29tss25i 04405 I 83 V Heturn of Organization Exempt From lncom No !5s5.004? secfuan 501(cl, 5?7, or 4947(nlf1) of lhe lnternal flevenue tode {exeopr Oo nol enter soclal ËeaurÍly ñumbers on this fo+m as it may be m¡de Þ 2017 s I Chedr ap¡rqbþ f-*lAdést L_--lchü93 ai;'l Noñc L{LJchM0e f---f hûÊt LJrotrñ ¡d€nlrficätlon INC 39-1 Nurnber and slreet (or P 0. box rl mîrl 633 ltßn. rs 6 trot delrvgreû to street address) AvE STE 330 I4t 9üISCONSIN wr MT lrelwl f--ìAooma. lon pmdrñg 4td E 53203 ls tfus a group retum F Name and address ol pnncrpal ofilcer SAIdË AS C H(hl ol f a o çô ç qt tuo 6Ll5uõüd'ôEtßs () Þ z z. ðð o rO ,>* IJ t) J Ê !, c, É. ctà t\t (:¡ f3 Grants and srmrlAr amounts pfld (Part q, b 6 6 g 6 7ô 422 631. 3, 4, ãnd 9c, l¡J Ínes I 't4 Bsnetrts pad to or for members (Parl lX, column (A), llnê 4) t5 Salar+es, other compensatron. empbyo€.benelús (pa.rt lX, coturnn (A), lrnes 5.10) 17 Other expenses (Part lX, cofumn (A), 16 Total expenses t) 39L,308. **--*--?-s,Tã9. ï2', 83?. ß 'å, .g .B "i . .i? ,"å 413 892. lne (J l Ìotal€Ésêts (Part X, Ìno TotÉrl'l¡ablrtres (Part X, AUG 16) Í*e <416,148. U) o 20 2l )¿ 13.17 (must t9 ( 494 081. hne lX, cofumn ZS) > Ét es è ô\, L3 4 5 Prior Yoar 16a Professonal fundrêrstng f€€s {Part lX, cohrmn ({), åne 1i e) b Totâl fundrar6rhg expenses (Parl lX, oolumn (Ð),Itne o È' of rñ0rê thân 25Yo of tts 7b A Coôtnbu,trons and grânts (Fart vllt, lne f h) I Program serurce rêvenue (Þarl Vlll, frro 29) 10 lnvêstÍ16nt rrìcorne lPa¡t Vlll, colu¡ryt 11 Othor revenuâ (Part Vlll, cohrnìn lA), f2 ïotai 1l o c-) rlr¡o ånefly descnbe the orgânt¿åtron's mrssrcln or rnost stgnrfrcant âcttvrt,es b G lst Yes (seê tnstructþns) s ãte of Check lhrs box Þ t1 'thc ofgant¿älron dt$côntüuâd t3 opêfä¡óns or Numbe¡ of votrng members ol the govêrnrng body (Pat1 Vt, tne t a) Number ot tndepèndeflt votrng mombers of the govarnlng body (part M, bnaJb) Tolâl number ol rrdrvtduals employed rn cålêndår yêar AOlZ (pårt V, trne få) Ïotal number ôf vélunteets lestrrnate tf ? a Totâl unr6tated busness rê1/ênu6 lrom (Ç), lne I2 ø m 0ther 2 3 4 € 6 o o f-f,lNo lor subordrnates? AHOVE lf "Nô," attach.ï Ëorm 2'127 Telephone number Crty or to$rn, state or provrnce, country, snd ZIP or fotetgn postal code aled l-I snd INgTITUTE l---lÊrÉr I or tâx Name oforgânrzâbon r 4 Beginnlnc of Current Yc¡r 2018 2,böu,ulb. 52 26) A*ñtIl I ttagnaufe Efock Under penallres ol relurn. rncludrn0 accompanytng (cther aod 480. 2,627.536. rs hased o{ì all (¡s ând sbtem¿nts, ând l0 the best 0l my tnform¿tlon of whtch has t-ô Õ $gn n L,J Here HOIJS w> q> {f Prrnt/Iype name TÐ Pâid MACCOUX (\¡ Prepa ter Frrm's name Use 0nly Ftrm's address (\J the d> c2 ¡ñ (\lI¡\ \a at 732001 il'?8 t? LHA PRESIDENT Prepårer's srgnalure D i,. l4Accoux Chtrl 8/03/t 00239034 Frrm'S EIN ¡ GREEN BAY Ëor Paperwork Rêduction rÂIr 54305-381"9 Acl Notrce, see the separat€ inslructtons. Phono no. 920 436-7800 norm 9S) leot z¡ BADGER TNSTITUTE, TNC Ëorm 99O (2O17) llffffillllll Statement ot Progrâm Seryice Accomplishmenls 39 - LS 9 27 hrs Part I 2 3 4 - Bnefly descrbe the organrzâtron's mrssnn PUBLIC POLICY RASEARCH - 2'l paoe lll 2 m TO ENGÀGE AND ËNERGTZA U¡TSCONSINITES ÀND Ðrd the organrzâlron undertakê any srgnrfçant progrâm s€rvrces duflng the year whrch w€rs not ksled ofi'thè pnorForm99oorg90-Ez? ËYcs ffiNo It 'Yes," descnbê thêse new sêrvrces on Schedule ô f]] I Ye s Drd tle organrzatÞn cease cotìductrng, or make s€nrfrcant changes rñ how ( conducls. any progrÊrn lf 'Yes,. dôscnbe lhese chang€s dn Schêdule O Descflbe lhe organtzattcÉr's pfôgram servrco accomplshrnents for eêch of fis three lårg€st program servtces, ås mêasurôd by expenges Seclron 501 (c)(3) and 501 (c)(4) organrzatrons are requrred to report the amounl ol grante and allocatrons to others, the totêl expenses, and revqaue,-rt âñy, fgr ea6h progfeln 5grvrce rq@{!ed [[l eervrcese r.¡o .WISCONSÏN , AND 4â I -.1.9¿?'Fj, 4b (coa" ! (expcn:or S 4c (coae 4d Clther program servrces (Descnbe ln Schedule O ) hdudh! qrüls ol nclud$q gr¡ôl¡ S ) (novenue s af $ ) (nev*nue S t Form (2O171 73200? r r,2a- l7 1l460803 7s6035 1244086 2 2017.04010 BADGER INSTITUTE, INC. 12440861 BÀDGER INSTITUTE INC. - L5927 27 Yês I descnbed rn geclron 501(c)13) or a9a7(a)(1) (other than a prvate lor.rndatron)? ll'Yes," complelo $chedule A ls th€ o¡ganrzâtron r@qurred to coñplêtê Sctlêdulê 8, Schedule ol Conlnbuforg ls lhe organrzalon 2 3 I 2 4 Sechon 5o1(cff3f organizätlôd3, Ord the organrzalon engage durlng the tax year? ll'Yes," complele Scf,edu/e C, Pad il 5 ls the organrzatron a seçtþn rn lobbyrng aclrvrtres, or hôve a sectún 601(hì electon ¡n 4 I Schedule D, Paû ill ùd lhe otganrzatron rêport an amo{rnt 1l ùd the organrzatron r€port ån ämount for land, burldrngs, and equrprù€nl P&t Vt b Dfd h€ orgånr¿atron rcport qn arnoünt lor nvestmen1s ' cthgr seou(tres rn Pârt X, ltne 12 that ls 6Yo or rnore of lls Lotal assets reported ln Part X, llne 16? ,l 'yes, " cotnp/efe Schedulé D, Paú Vll Dd the oroanzatþn rêporl an ämount för rnvestmonls . progËfn relãlêd rn Farl X, ftno '13 lhal rs 596 or rnore ol lts total aisèts feported n Part X, hne 1e', l't "Yas,' complele scheduloiÞ, Pañ vl¡I Dd the organrzalrón report ¿rn amount fór oth€r âssets rn Part X, hne 45 that ¡s 5% or more of ¡ts tolâl assets reported ln Part X, hne 16, ll 'Yès,* cömþlete Schedule D, Parl IX d 6 x 7 x a x I x ;L hå* epplcabls a c x Inhl¡ly, serva ås â cLlslodran lor counsehng, d€bl rflanagerfient, crêdrt repalr, or debl flëgohatton sêrvtcês? Od the organrzatron, directly or through â rêlaled organBatrôn, hofd àssets rn tÊmÞd:ånly restrcled endowrnents, permanent endowments, or quasrendowfil€îts? lf "yês,' c!.mplele Schèdll,e D, Pâtl V lf lhe orgãnrzâtron's ånswerto any of lhe lollowrng questlons ts "yes," lhen comptete Schedule D, Parts Vl, Vll, VllÌ, lX, or X as 5 rn Part X, hne 21 , for escrow or custodralãccouñl amounls not ¡rsted rr'¡ Fârt X, or provrde c¡.edlt ll "Yes," coñpre e Scñ9du/e D, Pa¡t IV lO x 501 (c)(4), 501 (cXs), or 501 (cX6) organtzåto$ thal rocorves mornbershrp dues, ass€ssm@nts.or A 7 X efiect srnrlar âmounts âs defrned rn Reveñue Procedu/e 98-19? lf "Yes," complele Schedulê ê, Paft lil Drd lhe orgên¿atron mârntarn any donor adv6ed funds or any srmúar funds or aççouñts;for whrch donors hgv€ the nght to Èyes," complele Scàedule D, Pa¡1 I provrde advrce on tho drstnbutlon or rnvestment óf arnounts rn such funds ôr äôcóunts? f/ p/esoru'e easêmeñt, rncludrng rece e easernents tô open spâce. or hold a cônservatron ûd the orgån¡zâhon lhe envrronrnent, hrstonc land areas. or hlsÌonc structures? ll "Yes,' complçte.Schedule D, Part l¡ Dd thê organrzatron marntêln coìlectons of works ol ârt, hrstoncâl tteasures, or other sffi¡lar asséts? ff "yes;' complele 6 x ùd the organÉ.etroñ engags rn drrect or rndrrect polrtrcal cåmpargn aclrvrtres on behalf of or rn opÊo€rlron lo cânddates for publ¡o ollçe? i I "yes, '' cofiplore Scñedu/e C, Parf I m PaÉ X, hnê 10? /l ^yes, " cornplêta Schedule D, x 3 x 11a f e f &d lha organzatrcn report ¿¡n ampunt for other habdttrás rn Pa¡t X. hne 25? ll 'Yes," complete Schedule D, Part X Þd th€ organøatron's separâte or..oonsoldat€d frnanoraf ãtatemenls for the tax year rnalL¡de a foolnote thât addresses th€ organ[aìron's ftabtlrty for uncortâhtax posrtlons under FIN 4g {Asc 740\2 ll "Yes," cgrnplefê sct'edu/e D' Pad x 12a [hd lhe organEâttrn obtarn separate, ild@€ndenl audited ftnanclel slátements for the tax year'l ll 'Yes,' complete Sct edulê q Parts K and XI b Was the organr¿êtron ncluded ll 'Yes," t3 tn coflsolrdated, rndppëhdent audrted frnancral and ¡Í the org¿N'.