu mb er sho u ld I call? Than k y o u ! ----- Or i gi n al Message ----F rom : Dawkin s , Eu ni ce D [mail t o : Euni ce . D. Dawk i ns @hud . gov ) Sen t : Thu rs d ay , June 8 , 2017 11 : 3 7 AM To : Lee , Jessica K. EOP /OMB Sub j ec t : RE : Req u es t : Meet and Gr ee t between Kat hy and HUD lea d ers h ip Yes . Do you wa n t to se n d the i nvi te? ----- Ori gi n al Mes s age ----F rom : Lee , J ess i ca K. EOP/ OMB [mailto /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Jessica _ K. _ Lee@omb . eop . gov ) HUD-18-0504-D-000893 Sen t : Thursday , Jun e 08 , 20 17 1 1 : 36 AM To : Dawkins , Eunice D Su bject : RE : Request : Meet and Gr eet between Kathy l eadersh i p Gr eat ! Can we do 2 : 30? Thanks and HUD so muc h! ----- Origina l Message ----From : Dawkins , Eunice D [mailto : Eunice . D. Dawk i ns@hu d . gov ) Sent : Thursday , Jun e 8 , 2017 11 : 34 AM To : Lee , Jess i ca K. EOP/OMB Cc : Gree n woo d , Sheila M Subjec t : RE: Re q uest : Meet and Greet between Kathy and HUD l eadersh i p I apologize , I was f oc u sing 2 - 3 : 00 a nd after 3 : 30. o n t h e 30th . She i s ava i lable tomo rr ow F rom : Lee , Jessica K. EOP/OMB [mailto : Jessic a_K. Lee@omb . eop . gov) Sent : Thu r sday , June 08, 2017 11 :3 0 AM To : Dawk in s, Eun ic e D Cc : Greenw ood , Sh ei l a M Subjec t: RE : Request : Meet and Gr eet between Kathy and HUD le adership Oh , I ' m sorry, I was unc le ar . I need a c ha t wit h Shei la a meet a nd greet on 6/30 . Is she available this Friday minutes? Than ks! to p lan for for 1 5 to 30 ----- Ori g inal Message ----From : Dawkins , Eu nice D [mailto:Eunice . D.Daw k i n s@hud . gov) Sent : Thur sday , June 8 , 2017 11:2 5 AM To : Lee , Jess i ca K. EOP /OMB > Cc : Greenwoo d, Sheila M > Subjec t : RE : Request : Meet and Gr eet between Kathy and HUD le adership Hi Jessica , She i l a is a ope n on the 30th in let me know wha t wou ld work for /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT the mor n ing you o n your and a f ter noon . e nd . Please HUD-18-0504-D-000894 Eunice -----O r i gi na l Message----- From : Lee , Jess ic a K. EOP/OMB [mailto Sent : Thur sday , June : J ess ica _ K. _ Lee@omb . eop . gov ) 08 , 2 0 17 10 : 4 0 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M > . gov Cc : Dawkins , Eun ice D > Subjec t: RE : Re q u est : Meet leade r s h ip and Gre et between Kathy and HUD Than k s , She il a! Hi Eu ni ce - Le t me k now what time works - I don ' t f oresee th i s more than a 30 mi nute conve r sat i on - i f not 15 mi nut es . Th a nk s ! -----O r igina l Message----- F rom : Greenwood, Sent : Thursday Sheila , June M [mailto 8 , 2017 : Sheila . M. Greenwood l @h ud . gov ] 10 : 37 AM To : Lee , Jess i ca K. EOP /OMB > Cc : Dawkins , Eun ice D > Subjec t : Re : Request l eaders h i p : Mee t and Greet b e tween Kathy Sure Jessica . I ' m CC' i ng Euni ce to make it h appen . be better tha n today f o r a phone chat FYI . Thanks /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT and HUD My Friday would HUD-18-0504-D-000895 Get Outlook for iOS From : Lee , Jessica K. EOP/OMB > Sent : Thursday, June To : Gr ee nwood , Sheila Subject : Request 8, 2017 10 : 31 : 15 AM M : Mee t and Greet between Kathy and HUD leadership Hi Sheila - Hope you are we l l! You are probably at the House getting ready for the tes timony (though it looks like it hasn ' t begun yet) , bu t I wanted to connect with you t o set up a meet a nd greet between Kathy and HUD l eadersh i p . Do you hav e some t i me to chat to see what may make sense? I don ' t know when the Deputy Secretary will be confirmed , but we ' re looking at Friday , June 30th . Let me know when Thank you in is a good time to give you a call . advance, Jessica From : Pat Cave Sent : Wednesday , Ju n e 07 , 2017 9 : 35 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Lunch w/Sheila Greenwood Cave , Adolfo Marzol and Pat Any use of this information by a recipient other than the intended recipient is prohibited , and all liability is disclaimed . The Cypress Group , LLC, and its affiliates , are not r eg i ste r ed bro k e r dea l ers or registered investment advisors , and a n y statements made herein do not constitute investment advice . From : Alexande r, Maso n Sent : Wednesday , June 07 , 2017 To : Greenwood , Sheila M /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT 7 : 0 1 PM HUD-18-0504-D-000896 Subjec t: Dec line d : Weekly Chec k-i n w/Shei la , Jacie F rom : Marzol , Adolfo F Sent : Wednesday , J une 07, 2 017 4: 24 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Sub j ect : Accepted : Lunch w/She il a Gree nwood , Adolfo Cave From : Sent : To : Subjec & Maso n Marz ol and Pat Coressel , Jac i e Wednesday , J u n e 07 , 2 01 7 12 : 59 PM Gr ee nwood , Shei la M t: Accepted : Weekly Chec k-i n w/She ila , Jac i e & Maso n Subject : SPEAK at the National Housing Confer ence Policy Symposi um Loca tion : Washington Marriott a t Metro Ce n ter ; 775 12th St . NW Wash in gton , DC 20005 Start : F ri 6/9/2017 9 : 1 0 AM End : Fri 6/9/2017 9 : 4 0 AM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : (none ) Meetin g Sta t us : Org a nizer Required Not : DocBe n Atte ndees : ye t re spo nded Greenwood , Shei la M Top i c : Secreta r y Carso n would speak a nd answer q ue st i o n s . " At o ur Annual Po li cy Sympos iu m, ' New Di r ect i o n s i n Hou sing Policy ,' speakers wi ll e ngag e wit h new ideas emerging from the Trump Administration and 115th Congress , d raw on practical l ess ons from the f ield and discuss ways a ff ordab l e home owners hip a nd renta l pol i cy can drive commun ity i nvestment a n d create pos i tive cha nge " Loca tion : Washington Ma rri ott at POC: Ka i tlyn Sn yder , 202-466-2121 Orig in Secreta /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT of Req u est : Submitted r yinv i tes Metro Center ; k s n yder@nhc . org Ex terna l Eve nt f orm thro ugh HUD-18-0504-D-000897 Subject : Loc ation : Check i n -- Senate Heari ng Log ist ics 102 32 (Janet ' s Office ?) Start : Tue 6/6/2017 4 : 3 0 PM End : Tue 6/6/2017 5 : 00 PM Show Time As : Te nta t ive Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng S t atus : Not yet responded Organi zer : Lyberg , Sarah A Requ i r ed At tendees : Jane t Gol ri c k (Jane t . M. Golr i c k@hu d . gov ) ; Maren M Kasper (Maren . M.Kasp er@ hud . gov ) ; Shei la M Gree nwo od (Sheila . M. Gr eenwoodl@hud . gov) ; Dendas , Mi chae l W; Muse , Rebecca A; Wolfson, Leonard Sett i ng as id e t ime f o r a qu i c k c h ec k in th i s afternoo F r om : Barton , Victoria L Sen t : Tuesday , June 06 , 2017 11 : 47 AM To : Gr eenwood , She i la M Subject : Accepted : 1 : 10 Executi ve Car pick - up - 234 3rd Su bject : Loca tion : Pick u p Cos 234 3rd Stree n o n tomo rr ow . Street, NE t NE/H UD St a rt : Tue 6 / 6/201 7 1 : 1 0 PM End : Tu e 6/6/2017 1 : 4 0 PM Show Time As : Ten t a t ive Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting S t atus : Not y et respond ed Org an iz e r : Dagg e tt , Tanya R Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Gr eenwo od , Shei la Sub j ec t: Locati on : 20001 M; Dawkins , Eunic e D Hous i ng Vi s i o n a ry Award Gala Nat i o n al Bu ild i ng Muse um; 4 0 1 F S t NW, Washington , DC Start : Thu 6/8/20 1 7 6 : 30 PM End : Thu 6/8/2017 9 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000898 Recurrence Meeting : (non e ) Status : Not yet Organi z e r: Doc Ben Requ i red Atte ndees : responded Greenwood , Sheila M; Kasper , Mar en M 5 : 30 PM: VIP Reception : Leadersh i p Circle Reception with Representat i ves o f the 2017 Housing Visionary Award Hon orees 6 : 30 PM: Registration 7 : 00 PM: Program 7 : 30 PM: Di nner 1. and Network i ng NOTES: You will speak at 7 : 03 PM. Dr ess i s bus i ness/bus i ness dressy (most a tte ndees are coming directly f rom work . No tuxes or gowns ! ) Meeting COS Off ic e Subject : Lo cat i on : Tue 6/6/20 1 7 2 : 30 PM Start : End : Tue 6/6/2017 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting Organizer Requ i red : (none) St atus : Not yet responded : Zorc , Bethany A Atte nde es : Greenwood , Sheila M From : Barto n, Victoria L Sent : Monday , June 05 , 20 17 5 : 14 PM To : Greenwood , Shei la M Subject : Declined : 9 : 20 Executive Ca r to From : Burley , Michael N Sent : Monday , June 05 , 20 17 5 : 06 PM To : Greenwood , Shei la M Subject : Accepted : 11 : 45 Executive F rom : Burley /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT , Mic ha el Dirksen Office Building Ca r pick - up N HUD-18-0504-D-000899 Sen t: Monday , Jun e 05 , 20 17 5 : 06 PM To : Greenwood , She i la M Su b ject : Accepted : 9 : 20 Executive Car From : Sent : To : Subjec to Dir ksen Marzol , Adolfo F Monday , June 05 , 2017 2 : 42 PM Greenwood , Shei la M t: Accepted : Weekly Chec k-i n w/Shei la Subjec t: FW: Hassett/Pa ten aude Nominat io n s Hous in g and Ur ba n Aff ai r s Committee) Locat i o n: 538 Dirksen Bldg . and Off ic e Buildi ng Adol f o (Se n ate Ban ki ng, Start : Tue 6/6/2017 10 : 00 AM End : Tue 6/6/2017 11 : 00 AM Show Tim e As : Tenta ti ve Recu rr en ce : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer : : Ha rdy Not ye t r espo nded IV , Stanley ----- Origin al Appointment ----F rom : Hardy I V, S t anley Sent : Monday, June 0 5, 201 7 10 : 39 AM To : Har dy IV , Stanley ; Dawk i ns , Eunice D; Dunn , Tracey ; Barto n, Vi cto ri a L; Bur le y , Mi c h ae l N; Dendas , Michael W; Santa Anna , Aaron ; Boswell , Aret ha T; Farrar - Wils o n, Loualice ; Carter , Ste ven s J Subjec t: FW: Hasse t t/Patenaude Nominations (Senate Banking , Hous in g and Urban Aff airs Committee) When : Tuesday , J une 06 , 2017 10:0 0 AM-1 1 : 00 AM (UTC-05 : 00 ) Easte r n Ti me (US & Ca na da ). Where : 538 Di rksen Bld g . ----- Original Appointment ----From : Hardy IV , Stanley Sent : Wednesday , May 31 , 2017 10 : 07 AM To : Hardy IV , Stanley ; Du nn , Tracey ; Barton , Vi ctor i a L; Bur l ey , Mi chael N; Dendas , Michae l W; San ta Ann a , Aaro n; Boswell , Aretha T; Fa rr ar - Wilson , Lou alice; Carter , Stevens J Subjec t: Hasse t t/Pate n a u de Nomi n ations (Senate Banking , Hous in g and Ur ban Affairs Committ ee ) When : Tuesday , J une 06 , 2017 10:00 AM- 1 1 : 00 AM (UTC- 05 : 00) Eastern Time (US & Canada) . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000900 Where : 538 Dirkse n Bl dg. THE COMMITTEE ON BANKING, HOUSING, AND URBAN AFFAIRS will meet in OPEN SESSION t o conduc t a hea ring on th e f o ll owi ng nomin at i ons : Mr . Kev i n Allen Hassett , of Massac hu setts , to be Ch ai rma n of the Co u nc il o f Economic Advisers ; and The Hon or abl e Pame l a Hug hes Pa ten a ude , of New Hampshir e, to be Deputy Secretary of Housin g and Urban Deve l opment . Witness Panel 1 Mr . Kevin All e n Hasse tt to be Ch a irman Counc il of Econom i c Advisers The Hon orab l e Pa mela Hughe s Pa t enaude to be Deputy Sec r etary Hous in g and Ur ba n Devel op ment Permalink : h ttps : //www . ba n king . se n ate . go v /p ublic / in de x . cfm/2017/6/ h ear in g Subject : PRE- BRIE F: Congressman Gra ves Meeting Loca t ion : SOHUD' s o ffi ce n omi na ti o n - Start : Wed 6/14/20 17 9 : 00 AM End : Wed 6/14 / 201 7 9 : 30 AM Show Tim e As : Tent ati ve Recurrence : (none ) Meet in g Status : Not yet responded Organi zer : DocBe n Requ i r ed Attendees : Barton , Vi cto ri a L; De n das , Mic h ae l W; Gi mont , Stan l ey ; Washb urn , Te ni lle E; Gr eenwood , She i la M FW: Budget Briefing Dirkse n 6 28 Sub j ec t: Locatio n: with HUD a n d Ind i a n Affa i r s Commi ttee Star t : Fri 6/16/2017 1 0: 30 AM End : Fri 6/16/2017 1 1 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta tiv e Re currence : (none ) Meet in g Status Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : : Not yet Dagul , Reid r espo nded ( Ind i an Affa i rs) HUD-18-0504-D-000901 -----Original App o i ntme n t----From : Dagul , Reid (I nd i a n Affai r s) [mai l to : Reid_Dagul@indian . s enate . gov] Sent : Friday , June 02 , 2 0 1 7 11 : 0 9 AM To : Dag u l , Reid (I n di a n Affairs) ; Andrews , Mik e (I n di a n Affa ir s ); Simermeyer , John (I nd i a n Affairs ); Santa Anna , Aa r on Subject : Bud get Briefing with HUD a n d Indian Affairs Committee When : Friday , June 16 , 2 0 1 7 10 : 30 AM- 11 : 30 AM (UTC- 0 5:00) Ea ste r n Time (US & Ca n ada) . Where : Dirkse n 62 8 Subject : She i la Greenwood/El i z abeth Pink e r ton p hon e cha t Start : F ri 6/2/2017 1 : 3 0 PM End : Fri 6/2/20 17 1 : 45 PM Show Time As : Tenta tiv e Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Sta t us : Not y et resp o nded Organizer : Gribbin, Anne H Required At tendees : Gr ee nwoo d , Shei l a M; Pinkerton EOP/WHO She il a ' s numbe r: , Elizabeth D. 2 02-40 2-6 068 F rom : F leisc her, Laura A on b eha lf of Bass , Dea na Sen t : Thursday , June 0 1 , 2017 5 : 26 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Weekly CIR meeting w/S h ei la Greenwood Fr om : Sent : To : Subjec /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Fr an klin , DeShaunta Mo n behalf of Gol r ick , Ja n et Thursday , J une 0 1 , 2017 4 : 2 7 PM Greenwood , Shei l a M t: Accep te d : Chec k -in Sheila an d Ja ne t M HUD-18-0504-D-000902 From : Marlene Colucci Sent : Thursday , June 0 1 , 2017 12 : 27 PM To : Green wood , Sheila M Subject : Accep ted : Phone Call w/Sheila Greenwood and Colucci Subject : Location : Pam ' s 2nd Murder Board Depar tmen tal Conference Start : Fri 6/2/2017 2 :00 End : Fri 6/2/2017 5 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Marl e ne Room 1 0233 PM : (none) Organizer : Hughes , Andrew Required Attendees : Barton, Victoria L; Pame l a Patenaude; McCall , Drew A; Greenwood , Sheila M; Wolfson , Leonard ; Thompson , Amy C; Scott Keller ; Dendas , Mi chae l W; Zorc , Bethany A; Pam Patenaude Subject Locatio : n: MEET with Sheila SOHUD' s off i ce and Arny Start : Thu 6/1/2017 10 : 15 AM End : Thu 6/1/2017 10 : 45 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meeting Status Organize Required r: DocBe n Attendees : Subject Locatio : n: : Not yet Gre enwood , Sheila Canceled : MEET with SOHUD' s office Thu 6/1/2017 Start : End : Thu 6/1/2017 10:30 Show Time As : Free Recurrence : Not Organiz er : DocBen Requ i red Attendees : She il a M pVERSIGHT Sheila M; Thompson , Amy C , Lynn e and Mason RE NY 10 : 00 AM AM : (none) Meet in g Status /\MERICAi\ responded yet r espo nd ed Patton , Lynne M; Alexander , Maso n ; Gree nwood , HUD-18-0504-D-000903 From : Sent : To : Subjec Marzol , Adolfo Thursday , June Greenwood , Shei t: Accepted : F 01 , 2017 6 :4 2 AM la M Weekly meeting w/Sheila From : Coresse l , Jacie Sent : Wednesday , May 31 , 2017 1 : 50 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Weekly Check - in w/Sheila and Adolfo , Jac ie & Mason From : Goog l e Calendar on behalf of Scott Olson Sent : Wednesday , May 3 1 , 2017 1 : 42 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Meeti ng w/Sheila Gree nwood a n d Scott Olson , Community Hom ... @ Wed Jun 14, 2017 11 am - 11: 45am (EDT) (Greenwood, Sheila M) Attachments : i nvite . i cs Scott Olson has accepted th i s in v i tation . Meeting w/Sheila Greenwood and Scott Olson , Community Home Lenders Assoc . Departme n t o f HUD (come to the South e ntr ance secur it y desk - n ear the Freeway) 451 7th Street , SW Washington , DC Eunice Dawkins - 202 - 402 - 6624 She il a Gr eenwood - 202-402-6068 When Wed J un 1 4, 2017 11am - 11 : 45am Eastern Where COS Off i ce (map) Calendar Greenwood , Shei l a M Who Greenwood , She i la M - o rg an i zer Scott Olson - c r eator Time Inv i tation from Goog l e Calendar You are r ece iving th i s courtesy email at the account she il a . m. greenwoodl@hud . gov because you are an attendee of this event . To stop receiving future updates fo r th i s event, decl i ne this event . Alter n atively yo u can s i gn up for a Goog l e acco un t at https : //www . goog l e . com/calendar/ and control your notificatio n sett in gs for yo ur ent ir e ca l e nd a r. Forwardi n g this invitation could al l ow a n y recipient to modify your RSVP response . Learn More . Subjec t: Canceled : IG/OSEC Locatio n: SOHUD' s off i ce Start : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Fri 6/2/2017 10 :0 0 AM HUD-18-0504-D-000904 End : Fri 6/2/2017 10:15 Show Time As : Free Recurrence AM : (none) Meet in g Status : Not yet r espo nded Organizer : DocBen Required Attend ees: Jenkins , Anne ; Al bert, She il a M; Zorc , Bethany A Opt i o na l Attendees : Montoya , Dav i d Subjec t: Location : Helen M.; Greenwood , Murder Board & Mock Hea r ing Sec Co n ference Room Start : Fri 6/2/2017 10 : 00 AM End : Fri 6/2/2017 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not ye t re spo nde d Organizer : DocBen Required Attende es: Kasper , Maren M; Fitzpatrick , Nora S; Golrick , Janet M; Lyberg , Sara h A; Kurtz , R . Hunter; Greenwood , She il a M; Ti mberlake , Courtney B; Dendas , Mi chael W; Marzol, Adolfo F; Gimont , Stanley ; Blom, Dominique G; Barton, Victoria L; Wolfson , Leonard ; Eag l es , David T; Williams, Raphael L; Th ompson , Amy C Top i c : Mock hea r ing - All Subjec t: Locatio n: topics MEET with Beth Zorc SOHUD' s off i ce a nd Sheila Start : Wed 5/31/2017 11 : 30 AM End : Wed 5/3 1 /2017 1 1 : 45 AM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not Organ iz e r: DocBe n Required Attendees : Subject: Location /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : ye t responded Zorc , Bethany BRIEF on Thursday's SOHUD' s office Events A; Greenwood , Sheila with Raffi M and Amy HUD-18-0504-D-000905 Start: Wed 5/31/20 17 10:3 0 AM End : Wed 5/31/2017 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) S t atus : Not yet Organize r: DocBe n Requ i red Attendees : Greenwood , Shei l a M Subject: Location responded Willi ams , Raphael L; Thompson , Amy C; Week ly SOHUD Schedul in g Rev i ew Secretary's Sma ll Conference Room : Start : Wed 5/3 1/ 2017 1 1 : 00 AM End : Wed 5/31/ 2 0 17 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : Weekly Recurrence Pattern Meeting S t atus : : every Not yet Tuesday from 1 : 30 PM to 2 :0 0 PM responded Organizer : Coressel , Jacie Requ i r ed Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Barton , Victor i a L; Alexander , Mason ; Thompson , Amy C; Williams , Raphael L; Campbel l , Cynthia F; Dendas , Michael W; Pat ton , Lynne M; Coffey , Alex ander Optional Attendees : Burley , Mic h ael N Meeting Subject : and Mason Loc ation: Fo r ward Notification : Check - in w/Sheila , Jacie COS Office S t art : Tue 5/30/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Tue 5/30/2017 2 : 1 5 PM Recurre Organizer Your n ce : (non e ) : Co r esse l , Jacie meeting was fo r warded Coresse l , Jacie r ecip i ents . h as forwarded and Mason HUD-18-0504-D-000906 Meeting Time Tu esday , May 30 , 2 0 17 2 : 00 PM-2 : 15 PM. Recipi e nts Alexander , Mason All t im es Time (US & l i sted are Canada) (UTC-0 5 : 00) Po l itical Eastern Appointees Start : Thu 6/1/2017 1 : 00 PM End : Thu 6/1/2017 1 : 3 0 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status Organizer : : Not Benison yet , John responded P She i l a , I am se n d i ng this to the no fear training the ent i r e group i f okay brought to our a ttention with you? It i s for by Hunter . Thanks -----O r ig i na l Appointment----F rom : Be ni son , John P Sent : Tu esda y , May 30 , 2 0 1 7 11 : 39 AM To : Be n ison , Jo hn P ; Hughes, An d rew Subject : Pl an ning No FEAR Tra in i ng f o r Po li t i cal Appointees When : Thur sday , June 01 , 20 17 1:00 PM-1 : 30 PM (UTC-05:00) Time (US & Canada) . Wher e : John Benison ' s Office , Room 2102 This mee ting is John P . Benison to pVERSIGHT No FEAR training for political appointees . , Director Off ic e o f Departmental /\MERICAi\ plan Eas t e rn Equa l Employme n t Opportunity HUD-18-0504-D-000907 U. S . Department of Hous i ng and Direct : (202) E-mail : john . p . benison@hud Urban Development 402 - 6144 . gov @HUDEEO We value your feedback! Pleas e take ODEEO' s customer service by clicking this li n k : ht tps : //www . surveymonkey.com/r/5QQ557C Subject: Loc ation : Canceled : COS Wkly . Update COS Office Start : Fri 6/2/2017 End : Fri 6/2/2017 10:30 Show Time As : Free Recurrence 10 : 0 0 AM AM : (none) Meet i ng Status Organizer Required Subject Locatio : Not yet r espo nded : Mar zol , Adolfo F Att endees : Greenwood : n: Meeting , Shei l a M MEET with Sheila SOHUD' s office Start : Tue 5/3 0/2 0 17 3:00 End : Tue 5/30/2017 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recurrence survey PM : (none) Status : Not Organizer : DocBe n Requ i r ed Attendees : yet responded Greenwood , Sheila M From : Coressel , Jac i e Sent : Tuesday , May 30, 20 17 10 : 05 AM To : Greenwood , Shei la M /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000908 Subjec t: Accepted : Chec k -in w/Sheila, Fr om : Wolfson , Leonard Sent : Thursday , May 25 , 20 1 7 1 :46 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : 4 : 45 Executive Car Jacie and Mason pick - up F rom : Wolfson , Leonard Sent : Thursday , May 25 , 2 0 1 7 1 :4 6 PM To : Greenwo o d , Sheila M Subject : Accep te d : 1 : 35 Ex ec utiv e Car Fr om : Hughes , Andrew Sent : Thursday , May 25 , 20 1 7 12:49 To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Acc epte d : 1 : 35 Executiv F rom : Sent : To : Subjec PM e Car Hughes , Andrew Thursday , May 25 , 2017 12 :4 9 PM Greenwood , Sheila M t: Accep t ed : 4 : 4 5 Executive Car p i ck-up From : Harma n, Sa ra h Sent : Thursday , May 25 , 2017 11 :1 7 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accep te d : FW: FEMA Hurricane Season Preparedness and Exercise F rom : Sen t : To : Subjec Coffey , Al e xand Wednesday , May Gr eenwood , She i t: Accep t ed : er 24 , 2017 3 : 40 PM la M Al e x Coffey F rom : Krebs, Christopher Sent : Tuesday , May 23 , 2017 9 : 28 PM To : Gr eenwood , She i la M Subject : Accepted : FEMA Hurr ican e Seaso n Prepared n ess Exer c ise From : Krebs , Christopher Sent : Tuesday , May 23 , 20 17 9 : 28 PM To : Greenwood , Shei l a M Subjec t: Accepted : FEMA Hur r i ca ne Seaso n Pre pared n ess Exercise /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Seminar Seminar and Seminar a nd HUD-18-0504-D-000909 From : Dendas , Mi chael W Sent : Tuesday , May 23 , 20 17 5 : 5 1 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Acc epte d : 10 : 30 Weekly CIR meet i ng w/She i la F rom : Cruc ian i , Li nda M Sent : Tues da y , May 23 , 2017 5 : 38 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subjec t: Accep t ed : 2 : 30 Meet i ng w/She i la & Goodlat t e l etter to SOHUD Update Gr eenw oo d - re : Gr ass l ey , Chaffetz From : Sent : To : Subjec Barton , Vi cto ri a L Tuesday , May 23 , 20 17 4 :0 0 PM Gre e nwood , Shei l a M t: Accepted : Weekly CIR meeting F rom : Sent : To : Subjec Burley , Mic h a el N Tu esd ay , May 23 , 2017 3 : 58 PM Greenwo o d , Shei l a M t: Accepted : Weekly CIR meeti ng w/Shei l a Gree nwood w/Shei l a Gree nwood F rom : Santa Anna , Aaro n Sent : Tu esday, May 23 , 2017 3 : 54 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Weekly CIR meeting Subjec t: Locat i o n: House Finance EEOB 229 Working w/Sheila Gr eenwood Gro up Start : F ri 5/ 26/2017 1 0 : 00 AM End : Fri 5/26/2017 1 1 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentat iv e Recurrence Organi : (none ) zer : Cha lk ey , Richard All : The DPC and NEC are jo Working Group . The purpose h ousi ng finance policy , (2) and (3) provide a forum for future issues . Our first mee t in g will For those who n eed https : //events /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT to J . EOP/WHO in tly establish i ng a Housi ng Finance of the work i ng group is to ( 1 ) formu l ate coordina te the implementation o f po l icy , information shari ng and identifying be on Fr i day at be c l ea r ed i nto . whitehouse 1 0 am in EEOB 229 . th e bu i ldi ng : . gov/form?rid;QHTHYFFRPH HUD-18-0504-D-000910 If you h ave i t ems tha t you would lik e t o have in c l uded on the agen da, please emai l me . Currently , the tent ative agenda is : * * * I n tro duc tio n s Leg i slat i ve Update Draft Po l i cy Statement Subjec t : Loca ti o n : on Hou s i ng Fin ance Princ i p l es Review of Mur de r Board Maren ' s o ff i ce/Dial-i n 877-848-7030/Access =!{b= l(=6l '-__. S t a rt : Thu 5/25/20 17 9 : 30 AM End : Thu 5 /25/2017 1 0 : 00 AM Show Time As : Ten t a tive Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Status : Not ye t responded Organ iz e r : Kasper , Ma r en M Required Atte nd ees : Greenwood F itzpa tr i ck , Nora S Dial-in Access numbe r 877-848Cod e : 7030 l= Congressman of Meeting Attendees Congressman Arri n g ton : Kayla : Andrew in a . butts@ttu Nations . edu , 806 . 252 . 1202 Hughes : Jodey Arrington Dr . Tedd Mitchel l, Dr . Rick Lange , President (TX- 19) TTU Health Kristina But ts ; Di rector Cha n cellor Sc i e n ces Cente r : TTU Healt h Sciences of Strategic In i tiatives (Lubbock) Center in , Office El of Paso the F rom : Santa Ann a , Aaro n Sent : Monday , May 22 , 2017 4 : 26 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Weekly CIR meet i ng w/S h e il a Greenwood /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000912 From : Sent : To : Subjec Barton , Vi cto ri a L Monday , May 22 , 2017 2 : 48 PM Greenwood , Shei la M t: Accepted : Weekly CIR meeting w/S heil a Gree nwood From : Burley , Michael N Sent : Monday , May 22 , 2017 2 : 45 PM To : Gr eenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Weekly CIR meeting w/S h ei la From : Sent : To : Subjec w/Shei l a Gr eenwood Dend as , Mi chael Monday , May 22 , Greenwood , Shei t: Accepted : Subject : Loca tion : W 2017 2 : 45 PM la M Weekly CIR meeting CONFIRMED: HQ Meeting Cos Off ice with Greenwood Lafayette(LA) Mayor Robideaux Tue 5/23/20 17 12 : 00 PM S t art : End : Tue 5 /23/2017 12 : 45 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not ye t responded Org an iz e r: Hardy IV , Sta nl ey Required Atte ndees : Gi mont , Stan l ey ; Parker Michael N; Santa Anna , Aaron ; Dawkins , Eunice M; Bar ton , Vic tori a L * Th i s meet in g was req u ested , Tenn ille S ; Bur ley , D; Gr eenwood , She il a by Mayo r Rob id ea ux Date : 5/23/2017 Time : 12 : 00 PM- 12 : 45 PM ET HQ Meet i ng Location : Cos Office (Sheila ' s Office ) Top i c : CDBG- DR /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000913 Background : Mayo r Robideau x wil l be in Wash i ng t o n DC n ext week and Ms . Sheila Gree nwood (HUD Ch i ef of Staff ) suggested he meet with S t an Gimon t to discuss issues re l a te d to CDBG and the flood i ng t ha t occu rr e d in the area last summer . Inter na l Atte ndees : Stan Gimont , CDBG Tenn i lle Parker Mic hael , CDBG Bur l ey , CIR Vi cto ri a Barto n , CIR Sheila Greenwood External Mayor , OSEC Attendees : Joe l Robideaux Emi l y Ba cque , CJ Lake Subjec t: Locat i o n: LLC BRIEFING with Sheil a , Andrew , Dr ew and SOHUD' s o ff i ce WHPA S t art : Tue 5/23/20 17 3: 15 PM End : Tue 5 /23/2017 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence Meeting : (none) Sta t us : Not Organ iz e r: DocBe n Required Atte ndees : Drew A ye t responded Greenwood , Sheila M; Hugh es , Andrew ; Mc Ca ll, F rom : Ha r dy IV , Stanley Sent : Monday , May 22 , 2017 12 : 55 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accep t ed : Pre- Meet i ng w/She il a , Stan l ey & Mi chael re : Meeting w/LA Mayor Robideaux B. - N Fr om : Bur l ey , Mi chael Sent : Monday , May 22 , 20 1 7 12: 36 PM To : Greenwood , Shei la M /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000914 Subjec t: r e : Meeting Accepted : Pre- Mee ting w/LA Mayo r Rob id ea ux Sub j ect : Locat i o n: Nomi nee Secretary w/Sheila , Stan le y & Mich ael B. - Murde r Board (HUD Pam Patenaude) o f War Room (228 EEOB) Start : Thu 5 /25/2017 2 :0 0 PM End : Thu 5/25/2017 5 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta ti ve Recurrence Meeting : (none) Sta t us : Not ye t re spo nde d Organizer : Hughes , Andrew Req uired Att en d ees : Scott Ke ll er; Dendas, Mi chael W; McCall , Drew A; Gree nwood , Sheil a M; Zorc, Bethany A; Thompson , Amy C; Bar t o n , Vi cto ri a L ; Taylo r, Mary Eliz abeth E . EOP/WHO; Wolf so n, Leona rd Please en ter at 1 7 th & State upon a rrival . Fr om : Alexander , Maso n Sent : Monday , May 22 , 2 0 1 7 10:2 7 AM To : Greenwood , Shei l a M Subject : Acc epte d : 11 : 30 Check - in w/Shei SOHUD's Summe r Tr ave l F rom : Thompson , Amy C Sent : Monday , May 22 , 2 0 1 7 10:25 AM To : Greenwood , Shei l a M Subjec t: Accepted : 11 : 30 Check-in w/Sheila SOHUD' s Summe r Tr ave l W From : Dendas , Mi chael Sent : Friday , May 1 9 , 2 0 1 7 2 :0 4 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Declined : Ch eck - in w/She il a and Stu ff Subject : Loc ation : Brief o n lunch SOHUD' s office with l a , Amy & Mason - re : , Amy & Maso n - re : Michael Dendas re : Budg et Mnu c hi n Start : Mon 5/22/2017 9 : 30 AM End : Mon 5/2 2 /20 17 10: 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meet in g S t atus /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Not yet responded HUD-18-0504-D-000915 Organi zer : DocBe n Requ i r ed Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila Sub j ect : Qu ick NYC Tr i p Check-In Sta ff , Sh e il a Gr eenwood Locatio n : Chief of Staff ' s Office M; Ma rz o l , Adol f o F w/ Maso n Alexander - Suite & Ch ie f o f 10000 Star t : F r i 5/19/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Fri 5/ 1 9/ 2 0 17 2 : 10 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Not yet r espo nd ed Or ga niz e r : Gre e nwood , Sheila M Requ i re d Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Alexander F rom : Gribbi n , Ann e H Sent : Frida y , May 1 9 , 2017 10 : 37 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Quick Check - In w/ Ann ie Staff , Sheila Greenwood Subject: Gre e nwood Locatio n : Ch eck- In w/ Annie Quick Chie f of Gribbin Gr i bbi n & Ch ief & Chief Sta f f ' s Off i ce - Su ite , Mason of Staff of , Sheila 10000 Start : F ri 5/19/20 17 2 : 30 PM End : Fri 5/ 19/2017 2 : 35 PM Show Time As : Ten t a t ive Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not y et respond ed Org an iz e r: Gr eenwood , She i la M Required Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila Subject : Review Location : Secreta Sec r y Budget Con ferenc Hear ing M; Gribbin , Ann e H Prep : Cr ed i t Pr ograms , Q&A e Room Mon 5/22/ 2 0 17 10 : 00 AM Start : End : Mon 5/22/20 17 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000916 Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not Organi z e r: DocBen Requ i red Attendees : Robert H; Fitzpatrick Subject : Location : yet responded M; Kasper , Mar en M; Kurtz , Greenwood , Sheila , Nora S ; Lyberg , Sarah A; Marzol , Ado l fo F NY/ Mtg . at COS Office COS ' Request Start : Thu 5/18/2017 2 : 30 PM End : Thu 5/18/20 17 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status Organizer Requ i red Subject : Not yet responded : Patton , Lynne M Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila : Canceled : MEET with Sh eila M and Andrew Start : Thu 5/18/20 17 11 :4 5 AM End : Thu 5/18/20 17 11 : 55 AM Show Time As : Free Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not Organi z e r: DocBe n Requ i red Atte ndees : Subject : Location : yet responded Hughes , Andrew Canceled : OIG/OSEC SOHUD' s office Start : Thu 5/18/2017 3 : 00 PM End : Thu 5/18/2017 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Free Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : : Not yet r esponded DocBen HUD-18-0504-D-000917 Requ i red Atte ndees : Jenk in s , Anne Optional Attendees : Meet in g with Subject : Helen Greenwood , Sheila M; Zor c , Be th any Montoya , David ; Albert Al be r t , Deputy , Helen A; M. IG Ai da Rod ri gue z - Si ck Leave Start : Fri 5/19/2017 12 : 00 AM End : Sat 5/20/2017 12 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer Required Golr i c k, : Not ye t r espo nded : Rodriguez , Aida N Attend ee s : Greenwood , Shei l a M; Clemmensen Jane t M; Hawkins , Grego r y R Subject : Location : FW: Morning Meeting Secre t a r y ' s Co n ference , Craig T; Room Start : Wed 5/17/20 17 9 : 00 AM End : Wed 5/17/2017 9 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Recurrence 9 : 30 AM Organize : (none) Pattern r: : Clemmensen every , Craig Monday and Wednesday from 9 : 00 AM to T From : Clemmensen , Craig T Sent : Monday , Mar ch 20 , 2017 5 : 46 : 19 PM UTC To : Clemmensen , Cra i g T ; Gol rick , Janet M; Meye r s , Sara M; Ammon, Matthew E ; Corsiglia , Nancy E ; Bregon , Nelson R; Cruciani , Linda M; Santa Anna , Aaron ; Brown , Jereon M; Timberlake , Courtney B; Foster , Helen G; Surber , Keith W; Walsh , Chris t opher K; Scott , Jimmy ; Hensley , Henry ; Blom , Dominique G; Franceschi n i-Petty , Raquel ; Lyberg , Sarah A; OGC LEGS REGS; McCul lo u gh , Aisa K; Fitzpatr i ck , Nora S ; Alexander , Mason ; Holderfie l d , Stephanie A; Gribbin , Anne H; McClure , Laura L ; Stayanovich , Jason E ; Gerecke , Sarah S ; Newton Cole , Karen A; Kasper , Maren M; Bryon , Jemine A; Ta ff e t, Cl if fo r d ; Greene , Bryan ; Gant , Jo n L ; Cooke , Kevin R; Be n ison , Jo h n P ; Br ooks , Towanda A; Charles , Genger M; Hughes , Andrew ; Greenwood , Sheila M; Bass , Deana ; Patton , Lynne M /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000918 Cc : Mills , Krista ; Smyth , Ti moth y M; Au sby , Ja n ice Marcus R; Zorc , Betha n y A Subject : Morning Meeting Subjec t : Canceled : Call : NYSE Be ll Amy' s Office Locatio n : L; Sma ll wood , Start : Wed 5/ 1 7/20 17 1: 00 PM End : Wed 5/17/20 17 1 : 30 PM Show Time As : Free Recur r e n ce : Week l y Recurrence Pattern : Meeti ng Status : Not every Wednesday from 1 : 00 PM to 1 : 30 PM ye t r espo nded Organi z e r : Thompso n , Amy C Required Atte ndees : Raphael L Wil liams (Raphae l . L . Will i ams@hud . gov) ; Al e xander , Mason Week l y touch Subjec t : Location : base . ATTEND FHF Overs i ght FHFA Board Mee t i ng Start : Mon 5/2 2 /20 17 3 : 00 PM End : Mon 5/22/20 17 5 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta t iv e Recurre n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not yet responded Organize r : DocBe n Requ i r ed Atte ndees : Gr eenwood , She i la Subject - Bet h and : Touch base M She il a Start : Thu 5/18/20 17 2 : 00 PM End : Thu 5 /18/2017 2 : 1 5 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Organizer Required : (none) : Zorc , Bethany A Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila From : Gribbin , Anne H Sent : Wednesday , May 17 , 2017 3 : 22 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Check - in w/Sheila /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT M and Anne HUD-18-0504-D-000919 Subject : Location : Pre - Brief on FHFA Meeti ng SOHUD' s office Start : Thu 5/ 18 / 2 0 17 2 :0 0 PM End : Thu 5/ 18 / 2 0 17 2:30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meet in g St atus : Not Organi zer : DocBe n Required Atte ndees : yet r espo nded Char l es , Genge r M; Gree nwood , Sheil a M Subjec t: MEET with Andrew Dr ew McCa ll , Adolfo Marz o l Loc a tio n : SOHUD' s Off ic e Ol men, Andrew Hug hes , Sheil a Gree nwood , Start : Wed 5/ 1 7/ 2017 4 : 30 PM End : Wed 5/17/2017 5 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recu rr en ce : (none) Meet i ng Status : Not yet r espo nded Org a nize r : DocBe n Required Att en d ees : Hughes , Andr e w; Greenwood Drew A; Marzol , Ado lf o F , Shei l a M; McCall , Top ic : FHA Subjec t: Locatio n : Puerto Rico Update Conf Room 1 0 1 06 Start : Wed 5/17/20 17 1 1 : 00 AM End : Wed 5/ 1 7/ 2 0 17 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Not yet r espo nd ed Organiz e r : Kasper , Mar en M Requ i red At tendees : Hunter Kur tz ; Cru ciani , Linda M; Gree nwood , She il a M; Petty , Ti mot hy J ; Zo r c , Bet h a ny A; Gol ri c k , Ja n et M; Bregon, Ne ls o n R; Taffet , Cli fford ; I ber , Rob ert G; Greene , Bryan ; /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000920 Bryon , J emine A; Clemmensen , Craig T ; Beaudet t e , James Al thea M; Potts , Mi ll icen t B; Whitehead , Car ey C M; Forrester , This meeting is to discuss how HUD will i dent ify and i nvento ry i ts interests in Pue r to Rico and wh e r e those assets are , includ i ng the extent of HUD' s r ema i ning assets i n the Government Deve lo pment Bank . We wi ll also need to ident i fy any funding streams that the PROMESA board may be interested in capturing to assist in the deb t restructuring . Call - in Number : Access Host 888 - 675 - 2 535 Code : !{b)(6) lnillfilJ(Jane t Only ) Code : Subject : Loca tion : MEET with Andrew , Dr ew , Sheila SOHUD' s off i ce and PPO S t art : Wed 5/17/20 17 3 : 30 PM End : Wed 5/17/2017 4 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meeting Status Organize Required Dr ew A r: DocBen Attendees Subject : Loc ation : : Not : yet responded Greenwood Ado l fo Marzol/ COS Off ic e Update , Shei la M; Hughes , Andrew ; McCall , on Priorities Start : Fri 5/19/20 17 10 : 00 AM End : Fri 5/19/20 17 10 : 30 AM Show Tim e As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Meeting Organizer Requ i red /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT S tatus : Not yet responded : Marzol , Ado lf o F At tendees : Greenwood , Sheila M HUD-18-0504-D-000921 From : Sent : To : Subjec Dav i d.Dwork i n@tr easury .gov Tues d ay , May 16, 20 17 10 : 0 4 AM Greenwood , Shei la M t: Accepted : FW: Pho ne Call w/Treasury - re : TSY/LI HTC F rom : Sent : To : Subjec Mic hael . Novey@treasury . gov Tuesday , May 16 , 2017 9 : 53 AM Greenwood , Sheila M t: Accepted : FW: Phone Call - r e : TSY/LI HTC Subjec t : Locat i o n: MEET with Sheila SOHUD' s off i ce and w/Treas ury Amy Start : Wed 5 /1 7 /2017 3 : 00 PM End : Wed 5/17/20 17 3 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta ti ve Recu rr en ce : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer Required : Not : DocBen Attend ees : Top i c : Discuss ye t r espo nded Gr eenwood , She ila M; Thompson , Amy C s ummer travel F rom : Mat a , Celia B on be hal f of Fisher, Robe r t S Sent : Tuesday , May 16 , 20 17 8 : 20 AM To : Gr eenwood , She i la M Su bject : Accepted : [El I n troduction Meeti n g w/Sheila Greenwood Robe r t F i she r From : Sent : To : Subjec Robert Fisher , Rober t S Monday , May 1 5 , 2017 6 : 37 PM Greenwood , Shei la M t : Accepted : [E l I ntr oduc t ion Mee t i ng w/Sheila Fisher From : Brego n , Nelso n R Sent : Monday , May 15 , 2017 3 : 24 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : 2 : 30 Mee t i ng w/Sheila re : D. Willi ams Subject /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : MEET: with Mortgage Bankers , Janet G. Greenwood & Nelson and a nd B. - Association HUD-18-0504-D-000922 Location : Secretary ' s Co n ference Room Start : Wed 5/17/20 17 10 : 00 AM End : Wed 5/17/2017 10 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not Organize r: DocBen Required Attendees J Adolfo Top i c : *see Location : a tt ached : Secretary yet responded Zorc , Bethany ' s Confere Origin e-mailed : Beth Attendees Rodrigo : Marcia pVERSIGHT Sheila : Lopez , Executive Chairman Mot ley , President Chr i s George , Pr es i dent /\MERICAi\ ~ MDavies@mba . org ~l (b_)(_6)__ Zorc David Lending M; Marzol , n ce Room (301) Staff , Sheila agenda * POC: Marcia Davies ; CELL : of Meeting A; Greenwood Franklin Codel , Sen i or , Wells Fargo , Nort hMarq Capita , Colonial and Saving l FA CEO, CMG Financ Ex ecutive Vi ce Finance i al Pr es i dent , Consumer HUD-18-0504-D-000923 Ame riFir Mark Jo n es , Chief Executive Of fi cer st Financial Corporation (Mi chigan) Scott Reed, Bill Cosgrove, Dan Cr ocket Attendees Ex ecut i ve Vice from Union President and Co - Fou n der , , Mid - Fi rst Bank Home Mor tgage t , Franklin Amer i ca n MBA: David Stevens , Presid ent and CEO Marcia Davies , Ch ief Ope rating Officer Tom Kim , Sen i o r Vice Pre siden t , Commer cia l /Mul t ifam il y Policy G. Pe t e Mills , Sen i or Vice President Residential Po l i cy S teve O ' Connor , Senior Vice President , I nd ust ry Relat i ons and Tamara Kin g , Vi ce Presid e nt , Res i dent ial Po licy Su bject : Loc at i on : Policy OI G/OS EC SOHUD' s office Mon 5/ 1 5/ 20 17 2 :0 0 PM Start : End : Mon 5/ 1 5/20 17 2 :3 0 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer Required Dav i d Subject : Loc ation : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Not : DocBe n Atte ndees : yet responded Greenwood , Sheila M; Jenkins , Anne ; Mon toya , Tr anspo r tat i o n fo r Cos 809 1 5t h Street , NW/ HUD HUD-18-0504-D-000924 Start : Mon 5/15/20 17 11 : 35 AM End : Mon 5/ 1 5/20 17 1 : 15 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Not yet r espo nded Organiz e r : Dagge tt, Required Attendees : Tanya R Greenwood From : Sent : To : Subjec M 2017 9 : 26 AM la M Fo ll ow up Charles , Genge r Monday , May 1 5 , Greenwood , Shei t : Accepted : Subject : Loca tion : , Sheila M; Dawkins, Euni ce D LUNCH: Sheila Greenwood and Alp ho nso Jackson Bobby Vans I 809 15th St re et NW I 202-589-0060 S t art : Mon 5/15/2017 12 : 00 PM End : Mon 5/ 15/2017 1 : 00 PM Show Time As : Ten t a tive Recurrence Organiz er : : (none ) Jackson , Alphonso Th e information in th i s messag e may be prop ri eta ry and/or con fidenti al , and protected fr om disclosure . I f the reader o f this message is not t h e i nte n ded recip i ent , o r an employee o r agent r espo n sib l e f o r del i ve r i n g th i s message to the i n tended r ec i pie n t , you are h ereby no t ified that any dissemina t i o n , distribution or copying of this communication is stric t ly p ro hib it ed . If you have re ce ive d th i s commun i cation in error, please n oti f y First Data immed i ate ly by r ep lying to this message and deleting it f r om yo ur computer . From : Cof f ey , Ale xa nder Sent : Friday , May 12 , 2017 4 : 1 8 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : 3 : 30 Catch up w/Sheila Subjec t: S t art : End : Sat /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Eunice an d Alex Coffey Dawk i ns on Leave Fri 5/19/20 17 12 : 00 AM 5/20/2017 12 : 00 AM HUD-18-0504-D-000925 Show Time As : Recurrence Meeting Tenta tive : (none) Status : Not ye t re spo nde d Organ iz e r: Dawk in s , Eun i ce D Required Attendees : Greenwood , Shei la M; Coresse l, Jacie ; Hardison, James C; Fleischer , Laura A; DeLaPaz , Dave D; Cooper, Di ane J ; Rodrig uez, Aida N; Bacon , James A Fro m: Gruso n, Barbara Sent : Frid ay , May 12 , 2017 12 : 55 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Check - in w/S h ei la Barbara Gruson F rom : Sent : To : Subjec Barbara Patton , Lynn e M Friday , May 12 , 2017 12 : 55 PM Greenwood , Sheila M t: Accep t ed : Check-in w/Sheila Gruso n F rom : Sent : To : Subjec Marzol , Adolfo F Thursday , May 11 , 2017 1 :4 2 PM Greenwood , Shei la M t: Accepted : Chec k -in w/Sheila Gree n wood , Lynne Payne and Gree nwood , Lynne Payne and a nd Adolfo From : Bur le y , Michael N Sent : Thursday , May 1 1 , 20 1 7 1 : 37 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : 4: 00 Weekly CIR meeti ng w/Sheila Subjec t: Locat i o n: MEET with Joh n von SOHUD' s off i ce Segge r n and David Jeffers Greenwood of FHL Banks Start : Tue 5/16/2017 1 :0 0 PM End : Tue 5/16/2017 1 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Mee t ing Organizer Required /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) Status : Not : DocBe n Attendees : ye t re spo nded Gr ee nwood , Shei la M HUD-18-0504-D-000926 Top i c: brief the Secretary on the FHLBanks and private ly owned, regional coopera t ives provide lo cal financial in stitut ion s to support housing community investment . Lo cation how these len dab le finance 11 fun ds and and Public : SOHUD' s Office POC: David Je ffers , Executive Vic e President-Policy Affairs ; 703-717-1712 , djef f ers@c f h lb. o rg Attendees : David Jeffers , Executive Affa i rs ; John von Segge rn, President Orig in to of Mee ting : Se nt an e-mai l to Vice President a n d CEO She ila - Po l icy and Public a nd Annie Sta ff: Subject : Location : VA Discipline Office Conference Room 10106 Start : Thu 5/1 1/ 2017 3 : 00 PM End : Thu 5/11/20 17 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer Required Brooks, : Not yet r espo nd ed : Gol ri ck, Janet M Attendees : Clemme n sen , Craig Towanda A; Gree nwood , Sheila M Subject : Locat i on : T ; Sullivan , Joseph ; Canceled : VA Discipli ne Office Conference Room 10 1 06 Start : Thu 5/1 1/20 17 3 : 00 PM End : Thu 5/1 1/ 2017 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Free Recu rr ence : (none) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000927 Meet in g Status : Not yet r espo nded Organiz e r : Golric k, Janet M Required Attendees : Cle mrnen sen , Crai g T ; Su ll iv an , Joseph Brooks , Towanda A; Gree nwood , Sh e il a M F rom : Alexa nder , Maso Sent : Wednesday , May To : Greenwo o d , Shei Subject : Accep te d : Ne xt Week Sched u l e n 1 0, 20 17 6 : 09 PM la M Meeting w/She il a , J C and Mason ; - r e : SOHUD's From : Coresse l , Jac i e Sent : Wednesday , May 1 0, 2017 5 :4 8 PM To : Greenwood , Shei la M Subjec t: Accepted : Meeting w/S h ei la , J C a nd Maso n - re : SOHUD' s Ne xt Week Sched u le Subjec t: Loc ation : Ca ll re: NYSE Be l l Logist Amy ' s Off i ce i cs Sta r t : Thu 5/ 11/2017 2 : 30 PM End : Thu 5/1 1/ 2017 3 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta ti ve Rec ur rence : (none ) Meetin g Status : Not ye t re spo nded Org a nizer : Thompso n, Amy C Required Attende es: Rap h ael L Will i ams (Raphael . L . Williams@h ud.g ov) ; Al exander , Maso n Opt i o n al Atte ndees : Greenwood , She i la M Secretary Ca r son is con firme d for the c l osing bel l at t h e Stock Exchange on June 12 . I have a ca ll tomorrow wi th th e NYSE to d i scuss lo g i s ti cs . Pl ease jo in if you ' re a v a i lab l e . Thanks . Subject : Loc at io n : Mur der Board Sec Conference & Mock Hearing Room Start : Tue 5/30/2017 10 : 00 AM End : Tue 5/3 0 /20 17 12: 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurren c e : (none) Meet in g S t atus /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Not yet responded HUD-18-0504-D-000928 Organi zer : DocBe n Requ ir ed Attendees : Kasper , Maren M; Fitzpat ri c k, Golr ick, Janet M; Lyberg , Sarah A; Gree nwoo d, Sheila Rober t H Mock Nor a S ; M; Kurtz , Hea ri ng -Al l top i cs Subject : Loc ation : Ca nceled : House Approps Sec Conference Room Hear in g Start : Tue 5/23/ 2 0 17 10: 00 AM End : Tue 5/23/20 17 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : F ree Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng S t atus : Not Organi zer : DocBe n Requ ir ed Attendees : Subjec t: Locat i o n: yet responded Gr eenwood , She i la Meet in g to discuss She i l a ' s Off i ce nex t steps M; Kasper , Ma r en M in AIA v . HUD Sta r t : Wed 5/ 10/2017 5 : 00 PM End : Wed 5/10/2017 5 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta ti ve Recurrence : (none ) Meetin g Status : Not ye t re spo nded Org a nizer : Zorc , Bethany A Required Attende es : Greenwood , Shei la Petty (Timo t hy . J . Pe tt y@hu d . gov ) M; Kasper , Maren F rom : Hughes , Andr e w Sent : Wednesday , May 10 , 2017 1 : 42 PM To : Gr eenwood , She i la M Subject : Accepted : 4: 00 Meet i ng w/She i la e t al Greenwood F rom : Fi tzpa trick , Nora S Sent : Wednesday , May 1 0 , 2017 1 : 36 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subjec t: Accepted : 2 : 30 Meet i ng w/She i la , Nora S tru cture/Budget Prep /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT and M; Tim Ted Hosp , & Hunte r - r e : HUD-18-0504-D-000929 From : Kurtz , Robert H Sent : Wednesday , May 1 0 , 2017 1 : 02 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject: Accepted: Mee ting w/Sheila , Nora Structu r e/Budget Prep From : Dendas, Michael w Sent : Wednesday , May 1 0 , 2017 1 1 : 53 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Fwd : Check - in w/Sheila Meet i ng Forward Subject : and Pam Lo cation : Housing Not i fication Conference & Hunte r - re : , Victoria and Pam : Check- i n w/She i la , Victoria Room (9202) Start : Wed 5/10/20 17 1:45 End : Wed 5/10/20 17 2 : 15 PM PM Recu rr ence : (none) Organizer Your : meeting Barton , Victoria L was forwarded Barton, Vi ctoria L forw arded your mee t ing request to additional recipients. Meeting Che ck-in w/Sheila , Victoria Meeting Time Wednesday , May 10 , 2017 Recipients Dendas, Michael All times listed are Time (US & Ca n ada) and Pam 1 : 45 PM- 2 : 15 PM. W (UTC- 05 : 00) Sent by Mic ro so ft Exchange Server From : Thompson , Amy C Sent : Wednesday , May 10 , 2017 11 : 38 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Check - in w/Sheila and Amy Thompson Lis ten i ng Tour F rom : David /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Jeffers HUD-18-0504-D-000930 Sent : Wednesday , May 1 0 , 2017 1 1 :1 7 AM To : Greenwood , She i la M Su bject: Accepted : Lunch w/Sheila Greenwood and From : Sent : To : Subjec i a and Barton , Vi ctor i Wednesday , May Greenwood, Shei t: Accepted : Subjec t: Loca tion : a L 1 0 , 2017 10 : 58 AM la M Chec k -in w/Sheila, Victor SOHUD Scheduli ng Review Deputy Secretary ' s Co nf e r ence Davi d Jeffers Pam Room S t art: Thu 5/11/20 17 1 : 30 PM End : Thu 5/1 1/2017 2 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organizer : Coresse l , Jacie Required Attendees : Pa tto n, Lynne M; Greenwood, She il a M; Alexander , Mason ; Coffey, Alexander ; Burley , Mi chael N; Campbel l , Cynthia F ; Thompson, Amy C; Williams , Raphael L From : Dann er, Pamela B Sent : Tuesday , May 09 , 2017 8 :0 0 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Meeti ng w/Sheila From : Sent : To : Subjec Barton , Vi ctoria L Monday , May 08 , 2017 3 : 17 PM Greenwood, Sheila M t: Dec line d : Weekly CIR meeting Subjec t: Loca tion: Transportation Dir ksen Senate Greenwood and Ted Hosp, et al w/Shei l a Gre enwood for Acting DepSec Building/EEOB & Cos Start : Tue 5/9/2017 8 : 00 AM End : Tue 5/9/2017 9 : 45 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) HUD-18-0504-D-000931 Meeting Status Organizer Required Fr an klin, Meet : Not ye t resp o nde d : Daggett , Tanya R Attende es: Dawkins , Eunice DeShaunta M Mack in the south lobby at D; Greenwood , Sheila M; 8 : 00am . Thanks ! From : Bowes , Robert B Sent : Monday , May 08 , 2017 To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject: Accepted: 11:00 HECM Subject : Location : Canceled : Quick Sheila ' s Office 12:59 PM Check-in Check w/Sheila In on Financia and Robert Bowes - Re: l Freedom Start : Mon 5/8/2017 5 : 00 PM End : Mon 5/8/ 2 0 1 7 5 : 30 PM Show Time As : Fre e Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organizer : Zorc , Bethany A Required Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Kasper , Maren Petty (Timothy . J . Petty@ hud. gov) ; Narode , Dane M Subject : Locat i on : M; Tim Introduct i on to New Hires SOHUD' s Off i ce Start : Thu 5 /1 1 /2017 1 1 : 30 AM End : Thu 5/11/2017 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentat iv e Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not Organizer : DocBen Required Attendees : She il a M /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT ye t responded McCall, Drew A; Hughes, Andrew ; Greenwood, HUD-18-0504-D-000932 From : Gr ibbi n , Anne H Sent : Monday , May 08 , 2 0 1 7 12 : 39 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Acc epte d : Eunic e - kb)(6) Subject : Loca t ion : coffee 3rd floor urban !App o intment - afternoon cafe Start : Mon 5/8/20 1 7 2 : 15 PM End : Mon 5/8/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Te nta t ive Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status : Not yet r espo nded Organi zer : Payne , Teresa L Requ i r ed Attendees : Gr eenwood , She i la Sheila M , Eun i ce sa id 10 a m would work with s i nce your cale n dar l ooked busy . you r schedule today. Not s ure Te r esa Subject: Loca t ion : Pub l ic Service Recognition Meet & Greet North side Lobby (Near Metro Entrance) Start : Wed 5/ 10 /20 17 8 : 45 AM End : Wed 5/10/20 17 9 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeti ng Status : Not yet r espo nded Organi ze r: Gol r i c k , Janet M Requ i r ed Attendees : Clemmensen , Cr ai g T; Kasper , Ma r en M; Bryon , Jem i ne A; Taffet , Clifford ; Ammon , Matt h ew E; Greene , Br yan ; Corsigl i a , Nanc y E; Br ego n , Ne lson R; Gant , Jon L; Cr uc i ani , Li nda M; Sa nt a Anna , Aaron ; Brown , Jereon M; Timber l ake , Cou rtney B; Cooke , Kevin R; Foster , Helen G; Broo ks , Towa nda A; Ch ar l es , Ge ng er M; Gree nwood , Sheila M; Lyberg , Sarah A; Gr i bb in , Anne H; Newton Cole , Ka r en A; Zorc , Bet h any A; Thompso n , Amy C; Surber , Ke i t h W; Benis on , John P ; Hensley , Henry Subject /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : SOHUD Meet & Greet for Public Service Awareness Week HUD-18-0504-D-000933 Location : North Lobby Start : Wed 5/10/20 17 8 : 45 AM End : Wed 5/10/2017 9 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not Organizer : DocBen Required Attendees : Kenneth E; Thompson, Subject : Greenwood Location : Meeting yet responded Greenwood , Sheila M; Alexander, Amy C; Wil l iams, Raphael L Forward Notification : Weekly Mason ; Free , CIR meeting w/Sheila COS Office Start : Mon 4/10/2017 4 : 00 PM End : Mon 4/10/2017 4 : 30 PM Recurrence Organizer Your : (none) : Barton meeting L was forwarded Barton , Victoria forwarded your Meeting Weekly , Victoria L additional recipients has . Greenwood Meeting Time Occurs every Monday from 16 : 00 to 1 6 : 30 effective 04/10/20 until 06/28/20 17 . (UTC-05 : 00) Eastern Ti me (US & Canada) Recipients Bur l ey , Michael All times Time (US & l i sted are Canada) N (UTC-05 : 00) Eastern Room AM HUD-18-0504-D-000934 Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng Status : Not Organi zer : DocBe n Requ i r ed Attendees : Bryan ; Smyt h , Timothy yet responded Gol r i c k , Jane t M; Pet ty , Ti mothy J ; Gr ee n e , M; Gree nwood , Sheila M; Kasper , Ma r en M Subjec t: Updated Inv i tation : Dinner wi th Greenwoods , Albe r ts Guent h er - Po i ndexters@ Sa t J u n 3 , 2 0 1 7 7pm - 1 0pm (E DT ) (sheila . m. greenwoodl@hud . gov) Loca t io n: BHCC and Start : Sat 6/3/2017 7 : 00 PM End : Sat 6 /3/2017 10 : 0 0 PM Show Time As : Ten tat iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Organiz er : martha poindexter Th i s event has been more deta il s » Dinner wi th c h a nge d . Gr eenwo o ds , Alb e r ts and Guent her - Po i ndexters This message may contain confidenti al inform at ion and is intended for specific recipients unless exp lic itly noted otherwise . I f you ha v e r e ason to believe y o u are not an intend ed r ec ipient of this me ssage , please de lete it and n ot if y the sende r. Th i s me ssage may n ot rep r esent th e op ini o n o f I n te r con tin enta l Exchange , Inc . (ICE) , i t s subsidiaries or affiliates , and do es not cons t itute a contrac t or guarant ee . Une nc r ypted electronic ma il is not secure and the re cipie nt o f th is message is expected to provide sa f eguards f rom v i ruses and pursue a l te rn ate means o f commun i cation whe r e pr i vacy or a b i nd ing message i s desired . When Changed : Sat J un 3 , 2017 7pm - 10pm Eastern Where BHCC (map) Ca lendar sheila . m. g r eenwoodl@hud . gov Who martha poindex t er - orga n izer Laura Al bert • she il a . m. greenwoodl@h u d . gov • Robert Guenther Going? Yes Ca l enda r /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT - Maybe - No more optio ns » Time I nvi ta tion f rom Goog l e HUD-18-0504-D-000935 You are receiving th is courtesy email at the account she i la . m.greenwoodl@hud.gov because you are an attendee of this event . To stop receiving futur e upda tes for th i s event , decline this event . Alternatively you can sign up for a Google account at h ttps : //www . google . com/calendar/ and co n tro l your notificat i on sett i ngs for your ent ir e ca l e nd a r . Forward i ng this invitation could allow any recipient to modify your RSVP response . Learn More . Subjec t : Inv it a t ion : Dinner with Greenwoods , Alberts and GuentherPoindexters@ Sat Jun 3 7pm - Sun Jun 4 , 20 17 2am (EDT) (s heila . m. greenwood l @hud . gov) Location : BHCC Start : Sat 6/3/2017 7 : 00 PM End : Sun 6/4/2017 2 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer : (none) : martha poindexter Mana ge all your calendars in one place . Downloa d the Goog le Cale nda r app . more details» Dinner with Gree nwoods , Alberts and Guent her- Po i ndexter s This message may contain confidential information and is intended for spec i fic recipien ts unless explicit l y noted otherwise . If you have reason to believe you are no t an intended re cip ient o f this message , please de l ete it and notify the sende r . Th i s message may n ot represent the opi nion of Intercontinental Ex change , Inc . (ICE) , it s subs i diaries or aff ili ates , and does not constitute a contract or guara n tee . Une ncryp te d electronic mai l is not secure and the r ec i pient o f this message i s expected to provide sa f eg u a r ds from viruses and pursue alte r nate means o f commun i cation whe r e pr i vacy or a binding message is desired . When Sa t Jun 3 7pm - Sun Jun 4 , 2017 2am Eastern Wher e BHCC (map) Calendar sheila . m.greenwoodl@hud.gov Who martha poindexter - organizer • Laura Albert • sheila . m. greenwoodl@hud . gov Going? Calendar /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Yes - Maybe - No more optio ns » Time I nvitation f rom Google HUD-18-0504-D-000936 You are r ece i vi n g th i s courtesy ema il at the account she i l a . m. gree nwood l @hu d . gov beca u se yo u are a n attendee of this event . To stop receiving futur e upda t es for t h i s even t , declin e this event . Al ter n ative l y yo u can si g n up fo r a Google acco un t at h ttps : //www . google . com/ca l enda r / and co n tro l yo ur notificat i on sett i ngs for yo ur ent ir e ca l e nda r . Forwardi n g this invitation could al l ow a n y recipient to modify your RSVP response . Learn More . F rom : King Mu eller Sent : F ri day , May 05 , 20 1 7 3 : 38 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subjec t : Accep t ed : Lunch w/Sheila Greenwood and Kin g Mueller Any use of this inf ormat i on by a recipient other than t h e intend e d r ec i pie n t is prohib i ted , and all liability i s discla i med . The Cypress Gr oup , LLC, a nd its affil i ates , a r e not r eg i ste r ed bro k e r dea l ers or registered investment advisors , and any statements made herein do not constitu t e inves t ment adv i ce . Subjec t : Locat i on : Check-i n 10000 (Sh el i a ' s Off i ce) Start : Thu 3/23/2017 8 : 45 AM End : Thu 3/23/20 17 9 : 15 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : Week l y Recurrence Pa tt ern : AM to 9 : 15 AM Meeting Status : Not every yet Tuesday , Thursday Perso nn el Conference Fr id ay from 8 : 45 respo nded Organi z e r : Golrick , Jane t M Requ i r ed Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila Andrew ; Clemme n sen , Craig T Subject : Location : , and M; Kasper , Ma r en M; Hughes , Issue Room 10106 Start : Mon 5/8/2017 3 : 30 PM End : Mon 5/8/2017 4 : 00 PM Show Ti me As : Tentat i ve Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : : Golrick Not yet , Janet r esponded M HUD-18-0504-D-000937 Required Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Kasper , Ma re n M; Br own , Je r eo n M; Clemmensen , Cr a ig T ; Brooks , Towanda A; Constantine , Peter J ; Sullivan , Joseph Sub j ec t: Locatio n : EAR Briefing Secretary ' s Conference Room Star t : Thu 5/11/2017 1 : 30 PM End : Thu 5/ 1 1/ 2 0 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Not Organiz e r : DocB en Required Attendees : Subject Locatio : n: yet r espo nd ed Kasper , Maren RAD Bri e fing Secre t a r y ' s Co n ference M; Gree nwo od , She ila M Room Start : Wed 5/10/2017 10 : 00 AM End : Wed 5/ 10/2017 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : Ten t a tive Recurrence : (none ) Meeting Status : Not Org an iz e r : DocBe n Required Atte ndees : From : Sent : To : Subjec y et respond Kasper, Thompso n , Amy C F riday , May 05 , 2017 Gre e nwood , Sheila M t : Accepted : sheila ed Maren M; Gree nwood , Sheila 11 : 43 AM and amy re LT rev amp From : Gimont , Stanley Sent : Friday , May 05 , 2017 10 : 57 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Check - in w/ Sh ei l a , Victor Tod d - Re : Rep . Graves Subject /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Canceled : Budget M Hearing Prep i a , Michael , Stan & 2 HUD-18-0504-D-000938 Start: Fri 5/5/ 2 0 1 7 12:0 0 PM End : Fri 5 /5/20 1 7 1 : 15 PM Show Time As : F r ee Recurrence Meet ing : (none ) S t a tus : Not Organ izer : DocBe n Requ i r ed Attendees : Su bje c t : Loca ti o n: yet r e sp o nd ed Kasper , Ma r en M; Greenwood , Sheila Budge t Hearing Sec Co n ference Prep Mur der Room Board M 3 Sta r t : Thu 5 /1 8/2 017 1 0 : 00 AM End : Thu 5/18/2017 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta ti ve Rec urr ence : (non e) Meeti ng Sta t us : Not Org a nize r : DocBe n Req uir e d At tendees : Subj ect : Location : y et resp o nded Gr ee nwoo d , She il a M; Kaspe r , Maren Budget Hear i ng Pr ep Mur der Sec Con f e r e nc e Roo m Board M 2 Star t : Mon 5/ 1 5/ 2 0 17 10 : 00 AM End : Mon 5/15/20 17 12 : 00 PM Show Ti me As : Te n tat iv e Recurrence Meet ing : (none ) S t a tus : Not Or ganizer : DocBe n Requ i r ed At t e ndees : Subjec t : Loca ti o n : yet r espo nd ed Greenwood , Shei la Budge t Hearing Sec Co n fe r ence Prep Mur der Room M; Kasper , Ma r en M Board Sta r t : Tue 5 /9/201 7 1 : 00 PM End : Tue 5/9/2017 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentat iv e Re currence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (non e) HUD-18-0504-D-000939 Meet i ng Status Organizer Required : Not yet : DocBen Attendees : Subject : Loca tion : r esponded Greenwood , Sheila Budget Hearing Sec Conference M; Kasper , Maren M S ; Kasper , Maren M; Prep 1 Room St art : Thu 5/4/2017 4 : 00 PM End : Thu 5/4/2017 5 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet Organize r: DocBen Required Attendees : Gr eenwood , Shei la M Optional Attendees : Subject : Loca tion : responded Fi tz patrick , Nora Gol ri ck , Janet M LUNCH w/Sec . Mnuchi n , Eli Miller HUD; Secretary ' s Din i ng Room , Sheila Gr eenwood S t art : Mon 5/22/20 17 12 : 30 PM End : Mon 5/22/20 17 1 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet Organize r: Doc Ben Requ i red Attendees : Subject : Loc ation : coffee 3rd floor responded Greenwood , Shei la ur ban M cafe Start : Fri 5/5/2017 10 : 30 AM End : Fri 5/5/2017 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (no ne) Meet i ng Status Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : : Not yet Payne , Teresa r esponded L HUD-18-0504-D-000940 Required Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila M Fr om : Thompso n, Amy C Sent : Wednesday , May 03 , 201 7 1 1: 52 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Meeti ng w/Sheila and Schedule Amy - re : SOHUD' s Event From : Kasper , Maren M Sent : Wednesday , May 03 , 2017 1 1 : 40 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject: Accepted: 9 : 30 Catch-up meet in g w/Sheila From : Barton , Victoria L Sent : Wednesday , May 03 , 2017 11 : 20 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : 3 : 30 Check - in w/Sheila Subject: Locatio Transpo rt at i o n for EEOB/HUD CoS Start : Tue 5/9/2017 10:05 End : Tue 5/9/20 1 7 10:35 AM Show Time As : Tentative AM n: Recurrence Recurrence Meeting : Weekly Pa tter n : St atus : Not Organize r: Dagge tt, Requ i red At tendees : This From : Sent : To : Subjec is an reoccurring every yet and /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Maren Victoria (DROP OFF ONLY) Tuesday from 10 :0 5 AM to 11 : 45 AM responded Tanya R Greenwood , Sheila appointment M; Dawki ns , Eunice D . Donna Bernier Wednesday , May 03, 201 7 10 : 54 AM Greenwood , Sheila M t: Accepted : Lunch w/Sheila Gree nwood and Any tax the tax should p rotec t and Donna Bernier adv ice i n th i s e-mail should be cons id e re d i n the context serv i ces we a r e prov i di ng to you . Preliminary tax advice no t be re l ied upon and may be insufficient for penalty ion . of HUD-18-0504-D-000941 The information contained in this message may be privileged and confidential and p ro tected f r om disclosure . If the r eader of th i s message is no t the i n ten ded recipient , or an employee o r agent r espo n sib l e f o r de l i ve r i ng th i s message to the i n ten ded r ec i pient, you are hereby n ot if i ed that a ny d i sseminat i o n , d i strib u t i on o r copying of this communication is s tr ict ly prohibited . I f you have received this communicat ion in e rror , please not ify us i mmediate ly by replying to the message and de l et in g it f rom your computer . Notice req u ired by la w : This e - mail may constitute an advertisemen t or solic it ation unde r U. S . law , if its prima ry purpose i s to adver t ise or promote a commercial product or se rvi ce . You may c h oose n ot to r ece ive advertisi ng and promotional messages fr om Erns t & Young LLP (except for EY Cl i e nt Portal and the ey . com webs i te , wh i ch track e - mai l preferences thro ugh a separa te process) at this e - mai l address by forwarding th i s message to no - more - mail@ey .co m. If you do so , the sender of th i s message will be no ti fi ed promp tl y . Our principal postal address i s 5 Times Sq u a r e , New Yor k , NY 1 0036 . & Young LLP Thank you . Ernst From : Crucian i , Linda M Sent : Tuesday , May 02 , 20 17 5 : 34 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Phone Call w/S h ei la Cru cian i - r e : MBA mee t i ng Subject: Loc ation : Choice Briefing Secre ta ry ' s Conference Greenwood and Li nda Room Start : Fri 5/5/20 1 7 9 : 30 AM End : F ri 5/5/2017 10 : 30 AM Show Ti me As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not yet Organi zer : DocBe n Requ ir ed At tendees : Subjec t: Locat i o n: responded Gr eenwood , Sheila Fw: RAD Briefing Secreta ry' s Co n ference Start : Fri 5/5/2017 End : Fri 5/5/2017 10:30 Show Time As : Free 9 : 30 AM M; Kasper, Ma r en M r oom AM Recu rr ence : (no ne ) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000942 Organize be ing wee k. r: Kasp e r , Mar en M rescheduled for nex t week . pa r t o f th e team isn t around th i s Fr om : DocBen Sent : Tuesday , May 2 , 20 17 4 : 25 PM To : Greenwood , Shei l a M; Kasper , Ma re n M Subject : Ca n ce l ed : RAD Briefing When : F r i day , May 5 , 2017 9 : 30 AM-10 : 30 AM. Where : Secre t a ry ' s Co n fe r ence ro om F rom : Brian . Pere t ti @treas ury . gov Sent : Tuesday , May 02 , 2017 1 1 : 24 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Telephone Call w/Sheila Peretti From : Brian . Pe r et t i @tr easury . gov Se nt : Tuesday , May 02 , 20 17 10 : 58 AM To : Gr ee nwoo d , Sh e ila M Subj ect : Accepted : Te l ephone Call w/ She i la Pe r et ti Fr om : Michelle Korsmo Sen t : Mon day , Ma y 0 1 , 2 0 1 7 5 : 49 PM To : Gr eenwo o d , Sheila M Subject : Acc epte d : Lunch w/Sheila Gr eenwood Subject : Loc at io n : Gree nwood and Brian Greenwood Brian and a nd Michelle Korsmo PACE Br iefing Secretary ' s Con f e r e n ce Roo m Start : Thu 5/4/20 1 7 3 : 00 PM End : Thu 5/4/2017 4 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Mee t ing : (none ) S tatus : Not Or ganizer : DocBe n Requ i r ed Atte ndees : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT yet resp o nded Greenwood , Sheila M; Kaspe r, Ma r en M HUD-18-0504-D-000943 Subjec t: In t ernationa Location : FW: Sec r etary Brief i ng o n the l and Philanthropic Innovation Sec r etary ' s Conference Room PD&R Office (IPI) for Tue 5/2/20 1 7 2 : 00 PM Start : End : Tue 5/2/20 1 7 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meeting St atus Organize r: : No t yet responded Ammon, Matthew E -----Orig i na l Appointment----From : Ammon, Matthew E Sent : Monday , April 24 , 2017 10 : 24 AM To : Ammon, Matthe w E ; Gr i bbin , Anne H; Campbe l l , Cynthia F Cc : DocBen Subject : Secreta r y Br i efing o n the PD&R Off i ce for Internat i o n al and Philanthropic Innovation (IPI) When : Tu e sday , May 02 , 201 7 2 : 00 PM- 2 : 30 PM (UTC- 05 : 00) Eastern Time (US & Ca n ada) . Where : Secretary ' s Co nf e r ence Room From : Campbe l l , Cynthia Sent : Friday , April F 21 , 2017 1 : 42 PM To : Gribbin , Anne H > .g ov Cc : Ammon, Matt h ew E > Subject : IPI Brief for t h e Sec r etary Annie , Dur i ng our mee t i n g with the Sec r e t ary , he inquired about what inter n ationa l wo r k he may be involved with i n the future . Could we ge t on h is calendar for about 30 minutes t o give him a quick ove r view? It would be Mat t Ammon and myself providing the b ri e f . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000944 Cin dy Subject: Loc ati o n : Meet i ng with Pa m 9 2 02 9th Floor Start : Mon 5 /1/201 7 1 : 30 PM End : Mon 5/1/2017 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Ten tativ e Rec urr ence : (non e) Meeting Sta t us : Not ye t re spo nded Organizer : Hughes , Andrew Req uir e d At tendees : Gr ee nwo o d , Shei l a M; Thomps on , Amy C; Barton Victoria L; Den das , Mi c h ae l W; McCa ll, Drew A; Zorc , Beth any A; Pame l a Patenaude ; sco tt@n s gd c . co m; Le n Wolf so n , Good Aft e rnoo n , Tod ay's meeting with Pa m wi ll be on t h e 9th floo r in room 9202 . Th a nks , Andrew Subject : Loca t io n : Dinn e r with TED b)(6) ~-----------------------~ Start : Sat 6/10/20 17 7 :0 0 PM End : Sun 6/11/20 17 2 : 00 AM Show Time As : Te nta t iv e Recurrence : (none ) Or ga niz e r : Alex Albert This message may contai n confide n ti al for spec ifi c recipien t s unless explicit /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT information l y noted and is otherwise intended . I f you HUD-18-0504-D-000945 have reason to believe you are not an intended re cip ien t of this message , please delete it and notify the sender . Th i s message may no t represent the opinion of Intercontinen t al Exchange, Inc . (ICE), it s subs i dia ri es or aff ili ates , and does not constitute a contract or guarantee . Une ncryp te d electronic mai l is not secure and the r ec i pient of this message is expected to provide safegua r ds from v ir uses and pursue alterna te means of commun i cation where pr i vacy or a binding message is desired . From : Alexander , Mason Sent : Monday , May 01 , 201 7 10:00 AM To : Greenwood , Shei l a M Subject : Accepted : Check - in w/Sheila Subject : Lo cation : MEET wit h Governor SOHUD's office Bryant and Mason of Mississipp i Start : Wed 5/3/20 1 7 9 : 30 AM End : Wed 5/3/2017 10:00 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) S t atus : Not Organizer : DocBen Requ i r ed Atte ndees : Topic : Governor Bryant Port of Gulfport with sign ifi cant inve stmen point of pr i de for Mi is a shining star of Loca tion yet responded Greenwood Staff M is interes te d in opening a dia lo gue about the SOHUD. The Federa l Government has made a t in th i s port a nd the progress made there is a ssissippians . We feel that the Port of Gu lfport the St ate's recovery from Hurricane Katrina . : SOHUD' s o ff ice Meg Lake , Scheduler for Contact: scheduler@governor . ms . gov : Doug Hoelscher at the White , House : Sheila Subjec t: Loca tion: Pre-brief Secretary on IPI Meet ' s Office S tart : Mon 5/1/2017 1 : 45 PM End : Mon 5/1/2017 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) HUD-18-0504-D-000946 Meet in g Sta t us : Not Organizer : Doc Ben Req uir e d At tendees : Bri e f to Ph ilanthr y et resp o nde d Gr ee nwoo d , Shei l a M; Kaspe r , Mare n M pr epa r e f or th e 2 : 00 Tuesday meet i ng with I n t e r na t i o n al op i c I nn ovat ion (Cynthi a Campbell and Matt Ammon) Subject : Loca tion : Pre - b ri e f on Governor SOHUD' s office Bryant and Meet ing St a rt : Tue 5/2/2017 3 : 00 PM End : Tu e 5/ 2/201 7 3 : 20 PM Sho w Time As : Ten tative Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Status : Not Orga n iz e r: DocBe n Required Atte ndees : Gimon t , Stanley yet responded Gr eenwo o d , Sheila M; Washburn , Teni ll e E; From : Gimont , S t a n l ey Sent : F ri day , Ap ril 2 8 , 2017 12 : 0 7 PM To : Greenwood , She i la M Subject: Accep t ed : Lou i siana Ch ec k-I n Fr om : Parker , Tennille S Sen t : Friday , Apr il 28 , 2 0 1 7 9 : 31 AM To : Gr eenwo o d , Sheila M Subject : Acc epte d : Louis i ana Check - I n Sub j ec t: Locat ion : CPD Bri ef i ng Secreta r y ' s Co n fe r ence Room Start : Tue 5 /9/201 7 11 : 0 0 AM End : Tue 5/9/2017 12 : 0 0 PM Sho w Time As : Ten tativ e Rec urr en c e : (non e) Meeting Sta t us : Not Organizer : Doc Be n Req uir e d At tendees : Subject /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : y et responded Gr ee nwoo d , Shei l a M; Kasper , Mare n M LIHTC Br i efing HUD-18-0504-D-000947 Locatio n: Secre t a r y ' s Co n ference Room Start : F ri 5/5/2017 11 : 0 0 AM End : F ri 5 /5/2017 12 : 0 0 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not Orga n iz e r : DocBe n Required Atte ndees : ye t respond ed Greenwo o d , Sheila M; Kasper, From : Bowes , Robert B Sent : Thursday , April 27, 2017 12 : 39 PM To : Greenwood , Shei la M Subjec t: Accepted : Chec k -In w/ Ch ie f o f Sta ff, Mr . Robe r t Bowes , Hous ing re Reverse Mo r tgages Mar en M Sheil a Greenwood Subjec t : Chec k -I n w/ Chie f o f St af f , She ila Gree nwood , Rober t Bowes , Ho u s i ng re Reverse Mortgages Locatio n : Off ic e of The Ch ief of Staff - Sui te 100 0 0 , & & Mr . Start : Fri 4/28/20 17 9 : 30 AM End : Fri 4/28/20 17 10:00 AM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer Required : Not yet r espo nded : Gr ee nwood , Shei la M Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Bowes , Robert From : Hunt Sh i pman Sent : Thursday , April 27 , 2017 10 : 26 AM To : Gr eenwood , She i la M Subject : Tentative : Check - in meeting w/S h eila Shipman and et al Subject : Loc ation : Ca tch Sheila pVERSIGHT , Hunt up with JaRon ' s office Start : Thu 4/27/ 2 0 17 2:45 End : Thu 4 /27/20 17 3 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ Greenwood B PM HUD-18-0504-D-000948 Recur r e n ce : (none) Organiz e r : Kasper , Maren M Required Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila Subject : Location : w/ Allison Interview 1 0th Floor M Mills Start : Thu 4/27/20 17 9 :0 0 AM End : Thu 4 /27/20 17 9 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng Status : Not yet responded Organi zer : McCa l l , Drew A Requ ir ed Attendees : Hughes , Andrew ; Gr eenwood , She i la Ca n d idate Subjec t: Locat i o n: for Executive M Assis t ant Lou i sia n a Chec k -In The Office o f The Chi ef of Staff - Suite 1 0000 Start : Fri 4/28/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Fri 4/28/20 17 2 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Recurrence : (none ) Meetin g Status : Not ye t re spo nded Org a nizer : Greenwood , Sheila M Required Attende es : Greenwood , Shei l a M; Parker Gimon t, Stan l ey From : Thompson , Amy C Sent : Wednesday , April 26 , 2017 To : Gr eenwood , She i la M Subject : Accepted : pVERSIGHT S; 4 :1 8 PM From : All en , Lindsey A Sent : Wednesday , April 26 , 2017 3 : 56 PM To : Greenwood , Shei l a M Subjec t: Accepted : Chec k -In w/ Ch ief of Ass i sta n t Gene r al Cou n sel , Li ndsey Al len /\MERICAi\ , Tenn ille Sta ff, Sheil a Greenwood , & HUD-18-0504-D-000949 Subjec t: Check-I n w/ Chief of Staff , Sheila Gree n wood , & Ass i stant General Counsel , Lindsey Al l en Lo cation : Office of The Chief of Staff - Suite 1 0000 Start : Thu 4/27/20 17 3 : 00 PM End : Thu 4/27/20 17 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) St atus : Not yet responded Organize r: Greenwood , Sheila M Requ i red Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila Subjec t: Locatio n: Sta ff Meeting 10th Floor Small Confere M; Al l en , Li n dsey A n ce Room Sta r t : Wed 4/26/2017 1 : 00 PM End : Wed 4/26/2017 1 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurre n ce : (none) Meet in g Status : Not ye t r espo nded Organizer : McCal l , Drew A Required Atte ndees : Beck l es , Angela L; Bowes , Robert B; Byrd , David J ; Coffey , Alexander ; Greenwood , Sheila M; Holderfield , Stepha n ie A; Holmes , Gregory A; Hughes , Andrew PIH , CPD and Subjec t: Locat i o n: Housing . NHF 10 1 06 St art : Fri 4/28/20 17 11 : 00 AM End : Fri 4/28/2017 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence : (none) Meeti ng Status : Not ye t responded Organ i ze r: Kaspe r, Maren M Required Atte ndees : Po tts , Millicent B; Gree n wood , Sh ei l a M; Santa Anna , Aaron ; Golrick , Janet M Opt i o n al At te ndees : Char l es , Genger M; Cruciani , Li n da M; Chr i stopher , Nancy D; Pe r e i ra , Ari e l; Dendas , Michae l W; Petty , Timothy J ; Zorc , Bethany A /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000950 Hope ful ly th i s time works f or folks . Thanks , Maren F rom : Potts , Millicent B Sent : Tu esday , April 25 , 2 0 17 6 : 1 2 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M > ; Santa Anna , Aaron > ; Golr i c k, Jane t M > ; Kasper , Maren M > Cc : Charles , Genger M > ; Crucian i, Linda M > ; Christopher , Nancy D > ; Pereira , Ariel > ; Mul der i g, Robert E > ; Sa u nders , Elissa > ; Dendas , Michael W > ; Dunn, Tracey > Subject : RE: NHF I am availab le. From : Gr eenwood , She i la M Sent : Tu esday , April 25 , 20 17 6 :0 3 PM To : Santa Anna , Aaron > ; Golrick , Janet > ; Kasper , Maren M > Cc : Charles , Genger M > ; Cruciani , Linda M > ; Potts , Millic ent B > ; Ch ri stophe r, Na n cy D > ; Pereira , Ariel > ; Mulderig , Rober t E > ; Saunders , Elissa >; Dendas , Mic hael W > ; Dunn , Tracey Subject : RE : NHF Can we talk about > th i s tomorrow? From : Santa Anna , Aaron Sent : Tuesday , April 25, 2017 9 : 15 AM To : Golr i ck , Janet M > ; Kasper , Maren M > Cc : Greenwood , She ila M > ; Charles , Genger M > ; Cruc i a n i , Linda M > ; Potts, Millicent B > ; Christopher, Nancy D > ; Pereira , Arie l > ; Mulder ig , Robert E > ; Saunders , Elissa > ; Dendas , Michael W > ; Dunn , Tracey > Subject: FW: NHF Janet/Maren - Good morning ! I wanted to make you awa r e that Senator Scott ' s staff has asked for a meeting/call to discuss the National Homebuyers Fund . I ' m not sure that the message is correct in suggesting that HUD has issued a commu ni que on NHF or the DPA program . Nevertheless , given our r ecent discussion regarding nonp r of i ts operating as gove r nmental en t ities, I wanted to make sure that you had visibility to this prio r to schedu li ng a br i efing . Please let Thank you . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT me know if you have further questions . Aaron HUD-18-0504-D-000952 From : Press , Jacob D Sent : Monday, April 24 , 2017 1 : 38 PM To : Alety , Saa t (Scott) > ; Schumacher , Joel D > ; Dunn , Tracey > ; Dendas , Michael W > ; Santa Anna , Aaron > Cc : Schatz , Rebecca (Menendez) > Subjec t: Re : NHF I ' m add i ng Aaron Santa Anna and Michael Dendas as wel l (my deta il CIR e nded last week, so they will be able to assist you going forward ) . in From : Alety, Saat (Scott) > Sent : Monday , April 24 , 2017 1 : 27 : 0 1 PM To : Schumacher , Joel D; Press , Jacob D; Dunn , Tracey Cc : Sc h atz , Rebecca (Menendez) Subject : NHF Good afternoo n Team HUD, I hope this emai l finds you wel l - Rebecca and I have both met w/ r eprese n tat i ves from the Nat i o n al Homebuyers Fu n d recently and have r ev i ewed figures on how many homebuyers the no n -prof i t has assisted in our respective states . We understand that there was some kind of communique from HUD to l enders on NHF in the past , and we both wanted more details about the Departme n t ' s ac ti ons rega r ding th is spec i fic non-prof i t . Is your team ab l e to br i ef us v i a a meeting/call in the near future? Thank Saat yo u i n advance ! Alety Legislat /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT i ve Ass i s t ant HUD-18-0504-D-000953 U. S . Senator 717 Hart Tim Scott Senate Office (R-SC) Building I Washington , DC 20510 202-224-6 1 2 1 l saat _ a l ety@scott . senate From : Ju l i e Rees Sent : Tuesday , April 25 , 2017 3 : 39 PM To : Gr eenwood , Sheila M Subjec t: Accepted : Pho n e Cal l w/Shei l a Gr eenwood , Julie Tra il or and Meghan McCabe . gov Rees , Mike Are we stil l on for this ca l l today? We are ho ld ing on the conference line . From : Barto n, Victoria L Sent : Tuesday , Apr i l 25 , 201 7 2 : 33 PM To : Greenwood , Shei la M Subjec t: Accepted : Ch eck - In w/ Victoria Barton re Priva te Legislat ion (Emerging FHA Issue) Subject : Check - In w/ Vi cto ri a Barton r e Private Le g i slation(Eme r ging FHA Issue) Locat ion : She il a ' s Off i ce - Su i t e 10000 Flood F loo d S t art : Wed 4/26/20 17 1 1 : 00 AM End : Wed 4/26/2017 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meeting Status Organize Required r: Greenwood , Sheila M Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila * : Not ye t responded M; Barton Note (Th i s P r ivate Flood Legislat i o n check-in ca l endar per Victoria ' s request .) Subject : Loca tion : Meeting w/National Association Conference Room 10106 , Victoria is L p lac ed on your o f Home Builders Start : Mon 5/1/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Mon 5/1/2017 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) Status : Not yet responded HUD-18-0504-D-000954 Organ iz e r: Golr i c k , Jane t M Required Atte ndees : Greenwood Clemmensen , Craig T , Shei la Upon a rr iva l to the b ui ld i ng , please have the guard to g i ve me a call and the meeting . My te l epho n e number is Dear Ms. Greenwood and Ms . Golrick M; mkit chen@nahb . org ; come to the south lobby a n d I will come and escort you to 202 -4 02 - 4342 . Thank you ! , The Nationa l Association of Home Bu il de r s looks forwa rd to working with you and Secre t ary Carson to create a more vibrant role for the private ma r ket to expand the production of badly need e d affo r dab l e h ous in g . The n ation ' s hom e builders s h a re a commitmen t to improve h ous in g oppor tun it i es ava ila ble to l owe r -and moderate-income f amilies living in the inner cities as well as rural and s ubu rban communities . To advance these goals , NAHB would appreciate the opportunity meet with you at your earliest convenience . We are avai l able the next couple of weeks on the fol l owi ng dates and times : * * Wednesday , April 26 : 1 : 00 - 2 : 00 PM Thursday , April 27 : 2 : 00 PM - 3 : 00 PM Friday , April 28 1 0 : 30 AM - 1: 00 PM * Monday , May 1: 10 : 30 AM - 1 PM Tuesday , May 2 : 1 : 00 PM - 2 : 30 PM * * Tuesday , May 9 : 1 : 00 PM - 3 : 30 PM Thursday , May 1 1 : 11 : 00 AM - 5 : 00 PM Friday , May 12 : 10 : 30 AM - 1 : 00 PM * * * NAHB staff * to during Dav id Regulatory /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT i n attendance wi ll Ledford , Executive Affairs ; i n clude Vice : President , Housi ng Finance and HUD-18-0504-D-000955 Che llie Hamecs , Vice Pr esiden t, Hous in g Finance ; Curt i s Milton , Directo r, Si ngle Fam il y Finance ; and Michelle Kitc h e n, Director , Multifamily F inance . * * * We would like to d i sc u ss constr u ct i ve housing pol i c i es that s u pport h omeownership , provide ren t al housing opportunities for low - and middle - i ncome households, and r emove the regu l atory barr i ers th at are needless l y r ais i ng h ous i ng costs f o r hard-wo r king families. Of part i cular i nte r est to o ur membe r s are top i cs s u ch as: * * * * * Imp l ementat i o n of the Trump Administration ' s regulatory r e f orm age nd a ; The Federal Housing Administration ' s (FHA) important mortgage liquid i ty ro l e; HUD' s Pr oposed Rule, " Floodp l ai n Management a nd Protection of Wetla n ds ; Min imum Property Standards for Flood Ha z ard Exposure ; Building to the Federal Flo od Risk Management St andard ; " Small Area Fair Market Rents under the Housing Choice Vou che r Program ; and Averting un i n ten ded co n sequences o f employmen t, wage a n d energy mandates (ex . Sect i o n 3 Program) We would be happy to prov i de greater advance of the mee t ing . Thank yo u for questio ns. Ki ndest r egards yo ur co n sideratio n. deta il Pl ease o n t h ese l et subjects me know if in you have any , Michelle MICHELLE KITC HEN Director , Multifami l y F inance Nat i o n al Association of Home Builders 120 1 1 5th Street , NW I Wash i ngto n, DC 20005 d : 202 . 266 . 8352 e : mkitchen@nahb . org /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT . org> w: HUD-18-0504-D-000956 We Build Communities : //www . facebook Subject : Scheduling Location : l - associat . com/NAHBhome/> i n . com/company/national-associat Weekly Cabinet - Level Repo r ts She il a ' s Off i ce Department/Agency i on-of-home- Policy and Start : Mon 4/24/2017 5 : 00 PM End : Mon 4/24/2017 5 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status Organizer Required : Not yet responded : Kasper , Maren M Attendees : Thompson , Amy C; Greenwood , Sheila Su bject : Loc at i on : Interview w/ Michael 10th Floor Mon 5/1/2017 10:00 Start : End : Mon 5/1/2017 10 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting Marshall AM : (none) Status Organizer Required : Not yet responded : McCall , Dre w A Attendees : Hughes , Andrew ; Greenwood , Sheila Subject : Location : Week run-down w/She il a Secreta r y ' s Office Start Mon 4/24/2017 : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT M M (SOHUD) 10 : 00 AM HUD-18-0504-D-000957 End : Mon 4/24/2017 10 : 10 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status Organizer Required : Not : DocBen Attendees : yet r esponded Greenwood , Shei l a M From : Leach , Thomas H Sent : Saturday , April 22 , 2017 9 : 17 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : FW: Meet i ng w/COS to Tour Stops & Dates From : Sent : To : Subjec Stops Williams , Raphael L Friday , April 2 1 , 2017 5 : 36 PM Greenwood , Shei l a M t: Accep t ed : Mee t ing w/COS to & Dates Subject Locatio : n: Follow - Up on Status of Con f ere n ce Room 10106 Ci ty Fina liz e the Fin alize of Remain i ng t h e Rema in ing Houston/Next Tour Steps Start : Mon 4/24/20 17 1 : 00 PM End : Mon 4/24/20 17 1 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organi z e r: Golr i ck , Janet M Requ i red Atte ndees : Greene , Bryan ; Kasper , Maren M; Taffet , Clifford ; Gimont , Stanley ; Clemmensen , Craig T; Greenwood , Sheila Optiona l Attendees : Smyth , Timothy M; Gaige , Jacy D; Sardone , Virg in ia ; Kome, Jess i e Hand f or th; Huber , Peter H From : Sent : To : Subject Stops Cunni ngham , James A Friday , April 2 1 , 2017 Greenwood , Sheila M : Accepted : Meeting & Dates M 4 : 11 PM w/COS to Finalize the Remaining Tour From : Bregon , Nelson R Sent : Friday , Apri l 21 , 20 1 7 4 : 05 PM To : Greenwood , Shei l a M /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000958 Subjec t : Accepted Stops & Dates : Mee ting w/COS to Fin alize the Remaining Sub j ect : Meet i ng Forward Not i fi cat i on : Meet i ng w/COS to the Remain i ng To ur Stops & Dates Locatio n : Secretary ' s Conference Room Tou r Final i ze Start : Mon 4/24/20 17 1 : 30 PM End : Mon 4/24/20 17 2 : 15 PM Recurrence Organi Your : (none) ze r : meeting Bregon , Ne l so n R was forwarded Bregon , Nelso n R your meeting r eq u est t o add i tional rec ip ients . Mee ting Meet ing w/ COS to Meet i ng Tim e Mon day , 24 Apr il Finalize the Remaining Tour has Stops forwarded & Dates 2 0 17 13 : 30 - 14 :1 5 . Recipients Cunni ngham , James A Leach , Th omas H All times lis te d are Time (US & Ca n ada ) in the following t ime zone : (UTC- 05 : 00) Eastern Sent by Microsoft Exchan ge Server Subjec t: Lunch with Keagan Lenihan Locat i o n: Secreta ry ' s Dining Room Start : Mon 4 /24/20 17 12 : 00 PM End : Mon 4/24/2017 12 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurre n ce : (none) Meeting Sta t us : Not ye t responded Organ iz e r : DocBe n Required Attendees : Keagan . R . Lenihan@who Sheila M; Hughes , And rew ; McCall , Drew A Subject /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Canceled : Personnel . eop . gov ; Greenwood , Update HUD-18-0504-D-000959 Start : Fri 4 /21/ 2 0 17 1 : 30 PM End : F ri 4 /21/ 2 0 17 2 : 0 0 PM Show Time As : F r ee Recur r e n ce : (none ) Meet ing S t a tus : Not Organ izer : DocBe n Requ i r ed Attendees : Drew A Subject : Loc a tio n : yet r e sp o nd ed Greenwood , Sheila M; Hugh es , And r ew ; McCa ll , Announcement Confere nc e Room 10 1 06 Star t : Wed 5/3/2017 3 : 00 PM End : Wed 5/3/20 1 7 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recu rr ence : (non e) Meet i ng S ta tus : Not yet r espo nd ed Or ga niz e r : Golric k , Ja net M Required Attendees : Char l es , Genger M; Kasper , Maren M; Clemmensen , Cra i g T; By r n e , Gr e g o ry A; Ru dman , Beverly N; Lavy , William A; Wilson , Susan ; Ruppel , Chad ; Longo sz , Vick ie S ; O'Nei l l , Bryan J ; Grosso , Ly nn M; Ca rpe n tier , Celia Y; Davis , Thomas R; Iber , Robe r t G; Bry on, Je min e A; Blom , Dominique G; Wadhams , Unabyrd ; Forres ter , Al the a M; Cru c i an i , Lin da M; Greene , Bryan ; Smyth , Tim ot hy M; Mi lls , Kr i s t a ; Ta ff et , Cl i fford ; Sardone , Vi r gi n i a Opt i o na l Atte ndees : Greenwo o d , Shei l a M From : Sent : To : Subjec Ho ld e rf ie ld , St e phan i e A F rid a y , April 2 1 , 2 0 1 7 9 : 03 AM Gre e nwood , Shei la M t: Accep te d : Chec k -in w/Sheila a nd Stepha n ie F rom : Sent : To : Subjec Ho ld erfie ld , Stephanie A F ri da y , April 21 , 2017 8 : 52 AM Greenwood , Sheila M t : Accepted : Chec k -in w/S he ila a nd Stepha n i e Holderfield Fr om : Barton , Victoria L Sent : Friday , Apr i l 21 , 20 1 7 8 : 1 7 AM To : Greenwood , Shei l a M Subject : Accepted : Weekly CIR meeting /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT w/Sheila Hol derfie ld Gree n wood HUD-18-0504-D-000960 From : Dendas , Michael W Sent : Frid ay , April 2 1 , 2017 7 : 43 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Sub j ect : Accepted : Wee kly CIR meeting w/Sheila Gr eenwood From : Kasper, Mar en M Sent : Thursday , April 20 , 2017 5 :1 6 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Weekly CIR meeting w/S h ei la Greenwood Subjec t: Loca tion : Kennedy HUD HQ S t art : Mon 4/24/2017 4 :0 0 PM End : Mon 4/24/2017 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not ye t responded Organ iz e r: Doc Be n Required Attendees : Kasper Senator Kennedy Dav i d Stokes , Sena tor * * Kennedy ' s Deputy of Sheila and Su bject : Loc at i on : Start : End : Fri /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Maren Be l t line Sta ff Clyde Hol land , Chairman and CEO, Holl a n d Part ners (Seatt l e , LA, Por t lan d ) Shannon Morga n, Vice President, HRS Communities (Det r oit) Jair Lynch , Pr es i de n t and CEO, Jai r Lynch Developme n t Par tn e r s (Wash i ng to n, DC) Richard Bar on , Co-f ou nd e r and c h a irman of McCorm ack Baron Salazar (Nationw i de) Chr istoph er Coes , Di re ctor of LOCUS/Pres i dent , TOD Finance and Ad visors , Inc . (Nat i onwide) Pres Kabacoff , Executive Cha irm a n o f the Board of Directors , HRI Properties (Ne w Orl eans ) * CEO, Atlanta Chief * * and , She il a M Paul * , President M; Greenwood * * * Morris , Maren , Inc (Atlan t a) s t aff i ng Meeting Forward SOHUD o ffi ce Notification : Meeting with Jamie Dimon Fri 4/21/20 17 2 : 00 PM 4/2 1 /20 17 2 : 30 PM HUD-18-0504-D-000961 Recurrence Organizer Your : (none) : DocBe n meeting was f orwarded has DocBe n to additional recip i ents . Meet i ng Meet i ng with forwarded your meeting r eq u est Jam i e Di mon Mee ting Time Fr iday , Apr i l 2 1, 201 7 2 : 00 PM-2 : 30 PM. Recip i ents Kas per , Mar en M All times l i s te d are Ti me (US & Ca n ada) in the f ollowing t ime zo n e : (UTC- 05 : 00) Eastern Sent by Mic ro soft Exchan ge Serv e r Subjec t: Chat w/CoS Locat i on : Secre t a ry' s Office Start : Thu 4/20/2017 3 : 30 PM End : Thu 4/20/20 17 4 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Recurrence : (none ) Meetin g Status Org a nizer Required Starts : Not : DocBe n Attende es: ye t re spo nded Greenwood wh eneve r SOHUD r eturns Subject : Loc ation : , She ila from M; Kaspe r , Maren M MTW. SOHUD mee t w/CoS Secr eta ry ' s Conf e renc e Room Start : Thu 4/20/20 17 1:0 0 PM End : Thu 4 /20/ 2 0 17 1 : 45 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta t iv e Recu rr ence : (none) Meeti ng S tatus : Not Organize r: DocBe n Requ ir ed At tendees : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT yet responded Dawkin s , Eun i ce D; Gree nwood , Sh e il a M HUD-18-0504-D-000962 Maren will come in at 1:30 . Any more o ne -on-o ne time with SOHUD can be taken when he comes back from MTW co n ference@ 3 :1 5-3 : 30 , until 4 : 00 . Fr om : Kasper , Maren M Sent : Thursday , April 20 , 2017 11: 50 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject: Accepted : De- briefing meeting OKC From : Gribbin, Anne H Sent : Thursday , April 20 , 2017 10 : 24 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted: De-b r ief i ng meeting OKC From : Sent : To : Subjec OKC Wil liams, Raphael L Thursday , April 20 , 2017 Greenwood, Shei l a M t: Accepted : De-briefing Subject : Location : SOHUD introduction Secretary ' s Office w/Shei l a Gr eenwood - re : w/She il a Gr eenwood - re : w/Sheila - re : 10 : 22 AM meeting to Gr eenwood n ew h i res Start : Thu 4/20/2017 1 1 : 15 AM End : Thu 4/20/20 17 11 : 30 AM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Recurrence : (none) Meet in g St atus Organizer Required C; Den das Demar z o , : Not yet : DocBen Attendees : Hughes , Andrew ; McCal l , Drew A; Thompson , Amy , Mi c h ael W; Gr ibb i n , Will i am J ; Coressel , Victoria J; Benjami n E; Delahoyde , Abigail M; Gree nwood , Sh e il a M Amy Thompson - Deputy of Public Affairs Ass i stant Willi am Gr i bb in - Deputy Affairs Mike Den dasIntergovernme /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT r espo nded Di recto Se n ior Advisor nt al Re l ations Secretary r of , Office fo r Pub l ic Affa i rs , Office Speechwr i ting , Off i ce o f Public of Congressiona l a nd HUD-18-0504-D-000963 Jac ie Co rr esselAdmi n i st r at i o n Director Ben DeMarzo - Dir e ctor Abby Delahoyde- F rom : Sent : To : Subjec o f Sc he du lin g , Offi ce o f the of Advanc e, Advance Offic e of Coord in ator , Office the of Administration t h e Administration Alexa nder , Mason Wednesday , April 19 , 2017 9 : 53 PM Greenwood , Sheila M t : Accepted : Mee ting w/Shei la Gree nwood a n d Maso n Ale x ande r F rom : Patto n , Lynne M Sent : Wednesday , April 19 , 201 7 7 : 04 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accep t ed : De-b r ief i ng mee t i ng w/She i l a Gr eenwood OKC From : McCall, Drew A Sent : Wednesday , Apri l 19 , 2017 6 : 47 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Meeti ng w/S h eila , Andrew Subject : Location : SOHUD Interview Gregory Secretary ' s Office - re : & Drew Zerz an Start : Thu 4/20/20 17 11 : 30 AM End : Thu 4/20/2017 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurre n ce : (none) Meet i ng Status Organizer Required Dr ew A Subjec t : Locat i o n : : Not : DocB en Attendees : Execu t ive HUD yet r espo nded Greenwood , Sheila Car M; Hugh es , Andrew ; McCall , Return Start : Thu 4/20/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Thu 4/20/20 17 11 : 30 AM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Recu rrence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none ) HUD-18-0504-D-000964 Meet i ng Status : Not yet r espo nded Organiz e r : Golric k , Janet M Required Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Kasper, Ma re n M; Fi t zp at r ick , Nor a S ; Tim ber l a ke , Court n ey B; Lyberg , Sa r ah A Subjec t : Loc ation : Executive SH1 25 Car (Sena te Mi n or it y Meet i ng) Start : Thu 4/20/2017 9 : 30 AM End : Thu 4/20/2017 10 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : (none ) Meetin g Status : Not ye t re spo nded Janet M Org a nizer : Gol r ick, Gr eenwood , Sh e ila M; Kaspe r , Maren M; Required Attendees : Cour tne y B; Lyb e rg , Sara h A Fitzpatr ick , Nora S ; Timbe r lake, Pl ease mee t i n t h e so uth l obby . Subjec t : Briefin g for Senate Committee Study/ HUD-VA Tribal VASH) Loca tion: Secreta ry ' s Co n fe r ence Room S t art : Wed 4/1 9/20 17 12:30 End : Wed 4/ 19/20 17 1 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence Meeting on In d ian Affairs PM : (none) Status : Not ye t responded Organ iz e r : OGC LEGS REGS Req u ired Attendees : Greenwood , Shei la M; Kasper, Maren Golric k, Ja net M; Heid i Frechette; OHara , Deana K; Pr ess, Richardson , Todd M Opt i o n al At t e ndees : Spar k s , Andrea L . Subjec t : Loca tion: (Hou s i ng M; Jacob D; Chec k -i n 10000 (Shel i a ' s Off i ce) Start : Wed 4/19/2017 8 : 30 AM End : Wed 4/19/20 17 9 : 00 AM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Recu rr ence : Weekly /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000965 Recurrence 9 : 00 AM Meet ing Pa tt e r n : Status : every Not yet Mo n day a n d Wednesday f ro m 8 : 30 AM to r esp ond e d Orga n iz e r: Gol r i c k , Jane t M Requ i r ed Attendees : Cl ernrnen sen , Cr ai g T; Hugh es , And r ew ; Kasper , Maren M; Gree nwood, Shei l a M Subject : Meet wit h House Fi n a ncial - Cli n ton Jon es/T al l man Star t : Wed 4/19/20 17 11 : 30 AM End : Wed 4/19/2017 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta tiv e Rec urrence : (non e) Meet i ng Status : Not yet r espo nded Or ga niz e r : Bar t on , Victoria L Required At tendees : Gr ee nwo o d , Shei l a M; Dawkins, Subject : Loca tion : Eunice D Ex ec u t iv e Operat ion s Council Con f erence Room 10 1 06 S t art : Thu 4/ 2 0 / 2 0 17 4 : 00 PM End : Thu 4/20/201 7 5 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Te nta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none ) Meeting Status : Not yet responded Orga n iz e r: Gol r i c k , Janet M Requ i r ed Atte ndees : Kasper , Maren M; Greenwood , Sheila M; Cl ernrnens en , Craig T; Ammon, Matt h ew E ; Ballard , Dan i el L; Beniso n , John P ; Bregon , Nelson R; Broo ks, Towanda A; Brown , Je r eo n M; Bryon , Jem i ne A; Charles , Ge nge r M; Co ns tant ine , Peter J ; Coo ke , Kevi n R; Di a z , Rafae l C; Foste r, He l en G; Ga i ther , Fe l icia R; Ga n t , Jo n L; Greene , Bryan ; Hens l ey , Henry ; Hung a te , Jo seph I ; Ke i t h, Gregory A; Lybe r g , Sa r ah A; Lynch , William F ; McCu llough , Aisa K; McDona l d , Nena S ; Miller , Catie I ; Mishra , Ka t heri ne M; Shuback , Su san J ; Taffe t , Cli ffo rd ; Timberlake , Courtney B; Walsh , Chris t opher K Opt i o n al Attendees : Cruc i a n i , Li nda M; Co r sig li a , Na n cy E; BingGrant , Max A; Worden , Jeanine M; Bl om, Domin i q u e G Cal l -in Access /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Numbe r : Cod e : 888-675-2535 l/b\/6\ HUD-18-0504-D-000966 Host Code : lllii@J (Janet Only ) From : Free, Kenneth E Sent : Monday , Apr il 17 , 2017 2 : 17 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : De- briefing mee t ing OKC w/Sheila Greenwood - re : F rom : Browning , Austin G Sent : Monday , April 17 , 2017 1 : 19 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Dec li ned : Confe r ence Call w/Sheila Greenwood re : OKC From : Williams , Raphael L Sent : Monday , April 17 , 2017 12 : 40 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Confe r ence Call w/Sheila Greenwood re : OKC From : Fitzpatr ick , Nora S Sent : Monday , Apr il 17 , 20 1 7 12 : 22 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Meeting w/Sheila Greenwood Hearing Roll Out Plan From : Timberlake , Courtney B Sent : Monday , April 17 , 2017 11 : 06 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Mee ting w/Sheila Greenwood Hearing Roll Out Plan /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT to discuss Budget to d i scuss Budget HUD-18-0504-D-000967 From : Brown , Jereon M Sent : Monday , April 17 , 2017 To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject: Accepted : Meeting Hear i ng Rol l Out Plan 9 : 52 AM w/Sheila Greenwood From : Lyberg , Sarah A Sent : Monday , April 17 , 20 1 7 9 : 52 AM To : Greenwood , Shei l a M Subjec t: Accepted : Meeting w/Shei l a Greenwood Hear in g Rol l Out Plan From : Santa Anna , Aaron Sent : Monday , Apr il 17 , 20 1 7 8 :4 3 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subjec t: Accepted : Meeting w/She il a Greenwood Hearing Roll Out Plan From : Barton , Victoria L Sent : Friday , Apr il 14 , 20 1 7 6 : 25 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Meeting w/Sheila Hearing Rol l Out Plan Greenwood From : Kasper , Maren M Sent : Friday , Apr il 14 , 20 1 7 2 : 0 1 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Meeting w/She il a Greenwood Hearing Roll Out Plan to d i scuss Budget t o discuss Budge t to discuss Budget to discuss Budget to Budget discuss From : Franklin , DeSha u nta Mon behalf of Cl emmensen , Cr a i g T Sent : Friday , April 14 , 20 1 7 1 : 18 PM To : Greenwood , Shei l a M Subjec t: Accepted : Meeting w/Sheila Greenwood to discuss Budget Hear i ng Rol l Out Plan From : Franklin , DeShaunta Mon behalf of Gol r i ck , Janet M Sent : Fr i day , Apr il 14 , 20 1 7 1 :1 8 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Meeting w/She il a Greenwood to discuss Hear i ng Rol l Out Plan /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Budget HUD-18-0504-D-000968 Subjec t: Locatio n: Cont inu ation o n Alexander Conference Room 10 1 06 Cou nt y Housi ng Authority Start : Fri 4/14/2017 1 1 : 00 AM End : Fri 4/14/20 17 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not ye t r espo nded Organizer : Golrick, Janet M Required Attendees : Brown , Jereon M; Nelso n R; San t a Anna , Aaron ; Clemmense n, Hardy IV , Sta nl ey ; Cu nn ingham , James A; Ti mothy M; Mi lls , Kr i sta ; Wi ze , Kimberly Greenwood , Sheila M; Christopher , Nancy Lindsey S ; Macon , Towanda S Cal l -i n Number : Access Host 888-675-2535 Code : 1/b\/6\ ~ (Janet Code : Subjec t: Location : Greene, Bryan ; Bregon , Craig T ; Kasper , Mare n M; Press , Jacob D; Smyth , ; Barton , Vi ctoria L; D; Petty , Timot h y J; Reames, Only ) Check - in 10000 (Sh el i a ' s Offi ce) Start : F ri 4 /14/20 17 8 : 30 AM End : Fri 4/14/2017 9 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : Week l y Recurrence Pattern : AM to 9 : 1 5 AM Meet i ng Status : every Not yet Tuesday Access Host Code : Code : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT , and Friday from 8 : 45 r espo nded Organizer : Golrick, Janet M Required Atte ndees : Kasper , Maren Craig T ; Gree nwood , She il a M Call - in Number : , Th ursday M; Hughes , Andrew ; Clemmensen , 877 - 336 - 1839 l(b)(6) filillfilJ (Janet Only) HUD-18-0504-D-000969 Subject : Authority Locatio n: Canceled : Meeti n g Debrief on Alexander County Housing Con f ere n ce Room 10106 Start : Fr i 4 / 1 4/20 17 9 : 00 AM End : F ri 4 /14/20 17 9 : 30 AM Show Time As : Free Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not ye t responded Organi z e r : Gol r i c k, Jane t M Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Brown , Jereon M; Bryo n , Jem i ne A; Gree n e , Bryan ; Bregon , Nelson R; Santa An na , Aaron ; Wadh ams , Un abyrd ; Cruciani , Linda M; Cl e mme nsen , Craig T; Kasper , Maren M; Har d y IV , Stan l ey Opt i o n al Atte ndees : Cunn in g h am, James A; Pr ess , Jacob D; Potts , Mil l icent B; Smyth , Timothy M; Mills , Krist a; Lyons , Kelley D; Wize , Kimberly ; Bar t on , Vic t oria L; Scott , Pa u l A; Greenwood , Sheila M; Garre tt, Willie C; Christopher , Nancy D; Petty , Timothy J ; Blom , Domi niq u e G Cal l - i n Number : Access Host 888 - 675 - 2535 Code : !{b)(6) filillfilJ (Janet Code : Subjec t: Loc a tio n: Only ) Tr anspo r tat i o n fo r Cos EEOB/ HUD Start : Tue 4/18/20 17 10 : 05 AM End : Tue 4/ 1 8/20 17 1 1 :4 5 AM Show Ti me As : Tenta ti ve Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer Required : Not : Dagge tt, Atte ndees : ye t r espo nded Tanya R Greenwood , Sheila M; Dawkins , Eu nice D Hi Ta n ya , Cou l d Sh e il a u se the to EEOB at 10 : 05 and /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Execut i ve Ca r on n ext Tuesday , Apr il 1 8 to to be p i cked up at 11 : 45? Thank you . go HUD-18-0504-D-000970 Eunice Subjec t : Locatio n : ACHA She il a ' s o ffi ce Start : Thu 4 /13/20 17 1 : 00 PM End : Thu 4/13/2017 1 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recur r e n ce : (none) Organiz e r : Kasper , Maren M Required Attendees : Gol r i c k , Jane t M; Gree nwood , She i l a M; Cl emmen sen , Cr ai g T From : Ted Hosp Sent : Thursday , April 13 , 2017 10 : 55 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Meeti ng w/S h eila Gree nwoo d and Ted Hosp , et al Confidentiality Not ic e - The i n f ormation contained i n t h is e - mail and any attachme n t s to it may be l egally pr i vileged and in clude confidential information . If you a r e not the intended recipient , be aware th at any disc l os ure , distribution or copyi ng o f th is e-mai l or its attachments is prohibi te d . I f you h ave received this e-ma i l i n error , please no tify the sender immediately of t ha t fact by return e - mail and permanently d e lete the e - mail and any a t tachmen t s to it . Than k yo u . Subjec t: Locatio n : Interv i ew wi th Gr eg Ze rz an 451 7th St SW (CIR ) Start : Wed 4/19/20 17 3 : 00 PM End : Wed 4/19/20 17 4 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Not ye t r espo nd ed ________ Organiz e r : Hughes , Andr~e_w Required At tendees : ~l (b~)(~6~) _______ She i l a M 451 7th /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT ~ _, McCall , Drew A; Gree nwood , Street HUD-18-0504-D-000971 Wash in gton, South Contact DC Lobby : Andrew Hughes 817-880-5470 Subjec t: Inv it a t ion : WRA @ Thu May 4 , 2017 (She i la Greenwood) Location : 214 1 K Street NW, Suite 111 1: 15pm - 2 :1 5pm (EDT) Start : Thu 5/4/2017 1 : 1 5 PM End : Thu 5/4/2017 2 : 15 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Orga nize r: ~ -l(b~)(-6_) _____________ Manage all your calendars Download the Google Calendar more deta il s» in one place . app . WRA When Thu May 4 , 2017 1 : 15pm - 2 :1 5pm Eastern Time Where 214 1 K Street NW, Su i te 1 11 (map) Calendar Sheila Greenwood Who • l(b)(6) - organizer Sheila Greenwood I nvitati o n f rom Google Going? Yes - Maybe - No more optio n s» Calendar You are receiving this courtesy e mail at the account sheila . m.greenwoodl@hud.gov because yo u are a n attendee of this event . To stop r ece i v ing future updates for this eve nt, dec l i n e th i s event . Alternatively you can sign up for a Google account at https : //www . goog l e . com/calendar/ and control your notification settings f or yo ur entire ca lend a r. Forwarding this inv i tation could a ll ow a ny recipient to mod if y your RSVP response . Learn More . Subject : Interview with Gi sele (CIR) Location : 451 7th Street Start : Mon 4/17/2017 9 :3 0 AM End : Mon 4/17/2017 10 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Status : Not yet responded HUD-18-0504-D-000972 Organize r: Hughes , Andrew Sent : Wednesday , Apri l 12 , 20 1 7 6 : 03 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject: Accepted : Lunch w/Sheila Greenwood Subject : Location : Status of Con f erence City of Houston/Next Room 10106 and M Clark Steps St art : Mon 4/17/20 17 11 : 30 AM End : Mon 4/17/2017 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meeting Status Organize Required Clifford r: Golr i ck , Janet M At tendees : Greene , Bryan ; Kasper , Maren M; Taffet , ; Gimont , Stanley ; Clemmensen , Craig T; Greenwood , Shei l a M Please i nvite Subject : Location : : Not yet appropriate responded staff ... Meeting with CPD, PIH and Small Conference Room FHA Appointees Start : Wed 4/12/20 17 3 : 00 PM End : Wed 4/12/20 17 3 : 15 PM Show Time As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000973 Recurrence Meeting : (non e ) Status : Not yet responded Organi z e r: Hughes, Andrew Requ i red Atte ndees : Beckles , Angela L; Greenwood , She il a M; Holmes , Gregory A; Byrd , David J ; Bowes , Robert B; McCall , Drew A Subject : Loc ation : Meeting with Sheila Sheila ' s Office to Dis cuss Al locations Start : Wed 4/12/20 17 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 4/12/201 7 3 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status Organizer Required : Not yet responded : Hughes , Andrew Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila M; McCall , Drew A From : Franklin , DeShaunta Mo n behalf of Golrick , Janet M Sent : Wednesday , April 12, 2017 9 :1 6 AM To : Greenwood , Shei l a M Subject: Accepted : Introduc t ion Mee t ing w/Sheila Greenwood/Janet Gol ri ck and NAHMALeadership Subject : Loca tion : Phone Call COS Office Start : Wed 4/12/20 17 4 :0 0 PM End : Wed 4/12/2017 4 : 1 5 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurre n ce : (none) Meeting Or ganizer Requ i red Status : Not yet responded : Petty , Timothy J Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila From : Willi ams , Darlene F Sent : Wednesday , April 12 , 2017 To : Greenwood , Shei la M /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT M 8 :1 8 AM HUD-18-0504-D-000974 Subjec t: Willi ams Accepted : Chec k -in w/Sheila F rom : Russell , William 0 Sent : Tuesday , April 11 , 2017 6 : 24 PM To : Gr eenwood , She i la M Sub j ec t: Accepted : Chec k -in w/Sheila Event Greenw ood and Willi a n d Darlene am Russell - re : MTW F rom : F ran klin , DeShaunta Mo n behalf o f Gol r ick , Ja n et M Sent : Tuesday , Apr i l 11 , 20 17 10 :1 2 AM To : Greenwo o d , Sheila M Subject : Accep te d : Mee t ing to discuss Disaster Fund ing fo l low - u p from Appropriations Committee F rom : Greenfi e l d , Teresa M Sent : Tuesday , Apr i l 11 , 2017 9 : 36 AM To : Gr eenwood , She i la M Subject : Accepted : Check - in w/S h eila Gr ee nfi e l d Subject Location : Hi r i ng Conference : Gree n wood and Teresa Room 1 0106 Tue 4 / 1 1/ 2 0 17 11 : 30 AM Start : End : Tue 4/1 1/ 2 0 17 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status : Not yet responded Organi zer: Golrick , Jane t M Requ ir ed Attendees : Hughes , Andrew ; Kasper , Maren M; Gree nwood , She il a M; Rod rigu ez , Aida N; Lyberg , Sa r ah A; Hawk i ns , Gr egory R; Pur i foy , Fe l icia A; Timber lak e , Court n ey B; Clernrnensen , Cra i g T Optiona l Att en de e s : Fa lcone , Allison J ; Franklin , De Shaun t a M Call-in Numbe r: Access Host Code: l(b)(6) lllii@J (Janet Code : Subject : 888-675-2535 Eunice Only ) Dawk i ns on Leave Start : Mon 4/24/20 17 12 : 00 AM End : Sat 4/29/20 17 12 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000975 Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng S t atus : Not yet responded Organi zer : Dawkin s , Eun i ce D Requ i r ed Atte ndees : Greenwood , She i la M; Gr ibb i n , Anne H; Hard i so n , James C; Fl e i scher , Laura A; DeLaPa z, Dave D; Rodr i guez , Aida N Subject : Lo cation : Meet and SH 125 Greet , Senate Minority (i nc lu des tr ave l t ime) Star t : Thu 4/20/2017 9 : 30 AM End : Thu 4 /2 0/2 0 17 1 1 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng St atus : Not yet responded Organiz e r : Lybe r g , Sarah A Required Atte ndees : She il a M Gree nwood (She i la .M. Greenwood l @hu d . gov) ; Jane t Gol ri c k (Ja net .M.G o l rick@hu d . gov ); Mar e n M Kasper (Maren . M. Kasper@hud Nora S F itz patr ick (Nora . S . Fi t zpatrick@h ud . gov) ; Timb e rlake , Court ne y B Fo ll owing up on my email works fo r Senate minority from las t Friday . Thank you ! Fr om : Lyberg , Sarah A Sent : Monday , Apr il 10 , 2 0 1 7 8 : 0 1 PM To : Greenwood , Shei la M Subject : Accep te d : Meet i ng to d i scuss from Appropria t i ons Committee F rom : Gimon t, S t a n ley Sent : Monday , Apr il 10 , 20 1 7 6 : 27 PM To : Gr eenwood , She i la M Subject : Accepted : Meeti ng to disc u ss fr om App ropria t i ons Committee , confirming this . gov) ; t im e Disaster Fund ing follow Disaster Fu n ding fol l ow- up Subjec t: Meeting Forward Noti f ication : Meeti ng t o disc u ss Fund i ng fol l ow- up from Appr op ri at i ons Committ ee Lo cation : COS Office - up Disas ter Tue 4/11/20 17 10 : 30 AM Start : End : Tue 4/11/20 17 1 1 : 00 AM Recu rr ence : (none ) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000976 Organize Your r: Lyberg , Sarah meeting A was forwarded Lyberg , Sarah A recip i ents . Meeting Meeting Appropr to discuss Disas ter i ations Committee Meeting Tuesday Time , 1 1 April 2017 Funding has f o ll ow-up forwarded your f rom 10 : 30-11 : 00. Recipients Richardson , Todd M Timberlake , Courtney B Ryan , Joshua J All times Time (US & listed are Canada) in the following time Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server From : Clemmensen , Craig T Sent : Monday , April 10 , 2017 6 : 00 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted: Meeting to discuss from Appropriations Committee When : Apr 11 , 20 1 7 10 : 30 : 00 AM Where : COS Offi ce Subject : Canceled : Transportation Location : EEOB/HUD Start : Tue 4/1 1 /2017 End : Tue 4/11/20 17 11:45 Show Time As : Free Recurrence Meeting Organizer Required for zone : Disaster (UTC- 05 : 00) Eastern Fund i ng follow-up cos 10 : 05 AM AM : (none) Status : Not yet r esponded : Daggett , Tanya R Atte ndees : Dawkins , Eunice D; Greenwood , Sheila M Tanya , Cou l d She il a use the Execut i ve Car on Tuesday , April to EEOB at 10 : 05 and to be picked up at 11 : 45? /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT 11 to take her HUD-18-0504-D-000977 Than k yo u f or yo ur assistance. Eun i ce F rom : Kasper, Maren M Sent : Monday , Apr il 10 , 20 1 7 1 : 22 PM To : Gr eenwood , She i la M Subject : Accepted : Weekly CIR meeting w/S h ei la Fr om : Gl aspe r , Wanda M Sen t : Monday , April 10 , 20 1 7 1 : 03 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Sheila and Wanda Glas per F rom : Se nt : To : Subjec dav id @hor ne llc . c om F ri da y , April 07 , 2017 6 : 12 PM Greenwo o d , Shei l a M t: Accepted : Chec k -in w/Sheila Subjec t: Locatio n: Greenwood - OGC 278 Form Greenw ood a n d David Rep . Liv i ngston , Al Fab e r , Mol ly Secre t a r y ' s Co n ference ro om Horne Bal d rid ge Start : F ri 4 /7/2017 1 : 30 PM End : F ri 4/ 7/ 2 0 1 7 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not Organ iz e r: DocBe n Requ ir ed Atte ndees : SOHUD wil l d rop yet responded Kasper , Maren M; Gree nwood , Sheila M by " Former Congressman Bob Livingston would like t o request an appo int ment with Secre t a r y Ca r so n . Bob wou l d like to b r ing Al Faber , President an d CEO of t h e Baldrige Fo undation , a n d Moll y Bal d rig e, daughter of former Commerce Secretary Malco l m Baldr i ge, by to see Secretary Carso n as soo n as h i s schedule wil l allow . The y won 't n eed mor e than 1 5 mi nutes o f h i s time . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000978 The Baldrige Progr am , a n o ffi c e with in the National In stitu te of S tan dards and Technology (NIS T) h as bee n successfu l si n ce it s inceptio n in 1987 . Since Fisca l Year 20 12 , the private Ba ld r ig e Foun dat i on has p aid salaries and expenses for e mp loy ees and program operations at NIST f rom its own foundation assets . Baldrige d r i ves growth i n bus in ess and manu f act uri ng r es ul t i ng i n more j obs , se t s standa r ds to impr ove cost and q u a lity of hea lth ca r e in the US, and is driving improvements i n efficiency and s tu dent performance in our schoo l s and h i g her education . Addi t ionally , the Baldrige Prog r am i s working wi th the p r ivate sector to deve l op the Baldrige Cybersecur i ty Excellence Framework . Th is f ramewor k will build on the world - class NIST Cybersecuri ty Framework to deve l op a prog ram that will i dent ify and share b es t p r act ic es to strengthen America ' s cybersecur it y in frast ru cture . This i n i tiative a l so h as the suppo rt o f cybe r securi t y i ndus tr y le ade r s f rom across the cou ntr y . In orde r to e n s ur e the cont i nu ation of t h e Bald r ige Pe r formance Excellence Prog r am , t h e program n ee ds FY 20 18 federa l fu ndi ng restored in the fed e r al budget . It is a small funding r e quest with enormous impac t across the na tion , and i n eve r y secto r of the economy . I t will a l so p r ov id e funding fo r the much needed Ba ldr i g e Cyb ersecurity Ex ce ll e nc e Framework a nd Community of Excel l en c e ini tiat iv e ." F rom : Wi lli ams , Rap ha el L Sent : F ri da y , Ap ri l 07 , 2017 1 0 : 5 6 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Chec k -in w/Sheila Williams From : Sent : To : Subjec Paul Rainwater F ri da y , April Gr ee nwood , She t: Accepted Gr ee nwood 07 , 2 0 1 7 9 : 36 AM ila M : Pho ne Cal l w/Sheila a n d Paul J F rom : Petty , Timothy Sent : Thursday , April 06 , 2017 5 : 27 PM To : Gr eenwood , She i la M Subject : Accepted : Meeti ng w/S h eila Gree nwood Mediation F rom : Sent : To : Subjec Med iat /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Dupre , Brian A Thursday , April 06 , 2 017 5 : 26 PM Greenwood , Sheila M t: Accepted : Mee ting w/Sheila Gree nwood ion a n d Rap h ael Rainwater - re : Quicken Loa ns - r e : Quicken Loa n s HUD-18-0504-D-000979 From : Narode , Dane M Sent : Thursday , April 06 , 2 017 5 : 24 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject: Accepted: Mee ting w/Sheila Greenwood Medi ation From : Kasper , Maren M Sent : Thursday , April 06 , 2017 5 : 20 PM To : Greenwood , Shei la M Subjec t: Accepted: Meeting w/She ila Gre enwood Mediation Subject : Lo cation : - r e : Quicken Loans - re: Loans Quicken NeighborWorks Conference Room 1010 6 Start : Thu 4/6/2017 4 : 30 PM End : Thu 4/6/2017 5 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) S t atus : Not yet responded Organizer : Golr i ck , Janet M Requ i red Atte ndees : Clemmensen , Craig T; Cha rl es , Genger M; Glavin , Wil li am A; Gerecke , Sarah S ; Kasper, Maren M; Greenwood Sheila M Cal l -i n Number : Access Host 888-675-2535 Code : !/b\/6\ llliRfilJ (Janet Code : Subject : Location : , Employee 10106 Re lati Only) ons/ELR Start : Fri 4/7/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Fri 4/ 7/ 2017 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Not yet r esponded Organizer : Gol ri ck, Janet M Required At tendees : Sul liv an , Josep h; Greenwood , Sheila Kasper, Maren M; Clemmensen , Craig T; Brooks , Towanda A Call - in Number : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT M; 888 - 675 - 2 535 HUD-18-0504-D-000980 Access Host Code : l{b)/6) ml Co d e : Sub j ec t: Loc a t i o n : (Ja ne t Only ) HUD Li sten i ng To ur , Mi ami - SBA ca ll l -~ 10 226 / DI AL I N# # 877- 8 48 -703 0 CODE :li =b=l/6= St a r t : Thu 4 /6/201 7 11 : 0 0 AM End : Thu 4/6/ 2 0 1 7 11 : 30 AM Sho w Tim e As : Ten t a ti ve Re curr en c e : (non e) Mee tin g Sta t us : Not y et r es p o nded Org a nize r : Pa tto n , Lynne M Req uir e d At ten d ees : Alli e . Sch ro ede r@sb a . g ov ; Mary . Br ad fi e l d@sb a . go v ; Ni co le . Nel son@s b a . g o v ; Gre en wood , Sh e ila Al e x a nde r, Maso n Su bje c t : Loca ti o n : M; Chec k - in She i l a ' s Off i ce St a r t : Thu 4 /6/201 7 8 : 4 5 AM End : Thu 4/6/20 1 7 9 : 15 AM Sho w Tim e As : Tenta ti ve Recurre n ce : Weekl y Re curr en c e Patte rn : AM t o 9 : 15 AM Meet in g St a tus : Not e v e ry yet Tuesda y , Th urs d ay , a n d Frid a y from r espo nded Or g ani z e r : Gol r i c k , Jane t M Requ i r ed Atte ndees : Gr een wood , She i la Andrew ; Cl emmen sen , Cr ai g T Su bj ec t : Steps Loca t io n : 8 : 45 Fo ll o w-Up on Al e x an d e r Coun ty M; Kas p e r , Ma r en M; Hug hes , Ho u s i ng Author i ty - Ne xt 1010 6 Star t : Wed 4/5/2017 4 : 00 PM End : Wed 4 /5/ 2 0 1 7 4 : 3 0 PM Sh o w Time As : Tentative Recur r e n ce : (none ) Meet in g St a tu s : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Not yet r e s po nded HUD-18-0504-D-000981 Organi zer : Gol r i c k, Janet M Requ i r ed Attendees : Brown , Jereon M; Bryo n , Jem i ne A; Gree n e , Bryan ; Bregon , Nelson R; Santa An na , Aaron ; Wadh ams , Unabyr d ; Crucian i , Linda M; Cl e mme nsen , Craig T; Kasper , Maren M; Har d y IV , Stan l ey Opt i o n al Attendees : Cunn i ng h am, James A; Press , Jacob D; Potts , Mill i ce n t B; Smyth , Tim othy M; Mi ll s , Kr ista ; Lyons , Kelley D; Wize , Kimberly ; Barto n , Victor ia L; Flores , Vi rgi n ia ; Scott , Pau l A; Greenwood , Shei la M; Garrett , Willi e C; Petty , Timothy J ; Chr i s t op h er , Na n cy D; Su l liv a n, Brian E Cal l - i n Number : Access Host 888 - 675 - 2535 Code : !{b)(6) filillfilJ (Ja n et Only ) Code : Subject : Loc a tio n: Donnelly/Durb in b ri ef Secretary ' s Conference Room Start : Wed 4/5/2017 10 :0 0 AM End : Wed 4/5/2017 10 : 30 AM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recu rr ence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Not yet r espo nded Org a nize r : DocBe n Required Att en d ees : Press , Jacob D Opt i o n al Atte ndees : Bryon , Jem i ne A; Cunni n gham , James A; F lor es , Vir g ini a ; San t a Anna , Aaron ; Ba r ton , Vi ctor i a L; Gol rick , Jane t M; Kasper , Maren M; Gree nwood , Shei l a M; Greene , Br yan ; Wize , Kimberly ; Ga rre tt, Willie C; Smyth , Timo th y M Apo l og i es , a l l - a f a ir ly mass i ve sched u l i ng s h akeup took p l ace and I ' m hopi ng we ca n make t hi s work . Pl ease l et me know if you can ' t make it . Fr om : Sent : To : Subjec Santa Santa Anna , Aaron Tuesday , Apr i l 04 , 20 17 3 : 54 PM Greenwood , Shei la M t : Accep te d : Check - in w/Sheila Ann a - re : Respo n se on RMBS Gr eenw oo d, Lin da C . & Aaron From : Denis e Brennen on behalf of Joe Ventrone Sent : Tuesday , Apr i l 04 , 20 17 1 2: 58 PM To : Greenwood , Shei la M Subject : Accepted : Meeting w/Sheila Greenwood and J oe Ventrone /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000982 From : Den is e Brennen Sent : Tu esday, Ap ril 04, 2017 12 : 54 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject: Accep t ed : Mee ting w/Sheila Gree nwood a n d Joe Fr om : Bud Albright Sent : Tuesday , Apr i l 04, 2017 1 2 : 29 PM To : Gre enwo o d , Sheila M Subject : Acce pted : Meet i ng w/She il a Gr eenw oo d and Subject : Briefing on Housing Couns e l i ng Federal 3 - Year Re app oi n tment Rec ommendations Loc at ion : Conference Room 1010 6 Ve n t r one Bud Albrigh t Adv is o ry Commi tt ee Start : Thu 4 /6/ 2 0 1 7 9 : 30 AM End : Thu 4/6/201 7 10 :0 0 AM Show Tim e As : Te n tat iv e Re cur ren ce : (none) Mee t ing S t a tus : Not yet responde d Or ganizer : Golr i ck , Janet M Requ i r ed Atte nd ees : Char l es , Genge r M; Kaspe r, Mar e n M; Greenwo o d , Sheila M; Gerecke , Sarah S ; Clemme ns e n , Craig T Call - i n Numbe r : Access Host 888 - 675 - 2 535 Cod e : !/b)/6) filillfilJ(Jane Code : Subject : Steps Loca ti o n : Fol l ow-Up on Alexander t Only) County Housi ng Authority - Next 10 1 06 St art : Tue 4/ 4/20 1 7 9 : 30 AM End : Tue 4/4/2017 1 0 : 00 AM Sho w Time As : Ten tat i ve Recurrence : (none ) Meet i ng Status : Not yet responded Orga n iz e r: Gol r i c k , Jane t M Required Attendees : Bryon , Jemine A; Brow n, Jereo n M; Gree n e , Bryan ; Bregon , Nelson R; Santa Anna , Aaron ; Wadhams , Unaby r d; /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000983 Cruc i a n i , Li nda M; Clemme nsen , Cr aig T; Kasper , Maren M; Har S tan l ey Opt iona l Atte ndees : Cunn ingha m, James A; Press , Jacob D; Milli cent B; Smyth , Tim ot hy M; Mill s , Kr i sta ; Ly o n s , Ke ll e y Kimberly ; Bar ton , Vi cto r ia L; F l ores , Vi rgi n i a ; Sco tt , Pau l Gr eenwood , Sheila M; Ga rr ett , Wil li e C Call - in Numb er : Access Host Po tts , D; Wiz e , A; 888 - 675 - 2535 Code : !{b)/6) lmJ Code : Subject : Loc a tio n : d y IV , (Ja ne t Only ) Transpo r tat i o n for Cos EEOB/ HUD (Rou nd t rip) Tue 4/4/2017 10 : 05 AM Star t : End : Tue 4 /4/ 2 0 1 7 11:4 5 AM Show Time As : Tent ati ve Rec urr ence : (non e) Meet in g Status : Not yet r espo nded Or ga niz e r : Daggett , Tanya R Req u ir ed Atte ndees : Dawkin s , Eun i ce D; Gr eenwood , Sh eila Coul d Sheila to take h er use th e exec utiv e car on nex t Tuesday to EEOB a nd to be picked up at 11: 45? , April M 4 at 10 : 05 Th a nk you . Eun i ce Fr om : Goog l e Calendar on be h a lf of tkellenb@nd . edu Sent : Sa tur day , April 0 1 , 201 7 10 : 3 4 AM To : Greenwood , Shei la M Subjec t : Accepted : Meeting w/She ila Gr eenwood a n d Thomas Kel l e nbe r g - Un i . o ... @ Thu Ap r 6 , 2017 1: 30pm - 2 : 30pm (EDT) (Gr ee nwood, Shei l a M) Attac hmen ts : inv ite . ic s tke ll e nb@nd . ed u h as accepted this i nv it at i on . Meet ing w/ Sheila Gree nwood a nd Th omas Kel l en b erg Dame Washi ng ton Program Stu dents /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT - Uni . o f Notre HUD-18-0504-D-000984 Tom Kellenberg , HUD i s located at the L ' Enfant Plaza Metro stop - ex i t through the L ' Enfant Plaza exit . Come up the esca l ato r s , tu rn left and go through the glass doors and you wil l be at the back of HUD' s bu ilding. Walk down the steps and walk around the building t o the fr ont o f the building and wa lk down to Sou th ent r ance (near the Freeway) and go to the security desk to check in . Department of HUD 451 7th Stree t, SW Washington , DC 20410 Sheila - 202- 4 02-6068 Eunice - 202-402-6624 When Thu Apr 6 , 2017 1 : 30pm Where Secreta ry' s Conference Calendar Greenwood , Shei l a Who Gr eenwood , Shei la tkellenb@nd . edu - creator - 2 : 30pm Eastern Room (map) M M - organizer Time Invitation from Google Calendar You are receiving th is courtesy email at the account sheila . m. g r eenwoodl@hud . gov because you are an attendee of th i s event . To stop r ece i ving future updates for this event , dec l ine th i s event . Al ter natively you can sign up for a Google accoun t at h tt ps : //www . google . com/calendar/ and control your notification settings for your entire calendar . Forwarding this inv it a t ion could al l ow any recipient t o modify your RSVP response . Learn More . F rom : Google Calendar on behalf of luc i e . du@duassoc . com Sent : Friday , March 31 , 2017 6 : 54 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Check-in meeting w/Sheila Greenwood and Lucie Du@ Thu Apr 13 , 2017 10 : 30am - 11 :1 5am (EDT) (Greenwood , She ila M) Attachments : invi te . ics luc i e . du@duassoc . com has accepted th i s inv it ation . Check - in meeting w/Sheila Greenwood and Luc ie Du Department of HUD (come to the South entrance secu ri ty the Freeway) 451 7th Stree t, SW Wash i ngton , DC Sheila - 202 - 402 - 6068 Eunice - 202 - 402 - 6624 When Thu Apr 13 , 2017 1 0 : 30am - 11: 15am Easte Where COS Office (map) Greenwood , Sh ei la M Cale ndar /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT desk - near r n Ti me HUD-18-0504-D-000985 Who • Greenwood , Sheila M - o r gan i zer luc i e . d u @duassoc . com - c r eator Inv i tation from Google Calenda r You are r ece i vi ng th i s courtesy ema il at the account she il a . m. gree nwood l @hu d . gov because yo u are a n attendee of this event . To stop receivi n g future updates for this event , dec l ine th is event . Alternatively you can s i gn up for a Goog l e account at h ttps : //www . google . com/calendar/ and contro l you r notificat i on sett in gs for yo ur entire ca l e nda r. Forwarding this invitation could al l ow any recipient to modify your RSVP response . Learn More . F rom : Barto n, Victoria L Sent : F riday , March 31 , 20 1 7 5 : 38 PM To : Greenwood , She i la M Subject : Accepted : Weekly CIR meeting w/S h ei l a Greenwood Subjec t: FW: LUNCH: Fra n k Bis i g n ano -First Data/ Carso n / Secreta r y Al pho n so Jackson Location : Secretary Ben Carson ' s Office Building/ Secre t a r y Be n 4 5 1 7th St . SW Sta r t : Tue 4/4/2017 11 : 30 AM End : Tue 4/4/2017 12 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentat i ve Recu rr ence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer : : Jackson Not yet r espo nded , Alphonso -----Original Appointme n t----From : Jackson , Alphonso [ma il to : Al pho n so . Jac k so n @fi rstdata . com] Sent : Fr iday , Mar ch 31 , 2 017 12 : 15 PM To : Jackson , Alp h onso ; Dyer , Briana ; Moore , Rober t a ; Greenwood , Sheila M; Gribb i n , Anne H; Gribbin , Anne H Subjec t: LUNCH: F ran k Bisigna n o -Firs t Data/ Secretary Ben Carson/ Secreta r y Al pho n so Jac k son When : Tuesday , Apri l 04 , 20 17 1 1 : 30 AM- 12 : 30 PM (UTC- 05 : 00) Eastern Time (US & Canada) . Where : Secretary Ben Carson ' s Office Bu il ding/ 451 7 t h St . SW The information in this message may be prop r ietary and/or con fi de n tia l, a n d protected f rom disclosure . If the reader o f t h is message is not t h e i nte n ded recip i ent , o r an employee o r agent responsible for delivering this message to the intended recipient , you are he r eby no tifi ed that any dissemination , distribution or /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000986 copy ing of this commu ni cation is str i c t ly prohibited r ece i ved th i s commun i cation in e rr or , please n otify immediately by replying to this message and deleting compu te r . Catch up, SOHUD and Secretary ' s Office Subject : Locat i o n: . If you h ave First Data it from your CoS Sta r t : Mon 4/3/2017 1 : 30 PM End : Mon 4/3/2017 2 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Meeting Status Organizer Required : Not : DocBen Attend ees: Subject : Steps Loca tion : ye t re spo nded Greenwood , Shei l a M; Dawkins , Eunice Follow - Up on Alexander County Housing Authority D - Next 10 106 S t art : Mon 4/3/2017 12 : 00 PM End : Mon 4/3/2017 1 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not ye t responded Organi z e r: Golr i ck , Jane t M Required Attendees : Brown , Jereon M; Bryon , Jem i ne A; Greene , Bryan ; Bregon , Nelson R; Santa Anna , Aaron ; Wadhams, Unabyrd ; Crucia n i , Linda M; Clemmensen , Craig T ; Kasper , Maren M; Hardy IV , Stan l ey Opt i o na l Attendees : Cunn in g h am , James A; Press , Jacob D; Potts , Millicent B; Smyth , Timothy M; Mills , Kris t a ; Lyons , Ke lley D; Wize , Kimberly ; Bar t on , Vic t oria L; Flores , Vir ginia; Scott , Paul A; Greenwood , Sheila M; Ga rre tt , Wi l lie C Cal l - in Number : Access Host 888 - 675 - 2535 Code : !(b)(6) ~ Code : Subject /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Status of (Ja net FY 18 Budget Only ) Process & Next Steps HUD-18-0504-D-000987 Location : Con f erence Room 10106 Start : Wed 4/5/2017 12 : 00 PM End : Wed 4/5/2017 1 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organize r: Golr i ck , Janet M Required Attendees : Kasper , Maren M; Fitzpatrick , Nora S ; Greenwood , Shei l a M; Clemmensen , Craig T; Lyberg , Sarah A; Timberlake , Cou r tney B; Mayo , Kimberly B; Balla r d , Danie l L Subject : Location : Briefing on Navajo Hous i ng Agency Con f erence Room 10106 Fri 3/31/20 17 12 : 30 PM Start : End : Fri 3/3 1 /2017 1 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organize r: Golr i ck , Janet M Required At tendees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Kasper , Maren M; Santa Anna , Aaron; Frechette , Heidi J ; Press , Jacob D; Clemmensen , Craig T; Bryon , Jemine A Opt i o n al Atte ndees : Thompson , Al yce W; Sparks , Andrea L .; Russell , Will iam o Subject : Location : FW: Status Conference on Eas t Chicago/NAACP Room 10106 Meeting Start : Fri 3/3 1 /2017 1 1 : 00 AM End : Fri 3/31/2017 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recu r rence Organizer : (none) : Golrick F r om : Gol rick , Janet /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT , Janet M M HUD-18-0504-D-000988 Sen t : Tu esday , March 28 , 20 17 8 : 59 : 5 1 PM UTC To : Gol r ick , Ja n et M; Br yon , Jemine A; Kasper , Ma r en M; Petty , Timot h y J ; Cl emmensen , Craig T; Cunn in g h am, J ames A; Brown , J ereon Cc : Hall , John R Subjec t : Stat u s on Eas t Ch i cago/NAACP Meet i ng When : F r iday , Ma r ch 3 1, 2 0 1 7 3 : 00 PM-3 : 30 PM. Where : Con f ere n ce Room 1 01 06 Call - in Numbe r : Access Code : Host Code : Subjec t : Loca t io n : M 88 8- 6 75 - 2 5 35 ! liliRfilJ(Ja !(b)(6) n et Only ) Hi r i ng Jane t ' s o ffi ce Start : Thu 3/3 0 /20 17 12 : 00 PM End : Thu 3/3 0 /2017 12 : 30 PM Show Ti me As : Tenta t ive Recurre n ce : Week l y Re curr e nc e Pa tt ern : AM to 9 : 1 5 AM Meet i ng Status : Not ev e ry Tu esday , Th urs d ay , an d Friday 8 : 45 ye t r espo nded Organiz e r : Golric k , Jane t M Requ ir ed At t e ndees : Greenwood , Sheila Cl emmen sen , Cr ai g T Subjec t : Locat i o n : from M; Kasper , Ma r en M; Facebook 10 1 06 St a rt : Mon 4/3/2017 3 : 3 0 PM End : Mon 4/3/2017 4 : 00 PM Show Ti me As : Tentat i ve Recurre n ce : (none ) Meet in g Status : Not ye t r espo nded Organizer : Gol r i ck , Janet M Requir e d Attendees : Green e , Bryan ; Kasper , Maren Sheila M; Pe tt y , Timo th y J ; Clemmense n , Craig T Subjec t : Locatio n : Margaret Margaret Peterlin/Sheila to call She i la M; Greenwood , Greenwood Call at 202-402-6068 Start : Mon 4 /3/20 1 7 4 : 00 PM End : Mon 4/3/2017 4 : 15 PM /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-000989 Show Time As : Recurrence Tentative : (none) Organizer : Subject : Loca tion : Peterlin , Margaret Transportation 1 700 K St ., JA for Cos NW/HUD (ROUNDTRIP) Start : Fri 3/31/20 17 11 : 35 AM End : Fri 3/31/2017 1 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meeting Status : Not Organize Required r: Daggett Attendees yet responded , Tanya R : Greenwood , Shei l a M; Dawkins , Eunice D Hi Tanya, Could Sheila use the to 1700 K St ., NW at Thank executive 11 : 35 and car on Friday , March 3 1 to to pick her up at 1 : 30? take he r you . Eun i ce From : Gimont , Stanley Sent : Wednesday , March 29 , 2017 9 : 27 AM To : Greenwood , Shei la M Subject : Accepted : Check in w/She il a and From : Jenn Fogel Sent : Wednesday , To : Greenwood , Subject : Dec li March 29 , 2017 7 : 52 AM Sheila M ned : 9 : 30 Coffee w/She il a and Subject : Inv i tation 5 : 30pm (EDT) (Sheila /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Stan : Bud Albr i ght Greenwood) Gimont Jenn Foge l @ Wed Mar 29 , 2017 4 : 30pm - HUD-18-0504-D-000990 Start : Wed 3/29/2017 4 : 30 PM End : Wed 3/29/20 17 5 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer : (none) : ~l (b~ )(~6)'---------------' Manage all your calenda r s in one place . Downl oad the Google Calendar app . more details» Bud Alb r i ght When Wed Mar 29 , 2017 4 : 30pm - 5 : 30pm Eastern Time Calenda r She i la Greenwood Who • l(b)(6) I - organizer Sheila Greenwood I nvitation from Google Going? Yes - Maybe - No mor e options» Calendar You are receiving this courtesy email at the account sheila . m. greenwoodl@hud . gov because you are an attendee of th i s event . To stop rece i ving future updates for this event , decline th i s event . Alternatively you can sign up for a Google accoun t at https : //www . google . com/calendar/ and control your notification settings for your entire ca l endar . Forwarding this inv i tation could allow any recipient to mod i fy your RSVP response . Learn More . Subject: Lunch with Alphonso Jackson and Sheila Greenwood Loc ation : Kellari Taverna I 1700 K. ST, NW I 202 - 535 - 5274 Start : Fri 3/31/20 17 12 : 00 PM End : Fri 3/3 1/ 20 17 1 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer : (none) : Reservation Jackson , Alphonso u nder : Al phonso Jackson The information in this message may be proprietary and/or confidential, and p ro tected from disclosure . If the r eader of this message is not the intended recipient , or an employee or agent responsible for delivering this message to the i ntended recipient , you are hereby notif i ed that any disseminat i on , distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited . I f you ha ve received this communication in erro r , please not ify First Data immediately by reply i ng to this message and deleting it from your compute r. Subject /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : HUD FY 2018 Annual Performance Plan HUD-18-0504-D-000991 Locatio n: 10232 (Janet ' s Of fi ce) Start : Mon 4 /3/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Mon 4/3/2017 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not ye t respond Orga ni z e r: Golr i c k , Janet M Required Atte ndees : Greenwood Maren M; Clemmensen, Cra i g T Subject : Location : ed , Sheila M; Hensley , Henry ; Kasper , Dal l as LT pre - brief Secretary ' s Office Start : Tue 3/28/ 2 0 17 11 : 30 AM End : Tue 3/28/20 17 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organi zer : DocBe n Kasper , Maren M; Bass , Deana ; Patton , Lynne Requ ir ed Attendees : M; Nas on , Mic ha el C; Alexander , Mason ; Barton , Victoria L; Greenwood , Sheila M Another change Attendees - than ks for bearing with us ! : Maren Deana Lynne Mike Mason Victoria She il a Subject : Location : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Canceled : Check - in 1 0226 (Maren ' s Of fice) HUD-18-0504-D-000992 Start : Tue 3/28/ 2 0 17 8 : 45 AM End : Tue 3/28/20 17 9 : 15 AM Show Time As : F r ee Recurrence : Weekly Recurrence Pa tt e r n : AM to 9 : 15 AM Meeting Sta t us : Not every Tuesday , Th ursday , and Fr ida y fro m 8 : 4 5 ye t re spo nded Org a nize r : Go l r ick, Janet M Req uir e d At tendees: Gr ee nwoo d , Shei l a M; Kasper , Maren Andrew ; Clemrne n sen , Crai g T F rom : Eli . Mil l e r @tr easu ry . gov Sent : Monday , March 27 , 2017 4 : 55 PM To : Greenwood , She i la M Subject : Accepted : Resc h edu li ng Lu nch Miller w/S h ei la Greenwood M; Hughes , and F rom : Russell , Will iam 0 Sent : Mon day, Mar c h 2 7, 2017 2 : 5 2 PM To : Greenwood , She i la M Sub j ect : Accepted : Coffee w/Sheila Gree nwood , Ma r en Kaspe r, Russell , Al ex Coffey and Mike Andrews Eli Bi ll F rom : Coffey , Al e xand er Sen t : Monday , Marc h 27 , 2017 2 : 44 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Coffee w/Sheila Gree nwo od , Mar en Kasper , Bill Russell , Alex Co ff ey and Mik e Andr ews From : Dagu l, Re i d ( I n dian Affairs) o n beha lf of Andrews , Mik e (I nd i a n Affair s ) Sent : Mon da y , March 2 7, 2017 2 :4 2 PM To : Greenwood , She i la M Sub j ec t: Accepted : Coffee w/Sheila Gree nwo od , Ma r en Kasper , Bi ll Russell , Al ex Coffey and Mike Andrews From : Kasper , Maren M Sent : Monday , March 27 , 20 1 7 2:39 PM To : Greenwo o d , Sheila M Subject : Acc epte d : Coffee w/Shei l a Gre en wood , Maren Russell , Alex Cof fey a n d Mike Andrews Subject : Location : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT conf irm ed : Monday 1 0106/Call In Rental Ass istan ce Check Kasper , Bi l l In HUD-18-0504-D-000993 Start : Mon 3/27/20 17 4 : 00 PM End : Mon 3/27/20 17 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) S t atus : Not yet responded Organize r: Lyberg , Sarah A Requ i red At t e ndees : Rupar , Chr i stopher J ; Lee , Jessica K. EOP/OMB; Maren M Kasper (Maren . M. Kasper@hud . gov ); Janet Golrick (Janet . M. Gol ri ck@hud . gov) ; Charles , Genger M; Mayo , Ki mberly B; Richardson , Todd M; Nora S Fitzpatrick (Nora . S . F it zpa t r ick @hud . gov) ; Bryon , J emine A; Clemmensen , Craig T; Timber l a k e , Courtney B; Shei l a M Greenwood (Sheila . M. Gr eenwoodl@hud . gov ); Askew , Emi ly E . EOP/OMB; Bal l ard , Daniel L; DeShaun t a M F rank l in (DeShaunta . M. Franklin@hud . gov) ; Petty , Timothy J Opt i o n al Atte ndees : Lescot t, Ann i ka N . EOP/OMB Doe s th i s t ime work available alternatives Thank you ! USA Toll - Fr ee : ACCESS CODE: to i= (b=){6~} _ __. (Sarah Only) : Monday 2pm-3pm Monday 3 : 30pm-5pm Tuesday 3 : 30 - 5pm F r om : bmo n tgome ry@col lin gwood llc . com Sent : Monday , March 2 7 , 2017 12 : 48 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Check-in w/Sheila Montgomery Subject Start : : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT not , 0MB options . (877) 848 - 7030 HOST PASSWORD: MfilJ 0MB Options check in on re nta l ass i stance? If are below-please advise on better Lynne Pat ton/Dea Wed 3/29/2017 na Bass Greenwood and - SOHUD Li stening Br i an Tour , Dal l as 12 : 00 AM HUD-18-0504-D-000994 End : Sat 4/1/2017 Show Tim e As : 12:00 AM Tenta tiv e Recu rr ence : (none) Meet in g Status : Not yet r espo nded Organizer : Fl eischer , Laura A Required Attend ees: Kasper, Maren M; Greenwood , She il a M; Gribbin , Anne H; Dawkins , Eunice D; Hardison , James C Subjec t: Location : Int erview w/ Dav i d Eagles 10th Floor Co nfere nce Room S t art : Mon 3/27/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Mon 3/27/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence Organizer Required : (none) : McCall, Attendees : Drew A Greenwood , Sheila M; Hughe s , Andrew Candidate for COO/ Admi nis tration PAS In vitat i on : Schoo1 =t b-)(=6,_ ) ------------------~ Subject : @ Wed Apr 5 , 2017 3 :1 5pm - 4 : 15pm (EDT) (Sheila Location : j(b)(6) Greenwood) I S t art : Wed 4/5/2017 3 : 15 PM End : Wed 4/5/2017 4 : 1 5 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence Organize : (none) r: l(b)(6) ~--------------~ Man age all your calendars Down loa d the Google Calendar more details» in one place . app . I b)(6) r School l(b)(6) I_ When Wed Apr 5 , ....,,,. 2.,. 0... 1-7....-. 3...:~l.-$,..p- m- -~ 4.-:~l...,S,..p- m -= E,_ a-s""" t_e_r_n_ T ime Where l= (b-)(= 6)-------~I Calendar Sheila Greenwood Who • .._l (b""" }(6) ...;. ____________ _. - organizer • Beau Greenwood Sheila Greenwood Goi ng? Calendar /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Yes - Maybe - No more options» Inv it ation from Goog l e HUD-18-0504-D-000995 You are r ece i vi n g th i s courtesy ema il at the account she il a . m. gree nwood l @hu d . gov beca u se yo u are a n attendee of this event . To stop receiving futur e upda t es for t h i s even t, declin e this event . Al ter n ative l y yo u can si g n up fo r a Google acco un t at h ttps : //www . google . com/ca l enda r / and co n tro l yo ur notificat i on sett in gs for yo ur ent ir e ca l e nda r . Forwardi n g this invitation could al l ow a n y recipient to modify your RSVP response . Learn More . F rom : Murphy , Chr i s t i n e M. EOP/WHO Sent : F ri day , March 24 , 2 0 1 7 5 : 38 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subjec t: Accep t ed : Appointment Photo - Badge F rom : Barton , Victoria L Sent : Friday , March 24 , 2017 5 : 38 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Meeti n g w/S h eila/Sta Grothman Subjec t: Congra t u l atory Kimb l e Ratl iff Locat i on : TBD Calls t o Neal n ley Ha r dy & Co ng . Gl en n Rackleff , Paul Compton , and Start : Mon 3/27/2017 10 : 00 AM End : Mon 3/27/20 17 10 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none ) Meet in g Status Organizer Required Drew A Wi th : Not : DocBe n Attende e s : Sheila Greenwood , Shei l a M; Hughes , Andrew ; McCall , , An d r ew , Dr ew and Pau l Compton : _l (b_)(_6l ____ Neal : Rackleff Kimble ye t r espo nded Ratliff ~-b_)(6_ )____ : _l (b_)(_6 )____ SOHUD ~ ~ ~ From : Holmes , Gregory A Sent : Fr i day , March 24 , 20 1 7 10 : 08 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Check - in w/She ila /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Greenwood and Gr eg Holmes HUD-18-0504-D-000996 From : Sent : To : Subjec Dav i d Javdan l~ (b~)(~6~ ) ---------~ Thursday , March 23 , 2017 Greenwood , Shei la M t: Accepted : Brea k fast 3 : 56 PM w/Sheila Greenwood From : David Javdan l~ Thursday , Marc h 23 , 20 1 7 1 : 49 PM Greenwood , Shei la M t : Accep te d : 9 : 30 Coffee w/Sheila and From : Sent : To : Subjec - re : Kasper , Maren M Thursday , March 23 , 2017 9 : 57 AM Greenwood , Shei la M t : Accepted : Chec k -in w/Sheila Greenwood Aaron's Deta il From : Sent : To : Subjec - re : Hinton - Mcclam, Linda Don behal f of Cruciani , Linda M Thursday , Marc h 23 , 2017 9 : 43 AM Greenwood , Sheila M t: Accep t ed : Chec k -in w/Sheila Gr ee nwood a n d Li nda Cruc i a n i Aaron ' s Detai l Subject : Location : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Jenn Fogel a n d Linda Cruc i a n i Transportat i o n f or Cos Mandarin Hotel HUD-18-0504-D-000997 Start : Fr i 3/24/20 17 9 : 25 AM End : F ri 3/24/20 17 10 : 35 AM Show Tim e As : Tentative Recurre n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not Organize r: Dagge tt, Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Hi Tanya yet responded Tanya R Greenwood , Sheila M; Dawki ns , Euni ce D - Cou l d Sh eila get the Execut i ve Car to t ake her up to th e Mandari n Hote l on Fr i day morn in g , March 2 4 at 9 :2 5 and a p i ck u p at 10 : 35 ? Thank you . Eun i ce Subjec t: Locat i on : NFFE Labor-Ma n agement 21 50 Fo r um Apr il Start : Thu 4/6/2017 3 : 30 PM End : Thu 4/6/2017 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none ) Meet in g Status Organizer Required : Not ye t r espo nded : Sul l ivan , Josep h Attendees : Greenwood , Shei l a M; Gol rick , Janet Meet at J oe Su llivan ' s off i ce 2150 for meet a nd greet u n i on p r es i de n ts . Cos and Dep Sec are n ot e x pected to entire meeting . Talking Points to be provided . Subjec t: Locatio n: FY 18 Re n ta l Assistance 10 1 06 with stay M NFFE f or Budge t Sta r t : Thu 3/23/2017 9 : 30 AM End : Thu 3/23/2017 10 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurre n ce : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : : Golrick Not ye t respo nded , Janet M HUD-18-0504-D-000998 Required Attendees : Charles , Genge r M; Gree nwood , Sheil a M; Fitzpatrick , Nor a S ; Bryon , Jerni n e A; Lyberg , Sarah A; Timberlake Court n ey B; Clernrnensen, Craig T Sub j ec t: Locatio n : In frastructure 10 1 0 6 , Kick-Off Star t : Thu 3/23/20 17 4 : 30 PM End : Thu 3/23/ 2 0 17 5 : 0 0 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng S ta tus : Not yet r espo nd ed Organiz e r : Golric k, Janet M Required Attendees : Kasper , Maren Ti mbe rl ake , Cour tney B; Lyberg , Sa ra M; Charles , Ge ng er M; Davis , Thomas Clifford ; Gimo nt , Stanley ; Sardone , Ca ll-in Numbe r : Access Host Cod e : M; Gree nwo od , She ila M; h A; Bryo n , Jem i ne A; Pou r , Ivan R; I ber , Rob ert G; Taffet , Virg ini a; Clemmens en , Cr a ig T 888-675-2535 !/b\/6\ ~ (Ja ne t Only ) Code : F rom : Hinton - McClam, Lin da Don behalf of Cruciani , Linda Sent : Wednesday , Mar c h 22 , 20 1 7 11 : 28 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Su bject : Accepted : 1 1: 40 Fo ll ow- up w/S h eila , Mare n and M Linda C. From : Smi th , Ja ' Ron K. EOP/WHO Sent : Wednesday , Marc h 22 , 20 17 1 0 : 08 AM To : Gre e nwood , Shei la M Subjec t : Accepted : Lunch w/Sheila Gree nwoo d/Ja ' Ron Smith /Andrew Ol mem/ Ma r k Calab ri a From : Sent : To : Subjec David Javdan l~ more details » DOT Chao reception When Wed Mar 29 , 201 7 3pm - 4pm Eas te rn Where 1200 new jersey ave de (map) Calendar Sheila Greenwood Who • l(b)(6) • Sheila Greenwood Going? Yes - Maybe Ca l enda r /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT - No more optio Time - ns » organi ze r I nvi ta t io n f rom Goog l e HUD-18-0504-D-001004 You are receiving th is cour tes y email at the accoun t she i la . m.greenwoodl@hud.gov because y ou a r e an attendee of this event . To stop receiving fu tu r e updates for th i s event , decline thi s eve n t . Al ter nat i vely you can sign up for a Goo g le account at h ttps : //www . goo g le . com/calendar/ and co n t r o l your noti f icat i o n sett i ngs for your ent ir e ca l e nd a r . Forward i ng this inv i tati o n c o ul d all ow any recipient to modify your RSVP r espo n se . Lea rn More . Su bje c t : FW: I G/SOH UD Meeti ng Locat ion : Secretary ' s Office Start : Tu e 4/ 4/201 7 1 : 00 PM End : Tu e 4/4/2017 1 : 3 0 PM Sho w Time As : Tentative Rec urre nce : (n o ne ) Meeting Sta t us : Organizer : Not ye t re spo nde d DocBe n - ---- Or i g inal App oin tment ---- Fr om : Gr ibb in , Anne H On Behal f Of Doc Ben Sent : Thursday , Ma r ch 1 6 , 2 0 1 7 11 : 4 7 AM To : DocB en ; J e nk in s , Anne ; Montoya , David Subj ect : IG/SOH UD Meeti ng Wh e n : Tuesday, April 04 , 201 7 1 : 00 PM- 1 : 30 PM (UTC- 0 5:00) Time (US & Ca na da ) . Where : Sec r eta ry ' s Office Fir st of Mont hly Subject : Lo cation : Easte r n Meet ing s DPA/ NFA 1010 6 Start : Mon 3/20/ 2 0 17 1 : 30 PM End : Mon 3/20/20 17 2 : 0 0 PM Show Time As : Te nta t ive Recurrence Meet ing : (none ) S t atus : Not yet r espo nd ed Organize r : Golrick , Janet M Requ i r ed Attendees : Gr eenwood , Sheila M; Po tts , Millicent B; Christopher , Nan cy D; Charles , Genger M; Kasper , Mare n M; Petty , Timothy J ; Clemmensen , Craig T /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-001005 From : Calabria , Mark A . EOP/OVP Sent : Friday , March 17 , 2017 10 : 10 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject: Accepted : Lunch w/Sheila Greenwood/Ja ' Ron Smi th/Andrew Olmem/Mark Calabria Subject : Members Loca tion : Canceled : Reappointment of Federal Advisory Committee COS Off ic e Start : Mon 3/20/2017 5 : 00 PM End : Mon 3/20/20 17 5 : 30 PM Show Time As : Free Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organizer : Ch a rl es, Genger M Required Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Golrick, Janet M; Gerecke , Sarah S Optional Attendees : Dawkins , Eunice D; Franklin , DeSh a unta M; Thrower , Laura A; May, Marlene L Attac hing the electro nic version. Attachment 1 is the reappointment Attachment editor . 2 is the i n formatio package n about . Mr . Becerra ' s l etters From : Pa u l Rainwater Sent : Thursday , March 16 , 2017 6 :1 5 PM To : Greenwood , Shei la M Subject : Accepted : Meeting w/Sheila Greenwood/Paul Kabacoff - re : Locus ' plan f or rebu il ding & reinvest to the Rainwater/Pres in g in c i ties From : Byrd-Chichester , Janell Sent : Thursday , March 16 , 201 7 6 : 00 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Su bject : Accepted : Lunch w/Sheila and Janell Byrd - Chichester /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-001006 Con fidenti a lit y Not i ce : The inf o r mat i o n contai ne d in th is e-mai l and any a tt achmen t s may be conf i dential o r priv i l eged unde r app l i cable l aw , or o t herwise ma y be protected from disc los ure to a n yone other than the intend e d r ecip i e nt (s) . Any use , distribution , or copying of this e-mail , including a n y o f its conte nt s or attachme nt s by a n y perso n other than the in tended r ec i p i e n t , or for any p urp ose other than it s i nte nded use , is str i ctly prohib i ted . If you bel i eve you ha ve received t h is e - mail in error : permanently de l ete t h e e - mail and any attachm en ts , and do no t save, copy , d i sc l ose , or rely on any part of the inf o r mat i o n contai n ed in th is e-mail or it s attac hme n ts . Pl ease ca ll 202-6 49 -380 0 i f you h ave q u est i ons . Subject : Inv i tation : Dr . Bray appointment @ Mon Mar 27 , 2017 2 : 50pm - 3 : 5 0pm (EDT) (Sheila Gr ee nwood ) Locatio n : Alexandr i a Associates I n Dermato l ogy 1900 N Beauregard St , Un it 110 , Alexandria , VA 22311-1736 , Unite d States Start : Mon 3/2 7 /2017 2 : 50 PM End : Mon 3/27/20 17 3 : 50 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta ti ve Recurrence Organi zer : : (none) ~l (b_)(_6_) _____________ ~ Man age all your cale nda rs i n one place . Download the Goo g le Cal en dar app . mor e deta il s» !(b)(6) 1appointment When Mon Mar 2 7 , 2017 2 : 5 0pm - 3 : 50 pm Eastern Time Where l(b)(6) 11900 N Beauregard Un it 110 , Alexandria , VA 223 1 1-1736, Un ited St ates (map ) Calendar Sheila Gr eenwood ~l (b_)(_6)____________ organ i z e r Who She il a Gree nwood St , ~i - Go i ng? Yes - Maybe - No more opt i o n s» I n v it at i o n f rom Goog l e Cal endar You are receiving this courtesy email at the account she il a . m.greenwoodl@hud.gov because yo u are a n attendee of this event . To stop receiving future updates for this eve n t , dec l i n e t h i s event . Alternat i vely yo u can s i gn up for a Goog l e account at h ttps : //www . goog l e . com/calendar/ and control yo ur notif i catio n setti ngs for your entire cale ndar . Forwarding this inv i tation co u ld al l ow a ny rec i pient t o mod i f y your RSVP response . Learn Mor e . Subjec t : Canceled Even t : Festiva l of Learning ce l e brat i on @ Thu Mar 1 6 , 2017 7pm - 8pm (EDT) (Sheila Greenwood ) Start : End : Thu /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Thu 3/16/20 17 7 :0 0 PM 3/16/2017 8 : 0 0 PM HUD-18-0504-D-001007 Recurrence : (non e ) Organizer (b~)(~6~) _____________ : ~l __. This event has been canceled and removed Fest i val of Learning celebration When Thu Mar 16 , 2017 7pm - 8pm Eastern Calendar Sheila Greenwood Who l(b)(6) • Beau Greenwood • Shei la Greenwood from your calendar . Time i- organizer Inv i tation f r om Goo g l e Calendar You are receiving th i s courtesy ema il at the account she il a . m.greenwoodl@hud.gov because you are an attendee of this event . To stop receiving future updates for th i s event, decl i ne this event . Alternatively you can sign up for a Goo g le account at h ttps : //www . google . com/calendar/ and contro l you r notificat i on se tt ings for your entire calendar . Fo rw ard i ng this invi tat i on could allow any r ecip i ent to modify your RSVP response . Learn More . From : Bryon , J emine A Sent : Wednesday , March 1 5 , 2017 3 : 40 PM To : Greenwood, Shei la M Subject : Accepted : Check - in w/She il a Greenwood and Jem i ne Bryon From : Dav i d Javdan l~ Sent : Wednesday , Mar c h 1 5 , 2017 11 : 08 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-001009 Subjec t : Accepted Andrew Olmem w/Sheila Gree nwood , Ja ' Ron Smi th CONFIRMED: HQ Meet i ng w/ Ci ty Sub j ect : CDBG-DR Locatio n : 10 1 0 6/ / Confere ! !