The Anderson Report Child Sexual Abuse in the Archdiocese and Dioceses in Illinois • • 312.515.5771 Table of Contents Purpose & Background..........................................................................................14 Child Sexual Abuse in the Archdiocese and Dioceses of Illinois..........................17 Map.........................................................................................................................19 Those Accused of Sexual Misconduct “For many of us, those earlier stories in the Archdiocese and Dioceses of Illinois....................................................... 23-181 happened someplace else, someplace away. Now we know the truth: it happened everywhere.” ~ Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report 2018 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising 3 Those Accused of Sexual Abuse in the Those Accused of Sexual Abuse in the Baranowski, Alexander Sylvester.................24 Hefferan, John Edward.................................36 Mohan, Thomas Joseph.................................49 Skriba, Raymond...........................................56 Bartz, Richard Barry.....................................24 Hinojosa, Juan Francisco..............................36 Mulsoff, Donald John....................................49 Skriba, Richard L. .........................................57 Batuyong, Patricio William...........................24 Hoder, James A. ............................................37 Munoz Capetillo, Octavio..............................50 Snieg, Marion Joseph....................................57 Becker, Robert Charles..................................25 Hogan, Michael J. ..........................................37 O’Brien, William J. ........................................50 Staniszewski, Stanley....................................57 Bendixen, Arthur..........................................25 Holihan, Daniel Mark....................................37 O’Connell, Michael W. ..................................50 Steel, James....................................................58 Bennett, Joseph R. .........................................25 Hopf, George S. .............................................38 O’Gorma, Thomas..........................................51 Stepek, Robert A. ..........................................58 Bogdan, Leonard Adolph..............................26 Horne, Thomas Barry....................................38 O’Leary, Patrick.............................................51 Stewart, Victor...............................................58 Bowman, Robert Peter..................................26 Huppenbauer, Walter Edward.....................39 O’Toole, Paul..................................................51 Strand, Ralph S. ............................................59 Braun, David Francis....................................27 Huske, Leonard G. ........................................39 Owens, Joseph...............................................51 Strum [Sturm], Howard J. ............................59 Brigham, Kenneth M. ...................................27 Job, Thomas J. ...............................................39 Swade, Thomas J. ..........................................59 Buck, Daniel Peter.........................................27 Jordan, John E. ..............................................40 Pallikunnen (Pallakunnel), Emmanuel.....................................................52 Burg, Thomas................................................28 Kealy, Robert Louis........................................40 Pantoja, Eusebio............................................52 Tanghal, Albert (Alberto) .............................60 Burke, Edmund F. .........................................28 Keehan, John James.......................................40 Burns, Eugene Patrick...................................28 Kelly, Thomas Francis...................................41 Calicott, John Walter.....................................29 Keough, John Joseph “Jack” .........................41 Cannon, Thomas F. .......................................29 Kissane, Joseph Patrick.................................41 Cloutier, William J. .......................................29 Klein, George W. ...........................................42 Colletti, Joseph A. ..........................................30 Klimek, Valentine “Val” J. .............................42 Craig, Robert D. ............................................30 Kmak, Leonard Paul......................................42 Crosby, Thomas Carroll.................................30 Krol, Michael Francis....................................43 Curran, John William....................................31 Kromenaker, Joseph G. ................................43 Czajka, Norman Martin (Norman J.)............31 Kurz, Michael................................................44 DeRoeck, Walter George...............................31 Lee, Patrick J. ................................................44 Diederich, Dominic Aloysius.........................32 Lewis, Kenneth..............................................44 Dilla, Francis Emil.........................................32 Lukac, Raymond............................................45 Duggan, Jeremiah C. .....................................32 Lupo, William................................................45 Fassbinder, Richard Wayne..........................33 Lutz, Robert J. ...............................................46 Fitzgerald, John D. ........................................33 Maday, Norbert J. .........................................46 Fitzharris, Joseph L. .....................................33 Maloney, Edward J. ......................................46 Flosi, James Vincent......................................34 Mayer, Robert E. ...........................................47 Formusa, Salvatore.......................................34 McCaffrey, Vincent E. ...................................47 Friese, Robert................................................34 McCormack, Daniel J. ...................................48 Garza, Jesus P. ...............................................35 McDonald, Robert Joseph..............................48 Graham, William...........................................35 McNamara, Peter John..................................48 Hagan, James Craig.......................................36 Miller, Gary M. .............................................49 Archdiocese of Chicago 4 Archdiocese of Chicago Peralta, Carlos...............................................52 Policetti, Sleeva Raju.....................................53 Poster, Richard J. ..........................................53 Przybylo, Chester (Czeslaw)..........................53 Przybylski, Konstanty...................................54 Ray, James M. ................................................54 Regan, Emmett T. ..........................................54 Robinson, John Allen.....................................55 Rohrich, John F. ............................................55 Romano, Russell............................................55 Ruge, Kenneth...............................................56 Savage, Joseph E. ..........................................56 Swider, Henry P. ...........................................60 Theisen, Richard Gregory (R.G. Theisen).....60 Thomas, Joseph Stephen...............................61 Turlo, Walter J. .............................................61 Ulatowski, Donald Francis............................61 Vader, Anthony Joseph..................................62 Vilchez-Parra, Clovis Javier..........................62 Voss, James A. ...............................................62 Wagoner, Gordon Patrick.............................63 Weston, Michael............................................63 Wilk, Joseph M. .............................................64 Wojtowicz, Louis M. .....................................64 • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 5 Those Accused of Sexual Abuse in the Those Accused of Sexual Abuse in the Balestrieri, Edward.......................................68 MacPherson, Walter E. .................................71 Barrett, John F. .............................................78 Malzone, John D. ..........................................86 Brassard, Ronald E. ......................................68 O’Connor, Gavin ...........................................72 Bennett, Richard L. .......................................78 Mateo, Leonard.............................................86 Calhoun, James R. .........................................68 Peterson, Louis .............................................72 Berthiaume (Berthiame), Gary D. ................78 Meis, J. Anthony............................................87 Chlopecki, Robert J. ......................................69 Ratermann, Jerome B. ..................................72 Buczyna, Andrew L. .....................................79 Mullins, Lawrence W. ..................................87 Crook, David G. .............................................69 Rensing, William F. ......................................73 Burnett, James...............................................79 Nowak, James A. ...........................................87 Friedma, Daniel E. (Daniel L. Friedman).....69 Ruppert, E. Alan (Alan E. Ruppert)...............73 Corbino, Thomas A. ......................................79 O’Connor, Donald G. .....................................88 Hechenberger, Gerald R. ..............................69 Schwaegel, Joseph R. ....................................73 Dedera, Phillip...............................................80 Pock, Donald P. .............................................88 Kastner, Edwin G. (Edwin H. Kastner).........70 Sebescak, Gary...............................................74 Dennerlein, Arno A. .....................................80 Poff, Edward F. .............................................88 Kownacki, Raymond F. ................................70 Theis, Francis.................................................74 Dinan, Paul (P.F.) (Paul F.)............................80 Ross, Anthony J. (A. J.) ..................................89 Kreher, Albert Eugene (Gene) ......................70 Vonnahmen, Robert J. ..................................74 Dugal, William...............................................81 Ruffalo, Richard M. ......................................89 Lessard, Joseph P. .........................................71 Fischer, Lowell..............................................81 Ryan, Lee (F. Lee; Francis Lee).....................89 Linneman, Eugene G (Eugene “C.” Linnemann; Eugene G. Linneman)..............71 Flores, Alejandro (Alex) ...............................81 Simonelli, Gerald “Jerry” .............................90 Formusa, Salvatore.......................................82 Slade, Henry J. ..............................................90 Frederick, James............................................82 Slown, John C. ...............................................90 Furdek, John..................................................82 Stalzer, David................................................91 Gibbney, Michael...........................................83 Stefanich, Edward.........................................91 Gibbs, Lawrence............................................83 Storm, James C. .............................................91 Graham, William...........................................84 Van Duren, Charles ......................................92 Howlin, Carroll..............................................84 Virtue, William D. .........................................92 Janssen, James...............................................85 Walsh, Oliver T. ............................................93 Jendrysik (Jendersyk), Mark.........................85 White, Myles P. .............................................93 Diocese of Belleville Diocese of Joliet Lenczycki, Frederick (Fred) .........................86 6 • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 7 Those Accused of Sexual Abuse in the Diocese of Peoria Those Accused of Sexual Abuse in the Diocese of Rockford Anderson, John C. .........................................96 Miller, Thomas R. .......................................101 Beebe, Charles J. ...........................................96 Onderko, John M. .......................................101 Breuning, Walter A. ......................................96 Perron, Toussaint J. ....................................101 Bush, Edward E. ...........................................97 Pillon, Gordon J. .........................................102 Cassidy, Terry................................................97 Pilon, Jerry (Jerome) R. ..............................102 Condon, Louis M. ..........................................97 Plunkett, Gregory J. ....................................102 Creager, Robert J. .........................................98 Pusateri, Samuel D. ....................................103 Engels, Francis (Frank).................................98 Roberts, Kenneth J. .....................................103 Goodman, Norman D. ..................................98 Roth, Ronald W. ..........................................104 Harbert, William...........................................99 Slavish, Richard...........................................104 Hiland, George H. .........................................99 Tomaszewski, Bernard (B.J.) ......................104 Iserman, William..........................................99 Turnbull, John B..........................................105 Leclercq, Duane...........................................100 Van Acker, Michael R. ................................105 Maloney, Thomas W. ..................................100 Virtue, William D. .......................................105 Arias, Alfredo Pedraza................................108 Jablonski, Joseph.........................................111 Campbell, James D. .....................................108 Joffe, William I. ...........................................112 Campobello, Mark A. ..................................108 Johnson, Walter E. ......................................112 Clapsaddle, Harlan B. .................................109 Jones, Augustine K. .....................................112 Considine, Thomas......................................109 Kohler, Peter D. ..........................................113 Feely, Theodore W. .....................................109 Kuhl, Richard...............................................113 Frazier, Michael..........................................110 Kurz, Michael..............................................113 Gaynor, James.............................................110 Lessar, Joseph Marcel.................................114 Harte, Al F. ..................................................110 Rovira, Ivan M. ...........................................114 Heimann, David F. ......................................110 Tully, Joseph J.M. ........................................115 Holdren, John C. .........................................111 Virtue, William D. .......................................115 Martinez, Jr, Frank R. .................................100 8 • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 9 Those Accused of Sexual Abuse in the Diocese of Springfield Religious Clergy and Lay Persons Accused of Sexual Abuse in Illinois Campbell, Alvin L. ......................................118 Martinez, Jr., Frank R. ................................122 Baca, Michael (Miguel) ...............................128 Dyer, George B. (Bernardine George Dyer)..141 Cernich, Joseph D. ......................................118 Niebrugge, Richard.....................................122 Ball, Edward L. ...........................................128 Erpenbeck, Robert J. ...................................142 Costa, Eugene E. ..........................................118 O’Brien, Joseph (J. Cullen) C. ......................122 Banach [Banack], Edwin.............................128 Farrell, William Patrick..............................142 Dee, Garrett Neal.........................................119 O’Hara, Francis (Frank) J. ..........................123 Barton, Harry J. ..........................................129 Fenton, Patrick (P.J.) ...................................142 DeGrand, Robert “Bud”...............................119 Ryan, Daniel................................................123 Beatty, John M. ............................................129 Fernandez Baeza, Federico.........................142 Dodd, Robert................................................119 Schlangen, Louis.........................................123 Beckstrom, Robert E. ..................................129 Finan, Mark. A. ...........................................143 Driscoll, Michael..........................................120 Schwellenbach, Aloysius (A.J.)....................124 Boley, Robert L. ...........................................130 Fitzgerald, J. Vincent...................................143 Eagear, Robert.............................................120 Tebangura (Tebanqura), Francis................124 Bonebreak, Dennis......................................130 Fitzmaurice, Terence..................................144 Faller, George..............................................120 Weerts, Walter M. .......................................124 Bourque, Real (Ray) ....................................130 Ford, Thomas Cuthbert...............................144 Franzen, Raymond (Ray).............................121 Westhoff, Frank...........................................125 Broome, Robert C. ......................................131 Gaiter, Chester E. ........................................144 Havey, Joseph..............................................121 Yunker, Stanislaus (Stanley) O. ..................125 Brouillette, Robert Noel..............................131 Gannon, Thomas M. ...................................145 Bryce, Vincent W. .......................................132 Gansmann, Kenneth John...........................145 Burrill, Ignatius M. .....................................132 Garvey, Gerald B. ........................................145 Butler, Richard Edmund.............................132 Giannini, Sr. Norma....................................146 Byrne, Eamonn............................................133 Gill, Joseph C. ..............................................146 Cachor, Robert.............................................133 Hensley, Gilbert Leroy.................................146 Campbell, Andrew S. ..................................133 Hermanns, Mel W. ......................................147 Campbell, John J. (Jack)...............................134 Heustis, Jerome “Jerry”...............................147 Campbell, Stuart B. .....................................134 Hogan, Michael P. (Michael A. Hogan, Michael Hogan)...........147 Kromenaker, Joseph G. ..............................121 Cannon, J. Michael......................................135 Charland, Michael.......................................135 Chateauvert, Victor Lucien.........................135 Chong, Damien (Patrick).............................136 Cody, George J. ............................................136 Condon, James A. ........................................137 Corrigan, Edmund.......................................137 Courtney, Edward........................................137 Dalton, Frank Luke......................................138 Huels, John M. ............................................148 Jochem, Harold............................................148 Joda, Robert J. .............................................148 Johnston, Thomas J. ....................................149 Kabat, Paul...................................................149 Kalter, Raymond C. .....................................149 Kealey, John.................................................150 Kent, Benen.................................................150 DeRea, Philip...............................................138 Kirk, Allan F. ...............................................150 Dominic, Francis (A.K.A. Anthony Salomane)........................138 Knoth, Bernard............................................151 Koch, Robert J. (Fr. J. Robert Koch)............151 Dorrier, Michael E. .....................................139 Kowalczyk, Adalbert (Albert, A.) J. ............152 Downey, Kevin J. .........................................139 Kraus, Philip F. .......................................... 