- Þo NoT pRocËss , ,"r,"990 u Return of Organization Exempt From lncome Tax OMB 20 Under sectìon 501(c), 527, or 4e47(ã)(1) ofthe Internal tevenue Code (except private foundations) Þ Þo ¡oì èntçr soclal sêcuÉty humbers on thta forñ äs iÈ dJåy be made publc ) :nformatron about Fc.m 990 åhd rts Instruçtlons ß al wwj tRS qov/lòrm9g7 Dr¡rnnrnn.rr'ìlrt Trr.r.rrn lnl*mrl R(rcn{È \en trr POL1CY No 1545-0047 OpeÍ to Publ¡c Iñspection O Ëüplqyet rdentrfrsatron R€s€ARCH INs]TTUTE TNC 39-1592727 ¡5 r5 fi 6ì3 w not tO E streel WISCONSTN AvÉ 5TÊ 330 (414) Applt{ðtron o1 or WI recetl:¡ts fl(a) IqI(E NICHOLs 633 W WISCONSIN AVË STË 330 f lôx-exèmpÈ'tàtut KÊômofôrgåñäètim corporutron I Trust descnbe the 1 E tr fr(b) Msori")ß) F ¡orl.l( ){(me".tna} [on+z(rxr)o, âszt M return for Is Auuo.,",,on NÕ yes E¡lo "N0," lt YåE {eee êxemptþn numbet Þ E oth"r> t987 I'l dofircrle WI fnrsston or mos! stgntftcant açttvtUes (l, o IrE (þ o 2 3 Check thrs bÒlt ró 4 5 Number of lndêpendent vottng membêrs of the govêrfllng body (part VI¡ ltha rb) îot¿l number of lndrvrduals employed rn (ðlendàr yêat 2016 V, lrne 2a) S Total numberof volunteers(estrmaterf 0 g I 4 7å E > lfthe ôrgåñtzåttôn drscontrnued ¡ts opêråt¡öns ôr Numbar of vctrng mer¡bers ofthe governtng body {Part VI, ne 1a) of ñèt 25o/o necessary), Totål unr€letëd bugrness rêvenoë frorÏl Pért VIII, colûñn b Net unrelat€d bustness Þxable lncome from Form 990-T, lrne 34 3 t7 4 l3 5 4 6 13 7â 0 7b Frior Year g cr å 9 10 1l Program sewtce revenuê (Pa.t Invèstûìênt trìcomô (pårt VlIl, column (A), Other revenue (Parl VIII/ column (A), lln¿s 5, 12 Total reyenue*add 13 14 8 Ø a I ul 422,63L 23,54Ê 27,í84 184344 c hnes 8 through 1 Bêneflts pard 10 Or for meîìber9 4 IX, (A), lnes 5-r0) beâefrts compênsat1on, Professtonal fundrarsrng fees (Part 18 Totðl èxpenses Revenue less c 0 0 0 445,562 umn (A), l:ne !3-17 Add 0 933,47e irne 12) 45,029 0 b Torà¡ fundratslng expenses 17 Other ¿xpensês (Part l9 725,998 Grànts and srmrlar aøounts pard 1,5 Salailes, othêr l6a th) Vlll, ìlne 29) Contilbutroôs ànd grånte (PärÈ VIII, ltô¿ û Current Yêaf (A), trnê 2s) Irne 327,L59 473,892 732,721 910,?29 -416,148 200,757 Bôglhñ¡nl of Cuffêht Yêät b Ehd ól Yeâr 2,A52,149 2.680,0 16 22,499 52,480 2,627,536 2,830,050 Fart Il pènal!es pet)uty mY I knowledge añd bèlef, rt ;s true, rs based on ali rnforrñãtron of rvhtch preparer has Sign Here o, nðne f6palêrs PnnV tyÞe prÈ9ôrëac Döma DÀVIÞ L È1ACCCIUX Frm's n¡oe > Frrm's address > 5rgñåturê DAVjD L I,IACCÕUX SCIIENCK 5C W¡ 2AL7.QA"rO Çhecl il Frrm'r FIN Po 8oX 21819 6RÉËN 6ÀY, DâtË Phonê rf > P00139014 39-1173131 nÕ (920) n16"7gQ0 541053819 Måy the IRS drscuss thrs return wtth the preparer shown sbove) (see rnstructrons) For Paperwork Reductlon Act Notice, ree the separate ¡n6tructions. M Cat No 1l2B2Y v.. ! Form ¡¡o 990 (2016) Ëorrn 990 (2016) Page 2 5tãlement of :rogram serv¡ce Accomplishments 1 Check rf Schedule o contarns a response or nÐte to any lrne ln thrs Part Errefly descnbe the organrzatron's mrssron ltl M PUBLIC POLTCY RESTARCH - TO ENGAGË ISSUES TO 2 MELY ACTION ON KËY PUSLTC AND Drd the organrzatron undertake any srgnrfrcant program servrces durtng the year whtch were the prror Form 990 or 990-EZ7 EDUCATION n v". Mln¡o If 3 "Yes," deecnbe thêEe ñew servìces on Schedule O Drd the organrzatron ceãse conduchng, or make srçntflcËnt chang€s rn how rt conduçls/ any tr Y€s E ¡¡o gervtces? If "Yes," descnbè these changes on Schedule 4 O DescrLbe the organrzatron's program servrce accomplrshments for each of Sectron 501(cX3) and 501(c)(4) organrzahons are requrred to report the a expënses, änd revenue, Ú àrtv, föt each proqram servtcê reported aç measured by expenses r others, the total 4b (Code ) (Expenser 6 tnrludrng grants of $ ) {Revenua $ 4c (Code ) {Éxpenses s rnclud¡ng qrðnlå of å ) {Rêvsnùê S 4d Other program servfces (Descrrbe rn Schedule O (Expenses Total .9 ) Lncludrng grants of $ seÍvrce ex ) ) (Revenue g 545,193 Form 99O I 16) Page PBTT IV Yes t Is the organ^tzat¡on descrtþed rn sectron 501(c)(3) or 4947(a)(1) (other than à pnväte found¿bon); ScËedu/e 2 3 4 AçA 7 I 9 10 Istheorganrzattónregulredtocornplete ScheduleB¡gcheduleofContrtbutors{seetnstructrons)? Drd the organtzatron engäge rn drrect or tnd¡rert polrtrcal cêmpatgn åcttvthes on behali of:or for publrc offrcø, "Yes¡" completa Schedute C, Part . I9) Il b Þrd the organtzatlon, drrectly or through a related orga Drd the orEan:zatron report an amount for ¿ssets reported rn Part X, hne 1ör If "Yes, Þrd the organraatron report ãn amount tn Part X, lrne 16? If "Yes," complete re 13 14o b 15 Í Is the organrzatron D¡d the L7 tB 19 srmrlar a 7 No I No 9 No ¡s e custodran nt ilabrlrty, reparr, or debt negotratron restnçted endowrnents. 10 Yes rt X, tn UII, IX 1Lb that ¡s 5o/o or more of rts that rs 5% or more of ltç total assets reported X, lrne 25? If No 1la 'Yes," camptete Schedule Ð, Part X 9 lor the tax year rnclude a footnote that addresses 4e (45ç 740)? ff "Yes," compløte Schedu/e Ð, Part X Yes tlc No 1ld No 1le No 11f Yes 1?a Yes audrted frnanclal statements for the tax yeaf? XI añd rl "No" audrted frnancral statemenls for the tax year? 12a, then complehng Schedule Ð, P¿rts XI and XIl ts opttonal 70(b)(r)(A)(rt)2 If "Yes," complete Schedule E or agents outsrde of the Urlted States? the organrzation or €xpenses of more than $10,000 from grantmakrng, fundrarsrng, þuslness, ent, a àctrvrtles outsrde ihe Unlted States, or aggregale forerçn tnvestmenls valued al Schadule F, Parts I and tV , ,000 or Drd the report on PaÈ IX, column (A), kne 3, more than $5,000 of grants or other åssrstance to or for any 12b NÔ 13 No 14a No 14b No 15 No 16 No Drd forergn 16 Part 1I PaÊ X, hne 13 rnde 'Yes," complete Schedule Was the organrzatton rncluded If'Yes," end the No d wfi q¡. Drd the orgänrzåtron's separabe or consol the organrzatron's lrabrlrty for Drd the organrzation obtarn rrght llne 12 that ¡s 5olo or more of rts total secuflbes rn Part VII pod an amount If for whrch hne 10? /f Þrd the organrzatron No 5 cômpletê Schedule D, Parts VI, VII, Drd the organrzatron r€port än ämount for l¿ nd, burldrngs, and equrpment "Yes,o complete Schedule D, Part VI q¡ d b No D, Part V If Drd thè orgänÍzåtton report ån amount for total assets repoded rn Part X, lrne 16r 12a 2 Yes assets ln If "Yes,' If the organrzatron's enswer tô åny of the followrng questtôn c e f Bl rn rn Is the organtaatran a sectron 501(r)(a), 50f(cXs), or 501(c)(6) organtzahon thêt assessmaRts¿ or slmrlar amounts as defrned rn Revenue Procedure 98-19? If 'Yes,n complete Schedule C, Part LfilJ D:d the organrzatron malntaln any donor advrsed funds orany srrnrlarfunds or to provtda advlce on the dlstrrbutlon or lnvestment of amounts rn such funds or If "Yes," complete Schedule D, Part l5 Drd the orgåntzåtton recetve or hold a conservatton easement, rncludrng the envrrqnment, hrstonç land areas, or hlstonc structures) If "Yes," Þld the orgànrzåtton märntatn collectrons of works of art. hrstoncal If "Yes," complete Schedule D, Part lil *J , Þrd the organrzetron report an amount ln Part X, llne 2l for escrow for amounts not lrsted rn Part X, or provrde - See rnstructtons for frlng ,uqu,r"meñts for p¡nÇeru Form 114, Report of fo.",En e";f;ãl;;;;;;ä;ilFg¿n) 5a Wastheorgantzattonapartytoaprohrbttedt¿xsheltertrançactlonatðnyttmedurrngthetaxyearT . , b Drd any taxable party nottfy the organrzatron Èhat rt l,+as or ¡s a party to a prohrbrted'tax shelter transacLton) c If "Yes," to hne 5ã or 5b, drd Èhe organrzatton frle Form 8885-T? 5a No 5b No 5C 6a Does the organtzatton have annual gross recêrpts that are normally greater than $100,000, and dld the organtzatron ôa No soltcrt any contrrbutlons thet were not Eax deductlble as ch¿ntable contnbuttons? b If "Yes"' dtd the organtzat¡on not tsx deductrbleT rnclude wlth every solrcriatron an express statenËnt that such contnbuttbns qr grfts were 6b 7 trganízations th¿t may receive deductible contributions a Drd the orqantzatron Tecerve a pÐyment In excess of 575 made provtded to the payorT undèr sect¡on 17q(e). p¿rtly as a çantlbutron and pa¡tly fcr goods and b if "Yes," dtd the organrzatron noHfy the donor of the value ofthe goods or servtces provtdÊd? c Drd thê organtzåtton sell, exchange, or othèrwrsê drspose pf tangtbl€,rpersonèl proÞÊrty ior whlch Form 8282? , . d If "Yes," rndrcate the number of forms 8282 hled durrng the year . e Drd the orqäntzatton recelve äny funds, drrectly of tñdtfectly.; to pày rü98-C? b 10 No 7Í No 7h Dtd the gponsonng orgónlzaborì måkê any tôxåblÊ drstrrbutrons undêr sêcttôrr 496ü I 9a Drd the sponson¡g organ,zatron måke a d¡stnbutlon. to a donor, donor advrsor, or related sêrtloh 50r(c)(7) orgånitèt¡ons. person2 , 9b . Enter Gross rec€rpts, rncluded on Form 990, PaÈ 10a 12 VIlt, lrne 12, for publrc use of club f¿crlltres Section 501(c,)( 12) orgån¡zat¡ons, E¡ter Gross rncorne from members or shareholders . l1a , Gross rncorne lrom cilhêr iources (Do not net amounts due or pald agarnsl àmount$ due or Fecerved from them ) . 