(b)/6) : Lunch nc e Call# of San Ma r cos and (TX) Re : : 1- 877 - 336 - 18 28 ; Access Code : Start : Wed 3/ 1 5/ 2 0 17 1 1 : 00 AM End : Wed 3/15/20 17 11 : 4 5 AM Show Time As : Te nta t ive Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng Status : Not yet responded Organi zer : Hardy IV , Sta nle y Requ i r ed Attendees : Gi mon t , Stan l ey ; Par k e r , Tennille Anna, Aaron ; Press , Jaco b D; Barton , Victori a L; Ramo n, Gr ee nwood , Shei l a M Optio na l Attend ees : Flanery, Ryan D; McNal ly , Francis * Th i s meet i ng was req u ested TX) Date : 3/15/ by Ron Eritano (DC rep for S ; Sa n ta Nico las; P San Ma r co , 17 Tim e : 1 1 : 00 am- 1 1 : 45 am ET// 10 : 00 : am- 10 : 45 am CT Locat i o n : 1 0 1 06 Conference Background Call# : 1- 877 - 336 - 182 8 ; Acc ess Code : = kb=} /= 6}~~ : We would like to mee t with Sta n Gi mon t a n d Ryan Fl ane r y to provide an update on the work th e Ci ty is do i ng wi th funding r ece i ved throug h the CDBG- Disaster Recovery program i n 2016 . Inter n al Atte ndees : Nick Ramon , DRA Region IV (by phone) Vi cto ri a Barto n , Cong r ess i onal Stanley /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Lia i so n Hardy , CIR HUD-18-0504-D-001010 Stan Gimo nt , CDBG Tennill e Pa r ker , CDBG- DR Ryan Fla n e ry , CDBG- DR Externa l Attendees John : 1. Mayor Th omaid es 2. Coun cil Member Lis a Prewitt 3. Coun c il Member Scott 4. Coun cil Membe r Me lissa 5. Coun c il Member Ja n e Hughso n 6. Ac t i ng Ci t y Manager 7. Dire ctor 8. Laur ie 9. S teve Gregso n De rrick Colle tte o f Communi cat i ons Moyer , Director Par ke r , Assistant 10 . Chr istine Pellerin, 11 . Ron Eri tano, of Jamison Kristi Engi neeri City Wyatt ng and Capi t al Improvement Mana ger The Normandy Group Th e Norman d y Group From : John Keas t Sent : Wednesday , Mar c h 1 5 , 201 7 1 0 : 1 8 AM To : Greenwood , Shei la M Subject: Acc epte d : Meeting w/Sheila Gr een wood/HUD staff Campbell Kau fma n re : RAD/Hunt Compan ies Subjec t: Loca tion: Int erview with 1022 6 HUD and Ch ad Davis S tart : Mon 3/20/201 7 3 : 30 PM End : Mon 3/20/2017 4 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurre /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT n ce : (none) HUD-18-0504-D-001011 Meeting Status : Not ye t resp o nde d Organizer : Hughes , Andrew Required Attende es: Chad M; Dawk i n s , Eunice D Davis ; McCall , Drew A; Gre enwo od , Sheila FHA Ca n didate From : Sinclair Cooper Sent : Wednesday , Marc To : Greenwood , Shei Subject: Accepted: Campb ell Kaufma n re : P : Please co nsi der h 15 , 20 1 7 9 : 22 AM la M Meet ing w/Sheila Greenwood/ HUD staff RAD/Hunt Companies the env i ro nment before printing this a nd e-mail This e - mail, including a ll information contained therein and any attachments, is int ended solely for the person or ent i ty to which it is addressed a n d may contain confidential and/or privileged material . If you are not an int ended recipient , or an agent responsible for deliveri ng it to an intended recipient , you have received this email in er ror . In such event , please imme diately (i) no t ify the se nder by reply email , (ii) do not review, copy , save , forwa r d or print th i s ema il o r a ny o f its attachments , a nd (i ii) delete and/or des tro y this email and its a tt achmen t s and all copies thereof . Any review , retransmission , dissemination or other use of , or taking of any action in reliance upon , any e - mail sent in error , inc l udi ng a ll information contained therein a nd any attachments , by persons or ent it ies o th e r tha n the i ntended recip i ent is prohibited . Please visit our website a t www.h untcompanies . com for important inf o r mat ion about ou r privacy po li cies . For your protect ion , p l ease do no t transmit accou nt information or i n struc t ions by e-mail or include accou nt numbers , Soc i al Secur ity numbers , credit card numbers , passwo r ds or other persona l in formatio n. FW: SOHUD Meet ing w/Sen . Kennedy Secretary's Conference Room Subject : Location : Pre-B r ief Start : Tue 3/14/2017 3 : 30 PM End : Tue 3/14/2017 4 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentat iv e Recu rr ence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : : Not yet r esponded DocBen HUD-18-0504-D-001012 -----Original Appointment----From : DocBen Sent : Friday , Marc h 10, 2017 2 : 21 PM To : DocBen ; Barton , Victoria L ; Hardy IV , Stanley ; Corsiglia, Nancy E ; Cha r les , Ge nger M; Ca rr, Terry M; Gree nwood , She il a M; Gimont , Stanley ; McNally , Francis P ; Press , Jacob D; Parker , Te nnill e S ; Carr (Ctr) , Angela N; Flanery , Ryan D; Huff , Micha e l Subject : SOHUD Meeting w/Sen . Kennedy Pre - Brief When : Tuesday , March 14 , 2017 3 : 30 PM-4:00 PM (UTC-05 : 00) Eas tern Time (US & Ca na da ). Where : Secretary ' s Co nf e r ence Room Attendees : Victoria Barto n Stanley Ha rdy Stan ley Gimont Nancy Corsiglia Francis McNally Genger Charles Jacob Press Tenn i lle Par k e r Terry Carr Ryan Flanery Mi chael Sheila Huff Greenwood Secretary Subject : Location : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Carson con firm ed : Call wi th app r opr i ations Janet ' s Off ic e/Call in number staff HUD-18-0504-D-001013 Start : Wed 3/15/2017 12 : 30 PM End : Wed 3/15/20 17 1 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Not yet r esponded Organizer : Lybe r g, Sarah A Required Attendees : Maren M Kasper (Maren.M.Kasper@hud . gov) ; She il a M Greenwood (Sheila . M. Greenwoodl@hud . gov ); Janet Golr i ck (Janet . M. Golrick@h u d . gov ); Timberlake , Courtney B; Clemmensen , Craig T; Ballard , Dan i el L USA Toll-Free : (877) 848-7030 ACCESS CODE: =1/ b=l/=6} ._____, Host code (Sarah only) : l!filiill From : Cindy Chett i Sent : Monday , March 13, 201 7 5 : 23 PM To : Gr eenwood , Shei l a M Subject : Accepted : HOLD for meeting NMHC Officers From : Cindy Chetti Sent : Monday , March 13 , 2017 5 : 23 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Su bject : Accepted : HOLD f or meeting NMHC Officers Subject : Location : Whi te House EEOB 472 Infrastructure w/Sheila and Cindy Chett i and w/Sheila and Cindy Che tt i and Follow Up Discuss i on Start : Wed 3/15/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 3/15/20 17 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Organize Please today r: Rami rez , Austin remember to fill out your WAVES i nfo rma t i on no later than EOD (Monday) : https : //events.white h ouse . gov/form?rid =6K38KFJ4R3 As a follow up to President ' s Infras /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT M. EOP/WHO the March 2nd Principals ' meeting on the truc ture I ni t iative , we will be gather in g in EEOB HUD-18-0504-D-001014 472 a t 2 : 00 p.m. on Marc h 15th . The p ur pose of the meeting i s to lay o ut in more deta i l h ow we plan on o rg an i zing th i s effort and the data gat h ering a nd policy coordi na t ion it wi l l e n t ail . This will be the first of many meetings as we try to pull toge ther an integrated approac h to infr astruc ture. Attached please f i nd a n agenda for the meet i ng and li st of participants (if you would lik e to add a participant , please Austin first as space is limi te d ), the memo and presentation out a t the Pri n cipa l s ' meeting o n Marc h 2nd , some background FPISC , a n d an Execut i ve Order o n h i gh-p r ior i ty projects. contact handed on In terms of your involvement , we would lik e to hea r any id eas you h ave th at fall i nto 6 categories out l i ne d in the attac he d memo . This meeting wi ll not be long enough f o r us to discuss a n y ide as in depth . Instead , I would prefer to have you just give the group bullet points on potential avenues of exploration ; so we are ab le to develop some synergy as a g ro up . If you ha ve any questions , please austin _ m_r amirez@who . eop . gov Subjec t: Meet ing Forward Ceremony w/Sheila and Jean Locatio n: COS Office reach ou t to Not ifi cation Lin Pao Austin : Pre -mee ting at on CFC Closi ng Start : Wed 3/22/20 17 4 :0 0 PM End : Wed 3/22/20 17 4 : 30 PM Recurrence Organize Your : (none ) r: meeting Pao, was Jea n Lin forwarded Pao , Jean Lin meet in g r equest to additional recip i e nt s . Meeting Pre - meeting on CFC Closing Ce r emony w/Shei has la forwarded and Jean yo ur Lin Pao Meet i ng Tim e Wednesday , 22 Marc h 20 17 16 : 00 - 1 6 : 30 . Recipients Smith-Thomas , Makia Edwards , Fr ieda B All times listed are Time (US & Ca n ada ) Sent by Mic rosoft /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT in the Exchange following t i me zone : (UTC- 05 : 00) Easte rn Server HUD-18-0504-D-001015 Subjec t : Locat i o n: code ,,.,k b.... }"" /6"" }_ Discuss r espo n se to Se n ate Ba nk i n g l e tt e r Ch i e f of sta f f ' s Con f e r e n ce Room- ca l l i n 1 877 336 1 839 , __.I Start : Mon 3/13/20 17 10 : 45 AM End : Mon 3/ 1 3/ 2 0 17 1 1 :1 5 AM Show Ti me As : Tenta ti ve Recurrence : (none ) Or gan iz e r : Pr ess , Required Atte ndees Courtney B; Kasper Santa Ann a , Aaro n ; Opt i o n al Atte ndees Br i an E Subjec t : Locat i o n : Jacob D : Press , Jacob D; Ly b erg , Sarah A; Timberlake , , Mar e n M; Gol rick , Janet M; Cl emmens e n , Craig T; Gree nwood , Sh eila M; Brown , Jereon M : Ryan , Joshua J ; Muse , Rebecca A; Su ll iva n , SOHUD t o meet Russell Senate with Se n ator Ke nn edy Buil d i ng , B- 11 (LA) Start : Tu e 3/14/2017 4 : 30 PM End : Tue 3/14/2017 5 : 0 0 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurre n ce : (none ) Meet in g Status Org a nizer Required Gribbi n, * : Not ye t r espo nded : Barto n, Victoria L Atte ndees : Greenwood Ann e H Th i s meet i ng was req u ested Date : Th ursday , March , Sheila M; Dawkins , Eunice by Sena t o r John Ke n nedy D; (LA) 9 , 2 0 17 Time : 4 : 30 PM Locatio n : Russell Sena t e Bu il di n g , B-11 Bac kgro un d : To d i sc u ss Inter n al Secretary /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT reg u latory waiver r eq u ests fo r ongo in g f l ood r ecove r y . Atte ndees : Ben Carson HUD-18-0504-D-001016 She il a Greenwood , Ch i ef Victoria Ba rton External Attendees Senator John Chris Stanley John Steitz F rom : Sent : To : Subject Campbe P of Staff , Congressional Liaison : Kennedy , Legis lat ive , Legislative Direc tor Assistant Ellen Shymansky Friday, March 10 , 2017 3 : 20 PM Greenwood , Sheila M : Dec lin ed : FW: Mee ting w/Sheila Gre enwood/HU D staff ll Kaufman r e : RAD/Hunt Companies Please co ns ider the env i ronment before printing this a nd e-mail Th is e-ma il, in clud i ng al l i nformat i o n conta in ed there in and a ny attachments , is intended solely for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material . If you are not an intended recipien t, or an agent resp o n sible f or delivering it to an intended recipient , you have rec e i ved th i s email in error . In such event , please i mmediately (i) no t ify t he sender by reply email , (ii) do not review , copy, save , forward o r print this ema il or any of its attachments , and (i ii ) delete and/or destroy th is email and its attachments and all copies thereof. Any r eview , r et r ansmission , dissem i nation or other use of , or taking of any act i on in reliance upo n , any e-ma il sent in e rr or , inc l udi ng a ll information contained therein and any attachments , by persons or e n t ities other than the intended r ec ipient is prohibited . Please visit our website at www.h untcompanies .com f or importa nt information about our privacy polic i es . For your protection , please do not transmit account information or instructions by e - ma il or includ e account numbers , Social Security numbers , credit card n umbers , passwords or other personal i nfo rma t ion . Subject Locatio Start : n: : End : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Tue SOHUD Meeting w/Sen . Kennedy Secretary ' s Co n ference Room Pre - Brief Tue 3/14/20 17 9 : 15 AM 3/14/2017 9 : 45 AM HUD-18-0504-D-001017 Show Time As : Recurrence Meeting Tenta tive : (none) Status : Not ye t re spo nde d Organ iz e r: DocBe n Required Attendees : Barton , Victoria L; Hardy I V, Stanley ; Corsiglia , Nanc y E; Charles , Genger M; Carr , Terry M; Greenwood, She il a M; Gi mont , Sta nley; McNally , F r a n c i s P ; Press, Jacob D; Parker , Tenn i lle S; Ca rr (Ctr) , Ange l a N; Flanery , Rya n D; Huff , Mic hael Attendees : Victoria Barton Stan l ey Hardy Stanl e y Gimon t Nancy Co r sig li a F rancis McNal ly Genger Ch ar le s Jacob Press Tennill e Parker Terry Ca rr Ryan Flanery Mi chael Huf f She il a Gr eenwood Secre t a r y Carso n From : Iber , Robe rt G Sent : Friday , March 10 , 2017 1 : 55 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Meeti ng w/S h eila Gree nwoo d / HUD staff Campbel l Kaufman re : RAD/Hunt Companies /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT a nd HUD-18-0504-D-001018 Subjec t : w/Secretary Loc a tio n : Fa it h Based & Neighbo rh ood Partnerships Ca r son Secretary ' s Con feren ce Room l Briefing Start : Tue 3/28/20 17 10 : 00 AM End : Tue 3/28/ 2 0 17 1 1 : 30 AM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recu rr en ce : (none) Meet i ng Status : Not yet r espo nded Organiz e r : Clemmensen , Craig T Required Attendees : Cle mmen sen , Crai g T ; Greenwood , She il a M; Kasper , Maren M; Lincoln , Paula A; Gol r ick , Janet M; Gr ibb i n , Anne Hel l o a ll H - Thanks f o r al l y o ur work thu s far to brief the Beach Head Team on ke y iss ues and regula t ions . Office Pr ese nta t i ons a r e now schedu l ed for the next t wo weeks with Secr e tary Carson . Lo gistics : All meetings will b e in the Sec r etary's Conf e r ence Room . They will l as t 1-2 ho ur s - because t hey are sc he du l ed t i g ht l y , please a rriv e a few minu tes ea r ly and be r eady to present on time. Presentations : The se b r ie fi ngs will be done e l ectronica ll y . By 1 : 00pm t h e a ft e rn oon befo r e your presentation , please se n d your comp l eted PPT to Anne Gribbin, Sheila Greenwood, Mare n Kasper, Craig , and mys e lf and cc : DeSha un ta Franklin and Tanya Dagget t . If your presen t a t io n is o n a Monday , please send yo u r prese n ta ti o n no later than 2 : 00 PM on the Fr i day be f o r e the weekend . Please b ring up to (4) sta ff e r s you believe to be cruc i al to th e conte n t of the prese nt ation or abi lit y to answer questions . Also , p l ease have print - outs avai la ble in case we expe ri ence technologica l d iffi c u l ties . Areas of focus : As indicated i n the temp lat e (re-attached here) , the goals of these presentat ions are to del i ver key in fo r mat ion to Secre t a r y Carso n and allow h i m a n d key staf f t o answe r q u est i o n s about your offices . Please p l a n your presentatio n to e n sure t h at you address eve r yth i ng in the template , including any Items Requiring Immediate Attention . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-001019 I welcome ques t ions - a n d app re ciate yo ur ongoi ng suppo rt . Than k You ! Janet Subjec t : Loca t io n : Canceled : Secreta ry Carson 10232 (Janet ' s Of fi ce) ' s Speech Start : Fri 3/ 10 /20 17 9 :3 0 AM End : F ri 3/10/2017 10 : 00 AM Show Time As : F ree Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not y et responded Organi zer : Gol r i c k , Jane t M Requ i r ed Attendees : Clemmensen , Craig T ; Benison, Maren M; Petty , Timot h y J ; Cruciani , Linda M Jo hn P ; Kasper, Fr om : Beni son , John P Sent : Wednesday , Mar ch 08 , 20 17 5 : 00 PM To : Golrick , Janet M > ; Clemmensen , Cra i g T Subjec t : FW: Sec r etary Carson ' s Speec h - Religious Discrimination > Jane t/Craig, below is the e-mai l f rom the seco n d complai n ant . As you will see , th e i n f o r mat i on p r ov id ed is very sim il a r o r the same as the i nf orma t ion provided by the f i r st complai n ant . Th i s i ndi vidual apparen t l y also se n t the i r comp lain t to the Ethics Divisio n in OGC. As mention ed i n th e e - mail I sent a f e w minu tes ago , I think it would be he lpfu l to meet f or a few minute s tomorrow after n oo n to d i scuss the best app r oac h fo rw ard . Let me know . Thanks very muc h , Joh n /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-001020 From : Thursd a y , Ma rc h 09 , 2 01 7 3 : 25 PM Gr ee nwood , She ila M t: Accepted : 8 : 45 Co ffee w/Sheila Subject: Loc at i on : o ffi ce) Andrew Bremberg West Wing - Second a nd Jason Floor , NE Corner Woolwine (Step h en Mi ll e r 's St art : F ri 3/10/2017 12 : 00 PM End : F ri 3/10/2017 12 : 30 PM Show Time As : Ten t a t ive Recur r e n ce : (none ) Meeting Status : Not y et respond ed Org an iz e r : Grib b in , Anne H Required Atte ndees : Greenwood , Shei l a M; Nas o n , Mic ha el Mary Sa lvi , Bremb e rg ' s assista Wing t o show yo u up . You have Attendee s : Shei la nt, will meet yo u in both been waved in. Gree nwood , Secre t a ry Carson , Mike Fr om : Hughes , Andrew Sent : Thursday , Marc h 09 , 2017 9 : 23 AM To : Greenwood , Shei l a M Subject: Accepted : Meeti ng w/S h eila Greenwood lobby of Part II of the Secretary The Sec r etary ' s Off i ce ' s Et hi cs West Nason and Michae l Br i g ht F rom : McCal l , Drew A Sent : Thursday , March 09 , 2 017 9 : 22 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Sub j ect : Accepted: Mee ting w/S h eila Gree n wood a n d Mi chael Subjec t : Locat i o n : C Br i g ht Br ief i ng Start : Thu 3/9/2017 3 : 30 PM End : Thu 3/9/2017 5 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence : (none) Mee t ing Status Organizer : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Not ye t re spo nded Cr u cian i , Linda M HUD-18-0504-D-001021 Requ i red Atte ndees : Gribbi n, Anne H; Kasper , Mare n M; Naso n, Mi chael C; Al exander , Mason ; Allen , Lindsey A Optional Attendees : Greenwood , Shei la M; Petty , Timothy J OGC' s p r ogram b r ief i ng for the Secretary is f rom 2 : 00-3 : 30 . do not take the ent i re 90 mi nutes , we may have the option of into the eth i cs br i efing sooner than 3 : 30 . Subject Location : : Canceled Mandarin If we mov i ng : TRANSPORATION for CoS Hotel - 1330 Maryland Avenue , SW, St art : Thu 3/9/2017 8 : 55 AM End : Thu 3/9/2017 9 : 45 AM Show Time As : Free Recurrence : (none) Meeting Status : Organize Required r: Daggett Attendees Not yet responded , Tanya R : Greenwood , Shei l a M; Dawkins , Eunice D Hi Tanya , Per our conversation (3/9) to ta k e her a t 8 : 55 and pick to , could She il a use the Man darin Hotel up at 9 :4 5? Thank the executive car tomorrow you . Eun i ce From : Lyberg , Sarah A Sent : Tuesday , March 07 , 2017 9 : 57 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Meeting w/Sheila , Janet Tenn i lle re : CDBG-DR Request from the Hill From : Patton , Lynne M Sent : Tuesday , Marc h 07 , 2017 5 : 48 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : 4 : 30 Mee t ing w/Sheila Subject Locatio /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : n: G ., Stan , Todd , Sarah & - re : Detroit Canceled : Morning Meeting Sec re tary ' s conference room HUD-18-0504-D-001022 Start : Wed 3/8/20 1 7 9 : 00 AM End : Wed 3/8/2017 9 : 30 AM Show Tim e As : Free Recurrence : Week l y Recurre n ce Patte r n : AM to 9 : 30 AM Meet in g Status : Not every Monday , Wednesday , and Friday from 9 : 00 ye t r espo nded Organizer : Clemrnensen , Craig T Required Attendees : Kasper , Maren M; Bryon , Jemine A; Taffet , Cli ff ord ; Gree n e , Brya n; Gant , Jon L; Cooke , Kevin R; Benison , John P ; Brooks , Towanda A; Ch arles , Genger M; Hughes , Andrew ; Gol rick , Janet M; Meye r s , Sara M; Ammon, Matthew E; Co r sigl i a , Nancy E ; Bregon , Nelson R; Cruciani , Linda M; Sa n ta Anna , Aaron ; Brown , Jereon M; Timberlake , Courtney B; Fos t er , Helen G; Surber , Kei t h W; Walsh , Christopher K; Scott , Jimmy ; Hen sley , Hen r y ; Blom , Domi n ique G; Fra n cesch in i-Petty , Raque l; Lyberg , Sarah A; OGC LEGS REGS Optional Attendees : Koskinen , Larry A; McCullough , Aisa K; Greenwood , Sheila M; Fitzpatrick , Nora S ; Alexander , Mason ; Holderfi e ld , St ephanie A; Gribbin , Anne H; McClure , Laura L; Staya n ovich , Jason E; Co n stan t i n e , Pe t e r J ; Ge r ecke , Sa r ah S F rom : Nason , Michael C Sent : Tuesday , March 07 , 2017 4 : 3 1 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : 4: 30 Meeting w/Sheila - re : Detroit From : Sent : To : Subjec - re : Detroit Alexa nde r, Maso n Tuesday , March 0 7 , 2017 4 : 27 PM Greenwood , Sheila M t: Accepted : 4 : 30 Meeting w/Sheila F rom : Kasper , Maren M Sent : Tuesday , March 07 , 2017 4 : 2 5 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : 4 : 30 Meet i ng w/She i la Subject : Carso n Location : OGC Departmental Secretary Enforcement ' s Conference - re : Detro i t Center lBriefing w/Secretary Room Start : Thu 3/9/2017 2 :0 0 PM End : Thu 3/9/2017 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) HUD-18-0504-D-001023 Meeting Status : Not ye t resp o nde d Organizer : Golrick , Janet M Required Attende es: Clemmensen , Craig T ; Greenwood , Sheila Kasper , Maren M; Cruciani , Lind a M; Gribbin , Anne H Opt i o na l Attendees : Dawk in s , Eun i ce D; Fra nk l i n , DeShaunta Petty , Timothy J ; Potts , Milli ce n t B Hello all M; M; - Thanks for all your work thus far to brief the key issues and reg u lat ions . Office Presentations for the next two weeks with Secretary Ca r son . Beach Head Team on are now sched u led Log i s ti cs : All meetings will be in the Secre t a ry' s Co nference Room , Room 10233 . They will last 1-2 ho urs - because t h ey are scheduled tightly , please arrive a few minutes early and be ready to present on time . Presentations : Thes e briefings will be done electronically . By 1 : 00pm the afternoon before your presentation, p l ease send your comp lete d PPT to Anne Gr ibb in, Sheila Gree nwood , Mare n Kasper , Cra i g , a n d myself and cc : DeShaunta F r a nkli n a n d Tanya Daggett . If your presentation is on a Monday , please send your presentation no later than 2 : 00 PM on the Friday before the weekend . Please bring up to (4) staffers you believe to be crucial to the content of the presentation or abi lit y to answer questions . Also , p le ase have print-outs available in case we experie n ce technolog i cal difficulties . Areas of focus : As i nd i cated in the template (re-attached here ) , the goals of these presentations are to deliver key information to Secretary Carson and al l ow him and key staff to answer questions about your o f fices . Please plan your presenta tion to ensure that you address everythi ng i n the template , i ncluding a ny Items Requ ir ing Immediate Attention . I welcome Thank questions - and app r eciate yo ur ongoing suppo rt. You ! Janet /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-001024 From : Michael R . Bright (mbright@milkeninstitute Sent : Tuesday , March 07 , 2017 1 1:1 0 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Meeti ng w/Sheila Greenwood . org) and Michael Bright Fro m: Google Calendar on be hal f of !(b)(6) I Sent : Tuesday , Marc h 07 , 2017 10 : 02 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject: Accepted: Meet ing w/Sheila Greenwood and Beth Zorc@ Tue Mar 7 , 2017 5pm - 5 : 30pm (EST) (Greenwood , Sheila M) Attachm en ts : invite . ics I has accepted th i s invitat i o n. Meeting w/Sheila Greenwood and Beth Zorc Depar tmen t of HUD - (come to the south entrance - near 451 7th Street , SW Washington , DC 20410 l(b)(6) the Freeway) When Tue Mar 7 , 2017 5pm - 5 : 30pm Eas tern Time Where COS Office (map) Calendar Greenwood , Sheila M Who Greenwood , Sheila M - o rg an i zer • ~l (b_)(_6)_______ creator • Hughes , Andrew McCall, Drew A ~1- Invitation f r om Google Cale n dar You are receiving this courtesy emai l at the account sheila . m. greenwoodl@hud . gov because you are an attendee of this event . To stop r ece i ving future updates for this eve nt, dec l i n e th i s event . Alternatively yo u can sign up for a Google account at h ttps : //www . google . com/calendar/ and co n tro l your notification settings for your entire calendar . Forwardi ng this inv it a t ion could al l ow a ny recipient to modify your RSVP r esponse . Learn Mor e . From : McCa l l , Drew A Sent : Tuesday , March 07, 2017 10 : 01 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subjec t: Accepted : Mee t ing w/Sheila Greenwood a n d Beth Zorc Subjec t: Locatio n: Core rental/18 Deputy Secretary Start Tue 3/7/2017 : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT budget k ick o ff Con f Room - Room 1 0 1 06 4 : 00 PM HUD-18-0504-D-001025 End : Tue 3/7/2017 Show Tim e As : 5 : 00 PM Tenta tiv e Rec urr ence : (non e) Meet i ng Status : Not yet r espo nd ed Organizer : Gol r ick , Ja net M Required Att endees : Clemmensen , Craig T; Richardson, Todd M; Bryon , Jem ine A; Greenwood , She ila M; Lyberg, Sa r ah A; Timberlake , Courtney B; Kasper, Mar e n M; Fitzpat r i ck , Nora S ; Iber , Rober t G; Nazz aro, Mar iann e ; Edge, Mar ilyn M; J es s ica _K . _ Lee@omb . e op . gov Optio na l Att endees : Dominiq ue G Bl om (Dominiqu e . G. Bl om@hud . gov); Lescott , Annika N . EOP/ OMB; Reed , Meagan E . EOP /OMB; Nz ive , Katherine A; Askew , Emily E . EOP/ OMB Call - i n Number : Access Host 888 - 675 - 2535 Code : !(b)(6) ~ Code : Subject: Loc a tio n : (Janet TRANSPORTATION FOR CoS EEOB/ HUD Star t : Tue 3/7/20 17 10:05 End : Tue 3/7/ 2 0 1 7 11:4 5 AM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence Only) AM : (non e) Mee t i ng Sta t us : Not Or ga niz er : Dag g ett, Required Attendees : yet r espo nded Tanya R Dawkins , Eunice D; Gree nwoo d, Sheila M Hi Ta n ya , Would it be driven Please let be poss i ble to EEOB at me kno w. for Sheila 10 : 05 and Thank to us e the Ex ecut ive pick up at 11 : 45? Car tomorr ow to you . Eunice Subjec t : Loc a tio n : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Canceled : BHT Scheduling Sec Di n ing Room (Tent . ) Meeti ng f or Sec r etary HUD-18-0504-D-001026 Start : Wed 3/8/2017 9 : 00 AM End : Wed 3/8/20 1 7 9 :30 AM Show Time As : F ree Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status : Not yet r espo nded Organiz e r : Gribbin, Anne H Required Attendees : Bass, Deana Trying to feel ou t a good t ime f or everyone to ge t toget h er on a regular basis to discuss events/meetings . We hope to get into more of a rhythm later on , but for now, will this work? From : Ri chardson , Todd M Sent : Sunday , March 05 , 2017 To : Greenwood , Shei la M Subjec t: Accepted : Meeting Tenn i lle re : CDBG-DR Request 8 : 50 PM w/Shei la , Janet from the Hill From : Clemme n sen , Craig T Sent : Friday , March 03 , 201 7 5 :4 2 PM To : Greenwood , Shei la M Subject : Accep te d : Rescheduling - Meeting Campbell Kau fma n re : RAD/Hunt Compan ie s When : Mar 7 , 2017 4: 00 : 00 PM Where : COS Office From : Pa r ker, Tennille S Sent : Friday , March 03 , 2017 4 : 21 PM To : Greenwood , She i la M Subject : Accepted : Meeting w/Sheila , J anet Tennille re : CDBG- DR Request from the Hill F rom : Gi mont , S t anley Sent : Friday, Mar ch 03, 2017 4 : 20 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accept : Meet in g w/Sheila , Janet Tennille re : CDBG- DR Request from the Hill G. , Stan , Todd , Sara h & w/Shei l a Gr eenwood G., G., Stan, When : Mar 7 , 2017 Wh e re : COS Office /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Todd , Sarah Sta n , Todd , Sarah stanley .g imon t @hud. gov has accepted this meeti ng. From : Clemmensen , Craig T Sent : Thursday , March 02 , 2017 5 : 48 PM To : Greenwood , Shei la M Subject : Accepted : HOLD - Meeting w/Shei la Gr eenwood Kaufman re : RAD/Hunt Compan i es and and & & Campbell 4: 00 : 00 PM HUD-18-0504-D-001027 From : Dagge tt , Tanya Ron behalf o f Clemmense n , Craig T Sent : Thursday , Marc h 02 , 2017 5 : 4 0 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accep te d : HOLD - Meeting w/Shei l a Gre en wood and Kau f man re : RAD/Hunt Compan ie s From : Davis , Thomas R Sent : Thursday , Marc h 02 , 2017 5 : 39 PM To : Gr eenwood , She i la M Subject : Accepted : HOLD - Meeti ng w/Sheila Kaufman re : RAD/Hunt Companies Subject : Location : Gree nwood and Campbel l Campbell TRANSPORTATION- RETURN TRI P EEOB/HUD Start : Thu 3/2/20 1 7 6 : 00 PM End : Thu 3/2/2017 6 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng Status : Not yet responded Organi zer : Dagge tt , Tanya R Requ i r ed Attendees : Dawk i n s , Eun i ce D; Gree nwood , Sh e ila F rom : Sent : To : Subjec Hughes , Andrew Thursday , Marc h 02 , 2017 1 0 : 26 AM Greenwood , Sheila M t : Accep te d : Meeting w/Pol i tical Subject : Location : Affairs and M DBC TRANSPORTATION (DROP OFF ONLY) EEOB Start : Thu 3/2/20 1 7 12 : 35 PM End : Thu 3/2/20 1 7 1 : 05 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng Status : Not yet responded Organize r : Dagge tt , Tanya R Requ i r ed Attendees : Gr eenwood , She i la Executive /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Car at 12 : 35 to take her to M; Dawki ns , Eunice EEOB for D a 1 : 00 meeting HUD-18-0504-D-001028 Sub j ec t : Canceled : 2 :1 5 Ex ecut iv e Car p i ck-up St a r t : Thu 3/2/201 7 2 : 00 PM End : Thu 3/2/20 1 7 2 : 3 0 PM Sho w Tim e As : Fr ee Recurre n ce : (none ) Mee t in g Sta t us : Not y et r espo nded Org a nize r : Greenwo o d , Shei l a M Re quir e d At ten d ees : Gr ee nwoo d , Sh e i l a M Su b ject : Fo ge l Loca ti o n : Ca n c eled : Resc h edu li ng - Coffee w/ Sheila Mee t Sh ei l a a t L ' En f a n t Pl a z a Starbuc G. an d Jenn ks St a rt : Thu 3 /2/20 1 7 3 : 00 PM End : Thu 3/2/201 7 3 : 3 0 PM Show Ti me As : F r ee Recur r e n ce : (none ) Meet i ng St at u s : Not y et r esp o nd e d Or gan iz e r: Gr eenwood , She i la M Requ i red At te ndee s : jfogel@cap i tol cou n s e l . co m; Greenwoo d , Sh e ila M Su b ject : Loc at i on : Resched u l i ng - Co ffee w/She il a G. a n d Je n n Foge l Meet She i l a at L ' Enf ant Plaz a St ar b u cks St ar t : Thu 3/2/ 2 0 1 7 3 : 00 PM End : Thu 3/2/ 2 0 1 7 3 : 3 0 PM Sh o w Time As : Tent a tive Recur r e n ce : (non e) Meet in g St atus : Not yet r espo nded Or g ani zer : Greenwood , Shei l a M Requir e d At t e ndees : jfogel@capi t olco u nsel . co m; Gr een wood , Sh eila M Sub j ec t : Loc a tio n : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Accompa n y i ng DBC - I n fr ast r uct u r e Mee ting EEOB 21 0 w/Ga r y Cohn HUD-18-0504-D-001029 Start : Thu 3/2/2017 1 : 00 PM End : Thu 3/2/20 1 7 2:00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Not Organiz e r : Greenwood Required Attendees : Subjec t: yet r espo nd ed , Sheila M Greenwood , Sheila 2 : 15 Exe cut ive Car M pick-up Start : Thu 3/2/ 2 0 1 7 2 : 00 PM End : Thu 3/2/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Ten tat iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not y et r esp onded Organi zer : Greenwood , Sheila M Requ i r ed Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila M From : May , Ma r lene Lon behalf o f Ch a r les , Ge ng e r M Sent : Wednesday , March 01 , 2017 1 : 09 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accep te d : Pr e - meeting w/Sheila r e meet ing Companies From : Dav i s , Th omas R Sent : Wednesday , Mar c h 0 1 , 2017 To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Pre-meeting Companies Subject Locatio : n: Accompanying EEOB req uest - Hunt 12 : 14 PM w/She ila DBC - Infrastructure r e meeti ng request Mee t ing w/Gary - Hun t Cohn Start : Thu 3/2/2017 1 : 00 PM End : Thu 3/2/2017 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Status : Not yet responded HUD-18-0504-D-001030 Organ iz e r: Greenwood , She i la M Required At te ndees : Greenwood , Shei l a M Sub j ec t: Locatio n: Nat i o na l Homeb uy ers Fun d Ca ll Dep Sec Confere n ce room Start : Thu 3/2/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Thu 3/2/20 1 7 12 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Tent a tive Recurrence : (none) Organ iz e r: Kasper , Maren M Required At te ndees : Golrick Greenwood , Sh e i l a M Hi - ca n we please o t hers as you see Thanks ! have fit . , Janet M; Petty th i s r oom boo ked? Subjec t: HOLD - Meet i ng w/Sheila r e : RAD/Hunt Compan i es Locatio n: COS Office Feel Greenwood , Timothy f r ee to and J; i n v it e a ny Campbe l l Kaufma n Tue 3/7/2017 2 : 30 PM Start : End : Tue 3/7/20 1 7 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tent a tive Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer Required Gol r i c k, G; Campbe : Not yet r espo nded : Gr ee nwood , Shei l a M Attendees : Greenwood , Shei l a M; Cle mmense n, Craig T; Janet M; Cha rl es , Ge nge r M; Davis , Th omas R; Iber , Robe r t ll Kau fman Subjec t: Locatio n: Cof f ee w/She i la TBD and Jaso n Woolwi n e Start : Fri 3/10/2017 10 : 00 AM End : Fri 3/10/2017 1 1 : 00 AM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : : Not Greenwood yet r esponded , Shei l a M HUD-18-0504-D-001031 Required Attendees (Appropriat i o ns ) Subject : Locat i o n: : Greenwood , Sheila Coffee w/She i la Mandarin Hotel and Steven Start : Fri 3/10/2017 10 : 00 End : Fri 3/10/2017 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative M; Woolwine , Jason Nesmith AM Recu rr ence : (none) Meeting Status Organizer Required : Not : Greenwood Attend ees: Subject : Lo cation : ye t re spo nde d , Shei l a M Greenwood , Shei l a M; Coffee w/Sheila Mandarin Hotel and Start : Fri 3/3/ 2 0 1 7 10:00 End : F ri 3/3/2017 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recurrence Meeting Steven ~l Int e rvi ew with Bernie HUD (Sheila ' s Office) ) I sarah . a . ly berg@hud.gov Navarro S t art : Thu 3/2/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Thu 3/2/2017 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not ye t responded Organi z e r: Hughes , Andrew Required Attendees : McCall, Subject Locatio : n: Drew A; Greenwood , Shei la Canceled : FHFA Overs i ght Board meet i ng w/Genger Constitution Ce n ter - 400 7th Street , SW M Char l es Mon 2/27/20 17 3 : 00 PM Start : End : Mon 2/27/20 17 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Free Recu rr ence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer Required /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Not yet r espo nd ed : Dawkins , Eunice D At tendees : Greenwood , Sheila M HUD-18-0504-D-001035 Subjec t : Locat i o n: Canceled : Pre-F HFA briefing cos Office w/Sheila a n d Genge r Sta r t : Mon 2/2 7 /2017 9 : 30 AM End : Mon 2/27/20 17 10 : 00 AM Show Tim e As : Free Recurrence Meet ing : (none ) Status : Not Organizer : Dawkins, Required Attend ees : She il a M ye t r espo nded Eun ic e D Cha r les , Ge nger M; May , Mar lene From : Brian Montgomery Brian (of fi ce) Sta r t : Thu 2 /23/2017 4 : 00 PM End : Thu 2/23/20 17 4 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Recurrence : (none ) Meetin g Status : Not ye t re spo nde d Org a nizer : Greenwood , Shei la M Required Attende es : Greenwood , She ila bmontgomery@col lin gwood ll c . com _! Sent : Thursday , February 23 , 2017 9:59 AM To : Gr eenwood , She i la M Subject : Accepted : Coffee w/Sheila G. and Jenn Subjec t: Locatio n : Coffee w/She i la G. and Meet Sheila at L ' Enfant Fogel Jenn Fogel Plaza Starbucks Start : Thu 3/2/2017 3 : 00 PM End : Thu 3/2/20 1 7 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-001036 Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organize r: Greenwood , Sheila M Requ i red Attendees : jfogel@capitolcounse l. com ; Greenwood , She i la M Subject : Location : Meet & Gr eet - House Minority 100 1 Longworth Building Start : Thu 2/23/2017 2 : 1 5 PM End : Thu 2/23/2017 2 : 45 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Not yet r esponded Organizer : Golrick , Janet M Required Attendees : Kasper , Maren M; Greenwood , Sheila Fitzpa t rick, Nor a S ; Lyberg , Sa r ah A; ' joseph . car li le@mai l. house . gov ' From : Jenn Fogel Sent : Thursday , February 23 , 2017 7 : 16 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Declined : Coffee w/Shei l a G. and Jenn Subject : Location : Meet TBD & Greet - House M; Fogel Majority Start : Thu 2/23/20 17 1 : 15 PM End : Thu 2/23/20 17 2 : 15 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) S t atus : Not yet responded Organizer : Golrick Requ i red Attendees Fi tzpa trick , Nora , Janet M : Kasper , Maren M; Greenwood , Sheila M; S ; Lyberg , Sarah A; doug . disrud@mai l . house . gov Subject to /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Travel Hill HUD-18-0504-D-001037 Start : Thu 2/23/20 17 11 : 30 AM End : Thu 2/23/20 17 12: 00 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurre n ce : (none) Meet i ng Status : Not yet r espo nd ed Or ga niz e r : Golric k, Janet M Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Kasper , Maren M; Gree nwood , She ila Fitzpat r ick , Nor a S ; Lyberg , Sa r ah A Subjec t : Locat i o n: Exec Sec HHQ Exec Updates Sec Co n ference M; Room 10143 Sta r t : Thu 2/23/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Thu 2/23/20 17 3 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta ti ve Recu rr ence : Weekly Recu rr en c e Pa tte rn : 3 : 00 PM Meeti ng S t atus : Not eve ry yet 2 week(s) o n Th u rsday from 2 : 00 PM to r espo nded Organi zer : Fos ter , Hele n G Requ i r ed Atte ndees : Snowde n , Deborah R; Smallwood , Ma r cus R; Cl emmens en , Craig T; Gol rick , Janet M; San t a Anna , Aa ron ; Brow n, Jereo n M; Rodri gu ez , Aida N; Ji h , Deena S ; Kasper , Ma ren M; Petty Timo th y J ; Gr een wood , Sheila M Opt i o n al Atte ndees : Wright , Sandra J SEE ATTACHED UPDATED NEW FOI A, PENDING CLOSED, and REPORTS , CLOSED FOI A This is our regular biweekly upda te o n n ew i ncoming and pending clos e for FOIA and correspondence . Last week ' s new inc oming and c l osed r eports attached . New incom i ng r eport for th i s week wil l be fo rw a r ded ASAP . Pl ease r ev i ew a n d l et me know if the r e a r e part i cular i tems you would lik e me to present o n a t t h e meeting . Than k you ! Subject : Update d Invita t ion : Annual Global Leadership Awards Wed Mar 8 , 201 7 8pm - 9pm (EST ) (She i la Greenwood) Locat i o n : The Jo hn F . Kenn edy Ce n te r f o r t h e Perfo r mi ng Arts 2700 F St NW, Washingto n, DC 20566 , United States /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT @ HUD-18-0504-D-001038 Start : Wed 3/8/2017 8 : 00 PM End : Wed 3/8/ 2 0 1 7 9 :00 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence Orga n iz e r : This more : (none) ~l (b~)(~6)'---------------' e v en t has details» been changed . Annual Glob al Leadership Awards Chang e d : 2017 marks t he 20th a nn iversary of Vit a l Vo ic es Gl obal Partnership and it promises to be a n e x c iting yea r for t he o rg an iz ation . The Global Leaders h ip Awards will h o n or pioneer i ng women who are t ak i ng on the most urge n t issu es of our time i n ever - more creative , groundbreaking ways . They are exemplary of the wome n the y sought to empower when Vita l Voices was founded al most two decades ago . And they a r e a rem in der of al l the wo r k that i s yet to be do n e . This ye ar , the ho nore es are : QUEEN RANIA AL ABDULLAH Her Maj esty The Queen of the Has h emi te Kingdom of Jorda n A huma n itar ian wh o uses h er platform to improve the l ives of chil d r en and r e f ugees, and c hamp i ons incr ease d tolerance and compassion aro un d the world . women , NADI A BUSHNAQ & Executive Director of the Family Guida nc e an d Aware n ess Founder Center (FGAC), J o rdan An equal r i gh t s advoca te f rom Jo r dan who o ffer s ref ugees access to just i ce and co un se l i ng . ELSA D' SILVA Co- f o un der and Managing Direc t o r of Sa fe city , I n dia A d i g it al act iv ist who u ses c r owdmapp ing to expose ha r assment r espo nd to se xu al v i ole n ce i n I n d i a . CHIEF THERESA KACHINDAMODO Sen i or Chi e f of Dedza Distr i c t , Ma l awi A Mal awian Di s tr ict Chi ef who i s s i ngle h andedly r evers cultural practices that keep girls out of school. ing a nd harmf u l ARIELA SUSTER Founder & Crea t ive Director of Sequence Apparel LLC, El Salvador A soc i al entrep r eneur wh o ' s disrupt i ng El Sa l vador ' s gang cu ltur emp l oyi ng and educati ng at - risk youth . e by This inspiring evening brings t ogether t h e visionaries - commi t ted ind i viduals , evolved co rp orat i o n s , c i vil soc i ety and globa l t h o ug ht leaders to help us shi n e a spotlight on these e x traordinary women . Joining us on the stage will be presenters and speakers , such as /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-001039 Vita l Voices founder a n d f ormer Secre t a r y o f St ate Hi lla r y Cl i n ton , Vi ce Pres i dent Joe Bi den , Sa l ly F i e l d , Diane von Furstenberg , Tina Brown , Ambassador Melanne Verveer , Chelsea Cl inton , Nicholas Kristof , First Lady Laura Bush , Ben Affleck , Angelina Jolie , former Pres i de n t Bil l Clinton a n d Reese Witherspoon who have joined us in the past . There is so muc h to celebrate : our 20th anniversary , International Women ' s day , and our remarkable honorees . With your support , we can cont in ue to in vest i n th ese bold , innovative leaders - partnering wi th them to create the more peacefu l, p r ospero u s , equitable wo r ld they imagine . If you are interested in partnering with Vital Voices and sponsoring the event , please see the completed sponsorship deck here . When Wed Mar 8 , 2017 8pm - 9pm Eastern Time Where The J ohn F . Kenn e dy Cent e r for the Performing NW, Washingto n, DC 20566 , Unit ed States (map) Calenda r She il a Gr eenwood l(b)(6) I - organizer Who • Sheila Greenwood Arts 2700 F St Going? Yes - Maybe - No mor e options» Invita t ion f rom Goog l e Calenda r You are receivi n g this courtesy email at the account sheila . m. greenwoodl@hud . gov because you are an attendee of this event . To stop r ece i ving future updates for this eve n t , dec l i n e th i s event . Alternative l y you can sign up for a Google account at h ttps : //www . google . com/calendar/ and contro l your notification settings for your entire calendar . Forwarding this inv i ta t ion could al l ow any recipient t o mod if y your RSVP response . Learn Mor e . Subject : Invitation : Annual Gl obal Leadership Awards @ Wed Mar 8 , 2017 8pm - 9pm (EST) (Sheila Greenwood) Locatio n: The Jo hn F . Kenn edy Ce n ter f or t h e Performing Arts 2700 F St NW, Wash i ngton , DC 20566 , Un ited States Start : Wed 3/8/2017 8 : 00 PM End : Wed 3/8/2017 9 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Organizer : (none) : ~ -l(b_)(_6_) _____________ Man age a l l your calendars Download the Google Cale n dar more details» in one place . app . Annual Globa l Leadership Awards When Wed Mar 8 , 2017 8pm - 9pm Eastern /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Time HUD-18-0504-D-001040 Where The John F . Ken nedy Ce n ter NW, Washington , DC 20566 , Uni ted Calendar Sheila Greenwood Who l(b )(6) She il a Gr eenwood f or the States Perfo r ming (map) i- Ar ts 2700 F St organ iz er Goi ng? Yes - Maybe - No mor e options» Inv i tation from Goog l e Calendar You are receiving this courtesy email at the account she il a . m. gree nwoodl@hud . gov because you are a n attendee o f this event . To stop receiving future updates for this event , decline th is event . Alternatively you can s i gn up for a Google account at https : //www . google . com/calendar/ and contro l you r notification sett in gs f or your entire ca l e ndar . Forwarding this inv i tation co u ld al l ow any recipient to mod i fy your RSVP response . Learn More . From : Campbel l Kaufman Sent : Wednesday , February 22 , 2017 1 : 09 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Declined : Rescheduling - Re : Schedule request Feb 2 1, 22 or 23 From : Shorts (Ctr ) , Cecilia T Sent : Wednesday , February 22 , 2017 7 : 56 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Check-in w/Sheila and Lynette Subject: Meeting Forward Lyn et t e War r en Location : COS Office Notification : Check-in Warren w/Sheila and . T . Shorts@h u d . gov> i onal recipients . has St art : Wed 2/22/20 17 10 : 30 AM End : Wed 2/22/2017 11 : 00 AM Recurrence Organizer Your : (none) : meeting Shorts (Ctr) , Cecilia T was forwarded Shorts (Ctr ) , Cecilia for warded your meeting T HUD-18-0504-D-001041 All times Time (US & l i s t ed a r e in Canada) the f ollow i ng t ime zo n e : Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a ng e Se rv e r Subject : Meet i ng Forward Not i fi cat i on : Bu dget - re : Hil l meeti ngs and budget process Loca t ion : COS Office (UTC-05 : 00) Eastern Meet i ng w/She il a G. Start : Wed 2/22/20 17 9 :0 0 AM End : Wed 2/22/ 2 0 17 9 : 45 AM Recurrence Organ iz e r: Your : (none) Lyberg , Sarah meeting was forward A ed Lyberg , Sarah A meeting request to add ition al recipients . Meet ing Budget Meeting process w/Sheila Meet in g Time Wedne sday , 22 Feb ru ary has fo r warded your G . - re : Hil l mee t i ng s a nd budge t 2017 09 : 00-09 : 45 . Recipients Ballard , Dani e l L All times li s te d are Tim e (US & Ca n ada ) i n the f ollowing t i me zo n e : (UTC-05 : 00) Eastern Sen t by Mic rosoft Ex c h a nge Ser ver From : Kasper , Ma r en M Sent : Tuesday , Februa r y 2 1, 2017 5 : 05 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subjec t: Acc epte d : Budget Mee t in g w/Shei l a G. - r e : Hi l l meetings and budget process Subject : Location : Meet in g w/Sheila COS Off i ce and Mic ha e l Den das Start : Wed 2/22/2017 1 : 1 5 PM End : Wed 2/2 2 /20 17 2 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Not yet responded HUD-18-0504-D-001042 Organi zer : Greenwood , Sheila M Requ ir ed Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila michael den das @ho med epot . com Depar tmen t o f HUD (c ome to Freeway) 451 7t h Street desk - So uth En t ra n ce - nea r the , SW Wash in gton , DC 20410 - 202 - 402 - 6068 Sheila Gr eenwood Eunice Dawk i ns - 202-402-6624 From : Sent : To : Subjec sec ur ity M; May , Mar lene Lon behalf o f Ch a r les , Ge ng er M Tuesday , Februa r y 21 , 2017 4 : 50 PM Gre e nwood , Shei l a M t: Accepted : Chec k -in w/Sheila a nd Genge r - re : FHFA mee ting Subject Locatio : n: Trav e l Briefing - Do ' s and Don ' ts Secre t a r y ' s Co n ference Room S t art : Wed 2/22/ 2 0 17 10 : 00 AM End : Wed 2/22/2017 10 : 30 AM Show Time As : Ten t a tive Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Status : Not y et respond ed Org an iz e r: Rodr i guez , Ai da N Required Atte ndees : Kasper , Maren M; Bass , Dean a ; Alexan d er , Mason ; Nason , Mich ael C; Warr en, Lyne tte; Golrick , Janet M; Lawre n ce , Wes t o n J Opt i o n al Attendees : Franklin , DeShaun ta M; Pa tton , Lynne M; McCa l l , Drew A; Hughes , Andrew ; Greenwood , Sheila M; Dawki ns , Eun i ce D F rom : Sent : To : Subjec Ka sper , Maren M Tues d ay , Feb r uary 21 , 2 0 1 7 4 : 17 PM Greenwood , Sheila M t: Accepted : PPO Wrap Up meeting w/Sheila F rom : Sent : To : Subjec McCal l , Drew A Tues d ay , Febr u ary 21 , 201 7 3 : 34 PM Greenwood , Sheila M t: Accepted : PPO Wr ap Up meet i ng w/She il a /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-001043 From : Fitzpatrick , Nora S Sent : Tuesday , February 2 1, 2017 3 : 31 PM To : Greenwood , Shei la M Subject : Accept : Budget Meet i ng w/Shei la and budget process G. - re : Hi ll nora . s . fitz patrick@hud . gov has accepted this meeting From : Hughes, Andrew Sent : Tuesday , February 21, 2017 3 : 23 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : PPO Wrap Up mee t ing w/Sheila From : Lybe rg , Sarah A Sent : Tuesday , February 21 , 2017 3 : 20 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : Budget Meeting w/Sheila and budget p r ocess Subject : process Loca tion : Budget Meeting w/Sheila meetings . G. - re : Hill G. - re : Hill meetings meetings and budget COS Office S t art : Wed 2/22/20 17 9 : 00 AM End : Wed 2/22/20 17 9 : 45 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meeting Status Organize Required Fitzpatr r: Greenwood , Sheila M Attendees : Greenwood , Shei la M; Kasper , Maren ick , Nora S ; Lyberg , Sarah A; Timberlake , Courtney Subject : Loc ation : : Not yet responded Check-in w/Sheila COS Off ic e and Lyne tte M; B Warren Start : Wed 2/22/20 17 10 : 30 AM End : Wed 2/22/20 17 1 1 : 00 AM Show Tim e As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Meeting Organizer Requ i red /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT S tatus : Not yet responded : Greenwood , Sheila M At tendees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Warr en, Lyne tte HUD-18-0504-D-001044 Subject : Location : PPO Wrap Up meeting Office w/Sheila cos Tue 2/21/20 17 4 : 30 PM Start : End : Tue 2/21/20 17 5 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status: Not yet r esponded Organizer : Greenwood , Shei l a M Required Attendees : Greenwood , Shei l a M; Kasper , Maren Andrew ; McCall , Drew A Subjec t: Locatio n: PPO Wrap Up meeting COS Office M; Hughes , w/Shiela Start : Tue 2/2 1 /2017 4 : 30 PM End : Tue 2/2 1 /2017 5 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not ye t responded Organizer : Greenwood , Sheila M Required Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila Andrew ; McCall, Drew A Subject Locatio : n: Meeting w/Sheila COS Office and M; Kasper , Maren M; Hughes , Hunter Start : Tue 2/21/20 17 3 : 15 PM End : Tue 2/21/20 17 4 : 15 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status Organizer Requ i red Subject : Location : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Not yet responded : Greenwood , Shei l a M Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila Meet in g w/Sheila COS Office and M; Kurtzh@detroitm i .gov Hun ter HUD-18-0504-D-001045 Start : Tue 2/21/20 17 3 : 15 PM End : Tue 2/21/20 17 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Not Organiz e r : Greenwood Required Attendees : yet r espo nded , Shei l a M Greenwood , Sheila M; Kurtzh@detroitmi.gov Fr om : Thomas , Dary l L Sent : Tuesday , February 2 1, 2017 10 : 14 AM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : FW: Sheila and Ai da - Furniture F rom : Sent : To : Subjec Rodriguez , Aida N Tuesday , February 21 , 2 0 1 7 10 : 13 AM Greenwo o d , Shei l a M t: Accepted : Sheila and Aida - Furn iture Subjec t: Cho i ces Loc a tion : Meetin g Forward Not ifi cation Choices Ch oices : Sheil a a n d Aida - Furn iture Basement Start : Thu 2/23/2017 10 : 00 AM End : Thu 2/23/20 17 10 : 45 AM Recurrence Organi Your zer: meeting : (none) Rodriguez , Aida N was forwarded Rodriguez , Aida N your meeting request t o add i tional recipients . Meeting She i la and Aida - Fu rniture has forwarded Choic es Meeting Time Thur sday , 2 3 Februa r y 20 17 10 : 00- 10:4 5 . Rec i pients Thomas , Dar y l L Mayo , Sammy E /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-001046 All times li s te d are Ti me (US & Ca n ada) in the f ollowing t ime zone : Sent by Microsoft Exc h a ng e Ser ver Sub j ect : She i l a a n d Ai da - Fur ni ture Locat i o n: Basement (UTC-05 : 00) Eastern Choices Start : Thu 2/23/2017 10 : 00 AM End : Thu 2/23/20 17 10 : 45 AM Show Tim e As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer Required : Not : Greenwood Attend ees : Subjec t: ye t r espo nded , Sheila M Greenwood , Shei l a M; Rodriguez, 1 2 : 15 Executive Car Aida N pick - up Start : Tue 2/21/20 17 12 : 00 PM End : Tue 2/21/20 17 12: 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng Status : Not Organiz e r : Greenwood Required Attendees : Subjec t: Locat i o n: Chad HUD yet responded , Shei l a M Greenwood , Sheila M Davis Start : Wed 2/22/20 17 11 : 30 AM End : Wed 2/22/2017 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not ye t responded Organ iz e r : Hughes , Andrew Required Attendees : Greenwood, From : Campbell Sent : Monday, /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Kaufman Feb r uary Sheila HUD-18-0504-D-001047 To : Greenwood , Sheila M Sub j ec t : Dec l i n ed : Re : Sc h edu l e r eques t Feb Subjec t : 11 : 40 Execu ti ve Car 2 1, 22 or 23 - re : FHFA meeti ng pick-up Start : Tue 2/21/ 2 0 17 1 1 : 30 AM End : Tue 2/21/20 17 12 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none ) Meeting Status : Not Organi z e r : Greenwood Requ i r ed Atte ndees : Subject ye t respond , Sheila M Greenwood , She i la 10 : 05 Ex ecut i ve Car : ed to M EEOB Start : Tu e 2/21/2017 1 0: 00 AM End : Tue 2/2 1 /2017 1 0 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurre n ce : (none ) Meet in g Status Org a nizer Required Subject Location : Not : Greenwood Atte ndees : : : ye t r espo nded M , Sheila Greenwood , Sheila Check - i n w/Sheila COS Off i ce an d Ge n ger M Start : Wed 2/22/ 2 0 17 1 0 : 00 AM End : Wed 2/2 2 /20 17 10 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurre n ce : (none) Meet in g St atus Organizer Required Subjec t: Start : End : F ri /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : No t yet : Greenwood Atte ndees : respo nded , Shei la M Greenwood , Shei la Meet in g w/Sheila and M; Charles , Genger M Rac h e l Slobodien Fri 2/17/20 17 3 : 00 PM 2/17/2017 4 : 0 0 PM HUD-18-0504-D-001048 Show Time As : Recurrence Meeting Tenta tive : (none) Status : Not Organ iz e r : Greenwood Required Attendees : Subject : ye t re spo nde d , Sheila M Greenwood , Sheila 1 - 1 : 30 Executive Car M pick - up Start : F ri 2/17/20 17 1 :0 0 PM End : F ri 2/17/20 17 1 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recurrence : (non e) Meet i ng Status Organizer Required Subject Locatio : Not yet r espo nded : Gr ee nwood , Shei l a M Attend ees : Greenwo o d , Shei l a M : n: 9 : 30 Ex ec utiv e Car to 500 Nor th Capi to l St ., 500 Nort h Capi to l Street , NW - Sui te 210 NW Start : F ri 2/17/20 17 9 : 3 0 AM End : F ri 2/17/20 17 10:00 AM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not Organ iz e r: Greenwood Requ i r ed Atte ndees : Subjec t : yet responded , She i la M Greenwood , Sheila 1 2 : 00 Execut i ve Car M p i ck-up Start : F ri 2/1 7 /2017 12 : 00 PM End : Fri 2/17/2017 12 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Mee t ing Organizer Required /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) Status : Not : Greenwood Attendees : ye t re spo nded , Sheila M Greenwood , Shei l a M HUD-18-0504-D-001049 Subject Locatio : n: Meeting w/DBC 500 North Capitol Street , NW - Sui te 210 Start : Fri 2/17/20 17 10 : 00 AM End : F ri 2/17/20 17 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organi zer : Greenwood , Sheila M Requ i r ed Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila Subject: Canceled : 9 : 45 Executive Fri 2/17/2017 1 0:45 Sta r t : End : Fri 2/17/2017 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : Free Recurrence Meeting pick-up AM : (none) Status Organizer Required Subject Car M : Not : Greenwood Attendees : : 9 : 45 yet re spo nde d , Sheila M Greenwood , Sheila Exec utive Car M pick - up Start : Fri 2/17/2017 10 : 45 AM End : Fri 2/17/20 17 11:00 AM Show Time As : Tentat iv e Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status Organizer Required Subject Locatio pVERSIGHT Not : Greenwood Attendees : : n: Start : End : Fri /\MERICAi\ : yet r espo nd ed , Shei l a M Greenwood , Shei la Meeting w/DBC 500 North Capitol Street M , NW Fri 2/17/20 17 10 : 00 AM 2/17/2017 1 0 : 45 AM HUD-18-0504-D-001050 Show Time As : Recurrence Meeting Tenta tive : (none) Status : Not ye t re spo nde d Organ iz e r : Greenwood , Sheila M Required Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila Subject : 9 : 40 Ex ecut i ve Car to M 500 Nort h Capitol St ., NW Start : Fri 2/17/20 17 9 : 30 AM End : Fri 2/17/20 17 10 : 00 AM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recurrence : (non e) Meet i ng Status Organizer Required Subject Locatio : Not yet r espo nded : Gr ee nwood , Shei l a M Attend ees : Greenwo o d , Shei l a M : n: Meeting w/DBC 500 Nort h Capi to l Street , NW Start : Fri 2/17/20 17 10 : 00 AM End : Fri 2/17/20 17 11:00 AM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not yet responded Organ iz e r : Greenwood , She i la M Requ i r ed Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila From : Sent : To : Subjec M Jenn Foge l Thursday , February 1 6 , 2017 4 : 17 PM Greenwood , Shei l a M t : Accep te d : Coffee w/Sheila G. a n d Jenn Subject : Location : Coffee w/Sheila Meet a t L ' Enfant G. and Plaza Fogel Jenn Fogel Starbuc ks Start : Thu 2/23/ 2 0 17 3 : 00 PM End : Thu 2/23/20 17 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-001051 Recurrence Meeting : (non e ) Status : Not yet responded Organi z e r: Greenwood , Sheila M Requ i red Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila jfogel@capitolcounse l. com M; From : Dawkins , Eunice D Sent : Thursday , February 16 , 2017 3 : 28 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subjec t: Accep t ed : Sheila Gree nwood ' s Conference I II Host Code 363-4 749 II Access Code - l on b eh a lf Lamp kin , Marc S . Sent : Thursday, Fe b ruary 2 , 2 01 7 4: 30 PM To : ' She il a Gr eenwo o d '; Bass , Dea na Subjec t: Lunch - She il a Greenwood and Deana Bass I Mar c When : Thur sday , February 16 , 201 7 12 : 00 PM- 1: 30 PM. Where : Tosca Sheila of - 202 - 4 02 - 6068 STATEMENT OF CONFID ENTIALITY & DISCLAIME R : The i nfo rma t i on conta in ed in t his email message is at t or n ey privi l eged a n d con f ide n tia l , intended on l y f o r the u se o f the i nd ivi d u a l o r entity n a med above . If the r eader of th i s message i s not th e i nte nd ed recipien t , you are h ereby no t ified th a t any dissemina t i o n , distribution or copy o f th is e mail is st ri ct l y p r ohib it ed . If you ha v e r ece iv ed th i s e mail i n error , p l ease notif y us immediate l y by ca lling (303)-2231 300 a nd de l ete t h e messa g e . Th a nk you . Subject : Location : Ch eck - in COS Off ic e Start : Wed 2/ 1 5/20 17 5 :0 0 PM End : Wed 2/15/ 2 0 17 5 : 30 PM Show Time As : Ten tat iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeti ng S t atus : Not yet r espo nded Organi zer : Dawkin s , Eun i ce D Requ ir ed Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila Sub j ect : Locat i o n: Chec k - in w/Sheila COS Office and M; Singleton , Shermic h ae l v Stan l ey Ha r d y Sta r t : Wed 2/22/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Wed 2/22/20 17 1 1 : 15 AM Show Tim e As : Tentat iv e Re curr en ce : (none) Meeti ng Status Organize Required /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Not ye t responded r : Dawki n s , Eunice D Attend ees : Greenwood , Shei la M; Hardy IV, Stanley HUD-18-0504-D-001054 Subjec t : Building 10 : 30 Exe cut ive Car pick-up to Dirkse n Senate Off i ce Start : Wed 2/15/2017 1 0 : 30 AM End : Wed 2/15/20 17 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentat iv e Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Status Organizer Required : Not : Dawki ns, Attendees : Subject : Location : ye t re spo nde d Eun ic e D Greenwood , Shei la M 12 : 15 Lunch w/S h eila and AJ 11 6 Cl ub - 234 3rd Street , NE Start : Wed 2/15/20 17 12 : 1 5 PM End : Wed 2/15/2017 1:45 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng St atus : Not yet responded Organi zer : Dawkins , Eun i ce D Requ i r ed Attendees : Gr eenwood , Sheila Subjec t : Locat ion : 12 : 00 Exe cut ive Car 234 3 r d Stree t , NE to M 116 Clu b Sta r t : Wed 2/15/2017 11 : 45 AM End : Wed 2/15/2017 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentat iv e Recurrence Meeting Status Organizer Required Subject : (none ) : Not : Dawkins, Attendees : : ye t re spo nde d Eun i ce D Greenwood , Shei la 1 : 45 Ex ecut i ve Car pick - up Start : Wed 2/15/20 17 1:45 End : Wed 2/15/20 17 2:00 PM Show Time As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT M PM HUD-18-0504-D-001055 Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng Status : Not yet responded Organi zer : Dawkin s , Eun i ce D Requ i r ed Attendees : Greenwood , She i la Subjec t: Locat i o n: Meet in g w/Sheila Room 43 0 Cannon M Gree nwood and Cong . Ga rr et House Off i ce Bu ild i ng Gr aves Start : Wed 2/15/2017 1 0 : 00 AM End : Wed 2/15/20 17 10 : 30 AM Show Time As : Ten t a tive Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Status : Not Org a nizer : Dawki ns, Required Attendees : Samantha . Tillery@mail Subject : Canceled ye t re spo nded Eunice D Greenwood , Shei l a M; .h ouse . gov : 11 : 45 Ex ecut i v e Car p i ck - up Tue 2/14/20 17 11 : 30 AM Start : End : Tue 2/14/20 17 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : F ree Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status : Not yet responded Organi zer : Dawk ins , Eunice D Requ i r ed Attendees : Greenwood , She i la Subjec t: Locat ion: M 10 : 05 Executive Car t o EEOB 17th & State Place Ent r a n ce Start : Tue 2/14/2017 1 0: 00 AM End : Tue 2/14/2017 10 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence : (none ) Mee t in g Status Org a nizer Required /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Not : Dawk ins, Attendees : ye t re spo nded Eun ic e D Greenwood , Shei l a M HUD-18-0504-D-001056 Subject : Loca tion : Weekly COS Meeting EEOB - Room 1230 Start : Tue 2/14/20 17 10 : 30 AM End : Tue 2/14/20 17 1 1 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Recurrence : Weekly Pattern Meeti ng Status Organizer Required : : Not every yet Tuesday from 11 : 30 AM resp o nded : Dawki ns , Eun i ce D Attendees : Greenwood , Shei la Subject : Loc ation : 10 : 30 AM to Meeting w/Sheila COS Office and Matt M Hunter Start : Mon 2/13/2017 4 : 00 PM End : Mon 2/13/20 17 5 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status Organizer Required : Not : Dawkins, Atte ndees : Subject : Loca tion : yet responded Euni ce D Greenwood , Sheila Meeting w/Sheila COS Office and M; M Hunter Lynne Start : Mon 2/13/20 17 2 : 30 PM End : Mon 2/13/2017 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meeting Status Organize Required r: Dawki ns , Eun i ce D Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila Subject (OPP ) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : : Not Canceled ye t resp o nded : Meeting w/Sheila M; Patton , Lynne , Andrew , Drew & M Keagan Len i han HUD-18-0504-D-001057 Locatio n: COS Off ice Start : Tue 2/14/20 17 10 : 00 AM End : Tue 2/14/2017 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : Free Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not ye t respond ed Orga n iz e r: Dawk i n s , Eun i ce D Required Atte ndees : Greenwo o d , Sheila Subject Locatio : n: Check-in w/Sheila COS Office and Stan M; Hugh es , An drew Gi mont - re : Lou i sia n a Mon 2/13/20 17 10 : 00 AM Start : End : Mon 2/13/20 17 10 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Not yet r espo nded Organiz e r : Dawkins , Eunic e D Required Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila Subject : Canceled : Travel M; Gimont , St a nle y Tim e Start : Thu 2/9/2017 12 : 30 PM End : Thu 2/9/2017 1 : 00 PM Show Time As : Free Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting S t atus : Not yet responded Organi ze r: Dawk in s , Eun i ce D Requ i r ed Attendees : Gr eenwood , She i la Subjec t : Locat i o n : M Canceled : Mee t i ng w/She ila and Dale Moore 600 Maryland Ave ., SW - Su it e 100 0W Start : Thu 2/9/201 7 11 : 30 AM End : Thu 2/9/2017 12 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Free Recu rr ence : (none) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-001058 Meet in g Status : Not yet r espo nded Organiz e r : Dawkins , Eunic e D Required Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila Subject : Canceled : Travel M Time Start : Thu 2/9/2017 11:0 0 AM End : Thu 2/9/2017 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Fr ee Recurrence : (none) Meet in g St atus : Not yet r espo nded Organi zer: Dawkin s , Eun i ce D Requ ir ed At tendees : Gr eenwood , She i la Subjec t: Loc ation : Meet in g w/Sheila COS Office M and Be cky Re l ic Sta r t : Fri 2 /10/2017 10 : 00 AM End : Fri 2/10/20 17 10 : 30 AM Show Tim e As : Tenta ti ve Recurrence : (none ) Meetin g Status : Not ye t re spo nded Org a nizer : Dawkins , Eun ic e D Required Attend ees: Gr ee nwood , She ila From : Sent : To : Subjec M Fl e is c h e r, Laur a A on be hal f of Singleton Tues d ay , Feb r u ary 07 , 2 0 1 7 3 : 26 PM Greenwood , Sheila M t: Accepted : DBC Meet i ng Subjec t: In vitat ion : Becky (EST) ( s h e il a . m. greenwoodl@hud relic@ . gov) , Sherm i chae l V Fr i Feb 10 , 2 0 1 7 10am - 11am Start : Fri 2/1 0/2017 10 : 00 AM End : Fri 2/10/20 17 1 1 : 00 AM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Recu rr ence : (none ) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-001059 Organ iz e r : ~l (b~}(~6~) _____________ _. Manage all your cal e ndars in one place . Downl oad the Goo gl e Cale n dar app . mor e deta i ls » Becky r e lic When F ri Feb 10 , 2017 10am - 11am Eastern Calenda r she i l a . m. gree nwood l @hu d . gov Who • l(b)(6) sheila . m. greenwoodl@hud . gov Time I- organizer Going? Yes - Maybe - No mor e optio n s» I n vita t ion f rom Goog l e Calenda r You are receivi n g this courtesy emai l at the account sheila . m. greenwoodl@h u d . gov b e cause yo u are an attend e e of this event . To stop r ece i vi n g futu r e updates for t h is eve n t , dec l i n e th i s event . Alternative l y you can sign up for a Google account at https : //www . google . com/calendar/ and control your notification settings for your entire calendar . Forwardi n g this inv i ta t ion co u ld al l ow a n y recipient t o mod if y your RSVP response . Learn Mo r e . F rom : Hughes , Andrew Sent : Tuesday , February 07 , 201 7 12 : 22 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Accepted : DBC Meet i ng F rom : Sent : To : Subjec Kasper , Maren M Tuesday , Febr u a r y 07 , 2 0 17 12 :1 7 PM Greenwood , Sheila M t: Accepted : DBC Mee ting Subject : Locat i on : PBC Sked TBD meet in g Start : Wed 2/8/2017 10 : 00 AM End : Wed 2/8/2017 10 : 30 AM Show Ti me As : Tentat i ve Recurrence : (none) Meeti ng Status Organizer Required /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Not ye t respo nded : Dawkins , Eunice D Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila M HUD-18-0504-D-001060 Subjec t : Inv it a t ion : DBC meeting @ Wed Feb 8 , 2017 4 : 30pm (EST) ( s h e il a . m. gr eenwoodl @hud . gov) 3 : 30p m - St a rt : Wed 2/8/2017 3 : 3 0 PM End : Wed 2/8/2017 4 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Recurrence Organi : (none ) zer : ~l (b~)(~6~) _____________ __. Man a g e all your calendars i n one place . Download the Googl e Cal enda r app . DBC meeting When Wed Fe b 8 , 2017 3 : 30pm - 4 : 30pm East e rn Time Calenda r she il a . m.greenwoodl@hud.gov Who l(b)(6) I - o rg ani z e r • sheila . m. gree nwoodl@ hud .g ov Going? Yes - Maybe - No more options» I nvitation f r om Google Ca le nda r You a r e r ece i ving th i s courtesy ema i l at the account sheila . m. gree nwoodl@hud . gov because you are an attendee of this e v e nt . To stop re ce iving f ut ure upda t es f or th is event , dec l i ne th i s event . Al ter n ative ly you can sign up for a Google accoun t at h ttp s : //www . google . com/calendar/ and control your notificat i on se tt ings for your entire calendar . Fo r ward i ng this invi tat i on could allow any r ec ipient t o modify your RSVP re sponse . Learn Mo re . Subjec t : Pr e-b ri ef i ng w/S h e ila , Sh erm i c h ae l , St a n and Te nnill e r e : Gov . LA meeting Loc at i on : COS Office Tue 2/ 7/ 2017 1 : 00 PM Start : End : Tue 2/ 7/ 2 0 1 7 1 : 3 0 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status : Not yet responded Organizer : Dawk i n s , Eunic e D Required Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila V; Pa rk e r , Te nn il l e S ; Gimont , Stan l ey Subject : Loc ation : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT M; Singleto n , Shermic h ael 10 1 FY 17 , 18 a n d 1 9 Budge t 10 106 HUD-18-0504-D-001061 Start : Tue 2/7/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Tue 2/7/2017 12:0 0 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status : Not yet r espo nded Organiz e r : Clemmensen , Crai g T Required Attendees : Kasper , Maren M; Timber lake , Co ur tney Lyberg , Sarah A; Gree nwood , Sheila M B; Fr om : Kasper , Maren M Sent : Monday , Janu ary 30 , 2017 5 : 44 PM To : Greenwood , Sheila M Subject : Acc epte d : Meet in g with Rob Couch Subject : Lo cation : Ex ec u t ive 1010 6 Office Budg et Start : Tue 1 /31/20 17 2 :0 0 PM End : Tue 1 /31/ 2 0 17 3 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeti ng S t atus : Not yet responded Organi zer: Golr i c k, Jane t M Requ ir ed Attendees : Clemmensen , Cr ai g T; Gr eenwood , She il a M; Kasper , Maren M; Timberlake , Cour tne y B; Lyberg , Sarah A; Rodr iguez , Aida N; Hawkins , Gr egory R Optio na l Attendees : Ballard , Daniel L; Kruse , David N /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-001062 From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Thursday , November 02 , 201 7 7 :1 7 PM To : PHP Subject : Accep te d : Review of Strategic P lan and From : Sent : To : Subjec Gr eenwood , She i la M Thursday , November 02 , 201 7 5 :12 PM Ha rdiso n , James C t: Accep te d : Cu r t is out of the office From : Sent : To : Subjec Gr eenwood , She i la M Thursday , November 02 , 2017 3 : 43 PM Peterlin , Margaret JA t: Accepted : Sheila Gree nwood and Margaret Objectiv es Pete rli n Lunc h at Dos F rom : Greenwood , Shei la M Sent : Thursday , November 02 , 201 7 3 : 03 PM To : PHP Subject : Tentat i ve : Rev i ew o f St r ateg i c Plan F rom : Sent : To : Subjec a nd Object i ves Gr eenwood , Shei la M Thursday , November 02 , 2 0 1 7 1 : 5 1 PM Eag l es , Dav i d T t: Accep t ed : OSEC Budget Update F r om : Gr ee nwood , Shei l a M Sent : Thursday , November 02 , 2017 1: 51 PM To : Eag l es , Dav i d T Subject : Accepted : OSEC Budget Update From : Greenwood , Shei la M Sent : Thursday , November 02 , 2017 9 : 37 AM To : Demar z o , Benjami n E Su bject : Accepted : Meet about SOHUD South Subjec t: Locat i o n: Caro li na Trip After Wor k Ga theri ng Joe ' s Stone Cr ab or TBD Start : Mon 11 /13/20 1 7 5 : 30 PM End : Mon 11/ 13 /2017 6 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurre n ce : (none) Organizer : Greenwood , Sheila M Required Atte ndees : Adcoc k , Rebec ka h - OSEC, Washi ng ton , DC; bgree nwood@croplifeamerica . org ; Appl e t o n , Seth D; He i di Green (he id i . green@osec . us da . gov) ; brooke . appleton@osec . us da . gov F rom : Greenwood , Shei la M Sent : Tuesday , October 31 , 2017 /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT 1 : 29 PM HUD-18-0504-D-001063 To : Zorc , Bet hany A Subject : Accep t ed : DOL F rom : Gr ee nwo o d , Shei l a M Sen t : Tuesday , Oc t obe r 3 1, To : Zo r c , Bethany A Sub j ec t: Dec lin ed : DOL F rom : Gre e nwo o d , Shei Sent : Tuesday , Octobe To : Rodr i g u e z, Ai da Subject : Accepted : 2017 11 : 55 AM la M r 31 , 2017 9 : 43 AM N Aida - Compressed Day Fro m: Greenwood , Shei l a M Sen t : Monday , Octobe r 30 , 2017 8 : 39 AM To : Rodr i guez , Ai da N Subject : Accepted : ANNUAL LEAVE - AID A RODRI GUEZ Fr om : Sent : To : Subjec 4pm - Greenwood , Sheila M Sunday , Octobe r 29 , 2017 l(b)(6) 2 : 55 PM I t: De clin e d : Invitation : She ryl 5pm (EDT) (Sheila Gr ee nwo o d ) @ Mon Oct Cohen From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : F ri da y , Oc t ober 27 , 2 01 7 1 : 05 PM To : l(b)(6) Subjec t: Accepted : I nvi t ation : l(b)(6) 9 : 20am - 1 0 : 20am (EDT) (She il a Gr eenwood ) 3 0, 2017 I @ Thu Nov 2 , 2017 F rom : Sent : To : Subjec Greenwood , Sheila M F riday , Octob e r 2 7, 2017 12 : 06 AM PHP t: Accep t ed : DepSec Week ly Sen i o r Staf f Meet i ng F rom : Sen t : To : Subjec Gr ee nwood , Shei l a M Thursday , Octobe r 26 , 20 1 7 5 : 57 PM PHP t: Accep t ed : DepSec Weekly Sen i o r Sta ff Meet i ng F rom : Gre e nwood , Shei l a M Sent : Thursday , Octobe r 2 6 , 2017 5 : 00 PM To : Zo r c , Bethany A Subject : Accepted : Ethics Br i efi ng From : Greenwood , Shei l a M Sent : Thursday , October 2 6 , 20 1 7 5 : 00 PM To : Zorc , Bethany A Subject : Accepted : Ethics Br i efi ng Fr om : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Thursday , Octobe r 26 , 2017 1: 35 PM To : Blocker , Andy Subject : Accepted : Lunch : Andy Bl ocke r and /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT She i la Gr eenwood (HUD) HUD-18-0504-D-001064 From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Thursday , October 26 , 2017 To : Shaffer , Julie Subjec t: Accepted : Interagency Response 9 : 30 AM Work i ng Gr oup F rom : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Wednesday , October 2 5, 201 7 4 : 24 PM To : Eag l es , Dav i d T Subject : Accep t ed : Champions ' Council Mont h ly Subject : Tra i ni n g Locatio n: FW: Off i ce of Brooke-Monda General Counsel l e Auditorium & ' s 2017 o n Hurr i ca ne Meet in g Ann ual Eth i cs Webcast Start : Thu 1 0/26/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Thu 10/26/2017 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer : (none) : Ethics Law Divis i on So , I ' m n ow supposed to do a WH event bail out of t ha t . How can I make th is Get Outlook f or iOS From : Ethics Law Division Sent : Wednesday , Octobe r 25 , 2017 3 : 38 : 26 PM (UTC) Coordinated Univ e r sal Ti me To : Ethics La w Divisio n; Albert , Helen M; Ammon, Matt h ew E ; Appleton , Seth D; Ausby , Janice L ; Bacon , James A; Ballard , Dan i el L ; Barton , Victoria L; Bass , Deana ; Bastarache , Dan ie l le L ; Beck l es , Angela L ; Ben ison, John P ; Betts , Susan A; Blom , Domini que G; Bol i ng , Dan ; Bou r ne , Ch r istophe r M; Bowes , Robe r t B; Bravacos , Joh n G; Bregon , Nelso n R; Br ight , Michael R; Brooks , Towanda A; Brown , Christina M; Brown , Je reon M; Browning, Austin G; Bryon , Jemine A; Buck , Jo hn; Burley , Mic h ael N; Byrd , David J ; Ca rl son , Mari l y n E ; Chr i stopher , Na n cy D; Clement , Patr i ce D; Clemmensen , Cr a ig T ; Cleveland - Leggett , De nis e C; Coffey , Alexander ; Constantine , Peter J ; Cooke , Kevin R; Cooper - Jones , Barbara ; Co r essel , Jac i e ; Corsiglia , Nancy E ; Cowan Jr ., Chad ; Cr u ciani , Lin da M; Cummings , Matthew L ; Daugherty , John T ; Davis , Thomas R; DeFelice , Joseph J; Delahoyde , Abigail M; Demarzo , Benjamin E ; Dendas , Mi chael W; Donzell , Ke i th M; Drayne , Mich ael R; Duklis , Peter S ; Dunn , Connor M; Eagl es, David T ; Enze l , David H; Farias , Anna Maria ; Farrior, Laura ; Fernandez , Al exander ; Ferry-Jennings , Shylon C; Fila , Stephanie C; Fo rr este r, Althea M; Foste r, Helen G; Frec h ette , He idi J ; Gaines , Ralph H; Gant , Jon L ; Garza, Sarah J ; Gerecke , Sarah S ; Getchis , John F ; Gibbs , John; Gi mont, Stanley ; Gol ri ck , Janet M; /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-001065 Gorm l ey , Josep h M; Gree n e , Brya n; Gree nwood , Sh ei l a M; Gri bb in, Willi am J ; Gr u so n, Ba r ba r a ; Hadley , Joy ; Ha ll e r, Ju li a Z; Hayes , Mark S ; Hens l ey , Henry ; Here d ia , Evon n e G; Herna n dez , Deborah A; Himes , Ivery W; Hipp , Van D; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Holber t, Kenne t h F ; Ho l der f ie l d , St ephan i e A; Hug h es , Andrew ; Hungate , Josep h I ; Hun ter , Matthew F ; Jo hn son , Calvin C; J oy , Jo hn son P ; Kasper , Mar en M; Ke i th , Gr egory A; Ke l ley , Mi chael J ; Kir k l and , Je remy ; Kosk i ne n, Larry A; Kurtz , R . Hunter ; Kwalwasser , Robert ; Lavoy , Don ald J ; Lin coln , Paula A; Lit t l e, Jeffr e y D; Lu dlow , Ashley ; Lu koff , Roger M; Lybe r g , Sa r a h A; Mah o n ey (J u dge) , Je r emiah ; Mal geri , Jac k R; Marshall , Mi c h ael J ; Ma r t i n , St ephen A; Mar zol , Ado lf o F ; McCall , Drew A; Mc Gin n is , Randy ; Meaux , Les l ie A; Meyers , Sara M; Mic h a l ski , Lor i A; Mills , Allison F ; Mills , Kris t a ; Montoya , Dav i d ; Mulderig , Rober t E ; Narode , Dane M; Nigam , Nita ; Roget , Gisele G; Ozdinec , Mi l an M; Pad i lla , Ni c h olas ; Pao , Jean Li n; Pa tt ison , Brian T; Patto n, Lynne M; Pere ir a , Ar i el ; Petty , Ti mothy J ; PHP ; Potts , Mil l ice n t B; Pres t on , Tawanna ; Purifoy , Felicia A; Rackleff , Neal J ; Randall , Kimberly ; Rawl i nson , St e ven W; Richardson , Todd M; Rokosz , F ran k A; Sardo n e , Vi rgi n ia ; Sa un ders , E lissa 0 ; Say l or , Kathry n; Scott , J immy ; Scott , Paul A; Sh ubac k, Susan J ; Simpso n, Kev i n M; Smith , Cooper J ; Smyth , Timothy M; Stayanovich , Jason E; Stowe , Alexander D; STRACNER, JAMES L ; Surber , Keith W; Thompson , Amy C; Thompson , Cai t lin H; Ti ll e , Dav id E ; Togans , Tamara A; Tomchick III , George J ; Too n, Theodo r e K; Tuf ts , Suza nn e I ; Usows ki, Ku rt G; Van Duyne , Beth A; Wade , Dana T ; Wadhams , Unabyrd ; Webber , Chr i stopher S ; Williams , Raffi ; Wolfson , Le n; Wol l Jr , David C; Worden , J ea n ine M; Wright , Shei l a D; Wuhrman , Robert ; Youngblood , Richard A; Zorc , Betha n y A Subject : Off i ce of Ge n e r a l Coun se l' s 2017 Annual Eth i cs Tra i ni n g When : Thursday , October 26 , 2017 6 : 00 PM- 7 : 00 PM. & Webcast Where : Brooke-Mo n da l e Auditorium If you were unable to attend the 20 17 Ann ua l Ethics Training on Tuesday , Oct 24 , please plan to attend on Thursday , Oc t 26 , at 2p 3p ET . The trai n ing wi ll be live in t he HQs Brooke-Mo n dale Aud i to r ium and webcast for those i n the Reg i o n al and Field o f f i ces . Eth i cs Tr ain the OGE-278 , shou l d plan All Reg i onal webcas t. in g is a reg ul atory r equ i rement f or a ll persons wh o f i l e Pu bl i c Fi n a n c i a l Disc l osu r e Repo r t . Employees in HQs to attend t h e tr aining in t h e Brooke - Mondale Auditorium . and Field office employees should view the train i ng via A training self - certification form will be p r ov id ed at the Aud i torium l ocation a nd col l ec t ed whe n t h e trai n ing e nds . For t h ose emp l oyees v i ewi n g the webcast , a se lf -ce r t ifi cation of attenda n ce shou l d be emailed to 20l7EthicsTraini ngCer t ifications@hud . gov . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-001066 If you have any questions regarding Annual Ethics Tr a i n i ng , p l ease contac t the Eth ics and Appea l s Divis i o n via email , Eth i csLawD i v i sio n @hud . gov or your Regiona l Co u nse l . We l oo k forward to present i ng a n i n f ormat i ve and interesting ethics training to you . F rom : Sent : To : Subjec Greenwood , Wednesday , Krani nge r , t : Dec lin Shei l a M October 2 5 , 201 7 11 : 55 AM Ka th l een L . EOP/OMB ed : Di saster Assistance Discussion F rom : Sent : To : Subject Nation Greenwood , Shei l a M Tuesday , October 24 , 2017 5 : 33 PM Dunn , Connor M : Accepted : Appoi n tee Edu cat i onal ' s Housing Report w/ HUD+ Br i efi n g - State From : Greenwood , Shei l a M Sent : Tuesday , Octobe r 24 , 2017 3 : 21 PM To : PHP Subject : Accepted : Quick Cal l - Re : OMB/ F riday 0MB of the Mee t ing F rom : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Tuesday , Octobe r 2 4 , 2017 1 0 : 24 AM To : Haz l ett , Anne - OSEC, Washington , DC Subject : Tentative : Call Shei l a Greenwood From : Sent : To : Subjec Greenwood , Sheila M Tuesday , Octobe r 24 , 2017 9 : 56 AM Eag l es , David T t : Declined : Champ i ons ' Council Monthly From : Sent : To : Subjec Greenwood , Sheila M Monday , October 2 3 , 2017 Dendas , Michael W t : Declined : Hold for From : Sent : To : Subjec Greenwood , She i la M Monday , October 23 , 2017 3 : 4 1 PM PHP t: Declined : DepSec Weekly Senior From : Sent : To : Subjec Greenwood , Sheila M Monday , October 23 , 2017 3 : 32 PM Nasim , Lau r a F . EOP/WHO t: Accepted : Lunch with HUD From : Greenwood , Shei l a M Sent : Monday , October 23 , 2017 /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Meeting 11 : 20 PM full panel [murder board Staff Meeting ] 1 : 46 PM HUD-18-0504-D-001067 To : Wol f so n , Len Subjec t: Accepted : Sena t e Banking Committee From : Greenwood , Shei l a M Sent : Monday , October 23 , 2017 1 : 27 PM To : Eag l es , Dav i d T Subject : Dec li ned : Champions ' Counc il confi Monthly r mat i on hear i ng Meet i ng From : Greenwood , Shei l a M Sent : Monday , October 23 , 2017 10 : 59 AM To : Haz l ett , Anne - OSEC, Wash i ngton , DC Subject : Accepted : Ca l l Shei l a Greenwood From : Greenwood , Shei l a M Sent : Monday , October 23 , 2017 10 : 58 AM To : Off i ce Of Executive Resources Subject : Dec l ined : HUD Executive Leadership From : Sent : To : Subjec Forum Greenwood , Sheila M Monday , October 23 , 2017 1 :1 4 AM Hazlett , Anne - OSEC, Washington , DC t: Accepted : Call Sheila Greenwood From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Fr i day , October 2 0 , 2017 4 : 33 PM To : PHP Subject : Declined : DepSec Weekly Senior Staff Meeting From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Thursday , October 19 , 2017 6 : 03 PM To : Hardison , James C Subjec t: Accep t ed : Trave l Receipt for GREENWOOD/SHEILA M Trave l Date 22Oct From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Thursday , October 19 , 20 1 7 10 : 58 AM To : PHP Subject : Accepted : DepSec - Senio r Staff Meet in g From : Greenwood , Shei l a M Sent : Wednesday , October 18 , 2017 6 : 24 PM To : PHP Subject : Accepted : DepSec - Senior Staff Subject : Lunch : Andy Blocker and Di saste r Coordinat i on Meeting She il a Gr eenwood (HUD) Start : Mon 11/6/2017 12 : 00 PM End : Mon 11/6/20 17 1 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) HUD-18-0504-D-001068 Organize Required r: Greenwood , Sheila M Atte ndees : Blocker , Andy ; Dawk i ns , Eunice D From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Wednesday , October 18 , 2017 9 : 23 AM To : Golr i c k , Janet M Subject : Accepted : DMG Respo nse Meeting : Hurr ican e Maria Californ i a Wildf ir es From : Sent : To : Subjec Greenwood , Sheila M Tues day, October 17 , 2017 5 : 4 7 PM Eagles , David T t: Accepted : OSEC Budget From : Sent : To : Subjec Greenwood , Sheila M Tuesday , October 17, 2017 5 : 41 PM Eagles , Davi d T t: Accepted : OSEC Budget From : Sent : To : Subjec Greenwood , Sheila M Tuesday , October 1 7, 2017 11 : 41 AM Conant , Ann M. EOP/WHO t: Accepted : Mee ting wi th HUD on the From : Gre enwood , Sheila M Sent : Tu esday, October 1 7, 201 7 10 : 49 AM To : Conant , Ann M. EOP/WHO Subject: Accepted : Meet ing wi th HUD on the & Opportunity Initiative Opport u n ity I ni t ia tive M Fro m: Gre enwood , Sheila Sent : Monday, October 1 6 , 2017 10 : 18 PM l(b)(6) To : i Subjec t: Acc ep t ed : Updated invit at i on : ~l (b~ )(~6~ ) ----------~l 2 pm ES T @ Sat Oc t 21 , 2017 3pm - 4pm (EDT) (Sheila Greenwood) Subjec t: at Olmem meeting Start : Tue 1 0/17/20 1 7 2:3 0 PM End : Tue 10 /17/20 1 7 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organizer : Greenwood , Shei la M Requ ir ed Attendees : Marz ol , Ado lf o F From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Sunday, October 15 , 2017 To : l(b)(6) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT 9 : 44 PM I HUD-18-0504-D-001069 ~1@Fri Subjec t: Accepted : Invitation : ~l (b~)(~6~) ____________ Oct 27 , 201 7 Barn - 9 : 15am (EDT) (She i la Greenwood) From : Greenwood , Shei l a M Sent : Frid ay , October 13 , 2017 12 : 26 PM To : Eagles, Dav i d T Subject: Accepted : OSEC Budget From : Sent : To : Subjec Greenwood , She i la M Thursday , October 12 , 2017 12 : 56 PM Conant , Ann M. EOP/WHO t: Accepted : Meeting with HUD on the Subject : Lo cation : Ca nceled : Weekly COS Off i ce Opport u nity Check - i n w/Sheila and I n it iative Adolfo Start : Thu 1 0/12/20 1 7 4 : 00 PM End : Thu 10/ 12/2017 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : F ree Recurrence Recurrence Meeting : Weekly Pa tt e r n : Status : Not every yet Th ur sday respond PM to 4 : 30 PM ed Orga n iz e r: Gr eenwood , She i la M Required Atte ndees : Marzol , Adolfo From : Sent : To : Subjec f r om 4:00 F Greenwood , Sheila M Wednesday , October 11, 2017 5 : 25 PM PHP t: Decli ne d : DepSec Budge t Briefing From : Greenwood , Shei la M Sent : Wednesday , Oc t ober 11, 2017 To : Wolf so n , Len Subject : Accepted : HOLD: Senate hea ri ng 4:45 PM Bank i ng Committee confirmation From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Wednesday , Oc t ober 11, 201 7 4:45 PM To : PHP Subject : Accepted : DepSec Bud ge t Briefin g From : Gr eenwood , She i la M Sent : Wednesday , October 11, To : Brown , Ch ri stina M /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT 2017 4: 24 PM HUD-18-0504-D-001070 Subjec t: Accepted : FOIA meeting Fro m: Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Wednesday , October 11 , 2 0 1 7 3 : 06 PM To : Hard ison , James C Sub j ect : Accepted : Curt i s out of the office F rom : Sent : To : Subjec Greenwood , Sheila M Wednesday , October 11, 201 7 2 : 26 PM PHP t: Tenta ti ve : DepSec Budget Br i ef ing F rom : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Wednesday , Oc t ober 11, 2017 1: 35 PM To : Brown , Chri sti n a M Subject : Accepted : FOIA meet i ng From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Wednesday , Oc t ober 11, To : Willingh am, Kei t h Subject : Accepted : Meeting to Secretary Carson (HUD) 2017 11: 15 AM wit h Sheila Greenwood From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Wednesday , Oc t ober 11, 201 7 11:00 AM To : Willingham , Keith Subject : Accep te d : Mee t in g with Sheila Greenwood to Secretary Ca r son (HUD) F rom : Sent : To : Subjec of Staff , Chief of Staff Greenwood , Sheila M Tuesday , October 1 0 , 2017 3 : 09 PM PHP t: Accepted : Senio r Sta ff - Po li cy Rev i ew Mee t i ng F rom : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Monday , Octob e r 09, 201 7 10 : 25 PM To : Thompso n, Amy C Subject : Accepted : Ro ll out o f 2017 Po in t-In-T F rom : Sent : To : Subjec Messagi , Chief Greenwood , Sheila M Friday, Octob e r 06 , 2017 2 : 02 PM Thompso n , Amy C t: Accepted : Br i efi ng on Econom i c Policy ng Subjec t: Locatio n: i me Count Agenda and She il a a n d Ben a n d Le n o n MBA Co nf ere n ce cos office Tue 1 0/10/20 1 7 2 : 30 PM Start : End : Tue 1 0/10/20 1 7 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-001071 Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng Status : Not Organi zer : Greenwood Requ i r ed Attendees : yet responded , Sheila M Wolf so n , Len ; Demar zo , Benjamin F rom : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Friday , Octobe r 06, 2017 11 : 1 9 AM To : Alexander , Mason Subject : Accep te d : Informal Meet i ng in Subjec t: Locat i o n: the DepSec E Conference Room She il a a n d Be n a n d Len o n MBA Co nf ere n ce COS office Start : F ri 10/6/2017 1 : 30 PM End : F ri 10 /6/20 17 2 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta ti ve Recurrence : (none) Meet ing Status : Not Organize Required r : Greenwood Attend ees : ye t re spo nded , Sheila M Wolfson , Len ; Dema rzo , Be njam i n E F rom : Sent : To : Subjec M Greenwood , Sheila Thursday , Oc to b e r 0 5, Thompso n , Amy C t: Accep t ed : Huddle F rom : Sen t : To : Subjec Gr ee nwood , Shei l a M Wednesday , Oc t ober 04 , 201 7 1 : 24 PM PHP t: Accep t ed : She il a Gree nwood 20 1 7 9 : 33 AM on Manu factu r ed Housi ng F rom : Gre e nwood , Shei l a M Sent : Wednesday , Oc t ober 04 , 2017 9 : 44 AM To : l(b )(6) Subject : Accepted : Updated invitation : Lunch wit h Michae l St e in Wed Oct 11 , 201 7 12pm - 1pm (E DT) (S h e i l a Gr eenwood) I F rom : Greenwood , Shei l a M Sent : Wednesday , October 04 , 201 7 9 : 4 1 AM l(b )(6) To : Subjec t: Accepted : Invitat i on : Lunch with 4 , 2017 12pm - 1pm (EDT ) (Sheila Greenwood) @ i /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Mi chael Ste i n @ Wed Oct HUD-18-0504-D-001072 From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Tuesday , October 03 , 2017 5 : 08 PM To : PHP Subject : Decl in e d : Stak eho lder Out reac h Strategy I have EEOB. a stand ing Sorry ! COS meeting o n Tuesdays at From : Greenwood , Shei la M Sent : Tuesday , Octobe r 03 , 2017 2 : 42 PM To : Dav i es , Ma r c i a Subject : Accepted : Marcia Davies to call Fr om : Greenwood , Sheila M Sen t : Tuesday , Oc t obe r 03 , 2017 11 : 29 AM To : Thompso n , Amy C Subject : Accepted : Briefi ng on Economic Messaging Subjec t: She i l a/Dana/Adolfo re Meeting 10 : 30 am meeting Sheila Policy at Gr eenwood Agenda and fha Start : Wed 10/4/2017 1 : 0 0 PM End : Wed 10/4/2017 2 : 0 0 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : (none ) Organi zer : Greenwood Requ i r ed Atte ndees : , Sheila M Wade , Dan a T ; Ma rz o l , Adolfo F rom : Sent : To : Subjec Greenwood , Shei la M Monday, October 02 , 2017 9 : 07 PM PHP t : Dec l i n ed : Sta ke h o l der Ou t r eac h St r ategy F rom : Sen t : To : Subjec Gr ee nwood , She ila M Monday , October 02 , 2017 PHP t: Accep t ed : Po l it ical F Meet i ng 12 : 03 PM Strategy F rom : Gre e nwood , Shei la M Sent : Monday , October 02 , 2017 10 : 59 AM To : Off i ce of Publ i c Affairs Subject : Accepted : The 2017 Secre t ary's Meet i ng Awards Ceremony From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Monday , October 02 , 2017 7 : 05 AM To : Marzol , Ado l f o F Subject : Accepted : Tax Po l icy Fr om : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Friday , Septembe r 29 , 2017 To : PHP Accepted : Cos Re ports Subject : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT 3 : 02 PM HUD-18-0504-D-001073 From : Sent : To : Subjec Greenwood , Sheila M Friday, September 29 , 2017 PHP t: Accepted : Cos Reports 1: 49 PM From : Greenwood , Shei l a M Sent : Thursday , September 28 , 2017 2 : 05 PM To : Richardson , Todd M Subject : Accepted : HUD International Engagement From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Thursday , September 28 , 2017 1 : 55 PM To : Thompso n , Amy C Subject : Accepted : Briefi ng on Eco nomic Policy Messaging From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Thursday , September 28 , 2017 To : PHP Subject : Accep te d : PHP + Sheila From : Sent : To : Subjec Agenda and 1 : 55 PM Gree nwood Greenwood , Sheila M Thursday , September 28 , 2017 1 : 39 PM PHP t: Accepted : PHP + She il a Greenwood From : Greenwood , Shei l a M Sent : Wednesday , September 27 , 2017 1 : 57 PM To : Eag l es , Dav i d T Subject : Accepted : Mercatus Center Regulatory Subject Policy : Re : Request for Training Session Meet in g Start : Thu 9/28/2017 11 : 30 AM End : Thu 9/28/2017 12 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentat iv e Recu rr en ce : (none) Organizer : Greenwood Requ ir ed Attendees : , Shei la M Cors i glia , Nancy E ; Dawkins , Eun ice From : Greenwood , Shei l a M Sent : Sunday , Septembe r 24 , 2017 2 : 06 PM l(b)(6) To : Subject : Accepted : Invitation : K~b_ )(_6)___________ 21 , 201 7 2pm - 3pm (EDT) (Sheila Gr eenwood) D I /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT ____, @ Sat Oct HUD-18-0504-D-001074 From : Sent : To : Subjec Greenwood , Sheila M Friday, September 22 , 2017 4 : 29 PM Wade, Dana T t: Accepted : Disaster Call with Agencies From : Sent : To : Subjec Greenwood , Sheila M F riday , September 22 , 2017 1: 50 PM Stowe, Alexander D t: Accepted : Disaster briefing f or Fro m: Sent : To : Subjec Greenwood , Sheila M Friday , September 22, 2 0 1 7 1 : 50 PM Marzol , Adolfo F t: Accepted : Housi ng Finance Re form DepSec F rom : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Friday , September 22 , 201 7 1 : 50 PM To : Kasper , Maren M Subject : Accepted : GNMA VA i ssue chat From : Greenwood , Shei l a M Sent : Friday , September 22 , 201 7 10 : 13 AM To : Stowe , Alexander D Subject: Accepted : Di saster briefing for From : Greenwood , Shei l a M Sent : Wednesday , Sep tembe r 20 , 2017 To : Pilkerton , Ch ri stophe r M Subject : Accepted : Catch Up 4 : 14 DepSec PM From : Greenwood , Shei l a M Sent : Wednesday , Sep tembe r 20 , 2017 4 : 14 PM To : Gimont , Stan l ey Subject : Dec lin ed : CDBG- DR/SBA repayment issue From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Wednesday , September 20 , 20 17 4 : 1 4 PM To : Kasper , Maren M Subject : Accepted : GNMA VA issue chat Fr om : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Wednesday , September To : Cruciani, Linda M Subject : Accepted : Legal 20 , 20 17 3 : 50 PM Hono r s Gradua t ion Remarks From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Wednesday , September 20 , 20 17 1 1 : 32 AM To : Dendas , Michael W Subject : Accepted : Meeting to discuss CDBG grantee From : Greenwood , Sheila Sent : Tuesday , September To : Thompson , Amy C /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT M 1 9 , 2017 rollout 9 : 24 PM HUD-18-0504-D-001075 Subjec t: Accepted : Rou ndt ab le Pre -Br ief w/ SOHUD Fro m: Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Tues d ay , September 19 , 2 0 1 7 7 : 0 1 PM To : Kasper , Maren M Sub j ect : Accepted : GNMAVA i ss u e chat From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Tuesday , September 1 9 , 2017 5 : 59 PM To : McCal l , Drew A Subject : Accep te d : Cyber Security Training Fr om : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Monday , September 1 8 , 2017 9 : 57 PM To : Rackleff , Neal J Subject : Acc epte d : To dd Data Fun kiness From : Gr eenwood , She i la M Sent : Mon da y , September 1 8 , 2017 5 : 42 PM To : Golrick , Janet M Subject : Accep te d : Harvey Update From : Sen t : To : Subject Ahead Greenwood , Shei l a M Monday , Sep tem be r 18 , 2017 5 : 30 PM Dela hoyde , Magdelana A . EOP/WHO : Accepted : NEC Deput i es Meeting Attached) Loc a tio n: sheila on Housing Po l icy (Read office Start : Mon 9/18/2017 10 : 15 AM End : Mon 9/18/20 17 10:4 5 AM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer Required : Not yet r espo nded : Greenwood , Shei l a M At t e ndees : Apple t on , Se th D From : Greenwood , Shei l a M Sent : Frid ay , Septembe r 15 , 2017 5 : 00 PM To : Gol r i c k , Janet M Subject : Accepted : Harvey Update /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-001076 From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Friday , Septembe r 1 5 , 2017 3 : 01 PM To : Ha r dison, James C Subject : Accep te d : Trav e l for GREENWOOD/ SHEILA M From : Gr eenwood , She i la M Sent : Thursday , Sep t ember 1 4 , 2 0 1 7 5 :02 PM To : Eli . Miller @treasury . gov Subject : Accep te d : Coffee w/ She il a Gr een wood , Eli Subjec t: Andrew a n d She i la Miller mee ting Sta r t : Fri 9/15/2017 1 : 1 5 PM End : F ri 9/15/2017 1 : 45 PM Show Time As : Ten t a tive Recurrence : (none ) Organi zer : Greenwood , Sheila M Requ ir ed Attendees : Ol mem, Andrew J . EOP/WHO Fr om : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Wednesday , September 13 , 20 17 3 : 39 PM l(b)(6) To : I Subject : Acc epte d : Invitation : ~l (b_)(_6_) ________ 201 7 11am - 12pm (EDT) (She il a Gree nwood ) F rom : Sent : To : Subjec ___. @ Fri Sep 15 , Greenwood , Sheila M Wednesday , September 13 , 20 17 3:39 PM Golric k, Janet M t: Accepted : Update Har ve y Respo n se Subject : Meeti ng w/Sheila Gree nwood , HUD s t aff , Mary SBA sta ff - r e : SBA/Dup li cation of Bene fit s Loca tion : Secre tar y Con fere nce Roo m (T) Brad f ield & Start : Wed 9/13/20 17 4 :0 0 PM End : Wed 9/13/20 17 5 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not yet responded Organizer : Greenwood , Sheila M Requ ir ed Attendees : Mary . brad fi e l d@sba . gov ; Rac kl eff , Nea l J ; Gi mont , S tan l ey ; Richardson , Todd M; Kur tz , R . Hunter Optional Attend ees : Pilker ton, Christopher M /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-001077 Subjec t: Meeting w/Sheila Gree nwood , HUD sta ff, SBA staff - re : SBA/Duplication of Benefits Location : Secretary Conference Room (T) Mary Bradfield & Start : Wed 9/13/2017 4 :0 0 PM End : Wed 9/13/20 17 5 :0 0 PM Show Tim e As : Tentat iv e Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status : Not yet r espo nded Organizer : Greenwood , Shei l a M Required Attendees : Mary . brad field @sba . gov ; Rackleff Gimon t, Stan le y ; Richardson , Todd M Opt i o na l Attendees : Pilkerton , Ch ri stopher M From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Tuesday , September 12 , 2017 6 : 15 PM To : l(b)(6) I Subject : Declined : Invitation : Lunch with 12 : 15pm - 1 : 15pm (EDT) (Sheila Gre enwood ) Fr om : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Tuesday , September 12, 2017 4:27 To : Golrick , Janet M Subject: Accepted : Hurricane Harvey Wed Sep 1 3, J; 2017 PM & Irma From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Tuesday , September 12 , 2017 1 0:50 AM To : Uli , Gabriella M. EOP/WHO Subject : Accepted : Agency Chiefs of Staff From : Sent : To : Subjec Dave@ , Neal I ndustry Working Group Meeting Greenwood , Sheila M Tuesday , September 12 , 2017 10:42 AM Golrick , Janet M t: Accepted : Update Harvey Response From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Monday , September 11 , 20 1 7 2 : 47 PM To : Golr i c k, Janet M Subject : Accepted : Harvey Update From : Greenwood , Sheila Sent : Friday, September /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT M 08 , 20 1 7 4 : 52 PM HUD-18-0504-D-001078 To : Eagles , Dav id Subjec t: Accepted: Subject : Andrew T Champions and Sheila ' Coun c il Monthly Meeting meeting Start : Thu 9/14/2017 4 : 00 PM End : Thu 9/14/2017 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not ye t re spo nde d Organi z e r: Greenwood , Sheila M Required Attendees : Olmem , Andrew From : Sent : To : Subjec Greenwood , Sheila M Thursday , September 07 , 2017 Office Of Executive Resources t: Accepted : New Executive J . EOP/WHO 1 : 32 PM Meet & Gre et From : Greenwood, Sheila M Sent : Thursday , September 07 , 2017 1 : 3 1 PM To : Golr i ck , Janet M Subject : Accepted: Harvey Response From : Sent : To : Subjec Greenwood , Sheila M Wednesday , September 06, 2017 1 1 : 12 AM Townhall t: Accepted : HUD Reform Plan Town Hall From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Tuesday , September 05 , 2017 5 : 53 PM To : l(b )(6) I Subject : Accepted : Invitation : Lunch with 12 : 15pm - 1 : 1 5pm (EDT) (Sheila Gr eenwood) Subject : Dave@ Wed Sep 1 3 , 2017 SBA/HUD call Start : Mon 9/4/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Mon 9/4/2017 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organize r: Greenwood , Sheila M Required Attendees : Gimont, Stanley Bradfie l d /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT ; Golrick, Janet M; Mary HUD-18-0504-D-001079 From : Greenwood , She i la M Sent : Sa tur day , September 02 , 2017 11 : 0 6 PM To : l(b )(6) i Subjec t: Accep t ed : Invi t ation : Sy n ops i s of PDR st u d i es 5 , 20 17 2 : 1 5pm - 3 :1 5pm (EDT) (Sh e il a Gr eenwood ) F rom : Sent : To : Subjec @ Tue Sep Greenwood , Sheila M Friday , Septemb e r 01 , 20 1 7 1 : 01 PM Golr i c k , Jane t M t: Accep t ed : Harvey Upda t e F rom : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Fr i day , Septembe r 0 1, 2 0 17 12 :1 9 PM To : Richardson , Todd M Subj e c t: Accep t ed : FW: Statutori l y Mandat e d De si g nation of Di ffi c u lt Development Ar eas a nd Qua lif ied Cens u s Trac t s for 2018 (FR-6043-N-0 1 ) Subjec t: Locat i on : She il a a n d Be th Beth ' s of fi ce meet in g Start : Tue 9/5/2017 9 : 30 AM End : Tue 9/5/2017 10 : 00 AM Show Ti me As : Tentat i ve Recurre n ce : (none ) Meet in g Status : Not Org a nizer : Greenwood Requir e d Attende e s : ye t r espo nded , Sheila M Zorc , Bethany A F rom : Sent : To : Subjec Greenwood , Sheila M Thursday , Aug u st 31 , 2017 10 : 22 AM Dendas , Michael w t: Accepted : Meet ing to d i scuss LGBTQ respo n se From : Sent : To : Subjec Greenwood , Shei la M Wednesday , Aug u st 30 , 2 0 17 3 : 2 1 PM Ul i , Gabrie ll a M. EOP/WHO t: Accepted : Agency Chief of Staff F rom : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Tuesday , August 29 , 2017 /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT l ette r Meeting 4 : 27 PM HUD-18-0504-D-001080 To : Dendas , Mi chael W Sub j ec t: Dec l i n ed : Mee ting to d i scuss LGBTQ respo n se From : Greenwood , Shei la M Sent : Tuesday , August 29 , 2017 3 : 2 1 PM To : Off i ce Of Exec u tive Reso ur ces Sub j ec t: Accepted: RESCHEDULING - Save Leaders h ip Forum F rom : Sent : To : Subjec the Date l e t ter - Exec ut ive Greenwood , Sheila M Tuesday , August 29, 2017 1 : 4 8 PM Golr ick, Janet M t: Accep te d : Briefing on Disaster F rom : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Monday , August 28 , 201 7 9 : 4 0 PM To : Uli , Gabriella M. EOP/WHO Subj ect: Acc epte d : Agenc y Chi e f of Staff Subject : lunch with She i la and Meeting Nea l Start : Wed 8/3 0 /2017 12 : 00 PM End : Wed 8/3 0 /2017 12 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : (none ) Meetin g Sta t us : Org a nizer Required Not : Greenwood Atte ndees : ye t re spo nded , Shei l a M Racklef f , Ne a l J F rom : Greenwood , Shei la M Sent : Sunday , Augus t 2 7 , 201 7 1 : 44 PM To : Wade , Dan a T Sub j ect : Accepted: OMB/FHA ca ll to d i sc u ss F rom : Sent : To : Subjec Greenwood , Shei Friday, Augus t Thompso n , Ca itl t: Accepted : la M 25 , 2017 9 : 24 PM in H Mee ting to d i scuss HECM op-ed F rom : Greenwood , She ila M Sent : Friday , Augus t 25 , 2017 4 : 56 PM To : Wade , Dana T Sub j ec t: Accep t ed : OMB/FHA ca ll to d i sc u ss From : Gr eenwood , She i la M Sent : Thursday , August 24, To : l(b )(6) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT 2017 HECM HECM 7 : 40 PM I HUD-18-0504-D-001081 @ F ri Subjec t: Accepted : Invitation : Emma Doyle 9 :4 5am - 1 0 : 4 5am (EDT) (She il a Greenwood) Aug 25 , 2017 From : Greenwood , Shei l a M Sent : Thursday , August 24, 2017 1 : 42 PM To : Gol r i c k, Janet M Subject: Accepted : Harvey Update From : Greenwood , Shei l a M Sent : Thursday , August 24 , 2017 12 : 50 PM To : Golr i c k , Jane t M Subject : Accepted : Harvey Update Fro m: Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Thursday , August 24 , 2017 12 : 50 PM To : Golr i c k , Janet M Subject : Accepted : Harvey Update Fr om : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Thursday , August 24, 2017 12 : 12 PM To : Golrick , Janet M Subject : Accep te d : Harv ey Update From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Thursday , August 24 , 2017 1 0 : 53 AM To : Daggett , Tanya R Subject : Accep te d : Transportation for Cos +2 From : Gr eenwood , She i la M Sent : Wednesday , August 23, 2017 3 : 48 PM To : Eagles , Dav id T Subject : Accep te d : FY 2019 Budget Cons id eration From : Sent : To : Subjec Greenwood , Sheila M Wednesday , August 23, 2017 1: 57 PM Golric k, Janet M t: Accepted : Tropical Storm Harvey From : Sent : To : Subjec Greenwood , Sheila M Monday , August 21 , 2017 10 : 27 AM Kasper, Maren M t: Accepted : Housi ng Finance 101 with From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Sunday , August 20 , 2017 10 : 32 PM To : l(b}(6) I Subject : Accepted : I nvitation : Ec l ipse 2 : 30pm - 3 : 30pm (EDT) (She ila Greenwood ) From : Gr eenwood , She i la M Sent : Thursday , August 17 , 2017 To : Marzol , Adolfo F /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Preparation at OMB/Kathy 2 :4 0 Kraninger @ Mon Aug 21 , 2017 10 : 02 AM HUD-18-0504-D-001082 Subjec t: Accepted : Hsng . Finance Reform Wkly Mtg. F rom : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Thursday , August 1 7, 20 1 7 8 : 25 AM To : Wade , Dana T Sub j ect : Accepted : Meet o n HECM F rom : Sent : To : Subjec Greenwood , Sheila M Wednesday , Aug us t 16 , 20 1 7 1 : 46 PM Eagles , Dav id T t: Dec lin ed : Champions ' Co un c il Kick-Off F rom : Gr ee nwood , Shei l a M Sent : Tuesday , August 1 5 , 2017 11 : 56 AM To : Eagles , Dav id T Subject: Dec lin ed : Champions ' Co un c il Kick-Off From : Greenwood , Shei l a M Sent : Tuesday , August 08 , 2017 4 :1 5 PM To : Gol r i c k , Jane t M Subject : Accepted : Briefing on Disaster From : Greenwo o d , Shei Sent : Monday , August To : Appl e t on , Seth Subject : Dec lin ed : Skype F rom : Sent : To : Subjec Skype la M 07 , 2017 4 : 50 PM D CDBG- DR Briefi ng with Greenwood , Sheila M Sunday, Augus t 06, 2017 8 : 38 PM Appleton , Set h D t: Accep t ed : CDBG-DR Br i efi ng with From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Friday , August 04 , 2017 2 :1 9 PM To : Eag l es , Dav i d T Subject : Accepted : Lapse in Appropriatio Fr om : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Friday , August 04 , 2017 To : Golrick , Janet M Subject : Accep te d : Disaster From : Sent : To : Subjec 1 1:41 Rep . Garret Graves via Rep . Ga rr et Gr aves vi a ns Pl an AM Upd ates Greenwood , Shei l a M Wednesday , August 02 , 2017 10 : 34 AM Kasper , Maren M t: Accepted : Housing Finance 101 wi th From : Gr eenwood , She i la M Sent : Tuesday , August 01 , 2017 To : Conant , Ann M. EOP/WHO /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT OMB/Kathy Kraninger 6 : 40 PM HUD-18-0504-D-001083 Subjec t : Dec line d : Welfare Ki c koff meeting F rom : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Tu esd ay , Augus t 0 1 , 201 7 6 : 40 PM To : Richardson , Todd M Sub j ect : Accep t ed : Small Ar ea Fai r Mar ket F rom : Sent : To : Subjec Rents Greenwood , Sheila M Tues da y , Augus t 0 1 , 201 7 3 : 01 PM Zorc, Bet hany A t : Dec l i n ed : Month ly Eth i cs Br i ef ing F rom : Gr ee nwood , Shei la M Sen t : Tuesday , August 01 , 2017 10 : 49 AM To : l(b )(6) I Subject: Accepted: Invitation : Joseph i n e 6 : 15pm - 7 : 15 pm (EDT) (Sh ei la Greenwood ) Subjec t : @ Th u Aug 10 , 201 7 Josep hine St art : Thu 8/10/2017 6:15 End : Thu 8/1 0 /2017 7 : 1 5 PM Show Time As : Te nta t iv e PM Recur r e n ce : (none ) Organiz e r : Gr ee nwood , Shei l a M Required Attendees : ' She i la Greenwood F rom : Sent : To : Subjec Greenwood , Sheila M Mond a y , Ju l y 31 , 2017 2 : 13 PM Wade, Dana T t : Accepted : Mee t with Pinto and ' the AEI gang F rom : Greenwood , Shei la M Sent : Monday , July 31, 2017 8 : 22 AM To : Wade , Dana T Sub j ect : Accepted: HECM Ro ll out Fr om : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Friday , Ju ly 28 , 20 17 4 : 08 PM To : Wade , Dana T Subject : Accep te d : FW: HECM Rollou t F rom : Sent : To : Subjec Greenwood , Shei la M Thursday , July 2 7 , 2017 10 : 02 PM Wade, Dan a T t : Accepted : Mee t with P in to and F rom : Greenwood /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT , Shei la th e AEI ga ng M HUD-18-0504-D-001084 Sent : Wednesday , July 26 , 2017 11 : 40 AM To : Gimont , Stanley Subject : Accepted : CDBG- DR Allocation Br iefing From : Sent : To : Subjec Greenwood , Sheila M Tuesday , J u l y 25 , 2 0 1 7 4 : 32 PM Gol ric k, Janet M t : Accepted : Check-in From : Greenwood , Shei la M Sen t : Monday , Ju ly 24 , 2017 10 : 03 AM To : Kasper , Mar en M Subject : Accepted : HOLD: NEC meeting Subject : #2 I Gi nnie Mae AFFH Start : Fri 7/2 1 /2017 1 0 : 00 AM End : Fri 7/21/2017 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tenta tiv e Recurrence : (none) Organiz e r: Greenwood , Sheila M Required Attendees : Brown, Christina From : Gre e nwood , Shei Sent : Thursday , July To : Golr i ck , Jane t Subject : Dec lin ed : Subjec t : meeting M la M 20 , 2017 4 : 36 PM M Fair Hous i ng Determination with Heather/ Old Town Start : Wed 8/9/2017 6 : 00 PM End : Wed 8/9/2017 6 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organizer : Greenwood , Shei la M Requ i r ed Attendees : ' She i la Greenwood From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Wednesday , J uly 19 , 2017 To : Dawkins , Eunice D /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT ' 8 : 50 PM HUD-18-0504-D-001085 Subjec t: Accepted : Eunice on Le ave - La te ~l From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Thursday , June 22 , 2017 4 : 23 : 28 PM (UTC) Coordinated Universal Ti me To : Greenwood , She ila M; Jackson , Sherra L Subject : Interview Meeting w/ Ms . Sherra Jackson , and The Chief of Staff, Sheila Greenwood When : F r iday , June 23 , 2017 1: 00 PM- 1: 30 PM. Where : Office of The Chief of Staff - Suite 1 0000 Subject : Sheila/Mike/Adolfo meeti n g Start : Thu 6/22/20 17 4 :0 0 PM End : Thu 6/22/20 17 5 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-001091 Recurrence : (none) Organizer Required : Greenwood , Shei la M Attendees : Marzol , Adolfo F ; Dendas , Mi chae l W From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Wednesday , June 21 , 2017 1 : 2 1 PM To : Marzol , Ado l fo F Subject : Accep t ed : PACE Mtg . w/ Dubers t e i n Gro up , Renovate Amer i can , Ygre n e , and Renew From : Sent : To : Subjec Greenwood , Shei l a M Tuesday , June 20 , 2017 5 : 37 PM Eagles , David T t: Accep t ed : Re i magine the Way HUD wor k s Cal l Me ASAP re Subjec t: HUD Priorit i es for SOHUD Start : Tue 6/20/20 17 2 : 45 PM End : Tue 6/20/2017 3 : 1 5 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organize r: Greenwood , Sheila M Required Attendees : Marzol , Ado l fo F ; Kasper , Maren Hunter ; Eag l es , David T Su bject : Loc at i on : Lunch at Hamilton Hamilton Restaurant with Don and M; Kurtz , R . Lee Tue 6/27/20 17 12 : 00 PM Start : End : Tue 6/27/20 17 12 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting Organizer Required : (none) Status : Not yet responded : Greenwood , Sheila M Attendees : ~l (b- )(_6_) _____________ From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Monday , June 19 , 20 17 7 : 1 1 PM To : Tim Rood Subject : Accepted : FW: HOLD HUD/Caliber /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT ~ Home Loans Mtg . HUD-18-0504-D-001092 From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Monday , June 19 , 20 17 5 : 43 PM To : Eag l es , Dav i d T Subject : Accepted : (HOLD) Restore the Ameri can From : Sent : To : Subjec New Po lit ical Greenwood , Sheila M Monday , June 19 , 20 17 5 : 38 PM Eagles , David T t: Accep t ed : Mee t and Greet the From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Monday , June 19 , 20 17 4 : 49 PM To : Eag l es , Dav i d T Subject : Dec l ined : (HOLD) Reimagine the Dr eam Team Way HUD works I can come for the very beginning but have a FEMA hurricane season brie f with SOHUD. I kn ow, I kn ow... .. t h e glamor of it all! From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Friday , June 16 , 20 17 9 : 48 PM To : Gima , Eric M Subjec t: Accepted : HUD' s 3rd Ann ual EEO & Diversity i n th e Workplace Confe r ence From : Sent : To : Subjec M Greenwood , Sheila Friday , June 16 , 2017 9 : 46 PM Gross , Mackenzie A . EOP/WHO t: Accepted : Hous in g Fi nance Wor ki ng Gro u p From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Friday , June 16 , 2017 3 : 29 PM To : Demarzo , Benjamin E Subject : Accepted : East Chi cago , IN Trip Planni From : Sent : To : Subjec Greenwood , Sheila M Thursday , June 15 , 2017 3 : 20 PM Petty , Ti mothy J t: Accepted : FHEO Matters From : Sent : To : Subjec Staf f, Greenwood , Sheila M Wednesday , June 1 4, 2017 4 : 08 PM Carter , Stevens J t: Accepted : Qui c k Chec k -I n w/ Hun ter She il a Gr eenwood /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT n g Meeti n g Kur t z & Chief of HUD-18-0504-D-001093 Subjec t: Loc a tio n : andrew a n d sheila (s he ila ' s office and ju st will i am t alk MHI speech after a ll s t aff mee t ing) Start : Wed 6/14/20 17 10 : 00 AM End : Wed 6/14/20 17 10:3 0 AM Show Tim e As : Tent ativ e Rec urr ence : (non e) Mee t in g Status Organizer Req u ired Subjec t: OMB?? : Not : Gr ee nwood, Atte ndees : check wi th y e t r es p o nded Sh e ila M Hu g hes , And re w; Gribbi Stan and St a rt : Tue 6/2 7/ 201 7 1:00 End : Tue 6/ 2 7/2017 1 : 30 PM Show Ti me As : Tenta t iv e Recurrence Meeting Todd Will iam J r e Di sas t e r mon e y -- - go n e to PM : (non e ) Status : Not ye t responded Organiz e r: Greenwood , Sheila l(b)(6) Required Attendees : M Fr om : Greenwood , She i la M Se nt : Tuesday , June 13, 201 7 12 : 33 PM To : Dema r zo , Be njami n E Su bject: Accep te d : Eas t Ch icago , I N Trip Subjec t: Loca tion: n, adolfo and smg o ff ice s h e ila Planni ng Meet i ng n ee debrief St a rt : Tue 6/13/201 7 2 :0 0 PM End : Tue 6/ 13/2017 2 : 30 PM Sho w Time As : Ten tat i ve Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Status : Not yet responded Organiz e r: Greenwood , Sheila M Required Attendees : Marzol, Adol f o F /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-001094 From : Greenwood , Shei la M Sent : Monday , June 12 , 2017 1 :0 0 PM To : Gimont , Stan le y Subject: Accepted: CDBG DR a ll ocat i ons F rom : Greenwood , Shei la M Sent : Monday, June 12 , 2017 12 : 11 PM To : l(b)(6) i Subjec t: Accepted : Invi t at i on : Make ~! (b~)(~6)_ __.l appt 2017 11am - 12 pm (EDT) (Sheila Gr eenwood ) From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Monday , Jun e 12 , 20 17 12 : 10 PM To : OGC LEGS REGS Subject : Tentative : Senate Committee Legislat iv e Hearing From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Monday, June 12, 2017 1 1 : 25 AM To : McCall , Drew A Subject: Accep te d : Interv i ew w/ Jeff From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Monday , June 12, 2017 9 : 15 AM i To : l(b)(6) Subject : Accepted: Invitation : Call - 11 am (EDT) ( She il a Greenwood ) F rom : Greenwood , Shei la M Sent : Friday, June 09, 2017 To : Wallis , James Subjec t: Tentative : Eagle Continuity Tabletop Exercise From : Sent : To : Subjec on Indian @ Thu J un 1 5 , Affairs -- Dav i s NASA @ Wed Jun 14 , 2017 1 0am 4 : 18 PM Hor iz o n 20 17 Se ni or Greenwood , Sheila M F riday , June 09 , 20 17 3 : 56 PM Eagles , Davi d T t: Accepted : (CONFIMRED) Reform Plan Leadership Ki ck-Of f From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Friday , June 09 , 2017 3 : 41 PM To : Kurtz , R . Hunte r Subject : Accepted : Strategic Goals From : Greenwood , Shei la M Sent : Thursday , Ju ne 08 , 2017 /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT 11 : 53 AM HUD-18-0504-D-001095 To : Lee , J e ss i ca K . EOP/O MB Sub j ec t: Accep t ed : Req u est : and HUD lea d ers h ip Pla n f or Meet and Gr eet be t ween Kathy Fr om : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Wednesday , Ju n e 07 , 20 1 7 8 : 56 PM To : Clemmensen , Cr aig T Subject: Accepted : Reform Pla n Kick - Off Subjec t : Locat i o n : Kb)(6) 8330 Boo n e Bl vd , r oom 1 6 0 , Vi e nn a 2 2 1 82 Start : Thu 7/20/2017 2 : 30 PM End : Thu 7/20/2017 3 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : (none ) Meet in g Status Org a nizer Required Subject : : Not ye t r espo nded : Greenwood , Shei l a M l(b )(6) Attendees : Washi ngton Ce n ter for Den t istry Start : Thu 6/29/20 17 10 : 00 AM End : Thu 6/29/ 2 0 17 10:30 AM Show Time As : Tent a tive Recu rr ence : (none) Meet i ng Status Or ga nizer Required : Not yet r espo nded : Gr ee nwood , Sh e ila l(b )(6) Attendees : M From : Greenwood , Shei la M Sent : Tuesday , June 06 , 20 1 7 1 0 : 18 AM To : Zo r c , Bethany A Subject : Accepted: Meeting From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Tuesday , June 06 , 2017 10 : 07 AM To : Zorc , Bethany A Subject : Accepted : Meeti ng F rom : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Monday , June 05 , 2 0 17 4 : 50 PM To : Ha rdy IV , Stanley /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-001096 Subjec t : Accepted : SENATE Appropr iat i o n s THUD Su bcomm ittee ent i tled " Re view of the FY20 1 8 Budget Request for the U. S . Depa r tmen t of Housi ng & Urban Developme n t " From : Gr eenwood , She i la M Sent : Monday , June 05 , 2 0 17 1:2 5 PM To : Daggett , Tanya R Subject : Accep te d : Transportation for From : Gr eenwood , She i la M Sent : Mond a y , June 0 5 , 2 0 17 9 : 29 AM To : OER. Commu nica t i ons Subjec t: Declined : Per f o rmance Review Subco mmi t te e Foc u s Gro up Di sc u ssion Hea ring Cos Pro cess/Time Fr om : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Mon day , June 05 , 2 0 17 9 : 19 AM To : Off ic e Of Exe cut ive Resources Subjec t : Te nta t iv e : Performanc e Review Su bcomm i ttee Focus Gro up Discuss ion Process/T From : Gr eenwood , Sh e i la M Sent : Sun day , June 0 4 , 2 0 17 5 : 32 PM To : l(b)( 6) Subjec t: Accepted : I nvi t ation : Po ssib le 201 7 7a m - 8am (EDT) (Sheila Gr eenwood ) li ne/G u i dance i meli n e/Gu idanc e I J ur y Dut y F rom : Se n t : To : Subjec Disc ri Greenwood , Shei la M Wednesd ay , May 3 1 , 2017 3 : 06 PM Hughes , Andrew t : Accep t ed : Notifica t i o n a n d Fe deral mi na t i o n a nd Retaliat i o n Ac t Trai n in g From : Sent : To : Subjec Greenwood , Shei la M Wednesday , May 3 1 , 2017 3 : 0 4 PM Hu g h es, Andr e w t : Accepted : Pam ' s 2nd Mur der Board Employee @ Tue Jun 13 , Anti- From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Wednesday , May 31 , 2017 2 : 59 PM To : McCa ll , Dr e w A Su bj e ct : Accepted : Weekly St af f Mee t i ng F rom : Greenwood , Shei la M Sent : Wednesday , May 31 , 2017 /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT 11 : 49 AM HUD-18-0504-D-001097 To : Coressel , Jacie Subjec t: Accepted: From : Sent : To : Subjec Weekly SOHUD Scheduli Greenwood , Sheila M Tuesday , May 30 , 201 7 9 : 37 AM Coressel , Jacie t: Accep te d : Weekly SOHUD Scheduling ng Review Review From : Greenwood, Sheila M Sent : Tuesday , May 30 , 2017 9 : 36 AM To : Marzol , Adolfo F Subject : Accepted: Mar z ol Wkl y. Update From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Wednesday , May 24 , 2017 4 : 02 PM To : Office of Public Affairs Subject : Accep te d : 2017 National Homeownership with Sec r etary Carson Subject : Alex Housing Forum Coffey Start : Thu 5/25/2017 10:00 End : Thu 5/25/2017 1 1 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurre Month AM n ce : (none) Organizer Required : Gr eenwood, Attendees : Subject : Next Steps Loc ation : Sheila M Coffey , Alexander 2 : 00 Check- i n w/She il a and Al ex Coffey - re : Event & PIH COS Off ic e Start : Wed 5/24/20 17 3 :0 0 PM End : Wed 5/24/20 17 3 :3 0 PM Show Tim e As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer Required Subject /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) : Greenwood, Attendees : : Sheila M Coffey , Alexander FEMA Hurricane Season Preparedness Seminar and Exercise HUD-18-0504-D-001098 Start : Mon 6/12/20 17 2 : 00 PM End : Mon 6/ 12 /20 17 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organ iz e r : Greenwood , Sheila M Req u ired Attendees : Nie l se n, Kirstje Neumann , Elizab e th ; Hei ghbe rg er, Eric FEMA Hurri cane Subjec t: Season n; P r epared Krebs , Chr i stopher n ess ; NEP; Semin a r and Exerc i se Krebs , Christopher ; NEP; Start : Mon 6/12/2017 2 :0 0 PM End : Mon 6/12/2017 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : (none ) Organi zer : Greenwood , Sheila M Requ ir ed At tendees : Ni e l se n , Ki rst j e n; Neumann, El i zabeth ; Heig hb erger , Eric Subject : Loca tion : Check - in w/Shei la COS Off ice and Mich ael Dendas re : Budge t Stuff S t art : F ri 5/19/20 17 1 : 30 PM End : F ri 5 /19/2017 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not ye t responded Org an iz e r: Greenwood , She i la M Required Atte ndees : Dendas , Mic hael W From : Sent : To : Subjec Greenwood , Sheila M F riday , May 1 9 , 2017 9 : 46 AM Patton , Lynn e M t: Accepted : COS RE: SOHUD NYC TRIP/ F rom : Sent : To : Subjec Greenwood , Shei la M Tuesday , May 16 , 2017 Marzol , Adolfo F t: Accep te d : Adolfo at COS ' Request 5 : 0 8 PM Marzol/ Upda te on Priorities Fr om : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Tuesday , May 1 6 , 2 0 17 1 1 : 57 AM To : Thompson , Amy C Subject : Declined : Call 2 : NYSE Bell /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-001099 Subjec t: Location : Fol l ow up office cos Start : Mon 5/15/20 17 10 : 00 AM End : Mon 5/15/20 17 10 : 30 AM Show Ti me As : Tentat i ve Recu rr ence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer Required : Not ye t r espo nded : Greenwood , Shei la M Atte ndees : Char l es , Genger From : Greenwood , Shei l a M Sent : Thursday , May 11 , 20 1 7 2 : 11 PM To : Daggett , Tanya R Subject : Accepted : Transpor t ation for M Cos From : Greenwood , Shei l a M Sent : Wednesday , May 10 , 2017 5 : 49 PM To : Coressel , Jac i e Subject : Dec l ined : SOHUD Scheduli n g Review From : Sent : To : Subjec Greenwood , Sheila M Wednesday , May 10 , 2017 12 : 55 PM Dagge tt, Tanya R t: Accep t ed : Tra n sportatio n f or CoS From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Monday , May 08 , 2017 12 : 00 PM To : Kasper , Maren M Subject : Accepted : Watt - Freddie Mac app r a i sal From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Monday , May 08 , 20 1 7 10 : 46 AM To : Zorc , Bethany A Subject : Accepted : Quick Check In on Financial t h reshold Freedom From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Monday , May 08 , 2017 10 : 34 AM To : Zorc , Bethany A Subject : Accepted : Qui ck Check I n on Fi n a n c i a l Fr eedom /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-001100 From : Sent : To : Subjec Greenwood , She i la M Monday , May 08 , 2017 10 : 08 AM Payne , Te r esa L t: Accepted : co f fee From : Sent : To : Subjec Greenwood , She i la M Friday , May 05 , 2017 5 : 44 PM Kasper , Mar en M t: Accepted : Wat t - Freddie Mac app r aisal From : Sent : To : Subjec Greenwood , Shei la M Fri day , May 05 , 2017 4 : 1 0 PM Golrick , Jane t M t: Accepted : Public Service Recog n ition t h reshold Meet & Greet From : Greenwood , Shei la M Sent : Fri day , May 05 , 2017 12 : 2 7 PM To : Golr i c k , Jane t M Subject : Accepted : Perso nn e l Issue From : Sent : To : Subjec Greenwood , Sheila M Thursday , May 04 , 20 1 7 1 0: 2 1 AM Gribbin , Anne H t: Declined : SOHUD Request Review From : Sent : To : Subjec Greenwood , Sheila M Wednesday , May 03, 2017 7 : 36 PM Jac k so n, Alpho n so t: Accep t ed : LUNCH: She i la Gr eenwood Subjec t: s h e ila and Alphonso Jackso n and amy r e LT revamp Start : Fri 5/5/20 1 7 2 : 00 PM End : Fri 5/5/ 2 0 1 7 2 : 3 0 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting Organizer Required : (none) Status : Not yet r espo nded : Greenwood , Sheila M Atte ndees : Thompson , Amy C From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Wednesday , May 03 , 20 17 10 : 27 AM To : OER. Communications /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-001101 Subjec t: Forum Accepted : Save the Date - FY17 Q4 Exec ut ive From : Gr eenwood , She i la M Sent : Monday , May 0 1 , 2 0 1 7 4 : 51 PM To : Ammon, Matthew E Subject : Accep te d : FW: Secretary Briefing Inter n ationa l a n d Ph il a nt hropic Innova t ion Fro m: Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Monday , May 01 , 2017 12 : 1 4 PM To : Alex Alber t Subject : Accepted : Dinner with Greenwoods Poin de xt e rs F rom : Sent : To : Subjec on the (IPI) , Al berts Le adersh PD&R Office and ip for Guen the r - Gr eenwood , Shei la M Monday , May 01 , 2017 10 : 29 AM Hughes , Andrew t: Accep t ed : Mee ting wi th Pam From : Gr eenwood , She i la M Sent : Thursday , April 27 , 2017 To : Kasper , Maren M Subject : Accep te d : NHF Lo cation : 11 : 59 AM COS office Start : Thu 4/27/20 17 9 :0 0 AM End : Thu 4 /27/20 17 9 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer Required : Not yet responded : Greenwood , Sheila M Atte ndees : Kasper , Maren M; Thompson , Amy C Fr om : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Tuesday , Apr i l 25 , 20 17 7 : 03 PM To : Kasper, Maren M Subject : Accepted : NHF /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-001102 From : Sent : To : Subjec Greenwood , She i la M Monday , April 24 , 20 1 7 9 : 02 PM McCall , Drew A t: Accep t ed : Interview w/ Gise l e Roget From : Greenwood , She i la M Sent : Monday , Apri l 24 , 20 1 7 3 : 0 4 PM To : Kasper , Maren M Subjec t: Accep t ed : Weekly Cab in et-Level and Schedul i ng Reports From : Greenwood , Shei la M Sent : Monday , Apri l 24 , 20 1 7 9 : 47 AM To : Cruc i a n i , Li nda M Subject : Accepted : Catch up wi th Ch i ef Departme n t/Age n cy Po li cy of From : Greenwood , Shei l a M Sent : Saturday , April 22 , 2017 9 : 32 PM To : l(b )(6) I Subject : Accepted : Invitation : Dan Murphy 9am - 1 0am (EDT) (Sheila Greenwood) From : Sent : To : Subjec Steps Greenwood , Sheila M Fr i day , Apr il 21 , 20 1 7 5 :1 7 PM Golrick , Janet M t: Accep t ed : Follow -U p on Status of Staff and PDGC biz @ Wed Apr 26 , 2017 City of Hous t on/ Next From : Greenwood , Shei l a M Sent : F riday , Apr il 21 , 20 1 7 1 : 31 PM To : Golr i c k, Jane t M Subject : Accepted : Annou n cement From : Sent : To : Subjec Greenwood , She i la M F riday , Apri l 21 , 20 1 7 7 : 07 AM Kasper , Maren M t: Accep t ed : 100 days From : Sent : To : Subjec Greenwood , Sheila M Thursday , April 20 , 2017 McCall , Drew A t: Accep t ed : Interview 10 : 48 AM w/ Gis ele Roget F rom : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Thursday , April 20 , 2 017 9 : 15 AM To : Cof f ey , Alexa nder Subject : Accepted : Wil liam ' s Se n d-of f From : Greenwood /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT , Shei la M HUD-18-0504-D-001103 Sent : Wednesday , April 19, 2017 3 : 21 PM To : Patton , Lynne M Subject : Accepted : Review of Columbus LxL From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Thursday , April 13 , 2017 8 : 09 PM To : Hugh es , Andrew Subject : Accepted : Call Keagan Fr om : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Thursday , April 13 , 2017 4 : 3 1 PM To : Gol r ick, Janet M Subject : Accepted : Mee t ing Debrief on Al exa nder Authority From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Thursday , April 13 , 2017 To : Hughes , Andr ew Subject : Tentative : Interview From : Greenwo od, Shei Sent : Thursday , April To : l(b)(6) Subject : Accepted : 2 : 1 5pm (EDT) (She ila la M 13 , 2017 Invitation Greenwood) Fro m: Gre enwood , Sheila M Sent : Thursday, April 1 3 , 2017 To : Hughes , Andrew Subject: Acc ep ted : Interview County 9 : 51 AM with Greg Zerzan (CIR ) 9 : 43 AM I : WRA @ Thu May 4 , 2017 with Gisele (CIR) From : Greenwood , Shei la M Sent : Wednesday , Apri l 12 , 2017 3 : 47 PM To : Golr i ck , Jane t M Subject : Accepted : Status of City of Houston/Next /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT 1 : 15pm - 9 : 44 AM From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Wednesday , April 12 , 2017 3 : 54 PM To : Gol rick , Janet M Subject : Acc epte d : Meet ing Debrief on Al exa nd e r County Authority From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Wednesday , Apri l 12 , 2017 Housing Housing Steps 1 : 57 PM HUD-18-0504-D-001104 To : Golrick , Janet M Subject: Accep t ed : Mee ting Autho rity Fr om : Sent : To : Subjec Debrief on Ale x ande r County Ho u s i ng Greenwood , Sheila M Wednesday , April 12, 2017 9 : 31 AM Hughes, Andr e w t : Accepted : Mee ting with Sh e il a t o Di sc u ss Allocations Fr om : Greenwood , Sheila M Sen t : Tuesday , April 11 , 2017 3 : 39 PM To : Russell , Willi am 0 Subject : Dec lin ed : MTW event Fr om : Sent : To : Subjec Greenwood , Sheila M Tuesday , Apr i l 11 , 201 7 1 : 06 PM Patto n, Lynne M t : Accep te d : GDAS Meeting/ Li sten i ng Tou r Debrief Fr om : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Tuesday , Apr i l 11 , 201 7 10 : 22 AM To : Go l ric k, Janet M Subject : Acc epte d : Meet in g Debrie f on Al e xan de r County Authority From : Sent : To : Subjec Housing Greenwood , Shei l a M Tuesday , April 11 , 2017 10 : 19 AM Golric k, Janet M t : Accepted : GDAS Hir i ng Freeze From : Greenwood , Shei la M Sent : Tu esd ay , April 11 , 201 7 8 : 24 AM To : Lyberg , Sarah A Sub j ect : Accepted: Mee t a n d Greet , Senate From : Greenwood , Shei la M Sent : Tues d ay , April 11 , 2017 6 : 32 AM To : l(b)(6) I Subjec t : Accepted : Upda t ed Invitation 1 1 , 2017 4 : 30pm - 5 : 30pm (EDT) (She ila Mi no ri ty : Cal l Swep Ne l so n Gr eenwood ) @ Tue Apr From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Monday , April 10 , 2017 7 : 02 PM To : Hughes , Andrew Subject : Accepted : Weekly St aff Mee t i ng Fr om : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Monday , Apr i l 10 , 20 1 7 5 : 11 PM To : Golrick, Janet M Subject : Accepted : Hiring /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-001105 From : Greenwood , Shei l a M Sent : Monday , April 10 , 2017 10 : 32 AM To : Golr i c k, Janet M Subject: Accepted : Westchester AI Submission From : Greenwood , Shei l a M Sent : F riday , April 07 , 2017 6 : 18 PM To : McCall , Drew A Subject : Accepted : Interview w/ Ken Logan Fro m: Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Thursday , April 06 , 2017 To : Russell , Willi am 0 Su bject : Dec lin ed : Danie lle From : Sent : To : Subjec 4 : 04 PM Greenwood , Shei l a M Thursday , April 06, 2017 12 : 56 PM Patton , Lynne M t: Accepted : Miami Listening Tour Review (Mee t i ng 2) Fr om : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Thursday , April 06 , 201 7 11:1 3 AM To : Golrick , Janet M Subject: Accepted: Employee Relat ion s/ELR F rom : Greenwood , Shei l a M Sent : Wedn esday , April 05 , 2017 1 : 42 PM To : Press , Ja cob D Subject : Accepted: Ca ll w Rep Mik e Bost F rom : Greenwood , Shei la M Sent : Tuesday , April 04 , 2017 6 : 1 5 PM To : l(b)(6) I Subject : Dec lin ed : Invitation : Erin and 201 7 11am - 12 pm (EDT) (Shei la Gre enw ood) From : Sent : To : Subjec Greenwood , Shei Tuesday , April Gol ri ck, Janet t: Accepted : pVERSIGHT group to HUD @ Th u Apr 6 , la M 04, 2017 5 : 0 1 PM M FY 17 Budget From : Greenwood , Shei l a M Se n t : Mon day , April 03, 2017 /\MERICAi\ r e : ACHA 1 0 : 02 PM HUD-18-0504-D-001106 To : Golr i c k, Jane t M Subjec t: Dec lin ed : Br i efi ng on Hou s i ng Cou nse l i ng Federal Committ ee 3 - Year Re ap poi n tmen t Recommenda t ions Fr om : Greenwood , She Sent : Monday , April To : Golr i c k , Jane t Subject : Dec lin ed i la M 03 , 20 1 7 10 : 0 1 PM M : Empl oy ee Relations/ELR From : Greenwood , She i la M Sen t : Monday , April 03 , 2 0 1 7 6 :21 PM To : Hughes , Andrew Subject : Accep te d : Meet in g with CIR , Pu blic In iti a t i ves From : Sent : To : Subjec Greenwood , Sheila M Mon da y , April 03 , 2 0 1 7 4 :4 5 PM Gri bb in , Ann e H t: Tenta tive : Event/ Meeting Request From : Gr ee nwoo d , Shei l a M Sent : Monday , Apr il 03 , 2017 4 : 15 PM To : Peterlin , Marga r et JA Subject : Accepted : Ma rgaret Peterlin/S Affair s Fai th Gree nwoo d Ca ll Coun t y Hous in g Authority From : Gr ee nwood , Shei la M Sen t: Monday , April 03 , 2017 1 : 06 PM To : Gol r i c k, Janet M Subject : Accep t ed : Fo l low-Up o n Ale xa nde r County - Next Steps Hous in g Autho ri ty Fr om : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Monday , April 03 , 2 0 1 7 11 :2 9 AM To : Golrick , Janet M Subject : Accep te d : Follow - Up on Alexand e r Coun t y Housing - Next Steps From : Greenwood , Shei la M Sent : Sunday , Apr il 02 , 2017 4 :1 9 PM To : Patton , Lynne M Subject : Dec lin ed : Miam i Liste n i ng Tour pVERSIGHT Based Re view h eila From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Mond a y , Apr il 03, 20 1 7 1 : 0 6 PM To : Golric k, Ja net M Subjec t: Accepted : Fo l low-Up o n Al exander - Next Steps /\MERICAi\ Adv i so ry Review Authority (Meet i ng 2 ) HUD-18-0504-D-001107 From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Sunday , Apr il 02, 2 0 1 7 4 :1 9 PM To : Patton , Lynne M Subject : Acc epte d : GDAS Meeting/L i stening From : Sent : To : Subjec Tour Deb rief Gr eenwood , She i la M Fr i day , March 31 , 20 1 7 3 : 30 PM Off ic e of Public Affairs t: Acc epte d : 2017 Fair Hous in g Mont h Kic k- Off F rom : Gr ee nwood , Shei la M Sen t : F riday , March 31 , 20 1 7 8 : 39 AM To : Hu g hes , Andrew Subject : Accepted : Amy Te n house / She i la F rom : Gre e nwood , Shei l a M Sent : Thursday , Marc h 30 , 2017 To : Gol r i c k , Jane t M Subject : Tent at ive : Employee Greenwood Mee ting 3 : 39 PM Relations/ELR F rom : Gr ee nwo o d , Shei l a M Sent : Tuesday , Marc h 28, 2017 4 : 33 PM To : Jac k so n , Alphonso Subject : Accepted : Lunch with Alp h onso Gr ee nwood Jackson and Sheila F rom : Sent : To : Subjec Greenwood , Sheila M Tues da y , March 2 8, 2017 2 : 5 0 PM Golr i c k , Jane t M t: Accep t ed : HUD FY 20 18 Ann ua l Pe r forma n ce Pla n From : Sent : To : Subjec Gr eenwood , She i la M Tuesday , Marc h 28 , 2017 9 : 32 AM Go l ric k, Ja net M t: Acc epte d : Ne ig hbo rWor ks From : Sent : To : Subjec Greenwood , She i la M Monday , March 27 , 2 0 1 7 7 : 0 1 PM Golric k, Janet M t: Accepted : FY 18 Budget From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Mon da y , March 27 , 2 0 1 7 8 : 00 AM To : l(b)(6) i Subjec t: Accepted : Invi t ation : ~~ b_)(_6)_________________ I @ Wed Apr 5 , 2017 3 : 15pm - 4 : 1 5pm (E DT) l(b)(6) F rom : Greenwood /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT , Shei la ___. (Sheila Gr ee nwood) M HUD-18-0504-D-001108 Sen t : Fr i day , March 24 , 20 1 7 2 : 33 PM To : Lyberg , Sa r ah A Su b ject : Accepted : Pl ease HOLD: Ren t al From : Sent : To : Subjec Greenwood , She Friday , March Golric k, Jane t t : Accep t ed From : Sent : To : Subjec Greenwo o d , Sheila M Friday , March 24 , 2017 1 : 00 PM Of f i ce of Public Af f airs t : Accep t ed : 20 1 7 Women' s History Assist an ce Check i la M 24 , 20 1 7 1 : 00 PM M : PROCUREME NTI Br ie fi ng w/Secre Month In t a r y Ca r so n Ho n oree Ce r emony From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Fri d ay , March 24 , 2017 1 0 : 5 3 AM To : Golr i c k , Jane t M Subject : Accep t ed : Nei g h bo r Wor ks From : Sent : To : Subjec Greenwood , Sheila M Thursday , Marc h 2 3 , 20 1 7 1 0 : 37 AM Daggett , Tanya R t : Accep t ed : Transportation for Cos Fr om : Gr eenwood , She i la M Sent : Wednesday , Ma rc h 2 2 , 2017 3 : 00 PM To : Kasper , Maren M Subj e c t : Accep t ed : Dallas Listen i ng Tou r Revi e w From : Sent : To : Subjec Gr e enwood , Sh e ila M Wednesday , Marc h 22 , 20 1 7 11 : 08 AM Gol r i c k , Janet M t: Dec li n ed : In f rastruct ur e Ki ck-Off Fr om : Sent : To : Subjec Gr eenwood , She i la M Wednesday , Marc h 22 , 2017 1 1: 05 AM Golrick , Janet M t: Accep t ed : Upda t e on Hou ston From : Sent : To : Subjec Greenwood , She i la M Wednesday , Marc h 2 2 , 2017 Golric k, Jane t M t: Accep t ed : Chec k -in From : Greenwood , Sheila Sent : Wednesday , March /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT M 22 , 2017 9 : 4 6 AM 9 : 45 AM HUD-18-0504-D-001109 To : Golr i c k , Jane t M Subjec t: Accepted : Check-in From : Greenwood , Shei Sent : Wednesday , Marc To : Daggett , Tanya Subject : Accepted : la M h 22 , 2017 R Transportat From : Greenwood , Shei Sent : Tuesday , Marc h To : Golr i ck , Janet Subject : Accepted : la M 2 1 , 2017 M Briefing 9 : 30 AM i on for Cos 2 : 01 PM on Wes t chester County From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Tuesday , Marc h 2 1 , 2017 10 : 27 AM To : l(b)(6) I Subject : Accepted : Invitation : Seibe l call 12 pm - 1pm (EDT ) (Sheila Greenwood) From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Monday , March 20 , 20 1 7 5 : 06 PM To : Barton , Victoria L Subject : Accep t ed : Mor t gagee Letter for From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Monday , March 20 , 20 1 7 4 : 15 PM To : Daggett , Tanya R Subject : Accepted : Transportation for F rom : Sent : To : Subjec Greenwood , Shei l a M Monday , March 20 , 20 1 7 2 : 13 PM Hughes , Andrew t: Accep t ed : Mee t ing in Sh eila @ Wed Mar 22 , 20 17 Senator Kennedy Cos ' s Office From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Saturday , March 18 , 2017 2 :11 PM To : Gr i bb in, Anne H Subject : Accepted : Senior St aff Mee t ing/De tro it From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Friday , March 17 , 20 1 7 3 : 58 PM To : Gribbin , Anne H Subject : Accepted : Housing Finance Reform Briefing From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Thursday , March 16 , 2017 To : Press , Jacob D Subject : Accepted : Discussion From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Thursday , March 1 6 , 2017 To : Golrick , Janet M /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Request Debrief 3 : 03 PM of HFSC budget briefing request 12 :1 9 PM HUD-18-0504-D-001110 Subjec t : Accepted : ADMINIBriefing w/Secretary Ca r son F rom : Greenwood , Shei la M Sent : Thursday , March 1 6 , 201 7 12 : 19 PM To : Gol r i c k , Jane t M Sub j ect : Accepted : Gi n ni e Mae lBr ie fi ng w/Secretary F rom : Sent : To : Subjec Greenwood , Shei la M Thursday , March 16 , 201 7 12 : 06 PM Smith-T h omas , Mak i a t: Tenta ti ve : Ex ec u t i ve Leadership Subjec t : Canceled Andrew Olmem Loca tion : TBD : Lunch w/Sheila Carso n Forum Gr eenwood , J a ' Ron Smi th and S t art : Tue 3/21/2017 12 : 00 PM End : Tue 3/21/2017 1 : 00 PM Show Time As : Fr ee Recurre n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not ye t r esp ond e d Organ iz e r : Greenwood , Sheila Required Atte ndees : Smith, Andrew . J . Olmem@eop . gov Note - Ma r k Calab ri a n ot M Ja ' Ron K. EOP/WHO; ab l e to atte nd . F rom : Sent : To : Subjec Greenwood , Shei la M Wednesday , March 15 , 2017 4 : 02 PM Golr i c k , Jane t M t: Accep t : Briefing on HUD' s Ex ec u tive Ope r at i ons sheila From : Sent : To : Subject . m. g r eenwoodl@hud . gov has accept e d this mee ting . Greenwood , Sheila M Wednesday , Mar c h 1 5 , 2017 1 2 : 5 1 PM Golr i c k , Jane t M : Accept : ELR Brie f ing Counc i l she il a . m.greenwoodl@hud.gov has accep te d th i s meeting. From : Gr eenwood , She i la M Sent : Wednesday , Marc h 1 5 , 2017 1 2 : 28 PM To : Golrick , Janet M Subjec t: Accep t : Morning Meeting she i l a . m.greenwoodl@hud.gov has accep t ed th i s meeting. F rom : Greenwood , Shei la M Sent : Wednesday , March 15 , 2017 9 : 09 AM To : Golr i c k , Janet M Subject : Accept : Eureka Ga r dens sheila /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT . m. g reenwoodl@h ud . gov has accepted thi s meeting . HUD-18-0504-D-001111 From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Tuesday , Marc h 14 , 2017 7 : 2 7 PM To : McKi nley , Mega n (Rub io) Subject : Acc ept : Phon e Call with Clint Reed and She ila Greenwood she il a . m.greenwoodl@hud.gov has accep t ed th i s meeting . From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Tuesday , Ma rch 14 , 2017 5 : 09 PM To : Smith - Thomas , Makia Subjec t: Accept : Executive Leadership Forum sheila F rom : Sen t : To : Subject . m. greenwoodl@hud .g ov has accepted th is mee t ing . Gr ee nwood , Shei la M Tuesday , Marc h 14 , 2017 3 : 28 PM Gol r i c k, Jane t M : Accept : S&E/Transfer Fun d i ng sheila . m. greenwoodl@hud .g ov has accepted this Subjec t: Canceled : HOLD for mee t i ng w/Sheila NMHC Officers Lo cation : D/S Con feren c e Room meeting . a nd Cindy Che tt i a n d Sta r t : Wed 3/15/2017 9 : 30 AM End : Wed 3/15/20 17 10 : 15 AM Show Tim e As : Free Recu rr en ce : (none) Meet i ng Status : Not Org a nize r : Greenwood Required Att en d ees : yet r espo nded , Shei la M cchet t i@nmhc . org Depar tm e n t o f HUD (come to the Freeway) 451 7 th Stree South e n t r ance secur i ty desk - n ear t , SW Wash i ngton , DC Sheila the 2 0 41 0 - 202 - 402 - 6068 Eun i ce - 2 02-402-6624 F rom : Greenwood , Shei la M . m. g r eenwoodl@hud .g ov has accep te d this meeting . Greenwood , Sheila M Monday , Ma r ch 1 3 , 20 1 7 4 : 46 PM Fleischer , La ura A /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-001112 Subjec t: Accept : Lynne Patton SOHUD Listen in g Tour , Detro i t sheila Fr om : Sent : To : Subject & Deana Bass - officia l tr avel , . m. greenwoodl@hud . gov has accep te d this meeting . Greenwood , Sheila M Monday, March 13 , 20 1 7 1 : 00 PM Golr i c k, Janet M : Accept : PROCUREMENTIBriefing w/Secretary Carson she il a . m.greenwoodl@hud.gov has accep te d th i s meeting. From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Monday, March 13, 20 1 7 12 : 25 PM To : Golrick, Janet M Subjec t: Accept : OCHCOIBr iefing w/Secretary Carson she il a . m.greenwoodl@hud.gov has accepted th i s meeting. F rom : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Monday, March 13 , 2017 12 : 2 5 PM To : Golr i c k, Janet M Subject : Accept : Congressional/Intergovernmental Relations lBriefing w/Secretary Carson sheila From : Sent : To : Subject . m. greenwoodl@hud . gov has accep te d this meeting . Greenwood , Sheila M Monday , March 13 , 2017 10 :11 AM Press , Jacob D : Accept : Discuss response to Senate Banking letter she il a . m.greenwoodl@hud.gov has accepted th i s meeting . F rom : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Monday , March 13 , 2017 9 :25 AM To : Golrick, Janet M Subjec t: Accept : IG Hearing/Questions sheila From : Sent : To : Subject . m. greenwoodl@hud . gov has accepted this meeting . Greenwood , Sheila M Monday , March 13 , 2017 9 : 21 AM Hughes , Andrew : Accept : Andrew to send OPM Status for Weather sheila . m. greenwoodl@hud . gov has accep te d this meeting . Fr om : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Sunday , March 12 , 20 1 7 6 : 05 PM To : Hardy IV , Stanley Subject : Accepted : CONFIRMED: HQ Meeting w/ City of San Marcos (TX) Re: CDBG-DR From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Sunday , March 12 , 2017 5 :4 7 PM To : l(b)(6) i Subjec t: Accept : Inv i ta t ion : Festiva l of Learni ng ce l ebration Thu Mar 16 , 2017 7pm - 8pm (EDT) (Sheila Greenwood) sheila /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT . m. greenwoodl@hud . gov has accepted this meeting @ . HUD-18-0504-D-001113 From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Sunday , Ma r ch 12 , 2 0 1 7 5 :4 7 PM To : l(b)(6) I Subject : Acc ept : Invita t i on : ~l(b~)(~6~) ___ __,,_______ ~ @ Wed Apr 12 , 2017 7p m - 8pm (EDT) (Sheila Gree nwood) she il a . m. greenwoodl@hud . gov has accep t ed th i s meet i ng . F rom : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Sunday, March 12 , 2017 5 : 47 PM To : l(b)(6) I Subjec t: Accep t: Inv i tation : kb)(6) I @ Thu Apr 2 7 , 2017 6pm - 7pm (EDT) (Sh ei la Greenwood) she il a . m. gree nwoodl@hud.gov has accep te d th i s meeting . Fr om : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Sunday , Ma rc h 12 , 20 1 7 5 :4 7 PM To : l(b)(6) I Subject : Acc ept : Invita t i on : Erin and group to HUD @ Th u Apr 201 7 11am - 12 p m (EDT) (She il a Gr eenwood) 6, sheila . m. greenwoodl@hud .g ov has accepted th is mee t ing . F rom : Gr ee nwood , Shei la M Sent : Sunday , March 12 , 2017 1 0 : 46 AM To : l(b)(6) I Subject : Accep t : Inv i tation : ACDS h i gh sc h oo l g u idance meeting Thu Mar 30 , 2017 7 :1 5am - 8 :1 5am (EDT) (She il a Gr eenwood ) she il a . m.greenwoodl@ h ud.g ov has accep te d th i s meeting. From : Gr eenwood , She i la M Sent : Thursday , Ma rc h 09 , 2017 2 :1 5 PM To : Ha rdy IV , St anl ey Subject : Te nta t iv e : HOLD: HQ Mee ting w/ City of San Marcos Re : CDBG-DR F rom : Greenwo o d , Shei l a M . m. greenwoodl@hud . gov has accepted th is mee t ing . Gre e nwood , Shei la M Wednesday , Marc h 08 , 20 1 7 2 : 32 PM Dagget t , Tanya R : Accept : TRANSPORATION for CoS sheila .m. greenwoodl@hud.gov has accep te d this meeting . From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Tuesday , Marc h 0 7 , 20 17 12 : 2 1 PM To : Go l rick , Janet M Subject : Accep t : Healthy Homes & Lead Hazard Cont rol l Bri e fing w/Secretary Carson sheila . m. greenwoodl@hud . gov has accepted th is mee t ing . F rom : Gr eenwood , Shei la M /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-001114 Sen t : Tues d ay , Marc h 07 , 2017 11 : 54 AM To : Dawk i n s , Eun i ce D Subject : Accept : Eunice - !