152 Drinan, Daniel Michael...............................140 Kucan (Kucon), Jerome (Jerry, John) .........153 Duffin, Thomas G. .......................................140 Kurtz, Richard James..................................154 Duggan, John...............................................141 10 • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 11 Religious Clergy and Lay Persons Religious Clergy and Lay Persons Lamothe, Harvey.........................................154 O’Shaughnessy, Donald J. ...........................167 Waiches, Vincent (Fr. Vincent Waiches)....178 Wert, William C. .........................................180 Lane, John H. ..............................................155 Paduch, Frank (Br. Frank Paduch).............167 Walczak, Karl J. ..........................................179 Wilcox, Gordon............................................180 Lasik, Ronald Justin.....................................155 Paramo, Thomas..........................................167 Walsh, Harold (Harry) A. ...........................179 Willenborg, Henry......................................181 Lause, Richard L. ........................................155 Parrott, Thomas W. (Fr. Thomas W. Parrot)...............................168 Wellems, Bruce (Fr. Bruce Wellams)..........180 Wisniewski, Stanley T. ...............................181 Accused of Sexual Abuse in Illinois Liles, Ronan C. ............................................156 Lorenzoni, Larry N. ....................................156 Madigan, Gregory........................................157 Malone, Emmet...........................................157 Marron, Peter Joseph..................................157 Mary Jane....................................................158 McBrien, Kevin Michael..............................158 McCarthy, David F. .....................................158 McCartney, Christopher J. ..........................158 McGrath, Richard J. ....................................159 McGuire, Donald J. .....................................159 McLaughlin, Patrick L. ...............................159 McMuldren, John W....................................160 McShane, Thomas S. ...................................160 Medvit, John Paul........................................160 Messick, Paul J. ...........................................161 Meyers, Thomas Gregory............................161 Meyers, Maurice F. .....................................161 Mika, Joseph F. (“Salvator”) .......................162 Minh, Vincent..............................................162 Mooney, Phillip T. .......................................163 Moriarty, John.............................................163 Munie, Orville Lawrence (O.L.) (Larry) ....163 Murphy, Robert...........................................164 Murphy, John D. ..........................................164 Nastold, Donald O. ......................................164 Naughton, Thomas J. ..................................165 Nawn, Francis X. ........................................165 Neary, Walter D. .........................................165 O’Dell, Jack...................................................166 Ormechea, John Baptist..............................166 12 Accused of Sexual Abuse in Illinois Petraitis, Donald..........................................168 Phan, Kevin..................................................168 Phelan, Victor..............................................169 Porte, Cheryl................................................169 Poser, Gregory H. .......................................169 Powell, John.................................................170 Powers, Thomas J. ......................................170 Ramos, Ponciano M. ...................................171 Rapp, James F. ............................................171 Reitmeier, Robert........................................171 Reuter, M. Lawrence...................................172 Reycraft, Paul (Sean) S. ..............................172 Rogge, Louis P. ............................................172 Ronan, Andrew M. .....................................173 Ryan, Daniel Peter (D.P.).............................173 Salwach, Jeffrey...........................................173 Santomassimo, Agnes..................................173 Schmitz, Josephine (Sr. Mary Philip)..........174 Schoenhofen, Roger P. ................................174 Schulte, Daniel R. ........................................174 Skiffington, Wilton L. .................................175 Smola, Gerald F. (Gerard F. Smola)............175 Soto, Ruben..................................................175 Spangenberg, Robert E. ..............................176 Spine, William J. .........................................176 Streeter, Gerald A. ......................................176 Sullivan, Charles E. .....................................177 Thedens, Mark.............................................177 Twardochleb, Emil......................................177 Vaughn, Roger W. .......................................178 Vorlick, Phillip.............................................178 • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 13 Purpose & Background Jeff Anderson & Associates, P.A. Over the last 20 years, numerous courageous survivors have spoken their truth and brought lawsuits related to the sexual abuse of children in the Catholic Church in Illinois. Survivors became plaintiffs in civil lawsuits and together with their attorneys were able to reveal secret church records using the civil litigation process. These lawsuits resulted in the release of identities and histories of sexually abusive individuals and the release of documents and records reflecting the knowledge of institutions that covered up the sexual abuse. Supporting Illinois Abuse Survivors for Decades The Anderson Report on Child Sexual Abuse in the Archdiocese and Dioceses in Illinois contains the names of clerics, religious employees and seminarians associated with Catholic Dioceses in the State of Illinois, including those who were assigned within or working in Illinois, who have been accused of sexual misconduct with minors. These dioceses include the Archdiocese of Chicago and Dioceses of Belleville, Joliet, Peoria, Rockford and Springfield. The information in this Anderson Report is derived from publicly available sources, claims made by survivors to the dioceses and religious orders responsible for the offenders, and legal settlements made as a result of claims for child sexual abuse. While lawsuits were filed involving many of these alleged perpetrators, the vast majority of the claims against these individuals have been settled or have not been fully evaluated in a civil or criminal court. Accordingly, in most cases the allegations have not been proved or substantiated in a court of law. Consequently, unless otherwise indicated, all of the allegations should be considered just allegations and should not be considered proven or substantiated in a court of law. In some situations, the statute of limitations has expired preventing the merits of the allegations from being considered by a court of law. It is believed that the Dioceses in Illinois have not publicly made available the full histories and their knowledge of their sexually abusive agents and employees. The Anderson Report on Child Sexual Abuse in the Archdiocese and Dioceses in Illinois is intended to raise awareness about the important issue of sexual abuse, provide the public with vital information including assignment histories, and provide awareness and healing to survivors of sexual abuse. Assignment histories are approximations and were compiled from the Official Catholic Directory, bishopaccountability. org, statements attributed to Diocesan and Religious officials, Diocesan and Religious records, and media reports.1 1 Jeff Anderson & Associates pioneered the use of civil litigation to seek justice for survivors of childhood sexual abuse in 1983. Through its work, Jeff Anderson & Associates seeks to bring hope, healing, accountability and justice to survivors of child sexual abuse. In most cases, childhood sexual abuse goes unreported or victims/survivors break their silence many years after the abuse occurs. While there are many legal barriers to prosecuting those responsible for the abuse, our firm has worked to overcome these barriers for more than 30 years. As pioneers of child protection through civil litigation, we are aggressively committed to this cause and capable of handling the most complex legal issues in courts across the United States. We are smart, tough and relentless, but the virtue that ultimately sets us apart is our compassion. We are people who feel deeply and work tirelessly in response to an unjust world. We have a reputation for being the best at what we do and that begins and ends with our ability to support, protect and guide survivors along their journey toward justice and healing. As sexual abuse lawyers, we have represented thousands of survivors of child sexual abuse against individual offenders and the institutions that harbor these offenders. We are engaged with a national network of attorneys who share our mission, and when we take a case, we exhaust every imaginable resource in order to serve our clients’ needs. Since 2001, Jeff Anderson & Associates, in partnership with Frost Pearlman, have advocated for survivors’ rights in Illinois and represented hundreds of Illinois survivors. In addition to seeking legal accountability, Jeff Anderson & Associates uses novel legal theories, including public nuisance, to help prevent child sexual abuse and bring awareness to child sexual abuse across the country. The abbreviation in parenthesis following each assignment indicates the Diocese the cleric was working in at the time of the assignment. 14 • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 15 Jeff Anderson & Associates Child Sexual Abuse in the Archdiocese and Dioceses in Illinois The Anderson Report on Child Sexual Abuse in the Archdiocese and Dioceses in Illinois is intended to be a chronology and analysis of the sexual abuse of children in Catholic institutions within the State of Illinois, including a discussion of how the highest Diocesan and Religious officials enabled the abusers and covered up crimes of sexual misconduct and abuse. Jeff Anderson Stacey Benson Elin Lindstrom Molly Burke Josh Peck Mike Finnegan Mike Reck Trusha Patel Goffe Taylor Stippel The data reveal the horrifying scale of priests sexually assaulting minors to the present day. The data collected illustrate the patterns and practices of Diocesan and Religious officials, including orchestrating an institutional cover-up of enormous magnitude. Perhaps most shocking among the discoveries is that some perpetrators were intentionally transferred and retained in trusted positions with direct access to children even after they were known to sexually abuse children. Modern means of analysis and availability of data through the Internet, social media, and public information is exposing perpetrators who operated in these Dioceses, but until full transparency and accountability exist, children remain in grave danger. Historically, the Archdiocese and Dioceses in Illinois, like many other archdioceses and dioceses, knew of predator priests who posed a significant danger to children. The sexual abuse of children has long been a crime in Illinois. However, Diocesan and Religious Order officials chose and continue to keep these crimes hidden, allowing their priests continued and unfettered access to children. During the 1980s and 1990s, occasional bits of information about abuse within Catholic institutions surfaced, but the Catholic Church’s strict policy of secrecy kept important information and the full extent of the problem hidden from the public. This has continued despite mandated reporting laws. Archdiocese of Chicago Frost Pearlman The Archdiocese of Chicago was established as a Diocese in 1843 and elevated to an Archdiocese in 1880. Its present day boundaries include the counties of Cook and Lake. According to the 2018 Official Catholic Directory, the Archdiocese of Chicago serves approximately 2.1 million Catholics in a geographic area of 1,411 square miles. The Archdiocese of Chicago is the Metropolitan See with authority over several suffragan Dioceses including the Dioceses of Belleville, Joliet, Peoria, Rockford and Springfield. The current archbishop is Blase Cardinal Cupich. There are approximately 1,323 priests currently in the Archdiocese of Chicago. Diocese of Belleville Marc Pearlman 16 Melissa Anderson The Diocese of Belleville was established as a diocese in 1887. Its present day boundaries include the counties of St. Clair, Clinton, Marion, Clay, Richland and Lawrence. According to the 2018 Official Catholic Directory, the Diocese of Belleville serves approximately 74,000 Catholics in a geographic area of 11,678 square miles. The current bishop is Edward Braxton, Ph.D, S.T.D. There are approximately 130 priests currently in the Diocese of Belleville. • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 17 Diocese of Joliet in Illinois The Diocese of Joliet was established as a diocese in 1948. Its present day boundaries include the counties of Du Page, Kankakee, Will, Grundy, Ford, Iroquois and Kendall. According to the 2018 Official Catholic Directory, the Diocese of Joliet serves approximately 616,000 Catholics in a geographic area of 4,218 square miles. The current bishop is R. Daniel Conlon. There are approximately 264 priests currently in the Diocese of Joliet. Map of the Archdiocese and Dioceses in Illinois Diocese of Peoria The Diocese of Peoria was established as a diocese in 1887. Its present day boundaries include the counties of Bureau, Champaign, Dewitt, Fulton, Hancock, Henderson, Henry, Knox, La Salle, Livingston, Logan, Marshall, Mason, McDonough, McLean, Mercer, Peoria, Piatt, Putnam, Rock Island, Schuyler, Stark, Tazwell, Vermilion, Warren and Woodford. According to the 2018 Official Catholic Directory, the Diocese of Peoria serves approximately 137,000 Catholics in a geographic area of 16,933 square miles. The current bishop is Daniel Jenky, C.S.C. There are approximately 197 priests currently in the Diocese of Peoria. Diocese of Rockford The Diocese of Rockford was established as a diocese on September 23, 1908. Its present day boundaries include the counties of Jo Daviess, Stephenson, Winnebago, Boone, McHenry, Carroll, Ogle, DeKalb, Kane, Whiteside and Lee. According to the 2018 Official Catholic Directory, the Diocese of Rockford serves approximately 308,300 Catholics in a geographic area of 6,457 square miles. The current bishop is David Malloy. There are approximately 226 priests currently in the Diocese of Rockford. Diocese of Springfield in Illinois The Diocese of Springfield was established as a diocese on October 26, 1923. Its present day boundaries include the counties of Adams, Bond, Brown, Calhoun, Cass, Christian, Clark, Coles, Crawford, Cumberland, Douglas, Edgar, Effingham, Fayette, Greene, Jasper, Jersey Macon, Macoupin, Madison, Menard, Montgomery, Morgan, Moultrie, Pike, Sangamon, Scott and Shelby. According to the 2018 Official Catholic Directory, the Diocese of Springfield serves approximately 134,000 Catholics in a geographic area of 15,139 square miles. The current bishop is Thomas Paprocki. There are approximately 144 priests currently in the Diocese of Springfield. Religious Clergy and Lay Persons in Illinois There are two types of clergy identified in The Anderson Report on Child Sexual Abuse in the Archdiocese and Dioceses in Illinois. Diocesan clergy work in territorial divisions or “Dioceses” and answer to a bishop who is granted authority by the Pope. Religious clergy are professed members of Orders. They are not tied to geographical areas and instead receive faculties from the bishop in the territory in which they work. Also included in the Anderson Report are lay persons who worked in Catholic institutions. These lay persons include seminarians, teachers and coaches. 18 • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 19 2018 Preliminary Findings of the Investigation into Catholic Clergy Sexual Abuse of Minors in Illinois In 2018, the State of Illinois Office of the Attorney General released preliminary findings of its investigation into Catholic Clergy sexual abuse. During the first 4 months of the investigation, the Office of Attorney General found: • The scope of the problem of clergy sexual abuse of minors in Illinois is significantly more extensive than the Illinois Dioceses have reported; • Illinois Dioceses disregarded survivors and failed to investigate allegations of clergy sexual abuse; • Increased transparency is necessary for accountability and healing; • The processes and practices put in place by the Illinois Dioceses to respond to clergy sexual abuse are flawed; • The investigatory processes deployed by the Illinois Dioceses fail to prioritize the survivor and provide healing; and • Illinois Dioceses will not resolve the clergy sexual abuse crisis on their own. The Office of Attorney General’s review determined that the Illinois Dioceses had received allegations related to sexual abuse for approximately 690 clergy, but had only publicly identified 185 clergy as being “credibly” accused of sexual abuse. Jeff Anderson & Associates believes that there are likely hundreds of alleged perpetrators within the Dioceses and religious orders in Illinois whose names have never been made public. The fight for information and the names of those alleged perpetrators continues. The Danger of Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church of Illinois Today The danger of sexual abuse in Illinois is clearly a problem of today, not just the past. This will continue to be a danger until the identities and histories of sexually abusive clerics, religious employees and seminarians are made public. 