10b Èo other sources 11b a9a7(a)(1) non-exempt charitable trusts. Is the organlzahon ñlrng Form 990 rn 1¡eu of Form 1041: If ''Yes," entër thê ar¡tount of fax-èxempt tntêrêst recåtved or accrued dunng the year. 12a Section b 7e Spoosdfing organizat¡ons maintaining donor adviged fund*, lnrttairon fees and caprtal contflbutlons rncluded on Part VIII, llne t) No 7g b a 7c recerved ¿ contrbutìon ol cãFs, boêts, arrplanes, or other vehrcles, drd the organrzatron file a form a 11 Yes aF Dld a donor advrsed fund marnta¡ned by the sponsorrng orgånr2atron have excess busrness holdrngs ât ¿ny ttme durlng thê Yearr 9a 7b benefrt contract) requrred? S Yes rt lvas raqurred t0 frlê f Dtd the órgänt2ätton, dunñg tbe yeårr påy prômturns, d;rectly or ¡ndlreetly, on a personaJ benêftt conträct) . g lf the orçàûtzatron reçerved a contrrbutron of qualrfred rntellectual propbrty, dtd the otgantzatron frle Form 8899 h :f Èhe organtz¿tron 7a 12¿ 12b 13 a Section 501(c)(29) qualified nonprofit health ínsur¿nce issuers, Is th6 organtzatlon itcensed to rssue qualtñed health plans rn more than one state?Note, See thê tnstructrons for äddrttônal rôformåtton the orgèntzåtton musÈ rÊport on Schedule O b Enter the amount of reserves the orgàntzåtton rs requrred to matntàtn by the states ln lvhrch the organrzabon rs llcensed to Jssue quahfred health plans c Ënter the amount of reserves on h¿nd 144 Dtd the orgånrzãtron recetvê any pâyments for rndoor tanhtng sen/rces dr:rtng the tax b lf ''Yes," 13a 13b 13c yeãr) , !4a " has rt ftled à Form 720 to report these pãyments¡If "No," prowde an explanatrcn tn Scheduþ A . No 14b Form 99o (2016) Form 990 {2016) Etr Page f;,î,ïiå; Management, ¡nd DisclosureFor eaçh "Yeg" response to 6 2 thraugh 7b below, and for a "No" response to lnes below, descr¡be the arcumstancesl processes, ar changes in Schedule O See nstruct¡ons rf ltnes a Yes la Ëntér the number of votrng membÉrs of the governtnqj body at the cnd of the Èax Vear 1a z=. If there are materral drfferencâr In Votrng nghts among memberE of the governtng bod¡ or rf thë goverhlná body deleqated broad ¿uthortty tg ån Êxecuttve comm¡ttae or srmrlar commrttee, explatn rÐ Schedúle o b .!lt': Enter the ôumþer af votjng rnembêr$ rncluded rn ltne 1å, above, who åre rndependent 1b 2 Drd a¡y offtcer, drrector, truStee, or key employee have a farnrly ielatronshrp or a bustness offrcer, drrector, Èrustee, or key employee? 3 Dtd the orçanlzatron delegate control over måhagement dutres customartly performed No the of offrcers, drrectors or trustees, or key employees to a management company or 4 Þrd the organrzaùon make any srgntftcant changes to tts governtng documents stnce S 6 Drd th@ organrzahon becoma awara dunng thê yêär of a stgntftcant dlverston of 7a Drd b I Drd the organrzaùon have members or stockholders? assets? . elect or ap the organrzatron have mernbers, stockholders, or other peruon= who members of the governtng bodyr Are any governance dec¡srons of the organtzatlon reserved to (or sub¡ect pÊrsor¡E No 4 No 5 No 6 No 7a No 7b No or more stockholders, or approval 3 other than the govèmrng body2 I Drd the orgånrzåtton contemporaneously document lhe meetrngs thê fÖllowrng a b I The governrng body? Each commrttee wrth dunng the year by or Wrltten actÌons authorty to åct on behalf of the governrng Is there any offlcer. drrêctor, trust€e, or key employee ltsted rn Part VII, Sectron organrzabon's marl¡ng addressT tf "Yes," provde the and addresses tn ã. Policies Thrc Sectton be reächêd ät thê b B 8a Yes 8b Yes I No the Internal Yes 10ø b lla loa Þrd the argänt?atron have local çhäpters, branÇhes, or If "Yes," drd the organrzaUon have wntten and branches to ensure therr operatrons actrv¡ttès of such chapters, affrlrates, exempt purposes? the form? b l2a b c "gotolne13, öl Þrd the organrzåt1on regularly and enforce compltance wtth the polrcy? ff "les,' descnbe 13 Drd the organrzatron l4 Drd the arganreatron fË Þtd the process for persons, ofthe tollowrng persons rnclude a revlew and approval by rndependent a The organtzatron's top manaEèmênt offrc¡al b Other offrcers or key 16a Drd b ônd dêstruct'ôn pel¡çy? If 'Yes." t2a Yès 12b Yes 12c Yes 13 Yes t{ Yc5 l5a Yes substantratron of the deltberatron and decrs¡on? or rn, contrrbute assets to, or partrcrpate tn s Jotnt venture or stmrlar arranEement wrth du drd the orge rn ¡otnt venture ståtus wrth respect to such lsb No 16a No rn Schedule O (see rnstruclrons) 15b, the tax¿ble Yes n Schedule O how thts wa¡ done ''Yes" to 1"1¿ to drsclose annually interests that could gtve flse to Were offlcers, dtrectors, or conflrcts? If lob to revrêw thr$ Form 990 Þescr¡be rn SchÊdulÊ O the prqcess, rf any, Drd thê orgänrzahon håve a wÈrtten No of tts governrng body before frLng the to alI Hag the orEanrzatron provrded a cornplete No a a wr¡tten ohcy or procedure rêqutrtng the ôrgÞûtzatìón to êvåluâte tts parttctpåtron a iederal tax law, and take steps to safeguard the organrzatron's exempt 16b gectîon C. Disclosure 17 Llstìhe Statçs wlth whrch a cçpy df thrs Form 990 rs requr¡ed to befrled> 18 Sectron 6104 requrres an organrzatron to make rts Form 1023 (or 1024 rf applrcable), 990, and 990-T (501(c)(3)s only) avarlable for pubhc tnspectton Ind¡cate horv you nrade these avallable Check ¿ll that apply 19 20 WI E fl M fl O*n websrte Another's websrte Upon request Oth*r (explarn rn Schedule 0) Descnbe ln Schedule O whether (and rf so, how) lhe organrzatron made rts govern¡ng documents, conflct of rnte¡est poltcy, and frnancral stàtements avarlablê to the pubhc durrng tha tåx yeãr State the name, ¿ddress, and telephone number of the person who possesses the organrzatron's books end records >MrKE NICHOLS 633 W WISCONSIN AVE STE r30 MIIWAUKEE,WT 53203 (4I4) 225-9940 Form 99O (2016) Fôrm 9e0 (2036) Part VII Compensation of Offìcers, Ðirecìors, Trustees, Key Employees, Hìghest Compen ând Indçpendent Contrastors Check li Schedule O contarns a A. 1a yeàr or notð to llne rn th¡s Part VII Trustees, thrs taÞle for all persons requtred to be 7 Employees, Highest a llsted Report cornpensatron for calend¿r year endr¡g wrth or r¡,lthLn the orçanlzatlon's ¡ Llst *ll of the orgqnt¿âtron! current offrcers, drrectors, truåteÊs (whether rndtvrdrràls or organrzåítons), regardless ol amount of- compensatron Ëntêr -0- ro columns (D), (Ë), and (Ë) rf no conìpensåìtot u¡as pard (A) (c) Name ¿nd Trtle Posrtron (do not check more than one box. unlêss person rs bath èfl offrcer and a dr¡ector/trustes) qJ -a u- ä 7_ f,r. ( t) I11OL!A5 i q ! =1 1 3 Drd Yes 1{o the organrzatron ltst any former otfrrer, drrector or trustee, key employee, or hrghest compensated employee on lrne la? If "Yes," complete Schedule J forsuch tndtv¡dual " . 3 No For any rndrvrdual l¡sted on lrne la. rs lhe sum of reportable compensatron and o[her Çompensatron from the organrzatton and relâted organrzatrons greater than 9150,000t If "Yes," complete Schedule J for such 4 tndptdual , . ; Drd any person Jrsted on llne lâ recerve or accrue compensafron from any un¡elated organtzatton or lndrv¡dual for servrces rendered to the organrzatron:If "Yes," complete Schedule J for such persan , t Section B. In 1 Comptete thrs tabl from the 4 Yes 5 No ctors r your frve hrEhest compensated rndependent contractors that recerved more lhan $100,000 of compensatron ar end Report for the calendar wrth or wrthrn the n¡zatron'ç tax year (À) Name Z Tot¿l number of rndepend com from the onÞ0 ness address (c) Com (rncludrng but nob kmlted to those lrsted above) who recelved more than $100,0Ð0 Form 990 (2016) Pårt VIII -{l 'b' Mernbar.âlirËdûiÈ . .c Èviiarãærníai¡ãnis.. ic r d neldté!.9f.så¡j¿t!' gn¡.i ç .9rÚ¡mr!'rR¡triprdir¡q1i¡0,ìq1qleqrìe) f tKñã;.tifls"øfâftr, Èqm.lliraÍCtd g Noncåâh contnbr¡tþn6 rncludêd rñ ilnee 1*-1f $ (' 422,631 Burness ù Ê 2å ê t b 5 b G f, ö d c o c o ê à orfl"RËAËB tHcôMË .J d f All other program rêryrcô rêvênu€ gTol¡l.Add 2å-2f ÛoðË , ä lnvaslncnt rnøme (rnclqdrng srmdår ånounts) . rnler6rtr aÍd other > . 4 tnc¿mç f¡om rnvêstment of löx-6xempt bond SRoy¡ltrag. . ta Grosþ 27,ts4 ) . procôadË . Þ * 4?,617 þ* ' renb b lÆs mnhì trëÉrs€t c Rêñtålrn@mô or d Net rentål mcoma or d Net gato or (loss) . # (r0$r) (løs) . HÐ 8a Gros¡ rncome from fundranng {, (not ¡ncludrnE $ ö €ontíbutronl rêportêd on ltne lc) See Part lV, Íne 18 , t o ct @ ô of b Legt d¡rqrì exÞenseg c Net rncome or (loss) 9à Gro:s lncome frcm aúùvtùes sÊe PâÉ lvr lrnè 19 È b LGss d1rêct êxpènsá6 ê Net b (loså) from less rêfuñE b Less (ost goods ç lrcm l{tscel:årieoug Rêvenuê b d eïotal, r€vèñuê Add hnÊs lfâ-lld . . 12 Totâl r€vônuô, SÊê Ìn5trucilon, 27.1à¿ Form 990 (2016) f#rfrqil Page 10 Stateñent of Functional Expenses Sectron 501 (c)(3) and 501(c)(a) organrzatrons mLrst complete ell çolumns Ail other orgenrzåtrons must çomplete column (A) Check rfSrhedule o a or note to a Do not include amouïts reported on lines 6br 2 ü thrs Part (s) (A) {c) Program servrce 'fotål expÈnses 7bt Ab,9b, and fOb of Part VIII. L rn l'lanaqement and o€nerål dxtlenses exÞ*n5e5 {D} Fündrå¡srngÈxpensÊs Grants and other äss'stènce to domestrc organtzattons :nd domestrc aovernments See Part IV, hne 2! Grants and other assrstance to domestic tndrvrduals See lV, lrne 2? 