(b)(6) !Appointmen t (morni ng) sh eil a . m.greenwoodl@ h ud.g ov has accep te d th i s meeting . From : Gr eenwood , She i la M Sent : Monday , March 06 , 2 0 1 7 9 : 38 AM To : Gribbi n , Anne H Subject : Acc ept : BHT Scheduling Mee ting for Secretary she i l a .m . greenwoodl@hud . g ov has accep t ed th i s meeting. F rom : Greenwo o d , Shei l a M Sent : Monday , March 06, 2017 9 : 03 AM To : Gribbin , Anne H Subjec t : Accept : Cl assi f ied Nati o n a l Sec uri ty I nf orma t io n Br ie fi ng sheila F rom : Sent : To : Subject . m. greenwoodl@hud . gov has accepted th is mee t ing . Gr ee nwood , Shei l a M Frid ay , March 03 , 2017 5 : 25 PM Grib b in , Anne H : Accept : Eth ics Briefi ng sheila Fr om : Sent : To : Subject . m. g re en wood l@hu d Greenwood , Sheila Friday , March 03 , Kasper , Maren M : Acc ept : Ethi . g ov has accepted this meeting . M 201 7 5 : 12 PM cs bri e fing she i l a . m.greenwoodl@hud . g ov has accep t ed th i s meeting . F rom : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : F rid a y , Mar c h 03 , 2017 12 : 1 0 PM To : Williams, Micha e l B . EOP/OMB Subjec t : Accept : HUD Regu latory Review sheila . m. greenwoodl@hud . gov has accepted th is F rom : Gr ee nwood , Shei la M Sen t : Thursday , Marc h 02 , 2017 9 : 14 PM To : Alexander , Maso n Subject: Accep t ed : Bes t of Luck for Susan mee t ing . F rom : Gre e nwood , Shei la M Sent : Thursday , Marc h 02 , 2017 6 : 26 PM To : Gol r i c k , Janet M Subject : Accept : Fi e ld Po l icy & Manageme n t lBr i efi n g w/Secretary Ca r son sheila .m.g ree nwoodl@h u d .g ov has accep te d this meeting. From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Thursday , Marc h 02 , 2017 6 : 25 PM To : Gol ri ck, Janet M Subjec t: Accept : Equal Empl oyme n t Oppo rtuni ty lBr ie fi ng w/Secretary Ca r so n sheila /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT . m. g r eenwoodl@hud . gov has accepted thi s meeting . HUD-18-0504-D-001115 From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Thursday , Marc h 02 , 2017 5 : 46 PM To : Go l r ick, Janet M Subject : Acc ept : OSDBUIBriefing w/Secretary Carson she i l a . m.greenwoodl@hud.gov has accep t ed th i s meeting . From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Thursday , Marc h 02 , 2017 5 : 36 PM To : Golric k, Janet M Subjec t : Accept : Fa i r Ho u s i ng lBr ie fi ng w/Secretary Carso n sheila . m. greenwoodl@hud . g ov has accepted th is mee t ing . F rom : Gr ee nwood , Shei la M Sen t : Thursday , Marc h 02 , 2017 5 : 36 PM To : Gol r i c k, Jane t M Subject: Accept : ADMINIBrief i ng w/Secretary Ca r so n sheila . m. greenwoodl@hud . g ov has accepted this meeting . Fr om : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Thursday , Marc h 02 , 2017 5 : 36 PM To : Go l rick , Janet M Subject : Accep t : Offic e of Policy Deve l opment and Research l Bri e fin g w/Secreta ry Carson she i l a . m. greenwoodl@hud . gov has accep t ed th i s meeting. F rom : Greenwood , Shei la M Sent : Thursday , March 02 , 2 017 5 : 36 PM To : Golrick , Jane t M Subject : Accept : Gi nn i e Mae lBr i efing w/Secretary Carso n sheila F rom : Sent : To : Subject . m. greenwoodl@hud . g ov has accepted th i s mee t ing. Gre e nwood , Shei la M Thursday , Marc h 02 , 2017 5 : 36 PM Golr i c k , Jane t M : Accept : OCHCOIBr ief i ng w/Secretary Carson shei l a . m.greenwoodl@hud.gov has accep te d this meeting. From : Gr eenwood , She i la M Sent : Thursday , Marc h 02 , 2017 5 : 36 PM To : Go l rick , Janet M Subject : Acc ept : Cong r ess ion al/Inte rgov ernmental RelationslBriefing w/Secretary Carson she ila . m.greenwoodl@hud.gov has accepted th is mee t ing . F rom : Greenwood , Shei la M Sent : Thursday , Marc h 02 , 2017 5 : 36 PM To : Golric k , Jane t M Sub j ec t: Accep t : OFFIC E OF CFOIBrief i ng w/Secreta r y Ca r so n sheila Fr om : Sent : To : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT . m. g r eenwoodl@hud . g ov has accep te d this meeting . Greenwood , Sheila M Thursday , Marc h 02 , 2017 5 : 35 PM Golrick, Janet M HUD-18-0504-D-001116 Subjec t: w/Secretary Accept : Fa it h Based Ca r son & Neighbo rh ood Partnerships lBriefing sheila . m. g r eenwoodl@hud . gov has accep te d this meeting . Fr om : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Thursday , Marc h 02 , 20 1 7 5 : 35 PM To : Golr i c k , Jane t M Subject : Accept : OGC Depa r tmen ta l Enforcement Ce n ter lBrie f ing w/S ec r et ary Carson she il a .m.gr ee nwood l@hu d .g ov has accep t ed th i s meeting. F rom : Greenwo o d , Shei l a M Se nt : Thursday , March 0 2 , 201 7 5 : 35 PM To : Golr i c k , Jane t M Subjec t: Accept : Pub li c AffairslBrie fin g w/Secretary Ca r son sheila F rom : Sent : To : Subject . m. greenwoodl@hud . gov has accepted th i s mee t ing . Greenwood , Shei la M Thursday , Marc h 02 , 2017 5 : 35 PM Gol r i c k , Jane t M : Accept : CPD IBrie f ing w/Secretary Carson sheila . m. greenwoodl@hud .g ov has accep te d this mee ting . Fr om : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Thursday , Marc h 02, 20 1 7 5 : 35 PM To : Golric k, Janet M Subjec t: Acc ept: Healthy Homes & Lead Hazard Control l Bri e fing w/Secretary Ca r son sheila F rom : Sent : To : Subjec . m. gree nwoo dl@hud . gov has accepted th is mee t ing . Greenwood , Shei la M Thursday , Marc h 02 , 2017 5:35 PM Golr i c k, Jane t M t: Accep t: HOUSING IBriefing w/Secretary Ca r son sheila From : Sent : To : Subject . m. g r eenwoodl@hud .g ov has accep te d thi s mee ting . Greenwood , Sheila M Thursday , Marc h 02 , 2017 5 : 35 PM Golr i c k , Jane t M : Accept : PI H IBrie f ing w/Secretary Carson she il a .m. gree nwoodl@hud . gov has accep te d th i s meeting. From : Gr eenwood , She i la M Sent : Thursday , Marc h 02 , 2017 5 : 35 PM To : Golrick , Janet M Subjec t: Accep t: Field Po licy & ManagementlBrief i ng w/Secreta Carso n ry she il a . m. greenwoodl@hud . gov has accepted th i s mee t ing . From : Greenwood , She ila M Sent : Thursday , Marc h 02 , 2017 5 : 34 PM To : Gol r i c k , Janet M Subject : Accept : OFF I CE OF CIOIBriefing w/Secretary Carson /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-001117 she il a . m. gree nwoodl@h u d . gov has accep t ed th i s meeting . From : Greenwood , She i la M Sent : Thursday , March 02 , 2017 5 : 33 PM To : Gol ri c k, Jane t M Subjec t: Accep t: PROCUREMENTIBriefing w/Secretary Carso n she il a . m. gree nwoodl@h u d . gov has accepted th i s meet i ng . F rom : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Thursday , March 02 , 2017 4 : 01 PM To : Clemme n sen , Craig T Subjec t: Accept : Morn in g Meet in g sheila F rom : Sent : To : Subject . m. greenwoodl@hud . gov has accepted this meeting . Greenwood , Sheila M Wednesday , Marc h 01 , 2017 7 : 20 PM Murphy , Chr i st i ne M. EOP/WHO : Accept : Meeting with Dr . Carson she il a . m. gree nwoodl@hud . gov has accep t ed th i s meeting. From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Wednesday , Marc h 01 , 2017 7 : 20 PM To : Williams , Michael B . EOP/OMB Subjec t: Accep t: HUD Regu l ato ry Re view she il a . m. gree nwood l @hu d . gov has accepted th i s meet i ng. F rom : Greenwood , Shei l a M Sent : Wednesday , March 01 , 2017 1 : 08 PM To : Salv i, Mary E . EOP/WHO Subject : Tentative : Meeti n g w/ HUD - Budget shei l a . m. greenwoodl@hud . gov has tentatively accep te d this From : Greenwood , Shei l a M Sent : Wednesday , Marc h 01 , 20 1 7 1 1: 33 AM To : Salv i, Mary E . EOP/WHO Subject : Accept : Meeting w/ HUD - Budget sheila From : Sent : To : Subjec meeting . meeting . . m. gree nwoodl@hud . gov has accep t ed this meeting . Greenwood , Sheila M Tuesday , Febr u a r y 28 , 2017 7 : 05 PM Salvi , Mary t: Accep t: Meeting w/ HUD - Budget she il a . m. greenwood l @hud . gov has accepted th i s meet i ng . From : Greenwood , Shei l 'a M Sent : Tuesday , Feb r uary 28 , 2 0 1 7 6 : 46 PM To : Salvi , Mary Subjec t: Tentative : Mee t i ng w/ HOB - Budget sheila From : Sent : To : Subject /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT . m. greenwoodl@hud . gov has tentatively accep te d this Greenwood , Shei l a M Tuesday , Februa r y 28 , 2017 6 : 43 PM Salv i, Mary : Tentative : Meeting w/ VA - Budget HUD-18-0504-D-001118 she il a . m.greenwoodl@ h ud.g o v has tenta tivel y accepted th is From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Tues day, Feb rua r y 28 , 2017 10 : 49 AM To : Hughes , And r ew Sub ject: Accept : Inter view with Catheri n e Kno wles mee tin g . she il a . m.gr ee nwoodl@h u d .g ov has accep t ed th i s meet i ng. F rom : Greenw oo d , Sheila M Sent : Mon da y , Feb ruary 2 7, 2 0 1 7 3 : 5 4 PM To : Lyberg , Sarah A Subjec t: Accep t: Core Re n tal Assistance---PBRA/202 , 8 11 sheila From : Sen t : To : Subject . m. g re enwood l@hud . g ov has acce pte d this meeting . Greenwood , Shei l a M Monday , Feb rua ry 27 , 201 7 2 : 40 PM Lyberg , Sarah A : Accept : 0MB check in she il a . m.greenwoodl@hu d .g o v has accep t ed th i s mee t in g . Fr om : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Mon da y , Fe b ruary 2 7 , 2017 2 : 40 PM To : Lyb e rg , Sarah A Subject : Accep t: Co re Rental As s istance Op/ Cap Fund she il a . m. gree nwood l @hud .g ov has accep t ed th i s meet i ng . F rom : Gre enwo o d , Sheila M Sent : Mon day , Feb ruary 2 7, 20 1 7 12 : 25 PM To : Hu g hes , Andrew Sub j ect : Accept : Meet in g wi th Robert Bost r om a nd DBC (TBD) shei l a . m. greenwoodl@hud . g ov has accepted th is meeting F rom : Gr ee nwood , Shei l a M Sen t : Satur da y , Febru a r y 25 , 2017 3 : 38 PM To : Hughes , Andrew Subject : Accepted : I nterview wit h Bernie Nav a rro F rom : Greenwood , Sheila M she il a . m.greenwoodl@hud.g o v has accep t ed th i s mee t i ng . Fr om : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Wednesday , February 22 , 2017 6 : 31 PM To : Golric k, Janet M Subjec t: Accept : Meet & Greet - House Mi no ri ty she il a . m. gree nwoodl@h u d . gov has accep t ed th i s meet i ng. F rom : Greenwo o d , Sheila M Sent : Wednesday , Fe bruary 22 , 201 7 5 : 28 PM To : Golr i c k , Janet M Sub j ec t : Accept : Meet & Gr eet - House Majo rity sheila /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT . m. greenwoodl@hud . g ov has accep te d this meeting . HUD-18-0504-D-001119 From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Wednesday , Feb ru ary 22 , 2 0 1 7 5 : 2 6 PM To : Go l r ick , Janet M Subject : Acc ept : Meet & Greet - Senate Majori t y she il a . m.greenwoodl@hud.gov has accep t ed th i s meeting . From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Wednesday , February 22 , 2017 4 : 0 9 PM To : l(b )(6) Subjec t : Accepted : Upda t ed I nvi t at i on : Annua l Globa l Le adersh Awards @ Wed Ma r 8 , 2017 8pm - 9pm (ES T) (Sheila Gree nwood) I ip Fr om : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Monday , February 20 , 2017 4 : 40 PM To : Hughes , Andrew Subject : Acc epte d : Chad Davis Sub j ec t : Re : Sc h edu l e r eq u est Feb 21 , 22 o r 23 Sta r t : Thu 2/23/2017 11 : 30 AM End : Thu 2/23/2017 12 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : (none ) Organi zer : Greenwood , Sheila M F rom : Sent : To : Subjec Greenwood , Shei la M . . gov> she il a . m. greenwoodl@hud . gov has accepted th i s mee t ing . From : Greenwood , Shei la M Sent : Wednesday , Febr u ary 1 5 , 2017 1 : 44 PM To : Dawk i n s , Eun i ce D Subject : Accept : Check - i n /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-001120 sheila From : Sent : To : Subjec . m.greenwoodl@hud.gov has accep te d th is meeting. Greenwood , Sheila M Tues day, February 14 , 2017 5 : 11 PM Dawkins , Eunice D t: Accepted : 10 : 45 Executive Car pick-up From : Greenwood , Shei l a M Sent : Tuesday , February 14, To : Dawk i n s , Eun i ce D Subject : Accepted : 9 : 35 Building 2017 5 : 11 PM Executive Car to F rom : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Tuesday , Feb r uary 14 , 201 7 2 : 22 PM To : Offi ce of Public Affairs Subject : Accepted : Honori ng the Legacy of From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Tuesday , February 14, 2017 2 : 23 PM To : Dawkins , Eunice D Subject : Accep te d : 12 : 45 Execu t iv e Car F rom : Sent : To : Subjec Greenwood , Sheila M Tuesday , February 14 , 2017 2 : 23 PM Dawkins , Eun i ce D t: Accepted : Check-in w/Sheila and Cannon Dr . Dor othy From : Greenwood , Shei la Sent : Tuesday , Feb r uary /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT M 14 , 2017 Off ice I . He i ght p i ck - up Stan l ey Hardy From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Tuesday , February 14, 2017 2 : 23 PM To : Dawkins , Eunice D Subject : Accep te d : Mee t ing w/She il a Greenwood Graves From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Tuesday , February 14 , 2017 2 : 2 0 PM To : Dawk i n s , Eun i ce D Subject : Accepted : 8 : 45 Meeting w/Sheila House and Greenwood Cong . Garret and Dale Moore 2 : 17 PM HUD-18-0504-D-001121 To : Dawkin s , Eun i ce D Subjec t: Accepted : Lunch w/Sheila and Ja n ell From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Tuesday , February 14 , 2017 8 : 58 AM To : l(b )(6) Subjec t: Accep te d : Invitation : l(b)(6) 2017 6pm - 9pm (EST) (sheila . m. greenwoodl@hud.gov) Byrd-Che i chester I @ Tue Feb 21 , F rom : Greenwood , Shei l a M Sent : Monday , February 13 , 2017 5 : 58 PM To : Hardy IV , Sta nl ey Subject : Accept : HOLD: HQ Meeting w/ City of San Marcos CDBG- DR (TX) Re: she il a . m. greenwoodl@hud . gov has accepted th i s meeting . From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Monday , February 13 , 20 1 7 10 : 04 AM To : Dawkins , Eunice D Subjec t: Accepted : Introduction meeting w/Sheila , Andrew Keagan Len i ha n From : Sent : To : Subjec and Greenwood , Sheila M Monday , February 13 , 2017 10 : 04 AM Dawkins , Eunice D t: Accep te d : Weekly COS Meeting From : Greenwood , Shei l a M and Ann Stan l ey Ha rdy HUD-18-0504-D-001122 From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Friday , February 10 , 20 1 7 4 : 08 PM To : Dawkin s , Eun i ce D Subject: Accepted: HOLD - Meeting w/Sheila Len i ha n (OPP) From : Sent : To : Subjec Greenwood , Sheila M Friday, February 10, 2017 3 : 44 PM Dawkins , Eunice D t: Accepted: Meeting w/Shei l a and From : Greenwood , Shei l a M Sent : Friday , February 10, 2017 To : Byrd-Chichester , Janell Subject : Accepted : Lunch , Andrew, Matt Drew & Keagan Hunte r 1 : 36 PM From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Thursday , February 09 , 2017 4 : 46 PM To : Dawkins , Eunice D Subject : Accepted: Check-in w/Sheila and Stan l ey Hardy From : Greenwood , Shei l a M Sent : Thursday , February 09 , 2017 4 : 20 PM To : Dawk i ns , Eun i ce D Subject : Accepted : Sheila Greenwood - Pick - up I . D. From : Sent : To : Subjec Greenwood , Sheila M Thursday , February 09 , 2017 4 : 19 PM Dawkins , Eunice D t: Accepted : Pre-FHFA briefing w/Sheila From : Greenwood , Shei l a M Sent : Thursday , February 09 , 2017 4 : 19 PM To : Dawk i ns , Eun i ce D Subject : Accepted : FHFA Oversight Board meeting From : Greenwood , Sheila Sent : Thursday , February /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT M 09 , 2017 and Genger w/Genger Charles 7 : 32 AM HUD-18-0504-D-001123 To : Dawkin s , Eun i ce D Subjec t: Accepted : Mee ting w/Sheila From : Greenwood , Shei l a M Sent : Wednesday , February 08 , 2017 To : Dawkin s , Eun i ce D Sub j ect : Accepted : Travel Ti me From : Sent : To : Subjec Greenwood , Sheila M Wednesday , February 08 , 2017 Dawkins , Eunice D t: Accepted : DBC at RSOB and Dal e Moor e 5 : 53 PM 1 : 07 PM From : Greenwood , Shei l a M Sent : Wednesday , February 08 , 2017 1 : 07 PM To : Dawkin s , Eun i ce D Subject : Accepted : Check - in w/Sheila Greenwood , Aaron and J acob Press From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Wednesday , February 08 , 2017 12 : 25 PM To : Hardy IV , Sta nle y Subject : Accepted : CONFIRMED: Meet i ng with Ritter Re : Last Year ' s Flood From : Sent : To : Subjec Greenwood , She i la M Tuesday , February 07 , 2017 5 : 53 PM Dawkins , Eunice D t: Accepted : Mee t i ng w/Sheila and Matt From : Greenwood , Shei l a M Sent : Tuesday , February 07 , 2017 12 : 20 PM To : Hardy IV , Stanley Subject : Tentative : FW: HOLD: HQ Meeting (TX) Re : CDBG- DR From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Tuesday , February 07 , 20 1 7 12 : 19 PM To : Dawkin s , Eun i ce D Subject : Dec lin ed : Check-in w/Sheila and /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Youngsville Santa Anna (LA) Mayo r Hunte r w/ City of San Marcos Dal e Moo r e HUD-18-0504-D-001124 I am actual l y going to his o f fice . That ' s 600 Mary l a nd Ave , SW, Suite 1000W From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Tuesday , February 07 , 20 1 7 12 : 08 PM To : l(b )(6) Subject: Dec li ned : Invitat i on : DBC meeting @ Wed Feb 8 , 2017 3 : 30pm - 4 : 30pm (EST) (she il a . m. greenwoodl@hud . gov) i From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Tuesday , February 07 , 2017 12 : 08 PM To : Dawkins , Eunice D Subject : Accepted : Check-in w/Sheila Greenwood and Jacob Press , Aaron Santa Anna From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Tuesday , Februa r y 07 , 2017 12 : 08 PM To : Dawkins , Eunice D Subject : Accepted : PBC Sked meet i ng From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Tuesday , February 07 , 20 1 7 10 : 1 1 AM To : Dawk ins , Eunice D Subject: Accepted : Check-in w/Sheila and From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Monday , February 06 , 2017 3 : 36 PM To : Gribbin , Anne H Subject : Accepted : February Scheduling Ai da - r e : budget i tems Meeting F rom : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Monday , February 06 , 20 1 7 2 : 26 PM To : Dawkin s , Eun i ce D Subject : Accepted : Pre-brief i ng w/She i la , Stan Gov . LA meeting and Tennille re : From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Monday , February 06 , 2017 2 : 23 PM To : Clemmensen , Cra i g T Subject : Accepted : 101 FY 17 , 18 and 1 9 Budget /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-18-0504-D-001125 From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Monday , February 06 , 2017 1 0 : 36 AM To : Hughes , Andrew Subject : Acc epte d : Meet ing On the Hill F rom : Sent : To : Subjec Greenwood , Sheila M Monday, Feb ruary 06 , 201 7 9 : 58 AM Hughes , Andrew t: Accep t ed : Mee ting On th e Hill Fr om : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Friday , February 03 , 2017 3 : 32 PM To : Hughes , Andrew Subject : Acc epte d : Meet i n Sheila ' s Office F rom : Sent : To : Subjec Gr ee nwood , Shei la M F riday , Feb ruary 03 , 2017 9 : 13 AM Beck l es , Angela L t: Accep t: team meeting sheila . m. g r een woo dl@h u d .g ov has accepted this mee ting . Fr om : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Friday , February 03 , 2017 9 :1 2 AM To : Hughes , Andrew Subject: Accept : Meeti ng in Shei la ' s Office she il a . m. gree nwoodl@hud . gov has accep te d th i s mee t i ng . From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Thursday , February 02 , 2017 8 : 52 PM To : Hughes , Andrew Subjec t: Accept : Team Meeti ng she il a . m. greenwoodl@hud . gov has accep t ed th i s meeting. F rom : Greenwood , Shei la M Sent : Wednesday , Fe bruary 01 , 2017 8 : 45 AM To : Dawkins , Eun i ce D Subjec t: Accepted : Mee ting wi th Sheila a n d Ai da F rom : Greenwood , Shei la M Sent : Monday , January 30 , 2017 3 : 48 PM To : Golric k, Jane t M Sub j ec t: Dec lin ed : Br i efi ng on IG Request Subjec t: Loc a tio n: /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Meet in g wi th Sheila Office f or I n formatio n Rob Couc h HUD-18-0504-D-001126 Start : Wed 2/1/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Wed 2/1/20 1 7 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurre n ce : (none) Meet i ng Status Organizer Requ i red : Not yet r esponded : Greenwood , Shei l a M Atte ndees : Kasper , Maren From : Greenwood , Shei l a M Sent : Monday , January 30 , 2017 To : Golr i ck , Janet M Subject : Accepted : Executive /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT M; Hughes , Andrew 10 : 41 AM Office Budget HUD-18-0504-D-001127 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT WASHINGTON, DC 20410-3000 OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION Mr. Austin Evers American Oversight 1030 15th Street, NW B255 Washington, DC 20005 RE: Freedom of Information Act Request FOIA Control No.: 18-FI-HQ-00218 Dear Mr. Evers: This letter is the final response to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request dated and received on November 2, 2017. The FOIA request is currently the subject of litigation you filed in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, American Oversight v. U.S. Department of Commerce, et al., Civil Action No. 18-0534. You asked for copies of all calendars or calendar entries for any of the following individuals employed by the Department of Housing and Urban Development between the date of January 20, 2017, to the date a search is conducted, including any calendars maintained on behalf of these individuals (e.g., by an administrative assistant or a scheduler): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Secretary Ben Carson. Pamela Hughes Patenaude, Deputy Secretary. Sheila Greenwood, former Chief of Staff. Deana Bass, former Deputy Chief of Staff. Calendars maintained for the Secretary’s Conference Room. Calendars maintained for the Deputy Secretary’s Conference Room. Your request is granted in part. In a letter dated August 10, 2018, you were informed the Department had processed 647 pages of the search results for this request. In a letter dated September 11, 2018, you were informed the Department had processed 1,016 additional pages (released 1,014 pages on that date). In a letter dated October 12, 2018, you were informed the Department had processed an additional 894 pages of the search results. In a letter dated November 16, 2018, you were informed the Department had processed an additional 1,127 pages of the search results. The Department has processed the remaining 2,127 pages of the search results for this release. This release includes the calendar entries of Pam Patenaude (52 pages) and Deana Bass (2,075 pages). This release also includes the final two pages from the Alexander Stowe calendar that were still under review at the time of the September release of the Stowe calendar. Thus, this final release contains a total of 2,129 pages. www.hud.gov espanol.hud.gov 2 The Department is withholding access codes, cell phone numbers, personal appointments (medical), family member names, and personal email addresses under Exemption 6 of the FOIA, because release of such information would constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. The interest of the general public in reviewing these portions of government documents does not outweigh the individuals’ right to privacy. The Department is also withholding portions of calendar entries under Exemption 5 of the FOIA. Exemption 5 protects communications that are inter-agency or intra-agency, which would not be available by law to a party other than an agency in litigation with HUD, and are exempt from disclosure. The release of this internal information would reflect HUD’s pre-decisional, deliberative process, and would discourage open and candid advice, recommendations, and exchanges of views within the Department, which could bring about public scrutiny of the individuals and the need to justify in public their tentative opinions. The Department has completed review of and released 5,811 pages that were responsive to your request. I am the official responsible for this determination based on information provided by the Department’s Office of General Counsel. You may appeal this determination within 90 days from the date of this letter. If you decide to appeal, your appeal should include copies of your original request and this response, as well as a discussion of the reasons supporting the appeal. The envelope should be plainly marked to indicate that it contains a FOIA appeal and be addressed to: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Attention: FOIA Appeals Office of Ethics and Appeals Law Division Office of General Counsel 451 Seventh Street, SW, Suite 2130 Washington, DC 20410 Telephone: (202) 708-3815 You may also submit your appeal online at: http://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/HUD?src=/program_offices/administration/foia/foiaappeals. In addition, you may contact the Office of Government Information Services (OGIS) at the National Archives and Records Administration to inquire about the FOIA mediation services they offer. The contact information for OGIS is as follows: Office of Government Information Services National Archives and Records Administration 8601 Adelphi Road-OGIS College Park, Maryland 20740-6001 Telephone: 202-741-5770; toll free at 1-877-684-6448 FAX: 202-741-5769 Email: ogis@nara.gov 3 For your information, your FOIA request, including your identity and any information made available, is releasable to the public under subsequent FOIA requests. In responding to these requests, the Department does not release personal information, such as home address, telephone number, or Social Security number, all of which are protected from disclosure under FOIA Exemption 6. If you have any questions regarding your request, you may contact Eugene McGirt at (202) 402-4315. Thank you for your interest in the Department’s programs and policies. Sincerely, Deborah R. Snowden Deputy Chief FOIA Officer Office of the Executive Secretariat Enclosures AMERICAN PVERSIGHT Subject: RE: QUICK CALL: Follow-up on CDBG-DR Yes, we have time to meet tomorrow before notifying the appropriators and beginning any discussions with the GLO. And no, we have not told the appropriators the 57.8 mm is going to Texas. The notification to the appropriators is a formality in the sense that we are required to notify Congress of such allocations but our allocation decisions are within the Secretary's discretion. When do you want to discuss? Neal J. Rackleff & Development Assistant SecretaryCommunity Planning U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development 451 7th Street SW Washington, DC 20410 O: 202. 402-7113 C: 202.706.8195 Neal.J.Rackleff@hud.gov From: Sun, Jessica L. EOP/OMB [mailto:Jessica_L._Sun@omb.eop.gov) Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2017 6:41 PM To: Rackleff, Neal J Cc: Gimont, Stanley ; Appleton, Seth D ; PHP ; Kasper, Maren M ; Lee, Jessica K. EOP/OMB Subject: QUICK CALL: Follow-up on CDBG-DR Neal - After discussing a bit more with folks here, do folks have time to discuss strategy early tomorrow morning BEFORE you meet with the appropriators and begin any discussions w~1~·~t~h,,,....,.G~L_O_?:-=-....,,...---, on the overall l(b)(5)Deliberallve Pnvilege There are some considerations b)(5) DeliberativePrivilege and we need to talk t roug with you b)(5) DeliberativePrivllege I b)(5) DeliberativePrivilei:ie And to clarify, since the appropriators signed off on a shorter notification already, does that mean they already know it's going TX? Is tomorrow's notification to the appropriators just a formality? If tomorrow at 9AM works for folks, I'll send around an invite. Otherwise, feel free to suggest an alternate time. + Jessica and Maren Thanks. Jessica Sun I 0MB Housing Branch I (202) 395-2188 From: Rackleff, Neal J [mailto:Neal.J.Rackleff@hud.gov) Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2017 2:59 PM To: Sun, Jessica L. EOP/OMB Cc: Gimont, Stanley ; Appleton, ; PHP Subject: RE: Follow-up on CDBG-DR AMERICAN PVERSIGHT Seth to D HUD-17-0504-E-000001 1•Je Friday. our plan :.s to anno ·.1::ice the $57. 8 mrr this Howdy ,Jessica: have Louched base wiLh Lhe Whlle HoJse :GSA and Lhey approve. Here is the p~oposed tineli::ie: We are good with one day. of appropriators--they Notification 1. will let then k::iow tomor=ow. tirr.e· TBD. CIR is work.:..ng SOHUD to cal:. TX Governo= on Friday: 2. Lo seL Lhls up. call to to TX Land Co:rmissio::ie~ Bus:i: after I wi::.l rr.ake a call 3. Governor. Fr.:..day afternoon. early release HUD to issue press 1. Fede=al Register issue brief 5. HUD to p=epare and subsequently guidance. providlng a::id a::.locaLlon !o~ma::.l~ing nollce of with the Co:n..'Tlissio::ie= w:.11 inc:.ude discussion The conversation with our p=ev.:..ous on use of the f ·.1:1ds consistent and =econme::idation discussions. or need additional let ree know if you :iave questions Please .:..nfo~:nat.:..on. Best =egards, Neal J. Rackleff ConnuniLy P::.a::i::ilng & Developme::iL Sec~elaryAssisLanL of ~ous.:..ng and Urba::i Develop~ent U.S. Departreent SW 451 7th Street DC 2041C Was~ington, 0: 202.402-7113 C: 202.706.8195 Neal.J.Rackleff@hud.gov Frorr.: Sun, Jess lea L. EOP/0~.B [nail Lo: Jessica_L. October 18, 2017 1:42 PM Sent: Wednesday, Neal J To: Rack:.eff, Cc: Gimont, Stan:.ey RE: Fo::.::.ow-up on CDBG-DR Subjecl: SJ::i@omb.eop. gov: .:..n to see if you have an update Hi Neal - JJst checking Tha::iks . dates/ro:..1-out. I (202) 395-2188 .=-essica Sun I 0MB Housing 3ranch PaJla A Frorr: Lincoln, 18, 2017 6:12 P~ Sent: Wed::iesday, October Dun:1, Connor M;Stowe, A:.e.xa:1der D To: AccepLed: MeeLlng o::i Car Servlce Subj eel: of Rackleff, Ron behalf 3vlla Frore: Henrlquez, 18, 2017 5:43 P~ Sent: Wed::iesday, October Dun:1, Connor M;Stowe, A:.exa:-ider D To: CDBG-DR Media Strategy Accepted: Subject: AM~RICAN PVERSIGHT on Co::iL~acL Neal~ HUD-17-0504-E-000002 Subject: Call Localion: DepSec Start: End: Fri with DepSec Lo Dial Fri 11/3/2017 11/3/2017 2:30 Patenaude - 202-775-2745 oul 2:15 ?M ?M RecJ.::::.::::ence: (no:1e) Meeting Status: Organizer: Meeting organizer PHP ReqJi.::::ed ALLendees: Tom Fox Subject: HOLD for DINNER wit~ Dr. Sigounas Localion: Nosl.::::os; 81CO Boone Blvd, Start: Mon ll/27/2Cl7 End: Mon 11/27/2017 7:00 Sha,.,,, Time As: Tentative Rec.1::::::ence: Meeting Subject: Start: End: Vienna, a~d Dr. Dirritr~ VA 22182 PM (no:1e) Status: Organizer: Req~i~ed 5:00 PM Geo.::::ge Sigounas Not yet Doc3en Attendees: responded PHP {PHP@hud.gov) LUNCH Fri Fri 11/3/2017 11/3/2017 1:00 12:00 ?M PM RecJ.::::.::::ence: (no:1e) Organizer: PHP Subject: Localion: Briefing on AFR and Management DepSec Office Start: End: Fri Fri 11/3/2017 11/3/2017 1:30 12:30 ?M Challenges PM RecJ.::::.::::ence: (no:1e) Meeting Status: Meeting Organizer: PHP Re q~i::: e d Att e nd ee s: Marshall, Michae~ J; /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT organiz er Tomchick III, Go~rick, Janet George J; M; Kaspe~, Ha rk e :::, Thorr as W; Mare~ M HUD-17-0504-E-000003 Subject: Localion: Start: End: DepSec DepSec Weekly Senior Staff Confe~ence Rao~ Tue 10/24/2Cl7 Tue 10/21/2Cl7 2:00 RecJ~~ence: Rec~~~ence Meeting Weekly ?attern: Status: 1:00 PM every Meeting Eeet~ng PM Tuesday from 1:00 PM to 2:00 ?M organizer Organizer: PHP Req~i~ed Attendees: PHP; Greenwood, Sheila M; 3assw~:lia~s, R. Hu~ter; Marzol, Adolfo John G; Eagles, Dea~a; Kurtz, F; 3~avacos, III, George J; Cowan .:r., Chad; ~Jghes, David T; Torrchick A~drew; Rackleff, Neal .:; Gaines, ~alph H; Fa~ias, Anna Maria; Wade, Dana T; Wolfson, Le~; Thompson, Amy C; Brigjt, M!cjael R; ~asper, ~a~en M; Mat.thew F; .:oy, ,Johnso~ Petty, T~mothy .:; Applet.on, Seth D; Hunt.er, P; Youngblood, R~cha~d A; 3ou~ne, Cj~istopje~ M; Richardso~, Todd E; Blorr, Doninique G; Golr!ck, Janet~; Pao, Jean L!n; Tufts, Suzanne :; ~cCal:, D~ew A; 3y~d, David.: Optional Attendees: Paul Cornpto~ (Paul.Co~pton@jud.gov); Dennis, Tjo~as :rving L; Ha~ker, w Subject: Location: Slarl: End: Today's DepSec Conve~sat.io~ Office Mon 10/16/2Cl7 Mon 10/16/2Cl7 6:30 Rec·J~~ence: Meeting Lincoln, Tue 10/17/2Cl7 Tue 10/17/2Cl7 10:15 Meeting Organizer: ReqJi~ed pVERSIGHT organizer PaJla A; McClure, Laural Housing/FHA Update DepSec Confe~ence Rao~ Rec-1~~ence: /\MERICAi\ Meeting FHP Attendees: Subject: Location: Start: End: PM (no~e) Status: Organizer: ReqJi~ed 6:00 PM 10:0C AM AM (no~e) St atus: PHP Allendees: Meeting o rganizer Wade, Dana T; wo:rson, Len HUD-17-0504-E-000004 Meeting req~ested Single by DepSec to f~nish conversat~on f.:::-om Friday: Family/Mu:tifanily: PAC:::: Condo Ru:_e LIHTC Pi:oL, * * Housing * * * HFA Cou~seling: Borrowers' Guide to Success Fede.:::-al Advisory Corr.:niLLee NeighborWorks Board Subject: Location: Start: End: RAD, Slale Call with DepSec - Call DSO~UD Office Mon 10/16/2Cl7 Mon 10/16/2C17 9:30 Rec·J ccence: Meeling Organizer: Mic~ael Meeling Start: End: what Golrick, nu~ber for Ja~et a ca:: M; Wade, 10/13/2C17 10/13/2017 prior cou:_ct we ca:_:_ o~t Quick Conversation DepSec Office Fri Fri organizer Dana T; Marshal:_, Nelson~ Would you be ava:lable today? Subject: Localion: A11 AM PHP Attendees: ~; 3~egon, Nelson, 9:15 TB □ (no~e) SLalus: Req~i.:::-ed in numbec 12:lC to to d:saster meeting yo~ at? - PHP + ?aula 12:0C the li~coln PM PM Rec.1.:::-.:::-ence:(no~e) Mee ting Status: Meeting Organizer: PHP Re q~i.:::-e d Att e nd ee s: Subjec L: /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT organiz Lincoln, er s h a :l, Pa ~l a A; Ma .:::- Mich ae l J LUNCH HUD-17-0504-E-000005 Start: End: Mon 10/16/2C17 Mon 10/16/2C17 1:00 12:0C PM PM Rec·J ::-::-ence: (no:-ie) Organizer: PHP Subject: Location: SBA of 3enef:ts FW: Dupl:cation DialIn 888-858-2111, PC: Start: End: Mon 10/16/2017 Mon 10/16/2C17 11:0C 10:30 AM Cal: (b) with HUD a:-id SBA office (6) ; and Chris' at AM RecJ.::::-.::::-ence:(no.:1e) Meeting Organizer: Status: Accepted Pilke.::::-ton, Ch.::::-istop~e.::::-M -----Original Appoi.:1t~ent----Fro~: Pi:kerton, Christopher M :mailto:Christopher.Pilkerton@sba.gov] Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2017 7:04 PM Chrislopher ~; Hersiey, M~ciael S; ~ivera, Ja~es E.; To: Pllkerlon, Bradfield, Ka.::::-yA.; Dunn, Connor M; Richardson, Todd M; ; Neal.J.Rackleff@hud.gov Micjael.C.Ma.::::-sha:l@jud.gov <~ai:to:Eichael.J.Marshall@hud.gov> Maren.M.Kaspe.::::-@hud.gov ; Palenaude, Pamela H Cc: Edwards, Jerome; Monchek, Rafaela Subject: Duplicatio:1 of Benefits Call w:th 300 and SBA Whe.:1: Monday, Octobe.::::- 16, 2C17 10:3C AM-11:CO AM (UTC-05:0C) Eastern Time (US & Canada). Where: D:al - In 888 - 858 - 2144, PC: : and Chris' office at SBA (b) (6) Subject: Location: Follow DepSec up - Sing:e Office St a rt: Thu 10/12/2017 End: Thu 10/12/2017 11:45 ?oint 11:00 AM of Contact AM RecTc·.::::-·ence: (no:1e) Meeti ng Stat u s : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Meeting o rganizer HUD-17-0504-E-000006 Organizer: Req~ic::ed Marshall, PHP Attendees: Michae: Subject: Location: Start: End: DepSec DepSec Brooks, Towanda A; Sull:van, Josepj; J Budget Br:efinq Confecence Rao~ Thu 10/12/2Cl7 3:45 Thu 10/12/2Cl7 3:00 PM PM Rec·Jc::c::ence: (no:-ie) Meeling Slalus: Meeling organizer Clrgani zer: PHP Req~ic::ed Attendees: FHP; Greenwood, Michael Sheila M; ~ac::sha:l, ~; 3aqles, David T; Golr:ck, Janet~; Lyberg, Saraj A; Mora:-i, C; 3allard, Dan:el L; Rodriguez, Aida N; Hawkins, Gregory~; Micjael Dawkins, Eu:1ice D; Daqgett, Tanya~; Stowe, Alexandec:: D Optional Attendees: Constant:ne, Peter J; Brooks, Towa:-ida A Req-1esled b:,.·: Th:s rr.eeL:ng was req-1esled by Aida flagqed as ~c::qent (to be scjedu:ed ASAP). Rodc::iguez and ALLendees: Dep Sec Sheila Gree:-iwood David Eagles Micjael Marshall Canet Go:rick Sarah Lyberg Mic:1.ael Daniel Aida Moran Ballac::d Rodrig-1ez Gregocy /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Hawkins HUD-17-0504-E-000007 Backg~ound: OCFO recom~ended (b)(5) (deliberative process) (b)(5) (deliberative process) (b)(5) (deliberative process) req~ested the first a budget possib:e Location: DepSec Subject: Localion: Start: End: Weekly DepSec bcief~ng and Aida spoke with ti~e, a:1d the cor~ect attendee Co~ference Staff Office Roo~ and Mon 10/16/2C17 Mon 10/16/2Cl7 5:45 (Alex ~s copied DSO~UD office then Co~~or to deter~ine list. to ceserve it). Sc_1.ectu:~ng Meet~ng 1:15 PM PM Rec1.::-.::-ence: (no:-ie) Meeting Status: Organizer: PHP Req~i.::-ed Attendees: Victo~ia L; Stowe, Subject: Location: Slarl: End: Follow DepSec organizer Dun:1, Connor M; Marshal:, ~ichae: Alexander D; Hoban-Moore, Patricia A Meeting Subject: Location: Barto:., 9:00 AM AM (no:1e) Status: Organizer: Req~i~ed J; Up - OSDBU Brief~ng Office Mon 10/16/2Cl7 Mon 10/16/2C17 9:30 Rec·J~~ence: Start: End: Meeting Meeting FHP Attendees: organizer Pao, FHP+ Sheila DepSec Office Jean lin; Mars~all, Michae: J Greenwood Wed 10/ll/2C17 Wed 10/ll/2C17 ll:5C 11:3C PM AM Rec--1.::-.::-ence: (no:1e) Meeting Status: Organizer: PHP Req--1i.::-ed ALLendees: /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Meeting organizer Greenwood, Sheila M HUD-17-0504-E-000008 Subject: Location: Start: End: =ss·--1es Meeting Dep Sec Office Fri 10/13/2Cl7 10/13/2C17 S:00 Fri Rec·J ccence: Meeting Moving PM (no:1e) Status: Organizer: Req~i~ed Optional 4:30 PM Meeting PHP Attendees: Attendees: to organizer Pa~la la~~a Lincoln, McClu~e, Monday because MeeLing ReqJesL: to Paula Lincoln Depuly discuss of a sh:ft Secrelary a ~u~ber A; Ma~sha:l, L in Sec. ?alenaude of top:cs. Michael Carson's Sched~le ~equesled Topics: Ex Sec; Depa:::-tmental cleara~ce process; officer; ~iss~on ccit~cal vacancies Danagement Doto~ pool contract; and p~ysical secur:ty. J a meeling directives (OFFICE of CFO); □thee inforlfation: Deputy Secretary Patena~de would prefer to wit~ you befo~e we deterDine who s~ould be included in fut~re discussions ~egardi~g Lhese issues. Subject: Localion: Start: End: Welco~e 8202 Tue Rec.1~:::-ence: Mee ting :sraeli Tue 10/17/2Cl7 10/17/2017 9:15 wilh Deet delegat~on 9:30 AM AM (no~e) Status: Acc e pt e d Or ganizer: Durbak, Kalrina A Re q~i:::-e d Att e nd ee s: Dun~, Connor Cynthia F; ~enriquez, Ev~ t a R Opt i onal At tende e s: PHP M; Ra ckl e ff, Nea l~; Ca ~pb e :l, Dep. Sec. Pa~ Palenaude and Ass~sla~L Secrelary of CPD Neal Rackle to we l co De I s:::-ae :i de le gat i on of h o ~ sing a ~d fi n ance off i c i a ls. /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT ff HUD-17-0504-E-000009 This welcome wi~~ kick-start the:_r visit The delegation w:_ll spend L-1.e day at of 3ousing, Ginn:_e Eae, and PIH. to HUD meeting -'-s led by Avigdor (The delegation Yitzhaki, of Finance, Israel) Cabinet, Mi~istry Attached fo.::- Lhe OcL.17-18 delegation and princ:_pal Agenda: Keeling US-Israeli on Monday, Jo:_nt Economic Oclobe.::- 16 (as U.S. State Oct.16 (as Subject: i[ back /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT ·"ilh part:_cipant Develop.:nent an FYI) Press □ ~aft of Ho~sing Release 3UD biog~aph:_es Group abo~t (JEDG) JEDG rreeting on fo.::-Lhcomi~g. f.::-o~ EEOB Fri 10/13/2017 10/13/2Cl7 11:45 Fri ll:3C PM AM (no~e) Status: Meeting Org a niz e r: PHI' Req~i~ed Attendees: Subject: PD&R, Off:_ce you :1.ave any ques L.io~s ! Travel Rec·J ~~ence: Meeting Depart~ent's an FYI) Merro Lo Dep.Sec. .:ne knov,· Start: End: Cha:_rma~ .:neel:_ngs Israeli Is~ae~i Lel with are: Agenda Briefing HUD. Travel organizer Marshall, to Michae~ J E:::OB HUD-17-0504-E-000010 Location: Start: End: Fri EE03 1211 Fri 10/13/2C17 10/13/2C17 11:0C 10:3C AM AM Rec·.1c:·c:·ence: (no:1e) Organizer: PHP Subject: RetJ.::::-n to Start: End: HUD from Wed 10/ll/2C17 Wed 10/ll/2C17 2:00 3EOB 1:30 PM PM Rec.1.::::-.::::-ence: (no.:1e) Meeting Status: Organizer: PHP ReqJl.::::-ed ALLendees: Maren M; Marshal:, Subject: Location: Start: End: Weekly DepSec Meeting organizer Rackleff, Kichael J Neal~; lee, Regl.:1a A; Kasper, Meeting/Update Office Wed 10/11/2C17 9:30 Wed 10/11/2C17 9:00 AM AM Rec·.1::-::-ence: (no:1e) MeeLlng SLa Lus: MeeLlng Organizer: PHP ReqJi.::::-ed Attendees: Subject: Location: Hunte.::::-, Matthew Pre-Interview DepSec Office St a tu s : Organi ze r: PHP ReqJi.::::-ed Attendees: Opllonal ALLendees: /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Mee ting F Br ~efing SLarL: Thu 10/12/2C17 End: Thu 10/12/2C17 4:15 Mee ting organizer 3:45 PM PM org a niz e r Thorr.p.son, Cov,;an Jr., Arr.y C Chad HUD-17-0504-E-000011 Moving this to Subject: HOLD FOR Ml\"EN Tue 10/10/2C17 10/10/2C17 3:30 Start: End: 3:15 Tue 5:00 PM PM Rec.1.::::-.::::-ence: (no:.e) Organizer: FHP Subject: MEET with Location: SCHOO' s office Slarl: End: Thu 10/12/2C17 Thu 10/12/2Cl7 4:30 RecT:::::ence: Meeling Organizer: Doc3en PHP HOLD White (no:1e) Organizer: PHI' Subject: Meet Deputy's 1:30 PM Start: Tue Tue 10/17/2Cl7 10/17/2C17 3:15 Rec.12::::ence: Eeeting PM and Greet w!th Deputy DepSec Confe:::ence Roo:n Localion: 3:00 PM PM organiz er Secretary Patena~de (no:1e) Status: Meeting Organizer: PHP Re q~i.::::e d Att e nd ee s: Canet M; Meyecs, Sara Cereon Lincoln, 3ouse Tue 10/10/2Cl7 Tue 10/10/2C17 4:00 Rec·J::::::ence: Meeting PM Accepled Attendees: Subject: End: 4:00 PM (no:1e) Slalus: Req~i:::ed Slarl: End: Pa:n Patenaude PHI'; Ea g: es , Dav:d T; Greene, M; Ibec, Robert G; Michalski, Bry a :1; Go:rick, Lor: A; Brown, M; Richardso:1, Tod d E; s: om , Dom!niq~e G; Bregon, Nelson Pa~la A; Lyberg, Sa:::ah A; 3allard, Dan!el L; Brooks, R; Towanda A; Cooke, Kevin R; C:::uc:ani, Linda E; Hensley, Henry; Coh :1 P; Sto we, Surbe.::::-, Keith i/J; Cle:n:nen se n, Cra:g T; Be n ison, /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000012 Alexander D; Am~on, Matthew Coope::- J Optional Attendees: Copying Alex to Subjec L: Location: Start: End: E; McClu::-e, book the Jean Sung, 3:15 Phi~ip 3; Tjo~as W Kat::-ina R s~it~, ::-oo~. - Jojnson Fri 10/13/2017 10/13/2C17 4:15 Li~; La~::-a L; Ha::-ker, co~ference Meel and Greel DepSec Office Fri Pao, Joy, PM PM Rec·J ::-::-ence: (no:-ie) Meeting Status: Organizer: ReqJi::-ed Meeting PHP Attendees: organizer ~oy, Johnso:. P; Hubba::-d, HOLD - Ed Brady Subject: Start: Tue End: 10/17/2C17 7:30 PM 6:00 PM Tue 10/17/2Cl7 Rec·J ::-::-ence: (no:-ie) Organizer: PHP Subject: Weekly Meeting Location: DepSec Office Start: End: Tue 10/17/2Cl7 10/17/2C17 1:45 Tue RecJ::-::-ence: Weekly RecJ::-::-ence ?aLLern: Meeting Status: PHP ReqJl::-ed ALLendees: Matt, I thi~k the calendar every Meeting Organizer: 1:00 PM Hunle::-, Start: Wed 10/11/2C17 S:30 Wed 10/ll/2Cl7 pVERSIGHT from 1:00 PM Lo 1:45 MaLLhew F; ~a::-shall, it woJld be good to get go~ng fo::-ward. Does t~is HOLD for Richard DepSec Office /\MERICAi\ Tuesday ?M organizer Subj e ct: Location: End: PM Smith 4:30 a recJ::-ring make sense? Michael weekly J meeting o~ - Rea logy PM PM HUD-17-0504-E-000013 RecT:::::ence: (no::-ie) Organizer: PHI' Subject: Locallon: Weekly Staff Depa::Lmenlal Meeting Conference 10:00 Start: Wed 10/4/2017 End: Wed 10/1/2017 10:15 AM Shm,' Time As: Ten ta ti ve Rec~~~ence: Rec~::::ence Meellng Weekly ?attern: Slalus: every Nol yel Roorr (10233) AM Wednesday frorr 9:15 AE to 10:CO AM responded Clrgani zer: Hug:'les, Andrew Req~i::ed Attendees: Hobbs, Benja:nin R; Eills, Allison F; Ho:~es, Grego::y A; Fila, Stephan!e C; PHP; DeFe:!ce, Josep~ J; Halle::, ~ulia Z; Dendas, Elchael W; Thompson, Amy C; Wade, Dana T; Zorc, 3elhany A; Fa::ias, Anna Maria; Bravacos, Jojn G; Garza, Sarah J; Gaines, Cooper J. EOP/W~O; Marzol, Adolfo Ralph H; Hu::-iter, Matthew F; S:nith, F; Appleton, Seth D; Shasky, John 3; Srn!th, Cooper J; Kasper, Mare::1 M; Joy, ~oh::-ison P; 3y::d, David~; 3rown:ng, AusL:n G; Gribbin, C; ?atton, Lynne M; Coffey, Alexande::; G!bbs, John; Kel:ey, William C; Youngblood, R!cha~d A; Alexander, Mason; Roget, Gise:e G; Mic~ael Williams, Raffi; Heredia, 3vonne G; Wolfso::1, Len; Co::essel, Jac!e; Gruson, Barba::a; Petty, Timothy~; 3acon, Ja:nes A; 3ass, Deana; Shella M; Beckles, Angela L; FilzpaLr:ck, Nora S; Greenwood, V.; Rackleff, Neal J; Burley, Micjael N; 3ourne, Delahoyde, Abiga!l Christopher M; Woll J~, David C; Bright, Michae: R; Nason, Eichael C; Cowan Jr., Chad; Gor~:ey, Josepj M; Brow::1, Christina M; 3agles, David T; Bowes, Robe::L B; LJdlow, Ashley; ~olderfield, SLepjanie A; McCal:, Drew A; 3a::ton, Victor!a L; Demarzo, Kurtz, R. H~nter; E Benja:nin Holrres, Grego::y A; Nason, Eichae: C; Fi:a, Optional Attendees: Stephanie C; Heredia, Evonne G Updated witj conference people located outside The co::-if nuMber Confe~ence call Subje c t: Location: Fo ll ow-u p Meetin g - Disa ste r Re:! e f EE03 238 Start Wed 10/4/2017 : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT numbe::: call nuMber. of 1Q. 1-888-684-8852/access 11:45 code: is only for (b) (6) AM HUD-17-0504-E-000014 End: Wed 10/1/2017 12:15 PM Rec1:::-:::-ence: (no:ie) Meeting Meeting Status: O.rgan.i.ze.r: PHP Req~i:::-ed Attendees: Rackleff, Neal:; DepSec RecT:::::ence: Meel.i.ng Slalus: Meel.i.ng 9:15 l\M Maren~; Up AM o.rgan.i.ze.r Marshall, Attendees: she will be attend!ng Michae: Thursday's J; Bravacos, hearing Coh:i G - ca:i we move th!s to Friday? Coh:i can Bumping Fo::ow Kasper, PHP Req~i:::ed on Michae: J; ~OP/OMB (no:-ie) Organizer: 9:15 :ssue N. Office F.r.i. 10/13/2Cl7 10/13/2Cl7 9:45 Fri :oh:i, Marshall, Ma~ten, Lexi UNDIAN Housing Subject: Location: Slarl: End: organizer we ~oved this to tiis to Tiu:::-sday 10:COAM for scheduling at 10:3C? purposes. CD LUNCH Subject: Start: End: Fri Fri 10/13/2C17 10/13/2C17 1:00 12:0C PM PM O.rgan.i.ze.r: PHP Subject: LUNCH+ Call 603-496-0987 Dav~d Tille Location: Start Thu 10/12/2Cl7 12:3C : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT PM HUD-17-0504-E-000015 End: Thu 10/12/2017 PM 1:30 Rec1:::-:::-ence: (no:ie) Organizer: PHP Subject: LUNCH+ Weekly Start: End: Eeeting Scheduling Tue 10/10/2017 Tue 10/10/2C17 1:00 PM 12:00 PM Rec·J ::-::-ence: (no:.e) Organizer: PHP Subject: Location: Envision Ce:.ter DepSec Office SLarL: Thu 10/5/2017 5:00 End: Thu 10/5/2017 Rec·J::·::·ence: Meeting Subjec L: Location: Start: End: ?M (no.:1e) Status: Organizer: Req~i:::ed Chrislina 4:30 ?M Meeting organizer PHP Attendees: Bass, Deana; M; Ho_;_deriield, SLephanie Hoban-Eoore, A Briefing on Economic Po_:__:_cyAgenda Dep Sec Confe:::ence ?oom Tue 10/10/2017 4:45 Tue 10/10/2C17 1:00 ?at:::ic_:_a A; Brow.:1, and Messaging PM PM Rec·J:::-:::-ence: (no:ie) Meeting Status: Accepted Organizer: Thorrpson, Arry C Req~i::-ed Attendees: PHP; Greenwood, Sheila M; Cowan Cr., Chad; Appleton, Seth D; Dendas, ~icha e : W; Wade, Dana T; ~arzo:, Adolfo F; Zorc, Betha.:1y A; Hughes, A.:1d:::ew; Farias, A.:1.:1aMaria; Rackleff, Neal C; Dunn, Co.:1nor M; Ea:::shall, Michael J; Eagles, David T Option a l Att e nd ee s: Kas pe :::-, Ma r e n M; Smith, Coop e :::-C Re schedu: /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT e d fer ne xt Tuesday, Oc tobe::: 10, !J:00 p.m. HUD-17-0504-E-000016 Overview Discuss Lhe :::-aL:onale :1. and iow we idenlif:ed Po:icy Provide details and tim~ng :II. policy prioriLies Agenda fo~ eac~ init~ative Messaginq Discuss key thenes poi.:1ts relative to :v. of broade~ narrative, each ~nitiat~ve Other Subject: MEET with Cente~s LocaLion: SOHUD's office Start: Fri Fri as specific ta:ki.:1g Pa~ Steps Patenaude 10/13/2Cl7 10/13/2Cl7 as wel: Co.:1siderations Next V. End: Lhese 9:45 10:0C and Deana Willians ~E Envision AM AM RecJ:::-:::-ence: (no.:1e) Meeting Status: Organizer: Accepted Doc3en ReqJl:::-ed ALLendees: PHP Optional Bass, Attendees: Subj e ct: Location: Start: End: /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT MEET with Pa ~ Pa t e n a ud e SOHUD's office Fri Fri Deana 10 / 13 / 2 C 1 7 9: 15 A_M 10/13/2C17 9:30 AM HUD-17-0504-E-000017 RecT:::.::::-ence: (no::-ie) Meeting Status: ll.ccepted Organizer: Doc3en ReqJi.::::-ed Attendees: Subject.: Location: Start: End: PHP Evacuation ?lan Meeting DepSec Confe.::::-ence Roo:n Fri 10/6/2017 10:15 10/6/2017 Fri 10:00 AM AM RecJ.::::-.::::-ence:(no.:1e) Meeting Status: Meeting organizer Organizer: PHP ReqJ.i..::::-edALLendees: Eagles, ?aula A; l . The Secretary's Awards jono r tje work, sacr~fice and professio:1al excellence of our errployees, the i:-idividuals and tea~s that have displayed a spec!al ded!cation to 30D's Dission. Awa::d win::-ie::s will be recognized for tjeir perfo::mance and acco~pl!shrrents across seve:1 ca Lego.r ies ~ncluding t~e h~ghest honor, The Sec::-etary's Award for Excellence . The ce.re~ony wi:: be he:d i:1 Lhe Brooke-Mo:1dale Audilo.r:um al 1:00 p.m., ET. Re gion a l a nd f! e ld s t a ff rra y v! e w th e a wa r ds s how liv e vi a webcast The 2017 Sec::etary's Awards honor tje work, sacr!fice and professional excellence of e~ployees wiLhi:1 Lhe age:1cy. On Oclober 10, 2017, a wa.:::-dwin:1 e.:::s will be r ecognized for the i r p e rfor rr.ance a :1d /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000027 acco~plishments, which have helped to inprove conm~:-iities ac::oss couc1L~y. These :ndiv.i.dua:s and groJps have d.i.sp:ayed a special dedication to the mission of HUD, setting a standard of excellence not only for the depa~tnent but the Amer~ca~ pub:ic. Subject: Location: Start: End: DepSec Security Walkthrough Roorr 10251, Then HEOC - 6th Fri 10/6/2017 10/6/2017 2:00 Fri Rec·J::::ence: Meel.i.ng 1:00 t~e Floor ?M ?M (no:-ie) Slalus: Meel.i.ng Clrgani zer: PHP Req~i::ed Attendees: Kenc1eth E; :-tolland, organizer Stowe, Rena D A:exander D; Barton, Victoria L; Free, Hi all, A rr.eeting with CoJld we mover the Secretary Lhis Lo lPM? cane ·Jp at Thanks L,e sane ti.:ne as L,is. Con~o~ Frorr: Free, Kenneth E Senl: Thursday, Seple.:nber 28, 2017 4:36 PM To: Barton, Victoria L >; Ho:la~d, Rena Subject: Deputy Secretary Fa.:nil!arization D > Victo::ia Tha:-iks for the call today a:-id th e i:-ifornation that the Dep~ty and erre~gency infornation. I Secretary wants a tau~ of o~~ office 1muld recomrr.end her corn:ng down Lo ou~ area Roof'.\ 1C 2 51 and Lhen a tour of th e HUD Eme rg e ncy Ope ~a t!o:ls Ce nt e r (HEOC) on th e 6th f:oor. Rena Hol:and is ~n charg e of that area and I CC'd ~e~ ab o ve. If there is an e~erg e ncy l!k e 9/11 the HEOC wo~ld be t~e prim a ry p oc for the Dep~ty Secretary. I a.:n free .:nest of next week, so w~atever 1mrks ·.-;.i.Lh ~ena and Lhe DepJLy Secrelary .i.s 1.i.ne ,,;.i.Lh me. /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000028 Tha:1ks Ken Kenc1eth E. Fcee Director/ Special Protective Secvices Office: Cell: Agent i:1 Charge Div:..sioc1 202-402-3903 (b) (6) Subjec Puerlo DepSec L: Location: Start: End: Fri 9/29/2017 9/29/2017 10:45 Fri Rec·J ccence: Meeting R:..co Updale Office P.11 (noc1e) Status: Organizer: Req~iced 10:15 AM Meeting organizer PHP Attendees: Golrick, Jac1et Subject: Weekly DSOHUD Meetic1g Location: DepSec Office Slarl: End: Wed 10/4/2017 12:00 Wed 10/4/2017 RecT:::::ence: Meeling Organizer: /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT ~acen M Requests AM (no:-ie) SLalus: Meeling organizer FHP Req~i:::ed Attendees: Dun:1, Connor M Subject: Local.ion: 11:30 PM M; Kasper, Mar.shall, PHP Meet:..ng with DepSec Office Helen Michae~ J; Stowe, Alexande::: D; A~bert HUD-17-0504-E-000029 Start: Wed 10/1/2017 3:55 End: 3:00 Wed 10/4/2017 ?M ?M Rec·J ::-::-ence: (no:ie) Meeting Status: Meeting organizer Organizer: ReqJi::-ed PHP Attendees: PHP; Albert, Optional Attendees: Kirkland, Subject: Location: Start: End: PAC3 - Adolfo DEPSEC Office Marzol, Wed 10/4/2017 3:00 Wed 10/4/2017 Rec·.12:·2:·ence: Meeting Marzol, Subject: Meeting Locallon: DepSec Start: Michae: J 2:00 Dana Wade, Gisele Roget ?M ?M l\ccepted Adolfo ReqJi.::-ed Allendees: F PHP; Wade, - PIH S!ngle Confe.::-ence Wed 10/11/2017 Wed 10/11/2017 1:30 End: Mars~all, tv:.; (noc1e) Status: Organizer: He:en Je.::-emy Dana T; ~ogel, Po!nt of Gisele G Michae: A J; Contact Rao~ PM 4:00 PM Rec·J.::-.::-ence: (no:ie) Meeting Meeting Status: organizer Organizer: PHP ReqJi.::-ed Attendees: Cool, Debra M; Marsjall, ~oseph; Brooks, Towanda A; ~oban-Moo::-e, Patricia Hey nexl all, we had Wednesday to al rrove a few 4:30 4:00? th!ngs around - can we bunp Sul:!va:i, tjis to F.rorr.: "Sullivan, Joseph" > PM EDT Dat e: Se p t e~ber 26, 2017 at 4:17:59 To : 0 Pa te naJde, Pamel a H" , en aJde@hu d .gov "Greenwood, Shei:a >, HUD-17-0504-E-000030 "Eagles, David T" > Cc: "Brooks, Towanda l\. > Subject: RE: HEADS UP - PIH Sing:e ?oint of Contact 11 Good afle.rnoon, Towanda and I have spoken about this and wa~ted to let you know that occasionally you will be co.:1tacted about pe.:1ding labor disp~tes. We hig_1.ly recorenend that you ref:-:·a_'_n fro:n responding to the u:1ions di.reclly and LhaL you d_'_.recl any qJesLions you nay ~ave aboJL any pending :abo~ re:ations -'-ss~e to us. The below issue sterr.s from ?IH' s irr.plementation of a "S.:.ngle of Contact" '.node: of bus_'_ness. The init-'-ative is i~tended to service delivery to the public by assign_'_ng dut-'-es differe.:1tly wiL1.in P:::H. (b)(5) (deliberative process) Po.:.nt enhance (b)(5) (deliberative process) (b)(5) (deliberative process) (b)(5) (deliberative process) be ~appy -:oe p~ov_'_de any additional infornation 'Ll'lewould you rray want. Sull_'_va.:1 Director, U.S. to Errployee Departrr.ent & Labor ~elat of :-tous_'_ng and Was~ington, DC 20410 Telephone: 202.402.2087 -'-o~s Div _'_ sion Urba:1 Develop:nent This '.11essage, including any atta c hrrents, is inte n ded for t~e 11se o f the addressee(s) only, and it may conta_'_n i:1fornation that is coniidenLial, p.r_'_vlleged or lega:ly proLecLed. UnaJLhor:~ed ~ev:ew, di st:::-ibu t i o .:1 o r cop yi n g of t hi s n essag e o r of a ny accompa nyi ng /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000031 attachments is prohibited. If you ~ave received this message in erro~, p:ease conlacl me by ~elurn e~al: or by Lelephone, a~d perreanently delete it and a~y accorepany:ng attachme~ts frore any syste~ on w~ich they ~ay be stored. Frore: Brego~, Ne:so~ R Sent: Thursday, Septe~ber 21, 2017 1:21 PM To: Patenaude, Pamela H >; Gree~wood, S~eila M Eagles, David T >; 3unter, ~atthew F >; Kurtz, R. Hunte~ > Subject: HEADS UP - PIH Single Poi~t of Co~tact >; FYI Frorr: AFGE Counc~l 222 Sent: Wednesday, September Subject: PI3 Single Point National Co~ncil of 20, 2017 of Contact HUD Locals 1:39 - Co~nci: P~ 222 AME~ICAN FEDERAT:ON OF GOVE~NMENT 3~PLO~EES WAS3INGTON, DC PIH Sing:e Br o thers /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT 2C, 2017 ?oint and WIT3 AFL-CIO 20410-0050 http://www.afgecouncil222.co~ Septe~ber AFF:LIATED of Contact Si ste rs, HUD-17-0504-E-000032 Many of you have hea:cd that Pub:~c 3ous~ng e~ployees received notice of a :neeLing Lh:s Tiu~sday, dur:ng which PI3 emp:oyees will be briefed on the new "Sing:e ?oint of Contact bus:ness model." Attached to the Deeting :s a new "training schedule" for the notice nany new duties that wi:: be ass~g~ed to PI3 emp:oyees nationwide. AFG3 is :n the D:ddle of negotiatio~s w:th rranagerne~t on t~is new ~nitiative. A nediator has been called ~n to he:p the Age~cy and the Union wo~k thro~gh their po:nts Dates to of ct:sag~eenent. conllnue Lhls process were requesLed by Lhe Unlon, wllh no response frorr ~anagerrent. I~stead, rranagerne~t has decided to just rrove forwa:cd witiout address~ng the enployee co~cerns raised by the Union. As rrany of you w~ll soon fi~d out, the "Si~gle Poi~t of Co~tact business model" nea~s that ?IH enployees will be assigned rr~ltiple jobs. Manage:nenL plans Trai~lng for Lhese Lo expand job duLies. new job duties w:11 be truncated a~d inadeq~ate, setting errployees up fo:c perfo:c~ance issues. For exarr.ple, err.ployees as.signed to a new "Portfol:o ~anageme~t Specialist" posit:on will receive two hours of reviews, Lwo hours of Lra:ni~g of P3A budgel Lrainlng on comp:ia~ce on grants managerrent, to name a analysis and two ho~~s of train:ng few. r eassignnent of Public Housing personne: to new job This wide-scale desc~ipt:o~s is :11-adv:sed, poorly planned duties and ~ew position and directly staterrents nade by Chief contrary to tie Operating Tow~ Ha::. When asked aboJL Officer David Eagles al Loday's reassignnents, Mr. 3agles stated tiat he "couldn't tie answer question" about reassignDents, eve~ though the s:ngle Point of Contact is scheduled for to~orrow. roll-out meeting This is what you ca~ expect f~oD t~e new "~UD Reforrrn eff o r t . We expect p:cogresses - more burde~s to see more of th~s as HUD "~eforn" put o~ front line employees with no addit:onal resources or bei~g Lraining Lo perf o rm new:y assigned dulies. Make no :nisLake, Lhe Single Point of Contact :nitiat:v e is setti~g eDployees up for failu:ce. It can take months if not yea rs to b e trained in som e of these new job functions. T:1.ese are ::·eassig~:nents, plain a~d sinple. Manage ment 's :ce f usal t o ho no:c i ts contra ct ~al an d s t atu to ry obligation to negotiate :s yet anot~e~ exarrple of w~at we ~ave come Lo expecL fro:n OCHCO's "Employee a~d Labor ~elaL:o~s" o:vision - a r ef ~ sa l to ac k no wl edge e n p l o yee co ~ ce~ns a ~d wor k to r es o lv e them . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000033 You have seen over a ha:f dozen "postingsn over the past yea~ and a half, noLices posLed on bullelin boa~ds or senl by e:nai: co:.Laining that tjey w!ll not violate nanagement's acknowledgenent the Federal Laboe Re:ations Statute and wil: not refuse to bargain wit~ the Union. And yet, L1ey have aga:_n refused to negotiate a vital -'-ss·Je that wil: affect yo~ as employees. AFG3 wil: be fi::_ng another Unfa_'_r Labor Practice cjarge 0.:1 the :_nitiat:_ve. I enco~~age all affected P:H Single Point of Contact o[ how Ljey are adversely impacled by Lje employees Lo keep a ~ecord new Sing:e ?oint of Contact :node:, as th-'-s infornation will be _'_n the llnfai~ Labor Charge p~oceedi.:1gs helpful Holly sa:amido President, 222 of Counc:_l ~UD Locals DO NOT H:T ~EPLY to send i:. a conme:.t or q~estion, used Lo send alerLs only. To become a :nember and suppo~t our cont!nued good SF-1187, and give it to your Local ?ces!de~t Don't know who your Loca: ?resident hLLp://www.a[gecouncil222.co:n/nabouLus.hLm This e:a:ert Subject: Location: corr.plete is a:. rro~e !nfor:nat!on. emp:oyees C-oy AM (no.:1e) St a tu s : Organi ze r: PHP Req~i~ed Attendees: pVERSIGHT unit CIO - C-ohnson 9:00 AM HO~k, mailbox Go to for HUD AFG3 bargai:.ing Fri 9/29/2017 9/29/2017 9:30 Rec·J::·::·ence: /\MERICAi\ for PHP Meet ! ng with Dep Sec Office SLarL: End: Fri Mee ting is is? this Mee ting org a niz e r ~oy, Johnso.:1 P; Hubba~d, Kat~ina R HUD-17-0504-E-000034 Subjec L: Location: Start: End: ~aneL Go:rick DepSec Office Meeli:.g Fri 9/29/2017 9:15 AM 9 / 2 9 / 2 0 l 7 10 : 15 A_M Fri Rec.1.::::-.::::-ence: (no:.e) Meeting Status: Organizer: Meeting organizer PHP Req~i~ed Attendees: Can we bump Lhe daily 15 n:nutes is Subject: Location: Golrick, ca::ed earlie~ 10:00? Since ?M 3:00 ?M Meeting organizer FHP Attendees: Farias, Subject.: Weekly Briefing LocaLion: DepSec Office Start: End: of AM i:.stead (no.:1e) Status: Organizer: ReqJi~ed 9:45 - Letter Office SLarL: Thu 9/28/2017 End: Thu 9/28/2017 3:30 Meeting to M off. Briefing DepSec Rec·J::·::·ence: Ja~et Thu Thu 9/28/2017 9/28/2017 11:30 Anna Mar:a; Patenaude, Pamela H - F~A/Housi:.g 11:00 AM AM RecJ.::::-.::::-ence:(no:.e) Meeting Status: Meeting Organizer: FHP ReqJi.::::-ed ALLendees: Moving this :neet:ng organizer Wade, to Tuesday Dana T; wo:fson, at 11:00 :f Subj e ct: HOLD - Frid a y Look Ahea d Mee ting Location: Dep Sec Start: End: /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Fri Len; that Marshall, M:chael works. Office Fri 9/29/2017 9/29/2017 4:30 3:30 ?M ?M HUD-17-0504-E-000035 RecT:::::ence: Meeting (no::-ie) Status: Meeting Organizer: Patenaude, ReqJi::ed Attendees: Hoban-Moore, Palricia Subject: Localion: Start: End: organizer ?a:nela H Marshall, A; Barlon, PHP + David Eag:es DepSec Office Michae: Viclor~a J; Stowe, Alexande:: L; Dunn, Connor~ - 0MB Re:.tal Thu 9/28/2017 10:15 Thu 9/28/2017 10: 45 All\ Assistance D; 3udget ~earing AM Rec-1.::::-.::::-ence: (no:.e) Meeting Status: Meeting Organizer: Palenaude, Req~i.::::-ed Attendees: organizer ?a:nela Eagles, H David T; Patenaude, Parne:a Eagles, David T Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2017 8:52 A~ To: Slowe, Alexander D > Subject: FW: Dav:_d 3agles Talking ?oints - 0MB Rental Budget Hearing ~ Frorr: - p:z see Pam's note finishes at 5pm - back to ~s a beLLer opl~on because believe Dep Sec does too. Alex My 0MB hearing re scheduli::-ig. t~e office by 52C or so - perhaps tomorrow I have a:. evenl Lhis eve:.ing and I below Frorr.: Palenaude, Parr.ela H 27, 2017 7:34 Sent: Wednesday, September To: Eagles, Dav:_d T > Subjecl: Re: Dav~d 3agles Talking ?oinls Budg e t Hea rinq Please schedule THANK YOU /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT a follo1,· A.ssistance up :neeL~ng wilh A~ - 0MB Renlal me afler Assislance L:,e 0MB :,earing HUD-17-0504-E-000036 Senl fron my iPhone On Sep 26, 2017, at 8:06 PE, Tho~ght these rent reforD guys. Just an F~I since Will keep you posted. talking we have Get Outlook Eag:es, Dav_'._dT wrote: points might be ~sefu: o~r 0MB hea~ing o~ this for you tolforrow. _'._OS for Frolf: Hobbs, Benjamin R 26, 2017 6:21J::i2 ?E Sent: Tuesday, Septe:nber To: Lyberg, Sarah A; Rupar, Chr:_stopher ~; 3agles, David T; Blan, Dominique G; Baslarache, Da~iel:e L; Ozd:nec, M::a~ M; Ricia~dson, Todd M; Bravacos, John G; Wolfson, Len; Davis, Thorras R; Wade, Dana C; Kelley, Mic:--iael J; T; Little, Jeffrey D; Ferry-,Jenn:_ngs, Shyla~ Appleton, Seth D; Boykin, Cla~a D; Davis, 3renda; ~~dlowitz, Mark A; :ber, Roberl G; Nzive, Kalhe~ine A; Carr, Te~ry M; 3allard, Dan:el L; ~u~tz, R. Hunter; Sm:_th, Cooper J; Hughes, Andrew Subject: David Eagles Ta:ki~g Po:_nts - 0MB ~enta: Assistance Budget Hearing David and Tea:n, Attached are off tomorrow's To st~ea~li~e, confe~ those Tha~k the updated renta: 0MB to :_f you ~yself, talking points for assistance budget have last David, Dav:_d to hear:_ng. ~i~~te edits or Domi~ique, Dana, use i~ kicking cha~ges, please and Sarah. You, Ben Ben Hobb s /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000037 Special U.S. Polley Dept. Advise::::-, Office of Housi:1g Work: (202) 402-3025 Benja~ln.R.3obbs@hud.gov 11:00 PM A11 (no:1e) Status: Organizer: Req·Ji::·ed Marshall, 3ouslng Cell: (202) (b) (6) ? 3rr.ail: <~allLo:Be:1jarn:..n.~.Hobbs@iJd.gov> Talk1nq Thu 9/28/2017 Thu 9/28/2017 12:00 r irne Jl.s: Tentative Rec·J::·::·ence: Start: End: & Urban & Indian PHP Media Training lOt~ Floor OPA Studio Subject: Location: Start: End: Show of ?Jbllc Stowe, Attendees: Michae: Not yet responded A:..exander D Thorrp.son, J PHP + Suzan:1e TufLs, Dep Secs Office Mon 10/2/2017 Mon 10/2/2017 3:00 2:15 ?M Arr.y C; Patenaude, CAO+ Eason Parne:..a :-t; Alexander Qui c k MeeLing ?M Rec.1.::::-.::::-ence: (no:1e) Organizer: Patenaude, Subject: Location: Envision Ce:1ters De pSec Office SLarL: End: Fri ?a~ela Fri 9/29/2017 9/29/2017 2:30 2:00 ?M H ?M Re c·J.::::-.::::-en ce : (no:-ie) MeeLlng /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT SLaLus: MeeLlng organizer HUD-17-0504-E-000038 Organizer: Patenaude, ReqJ.i.~ed ?a:nela Allendees: Subject: LocaL.i.on: H Zorc, Belha:1y A :nte:::agency work!ng g:::oup 0:1 hurricane 9202 - v:..a Conference ca:..l response ?M 1:00 Start: Wed 9/27/2017 2:00 ?M End: Wed 9/27/2017 Sha,,,,, Time As: Ten ta ti ve Rec·J ::-::-ence: (no:-ie) Meeting Status: Organizer: ReqJi::-ed Not yet responded Tfl'ade, Dana T Attendees: 'alexandra.t::-avis@fe:na.dhs.gov'; 'Cy:1thia.Adccck,Jfhfa.gov'; 'Dcna:..d.Cc:::ineL'lfa.gov'; 'Maria. Fernandez@ fhf a. gov'; 'Pau:... T1.e:c·uv!para~p! :..@ei.fa.gov'; Campbell, Pal~.i.c:..a A; s:..bbo:1s, KaL:1.leen M; f'.:asper, Earen M; LOGAN, A; Friedman, Wa:::ren; G:::eenwood, Sheila M; LEA~ M; MeaJx, Leslie Marzcl, Adolfc F; Gol:::ick, Janet M; 'Richard.Kane@wdc.usda.gcv'; 1 'StJa:::t.Walden@wdc.Jsda.gov'; Rho:1da.Arnitage@va.gov'; 'RiLa.Fa:cioni@va.gov'; 'jeff~ey.lo:1don@va.gov'; Bravacos, John G; G; Gor~ley, Joseph M; Bowes, ~obert 3; Ha:..ler, Ju:..ia Roget, G!sele Z; Ca::-r, Ter::-y M; Ibe::-, Robe::-t G; Van Dan, ~ate:..yn ~; Wolfson, Len; Patenaude, ?a:nela H; Marshall, M!c~ael C Optional Attendees: Shaffer, Julie; Brown, Any L; Johnson, Slefanie (MJllin); Wal Lon, Danie:le; Mu:derig, Roberl E; Slevens, Kevin L; KuITi, Thomas K; SaJnders, 3lissa O; HiDes, Ivery W; Marti:1, Matt B; Bright, Mic~ael R Call in numbe~: Access Host 1-888-675-2535 (b) (6) Code: (b) (6) (JANET ONlY) Code: Subject: Location: Start: End: NFI? Briefi:1g DepJty Secretary's Wed 9/27/2017 11:15 Wed 9/27/2017 Rec·J::::::ence: Meel.i.ng Organizer: Re q·Ji:::ed Mic~ael /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Office A.M 10:45 AM (no:1e) Slalus: Meel.i.ng Patenaud Attende C; Dunn, e s: organizer e , ?a:nela (;olrick, H Ja:1et M; Applet o n, Seth D; Mars h all, Co:1nor M HUD-17-0504-E-000039 Subjec L: Location: Swea~ing in/pholo Depsec office siool Start: Tue 9/26/2017 10:30 End: Tue 9/26/2017 11:00 AM Show Time As: Ten la Live Rec·J ccence: Meeting Organizer: ~eg:..o~al ad~i~s AM (no:1e) Status: Req~i~ed wili .Stowe, Attendees: Not yet responded A:..exander D Patenaude, ?a~ela H Meeting wit~ Amy Tho~pson Dep~ty Secretary's Office .Subject: Location: Slarl: Wed 9/27/2017 9: 00 AM End: Wed 9/27/2017 9:30 AM .Show Time As: Tentative Rec-1~~ence: Meeting .Status: Organizer: ReqJi~ed Marshall, Stowe, Allendees: Michae:.. Not yet A:..exander D Thorrpson, J Wed 10/ll/2Cl7 11:0C Wed 10/11/2Cl7 Rec·J ccence: Meeting Organizer: Req~i~ed responded Arry C; Palenaude, DSD3U Br:efing - PH?+ ~ean Dep~ty Secretary's Office Subject: Location: Start: End: (no~e) 10:3C Parne:..a 3; Lin Pao AM AM (no:1e) Status: Meeting Patenaude, Attendees: organizer H ?a~ela Pao, Jean Lin Hi Jean - can we move Lh:..s Lo nexl ha d to go to th e Whit e Hous e today pus: ..ed. week? Sor~y aboJL Lhal, bul sh e a nd :..ot s of ~ee tings ha d to b e Connor /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000040 Can we move this Good ~orning :L was forwacd to 10:15 - Hurr~ca~e Meeti~g at 9:30, tha~ks. Connor, a pleasure to wocking meeLing you with you. Small and Disadvantaged directly to the Dep~ty Lh:s rro~n:ng. As t~e Directoc Business we:corre Lo HUD! for ~UD's Office Utilizatio~ (OSDBU), I look of I repo~t Secretary. ?lease let me k~ow the Deputy Secrelary's ava::abilily for a briefing on rry office responsibilities. Would either Wed~esday or Fr~day next week or week work? I wo~ld Wed~esday or Fr:day the following need at least 30 rrinutes. Thanks very m~ch. Cea~ Lin Office U.S. □ :rectoc Pao, of Srrall and Departrrent (202) of Disadva~taged ~ous~ng and 3~siness Urba~ Util~zation Develop~ent 102-5713 Subject: Location: Start: End: Housing Finance Refo~~ DEPSEC ::onf. Rm. Fri 9 / 2 9 / 2 0 l 7 11 : 0 0 All\ 9/29/2017 12:00 PM Fri Rec·J ccence: Meeting (no~e) Status: Organizer: Accepted Marzol, Adolfo Req~i~ed Attendees: Kaspe~, Maren M; Bright, F Patenaude, Michae: ?a~ e la R; Wade, Subject: Location: Mt g. with D3PSEC & COS DEPSEC Conf. Rm. S tart Fri : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT 9/29/2017 11:00 H; Greenwood, Sheila M; Dana T; Stowe, Alexander RE: Hous~ng Finance D Ref o rm AM HUD-17-0504-E-000041 End: Fri 9/29/2017 12:00 PM Rec1:::-:::-ence: (no:ie) Meeting Status: Accepted Organizer: Marzol, Req~i:::-ed Attendees: Kaspe~, Maren M; Bright, Mon 9/25/2017 4:15 Mon 9/25/2017 RecT:::::ence: Meeling Organizer: Req·Jic:·ed ?anela Michae: PHP + Dana Wade+ Dep~ty Secretary's Subject: Location: Slarl: End: Adol[o F Patenaude, R; H; Greenwood, Wade, Housing Office Dana ?olicy T; Sheila Stowe, M; Alexander D Co~nci: ?M 3:45 ?M (no:-ie) Slalus: Meeling Patenaude, Attendees: organizer ?a'."11ela H Wade, Dana T; Patenaude, Parr.e l a H; .=:dward DeMa.::-co Subject: Location: Start: End: Show Senio::: Staff Secretary's Meeting Confere:ice Mon 9/25/2017 Mon 9/25/2017 3:30 rime As: Tentative 3:00 ?M Room ?M Rec·J:::-:::-ence: (no:ie) Meeting Status: Not yet Organizer: Doc3en Req~i:::-ed Attendees: responded Sheila M Greenwood (Sheila.M.Greenwoodl@hud.gov); Hug~es (Andrew.Hughes@hud.gov); (Adolfo.F.Ma.::-zol@hud.gov); Kurtz, R. H~:1ter; Bass, Dea:1a; Andrew Adolfo F Mar z ol 3.::-ight, ~ichael ~; Seth D Appleton (SeLh.D.AppleLon@hud.gov); 3ourne, Chrislop~e.::M; Joy, ~oh:ison P; Wade, Dana T; Hunter, Mat.thew F; Eagles, David T; Arry:: Thorrpson (Amy.C.Thompson@hud.gov); Gain e s, ~alph H; Zorc, Bethany A; Kasp e r, Maren M; Neal Rackleff; Marshal:, ~ichae: J; Patena~de, Parr e la E Subje c t: Location: Mee t wi th Dana Wad e Dep~ty Secretary's Office Start Mon 9/25/2017 : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT 10:00 AM HUD-17-0504-E-000042 End: Mon 9/25/2017 11:00 Show Time As: Tenlalive AM Rec·J ::-::-ence: (no:-ie) Meeting Status: Not yet responded Organizer: ReqJi::-ed Marshall, Stowe, l\.:..exander D Attendees: Patenaude, ?a~ela Michae.:.. J; Wade, Dana T HoJsing Subject: Location: Policy Couc1cil Meet with Rick H; Dunn, Connor~; H; Dunn, Connor Gentry TB □ Slarl: Mon 9/25/2017 End: Mon 9/25/2017 12:30 Show Time As: Tentative 12:00 PM PM Rec·.12:·2:·ence: (noc1e) Meeting Status: Not yet responded Organizer: Stowe, A.:..exander D ReqJi.::::-ed Allendees: Palenaude, Marshall, Michae.:.. J Subject: Localion: Meet with Matthew DepJLy Secrelary's Start: Mon 9/25/2017 1:30 End: Mon 9/25/2017 2:00 ?M Show Time As: Ten La live ?a~ela E; HJnter O[[ice ?M Rec·J ::-::-ence: (no:-ie) Meeting Organizer: ReqJi::-ed Marshall, Optional Subject: Localion: Status: Not yet responded Stowe, l\.:..exander D Attendees: Patenaude, ?a~ela Michae.:.. J Attendees: Dunc1, Connor M H; Hunter, Matthew F; Meet with Deana Bass DepJLy Sec r elary's O[[ice St art: Mon 9/2 5 /2017 12:30 End: Mo n 9/25/2017 1:00 ?M Shov,: Time As: Tentative PM Rec ·J.::::-.::::-ence : (n o c1e ) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000043 Meeling Slalus: Organizer: Stowe, Req~i.::::-ed Attendees: Pamela H Subject: Location: Nol yeL responded A:..exander Bass, D Deana; Meet with Matthew Dep~ty Secretary's SLarl: Fri 9/22/2017 3:00 End: Fri 9/22/2017 3:30 ?M Show Time As: Tentative Marshall, M~chael C, ?atenaude, H~nter Office ?M RecJ.::::-.::::-ence:(no.:1e) Meeting Status: Not yet responded Organizer: Stowe, A:..exander D ReqJ.i.::::-ed ALLendees: PaLenaude, Hunte.::::-, Matthew F Subjec L: Location: Start: End: Fri ?a~ela H; Marshall, M:..ciael C; Gra.:1L Approval DSO:!UD Office Fri 9/22/2017 9/22/2017 1:00 PM 12:15 ?M Rec.1.::::-.::::-ence: (no.:1e) Meeting Status: Meeting organizer Organizer: Patenaude, ?a~ela H Req~i~ed Attendees: Patenaude, ?a~ela H; Marshall, M~c~ael Barton, Victo.::::-ia l; Kel:..ey, Michael J Optional Attendees: Ozdinec, Milan M; Brown, Ced.::::-ic A Subject: Start: End: C; BLOCK Tue 9/26/2017 6:30 Tue 9/26/2017 3:30 ?M ?M Re c·J.::::-.::::-ence: (no:-ie) Or ganizer: Palenaude, Subje c t: Location: PHP Mee t ~ng wit h Maren Ka spe.::::Office of t~e Deputy Secreta.::::-y Start Thu 9/28/2017 : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT ?a~ela 1:00 H ?M HUD-17-0504-E-000044 End: Thu 9/28/2017 1:15 ?M Show Time As: Tenlalive Rec·J ::-::-ence: (no:-ie) Meeting Status: Not yet responded Organizer: Dun:., :::::onnor M Req~i::-ed Attendees: Marzol, Adolfo F; Miciael R; ?atenaude, Panela H Optional Attendees: Marshall, Michae: Kasper, oca::-en M; 3::-ight, J Frorr: Kasper, Maren M Septe:nber Sent: Thursday, 21, 2017 6:36 PM To: Patenaude, Pamela H >; Zorc, Belha:.y A > Cc: G::-eenwood, Sheila M >; Marzol, Adolfo F >; Br!ght, Miciael R <~ichael.~.BrighL@hud.gov > Subject: Fwd: 2017-~C-0008 GNMANo:-ibank Oversight Final Audit Report Pam and Be L:1. Apoloqies fo.::- not i:.clud!ng you on the awareness, the attached !s an o:G a~dit presence and Ginnie Mae's ove~s!ght of enail be:ow. For yo~r rega::-ding t~e increased non-bank !ss~ers/servicers. Pam - Lh:s Lopic is somelhi:.g Lo add Lo our lisl of ilens Lo discuss you with a Ginn!e whe::-1 we provide ~ae br!efing. As rrent!oned be:ow, not :nany surp::-ises in the report a:-id sonet~ing that is already top of rrind for the age:.cy. of the repo.::-t Bet:7 - The topic neeting on OConday, but nuch of sent to Dana. !s so:newhat relevant is capt~::-ed this !n for our DoJ the slides we Tha:.ks, Maren Begin forwarded nessage: Hi All, Want to nake you awa~e of a:. aud!t that will be published 0::-1 the DIG websile :n Lhe comi:.g days. Nol nuci in Lhe .::-eporl comes as a s urp.::-i se . Ra th e r, we th!nk it conti:.u es a di a logu e th a t we i a v e a reg~lar basis regarding the shift fro:n banks to n o :.-banks. We are in agree:nen t i::-1 that o~~ oversight and ~isk ma:.agenent ca n c o:. tinue to evolve to add~ess t~e sh!ft in cou:.te~partie.s, and it is irrportant Lo :.ole, Lhese are al.::-eady a.::-eas of 1ocus fo.::- GNMA. /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000045 Once we put together our plan Lo address our cor~ect~ve (ind:ngs wiLh act~ons Lie Learn. for DIG, we will share Tha:-iks, Maren Frorr: Johnson, Erica J Septe~ber 21, 2017 12:0S r~ Sent: Thursday, To: Kasper, Maren M >; 3~ight, Eichael? >; KeiLh, Grego~y A > Yuesong Cc: Bai, >; Donze:!, Keith M >; Oslan, 3 3dobor >; D~ayne, Mic~ael R <~ichael.?.Drayne@hud.gov > Subject: Fwd: 2017-~C-0008 GNMA No~bank Oversight Final Audit Report wi:: get FYI- as this ~n Ginnie Mae we need My Learn will work corrective action wilh plans posted to to i~clude OIG's website. (co:n:nun~cations?). M:chael Dray~e•s to OIG. groJp Not sure Lo provide wio e:se Lie Tha~ks Senl fro~ my iPad Begin forwarded nessage: Frorr: "Swee~ey, Lisa" > Date: Septerrber 21, 2017 at 10:36:2C AM EDT To: "Drayne, Michael R" >, ",Johnson, Erica ,J" >, "Osia~, Edobo~ E" <3dobor.E.Osian@hJd.gov >, "Bai, Yueso~g'' <~uesong.Bai@hud.gov > Cc: "Hosking, >, "Cla~k, Caitlin" >, "T ~pton, Dan"
> Subject: 2017-KC-OOCB GNMA Nonbank Overs~g~t Final Audit Report is th e final audit ~eport fo~ our audit of GNMA's ~onbank Attached oversight. You will ~eceive a hardcopy of the audit throug~ report Lhe ~ail. The e:ecl~on:c aJdiL repo~L w:11 be p:aced on Lie HUD-OIG public we bsit e w!thin th e ~e xt f e w days. Ti a nk yoJ f o r yo~r assistan c e ducing t~e audit. Subjec L: Lo cation : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT DepSec Team MeeL:ng DepSe c Offi ce HUD-17-0504-E-000046 Slarl: End: Fri 9/22/2017 9/22/2017 3:00 Fri Tentative As: Show Time ?M 2:00 ?M Rec·.1c:·c:·ence: (no:1e) Meeting Status: Organizer: ReqJi~ed Not yet Dun::i, Attendees: Connor responded M Stowe, Palenaude, ?a~ela Subjec L: Location: Brief wilh Policy DepSec's office Start: End: Fri Rec·J ccence: (no:-ie) A:exander H; Hoban-~oore, 9/22/2017 Depuly 3:30 D; Marshall, J; M~chael ?al.::::-ic:a A Sec.::::-elary ?M Fri 9/22/2017 4:30 ?M Show Time As: Ten la Live Meeling Slalus: Nol yeL responded Organizer: Stowe, ReqJi.::::-ed Attendees: Patenaude, ?a~ela Michae: J; Rackleff, Neal J; Michae: J; Racklef[, Neal J; H Meet with Neal DepSec's office Subject: Location: Start: End: A:exander D Marshall, Fri 9/22/2017 9/22/2017 4:30 Show Time As: Tentative Fri Rackleff 3:30 ?M ?M Rec.1.::::-.::::-ence: (no.:1e) Meeting Status: Organizer: Not Stowe, yet responded A:exander ReqJi.::::-ed ALLendees: D Marshall, Patenaude, ?a~ela Subjec L: Loc a tion: Meeling De pJty Se cr e t a ry' s Offic e St art: End: Thu H Thu 9/21/2017 9/21/2017 6:45 5:15 ?M ?M Rec .1.::::-.::::-ence : (n o.:1e ) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000047 Meel.ing Slalus: Organizer: Accepled Stowe, Req~i:ced A:..exander Attendees: D Hunte::, Matthew Subject: Location: Meeting DepJty Secretary's Office Start: Thu ?M End: 9/21/2017 5:00 4:30 Meel.ing Organizer: Stowe, A.:..exander D Bass, Deana; Patena~de, Pamela Check-In with Deputy Secreta~y Pate:laude DepJty Secretary's Office - Roon 10100 Slarl: Thu 9/21/2017 9:00 End: Thu 9/21/2017 9:30 AM Show Time As: Tentative RecT:·:c·ence: Not yet Rodriguez, ReqJ.i~ed Marshall, H re: Travel AM (noc1e) Status: Organizer: H Accepled Attendees: Subject: Location: Meeting Panela (no:-ie) Slalus: Req~i:ced ?atenaude, ?M Thu 9/21/2017 Rec·J:c:cence: F; Allendees: Michae:.. J; responded Aida N ?a~ela H; Slowe, ?at~ic~a A Palenaude, Hoban-~oore, Subjec L: Location: Elh.ics B.r.iei.ing Dep Sec Office Start: Thu 9/21/2017 3:30 Alexande~ D; ?M End: Thu 9/21/2017 4:30 ?M Show Time As: Ten la live Rec·J:c:cence: Meel.ing Organizer: (no:-ie) Slalus: Nol yeL .responded Cruciani, Linda M Req~i:ced Attendees: Pamela E Baxte:c, OpL.ional Slowe, /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT ALlendees: Daniel A:..exander P; Lee, c:..evette M; ?atenaude, D HUD-17-0504-E-000048 Subject: Location: CDBG-DR/SBA ~epayme:1t issue HHQ CPD Confecence ~oom 7202 Start: Thu 9/21/2017 1:30 End: Thu 9/21/2017 2:00 ?M Show Time ns: Tentative ?M Rec·J::::::::ence: (no::1e) Meeling SLalus: Nol yel responded Organizer: Gimont, Sta::1ley ReqJi::::ed Attendees: Rackleff, BeLiany A; ~ichardson, Todd M Optional Attendees: Marshall, Greenwood, Sheila M Neal:; Patenaude, Michae: J; Lee, Panela ~egina E; Zorc, n; a :--tUDposition Per Shei:a• s :c·equest, th:_s rr.eet:_ng is to develop on She wa:1Ls our _i_::1pulin o::::der Lo use of CDBG-DR Lo repay SBA loans. get a final cal: by SOHUD. This looks :_:_ke the best window for everyone involved. Thanks. Subjec L: Location: DepJLy SecreLary HUD Stud:_o 3-151 Start: Wed 9/20/2017 3:00 End: Wed 9/20/2017 3:30 ?M Show Time As: Ten La Live Rec·J ccence: MeeLing Officia: ?iolo (Basement) ?M (no:1e) SLaLus: Nol yeL responded Organizer: Rodriguez, Req·Ji::::ed Attendees: Pamela E MEET with Subject: Comrr.unit:_es and Local LocaLion: Secrelary's Aida N Stowe, A:exander D; Mayo, Sec::::etary Saj:_d Javid; Govecrnent Confere::1ce Room Start: Wed 9/20/2017 9:00 End: Wed 9/20/2017 10:00 AM Show Time As: Ten La Live Sa:n:ny E; ?atenaude, Sec::::etary of State for AM Rec·J ccen c e: (no:1e) Meeting Status: Orga ni zer: /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Not yet responded Doc 3e n HUD-17-0504-E-000049 Req~i~ed Attendees: Eagles, Hunle~; Shella M Greenwood Pamela E; Miller, Mitche:l David T; Mayo, Sammy E; Kurtz, (She::a.E.Greenwoodl@hud.gov); 3 R. ?alenaude, Sumrra~y: * ::OU w.i.ll be :neeL:ng w.i.Lh Saj.i.d -.:-avld, Secrelary of Slale for Co:nmunities and Loca: Gove~nDent, to !ntroduce yourse:ves and to ~elp build the foundatio~ of a relat:ons~ip for potential future e:1gageme:1t * between the a.'.ld Local Governrr.ent. ::OU wlll meel agaln your trip to the UK. Date: Wednesday, Time: 9:00arr-10:00arr Local.ion: Press: wi:: Glfl and Pholo: Secretary Javid IJK Attendees: wllh September Sec~elary's Press HUD and UK Departnent Sec~elary 20, Jav.i.d for Corrrrunities l.:1 Oclober dur:ng 2017 Conference not tie Roo:n, HUD 3eadquarlers be present. Al Lhe end of Lhe rreellng, you w:11 presenl witi a g!ft and take a photo togetie~. Patrick Davies, Deputy Head of Missio:1 at the Britisi Embassy; Nueteki Ak~etteh, Senior ?olicy Adviser at the British Embassy; Nlck K:ng, Spec:al Adv:ser; Lou:sa Lenas, Spec:allsl Polley Adviser; Torr Hinchcliffe, ?rivate Sec~etary (Ch!ef of Staff}; Josh~a Paz, Britis~ Embassy HUD ALLendees: Davld Eagles, Ch ief Pam ?alenaude, Depuly Sec r ela~y; Operating Officer; Shei:a Greenwood, Ch!ef of Staff; Cindy Campbell, a~d Ph::a~throp:c Director of the Office for Internationa: :nnovation; Matt Philanthropic :::our He:1nessy, Office fo~ Inter:1ational and Innovation Objectives: To rr.eel Secrelary * Jav.i.d and welc ome h.i.rn on :1..i.s Lr.i.p Lo Lhe U.S.; To fost * i:1iti * e r o:1going e:1gag e n e nt with tie UK De partn e nt f or Co:nrnunities and Loca: Gove~nnent on nut~ally be.:1efic:a1 topics, SJ ch as econoD.i.c deve:oprr.enl, re:1 Lal hoJs.i.ng, horr.eowners:1..i.p, io:n e l ess :1e ss , a nd e mp:oyrr e nt; To learn about Sec retary Javid's prio~it: e s and upc o:ning at ives o r poli c : e s; and To invite Sec~etary Jav:ct to jo:n you in pro:n ot:ng the lrrporlanl work of your sia~ed vls.i.ons: fosler:ng economl c /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000050 development thro·Jgh building vibrant e~power people Lo ~each self-sufflclency. Secretary Javid's that s·Jpport a::-id Object:'..ves: To ITeet ~OU, his co~nterpart in To foster productive engagerrent * * corrrrunit:'..es the United States; between his Departrrent and :WO; * * * To learn about your p~iorities and init:'..atives; To exchange besl pracllces on rnulually beneflcla: goals, wllh a focus on HUD's efforts to combat honelessness, address "social i::-itegration," and pronote local econonic growth; and To build a foundation for continued exchange and partnership. PRE BRIEF 0::1 MEETING with SOHUDs office Subject: Location: Start: End: Show Wed 9/20/2017 Wed 9/20/2017 8:45 Time As: Tentative Recx::·~ence: Meeting pVERSIGHT Jav:'..d AM (no:ie) Status: Organizer: Doc3en Req~i~ed Attendees: Kurtz, R. H~nter; /\MERICAi\ 8:15 AM Sec~etary Not yet Eagles, responded Hen:iessy, David Matthew L; T; ?atenaude, Canpbell, Panela Cyntiia E F; HUD-17-0504-E-000051 Subject: Localion: Daily Morni:1g DepSec Office Start: Tue 10/17/2Cl7 End: Tue 10/17/2Cl7 9:00 Shm,, Time As: Tentative Team Jv:eet:_ng Rec.1.::::-.::::-ence: Daily RecJ~~ence ?attern: every Organizer: PHP ReqJi.::::-ed ALLendees: Marshall, Subject: Localion: Daily Morni:1g DepSec Office Start: Tue 10/10/2Cl7 End: Tue 10/10/2Cl7 9:00 Shm,' Time As: Tentative AM 8:15 AM day fro~ Michae: Organizer: PHP ReqJi.::::-ed Attendees: Dun:1, Connor day every Organizer: PHP ReqJi.::::-ed Attendees: Marshall, Organizer: PHP Req J i.::::-ed Attendees /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT AM to 8:15 M; Marshal:, 9:00 AM Jv:ichae: J fro~ 8:15 Michae: AM to J; Dunn, 9:00 AM Connor iv: Team Jv:eet:_ng e v e ry : fro~ day Start: Tue 10/3/2017 8:15 End: Tue 10/3/2017 9:00 AM Show Time As: Ten la live Rec·J~~en c e: Daily Re cJ.::::-.::::-en ce ? at. tern: Jv: AM Rec·J~~ence: Daily RecJ.::::-.::::-ence?at.tern: Daily Morni:1g DepSec Office Connor Team Jv:eet:_ng Start: Wed 10/4/2017 8:15 End: Wed 10/1/2017 9:00 AM Show Time As: Ten La Live Subject: Localion: Dunn, AM AM 8:15 AM every Daily Morni:1g DepSec Office J; 9:00 Team Jv:eet:_ng Rec.1.::::-.::::-ence: Daily RecJ~~ence ?at.tern: Subject: Localion: AM to 8:15 AM day Ma r sha ll, f r o~ 8:15 Mi chae : J; AM t o 9:00 AM Dunn , Conno r iv: HUD-17-0504-E-000052 Subject: Location: Daily Morni:1g DepSec Office Team ~eet~ng Start: Mon 10/2/2017 8: 15 AM End: Mon 10/2/2017 9:00 AM Show Time Jl.s: Tentative Rec·J::::::::ence: Daily RecJ::::::::ence ?attern: every Organizer: Req~i::::ed Marshall, PHP Attendees: Subject: Location: Daily Morni:1g DepSec Office day fro:n Michae: every Organizer: Req~i::::ed Dun:1, Connor SLarL: Wed 9/20/2017 8:15 End: Wed 9/20/2017 8:45 AM Show Time As: Tentative Meeting Organizer: day fro:n 8:15 Dunn, AM Connor~ AM Lo 9:00 M; Marshal:, FW: PRE BRI~F on ME~TING with SOHUDs office Rec·J::·::·ence: J; 9:00 AM Rec·J::·::·ence: Daily RecJ::::::::ence ?aLLern: Subject: Location: A_Mto Team ~eet~ng Sun 10/1/2017 8:15 Start: Sun 10/1/2017 9:00 AM End: Show Time Jl.s: Tentative PHP Attendees: 8:15 Secreta~y AM J ~ichae: Cavid AM (no:1e) Status: Not yet responded Doc3en -----Original Appoi:1L:nenL----Frorr.: DocB e :1 Sent: Tu e sday, Se pte~ber 19, 201 7 3:51 PM To : Doc Be n; Henn e ssy, Mat thew L; Carrpbe::, Cynt h ~a F; Kurt z , R. Hunte::::; Eagles, David T; Patenaude, Parne:a ~ Subjecl: PR~ BR:EF on MEETING w~Lh SecreLary Jav~d /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000053 Whe~: Easle::-n Where: /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Wednesday, September 20, 2017 8:15 A~-8:15 A~ {UTC-05:00) Time (US & Canada). SOHUDs office HUD-17-0504-E-000054 Subjec t: Travelli ng S t art : Mon 3/13/20 17 8 :0 0 AM End : Mon 3/13/2017 11 : 30 AM Recur r e n ce : (none) Organize Required r : Gribbi n, Anne H Att endees : Gribbin , Anne H F rom : Mic rosoft Outlook on be hal f of Bass , Dea na Sent : Thursday , March 09, 201 7 7: 0 5 AM To : OCHCO Subjec t: OCHCO Leadership Jour n ey Ser ies - Featuring Clemmensen Craig T. Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Se rv e r Subject : Cabi net Meeti ng Location : Cab in et Room, WH Start : Mon 3/13/20 17 3 : 00 PM End : Mon 3/ 13 /20 17 5 :0 0 PM Recu rr ence: (none) Orga n iz e r: HSBC Required Atte ndees : Subjec t: Detroi HSBC t Li ste n ing Tour Briefi ng St art : Mon 3/13/20 17 3 : 30 PM End : Mon 3/13/2017 4 :0 0 PM Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer Req uired Subject : HSBC Att en de e s : : Detroit HSBC Liste n i ng Tour Briefing Start : Tue 3/14/2017 9 : 00 AM End : Tue 3/14/2017 10 : 00 AM Recurrence : (none ) Organize r: HSBC Requ ir ed At tendees /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : HSBC HUD-17-0504-E-000055 Subjec t : Locat i o n: Vett ing Plan OGC Co n f . Rm. 10 1 14 Sta r t : Thu 3/9/2017 11 : 30 AM End : Thu 3/9/2017 12 : 30 PM Recur r e n ce : (none ) Meeting Status : Accep te d Orga n iz e r : Patto n , Lynne M Required Atte ndees : Pa tto n, Lynne M; Bass , Deana ; Nason , Mic ha e l C; Brown , Je r eon M; Timberlake , Cou r tney B; All en , Lindsey A; Lincoln , Pau l a A; Mora n , Michae l J ; Free , Ken neth E; Breg on , Nelson R; Cr u ciani , Linda M; Al exander , Maso n Opt i o na l Atte ndees : Lyberg , Sarah A; Gates , Scott L; Gol rick , Janet M; Kasper , Mare n M; Kruse , David N Subject phone : a n d i pad Start : Wed 3/8/2017 11 : 30 AM End : Wed 3/8/2017 12 : 0 0 PM Recur r ence : (none) Organiz e r : Gribbin Required Attendees Subject: Loc ation CI A White : , Anne H : Gribbi n , Anne H House Start : Thu 3/9/20 1 7 12 : 45 PM End : Thu 3/9/2017 1 : 30 PM Recurrence : (none) Organ iz e r : Gr i bb in , Anne H Required Attendees : Gribbin Subjec t : Locatio n: , Anne H OIG IBriefing w/Secretary Secretary ' s Co n ference Carson Room, Room 1 0233 Start : Mon 3/13/2017 1 : 30 PM End : Mon 3/13/2017 3 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recu rr ence : (none) Meet i ng Status Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : : Golrick Not yet r esponded , Ja ne t M HUD-17-0504-E-000056 Requ i red Atte ndees : Clemme n sen , Craig T ; Greenwood , She il a M; Kasper , Maren M; Montoya , David ; Gr i bbi n, Anne H Optional Attendees : Dawkins , Eunice D; Franklin , DeSh aunta M; Jenkins , Anne ; Bass , Deana ; Patton , Lynne M; McGinni s , Randy ; Pad il la , Nicholas ; Ki rkland , Je r emy ; DocBen Hello all - Thanks for a l l your work thus fa r to brief the key issues and regu l ations . Office Presentations for the next two weeks with Secreta r y Carson . Beach Head Team on are now scheduled Logistics : All meetings wi l l be in the Secretary ' s Con feren ce Room , Room 10233 . They will last 1- 2 hours - b e cause they are scheduled tightly , please arr i ve a few minutes ea r ly and be ready to present on t i me . Prese nt ations : Th ese brie f ings will be done electron i cally . By 1 : 00pm the afternoon before yo u r presentat i on , please send yo u r completed PPT to Anne Gribbin , Sh ei l a Greenwood , Maren Kasper , Craig , and myself and cc : DeShaunta Franklin and Tanya Daggett . If your presentation is on a Monday , p l ease send your presentat i on no later than 2 : 00 PM on the Fr i day before the weekend . Please bring up to (4) staffers you believe to be crucial to the content of the presentation or abi l ity to answer questions . Also , p l ease have print - outs avai l able in case we experience technologica l di ffi culties . Areas of focus : As indicated in the temp lat e (re-attached here) , the goa l s of these p r esentations are to deliver key information to Secreta r y Carson and allow h i m and key staff to answer q u est i ons about your offices . Please plan your presentation to ensure that you address everyth i ng in the template , including any Items Requiring Immediate Atte n tion . I welcome Thank ques t i ons - and appreciate your ongoing support . You ! Jane t /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000057 Subjec t: (BEING RESCHEDULED) Office of St r ategic Manageme n t l Brie fin g w/Secretary Carson Lo cation : Sec r etary ' s Conference Room , Room 10233 Planni n g and Mon 3/13/20 17 2 : 00 PM Start : End : Mon 3/13/20 17 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meeting St atus Organize Requ i red Kasper , Optional Koskinen Gregory r: Golr i ck , Jane t M Atte ndees : Clemme n sen , Craig T ; Greenwood , She il a M; Maren M; Hensley , Henry ; Gr i bbin , Anne H Atte ndees : Dawkins , Eunice D; Franklin , DeSh aunta M; , Larry A; McDonald , Nena S ; Wal sh , Christopher K; Castello R; Hop k ins , Julie D; Bass , Dea n a ; Pat t on , Lyn n e M; DocBen Hel l o a ll : Not yet responded , - Thanks for a l l your work thus far to brief the Beach Head Team on key issues and regu l atio n s . Of fi ce Presen t ations are now schedu le d for the next two weeks with Secreta r y Carson . Logistics : All meetings wi ll be in the Secretary ' s Con feren ce Room , Room 10233 . They will last 1- 2 hours - because they are scheduled tightly , please arr i ve a f ew minutes ea r l y and be ready to present on t i me . Prese n tat i ons : These brief i ngs will be done electron i cally . By 1 : 00pm the a f te r noon before yo ur prese n tat i on , please send yo u r comp l eted PPT to Anne Gribbin , Sh ei l a Greenwood , Maren Kasper , Craig , and myself and cc : DeShaunta Franklin and Tanya Dagget t. If your presenta t ion is o n a Monday , p l ease send your presentat i o n no later than 2 : 00 PM on the Fr i day before the weekend . Please bring up to (4) staffers you believe to be crucial to the content of the presentation or ability to answer quest i ons . Also , please have print-outs available i n case we experience technologica l difficulties . Areas of focus : As i ndicated i n the template (re-a tt ached here) , th e goa l s of these p r esentations are to deliver key information to Secretary Carson and al l ow him and key staff to answer questions about your offices . Please plan you r presentation to ensure that you /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000058 address every th i n g i n th e template Immed i ate Atte n tion . I we l come questions - a n d app r eciate , in cl u ding yo ur a n y Items Requ i ri n g ongoi n g suppo r t . Than k You! Janet Subject Locatio : n: Keaga n Len i ha n -PPO Secretary ' s Office Mon 3/13/20 17 4 : 00 PM Start : End : Mon 3/13/ 2 0 17 4 : 30 PM Recurrence : (none) Organi z e r : Gribbi n , Anne H Requ i red Atte ndees : Gr i bb in , Anne H Subjec t: Locatio n: Sen . Ke nn edy Russell Bu il di n g Start : Tue 3/14/20 17 5 : 00 PM End : Tue 3/14/2017 5 : 30 PM Recur r e n ce : (none) : Gribbin , Anne H Atte ndees : Gribbi Organizer Required Subject : n , Anne H Brown Bag lunch Thu 3/9/2017 12 : 00 PM Start : End : Thu 3/9/20 1 7 1 : 00 PM Recurrence Organizer Requ i red : (none) : Gribbin , Anne H Atte ndees : Gr i bb in , Anne H Subjec t: w/Sec r etary Location : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Copy : Faith Based & Neig hborhood Part n e r ships Carson Secretary ' s Conference Room, Room 10233 lBr ief i ng HUD-17-0504-E-000059 Start : End : Fri Fri 3/10/20 17 10 : 00 AM 3/ 10 /20 17 1 1 : 30 AM Recu rr ence : (none) Meet i ng Status Organizer Hello : all : Golrick Not yet , Janet r espo nded M - Than ks for all your work thus far to brie f the key i ssues and r egu l a ti o n s . Of fice Presentations for the next two weeks with Sec r etary Ca r son . Beach Head Team on are n ow scheduled Log i stics : All meet i ng s will be i n the Secreta Room 10233 . They wil l last 1- 2 ho urs - because tig h tly, please arrive a few min u tes ear ly and on time . r y ' s Co n ference Room , they are scheduled be r eady to present Presen t ations : These bri e fings will be done e l ectronica lly . By 2 : 00pm the a ft e rn oon before yo ur presentation , please se n d yo ur comp l eted PPT to Anne Gr ibb i n , Sh e il a Gr eenwood , Mare n Kasper, Craig, and myself and cc : DeShaunta Franklin and Tanya Daggett . If your presentatio n is on a Monday , p l ease send your presentation no lat e r th an 2 : 00 PM on the Friday before the weekend . Please bring up to (4) sta ffer s you believe to be crucial to the conte nt o f the p r ese nt at i on o r ab ility to answe r ques t ions . Also , p l ease have print - outs avai la ble in case we experience technological difficulties . Areas o f focus : As indica te d in the template (re-attached here ), the goals of these presen t ations are to del iv e r key informa t ion to Secre t a r y Carso n and allow h im a n d ke y staf f t o answer quest i o n s about your o ffi ces . Please p l a n your p r esentatio n to e nsure that you address everything in t h e template , inc l uding any Items Requiring Immed i ate Attention . I we lco me questions Thank /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT - a n d appreciate your ongoing support . You ! HUD-17-0504-E-000060 Janet Subjec t: Copy : Off i ce o f Stra t egic Pl a nn i ng and Manageme n t lB r i efing w/Secretary Carso n Locat i o n : Secreta ry ' s Co n ference Room , Room 1 0233 Start : Mon 3/13/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Mon 3/13/20 17 3 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta ti ve Recu rr ence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer Hello all : : Golrick Not ye t r espo nded , Janet M - Thanks for all your work thus far to bri e f the key i ss ue s and reg u l a ti o n s . Of fice Presentations for the n ext t wo weeks with Sec r etary Ca r son . Bea ch Head Team on are n ow sched u led Log i st i cs : All meet i ngs will be i n t h e Secreta Room 10233 . Th ey wi ll last 1- 2 hours - because tightly , please arr i ve a few minutes early and on time . r y ' s Co n ference Room , they a re scheduled be ready to present Pr esent ations : These bri e fings will be done e l ect roni ca lly . By 2 : 00pm the a ftern oon before yo ur presentation , p l ease send yo u r comp l eted PPT to Anne Gr ibb i n , Sh e il a Gr een wood , Mare n Kasper , Cra i g , a n d myself and cc : DeShaunta F r a nkli n a n d Tanya Dagge tt . If your presentatio n is o n a Monday , p l ease send your prese n t ation no lat e r th an 2 : 00 PM on the Friday before the wee kend . Please bring up to (4) sta ffer s you believe to be crucial to th e conte nt of the p r ese nt at i on o r ab il i ty to answe r questions . Also , p l ease have print - outs avai lab le in case we experience tec hnol og i cal difficulties . Areas of focus : As i ndicated in the template (re - attached here } , the goals o f thes e presentat ion s ar e to del iver k e y information to Secreta r y Carso n and allow h im a n d k ey staf f t o answer q u est i o n s about your o ffi ces . Please p l a n your presentat i o n to e n s ur e that you address everything i n t h e template , inc l uding any Items Requ i ring Immediate Attention . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000061 I welcome Thank quest i ons - and apprec i ate your ongoing support . You ! Jane t Subjec t: Loca tion : Copy : OIG IBr ief i ng w/Secreta r y Carson Secre tary' s Co nfere nce Room , Room 10233 S t art: Mon 3/13/2017 10 : 00 AM End : Mon 3/13/2017 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status Organ iz e r : Hello a ll : Not yet responded Golr i c k , Jane t M - Thanks f or all your work thu s far to brief the Beach Head Team on key issu es and regulations. Off i ce Pres e ntations a r e now schedu l ed for the next two weeks with Sec re tary Ca r son . Lo gistics : All meeting s will be in the Secre t ary ' s Co n ference Room, Room 102 33 . They will las t 1-2 h ours - because t h ey are sched ul ed t ig htly , please arr i ve a few minutes ea r ly and be ready to prese n t on time . Presenta t ions : Th ese briefings will be done electron i cally . By 2 : 00pm the afternoon b e f ore your p r esenta tion , p l ease send your comple te d PPT to Anne Gribbin , She ila Greenwood , Maren Kasper , Craig , a n d myse lf and cc : DeShaunta Franklin a n d Tanya Daggett. If your p r esenta ti o n i s o n a Monday , please send yo ur presentat i o n no later than 2 : 00 PM on the Friday before the weekend . Please bring up to (4) staffers you bel i eve to be crucial to the cont ent of the presentation or abi lity to answer questions . Also , p le ase have print-outs available in case we e xp er i e n ce technolog i cal diff icu lt ies . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000062 Areas o f focus : As indica t ed in the template (re - a tt ached here} , the goals of these presentat ion s are to del i ve r key infor mat ion to Secre t a ry Carson and allow h im a nd key staff to answer questions about your o ffi ces . Please plan your presentation to e n sure that you address everything i n the template , i n cl udin g any Items Requ i ring Immediate Attention . I welcome Thank questions - and apprecia te your ongoing support . You ! Janet Subject : Carson Loc ation : Copy : F i eld Secre tary Pol i cy ' s Co nfere & Management nce Room, l Bri ef i ng w/Secreta ry Room 10233 S t art : Wed 3/8/2017 10 : 00 AM End : Wed 3/8/2017 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting Organiz Hello : (none} Status er : a ll : Not yet responded Golr i c k , Jane t M - Thanks f or all your work thu s far to brief the key issues and regulations . Off i ce Presentations for the next two weeks with Sec re tary Ca r son . Beach Head Team on a r e now schedu l ed Lo gistics : All meetings will be in the Secretary ' s Co n ference Room , Room 10233 . They will last 1- 2 hours - because they are scheduled tightly , please arr i ve a few minutes ea r ly and be ready to present on time . Presentations 2 : 00pm the /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : These briefings will be done electronically . By afternoo n before your p r esenta tion , p l ease send your HUD-17-0504-E-000063 comp lete d PPT to Anne Gr ibb i n , Sheil a Gree nwood , Mare n Kasper , Cra i g , a n d my self and cc : DeShaun ta F r a nkli n a n d Tanya Dagget t. If your present at io n is on a Monday , please send your prese n t ation no lat e r tha n 2 : 00 PM on the Fri day before the weekend . Please bring up to (4) sta ffers you believe t o be crucia l to the content o f the p r ese nt at i on o r ab il i ty to answer questions . Also , p l ease have print-outs available in case we e xp er i e n ce technolog i cal diff icu lt ies . Areas o f focus : As i ndicate d i n the template (r e - a tt ached here ), the g oals o f th ese presentat ion s ar e to de liv e r key information to Secre tar y Carso n and allow h im a nd k ey sta ff t o answer q ue s ti o n s abou t yo ur o f fi ces . Ple ase plan your p re sen t a ti o n to ensure th at you address every th i ng i n th e temp late , i n cl u d i ng a ny Items Requ i ring Immedi a te Atte n tion . I we lc ome questions - and apprecia te your ongoin g support . Than k You ! Jan et Subject: Copy : Co ng ressio nal / Int e rg over nmenta l Relat w/S ec r et ary Cars o n Loca tion : Secre tar y ' s Co n ference Room , Ro om 10233 i o ns l Briefing St art : F ri 3/10/20 17 2 : 0 0 PM End : Fri 3/10/2017 4 : 0 0 PM Show Time As : Ten t a t ive Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status Org an iz e r : Hello a ll : Not y et Gol r i c k , Janet respond ed M - Thanks f or all your work thus fa r to brief the Beach Head Team on key issues and regula t ions . Office Pres e ntations a r e now schedu l ed for t h e next two weeks with Sec re tary Ca r son . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000064 Log i s ti cs : All meetings will be in the Secre t a r y ' s Co n ference Room , Room 10233 . They will last 1-2 hours - because they are scheduled tightly , please arrive a few minutes early and be ready to present on time . Presentations : Th ese briefings will be done electronically . By 2 : 00pm the afternoon before your presentation, p l ease send your comp lete d PPT t o Anne Gr ibb i n , Sh ei l a Gre enwood , Mare n Kasper , Cra i g , a n d myself and cc : DeShaunta Fra nkli n a n d Tanya Daggett . If your presentation is on a Monday , p l ease send your presen t ation no l ater th an 2 : 00 PM on the Friday before the weekend . Please bring up to (4) staf f ers you believe to be crucia l to the conte nt of the presentation or abi lit y to answe r ques t ions . Also , p le ase have print-outs available in case we experience technolog i cal difficulties . Areas of focus : As indica t ed in the temp l a t e (re - a t tached here) , t he goals of these presentat i ons are to del i ver key i nfo r mat i on to Secre ta ry Ca r son and al l ow him and key staff t o answer questions about your o ffi ces . Please p l a n your presenta ti o n to ensure that you address everything i n the template , in cl u d i ng any Items Requ i ring Immediate Attention . I we lc ome questions Thank - and apprecia t e your ongoing support . You! Janet Partnerships Copy : Fai t h Based & Neighborhood Carson Secre t a r y ' s Co n ference Room, Room 10233 Subject : w/Secretary Locatio n: St art : Fri 3/10/20 17 10:00 End : Fri 3/10/2017 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Status Organize r: /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT AM : (none) Meeting Hello l Briefing a ll : Not yet Golr i ck , Janet responded M - HUD-17-0504-E-000065 Thanks for all your work thus far to bri e f the key i ss ue s and reg u l a tion s . Of fice Presentations for the n ext two weeks with Sec r etary Ca r son . Beac h Head Team on are no w sched u l ed Lo gistics : All meet ing s will be i n the Secre t a r y ' s Co n ference Room , Room 102 33 . Th ey will last 1-2 h ou r s - because t h ey are sched ul ed tightly , please arrive a few mi nu te s early and be ready to prese n t on time . Presentations : Th ese briefings wi ll be done electronically . By 2 : 00pm the afternoon before yo u r p r esentation, pleas e send yo u r comp lete d PPT t o Anne Gr ibb i n , Sheil a Gre enwood , Mar en Kasper, Cra i g , a n d myself and cc : DeShaun ta F r a nkli n a n d Tanya Daggett . If your present a tion is on a Monday , p l ease send your presentatio n no l ate r th an 2 : 00 PM on the Friday before the wee kend . Please bring up to (4) staffers you bel i e ve to be crucial to the content of the presentation o r abi lit y to answe r ques t ions . Also , p le ase have print-outs ava i lab l e in case we e xper i ence technolog i cal difficulties . Areas of focus : As i ndicated i n the template (r e - a tt ach ed here ), the goals o f these presentations are to deliver key information to Secr eta ry Carson and allow him and key staff t o answer questions about yo u r o ffi ces . Please p l a n your p re senta ti o n to ensure that you address every th i ng i n th e temp late , in cl u d i ng a ny Items Requ i ring Immediate Atte n tion . I welcome ques t ions - a n d appreciate yo ur ongo ing suppo r t . Than k You ! Janet Subject : Loc ation : Copy : OFFICE OF CFO IBrie f ing w/Secretary Secretary ' s Conference Room , Room 10233 Carson Start : Thu 3/9/20 1 7 10:0 0 AM End : Thu 3/9/2017 12:00 PM Show Time As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000066 Recurrence Meeting : (non e ) Status Organi z e r: Hello a ll : Not yet Golr i ck , Janet responded M - Thanks f or all your work thu s far to brief the key issues and regulations . Office Presentations for the next two weeks with Sec re tary Carson . Beach Head Team on a r e now schedu l ed Lo gistics : All meetings will be in the Sec r etary ' s Conf e rence Room , Room 10233 . They will last 1-2 hours - because they are scheduled t ig htly , please arr i ve a few minu tes ea r ly and be ready to prese n t on time . Presentations : These brief i ngs will be done electron i cally . By 2 : 00pm t h e afternoon before your presentation , p le ase send your complet e d PPT to Anne Gribbin , Sheila Greenwood, Maren Kasper, Cra i g , and myself and cc : DeShaunta Franklin and Tanya Daggett . If your presentatio n i s on a Monda y , please send your prese n tat i on no later than 2 : 00 PM on the Friday before the weekend . Please bring up to (4) staffers you believe to be crucia l to the content of the presentation or abili t y to answer quest i ons . Also , please have print-outs available in case we experience technologica l diff i c u lties . Areas of focus : As i ndicated in the templa te (re-a ttac hed here) , the goa l s of these presentations are to deliver key information to Secretary Carson and al l ow him and key staff to answer questions about your offices . Please plan your presentation to ensure that you address everything i n the template , in cluding any Items Requiring Immediate Attention . I welcome questions - and appreciate your ongoing support . Than k You ! Janet /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000067 Subject : w/Secretary Locatio n : Copy : OGC Departme nt al Carson Secre t a r y ' s Co n ference En for cemen t Ce n ter Room, l Briefi ng Roo m 10233 Start : Thu 3/9/ 2 0 1 7 2 : 00 PM End : Thu 3/9/2017 4 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Organi Status ze r : Hel l o a ll : Not ye t responded Gol r i c k , Jane t M - Thanks f or all your work thu s far to brief the key iss ues and regula t ions . Office Presentations for the next t wo weeks with Secr e tary Carson . Beach Head Team on a r e now schedu l ed Lo gist ic s : All meetings will b e in the Secre t ary 's Conf e r ence Room, Room 10233 . They will last 1-2 ho urs - because they are sched u led t ig htly , please arr i ve a f ew minu tes ea r ly and be ready to prese n t on time . Pr ese nt at i ons : Th ese b r ief i ngs wi ll be done electron i cally . By 2 : 00pm t h e a fter n oon before your presenta t ion , please send your comple te d PPT to Anne Gribbin , Sheila Greenwood , Mar en Kasper , Craig , a nd myself and cc : DeShaunta Fra nkli n a n d Tanya Dagget t . If yo ur p r esentat i o n i s o n a Monday , p l ease send your prese n tat i o n no later th an 2 : 00 PM on the Fr i day before the weekend . Pl ease br in g up to (4) staffers you believe to be cr ucial to the content of t h e presentatio n or abili t y to answer q u est i ons . Also , pl e ase hav e print-o ut s availab le in case we experience technologica l d iffi c u lt i es . Areas of focus : As indicated in the temp late (re-attached here) , the goals of these presentations a r e to deliver key information to Secretary Carson an d allow him a nd key staff to answer questions about your offices . Please plan your pr e sentation to ensu r e that you address everything i n th e template , in cl u ding a n y Items Requiring Immed i ate Attention . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000068 I welcome questions - a n d app r eciate your ongo ing suppo rt . Than k You ! J a net Subject : Lo cation : Copy : Public Af f airs l Br iefing w/Secretary Sec r eta ry ' s Conf e r e n ce Room, Room 10233 Carson Star t : Wed 3/8/ 2 017 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 3/8/ 2 0 1 7 4 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none ) Meet in g St atus Or ga niz er : He ll o all : Golric Not yet k, Ja net responded M - Than k s fo r all your wo rk thus fa r to b r ie f the Beach Head Team on key issu es a nd reg u lat io ns . Of fi ce Present a tions are no w schedu le d for t h e n ext two weeks with Secre t ary Ca rso n . Lo gistics : All meetings wi ll be in t h e Secretary ' s Con feren ce Room , Room 10233 . The y will last 1- 2 ho urs - because they are sc h eduled tightly , please arr ive a few minutes ear ly and be ready to prese n t on t i me. Pre se nt at i ons : The se b r ie fin gs will be done e l ectron i cally . By 2 : 00pm t h e a ft e rn oon befo r e your presenta t i on , p lease se n d your comp l eted PPT to Anne Gribb i n , Sheila Greenwood , Ma re n Kasp er , Cr aig , and mys e lf a n d cc : DeShaun t a Franklin and Ta n ya Daggett . If your presen t a t io n is o n a Monday , please send yo u r presenta ti o n no lat e r th an 2 : 00 PM on th e Fr iday before the weekend . Pl e ase bri ng up to (4) staf f e r s you believe to be cruc i al to th e conte n t o f the presentation or abi lit y to answer quest i ons . Also , p l ease have p rin t - outs ava ila ble i n case we expe ri ence technologica l dif f i cu lt ies . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000069 Areas of f ocus : As i ndicated in the temp lat e (re -at ta c he d here) , the g oa l s of these presentations a r e to deliver k ey information to Secretary Carson and al l ow h im and key staff to answer quest ions about you r offic es . Pl ease plan your pr ese nta t ion to ensu re that you address everything i n the template , in cl udi ng a n y Items Requiring Immediate Attention . I welcome questions - a n d app re ciate yo ur ongoi ng suppo rt . Than k You ! Jane t Sub j ec t: w/Secretary Location: Copy : Hea l th y Hornes & Lead Ha z a r d ControllBr Carson Sec r etary ' s Confer e nc e Room, Room 10233 i efi ng Start : Tue 3/7/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Tue 3/7/ 2 0 1 7 4 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence : (none) Meet in g S t atus Organiz er : He ll o all : Golric Not yet k, Janet responded M - Than k s fo r a ll your work thus far to b r ie f the key i ss u es and r egu l ations . Office Presentations for the n ext two weeks with Secre t ary Carson . Beach Head Team on are n ow sched u led Log i stics : All meetings wi ll be in t h e Secretary ' s Co n ference Room , Room 1 0233 . Th e y will last 1- 2 ho urs - because t he y are scheduled tightly , please arrive a few minutes ear ly and be ready to prese n t on time . Pre se nt ations : The se brie fi ngs will be done e lec tronica lly . By 2 : 00pm t h e afternoon befo r e your presenta t i on , please se n d your comp l eted PPT to Anne Gribbin , Sheila Greenwood, Mare n Kasper , Craig , and myself and cc : DeShaun ta Franklin and Ta nya Dagget t . If /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000070 your presenta t ion is o n a Monday , p l ease send your presentat i o n no later than 2 : 00 PM on the Fr i day before the weekend . Please bring up to (4) staffers you bel ieve to be crucial to the content of the presentation or ability to answer questions . Also , please have print-outs available i n case we experie n ce tech n olog i cal diff i culties . Areas of f ocus : As i ndicated i n the temp lat e (re-attached here) , the goa l s of these p r esentations are to deliver key information to Secretary Carson and al l ow him and key staff to answer questions about your offices . Please plan your presentation to ensure that you address everyth i ng i n t h e template , inc l uding any Items Requiring Immediate Atte n tion . I we l come ques t ions Thank - and appreciate your ongoing support . You ! Jane t Subject : Loc ation : Copy : CPDIBr i efing w/S ec r etary Carson Secretary ' s Conference Room , Room 10233 Start : Tue 3/7/2017 10 : 00 AM End : Tue 3/7/2017 11 : 45 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Meet i ng Status Organizer Hel l o all : : Golrick Not yet , Janet r espo nded M - Thanks for all your work thus far to brief the key issues and regulations . Office Presentations for the next two weeks with Secretary Ca r son . Beach Head Team on are now scheduled Log i stics : All meet i ngs will be i n the Secreta Room 10233 . They will last 1- 2 hours - because r y ' s Conference Room, they are scheduled /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000071 tightly , please on t i me. arr ive a few minutes early and be ready to prese nt Presentations : Th ese b r ie fi ngs will be done electron i call y . By 2 : 00pm the afternoon before your presentation, please se n d your completed PPT to Anne Gribbin , Sheila Greenwood , Maren Kasper , Craig, and myself and cc : DeShaunta Franklin and Tanya Dagget t . If your p re senta tion is o n a Monday , please send yo ur prese n tat i o n no later th an 2 : 00 PM on th e Fr i day before the weekend . Please bring up to (4) staffers you believe to be crucia l to the content of t h e presentation or abili ty to answer quest i ons . Also , please have print-outs a v ailable i n case we experience technologica l di ffi c u l ties . Areas of f ocus : As indi cated in the template g oa l s of these presentations a r e to deliver Secretary Carson and al l o w him and key staff about your offices . Pl ease plan your presenta address eve ry th i ng in the templat e, including Immediate Attention . I welcome Thank questions - a n d appreciate yo ur (re-attached here ) , the k ey information to to answer questio ns t ion to ensu r e that you any Items Requiring ongoi ng suppo rt . You ! Janet Subject : Locat i o n: Copy : PIHIBr i efi ng w/Secre t ary Carson Secretary ' s Co n ference Room , Room 1 0233 Start : Mon 3/6/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Mon 3/6/2017 4 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentat iv e Recu rr en ce : (none) Meeting Status Organizer Hello /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT all : : Golrick Not ye t responded , Janet M - HUD-17-0504-E-000072 Than k s for a ll your work thus f a r to b r ie f the key i ss u es and r egu lati o n s . Office P r esentatio for t h e n ext two weeks with Secre t ary Carson . Beach Head Team on n s are n ow sched u led Lo g i st i cs : All meet i ng s will be i n the Secreta Room 10233 . They wi ll last 1- 2 ho urs - because tightly , please arrive a few minutes ear ly and on time. ry ' s Co n ference Room , t h ey are scheduled b e r eady to pres en t Presentations : The se brie fi ngs wi ll be done electron i cally . By 2 : 00pm the a f tern oon before yo ur presentation , please se n d yo ur comp l e t ed PPT t o Anne Gr ibb i n , Sh e ila Gr eenwood , Mare n Kasper , Cra i g , a nd myself and cc : DeShaun t a Fra n k li n a n d Tanya Daggett . I f send your pr esen tation no your pr ese nta t ion is on a Monday , please later th an 2 : 00 PM on t h e Fr id ay before the weekend . Please bring up to (4) staf f e r s you believe to be cruc i al to the conte n t of t h e prese n tation or ability to a nswer questi o ns . Als o , p l ease h a ve p rin t - outs avai la ble in case we expe ri en ce technologica l diffic u l ties . Ar eas of focus : As indicate d in the temp lat e (r e - attach e d her e), the g oa l s of these presentations are to deliver k ey in f ormation to Secreta ry Carso n and allow h i m a n d key staf f to answe r q u est i o n s about your offices . Please p l a n your present a tion to e nsu re t h at you address everythi n g i n the template , inc l uding any I tems Requiring Immediate Attention . I welcome Thank quest i ons - and apprec i a t e yo u r ongoin g support . You ! Janet Subjec t: Loca tion: Copy : HOUSINGIBriefing Secre t ary ' s Conference w/Sec re t ary Carso n Room , Room 10233 S tart : Mon 3/6/201 7 9 : 00 AM End : Mon 3/6/2017 10 : 50 AM Show Time As : Tenta ti ve Recurrence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) HUD-17-0504-E-000073 Meet in g Status Organizer : He ll o all : Not Golrick ye t r espo nded , Janet M - Thanks for all your work thus far to brief the key i ss u es and r egu l a t io n s . Office P r esentatio for t h e n e x t two weeks with Sec r etary Ca r son . Beach Head Team on n s are n ow sched u led Log i s t ics : All meet in gs wi ll be in t h e Secre t a r y ' s Co n ference Room , Room 1 02 33 . They will last 1-2 h ours - because they a r e sched u led tightly , please arrive a few mi n utes early and be ready to prese n t on time . Presen t ations : These briefings wi ll be done e l e ctronica ll y . By 2 : 00pm the af t ernoon before your presentation , p l ease send yo u r comp l e t ed PPT t o Anne Gr ibb i n , Sh ei l a Gr eenwood , Mare n Kasper , Cra i g , a n d myself and cc : DeSha un ta Frank li n a n d Tanya Daggett . If your presentatio n is on a Monday , p l ease send your prese n tation no l ater t han 2 : 00 PM on t h e Friday before the week e nd . Pl e ase brin g up to (4) sta ff ers you believe to be crucial to th e conte n t o f t h e prese n tat i on o r ab il i ty to answe r questions . Also , p l ease have print - outs a vailable i n case we experience technological difficulties . Areas of focus : As indicated in the template (re - attached here) , the goals of these presen t at ion s are to del i ver key in format ion to Secre t ary Carso n and allow him a n d k ey staf f to answer q u estio n s about your o f fices . Please p l a n your p r esentatio n to e n sure that you address everythi n g i n t h e template , i n cl u d i ng a n y Items Requ i r in g Immediate Attention . I we l come questions Thank - and apprecia te your ongoing support . You ! Janet Subject /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Proposed Place - Based Executive Committee Meeting HUD-17-0504-E-000074 Locatio n: 10106 Start : Thu 3/16/20 17 2 : 0 0 PM End : Thu 3/16/2017 3 : 0 0 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not y et respond ed Orga n iz e r : Gol r i c k , Jane t M Required Atte ndees : Foster , Helen G; Constantine , Peter J; Bregon , Nelson R; Cruciani , Linda M; Cooke , Kev i n R; Taffet , Cliff o r d ; Gree ne , Brya n ; Mi ller , Michel l e M; Ch a rle s , Genger M; Ammon, Matthew E ; Bryo n , Jem ine A; Arigoni , Da n ie lle M; Dykgraaf , Kathryn C; Fr i edman , Naom i E ; Rosenberg , Alexa E ; Ry l es , Renee ; Forero , Jaime E; Bohnet , Brooke M; Kelly , Hol ly A; Routt , Lora D; Viola, Salvator e T ; McDargh , El i zabeth ; Einbind e r , Kenneth A; Tse , T Yenn ie Y; Hen ne ssy , Mat thew L ; Vargas , Tr acy J ; Cl emmen sen , Craig Opt i o na l Attendees : Cintron , Jose ; J o i ce , Paul A; Blom , Dominique G; Wadhams , Unab yrd ; Iber , Robert G; Little , Jeffrey D; Bass , Deana ; McClure, Lau r a L; Gaither , Felic i a R; Gerecke , Sarah S ; Edge , Marilyn M; Richardson , Todd M; Potts , Mil licen t B; Yearwood , Marcelli ne Call - i n Number : Access Host 888 - 675 - 2535 Code : !{b)(6) filillfilJ (Jane t Only) Code : Tue 3/14/20 17 4 : 00 PM St art : End : Tu e 3/14/2017 4 : 30 PM Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana The Westin Book Cad il lac Detroit 1 114 Washington Boulevard Detro it , Mi ch i ga n 4 8226 Unit ed States Phone : (1) (313) 442 - 1600 < t e l : (1 ) (313) %20442 - 160 0> Fax : (1) ( 313 ) 442 - 1605 /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : //www . sta r wood h ote l s . com/pub/media/300l/wes300 1ex . 72566 _ rnd . jp HUD-17-0504-E-000075 Contac t Us> Guest Roo ms> i ew/contac r ooms/ i nde x . html?p Features and Activities> Dining Options> n de x . html?pro r ty/area/index Dr iving Directions> r ty/area/directions Ar ea Map> . html?prope . html? . h tml ?p ropert Meet i ng Space> . h tml?p ng s Lynne , Your reserv a tio n is Westin Book Cadillac all se t - we ' re De troit . At Westi n , we ' r e commit ted you need as we p r epare for Stay r op n dex . ht ml?p Loca l Area> Greeti t.h tm l excited to welcome you to Th e to your well-being . If the r e ' s anyt h i n g yo ur arr i val , don ' t h es i ta t e to ask . Well , Debra Sc h u ltz GENERAL MANAGER Confirmation : 692032756 STAY CONNECTED : //twit te r . com/W es tin Detroit> You Ar e Inv i ted .... . .. to pa r t i c i pate i n a s h ort s ur vey to eva l uate your exper i ence wi th the assoc i ate wh o handled you r ca ll . Th ank yo u for sha r ing yo ur & Resorts . opinions with Wes t in Hotels Cl ic k h e r e You r Res e rvation Chec k I n 1 4 - MAR- 2017 - 3 : 00 PM* Check Ou t 1 5 - MAR- 201 7 - 12 : 00 PM* Numbe r of Rooms 1 Number o f Guests 1 * I ndicates s t a n dard h ote l c h eck-in not r ef l ect spec i al a r rangeme n ts Pl ease do not respons e s will your reservatio add i t i o n a l i ns Your does rep l y to t h is e-mai l . I t is a post-on l y emai l and not be monito r ed . If you need t o modify or cance l n , p l ease re f er to the disclos ur e sectio n be l ow for tru ct i o n s . Rat e : Room 1 of Ra te s fo r the 1 4 -Ma r -1 7 a n d chec k-o u t t i mes and made wi th t h e hotel . 1 n igh t of : Rate Details US Gove rn ment a n d Acti v e Mi lit a r y Rate - ID req u ired . Not va l id gover nmen t -co ntr acted ve n dors Gue sts mus t be governmen t employees or ac t ive mi l i t ary and must valid gove rnm ent iden t ifi cation a t check in . Not valid f or gove r nment-co nt racted vendo rs . Room Rate 2 60 . 00 in US DOLLARS pe r n i gh t Ta x es Room rate Occupancy /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT excludes the f ollowi f or show ng : : HUD-17-0504-E-000077 9 . 0 % Per State : 6 . 0 % Per Roo m/ Per Nigh t Room/ Per Nig h t Guara ntee Your r oom Cancel by There may and Ca ncell a t i s guaranteed 6 : 00 PM Hotel be addi t ional ion Policies wi th a (n) MASTER CARD ca r d . t i me 1 days prior to avoid 1 Nigh t pe n alty applicable charges and taxes . . Room taxe s are i n c l uded in penalties . Deb i t and Credit cards will be a u thor iz ed at c h eck- i n for the amount of your s t ay , plus a n amount to cover i ncid entals . Please v is it " Anno unce me nts u on the ho t el website f o r more informa t ion . Your Accommodations : Roo m 1 o f 1 Guest Name LYNNE PATTON Numbe r of Adul t s 1 Number o f Children 0 Room Description De l u xe Non-smo k i ng : 2 Double 340 sq ft /32 Heavenly sq m - 400 sq ft/37 sq m Bed And Ba t h 42 I nc h Fla t Screen Led Tv High - speed For City Be ds Internet A Fee Vi ew Smoke - fr ee Sub j ect : Locat i o n : Sen . Kennedy HUD Office (LA) Meet ing Req u est Start : Tue 3/7/2017 12 : 00 AM End : Fri 3/10/20 17 12 : 00 AM Show Tim e As : Free Recu rr en ce : (none) Organizer : Gribbi Requ i r ed Attendees n , Anne H : Gribbin , Anne H Subjec t : Locat i o n : Mee t ing with Pre siden t of Texas 45 1 7t h St r eet SW - Room 1 0226 Start Wed 3/1/2017 : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Southe rn Un iver sity 10 : 0 0 AM HUD-17-0504-E-000078 End : Wed 3/1/2017 10 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organi z e r: Bass , Deana Requ i red Attendees : Patton Your meeting updated . was found , Lynne to be out Sent by Microsoft Exc h ange Subjec t: Townhall Location : HUD M; '~ (b_)(_6 _ ) _________ of da t e and has _ been automatica l ly Server Start : Thu 3/2/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Thu 3/2/2017 12 : 00 PM Recurrence Organizer Requ i red Subject : (none) : Gribbin , Anne H Atte ndees : Gribbi : Bernie n, Anne H Navarro Start : Wed 3/1/20 1 7 2 : 30 PM End : Wed 3/1/2017 3 : 00 PM Recurrence Organize Required Subject r: Gribbin Attendees : Start : End : Fri Recurre Robert , Anne H : Gribbin , Anne H Bostrom Fri 3/3/2017 2 : 30 PM 3/3/2017 3 : 00 PM n ce : (none) Organizer Required Subject : (none) : Gribbin , Anne H Atte ndees : Gribbi : Justice n, Anne H Thomas Start : Wed 3/1/2017 12 : 00 AM End : Thu 3/2/20 1 7 12 : 00 AM Show Time As : Free /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000079 Recurrence : (none) Organizer Req uired : Gribbi n, Anne H Attend ees : Gribbin Sub j ec t: Locatio n : Start : End : Sat Beth , Anne H Van Duyne ? Fri 3/3/2017 12 : 00 AM 3/4/20 1 7 12 : 0 0 AM Recurrence : (none) Organi zer : Gribbi Requ i r ed Attendees Subjec t: Robert n, Anne H : Gribbin Bostrom , Anne H Mee t i ng Start : Fri 2/24/ 2 0 17 12 : 00 AM End : Sat 2/25/2017 12 : 00 AM Show Time As : Free Recur r ence : (none) Organiz e r : Gribbin Required Attendees General Subject: Location , Anne H : Gribbin , Anne H Counsel Candidate Housi ng Partnership Network : West Pa l m Beac h, FL Spring Policy meeting Start : Wed 3/8/20 1 7 10:3 0 AM End : Wed 3/8/2017 11 : 00 AM Recurrence : (none) Organ iz e r : Gr i bb in , Anne H Required Attendees : Gribbin , Anne H We would be pleased to o r gan iz e the age your avai l ab i lity , so a ny t i me t h at you on Wedn esday Mar ch 8 or be t wee n 9AM- 12 Subjec t : Meeting with Community Home Location : HUD n da o f o ur mee ting aro un d a r e fr ee between 1 0 AM -5 PM on Marc h 9 would work for us . Lenders Association Start : Mon 3/6/ 2 0 1 7 12 :0 0 AM End : Wed 3/8/2017 12 : 0 0 AM Show Time As : Free Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Gribbin , Anne H HUD-17-0504-E-000080 Required Attendees : Gribbin , Anne H "We would like to request a meeting wit h Dr . Carson, to discuss FHA issu es . Our Monday session is at th e Hotel Geo rge - so we would be de li g hte d if he wanted to come over there - but i f it is more conve ni e n t , we wou ld be h appy to come to HUD a ny t i me Mo n day o r Tuesday up un ti l ear ly afternoo n. We would l i ke to d i sc u ss the leve l of FHA premiums - but also to present some thi ngs that we believe the previous HUD/Administration did no t ge t right and to suggest some fixe s to the m. " Subjec t: The Mor t g age Collabora t ive Wi nt e r Conference Locatio n : Scottsdale , AZ Star t : Thu 3/2/2017 9 : 00 AM End : Thu 3/2/ 2 017 10 : 00 AM Recurrence : (none ) Organi zer : Gribbi Requ i r ed Attendees n , Anne H : Gri bb in , Anne H Invita t i o n to speak to g roup of mortgage l e n de rs and community banks " ea g e r to hear y o ur vis i o n on the fut u r e of FHA and how they can effectively produce FHA loans without the unce rt ainty th at has e xi sted over th e past eight years ." Subject : NAHMAFederal Affairs Win ter Meeting : Ann ua l Communities o f Qual i ty Awards Lunch eo n Locatio n : The Fai rmon t Hote l , DC S t art : Mon 3/6/2017 12 : 0 0 PM End : Mon 3/6/2017 1 : 30 PM Recurrence Org a nizer Required : (none ) : Gribbi n , Anne H Attend ees : Grib b in , Anne H " Thro u g h the Communi ties o f Quali t y® (COQ) National Recogn i t i o n program , multifamily p r opert i es can be cert i f ied as havi n g achieved a h i gh standard of excellen c e i n the way they are managed , the services th e y provid e r es iden ts, the e xperience and tra i ning of personnel , and other criter i a . COQ Awards are p re sen ted in Mar c h o f each year , at NAHMA' s a nn ua l winter meeting . We env i sio n Secre t a ry Carso n will provide remarks about h i s vision for HUD and how NAHMA members can ass ist him during h is tenure . " Subjec t : All Age n cy Comms Mee t i ng Loca tion: EEOB Diplomat receptio n room 212 S tart : Mon 2/6/20 1 7 3 : 30 PM End : Mon 2/6/201 7 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurre /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT n ce : (none) HUD-17-0504-E-000081 Organi zer: Levell , Leah V . EOP/WHO Please arrive at least 1 5 - 30 minu te s before t h e s t art o f the mee t ing as you will need to go th roug h a secur i ty c h eckpoi n t before entering the comple x. The meeting will begin at 3 : 30pm sharp a nd will be he ld on the second f loo r of t h e Ei se nh ower Execut i v e Off i ce Build in g i n r oom 212. In the following ema i l , I have attached the WAVES form. You wil l need to complete th is f orm ASAP, and send it back to me , as you will need t o be approved by secret se rvi ce before ent ry . Thank you ! Leah Subjec t: Loc ation: FW: Ove rview o f Employee 10232 (Cr a i g Office) Viewpoint Survey Sta r t : Wed 2/ 8/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 2/8/2017 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (no n e) Organizer : Clemmensen , Craig T F rom : Clemmensen , Craig T Se n t : Friday , February 3, 2017 6 : 32 : 1 1 PM UTC To : Clemmense n, Craig T ; Broo ks , To wanda A; Kasper , Mare n M Subjec t: Overview o f Emplo ye e Viewpo int Survey When : Wednesday, Feb r uary 8 , 20 17 7 : 00 PM- 8 : 00 PM. Wh e r e : 1 023 2 (Craig Off i ce) Subjec t: FW: Brief on National Climate Assessment Loc ation: 10 1 06 S t art : Tue 2/7/2017 9 : 00 AM End : Tue 2/7/2017 1 0 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recu r ren ce : (none) Organizer : Clemme n sen , Crai g T From : Clemmen sen, Cr aig T Se nt : Friday , February 3, 2017 /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT 6 : 51 : 58 PM UTC HUD-17-0504-E-000082 To : Clemmense n, Cra i g T ; Ta ff e t, Cl if fo r d ; Kaspe r, Maren M Cc : Arigon i, Daniel l e M; Bergemann , Crystal A; Bush , Kevin J Subject : Brief on National Climate Assessment When : Tuesday , February 7 , 2017 2 : 00 PM- 3 : 00 PM. Where : 10106 Please inv i te appropriate staff .. Subject : Team Meeting Location : Secre t ary ' s Conference Room Start : Fri 2/3/2017 11 : 45 AM End : Fri 2/3/2017 12 : 15 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organizer Requ i red M; Coffey Beckles , Shermichael A; Byrd , Stephanie : Hughes , Andrew Attendees : Bass , Deana ; Patton , Lynne , Alexander ; Russell , William O; Barton , Angela L; Dubin , Susan ; Gruson , Barbara ; V; Gribbin , Anne H; Greenwood , Shei l a Dav i d J ; Al exander , Mason ; Nason , Mi chael A; Fitzpatrick , Nora S ; McCall , Drew A All , due 11 : 45 to Subject : Location : a scheduling , the Move To Work FR Notice Maren ' s office Start : Fri End : Fri 2/3/20 Show Time As : Recurrence conflict been pushed to 2/3/2017 1 : 30 PM 1 7 2 : 30 PM Tentative : (none) , Alexande r : Kasper , Maren : Bass , Deana Your meeting updated . found was Updated meeting Start Time to details be out of M date and has been automatically : Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server Subject : FW: Brief i ng on Houston Location : 10106 pVERSIGHT has Expansion Organize r: Coffey Required Attendees Optiona l Attendees /\MERICAi\ meeting M; Kasper , Mar en Victoria L; Singleton , M; Hol mes , Gregory C; Holder f ield , FHEO/CPD Issue HUD-17-0504-E-000083 Start : Fri 2/3/2017 10 : 30 AM End : Fri 2/3/2017 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organ iz e r : Clemmensen , Cr aig T Fro m: Clemmense n , Craig T Sent : Wednesday , February 1 , 2017 4 : 1 9 : 47 PM UTC To : Clemmense n , Cra i g T ; Kaspe r , Mare n M; Ta ff et , Cli fford ; Gr ee n e , Bryan Cc : Nor l ande r , Adam G; Smyth , Ti mothy M; Gaige, Jacy D; Gimon t, Stan l ey Subject : Br i ef ing on Hou ston FHEO/CPD Issue When : Friday , February 3 , 2 0 1 7 3 : 30 PM- 4 : 30 PM. Wher e : 1 0 106 Subject : team meeting Start : Fri 2/3/ 2 0 1 7 11 : 30 AM End : F ri 2/3/2017 12 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) L Organizer : Beckles , Angela Required Attende es : Hughes, Andrew ; Bass , Deana ; Kasper , Maren M; Co ff ey , Alexa n der ; Russell , Wi ll iam Vi cto ri a L ; Dubin , Susan ; Gruso n , Barba r a ; Sin gleton Gribbi n, Anne H; Gree nwood , Shei l a M; Holme s , Gregory J ; Alexand e r , Mason; Nason , Michael C; Holde rfi e l d , Fitzpatrick , Nora S ; McCall , Drew A Patton, Lynne M; 0 ; Barto n, , Sherm i c h ael V; A; Byrd , Dav id Stephanie A; Al so , we wi ll be hav in g a team meet i ng tomorrow morn i ng at 11: 30 a . m. I just sent an invite to everyone . Sub je ct : Team Meeting Loc ation : Sec r etary ' s Conferenc e Room Start : Fri End : Fri 2/3/20 Show Time As : 2/3/2017 11 : 30 AM 1 7 12 : 00 PM Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Meeting S tatus Organize Requ ir ed M; Coffey Beckles , r : Hughes , Andrew At tendees : Bass , Deana ; Patton, Lynne M; Kasper , Al exander ; Russell , Will iam O; Barton , Victor ia L; Dubin, Susan ; Gruson , Barbara ; Si ngleton Angela /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Not yet responded , Ma r en L; , HUD-17-0504-E-000084 Sherm i c h ae l V; Gr ibb in, Anne H; Greenwood , She i la M; Hol me s , Greg ory A; Byrd , Dav i d J ; Alexander , Mason ; Naso n , Mi c h ae l C; Holder f ield , S teph anie A; Fitzpatrick, Nora S; McCall , Drew A Sub j ec t: Locatio n : Lunch Tosca - She i l a Gr eenwood and Dea n a Bass I Marc Star t : Thu 2/16/20 17 12 : 00 PM End : Thu 2/16/20 17 1 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence Organ iz e r : Sheila : (none) Lamp kin , Marc S. - 202 - 402 - 6068 STATEMENT OF CONFID ENTIALITY & DIS CLAIMER : The i nfo rma t i o n conta in ed in this email me ssage is atto rne y privi l eged a n d con f ide n t i a l , intended on ly for the u se o f th e i nd i vidual o r e n t ity n amed above . If the reader o f th is message is not the intended recipient , you are he r eby notified that any dissem i nation , distrib ut ion o r co py o f this email is str i c t ly prohibited . If you h ave received t his email in e rr or , please n ot ify u s immed i ate ly by ca ll i ng (303)-2231 300 a n d de l ete t h e message . Th ank you . Subject: FW: Not ice - Ope ra t i o ns Not ic e f or the Expansion of t h e Moving to Wor k De mons t ration Program So li citation of Comme nt Locatio n : 10 106 St art : Thu 2/2/20 1 7 3 : 30 PM End : Thu 2/2/2017 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Ten t a t ive Recur r e n ce : (none) Organiz er : Golric k, Janet M From : Golr i c k , Jane t M Sent : Mond ay , Ja n uary 30 , 2 0 1 7 7 : 4 7 : 59 PM UTC To : Go lrick , Janet M; Clemmensen , Cr aig T ; Kasper , Maren M; Bryon , Jem i ne A Cc : Blom , Domin ique G; Nazzaro , Ma r i a nn e ; Ozd i n ec , Mi la n M; ; Russ e ll, Wil liam O; Coffey , Rich ar dson , Todd M; Flores , Virginia Alexander /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000085 Subjec t : Not i ce - Ope r ations Notice f o r the Expa n s i on of to Work Demons tr at i on Program Solic i tation o f Comment When : Thursday, February 2 , 2017 8 : 30 PM- 9 : 30 PM. Wher e : 1 0 10 6 Please i n v i te app r opr i ate staff .... Sub j ec t: FW: HUD Black History Mo n th 2017 Locatio n : HHQ OPA Confere n ce Room 10 155 the Moving Prog r ammi ng Star t : Thu 2/2/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Thu 2/2/2017 12 : 0 0 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status Organiz er : : Not yet Gadson , Jovet r espo nd ed te G He ll o All , Below yo u will find the Black History Mo n th pla nni ng meeting date/ tim e as well as a list of attendees . Loo k forwa r d to see ing you tomorrow . All t h e best, Jov ette ----- Ori g inal Appointm en t ---- From : Gadson , Jovet te G Sent : Tuesday , Janu ary 31 , 20 17 3 : 1 3 PM To : Gadson , Jovette G; Patton , Lynne M; Gruso n , Barbara ; AMOS, WILLIAM L ; Brown , April A; Parker , Sharon E ; You n g , La wa nda J Subject : HUD Black Hi story Month 2017 Prog r amming When : Thursday , February 02 , 20 1 7 11 : 00 AM-12:00 PM (UTC-05 : 00) Eastern Ti me (US & Ca n ada ) . Where : HHQ OPA Confere n ce Room 1 0155 Hel l o All , Th i s meeting i s to d i sc u ss the deve l op ing programs to celebrate Black History Month at HUD. We wi ll meet in the Off ic e of Public Affairs (OPA) Conference Room/1 0 1 55 . Be low are the names and /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000086 offices Thursday of the i nvitees. ' s meeting . I l oo k forward All the to see An age nda everyone will be provided o n Thu r sday at before lla ! best, Jovette Meet i ng Inv i tees- * Lynne Patton , Specia l Advisor to the Of fice of Pub li c Engagement * Barbara * Sharon Par ker, Housi ng * Lawan da Young, BIG /Robert C . Weaver Chapter Office of the Chief F in ancia l Officer * Bi ll * April * Jovette Subjec Secretary and Director of Gruson , OPA BIG/Robert Amos , Br oadcast C . Weaver Relations/Social Gadso n , OPA (Internal Detroi t Liste President; Off i ce of Vice - President ; Administration Media) Communications/Press Relations) n i ng Tour Start : Tue 2/28/2017 12:00 End : F ri 3/3/2017 12 : 00 AM Show Time As : Free Recurrence Chapter Dir ecto r ; Offi ce of Brown , OPA (Pr ess t: Organizer the AM : (none) : Gribbin , Anne H Subject: FW: Notice on Hou s in g Opportu nity Thro ugh Moder n izat i on Ac t of 2016 : Implementation of Various Section 8 Voucher Provisions Lo cation : 1010 6 Start : Wed 2/1/2017 2 : 30 PM End : Wed 2/1/2017 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000087 Recurrence Meeting Organi : (none) Status z e r: : Not yet Golr i ck , Janet responded M - ---- Original Appointment ---- From : Go l rick , Janet M Sent : Monday , January 30 , 2017 2 : 35 PM To : Golrick , Janet M; Clemrnensen , Craig T ; Kasper , Maren M; Bryon , Jem i ne A Cc : Blom , Dominique G; Ozdinec , Milan M; Ginger , Amy L ; Wadhams , Unabyrd ; Bastarache , Dan i elle L ; Lavoy , Donald J ; Russe ll , Wi l l i am 0 ; Coffey , Alexander ; Flores , Vi rgi n i a ; Dav i s , Laure l L ; Thomas , Todd C; Shepherd , Monica C Subject : Notice on Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act of 2016 : Implementation of Various Section 8 Voucher Provis i ons When : Wednesday, February 01, 20 1 7 2 : 30 PM- 3 : 30 PM (UTC- 05 : 00) Eastern Time (US & Ca n ada) . Where : 10 1 06 Please i n v i te Subject: Installation Construction Locatio n: appropriate staff .. FW: Final Ru l e on Narrowing the Digital Divide through of Broadband Infrastructure in HUD- Funded New a n d Subs t antia l Rehabilitation of MF Ren t al Housi ng 10 1 06 Start : Wed 2/1/2017 1 : 00 PM End : Wed 2/1/2017 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting Organizer : (none) Status : : Golrick, Not ye t Janet r espo nded M - ---- Or i ginal Appointment ----From : Golric k, Janet M Sent : Monday , Ja n uary 30 , 20 1 7 12 : 47 PM M; Charles , Genger M; Kasper To : Golrick , Janet Jemine A; Clemmensen, Craig T /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT , Maren M; Bryon , HUD-17-0504-E-000088 Cc : Blom , Domin ique G; Perei ra , Ariel; Wahl i g , Amanda J ; Ta ffet , Cl iff o r d ; Fl o r es , Vi rg in ia ; Gimon t , Stanley ; Little , Jeff r ey D; Buckner , Kat i e G; Kome , Jess i e Handfo rth; Hendrix , Elizabe th S Subject : Final Ru l e on Narrowin g th e Di g it al Divid e th ro ug h Ins t alla tio n of Broad ba n d I n fr as tr uc ture i n HUD-Fun ded New Const ru ct i on a n d Subs t a n t i a l Rehab ilit ation o f MF Ren t al Housi ng When : Wednesday , Febr u a r y 0 1, 2017 1 : 00 PM-2 : 00 PM (UTC- 0 5 : 00 ) Eas ter n Time (US & Canada) . Wh e r e : 1 0 10 6 Please i nvite Su bje c t: Br i e fing) Loc a tio n : appropriate Meeting staff wi th Secretary Helen .. Fos t e r ' s Con feren (Inf o rm at i o n Manageme nt ce Room ( 1 0t h Fl oor ) Star t : Wed 2/1/20 17 9 : 3 0 AM End : Wed 2/1/20 1 7 10:0 0 AM Show Time As : Tent at ive Rec urr ence : (non e) Meet in g Status : Not yet r espo nd ed Or ga niz e r : Hughes , Andr ew Requ ir ed Attendees : Bec kl es , Angela L ; Russe l l , William O; Coffey , Al e xa nde r; Al exa n der , Mason ; Nason , Mic h ae l C; Byrd , Dav i d J ; Holmes , Gregory A; Kasp er , Mar en M; Gr uson , Barbara ; Barton , Victoria L; Holderf i eld , Ste phanie A; McCall, Drew A; Bo we s, Rob ert B; Youngb loo d, Ri chard A; Bass, Dea na ; Petty , Ti mothy J ; Gr eenwood , She il a M; Si ngleton , Sh e r mic ha e l V; Foster , Hele n G Goo d Morni ng Eve ry one , For those of yo u that ca n make it , there will be an i nf o r mat i on managemen t brie fin g in t h e Secretary ' s conference room at 9 : 30 a . m. Thanks , Andrew Subject Locatio : n: S t art : End : Tue /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT FW: Lunch TBD w/Shermichael Tue 1 /31/20 17 12 : 15 PM 1/3 1/20 17 1 : 1 5 PM HUD-17-0504-E-000089 Show Time As : Recurrence Meeting Tenta tive : (none) Status Organ iz e r : : Not ye t re spo nde d S i ng l e t o n , Shermichael V ----- Original Appointment ---- Fr om : Si nglet o n , Shermic h ae l V Sent : Mo n day , Ja n uary 30 , 20 1 7 12 : 46 PM To : S ing leton , Sh erm i chae l V; Patton , Lynne M Subject : Lunch w/Shermic ha e l When : Tuesday, January 31 , 2017 12 : 15 PM- 1 : 15 PM (UTC- 05 : 00) Time (US & Ca n ada ) . Where : TBD Subject : Lo cation : Planning of Dr . Carson ' s Listening OSEC Sma ll Conf . Rm. 10210 Mon 1 /30/ 2 0 17 12:00 Start : End : Mon 1 /30/20 17 1 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence Meeti Easte rn Tour PM : (none) ng St atus : Not yet responded Organi zer : Single ton , Shermichael V Requ i r ed Atte ndees : Bass , Deana ; Patton , Lynne M; Kasper , Ma r en M; Nason , Mi chael C; Gr ibb i n , Anne H; Br egon , Nelson R ; Li ncol n , Pau la A; Al exa n der , Maso n ; Frec h ette , Heidi J /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000090 Subjec t: Locatio n: Review DepSec of Stra tegi c Plan Conference Room and Object ive s Sta r t : Mon 11/6/2017 10 : 15 AM End : Mon 11 /6/20 17 1 1 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Status : Not ye t r espo nded Organizer : PHP Required Attendees : Eagles , David T; Ma r sha ll , Michael J; Hughes , And re w; Greenwood , Sheila M; Kasper , Maren M; Golric k, Janet M; Joy , Johnso n P ; Appleton , Set h D; Rackleff , Neal J ; Th ompso n, Amy C; Bourne , Chr i stopher M; Tomch i ck I II , Geo rg e J ; Farias, Anna Mar ia ; Bravacos , John G; Bl om, Dominique G; Wade , Dana T; Youngblood , Richard A; Marzol , Adolfo F ; Pao, Jean Lin ; Barton , Vi ctoria L; Hunter , Matthew F ; Zorc , Betha n y A; Bass , Deana ; Kurt z, R . Hunter ; Hens l ey , Henry F rom : Mic ro so f t Outlook on behalf of Bass , Deana Sent : Thursday , November 02 , 2017 5: 16 PM To : Dunn , Co n nor M Subject : Appo in tee Educationa l Brief i ng - State Housing Report Fr om : Smith , Cooper J Sent : Thursday , November 02 , 2017 To : Bass, Deana Accepted : Administrative Subject: E . O. From : Hobbs , Benjamin R Sent : Thursday , November 02 , 2017 To : Bass , Deana Subject : Accepted : Administrative E . O. Subject : Loc at io n : 4:43 the Nat i on ' s PM Actions re lat ed to Presidential 4 : 42 PM Act i o n s related Cal l w/ Deana Bass Deana will call Stephen@ Start : End : Fri of 202/456 to Presidential . 4 232 Fri 11/3/2017 11 : 00 AM 11 /3/20 17 11 : 30 AM Recu rr ence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : : Meet in g organize r Bass , Deana HUD-17-0504-E-000091 Requ ire d Atte ndees : Pinkos , Stephe n M. EOP/OVP Fro m: Ho bbs, Benjamin R Sent : Thursday , Nov embe r 02 , 2 0 1 7 4 : 24 PM To : Bass , Deana Sub j ect : Accep t ed : Administrative Act i o n s r e l a t ed to E . O. Subjec t: BRIEF on Office Ut ilizat ion Locat i o n: SOHUD' s o ffi ce of Smal l and Disadvan t a ged Presidential Busin ess Sta r t : Thu 11/2/2017 5 : 1 5 PM End : Thu 11/ 2/20 17 5 : 45 PM Show Time As : Ten t a t ive Recurrence Meeting Org a nizer Required : (none ) Status : Not : DocBe n Attendees : ye t re spo nded Bass , Deana ; PHP; Pao , Jean Fr om : Brown , Chri sti n a M Sent : Thursday , November 02 , 201 7 3 :12 PM To : Bass , Deana Subject : Acc epte d : HUD Mtg . w/ Carri e Morgrige Famil y Fo unda tion RE : Envi s i o n Centers Subject : Appointee Education al Br ief i ng - St a te Housi ng Report Lo cation : Depar t mental Conference Room Lin , CEO Mor g ridge o f the Nation 's Start : Wed 11 /8/20 17 9 :0 0 AM End : Wed 1 1/8/20 17 10 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeti ng S t atus : Not yet responded Organi zer: Dunn , Co n nor M Requ ir ed At tendees : Pol i tical Appointees Opt i o na l Atte ndees : PHP; Br avacos , J ohn G; Smith , Cooper J ; Gribbin , William J ; Burley , Mic h ael N; Hobbs , Ben j amin R; Hall e r , Julia Z; Gibbs , John ; Barton , Victoria L; Co ffe y , Alexa n der ; Wade , Dana T; Greenwood , Sheila M; Brown , Ch ristina M; Farias , Anna Maria ; Bourne , Chr i s t op h er M; Alexander , Maso n; Tu ft s , Suzanne I ; Hunt e r, Matthew F; Ludlow , As h ley ; Byrd , David J ; Zorc , Be th any A; Wolfson , Len ; Ke ll ey , Michael J ; Roget , Gi sele G; Mars h all , Micha e l J; De Feli ce , Josep h J ; Beckles , Angela L; Dendas , Michael W; Ho ld e rf ie l d , Stephan i e A; Hug h es , Andrew ; Mar z ol , Adolfo F; Thompso n, Caitlin H; So liv an , Elv is ; Bo wes , Rober t B; Garza , Sarah /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000092 J ; Bright M; Eagles , Mi c h ae l R; McCa ll, Dr ew A; Thompso n, Amy C; Kasper , Maren , David T; Her ed i a , Ev o n ne G; Hipp , Va n D; Ga in es , Ralp h H HUD Mt g . w/ Carrie Morgrige , CEO Morgridge Family Subject : Founda t ion RE : Envisio n Cen ters Dept . of Hous ing & Urban Development , 451 7th St . SW// Locat i o n: Conf . Rm. 1 02 10 Start : Wed 11/8/2017 3 : 30 PM End : Wed 11 /8/20 17 4 : 15 PM Recurrence : (none ) Meetin g Sta t us : Meetin g organizer Organ iz e r : Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : ~ ~l (b-)(_6 _) ______________ Stephanie A; Bourne , Christopher M; Brown , Christina (Ctr) , Pau l B; Campbell , Cynt hi a F F rom : Sent : To : Subjec E . O. Subject Locatio Hob bs, Benjamin R Thursday , Nov embe r 02 , 2 0 1 7 2 : 55 PM Bass , Dea na t: Accepted : Admi n istrative Act i o n s re l ated : n: Review DepSec of Strategic Conference Plan Room and Ho ld erfie ld, M; Fulch e r to Presidential Obj ec tiv es Start : F ri 1 1/3/20 17 4 : 45 PM End : F ri 1 1/3/20 17 5 : 15 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not yet respond ed Orga n iz e r: PHP Requ ir ed Attendees : Eag l es , Dav i d T; Mars h all , Mi c h ae l J ; Hug hes , Andrew ; Greenwood , Sheila M; Kasp er , Mar en M; Golrick , Janet M; Joy , Johnson P ; Appl et on , Seth D; Rackleff , Nea l J; Th ompson , Amy C; Bourne , Chr i s t op he r M; Tomch i c k I II, Geo r ge J ; Farias , Anna Maria ; Bravacos , Joh n G; Bl om, Domi n iqu e G; Wade , Dana T; Youngblood , Richard A; Marzol , Adolfo F ; Pao , Jea n Lin ; Barton , Victoria L; Hunter , Matthew F; Zorc , Bethany A; Bass , Deana ; Kurtz , R . Hun te r ; Hensley , Henry Subject Locatio : n: Rev i ew of Stra t eg i c Pla n and DepSec Confere nc e Room Object i ves Start : Mon 11 /6/20 17 10 : 15 AM End : Mon 11 /6/ 2 0 17 1 1 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tent at ive /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000093 Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng Status : Not yet responded Organi zer : PHP Requ i r ed Attendees : Eag l es , Dav i d T ; Mars h all , Mi c h ae l J ; Hug hes , Andrew ; Greenwood , Sheila M; Kasper , Ma r en M; Joy , Joh n son P ; App l eto n , Seth D; Rackleff , Neal J ; Thompson , Arny C; Bour ne , Christopher M; Tomchic k III , George J; Farias, Anna Maria ; Bravacos , John G; Wade, Dana T ; Youngb l ood , Ri c h a r d A; Ma rz o l, Adolfo F; Barton , Vi cto ri a L ; Hun te r, Mat t h ew F ; Zo r c , Bet h any A; Bass , Deana ; Hens l ey , Henry ; Bright , Mic hael R; Harker , Thomas W Subjec t: Loca ti o n : Administrative Actions Deana ' s Offi ce 10226 r elated to President ia l E.O . S t art : Thu 1 1/2/20 17 5 : 0 0 PM End : Thu 11/2/2017 5 : 1 5 PM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Meeting organizer Organi zer : Bass , Deana Requ ir ed Attendees : Hobbs , Benjamin R; Hug h es , Andrew ; Mar sha ll , Mic hael J ; McCa ll , Drew A; Smith , Cooper J Fr om : Alexander , Maso n on behalf o f Tufts , Suz anne Sent : Thursday , November 02 , 2017 2 : 40 PM To : Bass, Deana Subject: Accepted : Coffee w. Suzanne Tufts I F rom : Alexa nder , Maso n Sent : Thursday , November 02 , 201 7 2 : 4 0 PM To : Bass , Deana Subject : Accep te d : Coff ee w. Suzanne Tu fts Sub j ect : Locat i o n: Env i s i o n Cente r s Deana Bass ' Office 102 10 Sta r t : Thu 11/2/2017 4 : 00 PM End : Thu 1 1/2/2017 4 : 30 PM Recurrence : (none) Meeti ng Sta t us : Meeting organizer Organ iz e r: Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Bass , Deana ; Bro wn , Chr istina Chris tophe r J; Moran , Mich ael J Opt i o n al At tendees : Pav lik, Mary E F rom : Ashford , Ronald T Sent : Thursday , November /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT M; Rupar , 02 , 2 0 1 7 2 : 16 PM HUD-17-0504-E-000094 To : Bass , Deana Subject : Accepted : Ron Ashford - COMCAST & ENVISION CENTERS When : Nov 3 , 20 1 7 1 : 00 : 00 PM Where : Deana ' s Office From : Poodt , J ogchum Sent : Thursday , November 02 , 2017 2 : 06 PM To : Bass , Deana Subject : Accepted : Ron Ashford - COMCAST & ENVISION CENTERS Ron Ashford - COMCAST & ENVISION CENTERS Deana ' s Office Subject : Location : Start : End : Fri Fri 11/3/2017 1 : 00 PM 11/3/2017 1 : 20 PM Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer Required : Meet in g organize : Bass , Deana Attendees : Ashford Subjec t: Location : Env i sion Center EEOB 161 r , Ronald T Meeti ng Start : Fri 11/3/2017 3 : 1 5 PM End : Fri 11/3/2017 4 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Subject : and Thomas Location : Cun l iffe , Laura Meeting w/Sheila Dortch OGC' s Conference M. EOP/WHO Greenwood , Deana Bass , Christina Brown Room (1 0114) Start : Thu 1 1/2/20 17 2 : 30 PM End : Thu 11/2/20 17 3 : 15 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting Organizer Requ i red Christina : (none) Status : Not yet responded : Greenwood , Shei l a M Attendees : Bass , Deana ; tdo r tch@TWD-inc . net ; Brown , M From : Tufts , Suzanne I Sent : Thursday , November 02 , 2017 1 1 : 56 AM To : Bass , Deana Subject : Accepted : Coffee w. Deana Bass /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000095 Subjec t: and Thomas Lo cation : Meet i ng w/Sheila Dortch 1 0th Floor Greenwood , Dea n a Bass , Ch r i s tin a Brow n Start : Thu 1 1/2/2 0 17 2:30 End : Thu 1 1/2/2 0 17 3:15 PM Show Tim e As : Tentative PM Re cur ren ce : (n one ) Meet ing St a tus : Not yet r e sponde d Or ga ni zer : Greenwood , Sheila M Req u ire d At tendees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Bass , Dea n a ; tdor t c h@TWD-i n c .n et ; Brow n , Chris t ina M Subject : Loca tion : Meet i ng w/Sheila 10th Floor Greenwood , Deana Bass and Thomas Dor tch St art : Thu 1 1/2/20 17 2 :3 0 PM End : Thu 11/2/2017 3 : 1 5 PM Show Tim e As : Te n tat iv e Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Status : Not yet responded Orga n iz e r: Greenwood , Sheila M Required Atte nd ee s : Greenwo o d , Sheila t do rtc h@TWD-inc . ne t Su bject: Loca tion : Env i sion 10 226 M; Bass , Dea na ; Center Sta r t : Thu 11/2/2017 4 :0 0 PM End : Thu 11/2/2 0 17 4 : 30 PM Sho w Time As : Tenta tiv e Recurrence Meeting : (n o ne ) Sta t us : Not y et r espo nded Org a nize r : Brown , Christina Req uir e d At tendees : Bass, Subjec t: Loca tion: M Dea na ; Chr i s to phe r , Na ncy D HOLD for mee t i ng w/ Tho mas Dor t ch OSEC Small Conf e r ence Room Start : Thu 11/2/2017 2 : 30 PM End : Thu 11/2 /20 17 3 : 15 PM Show Time As : Tenta tiv e Re currence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none ) HUD-17-0504-E-000096 Meet i ng Status Organizer Required Subject: Location : Not yet r esponded : Greenwood , Shei la M Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Bass , Deana HOLD fo r meeting w/Thomas Dortch OSEC Smal l Conference Room : Start : Thu 11/2/2017 2 : 30 PM End : Thu 1 1/2/20 17 3 : 15 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recu r rence : (none) Meet i ng Status Organizer Requ i red : Not yet r esponded : Greenwood , Shei la M Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila Subject : and Thomas Lo cation : Meeting w/Sheila Dortch 10th Floor M; Bass , Deana Greenwood , Deana Bass, Christina Brown Start : Thu 1 1/2/20 17 2 : 30 PM End : Thu 1 1/2/20 17 3 : 15 PM Show Tim e As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) St atus : Not yet responded Organizer : Greenwood , Sheila M Requ i red At tendees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Bass , Deana ; tdortch@TWD - inc . ne t ; Brown , Christina M Subject : Loca tion : Meeting w/Sheila 10th Floor Greenwood , Deana Bass and Thomas Dor tch St art : Thu 1 1/2/20 17 2 : 30 PM End : Thu 11/2/2017 3 : 1 5 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meeti ng Status : Not ye t resp o nded Organize r: Greenwood , Shei la M Required Attendees : Greenwood , Shei la M; Bass , Deana ; tdortch@TWD - inc . ne t ; Brown , Christina M Subject : Loc ation : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Env i sion Center EEOB TBD Mee t i ng HUD-17-0504-E-000097 Start : Fri 11 /3/20 17 3 : 1 5 PM End : Fri 1 1/3/20 17 4 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organ iz e r : Cunl i ffe , Laura M. EOP/WHO Subjec t: Loca tion : Envision Center EEOB 16 1 Meeting St art : F ri 1 1/3/20 17 3 : 15 PM End : Fri 11/3/2017 4 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recur r ence : (none) Meeting Status : Not y et respond ed Org ani z e r: Cunl i ffe , Laura M. EOP/WHO Subjec t: Lo cation : Envision Center EEOB 180A Meeting Start : Fri 11 /3/20 17 3 : 15 PM End : F ri 1 1/3/20 17 4 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Out of Office Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting S t atus Organi zer: Subject : : Accepted Cun liffe HOLD for , Laura M. EOP/WHO DETROIT for En vision Cen ter Opening Start : Fri 12/8/2017 12 : 00 AM End : Sat 12/9/20 17 12: 00 AM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recu rr ence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer Required Subjec t: : Not : DocBen Atte ndees : yet r espo nded Bass , Deana Env i s i o n Center w/ Ch ri st i na Brown Start : Thu 11/2/2017 2 : 30 PM End : Thu 11 /2/20 17 3 : 00 PM Recurrence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) HUD-17-0504-E-000098 Organi zer: Bass , Deana F rom : Brown , Christina M Sent : Wednesday , November 01 , 2017 4 : 55 PM To : Bass , Deana Accepted : FW: Pre 0MB Mtg . Huddle Sub j ect : F rom : Sent : To : Subjec Rupar , Ch ristop h er J Wednesday , November 01 , 2017 4 : 50 PM Bass, Deana Accep t ed : Pre 0MB Mtg . Hudd l e t: Subjec t: Locatio n: Birthday DepSec Surprise Confere n ce Par t y Room Start : Wed 11 /1/20 17 5 :0 0 PM End : Wed 11 /1/20 17 5 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not y et responded Organi zer: PHP Requ ir ed Attendees : Coressel , Jac i e ; Mill s , All i so n F ; Ga rz a , Sarah J ; McCall , Drew A; Hughes , Andrew ; Baco n, James A; App l eto n, Seth D; Den das, Michael W; Kell e y , Micha e l J; Stowe , Al e xan de r D; Kasper , Maren M; Alexander , Maso n ; Bass , Deana ; Beckles , Angela L; Bourne , Chr i stop h e r M; Bowes , Robert B; Bravacos , Joh n G; Br i g h t , Mi ch a el R; Brown , Christina M; Browni ng , Austi n G; Burley , Mic ha e l N; Byrd , David J ; Coffey , Al exander ; Cowan J r ., Chad ; Cummings , Matthew L ; Delahoyde, Abigail M; Demarzo, Ben j amin E ; Dunn , Connor M; Eagles , David T ; Fa r ias , Anna Mar i a ; Fil a , Stephanie C; Gai ne s , Ra lp h H; Gi bbs , John ; Go r ml ey , Joseph M; Gree nwood , Sh eila M; Gribbi n, Wi ll iam J ; Gruson , Barbara ; Haller , Julia Z; Hered ia, Evonn e G; Hipp , Van D; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Hold e rfiel d, Stephani e A; Hunter , Mat t hew F ; Joy , Johnso n P ; Kurtz , R . Hunter ; Lu dlow , Ashley ; Mar zol , Adolfo F ; Nelson , Ri ckey M; Petty , Ti mothy J ; Roget , Gise l e G; Smith , Coope r J ; Thompson , Amy C; Th ompson , Caitl in H; Tu ft s , Suzanne I ; Wade , Dana T ; Wi ll iams , Raffi ; Wolfson , Le n; Wol l Jr , Davi d C ; Youngblood , Ric h ard A; Zorc , Bethany A Subjec t: Uti li zation Location : BRIEF o n Of fi ce SOHUD's of Small and Di sadvanta g ed Business office Start : Thu 11/2/2017 5 : 45 PM End : Thu 11 / 2 /20 17 6 : 15 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Not yet responded HUD-17-0504-E-000099 Organi zer : DocBe n Requ i r ed Attendees : Bass , Deana ; PHP; Pao , Jean Lin From : Bravacos , John G Sen t : Wednesday , November 01 , 2017 3 : 31 PM To : Bass , Deana Sub j ec t: Accepted : HUD Staff Mtg . w/ Domest i c Policy RE : Envision Ce n ters From : Bravacos , Joh n G Sent : Wednesday , November 0 1 , 2017 3 : 28 PM To : Bass , Deana Subject : Accep te d : HUD Staff Mt g . w/ Domestic RE : Envision Ce nte rs Subjec t : HUD Staff Envision Centers Location : tbd Mtg . w/ Domestic Coun c i l Staff Policy Pol i cy Cou n cil Council Staff Staff RE : Start : Fr i 1 1 /3/ 2 0 17 3 : 00 PM End : Fri 1 1/3/20 17 4 : 0 0 PM Show Time As : Out of Office Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng Status : Meeti ng organizer Organi zer : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Attendees : Ho ld e rf ie l d , Stephan i e A; Bravacos Brown, Christina M; Bourne , Chr istopher M From : Holderfield , Stephanie A Sent : Wednesday , November 01 , 2017 3 : 14 PM To : Bass , Deana Subject : Accepted : HOLD/ WH MTG RE : Envision Subjec t : Locat i o n : HOLD/ WH MTG RE : EnVisio EEOB , Jo hn G; Centers n Cen ter s Start : Mon 1 1/6/20 17 4 : 0 0 PM End : Mon 11/6/2017 5 : 00 PM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Meeting organizer Organizer : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Attendees : Bourne , Chr i s t op h er A; Bravacos , Jo h n G; Brown , Chr istina M Subjec t : Locat i o n : HOLD, WH Mtg . Envi s i o n Centers EEOB Start Tue 11/7/2017 : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT M; Ho l derf i eld , Stephan ie 1 : 0 0 PM HUD-17-0504-E-000100 End : Tue 11 /7/20 Recurrence Meeting 17 2 :0 0 PM : (none ) Sta t us : Meeting organize r Orga n iz e r: Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Bourne , Chr istoph er A; Bravacos , John G; Brown , Chr i stina M Sub j ec t: Uti li zation Lo cation : BRIEF on Off i ce o f Small and M; Hold erfield , Stephanie Di sadvan t a g ed Business SOHUD' s office Star t : Thu 1 1/2/20 17 5 : 30 PM End : Thu 11 / 2/2 0 17 6 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none ) Meet in g St atus : Not yet Or ga niz er : DocB en Req u ir ed Atte ndees : Subject : Utilization Loca tion: responded Bass , Deana ; PHP; Pao , Jean BRIEF on Office o f Smal l and Li n Disadv a ntaged Business SOHUD' s off i ce St art : Fri 11 /3/20 17 3 : 00 PM End : Fri 11 /3/20 17 3:30 PM Show Time As : Te nta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none ) Meeting Status : Not yet Orga n iz e r: DocBe n Requ i r ed Atte ndees : responded Bass , Deana ; PHP; Pao , Jean Subjec t: FW: Envision Urban Development/AWS Locat ion : Di a l -i n: +l SW, Room 41 60 Cente r s : U. S . Departm e nt !(b)(6) Li n of Housing I and I 45 1 7t h St r eet Star t : Wed 11/ 1 /2017 1 : 00 PM End : Wed 11/ 1 /2017 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta tiv e Re currence : (none ) Meet in g Status Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : : Carlson Not yet r espo nded , Te re sa HUD-17-0504-E-000101 Subject : FW: Envision Ur ba n Development/AWS Location : Di al - i n : +1 SW, Room 416 0 Ce nt e r s : U. S . Depa rtm ent of Housing I 451 7th !(b)(6) and St r eet Start : Wed 1 1/ 1/ 2 0 17 1:0 0 PM En d : Wed 1 1/ 1/ 20 17 2 : 00 PM Rec ur ren ce : (n one ) Meet ing St a tus : Or ga ni zer : From : Se nt : To : Sub jec Carlso Accepted n, Te resa Ho ld e rfi e ld , Stephan i e A Wednesday , Novem ber 01 , 201 7 12 : 06 PM Bass , Dea n a t: Accepte d : Pre 0 MB Mt g . Hudd l e Subject : Location : Pre 0MB Mt g . Hudd l e Dea na ' s Office/ 202 . 4 02 . 