¡tzatpn answered :¡{ô. to fs rhe organrzatron ê 19 7¡2001 il X lld x fls 1tf x f2à x rnore lhan $15.000 of gross tncome lrom gamrng actrvûtes on Part Vlll, llne 9a? /l 'Yes, x l3 lf "Yas,' complete Scheduþ F, Patls lll and lV ûrd.thø organaatþ{ì repôrl a tötal of more than $1 5,000 ôf expeflses for professronaf fundratstng servEes on Part lX, colunrn (A), lnes 6 ând 11e? /f 'yes, co¡nplele ScÀedule G, Pa,l I Dd thg orgânçdtofi report môre than S f 5.000 total of lundrarsrng event gross rncomÊ and cøìtûbutþñs on Part Vlll, Ilnes 1c and Ba? ¿l'Yës,'eo¿npleaê scnedulê G, Pärl // &¡f the lfc 1b lne 12a, then cornpletng Schedule Þ, Patis N and Xll ts oplßnal lf 'Yes,' comÞlele schedule E schôÐl descfrbed ln sectro¡ 170(b)(1XAX¡i)2 or.for fo/ergn rndrvrduglsT 1A X slåteúenls for the tax yeafl 14s Drd the orgânrzatron rÏarñtgn an oflrce, enpioyees, or âg€ßts outstde of the Unrled Statesr b Drd lhe orgañ{uåttqt have agfiêgat€ revenues o¡ expÊnses ol mcre than $10,000 trom gräntmakrng, fundratsrng, buslness, tnvêstmÊnl, and p¡og¡raF sèrvlc@ achvÊl8e oüts¡de the Unf ed Stâtes, or aggregate f oregn rnvssfments vâlud al $100,000 o¡ moreT lt "Yes," cömplelé Scr¡€dule F, Parts I and lV l5 0¡d lh€ organt¿atto¡t report on Pafl lX, column (4, hne 3, more thao $5,000 of grants or olher assrstançe lo ot for any forergn organÊêtôn? l( "Yas," côWlete Schedule F, Pafts ll aød lV 16 Drd lhe organzattq¡ r€pôrì on Part'lX, column (A), kne 3, more than 55,000 of aggregate grants or otlrer ass6tance 10 17 1lb f4s 1¿h x fs x l6 x 17 x 18 x le x Form t2017) " ?8- t7 3 11460803 7s6035 1"244086 2OT7,O4O].0 BÀDGER TNSTTTUTE, TNC L244486r INC. BADGER INSTITUTE 9 -1.5927 27 (contñued) Y€$ 20a Ord tl"ìe organrzalÌon operate ofle or more hospdal facrfutres? b 21 ll 'Yes'' to lne 20a, dtd the organtzatþn altâch a copy of 22 23 ll "Yes," comqlete Sdtêdule H 20.a 20b rt$ audrted ftnanclâl statements 1o thrs relurlt? more than $5,@0 of grants or olher assrstancê to any domesttc organÈåton or domestrc govêrnrn€nt on pârt lX, column (A), [ñe 1? // "yes, '' complefe Schedule l, Patts I and ll Ord the organrzatÌon repoil X the organrzaton report more lhan $5,@0 of grants or other assrstanc8 lo or for domestrc rndrvtduals on .yes,' complele Scàedu/e l, pafts l and ill Part l X, colunrn (A), llne 2? /l Þrd the organrzaton answer 'Yes" lo Pan Vl¡, Sec(ron A, hne 3, 4, or 5 âbout co¡ìrpensatron of th€ organEalon's curr€nt and forfn€¡ offrcers, drrcclors, trustees. key employees, and hrghesl cÆrïpensated er¡pbyees? /l 'yes,' cornpletê Ðrd Schedule J 23 24a ùd trre organrzalron have a tax+¡(empl bond rssue wrth an oulslândrng pnncrpal amôunt of mar€ thãn S1q0.000 ¿s of the last day of th€ year, lhat was rssued after December 31 , 2OO2't ll "Yes," answe¡ hnes 24b thnugh 24d and rønatete Schedule K jl "No", go to hne 25a b Drd the orgacrzatron rnvest any proceods of tax oxempt bonds beyofld a teñporary penod èxcÊpton? c Drd tl-¡e organrzatron matntãJn an escrow acco{.lnt othêr lhan d Drdtheorgânrzätronaotasan"onb€hâlfol'tssuÊrforbôndsoutstandrngåtånytrmodunngtheyear? 2öa SectionSOl(cX3l,5ô1(cl(4),andö01(cl(29)organl¿alions,ÞrdlheorganrzatwtengasefrêrÌexcessbenêfû lransactron wth a dßquâlúled p€rsorì dunng the yearl ll "Yes," aomplete Schedu¡e L, Patl I b ls the orEantza}orì äw¿re that rl enEagêd rn ên excess beneht lrangacton vuth a duqualrlted persofi rn â pnor y€ar, and the iransäclrÒn has not been reported oñ any Schedule L, Pad 26 Drd ot the organì¿âton'spr¡or Forms 990 or 99O EZl a b c æ 30 31 32 gS u ûd tl-re crganrzaton provtde ¿ Erânt ór othef asststänce to ân.offrcer, dFector, trustêê, key emplÔyêê, substanlél contributor or emptoyee theteof , a g¡ant selectþn commtttee m€mber, or to a 35% conlrolled eñtñy or tan-ìlly member of any of lhêse persons? lf "Yes," compÌale Schedule L, Pan'¡ll\ Wâs thê organtzahon a party tô a busrness transactron wrth one of the lolbwrng partres (see Schedule L, part lV rnslruÇtlons for apphcable ftlrç threshdds, condilrons, and exc€ptnflî) Acurrentorlormerofftcer,drrector¡trustee,olftey€mployee?ff"Íes;"complsteSchødulaL,Pa¡tlV 39 X 25b x 2A x 27 x 2gã x 28b d¡restor, trustee, or drrect or rndtrect.owne12 ll "Yes," cotftplete Scáedule L' parl lV ùd the organrzatton recews lrþrê than $25,000 rn non cash contnbutons2 /l "yêE' complete Schedule M 28c ùd the organrzatton rete.ve contnbutrons of arti hrstoncal tre€sures, or x otheT srûular assels, or gualfted conservatlçn 3{¡ x the organrzatron hqudate, termtnale, or dlssolve and ceasa operaltons? ll'Yes," complete Scàëdule N, P€r1 / Drd the øganrzatron sell, elatrange, drspose ol. or transfer more lhan 25Vo ol fts nel assêts?/f 'yes," êamplete 3f x Scl¡edure N, Pad u 32 x 3¡t x u x Drd eatrty drsregarded as separat€ from fhe organtzatton undar Regulatons sections 301 77Q1.2 u\d 301 7701€? tÍ "Yes,' comptete Schèdule B, Part I was the oFganrzãtþn relatÊd to.âRy tax'exempt or taxabl€ entlty? 11 'y€s, " compl€tê schsdulê n' Pan l¡' lll' or Drd Drd the organrzalron own,1:Wo ol an lhe lv' a¡Ìd I organrzatßcn have a cmtrolled entrty wtthrn the meanrng of sectlon 512þ)(13)? to ltnê 35a. drd,ths c*gäntzatton rêcetve any payrnênt ffom or ongage rn any transactlon wúh a Contro¡léd êntûy 35a ù*hrn the 35b 'res,. 36 x 37 x meanrng of seclrcn 512(bX13)t # 'Yes," comp¡ete Schedule R, Parl V, hne 2 organ¡¿âîrôös, Otd the ofganrzatlon make any lranslers to än exempt noil.char[Abl€ rolâlod organ[åtlÔn? SO1(cl(3) SËct¡on coñplete sch€diiÞ n, Pe¡1v, hne 2 ùd the organt?atÐn csnduct more thân 5% of rts actrvrtRs lhrough an entrty that É not å relâted orgånÊâtron ard that rs lreated as A pêrtner$htp lor fedefal rncome tax purpÖsest rf 'YêS,. complele Schedule R, Paft W Ðld tlìe organtzâlron complete Schedule O and provde explanatnns tn Schedule O lor Part Vl, lnes 1 1b anct 19? 732004 tt-26 "r¡ 2â cosrlributrons? ¡l'ves,' complete Séåedade M ,f 3? 25â A famrly member ol a cuneñt or fqúner otftcer, drrêctor, trustee, orkey employee? /f "yes," completê Schedule L, Pan lV An entrty of v'/htch a cunenl or foritt€f.offtcor, drrector, trugtee, or key employeÊ (or a famrly momber theroof) was €n off$er, b ll'Yes" 3û 24s 24d any åmount on Part X, l¡ne 5, 6, or 22 for recerva$lêg fium or payables to any curent or *Yes." ofllcers, dtrectors, lruslees, key employees, hrghést compensãled eniployees, or drsqualtfred petsorìsî/f Par'. V, hnë 35a X 24a 24b the organrzatton report lolmer 2A .Á ll'Yes,' cornplëte I compleÍe Sc¡,edule L, Pad ll 27 x a refundng esolow at any trme dunng thB yêar to dêfeasG any tax'exempt bonds? that u 3A X Fô'm Sl0 (2017) t7 4 1r"460803 7s6035 1"244086 2O}.7.04010 BADGER INSTITU9E, INC L2440861 tsADGER Éôrm 990 (201 7ì tW Check paggS in5Ëìilngs anðTãx Coinpllance Scheduls O confarns â response or nole to any lne rf 39-159272? INSTITUTE, INC OJh-er rn thrs Part V Yes I s b c Enter th€ number reporled tn Box 3 of Form 1096 Ënter -0- í nol apphcable 1b Enter the number ol Forms W'2G rncluded rn InB 1Ê Eñter .0. rf not aFpfrcâblê Dtd the organtzatlôn comply wtth backup wrthholdtng rules lor reportauê paymênts to vendors and reponabb gamlng (gambfrng) wmnrngs lo pnze wnners? 2å É.ñter the number ol employees reported on Form ldôd for the calendar yeal endtng wllh or b W3, Transmrnal ol Wage ånd TÊx wthn the year covered by thrs relurn lf at least one rs teportêd on hne 2a, drd thq orgåntzalþn hle all raqurred lederal emFloymont tâx rêtilñs? Nole. lf the sum of tnes 1a and 2a s greater than 260, you may be requrred to e'l,/e (se€ instructtons) 7 â b c x ;; X x 3s o\i er, a l{ ^Yes,' ênter the nâme of the foretgn country } See rnstruclons lor flltng requrrements for FtnCEN Form 114, fieport of ÊorêBR Bânk and FlnancralAccounts (FBAR) Was th€ orqanrzâllon a party to a prohrbtted ta¡ shelter lransãÇlnn at any $t'1"ì9 dunng th* tax year? Ord any taxabl€ party nolfy thé ôrgantzâtton that rl was ot rs a pärty to a prohrh.ted tax steltêrffa$sactron? 