Andrew Anglin Hon-sarcastic clari?cation of what is happening right now: 1- Mitre Enoch has allowed En'c Striker to do full entryism on THE 2. Striker now possesses the entire credibility of this site, something he dd noth'ng to earn; he is incapable of gaining his own audience because his ideas are so shitty 3. Striker is openly interacting with Matt Parrott and that other guy from TWP, along with all of the rest of that group of anti-social lunatics, a group that Ham: Paul is also close with {which is General Shier told Hits to have such a poisonous and comically irrelevant ?gure on this show] 4- Matt Heimbach is now back 5- There is zem chance that Eric Shiker will not rush to Matt Heimbach to reform TWP, and take all of the credibility he's gotten from THE with him 5. Even if Mike is bullied into not following Etn'lcer into ?wtf am I looking at? plastic stahlhelm Ftusisan orthodox communist neo?nazi revivalsm, Shiker is still considered a relevant and credible individual because Mike appmved of him, and TWP 2-0 will have credhiity because of this T. THE is responsible for the resunection of all of that horrible, poisonous shit from 201? 3. if you can't see all of this unfolding in front of your face, you?re retarded I. -5 {El March am