5974 Star t : Thu 11/2/2 0 17 2 : 00 PM End : Thu 1 1 / 2/2 0 17 2 : 30 PM Rec urr ence : (non e) Meet i ng Status : Meet i ng organize r Organizer : Bass , Deana Req uir e d Att endees : Kasper, Mar e n M; Hol de rfi e l d, Ru pa r , Christopher J Opt i o na l Attendees : Brown , Chri st in a M Subject : Loca t io n : Stephan i e A; Senior Staff Meet ing (Weekly) Secre tary ' s Co n ference Room Start : Mon 1 1/20 /20 1 7 2 : 1 5 PM End : Mon 11 / 20/2 0 1 7 2 :4 5 PM Show Time As : Te n tat iv e Recurrence Recurrence Meeting : Weekly Patte r n : Sta t us : Not every Monday f rom 3 : 0 0 PM to 3 : 30 PM ye t re spo nde d Organ iz e r: DocBe n Requ ir ed Atte nd ees : She ila M Gr ee nwood (Sh e ila . M. Gr eenwo odl@ hu d . g ov ); Kurtz , R . Hunt e r ; Bass, Dea na ; Hughes , And rew ; Marzol , Ado lf o F ; Br i ght , Mi chael R; Appleton , Se th D; Bourne , Ch ri stophe r M; Joy , J ohnson P ; Wade , Dana T; Hunte r , Matthew F ; Eagles , David T; Youngblood, Richard A; Th omps on , Amy C; /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000102 Gaines , Ralph H; Zorc , Bethany PHP; Farias , Anna Maria Subject : Location : Envision 10226 Meeting Mare n M; Rackle f f , Neal J; Center Start : Thu 1 1/2/20 17 2:00 End : Thu 1 1/2/20 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence A; Kaspe r, PM : (none) Status Organizer Requ i red : Not yet responded : Brown , Christi na M Attendees : Bass , Deana ; Chr istophe Subject : Location : Envision 10226 r, Nancy D , Nancy D Center Start : Thu 1 1/2/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Thu 11/2/2017 2 : 30 PM Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status Organizer Requ i red Subject: Location ! Sen t : Fri day , Octobe r 27 , 20 1 7 5 :1 3 PM To : Bass , Dean a Su b j e c t : Acc e p te d : HUD/ 0 MB Mt g . RE : Env i sion Cen t e r s** WAVES LI NK ENCLOSED* * Fr om : Sent : To : Subjec Ho l de r fie l d , St ephan i e A F ri d ay , Oc tober 27 , 2 01 7 4 : 3 9 PM Bas s , De an a t : Accep t ed : HOLD/ Mtg . w/ John Co ur son , HBI RE : Sect i on 3 F rom : Ho ld erfie l d , Steph a n i e A Sent : F riday , October 2 7 , 2 0 1 7 4 : 37 PM /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000120 To : Bass , Deana Subject : Accepted : Neal Rack l eff , Env i sion Center Br i efing From : Holderf i eld , Stephanie A Sent : Friday , October 27 , 2017 4 : 04 PM To : Bass , Deana Subject: Accepted : HUD/ 0MB Mtg . RE : Envis i on Centers Subject : Location : 10226 HUD Mtg . w/ John Courson , HBI RE : Section 3 Dept of Hous in g & Urba n Deve l opment , 451 7th St. SW/ Room Start : Thu 11/9/2017 1 : 00 PM End : Thu 11/9/2017 1 : 45 PM Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Meeting organizer Organize r: Bass , Deana Bass , Deana ; ' jcourson@hbi . org '; Required Attendees : A; Bravacos, John G Adolfo F ; Holderfield , Stephanie Rawlinson , Steven W Optiona l Attendees : Subject : Location : Room 10226 Marzol , HUD Mtg . w/ John Courson , HBI RE : Section 3 Dept of Housing & Urban Development , 451 7th St . SW/ Start : Thu 1 1/9/20 17 1 : 00 PM End : Thu 1 1/9/20 17 1 : 45 PM Show Time As : Free Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Meeting organizer Organizer : Bass , Deana Requ i red Attendees : jcourson@hb i. org ; Adolfo Marzol (Ado l fo . F . Marzol@hud . gov ); Holderfie l d , Stephanie A Subject : Hold , Gl over EnVi sion Center Ca ll Start : Wed 1 1/1/20 17 1 : 00 PM End : Wed 1 1/1/20 17 1 : 30 PM Recurrence Organize Subject : (none) r: : Bass , Deana Hold , Gl ove EnVi sion Center Cal l Tue 1 0/31/20 1 7 11 : 00 AM Start : End : Tue 1 0/31/20 1 7 11 : 30 AM /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000121 Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Fr om : Henr iquez , Evita Ron be h a lf o f Rack l e f f , Ne al J Sent : Friday , Octobe r 27 , 2017 1 :1 3 PM To : Bass , Deana Subject : Accepted : Envision Center Br i efi ng w/ DCOS Dea na Bass F rom : Henr i quez , Evita Ron be h a lf of Rack l eff , Ne al J Sent : Friday , Octobe r 27 , 2017 1 :1 2 PM To : Bass , Deana Subject : Accep te d : EnVision Cen te r Bri e fing w/ DCOS Deana Subjec t: Locat i o n: Nea l Rack l e ff, CPD, 71 00 Sta r t : End : F ri Recurre Envisio Bass n Cen t e r Brie fin g F ri 11/3/2017 11 : 30 AM 11 /3/20 17 12 : 00 PM n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Meeting o rganiz Organ iz e r : Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Racklef er f , Ne a l J ; Hold erfie ld, Stephanie A Fr om : Lescott , Annika N . EOP/O MB Sent : Friday , Octobe r 27 , 2017 1 : 08 PM To : Bass, Deana Subject: Accepted : HUD/ 0 MB Mtg . RE : Envision Centers Detro it Dean a's Subjec t: Loc a tio n : & Laura Hudd l e w/ Steph Off ic e Start : Mon 10/30/2017 1 0 : 30 AM End : Mon 1 0/30/20 1 7 11 : 00 AM Recurrence Meeting Organizer Required : (none ) Status : Meeting organize r : Bass , Deana Attendees : Hol de rfield Subjec t: Locat i o n: Host Code : , Stephanie Weekly Confere n ce Call with RAs Confrence Ca l l Di a l -in : 877-336-1280 lilii@J A; Fle i sche r , La u ra Access: A ! Sen t : F riday , Octobe r 27 , 2017 8 : 04 AM To : Bass , Deana Subject : Accepted : HOLD 1/ 0MB Mtg . RE : Envis i on Cente r s Sub j ec t : Loc a tio n : BALTIMORE ENVISION CENTER MTGS. Baltimore Start : F ri 10/27/2017 9 : 30 AM End : Fri 10 / 27/2 0 1 7 3 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recu rr ence : (non e) Orga n iz e r: Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Ho ld erfie ld , Stephanie A; Bour n e , Christopher M; Bravacos , Jo h n G; Payn e , Caro l B; DeFe lic e , Joseph J ; Wol fe , Lisa A Subjec t : Loc a tio n : DepSec DepSec Week l y Senior Staff Conference Room Mee t i ng Star t : Tue 10/3 1/ 2017 1 : 00 PM End : Tue 1 0/31/20 1 7 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta tiv e Re currence Recurrence : Weekly Pat t e r n : every Tuesday f r om 1: 00 PM to 2 : 00 PM Organizer : PHP Req uir e d Attendees : Hughes , Andrew ; Petty, Timothy J ; Wolfson , Len ; Greenwood , Sheila M; Kasper , Mar en M; Gai ne s , Ra lp h H; Golrick , Janet M; Joy , Jo h nson P ; Appleton , Se th D; Rack le ff , Neal J ; Thompso n , Amy C; Bour n e , Chr i s t opher M; Tomchick III, George J ; Far ias , Anna Mar ia ; Bravacos , Jo h n G; Br ight , Michae l R; Bl om, Dominique G; Wade , Dan a T ; Youngb loo d , Rich a r d A; Marz o l , Adolfo F; Pao , Jea n Li n ; Harker , Th omas W; Barto n , Victoria L ; Hunte r , Matthew F ; Zo r c , Betha ny A; Bass , Deana ; Eag l es , Dav i d T ; Ri c h a r dson , Todd M; Kurtz , R . Hun ter ; Marsha ll , Michael J /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000123 Subjec t: Locatio n: DepSec DepSec Weekly Se ni or St af f Mee t i ng Conference Room Sta r t : Tue 10/31/2017 1 : 00 PM End : Tue 10 /31/20 1 7 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : Weekly Recu rr ence Pa tte rn : eve ry Tuesday from 1 : 00 PM to 2 : 00 PM Orga nize r: PHP Required Attendees : Hughes, Andrew ; Pe tt y , Timothy J ; Wol fson , Len; Greenwood , Sheila M; Kasper , Maren M; Gaines , Ra lp h H; Golrick , Janet M; Joy , Jo h nson P; Appleton , Se th D; Rack l eff , Neal J ; Thompson , Amy C; Bour ne, Chr i s t opher M; Tomchick III, George J ; Far i as , Anna Mar ia ; Bravacos , John G; Bright, Michael R; Blom , Dominique G; Wade , Dana T ; Youngblood , Richard A; Marzol , Adolfo F; Pao , Jean Lin ; Harke r , Thomas W; Barton , Victor i a L ; Hunter , Matthew F; Zorc , Betha n y A; Bass , Deana ; Eag le s , David T ; Ri c h a r dson , Todd M; Kurt z , R . Hun ter ; Ma r sha ll, Michael J Subject : Lo cation : Ethics Briefing Depar tmen tal Conference Room Start : Wed 1 1/8/2017 10 :1 5 AM End : Wed 1 1/8/2017 10 :4 5 AM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recurre Meeting n ce : (none) S t atus : Not yet responded Organize r: Zorc , Bethany A Requ ir ed Attendees : Hughes , Andrew ; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Mi lls , Allison F; Fila , Ste phanie C; DeFelice , Joseph J ; Ha l le r , Julia Z; Dendas , Michael W; Thompson, Amy C; Wade , Dana T ; Zorc , Bethany A; Farias , Anna Mar ia ; Bravacos , Jo h n G; Garza , Sarah J ; Gaines , Ralph H; Hunt e r, Matt h ew F ; Smith , Cooper J . EOP/WHO; Marzol , Adolfo F; App l eton , Seth D; Shos k y , Joh n E ; Smi th , Cooper J ; Kaspe r, Maren M; Rawlinson , Steven W; Joy , Johnson P ; Byrd , David J ; Browning , Aus t in G; Gribbin , William J; Patton , Lynn e M; Coffey, Alexander ; Gibbs , John ; Ke l ley, Michael J ; Youngb l ood , Richard A; Alexander , Maso n; Roget , Gise l e G; Willi ams , Raffi ; Heredia , Evon n e G; Wolfson , Len ; Coressel , Jacie ; Gruson, Barbara ; Petty , Timothy J ; Bacon, James A; Bass , Deana ; Beckles, Angela L ; Greenwood , Shei la M; Fitzpatrick , Nora S ; Delahoyde , Abiga il M; Rackleff , Neal J ; Burley , Michael N; Bourne , Chris t opher M; Woll Jr , David C; Brigh t, Michael R; Nason , Michael C; Cowan Jr ., Chad ; Hi pp , Van D; Brow n , Chr i st in a M; Gormley , Joseph M; Eagles , David T; Van Dam, Katelyn M; Bowes , Robe r t B; Ludlow , Ashley ; Holderfield , Stephanie A; Kurtz , R . Hunter ; McCall , Drew A; Barton , Victoria L ; Demarzo , Benjamin E Subject : Location : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Canceled : Ethics Briefing Departmental Conference Room HUD-17-0504-E-000124 Start : Wed 1 1 /8/ 2 0 17 10 : 1 5 AM End : Wed 1 1/8/20 17 10 :4 5 AM Show Time As : F r ee Recur r e n ce : (none) Meet ing S t a tus : Not yet r esponded Organi zer : Zorc , Bet hany A Requ i r ed At t e ndees : Hughes , Andrew ; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Mi l ls , Allison F ; Fila , Ste phanie C; DeFe lic e , Jo seph J ; Hal le r , Ju l i a Z; De n das , Michael W; Thompson , Amy C; Wade , Dana T ; Fa ria s , Anna Mar i a ; Bravacos , John G; Garza , Sarah J ; Ga i nes , Ra lph H; Hun ter , Mat t hew F ; Smi th , Cooper J . EOP/WHO; Ma rz o l , Ado l f o F ; Appleto n, Se th D; Shosky , John E ; Smith , Coop er J ; Kaspe r , Mare n M; Rawl in son , S teve n W; Joy , Johnso n P ; Byrd , Dav id J ; Brow n i ng , Austi n G; Gri bbin , William J ; Pa tto n , Lynne M; Coffey , Al e xand e r ; Gibb s, John ; Kel l ey , Mi chael J ; Yo ungbl ood , Richard A; Al exander , Mason ; Roget , Gi se l e G; Wi lli ams , Raffi ; He r edia , Evonne G; Wol f son , Len ; Coressel , Jacie ; Gruso n , Bar bara ; Pet ty , Timothy J ; Bacon , Jam es A; Bass , De ana ; Beckles, Ange la L ; Gr ee nwood , Sh e ila M; Fitzpatrick , Nora S ; De lahoyd e , Abigail M; Rackl ef f , Neal J ; Burley , Michae l N; Bourne , Chr i s topher M; Woll J r , Dav i d C; Br i g ht , Mi chael R; Naso n , Mi chael C; Cowa n Jr ., Ch ad ; Hi pp , Van D; Brow n , Chr i s tin a M; Gorm l ey , Joseph M; Eagles, David T ; Van Dam , Ka te l yn M; Bowes , Robe r t B; Lu d low , Ashl e y ; Holder fi eld, St ep h an i e A; Ku rtz , R . Hunter ; McCa l l , Drew A; Barton , Victoria L ; Dema rz o , Benj ami n E Subject : Loc a tio n: Eth ics Brief in g Departme n t al Co n feren ce Room Start : Wed 11 /1/20 17 10 : 15 AM End : Wed 1 1 /1/20 17 10 : 4 5 AM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recu r rence : (none) Meet i ng S ta tus : Not yet r espo nd ed Organiz e r : Zorc , Bet h a ny A Requ i red Atte ndees : Hughes , Andrew ; Hobbs , Ben ja min R; Mi l ls , All i so n F ; Fi la , Step h a n ie C; DeFe l i ce , Jose ph J ; Ha l le r , Ju l ia Z; Den das , Mic hael W; Thompson , Amy C; Wade , Dana T ; Zorc , Be t ha n y A; Fa ri as , Anna Mar i a ; Bravacos , John G; Gar z a , Sarah J; Ga in es, Ralp h H; Hun ter , Matthew F ; Smith , Coo pe r J . EOP/WHO; Marzo l , Adolfo F; Appleton , Set h D; Shos k y , Joh n E ; Smi th , Cooper J ; Kasper , Mar en M; Rawli n so n , Steven W; Jo y , Joh n so n P ; Byr d , Dav i d J ; Browning, Au st i n G; Gribbin , William J ; Pa tton , Lynne M; Coffey , Alexander ; Gi bbs , John ; Ke ll ey , Mich ael J ; Youngblood , Ri cha r d A; Alexand e r , Mas on; Roget , Gis ele G; Wil li ams , Raff i ; Heredia , Evo nne G; Wolfson , Len ; Co r essel , Jac i e ; Gr uso n , Barba r a ; Petty , Ti mot hy J ; Bacon , James A; Bass , Deana ; Beckles , Ang e la L ; Greenwood , Shei la M; Fitzpatrick , Nora S ; Dela hoyd e , Abiga i l M; Rackleff , Neal J ; Burley , Micha el N; /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000125 Bourne , Chr i s t op her M; Woll Jr , David C; Br i g ht , Mi chael R; Naso n , Mi chael C; Cowa n J r ., Ch ad ; Hi pp , Van D; Brow n , Chr i s tin a M; Gorm l ey , Joseph M; Eagles , David T ; Van Dam , Ka telyn M; Bowes , Rob e r t B; Lu d low , Ashl e y ; Holder fi eld , Stephani e A; Kurtz , R . Hun ter ; McCa l l , Drew A; Bart o n , Vict o ri a L ; Dema r zo, Benj ami n E Sub j ec t: Lo cation : Balt i mor e Eve nt ; He lping Up Mission 1 029 E Bal t i more Stree t , Ba l itmor e , Maryl a n d 21202 Star t : F r i 10 /27/20 1 7 11 : 30 AM End : Fri 1 0/2 7/ 2 0 1 7 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recu r rence : (none) Meet i ng S ta tus : Not yet Organiz e r : DocBen Required Atte ndees : Subject : Locat i on : Start : End : Fri r es p o nd ed Bass, Deana ; DeFelice , Jos eph J Baltimore Eve nt ; He lp i ng Up Mission 102 9 E Baltimore Str eet , Balitmore , Marylan d 212 0 2 F r i 10 / 27 /20 1 7 11 : 30 AM 1 0/2 7/ 20 1 7 3 : 30 PM Recu rr en ce : (none) Meet i ng Status : Accep t ed Org a nize r : DocBen Required Att en d ees : Bass , Dea n a ; DeFe lic e, Joseph J Tr avel to MARC Stat i o n - 8 : 3 1 MARC train to Subjec t : Lo cation : Metro - New Carrollton St a t i o n , 4 700 Garden Ca rroll to n , MD 2 07 84 Start : End : Fri Fri 1 0/2 7/ 2 0 1 7 7 : 4 5 AM 1 0/2 7/ 20 1 7 8 : 00 AM Re currence : (n o ne) Org an iz e r: Bass , Deana Subject : Loca tion : 10 minutes - HUD to Our Da i ly Bread HUD t o Ou r Dai ly Br ead , 725 Falls way, Start : End : F ri Recurren pVERSIGHT Baltimor e , MD 21202 Fri 1 0/2 7/ 20 1 7 1 0 : 00 AM 1 0/2 7/ 2 0 1 7 1 0 : 30 AM c e : (none) Meet in g S t atus /\MERICAi\ Baltimor e Ci ty Dr , New : Meet in g o rganizer HUD-17-0504-E-000126 Organi zer : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Attendees : Bravacos , Joh n G; Bou rn e , Christopher Hol d erfie ld , Stephanie A; DeFelice , Jos eph J ; Payne , Carol Fr om : Bourne , Chr i s tophe r M Sent : Thursday , Octobe r 26 , 2017 12 : 08 PM To : Bass , Deana Subject : Accepted : 15 minu te s to HUD Field Station Subjec t : Locatio n : 21201 Office Pe n n 15 mi nu tes to HUD Fi eld Off i ce f r om Pe nn Station AMTRAK PENN STATION to HUD, 1 0 S Howard St , Baltimore Star t : End : Fri Fri 10 / 27 /20 1 7 9 : 15 AM 1 0/27/20 1 7 9 : 30 AM Rec urrence : (non e) Meet i ng Status : , MD Meet i ng o rga n iz e r Organiz e r : Bass , Deana Required Att en d ees : DeFel ic e, Joseph J ; Hold e rfield Bravacos , Joh n G; Bou r n e , Christopher M Subject : Lo cation : from M; B Envision Center Deana ' s Offic e Check , Stephan i e A; In Tue 1 0/31/20 1 7 10 : 30 AM Start : End : Tue 1 0/3 1/20 1 7 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence : (none ) Meet in g St atus : Not Organi zer : Cowan J r ., Requ i r ed At tendees : Stepha n ie A Subject Locatio : n: yet responded Chad Bass , Deana ; Wi ll i ams , Ra ff i; Envision Center Deana ' s Off i ce Check Tue 1 0/31/20 1 7 10 : 30 AM 10/3 1 /2017 11 : 00 AM Recurrence : (none) ng S tatus : pVERSIGHT , Holder f ield , Accepted Organize r : Cowan J r ., Requ i r ed Attendees : S te phanie A /\MERICAi\ f ield In Start : End : Tue Meeti Holder Chad Bass , Deana ; Wi ll i ams , Ra ff i; HUD-17-0504-E-000127 Subjec t : Locat i o n: Envision Cen ter s/ Deana ' s Off i ce Start : End : Thu Sec ti o n 3 Thu 10/26/2017 1 0 : 30 AM 1 0/26/20 1 7 1 0 : 45 AM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Meeting organizer Orga n iz e r : Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Byrd, Subjec t: Loca tion : David J MEET with Ron Ashfo r d SOHUD' s o ffi ce S t art: Tue 11 /7/20 17 10 : 00 AM End : Tue 11/7/2017 1 0 : 20 AM Show Time As : Tenta tiv e Recurre n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not Organ iz e r : DocBe n Required Atte ndees : Top i c : Ron Ashford the FSS programs. Loca tion Origi ye t r esp ond e d Ashford , Ron a ld i s retiring . He i s a wealth of knowledge Di sc u ss successes a nd cha ll e ng es . MEET with Ron Ashford SOHUD' s office Start : End : Thu Thu 11/16/2017 9 : 30 AM 11/16/2017 9 : 40 AM Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status pVERSIGHT abo ut Mee t i ng : Dea n a Bass Subjec t: Loc ation: /\MERICAi\ Deana : SOHUD' s o ffi ce n of Organizer T ; Bass, : : Accepted DocBe n HUD-17-0504-E-000128 Requ i re d Atte ndees : Ash f o rd , Ronald T ; Bass , Deana ; Mayo , Sammy E ; Mi lle r, Mi t c h e ll E ; Hol derf i eld , Stephan i e A Subject : Loca tio n: Ch a mpions ' Counc il Month ly Meet i ng Depar tmen ta l Co nfe rence Room-10233 Start : Thu 1 1 /16/20 1 7 1 : 00 PM End : Thu 1 1/16/20 1 7 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not yet responded Organi zer : Eag l es , Dav i d T Requ i r ed Attendees : Hens l ey , Henry ; Cl emmen sen , Cr aig T ; Mil l i g an , Ma ri a L ; Mille r , Catie I ; Whippie , Ta n ya L; Sung , Ph ilip E ; Cooper . J . Smith@hud . gov ; Hamilton , Ang i e S ; Go lri ck, Janet M; Brooks , Towanda A; Gree nwood , Sheil a M; Hoban- Moore , Pat ri c i a A; Ma rz ol , Ado lf o F ; Zorc , Bethany A; Ga t es , Sco tt L ; Ku rtz , R . Hun ter ; Bryon, Jemine A; Gai nes , Ra lph H; Bass , Deana ; Ozdinec , Mila n M; Hughes , Andrew ; Thompson , Amy C; Appl eton , Seth D; Hun te r , Matthew F ; Suchar , Norman A; Kasp e r , Maren M; Br i g ht , Mich ael R; Lyberg , Sarah A; Far i as , Anna Ma ri a ; Al bert , He l en M; Je n k i ns , Anne ; Kirk l a n d , Jeremy ; Kos kin en , La rry A; Domin iq ue G Bl om (Domi n ique . G. Blom @hu d . gov) ; Bregon , Nelson R; Franceschini - Petty , Raquel ; Gr ee n e , Bryan ; Wade , Dana T ; May , Marl ene L ; Ric ha r dson , Todd M; Ammon, Matthew E ; Li ncol n , Pa ul a A; Joy , Johnson P ; Surber , Ke it h W; Cruciani , Li nda M; Hin ton-Mcclam , Li nda D; Benison , Jo h n P ; Brown, Jereon M; Rackleff , Neal J ; Cowan Jr ., Chad ; Va n Dam, Ka te ly n M; Bing-Grant , Max A; Shank , Rebecca H; Gla v in , Wil l iam A; Ma rgeson , Mitchel l J ; Ouzts , Walter L ; McClur e, La u ra L ; PHP; Jones , A' ndrea M; Al exander , Mason ; Akpak ip , Ek anem 0 ; Brown , Chri s t i n a M; Pereira , Ari e l; Tuf ts , Suzanne I ; Har k e r , Thomas W; Stowe , Al e x a n der D; Du nn , Connor M; Fl eisc h er , Laura A; Cool , Debra M; Dawkins , Eunic e D; Cooper , Diane J ; Axe , J ess i K; Marshall , Micha e l J ; Johns on , Tiffany M; Ziff , Susa n B; Tomc h ick III , George J ; Gargi u lo , Emily ; Winger , Kathe rin e A; May III , Flo yd 0 ; Lew i s , Rachel E ; Thomas , Todd C; Bravacos , Joh n G; Forero , Ja i me E ; Al len , Denise L ; Kevin R Cooke Jr HUD; FOSTER, IRIS C; Eva ns -Burke , Ad ria n A; Hobbs , Benjamin R Subjec t: Locat ion : Canceled Departme : Champions ' Co un ci l Mo nt h l y Meeti ng n ta l Co n fe r ence Room-10233 St a r t : Thu 11/ 16 /2017 1 : 00 PM End : Thu 11/ 16/20 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Free Recurrence : (none ) Mee t i ng Status Org a nizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : : Eagles, Not ye t Dav id re spo nded T HUD-17-0504-E-000129 Requ i red Atte ndees : Hens l ey , Henry ; Clemme n sen , Craig T; Mi l li ga n , Maria L; Mi lle r, Catie I ; Whipp i e , Ta n ya L; Sun g , Philip E ; Cooper . J . Smit h @hud . gov ; Scott , Angie R; Go l rick , Janet M; Brooks , Towanda A; Greenwood , Sheila M; Hoban - Moore , Patricia A; Marzol , Ado lf o F ; Zorc , Bethany A; Ga tes , Scot t L; Kur t z , R . Hun ter ; Bryon , Jem i ne A; Ga in es , Ra l ph H; Bass , Deana ; Ozd i nec , Mil a n M; Hughes , Andrew ; Thompso n , Amy C; App l eton , Seth D; Hun te r, Matthew F; Suchar , Norman A; Kasper , Maren M; Brig h t , Michael R; Lyberg , Sarah A; Farias , Anna Maria ; Albert , Helen M; Jenkins , Anne ; Kirk land , Jeremy ; Kosk in en , Larry A; Dominique G Blo m (Domin iq u e . G. Blom@hud . gov) ; Bregon , Nelson R; F r anceschi ni -Petty , Raquel ; Greene , Bryan ; Wade , Dana T ; May , Marlene L ; Richardson , Todd M; Ammon, Matthew E ; Lincoln , Paula A; J oy , Johnson P ; Surber , Keith W; Cruciani , Lin da M; Hi n ton-McClam , Li nda D; Be n ison , Jo h n P ; Brown , Jereon M; Rackleff , Neal J ; Cowan Jr . , Chad ; Va n Dam, Katelyn M; Bin g-Grant , Max A; Shank , Rebecca H; Glav in, Wi l li am A; Margeson , Mi t chell J ; Ouzts , Walter L ; McClure , Laura L ; PHP; Jones , A'ndrea M; Alexander , Mason ; Akpakip , Ekanem O; Brown , Christ i na M; Pereira , Arie l ; Tu f ts , Suzanne I ; Har k er , Thomas W; Stowe , Al exander D; Dunn , Connor M; Fl eischer , Lau r a A; Cool , Deb r a M; Dawki ns , Eu ni ce D; Cooper , Diane J ; Axe , Jessi K; Marshall , Michael J ; Johnson , Tiffany M; Ziff , Susan B; Tomch i ck III , Geo rg e J ; Ga r giu l o , Emily ; Winger , Katherine A; May III , F l oyd O; Lewis , Rachel E ; Thomas , Todd C; Bravacos , Joh n G; Forero , Ja i me E ; Al len , Denise L ; Kevin R Cooke Jr HUD; FOSTER, IRIS C; Evans-Burke , Adrian A; Hobbs , Be n jam i n R Subject Locatio : n: BRIEF on ATLANTA Secreta r y ' s Co n ference Room S t art : Wed 1 0/25/20 1 7 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 1 0/25/20 1 7 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurre Meeting n ce : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organi z e r: DocBe n Requ i red Atte ndees : Amy C Thompso n (Amy. C . Thompso n @hu d . gov) ; Andrew Hughes (Andrew . Hughes@hud . gov) ; F ila , Stephanie C; Free , Kenneth E ; Delahoyde , Abigail M; Seth D Appleton (Seth . D. Appleton@ h ud . gov) ; Be n jamin E Demarzo (Benjami n. E . Dema r zo@hud . gov) ; PHP ; Hunte r, Matthew F; Bass , Deana ; Sh eila M Greenwood (Shei l a . M. Greenwoodl@hud . gov) ; Ke l ley , Michael J; L Willi ams Ludlow , Ashley ; Cleveland - Leggett , Denise C; Raphael (Raphael . L . Williams@hud . gov) ; Thompson , Caitli n H Optio n al Atte ndees : Victoria Coressel ; Burley , Michael N Subject : MEET wit h Vikki Foundat ion s Location : SOHUD' s off i ce S t art : End : Tue /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Spruill , CEO of the Council on Tue 1 1/ 1 4/20 1 7 1 0 : 00 AM 11/ 14/20 17 1 0 : 30 AM HUD-17-0504-E-000130 Show Time As : Recurrence Meeting Tenta tive : (none) Status : Not Organ iz e r: DocBe n Required Attendees : Bass , De ana ; Bourne, Top i c : discuss Loca tion Orig in ye t re spo nde d Campbell Christopher HUD' s pa r tners , Cynthia M hip with F; He nn essy , Matthew L; th e Council : SOHUD' s o ff ice of Mee ting Int e r na l Attend Chr i s Bo u rne : Cy nth ia ees: Externa l Attendees Subject Locatio : n: Cy nth ia Campbe ll Campb e ll , Matt : Vi kk i Spr ui ll and Hen ness y , Deana 2 others Bass and (TBD) Connect Home Dean a's Off ic e 1 02 26 Start : Thu 10 /26/20 1 7 1 0 : 00 AM End : Thu 1 0/26/20 1 7 10 : 30 AM Recu rr en ce : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer Required : Meet in g organ iz e r : Bass , Deana Att en dees : Nowins k i , Lisa Off i ce of Gene r al Counsel Brooke - Monda l e Auditorium Subjec t: Locatio n: K; Ashford , Rona ld ' s 2017 Annual & Webcast Eth i cs T Tr a i n in g Start : Thu 10/26/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Thu 10/26/2017 3 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recu rr ence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : : Ethics Not yet r espo nded La w Divis ion HUD-17-0504-E-000131 Required Attendees : Albert , Hele n M; Ammon, Matthew E ; Appleton, Seth D; Ausby , Jan ic e L ; Baco n, James A; Ba ll ard , Daniel L ; Barton , Victoria L ; Bass, Deana; Bastarache , Daniel l e L; Beckles , Angela L; Benison , John P; Betts , Susan A; Blom , Dominique G; Boling , Dan; Bourne , Chr i stop he r M; Bowes , Robert B ; Bravacos , John G; Brego n, Nelso n R; Br i ght , Mi chael R; Brooks , Towanda A; Brown , Christina M; Brown , Je reon M; Brow ning, Austin G; Bryon , Jemine A; Buck , John ; Burley , Michael N; Byrd , David J ; Carlson , Marilyn E ; Chris topher , Nancy D; Clement, Patrice D; Cl emmensen , Craig T ; Cleve lan d - Leggett , Den i se C; Co ffey , Alexander ; Constanti ne , Peter J ; Coo ke , Kevi n R; Cooper- Jones , Barbara ; Coressel , Jac i e ; Cors i glia , Nancy E ; Cowa n Jr ., Chad ; Cruciani , Linda M; Cummings, Matthew L ; Daugher ty , John T ; Davis, Thomas R; DeFe li ce, Joseph J ; Delahoyde , Abigail M; Demar z o , Benjamin E ; Dendas , Michael W; Donzell , Ke ith M; Drayne , Michael R; Du klis , Peter S ; Dunn , Con n o r M; Eag l es , David T ; Enz el , Dav i d H; Far i as , Anna Maria ; Fa rri or , Laura ; Fe rn ande z , Alexander ; Ferry - Jennings , Shylon C; Fila , S teph anie C; Forrester , Al the a M; Foster, Helen G; Frechette , Heidi J; Ga i nes , Ra l ph H; Gant , Jon L ; Garza , Sarah J ; Gerecke , Sara h S ; Getc h is , John F ; Gi bbs , John ; Gi mont , Stan l ey ; Gol rick , Janet M; Gormley , Joseph M; Gr eene , Bryan ; Greenwood , Shei l a M; Gribbin , Wi l liam J ; Gruson , Barbara ; Hadley , Joy ; Ha ll er, Julia Z; Hayes, Mark S; Hensley, Henry; Heredia, Evonne G; Hernandez , Deborah A; Himes , Ivery W; Hipp , Van D; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Holbert , Kenneth F ; Holderfield, Step han ie A; Hug he s , Andrew ; Hungate , Joseph I ; Hunt er , Matthew F ; Johnson , Calv i n C; Joy , Jo hnso n P ; Kasper , Maren M; Keith , Gregory A; Ke lley , Michael J ; Kirkland , Jer e my ; Koskinen, Lar ry A; Kur tz, R . Hun te r ; Kwalwasser , Robert ; Lavoy , Do n ald J ; Lincoln, Paula A; Litt le, Je ffrey D; Ludlow, Ashley ; Lukoff, Roge r M; Lyberg , Sarah A; Mahoney (J udge) , Jeremiah ; Malgeri , Jack R; Marshal l, Michael J ; Martin , S te phen A; Marzol , Adolfo F; McCall , Drew A; McGinnis , Randy; Meaux , Leslie A; Meyers , Sara M; Michalski , Lori A; Mi ll s , Allison F; Mills , Krista ; Montoya , Dav id; Mulderig , Rober t E ; Narode , Da ne M; Nigam , Nita ; Roget , Gisele G; Ozd i nec , Milan M; Pad il la , Nicholas ; Pao , Jean Lin ; Pa tt ison, Brian T ; Patton , Lynne M; Pereira , Ariel ; Petty , Timothy J ; PHP ; Potts , Milli cent B; Preston , Tawanna ; Purifoy , Felicia A; Rack l eff , Neal J ; Randall , Ki mber ly ; Rawli n son , Steve n W; Ri cha r dson , Todd M; Rokosz , Fr ank A; Sardone , Vir g ini a ; Saunders , Eli ssa 0 ; Saylor , Kathryn ; Scott , Jimmy ; Scott , Paul A; Shuback , Susan J ; Simpson , Kevin M; Smith , Cooper J; Smyth , Timothy M; Stayanovich, Jason E; Stowe, Alexander D; STRACNER, JAMES L ; Surber , Keith W; Thompson , Amy C; Thompson , Caitlin H; Tille , David E ; Toga n s , Tama r a A; Tomch i ck III , George J ; Too n, Theodore K; Tufts , Suzanne I ; Usowski , Kurt G; Van Duyne , Beth A; Wade , Dan a T ; Wadhams, Unabyrd ; Webber , Ch ri stophe r S ; Will iam s , Raff i ; Wolfson , Len ; Woll Jr , David C ; Worden , Jeanine M; Wright , Sheila D; Wuhrman , Robe r t ; Youngblood , Richard A; Zorc , Bethany A Subject : HOLD for MEET with Foundat ion s Location : SOHUD' s off ice S t art : End : Tue /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Vikki Spruil l , CEO o f the Cou ncil on Tue 1 1/ 1 4/20 1 7 1 0 : 00 AM 11/ 14/20 17 1 0 : 30 AM HUD-17-0504-E-000132 Show Time As : Recurrence Meeting Tenta tive : (none) Status : Not Organ iz e r : DocBe n Required Attendees : Bass , De ana ; Bourne, Top i c : discuss ye t re spo nde d Campbell Christopher HUD' s pa r tners Locatio n : SOHUD' s o ff ice Orig in of Mee ting Inter na l Attend Chr i s Bo u rne External ees : Cy nth ia Attendees Subject : Foundations Location : : Cy n t h ia , Cynthia M hip He nn essy , Matthew L; th e Council Campbe ll Campb e ll , Matt : Vi kk i Spr ui ll HOLD for with F; MEET with and Vikki Hen ness y , Deana 2 others Spruill, Bass and (TBD) CEO of the Counci l on SOHUD' s office Start : Tue 1 1 /14/ 2 0 1 7 10 : 00 AM End : Tue 1 1/14/20 1 7 10 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not yet responded Organi zer : DocBe n Campbell , Cynthia Requ i r ed Attendees : Bass , Deana ; Bourne , Chris t op h er M Subjec t : Foundations Locat i o n : MEET with Vi kk i Spruill F ; He nn essy , Matthew , CEO of the Coun cil L; on SOHUD' s o ff i ce Start : Tue 11/ 1 4/2017 1 0 : 00 AM End : Tue 11 /14/20 1 7 10 : 30 AM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Recurrence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) HUD-17-0504-E-000133 Meet i ng Status : Tentatively accep te d Organizer : DocBen Campbell Required Attendees : Ch r istophe Bass , Deana ; Bou r ne , Subject : Loc at i on : , Cynthia r M F ; Hennessy , Matthew Welfare Policy Coordinat ion Committee Pa r tic i pan t Dial - I n : (202) 395 - 6392 Participant L; ~ Code :L_J lifil@J St a rt : Thu 9/ 7/ 201 7 2 : 00 PM End : Thu 9/7/2017 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (non e ) Organizer : Subject : minutes Location : Cona n t , Ann M. EOP/WHO ConnectHome Brooke Nation Summit - Opening Rema r ks 2nd Da y, 15 Mondale Start : Wed 11/ 1 /2017 8 : 30 AM End : Wed 1 1/1/20 17 9 : 30 AM Recu rr ence : (no ne) Organize r: Bass , Deana F rom : Le scott , Annika N . EOP/OMB Se n t : Wednesday , Octobe r 25 , 2017 9 : 4 0 AM To : Bass , Deana Subject : Dec li ned : **TOBE RESCHEDULED HUD/ 0MB Mt g . RE : Env i sion Centers** WAVES LINK ENCLOSED From : Sent : To : Subjec Beck l es , Ange la L Wednesday , October 25 , 2017 7 : 36 AM Bass , Deana Accepted : En vision Ce nt e r s/ Task t: Subject : Utilization Loca tion : BRIE F on Office of Smal l and Force Disadvantaged Wkly . Mt g . Bu siness SOHUD' s office Start : Wed 1 1/1/20 17 3 : 00 PM End : Wed 1 1/ 1/ 20 17 3 : 30 PM Show Ti me As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) Status : Not yet responded HUD-17-0504-E-000134 Organ iz e r: Doc Be n Required Atte ndees : Subjec t: Ut iliz ation Loc ation : Bass , Deana ; PHP BRIEF o n Offi ce of Small and Disadvantaged Business SOHUD' s off i ce Start : Fri 11/3/2017 3 :0 0 PM End : Fr i 11 /3/20 17 3 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta ti ve Recu rr ence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer Required : Not : DocBe n Att en d ees: ye t r espo nded Bass , De ana ; PHP; Pao , J ea n Li n Subject : HUD/HRSA Collabo r at i o n Meet i ng Lo cation : HRSA HQ ' s , 56 00 Fis hers Lane , Confe re nc e Room 13Nl38 , Rockvil l e , MD 2 0857 - 30 1 - 443 - 2216 -- main phone numbe r Start : Mon 1 0/30/20 1 7 3 : 00 PM End : Mon 1 0/30/20 1 7 4 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tent a tive Recurrence Org a nizer : (none) : Grabner , Juanita (HRSA) Subj ect: HUD/HRSA Collaboration Meeting Loca tion : HRSA HQ ' s , 5600 Fi shers Lan e , Conf ere n ce Room 13Nl38 , Roc kv il le , MD 20857 - 3 0 1- 44 3-2 2 16--ma in phone nu mber Start : Mon 10/3 0 /2017 3 : 00 PM End : Mon 10/30/2017 4 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Recurrence : (none ) Meet in g Status Organizer : : Not Grabner ye t r espo nded , Juanita (HRSA) Subjec t: Appoi ntee Educat ional Br ie fing - State of the Housing Repor t Locat i o n: TBD - Departme n ta l Conf e r ence Room or Auditori Nation 's um Start : Wed 11/8/2017 9 : 00 AM End : Wed 11 /8/20 17 10 : 00 AM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Recu rr ence : (no ne ) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000135 Meet in g Status : Not yet r espo nded Organiz e r : Dunn , Connor M Required Attendees : Pol it ica l Appointees Sub j ec t: Appo int ee Educationa l Br ie fi ng - State Hous in g Report Loc at i on : Depar tmen tal Conference Room of the Nat i on ' s Start : Wed 11 /8/ 2 0 17 9 :0 0 AM End : Wed 1 1/8/20 17 10 : 00 AM Recu r rence : (none) Meet in g S ta tus : Accep t ed Organiz e r : Dunn , Connor M Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Po liti cal Appointees Opt i o na l At tendees : PHP; Br avacos , John G; Smi th , Cooper J ; Gri bb i n, Will iam J ; Bur le y , Mic ha e l N; Hobbs, Be n j amin R; Hal le r , Julia Z; Gibbs , John ; Barton, Vi cto ria L; Coff e y , Alexand e r ; Wade , Dana T; Greenwood , Sh ei l a M; Brown , Christina M; Fa ria s , Anna Maria ; Bourne , Chr i s topher M; Al exander , Maso n; Tu f ts , Suzan n e I ; Hunt er , Matthew F ; Ludlow , Ashley ; Byrd , Dav i d J ; Zorc , Be tha ny A; Wolfson , Len ; Kelley , Mic h ael J ; Roget , Gi sele G; Marsha ll , Mich ae l J; DeFel i ce , Joseph J ; Bec kles , Ange la L; De ndas , Mi c h ae l W; Holderfield , Step han ie A; Hug he s , Andrew ; Mar z ol , Ado l fo F ; Thompso n, Ca it lin H; So livan , El vis ; Bowes , Robe r t B; Ga r za , Sa r ah J ; Bright , Micha e l R; McCa ll, Drew A; Thompson, Amy C; Kasper, Maren M; Eagles , David T; Heredia , Ev onne G; Hi pp , Van D; Gaines , Ra l ph H Fr om : Sent : To : Sub jec Hobbs , Ben jam i n R Tuesday , Octobe r 24 , 2017 2 : 4 7 PM Bass , Deana t: Declined : Envisi o n Cen te rs/ Task Fo r ce Wkly . Mtg . From : Beckles , Angela L Sent : Tuesday , Octobe r 24 , 201 7 2 :4 6 PM To : Bass , Deana Subject : Acc epte d : En v i s i on Cente rs/ Task Fo r ce Wkly . Mtg . Subjec t: Laura/ Out of Of fi ce , Gr and J ury Duty St a r t : Mon 11/ 1 3/2017 8: 00 AM End : Mon 11/ 13/20 17 8 : 30 AM Show Time As : Free Recu r rence : (none ) Mee t in g Status Org a nizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : : Not Fleischer ye t re spo nded , Laur a A HUD-17-0504-E-000136 Requ ire d Atte ndees : Deana Bass (De a n a . Bass@ hud . go v) ; Hol derfield Stephanie A; Br avacos , John G; Ado lf o Ma rz o l (Ado l fo . F . Ma rzol@hu d . gov ) Subjec t: Locat i o n: , MANDAT ORY ETHICS TRAINING Brook Mo n da l e Start : Thu 10 / 26 / 2 0 1 7 2 : 00 PM End : Thu 10/26/2017 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Ten t a tive Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Sta t us : Not yet Organ iz e r: Fle i sc h e r, Required Attendees : John G; Adolfo Marzol Sub j ec t: Loc a tio n : r espo nded Laur a A Deana Bass (Dea na . Bass @h ud . gov ); Br a vacos , (Adolfo . F . Marzol@hud . gov ); Kurtz , R . Hun te r Sect i o n 3 4202 Start : Thu 10/26/2017 1 : 30 PM End : Thu 10 / 2 6/20 1 7 2 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recurrence : (non e) Meet i ng Status : Not yet r espo nded Org a nize r : Ho ld erfie ld, Stephanie A Required Att en d ees : Smyth , Timothy M; Queen , Maria - Lana C; Ni cholsdi x on , Merrie ; Muni r , Rafiq A; Cof f ey , Alexander ; Bravacos , John G; Chr i s t e n sen , Er ic F ; Bass , Deana ; Davis , Thomas R; Stewa r t , Matthew S ; Ayala , Linda M; Ludl ow, As h ley ; Wormsby , Hollis N; Ba sta rac he , Dan i e lle L; Ga in es , Ralph H; Gree ne , Brya n; Gorml e y , Josep h M; Pe tty , Timo th y J ; Ashford , Ron ald T ; Lynch , William F; Wil so n, Susan ; Da lz e l l , Robert D; Thomas , Todd C; Gut h a r t Powe r s , Jenn i fe r; Wal le r, Stephan i e X Subjec t: Locat i o n : Section 4202 3 St art : Thu 1 0/26/20 1 7 1 : 30 PM End : Thu 10/26/2017 2 : 00 PM Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng Status : Accepted Organize r : Ho lderf ie l d , St ephan i e A Requ ir ed Attendees : Ho ld e rf ie l d , Stephan i e A; Smyt h , Ti mot hy M; Queen , Maria - Lana C; Nic h o l s d ixon , Merrie ; Mun ir , Ra fiq A; Coffey , Alexander ; Bravacos , John G; Chr i stensen , Eric F; Bass , Deana ; /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000137 Dav i s , Thomas R; Stewart , Mat thew S ; Ayala , Linda M; Lu dlow , Ashley ; Wormsby , Holli s N; Bastarache , Dan i e l le L; Gai n es , Ralph H; Gree n e , Bryan ; Gormley, Josep h M; Petty , Timothy J ; Ash f ord , Ronald T ; Lynch , Wi lliam F ; Wilson, Susan ; Dalzel l , Robert D; Thomas , Todd C; Guthar t Powers , Jenn ifer; Wal le r, Step h a nie X; Bowes , Robert B; Wolfso n, Len Opt i o na l Attendees : Lavy , Will ia m A; Reynolds , Kath ry n A; J ohn Gibb s (John . Gibbs@hud . gov) Subjec t: Locatio n: travel 5600 to Rockvi l le Fishers Ln , Roc kville , MD 20852 Sta r t : Mon 10/30/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Mon 10/30/2017 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Out of Of fi ce Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status Organizer Required : Meeting organi : Bass , Deana Attendees : Holderf Subjec t: Locat i on : zer i eld, Stephanie A; Johnson , Ca l v i n C Stephanie A; Johnson , Ca l v i n C HOLD/ HRSA MTG Rockv i lle , MD Sta r t : Mon 10/30/2017 3 : 00 PM End : Mon 1 0/30/20 1 7 4 : 00 PM Show Time As : Free Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status Organizer Required Subject : Locat i on : : Meeting organizer : Bass , Deana Attendees : Holderf i eld, Week ly Staff Meeting Departmenta l Conference Room (10233) Sta r t : Wed 10/25/2017 1 0 : 00 AM End : Wed 1 0/25/20 1 7 1 0 : 15 AM Show Time As : Tentat i ve Recu r rence Recu r rence AM effective : Weekly Pa tter n : 4 /5/2017 Organizer : Hughes Required Attendees DeFe l ice , Josep h Dav i d J ; Coressel Fi t zpatrick , Nora J r . , Chad ; McCall /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Occu r s every until 1/3/2018 Wednesday from 10 : 00 AM t o 1 0 : 15 . There are 1 2 more occu r rences . , Andrew : Hobbs , Benjamin R; Hol mes , Gr egory A; J ; Smit h, Cooper J . EOP/WHO; Kasper , Maren M; Byrd , , Jacie ; Beckles , Angela L; Greenwood , She il a M; S; Del ahoyde , Abigail M; Nason , Michae l C; Cowan , Dr ew A; Demarzo , Benjami n E ; Mills, Al lison F; HUD-17-0504-E-000138 Fila, Stephanie C; Halle r, Julia Z; Den das , Mic h ae l W; Th ompso n, Arny C; Wade , Dana T ; Zorc , Bethany A; Farias , Anna Maria ; Bravacos , John G; Garza , Sarah J ; Gaines , Ralph H; Hunter , Matt h ew F ; Marzol , Adolfo F; Appleton , Se th D; Shosky , John E ; Smith, Coop e r J; Joy , Johnso n P ; Browning, Austin G; Gribbin, Wi lli am J ; Patton , Ly nne M; Coffey , Alexander ; Gi bbs , Joh n; Kelley, Mi chael J ; Youngblood , Ri cha r d A; Alexander , Mason; Roget , Gi sele G; Will ia ms , Raf fi; Heredia , Evonne G; Gruso n, Barbara; Petty , Timothy J; Bacon, James A; Bass , Deana; Rackleff, Neal J ; Burley , Micha e l N; Bourne , Chr i s t op h er M; Woll Jr , Dav id C; Br i g ht, Michael R; Gor mley , Joseph M; Brown , Christina M; Eagles , Dav id T ; Bowes , Robert B; Ludlow , Ashley; Holderfield , Stephanie A; Kurtz , R . Hun ter ; Va n Dam, Katelyn M; Bar ton, Victoria L Opt i o n a l Atte ndees : Rawlinson , Steve n W; Wol fson , Le n Subjec t: Locatio n: Env i s i o n Center Di scussion DepSec Conference Room Tue 10 /24/20 1 7 3 : 15 PM Start : End : Tue 10 /24/ 2 0 1 7 4 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Organiz e r : PHP Required Attendees J ean Lin Subject: Location : Not : yet r espo nded Bass , Deana ; Hoban-Moore 8 : 20 MARC train Union Station, to DC Baltimore Start : End : F ri Fri 10 /27/ 2 0 1 7 8 : 00 AM 10 /27/ 2 0 1 7 9 : 00 AM Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status : DepSec DepSec A; Pao , Pen n Station// 9 : 14 arrival Meet in g organ iz e r Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Bravacos Ho ld e rf ie l d , St ephan i e A Subjec t: Location : , Patricia Weekly Confere , Joh n G; Bour ne, Senio r St aff n ce Room Christopher M; Meet i ng Start : Tue 10 / 24 /20 1 7 1 :1 5 PM End : Tue 10 /24/ 2 0 1 7 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recur r e n ce : Wee kly Recurrence Pattern /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : every Tuesday from 1:00 PM to 2 :0 0 PM HUD-17-0504-E-000139 Meet in g Status : Not ye t r espo nded Organizer : PHP Required Attende e s : Greenwood , Shei l a M; Marzol , Adolfo F; Rac kl e f f , Neal J ; Ga in es , Ra l p h H; Zorc , Betha n y A; Pe t ty , Ti mot h y J ; Hun te r, Matt h ew F ; Richardso n , Todd M; Mars h al l, Michae l J ; Bass , Deana ; Ku rtz , R . Hunte r; Bravacos , Joh n G; Eagles , Dav i d T; Tomc hi ck I II, George J ; Harker , Th omas W; Hughes , Andrew ; Farias , Anna Maria ; Wade , Dana T ; Wol fson , Len ; Thompson , Amy C; Br i ght , Michael R; Kasper , Maren M; App l e t o n, Se th D; Joy , Johnso n P ; Youn gb l ood , Ri cha r d A; Bourn e , Ch r istophe r M; Bl om, Domi niq u e G; Gol ri c k, Jane t M Subjec t: Locatio n: Touch Base on EO f or Deana ' s Offi ce CC meet in g S t art : Tue 1 0/24/20 1 7 2 : 00 PM End : Tue 10/24/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence : (none) Organizer Requ i red : Johnson , Tiffany M Atte ndees : Bass , Deana ; Fo r ero , Jaime Subject : Lo cation : Touch Base on EO for Deana ' s Office E CC meeti ng Tue 1 0/24/20 1 7 2 : 00 PM Start : End : Tue 1 0/24/20 1 7 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurre n ce : (none) Meeting St atus : Not Organi z e r: Johnso n, Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Subject : Location : yet respo nded Tif f a n y M Bass , Deana ; Fo r ero , Jaime E Champio n s ' Council Mont h ly Meeti n g Depar t mental Conference Room- 1 0233 Start : Wed 1 0/25/ 2 0 1 7 2 : 30 PM End : Wed 1 0/25/20 1 7 4 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organize r: Eag l es , Dav i d T Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Hens l ey , Henry ; Cl emmen sen , Cr aig T; Mil l igan , Maria L; Miller , Catie I ; Whippie , Tanya L; Sung , Philip E; Cooper . J . Smith@hud . gov ; Hamilton , Angie S ; Golri ck , Janet M; /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000140 Brooks , Towanda A; Gree nwood , Sheil a M; Hoban-Moore , Pat ri c i a A; Marzol , Adolfo F ; Zorc , Bethany A; Gates , Scott L ; Ku rtz , R . Hun ter ; Bryon , Jemine A; Gaines , Ra l p h H; Bass , Deana ; Ozdinec , Milan M; Hughes , Andrew ; Thompson , Amy C ; Apple ton, Seth D; Hunter , Matthew F; Suc h a r, Norma n A; Kasper , Ma re n M; Bright , Michae l R; Lyberg , Sarah A; Far i as , Anna Mari a ; Alber t , Helen M; Je n k i ns , Anne ; Kirk l a n d , Jeremy ; Kos kin en , La rry A; Domin iq ue G Blom (Do minique . G .B lom@hud.gov) ; Bregon , Nelson R; Franceschini - Petty , Raquel ; Greene, Bryan ; Wade , Dana T ; May, Marlene L ; Richa r dson, Todd M; Ammon , Matthew E ; Li ncol n, Pa ul a A; Joy , Johnson P ; Hu bbard (Ctr) , Katr i na R; Surbe r, Ke i th W; Crucian i, Linda M; Hi n ton- Mcclam , Linda D; Benison , John P ; Brown , Jereon M; Rack leff , Neal J ; Cowan Jr ., Chad ; Van Dam, Kate lyn M; Bing - Grant , Max A; Shank , Rebecca H; Gl a vin, Wil li am A; Margeson , Mitche ll J ; Ou zt s , Walter L ; McCl ure, Laura L ; PHP ; Jo n es , A ' n drea M; Alexa nde r, Maso n; Akpa k ip , Eka n em 0 ; Brown , Christina M; Pe r eira , Ariel ; Tuf ts , Suzanne I ; Ha r ker , Th omas W; Mars h all , Mic ha e l J ; Tomchick III, George J ; Ga rgiulo , Emily ; Bravacos , John G; For e ro , Jaime E Opt i o n al Atte ndees : Stowe , Ale xander D; Dunn , Con n o r M; Fle i sc h e r, Laura A; Cool , Debra M; Dawkins , Eu n ice D; Cooper , Diane J ; Axe , Jessi K; Johnson , Tiffany M; Zi ff , Susan B; Wi ng er , Katherine A; May III, Floyd O; Lewis, Rachel E ; Thomas , Todd C Subjec t: Locat i on : HUD Exec u tive Leaders hi p Forum Brooke-Monda l e Auditorium A&B Start : Tue 10/24/2017 9 : 00 AM End : Tue 1 0/24/20 1 7 12 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Recurrence : (none ) Meet in g Status : Not ye t r espo nded Org a nizer : Off ic e Of Executive Resources Required Attende es: Ammon , Matth ew E ; Appleton , Seth D; Ausby , Janice L ; Ballard , Da n iel L ; Bass , Dea n a ; Boli ng, Dan ; Brown , Jereon M; Ch ri stophe r, Nancy D; Cl evela n d- Leggett , Denise C; Cooke , Kevin R; Coope r -Jones , Barba r a ; Cors ig l i a , Na n cy E ; Cru c i ani , Li nda M; DeFe l ice , Josep h J ; Don zell , Keith M; Drayne , Michae l R ; Enzel , Davi d H; Fo rr ester , Al the a M; Ga in es , Ra l ph H; Gant , Jon L ; Getch is , John F ; Gimon t, Stan l ey ; Gol rick , Jane t M; Hi mes , Ivery W; Holbe r t , Kenneth F ; Joy , Johnso n P ; Kos k i n en , Lar r y A; Kur tz , R . Hunte r; Lavoy , Donald J ; Lincoln , Paula A; Lyberg , Sarah A; Mahoney ( Judge) , Jeremia h; Marshall , Mic h ael J; Martin , Stephen A; Meaux , Leslie A; Narode , Dane M; Pao , Jean Lin ; Patton , Lynn e M; Potts , Mill icent B; Rackleff , Neal J ; Richardson , Todd M; Roget , Gisele G; Sardone , Vir g ini a ; Sau nde r s , El i ssa 0 ; Scott , Paul A; Shu bac k, Su san J ; Simpson , Kevin M; Togans , Tamara A; Wade , Dana T ; Wol l Jr , David C; Wor den , Jeanine M; Wri ght , Shei la D; Zorc , Bethany A; Warren , Lyn ette ; Coo l, Debra M; Sea l y , Lo ri P ; Hannah , Ka th erine R; Pur ifoy , Fel i c i a A; Smith -Thomas , Mak i a ; Meyers , Sara M; Far i as , Anna Mar i a ; Bowes , Robert B; Wadhams , Unabyrd ; Hunt er , Matthew F ; Smyth , Timothy M; Malgeri , J ack R; Hayes , Mark S ; Usowski , Kurt G; Mayo , Sammy E ; /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000141 Tomchick III , George J ; Consta n tine , Peter J ; Eag les, David T ; Clement , Patr ic e D; Brooks , Towanda A; Mic ha l ski , Lori A; Daugherty , John T ; Keith , Grego ry A; Johnson , Calvin C; Ferry - J e nn i ngs, Shylon C; Gerecke , Sarah S ; Thompson , Amy C; Kasper , Maren M; Cl emmensen , Cra i g T ; Blom, Dominique G; Surber , Keith W; Br i g ht , Michael R; Hoban- Moor e , Pat ri c i a A; Bryo n, Je mi ne A; Muld e r ig , Robe r t E ; Ozd i nec , Mil an M; Van Duyne , Bet h A; Preston , Tawanna ; Hungat e , Joseph I ; Hernandez, Deborah A; Pereira , Ariel ; Nigam , Nita ; Lit t le, Jeffrey D; Lukoff , Roger M; Betts , Susan A; Fost e r , Hel en G; Bastarache , Da n ie lle L ; Hadle y , Joy ; Breg on , Nelson R; Beniso n, John P ; Gree n e , Bryan ; Davis , Thomas R; Scott , J i mmy; Greenwood , Sheila M; Mills , Krista ; Hensley , Henry ; Frechet t e , He idi J Optiona l Attendees : Johnson , Robyn R; Deans , Dan'Ta li sha N; Rorie , Joshua C From : Brown , Christina M Sent : Monday , October 23 , 2017 9 : 52 AM To : Bass , Dea na Subjec t: Accepted : HUD/ 0 MB Mtg . RE : Envision LINK ENCLOSED Subjec t: Locat ion: HOLD 1/ EEOB 0MB Mtg. RE : EnV ision Ce nters** WAVES Ce n ters Start : Fri 11/3/2017 10 : 00 AM End : Fri 11/ 3/20 17 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentat iv e Recurrence : (none ) Organi zer: Bass , Deana Requ ir ed Attendees : Rupar , Christopher J ; Kasper, Ma ren M; Bourne , Christopher M; Hold erfield , Stephanie A; Brow n, Christina Ballard , Daniel L Ho ld 2/ EEOB Subject: Locat ion: 0MB Mtg. Re : Envision M; Ce n ters Start : Fri 11/3/2017 1 : 00 PM End : Fri 1 1/3/2017 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentat iv e Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Requ ir ed Attendees : Rupar , Christopher J ; Kasper, Ma r en M; Bourne , Christop h er M; Hold erfield , Step h anie A; Ba ll ard , Daniel Brown, Christina M Subject Location /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : : Ho ld 2/ EEOB 0MB Mtg . Re : Envision L; Ce n ters HUD-17-0504-E-000142 Start : Fri 11 /3/20 17 1 : 00 PM End : Fri 1 1/3/20 17 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organ iz e r: Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Rupar , Ch ristop h er J; Bourne , Christopher M; Holderfi e l d , Stephanie Brown , Ch risti na M Subject : Loc ation : HOLD 1/ 0MB Mtg . RE : En Vision EEOB Kasper , Maren M; A; Ballard , Dan i e l L ; Cen ter s Start : F ri 1 1/3/20 17 10 : 00 AM End : Fri 11 /3/20 17 11:00 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Rupa r , Ch ri stophe r J; Bourne , Christopher M; Holde rfi e l d, Stephanie Ballard , Daniel L Subject : Our Daily Envision Centers Loca tion : Our Daily Bread Si te Bread , 725 Visit Fallsway Kaspe r , Maren M; A; Brown , Christina w/ Catholic , Baltimore Charit M; ie s -- , MD 21202 Fri 10 /27/20 1 7 10 : 30 AM S t art : End : F ri 10 /27/20 1 7 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Bass , Deana ; ' Lucreda Cobbs '; Wol fe , Lisa A; Ho ld e rf ie l d , Stephan i e A; Bravacos , Jo hn G; Bourne , Chr istopher M; Payne , Carol B Opt i onal Attendees : DeFe l ice , Joseph J ; Pay n e , Caro l B (ca rol . b . payne@hud . gov) Our Daily Subjec t: Envision Centers Loc at io n : Our Daily Bread S i te Vi sit Bread , 7 25 Fallsway w/ Catho li c Ch ar i ties , Baltimore -- , MD 212 0 2 Start : Fri 10/27/2017 10 : 30 AM End : Fri 1 0/27/20 1 7 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) : Bass , Deana HUD-17-0504-E-000143 Requ ire d Atte ndees : Bass , Deana ; ' Lu creda Cobbs '; Wol fe, Lisa A; Ho ld e rf ie l d , Stephan i e A; Bravacos , Jo hn G; Bourne , Chr istophe r M; Payne , Carol B Optional Attend ees: DeFelic e, Joseph J ; Payn e, Carol B (c arol . b . payne@ hu d . gov ) Ho ld 2/ EEOB Sub j ec t: Locatio n: 0MB Mtg. Re : En vis i on Ce n ters Star t: F r i 11 /3/20 17 1 : 00 PM End : Fri 11 /3/ 2 0 17 3 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence : (none) Organ iz e r: Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Rupar , Ch ristop h er J ; Kasper , Ma r en M; Bourn e, Ch ri stopher M; Holde rfi e l d , Stephanie A; Ballard , Dan i e l L ; Brown , Chri sti n a M Subject Location : : Ho ld 2/ EEOB 0MB Mtg . Re : En vision Cen ter s Start : F r i 11 /3/20 17 1 : 00 PM End : Fri 11 /3/20 17 3 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence : (none) Org a nizer : Bass, Deana Required Atte nd ees : Rupar , Ch ristop h er J; Bourn e, Ch ri stopher M; Holde rfi e l d , Stephanie Subjec t: Loc a tio n: Ho ld 2/ EEOB 0MB Mt g . Re : Envision Start : End : Fri F ri 11/3/2017 1 : 00 PM 11 /3/ 2 0 17 3 :0 0 PM Recurrence : (none ) Meeting Status : Meeting Kasp er , Mar en M; A; Ballard , Dan i e l L Ce n ters organizer Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Rupa r , Ch ri stophe r J; Kaspe r , Maren M; Bou rn e , Chris t ophe r M; Holderfie l d , S teph anie A; Ballard , Dan i e l L ; Brown , Ch risti n a M; Lescott , Ann ika N. EOP/OMB ; Hensley , Henry Subject : Loc ation : HOLD 1/ EEOB 0MB Mtg . RE : En Vision Ce n ters Fri 11 /3/ 2 0 17 10: 00 AM Start : End : Fri 1 1/3/20 17 1 1 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000144 Recurrence : (non e ) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Rupar , Christop h er J ; Kasper , Maren M; Bourne , Chr i stopher M; Holderfield , Stephan i e A; Brown , Chr i stina Bal l ard , Dan i el L Subject : Loca tion : HOLD 1/ 0MB Mtg . RE : EnV i sion EEOB St art : End : Fri Fri 1 1/3/20 17 10 : 00 AM 11/3/2017 11 : 00 AM Recurrence : (none) Meeting S t atus : Meeting Centers organizer Organizer : Bass , Deana Requ i red At tendees : Rupar , Chr i stopher J ; Kasper , Mar en M; Bourne , Christopher M; Holderfie l d , Stephanie A; Brown, Christina Ballard , Daniel L; Lescott , Annika N. EOP/OMB Subjec t: Our Env i sion Centers Location : Our M; Dai ly Bread Site Dai ly Bread , 725 Visit w/ Catho li c Char i ties M; -- Fa ll sway , Bal t imore , MD 21202 Start : Fri 10/27/2017 1 0 : 30 AM End : Fri 1 0/27/20 1 7 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Organize r: Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Bass , Deana ; ' Lucreda Cobbs '; Wolfe , Lisa A; Holderfield , Stephanie A; Bravacos , John G; Bourne , Christopher M; Payne , Carol B Opt i onal Atte ndees : DeFe l ice , Joseph J ; Payne , Carol B (carol . b . payne@hud . gov) Subject : Our Env i sion Centers Our Location : Dai ly Bread Site Daily Bread , 725 Vis it Fallsway w/ Catholic Cha ri t i es -- , Bal t i more , MD 21202 Start : F ri 10/27/2017 1 0 : 30 AM End : Fri 10/27/2017 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Requ i red At Holderfield Payne , Ca ro /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Bass , Deana tendees : Bass , Deana ; ' Lucreda Cobbs '; Wolfe, Lisa A; , Stephanie A; Bravacos , John G; Bourne , Christopher M; l B HUD-17-0504-E-000145 Opt i o n al Atte ndees : DeFe l ice , Joseph (carol . b . payne@hud . gov) Subject : Loca tio n: DepSec DepSec Weekly Confere Senio r Sta ff n ce Room J ; Payne , Ca ro l B Meeting Start : Tue 1 0/24/20 1 7 1 : 00 PM End : Tue 1 0/24/20 1 7 2 : 00 PM Show Ti me As : Tentative Recurrence Recurrence : Week l y Pattern : Meeti ng Status : every Tentatively Tuesday from 1: 00 PM to 2 : 00 PM accepted Organize r: PHP Req u ired Attendees : Marshal l , Michae l J ; Greenwood , Shei l a M; Bass , Deana ; Kurt z , R. Hunter ; Marzo l , Adolfo F ; Br avacos , John G; Eag l es , Dav i d T ; Tomchick III , George J ; Har k er , Thomas W; Hughes , Andr e w; Rack l e ff , Nea l J ; Ga i nes , Ra l ph H; Farias , Anna Mar i a ; Wade, Dana T ; Wolfson , Len ; Th ompson, Amy C; Bright , Mich ae l R; Kasper , Mar en M; Zorc , Bethany A; Petty , Timothy J ; Appleton, Seth D; Hun ter , Matthew F ; Joy , Johnson P ; Youngblood , Rich a r d A; Bour ne , Chr i s t opher M; Richar dson , Todd M; Bl om, Domin ique G; Golrick , Jane t M; Pao , Jean Lin ; Tufts , Suzann e I Subject : Our Daily Br ead Site Vi s it w/ Catholic Cha ri t i es -Env i sion Centers Our Dai l y Bread , 725 Fallsway , Bal t i more , MD 21202 Loca tion : S t art : F ri 1 0/27/20 1 7 1 0 : 30 AM End : F ri 10/27/2017 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recu r rence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Requ i red Atte nde es : Bass , Deana ; ' Lu c reda Cobbs '; Wolfe , Lisa A; Holderfield , Stephan i e A; Bravacos , John G; Bou r ne , Christopher M; Payne , Caro l B Optional Attendees : DeFel i ce , Joseph J ; Payne , Carol B (carol . b . payne @hud . gov) Subject : Our Dai ly Envision Ce n ters Loca tion : Our Dai ly Bread Site Bread , 725 Visit Fallsway w/ Catholic , Baltimore Charit ie s -- , MD 21202 Start : Fri 1 0/2 7/ 20 1 7 10 : 30 AM End : Fri 1 0/2 7/ 20 1 7 11 : 30 AM Show Tim e As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) : Bass , Deana HUD-17-0504-E-000146 Requ i re d Atte ndees : Bass , Deana ; ' Lucreda Cobbs '; Wol fe , Lisa A; Ho ld e rf ie l d , Stephan i e A; Bravacos , Jo hn G; Bourne , Chr istophe r M; Payne , Carol B Optional Attend ees : DeFelic e , Joseph J ; Payn e , Carol B (c arol . b . payne@ h ud . gov ) Sub j ec t: Our Daily Envision Centers Loc ation : Our Daily Bread Br ead, S i te Vi sit 7 2 5 Fallsway w/ Catho l i c Char i ties , Baltimor e, -- MD 21202 Start : Fri 1 0/27/20 1 7 1 0 : 30 AM End : F ri 1 0 /27/ 2 0 1 7 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Te nta t ive Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Req uired Att en d ees : Bass , Dea na ; ' Lucre da Cobbs ' ; Wolf e , Lisa A; Holde rf ie l d , St ephan i e A; Bra v acos , John G; Bourne , Chr istophe r M; Payne , Carol B Opt i o na l Atte ndees : DeFe l ice , Joseph J ; Payne , Caro l B (ca rol . b . payne@hud . gov ) Our Daily Subjec t : Env i s i o n Centers Our Daily Locatio n : Bread Site Visit w/ Catho li c Ch ar i t ies -- Bread , 7 2 5 Fa ll sway , Bal t i more , MD 21202 Start : Fri 10 /27/20 1 7 1 0 : 30 AM End : Fri 1 0/27/20 1 7 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recu rr ence : (none) Org an iz e r: Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Holderf i e ld , Stephanie Payne , Carol B Opt i o n al At tendees : (carol . b . payne@hud . gov Our Daily Subject : Env i sio n Centers Our Daily Locat ion : Bass , Deana ; ' Lucreda Cobbs '; Wolfe , Lisa A; A; Bravac os , John G; Bourne , Christoph e r M; DeFe li ce , Josep h J ; Pay n e , Ca r ol B ) Br e ad Site Vis it Bread , 7 2 5 Fallsway w/ Catholic Cha ri t i es -- , Balt i mor e , MD 21202 St a r t : F ri 10/27/2017 1 0 : 30 AM End : Fri 10/27/2017 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence : (none) Organize r : Bass, Deana Requ i r ed At tendees : Bass , Deana ; ' Lucreda Cobbs ' ; Wol f e , Lisa A; Ho ld erfield , Stephanie A; Bravacos , John G; Bourne , Chris tophe r M; Payne , Carol B /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000147 Opt i o na l Attendees (c arol . b.payne@hud Subject: Our Envision Centers Our Locat ion: : DeFe li ce , Josep h J ; Payne , Ca ro l B . gov ) Daily Bread Site Daily Bread , 725 Vis it Fallsway w/ Catholic Charit i es -- , Balt i more , MD 21202 Start : F ri 10 /27/20 1 7 1 0 : 30 AM End : Fri 10/27/2017 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : (none) Organi zer : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Lucreda Cobbs ; Wolfe, Lisa Stephanie A; Bravacos , John G; Bourne , Christopher Subject : Our Envision Centers Our Locat ion : Daily Br ead Site Vis it Da i ly Bread , 7 2 5 Fallsway w/ Catholic A; Holder f ield , M; Payne , Ca r o l B Charit i es , Balt i mor e , MD 21202 Start : F ri 10/27/2017 1 0 : 30 AM End : Fri 10/27/2017 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : (none ) Organi zer : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Attendees : Lucreda Cobbs ; Wolf e , Lisa Stephanie A; Bravacos, John G; Bourne, Christopher A; Holder fi eld , M; Payne, Carol B Subject : Our Dai l y Br ead Site Vis it w/ Catholic Charit i es Envision Cente r s Locat ion : Ou r Daily Bread , 725 Fallsway , Balt i mor e , MD 21202 Sta r t : End : Fri F ri 10/27/2017 1 0 : 30 AM 10/27/2017 11 : 30 AM Recurrence : (none) Meeting Status : Meeting organizer Org an iz e r : Bass , Deana Required Atte nd ees : Bass, Deana ; 'Lu creda Cobbs '; Wolfe, Lisa A; Holderf i eld, Stephanie A; Bravacos , John G; Bourne , Christopher M; Payne , Carol B Optio n al Attendees : DeFelice, Josep h J ; Payne , Carol B (carol . b.payne@hud . gov) Subject Locatio : n: Start : End : Thu /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Detroi Detroi t Envision t Centers Mon 11/ 13/20 1 7 12 : 00 AM 11/ 16/20 17 12 : 00 AM HUD-17-0504-E-000148 Show Time As : Recurrence Free : (none) Organize r: Bass , Deana Requ i red Atte ndees : Bravacos , John Holderfield , Stephan i e A; Po l sinell i, Subject : Loca tion : Detroit Envision Detroi t G; Bourne , Christopher Michae l L M; Centers St art : Mon 1 1/13/20 1 7 12 : 00 AM End : Thu 11/ 16 /2017 12 : 00 AM Show Time As : Free Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Requ i red Atte ndees : Bravacos , Joh n G; Bour n e , Christopher Holderfield , Stephan i e A; Po l sinell i, Michae l L Subject : Lo cation : Detroit Detroit Envision M; Centers Start : Mon 1 1/13/20 1 7 12 : 00 AM End : Thu 1 1/16/20 1 7 12 : 00 AM Show Time As : Free Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Bravacos , John Holderfield , St ephan i e A; Po l sinell i, Su bject : Loc at i on : Detroit Detroit Envision G; Bourne , Christopher Michae l L M; Centers Start : Mon 1 1/13/20 1 7 12 : 00 AM End : Thu 1 1/16/20 1 7 12 : 00 AM Show Time As : F ree Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Bravacos , John G; Bourne , Ch ri stop h e r M; Holderf i eld , St ephanie A; Polsinelli , Micha el L Subject : Location : Detroit Detroit Env i sion Centers Start : Mon 11/ 13 /2017 12 : 00 AM End : Thu 1 1/16/20 1 7 12 : 00 AM Show Time As : Free /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000149 Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng Status : Meeti ng organizer Organi zer: Bass , Deana Bravacos , Joh n G; Bou rn e , Christopher Requ ir ed Attendees : Ho ld e rf ie l d , St ephan i e A; Po l s in e lli, Michae l L M; ~b)(6) l Subjec t: Start : Mon 11 /13/ 2 0 1 7 12 : 00 AM End : Tue 1 1/14/20 1 7 12 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng Status : Not yet responded Organi zer: Flei sc her, La ur a A Requ ir ed Attendees : Deana Bass (Deana . Bass@ hu d . gov ); Ado l fo Marzol (Adol fo . F . Marzol@ h ud . gov ); Br a vac os, John G; Aida Rodriguez (AIDA . N. RODRIGUEZ@hud. gov ); Hardison , James C; Dawkins , Eunic e D Subject rb)(6) l : Start : Mon 11 /13/20 1 7 12 : 00 AM End : Sat 12/16/20 1 7 12 : 00 AM Show Time As : F ree Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status : Not yet r espo nded Organizer : F l e ischer , Laura A Required Attendees : Deana Bass (Dea n a . Bass@ hu d . gov) ; Adolfo Mar zol (Ado lf o . F.Marzol@hud . gov ); Bravacos , Jo hn G; Aida Rodriguez (AIDA . N. RODRIGUEZ@hud. gov ); Har dison , James C; Dawk i ns , Eun i ce D Subject Locatio : n: Section 3 4th Floo r 4202 Con fe re n ce Room Start : F ri 1 0/20/20 1 7 3 : 30 PM End : F ri 10/20/2017 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not yet respond ed Org an iz e r: Ho ld e rf ie l d , Stephan i e A Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Smyth , Timothy M; Queen , Mar ia - Lana C; Nicholsdixon , Mer rie ; Muni r , Rafiq A; Coffey , Alexander ; Bravacos /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT , HUD-17-0504-E-000150 John G; Chr i s t ensen , Eric F ; Bass , Dea n a ; Davis , Thomas R; Stewa r t , Matthew S ; Ayala , Li nda M; Ludlow , Ashley ; Wormsby , Hollis N; Bastarac h e , Danielle L; Gaines , Ralph H; Greene , Bryan ; Gormley , Joseph M; Petty , Timothy J Opt i onal Attendees : Ash f ord , Ronald T; Lync h, Wil liam F ; Wilson , Susan ; Dalze l l , Robert D; Thomas , Todd C Conference Call - in 877 . 336 . 1839 Access Code !(b)(6) Subject : travel to EEOB Start : Thu 10/26/2017 3 : 00 PM End : Thu 10/26/2017 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Out of Off i ce Recu rr ence : (none) Organizer : Subject : Lo cation : Bass , Deana Senior Staff Meeting Secretary ' s Conference (Weekly) Room Start : Wed 1 0/25/20 1 7 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 1 0/25/20 1 7 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Recurrence Meeting : Week l y Pattern : Status : Not every yet Monday from 3 : 00 PM to 3 : 30 PM responded Organi z e r: DocBen Requ i red Attendees : She il a M Greenwood (Sheila . M. Greenwood l @hud . gov) ; Kurtz , R . Hunter ; Bass , Deana ; Hughes , Andrew ; Marzol , Adolfo F ; Bright , Michael R; Appleton , Seth D; Bourne , Christopher M; Joy , Johnso n P ; Wade , Dana T; Hunter , Mat thew F ; Eagles , David T; Thompson , Amy C; Gaines, Ralph H; Zorc , Be th any A; Kasper , Maren M; Rackleff , Neal J ; PHP; Farias , Anna Mari a Subject : Loc ation : Rm. 10202 HUD/ 0MB Mtg . RE : Envision Centers** WAVES LINK ENCLOSED New Executive Office Building (NEOB) 725 17th Street NW, S t art : Thu 1 0/26/20 1 7 3 : 30 PM End : Thu 10/26/2017 4 : 30 PM /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000151 Show Time As : Recurrence Tenta tive : (none) Organi zer: Bass , Deana Requ ir ed Attendees : Brown , Christina M; Ballard , Dan ie l L; Bourne , Chr i stopher M; Ho l derf i eld , Stephan i e A; Lescott , Annika N . EOP/OMB; Brego n, Ne l so n R; Rupar , Christopher J ; Lee , Jessica K. EOP/OMB Opt i o n al Attendees : Kasper , Maren M Subject : Location : Rm. 1 0202 HUD/ 0MB Mtg . RE: Envision Ce n ters** WAVES LINK ENCLOSED New Exec u tive Office Building (NEOB) 725 1 7t h Street NW, Start : Thu 1 0/26/20 1 7 3 : 30 PM End : Thu 10 /26/20 1 7 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attend ees: Brown , Christina M; Ballard , Dani e l L; Bourne , Chr i s t op h er M; Ho l der fie ld , Steph an i e A; Lesco tt, Anni k a N. EOP/OMB; Brego n , Nelson R; Rupa r , Christopher J ; Lee, Jess i ca K. EOP/OMB Optional Attend ees: Kasper , Maren M From : Rupar , Chri stop h e r J Sent : F rid a y , October 20 , 2017 12 : 31 PM To : Bass , Deana Subj ect: Accep te d : HUD/ 0MB Mtg . RE : Envision LI NK ENCLOSED Subjec t: Locat i o n: Rm. 1 0202 Centers** WAVES HUD/ 0 MB Mtg . RE : Envision Ce nter s** WAVES LINK ENCLOSED New Execut i ve Off i ce Bu ild i ng (NEOB) 725 1 7th St r eet NW, Start : Thu 10/26/2017 3 : 30 PM End : Thu 1 0/26/20 1 7 4 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Brown , Christina M; Ballard , Dan ie l L; Bourne , Christop h er M; Hold erfield , Step h an i e A; Lescott , Annika N. EOP/OMB; Bregon , Nelson R; Rupar, Christopher J ; Lee , J es sica K. EOP/OMB Kasper , Maren M Opt i o n al Attendees : Subject /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : HUD/ 0MB Mtg . RE : Envision Centers** WAVES LINK ENCLOSED HUD-17-0504-E-000152 Loca ti o n : Rm. 1 02 02 Ne w Exe c u t iv e Off i c e Bu ild i ng (NEOB) 725 17t h St r ee t NW, St a r t : Thu 10/26/2017 3 : 30 PM End : Thu 1 0/26/20 1 7 4 : 30 PM Sho w Tim e As : Tenta ti ve Recurre n ce : (none ) Or g an iz e r : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed At t e ndees : Br o wn , Chri s tin a M; Balla r d , Dan ie l L; Bourne , Chr is top h er M; Hol derfield , S tep ha n i e A; Les c ott , Anni k a N. EOP/O MB; Br e g on , Ne l son R; Rupar , Chri s t op h e r J ; Lee , J e s s i c a K. EOP/O MB Op t i o n al At t e ndees : Kas p e r , Maren M F r o m: Brego n , Ne l so n R Se n t : F ri da y , Octo be r 20 , 2 0 1 7 12 : 04 PM To : Bass , Deana Cc : Fo r ero , Ja i me E Su b je c t : Dec lin ed : HUD/ 0 MB Mtg . RE : Envi si on Ce n ters** LIN K ENCLOSED WAVES Ouch ! Unf or tun a t e l y , I wil l b e r etur n ing to PR on Wed n e sday , 2 5 Octobe r . Su b ject : HUD/ 0MB Mtg . RE : Envisi o n Ce n te r s ** WAVES LIN K ENCLOSED Lo cat ion : Ne w Ex e c u tiv e Offic e Bu ilding (NEOB) 725 1 7t h St r eet NW, Rm. 1 020 2 St a rt : Thu 1 0 / 2 6/ 2 0 1 7 3 : 3 0 PM End : Thu 1 0 / 2 6/20 1 7 4: 30 PM Show Tim e As : Te nt at iv e Recur r e n ce : (none ) Or ga niz e r : Ba ss , De an a Requ ire d At t e nde e s : Bro wn , Ch r i s tin a M; Ballard , Da n iel L; Bourne , Ch r i s t oph e r M; Ho l der fi eld , S t ep h an i e A; Lesco t t , Anni k a N . EOP/O MB; Br ego n , Ne l so n R; Rupa r, Chr i sto p her J ; Lee , Jess i ca K. EOP/ OMB Op tional At ten d ee s : Kasp e r , Mar e n M Sub j ec t : Loc a tio n : Rm. 1 02 02 HUD/ 0 MB Mtg . RE : En vi sion Ce nt e r s ** WAVES LINK ENCLOSED New Execut i ve Off i ce Build i ng (NEOB) 725 1 7th St r eet NW, Star t : Thu 10/26/2017 3 : 30 PM End : Thu 1 0/ 2 6/ 2 0 1 7 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recur r e n ce : (none ) Org a nize r : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Ba ss , Dean a HUD-17-0504-E-000153 Requ ire d Atte ndees : Brown , Ch risti n a M; Ballard , Dan ie l L; Bourne , Chr i s toph e r M; Hol derf i eld , Stephan i e A; Lescott , Annika N . EOP/OMB; Brego n, Ne l son R; Rupar , Christopher J ; Lee , Jessic a K. EOP/OMB Kasper , Maren M Opt i o n al Attendees : Subject : Locatio n : Rm. 10202 HUD/ 0 MB Mtg . RE : Env i sion Ce nt e r s ** WAVES LINK ENCLOSED New Execu t ive Office Bu ilding (NEOB) 725 17 th Street NW, Start : Thu 1 0/26/20 1 7 3 : 30 PM End : Thu 10 /26/ 2 0 1 7 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Te nta t ive Recurrence : (none) Organize r : Bass , Deana Req uired Att en d ees : Brown , Christina M; Ballard , Daniel L; Bourne , Chr i s t op her M; Hol der fie ld , Steph an i e A; Lesco t t , Annika N . EOP/OMB; Brego n , Ne l so n R; Rupa r, Christopher J ; Lee , Jess i ca K. EOP/O MB Optional Attendees : Kasper , Maren M Subjec t: Locat i o n: Rm. 1 0202 HUD/ 0 MB Mtg . RE : En vi sion Ce nt ers* * WAVES LINK ENCLOSED New Executive Off i ce Bu ild i ng (NEOB) 725 1 7th Street NW, Start : Thu 10 /26/20 1 7 3 : 30 PM End : Thu 1 0/26/20 1 7 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recu rr ence : (none) Orga n iz e r: Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Brown , Ch risti na M; Bal l ard , Dan ie l L; Bourn e, Christopher M; Holde rfi e l d , Stephanie A; Les cott, Annika N. EOP/OMB; Brego n, Nel so n R; Rupar , Christopher J ; Lee , Jessica K. EOP/OMB Opt i o na l Attendees : Kasper , Maren M F rom : Lescott , Anni ka N . EOP/OMB Sent : Frid ay , October 20 , 2017 11 : 40 AM To : Bass , Deana Subject : Accepted : HUD/ 0 MB Mtg . RE : Envision Centers** WAVES LINK ENCLOSED Subject : Locatio n : Rm. 10202 HUD/ 0 MB Mtg . RE : Env i sion Ce nt e r s ** WAVES LINK ENCLOSED New Execu t ive Office Bu ilding (NEOB) 725 1 7th Street NW, Start : Thu 1 0/26/20 1 7 3 : 30 PM End : Thu 1 0/26/20 1 7 4 : 30 PM Sho w Time As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000154 Recur r e n ce : (none) Organiz e r : Bass , De ana Required Attendees : Brown , Chri s tin a M; Bal la rd , Dan ie l L; Bourne , Chr i stop h er M; Ho l derf i eld , Step h an i e A; Lescott , Annika N . EOP/ OMB; Brego n , Ne l so n R; Rupa r, Chr i stopher J ; Lee , Jess i ca K. EOP/OMB Optional Attend ees: Kasper, Mar en M Subjec t: Lo cation : Rm. 102 02 HUD/ 0 MB Mtg . RE : Env i sion Ce nt e r s** WAVES LIN K ENCLOSED New Execu t ive Office Bu ilding (NEOB) 725 1 7th Street NW, Star t: Thu 10 /26/20 1 7 3 : 30 PM End : Thu 1 0/26/20 1 7 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Org a nizer : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Bass , Deana ; Brown , Christina M; Ballard , Daniel L; Bour ne, Ch ri stophe r M; Holderfi e ld , Stephan i e A; Lescott Ann ik a N . EOP/O MB Subject : Lo cation : Hol d 1 / 0MB En vision EEOB , Ce n ter s Mtg . Start : Thu 1 0/26/20 1 7 9 : 30 AM End : Thu 10 /26/20 1 7 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence : (none) Org a nizer : Bass , Deana Required Attende es: Bass , Deana ; Brown , Christina M; Ballard , Daniel L; Bour n e , Christopher M; Hold erfield , Stephanie A; Lescott Ann ik a N . EOP/O MB Subject : Loc ation : HOLD 3/ 0MB Mtg . RE : En Vision 0MB , Ce n ter s Start : Tue 1 0/24/20 1 7 4 : 00 PM End : Tue 1 0/24/20 1 7 5 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta t iv e Recu rr ence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attend ees: Brown , Christina M; Ballard , Daniel L; Bourne , Chr i stop he r M; Ho l der fie l d , Step h an i e A; Lescott , Annika EOP/OMB Subject /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Hold 2 / 0MB Env ision Centers N. Mtg . HUD-17-0504-E-000155 Location : EEOB Start : Thu 1 0/26/20 1 7 3 : 30 PM End : Thu 10/26/2017 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Requ i red Attendees : Bass, Dan i el L ; Bourne , Christopher Annika N . EOP/OMB Subject Location : : HOLD 3/ 0MB Mtg. 0MB Deana ; Brown , Christina M; Ba ll ard , M; Hol derfield , Stephanie A; Lescott RE : EnVision , Centers S t art : Tue 1 0/24/2017 4 : 00 PM End : Tue 10/24/2017 5 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Brown , Christi n a M; Bal lard , Daniel L; Bourne , Chr i stopher M; Holderfield , Stephan i e A; Lescott , Annika EOP/OMB Subject Location : : Hold 1 / 0MB Envision EEOB Centers N. Mtg . S t art : Thu 1 0/26/20 1 7 9 : 30 AM End : Thu 10/26/2017 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Requ i red Atte ndees : Bass , Deana ; Brown , Christ i na M; Ba ll ard , Dan i el L; Bourne , Christopher M; Hol derfield , Stephanie A; Lescott Annika N . EOP/OMB Subjec t: Location : Hold 2 / 0MB Envision EEOB Centers , Mtg . Start : Thu 10/26/2017 3 : 30 PM End : Thu 10/26/2017 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Requ i red At tendees : Bass , Deana ; Brown , Christ i na M; Ba ll ard , Daniel L ; Bourne , Christopher M; Holderfield , Stephan ie A; Lescot Annika N . EOP/OMB /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT t, HUD-17-0504-E-000156 From : Sent : To : Subjec Lesco tt , Ann ik a N . EOP/OMB F riday , October 20 , 2017 11 : 22 AM Bass , De ana t: Accepted : Hol d 2 / 0MB Envisio n Centers Mtg . Subjec t: Loca tion : Hold 2 / 0MB Env i sion EEOB Cen ters Mtg . Start : Thu 1 0/26/20 1 7 3 : 30 PM End : Thu 10/26/2017 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recur r e n ce : (none) Organiz e r : Bass , De ana Requ i red Atte ndees : Bass , Deana ; Br own , Chr istina M; Ba ll ard , Dan i el L; Bou rn e , Christopher M; Hold e r fie ld, Stephanie A; Lescot Annika N . EOP/OMB Subject : Loca tion : Hold 1 / 0MB Env i sion EEOB Centers t, Mtg . S t art : Thu 1 0/26/20 1 7 9 : 30 AM End : Thu 10/26/2017 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : (none) Organiz e r : Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Bass , Deana ; Br own , Chr istina M; Ba ll a r d , Dan i el L ; Bou rn e , Christopher M; Hold e r fie ld, Stephanie A; Lescott Annika N . EOP/OMB Subjec t: Loca tion : Hold 2 / 0MB Env ision EEOB Ce n ters , Mtg . Start : Thu 10 /26/20 1 7 3 : 30 PM End : Thu 10/26/2017 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurre n ce : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Bass , Deana ; Brown , Christina M; Bal lard , Dan i el L ; Bou rn e , Christopher M; Hol derfield, Stephanie A; Lescott Ann ik a N . EOP/OMB F rom : Holderfie l d , Ste phan i e A Sent : Friday , October 20 , 2017 11 : 04 AM To : Bass , Deana Subject : Accepted : Hold 2 / 0MB Envision /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Centers , Mt g . HUD-17-0504-E-000157 Subjec t: Location : Hold 1 I 0MB Envis i on Ce n ters EEOB Mtg . Start : Thu 1 0126120 1 7 9 : 30 AM End : Thu 1 0126120 1 7 11 : 30 AM Show Ti me As : Tentat i ve Recurrence : (none) Organize r: Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Bass , Deana ; Brown , Chris t ina M; Ba ll ard , Daniel L; Bourne , Ch ri stophe r M; Holderfield , Stephan i e A; Lescott Anni k a N . EOPIOMB , Subject : HUD/ 0MB Mtg . RE : Envision Ce n te r s ** WAVES DUE BY 1 NOV, LI NK ENCLOSED ** Lo cation : New Executive Office Bu il ding (NEOB) 725 1 7 th Street NW, Rm. 1 0209 St art : F ri 1 113120 17 2 : 00 PM End : Fri 111312017 3 :0 0 PM Show Tim e As : Out of Office Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Meeting organizer Organize r: Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Bass , Deana ; Bregon , Nelson R; Rupar , Christop h er J ; Holderfie l d , Step h anie A; Lescott , Annika N . EOPIOMB; Lee , Jessica K . EOP/OMB; Brown , Chris t ina M; Hensley , Henry ; Kaspe r , Maren M; Mal o n e , LaTo n ya T Opt i o n al Atte ndees : Eag l es , Dav i d T; Sun , Jess i ca L . EOP/OMB Subjec t: Locatio n: Hold 1 I 0MB Env i sion EEOB Centers Mtg . Start : Thu 1 01 2 6120 1 7 9 : 30 AM End : Thu 1 0126/20 1 7 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Free Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting S t atus : Meeting o r ganizer Organizer : Bass , Deana Requ i red Atte ndees : Brown , Chr i st in a M; Ballard , Daniel L; Bourne , Christop h er M; Holderfie l d , Step h anie A; Lescott , Annika EOP/OMB Subject : ** Pl ease use i nv i te# f r om HRSA RE : HUD ca l l Administra tor Dr . Sigounas Locatio n : 1022 6 II Dial In # 888 - 2 7 3 - 3658 Code : l~ (b-)(_6>___ /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT wl N. HRSA __, HUD-17-0504-E-000158 Start : Mon 1 0/23/20 1 7 3 : 45 PM End : Mon 1 0/23/20 1 7 4 : 15 PM Show Time As : Free Recurrence : (none) Organizer Required Johnso n, : Bass , Deana Attendees : Ca l vi n C Subject : Loc ation : ' CPatenaude@hrsa . gov '; HUD/HRSA Discussion Teleconference : 1 - 866 - 732 - 797 1 ; Bou rn e , Christopher M; 6 Passcode l~~-)(_ _) ______ _, Start : Mon 10/23/2017 3 : 45 PM Mon 1 0/23/20 1 7 4 : 15 PM Show Time As : Tentative End : Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Subjec t: Loca tion : Sigounas , George (HRSA) HUD/HRSA Discuss ion Teleconference : 1-866-732-7971 ; Passcod 5 (b-)(- )------~ e : l~ Start : Mon 10/23/2017 3 : 45 PM End : Mon 10/23/2017 4 : 15 PM Recurrence : (none) Meeting Status Organize r: : Accepted Sigounas Subject : Loca tion : , George (HRSA) HUD/HRSA Discussion Teleco n ference : 1-866-732- 797 1 ; Passcode : 5 ~rb-)(- )-----~ Start : Mon 1 0/23/20 1 7 3 : 45 PM End : Mon 10/23/201 7 4 : 15 PM Show Ti me As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (non e ) Status Or ganizer Su bject : Loc at i on : : : Not Sigounas HUD call 1022 6 // yet responded , George (HRSA) w/ HRSA Administrator Dr . Sigounas # 888 - 273 - 3658 Code : ~!{ b-l(-6)---. Dial In Mon 1 0/23/20 1 7 3 : 45 PM Start : End : Mon 1 0/23/20 1 7 4 : 15 PM Tentative Show Time As : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000159 Recurrence : (non e ) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : CPatenaude@hrsa.gov Johnso n , Calvin C Subject : Loc ation : ; Bou r ne , Christopher M; HUD cal l w/ HRSA Administrator Dr . Sigounas 1022 6 // Dial In # 888 - 273 - 3658 Code : ~!( b-l(-6)--, Start : Mon 1 0/23/20 1 7 3 : 45 PM End : Mon 1 0/23/20 1 7 4 : 15 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : CPatenaude@h Johnson , Ca l vin C Subject : Loc ation : r sa . gov ; Bourne , Christopher M; Calvin J ohnson Deana ' s Office Start : Fri 10/20/2017 1 : 00 PM End : Fri 1 0/20/20 1 7 1 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organizer Required : Bass, Attendees Subject : Location : Deana : Johnson , Ca l vin C Calvi n Johnso n Deana ' s Off i ce Start : Fri 10/20/2017 1 : 00 PM End : Fri 10/20/2017 1 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organize r: Bass , Deana Requ i red At tendees : Johnso n , Calvin Subject : Loca tion : Deana Bass Deana ' s Office Start : End : Fri Fri 1 0/20/20 1 7 1 : 00 PM 1 0/20/20 1 7 1 : 30 PM Recurrence : (none) Meeting /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT C St atus : Meeting organizer HUD-17-0504-E-000160 Organi zer : Bass , Deana Requ ir ed Attendees : Johnso n , Calvin C ** Pl ease use invite# from HRSA RE : HUD call Subject : Admi nist r ator Dr. Si go un as Code : l~ Bass Tue 10/ 1 7/2017 1 0 : 30 AM 1 0/17/20 1 7 11 : 00 AM /\MERICAi\ SOHUD . com From : Brown, Victoria C Sent : Mo n day , October 16 , 2017 6 : 13 : 34 PM (UTC) Coordi n ated Univ e r sal Ti me To : Brown, Victoria C; Woodward , Alex E; I ngrid . Ripley@wdc . usda . gov ; Ott , Ca i tlin M; Hollar , Michael K; Usowsk i , Kurt G; Yoon , Cather in e; Mic hael . Novey@ tre asury .g ov ; S teph an i e.White@wdc.usda . gov ; Emily _ E_ Askew@omb . eop . gov ; David.Dworkin@treasury . gov ; Jennifer _Wagner _B e ll@om b . eop . gov ; Brya n.h ooper@wdc . usda .g ov ; Tamica . Danie l @usdoj . gov ; La rry . F lo od@treasury.gov ; ameena . Majeed@usdoj . gov ; Michael . steininger@usda . gov; Lucas _ R_ Radzi n sc hi@ omb .eop . gov ; Taghavi , Lydia B; Gree n e , Brya n; Campbell , Renae M; Mcfa r lane , Alasta ir W; Steph anieM . Smith@wdc . usda . gov ; Megan . McConv il le@wdc . usda . gov ; u j ohous i ng@who . eop . gov ; Smith , Ja ' Ron K. EOP/WHO; Toon , Theo do r e K; Little , Jef f rey D; Hobbs , Benjamin R Cc : Axe , Jess i K; Reed , Meaga n E. EOP/O MB; Sto u der , Ja n et - RD, Wash in gton , DC; Hustw it , Ju li a B; Freedberg , Mi chae l; Ayala , Linda M; Heredia , Evonne G Subject : Interagency Renta l Policy Work i ng Gro u p When : Tuesday , October 1 7 , 2017 3 : 00 PM-4 : 00 PM. Where : HUD Room 6 1 55 ; Co nf Lin e (877) 336- 1 839 , Access Code : !(b)(6) I Host Code : lnillfilJ For those com ing from o u ts id e HUD, p l ease use me as your po i n t of contact with security . My exte ns ion is 2083 . Please try to arrive minutes ea r ly to allow for secur ity . If you are arrivin g from outs i de the building after the meet i ng h as started , yo u can reach f at !(b)(6) Subject /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Interagency Rental Policy Wor king 15 me Gro up HUD-17-0504-E-000183 Location : !(b}(6) HUD Room 6155 ; Conf Host Code : lili1!fil:I Li n e (877) 336-1839 , Access Code : S t art : Tue 10/ 1 7/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Tue 10/17/2017 12 : 0 0 PM Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Accepted Organize r: Brown , Victoria C Required Attendees : Woodward , Alex E; Ingrid . Ripley@wdc . usda . gov ; Ott, Ca i tlin M; Hollar , Michael K; Usowski , Kurt G; Yoon , Cather i ne ; Michael.Novey@t r easury . gov ; Stephanie . Wh ite@wdc.usda . gov ; Emi l y_E_Askew@omb . eop.gov ; David . Dworkin@treasury . gov ; Jenn i fe r_ Wagner _ Bel l @omb. eop . gov ; Bryan . hooper@wdc . usda . gov ; Tamica . Daniel@usdoj . gov ; Larry . Flood@treasury . gov ; ameena . Majeed@usdoj . gov ; Michae l . steininger@usda . gov; Lucas_R_Radz in schi@omb . eop . gov ; Taghavi , Lyd i a B; Greene , Bryan ; Campbell , Renae M; Mcfa r lane , Alasta i r W; St ephanieM . Smith@wdc . usda . gov ; Megan . McConville@wdc . usda . gov ; ujohous i ng@who . eop . gov ; Stouder , Janet - RD, Washington , DC; Smi th , Ja ' Ron K. EOP/WHO; Toon, Theodore K; Little , Jeffrey D; Hobbs, Benjamin R Opt i onal Attendees : Axe , J essi K; Reed , Meagan E . EOP/OMB; Hustwit , Julia B; Freedberg , Mic h ael ; Ayala , Linda M; Heredia , Evonne G; Deana Bass; And r ew Hughes Subject: Location : Env i sion Center Discussion DepSec Conference Room Sta r t : Mon 10/ 1 6/2017 4 : 45 PM End : Mon 10/ 1 6/2017 5 : 15 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recu r rence : (none) Meet i ng St atus : Not yet r esponded Organizer : PHP Required Attendees : Mar shal l , Michae l J ; Brown , Chr i stina Cruc i ani , Li nda M; Bass , Deana Subjec t: Location : M; Envision Center Discuss i on DepSec Confe r ence Room S t art : Mon 1 0/16/20 1 7 4 : 45 PM End : Mon 10/ 1 6/2017 5 : 15 PM Recurrence Meeting /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) St atus : Accepted HUD-17-0504-E-000184 Organize r: PHP Required Attendees : Marshal l , Michae l J ; Brown , Christina Crucian i , Linda M; Bass , Deana Subject: Loc ation Cal l with Brady Dean a Will Call : M; Brookes 202- 7 05-6169 Start : Mon 10/ 16/201 7 11 : 00 AM End : Mon 10/ 16/20 17 11 : 20 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Organizer Requ i red : Bass , Deana Attendees : Brookes Subject : Loca tion : , Brady (CMS/OA) MEET with National Policy Alliance Secretary ' s Co nference Room Start : Mon 1 0/ 16/ 20 1 7 1 : 00 PM End : Mon 10/16/2017 1 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meeting Status : Not Organize Required r: DocBen Attendees : yet responded Byrd, Topic : 1 . Housi ng r esearch 2 . Jobs creation and 3 . Urb an development the lives of people Loc ation Origin and business /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT J ; Bass , Deana studies c r eat i on that could of color reverse and/or s i gnif i can tly i mprove : SOHUD' s office o f Meeting Request : Dav id Ex ter na l Attendees : Linda National Po licy Alliance Mayor David Jo hnny Fo r d (Tuskeegee Haithcox Byrd Taylor , AL) ; Founder ; Executive Director , , WCM , NPA Co-Cha i r HUD-17-0504-E-000185 Internal Staff Subject Location 10226) : : : Dav i d By r d and Deana Rea l Food Pantry Depar t men t of HUD 451 7th Bass Street , SW WDC 20410 (Room St art : Wed 1 0/25/20 1 7 1 : 30 PM End : Wed 10/25/2017 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recur r ence : (none) Organiz e r : Bass , De ana Requ i red Atte ndees : Bourne , Chr i s t opher A; Jeff Kramer Subjec t: Location : 1 02 10) Envision Centers Depa r t ment of HUD 451 7th M; Holderfield St r eet, , St ep h an i e SW, WDC 204 1 0 (Room S t art : Tue 1 1/7/20 17 10 : 30 AM End : Tue 11/7/2017 1 1 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organiz e r : Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Byrd , David She ll y Butler Subjec t: Locatio n: 10226) Real Food Pantry Depar tm ent o f HUD 451 J ; Holderfie 7t h Street l d , Ste p h an i e A; , SW woe 20410 (Room S t art : Wed 10 /25/20 1 7 1 : 30 PM End : Wed 10/25/2017 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence Organizer Required A; Jeff Subject Locatio 10226) St a r t : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) : Bass , Deana Atte ndees : Bourne , Chris Kramer : n: Real Food Pantry Depar tmen t o f HUD 451 Wed 10/25/2017 t opher 7t h Street M; Holde r fie l d , Ste phanie , SW woe 204 1 0 (Room 1 : 30 PM HUD-17-0504-E-000186 End : Wed 10 / 2 5/20 1 7 2: 00 PM Show Tim e As : Ten tativ e Rec urr ence : (non e) Orga n iz e r: Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Attendees : Bourne , Chr i s toph er A; J eff Kr a mer Sub je c t: Locat ion: 10 21 0 ) Env i s i o n Centers Depar tm e n t o f HUD 4 5 1 7t h Street M; Ho l derf i eld , Stephan , SW, WDC 2 0 4 10 ie (Room Star t : Tue 11/7/2 0 17 1 0: 30 AM End : Tue 11/7/2 0 17 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tenta tiv e Rec urrence : (non e) Orga n iz e r: Bass , Deana Required Atte nd ees : Byr d, Shelly Bu tler Subjec t: Locat i o n: 10 226) David J; Hold erfield Rea l Food Pan tr y Depar tm e n t o f HUD 4 5 1 7t h Street , Stephanie A; , SW WDC 204 1 0 (Room Star t : Wed 10 /25/20 1 7 1 : 30 PM End : Wed 1 0/25/20 1 7 2: 00 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence : (non e) Organiz e r: Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Bourne , Christop A; Je ff Kramer Sub j ect : Locat i o n: 10 226) h er Rea l Food Pant ry Depar tm e n t o f HUD 4 5 1 7t h Street M; Hold erfield , Stephanie , SW WDC 2 0 410 (Room Star t: Wed 1 0/25/20 1 7 1 : 30 PM End : Wed 1 0/25/20 1 7 2 : 00 PM Re curr en c e : (none) Meeting Status Organize Req uired A; Jeff r : Bass , Deana Atte nd ees : Bourn e, Kramer Subject /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : : Meeti ng organizer Envision Christopher M; Holderfie l d , Stephanie Centers HUD-17-0504-E-000187 Locatio 10 21 0) n: Depar tmen t o f HUD 45 1 7t h Street , SW, WDC 20410 (Room Start : Tue 11/ 7 /2017 10 : 30 AM End : Tue 1 1/7/20 17 11 : 00 AM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Recurrence : (none ) Organi zer: Bass , Deana Requ ir ed Attendees : Byrd , Dav i d J ; Ho l derf i eld , St ep h an i e A; She ll y But ler Subjec t: Locatio n: 102 10 ) Env i sio n Centers Depar tm e n t o f HUD 45 1 7t h St reet , SW, woe 20410 (Room Start : Tue 11/ 7 /2017 1 0: 30 AM End : Tue 11 /7/20 17 1 1 : 00 AM Show Tim e As : Tenta ti ve Recu rr en ce : (none) Organi zer : Bass , Deana Requ i red Atte ndees : Byrd , Dav i d J ; Ho l derf i eld , Stephan Shelly Bu t ler Env i sio n Centers Departme n t o f HUD 4 5 1 7t h Street Subjec t: Locat i o n: 10 210) , SW, woe 20410 i e A; (Ro om Start : Thu 12/7/2017 10 : 30 AM End : Thu 12/7/20 17 1 1 : 00 AM Show Tim e As : Tenta ti ve Recu rr en ce : (none) Organ iz e r: Bass , Deana Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Byrd , Dav i d J ; Holderf She ll y Bu t l er Env i sio n Centers Departme n t o f HUD 45 1 7t h Street Subjec t: Locat i o n: 10 21 0 ) i eld , S t ephan i e A; , SW, woe 2 0410 (Room Start : Thu 12/7/2017 10 : 30 AM End : Thu 12/7/2017 11 : 00 AM Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : : Meet in g organize r Bass , Deana HUD-17-0504-E-000188 Required Attendees Shelly Bu t ler Subject : Lo cation : : Byrd , David Quick Conversa DEPSEC Office J ; Holderfie l d , Steph an ie A; t i on S tart : Mon 1 0/16/20 1 7 3 : 30 PM End : Mon 10 /16/20 1 7 3 :4 5 PM Show Ti me As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (non e ) Meeting S t atus : Not Organi zer: PHP Requ ir ed At tend ees : Subject : Loca tion : Section 4100 yet responded Bass, Deana 3 Taskforce/Working Group St a rt : Thu 10/ 19 /201 7 3 : 30 PM End : Thu 10/ 19/20 17 4 :3 0 PM Sh ow Ti me As : Tenta t i ve Recurrenc Meeting e : (non e ) Status : Not yet responded Organize r: Holderfield , Stephan i e A Required Attendees : Coffey, Alexander ; Bra v acos , John G; Christensen , Er ic F; Bass , Deana; Davi s , Thomas R; Ayala , Linda M; Lu dlow, Ashley ; Worm sby, Holl i s N; Ashford , Rona l d T ; Smyt h , Timothy M; Wade , Dana T; Joy , Jo h nson P; J ohns on , Tiffany M Su bject : Lo cat i on : Section 4100 3 Taskforce/Working Group Start : Thu 1 0/19/2 0 1 7 3 : 30 PM End : Thu 1 0/19/20 1 7 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurren c e : (none) Meet ing Status : Not yet r e sponded Organizer : Holderf i eld , Step hani e A Required Atte ndees : Coffey , Alexander ; Bravacos , J ohn G; Ch r i stensen , Eri c F ; Bass , Dea n a ; Davis , Thomas R; Ayala , Li nda M; Lu dl ow , Ashl ey ; Wormsby , Holl is N; Ashford , Rona l d T; Smyth , Timothy M; Wade, Dana T; Joy , Johnson P; Jo hn son, Tiffany M Subject : Loc ation : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Check-in 10 226 w/T i ffany HUD-17-0504-E-000189 Start : Fri 10 /13/20 1 7 3 : 30 PM End : Fri 1 0/13/20 1 7 4:00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organ iz e r: Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Johnson Subjec t: Locatio n: , Tiffany M Champio n s ' Coun ci l Month ly Mee t i ng Depar tm e n ta l Co n ference Room-10233 Sta r t : Wed 12/6/2017 2 :0 0 PM End : Wed 12/ 6/2017 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Status : Not ye t re spo nded Organizer : Eag l es , David T Required Attendees : Hensley, Henry ; Clemmensen , Craig T; Milligan, Maria L ; Miller , Ca t ie I ; Whippie , Tanya L; Sung, Philip E ; Coope r. J . Smit h@hud .g ov ; Hamilton , Angie S ; Golric k, Janet M; Brooks , Towanda A; Greenwood , Sheila M; Hoban- Moore , Patric i a A; Marzol , Adolfo F; Zorc , Be th any A; Kurtz , R . Hun ter ; Br yon , J emi n e A; Gain es, Ralph H; Bass , Deana ; Ozdinec, Milan M; Hugh es, Andrew ; Thompso n, Amy C; Appleton , Se th D; Hunter, Matthew F ; Su char , Norman A; Kaspe r, Mar e n M; Bright , Mi c h ae l R; Farias , Anna Maria ; Albert , He l en M; Kirkland , J eremy ; Koskinen , Larry A; Domin iqu e G Bl om (Dominique . G.B lom@hud . gov) ; Bregon , Nelson R; Franceschini-Petty , Raquel ; Greene , Bryan ; Wade , Dana T ; May, Marlene L ; Richardson, Todd M; Ammon, Matthew E ; Linco l n, Paula A; Joy , Johnson P ; Hu bbard (Ctr) , Katr i na R; Surbe r, Ke ith W; Cr u cian i, Linda M; Benison , John P ; Brown, Jereon M; Rack leff , Neal J; Cowan Jr., Chad ; Van Dam, Katelyn M; Bing -G rant , Max A; Shank, Rebecca H; Glavin , William A; Margeson , Mitc he l l J ; Ouz ts , Wal ter L ; McClure , Laura L ; PHP; Jones , A ' ndrea M; Alexander , Mason ; Akpakip , Ekanem 0 ; Brown , Chri sti n a M; Pere ir a , Ar i el ; Tufts , Suz anne I ; Har ke r, Thomas W; Stowe , Al e x a n der D; Dun n, Connor M; Axe , Jessi K; Marshall , Mic h ae l J ; Ba l la rd , Daniel L Opt i o n al Attendees : Gates , Scott L ; Jen kins, Anne ; Hinton- McC l am , Li nda D; Cooper , Diane J ; Dawkins , Eu ni ce D; Fleische r, Laura A; Coo l, Debra M Subjec t: Loca tion: Champions ' Coun cil Month ly Mee t i ng Depa r tm ental Conference Room- 10233 S tart : Wed 12 /6/20 17 2 :0 0 PM End : Wed 12/6/2017 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) HUD-17-0504-E-000190 Meet in g Status : Not ye t r espo nded Organizer : Eag l es , Dav id T Required Attende e s : Hensley , Henry ; Clemmens e n , Cra i g T ; Mil li ga n, Maria L ; Mi lle r, Catie I ; Wh ippie , Ta n ya L; Sun g , Ph ilip E ; Coope r. J . Smit h @hud . gov ; Scott , Ang i e R; Gol r ick , Ja n et M; Br ooks , Towanda A; Gree n wood , Sh e il a M; Hoban-Moore , Pat ri c i a A; Marzol , Ado l fo F; Zorc , Bethany A; Kurtz , R . Hu n ter ; Bryon , Jemi n e A; Gaines , Ralph H; Bass , Deana ; Ozdinec , Mi lan M; Hughes , Andrew ; Thompso n, Amy C ; App l e t o n, Se th D; Hunt e r, Matth ew F ; Su char , Norman A; Kaspe r, Mar e n M; Bri g h t , Mi c h ae l R; Fa ri as , An na Mar ia ; Al be r t , Helen M; Kirkland , J eremy ; Koskinen , Larry A; Dominique G Bl om (Dominiq u e . G . Blom@hud . gov) ; Bregon , Nelson R ; Francesch i ni - Pe tt y , Raquel ; Greene , Bryan ; Wade , Dan a T ; May , Marle n e L ; Ric h ardso n, Todd M; Ammon , Matthew E ; Li ncol n, Pa u la A; Joy , Johnso n P ; Hu bbard (Ctr) , Katr i na R; Surbe r, Ke i th W; Cr u cian i, Li n da M; Be ni son , John , Neal J ; Cowan J r ., Chad ; Van Dam , P ; Brow n, Jereo n M; Rackleff Katelyn M; Bing -G rant , Max A; Shank , Reb e cca H; Glavin , William A; Margeso n, Mi tc h el l J ; Ou zts , Walter L; McCl ure , Laura L ; PHP ; Jones , A' ndrea M; Al exa n der , Mason ; Akpak i p , Ekanem O; Br own , Chri sti n a M; Pereira , Ar i el ; Tufts , Suzanne I ; Harker , Thomas W; Stowe , Al exander D; Dunn , Connor M; Axe , Jessi K; Marshall , Michael J; Ba l lard , Daniel L; Johnson , Tiffany M; Lewis , Rachel E ; May III , Floyd 0 Opt i o n al Atte ndees : Gates , Scott L ; Jen kin s , Anne ; Hinton- McC l am , Li nda D; Cooper , Di ane J ; Dawki ns , Eu n ice D; Fleischer , Laura A; Coo l, Debra M; Forero , Jaime E; Gargiulo , Emily Subjec t: Env i sio n Center Update Start : Thu 1 0/12/20 1 7 3 : 00 PM End : Thu 1 0/12/20 1 7 3 :1 5 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer Required : Bass , Deana Atte ndees : Holder Your meet i ng was updated . found to be f ield , St ephanie ou t of Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server Subjec t: MEET with Pam Patenaude Centers Loc ation : SOHUD' s office date and and Deana A; Brow n, has been Chris t i na M a u tomatical ly Wil li ams RE Envision Start : F ri 1 0/13/ 2 0 1 7 9 :4 5 AM End : Fri 10/ 13 /2017 1 0 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) HUD-17-0504-E-000191 Meeting Status : Not ye t resp o nde d Organizer : DocBe n Required Attende es: Opt i o na l Attendees : Subject: Env i s ion PHP Bass , Deana Center Update Start : Thu 10/ 12 /2017 3 : 00 PM End : Thu 10/ 12/20 17 3 : 15 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organi zer: Bass , Deana Requ ir ed Attendees : Holde rfi eld , Stephan Your meeting updated. was found to be out of Sent by Microsoft Exchan ge Server Subjec t: MEET with Pam Patenaude Centers Locatio n: SOHUD' s office date and M i e A; Brow n , Chr i stina and has been Dea n a Wil liams automat i ca l ly RE Envisi on Start : Fri 10 /13/20 17 9 : 00 AM End : Fri 1 0/13/20 1 7 9 :1 5 AM Show Time As : Tent ati ve Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status : Not Organizer : DocBen Required Attendees : Opt i o na l Attendees : Subject : Location : Check-i 10 226 yet r espo nded PHP Bass , Deana n w/Tiffany Start : Fri 1 0/13/20 1 7 10 : 30 AM End : Fri 1 0/13/20 1 7 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Organizer Required : (none) : Bass , Deana Attend ees: Johnson Your meeting updated. /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was found to , Tiffany be ou t of date M and has been a u tomatical ly HUD-17-0504-E-000192 Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server Subject : Check - in w/Tiffany Locatio n: 10226 Start : End : F ri Fri 1 0/13/20 1 7 10 : 30 AM 10 /13/20 1 7 11 : 00 AM Recurrence : (none) Meeting St atus Organize Required r: Bass , Deana Attendees : Johnso Subject : : Travel Meeting organizer n, Tiffany M by Uber Tue 10 /17/20 1 7 12 : 30 PM Start : End : Tue 1 0/17/20 1 7 1 : 00 PM Show Time As : F ree Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status : Dec lin ed Organiz e r : Greenwood Required Attendees : Subject : Travel , Shei l a M Greenwood , Sheila M; Bass , Deana by Uber Start : Tue 10/ 1 7/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Tue 10 /17/20 1 7 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer Required Subject : Not : Greenwood Attendees : : Travel yet r espo nd ed , Sheila M Greenwood , Shei l a M; Bass , Deana by Ube r Start : Tue 10/ 1 7/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Tue 10 /17/20 1 7 2:3 0 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) Status : Not yet responded HUD-17-0504-E-000193 Organi zer : Greenwood , Sheila M Requ i r ed At tendees : Greenwood , Shei la Subject : Loca tion : Meeting wit h HUD on the EEOB 178 M; Bass , Dea n a Oppor tun ity In i t i a ti ve Start : Tue 1 0/1 7/ 20 1 7 1 : 00 PM End : Tue 1 0/ 17/ 20 1 7 2 : 00 PM Show Ti me As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (non e ) Organiz er : Subjec t : Loc ation : Cona n t , Ann M. EOP/WHO Mee t in g with EEOB 17 8 HUD on the Opportun it y I n it iat i ve Sta r t : Tue 10/ 1 7 /2017 1 : 1 5 PM End : Tue 10 /17/20 1 7 2 : 00 PM Recurre Meeting n ce : (none) Status : Accep te d Organ iz e r : Conant , Ann M. EOP/WHO Subject : Lo cation : Section 3 4th Floo r 42 02 Con f ere n ce Room S t a rt : Thu 1 0/ 12/20 1 7 3 : 30 PM End : Thu 1 0 /1 2 /20 1 7 4:30 PM Sho w Ti me As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting S t atus : Not yet responded Organiz e r: Ho ld e rf ie l d , Stephan i e A Requ i r ed Atte ndees : Smyth , Timothy M; Quee n , Mar i a-Lana C; Nicholsdixon , Merrie ; Muni r , Ra fi q A; Coffey , Alexander ; Bravacos , John G; Chri stensen , Er ic F ; Bass , Dean a ; Davis , Thomas R; Ayala , Li nda M; Lud l ow, Ash l ey ; Wormsby , Hol lis N Opt i o n al At t e ndees : Ash f o r d , Rona ld T Subjec t : Loca tion : MEET with Sen ior St aff Secre t ary ' s Co n ference Room Start : Thu 1 0/12/20 1 7 1 : 00 PM End : Thu 1 0/ 12/20 1 7 2 : 00 PM Show Ti me As : Tentative Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Status : Not yet responded HUD-17-0504-E-000194 Organize r: DocBen Required At tendees : Se t h D Appleton (Seth . D. Appleton@hud . gov ); PHP; Zorc , Bethany A; Wade , Dana T ; Andrew Hughes (Andrew.Hughes@hud . gov) ; She i la M Gree nwo od (She i la.M . Greenwood l @hud.gov) ; Gimont , Stan l ey ; Eagles, Dav i d T ; Roget , Gise l e G; Ri chardson , Todd M; Adolfo F Marzol (Adolfo .F. Marzol@hud . gov ); Bright , Michael R; Kurtz, R . Hunter ; Dendas , Michael W; Bar ton, Vic to ria L; Marsha l l , Michae l J; Lud l ow , Ashley ; Kasper , Maren M; Rac k leff , Neal J ; Gribbin , William J; Cummi ngs , Matthew L ; Bravacos , John G; Amy C Thompson J ; Len Wolfson ; Brown , (Amy. C . Thompson@hud . gov ); Ke l ley , Michael Christina M; Drew A McCa l l (Jonathan . A . McCall@hud . gov) ; Bass , Deana ; Brown , Jereon M; Farias , Anna Maria Subject : Location : DepSec DepSec - Sen i or Conference Staff Meeting Room Thu 10/19/2017 4 : 00 PM Start : End : Thu 1 0/19/20 1 7 5 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organizer : PHP Required Attendees : Eagles , Dav id T ; Rackleff , Neal J ; Farias , Anna Maria ; Wade , Dana T ; Thompson , Amy C; Marshall , Michael J; Bright , Michael R; Zorc , Bethany A; Appleton , Seth D; Hunter, Matthew F; Greenwood , Sheila M; Bass, Deana ; Kurtz , R . Hunter; Hughes, Andrew ; Marzol, Adolfo F; Bravacos , John G; Wolfson , Len ; Kasper , Maren M Subjec t: Location : MEET with Pam Patenaude SOHUD' s off i ce Start : F ri 10 /13/20 1 7 9 : 15 AM End : Fri 10/ 1 3/2017 9 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organizer Required Opt i onal : DocBen Attendees Attendees : : Subject : Centers Location : MEET with Start Fri : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT DocBen ; PHP Bass, Deana Pam Patenaude and Deana Bass RE Env i s i on SOHUD' s off i ce 10/ 1 3/2017 9 : 00 AM HUD-17-0504-E-000195 End : Fri 1 0/13/20 1 7 9 : 15 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status Organizer Required : Not : DocBen Attend e es : yet r esponded PHP ; Bass , Deana Subjec t: Env i sio n Centers/ Task Force Wkly . Mtg . Location : OSEC Sma l l Conf . Rm. 10210 // Conf . Line# ,b-){-6}----,I Host : l!iillfilJ Code : =1 888 - 273 - 3658 Start : Wed 1 0/ 1 8/20 1 7 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 1 0/18/20 1 7 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : Wee kl y Recurre n ce Patte r n : every Wednesday from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Bass , Deana ; Bregon , Nelson R; Patton , Lynne M; Bas t a r ache , Danie l le L ; Cos t a , Alf o n so A; Brown , Ch ristina M; Ga i nes , Ralph H; Duffey , Whi t n ey L ; Mun i r, Rafiq A; Gr u son , Barbara ; Nor l ander , Adam G; Nicho l sdixon , Merrie ; Wi ll iams , Raffi ; Holderf i e ld , Stephanie A; Coffey , Alexander ; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Hardy IV , Sta n ley ; Bou r n e , Christopher M; Bravacos , John G; Jo h nson , Ti ffa n y M; Ashfo r d , Ron ald T ; Queen , Mar ia-La n a C; You n gblood , Richard A; Beck le s , Angela L Optional Atte ndees : Kasper , Maren M; Gol rick , Janet M; Clemmensen , Cra i g T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Thomas , Todd C; Chr i stensen , Eric F ; Schu lh of , Mary T ; Mor t on , Robert B; Franceschi n i-Petty , Raquel ; Cowan J r., Chad ; Cynthia F Campbell (Cynthia . F . Campbell@hud . gov) Your meeting updated . was found to Upda te d meeting details Meeting Recur r ence be out of date and has been automatically : Sent by Mic ro so f t Exchange Server Subjec t: Lunch w/ Ed Olsen Loca tion : Bring Food and meet i n HUD Cafeteria S tart : Mon 1 0/16/20 1 7 12 : 00 PM End : Mon 10/ 16 /2017 1 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) HUD-17-0504-E-000196 Meeting Status : Not ye t resp o nde d Organizer : Hobbs , Benjamin R Required Attende es: Hughes , Andrew ; Bravacos, John G; Bass , Deana ; Wade , Dana T; Ma rzol, Adolfo F ; Kurtz , R. Hunter Subject: Locatio Coffee 529 1 4t h St NW, Washington n: , DC 20004 , Un ited States Start : Thu 10 /12/20 1 7 8 : 00 AM End : Thu 1 0/12/20 1 7 9 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organ iz e r: Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Hold erfield Bright Your meeting updated . was found Sent by Microsoft Subject : Section Location : TBD to Exchange 3 , Stephanie be ou t of date and A; Greg h as been Tolbert ; Bil l automatical ly Server Start : Thu 1 0/12/20 1 7 3 : 30 PM End : Thu 1 0/12/20 1 7 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organi zer: Holderfield , Step hanie A Requ ir ed Attendees : Smyth , Timothy M; Quee n, Mar i a-Lana C; Ni cholsdixon , Me r rie ; Munir, Rafiq A; Coffey , Alexander ; Bravacos John G; Chr ist e ns en , Er ic F ; Bass, Deana ; Davis , Thomas R Meeting TBD Subjec t: Locat ion: , w/ Ed Olsen Start : Mon 10/16/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Mon 10/16/2017 3 : 15 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence : (none) Mee t in g Status Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : : Not ye t re spo nde d Hobbs , Benjamin R HUD-17-0504-E-000197 Requ i re d Atte ndees : Deana ; Wade , Dan a T Subject : Loca tio n: Hughes , Andrew ; Bravacos MEET with Nat i ona l Policy SOHUD' s off i ce Allianc , Joh n G; Bass , e Start : Mon 1 0/16/20 1 7 1 : 00 PM End : Mon 1 0 /16/ 2 0 1 7 1 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting S t at us : Not yet Organi zer : DocBe n Requ i r ed At tendees : responded Byrd , Dav i d J ; Bass , Dea n a Topic : 1 . Housin g r ese arch 2 . Jobs c r eat ion and and b u siness studies c r eat i o n 3 . Urb an development that could the lives of p eop l e of colo r Lo cation Origi Ex ter na l Atte ndees : Li n da Haith Natio na l Policy Allia nce Inter Jo h nny n al Subject Locatio s i g nificantly i mprove : SOHUD' s office n o f Meeti ng Req u est : David Mayor r eve r se and/or : n: Fo r d (Tuskeegee Byrd cox Taylor ; Executive Director , , AL) ; Fo un de r , WCM, NPA Co-Cha i r Sta f f : Dav i d By r d and Deana Bass Sect i o n 3 TBD Start : Thu 1 0/12/20 1 7 3 : 30 PM End : Thu 1 0/12/20 1 7 4 : 00 PM Tent at ive Show Time As : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000198 Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng Status : Not yet responded Organi zer: Ho lderf ie l d , St ephan i e A Requ ir ed Attendees : Smyth , Timothy M; Quee n, Mar i a-Lana C; Ni cholsdi x on , Me r r i e ; Munir, Rafiq A; Coffey , Alexander ; Bravacos John G; Chr i ste ns en , Er ic F; Bass, Dea n a Subjec t: Locat i o n: Sect i o n 3 4th Floo r 42 02 Conference Start : End : F ri F ri 10/20/2017 3 : 30 PM 1 0/20/20 1 7 4 : 30 PM Recurrence : (none ) Meeting Status : , Room Acc epte d Org an iz e r: Ho ld e rf ie l d , Stephan i e A Required Atte ndees : Ho ld erfie ld, Stephanie A; Smyth , Timot h y M; Queen , Maria - Lana C; Nic h ols d ixon , Merrie ; Munir , Rafiq A; Coffey , Alexa nd e r ; Bravacos , Jo hn G; Ch ristensen , Eric F; Bass , Dea na ; Dav i s , Th omas R; Stewa rt , Mat th ew S ; Ayala , Li n da M; Ludlow , Ashley ; Wormsby , Holli s N; Basta r ache , Dan i e l le L; Gai n es , Ralp h H; Gr ee n e , Bryan ; Gorm l ey , Josep h M; Petty , Timothy J Op tiona l Attend ees: Ashford , Ronald T; Lynch , Wil l iam F ; Wil son , Susan ; Da l ze l l , Robert D; Thomas , Todd C; Gut h a r t Powe r s , Jen ni fer Subject : Envision Centers/ Task Fo rce Wkly . Mtg . Loc a tio n: OSEC Small Conf . Rm. 10210 // Conf . Line# Code : ~!( b-)(6 -)-~! Host : filillfilJ 888- 273 -3658 Start : Wed 1 0/18/20 1 7 2: 00 PM End : Wed 10 /18/ 2 0 1 7 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : Weekly Recur r e n ce Pa tt e r n : every Wednesday from 2 : 00 PM t o 2: 30 PM Organiz e r : Bass , De ana Requ i red Atte ndees : Bass , Deana ; Breg on , Nelson R; Patton , Lynne M; Basta r ache , Dan i e l le L; Cos t a , Alf o n so A; Brown , Chr ist i na M; Gaines , Ralph H; Duffey , Whi t n ey L; Mun ir , Rafiq A; Gruson , Barbara ; Norlander , Ad am G; Nic ho l sdixon , Merr i e; Will i ams , Raff i ; Holderfield , St ephanie A; Co ffe y , Alexa n der ; Hobbs , Be nj amin R; Hardy IV , Sta n ley ; Bou r n e , Christopher M; Bra v acos , John G; Johnson , Tiff a ny M; Ashfo r d , Ron ald T; Qu een , Ma r ia- La n a C; Youngblood , Richard A; Beckles , Angela L Op tiona l Attend ees: Kasper , Maren M; Gol ri ck , Janet M; Clemm e n sen , Cr ai g T; Jacobs , Aztec ; Thomas , Todd C; Chr istense n, Eric F ; Schu lh of , Mary T; Morto n, Robe r t B; F r a n ceschi n i-Petty , Raquel ; Cowan Jr ., Chad ; Cynthia F Campbell (Cynthia . F . Campbell@hud . gov) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000199 Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and h as been a ut omatical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a ng e Server Subject : Env is io n Centers/ Task Fo rce Wkly . Mtg . Lo cation : OSEC Sma ll Conf . Rm. 10210 // Conf . Lin e # 8 88 - 2 73 - 3658 Code : !{b){6) I Hos t : l!fil@J St art : Wed 1 0 /18/ 2 0 1 7 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 10/ 1 8/ 2017 2 : 30 PM Sho w Time As : Ten t a t ive Recurrence Recurrence : Wee kly Patte r n : every Wednesday fr om 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Organi zer : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed At tendees : Bass , Deana ; Br e g on , Nelson R; Patton , Lynne M; Bastarache, Danielle L ; Costa , Al fo nso A; Bro wn , Chris t ina M; Ga ines , Ralph H; Duffey , Whitney L ; Mun ir , Rafiq A; Gr uso n , Barbara ; Norla nd e r , Ad am G; Nic ho l sdixon, Me rri e ; Will ia ms , Raff i ; Ho lderf ie ld, Step han i e A; Co ffe y , Al exander ; Hobbs , Be n jamin R ; Hardy IV , Sta nl ey ; Bourne , Ch ri stophe r M; Bravacos , Jo hn G; Jo hn son , Tiffa n y M; As h fo rd , Rona l d T ; Queen , Mar ia - Lana C; Youngblood , Richard A; Bec k l es , Ang e l a L Opt i o n al Attendees : Kasper , Maren M; Gol rick , Janet M; Cl emme n sen , Cra i g T ; Jaco bs , Aztec ; Th omas , Todd C; Chr istense n, Eric F ; Schulho f , Ma ry T ; Morton , Robert B; Franceschi n i - Petty , Raquel ; Cowa n Jr ., Chad ; Cynthia F Campbell (Cynthia . F . Campb e ll@h ud . g ov) Your meeting updated . was found to be ou t of Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a ng e Server Subject : Lunch w/ Ed Olsen Loc ation : Meet/Eat in HUD Cafeter date and h as been a u tomatical ly ia Start : Fri 1 0/13/20 1 7 12 : 00 PM End : F ri 1 0/ 1 3/20 1 7 1 : 1 5 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recu rr ence : (none) Meeti ng S tatus : Not yet r espo nd ed Organize r : Hobbs , Ben ja min R Requ i r ed At tendees : Hughes , Andrew ; Bravacos Dean a ; Wade , Dan a T /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT , Joh n G; Bass , HUD-17-0504-E-000200 Subjec t: Locat i o n: Co ffee 529 1 4th St NW, Wash in gton , DC 20 00 4, Un ited States Start : Thu 10/12/2017 8 : 00 AM End : Thu 1 0/12/20 1 7 9 : 00 AM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Recurrence : (none ) Organi zer: Bass , Deana Requ ir ed Attendees : Ho ld e rf ie l d , St ephan i e A; Greg Bright Your meeting upd ated . was f ound to be out of date and h as been Sent by Mi crosoft Exc h a ng e Ser ver Subject : Env i s i o n Centers/ Tas k Force Wk ly . Mtg . Lo cation : OSEC Sma l l Co n f . Rm. 102 10 // Conf . Line# I Host : liiillfil:l Code : !rb\/6\ To l bert ; Bill a ut omatical ly 888 - 273 - 3658 Start : Wed 1 0/11/20 1 7 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 1 0/11/20 1 7 2: 30 PM Show Time As : Tent a tive Recurrence : Wee kl y Recur r e n ce Patte r n : every Wednesday f r om 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Organize r: Bass , Deana Required Att en d ees: Bregon , Nelson R; Pat t on , Lynne M; Bastarache , Da n ielle L ; Costa , Al f onso A; Muni r , Ra fiq A; Gruso n , Barbara ; Nor l a n de r, Adam G; Nicholsd ix o n , Mer ri e ; Wil l i ams , Raffi ; Holderfield , Stephanie A; Coffey , Al exa n der ; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Hardy IV , Stanley ; Bourn e, Christopher M; Brown , Chri st i na M; Bravacos , Joh n G; Gai ne s , Ralp h H; Johnson , Tiffany M; Ashford , Rona l d T ; Quee n, Mar i a-Lana C ; Youngblood , Ri c h a r d A; Duf f ey , L Whi tney L; Beckles , Angela Opt i onal Attendees : Kasper , Maren M; Go l rick , Janet M; Clemmensen , Craig T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Thomas , Todd C; Christens en, Eric F ; Schu lh of , Mary T ; Mor t o n , Robert B; Fra n ceschi n i-Petty , Raquel ; Cowan J r., Chad Your mee ting upd ated . was found to be out of date and has been automatically Sent by Mic ro so ft Exc h ange Server Subjec t: Economic Mob i lity Meeti ng Locat i o n: HHQ OPA Con f e r e n ce Room 10 1 55 Start : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Wed 9/27/2017 1 0:3 0 AM HUD-17-0504-E-000201 End : Wed 9/27/2017 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recu rr ence : Weekly Recurre n ce Pat t e r n : 11 : 30 AM Meeting Status : every Not yet 2 wee k( s) on Wedn esday from 1 0 : 30 AM t o responded Organi zer : Johnso n, Ti ff a n y M Requ i r ed Attendees : Bregon , Nelson R; Forero , Ja i me E; Bass , Dean a; Smyth , Timothy M; Johnson , Cal vi n C; Ashford , Ronald T ; Kelly , Holly A; Axe , Jessi K; Akpakip , Ekanem O; Iber , Robert G; Li t tle, Je ff rey D; Bravacos , Jo hn G; Smith , Cooper J ; Sung , Philip E; Gai n es , Ralph H; Rackle ff, Nea l J Opt i o na l Attendees : Mark Kudkiwutz (Mark . A . Ku dlowitz@hud . gov ); Brown , Victoria C; Eagles , David T; Golrick , Janet M; Douglas , Lashawn N; Lawr e nce , Pame la A; Brown , Jayme A (Jayme . A . Brow n @hud . gov) Subject : Location : Coffee 529 14th St NW, Washington , DC 20004, United St ates Start : Thu 10/ 12/20 17 8 : 00 AM End : Thu 1 0/1 2 /20 1 7 9 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurre n ce : (none) Organizer Required Brigh t : Bass , Deana Attendees : Holder fie ld, Your meeting updated . was found to be ou t of Sent by Micr osoft Exchange Serve r Subject : Weekly Staff Mee ting Loca t ion : Depar tmen tal Conference Stephanie date and A; Greg has been Tolbert ; Bil l automatically Room (10233) Start : Wed 1 0/11/20 1 7 10 : 00 AM End : Wed 1 0/11/20 1 7 10 : 15 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Recurrence : Weekly Patte r n : every Wednesday from 9 : 45 AM to Organiz er : Hughes , Andrew Requ i red Attendees : Hobbs , Benjamin R; Mi lls , Gregory A; Fi la , Stephanie C; DeFel i ce , Josep h J Hipp, Van D; Dendas , Michael W; Thompson , Amy C; Bethany A; Farias , Anna Maria ; Bravacos , Jo hn G; /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT 10 : 00 AM All iso n F ; Holmes , ; Ha l le r , Ju l ia Z; Wade , Dana T ; Zorc , Ga rza , Sarah J ; HUD-17-0504-E-000202 Gaines , Ralph H; Hunter , Matthew F ; Smit h, Coope r J . EOP/WHO; Marzol , Adolfo F ; Appleton , Set h D; Shosky , Joh n E ; Smit h, Coope r J ; Kasper, Maren M; Joy , Jo h nson P; Byrd , David J ; Browning, Austin G; Gribbin , William J ; Pa t ton , Lynne M; Coffey , Alexander ; Gibbs, John ; Kelley , Michael J ; Youngblood , Richard A; Alexander, Mason ; Roget , Gi se l e G; Wil liams , Raffi ; Heredia , Evonne G; Tu fts , Suz anne I ; Coressel , Jac i e ; Gruso n, Barbara ; Petty , Ti mothy J ; Bacon , James A; Bass , Deana ; Beckles , Ang ela L ; Greenwood , Sheila M; Fitzpatrick , Nora S ; Delahoyde , Abiga i l M; Rackleff, Neal J ; Burley , Michael N; Bourne , Chr i s t op h er M; Woll Jr , Dav id C; Br i g ht, Michael R; Nason , Michael C; Cowa n Jr . , Chad ; Gormley , Joseph M; Brown , Ch ri st in a M; Eagles, David T ; Bowes , Robert B; Ludlow, Ashley ; Hold erfield , Stephan i e A; Kurtz , R. Hunter ; McCall , Drew A; Barton , Vi ctor i a L ; Demar z o , Benjamin E Opt i o n al Attendees : Holmes , Gregory A; Nason , Mi c h ael C; Fila , Stepha n ie C; He r ed ia, Evonne G Subjec t: Location : Senior DepSec Staff - Policy Review Confere n ce Room Meeting Start : Thu 10 /19/20 1 7 4 : 00 PM End : Thu 10/ 1 9/2017 5:00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not ye t responded Organize r: PHP Required Attendees : Eagles, David T ; Rackleff , Neal J ; Farias , Anna Maria; Wade , Dana T ; Thompson , Amy C; Marshall , Michael J; Brigh t, Michael R; Zorc , Bethany A; App l eton, Seth D; Hunter, Matthew F ; Gree nwood , Sheil a M; Bass , Deana ; Kurtz , R. Hunter ; Hughes , Andrew ; Marzol , Adolfo F ; Bravacos , Joh n G; Wolfson , Len ; Kasper, Maren M Subjec t: Locat i o n: DepSec DepSec - Senior Staff Disaster Confere n ce Room Coordi n ation Meeting Start : Thu 10 /19/20 1 7 4 : 00 PM End : Thu 10/ 1 9/2017 5 : 00 PM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Accepted Organizer : PHP Requ i red Atte ndees : Eagles , Dav i d T ; Rackleff , Neal J ; Farias , Anna Maria; Wade , Dana T ; Thompson , Amy C; Mars h all , Michael J; Bright , Michael R; Zorc , Bethany A; App l eton , Seth D; Hunter , Matthew F ; Gree nwood , Sh eila M; Bass, Deana ; Kurtz , R. Hunter ; Hughes , Andrew ; Marzol , Adolfo F ; Bravacos , Joh n G; Wolfson , Le n; Kasper, Maren M; Joy , Johnson P /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000203 Opt i o n al Atte ndees : Ti mothy J Subject : Loca tio n: DepSec DepSec Rawlin son , Steven W; Gaines , Ra lph H; Petty , - Senior Staff Meeting Confere n ce Room Start : Thu 1 0/19/20 1 7 4 : 00 PM End : Thu 1 0/ 19/ 20 1 7 5 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence : (non e ) Meeting Status Organizer Requ i red Farias , J ; Bright Matthew Hughes , Kasper , Optional : PHP Attendees : PHP; Eag les , David T; Rackleff , Nea l J ; Anna Mar i a ; Wade , Dana T; Thompson , Amy C; Marshall , Mich ae l , Michael R; Zorc , Bethany A; Appleton , Seth D; Hun ter , F ; Gree nwood , Sheila M; Bass , Deana ; Kur tz , R. Hunter ; Andrew ; Marzol , Ado l fo F ; Bravacos , John G; Wolfson, Len ; Maren M Attendees : Rawlinson , Steven W; Gaines , Ra l p h H Subjec t: : Not yet App Huddle responded wi t h Deana - 10th Floor Dea n a ' s o f fice S t art : Tue 1 0/ 1 0/20 1 7 3 : 00 PM End : Tue 10/10/2017 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meeting Status Organize Required r: Fulcher Attendees Subjec t: : Not : yet responded (Ctr ) , Paul B Leve ll (Ctr ) , Leah App Huddle with Deana - 10th V; Bass , Deana Floor Deana ' s o f fice Start : Tue 1 0/10/20 1 7 4 : 00 PM End : Tue 1 0/ 1 0/20 1 7 4 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (non e ) Status Or ganizer Requ i red Subject : Locat ion : : Not yet responded : Fulch er (Ctr) , Paul B Attendees : Leve l l (Ct r) , Leah Weekly Staff Meeting Departmenta l Co nference V; Bass , Deana Room (10233) Start : Wed 1 0/ 11/ 20 1 7 1 0 : 00 AM End : Wed 10/11/2017 1 0 : 15 AM /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000204 Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : Weekly Recu rr ence Pa tte rn : Meet in g Status : e very Not yet Wednesday from 9 : 45 AM to 10 : 00 AM r espo nded Organizer : Hughes , Andrew Required Attend ees: Coffey, Alexand e r ; Bar ton, Vic to ria L ; Bass , Deana ; Beck l es , Ange l a L ; Bowes , Robe rt B; By r d , Dav i d J ; Fi t zpa tr ick , No r a S ; Gr eenwood , She il a M; Gruso n , Barba r a ; Holderfield , Stephanie A; Kasper , Mare n M; McCall , Drew A; Patto n, Lynn e M; Petty , Timothy J ; Youngblood , Ri cha rd A; Wil liam s , Raffi ; Browni n g , Austin G; Gribbin , William J ; Dendas , Mi chael W; Cowa n Jr ., Ch ad ; Smi th , Coope r J . EOP /WHO; DeFeli ce , Joseph J ; Thompson , Amy C ; Demar z o , Benjamin E ; Delahoyde , Ab i ga i l M; Coresse l, Jacie ; Zorc , Bethany A; Baco n, James A; Marzol , Ado l fo F; Kurtz , R . Hun ter ; Burley , Michael N; Eagl es, David T ; Shasky , John E ; Alexander , Mason ; Gibbs , Jo h n ; Gorm ley , Joseph M; Bourne , Ch ristop h er M; Joy , Johnso n P ; Hobbs , Ben j amin R; Gaines , Ralph H; Mi ll s , Allison F; Wol l Jr , David C; Applet o n , Seth D; Brigh t , Mic ha el R ; Ludlow , Ashley ; Kelley , Mic h ael J ; Wade , Dana T ; Brown , Chris t ina M; Hunte r , Matthew F ; Roget, Gisele G; Rack l eff, Ne al J; Farias , Anna Maria ; Ha ller, Ju li a Z ; Bravacos , Jo hn G; Smi th, Coope r J ; Ga rz a , Sara h J ; Hipp, Va n D Opt i o na l Atte ndees : Holmes , Gregory A; Naso n, Mi c h ael C; Fi la , St ep hani e C; Heredia , Evonne G Subject : Loc a tion : HOLD 3/ 0MB 0MB Mtg . RE : EnVision Ce n ters Start : Tue 10/24/2017 4 : 00 PM End : Tue 1 0/24/20 1 7 5 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta ti ve Recu rr en ce : (none) Organ iz e r: Bass , Deana Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Brown , Chr i st in a M; Ballard , Dan iel L; Bourne , Chr is top h er M; Holderfie l d , Stephanie A; Lescott , Annika EOP/OMB Your meeting updated . was found to be ou t of date Sent by Mi crosoft Excha ng e Se rv e r Subject : HOLD 2/ 0MB Mtg . RE : En vision Loc ation : 0MB and h as been a u tomatical N. ly Ce n ters Mon 1 0/23/20 1 7 4 : 00 PM Start : End : Mon 1 0/23/20 1 7 5 : 00 PM Tentative Show Time As : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000205 Recur r e n ce : (none) Organiz e r : Bass , De ana Required Attendees : Brown , Chri s tin a M; Ballard, Dan ie l L ; Bourne, Chr i stop h er M; Ho l derf i eld , Step h an i e A; Lescott , Annika EOP/OMB Your meeting up da te d . was found to be out of Sen t by Mi crosoft Ex c h a nge Serve r Subjec t : HOLD 1/ 0MB RE : Envision Locat i o n: 0MB date and has been automatica N. l ly Cen ter s Start : Mon 10/23/2017 1 : 00 PM End : Mon 10 /23/20 1 7 2 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta ti ve Recurrence : (none) Organi zer : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Attendees : Brown , Christina M; Ballard , Dan ie l L ; Bourne , Chr i stop h er M; Hold erfield , Stephanie A; Lescott , Anni ka N. EOP/OMB Your meeting updated . was f ound to be ou t o f date Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Se rv e r Subject : Philanthropy Rou nd t ab le Location : Rm 10226 Tue 1 0/10/20 1 7 2:00 Start : End : Tue 1 0/10/20 1 7 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence h as been a u tomatical ly update PM : (none) Meet in g St atus Organizer Required Subject Location and : No t yet responded : Bourne , Chris t op h er M Atte ndees : Bass , Deana : : HOLD 3/ 0MB Mtg . RE : En Vision 0MB Ce n ters Tue 1 0/24/20 1 7 4 : 00 PM Start : End : Tue 1 0/24/20 1 7 5 : 00 PM Tentative Show Time As : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000206 Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Brown , Christi n a M; Ballard , Daniel L; Bourne , Chr i stopher M; Holderfield , Stephan i e A; Lescott , Annika EOP/OMB Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server Subjec t: HOLD 2/ 0MB Mt g . RE : Envision Location : 0MB has been automatica N. l ly Centers Start : Mon 10/23/2017 4 : 00 PM End : Mon 10/23/2017 5 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Requ i red Attendees : Brown , Christina M; Ballard , Daniel L; Bourne , Christop h er M; Holderfield , Step h anie A; Lescott , Annika EOP/OMB Your meet i ng was updated . found to be out of Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server Subject : HOLD 1/ 0MB RE : Envision Location : 0MB date and has been N. automatically Centers Mon 1 0/23/20 1 7 1 : 00 PM Start : End : Mon 1 0/23/20 1 7 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Brown , Christina M; Bal l ard , Dan i el L ; Bourne , Christopher M; Holderfie l d , Stephanie A; Lesco t t , Annika EOP/OMB Your meeting updated . Sent was by Microsoft /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT found to be out Exchange Server of date and has been N. automatically HUD-17-0504-E-000207 Subjec t : Locat i o n: HOLD 3/ 0MB Mtg . RE : En Vis i on Ce n ters 0MB Start : Tu e 10/24/2017 4 : 00 PM End : Tue 1 0/24/20 1 7 5 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Free Recurrence Meet ing : (none ) Status : Meet ing organi zer Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attend ees : Brown , Ch ristina M; Bal l ard , Dan i el L ; Bourne , Chr i s t op he r M; Holde r f ie l d , S teph an i e A; Lesco tt , Annika EOP/OMB Subject : Location : HOLD 2/ 0MB 0MB Mtg . RE : En Vision N. Ce n ters Start : Mon 1 0/23/20 1 7 4 : 00 PM End : Mon 10 /23/ 2 0 1 7 5 : 00 PM Show Time As : F ree Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng Status : Meeti ng organizer Organi zer : Bass , Deana , Dan ie l L ; Requ i r ed Attendees : Brown , Chri st in a M; Ballard Bourne , Christop h er M; Hold erfield , Stephanie A; Lescott, Annika EOP/OMB Subjec t : Locat i o n : HOLD 1/ 0MB RE : Envision 0MB N. Cen ter s Start : Mon 10/23/2017 1 : 00 PM End : Mon 10/23/2017 2 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Recurrence : (none ) Organi zer : Bass, Deana Requ i r ed Attendees : Brown , Chri st in a M; Ballard , Dan ie l L ; Bourne , Chr i stop h er M; Hol derfield , Step h an i e A; Lescott , Annika EOP/OMB Your meeting up dated . was found to be ou t of date and h as been a u tomatica N. l ly Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Se rv e r Subject : HOLD 1/ 0MB RE : EnVis io n Centers Location : 0MB /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000208 Start : Mon 1 0/23/20 1 7 1 : 00 PM End : Mon 1 0/23/20 1 7 2 : 30 PM Show Ti me As : F r ee Recurrence Meeting : (none) S t atus : Meeting organizer Organize r: Bass , Deana Requ i red At t e ndees : Brown , Chr i stina M; Bal la rd , Daniel L; Bourne , Christopher M; Holde rfiel d , Stephanie A; Lescott , Annika EOP/OMB Subjec t: Serv i ces Location : 1022 6 HUD Mt g . w/ Pa t sy Joh n son , President Dept of Hou sing & Urban Coast 2 Coast Deve l opmen t , 451 7 th N. Gl obal St . SW, Rm. Start : Fr i 1 0/6/20 17 1 : 30 PM End : Fri 1 0/6/20 17 2 : 00 PM Show Ti me As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer Required : (none) : Bass , Deana Attendees : Your meet i ng was updated . found ' p joh nson@c2cgs to be out of Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server Su bject : Informal Meeti ng in the . com '; date Dep Sec and Ammon, Matt h ew E has be en automatically Confe re nce Room Start : Fri 10/6/2017 1 : 45 PM End : Fr i 1 0/6/20 17 2 : 15 PM Show Time As : Tentative Rec urr ence : (no ne) Mee t i ng Status : Not yet r es ponded Organizer : Alexander , Mason Required Atte ndees : Hughes , Andrew ; Mills , Alliso n F ; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Fila , Stephanie C ; Haller , J ulia Z; Dendas , Mic ha e l W; Thompson , Amy C; Wade , Dana T ; Hipp , Van D; Cummings, Mat the w L ; Zorc , Bethany A; Farias , Anna Maria ; Bra va cos , John G; Garza , Sarah J ; Gaines , Ralph H; Hunte r , Matthew F ; Marzo l , Adolfo F; Appleton , Seth D; Stowe , Al exander D; Mars h al l, Micha e l J ; Smi t h, Cooper J ; Kasper , Maren M; Joy , Jo hns on P ; Byrd , Dav i d J ; Browning , Austin G; Gribbin , William J ; Tufts , Suzanne I ; Coffey , Alexander ; Gibbs, John ; Ke ll ey , Michae l J ; Youngblood , Ric ha rd A; Roget, Gi sele G; /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000209 Wil li a ms , Ra ffi; Heredia , Ev o nn e G; Thomp son , Cait lin H; Coresse l , Jac i e ; Petty , Timothy J ; Baco n , James A; Bec k les , Angela L ; Bass , Dean a ; Gr eenwood , Sheila M; Dela h oy d e , Abigail M; Burley , Micha el N; Bourn e , Chris tophe r M; Woll J r , Davi d C; Brig ht, Micha e l R; Go rmley , Josep h M; Cowa n Jr ., Ch ad ; Du nn , Conno r M; Brow n, Christina M; Eag l es , Dav i d T ; Bowes , Rober t B; Ludlow , Ashley ; Hol de r f i e l d , Stepha n ie A; Kur tz , R. Hunter ; McCa ll, Dr ew A; Barton , Victoria L; Demarzo , Benjami n E Subjec t: In f ormal Mee ting i n the DepSec Con f ere n ce Room St art : F ri 10 /6/ 2 0 17 2 : 0 0 PM End : F ri 10/6/2017 2 : 30 PM Sho w Time As : Ten t a tive Recurrence : (none ) Or ga niz e r : Alexand e r , Mason Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Hughes , Andrew ; Mill s , Alliso n F ; Hobbs , Benjamin R; F il a , Step h a ni e C; Ha ll er , J ulia Z; Dendas , Mi chael W; Thompso n, Amy C; Wad e , Dana T ; Hipp , Va n D; Cummings , Matthew L; Zorc , Bethany A; Fa ria s , Anna Maria ; Bravacos , John G; Garza , Sarah J ; Gai nes, Ralph H; Hunte r , Matthew F ; Marzol , Adolfo F ; Apple ton, Seth D; Stowe , Al exande r D; Mar s h a ll, Michae l J ; Smi t h, Cooper J ; Kasper , Maren M; Joy , Jo h nson P; Byrd , Dav i d J ; Browning , Austin G; Gribbi n, Wi ll i am J ; Tufts , Suzan n e I; Coffey , Alex ander ; Gi bbs , John ; Ke ll e y , Mich ael J ; Youngbl o od , Ric ha r d A; Rog et, Gi sele G; Wil li ams , Ra f fi ; Heredia , Ev o nne G; Th ompson , Cait li n H; Coressel , Jac i e ; Pet t y , Timothy J ; Baco n, James A; Bec k les , Angela L ; Bass , M; Dela h oyde , Abigail M; Burley , Mich ael N; Dean a ; Gr eenwood , Sheila Bourne , Chr istoph er M; Woll Jr , Dav id C; Br i g ht , Michael R; Gormley , Jos eph M; Cowa n Jr ., Ch ad ; Dunn , Connor M; Brown , Ch ri st in a M; Eag l es , Dav i d T ; Bowes , Rober t B; Ludlow , Ashley ; Hol derfie l d , Stepha n ie A; Kur tz , R. Hunter ; McCa ll, Dr ew A; Barton , Victoria L; Dema rzo , Benjami n E Subjec t: Locat i o n: HUD/Commerce Call Deana ' s Off i ce// RE : Th e Opport u ni t y Pro jec t Drew wi ll call- i n #202 .4 02 . 597 4 S t art : F ri 10 /6/20 17 11 : 00 AM End : F ri 10/6/2017 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : (none ) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : ' drew . a . zachary@census R; Hug h es , Andrew ; Fulc h er (Ctr) , Paul B Your meeting upd ated . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was found to be out of date and . gov ' ; Hobbs , Be nj amin h as been a ut omatically HUD-17-0504-E-000210 Sen t by Mi crosoft Ex c h a nge Se rver Sub j ec t: MEET with AETNA Insura Loc a tio n : SOHUD' s office n ce Start : Tue 1 0/10/20 1 7 3 : 30 PM End : Tue 1 0/10/20 1 7 4:00 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Not Organiz e r : DocBen Required Attendees Top i c : h ealth : se rvi ces yet r espo nded Kurtz , R. Hun ter ; Bass , Deana for the poor and e l derly Locat i o n : SOHUD' s o ffi ce Or i g in of Mee ting External Attendees : Requested by SOHUD : Car l Townsend President Jo el and Marketing Group Cas o ria Executive Steve Vi ce Pres i dent , InService Mark et i ng Gr oup Latrell Executive Inter CEO, InService Vic e Pres id e n t , AETNA Insura n al Hunter Deana /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT n ce Company Sta ff : Kurtz Bass HUD-17-0504-E-000211 Subjec t: HUD Mtg. w/National Minori ty Tec h Council CEO & COS RE: Section 3 Lo cation : Dept o f Housing & Ur ban Develo pme nt - So uth Lobb y by 7 & E St . - Rm. 1022 6 Start : Fri 10 /6/20 17 10:3 0 AM En d : F ri 10 / 6/201 7 1 1 : 00 AM Show Time As : Te nt at iv e Recurrence : (none ) Or ga niz er : Bass , De ana Required Atte ndees : ' kar l. c ure ton@ nmtcouncil . org '; ' brenda. cure ton @nmtco un ci l . org '; Byr d , Dav id J Your meeting updated. was found t o be out of dat e a n d has be en automatica l ly Sent by Mic ro soft Ex ch a nge Server Subject : HUD Mtg. w/ Pa tsy J oh nson, Presid e n t Coast 2 Coast Global Ser vi c e s Loca ti o n: Dept of Hous in g & Urban Deve l opment , 451 7th St . SW, Rm. 10 226 Star t : Fri 10 /6/20 17 1 : 30 PM End : Fri 1 0/6/20 17 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tent ati ve Rec urr ence : (non e) Organiz e r: Bass , Deana Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Your meeti ng was up dated . fo und ' p joh nson@c 2 cgs . com '; Ammon, Matthew to h as been be out o f date and E a ut oma t ically Sent by Mic rosoft Exc h a nge Se rver Sub j ec t: HUD Mtg. w/ Patsy Joh n so n, President Coast 2 Coast Gl obal Services & Ur ban Dev elo pment , 451 7 th St . SW, Rm. Location : Dept of Housing 10226 Start : Fri 1 0/6/20 17 1:3 0 PM End : F ri 10 /6/ 2 0 17 2 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none ) Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Bass , Deana HUD-17-0504-E-000212 Required Dav i d J Attendees Your meeting upd ated . : was found pjohnson@c2cgs.com ; Ammon, Matthew to and be out of date h as been E ; By rd , a ut omatically Sent by Mic ro soft Exchan ge Server Subjec t : HUD Mtg. w/ Patsy Joh n so n , President Coast 2 Coast Gl obal Se rv i ces Locatio n : Dept of Hous in g & Urba n Deve lo pment , 451 7th St . SW, Rm. 1022 6 Star t : Fri 10 /6/20 17 1 : 30 PM End : Fri 1 0/6/2017 2:00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Org a nizer Required David J : (none) : Bass, Attendees Your meeting updated . Deana : p johnson@c2cgs was f ound to be ou t of . com ; Ammon, Matthew date and h as been E ; Byrd , a u tomatical ly Sent by Mic rosoft Exc h ange Server Subject: HUD Mtg . w/ Patsy Johnson , President Coast 2 Coast Glo bal Se r vices Loca tion : Dept o f Hous ing & Urban Deve l opment , 451 7th St. SW, Rm. 10 2 26 Sta r t : F ri 10/6/2017 1 : 30 PM End : Fri 10 /6/20 17 2 :0 0 PM Show Tim e As : Tentat iv e Recurrence : (none ) Organi zer : Bass, Requ i r ed At tendees Deana : pjohnson@c2cgs Your meeting upd ated . found was to be out of . com ; Ammon, Mat th ew E date and has been automatically Sent by Mic ro so ft Exc h an ge Server Subjec t: Mee t ing : Ch ild Care Locat i o n : A/S Fa r ias Su it e 5 1 00 Start : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT F ri 10/6/2017 2 : 30 PM HUD-17-0504-E-000213 End : Fri 1 0/6/20 Show Ti me As : 17 3 : 00 PM Tenta ti ve Recu rr ence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer Required : Not yet r espo nded : Farias , Anna Maria Attend e es : Bass , De ana ; Hold erfield Congressiona Departmenta Subjec t: Location : , Stephanie l Hea ri ng P r ep-- Mur der l Conference Room A Boa r d Start : Tue 1 0/ 1 0/20 1 7 8 : 30 AM End : Tue 1 0/10/20 1 7 10 : 30 AM Show Ti me As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status : Not yet r espo nded Organizer : DocBen Required Attende e s : Zorc , Bethany A; Wolfson , Len ; Wade , Dana T; Roget , Gise l e G; Gimo nt, Stanley ; Eagles , David T; Ri c h a r dson , Todd M; Adolfo F Marzol (Adolfo . F . Mar zol@h u d . gov) ; She i la M Gr eenwood (Sheila . M. Greenwood l @hud . gov) ; Bright , Michae l R; Hobbs , Benjami n R; Kurtz , R . Hun t er ; Dendas , Michael W; Ke ll ey , Michael J ; Seth D App l eto n (Set h. D. App l e t o n @hud . gov ); Barton , Victoria L; Amy C Thompso n (Amy. C . Thompso n @hud . gov ); Brow n, Jereo n M; PHP ; Marshall , Michael J ; Ludlow , Ashley ; Bass , Deana ; Farias , Anna Maria Optional Atte ndees : Andrew Hughes ; Jonathan McCal l Subject : HUD/EDA Mt g . Lo cation : Dept of Housing & Ur ban n ear 7 & E St) // Rm . 10226 Development , 451 7 th St SW (en t er Start : Fr i 1 0/6/20 17 12: 00 PM End : F ri 1 0/6/20 17 12 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer Required Stephanie : Bass , Deana Atte ndees : Childs A Your meeting updated . Sent was found by Mic rosoft /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT , Henry to be out Exchange Server of (Federa date and l ) ; Holderfield has been , automatically HUD-17-0504-E-000214 Subjec t: HUD/EDA Mtg . Locat i o n: Dept of Hous in g & Urba n Deve l opment , 451 7th n ear 7 & E St) // Rm . 10226 St SW (e nt e r Start : Fri 10 /6/20 17 12 : 00 PM End : Fri 1 0/6/20 17 12: 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recu rr ence : (none) Orga n iz e r: Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Childs, Stephan i e A Your meeting up dated . was f ound to Henry be out (Federal o f date Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Se rv e r Subject : HUD/EDA Mt g . Loc ation : Dept of Housing & Ur ban nea r 7 & E St) // Rm. 1 0226 and ); Hold erfield h as been De velopment , a ut oma t ical , 451 7 th St ly SW (ente r Start : Fri 1 0/6/20 17 12: 00 PM End : F ri 1 0/6/20 17 12 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Org a nize r: Bass , Deana Required Att en d ees: Childs, Stepha n ie A Your meeting update d . was found to Hen ry be out of Sent by Mic rosoft Excha ng e Server Subject : HUD/EDA Mtg . Loca tion : Dept of Hous in g & Urban n ear 7 & E St ) // Rm . 10 2 26 (Fede r a l ); d ate and Holderfield h as been , autom a tically Deve l opment , 451 7th St SW (enter Start : F ri 10/6/2017 12 : 00 PM End : Fri 10/6/2017 12 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence : (none) Organize r: Bass , Deana Requ ir ed At tendees : Ch ild s , Henry S te phanie A /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT (Federal ); Hold e r fie ld, HUD-17-0504-E-000215 Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be out o f date Sent by Mi crosoft Excha ng e Serve r Subject: HUD/EDA Mtg . Locatio n: Dept of Housing & Urban near 7 & E St) // Rm . 10226 and h as been automatically Deve lo pment , 451 7th St SW (enter Start : Fri 1 0/6/20 17 12 : 00 PM End : Fri 1 0/6/20 17 12 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attend ees : Childs, Stepha n ie A Your meeting updated. was found to Henry be out of Sent by Microsoft Excha ng e Server Subject : HUD/EDA Mtg . Locatio n: Dept of Housing & Urban n ear 7 & E St) // Rm . 10226 (Fede ra l ) ; Holderfield date and has been , automatically Deve l opment , 451 7th St SW (enter Start : F ri 1 0/6/20 17 12 : 00 PM End : Fri 10/6/2017 12 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : (none) Organize r : Bass , Deana Requ i red Attendees : Ho ld erfie Your meeting updated . was found to Sent by Microsoft Exchange Subjec t: HOLD, EDA Mtg . l d , Stephan be out of date ie A and has been automatically Server Start : Fri 1 0/6/20 17 3 : 00 PM End : F ri 10 /6/20 17 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Bass , Deana HUD-17-0504-E-000216 Required Attendees Your meeting updated. was : found Ho lderf to ie ld, be out of Step han ie A dat e and has been automatically Sent by Mic rosoft Excha ng e Server Subject : HOLD, EDA Mtg . Start : Fri 1 0/6/20 17 3 :0 0 PM End : F ri 10 /6/ 2 0 17 4 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Te nta t ive Recurrence Organize Req uired : (none) r : Bass , Deana Att en d ees : Holderfield Your meeting updated . was f ound to , Stephanie be ou t o f date and A h as been a u tomatical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Server Subject : HOLD, EDA Mtg . Start : Fri 10 /6/20 17 3 :0 0 PM End : Fri 1 0/6/20 17 4 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence : (none) Orga n iz e r: Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Ho ld erfie Your meeting up dated . was fo und to be out Sent by Mi crosoft Exc h a nge From : Ho ld e rf ie l d , St ephan i Sent : Thursday , October 05 , To : Bass , Deana Subjec t: Accep te d : HOLD, Subject: ld, of Stephanie date and A h as been a ut oma t ically Se rver e A 2017 1: 59 PM EDA Mt g . HOLD, EDA Mtg . Start : Fri 10/6/2017 3 : 00 PM End : Fri 1 0/6/20 17 4 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentat i ve Recurrence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) HUD-17-0504-E-000217 Organ iz e r : Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Hol d erfield Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be out , Stephanie o f date A and h as been a ut oma t ical l y Sent by Microsoft Ex c h a ng e Se rver Subjec t: HOLD, EDA Mtg. Start : Fri 10/6/2017 2 : 30 PM End : Fri 1 0/6/2017 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : (none ) Organi zer : Bass, Deana Requ ir ed At tendees : Ho ld e rf ie l d , Stephan Your mee ting updated . was found to be out of date ie A and has been a ut omatically Sent by Mic ro so f t Exchan ge Server Subjec t: Meetin g : Chi ld Care Locat i o n: A/S Fa r ias Su it e 5 1 00 St art : Fri 10 /6/20 17 2 :0 0 PM End : Fri 10/6/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence Meeting : (none) Sta t us : Not ye t responded Organ iz e r : Far i as , Anna Ma r ia Required Attendees : Bass , Deana ; Holderf Subjec t: Featuring Loc ation: ield , Stephanie Save the Date: OCHCO Leadership Journey Joh n Benison Brooke - Monda l e Auditorium, Su ite s A & B A Ser ie s - Start : Fri 10/13/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Fri 10/ 13/20 17 12 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recu rr ence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Not yet r espo nded : OCHCO HUD-17-0504-E-000218 Requ i re d Atte ndees : Subject : Lo cation : All HUD HIDs Envision Centers/ Dea na ' s Offic e Education Tue 1 0/10/20 1 7 10 : 30 AM Start : End : Tue 1 0/10/20 1 7 11 : 00 AM Show Tim e As : Tentative Recurrence Organize Required : (none) r : Bass , Deana Attend ees : Beckles Your meeti ng was f ound up dated . to , Angela be out L o f date and h as been a ut oma t ical ly o f da t e and h as been a ut oma t ical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Se rv e r Subject : Env is io n Centers/ Education Location : Dea na ' s Offic e Start : Tue 10 /10/20 1 7 1 0 : 30 AM End : Tue 1 0/10/20 1 7 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence Org a nizer Required : (none) : Bass, Deana Atte nd ees : Beck l es , Angela Your meeti ng was f ound up dated . to be out Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Se rv e r Subject : Hold , Call wi th Mi guel Locatio n : Deana ' s Off ic e L Mendoza RE: Na t com Gl obal Tue 1 0/ 1 0/20 1 7 11 : 00 AM Start : End : Tue 1 0/10/20 1 7 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Free Recu rr ence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Meet i ng organ iz e r Organiz e r : Bass , De ana Requ i red At tendees : Dendas , Mi chael Subject /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Env is io n Centers/ Task Force W Wkly . Mtg . HUD-17-0504-E-000219 Location : OSEC Small Code : ~k b-}{-6}-~I Host : Co n f . Rm. 10210 liiillfilJ // Con f. Line# 888-273-3658 Start : Wed 10/18/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 10/18/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Recurrence : Weekly Pattern : every Wednesday from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Organize r: Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Bregon, Nelson R; Patton , Lynne M; Bastarache , Dan i elle L ; Costa , Alfonso A; Brown , Ch ri st i na M; Gaines , Ralph H; Duff ey , Whit n ey L ; Mun i r , Rafiq A; Gruson , Barbara Nor l a nder , Adam G; Ni cholsd i xo n, Merrie ; Will iams , Raffi ; Holderfield , Stephan i e A; Coffey , Al exander ; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Hardy IV , Stanley ; Bourne , Christopher M; Bravacos , John G; Johnson Tiffany M; Ashford , Rona l d T; Queen , Mar ia - Lana C; Youngblood , Richard A; Bec k les , Angela L Opt i onal Attendees : Kasper , Maren M; Golrick , Janet M; Clemmensen , Craig T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Thomas , Todd C; Christensen , Eric F ; Schulhof , Mary T; Morton , Robert B; Franceschini - Petty , Raquel ; Cowan Jr ., Chad Your meeting updated . was found to be ou t of date and has been Sent by Microso ft Exchange Server Subject: Envision Centers/ Task Force Wkly . Mtg . Loc ation : OSEC Sma ll Conf . Rm. 10210 // Conf . Line# Code : !{b){6) I Host : Im! ; , automatically 888 - 273 - 3658 St art : Wed 9/13/20 17 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 9/13/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Recurrence : Week l y Pattern : every Wednesday from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Organize r: Bass , Deana Requ i red At tendees : Bregon , Nelson R; Patton , Lynne M; Bastarache , Danielle L ; Costa , Alfonso A; Munir , Rafiq A; Gruson , Barbara ; No r lande r , Adam G; Nicholsdixon , Me rri e ; Wil liam s , Raffi ; Holderf i eld , St ephanie A; Coffey , Alexander ; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Hardy IV , Stanley ; Bourne , Christopher M; Brown , Christina M; Bravacos , John G; Ga i nes , Ra l ph H; Johnson , Tiffany M; Ashford , Ronald T ; Queen , Maria - Lana C ; Youngblood , Richard A; Duffey , Whitney L ; Beckles , Angela L Opt i onal At tendees : Kasper , Maren M; Gol rick , Janet M; Clemmensen , Craig T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Thomas , Todd C; Christensen , Eric F ; Schulho f , Mary T ; Morton , Robert B; Franceschini - Petty, Raquel ; Cowa n Jr ., Chad /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000220 Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and h as been a ut omatical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a ng e Server Subject : Env is io n Centers/ Task Fo rce Wkly . Mtg . Lo cation : OSEC Sma ll Conf . Rm. 10210 // Conf . Lin e # 8 88 - 2 73 - 3658 Code : !{b){6) I Hos t : l!fil@J St art : Wed 9/13/20 17 2 :0 0 PM End : Wed 9/13/2017 2 : 30 PM Sho w Time As : Ten t a tive Recurrence Recurrence : Wee kly Patte r n : every Wednesday fr om 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Organi zer: Bass , Deana Requ ir ed At tendees : Bregon , Ne l so n R; Pat t o n , Ly n n e M; Bastarache , Dan ie ll e L ; Cost a, Alfon so A; Munir , Raf iq A; Gruson , Barbara ; No r lande r , Adam G; Nic ho ls d ixon , Merri e; Wil lia ms , Raff i ; Holderf i e ld , Stephanie A; Coffey, Alexand e r ; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Hardy IV , Sta n ley ; Bourne , Ch ri stophe r M; Brow n, Chr i s t i n a M; Bravacos , Joh n G; Ga in es , Ra l p h H; Jo hn son , Tiffany M; Ashford , Ronald T ; Quee n, Maria - Lana C ; Youngblood, Richard A; Duffey , Whitney L ; Bec k l es, Ang e l a L Opt i o n al Attendees : Kasper , Maren M; Gol rick , Janet M; Cl emme n sen , Cra i g T ; Jaco bs , Aztec ; Th omas , Todd C; Chr istense n, Eric F ; Schulho f , Ma ry T ; Morton , Robert B; Franceschi n i - Petty , Raquel ; Cowa n Jr ., Chad Your meeti ng was up dated . f ound to be out o f date and h as been Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Se rv e r Subject : Env i s i o n Centers/ Tas k Force Wk ly . Mtg . Locatio n: OSEC Sma l l Conf . Rm. 10210 // Conf . Li n e# I Host : ~ Code : !{b)(6) a ut oma t ical ly 888- 2 73- 36 58 Start : Wed 9/ 1 3/ 2 0 17 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 9/13/20 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recu rr ence : Weekly Recurrence Pa tt e r n : every Wednesday from 2 :00 PM t o 2: 30 PM Organiz e r : Bass , De ana Requ i red At tendees : Bass , Deana ; Breg on , Nelson R; Pa tton , Lynn e M; Basta r ache , Dan i e ll e L ; Cos t a , Alfonso A; Muni r, Rafiq A; Gru son , Barbara ; Nor lan der , Adam G; Nic holsdi xon , Merrie ; Wil lia ms , Raffi ; Holderf i eld, Step hani e A; Coffey , Alexander ; Hobbs , Benjamin R; /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000221 Hardy IV , Sta n ley ; Bourne , Ch ri stophe r M; Brow n , Chr i s t i n a M; Bravacos , Joh n G; Ga i n es , Ra l p h H; Jo hn son , Tiffany M; Ashford , Ronald T; Quee n, Maria - Lan a C; Youngblood , Richard A; Duffey , Whitney L Opt i o n al Attendees : Kasper , Maren M; Gol rick , Jane t M; Cl emmen sen , Cr aig T; Jacobs , Aztec ; Th omas , Todd C; Chr istense n, Eric F ; Schu lh of , Mary T; Mor ton , Robe r t B; F r a n ceschi n i-Petty , Raq uel ; Cowan Jr ., Chad Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be ou t o f date and h as been a u tomatical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Se r ve r Subjec t: Meet i ng : Ch i ld Care Locatio n : A/S Farias Suite 5100 Thu 1 0/5/20 17 2 :0 0 PM Start : End : Thu 1 0/5/20 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tent a tive Recu rr ence : (none) Meet in g Status : Not yet r espo nded Organiz e r : Fa ri as , Anna Mar ia Required Attendees : Bass , Deana Subject Locatio : n: Meeti ng : A/S Farias Child Suite Care 5100 Start : F r i 1 0/6/20 17 2 :0 0 PM End : Fri 10 /6/20 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurre n ce : (none) Meet i ng Status Organizer Required Per : Not yet r espo nded : Fa ri as, Anna Mar ia Attendees : Bass, Deana ; Holder request of fie ld , Step h a ni e A Anna Maria . Contact Evonne Hered i a (Evonne . G. Hered i a@hud . gov ) or Linda Ayala (Lin d a . M. Ayala@hud . gov ) questio n s . Subject Section /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : HUD Mtg . w/ Na tiona l Mi nori ty Tec h Counc il if yo u have CEO & COS RE : 3 HUD-17-0504-E-000222 Location : Dept of E St . - Rm. 1 0226 Hous in g & Urba n Deve l opment - South Lobby by 7 & Start : Fri 10/6/2017 10 : 30 AM 11 : 00 AM End : Fri 10/6/2017 Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Requ i red Attendees : karl . cu r eton@nmtcouncil brenda . cureton@nmtcouncil . org ; Byrd , David J Your meeting updated . Sent by Subject Section Loc ation E St . - : was found to be out of date . or g; and has Microsoft Exchange Serve r HUD Mtg . w/National Mino r i t y Tech been Council automatically CEO & COS RE : 3 : Dept of Rm. 10226 Housing & Ur ban Development - South Lobby by 7 & Start : Fri 1 0/6/20 1 7 10 : 30 AM End : Fri 1 0/6/20 1 7 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : karl . cureton@nmtcounc brenda . cureto n @nmtcou n cil . org ; Byrd , David Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date il . org ; J and has Sent by Microso ft Exchange Server Subject : Call with Jeff Kramer RE : Real Food Code : !{b)(6l I Loca tion : Con f #888-273-3658 been automatically Pantry Start : Thu 1 0/5/20 1 7 1 : 00 PM End : Thu 10/5/2017 1 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer Requ i red : (none) : Bass , Deana ~-----------~ Attendees : ~l (b~)(~6~ ) __________ Your meeting updated . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was found to be out of _. date and has been automatically HUD-17-0504-E-000223 Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server Subjec t: Cal l with Je f f Kr amer RE : Real Food Location : Conf #888-273-3658 Code : !{bl(6l I Pant r y Start : Thu 1 0/5/20 17 1 : 00 PM End : Thu 10/5/2017 1 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer Required : (none) : Bass , Deana Atte ndees : ~l (b-)(_6_) --------------. Your meeting updated . was found Sent by Microsoft Subject : Call Location : Conf to be out of date and has Exchange Server with Jeff Kramer RE : Real Food #888-273-3658 Code : !{bl(6l I been automatically Pantry Start : Thu 1 0/5/20 17 1 : 00 PM End : Thu 10/5/2017 1 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer Required : (none) : Bass, Deana Atte ndees : ~l (b~)(~6~ ) ------------. Your meeting updated . was found to be out Sent by Microsoft Exchange Subject : Envision Center Location : DepSec Office Server of date and has been automatically St art : Thu 1 0/5/20 17 4 : 15 PM End : Thu 10/5/2017 4 : 45 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meeting Status Organize Required Christina r: PHP Attendees : Bass , Deana ; Hoban - Moore , Patricia M; Hold e rfi eld , Stephanie A /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Not yet responded A; Brown , HUD-17-0504-E-000224 Subjec t: Loc ation : Env i sio n Center DepSec Office Start : Thu 1 0/5/20 17 4 : 30 PM End : Thu 1 0/5/20 17 5 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (no ne) Mee t i ng Status : Not yet r espo nded Organizer : PHP Required Atte ndees : Bass , Deana ; Hoban-M oo re , Patricia Chr i s tin a M; Holder fi eld , Stephanie A Subject : Loca t ion : A; Brown , En v ision Center DepS ec Office Start : Thu 1 0/5/ 2 0 17 4 : 15 PM End : Thu 10 /5/20 17 4 : 45 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organizer : PHP Requ i r ed Attendees : Bass , Deana ; Hoban-Moore Christina M; Holderf ield, Stephanie A Subjec t: Loca tion : , Patricia Call with Jeff Kramer RE : Real Food I Con f #888-273-3658 Code : !{bl(6l A; Brown, Pantry Start : Thu 1 0/5/20 17 11 : 00 AM End : Thu 10/5/2017 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer Requ i red : (non e ) : Bass , Deana ~-----------~ ~l (b_)(_6 _) __________ Atte ndees : Your meeting updated . was found to be out ~ of date and has Sent by Micr osoft Exchange Server Subject : Call with Jeff Kramer RE : Real Food Locatio n : Con f #888-273-3658 Code : !{b)(6) I been automatically Pantry Start : Thu 1 0/5/20 17 11 : 00 AM End : Thu 10/5/2017 11 : 30 AM /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000225 Show Time As : Recurrence Tenta tive : (none) Organi zer: Bass , Deana ~ Requ ir ed Atte ndees : !(b-)(-6)----------~ Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date Sent by Mic ro so f t Exchange Server Fr om : Goo gle Ca le ndar on be h al f Sent : Thursday , Octobe r 05 , 2017 10 :2 9 AM To : Bass , Deana Subject : Accep te d : Call with Je ff Kram e r RE : Rea l Food Thu Oc t 5 , 2017 1 1am - 11 : 30am (EDT) (Bass , Dea n a ) Subject : Loc ation : ical Pant ry @ Pol i tical Advisors Meeting David ' s Office - 1 0 232 Start : Thu 1 0/5/20 17 3 : 00 PM End : Thu 1 0/5/20 17 4 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence : Weekl y Recur r e n ce Patte r n : 4 : 00 PM Meeting Status : Not every 2 wee k( s ) on Th ur sday fr om 3 : 00 PM to ye t responded Org an iz e r: Eagles , Dav i d T Required Atte ndees : Marzol , Adolfo F; Kurtz , R . Hunter ; Gaines , Ralph H; Bass , De ana ; Hug hes , Andrew ; Bravacos , John G; Wade , Dan a T; Zorc , Betha n y A; Smit h, Coope r J ; Sung, Philip E; Van Dam, Kate lyn M; Thompson , Amy C; Apple ton , Seth D; Ma r sha l l , Mi chael J; PHP; Dunn, Co nn o r M Opt i onal Attendees : Brown , Ch ristina M Subjec t: Locat i o n: Ca ll Conf with Je ff Kramer RE: Real Food #888-273-3658 Code : !{b l(6l I Pantry Start : Thu 10/5/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Thu 10/5/2017 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence : (none) Organize r: Bass , Deana Requ ir ed At tendees : ~l (b-)(-6)----------~ /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000226 Your meeti ng was f oun d to up dated . be out o f d a te and h as been a ut oma t ical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a ng e Serve r Subject: Fo ll ow-Up " REAC REFORM" Ca ll Locati on : Confere nc e Call Star t : Wed 10 /18/20 1 7 10 : 30 AM End : Wed 1 0/18/20 1 7 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence : (none ) Meet i ng Status : Not yet r espo nd ed Or ga niz e r : Pat ton , Lynn e M Requ i re d Atte ndees : Al o i a , Ange l a M; Murp hy , Step hen E; La voy , Dona ld J ; Ni c ho ls , Delton ; Bass , Deana ; Brava cos , Joh n G Subject : Loc at ion : Senior Staff Strategy Meeting SOHUD Confe r ence Room Start : Wed 1 0/4/20 17 4 : 30 PM End : Wed 1 0 / 4 / 2 0 17 5 : 30 PM Show Time As : Ten tat iv e Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng S tatus : Not yet r espo nd ed Organ izer : PHP Requ i r ed Attendees : Eagles , Dav i d T; Rac k leff , Neal J ; Fa ri as , Anna Mar ia ; Wade , Dana T; Thomp so n , Amy C; Marshall , Mic ha e l J ; Brigh t , Michael R; Zorc , Bet hany A; App l e ton , Seth D; Hunter , Mat t hew F ; Gre enw oo d , Sheila M; Bass , Deana ; Kurtz , R. Hunter ; Hughes , Andrew Opt i o na l Attendees : Mar zol , Ado l fo F ; Bravacos , Jo hn G; Wolfson , Len Subjec t : Locat ion : Sen i o r Sta f f Str ategy Mee ting SOHUD CONFERENCE ROOM Start : Wed 10/4/2017 4 : 30 PM End : Wed 10/4/2017 5 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Mee t ing Org a nizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none ) Status : : Not ye t re spo nde d PHP HUD-17-0504-E-000227 Requ i red Atte ndees : Eag l es , Dav i d T ; Rackleff , Neal J ; Farias , Anna Maria ; Wade , Dana T ; Thompson , Amy C; Marshall , Michae l J ; Bright, Michael R; Zorc , Bethany A; Appleton , Seth D; Hunter , Matthew F ; Greenwood , Sheila M; Bass , Deana ; Kurtz , R . Hunter ; Hughes , Andrew Marzol , Ado l fo F ; Bravacos , John G; Wolfson , Opt i onal Attendees : Len Subjec t: Location : OGC/ Env i sion OGC Centers St art : Thu 1 0/5/20 17 1 : 30 PM End : Thu 10/5/2017 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer Requ i red Holderfield : (none) : Bass , Deana Atte ndees : Zorc , Bethany , Stephan i e A Your meeting updated . was found to be out of A; Brow n, date and Chr i stina has been M; automatically Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server Subject : OGC/ Envision Centers Location : OGC S t art : Thu 1 0/5/20 17 1 : 30 PM End : Thu 10/5/2017 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer Requ i red Holderfield : (none) : Bass , Deana Zorc , Bethany Attendees : , Stephan i e A Your meeting updated . was found to be out of A; Brow n, da t e and Chr i stina has been M; automatically Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server Subject : OGC/ Env ision Centers Location : OGC Start : Thu 10/5/2017 1 : 30 PM End : Thu 1 0/5/20 17 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000228 Organ iz e r: Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Zorc , Bethany Holderfield , Stephanie A Your meeting up dated . was f ound to A; Brow n, be ou t of date Christina and h as been M; a u tomatical ly Sent by Microsoft Ex c h a ng e Se rv e r Subject : OGC/ En vision Centers Location : OGC Star t: Thu 10 /5/20 17 1 : 30 PM End : Thu 1 0/5/20 17 2 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Org a nizer : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Zorc , Bethany Holderfield, Stephanie A Your meeting updated . was found A; Brown , Chris t ina to be ou t of date and has been M; a u tomatical ly Sent by Microsoft Exc h ange Server Subject: OGC/ Env ision Ce n ters Location : OGC Start : Thu 1 0/5/20 17 1:3 0 PM End : Thu 10 /5/20 17 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Att en de e s : Zorc , Bethany Ho lderf ield , St ephan i e A Your meeting update d . was found to be out A; Brown , Christina of date and h as been M; automatically Sent by Mic rosoft Exc h a ng e Server Subjec t: OGC/ EnVision Cen ters Locatio n: OGC Start : Thu 1 0/5/20 17 1 : 30 PM End : Thu 10/5/2017 2 :0 0 PM /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000229 Show Time As : Recurrence Tenta tive : (none) Organi zer: Bass , Deana Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Zorc , Bethany Your meeting updated . was found to be out of A; Brow n, date and Chr i st in a M has been Sent by Mic ro so f t Exchange Server Subjec t: Envision Centers/ Task Fo rce Wkly . Mtg . Loca tion : OSEC Smal l Co nf. Rm. 10210 // Con f . Line# Code : ! on b eha lf o f l(b)(6) Sent : Monday , Octobe r 0 2 , 2 0 1 7 5 : 4 2 PM To : Bass , Deana @ Subjec t: Accep te d : Call wi th Je ff Kram e r RE : Rea l Food Pantry Thu Oct 5, 2017 1 0 : 30am - 11am (EDT) (Bass, Deana) I Subjec t: Services Location : 10226 HUD Mt g . w/ Pa t sy Joh n so n , President Dept of Housing & Ur ban Coast 2 Coast Developm e nt , 45 1 7 th Gl obal St . SW, Rm. S t art : F ri 1 0/6/20 17 1 :3 0 PM End : F ri 10 /6/20 17 2 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer Required : Bass , Deana Attendees : pjohnson@c2cgs Your meeting updated . was found to be . com ; Ammon , Matthew ou t o f date and has been E a u tomatical ly Sent by Mi croso f t Exc h ange Server Subjec t: HUD Mt g . w/ Pa ts y Johnson , Pr es i dent Coas t 2 Coas t Globa l Services Locatio n: Dept of Housing & Urban Development , 45 1 7th St. SW, Rm. 10226 Sta r t : Fri 10/6/2017 1 : 30 PM End : F ri 1 0/6/20 17 2 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Recu r rence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) HUD-17-0504-E-000243 Organize Required r: Bass , Deana Attendees : Ammon, Matthew Your meeting updated. was found to be out of E da t e and has been automatically Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server Subject : Pol i tical Adviso r s Meeting Location : David ' s Office - 10232 Start : Thu 10/5/2017 3 : 00 PM End : Thu 10/5/2017 4 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Recurrence 4 : 00 PM Meeting : Weekly Pat t ern : Status : Not every yet 2 wee k (s) on Thursday f rom 3 : 00 PM to responded Organizer : Eag l es , Dav i d T Requ i red Attendees : Marzol , Ado l fo F ; Kurtz , R . Hu nter ; Gaines , Ralph H; Bass , Deana ; Hughes , Andrew ; Bravacos , John G; Wade , Dana T; Zorc , Bethany A; Smith , Cooper J ; Sung , Philip E; Van Dam, Kate l yn M; Thompson , Amy C; Appleton , Seth D; Marsha l l , Michael J Subject : Location : Cal l with Jeff Kramer RE : Real Food Conf #888-273-3658 Code : l Sent : Thursday , September 21 , 2017 11 : 22 AM To : Bass , Deana Subject: Tentative : Call w/ Deana Bass Subject : Location : . org> on behalf of Coffee w/ Matt Hunter meet at North Lobby , by L ' Enfant Start : Thu 9/28/20 17 10 : 00 AM End : Thu 9/28/20 17 10 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer Required : (none) : Bass , Deana Attendees : Hunter, Your meeting updated . was found to Matthew be out of F date and has been automatically has been automatically Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server Subject : Coffee w/ Matt Hun ter Lo cation : meet at North Lobby , by L ' Enfant Start : Thu 9/28/20 17 10 : 00 AM End : Thu 9/28/20 17 10 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer Required : (none) : Bass , Deana Attendees : Hunter Your meeting updated . was found to , Matthew be out of F date and Sent by Microsoft Exchange Serve r Subject : Coffee w/ Matt Hun ter Loc ation : meet at North Lobby , by L ' Enfant Start : Thu 9/28/2017 10 : 00 AM End : Thu 9/28/20 17 10 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer Required /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) : Bass , Deana Attendees : Hunter , Matth ew F HUD-17-0504-E-000319 Your meeting updated . Sent was found by Microsoft to be out of date and has been a ut omatical ly and has been automatical ly Excha ng e Server Sta r t : Mon 9/25/2017 8 : 00 AM End : Mon 9/25/20 17 5 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Out of Off i ce Recu rr ence : (none) Organi zer : Subject Locatio : n: Bass , Deana Deana Bass 529 1 4th St . NW, 13th Floor St art : F ri 9/22/2017 3 : 30 PM End : F ri 9/22/2017 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recurrence : (none) Organiz e r : Bass , Dea na Required Attendees : Adr i a nne Your meeting updated . was found to Todman be out of Sent by Mic rosoft Exc hang e Server Subject : Call w/ Dr . Sta ll wor th Loca tion : Dr . S ta ll worth will call date Deana@ 202/402 . 5974 Start : Wed 9/20/20 17 3 :0 0 PM End : Wed 9/20/20 17 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Free Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Honorab l e KB St allwort bcfadmin@michiganblac kcaucus . org Your meeting updated . Sent was found by Mic rosoft /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT to be out Exchange Server of date and h , PhD ; has been automatically HUD-17-0504-E-000320 Subject : Locat ion: Call w/ Dr . Stallworth Dr . Stallworth will call Deana@ 202/402 . 