3 Grants and other asststance to foretgn organtzattons, forergn governments, and foretgn rndtvrduals See Part IV, lrne 15 ôfìd l6 4 Benefrts pard to or for member: 5 Compensatron of current offrcers, drrectors, trustees, and 198,86 3 '128,755 49¡t42 20,266 !57 ,27 90r J 13 4r,872 25,086 11.ü4 I 6,861 2,8r0 7,370 24,133 14,849 6,213 3,071 key employees ö Compensatron not rncluded above, to drsqualtfted persons (as detrned under sechon .4958(f)(f)) and persons descnbed rn sectron 4958(c)(3)(B) 7 OthÈr salarres ¡nd wages I Pensron plan accruals and contnbutrons (rnclude sectrÕn 401 (k) and 403ib) employer contrtbuttons) 9 Other employee benefrts 10 Payroll taxes l1 Fees for servrces (non-employees) a Management 5,0ott b Legal r4,870 c Accounttng 14,870 d Lobbytng e Professronal fundrarstng servrçes See Part IV, ltne 17 f Investment management fees 45,029 45,029 5,3L7 (If hne 119 amount exceeds 10% of hne 25, column (A) arnount, hst Irne llg exp€nses on Schedule O) g Other 5,3 17 r0 000 ¡ 38,2L0 3 0,000 T2 Advedrstng and promotron t3 Offrce expenses 4,)-31 9,874 I 6,379 40,5{r4 24,923 1O,427 14,003 t 4,003 r,425 t,425 , L4 Informatron technology 1.83 1s Royaltres t6 ôccupancy L7 Travel 18 Payments of travel or ente¡4a¡nment expenses for any federã1, ståtê, or local publrc offrctã15 19 Conferences, convsnttons, and meetrngs 5,154 2O Interest 21. Êaymenhs to affllr¿tes " , 22 Deprecratron, depletron, ¿nd amortrzátron . 23 Insurance 24 Other expenses ltemrze expenses not covered 6,J87 6,387 above (Lrst miscelianeous expenses rn llne 24e If lrne'24e amount exceeds 100/o of hne 25, column (A) amount, llst lrne 24e expenses on Schedule O ) a CONTRACI SERVICËS f08,361 108,J61 b RESEARCH FEES 101,1 09 r03r109 c OUTREACH ËXPENSE d PRINTING e AND PUBLICATIO All other i¡0,438 7O,438 37,L82 36,094 1,08t 4,981 25 fotal functional expenses" Add llnes f throu 7.4e 26 loìnt costs. Compf ete thls llne only rf the organlzatton 9rO,229 64 5,19 3 1 3,257 1,724 62,248 102,788 reported rn colurnn (B) Jorni costs from a combrned educ¿tlonal campaign and fundrarsrng solrcitàtron Check here > ! rf followlng SOP 98-2 (ASC 95S-7?O) Form 99O (2016) Form 990 (2016) Page l1 Balance Sheet -FtÍfI Check rf Schedule O côntårns or note to å ê tr lrne rn thrs Part IX {A) Begrnnrng of yoar 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ø o tâ { Cash-non-lnterest*þeal¡g Savrngs and temporary cash rnvestments 101 .oó / Pledges änd grants reçetvable, net 35,000 Account$ rece¡vàble, ñet Loans ånd other recelvables from currenl and former offrcers, drrectors, trustees, key employees. and hrghest compensated employees Complete part II of Schedule L Loans änd other rece¡vables from other drrquahfied persons (as deñned under sectron 4958(f)(1)), pe.sons descnbed rn sectron 4954(c)(3)(B), and contnbutrng employers and sponsonng organlzattons of sectlon 501{c)(9) vol u ntary employees' benefrcr ary orga nt?ations (see rnstructr ons ) Com plete Pårt II oiÉ Schedule L Notes and loans recervable, net 7 I lnventofles for sale or use e Pr€pêrd experrses and deferred chärg€s 7 s,810 lOa Land, burldrngs, ànd equtpment cost or other basrs Complete Part VI of Schedule D b 1t t¡ o Less accumulated deprecratlon 10c 13 t4 Intangrble assets Lt 2.127,644 12 2,270.117 t7 14 15 Other assets See Pa* IV, lrne 11 16 ïotal assets.Add 77 Accounts payaþle and accrued expenses 18 Granls payable 18 19 Deferred revenue 19 2A Tâx-€xempt bond 2t Escrow ôr" custodrèl account lrabllrty Cömpletê Part IV of Schedule D 22 Loans and other payableç to current arrd former offrcers, dlrectors, trustees, key employees, hrghest compeilsated ernployees, ðnd dtsquåltfted 15 hnes 1 through 15 (must equal hne 34) llabrlltres persons Complete Part II of Schedule ffi 6,666 lOa Investments-publrcly traded securrtres Investments-other securrtles See Þart lV, ltne 1l Investments*program-related See Part IV, hne 11 t2 I I L 2,852.145 16 22,O99 t7 2,680,016 52,480 20 . 27 22 . 23 Secured mortgàges and notes payable to unrelated thrrd partres 23 24 Unsecured notes and loans payable to unrelated thrrd partres 24 25 Ôther lrabrlttlos (rncludrng federal lncome tax, payables to related thrrd paÈres, and other habrìrtres not rncluded on lrnes 17-24) 25 26 Total liabilitiesiAdd hnes 17 through Complete P¿rt X oF Schedr,¡le D Organizations that follow SËAS L17 (ASC 958), check here complete lines 27 through 29, and línes 33 and 34. q) = c0 ç 25 ) M 22,Ð99 26 52.4 80 and 27 Unrestrrcted net assets 1,587.292 27 1,480,902 28 Temporarrly restncted net E6Eets 1.242.f 58 2A 1 29 Permanently restncted net assets 29 30 30 Organizations tbat do noÈfollow SËAS 117 (ASC 958), check here ) [ and cámplete lines 3o through 34. Câprtål sLock or tl-ugt prtncrpal, or currênt fundg é) 3t Patd-tn or caprtal surplus, or land, burldrng or equrpment fund 4 32 Retalned earnrngs, endor,^rment, accumulated tncome, or other funds z 33 Total net assets or fund bal¿nces 2.830.050 33 34 To!al lrabrlrttes and net assets/fund balances 2.852.149 34 l! ,14ô,634 31 32 2.627,536 2.ô80.016 Form 99O (2016) Form 990 (2016) Page [þsl rf I XI â I 2 Total revenue (must equal Part VIII, column (A), ltne f z) Totai expenses (must equal Part IX, column (A), hne 25) 3 Revenuè less expenses Subtrâct hne 2 from lrne 4 Net ¿ssets or fund balances at begrnnrng of year (must equal Part X, llne 33, column (A)) 4 5 2 910,2¿9 -416,148 5 Net unreah¿ed garns (losses) Þn Invêstmênts Þonated seryrce,s and use of f¡crlrtles 7 Investment expenses I Prror penod àdJustments 9 Other changes rn net ¿ssets or fund balances (explarn tn Schedule O) "g 10 Nêt âssetsor fund balances at end of year Combtne ltnes 3 through 9 (must equal Pårt X 10 Pärt XII 494,08J. :3 1 6 , 2t3,634 6 7 ,,¡8 0 2,627,536 F¡nänc¡äl StâtemÊnts and Report¡ng Check rf Schedule O contalns a llne ln thrs or note to n XII Yes I 2¡ 12 Reconcilliation of Net Assets f{o il oth.t Ü cash Accountrng method used to prepare the Form 990 If the organrzatron changed rts method of accounttng from a pnor er," explarn rn Schedule 0 Were the orgenrzätron's frnancral ståtêmênts comprled or revrewed by e n rndependerjt ¿ccountant? If 'Yes,' check a box below to rndrcate whether the 2à for the year were comprled or revrewed on frnancral NÔ E separate basrs, consolrdated basrs, or both I Separate basrs Ü Consolrdated basrs E] gottr consohdated and separate basrs 2b b Yes a separate basrs, c If "Yes,'' to lrne 2¿ or 2b, does the orga of the audrt, revrew, or comprlatlon of nts and If the organrzatrôn chånged êrther tts 3¿ b mes responsrbrlrty for ovêrsight of an rndependent ¡ccount¿nt? 2c No 3a No durrng the tax year, explätn rn Schedule O As a result of ¿ federal award, was the Audrt Act and OMB Crrcular A. If "Yes," drd the ergånt2åttôn âudrt or audrts, explarn why a commrttee IeO undergo an audlt or audlts as set forth rn the SrnEle or åudtts) If the organrzatron dld not u¡dergo the requtred any steps taken to undergo sl¡ch audrts 3b Form (2016) Additional Dsta $ofirnlare rtr: Softvuare,\leroign: ËINi Namë: PARTIËS IN ORGANIZATION HELD 5 ÊVÊNTs WTTH VARIOUS 99r:-f59;,27¿7 WISCONSIN ÞOHCy DÜRIN6 YÊAR SCHEDULE A Public Gharity Status and Public Support (Form 990 or Ð9082) Dr'Pnflttteut of thr I 2E 3E 4n 5n Open Is at to Public nunber RFSEARCH INSTITUTE INC Reason for must com llnes o.gani?atron rs not a prrvate foundatlon because tt ts rn 2016 Complete if the oi'ganizât¡on is a sÊct¡öh FOl(c)(3) organlzation or a 4947(aX 1) nonexempt charitable trush Þ Attach to form 990 or Form 990-Ë2' Þ Informatlon about Schedule A (Form 990 or 99o-EZ) and its instru Tnc.ttn me wìsc0NstN Pårt : 93493226006327 oMB No L54S-0047 As Filed Þata - efïle GRAPHIÇ on8 A church, convenhon of churches. or assoclatton of churches descrtbed tn A school descnbed ln section 170(bl(tXA)(ii). thrs 1 section I 1XÀ)(¡). {Attach Schedule Ë (Ëorm A hosprtal or a qoopefâtrve hospttal servl(e organtzatton descr¡bed ln !n cÐnJunctlon wrth a hospttål )(AX¡¡¡). Ent€r the hosprtelrs untt descnþed ¡h sect¡ßn 170 a ü! 7ø the çenerâl puÞlc descrrbed rn part of rts a! en r7r(bxf ;desinbed A communrty An agrrcuitural research org¡nläatrón )(A) (vi) (Çompìete 1l(AXix) ln roD 11 ¡ t2! land-grant college or unrversrty or or unlvelsrty operated r name, ctty, and non-land grant college of agrrcuhure contrtbutrons, membershtp fees, and çross rec€tpbs (2) no more than 33r¡s% of rts suppoÉ from gross frorn busrnesses acqurred by the organrzatron after June cerfårn (less III ) test for publ An órganrzatlon organized,and operated a See section 5O9(a)(a). An m0rê an bn the type of or dn ôE of à 0r vested mu$t crmÞlete Part Type cfl f 12d that rn llnes ppoÉed organrzatron(s), by havrnq control or or manàge tlre supported organrzatron(s) You ¡ operated tn connectton wtth, and functronally rntegråted wlth, rts complete Part IVt Sections A, Þ, and Ë, organtzatton operated' rn connectton wrth rts rupported organtzatton(s) that rs not must satrsfy a drstrtbutron requrr€ment and an attentlven@ss requrrem€nt tsee A and Ð, and Part V^ dçtermrnatron from the IRS that rt rs a Type supportrng organ rzatron Check th¡s bqx rntegraled, Enter the number I. Type II, Typ* III funetronally g (i)Neme of supported (iii) Type of orgãnteâtl0n (descrtbed on lrnes 1' 10 above (see tnstruc-trons)) {¡¡)ErN. iì!:::.