20 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Those Accused of Sexual Abuse in the Archdiocese of Chicago • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising 23 Fr. Alexander Sylvester Baranowski Ordained, 1955 Notes: In 1963, a father reported to the Archdiocese of Chicago that Fr. Baranowski engaged in an inappropriate relationship with his minor daughter. Fr. Baranowski has been accused of sexually abusing at least five other children and engaging in a sexual relationship with at least one young woman. According to the Archdiocese, Fr. Baranowski resigned from the priesthood in June 1975 and was laicized in 1976. Fr. Baranowski then married and took up a career running a series of motels. Fr. Baranowski is included in the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of “Archdiocesan Priests with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors.” His whereabouts and whether he had access to children from 1978 until his death are unknown. Assignments: 1956-1961 St. Wenceslaus, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1976-1977 Sick leave (CHI) 1962-1966 St. Mary of Perpetual Help, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1978-2010 Unknown 1967-1968 Holy Innocents, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2011 Died 1969-1975 St. Bruno, Chicago, IL (CHI) Fr. Robert Charles Becker Ordained, 1965 Notes: In 1986, Fr. Robert Charles Becker confessed to Cardinal Joseph Bernardin that he had sexually abused children. Fr. Becker has been accused of abusing at least 17 children and has been named in at least 14 lawsuits. At least nine children were allegedly sexually abused by Fr. Becker and another priest, Fr. Kenneth Ruge. In 1986, Fr. Becker was sent to St. Luke Institute, an institution known for treating priests accused of child sexual abuse. Afterwards, he was returned to the Archdiocese of Chicago where he was assigned to live at a parish in Chicago and worked for various Diocesan offices. According to the Archdiocese of Chicago, Fr. Becker was placed on restricted ministry in 1986 and died in 1989. Fr. Becker is included in the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of “Archdiocesan Priests with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors.” Assignments: 1965-1972 Queen of Martyrs, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1975-1986 St. Clements, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1972-1974 Rome, Italy 1986-1989 In residence, St. Gertrude, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1974- 1975 Our Lady of the Snows, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1989 Died Fr. Arthur Bendixen Fr. Richard Barry Bartz Ordained, 1974 Notes: In 1987, Fr. Richard Barry Bartz was accused of sexually abusing a 17-year-old at St. Ignatius College Prep, as well as the attempted abuse of another minor. Fr. Bartz was subsequently placed on indefinite leave but was allowed to return to ministry with supervision by 1988. In 1992, another survivor came forward and accused Fr. Bartz of child sexual abuse that was alleged to have occurred when he worked at Ascension in 1976. In 2002, Fr. Bartz resigned from ministry. He was laicized in 2015. Fr. Bartz is included in the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of “Archdiocesan Priests with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors.” Fr. Bartz whereabouts and whether he has had access to children since 2003 are unknown. Assignments: 1973 St. Marcelline, Schaumberg, IL (CHI) 1988 St. Eulalia, Maywood, IL (CHI) 1974 Ordained 1989-1997 Columbus Hospital, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1974-1979 Ascension, Oak Park, IL (CHI) 1997-2001 St. Frances Cabrini Shrine, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1980-1983 Transfiguration, Wauconda, IL (CHI) 2001-2002 Ravenswood Hospital, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1984-1988 Mary of the Lake Seminary, Mundelein, IL (CHI) 2003-2019 Unknown Deacon Patricio William Batuyong Ordained, 1983 Notes: In 1993, Deacon Patricio William Batuyong was arrested and charged with criminal sexual assault, criminal sexual abuse, and soliciting a juvenile for prostitution in connection with incidents that were alleged to have occurred in 1991, while he was working at St. Ansgar in Hanover Park, Illinois. Deacon Batuyong was reportedly removed from public ministry in 1993 and laicized in 1996. Deacon Batuyong is believed to have died in 2009. Deacon Batuyong is included in the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of “Archdiocesan Priests with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors.” Deacon Batuyong’s whereabouts and whether he had access to children from 1994 until his death in 2009 are unknown. Assignments: 1984-1987 Ft. Sheridan Chapel, Highland Park, IL (CHI) 1993 Permanent Deacon (ATL) 1988-1992 St. Ansgar, Hanover Park, IL (CHI) 1994-2019 Unknown Ordained, 1976 Notes: Fr. Arthur Bendixen was Chancellor of the Diocese of Orlando prior to his suspension in 1993, after he was accused of sexually abusing a former altar boy. The former altar boy filed a lawsuit alleging Fr. Bendixen sexually abused him when Fr. Bendixen was assigned to St. Mary Magdalen in Altamonte Springs, Florida. After his suspension, Fr. Bendixen was reportedly ordered to seek treatment, but after refusing, was barred from ministry. Since the first accusation, many more men have come forward claiming to have been abused by Fr. Bendixen as children. The Diocese has reached out-of-court settlements with as many as 11 of the men who accused Fr. Bendixen of sexually abusing them as children. In 2002, Fr. Bendixen was found to be working at DePaul University in Chicago, Illinois. After Fr. Bendixen’s work at DePaul University was exposed, DePaul University claimed it did not know about the allegations against him prior to hiring him. DePaul University further stated that Fr. Bendixen would not teach in the upcoming quarter, but did not rule out the possibility of him teaching in the future for the University. Fr. Bendixen’s whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1977-1978 Catholic University, Washington D.C. (WDC) 1989 Unknown 1979 St. Margaret Mary Church, Winter Park, FL (ORL) 1990-1991 Special Assignment (ORL) 1980-1981 Good Shepherd, Orlando, FL (ORL) 1992-1993 On Duty Outside the Diocese (ORL) – St. Vincent De Paul Regional Seminary, Boynton Beach, FL (PMB) 1982 St. Mary Magdalen Church, Altamonte Springs, FL (ORL) 1994 Sabbatical (ORL) 1983 Continuing Studies (ORL) 1995-1996 Unknown 1984 On Duty Outside the Diocese (ORL) – Continuing Studies 1997-2001 Sabbatical (ORL) 1985-1988 St. Mary Magdalen Church, Altamonte Springs, FL (ORL) 2002-2019 Unknown Fr. Joseph R. Bennett Ordained, 1966 Notes: Fr. Joseph R. Bennett has been accused of abusing at least five children since he was in seminary in the mid-1960s. According to the Archdiocese of Chicago, Fr. Bennett was being monitored in 2003 and had been removed from public ministry in 2006. Fr. Becker resigned from ministry in 2012 and was ultimately laicized. Fr. Bennett is included in the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of “Clergy with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors.” Fr. Bennett’s whereabouts and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 24 1963-1966 Mundelein Seminary 1981-1989 St. John de la Salle, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1966 Ordained 1989-1991 St. Agnes, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1966-1973 St. John the Baptist De La Salle, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1991-1995 Our Lady of Fatima, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1973-1976 Our Lady of the Ridge, Chicago Ridge, IL (CHI) 1996 Unknown 1976-1978 St. Joseph, Chicago, IL; St. Anne, Chicago, IL; Cook County Jail, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1997-2006 Holy Ghost, South Holland, IL (CHI) 1978-1981 St. Christina, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2007-2019 Unknown • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 25 Fr. Leonard Adolph Bogdan Ordained, 1960 Notes: Fr. Leonard Adolph Bogdan was first accused of sexually abusing a minor child in 1981. Due to family pressure, the alleged victim recanted their allegation but shortly thereafter, a second alleged victim reported he had been molested by Fr. Bogdan a year earlier. Fr. Bogdan was transferred to the Kalamazoo Diocese in approximately 1988. Fr. Bogdan was eventually incardinated into the Diocese of Kalamazoo in approximately 1993. Fr. Bogdan became a high-ranking priest and worked as a Judicial Vicar in both the Archdiocese of Chicago and the Diocese of Kalamazoo. After he retired in 2000, Fr. Bogdan’s first victim came forward again and affirmed his change to prior allegations. The Archdiocese of Chicago Review Board found the allegations to be credible, but the Archdiocese made no public announcement regarding the risk Fr. Bogdan posed to the community. At around the same time, Fr. Bogdan was given the honorary title of Monsignor by Pope John Paul II. In 2006, the Archdiocese of Chicago named Fr. Bogdan on their list of “Archdiocesan Priest with Substantiated allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors.” Fr. Bogdan was believed to be residing in Surprise, Arizona as of 2018. His status as a priest and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: Fr. David Francis Braun Ordained, 1954 Notes: In 1963, Fr. David Francis Braun was stopped by Chicago police for soliciting a 14-year-old boy. Fr. Braun admitted to the accusation and was reportedly told the charges could be dropped if the church handled the matter. Fr. Braun admitted to picking up high-school-aged boys and sodomizing them in his car or in a forest preserve. Fr. Braun was immediately put on leave, but returned to ministry a few months later and was assigned to a parish in Chicago. It is believed that Fr. Braun was sent to a treatment facility after admitting to sexually abusing minor children. According to the Archdiocese of Chicago, Fr. Braun was removed from public ministry in January 1994. Fr. Braun is included in the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of “Archdiocesan Priests with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors.” Fr. Braun’s whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he had access to children from approximately 1992 to his death in 1997 are unknown. Assignments: 1954-1961 Sacred Heart, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1974-1984 St. Francis Xavier, Wilmette, IL (CHI) 1961-1962 St. Sebastian, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1984-1985 St. Joseph, Round Lake, IL (CHI) 1960-1966 St. Camillus, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1988 Sabbatical 1962-1963 St. Linus, Oak Lawn, IL (CHI) 1985-1990 St. Thomas of Villanova, Palatine, IL (CHI) 1966-1970 St. Isidore the Farmer, Blue Island, IL (CHI) 1993 Resigned from Archdiocese of Chicago (CHI); Incardinated into Diocese of Kalamazoo (KAL) 1963-1964 On leave 1990-1992 Mater Christi, North Riverside, IL (CHI) 1964-1968 St. Teresa of Avila, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1992 Retired 1968-1974 Tribunal (CHI) 1987-2003 Diocesan Offices (KAL) 1968-1971 Our Lady of Grace, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1992-1997 Unknown 1970-1974 St. Symphorosa and Seven Sons, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1988-1992 St. Augustine Cathedral, Kalamazoo, MI (KAL) 1971-1974 Lutheran General Hospital, Park Ridge, IL; in residence at St. Lambert, Skokie, IL (CHI) 1997 Died 1974-1976 North American College, Rome, Italy (CHI) 2000-2013 Retired (KAL); Sun City Center, AZ 1976-1988 St. Symphorosa and Seven Sons, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2014-2018 Retired (16611 N.W. Point Pkwy, Surprise, AZ) (KAL) 1977-1988 Diocesan Offices (CHI) 2019 Unknown 1979-1983 Sacred Heart of Jesus, Chicago, IL (CHI) Fr. Robert Peter Bowman Fr. Kenneth M. Brigham Ordained, 1955 Notes: Fr. Robert Peter Bowman has been accused of sexually abusing at least 11 children. Throughout his career as a priest, Fr. Bowman held some of the most powerful positions in the Archdiocese of Chicago, including being Chief Deputy Priest to both Cardinals Francis George and Joseph Bernardin. At the time of his death in 2011, Fr. Bowman was in the process of being laicized in connection with violations of the monitoring protocol to which he was reportedly subject. These violations allegedly include Fr. Bowman’s possession of pornography, leaving his residence without permission, and spending time in locations where children were present. Fr. Bowman is included in the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of “Archdiocesan Priests with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors.” Assignments: Ordained, 1961 Notes: According to Fr. Kenneth Brigham’s priest file, he was abruptly transferred to a new assignment for unknown reasons in 1966. In 1972, Fr. Brigham was sent to the Bahamas and then Bay St. Louis, Mississippi, purportedly to protect his health. In 1981, Fr. Brigham attempted to adopt a child but was ordered not to by officials within the Archdiocese of Chicago. By 1994, the Archdiocese had received a report that Fr. Brigham had sexually abused a minor. At least three other allegations of sexual abuse implicating Fr. Brigham were reported to Archdiocesan officials. A 2002 letter copied to Cardinal Francis George stated that Fr. Brigham had overnight male visitors at the rectory and was part of a sex-ring with other priests. Fr. Brigham’s priest file also contains a 2007 report of sexual abuse which states that a survivor was told that Fr. Brigham belonged to a club that picked up little boys and sexually abused them. Assignments: 1961-1966 Our Lady of Solace, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1992-2000 Our Lady Help of Christians, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1966-1969 St. Clotilde, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2000-2005 St. Angela, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1969-1972 Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2001-2005 St. Martin De Porres, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1955-1961 St. Denis, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1995-2000 Moderator of the Curia – Residence at St. Teresa of Avila, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1972-1978 Holy Angels, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2005-2006 Our Lady Help of Christians, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1961-1966 St. Lawrence O’Toole, Matteson, IL (CHI) 2000-2001 St. Teresa of Avila, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1978-1980 St. Helena of the Cross, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2006 Died 1966-1969 Our Lady of Victory, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2001 Retired 1980-1992 St. Columbanus, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1969-1978 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine – Residence at St. Timothy, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2001-2011 St. James, Arlington Heights, IL (CHI) 1978-1995 St. James, Arlington Heights, IL (CHI) 2011 Died 1984-1995 Dean of Deanery (CHI) Fr. Daniel Peter Buck Ordained, 1971 Notes: In 1984, Fr. Daniel Peter Buck wrote a letter to a 15-year-old girl he had allegedly sexually abused, and the girl’s parents threatened legal action. Fr. Buck was transferred to another parish shortly thereafter. Despite Fr. Buck admitting he had engaged in an inappropriate relationship with the minor victim in 1984, the Archdiocesan Review Board determined that Fr. Buck should not be withdrawn from ministry and, by 1996, the Board voted unanimously that all restrictions on Fr. Buck be lifted. In 2002, the Archdiocese received another allegation of abuse implicating Fr. Buck and placed him on restricted ministry. Fr. Buck is included in the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of “Archdiocesan Priests with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors.” His whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 26 1971-1976 St. Luke, River Forest, IL (CHI) 1995 St. Priscilla, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1976-1979 Our Lady of Grace, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1995-2001 St. Francis of Rome, Cicero, IL (CHI) 1979 St. Wenceslaus, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2001-2002 St. Mary Parish, Buffalo Grove, IL (CHI) 1979-1984 St. Francis Borgia, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2003-2010 Other assignments (CHI); P.O. Box 455, Mundelein, IL 60060 1984-1989 St. Thomas Villanova, Palatine, IL (CHI) 2011-2019 Unknown 1989-1995 St. Pius X, Stickney, IL (CHI) • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 27 Fr. Thomas Burg Ordained, 1964 Notes: Fr. Thomas Burg worked in the Diocese of Cleveland and the Archdiocese of Chicago. In 2002, the Diocese of Cleveland publicly announced that Fr. Burg was no longer in active ministry because of allegations involving abuse of minors. Fr. Burg was also alleged to have inappropriately touched a minor girl during confession. Fr. Burg’s whereabouts and whether he had access to children from 1995 until his death in 2002 are unknown. Assignments: Ordained, 1974 Notes: Fr. John W. Calicott was pastor of Holy Angels Parish, then the largest African-American Catholic elementary school in the nation. He also worked on the Archdiocese Clergy Review Board, where he was charged with monitoring and guiding other priests, including priests accused of sexually abusing minors. In the early 1990s, multiple survivors reported to the Archdiocese of Chicago that they were sexually abused as minors by Fr. Calicott. Parents also complained that Fr. Calicott was giving elementary school children “explicit” sex education classes. Fr. Calicott was placed on a short leave and reassigned. Soon after he was reassigned, Fr. Calicott was caught locking himself in a room with a child. In spite of Fr. Calicott’s record, Cardinal Francis George kept Fr. Calicott in ministry, without restriction and without warning the community. Fr. Calicott has been accused of sexually abusing at least four boys. Fr. Calicott is included in the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of “Archdiocesan Priests with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors.” Fr. Calicott was laicized in 2009 and was believed to be residing in Country Club Hills as of 2010. His whereabouts and whether he has had access to children since he was laicized in 2009 are unknown. 