1 Resolution No. A Jag-1% Ti-iE GOVERNORS BF TC) INTERVENE BETWEEN NA KOREA, THE HAWAII FMR LENDING COALITION, AND BANK OF AMERICA TO REACH A SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT HEATING TO $130 MILLION COMMITMENT FUR NATTVE ON HUME WHEREAS, in 1993, N5. K?kua an organization estabiishcd to assist native Hawaiians with. housing and relafed matters, farmed the Hawaii Fair wad?ng C?a?tion and be.an rascal-thing haw banks in Hawaii were tram-Eng native Hawaii-ans; and WHEREAS, among its; HFLC that. Bank of America [501%] was conducting lending practices in the ?zzrm of rcdiining, the practice of denying gewiccs to residents of certain areas ?amed 01.1 the ma?a-i or cLhnic composition 91' those areas, by not. pmvidi?g mm'tgagcs on Hawaiian 31mm: Lands; and WHEREAS, in May 1994, as a result cffarts and as a. candition of acquisiticn of Libe?y Bank, the Federai System to make $150- mi?ion in mortgages available on Hawaiian Homc Lands by 1998; and WHEREAS, by the. 1998 deadlines, 30m provided 0:12}? $3,109,502 the: $150 million in mortgages ordered by {In Madam; Reggw? System} and WHEREAS, in 3998, Ram rccommi?ed in Inc-ct the $150 millivn loan mmr?rzilmcm is native; i-Iawa?ans and to pay a $4.5 million lam fer: based 0n the Opportmtiiy cast of its failure to {2.11.3511 its requircd commi?ncnt; and WHEREAS, the Sofa executive responsiblt far this was Catherine P. Bcssant, that: in charge 0f Cnmmuniiy whu travcicd !--!awaii with other senior bank cxecutivgess in August 1998 111ch with Governnr (haymano, Hawaiian kupuna, and other community l?aciez's from at Miami Palace; and Resolution No. 18-178 WHEREAS, in 2012, {he Hawaiian Homes: Commission unanimously {team-med Lhat the 30% remained unful?iied, and supper: far consist?nt and ongoing efforts to held BofA accountable; and WHEREAS, on Aprii 18, 2018, ige invited Catherine P. Bessam in return to Hawaii for a mccting with ?to reach a fair and final of Ra?-?3 outsta?ding $150 million to the Hawaiian peopic on their homelands?; and WHEREAS, Bram uriginaLL-d $13,092,314 in #032193 011 Hawaiian Home Lands from 19943012, and has made no lnans since, according to acctuuni informaa'on previded by the United States Departmesm of Huusing and Urban Development on August 20, 2018. in response to a Freedom of Information Act rcqucst; and WHEREAS, based upon HUD data, lost opportunities for building em:in and maping the bene?ts of a booming housing market, and payizig ma?'gagcs rather than skyrocketing mum over last twenty years for 890 native Hawaiian fan?lics who should have mceivcd 13qu martgagts by 1998, but did not, and mt?: fami?cs who did receive loans up {a 13 years after the: deadline, prciiminary estimates for Ram?s-l 1am c. approximate? $36336 m?liun; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Cnuncii at? the County 0f Maui: 1.. That it class here by suppgri. Lht: Guvcmor?s c??orts to inter-mm N51 Pa?e K?kua, the Hawaii Fair Lending Coalition, and the Bank of America to reach a settlement agreement rciating a $150 miliion loan commitment for native Hawaiians an Hawaiian Homc land's, new years nverd?uc; and That it urges tharine P. Bessant to return to Hawaii t0 meei With to reach a fair and ?ned settlement, as mvited by Governor Igc; and Resolution No. 18?473 That in addition to pmvic?ng 1hr: mortgages on Hawaiian Home Lands as erdered by the Veda-3.1 System, 30m must Lh-c estimath $369.6 millicm in $32 appurt'unity costs for native Hawaiians on Hawaiian Home Lands and a $4.5 3111131011 late fee far ful?ll its required and That certified copi?s; :31? this rcsuiutio-n be transmitted to Brian T. Mcynihan, Chief Executive Bank of America; Anne M. Finncamt} Vicar: Chairman, Bank. 9f America; Catherine P. Bessam, Chitf Dmrations anci chhn?olog' Of?ce-r, Bank 0f Ame?ca; Jemme H. Puma-1%, Chairman, Buard of ('kwernom, Reserve. System; L361 Brainard, Chair of the Commi?rme on (3011311136: and Community Affairs, Smart! of Governors, Federal Rewrvt the Honorable David Guvcmor, State. of i-iawaiE; the. Baum-able Brian Schatz, United Status Senator; the Honorable Maxie K. Him-no, United State-s Senator; the Banal-able A1331 Arakawa, Mayor, County of Maui; the Homerablc Mel Ragmza, Chair, County Counci}; the Honorabie ?v?alcn'c T. Poindexter, Chair, Hawaii County Council; the {Ignaz?ah]: Em?st Y- Martin, Chair, lionaiulu City Council; and Kehaul?ani Filimw?atu, Na Pn?c Fair Ending Coaiitinn. MPROVED AS TO FORM {?655me Li?ff a EDWARD S. KUSEI. R. Department the 'Csrpomhcn Counm} County 0% Maui Kama-1 W6 13-2909 it is HEREBY that NO. 18-178 was adapted by the Councii cf the County of Maui, State of Hawaii, on the 2nd day {if November, 2318, OF THE COUNTY OF MAUI WAILUKU, HAWAH 95793 OF ADOPTION by the foliowing vote: K?iwh m: Bush's-a s. 3-th amass grim Kc?: T. mamas man-r mason may cm?: mm Gunman w: Vitm i I 5 ROLL CALL Ayn Excuscd i Mm .- CLERK um um.