Pensacola Community Redevelopment Agency CRA Sidewalk and ADA Accessibility Street Revitalization Projects A Street, DeVilliers Street, Reus Street Agenda Public Meeting March 19, 2019 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Introductions CRA Project Goals Why were these streets chosen? Scope of work for revitalization Digital tour of DeVilliers Street and A Street What are the issues, constraints, and opportunities for revitalization?        Limitations within the right-of-way Cost limitations Utility conflicts Driveway access and ADA universal access Parking Transit access 7. Multi-modal approaches to use 8. Previous and current public comment 9. Schedule Pensacola Community Redevelopment Agency CRA Sidewalk and ADA Accessibility Street Revitalization Projects A Street, DeVilliers Street, Reus Street Public Meeting March 19, 2019 Question: What can be done for these corridors to revitalize, make them more attractive for redevelopment, and make them more suitable multi-modal corridors? Answer: Let’s take a look. Pensacola Community Redevelopment Agency CRA Sidewalk and ADA Accessibility Street Revitalization Projects A Street, DeVilliers Street, Reus Street Public Meeting March 19, 2019 Pensacola Community Redevelopment Agency CRA Sidewalk and ADA Accessibility Street Revitalization Projects A Street, DeVilliers Street, Reus Street Public Meeting March 19, 2019 Pensacola Community Redevelopment Agency CRA Sidewalk and ADA Accessibility Street Revitalization Projects A Street, DeVilliers Street, Reus Street Public Meeting March 19, 2019 Pensacola Community Redevelopment Agency CRA Sidewalk and ADA Accessibility Street Revitalization Projects A Street, DeVilliers Street, Reus Street Public Meeting March 19, 2019 Pensacola Community Redevelopment Agency CRA Sidewalk and ADA Accessibility Street Revitalization Projects A Street, DeVilliers Street, Reus Street Public Meeting March 19, 2019 Pensacola Community Redevelopment Agency CRA Sidewalk and ADA Accessibility Street Revitalization Projects A Street, DeVilliers Street, Reus Street Public Meeting March 19, 2019 Parking Parking Travel Lane Travel Lane Pensacola Community Redevelopment Agency CRA Sidewalk and ADA Accessibility Street Revitalization Projects A Street, DeVilliers Street, Reus Street Public Meeting March 19, 2019 Travel Lane Pensacola Community Redevelopment Agency CRA Sidewalk and ADA Accessibility Street Revitalization Projects A Street, DeVilliers Street, Reus Street Travel Lane Parking Two-way Cycle Track Two Cycle Track Concepts for A Street Public Meeting March 19, 2019 Parking Travel Lane Travel Lane Two-way Cycle Track Pensacola Community Redevelopment Agency CRA Sidewalk and ADA Accessibility Street Revitalization Projects A Street, DeVilliers Street, Reus Street Public Meeting March 19, 2019 Question: Has this been done before? Answer: Yes. All across the U.S. Examples follow from NACTO and from Los Angeles and the UCLA campus. Pensacola Community Redevelopment Agency CRA Sidewalk and ADA Accessibility Street Revitalization Projects A Street, DeVilliers Street, Reus Street Public Meeting March 19, 2019 RECO HHEN DED RECOMMENDED The desirable Mo?way cycle track width is 12 feet. Minimum width in con? strained locations is 8 feet. Rush hour intensities (two directions, bikes per hour} Cycle Track Width (fut) - 150 150-?50 37"50 I15 10 13 CHOW. {2006}. Flemrd 25: Design Manual for Bicycle Traf?c. CHM, The Netherlands. Desirable minimum width [see note 1] Absolute minimum width {see note I Safety strip to carriageway kerb edge minimun width {mi lsee note Notes: 1. 