1965-1971 St. Ignatius, Cleveland, OH (CLV) 1988-1991 Absent On Leave (CLV) 1972-1974 St. Luke, Cleveland, OH (CLV) 1990 University of Illinois at Chicago – John Paul II Center, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1975-1977 St. Angela Merici, Cleveland, OH (CLV) 1991-1995 Ministry in Higher Education for the Archdiocese Chicago, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1978 St. Angela Merici, Fairview Park, OH (CLV) 1992-1994 Released From Diocesan Assignment (CLV) – Loyola University Ministry, Wilmette, IL (CHI) 1973 Deacon- St. Leo Parish, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1994-1995 Administrative Leave 1974 Ordained 1995-2004 Holy Angels, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1979-1980 St. Edward High School, Cleveland, OH (CLV) 1995-2002 Absent On Leave (CLV) 1974-1980 St. Ailbe, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2004-2009 Cardinal Stritch Retreat House, Mundelein Seminary, Chicago, IL 1981-1982 Annunciation, Cleveland, OH (CLV) 2002 Died 1980-1991 Holy Name of Mary, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2009 Laicized 1983-1987 St. Patrick, Cleveland, OH (CLV) 1991- 1994 Holy Angels, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2010-2019 Unknown Fr. Edmund F. Burke Ordained, 1944 Notes: The Archdiocese of Chicago reportedly received allegations against Fr. Edmund F. Burke after his death. Fr. Burke is included in the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of “Clergy with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors.” Assignments: 1945-1949 Blessed Sacrament, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1967-1972 Blessed Sacrament, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1950-1952 Holy Name of Mary, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1973-1984 St. Francis Xavier, Wilmette, IL (CHI) 1953-1961 St. Leo, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1985-1988 Retired; Resurrection Pavilion, Greenwood, Park Ridge, IL (CHI) 1962-1965 St. Helena, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1966 St. Columbanus, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1989 Died Assignments: Fr. Thomas F. Cannon Ordained, Unknown Notes: Fr. Thomas F. Cannon worked in the Archdiocese of Chicago throughout his tenure as a priest. The Archdiocese of Chicago has settled with at least one survivor of child sexual abuse allegedly perpetrated by Fr. Cannon. Assignments: 1945-1948 St. Andrew’s, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1968-1969 Our Lady of Lourdes, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1949-1955 Immaculate Conception B.V.M., Waukegan, IL (CHI) 1970-1973 St. Zachary, Des Plaines, IL (CHI) 1956-1962 Queen of Angels, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1973 Died 1963-1967 St. Emily, Mt. Prospect, IL (CHI) Fr. William J. Cloutier Fr. Eugene Patrick Burns Ordained, 1955 Notes: In a 2005 lawsuit, Fr. Eugene Patrick Burns was accused sexually abusing a child from 1961 to 1966 when he worked at St. Catherine Laboure in Glenview, Illinois. Fr. Burns is included in the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of “Archdiocesan Priests with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors.” Fr. Burns’ whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he had access to children from 1992 until his death in 2005 are unknown. Assignments: 28 Fr. John Walter Calicott 1955-1961 St. Anne’s, Hazel Crest, IL (CHI) 1981-1983 Queen of Apostles, Riverdale, IL (CHI) 1961-1966 St. Catherine Laboure, Glenview, IL (CHI) 1983-1985 Sabbatical 1966-1968 St. Nicholas of Tolentine, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1985-1989 St. Ann, Lansing, IL (CHI) 1968-1973 St. Denis, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1989-1992 St. Margaret Hospital, Hammond, IN (GRY) 1973-1979 St. Joseph, Homewood, IL (CHI) 1992-2005 Retired 1979-1981 St. Terrence, Alsip, IL (CHI) 2005 Died 1981 Our Lady of Knock, Calumet City, IL (CHI) Ordained, 1975 Notes: Prior to his ordination in 1975, Fr. William Cloutier allegedly brought minor boys to the Mundelein seminary and sexually abused them. The Archdiocese of Chicago learned of Fr. Cloutier’s alleged abuse of children within the first several years of his ordination. The principal of a school to which Fr. Cloutier was assigned stated he no longer wanted Fr. Cloutier on his campus after hearing reports of sexual misconduct from students. In 1979, Fr. Cloutier allegedly took two boys to his cabin and molested them. Fr. Cloutier allegedly threatened the boys with a handgun and said he would kill their parents if they reported the abuse. The Oak Lawn Police Department was notified of the allegations, but no charges were filed. Fr. Cloutier was sent to the House of Affirmation in Whitinsville, Massachusetts for treatment for approximately six months. By 1981, Fr. Cloutier was back in Chicago and assigned to work, unsupervised, in parishes throughout the Archdiocese. Fr. Cloutier was named in a lawsuit in 1991 and he resigned from ministry in 1993. In 2002, Fr. Cloutier spoke to a reporter and admitted to sexually abusing minor boys. Fr. Cloutier is included in the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of “Archdiocesan Priests with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors.” Fr. Cloutier’s was believed to be residing in Skokie in 2001. His status as a priest and whether he had access to children from 1993 until his death in 2003 are unknown. Assignments: 1975-1977 St. Francis Xavier Cabrini, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1991-1993 Sick Leave – Retreat House, Mundelein, IL (CHI) 1977-1979 St. Damian Church, Oak Forest, IL (CHI) 1993 Resigned 1979-1981 Active Duty Outside the Archdiocese of Chicago – St. Margaret Mary Parish, Worcester, MA 1994-2002 Unknown 1981-1985 University of Illinois at Chicago Circle, Chicago, IL; Pope John Paul II Catholic Student Center, Chicago, IL; in residence at Our Lady of the Snows, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2003 Died 1985-1991 St. Peter, Skokie, IL (CHI) • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 29 Fr. Joseph A. Colletti Ordained, 1971 Fr. John William Curran Notes: Fr. Joseph A. Colletti was ordained in 1971 as a priest of the Diocese of Lafayette. In 1990, Fr. Colletti was removed from public ministry. His faculties were withdrawn in 2004. Despite Fr. Colletii’s purported agreement to not attempt to function as or present himself as a priest, the Diocese of Lafayette, in Indiana, and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops learned that he had represented himself as a priest in Illinois and Southern California, and had been saying mass in California since 2015. Based on an announcement by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, it is believed that Fr. Colletti may still be residing in Southern California and spending time in Illinois visiting his family. In 2018, Fr. Colletti was named on the Diocese of Lafayette’s list of “Diocesan Priests with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors” and was in the process of being laicized by the Vatican. Notes: In 1990, a former student at Quigley South Seminary High School reported to the Archdiocese of Chicago that he was sexually abused by Fr. John William Curran. At least two more allegations of child sexual abuse were lodged against Fr. Curran and, in 1992, Fr. Curran was removed from St. Christina Parish. Parishioners were purportedly told that Fr. Curran was on sabbatical. Two years later, in 1994, parishioners were told that Fr. Curran had, in fact, been removed due to sexual abuse allegations. Fr. Curran has been accused of sexually abusing at least eight boys during his tenure as priest. Fr. Curran is included in the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of “Archdiocesan Priests with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors.” Fr. Curran’s status as a priest and whether he had access to children from 1993 until his death in 2000 are unknown. Assignments: Assignments: 1972 St. Ambrose, Anderson, IN (LFT) 1983 Unknown 1973 On Duty Outside Diocese (LFT) – St. Pius V Church, Pasadena, TX (GAL) 1984 Leave of Absence (LFT) 1974-1975 St. Pius V Church, Pasadena, TX (GAL) 1985-1988 Awaiting Assignment (LFT) 1974-1976 On Duty Outside Diocese (LFT) – St. Aloysius, West Allis, WI (MIL) 1989 Absent Unassigned (LFT) 1977-1978 On Duty Outside Diocese(LFT) – St. Monica Church, Carpentersville, IL (RCK) 1990 Special Assignment (LFT) – ­­ St. Patrick Parish, Oxford, IN (LFT) 1979-1980 St. Ferdinand, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1991-2002 Unassigned (LFT) 1979-1980 On Duty outside Diocese (LFT) 2003-2019 Unknown 1981-1982 On Duty Outside Diocese (LFT) – ­ St. Ferdinand, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1957-1961 St. Bede the Venerable, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1993 Diocesan Offices; in Residence at Alvernia Manor, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1961-1966 Quigley Preparatory Seminary High SchoolSouth, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1994-1995 Unknown 1966-1970 St. Catherine of Siena, Oak Park, IL (CHI) 1996-1999 In Residence at St. Joseph, Homewood, IL (CHI) 1970-1980 St. Albert the Great, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1999 Retired (Resurrection Life Center, Chicago, IL) 1980-1993 St. Christina, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2000 Died Fr. Norman M. Czajka (Norman J. Czajka) Fr. Robert D. Craig Ordained, 1974 Notes: The Archdiocese of Chicago learned that Fr. Robert D. Craig had been accused of sexually abusing a child in approximately 1990. Fr. Craig reportedly gave Bishop Raymond Goedert a list of at least five alleged victims of Fr. Craig. Fr. Craig was sent to Servants of the Paraclete, an institution known for treating priests accused of child sexual abuse. Fr. Craig has been named in at least five civil lawsuits and is included in the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of “Archdiocesan Priests with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors.” He was laicized in 2009. Fr. Craig’s whereabouts and whether he has had access to children since 1991 are unknown. Assignments: 1974-1977 St. Aloysius, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1992 Unknown 1977-1982 St. Anthony, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1993 Resigned 1982-1987 St. Ann, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1994-2008 Unknown 1987-1990 St. Mark, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2009 Laicized 1990-1993 Medical Leave of Absence; Cardinal Stritch Retreat House, Mundelein Seminary, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2010-2019 Unknown 1991 Servants of the Paraclete, Cherry Valley, CA (SB) Assignments: 1961-1966 St. John of God, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2004-2005 Retired (St. Benedict’s Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, Niles, IL) (CHI) 1966-1985 St. Casimir, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2006-2009 Resurrection Life Center, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1985-1986 St. Mary of Czestochowa, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2010-2011 Unknown 1986-2004 St. Camillus, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2012 Died Fr. Walter George DeRoeck Ordained, 1948 Assignments: St. Paul of the Cross, Park Ridge, IL (CHI) 1999 Other assignments; Cardinal Stritch Retreat House, Mundelein, IL (CHI) 1976-1985 Queen of Mary of Heaven, Cicero, IL; Quigley North High School, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2000 Other Assignments; 645 N. Michigan Ave, Chicago IL (CHI) Retired; Hinsdale Convalescent Center, Hinsdale, IL (CHI) 1985-1991 St. John Berchman, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2001 Resigned 1991 Sabbatical 2002 Laicized 1992-1996 St. Catherine Laboure, Glenview, IL (CHI) 2003-2019 Unknown 1996-1999 St. Celestine, Elmwood Park, IL (CHI) Assignments: St. Bartholomew’s, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1982 Ordained, 1971 1971-1976 Notes: Fr. Thomas Carroll Crosby served in the Archdiocese of Chicago throughout the duration of his career as a priest. As of 2019, Fr. Crosby is named on the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of “Clergy with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors.” 1949-1951 Ordained, 1961 Notes: Fr. Norman Czajka served in the Archdiocese of Chicago since his ordination in 1961 and was reportedly a chaplain for the Boy Scouts in Chicago from 1968 to 1979. In 2005, a survivor came forward and accused Fr. Czajka of sexually abusing him as a child in 1995. As a result, Fr. Czajka was removed from public ministry in 2006. Fr. Czajka is included in the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of “Clergy with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors.” Fr. Czajka’s status as a priest, whereabouts and whether he had access to children from approximately 2004 until his death in 2012 are unknown. Notes: A 1989 notation in Fr. Walter George DeRoeck’s personnel file indicates that he had an obsession with young men and was seen bringing young children into his house. However, Fr. DeRoeck was not removed until 1999 when two people accused Fr. DeRoeck of sexually abusing them as children in 1986 while he worked at St. John Berchman in Chicago. Fr. DeRoeck resigned in 2001 and was laicized in 2002. Fr. DeRoeck is included in the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of “Archdiocesan Priests with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors.” Fr. DeRoeck was believed to be residing in San Jose, California as of 2008, although his current whereabouts and whether he has access to children are unknown. Fr. Thomas Carroll Crosby 30 Ordained, 1957 1952-1974 Cathedral of the Holy Name, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1983-1987 Retired (1001 N. Greenwood, Puk Ridge, IL) (CHI) 1975-1982 Mater Christi, North Riverside, IL (CHI) 1987 Died • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 31 Fr. Dominic Aloysius Diederich Ordained, 1917 Notes: Fr. Dominic Aloysius Diederich served in various locations within the Archdiocese of Chicago for more than five decades. In 2006, the Archdiocese of Chicago stated that it had reasonable cause to suspect Fr. Dominic Aloysius Diederich engaged in sexual misconduct with a minor. Fr. Diederich is included in the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of “Clergy with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors.” Assignments: 1918-1925 St. Nicholas, Evanston, IL (CHI) 1937-1942 St. George’s, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1926-1929 Sacred Heart, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1943-1977 St. Maurice, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1930-1936 St. Mary’s, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1977 Died Fr. Francis Emil Dilla Ordained, 1953 Notes: Fr. Richard Wayne Fassbinder worked in the Archdiocese of Chicago throughout his career as a priest. In 2001, the Archdiocese of Chicago received a report that Fr. Fassbinder sexually abused a child beginning in 1972. The victim stated that the abuse lasted for approximately 20 years and included oral copulation and several overnight trips. When confronted with the allegation, Fr. Fassbinder acknowledged the sexual relationship, but denied knowing the victim was a minor. Fr. Fassbinder also stated that he took nude photographs of the individual. Fr. Fassbinder is included in the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of “Archdiocesan Priests with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors.” Fr. Fassbinder reportedly lived in a Fox Lake retirement community as pastor emeritus prior to his death in 2004. Assignments: Ordained, 1953 Notes: Fr. Francis Emil Dilla worked in the Archdiocese of Chicago throughout his career as a priest, including with youth groups at Saints Cyril and Methodius in Chicago, including the Parish Teen Club and the Young Christian Workers. In 1991, the Archdiocese of Chicago received an allegation of sexual abuse against Fr. Dilla. Fr. Dilla was purportedly asked not to be in the presence of minors without responsible adults being present. In 1993, the Archdiocese received another report of child sexual abuse against Fr. Dilla. Fr. Dilla retired a few months later. Fr. Dilla is included in the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of “Archdiocesan Priests with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors.” Fr. Dilla’s whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he had access to children from approximately 1993 until his death in 2005 are unknown. Assignments: 1953-1964 St. Hugh, Lyons, IL (CHI) 1973-2004 Prince of Peace, Lake Villa, IL (CHI) 1964-1967 Queen of All Saint’s Basilica, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2004 Died 1967-1973 St. Emily, Mt. Prospect, IL (CHI) Msgr. John D. Fitzgerald Ordained, 1933 Notes: Monsignor John Fitzgerald worked in the Archdiocese of Chicago throughout his career as a priest. In 2005, a woman reported to the Archdiocese of Chicago that she was sexually abused by Msgr. Fitzgerald while seeking counseling as a teenage parishioner at Ascension Church in Oak Park, Illinois in 1964. She claimed that he later offered to pay her for one year of therapy. Following this accusation, a church staffer allegedly told the accuser that her report was “credible,” but the Archdiocese refused to publicly acknowledge it. The Archdiocese of Chicago paid for the accuser’s therapy. The accuser named Msgr. Fitzgerald publicly in 2014. Fr. Fitzgerald reportedly died in 1984, but he is included in the Official Catholic Directories for the years 1985 and 1986. Assignments: 1953-1958 Saints Cyril and Methodius, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1991 Sabbatical 1958-1964 St. Joseph, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1991-1992 1964-1965 St. Simon the Apostle, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1993 1965-1971 Holy Rosary, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1994-2004 Unknown 1971-1975 Assumption BVM, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2005 Died 1975-1991 Sacred Heart, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1934 Unknown 1944-1951 Officiales (CHI) Unknown 1935-1936 Canadian College, Rome, Italy (CHI) 1952-1985 Ascension, Oak Park, IL (CHI) Retired 1937-1938 Cathedral of The Hoy Name, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1986 Retired (200 Martin St, Naperville, IL) (CHI) 1938-1943 Vice Officiales (CHI) 1987-2019 Unknown Fr. Joseph L. Fitzharris Fr. Jeremiah C. Duggan Ordained, 1962 1956-1966 Queen of Martyrs, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1976-1999 St. Bede the Venerable, Chicago, IL (CHI) Notes: Fr. Joseph L Fitzharris worked in the Archdiocese of Chicago throughout his career as a priest. In 1986, the Archdiocese of Chicago learned that Fr. Joseph L. Fitzharris had been accused of sexually abusing a 16-year-old boy. Chicago law enforcement was notified and, in 1987, Fr. Fitzharris was convicted in Cook County for sexual abuse of a minor. Fr. Fitzharris was sentenced to one-year court supervision and was reassigned to Good Shepard in Chicago, Illinois. In 1988, Bishop Raymond Goedert was purportedly informed that Fr. Fitzharris brought a boy to his room. Cardinal Joseph Bernadin told Fr. Fitzharris that he needed to live in a treatment facility for child-molesting clerics and suggested that he devote his ministry to working with offenders. Fr. Fitzharris was assigned to work at various facilities known for treating priests accused of child sexual abuse. Fr. Fitzharris reportedly admitted to Bishop Thomas Paprocki in 2003 that he had sex with at least nine boys. In 2011, Fr. Fitzharris was laicized. Fr. Fitzharris is included in the “Archdiocesan Priests with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors.” Fr. Fitzharris’ whereabouts and whether he has access to children are unknown. 1967-1968 St. Gertrude, Franklin Park, IL (CHI) 1999 Retired and died Assignments: 1969-1975 Our Lady of Charity, Cicero, IL (CHI) Ordained, 1955 Notes: Father Jeremiah Duggan worked for nearly 25 years at St. Bede the Venerable, in Chicago, Illinois, one of the largest Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Chicago. In 2004, Fr. Duggan was named in a claim against the Archdiocese of Chicago. The claimant alleged that Fr. Duggan had sexually abused the claimant at Queen of Martyrs in Evergreen Park in the 1970s and 1980s. The Archdiocese settled the claim in 2005. At that time, the Archdiocese stated that the settlement meant that the allegation against Fr. Duggan was deemed credible. Assignments: 32 Fr. Richard Wayne Fassbinder 1962-1967 St. Louise de Marillac, La Grange Park, IL (CHI) 1988-1989 Sabbatical 1967-1973 St. Aloysius, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1989-1991 St. Pascal, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1973-1978 Saint Fidelis, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1991-1995 In residence at Cardinal Stritch Retreat House, Mundelein, IL (CHI) 1978-1986 St. Francis Xavier, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1995 Resigned 1986 St. Bartholomew, Waukegan, IL (CHI); St. Joseph, Waukegan, IL (CHI) 1996-2010 Unknown 1987-1988 Good Shepard, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2011 Laicized 1988-1990 St. Genevieve, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2012-2019 Unknown • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 33 Fr. James Vincent Flosi Ordained, 1971 Notes: Fr. James Vincent Flosi worked in the Archdiocese of Illinois throughout his career as a priest. He has been accused of sexually abusing at least 8 children. In 1991, Fr. Flosi was accused of teaching several middle-school-age boys to masturbate. After his resignation in 1992, Fr. Flosi founded the organization AIDSCare in Chicago. Fr. Flosi is included in the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of “Archdiocesan Priests with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors.” Fr. Flosi’s whereabouts and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1971-1976 St. Hubert, Hoffman Estates, IL (CHI) 1990-1992 St. Giles, Oak Park, IL (CHI) 1976-1985 Holy Name Cathedral, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1992 Resigned 1978-1985 Director of the Phoenix Ministry for Separated and Divorced Catholics (CHI) 1993-2009 Unknown 1985-1988 St. Luke, River Forest, IL (CHI) 2010 Laicized 1988-1989 Sabbatical 2011-2019 Unknown 1989 St. Gertrude, Franklin Park, IL (CHI) Fr. Salvatore Formusa Fr. Jesus P. Garza Ordained, 1979 Notes: In 1983, a mother told Fr. Jesus P. Garza’s parish that she was concerned about Fr. Garza’s interactions with her son, however, Fr. Garza remained active in the priesthood until his resignation in 2000. In 2005, an internal investigation by the Archdiocese of Chicago found that Fr. Garza had sexually abused a child multiple times throughout 1984. In 2018, it was discovered that after leaving the priesthood, Fr. Garza had gone to work as counselor in Wisconsin public schools. Fr. Garza is included in the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of “Archdiocesan Priests with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors.” Fr. Garza was believed to be living in Kenosha, Wisconsin as of 2018. His whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he still has access to children are unknown. Assignments: Ordained, 1935 Notes: According to Fr. Formusa’s personal file, Bishop Romeo Blanchette was aware of Fr. Formusa’s alleged sexual abuse of young girls as early as 1962. It wasn’t until 1968, after being accused of sexual misconduct with a girl younger than 16 years old, that Fr. Formusa was purportedly removed and placed on sick leave. Approximately eight years later, in 1976, Bishop Romeo Blanchette allowed Fr. Formusa to return to the Diocese of Joliet, where he worked until his retirement in 1985. Fr. Formusa was included on the Diocese of Joliet’s list of “Diocesan Priests with Credible Allegation(s) of Sexual Misconduct with Minors Made Against Them While Serving in the Diocese of Joliet” with “Substantiated Allegations.” Fr. Formusa’s status as a priest, his whereabouts, and whether he has access to children since his retirement in 1985 are unknown. 