4À I ffi ' zÀ. *.::5a x .d x ',:ll 5b 5c greate¡ than $1@.000, and drd the organrzaton aolctt X 6ã any conlnbutþns thât were not läx deducltble äs chañlâble cohtflbubdls? b 1c 3b hnancral account rn a lorqrqn ccÁJntry (such as a bank account, securfres aooounl, ot olher fnânctal accoua$" 5å b c lf'Yes,'to ftôe 5a or 5b, drd the o¡gantzatron hle Form 8886.f? 6a Does the organtzatrorì have annuatgloss recerpts that ar6 nornslly U Stateílenìs, 9ê Dtd the organlzâtron have unrelated buslness gross rncome of $f ,@0 or rrore durrng the year? b ll -Yes,. has rt frlsd a Fofrn 990.T for thrs year? /f "No," ¡o lno 3b, púvtde en expfa¡aa/orl Ð schedule o 4â At any ùm€ dunng the celerdar year, drd thê organtzatron havê an rntsrest In, or a sqnâturê or other authorrty b 4 lf 'Yes," dtd the organ¿al!¡fl rnclude wrth every solrcûaÎþn an expfess stateddrtthat such conlnbuttons or gttls were not tax deductrblÊ? Organrzatioils that rïäy Ëecerve deductible cona.lbutrons urtdôrsêcüorr 17qêt Dtdtheorgant¿ahonrecerveapaynìenttnexcessof$75mâdepartlyasacontrûu{0fiândpârllyforqoodsandservrcesprovdedt0thepayo(? tf "Yes," dld th€ orgänrzatron noìlñ/ thB donot of the valu6 of thê g@ds or s€rvccs provlded? Dtd lhe orgåntzâtoñ s€ll, exchaflge, or otherwlse dtsposê of tsngrue petsonal propetty for whtch tt w¿s requtr€d 6b u .i:-; 1a 7b ----i - ^.-t x *r* x 7c io ûle Form 8282? ñ d lf 'Yes,' ndtcâle lhe nurnb€rof 'lê e Drd lhe organrzaton recerv€ âny 7l I ùd lheorganr¿ahon, dunnglhe 7a g lf th6 organtzaüon recervêd a contnbutron of quahfled Intolloctus,pfop€rty, drd the organtzatron ftle Form 8899 as roqutred? h lf the orgaflrzaùon recelved â côntûbulton ôf cårs, boats, atçtånês, or other vehtcles, dd the organl¿alloñ flle a Fbm ì098'C? 7h 3 B Sponsorrng organ¡¿âtion$ msrntatning dsror advrssdfu¡ds. Drd a donor advßEd fund maortalned by the I sponsôrrng organrzatlon håve excess'þJ$rless holdmgs at åny tlme dunne lhe yeâÉ <.: 9 Sponsorin g orgãnrzãltora Rtaintainln g donor advisod f un ds. 9ê ä Dd the sponsonng organ¡zatron mÊk€ any tåxabtê d6tnbutrons unde. socllon 4966? 9b b Drd the spoflsonng organtzâtlon nrake a dstnbutrofl to a donor, donor advtgor, or lelated persofl? l6lr 1o Sectlon 5Ol(c)(7) or€Þn¡zätions. Ënler a lnûratron fees and capltåt co ìtrtbutrons ncluded on Part Vlll, llne 12 b Gross recetpls, Fìcluded on Fonn 990, Part.Vlll, kne 12, for publË use of cfub fâcllrtlês k.z 1I Section 50f{c}[t2) orgran¡2ât¡on*" Fñter 't ta a Gross rncomo rom mombetE or shatehôlders $; ,n b Gross tncorns from other sources (Do not net amounts due or pâd to other sources agalnst 4 , Ë.. f amounts 6:e or recetved from thßfi l2a b t3 å b c l4a ) S6ct¡on4947(ålt1)non-øxêmptqhåf¡tablotrusts.lslh€organrzalroriÍlngÊom9gOrìleuof lf 'Yes,' €nter the ârnount ôl laÌ€xempt lnt€rest recelved qr accrued dunng the year 1041 ? Sect¡on Softc)t2Sl qual¡f¡ad norproftt health insurance rsauers. ls the orgährzatton hcensed to ssue qualtlted heallh plâns ln nì'orê than one stâl€? Note, See the lnstruct¡óns lor addrtronal rnlorfilatþn thê orgánlzatron must report on Schedule O Enter lhe smðufit of reÉerves the organaaïon rs requrrèd to marntatn by the slales ln whrch the organt¿atÞn ts hcênsed to ßsue quâltfted heâlth plâns 12a + .Ì w '.d ç f3a Ënter the åmount of reserves on hand Drd the organrzatron reçervs any payments for rndoor tannrng seNËes durmg thê tax yoart l4a 14b folm (20 r 7) ?32005 lr.?6.rt 5 11460803 75603s 1244086 2017.04010 BADGER INSTITUTE, INC. 1244086L 2'.l 5 to ¡rna 0a, 8b, or f 0b òebw, and /espon$e lo thraugh descnbe lhø arcumstanc€s, procasses. o/'cfiangEs n Sci¡edule O See //t$fruc¡Þns 6 fgsponse A. Yes 1a No 1 Fnler lhe number al votmg members of lhe governrng body at the end ol lhe tax year ll hÞre are malenal dìtlerences rn votrno flghts ôrTì0n0 members ol the oqvern¡ng body, or ú lhe ooverntng body dehgaled broad authonty to an e xe cuttv0 commlttee 0r stmtlår commmee, explarn rfl sch€dule 0 b Enler the numbgr of votrng 2 Ord any 3 4 5 6 7ð members rncluded ¡n llne la, above, who âre Independenl offcer, duector, lftlstee, or key emptoyee have a famrly relatronshrp or a busrnef,s rÞlâtons.htp wlth any olher offlcer, dllector, trusls€, or key employe€? ùd the organlzaton delegate control over nÌånagement dutres customanly performed by or under üte dr(ç6t supervlsron of offrcers, dtreciors, or trusle€s, or koy employoès to a Írânagement ôompany or olhel p€rsoñ? Dld thê organrzâtton ßåk€ any srgnlfrcant chañges to rts govern¡ng docù¡"nents snce the pnor Fcirm 99Ô was f¡led? Otd the organr2atþfl be€orne aware dunng the year ol a s€nrfrcant dN€rstoo of thê organ'zåtrofl's acsels? Od thê organtzaîroñ hâvê mâmbers or slockholders? Otd the organ¡zatron have meÍibers, stockhctd€rs, or other persons who had the Folrmto elBot or appomt one ôr 2 more memÞers of the govemrng bodya Ar€ åny goúårnance dêc'srons of the organ¡zåtloñ reserved to (ôr sub,ect to apptoval by) rr¡e¡nbors, stockholderg' or persons othêr tharì tb€ govÊmrng body? 0td tfie 0rgânEalon contemporaneously docuû'lent th$ meeltûgs hefd 0i wrrtten aclons und${âkeft dunng fhe year Þy lhe fo[owlng' 7d X 7b --;; x b 8 6 b 9 I 4 ã 6 i-_.1 _ ._å:,¡-. Th€ gôvemlng body? Bå X Each commrtts€ wrlh authonty to ect on behalf of lhe governrng body? s lhere åny oñcet, dvector, trusteé, o¡ key €mployés lrsted m Pa¡l Vll, Sect,oÌlt.A who cannot be reached at the 8b X f Sec(ron X 0 the names and Section I lhe lnleñal Rêvenuë Yes toa Dd the o¡gârllzâtron hâve locâl châpt6rs, brårtchês, or afÍlraìôg" b lf 'Yes," dtd the organEat'fc n have wnlten polKses and procedrjl€s govemmg the åcÎrurlÉs ol such chãpters, afflllätes, and branch€g to ensurè th6tr op6ratroñs â16 eonsrstênt w(h ths organr¿Éülst's exompt purposes? .t I a Has the orEanÉâtton provrded â complete,cepy of thts Fcnn 990 to all nlerflb€rs ol ûs Oovenltng body beforê íllng lhe foffil? b Descnbe tn Schedule 0 th€ prooess, ¡f any, tsed by the organrzatroñ to .evtew lhls Form 990 òtúr¡r go b hne l3 124 ùd the organlzatron hav@ a wntten conn$t ol rnteleet polrôy? /f b c 1s 14 15 å b 16a x 12â X rþ f LÌ 12b x n 12c X ûd the organuetron have â wfltGn whrstlebbunr polry? 't3 ftd the organtzatron havo a wfltten document rÈtonttoû.snd d6slrucllon pohcy? 14 Ctd th€ process îor dStbfmrnrÊg compêri$elron ôf thê follôwlng persons rnclude â revlew and approval by urdependent pârsoñs, compârabrhty dEta, and coniernpùrÉneous subsìantlâlþn of the dêllberatror ând decrsron? ThB organRåton's CEO, Ëxacutrve Dnecùot, ôr lop management ofrcr¿l Othðr otfrcèr$ or kêy emptoye€s ot the organ zalroñ ll "Yes" to Íne 15a ø 15b, descnbe tl¡e þlÐGoss n Schedufe O (se€ rnstructþns) Drd the Orgiânrzatron rnvgst tn" CoñtntJt^e assêts tO, or partrcrÞate rn å fomt venlure o¡ srmllar arrangemant wrth a taxabl€ 6ñtly dunng b toh 1få Woreoflrcers,drrecl0rs.ortrustees,andkeyemployêesreqtFôd-todrsclosÈannùallylnterestshatDouldqryerlsetoc0nlhcls? .Yes, ' descnbe Dld the organtzattofi regularly and so{rstsfentry monrtor a¡td enforce complanc€ wrth tho pohcy? /l Schedule O how lh,s was done ll'Yès, ' tn drd No 1Oå x x é iâ ^-.