ì , , (¡v) Is the organreatton lrsted rn yotrr goverarng documentT Yes {v) (v¡) Amount of monetary supprrt Amount cf cther support (seë (see lnstructrons) rnstructrons) No ïotal For Paperwork Red Form 99O or 99O-EZ. on Act ce, see e Cat 11 Schedule A (form 99o or Schedul¿ A (Form 990 or 990-Ê2) 2016 2 Support Schedule for än¡zat¡ons Dêscr rr Sect¡ons 17O(b)(1 A)(iv) and l7o{b)(1.)(A)(vi} (Colnplete only tf you checked the box on lrne 5, J, g, or 9 of Part I or rf the orga nrzalron farled to qualrfy under Part II undêr the tests ll on Tf below Sect¡0 Galendar year I (c)2014 (b)2013 (or fiscal year beginning (d)20 1 s (e)2016 (f)Total Grfts, grants, Contflbutrons, membershrp fees recetved rnclude any "unusuaf grant Tax revenues levred for the organrzatron's benefrt and erther pard to or expended on ris behaìf The value of servrces or facrhtres furnrs¡ed by a governmentål untt lo the organrzatron wtthout charge Total. Add hnes I ihrough 3 The portron of total contnbutronr by each person (other than a Eovernmental unrt or pubhcly suppo*ed organrzatron) rncluded on lrne 1 that exceeds 2% of the amount shown on lrne 11, column (f) Public support, Subtract hne 5 from 2 3 4 5 6 Section B. Total Su Calendar year IO 11 604,672 548.26 6 1 518,'1,10 72 5,598 422,631 7?5,598 1 1.836,9 l: þ)2A12 600,672 sB,53C (b)20 13 548,26 (d)20 1 1 s (f)ïotal (e)2016 518.440 725,59t 422,631 32,7 L4 46,74L 43,6Li 21t,6É8 3,021 ,270 10 12 t3 l0 978,692 Amounts from llne 4 Gross Income from rnteresl, drvrdends, pãyments recelved on secuntres loans, rents. royältres and lncofne from slmllar sourçes Net rncomê from unrelated busrness actrvitres, whether or not the busrness rs regularly carned on Other tncome Do nol ¡nclude gàin or loss from the salc of capltal assets {Expiarn rn Part Vl ) Total support. Add llnes 7 through I 54s,2 rt (or fiscal year beginning in) 7 I 600,67? Gross recerpts from related actlvrttes, eÈc L2 719 First five years. If the Ëorm 990 rs for the organrzatron's frrst, second, thrrd, fourth, or ftfth tax yeår as å sectton 501(c)(3) organtzåtton, check thls box and sto here Sectîon C. Computation of Public Su Percen Ld lS Þ! support percentage for 2016 (hne lrne 11, column (t) T4 32 330 Part II, hne 14 15 22 7L0 16a 33 1/3olo support lest-2o16. trf the organrzatron drd not check the box on lrne 13, ¿nd hne 14 rs 33 U3Þlo or more, check thrs box ênd stop here. The ôrgântzåtton qualrfres as a pubhcly supported organtzâtton >n bt 33 L/3o/o support test-2015. trf the organtzatron drd not check a box on hne 13 or 16a, and llne 15 ts 33 t¡zþ/o or more, check thls box and stop hero. The orga,nrzatton qua[fres as a publrcly supported organtzàtton >n 17¿ 10o/o-facts-and-circut¡stancès test-2O16. If the organrzat¡on drd not check a box on llne 13, 16a, or 16b, and llne 14 ls 107o or more, and tf the organtzatlon meets the "facts-and-crrcumstances'' test, check thrs box and stop here. Explarn tn Pari VI how the organtzatton meets lhe "facts-and-crrcumstances" test The orqanraätron quallfres as a publrcly suppoËed ¡ Publrc Publrc support percentage for 2015 Schedule organrzatron 10olo-facts-and-circumstances test-?Ol5, If the organrzatron drd not check a box on ìlne 13, 16a, l6b, or 17a, and ltne 15 ts l0Yo Qr more, and rf the organrzatron meets the "facts-and-crrcumstances" test, check thrs box and stop here. Explarn rn Part VI how the orgànlzätìóñ meets the "facts"and-clrcumstances" tesL The orgånr¿êtton qualrfres as a publrcly organrzåtton supported t B A Private foqndation. If the orqanrzatron d¡d not cheçk a box on lrne 13, 16¿, 16b, 17a, or 17b, check thrs box end see I n stru ctro n s o/o o/o ÞÜ >n >E A Form 990 or 990-EZ 2016 Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-Ë2) 2016 -EtrIIL (or fiscal year I 2 3 4 5 6 7a b I c Page 3 suppo rt Schêdule for Organizations Descr¡bÊd in Section 5O9(a)(2) (Complete on ly rf you checked the box on llne 10 of Part I or rlthe orgðnrzatron farled to qualrfy under Part IL If com II Pa on far to the ning in) Þ (a)201 2 (b)20r3 (c)2014 {d)2û15 (e)2016 (flïotal (a)2012' fb).2.013 þ)20 a (d)201s (e) 20 16 {f}Total Grfts, grants, contnbutrons, and rnertbershtp fees recetved (Do not rnclude any "unusual grants ") Gross recerpts from admtsstons, merchandrse sold or seryrces perfor¡çd, or facll¡tles furnlshed ln êny åcttvtly khat ts relêted to the organ rzatrÒn's tax-exempt purpose Gross recerpts from actrvrt¡es th¿t are not an unrelated trade or bus¡ness under sectron 513 T¿x revenues ìevted for the organrzatton's benef¡t and etther patd to or expended on lts behalf The value of seryrces or facrìrtres furnrshed by a governmental unrt to the orgânrzåtrôn without charge Total. Add llnes 1 through 5 Amounts rncluded on lrnes 1, 2, and 3 recerved from drsqualtfted persons Amounts r¡cluded on lrnes 2 and 3 recerved from olher than drsquelrfred persons that exceed the greatar of S5,000 or 1% of the arnount on lrne 13 for the year Add hnes 7a and 7b Public su {Subtraet hne 7c from hne 6 Section B. Total Support I lOa h r yeår Ca (or fiscal year beginning in) Þ Amounts from lrne 6 Grosç rnçome from tnterest, drvrdends, påymênts recerved on secunttes loans, rents, royaltres and tncome from stmtlar sources Unrelated busrness taxable rncome (less sectron 511 taxes) frorn þusrnesses acqurred after June 30, r975 c 11 Add lrnes 10a and 10b Net rncorne from unrelated busrness åstrvitres not rncf uded rn lrne 10b, whether or not the buslness rs L2 t3 14 11, and 12 ) Fírst five years. If the Form 990 here check and Section lE t6 ¡s n of Public organrzatton's ftrst, second, thrrd, fourth, or organrzatron, >tr Percenta e (ìrne 0, coiumn (i) drvrded by lrne 13, column (f)) Pub c support for Publrc support percentåge ft ora 201 5 Schedule A, Part III, lrne 15 Sect¡on Þ. Com Ífth tax year as a sectton 50I(c)(3) 15 16 ïnvestment Income t7 lB Investment rncome e for 201ö (lrne 10c, column (f) dlvlded by lrne 13, column (f)) t7 Invêstmênt ìncôme percêntägë from 2015 Schedule A, Part III, lrne 17 18 1ga 33r/3o/o support tests-2O16, If the organrzat¡on drd not check the box on lrne 14, and lrne 15 rs more than 33 rlio/o, and lrne 17 ls not more than 33 7/3o/o, check th¡s box and stop here. The organrzatron qualrfres as a publrcly supported organtzatton >! 6 33 L/3o/o support tests-2o15. lf the organtzatton drd not check a box on lrne 14 or lrne 19a, and llne 16 ls rnore lhan 33 1/3% and llne 1B ls not more than 33 I/3ë/o, check thrs box and stop here. The orgànrzatron qualrfres as a publrcly supported organtzatton >n 20 Private foundation. If the rzatron drd not check a box on ltne 14, l9a, or l9b, check thls box ênd see tnstructtong Schedule A (Form 990 or >n 20t6 990 or 990-Ê2) 2016 Part IV 4 Orgânízât¡ons only you checked a box on Part h I lf you checked Part 12a of Part [, comp lete Sectrons A and I, complete Sectrons A, Þ, and F Ìf B lf you lZd of Pa checked 12b of il l, complele Yes 1 I 2 supported organriatlon that does not have an IRS ñ Part VI how the organeabon 2 3e Drd the orgân:zetton have a supported orEanrzatron descnbed tn sêetron 501(c)(4), or (6 and (c) below b 3a Dld the orEanrzatron conflrm that each supported organrzatlon qualrfred under the publtc suppoR tests under sêctron 509(a)(2)r If "Yes,u descnbe n PartVI s01( Þ¡d the org?ntzatton enEure that all support to çuqh organlzatrons was If "Ye$," explarn Ìn Part VI whät cortrols thê argënrzàtton put n pl¿ce v satrsfred made tha determtnatton c 4a b 3þ B) purposesr 3c t If "Yes" Wås âny supportêd orEantzâUôn not orgäntz€d rn the Unrted States ( checked 72a ar 12b n Part I, âns$ler (b) and (c) below ¿nd Í you 4a Drd the organtzatron have ultlmate control and drscretron rn decrdrng whether to organrzatronT If "Yes," descnbe Part VI how the had such control to the forergn supported desptte betng controlled ar n not have an the b I such use c 5a sectron 4c Þrd the organtzatlon add, $ubstrtute¡ or .emova any suppofted organ (c) below (tf.apphcable) Also, provde detatl tn tncludng (t) the organaatrcns added, substttuted, or removed, (l) organzaùon's organrzng document authonzng añëndmënt to thø organzmg dÒcument) Type I or Type IX only. Was any added or substltuted the tax year? tf"Yes," answer (b) and ËlN numbers of the supported (trr) th+ authonty under the for each (rv) how ct¡on was accomphshed (such as by 6 Substitutions only. Was the sub event Þld the organlzatton provtde åupport than (t) tts supported organlzatlons, (rr) supported organlzatrons, or (rlr) other su organrzatron's supported organr rn the that sectton 4958( CX3X ),a su bstantral contnbutorr .ff 9a Was the defrned ìn sectron provde detatl tn b Drd one or mor€ orga c Drdad b Was the organrzatron c€rtðrn ïype II ànswer lne 10b below Drd the organrzatron h 6 7 rson (as defrned rn sectron 4958) not descrrbed rn Lne 7? If"Yes," drsqual a at any ttme durtng the