1978 Deacon at Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Glenview, IL (CHI) 1994 Other assignments; St. Aloysius, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1979 Ordained 1995 St. Margaret Mary, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1979-1980 St. Casimir, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1996 On duty outside the Archdiocese (CHI); Edgewood High School of the Sacred Heart, Madison, WI 1981-1983 St. Sebastian, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1997 Resurrection, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1984 St. John Berchman, Chicago, IL (CHI); Quigley Preparatory Seminary North, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1998 St. Mary, Buffalo Grove, IL (CHI) 1985 On leave; Our Lady of Grace, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1999 Unknown 1986-1988 St. Ita, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2000 Other Assignments (CHI); 11044 E Creek Rd, Clinton, WI 1989-1993 St. Aloysius, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2000 Resigned 1993-1994 Sabbatical 2001-2019 Unknown Assignments: 1935-1940 St. John Bosco, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1967 Central DuPage Hospital, Winfield, IL (JOL); St. Luke Parish, Carol Stream, IL (JOL) Fr. William Graham 1941-1944 St. Charles, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1968 Unknown 1945-1949 St. Anthony, Joliet, IL (JOL) 1969-1975 On Sick Leave (JOL) 1950-1952 Immaculate Conception, Elmhurst, IL (JOL) 1976-1984 St. Anthony’s Parish, Frankfort, IL (JOL) 1953-1957 St. Lawrence, South Wilmington, IL (JOL) 1985 St. Mark’s Parish, Wheaton, IL (JOL) 1958-1962 Holy Trinity, Westmont, IL (JOL) 1985 Retired 1963 Immaculate Conception, Braidwood, IL (JOL) 1985-2019 Unknown Notes: Fr. William C. Graham was ordained for the Diocese of Duluth in 1976. He served as a Professor of Theology at Lewis University in Romeoville, Illinois, from 2000 until 2005. In a 2016 lawsuit, Fr. Graham was accused of sexually abusing a 15 to 16-year-old boy in 1977 to 1978 at St. Benedict’s in Duluth, Minnesota. The Diocese of Duluth placed Fr. Graham on leave in the wake of the allegations. In 2010, the survivor’s father told the Diocese of Duluth of the alleged child sexual abuse, but no action was taken. Following the 2016 lawsuit, Fr. Graham denied the allegation and filed a countersuit against the survivor. In 2018, the Diocese of Duluth found the allegations of child sexual abuse against Fr. Graham to be credible. In 2018, a jury ruled that the survivor interfered with Fr. Graham’s contractual duties when he filed a lawsuit against Fr. Graham, but did not intentionally inflict emotional distress upon Fr. Graham. Fr. Graham is on the Diocese of Duluth’s list of “[c]lergy with credible claims against them concerning sexual abuse of a young person.” According to the Diocese of Duluth, Fr. Graham has been removed from ministry and his faculties have been revoked. Fr. Graham’s current whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he has access to children are unknown. 1964-1966 St. John the Baptist, Winfield, IL (JOL) Assignments: Fr. Robert Friese Ordained, 1978 Notes: Fr. Robert Friese worked in the Archdiocese of Chicago throughout his career as a priest. Two years after Fr. Robert Friese was ordained, the Archdiocese of Chicago received a report that he had sexually abused a child. Fr. Friese was purportedly placed on leave, but less than six months later, he was assigned to be a youth counselor at Maryville Academy, a child care agency for Catholic Charities. In 1984, Fr. Friese was arrested for abusing a minor boy at Maryville Academy. He was criminally convicted in 1985 and laicized in 1987. Fr. Friese is included in the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of “Archdiocesan Priests with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors.” Fr. Friese was believed to be living in Glendale Heights as of 2008, however, his whereabouts and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 34 Ordained, 1976 1977 Deacon at Mary, Seat of Wisdom, Park Ridge, IL (CHI) 1982-1984 Unknown 1978 Ordained 1985 Resigned 1978-1980 St. Cyprian, River Grove, IL (CHI) 1986 Unknown 1980 On leave; St. Juliana, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1987 Laicized 1981 Maryville Academy, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1988-2019 Unknown 1977- 1979 St. John, Woodland, MN (DUL) 2001 On Duty Outside of Diocese (DUL); Our Lady of Guadalupe, New York, NY 1979 St. Joseph, Gnesen, MN (DUL) 2002-2004 On Duty Outside of Diocese (DUL); 5119 N. Kenmore St., 1W, Chicago, IL 1980 St. Benedict, Duluth, MN (DUL) 2005-2011 Unknown 1981-1982 St. Margaret Mary, Morgan Park, MN (DUL) 2012-2013 College of St. Scholastica, Duluth, MN (DUL) 1983-1990 St. Michael, Duluth, MN (DUL) 2014 Unknown 1991-1993 On Leave for Study (DUL); Fordham University, Bronx, NY 2015-2018 St. Michael, Duluth, MN (DUL) 1994 On Duty Outside the Diocese (DUL) 2019 Unknown 1995-2000 All Saints, New York, NY • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 35 Fr. James Craig Hagan Ordained, 1974 Notes: Multiple survivors have accused Fr. James C. Hagan of child sexual abuse in the 1970s while he was serving at St. Catherine of Sienna-St. Lucy and from 1981 to 1986 when he worked at St. Richard. Fr. Hagan narrowly evaded criminal prosecution for child molestation after a 1988 Cook County investigation. After new allegations of child sexual abuse surfaced, Fr. Hagan was placed on leave in 1996 and resigned from the priesthood in 1997. Fr. Hagan has been named in at least three civil lawsuits including a 2006 lawsuit in which another survivor came forward and accused Fr. Hagan of child sexual abuse from 1994 to 1996 at St. Denis. He was laicized in 2010. Fr. Hagan is included in the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of “Archdiocesan Priests with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors.” Fr. Hagan’s whereabouts and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: Ordained, 1975 Notes: Multiple people have accused Fr. James A. Hoder of sexually abusing them as children. In 1985, the Archdiocese of Chicago received an allegation that Fr. Hoder had sexually abused a child in 1976. The Archdiocese permitted Fr. Hoder to remain in active ministry and he reportedly continued to sexually abuse children until his resignation in 1997. Fr. Hoder was laicized in 2009. Fr. Hoder is included in the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of “Clergy with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors.” His whereabouts and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1975-1982 St. Ita, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1995 Wounded Brothers, St. Louis, MO (STL) 1982-1985 Assumption BVM, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1996 Unknown 1974-1981 St. Catherine of Sienna, Oak Park, IL (CHI) 1996 Resigned 1985-1990 St. David, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1997 Resigned 1981-1986 St. Richard, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1997-2009 Unknown 1990 Sabbatical 1998-2008 Unknown 1986-1988 St. Gertrude, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2010 Laicized 1991 St. Joseph, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2009 Laicized 1988-1996 St. Denis, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2011-2019 Unknown 1991-1995 Administrative Leave (CHI) 2010-2019 Unknown 1992 University of Illinois Hospital, Chicago, IL (CHI) Fr. John Edward Hefferan Ordained, 1956 Notes: In 1993, Fr. John Edward Hefferan was accused sexually abusing a child from 1977 to 1978 at St. John Vianney in Northlake, Illinois, but was allowed to remain in active ministry. In 2002 and 2003, two more survivors came forward to accuse Fr. Hefferan of child sexual abuse. One survivor reported abuse at St. Anastaisia in Waukegan, Illinois from 1964 to 1967, and the other reported abuse in Flossmore in the 1960s. In 2003, the Archdiocese of Chicago decided to monitor Fr. Hefferan, but permitted him to remain in the ministry. According to the Archdiocese, Fr. Hefferan was removed from public ministry in October 2003. Fr. Hefferan is included in the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of “Archdiocesan Priests with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors.” He was believed to be living in Palos Park as of 2014. Fr. Hefferan’s whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he had access to children from 2003 until his death are unknown. Assignments: Fr. Michael J. Hogan Ordained, 1984 Notes: Multiple people have accused Fr. Michael J. Hogan of sexually abusing them as children. The Archdiocese of Chicago first received allegations of abuse against Fr. Hogan in 1986. He resigned from the priesthood in 1993 and was laicized in 2015. Fr. Hogan is included in the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of “Archdiocesan Priests with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors.” His whereabouts and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1983 Deacon at St. Ann, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1993 Resigned 1956-1962 St. Louise de Marillac, La Grange, IL (CHI) 1990-1997 St. Gerald’s, Oak Lawn, IL (CHI) 1984 Ordained 1994-2014 Unknown 1962-1967 St. Anastasia, Waukegan, IL (CHI) 1997-1999 St. Bede, Ingleside, IL (CHI) 1984-1992 St. Barbara, Brookfield, IL (CHI) 2015 Laicized 1967-1969 St. Simeon, Bellwood, IL (CHI) 2000 Retired; St. Bede, Ingleside, IL (CHI) 1992 On Leave 2016-2019 Unknown 1969-1973 Infant Jesus of Prague, Flossmoor, IL (CHI) 2001-2009 Retired; Bishop Lyne Home, Lemont, IL (CHI) 1973-1975 St. John the Evangelist, Streamwood, IL (CHI) 2002-2003 St. Alphonsus, Lemont, IL (CHI) 1975-1981 St. John Vianney, Northlake, IL (CHI) 2010-2017 Unknown 1981-1985 St. James, Highwood, IL (CHI) 2018 Died 1985-1990 St. Ann, Lansing, IL (CHI) Deacon Juan Francisco Hinojosa Notes: Deacon Juan Francisco Hinojosa was an ordained deacon and studied at St. Mary of the Lake Seminary in Mundelein, Illinois. In 1993, Deacon Hinojosa allegedly sexually assaulted a 16-year-old. He was arrested and charged with criminal sexual assault. Deacon Hinojosa’s current whereabouts and whether he has access to children are unknown. 36 Fr. James A. Hoder Fr. Daniel Mark Holihan Ordained, 1957 Notes: Fr. Daniel Mark Holihan is alleged to have abused at least 20 boys with the first allegation of abuse occurring in 1986. In 1990, Fr. Holihan was placed on limited ministry with restrictions and monitoring but was accused of child sexual abuse during the time he was on restriction. Fr. Holihan was subsequently forced to resign from his parish but was quickly assigned to another and remained in ministry with restrictions until 2002, when he was removed from public ministry. Fr. Holihan officially resigned in 2008 and was laicized in 2010. Fr. Holihan has been named in at least two civil lawsuits. Fr. Holihan is included in the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of of Archdiocesan Priests with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors. His whereabouts and whether he had access to children from 2008 until his death are unknown. Assignments: 1957-1965 St. Patrick, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1992-2002 Diocesan Offices (CHI) 1965-1968 St. Aloysius, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2003 Other Assignments; Diocesan Offices (CHI) 1968-1969 St. Sylvester, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2004-2005 Other Assignments; P.O. Box 455, Mundelein, IL (CHI) 1969-1973 St. Francis de Sales, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2006-2008 Retired; St. Joseph’s Home, Palatine, IL (CHI) 1973-1979 St Jane de Chantal, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2008 Resigned 1979-1990 Our Lady of the Snows, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2009-2016 Unknown 1990-1991 St. Therese of the Infant Jesus, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2010 Laicized 1991-1992 St. Jerome, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2016 Died 1992 Retired • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 37 Fr. George S. Hopf Ordained, 1949 Notes: Fr. George S. Hopf was ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee in 1949. Fr. Hopf officially retired in 1978, but was placed on sick leave from 1976 until his death in 2004. In 2002, there were several allegations of child sexual abuse by Fr. Hopf that occurred in the 1960s. Including, a survivor who accused Fr. Hopf of sexually abusing him from when he was 3 to 6 years old at St. Mary’s in South Milwaukee, Wisconsin. In 2004, Fr. Hopf was named on the Archdiocese of Milwaukee’s list of “Restricted Diocesan Priest Due to Substantiated Reports of Sexual Abuse of a Minor.” Assignments: 1950-1954 St. Joseph’s, Milwaukee, WI (MIL) 1976 Sick Leave (MIL) – Location Unknown 1955-1962 St. John de Nepomuc’s (Bohemian), Milwaukee, WI (MIL) 1977-1978 St. John Church, South Milwaukee, WI (MIL) 1963-1966 St. Mary, Waukesha, WI (MIL) 1979 Retired – St. John’s, South Milwaukee, WI (MIL) 1967 St. Mary’s, South Milwaukee, WI (MIL) 1980-1982 Retired – St. Peter Claver, Sheboygan, WI (MIL) 1968 Immaculate Heart of Mary, West Allis, WI (MIL) 1983-1993 Retired – St. Anne’s Home For the Elderly, Milwaukee, WI (MIL) 1969 Holy Rosary, Milwaukee, WI (MIL) 1994-2003 Retired (MIL) – St. Joseph Home For The Elderly, Palatine, IL (CHI) 1970-1971 St. John Church, Woodhull, WI (MIL) 1972-1975 St. Peter Claver, Sheboygan, WI (MIL) 2004 Died Fr. Thomas Barry Horne Ordained, Unknown Notes: Fr. Thomas Barry Horne was ordained in the Archdiocese of Chicago sometime around 1930, though the exact ordination date is unknown. Following a leave of absence in the late 1940s, he was transferred to St. Peter Damian in Bartlett, Illinois, where it is alleged that he raped a 5-year-old girl in the church rectory while the girl’s mother practiced on the church’s organ. It was later reported that Fr. Horne also raped the girl’s sister. In 2011, two women filed a lawsuit against the Archdiocese of Chicago alleging abuse, including inappropriate touching and sharing sexual fantasies when one was 4 and the other was 6 years old. Fr. Horne retired in 1973 and died in 1985. Assignments: 1930-1932 Theological Seminary of St. Mary of the Lake, Mundelein, IL (CHI) 1950-1973 St. Peter Damian, Bartlett, IL (CHI) 1933 St. Margaret Mary, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1974-1977 Retired (1031 Ridge Ave., Evanston, IL) (CHI) 1934 St. James, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1978 Retired (6821 N. Clark St., Chicago, IL) (CHI) 1935-1939 Cathedral of the Holy Name, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1979-1985 Retired (3800 W. 42nd St., Guernsey Dell, IL) (CHI) 1940-1945 4821 Ellis Ave., Chicago, IL (CHI) 1985 Died 1946-1949 Absent with leave (CHI) Fr. Walter Edward Huppenbauer Ordained, 1957 Notes: In 1992, the Archdiocese of Chicago received a report that Fr. Walter Edward Huppenbauer had sexually abused a child from 1962 to 1964. In 1993, the Archdiocese received another report that Fr. Huppenbauer had sexually abused a child from 1961 to 1963. In a 2002 lawsuit, Fr. Huppenbauer was accused of child sexual abuse that allegedly occurred in the 1960’s at St. Hillary’s in Chicago. Fr. Huppenbauer was laicized in 2010. Fr. Huppenbauer is in the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of Archdiocesan Priests with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors. Fr. Huppenbauer’s whereabouts and whether he had access to children from 2010 until his death are unknown. Assignments: 1957-1964 St. Hilary, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1994-2001 Little Sister Of The Poor Center For The Aging, Chicago, Il (Chi) 1964-1968 St. Odilo, Berwyn, IL (CHI) 2001 Retired (Little Sister Of The Poor Center For The Aging, Chicago, Il) (Chi) 1968-1971 St. John Chrysostom, Hillside, IL (CHI) 2002-2004 Retired (645 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL) (CHI) 1971-1977 St. Thomas of Villanova, Palatine, IL (CHI) 2005-2009 Retired (St. Joseph’s Home, Platine, IL) (CHI) 1977-1983 St. Gilbert, Grayslake, IL (CHI) 2010 Laicized 1983 St. Eugene, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2011-2014 Unknown 1983-1994 St. Thomas of Villanova, Palatine, IL (CHI) 2014 Died Fr. Leonard G. Huske Ordained, 1956 Notes: Fr. Leonard G. Huske worked in various parishes throughout Chicago until he was removed from public ministry in 2018. Fr. Huske is listed in the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of clergy with substantiated allegations of sexual misconduct with minors. Fr. Huske’s whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1957-1964 Our Lady of Peace, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1990-1993 St. Ann Church, Lansing, IL (CHI) 1965-1968 St. John Chrysostom, Bellwood, IL (CHI) 1994 St. Bernadette Church, Evergreen Park, IL (CHI) 1969 St. Columbanus, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1995 Retired (St. Bernadette Church, Evergreen Park, IL) (CHI) 1970-1975 St. Monica, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1996-1999 Retired (14619 S. Keystone, Midlothian, IL 60445) (CHI) 1976-1981 St. William, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2000-2018 Retired (347 Daffodil Ln., Matteson, IL 60443) (CHI) 1982-1988 Saint Julie Billiart Church, Tinley Park, IL (CHI) 2019 Unknown 1989 Unknown Fr. Thomas J. Job Ordained, 1970 Notes: Fr. Thomas J. Job abused at least 6 boys before ordination in 1970 and is alleged to have abused at least 18 boys during his career as a priest. Fr. Job resigned from the priesthood in 1991 and was laicized in 2010. Fr. Job has been named in at least one civil lawsuit. Fr. Job is listed in the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of Archdiocesan Priests with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors. Fr. Job’s