---ù 15a à 15b $â u_-: - &l 1 fôa the yêal? pohcy or proôedu/e requlñng the orgânlzetþn to evaluale rts parllclPåtþn ÃÞpltcable ledêrat tâx law, and takê steps to sâfBguard Ìhe organrzalon's tÌ€ orgânrzatlon lobw a wrrfien pnt v6ñluË ef.angemønts ô. r{ 16b 17 18 stales wrth whrch a copy of thrs Form 99O ls requlred lo be l¡led Sectþn 61û4 fequlrgs ân orgänrzatrofl to make És Forms 1 023 (or 1024 t( applrcable) 990, and 99GT lséctron lôr öubfuc nsoecìon lnd¡câte how vou made these avarlable. Check all that äpply. [ îl Ot¡,", (explan n Schedute o) govemng doËußrents, confllcl ol Ëìterêst pollcy, and frfìânoßf Descnbe rn Schadule O whether (and rf so, how) lhe organtzalton mâdo ils statements avallabþ to the publrc dunng the lax year Stålê th€ nâmê, åddfess, and telephone nuÈbef of the porson who possessês the organlzätton's books and fecordg > ffi 1S 20 501 (c)fS)s oqìy) avarlable o*,n MTKE *uo.n. fl s ^ n ,otÁer's *eus,te fX] Upon reeuest 4L4^225-9940 Form 73200õ lr'e&'17 6 11460803 756035 L244086 2OT1,O4O10 BADGER INSÎITUTE, ÏNC. 990 (2017) 12440861 BADGHR ÏNSTÏTUÎE -159z',t2'l INC. 7 Ëmployees, and lndependent ContrÊctors a 1â Complßte thrs table lor all persorìs requrred ol notê lo ltne tn thrs Part VII tax year wrth o¡ wthrn the to be lsted Feport ¿omp€nsat¡on fot the calendar year . Lrsl tllol tho orgânlzatron's currsñt offtc€rs, drrectors, ttusleos t\ /hethar rndrvrduals or organrzalþns), regardl€ss ol amo{rnl ol compoñsahon Entor O.¡n cofumns (D), (E), and (F) rl nô coflp€nsalron was perd . ust all ol the orgåntzÂtron's current key employe€s, rf any gee nstructrons lor deÍiltro nrn0 I Grtts, granls, coôtflbuhons, and membershrp fees recarved (Do not nclude any nonususl grsnts') 2 Tax revenues levred lor the organ. rzâtlon $ benerd and êrther p€rd to or expended on rts behall 3 The valua of servçes or facrlrlreç fumshed by â gcvemmeñtâlunrt 548,26r.. 518,440. Cel¿nd¿r yêsr (or llscrl yerr beglnnlng ln) þ .; 1r.95985. . 34 t-0 915 . fal 2013 1850770. r'ryi fb¡ 20" 'l z3 Amounts from l¡ne 4 ,59ó , 46,741 . 42,2,63L. 1195985. G¡css rncome ftom rntercst, drvtdend$, paym€nls recewed on secuntres loans, mnts, royaltres, g ,598 548,?6T. 5I9,440. 7Z' ,r98. 4Z2.btL. trvSyö¡. J4lUI Totâ . Add Ínes 1 thr6rgh 3 ïhe portrón ol tolal contnbulrons by each person (olher than a gôvemrnenlâ[ únû or Þublrcv supporled orgsnzatron) rncludêci on lrne 1 that exceeds 2% of the ârnounl showì on ¡rno 1 1, cólumn (f) .i¿ ,Ë' ñ 7 I "125 21117 lo the orçânr¿ållon wrthord Çharge 4 5 l*l (cl 2015 lbt 2014 fal 2013 and lncorne frÖm slmllar sources 30,066. 43,935. 43,6L7. 1,97 ,07 3 . Net rn6omÊ lrom unrelatsd busrness actrvrtrês, whelher ôr nôl the 10 busrÍess rs reEulady carnod on Do not nclude garn or loss from the ;atà 0f caprtal olher mcome assets (Explatn t lE rn Pal Vi ) À 4 'f ..r:' 4 13 Totãl sr.Fport, Add hnes ? hrouoh 10 Gross rêcêrpts kom rêlåt€d äct¡vilres, e(Ë (s€ë Firsl l¡vê yearÊ, lf the Form 99O rs lor 14 15 (f) drvrded by lme f 1, column PubÍc support Fr¡roôñt4ge for 201 7 (llne 6, PrrþftÇ supÞort pêrcêfitâg€ from 2016 schedulè A. pårt ll, ftnê 14 1 12 ltrst, second, thtrd, loJrth, ot úfth tax year as a seclron 501 (èXg) 14 (f)) 16s33 l/3p/o sr¡ppo.ttêst -2017. jl theorganrzatÉfldrdnotchecktheboxonlrne13,andlrnet4s33 stop here. The organtzattôn quallftês as a publtcfy supported Qrgantzatron b3fll/s/osuÞPoÌttest'2016. .â W. :;l 15 1/So/q lf thsorganlzatronddnotch€ckaboxonftnelSorl6a,andhne'l5rs33 orrnore.checkthrsboxäïd >m 113%ormora.cheekthrsbox and stöp here. îhe organrzåtron quahltes as a publtcty supported orgânrzaiÐn 1?a 1(P/o .fscts"an&clrcd¡m$tancês test " 2017. lf the orgânrzatþn drd not cheok a box oû hne 13, 16a, or 16b, and hne 14 s 1fflo or more, ãnd lf the organtzâtto{t meets tl-re "facts.and'orcumslancesu test, check thrs box and stoÞ h€r€. Explarn rn Part Vl how lhe organl¿åtþrl meets the 'ltacts-ând.ctrcurnstances'' test The org¿nlzâlron quatrtìÊs âs a publÉiy supportad organuatron b loryo -fãct9.Ênd-circvmstancestost-2016. lf thêorganrzåtrondrdnotcheckaboxmknê13, 16a, 16b,or17a,andÛne15rs1(P¿ or > fl >D Schedule A (Form Ðe0 or Ð90-EZl 2017 732ô22 rO-ô5-17 1,4 1"1460803 756035 7244086 2017,04010 BADGER TNSTTTUTE, ÏNC. 'J.244085r BÀDGER TNST (Complete only C¡ rf you checked thê box on ltne 10 of Part I or lend¡ r year {0t fiËc el yeâr ùé0innlne ln} I Grfts, grants, TNC. ¡f 3 -1s9 the orgânrzåtþn farled to qualrly under Part ff 20'14 conlrbutens, ãnd membershp fêes rece¡ved (DÞ not rnckrds any "unusuål grånls ') 2 Gross reçerpts tro.n admlssrons, merÇhandtse sold of servraes per. fo¡med, or fac¡lrtres fumrshed n any actrv¡ty that r$ relåted t0 th€ organrzalÐn's tâx-exempl purpose Gross recerptg from actrvûles thât âre noì an unrelaled trade or busrness under seclßn 513 3 4 Tax revenues levr€d forlhe organ. l¿a[oñ's bênefrl ând eth€r pârd or expended on rts behâlt 5 lo The value of serv(c€$ or faorlrtrag lurarshed by â govêmmentål uñrt to lhe organrzation wrthout cherge 6 Totû . Add llnê$ 1 thfough 5 7ä Amounts InÇtuded on lnes 1, 2, and 3 rece¡ved lrorn d$qualfled p€rsons b Anwnlr rrcludad @ l$ss 2 sd 3 Kdved kçnr oths !h¡rr drçqqdrfrqdpsws lhål q êrcæd the grgts ront [nê 13 fü lho yeû on ol t5,000 l?6 ql thâ c Add hnet 7a ând 7b Cafqnd¿¡ y4¿¡ 1s¡ lisc¡l year ù00ínnlng in) 2015 9 Amounts flôfiì ln€ 6 loa Öross rncome from lnterÊst, drvrdelds, paynrents recerved on loarìs, rents, royattres, aìd rncorirð lrôm srrflrlår $outcês securrtres b Unrelated busrness hxable rnc0me (less secuon 5 âËqùired 1 1 lexesi from bü$nesses afler June 30, 1075 c Add hnês 1 Oa and lûb Net rncome lrom unrelated busrness 11 13 nat rncfuded rr t¡ne 10b, whether or not tha bus¡nes3 ¡s rcgularly carned on Olher Income ÞO noì nçlude gãm or loss frorn thê sål€ of cåprtal ass6ls (ExÞlârn rn Part V{ } T0tal 8upFtrfl. (Add hn€9. loc,'rl,ðd r2) 14 First five yeare. ll tho Form 990 rs for tS ÞL¡bIc âctrvtljÊs 12 t7 18 I, srtpport lnv€stmont tncome lnv€sfm€nt ftrst, secand, thrrd, lourth, or ftfth tax yêar â$ å sectton 501 {c)(3} organEåtnn, for N'17 column (0 drvded by lrre I3, column (f)) 16 o/o (hôé 10ô, column (l) drvrded by ftne 13, cofumn (lì) la from 2016 Schedule A, Part fll, frne 1 7 19a33 f/3/o suppõfr.tÊ$ts -2017. lf lhe organtzat¡on dtd nol che6ktheboxon frna 14, and lne 15rs morethan 33 113%, and flne 17ls not móre thon 33 lr9o, Oheck tfrs bax and stóp herô, Tho organr¿âttorì qualrfres as a publçty suppoÍed organr¿alron b3!3 lln/o supporttGsts-ãX6, lf theorgantz€ltondldnotcheckaboxorìllne f 4ortn€19å,andllne16 lsmorethân33 1¡3e,4,and >[:] >E 18 l$ not mote than &l 1/39Å, cneck thts box andstop here. The organrzahon quahf€s as a publ€ly supported organøahon dÍ[ n^l r}lÃrk à hôv nn lne 1¿ 19ã ot 19b. check lh¡s bdrr anÍJ sêê Pttvale foundalion. lf lhe 9öhedule A lÊortn S or WO'E4 2017 73?û?J r0 06-¡7 frr'ìe >[::] m 1'5 11460803 7 56035 L244086 2OL7. O401"O BADGER ÍNSTITUTË, INC . 