5974 Start : Wed 9/20/2017 3 : 00 PM End : Wed 9/20/2017 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Free Recurrence Meeting : (no ne ) Status : Meeting organizer Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attend ees : Honorab l e KB Sta l lworth, bcfadmin@michiganblackcaucus . org Subject Locatio : n: PhD ; Coffee w/ Mat t Hunter meet a t North Lobby , by L ' En f ant Start : Thu 9/21/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Thu 9/2 1 /2017 11 :30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer Required : (non e ) : Bass , Deana Attendees : Hunter , Mat thew Your meeting updated . was found t o be out of F date and has been automatically has been automatically Sent by Mic rosoft Exchange Server F rom : Hunter , Matthew F Sen t : Wednesday , September 20 , 2017 9 : 46 AM To : Bass , Deana Subject: Acc ep ted : Coffee w/ Matt Hunter Subject Locatio : n: Coffee w/ Mat t Hunter meet at North Lobby , by L ' En f ant St art : Thu 9/21/20 17 11 : 00 AM End : Thu 9/2 1 /2017 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (non e ) Organiz er : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Hunter , Matthew Your meeting updated . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was found t o be out of date F and HUD-17-0504-E-000321 Sent by Micro so ft Ex change Server Sub jec t: Env i sio n Centers/ Task Force Wkly . Mtg . Locat ion : OSEC Small Co nf. Rm. 102 10 // Conf . Line# I Host : filillfilJ Code : !rb\/6\ 888- 2 73-3658 Start : Wed 9 /13/201 7 2 : 0 0 PM End : Wed 9/13/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Ten tativ e Rec urr ence : Weekly Recurrence Patter n : every Wednesday from 2 : 00 PM t o 2 : 30 PM Organ iz e r : Bass , Deana Req u ir ed Atte nd ees : Bregon , Ne ls o n R; Lyn n e Patton (Lynn e . M. Patton@h ud . gov) ; Bastarac h e , Dani elle L ; Costa, Alfo nso A; Mun i r , Ra fiq A; Gruson , Barba r a ; Nor l ander , Ada m G; Nic hol s d i xon , Me r r i e ; Will i a ms , Ra ffi ; Hold e r fie ld , Stephanie A; Coffey , Alexander ; Hobb s , Benjamin R; Hardy IV , St anley ; Bour n e , Chr istop her M; Brow n , Chri st in a M; Bravacos , Jo hn G; Gai n es , Ral ph H; J oh nson , Tiff any M; Ashford , Rona l d T ; Queen , Mar i a - Lana C; Youngblood, Ri cha rd A; Du ffey , Whitney L Opt i o n al Attendees : Kasper , Ma r en M; Gol rick , Jane t M; Cle rnrnense n , Craig T ; Jac obs , Aztec ; Thomas , Todd C; Chris t ensen , Eri c F ; Schulhof , Mary T ; Mor ton , Robe r t B; Franc esc hi n i - Petty , Raquel Your meeting upda ted . was found t o be out of dat e and has b een Sent by Mic rosoft Ex chang e Server Subject : Envision Centers/ Task Fo rce Wkly . Mtg . Loca t io n : OSEC Small Co nf. Rm. 102 10 // Conf . Line# Code : ! I Detroit EC status check Deana ' s office - Conf . Lin e# 888 - 273 - 3658 ACCESS CODE: Start : Tue 9/19/2017 4 : 00 PM End : Tue 9/19/2017 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recurrence : (none) Organiz e r : Bass , Deana Holderfield , Step han ie A; Brego n, Nelson R; Required Attendees : Bourne , Chr i stop h er M; Jo y , Johnson P ; Brown , Ch ri st in a M; Fulcher , Paul B; Edwards (Ctr ), Sophia R Your meeting updated. was found to be out of date Sent by Microsoft Ex cha nge Server Subject : Detro it EC status chec k Locat i on : Dean a ' s off i ce - Conf . Line# !(b)/6) ! and has been 888-273-3658 automatically ACCESS CODE: Tue 9/19/20 17 4 : 00 PM Start : End : Tue 9/19/20 17 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Organ iz e r: Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Holderfield , Stephanie A; Bregon , Nelson R; Bourne , Christopher M; Joy , Johnson P ; Brown , Christina M; Fulcher , Paul B; Edwards (Ctr) , Soph i a R Your meeting updated . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was found to be out of date and has been automatically HUD-17-0504-E-000325 Sent by Micro so ft Ex change Server From : Fu lc he r , Pau l B Sent : Tuesday , September 1 9 , 201 7 3 : 03 PM To : Bass , Deana Subject : Accepted : Detr o it EC status ch eck Sub je c t : HUD Mtg . w/ Alexander Roberts , Ex . Di re ctor , Commun i t y Hsng . I nn ovat ion s Loc a tio n : Dept of Hous ing & Ur ban Deve lo pment , 451 7th St . SW OSEC Small Con f . Rm. 10210 Star t : Tue 9/19/2017 2 : 45 PM End : Tue 9/19/20 17 3 : 15 PM Show Tim e As : Tent ati ve Rec ur ren ce : (none ) Organizer : Bass , Deana Req uir e d At tendees : Your meeti ng was up da t ed . ' Al ec Robe r ts '; fo un d to be out Gibb s , J o hn ; Byrd , David o f d a te and Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a ng e Serve r F rom : Alec Rob erts Roberts , Ex . Director , Subject : HUD Mtg . w/ Al exa nder Robe r ts , Ex . Director , Community Hsng . Innovations Locat i o n : Dept of Hous i ng & Urba n Deve l opment , 451 7th St. SW Rm. 10226 Start : Tu e 9/19/2017 2 : 45 PM End : Tue 9/19/2017 3 : 15 PM Show Time As : Ten t a tiv e Rec urr en c e : (non e) Organizer : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Attendees : Your meeting updated. /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was found ' Alec Roberts '; to out date be of Gibbs , John ; By r d , Dav i d J and h as been a ut omatically HUD-17-0504-E-000326 Sen t by Mi crosoft Ex c h a nge Se rver Sub j ec t : HUD Mt g . w/ Alexander Roberts , Ex . Di r ector , Commun i ty Hsng . Innovations Lo cation : Dept of Housing & Ur ban Developm e nt , 451 7 th St . SW Rm. 10226 Start : Tue 9/19/20 17 3 :0 0 PM End : Tue 9/19/20 17 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Organiz e r : Bass , De ana Required At t e ndees : ' Alec Your meeting updated . was found to be Robe r t s '; ou t of Gibbs , John ; By r d , David date and has been J a u tomatical ly Sent by Mic rosoft Exc h an g e Server Subjec t : HUD Mt g . w/ Al e xander Robe r ts , Ex . Directo r , Community Hsng . Innovations Loca tion : Dept o f Hous i ng & Urba n Deve l opment , 451 7th St. SW Rm. 10226 Start : Tue 9/19/2017 3 : 00 PM End : Tue 9/19/20 17 3 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Recurrence : (none ) Organi zer : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Attendees : Your mee ting upd ated . was found ' Alec Roberts '; to out d a te be of Gib bs , John ; Byr d , David and has been Sent by Mic rosoft Exchange Se rv e r Fr om : Alec Roberts Sent : Tuesday , Septembe r 1 9 , 2017 2 : 1 6 PM To : Bass , Deana Subjec t : Accep te d : HUD Mtg . w/ Alexan de r Robe r ts, Commun ity Hsng . Inno vat i ons Sub j ec t: Locatio n : !(b)(6) ! Detro it EC sta tu s chec k Deana ' s office - Conf. Line# J a u tomatically Ex . Director 888 - 2 7 3 - 3658 , ACCESS CODE: Tue 9/19/20 17 4 : 00 PM Start : End : Tue 9/19/20 17 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000327 Recur r e n ce : (none) Organiz e r : Bass , De ana Ho lderf ie l d , Step han i e A; Brego n, Ne l so n R; Required Attendees : Bourne , Chr i s t op h er M; Jo y, Jo hn son P ; Br own , Chri st in a M; Fulc h er , Paul B; Edwards (Ctr) , Soph i a R Your meeting up da ted. was found to be out of date Sen t by Mi crosoft Exch a nge Serve r Subjec t: Detroi t EC s t a tu s chec k Locat i o n: Deana ' s off i ce - Conf. Line ! Sent : Monday , Septembe r 1 8 , 2017 3 : 59 PM To : Bass , Deana Subject : Accep te d : Mtg . with Ross Group Council Sub j ec t: Lunch with RE : Healthcare Leade r ship Deana Start : Fri 9/22/2017 12 : 30 PM End : F ri 9/22/20 17 1 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta ti ve Recu rr ence : (none) Organi z e r : Roget , Gise l e G Requ i r ed Atte ndees : Bass , Deana Subj ect : Lun ch with Deana Start : Fri 9/22/20 17 12 : 1 5 PM End : F ri 9/22/20 17 1 : 15 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng S t atus : Not yet responded Organi zer : Roget , Gise le G Requ i r ed Atte ndees : Bass , Deana Subj ect : Loca tion : John Bravacos Deana ' s Offi ce St art : Wed 9/20/20 17 2 : 30 PM End : Wed 9/20/2017 3 : 0 0 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer Required : Bass , Deana Atte ndees : Bravacos Your mee t ing update d . was found to be , Joh n G out of date and h as been automatically Sent by Mic rosoft Exc h a ng e Server Subjec t : Mtg . with Ross Group RE : Healthcare Le ad e rship Counci l Locat ion : Dept of Hous ing & Urban Deve l opment , 451 7 & E St . // OSEC Rm . 1 0226 Start : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Tue 9/26/2017 1 : 30 PM HUD-17-0504-E-000341 End : Tue 9/26/2017 2 : 0 0 PM Show Tim e As : Ten tativ e Rec urr ence : (non e) Orga n iz e r: Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Attendees : Bass , Deana ; ' Shalla Ross '; Opt i o na l Attendees : Debbi e Witchey ; l(b)(6) Gran de ; Mill e r , Mich e ll e M; As h l ey , Peter J Your meeting updated . was f ound to be out of date and Ammon, Matth e w E I Tin a h as been a ut omatical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a ng e Server Subject : Mt g . wit h Ross Gr oup RE : Healthcare Leadersh i p Counc i l Lo cation : Dep t of Housing & Ur ban Dev elopme nt , 451 7 & E St . // OSEC Rm. 1 0226 St art : Tue 9/26/2017 1 : 30 PM End : Tu e 9/26/2017 2 : 0 0 PM Show Time As : Te n tat iv e Recurrence : (none ) Or ga niz e r : Bass , Dea na Required Attendees : Bass , Deana ; ' Sh a ll a Ross '; Opt i o na l At tendees : Debb i e Witchey ; l(b)(6) Gran d e ; Mill er , Mi chelle M Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and has Ammon, Matthew E I Tina bee n automatically Sen t by Mic rosof t Exch a nge Ser ver Sub j ect : Mt g . with Ross Gr oup RE: Hea lth ca r e Leade r sh i p Counc i l Locat i o n : Dept of Hous i ng & Urba n Deve l opment , 451 7 & E St . // OSEC Rm . 1 0226 Tue 9/26/2017 1 : 30 PM Star t : End : Tue 9/26/20 17 2 : 0 0 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none ) Organ iz e r: Bass , Deana ' Shalla Required Atte ndees : Debbie Op tional Atte nd ees : Grande Your meeting updated . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was found Ross '; Ammon, Matthew Wit chey ; ~l(b~)(~6)_________ t o be out of dat e and h a s been E __. Tina autom a tical ly HUD-17-0504-E-000342 Sent by Microsoft Exchange Serv e r Subjec t: HOLD/ BALTIMORE ENVISION CENTER MTGS. Locat i o n: Bat li mor e Start : Thu 1 0/26/20 1 7 8 : 00 AM End : Thu 10/26/2017 5 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence : (none) Organi z e r : Bass , Deana Requ i red Atte ndees : Holder f ield , St ephan i e A Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and has been automatically h as been automatically Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server Subjec t: HOLD/ BALTIMORE ENVISION CENTER MTGS. Locatio n: Balt i mor e Start : F ri 1 0/27/20 1 7 8 : 00 AM End : Fri 10/27/2017 5 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer Requ i red : (none) : Bass , Deana Atte ndees : Holderfield Your meeting updated . was found to be out , St ephan i e A of date and Sent by Microsoft Excha n ge Server From : Holderfield , St ephanie A Sent : Monday , Septembe r 18 , 2017 3 : 29 PM To : Bass , Deana Subject : Accepted : HOLD/ BALTI MORE ENVISION CENTER MTGS. Subjec t: Location : HOLD/ BALTIMORE ENVISION CENTER MTGS. Batlimore Start : Thu 1 0/26/20 1 7 8 : 00 AM End : Thu 10/26/2017 5 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) HUD-17-0504-E-000343 Organizer Requ i red : Bass , Deana Attendees : Holderfield Your meeting updated. was found to be out , Stephan of date ie A and has been automatically been automatically Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server Subjec t: HOLD/ BALTIMORE ENVSION CENTER MTGS. Location : Balt i mor e Start : Fri 10/27/2017 8 : 00 AM End : Fri 10/27/2017 5 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence : (none) Organizer Requ i red : Bass , Deana Attendees : Holderfield Your meeting updated . was found to be out , Stephan of date ie A and has Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server Subject : HOLD/ BALTIMORE ENVISION CENTER MTGS. Location : Balt i mor e Start : F ri 1 0/27/20 1 7 8 : 00 AM End : Fri 10/27/2017 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Out of Of f ice Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Meeting organizer Organize r: Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Holderfield M; Bravacos , John G , Stephanie A; Bourne , Christopher HOLD/ BALTIMORE ENVISION CENTER MTGS. Batlimore Subject : Location : Start : Thu 10/26/2017 8 : 00 AM End : Thu 10/26/2017 5 : 30 PM Show Time As : Free Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : : Meet i ng organize r Bass , Deana HUD-17-0504-E-000344 Required Attendees : Holderfield, Step han ie A Subject : HUD Mtg . w/ Alexander Roberts , Ex . Director , Community Hsng . Innovations Locatio n: Dept of Housing & Urban Deve l opment , 451 7th St. SW Rm. 10226 Start : Tue 9/19/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Tue 9/19/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence Organize Required : (none) r: Bass , Deana Attendees : ' Alec Your meeting updated . was found to Roberts be out of '; Gibbs , John ; By r d , David date and Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server From : Gibbs, John Sent : Monday , Septembe r 18 , 2017 2 : 49 PM To : Bass , Deana Subject : Accepted : HUD Mtg . w/ Alexander Community Hsng . Innova t ions Subject : has been Roberts, J automatically Ex . Director , Hudd l e - MOU Start : Mon 9/18/2017 5 :0 0 PM End : Mon 9/18/2017 5 : 15 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : (none) Organize r: Bass , Deana Requ i red Attendees : Brown , Chr i st in a M Your meeting updated . was found Sent by Microsoft Subjec t: Huddle to be out Exchange - MOU Server of date and has been automatically Start : Mon 9/18/20 17 5 :0 0 PM End : Mon 9/18/20 17 5 : 15 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Bass , Deana HUD-17-0504-E-000345 Required Attendees Your meeting update d . was : found Brown , Chri s tin a M to be out of dat e and has been automatically Sent by Mic rosoft Excha ng e Ser ve r F rom : Hun ter, Mat thew F Sent : Monday , Septembe r 18, 20 1 7 1 : 09 PM To : Bass , Deana Su bject : New Time Proposed : Co ffee Subjec t: Loca ti o n : *SURPRISE* Birthday Celebration SOHUD' s Con feren ce Room for SOHUD S t art : Mon 9/18/2017 2 : 55 PM End : Mon 9/ 1 8/2017 4 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurre Meeting n ce : (none) Status : Not ye t r esp ond e d Organ iz e r : Mill s , Al li so n F Required Atte ndees : Clemmensen, Craig T ; Go l rick , Ja n et M; Kasper , Mar e n M; Ammon, Mat t h e w E ; Gr eene , Bryan ; Br egon, Nelson R; Timberlake , Court ney B ; Coo ke , Kevin R ; Surber , Keith W; Ben i so n , John P ; Scott , Jimm y ; He n s l e y, Henry ; Blom , Dominique G; Broo ks , Towa nd a A; Lyberg , Sarah A; McCul l oug h, Aisa K; McCl ure , Lau r a L ; S t ayano vi c h , J aso n E ; Rich ardson , Todd M; Li ncol n , Pau la A; Pao , Jean Lin ; Gimont, Stanl e y ; Hard i so n , Jam es C ; Ro driguez , Aida N; Dawkins , Eun i ce D; Flei scher , Laura A; Carter , Stevens J ; Jac kso n , Sherra L ; Mcca h il l , Sea n C; F r ee , Ken n et h E ; Foster , Mi c h ae l C ; Johnso n, Jasmine S ; Mira nda , Cr i s t ian A; For d , Kei th D; Thom as , Kevin D; J u dge , John F ; Mcclanaha n , Dani e l P ; Gates , Scott L; Dr ew A McCall (Jona than.A . McCall@hud . gov ) ; Andrew Hug he s (Andrew .Hu gh es@ hu d . gov ) ; Po l i tical Appoin tees ; Hipp , Va n D Opt i o na l Atte ndees : Beckles , Ang e la L; Thompson , Cait li n H; Den das , Mic h ael W; Al exa nd er , Mason ; Bro wning , Aus t i n G; Cor e sse l , L ; Ke ll e y , Mi chael J; Bass , Deana ; Marzo l , Jaci e; Barton , Victoria Adolfo F ; Gr i bbi n , Will iam J ; Thompson , Amy C ; Williams , Ra f f i ; Brown , Chri st in a M; Ga in es , Ralp h H; Roge t , Gisele G; Gibbs , Jo h n ; Bur l ey , Mic h ael N; Wade , Dana T ; Ha ll e r , Ju lia Z; Bowe s, Robe rt B; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Smi th, Cooper J ; Hunte r , Mat thew F; Ga rz a, Sa r a h J ; Her ed ia , Evonne G; Farias , Ann a Maria ; Bra vacos , John G; Cowa n Jr ., Ch ad ; Cummi ngs , Ma tt he w L ; Fila , Stephanie C; Mars h all , Micha el J ; Stow e , Al e x a n der D Subjec t : HUD Mtg . w/ Alexander Robe r ts, Ex . Directo r , Community Hsng . I nn ovatio n s Loca tion : Dept of Hous i ng & Urba n Deve l opment , 451 7th St . SW Rm. 10 226 /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000346 Start : Tue 9/19/20 17 2 : 00 PM End : Tue 9/19/20 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurre n ce : (none) Organ iz e r : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Your meeting up dated . was f ound ' Al ec Rob erts to be out '; Gibb s , John ; Byrd , David o f date and h as been a ut omatical J ly Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Se rv e r Subjec t : HUD Mtg . w/ Alexander Roberts , Ex . Di r ector , Commun i ty Hs ng . Innovations & Urban Dev elo pme nt , 45 1 7 th St . SW Rm. Location : Dept of Housing 10226 Start : Tue 9/19/2017 2 : 0 0 PM End : Tue 9/19/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Te nta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none ) Organiz e r : Bass , Dea na Required Attendees : ' Alec Your meeting updated . was found t o be Robe r t s ' out of date and h as been autom a tical ly h as been a u tomatical ly Sent by Mic rosoft Exc hang e Server Subject : Coffee Locatio n : meet a t Nor t h Lobby , by L ' En f a nt Start : Tue 9/19/20 17 3 : 0 0 PM End : Tue 9/19/20 17 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer Required : Bass , Deana At t e ndees : Hunter Your meeting updated . was found to be , Matthew ou t of Sent by Mic rosoft Exc h a ng e Server Subject : HUD mtg . w/ KarenLynn /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT date & Avis F and Be ll , BCV Solutions HUD-17-0504-E-000347 Locatio 10 226 n: Dept of Hous in g & Urba n Deve l opment , 451 7th St. , Su it e Start : Fri 9/22/2017 1 : 30 PM End : Fri 9/22/2017 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentat iv e Recurrence : (none ) Organi zer: Bass , Deana Requ ir ed Attendees : karenlynn@bcvsolutions.com Your meeting updated. was found to be out of date and has ; Byrd , David been automat Sent by Mic r osoft Exchan ge Server Subject : HUD mtg . w/ KarenLynn & Avis Be ll , BCV So l ut ions Locat ion: Dept of Hous in g & Urban Deve lopm ent , 451 7th St ., 10 226 J i ca l ly Su i te Sta r t : Fri 9/22/2017 1 : 30 PM End : Fri 9/22/2017 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta tiv e Recu rr ence : (none) Organiz e r: Bass , Deana Required At tendees : karenlynn@bcvso You r meeting updated. was found Sent by Microsoft Subject : Coffee Locat ion: tbd to be out Exchange l u t ions . com ; Byrd, of date David J and has been automat i ca l ly and has been automat i ca ll y Serve r St a r t : Tue 9/19/2017 3 : 00 PM End : Tue 9/19/2017 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentat iv e Recu rr en ce : (none) Or ganizer : Bass , Deana Requ ir ed Attendees : Hunte r, Your meeting updated. /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was found Matthew to be out of date F HUD-17-0504-E-000348 Sen t by Mi crosoft Sub j ec t: Coffee Loc a tio n : tbd Ex c h a nge Se rver Start : Tue 9/19/2017 3 : 00 PM End : Tue 9/19/20 17 3 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recu rr en ce : (none) Orga n iz e r: Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Hunter Your meeting upd a te d . was fo und to Sent by Mi crosoft Subjec t: Coffee Lo cation : tbd , Matthew be out o f date F and h as been and has a ut oma t ical ly Ex c h a ng e Se rver Sta r t : Tue 9/19/2017 3 :0 0 PM End : Tue 9/19/20 17 3 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recu rr en ce : (none) Orga n iz e r: Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Kurtz, Your meeting upd ated . was found R. Hunter t o be out of date bee n automatically Sen t by Mic rosoft Ex c h a nge Ser ver Sub j ect : HUD Mtg . w/ 0 MB RE : Env is i on Ce n te r s Locat i o n: New Ex ec u t i ve Off i ce Bu ild i ng (NEOB) 725 1 7th RM. 10202 Street NW, Start : Fri 9/29/20 17 3 : 00 PM End : Fri 9/29/20 17 4 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Organ iz e r: Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : ' Lescott , Anni ka N. EOP/O MB'; ' Jessica _ K. _ Lee@omb . eop .g ov ' ; Bregon , Ne l son R Your meeting updated. /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was f ound to be ou t o f date and h as been a u tomatical ly HUD-17-0504-E-000349 Sent by Mic rosoft Exc hang e Server Subject : HUD Mtg. w/ 0MB RE : Envision Cente r s Lo cation : New Executive Off ice Bu ild i ng (NEOB) 725 17t h Street RM. 1 0202 NW, S t a rt : F ri 9/2 9/20 17 3:0 0 PM End : F ri 9/29/2017 4 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Ten t a tive Recurrence : (none ) Organi zer : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : ' Lescott , Anni k a N . EOP/O MB'; ' Jess i ca K. Lee@omb . eop .g ov '; Br egon , Nelson R Your meeting up dated . was found to be out of date and has been a ut oma t i ca lly Sent by Mic ro soft Exchan ge Server Subjec t: HUD Mtg. w/ 0 MB RE : Envision Ce nter s Locat i o n: New Executive Off i ce Bu ild i ng (NEOB) 725 1 7th RM. 10 202 Street NW, Start : Fri 9/29/2017 3 :0 0 PM End : Fri 9/29/20 17 4 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recu rr ence : (none) Orga n iz e r: Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : ' Lescott, Annika N. EOP/OMB'; ' Jessica _ K. _ Lee@omb .e op .g ov ' ; Br eg on , Ne l son R Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be ou t o f date and h as been a u tomatical Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Server Subject : HUD Mtg . w/ 0MB RE : Envision Ce n ters Location : New Ex ecu ti ve Office Bu il ding (NEOB) 725 1 7t h Street RM. 10202 ly NW, Start : Fri 9/29/20 17 3 :0 0 PM End : F ri 9/29/20 17 4 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Bass , Deana HUD-17-0504-E-000350 Required Attendees : ' Lescott , Annika N. EOP/OMB' ; ' Jess i ca K._ Lee@omb . eop .g ov '; Br egon , Nelson R Your meeting upd ated . was found to be out of date and h as been a ut omatically Sent by Microsoft Exchan ge Server F rom : Lesco tt , Annika N . EOP/OMB Ben Hobbs/ welfare re f o rm ca l l Deana ' s off i ce 1 0226 Start : Tue 9/19/2017 1 0 : 30 AM End : Tue 9/19/2017 11 : 00 AM Show Tim e As : Tenta ti ve Recu rr ence : (none) Organi zer : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Attendees : Hobbs , Benjamin Your meet ing up dated . was found to be out of R date Sent by Mic ro soft Exchan ge Se rv e r Subjec t : Ben Hobbs/ welfare re form Locat i o n : Deana ' s off i ce 1 0226 and has been a ut omatically and has been automatically ca l l Sta r t : Tu e 9/19/2017 1 0 : 30 AM End : Tue 9/19/2017 1 1 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentat iv e Recurrence : (none ) Organi zer : Bass, Requ i r ed Attendees Deana : Hobbs , Benjamin Your meeting upd ated . found was to be out of R date Sent by Mic ro soft Exc h an ge Server Subjec t: Ben Hobbs/ welfare re f o rm ca l l Locat i o n : Deana ' s o ff i ce 10 22 6 Start : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Tue 9/19/2017 1 0 : 30 AM HUD-17-0504-E-000351 End : Tue 9/19/2017 11 : 00 AM Show Tim e As : Ten tativ e Rec urr ence : (non e) Orga n iz e r: Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Attendees : Hobbs , Benjami n R Your meeting upd a ted. was found to be out of date and has been automat i ca ll y Sen t by Mic rosoft Exch a nge Ser ver Su bje c t: Ho ld / Se n ate w/ Dr . St all wor th S t a rt : Thu 9 /21/ 2 0 17 12 : 00 PM End : Thu 9/2 1 /2017 12 : 30 PM Recur r e n ce : (none ) Or ga niz e r : Bas s, Dea na Subject : Loc a tio n : SOHUD' s Confere n ce Room Star t : Mon 9/18/20 17 3 : 00 PM End : Mon 9/18/20 17 4 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence Mee ting : (non e) Sta t us : Not yet r espo nded Or ga niz er : Mills , Alliso n F Required Attendees : Clemme n sen , Crai g T; Golric k, Ja ne t M; Kasper , Ma r en M; Ammon, Matthew E; Gree n e , Bryan ; Brego n , Ne l so n R; Ti mberlake , Cour tney B; Cooke , Kev i n R; Surber , Ke i th W; Ben i son , John P ; Scott , Jimmy ; He nsl ey , Henry ; Bl om, Domi niq ue G; Brooks , Towanda A; Lyberg , Sarah A; McCulloug h, Aisa K; McClure , Laura L; Staya n ovich , Jason E; Richar ds o n , Todd M; Linc ol n , Paula A; Pao , Jean Lin ; Gi mon t , Sta nl ey ; Ha rd ison , James C; Rodr i gue z , Ai da N; Dawk ins, Eun i ce D; Fl eischer , Laura A; Car ter , Stevens J ; Jackson , She rra L; Mcc a h ill , Sean C; Fr ee, Ken ne th E; Foster , Michael C; Johnso n , Jasmi ne S ; Mira nd a , Cristian A; Ford , Keith D; Thomas , Kevin D; Judge , John F ; McCla n a h an , Dan i el P ; Gates , Scott L; Dre w A McCa l l (Jona than . A . McCall @hud . gov) ; And r ew Hug h es (And rew .H ughes@ hu d . gov ); Po l itical Appoi n tees Kb)(6) Subjec t: L Locat i o n : SOHUD' s Conference Start : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Mon 9/18/2017 Room 3 :0 0 PM HUD-17-0504-E-000352 End : Mon 9/18/2017 4 :0 0 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Rec urr en c e : (non e) Meet i ng Status : Not yet r espo nded Organizer : Mills , Al lis o n F Req uir e d Att endees : Clemmensen , Cra i g T; Gol rick , Janet M; Kasper , Maren M; Ammon, Mat t hew E; Gr eene , Bryan ; Brego n , Nel so n R; Ti mberlake , Court ney B; Cooke , Kev i n R; Surber , Ke i th W; Ben i so n , John P ; Scott , Jimmy ; He nsl ey , Henry ; Bl om, Dominique G; Brooks , Towanda A; Lyberg , Sarah A; McCu ll ough , Aisa K; McClure , Laura L; Staya n ov i ch , Jason E; Richar dson , Todd M; Li ncol n , Paula A; Pao , Jean Lin ; Gi mon t , Stanley; Ha rd ison , James C; Rodr i gue z , Aida N; Dawk i n s , Eun i ce D; Fl e i scher , La u ra A; Car ter , Stevens J ; Jac kso n , Sherra L; Mccah il l, Sean C; Free , Ken n et h E; Foster , Mic ha e l C; John son, Jas min e S ; Miranda , Cr i stian A; Fo r d, Keith D; Thomas , Kev i n D; Judge , John F ; McC l a n a h an , Da n ie l P ; Gates , Scott L; Drew A McCa l l (Jon athan . A . McCall@hud . gov) ; And r ew Hugh es (And rew . Hughes@ hu d . gov ); Po lit ica l Appoi n tee s Subject : Mtg . with Ross Group RE : Hea lth care Leadersh i p Counc i l Loc a tio n : Dept of Housi ng & Urba n Deve lo pment , 451 7 & E St . // OSEC Con f . Rm. 1 0 210 Start : Thu 9/21/20 17 1 1 : 00 AM End : Thu 9/21/20 17 11 : 30 AM Show Tim e As : Tent ati ve Recurrence : (none ) Org a nizer : Bass , Deana Bass , Dea na ; ' Shalla Required At tendees : Debb ie Witchey ; l(b )(6) Optio na l Attendees : Gr ande Your meeting updated . was found t o be out of date and Ross ' ; Ammon , Matthew E I Tina has b een automatica l ly Sent by Mic ro so f t Ex ch a nge Server Subjec t: Mt g . with Ross Group RE: Heal thc are Leadership Council Loca tion : Dept of Housi ng & Urban Development , 451 7 & E St . // OSEC Co n f . Rm. 1 021 0 Sta r t : Thu 9/2 1 /2017 11 : 00 AM End : Thu 9/2 1/ 20 17 1 1 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentat i ve Recu rr ence : (none) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000353 Organize Required Optional Grande r: Bass , Deana Attendees : Bass , Deana ; ' Shalla Attendees : Debbie Wit chey ; l(b )(6 ) Your meet i ng was updated . found to be out of date Sent by Microso ft Exchange Server From : Tina Grande Sent : Friday , September 15 , 2017 5 : 15 PM To : Bass , Deana Subject : Accepted : Mtg . wi th Ross Group Council Ross '; and I been RE : Healthcare HOLD/ HUD Mtg . w/ 0MB RE : Envision EEOB Subjec t: Location : has Ammon, Matthew E Tina automatically Leadership Ce nt e r s Start : F ri 9/29/2017 3 : 00 PM End : Fri 9/29/2017 4 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Organizer Requ i red ' Jessica : (none) : Bass , Deana Atte ndees : ' Lescott , Annika N . EOP/OMB '; K. Lee@omb . eop . gov '; Bregon , Nelson R Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server Subject : HOLD/ HUD Mtg . w/ 0MB RE : Envision Location : EEOB has been automatically Cente r s Sta r t : Fri 9/29/2017 3 : 00 PM End : Fri 9/29/2017 4 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Organizer Requ i red ' Jessica : Bass , Deana Attendees : ' Lescott , Annika N . EOP/OMB '; K. Lee@omb . eop . gov '; Bregon , Nelson R Your meeting updated . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was found to be out of date and has been automatically HUD-17-0504-E-000354 Sent by Mi crosoft Excha ng e Serve r Subject : Political Advisors Meeti n g Location : David ' s Office - 1 0232 Start : Thu 10 /5/20 17 3 : 00 PM End : Thu 1 0/5/2017 4 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : Weekl y Recur r e n ce Pat t e r n : 4 : 00 PM Meeting Status : Not every 2 week(s) on Thu r sday from 3 : 00 PM to ye t r espo nded Organi z e r: Eagles , Dav i d T Required At tendees : Marzol , Ado l fo F; Kurtz , R . Hunter ; Gaines , Ralph H; Bass , Dea na ; Hughes, Andrew ; Bravacos , John G; Wade, Dana T; Zorc , Betha n y A; Smith , Coope r J ; Sung, Philip E; Va n Dam, Katelyn M; Thompson , Arny C; Appleton , Seth D Subjec t: Location : HOLD/ HUD Mtg . w/ 0MB RE : Env i s i on Cen te rs EEOB Start : Fri 9/29/2017 3 :0 0 PM End : F ri 9/29/2017 4 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta t iv e Recurre n ce : (none) Organizer Required ' Jessica : Bass , Deana Attendees : ' Lesco t t , Annika N. EOP/OMB'; K. _ Lee @omb. eop.gov '; Breg on , Nelson R Your meeting updated. was found to be out of date and h as been Sent by Microsoft Excha ng e Server Subjec t: HOLD. HUD Mtg . wi th 0MB RE : Env i sion Locatio n: EEOB automatically Centers St art : Thu 9/28/ 2 0 17 3 : 30 PM End : Thu 9/28/2017 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organiz e r : Bass , De ana Required Atte ndees : Lescot t, Ann ik a N . EOP/O MB; ' Jessica K._L ee@omb . eop . gov' ; Bregon , Nelson R /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000355 Your meeti ng was up dated . f oun d to be out o f d a te and h as been Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a ng e Serve r Subject: HOLD. HUD Mtg . with 0MB RE : Envision Locati on : EEOB a ut oma t ical ly a u tomatical ly a u tomatical ly Ce n ters Star t : Thu 9/28/2017 3 : 30 PM End : Thu 9 /28/ 2 0 17 4 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tent ati ve Recurrence : (none ) Organ iz e r : Bass , Deana Req u ir ed Atte nd ees : Les c ott , Annika N . EOP/OMB; ' Jess ica _ K. _ Lee@omb . eop . g ov ' ; Bregon , Ne l son R Your meeting upda ted . was f ound to be ou t o f date and Sent by Mic rosoft Ex c h a ng e Server Subject : HOLD/ HUD Mtg . w/ 0MB RE : Envisi Lo cation : EEOB h as been o n Centers Fri 9/29/20 17 3 :0 0 PM Start : End : F ri 9/29/20 17 4 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tentative Rec ur ren ce : (none ) Org a nize r : Bass , Dean a Required At tendees : ' Lescott , Anni ka N. EOP/OMB' ; ' Jessica K. _Lee@omb . eop.gov '; Breg on , Nelson R Your meeting upda ted . was fo und to be out o f date and h as been Sent by Mic rosoft Exc hang e Server F rom : Lesc o tt , Anni ka N . EOP/OMB Sen t : F riday , Sep t e mbe r 15 , 2 0 1 7 2 : 52 PM To : Bass , Deana Subject: Accep t ed : HOLD/ HUD Mtg . w/ 0MB RE : Envision Ce nt ers Subject Locatio : n: S t art : End : F ri /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HOLD/ HUD Mtg . w/ 0MB RE : Envision EEOB Cente rs F ri 9/29/20 17 3 : 00 PM 9/29/2017 4 : 0 0 PM HUD-17-0504-E-000356 Show Time As : Recurrence Tenta tive : (none) Organi zer : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Attendees : ' Lescott , Annika N . EOP/OMB ' ; ' Jess i ca K. Lee@omb . eop . gov '; Br egon , Nelson R Your meeting up dated . was found to be out of date and has Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a nge Serve r Subjec t : HOLD/ HUD Mtg . w/ 0MB RE : Envision Locat i o n: EEOB been automatica l ly Ce n t e r s Start : F ri 9/29/2017 3 : 00 PM End : F ri 9/29/20 17 4 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta ti ve Recurrence : (none) Organi zer : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Attendees : ' Lescott , Annika N . EOP/OMB '; ' Jessica K. Lee@omb . eop . gov' ; Br egon , Nelson R Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be out o f date and h as been a ut omatical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Exc h a ng e Serve r Subjec t : HOLD. HUD Mtg . with 0 MB RE : Envis i on Ce n ters Loc a tio n : EEOB Start : Thu 9/28/2017 3 : 30 PM End : Thu 9/28/20 17 4 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recurrence : (none) Org an iz e r: Bass , Deana Requ ir ed At te ndees : Lescott , Ann ik a N . EOP/OMB; ' Jessica _ K. _ Lee@omb . eop . gov ' ; Bregon , Ne l son R Your meeting up dated . was found to be ou t of date and h as been Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Se rv e r Subject : HOLD. HUD Mtg . with 0MB RE : Envision Location : EEOB /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT automatica l ly Centers HUD-17-0504-E-000357 Start : Thu 9/28/20 17 3 : 30 PM End : Thu 9/28/20 17 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Organize Required r : Bass , Deana Attend ees : Lescott, Your meeting updated . was f ound to be Anni ka N . EOP/OMB; Bre go n , Ne lson ou t of date and Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a ng e Server Subject : HOLD/ HUD Mtg . w/ 0MB RE : Envision Lo cation : EEOB h as been a u tomatical R ly Centers Start : Fri 9/29/20 17 3 : 00 PM End : F ri 9/29/20 17 4 : 0 0 PM Show Time As : Te nta t ive Recurrence Organizer Required : (none) : Bass , Deana Attend ees : Lescott Your meeting updated . was f ound to , Anni ka N . EOP/OMB; Bregon , Nelson be ou t o f date and h as been Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Se rv e r Subject : HOLD/ HUD Mtg . w/ 0MB RE : Envision Loc ation : EEOB Ce nt ers a u tomatical R ly Start : Fri 9/29/20 17 3 :0 0 PM End : Fri 9/29/20 17 4 : 0 0 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer Required : (none) : Bass , Deana Attendees : Lescott Your meeting up dated . was found to be , Anni ka N . EOP/OMB; Br ego n , Ne lson out of date and h as been R a ut omatically Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Se rv e r Subject : HUD Mtg . with 0MB RE : En vis i o n Centers Location : EEOB /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000358 Start : Thu 9/28/20 17 3 : 30 PM End : Thu 9/28/20 17 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : F ree Recur r e n ce : (none) Meet in g S t a tus : Meet in g organizer Organi zer : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Attendees : ' Lescott , Annika N . EOP/OMB '; ' Jessica K . _ Lee@omb . eop . g ov '; Br egon , Nelson R Subject Locatio : n: Cal l w/ Deana Bass , RE : DETROIT ENVIS ION CENTER Ci n dy wil l call Deana@# 2 02 - 705 - 7322 Start : Fri 9/15/2017 2 : 30 PM End : Fri 9/15/20 17 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recu rr ence : (none ) Organ iz e r : Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Ca mpbell Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be , Cynthia out o f date F ; Ho lderf and h as ield been , Stephanie a ut oma t ical A ly Sent by Mi crosoft Exc h a nge Ser ver Subjec t : Detro it Env i s i o n Center Planning Mtg . Lo cation : Dept of Hous in g & Ur ban Deve lo pment , McNamar a Federal Buil d i ng , 477 Mi chigan Av e . 17t h Floor// Dial - i n #877 - 336 - 1839 Access Code : !(b)(6) I Start : Fri 9/1 5 /20 17 1 : 0 0 PM End : F ri 9/15/20 17 2 : 0 0 PM Sh ow Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (non e ) Or ga nizer : Bass , Deana Required At t e ndees : Karla Ba l lard ; Wayne Bradley ; Devon Bu skin ; Logan , Consta n ce P .; Martinez , An ita ; Mary El l en Spre nke l ; Ray Anderso n ; csha h id @cen tr alstate . edu ; Phyllis . edwards@bri d gi ng commu n ities . org ; Gilbert , Gay - ETA; eric sweeney ; Po ls i ne l li , Mic hael L ; Bregon , Nelson R; Bour ne, Chr i stop he r M; Ho l der fie l d , S t ep h an i e A Your meeting updated . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was found t o be out of date and h as been autom a tically HUD-17-0504-E-000359 Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server Subjec t: Detroi t Env i sio n Center Planni n g Mtg . Locat ion: Dept of Hous in g & Urban Deve lo pment , McNamara Federa l Bu il ding , 477 Mich i ga n Ave . 17th Floor// Di al-in #877-336- 1 839 Access Code: !/bl/6} I Start : Fri 9/15/2017 1 : 00 PM End : Fri 9/15/20 17 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organ iz e r: Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Kar l a Ballard ; Wayne Bradley ; Devon Buskin ; Logan , Constance P .; Martinez, Anita ; Mary Ellen Sprenkel ; Ray Anderson ; cshahid@centralstate . edu ; Phyllis . edwards@br id gi ng commu ni ties . o rg; Gilb e r t , Gay - ETA; e ri c sweeney ; Po lsine lli , Michael L; Bregon , Nelson R; Bourne , Christopher M; Holderfield , Stephanie A Your meeting updat ed . was fo und to be out of date and h as been a utomat ically Sent by Mi crosoft Exc h a ng e Serve r Subject : Detroit Envision Center Planning Mtg . Location : Dept of Housing & Urban Deve lo pment , McNamara Federal Building , 477 Michigan Ave . 17th Floor// Dial - in #877 - 336 - 1839 Access Code : !{b)(6) I Start : Fri 9/15/20 17 1 : 00 PM End : Fri 9/15/2017 2 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Requ i red Atte ndees : Kar l a Ballard ; Wayne Bradley ; Devon Buskin ; Logan , Constance P . ; Ma rti ne z, Anita ; Ma r y Ellen Sprenkel ; Ray Anderson ; cshahid@centralstate . edu ; Phyllis . edwards@bridgingcommunities . org ; Gilbert , Gay - ETA; eric sweeney ; Polsi ne lli , Michael L; Bregon , Nelson R; Bour ne, Christopher M; Holderfield , Stephanie A Your meeting updated . Sent was found by Microsoft /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT to be out Exchange Server of date and has been automatically HUD-17-0504-E-000360 Subjec t: Locat i o n: Building , Access Code Detroi t Env i sio n Cen ter Planning Mtg . Dept of Hous in g & Urba n Deve l opment , McNamara Federa l 4 77 Mich i gan Ave . 17th Fl oor// Dia l - in #8 77 - 336 - 183 9 : !{b)(6) I Start : Fri 9/ 1 5/ 2 0 17 1:0 0 PM End : Fri 9/15/20 17 2:00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attend ees: Karla Ba ll a r d; Wayne Bradley ; De von Bus kin ; Lo gan , Cons t a n ce P .; Ma rti nez , Anita ; Ma r y El l en Spre nke l ; Ray Anderson ; csha h id@cen tr alsta te. edu ; Phyllis.edwards@bridgingcornmunities . o r g ; Gil be r t , Gay - ETA; e r ic sweeney ; Po l si n el li, Mic ha e l L; Bregon , Ne l son R; Bour n e , Ch ri stophe r M; Holde rfi e l d , Stepha ni e A Your meeting updated . was found to be ou t of date and h as been a u tomatical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Exchange Server Subject : Call w/ Deana Bass , RE : DETROIT ENVISION CENTER Lo cation : Cindy will call Deana@# 202 - 705 - 73 22 Fri 9/15/20 17 2 : 30 PM Start : End : F ri 9/15/2017 3 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence Org a nizer Required : (none) : Bass , Deana Attende es: Campbel l , Cyn th ia Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be ou t o f date F ; Hold e r field, and h as been Stephanie automatical A ly Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Se rv e r Subject : Detroit Env i sion Center Planni ng Mtg . Loc at io n : Dept of Housing & Ur ban Development , McNamar a Federal Buildi ng, 477 Michiga n Ave . 17t h Floor// Di al-in #877-336-1839 Access Code : !{b)(6) I S tart : F ri 9/15/20 17 1 :0 0 PM End : Fri 9/15/2017 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta tiv e Recurrence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) HUD-17-0504-E-000361 Organizer : Bass , Deana Requ i red At tendees : Karla Ba l lard ; Wayne Bradley ; Devon Buskin ; Log an , Constance P .; Martinez , Anita ; Mary El le n Sprenke l ; Ray Anderson ; cs ha h id @cen tra l state . edu ; Phy ll is.edwards@bridgi n gcommunities . org ; Gi l bert , Gay - ETA; eric sweeney ; Po l sinelli , Michae l L; Br ego n , Nelson R; Bourne , Chr i stopher M; Holderfie ld , Stephan i e A Your meeti ng was found updated . Sent by Mic Subject : Loc ation : Bu i l ding , Access Code to be out of date a n d has been automatically ro soft Exchange Server Detro it Env i sion Center Planni n g Mtg . Dept of Hous i ng & Urban Deve l opment , McNamara Federa l 477 Mi chigan Ave . 17t h Fl oor// Dial - in #877 - 336 - 1839 : !{b)(6) I Start : Fr i 9 / 1 5/ 20 17 1 : 00 PM End : Fri 9/15/20 17 2 : 00 PM Show Ti me As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Ka r la Ballard; Wayn e Bradley ; Devon Buskin ; Lo gan , Constance P .; Martinez , Ani ta ; Mary Ellen Sprenkel ; Ray Anderson ; cshahid@centralstate . edu ; Phy ll is . edwards@bridgingcommunities . org ; Gi l bert , Gay - ETA; eric sweeney ; Po l sine l li , Mic h ae l L; Bregon , Nelson R; Bourne , Chri stophe r M; Holde rfi e l d , Stepha ni e A Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and has been automatically Sent by Mi crosoft Exchange Se rv e r Su bject : Detroi t Envision Center Planning Mtg . Loc at io n : Dept of Hou sing & Ur ban Developme nt , McNamar a Federal Bui l di n g , 477 Mich i gan Ave . 17th Fl oor// Di al-in #877-336- 1 839 Acc ess Code : !{b){6) I Start : F ri 9/ 1 5/2017 1 : 00 PM End : Fri 9/15/2017 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Ten ta t ive Rec ur rence : (non e ) Organizer : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed At tendees : Kar l a Ba l lard ; Wayne Bradley ; Devon Buskin ; Lo gan , Constance P .; Mar t inez , Ani t a ; Mary Ellen Sp re nke l ; Ray Anderson ; cshahid@centralstate . ed u ; /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000362 Phyllis.edwards@bridgingcommunities . o rg ; Gi lbert , Gay - ETA; eric sweeney ; Po l s in el li , Mi c h ae l L; Bregon , Ne l so n R; Bou rn e , Christopher M; Hold erfield , Stephanie A Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be out o f date and h as been a ut omatical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Exc h a ng e Se rver Subjec t: Detro it Env i s i o n Center Planning Mtg . Lo cation : Dept of Hous in g & Urban Deve lo pment , McNamara Federal Buil d ing , 477 Mi chigan Ave . 17t h Floor// Dial - in #877 - 336 - 1839 Access Code : ! We recommend us i ng Internet Explorer to view the webcast . We welcome your questions about the r eform plan in advance of the town hall . Pl ease ema il q u est i o ns to TownHall@hud . gov and we will attempt to answer them dur ing the program . Thank you again . We l ook sharing more on September /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT f orwa rd 20 ! to unveil i ng HUD' s Refo r m Pl an and HUD-17-0504-E-000370 The Office of Public Sub j ec t: End of Affairs month/ October calenda r look ahead w/ Laura Sta r t : Mon 9/18/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Mon 9/18/20 17 1 1 : 30 AM Show Tim e As : Tenta ti ve Recu rr ence : (none) Organi zer : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed At tendees : Fle i sc h e r , Laur a A Your meeting up dated . Sent by Mic Subjec t : Locat i o n: on Rando l ph was found to be out of date and ro soft Exchan ge Server Meet ing with City o f Detroit 2 Woodwa r d Suite 1126 , Detro i t St . has been - parking automatically at employee lot Start : Thu 9/14/2017 12 : 00 PM End : Thu 9/14/20 17 1:00 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recu rr ence : (none) Org an iz e r : Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Bourne, Br e gon , Nelson R; Hold e rfi eld, Your meeting up dated . was f ound to Christopher M; Polsinel Stephani e A be ou t o f date Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Se rv e r Subject : Meet in g with City of Detroit Loc ation : 2 Woodward Suite 1126 , Detroi on Ra ndolph S t. and t h as been - pa r king li , Mich ae l L; a u tomatical at ly emp loy ee lot Start : Thu 9/14/201 7 12: 00 PM End : Thu 9/14/2017 1 : 0 0 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Bass , Deana HUD-17-0504-E-000371 Required Attendees : Bourne , Chr i s topher M; Polsinel Bregon , Nelso n R; Hold erf i e ld, Stephanie A li , Mi c h ael Your meeting updated. automatically was found to be out of date and Sent by Mic ro so ft Ex change Server Subjec t: Meeting with City o f Detroit Loc ation : 2 Woodwa r d Sui t e 11 26 , Det ro i t on Rando l ph St . has been - parking at e mplo yee L; lot Thu 9/14/2017 12 : 00 PM Start : End : Thu 9/14/2017 1 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Organize r: Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Bourne , Christopher M; Polsinel Bregon , Nelson R; Holder fi eld , Step h an i e A Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be out o f date and Sent by Microsoft Exchange Serve r Subject : Meeting with City of Detroit Lo cation: 2 Woodward Suite 1126 , Detro it on Rando l p h St . h as been - parking li , Michael L; automatically at employee lot , Mi chael L; Start : Thu 9/14/20 17 12 : 00 PM End : Thu 9/14/20 17 1 : 00 PM Sh ow Ti me As : Tentative Recurre n ce : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Req uir ed Attendees : Bourne , Chri stophe Bregon , Nelso n R; Holderfield, Stepha nie Your mee t ing updated . was found t o b e out of date Sent by Micr os o ft Excha ng e Se r ve r Su bject : Meeting wi th City of Detroit Locat ion : 2 Woodward Sui te 11 26 , Detro it on Ra ndolph St . Start : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Thu 9/14/2017 r M; Polsinelli A and has b een - pa r king automatically at emp loy ee lot 12 : 00 PM HUD-17-0504-E-000372 End : Thu 9/14/2017 1 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organi z e r: Bass , Deana Requ i red Attendees : Bourne , Chr i stopher M; Pols i nelli Bregon , Nelson R; Hol der f ie l d , Stephanie A Your meeting updated . was f ound to be out o f da t e and has Sent by Microsoft Exc h ange Serve r Subject : Meet in g wi th City of Det r o i t Location : 2 Woodward Suite 1126 , Detroit on Rando l ph St . been - parking , Mi chael L; automatically at employee lot , Michael L; Start : Thu 9/14/ 2 0 17 12 : 00 PM End : Thu 9/14/20 17 1 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attende e s : Bourne , Christopher Brego n, Nelso n R; Hol de r fie l d , Stepha n ie Your meeting updated . was found Sent by Microsoft Subject : Chris to be out M; Polsinelli A of date and has #(202) =!{ b~)<~6)~--~ Exchange Server Bourne HUD Cell been automatically Start : Thu 9/14/20 17 12 : 00 AM End : Sat 9/16/20 17 12 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organizer : Fleischer , Laura A Required Atte ndees : Deana Bass (Deana . Bass@hud . gov) ; Bregon , Nelso n R; Hol de r f i e l d , Stepha n ie A; Polsine ll i , Mi chael L Subject : Location : Department HUD of Justice St art : Thu 9/21/20 17 9 : 00 AM End : Thu 9/2 1/20 17 10 : 00 AM /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000373 Show Time As : Recurrence Meeting Tenta tive : (none) Status : Not ye t re spo nde d Organ iz e r: Ho ld e rf ie l d , Stephan Required Attendees : Morrissey Fleischer , Laura A ie A , Brian (OAG) ; Bass , Deana ; Brian , Ple ase fee l fr ee to f o rw ard this invitation to others at DOJ th at you believe would l i ke to atte n d the meeting . I l ook forward to worki ng with you as we work towards best practices and opportunities Cente r s ". utilizing Secretary Carson ' s initiative , the "EnV ision Best , Stepha n ie Subject : Lo cation : REAC Exploratory Meeti ng Conf . Line# 888 - 2 73 - 3658 Cod e: =l< b=l/ =6}.__. Start : Wed 9/13/20 17 4 : 30 PM End : Wed 9/13/2017 5 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence : (none) Org a nizer : Bass , Deana Required Attende es: Bass , Deana ; Patton, Lynne M; Lavoy , Donald J ; Murp h y , Step he n E; Nicho l s , Delton Opt i o n al Atte ndees : Blom , Domi n i que G; Or ri ols , Mi rz a Your meeting updated . was found to be out of Sent by Mic ro so ft Exchange Server Subjec t: REAC Exp lora tory Meeting Loca tion: Conf . Line# 888-273-3658 date and has been automatical ly Code : ~l< b~l<~6l_ _. S tart : Wed 9/13/20 17 4 : 30 PM End : Wed 9/13/2017 5 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta tiv e Recurrence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) HUD-17-0504-E-000374 Organi zer : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Attendees : Bass , Deana ; Patton , Lynne M; Lavoy , Don a l d J ; Murp h y , Stephen E ; Nicho l s , Delton Optional Attend ees : Blom , Dominiq ue G; Orriols , Mirza Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be ou t of date and Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Se rv e r Subject : Mtg . w/ Detroit Housi ng Commission Loc ation : 1 301 E . J e fferson Avenu e, Detro it from Rivard S tree t or Larned Stree t h as been - lot a u tomatical ly i s accessible S tar t : Thu 9/14/20 17 10:3 0 AM End : Thu 9/14/20 17 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Ten tat iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Organiz e r : Bass , Deana Required Attend ees : Bourne , Christopher Your meeting updated . was found to be ou t of date M; Po lsinelli and Sent by Mi crosoft Exc h ange Server Subject: Mtg . w/ Detroit Housi ng Commission Loc ation : 130 1 E . Jeff e rson Avenue, Detro i t from Riv ard Stree t or Larned Stree t has been - lot , Micha e l L a u tomatical ly i s accessible St art : Thu 9/14/20 17 10 : 30 AM End : Thu 9/14/2017 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Ten t a t ive Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer Requ i red : Bass , Deana Atte ndees : Bourne , Chr i s t op he r M; Pols i nelli Your meeting update d . was found to be out of date and h as been Sent by Mic Subjec t: Locatio n: f r om Rivard rosoft Exc h a ng e Server Mtg . w/ Detroi t Housing Commiss i on 130 1 E. Jef f erso n Avenue , Detroit - l ot Street or La r ned St r eet Start Thu 9/14/2017 : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT is , Mi c h ae l L automatically accessib le 1 0:3 0 AM HUD-17-0504-E-000375 End : Thu 9/14/2017 11 : 30 AM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Rec urr ence : (non e) Orga n iz e r : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Attendees : Bourne , Chr i s toph er Your meeting upd a ted. Sen t Subjec Locat from was found by Mic t : i o n: Rivard to be out of date M; Pols i nelli and rosoft Exch a nge Serve r Mtg . w/ Detroi t Hous ing Commission 130 1 E . Jef f e r so n Avenue , Detroit Stree t or Lar ne d Str eet has been - lot , Mi c h ae l L automat is i ca lly accessible Thu 9/14/2017 10 : 30 AM Star t : End : Thu 9/14/20 17 1 1 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence : (non e) Organ iz e r : Bass , Deana Required Atte nd ees : Bourne , Chr istoph Your meeting up dated . was f ound Sen t by Mic Subjec t : Loc a tio n : from Rivard to be out o f d a te er M; Polsinel li , Micha e l L an d h as been rosoft Exc h a nge Se rver Mtg . w/ Detro it Hous i ng Commi ssion 130 1 E . Jeffers on Ave nu e , Detroit - lot Street or Larn ed Street a ut oma t ical is acc essib ly le Start : Thu 9/14/20 17 10:1 5 AM End : Thu 9/14/20 17 10 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Req uir e d Atte ndees : Bourn e , Chris tophe r M; Polsin Your meeting up dated . was found to be out of date and e lli h as been , Michael L a ut omatically Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Se rv e r Subject : Mt g . w/ Detroit Hous in g Commission /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000376 Locatio n: from Ri vard 130 1 E. Je ffer so n Ave nu e , Detroit Str eet or La r ned Street - l ot is access ible Start : Thu 9/14/2017 1 0: 15 AM End : Thu 9/14/2017 10 : 30 AM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Recurrence : (none ) Organi zer: Bass , Deana Requ ir ed Attendees : Bourne , Chr i s t op h er Your meeting upd ated . was found to be out of date M; Po l s i nelli and Sent by Mic ro soft Exchan ge Server Fr om : Pols in elli , Mic h ae l L Sent : Wednesday , September 13 , 2 0 17 3 : 42 PM To : Bass , Deana ; Fleischer , Laur a A Subjec t: Accep te d : Mtg . w/ Detro it Housing Subjec t: Locat i on : from Rivard Mtg . w/ Detroi t Hous ing Commi ssion 130 1 E . Je fferson Aven u e , Detroit Stree t or Larned Stree t has been , Mi c h ae l L a u tomatically Commission - l ot is access ibl e Start : Thu 9/14/20 17 10 : 15 AM End : Thu 9/14/ 2 0 17 10 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tent a tive Recu rr ence : (none) Org an iz e r: Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Bourne , Christopher Your meeting updated. was f ound to be out of date M; Pols i nelli and h as been Sent by Mi crosoft Exc h a ng e Ser ver Subjec t: Env i s i o n Cente r s/ Tas k Force Wk ly . Mtg . Loc ation : OSEC Sma l l Co n f . Rm. 102 10 // Conf . Line# I Host : ~ Code : !(b)(6) , Mic h ael L a ut omatically 888 - 273 - 3658 Start : Wed 9/13/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 9/13/20 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : Wee kl y Recur r e n ce Patte r n : Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : every Wednesday f r om 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Bass , Deana HUD-17-0504-E-000377 Requ ire d Atte ndees : Brego n, Ne ls o n R; Lyn n e Patto n (Ly nne . M. Patto n @h ud . gov ); Bas t a r ache , Dani e ll e L ; Costa , Alfonso A; Mun i r , Rafiq A; Gruso n, Barbara ; Nor lan der , Adam G; Nic holsdixon, Merri e; Williams , Raffi ; Hol de rfiel d, Stephan i e A; Coff e y , Ale xa nder ; Hobbs , Ben j amin R; Ha r dy IV , Stan l ey ; Bour ne , Chr i stopher M; Brown , Christina M; Br avacos , John G; Ga i nes , Ra l ph H; Joh n so n, Ti ffany M; Ashfo r d , Ron ald T ; Qu een , Ma r ia- Lan a C; Young blood , Richard A; Duffey , Whitney L Optional Att endees : Kasper , Maren M; Gol ri ck , Janet M; Clemme n sen , Cra ig T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Thomas , Todd C; Chr istense n, Eric F ; Schu lh of , Mary T ; Mor t o n , Robe r t B; F r a n ceschi n i-Petty , Raquel Your meeting upd a ted. was fo und to be out o f date and h as been a ut oma t ical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a nge Se rver Sub j ec t: Stand ing OSEC Mor n i ng Meet i ng Loc a tio n : Suite 1021 4 Con feren ce Room Sta r t : Thu 9/14/2017 9 :0 0 AM End : Thu 9/14/2017 9 : 05 AM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recu rr en ce : Weekly Recurrence Pa tter n : 9 : 05 AM Meeti ng S t atus : Not every yet Tuesday a n d Thursday f rom 9 : 00 AM to r espo nded Organi zer : Hughes , Andrew Requ ir ed Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Bravacos , John G; Bass , Dean a ; Kurtz , R . Hunter ; McCa ll , Drew A; Hughes , Andrew ; Thompson , Amy C ; Appleton , Seth D; De marzo , Benjamin E ; Marzol , Adolfo F; Eagles , David T Subject Locatio : n: Start : End : Thu Standi Suite n g OSEC Mo r n i ng Meet i ng 1021 4 Con feren ce Room Thu 9/14/20 17 9 : 00 AM 9/14/20 17 9 : 05 AM Recu rr en ce : Weekly Recu rr ence Pat t ern : 9 : 05 AM Meeti ng S tatus : every Tuesday and Thursday f rom 9 : 00 AM to Accepted Organize r : Hughes , Andrew Requ ir ed At tendees : Hughes , Andrew ; Gr eenwood , She i la M; Bravacos , John G; Bass , Dean a ; Kur tz , R. Hunter ; McCall , Drew A; /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000378 Thompso n, Amy C ; Appleton , Se th D; Dema rz o , Benjamin Adolfo F ; Eagles , David T Optional Attendees : Smith , Cooper J Subjec t: E; Marzol , DOD Start : Fri 9/22/2017 9 :3 0 AM End : F ri 9/22/2017 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Out of Office Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Subject : Env i s i on Centers/ Task Force Wk ly . Mtg . Locatio n: OSEC Sma l l Conf . Rm. 10210 // Conf . Line# -l(-6}---,I Host : l!fil@J Code : 1=rb 888 - 273 - 3658 Start : Wed 9/13/20 17 2 :0 0 PM End : Wed 9/13/2017 2 :3 0 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Recurrence : Weekly Pattern : every Wednesday from 2 : 00 PM to 2: 30 PM Organiz e r : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Bregon , Nelso n R; Lynne Patton (Lynne . M.Patton@hud . gov) ; Basta r ache , Dani e ll e L ; Costa , Alfonso A; Munir, Rafiq A; Gruson , Barbara ; Norlander , Adam G; Nicholsdixon, Merrie ; Wil li ams , Raffi ; Hold erfield , Stephanie A; Coffey , Alexander ; Hobbs , Ben j amin R; Hardy IV, Stanley; Bourne , Ch ri stophe r M; Brown , Christina M; Bravacos , John G; Ga i nes , Ra lph H; Joh n son , Tiffany M; Ashford , Ronald T ; Qu een , Maria-Lana C; Youngblood , Richard A; Duffey , Whitney L Optional Attendees : Kasper , Mar en M; Gol ri ck, Jane t M; Clemme n sen , Craig T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Thomas , Todd C; Chr ist ensen , Eric F ; Schu lh of , Mary T ; Mor ton , Robert B; Franceschini-Petty , Raquel Your meeting updated. was found to be out of date and has Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server Subject : FW: Discuss Demand Reduction Prevention U . S . Department of Hou sing and Ur ban Development Location : ONDCP - 750 1 7t h Street NW, Washington FCR Start : Thu 9/21/20 17 1:00 End : Thu 9/2 1/ 20 17 2 :0 0 PM Tentative Show Time As : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT been automatically Ini tiat i ve with (HUD) , D . C . 20503 , 6th PM HUD-17-0504-E-000379 Recurrence Meeting Organi : (non e ) Status z e r: Subject: Loc at i on : : Not yet Zobeck , Terry Weekly Staff Depar tmen tal responded S. EOP/ONDCP Meeting Conference Room (10233) Start : Wed 4/5/2017 9 :4 5 AM End : Wed 4/5/2017 10 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Recurrence Meeting : Weekly Patte r n : Status : Not every Wednesday from 9 : 45 AM to 10 : 00 AM ye t responded Organize r: Hughes, Andrew Required Attendees : Coffey, Alexander ; Barton , Victoria L ; Bass , Deana ; Beckles , Angela L; Bowes , Robert B; Byrd , David J ; Fitzpatr ick , Nora S ; Greenwood , Sheila M; Gru son, Barbara ; Holderfield , Step han ie A; Kaspe r , Mare n M; McCall , Drew A; Patton , Lynne M; Petty , Ti mothy J ; Youngblood , Richard A; Wil l iams , Raffi ; Browning , Austin G; Gribbin , Wi ll iam J ; Dendas , Michael W; Smi th , Cooper J . EOP/WHO; DeFe li ce , Joseph J; Thompson , Amy C; Demarzo , Benjamin E ; Delahoyde , Abigail M; Coressel , Jacie ; Zorc , Bethany A; Bacon , James A; Marzol , Adolfo F ; Kurtz , R . Hunter ; Burley , Michael N; Eagles , David T ; Shasky , John E ; Alexander , Mason ; Gibbs , John ; Gormley , Joseph M; Bourne , Christopher M; Joy , Johnson P; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Gaines , Ralph H; Mi ll s , Allison F ; Woll Jr, David C; Appleton , Set h D; Br i g ht , Mi c h ael R; Lud lo w, Ash l ey ; Ke ll ey , Michael J ; Wade , Dana T ; Brown , Chr i stina M; Hunter , Matthew F ; Roget , Gisele G; Rackleff , Nea l J ; Farias , Anna Maria ; Hall er , Julia Z; Bravacos , John G; Smith , Cooper J ; Garza , Sarah J Optional Attendees : Holmes , Gregory A; Nason , Michae l C; Fila , Stepha n ie C; Heredia , Evonne G Updated people with conference l ocated outside cal l number . The conf of HQ. Conference call Subject : Location : Canceled : Public Affairs Sta ff Morning A/S's off i ce (dial- i n deta il s within) Start Wed 9/13/2017 : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT number : 1-888-6 84-885 2/access number code : is only for ~l Sent : Tues da y , September 12 , 20 1 7 4 : 18 PM To : Bass , Deana /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000385 Subjec t: Council Subject Locatio Code : Accepted : Mtg . with Ross Group RE : Healt h care : n: Envision Centers/ Task Force Wkly . Mtg . OSEC Smal l Co nf. Rm. 10210 // Conf . Line# ~!{ b_){_6-l~I Host : lilillfilJ Leadership 888-273-3658 S t art : Wed 9/13/20 17 2 :0 0 PM End : Wed 9/13/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : Weekly Recu rr ence Pa tte rn : eve r y Wednesday from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Organi zer : Bass , Deana Requ ir ed At tendees : Bregon , Ne l so n R; Lynne Pa tto n (L ynne .M. Patto n @h ud . gov ); Bastarache , Dani e ll e L ; Costa , Al fo nso A; Muni r , Rafiq A; Gruson , Barbara ; Norland e r , Adam G; Ni cholsdixon , Merr i e ; Wil li ams , Ra ff i ; Hol derfield , Stephanie A; Co ffe y , Al e x a nde r; Hobbs , Ben j amin R; Ha r dy IV , Stan l ey ; Bour n e , Chr i stopher M; Brown , Christina M; Brav acos, John G; Gaines , Ra lph H; Johnson , Tiffany M; Ashford , Rona l d T ; Queen , Mar i a - Lana C; Youngb lood , Richard A; Duffey , Whitney L Opt i o n al Atte ndees : Kasper , Maren M; Gol rick , Jane t M; Clemmensen , Cr aig T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Th omas , Todd C; Christense n, Eric F ; Schulho f , Mary T ; Morto n, Robert B; Fra n ceschini - Petty , Raquel Your meeting updated . was f ound to be ou t o f date and h as been a u tomatical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Server Subject : Envision Centers/ Task Fo rce Wkly . Mtg . Lo cation : OSEC Sma ll Conf . Rm. 10210 // Conf . Lin e # 888 - 2 73 - 3658 Code : !{b ){6) I Host : filillill Start : Wed 9/13/20 17 2 :0 0 PM End : Wed 9/13/20 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : Wee kly Recurrence Pattern : every Wednesday Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Brego n , (Ly nne .M. Patto n @hud . gov ); Bas t Mun i r , Rafiq A; Gr uso n , Barbara Merri e ; Williams, Raffi ; Hol de Alexander ; Hobbs , Benjamin R; M; Brown , Christina M; Br avacos Tiffa n y M; As h ford , Ro n ald T ; Ric hard A; Duffey , Whi tney L /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Nelso n R; Lyn ne Patto n a r ache , Dani e ll e L ; Costa , Alfonso A; ; Nor l a n der , Adam G; Nic hol s dixon, rfiel d, Stephan i e A; Coff e y , Ha rd y I V, Stan l ey ; Bour n e , Chr i s t opher , John G; Ga i nes , Ra lph H; Joh n so n, Queen , Maria - Lana C; Youngblood , HUD-17-0504-E-000386 Opt i o n al Atte ndees : Kasper , Maren M; Gol rick , Jane t M; Clemmensen, Cr aig T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Thomas , Todd C; Ch r istense Eric F ; Schulhof, Mary T ; Morto n, Robert B; Franceschini - Petty Raquel Your meeting up dated . was found to be ou t of date n, , and h as been a u tomatical ly and h as been a ut omatical ly and h as been a ut omatical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Se r ve r Subject : Envision Project App Location : Deana ' s Office 1 0 226 Start : Tue 9/12/2017 4 : 30 PM End : Tue 9/12/2017 5 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer Required : (none) : Bass , Deana Attendees : Fulcher Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be , Paul out B o f date Sent by Mi crosoft Exc h a ng e Se rv e r Subject : Env is ion Project App Location : Deana ' s Off ic e 1 02 26 Start : Tue 9/12/20 17 4 : 30 PM End : Tue 9/ 12 /20 17 5 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurre n ce : (none) Organ iz e r : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Fu lc her , Pau l B Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be out o f date Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server Subjec t: BRIEF o n Colombian Ambassador Locatio n : SOHUD's Off i ce Lunch Start : Wed 9/13/20 17 9 :0 0 AM End : Wed 9/13/20 17 9 : 15 AM Show Time As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000387 Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng Status : Not Organi zer : DocBe n Requ i r ed Attendees : Subject : Loca t ion : yet responded Ga i nes , Ra lp h H; Bass , Deana Week l y Welfare Meet i ng Participant Dia l - In : (2 02 ) 395 - 6392 Participan t Code : lifil@J LJ Start : Thu 9/14/20 17 2 :0 0 PM End : Thu 9/14/2017 3 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Ten t a t ive Recur r e n ce : (none ) Organiz er : Sub j ec t: Loc a tio n: Conant , Ann M. EOP/WHO REAC Exploratory Meet ing Conf . Line# 888 - 2 73 - 3658 Code : =k b=l'=6l~~ Start : Wed 9/13/2017 4 : 30 PM End : Wed 9/13/2017 5 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recurrence : (none) Orga n iz e r: Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Bass, Deana ; Patton , Lynne M; Lavoy , Dona ld J ; Murp h y , Stephen E; Nicho l s , De l ton Optiona l Att en d ees : Blom , Dominiq ue G; Orrio l s , Mi rza Your meeting updated . was found to be ou t of Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a ng e Server Subject : REAC Exp loratory Meeti ng Loca t ion : Conf . Li ne# 888 - 2 73 - 3658 date and h as been a u tomatical ly Cod e : =k b=lf ~6l~~ Start : Wed 9/13/20 17 4 : 30 PM End : Wed 9/13/20 17 5 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence : (none) Organize r : Bass , Deana Required Attend ees : Bass , De ana ; Patton , Lynne M; Lavoy , Don ald J ; Murp h y , Step he n E; Nicho l s , De l ton Opt i o n al Attendees : Blom , Domi n i que G; Orriols , Mi rz a /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000388 Your meeti ng was f oun d to up dated . be out o f d a te and h as been a ut oma t ical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a ng e Serve r Subject: Pol i tical Advisors Locati on : Confere nc e Room 10 2 10 Star t : Thu 9/14/2017 2 : 30 PM End : Thu 9 / 14 / 2 0 17 3 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tent ati ve Recurrence : (none ) Meet i ng S ta tus : Not yet r espo nd ed Or ga niz e r : Ea gles , Davi d T Requ i re d Atte ndees : Marzol , Ado lf o F ; Kur tz , R . Hunter ; Ga ines , Ralph H; Bass , Deana ; Hug hes , Andrew ; Br avacos , John G; Wade , Dana T; Zorc , Betha n y A; Smith , Cooper J ; Sung , Philip E Subject : Loc ation : BRIEF on Colom bian SOHUD' s Off i ce Ambass ad or Lunch S t a rt : Tue 9/12/20 17 10 : 3 0 AM End : Tu e 9/12/2017 1 0 : 45 AM Sho w Time As : Ten t a tive Recurrence Meet ing : (none ) Status : Not Organiz e r: DocBe n Required Atte ndees : Sub je c t : Locat i o n : y et responded Gai nes , Ralph H; Bass , Dean a Champions ' Coun cil Month ly Mee t i ng Departme n ta l Co n fe r ence Room - 10 2 33 S t art : Thu 9/2 1/20 17 2 : 00 PM End : Thu 9/2 1 /2017 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Sta t us : Not yet responded Organ iz e r: Eag l es , Dav i d T Required Atte ndees : Hens l ey , Henry ; Cl emmens en , Craig T; Milligan , Maria L; Mill e r , Catie I ; Whippie , Tanya L; Sung , Ph ili p E; Coope r . J . Smit h@hud .gov ; Gol r ick , J a net M; Broo ks , Towanda A; Cool , Deb ra M; Gr een wood , She il a M; Dawkins , Euni ce D; Hoban- Moo r e , Pa tr ic ia A; Marz ol , Ado lfo F ; Fleischer , La ura A; Zorc , Be th any A; Gates , Sco t t L; Kur tz , R . Hun te r ; Bryon , Je mine A; Gaines , Ra lp h H; /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000389 Bass, Deana ; Oz dinec , Milan M; Hug hes , Andrew ; Th ompso n , Amy C; Appl e t o n , Set h D; Hun t e r , Matthew F ; Suchar , Norm an A; Kasper , Maren M; Cooper , Dian e J ; Brigh t , Mic h ael R; Lyberg , Sarah A; Fa r ias , Anna Mari a ; Alb e r t , Helen M; Jenkins , Anne ; Kirk land , Je r emy; Koskin en , Larry A; Dominique G Blo m (Domi n ique . G . Blo m@hud.gov) ; Breg on , Ne l son R; Fra n cesch i ni -Petty , Raque l ; Gr eene , Bryan ; Wade , Da n a T ; May , E ; Lincoln , Paula A; Mar l e n e L; Ri c h a r dson , Todd M; Ammon, Matthew Timberlake , Courtney B; Joy , Jo hns on P ; Hubbard (Ctr) , Ka tr i na R; Su r be r , Keith W; Cru c ia n i , Linda M; Hinton - McClam , Linda D; Benison , John P ; Brown , Jereon M; Rac kle ff , Ne al J ; Cowan Jr . , Ch ad Opt i o n al At t e ndees : Hami lt o n , Angie S Subject : Loca t io n : Political Ad visors DepSec Confere n ce Room 1 0210 S tar t : Thu 9/14/201 7 2 :3 0 PM End : Thu 9/14/2017 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Ten tat iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status Organi zer Requ i r ed Ralph H; T ; Zorc , Subject : Loc a tion : : Not y et r esp onded : Eagles , Dav id T Attendees : Marzol , Ado lf o F ; Kur tz , R . Hun ter ; Ga in es , Bass , Deana ; Hug hes , An drew ; Br avacos , John G; Wade , Dana Bet hany A; Smi th , Coop e r J; Sung , Philip E Pol i tical Advisors DepSec Conference Room 1 01 06 Sta r t : Thu 9/14/2017 2 : 30 PM End : Thu 9/14/20 17 3 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta ti ve Recu rr en ce : (none) Meet i ng Status : Not yet r espo nded Organizer : Eagles , Dav id T Re quired Att en de e s : Marzol , Adolfo F; Kur t z , R . Hunte r ; Gaines , Ralph H; Bass , Deana ; Hug hes , Andrew ; Br avacos , John G; Wade , Dana T ; Zo r c , Betha n y A; Smi t h , Coope r J ; Sung , Philip E Subjec t : Loca tion : [T O BE RESCHEDULED] Political DepSec Confere n ce Room 1 0106 Advisors Start : Tue 9/12/20 17 10 : 00 AM End : Tue 9/12/20 17 1 1 : 00 AM Show Ti me As : Tentative Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Status : Not yet responded HUD-17-0504-E-000390 Organize r: Eag l es , Dav i d T Required Attendees : Marzol, Ado l fo F; Kurtz , R . Hunter ; Gaines , Ralp h H; Bass, Dea na ; Hughes , Andrew ; Bravacos , John G; Wade , Dana T; Zorc , Betha n y A; Smith , Coope r J ; Su ng, Philip E Subject Locatio : n: REAC Exp lorato ry Meet ing Conf. Line# 888 - 273 - 3658 Code : ... kb.... l(..,.6.._l _ __. Start : Wed 9/13/2017 4 : 30 PM End : Wed 9/13/20 17 5 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organize r: Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Bass , Deana ; Pa tton , Lynne M; Lavoy , Donald J ; Murphy , Stephen E ; Nichols , Del ton Opt i o n al Atte ndees : Blom , Domin i que G; Orriols , Mirza Your meeting updated. was found t o be out Sent by Mic rosoft Exchange Subject : Envision Centers Locatio n: Deana will call of Server , call Kara@ date and has been automatically been automatically w/ Deana Bass 202-881-8651 Start : Mon 9/11/20 17 1 :3 0 PM End : Mon 9/11/20 17 2 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer Required : (non e) : Bass , Deana Attendees : ' McKee , Kara Your meet i ng was found updated . to be out of L . EOP/WHO' date and has Sent by Mic rosoft Exc hang e Server Subject : Call w/ Kara McKee Location : 202/ 4 02. 5974 Start : Mon 9/11/20 17 1:30 End : Mon 9/11/20 17 2 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT PM : (none) : Bass , Deana HUD-17-0504-E-000391 Requ i red Atte ndees : Your meeting updated . was found McKee , Kara to be out L. EOP/WHO of date and has been automatically been automatically Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server Subjec t: Call w/ Kara McKee Location : 202/ 4 02 . 5974 Start : Mon 9/11/20 17 1 : 30 PM End : Mon 9/11/2017 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer Requ i red : (none) : Bass , Deana Atte ndees : McKee , Kara Your meeting updated . was found to be out L. EOP/WHO of date and has Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server Subject : Envision Centers/ Task Force Wkly . Mtg . Location : OSEC Small Conf. Rm. 10210 // Conf . Line# I Host : lili1@J Code : !{b}(6l 888-273-3658 Start : Wed 9/13/20 17 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 9/13/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Recurrence : Weekly Pattern : every Wednesday from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Organize r: Bass , Deana Requ i red Attendees : Bregon , Nelson R; Lynne Patton (Lynne . M. Patton@hud . gov ); Bastarache , Danie l le L ; Costa , Alfonso A; Munir, Rafiq A; Gruson, Barbara ; Norlander , Adam G; Nicholsdixon , Merr i e ; Wil li ams , Ra f fi ; Hol derfield , Stephanie A; Coffey , Alexande r; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Ha r dy IV , Stan l ey ; Bourne , Chr i stopher M; Brown , Christina M; Bravacos , John G; Gaines , Ralph H; Johnson , Tiffany M; Ashford , Ronald T; Queen , Maria - Lana C; Youngblood, Richard A; Duffey , Whi t ney L Optiona l Attendees : Kasper , Maren M; Golrick , Janet M; Clemmensen , Craig T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Thomas , Todd C; Christensen , Eric F ; Schulhof , Mary T ; Morton , Robert B; Franceschini - Petty , Raquel Your meet i ng was updated. /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT found to be out of date and has been automatically HUD-17-0504-E-000392 Sent by Mic rosoft Exc hang e Server Subject : HUD Mtg. w/ Al e xander Roberts , Ex . Director , Community Hsng . Innovations Locat i o n: Dept of Hous in g & Urba n Deve l opment , 451 7th St . SW Rm. 10226 Start : Tue 9/19/2017 2 :0 0 PM End : Tue 9/19/20 17 2 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Ten tati ve Rec urr ence: (none) Organi zer : Bass , Deana Requ ir ed Attendees : Your meeting up dated . was found ' Alec to Roberts be out of ' date and has been automat i ca l ly Sent by Microsoft Exchan ge Server Subjec t: HUD Mtg. w/ Alexander Robert s , Ex . Dire ctor , Commun it y Hsng . I nn ovat i o n s Loc a tio n: Dept of Housi ng & Urban Deve lo pment , 451 7th St . SW Rm. 1 0226 Tue 9/19/20 17 2 : 00 PM Start : End : Tue 9/19/20 17 2 :3 0 PM Show Time As : Tent ati ve Recurrence Org a nizer Required : (none ) : Bass , Deana Atte nd ees: Your meeting up dated . was f ound ' Ale c Robe rts to be ' ou t o f date and h as been Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Se rv e r F rom : Alec Rober t s Sent : Sunday , September 10 , 2 0 1 7 11 : 30 PM To : Bass , Deana Subjec t: Accepted : HUD Mtg . w/ Al e x ander Roberts Community Hsng . Innova t ions Subject Locatio : n: a u tomatical , Ex . Director ly , New Executive Meet & Greet Broo k e Monda l e Auditorium C Start : Thu 9/14/20 17 3 : 00 PM End : Thu 9/14/2017 4 :0 0 PM /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000393 Show Time As : Recurrence Meeting Tenta tive : (none) Status : Not ye t re spo nde d Organ iz e r: Off i ce Of Ex ec u tive Reso ur ces Required Attendees : Warren , Lynette ; Cool , Debra M; Brooks , Towanda A; Bra tto n , Sandra V; MID DLETON, JULIETTE ; Greenwood , Sheila M; Eagles , David T; Kasper , Maren M; Bass , Dea n a ; Kur tz , R . Hunter; Patton , Lynne M; Van Duyn e , Beth A; Zo r c , Bet h a ny A; Bowes , Robe r t B; DeFelice , Joseph J; Gai nes , Ralph H; Joy , Jo hns on P ; Cleve l and Leggett , Denise C; Appleton , Seth D; Roge t , Gis e l e G; Wade , Dana T; Meyers , Sara M Subject: Env i s i o n Centers/ Task Force Wk ly . Mtg . Locatio n: OSEC Sma l l Conf . Rm. 10210 // Conf . Line# Code : =1r b-l(-6}---,I Host : l!fil@J Start : Wed 9/13/20 17 2:00 End : Wed 9/13/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Recurrence : Weekly Pa tt e r n : every 888 - 273 - 3658 PM Wednesday from 2 : 00 PM t o 2: 30 PM Organiz e r : Bass , Dea na Required Attendees : Bregon , Nelso n R; Lynne Patton (Lynne .M. Patto n @h ud . gov ); Basta r ache , Dani e ll e L; Costa , Alfonso A; Mun i r , Rafiq A; Gruso n, Barbara ; Nor lan der , Adam G; Nic holsdi xon , Merrie ; Williams , Raffi ; Hol der fie ld, Stephanie A; Coffey , Alexand e r ; Hobbs , Ben j amin R; Hardy IV, Stanley; Bourne , Ch ri stophe r M; Brown , Christina M; Bravacos , John G; Ga i nes , Ra lph H; Joh n so n, Tiffany M; Ashford , Ron ald T; Qu een , Ma r ia-La n a C; Youngblood , Richard A; Duffey , Whit n ey L Optional Attende es: Kasper , Mar en M; Gol ri ck , Janet M; Clemme n sen , Crai g T; Jacobs , Aztec ; Thomas , Todd C; Chr istense n, Eric F ; Schu lh of , Mary T; Mor ton , Robe r t B; F r a n ceschi n i-Petty , Raquel Your meeting up dated . was found to be out of date and has been Sent by Microsoft Ex cha nge Server Subjec t: Envisio n Centers/ Tas k Force Wkly Mtg. Locat i o n: OSEC Sma ll Co n f . Rm. 1021 0 // Conf . Line# Code : !rbl/6\ I Host : l!fil@J automatically 888- 2 73-3658 Start : Fri 9/8/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Fri 9/8/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000394 Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Bass , Deana ; Bregon , Nelson R; Patton , Lynn e M; Bas t a r ache , Danie l le L ; Cos t a , Alf o n so A; Mun ir , Rafiq A; Gruson , Barbara ; Nor l ander , Adam G; Nicholsd i xon , Merrie ; Wil liams , Raffi ; Holderfield , Stephan i e A; Coffey , Al e x ander ; Hobbs , Benjam i n R ; M; Hardy IV , Stanley ; Bourne , Christopher M; Brown , Christina Bravacos , John G; Gaines , Ralph H; Johnson , Tiffany M; Ashford , Rona l d T ; Quee n, Mar i a-Lana C ; Youngblood , Ri chard A; Duf f ey, Whitney L Optional Attendees : Kasper , Maren M; Gol rick , Janet M; Clemmensen , Craig T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Thomas , Todd C; Christensen , Eric F ; Schulhof , Mary T ; Mor ton , Robert B; Franceschi n i-P etty , Raquel ; Rupar , Christopher J Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and has been Sent by Mic ro so f t Exchange Server Subject : Envision Centers/ Task Force Wkly Mtg . Loca tion : OSEC Small Co n f . Rm. 10210 // Conf . Line# Code : ! Robe rts , Ex . Director, Subject: HUD Mtg . w/ Alexander Roberts , Ex . Di r ecto r , Communi ty Hsng . Innovations Location: Dept of Hous ing & Urban Development , 451 7th St . SW Rm. 1022 6 Start : Tue 9/19/20 17 2 : 00 PM End : Tue 9/19/20 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer Required : (none) : Bass , Deana Attendees : ' Alec Your meeting updated. was found to Robe rts be out of ' date and has been automatically Sent by Microsoft Exchange Serve r Subject : HUD Mtg . w/ Alexander Roberts , Ex . Director , Community Hsng . Innovations Locatio n : Dept of Hous i ng & Urban Deve l opment , 451 7 th St . SW Rm. 10226 Start : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Tue 9/19/2017 2 : 00 PM HUD-17-0504-E-000398 End : Tue 9/19/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organi z e r: Bass , Deana Requ i red Attendees : Alec Your meeting updated . was found to Roberts be out of da te and has been automat i ca lly Sent by Microsoft Exc h ange Server Subjec t: HUD Mt g . w/ Alexander Roberts , Ex . Di rector , Commun i ty Hsng . Innovat i ons & Urban Deve l opmen t , 451 7 th St . SW Rm. Location : Dept of Housing 1022 6 Start : Tue 9/19/ 2 0 17 2 : 00 PM End : Tue 9/19/20 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organizer Required : Bass , Deana Attende e s : Alec Your meet i ng was updated . found to Roberts be out of date and has Sent by Microsoft Ex cha n ge Server F rom : Alec Rober t s Sent : Friday , September 08 , 201 7 12 : 58 PM To : Bass , Deana Subject : Accepted : HUD Mtg . w/ Alexander Roberts Commun ity Hsng . Innovations Subjec t: Location : LUNCH with Colombian Ambassador Secre t a r y ' s Di n ing Room been automatically , Ex . Di r ector , Reyes Start : Wed 9/13/20 17 12 : 00 PM End : Wed 9/13/2017 1 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meeting Status Organize Required r: DocBe n Attendees : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Not yet responded Bass , Deana ; Gaines , Ra l ph H HUD-17-0504-E-000399 Subjec t : Locat i o n: Champio n s ' Coun ci l Month l y Mee t i ng Depar tm e n ta l Co n ference Room - 1 02 33 St a r t : Thu 9/2 1/20 17 2 : 0 0 PM End : Thu 9/2 1/ 2017 3 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta ti ve Recurrence Meet ing : (none ) Status : Not ye t r espo nded Organizer : Eagles, Dav id T Required Attend ees : Hensley , Henry ; Clemmensen , Craig T; Milli ga n , Maria L ; Mi lle r , Ca t ie I; Wh ippie , Ta n ya L; Sung , Phi li p E; Coope r . J . Smit h@hud . gov ; Gol r ick , Janet M; Br ooks , Towanda A; Cool , Debra M; Greenwood , She il a M; Dawkins , Eunice D; Hoban- Moo r e , Pa tr icia A; Marzo l, Adolfo F ; F le ischer , La ura A; Zorc , Be th any A; Gates, Scott L; Kurtz, R. Hun te r ; Bryon , Jemine A; Gain es , Ra lp h H; Bass , Deana ; Oz dinec , Milan M; Hug hes , Andrew ; Th ompso n , Amy C; App l eto n , Set h D; Hun t e r , Matthew F ; Su c h ar , Norman A; Kasper , Ma r en M; Cooper , Dian e J ; Brig h t , Mic ha el R; Lyberg, Sarah A; Fa rias , Ann a Mari a ; Albert , Helen M; Jenkins , Anne ; Kirk land, Je r emy; Koskinen , Lar ry A; Dominique G Blom (Domin i que . G . Blom@hu d . g ov) ; Br eg on , Nelson R; Fra n cesch ini -Petty , Raquel ; Gre ene , Bryan ; Wade , Da n a T; May , Mar l e n e L; Ri c h a r dson , Todd M; Ammon, Matthew E ; Lincoln , Paula A; Timberlake , Courtney B; Joy , Jo hnso n P ; Hubb ar d (Ctr) , Ka tr i na R; Surber , Keith W; Cru cian i , Linda M; Hinton - Mcclam , Linda D; Ben i son , John P ; Brown , Jereon M; Rac k leff , Ne al J Opt i o n al Atte ndees : Hami lt o n , Angie S Subject: Loc ation : Lind a Cruciani Deana ' s office & Christina 1 0226 Brown RE : En vision Centers Start : Fri 9/8/201 7 2 : 30 PM End : F ri 9/8/2017 3 : 00 PM Show Ti me As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Att en dees : Bass , De ana ; Cruciani Chr i s tin a M Opt i o n al At tendees : All en , Lindsey A Your mee ting upd ated . was found to be out of date and , Lind a M; Brown , has been automatically Sent by Mic ro so ft Exc h ange Server Subjec t: Linda Cru ciani & Chr i s t i n a Brow n RE : Env ision Locat i o n : Deana ' s o ff i ce 10 22 6 Start : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT F ri 9/8/2017 Ce n t ers 2 : 30 PM HUD-17-0504-E-000400 End : Fri 9/8/2017 Show Tim e As : 3 : 00 PM Ten tativ e Rec urr ence : (non e) Orga n iz e r: Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Attendees : Bass , Deana ; Cru c i an i, Chr istina M Op tio na l Att endees : All e n , Lin dsey A Your meeting updated . was f ound to be out of date and Linda h as M; Brown, been a ut omatical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a ng e Server Subject : Env is io n Centers Lo cation : Deana ' s Offic e Start : Fri 9/8/2017 1 : 30 PM End : Fri 9/8/2017 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Te n tat iv e Re cur ren ce : (none ) Org a nize r : Bass , Deana Req uir e d At tendees : Williams Jereo n M; Brow n , Chr i s t i n a M Your meeting upda ted . was found t o be , Raffi out of ; Thompson , Amy C; Brown , dat e and has been automatically Sent by Mic rosoft Ex chang e Server Subject : Envision Centers Lo cation : Deana ' s Office Start : Fri 9/8/2017 1 : 30 PM End : F ri 9/8/2017 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Te nta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none ) Or ga nizer : Bass , Deana Required At t e ndees : Williams J ereon M; Brow n , Chris t i n a M Your meeting updated . Sent was by Mic rosoft /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT found t o be Exchange , Ra ff i ; Thompson , Amy C; Brow n , out of d ate an d h as b een automatical ly Server HUD-17-0504-E-000401 Subjec t : Locat i o n: Ca ll w/ Ci ty o f Detroi CALL IN : 888-273-3658 t ACCESS CODE: J=/b=\/=6}__ _. St a rt : F ri 9/8/2017 11 : 4 5 AM End : F r i 9/8/2017 12 : 15 PM Show Ti me As : Tentat i ve Recurre n ce : (none ) Meet in g Status Organizer : : Not ye t r espo nded Adr iann e Smi t h Item Type : Appointme nt Start Date : Fr iday , 8 Sep 2017 , 11 : 45 : 00am (E astern Dur at i o n: 30 Mi n s Pl ace : CALL IN : 888 - 273 - 3658 ACCESS CODE: =!/ b=\/=6l__ _. Daylight Time ) Pub li c Af f a i rs Sta ff Mo rn ing St af f Mee t i n g A/S ' s off i ce (dia l - i n deta il s with i n) Subjec t : Locat i o n : Start : F ri 9/8/2017 10 : 0 0 AM End : Fri 9/8/2017 10 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurre n ce : Week l y Recurrence Pa tte rn : Occurs AM e ff ective 2/27/20 1 7 . e very wee kday from 10 : 00 AM to 10 : 30 Org a nizer : Su ll ivan , Bria n E Required Atte ndees : Shosky , John E ; Howard , Brento n E ; Bass , Deana ; Gadson , Jovette G; Coleman , Eile e n C; Miller , Mitchell E; Hardy IV , Sta n ley ; Jo hn son , Joa nn e L; Se n seney , Phi l ome n a C; Gri bb in , Willi am J ; Br axton , Ki a L ; Adams , Sco t t ; Gao n a , Mar i a E ; Dendas , Michael W; Mayo , Sammy E ; Thompson , Caitlin H; Brown , Apri l A; Williams , Raffi ; St rothers , Letha E ; Long (Ctr) , Deon ; Blun t , Brian L ; Brow n , Jereo n M; Rei nh a r d , David L ; Savoye , Helen A; Thompso n , Amy C ; Goodloe , Sha n tae M; Br a n dao , Elisabete T ; Cowan Jr ., Cha rl es D; AMOS, WILLIAM L Opt i onal Attendees : Barton , Victoria L ; Rodriguez , Aida N; LOGAN, LEAH M Subjec t : Env i s i o n Cente r s/ Tas k Fo r ce Wk ly Mtg . Locatio n: OSEC Small Co n f . Rm. 102 1 0 // Conf . Line# (b-)(-6)-~! Host : ~ Code : ~! 888 - 273 - 3658 Start : Fri 9/8/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Fr i 9/8/ 2 0 1 7 2 : 3 0 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurre Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT n ce : (none) : Bass , Deana HUD-17-0504-E-000402 Requ ire d Atte ndees : Brego n, Ne ls o n R; Pa tton , Lyn n e M; Bastarache , Danielle L ; Costa , Alfonso A; Muni r , Ra f i q A; Gruson , Barbara ; Nor l ander , Adam G; Nic holsdixon, Merrie ; Wil liams , Raf fi ; Holderf i e ld , Stephanie A; Coffey , Alexander ; Hobbs , Ben jamin R; Hardy IV , St a nle y ; Bour n e , Ch ri stophe r M; Brow n, Chr i stina M; Bravacos , Joh n G; Ga i n es , Ra l p h H; Jo hn son , Tiffany M; Ashford , Rona l d T ; Quee n, Mar i a-Lana C ; Youngblood , Ri c h a r d A; Du ffey , Whitney L Optional Attend ees : Kasper , Maren M; Gol ri ck , Janet M; Clemme n sen , Cr aig T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Thomas , Todd C; Chr istense n, Eric F ; Schu lh of , Mary T ; Mor t o n , Robe r t B; F r a n ceschi n i-Petty , Raquel Your meeting upd a te d . was fo und to be out o f date and h as been Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a nge Se rver Subjec t: Env i s ion Centers/ Tas k Force Wk ly Mtg . Loc a tio n : OSEC Small Con f . Rm. 10210 // Conf . Line# I Host : liiillfil:l Code : !rb\/6\ a ut oma t ical ly 888 - 273 - 3658 Start : F r i 9/8/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Fri 9/8/ 2 0 1 7 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence : (none) Org a nizer : Bass , Deana Required Atte nd ees : Bregon , Ne ls o n R; Patton , Lyn n e M; Bastarac he , Da n i e lle L ; Costa , Alfonso A; Munir , Rafiq A; Gru son , Barbara ; Nor l a n der , Adam G; Ni c hol sd i xon , Mer rie ; Wil l iams , Raffi ; Ho ld e rf ie l d , St ephan i e A; Coffey , Al e x a n der ; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Ha r dy IV , Stanley ; Bourne , Christopher M; Brow n, Christina M; Br a vacos , John G; Gaines , Ralph H; J o hnso n , Tiffany M; Ashford , Ronald T ; Quee n, Mar ia- Lana C ; Youngblood , Ric h ard A; Du f fe y , Whi tney L Opt i o na l Attendees : Kasper , Maren M; Gol rick , Jane t M; Cl emme ns en , Craig T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Tho mas , Todd C; Chris ten sen , Eric F ; Schulhof , Mary T ; Mor t on , Rob e rt B; Franceschini - Petty , Raquel Your mee t ing update d . was found to be out of date and h as been Sent by Mic rosoft Exc h a ng e Server Subject : Envision Cent e rs/ Task Force Wkly Mtg . Locatio n: OSEC Sma ll Co n f . Rm. 10210 // Con f . Line# I Host : lilillfilJ Code : !{b){6l Start : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT F ri 9/8/2017 automatical ly 888-2 7 3-3658 2 : 00 PM HUD-17-0504-E-000403 End : Fri 9/8/2017 Show Tim e As : 2 : 3 0 PM Ten tativ e Rec urr ence : (non e) Orga n iz e r: Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Attendees : Bregon , Ne l so n R; Pat ton , Ly n n e M; Bas t arach e , Dan ie ll e L ; Co s ta , Alfonso A; Munir , Ra f iq A; Grus on , Bar ba r a ; Norla n d e r , Adam G; Nic ho ls dixon, Merri e ; Williams , Raffi ; Ho lderf ie ld , Step han i e A; Coffey , Al exander ; Hobb s , Benjamin R; Ha rdy IV , Stanley ; Bourne , Ch ri stophe r M; Brow n , Chr i s t i n a M; Bravacos, John G; Gain e s, Ral p h H; Johnso n , Tiffany M; Ashford , Ronald T ; Qu een , Maria - Lana C ; Young b l oo d , Richard A; Du ff ey , Whitney L Op t i o n al Atte ndees : Kasper , Maren M; Gol ric k , Janet M; Cl emme ns en , Cra i g T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Thom as , Todd C; Chr istense n, Eri c F ; Schulhof , Ma ry T ; Mort on , Robert B; Fra ncesc hi n i - Petty , Raq u e l Your meeting upda ted . was f ound to be ou t o f date and h as been Sent by Mic rosoft Ex c h a ng e Server Subject : Env ision Ce nter s / Task Forc e Wkly Mtg . Loca t ion : OSEC Small Con f . Rm. 1 0210 // Conf . Lin e# I Hos t : lili1fillJ Code : !(b)(6) a u tomatical ly 888 - 2 73 - 3658 Start : F ri 9/8/2017 2 : 00 PM End : F ri 9/8/201 7 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Te nta t iv e Recurrence : (none ) Or ga niz er : Ba ss , Dea n a Required Attendees : Bregon , Nelso n R; Pa tton , Lynne M; Bastarache , Da n ie ll e L ; Costa , Alfonso A; Muni r , Ra f i q A; Gruso n , Barbara ; Norlander , Adam G; Ni c hol sd i x o n , Mer ri e ; Wi l l i a ms , Raffi ; Ho ld erfie ld , Stephanie A; Coffey , Al exa n der ; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Hardy IV , Stanley ; Bou rn e , Christoph e r M; Brown , Christina M; Bravacos , Joh n G; Ga i n es , Ra l p h H; Johnson , Tiffany M; Ashford , Ronald T ; Queen , Mar i a-Lana C ; Youngblood , Ri c h a rd A; Du f f ey , Whitney L Op tio na l Atte ndees : Kasper , Maren M; Gol rick , Ja n et M; Clemmensen , Crai g T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Thomas , Todd C; Christense n, Eric F ; Schul ho f , Mary T ; Mor ton, Robert B; Franceschi n i-Pet t y , Raquel Your meeting update d . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was found to be out of date and h as been a ut omatically HUD-17-0504-E-000404 Sent by Microsoft Exch a nge Server Subject : LUNCH with Colombian Ambassador Locatio n: Secretary's Din i ng Room Reyes Start : Wed 9/13/2017 12 : 00 PM End : Wed 9/13/20 17 1:0 0 PM Show Time As : Tentat iv e Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer Required Subject: Locatio : Not : DocBen Atte ndees : LUNCH with Secretary's n: yet r espo nd ed Bass , Deana ; Gai nes, Ralph Colombian Ambassador Din i ng Room Reyes H Start : Wed 9/13/2017 12 : 00 PM End : Wed 9/13/20 17 1:00 PM Show Time As : Tent ati ve Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer Required Subject Locatio : Not : DocBen Attendees : : n: yet r espo nd ed Bass , Deana ; Gai nes, REAC Exp l oratory Meeting Con f . Line# 888-273-3658 Ralph H Code : .._!{ b..,..l{ ___. 6l'-_. St art : Wed 9/13/20 17 4 : 30 PM End : Wed 9/13/2017 5 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass, Deana Required Attendees : Bass , Deana ; Patton J ; Murphy, Stephen E; Nicho l s , Del ton Opt iona l Atte nd ees : Blom , Dominique G Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date Sent by Mic rosoft Exc h a nge Server Subject : REAC Exploratory Meet ing Location : Conf . Line# 888 - 273 - 3658 /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT , Lynne and has M; Lavoy , Donald been a ut omatically Code : .,..l< b""l/ = 6}'-_. HUD-17-0504-E-000405 Start : Wed 9/13/2017 4 : 30 PM End : Wed 9/13/20 17 5 : 0 0 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence : (none ) Orga n iz e r : Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Bass , Dean a; Pa tton J ; Murp hy , Stephen E ; Nichols , De lton Opt i o n al Attendees : Blom, Dominique G Your meeting update d . was found to b e out Sent by Mic rosoft Exc hang e Server Subject : Lin da Cr uc iani & Chris Loca tion : Deana ' s office 1 0226 of , Ly nn e M; La voy , dat e and t i na Brown has been Don a ld automat RE : Env i sion i ca l l y Cen ters St art : F ri 9/8/2017 2 : 30 PM End : F ri 9/8/2017 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Te nta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none ) Organiz e r : Bass , Dea na Required Attendees : Bass , Deana ; Cru cian i , Linda Ch r i s tin a M Opt i o na l Atte ndees : Allen, Lindsey A Your meeting upd ated . was found t o be out of date and Sen t by Mic rosoft Ex c h a nge Ser ver Sub j ect : Li nda Cru c ia n i & Chr i sti n a Brown Locat i o n : Deana ' s of f i ce 1 0226 has M; Brown , bee n automatically RE : En vis i on Ce n ters Sta r t : F ri 9/8/2017 2 : 30 PM End : Fri 9/8/2017 3 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Recu rr en ce : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Attendees : Bass, Chr i sti n a M Op tional Attend ees : Allen Your meeting updated. /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was f ound to be Deana ; Cru c i an i, , Lin dsey Linda M; Brown , A ou t o f date and h as been a u tomatical ly HUD-17-0504-E-000406 Sent by Microso ft Exchange Subject : Section 3 Rule Lo cation : Deana ' s office Server Start : Thu 9/ 7 /2017 4 : 00 PM End : Thu 9/7/2017 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Organizer Required Rafiq A : (none) : Bass , Deana Attendees : Smyth , Timothy Your meeting updated . was found to be out Sent by Mic ro soft Exchange Subject : Section 3 Rule Loca tion : Deana ' s office Server of M; Bravacos date and has , John been G; Mun i r , automat i ca l ly S t art : Thu 9/7/2017 4 : 00 PM End : Thu 9/7/2017 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer Required Raf i q A : (none) : Bass , Deana Attendees : Smyth , Timothy Your meeting updated. was found to Sent by Mic ro soft Exchange Subjec t: Linda Cru ciani Locatio n: Deana ' s off i ce be out of M; Bravacos date Server & Chr ist ina 10226 and Brown has G; Mun i r, , John been automatically RE : Envision Centers St a r t : F ri 9/8/2017 2 : 30 PM End : Fri 9/8/2017 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Organizer Requ i red Christina Optional /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) : Bass, Deana At tendees : Bass , Deana ; Cruc i an i, M Attendees : Allen , Lind sey A Linda M; Brown, HUD-17-0504-E-000407 Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and h as been a ut omatical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a ng e Server Subject : Env is io n Centers/ Task Fo rce Wkly . Mtg . Lo cation : OSEC Sma ll Conf . Rm. 10210 // Conf . Lin e # 8 88 - 2 73 - 3658 Code : !{b){6) I Hos t : l!fil@J St art : Wed 10 /18/ 2 0 1 7 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 10/ 1 8/ 2017 2 : 30 PM Sho w Time As : Ten t a t ive Recurrence Recurrence : Wee kly Patte r n : every Wednesday fr om 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Organi zer: Bass , Deana Requ ir ed At tendees : Bregon , Ne l so n R; Ly n n e Pa t ton (L ynne . M. Patto n @h ud . gov ); Bastarac he , Dani e ll e L ; Costa , Al fo nso A; Muni r , Rafiq A; Gru son , Barbara ; Norla n d e r , Adam G; Ni cholsdixon , Mer ri e ; Williams, Raffi ; Hol de rfi e ld , Stephan i e A; Coff ey, Alexa nde r; Hobbs , Ben j amin R; Ha r dy IV, Stan l ey ; Bour n e , Chr i s t opher M; Brown , Christina M; Bravacos , John G; Ga i nes , Ra l ph H; Joh n so n , Tiffa n y M; As h fo rd , Rona l d T ; Queen , Mar ia - Lana C; Youngblood , Richard A; Duff e y , Whitney L Opt i o n al Attendees : Kasper , Maren M; Gol rick , Janet M; Cl emme n sen , Cra i g T ; Jaco bs , Aztec ; Th omas , Todd C; Chr istense n, Eric F ; Schulho f , Ma ry T ; Morton , Robert B; Franceschi n i - Petty , Raquel Your meeti ng was up dated . f ound to be out o f date and h as been Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Se rv e r Subject : Env i s i o n Centers/ Tas k Force Wk ly . Mtg . Locatio n: OSEC Sma l l Conf . Rm. 10210 // Conf . Li n e# Code : !{b)(6) I Host : ~ a ut oma t ical ly 888- 2 73- 36 58 Start : Wed 9/ 1 3/ 2 0 17 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 9/13/20 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recu rr ence : Weekly Recurrence Pa tt e r n : every Wednesday Organiz e r : Bass , De ana Requ i red At tendees : Bregon , Ne l so (Ly nne . M. Patto n @h ud . gov ); Basta r ache Mun i r , Rafiq A; Gruso n, Barbara ; Nor Merri e ; Williams , Raffi ; Holderfield /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT from 2 :00 PM t o 2: 30 PM n R; Lynne Patto n , Dani e ll e L ; Costa , Alfonso A; lan der , Adam G; Nic holsdi xon , , Stephanie A; Coffey , HUD-17-0504-E-000408 Ale x a nde r ; Hobbs , Ben j amin R; Ha r dy IV , Stan l ey ; Bour n e , Chr i M; Brown , Christina M; Br avacos , John G; Ga i nes , Ra l ph H; Joh Tiff any M; As h ford , Rona l d T ; Queen , Mar ia - Lana C; Youngblood Richard A; Duff e y , Whitney L Opt i o n al Attendees : Kasper , Maren M; Gol rick , Janet M; Cl emmen sen , Cra ig T ; Jaco bs , Az tec ; Th omas , Todd C; Chr istense Er i c F ; Schu lh of , Mary T ; Mor t o n , Robe r t B; F r a n ceschi n i-Petty Raq ue l Your meeti ng was up dated . f ound to be out o f da t e and h as been s t opher n so n , , n, , a ut omatical ly Sen t by Mi crosoft Exch a nge Se rver Subject : New Execu t i ve Meet & Gr eet Loc a tio n : Brooke Mond al e Auditorium C Thu 9/14/2017 3 : 00 PM Start : End : Thu 9/14/20 17 4 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recu rr ence : (non e) Meet in g Status : Not yet r espo nded Or ga niz e r : Offi ce Of Ex ecut i ve Resources Requ ir ed Attendees : Warren , Lyn ette ; Coo l, Debra M; Broo k s , Towanda A; Bratton , Sa n d r a V; MID DLETON, JU LIE TTE ; Gree nwood , Sh e il a M; Eagles , David T ; Kasper , Maren M; Bass , Dea na ; Kurtz , R . Hun ter ; Pa tto n , Lynne M; Van Duyn e , Beth A; Zorc , Bet han y A; Bowes , Rober t B; De Fe li ce , Jos ep h J; Ga ines , Ralph H; Joy , Johnson P ; Cleve la nd Legget t , Den i se C; Appleton , Set h D; Roge t , Gisele G; Wade , Da n a T ; Meyers , Sara M Subject : Loca t io n: Canceled : CANCELED: New Execut iv e Meet Brooke Mondale Auditorium C & Gr eet Start : Thu 9/14/20 17 3 :0 0 PM End : Thu 9/14/20 17 4 : 0 0 PM Show Time As : F re e Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting S t atus : Not yet responded Organizer : Office Of Exe c ut i ve Resources Requ i r ed Attendees : Warre n , Lynet t e ; Coo l, Debra M; Brooks , Towanda A; Bratton , Sandra V; MIDDLETON, JULIET TE ; Gree nwoo d , Shei l a M; Eagl es , David T ; Kasper , Mar en M; Bass , Deana ; Kur t z , R . Hunte r ; Patto n , Lynn e M; Van Duyne , Be th A; Zorc , Bet h a n y A; Bowes , Rober t B; DeFelice , Jose ph J ; Ga i nes , Ra lp h H; Jo y, Jo hn son P ; Cl evela n dLe ggett , Denise C; Appleton , Seth D; Rog et , Gisele G; Wade , Dan a T ; Meye rs , Sa ra M /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000409 Subject Locatio : n: Envision Centers Deana ' s Office Start : Fri 9/8/2017 1 : 30 PM End : F ri 9/8/2017 2 :00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass, Deana Required Attendees : Williams Jereo n M; Brow n, Christina M Your meeting updated . was found to , Ra ffi; be out of date Thompson , Amy C; Brow n, and has been Sent by Microsoft Exchan ge Server Subject : Envision Centers/ Task Force Wkly . Mtg . Locatio n: OSEC Smal l Co nf. Rm. 10210 // Conf . Line# Code : ! We r ecommend us i ng Internet Explorer to view the webcast . We welcome your questions about the ref orm p lan in advance of the t own hall . Please email quest i o n s to TownHall@hud . gov and we wi l l attempt to answer t h em during the program . Than k you agai n. We lo ok forward shar i ng more on the 12th! The Office o f Public Subject : Location : Deana/ Envision COS Office Organizer Requ i red u nve iling HUD' s Reform Plan and Affairs Center S t art : Wed 9/6/2017 11:30 End : Wed 9/6/2017 11 : 45 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence to , Detroit Trip AM : (none) : Bass , Deana At tendees : Greenwood Your meeting updated . was found to be out , Sheila of date Sent by Mic ro so f t Exchange Server Subjec t: Hunter RE : Detro it/En vis ion Loca tion: Hunter ' s Office M and has been automat ical ly Ce nte r S tart : F ri 9/8/2017 1 : 00 PM End : Fri 9/8/2017 1 : 20 PM Show Time As : Free Recurrence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) HUD-17-0504-E-000451 Meet in g Status Organizer Required : Meet in g organize r : Bass , Deana Attendees : Kurtz , R . Hunter Subject : Location : Section 3 Ru l e Deana ' s office Start : Thu 9/7/2017 3 : 00 PM End : Thu 9/7/2017 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer Required Raf i q A : (none) : Bass , Deana Attend ee s : Smyth , Timothy Your meeting updated . was found to be out of M; Bravacos date and has , John been G; Munir , automatically Sent by Microsoft Excha n ge Server Subjec t: Section 3 Rule Locatio n: Deana ' s off i ce Start : Thu 9/7/2017 3 : 00 PM End : Thu 9/7/2017 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer Required Raf i q A : Bass , Deana Atte ndees : Smyth , Timothy Your meeting updated . was found to be out of M; Bravacos date and has , Joh n G; Mun ir , been automatically Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server From : Bravacos , John G Sent : Wednesday , Sep t ember 06 , 2017 9 : 37 AM To : Bass , Deana Subject : Accepted : Sectio n 3 Rule Subjec t: Locatio n: Sect i o n 3 Ru l e Deana ' s off i ce Start Thu 9/7/2017 : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT 3 : 00 PM HUD-17-0504-E-000452 End : Thu 9/7/20 Show Ti me As : 1 7 3 : 3 0 PM Ten t a ti ve Re curr e nc e : (non e) Or gan iz e r: Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Atte ndees : Smyth , Timothy Ra f i q A Your meet i ng was f ound updated . M; Bravacos , Jo hn G; Mun i r , to be ou t o f da t e and h as been a u toma t ical l y Sen t by Microsoft Ex c h a ng e Se r ve r Sub j ec t: Deana/ Env i s i o n Cen t e r , Detro i t Tr i p Loc a tio n : COS Office Star t : Wed 9/6/20 1 7 3 : 00 PM End : Wed 9/6/20 1 7 3 : 15 PM Show Time As : Tent a tive Re curr en c e : (non e) Or gan iz e r : Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila Your meet i ng was f ound updated . t o be out M o f d a t e an d h as been a u toma t ical l y Sen t by Microsoft Ex c h a n ge Se rv e r Sub j ec t: Ma r i a La n a RE: Env i s i o n Cente r s - Edu cat i onal Adv a ncement/ Be s t Practices Loca t io n : Dea na ' s o ffi ce 1 0 226 Start : Thu 9/7/ 2 0 1 7 11: 00 AM End : Thu 9/7/ 2 0 1 7 11: 30 AM Show Time As : Tent a tive Recur r e n ce : (none ) Organize r : Bass , Deana Re quir e d Att en d e e s : Que e n , Maria - La n a C Your me eting up da t ed . was found to be ou t of da t e and h as been Sent b y Microsoft Ex c h a ng e Se r ve r Su b je c t : Mar ia La n a RE : Env i sio n Center Advancement/ Best Practices /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT a u toma t ically s - Edu cational HUD-17-0504-E-000453 Locatio n: Deana ' s o ffi ce 10226 Start : Thu 9/7/2017 11 : 0 0 AM End : Thu 9/7/2017 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recur r e n ce : (none) Organiz e r : Bass , De ana Required Attendees : Queen , Maria-Lana Your meeting updated . was found to be out of da te C and h as been automatically Sent by Mi crosoft Excha ng e Server From : Queen , Maria - Lana C Sent : Wednesday , Sep t ember 06 , 20 17 8 : 06 AM To : Bass , Deana Subject : Accepted : Envisi o n Ce n ters - Educa t iona l Adva nc ement/ Best Practices Subjec t : Charac ter and Leaders hi p Huddle S t art : Wed 9/6/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 9/6/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : (none) Organiz e r : Bass , De ana Required Attendees : Youngblood Your meeting update d . was found to be out , Richard of Sent by Mic rosoft Excha ng e Server Subjec t : Cha r acter an d Leadership date A and h as been autom a tically has a u tomatical Hudd l e Start : Wed 9/6/20 1 7 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 9/6/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta t iv e Recurrence Organizer Required : (none) : Bass , Deana Attend ees : Youngblood Your meet i ng was f ound updated. /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT to , Richard be ou t of date A and been ly HUD-17-0504-E-000454 Sent by Mic rosoft Exc hang e Server Subject : Envision Centers Task Force Loca tio n: OSEC Smal l Co nf. Rm. 102 10 // ACCESS CODE: !{bl{6l ! PASSWORD: lnilifilJ Co nf . Li ne# 888-273-3658 S t a rt : Wed 7/19/20 17 2 :0 0 PM End : Wed 7/19/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : Weekly Recu rr ence Pa tte rn : eve r y Wednesday from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Organi zer : Bass , Deana Requ ir ed At tendees : Bass , Deana ; Patton , Lynne M; Br egon , Nelson R; Kasper , Mare n M; Bastarache , Dan i elle L; Costa , Al fo ns o A; Munir , Ra fiq A; Gru son , Barbara ; Norlander , Adam G; Golri ck , Janet M; Cle mmen sen , Cr ai g T; Jacobs , Aztec ; Ni c hol sd i xon , Mer rie ; Thomas , Todd C; Chr i s t e n sen , Eric F ; Fr a n cesc hin i-Pet ty , Raquel ; Will iams , Raffi ; Hold erfield , Stephanie A; Coffey , Al exa n der ; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Hardy IV, Stanley ; Bou rn e, Ch ristop he r M; Schulhof , Mary T; Morton , Robe r t B; Brow n, Chris t i na M; Bravacos , John G; Ga ines , Ralph H; Johnso n , Tiff a n y M; Youngb l ood , Ri cha r d A Opt i o n al Attendees : Ash f o r d , Ronald T; Queen , Maria-Lan a C; Duffey , Whitney L Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be out o f date Sent by Mi crosoft Exc h a nge Se rver Subjec t: Deana/ Env i s i o n Center Loc a tio n: COS Office and , Detroit h as been a ut oma t ical ly Tr i p Start : Wed 9/6/2017 11 : 30 AM End : Wed 9/6/2017 11:4 5 AM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Re currence : (none) Org an iz e r: Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Greenwood , Shei la Your meeting updated . was found to be out of M da t e and Sent by Mi crosoft Exc h a nge Ser ver Subjec t: Deana/ Env i s i o n Cente r , Detroit Loc a tio n: COS Office /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT has been a ut oma t ically Trip HUD-17-0504-E-000455 Start : Wed 9/6/2017 11 : 30 AM End : Wed 9/6/2017 11 : 45 AM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence : (none) Orga n iz e r : Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Greenwo o d , Shei la Your meeti ng was f ound up dated . to be out o f date Sen t by Microsoft Ex c h a nge Se rv e r Subject: Deana/ Env i s i o n Center Loc a tio n : COS Office M and h as been , Detroit a ut omatical ly Tr i p Start : Wed 9/6/2017 11 : 30 AM End : Wed 9/6/2017 11 : 45 AM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recu rr en c e : (non e) Organ iz e r : Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Greenwood , Shei la Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be out o f date M an d h as been a ut oma t ical l y Sent by Microsoft Exc h a nge Se rver Subjec t : PRE BRIEF on NHC Mee ting Loc a tio n : SOHUDs o ff ice Start : Wed 9/6/2017 8 : 50 AM End : Wed 9/6/2017 9 : 00 AM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Re currence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Not Or ga nizer : DocBen Required At t e ndees : Sub j ec t: Locatio n : yet r espo nded Bass , Deana PRE BRIEF on NHC Meet ing SOHUDs o ff ice Start : Wed 9/6/2017 8 : 50 AM End : Wed 9/6/2017 9 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tent at ive /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000456 Recurrence Meeting : (none) S t atus : Not yet Organize r: DocBen Requ i red Atte ndees : responded Bass , Deana Deana I Env i sion cos Office Subjec t: Loc ation : Center , Detroit Tr i p Sta r t : Wed 9/6/2017 11 : 30 AM End : Wed 9/6/2017 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Organizer Requ i red : (none) : Bass , Deana At tendees : Greenwood , Sheila Your meeting updated . was found to be out of Sent by Mic ro so f t Exchange Server Subject : Deana/ Env i sion Center Loc ation : COS Office date M and , Detroit has been automatically been automatically Tr i p S t art : Wed 9/6/2017 11 : 30 AM End : Wed 9/6/2017 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer Requ i red : (none) : Bass , Deana Atte nde es : Greenwood , Sheila Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date M and Sent by Mic ro so ft Ex change Server From : Greenwood , Sheila M Sent : Tuesday , September 05 , 2017 3 : 53 PM To : Bass , Deana Su bject : Accepted : Deana/ Envision Center Subject : Loc ation : Deana/ Env i sion COS Office Start Wed 9/6/2017 : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Center , Detroit has , Detroi t Trip Tr i p 11 : 30 AM HUD-17-0504-E-000457 End : Wed 9/6/2017 12:00 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Rec urr en c e : (non e) Orga n iz e r : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed At tendees : Greenwood , Sheila Your meeting upd a ted. was found to Sen t by Mic rosoft Exch a nge Subjec t : Deana/ Envision Locat i o n: COS Office be out of M date and Serve r Cen ter , Det roit has been a ut omatically been a ut omatically Trip Sta r t : Wed 9/6/2017 11 : 30 AM End : Wed 9/6/2017 12 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta ti ve Re curr ence : (none) Organi zer : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila Your meet ing up dated . was found to be out of M date and has Sent by Mic ro soft Exchan ge Server Fr om : Greenwood , Sheila M Sen t : Tuesday , September 05 , 201 7 3 : 53 PM To : Bass , Dean a Accep te d : Dea n a/ Envision Ce nter , Detro it Subject : Sub j ect : Locat i o n : Deana I Env i s i o n Cente r s COS Office & Section Trip 3 Sta r t : Wed 9/6/2017 11 : 30 AM End : Wed 9/6/2017 12 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tentat iv e Re curr en ce : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Attendees : Greenwood , Sheila Your meeting upd ated . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was found to be out of date M and h as been a ut omatically HUD-17-0504-E-000458 Sen t by Mi crosoft Ex c h a nge Se rver Sub j ec t : Deana/ Env i s i o n Centers Loc a tio n : COS Office & Section 3 Start : Wed 9/6/2017 11 : 30 AM End : Wed 9/6/20 1 7 12 :0 0 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recu rr ence : (none) Orga n iz e r: Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Greenwo o d , Shei la Your meeting upd a te d . was f ound to be out o f date M and Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Se rver From : Gr eenwood , She i la M Sent : Tuesday , September 05 , 2017 3 : 48 PM To : Bass , De ana Subject : Accep te d : Deana/ Envisi o n Cen te rs Subjec t: Locatio n : h as been a ut oma t ical & Section ly 3 Sen i o r Staf f Meet i ng (Weekly) Secretary's Co n ference Room Start : Wed 9/6/2017 3 : 00 PM End : Wed 9/6/2017 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recu rr ence : Weekly Recurrence Pa tter n : Meet in g St atus : Not every yet Mo n day fr om 3 : 00 PM to 3 : 30 PM responded Organi zer : DocBe n Requ i r ed Atte ndees : She i l a M Gree nwood (She i la . M. Gree nwood l @hud . gov) ; Kurtz , R . Hunte r; Bass Hughes , Andrew ; Marzol , Ado l fo F; Brig h t , Micha el R; D; Bou rn e , Christoph e r M; Joy, Johnson P ; Wade, Dan a Matthew F ; Eagles , David T; Thompson , Amy C; Gai n es , Be tha ny A; Kaspe r , Mar e n M; Racklef f , Nea l J Subjec t : Loca tion : , Deana ; Appleton , Se th T; Hunter, Ralph H; Zorc , Section 3 Rule Deana ' s office Start : Wed 9/6/2017 3 : 00 PM End : Wed 9/6/2017 3 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tentative Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Bass , Deana HUD-17-0504-E-000459 Required Ra fiq A Attendees Your meet ing up dated . : was found Smyth , Timothy to be out of M; Bravacos date and , John h as been G; Mun i r , a ut omatically Sent by Mic ro soft Exchan ge Server Subjec t : Sect i o n 3 Ru le Locat i o n : Deana ' s o ff i ce Sta r t : Wed 9/6/2017 3 : 00 PM End : Wed 9/6/2017 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Ten t a tive Recurrence : (none ) Organi zer : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed At tendees : Smyth , Timothy Raf iq A Your meeting up dated . was found to be out of M; Bravacos date and has , Jo hn G; Mun i r , bee n automatically Sen t by Mic rosoft Ex c h a nge Se rver From : Mun i r , Ra fiq A Sent : Tuesday , September 05 , 2017 1 : 13 PM To : Bass , Deana Subject : Accep te d : Sec t ion 3 Rule Subjec t : Loc a tio n : Li nda Cru c i an i & Chr i s t i n a Brow n RE : Envision Deana ' s office 1 0226 Ce n ters Start : Thu 9/7/2017 11 : 30 AM End : Thu 9/7/2017 12 :0 0 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Re currence : (none) Org an iz e r : Bass , Deana Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Cruc ian i , Linda Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date M; Brown , Christina and has been a ut oma t ically Sent by Mi crosoft Exc h a nge Ser ver Subjec t : Li nda Cru c i an i & Chr i s t i n a Brown RE : Envision Loc ation : Deana ' s o ff ic e 1 0226 /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT M Ce n ters HUD-17-0504-E-000460 Start : Thu 9/7/2017 11 : 30 AM End : Thu 9/7/2017 12 : 0 0 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organ iz e r : Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Cruc ian i , Linda Your meeti ng was f ound up dated . to be out M; Brown , Christina o f date and h as been M a ut omatical ly Sen t by Mi crosoft Exch a nge Se rver From : Brown , Christina M Sent : Tuesday , September 05 , 2017 1: 03 PM To : Bass , Dea na Subjec t: Accepted : Envision Ce n ter s Subject : Location : Lin da Cruciani & Christina Dea na ' s o ffic e 1 0 226 Brown RE : Envision Centers Start : Thu 9/7/2017 11 : 30 AM End : Thu 9/7/2017 12 : 0 0 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence Org a nizer Required : (none) : Bass, Deana Atte nd ees : Crucia Your meeti ng was f ound up dated . to n i , Li nda M; Brown , Christina be out o f date and h as been M a ut oma t ical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Se rv e r Subject : Li nda Cr u c ia n i & Chr i s t i n a Brown RE : Env is i on Ce n ters Locatio n : Deana ' s office 1 0 2 26 Thu 9/7/2017 11 : 30 AM Start : End : Thu 9/7/2017 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organ iz e r: Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Crucia Your meeting up dated . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was f ound to n i , Linda be out of date M; Brown , Christina and h as been M a u tomatical ly HUD-17-0504-E-000461 Sent by Mi crosoft Excha ng e Serve r Su bject : Section 3 Ru l e Loc ation : Deana ' s office Start : Wed 9/6/20 1 7 3 : 00 PM End : Wed 9/6/201 7 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer Required Rafiq A : (none) : Bass , Deana Attendees : Smyth , Timothy Your meeting updated . was found to Sent by Mi crosoft Exchange Subjec t: Section 3 Rule Loc ation : Deana ' s office be ou t of M; Bravacos date and has , John been G; Mun ir , a u tomatically Server Start : Wed 9/6/201 7 3 :00 End : Wed 9/6/201 7 3 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta t iv e PM Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer Required Rafiq A : Bass , Deana Attende e s : Smyth , Timothy Your meeting updated . was found to be out of M; Br avacos date and , John h as been G; Mun ir , autom a tically Sent by Mic rosoft Excha ng e Ser ve r From : Bravacos , John G Sent : Tuesday , September 05 , 2017 1 1 : 45 AM To : Bass , Deana Subject : Accepted : Section 3 Rule Subjec t: Loca tion : Sectio n 3 Rule Deana ' s office Start : Wed 9/6/201 7 3 :00 End : Wed 9/6/2017 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT PM : (none) HUD-17-0504-E-000462 Organi zer : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Attendees : Smyth , Timothy Rafiq A Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be out M; Bravacos o f date and , Jo hn G; Mun i r , h as been a ut oma t ical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Se rver Subjec t : Sect i o n 3 Ru l e Locatio n : Dean a ' s office Star t : Wed 9/6/2017 3 : 00 PM End : Wed 9/6/2017 3 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Rec urrence : (non e) Org an iz e r : Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Smyth, Rafiq A Your meeti ng was up dated . f ound to be Timothy out M; Br a vac os , John o f date and h as been G; Mun ir , a ut oma t ical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a ng e Se rv e r F rom : Smyth , Timothy M Sent : Tuesday , September 05 , 2017 1 1 : 41 AM To : Bass , De ana Subjec t : Accepted : Sec ti o n 3 Rule Subject : Lo cation : Envision HUD Center -- Departmen t of I n ter ior meeting Start : Fri 9/8/2017 10: 30 AM End : Fri 9/8/2017 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer Required George Subjec t : Locatio n : S t art : End : F ri /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Not yet responded : Holderf i eld , Step hanie A Atte ndees : Bass , Deana ; Brown , Ch ristina Envision HUD Cent e r -- Depar t ment of Interior M; McDona ld , meeting Fri 9/8/2017 10 : 30 AM 9/8/2017 11 : 30 AM HUD-17-0504-E-000463 Show Time As : Recurrence Meeting Tenta tive : (none) Status : Not ye t re spo nde d Organ iz e r : Ho ld e rf ie l d , Stephan i e A Required Attendees : Bass , Deana ; Bro wn, Chris t ina George Env i s i o n Center--Department HUD Subjec t : Locatio n : Start : Thu 9/7/2017 10:30 End : Thu 9/7/2017 11 : 30 AM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e of M; McDonald , I n ter i o r meet i ng AM Recu rr ence : (non e) Meet i ng Status Organizer Required George : Not yet r espo nded : Holderf i eld, Stephanie A Attend ees : Bass , De ana ; Brown, Subject : Lo cation : Envision HUD Christina M; McDona ld , Center Start : Thu 9/ 7/ 2017 1 0 : 30 AM End : Thu 9/7/2017 11 : 3 0 AM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng St atus : Not yet responded Organi zer : Holderf i eld , Step hanie A Requ i r ed Atte ndees : Bass , Deana ; Br own , Chr ist i na M; McDon ald , George Subject : Commiss ion Locat i o n : Envision Center/ Call Conf . # 888-273-3658 with Detro it FO & Detroi t Housing ACCESS CODE: =!{ b~l{~6l~~ Start : F ri 9/1/2017 1 : 00 PM End : Fri 9/1/2017 1 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence : (none) Organize r : Bass, Deana Requ i r ed At tendees : inceh@d h cmi . o r g ; Gordo n , Douglas C; Ga rr ett , Willie C; Lyons, Ke ll ey D; Nicho l sdixon, Merrie ; Hold erfield , Stephanie A /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000464 Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and h as been a ut omatical Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a ng e Server Subject : Env is io n Center/ Ca l l with Detroit FO & Detroit Commiss i on ACCESS CODE: ~l< b~){~6)._ _, Loca ti o n : Con f. # 888-273-3658 ly Hous ing St art : F ri 9/1/2017 1 : 00 PM End : F ri 9/1/2017 1 : 30 PM Sho w Time As : Ten t a tive Recurrence : (none ) Or ga niz e r : Bas s , Dea na Required Attendees : inceh@d h cmi . o rg ; Gordo n , Douglas C; Ga rre tt , Will i e C; Lyons , Ke ll ey D; Ni c ho lsd i x o n , Merrie ; Hold e r fie ld , Ste phanie A Your meeting upd ated . was found to be out of date and has bee n automatically Sen t by Mic rosoft Ex c h a nge Se rver Sub j ect : SOHUD Br ie f Book Loc a tion : Shei l a o ff ice Sta r t : Tue 9/5/2017 9 : 00 AM End : Tue 9/5/2017 9 : 30 AM Show Tim e As : Ten tati ve Recu rr en ce : (none) Meet i ng Status : Not yet r espo nded Organize r : Greenwood , Sheila M Req uired Att en d ee s : Golric k, Janet M; Appleton , Seth D; Wade, Dana T; Zorc , Bet hany A; Rac kle ff , Ne al J ; Bass , Deana ; Bright , Mi chael R; Thompson , Amy C; Marz o l , Adolfo F Subject : Loca tion : Panel at OGC' s F i eld and HQs Manage r s Seminar Depar tmen tal Co n ference Room 1 0233 Start : Tue 9/12/20 17 10 : 00 AM End : Tue 9/12/20 17 11 : 15 AM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Status : Not yet responded HUD-17-0504-E-000465 Organize r: Cruc i ani , Li nda M Required Attendees : Bass , Deana ; Marzol , Adolfo Hunter ; Bravacos , John G; Zorc , Bethany A Subject: Location : Pane l at OGC' s Field and HQs Managers Departmenta l Conference Room 10233 F ; Kurtz , R . Semi nar Start : Tue 9/12/2017 10 : 00 AM End : Tue 9/12/2017 11 : 15 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meeti ng Status : Not yet respo nded Organizer : Cruciani , Linda M Required Attendees : Bass , Deana ; Marzol , Ado l fo F ; Kurtz , R . Hunter ; Bravacos , Joh n G; Zorc , Betha n y A Subject : Location : Panel at OGC' s Field and HQs Managers Departmental Conference Room 1 0233 Seminar Start : Tue 9/12/2017 10 : 00 AM End : Tue 9/12/20 17 11 : 15 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organizer : Cruciani , Linda M Required Atte ndees : Bass , Deana ; Marzol , Adolfo Hunter ; Bravacos , John G; Zorc , Bethany A F ; Kurtz , R . Subject : REAC Exp l oratory Meeting w/Deana Bass , Delton Ni chols, Lavoy & Stephe n Murphy Location : Please use d i al-in : 1-877848-7030 ACCESS CODE: ! Sent : Monday, Augus t 2 8, 2017 4 : 16 PM To : Bass , Deana Accep t ed : Urba n Oppor tun ity P r oject/ cal l wi th WH & Subjec t: Census Subjec t: Locat i o n: Urban Opp or t u n ity Pro je ct/ call with Di a l I n # 888-273-3658 Code : l{b)/6) I WH & Ce n s u s Host : lili1@J S t art : Tue 8/29/20 17 3 : 45 PM End : Tue 8/29/2017 4 : 1 5 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurre n ce : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Smith , Ja ' Ron K. ~ H6) Drew A Zachary (CENSUS/ ADCOM FED); Joy , Johnso n P ; Coffey , Alexander Your mee ting up dated . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was found to be out of date and h as been a ut omatically HUD-17-0504-E-000509 Sen t by Microsoft Ex c h a nge Se rver Sub j ec t: Ur ban Oppo rt u ni ty Pro j ect/ call with Loc a tio n : Dia l In # 888 - 273 - 3658 Code : !/bl/6\ WH & Ce n s u s Host : laillfilJ Tue 8/29/20 17 3 : 45 PM Start : End : Tue 8/29/ 2 0 17 4 : 15 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recu rr en ce : (none) Orga n iz e r: Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Smith , Ja ' Ron K. EOP/WHO; Drew A Zachary (CENSUS/ADCOM FED); Jo y , Johnson P; Coff e y , Al e xander Your meet i ng was f ound up dated . to be out o f date and h as been Sent by Microsoft Ex c h a ng e Se rv e r Subject : Urb a n Opportu n ity Project/ cal l with Loc ation : Dial In # 888 - 2 7 3 - 3658 Code : 1/b}(6l a ut oma t ical l y WH & Ce nsus Host : liiillfilJ Start : Tue 8/29/20 17 3 : 45 PM End : Tue 8/29/20 17 4 : 15 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence : (none) Org a nizer : Bass, Deana Required Atte ndees : Smith , Ja ' Ron K. EOP/WHO; Drew A Zachary (CENSUS/ADCOM FED) ; Jo y , Johnson P; Coff e y , Alexander Your meeting updated . was found to be ou t of date and h as been Sent by Microsoft Exch a ng e Server Subject : Urban Opportu n ity Project/ c all with Loc ation : Di al In # 888 - 2 7 3 - 3658 Code : l{b)(6) a u tomatical ly WH & Census Host : Im] Start : Tue 8/29/ 2 0 17 3 : 45 PM End : Tue 8/29/20 17 4 : 15 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta t iv e Recu rr ence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attend ees : Smith , Ja ' Ron K. EOP/ WHO; Dr ew A Zachary (CENSUS/ADCOM FED); Joy , Johnso n P; Coffey , Ale xander Your meeting updated . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was found t o be out of date and h as been autom a tically HUD-17-0504-E-000510 Sent by Micro so ft Ex change Server From : Smit h , Ja ' Ron K . EOP/WHO Sent : Monday , Augus t 28 , 2017 3 : 1 8 PM To : Bass , Deana Subject : Accepted : Urba n Opportunity Project/ call with WH & Census Subject : Loc a tio n : TX Envision Ce nt e r & Section Dea n a ' s Office 1 0226 3 Star t : Tu e 8/29/20 17 3 : 1 5 PM End : Tue 8/29/20 17 3 : 40 PM Show Time As : Tenta tiv e Rec urr ence : (non e) Orga n iz e r: Ba ss , Deana Required Atte ndees : Mun i r , Rafiq Holderf i e ld , Stephanie A Your meetin g was fo un d to updat ed . be out A; Bravacos o f d a te Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a ng e Serve r Subject : TX Envision Center & Section Loc a tio n: Dean a ' s Office 1 0226 and , John h as been G; a ut oma t ical ly 3 Star t : Tue 8/29/20 17 3 : 15 PM End : Tue 8/29/ 2 0 17 3 : 40 PM Show Time As : Tent ati ve Recurrence : (none ) Organiz e r : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Mun i r , Rafiq Holderf i e ld , Stephanie A Your meeting updated. was f ound to be out A; Bravacos o f date and , J oh n G; h as been a ut omatical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Exc h a ng e Serve r Subject : MEET w/ Deana Bass Williams Lo cation : SOHUD' s Offic e Mon 8/28/ 2 0 17 3 : 30 PM Start : End : Mon 8/28/20 17 3 : 50 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000511 Recurrence Meeting : (non e ) Status : Not yet Organi z e r: Doc Ben Requ i red Atte ndees : Subject : Catholic responded Bass , Deana Cha ri t i es , Baltimore S i te Visit Start : Mon 9/18/20 17 8 : 00 AM End : Mon 9/18/20 17 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Out of Office Recurrence Organizer : (none) : Subject : Lo cation : Bass , Deana HUD Call w/ Boys & Gi rls Conf Ca ll # 888 - 27 3 - 3658 Club RE : 3 Partner CODE: !rb}/6} I MOU Plan Sta r t : Tue 8/29/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Tue 8/29/2017 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Organize r: Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Gregory Brown , Christina M Your meeting updated . was f ound to Tolbert be out ; Hold erfield o f date Sent by Microsoft Exchange Serve r Subject : HUD Call w/ Boys & Gi rls Location : Conf Call # 888-27 3-3658 and has , Stephan ie A; been automatically Club RE : 3 Partner CODE: !rb}/6} I MOU Plan Tue 8/29/2017 1 1 : 00 AM Start : End : Tue 8/29/20 17 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Organize r: Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Gregory Brown , Christina M Your meeting updated. /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was found to Tolbert be out of ; Hold erfield date and has , Stephan been ie A; automatically HUD-17-0504-E-000512 Sent by Mic rosoft Exc hang e Server Subject : HUD Call w/ Boys & Girls # 888-2 7 3-3658 Lo cation : Con f Call Club RE : 3 Partner CODE: !(b)(6l I MOU Plan Start : Tue 8/29/ 2 0 17 1 1 : 00 AM End : Tue 8/29/20 17 1 1 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Organiz er: Bass , De ana Required Atte ndees : Gregory Brown , Chri s tin a M Your meeting updated . was found to Tolber be out of Sent by Mic ro soft Exchan ge Server Subject : HUD Call w/ Boys & Girls Loca tion : Conf Call # 888-273-3658 t; Holder field dat e and has , Stephanie been automat A; ical ly Club RE : 3 Partn e r MOU Plan CODE: ! Sent : F ri day , August 0 4 , 2017 5 : 31 PM To : Bass , Deana Subjec t : Accep te d : Mtg. w/Robin Walker Accou nt ab il i ty Subjec t : Test Locat ion : OSEC SMALL CONF. #10210 // Acc ess Code !{bl(6l I Password liiillfilJ Start : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Mon 8/21/2017 h as been , Fo unda t ion Co n f . Line automatical f or (888) ly Gove rnm ent 273-3658 2 : 0 0 PM HUD-17-0504-E-000573 End : Mon 8/21/20 Show Tim e As : 17 2 : 30 PM Ten tativ e Rec urr ence : (non e) Meet i ng Status : Not yet r espo nded Organizer : Mar zol , Ado l fo F Req uir e d Att endees : Bas s, Dea na ; Fl e i scher, LaShe n a A Subjec t: Canceled : Tes t Loca ti o n : OSEC SMALL CONF. #10210 Ac cess Code !/b\(6\ I Password filillill // Laura Co n f . Li ne A; Cross (Ctr) , (8 88 ) 273-3658 Start : Mon 8/2 1 /2017 2 :0 0 PM End : Mon 8/21/20 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Fr ee Rec urr ence : (none ) Meeting Sta t us : Not y et resp o nded Org a nize r : Marzol , Ado l fo F Req uir e d At tendees : Bass , Dea na ; Fl e i scher LaShe na A Subject : Loca tion : , Laura Canceled : Pu b lic Affairs Staff Morning A/ S ' s office (d ia l-i n detai l s within) A; Cro ss Staff (Ctr) , Meeting St a rt : Fri 8/4/2017 10 : 0 0 AM End : F ri 8/4/2017 10 : 30 AM Sho w Time As : F ree Recurrence : Weekl y Recurrence Patt e r n : Occurs AM ef f ect iv e 2/2 7/ 2017 . Meet in g Status : Not yet every weekday fr om 1 0 : 00 AM to 10 : 30 r espo nd ed Or ga niz e r : Sullivan , Brian E Required At t e ndees : Blunt , Brian L; Brown , Jereon M; Coleman , Eilee n C; Long (Ctr ), Deon ; Miller , Mi t c he ll E ; Sense ney, Philomena C; Adams , Scott ; Hardy IV , Stanley ; Adcock , Cy nthi a D; Re i nha rd , Dav id L; Mayo , Sammy E ; Brandao , Eli sabete T; Gaona , Maria E; St ro thers , Letha E; Hawkins , She rrill N; Gadson , Jovette G; Johns on , Joanne L; Goodloe , Sha nt ae M; Howard , Bre nton E ; AMOS, WILLIAM L; Brown , Apri l A; Li u , Ha ng; Savoye , Hele n A; Williams , Raphae l L; Thompso n, Amy C; Gr ib bi n, William J ; Shasky , Jo hn E; Bass, Dea na; Thompson , Caitlin H; Brax ton , Kia L /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000574 Opt i o n al Ai da N Atte ndees : Barto n, Victoria L ; LOGAN, LEAH M; Rodriguez Subject : Section 3 Locatio n: OSEC Smal l Co nf. Rm. 10210 // PASSWORD: lnilifilJ ACCESS CODE: !{bl{6l ! Start : Wed 8/9/2017 2 :00 End : Wed 8/9/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence Recurrence : Weekly Pa tter n : every Co nf. Line# , 888-273-3658 PM Wednesday from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Organi zer: Bass , Deana Requ ir ed Attendees : Patton , Lynne M; Brego n, Ne l so n R; Smyth , Timothy M; Kasper , Mare n M; Bastarache , Dan i elle L ; Costa , Al fo ns o A; Munir , Rafiq A; Gr uson, Barbara ; Norlander , Adam G; Golrick , Janet M; Clemmensen , Craig T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Nic h o l sdixon , Merrie ; Thomas , Todd C; Chr i s t e n sen , Eric F ; Fr a n cesc hin i-Petty , Raquel ; Williams , Raphael L ; Ho lderfield , Stephanie A; Coffey , Alexander ; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Hardy IV , Stanley; Bourne, Christopher M; Schulhof, Mary T ; Mor ton, Robert B; Brown , Christina M Your meeting updated . was found to be ou t of date and has been a u tomatical ly Sent by Mic rosoft Exc h ange Server Subject: GOT FOOD? FEDS FEED FAMILIES August 5th WEEKEND GROCERY LIST : Canned goods , grains , soups , water , baking goods & snacks Locatio n: DROP OFF DONATIONS IN THE FEDS FEED FAMILIES BOXES OR COLLECTING STATION IN YOUR OFFICE Start : F ri 8/4/2017 4 :00 End : Fri 8/4/2017 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentat iv e Recurrence Meeting PM : (none ) Status : Not ye t r espo nded Organizer : Fl e is cher , Laur a A Required Attendees : Barton , Victoria L ; Brown , April A; Brown , Jereo n M; Carter , Steve n s J ; Daggett , Tanya R; Dendas , Michael W; Douglass , B . J .; Dunn , Tracey ; Eagles , David T ; Franklin , DeSha unt a M; Gadson , Jovette G; Golr ick, Janet M; Hal l, Va n essa L ; Hardy IV , Stanley ; Hayes , Meishoma A; Jones , Iam a n adette T ; Maho n ey (Judge ), Jeremiah ; Manue l , Alex ; Matos, Cinthia ; Pao , Jean Lin ; Pruitt , De rek L ; Sullivan , Br ian E ; Wu, Sandra J ; Youngblood , Richard A; Bacon , James A; Brow ning, Austin G; Cooper , Di a n e J ; Co r essel , Jac i e ; Dawk ins, Eun ic e D; Deana Bass (Deana .B ass@hud . gov) ; Dela h oyde , Abigail M; Demarzo , Benjamin E ; Greenwood , Sheila M; Hardison, James /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000575 C; Hawk i ns , Gregory R; Hug h es , Andrew; Kas pe r , Maren M; Kur tz , R. Hun t e r ; Ma rz ol , Adolf o F ; McCall , Drew A; Mil ls , Al li son F ; Rodr iguez, Aida N; Wolfson , Leo nard THE FEDS FEED FAMILIES 2 0 1 7 Ca mpa i gn menu i tem canned 1 & vegetables fruits g r a ins/m u lti - gra in cerea ls soups canned or d r y proteins 100% jui ce water con diment s snacks baking go ods Than k you /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT f or your partic i pation & donations ! HUD-17-0504-E-000576 Questio n s : the week of Subjec t: Locatio n: Co n tact Au g u st La ur a@ 7 , r eturn #3667 . Please no t e she in g Monday , August 14 . HOLD for MEET wi th SOHUD' s o f f i ce Chris Liddel will be o n leave l Start : Thu 8/24/20 17 1 1 : 00 AM End : Thu 8/24/20 17 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not Organi z e r: DocBe n Requ ir ed Atte ndees : yet responded Coffey , Alexa nde r; Bass , Deana ; Joy , Joh n son p Top i c : discuss app Locatio n: work f orce/oppor t unity i n itiat i ves Orig in of Mee t i n g : Req u ested Ivanka Tr ump in June . Deana SOHUD. n al Ex ternal Subject : Location : a HUD mobile SOHUD' s o ff ice POC: Qu ellie Moo r head ; Quel li e . u . moor h ead@who.eop Inter and by SOHUD as a f ollow-up Bass put in the req u est Atte ndees : Deana Bass , Alex Attendees Li ddell : Chris . gov Coffey , Jo h nson from lunc h with o n beha l f of Joy , FW: Housing First Letter Meeting Deputy Secretary ' s Conference Room# 1 0 1 06 Start : Thu 8/3/20 1 7 12 : 00 PM End : Thu 8/3/2017 1 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000577 Recurrence Meeting Organi : (non e ) Status z e r: : Not yet Kel l ey , Mi chael responded J - ---- Original Appointment ---- F rom : Ke ll ey , Mich ael J Sent : Wednesday , August 02 , 2017 11 : 00 AM To : Kelley , Michael J ; Appleto n, Seth D; Fra in e , Cherice J ; Kurtz , R . Hunte r; Dendas , Mi chael W; Ba r ton , Victor i a L; Lud low , Ash ley ; Suchar , Norman A Subject : Hou sing Fi r st Lette r Meeting When : Thursday , August 03 , 2017 12 : 00 PM-1 : 00 PM (UTC-05 : 00) Eastern Ti me (US & Canada) . Where : Deputy Secretary ' s Conference Room# 1 0106 Subject : Loca tion : Monthly Ethics Deputy Secretary Briefing Con f erence Room Start : Wed 8/16/20 17 10 : 00 AM End : Wed 8/16/20 17 10 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organi z e r: Zorc , Bethany A Requ i red Atte ndees : Hughes , Andrew ; McCa l l , Drew A Optional Attendees : Alexander , Mason ; Appleton , Seth D; Bacon , James A; Barton , Victor ia L ; Bass , Deana ; Beckles , Angela L ; Bourne , Chr i stopher M; Bowes , Robert B; Brown , Christi n a M; Browning , Aust i n G; Burley , Mi chael N; By r d , David J ; Coffey , Alexander ; Coressel , Jac ie ; De lahoyde , Abigail M; Demarzo , Ben jam in E ; Dendas , Michael W; Eagles , David T ; Gaines , Ralph H; Gibbs , John ; Gorm ley , Joseph M; M; Gribbin , William J ; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Greenwood , Sheila Holderf ield , Stephanie A; Hunter , Matthew F ; Joy , Johnson P ; Kaspe r , Maren M; Ke ll ey , Mi chael J ; Ku rtz , R . Hunter ; Mar zo l, Adolfo F; Mil l s , Allison F; Petty , Timothy J ; Roget , Gisele G; Shasky , John E ; Thompson , Amy C; Thompson , Caitlin H; Wade , Dana T ; Williams , Raphael L ; Woll Jr , David C; Youngb l ood , Richard A; Bright , Mic h ael R; Ludlow , Ashley /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000578 We will discuss FOIA, the Pr iv acy Act , the other related co nfid e nt ia lity ru les . Subject Locatio : n: Trade Secre t s Act and MEET with Deana SOHUD's office Start : Wed 8/2/2017 1 : 30 PM End : Wed 8/2/2017 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not Organi zer : DocBe n Requ ir ed Attendees : yet responded Bass , Deana Topic : do a down lo ad on the Subject : Location : OSEC Sma ll Envision Centers and Sect i on 3 HUD/Steve Harvey Team Mtg . RE : Vi s i on Centers Dept of Housing & Urban Deve lo pment , 451 7th St. Conf . Rm. 10210 SW , Start : Mon 8/28/20 17 11 : 00 AM End : Mon 8/28/2017 12: 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass, Deana Required Atte ndees : ~~1= ~~)-------~I ' Sunny Duncan '; Ryan Pham; , Ge rald Washington ; Bregon , Nelson R; Byrd, David J ; Holderfield Stepha n ie A; Munir , Rafiq A; Nor lander , Adam G Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and has been automatically Sent by Microso ft Excha ng e Server Subject : HUD/Steve Harvey Team Mtg . RE : Vision Centers Locatio n: Dept of Housing & Urban Deve lo pment , 451 7th St. OSEC Small Conf . Rm. 10210 SW , St a r t : Mon 8/28/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Mon 8/28/2017 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass, Deana ~--------Requ ir ed Attendees : l Sent : Monday , July 31 , 2017 4 : 40 PM To : Bass , Deana Subject : Accepted : HUD/Steve Harvey Team Mt g . Subject : Lo cation : OSEC Sma ll been automat RE : Vision ical ly Centers HUD/Steve Harvey Team Mtg . RE : Vis i on Centers Dept of Hou sing & Urban Deve lopmen t , 451 7th St . SW , Conf . Rm. 10210 Start : Mon 8/28/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Mon 8/28/20 17 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass, Deana Required Attendees : ~~K-6-) -------~l' Sunny Duncan '; Ryan Pham ; Ge r ald Washington ; Bregon , Nelson R; Byrd , David J ; Holderfield , Stepha n ie A; Munir , Rafiq A; Norlander , Adam G Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and has been automatically Sent by Microso ft Exchange Server Subject : HUD/Steve Ha rv ey Team Mtg . RE : Vision Cente r s Loca tion : Dept of Hous in g & Urba n Deve l opment , 451 7th St. OSEC Small Conf . Rm. 10210 SW , Start : Mon 8/28/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Mon 8/28/2017 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Requ i red At tendees : ~l (b~)(~6~ ) --------,I Gerald Washington ; Bregon , Nelson /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Sunny Duncan ; Ryan Pham ; R; Byrd , David J ; Costa , Alfonso A HUD-17-0504-E-000583 Your meeti ng was up dated . f oun d to be out o f d a te Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a ng e Serve r Subject: Ho ld / Boy s & Gir ls Cl u b Site Locati on : TBD and h as been a ut oma t ical ly Vi sit Star t : Fri 8/25/20 17 2 : 0 0 PM End : Fri 8/25/ 2 0 17 4 : 0 0 PM Show Tim e As : Tent ati ve Recurrence : (none ) Organ iz e r : Bass , Deana Req u ir ed Atte nd ees : Pa tto n , Lynne M; Brego n , Ne l son R; Smyth , Timo thy M; Kasper , Mar en M; Bastara c h e, Dani e ll e L ; Costa , Alfonso A; Mun ir , Ra f iq A; Gr uson , Barbara ; Nor la nder , Adam G; Golrick , Jane t M; Clemmensen , Cr ai g T ; Jaco bs , Azt ec ; Ni c h o l sdi xon , Merr ie ; Thom as , Tod d C; Chr ist e ns en , Er ic F ; Fra nc es chin i - Petty , Raquel ; Williams , Ra phae l L ; Hold e r field , Stephanie A; Cof fey , Al e xand e r ; Hobbs , Be nj a mi n R; Ha rdy IV, Stanley ; Bourne, Chr is t op her M; Schu lhof , Mary T ; Mor ton , Rob ert B; Brown , Ch ri st i na M Your meeting updated . was Sent by Mic rosoft Subject : Hold/ Loca tion : TBD found t o be out of Ex chang e Server Boys & Gir l s Club dat e a n d has Site be en automatica lly Vis it St a rt : Fri 8/25/20 17 2 : 0 0 PM End : F ri 8/25/2017 4 : 0 0 PM Sho w Time As : Ten t a t ive Recurrence : (none ) Organiz e r : Bass , De ana Required Atte ndees : Patto n, Lynne M; Brego n , Nelson R; Smyth , Ti mot hy M; Kasper , Mar e n M; Bastarache , Dan i elle L ; Costa , Alfonso A; Mun ir , Rafiq A; Gruso n , Barbara ; Nor lan der , Adam G; Gol r ick , Janet M; Clemm ense n , Cra i g T; Jacobs, Aztec ; Nic h ols d ix on , Merrie ; Thomas , Todd C ; Chris tense n , Er ic F ; Fra nce sc h i n i -Petty , Ra q uel ; Williams , Rap h ael L ; Hold erfield, Step h a n ie A; Coffey , Al exander ; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Hardy IV , Stanley ; Bo ur ne , Ch r i s t op h e r M; Schulho f , Mary T ; Morto n , Robert B; Brown , Christina M Your meeting up dated . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was f ound to be out o f date and h as been a ut omatical ly HUD-17-0504-E-000584 Sent by Mic rosoft Excha ng e Serve r Subject : Envision Centers - call Duyne Locatio n : Con f. Line# 888-273-3658 II 3 : 00 EST wi th Lynne Patton & CODE: 1 Inter and by SOHUD as a fo ll ow- up from lunch with Bass put i n the request o n beha lf of Atte ndees : Deana Bass , Alex Attendees Li ddell : Ch ris . eop . gov Canceled : HOLD for SOHUD' s office Coffey , Johnson Joy , MEET wi th Ch r is Li ddell Start : Thu 8/24/2017 1 1 : 00 AM End : Thu 8/24/20 17 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Free Recu rr ence : (none) Meet i ng Status Organizer Required : Accepted : DocBen Atte ndees : Coffey Attendees Mi l l s , All i son , Alexander ; Bass , Deana ; Joy , Johnson p Opt i onal Topic : discuss app /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : workforce/opportunity F initiatives and a HUD mobile HUD-17-0504-E-000632 Location : SOHUD' s o ff ice POC: Quellie Moor head ; Quel l ie . u . moorhead@who Orig in of Meeting : Requested Ivanka Tr ump in June . Deana SOHUD. by SOHUD as a f ollow-up Bass put in the request Internal Attendees : Deana Bass , Alex External Attendees : Chris Li ddell Subject : Lo cation : Section 3/ OSEC Sma ll . eop . gov Coffey , Johnson from lunch with on beha l f of Joy , Pre - ED Envision Conf . Rm. Center Mtg . Start : Thu 7/27/20 17 12 : 30 PM End : Thu 7/27/20 17 1 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer Required Alfonso : (none) : Bass , Deana Attendees : Bregon , Nelson A; Munir , Rafiq A; Holderfield Your meet i ng was updated . found to be out of Sent by Microso ft Exchange Server Subject : Section 3/ Pre - ED Envision Loca tion : OSEC Small Conf. Rm. R; Joy , Johnson , Stephanie A date and Center has been P ; Costa , automatically Mtg . Start : Thu 7/ 27/20 17 12 : 30 PM End : Thu 7/27/20 17 1 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) : Bass , Deana HUD-17-0504-E-000633 Required Alf onso Attendees : Bregon , Ne l so n R; Joy , Johnso n P ; Cos t a , A; Munir , Ra fiq A; Holde rfi e ld , Stephanie A Your meeting upd ated . was found to be out of date and h as been a ut omatica l ly Sent by Microsoft Exchan ge Server Subjec t : Envision Cen ter s Locat i o n : DCOS Office 1 0226 Start : Thu 7/27/2017 2 : 30 PM End : Thu 7/27/2017 3 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Ten tative Recurrence : (none ) Organi zer : Bass, Requ ir ed Attendees Deana : Johnso n , Tiff a ny M; Costa , Alfonso Your meeting update d . found was to be out of d a te and has been A a ut omatica l ly Sent by Microsoft Exc h an ge Server Subjec t: HUD Mt g . W/ American Academy of Ped i a tr ics President & Amer i ca n Lung Assoc . President/CEO RE : Smoke F r ee Loc a tion : US Dept o f Housing & Urban Development , 451 7 & E St . SW // DEPSEC Conf . Rm. 10106 Start : Fri 7/28/20 17 11 : 00 AM End : Fri 7/28/20 17 1 1 : 4 5 AM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence : (none) Organ iz e r : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Mun i r , Rafiq A; ' er ika . sward@lung . org '; Bregon , Nelson R; Ammon, Mat the w E ; ' Ann e . DiGiu li o@Lung . org'; Bl om, Domi niq ue G; Bastarac he , Danielle L Opt i o n al Attendees : ' Bill Blatt' ; ' Baumberger , James '; Gad h ia , Ami Your meeting updated. was found to be out of date and has been Sent by Mi crosoft Exc h a nge Ser ver Subjec t : HUD Mtg . W/ American Academy of Ped i at r ics American Lung Assoc . Pr esident/ CEO RE : Smoke Free /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT a ut oma t ica l ly P r esident & HUD-17-0504-E-000634 Location : US Dept of Housing // DEPSEC Conf . Rm. 1 0106 & Urban Development , 451 7 & E St . SW Start : Fri 7/28/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Fri 7/28/2017 11 : 45 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Requ i red Attendees ' erika . sward@lung ' Anne . DiGiulio@Lung Optio n al Atte ndees Ami Deana : Bass , Deana ; Munir , Rafiq A; . org '; Bregon, Nelson R; Ammon, Matthew E; . org '; Blom , Dominique G : ' Bill Blatt '; ' Baumberger , James '; Gadh ia , Your meeting updated . found was to be out of date and has Sent by Mic ro soft Exchange Server Subject : Canceled : Public Affairs Staff Morning Loca tion : A/S ' s office (dial- i n detai l s within) been automatically Staff Meeting S t art : Thu 7/27/20 17 10 : 00 AM End : Thu 7/27/2017 10 : 30 AM Show Time As : Free Recurrence Recurrence AM effective : Week l y Pattern : 2/27/2017 Occurs every weekday from 10 : 00 AM to 10 : 30 . Organize r: Sul li van , Br i an E Required Attendees : Su llivan , Brian E ; Blunt , Brian L ; Brown , Jereon M; Coleman , Eileen C; Long (Ctr) , Deon ; Mill e r , Mitch e ll E; Senseney , Philomena C ; Adams , Scott ; Hardy IV , Stanley ; Adcock , Cynthia D; Reinhard , David L; Mayo , Sammy E ; Branda o , Elisabete T; Gaona , Maria E ; Strothe r s , Letha E ; Hawkins , She r ri ll N; Gadson , Jovette G; Johnson , Joanne L; Goodloe , Shantae M; Howard , Brenton E; AMOS, WILL IAM L ; Brow n, April A; Liu , Hang ; Savoye , Helen A; Wil li ams , Raphael L ; Thompson , Arny C; Gr ibb i n , Will i am J ; Shosky , John E ; Bass , Deana ; Thompson , Cait li n H; Braxton , Ki a L Optional Attendees : Barton , Victoria L ; LOGAN, LEAH M; Rodriguez , Aida N Subject Location : : Mtg with Deanna Bass HUD Deputy HUD 451 7th Street SW Chief of Staff Start : Thu 7/27/2017 1 : 1 5 PM End : Thu 7/27/20 17 1 : 45 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rrence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none ) HUD-17-0504-E-000635 Meet i ng Status : Organiz er : Elroy Subject : Elroy Not yet r espo nded Sa ilor Star t : Thu 7/27/20 17 1 : 15 PM End : Thu 7/27/ 2 0 17 1 : 45 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence : (none) Organ iz e r : Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Elroy Your meeting up dated . Sent was by Mi crosoft f ound to Sailor be Exch a nge out o f date and h as been a ut omatical ly Se r ve r Start : Thu 7/27/ 2 0 17 11 : 00 AM End : Thu 7/27/2017 12 : 00 PM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeti ng Status Organi zer : : Meeti ng organizer Bass , Deana Sta r t : Thu 7/27/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Thu 7/27/2017 12 : 00 PM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Meeting Org an iz e r : Bass , Deana Subject : Loca tion : Section 3/ OSEC Sma ll organizer Pr e - ED Envision Co nf. Rm. Cen te r Mtg . Start : Thu 7/27/20 17 1:3 0 PM End : Thu 7/27/ 2 0 17 2 : 0 0 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Bass , Deana HUD-17-0504-E-000636 Required Alf onso Attendees : Bregon , Ne l so n R; Joy , Johnso n P ; Cos t a , A; Munir , Ra fiq A; Holde rfi e ld , Stephanie A Your meeting upd ated . was found to be out of date Sent by Microsoft Exchan ge Server Subjec t : Sect i o n 3/ Pre-ED Envision Locat i o n : OSEC Small Co nf . Rm. and Ce nter h as been a ut omatically Mt g . Start : Thu 7/27/2017 1 : 30 PM End : Thu 7/27/2017 2 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Ten tative Recurrence : (none ) Organi zer : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Attendees : Bregon, Ne l so n R; Joy , Johnso n P ; Costa Alfonso A; Mun ir , Ra fiq A; Holderfie ld, Steph anie A Your meeting upd ated . was Sen t by Mic rosoft Subject : Lunch Loc a tion : tbd found to be out of date and has , bee n automatically Ex c h a nge Se rver w/Ben Hobbs Sta r t : F ri 8/25/2017 12 : 00 PM End : Fri 8/25/20 17 1 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Ten tati ve Recu rr en ce : Weekly Recurrence Pa tter n : every and F ri da y f rom 12 : 00 PM to Organize Req uired r : Bass , Deana Att en d ee s : Hobbs, Your meeting updated. was f ound to be Mond ay , Tuesday 1: 00 PM Be njamin ou t of date , Wednesday , Thursday , R and h as been a u tomatical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Exc h a ng e Server Subject : Weekly we l fare meet i ng Loc ation : EEOB 172 Start : Thu 7/27/ 2 0 17 2 : 00 PM End : Thu 7/27/20 17 3 :0 0 PM Sho w Time As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000637 Recurrence Organizer : (non e ) : Subject : Loc ation : Conant , Ann M. EOP/WHO Section 3 ** VIRTUAL MTG (SEE ENCLOSED MESSAGE) Start : Wed 7/26/20 17 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 7/26/20 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Recurrence : Wee kl y Patte r n : every Wednesday from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Organizer : Bass , Deana Requ i red Atte ndees : Patto n, Lynne M; Brego n , Ne l son R; Smyt h , Ti mothy M; Kaspe r, Maren M; Bastarache , Dan i elle L ; Costa , Al fonso A; Munir , Rafiq A; Gruson , Barbara ; Nor l ander , Adam G; Golrick , Janet M; Clemmensen, Craig T ; Jacobs, Aztec ; Nicholsdixon , Merrie ; Thomas , Todd C; Chris t ensen , Er ic F ; Franceschini - Petty , Raquel ; Wil li ams , Rap h ael L ; Holder fi eld , Step h anie A; Coffey , Al e x ande r; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Hardy IV , Stanley ; Bourne, Chr i stophe r M; Schulho f , Mary T ; Morton , Robert B; Brown , Christina M Your meeting updated. was found to be out of date and h as been automatically Sent by Microsoft Exc h ange Server Subject : Sect i on 3 Lo cation : ** VI RTUAL MTG (SEE ENCLOSED MESSAGE) Start : Wed 7/26/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 7/26/20 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : Weekly Recurrence Pat t e r n : every Wednesday from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Patton , Lynn e M; Bregon , Nelson R; Smyth , Timothy M; Kasper , Maren M; Bastarache , Daniell e L ; Costa , Alfonso A; Munir , Rafiq A; Gruson , Barbara ; Nor lander , Adam G; Golrick , Jane t M; Clemmensen , Craig T ; Jaco bs , Aztec ; Nicholsdixon , Merrie ; Thomas , Todd C; Christensen , Eric F ; Franceschini - Petty , Raquel ; Williams , Raphael L ; Hold e rfi e ld , Stephanie A; Coffey , Alexander ; Hobbs , Ben jam in R; Hardy IV , St anley ; Bourne , Ch ristopher M; Schu l hof , Mary T ; Morton , Robert B; Brown , Christ i na M /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000638 Your meeti ng was f oun d to up dated . be out o f d a te Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a ng e Serve r Subject: Sect i on 3 Locati on : OSEC Sma l l Conf . Rm. 102 10 // ACCES S CODE: !{b){6) ! PASSWORD: Rfil@J and h as been Conf . Li n e# a ut oma t ical ly 888 - 2 7 3 - 36 5 8 Start : Wed 7/ 1 9/ 2 0 17 2 :0 0 PM End : Wed 7/19/ 2 0 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Te n tat iv e Recurrence Recurrence : Weekly Pa tt e r n : every Wednesday from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Or ga niz e r : Bas s, Dea na Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Pat t o n, Lynne M; Brego n , Nel so n R; Smyth , Tim ot hy M; Kaspe r, Mar e n M; Bastarache , Dan i elle L; Costa , Alfonso A; Mun ir , Ra fiq A; Gruson , Barbara ; Nor l ander , Adam G; Gol r ick, Jane t M; Clemm ense n , Cra i g T; Jacobs, Azt ec; Nic ho ls d ix on , Merrie ; Thomas , To dd C; Chris tense n , Er i c F ; Franc esch ini - Petty, Raqu e l ; Williams , Rap hae l L; Hold er fi eld , Ste p h a nie A; Co ffe y , Al exander ; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Ha rdy IV , Stanley ; Bour ne , Chri stop h e r M; Schulho f , Ma ry T; Morto n, Robert B; Brown, Christina M Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be out o f d a te an d h as been a ut oma t ical Sen t by Mic rosoft Exc h a nge Se rver Sub j ec t: HUD, Dept . o f Labor Mtg . RE : Env is i on Ce n ters Partnership Lo cation : Dept of Housing & Ur ban Develo pme nt , 451 7 th Sma ll Co nf . Room 10210 ly & HUD/Labo r St . SW, OSEC Start : Tue 8/1/2017 10:0 0 AM End : Tue 8/1/2017 11 :0 0 AM Show Time As : Te nta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none ) Or ga nizer : Bass , Deana Required At t e ndees : Bregon , Nelso n R; Joy , Johnso n P ; Cos t a , Alfonso A; Mun ir , Ra f iq A; Holderfield , Stepha n i e A; Harris , On dray T - ETA; ' All e nb ach , Tiffany S . - ETA ' Your meeting upda ted . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was found to be out of date and h as been a ut omatically HUD-17-0504-E-000639 Sen t by Mi crosoft Ex c h a nge Se rver Sub j ec t : HUD, Dept . o f Labor Mt g . RE : En vis i on Ce n ters Partnership Lo cation : Dept of Housing & Ur ban Developm e nt , 451 7 th Sma ll Co nf . Room 10210 & HUD/Labo r St . SW, OSEC Start : Tue 8/ 1 / 2 0 1 7 10:0 0 AM End : Tue 8/1/20 1 7 11 : 0 0 AM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Organiz e r : Bass , De ana Required At t e ndees : Bregon , Nelso n R; Joy , Johnso n P ; Cos t a , Alfonso A; Munir , Ra f iq A; Holde rfi e ld , Stepha n ie A; Ha rri s , On dray T - ETA; ' Al l e nb ach , Ti ffany S . - ETA ' Your meeting up dated . was found to be out of Sent by Mic ro soft Exchan ge Serv e r Subjec t : Sect i o n 3/ Pre-ED Envision Locat i on : OSEC Small Co nf. Rm. d a te and Ce nter has been automatically Mtg . Start : Thu 7/27/2017 1 : 30 PM End : Thu 7/27/2017 2 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Recurrence : (none ) Organi zer : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Attendees : Bregon , Ne l so n R; Joy , Johnso n P ; Costa , Alfonso A; Mun ir , Ra fiq A; Holderfie l d , Stepha nie A Your meeting updated. was f ound to be out of date and h as been a ut oma t ically Sent by Mi crosoft Exc h a ng e Ser ver Subjec t : HUD, Dept . o f Labor Mtg . RE : Envision Ce n ters & HUD/ Labo r Partners hi p Loc at io n : Dept of Housing & Ur ban Development , 451 7 th St . SW, OSEC Small Co nf . Room 10210 Start : Tue 8/ 1 / 2 0 1 7 10:0 0 AM End : Tue 8/1/2017 11 : 0 0 AM Show Tim e As : Tentative Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Bass , Deana HUD-17-0504-E-000640 Requ i red Atte ndees : Brego n, Nelso n R; Joy , Johnso n P ; Cos t a , Alfonso A; Mun ir , Rafiq A; Holde r f i e l d , Stephanie A; Har ri s , Ondray T - ETA; ' All enbach , Tiffany S . - ETA ' Your meeting updated. was found to be out of Sent by Microsoft Exchange Serve r Subjec t: Sect i o n 3/ Pre-ED Envision Location : OSEC Small Conf . Rm. da t e and h as been automatically Ce nt e r Mtg . Start : Thu 7/27/2017 1 : 30 PM End : Thu 7/27/20 17 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organize Required Alfonso : (none) r: Bass , Deana Attendees : Bregon , Nelson A; Munir , Rafiq A; Holderfield Your meeting updated . was f ound to R; Joy , Johnson , Stephanie A be ou t o f da t e and Sent by Mi crosoft Exchange Serve r Subject : Section 3/ Pre - ED Envision Location : OSEC Small Conf . Rm. Center h as been P ; Costa , automatically Mtg . Start : Thu 7/27/20 17 1 : 30 PM End : Thu 7/27/20 17 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurre n ce : (none) Organ i ze r: Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Bregon , Nelson Alfonso A; Munir , Rafiq A; Holderfield Your meet i ng was found updated . to be out of Sent by Mi crosoft Exchange Serve r Subject : Section 3/ Pre - ED Envision Loc ation : OSEC Sma ll Conf . Rm. R; Joy , Johnson , Stephan i e A date and Center has been P ; Costa , automatically Mtg . Start : Thu 7/27/20 17 1 : 30 PM End : Thu 7/27/20 17 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000641 Recur r e n ce : (none) Organiz e r : Bass , De ana Required Attendees : Bregon , Ne l so n R; Joy , Johnso n P ; Cos t a , Alf onso A; Munir , Ra fi q A; Holde rfi e ld, Stepha n ie A Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and has Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server Fr om : Holder f ie ld , Step hanie A Sent : Wednesday , July 26 , 2017 10 : 52 AM To : Bass , Deana Subject : Accepted : Section 3/ Pre - ED Envision been Ce n ter automatically Mtg . Subject : Inv i tati o n : Lun c h Mtg - Dean a Bass - Deputy Chief o f Staff US Departmen ... @ Thu J u l 27 , 2 0 1 7 1pm - 2pm (EDT) (dea na . bass@hud . g ov) Locatio n : Panera Bread , 3100 14 th St NW, Washington , DC 20010 , USA Start : Thu 7/27/20 17 1 : 0 0 PM End : Thu 7/27/2017 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Ten t a tive Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Status Org an iz e r : more d et ails : Declined Dean Nelson » Lunch Mtg- Dea n a Bass- Deputy Ch ie f of Sta ff US Departme n t o f Hous i ng and Urban Development When Thu Ju l 27 , 2017 1pm - 2pm Eastern Time Where Pan e ra Brea d, 3 1 00 14th St NW, Washington , DC 2 00 10 , USA (map) Ca le nda r deana . bass@hud . gov Who Dean Nelson - o rg an i z e r • Ashley Irwin - creator deana . bass@hud . go v h johnso n @cjrlega l . com calle n @hu mancoa li tion . org Going? Yes - Maybe - No more options» I n vitatio n from Goog l e Calendar You are r ece iving th i s courtesy email at the account deana . bass@hud . gov beca u se you a r e an attendee of th i s event . To stop receiving future updates for this eve nt, dec l i n e th is event . Alternat i vely you can s i gn up for a Goog l e account at /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000642 https : //www . google . com/calendar/ and contro l you r notificat i on sett i ngs for you r entire ca l enda r. Forwarding this invitation could al l ow any recipient to modify your RSVP response . Learn More . Subject : Sectio n 3 Location : OSEC Small Conf. Rm. 10210 // Conf . Line# 888-273-3658 I PASSWORD: filillill ACCESS CODE: !ib\/6\ Start : Wed 7/19/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 7/19/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : Weekly Recurrence Pattern : every Wednesday from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Pa tto n , Lynne M; Bregon , Ne l son R; Smyth , Timothy M; Kasper , Maren M; Bastarache, Danielle L ; Costa , Alfonso A; Mun i r, Ra f iq A; Gruson , Barba r a ; Norlander , Adam G; Golr i ck , Jane t M; Clemmensen , Craig T ; Jaco bs , Aztec ; Nicholsdixon , Merrie ; Thomas , Todd C ; Christensen , Eric F ; Franceschini - Petty , Raquel ; Williams , Raphael L; Hold erfield , Stephanie A; Coffey , Alexander ; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Hardy IV , Stanley ; Bourne , Christopher M; Schu l hof , Mary T ; Morton , Robert B; Brown , Christina M Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and Sent by Microso ft Exchange Server Subject : Section 3 Location : OSEC Small Co n f . Rm. 10210 // I PASSWORD: filillill ACCESS CODE: !/b\/6\ has Con f. been Li n e# automatically 888-273-3658 Start : Wed 7/19/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 7/19/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : Weekly Recu rr ence Pattern : eve ry Wednesday from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Organize r: Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Patton , Lynne M; Bregon , Nelson R; Smyth , Timothy M; Kasper , Maren M; Bastarache , Danielle L ; Costa , Alfonso A; Mun ir , Rafiq A; Gr uson , Barbara ; Nor lan der , Adam G; Golrick , Jane t M; Clemmensen , Craig T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Nicholsdixon , Merrie ; Thomas , Todd C ; Chr i stensen , Eric F ; Franceschini-Petty , Raquel ; Wil l iams , Raphael L ; Ho lderf ield , Stephanie A; Coffey , Alexander ; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Hardy IV , Stanley ; Bourne , Christopher M; Schu l hof , Mary T ; Morton , Robert B; Brown , Christina M Your meeting updated . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was found to be out of date and has been automatically HUD-17-0504-E-000643 Sent by Microsoft Exchange Serv e r Subjec t: Sect i o n 3 Locat i o n: ** VIRTUAL MTG (SEE ENCLOSED MESSAGE) Start : Wed 7/26/20 17 2 :0 0 PM End : Wed 7/26/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Recurrence : Week l y Pa tt ern : every Wednesday from 2 : 0 0 PM to 2 : 30 PM Organi z e r: Bass , Deana Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Patto n, Lynne M; Brego n, Ne l so n R; Smyth , Timothy M; Kasper , Mare n M; Bastarache , Danielle L ; Costa , Al fo n so A; Munir , Rafiq A; Gruson , Barbara ; Nor l ander , Adam G; Golrick , Janet M; Clemmensen , Craig T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Nicholsdixon , Merrie ; Thomas , Todd C ; Chr i ste n sen , Er ic F ; Fr a n cesc h i n i-Petty , Raquel ; Wil l iams , Raphael L ; Holderfield , Stephanie A; Coffey , Alex a nder ; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Hardy IV , St anley ; Bo u rne , Christopher M; Schulhof , Mary T ; Mor t on , Robert B; Brown , Christina M Your meet i ng was updated . found to be ou t of Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server Subject : Section 3/ Pre-ED Envision Location : OSEC Sma l l Conf . Rm. da t e and Center has been a u tomatical ly Mtg . Start : Thu 7/27/20 17 1: 30 PM End : Thu 7/27/20 17 2 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tentativ e Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer Required Al f onso : Bass , Deana Attendees : Bregon , Nelson R; Joy , Johnson A; Mun i r, Ra f iq A; Holde rf ie l d , Stepha n ie A Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and has been P ; Cos t a , automatically Sent by Microsoft Excha n ge Server Subject : Section 3 Locatio n: ** VIR TUAL MTG (SEE ENCLOSED MESSAGE) Start : Wed 7/26/20 17 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 7/26/2017 2 : 30 PM /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000644 Show Time As : Recurrence Recurrence Tenta tive : Weekly Pa tte rn : e very Wednesday from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Orga n iz e r: Bass , Deana Requ ir ed Attendees : Patton , Lynne M; Brego n , Nelson R; Smyth , Timothy M; Kasper , Mare n M; Bastarache , Dan i elle L; Costa , Al fo ns o A; Munir , Rafiq A; Gr uson, Barbara ; Nor l ander , Adam G; Golrick , Janet M; Clemme n sen , Cr aig T; Jacobs , Aztec ; Nic h o l sdixo n, Merr ie ; Thomas , Todd C; Chr i s t e n sen , Eric F ; Fr a n cesc hin i-Petty , Raquel ; Wil l iams , Rap ha el L; Holderf i eld , Stephanie A; Coffey , Alexander ; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Hardy IV , St anley ; Bourne , Christoph e r M; Schu lh of , Mary T; Mor t o n, Robert B; Brown , Christina M Your meet i ng was found updated . to be ou t of date and has been a u tomatical ly Sent by Mic rosoft Exc h ange Server F rom : Hobbs , Benjamin R Sent : Wednesday , J uly 26 , 2017 10 : 10 AM To : Bass , Deana Subjec t: Dec lin ed : Sec ti o n 3 Subject : Loc a tion : Sect i o n 3/ OSEC Small Pre-ED Env i sion Co n f . Rm. Ce nt e r Mtg . Start : Thu 7/27/2017 4 : 30 PM End : Thu 7/27/20 17 5 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta ti ve Recurrence : (none) Organ iz e r: Bass , Deana Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Bregon , Nelso n R; Joy , Johnso n P ; Cos t a , Alfonso A; Munir , Rafiq A; Holderfie ld, Stephanie A Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be out o f da t e and Sent by Microsoft Ex c h a ng e Server Subjec t: Sect i o n 3/ Pre-ED Env i sion Locatio n: OSEC Small Conf . Rm. h as been a ut omatical ly Ce nt e r Mtg. Start : Thu 7/27/20 17 4 : 30 PM End : Thu 7/27/ 2 0 17 5 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000645 Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Bregon , Nelson R; Joy , Johnson Alfonso A; Muni r, Ra f iq A; Holde r fie l d , Stepha n ie A Your meet i ng was found updated . to be out of date and has been Sent by Microso ft Exchange Server From : Holderf i eld , Stephanie A Sent : Wednesday , July 26 , 2017 9 : 42 AM To : Bass , Deana Subject : Accepted : Section 3/ Pre-ED Envis i on Center Subject : Loca tion : P ; Costa , automatically Mtg . Section 3 ** VIRTUAL MTG (SEE ENCLOSED MESSAGE) St art : Wed 7/26/20 17 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 7/26/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Recurrence : Week l y Pattern : every Wednesday fr om 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Organizer : Bass , Deana Requ i red Atte ndees : Pa tto n , Lynne M; Bregon , Ne l son R; Smyth , Timothy M; Kasper , Maren M; Bastarache , Danie l le L; Costa , Alfonso A; Munir , Rafiq A; Gruson , Barbara ; Nor lan der , Adam G; Golrick , Janet M; Clemmensen , Craig T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Nicholsdixon , Merrie ; Thomas , Todd C; Chr i s t ensen , Eric F ; Franceschini-Pet t y , Raquel ; Wil li ams , Raphael L; Holderf i eld , Stephanie A; Coffey , Alexande r; Hobbs , Ben j amin R; Hardy IV , Stanley ; Bourne , Christopher M; Schulhof , Mary T; Morton , Robert B; Brown , Christina M Your meet i ng was found updated . to be out of date and Sent by Microsoft Exchange Serve r Subject : Section 3 Loc at io n : OSEC Small Conf . Rm. 10210 // ACCESS CODE: !{b){6) ! PASSWORD: !iliRill has been Conf . Line# automatically 888 - 273 - 3658 Start : Wed 7/ 19/20 17 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 7/19/20 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Recurrence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Week l y Pattern : every Wednesday from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM HUD-17-0504-E-000646 Organi zer: Bass , Deana Requ ir ed At tendees : Pa t ton , Lynn e M; Brego n, Ne l so n R; Smyth , Timot h y M; Kasper , Mare n M; Bastarache, Danie lle L; Costa , Al f onso A; Mun ir , Rafiq A; Gr uson, Barbara ; Norlander , Adam G; Gol ri ck , Jan et M; Cle mmen sen , Craig T; Jacobs , Aztec ; Nic h o l sdixo n, Merrie ; Thomas , Todd C; Chr i ste n sen , Eric F ; Fr a n cesc hin i-Petty , Raquel ; Willi ams , Raphae l L; Holder fi eld , Step h a ni e A; Coff e y , Ale xande r; Hobbs , Ben j amin R; Hardy I V, Stanley ; Bou rne , Chris tophe r M; Schulhof , Mary T; Mor t on , Robert B; Brown , Christina M Your meeting updated . Sent Su bj Infr Loca Rm. was found to be ou t of date and h as been a u tomatical ly by Mi crosoft Excha ng e Se r ve r e ct : Section 3 Mtg . w/ Si nclair Cooper , Pre siden t , Pub l ic astructu r e De velopm en t tion : Dept o f Hous in g & Urba n Deve l opment , 451 7&E St. SW// 1 0226 Start : Tu e 8/29/2017 2 : 30 PM End : Tue 8/29/2017 3 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recu r rence : (none ) Organi zer: Bass , Deana Requ ir ed Atte ndees : s i nc l a ir. coope r @h untco mpan i es . com ; Campbel l, Cynthia F; Mun ir , Ra fiq A; El len Shymansky Your meeti ng was found up dated . t o be out of d a te a n d has bee n automatically Sen t by Mi crosoft Ex c h a nge Ser ver Sub j ec t : Monthly Eth i cs Bri e fin g Loc ation : Deputy Secreta ry Confer e n ce Room St a r t : Wed 8/2/2017 1 0 : 00 AM End : Wed 8/2/2017 10 : 30 AM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Recu rr en ce : (non e) Meeting Status : Not ye t responded Organizer : Zorc , Bethany A Required Attend ees: Hughes , Andrew ; McCal l , Dr ew A Opt i o n al At tendees : Alexander , Maso n; App let on , Se th D; Bacon , James A; Barto n, Vi ctoria L; Bass , Deana ; Bec kl es , Ang ela L; Bo ur ne , Chr ist op h er M; Bowes , Robert B; Brown , Ch risti n a M; Browning , Aust i n G; Burley , Mic hael N; Byrd , Dav id J ; Coffey , Alexander ; Coressel , /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000647 Jac i e ; Delahoyde , Ab i gail M; Demarzo , Benjam in E ; Dendas , Mi chael W; Eag l es , Dav i d T ; Ga i nes , Ra l ph H; Gi bbs , John ; Gorm l ey , Joseph M; Greenwood , Sheila M; Gribbin , William J ; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Holderf i eld , Stephanie A; Hunter , Matthew F ; Joy , Johnson P ; Kasper , Maren M; Ke ll ey , Michael J ; Kurtz , R . Hunter ; Mar zo l, Adolfo F; Mi l l s , Allison F ; Petty , Timothy J ; Roget , Gi sele G; Shosky , John E ; Thompson , Amy C; Thompson , Caitlin H; Wade , Dana T ; Williams , Raphael L ; Woll Jr , David C; Youngb l ood , Richard A; Brig h t , Michael R; Ludlow , Ashley We wi ll discuss FOIA , the o ther re l a te d confidentiality Subjec t: Sectio n 3 Location : OSEC Small ACCESS CODE: !/b\/6\ Pr i vacy Act , the ru le s . Co n f . Rm. 10210 // PASSWORD: filillill Trade Con f. Secrets Li n e# Act and 888-273-3658 Sta r t : Wed 7/19/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 7/19/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : Weekly Recu rr ence Pattern : eve ry Wednesday from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Pa tto n , Lynne M; Bregon , Ne l son R; Smyth , Timothy M; Kasper , Maren M; Bastarache , Danielle L ; Costa , Alfonso A; Munir , Ra f iq A; Gr uson , Barbara ; Nor lander , Adam G; Golr i ck , Jane t M; Clemmensen , Craig T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Nicholsdixon , Merrie ; Thomas , Todd C; Christensen , Eric F ; Franceschini - Petty , Raquel ; Wil l iams , Raphael L; Holderf ield , Stephanie A; Coffey , Alexander; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Hardy IV , Stanley ; Bourne , Christopher M; Schu lh of , Mary T ; Mor t on , Robert B; Brown , Ch ristina M Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and Sent by Microso ft Exchange Server Subject : Section 3 Loca tion : OSEC Small Co n f . Rm. 102 10 // ! PASSWORD: !iliRill ACCESS CODE: !{b)(6) has been Conf . Line# automatically 888-273-3658 Start : Wed 7/19/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 7/19/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence : Weekly Recu rr ence Pattern : eve ry Wednesday from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Organize r: Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Bass , Deana ; Patton , Lynne M; Bregon , Nelson R; Smyth , Timothy M; Kaspe r , Maren M; Bas tarac he , Dani e lle L; Cos ta , /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000648 Al f onso A; Mun i r , Ra f iq A; Gruson , Barba r a ; Nor land er , Adam G; Golr i ck , Janet M; Cl e mmensen , Craig T ; Jacobs , Az tec ; Nicho l sdixon , Merrie ; Thomas , Todd C; Christensen , Eric F ; Franceschini - Petty , Raquel ; Williams , Raphael L; Hold e r field , Stephanie A; Coffey , Alexander ; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Ha r dy IV , Stan l ey ; Bourne , Chr i stopher M; Taffet , Cl ifford ; Schulhof , Mary T ; Mor ton , Robert B Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and has been automat Sent by Mic ro so ft Exchange Server Subject : HUD, Dept . o f Labor Mtg. RE : Env is ion Centers Partnership Location : Dept of Hous i ng & Urban Deve l opment , 451 7th Sma l l Conf . Room 102 1 0 ical ly & HUD/Labor St . SW, OSEC Tue 8/1/2017 10 : 00 AM Start : End : Tue 8/1/2017 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Bregon , Nelson Alfonso A; Munir , Rafiq A; Hold erfield T - ETA; Al l enbach , Tiffany S . - ETA Your meeting updated . was found to be out of R; Joy , Johnson P ; Costa , , Stephanie A; Harris , Ondray date and has been automatically Sent by Microso ft Exchange Server Subject : HUD, Dept . of Labor Mtg . RE : Env i sion Centers Partnership Location : Dept of Hous i ng & Urban Deve l opment , 451 7th Sma ll Conf . Room 102 1 0 & HUD/Labor St. SW, OSEC Sta r t : Tue 8/1/2017 10 : 00 AM End : Tue 8/1/2017 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Requ i red Attendees : Bregon , Nelson Alfonso A; Munir , Rafiq A; Holderfield T - ETA; Allenbach , Tif fany S . - ETA Your meet i ng was found updated . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT to be out of R; Joy , Johnso n P ; Costa , , S tepha nie A; Harris , Ondray date and has been automatically HUD-17-0504-E-000649 Sent by Mic rosoft Exc hang e Server Subject : HUD, Dept . of Labor Mtg. RE : Env i sion Cen t e r s & HUD/Labor Par t ne r s hip Locat i o n: Dept of Hous in g & Urba n Deve l opment , 451 7th St . SW, OSEC Smal l Co nf . Room 1 02 1 0 Sta r t: Tue 8/1/2017 10 :0 0 AM End : Tue 8/1/2017 11 : 00 AM Show Tim e As : Ten tati ve Rec urr ence: (non e) Organi zer : Bass , Deana Requ ir ed At tendees : Bregon , Ne l so n R; Joy , Johnso n P ; Costa , Alfonso A; Mun i r , Ra fiq A; Holde r fie ld , S teph anie A; Harris, Ondray T - ETA; All en bach , Tiffany S . - ETA Your meeting updated . was f ound to be ou t o f date and h as been a u tomatical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Server Subject : HUD, Dept . of Lab or Mtg . RE : En vision Cen ter s & HUD/ La bo r Par t n e rs h i p Lo cation : Dep t of Hous in g & Urba n Deve l opment , 451 7th St. SW, OSEC Sma ll Co nf . Room 1 02 1 0 S t art : Tue 8/ 1/2 0 1 7 10 :0 0 AM End : Tue 8/1/2017 11 :0 0 AM Show Time As : Ten t a tive Recurrence : (none) Organi zer : Bass , Deana Requ ir ed At tendees : Bregon , Ne l so n R; Joy , Johnso n P ; Costa , Alf onso A; Munir , Ra fi q A; Holde rfi e l d , Stephanie A; Ha rri s , On dray T - ETA; Al l e nbach , Tif fan y S . - ETA Your meeti ng was f ound up dated . to be out o f d a t e and h as been a ut omatical ly Sent by Microsoft Ex c h a ng e Server Subject : HUD Mtg. W/ Ameri can Academy of Ped i a tr ics President & American Lung Assoc . Pr esident/ CEO RE : Smoke Free Loc ation : US Dept of Hous i ng & Urban Develo p men t, 451 7 & E St . SW // DEPSEC Con f. Rm. 1 0106 S t art : End : F ri /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Fri 7 /28/20 17 1 1 : 00 AM 7/28/2017 11 :45 AM HUD-17-0504-E-000650 Show Time As : Recurrence Tenta tive : (none) Organi zer : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Atte ndees : Bass , Deana ; Munir , Rafiq A; ' er i ka . sward@l ung . org '; Bregon , Ne l so n R; Ammon , Matthew E ; ' Anne . Di Gi u l io@Lung . org '; Bl om, Domi nique G Optional Attend ees : ' Bill Blatt '; ' Baumberg e r , Ja mes '; Gadhia , Ami Your meeting updated . was found to be out of dat e and has been automat i ca l ly Sent by Mi crosoft Excha ng e Ser ve r & Subject : HUD Mtg. W/ Ame rican Academy of Pedia t rics President Amer i ca n Lung Assoc . Pre siden t /CEO RE : Smoke F ree Locat i o n: US Dept of Housi ng & Ur ban Development , 451 7 & E St . SW // DEPSE C Conf . Rm. 1 0106 Sta r t : Fri 7/28/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Fri 7/28/20 17 11 : 45 AM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recu rr ence : (none) Org an iz e r: Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Bass, Deana ; Munir , Rafiq A; ' er ika . sward@lung . org '; Bregon , Ne ls o n R; Ammon , Matt h ew E ; ' Ann e . Di Giulio@Lung . org '; Blom , Dominiqu e G Opt i o n al Atte ndees : ' Bi ll Blatt '; ' Baumberger , James '; Gadhia , Ami Your mee ting upd ated . was found to be out of date and has Sent by Mic ro soft Exchange Server Fr om : Gadh i a , Ami Sent : Tuesday , Ju ly 25 , 2 0 1 7 4 : 29 PM To : Bass , Deana Subjec t : Accep te d : FW: HUD Mtg . W/ American President & American Lung Assoc . Preside n t/CEO Subject : been Academy a u tomatically of Pediatrics L Start : Fri 7/28/20 17 12 : 00 PM End : Fri 7/28/ 2 0 17 1:0 0 PM Show Time As : Out of Office /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000651 Recurrence Recurrence and Friday Organi : Week l y Pa tt e r n : every Monday , Tuesday from 1 2 : 00 PM t o 1: 00 PM zer : , Wednesday , Thu r sday , Bass , Deana & HUD/ED Subject : HUD, Dept . of ED Mtg . RE : Envision Centers Partnership Loca ti o n : Dept of Educa t ion , 400 Mary l a nd Ave SW, C St . Entr ance// Secre tary ' s Co n f . Rm ( secur i ty wil l call Mar th a Dav i s when HUD s t aff arri ves ) Star t : Mon 7/3 1/ 2017 3 : 00 PM End : Mon 7/31/2017 4 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta tiv e Rec urrence : (non e) Orga n iz e r: Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : ' Eb ony . Lee@ed . gov '; ' Davis , Mart ha' ; Br e g on , Ne lson R; Joy , J o hnson P ; Cos t a , Alfo nso A; Mun ir , Rafiq A; Holderf i e ld , Stephanie A Opt i o n a l Atte ndees : Ly le s , Sy lvia ; ' Bote l, Jason '; ' Richey , Kimberly ' Your meet ing up dated . was found to be out of date and has been a ut omatically Sent by Mic ro soft Exchange Server Subjec t: HUD, Dept . o f ED Mtg . RE : En v ision Ce nt ers & HUD/ED Partnership Loc a tio n : Dept of Education , 4 0 0 Mary lan d Ave SW, C St . En trance// Sec r etary ' s Conf . Rm (sec uri ty will ca ll Mar tha Davis whe n HUD sta ff arrives) Start : Mon 7/31/20 17 3 :0 0 PM End : Mon 7/31/20 17 4 : 0 0 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Or ga nizer : Bass , Deana Required At t e ndees : Nelso n R; Joy , Johnso n Holde rf ie l d , St ephan i e Opt i o n al Atte ndees : Kimberly ' Your meet i ng was updated . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT f ound ' Ebony . Lee@ed . gov '; ' Davis , Mart h a '; Bregon , P ; Cos t a , Alfo n so A; Mun i r , Rafiq A; A Ly l es , Sylvia to ; ' Bo te l , Jason be ou t o f date and h as ' ; been ' Richey , a u tomatical ly HUD-17-0504-E-000652 Sent by Microso ft Exchange Server Subject : Morni ng Meeting Loca tion : Secreta r y ' s Co nfere nce Room Start : Mon 9/4/2017 9 : 00 AM End : Mon 9/4/2017 9 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Recurrence 9 : 30 AM Meeting : Week ly Pattern : Status : Not every Monday and Wednesday from 9 : 00 AM to ye t re spo nde d Organizer : Clemmensen, Craig T Required Attend ees: Kasper, Mar en M; Greene, Bryan ; Cooke, Kevin R; Benison , John P ; Brooks , Towanda A; Hughes , Andrew ; Bass , Deana ; Eagles, Dav i d T; Mar zol , Adolfo F ; Kurtz , R . Hunter ; Gol ri ck , Jane t M; Ammon, Matthew E; Bregon , Nelson R; Timberlake , Courtney B; Su r ber , Keith W; Scott , Jimmy ; Hensley , Hen ry ; Blom , Dominique G; Lybe r g, Sarah A; McCullough, Aisa K; Greenwood, Sheila M; Holderfield , Step han ie A; McClu re, Laura L; St ayanov i c h, Jason E; Gaines , Ralph H; Bourne , Chr i stopher M; Richardson , Todd M; Thompson , Amy C Optional Attendees : Zorc , Bethany A; Joy , Johnson P; Hunter , Matthew F ; Wade , Dana T; Appleton , Seth D; Lin coln , Pau la A Subject : Loca tion : Morning Meeting Secre tary' s Co n ference Room St art : Wed 3/22/20 17 9 : 00 AM End : Wed 3/22/2017 9 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Recurrence 9 : 30 AM : Week l y Pattern : Meet i ng Status : Not every yet Monday and Wednesday from 9 : 00 AM to r esponded Organizer : Clemmensen , Craig T Required Atte ndees : Gol ric k , Janet M; Kasper , Mar en M; Ammon, Matthew E; Greene , Bryan ; Bregon , Nelson R; Timberlake , Court ne y B; Cooke , Kevin R; Surber , Keith W; Ben i son , John P ; Scott , J i mmy; Hensley , Henry ; Blom , Dominique G; Brooks , Towanda A; Lyberg , Sarah A; Hughes , Andrew ; McCullough , Aisa K; Greenwood, Sheila M; Holderfield, Ste phan i e A; McClure , Laura L; Stayanov i ch , Jason E; Bass , Deana ; Eagles , David T; Marzol , Adolfo F ; Kurtz, R . Hunter ; Gaines, Ralph H; Bourne , Christopher M; Richardson , Todd M; Joy, /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000653 Johnso n P ; Wade , Dana T; Appleton , Se th D; Lin coln , Paula Bethany A; Thompson , Arny C; Hun ter , Mat t h ew F A; Zorc , Subjec t: HUD, Dept . of Labor Mt g . RE : Envision Cen ters Partnership Locat i o n: Dept of Hous in g & Urba n Deve l opment , 451 7th Sma ll Conf . Room 1 02 1 0 & HUD/Labor St . SW, OSEC Start : Tue 8/1/2017 10 : 00 AM End : Tue 8/1/2017 11 : 00 AM Show Tim e As : Tenta ti ve Recurrence : (none) Organi z e r : Bass , Requ ir ed Atte ndees Al fonso A; Mun ir , T - ETA; Allenbach Your meeting updated . Deana : Brego n , Ne l so n R; Joy , Johnso n P; Costa , Rafiq A; Holderfie l d , S tepha n ie A; Harris , On dray , Tiffany S . - ETA was found to be ou t of date and h as been a u tomatical Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server Subject : HUD, Dept . of Labor Mtg . RE : En vision Ce n ters Partn e rship Locatio n: Dept o f Hous in g & Urban Deve l opment , 451 7th Sma ll Co nf. Room 1 02 1 0 S t art : Tue 8/1/20 1 7 10:00 End : Tue 8/1/2017 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence ly & HUD/ Labor St. SW, OSEC AM : (none) Organi z e r: Bass , Deana Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Bregon , Ne l so n R; Joy , Johnso n P ; Costa , Alf onso A; Munir , Ra fi q A; Holde rfi e l d , Stepha n ie A Your meeting up dated . was found to be out of d a te Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server Subjec t: Charlo t tesville travel Locat i o n: by phone #59 74 o r i n pe r son and has been automatically 10 2 2 6 Start : Tue 7/25/2017 4 : 00 PM End : Tue 7/25/20 17 4 : 15 PM Show Tim e As : Free Recu rrence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (no ne ) HUD-17-0504-E-000654 Organize Required r: Bass , Deana Attendees : Bregon, Your meeting updated. was found to be Nelson out of R date and has been Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server Subject : Env i sion Centers - call with Lynne Patton Duyne Loc ation : Conf . Line# 888 - 273 - 3658 CODE: l= Sent : Tues d ay , J u l y 25 , 2 0 1 7 12 : 02 PM To : Bass , Dea na Subjec t: Accepted : FW: HUD Mtg . W/ American Pres i de n t & Amer ican Lung Assoc . Pr es i de n t/CEO /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Ac ademy a ut omatical ly o f Pediatrics HUD-17-0504-E-000658 Subjec t : HUD Mtg. W/ American Academy of Ped i a tr ics President & Amer i ca n Lung Assoc . President/CEO Locatio n : US Dept of Housi ng & Urban Development , 451 7 & E St . SW // DEPSEC Conf . Rm. 101 0 6 Start : Fri 7/28/ 2 0 17 1 1 : 00 AM End : Fri 7/28/ 2 0 17 1 1 : 4 5 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attend ees : Bass , De ana ; Munir , Raf iq A; ' erika . sward@l ung . org '; Bregon , Nelso n R; Ammon , Matthew ' Anne.DiGiulio@ Lu ng . o r g ' Opt i o na l Atte ndees : Baumberger , James Your meeting up dated . was found to be out of d a te and has Sent by Mic ro soft Exchan ge Serv e r Fr om : Baumberger , James Sent : Tuesday , Ju ly 25 , 20 1 7 11 : 58 AM To : Bass , Deana Subjec t : Acc epte d : FW: HUD Mtg . W/ Ame rican President & American Lung Assoc. Preside n t/CEO been E; automatically Acad e my of Ped iatrics & Subject: HUD Mtg . W/ American Academy o f Ped iatr ics President American Lung Assoc . President/CEO Loca tion : US Dep t of Hou si ng & Ur ban Deve l opment , 451 7 & E St . SW // DEPSEC Conf . Rm. 1 0106 Start : Fri 7/28/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Fri 7/28/2017 11 : 45 AM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Recurrence : (none ) Organi zer : Bass, Deana Requ i r ed At tendees : Mun i r , Raf iq A; ' e r i k a . sward@l ung . org '; Bregon , Nelso n R; Ammon, Matt h ew E; ' Ann e . Di Giulio@ Lu ng .o rg ' Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and has been a ut oma t ically Sent by Microsoft Exc h a ng e Ser ver Subject : Env i s i o n Centers - (R . LEE) Loc ation : D. Bass Off ic e - Room 10226 /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000659 Start : Fri 7/28/2017 1 : 00 PM End : Fri 7/28/20 17 1:3 0 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Not yet r espo nded Organiz e r : Ga ines , Ralph H Requ i red Attendees : Bass, Subjec t: Loca tion : Envision D. Bass Deana Centers w/D . Bass & R . Gaines Offi ce - Room 10226 - (R . LEE ) Start : Fri 7/ 28/20 17 1:0 0 PM End : F ri 7/2 8 /20 17 1 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Organi zer : Gaines Requ i red Attendees Not ye t responded , Ralph H : Bass , Deana Subjec t: HUD Mt g . W/ American Academy of Ped i a tr ics President & Amer i ca n Lung Assoc . President/CEO Loc a tion : US Dept of Housing & Urban Development , 451 7 & E St . SW // DEPSEC Conf . Rm. 1 0106 Start : F r i 7/28/20 17 1 1 : 00 AM End : Fri 7/28/20 17 1 1 :4 5 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurre n ce : (none) Organ iz e r : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Munir , Rafiq A; ' er ik a . sward@lu ng . org '; . org ' Bregon , Nelson R; Ammon, Matthew E ; ' Anne . DiGiulio@Lung Your meeting updated . was found to be ou t of Sent by Mi crosoft Excha ng e Se rv e r 3 Mtg . w/Sinclair Su bject : Section Infr astructure Developmen t Locat ion : Dept of Hous in g & Urban Rm. 1 0226 Start : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Tue 8/29/2017 date and h as been Cooper , President a u tomatical ly , Pub l ic Deve l opment , 451 7&E St. SW// 2 : 30 PM HUD-17-0504-E-000660 End : Tue 8/29/20 Show Tim e As : 17 3 :0 0 PM Ten tativ e Rec urr ence : (non e) Orga n iz e r: Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Attendees : s i nc l ai r. coope r@huntcompa ni es . co m; Campbell Cynthi a F; Munir , Ra fiq A; El len Shyma nsky Your meeti ng was f ound updated . to be out o f da t e and Sen t by Mi crosoft Exch a nge Se rver Subject : Sect i on 3 Mtg . w/S i nclai Infr astruc ture Deve l opme n t Loca t ion : Dep t of Housing & Ur ban Rm. 1 0226 r Coope r, h as been a ut oma t ical , ly Pres i dent , Publ i c Dev elopme nt , 451 7&E St . SW// Start : Tue 8/29/20 17 2 :3 0 PM End : Tu e 8/29/2017 3 : 0 0 PM Show Time As : Te n tat iv e Recurrence : (none ) Or ga niz e r : Ba ss, Dea na Requ ir ed Attendees : sinc l a ir.c Cynthia F ; Munir , Ra fiq A; El len Your meeting updated . was found to b e out oope r@hun tcom pa nie s . co m; Campbell Shyma n s ky of date and has b een , automatically Sent by Microsoft Ex change Server Sub je c t: Sec ti o n 3 Mt g . w/Sinclair Coope r , President , Pub lic In f ras tru cture Deve l opme n t Locat i o n: Dept of Hous i ng & Urba n Deve l opment , 451 7&E St . SW// Rm. 10 226 Tue 8/29/20 17 2 : 30 PM Star t: End : Tue 8/29/ 2 0 17 3 : 0 0 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none ) Organ iz e r: Bass , Deana Requ ir ed Attendees : sinclair . cooper@ h untcompa ni es . com ; Campbel l, Cynthia F ; Mun ir , Rafi q A; Ellen Shymansky Your meet i ng was f ound upda ted . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT to be ou t o f date and h as been a u tomatical ly HUD-17-0504-E-000661 Sent by Mic rosoft Exc hang e Server Subject : Section 3 Mt g . w/Sincla ir Cooper , Pr es id e nt , Pub li c In f ras truc ture Deve l opme n t Locat i o n: Dept of Hous i ng & Urba n Deve l opment , 451 7&E St . SW// Rm. 1 0226 Sta r t : Tue 8/29/2017 2 : 30 PM End : Tue 8/29/20 17 3 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Ten tati ve Rec urr ence : (non e) Organi zer : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed At tendees : s i nc l a ir. coope r @h untcompa Cynthi a F; Mun i r , Ra fiq A; Ellen Shyma nsk y Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be out o f date Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a nge Se rver Subject : Sect i on 3 Mtg . w/Sinclair Infr astruc ture Deve l opme n t Lo cation : Dept o f Housing & Ur ban Rm. 1022 6 and ni es . com ; Campbel l, h as been a ut omatical ly Cooper , Pres i dent , Publ i c Develo pme nt , 451 7 &E St . SW// S t art : Tue 8/29/20 17 2 :3 0 PM End : Tue 8/29/20 17 3:00 PM Show Time As : Te nta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none ) Or ga niz er : Bass , Dea na Required Attendees : ' sinclai r . cooper@huntcompanies Campbell , Cynt h ia F ; Muni r , Rafiq A Your meeting updated . was found t o be out of date Sent by Mic ro so f t Ex ch a nge Server Subjec t: Sec ti o n 3 Loca tion : OSEC Small Co nf. Rm. 10210 // ACCESS CODE: !/b\/6\ I PASSWORD: liiillm:J and has Co nf. . co m' ; b een Li ne# automat ic a l ly 888-273-3658 Sta r t : Wed 7/26/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 7/26/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentat i ve Recu rr ence : Weekly /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000662 Recurrence Pa tt e r n : every Wednesday from 2 : 00 PM t o 2 : 30 PM Org a nizer : Bass , Deana Req uir e d At tendees : Bass , Dea na ; Patton , Lynne M; Bregon , Ne l son R; Smyth, Ti moth y M; Kasper , Ma r en M; Bastarac he , Danielle L; Costa , Alf onso A; Munir , Ra fi q A; Gr u so n , Ba r ba r a ; Norlander , Adam G; Golr i c k , Jane t M; Cl emmen sen , Cr a i g T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Nicho l sd ix on , Merr i e ; Thomas , Tod d C ; Chr ist e ns en , Eric F; Franceschini - Petty , Raquel ; Williams , Rap h a e l L ; Hold erfield , Stephanie A; Co ffey , Alexa nde r; Hobbs , Ben j amin R; Ha r dy IV , Stan l ey ; Bour n e , Chr i s t opher M; Taffet , Cli fford ; Sch ul ho f , Ma ry T ; Mo r ton , Robert B Your meeting upd a ted. was found to be out of d a te and h as been a ut omatically dat e and has been automatica Sent by Mic r osoft Exc h an ge Server Subjec t: Cof f ee St art : Tue 7/25/ 2 0 17 10 : 3 0 AM End : Tu e 7/25/2017 11 : 1 5 AM Show Time As : F r ee Recurrence : (none ) Or ga niz e r : Bass , Dea na Requ ir ed Attendees : Kurtz Your meeting updated . Sent by Subject Loca t io ACCESS was found t o be , R . Hun ter out of Mic rosoft Ex chang e Server : Section 3 n: OSEC Small Co nf. Rm. 10210 // ! PASSWORD: lllii@J CODE: !{b){6) Co nf . Line# l ly 888-273-3658 S t art : Wed 7/26/20 17 2 : 0 0 PM End : Wed 7/26/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence : Week l y Re curr en ce Pa tte rn : eve r y Wednesday Organizer : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Attendees : Bass , Deana ; R; Smyt h, Timot h y M; Kasper , Maren Alfonso A; Munir , Rafiq A; Gr uson , Golr i c k, Janet M; Cl emmensen , Cr aig Me r r i e ; Thomas , Todd C ; Ch r i ste n sen Raquel ; Wil li ams , Rap h ael L ; Holderf /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Patton , Lynne M; Br egon , Nelson M; Bastarac h e , Danie lle L; Co sta , Barbara ; Norlander , Adam G; T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Nicho l sdixon , , Eric F ; Fr a n cesc hin i-Petty , i eld , Stephanie A; Co ffey , HUD-17-0504-E-000663 Ale x a nder ; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Har dy IV , Stan l ey ; Bour n e , Chr i stopher M; Taffet , Cl ifford ; Schulhof , Mary T ; Mor ton , Robert B Your meeting updated. was found to be out of date and has been Sent by Mic ro so ft Exchange Server Subjec t: Env i sion Centers - call with Lynne Pa tt on Duyne Lo cation : Conf . Line# 888 - 273 - 3658 CODE: ! Sent : Tuesday , Ju l y 25 , 20 1 7 8 :4 2 AM To : Bass , Dea na Subjec t: Dec line d : Sec tion 3 Mtg. w/Sinc la ir Cooper , President Publ i c I nfra str u cture Developme nt P Please cons id er the environment before print in g this , e-mail This e - mail , including a ll information contained therein and any attac hmen ts , is intended so lely for the person or entity to which it is addressed a n d may co n ta i n co n f i dential and/or pr i vileged ma ter ia l . If you are not an intended recipient, or an agen t responsible for delivering it to an intended recipien t, you have received this email in erro r . In such event , please immediate l y (i) n ot if y the se nder by rep l y emai l , (ii) do not review, copy , save , forward or print th i s ema il or any of its attachments , and (i ii ) delete and/or des tro y this email and its a tt achmen t s and all copies the r eof . Any review , retransmission , disseminat i on or othe r use of , or taking o f a ny act ion in relia nce upo n, any e-mail sent in error , inc l udi ng all information contai n ed therein a nd any attachments , by persons or entities other th an the intended recipient is prohibited . Please visit our website a t www.h untcompanies . com for important inf o r mat i on about ou r pr i vacy po li cies . For your protect i on, p l ease do no t transmit accou nt in f ormation or i n struc t ions by e-mail or inc l ude accou nt n umbe r s , Soc i al Securi ty numbe r s , credit card numbers , passwords or other personal in f ormation . Subject: Coffee Sta r t : Tue 7/25/2017 11 : 30 AM End : Tue 7/25/2017 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentat iv e Recu rr ence : (none) Organizer Requ i red : Bass , Deana Attendees : Byrd , Dav id Your meeting updated. /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was found to be out of J date and has been automatically HUD-17-0504-E-000665 Sen t by Microsoft Sub j ec t: Coffee Ex c h a nge Se rver St a r t : Tu e 712512017 11 : 30 AM End : Tue 712512017 12 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta ti ve Rec urre n ce : (none ) Organi zer: Bass , Deana Requ ir ed At t e ndees : Byrd , Dav i d J Your mee ting upd a te d . was found to be out of d a te and h as been Sent by Mic ro soft Exchan ge Server Subjec t: Envision Cente r s - call with Lynne Patton Duyne CODE: ! Sent : Monday , Ju ly 24 , 20 17 4 : 16 PM To : Bass , Deana Subject : Accepted : ** TO RESCHEDULE Sect i on 3 Mtg . w/S i nc l ai r Cooper , Pres i de n t , Public In f rastruct u re Development I am not in DC the week of 7/31 P : Please cons id e r the envi r onmen t before /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT printing this e - mail HUD-17-0504-E-000667 This attac e - mail, including a ll information contained therein and any hmen ts , is intended so le ly for the person or entity to which it is addressed a n d may conta i n conf i dential and/o r pr i vileged material. If you are n ot an int ended recipient , or an agent responsible for delivering it to an intended recipient , you have received this email in e rror . In such event, please immediately (i) notify the se nde r by rep l y emai l , (ii) do not review, copy , save , forward or print th i s ema il or a ny of its attachments , a n d ( i ii ) delete and/or destroy this email and its a tt achmen t s and all copies thereof . Any review , retransmission , disseminat i on or othe r use of , or taking o f a n y act i o n in reliance upon , any e-mail sent in error , inc l uding a ll information con t ained therein a nd any a tt achmen t s , by persons or entities othe r th an the i ntended recip i ent is prohibited . Please visit our website a t www.h untcompanies . com for important infor mat ion about our privacy policies . Fo r your protect ion , please do not transmit accou nt information or instruc t ions by e-mail or inc l ude account numbers , Soc i al Security numbers , credit card numbers , passwords or other personal information . Subject : Env i sion Centers - call with Lynne Patton Duyne Lo cation : Conf . Line# 888 - 273 - 3658 CODE: l=Cb=}C= 6}.__. // 3 : 00 EST & Beth Van PASSWORD: ~ S t art : Thu 7/27/20 17 3 : 00 PM End : Thu 7/27/20 17 3:30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Organizer Required Matthew : (none) : Bass , Deana Attendees : Patton , Lynne M; Van Duyne , Be th A; Hunter , F Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and has been Sent by Mic ro so ft Exchange Server Subjec t: Envision Centers - call with Lynne Patton Duyne Location : Conf. Line # 888-27 3-3658 CODE: icb} /6} // 3 : 00 EST automatically & Be th Van PASSWORD: iiliifilL! Start : Thu 7/27/20 17 3 :0 0 PM End : Thu 7/27/20 17 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000668 Recurrence Organizer Required : (none) : Bass , Deana Attendees : Patton Your meeting updated . was found to , Lynn e M; Van Duyne , Beth be out of date and has been A automatically Sent by Microsoft Exchange Serve r Subject : Section 3 Mtg . w/Sinclair Cooper , President , Pub l ic Infr astructu r e Development Loca tion : Dept of Housi ng & Urba n Development , 451 7&E St. SW// Rm. 10226 S t art : Mon 7/31/20 17 1 1 : 00 AM End : Mon 7/3 1/20 17 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Requ i red Atte ndees : ' sinclair . coope r @huntcompanies Campbell , Cynthia F ; Mu nir , Rafiq A Your meeting updated. was found to be out of date and has Sent by Mic ro soft Exchange Server From : Sinc l air Cooper Cooper , President, printing this e-mail This e - mail , including all informa t ion contained therei n and any attachments , is int ended solely for the pe r son or ent i ty to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or priv il eged mate rial . If you are not an intended recipien t, or an agent r esponsible for del i vering i t to an i ntended recipient , you have received th is email in error . In such event , please immediate ly (i) notify the sender by reply emai l , (ii) do not review , copy , save , forward or print th i s email or any o f its attac hments , and (i ii) delete and/or destroy this email and its attachments and al l cop i es thereof . Any review , retransmission , dissemination or other use of , or taking of any action in relianc e upon , any e - mail sent in erro r , /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000669 inc l udi ng all information contained therein and any attachments , by persons or en titi es o th e r tha n the i nte n ded recip i ent i s prohibited . Please visit our website a t www. h untcompanies . com for import ant infor mat ion about ou r privacy policies . For your protect ion , pl ease do no t transmit accou nt information or i n struc t ions by e-mail or inc l ude accou nt n umbe r s , Soc i al Secur ity numbe r s , cred i t card n umbe r s , passwords or other personal in formatio n. Subjec t : Infrastructure Lo cation : Rm. 10 226 Sect i on 3 Mtg . w/Sinclair Deve lo pment Dept of Housing & Ur ban Cooper , President Development , Public , 451 7&E St . SW// Start : Mon 7/31/20 17 1 1 : 00 AM End : Mon 7/31/20 17 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attende es : ' sincla i r . cooper@huntcompanies Campbel l , Cynthia F ; Munir , Rafiq A Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and has . com ' ; been automatica l ly Sent by Microso ft Excha ng e Server Subject : ** TO RESCHEDULE Section 3 Mtg . w/Sinclair Cooper , President , Public Infrastructure Development Locatio n : Dept of Hous i ng & Urban Deve l opment , 451 7&E St . SW// Rm. 1 0226 Start : Tue 7/25/2017 1:00 End : Tue 7/25/20 17 1:45 PM Show Time As : Tentat iv e Recurrence PM : (none) Org anize r : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : ' sinclair . cooper@huntcompanies Campbel l , Cynth ia F; Munir , Raf iq A Your meeting up dated . was found to be out of date Sent by Microsoft Ex c h a ng e Se rv e r Subject: HUD Mtg . W/ American Academy American Lung Assoc . President/CEO /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT and has . com ' ; been o f Pediatrics automatically President & HUD-17-0504-E-000670 Location : US Dept of Housing // DEPSEC Conf . Rm. 1 0106 & Urban Development , 451 7 & E St . SW Start : Fri 7/28/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Fri 7/28/2017 11 : 45 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Requ i red Attendees : Mun i r , Rafiq A; ' er i ka . sward@lung . org '; Bregon, Nelson R; Ammon , Matthew E ; Anne . DiGiulio@Lung . org Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and has been Sent by Microsoft Exchange Serve r Subject : HUD Mtg . W/ Amer ican Academy of Ped i atrics American Lung Assoc . President/CEO Loc ation : US Dept of Housing & Urban Deve l opment , 451 // DEPSEC Conf . Rm. 10106 automatically President & 7 & E St . SW Start : Fri 7/28/20 17 11 : 00 AM End : Fri 7/28/20 17 11 :4 5 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer Required Brego n, : (none) : Bass , Deana Attendees : Muni r , Rafiq A; ' erika . sward@ l ung . org '; Nelso n R; Ammon, Matthew E ; Ann e . DiG i ulio@Lung . org Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and has been Sent by Microso ft Exchange Server From : Bregon , Nelson R Sent : Monday , July 24 , 2017 2 : 20 PM To : Bass , Deana Subject : Accepted : HUD Mtg . W/ American Academy President & American Lung Assoc . President/CEO Subject : Loc ation : !(b)(6) I Start : End : Tue /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Update on Section Conference cal l Host : llliRfilJ 3 and Envision Centers Dial - i n ; 877 - 336 - 1280 of automatically Pediatrics Access Code : Tue 7/25/ 20 17 4 : 30 PM 7/25/2017 5 : 30 PM HUD-17-0504-E-000671 Show Time As : Recurrence : (none) Meeting Status Tenta tive : Organ iz e r: Hunter Required Attendees Joseph J ; Cleve lan Opt i o n al Attendees Not ye t re spo nde d , Matthew F : Bass , Deana ; Patton, d - Leggett , Denise C; Van : Bregon , Nelso n R Lynne Duyne, M; De Felice Beth A , Dia l - in : 877 - 336 - 1280 Access Host : Code : ~l< b=)(=6) ._____. 0illfilJ Subject : HUD Mtg. W/ Ame rican Academy of Pedia t rics American Lung Assoc . Pre siden t /CEO Locatio n: US Dept of Housi ng & Urban Development , 451 // DEPSEC Conf . Rm. 10106 President & 7 & E St . SW Sta r t : Fri 7/28/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Fri 7/28/2017 11 : 45 AM Show Time As : Tentat iv e Recu rr ence : (none) Organize r: Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Munir, Rafiq A; ' erika . sward@ l ung . org '; Bregon , Nelson R; Ammon , Matthew E ; Anne . DiGiulio@Lung . org Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be out o f date and h as been Sent by Microsoft Excha ng e Serve r Subject : HUD Mtg . W/ American Academy of Ped i at r ics American Lung Assoc . President/CEO Loc ation : US Dept of Hous i ng & Urban Deve lopm ent, 451 // DEPSEC Conf . Rm. 1 0106 automatically President & 7 & E St . SW Start : Fri 7/28/20 17 1 1 : 00 AM End : Fri 7/28/2017 11 : 45 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required At tendees : Munir , Rafiq A; ' er ik a . sward@lu Bregon , Nelso n R; Ammon, Matthew E ; An n e . DiG i ulio@Lung /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT ng. org '; . o rg HUD-17-0504-E-000672 Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be out o f date and h as been automatically Sent by Mi crosoft Excha ng e Serve r Subject: HUD Mtg . W/ American Academy of Ped i at r ics President & American Lung Assoc . President/CEO Location : US Dept of Housing & Urban Deve l opment, 451 7 & E St . SW // DEPSEC Conf . Rm. 1010 6 St art : Fri 7/28/20 17 11 : 00 AM End : Fri 7/28/2017 11 : 45 AM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : (none) Organiz e r : Bass , Dea na Required Atte ndees : Munir , Rafiq A; ' erika . sward@lung . org '; Bregon , Ne l so n R; Ammon, Matt h ew E ; Anne . DiG i ulio@Lung . o r g Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and has been automatically Sent by Mic ro so f t Exchange Server Subjec t: HUD Mtg . W/ American Academy of Ped i a tr ics President & Amer i ca n Lung Assoc . President/CEO Location : US Dept of Housing & Urban Development , 451 7 & E St . SW // DEPSEC Conf . Rm. 1 0106 Start : Fri 7/28/2017 1 1 : 00 AM End : Fri 7/28/20 17 1 1 : 45 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organ iz e r: Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Munir , Rafiq A; ' erika . sward@ l ung . org '; Bregon , Nelson R; Ammon, Matthew E ; Anne . DiGiul i o@Lung . org Your meeting updated. was found to be out of date and h as been Sent by Mi crosoft Exchange Serve r Fro m: Erika Sward Sent : Monday, July 24 , 2017 1 : 24 PM To : Bass, Deana Subject : Accepted : HUD Mtg . W/ Amer i ca n Academy & American Lung Assoc. President/CEO President /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT of automatical ly Pediatrics HUD-17-0504-E-000673 Subjec t: HUD Mtg . W/ Ameri can Academy of Ped i atrics President & American Lung Assoc . President/CEO Loc ation : US Dept of Hous i ng & Urban Deve l opment , 451 7 & E St . SW // DEPSEC Conf . Rm. 1 0106 Start : Fr i 7/ 28/20 17 11 : 00 AM End : Fri 7/28/20 17 1 1 :4 5 AM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurre n ce : (non e ) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Muni r , Rafiq A; ' er ik a . sward@lung . org '; Brego n, Nelso n R; Ammon, Matt h ew E; Ann e . Di Gi ulio@Lung . o r g Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and has been automatically Sent by Mic ro so ft Exchange Server Subject : HUD Mt g . W/ American Academy o f Pediatrics President & Amer i can Lung Assoc . Presiden t /CEO Loca t i on : US Dep t of Housing & Urban Deve lo pment , 45 1 7 & E St . SW // DEPSEC Conf . Rm. 1 0106 Start : Fri 7/28/20 17 1 1 : 00 AM End : Fr i 7/28/ 20 17 11 :4 5 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Organize Required r: Bass , Deana Attendees : Mun ir , Rafiq Your meeting updated . was found to be out A; of date ' erika . sward@ l ung . org ' and has been automatically Sent by Microsoft Exc h ange Serve r Subject : Update o n Sectio n 3 and Env i sio n Centers Loc ation : Conference call Dial - in ; 877 - 336 - 1280 Access !(b)(6l I Host : !lliRill Code : Start : Mon 7/24/2017 1 : 15 PM End : Mon 7/24/ 20 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) Status : Not yet responded HUD-17-0504-E-000674 Organi zer : Hunte r , Matthew F Requ i r ed Attendees : Bass , Deana ; Patton , Lynne M; DeFe l i ce , Josep h J ; Cleve lan d - Leggett , Den ise C ; Van Duyne , Bet h A Optional Attend ees : Bregon , Nelson R Di a l - in : 877-336Access 1 280 b=l{=6}.____. Cod e : ~k Host : l!fil@J Subject : President Loca tion : & Section 3 Mtg . with American Academy American Lung Assoc . Presid en t/CEO US Dep t of Hou si ng & Urban Developmen of Pediatrics t, 451 7th St . SW Start : Fri 7/28/20 17 1 1 : 00 AM End : F ri 7/2 8 /20 17 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer Required : Bass , Deana Attend ees : Muni r , Rafiq Your meeting updated . was Sent by Mi crosoft Subject: Boys Partnership Locatio n : Dept at So uth Lobby) found to be A; ou t of Exc h ange Server & Gir ls Clubs of ' e rika date and . sward@ l ung . org ' has been Americ a / Detro it o f Hous i ng & Urba n Deve l opment OSEC Sma ll Co n f . Rm. 1021 0 a u tomatical Concept 451 7th ly & HUD St . SW (e n ter Start : Thu 7/27/2017 11 : 30 AM End : Thu 7/27/2017 12 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tentat iv e Recurrence : (none ) Organi zer : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed At tendees : ' Bill Bright '; Br egon , Ne l son Stepha n ie A; Costa , Alfo n so A; Gtolbert@bgca . org Your meeting updated . was Sent by Mi crosoft Subject : Boys Partners hi p /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT found to be out of da t e and Exc h a nge Ser ver & Gi rl s Cl ubs o f America/ has been R ; Hol derfield, a ut oma t ically Detro i t Concept & HUD HUD-17-0504-E-000675 Loca tion at South : De pt Lobby) of Hous ing OSEC Small & Urba n De velopmen Co n f . Rm. 1021 0 t 451 7 th St . SW (enter Start : Thu 7/27/2017 11 : 30 AM End : Thu 7/27/2017 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta tiv e Rec urre nce : (none ) Or ganizer : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Attendees : ' Bill St ephanie A; Costa , Alfonso Your meeti upd a ted. ng was Sen t by Mic rosoft Subject : Boys Partnership Location : Dept at South Lob by) fo un d to Br i g h t '; Br e g on , Ne l son A; Gto lb ert@ bgca . org be out o f date Exch a nge Server & Girls Cl ub s o f Ame ri ca/ of Housing OSEC Small and h as R ; Holderfield bee n a ut oma t ical Det r o i t Concept & Ur ban Develo pme nt Con f . Rm. 1 02 10 451 7 th , ly & HUD St . SW (ente r Start : Thu 7/27/20 17 1 1 : 30 AM End : Th u 7/27/ 2 0 17 12 : 00 PM Show Ti me As : Te n tat i ve Recurr e n ce : (none ) Organizer : Bass , Deana Req uir e d Att endees : ' Bi ll Br i ght '; Br eg on , Ne lson Stepha n i e A; Costa , Alfonso A; Gtolbert@bgca . org Your meeting updated . was found t o b e out of date a n d has R; been Holderf automat i e ld , i ca l l y Sent by Mic ros o ft Ex change Server Subject : Boys & Girl s Clubs of Ame rica/ De troi t Co nc ept & HUD Par tnership Loca tion : Dep t of Hous in g & Urban Deve l opment 451 7th S t . SW (e nt e r at South Lob by) OSEC Small Co n f . Rm. 10210 Star t : Thu 7/27/2017 11 : 30 AM End : Thu 7/27/2017 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta tiv e Rec urr en ce : (non e) Orga n iz e r: Bass , Deana Required Atte nd ee s : Bill St ep ha n i e A; Costa , Alfonso /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Br i gh t ; Br egon , Nelson R ; Hold erfield , A HUD-17-0504-E-000676 Your meeting updated . was found Sent by Mi crosoft Subject : Coffee to be out of date and h as been a ut omatical ly and h as been a ut omatical ly and has automat Exch a ng e Server Star t : Tue 7/25/2017 10 : 30 AM End : Tue 7/25/ 2 0 17 1 1 : 1 5 AM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence : (none) Organ iz e r : Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Kurtz , R . Hunte r Your meeting up dated . was f ound Sent by Mi crosoft Subject : Coffee to Exch a nge be out o f date Se rver Sta r t : Tu e 7/25/2017 1 0 : 30 AM End : Tue 7/25/2017 1 1 : 1 5 AM Sho w Time As : Tenta ti ve Recurrence : (none ) Organi zer : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Attendees : Kurtz , R . Hun t e r Your meeting upd a ted. was Sent by Microsoft Subjec t: Boys Partnership Locatio n : Dept at South Lobby ) found to be out of date Exchange Server & Gir l s Cl ub s o f America/ been Detro i t Concep t of Hous in g & Urban Deve lo pment OSEC Small Conf . Rm. 1 0210 4 51 7th i ca lly & HUD St . SW (e n ter Start : Thu 7/27/2017 11 : 30 AM End : Thu 7/ 27/20 17 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Org a nizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none ) : Bass , Deana HUD-17-0504-E-000677 Required Attendees Stepha n ie A; Costa Your meet ing up dated . was Sent by Microsoft Subjec t: Boys Partnership Locatio n : Dept at South Lob b y ) : Bill , Alfonso found to Br ight A be out ; Breg on , Nelson of date Exchan ge Server & Girls Cl ubs o f America/ and h as R; Ho l der fie ld , been Detro it of Hous in g & Urba n Deve lo pment OSEC Small Conf . Rm. 1 0210 automatically Concep t 4 51 7th & HUD St . SW (e nt er Star t : Thu 7/27/20 17 11 : 30 AM End : Thu 7/27/20 17 12: 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Org a nizer : Bass, Deana Required Attendees : Bill Stephan i e A; Costa , Alfonso Your meeting updated . was Sent by Mic rosoft Subject: Boys Partnership Locatio n : Dept at So uth Lobby) found to Br i g ht ; Bregon, A be ou t of Exc h ange Server & Gir ls Clubs of date and Ne l son R; Holde rfi e l d , h as a u tomatical been Americ a / Detro it o f Hous in g & Urban Deve l opment OSEC Sma ll Co n f . Rm. 1021 0 Concept 451 7th St. ly & HUD SW (enter Sta r t : Thu 7/27/2017 11 : 30 AM End : Thu 7/27/2017 12 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tentat iv e Recurrence : (none ) Organi zer : Bass, Deana Requ ir ed At tendees : Bill Brigh t ; Bregon, Stepha n ie A; Costa , Alfo n so A Your meeting updated. was Sent by Mi crosoft Subjec t : Boys Partners hi p /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT found to be out of date Exc h a nge Ser ver & Gi rl s Cl ubs o f America/ Nelson and has R; Ho l derf i eld , been a ut oma t ically Det r o i t Concept & HUD HUD-17-0504-E-000678 Location : Dept at South Lobby) of Housing OSEC Small & Urba n Deve l opment Conf . Rm. 10210 451 7th St . SW (enter Start : Thu 7/27/2017 11 : 30 AM End : Thu 7/27/2017 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer Requ i red Stephanie : (none) : Bass, Deana Attendees : Bill A; Costa , Alfonso Your meeting updated. was Sent by Microsoft Subject : Boys Partnership Loca tion: Dept at South Lobby) found Bright A to Exchange & Girls be out of Server Clubs of date America/ , Nelson and has R; Holderfield, been automatically Detro i t Concept & Ur ban of Housing OSEC Small Development Conf . Rm. 10210 Start : Thu 7/27/20 17 11:30 End : Thu 7/27/20 17 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence ; Bregon 451 7th & HUD St . SW (enter AM : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Bill Stepha n ie A; Costa , Alfonso Your meeting updated . was found to Bright A be out ; Bregon of date , Nelson and has R; Holderfield been Sent by Microso ft Exchange Server Subject : Update on Section 3 and Envision Centers Loca tion : Con fer ence call Dial-in ; 877-336-1280 !(b)(6l I Host : ~ , automatically Access Code : Start : Mon 7/24/2017 1 : 00 PM End : Mon 7/24/2017 2 : 15 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) Status : : Hunter Not yet , Matthew responded F HUD-17-0504-E-000679 Requ i red Atte ndees : Bass , Deana ; Patton , Ly nn e M; DeFel i ce , Josep h J ; Cl eveland-Leggett , Den ise C; Van Duy n e , Beth A Optional Attendees : Bregon , Nelson R Dia l - i n: Access Host : 877-336-1280 Code : '= /b=\/=6\.__. lilillfilJ Subjec t: Location : PRE-BRIEF on INSIGHT Ameri ca SOHUD' s office speech Start : Mon 7/24/2017 2 : 30 PM End : Mon 7/24/20 17 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Meet in g Status : Not yet r espo nded Organizer : DocBen DocBen ; Williams , Raphael L; Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Soler , Patr i cia A; Por t anova , Kevin M; Opt i o n a l Atte ndees : Holderfield , Stephan i e A; Mil ls , Al li son F ; Thompson , Amy C Subject : Sect i o n 3 Location : OSEC Sma l l Conf . Rm. 102 1 0 // ACCESS CODE: !/b\/6\ I PASSWORD: lilillfilJ Conf . Line# 888 - 273 - 3658 Start : Wed 7/26/20 17 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 7/26/20 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurre Recurre n ce : Week ly n ce Patte r n : every Wednesday from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Bass , Deana ; Patton , Lynne M; Bregon , Nelson R; Smyth , Ti moth y M; Kasper , Mar en M; Bastarac h e , Danielle L; Costa , Alfonso A; Muni r , Rafiq A; Gruso n, Barba r a ; Norlander , Adam G; Golrick , Janet M; Cl emmensen , Craig T ; Jacob s , Az tec ; Nicho l sdixon , Merri e ; Thomas , Todd C; Ch ri stensen , Er ic F ; Franceschini - Petty , Raquel ; Williams , Raphael L; Hold erfield , Stephanie A; Coffey , Alexa nder ; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Hardy IV , Stanley ; Bourne , Christopher M; Taffet , Cli fford ; Sch u lhof , Mary T ; Morton , Robert B Your meeting updated . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was found to be out of date and has been automatically HUD-17-0504-E-000680 Sen t by Mi crosoft Ex c h a nge Se rver Fr om : Smyth , Timothy M Sent : Sa tur day, July 22, 2017 6 : 52 PM To : Bass , De ana Dec line d : Sec tion Subjec t: 3 Sub j ec t: Locatio n: Canceled: Publ i c Affairs Sta ff Mo r n i ng Staf f Meet i ng A/S ' s o ff ice (d ia l - i n det ail s within) Star t : F r i 7/21/20 17 10 : 00 AM End : Fri 7/21/ 2 0 17 10 : 30 AM Show Time As : F ree Recurrence : Weekl y Recurrence Pa tt e r n : Occurs AM e ff ect i ve 2/2 7/ 20 1 7 . Meeting Status : Not y et e v ery respond weekday fr om 10 : 00 AM t o 10 : 30 ed Org an iz e r : Su lliv a n , Br i a n E Required Atte ndees : Blunt , Brian L; Brown , Jereon M; Coleman, Eileen C; Long (Ct r ), Deon ; Miller , Mi t c he ll E ; Se nsen e y , Philomena C; Adams , Sco tt; Hardy I V, Sta n l e y ; Adc o ck , Cy n t h ia D; Reinhard, Dav id L; Mayo , Sammy E ; Brandao , Eli sabete T; Gaona , Ma r ia E; Strot h e r s , Le th a E; Hawkins , Sherrill N; Gadso n , Jove tt e G; Jo hn son , Joanne L; Goodloe , Shantae M; Howar d , Br enton E; AMOS, WILLI AM L; Brown , April A; Liu , Hang ; Savoye , Hel en A; Williams , Raphael L; Thompso n , Amy C; Gr ib bi n , Wil lia m J ; Sho sky , Jo hn E; Bass , Dea n a ; Thompso n , Ca i tl i n H; Br a x ton , Kia L Opt i o na l Atte ndees : Barton, Victoria L; LOGAN, LEAH M Subj ect : Loca tion : HOLD/ DOL Envision DOL Cente rs Mtg . St art : Mon 7/31/20 17 1 : 30 PM End : Mon 7/3 1/20 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Ten t a t ive Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Bregon , Ne l so n R; Joy , Johnso n P ; Cos t a , Alf onso A; Munir , Ra fi q A; Holde rfi e l d , Stepha n ie A Your mee ting upd ated . was found to be out of date and has been automatically Sent by Mic ro so ft Exc h ange Server Subjec t: HOLD/ DOL Envision Ce nter s Mtg . Locat i o n : DOL Start : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Mon 7/3 1/20 17 1 : 30 PM HUD-17-0504-E-000681 End : Mon 7/3 1 /2017 2 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Ten tativ e Rec urr ence : (non e) Orga n iz e r: Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Attendees : Bregon , Ne l so n R; Joy , Johnso n P; Costa , Alfonso A; Munir , Ra fiq A; Holde r fie l d , S te phanie A Your meeti ng was f ound up dated . to be out o f da t e and h as been Sen t by Mi crosoft Exch a nge Se rver From : Bregon , Ne l so n R Sent : F ri day , Ju l y 21 , 2 0 17 9 : 19 AM To : Bas s, Dea na Subjec t: Accep te d : HOLD/ DOL Env is i on Ce nters Subject : Loc ation : MEET with YMCA o f Ce n t ral SOHUD' s Office a ut oma t ical ly Mtg. Florida/USA S t a rt : Thu 7/27/ 2 0 17 10 : 3 0 AM End : Thu 7/27/2017 11 : 00 AM Sho w Time As : Ten tative Recurrence : (none ) Meet i ng Status : Not Organiz e r: DocBe n Requ ir ed Atte ndees : yet responded Bass , Dean a; Brego n , Nel so n R; Cos t a, Alfonso A Top i c : discuss Loca ti o n: Envi s i on Centers YMCA of Central Fl or i da 433 N. Mi ll s Ave , Orlando P 4 07 896 92 2 0 e xt . 2 37 E whumph r ey@cfymca . org centralflor ida ymca . org pVERSIGHT Section 3 SOHUD' s o ffi ce POC: Wayne Humphre y , Sen ior /\MERICAi\ and Vice Preside n t o f Pub lic , FL 32803 D 407 895 - 4281 W HUD-17-0504-E-000682 External Attendees : YMCA of Central Florida : Dan Wilcox, President/Chief Execu t iv e Officer , Coll ee n Manahan , Chi e f Financial Offi cer , Wayne Humphrey , Sen i or Vice- Pre sident Public Po licy . YMCA of the Uni ted States o f America : Mr. Neal Denton , Sr . Vi cePreside n t and Ch ief Government Affa i rs Officer . Inter na l Atte ndees : Deana Or i g in of Mee ting: Subjec t: Deana Bass and and Nelson Bregon Nelson FW: ** WEBTA DUE TODAY (l ink enc l osed) Start : Fri 7/21/ 2 0 17 4 :0 0 PM End : Fri 7/21/20 17 4 :3 0 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Recurrence 4 : 30 PM Organi zer: Your meeting updated . : (none) Pa tt e r n : Flei sc her, was found Updated meeting St a r t Ti me End Time every 2 week(s) on Friday from 4 : 00 PM to La ur a A to details be out of date and h as been automatical ly : Sent by Mi crosoft Ex cha ng e Server Subject : HOLD/ DOL Envision Centers Location : DOL Mtg . Start : Mon 7/31/ 2 0 17 1: 30 PM End : Mon 7/31/ 2 0 17 2 :3 0 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Bregon , Nelson R; Joy, Johnson Alfonso A; Munir , Ra fi q A; Holde rfi e l d , S t epha n ie A Your meeting updated . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was found to be out of date and has been P ; Cos t a , automatica l ly HUD-17-0504-E-000683 Sent by Micro so ft Ex change Server Sub ject: HOLD/ DOL En vis ion Ce nter s Mtg . Locat ion: DOL St a rt : Mon 7/ 3 1 /20 17 1:30 End : Mon 7 /31/201 7 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Ten t a tive Recurre PM n ce : (none ) Or ga ni zer : Bass , Deana Req u ire d At tendees : Brego n, Ne l so n R; Joy , Johnso n P; Costa , Alf onso A; Munir , Ra fiq A; Hold e rfi e l d , Ste phanie A Your meeting upd a te d . was found to be out of date Sent by Mic r oso f t Exchan ge Server Sub je c t: HOLD/ DOL En vis ion Ce nt ers Loc ation : DOL and has been automat i ca lly Mtg. Sta r t : Mon 7/3 1 /2017 1 : 30 PM End : Mon 7/3 1/ 2017 2 : 30 PM Sho w Time As : Tenta ti ve Recurrence : (none ) Organ izer : Bass , Deana Requ ir ed At t e ndees : Bregon , Ne l so n R; Joy , Johnso n P; Costa , Alfonso A; Mun i r, Ra fiq A; Holde r fie ld, Steph an ie A Your meeti ng was fo und to be out up dated . o f date and h as been a ut oma t ically Sent by Mic rosoft Exc h a nge Se rver Sub j ec t: HOLD/ DOL Env i sion Ce nt e r s Mtg . Loc ation : DOL Star t : Mon 7/3 1 /2017 1 : 30 PM End : Mon 7/3 1 / 20 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta tiv e Re currence : (non e) Orga n iz e r: Bass , Deana Required Atte nd ee s : Bregon, Ne ls o n R; Joy, J o hnso n P; Costa , Alfonso A; Munir , Rafiq A; Hold erfield , St ep ha n i e A /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000684 Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a ng e Server F rom : Ho ld erfie ld , Stephanie A Sent : Thursday , J uly 2 0 , 2017 4 : 13 PM To : Bass, Deana Accep t ed : HOLD/ DOL Envision Subjec t : and h as been a ut omatical ly Ce n te r s Mtg . Subjec t : Plex os Group /Ca r tr idge Mtg . Locat i o n: 2 050 J ames Monr oe Par kway/ James Monroe ' s Hi g hl a n d Event Bar n , lo we r l evel , Charlottesville , VA 22902 -- David Odom# 22 5 . 747 . 0 208 Start : Wed 7/26/ 2 0 17 1 1 : 00 AM End : Wed 7/26/ 2 0 17 2 : 0 0 PM Show Time As : Te n tat iv e Re cur ren ce : (none) Org a nize r : Bass , Deana Required At ten d ees : Br eg on , Ne lson R; Schmidt ' david . odom@plexosgroup . com '; Franceschini-Petty Your meeting updated . was found t o be out of dat e and , Carri e S; , Raq ue l h as been autom a tical ly Sent by Mic rosoft Ex chang e Server Subject : Pl ex os Group /Cart ri dge Mtg . Loca tion : 2050 James Monroe Par kway/ James Monroe ' s Hi g h la nd Event Ba r n , l owe r l evel , Charlottesv i lle , VA 22902 -- Dav i d Odom # 22 5 . 747 . 02 08 Sta r t : Wed 7/26/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Wed 7/26/2017 2 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Re curr en ce : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Attendees : Bregon , Ne l so n R; Schm i dt , Ca rr ie ' david . odom@plexosgroup . com ' ; Franceschini - Petty , Raquel Your meeting up dated . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was f ound to be out of date and h as been S; a u tomatical ly HUD-17-0504-E-000685 Sent by Mi crosoft Excha n ge Serve r Subject : Plexos Group /Cartridge Mtg . Location : 2050 James Monroe Parkway/ J ames Monroe ' s Highland Event Ba r n , l owe r level , Charlottesv i lle , VA 22902 -- David Odom# 225 . 747.0208 Start : Wed 7/26/20 17 11 : 00 AM End : Wed 7/26/2017 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence : (none) Organi z e r: Bass , Deana Requ i red Atte ndees : Brego n, Nelso n R; Schmidt ' dav i d . odom@plexosgro u p . com '; Fr anceschin i -Petty Your mee ting updated . was found to be out of da t e and has , Carrie , Raq u el been S; automat i ca l ly Sent by Microsoft Exchan g e Server Subjec t: Plexos Gr oup /Ca r tr i dge Mtg . Locat i on : 2 050 James Mon roe Par kway/ James Monroe ' s Hi ghland Event Barn , l ower level , Charlottesville , VA 22902 -- David Odom# 225 . 747 . 0208 Start : Wed 7/26/20 17 11 : 00 AM End : Wed 7/26/20 17 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurre n ce : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Bregon , Nelson R; Schmidt , Carr i e S ; ' david . odom@plexosgro u p . com '; Franceschini-Pet t y , Raq u e l Your meet i ng was found updated . to be ou t of date and has been a u tomatically Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server Subject : Plexos Group /Cartridge Mtg . Location : 2050 James Monroe Parkway/ James Monroe ' s Highland Event Barn , lower level , Charlottesville , VA 22902 -- David Odom# 2 25 . 747 . 0208 Start : Wed 7/26/2017 1 1 : 00 AM End : Wed 7/26/20 17 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recu r rence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) HUD-17-0504-E-000686 Organ iz e r: Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Bregon, Nelso n R; Schmidt , Carrie S; ' david . odom@plexosg ro u p . com ' ; Franceschini - Pe tt y , Raq ue l Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be ou t of date and h as been a u tomatical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Se rv e r Subject : HUD, Dept . of ED Mtg . RE: Envisi o n Ce nt ers & HUD/ED Partners h ip Loca t io n: Dep t o f Education , 400 Mary l a nd Ave SW, C St . Entrance// Secre t a r y ' s Co n f . Rm ( secur it y wil l call Mar th a Dav i s when HUD sta ff a rri ves ) Sta r t : Mon 7/3 1/20 17 3 : 00 PM End : Mon 7/3 1/20 17 4 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta ti ve Recu rr en c e: (none) Organi zer : Bass , Deana Requ ir ed Attendees : ' Ebony . Lee@ed . gov '; ' Davis , Mar tha '; Bregon , Nelso n R; Joy , Johnso n P ; Costa , Alfo nso A; Munir , Rafiq A; Hol de rfi e ld , Stepha ni e A Ly le s , Sy lvi a ; ' Bote l, Jason '; ' Richey , Opt i o n al Attendees : Kimberly ' Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and ha s been automat ical ly Sent by Mic ro so f t Exchan ge Server Subjec t: HUD, Dept . o f ED Mtg . RE : En v ision Ce nter s & HUD/ED Partnership Locat i o n: Dept of Education , 4 00 Mary l and Ave SW, C St . Entrance// Secretary ' s Con f . Rm (s ecurity wi ll call Mart h a Davis wh en HUD staff arrives) Start : Mon 7/31/ 2 0 17 3 : 00 PM End : Mon 7/31/ 2 0 17 4 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta t iv e Recu rr ence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana ' Ebony . Lee@ed . gov '; ' Davis , Mart ha'; Br eg on , Required Attend ees: A; Mun i r, Rafiq A; Nelso n R; Joy , Johnso n P ; Cos t a , Alfonso Ho ld e rf ie l d , Stephan i e A Lyles , Sylvia ; ' Bo te l, Jason '; ' Richey , Opt i o na l Atte ndees : Kimberly ' /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000687 Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and h as been a ut omatical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a ng e Server Subject : HUD, Dept . of ED Mtg . RE : Envision Centers & HUD/E D Partnership Loca ti o n : Dept o f Education , 400 Mary l a nd Ave SW, C St . Entr ance// Secre ta r y ' s Co n f . Rm ( secur i ty will call Mar th a Dav i s when HUD s t aff arri ves ) Star t : Mon 7/3 1/ 2017 3 :0 0 PM End : Mon 7/31/2017 4 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta tiv e Rec urrence : (non e) Orga n iz e r: Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : ' Eb ony . Lee@ed . gov '; ' Davis , Mart ha' ; Br e g on , Ne lso n R; J oy , J o hnson P ; Cos t a , Alfo nso A; Mun ir , Rafiq A; Holderf i e ld , Stephanie A Opt i o n a l Atte ndees : Ly le s , Sy lv i a ; ' Bote l, Jason '; ' Richey , Kimberly ' Your meet ing up dated . was found to be out of date and has been a ut omatically Sent by Mic ro soft Exchan ge Se rv e r Subjec t : HUD, Dept . o f ED Mtg . RE : En v ision Ce n ter s & HUD/ED Partnership Loc a tio n : Dept of Ed u cation , 4 0 0 Mary lan d Ave SW, C St . En trance// Sec r etary ' s Conf . Rm (sec uri ty will ca ll Mar tha Davis whe n HUD sta ff arrives) Start : Mon 7/31/20 17 3 : 0 0 PM End : Mon 7/31/20 17 4 : 0 0 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Or ga nizer : Bass , Deana Required At t e ndees : Nelso n R; Joy , Johnso n Ho ld e rf ie l d , St ephan i e Opt i o n al Atte ndees : Kimberly ' Your meeting updated. /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was f ound ' Ebony . Lee@ed.gov '; ' Davis , Mart h a '; Bregon , P ; Cos t a , Alfo n so A; Mun i r , Rafiq A; A Ly l es , Sylvia to ; ' Bo te l , Jason be ou t o f date and h as ' ; been ' Richey , a u tomatical ly HUD-17-0504-E-000688 Sent by Mic rosoft Exc hang e Server Subject : HUD, Dept . of ED Mtg . RE : Envisi o n Cente rs & HUD/ED Par t ne r s hip Locat i o n: Dept of Education , 4 00 Ma ryl a nd Ave SW, C St . En t r ance// Secreta r y ' s Co n f . Rm (secur it y will call Mar th a Dav i s when HUD s t a ff arri ves ) Star t : Mon 7/3 1 /2017 3 : 00 PM End : Mon 7/31/ 2 0 17 4 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence : (none ) Organ iz e r : Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Nelson R; J oy , J o hnson Ho lderf ie ld, St ephan i e Opt i o na l At tendees : Kimb erly ' Your meeting upd ated . was found ' Ebony . Lee @e d. gov '; ' Davis , Mart ha '; Br e g on , P ; Costa , Alfons o A; Mun ir , Rafiq A; A Ly l es , Sylv i a ; to be out of ' Bote l, date and Jason has '; ' Ri chey , bee n automatically Sen t by Mic rosoft Ex c h a nge Se rver Sub j ect : HUD, Dept . o f ED Mtg . RE : Envision Ce nt e r s & HUD/E D Partnership Loc a tio n: Dept of Education , 4 00 Mary lan d Ave SW, C St . En trance// Sec r etary ' s Conf . Rm (secu ri t y will ca ll Mar tha Davis whe n HUD sta ff a rrive s ) St art : Mon 7/31/ 2 0 17 3 : 0 0 PM End : Mon 7/3 1/20 17 4 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Ten t a t ive Recur r e n ce : (none) Organiz e r : Bass , De ana Requ i red Atte ndees : Ne l so n R; Joy , Johnso n Ho ld erfie ld, Stephanie Optional Atte ndees : Kimberly ' Your meeting updated . was f ound Sent by Mic rosoft Subject : Update /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT ' Ebony . Lee@ed.gov P ; Costa , Alfonso '; ' Davis , Mart h a '; Breg on , A; Mun i r, Raf i q A; A Lyl es , Sylvia ; to date be ou t of Exc h a ng e Server on Section 3 and ' Botel and Envision , Jason '; h as been ' Richey , a u tomatical ly Ce nt ers HUD-17-0504-E-000689 Locatio ! ] Sent : Monday, J u ly 17 , 2 0 1 7 10 : 42 AM To : Fleischer , Laura A > Subjec t: RE : Electronic Intro duction Lau r a; I f there you can you /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT i s someth i ng o n the send it Sect i on 3 Task Force objectives wil l he lp my preparation for the discussion tha t . Th ank HUD-17-0504-E-000696 S i nc l air S . Cooper I President I Pub li c In frastruc ture Phone : 202 . 355 . 9756 I Ce l l : !/blf6l I Hunt Companies www. h unt compa nie s . com< ht tp : //www . huntcompan i es.com> Developmen t F rom : F le ischer , Laura A [mailto : Laura . A . Fleischer@hud . gov ] Sent : Fr iday , July 14 , 2017 3 : 50 PM To : Si n clair Cooper > Subjec t: RE : Elec troni c Introd uction *** * EXTERNAL EMAIL**** Good Afternoon , Mr . Cooper - th ank yo u for accepting the invite , sent from the times proposed o n the 25t h. I've c l eared anothe r meeting from Ms . Bass ' calendar , and have adjusted to a 1 : 00 star t . Attending from HUD: Dep u ty Chief of Sta ff Bass , Cindy Campbe ll , Direc to r of Off ic e of Interna t ional & Ph il anthropic Innovation , and Rafiq Munir, Lead Analyst , Sec t ion 3 Task Force . In advance of t h e mtg ., h ere is infor mation on arrival to our office : Arrival : There are two entry points for visitors and ou r o ff ice is on the south side of the bu il di ng. When you ar r ive , please ente r at the South Lobby, which is located behind the la rge cement tower with sign . Once the embedded Dept . of Housi ng & Urban Development cleared through secu ri t y , I will mee t you in the lobby and escort you to Deana ' s of fi ce . Thank you , Laura Fle i scher Ass i stant to the Deputy Chiefs of Staff & Senio r Adv i so r s I Office of the Secretary U. S . Departmen t of Hous i ng and Urban Development , HQ, Su it e 10226 I E : Laura . A . F le ischer@hud . gov T : (202) 402-3667 P Pl ease do not p rin t th i s e - mail unless necessary From : Sinclair Cooper [mailto : sinclair . cooper@huntcompanies . com ] Sent : Friday , July 14 , 2017 10: 1 0 AM To : Bass , Deana > Cc : Fleischer , Laura A > Subject : RE : Elec tronic Introd uction /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000697 Deana ; Goo d morni ng . Tuesday af t ernoon (7/25) and then Wednesday mor ning (7/ 26) are the most wide open for me ; b ut I will await the poss i ble open in gs fr om Laura . Thank you . I President I Public Infras Sinclair S . Cooper Phone : 202 . 355 . 9756 I Cell : !{b)(6) I Hunt Compan i es www. hu n tcomp anies . com Fr om : Bass , Dean a [mailto : Dea n a . Bass@hud . gov ] Sent : Th ursday , July 13 , 20 17 10 : 37 AM To : Sinc l ai r Coope r > Cc : Fleischer , Laura A > Subject : Re : Elect roni c Intro duction *** * EXTERNAL EMAIL**** Hi Sin clair , I ' m cc ' i ng La ur a who will week of Ju ly 24 . best , Deana be able to h el p us a rr ange a time for the Deana Bass Deputy Chief of S t aff U. S . Department of Hous i ng and Urb an Development C : !{bl{6l I I Ema il: deana . bass@hud.gov Fr om : Si nclair Cooper > Sent : Thursday , Ju ly 13 , 2 0 17 9 : 53 : 07 AM To : Bass , Deana Cc : Bass , Deneane Subjec t: Re : El ectronic Intro duction . com Deana ; Good morning . I am i n the Sena te most of h ead in g to CLPHA r eception . I am head ing I am in At lanta all next week . I am back 7/24 . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT to day (un t il 3pm ) the n to New York at 7 , and t h en in Was h ingto n t h e week of HUD-17-0504-E-000698 If you wou l d l i ke to have a call ; I ca n certai n ly arra ng e that to fit your schedule , and I cou l d swing by this afternoo n if th at is conveni e nt . I am flexibl e mos t of the wee k of 7/24 for a meeting as wel l . Please let Thank you . me kn ow yo ur preference as well as S i nc l a ir s . Coope r I President Pub lic Infrastructure Development Phone : 2 0 2 . 3 5 5 . 9756 I l(b)(6) yo ur I Cell ava i lab il i ty. : =!{ b=}{6 =}___ ___, Hunt Compan i es I www. hun tcompa n ies . com Sent from On Jul > wrote : Deana Bass Deputy Chief of Staff U. S . Departme nt o f Hou sing and Urban Developme nt I I Ema il: deana . bass@h u d .g ov C : !{b)(6) Fr om : Si n c l a ir Cooper > 12, 201 7 5 : 55 : 34 PM M; Bass , Deana; Bass , Deneane Introd u ction She i l a ; Thanks for the i nt ro duct ion . Deana ; /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000699 Feel free opportunity Best to send me a direct n ote and we can for a d i sc u ss i on . Look forward to coord i na te the meeting you . best Regards, S i nc l ai r S . Cooper I President I Pub li c Infrast ru cture Deve l opment Phone : 202 . 355 . 9756 I Cell : !lbl/6l I 888 1 7t h Street , NW I Suite 604 I Washington , DC I 20006 Hunt Companies I sincla i r . cooper@huntcompanies . com www. hu n tcompa ni es . com From : Greenwood , Sheila M [mailto : Sheila . M. Greenwoodl@hud . gov ] Sent : Wednesday , Ju l y 12 , 20 1 7 5 : 37 PM To : Bass , Dea na > ; Bass , Deneane > ; S i nclair Cooper > Subject : Electro ni c Introduction * *** EXTERNAL EMAIL**** Deana - I ' m introducing you to Sinclair Cooper via email . He's with Hunt Companies and has l oads of P3 exper i ence ---and a lot of hi storical and practical Sectio n 3 i nfo rmat i o n. I think you would r ea lly benef i t f r om setting up a meeti ng wit h Si n cla i r as you move ou t on your Section 3 Task Force initiatives . Y'all chat away! SMG P : Please co n sider the environment before pri nt ing this e-mail This e - mail, inc l uding a l l information contained therein and any attachments , is intended so l ely for the person or entity to which it is addressed a n d may conta i n conf i dential and/o r pr i vileged material. If yo u are n ot an in tended recipient , or an agent responsible for delivering it to an intended recipient , you have received this email in error . In such event , please immediate l y (i) n ot if y the se nde r by reply email , (ii) do not review , copy , save , forward or print th i s ema il or a ny of its attachments , a n d (i ii ) delete and/or des t roy t h is email and its a t tachmen t s and all copies thereof . Any rev i ew, retransmiss i on , disseminat i on or other use of , or taking of a n y actio n in reliance upon , any e-mail sent in error , i ncluding all information con t a i ned therein a nd any at t achmen t s , by perso n s or entities othe r tha n the i ntended recip i ent is prohibited . Please visit our website at www.h untcompanies . com for important information about our privacy pol i cies . For your protection , please do not transmit accou nt information or i n structions by e-ma il o r i nc lu de accou n t numbers, Social Security numbers , credit card numbers, passwords or other personal i nformat i on . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000700 Subject : Location : Weekly welfare EEOB 172 meeting Start : Thu 7/20/20 17 3:00 End : Thu 7/20/20 17 4 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer PM : (none) : Conant , Ann M. EOP/WHO Subject : HUD, Dept . of ED Mtg . RE : Envision Cente r s & HUD/ED Partners h ip Lo cation : Dept of Education , 400 Maryland Ave SW, C St . Entrance// Secreta r y ' s Co n f . Rm (secur i ty wil l call Mar t h a Dav i s when HUD staff a rri ves) Start : Mon 7/3 1/201 7 3 : 00 PM End : Mon 7/3 1 /2017 4 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana ' Ebony . Lee @ed . gov '; ' Davis , Martha '; Bregon , Requ i r ed Atte ndees : P ; Coffey , Al exander ; Costa , Alfonso A; Nelson R; Joy , Johnson Munir , Rafiq A Lyl es , Sylvia ; ' Botel , Jason '; ' Richey , Optional Attendees : Kimberly ' Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and Sent by Microso ft Exchange Server Subjec t: Economic Mobility a nd Lead Safety Loca tion : DepSec Confere n ce Room - 10 106 has been Wor king automatically Gro up Start : Tue 7/25/20 17 1 : 00 PM End : Tue 7/25/2017 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organize r: Eag l es , Dav i d T Required Attendees : Hensley , Henry ; Golrick , Janet M; Clemmensen , Craig T; Kasper , Mare n M; Hunter , Mat thew F ; Bass , Deana ; Akpakip , /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000701 Ekanem 0 ; Ax e , J ess i K; Evans-Bu r ke , Adr ian A; J ohnso n, Tiffan y M; Ammon , Matthew E ; Davis , Thomas R; Iber , Robe rt G; Domin ique G Blom (Domin ique . G. Bl om@hu d . gov) ; Ozdi n ec , Mi l an M; Mil le r , Miche ll e M; Smyth , Timo t hy M; Gr eenwo od , She il a M; Coffey , Al exa nd er; Brown , Chr i s tin a M; Gree ne , Bry an ; Bou rn e , Chr istophe r M; Hamilton , Angie S ; Ga rg i ul o , Emil y ; Suchar , Norman A; Ma r zo l, Adolfo F ; Thompso n , Amy C ; Hug hes , Andrew ; Bing-Grant , Max A Opt i o na l Atte ndees : Da wkins , Eun i ce D; Fra nk l in , DeS ha unta M; Campbel l , Re na e M Subject Par t ne Loca ti Secreta s t a ff : HUD, Dept . of ED Mtg . RE : Envision Ce nte r s & HUD/ED rship on : Dept o f Educa ti on , 400 Mary l a nd Ave SW, C St . Entrance// r y ' s Co n f . Rm (secur i ty will call Mar th a Dav i s when HUD arri ves ) Mon 7/3 1 /20 17 3 :0 0 PM Star t : End : Mon 7/31/ 2 0 17 4 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Rec urr ence : (non e) Organiz e r : Bass , Deana Req uired Atte nd ees : ' Ebony . Lee @e d.go v '; ' Davis , Mart ha'; Bregon , Nelso n R; Joy, J o hnso n P ; Coffey , Al exan d e r ; Costa , Alfonso A; Mun i r , Rafiq A Lyl es , Sylv i a ; ' Bote l, Jason '; ' Ri chey , Opt i o n al At te ndees : Ki mb erly ' Your meeting updated. was found to be out of date and has bee n automatically Sen t by Mic rosof t Ex cha ng e Ser ver Sub j ect : Co ff ee S t art : F ri 7/21/20 17 11 : 00 AM End : F ri 7/2 1 /2017 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Free Recurrence : (none ) Meeting Sta t us : Meetin g organizer Organ iz e r: Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Kurtz , R . Hunter Subject /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Coffee HUD-17-0504-E-000702 Start : Thu 7/20/2017 5 : 00 PM End : Thu 7/2 0/2 0 17 6 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurre n ce : (none) Organ iz e r: Kurtz , R . Hunte r Required Attendees : Bass , Deana Subjec t: Canceled : Coffee Start : Thu 7/20/2017 5 :0 0 PM End : Thu 7/20/2017 6 : 00 PM Show Time As : Free Recurrence Meeting Org a nizer Required : (none ) Status : Not ye t re spo nded : Kurtz , R. Hunter Attendees : Bass , Deana Subject : HUD, Dept . o f ED Mtg . RE : Envision Ce nt e r s & HUD/ED Partners h ip Location : Dept of Educa t ion , 400 Maryland Ave SW, C St . Entrance// Secre t a r y ' s Co nf. Rm (secur it y wil l call Mar th a Dav i s when HUD staf f a rri ves ) Start : Mon 7/31/20 17 3:00 End : Mon 7/31/2017 4 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence PM : (none) Organi zer : Bass , Deana ' Ebony . Lee@ed . gov '; ' Davis , Mar t h a '; Br egon , Requ ir ed Attendees : A; Ne l so n R; Joy , Johnso n P ; Co ff ey , Al e x a n der ; Costa , Alfonso Mun i r , Rafiq A Optional Att en dees : Lyles , Sylvia ; ' Batel , Jason '; ' Richey , Kimberly ' Your meeting update d . Sent From on behalf n.B ote l @ed .g ov> : Wednesday , July 19 , 2017 4 : 50 PM Bass , Deana /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT of automatically Batel , Jason HUD-17-0504-E-000703 Subjec t : Accepted HUD/ED Partnership : HUD, Dept . of ED Mtg . RE : Envision Ce nters & Subjec t: HUD, Dept . o f ED Mtg . RE : Envision Ce nter s & HUD/ED Partnership Locat i o n: Dept of Education , 400 Maryland Ave SW, C St . En trance// Secretary ' s Con f . Rm (s ecurity wi ll call Martha Davis wh en HUD staff arrives) Start : Mon 7/31/ 2 0 17 3 :0 0 PM End : Mon 7/31/20 17 4 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana ' Ebony . Lee@ed . gov'; ' Davis , Martha '; Bregon, Required Attend ees : ; Costa , Alfonso A; Nelso n R; Joy , Johnso n P ; Co ffe y , Alexander Mun i r , Rafiq A Lyles , Sylvia ; ' Bo te l, Jason ' ; ' Richey , Opt i o na l Atte ndees : Kimberly ' Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be out o f date and h as been a ut omatical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Exc h a ng e Se rv e r Subject : HUD, Dept . of ED Mtg . RE : Envision Centers & HUD/ED Partnership Lo cation : Dept of Educa t ion , 400 Maryland Ave SW, C St . Entrance// Secre t a r y ' s Co n f . Rm (secur it y will call Mar th a Davis when HUD sta ff a rriv es) Sta r t : Thu 7/27/2017 3:00 End : Thu 7/27/2017 4 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Tentat iv e Recurrence PM : (none ) Organi zer : Bass, Deana ' Ebony . Lee@ed . gov ' ; ' Davis , Mar t h a '; Requ ir ed At tendees : Al exa n der ; Costa , Alfonso Nelso n R; Joy , J ohnson P ; Coffey, Muni r , Rafiq A Lyl es , Sylvia Optio n al Atte ndees : Your meeting updated . Sent was found by Mic rosoft /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT to Exc h ange be ou t of date and has been Bregon, A; a u tomatical ly Server HUD-17-0504-E-000704 Subjec t : Partnership Locatio n : Sec r etary ' s sta ff a rrive HUD, Dept . o f ED Mtg . RE : Envision Ce nter s & HUD/ED Dept of Education, 4 0 0 Mary lan d Ave SW, C St . En trance// Conf . Rm (sec uri t y will ca ll Mar th a Davis when HUD s) Start : Thu 7/27/ 2 0 17 3 :0 0 PM End : Thu 7/27/20 17 4 : 0 0 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Organiz e r : Bass , De ana ' Ebony . Lee@ed . gov ' ; Required Attendees : Ne l so n R; Joy , Johnso n P ; Co ffe y , Alexander Mun i r , Raf iq A Opt i o na l Atte ndees : Lyles , Sylvia Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be out o f date ' Dav is , Marth a ' ; Breg on , ; Costa , Al f o n so A; and h as been a u tomatical Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Se r ve r From : Coffey , Al e xan de r Sent : Wednesday , J uly 19 , 2 01 7 3 : 07 PM To : Bass , Dea na Subjec t: Accepted : HUD, Dept . o f ED Mtg . RE : Env is i on Ce nte rs HUD/ED Par tne r s h ip Subject: Loc ation 10226 : HUD/Steve Harvey Team Mt g . RE : Vis i o n Centers Dept of Housing & Ur ban Developm e nt , 451 7 th St . SW, ly & Rm. St art : Mon 8/28/20 17 11 : 00 AM End : Mon 8/28/2017 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Ten t a t ive Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : =! (b-)(_6_) ------~I Sunny Du ncan ; Ryan Ph am; Ge r a l d Wash i ng t o n ; Bregon , Ne l so n R; Byrd , David J ; Costa , Alfonso Your mee ting upd ated . was found to be out of date and has been A automatically Sent by Mic ro so ft Exc h ange Server Subjec t: HUD/S t eve Har v ey Team Mtg . RE : Vision Centers Locat i o n : Dept of Hous i ng & Urba n Deve l opment , 451 7th St . SW , Rm. 10 226 /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000705 Start : Mon 8/28/20 17 11 : 00 AM End : Mon 8/28/20 17 12: 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurre n ce : (none) Organ iz e r: Bass , Deana Required Attendees : ~! (b~)(=6~ ) --------,! Ge rald Washington ; Bregon , Ne lson Your meeting updated . was found to Sunny Duncan ; Ryan Pha m; R; Byrd , David J ; Costa , Alfonso be ou t of date and h as been Sent by Mi crosoft Excha ng e Server F rom : Bregon , Nelso n R Sent : Wednesday , J uly 1 9 , 201 7 2 :5 4 PM To : Bass , Deana Subject : Accep t ed : HUD/Steve Har vey Team Mt g . Subjec t: Partnership Locatio n: Sec r etary ' s sta ff a rrive HUD, Dept . o f ED Mtg . RE: Envision a u tomatical A ly RE : Vi sio n Centers Ce nt ers & HUD/ED Dept of Ed u cation, 4 00 Mary lan d Ave SW, C St . En trance// Conf . Rm (sec uri t y will ca ll Mar th a Davis when HUD s) S t art : Thu 7/27/ 2 0 17 3 :0 0 PM End : Thu 7/27/20 17 4 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Or ga nizer : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : ' Ebony . Lee@ed . gov '; Ne l so n R; Joy , Johnso n P ; Co ff ey , Alexander Mun i r , Raf iq A Opt i onal Attendees : Ly l es , Sylvia Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be out ' Davis , Mart h a '; ; Costa , Alfonso o f da t e and h as been Bregon , A; a ut omatical ly Sent by Microsoft Ex c h a ng e Server From : Ri chey , Ki mbe rly Sent : Wednesday , J uly 19 , 2017 2 : 5 1 PM To : Bass , De ana Subjec t: Accepted : FW: HUD, Dep t. of ED Mtg . RE : Env i sio n Centers & HUD/ED Part n e r sh i p /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000706 Subject : HUD, Dept . of ED Mtg . RE: Envision Ce nt e r s & HUD/ED Partnership Lo cation : Dept of Educa t ion , 400 Maryland Ave SW, C St . Entrance// Secre t a r y ' s Co nf. Rm (security will call Mart h a Davis when HUD staff arrives) Start : Thu 7/27/20 17 3 : 00 PM End : Thu 7/27/2017 4 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : (none) Organize r: Bass , Deana Required Attendees : ' Ebony . Lee@ed .g ov '; Nelso n R; Joy , Johnso n P ; Coffey , Alexander Munir , Rafiq A Optional Attend ees: Lyl es, Sylvia Your meeting updated . was found to be ou t of date ' Davis , Mart h a '; ; Costa , Alfonso and has been Breg on , A; automatically Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server F rom : Coxen , Carrie on behalf o f Botel , Jason Sent : Wednesday , July 19 , 2017 2 :1 4 PM To : Bass , Deana & Subject : Accepted : HUD, Dep t . of ED Mtg . RE : Envision Centers HUD/ED Par tne rship Subjec t: HUD, Dept . of ED Mtg . RE : Envision Ce nt ers & HUD/E D Partnership Lo cation : Dept of Education , 400 Maryland Ave SW, C St . Entrance// Secre tar y ' s Co n f . Rm (security will call Mar tha Davis when HUD staff arrives) S t art : Thu 7/27/20 17 3 : 00 PM End : Thu 7/27/2017 4 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : ' Ebony . Lee@ed.gov '; Nelso n R; Joy , Johnso n P ; Coffey , Alexander Munir , Rafiq A Optional Attendees : Lyl es, Sylvia Your meeting updated. /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was found to be out of date ' Davis , Martha ' ; Bregon, ; Costa , Alfonso A; and has been automatically HUD-17-0504-E-000707 Sent by Mic rosoft Exc hang e Server Subject : HUD, Dept . of ED Mtg . RE : Envisi o n Cente rs Par t ne r s hip Locat i o n: Dept of Education , 4 00 Ma ryl a nd Ave SW & HUD/ED S t a rt : Thu 7/27/20 17 3:0 0 PM End : Thu 7 /2 7/ 201 7 4 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : (none ) Organi zer : Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Bass , Deana ; ' Eb ony . Lee @ed . gov '; ' Da v is , Ma r tha '; Br ego n , Ne l so n R; Joy , Johns on P ; Coffey , Al e x a n der ; Cos t a , Alfonso A; Mun i r , Ra fiq A Op tional Att en d ees : Lyl es, Sylvia Your meeting updated . was f ound to be ou t o f date and h as been Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Server Subject : HUD, Dept . of ED Mtg . RE : Envision Centers Partn e rs h i p Lo cation : Dep t o f Education , 400 Mary l a nd Ave SW a u tomatical ly & HUD/ED S t art : Thu 7/27/ 2 0 17 3 :0 0 PM End : Thu 7/27/20 17 4 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Te nta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Or ga niz er : Bass , Dea na Required Attendees : Bass , Deana ; ' Ebony . Lee@ed . gov '; ' Da v is , Ma r tha '; Br ego n , Ne l so n R; Joy , Johnso n P ; Coffey , Al exa n der ; Cos ta , Alf onso A; Munir , Ra fi q A Opt i o na l Atte ndees : Ly l es , Sylvia Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be out o f da t e and h as been a ut omatical ly Sent by Microsoft Ex c h a ng e Server From : Ly l es , Sylv i a Sent : Wednesday , J uly 19 , 2017 1 : 54 PM To : Bass , De ana Subjec t: Dec lin ed : FW: HUD, Dep t. of ED Mtg . RE : Env i sio n Centers & HUD/ED Part n e r sh i p /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000708 Subject : Partnership Lo cation : HUD, Dept . of Dept of ED Mtg . RE: Envision Educa t ion , 400 Maryland Ce nt e r s & HUD/ED Ave SW Start : Thu 7/27/20 17 3 :0 0 PM End : Thu 7/27/20 17 4 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : ' Ebony . Lee@ed . gov '; Nelso n R; Joy , Johnso n P ; Co ffe y , Alexander Munir , Rafiq A Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date Dav i s , Mar th a ; Bregon , ; Costa , Al fonso A; and has been Sent by Mic ro soft Exchange Server Subject : HUD, Dept . of ED Mtg . RE : Envision Centers Partnership Locat i on : Dept of Education , 400 Maryland Ave SW automatica l ly & HUD/ED Sta r t : Thu 7/27/2017 3 : 00 PM End : Thu 7/27/2017 4 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none ) Organize r: Bass , Deana Requ ir ed Attendees : ' Ebony . Lee@ed .gov'; Nelson R; Joy , Johnson P; Coffey, Al exander Muni r , Rafiq A Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be ou t of date Davis , Marth a ; Bregon , ; Costa, Alfonso A; and has been automatical ly Sent by Microsoft Excha ng e Server From : Davis , Mar th a on beha l f of Lee , Ebony Sent : Wednesday , July 19 , 2017 1 : 38 PM To : Bass , Deana Subject: Accepted : HUD, Dept . of ED Mtg . RE : Envision Centers & HUD/ED Par tne rship Subject : Pa rtn ership /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD, Dept . of ED Mtg . RE : Envision Centers & HUD/ED HUD-17-0504-E-000709 Locatio n: Dept o f Educa t io n , 400 Mary l a nd Ave SW Start : Thu 7/27/20 17 3 : 0 0 PM End : Thu 7/2 7 /2017 4 : 0 0 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recur r e n ce : (none ) Organiz e r : Bass , De ana Requ i red Atte ndees : ' Ebony . Lee@ed . gov '; Davis , Marth a ; Brego n , Nelso n R; Joy , Johnso n P ; Co f fey , Al e x a n der ; Costa , Alfo n so A; Mun i r , Rafiq A Your meeting updated . was f ound to be ou t of da t e and h as been a u tomatical ly Sent by Microsoft Exc h a ng e Ser v e r Subject : HUD, Dept . o f ED Mtg . RE : Envision Ce n te r s & HUD/ED Partners h ip Location : Dept of Educa t ion , 400 Maryland Ave SW Start : Thu 7/27/20 17 3 : 00 PM End : Thu 7/27/20 17 4 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Tent a tive Recurre n ce : (none) Org a nizer : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Nelson R; Joy , Johnson Mun i r , Ra fi q A Your meeting updated . was found ' Ebony . Lee@ed . gov ' ; Davis , Martha ; Brego n , P ; Coffey , Alexander ; Costa , Alfonso A; to be out of date and h as been Sent by Microsoft Excha n ge Server From : Bregon , Nelson R Sent : Wednesday , July 19 , 2017 1 : 3 1 PM To : Bass , Deana Subject : Accepted : HUD, Dept . of ED Mtg . RE : Envision HUD/ED Partners h ip Subject : Partnership Locatio n : HUD, Dept . of Dept of ED Mtg . RE : Envision Centers autom a tically Centers & & HUD/ED Educa t io n , 400 Mary l a nd Ave SW Start : Thu 7/27/20 17 3 : 00 PM End : Thu 7/27/2017 4 : 0 0 PM /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000710 Show Time As : Recurrence Tenta tive : (none) Organi zer : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Atte ndees : ' Ebony . Lee @ed . gov '; Davis , Marth a ; Bregon , Ne l so n R; Joy , Johnso n P ; Co ff ey , Al e x a n der ; Costa , Al fonso A; Mun i r , Rafiq A Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be out o f date and h as been a ut omatical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Se rv e r Subjec t: HUD, Dept . o f ED Mtg . RE: Envision Ce nt e r s & HUD/ED Partnership Lo cation : Dept of Educa t ion , 400 Maryland Ave SW Start : Thu 7/27/ 2 0 17 3 :0 0 PM End : Thu 7/27/ 2 0 17 4 : 0 0 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attend ees : ' Ebony . Lee@ed . gov '; Ne l so n R; Joy , Johnso n P ; Co f fey , Alexander Mun i r , Ra fiq A Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date Dav i s , Mar tha ; Br egon , ; Costa , Al fonso A; and has been Sent by Mic ro so f t Exchange Server From : Mun i r , Rafiq A Sent : Wednesday , July 19 , 2017 1 : 24 PM To : Bass , Deana Subject : Accepted : HUD, Dept . of ED Mtg . RE : Envision HUD/ED Partn e rship Subjec t : Section 3 Loca tion : OSEC Small ACCESS CODE: !{b)(6) Co nf. Rm. 10210 PASSWORD: mJ // automat ical Centers ly & Conf . Li ne # 888-273-3658 S tart : Wed 7/19/20 17 2 : 0 0 PM End : Wed 7/19/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta tiv e Recurrence : Week l y Recu rr ence Pattern : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT every Wednesday from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM HUD-17-0504-E-000711 Organ iz e r: Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Bass , Deana ; Pa tton , Lynne M; Br egon , Nelson R; Kasper , Mar en M; Bastarach e , Dani e ll e L ; Costa , Alfonso A; Muni r , Raf i q A; Smyt h , Tim o th y M; Gr uson , Barbara ; No r land er , Adam G; Gol r i c k , Jane t M; Cl emrnen sen , Cr a ig T ; Jacobs , Az tec ; Nicho l sd ix on , Merr i e ; Thomas , Todd C; Chr i s t e n sen , Er ic F ; Fr a n cesch in i-Pet t y , Raq uel ; Williams , Raphael L ; Holderf i eld , Stephanie A; Co ffey , Alexand e r ; Hobbs , Ben j amin R; Hardy IV, Stanley; Bourne , Ch ri stophe r M; Taffet , Clif ford ; Sc hul ho f , Mary T ; Morton , Robert B Opt i o n al Attendees : ARMENTA, LIDIE Your mee ting upd a te d . Updated Meeting was found to meeting details Recurrence Sent by Mic rosoft Subjec t : Hold be out of d a te and has been a ut omatically : Exc h an g e Server 2 HUD/ED Mtg . Re : Envisio n Ce nters Start : Tue 7/25/2017 3 : 30 PM End : Tue 7/25/20 17 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Out of Office Recurrence Org a nizer Subjec : (none) : t : Bass, h old Deana 1/ HUD ED Mtg St art : Mon 7/24/20 17 1 : 0 0 PM End : Mon 7/24/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Out of Of fi ce Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer : Subject : Loc at io n : Bass , Deana Plexos Charlo Gro up /Cartr id ge Mt g . t tesvill e, VA Start : Wed 7/26/2017 8 : 00 AM End : Wed 7/26/ 20 17 5 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) : Bass , Deana HUD-17-0504-E-000712 Requ ire d Atte ndees : ' dav i d . odom@plexosgroup Brego n, Nelso n R; Schmidt . com '; Franceschini-Petty Your meeting updated. to be out was found of date , Ca rrie , Raq u el and has been S; automatically Sent by Microsoft Exchan ge Server Subjec t: Plexos Group /Cartr i dge Mtg . Locat ion : Char l ottesv il le , VA Start : Wed 7/26/2017 8 :0 0 AM End : Wed 7/26/2017 5 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence : (no ne ) Organi zer : Bass , Deana Requ ir ed Attendees : Bregon , Ne lson david . odom@plexosgroup . com Your meeting updated. was found to be out R; Schmidt of date , Ca rrie and has Sent by Mic rosoft Exchange Server Subject : Fol l ow- up mtg . with Cathol i c Cha ri t i es Loc ation : 2050 Ba llenger Ave Suite 4 00 , Alexandria S; bee n automatically USA VA Start : Fri 7/28/2017 3 : 30 PM End : Fri 7/28/2017 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : (none) Organiz e r: Bass , Deana Requ i red Attendees : Bass , Deana ; Br egon , Nelson R; Costa, A; 'Lucreda Cobbs ' Optional Attendees : Brian Corbin ; Lucas Swanepoel ; Curtis Johnso n Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and has Sent by Mic rosoft Exchange Server Subject : Follow - up mtg . with Catholic Charities Locatio n: 2050 Ba llenger Ave Suite 400 , Alexandria Start : End : Fri /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT been Alfonso automatically USA VA Fri 7/28/20 17 3 : 30 PM 7/28/2017 4 : 30 PM HUD-17-0504-E-000713 Show Time As : Recurrence Tenta tive : (none) Organi zer : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Atte ndees : Bass , Deana ; Br egon , Nelson R; Cos t a , Alfonso A; ' Lu c r eda Cobbs ' Opt i onal Attendees : Brian Co rbi n ; Lucas Swanepoe l ; Curt is Johnson Your meeting updated . was found to be ou t of date and h as been a u tomatical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Excha ng e Server Subject : Hold/ Sec t ion 3 Mt g . wit h American Academy of Pediatrics President & American Lung Assoc . Presid en t/CEO Loca tion : US Dep t o f Hous i ng & Urban Dev elopmen t , 451 7th St . SW St art : F ri 7/28/ 2 0 17 1 1 : 00 AM End : F ri 7/28/2017 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Te nta t iv e Recur r ence : (none) Organiz e r : Bass , Dea na Required Attendees : Mun i r , Rafiq Your meeting updated . was found to be out of A; eri ka . sward@ l ung . org date and h as been automatical ly Sent by Mic rosoft Exc hang e Server Subject : Hold/ Section 3 Mtg . wit h American Acad emy of Pediat ri cs President & Amer i can Lung Assoc. Preside n t/CEO Locat i o n : US Dept o f Hou si ng & Ur ban Development , 451 7t h St . SW S t art : F ri 7/2 8/ 20 17 11 : 00 AM End : Fri 7/28/2017 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurre Organizer Required n ce : (none) : Bass , Deana Atte ndees : Muni r , Rafiq Your meeting updated . Sent was found by Mic rosoft /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT to be out Exchange Server of A; erika date . sward@l ung . org an d h as been automatical ly HUD-17-0504-E-000714 From : Mun i r , Rafiq A Sent : Tuesday , Ju ly 18 , 2 0 1 7 5 : 50 PM To : Bass , Deana Subject : Declined : Hold/ Section 3 Mtg . with American Ped i a tr ics President & Amer i ca n Lung Assoc . President/CEO I wil l b e away f r om the off i ce o n the 28th Subject : Section 3 Loc ation : OSEC Sma ll Conf . Rm. 10210 // Conf . Li ne# ! PASSWORD: l!fil@J ACCESS CODE: !{b)(6) Academy of 888 - 2 7 3 - 3658 St art : Wed 7/19/20 17 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 7/19/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recur r e n ce : Wee kly Recurrence Pattern : every Wednesday from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Organi zer : Bass , Deana Requ ir ed At tendees : Bass , Deana ; Patton , Lynne M; Bregon , Nelson R; Kasper , Mar en M; Bastarache , Danielle L ; Costa , Al fonso A; Munir , Rafiq A; Smyth , Timothy M; Gruson , Barbara ; Norlander , Adam G; Golric k, Janet M; Clemmensen, Craig T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Nicholsdixon , Merr ie ; Thomas , Todd C ; Chr i s ten sen , Er ic F ; Franceschini-Petty , Raquel ; Willi ams , Ra phael L ; Holder fi eld , Step h an i e A; Coffey , Alexander ; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Hardy I V, S t anley ; Bour n e , Christopher M; Taff et, Clifford ; Schulhof, Mary T ; Morton, Robe r t B Opt i o n al Attendees : ARMENTA, LIDIE Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and h as been automatical ly Sent by Mic rosoft Exc hang e Server Subject : Hold/ Section 3 Mtg . wit h American Acad emy of Pediat ri cs President & Amer i can Lung Assoc. Preside n t/CEO Locat i o n: US Dept o f Hou si ng & Ur ban Development , 451 7t h St . SW S t art : F ri 7/28/20 17 11 : 00 AM End : Fri 7/28/2017 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurre Organizer Required n ce : (none) : Bass , Deana Atte ndees : Muni r , Rafiq Your meeting updated . Sent was by Mic rosoft /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT found to be out Exchange Server of A; erika date . sward@l ung. org an d has been automatical ly HUD-17-0504-E-000715 Subjec t : Pres i de n t Locatio n : & Ho ld / Sect i on 3 Mtg . with American Academy o f Pe d i a t rics American Lung Assoc . Pres i de n t/CEO US Dept of Housi ng & Urban Development , 451 7t h St . SW Start : Fri 7/28/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Fri 7/28/ 2 0 17 1 1 : 30 AM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recurrence : (none) Orga n iz e r: Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Mun i r , Rafiq Your meeting upd a te d . was fo und to be out A o f date Sent by Microsoft Ex c h a nge Se rver Sub j ec t : FW: Mon t hly Eth ics Briefing Loc a tio n : Deputy Secretary Conference and h as been a ut oma t ical l y Room Start : Wed 7/26/2017 1 0 : 00 AM End : Wed 7/26/2017 10 : 30 AM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status Org a nize r : : Not yet Zorc , Bethany r espo nded A We will d i scuss FOIA , the Pr iv acy Act , the other r elated co nfid e nt ia lity ru les . Subject Locatio : n: pre - Issa l ette r/CIR Deana ' s Offi ce Trade Secre t s Act a nd Mtg . Start : Wed 7/ 1 9/20 17 1 1 : 00 AM End : Wed 7/19/20 17 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not yet responded Organizer : Kurtz , R. Hun ter Requ i r ed Attendees : Deana Subjec t : Loc a tio n : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Bass pre-Issa l ette r /CIR Dean a ' s Off ic e (Dea n a . Bass@ hu d . gov ) Mtg . HUD-17-0504-E-000716 Start : Wed 7/19/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Wed 7/ 1 9/20 17 1 1 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurre n ce : (none) Meet i ng Status : Not yet r espo nded Organiz e r : Kurtz , R. Hun t er Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Deana Subjec t: Loca ti o n : 10226 Bass (De a n a . Bass@ hu d . go v) HUD/S teve Harvey Team Mtg . RE : Vis i o n Centers Dep t o f Hous in g & Urba n Deve l opment , 451 7th St. SW , Rm. Start : Mon 8/28/2017 1 1 : 00 AM End : Mon 8/28/20 17 12 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta ti ve Recurrence : (none) Organi zer : Bass , Deana Requ ir ed Attendees : ~l (b-)(_6_) ______ ~1 Sunny Du ncan ; Ryan Ph am; Gera l d Washington ; Bregon , Nelso n R; Byrd , David J ; Costa , Al fo ns o A Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be out o f date and h as been a ut oma t ical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Exc h a nge Ser ver Subjec t: HUD/S t eve Harvey Team Mt g . RE : Vi s i o n Centers Loc a tio n : Dept of Housi ng & Urba n Deve lo pment , 451 7th St . SW , Rm. 1 0226 Mon 8/28/ 2 0 17 1 1 : 00 AM Start : End : Mon 8/28/20 17 12: 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana ~f b~)(~6),-------~I Sunny Du ncan ; Ryan Pham ; Required Attendees : Gerald Washing t on ; Bregon , Nelso n R; Byrd , David J ; Costa , Alfo n so A Your meeting updated . was found to be ou t of Sent by Mi crosoft Exc h a ng e Server F rom : Sunny Duncan HUD-17-0504-E-000717 Sent : Tuesday , July To : Bass , Deana Subject : Accepted Subject : Locat i o n: 10226 18 , 2017 12 : 26 PM : HUD/Steve Harvey Team Mt g . RE : Vision HUD/Steve Harvey Team Mtg . RE : Vi s i o n Centers Dept of Hous in g & Urba n Deve lo pment , 451 7th St. Centers SW , Rm. Start : Mon 8/28/20 17 1 1 : 00 AM End : Mon 8/28/ 2 0 17 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organi z e r: Bass , Deana =! (b-)(=6)-------~! Required Attendees : Gerald Washington ; Bregon , Nelson Your meeting updated . was found to be out Sunny Duncan ; Ryan Pham ; R; Byrd , David J ; Costa , Alfonso of date and has been A automatically Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server Subject : HUD/Steve Harvey Team Mtg . RE : Vision Cen ter s Lo cation : Dept of Housing & Ur ban Development , 451 7 th St . SW , Rm. 10 226 S t art : Mon 8/28/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Mon 8/28/20 17 12:00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurre n ce : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana =t b~)(=6),---------.! Required Attendees : Gera l d Wash i ngton ; Bregon , Nelson Your meeting updated . was found to be out Sunny Duncan ; Ryan Pham ; R; Byrd , David J ; Costa , Alfonso of date and has been automatica A l ly Sent by Mic ro so f t Exchange Server Subjec t: HUD/Steve Harvey Team Mtg . RE : Vision Centers Loca tion: Dept of Housing & Urban Development , 451 7th St . SW , Rm. 10226 Sta r t : Mon 8/28/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Mon 8/28/20 17 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000718 Organize r: Bass , Deana ~! (b-)(_6_)_______ Required Attendees : Ge r ald Washington ; Bregon , Nelson Your meeting updated . was found to be out Sunny Duncan ; Ryan Pham ; R; Byrd , David J ; Costa , Alfonso ~ of date and has been A automatically Sent by Microsoft Exchange Serve r Subject : HUD/Steve Harvey Team Mtg . RE : Vision Cen ter s Loc ation : Dept of Housing & Ur ban Development , 451 7th St . SW , Rm. 10226 S tar t : Mon 8/28/20 17 11 : 00 AM End : Mon 8/28/20 17 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana ~l (b~)(=6),-------~1 Required Attendees : Dav i d J ; Costa , Alfonso A Your meeting updated . was found to be out Bregon , Nelson of Sent by Microso ft Exchange Server Subject : FW: Rep . Issa Letter Draft Loca tion : Seth ' s of f ice-10 1 20 date and has been R; Byrd , automatically Review St art : Thu 7/20/20 17 9 : 00 AM End : Thu 7/20/2017 9 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet responded Organize r: Barton , Victoria L Required Attendees : Barton , Victoria L; Kurtz , R . Hun ter ; Dendas , Michael W; Ludlow , Ashley ; Appleton , Seth D; Ke ll ey , Michael J; Fraine , Cherice J ; Suchar , Norman A; Carter , St evens J Optional Attendees : Deana Bass (Deana . Bass@hud . gov) ----- Original Appointment ----F rom : Bar ton , Victoria L /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000719 Sent : Fr iday , July 14 , 2017 2 : 55 PM To : Barton, Victor i a L ; Kurtz , R . Hunter ; Dendas , Mi chael W; Ludlow , Ashley ; Appleton, Seth D; Ke l ley , Michael J ; Fraine, Cherice J; Suchar , Norman A; Carter, Stevens J Subjec t: Rep . Issa Letter Draft Review When : Thursday , July 20 , 20 17 9:00 AM-9:30 AM (UTC-05 :00) Easte rn Tim e (US & Ca na da) . Where : Seth's office - 10120 Subjec t: Location : 10226 Meeting w/ Greg Dept o f Housing Calhoun & Urban RE : Vision Ce nte rs Deve l opment , 451 7th St. SW , Rm. Start : Tue 8/1/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Tue 8/1/2017 11 : 45 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organi zer: Bass , Deana =l {b ~)(=6~) --------. Requ i red Attendees : David J ; Costa , Alfonso A Your meeting updated. was found to be out Brego n, of Sent by Microsoft Exc h ange Serve r Subjec t: Meet in g w/ Greg Calhoun Location : Dept of Housing & Urban 10226 Tue 8/1/20 1 7 11:00 Start : End : Tue 8/1/ 2 017 11:45 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence date pVERSIGHT h as been automatically St . SW , Rm. AM : (none) was Sent by Microsoft From : Byrd , David /\MERICAi\ R; Byrd , RE : Vision Centers Deve lo pment , 451 7th Organizer : Bass , Deana ~b k ~)(~6),--------, Required Attendees : David J ; Costa , Alfonso A Your meeting updated . and Nelson found to Exchange J be ou t of Bregon , Nelson date and has been R; Byrd , a u tomatically Server HUD-17-0504-E-000720 Sen t : Tues d ay , July To : Bass , Deana Subject : Accepted Sub j ec t: Locatio n : 1 0226 18 , 2017 1 0 : 16 AM : Meeti ng w/ Greg Meet i ng w/ Greg Dept of Hous ing Calhoun RE : Vision Ca l ho un RE : Vi sion Ce n te r s & Urba n Deve lo pment , 451 7th Centers St . SW , Rm. Start : Tue 8/ 1 /20 1 7 11 : 0 0 AM End : Tue 8/1/2017 11 : 45 AM Show Time As : Te nta t ive Recurrence : (none ) Org a nize r : Bass , Deana Req uired Att en d ees : Dav id J ; Costa , Alfonso Your meeting update d . was found Sent by Mic rosoft Subject : Deana Locatio n : Deana 1Br e gon , Nelson -l(b-)(-6 )________ R; Byrd , A t o be out of date and has Exc hang e Server Bass RE : Great Soc i e ty will call Ja ' Ron (202) 395-1159 been automatically Start : Tue 7/1 8 / 2 0 17 3 : 15 PM End : Tue 7/18/20 17 3:3 0 PM Show Time As : Te nta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Or ga niz e r : Bass , Dea na Required Attendees : ' Smith , Ja ' Ron K. EOP/WHO' Your meeting updated . was found Sent by Mic rosoft Subject : Deana Locatio n : Deana to be ou t o f date Exc h a ng e Server Bass RE : Great Soc i ety wi l l call Ja ' Ron (202) and h as been a u tomatical ly 395-1159 Start : Tue 7/ 18 /20 17 3 : 15 PM End : Tue 7/18/ 2 0 17 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Bass , Deana HUD-17-0504-E-000721 Requ ire d Atte ndees : ' Smith, Your meeting updated . to was found Ja ' Ro n K. EOP /WHO ' be out of Sent by Mic rosoft Excha ng e Server Subjec t: Offic e Call : PD&R support Loca ti o n : DCS Office dat e and for has been Envision/Section automatically 3 Start : Tue 7/1 8 / 2 0 17 3 : 30 PM End : Tu e 7/18/2017 4 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Ten t a tive Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Status : Not yet respond ed Orga n iz e r: Bourne , Chr i s t op h e r M Required Atte nd ees : Dean a Bass (deana Subject : . bass@hud . gov) Chr i s Bo ur ne - Envis i o n Centers Start : Tu e 7/18/2017 3 : 30 PM End : Tue 7/18/2017 4 : 00 PM Recurrence Organiz er : Subject : Lo cation : : (none ) Bass , Dea na Canceled : Public Affairs Staff A/S ' s office (d i al - in details Morn i ng Staff within) Meeting Tue 7/ 18/2 0 17 10: 00 AM Start : End : Tue 7/ 18/2 0 17 10:3 0 AM Show Time As : F ree Recurrence : Week l y Recur r e n ce Pat t e r n : Occurs AM effective 2/27/20 1 7 . Meeti ng Sta t us : Not eve ry weekday from 1 0 : 00 AM to 10 : 30 ye t responded Organ iz e r: Sul li va n , Br i a n E Required Atte ndees : Blunt , Brian L; Brown , Jereon M; Co l ema n , Eileen C; Long (Ctr) , De on ; Miller , Mi tche ll E ; Senseney , Philom e na C; Adams , Sco tt ; Hardy IV , Sta n ley ; Adcock , Cy n t hi a D; Reinhard , Dav i d L; Mayo , Sammy E ; Brandao , El i sabete T; Gaona , Ma r ia E; Strothers , Let ha E; Hawkins , Sherrill N; Gadson , Jovette G; Johns on , Joanne L; Goodloe , Shantae M; Howa r d, Bren ton E ; AMOS, WILLIAM L; /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000722 Brown , Thompso Thompso Optiona April A; Liu , Ha ng ; Savoye , Hele n A; Williams , Raphae l L; n , Amy C; Gr i bb in , Wi l l i am J ; Shasky , Jo hn E; Bass , Deana ; n, Caitlin H; Br axton , Kia L l Attend ees : Barton , Victoria L; LOGAN, LEAH M Sub j ect : Meet i ng wi th Russell Simmons & Hasaun Muhammad@ 1 0 : 30AM Locat i o n : RA Co nf e r ence Room , 26 Federal Plaza , 35th Fl oo r (Entra n ce on Dua n e Street) Star t : Tue 7/18/20 17 10 : 30 AM End : Tue 7/ 18 / 2 0 17 1 1 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Not yet r espo nd ed Organiz e r : Patton , Lynn e M Required Attendees : Orr i ols , Mir z a ; D' Ancona , Luigi ; Murp h y , Stephe n E; Gl a n t z , Adam ; Gruso n , Barba r a ; Alvarez , Ol ga R; McNally , Char l es E; Olatoye , Shala ; Bass, Deana ; ' Bi ll Br ight ' Please see dial - i n below : Conf . Li ne #877 - 848 - 7030 ACCESS CODE: HOST : i=(b=){6 ~} _ _, liiillfilJ Subjec t : Locat i o n : Offi ce Call : PD&R suppo rt DCS Office f or Envi s i o n /Sect i on 3 Sta r t : Tu e 7/18/2017 3 : 0 0 PM End : Tue 7/18/2017 3 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tentat iv e Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Status Organizer Required Subject : Location : : : Bourne, Attendees Not : ye t re spo nded Chr i stop h er M Deana Bass (de ana . bass@hud Off i ce Ca ll : PD&R support DCS Off i ce for . gov ) En vis i o n /Sec t i o n 3 Tue 7/ 1 8/ 2 0 17 3 :0 0 PM Start : End : Tue 7/18/20 17 3 :3 0 PM /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000723 Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng Status : Dec l ined Organi zer : Bourne , Chr i s t op he r M Requ i r ed Attendees : Deana Bass (d ea n a . bass@hud Subjec t: Sect i o n 3 Locat i o n : OSEC Small ! ACCESS CODE: !/bl/6\ Co nf . Rm. 102 10 // PASSWORD: Im) . gov ) Co nf . Line# 888- 2 73-3658 Star t : Wed 7/19/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 7/19/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Rec urrence Recurrence : Weekly Pa tter n : every Wednesday from 2 : 00 PM t o 2 : 30 PM Org a nizer : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Bass , Deana ; Patton , Lynn e M; Bregon, Nelson R; Smyth , Timothy M; Kasp e r , Maren M; Bastarache , Dan i e ll e L; Cos ta , Alfonso A; Mun i r , Ra f iq A; Gr u so n, Barbara ; No r lander , Adam G; Golr i c k , Jane t M; Cl emme n sen , Cr a ig T ; Jacobs , Az tec ; Nicho l sd ix on , Merrie ; Thomas , Tod d C ; Chr ist e ns en , Er ic F ; Franceschini - Petty , Raquel ; Williams , Rap h a e l L ; Hold e rfi e ld , Stephanie A; Coffey , Alexander ; Hobbs , Ben j amin R; Ha rd y IV , Stan l ey ; Bour ne , Chr i s t opher M; Taffet , Cli fford ; Schulhof , Ma ry T ; Mo r ton , Robert B Your meeting update d . was found to be out of date and has been automatica Sent by Mic ro so f t Ex ch an ge Server Subjec t: FW: Meeting wi th Russell Simmo n s & Hasa un Muhammad NOT SHARE) Locat i o n: FPM Co n ference Room , 26 Federal Plaza , 35th Floo r l ly (DO Sta r t : Tue 7/18/2017 1 0 : 30 AM End : Tue 7/18/2017 1 1 : 30 AM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Recu rr en ce : (none) Meeting Status Organize r : Con f . Line : Not ye t responded Pa tto n , Lynne #877- M 848-7030 /b=l/=6\.__. ACCESS CODE: != /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000724 HOST: ~ -----Origina l Appointment----From : Patton , Lynne M Sent : Monday , July 10 , 2017 4 : 41 PM To : Patton , Lynne M; Orriols , Mirza; D' Ancona , Luigi ; Murphy , Stephen E; Glantz , Adam ; Gruson, Barbara ; Alvarez , Olga R; McNall y , Char le s E Subjec t: Meeting with Russe ll Simmons & Hasaun Muhammad (DO NOT SHARE) When : Tuesday , July 18 , 2017 10 : 30 AM- 1 1 : 30 AM (UTC- 05 : 00) Eas te rn Time (US & Ca n ada) . Where : FPM Co nf erence Room , 26 Federal Plaza, 35th Fl oo r Importance : High Subjec t: Location : Follow - up mtg . wi th Catholic Charities USA 2050 Ba ll enger Ave Suite 400, Al exandria VA Start : Fri 7/28/20 17 3 : 30 PM End : F ri 7/28/20 17 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Bass , Deana ; Bregon , Ne l son R; Costa, A; 'L ucreda Cobbs ' Opt i onal Attendees : Brian Corbin ; Lucas Swanepoel You r meeting updated. was found to Sent by Microsoft Exchange Subjec t: Follow-up mtg. Location : 2050 Ballenger be out of date and has been automat Al fonso i ca l ly Server with Ca tholi c Ch a ri t ie s USA Ave Suite 400 , Alexandria VA Sta r t : Fri 7/28/2017 3 : 30 PM End : Fri 7/28/2017 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Requ ir ed Attendees : Bass , Deana ; Bregon, A; 'Lucreda Cobbs ' Optiona l Attendees : Brian Corbin ; Lucas /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Nelson R; Costa , Alfonso Swanepoe l HUD-17-0504-E-000725 Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and h as been a ut omatical ly Sent by Microsoft Exch a ng e Server Subject : Fo l l ow- up mtg . with Catholic Chari t i es USA Loca t ion : 20 5 0 Ba ll enger Ave Suite 4 00 , Al exa nd ria VA Start : Fri 7/28/ 2 0 17 3 : 30 PM End : Fri 7/2 8 / 2 0 17 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Te nta t ive Recurrence : (none) Org a nize r : Bass , Deana Req uired Att en d ees : Bass , Dea na ; Bregon , Ne l son A; ' Lu c red a Cobbs ' Opt i o na l Attendees : Brian Co rbi n Your meeting update d . was found to be out of d a te and has R; Costa , Al fon so been a ut omatica l ly Sent by Microsoft Exc h an ge Server Subjec t : Fo ll ow- up mt g . with Ca tholic Ch a ri t ie s USA Locat i o n: 2 050 Ba llenge r Ave Su it e 4 00 , Alexandria VA Start : Fri 7/2 8/20 17 3:30 End : Fri 7/28/2017 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence PM : (none) Organi zer : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Attendees : Bass , Deana ; Br egon , Nelson A; ' Lu c r eda Cobbs ' Opt i o na l Attendees : Brian Corbin Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be out o f date R; Costa , Alfonso and h as been a ut omatical ly Sent by Microsoft Ex c h a ng e Server Subject: Fol l ow- up mtg . with Ca th o li c Ch a r i t i es USA Locatio n : 2050 Ballenger Ave Suite 4 00 , Alexan dr ia VA Start : Fri 7/28/20 17 3 : 30 PM End : Fri 7/28/ 2 0 17 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000726 Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Req uired Attend ees: Bass , De ana ; Br eg on , Nelson A; 'Lu c r eda Cobbs ' Opt i o n al Atte ndees : Brian Co r bin Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and has R; Costa , Alfonso been automat ical ly Sent by Mic ro so f t Exchange Server Subjec t: Fol l ow- up mtg . with Ca tholi c Ch a ri t i es USA Loca tion : 2050 Ballenge r Ave Sui te 400 , Al exandria VA S t art : F ri 7/2 8/2 0 17 3 : 30 PM End : F ri 7/28/2017 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurre n ce : (none) Organiz e r : Bass , De ana Required Atte ndees : Bass , Deana ; Breg on , Nelson A; 'Lu c r eda Cobbs ' Opt i o na l Atte ndees : Brian Corbin Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be out o f date Sent by Mi crosoft Exc h a ng e Serve r From : Brian Co rbi n Catholic Fol l ow- up mtg . with Cat h o lic Ch a ri t i es 2050 Ba llenger Ave Suite 4 00 , Alexandria Chari t ies USA USA VA Start : Fri 7/28/20 17 3 : 30 PM End : Fri 7/28/ 2 0 17 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Organ iz e r: Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Bregon , Nelson Cobbs ' Your meet i ng was f ound updated . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT to be ou t of R; Costa , Al fo n so A; date and h as been 'Lu creda a u tomatical ly HUD-17-0504-E-000727 Sent by Microso ft Exchange Server Subject : Follow - up mtg . with Catholic Charities Lo catio n: 2050 Ba ll enger Ave Sui t e 400 , Al exandria VA Start : Fr i 7/ 28/20 17 3 : 30 PM End : F ri 7/28/20 17 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurre n ce : (none) Organizer Required Cobbs ' : Bass , Deana Atte ndees : Brego n, Your meeting updated . was found to Nelson be out of R; Cos t a , Al f onso date and has been Sent by Mic ro soft Exchange Server Subject : Follow - up mtg . with Catholic Charities Loca tion : 2050 Ba ll enger Ave Sui t e 400 , Al e x andria A; automat ' Lucreda i ca l ly VA S t art : F ri 7/28/20 17 3 : 30 PM End : F ri 7/28/2017 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer Requ i red Cobbs ' : (none) : Bass , Deana Atte ndees : Brego n, Your meeting updated . was found to be Nelso n R; Cos t a , Al f o n so A; out of da t e and Sent by Mic ro soft Exchange Server Subjec t: Sect i o n 3 Locatio n: OSEC Small Co n f . Rm. 10210 // ACCESS CODE: !ib}/6\ I PASSWORD: liiillfilJ has been Co n f . Line# ' Luc r eda automatically 888-273-3658 Start : Wed 7/19/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 7/19/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : Weekly Recurrence Pat t ern : Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : every Wednesday from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Bass , Deana HUD-17-0504-E-000728 Requ ire d Atte ndees : Bass , Deana ; Patton , Lynne M; Breg on , Nelson R; Smyth , Ti mothy M; Kasper , Ma r en M; Bastarac h e , Danielle L; Costa , Alfonso A; Mun i r, Ra fiq A; Gruson , Barbara ; Nor l ander , Adam G; Golric k, Janet M; Clemmensen, Craig T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Nicholsdixon , Mer r ie ; Thomas , Tod d C; Chr i s ten sen , Er ic F; Franceschini-Petty , Raquel ; Willi ams , Rap h ael L; Holde rfi eld , Step h a ni e A; Coffey , Alexande r; Hobbs , Ben j amin R; Ha r dy IV , Stan l ey ; Bour n e , Chr i s t opher M; Taffet , Clif f ord ; Sc h ulhof , Mary T ; Morton , Robert B Your meeti ng was f ound up dated . to be out o f date and h as been a ut omatical Sen t by Mi crosoft Exch a nge Se rver Subject : Meet in g w/ Greg Ca l ho un RE : Vi sion Ce n ters Loc a tio n: Dept of Hous in g & Urba n Deve lo pment , 451 7 th 1022 6 ly St . SW , Rm. Start : Wed 7/ 1 9/ 2 0 17 1 1 : 00 AM End : Wed 7/19/ 2 0 17 1 1 :4 5 AM Show Time As : Te nta t ive Recurrence : (none) Org a nize r : Bass , Deana Required Attend ees: -fb-)(-6)-------~I A Dav i d J ; Costa , Alfonso Your meeting updated . was found t o be out Br e g on, of Sent by Mic rosoft Ex chang e Server Subject : Meeting w/ Gr e g Calhoun Loca tion : Dep t of Housing & Urban 10226 date and Nelson R; Byrd , h as been autom a tical RE : Vision Development Cente rs , 451 7th St. ly SW , Rm. S t art : Wed 7/19/20 17 11 : 00 AM End : Wed 7/19/2017 11 :4 5 AM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : (none ) Organizer : Bass , Deana ~--------~ Required Atte ndees : l(b)(6) Dav i d J ; Costa , Alf onso A Your meeting up dated . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was found to be out IBrego of date and n, Nelso n R; Byrd , h as been a ut omatically HUD-17-0504-E-000729 Sent by Microsoft Exch a nge Server From : Byrd , David J Sent : Mon day, July 17, 201 7 11 : 53 AM To : Bass, Deana Subject : Accepted : Mee ting w/ Gre g Calhoun Subject : Loca tion: 10 226 Meeting Dept of w/ Greg Hous ing Calhoun & Urban RE : Vision RE : Vis i on Centers Deve lopmen t , 451 7th Ce n ters St. SW, Rm. Start : Wed 7/19/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Wed 7/19/2017 1 1 : 45 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none ) Organi zer: Bass , Deana ~~ b-)(-6)-------~ Requ ir ed Attendees : Dav id J ; Costa, Alfonso A Your meeting updated. was found to be out Brego n , Nelson of date and has R; Byrd , bee n automat Sent by Mic rosoft Exch a nge Server RE : Vi sion Ce n te r s Subject: Meet in g w/ Greg Calhoun Loc ation: Dept of Housi ng & Urba n Deve lo pment , 451 7th 10226 St. i ca l ly SW , Rm. Start : Wed 7/19/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Wed 7/ 19/2 0 1 7 1 1 :4 5 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organ iz e r : Bass , Required Attendees Deana : =! (b-)(=6)------~ Your updat fo und meeting ed . was to be out o f date Sent by Microsoft Exch a nge Server Subject: Sect i on 3 Locatio n: OSEC Small Conf . Rm. 10210 I PASSWORD: '-J ACCESS CODE: !{b)(6) and // h as been Conf . Li ne# a ut omatical ly 888 - 273 - 3658 Start : Wed 7/26/ 2 0 1 7 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 7/26/20 1 7 2 :3 0 PM Show Time As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000730 Recurrence Recurrence Organize Requ i red R; Smyth Alfonso Gol ri ck, Merrie ; Raquel ; Alexander M; Taffet : Week ly Pattern : every Wednesday r: Bass , Deana Atte ndees : Bass , Deana ; , Ti mothy M; Kasper , Maren A; Munir , Rafiq A; Gruson , Janet M; Clemmensen, Craig Thomas , Todd C; Chr i s ten sen Willi ams , Raphael L ; Holderf ; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Hardy , Clifford ; Schulhof , Mary Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be out from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Patton , Lynne M; Bregon , Nelson M; Bastarache , Danielle L; Costa , Barbara; Nor lan der , Adam G; T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Nicholsdixon , , Eric F ; Franceschini-Petty , i eld , Stephan i e A; Coffey , I V, St anley; Bourne , Christopher T ; Morton , Robe r t B o f date and Sent by Microsoft Exchange Serve r Subject : Section 3 Loc ation: OSEC Sma ll Conf . Rm. 10210 // ACCESS CODE: !{b){6) ! PASSWORD: !iliRill has been Conf . Line# automatically 888 - 273 - 3658 Start : Wed 7/19/20 17 2 :0 0 PM End : Wed 7/19/20 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Recurrence : Week ly Pattern : every Wednesday from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Bass , Deana ; Patton, Lynne M; Bregon, Nelson R; Smyth, Ti mothy M; Kasper, Maren M; Bastarache , Danielle L; Costa , Alfonso A; Munir , Rafiq A; Gruson , Barbara ; Nor lan der , Adam G; Gol ri ck, Janet M; Clemmensen , Craig T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Nicholsdixon , Merrie ; Thomas , Todd C; Christe n sen , Er ic F ; Franceschi n i-P etty , Raquel ; Willi ams , Raphael L ; Holderf i eld , Stephan i e A; Coffey , Alexander ; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Ha r dy IV , Stan l ey ; Bourne , Chr i stopher M; Taffet , Clif f ord; Schulhof , Mary T ; Mor ton , Robert B Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and has been automatically Sent by Mic rosoft Exchange Server From : Smyth , Timothy M Sent : Monday , July 17 , 20 17 10 : 55 AM To : Bass , Deana Subject : Dec lin ed : Section 3 I will /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT be in Phoenix at a PIH conference . HUD-17-0504-E-000731 Subjec t: Sect ion 3 Mtg . w/Sinclair Infras tru cture Deve l opme n t Locatio n: Dept of Housi ng & Urban Rm. 10226 Coope r , President , Publ i c Deve lo pment , 451 7&E St . SW// Tue 7/25/ 2 0 17 1:0 0 PM Start : End : Tue 7/25/ 2 0 17 1:4 5 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer Required Campbell : (none) : Bass , Deana Attend ees: ' sincla ir . cooper@huntcompanies , Cyn th ia F ; Munir , Raf iq A Your meeting updated . was found to be ou t of date and has Sent by Mic rosoft Exc h an g e Server F rom : Campb e ll , Cynth ia F Sent : Monday , July 17 , 2017 7 :05 AM To : Bass , Deana Subjec t: Accep t ed : Sec ti o n 3 Mt g . w/S in cla ir Public I n frastructure Developme n t Subject : Section 3 Locatio n: OSEC Sma l l Conf . Rm. 10210 // ACCESS CODE: !{b)(6l PASSWORD: llli2@J . com '; been a u tomatical Cooper , P r esident Co n f . Li n e# ly , 888-273-3658 Start : Wed 7/ 1 9/20 17 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 7/19/20 17 2 : 30 PM Show Ti me As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : Weekly Recur r e n ce Pa tt e r n : every Wednesday from 2 : 00 PM t o 2 : 30 PM Organizer : Bass , Deana Requ i red Atte ndees : Bass , Deana ; Patton , Lynne M; Breg on , Nelson R; Smyth , Ti mothy M; Kasper , Ma r en M; Bastarache , Danielle L; Costa , Alfonso A; Mun ir , Rafiq A; Gruson , Barbara ; Nor lan der , Adam G; Golrick , Janet M; Clemmensen, Craig T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Nicholsdixon , Mer ri e ; Thomas , Todd C; Chris ten sen , Er ic F ; Franceschi n i-P etty , Raquel ; Williams , Rap h ael L; Holderfield , Step h anie A; Coffey , Al exa nd e r; Hobbs , Ben j amin R; Ha r dy IV , Stan l ey ; Bour n e , Chr i s t opher M; Taffet , Cl ifford ; Schulhof , Mary T ; Mor ton , Robert B Your meeting up dated . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was f ound to be ou t of date and h as been a u tomatical ly HUD-17-0504-E-000732 Sent by Mi crosoft Excha ng e Serve r Subject : Section 3 Location : OSEC Sma l l Conf . Rm. 102 1 0 // ! PASSWORD: l!filiill ACCESS CODE: !(b)(6) Conf . Li ne# 888 - 2 7 3 - 3658 Start : Wed 7/ 1 9/20 17 2 :0 0 PM End : Wed 7/19/20 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recur r e n ce : Wee kl y Recurrence Pattern : every Wednesday Organi zer: Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Bass , Deana ; R; Smyt h, Ti mot hy M; Kasper , Ma r en Alfonso A; Munir , Rafiq A; Gruso n, Golrick , Janet M; Clemmensen , Craig Merr i e ; Thomas , Todd C ; Chr i s t e n sen Raquel ; Willi ams , Rap h ael L ; Holder Alexander ; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Hardy M; Taffet , Clifford ; Sch u lhof , Mary Your meeting updated . was f ound to be out from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Patton , Lynne M; Breg on , Nelson M; Bastarache , Danielle L; Costa , Barbara ; Norlander , Adam G; T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Ni cholsdixon , , Er ic F ; Francesc hin i-Pet t y , fi eld , Step h a ni e A; Coffey , I V, St an l ey ; Bourne , Christopher T ; Morton , Robert B o f date and h as been a ut omatical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Exc h a ng e Se r ve r F rom : Smyth , Timothy M Sent : Sunday , July 16 , 20 17 6 : 58 AM To : Bass , Deana Subjec t: Accepted : Sec ti o n 3 Subject : Section 3 Location : OSEC Sma l l Conf . Rm. 102 1 0 // PASSWORD: l!filiill ACCESS CODE: !(b)(6) Conf . Li ne# 888 - 2 7 3 - 3658 Start : Wed 7/19/20 17 2 :0 0 PM End : Wed 7/19/20 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recur r e n ce : Week l y Recurrence Pattern : every Wednesday Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Bass , Deana ; R; Smyth, Ti moth y M; Kasper , Ma r en Alfonso A; Munir , Rafiq A; Gruso n, Golrick , Janet M; Clemmensen , Craig Merr i e ; Thomas , Todd C ; Chr i s t e n sen Raquel ; Willi ams , Rap h ael L ; Holder Alexander ; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Hardy M; Taffet , Clifford ; Schulhof , Mary /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Patton , Lynne M; Bregon , Ne l son M; Bastarache , Danielle L; Costa , Barbara ; Norlander , Adam G; T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Ni cholsdixon , , Er ic F ; Fra n cesc h i n i-Pet t y , fi eld , Step h a ni e A; Co ff ey , IV, Stan l ey ; Bour n e , Chr is topher T ; Morton , Robe r t B HUD-17-0504-E-000733 Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a ng e Server Subject : Section 3 Lo cation : OSEC Sma ll Conf . Rm. 10210 // ACCESS CODE : !{b)(6) ! PASSWORD: l!fil@J h as been Con f . Li ne# a ut omatical ly 888 - 2 73 - 3658 St art : Wed 7/19/ 2 0 17 2 :0 0 PM End : Wed 7/19/2017 2 : 30 PM Sho w Time As : Ten t a t ive Recurrence Recurrence : Wee kly Patte r n : every Wednesday fr om 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Organi zer: Bass , Deana Requ ir ed At tendees : Bass , Deana ; Patton , Lynne M; Br egon , Nelson R; Smyth , Timothy M; Kasp er , Mar en M; Bas t arache , Da nielle L; Cos t a, Alfonso A; Munir , Rafiq A; Gr uson, Barbara ; Norlander , Adam G; Golric k, Janet M; Clemmensen, Craig T ; Jacobs , Azt ec; Nicholsdixon , Mer r ie ; Thomas , Todd C ; Christensen , Er ic F; Franceschini-Petty , Raquel ; Willi ams , Rap h ael L ; Holder fi eld , Step h a ni e A; Coffey , Alexander ; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Ha rd y I V, S t anley; Bour n e , Christopher M; Taff et, Cliff o rd ; Schulhof, Mary T; Morton, Robe r t B Your meeting updated . was f ound to be ou t o f date and h as been a u tomatical ly Sen t by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Server Subject : Section 3 Mtg . w/Sin c lair Cooper , President , Pub l ic Infr astructu r e Devel opm en t Loca tion : Dep t of Housing & Urba n Development , 451 7&E St. SW// Rm. 1 0226 S t art : Tue 7/25/20 17 1 :0 0 PM End : Tue 7/25/2017 1 : 45 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence Organize Required Campbell : (none ) r : Bass , Deana Atte ndees : ' sinclair . cooper@huntcompanies , Cynthia F ; Mun ir , Rafiq A Your meeting up dated . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was found to be out of date and h as . co m' ; been a ut omatically HUD-17-0504-E-000734 Sen t by Mi crosoft Ex c h a nge Se rver Sub j ec t : Sect i o n 3 Mtg. w/S i nclai Infr astruc ture Deve l opme n t Lo cation : Dept o f Housing & Ur ban Rm. 1 0226 r Cooper , Pres i dent , Public Developm e nt , 451 7 &E St . SW// Start : Tue 7/ 25/20 17 1:0 0 PM End : Tue 7/25/20 17 1 : 45 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Organiz e r : Bass , De ana Required Atte ndees : ' sinclai r . coope r @hunt co mpanies Campbell , Cyn th ia F ; Munir , Ra f iq A Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and has Se nt by Mic ro so ft Exchan ge Server From : Muni r , Rafiq A Sent : Frid ay , Ju l y 14 , 20 17 4 : 12 PM To : Bass , Deana Subject : Accepted : Section 3 Mtg . w/Si n clair Public I nf r astructu r e De velopm ent Subject: Infr astructu Loca tion : Rm. 1 0226 Section 3 Mtg . w/Sinclair r e De velopm en t Dept o f Hous in g & Urban been . co m' ; automat ical Cooper , President Cooper , President ly , , Pub l ic Deve l opment , 451 7&E St . SW// Start : Tu e 7/25/2017 1 : 0 0 PM End : Tue 7/25/2017 1 : 45 PM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Recurrence : (none ) Organi zer : Bass, Deana Requ i r ed At tendees : ' s i nclai r . coope r @huntcompan i es . com '; Campbell , Cynthia F ; Munir , Rafiq A Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and has been a ut oma t ically Sent by Mi crosoft Exc h a ng e Ser ver From : S i nc l a ir Coope r Sent : Friday, Ju ly 14, 20 17 3 : 46 PM To : Bass , Deana /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000735 Subjec t : Accepted : Sec tion 3 Mtg. Publ i c I nfra s tru cture Deve l opme nt w/Sinclair P before Please consider the environment Cooper , Pre sident pri nt ing , thi s e-mail This e - mail, including a ll information contained therein and any attac hmen ts , is intended so lel y for the person o r enti ty to which it is addressed a n d may co n ta i n co n f i den ti al and/o r pr i vileged ma teri a l . I f you are n ot an int e nd ed recipient, o r a n agen t responsibl e for deliv e ring it to an in tended recipien t , you hav e re ce ive d th i s email in error . I n such event, please imme dia t ely (i) n ot if y the se nde r by rep ly emai l , (ii) do no t review, copy , save , fo rwar d or print th i s ema il o r a ny o f i ts attac hments , a n d (i i i) delete a nd /or destroy this email and its a tt achmen t s and all copies the r eo f . Any review , retransmission , dissemina t i on or other use of , or taking o f a n y act ion in relia n ce upo n , any e-mail se nt in error , inc l ud ing a ll in format i o n contai n ed therein a nd any attachments , by persons o r entities ot h er th an t h e intended recipient is proh ibite d . Pl ease visit our website at www. h untcompanies . com for importan t infor mat ion about ou r privacy p o li cies . For yo u r protect ion , pleas e do no t transmit accou nt in f ormation o r i n struc t ions by e-mail or inc l ude accou nt n umbe r s , Soc i al Secur ity numbers , cred i t card n umbers , passwords or other personal i n f ormation . Subject : Infrastructure Loc ation : Rm. 10 226 3 Mtg . w/Sinclair Section Deve l opme n t Dept of Housing & Ur ban Cooper, President , Public Developm e nt , 451 7 &E St . SW// St art : Tue 7/25/20 17 1 : 00 PM End : Tu e 7/25/2017 1 : 45 PM Show Time As : Ten t a t ive Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer Required Campbell : Bass , Deana Attendees : ' sinclai r . coope r@hun t companies , Cynthia F ; Muni r , Rafiq A Your meeting upd ated . was found to be out of date and has been . com '; automatically Sent by Mic ro so ft Exc h ange Server Subjec t: Sect i o n 3 Mtg . w/Sinclair Coope r , President , Public In frastruc ture Deve l opme n t Loc ation : Dept of Hous in g & Urba n Deve lo pment , 451 7&E St. SW// Rm. 10226 /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000736 Start : Tue 7/25/20 17 1:0 0 PM End : Tue 7/25/20 17 1 : 45 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recurrence Organizer Required : (none) : Bass , Deana Attend ees : Your meeting updated . was found sinclair to be . cooper@huntcompanies out of date and h as . com been a ut omatical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Excha ng e Server Subject : ** TO RESCHEDULE Mtg . w/Ron Thomas & Joe Markwardt Lo cation : Dept . of Housing & Urb an Deve l opment 451 7 th & E SW, Rm. 10 226 St art : Tue 7/25/20 17 1 : 00 PM End : Tue 7/25/2017 1 : 30 PM Show Time As : Free Recurrence : (none) Organiz e r : Bass , Dea na Required Attendees : ' Br i ttney Your meeting updated . was found to be Harris out of date '; jmarkwordt and Sent by Mic rosoft Exc hang e Server Subject : Section 3 Mtg . w/Deana Bass , HUD Lo cation : Dept of Housing & Urban Development Rm. 1 0226 has , been 451 @sa l es f orce automat 7&E St. . com i ca l ly SW// S t art : Tue 7/25/20 17 2 : 00 PM End : Tue 7/25/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence Organizer Required : (none) : Bass , Deana Attendees : Your meeting updated . was Se n t by Mic rosoft /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT found sinclair to Exchange be . cooper@huntcompanies out of date and has . com been automatically Server HUD-17-0504-E-000737 Subjec t : Locat i o n: Rm. 10226 Sect i o n 3 Mtg . w/Deana Bass, HUD Dept of Hous i ng & Urba n Deve l opment , Tue 7/25/20 17 2:00 Start : End : Tue 7/25/ 2 0 17 2 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e 451 7&E St. SW// PM Recu rr ence : (none) Orga n iz e r : Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : sinclair Your meeting upd a te d . was f ound to be . cooper@ h untcompa out o f date and ni es . com h as been a ut oma t ical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Se rver From : S i nc l a ir Cooper Sent : F ri da y , July 14, 2 0 17 12 : 1 8 PM To : Bass , De ana Subject : Accep te d : Section 3 Mt g . w/Deana Bass , HUD P Please co ns ider t h e env i ro nment before printing t h is e - ma il This e - mail , i n clud i ng a l l i nformat i o n c o nt ain ed therei n and any att achm e n t s , is intended solely for t h e person or entity to wh ic h i t i s addressed a n d may contain confidentia l and/or p ri v il eged material . If yo u are n ot an inten ded recipient , or an agent r espo n sib l e f o r de l i vering i t t o an i nt e n ded r ecip i en t , you have received th is email in error . In such event , please immediate l y (i) notify the sender by r ep ly emai l , (ii) do not r e view , copy , save, forward or print th i s email or a n y o f its a tt ac hme n t s , a nd (i ii ) de l ete a n d/or destroy this ema i l and it s attac hments a n d a ll cop i es thereof . Any r eview , retransmission , dissem i na t ion or ot h er use of , or taki ng of a n y action in relia nc e upo n , any e-mai l sent in error , inc luding all informa t ion con t ained therein and any attachments, by persons or entities o ther tha n the i n ten ded recip ie n t is prohibited . Please vis it our website at www. h untcompan i es . com for imp o rt a nt information about our privacy polic i es . For your protection , please do not transmi t accoun t information or i ns tru ct i ons by e - mail or inc lude accou nt numbers , Social Securi t y numbers , credit card n umbers , passwords or ot h er personal i n formation . Subjec t: Sect i o n 3 Locat i o n : OSEC Smal l Co nf . Rm. 10 210 // PASSWORD: filillill ACCESS CODE: !ib\/6\ /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Co nf . Li n e # 888-273-3658 HUD-17-0504-E-000738 Start : Wed 7/19/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 7/19/20 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurre n ce : Wee kl y Recurrence Patte r n : every Wednesday from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attend e es : Bass , De ana ; Patton , Lynne M; Bregon , Nelson R; Smyt h , Ti mot hy M; Kasper , Maren M; Bastarache , Danie lle L; Costa , Alfonso A; Muni r, Rafiq A; Gruson , Barba r a ; Norlander , Adam G; Golrick , Janet M; Cl emmensen , Craig T ; Jacobs , Az te c ; Nicholsdixon , Mer ri e ; Thomas , Todd C; Ch ri stensen , Er ic F ; Franceschini - Petty , Raquel ; Wil l iams , Rap h ael L ; Hold er f ield , Stephanie A; Coffey , Alexa nde r; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Har dy IV , Stan l ey ; Bour n e , Chr i stopher M; Taffet , Cl ifford ; Schulhof , Mary T ; Mor ton , Robert B Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and Sent by Mic ro soft Exchange Server Subjec t: Sect i o n 3 Location : OSEC Small Conf . Rm. 10210 // ACCESS CODE: !/bl/6\ ! PASSWORD: lnilifilJ has been Conf . Line# automatically 888-273-3658 Start : Wed 7/19/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 7/19/20 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : Weekly Recurrence Pat t ern : every Wednesday from 2 : 00 PM t o 2 : 30 PM Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Bass , Deana ; Patton , Lynne M; Bregon , Nelson R; Smyth, Timo th y M; Kasper , Maren M; Bastarache , Danie ll e L; Costa , Alfonso A; Muni r, Rafiq A; Gruson , Barba r a ; Norlander , Adam G; Golr i ck , Janet M; Cl emmensen , Cr a i g T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Nicho l sdixon , Merrie ; Thomas , Todd C; Christensen , Eric F ; Franceschini-Petty , Raquel ; Williams , Raphael L ; Hold e rfi eld , Stephanie A; Coffey , Alexa nde r; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Ha r dy IV , Stan l ey ; Bour n e , Chr i s t opher M; Taffet , Cl ifford ; Schulhof , Mary T ; Mor ton , Robert B Your meeting updated. was found to be out of date Sent by Mic ro so ft Exchange Server Subject : Sect i on 3 Location : OSEC Small Conf . Rm. 10210 // ACCESS CODE: !/bl/6\ I PASSWORD: lnilifilJ /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT and has been Conf . Line# automatically 888-273-3658 HUD-17-0504-E-000739 Start : Wed 7/19/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 7/19/20 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurre n ce : Wee kl y Recurrence Patte r n : every Wednesday from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attend e es : Bass , De ana ; Patton , Lynne M; Bregon , Nelson R; Smyt h , Ti mot hy M; Kasper , Maren M; Bastarache , Danie lle L; Costa , Alfonso A; Muni r, Rafiq A; Gruson , Barba r a ; Norlander , Adam G; Golrick , Janet M; Cl emmensen , Craig T ; Jacobs , Az te c ; Nicholsdixon , Mer ri e ; Thomas , Todd C; Ch ri stensen , Er ic F ; Franceschini - Petty , Raquel ; Wil l iams , Rap h ael L ; Hold er f ield , Stephanie A; Coffey , Alexa nde r; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Har dy IV , Stan l ey ; Bour n e , Chr i stopher M; Taffet , Cl ifford ; Schulhof , Mary T ; Mor ton , Robert B Your meeting updated . was found to be out of Sent by Mic ro soft Exchange Server Subjec t: MANDATORY : SES Performance Location : Brooke Monda l e A&B date and has Measu r es been automatically Training Sta r t : Thu 7/20/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Thu 7/20/20 17 4 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none ) Meet in g Status : Not ye t r espo nded Organizer : Office Of Executive Resources Required Attendees : Newton Cole , Karen A; Bregon , Nelson R; Reeves , James D; Scot t, Paul A; Williams , Dar l ene F ; Brooks , Towanda A; Constant i ne , Pe ter J ; Foster , He l en G; Pao , Jean Lin ; Pur i foy , Fel i cia A; Wright , Sheila D; Ballard , Dan i e l L ; Hungate , Joseph I; Lyberg , Sarah A; Nigam , Nita ; Timberlake , Courtney B; Ausby , Janice L ; Cooke , Kevin R; Shuback , Susan J ; Enzel , Dav id H; Gimont , Stan l ey ; Michalski , Lori A; Oliva , Ann M; Sardone , Vi rginia ; Taffet , Clifford ; Scott , Jimmy ; Surber , Keith W; Li ncoln , Paula A; Greene , Bryan ; Mills , Kris t a ; Smyth , Timo th y M; Stayanovich , Jason E ; Ch ri stophe r , Nancy D; Clemmensen , Cr aig T ; Cruciani , Linda M; For res t er , Althea M; Narode , Dane M; Pereira , Ariel ; Potts , Millicent B; Simpson , Kevin M; Worden , Jean ine M; Cooper-Jones , Barbara ; Corsiglia , Na n cy E ; Dau gherty , John T ; Donzell , Ke i th M; Drayne , Michael R; Getc h is , John F ; Hernandez , Deborah A; Keith , Gregory A; Preston , Tawanna ; Betts , Susan A; Davis , Thomas R; M; Hadley , Joy ; Himes , Ivery W; Gerecke , Sara h S ; Gol rick , Janet Li t t l e , Je ffrey D; Lukoff , Roge r M; Martin , Stephen A; Mulderig , Robert E ; Saunders , Elissa O; Benison , John P ; Gan t , Jon L ; Hensley , Hen ry ; Ammon, Mat th ew E ; Jo hnso n , Calvin C; Usowski , Kurt G; /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000740 Bastarache , Da n ie lle L ; Blom , Domin i que G; Bryon , Jemi n e A; Frechette , He i di J ; Fe rry -Jen ning s , Shylon C; Lavoy , Don a l d J ; Ozd i nec , Mi l an M; Wadh ams , Unabyrd ; Brown , J ereo n M; Ric ha rdson Tod d M; Bass , De ana ; Eag l es , David T ; Greenwood , Sh ei la M; Kasp Maren M; Kurt z , R . Hunter ; Pat ton , Ly nne M; Va n Duyne , Beth A; Be tha ny A; Bowes , Robe r t B; DeFe l i ce , Jose ph J ; Warre n, Lynette MIDDLETON, JULIETTE Good Afternoon Executiv , er , Zorc , ; es : It i s t ime f o r HUD to r e-cert ify i ts se n ior e x ec u t iv e se r v i ce performa nc e man agement sys tem . This is a pay - for - performance sys tem which requires tha t OPM certify ou r per f ormance appraisal system , with 0 MB conc urre nce . Once we are ce r tif i ed , we can make SES pay access to the h igher aggregate pay l imit . for accepting th i s r equ ir ed tra i ning which n ew SES per f orma n ce man a g emen t system . adjustments a n d have Therefore , we th ank you wi ll introd uce you to the Af ter t h is training , you wi ll pr o vide an importan t de liver able due on J uly 2 7, 201 7 - your FY18 p e rformance plan which is an int e gral r eq uirem e nt for c e rtification . You will * * * * * * also unde r stand the following new c ri te ria : The new governmen t- wi de SES performanc e measures and ma nagement sys tem How to deve l op a Critica l El ement 5 new criteria How to write measu r able resul ts in accordance with the OPM mandate f or cert if ication . How to de li nea t e c l ea r r esu l ts How to identify qua li ty ind ic ators Assur e a clear transparen t r eference to the strategic plan a nd other orga n i z ational performance documents & SBA/HUD Subjec t: HUD, SBA Mtg . RE : Oppo r t u n ity Ce n ters Partners hi p Loc at io n : SBA, Office of Capital Access 4 09 3 r d Street , SW, Rm 8329 / HUD staff wil l inform securi t y they are meeting with Bill Mange r of OCA S tart : F ri 7/14/20 17 9 : 30 AM End : Fri 7/14/2017 10 : 15 AM Show Time As : Tenta ti ve Recurrence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) HUD-17-0504-E-000741 Organi zer : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Attendees : ' Willi am . Mange r @sba . gov '; Coffey , Al e x a n der ; Mun i r , Rafiq A; Forero , Jaime E; 'C h an el . Clark@sba . gov ' ; Joy , A Johnson P ; Cos ta , Alfonso Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be ou t of date and h as Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Se rv e r Centers Subject : HUD, SBA Mtg . RE : Opportunity Partners h ip Loca t io n : SBA, Of fice o f Capi t al Access 409 3rd / HUD sta ff will i n f o rm securi t y they a re meeting of OCA been a u tomatical ly & SBA/HUD St reet , SW, Rm 8329 wi th Bill Man ger Start : F ri 7/14/2017 9 : 30 AM End : F ri 7/14/2017 10 : 15 AM Show Tim e As : Tenta ti ve Recurrence : (none) Organi zer : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Attendees : ' Wi ll i am . Manger@sba . gov '; Coffey , Al e x a n der ; Mun i r , Rafiq A; Forero , Jaime E; 'C h an el . Clark@sba . gov ' ; Joy , Johnson P ; Cos ta , Alfons o A Your meeting updated . was f ound to be ou t o f date and h as been a u tomatical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Se rv e r Subject : HUD, SBA Mtg . RE : Opportunity Centers & SBA/HUD Partn e rs h ip Locatio n : SBA, Office o f Capi t al Access 409 3rd Stree t , SW, Rm 8329 / HUD sta ff will i n f o rm secur ity they a r e meet ing wi t h Bill Mang er of OCA Start : F ri 7/14/2017 9 : 30 AM End : Fri 7/14/2017 10 : 15 AM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Attendees : ' Wi ll i am . Manger@sba . gov '; Coffey , Al e x a n der ; Mun i r , Rafiq A; Forero , Jaime E ; 'C ha n el . Clark@sba . gov '; Joy , Johnson P ; Cos t a , Alfonso A Your meeting updated. /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was f ound to be ou t o f date and h as been a u tomatical ly HUD-17-0504-E-000742 Sent by Microso ft Exchange Server Subject : HUD, SBA Mtg . RE : Opportunity Centers Partnership Location : SBA, Office of Capital Access 409 3rd / HUD staff will i nform security they a r e meeting of OCA & SBA/HUD St r eet , SW, Rm 8329 wi th Bill Manger Start : Fri 7/14/2017 9 : 30 AM End : Fri 7/14/20 17 10 :1 5 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organize r: Bass , Deana Required Attendees : ' Wi l liam . Manger@sba . gov '; Coffey , Al exander Muni r , Rafiq A; Fore r o , Jaime E ; ' Chane l . Clark@sba . gov '; Joy , Johnso n P ; Cos t a , Alf o n so A Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and has Sent by Microso ft Exchange Server Subject : HUD, SBA Mtg . RE : Opportunity Centers Partnership Location : SBA, Office of Cap i tal Access 409 3rd / HUD staff will inform security they are meeting of OCA been automat ; i ca l ly & SBA/HUD St r eet , SW, Rm 8329 with Bill Manger Start : Fri 7/14/2017 9 : 30 AM End : Fri 7/14/20 17 10 :1 5 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organize r: Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : ' Wi l liam . Manger@sba . gov '; Coffey , Al exander Muni r , Rafiq A; Fo r e r o , Jaime E ; ' Chane l . Cla r k@sba . gov '; Joy , Johnso n P ; Cos t a , Alf onso A Your mee t ing updated . was found to be out of date and has Sent by Microso ft Exchange Server Subject : HUD, SBA Mtg . RE : Opportunity Centers Partners h ip Location : SBA, Office of Cap i tal Access 409 3rd / HUD staff will inform security they are meeting of OCA /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT been ; automatically & SBA/HUD St r eet , SW, Rm 8329 with Bill Manger HUD-17-0504-E-000743 Start : Fri 7/ 14/2 0 17 9 : 30 AM End : Fri 7/ 14 / 2 0 17 10 : 15 AM Show Time As : Ten tat iv e Recur r e n ce : (none ) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Att endees : ' William . Manger@sba . gov '; Coffey, Mun i r , Ra fiq A; Forero , Ja i me E ; ' Cha n e l . Clark@sba . gov '; Johns on P Your meeting upd a ted. was found to be out of d a te and Sent by Mic r oso f t Ex change Server Subjec t: Send WAVES to Ja ' Ron f o r Thurs h as been EEOB Welfare Al exan der ; Joy, a ut omatically Mtg. St a rt : Wed 7/19/ 2 0 17 3 :0 0 PM End : Wed 7/19/2017 3 : 30 PM Re cur ren ce : Week l y Recurrence Pa tt e r n : every Wednesday Or ga niz e r : Bass , Dea na Sub j ect : Loc a tion : 1 0226 Mt g . w/Ron Thomas & Joe Depf of Hous in g & Ur ban from 3 : 00 PM t o 3 : 30 PM Mar kwa r dt Deve lo pment 451 7th & E SW, Rm. Start : Tue 7/25/2017 1 : 00 PM End : Tue 7/ 25/20 17 1:3 0 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recu r rence : (none) Organ iz e r : Bass , Deana Req u ired Atte ndees : Brittney Your meeti ng was up dated . f ound to be Harris out ; jm a r kword t@salesforce o f d a t e and Sent by Microsoft Ex c h a ng e Server Subject : Mt g . w/Ron Thomas & Joe Lo cation : Depf of Housi ng & Urban 1022 6 h as been Mar kwa r dt Deve l opment 4 51 7th . com a ut omatical ly & E SW, Rm. Tue 7/ 25/20 17 1:0 0 PM Start : End : Tue 7 /25/20 17 1 : 30 PM Sho w Tim e As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000744 Recur r e n ce : (none) Organiz e r : Bass , De ana Required Attendees : Brittney Your meet i ng was updated . found to be Harris ou t of date and has been a u tomatical ly Sent by Mic rosoft Exc hang e Server Subject : FW: Week ly welfar e me et i ng Loca t io n: EEOB 172 Start : Thu 6/15/20 17 2 :0 0 PM End : Thu 6 /15/20 17 3 : 0 0 PM Show Time As : Ten tat iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Organiz er : Conan t , Ann M. EOP/WHO - ---- Original Appointme n t ---- F r om : Conant , Ann M. EOP/WHO Sen t : Wednesday , June 7 , 20 17 3 : 32 PM To : Co n a n t , Ann M. EOP/W HO; Armstrong , Rebe ka h W. EOP/OVP ; Smit h , Ja ' Ro n K. EOP/W HO; Koenig , Andrew D. EOP/WHO; Gray , John W. EOP/OMB ; Meeks , Daris D. EOP/OVP ; Hudson , Hope R. EOP/W HO; Wi nfree , Paul L . EOP/WHO; Ramir e z , Aus t in M. EOP/WHO Subjec t: Weekly wel f a re me et in g When : Occurs eve ry Th ur sday effect iv e 6/15/2017 f r om 2 : 00 PM t o 3 : 00 PM (UTC- 0 5 : 00 ) Eas ter n Time (US & Canada ). Whe r e : EEOB 172 Subject : Loca tion : Canceled : Weekly EEOB 172 welfare meeting Start : Thu 6/15/20 17 2 : 00 PM End : Thu 6/15/2017 3 : 0 0 PM Show Time As : F ree Recur r e n ce : (none ) Meet ing Status : Org an iz e r: Conant Subject Section /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Not yet respond ed , Ann M. EOP/WHO 3 HUD-17-0504-E-000745 Location : OSEC Small ACCESS CODE: !