whereabouts and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 38 1970-1975 St. John Vianney, Northlake, IL (CHI) 1991 Resigned 1976-1982 St. Cletus, La Grange, IL (CHI) 1991-2010 Unknown 1983-1986 St. Joseph, Libertyville, IL (CHI) 2010 Laicized 1987-1990 St. Bede, Ingleside, IL (CHI) 2010-2019 Unknown • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 39 Fr. John E. Jordan Ordained, 1935 Notes: In 2012, a lawsuit filed against the Archdiocese of Chicago alleged that Fr. John E. Jordan abused an altar boy at the rectory of St. Adrian Parish in Chicago between 1983 and 1984. Ordained, 1962 1936-1941 St. Agnes, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1957-1966 St. Timothy, Chicago, IL (CHI) Notes: In 1967, an allegation of child sexual abuse involving Fr. Thomas Franciswas reported to the Archdiocese, but Fr. Kelly was allowed to remain in active ministry. At least one survivor has accused Fr. Kelly of child sexual abuse that allegedly occurred in 1973 at St. Teresa of Infant Jesus. In 2014, another survivor accused Fr. Kelly of child sexual abuse at St. John Vianney. Fr. Kelly has been named in at least two civil lawsuits. Fr. Kelly is listed in the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of Archdiocesan Priests with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors. 1942-1943 St. Brendan, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1967-1987 St. Adrian, Chicago, IL (Pastor Emeritus starting in 1981) (CHI) Assignments: 1944-1946 Chaplain U.S. Army (CHI) 1980-1987 Retired, St. Adrian, Chicago, IL 1962-1967 St. John Vianney, Northlake, IL (CHI) 1978-1980 St. Kieran, Chicago Heights, IL (CHI) 1947-1956 Our Lady of Peace, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1987 Died 1967-1972 St. Catherine of Genoa, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1980-1986 St. James, Sauk Village, IL (CHI) 1972-1973 St. Therese of the Infant Jesus (Little Flower), Chicago, IL (CHI) 1986-1990 Our Lady of Knock, Calumet City, IL (CHI) 1973-1978 Queen of the Apostles, Riverdale, IL (CHI) 1990 Died Assignments: Fr. Robert Louis Kealy Ordained, 1972 Notes: Fr. Robert Louis Kealy was ordained for the Archdiocese of Chicago in 1972. He worked as a canon and civil lawyer before he was ordained a priest. Fr. Kealy was accused of sexually abusing two brothers from 1972 to 1977 at St. Germaine in Oak Lawn, IL. From 1985 to 1992, Fr. Kealy was chancellor of the Archdiocese and served on the committee that monitored priests accused of sexual abuse until he was removed due to allegations against him involving sexual abuse. Fr. Kealy was removed from public ministry in 2002 and resigned in 2006 after he admitted to sexually abusing at least one survivor in 1977. According to the Archdiocese of Chicago, Fr. Kealy was laicized in 2018. Fr. Kealy’s included in the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of Archdiocesan Priests with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors. Whereabouts and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: Fr. John Joseph (Jack) Keough Ordained, 1952 Notes: In 2002, the Archdiocese of Chicago was advised by an adult female that Fr. Keough sexually abused her when she was a child. Fr. Keough was named in at least one civil lawsuit in 2003. Fr. Keough on listed on the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of Archdiocesan Priests with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors. Fr. Keough’s whereabouts and whether he has access to children is unknown. Assignments: 1960-1964 Quigley North Minor Seminary, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1982-1985 Post Graduate Studies; Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome, Italy 1952-1960 St. Justin Martyr, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1981 On Leave 1964-1972 St. Mary of the Lake Seminary, Mundelein, IL (CHI) 1985-1992 Queen of All Saints Basilica, Chicago, IL (CHI); Metropolitan Tribunal (CHI) 1960-1965 Our Lady of Hope, Des Plaines, IL (CHI) 1982-2008 Unknown 1965-1966 St. Frances of Rome, Cicero, IL (CHI) 2008 Laicized Our Lady of Loretto, Community of O’Hare International Airport, Des Plaines, IL (CHI) 2009-2019 Unknown Our Lady of Hope, Des Plaines, IL- In residence (CHI) 1971 St. Norbert, Northbrook, IL (CHI) 1992-2001 Immaculate Conception, Highland Park, IL (CHI) 1966-1981 1972-1977 St. Germaine, Oak Lawn, IL (CHI) 2001-2002 Saints Faith, Hope and Charity, Winnetka, IL (CHI) 1967-1968 1976-1982 Metropolitan Tribunal (CHI) 2002-2005 Other Assignments; Cardinal Stritch Retreat House, Mundelein, IL (CHI) 1977-1978 St. Cletus, La Grange, IL (CHI) 2006 Resigned 1978-1982 St. Boniface, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2006-2019 Unknown Fr. Joseph Patrick Kissane Ordained, 1969 Notes: Throughout Fr. Joseph Patrick Kissane’s career as a priest, the Archdiocese received multiple reports that Fr. Kissane allegedly brought grade-school girls to his living quarters. He remained in active in ministry until his resignation in 1991. Fr. Kissane was laicized in 2010 and has been named in at least two lawsuits. Fr. Kissane is listed in the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of Archdiocesan Priests with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors. Fr. Kissane’s whereabouts and whether he had access to children from 1991 until his death are unknown. Fr. John James Keehan Ordained, 1967 Notes: Allegations involving Fr. John James Keehan’s sexual abuse of children were first made in the 1960s. In the 1990s, Fr. Keehan was placed on monitoring then placed back in ministry. In 2002, a survivor’s sister accused Fr. Keehan of sexually abusing her minor brother from approximately 1967 to 1974 at St. Basil in Chicago and on one occasion holding the minor at gunpoint while he sexually abused him. Fr. Keehan was removed from public ministry in 2002. Fr. Keehan is included in the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of Archdiocesan Priests with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors. Fr. Keehan was believed to be living in a Catholic Charities nursing home in Palos Park, as of 2012, however, his whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 40 Fr. Thomas Francis Kelly 1966 St. John Berchmans, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1983-1985 Our Lady of Lourdes, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1967 Ordained 1985-1990 Queen of Angels, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1967-1974 St. Basil, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1990-1991 Holy Innocents, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1974-1979 Our Lady of Good Counsel, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1991-2004 St. Ann, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1979-1980 St. Benedict, Blue Island, IL (CHI) 2004 On Leave 1980-1983 St. Thomas of Canterbury, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2005-2010 Other Assignments (CHI); Cardinal Stritch Retreat House, Mundelein, IL (CHI) 1981-1983 Truman College, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2011-2019 Unknown Assignments: 1969-1970 Our Lady of Loretto, Hometown, IL (CHI) 1988-1990 Most Holy Redeemer, Evergreen Park, IL (CHI) 1970-1976 St. Cajetan, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1991 Resigned 1976-1981 St. Catherine of Alexandria, Oak Lawn, IL (CHI) 1991-2011 Unknown 1981-1986 St. Adrian, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2010 Laicized 1987 Unknown 2011 Died • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 41 Fr. George W. Klein Ordained, 1959 Notes: Fr. George W. Klein was principal of St. Benedict High School in Chicago for 17 years, and the district director of non-public schools of Illinois for the North Central Accrediting Association of Catholic Secondary Schools for the Archdiocese of Chicago. According to the Archdiocese, Fr. Klein retired in 2010. In 2011, Fr. Klein was accused of sexually abusing a girl in the 1970s while he was principal of St. Benedict High School. In 2012, he was restricted from saying mass but remained in active ministry. Fr. Klein was believed to be living in Northbrook as of 2017, however, his whereabouts and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1960-1965 St. Gregory, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1997-2004 St. Francis Xavier Church, Wilmette, IL (CHI) 1966-1982 St. Benedict, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2005-2018 Retired, St. Philip the Apostle, Northfield, IL (CHI) 1983-1989 St. Monica, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2012-2017 Retired, St. Monica, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1990-1991 Unknown 2018-2019 Unknown 1992-1996 St. Joseph Church, Wilmette, IL (CHI) Fr. Valentine (Val) J. Klimek Fr. Michael Francis Krol Ordained, 1945 Notes: Fr. Michael Francis Krol was ordained for the Diocese of Austin in 1945 and worked in various dioceses throughout the United States. Fr. Krol reportedly worked at St. John the Baptist in Chicago, Illinois at some point during his priesthood. In 2019, Fr. Krol was named on the Diocese of Austin’s “list of clergy and religious who have been credibly accused of committing sexual abuse against a minor” and on the Diocese of Norwich’s “List of Clergy with Allegations of Substance of Sexual Abuse of a Minor.” It is believed that Fr. Krol died in 1996. Assignments: 1946-1949 Unknown 1972-1973 St. Mary’s, San Saba, TX (AUS) 1950-1951 St. Francis Xavier, Enid, OK (OKL) 1974-1976 St. Mary’s, Bermond, TX (AUS) 1952-1953 Sacred Heart, Sayre, OK (OKL) 1977-1990 Guardian Angels’, Wallis, TX (GAL) 1954-1960 Unknown 1991 Unknown 1961 St. Finbar’s, Brooklyn, NY (BRK) 1992-1995 St. Anthony’s, Runge, TX (SAT) 1962 St. Francis de Sales, Lamar, CO (PBL) 1993-1996 Retired (GAL) 1963-1964 Our Lady of Perpetual Help, New London, CT (NOR) 1996 Kopernik Shores, Brownsville, TX (BWN) 1965-1969 Unknown 1996 Died 1970-1971 St. Thomas, Hamilton, TX (AUS) Ordained, 1944 Notes: Fr. Valentine “Val” J. Klimek worked for more than 35 years in the Diocese of St. Cloud before his retirement in 1990. During his time in St. Cloud, Fr. Klimek surrounded himself with minor children, working in schools, juvenile court and the Boy Scouts. In the 1940s, it is believed that Fr. Klimek was a chaplain at the Illinois State Training School for Boys in St. Charles or 9 months. In 1949, is is believed that Fr. Klimek worked at St. Dionysius in Cicero. In 1991, a mother reported to the Diocese of St. Cloud that Fr. Klimek sexually abused her son and his friend when they were approximately 8 or 9 years old. Fr. Klimek is included on the Diocese of St. Cloud’s list of individuals “likely involved in the sexual abuse of minors.” Fr. Klimek’s whereabouts and whether he had access to children from 1991 until his death in 1994 are unknown. Assignments: 1945-1946 Unknown 1959-1971 St. Lawrence’s, Duelm, MN (SCL) 1947 Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, St. Cloud, MN (SCL) 1962 Marriage Counseling, St. Cloud, MN (SCL) 1948 Absent With Leave, St. Louis, MO (STL)  1963-1965 Catholic Charities, St. Cloud, MN (SCL) 1949 Loyola University, Chicago, IL (CHI); Absent with Leave, St. Cloud, MN (SCL) 1972-1982 Holy Trinity, Royalton, MN (SCL) 1949-1954 Cathedral High School, St. Cloud, MN (SCL) 1983-1989 Mary of the Immaculate Conception Church, Rockville, MN (SCL) 1950-1954 Director of Catholic Youth Organization, St. Cloud, MN (SCL) 1990-1993 Retired (SCL) 1952-1956 Marriage Relations Council, St. Cloud, MN (SCL) 1993-1994 St. Otto’s Care Center, Little Falls, MN (SCL) 1953-1958 St. Columbkill, St. Wendel, MN (SCL) 1994 Died Fr. Leonard Paul Kmak Fr. Joseph G. Kromenaker Ordained, 1947 Notes: Fr. Kromenaker was a priest of the Diocese of Springfield who worked in the Archdiocese of Chicago from 1991 to 2005. In 2018, Fr. Joseph G. Kromenaker was included on the Diocese of Springfield’s list of clergy with substantiated cases of sexual abuse of a minor. From 2004 until his death in 2010, Fr. Kromenaker’s status as a priest and whether he had access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1948 Blessed Sacrament, Springfield, IL (SFD) 1970 St. Aloysius’, Litchfield, IL (SFD) 1949 Springfield Junior College, Springfield, IL (SFD) 1971-1990 Absent On Leave (SFD) 1950-1952 Our Savior Church, Jacksonville, IL (SFD) 1991 St. Adrian, Chicago, IL (SFD) 1953-1954 Immaculate Conception, Alton, IL (SFD) 1992 St. Kieran Church, Chicago Heights, IL (CHI) 1955-1956 St. Frances Cabrini, Springfield, IL (SFD) 1993-2003 St. Ferdinand Church, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1957-1958 Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Springfield, IL (SFD) 2004-2005 On Duty Outside the Diocese – 5900 Barry Ave., Chicago, IL (CHI) 1959-1966 St. Anne Church, Edgewood, IL (SFD) 2006-2010 Retired – 100 Stardust Dr., Sherman, IL (SFD) 1967 Visitation B.V.M. Church, Alexander, IL (SFD) 2010 Died 1968-1969 Sacred Heart Church, Villa Grove, IL (SFD) Ordained, 1959 Notes: In 1968, Fr. Leonard Paul Kmak resigned from the priesthood to marry, resulting in his laicization in 1969. In a 2005 lawsuit, Fr. Kmak was accused of child sexual abuse that allegedly occurred in 1962 at St. Fidelis in Chicago. Fr. Kmak is included on the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of Archdiocesan Priests with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors. Fr. Kmak’s whereabouts and whether he had access to children from 1969 until his death in 2002 are unknown. Assignments: 42 1959-1964 St. Fidelis, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1970-2002 Unknown 1964-1968 St. Veronica, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2002 Died 1969 Laicized • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 43 Msgr. Michael Kurz Ordained, 1975 Notes: Following his ordination in 1975, Msgr. Kurz worked in the Diocese of Pueblo in Colorado for over two decades before being incardinated into the Diocese of Rockford. Msgr. Kurtz is believed to have worked at St. Victor in Calumet City in the Archdiocese of Chicago from 1995 to 1997. In 2008, Msgr. Kurz was named in a lawsuit, alleging he sexually abused a boy attending Christ the King in Pueblo, Colorado. The abuse allegedly began in approximately 1976 and continued for a couple of years. Following the allegation, the Diocesan Review Board conducted an investigation and determined the allegation to be unfounded and false. No punitive action was taken against Msgr. Kurz. After allegations of sexual abuse arose involving Msgr. Kurz, at least two settlements were reached with two survivors. Fr. Kurz’ whereabouts, status as a priest and whether he had access to children form 2018 until his death are unknown. Assignments: 1976 Sacred Heart Cathedral, Pueblo, CO (PBL) 1995-1997 St. Victor, Calumet City, IL (CHI) 1977-1983 Christ the King, Pueblo, CO (PBL) 1995-1998 On Duty Outside the Diocese (PBL) 1984 Special Assignment – Acting Officialis, 1001 N. Grand Ave., Pueblo, CO (PBL) 1998-2005 Adjutant Judicial Vicar, Rockford, IL (RCK) 1985 St. Anne, Pueblo, CO (PBL) 1998-2010 St. Rita, Rockford, IL (RCK) 1986-1987 College of Consultors, Pueblo, CO (PBL); Graduate Studies (PBL) – North American College, Rome, Italy 2004-2017 Special Assignment, Rockford, IL (RCK) 1988 St. Francis Xavier, Pueblo, CO (PBL) 2006-2017 Judicial Vicar, Rockford, IL (RCK) 1989 Unknown 2016 Retired (P.O. Box 7044, Rockford, IL) (RCK) 1990-1991 St. Columba, Durango, CO (PBL) 2017 Retired, St. Rita, Rockford, IL (RCK) 1990-1993 Adjutant Judicial Vicar, Pueblo, CO (PBL) 2018 Unknown 1992-1993 St. Joseph Church, Monte Vista, CO (PBL) 2019 Died 1994 St. Mary, Walsenburg, CO (PBL) Fr. Patrick J. Lee Ordained, 1976 Notes: In January 2019, Fr. Patrick Lee was placed on leave following an allegation of sexual abuse of a minor in 1979 when he was assigned to St. Christopher Parish in Midlothian. He is currently listed as the pastor at Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Chicago. His status as a priest, whereabouts, and whether he as access to children are unknown. Fr. Raymond Lukac Ordained, 1954 Notes: Fr. Raymond Lukac had been a priest for less than one year before accusations of sexual abuse and misconduct surfaced. The first documentation shows the Chancellor of the Diocese of Greensburg, Cyril Vogel, met with Fr. Lukac in 1964 regarding numerous reports and letters from parishioners of SS. Cyril and Methodius, complaining that Fr. Lukac appeared to be romantically involved with an 18-year-old organist for the parish. Following the allegations, Fr. Lukac was transferred to Holy Trinity parish, where Fr. Matthew Yanosek discovered Fr. Lukac was involved with a 17-year-old girl. It was later discovered and reported to the Diocese of Greensburg that Fr. Lukac had impregnated the girl and married her immediately when she turned 18 years old. A few years later, in 1957, the Bishop of the Diocese of Gary, Andrew Grutka, granted Fr. Lukac admission into his diocese on a trial basis. Fr. Lukac was allowed to teach at Bishop Noll Institute, a high school in Hammond, Indiana. Following more concerns over his behavior with girls, Fr. Lukac was removed from the Diocese of Gary. Afterwards, he moved to and worked in an unofficial capacity at St. Stanislaus in Posen, Illinois, until the Bishop of Greensburg, William Connare, could find a new diocese that would accept him. After asking many dioceses, the Bishop of the Diocese of WheelingCharleston, Joseph Hodges, agreed to take Fr. Lukac. After only a short time in the Wheeling Diocese, Fr. Lukac was removed from a high school after being “rather strong in his language in a talk to some of the high school students.” Following the removal, Fr. Lukac was assigned a position as chaplain in the Veterans Administration Service, where it is unknown how long he worked. In 2006, the Archdiocese of Chicago requested information from the Diocese of Greensburg after receiving a complaint that Fr. Lukac had sexually abused a minor during his time in the Chicago Archdiocese. According to the complaint, Fr. Lukac had sexually abused an 11-year-old girl in the St. Stanislaus rectory sometime between 1963 and 1964. Six years later, in 2012, another allegation was made against Fr. Lukac, claiming he had sexually abused a girl while serving in the Diocese of Gary between 1961 and 1964. Fr. Lukac’s status as a priest, his whereabouts and whether he had access to children from 1969 until his death in 2000 are unknown. Assignments: 1955 SS. Cyril and Methodius, Fairchance, PA (GBG) 1965-1966 Active Outside the Diocese 1956 Holy Trinity (Slovak), Ford City, PA (GBG) 1965-1967 Immaculate Conception, Clarksburg, WV (WH) 1957 Absent on Leave (GBG) 1965-1968 St. Stanislaus, Posen, IL (CHI) 1958-1962 Unknown 1968 On Duty Outside Diocese (WH); St. Joseph’s Cathedral, Wheeling, WV (WH) 1963 Holy Trinity (Hungarian), East Chicago, IN (GAR) 1969-2000 Unknown 1964 Unknown 2000 Died Assignments: 1977-1979 St. Christopher Church, Midlothian, IL (CHI) 1987-2013 Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1980-1983 St. Matthias, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2002-2013 St. Joseph Church, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1984-1986 St. Giles Church, Oak Park, IL (CHI) 2014-2019 Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Chicago, IL (CHI) Fr. William Lupo Ordained, 1965 Notes: Numerous survivors have accused Fr. William Lupo of child sexual abuse. Fr. Lupo was reportedly allowed to remain in ministry for nine years after the Archdiocese of Chicago first received reports of child sexual abuse. After mounting allegations of child sexual abuse, Fr. Lupo was placed on limited ministry with restrictions and monitoring in 1993. The restrictions were lifted in 1995, but were reinstated in 1998. Fr. Lupo is listed on the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of clergy with substantiated allegations of sexual misconduct with minors. Fr. Lupo’s whereabouts and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: Fr. Kenneth Lewis Ordained, 1991 Notes: Three years after his ordination in the Diocese of Tulsa, Fr. Kenneth Lewis was sent to a treatment center after he was accused of inappropriate behavior with several boys. Following treatment, Bishop Slattery allowed Fr. Lewis to return to work at a different parish within the Diocese of Tulsa. In 2002, the allegations against Fr. Lewis were made public. He retired shortly thereafter. News reports stated that at least six boys came forward accusing Fr. Lewis of sexual abuse. It was also reported that multiple Church officials had been aware of Fr. Lewis’ inappropriate behavior with boys and that two investigations were conducted, one in 1994 and the other in the summer of 2002, but no action was taken against Fr. Lewis. No criminal charges were brought against Fr. Lewis concerning the six accusations due to the statute of limitations. In 1994, parents of a boy filed a police report, alleging Fr. Lewis had sexually abused their son, then 13 years old, during a trip to Chicago. The case was referred to Evanston, IL police, who decided not to pursue charges; however, a civil case was filed in 2007 and settled in 2011. In 2007, a Chicago detective reopened the case against Fr. Lewis and, nearly a decade and a half after the abuse allegedly occurred, Fr. Lewis was criminally charged in late 2017. Fr. Lewis was not immediately taken into custody because he had been in living in Ecuador. In late March of 2018, U.S. law enforcement officials were alerted when Fr. Lewis bought a plane ticket from Ecuador to Atlanta. Homeland Security apprehended him in Atlanta in May 2018 upon his return from Ecuador. Lewis was taken to Chicago where he was charged with felony predatory criminal sexual assault of a child. It is believed Lewis is free on bail. His current whereabouts and whether he has access to children are unknown. 