tax y€ðr by one or more drsqualrfred persons as atron managers and çrqanreatrons descnbed rn sectron 509(aXl) or (2))? If "Yes, 9a ef¡ned tn lrne 9a) hold a controlhng rnterest tn any entrty ln whrch the supportrng detail had an whtch 10a (other ôr the provrsron of servrces or facllittes) to anyone of the chantable class benefrted by one or more of rts that also supporl or benef¡t one or more of the flhng other srmllãr ÉÀymênt to a substentrål cóntrrbutor (deftned ln contttbutor, or a 35o/o controlled €ntrty wrth regard to a Schedule L (Ëorm 990 or 990-Ê2) eomplete Þrd the organrzatron make a complete Part I of 5b àc the organrzatron's controlT tn Part VL member I I orçan Drd thê ótgãn tzåtion 7 5a part of a class already desrgnated rn the organtzêtton's organrztng document? c 4b detêrmrnåtron under sectrons used to ensu¡e ôhaf atl support n Part VL 9b (aç rn lrne 9a) have an ownershrp rnterest rn, or denve any personal benefrt from, assets rganrzatron al so had an rntÊreÈtl If "Yes," prowde detatl tn Part VL 9c excess bus¡ness hold rngs rules of sectron 4943 because of sectron 4943(f) (regardrng and all Type III no n- fu nctronä lly r ntegrated su ppoñrng organrzatrons)? If uYes, " 10â âny excess bustness holdrngs rn the tax yearr (Use Schedule C, Form 4720, ta determtne the organtzatton had excess bustness holdngs) r0b Schedule A fForm g9O or 990.feì 2016 5 Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-Ë2) 2016 Support¡rrg 1l â b c 'Yes No Yes Ho Yes No Yes No Hãs the organzatron accepted a glft.or contrrbutron from any of the foflowlng personsl A peßofl who drrectly or rhdirectly control$. ertherÐlone ortogeth€r wrth persons descnbêd tn (b) and (c) gctv€rnthE body of a supported ofgônlzatlon) ,.*1â a person descrtbed rn (a) above: A 35% controlled eRttty of á person descrrbed rn {ð) or (b) ¿bover t4*i A farnrly member of If llt "Yes" to a, b, or c, prowde detâil ln Pârt or thè 1 tax yea and/or tf any, powers dunng the tax yeâr T Drd the organrzatron operate 2 Part operated, supervrsed¡ or carned çut the purposes orgänÈanon c. I {si that other than for the benefrt of any supported beneftt thë 2 TI Were e mäJorty of the organtzatton's dtreclors or trustees durtng the tax yeår also a n Part VI how each of the organrzatton's supported organtzatton(s)2 If "No," managed the supporùng organrzatrcn was vested m the same persons that the drrectors or trustees of management of the organzatton(s) I Þ. tu I of the frfth month of the organrzatron's durrng the pflor tax year, (rr) a copy oi of the organrzatron's governrng the and amount of of notrfrcatron, docume¡ts rn effoct on the date of prgvtd ed7 not 1 2 or Were eny of the organt2ôhoh/s (s) or (rr) servr¡g on the Eovernrng m¿tnþatned a close and conhnuous nted or elected by the supported orgàntzàtton Tf "No, " explatn tn Fart VI how the organtzâton oryanÊailon(s) a ppol wtth 2 3 By reason of the reiatronshrp orga nrzatron's rnvestment yearz ff "Yes," descnhe l¡? Pått 1 and supported organrzatrons have a srgnrfrcant votce tn the use of the organrzatron's rncome or assets ¿t all trmes durrng the tax supported organrzattons played n thæ regard tn rn r.rle the used to satrsfy the Inteqraf Part Test dunng the Veer (see Check the box n¿xk a fl b ü c t] 2 The organ the paren! llv supported organ Drd responstve to those substantølly all of tts Yes No acttvrtres durrng the tax year drrectly further the exemÞt purposes of the the ongånrzåtron wäs responswe) If "Yes," then tn Part YI ldentlfy tlroËê suppofteú these acttvtttes dtrectly furthered therr exempt purposest how the organtzahon was and how the organtzatton determned that these acttvtttes constÊuted 2a the äctrvrtr€E descnbed rn (a) constrtutê äctrvrtrês that, but for the organrzatron'g rnvolvemênt, one or môre of th€ organtzatton's supported orgäîrzatron(s) would h¿ve been engaged n'> If "Yes," explan rn Part VI the re¿sons for the organtzatton's posttþn lhat lts supported orgaazatron(s) would have engaged n these acùvtttes but for the organtzatJon's nvolvement Drd Parent of Supported 3 enttty Descrrbe ln Part VI how you supported a government entrty (see rnstructtons) (a) and (b) below. organlzatîons and b of rts suppoÊed organrzatrons CompleÈe line 3 below The organrzatron Acttvrtres a instructior¡s) Test Complete line 2 below satlsfred The organ 3 2b Organrzatrons Answer (a) and (b) below. a Dtd the organtzatton have the power b Dtd the organrzatton exercrse a substanttal degree of drrectron over the pollcresJ programs and actrvrttes of each of rts supported organtzattons? Îf "Yes," descnbe tn Patt VL the role played by the org¿ntzatþn thts regard to regularly àppornt or efecb a maJonty of the offrcers, drrectors, or trustees of each of the supported organtzattons) Prowde detais ¡n Päft VI. n 3a 3b Schedule A lForm 99O or 990-EZì 2016 Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2016 IEEITIII rn Type III Check here Peqe ifthe satrsfted the Integral Part Test as e qual tfyrng trust on Nov 20, 1970 su 7 8 (B) Currenl Year Net short-term caprtal garn T Recovenes of pftÒr-yeår drstnbutlons z Other gross rncome (see rnstructrons) Add hnes I 3 through 3 4 Deprecratlon and depletton 5 Portlon of operattng expenses pard or rncurred for productron or collectlon of gross tñcomê or for manegemeñt, cônservêttón, ôr rflâlnteflånce of pfopêrty held for productron of rncome (see rnstructrons) Other expensès (see rnstructrons) Adjusted Net fncome (subtract ilnes 5, 6 and 7 from lrne 4) Section B - Minimum Asset Amount t instructions. All other E AI 2 3 4 5 6 6 Non*Functionally Integ rated SO9(a) (g) Supportin g Organizat¡ons Pnor Year (B) Curenl Year {oplronal) Aggregate falr market value of all non-exempt-use assets (see rnstructtons for s tax year or àssets held for part of year) a Average monthly vålue of gecuntres b Average monthly cash balänces c Farr market vålue of other non.exempt-use assets d Total (add Lnes la, lb, 1b 1c and lc) 1d e 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 I a section c - D¡stf;butabl 1 Ad¡usted net lnçome for prror 2 Enter 85% of lrne ount Currenl Year Sectrôn A, ltne I, Column A) 3 Mtnrmum asset à 4 Ënter greater of 5 Income tax rmposed 6 Di 1 2 1 for prror year (from Sectlon B, llne B, Column A) 3 4 lr r year 5 Itne 4, unless sub¡ect to ernergency 6 (see 7 il here ¡l'the current year rs the orgenrzatron's frrst as ¿ non"functronafly*rntegrated Type III Sch supportrng organrzåtron (see  fËorm 99ô or 99lJ-ë2 2016 Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2016 Page Organizations 5u Hon-Funetiûnal Typë nued Current Year 1 drrectly furthers exempt purposes of supported orgenlzsttons, rn 2 to 4 Arnqunts 6 Other dtstrrbutrons descrrbe:rn 7 I 5es rnstructrons Total annual distributions. Add ltnes 6 1 (provrde Dlstnbutrons to attentrve supported organtzatrons to whlch the organtzatton ts detalls ¡n PaÈ SêË tnstructrons Drstrrbutable 10 L¡ne äïount for 2016 from I ¿mount drvrded Irne 5 Sectron Lr¡e 9 amount $ection Ë - Dístriþution Alfocations (se* instrilËt¡oil3) 1 Í!l= Excsgs ii:ii' Dlg ibutions'ìr, ì, 'Ì.iÐ Undsrdistributions Pre*?O1ö {¡¡¡) Distributable Amountfor Drstriblrtêble êffount for 2016 from Sectrôn C, lrne 6 2 Underdrstrrbuhrons, rf any, for years pnor reasonable cause 3 Excess drstilbutrôns to 2016 ] ] ::::=:: tô 2016 tf b c From 2013. d From 2014. e From 2015, f Total of l¡nes 3a thro h i he to underdrstrrbutlons of to 2016 bed Rema¡nder Subtract lrnes 4 nt Carryover from 2011 not apphed (see 3h and 3r Drstrrbut¡ons for 2016 from t:,'l" ;;1,,.. flor v*ars 'ì:;;:r'!, to underdrstnbutrons b c ' 't .',- Apphed to 2016 dlstrtbut¡ble Remarnder Subtr¿ct 5 4 d Þam:rnrng u 2016, rl any 3u rf amount 6 r3f¡,, dÞit*illii$.t7,.'''i:ì-,:.,:,::. È a ):l::.il t!,. hne 2 Remårnrng u Itnes 3h and 4b from zeror see on5 7 for 2016 s I cårryover Excess di tha n 17, Add lrnes 3¡ and 4c I Breakdown ltne / a b c d e Ëxcess from 2013. Excess from 2014, Excess from 2015. Excess from 2016. Schedule A (Form 990 or 2O16 7 Schedule A {Form 990 s Page II, ltne !7a or 17b; Part III, ltne 12; Part IV, Sectron A, d 11c; Part IV, Sectlon B, lrneE í and 2i Part ¡V , Sectton C, ProVrd lrnes I mation. 