1.2440 861 ScheduleA{Form990or99ö^É212017 EADGER INSTITUTE, INC. 39 -Ls92't27 Pâae 4 lPãtl lV I Supporting Organizations (Gompletç only rf you cheÇked a box rrr ine 12 on Párt I lf you checked 12a of Fart I, complete Sectronc A andB. lf youcheckedl2bof Partl,compþteS€ÇtþnsAandO llyoucheckedl2colPartl,complete and E lf checked l2d ol Pad A and and Section A. All Yes 1 Are all of lhe organrzalron's supportêd organtzat¡oñs ltsted by name tn the organtzatton's govemmg documents? ll "No," dèscnbe,Ð Part Vl how the supported oryanÈ't¡oñs àrc dëstgnaled lf dæÊnëlgd by desenâtßn ll htstonc end contnung relal¡onsh{p, explan class ot purpose, descnbe the 2 Ùd tho organ¡zatron have any supported organsatron that does nol hava an IRS dêtsfmrflãtron ol slålus -Yês," explarn /n Part vl höw lheotganzatþn delè,f?]f,nød lhat the supponed under sectlorr 50€(aX1) or l2l? ll otganzatþn was descflöed n sectþn' 5Q9(a)(1) or (2) 3â Ddtheorgan¡záùonháveasupportedorganÊalrondescnbedrnsecùonsot(c)(a),(5),or(61?lf"Yës,"answer (b) and (c) b c 4a b c 2 T¡ below 3å Drd the organizatron conf rrm that eaÇh supporled çrg¿nr¿atnn qualfred undu sectron 5O1(c[¡fiì, {5), or (6) ard sallsfred the publrc support lesls under sectron 509(aX2)? // "Yes, '' descnbè ln'p6l Vl rvñen a/¡d how tho oeantzalþn made lne delermnalþn DrdtheorganlzatrononsurethatallsrrpportlosuchorganEahonswasusedexslusrvelyforsoctronlTo(c)(2XB) purposès? ll "Yes," èxplaìn ¡n PùlVl what controlt thè organÊâttô¡1 put tn plâëë tê ensure sucrÌ use Was any supported organrzatþn not organzed rn the Unrled Stãhs ("forergn suÞportsd organrzatton")t /f "Yes,' and í yoD checked l2aot 12þ ¡n Pan l, answer (b) ard (0).Qßf?w ùd the organ ¡¿atron håve ultrffiate conlrol and drscretron rn decrölhg 1¿h6llìer lo make grêntg to the for€€n 4a supported organtzât¡on? if "yes, " dsscnbe rn Part Vl how the orgøtilatron lrad sÜch conlrol and dßcret,c.n despúê beng controled or super\ltsed by ör n cÒnnêctron wûh ttg srppotted atgên¿at,ons td thc organ¡zâtron support any fororgn supported organrzáron lhat do€s noÌ havo an IRS delermrnatron under sectrorTs 501(c)(3Ì and 5O9(a)(1) or (21'ì ll "Ye6,' explatn rn Pætlll wlî¡t conf¡ols the oîganzatþn used to enswe Ùi'at ail supparT to the foreryn support4d organøatþA was ugød exclu$vely for seçtton 17C(c)(2)(B) ¿ {..6r ¿b '& 4ë pf../poses 5a ffi 3c Drdtheorganrzatronadd,subsktute,orrernov6anysupportedarganrzålronsdunngthetaxyear:/f"Yes." ânswet (b) and (c) below (tî äpøtcablêl ,A/so, provó@ deÌail n PärlYl, ncfudng (t) lhe names and ElN the suppoñed orgânl7'atþns Md&, substrtuled, orrernôvgd, (il) thâ rêasons fþr each such actþn, aulhonly under the o(gantzatlon\ organzng documant 4îhôns¡49 sucà actrcn, and Av) how tha acann wâs accömphshed (such as by amendment to lhe oryamnng doc¡//rþnl) Type I or Type ll only. Was any added or subslrtuted supporled organuatnn part of à class already numôe.s ol -¡ti (ilt) the b c 6 dêstgnåted tn the organrzatron's organrãng document? Subs$tutlons only. Was lhe substtutron the result of an event beyond lhe orgânrzatron's oontrol? Þd the organizatron provrdo âuþport (whothor rn thß fo,m of grånts or lhe provrsron of servteos or lgcttrtres) to ånyone other than (t) il6 supÉorted organtzâtlons, (r0 rndrvduals that are pârl of the chârtäblê class benelrted by one or r'4ptq of rts supporled orgäñrzåtrons, or (ilr) othor supportrng organrzaltons lhet at$o supporl or benefrt one-çr rnore of tho ltlrng orgJtfltzatron's suppoited otganlzatrons? /f "Yes, " p¡ovde detail 7 A 9a n Pert Vt, ûd the organ¡zêtrcn provrde ãSãnl" loan, co¡npensatron, or oth€r srmrlar payment to a substantral contnb.rtor (defured rn sectron aSSS{c.Xg)(C)), a farnrþ member of a substanträl contnbutor, or a 357e corìtrollod entrly wûh regard to a subslant¡al côntîbutoÍ? lÍ'Yês," completê Parl I ol Schsdule L (Form 590 ot 990-Ë4 $ Þrd the orgarìrzatron make a lo¡l.lltç a drsqualfred person {as defrned rn sactron 4958} not desonbed m hne 7? t¡ "Y6s," conng,lele Pad lol Schedute L (Form 990 or 990-EQ Was lhe organt¿atÐû aónìrollêd dtrèclty or rnduectly at âny ùfi¡e dunng the tax yea/ by one or mote dsqualrfred persons aß dêtm6ìd rn $eçtion 4946 (othû/ than foundallon managèrs and orgân'zatrons dssortbed (21''17 lf "Yes," ptovde detarl n ParaVl' rnore dsqualúed p€rsons (as deílned rn lrne 9a) hold a controllmg rnleresl rn any enttty ln whtÇh lh€ supportrñg organreatron had an rnterest? lÍ "'les," pmwde delaü n ParlYl. D¡d a dlsqualifred p8lson las deftned 1n lrne 9ð) have an ownershrÞ Frterêst rn, o¡ derrye any pêrsônâl bênêfrl from, assets in whlch lhe supporltng organr¿âtron also had an rnlerest2 ll 'Yes,^ prowde delall ø Part Vl. Was thâ organt¡âtôn subleçt to thê êxôess busrness hotdrngs rulês ô, secìrôo 4943 because óf sectþn 4943(Q (regardrng certalfl Type ll supportrng organEstons, and all Type lll non.funclronally rntegrated supporttng orgânr¿atlons)? ll "Yes,' answer l0b below Ê 9a rn sect¡on 5o9(aXi ) ar þ c loa ò sb -.---X 9c ,; lOs ;..1 Dd the organ rzatron hêve añy excess busrness holdrngs rn the tax year', (Use Schedule C, Foîm 4720, to delermnewhelhet the t3m?4 if;*. Drd one or 10.06- lötì âad excess busrness Schedule A (Form 990 or 900.EZl ?017 17 L6 11460803 756035 l-244086 2OL7.O4O1O BÀDG8R INSTITUTE, TNC, 1 2440861 ER INSTITUTE 39 -15927 27 TNC. Yè5 1l a below, lhe goveñmg body of å 6upportèd orgâñtzãtron? b o No Has the organrzatron accepted a grft or conlnbullon lrom âny of the follow'ng persons? A person who drreclly or rndrectly conlrols, erthsr alone or together wrth persons descrrbed f1a A famrly rnenrber ol e person descftbed rn (a) above? A 35% controlled n a or ll "Yes'to Part Or 11c ol one or more suppoñed orgânr¿atronE hävô the pôwer tô regillaly appornt or elect at least a majonty o, the organzalron's duec{o¡s ôr trusteeÊ âl sll trmes dunng lhe tax yea, /f 'No, " descíôe rn Part Vl how lhe suppotied oryanÈalrcn(s) efeclvely opaftted, super/{sad, ør contrclled the otgan/zâîþn's âcttwlßs lf lhe organùalrcn had merc than one Supporled ÕtganEa1an, de.scrôe how thè poweß 10 eppo¡nl andlor remove dtrcctors ot ln¡jlees werc allocaled a{rÐng lhe supponed Otd the dlrectors, trustees, or m€mbershrp organzal c,ìs and what condú¡çnç or reslr¡ct¡ons, Í ;*ií: :;\ 'rä any. apphed lo sucn poryEls dunng lhe tax year a 1 ol âny supported organrzallon otlre¡than the supported 2 Ðrd tho orgênrzâlron opêrâte for the benef¡t I Wele â mâlorrty of the organt2atton'S dßectors or lrustees dunng or truste€s of each of the organrzatton's supÞor1€d or managemenl ol the supponlng organ,zatrcn rryas vested ,n the Yes No also a ma¡oflty of the drrec{ols ti ,n Part V; how cúnf¡ol ot managed Yes tr t1 €ach of ûs supported orgânr?diorìs. by lhê låst dây ol the frfth rnonlh of thê organEatûn's tax yea/, (Ù a wrrttefl notlce descíbrng tha typêand amount of supporì provded dunng lhe pnor lax Drd the orgânEalþn provrde yeff, copy of lhe Form 9S0 lhat was rTìost recenlly lrled âs of the d¡ito ôf notrfr¿åtnn, and (rrl) copros of tho organrzahon's governrng docurn€nts rn,offect on the date of nolráoatrqlr:to ìhe extent not prâvtously provrded) Were any ôf the orgañrzatron's ofllçe¡s, drrëdors, or trustees eûhêr (ùåppomted or elecled by the suppo(ed organlzåtron(s) or (tr) servrng o,n thêgovornrng body of a supported oiganrralron? ll 'No," explafi n Pârl Vl how thè oryanzatþn nantaned a clôse ând contñuous w6k¡ng ßlatlonshrp w¡th the suppo¡led organal¡otl(s) 3 t (il) a 8y reason of the relâtronshrp srgnrfcânt vorce n th6 orgãnüâlþn's pohcles And ln drrêôlrng the use ol lhe organralþn's Il "Yes,' úescnbe n Farlvl lhe role the orEdnrzaløn's Clreck the box nexl 1 J ,:3 method lhâl the Tgianzatton used lo saÛsly the lntegral Paft lest duníg the yê4see lnstructions). ,i The organrzatrcn satr$frcd lhe Actrvrtres T€st comøete llnø 2 below b [J 2" a "-Ìr (2), drd the organEatron's supported organtzattons have a ,ôcorne ol. ässets at a l-l 'lt' '4 The organ¡zatlon rs the.parcnt ôl eaoh of ]ts supporled organnat rrlts Coñptete line 3 below I govemmentat enmy Descnôe rn Pa/.vl how you suppoñed a gr¡vemment entûy (see f The organrzaton supported Aclrvrt¡es Yes Test A,lswër (ãl ånd (bl bêlow, No Dld sübstâñtÉlly all of the orgaff¿âtron's actrvrtres dunng the tâx year drreclty further the exempl putposes of the supgorted organtzãhon{s) to.rvhrch the organrzalron was responsvel /l 'Yes, " lhen rn Part Vl tdentify thosø suppørtcd ôtrganizâl¡one"ånd oxplä¡n iow ¿hese âcf,vlfres d,rcctly lunherell lher exempt þurposes, hôw lhe organzalron u/ås respÐ. fts,ve lo l¿ose suppafted organ zatÐns, and how the organzatÊn determtned thal these ac\vtl,es consl¡luled s¿/bstanl6lly all ol üs acl,l],tÊs b 3 á b Chd lhe aclñrtres descnb.