DEFENSE LOGSTICS AGENCY HEAQQUAWERS 3725 J, FGRT 220685?6221 The Henerable 191m Camyn AUG ?9 3 2817 US. Senate 517 Hart 8621326: Of?ce Bi?g. Washington, DC 29510 Dear Senaiar Camyn, 23an yaw iune 316 inquiry regar?i?g {he (3f yam {331132}?me We previmsiy addressed maems in a May 2 2917 reSponSt?: to: a 1301} lnspaetor Swami Hailing aemplaini. (Imam 66:32er the DQIYS Demilitarizaticn Pregram which ensures campiianee With 01? Cameras and Deparunent of State inns far Cameras Cogtm?ad List Items and U23. List items; as speci?cally taker; excaptien With DOD disposal actions for the High Mobility Mul?purpase Maiad Vel?cles Undar swam DOD palicy, varimzs typas of equipme?t require same fem} of demliia?m?en (DEMIL) prim releaw from DOD swim}: The speci?c that ?defences have b43331 assignad 99:13 mtg} m: remaval of 3:321 a?z Installed key paints (mg: ?rmer, weapans meums; drive?ain 0: systems enhanc?mems, eta). The assignmem cf this was is ix: awardame with Department gf State regula?gns far the USML. Items that am ?esignatsd USML, in ageordazzce with pm 121 cf Title 22, Fmeign Relatiims, af {ha Cede 0f Fed?rai Ragt?a?ms (CPR), haw bean spaci?sa?y designe?, madi?ed, adaptad or can?gured fer military use anci (13 1392 have commercial application: It is critical that handie: this type (if pmperty praperly? is include: when macssary, ta pmtect this military spaci?c mata?al 15mm. ear aciversafies. ?1 he Logis?es am: {ha 9312mm: the Anny haw saviewe? the teshz?cal data 3116 points pmvidcd by with the Depariment of Pregram O?iae, utometive and Mamants (lemma and AM General (the original equipment manufacumr) All agenciespagrsc that the can an: DEMIL code 23 apprapriate for the speci?c tha eferences bacause of the unique and varied andocumented made ta the vehz?iesv some. units. I trust this infamation is respensive to yam inquiry. Deputy Directox Legistics Operatians