1965-1972 Our Lady Help of Christians, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1990-2002 St. Peter Damian, Bartlett, IL (CHI) 1972-1979 Our Lady, Mother of the Church, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2002 On Leave; Resigned 1979-1986 St. Mary, Des Plaines, IL (CHI) 2003-2019 Unknown; laicized 2014 1986-1990 Our Lady of the Wayside, Arlington Heights, IL (CHI) Assignments: 44 1992-1994 St. Mary, Tulsa, OK (TLS) 2002 St. Joseph’s Church, Krebs, OK (TLS) 1995 On Duty Outside Diocese (TLS) 2003-2007 Unknown 1996 Holy Family Cathedral, Tulsa, OK (TLS) 2007 Laicized 1997-2001 Sacred Heart Church, Fairfax, OK (TLS) 2008-2019 Unknown 2002 St. John Church, McAlester, OK (TLS) • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 45 Fr. Robert J. Lutz Ordained, 1950 Notes: In 1989, a lawsuit was filed alleging that Fr. Robert J. Lutz sexually, physically, and psychologically abused a 7-year-old boy from 1987 to 1988 while at St. Norbert’s School in Northbrook, Illinois. A second lawsuit was filed in 1992 alleging that Fr. Lutz sexually abused another minor boy on three separate occasions in 1986 while at St. Norbert’s. Fr. Lutz is said to have threatened to kill the minor boy if he told his parents about the abuse. Assignments: 1951-1961 St. Aloysius, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1976-1984 St. Mary Star of the Sea, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1962-1966 St. Isaac Jogues, Glenview, IL (CHI) 1985-2005 St. Norbert Church, Northbrook, IL (CHI) 1967-1972 Queen of the Rosary, Elk Grove, IL (CHI) 1996-2005 Retired – St. Norbert Church, Northbrook, IL (CHI) 1973 St. John Chrysostom, Bellwood, IL (CHI) 2006 Retired – Bishop Lyne Home, 12230 S. Will-Cook Rd., Lemont, IL 60439 (CHI) 1974-1975 St. Robert Bellarmine, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2006 Died Fr. Norbert J. Maday Fr. Robert E. Mayer Ordained, 1964 Notes: Fr. Robert E. Mayer was first accused of sexual abuse in 1982 when a mother filed a lawsuit alleging Fr. Mayer had exposed himself to and attempted to undress and molest her 13-year-old son and at least one other St. Edna’s altar boy on an outing to Fox Lake, Illinois. The lawsuit was settled in 1985. The mother who filed the lawsuit alleges that two of the boys who were allegedly sexually abused eventually died by suicide. The initial lawsuit and subsequent settlement were kept secret by the Archdiocese while Fr. Mayer was transferred to three different parishes. In 1991, Fr. Mayer left his assignment at St. Odilia for “personal reasons.” It wasn’t until a few months later that the truth was disclosed to the parishioners of St. Odilia: Fr. Mayer had a history of alleged sexual abuse. He reportedly had been removed from St. Odilia for making sexual advances to parish boys and engaging in sexual misconduct with a 20-year-old man. Following the disclosure, a 13-year-old girl came forward alleging she had been sexually abused by Fr. Mayer. In connection with the girl’s allegations, Fr. Mayer was indicted on four counts of aggravated criminal sexual abuse, convicted, and sentenced to 3 years in jail. Since then, Fr. Mayer has been accused by at least another six individuals and has been involved in at least two settlements. Fr. Mayer is included on the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of clergy with substantiated allegations of sexual misconduct with minors. He was believed to be residing in Lake Villa, Illinois as of 1996. Fr. Mayer’s precise whereabouts and whether he has had access to children from approximately 1991 to presentare unknown. Assignments: Ordained, 1964 Notes: Fr. Norbert J. Maday was ordained for the Archdiocese of Chicago in 1964. Fr. Maday has been accused of sexually abusing at least a dozen boys in Chicago. In 1993, Fr. Maday was arrested for sexually abusing two young boys in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, in 1986. Fr. Maday was subsequently convicted of child sexual abuse and was sentenced to 20 years in prison in 1994, six years after the Archdiocese first received an allegation of child sexual abuse by Fr. Maday. In 2007, Fr. Maday was released from prison and sent to a treatment center and defrocked. In 2012, Fr. Maday was sent to another secure treatment facility after he was classified as a sexually violent person. Fr. Maday has been named in at least four civil lawsuits in which he is accused of child sexual abuse throughout 1967 to 1986. Fr. Maday is listed on the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of clergy with substantiated allegations of sexual misconduct with minors. Fr. Maday was last known to be living in Wisconsin as a registered sex offender, but his current whereabouts and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1964-1966 St. John of God, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1983-1989 Our Lady of the Ridge, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1966-1969 St. Leo, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1989-1992 St. Jude the Apostle, South Holland, IL (CHI) 1969-1977 St. Louis de Montfort, Oak Lawn, IL (CHI) 1993-1994 Absent on Sick Leave (CHI) 1971-1974 Catholic Scouting (CHI) 1994-2007 Prison 1974-1977 Archdiocese Council of Catholic Youth (CHI) 2007 Laicized 1977-1983 St. Bede the Venerable, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2008-2019 Unknown 1965-1969 St. Catherine of Siena, Oak Park, IL (CHI) 1991 Unknown 1970-1975 St. Barnabas, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1992-1994 Absent on Sick Leave (CHI) 1976-1981 St. Mary, Lake Forest, IL (CHI) 1995-2009 Unknown 1982-1983 St. Edna Church, Arlington Heights, IL (CHI) 2010 Laicized 1984-1990 St. Stephen Protomartyr, Des Plaines, IL (CHI) 2011-2019 Unknown 1990 St. Dionysius, Cicero, IL (CHI) Fr. Vincent E. McCaffrey Ordained, 1978 Notes: Fr. McCaffrey was convicted of possessing child pornography in 2002 and sentenced to 20 years in prison. Investigators claimed to have discovered more than 4,000 images of child pornography in Fr. McCaffrey’s home. During the trial, Fr. McCaffrey admitted under oath that he sexually abused so many boys that he could not remember the exact number. Prosecutors estimate the number of victims to be as high as 100. One boy who Fr. McCaffrey admitted to sexually abusing claimed he was sexually abused over 200 times. Other victims alleged Fr. McCaffrey issued physical threats and sadistically abused them. The Archdiocese of Chicago claimed to have been made aware of Fr. McCaffrey’s sexual abuse in 1987, four years before he was removed, but during his trial, Fr. McCaffrey testified that the Archdiocese ordered him to be hospitalized in 1980 due to his sexual abuse. Since Fr. McCaffrey was jailed in 2002, the Archdiocese has settled with as many as five individuals who claim to have been sexually abused by Fr. McCaffrey. Fr. McCaffrey is listed on the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of clergy with substantiated allegations of sexual misconduct with minors. Fr. McCaffrey’s whereabouts and whether he has had access to children since 1992 are unknown. Assignments: Fr. Edward J. Maloney Ordained, 1955 Notes: After being ordained in 1955, Fr. Edward J. Maloney went on to work for over four decades in the Archdiocese of Chicago. In 2009, Fr. Maloney was removed from active ministry after the Independent Review Board of the Archdiocese of Chicago found allegations that Fr. Maloney sexually abused two minors at St. Mark’s in Chicago to be credible. Fr. Maloney is listed on the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of clergy with substantiated allegations of sexual misconduct with minors. Whether Fr. Maloney had access to children before his death in 2018 is unknown. 1979-1980 Unknown 1990-1991 Our Lady of Good Counsel, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1981 Our Lady of Loretto, Hometown, IL (CHI) 1992-2009 Unknown 1982-1986 St. Joseph the Worker Church, Wheeling, IL (CHI) 2010 Laicized 1987-1989 St. Josaphat, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2011-2019 Unknown Assignments: 46 1956-1959 St. Simeon, Bellwood, IL (CHI) 1976-1995 St. Mark, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1960-1974 Archbishop Quigley Preparatory Seminary, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1996-1997 Santa Maria del Popolo, Mundelein, IL (CHI) 1960-1966 St. Columbkille, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1998-2002 Mission San Juan Diego, Palatine, IL (CHI) 1967-1974 Precious Blood, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2003-2017 Retired – 7417 Channahon Ct., Fox Lake, IL (CHI) 1975 St. David, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2018 Died • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 47 Fr. Daniel J. McCormack Ordained, 1994 Notes: Fr. Daniel J. McCormack is a convicted sexual abuser. The trail of sexual abuse allegations against Fr. McCormack date back to before he was ordained, with the first known allegation dating back to the late 1980s, when he was in seminary. Numerous other allegations were reported throughout his tenure as a priest, many of which were reportedly ignored or covered up by the Archdiocese. In 2005, Fr. McCormack was arrested on charges relating to sexual abuse, but he was released due to lack of evidence. Following his arrest, Fr. McCormack was kept in ministry and even promoted to dean. Fr. McCormack was, however, arrested again in 2006, and this time was criminally charged. In 2007, through a plea deal, Fr. McCormack pled guilty to molesting five boys and was sentenced to five years in jail. Following his release from jail in 2009, Fr. McCormack was ruled a danger to the public and confined to a detention facility for sex offenders in Rushville, Illinois. In 2018, a judge ruled Fr. McCormack sexually violent and confined him to the detention facility for sex offenders indefinitely. An internal report by the Archdiocese of Chicago found 30 substantiated claims of sexual abuse by Fr. McCormack. Out of the alleged victims, at least six have reached settlements with the Archdiocese of Chicago. Fr. McCormack is included in the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of clergy with substantiated allegations of sexual misconduct with minors. Fr. Gary M. Miller Ordained, 1972 Notes: In 2012, Fr. Gary M. Miller voluntarily withdrew from his work at St. Bernadette while the Archdiocese of Chicago’s Review Board investigated an allegation that he sexually abused a minor while at St. Leonard’s Parish in Berwyn, Illinois more than 30 years earlier. The Review Board found the allegation to be credible and Fr. Miller resigned from his position. Two years later, in 2014, Fr. Miller’s personnel file was released, in which documents revealed that Fr. Miller had received frequent warnings regarding his alleged sexual misconduct. Fr. Miller is included in the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of clergy with substantiated allegations of sexual misconduct with minors. He was believed to be living in Palos Park, Illinois as of 2015. Fr. Miller’s status as a priest, current whereabouts, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1972-1978 St. Leonard, Berwyn, IL (CHI) 1988-2001 St. Pascal, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1978-1983 St. John Bosco, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2001-2012 St. Bernadette, Evergreen Park, IL (CHI) 1983-1988 Queen of the Rosary, Elk Grove Village, IL (CHI) 2013-2019 Unknown Assignments: 1995-1997 St. Ailbe Church, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2006 Deans, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1998-2000 St. Joseph Seminary, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2007-2008 Other Assignments – 645 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL (CHI) Msgr. Thomas Joseph Mohan 2001 Holy Family Chicago, IL (CHI) 2009-2019 Unknown 2002-2006 St. Agatha Chicago, IL (CHI) Notes: Msgr. Thomas Joseph Mohan has been accused of sexually abusing two children while working in the Diocese of Orange. A civil lawsuit accused Msgr. Mohan of sexually abusing a child from 1978 to 1980 at St. Anthony Claret in Anaheim, California. The Archdiocese of Los Angeles included Fr. Mohan in its “2018 Update to the Report to the People of God (Allegations of Sexual Misconduct by Priests Reported to Archdiocese of Los Angeles Since 2008).” Msgr. Mohan’s status as a priest, whereabouts and whether he had access to children from 1990 until his death in 2002 are unknown. Ordained, 1935 Assignments: Fr. Robert Joseph McDonald Ordained, 1973 Notes: In 2006, Fr. Robert Joseph McDonald was included in the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of clergy Archdiocesan Priests with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors. Fr. McDonald was believed to be living in Washington, D.C. as of 1999. Fr. McDonald’s whereabouts and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1936 St. Mary of the Lake, Mundelein, IL (CHI) 1959-1966 Cardinal Stritch Retreat House, Mundelein, IL (CHI) 1937 Collegio S. Maria Del Lago, Rome, Italy 1967-2002 St. Genevieve, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1938-1945 Blessed Sacrament, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1973-1978 Retired (CHI); 1279 E. Live Oak Dr., Anaheim, CA (ORG) 1938-1952 Quigley Preparatory Seminary, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1974-1989 Retired (CHI); 509 S. Grove, Anaheim, CA (ORG) 1946-1950 St. Mary’s of the Lake, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1990-1992 St. Juliana Falconieri, Fullerton, CA (ORG) 1972 St. Hilary, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1987-1990 Our Lady of Grace Chicago, IL (CHI) 1973-1975 Ss. Faith, Hope and Charity, Winnetka, IL (CHI) 1989 On Leave 1975-1987 Center for Pastoral Ministry, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1990 Resigned 1951-1955 Archdiocesan Clergy House, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1990-2002 Retired (CHI) 1979-1985 Our Lady of the Brook Parish, Northbrook, IL (CHI) 1990-2015 Unknown 1956-1958 St. Edward’s, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2002 Died 1985-1987 Holy Cross, Deerfield, IL (CHI) 2016 Laicized 1987-1989 Mercy Hospital, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2017-2019 Unknown Fr. Donald John Mulsoff Fr. Peter John McNamara Ordained, 1970 Notes: Fr. Peter John McNamara was a priest for fewer than two years before resigning in 1971. The Archdiocese of Chicago settled at least one claim of sexual abuse by Fr. McNamara. He is included in the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of Archdiocesan Priests with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors. Fr. McNamara’s whereabouts and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 48 1970-1971 St. Bernadine, Forest Park, IL (CHI) 1972 Laicized 1971 Resigned 1973-2019 Unknown Ordained, 1969 Notes: Fr. Donald J. Mulsoff was removed from ministry in 2002 after being accused of sexually abusing a 10-year-old boy at St. Catherine of Alexandria Church in Chicago in between the late 1960s and early 1970s. The Archdiocese later received a second complaint against Fr. Mulsoff, accusing him of sexual abuse during his time at Mary Queen of Heaven Parish. Fr. Mulsoff is included in the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of Archdiocesan Priests with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors. Fr. Mulsoff’s whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he had access to children from 2002 until his death in 2005 are unknown. Assignments: 1969-1974 St. Catherine of Alexandria, Oak Lawn, IL (CHI) 1999-2000 Sabbatical 1974-1980 Mary, Queen of Heaven, Cicero, IL (CHI) 2000-2002 St. Celestine, Elmwood Park, IL (CHI) 1980-1985 Blessed Sacrament, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2002-2005 Unknown 1985-2000 St. Mary of Perpetual Help, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2005 Died 1988 Immaculate Conception, Chicago, IL (CHI) • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 49 Fr. Octavio Munoz Capetillo Ordained, 2004 Notes: Fr. Octavio Munoz Capetillo is originally from Mexico and was ordained in the Archdiocese of Chicago in 2004. From 2009 to 2015, Fr. Munoz was the Director of Casa Jesus, a program that recruited young men from Latin America into the priesthood. An alumni of the program himself, Fr. Munoz became the Co-Director in July 2008 before being promoted to Director. On July 7, 2015, a Casa Jesus employee discovered a laptop with sexually explicit images of children in Fr. Munoz’s living quarters while he was allegedly pastor at St. Pancratius in Brighton Park, Illinois. Instead of notifying law enforcement, the Archdiocese of Chicago first hired a private investigator. Pending a police investigation regarding the sexual images and materials on his computer, Fr. Munoz was removed from ministry on July 27, 2015. In September of 2016, the investigation led to Fr. Munoz being charged with one felony count of possession of child pornography. Authorities reported finding hundreds of videos that appeared to depict minors being sexually abused, emails containing stories of sexual abuse of children, and undergarments intended for children. A warrant was issued and Fr. Munoz was arrested on August 29, 2016. Fr. Munoz was extradited from Maryland, where he had been receiving treatment at St. Luke’s Institute, an institution known for treating priests accused of child sexual abuse. Fr. Munoz’s current whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Fr. Thomas O’Gorman Ordained, 1977 Notes: On August 10, 1992, Fr. Thomas O’Gorman was placed on administrative leave in the wake of an allegation of sexual misconduct with a minor. In 1994, Fr. O’Gorman officially resigned from the priesthood. Fr. O‘Gorman’s whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1978-1982 St. Barnabas, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1994 Resigned 