/b\/6\ Co n f . Rm. 10210 // PASSWORD: liiillm:J Conf . Li n e# 888-273-3658 Start : Wed 7/19/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 7/19/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : Week l y Recu rr ence Pattern : Organize Required R; Smyth Alfonso Golric k, Merr i e ; Raquel ; Alexander M; Taffet eve ry Wednesday r: Bass , Deana Attendees : Bass , Deana ; M; Kaspe r , Maren , Timothy A; Mun i r, Ra f iq A; Gr uson , Janet M; Cl emmensen , Cr aig Thomas , Todd C; Chr i stensen Wil l iams , Raphael L ; Holderf ; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Hardy , Cl ifford ; Schulho f, Mary Your meeting updated . was found to be out of from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Patton , Lynne M; Bregon , Nelson M; Bastarache , Dan i e ll e L ; Costa , Barbara ; Nor lan der , Adam G; T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Nicho l sdixon , , Eric F ; Franceschini-Petty , ield , Stephanie A; Coffey , IV, Stanley ; Bourne, Christopher T ; Morton , Robert B date and Sent by Microso ft Exchange Server Subject : Section 3 Loca tion : OSEC Small Co nf. Rm. 10210 // ! PASSWORD: lili2@J ACCESS CODE: !{bl{6l has been Conf . Line# automatically 888-273-3658 S t art : Wed 7/19/20 17 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 7/19/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : Weekly Recu rr ence Pattern : eve ry Wednesday Organize r: Bass , Deana Requ i red Attendees : Bass , Deana ; R; Smyt h, Timot h y M; Kasper , Maren Alfonso A; Munir , Rafiq A; Gruson , Golr i c k, Janet M; Cl emmensen , Cr aig Merr i e ; Thomas , Todd C; Chr i stensen, Raquel ; Williams , Raphael L ; Ho lderf Alexander ; Hobb s , Benjamin R; Hardy M; Taffet , Clifford ; Schulhof , Mary Your meeting updated . was found to be ou t of pVERSIGHT 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Patton , Lynne M; Br egon, Nelson M; Bas t arache , Dan ielle L; Cos t a , Barbara ; Nor land e r , Adam G; T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Nicho l sdixon , Eric F ; Franceschini-Petty , ield , Stephanie A; Coffey , IV , Stanley ; Bourne , Ch ri stophe r T ; Morton , Robert B date Sent by Microso ft Exchange Server Subject : MEET with Fo rmer Congressma /\MERICAi\ from and has been automatically n J . C . Watts HUD-17-0504-E-000746 Loca tion : SOHUD' s o ffi ce S t art : Wed 7/19/20 17 1 : 30 PM End : Wed 7/19/2017 2 : 0 0 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not Orga n iz e r : DocBe n Required Atte ndees : Top ic : Touch POC: Elroy Origin base Sailor and ye t respond Bass , Deana d iscuss Subject : Loca tion : a potentia , es ailor@jcwatts of Mee t in g : Deana S t aff : Deana ed l tr i p to . com Bass Bass MEET wit h Fo r mer Congressman SOHUD' s office J . C. Wat ts St art : Wed 7/19/20 17 2 : 30 PM End : Wed 7/19/2017 3 : 0 0 PM Show Time As : Ten t a t ive Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not Org an iz e r : DocBe n Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Topic : Touch POC: Elroy Origin /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT base Sailor of Meeting and y et respond ed Bass , Deana discuss , esa ilor : Deana a potentia @jcwatts l trip . com Bass HUD-17-0504-E-000747 Staff : Dea na Bass Subjec t: Locatio n: MANDATORY : SES Performance 2253 Measu r es Training Sta r t : Thu 7/20/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Thu 7/20/2017 4 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not ye t responded Organizer : Office Of Executive Resources Required Attendees : Newton Cole, Karen A; Brego n , Nelson R; Reeves, James D; Scott, Paul A; Williams, Darl ene F ; Broo k s , Towanda A; Co n stant i ne , Peter J ; Foster , He len G; Pao , J ean Lin ; Pur if oy , Fel i cia A; Wright , Shei la D; Ba lla rd, Dan i e l L ; Hungate , Joseph I; Ly be rg , Sarah A; Nigam , Nita ; Ti mberlake, Courtney B; Ausby , Janice L; Cooke , Kevin R; Shuback , Susan J; Enzel , Dav id H; Gim on t , Stan l ey ; Michalski , Lori A; Oliva , Ann M; Sardone , Vir ginia ; Taffet , Cl iff ord ; Scott , J i mmy; Surber , Keith W; Lincoln , Paula A; Greene , Bryan ; Mi lls, Kr i s t a ; Smyth , Timo thy M; S t ayanov i ch, Jason E; Christopher, Nancy D; Clemmensen , Craig T ; Cruc ian i, Linda M; Fo rr ester , Al the a M; Narode , Dane M; Perei r a, Ariel ; Potts , Millicent B; Simpson , Kevin M; Worden , J eanine M; Coope r -Jones , Barbara ; Corsig lia , Nancy E ; Daug herty , John T ; Don zel l , Ke i th M; Dr ayne, Michael R; Getc h i s , John F ; Hernandez , Deborah A; Keith , Gr egory A; Pr eston , Tawanna ; Betts , Susan A; Davis , Thomas R ; M; Had l ey , Joy ; Himes , I ve ry W; Gerecke , Sarah S ; Golrick , Janet Li tt l e , Je ffrey D; Lukoff , Roge r M; Martin , Stephen A; Mulderig , Robert E ; Sau nde r s , Elissa 0 ; Be nison, John P ; Gant , Jo n L ; Hensley , Henry ; Ammon, Mat thew E ; Johnson , Cal vi n C; Osowski, Kurt G; Bastarache , Dan i elle L ; Blom , Dominique G; Bryon , Jem i ne A; Frechette , Heidi J ; Ferry-Jennings , Shylon C; Lav oy , Donald J ; Ozd i nec , Milan M; Wadhams , Unaby r d ; Brown , Jereon M; Richardson , Todd M; Bass, Deana ; Eag les , David T ; Greenwood , Sheila M; Kasper, Mar en M; Kurtz , R . Hunter ; Patton , Lynne M; Van Duyn e, Beth A; Zorc , Betha ny A; Bowes , Robert B; DeFe lic e , Joseph J ; Warren , Lyn ette ; MIDDLETON, JULIETT E Good Afternoon Exec utives : It i s t i me f o r HUD to re-certify perf o rmance management system . which req u i re s that OPM certify with 0MB concurrence . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT i ts senior executive service Th i s is a pay-for-p er formance system o ur per f ormance appraisal system, HUD-17-0504-E-000748 Once we are certified , we can make SES pay access to the higher aggregate pay lim it . for accepting th i s r equ ir ed tra i ning which new SES performance man agement system . ad ju stments a n d have Therefore , we th ank you will introd uce you to the Af ter this tra in ing , yo u will p r ov id e a n i mportant de l iv erab l e due on July 27, 2017 - your FY1 8 performance plan wh ich is a n integral requirement for certification . You wil l also * * * * * * unde r stand the following new c ri teria : The new government-wide SES performance measures and management system How to deve l op a Critica l El ement 5 new criteria How to write measurable results in accordance with the OPM mandate f or cert ifi cation . How to del i neate clear r esu l ts How to identify quality indicators Assure a clear transparent r eference to the strategic plan and other organizational performance documents Subject : Loc ation : MANDATORY : SES Performance 2253 Measu r es Trai ni ng Start : Thu 7/20/2017 2 :0 0 PM End : Thu 7/20/2017 4 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Not yet r espo nded Organizer : Office Of Executive Resources Required Attendees : Newton Cole , Karen A; Bregon , Nelson R; Reeves , Ja mes D; Scott , Paul A; Williams , Dar l ene F ; Brooks, Towanda A; Constant i ne , Peter J ; Foster , He l en G; Pao , Jean Lin ; Pur i foy , Felicia A; Wright , Sheila D; Ba llar d, Daniel L ; Hungate , Joseph I; Lybe rg , Sarah A; Nigam , Nita ; Timberla ke, Courtney B; Ausby , Janice L ; Cooke , Kevin R; Shuback , Susan J ; Enzel , Dav id H; Gimont , Stanley ; Michals ki , Lor i A; Oliva , Ann M; Sardone , Virginia ; Taffet , Clifford ; Scott , J i mmy; Surber , Ke it h W; Lincoln , Paula A; Gree ne , Bryan ; Mills , Kris ta ; Smyth , Timo thy M; S taya novich, Jason E ; Christopher , Nancy D; Clemmensen , Craig T ; Cruciani , Linda M; Forrester , Althea M; Narode , Dane M; Pereira, Ariel ; Potts , Millicent B; Simpson , Kevin M; Worden , Jean i ne M; Cooper-Jones , Barbara ; Corsig li a , Nancy E ; Daugherty, John T ; Donzell , Keith M; Drayne , Mic hael R; Getchis , J ohn F; Hernandez , Deborah A; Keith , /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000749 Gregory A; Preston , Tawanna ; Bett s , Sus a n A; Davis , Thomas R; Gerecke , Sarah S ; Golrick , Ja n et M; Hadley , Joy ; Hi mes , I very W; Litt l e , Jeffrey D; Lu ko ff , Roger M; Martin , Stephen A; Muld erig , Rob e r t E ; Saunders , Eli ssa O; Benison , J o hn P ; Gant , Jon L ; Hens l e y , Henry ; Ammon , Matthe w E ; Johnson , Ca l vin C; Usow sk i , Kurt G; Bastarache , Da n ie ll e L ; Blom , Domi n i qu e G; Bryo n , Jemi n e A; Fr eche t te , He id i J ; Fe r r y-Jennings , Shylon C; Lavoy , Don a l d J ; Ozdinec , Mi l an M; Wadhams , Unaby rd ; Bro wn , J ere on M; Richa r dson , Tod d M; Bas s , Dea n a ; Eag l es , Dav i d T ; Greenwood, Shei l a M; Kasper , Maren M; Kur tz , R . Hunter ; Pat t on , Ly nn e M; Va n Duyne , Beth A; Zorc , Betha ny A; Bowes , Robe rt B; DeFel i ce , J oseph J Goo d Aft e rnoo n Executives : It i s t i me f o r HUD t o re -cer tify performance management system . which requires t ha t OPM certify with 0MB concurrence . i ts senior executive service Th i s i s a pay-fo r -perfo r mance system o ur per f o rma nce appraisa l system , Once we a r e ce r ti fi ed , we can make SES pay adjustments a n d have access t o the h i g her aggregate pay lim it . There fore , we th a nk you for accepting th i s r equ ir ed t rai n ing wh i ch wi ll intro duce you to the new SES performance manage men t system . Af ter th is training , you wi ll p r ov id e a n im po rt a n t deliverable due o n J uly 27 , 2 01 7 - your FY18 pe r form anc e plan wh ich is an integral requir eme nt f o r ce r t ification . You will * * * * * * als o un dersta n d the follow i ng n ew criteria : The new gover nmen t-w ide SES performance measu re s and management system How to deve lo p a Cr i tical El eme n t 5 new criteria How to write measu r able results in accordance wi th t h e OPM mandate f or certification . De l i neate c l ea r r esu lt s Ident ify qua l ity i nd i cators Assure a clear t ra nspare n t refe r ence to the strategic plan a nd other organizational performance docume nts Subjec t : Loca ti o n : MAND ATORY: SES Performance Brooke Monda l e A&B Meas ure s Trai n ing Sta r t : Thu 7/20/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Thu 7/20/20 17 4 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentat iv e Recu rr ence : (none ) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000750 Meet in g Status : Dec lin ed Organiz e r : Offic e Of Executive Resources Required Attendees : Newto n Co le, Karen A; Breg on , Nelson R; Reeves , James D; Scott , Paul A; Willi ams , Dar le n e F ; Br ooks , Towanda A; Co n stant i ne , Peter J ; Foster , He l e n G; Pao , Jean Li n; Pur i foy , Fel ic ia A; Wrig h t , Shei la D; Ba ll ard , Dani e l L ; Hung ate , Joseph I; Ly be r g, Sarah A; Nigam , Nita ; Ti mbe r lake, Cour tne y B ; Ausby , Janice L ; Coo k e , Kevi n R; Sh u back , Su sa n J ; Enzel, David H; Gimont , Stan l ey ; Mi chalsk i, Lo r i A; Ol i va , Ann M; Sardo n e , Vir gi ni a ; Taffet , Clifford ; Scott, Jimmy ; Sur ber, Keith W; Lincoln, Pa ula A; Greene , Bryan ; Mill s, Kr i s t a; Smyth , Timot h y M; Stayanovich , Jason E; Chr i s t op he r , Na n cy D; Clernmense n, Craig T ; Cr u ciani , Li n da M; Forres ter, Althea M; Na r ode , Dane M; Perei ra , Ar ie l; Potts , Milli ce n t B; Simp son , Kevin M; Worden , Jean i ne M; Coope r -Jones , Barbara ; Corsig li a , Nanc y E ; Daugherty , John T ; Donzell , Ke i t h M; Dr ayne , Michael R; Getch i s , John F ; He rnand e z , Deb orah A; Kei th, Gregory A; Preston , Tawanna ; Betts , Su sa n A; Davis , Thomas R; Gerec ke , Sara h S ; Golri ck , Ja n et M; Hadley , Joy ; Hi mes , Iver y W; Li tt l e , Jeffrey D; Lukoff , Roger M; Martin , Stephen A; Mulder ig , Robe r t E ; Saunders , Elissa O; Benison , John P ; Gant , Jon L ; Hens l ey , Hen ry ; Ammon, Matthew E; Johnson, Calv i n C; Uso wski , Kurt G; Bastarache , Da n ie lle L ; Blom , Dominique G; Bryon , Jemi n e A; Fr eche t te , He i di J ; Fer ry -Jen ning s , Shy lon C; Lavoy , Don a l d J ; Ozd i nec , Milan M; Wadhams, Unabyrd ; Brown, J ereo n M; Ric ha r dson, Tod d M; Bass , Dea na ; Eag l es , David T ; Greenwood, Sh e ila M; Kasp e r , Maren M; Kurtz , R . Hunter ; Pa tton, Ly nne M; Va n Duyne , Beth A; Zorc , Be tha ny A; Bowes , Robe r t B; DeFe l i ce , Jose ph J ; War re n, Lynett e ; MI DDLETON, JUL IETTE * PLEASE CONFIRM YOUR ATTENDANCE ASAP* Good Aft e rnoo n Executives : It i s time f o r HUD to r e-cert ify i ts se n ior e xecu t i ve se r v i ce performance man agemen t system . Th i s i s a pay-fo r -perfo rm ance system which requires t ha t OPM certify o ur performance appraisal system , with 0MB conc u rr e nce . Once we a r e ce access to the for accep ting new SES perf or r tif i ed , we can make SES pay h i gh er aggregate pay lim it . th i s r equ ir ed tra i ning which mance man a gement system . ad ju stments a n d have Therefore , we th ank you will intro duce you to th e Af ter th is training , yo u will p r ov id e a n i mpo rt a n t d el i verab l e due on J uly 27 , 2017 - your FY1 8 performance plan wh i ch is a n integral requirement for certification . You will /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT also unde r stand the following new criteria : HUD-17-0504-E-000751 * * * * * * The new government-w i de SES performance measures and management sys t em How to d evel op a Critica l Element 5 new criteria How to write measurable re su lts in accordance with the OPM mandate for cert ifi cat i on . How to del i neate clear r esu lt s How to identify qua lit y indicators Assure a clear transparent reference to the strategic p l an and othe r orga niz ational performance documents Subject: Sect i on 3 Task Force Locatio n: OSEC Sma l l Conf . Rm. 10226 ACCESS CODE: =!{ b=){~6)..____, Start : Thu 7/13/ 2 0 17 2:00 End : Thu 7/13/20 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence // Conf . Line# 888 - 273 - 3658 PM : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attend ees: Bass , Deana ; Patton , Lynne M; Bregon , Nelson R; Smyth , Timothy M; Kasper, Ma re n M; Bastarache , Danie ll e L; Costa , Alfonso A; Munir, Rafiq A; Gr u so n, Barbara ; Norlander , Adam G; Golrick , Janet M; Clemrnensen, Craig T ; Jacobs , Az te c ; Nicho lsd ixon , Merrie ; Thomas , Todd C ; Christensen , Er ic F; Franceschini-Petty , Raquel ; Williams, Raphael L ; Hold erfield, Stephanie A; Coffey, Alexander ; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Ha rdy IV, Stan le y ; Bour ne, Christopher M; Taffet , Clif ford ; Sc hul hof , Mary T ; Morton , Robert B Optional Attendees : Forero , Jaime E; Fleischer , Laura A Your meeting updated. was found to be out of date Sent by Microsoft Exc h a nge Serve r Subject : Coffee w/Matthew Hunte r Location : Meet at North Lobby , 1st and floor has , then been walk automatically to L ' Enfant Start : Wed 7/12/2017 3 :0 0 PM End : Wed 7/12/2017 3 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tentat iv e Recu rr ence : (none) Organize Required /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT r: Bass , Deana Attendees : Hunter, Matthew F HUD-17-0504-E-000752 Your meeting updated . was f ound to be ou t o f da t e and h as been automatically Sent by Mi crosoft Excha n ge Se r ve r Sub j ect : HUD, SBA Mtg . RE : Opport u n i ty Centers & SBA/HUD Partners h ip Location : SBA, Off i ce of Capital Access 409 3rd Street , SW, Rm 8329 / HUD sta ff will in f orm securi t y they a r e mee t i n g wi t h Bill Man ger of OCA Sta r t : Fri 7/14/2017 9 : 30 AM End : F ri 7/14/2017 10 : 15 AM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurre n ce : (none ) Organi z e r: Bass , Deana Requ i red At te ndees : ' Will iam . Manger@sba . gov '; Coffey , Al e x a n der ; Munir , Rafiq A; Forero , Jaime E; ' Chane l . Clark@sba . gov '; Joy , Johnson P Your meeting updated . was f ound to be ou t o f da t e and h as been automatically Sent by Mi crosoft Exc h a n ge Serve r Subject : HUD, SBA Mtg . RE : Opportunity Cen ter s & SBA/HUD Partners h ip Location : SBA, Off i ce of Capital Access 409 3rd Street , SW, Rm 8329 / HUD sta ff wil l in f orm securi t y they a r e mee t i n g wi t h Bill Man ger of OCA Sta r t : Fri 7/14/2017 9 : 30 AM End : Fri 7/14/2017 10 : 15 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurre n ce : (none ) Organi z e r: Bass , Deana Requ ir ed At tendees : ' Will iam . Mange r @sba . gov '; Coffey , Al exa n der ; Munir , Rafiq A; Forero , J aime E ; ' Chane l . Clark@sba . gov '; Joy , Johnson P Your meeting updated . was found to be out of da t e and Sent by Mi crosoft Ex cha n ge Se r ve r Subject : HUD, SBA Mtg . RE : Opportunity Pa r tnership /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT has been automatica l ly Cen ter s & SBA/HUD HUD-17-0504-E-000753 Location : / HUD staff of OCA SBA, Office will inform of Capital security Access 409 3rd they are meeting St r eet , SW, Rm 8329 wi th Bill Manger Start : Fri 7/14/2017 9 : 30 AM End : Fri 7/14/20 17 10 : 15 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Organize r: Bass , Deana Required Attendees : ' William . Manger@sba . gov '; Coffey , Alexander Muni r , Rafiq A; Fo r e r o , Jaime E ; ' Chane l . Cla r k@sba . gov '; Joy , Johnso n P Your meet i ng was updated . Sent by Mic Subject : Partnership Loca tion : / HUD staff of OCA found to be out of date ro so ft Exchange Server HUD, SBA Mtg . RE : Opportunity SBA, Office wil l inform of Capital security and has Centers Access 409 3rd the y are meeting been ; automatically & SBA/HUD Street, SW, Rm 8329 wi th Bill Manger Start : Fri 7/14/2017 9 : 30 AM End : Fri 7/ 14/20 17 10 : 15 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Organize r: Bass , Deana Required Attendees : ' William . Manger@sba . gov '; Cof fey , Alexander Munir , Rafiq A; Fo r e r o , Jaime E ; ' Chane l . Cla r k@sba . gov '; Joy , Johnso n P Your meet i ng was updated . Sent by Mic Subject : Partnership Location : / HUD staff of OCA found of date and rosoft Exchange Server HUD, SBA Mtg . RE : Opportu nity Centers SBA, Office will inform to be out of Capital security has Access 409 3rd they a r e meeting been ; automatically & SBA/HUD Street wi th , SW, Rm 8329 Bill Manger Start : Fri 7/14/2017 9 : 30 AM End : Fri 7/ 14/20 17 10 : 15 AM Show Time As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000754 Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass, Deana Req uired Attend ees : ' William . Mang e r@sba . gov ' ; Coffey, Mun i r , Rafiq A; Forero , Ja i me E ; ' Cha ne l . Cl ar k@sba . gov '; J ohnso n P Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and has been Alexander Joy , ; automatically Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server Subjec t: Mtg . with Ron Thomas & Josh Es te s Locatio n : Dept o f Hous in g & Urban Deve l opment , 451 7th Room 10226 -- Deana will ca ll Ron@ # 20 2 -870-307 2 St. SW// Start : Wed 7/12/2017 1 :0 0 PM End : Wed 7/12/2017 1:30 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta ti ve Recurrence : (none) Organi zer : Bass, Requ ir ed Attendees Your meet ing up dated . Sent Subjec Locat Room Deana : ' jestes@e was found xpressib to be out of d a te l e . com '; and has ' Brittney been Harr is ' a ut omat i ca l ly by Microsoft Exchange Se rv e r t: Mtg . with Ron Thomas & Josh Es te s i on : Dept of Hous i ng & Urba n Deve l opment , 451 7th 10226 -- Deana will call Ron@ #202 - 870 - 3072 St . SW// Start : Wed 7/12/20 17 1 :0 0 PM End : Wed 7/ 12/2 0 17 1: 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recurrence : (none) Org an iz e r : Bass , Deana Requ ir ed At te ndees : ' jestes@expressible Your meeting updated. was found to be out of date Sent by Microsoft Exc h a ng e Ser ver Subject : HUD, SBA Mtg . RE : Opport u n ity Partners hi p /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT . com ' ; and has Ce n ters ' Brittney been Harris a ut omatica ' l ly & SBA/HUD HUD-17-0504-E-000755 Location : / HUD staff of OCA SBA, Office will inform of Capital security Access 409 3rd they are meeting St r eet , SW, Rm 8329 wi th Bill Manger Start : Fri 7/14/2017 9 : 30 AM End : Fri 7/14/20 17 10 : 15 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Organize r: Bass , Deana Required Attendees : ' William . Manger@sba . gov '; Coffey , Alexander Muni r , Rafiq A; Fo r e r o , Jaime E ; ' Chane l . Cla r k@sba . gov '; Joy , Johnso n P Your meet i ng was updated . Sent by Mic Subject : Partnership Loca tion : / HUD staff of OCA found to be out of date ro so ft Exchange Server HUD, SBA Mtg . RE : Opportunity SBA, Office wil l inform of Capital security and has Centers Access 409 3rd the y are meeting been ; automatically & SBA/HUD Street, SW, Rm 8329 wi th Bill Manger Start : Fri 7/14/2017 9 : 30 AM End : Fri 7/ 14/20 17 10 : 15 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Organize r: Bass , Deana Required Attendees : ' William . Manger@sba . gov '; Cof fey , Alexander Munir , Rafiq A; Fo r e r o , Jaime E ; ' Chane l . Cla r k@sba . gov '; Joy , Johnso n P Your meet i ng was updated . found to be out of Sent by Mic rosoft Exchange Server Subject : CALL with Secreta ry Betsy Loca tion : Allie t o connect date and has been ; automatically DeVos Start : Wed 7/ 12/20 17 11 : 00 AM End : Wed 7/ 12/20 17 1 1 : 30 AM Show Tim e As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) Status : Not yet responded HUD-17-0504-E-000756 Organize Required r: DocBen At tendees : Top i c : education Subject: Bass , Deana issues CALL with and vision Secretary centers Betsy DeVos Sta r t : Wed 7/12/2017 1 1 : 00 AM End : Wed 7/12/2017 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meeti ng Status Organizer Required : Not : DocBen Attendees : Top i c : education Subject : Location : yet respo nded Bass , Deana issues and Meeting w/ Greg Dept of Housing vision cente r s Calhoun & Urban RE : Vis i on Centers Development , 45 1 7th St . SW Start : Wed 7/19/20 17 11 : 00 AM End : Wed 7/19/20 17 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer Required : (none) : Bass , Deana Attendees : ~! (b-)(_6_) ------~ Your meeting updated . was found to be out of Sent by Mi crosoft Exchange Server Subject : MEET with YMCA of Central Location : SOHUD' s Office date and has been automatically Fl orida/USA Start : Thu 7/27/20 17 10 : 30 AM End : Thu 7/27/20 17 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting Organizer Requ i red : (none) Status pVERSIGHT Not : DocBen Attendees : Topic : d i scuss /\MERICAi\ : Envision yet responded Bass , Deana ; Bregon, Centers and Nelson R Sect i on 3 HUD-17-0504-E-000757 Loca t ion : SOHUD' s office POC: Wayne Humphr ey , Senior YMCA of Central Fl or i da 433 N . Mi ll s Ave , Orlando P 40 7 896 9220 ext . 237 E whumphrey@cfymca . org centralflor id aymca . org Vice Preside n t of , FL 32803 D 407 895 - 4281 Public Po licy F 4 07 896 424 7 W External Attendees : YMCA o f Ce ntr al Flo r ida : Dan Wilcox , Pres i dent/Ch i ef Executive Office r, Colleen Mana h an , Chi ef Fi na n cia l Officer , Wayne Humphrey, Senior Vice - President Public Policy . YMCA of President Inter the Unit ed States of America : Mr . Nea l De nton , Sr . Vice and Ch ief Gove r nmen t Affairs Of ficer. na l Attendees Origin of : Dea n a Bass Mee t ing : Deana Subjec t: Sect i on 3 Location : OSEC Small ACCESS CODE: !{b)(6) I and : Weekly Patte r n : every Brego n Nelson Conf . Rm. 10210 // PASSWORD: liliRfilJ Start : Wed 7/19/20 17 2:00 End : Wed 7/19/20 17 2:30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Recurrence a nd Nelson Conf . Line# 888 - 273 - 3658 PM Wednesday from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Atte ndee s : Bass , Deana ; Patton, Lynne M; Bregon , Nelson R; Smyth, Timo thy M; Kasper, Maren M; Bastarache, Dan i e ll e L; Costa , Alfonso A; Munir , Raf iq A; Gr u son , Barbara ; Norlander, Adam G; Golrick , Janet M; Clemmensen , Craig T ; Jacobs , Az te c ; Nicho lsd ixon , Merri e; Thomas , Todd C ; Christensen , Er ic F; Franceschini - Petty , Raquel ; Williams , Rap h ael L ; Holder fiel d , Stepha nie A; Coffey , Alexander ; Hobbs , Ben j amin R; Ha r dy IV, Stan l ey ; Bourne , Chr i stopher M; Taffet , Clif f ord; Schulhof , Mary T ; Mor ton , Robert B /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000758 Your meeti ng was f oun d to up dated . be out o f d a te Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a ng e Serve r Subject: Sect i on 3 Locati on : OSEC Sma l l Conf . Rm. 102 10 // ACCES S CODE: !{b){6) ! PASSWORD: Rfil@J and h as been Conf . Li n e# a ut oma t ical ly 888 - 2 7 3 - 36 5 8 Start : Wed 7/ 1 9/ 2 0 17 2 :0 0 PM End : Wed 7/19/ 2 0 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Te n tat iv e Recurrence Recurrence : Weekly Pa tt e r n : every Wednesday from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Or ga niz e r : Bas s, Dea na Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Bass , Deana ; Patton , Lynne M; Breg on , Nelson R; Smyth , Ti mothy M; Kasper , Ma r en M; Bastarac h e , Danielle L; Cos t a, Alfonso A; Mun ir , Ra fiq A; Gruson , Barbara ; Nor l ander , Adam G; Golric k, Ja ne t M; Cle mmense n , Craig T ; Jacobs , Azt ec; Nicholsdixon , Mer ri e ; Thomas , To dd C; Chris tense n , Er i c F ; Franc esch ini - Petty, Raquel ; Wil li a ms , Rap h ael L; Hold erfield , Ste p h a nie A; Co ffe y , Al e xan de r; Hobbs , Ben j amin R; Ha r dy I V, Stanley ; Bour n e , Chr i s t opher M; Taffet, Clif f o rd ; Schulhof , Mary T ; Morton , Robert B Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be out o f d a te Sen t by Mic rosoft Exc h a nge Se rver Sub j ec t: Sec ti o n 3 Loc a tio n: OSEC Sma l l Conf . Rm. 10210 // ACCESS CODE: !{b)(6) I PASSWORD: Rfil@J Start : Wed 7/ 1 9/ 2 0 17 2:00 End : Wed 7/ 1 9/ 2 0 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence : Weekly Recur r e n ce Pat t e r n : every an d h as been a ut oma t ical ly Conf . Li n e# 888 - 27 3 - 3658 PM Wednesday f r om 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Or ga nizer : Bass , Deana Required At t e ndees : Bass , Deana ; Patton, Ly nne M; Bregon , Nelson R; Smyth, Timo th y M; Kasper , Maren M; Bastarache, Dan i e ll e L; Costa , Alf onso A; Munir , Ra fiq A; Gr u so n , Barba r a ; No r lander , Adam G; Golric k, J anet M; Cl emmen sen , Craig T ; Jacobs , Az te c ; Nicho l sdixon , Merri e; Thomas , Tod d C; Chris tense n , Er ic F ; Francesc h ini - Pet ty, Raquel ; Williams , Rap h ael L; Holder fiel d , Step h a nie A; Co ffe y , Al e xa nde r; Hobbs , Ben j amin R; Ha r dy IV , Stan l ey ; Bour n e , Chr i stopher M; Taffet , Clif f o rd ; Schulhof , Mary T ; Morton , Robert B /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000759 Your meeti ng was f oun d to up dated . be out o f d a te Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a ng e Serve r Subject: Sect i on 3 Locati on : OSEC Sma l l Conf . Rm. 102 10 // ACCES S CODE: !{b){6) ! PASSWORD: Rfil@J and h as been Conf . Li n e# a ut oma t ical ly 888 - 2 7 3 - 36 5 8 Start : Wed 7/ 1 9/ 2 0 17 2 :0 0 PM End : Wed 7/19/ 2 0 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Te n tat iv e Recurrence Recurrence : Weekly Pa tt e r n : every Wednesday from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Or ga niz e r : Bas s, Dea na Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Bass , Deana ; Patton , Lynne M; Breg on , Nelson R; Smyth , Ti mothy M; Kasper , Ma r en M; Bastarac h e , Danielle L; Cos t a, Alfonso A; Mun ir , Ra fiq A; Gruson , Barbara ; Nor l ander , Adam G; Golric k, Ja ne t M; Cle mmense n , Craig T ; Jacobs , Azt ec; Nicholsdixon , Mer ri e ; Thomas , To dd C; Chris tense n , Er i c F ; Franc esch ini - Petty, Raquel ; Wil li a ms , Rap h ael L; Hold erfield , Ste p h a nie A; Co ffe y , Al e xan de r; Hobbs , Ben j amin R; Ha r dy I V, Stanley ; Bour n e , Chr i s t opher M; Taffet, Clif f o rd ; Schulhof , Mary T ; Morton , Robert B Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be out o f d a te Sen t by Mic rosoft Exc h a nge Se rver Sub j ec t: Sec ti o n 3 Loc a tio n: OSEC Sma l l Conf . Rm. 10210 // ACCESS CODE: !{b)(6) I PASSWORD: Rfil@J Start : Wed 7/ 1 9/ 2 0 17 2:00 End : Wed 7/ 1 9/ 2 0 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence : Weekly Recur r e n ce Pat t e r n : every an d h as been a ut oma t ical ly Conf . Li n e# 888 - 27 3 - 3658 PM Wednesday f r om 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Or ga nizer : Bass , Deana Required At t e ndees : Bass , Deana ; Patton, Ly nne M; Bregon , Nelson R; Smyth, Timo th y M; Kasper , Maren M; Bastarache, Dan i e ll e L; Costa , Alf onso A; Munir , Ra fiq A; Gr u so n , Barba r a ; No r lander , Adam G; Golric k, J anet M; Cl emmen sen , Craig T ; Jacobs , Az te c ; Nicho l sdixon , Merri e; Thomas , Tod d C; Chris tense n , Er ic F ; Francesc h ini - Pet ty, Raquel ; Williams , Rap h ael L; Holder fiel d , Step h a nie A; Co ffe y , Al e xa nde r; Hobbs , Ben j amin R; Ha r dy IV , Stan l ey ; Bour n e , Chr i stopher M; Taffet , Clif f o rd ; Schulhof , Mary T ; Morton , Robert B /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000760 Your meeti ng was f oun d to up dated . be out o f d a te Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a ng e Serve r Subject: Sect i on 3 Locati on : OSEC Sma l l Conf . Rm. 102 10 // ACCES S CODE: !{b){6) ! PASSWORD: Rfil@J and h as been Conf . Li n e# a ut oma t ical ly 888 - 2 7 3 - 36 5 8 Start : Wed 7/ 1 9/ 2 0 17 2 :0 0 PM End : Wed 7/19/ 2 0 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Te n tat iv e Recurrence Recurrence : Weekly Pa tt e r n : every Wednesday from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Or ga niz e r : Bas s, Dea na Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Bass , Deana ; Patton , Lynne M; Breg on , Nelson R; Smyth , Ti mothy M; Kasper , Ma r en M; Bastarac h e , Danielle L; Cos t a, Alfonso A; Mun ir , Ra fiq A; Gruson , Barbara ; Nor l ander , Adam G; Golric k, Ja ne t M; Cle mmense n , Craig T ; Jacobs , Azt ec; Nicholsdixon , Mer ri e ; Thomas , To dd C; Chris tense n , Er i c F ; Franc esch ini - Petty, Raquel ; Wil li a ms , Rap h ael L; Hold erfield , Ste p h a nie A; Co ffe y , Al e xan de r; Hobbs , Ben j amin R; Ha r dy I V, Stanley ; Bour n e , Chr i s t opher M; Taffet, Clif f o rd ; Schulhof , Mary T ; Morton , Robert B Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be out o f d a te Sen t by Mic rosoft Exc h a nge Se rver Sub j ec t: Sec ti o n 3 Loc a tio n: OSEC Sma l l Conf . Rm. 10210 // ACCESS CODE: !{b)(6) I PASSWORD: Rfil@J Start : Wed 7/ 1 9/ 2 0 17 2:00 End : Wed 7/ 1 9/ 2 0 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence : Weekly Recur r e n ce Pat t e r n : every an d h as been a ut oma t ical ly Conf . Li n e# 888 - 27 3 - 3658 PM Wednesday f r om 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Or ga nizer : Bass , Deana Required At t e ndees : Bass , Deana ; Patton, Ly nne M; Bregon , Nelson R; Smyth, Timo th y M; Kasper , Maren M; Bastarache, Dan i e ll e L; Costa , Alf onso A; Munir , Ra fiq A; Gr u so n , Barba r a ; No r lander , Adam G; Golric k, J anet M; Cl emmen sen , Craig T ; Jacobs , Az te c ; Nicho l sdixon , Merri e; Thomas , Tod d C; Chris tense n , Er ic F ; Francesc h ini - Pet ty, Raquel ; Williams , Rap h ael L; Holder fiel d , Step h a nie A; Co ffe y , Al e xa nde r; Hobbs , Ben j amin R; Ha r dy IV , Stan l ey ; Bour n e , Chr i stopher M; Taffet , Clif f o rd ; Schulhof , Mary T ; Morton , Robert B /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000761 Your meeti ng was f oun d to up dated . be out o f d a te Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a ng e Serve r Subject: Sect i on 3 Locati on : OSEC Sma l l Conf . Rm. 102 10 // ACCES S CODE: !{b){6) ! PASSWORD: Rfil@J and h as been Conf . Li n e# a ut oma t ical ly 888 - 2 7 3 - 36 5 8 Start : Wed 7/ 1 9/ 2 0 17 2 :0 0 PM End : Wed 7/19/ 2 0 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Te n tat iv e Recurrence Recurrence : Weekly Pa tt e r n : every Wednesday from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Or ga niz e r : Bas s, Dea na Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Bass , Deana ; Patton , Lynne M; Breg on , Nelson R; Smyth , Ti mothy M; Kasper , Ma r en M; Bastarac h e , Danielle L; Cos t a, Alfonso A; Mun ir , Ra fiq A; Gruson , Barbara ; Nor l ander , Adam G; Golric k, Ja ne t M; Cle mmense n , Craig T ; Jacobs , Azt ec; Nicholsdixon , Mer ri e ; Thomas , To dd C; Chris tense n , Er i c F ; Franc esch ini - Petty, Raquel ; Wil li a ms , Rap h ael L; Hold erfield , Ste p h a nie A; Co ffe y , Al e xan de r; Hobbs , Ben j amin R; Ha r dy I V, Stanley ; Bour n e , Chr i s t opher M; Taffet, Clif f o rd ; Schulhof , Mary T ; Morton , Robert B Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be out o f d a te an d h as been a ut oma t ical Co nf . Li ne# 888-273-3658 ly Sen t by Mic rosoft Exc h a nge Se rver From : Hobbs , Benjamin R Sent : Tues day, July 11, 2 0 1 7 1 :1 9 PM To : Bass , Dea n a Subjec t: Dec line d : Sec t io n 3 Subject : Section 3 Loca ti o n: OSEC Smal l Co nf. Rm. 102 10 // ACCESS CODE: !{b)(6) PASSWORD: Rfil@J St a r t : Wed 7/19/2017 2 : 0 0 PM End : Wed 7/19/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Re currence : Weekly Pa tte rn : eve r y Wednesday from 2 : 00 PM to Orga n iz e r: Bass , Deana Required Atte nd ee s : Bass , Deana ; Patton , Lynne R; Smyth, Timothy M; Kasper , Maren M; Bas tarac he, /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT 2 : 30 PM M; Br egon , Nelson Dan i e ll e L; Cos ta , HUD-17-0504-E-000762 Alfonso A; Munir , Ra fiq A; Gr u so n , Barbara ; No r land er , Adam G; Gol r i c k , Jane t M; Cl e mmensen , Cr a ig T ; Jacobs , Az tec ; Nicho l sd ix on , Merrie ; Thomas , Todd C ; Christensen , Er ic F ; Franceschini - Petty , Raquel; Williams, Rapha e l L ; Hold e r field, Stephanie A; Coffey, Alexander ; Hobbs , Ben j amin R; Ha rd y IV , Stan l ey ; Bour ne , Chr i s top her M; Taffet , Clif fo r d ; Sc hul ho f, Mary T ; Morton , Robert B Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date Sent by Mic ro so ft Exchange Server Subjec t: Sect i o n 3 Loca tion : OSEC Smal l Co nf. Rm. 10210 ACCESS CODE: !/b\/6\ I PASSWORD: Mill and // has been Co nf . Li ne# automat ical ly 888-273-3658 Sta r t : Wed 7/19/2017 2 :0 0 PM End : Wed 7/19/2017 2:30 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta ti ve Recu rr en ce : Weekly Recu rr ence Pa tte rn : eve ry Wednesday Organ iz e r : Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Bass , Deana ; R; Smyth, Timo th y M; Kaspe r , Maren Alfonso A; Munir , Ra fi q A; Gr u so n , Gol r i c k , Janet M; Cl emme n sen , Cr a ig Merrie ; Thom as , Todd C ; Christensen, Raquel ; Williams , Raphael L; Holderf Alexand e r ; Hobbs , Ben j amin R; Hardy M; Taffet , Clif ford ; Sc hul ho f, Mary Your meeting update d . was found to be out of from 2 : 00 PM t o 2 : 30 PM Pa tton , Lynne M; Br egon , Nelson M; Bastarach e, Dan i e ll e L; Costa, Barbara; Norlander , Adam G; T ; Jacobs , Az tec ; Nicho l sd ix on , Er ic F ; Francesc h ini - Petty , ield , Stephanie A; Co ffey , IV, Stanley; Bourne , Ch ri stophe r T ; Morton , Robert B date and h as been autom a tically Sent by Mic rosoft Excha ng e Server From : Bregon , Nelson R Sent : Tuesday , July 1 1 , 2017 1 : 19 PM To : Bass , Deana Subject : Accepted: Section 3 Subjec t: Sect i o n 3 Locatio n : OSEC Sma l l Conf. Rm. 10210 I PASSWORD: '-J ACCESS CODE: !{b)(6) Start : Wed 7/ 1 9/ 2 0 17 2:00 End : Wed 7/ 19/201 7 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT // Co n f . Li n e# 888 - 273 - 3658 PM HUD-17-0504-E-000763 Recurrence Recurrence Organize Requ i red R; Smyth Alfonso Gol ri ck, Merrie ; Raquel ; Alexander M; Taffet : Week ly Pattern : every Wednesday r: Bass , Deana Atte ndees : Bass , Deana ; , Ti mothy M; Kasper , Maren A; Munir , Rafiq A; Gruson , Janet M; Clemmensen, Craig Thomas , Todd C; Chr i s ten sen Willi ams , Raphael L; Holderf ; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Hardy , Clifford ; Schulhof , Mary Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be out from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Patton , Lynne M; Bregon , Nelson M; Bastarache , Danielle L; Costa , Barbara; Nor lan der , Adam G; T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Nicholsdixon , , Eric F ; Franceschini-Petty , i eld , Stephan i e A; Coffey , I V, St anley; Bourne , Christopher T ; Morton , Robe r t B o f date and Sent by Microsoft Exchange Serve r Subject : Section 3 Loc ation: OSEC Sma ll Conf . Rm. 10210 // ACCESS CODE: !{b){6) ! PASSWORD: !iliRill has been Conf . Line# automatically 888 - 273 - 3658 Start : Wed 7/19/20 17 2 :0 0 PM End : Wed 7/19/20 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Recurrence : Week ly Pattern : every Wednesday from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Bass , Deana ; Patton, Lynne M; Bregon, Nelson R; Smyth, Ti mothy M; Kasper, Maren M; Bastarache , Danielle L; Costa , Alfonso A; Munir , Rafiq A; Gruson , Barbara ; Nor lan der , Adam G; Gol ri ck, Janet M; Clemmensen , Craig T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Nicholsdixon , Merrie ; Thomas , Todd C; Christe n sen , Er ic F ; Franceschi n i-P etty , Raquel ; Willi ams , Raphael L; Holderf i eld , Stephan i e A; Coffey , Alexander ; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Ha r dy IV , Stan l ey ; Bourne , Chr i stopher M; Taffet , Clif f ord; Schulhof , Mary T ; Mor ton , Robert B Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and has been Sent by Mic rosoft Exchange Server Subject : Week l y CIR meeting w/Sheila Greenwood Location : Office o f the Secretary ' s Sma ll Conference automatically Room (10210) Start : Mon 7/3/2017 4 : 00 PM End : Mon 7/3/20 1 7 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000764 Recurrence Recurrence Meet ing : Week l y Pa tt e r n : Status : Not every yet Orga n iz e r: Gr eenwood , Requ i r ed Attendees : Aaron ; Press , Jaco b D; Optional Att endees : Mi chael J Monday from 4 : 00 PM to 4 : 30 PM responded She i la M Kasper , Maren M; Bass , Deana ; Santa Anna , Barton , Victoria L Den das, Michael W; Burl ey, Mic hae l N; Ke lley , Subjec t: Sec ti o n 3 Loca ti o n : OSEC Smal l Co nf. Rm. 10210 // ACCESS CODE: !/b\/6\ PASSWORD: filillill Co nf . Li n e# 888- 27 3-3658 Start : Wed 7/19/2017 2 :0 0 PM End : Wed 7/19/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta ti ve Re curr ence : Weekly Recurrence Pa tte rn : eve ry Wednesday from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Organ iz e r : Bass , Deana Required Atte nd ees : Bass , Deana ; Pa tton , Ly nn e M; Br egon , Nelson R; Smyth , Tim oth y M; Kasper , Maren M; Bastarache , Danielle L; Cos ta , Alfonso A; Munir , Ra f iq A; Gr uson , Barbara ; No r lander , Adam G; Gol r i c k , Jane t M; Cl emmen sen , Cr a i g T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Nicho l sd ix on , Merr i e ; Thom as , Todd C; Christensen , Er ic F ; Francesc h ini - Petty , Raquel ; Wil l iams , Rap ha el L; Holderfield , Stephanie A; Co ffey , Alexand e r ; Hobbs , Ben j amin R; Hardy IV , Stanley ; Bour ne, Christopher M; Taffet , Cl ifford ; Sc hul ho f, Mary T ; Mor ton , Robert B Your meeting updated . was found to be out of dat e and Sent by Mic rosoft Ex chang e Server Subject : Section 3 Locatio n : OSEC Smal l Co nf. Rm. 10210 // ACCESS CODE: !{b)(6) ! PASSWORD: !iliRill has been Co nf . Li ne# automatically 888-273-3658 Start : Wed 7/19/2017 2 : 0 0 PM End : Wed 7/19/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Recurrence : Weekly Pa tte rn : every Wednesday from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Orga n iz e r: Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Bass , Deana ; Patton , Lynne M; Br egon , Nelson R; Smyth , Timothy M; Kasper , Maren M; Bastarache , Danielle L; Costa , /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000765 Al f onso A; Mun i r, Ra f iq A; Gruson , Barba r a ; Norlander , Adam G; Golr i ck , Janet M; Cl emmensen , Craig T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Nicho l sdixon , Merrie ; Thomas , Todd C; Christensen , Eric F ; Franceschini - Petty , Raquel ; Williams , Raphae l L; Hol derfield , Stephanie A; Coffey , Alexander ; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Ha r dy IV , Stan l ey ; Bourne , Chr i stopher M; Taffet , Cl ifford ; Schulhof , Mary T ; Morton , Robert B Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and has been automatically and has been automatically Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server Subject : Rethi n k Meeti ng w/ Dea n a Bass Location : Deana ' s Off i ce 10226 Start : Thu 7/13/20 17 11 : 30 AM End : Thu 7/13/2017 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer Required : (none) : Bass , Deana Atte ndees : Eag l es , Dav i d T Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server Subject : Envision Centers Task Force Location : OSEC Small Co n f . Rm. 10210 // ACCESS CODE: !/bl/6} I PASSWORD: l!iilifilJ Con f. Li n e# 888-273-3658 Start : Wed 7/19/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Wed 7/19/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Free Recurrence Recurrence : Weekly Pattern Meet i ng Status : : every Wednesday Meet i ng organize from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM r Organizer : Bass, Deana Required Attendees : Bass , Deana ; Patton , Lynne M; Bregon , Ne l son R; Kasper , Maren M; Bastarache , Danielle L; Costa , Alfonso A; Munir , Raf i q A; Gruson , Barbara ; Norlander , Adam G; Gol r ick, Janet M; Clemmensen , Craig T; Jacobs , Aztec ; Nic h olsdixon , Merrie ; Thomas , Todd C; Christensen , Er i c F ; Franceschin i - Petty, Raquel; Will i ams , Raff i; Holderfield , Stephan i e A; Cof f ey , Alexander ; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Hardy IV , Stanley ; Bourne , Ch ri stophe r M; Schulhof , Mary T; Morton, Robert B; Brown , Christina M; Bravacos, John G; Gaines, Ralph H; Johnson , Tiffany M; Youngblood , Richard A /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000766 Opt i o n al Atte ndees : Duf f ey , Whi tney L Subjec t: Aware n ess Locat i o n: Ash f o r d , Ronald T; Quee n , Maria-Lana Mand a t ory Train i ng - FY20 1 7 Information Trai n i n g Log o n to InCompass Securi C; ty Start : F ri 7/21/20 17 2 :0 0 PM End : Fri 7/2 1 /2017 3 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurre n ce : (none) Meet in g Status : Not ye t r espo nded Organ iz e r : F l e i sche r , La ur a A Required Atte ndees : Deana Bass (Dea n a . Bass@ h ud . gov ); Hunt e r ; Adolfo Marzol (Adolfo . F . Marzol@hud . gov ) Kurtz , R . Gr oup #5 : SEC, OCPO, FPM, FHEO, OGC, HHLHC, PA, FBCI , OSCH, OSPM You may n ow l og into I n Compass to complete man d atory FY2017 I nformation Security Awareness Tra i ning . You must complete a ll this requirement : t h ree 1. Rules Ann ua l Ack n owl edgement 2. I nf o r mat io n Securi 3. I n sider If yo u h ave Thank of Be h avior Th r eat courses below to satisfy Awar e n ess a n y quest i o n s , p l ease r eply to this ema il . You , th e Ch ie f In fo r mat i o n Of f i cer Off i ce of IT Security pVERSIGHT 3 1st t y Aware n ess Of f i ce of /\MERICAi\ by July yo u r HUD-17-0504-E-000767 Subject : Location : Rethink Meeting Deana ' s Office w/David 1 0226 Eag l es Start : Thu 7/13/20 17 11 : 30 AM End : Thu 7/13/20 17 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : F ree Recurrence Meeting Organizer Required : (none) St atus : Meeting organizer : Bass , Deana Atte ndees : Eag l es , Dav i d T Centers & SBA/HUD Subjec t: HUD, SBA Mtg . RE : Opportunity Partnership Location : SBA, Office of Capital Access 409 3rd Street , SW, Rm 8329 / HUD staff wil l inform secu ri ty that they a r e meeting with Bill Manger of OCA Start : Fri 7/14/20 17 10 : 00 AM End : F ri 7/14/20 17 10 :4 5 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : ' William . Manger@sba . gov '; Coffey , Alexander Muni r , Ra f iq A; Forero , Jaime E ; ' Cha n e l . Clark@sba . gov '; Joy , Johnso n P Your meeting updated. was found to be out of date and has been ; automatically Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server Subjec t: HUD, SBA Mtg . RE : Opportunity Centers & SBA/HUD Partnership Location : SBA, Office of Capital Access 409 3rd Street , SW, Rm 8329 / HUD staff wil l inform security th at they a r e meeting with Bill Manger of OCA Start : Fri 7/ 14/20 17 10 : 00 AM End : Fri 7/14/20 17 10 :4 5 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) : Bass , Deana HUD-17-0504-E-000768 Required Attendees : Mun i r , Ra fiq A; Forero Johnso n P Your meeting up dated . was f ound ' William.Manger@sba . gov '; , Ja i me E; ' Chanel.Clark@sba to be out o f date and Co ffe y , Alexander . gov '; Joy , h as been a ut oma t ical Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Se rver From : Mange r , Will i am M. Sent : Mond ay, July 10, 2 0 17 6 : 37 PM To : Bass , De ana Subjec t: Accepted : HUD, SBA Mt g . RE : Oppo r tun it y Centers Par t ne r s hip Subject : Locatio n : 10 : 00 PST Call wit h Professor Epst e in Con f. Line# 888-2 7 3-3658 ; ly & SBA/ HUD RE : EXCL i n Educa t ion Code : !(b)(6l I // 1 : 00 EST , Sta r t : F ri 7/14/2017 1 : 0 0 PM End : F ri 7/14/2017 1 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : (none ) Organi zer : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Atte ndees : ~~ b~)(=6)-----------, Your meeting update d . was found to be out of date Sent by Mic ro soft Ex ch an ge Server Subjec t: Call with Pro fe ssor Epstein Locat i o n: Con f . Line# 888- 2 73-3658 10 : 00 PST and has been automatica l ly RE : EXCL i n Education Code : !(b)(6l I // 1:0 0 EST, Sta r t : F ri 7/14/2017 1 : 00 PM End : Fri 7/14/2017 1 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Recu rr en ce : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Attendees : ~, (b-)(_6_) --------~ Your meeting up dated . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was found to be out of date and h as been a ut omatically HUD-17-0504-E-000769 Sen t by Mi crosoft Ex c h a nge Se rver Sub j ec t: Sect i o n 3 Tas k Force Loc a tio n: OSEC Sma l l Conf . Rm. 10226 ACCESS CODE: !{b)(6) ! II Conf . Line# 888 - 273 - 3658 Start : Thu 7/ 1 3/ 2 0 17 2 :0 0 PM End : Thu 7/ 1 3/ 2 0 17 2:30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organize r : Bass , Deana Required Attend ees: Bass , De ana ; Patton , Lynn e M; Bregon , Ne l son R; Smyth, Ti moth y M; Kasper , Ma r en M; Bastarac he, Dan i e ll e L; Costa , Alfonso A; Munir , Ra f iq A; Gr u so n, Barbara ; No r lander , Adam G; Golr i c k , Jane t M; Cl emmen sen , Cr a ig T ; Jacobs , Az tec ; Nicho l sd ix on , Merrie ; Thomas , Tod d C ; Chr i ste ns en , Eric F; Fra nc eschi n i - Petty , Raquel; Williams , Rapha e l L ; Hold e rfi e ld , St e phanie A; Coffey, Alexander ; Hobbs , Ben j amin R; Ha r dy I V, Stan le y ; Bour n e , Chr i s t opher M; Taffet , Clif fo r d ; Sc hul ho f, Ma ry T ; Mo r ton , Robert B Opt i o na l Atte ndees : Forero , Jaime E; Fleischer , Laura A Your meet ing up dated . was found to be out of date Sen t by Mi crosoft Ex c h a nge Ser ver Subject : Sect i o n 3/Oppo r t u n i ty Ce n ter Loc a tion : 10 226 and has bee n automatically Br ie f Start : Wed 7/12/2017 10 : 30 AM End : Wed 7/12/20 17 1 1 : 00 AM Show Tim e As : Tenta ti ve Recu rr en ce : (none) Organ iz e r: Bass , Deana Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Brown, Your meeting up dated . was found to Chr i st in a M; Costa be out of d a te and has , Al fonso been A automatically Sent by Micr osof t Ex cha ng e Server & SBA/HUD Subjec t: HUD, SBA Mtg . RE : Opportunity Centers Partnership Locatio n: SBA, Of fi ce of Capital Access 409 3rd Street , SW, Rm 8329 / HUD staff wi ll inform security th at the y a r e mee ting with Bill Manger of OCA S t art : End : F ri /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Fri 7/ 14/20 17 10 : 00 AM 7/14/2017 1 0:45 AM HUD-17-0504-E-000770 Show Time As : Recurrence Organi Requ i Mun i r Johnso Tenta tive : (none) zer : Bass , Deana r ed Atte ndees : ' Willi am . Mange r @sba . gov '; Co ff ey , Alexander , Raf iq A; Forero , Ja i me E ; ' Cha n el .Cla r k@sba . gov '; Joy , n P Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be out o f date and h as been a ut omatical ; ly Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Se rv e r Subject: HUD, SBA Mtg . RE: Oppo r t u n ity Ce n ters & SBA/HUD Partnership Lo cation : SBA, Office of Capital Access 409 3 r d Street, SW, Rm 8329 / HUD sta ff wil l inform securi t y that they are meeting with Bil l Mange r of OCA Start : F ri 7/14/2017 1 0: 00 AM End : Fri 7/14/2017 1 0 : 45 AM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : (none ) Organi zer : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Atte ndees : ' Willi am . Mange r @sba . gov '; Co ff ey , Alexander Mun i r , Rafiq A; Forero , J aime E ; ' Chane l . Clark@sba . gov '; Joy , Johnson P Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be out o f date and h as been a ut oma t ical Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Se rv e r From : Mun i r , Raf iq A Sent : Monday , Ju l y 10 , 2017 5 : 0 7 PM To : Bass , Deana Subjec t : Accepted : HUD, SBA Mtg . RE : Oppo r tun it y Centers Pa rt ne r s hip From : Brego n , Nelso n R Sent : Monday , Ju ly 10 , 20 17 4 : 38 PM To : Fl e i sc h er , Laura A;B ass , Deana Subjec t : Declined : HOLD for MEET with Offi ce Explorer Post Pa l m Beach Unfortunate l y , I wi ll be on an airp lan e at someone else from FPM? /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT the County time . ; ly & SBA/ HUD She riff 's May I send HUD-17-0504-E-000771 Subjec t : HUD, SBA Mtg . RE : Oppo rtu n it y Ce n ters & SBA/HUD Partnership Locatio n : SBA, Of fi ce of Capital Access 409 3rd Street , SW, Rm 832 9 / HUD staff wil l inform secu ri t y that the y a r e meeting with Bill Mange r of OCA Start : Fri 7/ 14 / 2 0 17 10: 00 AM End : F ri 7/14/20 17 10 : 45 AM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Organiz e r : Bass , De ana Required Atte ndees : ' Will iam . Mang er@sba . gov '; Co ffe y , Alexander Mun i r , Rafiq A; Forero , Ja i me E; ' Cha n e l . Cl ar k@sba . gov '; Joy , Johns on P Your meeting up dated . was found to be out of date and has been ; automatically Sent by Mic ro soft Exchan ge Serv e r Subjec t : HUD, SBA Mtg . RE : Oppo rtu n it y Ce n ters & SBA/HUD Partnership Locatio n : SBA, Of fi ce of Capit a l Access 4 0 9 3rd Street , SW, Rm 8329 / HUD staff wil l inform secu ri t y that the y are mee ting with Bill Mange r of OCA S t art : F ri 7/14/ 2 0 17 10 : 00 AM End : F ri 7/14/20 17 10:45 AM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Or ga nizer : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : ' Will iam . Manger@sba . gov '; Co ffe y , Alexander Mun i r , Ra fiq A; Forero , Ja i me E ; ' Cha n el . Cl ar k@sba . gov ' Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date Sent by Mic ro so ft Exchange Server Subjec t: FW: Weekly CI R meeting w/Shei Loca tion : Dep . Sec Con fe rence Room and la has been automatical ; ly Greenwood S tart : Mon 7/1 0 / 2 0 17 4 : 0 0 PM End : Mon 7/10/2017 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta tiv e Recurre n ce : Week l y Recu rr ence Pattern : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT every Monday from 4 : 00 PM to 4 : 3 0 PM HUD-17-0504-E-000772 Meet in g Status Organizer We are : : Not Greenwood do in g this yet r espo nd ed , Shei l a M meeting i n the Dep See ' s Co nf e r ence r oom , FYI . -----Origina l Appointment----From : Gr eenwood , She i la M Sent : Tuesday , Apri l 18 , 20 17 3 : 25 PM To : Gre enwo o d, Sheila M; Kasp e r , Maren M; Bass , Dea na ; Santa Anna , Aaron ; Pre ss , Jacob D; Barton , Victoria L Cc : Den das , Mic h ae l W; Burley , Michael N; Ke l ley , Mi chael J Subject : Weekly CIR meeting w/She il a Gr eenwood When : Monday, July 10 , 2017 4:00 PM- 4:30 PM (UTC- 05 : 00) Eastern Time (US & Canada) . Where : Dep . Sec Con f erence Room Subject : FW: DepSec Room for CIR Start : Mon 7/10/2017 4 : 00 PM End : Mon 7/10/2017 5 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta tiv e Recurrence Meeting Org a nizer : (none ) Status : : Daggett Not ye t re spo nded , Tanya R ----- Or i ginal Appoin tment ----Fr om : Daggett , Tanya R Sent : Monday, J u ly 10 , 20 1 7 2 : 49 PM To : Dagg ett , Tanya R; Car ter , Stevens J ; Franklin , DeS h aunta M Cc: Dendas , Mic hae l W Subjec t: DepSec Room for CIR When : Monday , July 10 , 2017 4 : 00 PM-5 : 00 PM (UTC-05 : 00) Easter n Time (US & Ca n ada) . Where : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000773 Subjec t : Sect i o n 3 Tas k Force Locat i o n: OSEC Small Co nf. Rm. 10226 ACCESS CODE: ~k b=l/=6}._____. Start : Thu 7/13/20 17 2:00 End : Thu 7/ 1 3/ 2 0 17 2 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tentat iv e // Co nf . Line# 888- 2 73-3658 PM Recu rr ence : (none) Orga n iz e r : Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Bass , Deana ; Pa tton , Lynne M; Br egon , Nelson R; Smyth, Timo th y M; Kaspe r , Maren M; Bas t a r ache, Dan i e ll e L; Costa, Alfonso A; Mun i r , Ra f iq A; Gr uson , Barbara ; Norlander , Adam G; Gol r i c k , Jane t M; Cl emmen sen , Cr a ig T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Nicho l sdixon , Me r r i e ; Thomas , Todd C; Chr i ste n sen , Eric F ; Fr a n cesch in i-Petty , Raquel ; Williams , Raphael L; Holderf ield , Stephanie A; Co ffey , Alexand e r ; Hobbs , Ben j amin R; Hardy IV, Stanl e y ; Bourne , Chris top her M; Taffet , Clif ford ; Sc hul ho f , Mary T ; Mor ton , Robert B Opt i o na l At tendees : Forero , Ja i me E ; Fle i sc h e r , La ur a A Your mee ting updated . was found to be out of date Sent by Mic ro so f t Exchan ge Server Subjec t: HUD, SBA Mtg . RE : Opport u nity Partnership Loc a tion : SBA, Office of Capital Access and has been a ut omatically Ce n ters & SBA/HUD 409 3rd Street , SW, Rm 8329 Start : Fri 7/14/2017 10 : 00 AM End : F r i 7/14/20 17 10 : 45 AM Show Tim e As : Tenta ti ve Recu rr en ce : (none) Organ iz e r : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Atte ndees : ' Willi am . Mange r @sba . gov '; Co ff ey , Alexander Mun i r , Rafiq A; Forero , Jaime E ; 'C ha n el . Clark@sba . gov ' Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be out o f date Sent by Mic rosoft Ex c h a ng e Server Sub j ec t: HUD, SBA Mtg . RE : Opport u n ity Partnership Loc ation : SBA, Office of Capital Access and h as been Ce n ters a ut omatical ; ly & SBA/HUD 409 3 r d Street , SW, Rm 8329 Fri 7/ 1 4/ 2 0 17 10 : 00 AM Start : End : Fri 7/14/20 17 10 : 4 5 AM Show Time As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000774 Recur r e n ce : (none) Organiz e r : Bass , De ana Required Attendees : ' Willi am . Manger@sba . gov '; Co f fey , Al exander Mun i r , Ra fiq A; Forero , J a i me E ; ' Cha n el . Cla r k@sba . gov ' Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and has Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server Fr om : Forero , Jaime E Sent : Monday , Ju l y 10 , 20 17 2 : 03 PM To : Bass , Deana Subject : Accepted : HUD, SBA Mtg . RE : Opportunity Partn e rship Subjec t: Section 3 Task Fo rce Location : OSEC Sma l l Conf . Rm. 10226 ACCESS CODE: =!{ b=){~6)..____, II been ; automatically Centers & SBA/HUD Conf . Li ne # 888 - 273 - 3658 Start : Thu 7/13/20 17 2 :0 0 PM End : Thu 7/13/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : (none) Organiz e r : Bass , De ana Required Atte ndees : Bass , Deana ; Patton , Lynne M; Breg on , Nelson R; Smyth , Ti mothy M; Kasper , Ma r en M; Bastarac h e , Danielle L; Costa , Alfonso A; Mun ir , Ra fiq A; Gruson , Barbara ; Norlander , Adam G; Golric k, Janet M; Clemmensen , Craig T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Ni cholsdixon , Merrie ; Thomas , Todd C; Chr i s ten sen , Eric F ; Fra n cesc h i n i-Pe tt y , Raquel ; Willi ams , Rap h ael L; Holder fi eld , Step h a ni e A; Co ff ey , Al e xan de r; Hobbs , Ben j amin R; Ha r dy IV , Stan l ey ; Bour n e , Chr i stopher M; Taffet , Clifford ; Sc h ulhof , Mary T ; Morton , Robert B Optiona l Att en de e s : Forero , Jaim e E ; Fleischer , Laura A Your meeting updated . was found to be ou t of date Sent by Mi crosoft Exc h a ng e Serve r Subject : HUD, SBA Mtg . RE : Opportunity Partnership Locatio n: SBA, Office o f Capital Access Start : End : F ri /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT and h as been a u tomatical ly Ce n ters & SBA/HUD 409 3rd St r eet , SW, Rm 8329 Fri 7/14/20 17 10 : 00 AM 7/14/2017 1 0:45 AM HUD-17-0504-E-000775 Show Time As : Recurrence Tenta tive : (none) Organi zer : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Atte ndees : ' Willi am . Mange r @sba . gov '; Co ff ey , Alexander Mun i r , Raf iq A; Forero , Ja i me E ; ' Cha n el .Cla r k@sba . gov ' Your meeting up dated . was found to be out of date and has Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a nge Serve r Subjec t : HUD, SBA Mtg . RE : Oppo rtu ni t y Ce n ters Partnership Locatio n : SBA been ; automatically & SBA/HUD Start : Fri 7/14/2017 10 : 00 AM End : Fri 7/ 14 / 2 0 17 10 : 4 5 AM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recu rr ence : (none) Organ iz e r : Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : William Muni r , Rafiq A; Fo r e r o , Jaime Your meeting updated . was f ound to . Manger@sba . gov ; Coffey , Al ex an der ; E ; Chanel . Cla rk@ sba . gov be ou t o f date Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Se rv e r Su bject : HUD, SBA Mtg . RE : Opportunity Partn e rs h ip Loca tion : SBA and h as been Cen ters a u tomatical ly & SBA/HUD Start : Fri 7/ 1 4/20 17 10 : 00 AM End : F ri 7/14/20 17 10 :4 5 AM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required At t e ndees : William Muni r , Rafiq A; Fore ro , Jaime Your meeting updated . Sent was by Mic rosoft /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT found .Manger@sba . gov ; Cof f ey , Ale xa nder ; E ; Chanel . Clark@sba . gov to be out Exchange Server of date an d h as been automatical ly HUD-17-0504-E-000776 From : Co ffe y , Alexa nde r Sent : Monday , Ju ly 10 , 20 17 12:1 7 PM To : Bass , Deana Subject : Acc epte d : HUD, SBA Mtg . RE : Opportunity Par t ne r s hip Sub j ec t: Sect i on 3 Tas k Fo r ce Locatio n: OSEC Sma l l Conf . Rm. 10226 ACCESS CODE: ~k b=)(=)6.___. II Centers Co n f . Li n e# & SBA/HUD 888 - 2 73 - 3658 Start : Thu 7/ 1 3/ 2 0 17 2 :0 0 PM End : Thu 7/13/ 2 0 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Te nta t ive Recurrence : (none) Organize r : Bass , Deana Req uired Att en d ees : Bass , Dea na ; Patton , Lynne M; Bregon , Ne l son R; Smyth, Ti moth y M; Kasper , Ma re n M; Bastarac he , Danielle L; Costa , Alf onso A; Munir , Ra fi q A; Gruso n, Barba r a ; No r lander , Adam G; Go l rick , Janet M; Cl emmens en , Craig T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Nicho lsd ixon , Merri e; Thomas , Tod d C; Chris tense n , Er i c F ; Franc esch ini - Pet t y , Raquel ; Williams, Rapha e l L; Hold e rfield , Stephanie A; Co ffey , Alexa nde r ; Hobbs , Ben j amin R; Ha r dy I V, Stan l ey ; Bour n e , Chr i s t opher M; Taffet , Clif ford ; Schulhof , Mary T ; Morton , Robert B Opt i o na l Atte ndees : Forero , Jaime E; Fl e isch er , Laura A Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be out o f date Sent by Mi crosoft Exc h a nge Se rver Subjec t: Sect i o n 3 Tas k Force Loc a tio n: OSEC Sma l l Conf . Rm. 10226 ACCESS CODE: !{b){6) I Start : Thu 7/ 1 3/ 2 0 17 2:00 End : Thu 7/ 13/2 0 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence // and h as been Conf . Li n e# a ut oma t ical ly 888 - 273 - 3658 PM : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Bass , Deana ; Patton , Lynne M; Bregon , Nelson R; Smyth, Timo th y M; Kasper , Maren M; Bastarache , Dan i e ll e L; Costa , Alfonso A; Mun ir , Ra f iq A; Gr u so n, Barbara ; Nor lander , Adam G; Golr i c k , Jane t M; Cl emmen sen , Cr a ig T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Nicho l sd ix on , Merrie ; Thomas , Tod d C; Chr i ste n sen , Er ic F; Franceschini - Petty , Raquel ; Williams, Rap h a e l L; Hold e rfi eld, Stephanie A; Coffey, Alexander ; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Ha rd y I V, Stan l ey ; Bour n e , Chr i s t opher M; Taffet , Clif fo r d ; Sc hul ho f, Ma ry T ; Mo r ton , Robert B Opt i o na l Atte ndees : Forero , J aime E; Fl e isch er , Laur a A /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000777 Your meeti ng was f oun d to up dated . be out o f d a te Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a ng e Serve r Subject: Sect i on 3 Tas k Fo r ce Locati on : OSEC Sma l l Conf . Rm. 10226 ACCESS CODE: !(b)(6) ! II and h as been Conf . Li n e# a ut oma t ical ly 888 - 2 7 3 - 36 5 8 Start : Thu 71 13 1 2 0 17 2 : 0 0 PM End : Thu 71131 2 0 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Te n tat iv e Recurrence : (none ) Organizer : Bass , Deana Req uired At tendees : Bas s , Dea na ; Patton , Lynne M; Bregon , Ne l son R; Smyt h , Ti mot hy M; Kasper , Ma re n M; Bastarac he , Danielle L; Costa , Alf onso A; Muni r, Ra fiq A; Gr u so n , Barba r a ; No r lander , Adam G; Go l r ick , Janet M; Cl emmens en , Craig T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Nicho lsd i xo n , Merri e ; Thomas , Tod d C; Chris tense n , Er i c F ; Franceschin i - Pett y , Raq u e l ; Williams, Raphae l L; Hold e rfield , Stephanie A; Coffe y , Alexa nder ; Hobbs , Ben j amin R; Ha rdy IV , Stan le y ; Bour n e , Chr isto pher M; Taffet , Clif ford ; Schulhof , Mary T ; Morton , Robert B Your meeting upd a ted. was found to be out of date Sent by Mic r osoft Exchan ge Server Subjec t : Sec tio n 3 Task For ce Loca tion : OSEC Small Co nf . Rm. 10226 ACCESS CODE: kb}/6) ! II and has been Co nf . Line# automat i ca lly 888- 2 73-3658 Star t : Thu 711312017 2 : 0 0 PM End : Thu 71 1 31 2 0 17 2:30 PM Show Time As : Tenta tiv e Rec urr en c e : (non e) Org an iz e r: Bass , Deana Required Atte nd ees : Bass , Deana ; R; Smyth , Timothy M; Kas pe r , Maren Alfonso A; Mun ir , Ra f iq A; Gr u so n , Golrick , Jane t M; Clemme n sen , Craig Merr i e ; Thomas , Todd C; Chr i s t e n sen Raquel ; Williams , Rap h ael L; Holderf Al e xand e r ; Hobbs , Be n j amin R; Hardy M; Taffet , Clif ford ; Sc hul ho f, Mary Your meeting updated . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was found t o be out of Pa tton , Lynne M; Br egon , Nelson M; Bas t a r ache , Dan i e ll e L; Cos t a , Barba r a ; Norlander , Adam G; T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Nicholsdixon , , Er ic F ; Fr a n cesc hin i-Pet t y , i eld , Stephanie A; Co ffey , IV, Stanley; Bour ne, Chris top her T ; Mor to n , Robert B dat e and h a s been automatica l ly HUD-17-0504-E-000778 Sent by Micro so ft Ex change Server Sub ject: Sec tion 3 Task Force Locat ion: OSEC Small Co nf. Rm. 10226 I ACCESS CODE: !ib\/6\ II Co nf . Lin e # 888- 2 73-3658 Start : Thu 7 1131201 7 2 :0 0 PM End : Thu 711312017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Ten tativ e Rec urr ence : (non e) Or g an izer : Ba ss , Deana Requ i r ed Attendees : Bass , Deana ; R; Smyt h, Timot h y M; Kaspe r , Mar en Alfonso A; Mun ir , Rafiq A; Gruson , Golr i c k, Janet M; Cl emmensen , Cr a ig Me r r i e ; Thomas , Todd C ; Chr i s t e n sen Raquel ; Williams , Raphae l L ; Ho lderf Al exande r ; Hobbs , Be n j amin R; Hardy M; Taffet , Clifford ; Schulhof , Mary Your meet i ng was upda ted . Sent by Subj ect Loc at io ACCESS f ound to be out Pa tton , Lynne M; Br egon , Nelson M; Bas t a r ach e , Danielle L; Cos t a, Barbara ; Norland e r , Adam G; T ; Jacobs , Az tec ; Nicho l sd ix on , , Eric F ; Fr a n cesc hin i-Pet ty , i eld , Stephanie A; Co ffey , IV, Stanley ; Bour ne, Chri stop h e r T ; Morton, Robe rt B o f date Mic rosoft Exc hang e Server : Section 3 Task Fo rce n: OSEC Sma ll Conf . Rm. 1 0226 ! CODE: !{b)(6) II and h as Co nf. been Li ne# a ut omatical ly 888 - 2 73 - 3658 St a rt : Thu 71131 2 0 17 2 : 0 0 PM End : Thu 711312017 2 : 30 PM Sho w Time As : Ten tat ive Recurrence : (none ) Organiz er : Bass , Dea na Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Bass , Deana ; Patton , Lynne M; Breg on , Nelson h e , Danielle L; Costa, R; Smyth , Ti mothy M; Kasper , Ma r en M; Bastarac Alfonso A; Munir, Ra fiq A; Gruso n, Barbara ; Nor lander , Adam G; Golric k, Janet M; Clernrnense n , Craig T ; Jacob s, Azte c; Nicholsdixon , Merri e ; Thomas , Todd C ; Christensen , Eric F ; Fra nce sc h i n i-Pe tty , Raquel ; Williams , Rap h ael L ; Hold erfield , Ste p h a n ie A; Coffey , Al exa nd e r; Hobbs , Ben j amin R; Ha r d y I V, Stan l ey ; Bour n e , Chr i s t opher M; Taffet , Clifford ; Schul hof , Mary T ; Mor ton , Robert B Your meeting updat ed . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was f ound to be out o f d a te an d h as been a ut omatical ly HUD-17-0504-E-000779 Sent by Mi crosoft Excha ng e Serve r Subject : Section 3 Task Fo rce Location : OSEC Sma l l Conf . Rm. 10226 ! ACCESS CODE: !(b)(6) // Conf . Li ne# 888 - 2 7 3 - 3658 Start : Thu 7/ 1 3/20 17 2 :0 0 PM End : Thu 7/13/20 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Requ ire d Atte ndees : Bass , Deana ; Patton , Ly nn e M; Bregon , Ne l son h e , Danielle L; Costa , R; Smyth , Ti moth y M; Kasper , Ma r en M; Bastarac Alfonso A; Munir , Ra fi q A; Gr u son , Ba r ba r a ; Norlander, Adam G; Golrick , Janet M; Cl emmen sen , Craig T ; Jacobs , Az t ec ; Nicho l sdixon , Merrie ; Thomas , Todd C; Chris tense n , Er i c F ; Franceschin i - Pet t y , Raquel ; Wil li ams , Rap h ael L ; Holder fi eld , Step h anie A; Co ff ey , Al exa nde r; Hobbs , Ben j amin R; Ha r dy IV , Stan l ey ; Bour n e , Chr i stopher M; Taffet , Cl ifford ; Schulhof, Mary T ; Mor t on , Robert B Your meeting up dated . was found to be out of date Sent by Microsoft Ex c h a ng e Server Subject : Sect i o n 3 Tas k Force Loc a tion : OSEC Small Co n f . Rm. 10226 ACCESS CODE: !/b\{6} I // and has been Conf . Li n e# automat i ca l ly 888 - 273 - 3658 Start : Thu 7/13/20 17 2 : 00 PM End : Thu 7/ 1 3/20 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurre n ce : (none) Organ iz e r: Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Bass , Deana ; Patton , Lynne M; Bregon , Nelson R; Smyth, Timo th y M; Kasper , Maren M; Bastarache , Dan i e ll e L ; Costa , Alfonso A; Mun ir , Ra f iq A; Gr u so n, Barba r a ; Norlander , Adam G; Gol r i c k , Janet M; Clemmensen , Cr a ig T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Nicho l sdixon , Merrie ; Thomas , Todd C; Christensen , Eric F ; Franceschini - Petty , A; Coffey, Raquel ; Williams , Raphae l L ; Hol derfield , Stephanie Ale xa nder ; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Hardy IV , Stanley ; Bourne , Chris t opher M; Taffet , Clifford ; Schulhof , Mary T ; Morton , Robert B Your meeting updated . Sent to be out by Mic r oso f t Exchange Server /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was found of date and has been automatically HUD-17-0504-E-000780 Subjec t : Sect i o n 3 Tas k Force Locat i o n: OSEC Small Co nf. Rm. 10226 ACCESS CODE: ~k b=l/=6 }._____. Start : Thu 7/13/20 17 2:00 End : Thu 7/ 1 3/ 2 0 17 2 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tentat iv e // Co nf . Line# 888- 2 73-3658 PM Recu rr ence : (none) Orga n iz e r : Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Bass , Deana ; R; Smyth, Timo th y M; Kaspe r , Maren Alfonso A; Mun i r , Ra f iq A; Gr uson , Gol r i c k , Jane t M; Cl emmen sen , Cr a ig Me r r i e ; Thomas , Todd C; Chr i ste n sen Raquel ; Williams , Raphael L; Holderf Alexand e r ; Hobbs , Ben j amin R; Hardy M; Taffet , Clif ford ; Sc hul ho f , Mary Your meeting update d . was found t o be out of Pa tton , Lynne M; Br egon , Nelson M; Bas t a r ache, Dan i e ll e L; Costa, Barbara ; Norlander , Adam G; T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Nicho l sdixon , , Eric F ; Fr a n cesch in i-Petty , ield , Stephanie A; Co ffey , IV, Stanl e y ; Bourne , Chris top her T ; Mor ton , Robert B date Sent by Mi crosoft Exc hang e Server Subjec t : Section 3 Task Fo r ce Loca tion : OSEC Smal l Co nf. Rm. 10226 ACCESS CODE: !{b)(6) ! // and h as been Co nf . Line# autom a tically 888-273-3658 S t art : Thu 7/13/20 17 2 :0 0 PM End : Thu 7/13/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : (none) Organi zer : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Atte ndees : Bass , Deana ; Patton , Lynne M; Br egon , Nelson R; Smyth , Ti moth y M; Kasper , Ma r en M; Bastarac h e , Danielle L; Costa , Alfonso A; Munir , Rafiq A; Gruso n , Barbara ; Norlander , Adam G; Golric k, Janet M; Clemmensen, Craig T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Nicholsdixon , Merr ie ; Thomas , Todd C; Chr i s ten sen , Er ic F ; Fra n cesc hin i-Pet t y , Raquel ; Will i ams , Rap h ael L; Holde rf i eld , Stepha ni e A; Coffey , Alexander ; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Hardy I V, Stan l ey ; Bour n e , Chr is topher M; Taffet , Clifford ; Sc hu lhof , Mary T ; Morton , Robe r t B Your meeting up dated . was found to be ou t of date and h as been a u tomatically Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Se rv e r Subject : Sect ion 3 Task Force /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000781 Locatio n : OSEC Smal l Co nf. ACCESS CODE: ~k b=\/=6 }..__.. Rm. 10226 II Co nf . Li ne# 888-273-3658 Start : Thu 711312017 2 :0 0 PM End : Thu 711312017 2:30 PM Show Tim e As : Tentat iv e Recurrence : (none ) Organi zer : Bass, Deana Requ i r ed Attendees : Bass , Deana ; R; Smyth, Ti mot h y M; Kasp er , Mar en Alfonso A; Munir , Rafiq A; Gruson , Golr i c k , Jane t M; Cl emmen sen , Cr a ig Mer r ie ; Thomas , Todd C; Chr i s ten sen Raquel ; Will i ams , Raphael L; Holder Alexander ; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Hardy M; Taff et , Clifford ; Schulhof, Mary Your meeting updated . was found to be ou t of Patton , Lynne M; Bregon , Nelson M; Bas t arache, Danie lle L; Cos t a, Barbara ; Norlander , Adam G; T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Nicho l sdixon , , Er ic F ; Fr a n cesc hin i-Pe tt y , f i eld , Stephanie A; Coffey, IV , S t anley; Bourne , Christopher T ; Morton, Robe r t B date Sent by Mi crosoft Exchange Server Subject : Section 3 Task Fo rce Lo cation : OSEC Sma ll Conf . Rm. 10226 ACCESS CODE: !(b)(6) ! II and h as been a u tomatical ly Conf . Lin e # 888 - 2 73 - 3658 S t art : Thu 711 3 1 2 0 17 2 : 0 0 PM End : Thu 7113120 17 2 :3 0 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Or ga nizer : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Bass , Deana ; Patton , Lynne M; Bregon, Nelson R; Smyt h , Ti mot hy M; Kasper , Ma r en M; Bastarac h e , Danielle L; Cos ta , Alf onso A; Munir , Ra fi q A; Gr u so n , Barbara ; Norlander, Adam G; Go l rick , Janet M; Clernrnensen , Craig T ; Jacobs , Az te c; Nicho lsd ixon , Merri e; Thomas , Todd C; Ch ri stensen , Er ic F ; Franceschini - Pet t y , Raquel ; Williams , Rap h ael L; Holder fiel d , Step h a nie A; Co ffe y , Al e x a nde r; Hobbs , Ben j amin R; Ha r dy IV, Stan l ey ; Bour n e , Chr i stopher M; Taffet , Cl ifford ; Schulhof , Mary T ; Morton , Robert B Your meeting updated. was found to be out of date Sent by Mi crosoft Exc h a ng e Ser ver Subject : Sect i o n 3 Tas k Force Loc ation : OSEC Sma l l Co n f . Rm. 10226 ACCESS CODE: !/b\/6\ I /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT II and has been Conf . Li n e# a ut oma t ically 888 - 273 - 3658 HUD-17-0504-E-000782 Start : Thu 7/ 13/2 0 17 2 :0 0 PM End : Thu 7/ 13 / 2 0 17 2 : 3 0 PM Show Time As : Ten tat iv e Recurrence : (none ) Organizer : Bass , Deana Req uir e d Att endees : Bass , De ana ; Patton , Lynne M; Bregon , Ne l son R; Smyth , Ti moth y M; Kasper , Ma re n M; Bastarac he , Danielle L; Costa , Alf onso A; Munir , Ra fiq A; Gr u so n, Barba r a ; No r lander , Adam G; Go l r ick, Janet M; Cl emmens en , Craig T ; Jacob s , Az te c ; Nicho lsd i xo n , Merri e; Thomas , Tod d C; Chris tense n , Er i c F ; Franceschin i - Pet t y , Raquel ; Wil li ams , Rap h ael L; Holder fi eld , St ep h a nie A; Coffey , Alexander; Hobbs , Ben j amin R; Ha r dy IV, Stan l ey ; Bour n e , Chr i stopher M; Taffet , Cli fford ; Schulhof , Mary T ; Mor to n , Robert B Your meeting upd a te d . was found to be out of date Sent by Mic ro so f t Exchan ge Server Subjec t: Sec tion 3 Tas k For ce Loc ation : OSEC Sma l l Co nf. Rm. 10226 ACCESS CODE: !/bl/6\ I // and has been automat i ca lly Co nf . Lin e # 888-2 7 3-36 5 8 Star t : Thu 7/13/20 17 2 : 00 PM End : Thu 7/ 1 3/ 2 0 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recu rr ence : (non e) Organiz e r: Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Bass , Deana ; Pa tton , Lynne M; Br egon , Nelson R; Smyth , Timo th y M; Kaspe r , Maren M; Bas t a r ache , Dani e ll e L; Cos t a , Alfonso A; Mun i r , Ra f iq A; Gr uson , Barba ra; Norlander , Adam G; Gol r i c k, Janet M; Cl emmen sen , Cr a i g T ; Jacobs , Az tec ; Nicho l sd ix on , Merr i e ; Thomas , Todd C; Chr i s t e n sen , Er ic F ; Fr a n cesc hin i-Pet t y , Raq ue l ; Wil l iams , Rap ha el L; Holderf ield , Stephanie A; Co ffey , Alexand e r ; Hobbs , Be n j amin R; Hardy IV, Sta n ley ; Bour ne , Chr istophe r M; Taffet , Clif ford ; Sc hul ho f, Mary T ; Mor ton , Robe r t B Your mee t ing updated. was found t o be ou t of date and has b een au tom a tical ly Sent by Mic rosoft Exc h a ng e Se r ve r Subject : Secti on 3/Opp o rtunity Cen t e r Br i e f Loc ation : 10 2 26 S t art : Wed 7 /12/20 17 10 : 30 AM End : Wed 7/12/2017 11 : 00 AM /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000783 Show Time As : Recurrence Tenta tive : (none) Organi zer : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Atte ndees : Brown , Christina Your meeting updated . was found to be out Sent by Mic ro so f t Exchange Subjec t : Sect i o n 3/Opport Loca tion : 1022 6 M of date Server u nity and has Ce n ter been automat ical l y been automatical Br i ef St art : Wed 7/12/20 17 10 : 30 AM End : Wed 7/12/2017 1 1 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurre n ce : (none) Organiz e r : Bass , De ana Required Attendees : Brown , Ch risti Your meeting updated . was Sent by Microso ft Subject : Coffee Loca tion : tbd found to be out na M of d ate and has ly Excha ng e Server w/Matthew Hun ter St art : Wed 7/12/20 17 3 : 00 PM End : Wed 7/12/2017 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer Required : Bass , Deana Attendees : Hunter Your mee t ing update d . was found , Matthew to be out of date F and h as been automatically Sent by Mic rosoft Exc h a ng e Server Subjec t : Coffe e w/Matthew Hunter Locat ion : tbd St art : Wed 7 /12/20 17 3 : 00 PM End : Wed 7/12/2017 3 : 30 PM /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000784 Show Time As : Recurrence Tenta tive : (none) Organi zer : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Atte ndees : Hunte r, Your meeting updated . was found to be Matthew out of F date Sent by Mic ro so f t Exchange Server Subjec t: Hold/ HUD Mtg . with Ron Thomas and has & Joe been automat ical ly Ma rkw ard t Start : Wed 7/ 12 /20 17 1:3 0 PM End : Wed 7/12/20 17 2 : 0 0 PM Show Time As : F ree Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer Required : Bass , Deana Attend ees : Brittney Your meeting updated . was found to be Harris ou t of date and has been a u tomatical Sent by Mi crosoft Exc h ange Server Subject: Call w/Kara McKee (White House ) 6 Loc ation : Conf . Line# 888 - 2 73 - 3658 ACCESS CODE: ~l (b-)(- l__ ly ___. Start : Fri 7/7/20 1 7 2 : 30 PM End : F ri 7/7/2017 3 : 00 PM Show Ti me As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer Required : Bass , Deana ~------------~ Attendees : ~l (b_)(_6_ ) ___________ Your meeting updated. was found to be ou t of ~ date and h as been a u tomatical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Exc h a ng e Serve r Subject : Call w/Kara McKee (White House ) Loc ation : Conf . Line# 888 - 2 7 3 - 3658 ACCESS CODE: ~l Sent : Friday , July 07 , 2017 12 : 44 PM To : Bass , Deana Subject: Accepted: Ca ll w/Kara McKee (White House ) Subject : Lo cation : Call w/Kara Conf . Line# McKee (White House) 888 - 273 - 3658 ACCESS CODE: = ! Sent : F riday , July 07 , 20 17 9 : 32 AM To : Bass , Dea na Accepted : Ca ll w/Deana Bass (HUD) Subjec t : Subject : Loca tion : HOLD FOR WIRELESS UPDATE 10 226 F ri 7/7/2017 3 : 00 PM S t art : End : F ri 7/7/2017 3 : 1 5 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not ye t responded Org an iz e r : Fle i sc h e r , Laura A Required Atte ndees : Beauford (Ctr) , Calbert L; Ado lfo Ma rzol (Adolfo . F . Marzol@hud . gov) ; Deana Bass (Deana . Bass@hud . gov) Subject : Loc ation : Phi l anthropy discussion Deana ' s office 1 0226 Start : Fri 7/7/20 1 7 11 : 30 AM End : Fri 7/7/20 1 7 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recu rr ence : (none) Meeti ng S tatus : Not yet responded Organize r : Campbell , Cyn th ia F Requ i r ed At tendees : Bass , Deana /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000789 Subjec t: Location : Ph il a nt h r opy discuss i on Deana ' s office 10226 Start : Fri End : Fr i 7/7/20 Show Ti me As : Recurrence 7/7/2017 11 : 00 AM 1 7 11 : 30 AM Tentat i ve : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer Required : Not ye t r espo nded : Campbel l , Cynth ia F Atte ndees : Bass , Deana Subjec t: Location : Philan t hropy discussion Deana ' s o f f i ce F ri 7/7/2017 10 : 30 AM Fri 7/7/2017 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta t ive St art : End : Recurrence : (none) Meeting Status Organize Required r: Campbell , Cynthia F Attendees : Bass , Deana Subjec t: Location : : i on 7/7/2017 10 : 30 AM 1 7 1 1 : 30 AM : (none) Meet in g Status Organizer Required ye t responded Phi l a n th r opy discuss Deana ' s office Start : Fri End : Fr i 7/7/20 Recurrence Not : Dec lin ed : Campbell , Cynthia F Attendees : Bass , Deana Subject : Canceled : Sectio n 3 Task Force Loc ation : OSEC Sma ll Conf . Rm. 10210 // CODE: ~! (b-)(-6)-~I PW liliRfilJ Wkly . Mtg . DIAL IN# 888 - 273 - 3658 S t art : Mon 4/17/20 17 2 : 00 PM End : Mon 4/17/2017 2 : 30 PM /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000790 Show Time As : Free Recurrence : Weekly Recu rr ence Pattern : eve ry Monday from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Organi z e r: Bass , Deana Requ i red Atte ndees : Bass , Deana ; Patton , Lynne M; Br egon , Nelson R; Munir , Rafiq A; Smyt h, Timot h y M; Gruson , Barbara ; Kasper , Maren L ; Norlande r , Adam G; Go lri ck , Janet M; M; Bastarache, Danielle Clemme n sen , Craig T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Nicholsd i xon , Merrie ; Thomas , Todd C; Chr i stensen , Eric F ; Franceschini-Petty , Raquel ; Will iams , Raphael L ; Holderfield , Steph anie A; Co ffey , Alexander ; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Hardy IV , Stanley ; Costa , Alfonso A; Bourne , Ch ri stophe r M Opt i o n al Atte ndees : Taf f e t, Robert B; Hol mes , Grego r y A Cli ff ord ; Schulhof This meeting has been canceled of the meet i ng , view the event by the organizer on your calendar , Mary T ; Morton , . To see . Sent by Mic ro soft Exchange Server From : Microsoft Outlook on behalf of Holmes , Gregory Sent : Thursday , Ju l y 06 , 201 7 9 : 0 1 AM To : Bass , Deana Subject : Section 3 Task Fo r ce Wkly . Mtg . This meet i ng is mi ss i ng from you r ca l endar , but the meeting on their ca len dar . Sent by Microsoft Exchange Su bject : MEET with Karla Loc at i on : SOHUD' s office Server Ballard , CEO of the contents A attendees st i ll have YING Bank Start : Fri 7/7/2017 9 : 00 AM End : Fri 7/7/ 2017 9 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer Required : (none) : DocBe n Attendees : Your meeting updated . Updated Meeting /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was found Bass, Deana to out meeting details Recurrence be of date and has been automatically : HUD-17-0504-E-000791 Sent by Microsoft Exc h a nge Serve r Subjec t: Follow up Call - Update TMCF o n Opport un ity Ce n ters Loc ation : Conf . Line# 888 - 273 - 3658 ACCESS CODE: =k b=l/=6l.____, Start : Fri 7/7/2017 11 :0 0 AM End : Fri 7/7/20 1 7 11:30 AM Show Tim e As : Tentat iv e Recu rr ence : (none) Organize Required r : Bass , Deana Attendees : ray . anderson@tmc Your meeting updated. was found to be out of date f . org and has been automatically Sent by Microsoft Exchange Serve r Subject : Follow up Call - Update TMCF on Opportu n ity Centers b=l/=6l.____. Lo cation: Conf . Li ne# 888 - 273 - 3658 ACCESS CODE: =k Sta r t : Fri 7/7/2017 11 :0 0 AM End : Fri 7/7/2017 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (no ne) Organize Required r: Bass , Deana Attendees : ray . anderson@tmc Your meeting updated. was found to be out of date f . org and has been automatically Sent by Microsoft Excha nge Server Subject : Follow up Ca ll - Update TMCF on Opportunity Ce n ters Location : Conf . Line# 888-273-3658 ACCESS CODE: _k b-l/~6}.____. Start : Fri 7/7/2017 11 :0 0 AM End : Fri 7/7/2017 11:30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Or ganizer : Bass , Deana Requ ir ed Attendees : r ay . ande r son@tmcf . org Your meeting updated. /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was found to be out of date and has been automatically HUD-17-0504-E-000792 Sen t by Mi crosoft Ex c h a nge Se rver Sub j ec t : Fo ll ow up Call - Upda t e TMCF o n Oppor tun ity Ce n te r s Loc a tio n : Conf . Li n e# 888 - 273 - 3658 ACCESS CODE : ~kb= l/=6l.____, Start : Fri 7/7/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Fri 7/7/20 1 7 11: 30 AM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recu rr ence : (none) Orga n iz e r : Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : ray . anderson@tmc Your meeting upd a te d . was f ound Sent by Mi crosoft Subject : Follow to be out of Exc h a ng e Ser ver up Call - Update date f . org and h as been TMCF o n Opport un ity a ut oma t ical ly Ce n te r s Start : F ri 7/7/2017 11 : 0 0 AM End : Fri 7/7/2017 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : (none ) Organi zer : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Atte ndees : r ay . a nde r son@tmcf . org Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and has been automat ical ly Sent by Mic ro so f t Exchan ge Server From : Google Calendar on be h al f o f ray . a n derso n @tmcf . o rg Sent : Wednesday , July 0 5 , 2017 4 : 43 PM To : Bass , Deana Subject : Acc epte d : Follow up Call - Upd ate TMCF on Opportunity Centers@ Fri J u l 7 , 2017 11am - 11 : 30am (EDT) (Bass , Deana) inv i te . ics Attac hme n ts : ray . anderson@tmc f . org has accepted this invi tat i on . Follow up Call - Update TMCF o n Oppor tun ity Ce nte rs When F ri Ju l 7 , 2017 1 1am - 11 : 30am Eas ter n Time Calendar Bass , De ana Who Bass, Deana - o rg an iz er r ay . a nde r son@tmcf . org - c r eator I nvitation /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT from Google Calendar HUD-17-0504-E-000793 You are receiving th is courtesy email at the account deana . bass@hud . gov because you a r e an attendee of th i s event . To stop receiving future updates for this event, decline th is event . Alternatively you can s i gn up for a Goog l e account at h ttps : //www . google . com/calendar/ and co ntrol your notification sett i ng s for your ent ir e ca l e nd a r. Forwarding this inv i tation could al l ow any recipient to mod i fy your RSVP response . Learn Mor e . Subject : Section 3/Opportunity Center Br i ef Locatio n : Deana ' s Office 10226 St art : Thu 7/6/20 1 7 2 : 00 PM End : Thu 7/6/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : (none) Organiz er : Bass, Required Attendees Your meeting updated . Dea na : Brown , Christina was found to be out Sent by Microsoft Excha nge Server Subject : Section 3/Opportunity Locatio n : Deana ' s Office 10226 of M date Center and has been automatica been a u tomatically l ly Br i e f Start : Thu 7/6/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Thu 7/6/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Organizer Required : (none) : Bass , Deana Attendees : Brown , Christina Your meeting updated . was found to be out Sent by Mic rosoft Exchange Server Subject : Section 3/Opportunity Loc ation : Deana ' s Office 1 0226 of M date and has Cente r Br i ef Start : Thu 7/6/ 2 0 1 7 2 : 00 PM End : Thu 7/6/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Free Recurrence Meeting /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) Sta tus : Meeting organizer HUD-17-0504-E-000794 Organize Required r: Bass , Deana Attendees : Brown , Ch ristina Subject : Loc ation : Conversation Room 10155 with Secretary M Planning Meeting Start : Fri 7/7/2017 1 : 00 PM End : Fri 7/7/2017 1 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) S t atus : Not yet responded Organizer : Bec kl es , Angela L Beck l es , Angela L; Gadso n , Jovette G; Bass , Requ i red Atte ndees : Deana ; Kelly , Hol ly A Optional Attendees : HHQ OPA Conference Room 101 55 ; Dendas , Michael w Subject : Loca tion : Senior Secreta Staff Meeting r y ' s Conference (Weekly) Room S t art : Tue 7/18/20 17 9 : 30 AM End : Tue 7/18/20 17 10:00 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Recurrence Meeting : Week l y Pattern : Status : Not every yet Monday from 3 : 00 PM to 3 : 30 PM responded Organize r: Doc Ben Required Attendees : Greenwood , Shei la M; Bass , Deana ; Kasper , Mar en M; Patton, Lynne M; Hug hes , Andrew ; Zorc , Bethany A; Thompson , Amy C; Dendas , Michael W; Bowes , Rober t B; Marzol , Adolfo F ; Kur tz , R . Hunte r; Eagles , David T; Wade , Dana T; Hunter , Matthew F ; Gaines , Ralph H Subject : Location : Conversations with HHQ OPA Conference Secretary Planning Room 10155 Meeting Start : Fri 7/7/2017 11 : 30 AM End : Fri 7/7/2017 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000795 Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng Status : Not yet responded Organi zer : Gadso n , Jove tte G Requ i r ed Attendees : Beckles , Angela L; Bass , Deana ; Kelly , Ho lly A Meeting to Invited Participants Deana d iscuss Coff ee/C onversations with the Secre t ary Canceled : Conversations with Secretary HHQ OPA Con feren ce Room 10155 Pl anning series . : Bass Jovette Gads o n Angela Beckles Ho ll y Kelly Subject Locatio : n: Meeting Start : F ri 7/7/2017 11 : 30 AM End : Fri 7/7/2017 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Fre e Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Accep te d Org an iz e r : Gadson , Jovet t e G Required Atte ndees : Beckles, Angela L; Bass, Deana ; Kelly , Holly A Optio n a l Attendees Meet i ng to Inv i ted Deana : d i sc u ss Pa rti c ip ants Dendas , Mi chael Coffee/Conve W r sat i o n s with th e Secretary se ri es . : Bass Jovet te Gadso n Ange l a Beckles Holly Subject: /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Kelly Sect ion 3 Task Force Wkly . Mtg . HUD-17-0504-E-000796 Locatio CODE: n: ~k b-)(-6}-~I OSEC Smal l Co nf. PW lilii!filJ Rm. 10210 // DIAL IN# 888-273-3658 Start : Wed 7/5/2017 2 : 30 PM End : Wed 7/5/2017 3 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tentat iv e Recurrence Recurrence : Week l y Pa tte rn : eve ry Monday from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Orga n iz e r: Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Nor l ander , Adam G; Golrick , Jan et M; Clernmensen , Craig T; Jacobs , Azt ec; Nicholsdixon , Merri e; Thomas , Todd C; Chr i s ten sen , Er ic F ; Fra n cesc h i n i-Pet t y , Raquel ; Will iams , Raphael L; Ha r dy IV , St a nl ey ; Bass , Dea n a ; Pa tt o n, Ly nn e M; Breg on , Nelso n R; Kaspe r, Mare n M; Basta r ache , Dan i e l le L; Holde rfi e l d , Stephanie A; Costa , Alfo nso A; Bourne , Ch ristop h er M; Coffey , Alexand e r ; Smyth , Timothy M; Munir , Raf iq A; Gruson , Barbara; Hobbs , Benjamin R Opt i o na l Attendees : Taf f e t, Cl iff o r d ; Schul h of , Mary T; Mor ton , Robert B; Holm es , Gregory A Your meeting up dated . was found to be out of date and has bee n automatically Sent by Mic rosoft Ex c h a nge Serve r Subject : Weekly SOHUD Sc h edu lin g Rev i ew Loc a tion : Secretary ' s Small Conference Room Start : Thu 7/6/2017 12 : 30 PM End : Thu 7/6/2017 1 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta ti ve Recu rr en ce : Weekly Recurrence Pa tter n : Meet in g Status : Not every yet Tuesday from 1 : 30 PM to 2 : 00 PM r espo nded Organizer : Coresse l , Jacie Requ i red Atte ndees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Alexander , Mason ; Barton , Vi cto ri a L; Th ompson , Arny C; Wi ll i ams , Raphael L; Campbell Cynthia F ; De ndas , Mi c h ael W; Coffey , Alexander ; Bass , Deana Optional Attendees : Burley , Michael N Subject : Loc ation : 10 : 00AM- MEET w/ Deana SOHUD' s office , Bass Start : Wed 7/5/20 1 7 10:0 0 AM End : Wed 7/5/2017 10 : 10 AM Show Time As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000797 Recurrence Meeting : (non e) Status : Not yet Organiz e r: DocBe n Requ i red Attendees : responded Bass , Deana CFC Subject Locatio : n: Canceled : Publ i c Affairs Staff A/S ' s office (d ial - in details Morn i ng Staff within) Meet in g Start : Tue 7/4/2017 10 : 00 AM End : Tue 7/4/2017 10 : 30 AM Show Time As : Free Rec urrence : Weekly Recurrence Pat t ern : Occurs AM e ff ect iv e 2/27/20 1 7 . every weekday from 10 : 00 AM to 10 : 30 Organizer : Sullivan , Brian E Required Attendees : Blunt , Brian L; Brown , Jereon M; Coleman, Eilee n C; Long (Ctr) , Deon ; Miller , Mi t c hell E ; Sense n ey , Ph i lomena C; Adams , Scott ; Hardy IV , Stanley ; Adcock , Cynthia D; Reinhard , Dav id L; Mayo , Sammy E ; Brandao , Elisabete T; Gaona , Mar ia E; Strothers , Letha E; Hawkins , Sherrill N; Gadson , Jovette G; Johnso n , Joanne L; Goodloe , Shantae M; Howard, Bren ton E ; AMOS, WILLIAM L; Brown , Apri l A; Li u , Hang ; Savoye , Helen A; Williams , Raphae l L; Thompson , Amy C; Gribbin, Wil liam J ; Shasky , Jo hn E; Bass , Dea na Optional Attendees : Barton , Victoria L; LOGAN, LEAH M; Cl i n ton , Mikaela B Subject : Loc ation: Meet in g w/Sheila COS Office - re : HUD Priorit i es for WH Meet in g Start : Wed 7/5/2017 9 : 00 AM End : Wed 7/5/ 2 0 1 7 9 : 45 AM Show Time As : Tenta tiv e Rec urrence : (none) Meet in g Status : Not yet r espo nd ed Organizer : Greenwood , Shei l a M Required Atte ndees : Greenwood , Shei la Adolfo F ; Bass , Deana ; Kurtz , R . Hunter Subject : Locat ion : PRE-B RIEF on Pr iebus Meeting Secreta r y ' s Co nf e r ence Room Start Wed 7/5/2017 : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT M; Eag l es , David T ; Marzol , 4 : 00 PM HUD-17-0504-E-000798 End : Wed 7/5/2017 Show Ti me As : Recurrence 4 : 30 PM Tenta ti ve : (none) Meet in g Status : Not yet r espo nded Organizer : DocBen Required Attend e es : Sheila M Greenwood (She i la . M. Gree nwood l @hu d . gov) ; Eagles , David T; Bass , Deana ; Kur tz , R . Hunt e r; Adolfo F Marzol (Adolfo . F . Ma r zol@hud . gov) Subjec t: Sect i o n 3 Tas k Force Wk ly . Mtg . Location : OSEC Small Co n f . Rm. 10210 // DIAL IN# CODE: ,~(b-)(-6}-~I PW l!iilifilJ 888-273-3658 Mon 4/17/20 17 2 : 00 PM Start : End : Mon 4/17/ 2 0 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Recurrence : Weekly Pa tt e r n : every Monday from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attende e s : Bass , Deana ; Patton , Lynne M; Bregon , Nelson R; Mun i r, Ra f iq A; Smyth, Ti moth y M; Gruson , Ba r bara ; Kasper , Maren M; Basta r ache , Dan i e l le L; Norla n der , Adam G; Golr i ck , Janet M; Clemmensen , Craig T; Jacobs , Aztec ; Nicholsdixon , Merrie ; Thomas , Todd C; Christensen , Eric F ; Franceschini-Petty , Raquel ; Will iams , Raphael L ; Holderfield , Stephanie A; Coffey , Alexander ; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Hardy IV , Stanley ; Costa , Alfonso A; Bour n e , Chr i s t opher M Optional Attendees : Taffet Robert B; Holmes , Gregory A Your meet i ng was found updated . to , Clifford be out of ; Schulhof date and has , Mary T; Morton , been Sent by Mi crosoft Excha n ge Serve r Subject : Section 3 Task Force Wkly . Mtg . // DIAL IN# Location : OSEC Small Conf . Rm. 10210 CODE: !(b)(6) ! PW l!iilifilJ automatical ly 888 - 273 - 3658 Start : Wed 7/5/ 2 017 2 : 30 PM End : Wed 7/5/2017 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Recurrence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Week l y Pattern : every Monday from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM HUD-17-0504-E-000799 Organi zer: Bass , Deana Requ ir ed Attendees : Nor l a nde r, Adam G; Gol r ick , Ja n et M; Cl ernrnens en , Craig T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Nic holsdixon, Merrie ; Thomas , Tod d C; Christensen , Eric F ; Francesc h ini - Pet t y , Raqu e l ; Williams , Raphael L ; Ha r dy I V, St a nle y ; Bass , Dea n a ; Patton , Ly nne M; Breg on , Ne l so n R; Kaspe r, Mare n M; Basta r ache , Dan i e l le L ; Holde rfi e ld, M; Coffey , Stepha n ie A; Costa , Alfonso A; Bourne, Christopher Al exa nde r; Smyth , Timothy M; Munir , Rafiq A; Gruson , Barba ra ; Hobbs, Benjamin R Opt i o n al Attendees : Ta ffet, Cliff o r d ; Sch ulh o f, Mar y T ; Mort on , Rober t B; Holm es , Grego r y A Your mee ting upd a ted. was found Updated meeting Start Time End Time to be details out of d a te and has been a ut omatically : Se nt by Microsoft Exchan ge Server Subject : Section 3 Tas k Fo rce Wkly . Mtg . // DIAL I N# Locatio n: OSEC Smal l Co nf. Rm. 10210 ! PW laillfilJ CODE: ! Origin of Subject Locatio . co Meeti ng : Dea na Bass St aff : Deana External karla@yingbank Bass Attendees : n: : Karla Ba l la r d MEET with Karla SOHUD' s off i ce Ballard , CEO of YING Bank St art : F ri 7/7/20 1 7 9 : 00 AM End : F ri 7/7/2017 9 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not Organiz e r: DocBe n Required At tendees : Topic : To discuss yet responded Bass, YingBank Deana . co-T i me Ban k i ng app POC: Kar l a Ballard ; 202 - 744 - 4660 , karla@yingbank Origin of Mee t ing : Deana S t aff : Deana . co Bass Bass Ex ter na l At tendees : Kar la Ba ll ard Subject : Sect i on 3 Task Force Wk l y . Mtg . Locat ion : OSEC Small Co nf . Rm. 102 10 // DIAL IN# CODE: ,~(b-\(-6}-~I PW Mlli /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT 888-2 73 -3658 HUD-17-0504-E-000803 Start : Wed 7/5/2017 2 : 30 PM End : Wed 7/5/20 1 7 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurre n ce : Wee kl y Recurrence Patte r n : every Monday from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attend e es : Patton , Lynn e M; Bregon , Nelson R; Munir , Ra fi q A; Smyth , Timothy M; Gruson , Barba r a ; Kasper , Maren M; Bastarache , Danielle L ; Nor l ande r, Adam G; Golrick , Janet M; Clemrnensen , Craig T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Nicholsdixon , Merrie ; Thomas , Todd C ; Christensen , Er ic F ; Franceschini - Petty , Raquel ; Will iam s , Raphael L ; Holde r fie l d , Stepha n i e A; Coffey , Alexander ; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Hardy IV , Stanley ; Costa , Alfonso A; Bour n e , Chr i stopher M Optional Attendees Robe r t B : Your meet i ng was updated . found Taffet , Clifford to out be of ; Schulhof date and has , Mary been T ; Morton , automatically Sent by Mi crosoft Exchange Server Subject : Section 3 Task Force Wkly . Mtg . Lo cation : OSEC Sma ll Conf . Rm. 10210 // DIAL IN# ! PW lifil@IJ CODE: !(b)(6) 888 - 273 - 3658 S t art : Mon 4/17/20 17 2 : 00 PM End : Mon 4/17/20 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Recurrence : Week l y Pattern : every Monday from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Organizer : Bass , Deana Requ i red At tendees : Pa tto n , Lynne M; Bregon , Ne l so n R; Muni r, Raf i q A; Smyth , Ti mothy M; Gr u son , Barba r a ; Kasper , Maren M; Bastarac h e , Danielle L ; Nor l ander , Adam G; Golrick , Janet M; Clemrnensen , Craig T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Nicholsdixon , Merrie ; Thomas , Todd C ; Chr i stensen , Eric F ; Franceschini-Petty , Raquel ; Will iams , Raphael L ; Holde r fie l d , Stephanie A; Coffey , Alexander ; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Hardy IV , Stanley ; Cos t a , Alfonso A; Bourne , Christopher M Optio n al Atte ndees : Robe r t B Taffet Your meeting updated . to be out Exchange Server Sent was by Mic rosoft /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT found , Clifford of ; Schulhof date and has , Mary been T ; Morton , automatically HUD-17-0504-E-000804 Subjec t: Sect i o n 3 Task Force Wk ly . Mtg . Location : OSEC Small Conf . Rm. 10210 // DIAL IN# CODE: ,~(b-)(6-} -~I PW Mlli 888-273-3658 Start : Wed 7/5/2017 2 : 30 PM End : Wed 7/5/20 1 7 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : Weekly Recurrence Pat t e r n : every Monday from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Patton , Lynn e M; Bregon , Nelson R; Munir , Rafiq A; Smyth , Timot h y M; Gr uson , Barbara ; Kasper , Maren M; Bastarache , Dan ielle L; Nor l a nder , Adam G; Golrick , Ja n et M; Clemmensen , Craig T; Jacobs , Aztec ; Nicholsd ix on , Merrie ; Thomas , Todd C; Christensen , Eric F ; Franceschini - Petty , Raquel ; Will i ams , Raphael L; Holderfield , Stephanie A; Coffey , Alexander ; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Hardy IV , Stanley ; Costa , Alfonso A; Bour n e , Chr i s t opher M Optional Attendees Robe r t B Your meeting updated . : was found Taffet to , Clifford be out of ; Schulhof da t e and , Mary T; Morton , h as been Sent by Mi crosoft Exchange Serve r Subject : Section 3 Task Force Wkly . Mtg . Location : OSEC Sma l l Conf . Rm. 10210 // DIAL IN# CODE: !(b)(6) ! PW Mlli automatically 888-273-3658 Start : Mon 4/17/20 17 2 : 00 PM End : Mon 4/17/20 17 2 : 30 PM Show Ti me As : Tentative Recurrence Recurrence : Week l y Patte r n : every Monday from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Organizer : Bass , Deana Requ i red Atte ndees : Patto n, Lynne M; Bregon , Ne l so n R; Mun i r, Raf i q A; Smyth , Timothy M; Gruson , Barba r a ; Kasper , Maren M; Bastarache , Danielle L; Norlander , Adam G; Golrick , Jane t M; Clemmensen , Craig T; Jacobs , Aztec ; Nicholsdixon , Me rri e ; Thomas , Todd C; Christensen , Er ic F ; Franceschini-Petty , Raquel ; Williams , Raphael L; Holderfield , Stephanie A; Coffey , Alexander ; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Hardy IV , Stanley ; Costa , Alfonso A; Bourne , Chr i stopher M Optional Attendees Robert B Your meeting updated . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : was found Taffet to , Clifford be out of date ; Schulhof and has , Mary T; Morton been , automatically HUD-17-0504-E-000805 Sent by Micro so ft Ex change Server Sub ject: Sec tion 3 Task Force Wkly . Mtg. Locat ion: OSEC Small Co nf. Rm. 102 10 // DIAL IN# ! PW Mili CODE: !rb)/6) 888-273-3658 Start : Wed 7 /5/201 7 2 : 30 PM End : Wed 7/5/2017 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Ten tati ve Rec urr ence: Recurrence Weekly Pattern : every Mond ay from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Organ iz e r : Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Patton , Lynne M; Brego n, Ne l son R; Mun i r, Ra fi q A; Smyth , Timo thy M; Gr uson, Barbara ; Kasper , Mar en M; Bastarache , Da n ie lle L ; Nor l a nder , Adam G; Gol r ick , Janet M; Clemmensen , Cra i g T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Ni c hol sd ix o n , Mer ri e ; Thomas , Tod d C ; Chr ist e ns en , Er ic F ; Fra nc es ch i n i - Petty , Raquel ; Williams , Rap ha e l L; Hold e rfield , Stephan i e A; Coffey , Al exa n de r ; Hobbs, Be n jam in R; Hardy IV, Stanley ; Cos ta , Alfonso A; Bour ne, Chris top h e r M Opt i o n al Attendees Robert B Your meeting up dated . was : f ound Ta ff e t , Clifford to be out ; Sch ulh o f, o f d a te an d h as Mary been Sen t by Mic rosoft Exc h a nge Se rver Sub j ec t: Sec ti o n 3 Tas k Force Wk ly . Mtg . Loc a tio n: OSEC Small Conf . Rm. 10210 // DIAL I N# CODE: !(b)(6) ! PW l!iillfil:J Mon 4/1 7/ 2 0 17 2:00 Start : End : Mon 4 / 1 7/ 2 0 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence : Week l y Recur r e n ce Pat t e r n : every T ; Mor ton , a ut oma t ical ly 888 - 273 - 36 58 PM Monday from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 3 0 PM Or ga nizer : Bass , Deana Required At t e ndees : Patton , Lynne M; Brego n , Nel so n R; Mun ir , Rafiq A; Smyt h , Timot h y M; Gr u so n, Barbara ; Kasper , Mare n M; Bastarache , Da n ie ll e L ; Nor l ande r, Adam G; Gol r ick , Ja n et M; Cl emme ns en , Craig T ; Jac ob s , Aztec ; Nic hol s dixon , Merrie ; Thomas , Tod d C ; Christensen , Er ic F ; Francesc h ini - Pet ty, Raqu e l ; Will iam s, Raphael L ; Holde rfield, Stepha n ie A; Coffey , Alexander ; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Hardy IV , Stanley ; Costa , Alfonso A; Bour n e , Chr i stopher M /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000806 Opt i o na l Attendees Robert B Your meeting upd ated . was : found Ta ffet , Clifford to out be of ; Sch ulhof date and has , Mary been Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server Subjec t : Sect i o n 3 Task Force Wkly . Mtg . // DIAL IN# Locat i o n : OSEC Small Co nf . Rm. 10210 CODE: !rb)/6) ! PW filillfilJ T ; Mort on , automatically 888-273-3658 Start : Wed 7/5/2017 2 : 30 PM End : Wed 7/5/2017 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta tiv e Recurrence Recurrence : Weekly Pattern : every Mond ay from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Org a nizer : Bass, Deana Required Attendees : Patton , Lynne M; Bregon , Nelson R; Munir , Rafiq A; Smyth, Timothy M; Gr uson, Barbara ; Kasp e r , Maren M; Bastarache , Da n ie lle L ; Nor lander , Adam G; Gol r ick , Janet M; Clemmensen , Craig T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Nicholsd i x on , Mer ri e ; Thomas , Todd C ; Christensen , Er ic F ; Franceschini - Petty , Raquel ; Williams, Raphael L ; Hold e rfield , Stephani e A; Coffey , Al e xan de r ; Hobbs, Benjamin R; Hardy IV , Stan le y ; Costa, Alfonso A; Bour ne , Chr i s top her M Opt i o na l Atte ndees Robert B Your meeting up dated . was : f ound Taffet , Clifford to out be ; Schulhof o f date and h as , Mary been Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Se rv e r Subject: Sect i on 3 Tas k Force Wk ly . Mtg . // DIAL I N# Locatio n : OSEC Small Conf . Rm. 10210 ! PW Rfil@IJ CODE: !(b)(6) Start : Mon 4/17/20 17 2:00 End : Mon 4 /17/ 2 0 17 2 :3 0 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Recurrence : Weekly Pa tt e r n : every T ; Morton , a ut omatical 888-273-3658 PM Mo n day from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 3 0 PM Organiz e r : Bass , De ana Required Attendees : Patton , Lynne M; Brego n , Nel so n R; Raf i q A; Smyt h, Ti mot hy M; Gr u so n , Barbara ; Kaspe r , Mar e n Bastarache , Dan ielle L ; Nor land er , Adam G; Golrick , Janet Clemmensen , Craig T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Nicholsdixon , Merrie ; /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT ly Munir , M; M; Thomas, HUD-17-0504-E-000807 Todd C ; Chr i s t ensen , Eric F ; Franceschini-Pet t y , Raquel ; Will iams , Raphael L ; Holde r f i e l d , Stephanie A; Coffey , Alexand e r ; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Hardy IV , Stanley ; Cos t a , Alfonso A; Bourne , Christopher M Opt i onal Attendees Robert B Your meeting updated . was : found Taf f et , Cli ff ord ; Schul h of , Mary to be out of date and has been Sent by Mic ro so f t Exchange Server Subjec t: Sect i o n 3 Task Force Wkly . Mtg . Loca tion : OSEC Small Co n f . Rm. 10210 // DIAL IN# ! PW Mill CODE: ! on be h a lf HUD-17-0504-E-000814 To : Bass , Deana Subject : Accepted : Mtg. with Thomas Ri ley 1 2 , 2017 1pm - 1 : 30pm (EDT) (Bass , Deana ) Attachments : invi te . ics jestes@e xpressible Mtg . with Thomas . com has accepted Ril ey & Josh Estes this & Josh i nv i tation Estes@ Wed Jul . Time When Wed Jul 12 , 2017 1pm - 1 : 30pm Eastern Where Dept of Hous i ng & Urban Deve l opment , 451 7th 10226 (map) Calendar Bass , Deana Who Bass , Deana - o r ganizer jestes@expressible . com - crea t o r ' Br i ttney Harris ' St . SW// Room Inv itation from Google Calendar You are rece i ving th i s courtesy ema il at the account deana . bass@hud . gov because you a r e an attendee of th i s event . To stop receiving future updates for this event , decline th is event . Alternatively you can s i gn up for a Google account at https : //www . google . com/calendar/ and control your notification sett in gs for your entire ca l e ndar . Forwarding this inv i tation co u ld al l ow any recipient to mod i fy your RSVP response . Learn More . Subject : Mtg . with Thomas Riley & Josh Estes Loca tion : Dept of Hous i ng & Urban Deve l opment , 451 7th St. SW// Room 10226 S t art : Wed 7/12/20 17 1 : 00 PM End : Wed 7/12/2017 1 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer Requ i red : (none) : Bass , Deana Atte nde es : ' jestes@expressible Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date Sent by Mic ro so ft Exchange Server Subjec t: Weekly CIR mee t i ng w/She ila Loca tion : COS Office . com '; and has ' Brittney been Har r is ' automatically Greenwood S tart : Wed 7/5/2017 4 : 00 PM End : Wed 7/5/2017 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Recu rrence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Weekly Pattern : every Monday from 4 : 00 PM to 4 : 30 PM HUD-17-0504-E-000815 Meet i ng Status : Not yet r espo nd ed Organizer : Greenwood , Shei l a Kasper Required Attendees : Aar on ; Pr ess , Jacob D; Barton Opt i o na l Attendees : Dendas Subject Locatio M , Maren M; Bass , Deana ; Santa Anna , , Victor i a L , Mic hael W; Burley , Mi c h ae l N Canceled : Publ i c Affairs Staff A/S ' s office (d ial - i n detai ls : n: Mor n i ng Staff within) Meet i ng Star t : F ri 6/30/20 17 10 : 00 AM End : Fri 6/30/2017 10 : 30 AM Show Time As : Free Rec urrence : Weekly Recurrence Pat t ern : Occurs AM e ff ect i ve 2/27/20 1 7 . Meeting Status : Not yet every r esponde weekday from 10 : 00 AM to 10 : 30 d Organi zer : Su llivan , Br i a n E Requ ir ed Attendees : Blunt , Brian L; Brown , Jereon M; Co l ema n , Eileen C; Long (Ctr) , Deon ; Miller , Mitc h el l E ; Senseney , Philomena C; Adams, Scott ; Har dy I V, Stan l ey; Adcock , Cynthia D; Reinhard , Dav i d L; Mayo , Sammy E ; Brandao , Eli sabete T; Gaona , Ma r ia E; St r ot h e r s , Le th a E; Hawkins , She rrill N; Gadso n , Jovette G; Jo hn son , Joanne L; Goodloe , Shantae M; Howard , Br enton E ; AMOS, WILLI AM L; Brown , Apri l A; Liu , Hang; Savoye , Helen A; Williams, Rap hae l L; Thompson , Amy C; Gribbin , William J ; Shosky , John E; Bass , Deana Opt i o n al Atte ndees : Barto n, Victoria L; LOGAN, LEAH M; Cl i n ton , Mi kaela B Subject : Locatio n : Room 10226 Mtg . with Thomas Riley & Josh Estes Dep t of Housing & Urban Development , 451 7th St. SW// Start : F ri 7/14/20 17 11 : 00 AM End : Fri 7/14/2017 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence Organizer Required : (none) : Bass , Deana Attendees : jestes@expressib Your meeting updated . Sent was found by Mic rosoft /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT to be out Exchange Server of l e . com ; Britt date an d h as ne y Harris been automatical ly HUD-17-0504-E-000816 Subjec t: Locat i o n: Room 10226 Mtg . with Thomas Ri le y & Josh Estes Dept of Hous in g & Urba n Deve l opment , 451 7th St . SW// Start : Fri 7/14/20 17 1 1 : 00 AM End : Fri 7/ 14 / 2 0 17 1 1 : 30 AM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recu rr ence : (none) Orga n iz e r : Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : jestes@expressible Your meeting upd a te d . was f ound to be out . com ; Brittney o f date and h as been Harris a ut oma t ical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Se rver From : Goog l e Calendar on be h a lf o f jestes@expressib l e . com Se nt : Thursday , June 29 , 2017 4 : 4 2 PM To : Bass , De ana Subjec t: Dec lin ed : Mtg . with Dea n a Bass@ Fr i J u l 14 , 2017 11am 11 : 30am (EDT) (Bass , Dea n a) Att achmen t s : inv i te . ics jestes@expressib l e . com h as Mt g . with Dea n a Bass declined this inv it ation . When Fri Ju l 1 4, 2017 11am - 11 : 30am East e rn Time Where Dept o f Hous in g & Urba n Deve l opment , 451 7th St. 10 2 26 (map) Calendar Bass , Deana Who Bass , Deana - organizer jestes@expressib l e . com - creator Brittney Harr i s SW// Room I nvitation f rom Google Calendar You are rec e iving this court es y email at the account deana . bass@hud . gov because yo u a re an attendee of th i s event . To stop r ece i ving future updates f or this eve nt , dec l i n e th i s event . Al ter na tive ly you can sign up for a Google accoun t at h tt ps : //www . google . com/calendar/ and cont ro l your notification setti ngs for yo ur entire cale nd ar . Forward i ng this in vitat ion co u ld allow a n y recipient t o modify your RSVP r esponse . Learn Mo r e . Subject : Discussion w/ Jean Pao CFC 2016 Cha i r Loc ation : 1022 6 Start : Thu 6/29/ 2 0 17 4 : 00 PM End : Thu 6/29/20 17 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000817 Recur r e n ce : (none) Organiz e r : Bass , De ana Required Attendees : Pao, Cr a i g T Your meeting updated . was found Jea n Lin ; Dendas , Michael to be out of date and has Sent by Mic ro so ft Exchange Server Subjec t: Discussion w/ Jean Pao CFC 2016 Loca tion : 1022 6 been W; Clemmen sen , automat ical l y Cha i r St art : Thu 6/29/2017 4 : 0 0 PM End : Thu 6/29/2017 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurre n ce : (none) Organiz e r : Bass , De ana Required Attendees : Pao , Jea n Lin ; Dendas , Michael Cra i g T Your meet ing up dated . was found to be out of d a te and has Sent by Mic ro soft Exchange Se rv e r Subjec t : Di scussion w/ Jean Pao CFC 2016 Locat i o n : 10 2 26 been W; Clemmen sen , a ut omatically Cha i r St a r t : Thu 6/29/2017 4 : 0 0 PM End : Thu 6/29/20 17 4 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Recurrence : (none ) Organi zer : Bass, Deana Requ i r ed At tendees : Pao , Jea n Li n ; Dendas , Michael Cra i g T Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and has Sent by Microsoft Exc h a ng e Ser ver Subjec t : Di scussion w/ Jean Pao CFC 2016 Loc ation : 10 226 /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT been W; Clemmensen, a ut oma t ically Cha i r HUD-17-0504-E-000818 Start : Thu 6/29/2017 4 : 00 PM End : Thu 6/29/20 17 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organ iz e r : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Pao , Jea n Lin ; Dendas , Michae l W; Cl emmens en , Craig T Your meeting updated . was found to be ou t of date and Sent by Mi crosoft Excha ng e Server Subject : Discussion w/ Jean Pao CFC 2016 Lo cation : 1022 6 h as been a u tomatical ly Cha i r Start : Thu 6/29/20 17 4 : 00 PM End : Thu 6/29/20 17 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Organizer Required Cra i g T : (none) : Bass , Deana Attend ees: Pao , J ean Your meeting updated . was found to be out Lin ; De ndas , Mi chae l W; Clemmensen of date and h as been Sent by Mic rosoft Exc hang e Server Subject : FW: Pu blic Affairs Staf f Morning Staff Loca tion : A/S ' s office (d ial-in details within) automatical , ly Meeting Start : Thu 6/29/20 17 10: 00 AM End : Thu 6/29/20 17 10 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Recurrence Pattern : Occurs AM effective 2/2 7/ 2017 . Organizer Subject : Loc ation : : Sulliva n, every weekday from 1 0 : 00 AM to 10 : 30 Bria n E FW: Pub li c Affairs A/S ' s o ffic e (dial Staf f Morni ng St aff - in d eta ils within) Mee t i ng Start : Thu 6/29/20 17 10: 00 AM End : Thu 6/29/20 17 10 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000819 Recurrence : (non e ) Recurrence Pattern : AM effective 2/27/2017 Occurs every weekday from 10 : 00 AM to 10 : 30 . Organi z e r: Sul li van , Br i an E Subject : Loc ation : Check - in w/Sheila COS Off ic e and Deana Start : Thu 6/29/20 17 2 : 30 PM End : Thu 6/29/20 17 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) St atus Organizer Requ i red : Not yet responded : Greenwood , Sheila M At tendees : Greenwood , Sheila Subjec t: Location : M; Bass , Deana Plexos Group /Cartr i dge Mtg . Char l ottesv il le , VA Start : Wed 7/26/2017 8 : 00 AM End : Wed 7/26/2017 5 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Requ i red Attendees : Bregon , Nelson david . odom@plexosgroup . com Your meeting updated. was found to be out R; Schmidt of date and has , Carrie been S; automatically Sent by Microsoft Exchange Serve r Subject : Plexos Gr oup /Ca r t r i dge Mt g . Loc ation : Charlottesville , VA Start : Wed 7/26/2017 8 : 00 AM End : Wed 7/26/2017 5 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Organize r: Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Bregon, david . odom@plexosgroup . com /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Nelson R; Schmidt , Carrie S; HUD-17-0504-E-000820 Your meeting updated . was found Sent by Microsoft Subject : coffee to be out of date and has been a ut omatical ly Excha ng e Server Start : Thu 6/29/20 17 10 : 30 AM End : Thu 6/29/20 17 11 :1 5 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meet in g S ta tus : Not yet r espo nd ed Organiz e r : Byrd , David J Required Attendees : Bass, Subject : Loca tion : Plexos Gr oup Charlottesville Deana /Cartridge , VA Mtg . S t art : Wed 7/26/20 17 8 :0 0 AM End : Wed 7/26/2017 5 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organiz e r : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Bregon , Nelso n R; Schmidt dav i d . odom@pl exosgroup . com Your meeting upd ated . was found to be out of Sent by Mic r osoft Exchange Server Subjec t: Plexos Gr oup /Ca r tr idge Locatio n: Charlottesv il le , VA date and has , Carrie been S; automat i ca lly Mtg . St a r t : Wed 7/26/2017 8 : 00 AM End : Wed 7/26/2017 5 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass, Deana Requ ir ed At tendees : Bregon, david . odom@pl exosgroup . com /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Ne l son R; Schmidt , Ca rr ie S; HUD-17-0504-E-000821 Your meeti ng was up dated . f oun d to be out o f d a te and Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a ng e Serve r From : Schm i dt , Carrie S Sent : Wednesday , J u n e 28 , 2017 11 : 5 7 AM To : Bas s , Dea n a Sub je c t : Accepted : Plex os Group /Cartridge Subjec t : Loca tion : h as been a ut oma t ical ly Mt g . Weekly CIR meet i ng w/S he i l a Greenwood COS Office S t a rt : Wed 6/28/2 0 17 4 : 0 0 PM End : Wed 6 /2 8/ 2017 4 : 30 PM Sho w Time As : Ten tative Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Status : Not yet responded M Organiz e r : Greenwood , Sheila Gre enwood , Shei l a M; Bass, Dea na; Sa nta Req uired Atte nd ees : L ; Dendas , Mi chae l W; Aaron ; Press , Jaco b D; Barton , Vi ctoria Burley , Mic hael N Subject : Loca tion : Anna , Weekly CIR meet i ng w/She il a Gr eenwo o d COS Off ice St a rt : Wed 6 /28/ 2 0 17 4 : 3 0 PM End : Wed 6/28/2017 5 : 0 0 PM Recurrence Recurrence Meet ing : Wee kly Pa tt e r n : Status : every : n: fr om 4 : 0 0 PM to 4 : 3 0 PM Decl i ne d Org an iz e r: Greenwood , Sheila Required Atte nd ees : Kasp er Aaron ; Press, Jacob D; Barton Optio na l Attendees : Dendas Subject Locatio Monday M , Mar en M; Bass , Dean a ; San t a Anna , , Victori a L , Michael W; Burley , Mic h ael N Weekly CIR meet i ng w/She il a Gre enw oo d COS Off ice S t art : Mon 7/3/20 1 7 4 : 00 PM End : Mon 7/3/2017 4 : 30 PM /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000822 Show Time As : Recurrence Recurrence Tenta tive : Weekly Pa tte rn : Meet i ng Status : Not e very yet Monday from 4 : 00 PM to 4 : 3 0 PM r espo nded Organize r : Greenwood , Sheila M Required Attend ees : Kasper, Maren M; Bass , Dea na ; Santa Anna , Aaron ; Pr ess , Jacob D; Barton , Victoria L Opt i o n al Attendees : Dendas , Mi chael W; Burley , Mi c h ae l N Subjec t : Locat i o n : Pl e xos Gr oup /Ca r tr i dge Charlottesv il le , VA Start : Wed 7/26/2017 8 : 00 End : Wed 7/26/2017 5 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta ti ve Recurrence Mtg . AM : (none) Organi zer : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Attendees : Bregon , Ne l so n R; Schm i dt , Car r ie dav id . odom@plexosgroup . com Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be out o f date Sent by Mi crosoft Exc h a ng e Serve r Subjec t : Pl e x os Gr oup /Ca r tr i dge Loc a tio n : Charlottesville , VA and h as been S; a ut omatical ly Mtg . Start : Wed 7/26/20 17 8 : 00 AM End : Wed 7/26/20 17 5 :0 0 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recurrence : (none) Org an iz e r: Bass , Deana Requ ir ed At te ndees : Bregon , Nelso n R; Schmidt Your meeting updated . was found to be out of da t e and has , Carrie been S a ut omatica l ly Sent by Mi crosoft Exc h a ng e Ser ver Subject : 7 : 30 ARRIVE UNION STATION Start : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Wed 6/28/2017 7 : 30 PM HUD-17-0504-E-000823 End : Wed 6/28/2017 Recurrence 7 : 45 PM : (none) Organi ze r: Subject : Bass , Deana 6 :4 0 NE REGIONAL #127 TO DC Star t : Wed 6/28/2017 6 : 40 PM End : Wed 6/28/20 17 7 : 30 PM Recurrence : (none) Organi zer : Subject : Bass , Deana 8 : 5 0 ARRIVE BALTIMORE PENN STATION Start : Wed 6/28/20 17 8 : 50 AM End : Wed 6/28/20 17 9 : 0 0 AM Recurrence : (non e) Organ iz e r : Bass , Deana Subjec t : Locat i o n : Fo l l ow Up : Rethink DepSec Conference American Commu ni t i es Room - 1 0 106 Start : Tue 7/11/20 17 9 : 30 AM End : Tue 7/1 1 /2017 1 1 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence Meeting : (none) Sta t us : Not ye t responded Organ iz e r: Eag l es , Dav i d T Required Attendees : Go l rick , Janet M; Cl emmens en , Cr aig T ; Kasper , Maren M; Hensley , He nry ; Sung , Ph ilip E ; Walsh , Christopher K; Kur t z , R . Hunte r ; Akpakip , Ek anem 0 ; Axe , Jess i K; Ev ans-B urke , Ad r i a n A; Joh n so n , Ti ffany M; Ammon , Matthew E ; Dav i s , Th omas R; Iber , Robert G; Domi nique G Blom (Dominique . G. Blom@hud . go v) ; Ozdin ec , Milan M; Mill e r , Mich e ll e M; Smyth , Timothy M; Greenwood , Sheila M; Greene , Brya n ; Bass , Deana ; Bourne , Chr istop her M; Hamil ton , Angie S ; Campbell , Renae M; Stayano v ic h , Jason E; Garg i ul o , Emi ly ; Suchar , Norman A; Marz ol , Adolfo F Conference call code : ~ /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT number : 1 - 888 - 6 84 - 8852/access code : ~l (b~)(~6~)----~ HUD-17-0504-E-000824 Subjec t : Locat i o n: Fo ll ow Up : Rethink DepSec Conference American Commun itie Room - 1 0 106 s Sta r t : Tu e 7/1 1/20 17 9 : 30 AM End : Tue 7/1 1/ 2017 1 1 : 30 AM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recurrence Meet ing : (none ) Status : Not ye t r espo nde d Organize r : Eagles, Dav id T Req uir e d Attend ees : Golric k , Janet M; Clernrnensen, Craig T; Kasper , Maren M; Hensley , Henry ; Sung , Philip E ; Walsh , Chr i s t op he r K; Kurtz , R . Hunter ; Akpakip , Ek anem 0 ; Axe , Jess i K; Ev ans-B urke , Ad r i an A; Joh n so n , Ti ffany M; Ammon, Matthew E ; Dav i s , Th omas R; Iber , Rob ert G; Domi nique G Blom (Dominique . G. Bl om@hud . gov); Ozdin ec, Milan M; Miller , Michelle M; Smyth , Timothy M; Greenwood , She il a M; Gree ne , Brya n ; Bass , Deana ; Bour ne , Chri stop her M; Hami lt o n , Angie S ; Campbe ll , Renae M; Stayanov i c h , Jaso n E ; Gargiulo , Emily ; Su char, Norma n A; Ma rzol , Adolf o F Subjec t: Locatio n : 8 : 1 0 AMTRAK Ve r monter Union Sta t ion Start : Wed 6/28/20 17 8:00 End : Wed 6/28/20 17 9 :0 0 AM Recurrence Organi #56 CONF #E344 7C AM : (none ) zer : Subject : Loca tion : 21205 Bass , Deana Meeting Atwater with Frank Stronach ' s Hop ki n s Ca f e , 190 9 Ash lan d Ave , Bal t imore , MD S t art : Wed 6/28/2017 4 : 30 PM End : Wed 6/28/2017 6 : 00 PM Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana 4 : 30pm Depar t for Mee t i ng wi th Frank St r onac h Cafe , 19 09 Ashland Locatio n : Atwater ' s Hopkins Ave , Baltimore , MD 2120 5 Limo : SOHUD, Mr s . Carso n Sta ff 1 : Nelson Bregon , Joe DeFelice , Deana Bass , Bet h Zo r c , Raffi Williams, Carol Payne Staff 2 : Mich el le Miller , Shannon Steinbaue r , Sammy Mayo /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000825 4 :4 5pm-6 :1 5pm/ CLOSED PRESS Mee ting wi th Frank Stronach Location : Atwa ter's Hopkins Cafe, 1909 Ashland Ave , Baltimore 21205 Contact: Former Congressman Toby Roth (R- Wi sco n sin) I Cell : !rb\/6\ Attende es: SOHUD, Mrs . Carson, Frank (Daughter) , former Rep . Toby Roth. Stronach, Belinda , MD Stronach Summary : Mr . Stronach is the owner of P imlico racecourse in Baltimore and would like to meet with you regarding p la ns he has for urba n revitalization/urban agriculture i n Ba ltimore. He i s no t loo king for f ederal fun ds - he is interested i n inves ting private cap i tal and bringing many jobs to the area . This meeting was requested by Congressman Sean Duff y and Congressman Andy Barr on behalf of Mr . Stronach . & Listen in g Subject: Tour of the Wei nb erg Early Child h ood Ce n ter Session with EBDI and Jo h ns Hopkins Location: Weinberg Early Childhood Center Family Resou r ce Center at Henderson Hopkins , 2100 Ashland Ave , Ba l timo r e , MD 21205 Start : Wed 6/28/2017 3:10 End : Wed 6/28/2017 4 : 40 PM Recurrence Org a nizer PM : (none) : Bass, Deana 3 : 10pm - 3 : 30pm/ CLOSED PRESS Tour of the Weinberg Early Child h ood Ce nter Locatio n: Wein be rg Early Ch il dhood Ce nt e r Family Reso ur ce Center at Henderso n Hopki ns, 2 1 00 Ashland Ave , Ba ltimore , MD 2 1205 Contact : Michell e Mill er, Deputy Di r ector , HUD Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes Cell : (202) !{bl{6l I Hende rson Hopkins Contact : Tracy Foster I / Location : (443) 642-2060 Cell: (240) !/b\/6\ Attendees : Ray Skinner, CEO, EBDI (tour co-lead) * Ken Holt , Secretary of Hou sing , Mary lan d (tou r co - lead) * Jeanne Hit chcock , EBDI and Johns Hopkins * Andy Frank , Special Ass i stant to the President , John Hopkins * University Summary : Tour of Harry a nd Jeanet t e Weinberg Early Childhood 3 : 30pm-4 : 30pm/ CLOSED PRESS Li ste ning Sessio n wi th EBDI and Johns Hop k i ns Location : Weinberg Early Childhood Center Family Resource Henderson Hopkins , 2100 Ashland Ave , Ba ltimor e, MD 21205 /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Cen ter . Center at HUD-17-0504-E-000826 Contac t: Michelle Mil le r , Dep ut y Direc t o r , HUD Of f ice Control and Healthy Homes I Ce ll : ( 2 02) !/blf6l of Attendees : EBDI and Approx i mate l y 20-25 f un ders . Jo hn s Hop ki n s senio atte n dees . r manage r s and Lead Hazard Summary : Hol d listening session with EBDI & Joh n s Hopki n s leadership to discuss importance of public - priva t e partnership for housing r e l ated h ea l t h, sa f ety concer n s & ne i g h borhood r edevelopment . Hea l t h and Housing Community : Con fi rmed : * Adam Spa n ier , MD, Ph . D. , MPH, FAAP , Associate Pr o f esso r , Depa r tment of Ped i a tr ics Uni vers i ty of Maryla n d School of Medici n e o n beha l f of American Academy of Pediatrics Frank Le sh , Executive Director , American Soci et y of He a l th * Inspectors Leana Wen, MD, Commi ssioner , Balt i mor e Hea l t h Departme n t * Alice Kennedy , Deputy Commissioner , Baltimore Green , Healthy * and Su stainab l e Homes Dr . Redonda Mill e r , MD, President , J ohns Hopkins Hospi t a l * Ken Holt , Sec r etary , Mar y l and Departme n t o f Hou sing * Horac i o Tab l ada , Deputy Secreta r y , Mar yland Depa r tment of the * Environment Shannon MacMahon , Di r ector , Maryland Med i caid * Caro l i n e Bl a k ely , President , Reb u i l d in g Toget h e r * Raymo nd Sk i nne r , Exec u tive Dir ector , EDBI * Ryan Chao , Vice President , Ann ie E . Casey Fou ndation * Ba l timore Civic Site Andy Frank , Sp e cial Assistan t to President , Johns Hopkins * Ben Seigel , Di r ector , Jo h ns Hopkins 21st Ce ntur ies Cities * Dr . Jos h Sharfste i n , J o hn s Hop k i n s - Schoo l of Pub li c Hea l th * Dr . Phyllis Sh arps , Jo hn s Hopki n s - Sc h ool of Nursing * Jeanne Hit chcock , Chair for EBDI Board of Di r ectors , Johns * Hopki n s/EBDI Dr . Cl i ff Mi tc h el l, Dir ector of Env i ro nmenta l Hea l th , Mar y l and * Department of Hea l th Dr . Kat h yrn Edi n , Bl oomberg School of Public Health , Jo hn s * Hop k ins Aaron Mer ki , Program Di r ector , Harry a n d Jeane t te Wein be r g * Fou ndat i on Dr . Samuel Ross , Bon Secours * Dr . Elizabeth Matsui , Johns Hopkins School of Medicine . * Pediatric Asthma Specialist Awa i t in g Respo n se : * Ann Marie Costello , Direc t or - Ch ildren a n d Adults Healt h Programs Group , Cent e rs for Medicaid Services Jonat h a n Rec kf o r d , CEO, Hab i ta t for Hu man ity * Cathe r i n e Anderson , , Un ited Health Care * Pa tt y Brown , President , Johns Hopkins Healthcare * Chris Oechsli , President and CEO, The Atlantic Philanthropies * /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000827 Patrick * Su bject : Developm e nt Loca tion : Balt i more , McCar th y , President , Annie Tour of Town Homes Development , Inc . (EBDI) The Towns at Ea ger Par k , 1710 MD 21205 E . Casey by East East Fo un dat i o n Balt i more Eage r Stree t , Start : Wed 6/28/2017 2 :3 0 PM End : Wed 6/28/2017 3 : 00 PM Recur r e n ce : (non e ) Organizer : Bass , Deana 2 : 30pm Depart with Ray Sk i nne r for EBDI Town Homes Visit (Drive Ti me : 2 minutes ) Lo cation : The Towns at Eager Park , 1710 East Eag e r Street , Baltimore , MD 21205 Li mo : SOHUD, Mr s . Carso n , *Ray Sk i nne r Staff 1 : Nelson Bregon , Joe DeFelice , Deana Bass , Bet h Zorc , Raffi Williams , Ca r ol Payne Staff 2 : Mich el l e Miller , Shannon Steinbauer , Sammy Mayo 2: 35pm-3 : 00pm/ CLOSED PRESS Tour of Town Homes Deve l opment by East Balt i more Deve lopment , I n c . (EBDI) Loca tion : The Towns a t Eager Pa rk, 1710 East Eager Street , Balt i mor e , MD 21205 Contact : Mic h elle Miller , Deputy Di rector , HUD Off ic e o f Lead Ha zard Control a nd Healt h y Homes I (6l Cell : (202) !{bl EBDI Co nt act : Ray Skinner, CEO, EBDI I Cell : (30 1) !/blf6l Attend * * * * ees: Ray S ki nn er , CEO, EBDI (tour co-lead) Ken Holt , Sec r etary of Hous i ng , Mary l a n d (tou r co- l ead ) Jeanne Hitchcock , EBDI a n d Joh n s Hopki n s Andy Fra n k , Spec i al Assistant to the President , John Hopkins University Summa ry: Tour large r effort of to new r ow houses rev i talize the bu ilt by Ryan Homes as pa r t of East Ba lt imore neighborho od . t he Subjec t: Develop men t Overview Presentation by East Bal t imore Deve l opment , I n c . (EBDI) Locatio n: EBDI Offices , 855 N. Wolfe St , Bal t i more , MD 212 05 Start : Wed 6/28/20 17 2 : 15 PM End : Wed 6/28/20 17 2 : 30 PM Recu rrence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none ) HUD-17-0504-E-000828 Organ iz e r: Bass , Deana 2 : 1 5p m- 2 : 30pm/ CLOSED PRESS Deve lo p ment Ove rview Pre sen t a tion by East Ba lti more Developme nt , Inc . (EBDI) Locat i o n: EBDI Off i ces , 855 N. Wolf e St , Ba l timo r e , MD 2 1 2 05 Contact : Ray Skinner , CEO, EBDI I Cell : (301 ) !{bl(6l Attendees : Ray Skinner , CEO, EBDI * Ken Holt , Secretary of Housing , Maryland * Jeanne Hitchcock , EBDI a nd Johns Hop k i n s * Andy Fr a n k , Specia l Assistant t o the Pr esiden * Un i ve r s i ty Summary : Overview of development project t, John Hopkins by EDBI CEO Ray Skinner Subject : Li ste ning Sess i o n wi th t h e Housi ng Authority Ci ty (HABC) Location : Benton Bu ilding , Baltimore Housin g Autho rity Floor), 41 7 E . Fayette Street , Baltimor e, MD 212 0 2 of . Balt i more (13th Start : Wed 6/28/2017 1:0 0 PM End : Wed 6/28/2017 2 :0 0 PM Recurrence Org a nizer : (none) : Bass, Deana l : 00pm - 2 : 00pm / CLOSED PRESS Liste ning Sessio n with the Hou si ng Authority (HABC) Loc a tio n: Bento n Bu ild i ng, Baltimore Housing 41 7 E . Fayette Str eet, Baltimore , MD 212 0 2 Contac t: Baltimo re Hou si ng Commissioner Mike !{b l{6l I Ce ll: o f Balt im o re Aut h or i ty Cit y (13th Floor) , Braverman Attendees : Mayor Catherine Pugh (D- Baltimore) * HUD Baltimore Fie l d Dire ctor Ca rol Pay ne * HUD Baltimore Di r ecto r of Publ i c Housing Bill Tamburrino * Baltimore Housi ng Commissioner Mike Braverman * Julie Day , Acting Chief of Staff , HABC * Stephe n Janes , Assista nt Commissioner of Stra teg ic Planning * and Resources , HABC Jan Goslee , Ge n e r al Coun sel , HABC * Nick Calace , Ch ief of Operatio ns, HABC * Amy Wilkinson , FHEO, HABC * Josep h Lee Smi th, Chairman HABC Board of Commissioners * Peter Hammen , Ch ief of Operat i o n s Off ice r, Mayo r s Off ice * Sieg l i n de Chambliss, Chief Fin ancia l Officer , HABC * Jeannien Dunn , Staff Assistant , HABC * /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000829 * Peg gy Webster , Cap it ol Summary : Hold listen practices , a r eas of in g session with n ee d & improvemen 2 : 00pm Depar t for EBDI Off i ce Vis i Locatio n : EBDI Offices , 855 Limo : SOHUD, Mrs . Ca r son Sta ff 1 : Ne l so n Bregon , Joe Will i ams , Carol Payne St aff 2 : Michelle Mil ler , Subjec t: Loca ti o n : Pr ojec t F inance t a n d Deve lo pment , HABC BHA l ea d ers h ip t . to ident i fy best (Dr ive T im e : 1 0 minutes ) N. Wolfe St , Ba l timo r e , MD 2 1205 DeFe l i ce , Deana Shannon Steinbauer Bass , Bet h Zorc , Raf fi , Sammy Mayo Lunch wi th Mayo r Ca t he r i ne Pugh Teavolve , 1401 Al i cea nn a St , Balt im ore , MD 2 1231 S t art : Wed 6/28/2017 1 1 : 15 AM End : Wed 6/28/2017 12 : 45 PM Recur r e n ce : (none) Organiz er : Bass , Deana 1 1 : 15 a m Depar t for Lu n c h with Mayor Locatio n : Teavolve , 1 401 Al Limo : SOHUD, Mrs . Ca r son Sta ff 1: Nel so n Bregon , Joe Will i ams , Carol Payne S t aff 2 : Michelle Mill er , Ca th er i ne Pug h (Dri ve Ti me : 1 0 mi nu tes) ic ea nna St, Bal t i more , MD 21231 DeFelice Shannon , Deana Steinbauer, Bass , Be th Zorc , Raf fi Sammy Mayo 11 : 30am - 12 : 45pm/ CLOSED PRESS Lun ch with Mayo r Cathe r i ne Pug h (D) Locat i o n : Teavolve , 1 401 Al i cea nn a St , Balt i mor e , MD 21231 Contact : Afr a Whi te , Director of Exter n al Re l ations , Of fi ce of Pu g h l__ ~ Cell : ( 410 ) !=(b=l{~6 Teavolve Contact : Ki m o r Emma, Manage r s , Teavolve Phone : (41 0) 52 2 - 19 07 Att e nde es : Mayor Candy Ca r son Cather in e Pugh, Afra Mayor White , Pete r Hamme n , SOHUD, Notes : Reservation for Tab l e of 7 for SOHUD, Table of 10 for Staff, Table of 6 for Securi t y Subjec t: Meetin g with Ba l timo r e F i eld Office Loca tion: Baltimore Field Office , City Crescent Bu ild ing , 10 So uth Howard Street , 5th Fl oo r , Ba ltim ore , MD 212 0 1 Start : Wed 6/28/2017 9 : 30 AM End : Wed 6/28/20 17 1 1 : 00 AM Recurre /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT n ce : (none) HUD-17-0504-E-000830 Organi zer: Bass , Deana 9 : 30am - 10 : 15am / CLOSED PRESS Meeting with Ba l timore Field Office Senior Staff Locatio n: Baltimore Field Of fice , Cit y Cresce nt Bu il di ng, 10 South Howard Street , 5th Fl oo r, Ba ltim ore , MD 2120 1 Contact: Carol Payne , HUD Fi eld Off i ce Director , Ba l timo r e I Ce ll: (443 ) !/blf6l Summary : Meet Admi nist r ator minutes . a n d greet with Di re ctor Ca r ol Payne , Region III Joe DeFelice , a nd 7 senio r staff members for 30 1 0 : 15am- 11 :1 5am / CLOSED PRESS Welcome Remar ks with Q&A and Ph otos with Ba lt imo r e Fiel d Offi ce Sta ff Locatio n: Baltimore Field Office , City Crescent Bui l ding , 10 South Howard Street , 5th Floor , Bal t imore , MD 21201 Contac t: Carol Payne, HUD Field Offi ce Director , Ba lt imo re I Cell : (44 3) !{bl(6l Attendees : Approximately 60 . Summary : Remar k s to the entire field s t af f i ncluding i ntr oduc ti o n o f n ew Region III Admin i s tr ator Joe DeFelice . Awards and cert i ficates wil l be presented t o 30+ year employees . This visit ends with photo ops . Subject : Location : Week ly Deputy Staff Meeting Secretary ' s Conference Room Start : Wed 4/5/2017 9 : 45 AM End : Wed 4/5/2017 10 : 00 AM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Recurrence Recurrence : Weekly Pa tter n : Meet in g Status : Not every yet Wednesday from 9 : 45 AM to 1 0 : 00 AM r espo nded Organizer : Hughes, Andrew Required Attendees : Co ffe y , Alexander ; Barton , Vi c t o ri a L; Bass , Deana ; Beckles , Angela L ; Bowes , Robe rt B; Byrd , Dav i d J ; Fi t zpatrick , Nora S ; Greenwood , Shei la M; Gruson , Barbara ; Holderf i eld, Stephanie A; Kasper , Mar en M; McCa ll , Dr ew A; Pat ton, Lynne M; Petty , Timothy J ; Youngb lood , Ri chard A; Wil l iams , Raphael L ; Brown i ng , Austin G; Gribbi n, William J ; Dendas , Michael W; Thompson , Amy C; Demarzo , Ben j amin E ; Delahoyde , Ab i ga i l M; Coresse l , Jacie; Zorc , Be t hany A; Bacon , James A; Marzo l , Ado l fo F ; Kur tz, R . Hunter ; Burley , Michae l N; Eag l es , Dav i d T ; Shosky , John E ; Alexander, Mason ; Gibbs , John ; Gormley , Joseph M; Bourne , Chr i stopher M; J oy , Joh n son P ; Hobbs , Benjam i n R; Ga i nes , Ra l ph H; Mills, Al lison F /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000831 Subjec t: Sect i o n 3 Task Force Wk ly . Mtg . Location : OSEC Small Conf . Rm. 10210 // DIAL IN# CODE: ,~(b-)(6-} -~I PW Mlli 888-273-3658 Start : Mon 4/17/20 17 2 : 00 PM End : Mon 4/17/20 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Recurrence : Weekly Pat t e r n : every Monday from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Bass , Deana ; Patton , Lynne M; Bregon , Nelson R; Mun i r, Ra f iq A; Smyt h, Timot h y M; Gruson , Ba r bara ; Kasper , Maren M; Bas t a r ache , Dan ie l le L; Norlander , Adam G; Golric k, Janet M; Clemmensen , Craig T; Jacobs , Aztec ; Nicholsd ix on , Merrie ; Thomas , Todd C; Christensen , Eric F ; Franceschini - Petty , Raquel ; Will i ams , Raphael L; Holderfield , Stephanie A; Coffey , Alexander ; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Hardy IV , Stanley ; Costa , Alfonso A; Bour n e , Chr i s t opher M Optional Attendees : Taffet Robe r t B; Holmes , Gr egory A Your meeting updated . was found to , Clifford be out of ; Schulhof da t e and , Mary T; Morton , h as been Sent by Mi crosoft Exchange Serve r Subject : Section 3 Task Force Wkly . Mtg . Location : OSEC Sma l l Conf . Rm. 10210 // DIAL I N# CODE: !(b)(6) ! PW Mlli automatically 888-273-3658 Start : Mon 4/17/20 17 2 : 00 PM End : Mon 4/17/20 17 2 : 30 PM Show Ti me As : Tentative Recurrence Recurrence : Week l y Patte r n : every Monday from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Organizer : Bass , Deana Requ i red Atte ndees : Bass , Deana ; Patton , Lynne M; Br egon , Nelson R; Muni r, Rafiq A; Smyth , Ti mothy M; Gruson , Barbara ; Kasper , Maren M; Bastarache , Dan ielle L; Norlander , Adam G; Golrick , Janet M; Clemmensen , Craig T; Jacobs , Aztec ; Nicholsdixon , Me rri e ; Thomas , Todd C; Christensen , Er ic F ; Franceschini-Petty , Raquel ; Williams , Raphael L; Holderfield , Stephanie A; Coffey , Alexander ; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Hardy IV , Stanley ; Costa , Alfonso A; Bourne , Chr i stopher M Optional Attendees : Taffet Robert B; Hol mes , Gregory A Your meeting updated . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was found to , Clifford be out of date ; Schulhof and has , Mary T; Morton , been automatically HUD-17-0504-E-000832 Updated meeting Loca t ion details : Sent by Microsoft Excha ng e Server Subject : Call w/Deana Bass RE : Pl anNet & Section Location : Deana will call Pastor Wright@ 908/343 EST/1 : 00 PST 3 . 0491 4 : 00 St art : Tue 6/27/20 17 4 : 00 PM End : Tue 6/27/2017 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : (none) Organiz e r : Bass , Dea na Required Atte ndees : ~K b-)(-6)-------------~ Your meeting update d . was found to be out of date and has been Sent by Microso ft Excha ng e Server Subject : Call w/Deana Bass RE : Pl anNet & Section Locatio n: Deana wi l l call Pastor Wright@ 908/343 EST/ 1: 00 PST St art : Tue 6/27/20 17 4 :00 End : Tue 6/27/2017 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence 3 . 0491 l ly 4 : 00 PM : (none) Organi zer : Bass , Deana ______________ Requ ir ed At tendees : ~l (b~)(~6)'--------------' Your meeting updated . automatica was found to be out of date ~ and has been Sent by Mic ro so f t Exchange Server Subjec t: Sectio n 3 Tas k Force Wkly . Mtg . // DIAL IN# Loca tion : OSEC Small Conf. Rm. 10210 CODE: !< ~6l_ __. St a r t : Thu 6/22/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Thu 6/22/2017 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Requ i red At te ndees : ~l (b-)(-6)-------------~ (Lynne . M. Patton@hud . gov) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Ly n ne Patton HUD-17-0504-E-000863 Your meeti ng was f oun d to up dated . be out o f d a te Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a ng e Serve r Subject: Ca l l w/ Carr i e Mo rg r i dge Locati on : Di a l in# 888 - 273 - 3658 and h as been a ut oma t ical ly code : ~k b=l/=6}.___. Star t : Thu 6/22/2017 1 1 : 00 AM End : Thu 6/22/20 17 1 1 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence : (none ) Organ iz e r : Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : ~l (b-)(_6_) -------------~ (Lynn e . M. Pa tton@h ud . gov ) Your meeting upda ted . was f ound Sent by Mic rosoft Subject : public Lo cation : OGC to Ly n ne Patton be ou t o f date and h as been a u tomatical ly and h as been a u tomatical ly Ex c h a ng e Server private par tne rships Fri 6/23/20 17 10: 30 AM Start : End : F ri 6/23/20 17 11 : 00 AM Show Tim e As : Tentative Re cur ren ce : (none ) Org a nize r : Bass , Dean a Required At tendees : Zor c , Bethany Your meeting updat ed . was f ound to A be ou t o f date Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Serve r Subject : Call wit h George Andrews Location : Conf . Lin e # 888 - 2 73 - 3658 & Al veda Ki ng ACCESS CODE: -kb-> {~6> ~~ Start : Thu 6/22/2017 9 : 30 AM End : Thu 6/22/20 17 10 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Org a nizer Required /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none ) : Bass , Deana Attendees : ~l (b-)(-6)---------~ ' George Andrews ' HUD-17-0504-E-000864 Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and h as been a ut omatical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a ng e Server Subject : Mtg . wit h Catholic Charities USA & US Co n fere nc e of Catholic Bi s hops Loca ti o n : Dept o f Hous ing & Urba n Deve l opment , 451 7&E St. SW/ OGC Conf . Rm. 1 0 11 4 Start : Thu 6/22/2017 1 1 : 30 AM End : Thu 6/22/20 17 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Ten tative Recurrence : (none ) Organi zer : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Attendees : ' Lucreda Coffey , Alexander ; Gibbs , John Your meeting upd ated . was found to be out Cobbs '; of date Youngblood, and has Richard bee n automat A; i ca l ly Sen t by Mic rosoft Ex c h a nge Se rver Subject : Mtg . with Catholic Cha r it i es USA & US Co nf ere n ce o f Ca tholic Bishops Loc a tio n: Dept of Housi ng & Urba n Deve lo pment , 451 7&E St . SW/ OGC Conf . Rm. 10114 Start : Thu 6/22/20 17 1 1 : 30 AM End : Thu 6/22/20 17 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Organize Req uired Richard r : Bass , Deana Att en d ee s : ' Lucr e da Cobbs ' ; Patton A; Co ffe y , Alexander ; Gibbs , Jo hn Your meeting update d . was found to be out of date and , Lynn e M; Youngb l ood , h as been automatical ly Sent by Mic rosoft Exc h a ng e Server Subject : Rethink American Commun i ties Locatio n : Depar tmen ta l Co n ference Room - 10233 Start : End : Tue /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Tue 6/27/20 17 10 : 00 AM 6/27/2017 12 : 00 PM HUD-17-0504-E-000865 Show Time As : Recurrence Meeting Tenta tive : (none) Status : Not ye t re spo nde d Organ iz e r : Eagles , Dav i d T Required Attendees : Go l rick , Janet M; Clemmensen , Craig T; Kasper, Mar en M; Hensley , Henry ; Sung, Philip E; Walsh, Christopher K; Kurtz , R . Hunt er ; Akpakip, Ek anem 0 ; Axe , Jess i K; Ev ans-B urke , Ad r i an A; Joh n so n , Ti ffany M; Ammon, Matthew E ; Dav i s , Th omas R; Iber , Rob ert G; Domi nique G Blom (Dominique . G. Bl om@hud . gov) ; Ozdinec , Mi lan M; Miller , Mi che ll e M; Smyth , Timothy M; Greenwood , She il a M; Gree ne , Brya n ; Bass , Deana Opt i o n al Attendees : Hamilt o n , Angie S Meeti ng pre - work : Rethi n k American What are act i o n s we ca n take program to i mpr ove ou r efforts 1. Promote financial economic stability 2. El im inate 3. Enhance and reform in every American options . lead mobility among and e n sure Communi t i es f o r the age n cy , a n o ffi ce , or r e l ated to : by encouraging HUD- assisted th at Amer ican se lf - suffic r esidents . homes are specific i ency safe and aga in. ou r p r ograms that reduc e the r enta l burd ens commun it y to i ncrease affo rd ab l e ho us i ng Can these actio n s be imp lem ented in 30 days , 180 days , o r more than 1 year? These s ugg est i o n s sho ul d r eprese n t your priority act i o n s for improvement wit h no more th a n 4- 6 ideas . Problem Action Implementa (choose t i o n Ta rg et one) Lis t th e problem you seek to l i sted prob l em (1 , 2 , o r 3 ) What is a specific action to address address . Hi ghlight the ca teg ory of the th i s p robl em? 30 days 180 days /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000866 1. year D-17-0504-E-000867 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 Subject : Mtg . with Catho li c Char i ties USA & US Confe r ence of Catholic Bishops Locat ion : Dept of Hous i ng & Urban Deve l opment , 451 7&E St . SW/ OGC Conf . Rm. 10114 /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000868 Start : Thu 6/22/2017 11 : 30 AM End : Thu 6/22/20 17 12: 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organ iz e r : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : ' Lucreda Cobbs '; Patton Richard A; Coff ey, Alexander ; Gi bbs , John Your meeting updated . was found to be ou t of date and , Lynne h as been M; Youngb loo d , a u tomatical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Excha ng e Server Subject : HOLD for LUNCH with frie nds Lo cation : Sec r etary ' s Din i ng Room Start : Thu 6/22/20 17 12 : 30 PM End : Thu 6/22/20 17 1 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Meeting : (none) S t atus : Not Organi zer: DocBe n Requ ir ed Atte ndees : yet responded Bass , Deana Jimmy Finkelstein Subjec t: Locat i o n: MEET with National AIDS Hous in g Coa lit Secre t a r y ' s Co n fe r ence Room ion Sta r t : Wed 6/2 1/20 17 11 : 00 AM End : Wed 6/21/2017 1 1 : 30 AM Show Tim e As : Tentat iv e Recurrence Meeting : (none ) Status : Not ye t re spo nded Organizer : Doc Ben Required Attendees : Bass , Deana ; Patton Flegel , Rita H; Ayers , Benjami n L , Lynne M; Oliva , Ann M; Top i c : Hous i ng a n d Health : Loo k i ng at th e HOPWAprogram and o th e r h ousi ng programs th at support the healt h outcomes of t ho se l iving with HIV/AIDS . Location /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Secreta ry ' s Conference Room HUD-17-0504-E-000869 POC: La u ren Kil l e l ea, Housing Po l icy Specialist; laure nk @n at i o n ala i dsho u sing . o r g Or i g in of Mee ting Sta ff : Deana : Sub mitted Bass , Ly nne Ext e r na l Att en d ees : Lauren Russell re q u es t thr ough 20 5 - 60 1- 2823 , Sec r etary Pa tt o n , Ann Ol i va , Ri t a Flegel I nvite s , Ben Ayers Ban ks Kill e l e a Bennett Chuck Peterson Shawn Lang Opa l Jo n es Art Be n dixen Blai ne Proctor John Roj as Kathie Cha r les Hiers King Serg i o Farfan Ernest Hopk i ns Nancy Ch iare ll a Subjec t: Locatio n: MEET with Boys SOHUD' s office & Girls Cl ub of America S t art : Wed 6/21/2017 10 : 00 AM End : Wed 6/2 1 /2017 10 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta ti ve Recurre /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT n ce : (none) HUD-17-0504-E-000870 Meet in g Status Organizer Required : Not yet : Doc Ben Attendees : Top i c : - Overview hous i ng ; - Overview in public of responded Bass, Boys of Secretary housing ; & Deana ; Patton Girls Clubs Carson ' s agenda, - Opportunities for HUD to p rograms at pub lic housing development ; etc . , Lynne M footprint/work as it regards in public youth living support current and expanding Club sites - i . e . drug prevention , workforce Locat ion : SOHUD' s office POC: Bi ll Inter Br i ght na l Attendees External Attendees Ju l i e Teer , Chief Deve lopmen t Bill Br i ght, Subject : Loca tion : : Deana Bass and : J im Clark, Development Director HOLD for Secretary Lynne Patton President & Publ i c Affa i rs , Government Officer , Resource Relations LUNCH with friends ' s Din i ng Room Start : Thu 6/22/20 17 12 : 30 PM End : Thu 6/22/20 17 1 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) Status : Not yet responded HUD-17-0504-E-000871 Organ iz e r: Doc Be n Required Atte ndees : Sub j ec t: Locatio n: Bass , Deana (HOLD) Reth i n k Amer i can Departme n t a l Co n ference Communities Room - 1 0233 Star t: Tue 6/27/20 17 10 : 00 AM End : Tue 6/27/20 17 12: 00 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status : Not yet r espo nd ed Organiz e r : Eagl es, Davi d T Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Gol r i c k , Janet M; Cl emmensen , Cr aig T ; Kasper , Maren M; Hensley , Hen ry; Sung , Philip E ; Wal s h, Chr i s t op h e r K; Kurtz , R . Hun ter ; Akpakip , Eka nem O; Axe , Jessi K; Evans - Burke , Adrian A; Johnson , Tiffany M; Ammon, Matthew E ; Davis , Th omas R; I be r , Robe rt G; Dominiqu e G Blom (Domin iqu e . G. Bl om@hud . gov) ; Ozd i nec , Mil a n M; Mil le r, Mi c he ll e M; Smyth , Timothy M; Greenwood , She il a M; Gree n e , Brya n; Bass , Deana Opt i o na l Atte ndees : Hamilton, Angie S Subject : Loc a tio n: Re th ink Amer ic an Communities Departme n t a l Co n feren ce Room - 1 0233 Start : Tue 6/27/20 17 10 : 00 AM End : Tue 6/27/20 17 12: 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status : Not ye t r espo nded Organizer : Eagl es, Davi d T Requ i red Atte ndees : Gol r i c k, Janet M; Cl emmensen , Cr a ig T ; Kasper , Ma r en M; Hensley , Hen ry; Sung , Philip E ; Wal s h, Chr i stop h e r K; Kurtz , R . Hu n ter ; Akpakip , Ekanem O; Axe , Jessi K; Evans - Burke , M; Ammon, Matthew E ; Davis , Th omas R; Adrian A; Johnson , Tiffany I be r , Rober t G; Dominiq ue G Blom (Domi n iqu e . G. Bl om@hud .g ov) ; Ozdinec , Mi lan M; Miller , Miche lle M; Smyth , Timothy M; Greenwood , She il a M; Gree n e , Brya n; Bass , Deana Opt i o n al Atte ndees : Hamil to n, Angie S Subject : Location : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT MEET wit h Moto n Fe ll ows o f the Secretary ' s Conference Roo m Glouce ster Institu te HUD-17-0504-E-000872 Start : Thu 6/22/20 17 10:2 0 AM End : Thu 6 /22/ 2 0 17 10 : 50 AM Show Time As : Ten tat iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Meet ing S t a tus : Not yet Organi zer : DocBe n Requ i r ed Attendees : Gibbs, John Bass , Deana ; Patton Top ic : Kay Coles James the Gloucester I ns t itut stude nt s will be a part J a mes . Lo cation Or i g in : Secretary's of Mee ting r esponded , Lynne M; Byr d , David r equests a meeting f or her Mot o n Fell ows o f e . These Afric a n Amer i ca n co ll ege aged of an in tens i ve 8 week p r ogram led by Mr s . Conference Room : Submit te d thr ough Sec r etary I nvit es POC: Edwa r d Sa n de r s , 7 03-608-5323 ; esa n de r s@glo u ceste Atten dees : Kay Coles Team) Ja mes Im h oe l Ja mes (Ass i sta nt to Edward Sanders (Gl ouceste forme r Whi te House/State /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT ~1 (wife of Martin rin st i tute (f o rm e r OPM Di r ecto r , Trump . o rg Tr ans i ti o n Mrs . Ja mes) r Institu te ' s Di r ecto r o f Programm i ng , Department sta ff member ) Mart i n Br own (Glouces t e r Instit u te ' s Ex ecut i ve Di rector Commissioner of Social Ser v i ces for Virg in ia) f b_)(_6)____ ~ J; , f orme r Brown) HUD-17-0504-E-000873 b)(6) (daughter (son 1 Wi nona Coles of Fuller Grace James Courtney Amber Subject Locatio Stancil Brown) o f Winona (Moton Intern (Moton (Moton MEET with Secretary's Brown) r Institute (Mot on Fellow Brown : n: Martin (Glouceste (son Elise of Martin ' s Di r ector of Admin istrat i o n) Coles ) , Col umbia , James Fellow Un ivers Madison , Hampton Fellow , Hampton it y) University) Un i versity) University Moto n Fel l ows of the Conference Room ) Glouceste r Institute Thu 6/22/2017 10 : 20 AM Start : End : Thu 6/22/20 17 10:3 0 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meet in g Status : Not yet r espo nd ed Organiz e r : DocBen Requ i red Attendees : Bass , Deana ; Patton Gibb s , John ; Costa , Alfonso A /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT , Lynne M; Byrd , David J; HUD-17-0504-E-000874 Top ic: Kay Coles James req ues t s a mee ting f or her Moto n Fellows of the Glo u cester I n st i tute. These Afr i ca n Amer i ca n co ll ege aged s tu dents wi ll be a part of an intensive 8 week program le d by Mrs . James . Locatio n: Secretary's Origin o f Meeting Co n ference Room : Submit te d through POC: Edward Sanders , 7 03-608-5323 u cester (former to Edward Sanders (Gl oucester forme r Whi te Hous e/State Secre t ary OPM Dire ctor, Trump in st i tute . org Transition Mrs . James ) I nstitute ' s Dire ctor of Departmen t sta ff member ) Martin Brown (Gl o u cester Institute's Commiss i one r of Social Services for Executive Vir g ini a) Programming Director , , former b)(6) ~ife of Martin (daugh ter (son Wi nona /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Coles of Martin o f Martin (Glouceste Brown) Brown) Brown) r Institute ' s Di r ector of Admi nistrat i o n) HUD-17-0504-E-000875 (so n o f Win ona Elise Fu l l er Grace James (Moton (Moton Fellow , Col umbia I n tern, Court n ey Brow n (Moton Amber Stancil Subject : Location : Coles) (Moton James Un ivers Madi so n Uni versity) Fe l l ow, Hampton Un iversi Fe ll ow, Hampton Community Banks Ginnie Mae 425 3rd i ty) t y) Uni versity) St . SW Tue 6/20/ 2 0 17 10 : 00 AM Start : End : Tue 6/20/20 17 10 :4 5 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Org a nizer : Bass , Deana Required Attende es: Kasper , Maren (Lynne . M. Patto n @h ud . gov ) Your meet i ng was found updated . to be ou t of M; Lynne date and Patton has been a u tomatical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Exc h ange Server Subjec t: Community Banks Location : Ginnie Mae 425 3rd St . SW Start : Tue 6/20/20 17 10: 00 AM End : Tue 6/20/20 17 10 :4 5 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer /\MERll Al\ pVERSIGHT : Bass , Deana HUD-17-0504-E-000876 Required Attendees : Kasper , Maren (Ly nne . M. Patto n @h ud . gov ) Your meet ing up dated . Sent by Mic Subjec t : Centennial Locatio n : was found to be out of ro soft Exchan ge Server PRE BRIEF on Lunch with HS SOHUD' s office M; Lynne date and Patton h as been a ut omatically Ivan k a Tr ump a n d Meeting with Star t : F ri 6/23/20 17 10 : 00 AM End : Fri 6/23/2017 10 : 30 AM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Rec urrence : (non e) Meet i ng Status : Not Organiz e r : DocBen Required Att en d ees : yet r espo nded Patton , Lynne Subject : PRE BRIEF on Lunch Cen tenn ia l HS Locat i o n: SOHUD' s o ff i ce S t art : F ri 6/23/2017 10:00 End : Fri 6/23/2017 10 : 15 AM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence Meeting with M; Bass , Dea na Ivanka Trump and Meetin g with AM : (none) Sta t us : Not Organ iz e r : DocBe n Required Atte ndees : ye t responded Patto n , Lynne M; Bass , Deana MEET with National AIDS Hous i ng Coal i tion Secretary ' s Co n ference Room Subjec t : Locatio n : Start : Wed 6/21/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Wed 6/2 1 /2017 11 : 30 AM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recu rr ence : (none) Meet i ng Status Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : : Not yet r espo nded DocBen HUD-17-0504-E-000877 Required Attendees : Bass, Deana ; Patton Flegel , Ri ta H; Ayers , Benjamin L , Lynne M; Oliva , Ann M; Topic : Housing and Health : Look i ng at the HOPWA program and o the r h ous ing programs tha t support the heal th ou t comes o f tho se living wi th HIV/AI DS . Loca ti o n : Sec ret ary ' s Co nf ere n ce Room POC: Lauren Kil l elea , Hou sing Po l i cy Specia laure nk @n at i o n ala id sho u sing . o r g Ori g in of Mee ting : Submitted r eq u est list; thr ough 205-60 1-2823 , Sec r etary I nvit es Sta ff : External Russell Attendees Peterson Shawn Lang Art a Bennett Chuck Opal : La ure n Ba nk s Ki llele Jones Bendixen Blaine John Proctor Rojas Ka t h i e Hiers Charles King Serg i o Farfan Ernes t Hopkins Nancy /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Ch ia r e ll a HUD-17-0504-E-000878 Subject : Loc a tio n : !