€d tn (ai coflstrlute åctrvrtres lhat, but fo¡'the orEanrzatron's rñvolv€rnônt, oñe ol müê of lh€ organt:atro¡'s supporlcd otganrzatron{s) would have been engag€d m? /f Yes, " explar:. n Part Vl fhe teasons lor the org#rÈatron's posrt/on l¡trat ûs suppoiled organzalþn(s) would have engaged n lhese acttvúîes bút for he ôßanÈal@n's nvo¡venênt Parent of Suppôrted Organrzâtrons Anewer {a) and (b) below D¡d the organrza{ron have the power lo regufariy appornt or elect a malonty ôf tho off,oers, dlrectors, ol trustees of each ol lhe supported organlzaltons? Provøe detaÌs nPr.tUl' Dld the organrzalron e¡erclse â substantÊl degree ol drreclron over the poficres, programs, and acttvdles of each tn lhß tne 7520?5 10 06- 17 LL460803 7s603s j.7 1.244A86 Schedl¡lo A (Form 9S0 or 990-Ë2) 2017 2OL7. O4OIO BÀDGER TNSTIEUTE, T¡¡C. 12440861 39 -15927 21 INSTITUTE Part V Non-Functional T Su Öhêck here rf thê orgànlzatron satrsfred the lntegra¡ Färt Tesl as a quahfyrng lrust on Nov 20, 1970 (explêtn olher Section A - Ad¡usted Net lncome 2 Pår1 Vl ) See lñstruct¡ons. All (B) Gurrent Year (A) Pnor Year short.term 3 íì Ï (optronal) 1 Recovenos of 3 Other 4 4 5 6 Podron ol operatrng exp€ns€s paó o[ rl.auïed tor productron gr côlleôtþn of gross rncome or fot manãgement, conservatton, or of held for of rncome 7 I I Nêt Sectrolì B - Minrmum Assêt Amöunt 1 (B) Currenl Year ß) Pno¡ Year Aggrogate farr market value of allnon.€x€mpt us€ assets (see tor (optronal) 'sü for ol secuntres of d .l e Oiscount cla¡méd fôr blðckage or ôth€r m {¡- & fn 2 4 3 2 trom l¡ne 1d 3 Cashdeemedheldforexemptuse Enter 1-1 of Ìne 3 (for greatÊr añlounl, 4 5 4 6 lrne 5 035 6 7 7 a nêl ncomt-' fÖr lne 1 2 iûm S€clún B, trne 8- Column Al 3 4 Írné 5 tax 6 Fs^s ç tá'xtlS Section C - Dislnbutablo Amount Distribiltåble Amount. Subtrâct llÐo 5lröm hhô 4, unlöss sublect iÀi.$ Currenl Year "ì; @ ¡i' r¡1 3 tlil:xï * ,,ë "å S +,í ¡ '$. ' .i.a. ?. 1 .T : f:S :r :: ¡L &- .ib >i to o 7 Ctreck here rf tfÞ cuíent yeer e fhe organrzalþn's frßt as a non.functronally rntegrãtèd Type tll supporttng organrzåtron (see Schedulå A (Foffi 99o ø 9fn-EZ) 2ûf ? 732028 10,06- t7 r"8 rt46_0803 75603s 1244086 201?.04010 BADGER rNSrrrUTE, lNC. 12440861 EÀDGER 990 or I 39 * 15921 21 INC. Non o 1 Amounls 2 funqlnts pard to perform acttvrly that dtreclly furth€rg exempt purposÊs of supporled fit 3 4 5 assels Qualfred 6 7 Irnes 1 6 Drstnbutrons to atlentrve supported organtzalþns tÞ whtch lhe organlzälron I tn ts Part âmounl fôr 7 lroÍt hne 0 Section 2 Ê- Dlstr¡bulion Allocatlons (see ln$truclions) ,.-:' é. 7 from Sectton Ùne 6 Underdtstrrbutrons, if any, for years prror to 2017 {reason- (¡i) ('iil Uffd6rdi8trúütloñs Pre-Ð17 Drstributable Amount lor m17 :.i#s d¡' t:tw ,:t',ùl cause 3 7 $.'" ,gl' (F: -.'"ft..'#'.Ë Y.trt .:iå". ,ì¡ffi ,"f :i,*. *,p' .iþi '$.ã ,t' t 5: d '^!.!ï 7 ' Rer¡arnder 4 {I ,ê -"* ,.*$' ry &F . ?: t {q ö' ¡iì& ;;{ if?" ; ê .\ \ to ..i,$ s te¡ 2O17 dtstnbutâble .,¡ß:: ;fr!: U ^I.'"K¡ ÁËÌ' *¿ g' Remarnrng und€ldrstnbutlônsforyoArs ãny Sublråúì lnês 30 ûld 4a lrom 6 *jl IP 'J Dstnbutrono Íor 2O17 from gsctron 0, s 5 .sn' ..Rg # .S^r ,-# ,&:' ¡fr N:" ff sl&; , 4:r Romarntngunderdrstñbuhonsfor2017 and 4b from t¡ne 1 greatêr ftnes 3h For resutt greâter lhan zero,gxplarn tn VI 7 E¡csss a hnes 3¡ lneT å b Éxcess c 2015 2016 Sshedule A (Form gso or 990.EZl 2of7 73æ2ì lÈ06- r7 11.460803 7 56035 1244086 19 2OT7. O40].0 BADGER INSTITUTE, TNC L244086r ScheduleA(Ëorm99Oor990.Ëð 201 7 I Pârt Vl I BADGER INSIITUTE, INC. 39 -1.5927 27 Paoe I Supplemental lnlormation. Provrde theaxplanatrons requrred by Parl ll, lne 1C, parl lt, lrn€ l7aor 17b. Part ltl. ln€ 12, PårllV,SectrooA, liner 1,2,3b,3ô,4b.4c,5a,6,9a,9b,9c, 11a, llb,andllc,PartlV,SectronB, ltneEland2.PartlV,SêDtronC, fne 1, Part lV, Sectron D, hnes 2 and 3, PafÎ lV, Sectlon E, knes 1c, 2a,2b, 3a, and 3b, Pâl V, hne 1, Parl V, Secftcñ B, lrne 1e, Part V Sectron D, lnes 5, 6, and 8, and Part V, Sect¡on F, trnes 2, 5, and 6 AJso complête thrs part lor any âddtttona¡ rnformalton rnstructþns Schedule A (Form 73?028 ì0.ôA'r7 2Ð 11460803 756035 1244086 2OL7,O4O1O BÀÐGER INSTITUTE, IÑC. 9OO or 99()-EZl2O1l 12440861 Political Campaign and Lobbying Activities SÇHEDULE C {Form 99o or 9e0.EZl D6pYlds¡l d lh¡ frêGry k!lgnÃl âùfn& Sñ4a For Orgañlral¡ons Exempt From lncome Þ Îa¡ Nö Under s€ctiofl 501(cl and seÇtrorì 6?7 Þ Attach 1o form 990 or Ëorm 9€0-Eå Gompfote il th€ organiratton ís desoribed below. 15.13'0047 to Þ Co to w$rìn,irs,góv/Formgg0 lor ¡nslructions and lhe latgst ll the orgmrzallon answered oYes.'r on Form 0ÐQ Part lV, line 3, or FqIm S9O"Ê2, Þart . OMg Sectron 501(c)(3) orgânr¿atrons Gomplele Parts l.A snd B V, llne 4G Campaign Acl¡vltieol, th€n Ðo not complet6 Part I'C .Sechon50T{ö) {otherthänseôtrorì501(cX3)) orqánlzâtrons CompletePartsl.AandCbelow oonot-'eofflplêl6Pårtl-B . Sectron 527 organlzatþn$ Çomplete Part l.A oñly lf the organizatioo ãngwêred oYe$,u on Forrn S¡0, Ptrî lV, line 4, or FoÌm 9Oo-EZ, Pârt Vli line 4? (Lobbylng Àc'trvil¡és), thêr ö Ssclron 501(c)(3) organeatrons thâl have trled Form å7ô8 (electroñ under secf ron 5O1(h) gornptôte Part ll-A Do not compkte Pâd ll.B . Sectron 501lcx3) organEatons that have NOT Ûled Fo¡m 5768 Do not oornplete Parl ll.A tf thê organlzatlon answ€rêd "Yês,¡ on Form 0{Xl, Pätt :V, hne 5 99O-EZ, Part V, t¡ne 35€ tProxy Tar) (see sêpärãtê rnslructionsf, then I BÀDGER INSTT 'l 2 3 1 2 3 10*18 INC Provrde a descnptron of lhe organrzatron's drrect and tndrrect pohtrcal câmpãrgn acùvrttes rn >$ Polrucâl campargn actrvrty €xpendnures Voluntoer hours fôl polrtrcâl campargñ âctrv¡tres Fnlsr the ârnount Of âny êxclsè tâx tncuned by thê Oroâfìr¿àtþn $ >$ €n(er lhe amount ol äny €xcfse tax rncuned by orgañrzâÎton lf the organEat$n tncuned ê sscïon 4955 ¡lå Was a rori'ecton made? l- I ves flT v"" 1 2 Enter th8 arnount drrectly expended by the [rltng orgânlzaton 3 Tolal ex€mpt functÉr'ì expend¡lure$ Add lnes öxempt functron actrvrtlés Êilter the afiìount of lhe fthng organrzattofl's funds conlÍbut€d I lHo [..î ruo $ for se¿lroñ S27 Þs oxernpt lurÌot€n aotrv¡tres 1 herc and or¡ Form 1 120-FOL, Þo lne 17b 4 Ë 27 27 No Yes the Ílng ó¡ganrzatron f¡le Form 1î2SPOL for lhrs ye¿iÉ Enlsr lh6 names, ¿ddrqssos arìd êmploygr rdenltltcahon ru.FrÉer (ElN) of all seclron 527 Þotûtçal orÛanÉâtons to whlch lhe f,llng organ,zatron mâdo payments. For each:ölgÊnratlon l sl6d, snfer lhe åmÞunì patd f/om ths hhrrg orgånrzatori's funds Also Énter the amoutrl of polillcal contnbutÐns reçe ed lhat were promptly and drricstly dolùered to a separate polûlcâl órganlzalþn, such as å sepärate segregated lund or a potlrcal actrorr (PAC) lf addrtronal spacs É needed, provrde tntormalton tn Part lV D¡d fä) Narne (c) EIN For Pðperwork Reduclion Act Notrce, s6e the lÍstrvclions lor Form 990 or 99GEZ. (d) Arnount pard f rom ftlng organrzatron's funds lf noñ€, enter'0. 