1.0; Part 1 Part V, ìrne 1; Part V, 6, and complete thrs , 3a and lrnes n ee ons Fäcts And Clrcumstances Test 1 TH fo oRGANTZAT ON (4) THË ORGAN IZATION PROVIOES SËRVI cEs TH Ë PUBLI c IN ISSUES AFFËCTING THË STATË o F WISCCINSIN D U RI NG ÏH Ë FISCA YËAR, PAGES IN LFNGT H IN ADDTION, THF ORGANZ ATION PROD UC E D 4 R A LSO MAI N T NED A WEBS ITE WH lcH NCLUD ES ALL PU8 LICATIO N S, coM MËDIA IN ADD rTroN, THE ORGANIZATI ON HELD 5 ËVENTS WITH ARI ous P ORGANIZATION SATISFIES THE PUBLIC PARTICIPATION RËOUIRËMHNT S ARF WRITTEN BY NUMEROUS INDIVIDUAIS, AS DFSÇRIBED ABOVÊ t EDO FORM DONATIONS TO THE BÔÐY TO THE PUBLIC POLICY 2 MAGAZINËS.40 PAGES THF ORGANIZATION WHICH HAS BEEN IN THE FrscAl YEAR (5)THE 170A-9{ xc) BËcAUsË lÏs  lFarm REPORTS t)Qfì nr OAñ*F'ì ?11'l  efile GRAPIIIC print - ÞO NOT PROCËSS (Form 990 or 990fldlfl útìrc¡lÌ (}l' {hô TTtrì\tlñ Inlcm¡¡1 Rer *¡ttr' lc'n DLN: 93493226006327 o Political Campaign and Lobbying .Activities SCHEDULE C î,2) As Filed Þata * For Organizations Exempt From lncome Tax Under section $01(c) and w W w. ! r s, o o u- rr'¿ / Lq m 2016 527 ÞÇomplete if the organization is deçcrìbed below. )AHach to Form 9Ð0 or >fnformat¡on åbout Schedule C (Form ggo o¡ 99O-Ez) ärìd ¡ts ¡s 1 Open to Public åt Inspect¡on 9-9 O' " on Form 990, Part lV, Lrne 3, or Form 990-EZ, Pän V, line 46 (Pol ånÉvvëred Sectron 501(c)(3) orgänrzatrons Complete Pârts l-A and B Do not complete Paß l-C $ectron 501(c) (other than r Seotton 527 organrzalons thÊn r I (L0bbylrrg lf the organieatlon answered I I Sectron 501(c)(3) organrzatrons that have ftled Form 57ô8 (eleotrcn under sechon 501 Seohon 501(cXA) organrzatrons lhat have NOT ñled Form 57ô8 [f the organ¡zatroil aDsvverêd "Yês" on Form 990, Part lV, Lrne ö then Part ll-A oomplete Part ll-B nol oomplete Part ll.A Pårt V, line 35c Part {h)) (Proxy Tax) (see separale rnstructrons), then r Sectlon 501 Part lll or ployer Name RESEARCH INSTITUÍE INC WISCONSIN Part ï-A z 1 Provrde a descrrphon of Pohttcal expendttures 3 Volunteer hours Part I-B the organtzatron's drrect and rndtrect pohttcal 27 an¡rat¡on. rn P¿rt $ if the Com 1592727 c)orisa if the organfzat¡on is exernpt under Com under section 50L c ¡s t Enter the amount of any excrse tax tncurred by the I Enter the amount ol any excrse tax lncurred by organrzatron 5 If the organrzatron rncurred a sectron 4915 tax, drd rt frle 4a Was a correçtlon made? sectron 4955 $ sect¡on 4955 $ ü il v*" iluo vut üno I Part I-C sectinn I Ënter the ðmount drrectly expended by the 2 Enter the amount functron acbv¡hss' Totàl exempt functron expendrturês 4 Drd 5 Enter the names, ¿ddresses an Érlrng on Ëorm 1120-POL, ltne 17b L åñd f $ Hv** ilno for thrs organrzatron ftleForm ) of all sectton 527 polrtrcal organzatrons to whrch the fl ng Èhe amount pard from the frlrng organrzatron's funds Also enter the amount that fund or a polrtrcal actron com (a) å $ 3 the Êxcëpt sect¡on exempl functlon açtrvrtres anrzêtrons for sectron 527 exempt ¡zatron, such as a separate segregated (PAc) (c) Name ËIN (d) Amount pard from frlrng organrzatron's funds If nefle, enter .0 (e) Amount of polrtrcal Éon[nbuhrons recerved and promptly and drrectly deirvered to e sëpåråte polrhcal organrzatron If none, enter -0- 2 3 4 5 6 5ê¿ lnst¡uchof g or Cat No 500845 Schedule C (fo.m 990 or 990-EZ) 2016 Schedule C Part II-A Check. A the sect¡on 5011h)) Þ fJ rf the frlrng organrzatron belongs to an affrlrated group (and lrst rn Part lV each affrllated expenses, and share of excess lobbylng expendrtures) B Check >[rfthe checked box A name, address, ËlN, control" I (b) Limits on Lobbying Ëxpenditures 9roup (Tlre term "expenditures' méans amo¡.¡nts paid or incurred,) la b c d e ¡ Total lobbyng expendrtures to rnfluence publrc oprnron (grass roots lobbyrnq) Total lobbyrng expendrtures to tnfluence a legtslative body (drrect lobbyrng) Total lobbyrng expendrtures (add lrnes 1a and 1b) c Other exempt purpose expendrtures f Total exempt purpose expendrtures (add lrnes 1c and 1d) c Lobbyrng nontåxabl€ êmount Enter the åmount from the followrng table tn both columns I lobbying nontaxable \,lot Dver $500,000 of the àmount ôÌr )ver S500,000 but nol over $1,000,000 plus 150¡o of cvÈr 51,000,000 but nol over $1,500.t00 h ¡ S over exce9s over s1,500,000 but nÕt Òver 917,000,000 (, c [f the amount on line le, column (a) or (b) is: Cver 51, éxcegs 0vet" 17,000,000 crassrools nontaxable emount (êntèr 25% of llne 1f) Subtract lrne lg from hne 1a If ¿ero or lecs, enter -0Subtract llne t If there lffrom frne L Lc Ifzero or less, enter -0- an amount other than zero oil etther ltne sectron 4911 tax for thls year? rs 1¡, d¡d the örqånräâ$on frle Forrn 4720 reportrng 4-Yeðr Averaging (Some organ¡zat¡ons that sect¡on 501(h) ons for fines 2a through 2f.) Durin 4-Year Aver Calendar year (or frscal begtnnrng rn) 2a nontaxable amount b Lobbyrng cerltng 150o/o of ltne 2a c Total d Grassrootsnontaxable e Grassroots 150o/o 201 3 {b) Period (c) ¿014 122,444 (d) 201s L24,353 (e) Total 2016 c 246,7c)7 370,196 ÊX of üv".üxo n do not have to compl€te all of the f¡ve 5 columns f 2 sect¡on 501(c)(3) and filed Form 5768 (election under 807 30,61 1 1,508 2,315 ]1,OBB 0 ¿mount 61,699 92,549 e Grassroots lo c rm 990 or 990-FZ 2016 Schedule C (Form 990 or 990-ÊZ) ?016 Page complete ¡f the For each "Yes" response on hnes 7a through actNtty h below, prawdg n Part IV a detatled descnptron of the lobbytng 1Y..€*Ë or ¿ to a Volunteers? b Pard g Medra advertrsementsT d Marlrngs .e f the a d If the frhng organrzatron rncurred å sectron 4912 tax, ¡ j 2a b FarÈ -1""'', to members, legrslators, or the publtc? Pubircatrons, or pubilshed or broadcast statements? c h Àmoünt Ëht{o staff or månágêrnent (tilcludê, compênsätron rn êxpe¡ËeË reported on lr¡es lc through Grånts to other orEanrzatrons for lobbyrnE purposesT Þrrect contact wrth legrslator$, therr staftfs, government offrctals. or a leqtslatrve RalLes, demonstrattons/ semtnars, convenltons, speeches, lectures, or any sr Other actrvrtresT TotaÌ Add lnes 1c through 1t Drd the actrvrtres rn hne 1 c¿use the organrzatron to be not degcnbed If "Yes," enter the amount of any tax rncurred under sectron 4912 If "Yes," êntêr the åmóuhl of any tax tncurred by organrzatìon managers under I 3 sêct¡on 501(eX3) änd has NOïfiled is III-A drd rt frle x3)? l2 4720 for thrs Complete if th€ orgänization is exempt n sOl.(c) sectïrn 50f(c)(5), or sÊctioî 5O1(c) 6 I t Were substantrally all (90o/o or more) dues rece¡ved nondeductrble by Dtd the organrzatron make only ln-house lobbyrng of $2,000 or Drd the organlzatron agree to cêrry over lobbyrng expendttures z 3 Part III-B I cornptêtê ¡f the ofgän¡zåt¡on is and if either (a) frQTH Pat:t h expen$es for which thr section Current year Carryover from last year c Total a 3 4 5 No 2 the prtor year) 3 r(cx4), sêction 50t{ c)(5), 0r sect¡on 5Of (e)(0) answered "No" OR (b) Pârt III-4, line 3, is gection 2l I Dues, assessments and srmrlar emounts Sectron 162(e) nondeductrble lobbyrng 2 Yes lnclude amounts of political tax vitãs 2a 2b 2c of nondeductrble sectron 162(e) dues Aggregat€ amount reported If notrces were sent and the the organrzatton agree to ca expendrture next yeare Taxable amount of Part IV 3 portron of the excess does byrng and polrtrcal nt on to the 4 expend {see rnstructrons) 5 Supple Provtde Ìhe descrrptro Return rred for llne 1, Part l-8, llne 4, Part l-C, llne 5, Part II-A (affrhated group llst), Part II-A, hnes I and 2 (see Explanatron c Form 99O or 990E2) 2016 nt-Þo GRAPHTG As Filed Þata - SClrEDUIE D.. ÞLN: 93493226006321 OMB Supplemental Financial Statements (Form 990) 20L6 Þ Complete if the organization answered "Yes," on form 9g0, Part IV, line 61 7r 8f 9, l0r L7a, l.Lb, 11c, tld, 11e, 1lf, l2a, or l2b, Depnntrrt ;rr *l' he'[rtn.tn Þ Attach to Form 99O. Information about Sched¡¡le D (Form 990) and its ínstructions is at ¡trtçnrnl Rc\r'tìur \rr\ rcd Hame of the Open to Public r WISCONSlN 14ä¡ntä¡ning Donor o I Total number at end of year 2 Aggregate value of contnbutrons to (durrng year) 3 Aggrêgåte vêlqe þf grånte irom (dunng year) 4 AggreEate vålue åt end of year Fun 0F Othêr Similar Furtds "Yes" on Form 990 Part IV lrne 6 5 Drd lhe organreatton tnfórm all donors ãnd donor advrsors tn wnttng that the funds are the organrzatron's prop€rty, sublöct to the orgäntzåtrþn,s exclusrve 6 the orgânr¿ðtron 1nfûrm all grantees, donorr, and donor ädvtsors tn used only for charrtable purposes and not for the benefrt of the donor or conferring rmpermrssrble prrvate benefrt) II 2 üv"r iluo funds can for any other ilve* ilxo üll Lhât apply) n Preservat¡on of land for publrc use (e g , recreätton or Preservatron Protectron of natural hab¡tat an hrstorrcally rmportånt land area of a certrfred hrstonc strucÈure Preservatron of open space Complete !nes 2a through 2d ¡f the organrzatron held a easement on the last day of the tax year I b c d at ìf thê Purpooe(s) of çonservattgfl ea$emonte held bythe orgânt?