0.5m should be added for each side of the trask that is bounded leg. by a wall fort-tr: or budget 2 Safety strip to carriageway kerb edge minimum width she uid b1: 1-Cm ndjatcrt to frequently accessed parked cars Transport for London. {2005]. London Cycling Design Standards. When protected by a lane, 3 feet is the desired width fer a parking buffer to allow for passenger loading and to prevent dooring collisions. Safety strip to carriageway kerb edge minimum width shouid be 1.0m adjacent to frequently accessed parked cars. Transport for London. {2005]. London Cycl'ng Design Standards. A dashed yellow line should be used to separate Mo-way bicycle traffic and to help distinguish the cycle track from any adjacent pedestrian area. Driveways and minor street crossings are a unique challenge to cycle track design. A review of existing facilities and design practice has shown that the following guidance may improve safety at crossings of driveways and minor intersections: - If the cycle track is parking protected, parking should be prohibited near the intersection to improve visibility. The desirable no?parking area is 30 feet from each side of the crossing. Parking must be banned atong the street with the bitre path for a distance tong enough to ensure adequate stoppingI sign distances for motorists crossing the path. ?v'elo Quebec. {2003]. Technical handbook of bikeway design. 2nd ed. Quebec: tv'linis? tere den Transport du Quebec and the Secretariat au Loisir et au Sport. For motor vehicles attempting to cross the cycle track from the side street or driveway, street and sidewalk furnishings andror other features should accommodate a sight triangle of 20 feet to the cycle track from minor street crossings, and 10 feet from drive? way crossing. Color, yield lines, and "field to Bikes" signage should be used to identify the con?ict area and make it clear that the cycle track has priority over entering and exiting traf?c. i i variant of moron arc?rs to inciude heimeted bicycle rider symboi figure 90?3 5). Atternate sign in common use, simitar to MUTCD Fri?5, r?sa. TU RHING VEHICLES - If con?gured as a raised cycle track, the crossing should be raised, in which the sidewalk and cycle track maintain their elevation through the crossing. Sharp inclines on either side from road to sidewalk level serve as a speed hump for motor vehicles. i The results show that the paths with raised crossings attracted more than 50 percent more biCyciists and that the safety per was improved by approximateiy 20 percent due to the increase in bicycie ?ow, and with an additionai it) to 50 percent due to the improved iayout. Garden Ft, Leden, F'tlkk'nen, U. {1996}. Measuing the Safety E?ect of Raised Bicycie Crossings Using a NewI Research Methodobgy. Transportation Research Record, 1H6. NACTO Cycle Track Design Guidance RECOMHENDED 7 Two? ?stage turn queue boxes should be provided to assist in making turns from the cycle track facility. OPTIONAL Cycle tracks may be shifted more closely to the travel lanes on minor inter? section approaches to put bicyclists cleariy in the ?eld of view of motorists i it is recommended that on roads witnin buiit?up areas cycie tracks are bent in 2030 meters bemre and intersecting road {bending?in is defined as bending a separate oycie tracir toward the carriageway; with the distance between the Cycie track and the side of the main carriageway measuring between t] and 2 i 5 Function of Bending Cycle Track in: - Improving conspicuity of cyclists - Improving visibility of cyclists - Clarifying right ct way situations CHOW. Design Manual for Bicycle Traf?c. May be configured as a raised cycle track. Stf'? - j~ Options for buffer delineators NACTO Cycle Track Design Guidance Issues: Alternative users and parking in the bike box UCLA Bicycle Lanes and Users Issues: Alternative users and parking in the bike box UCLA Bicycle Lanes and Users I I ll23:Issues: Conflicts with transit vehicles UCLA Bicycle Lanes and Users NACTO Cycle Track Design Guidance I - NACTCI) National Assucla Clty Transponauun ?an of Of?cial; . {we-Wm; l'uouvtcd Tm]; with rum; Bum- luv-Why Mk4 Cycle but Cycle Ttacks Cycle Tracks ?if Cycle 1'ch Cycle Tracks Inn-Way l'uouucd (stic?l?mk with Mk4 Bm?u' I I Inn-Way ma (rd: luck Design Guidance con?oumd on I mom am a A '00 NOT you (MUYCO R51) WW wn WYCO m: m? mm am. new! sues; an. on Maud-on WORM ,0 90? am Mon. and am.? 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