(b)(6) Sect i o n 3 Tas k Forc e Wkly . Mtg . OPA Con f . Rm. 10 155 // DIAL IN# PW Im! Mon 4/1 7/ 2 0 17 2:00 Start : End : Mon 4/1 7/ 2 0 17 2:30 PM Show Tim e As : Tentative Re cur ren ce : Week l y Recurrence Pa tt e r n : 888 - 273 - 3658 CODE : PM ever y Monday from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Organizer : Bass, Dea na Required Atte ndees : Pat t o n, Lynn e M; Brego n, Nels o n R; Munir , Raf i q A; Smyth , Tim o th y M; Gr uson , Barbara ; Kasper , Maren M; Bastarache , Da n ie ll e L ; Nor l ander , Adam G; Gol r ick , Ja n et M; Cle mmens en , Craig T ; Jac obs , Aztec ; Nicholsdixon , Merrie ; Thomas , Tod d C ; Christensen , Er i c F ; Franceschin i - Petty, Ra q u e l ; Will i ams , Ra p hael L ; Holde rfie l d , Stepha n ie A; Coffey , Alex an der ; Hobbs , Ben jamin R; Ha r dy IV , Stanley Op t iona l Atte nd ees : Taffet , Cli fford ; Schulhof , Mary T ; Holmes , Gr e gory A; Mor ton , Robert B Res ourc es : HHQ OPA Co nf e r ence Room 101 55 Your meet i ng was upda ted . f ound to be out o f date and Sent by Mic rosoft Exc h a ng e Server Subj ect : Section 3 Task Fo rce Wkly . Mtg . Location : OPA Conf . Rm. 1 0 1 55 // DIAL IN# !(b)(6) ! PW Im! h as been a ut omatical ly 888 - 2 73 - 36 58 CODE: St a rt : Mon 4 /17/ 2 0 17 2 : 0 0 PM End : Mon 4/ 1 7 /2017 2 : 30 PM Sho w Time As : Ten tat ive Recurrence Recurrence : Wee k l y Patt e r n : every Monda y fr om 2 : 0 0 PM to 2 : 30 PM Or ganizer : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Attendees : Bass , Deana ; Patton , Lynne M; Br egon , Nelson R; Munir , Ra fiq A; Smyth , Timothy M; Gruson , Barba r a ; Kasper , Maren M; Bas ta rach e , Dani el l e L; Norlander , Adam G; Go lri ck, Janet M; Clemmensen , Crai g T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Nic hol sdixo n , Merrie ; Tho mas , Todd C ; Christensen , Er ic F ; Fra n cesc h i n i -Petty , Raquel ; Will ia ms , Raphael L ; Holde r fi e ld , Stephanie A; Coffe y , Al e x ande r ; Hobbs , Benjamin R Op tional Atte nd ees : Taff et, Clifford ; Schulhof , Mary T ; Ho lm es , Gregory A; Morton , Robert B Resou r ces : HHQ OPA Conference Room 10 1 55 /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000879 Your meeti ng was f oun d to up dated . be out o f d a te and Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a ng e Serve r Subject: Sect i on 3 Tas k Fo r ce Wk ly . Mtg . Locati on: OPA Con f . Rm. 10 155 // DI AL IN# !{b)(6) ! PW Im] h as been a ut oma t ical 888 - 273 - 3658 ly CODE : Start : Mon 6/19/20 17 2 :0 0 PM End : Mon 6/1 9/ 2 0 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Te n tat iv e Recurrence Recurrence : Weekly Pa tt e r n : every Monday from 2 : 0 0 PM to 2 : 30 PM Or ga niz e r : Bas s, Dea na Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Bass , Deana ; Patton , Lynne M; Breg on , Nelson R; Munir , Ra fiq A; Smyth , Ti mothy M; Gru son , Ba rb a ra; Kasper , Ma r en M; Bastarache, Danielle L; Norland er , Adam G; Golr ick , Janet M; Cl e mmense n , Crai g T; Jac obs, Azt ec; Nic ho ls d ixon , Merri e; Thomas , Todd C; Chri stense n , Er i c F ; Franc esch i n i - Petty, Ra q u e l ; Will i ams, Ra p hael L; Holde rfield , Stepha n ie A; Coffey , Alex ande r ; Hobbs , Benjamin R Opt i o na l Atte nd ees : Taffet , Cli fford ; Schulhof , Mary T; Holmes , Gr eg ory A; Mor ton, Robert B Resources : HHQ OPA Con f erence Room 10 155 Your meeting upda ted . was found t o be out of Sent by Mic rosoft Ex chang e Server Subject : Commun ity Ban ks Lo cation : Ginnie Mae 425 3 rd St. dat e and has been automatically SW Start : Tue 6/20/20 17 10: 00 AM End : Tue 6/20/20 17 10 :4 5 AM Show Time As : Te nta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none ) Or ga nizer : Bass , Deana Required At t e ndees : Kasper , Maren (Lynne .M. Patto n @h ud . gov ) Your meeting updated . Sent was found by Mic rosoft /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT t o be out Exchange of M; Lynne d ate Patton an d h as b een automatical ly Server HUD-17-0504-E-000880 Subjec t: Locat i o n: Communit y Ban ks Ginn i e Mae 42 5 3 r d St. SW St a r t : Tu e 6/20/2017 1 0: 00 AM End : Tue 6/20/20 17 10 : 45 AM Show Tim e As : Tenta ti ve Rec urre n ce : (none ) Organi zer: Bass, Deana Requ ir ed At t e ndees : Kasper , Maren (Lynne . M. Patto n @h ud . gov ) Your meeting upd a te d . was f ound to be out M; Lynne o f date and Patton h as been a ut oma t ical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Exc h a ng e Ser ver Subject : Publ i c Affa i rs Staff Mo rni ng Staff Meeti ng Lo cation : A/S ' s office (dial - in detai ls within) Sta r t : Mon 2/27/2017 10 : 00 AM End : Mon 2/27/20 17 10 : 30 AM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recu rr ence : Weekly Recurrence Pa tter n : Occurs AM e ff ect i ve 2/27/20 1 7 . Meeti ng S t atus : Not yet every weekday from 10 : 00 AM t o 10 : 30 responded Organi zer: Sul liv a n , Br i a n E Requ ir ed Attendees : Blunt , Brian L; Brown , Je r eon M; Coleman , Eileen C; Long (Ctr ) , Deon ; Miller , Mitc h el l E; Senseney , Philomena C; Ad ams , Sco tt; Har d y I V, Stanl e y ; Adcock , Cynt h ia D; Reinhard , David L; Mayo , Sammy E ; Brandao , Elisabete T; Gaona , Maria E; Strot h e r s , Let h a E; Hawkins , Sh e r rill N; Gadso n, Jovette G; Jo hn son , L; Goodloe , Shantae M; Howard , Br enton E ; AMOS, WILLIA M L; Joanne Brown , Apri l A; Liu , Ha ng; Savoye , Hele n A; Williams , Raphael L; Thompson , Amy C; Gri bbin, William J ; Shasky , John E; Bass , Deana Opt i o n al Atte ndees : Barto n, Vi ctoria L; LOGAN, LEAH M; Cl i nt on , Mi kaela B Subjec t: Loca tion : Public Affairs A/S ' s office Staff Morning (d ial- in details St aff Mee t i ng wi thin) Start : Mon 2/27/20 17 10: 00 AM End : Mon 2/27/20 17 10 : 30 AM Recurrence : Weekl y Recur r e n ce Patte r n : Occurs AM effective 2/27/20 1 7 . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT every weekday from 1 0 : 00 AM to 10: 30 HUD-17-0504-E-000881 Meeting Status : Accepted Organizer : Sullivan, Brian E Required Attende es: Dendas , Michael W; Gaona , Maria E ; Strothers , Letha E ; Re inhar d , David L ; Blunt , Brian L ; Se n seney , Ph ilome n a C; Bass , Deana ; Adams , Scott ; Coleman , Eileen C; Mayo , Sammy E ; Goodloe , Shantae M; Brown , Je r eo n M; Howard , Br enton E ; Hardy IV , Stanley ; Grib bi n, William J ; Jo hnso n , Joanne L ; Thompson , Amy C; Savoye, Helen A; Chavis, Kia L ; Brandao , Elisab ete T; Willi ams, Raf fi; Thompso n, Caitlin H; Miller , Mi t c hell E; Gadson , Jovet te G; Cowan J r., Chad ; Long (Ctr), Deo n; Brown , April A; AMOS, WILLIAM L Optio na l Attendees : LOGAN, LEAH M; Rodriguez, Aida N; Barton , Victoria L ; Huff , Michael Subjec t: Locat i on : ! by Deana HUD-17-0504-E-000897 Inter na l Attendees : Lynn e and Deana External Attendees : Bob Johnso n , Trac i Otey Blunt , EVP Communica tions and Public Affairs for the RLJ Compan i es Subject: Locatio MEET with Bob Jo h nson SOHUD' s office n: Thu 6/15/20 17 11 : 30 AM Start : End : Thu 6/15/20 17 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence : (non e) Meet i ng Status : Not Organiz e r : DocBen Required Attendees Top ic : Public : Private yet r espo nded Bass , Deana ; Patton Partnerships , Lynne , Workforce M Investme nt Locat i o n : SOHUD' s o ffi ce POC: Mi c h e ll e Cur t i s , Org an i z ation : RLJ Compa ni es Phone : Email: Origi Miche lle @rl jcompa nie s . com by Deana and De ana : Bob Johnson HUD-17-0504-E-000898 Subject : Loc ation : HOLD for MEET with SOHUD' s office Bob Johnson Start : Thu 6/15/20 17 1 1 : 30 AM End : Thu 6/15/20 17 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng S t atus : Not yet Organi zer : DocBe n Requ i r ed At tendees : Topic : Pub lic Lo cation responded Bass , Deana ; Patton Pr iv ate Partne , Lynne r sh i ps , Work for ce M Investm ent : SOHUD' s office POC: Mic h e ll e Curtis , Organ i zation : RLJ Companies Pho ne : Emai l : Miche l le@ rl jcompa ni es . com by Deana Deana At t e ndees : Bob Johnso n : MEET with Bob Johnson HUD-17-0504-E-000899 Locatio n: Start : End : Thu SOHUD ' s o ffi ce Thu 6/15/20 17 12 : 00 PM 6/15/2017 12 : 30 PM Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Accepted Organi zer : DocBe n Requ i r ed Attendees : Topic : Pub lic Locatio Pr i vate n : SOHUD's Bass , Deana ; Patton Partnersh , Lynne i ps , Workforce M Investm en t office POC: Mic h el l e Curtis, Organizati o n : RLJ Companies Phone : Ema i l : Miche ll e@rl jcompa ni es . com Sectio n 3 Tas k Fo rce OPA Co n f . Rm. 10 1 55 PW filillfilJ Otey Bl unt , EVP the RLJ Compan i es Wkl y . Mtg . // DIAL I N# 888-273-3658 CODE: Sta r t : Mon 4/17/2017 2 :0 0 PM End : Mon 4/17/20 17 2:30 PM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Recu r rence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Weekly HUD-17-0504-E-000900 Recurrence Pattern : every Mo n day fr om 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Org a nizer : Bass , Deana Req uir e d Attend ees : Bass , De ana ; Patton , Lynne M; Bregon , Ne l son R; Munir , Ra fi q A; Smyth , Timothy M; Gru son , Ba rb ara ; Kasper , Maren M; Bastarache, Dan i e ll e L; No rl a n der , Adam G; Gol ri ck , Janet M; Clemmensen , Cra i g T; Jaco bs , Aztec ; Ni c h o l sd i x o n , Mer ri e ; Thomas , Todd C; Chr i ste ns en , Er ic F; Franceschini - Petty , Raquel ; Williams , Raphael L; Hold e rfi eld, Stephani e A; Coffey , Al e xand e r ; Hobbs, Benjamin R Opt i o na l Attendees : Taf f e t , Clifford ; Schulhof , Mary T; Holmes , Gregory A Resources : HHQ OPA Confer en c e Room 101 55 Your meeti ng was f ound up dated . to be out o f date and Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Se rv e r Subject : Section 3 Task Fo rce Wkly . Mtg . Location: OPA Conf . Rm. 1 0 1 55 // DIAL IN# !(b)(6) ! PW liliRfilJ Start : Mon 4/17/2017 2:00 End : Mon 4 /17/ 2 0 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : Weekly Recurrence Patt ern : every h as been a ut oma t ical 888 - 2 73 - 3658 ly CODE: PM Monda y from 2 : 0 0 PM to 2 : 30 PM Organiz e r : Bass , De ana Required Attendees : Bass , Deana ; Patton , Lynne M; Breg on , Nelson R; Munir , Ra fiq A; Smyth , Ti mothy M; Gru son , Ba rb ara ; Kasper, Maren M; Bastarache , Danie l le L; Norla nd er , Adam G; Golr ick , Janet M; Clemmensen , Crai g T; Jacobs, Azt ec; Nic ho ls d ix on, Merri e; Thomas , Todd C; Christensen, Eric F ; Fra nce sc h i n i-Pe tt y , Raquel ; Williams , Raphael L; Holde rfi e ld, Stepha n ie A; Coffey , Alexander ; Hobbs , Benjamin R Opt i o na l Atte ndees : Taffet , Cli fford ; Schulhof , Mary T; Holmes , Gregory A Resources : HHQ OPA Con feren ce Room 10 155 Your mee t ing update d . was found to be out of date and Sent by Mic rosoft Exc h a ng e Server Subjec t : Section 3 Tas k Force Wkl y . Mtg . Locatio n : OPA Co n f . Rm. 10 1 55 // DIAL IN# kb)/6) PW liliRfilJ Start : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Mon 6/12/2017 h as been automatical 888-273-3658 ly CODE: 2 : 0 0 PM HUD-17-0504-E-000901 End : Mon 6/12/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Ten tativ e Rec urr ence : Weekly Recurre n ce Patte r n : every Mond ay from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Orga n iz e r: Bass , Deana Req u ir ed Atte ndees : Bass , Deana ; Pa tton , Ly nn e M; Br egon , Nelson R; Smyth , Timothy M; Kaspe r , Maren M; Basta r ache, Dan i e ll e L ; Muni r , Raf iq A; Gruso n, Barba r a ; Norla n der , Adam G; Gol ri c k, Ja ne t M; Clemmensen , Cra i g T ; Jac obs , Aztec ; Ni c h o l sd i xon , Mer ri e ; Thomas , Tod d C ; Christensen , Er ic F; Franceschini - Petty , Raquel ; Wil l i ams , Rap ha e l L ; Hold er field , Stephan i e A; Co ff e y , Al e xan de r ; Hobbs , Benjamin R Opt i o n a l Atte ndees : Ta ffet, Cliff o r d ; Sch ulh o f , Mary T ; Holmes , Gregory A Resources : HHQ OPA Confere n ce Room 10 155 Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be out o f da t e and Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a nge Se rver Subject : Sect i o n 3 Tas k Force Wk ly . Mtg . Loc a tio n : OPA Con f . Rm. 10155 // DI AL IN# !(b)(6) ! PW !ml h as been a ut omatical 888 - 273 - 3658 ly CODE: Mon 4 / 1 7/ 2 0 17 2 : 00 PM Start : End : Mon 4/1 7/ 2 0 17 2 :3 0 PM Show Time As : Tent ati ve Recurrence : Week l y Recur r e n ce Pa tt e r n : every Mo n day from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Or ga niz er : Bass , Dea na Required Attendees : Bass , Deana ; Patton , Lynne M; Bregon , Nelson R; Munir , Ra fi q A; Smyt h , Ti mothy M; Gru son , Ba r ba ra; Kasper , Maren M; Basta r ache , Dan i e l le L ; No rl a n der , Adam G; Golr i ck , Jane t M; Cl emme ns en , Craig T ; Jaco bs, Aztec ; Nic h olsdixon , Merrie ; Thomas , Tod d C ; Ch r istensen , Er ic F ; Franc esch ini - Pet ty, Raqu e l ; Will iam s , Raphael L ; Holde rf ie l d , Stepha n ie A; Coffey , Alexander ; Hobbs , Benjamin R Opt i o na l Atte nd ees : Taffet , Cli fford ; Schulhof , Mary T ; Holmes , Gregory A Resources : HHQ OPA Con f ere n ce Room 10155 Your meeting updated . was f ound to be ou t of date and h as been a u tomatical ly Sent by Mic rosoft Exc h a ng e Server Subject : OSEC Interns /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000902 Location Secretary : OSEC Small Co nf. ' s conf . room) Room 10210 (located next to the Start : Mon 6/12/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Mon 6/12/2017 11 : 40 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not ye t responded Organizer : Pa tto n, Lynne M Required Attendees : Bass , Deana ; Costa , Alfonso B; Cli nto n , Mikaela B; Ward , Jacklyn A Subject : Loca tion : !(b)(6) ! Section 3 Task Force OPA Co n f . Rm. 10 155 PW liliRfilJ Wkly . Mtg . // DIAL IN# A; Jenkins 888-273-3658 , Emily CODE: Start : Mon 4/17/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Mon 4/17/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : Weekly Recu rr ence Pattern : eve ry Monday from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Organize r: Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Bass, Deana ; Patton, Lynne M; Bregon, Nelson R; Munir , Rafiq A; Smyth , Timothy M; Gruson , Barbara; Kasper, Maren M; Bastarache, Danielle L ; Norlande r , Adam G; Golrick , Janet M; Clernme n sen , Craig T; Jacobs , Aztec ; Nicholsdixon , Merrie ; Thomas , Todd C; Chr i stensen , Eric F ; Franceschini-Petty , Ra quel ; Will iams , Rap h ael L; Holderfield , Stephanie A; Co ffey , Alexander ; Hobbs, Benjamin R Optional Attendees : Taffe t, Clifford ; Schul hof, Mary T; Holmes , Gregory A Resources : HHQ OPA Conference Room 10155 Your meeting updated. was found to be out of date and Sent by Micr osof t Exchange Server Subject : Section 3 Task Force Wkly . Mtg . Location : OPA Conf . Rm. 10155 // DIAL IN# !rbl/6) ! PW liliRfilJ has been automatically 888-273-3658 CODE: Start : Mon 6/12/20 17 2 :0 0 PM End : Mon 6/12/20 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000903 Recurrence Recurrence : Week l y Pa tt e r n : every Monday from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Organiz er : Bass , Dea na Required Attendees : Bass , Deana ; Patton , Lynne M; Breg on , Nelson R; Smyt h , Ti mothy M; Kasper , Ma r en M; Bastarac h e , Danielle L; Mun i r , Raf i q A; Gruson , Barba r a ; Norlander , Adam G; Gol ri c k , Ja n et M; Cl ernrnens en , Craig T ; Jaco bs, Aztec ; Nic h olsdixon , Merrie ; Thomas , Tod d C; Christensen , Er ic F ; Franceschini - Pet t y , Raqu e l ; Will i ams , L; Holde rfield , Stepha n ie A; Coffey , Alexander ; Hobbs , Raphael Benjam in R Opt i o na l Atte ndees : Taffet , Clifford ; Schulhof , Mary T ; Holmes , Gr e gory A Resources : HHQ OPA Con f ere n ce Room 10 155 Your meet i ng was updated . found to be ou t of date and h as been Sent by Mic rosoft Exc hang e Server F rom : Mic ro soft Outlook on b eh alf of Holmes , Gr eg ory Sent : Monday , June 12 , 2017 1 0 : 35 AM To : Bass , Deana Subject : Sect i o n 3 Tas k Force Wk ly . Mtg . Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a ng e Se rv e r F rom : Mic rosoft Outlook on be hal f of Hol mes , Gr egory Sent : Mond a y , June 12 , 20 17 10 : 35 AM To : Bass , Dea na Subjec t: Sect i o n 3 Task For ce Wk l y . Mtg. a u tomatical ly A A Sen t by Mic rosoft Ex c h a nge Ser ver Sub j ect : Sect i on 3 Tas k Fo r ce Wk ly . Mtg . Locat i o n: OPA Co n f . Rm. 10 155 // DIA L IN # 888-273-3658 !(b)/6) ! PW liiilifilJ CODE: Mon 6/12/20 17 2 : 00 PM Start : End : Mon 6/12/20 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : Weekly Recu rr ence Pa tt ern : every Monday from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Organize r : Bass , Deana Required Attend ees : Patton , Lynn e M; Breg on, Nelson R; Smyth , Timot h y M; Holmes , Grego r y A; Kasper , Ma re n M; Bas tarac he , Da nie l le L ; Munir , Ra fi q A; Gr u so n, Barba r a ; No r lander , Adam G; Golr i c k, Janet M; Clemmensen , Craig T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Nic h o l s d ixon , Merrie ; Thomas , Todd C; Chri stensen , Er ic F ; Franceschini - Pet t y , Raquel ; /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000904 Williams , Rap hae l L ; Holder fiel d , Ste p h a nie A; Co ffe y , Alexander Hobbs , Benjamin R Optional Atte ndees : Taffet , Clifford; Schulhof , Mary T Res ourc es : HHQ OPA Conf e r ence Room 1 01 55 Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be ou t o f date and Sen t by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Server 3 Task Fo rce Wkly . Mtg . Subject : Section Loca t i on : OPA Conf . Rm. 1 0 1 55 // DIAL IN# !(b)(6) ! PW liliRfilJ Start : Mon 4 / 1 7/ 2 0 17 2:00 End : Mon 4 /17/ 2 0 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Ten tat iv e Recur r e n ce : Wee kly Recurrence Patt ern : every h as been a u tomatical 888 - 2 73 - 3658 ; ly CODE: PM Monday from 2 : 0 0 PM to 2 : 30 PM Or ga niz e r : Bass, Dea na Req u ire d Attendees : Pat t o n , Lynne M; Brego n , Nel so n R; Munir , Raf i q A; Smyth , Ti mot hy M; Gr u so n , Barbara ; Kasper , Mar e n M; Bastarache , Dan ielle L ; Nor land e r, Adam G; Golrick , Jan et M; Clemmensen , Cra i g T ; Jacobs , Azt ec ; Nic ho ls d ixon , Me rri e ; Thomas , Todd C ; Christensen, Er ic F ; Franceschini-Petty , Raquel ; Williams , L ; Holde rfi e ld, Stepha n ie A; Coffey , Alexander ; Hobbs , Raphael Benjamin R Opt i o na l Attendees : Taffet , Cli fford ; Schulhof , Mary T Resources : HHQ OPA Conference Room 1 01 55 Your meeting updated . was found to be ou t of date and Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a ng e Server Subject : Section 3 Task Fo rce Wkly . Mtg . Loca t ion : OPA Conf . Rm. 1 0 1 55 // DIAL IN# !{b)(6) PW liliRfilJ St art : Mon 4 /17/ 2 0 17 2:00 End : Mon 4/17/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Ten t a t ive Recurrence Recurrence : Wee kly Patte r n : every h as been a u tomatical ly 888 - 2 7 3 - 36 58 CODE: PM Mond ay from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Organize r : Bass, Deana Requ i r ed Attendees : Patton, Lynne M; Br ego n , Nelson R; Munir , Rafiq A; Smyth, Timot h y M; Gruson , Barbara ; Kasper , Maren M; Bastarache , Dan i elle L ; Norlander , Adam G; Go l r i ck , J anet M; /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000905 Clemme n sen , Craig T ; Jacobs , Todd C ; Chr i ste n sen , Eric F; Raphael L ; Holderfie l d , S tepha Benjamin R Opt i o n al Attendees : Taf f et Resources : HHQ OPA Conference Aztec ; Nicholsdixon , Merrie ; Thomas , Fra n ceschi n i-Petty , Ra quel ; Will iams , nie A; Co ffey , Alexander ; Hobbs , Your meeting updated. out was found to be , Cli ff ord ; Schul hof, Room 10 1 55 of date and Sent by Mic ro so ft Exchange Server Subjec t: Sect i o n 3 Task Force Wkly . Mtg . Loca tion : OPA Co n f . Rm. 10155 // DIAL IN# ! . Webcast Link : Subject : Lo cation : ht tp : //Webcast .hu d . gov or . LUNCH with Ivanka Trump Secretary ' s Dining Room Sta r t : Mon 6/26/2017 12 : 00 PM End : Mon 6/26/2017 1:00 PM Show Tim e As : Tentat iv e Recu rr ence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Organizer : DocBen Required Attendees Lynne M Subjec t: Loca tion: Not : yet r espo nd ed Bass , Deana ; Greenwood, OSEC I nte rns Rm. 10226 , Deana Sheila M; Pat ton, Bass ' Of fice S tart : Mon 6/12/201 7 1 1 : 00 AM End : Mon 6/12/2017 11 : 40 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) HUD-17-0504-E-000911 Meet in g Status : Not ye t resp o nde d Organizer : Patton, Lynne M Required Attende es : Bass, B; Clinton , Mi k ae la B; Ward, Subject Locatio : n: Dea na ; Costa , Alfonso Jack l yn A A; J e nkins , Emily MEET with Deana SOHUD' s office Start : Thu 6/15/20 17 1 : 30 PM End : Thu 6/15/2017 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not yet Orga n iz e r : DocBe n Required Attendees : Topic : Section Subject: Locatio n: responded Bass , Deana 3 MEET with Boys SOHUD' s office & Girls Club of Amer i ca Start : Wed 6/21/2017 10 : 00 AM End : Wed 6/21/20 17 10:30 AM Show Time As : Tent ati ve Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status Organizer Required : Not yet : DocBen Attendees : r espo nded Bass , Deana Top i c : Locat ion : SOHUD' s o ffic POC: Bi ll Inter Bright na l Attendees /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT e : Dea n a Bass HUD-17-0504-E-000912 Exter n al Atte ndees Jul i e Teer , Chief Developm e nt : Jim Clark Development Dir ector , Pr es i de n t & Pub l ic Affairs Bil l Br ight , Subjec t: Loca ti o n : OSEC I n terns Rm. 1022 6 , De a n a Bass ' Of fi ce Officer , Resource , Governme n t Re l ations Start : F ri 6/9/2017 11 : 0 0 AM End : Fri 6/9/2017 11 : 40 AM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence Meeting : (none) Status : Not ye t r esp ond e d Organ iz e r : Patton , Lynne M Required Atte nd ees : Bass , Deana ; Costa B; Clinton , Mi kae la B; Ward , Jacklyn A Subject: Location Call wit h Ry an Pham Ryan@ (213) 300 - 6552 : Start : Fri 6/9/2017 1:30 End : F ri 6/9/2017 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e // , Alfo nso A; Jenk i ns , Emi l y 1 : 30 EST PM Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Att en de e s : Ryan (Lynne . M. Patto n @h ud . go v) Your meeting update d . was found to be Pham ; Lynne out of date Patton and h as been automatically Sent by Mic rosoft Exc h a ng e Server Subject : OSEC Interns Locatio n: Deana ' s Office Start : End : F ri /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Fri 6/9/2017 11 : 00 AM 6/9/2017 11 : 40 AM HUD-17-0504-E-000913 Show Time As : Recurrence Meeting Tenta tive : (none) Status : Not Organ iz e r : Patton Required Attendees Subject : Loc ation : ye t re spo nde d , Lynne M : Deana Bass (Dea n a . Bass@ hud . gov ) OSEC Interns Deana ' s Office Start : Fri 6/9/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Fri 6/9/2017 11:4 0 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeti : (none) ng Status : Not yet responded Organiz e r : Patton , Lynne M Required Atte ndees : Deana Subjec t : Locat i o n: Bass Ca ll with Rya n Pham Ryan@ (21 3) 300-6552 (De a n a . Bass@ hu d . gov) // 1 : 30 EST St art : Fri 6/9/2017 1 : 30 PM End : Fri 6/9/2017 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : (none) Organi zer : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Atte ndees : Ryan (Lynne . M. Patto n @hud . gov ) Your meeting up dated . was found to Pham ; Lynn e Patto n be out Sent by Microsoft Excha nge Server Subjec t : Call with Rya n Pham Locat i o n : Ryan@ (213) 30 0-6552 of d a te // and has been automatically 1 : 30 EST Start : Fri 6/9/2017 1 : 30 PM End : Fri 6/9/2017 2 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Recu rr ence : (no ne ) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000914 Organ iz e r : Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Ryan (Lynn e . M. Patton@hud . gov ) Your meeting up dated . was f ound to Ph am; Ly nn e Patton be ou t of date and h as been a u tomatical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Se rv e r F rom : Pa tto n, Lynne M Sent : Thursday , June 08 , 201 7 12 : 40 PM To : Bass , Deana Subjec t: Accepted : Ca ll with Ryan Pham Subjec t: Locat i o n : Cal l with Rya n Pham Ryan@ (213) 300-6552 // 1 : 30 EST Start : F ri 6/9/2017 1 : 3 0 PM End : Fri 6/9/2017 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : (none ) Organi zer : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Atte ndees : Ryan (Lynne . M. Patto n @h ud . gov ) Your meeting up dated . was found Pham ; Lynn e Patto t o be out of Sen t by Mic rosoft Ex c h a nge Ser ver Sub j ect : Ca ll with Rya n Ph am Locat i o n: Ryan@ (21 3) 30 0 -6552 date // and n has been automatically 1 : 30 EST Sta r t : Fri 6/9/2017 1 : 30 PM End : Fri 6/9/2017 2 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Recu rr en ce : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Atte ndees : Ryan (Lynne . M. Patto n @h ud . gov ) Your meeting up dated . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was f ound to Pham; Lynn e Patto be ou t of date and n h as been a u tomatical ly HUD-17-0504-E-000915 Sent by Mi crosoft Excha ng e Serve r F rom : Ryan Ph am Sent : Thu r sday, June 08, 2017 1 1 : 44 AM To : Bass , Deana Accepted: Ca l l with Rya n Pham Sub j ect : Subjec t: Locatio n : Call with Ryan Pham Ryan@ (213) 300-6552 // 1 : 30 EST St art : F ri 6/9/2017 1 : 30 PM End : Fri 6/9/2017 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recur r e n ce : (none) Organiz e r : Bass , De ana Required Attendees : Ryan (Lynne . M. Patto n @h ud . gov ) You r mee ting updated. was found to Ph am; Ly nn e Patto be out of Sent by Microsoft Exchan ge Server Subjec t: Ca ll wit h Rya n Pham Locat i o n: Ryan@ 818/954 . 7883 // date and n has been a ut omat i ca l ly been automat 1 : 30 EST Start : F ri 6/9/2017 1 : 30 PM End : Fri 6/9/2017 2 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : (none) Organi z e r : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Attendees : Ryan (Lynne . M.Patton@hud . gov ) Your meeting up dated . was found to Pham ; Lynn e Patto be out Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server Subjec t: Call with Rya n Pham Locat i o n: Ryan@ 818/954 . 7883 // of date and n has i ca l ly 1 : 30 EST Start : Fri 6/9/2017 1 : 30 PM End : Fri 6/9/2017 2 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Recu r rence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) HUD-17-0504-E-000916 Organ iz e r: Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Ryan (Lynn e . M. Patton@hud . gov ) Your meeting up dated . was f ound to Ph am; Ly nn e Patton be ou t of date and h as been a u tomatical ly and h as been a u tomatical ly has a ut omatically Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Se rv e r F rom : Ryan Ph am Sent : Thursday , June 08, 201 7 11 : 40 AM To : Bass , Deana Accep t ed : Ca l l with Ryan Pham Subjec t: Subject Coffee : Start : Fr i 6/9/20 1 7 8 : 30 AM End : F ri 6/9/2017 9 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Organizer Required : (none) : Bass , Deana Attend ees : Patton Your meet i ng was f ound updated . Sent by Mi crosoft Su bject : Coffee to , Lynn e M be out of date Ex c h a ng e Se rv e r Start : Fri 6/9/2017 8 : 30 AM End : Fri 6/9/20 1 7 9 : 30 AM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recu rr ence : (none) Org an iz e r: Bass , Deana Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Patto Your meeting updated . was found to n, Lynne be out of M da t e and Sent by Mi crosoft Exc h a nge Ser ver Subject : Sec Carson Heari ng & Recovery Solutions for Ch ange mtg . Location : Deana ' s Office /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT been Hs ng vs Ho u s i ng Fi r st/ HUD-17-0504-E-000917 Start: Fri 6/9/2017 10:00 End : Fri 6/9/2017 10 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentativ e Recurrence AM : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attend ees: Bregon , Nelson (Lynne . M.Patton@hud . gov ) Your meeting updated . was found to be out of R; Lynne date Sent by Microsoft Excha nge Server Subject : Sec Carson Hearing & Recovery Solutio ns f or Change mtg. Locatio n: Deana ' s Off i ce Start and Patton has been automatically Hsng vs Housing First/ : Fri 6/9/2017 10 : 00 AM Fri 6/9/2017 10 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta tive End : Recurrence : (none) Organi zer: Bass , Deana Requ i red Attendees : Bregon , Ne l so n R; Lynne (Ly nne .M. Patton@hud . gov ) Your meeting updated. was found to be out of date and Sent by Microsoft Exch a nge Server Subject : Save the Date - OCHCO Leadership Featuring David Eag l es Locatio n: Brooke-Mondale Auditorium , Suites Patton has been automatically Jour n ey Ser i es : A&B Start : Fri 6/16/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Fri 6/16/20 17 12: 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organ iz e r: OCHCO Required Attendees : OCHCO Leadership /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Journey All HUD HID s Ser ies: David Eagles HUD-17-0504-E-000918 Each of HUD' s Se ni or Leaders h as the ir they jour neyed to become the leaders th tr a velled ma ny miles , wh i le others b ega s tr eet . Re gardl ess, the ir journey ha s and l ead us into the future . own i ndividua l story o f how ey are to day . Some have n the ir journey j us t do wn the brought them to HUD to se rv e Please join OCHCO for our n e x t conve r sat i on in the Leaders hip Journey Ser i es , when we talk with David Eag l es , Chie f Opera ting Off i ce r , abou t h is j o urn ey t o become a HUD Leade r. For those v i ewing v i a webcast , you may send du r i ng t h e session to LeadershipJourneySeries@H . Webcast Link : h ttp : //Webcast . hu d . gov 3 . 0491 . 11 : 30 S t a rt : Tue 6/27/201 7 11 : 30 AM End : Tue 6/2 7/20 17 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Te nta t iv e Recurrence : (none ) Or ga niz er : Ba ss, Required Attendees Dea n a ~--------------~ : l(b)(6) ~--------------~ Your meet i ng was fo und to upda ted . be out Sent by Mic rosoft Exc hang e Server Subject : Re form Pl an Kick - Off Loca t io n: Depar tmen tal Co n ference o f date and h as been a u tomatical ly Room - 1 0233 Start : Thu 6/15/20 17 2 : 30 PM End : Thu 6 / 15 / 2 0 17 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none ) Meeting /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Sta tus : Not yet responded HUD-17-0504-E-000919 Organ iz e r: Clemmensen , Cr aig T Required Atte ndees : Golrick , Janet M; Hensley , He nr y ; Walsh, Ch ri stophe r K; Sung , Ph ili p E ; Hamilton , Angie S ; Franklin , DeSha unt a M; Eagles , David T ; Ammon, Matthew E ; Bregon , Ne l so n R; Ti mbe rl ake , Cour tney B; Cors i glia , Nancy E ; Cru cian i, Linda M; Santa Anna , Aa r on ; Foster , Helen G; Br own , Je r eon M; Lyberg , Sarah A; Greenwood , Shei l a M; Kasp er , Mar en M; Br yon , Jemine A; Taffet , Clifford ; Gr eene , Bryan ; Gant, Jon L (Jon . L . Gant@hud . gov) ; Coo ke, Kev i n R; Ben i so n , Joh n P ; Broo k s , Towa n da A; Ch a rl es , Ge ng er M; Hughes , Andrew ; Bass , Deana ; Patton , Lynne M; Zo r c , Bethany A NOTE: SOHUD wil l be Confere n ce call code : ~ Subject : Lo cation : in attendance . n umber : 1 - 888 - 684 - 8852/access code : ~l< b~)(-6~) ----~ Reform Plan Ki ck-Of f Departmen t al Con feren ce Room - 1 0233 Sta r t : Thu 6/15/2017 2 : 30 PM End : Thu 6/15/2017 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta tiv e Recu rr ence : (none) Meet in g Status : Not yet r espo nded Organizer : Cl emmensen , Craig T Required Attende es: Golric k, Janet M; Clemmensen , Craig T; Hens l ey , Henry ; Walsh , Ch ristop he r K; Sung, Phi li p E ; Hamilto n, Ang i e S ; Franklin , DeShaunta M; Eagles , Dav i d T ; Ammon, Matthew E ; Bregon , Nelso n R; Timber l ake , Cour tney B; Corsig l ia , Nancy E ; Crucian i , Linda M; Santa Anna , Aaron ; Foster , He l en G; Brown , Jereon M; Lyberg , Sara h A; Greenwood , She i l a M; Kasper , Mare n M; Bryo n, Jem i ne A; Ta ff et , Cliff o r d ; Gr ee n e , Bryan ; Ga nt, Jon L (Jon . L . Gant@h u d . gov) ; Cooke , Kevin R; Be ni son , John P ; Brooks , Towanda A; Char le s , Ge ng er M; Hug hes , An drew ; Bass , Dea n a ; Patto n, Lynn e M; Zorc , Bethany A NOTE: SOHUD will Subjec t: Loca tion : be in attenda n ce . Canceled : Reform Plan Kick - Off Depar tmen tal Conference Room - 1 0233 Start : Thu 6/15/20 17 2 : 30 PM End : Thu 6/15/20 17 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Free Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Status : Not yet responded HUD-17-0504-E-000920 Organ iz e r: Clemmensen , Cr aig T Required Atte ndees : Golrick , Janet M; Hensley , He nr y ; Walsh, Ch ri stophe r K; Sung , Ph ili p E; Hamilton , Angie S ; Franklin , DeSha unt a M; Eagles , David T; Ammon, Matthew E ; Bregon , Ne l so n R; Ti mbe rl ake , Cour tney B; Cors i glia , Nancy E; Cru cian i, Linda M; Santa Anna , Aa r on ; Foster , Helen G; Br own , Je r eon M; Lyberg , Sarah A; Greenwood , Shei l a M; Kasp er , Mar en M; Br yon , Jemine A; Taffet , Clifford ; Gr eene , Bryan ; Gant, Jon L; Cooke , Kev in R; Benison, John P ; Brooks , Towanda A; Ch arles , Genger M; Hughes , Andrew ; Bass , Deana ; Patton , Lynne M; Zorc , Bethany A Opt i o na l Atte ndees : Shuback , Susan J NOTE: SOHUD wil l be in Conference call code : ~ attenda n ce . number : 1 - 888 - 684 - 8852/access code : ~l< b-)~(6~)----~ Subject : Call w/Deana Bass RE : P l anNet & Section Location : Deana will call Pastor Wrig h t@ 908/343 EST/8 : 30 PST 3 .0 491 11 : 30 Start : Tue 6/27/20 17 1 1 : 30 AM End : Tue 6/27/20 17 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer Required : Bass , Deana ~--------------~ Attend ees: ~l (b_)(_6_) ____________ Your meeting updated . was found to be ou t of ~ date and h as been a u tomatical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a ng e Server F rom : Goog l e Ca l endar on be hal f of Shannon Wri ght l(b)(6) I Sent : Wednesday , Ju n e 07 , 2017 4 : 53 PM To : Bass , Deana Subject : Accepted : Call w/Deana Bass RE : PlanNet & Section 3 @ Tue Jun 2 7, 201 7 11 : 30am - 12pm (EDT) (Bass , Deana) Attac hmen ts : in vite . ics Shanno n Wri gh t h as accepted this i nv it ation Call w/Deana Bass RE : P lan Net & Section 3 When Tue J un 27 , 2017 11 : 30am - 12pm Eastern Where Deana will call Pastor Wright@ 908/343 PST (map) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT . Ti me .0491 11 : 30 EST/8 : 30 HUD-17-0504-E-000921 Calenda r Bass, Deana Who • Bass , Deana - organ i zer • Shannon Wright - creator Attachments HUD. DOCX 21st Ce nt ury HUD.DOCX Invita t ion f rom Google Calendar You are receiving this cou r tesy email at the account deana . bass@hud . gov because you are an attendee of th i s event . To stop r ece i ving future updates for this event , dec l ine th i s event . Al ter natively you can sign up for a Google accoun t at https : //www . google . com/calendar/ and control your notification setti ngs for you r entire cale nd ar . Forwarding this inv it a t ion could al l ow any recipient t o modify your RSVP response . Learn More . Subject : Sec Carson Hearing & Recovery Hsng vs Housi ng First/ Solutions for Change mtg . Loca tion : Deana ' s Off i ce Start : Fri 6/9/2017 10:00 End : F ri 6/9/2017 10 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence AM : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Bregon , Nelson (Lynne . M.Patton@hud . gov) Your meeting updated . was found to be out of R; Lynne date Sent by Mic ro so f t Exchange Server Subjec t: Sec Cars on Hearing & Recovery Solutions for Change mtg. Location : Dean a ' s Off i ce and Patton has been automatically Hsng vs Housing First/ Start : Fri 6/9/2017 10 :0 0 AM End : Fri 6/9/2017 10:30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Or ganizer Requ i red : Bass , Deana Attendees : Bregon , Nelson Your meeting updated. /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was found to be out of R date and has been automatically HUD-17-0504-E-000922 Sen t by Microsoft Ex c h a nge Se rver Sub j ec t : Sec Ca r son Hea r i ng & Recovery Solutions for Change mtg . Lo cation : Dea na ' s Offic e Hs ng vs Ho u s i ng Fi r st/ Start : Fri 6/9/2017 10:0 0 AM End : Fri 6/9/2017 10:3 0 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organize Required : (none) r : Bass , Deana Attend ees : Bregon , Ne lson Your meet i ng was f ound up dated . to be out R o f date Sent by Microsoft Ex c h a ng e Se rv e r Subject : Sec Cars o n Heari n g & Rec o very Solutions for Ch ange mtg . Lo cation : Dea na ' s Office and h as been a ut oma t ical l y Hsng vs Housi ng First/ Start : Fri 6/9/2017 10:0 0 AM End : Fri 6/9/2017 10 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Organize Required r : Bass , Deana Att en d ees : Bregon , Nelson Your meeting updated . was found R to be ou t of date and h as been Sent by Microsoft Exch a ng e Server Subject : Cal l w/Deana Bass , HUD Deputy Ch ief Hospita lity programs Loca tion : Con f. # 888-273-3658 CODE: l= < ~ 6_~ > of a u tomatical Staff ly RE : Start : Mon 6/12/20 17 1 1 : 30 AM End : Mon 6/12/2017 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Ten t a t ive Recur r e n ce : (none) Organiz e r : Bass , De ana Required At tendees : swe i r@a h la . com ; bcrawford@ahla Your meeting updated . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was found t o be out of date and h as been . com autom a tically HUD-17-0504-E-000923 Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server Subjec t: Cal l w/Deana Bass , HUD Deputy Ch ie f of Hosp i tality prog r ams Locat i o n: Conf . # 888-273-3658 CODE: != /b=l/=6l.__. Sta ff RE: Start : Mon 6/12/2017 1 1 : 30 AM End : Mon 6/12/2017 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organi zer : Bass , Deana Requ ir ed Attendees : swe i r@a h la . com ; bcrawfo Your meeting update d . was found to be out of date Sent by Microsoft Exchan ge Server Subjec t: Cal l with Dea n a Bass Locat i on : Conf . Line# 888-273-3658 r d@ah l a . com and has been automat i ca l ly ACCESS CODE: =!/b~l /=6}._~ Start : Thu 6/22/2017 1 1 : 00 AM End : Thu 6/22/20 17 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none ) Organi zer: Bass , Deana ~l (b-)(=6)---------~ Requ ir ed Attendees : Your meeting upd ated . was found to be out George of date and has Andrews been automat i ca l ly Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server Subjec t: Priori t y Projects Rol l Ou t Strategy Locatio n: Deana ' s Off i ce 102 26 Start : Thu 6/8/2017 2 : 30 PM End : Thu 6/8/2017 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Requ ir ed Attendees : Willi Alfonso A /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT ams , Raphael L; Th ompson , Amy C; Costa , HUD-17-0504-E-000924 Your meeti ng was f oun d to up dated . be out o f d a te and h as been a ut oma t ical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a ng e Serve r Subject: Priority Pro j ects Ro l l Ou t Strategy Locati on : Dea n a ' s Office 1 0226 Star t : Thu 6/8/2017 2 : 30 PM End : Thu 6/8/2017 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence : (none ) Organ iz e r : Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Wil l iams , Rapha el Alfonso A Your meeting upda ted . was f ound to be ou t o f date L; Thomps on , Arny C; Cos t a , and h as been a u tomatical ly Sent by Mic rosoft Ex c h a ng e Server Subject : Priority Project s Ro l l Ou t Strategy Lo cation : Dea na ' s Offi ce 1 0 226 Start : Thu 6/8/2017 2 : 30 PM End : Thu 6/8/201 7 3 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tentative Re cur ren ce : (none ) Org a nize r : Bass , Dean a Required At tendees : Williams Alfonso A Your meeting upda ted . was f ound to , Ra phae l L; Thomps on , Arny C; Costa , be out Sent by Mic rosoft Exc hang e Server Subject : Priori ty Proj ects Roll Loca t io n : Deana ' s Offi ce 1 0226 o f date and h as been a u tomatical ly Ou t Strategy Start : Thu 6/8/2017 2 : 3 0 PM End : Thu 6 /8/20 1 7 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none ) Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Bass , Deana HUD-17-0504-E-000925 Required Attendees Your meeting updated . was : found Williams to , Rap h ael be out Sent by Mic rosoft Excha ng e Server Subject : Priority Proj ects Roll Loca ti o n : Deana ' s Office 10226 L; Th ompson , Amy C of dat e and has Out been automatically Strategy Start : Thu 6/8/2017 2 : 30 PM End : Thu 6/8/2017 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Ten t a tive Recurrence : (none ) Organiz e r : Bass , Dea na Required Attendees : Williams Your meeting update d . was found , Rap h ael t o be out Sent by Mic rosoft Exc hang e Server Subject : Priori t y Proj ects Roll Locatio n : Deana ' s Office 10226 of date L; Thomp son , Amy C and has been automatically Ou t Strategy Start : Thu 6/8 /2017 2 : 30 PM End : Thu 6/8/2017 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Or ga nizer : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Williams Your meeting updated . was found , Rap h ael to be ou t o f date Sent by Mic rosoft Exc h a ng e Server Subject : Priori ty Projects Roll Location : Deana ' s Offi ce 10226 L; Thomp son , Amy C and has been a u tomatical ly Ou t Strategy Start : Wed 6/7/2017 1 : 00 PM End : Wed 6/7/2017 1 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Bass , Deana HUD-17-0504-E-000926 Requ i red Atte ndees : Your meeting updated . was found Wil li ams , Rap h ael L; Th ompson , Amy C to and be out of date h as Sent by Microso ft Excha n ge Ser ve r F rom : Thompson , Amy C Sent : Wednesday , Ju n e 07 , 2017 1 0 : 59 AM To : Bass , Deana Su bject : Accepted : Priority Projects Rol l Out From : Sent : To : Subjec been automat ical ly Stra teg y Thompson , Amy C Wedn e sday , J u ne 07 , 2017 10 : 57 AM Bass , De ana t: Accep t ed : Pr i ority Projec ts Rol l Out Str ategy Prio ri ty Pro jects Roll Deana ' s Offi ce 1 0226 Su bject : Loca tion : Out Strategy S t a rt : Wed 6/ 7/ 201 7 11 : 45 AM End : Wed 6/7/2017 12 : 1 5 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer Requ i red : (no ne ) : Bass , Deana At te ndees : Wil li ams , Rap h ael Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date L; Th ompson , Arny C and has Sent by Microso ft Exchange Se r ve r Su bjec t: Call w/Deana Bass , HUD Deputy Chief of Hosp it ality prog r ams Loca tio n: Con f . # 888-273-3658 CODE: !={b=l{=6l _~ be en automatically Staff RE : St a r t : Mon 6/ 12/20 17 11 : 30 AM End : Mon 6/12/2017 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Ten ta t ive Rec ur rence : (non e ) Organizer : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed At te ndees : swe i r@ahla . com ; bcrawfo /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT r d@ah l a . com HUD-17-0504-E-000927 Your meeti ng was f oun d to be out up dated . o f d a te and h as been Sent by Microsoft Exch a ng e Serve r Subject: Ca ll w/Deana Bass , HUD Deputy Ch ie f of Hosp ita lity programs Loca t ion : Conf . # 888 - 273 - 3658 CODE: !={b= l{= 6l'--__. a ut oma t ical ly Sta ff RE : Start : Mon 6/12/20 17 1 1 : 30 AM End : Mon 6/12 / 2 0 17 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Te n tat iv e Recurrence Organizer Req uired : (none ) : Bass , Deana At tendees : swei r@a h l a . com ; bcrawford@ahla Your meeting upda ted . was f ound Sent by Mic Subject : Hospita li ty Loca tion: to be ou t o f date . com and h as been rosoft Ex c h a ng e Server Call w/Dean a Bass, HUD Deputy Chief p ro g rams Con f. # 888-273-3658 CODE: !={b~l{~6 l'--__. of a u tomatical Staff ly RE : Start : Mon 6/12/201 7 11 : 30 AM End : Mon 6/12/201 7 12:00 PM Show Time As : Te nta t iv e Recurrence : (none ) Or ga niz er : Bass , Dea na Required Attendees : swe i r@a h la . com ; bcrawford@ahla Your meeting upda ted . was f ound to be out o f date Sent by Mic rosoft Exc hang e Server Subject : Public/Private Partnersh Loca t io n: Deana ' s Offi ce 1 0226 and h as been . com a u tomatical ly i ps Start : Wed 6/7/2017 11:0 0 AM End : Wed 6 /7/20 1 7 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none ) Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Bass , Deana HUD-17-0504-E-000928 Required Opt i o n al Attendees Attendees Your meet ing up dated . : : was found Cruciani , Linda M All en , Lindsey A to be out of date and h as been a ut omatically and has bee n automatically and has been Sent by Microsoft Exchan ge Server Subjec t : Public/Private Partnerships Locat i o n : Deana ' s Off i ce 1 0226 Sta r t : Wed 6/7/2017 11 : 0 0 AM End : Wed 6/7/2017 11:30 AM Show Time As : Ten t a tive Recurrence : (none ) Organi zer : Bass , Deana Cruc i a n i , Li nda M Requ i r ed Attendees : Opt i o na l Atte ndees : Allen, Lindsey A Your meeting up dated . was found to Sen t by Mic rosoft Ex c h a nge Subject : Kev i n Cooke Loc a tion : 10 226 be out of date Se rver Sta r t : Tue 6/6/2017 3 : 30 PM End : Tue 6/6/2017 4 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta ti ve Recu rr en ce : (none) Organ iz e r : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Attendees : Cooke, Your meeting update d . was found to Kevin be out of Sent by Microsoft Ex cha nge Server Subjec t : Public/Private Partnersh Locat i o n : Deana ' s Off i ce 1 0226 R date automatically i ps Start : Wed 6/7/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Wed 6/7/2017 11 : 30 AM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Recu rr ence : (none) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000929 Organ iz e r: Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Cruciani , Linda M Optional Attend ees : Allen , Lin dsey A Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be ou t of date and h as been a u tomatical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Se rv e r Subject : HUD Mtg . w/Solutions for Change RE : HUD' s Homelessness Assis tance Programs * *AGENDA ATTACHED Loca t io n : Dep t . of Housi n g & Urba n Deve lo pment , 451 7th St . SW/ Sou t h Lobby e nt r ance/ OSEC Co n f . Rm. 10 21 0 S t art : Tue 6/6/2017 2 : 30 PM End : Tue 6/6/2017 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurre n ce : (none) Organiz e r : Bass , De ana Required Atte ndees : Bass , Deana ; pwebster@solut i o n sforcha nge . org ; Patton , Lynne M; Ol i va , Ann M; Bregon , Ne l son R ; Barto n , Vi cto r ia L Opt i o na l Atte ndees : F rancesc h ini - Petty , Raquel ; Suchar , Nor man A Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be out o f date and h as been a ut oma t ical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Exc h a nge Ser ver Subjec t : HUD Mt g . w/Solutions fo r Change RE : HUD' s Homelessness Assistance Programs **AGENDA ATTACHED Loc at i on : Dept . o f Housin g & Urba n Devel opme nt , 451 7t h St . SW/ Sou t h Lobby entrance/ OSEC Co n f . Rm. 10210 Start : Tue 6/6/2017 2 : 3 0 PM End : Tue 6/6/2017 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required At t e ndees : Bass , Deana ; pwebster@solutio n sforcha nge . org ; Patton , Lynne M; Oliva , Ann M; Bregon , Nelson R ; Barto n , Victor ia L Opt i o n al Atte ndees : Franceschin i -Petty , Raq u e l ; Suchar , Norman A Your mee ting up dated . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was found to be out of date and h as been a ut omatically HUD-17-0504-E-000930 Sen t by Mi crosoft Ex c h a nge Se rver Sub j ec t : Sect i o n 3 Tas k Force Wk ly . Mtg . Loc a tio n : OPA Co n f . Rm. 10155 // DI AL IN# !(b)(6) ! PW !ml 888 - 273 - 3658 CODE: Start : Wed 6/7/2017 10: 30 AM End : Wed 6/7/2017 11:0 0 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : Weekly Recur r e n ce Pa tt e r n : every Mo n day f r om 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 3 0 PM Organiz e r : Bass , De ana Required At t e ndees : Patton , Lynne M; Brego n , Nel so n R; Smyth , Tim o th y M; Holmes , Grego r y A; Kasper , Ma r en M; Bastarache , Da ni el l e L; Muni r, Ra fi q A; Gr u so n , Barbara ; Norlander , Adam G; Go lr i ck , Janet M; Clemmensen , Craig T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Nic h o l s d ixo n , Merrie ; Thomas , Tod d C ; Christensen , Eric F ; Franceschini - Pet t y , Raqu e l ; Williams , Rap h ael L ; Holder fiel d , Step h a ni e A; Co ff ey , Alexander Opt i o n al Attendees : Taf f e t , Clifford ; Sch ulh o f , Mar y T Resources : HHQ OPA Conference Room 10 1 55 Your me et ing up dated . was found to be out of date and has bee n automat i ca l ly Sen t by Mi crosoft Ex c h a nge Se rver Subject : Publ i c/P ri vate Pa r tne r s h ips Loc a tion : Dean a's Off ic e 1 0226 Start : Mon 6/12/2017 10 : 00 AM End : Mon 6/12/20 17 10 : 30 AM Show Tim e As : Tenta ti ve Recurrence : (none) Organ iz e r : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Atte ndees : Bass, Opt i onal Attendees : Allen Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be Deana ; Cru c i an i, , Lindsey A out o f date and Linda h as M been a ut omatical ly Sent by Microsoft Ex c h a ng e Server Sub j ec t: Publ i c/P riv ate Partnerships Locatio n : Deana ' s Off i ce 1 0226 Start : Mon 6/12/20 17 10 : 00 AM End : Mon 6/ 12/ 2 0 17 10 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000931 Recurrence Organizer Required Opt i onal : (none) : Bass , Deana Attendees : Bass , Deana ; Cruciani Allen , Linds ey A Attendees : Your meet i ng was found updated . to be out Sent by Microso ft Exchange Subject : Public/Private Loca tion : Deana ' s Office of date and , Lin da M has been automatically Server Partnerships 1 0226 Start : Mon 6/12/20 17 10 : 00 AM End : Mon 6/12/20 17 10 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer Required Opt i o n al : (none) : Bass , Deana Attendees : Bass, Atte ndees : Allen Your meeting updated . was found to Deana ; Cruciani , Linds ey A be out of date , Lin da M and has been automatically and has been automatically Sent by Microso ft Exchange Server Subject : Public/Private Partnerships Loca tion : Deana ' s Offi ce 1 0226 St art : Mon 6/12/20 17 10 : 00 AM 10 : 30 AM End : Mon 6/12/2017 Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer Requ i red : (none) : Bass , Deana Atte ndees : Cruc i a n i , Li nda M Your mee t ing updated . was found to be out of date Sent by Microso ft Exchange Server Subject : HUD Mtg . w/Solut ion s for Change RE : HUD' s Homelessness Ass i stance Programs **AGENDA ATTACHED Location : Dept . of Housing & Urban Development , 451 7th St . SW/ So uth Lobby entrance/ OSEC Conf . Rm. 10210 /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000932 Start : Tue 6/6/2017 2 : 30 PM End : Tue 6/6/2017 3:00 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence : (none) Organ iz e r : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Bass , Deana; pwebster@solut i o ns forchange . org ; Patton, Lynne M; Oliva, Ann M; Bregon , Ne lson R; Barton , Victoria L Opt i o na l Attendees : Fr ancesc hi n i-Petty , Raquel ; Su c h ar , No rm an A Your meeting updated . was Sent by Mic Subject : Assistance Locat ion : South Lobby found to b e out of dat e and has been automatically rosoft Exc hang e Server HUD Mtg . w/Solutions for Change RE : HUD' s Home l ess ness Programs **AGENDA ATTACHED , 451 7th St . SW/ Dept . of Hous ing & Urba n Development e ntra nce/ OSEC Conf . Rm. 10210 Start : Tue 6/6/2017 2 : 30 PM End : Tue 6/6/2017 3 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recurrence : (none) Orga n iz e r : Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Bass, Deana ; pwebster@solut i o ns forch ang e . org ; Patton , Lynne M; Oliva , Ann M; Bregon , Ne ls on R ; Barto n , Victoria L Optiona l Att en d ees : Franceschini - Petty , Raquel ; Suchar , Norman A Your meeting updated . was found to be ou t of date and h as been a u tomatical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a ng e Server Subject : HUD Mtg . w/Solutions for Change RE : HUD' s Homelessness Assis tan ce Programs **AGENDA ATTACHED Locatio n : Dept . of Housi ng & Urban Development , 451 7th St . SW/ South Lobby e ntr ance I OSEC Co n f . Rm. 1021 0 Start : Tue 6/6/2017 2 : 30 PM End : Tue 6/6/2017 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Organize Requ i r ed Patton, Optiona l /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none ) r : Bass, Deana Attendees : Bass , Deana ; pwebster@solut i o n sfo r cha nge . org ; Lynne M; Oli va , Ann M; Bregon , Nelson R; Barto n, Victoria L Attendees : F ranceschini - Petty , Raquel ; Suchar , Norman A HUD-17-0504-E-000933 Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and h as been a ut omatical ly and h as been a u tomatical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a ng e Server Subject : Kev i n Cooke Lo cation : 1022 6 Start : Tue 6/6/2017 3 : 3 0 PM End : Tue 6/6 /2017 4 : 00 PM Show Time As : Te nta t ive Recurrence : (none) Org a nize r : Bass , Deana Req uired Att en d ees : Cooke, Your meeting updated . was f ound to be Kevin R ou t o f date Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Server Subject : HUD Mtg . w/Solutions for Change RE : HUD' s Homelessness Assis tan ce Pr og rams ** AGENDA ATTACHED Locatio n: Dep t . of Housi ng & Urba n Deve lo pment, 451 7th St . SW/ South Lobby e ntr ance/ OSEC Co n f . Rm. 10210 S t art : Tue 6/6/2 0 1 7 2 : 30 PM End : Tue 6/6/2017 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : (none) Organi zer : Bass , Deana Requ ir ed At tendees : Bass , Deana ; pwebster@solut i o n sforcha nge . o r g ; Patton , Lynne M; Ol i va , Ann M; Bregon, Ne l son R ; Barto n , Vi cto r ia L Opt i o na l Atte ndees : F rancesc hi n i-P etty , Raquel ; Suchar , Norman A Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be out o f da t e and h as been a ut omatical ly Sent by Microsoft Ex c h a ng e Server Subject : HUD Mt g . w/Solutions for Change RE : HUD' s Homelessness Assistance Prog r ams * *AGENDA ATTACHED Loc ation : Dept . o f Housin g & Urban Deve l opment , 451 7t h St . SW/ South Lobby entrance/ OSEC Co n f . Rm. 10210 S t art : End : Tue /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Tue 6/6/2017 6/6/2017 3 :00 2 : 30 PM PM HUD-17-0504-E-000934 Show Time As : Recurrence Tenta tive : (none) Organi zer : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Atte ndees : Bass , Deana ; pwebster@solut i o n sforcha nge . org ; Patton , Lynne M; Ol i va , Ann M; Bregon, Ne l son R ; Barto n , Vi cto r ia L Opt i onal Attendees : F rancesc hi n i - Petty , Raquel; Suchar , Norman A Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be out o f date and h as been a ut omatical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Se rv e r Subject: HUD Mtg . w/Solutions for Change RE : HUD' s Homelessness Assistance Programs * *AGENDA ATTACHED Lo cation : Dept . of Housin g & Urba n Deve l opment , 451 7t h St . SW/ South Lobby en t r ance/ OSEC Co n f . Rm. 10210 Start : Tue 6/6/2017 2 : 30 PM End : Tue 6/6/2017 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Te nta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none ) Organiz e r : Bass , Dea na Required Attendees : Bass , Deana ; pwebster@solut i o n sforcha nge . org ; Pa tto n , Lynne M; Ol i va , Ann M; Bregon , Ne l son R ; Barto n , Vi cto r ia L Opt i o na l Atte ndees : F rancesc hi ni - Petty , Raque l ; Suchar , Nor man A Your meeting up dated . was found t o be out of d a te and has been automatically Sen t by Mi crosoft Ex c h a nge Ser ver Sub j ect : HUD Mtg. w/Solutions for Change RE : HUD' s Homelessness Ass i s tan ce Prog r ams * *AGENDA ATTACHED Locatio n : Dept . o f Housi ng & Urba n Development , 451 7th St . SW/ South Lobby ent rance/ OSEC Conf . Rm. 1 0210 Start : Tue 6/6/2017 2 : 30 PM End : Tue 6/6/2017 3 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta t iv e Recu rr ence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attend ees : Bass , De ana ; ' pwebster@solutionsforchange . org '; Pa tt o n , Ly nne Bregon , Ne l so n R; Barto n , Vi cto r ia L Opt i o na l Atte ndees : F rancesc hi n i - Petty , Raquel /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT M; Oliva , Ann M; HUD-17-0504-E-000935 Your meeting updated . was f ound to be ou t o f da t e and h as been automatically Sent by Mi crosoft Excha n ge Se r ve r Sub j ect : HUD Mtg . w/Solutions fo r Change RE : HUD' s Homelessness Assista n ce Programs **AGENDA ATTACHED Location : Dept . of Housing & Urb an Deve l opment , 451 7 th St . SW/ South Lobby e ntr ance/ OSEC Co n f . Rm. 10210 St art : Tue 6/6/2017 2 : 30 PM End : Tue 6/6/2017 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recur r ence : (none) Organiz e r : Bass , De ana Requ i red Atte ndees : Bass , Deana ; ' pwebste r @sol utionsfo r c h ange . org '; Patto n, Lyn n e M; Oliva , Ann M; Bregon , Nelson R; Barton , Victoria L Optional Attendees : Franceschini - Petty , Raquel Your meeting updated . was f ound to be ou t o f da t e and h as been automatically Sent by Mi crosoft Excha n ge Serve r Subject : HUD Mtg . w/Solutions for Change RE : HUD' s Homelessness Assistance Programs **AGENDA ATTACHED Lo cation : Dept . of Housing & Urb an Deve l opment , 451 7 th St . SW/ South Lobby e ntr ance/ OSEC Co n f . Rm. 10210 St art : Tue 6/6/2017 2 : 30 PM End : Tue 6/6/2017 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recur r ence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Requ i red Atte ndees : Bass , Deana ; ' pwebste r @sol utionsfo r c h ange . o r g '; Patto n, Lynne M; Oliva , Ann M; Bregon , Nelson R; Barton , Victoria L Optional Attendees : Franceschini - Petty , Raquel Your meeting updated . was found to be out of da t e and Sent by Mi crosoft Ex cha n ge Se r ve r Subject : HUD Mtg . w/Solutions for Change Assistance Programs **AGENDA ATTACHED /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT has been automatically RE : HUD' s Homelessness HUD-17-0504-E-000936 Locatio n: Dept . of Housi n g & Urban Development, South Lobby e ntr ance/ OSEC Con f . Rm. 10210 451 7th St . SW/ Start : Tue 6/6/2017 2 : 3 0 PM End : Tue 6/6/2017 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none ) Organize r: Bass , Deana Requ ir ed Attendees : Bass , Deana ; ' pwebster@solutionsforchange . org '; Patton , Ly nn e M; Oliva , Ann M; Bregon , Nelson R; Bar ton, Victor ia L Optio n al Atte ndees : Francesc hi n i - Pett y , Raq uel Your meet i ng was found updated . to be ou t of date and has been a u tomatical ly Sent by Microsoft Exc h ange Server Subjec t: HUD Mt g . w/Solut ion s for Change RE : HUD' s Homelessness Assis tan ce Programs **AGENDA ATTACHED Loca tion : Dept . of Housi n g & Urban Deve lop ment, 451 7th St . SW/ South Lobby e ntr ance/ OSEC Con f . Rm. 1021 0 Start : Tue 6/6/2017 2 : 30 PM End : Tue 6/6/2017 3 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Recurrence : (none ) Organi zer: Bass , Deana Requ ir ed Attendees : ' pwebster@solutionsforchange Lynne M; Oliva , Ann M; Bregon , Nelson R; Barton Your meeting updated. was f ound to be out of date . o r g '; , Victoria and h as been Pat t o n , L a ut omatically Sent by Microsoft Exc h a ng e Ser ver Subjec t: HUD Mtg . w/Sol u tions for Change RE : HUD' s Homelessness Ass i stance Programs **AGENDA ATTACHED Locatio n : Dept . of Housin g & Urba n Deve lo pment, 451 7 th St . SW/ South Lobby e nt rance/ OSEC Con f . Rm. 10210 Start : Tue 6/6/ 2 0 1 7 2 : 3 0 PM End : Tue 6/6/201 7 3 :00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Bass , Deana HUD-17-0504-E-000937 Required Attendees : pwebster@solutionsforchange . org ; Pa tt o n , Lynne M; Ol i va , Ann M; Bregon , Ne l son R ; Barto n , Vi cto r ia L Your meet ing up dated . Sent by Mic Subjec t : Ass i s tan ce Locatio n : South Lobby was found to be out of date and h as been a ut omatically ro soft Exchan ge Server HUD Mtg. w/Solutions f o r Change RE : HUD' s Homelessness Prog r ams **AGENDA ATTACHED Dept . of Housi ng & Urba n Deve l opment , 451 7th St . SW/ entrance/ OSEC Conf . Rm. 1 0210 Star t : Tue 6/6/2017 2 : 30 PM End : Tue 6/6/2017 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Org a nizer : Bass, Deana Required Attendees : pwebste r@solu t ionsforchan ge . org ; Patto Lynne M; Oliva , Ann M; Br eg on , Ne lson R; Barto n, Victor i a L Your meeting updated . was Sent by Mic Subject: Assis tance Loca tion : South Lobby found to be ou t of date and h as been n, a u tomatical ly rosoft Exc h ange Server HUD Mtg . w/Solutions for Change RE : HUD' s Homelessness Programs **AGENDA ATTACHED Dept . of Housi ng & Urba n Deve l opment, 451 7th St . SW/ e ntr ance/ OSEC Co n f . Rm. 1021 0 Sta r t : Tu e 6/6/2017 2 : 30 PM End : Tue 6/6/2017 3 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tentat iv e Recurrence : (none ) Organi zer : Bass, Deana Requ i r ed At tendees : ' pwebster@solutionsforchange Lynne M; Ol i va , Ann M; Bregon , Nelson R Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and Sent by Mi crosoft Exc h a nge Ser ver Subjec t : HUD Mtg . w/Solutions for Change Assistance Programs **AGENDA ATTACHED /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT . o rg '; has been Pat ton , a ut oma t ically RE : HUD' s Homelessness HUD-17-0504-E-000938 Locatio n : Dept . of Housi ng & Urban Development, South Lobby e ntr ance/ OSEC Con f . Rm. 10210 451 7th St . SW/ . o r g '; Patto n , Start : Tue 6/6/2017 2 : 3 0 PM End : Tue 6/6/2017 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none ) Organize r : Bass, Deana Requ i r ed Attendees : ' pwebster@solutionsforchange Lynne M; Oliva, Ann M; Bregon , Nelson R Your meeting upd ated . was f ound to be out of date and h as been a ut omatical ly Sent by Microsoft Exc h a ng e Serve r Subject : HUD Mtg . w/Sol u tions for Change RE : HUD' s Homelessness Assistance Programs **AGENDA ATTACHED Loc ation: Dept . o f Housing & Urba n Deve l opment, 451 7t h St . SW/ South Lobby entrance/ OSEC Conf . Rm. 10210 Start : Tue 6/6/ 2 0 1 7 2 : 3 0 PM End : Tue 6/6/2017 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attende e s : ' pwebster@solut Lynn e M; Ol iv a , Ann M; Br egon , Nelson Your meeting updated . was found to be out i onsforchange R of date . org ' ; Pat ton, and h as been Sent by Mic rosoft Excha ng e Server Subjec t: Section 3 Task Force Wkly . Mtg . Loca tion : OPA Con f . Rm. 10 155 // DIAL IN# ! for Cha ng e RE : HUD' s HUD Mtg . w/Sol u tions for Change RE : HUD' s Homelessness Subjec t : Assistance Programs Loc at io n : Dept . of Housin g & Urba n Deve lo pment, 451 7 th St . SW/ South Lobby e ntr ance/ OSEC Co n f . Rm. 10210 Start : Tue 6/6/2017 2 : 3 0 PM End : Tue 6/6/2017 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Bass , Deana HUD-17-0504-E-000943 Required Attendees : ' pwebster@solutionsforchange Lynne M; Ol i va , Ann M; Bregon , Ne l son R Your meet ing up dated . was found to be out of date and . o rg '; h as been Pat t o n , automatically Sent by Microsoft Exchan ge Server Subjec t : HUD Mtg. w/Solutions f o r Change RE : HUD' s Homelessness Ass i s t a n ce Prog r ams , 451 7th St . SW/ Locatio n : Dept . of Housi ng & Urba n Development South Lobby entrance/ OSEC Conf . Rm. 1 0210 Star t : Tue 6/6/2017 2 : 30 PM End : Tue 6/6/2017 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Org a nizer : Bass, Deana Required Attendees : ' pwebster@solutionsforchange Lynne M; Oliva, Ann M; Br eg on , Ne lson R Your meeting updated . was found to be ou t of date Sent by Mic rosoft Exc h ange Server F rom : Bregon , Ne ls o n R Sent : Monday, June 05, 2017 3 : 32 PM To : Bass , Deana Subjec t : Accep t ed : HUD Mt g . w/Solutions Home l ess n ess Assist a nce Programs and . org ' ; Pat ton, h as been a u tomatical ly fo r Cha ng e RE : HUD' s Subjec t: HUD Mt g . w/Solutions for Change RE : HUD' s Homelessness Assistance Programs Location : Dept . of Housing & Urban Development , 451 7t h St . SW/ South Lobby entrance/ OSEC Co n f . Rm. 10210 Start : Tue 6/6/2017 2 : 30 PM End : Tue 6/6/2017 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Ten t a t ive Recur r e n ce : (none ) Organiz e r : Bass , De ana Required Attendees : ' pwebster@solutionsforchange Lynne M; Ol i va , Ann M; Bregon , Ne l son R /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT . o r g '; Pat t o n , HUD-17-0504-E-000944 Your meeti ng was up dated . f oun d to be out o f d a te and Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a ng e Serve r Subject: Sect i on 3 Tas k Fo r ce Wk ly . Mtg . // DI AL IN# Locati on: OPA Con f . Rm. 10 155 !{b)(6) ! PW Im] h as been a ut oma t ical 888 - 273 - 3658 ly CODE : Start : Wed 6/ 7 /2017 10:3 0 AM End : Wed 6/ 7/ 2017 11 :0 0 AM Show Time As : Te n tat iv e Recurrence Recurrence : Weekly Pa tt e r n : every Monday from 2 : 0 0 PM to 2 : 30 PM Or ga niz e r : Bas s, Dea na Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Pat t o n, Lynne M; Brego n , Nel so n R; Smyth , Tim ot hy M; Hol mes , Grego r y A; Kasper , Ma r en M; Bas t arache , Dani el l e L ; Mun ir , Ra fiq A; Gruson , Barbara ; Nor l ander , Adam G; Gol r ick, Jane t M; Clemm ense n , Cra i g T ; Jacobs, Azt ec; Nic ho ls d ix on , Merrie ; Thomas , To dd C; Chris tense n , Er i c F ; Franc esch ini - Petty, Raqu e l ; Williams , Rap hae l L ; Hold er fi eld , Ste p h a nie A; Co ffe y , Al exander Opt i o n al Attendees : Ta ff e t , Clifford ; Sch ulh o f, Mary T Resources : HHQ OPA Confere n ce Room 10 155 Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be out o f d a te Sen t by Mic rosoft Exc h a nge Se rver Sub j ec t: HOLD 2// HUD Mtg . w/Solutions Home l es sn ess Assis t a nce Programs Lo cation : OSEC Sma ll Co n f . Rm. 10210 an d h as been for Change a ut oma t ical ly RE : HUD' s Tue 6/6/ 2 0 1 7 2 : 30 PM Start : End : Tue 6/6/2017 3 :00 PM Show Time As : F ree Recurrence Meet ing : (none ) Status : Meet ing organizer Or g ani zer : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Brego n , Nelso n R; Oli v a , Ann M Goo d afternoo n , Ne l so n & Ann -- Deana is atte nd i ng the DEPSEC hea ri ng tomorrow mornin g and we are look in g to move the mtg . to the p . m. I h aven 't he ard back f rom the org . if t h ey ' re able to meet later . I f thei r sched u le i s flexible , t h e mee t i ng wi ll stay as scheduled w/o Deana . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000945 Thank Laura Subject: Locatio !(b)(6) you , n: Section 3 Task Force OPA Co n f . Rm. 10155 PW filillill S t art : Wed 6/7/2017 10:30 End : Wed 6/7/2017 11 :0 0 AM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : Week l y Recu rr ence Pa tte rn : Wkly . Mtg . // DIA L IN# 888-273-3658 CODE: AM eve r y Monday from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Organi z e r: Bass , Deana Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Pa tto n, Lynne M; Brego n, Nelson R; Smyth , Timothy M; Holmes , Gregory A; Kasper , Maren M; Bas t arache, Dan ielle L ; Munir , Rafiq A; Gruson , Barbara ; Nor lan de r , Adam G; Golrick, Janet M; Clemmensen , Craig T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Nicholsdixon , Merrie ; Thomas , Todd C ; Chr i ste n sen , Eric F ; Fra n ceschi n i-Petty , Raquel ; Wil liams, Raphael L ; Holderfield , Stephanie A; Coffey, Alexander Optional Attendees : Taffe t, Clifford; Schulhof, Mary T Resources : HHQ OPA Conference Room 101 55 Your meeting updated . was found to be ou t of da t e and Sent by Microso ft Exchange Ser ve r Subject: Section 3 Task Fo rce Wkly . Mtg . Loc ation : OPA Conf . Rm. 10155 // DIAL IN# !(b)(6) ! PW filillill has been a u tomatical ly 888 - 273 - 36 58 CODE: St art : Mon 4 /17/20 17 2 : 00 PM End : Mon 4/17/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recur r ence : Week l y Recurrence Pattern : every Monda y from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Organi zer: Bass, Deana Requ ir ed At tendees : Bass , Deana ; Patton, Lynne M; Bregon, Nelson R; Munir , Rafiq A; Smyth, Timot h y M; Holmes , Gregory A; Gruson , Barbara ; Kasper , Ma r en M; Bastarache , Danielle L; Norlander , Adam G; Golrick , Jane t M; Clemmensen , Craig T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Nicholsdixon , Mer r ie; Thomas , Todd C ; Chris ten sen , Er ic F ; Franceschini-Pet t y, Raquel ; Willi ams , Raphael L; Holder fi eld , Stephan i e A; Coffey , Alexander Optional Attendees : Taffet , Clifford ; Schulhof , Mary T Resources : HHQ OPA Con f ere n ce Room 10 155 Your meeting updated. /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was found to be out of date and has been automatically HUD-17-0504-E-000946 Sent by Micro so ft Ex change Server Sub jec t: Sec t i o n 3 Task Force Wkly . Mtg . Locat ion : OPA Co n f . Rm. 10 155 // DIA L IN # 888-273-3658 !rb}/6) ! PW filillfilJ CODE: Sta r t : Wed 6 /7/201 7 1 0 : 30 AM End : Wed 6/7/2017 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : Ten tati ve Rec urr ence : Weekly Recu r rence Pattern : eve r y Mond ay from 2 : 0 0 PM to 2 : 30 PM Organ iz e r : Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Pa tto n , Lynne M; Brego n , Ne l son R; Smyth , Timo thy M; Holmes , Gr egor y A; Kaspe r , Maren M; Bastarac he , Dan i e ll e L ; Mun ir , Ra f iq A; Gr uson , Barb a r a ; Nor lan der , Adam G; Golr i ck , Jane t M; Clemmensen , Cr ai g T ; Jaco bs , Az tec ; Ni c h o l sdi xon , Merr ie ; Thom as , Tod d C ; Chr ist e ns en , Er ic F ; Fra nc es ch ini - Pet ty , Raquel ; Williams , Ra phae l L ; Hold e r field , Stephanie A; Co ffey , Al e xand e r Optio na l At tendees : Ta ff et , Clifford ; Sc h u l ho f , Mary T Res ou r ces : HHQ OPA Con f erence Roo m 10 155 Your meeting update d . was Sent by Mic Su bject : Loca tion : OSEC Sma l l found t o be out of dat e and has been automat i ca l l y rosoft Exc hang e Ser ve r Mtg . w/ Boys & Girl s Clubs of Ame ri ca RE : Mi ss i ons Dep t of Hous i ng & Urba n Deve l opment , 451 7th St SW// Co nf . Rm. 102 10 St a r t : Mon 6/5/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Mon 6/5/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tentat iv e Rec ur rence : (none ) Organ izer : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed At t e ndees : Bill Br i g ht ; ' ron _ g i dwitz@gcgpartn Br ego n , Ne l so n R; Gib bs , John ; Pa tton , Lynne M Your meeting updated . Sent by Mic Subjec t : Lo cation : OSEC Sma ll /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was found to be out of date and h as rosoft Exchange Ser ver Mt g . w/ Boys & Gi rl s Cl ubs o f America Dept of Hous ing & Ur ban Deve lo pment , Conf . Rm. 1 02 10 been ers . com '; a ut oma t ical ly RE : Mi ssions 451 7th St SW// HUD-17-0504-E-000947 Start : Mon 6/5/20 1 7 2 : 00 PM End : Mon 6/5/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer Required Brego n, : (none) : Bass , Deana Attend e es : Bill Bright ; ' ron _ gidwitz@gcgpartners Nelso n R; Gi bbs , John ; Patton , Lynne M Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and Sent by Microsoft Excha n ge Server Subjec t: Section 3 Task Force Wkl y . Mtg . Location : OPA Co n f . Rm. 10155 // DIA L IN# !(b)(6) ! PW liliRfilJ has been . com '; automatically 888-273-3658 CODE: Start : Wed 6/7/2017 10 : 30 AM End : Wed 6/7/2017 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurre n ce : Weekly Recurrence Pa tte rn : e very Monday from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Organize r: Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Patton , Lynne M; Bregon , Ne l son Timothy M; Holmes , Gregory A; Kasper , Maren M; Bastarache L ; Munir , Rafiq A; Gruson , Barbara ; Nor l ander , Adam G; Janet M; Clemme n sen , Craig T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Nic h olsdixo Thomas , Todd C ; Chr i ste n sen , Er ic F ; Fr a n cesch i ni-Petty Wil l iams , Raphael L ; Holderfield , Stephanie A; Coffey , Optiona l Attendees : Taffet , Clifford ; Schulhof , Mary Resources : HHQ OPA Confere n ce Room 10155 Your meet i ng was updated . found to be ou t of date and Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server Subject : Section 3 Task Force Wkl y . Mtg . Location : OPA Co n f . Rm. 10 1 55 // DIAL IN# !(b)(6) ! PW liliRfilJ has been R; Smyth , , Danielle Golrick , n, Merrie ; , Raquel ; Alexander T automatically 888-273-3658 CODE: Start : Mon 4/17/20 17 2 : 00 PM End : Mon 4/17/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Recurrence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Week l y Pattern : every Monday from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM HUD-17-0504-E-000948 Organ iz e r : Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Bass , Deana ; Pa tton , Lynne M; Br egon , Nelson R; Munir , Rafiq A; Smyth, Timo th y M; Hol mes, Grego ry A; Gruson , Barbara ; Kasper , Mare n M; Bas t a r ache , Daniell e L ; Nor la n der , Adam G; Gol r i c k , Janet M; Cl emme n sen , Cr a ig T ; Jacobs , Az tec ; Nicho l sd ix on , Merr i e ; Thomas , Todd C ; Chr i ste n sen , Er ic F; Fr a n cesch in i-Petty , Raq uel ; Williams , Raphael L; Holderf ield , Stephanie A; Co ffey , Alexand e r Opt i o n al Attendees : Ta ffet , Cliff o r d ; Sch ulh o f , Mar y T Resou r ces : HHQ OPA Conf e r e n ce Room 10 1 55 Your mee ting upd a ted. was found to be out of d a te and has been a ut omatically Sent by Mic ro soft Exchan ge Server Subjec t: Sect ion 3 Tas k Force Wkly . Mtg . Locat ion : OPA Co n f . Rm. 10 155 // DIA L IN # 888-273-3658 ! Sta ff: ; rnharnecs@nahb . org Deana Subject : Location : Priority Projects Ro l l Out Deana ' s Offic e 1 0 226 Strategy Start : Wed 6/7/2017 11 : 30 AM End : Wed 6/7/2017 12:0 0 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence Org a nizer Required Arny C : (none) : Bass, Deana Atte nd ees : Bass , Deana; Your meeting updated . was found to be ou t of Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a ng e Serve r Subject : Priority Projects Ro ll Loc ation : Deana ' s Offic e 1 0226 Williams date Out and , Raphael h as been L; Thompson , a u tomatical ly Strategy Start : Wed 6/7/20 1 7 11:3 0 AM End : Wed 6/7/2017 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Organizer Required Amy C : (none) : Bass , Deana Attend ees: Bass , De ana ; Willi ams , Raphae l L; Thompson , Your meeting updated . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was found t o be out of date and h as been autom a tically HUD-17-0504-E-000952 Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server From : Thompson , Amy C Sent : Monday , June 05 , 20 1 7 12 : 08 PM To : Bass , Deana Subject : Accepted : Priority Projects Subject Location !(b)(6) : ! : Roll Out Section 3 Task Forc e Wkly . Mtg . OPA Conf . Rm. 1 0 1 55 // DIAL IN# PW liliRfilJ Strategy 888 - 2 73 - 3658 CODE: Start : Mon 4/17/20 1 7 2 :0 0 PM End : Mon 4/17/20 1 7 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recurrence Recurrence : Wee kly Pattern : every Monday from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Atte n dees : Bass , Deana ; Patton , Lynne M; Bregon, Nelson R; Munir , Ra fiq A; Smyth , Ti mothy M; Ho lmes , Gregory A; Gruson , Barbara ; Kasper , Maren M; Bastarache , Danielle L ; Norlander , Adam G; Golrick , Janet M; Clemmensen , Craig T; Jacobs , Aztec ; Ni cholsdixon , Mer r ie ; Thomas , Todd C ; Chr i ste nsen, Er ic F ; Franceschini-Petty , Raquel ; Willi ams , Rap h ael L ; Holder fi eld , Step h a ni e A; Coffey , Alexander Optional Attendees : Taffet , Cli fford ; Schulhof , Mary T Resources : HHQ OPA Conference Room 1 0155 Your meeting updated . was found to be o ut of date and has Sent by Mi crosoft Excha ng e Server Subject : Mtg . w/ Boys & Girls Clubs of America Location : Dept of Housing & Urban Development , OSEC Small Co n f . Rm. 10210 been a ut omatical ly RE : Missions 45 1 7th St SW// St art : Mon 6/5/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Mon 6/5/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organiz er : Bass , Dea na Requ i red Attendees : Bil l Bright ; ' ron _ g i dwitz@gcgpartners.com Bregon , Ne l so n R; Gi bbs , John ; Patton , Lynne M /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT '; HUD-17-0504-E-000953 Your meeti up dated . ng was f oun d to be out o f d a te and h as been a ut oma t ical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a ng e Serve r Subject: Mtg . w/ Boys & Girls Cl ub s o f Ame ri ca RE : Mi ssions Locati on : Dept o f Hous ing & Urba n Deve lo pment , 451 7 th St SW// OSEC Sma ll Conf . Rm. 1 0 210 Start : End : Mon Show Time Mon 6/5/2017 2 : 00 PM 6/5 /20 1 7 2 : 30 PM As : Te n tat iv e Recurrence : (none ) Organizer Req uired Brego n, : Bass , Deana At tendees : Bill Br i g ht ; ' r on _ gidw itz@gcgpartn e r s . com '; Ne l so n R; Gi bbs , John ; Lynne Patton (Lynne . M. Patton@h ud . g o v) Your meeting updated . was Sent by Mic Subject : Loca tion : OSEC Small found t o be out of dat e and has b een automatica l ly rosoft Exc hang e Server Mt g . w/ Boys & Girl s Clubs of Ame ri ca RE : Missions Dep t of Hous i ng & Urba n Deve l opment , 451 7 th St SW// Co nf . Rm. 102 10 S t art : Mon 6/5/201 7 2 : 00 PM End : Mon 6 /5/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Ten tative Recurrence : (none ) Organi zer : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed At tendees : Bill Br i g ht ; ' r o n_ g i dwitz@gcgpartners . com '; Bregon , Ne l so n R; Gi bbs , John ; Lynne Patton (L y nn e . M. Patton@h ud . gov) Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and has Sen t by Microsof t Ex c h a nge Serve r Subjec t : Mtg . w/ Boys & Girls Cl ub s o f America Loca ti o n : Dept of Hous i ng & Urban Deve l opment , OSEC Smal l Conf . Rm. 10210 Start : End : Mon Show Time /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT been a ut omatically RE : Missions 451 7th St SW// Mon 6/5/2017 2 : 00 PM 6/5/2017 2 : 30 PM As : Tent at ive HUD-17-0504-E-000954 Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Req uired Attend ees : Bill Bright ; ' ron _ gidwitz@gcgpartne r s . com '; Bregon , Ne l so n R; Gi bbs , John ; Lynn e Patton (L y nne . M. Patton@h ud.g ov) Your meet i ng was updated . found to be ou t of date and Sent by Mic rosoft Exc hang e Server Subject : Section 3 Tas k Fo rce Wkly . Mtg . Loca t io n : OPA Co n f . Rm. 10155 // DIA L IN# !(b)(6) ! PW liliRfilJ has been a u tomatical 888-273-3658 ly CODE: S t art : Wed 6/7/2017 10 : 30 AM End : Wed 6/7/2017 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurre n ce : Weekly Recu rr en ce Pa tte rn : eve ry Monday from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 3 0 PM Organi zer : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Attendees : Patton , Lynne M; Brego n , Ne l so n R; Smyth , Timot h y M; Holmes , Gregory A; Kasper , Maren M; Bas t arache, Danie l l e L ; Munir , Rafiq A; Gr uson , Barbara ; Nor l ander, Adam G; Go lrick , Janet M; Cle mmen sen , Craig T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Nic h o l sdixo n , Merrie ; Thomas , Todd C ; Ch r i ste n sen , Eric F ; Fra n cesc hin i-Petty , Raquel ; Williams , Rapha el L ; Holderfield , Stephanie A; Coffey, Alex ander Opt i o na l Atte ndees : Taffet , Cli fford ; Schulhof , Mary T Resources : HHQ OPA Conference Room 101 55 Your meeting updated . was found to be ou t of date Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a ng e Server Subject : Priority Projects Ro l l Out Loc ation : Deana ' s Offic e 1 0226 and h as been a u tomatical ly Strategy Start : Wed 6/ 7/ 2017 11 : 30 AM End : Wed 6/ 7/ 2017 12 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta t iv e Recu rr ence : (none) Organizer Required Amy C : Bass , Deana Attend ees : Bass , De ana ; Wi lli Your meeting updated . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was found to be out of date ams, and Raphae l L ; Thompson , h as been automatically HUD-17-0504-E-000955 Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server Subjec t: Priority Projects Ro ll Locat ion: Deana ' s Off i ce 10226 Start : Wed 6/7/2017 11:30 End : Wed 6/7/2017 12 :00 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence Ou t Strategy AM : (none) Organi zer : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Bass, Amy C Your meeting updated. was found to be Deana ; Williams out of date Sent by Microsoft Exchan ge Server From : Williams , Rap h ael L Sent : Monday , June 05 , 2017 1 1 :19 AM To : Bass , Deana Subject: Accep te d : Priority Proj ec ts Subject: Location : OSEC Small and , Raphael has Rol l Out Mtg . w/ Boys & Girls Clubs of America Dept of Housing & Urban Development , Co nf. Rm. 10210 been L ; Thompson , automat i ca lly Strategy RE : Missions 451 7th St SW// St art : Mon 6/5/2017 3 : 00 PM 3 : 30 PM End : Mon 6/5/2017 Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence Organizer Required Bregon, : (none) : Bass , Deana Attendees : Bill Bright ; ' ron _ gidwitz@gcgpartners.com '; Ne l so n R; Gi bbs , John ; Lynne Patton (Lynne . M. Patton@hud.gov) Your meeting upd ated . was found to be out of date and has Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server Subjec t: Mtg . w/ Boys & Girls Cl ub s o f America Locatio n : Dept of Hous ing & Urba n Deve l opment , OSEC Small Conf. Rm. 10210 /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT been automatically RE : Miss ions 451 7th St SW// HUD-17-0504-E-000956 Start : Mon 6/5/2017 3 : 00 PM End : Mon 6/5/2017 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organ iz e r : Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Bil l Br i g ht ; ro n gidwitz@gcgpartners Bregon , Nelson R; Gibbs , John Your meeting updated . was f ound to be ou t of Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a ng e Server Subject : Section 3 : Rulemaking Lo cation : 1022 6, Dea na ' s Offic e I Host : Mill ACCESS CODE: ! recip i ents . has fo r warded Meeting HUD/NAHB MTG RE : Sect i on 3 ** Mtg . Agenda Mee ting Time Friday , J une 2 , 2017 Recip i ents Bregon , Nelson in mee t i ng At tached 11 : 30 AM- 12 : 00 PM. R (UTC-05 : 00) Eastern Sent by Mic ros o f t Exchange Se rv e r Subjec t : * * TO RESCHEDULE Mtg . with Ca th olic Ch a r ities Re : Admi n i st r at i o n ' s Hsgn . Pri or i ti es Lo cation : Dept of Housi ng & Urban Deve lo pment , 451 7&E St . SW/ OSEC Small Conf . Rm. 102 10 Start : Thu 6/ 1 5/ 20 17 1: 30 PM End : Thu 6/15/20 17 2 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer Required Richard : (none) : Bass , Deana Attendees : ' Lucreda Cobbs ' ; Patton A; Co ffey , Alexander ; Gibbs , Jo hn Your meeting updated . was found to be ou t of Sent by Mi crosoft Exc h ange Ser ve r Subject : HUD/ NAHB MTG RE : Sect ion /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT date and 3 **Mtg , Lynne has been . Agenda M; Youngblood a u tomatical , ly Attached HUD-17-0504-E-000966 Locatio Deputy n: Dept o f Hous ing Sec . Co n f . Rm. & Urba n Deve l opment , 451 7&E St. SW/ Start : Fri 6/2/2017 11 : 30 AM End : Fri 6/2/2017 12 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Recurrence : (none ) Organi z e r : Bass, Deana Requ i r ed Atte ndees : Kitchen , Mi chelle ; DLedford@nahb . org ; MHamecs@ na hb . org ; Lynne Patto n (Lynne . M. Patto n @hu d . gov ); Kasper , Maren M; Smyth , Timothy M Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be out o f date Sent by Mi crosoft Exc h a ng e Se r ve r Subject : Mtg . w/Saint Jo hn ' s Program Fun d ing Loc ation : OGC Conf . Rm. Start : Mon 6/5/ 2 0 1 7 12:00 End : Mon 6/5/2017 1 : 00 PM Recurrence Meeti for h as been Rea l Ch ange a u tomatical ly RE: HUD PM : (none) ng Status Organiz and : Dec lin ed e r : Mic h ele Steeb From : Miche l e Steeb [mailto : MSt eeb@Sa in tJohnsP r ogram . o rg ) Sent : Friday , May 12, 2 0 17 6 : 04 PM To : Barton , Vi cto ri a L Cc : Pa tt on , Lynne M Subject : Following up o n our d i scuss i o n in l ate March .. . Hi , Vi cto ri a . We spo ke on Mar c h 28th , j u st befo r e th e kick off of your " learn i ng tour " in TX. I run a program serving homel ess women and ch ildren i n Sacramento -- a prog ram that has had to walk away from HUD funding due t o our i n ability t o require sobriety and other li fe-improvement programming while accepting HUD fundi ng. We d i sc u ssed meet i ng in person as a next step . We are work i ng o n a trip to D. C . o n June 5t h - 7th . Might you have some t i me to meet during that window? /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000967 Loo kin g forward to mee t i ng yo u! Mi chele Steeb CEO Saint Jo h n ' s Pr ogram f o r Rea l Ch ange I P 916 - 453 - 1482 ext . 12 C !lh\ln\ F 916-453-1425 msteeb@saintjohnsprogram.org -----O r i gi na l Appointment----F rom : Miche l e Steeb [mai lto : MSteeb@Sai n tJohns Program . org ) Sent : Friday , May 26 , 2 0 1 7 5 : 12 PM To : Mic hele Ste eb ; Bar ton , Vic tor ia L ; Laura . A . F l eischer@hud . go ; Patton , Lynn e M; Cooper , Diane Subjec t: HUD Meet i ng-Updated Tim e/T i me Zone When : Monda y , Ju n e 05 , 2017 12 : 00 PM-1 : 00 PM (UTC-05 : 00) Eastern Time (US & Canada) . Where: TBA J Victoria L . Barton U. S . Departme nt of Hou sing and Urban Developme n t 0 : 202 - 402 - 5957 I C : 202 . 7 05 . 7319 I E : victoria . l . ba r ton@hud . gov Subject : Sect ion 3 : Rulemaking /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-000968 Locatio n : 10226 , Deana ' s Of fi ce // ACCESS CODE: !/b\/6\ I Host : liiillfil:l Conf . Line# 888-273-3658 Start : Fri 6/2/2017 3 : 00 PM End : Fri 6/2/2017 3 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none ) Organize r : Bass, Deana Requ i r ed Atte ndees : Bastarache , Danielle L ; Nor lan de r , Adam G; Smyth , Timothy M; Thomas , Todd C; Davis, Thomas R Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be out of Sent by Microsoft Exc h a ng e Serve r Subject : Sect i o n 3 : Rulemak i ng Loc ation : 10 226, Deana's Office // ACCESS CODE: !/b\/6\ I Host : liiillfil:l date and h as been Conf . Line# a ut omatical ly 888 - 273 - 3658 Start : Fri 6/2/2017 3 : 00 PM End : Fri 6/2/ 2 0 1 7 3 : 3 0 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Org a nizer : Bass, Deana Required Attendees : Bastarache , Danielle L ; Nor lan der , Adam G; Smyth , Timothy M; Thomas , Todd C; Davis , Thomas R Your meeting updated . was found to be ou t of da t e and Sent by Mi crosoft Excha ng e Serve r Subject : Section 3 : Rulemaking Loc ation : 1022 6 // Conf . Lin e# 888 - 273 - 3658 Host : IM!filJ has been a u tomatical ly ACCESS CODE: ~ l Cc : Patton , Lynne M Subjec t: Following up on our discuss i o n in lat e March ... Hi , Vi ctor ia . We spo ke on Mar c h 28th , jus t befo r e the kick off of your " learn i ng tour " i n TX. I ru n a program serving homeless women and chi ldr en in Sac r amento -- a prog r am that has had to walk away from HUD f undi ng due t o our in abi lit y to require sobriety and other l if e- impr oveme n t programming while accepting HUD f undi ng . We d i sc u ssed meeting in person as a ne x t step . We are work i ng o n a trip to D. C . on June 5t h - 7th . Might you have some t im e to meet during that window? Lo oking forward to meet i ng yo u! Michele Steeb CEO Sa i nt Jo h n ' s Progr am f o r Rea l Ch ange P 9 1 6 - 453 - 1482 ext .1 2 C 9 16 - 832 - 76 26 F 9 1 6-453-1425 /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-001004 msteeb@saintjohnsprogram.org Catholic Chari t ies Re : Administration 's Start : Fri 6/2/2017 1 : 30 PM End : F ri 6/2/2017 2 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Meet in g Status : Not ye t r espo nded Organizer : Patton , Lynne M Required Attend ees: Deana Richard A From : Lucreda Cobbs Sent : Wednesday, April To : deana.bass@hud.gov Subjec t: CCUSA Meeting Good Afternoon Bass (De ana . Bass@hud . gov) ; Youngblood 12 , 2017 1 : 13 PM Deana , I hope that all is well . As follow - up to our conve rs ation du ri ng the Catholic Chari t ies USA (CCUSA) Spring Gather in g in Alex a n dr i a , I would like to sc h edu l e a t i me t o meet with you to d i sc u ss the Administra t ion's housing priorities and to share with you priorities and concerns of the Ca tho lic Community . Joining us for the mee t i ng would be Bria n Corbin , executive vice preside nt, CCUSA and Mark Roh l e n a , d i recto r o f Office of Domest i c Soc i al Deve l opment , Uni ted States Conference o f Cathol i c Bishops (USCCB) a n d maybe a few staf f from bot h organiza t i ons . Would you be availab l e to meet some time during weeks? If so, please let me know your availability coordi n ate with USCCB/CCUSA participa nt s . the next couple so I can of Thanks , Lucreda /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-001005 Lucreda M. Cobbs , MBA Senior Director , Po l icy Catholic Charit i es USA and Legislative 2050 Ballenger Avenue , Su i te 400 Alexa nd r ia , VA 22314 P : 703 - 236 - 6243 - direct line F : 703 - 549 - 1656 E : l cobbs@CatholicCharitiesUSA . or g Cat h olic Charities Re : 6/2/2017 1 : 30 PM 1 7 2 : 00 PM Free : (none) Meet i ng Status Organizer Requ i red Affairs : Accepted : Patton Attendees , Lynn e M : Bass , Deana ; Youngb l ood , Richard From : Lucreda Cobbs Sent : Wednesday , April 12 , 2017 1 : 13 PM To : deana . bass@hud . gov Deana , I hope that all i s well . As fol l ow- up t o our conversation Catholic Chari t ies USA (CCUSA) Spring Gather in g in Al exandr wou l d like to schedu l e a time to meet with you to d i scuss Administra t ion ' s housing priorities and to share with you and concerns of the Catholic Community . Joining us for the would be Bria n Corbin , executive vice presiden t, CCUSA and Rohlena , director of Office of Domestic Social Development States Confere n ce of Cathol i c Bishops (USCCB) and maybe a from bot h organiza t ions . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT dur i ng the ia, I the priorities meeting Mark , United few staff HUD-17-0504-E-001006 Woul d you be availab l e to mee t some time dur in g the next couple weeks? If so , please let me k n ow your ava i lability so I can coordinate with USCCB/CCUSA participants . of Thanks , Lucreda Lucreda M. Cobbs , MBA Senior Director , Po li cy and Catholic Chari t ies USA 2050 Ballenger Avenue , Suite Alexandria , VA 22314 P : 703-236-6243 - d i rect line F : 703-549- 1 656 E : l cobbs@CatholicCharitiesUSA RAD/Section 3 - with 10226 , De ana ' s Office Ge n ger & Tom Davis Ch arles Tue 5/30/20 17 3 : 30 PM Start : End : Tue 5/30/20 17 4 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurre Organizer Required n ce : (none) : Bass , Deana Attendees : Charles Your meet i ng was updated . found to be , Genger out of date Sent by Mi crosoft Excha n ge Se r ve r Subject : RAD/Section 3 - with Genger Location : 10226 , Deana ' s Office M; Davis , Thomas and Charles has been R automatical ly & Tom Davis Start : Tue 5/30/2017 3 : 30 PM End : Tue 5/30/20 17 4 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurre Organizer Required /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT n ce : (none) : Bass , Deana Attendees : Charles , Genger M; Davis , Thomas R HUD-17-0504-E-001007 Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and h as been a ut omatical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a ng e Server Subject : HUD/ NAHB MTG RE: Sectio n 3 Lo cation : Dept of Housing & Ur ban Developm e nt , 451 7&E St . SW/ Rm 102 10 St art : F ri 6 /2/20 1 7 11 : 30 AM End : F ri 6/2/2017 12 :0 0 PM Sho w Time As : Ten t a t ive Recur r e n ce : (none ) Or ga niz e r : Bas s, Dea na Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Kitchen , Michel l e ; Ledfor d , Da v id ; Hamecs , Mi chelle ; Pat ton , Lynne M; Kaspe r, Mar e n M; Smyt h, Ti mothy M Your meeting update d . was found to be out of d a te and has Sent by Mic ro so f t Exc h an ge Server Subjec t: RAD/Section 3 - with Ge nge r Ch a r l es Locat i o n: 10 226, Deana ' s Of fi ce been a ut omatically & Tom Davis S t art : Tue 5/30/20 17 3:3 0 PM End : Tue 5 /30/2017 4 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : (none) Organi zer : Bass , Deana Requ ir ed At tendees : Char l es , Genge r M; Dav i s , Thomas Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and Sent by Mic ro so ft Exchange Server Subjec t: HUD/NAHB MTG RE: Sec t io n 3 Loca tion : Dept of Housing & Urban Development 102 10 has been R automat , 451 7&E St. ical ly SW/ Rm Start : Fri 6/2/2017 11 : 30 AM End : Fri 6/2/2017 12 : 00 PM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Recu rr ence : (none) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-001008 Organ iz e r: Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Ki t chen , Michelle ; Ledford , David ; Hamecs , Michelle ; Pat ton , Lynn e M; Kasper , Mar en M; Smyth , Timothy M Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be ou t of date and Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Se rv e r Subject : HUD/NA HB MTG RE : Section 3 Loc ation : Dept of Housing & Ur b an De velopment 102 10 h as been a u tomatical ly , 451 7 &E St . SW/ Rm S tar t : Fri 6/2/2017 11 : 30 AM End : F ri 6 /2/2017 12 : 0 0 PM Show Time As : Ten tat iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Organiz e r : Bass , Deana Required Attend ees : Kitchen , Michell e ; Ledford , Dav id ; Hamecs , Mi chelle ; Pat t o n , Lyn n e M; Kasper , Maren M; Smyt h , Ti mothy M Your meeting update d . was found to be out of d ate and has been autom a tical and h as been automatically ly Sent by Mic rosoft Exc hang e Server Subject : Jennifer N Decaspe r Loca tion : Senate Hart Bui ld i ng St art : F ri 5/26/20 17 9 : 0 0 End : Fri 5/ 26/2017 1 0 : 00 AM Show Time As : Ten t a t ive AM Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer Requ i red : Bass , Deana Atte ndees : Patto Your mee t ing update d . Sent by Mic Subjec t : Ass i sta n ce Locat i o n : So uth Lobby /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was found to be n, Lynne out of M date rosoft Exc h a ng e Server HUD Mtg . w/Solut ion s for Change RE : HUD' s Homel es sness Prog r ams Dept . of Hous ing & Urba n Development , 451 7th St . SW/ e ntr ance/ OSEC Co n f . Rm. 10210 HUD-17-0504-E-001009 Start : Tue 6/6/2017 10 : 30 AM End : Tue 6/6/2017 11 : 0 0 AM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence : (none) Orga n iz e r : Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : pwebster@so (Lynne . M. Pat ton @h ud . gov ) ; Oliva, Your meeting updated . was f ound to be l uti ons forc hang e . org ; Ly nne Ann M; Bregon , Nelson R ou t of date and h as been Pa tton a u tomatical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a ng e Server Subject : HUD Mtg . w/Solutions fo r Change RE : HUD' s Homelessness Assis tan ce Programs Locatio n : Dept . of Housi ng & Urba n Deve lo pment, 451 7th St . SW/ South Lobby e ntr ance I OSEC Co n f . Rm. 1021 0 Sta r t : Tu e 6/6/2017 10 : 30 AM End : Tue 6/6/2017 11 : 0 0 AM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence : (none ) Organi zer : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Atte ndees : pwebster@solutionsforchange (L ynne . M. Patto n @h ud . gov ) ; Oliva, Ann M; Bregon, Your meeting upd ated . was found t o be out of date and . org ; Lynne Ne ls o n R has Pa tton bee n automatically Sen t by Mic rosoft Ex c h a nge Ser ver From : Paul Webster Sent : Thursday , May 25 , 20 1 7 2 : 08 PM To : Bass , Deana Subject : Acc epte d : HUD Mtg . w/So l utions for Chang e RE : HUD' s Home les s ne ss Assistance Pr ograms Subjec t: Loca tion: Meetin g w/CLPHA , Sheila COS Office Greenwood and HUD staff S tart : Wed 6/14/20 17 3 : 30 PM End : Wed 6/14/2017 4 : 1 5 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurre /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT n ce : (none) HUD-17-0504-E-001010 Meet in g Status Organizer Required : Not : Greenwood Attende es : ye t r espo nded , Shei la M Ric h Bindell Depar tmen t o f HUD (come to the F r eeway) 4 5 1 7th Stree t, the South ; Bass , Deana ; Kur t z , Robert e n t r ance secur i ty desk H - n ear SW Wash i ngton , DC Sheila Gree nwood - 202 - 4 0 2 - 6068 Eunice Dawkins - 202-402-6624 Su bject : Mtg . wit h Los Ang eles Ch amber o f Commerce RE : Los Angeles Region ' s Hou sing & Home l ess ness I ssues Loca tion : DEPSEC Con f . Rm. // Dept o f Hou sing & Ur ban Deve lo pme nt, 451 7&E St . SW, Wash in gton 20410 // HDQs will cal l LA' s Field Off i ce Director Ray Brewer @213/534 . 2503 Start : Wed 5 /24/2017 4 : 00 PM End : Wed 5/24/20 17 4 : 45 PM Show Time As : Tenta ti ve Recu rr ence : (no ne) Organ iz e r: Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : ' OLee@lachamber . com '; Pat ton , Lynne M; Oliva , Ann M; Bregon , Nelson R; Hardy IV , Stanley ; Brewer , Ray W Optiona l Attendees : Burley , Mic h ael N Your meeting updated . was found to be ou t of da t e and h as been a u tomatical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Ex cha ng e Serve r Subject : Mtg . wit h Los Ang eles Ch amber o f Commerce RE : Los Angeles Region ' s Housi ng & Home l ess ness Issu es Loca tion : DEPSEC Conf . Rm. // Dept of Hou sing & Ur ban Dev elopme nt, 45 1 7&E St . SW, Wash in gton 20410 // HDQs will cal l LA ' s Field Of fice Director Ray Brewer @213/534 . 2503 Start : Wed 5/24/2017 4 : 00 PM End : Wed 5/24/2017 4 : 45 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta ti ve Recu rr ence : (no ne) Organ iz e r: Bass , Deana Requ ir ed Atte ndees : Bass , Deana ; ' OLee@lach amber . com '; Patton Lynne M; Oliva , Ann M; Bregon , Nelson R; Hardy I V, Stan l ey /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT , HUD-17-0504-E-001011 Opt i o na l Attendees Your meeting updated . was : found Burley to , Mi chael be out of N dat e and has been automatically Sent by Mic rosoft Excha ng e Server Subject : Mtg . with Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce RE : Los Angel es Region ' s Housi ng & Homelessness Issues Locat ion : DEPSEC Conf . Rm. II Dept of Housing & Urb an Development , 451 7&E St . SW, Washington 2041 0 Start : Wed 512412017 4 :0 0 PM End : Wed 512412017 4 : 45 PM Show Time As : Tenta tiv e Recurrence : (none) Orga n iz e r : Bass , Deana Required Atte nd ees : Bass , Deana ; ' OLee@lachamb er . com '; Patton Lynn e M; Oliva , Ann M; Bregon , Nelson R; Hardy IV , Stan l ey Optional Attend ees : Burley , Michael N Your meeting updated . was Sent by Mic rosoft Subject: Section found to be ou t of date and has been and h as been , a u tomatical ly a ut omatical ly Exc h ange Server Three Coffee Start : Thu 512512017 10 : 00 AM End : Thu 5125120 17 10 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organ iz e r : Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Kurtz , R . Hunter Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be out o f date Sent by Microsoft Ex c h a ng e Server Subject: Sect i o n Three Cof f ee Sta r t : Thu 512512017 10 : 00 AM End : Thu 512512017 10 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentat i ve Recu rr ence : (none) /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-001012 Organ iz e r : Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Kurtz Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be , R . Hunter out o f date and h as been a ut oma t ical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Se rver Subjec t: HUD Mtg . w/Common Threads & GNC RE : Sec r etary Ca r son ' s Vis i o n Cen ter Cities Loc ation : Dept of Housing & Ur b an De velopment , 451 7 St . SW (entrance a t the 7&E St , Sou th Lobby) Offic e of the Secre tar y , Rm. 102 10 S t art : Wed 5/24/2017 1 : 30 PM End : Wed 5 /24/2017 2 : 1 5 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurre n ce : (none) Organiz e r : Bass , De ana Required Attendees : Bass , Deana ; Ruth Mi lavec ; Patton , Lynne M Opt i o na l Atte ndees : Todd Pittman Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be out ' marcus o f date and ree se '; h as Cr ist i na Antelo been a ut oma t ical ; ly Sent by Mi crosoft Exc h a nge Ser ver Subjec t: HUD Mt g . w/Common Threads & GNC RE : Sec r etary Ca r son ' s Vis i o n Cen ter Cities Loc at i on : Dept of Housing & Ur b an Developm e nt , 451 7 St . SW (e n t ra n ce a t the 7&E St , Sou th Lobby) Offi ce of the Secre t ary , Rm. 102 10 S t art : Wed 5/24/2017 1 : 30 PM End : Wed 5 /24/2017 2 : 1 5 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurre n ce : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Bass , Deana ; Ruth Mi lavec ; Patton , Lynne M Opt i o n al Atte ndees : Tod d Pittman Your meeting up dated . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was f ound to be ou t of ' marcus date and reese h as '; Cristina been Antelo a u tomatical ; ly HUD-17-0504-E-001013 Sent by Mic rosoft Exch a ng e Serve r Su bject : 10 : 30 Weekly CIR meeting Loc at i on : COS Off i ce w/Shei l a Gree nwood Start : Wed 5/24/20 17 10 : 30 AM End : Wed 5/24/20 17 1 1 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative Rec ur ren ce : Week l y Recurrence Patte r n : Meeting Status : Not ever y Monday yet Or ganizer : Greenwood , Requ i r ed Attendees : Aaron ; Press , Jacob D; Optiona l At tendees : from 4 : 0 0 PM to 4 : 30 PM responded Sheila M Kasp e r , Mar en M; Bass , Dean a ; Santa Ann a , Bar ton , Victoria L De n das, Mich ae l W; Burley , Mi chael N Subject : HUD Mtg . w/Comrnon Threads & GNC RE : Secre tary Carson's Vi sion Ce nt e r Ci ties Loca tion : Dept of Hous i ng & Urba n Deve l opment , 451 7 St. SW (en tran ce at th e 7&E St , South Lobby) Off i ce of the Secretary , Rm. 10 2 10 Star t : Wed 5/24/2 0 17 1 : 30 PM End : Wed 5/2 4/2 0 17 2 : 15 PM Show Time As : Tent ati ve Rec urr ence : (non e) Organize r: Bass , Deana Req u ir ed Attendees : Bass , Deana ; Ruth Milav ec; Patton , Ly n n e M Op t i o na l Attendees : Tod d Pittman Your meet i ng was fo un d to updat ed . b e out of ' marc u s reese date and '; Cr i s t i n a Antelo ha s been ; automatically Sent by Mic rosoft Exc hang e Server Subject : HUD Mtg . w/Comrnon Threads & GNC RE : Sec r e tary Carson's Visio n Center Ci ties Loc ation : Dept of Housi ng & Urba n Development , 451 7 St. SW (entra n ce at th e 7&E St , South Lob by) Off i ce of the Secretary , Rm. 10 2 10 Start : Wed 5/24/2017 1 : 30 PM End : Wed 5/24/20 17 2 : 15 PM Show Time As : Tent ati ve /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-001014 Recurrence : (none) Organizer Req uired Ruth Mi la Opt i o n al : Bass , Deana Attend ees : Bass , De ana ; vec ; Patton , Lynne M Atte ndees : Todd Pittman Your meeting updated . was found to be out of ' marcus re ese '; date and Sent by Mic ro so f t Exchange Server Subjec t : 1 1 - 12 : 00 La ur a , volu n teering (HUD Auditorium ) at has Cristina been automat Antelo ical ; ly Memor ia l Da y Ceremo n y S t art : Thu 5/25/20 17 1 1 : 00 AM End : Thu 5 /25/2017 11 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurre Meeting n ce : (none) Status : Not ye t r esp ond e d Organ iz e r : Fle i sc h e r , Laur a A Required Atte ndees : Lynne Patton (Ly n ne . M. Patton@ hu d . gov) ; Deana Bass (Dea na . Bass@hu d . gov ); Ado lfo Marzol (Ado lf o . F . Marzol@hu d . gov) ; Aida Rod rig uez (AIDA . N . RODRIGUEZ@hud . gov) ; Coope r , Di a ne J ; DeLaPa z , Dave D; Hard i so n , James C; Dawkins , Eun ice D Subjec t : Locat i o n : Week l y CIR mee t i ng w/Sheila cos Office Gree nwood Sta r t : Wed 5 /24/2017 1 0 : 30 AM End : Wed 5/24/2017 1 1 : 00 AM Show Tim e As : Tentat iv e Recurrence : Weekly Recu rr ence Pa tte rn : Meet i ng Status : Not eve ry Monday yet Organizer : Gr eenwood , Required Atte ndees : Aaron ; Press , Jacob D; Opt i o n al Atte ndees : Subject : Loc ation : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT from 4 : 00 PM to 4 : 30 PM r espo nded She ila M Kasper , Maren M; Bass , Deana ; Sa n ta Ann a , Barton , Victoria L Dendas , Mi chael W; Burley , Mi c h ae l N 10 : 30 Week ly COS Office CIR meet ing w/Sheila Gree nwood HUD-17-0504-E-001015 Start : Wed 5/24/2017 10 : 30 AM End : Wed 5/24/20 17 11 : 00 AM Recu rr ence : Weekly Recurre n ce Pat t e r n : Meet i ng Status : every Mon day from 4 : 00 PM to 4 : 30 PM Accepted Organizer : Greenwood , Shei la M Requ i red Atte ndees : Kasper , Maren M; Bass , Deana ; Santa Ann a , Aaron ; Pr ess , Jaco b D; Barton , Victoria L Optional Attendees : Dendas , Michael W; Burley , Michael N Subject : Centennial Lo cation : Pop- i n MEET with Kathryn Wachsman High School , Compton CA Sec r etary ' s Conference Room and Edna Mi lle r of Start : Tue 6/27/ 2 0 17 10 : 00 AM End : Tue 6/27/20 17 10 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Meeting S t atus Organizer Requ i red Topic : (none) : DocBen Atte ndees : Health Origin : Care o f Meeting Not yet responded Pa tto n , Lynne : Integra : Lynne M; Bass , Deana te d Services Mode l Patton Subjec t: HUD Mt g. w/Common Threads & GNC RE : Secretary Carson ' s Vi s i on Center Cit i es Location : Dept of Hous i ng & Urba n Deve l opment , 451 7 St . SW (entrance at the 7&E St , South Lobby) Office o f the Secretary , Rm. 102 10 Start : Wed 5/24/20 17 1 : 30 PM End : Wed 5/24/20 17 2 : 15 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : ' marcus Milavec ; Patton , Lynne M Your meeting updated . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was found to be reese out of '; date Crist and i na Antelo; has been Ruth automatically HUD-17-0504-E-001016 Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server Subjec t: HUD Mtg. w/Common Threads & GNC RE : Sec re tary Ca r son ' s Vi s i o n Center Cit i es Locat i o n: Dept of Hous in g & Urban Deve l opment , 451 7 St. SW (entrance at the 7&E St , South Lobby) Office of the Secretary , Rm. 1 0210 Start : Wed 5/24/ 2 0 17 1 : 30 PM End : Wed 5/24/20 17 2 : 15 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attend ees: ' marcus Milavec ; Patto n , Lynne M Your meeting updated. was found reese to be out '; of date Cristina and has Ante l o ; Ruth been automatically Sent by Microsoft Excha nge Server Subject : HUD Mtg. w/Common Threads & GNC RE : Secretary Carson's Vis i o n Center Cities Locatio n: Dept of Hous in g & Urban Deve lo pment , 451 7 St . SW (entrance at the 7&E St , South Lobby) Office of the Secretary , Rm. 102 10 Start : Wed 5/24/2017 1 : 30 PM End : Wed 5/24/20 17 2 : 15 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organ iz e r: Bass , Deana Required Attendees : ' marcus Milavec ; Patton , Lynne M Your meeting updated. was found reese to be out '; of date Cristina Antelo and h as been ; Ruth automatical ly Sent by Microsoft Exchange Serve r Subject : HUD Mtg . w/Common Threads & GNC RE : Secretary Carson's Vision Center Ci ties Locatio n: Dept of Hous in g & Urban Deve l opment , 451 7 St . SW (entrance at the 7&E St , South Lobby) Off i ce of the Secretary , Rm. 102 10 /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-001017 Start : Wed 5/24/2017 1 : 30 PM End : Wed 5/24/20 17 2 : 15 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Req u ired Attendees : ' marcus Milavec ; Patton, Lynne M Your meeting updated . was found to be reese out of '; date Cristina and Antelo has been ; Ruth automatically Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server Subject : HUD Mtg . w/Common Threads & GNC RE : Secre t ary Carson's Vision Cente r Cities Loca tion : Dept of Hous in g & Urban Deve l opment , 451 7 St. SW (entrance at the 7&E St , South Lobby) Off i ce of the Secretary , Rm. 102 10 Sta r t : Wed 5/24/2017 1 : 30 PM End : Wed 5/24/2017 2 : 15 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Organize r: Bass , Deana Required Attendees : ' marcus Milavec ; Patton , Lynne M Your meeting updated . was f ound to Sent by Mi crosoft Exchange Subject : NY PR Location : COS Office be reese out '; Cristina o f da t e and Antelo has been ; Ruth automatically Serve r Start : Wed 5/24/2017 1 1 : 30 AM End : Wed 5/24/20 17 12 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Not yet r esponded Organizer : Patton, Lynn e M Requ i red At tendees : Greenwood , Sheila M; Deana Bass (Deana . Bass@hud . gov) ; Thompson , Amy C ; Will i ams , Raphael Barbara /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT L ; Gruson , HUD-17-0504-E-001018 Subject : Location : HHS Partnership 1022 6 Start : Fri 5/26/ 2 0 17 8 : 30 AM End : Fri 5/26/ 2 0 17 9 :0 0 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer Required : (none) : Bass , Deana Attend ees: Coffey Your meeting up dated . was f ound to , Alexand e r be out o f date and h as been a ut oma t ical ly and h as been a ut oma t ical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Se rv e r Subject : HHS Partnership Location : 1022 6 Start : F ri 5/26/20 17 8 : 30 AM End : Fri 5/26/20 17 9 :0 0 AM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence Org a nizer Required : (none) : Bass, Deana Atte nd ees : Coffey Your meeting up dated . was f ound to , Al ex an der be out o f date Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Se rv e r From : Coffey , Al e xan de r Sent : Tuesday , May 23 , 20 17 9 : 20 AM To : Bass , Deana Accepted : HHS Pa r tners h ip Subjec t: Subject : 11 am (EDT) Loca tion : Inv i tation : HUD/Hu Co mee t ing@ (dean a . bass@hud . gov ) Hyatt Rege ncy 4 00 NJ Ave Fri May 26 , 2017 9 : 30am - Start : Fri 5/26/20 17 9 : 30 AM End : F ri 5/26/20 17 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Dean Nelson HUD-17-0504-E-001019 more details » HUD/HuCo meeting Because of the Watchmen on the Wall event at the Hyatt we wil l meet there instead of 80 1 G street . I will secure a locat i o n. Deana we can meet you in the lo bby o f the hotel . When F ri May 26, 2017 9 : 30am - 1 1am Eas ter n Time Wher e Hyatt Regency 400 NJ Ave (map) Calendar deana . bass@hud . gov Who • Dean Nelson - o rg an i z e r • deana . bass@hud . gov callen@humancoa lition . org Going? Yes - Maybe - No more optio n s» I nvit a ti on f rom Google Calenda r You are receiving th is courtesy emai l at the account deana . bass@hud . gov because you are an attendee of this event . To stop re ce iving f uture upda te s f or th is event , decline th i s event . Al ter na tive ly you can sign up for a Google account at h tt ps : //www . google . com/calendar/ and control your notification settings for your entire calendar . Forward i ng this in vitat i on could allow any r ecip i ent to modify your RSVP response. Learn More . Subject: Inv i tation : HUD/HuCo meeting@ Fri May 2 6 , 201 7 9 : 30am 11am (EDT) (deana . bass@hud . gov ) Lo cation : Hyatt Regency 400 NJ Ave Fri 5/26/20 17 9 : 30 AM Start : End : Fri 5/26/2017 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : F ree Recurrence Meeting St atus Organi more : (none) zer : : Dec lin ed Dean Nelson details» HUD/HuCo meeting Because of the Watchmen on the Wall event at the Hyat t we wil l meet there in stead of 80 1 G st r eet . I will secure a locat i on . Deana we can meet you in the l obby of the hotel . When Fri May 26 , 201 7 9 : 30am - 11am Eastern Time Where Hyatt Rege ncy 4 00 NJ Ave (map) Calendar deana . bass@hud .g ov Who • Dean Nelson - o rg an i zer • deana . bass@hud . gov callen@humancoalition . org Goi ng? Calendar /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Yes - Maybe - No more optio n s» I n v it atio n f rom Goog l e HUD-17-0504-E-001020 You are r ece i vi n g th i s courtesy ema il at the account deana . bass@hud . gov beca u se yo u a r e an attendee of th i s event . To stop receivi n g future updates for this eve n t , dec l ine th i s event . Alternatively you can sign up for a Google account at h ttps : //www . google . com/ca l endar/ and co n tro l yo ur notificat i on sett in gs for yo ur ent ir e ca l e nda r. Forwa r ding th i s inv i tation co u ld al l ow any rec i pient to mod i fy your RSVP response . Learn More . Subjec t: Weekly CIR mee t ing w/Sh e ila Gre e nwood Locatio n: COS Of fice Start : Tue 5/23/20 17 4 : 00 PM End : Tue 5 /23/2017 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recur r ence : Week l y Recurre n ce Pattern : Meet in g Status : Not every from 4: 00 PM to 4 : 3 0 PM ye t r espo nded Organizer : Greenwood , Required Attendees : Aaron ; Press , Jacob D; Opt i o n al Atte ndees : Subjec t: Locatio n: Mon day Sheila M Kasper , Maren M; Bass , Deana ; Santa Anna , Barton , Victoria L Dendas , Michael W; Burley , Mi c h ael N Weekl y CIR mee t i n g w/S h eila COS Office Gree n wood Start : Tue 5/3 0 /20 17 4 :0 0 PM End : Tue 5 /30/2017 4 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurre n ce : Week l y Recurrence Pat t ern : Meet in g Status : Not e very yet Monday from 4 : 00 PM to 4 : 30 PM r espo nded M Organizer : Greenwood , Sheila Kasper , Maren M; Bass , Deana ; Santa Anna , Required Attendees : L Aaron ; Pr ess , Jacob D; Barton , Victoria Dendas , Mi chael W; Bu r ley , Mi chae l N Opt i o n al Atte ndees : Subjec t: Locat i on : Pre-LA Chamber Mtg . Briefing Deana ' s Off i ce 1 0 226 // Ne l so n @ #4415 Start : Mon 5/22/2017 10 : 30 AM End : Mon 5/22/20 17 11 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) HUD-17-0504-E-001021 Organize r: Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Bass , Deana ; Oliva , Ann M; Bregon , Ne l son R; Patton , Lynn e M Opt i onal Attendees : Sauseda , Wayne E; Francesch i ni-Petty , Raque l Your meet i ng was found updated . to Sent by Microso ft Exchange Subject : Pre - LA Chamber Loca tion : Deana ' s Office be out of date and has been automatically Server Mtg . Briefing 1 0226 // Nelso n @ #44 15 Start : Mon 5/22/20 17 10 : 30 AM End : Mon 5/22/20 17 1 1 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Organizer Required : (none) : Bass , Deana Attendees : Oliva , Ann M; Bregon, Nelson R; Patton , Lynn e M Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and Sent by Microso ft Exchange Server Subject : Section 3 Task Force Wkly . Mtg . Loca tion : OPA Co n f . Rm. 10 155 // DIAL IN# ! > Sub j ect : Re : Test Ema il .. . Vi s it wi th Lynne (b)(6) Of South Gree t i ng s St eve n s - It was g reat speaking wi th yo u on yester day and I apprec i ate fol l owi ng up . I a l so apprec i a t e you se n ding my in f ormation ove r to Lynne ' s ass i s t a n t as I plan a t r ip soo n. In addit i on I wil l h ave my s t aff send over some areas where t he Chamber wou l d lik e to h a ve some g ui dance on with r e gard to HUD. I look forward to fo l lowing up soon . S t ephe n Gilc hrist Chairman South Ca r o li na Af ri ca n Amer i ca n Chamber of Commer ce 2 00 1 Assemb l y St r eet Su ite 204-G Columbia , Sou th Caro lin a 29201 Off ic e (803) 661-2977 Fax (8 03) 569 - 6311 Email: i nf o@scac h amber . com Web : www. scac h amber . com Subjec t: Mtg . with Los Ang eles Ch amber of Commerce RE : Los Angeles Issues Reg i o n ' s Hous ing & Homelessness Locatio n : DEPSEC Conf . Rm. II Dept of Housing & Urban Deve l opme n t , 4 5 1 7&E St . SW, Washington 20410 Start : Wed 51241 2 0 17 4 : 00 PM End : Wed 5124120 17 4 : 45 PM Show Time As : Tentative /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-001029 Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Bass , Deana ; ' OLee@l achamber . com '; Lynne M; Ol i va , Ann M; Br egon , Nelson R; Hardy IV , Stanley Opt i onal Attendees : Bur l ey , Mi chael N Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and has been Patton automat , i ca l ly Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server Subjec t: Mtg . with Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce RE : Los Angeles Reg i on ' s Housing & Homelessness Issues Location : DEPSEC Conf . Rm. // Dept of Housing & Urban Development , 451 7&E St . SW, Washington 20410 Start : Wed 5/24/20 17 4 : 00 PM End : Wed 5/24/20 17 4 : 45 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Bass , Deana ; ' OLee@lachamber . com '; Lynne M; Ol i va , Ann M; Bregon , Nelson R; Hardy IV , Stanley Opt i onal Attendees : Bur l ey , Mi chael N Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and has been Patton , automatically Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server Subject : Pre-LA Chamber Mtg . Briefing Location : Deana ' s Off i ce 10226 Start : Mon 5/22/20 17 10 : 30 AM End : Mon 5/22/2017 1 1 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Oliva (Lynne . M. Patton@hud . gov ) Your meeting updated. /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was found to be , Ann M; Bregon , Ne l son out of date and has R ; Lynne been automat Patton i ca l ly HUD-17-0504-E-001030 Sen t by Microsoft Ex c h a nge Se rver Sub j ec t : Pre-LA Chamber Mtg . Briefing Loc a tio n : Dean a ' s Off ic e 1 0226 Start : Mon 512212017 10 : 30 AM End : Mon 51221 2 0 17 1 1 : 00 AM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recurrence : (none) Orga n iz e r: Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Oliva , Ann M; Br egon , Nelson (Lynne . M. Patton@ h ud . gov ) Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be out o f date R; Lynne and h as been Patton a ut oma t ical l y Sent by Microsoft Ex c h a ng e Se rv e r Subject : Mtg . wit h Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce RE : Los Angeles Region ' s Housin g & Home l essness Issues Location : DEPSEC Conf . Rm. II Dept of Hous ing & Urban Deve l opmen t, 451 7&E St . SW, Washington 20410 Start : Wed 5124120 17 4 : 0 0 PM End : Wed 5 12412017 4 : 45 PM Show Time As : Ten t a tive Recurrence : (none) Organiz e r : Bass , De ana Required Attendees : Bass , Deana ; ' 0Lee@ l ac h amber . com '; Patton Lynne M; Ol i va , Ann M; Bregon , Ne l son R; Hardy IV , Sta n ley Opt i o na l Atte ndees : Burley, Mic hael N Your meeting updated. was f ound to be out of date and h as been , a ut oma t ically Sent by Microsoft Exc h a ng e Ser ver Subjec t : Mtg . with Los Angeles Ch amber of Commerce RE : Los Angeles Reg i o n ' s Housi ng & Homelessness Issues Location : DEPSEC Conf . Rm. II Dept of Hous i ng & Urban Deve l opmen t, 451 7&E St . SW, Washi ngton 20410 Start : Wed 5124120 17 4 :0 0 PM End : Wed 5124120 17 4 : 45 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Bass , Deana HUD-17-0504-E-001031 Required Attendees : Bass, Deana ; ' 0Lee@ la c h a mbe r . com '; Lynne M; Ol i va , Ann M; Bregon , Ne l son R ; Hardy IV , Stanley Opt iona l Atte ndees : Burley, Mic h a el N Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be out o f date an d h as been Patton , a ut oma t ical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Se rver Subjec t: Pre-LA Chamber Mtg . Briefing Locatio n : Dean a ' s Off ic e 1 0226 Star t : Mon 5/22/20 17 10 : 30 AM End : Mon 5/22/2017 1 1 : 00 AM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Rec urrence : (non e) Orga n iz e r : Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Oli v a, (Lynn e . M. Pat ton@h ud . gov ) Your meeti up dated . ng was f ound to be Ann M; Br egon , Nelson out o f date and h as R ; Lynne been Pat ton a ut oma t ical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a ng e Se rv e r Subject : Pre - LA Chamber Mtg . Brie f ing Loc a tio n: Dean a ' s Off ic e 1 02 26 Start : Mon 5/22/2017 10 : 30 AM End : Mon 5/2 2 /20 17 1 1 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence : (none) Organ iz e r : Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Oli v a , Ann M; Br egon , Nelson (Lynn e . M. Patton@ h ud . gov ) Your meeting updated. was f ound to be ou t of date and h as R ; Lynne been Patton a u tomatical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Exc h a ng e Server Subject : HUD Mtg . w/Commo n Threads & GNC RE : Secre tar y Ca r son ' s Vision Center Cities Locat ion : Dept of Hous ing & Urba n Deve l opment , 451 7 St . SW (entra n ce at the 7&E St , Sout h Lobby) Off i ce of the Secretary , Rm. 10 2 10 /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-001032 Start : Wed 5/24/2017 1 : 30 PM End : Wed 5/24/ 2 0 17 2 : 15 PM Show Time As : Tent at ive Recurrence : (none) Orga n iz e r : Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : marcus reese ; Crist Lynn e Patton (Lynne . M. Patton@hud . g ov) Your meeting updated . was f ound to be ou t of date i na An te l o ; Ruth and h as been Milavec a u tomatical ; ly Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a ng e Server Subject : Mtg . wit h Los Ang e l es Ch amber of Commerce RE : Los Angeles Reg ion ' s Housin g & Homel ess ness Issu es Locatio n: DEPSEC Con f . Rm. // Dept o f Hou sing & Ur ban Deve lopme nt, 451 7&E St . SW, Wash in gton 20410 Start : Wed 5/ 24/2017 4 :0 0 PM End : Wed 5 /24/2017 4 : 4 5 PM Show Time As : Tenta tive Recurrence Organi zer Requ ir ed Lynne M; Opt i o na l : (none ) : Bass , Deana Attendees : Bass , Deana ; ' OLee@l ac h amber . com '; Oli va , Ann M; Bregon , Ne ls on R; Hardy IV , Stanley Atte ndees : Bur l ey , Mic h a el N Your meeti ng was up dated . f ound to be out o f date and h as been Patton , a ut oma t ical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Se rv e r Subjec t: Mtg . wi t h Los Angeles Ch amber of Commerce RE : Los Angeles Issues Region ' s Housi ng & Homelessness Location : DEPSEC Conf . Rm. // Dept of Hous ing & Urban Dev e l opm ent, 451 7&E St . SW, Wash in gton 20410 St art : Wed 5/24/ 2 0 17 4 : 00 PM End : Wed 5/24/2017 4 : 45 PM Show Time As : Ten t a t ive Recur r e n ce : (none ) Organiz e r : Bass , De ana Requ i red Attendees : Bass , Deana ; ' OLee@l ac h amber . com '; Patton Lynne M; Oliv a , Ann M; Br egon , Ne l son R; Hardy IV , Sta n ley Opt i o na l Atte ndees : Burley, Mic hael N /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT , HUD-17-0504-E-001033 Your meeti ng was f oun d to be out up dated . o f d a te and h as been a ut oma t ical ly Sent by Microsoft Exch a ng e Serve r Subject: HUD Mtg . w/Common Threads & GNC RE : Secretary Ca r son ' s Vision Center Cities Loca t ion : Dept of Housing & Ur ban De vel opme nt , 45 1 7 St . SW (e n t ra n ce a t the 7&E St , Sou th Lobby) Office of the Secre t a r y , Rm. 10 2 10 Start : Wed 5/ 24/2017 1 : 30 PM End : Wed 5/24/2017 2 : 1 5 PM Sho w Time As : Ten tative Recurrence : (none ) Or g an izer : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Attendees : ma r cus r eese ; Cr ist i na Ante l o ; Ru th Milavec Lynne Pa tton (Ly n ne . M. Pa tton@ hu d . gov) Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date a nd has bee n automat ; i ca l ly Sen t by Mic rosoft Exch a nge Se rver Sub j ect : Pre-LA Chamber Mtg . Briefing Loc a tio n : Dean a ' s Off ic e 1 0226 Start : Mon 5 /22/2017 1 0 : 30 AM End : Mon 5/22/2017 11 : 00 AM Show Tim e As : Ten tativ e Recurrence : (non e) Orga n iz e r: Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Attendees : Oli va , Ann M; Br egon , Nelson (Ly nne . M. Patto n@hud . gov ) Your meeti ng was f ound up dated . to be out o f d a te R; Lynne an d h as been Patton a ut omatical ly Sent by Microsoft Ex c h a nge Server Subject : Pre-LA Chamber Mtg . Briefing Locatio n : Deana ' s Off ic e 1 0226 Start : Mon 5/22/2017 10 : 30 AM End : Mon 5/22/ 2 0 17 1 1 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tent at ive /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-001034 Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Oliva (Lynne . M. Patto n @h ud . gov) Your meet i ng was updated . found to be , Ann M; Bregon out of date , Nelson and Sent by Microso ft Exchange Server Subject : Section 3 Task Force Wkly . Mtg . Loca tion : OPA Co n f . Rm. 10155 // DIAL IN# !(b)(6) ! PW liliRfilJ has R ; Lynn e Patton been automatically 888-273-3658 CODE: S t art : Mon 5/22/20 17 2 : 00 PM End : Mon 5/22/2017 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : Weekly Recu rr ence Pattern : eve ry Monday from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Organizer : Bass , Deana Requ i red Attendees : Patton , Lynne M; Bregon , Ne l son R; Munir , Rafiq A; Smyth , Timothy M; Holmes , Gregory A; Gruson , Barbara ; Kasper , Mar en M; Bastarache , Danielle L ; No r lander , Adam G; Golrick , Janet M; Clemmensen , Craig T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Nicholsdixon , Merrie ; Thomas , Todd C ; Chr i stensen , Eric F ; Franceschini-Petty , Raquel ; Wil l iams , Raphael L ; Holderf ield , Stephanie A; Coffey, Alex ander Optional Attendees : Taffet , Clifford Resources : HHQ OPA Conference Room 101 55 Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date Sent by Mi crosoft Exchange Serve r Subject : Weekly CIR meeting w/Sheila Loc ation : COS Off ic e and has been automatically Greenwood Start : Tue 5/23/20 17 3 : 00 PM End : Tue 5/23/20 17 3 : 30 PM Show Tim e As : Tentative Recu rr ence : Weekly Recurrence Patte r n : Meeting Status : Not every yet Monday from 4 : 00 PM to 4 : 30 PM responded Organize r: Greenwood , Sheila M Required Attendees : Kasper, Maren M; Bass , De ana ; San t a Anna , Aaron ; Press , Jacob D; Barton , Victoria L /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0504-E-001035 Opt i o na l Attendees : Dendas , Mi chael W; Burley , Mi c h ae l N Subjec t: Mtg . with Los Angeles Ch amber of Commerce RE : Los Angeles Reg i o n ' s Hous ing & Homelessness Issues Locat i o n: DEPSEC Conf . Rm. II Dept of Housing & Urb an Development , 451 7&E St . SW, Washington 20410 Star t : Wed 512412017 4 :0 0 PM End : Wed 51241 2 0 17 4 : 45 PM Show Time As : Tent ati ve Recurrence : (none) Organ iz e r : Bass , Deana Bass , Deana ; ' OLee@lachamb er . com '; Required Attendees : Lynn e M; Oliva, Ann M; Bregon , Ne lson R; Har d y IV , Stanley Burley , Mic hael N Opt i o n al Attendees : Your meeting updated . was found t o be out of date and has been Patton, automatically Sent by Mic rosoft Exc hang e Server Subject: Mtg . with Los Ange l es Chamber of Commerce RE : Los Ang e l es Region ' s Housi ng & Homelessness Issues Locat i o n: DEPSEC Conf . Rm. II Dept o f Housing & Urb an Development , 451 7&E St . SW, Washington 20410 Start : Wed 5 12412017 4 :00 End : Wed 512412017 4 : 45 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Recurrence PM : (none) Organ iz e r : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Attendees : OLee@lachamber . com ; Lynne Pat ton (Ly nne . M. Patto n@hud . gov ); Oliva , Ann M; Bregon , Ne ls o n R; Hardy Stanley Your meeting updated. was found to be out of date and h as been a ut omatical I V, ly Sent by Mi crosoft Exc h a ng e Server Subject : Mtg . wit h Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce RE : Los Angeles Region ' s Housin g & Homel essness Issues Locatio n: DEPSEC Conf . Rm. II Dept of Hou sing & Urb an Deve lopme nt , 45 1 7&E St . SW, Wash ing ton 20410 Start : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Wed 512412017 4 :0 0 PM HUD-17-0504-E-001036 End : Wed 5/24/2017 4 : 45 PM Show Tim e As : Ten tativ e Rec urr ence : (non e) Orga n iz e r: Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Attendees : OLee@lac h ambe r . com ; Lynn e Pat ton (Ly nne . M. Pa tt on@hu d . g ov ); Oli va , Ann M; Bregon , Ne ls o n R; Ha rdy Stanley Your meet i ng was f ound updated . to be out of da t e and h as been a ut omatical IV, ly Sent by Mi crosoft Exch a ng e Serve r Subject : Mt g . wit h Los Angeles Ch amber o f Commerce RE : Los Angeles Region ' s Hou s in g & Home l ess ness Issu es Loca ti o n : DEPSEC Conf . Rm. // Dept o f Hou sin g & Urb an Deve lo p ment , 45 1 7&E S t . SW, Wash i ng ton 20410 Sta r t : Wed 5/ 24/201 7 4 : 0 0 PM En d : Wed 5/ 24/2017 4 : 45 PM Show Time As : Ten tative Rec urre nce : (none ) Or ganizer : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed At tendees : Lynne Patton (Lyn ne . M.P atton@ hu d . gov) ; Ol i va , Ann M; Ha rdy IV , St a nley ; Brego n, Ne l son R Your meeting updated. was found to be out of date Sen t by Mic rosof t Exch a ng e Ser ver Sub j ec t: Pre- LA Chamber Mtg . Brief Locat i o n: Deana ' s Off i ce 1 0226 i ng and has bee n automat i ca lly Sta r t : Mon 5 /22/2017 1 0 : 30 AM End : Mon 5/22/20 17 1 1 : 00 AM Show Time As : Tentat iv e Rec urr en c e : (none ) Organizer : Bass , Deana Requ ir ed Attendees : Oliva (Lynne .M. Patto n@hud . gov ) Your meeting updat ed . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was f ound to , Ann M; Br egon , Nelson be out o f date and R; Lynne h as been Patton a ut omatical ly HUD-17-0504-E-001037 Sent by Microsoft Exchange Serve r Subject : Hold/ Mtg . with Los Angeles Housing & Homelessness Issues Location : OSEC Small Conf. Rm. 10210 Start : Wed 5/24/20 17 4:00 End : Wed 5/24/20 17 4 : 45 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Chamber of Commerce RE : PM : (none) Organizer : Bass, Deana Required Atte ndees : Lynne Patton (Lynne . M. Patton@hud Ann M; Hardy IV , Stanley ; Bregon , Ne l son R Your meeting updated . was found to be out of date and has been . gov) ; Ol iva , automatically Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server Subject : HUD Hous i ng Inventory Location : OSEC Small Co n f . Rm 10210 Start : Tue 5/23/20 17 11 : 30 AM End : Tue 5/23/2017 12 : 15 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meeting Status : Organize Required r: Patton At tendees Not yet responded , Lynne M : Surber , Keith W; Bass , Deana ; Bregon , Nelson R Optiona l Attendees : Franceschini-Petty , Raquel This meet i ng is being held to discuss an (ev i dently) substantial housing inventory due to defaults/c l aims currently in HUD' s possess i on and how best to dispose of those c l a i ms and/or occupy these homes effectively & e ff icient l y , so not t o continue to expend any continued unnecessary ma i ntenance fees . Subject : Sen . Wi ll iams Start : Fri 5/19/20 17 11 : 00 AM End : Fri 5/19/2017 1 1 : 30 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : (none) HUD-17-0504-E-001038 Meet in g Status Organizer Required : Not ye t r espo nded : DocBe n Attende e s : Bass , De ana Subject : HUD Mtg . w/ Human Coalition Location : DEPSEC Conf . Room/ Dep t of Housing & Urban Deve l opmen t, 451 7 th Stree t, Wash in gton DC . ** Pl ease enter at the South Entra n ce , loca t ed nea r 7 & E Str eet . Sta r t : Thu 5 /18/2017 9 : 30 AM End : Thu 5/18/2017 10 : 15 AM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recurre n ce : (none ) Organi z e r : Bass , Deana Dean Nelson ; Ca rri e Beliles Requ ir ed Atte ndees : A Youngblood , Ric h ard A; Holmes , Gregory Brian F i she r Optional Attendees : Your meeting updated . was f ound to be ou t o f da t e and ; Patton h as been , Ly nn e M; a u tomatical Sent by Mi crosoft Exc h a n ge Se r ve r Subject : HUD Mtg . w/ Human Co a lition Location : DEPSEC Conf . Room/ Dept of Housi n g & Urban Development 451 7 t h Stree t, Washington DC. ** Pleas e enter at the South Entra n ce , loca t ed near 7 & E Str eet . ly , St art : Thu 5/18/20 17 9 : 30 AM End : Thu 5 /18/2017 10 : 15 AM Show Time As : Tenta t ive Recur r ence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Requ i red Atte ndees : Bass , Deana ; Dea n Ne l so n ; Carrie Patto n, Lynne M; Youngblood , Ric h ard A Optional Atte ndees : Brian Fisher Your meeting updated . was found Sent by Microsoft Subject : Meet Location : Conf /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT to be ou t of Exc h a n ge Serve r & Gr eet w/Deana Bass Room 10232 da t e and & David has been Be li les ; a u tomatica l ly Eagles HUD-17-0504-E-001039 Start : Thu 5/18/2017 11 : 00 AM End : Thu 5/ 18/2 0 17 1 1 :3 0 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Meet i ng Status : Not Organiz e r : Dagge tt, Required Attendees : yet r espo nd ed Tanya R Bass, Deana Dav id Eagl es , Chief Opera t ing Off icer , served as a Special Assistant to former Secretary Steve Pres ton and comes to HUD after di r ect i ng the Ce nter f or Pre s ident ia l Transition at the Pa r tners h i p for Public Serv i ce . He also led the Ready to Gove rn I n iti at ive he l ping the 2 0 16 p r es i den ti al cand i dates n avigate the tr ansition p r ocess a nd tra i n polit ica l appointees to lead effective l y. Subject : HUD Mtg Location: Dept of Washington DC. * * 7 & E St reet . Rm. . w/ Human Co a lition Housing & Ur ban De velopment , 451 7 th Street, Pleas e enter at the South Entrance, l ocated 10210 near S t art : Thu 5/18/2017 9 : 30 AM End : Thu 5/ 18/2017 10 : 15 AM Show Time As : Ten t a tive Recurrence : (none ) Organiz e r : Bass , Dea na Required Attendees : Bass, Patton , Lynne M; Youngblood, Opt i o na l Atte ndees : Brian Your meeting up dated . was fo und to Deana ; Dean Nel so n ; Carrie Richard A Fisher be out of date and h as been Be li l es ; a ut oma t ically Sent by Mi crosoft Exc h a nge Se rver Subjec t: HUD Mtg . w/ Huma n Coalition Locatio n: Dept of Hous in g & Urban Deve lo pment , 451 7th Stree t , Washington DC. ** Please enter at the South Entrance, l ocated nea r 7 & E Stree t . Rm. 10210 Start : Thu 5/ 18 /20 17 9 : 30 AM End : Thu 5/18/2017 10 : 15 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recur r e n ce : (none) Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : Bass , Deana HUD-17-0504-E-001040 Required Attendees : Bass, Deana ; Dean Nel so n ; Car rie Patton , Lynne M; Youngblood , Richard A Opt i o na l Atte ndees : Brian Fisher Your meeting up dated . was f ound to be out o f date and h as been Be li les ; a ut oma t ical ly Sent by Mi crosoft Ex c h a ng e Se rver Subjec t: A Safe Haven/Sect i on 3 Locatio n : TBD or Call In Star t : F ri 5/19/20 17 1 : 30 PM End : Fri 5/19/2017 2 : 1 5 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Rec urrence : (non e) Meet i ng Status : Not yet r espo nded Organiz e r : Holderf i eld, Stephanie A Required Att en d ees : Bass , Dea na ; Patton, Lynn e M; Co ffey , Alexander ; Youngblood , Richard A; Holme s , Grego r y A; James Bassett n el i @asafehave n. com Conference Access ca ll phone numbe r : 877 . 336 . 1 839 =kb~ l{~6.l____, Code : More information to f ollow located in Ch i ca g o , IL . Subject : Loca tion : ; rega r d i ng the success o f "A Sa fe Have n " A Saf e Haven Conference Call Start : Fri 5/ 1 9/20 17 1:3 0 PM End : F ri 5/19/2017 2 : 15 PM Show Time As : Tenta t iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting S t atus : Not yet responded Organizer : Holderf ield , St ephanie A Requ i r ed Attendees : Bass, Deana ; Patton , Lynne Al exa nde r ; Youngblood , Richard A; Holm es , Gregory neli@asa f ehaven . com Subject /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : HUD Housing M; Cof f ey , A; James Basset t; Inven tory HUD-17-0504-E-001041 Locatio n: OSEC Smal l Co nf. Rm 102 10 Start : F ri 5/19/20 17 3 : 00 PM End : Fri 5/ 19/2017 3 : 45 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recur r e n ce : (none) Meeting Status : Not ye t respond Orga ni z e r : Patton , Lynne M Required Atte ndees : Surber, ed Keith W; Bass , Deana ; Br egon , Nelson R Opt i o na l Attendees : Fr ancesc hi n i - Pett y , Raq uel Th i s meeting i s be i ng held to discuss a n (ev i dently) s u bstantial h ousing inventory due to defaults/claims currently i n HUD' s possess i on and how best to dispose of those c laim s and/or occ u py these h omes effectively & e ffi cient l y , so not to conti nue to expend any co n tinued unn ecessa ry ma i nt e n ance fees . Subjec t : Locat i on : Fw : Weekly Sta f f Meeti ng Deputy Secreta ry ' s Co nf e r ence Room Start : Wed 5 /1 7 /2017 9 : 45 AM End : Wed 5/17/2017 10 : 00 AM Show Tim e As : Tentat i ve Recurrence : (none ) Recu rr ence Pa tte rn : Org an iz e r : Let ' s huddle db e very Wednesday on Father ' s Day aft e r the Staff of Housing C : !{bl(6l I Email : deana From : Alexander Sent : Wednesday pVERSIGHT 9 : 45 AM to staff meet ing . 10 : 00 AM Hughes , Andrew Deana Bass Deputy Chi ef of U. S . Dep artment /\MERICAi\ from and Urban Development . bass@h u d .g ov , Maso n on behal f of Hug h es , Andrew , May 17 , 2017 9 : 34 AM HUD-17-0504-E-001042 To : Byrd , David J ; Bec k les , Angela L; Kasper , Ma r en M; Nason , Mi chael C; Fitz patr i c k, Nora S ; Barton , Vi cto ri a L ; Bass , Deana ; Patton, Lynne M; Youngblood , Ric h ard A; Browning , Austi n G; Holderfield , Stephanie A; Gribbin , William J; Gribbin , Anne H; Zorc , Bethany A; Baco n, James A; Co re sse l, Jacie ; Marzol, Adolfo F; Dendas , Mi chael W; McCall , Drew A; Dema rz o , Benjamin E ; Bur l ey , Mi chael N; Coffey , Al e x a n der Subject : FW: Weekly Staff Meeti ng When : Wednesday , May 17 , 2017 9 : 4 5 AM- 1 0: 00 AM. Where : Deputy Secreta r y ' s Con fere nce Room F rom : Hug hes , An drew Sent : Wednesday , May 10 , 2017 1 : 38 : 41 PM UTC To : Hu g he s , And r ew ; Co f fey , Alexander ; Barton , Victoria L ; Bass , Deana ; Beck l es , Ange l a L ; Bowes , Robe rt B; Byrd , Dav i d J ; Fi tzpatrick , Nora S ; Greenwood, Sheila M; Gribbi n, Ann e H; Gruso n, Barbara ; Hol de rfi e l d, Stephani e A; Holmes , Gr e gory A; Kasper, Maren M; McCa ll , Drew A; Nason, Micha e l C; Patton , Lynn e M; Petty , Timothy J ; You n gblood , Richard A; Wil liams , Raphael L; Brown in g , Austi n G; Gribbin , Willi am J ; Dendas , Mi chae l W; Th ompso n , Amy C; Demar z o , Benjamin E ; Dela h oy d e , Abigail M; Coressel , J acie ; Zorc , Bethany A; Bacon , Jam es A; Marzol , Adolfo J ; Kur t z , Rober t H; Burl e y , Micha e l N Cc : Alexander , Mason Subject : FW: Week ly Staff Meet ing When : Wednesday , May 17 , 2 0 17 1 : 45 PM- 2 :0 0 PM. Where : Deputy Secretary' ; s Co n fere n ce Room -----O r ig i na l Appointment----From : Hug hes , Andrew Sent : Wednesday , April 26 , 2017 10 : 02 AM To : Hug hes, Andr ew; Coff e y , Al e xander ; Barton , Vi ctor i a L; Bass , Deana ; Beckles , Angela L ; Bowes , Rober t B; Byrd , David J ; F i t zp at r ick , Nor a S ; Gr eenwood , She il a M; Gr i bbi n, Anne H; Gr u so n, Barbara ; Hol derfield , Stephan i e A; Holmes , Grego r y A; Kasper, Maren M; McCall , Drew A; Nason, Micha el C; Pa tton , Lynne M; Petty , Timothy J ; Youngb loo d, Ri chard A; Williams , Raphael L ; Browning , Aust i n G; Gr ibbin , Will iam J ; Den das , Mic h ae l W; Th ompso n, Amy C; Demar z o , Benjamin E ; Delahoyde , Abig a i l M; Coressel , Jacie ; Zo r c , Betha n y A; Bacon , James A; Marzol , Adolfo J ; Kurtz , Robert H; Burley , Mi c h ael N Subjec t: Weekly Staff Meeting When : Occurs every Wednesday effective 4/5/2017 u ntil 1/3/2018 from 9 : 45 AM to 10 : 00 AM (UTC-05 : 00) Easter n Time (US & Ca n ada ). Where : Deputy Secreta ry' s Confe r ence Room The week l y Staff Con f ere n ce Room Subject : Location : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Meetin g will FW: Weekly Staff Deputy Sec r etary b e in the Meeti ng ' s Conference Deputy Se cretary 's Room HUD-17-0504-E-001043 Start : Wed 5/ 1 7/20 17 9 : 45 AM End : Wed 5/17/20 17 10 : 00 AM Show Time As : Ten tat iv e Recur r e n ce : (none) Recurrence Pa tt e r n : Or ga niz e r : every Wednesday f r om 9 : 45 AM t o 10 : 00 AM Hughes , Andr ew From : Hug hes , Andrew Sent : Wednesday , May 10 , 2 0 17 1 : 38 : 41 PM UTC To : Hughes , Andr ew; Coff e y , Alexand e r ; Barton , Vi cto ria L ; Bass , Deana ; Beck l es , Ange l a L ; Bowes , Robe rt B; Byrd , Dav i d J ; Fi t zp a tr ick , No r a S ; Gr eenwood , She il a M; Gr i bbi n, Anne H; Gr u so n, Barbara ; Hold erfie ld, Stephanie A; Holmes , Gregory A; Kaspe r , Maren M; McCall , Dr e w A; Nason, Mi chae l C; Patton , Lynn e M; Petty , Timothy J ; Youngblood , Ri cha r d A; Williams , Raphael L ; Browning , Austin G; Gribbi n, Will iam J ; Den das , Mic h ae l W; Th ompso n, Amy C; Demar zo, Benjamin E ; Delahoyd e , Abigail M; Coressel , Jacie ; Zorc , Betha ny A; Bacon , James A; Marzol , Ado l fo J ; Kurtz , Robert H; Burley, Micha e l N Cc : Al e xand e r , Maso n Subjec t: FW: Weekly St aff Meeting When : Wednesday , May 17 , 2 0 17 1 : 45 PM-2 : 00 PM. Where : Dep ut y Secretary' ; s Confere nc e Room ----- Original Appoin tment ----Fr om : Hug hes , Andrew Sen t : Wednesday , Apr i l 2 6 , 201 7 10 : 02 AM To : Hug h es , Andrew ; Cof fey , Alexander ; Bar ton , Victoria L ; Bass , Dea n a ; Bec kles , Ange la L ; Bowes , Rober t B; Byrd , David J ; Fitzpatr i ck , No r a S ; Greenwood , She il a M; Gribbi n , Anne H; Gr u so n , Barbara ; Hold e r fie ld , Stephan i e A; Holmes , Grego r y A; Kasper , Maren M; McCa ll , Drew A; Na so n , Mi cha el C; Patton , Lynne M; Pett y , Timothy J ; Youngblood , Ri cha r d A; Wil liams , Raphael L ; Browning , Au st i n G; Grib b i n, Will i am J ; Den das , Mic h a e l W; Th ompson , Amy C; De marzo , Benjamin E ; Del a h oyde , Abiga i l M; Coresse l , Jacie ; Zo r c , Betha n y A; Bacon , James A; Ma rz ol , Ado lf o J ; Kurt z , Robe rt H; Burley , Mi c h ae l N Subject : Weekly Staff Meeting When : Occurs e very Wednesday e ffectiv e 4/5/2017 u ntil 1/3/2018 from 9 : 45 AM to 10 : 00 AM (UTC-05 : 0 0) Easter n Time (US & Ca n ada ) . Wh e r e : Dep u ty Secretary ' s Conference Room The weekly Conference Subjec t: Loc ation : Staf f Meeti ng wi ll be in t h e Deputy Secretary Room ** TOBE RESCHEDULED HUD Housi ng I nve nt o r y OSEC Smal l Co nf . Rm 1 0210 Start Thu 5/18/2017 : /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT 's 4 :0 0 PM HUD-17-0504-E-001044 End : Thu 5/18/2017 5 :0 0 PM Show Tim e As : Tenta tiv e Rec urr ence : (non e) Meet i ng Status : Not yet r espo nd ed Organizer : Patton , Lynne M Req uir e d Att endees : Surber , Keith W; Ba ss, Dea na ; Bregon , Ne lson R This meeting is being he ld to discuss an (ev id e n t ly) substantial h ousi ng inven to ry due to defaults/claims currently in HUD' s possession and h ow bes t to dispose o f tho se claims and/or occupy these h omes e ff ectively & e ffi cient l y , so no t t o conti nu e to expend any continued unn ecessa r y mai nt e n ance fees . Sub j ec t: Loc a tio n : RAD/Section 3 - wi th Ge ng er 10 2 2 6, Dean a's Offi c e Ch a r les & Tom Davis Start : F ri 5/ 26/2017 2 : 30 PM End : Fri 5/26/2017 3 : 00 PM Show Time As : Tenta tiv e Recurrence : (non e) Orga n iz e r: Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Char l es , Genger Your meeting updated. was found to be out of date M; Davis , Thomas and has Sen t by Mic rosoft Ex cha ng e Ser ver Sub j ect : RAD/Section 3 - wi th Ge ng e r Ch a r les Locat i o n: 10226 , Deana ' s Of fic e R bee n automatically & Tom Davis Start : F ri 5 /26/2017 2 : 30 PM End : Fri 5/26/20 17 3 :0 0 PM Show Time As : Tentat iv e Rec urr en c e : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Atte ndees : Char l es , Genger Your meeting updated. /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was found to be out of date M; Davi s , Thomas and h as been R a ut omatically HUD-17-0504-E-001045 Sent by Mi crosoft Exc h a nge Serve r From : Dav i s , Th omas R Sent : Tuesday , May 16, 2017 4 : 42 PM To : Bass , Deana Subjec t: Accepted : RAD/Section 3 Subjec t: HUD Mtg. w/Common Threads & GNC RE : Secreta ry Carson Vis i o n Center Cities Locatio n: Dept of Hous in g & Urba n Deve l opment , 451 7 St . SW (entrance at the 7&E St, South Lobby) Office o f the Secretary, 10210 Start : Wed 5/24/2017 End : Wed 5/24/20 17 2:15 Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence Rm. 1 : 30 PM PM : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : ma r cus reese ; Cristina Lynne Patton (Lynne . M. Patton@hud . gov) Your meeting updated . 's was found to be ou t of date and Antelo has been ; Ruth Milavec ; a u tomatically Sent by Microso ft Exchange Ser ve r Subject: HUD Mtg . w/Common Threads & GNC RE : Secretary Carson's Vision Cente r Cities Loca tion : Dept of Housing & Urban Deve l opment , 451 7 St. SW (entrance at the 7&E St , South Lobby) Off i ce of the Secretary , Rm. 102 10 Start : Wed 5/24/2017 1 : 30 PM End : Wed 5/24/20 17 2 : 15 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Organize r: Bass , Deana Required Attendees : marcus reese ; Cristina Lynn e Pat ton (Lynne . M. Pat ton@ hud . gov) Your meeting up dated . was found to be out of Sent by Micr osoft Ex change Serve r From : Cristina Antelo HUD-17-0504-E-001046 To : Bass , Deana Subjec t: Accepted : HUD Mtg . w/Common Threads Carson ' s Vision Center Citie s & GNC RE : Secretary Disc l aimer The information contained in t h i s commun ic ation from t he sender is con fi dentia l . It is int ended solely f or use by the recipient and others authorized to receive it . If you are not the recipient , you are hereby notified that any disclosure , copying , distrib ut ion or taking action in r elation of the contents of th i s information is strictly prohib i ted a nd may be unlaw f ul. Th i s email has been scanned for v i ruses and been automatica lly archived by Mimecast Ltd Software as a Service (Saas) for business . more useful place for your human generated Security , archiving and comp l iance . To find Subject : Fa ther ' s Day Follow Up Loc ation : 1022 6 . malware , and may have , an innovator in Providing a safe r and data . Specializing in ; out more Click Here . Start : Wed 5/17/2017 10 : 15 AM End : Wed 5/17/20 17 10 : 45 AM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Coffey , Alexander Raphael L Your meeting updated . was found to be ou t of date ; Patton and has , Lynne been M; Williams , automatically Sent by Mi crosoft Exchange Serve r Subject : Fa ther ' s Day Fo llow Up Loc ation : 1022 6 . Start : Wed 5/17/20 17 10 :1 5 AM End : Wed 5/17/20 17 10 :4 5 AM Show Tim e As : Tentative Recu rr ence : (none) Organizer : Bass , Deana Required Attendees : Coffey Raphael L Your meeting updated . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT was found to , Alexander be out of date ; Patton and has , Lynne been M; Williams , automatically HUD-17-0504-E-001047 Sent by Micro so ft Ex change Server Sub jec t: Fathe r ' s Day Follow Up Locat ion : 10226 . Start : Wed 5/1 7/ 20 17 10 : 15 AM End : Wed 5 /1 7/ 201 7 1 0 : 45 AM Show Time As : Ten t a tive Recurrence : (none ) Or ga ni zer : Bass , Deana Required Atte ndees : Cof f ey , Alexa nder ; Patton Raphael L Your meeting upd a te d . was found to be out of date and has , Ly nn e M; Williams been , automatically Sent by Microsoft Exchan ge Server Sub je c t : Fathe r ' s Day Follow Up Loca ti o n : 10226 . Start : Wed 5/ 1 7/ 2017 1 0 : 1 5 AM End : Wed 5/17/2017 10 : 45 AM Sho w Time As : Tenta ti ve Recurrence : (none ) Organ izer : Bass , Deana Requ i r ed Attendees : Coffey Raphael L Your meeti up dated . ng was fo und to be , Al e xan de r ; Pa tton out o f date and Sent by Mic rosoft Exc h a nge Se rver Sub j ec t : Sect i on 3 Tas k Force Wk ly . Mtg . Locatio n : OPA Co n f . Rm. 10155 // DI AL IN# !(b)(6) ! PW MfilJ h as , Lynn e M; Williams been , a ut oma t ically 888 - 273 - 3658 CODE: Start : Mon 5/22/2017 2 : 00 PM End : Mon 5/2 2/2 0 17 2 : 30 PM Show Time As : Tentative Recurrence : Week l y Recur r e n ce Patte r n : Organizer /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT : every Monday from 2 : 00 PM to 2 : 30 PM Bass , Deana HUD-17-0504-E-001048 Requ i red Atte ndees : Patto n, Lynne M; Brego n, Ne l so n R; Mun i r, Raf i q A; Smyth , Ti mothy M; Holmes , Grego r y A; Gru son , Ba r bara ; Kasper , Maren M; Bastarache , Daniel l e L; Nor l ander , Adam G; Golrick , Janet M; Clemrnensen , Craig T ; Jacobs , Aztec ; Nicholsdixon , Merrie ; Thomas , Todd C; Chr i ste n sen , Eric F ; Fra n cesc h i n i-Petty , Raquel ; Wi l li ams , Raphael L; Holderf i eld , Stephan i e A; Coffey , Alexande r Opt i o n al Atte ndees : Taffet , Cl i fford Resources : HHQ OPA Conference Room 10155 Your meeting updated . was f ound to be out o f da t e and Sent by Microsoft Exc h ange Serve r From : Smyth , Timothy M Sent : Tuesday , May 16 , 20 17 12 :4 5 PM To : Bass , De ana Subjec t: Dec lin ed : Sec t ion 3 Task Force has been automatically Wkly . Mt g . I wi l l be in Seat t le on Monday (or in the air) at th is Subjec t: MEET with Ca rri e O' Rourke of FloridaRealtors Lo cation : Sec r e t ary Conference Room time . Start : Wed 5/17/20 17 2 : 10 PM End : Wed 5/17/20 17 2 : 15 PM Show Tim e As : Tentativ e Recurrence Meeting : (none) S t atus : Not yet Organize r: DocBe n Requ i red Atte ndees : Topic : Discuss h omeless/housi responded Bass , Deana affordable/attainable n g insecure Locat i on : Secretary Co n ference work force Staff o f Meeting : Mason and Room POC: Carrie O' Rourke , 954 - 439 - 2803 carr i eo@flor Origin housing recommended this id area l tors . org meeting : Deana NOTES: You will pop into this meeting for 10 minutes . Subject : Sect i o n 3 Task Force Wkly . Mtg . w/docume n t review CHI HUD & Chicago Housing Authority /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT wi th HUD-17-0504-E-001049 Locatio ! fa l se tru etruetrue 0fa l se< AutoPromoteA llo wed>EveryoneCompanytruefalse true< /AC PMCUEnabled>< l egal- u r l /> UCCapabilitiesL eng th : 7 06 UCinba n d : 250t ru etrueh ttp : //go . microsof t . com/fwlink/? Li n k id = 389 7 37 fa l se UCi nba n dLength : 347 UCMeet ingSettin g : fa l se

L0 LYM85Lh ttps : //meet . lync . com/hudgov/deana . bass/ L0LYM85L < Conf Jo inLink>conf : sip : deana . bass@hud . gov ;g ruu ; opaque =app : con f : focus : i d : L0LYM85L?conversation id =KLSGTQruCbe5HUD/CHA Sect i on 3 Mtg . S/29/ 201 7 2 : 45 : 00 PMl033

< Us er nam e = " Coffey , Ale xa nder " smt p = " Alexander . Coffey@ hud . gov " sip = " alex . coffey@hud . gov " />< Us er name= " Jacobs , Aztec " smtp= " Az tec . Jacobs@hud . gov " s ip =" a zte c . jacobs@hud.gov " />< Use r na me = " Ta ffet , Cliffor d " smtp= "Cliffor d . Taffet@ h ud . gov " sip= " cl iff o r d . t aff et@hu d . gov " />< Us er na me = '' Franceschini - Petty , Raquel " smtp= "Raquel . Franceschini - Pet t y@HUD. GOV" sip =" raquel . fr a n ceschi n i-petty@ hu d . gov " />< I MDisabled> f alsefalsefalse UCMeeting Setti ng Sent : falseL0 LYM85Lh ttps: //meet . lync . com/hudgov/deana . bass/L0LYM85L conf : sip : deana . bass@hud . gov ;g ruu ; opaque =app : co n f : f oc u s : id : L0LYM85L?conversationid=KLSGTQruCbe5HUD/CHA Sect i on 3 Mtg . S/29/2017 2 : 45 : 00 PMl033

< User
n ame =" Jaco bs , Aztec " smtp =" Az te c . Jacobs@ h ud . gov "
s i p= " a z tec . jacobs@hud.gov
" />falsefalsefalseEveryoneCompanytrue< LocalPhoneU
rl/>f alsetrue
ie sLength : 706
UCinba n d :

: //go . microsoft
. com/ fw link/?
Lin kid= 389737
UCinband Length :
34 7
UCMeeting Setti ng: 
falseL0LYM85Lh ttps: //meet . lync . com/hudgov/deana
. bass/L0LYM85L
: sip : deana . bass@hud . gov ;g ruu ;opaq ue
=app : co nf:f oc us: id : L0LYM85L?conversationid=KLSGTQruCbe5HUD/CHA
Mt g . S/29/2017
2 : 45 : 00
falseL0LYM85Lh ttps: //meet . lync . com/hudgov/deana
. bass/L0LYM85L
: s i p : deana . bass@hud . gov ; gruu ; opaque
=app : conf : focus:id
: L0LYM85L?conversationid =KLSGTQruCbe5HUD/CHA
Mtg . S/29/2017
2 : 45 : 00
< Use r n ame = '' Franceschini-Petty
Raquel " smtp= " Raquel . Fr a n cesc hin i-Pet ty @HUD. GOV"
s i p= " ra q u e l . fran cesch in i-petty@
hu d . gov " />fa
l sefa
l sefalse

Your meeting
update d .







d a te



bee n a ut oma t i ca lly

Sent by Microsoft
Ex ch an ge Server
Subjec t :
HUD/C HA Sec t i on 3 Mt g .
Locat i o n :
OPA Co n f . Rm. 10 155
Skype Meeti ng Li nk enc l osed
I N# 888 - 273 - 3658



Sta r t :
Mon 5 /15/2017
2 : 00 PM
End : Mon 5/15/2017
2 : 45 PM
Show Tim e As :
Ten tati ve
Recu rr ence : (non e)
Orga n iz e r:
Bass , Deana
Requ i r ed Attendees
S i as , Stacy ; Patton , Lynne M; Br egon , Nelson
R; Holmes , Grego r y A; Kasper , Ma r en M; Bas t arache , Dan iel l e L ;
Taff et,
; Munir , Rafiq
A; Smyth, Timothy
M; Gr uso n , Barbara
Nor l a nder , Adam G; Gol r ick , Janet
M; Cle mmense n , Cra i g T ; Jacobs ,
Aztec ; Nicho l sdixon , Me r r i e ; Th omas , Todd C; Chr istense
n , Er i c F ;
Fra ncesc h ini - Petty , Raquel ; Williams
, Raphae l L ; Hold erfie ld ,
A; Co ff ey , Alexan de r


n fLin k :
con f : s ip : deana . bass@h u d . gov ; g r u u ; opa qu e=app : co nf : focus : i d : L0LY
M85L?con versatio
n - id =KLSGTQruCbe5
Onlin eMee tingEx te rnalLink
h ttps : // mee t . lync . com/hudgov/deana
. bass/L0LYM85L
UCCapabil i t i es :

ue true0 f alseEveryoneCompanytruefalsetrue