ätton fl il Ü advrsed ln Drd I Inspection RESËARCH INSTITUTE INC if the Pårt No L545-Do47 conser\iatron rn the form of at the End ofthe Year Total nufiber of conservåttorì €âsêmentg 2a Total acreage restncted by conservatron easemenls Number of conservatton eä9ëmëntg 2b $tructurê ot1 ð Number of conseryat¡on easements strqçture lrsted rn the Nattonal Reglster after 8/1 Number of conservatton easements mod a) 2c not on a hrstorrc 2d urshed, or termrnated by the organrzatron dunng the nsferred, têx yeôr > 4 Number of gtåtès where property 5 Does the organrzatron have a te lôcêted > monrtonng, rnspectron, handhng of vtolattons. end enforcement öf thâ 6 stàff and volunteer hours 7 Amount of expenses Ë handltng of vrolatrons, and enforcrng conservatton easements durtng the year t on lrne 2(d) above satrsfy the requrrements of sectron 170(hi(4)(B)(t) Does each and sectron 170(h)(4 In Pårì XIII, descrrbe 9 balance the PArt ITI la If r¡" handltng of vrolatrons, and enforong conservatron easements durrng lhe year rnonrtonñ9, >$ I y"" I f] y"' n n" ports cônsêrvälton eðserrìents rn rts revenue ånd expensê stðtement, añd te)ít of thê footnote to the organrzatron! frnancl¡l statements that descnbes ¿nd rnclude, e¿semenfs Maintaíning Collections of Art, llislorical Treasures, or Other Similar Assets, answered "Yes" on Part IV the organrzatron under SËA$ 116 (ASC 958), not to report rn rts revenue staiement and balance sheet works of art, hrstoncal treåsures, or srmtlar assets held for pubhc exhrbrtron, educatton, or research rn further¡nce ofpubltc servrce, provrde, rn Part XIII, the the footnote to ¡ts f¡nancral statements that descnbes these rterns permtfted under SFAS 116 (ASC 958), to r€port rn rts revenue statêrneÕt and balance sheet works of art, If the orgãntzatron htstortcel tÍeä5urÊs, or othet srmtlår åssets held for pubkc exhtbrtrÒn, êducâlron, or rese¿rÉh ln furtherance of publtc sêrvlce, provtde th€ followrng amounts relabng to thesê ttems ¡ (i) Revenue ¡ncluded on Form 990. Part (ii)Assets rncluded rn Form 990, Part VIII, hne 1 > $ >$ X If the organtzatton recerved or held works of art, hrstoncal treasures, or other stmtlår âssets for flnanclal gatn, provtde the followtng amounts regurred to be reported under SFAS 116 (ASç 958) relatrng to these rtems 2 a Revenue rncluded on Form 990, Part VIII, lrne b Assets lncluded tn Form 990, Part Fôr PàÞerwork Reduction Act I > >g X $êe $ ê form 990. Cat No 52283D gchedule D (Form 990) 2016 Schedule Ð (Form 990) 3 2016 Page Usrng the órgânizatrorl'g àcqutsttton/ êccèssron. and othêr records/ check aoy oFthe followrng rtems (check all that apply) ä n Puþlrc exhrbrtron b-^---Lenother U Scholarly research c fl Pfeservatlon for future 4 d n 2 that are a stgnrfrcant use ôf rts collectron Loan or exchange pragrams generåtrons Prov,de â descnptroî of the org¿nlzahon's collect¡ons ¿nd explarn how they further the organ¡zatron's exêmpt purpose In Pårt XIII 5 Dunng the year, drd the organrzåt¡on soltcrt ór recerve dônations of art, hrstoncal treasures or qther srmtlar to be sold to rarse funds rather than to be marnt¿rned as part of the organtz¿tron's collectronT fl v.' assetg I No Ëscrow änd custodíal ArrangemëntË. Complete rf the organtzatton answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, lrne 9, or reported an âmount on Form 990, Part 1a b X, lrne 21, Is the organrzatron an agent, trustee, custodran or other rntermedrary for contnbuttons or other assetçr,not rncluded on Form 990, Pa¡t Xr Begrnnrng balance 1c d Addtttons durtng the year 1d e Drstnbutrons durrng the year 1e f Endrng balance ß D¡d the orgènrzåtron rnclude an ¿mount on Form 990, Part X, lr¡e 21, b If "Yes," explarn Part V the arrangement rn Part tndowme¡rt Funds. XIII Com rf ilHo Amount If "Yes," explarn the arrangement rn Part XIII ¿nd complete the c 2a ilY"" il v"r I for escrow ôr cusrodràl account lräbrlrty? n Check here rt the explanatron has been provrded rn Part XIII the on Form 990, Part IV, lrne 10 nrzatron answered 9g. ;764 (d)ïhree yeors (c)Tvro years back laJCrr,lenL vear 1a Begtnnrng of year bal¿nce r.¡o I,OZ9,I33 ë back 990,38C 700,615 94,99A 341,0s0 back 72I,969 b Contn butrons € Net rnvegtment eårnrngg, garns, L12,751 and losses d Grants or scholarshrps e Other expendrtures for facrlltres and programs f I z ¡ b ç 3a s9,592 1 51,285 48,700 1,029,133 990,380 7AO,615 56, 24 Adm t nrstratlve expenses End ol year balance 965,764 Provtde the esttmated percentàge of the current year end balance (hne 19, column (a)) held as Board desrgnated or quasl-endowrnent Þ Permanent endowment ) Temporarrly restrrcteó endowment Þ lA0 OQl Ö/o Tle percentages ôñ knes 2a, 2b, änd 2c should equël 100% Are there endowme¡t funds not tn the possessron of the organrzatron that are held and admrnlstered for the orgäntzåtron by ( i) unrelated organrzâtroñs Yes 3a(i) 3a(ii) (ii) b 4 related organrzattons 3a{,rr), are the related organrzatrons lrsted as requrred on Schedule Rz Descrbe ¡n P¡rt XliI the rntended uses of the organrzatron's endowment funds If "Yes" on No No 3b Land, Buildings, and Ëqu¡pment. rf the Descript¡on of property n)za (a) ona Çpst or ( r r€d 'Yes' çlher basrç IV (b)Cost or other basrs (otlrer') ne 11a. Ëorm 990 Pa (c)Accumul¿ted depTacratr0n rt lrne 0 (d)Êook value nvestnrenl) la Land b Burldrngs c Leasehold rmprovements d Equrpment e Other Total. Add lrnes 1a through le (Colamn (d) must equal 10(c) ) 0 Schedule D (Form 990) 2016 990) ¿016 on FÐrfn Part lV/ d-"nvàtrves rhl¿rê3t3 t_338.16S lE7.Êdc tÉ) (F) (c) foì¡1. lcoloi¡a P¿ñ çol '2.218.tL7 lúÈ 12 ofgantzalion Dêscfl pùon of lnyeglment {b) on (c) Ðook valué Co3t o. v¿lue (1) (21 (7) (e) (e) Totã1, (óJ musl {uil Fdm 99¡t, Pàtt N, @l hoe 1) ) Part trx g@k v¡lue 2) (3i {4} (6) (7) å lì Ér,,lered on Form , Pârt 1¡e ôr åb ty {t) Federal rncome (2t (3) (4) ts) (6) (7) {B} (e) f 6lÀl lc^futùil {b) îrús( qaìl fù¿it 9')ø, %tt x, .af l8) lfie 25 ) 2. Lrâbrl,ty loi uflcertarn tèx postt¿ons ln Pèrt Xll[, provlde olq¿Rie¿troñ s Labrlrly for unceatârn tèx ÞosrtronÉ undér FI¡,1 tÈxa lo the ståtemÊÐt9 th¡t reports lhÉ 43 (ASC 7401 Chèck h€rè ìt lhê text of the tootnãtê hðt been Þroy,dÈd rõ Pârt xlli M Schedqle O (Forñ 990) 2016 Schedule D (Form 990) 2016 EEITUFI Page Reconc¡l¡ät¡on Co I Tobal revenue, garns, and other support per audtted flnanctal statements 2 Amounts rncluded on lrne 1 but not on Form 990, Pðrt VIII, ltne 12 a Net unrealtzed gatns (tosses) on tnvestments b Donated servrces and use of facrl¡tles c Recpverres of p¡tor year d Other (Descrrbe rn Part e Add nes 2a through XIll Subtract lrne ?e from lrne 3 2h 2c 2d ) ?13,õ34 . I VIII lrne 12, but not on lrne 1 ð Investment expenses not rncluded on Form 990, Pàn VIII, hne 7b b Other (Descrrbe rn Part XIII c Add lrnes 4a and 4b Tol¡l revenue Add 5 Pärt XII ) 4c . lrnes 3 and 4c. (Thts must equal Form 990, Part I, lrne Reconc¡liation of Expeñse5 per Audited rf the o antzatton Co I Total expenses ¿nd losses per audrted f¡nanctal 2 Amountç rncluded on lrne I statements Donated seryrces and use of facrlrtres b Prtor year adlustments Other losses d Other (Descrrbe rn Pãrt XUI e Add lrnes 2a through Statements on Form 1 2a 2b ,,,::,,: 2c 2e , Subtract lrne 2e from lrne t 4 Amounts rncluded on Form 990, Part IX, lrne 25, 3 ã Investmerìt expenses not rncluded on Form 990, 4a b Other (Descrrbe rn Part XIII 4b c Add lrnes 4a and 4b To!¿l ex PArt XIII go4,912 ) 3 5 Ëxpenses per R€turn. rt IV lrne 12a. .r : c 5,3L7 494,081 5 but not on Form 990, Part IX, lrne 25 a ?d 488,764 3 . Amounts rncluded on Form 990, Part 4 7ç2,398 1 2e . gra¡ts 2d 4 ßevenue p€r Aud¡ted Financial StatemÊnts With Reven¡re per Return nrzatron answered 'Yes' on Form 990 Part IV lrne 1.2a, lf the ) Add lrnes 3 and 4c. ¿l Farl 0 904,9L2 5,317 l¡ne 18 4c 5,317 6 910,229 Supplementäl InforÊr Provtde the descrrptrons requrred Part V. lrne 4 Part X, lrne 2, Part a II1, lrnes 1a and 4, Part lV, lrnes 1b and 2b, hnes 2d and 4b Also cornplete thrs rt to rovrde addrtronal tnforrnatron Explanatron See Addrtronal Þata Table Schedule D (Form 990) 2015 Schedule (Form 990] 2015 Page 5 Supplementat Information continued) Return Reference Explanation Schedule I) [Form 99012016 Additional Data Saftu¡are. XDr. 'Sofh¡vare Vc¡olo^n¡ ËtN¡ ,p9r[59?]727 NanTë: WISCONSIN PCILICY Return Reference USINESS XNCOMH IN AODTTTQN. TI"tË DUCnON UNÞER SECTTON 170(SXIXA) T T}IAN A PRIVATË ËÕUNÞATIOH UNDËR WISCONS¡N TNCOMË ÏAXËS NCTUDED IN MANAGEMENT AND T AND PENALTÏSs RÊLATED TO N'S FEDERAL RETURNE ARE SUBJECT LHÞ ANÐ TTS STATH RTTURNS ARE SUBJHCT RË FILËD ÏO E TAXES UNDER SECTIO CERTAIN ACTIVITIES NOT DIRE t5 TO TAXTTON ON UNRTLATED B CHARITABLE CONTR1BUI1ON DE BGEN AN ORGANIZATIQN THAT I5 OTHE (1) THË TS AI.SO ËXËMPT FROM INCOMf ÏAXTNG AUÏHORTflÊS ARË I IF THE ORGANIZATION HAD NO TNTERES YEAR ENDED MARCH 3L,2OL7 Tt{E ORCAN¡ZATIO FOR TfIREE YEARS AFTER THEY Afl,E FI GHNHRALLY ËOR TOUR YHARS AMTR T}IÊY A nt - ÞO NOT le SCHÊDULE G (Forrn 990 or 990-EZ) Þtpíì¡1mÈnt Ðl' I \cn ÞLN; 93493226006327 OMB Supplemental lnformation Regardi ng Fundraising or Gaming Activities l!'e No 1545-0047 2tt6 Gomplete rf the organrzatton answerod '¡Yes" on Fotm 990, p.rt ¡V/ hnes t7 t.g, o¡ Lg. or€antzatton entêr€d rnorc thãn g15,O0O on form 990-EZ, tne 6a )^tt¡clt to form 990 ôr Form 990-Ez, Scl¡edule G t¡ ¡t www i¡s ha'[rq'rrun Intrrnral llercn¡rr' As Filed Þata * Open Name of e orgenrzatlon WISCONSIN POLIry RESEARCII INS"IITUTE TNC L number Fundraising Act¡vit¡es,Cornpletê f thË organrzatton answered "yes,, on Form 990-ËZ fllers are not requrred to complete thts part. Dilfif to Public änspection lrne Indlcate whether the organtzatton fatsed furrds through any of the following äcttvltles a ffi Marl solrcrtatlons h Q Internet and emarl sqhc¡tatlons c U Fhone solrcttatlonE A ffi tn-person solrcrt¿t¡pns 2a Drd the organrzatlon have ¿ of or kèy employees llsted servlces? ül v"" rn hrghest pard rndrvrduals or entltles (fundrarsers) pursuant to ag aì leasJ $5,000 by tha organrzatron b (i) ff ruo under whrch the fundr:lser rs and address of rndrvrdua I or €ntrty (fundrarser) Ye¡,. I No FUNÞRAISING DAN MORSE CONSULTING LLC 5205 BARTON ROAD wI L'O,2B7 4s,029 105,258 150,287 45,029 105,?58 53711 3 4 5 '7 ö 10 Total 3 Þ Llst all states tn lvhlch the brgantzatton ts regrstered or hcensed to solfctt contrrbutlons or has been notrfled rt rs exempt from registratron or Itcensrng WI For Paoerwork Rcduclion Act Notlce, see the Inatructlonsfor Form 99O or99O-tZ. Cat No 50083H Schedule G lform 99O or 990-EZ) 2016 Schedule G PõTt I¡ e2 990 or 990-Ëz) 2016 Fundraising Events. Complete rt the organ rzatton answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, lrne 18, or reported more thån $15,000 of fundralstnq event contnbuttons and gross rncome on Form 99O-EZ, lrnes 1 änd 6b. Lrsf events wlth r than gross 000. (a!