16) Amouflt ol polilrcäl cÖntnbulofi s rece ved and promptfy and drrectly de vered to å separate pdrtrcal orgânrzatrofl lf noñe, enìer.O. Schsdule C (Form 99o or goo'Ezl 20!? LHA 7320{1 1r 0g 17 25 11460803 756035 1244086 2OL'7 . O401O BA-DGER TNSTITUTE, INC. 1 2440861 990 0r Schedule C TNSTITUTE 2C17 ()m INC. 39 *r5927 21 2 UN section 501(h)!. AÖheck>l I Châôk > I rf théfrllngorgantzalroflbelongs1oanalftLatedgroup(andlrstrnPârllVeachalllllatodgroupmember'$fìame,sddresi ElN, oxpenses, and $harê ol exoess lobbyrng erp€nd(ures) cheÖk€d box A group Ltm¡ts on Lobbyrng Expendituras lolâls (The term "êxpênditurês' mêÉn8 6mounts peid or incurred.f f a b c d e Í Total lobbyrnç expendrtures to rnfluence publlc oprnron (grass rools lobbyrng) Total lobbyrng êxpendilu¡"es 10 tnflueñcê å legrstatlve body (drrecì lobbyrng) Total tobbyrng êxpêndrluree (add hnee 1 a and 1 b) O{her exêmpl purpose €xpëndrlures Toìal exernpt purpose €xpendftt,les (ådd hnes 1c ând 'tdl o u Énter the ll lhs ¡mount on l¡ne 1e, column (al or (bl lr: Not over $5OO.00O The lohbyinq nonlåxåblê amount ts: 2æÅ 0f thê årnôunt on ltne I e Over $500.OOO but not ovÉr S1.000.000 $1 Over $1,00O,OO0 bui not ovêr S1,500,0(}0 $175.CK10 Over gj ,50O,OO0 but not ovEr $1 7,000,000 00.000 çlus 1 5% ot the excess ovdr ß500,000 Þlus 109ô ôl thê exoêss over $1.0ffi.000 S225,0O0 olus 5% of the excess.over $1.5û0.O00 Over t17.0OO.O00 $1,000,000 g Grassroots nontaxable amount (enter 25% of hne f) t Subtract lrne 1g from ltne la lf zèro or le$s, ent€r .0' ¡ Subvactlrne 1f fromltnê1c ¡f zeroorless,enter 0" i lf lherersan an¡ou¡lolherthanzeroonerlherhnelhorhnel¡,drdtheorgqnrzalþnllleFÇ.r:m4720 U 1 [---'l reporlÌng sectron 4911 lax for thrs year? (Some organizalions that made a ssction Sès the separfltö Calendar year (or frscal year begrnnrng b {êl 2016 rn) amourit .L22,444. L24,353. Lobbyrng Çe¡lng amount (15ry0 of lrne 24, (d) 2017 ¡¡o 0 [e] Totat 246 791 0 ,i 31,088. e f--l . i .t\ "g 1.,508. Tolsl v"" Period Under section Stl1{hf do not have to complete all of the ftve columrìs below. lneç 2a through ã.1 370 r_96. 0. 0 .;. -¡ ) x, 0 315 . 61 699 0 0 Grassroots ot lfle 2d, 2 -r .n 92 549. 0 Sohedülè C (Form 99O or 9oO.EZ 2017 73m1? r t-09 ]t t7 460803 7s6 035 L244A86 26 2OL7. O40].0 BADGER TNSTTÎUTE, ]NC. 1244086L 2OI7 BADGER Scheduk C (Form 990 or INSTI 39* 59 727 3 o (election under section 501{hÐ. For each'Yes, " response on hñe$ 1 a Ih rough I t &low, provde tn Pa¡1 tV (b a defailcd descnplþn ol thè lobbyng actyûy 1 Yes Durrng the year, drd the lrlrng ergantzatþrì aft€rnÞt to Inrluence foretgn, nålrcnal, stat€ or bcal legrslatron, rncludrng any atlempt to tñfluence pubhc optnon on å lêgËhttve mêfier a or referendum, through lhe USê Volunteers? b Pård stafl or man¿gerrl€nl c d ç I g h ¡ Medra advÈilrsenênts? J Total Addlrnes lcthrough 2e b c I'lo ôf' (nclude compensålron n êxpense$ reportèd on lnes 1c lhrough 1 ";iii-. :- .{ r)? Mârlngs to members, legtslators, or the pubhc? Publlcalrons, or publshed or broadoäsl stalements? Grânts to other organrzattons for lobbyrng Furposes? D¡ect contact $rth legrslâtots, th€tr ståffs, govemmsnt ofltctâl$, or a lsgrslallvô body? Balhes, demonstralrons, semtnars, conventtofls, speeches, leclures, or âny stnlrfåt ffgans? Õlh€r aclrvûres? ùd the aclrvrtres rn lrne åt 1¡ I cause the organr¿atron to be not lf "Yes," enter lhe amount Of añy tax tncuned undor sectroñ lf 'Yes," ent8r th€ arnôunt of 3ny tax rnouned by orgãntzatton ,w, sectron 4912 drd û *$¡r; # ..ê or 5e Yes 1 Ware substanl¡alfy aI (gûót6 or rnore) dues 2 Dtd the otganøalon make only ir¡house No I /ecervd hondèduüùble 2 3 expendrturês of $2,000 or lesse or 501(c)(6) and lf either (a) åOTtl Fart lll-4, answergd [Yes.rl 1 Oués, assessments and srÍslar 2 SeÇtrorì 162(e) nondeductble 'and 2, are answered rrNo,{ OH (b) Parl lll-4, llne 3, ls from 1 lobbyrig and polltrcal expendrtures (do not rnclude amounts of pol¡ticat oxp€nses lor wtrch lhc section 62fif) lar tvas pald). ..1 2ã 2h a b c 3 of nondeductrble seÇtron 162(e) dues amount on ltne 3, whåt portrÕn of the excess 2c 3 estrnate of no¡dedrcnbþ lobbyrng and polrttcal laxaþle Provrde the d 4 5 of escrprtlorìs requraed ìnstructfons), añd Pêrt ll.B, Ìne 1 l.A, ltne 1, Parl l.B, l¡e 4, Part lC. hne 5, Part ll-A (affrhated grorp lrst), Pêrt ll.A, [nes 1 añd 2 (see thrs pari lor any addrtrona¡ rnf0rnâlron Schedule C (Form 9Sl or 990-EZl 2017 7¡21143 rl.0S,17 11460803 756035 1244086 2Cr7.04010 2't BADGER TNSTTTUtË, INC. 12440861 Supplemental FÌnancial Statemênts SCHÉÞÙLE Þ Þ C0ñpletê ¡t fForm 99Ol Fart lV. l¡no 6, rrYosA on Form 99Q l1e, 1lf, lea, or 12b. 7 Dßprlmml çt lhs LûGurt NâfiÊ ol thð ôrganiratlon INSTT ânswelêd "Yes" on Form Employer idenltlicatisr number I l! 9*1"s9 ol Parl lV, ltne 6 accounts lel Donor advrsed tunds f 27 the Ör Tofal nurnbef al end ol yeer 2 Aggregate valt¡e of conlrôutrons to (duññg yeâr) 3 4 Aggregate välue ol grants from (dunng year) Aggregale value al end pf ¡.9¿¡ 5 Þtd the organrzatron rnforrn âll donors and donor ðdvrsors rn wrftrng that lhê asstts hekt rñ donor advrsêd are the organrzalron's properly, sublect lo lhe orgañrzatron's exclus e legal controll Dd the organrzalron rnlorm all grantees, donors, and donor advrsors rn wntrrìS,{hat grant funds oan be used'Èoly for charûâble purposês êñd not fot the benel( of the donor or donor advrsôr, ðr fÕr âôy oth6r purpose conlemng 6 rf Part the a b c d hne 7 of a ñrstoícâlly rfilpóltânl land area P¡aeorvatron of a c¿rtfred h$toflc atructure Protactron of natural hâbrtat 2 i---l ¡¡o ol conservåtron eâsem€nls held by the orgânrzâtroñ {cheok all [-11 Presenvat,on of land for pubfrc use (e g , rscrealron or educ¡ton] Purposo(s) il vn" Prest¡rvatron of open gpacô tnes 2a throtrgh 2d rf the organrzatron held a quaÌft¿d'consBrvatr4n contnbulton tn the fo¡rn of e day of the têx yëar Totûl number ôf ôonEervâtlon easomerìtg ,A Tolal acreage restr¡cred by conseruaton easemênts 2b on the Complete Numbsr öf aônsefvatton eaBðments on a ceflrf€d hrslóftc Etllrcture rnelddÊd Nurnber of conservatron easernénts rncluded n n Hetd ¡l tle tnd Ye¡r ol lh€ 2E (a) (c) acqurred aller 7125106, and no1 on â hlstonc structure 2d rn the Natrcnal Flegrsler Numbsr of ôoñservatron eâsements modrÍêd, lrans[erred, r€leâ$od. êxt{tgrlrshed, or l€rmtnatêd Þy the organìzåilon dunng thé tax lsted s year Þ ol slates where property subþcttõc.onservâtron 4 Number 5 Ooes the 6 easemer¡l c located Þ orgânrzâtþn have a wr(tef¡ pôlrcy regardrng the p€rloclÉ monrloflng, tnspoctron, handlmg of uolattons, and enforcemenl of the conservaìron easen€nts rt hofdsl Stãff and vofunteer hours devoled.to ¡nonrtorng, tnspscttng, handlrrg ol vrolatþns, and enforctng conservatÐn eaaemenls durlng the year f-ly"* ñHo handlng ofvrolatofls, ãnd enlorcrng conservatt6l eâ3€m€nts duñng the year 7 I above $atrsfy lhe /êqurrufients of sec on 17O(h)(41(BXù O ånd seclror] r 70ft )(a)(!){a)z h Pârt Xlll, d€scnbe how lhe organEatron reporls conservatron Êasemenls roclude, rf n Y., fJ ro tts fevenue and expense staloment. ând balance sheêt, and applrCâble, the têxt Ol'the tootnóte tô th{t organrzatrcn's ttnåñCGl siatêments that descnbes the orgAnuâtloñ's acöountlng f or ft'ì sureô, or { la b the answèrêd .Yes" on Form 990, Part lV, [né a lf lhe elected, as under SFAS 1 t 6 IASC 958), not lo /eport tn ¡ts rêvenue statement ånd balance sheet works of art, assets hskJ far pubhc exhtbtton, educåtton, or rèsearch m furtherânÇé of publç servtce, provtde, tô Pârl Xlll, hEloflcal tr€âsures, or olher lhe text of the lootnote to ûs ånfflclat statements thtt dcscnbes lhose rtems 'lf lho organt?atron elected, ãs permrtted under SFAS 1 16 (ASC 959), 10 repori rn ¡ts ,evenue statement and balance sheet works of art, hlslorlcal tteaEur€g, or olher stmtlar âssets held for pubftc exhrbrtton, educåtÐn, or r€search In fiJrtherance of prlbhc servtce, provlde the lotrlowlng aríounts to thôse rtèñìs Bevenue ¡ncluded on Form gg0, Paû Vlll, hne Assets rncluded rn Form990, Part X telatrng lil (iil 1 > > $ S 2 lf tte organrzatJon rêcetved or held works of ar1, hrstoncal f reasures, or oiher srmtfar âssels for lnranctal gatn. plovlde the following amounts requrred to be reported t¡nder SFAS 116 (ASC 958) relalrig to these (ems $ a Reveoue included on Fo¡m 9€0, Parl Vlll, hne 1 L Y h A< $ c lf 'Yes, " eñÎor nãm€ ánd åddr€ss of Narne f fl v"s []] a ihtrd pârty lrôm whom the