Ëvent *1 (b) fivent #2 (event type) (eveni type) {c)Other events (total numberi, .'' c) t q) :l . d. .. 1 Gross recerpts , 2 3 Gross rncomê (lrne Less Contrrbutlons. I mrnus hne 4 5 tÍt o (n 6 ç.t c. 7 rñ ü.D I 9 õ Cash prrzes Noncash pnzes RentÆacrlrty costs Food and beverages Enterta¡nment Other drrect expenses . lODrrect expense summary Add lrnes 4 through 9 rn colu llNet Part III rncome surRmãry Subtract lrne 10 frorn ltne 3, column (d) Gaming. Cornplete rf the organrzatron Irne 6a. on Form 990- a j ( "Yes" on Brngo :l , Pärt IV, hne 19, or reportêd more thän $15,000 (b],.Pull tabs/Instant blnqelprogressrve brngo (c) Other gamrng (d) Tolal gamrng {add col (a) through col (c)) q,) ct 1 Gross revênue 2 Çash pnzes t1, û Ø ç a Cl ñ 3 6ó 4 ! f) Noncash prtzes Rent/Tacrlrty costs Other drrect 6 Volunteer lebor 7 Þrect expense Net I Y+*,"..""."^."".".?e" truo :r : sumË.1år,:\1 n Ye' nNo o/o î/s- Nö Add hnes 2 throuqh 5 rn column (d) ncomê sum frne 7 from kne I column d Ënter the state(s) rn whrch the organrzatron conducts gêmr¡g åcttvrtres 9 ¿ Is the organlzatron llcensed tó eùnduct gåmrng åctrvrtrôs rn each of these statesz b If "No," explarn loa Wera any of the organrzatron's b If "Yes," explarn gamrng hcenses revoked, suspended or termrnated dunng the tax year? I v*" [ ¡¡o nY"" üNo Schedule G (Form 99O or 990-ËZ) 2016 P_ô€e 1t t2 t ã a.: Does'the o4ian¡tattori cUnduct,gatäÍngrãc{tvt¡es jy,lth ripnmembers? Is the o-rgantzåtion å' gnántôt, forrned to udmlnlster chantaþ or tru$téè ôf å lirust or a mëmber of 'a partnershtp or- other entrt! Iäd¡c{tethq.percèntå ge.of,jqäAlng:r¡cttv.Ëy ronducted ln Tbe,organrzatton'l,faerlñya dlq li 14 A¡'outqrde..Êcll¡lyt ãlÍi, 15a Does the orgänl¿âtton have a contract w¡th e Éíitgrthe:name snd,addrep.s:gfthn-ip€f;Ðn,whq prepares the organlzetronls gamrngiàpec¡al thlrd party from whom the organrzatlon revenue? b If ''Yes," enter ç the åmount of gamrng rëvenue recerved by the organrzatlon amount of gamrng rev€nu€ retalned by thr thrrd p*rty > $ If "YeE," enter nämê and address Nerne üv." üHo $ ofthe thrrd paÉy Þ AddreEo 16 ) Þ Gamrng månãger lnform¿tron rnänägêr çpmpënHt-lon DêscrjBtr,ön of servrçeé, ptov¡ded t7 ) MàndatcirydtstnbuttoilÊ tJie ga m rng, proceeds to Ð b Fart Enter the.åmount of d¡strrhútronè EV hnes 9, 9b, rnformatron (see Return Reference exsniÞt organrzatrons or sÞÊnt Part I, thrs pärt to provde any Explanatron Schedule G (Form 990 or99O-EZ) l016 rHfl':TüEË nt - ÞO NOï efile GRAPHIG ÞLN 934932260063 OMB No 1545"0047 Compensat¡on lnformation Schedule J (Form 0e0) For certein officei"s, D¡réctors. Trustees, Key Employees, and H¡ghêst Compensated Employees Þ Complete if the organlzatlon answered "Yes" on Form 99o, Þart IV' f)¡ilì:¡t'l t¡rer'!t r¡f lh¿ ) Tfu¡rttn lcrr l¡renr¡l Name Þ Attach to 2ûÍ6 form 990. open to Public Information about Schedule J (Form 99o and its ínstructions is t¿u number orgå nrzåtron WISCONSIN POLICY RESEARCH INSTIruTÉ INC I Part Qsêstions Regarding Yes l.a Check the approprate box(es) rf the organrzatron provrded any of the followlng 990, Pårt VII, Sê,ctron A, hne la Complete Part III to provrde any relevant ! Ë n ! b 2 ¡ Ü ¡ Frrst-class or charter travel Travel for companrons Tax ¡demnrfrcatron and gross-up påyments Drscrêtr0nåry spendrng åccount tr Recerve a severånce payment or Partrcrpäte rn, or recerve påyment from, Parttctpate rn, or recetve payment from, If "Yes" to any of lrnes 4a-c, hst 6 The org b Any If 7 I "Yes, rn hne la? 2 methods , but expialn ln Part III contract Wrrtten em survêy 0r study Approval by the board or compensatton comrntttee Cortt 1¿ wrth respêct tô khe filtnç orgãntzâttôn or ê la, drd the organrzatron pay sub.¡ect to the rnrtral rn Part III No No or accrue any rt 5a No 5b No IIi A, ltne 1a, dld the organrzatron pay or açcrue any 990, Part the net of ? Were any amounts No 4b 4c III 2 lrne 4a musl complete lin¿s 5-9. lrne 5b, For pêrsôñs lrsted 0n payments not descrrbed If rb rred by all t For persons lrsted compensatron ä or rermbursement regardrng retrrÊmènt plan? arrangementT Þltcaþle amounts for each rtem rn Part -based For persons lrsted on Form campensatron çontrngent on The orgð ntzåtton7 Any related vrgan If ''Yes," on lrne 5a , chêf) the compensatron of the M M Only 501(c)(3), 501(e)(a a b res¡dence ln (eg, Personel Durrng the year, did any pêrsôn lrstêd on forrÞ 990, Part VII, related organrzatron b 5 I Payrnents for Health or ral III to or provfsron prror to retmburstng or Drd the organrzatron requrre substantratton drrectorç, trustees, offrcers, rncl udtn g the ÇE0/Fxecutrvè Drrectorr regardrng a c rdrng If any of the Compensatron com mrttee Independent coÍl pêilsatron consultãnt Form 990 of ather organrzattons 4 on Form Housrng allowa Indrcate whrch. rf any, of the followrng the ftltng organtzahon organrzatron's cEo/Executrve Þlrector Check all lhat apply used by a related orqanrzðtron lo establlsh compensatton of 3 to or rn Part 6a No 6b No iII VII, Sectron A, hne la, dtd the orgånrzètron provrde any non*frxed 5 and 6? ïf "Yes," descrrbe rn PaÊ lll 7 Yes on Form 990, Pårt VII, pard or açcured pursuant to ä conlract that was exceptron descrtbed tn Regulattons sectton 53 a958-a(a)(3)? lf "Yes," descrrbe I No "Yes" on hne B, drd the organrzatron also follow the rebuttable presumptron procedure descnbed rn Regulatrons seçtron 53 4958-6(c)r For Paperwork Reduction rÂct Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990. I Cat No I (Form 990) 20[6 Scheduia] {Farm 990] EDIE- Part II Of?cer-5, Directors, Trustees. Kev Emgloyees, arm nghest Compensated Employees. USE duphcate If admin-anal space +5 needeo. For each If'ldil?ldlii' whose mmpensatmn must he reported an Schedure J. renew: rompensahon from the organization on row and From related orgamzatmns. desmhed the mshuchans, on raw In] Do Hal: list any Individuals that are mt 1mm cm Farm Purl: VII Page 2 Nah!- Tha sum of miumns {El [or each lasted must aqual the tour amnunt of Farm 91:: Pan m. Semen Adina la. angina-me column [a a_nd amounts for that (A) Name and Talc Breakdown of W-2_andftar mag-ms: campensaunn (C) Retirement and (D) Nontaxame Total nicolumns (F1 Compensatmn In ?in other? deferred benefits {Mfg-{D} calurnm??} reported as Bonus Incenkwe 03hr, rupnrtable compensation del'errad an Farm Base compensation compensation rampansalluh 990 1 MIKE NICHOLS mm: human" ?1 See Additional Gate Tubin- Schedule [Form 990) 2015 Page: 3 Supplemental Iniormatlun the uglanahun. er for Part I, Inna 1.and El, and Part ll Also commute thus part for any add:t.yna Informal-Inn Rawrn Relerence Explanation PART 3, lgNE THE BONUS 15 In NON-FIXED PAYMENT AWARDED BY THE: 0F DIRECTORS Schedule [Form 201$ PRÐC SCHEDULE @ (Form 990 or 99{lEZ) -! Depnnrlnrt olthg Treûrnfl T.rrTfFnrqËf, 27 $upplemental lnformation to Form gg0 or 990-EU Çomplate to provfde information for responses to speclfic quesüon* Form 990 or 999-EZ or to provide any additional inñormafion, ) Âttach to Form 990 or 090-HZ. Þ f nformatlon ¿bout Schedule g (Forrn geO or 9OO-EZ) ¿nd its wtscoNSIN RESEARCH TNSÍITuTE INC 990 O, $upplementål Raturn Reference THE BOARD MEMBËRS ARË GIVËN A COPY OF THE 990 BËËORE 016 ls at n to Pub Inspection 990 ?Sch?jed?le o, sujpplemema: Return Explanataon Reference FORM QED. THE ORGANIZATION HAS A WRITTEN CONFLICT OF INTEREST POLICY WHICH IS GIVEN TO BOARD MEMBERS PART VI. ANNUALLY TO COMPLETE AND DISCLOSE ANY INTERESTED THAT COULD GIVE RISE T0 CONFLICTS THESE SECTION B. DISCLOSURES ARE REVIEWED BY MANAGEMENT ANNUALLY AND ANY CONFLICTED ARE CONVEYED AT THE ME LINE 120 ETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS AFTER SIGNED DOCUMENTS HAVE BEEN RECEIVED 990 Schedule 0, supplementai Inform?atinn Return Explanatton Reference FORM 990. THE ANNUAL COMPENSATION REVIEW OF THE PRESIDENT IS CONDUCTED BY THE CHAIRMAN AND PART VI. BY BOARD MEMBERS VARIOUS COMPENSATION SURVEYS OF SIMILARLY SITUATED ORGANIZATIONS ARE USE SECTION B. IN THE REVIEW PROCESS LINE 15A 990 Schedule 0, Supplemental Information Return Explanation Reference FORM 990. CURRENTLY THE ORGANIZATIONS GOVERNING DOCUMENTS. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND CONFLICT OF INT PART VI. EREST POLICY ARE NOT MADE AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC THE PUBLIC DISCLOSURE OF THESE DOCUMENT SECTION C. 8 IS NOT REQUIRED BY THE INTERNAL REVENUE CODE THE ORGANIZATIONS FINANCIALINFORMATION I LINE 19 DISCLOSED ON THIS FORM 990