orqanrzãtrofl recelves gamrng revenuet b ll þ ¡¿o and tho arnount $ hB ihrrd parly Þ Address Þ Gamrng manage/ rnlormalron ñame ) Gamrngmanager compensat¡on Þ provded > Oescnptron of servrc€s [-.l Drrector/offÍcer 1? Yo t3b Þ Address 16 l--l to Enter lhe nâme ånd address ol the person who prepar€s thÊ oroântzâtþn's gamrng/specral events books and resords Name l5å lno lndrcãte the percentåge of gamrng acttvrty conducled tn a lhe organrzatnn's factlrty b An ot¡tsrde facrhty f4 pases I $ [*f l"ll ç*Þtoyee tnaepenoent contráctor Maodatorydstnbuttons â ls ttìe organrzât(on requrrêd undèr slâtêtåìv to mâke chantsble drsfnbutofls from the gamrng proôeed$ to reta¡n the stale garrung llcensê2 b 8fl1ôr th6 âÍlrunt of drstíbutrons regunod undçr srate hw to [--] bê dßtnbuted to other exempt orgañrzatrons 6r spênt own axempt acìtvûrês dunnq th€ låx vear > $ Supplernentai fÞforñatlon. Provrdethe explãnatrons requrrod by Part t, lne 2b, columns 15c, 16, and 1 7b, as appltcablê Also provrde anv ãddttlonâl Informatroñ Se nstruçlrorls v"" il tto n the orqânrzatroñ's lPait lVl 0¡r) and (v), tnd Part lll, hnes 9,9b, 10b, 15b, SCHEDIJLB G, PART I, T'INË 28, IJIST OF TËN HTGHËST PÀID 8UNÐRÀISERS: (T) NAI'fE OF FUNDRåISER: DÀ¡I CONSUITING. LLC (I) ÀDÞRËSS ?3¿0Ê3 or MORSE FûNDRJ\ISER: 5205 BÀ.RTON ROAD I4r 53711 Schêdulê G (Forff 99o or 990-EZ) 2Ol7 09.13.rt 11460803 756035 L244086 MÀDISON 35 201.7.04010 BÀDGER INSTITUTË, INC. 1244'086L TNSlTTUTE INC 3 -t592',t 2'l Scheúrla G {Form 99o ø soo"Ezf 7s2øA1 04.Ot.tV 11460803 756035 1244085 36 2OI7.O4O1O BÀDGER INSÎITUTE. INC. 12440861 Compensation lnforrnation sct{ËÞuùË J (Form 990) Þ Depdhtrl ot rhô TrÊa3ey AMn6 OMg No r945-Oo¿? Fôr öêrtárn Offrters, Þrrectors, Truslees, Key gmplôyaeç, aöd H¡ghesl êompensated EmPtoYees Complets rf thè ôfgaûl¿éliosì öñswârêd "Yø$'' on Ëodrfi 900, pârt ¡V, linê 23. >Attâch to Form 9dt0. Name I BÀDGËR TNSî -15 YoB No 1â j, 5 s, È * b 2 3 ord lhe organizatþn requr16 substant€lþn prtorto rormbursrng or allowrng expenses mcured by aÌl drectos, trustees, and offne¡'s, rncludrng the CEo/E)(€cultve Drrector, regardrng the ¡tem9,ôhecked ên lrrp la? 2 ¡ve ùrector, but exolasì \ \ II lll organralrons Dunño the \¡oar, dd âny person llsted on Formgg0, Part VIl, S¿ctron A, lrñê 14, wrtù respecl orgåntzatrÇn or a related organEatlon lolhe l¡nes & þ v t ç ,l Í t frlrng pârlrcrpãtê tn, ol rêcerve påyment front, å suppl€rfienlâl nonquåftfied retrf€ment ptan? Parirctpate rnr or recervê payment from, ãn èquûytased compe¡satßfl arrangerûentl I ( 1 l ¿ Ë Reae¡ve a saveranca pÊyment or change"of-conìrol payment? ll "Yes" to any of ?t sì d?. I m wntten erÞloyrflent contract fF} compênsâhon survoy or study fll ¡pproval by the board oÍ comparasatron commrllae , Form g9O ol olhèr rn Pad :t 1 the followrng tho ttllng olgântzâtton useö to Ëstsbhsh ths compansatrcn of tho organralþn's CEo/ExÊcutrve Drrec{or Check âll that aFply Do not check añy boxes fûr rûethóds used by ä rôlated orgânrzälron to [-"-] ¿ b c å.-\ lhdrcête whtch, d any, of estå tf t] 4 & lf any of tho bores on ftne 1 a are checked, dld the organEâlon lollow a wrrften po&cy régârdrng payment or rermbursement or provrsron of all of the exp€nses descnbed above? lf .No,' complete Pdlt lll to explarn ì x 4h ¡tc 4a.c, lôt tho persons and proude the apÞhcsblo amounls lor each rlom n Pârt l,l x 5 a b , Only eectlon SOltcll3), 501(cH4), and 501(cx2gl orgênìrâtlons must complétê lines 5-9. For persons l6l6d on Form 990, Part Vtl, Sectroo A, trne 1å, dtd the organrzatnn pay or acÇiue any compensatron conlngeflt on lhe rêvenuÊs â, { i x The organlzalron? Any relaled organlzatron? 5b lf "Yes" on hr Ê 5a or 5b; descnbe n Paû lll 6 For persons *sted on Fotm 990. Part Vll, Sec{rdr Ä, fne 1a, drd the organization pay or accrue any compensstton cônlnoent orì thêîsl eamngs ol .. a Ths orgânÊatlofl? b Any related orgaûEâlron? lf 'Yes'on lne 66 or6b, descnbe rn Part lll 7 Éor personâ hÊted oñ Form 9gO, Fårt Vll, Sectron A, hnê 1â, drd the organr¿âhon provrd€ afly rionfrxed paymÊnls not descnbÈd,úñ'lnes 5 and 6? tl 'YBs,'descnbe tn Part lll I Werê âñy arlrcuíte rc.ported oñ Fom 99O. Pårt Vl¡, pad or åcërued pu,.su,9nt to ¡ contraot that was subleÇt to the sìrt al conlract excepfton descnbed rn Regulatrons sêohon 53 49584(a)(3)? tf 'Yes,' descnbe rn Fart lll S ll 'YãÊ' on lrne 8, dld the org,anrzâtron also foltôw thê rebutlâble presumphon procedure descilbed rr Ll-lA Fof Act Notlce, sea the lnstrric{ions lor Fotm it\ \" b. It 6b t $¿l X I x -.9 ?- rl-J- Schedule J (Fotm 99Ol 2o17 9(XL 1f,2il1 l0 t7"tz 1"1460803 7 s5035 1.244086 2017.040]"0 37 BÀDGER TNSTITUTE, INC 12440861 BADGER TNSTITUTE J D¡rectors, l("y TNC. Use rf addrt€nal For each odMdua! vrhose cempensatron rnust be reported on Schedule J, report c0mpensatiOn frOm the OfgantZatton on row Do not (rr) {r} Få$s cornpensãt$fì (Al ña¡ne and f¡tùa Børuså (rh) Other ¡ncênt¡ve compensa¡ofl (1) needed 's 0 and fmm related orgånr¿atrons. descrrbed rn the rnstruclÐns, on row {ri} lut any nd¡vrdt¡çls thêt are¡'l hsted on Form 9ff1, Part Vll Breakdown of W.2 a¡dlor 1099-M'SC corftpensalÞn PRES 2'.t2',1 -1- and }IIKE NICHOLS !DE¡gT (i) I ril ('! Tr 5 ,9rü . 0" l¡t, reportâble coffrpgnsatron tÌ{r{.1 , 0 0. 0 {C} ßetrrernent and (D) tlootaxab{e (E) Total of coilrnns olher defelred berrêl¡ts {8}(Ð (Ð) 0 0 o Compensal¡ôn column l8) reported as defer€d on pnor Form 990 rn conìpensatron L2 ,9]-7 . (fl 202,867 . 0 ¡il I ('¡ l¡n (rl liiì Irl f¡il (i! ( riì {'} hil (rl lriì (') lirì t'¡ l¡rl fr¡ ftrl {d {ul ('l {¡il (') l¡it fr) (rll fr, trll Schedule J tFor]fl fxlol 2017 73?1!2 rO-r?.r7 38 rI]TE 39-15 2727 T ntorEatlon compl€le lh€ Part tor any addlÙonal 6a, 6b. 7. and 8. and lor Parl 1l Atso Iol Part l, lrnes'1a, 1b,3,4a, 4b,4c, 5a, 5b, requred descrtptrcns or Provrde the rntolmatlon. explañatl.ln. PÀRT I THE BONUS NON- P BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTÛRS 9eo) ?o17 39 73?r 13 10-r?-l? (Form890o¡ gso-8zl ComÞleto lo prov¡dG rnformâliôn tor rÊsponçe$ lo specil¡c qu€stion6 on Form gg0 or 080-EZ or to pfovtde any addltional ìnfo¡mãtioñ. > Attâch to Fôrm 990 or 990-EZ. O60vtmnl ol tho'freasuy Narilê ol lhe orgânEallðn Ëmployer ÏNSTITUTE FÀRT FORM 9 90 oMg êlÞ l54g"o0¿7 Supplemental lnformation to Form 990 or 990-Ee SCHEDUUE O TII I,INE 39*Is927 21 INC. DESCRIPTION OF ORGANI 1 TDFNTTFY ÀNÞ PROMOTA PUBLTC PO],TCTES WHTCH ARE FÀTR wrsco¡üs ÀCCOUNTÀBIJE AND COST EFFECTIVE FORM 990 PÀRT VI SECTION I,INE B 1].A I IT IS FI',ED. THE BOÀRD MEMBERS ÀRE GIVEN A COPY OË IÍHF 990 BE FORM 990, PÀRT VI, SECTTON B, LlNË 12C: TIíE OR'GÀNÍZÀTION HÀS À. WRrrrEN CONFt"ICtr OF INTERES" POLIC-.Y WHTCH rS Grlr'EN TO BO^ARÞ Yto MEMBËRS OSF ÀNY TNTERBSTED THÀT cotÍJÞ GlvE RISE TO CONrf,ï ARE REVIEWED BY ÀNNUÀI,IJY ÀITÐ ÃIüY CONFÍ'TCTÞÐ ARE COIWEYFD ÀT THE MA.NAGEMEMT MEETTNG OF THE BOÀRD OF ÐTRECTORS ÀFTER STGNEÐ DOCUMËNTS HÀVE .$EHN RECETVED. FORM 990 PART VI lON B, 15-A. THE ê'NNUÀL COMFENSÀT.rO}I'F.E:/IEW 0r r TsA PRESTDENf S. rS CONDUCTED VÀRIOUS COMPENSATION SURVEYS SIMII,ARLY SIîûÀTED ORGA¡,IIZATÎONS ARE ttSED IN Tt{E REVÍEW FOR!r 9 ÞÀRT SECTION C BY rHE OF PROCESS, LINE ]-9: CURRENTLY THF ORGA¡IIZÀ?ION'S GOVERNING DOCUMENTS, F:NÀ¡¡CIAIT STÀTEMENTS A¡ID CONFI,TCT OT TNTHREST POLTCY ARE NOT }.ÍADE ÀVAILABLF TO THE PUBLTC. THE P{'BTJTC DISCLOCURE OF THESE DOCUHENTS REVENUE THIS . IS NOT REQUIREÐ BY THE ORGÀNIZÀTTON'S FTNÀNCÍAL INFORMÀTION Tf'E IS INTERNAL DISCLOSED ON FORM 990. LHA For PapGrworÌ Reduclion Acl Notica. seo the lnstilictions lor Form 99fl of 9go-É¿ SchedulE O (Fo¡m 990 or 99O-ËZ) (20171 ?32?u 09.07,1? 40 11C60803 755035 L244086 2OL7. O4Û10 BADGER TNSÎITUTE, INC- 12444861