1983 Saints Peter and Paul, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1995-2019 Unknown 1984-1994 St. Malachy, Chicago, IL (CHI) Assignments: 2005-2008 St. Agnes, Chicago Heights, IL (CHI) 2010-2015 Casa Jesus, Seminary Formation House, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2006-2008 St. Paul, Chicago Heights, IL (CHI) 2017-2019 Unknown 2009-2016 Other Assignments – Casa Jesus, 750 N. Wabash, 60611 (CHI) Fr. Patrick O’Leary Ordained, 1984 Notes: Originally from Ireland, Fr. Patrick O’Leary was ordained a priest in Spain in 1984. In August of 1993, O’Leary was removed from Incarnation Church in Palos Heights, Illinois, for displaying inappropriate behavior that showed he was at risk of sexual misconduct to minor children. Although it is believed that he was recalled to Spain, Fr. O’Leary’s whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: Fr. William J O’Brien Ordained, 1973 1984-1992 Unknown 1994-2019 1993-1994 Incarnation Church, Palos Heights, IL (CHI) Unknown Notes: In 2005, Fr. William J. O’Brien was suspended from ministry after being accused of sexually abusing a minor 25 years previously at St. Cajetan Church in Chicago, Illinois. Following the accusation, two alleged victims, one man and one woman, filed civil lawsuits, alleging they had been sexually abused by Fr. O’Brien in 1975 and 1981, respectively. In the lawsuit, they claim church officials knew of Fr. O’Brien’s pedophilia but did nothing to protect children. The lawsuit settled in 2007. Fr. O’Brien is included in the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of Archdiocesan Priests with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors. Fr. O’Brien’s whereabouts, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1973-1976 St. Jude the Apostle, South Holland, IL (CHI) 1995-2005 Queen of Angels, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1976 South Suburban Serra Club, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2006 Laicized 1976-1978 Metropolitan Tribunal, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2007-2019 Unknown 1978-1995 St. Symphorosa, Chicago, IL (CHI) Fr. Paul O’Toole Assignments: 1968-1971 Fr. Michael W. O’Connell St. James, Maywood, IL (CHI) 1972-2019 Unknown Ordained, 1983 Notes: In December of 2013, Fr. Michael W. O’Connell was temporarily removed from his position at St. Alphonsus Parish after the Archdiocese of Chicago received a report of sexual misconduct involving a minor boy that allegedly occurred approximately 20 years earlier while Fr. O’Connell was assigned to Our Lady of the Woods in Orland Park, Illinois. A second allegation surfaced in April 2014 about a different minor boy being sexually abused by Fr. O’Connell while he was assigned to Our Lady of the Woods. Fr. O’Connell was reinstated to active ministry on April 17, 2014, after law enforcement found insufficient evidence to prosecute. Fr. O’Connell is currently assigned to St. Alphonsus in Chicago, where he has access to children. Assignments: 50 Ordained, 1967 Notes: In 2004, a woman received a settlement from the Archdiocese of Chicago after reporting having been sexually abused by Fr. Paul O’Toole in 1966 when she was 16 years old. The woman first reported she was sexually abused to the Archdiocese in the early 1990s. It is believed that Fr. O’Toole left the priesthood to marry. Fr. O’Toole was believed to be residing in Orland Park, Illinois as of, however, his whereabouts and whether he has access to children are unknown. 1984-1989 St. Michael Church, Orland Park, IL (CHI) 1995-1997 Graduate Studies – Casa Santa Maria, Via dell’ Umilta 30, 00187, Rome, Italy 1990-1993 St. Mary Church, Lake Forest, IL (CHI) 1998-2012 Our Lady of the Woods Church, Orland Park, IL (CHI) 1994 Graduate Studies (CHI) 2013-2019 St. Alphonsus, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1994-1995 Lake Forest College, Chicago, IL (CHI) Fr. Joseph Owens Ordained, 1965 Notes: Fr. Joseph Owens worked as a priest for approximately five years before resigning after being accused of sexual abuse at St. Philomena in Chicago in 1969. At least one claim of sexual abuse against Fr. Owens was included in a 2008 settlement made by the Archdiocese of Chicago including 11 priests and 16 plaintiffs. Fr. Owens is included in the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of Archdiocesan Priests with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors.Fr. Owens’ whereabouts and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1966 St. Gertrude, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1970 Resigned 1967 Unknown 1971 Laicized 1968 St. Philomena, Chicago, IL 1972-2019 Unknown 1969 Unknown • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 51 Fr. Emmanuel Pallikunnen (Pallakunnel) Fr. Sleeva Raju Policetti Ordained, 1952 Notes: Fr. Pallakunnen arrived in Chicago in 1955 to study education. He spent 11 years in Chicago, living with host families and working at seven parishes, including St. James in Arlington Heights, St. Luke’s in River Forest, Immaculate Conception in Highland Park, and St. Anastasia in Waukegan. In 2006, a woman reported to the Archdiocese that Fr. Pallakunnen sexually abused her at St. Mary’s parish in Buffalo Grove when she was nine years old. Fr. Pallakunnen’s personnel file, released in 2014, showed that in 1996 then-Cardinal John Cody wrote to Fr. Pallakunnen’s supervisor in India that the priest’s tenure in Chicago “has gradually lost sufficient foundation,” resulting in Fr. Pallakunnen being forced to leave Chicago. Fr. Pallikunnen’s whereabouts and whether he had access to children from 1971 until his death are unknown. Assignments: 1953-1966 Unknown 1971-1978 Unknown 1967-1969 St. Raymond, Mt. Prospect, IL (CHI) 1978 Died 1970 St. Pius X, Pittsburgh, PA (PIT) Ordained, 1987 Notes: Fr. Sleeva Raju Policetti was ordained for the Archdiocese of Hyderabad, India in 1987. Fr. Policetti began working in the Archdiocese of Chicago as an extern priest in 1996. In 2002, Fr. Policetti reportedly fled back to India after it was reported to the police that he was having an inappropriate relationship with a 16-year-old girl while he worked at St. Tarcissus in Chicago. St. Tarcissus was reportedly Fr. Policetti’s only American post, which he joined in 1996. Fr. Policetti was charged with 20 counts of criminal sexual assault and aggravated criminal sexual abuse but was never extradited to the U.S. to face them. Fr. Policetti has been named in one civil lawsuit and was laicized by the Vatican in 2008. In 2018, Fr. Policetti was included on the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of “Extern and International Priests with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors.” Assignments: 1988-1996 Unknown 2003-2019 1997-2002 St. Tarcissus, Chicago, IL (CHI) Unknown Fr. Richard J. Poster Fr. Eusebio Pantoja Ordained, 1969 Notes: Fr. Eusebio Pantoja was ordained in Mexico to the Claretian Order but reportedly separated from the Claretians in 1973. However, the Official Catholic Directories for the years 1969 to 1979 indicate that Fr. Pantoja was a Claretian priest during those years. In a 2003 lawsuit, Fr. Pantoja was accused of sexually abusing a 14-year-old boy at Our Lady of Guadalupe in Chicago in the 1970s. In 2004, following the allegations of child sexual abuse, Fr. Pantoja was placed on leave by the Diocese of Claya in Mexico, where he had reportedly been working for the last decade. Fr. Pantoja is included in the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of Religious Order Priests with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors.He was believed to be living in Corpus Christi, Texas as of 2009. Fr. Pantoja’s whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1970 Our Lady of Guadalupe, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1978-1979 Sacred Heart, Mathis, TX (CC) 1971-1973 Our Lady of Fatima, Perth Amboy, N.J. (TR) 1980 Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, Corpus Christi, TX (CC) 1974 St. Timothy, San Antonio, TX (SA) 1981-2019 Unknown 1975-1977 St. Anthony, Robstown, TX (CC) Fr. Carlos Peralta, S.D.B. Assignments: 52 Unknown 1999-2000 St. John Bosco, Chicago, IL (CHI) Notes: Fr. Richard J. Poster was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Davenport on December 5, 1992. In August 2003, Fr. Poster pled guilty to child pornography charges after images of minors engaging in sexually explicit conduct were found on his church computer. Prior to sentencing Fr. Poster was sent to The St. Luke’s Institute in Silver Springs, Maryland, an institution known for treating priests accused of child sexual abuse. In 2004, Fr. Poster was sentenced to one year in prison and was required to register as a sex offender. In 2006, Fr. Poster was arrested for a parole violation after he was found to be in contact with children. Fr. Poster was sentenced to two months in prison, 120 days at a halfway house upon release, and was ordered to finish 31 months of treatment while monitored with a locator device. Fr. Poster admitted he masturbated in some bushes while he watched children. Fr. Poster worked for the diocese as a janitor at the time of his arrest. In 2007, Fr. Poster was laicized. He was not named on the Davenport diocese list of credibly accused priests released in July 2008. Fr. Poster’s current whereabouts and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1993-1995 St. Mary of the Assumption, Iowa City, IA (DAV) 1998-2001 St. James, Toronto, IA (DAV) 1996 All Saints, Keokuk, IA (DAV) 2002 On Duty Outside the Diocese (DAV) – Catholic Theological Union, 5401 S. Cornell Ave., Chicago, IL 60615 1997 St. John Vianney, Bettendorf, IA (DAV) 2003 St. Vincent Center, Davenport, IA (DAV) 1997 St. Ambrose University, Davenport, IA (DAV) 2004-2019 Unknown 1998-2001 Sacred Heart, Lost Nation, IA (DAV) Ordained, 1990 Notes: Fr. Carlos Peralta was ordained a priest for the Order of the Salesians of Don Bosco in 1990. Beginning in the 1980’s, Fr. Peralta had a history of child sexual abuse in Chile, Guatemala, and Peru. In 1997, the Salesians sent Fr. Peralta to Domus Mariae, an institution in Argentina known for treating priests accused of child sexual abuse. In approximately 1998 the Salesians transferred Fr. Peralta to Chicago and told the Salesians in Chicago that Fr. Peralta had no problem working with minors. In 1999, a lawsuit was filed alleging Fr. Peralta sexually abused four boys at St. John Bosco in Chicago. Fr. Peralta was subsequently removed from public ministry and sent to a treatment center in Virginia and then to a residence for Salesians in New Jersey. As of 2001, Fr. Peralta was reportedly working in Mexico City as a priest with no unsupervised contact with children. In 2002, civil authorities in Chicago asked Fr. Peralta’s superior to return Fr. Peralta to Chicago for questioning, but they have yet to do so. In 2018, Fr. Peralta was included on the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of “Religious Order Priests with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors.” It is believed that Fr. Peralta is living in Mexico, however his current status as a priest, his whereabouts, and whether he has access to children are unknown. 1991-1998 Ordained, 1992 2001-2018 Unknown Fr. Chester (Czeslaw) Przybylo Ordained, 1976 Notes: Fr. Chester Przybylo was originally ordained in Poland in 1976 and came to work in the United States the following year. A lawsuit was filed against Fr. Przybylo which accused him of child sexual abuse from 1987 to 1992 at Five Holy Martyrs. Fr. Przybylo was removed from public ministry in 1993. Fr. Przybylo was named on the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of “Extern and International Priests with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors.” As of 2010, Fr. Przybylo had reportedly been working as a pastor at King Shrine Christ in Winfield for the previous decade. Fr. Przybylo’s current status as a priest, his whereabouts, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1977 St. Stanislaus, Utica, NY (SY) 1988-1991 Five Holy Martyrs, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1978-1980 St. Mary, Reading, PA (ALN) 1992-1993 Holy Innocents, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1981-1987 Unknown 1994-2019 Unknown • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 53 Fr. Konstanty Przybylski Ordained, 1975 Notes: In 2005, Fr. Konstanty Przybylski was arrested and charged for the sexual abuse of two minor boys at St. Cecilia’s Church in Port Dover, Ontario, Canada between 1995 and 2000. Przybylski was charged with two counts of sexual assault, two counts of sexual exploitation, one count of sexual interference and one count of sexual touching. He was sentenced to five years in prison. Przybylski sexually abused the minors at his home at the time in Ontario, and on trips to Chicago, Rome, and Poland. On trips to Chicago, Przybylski told the boys he had been assigned there for years before being sent to Canada. In 2006, both victims filed civil lawsuits naming Przybylski and the Diocese of London. Przybylski was later laicized from the priesthood. His current status as a priest, his whereabouts, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1976-1979 Unknown 1980-1987 St. Hyacinth, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1988-2019 Unknown Fr. James M. Ray Ordained, 1975 Notes: Fr. Ray was removed from Transfiguration in 1991, following Cardinal Bernardin’s review panel of sexual abuse, which saw the removal of 20 priests. Parishioners of Transfiguration were told that Fr. Ray was removed due to allegations of sexual abuse at his previous church, St. Peter Damian parish. Following his removal from Transfiguration, Fr. Ray was given a desk job in the Office of Health and Hospital Affairs, from which he was removed in 2002. In 2014, Fr. Ray’s personnel file was released, revealing that he had first been accused of sexual abuse while he was assigned to St. Anastasia in Waukegan. According to the files, Fr. Ray sexually abused two boys, then-aged 10 and 11 years old, at St. Anastasia. Fr. Ray has also been accused of sexual abuse at least three more times, with one incident allegedly occurring while he assigned to Transfiguration in Wauconda. In 2010, Fr. Ray was included in the Archdiocese of Chicago’s report of “Clergy with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors.” Fr. Ray’s current whereabouts and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: Ordained, 1971 Notes: In 2002, Fr. Robinson was removed from his position at Queen of the Rosary Church in Elk Grove Village due to allegations of sexual misconduct with a male teenager in the late 1970s while assigned to St. Priscilla’s in Chicago. In 2006, Fr. Robinson was included in the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of “Clergy with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors.” Fr. Robinson’s whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he had access to children are unknown from 2005 to his death in 2016. Assignments: 1969-1971 Caregiver- Angel Guardian Orphanage, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1987-1994 St. Edward, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1971 Ordained 1994-2005 Queen of the Rosary, Elk Grove Village, IL (CHI) 1971-1973 St. Clotilde, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2005 Removed From Ministry 1973-1979 St. Priscilla, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2005-2016 Unknown 1979 St. Emily, Mt. Prospect, IL (CHI) 2016 Died 1979-1987 St. Damian, Oak Forest, IL (CHI) Fr. John F. Rohrich Ordained, 1965 Notes: Fr. Rohrich worked as a priest for a decade, starting in 1965, before resigning to marry. In a 2004 lawsuit, which was settled by the Archdiocese, Fr. Rohrich was accused of sexually abusing a teenage girl while working at St. Eulalia and St. Matthias in the late 1960s to early 1970s. In 2006, Fr. Rohrich was included in the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of “Clergy with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors.” Fr. Rohrich’s current whereabouts and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1975-1982 St. Anastasia, Waukegan, IL (CHI) 1996-2000 Sisters of the St. Casimir, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1982-1989 St. Peter Damian, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2000-2002 Residence – St. Mary of Perpetual Help, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1965-1969 St. Eulalia, Maywood, IL (CHI) 1974 Residence: St. Peter Parish, Skokie, IL (CHI) 1969-1971 St. Matthias, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1975 Resigned 1989-1991 Transfiguration, Wauconda, IL (CHI) 2009 Resigned 1971-1973 Catholic Youth Organization 1975-2019 Unknown 1991-1992 Hospital & Health Affairs (CHI) 2012 Laicized 1973-1975 2016 Laicized 1992-2002 Catholic Health Ministry & Catholic Charities 2002-2019 Unknown Quigley Preparatory Seminary, Chicago, IL (CHI); Residence- St. Francis Xavier, Wilmette, IL (CHI) 1992-1996 Addolorata Villa, Wheeling, IL (CHI) Fr. Russell Romano Fr. Emmett T. Regan Ordained, 1939 Notes: Fr. Emmett T. Regan was ordained in 1939. Fr. Regan served in the Archdiocese of Chicago for 46 years until his death in 1985. The Archdiocese of Chicago has settled at least one civil lawsuit brought by a survivor who alleged sexual abuse by Fr. Regan. Assignments: 54 Fr. John Allen Robinson 1940-1960 Cathedral of the Holy Name, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1978-1985 Christ the King, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1967-1974 St. Helena, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1985 Died 1975-1977 St. Germaine, Oak Lawn, IL (CHI) Ordained, 1973 Notes: After his ordination in 1973, Fr. Romano worked as a priest for nearly two decades before resigning in 1991 after three boys complained of sexual abuse. In 2006, Fr. Romano was named publicly as accused on the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of “Clergy with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors.” In 2013, Fr. Romano was found to be working as a licensed counselor in Illinois for a healthcare provider. After being made aware of Fr. Romano’s history of alleged sexual abuse, the healthcare provider launched an investigation, which ended with Fr. Romano “retiring” a few months later. Fr. Romano’s current whereabouts and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1973-1974 St. Ann, Lansing, IL (CHI) 1987-1991 Leave of Absence 1974-1979 St. Leonard, Berwyn, IL (CHI) 1991 Resigned 1979-1980 Our Lady Mother of the Church, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1991-2019 Unknown 1980-1986 Quigley Seminary South, Chicago, IL (CHI); Residence - St. Barbara, Brookfield, IL (CHI) 2009 Laicized 1986 St. Luke Institute • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 55 Fr. Kenneth Ruge Ordained, 1963 Notes: Fr. Ruge was removed from Divine Savior in 1991, following Cardinal Bernardin’s review panel of sexual abuse, which saw the removal of 20 priests. Sometime prior to 1985, Fr. Ruge was accused of sexual abuse, sent to treatment, and reassigned. In 2003, at least one alleged victim of Fr. Ruge was included in a settlement made by the Archdiocese. Another alleged victim filed a lawsuit in 2006, claiming Fr. Ruge had repeatedly sexually abused him from 1976 to 1979, when the man was 9 to 12 years old. According to the man’s attorney, Fr. Ruge and Fr. Robert C. Becker worked together to abuse the man, as well as at least 10 other boys. The alleged abuse reportedly occurred at various locations in Illinois, including the rectory of St. Clement, a Chicago health club, and a camper owned by the two priests. This lawsuit and at least two others were settled by the Archdiocese. Fr. Ruge was included on the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of “Clergy with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors.” Fr. Ruge’s whereabouts and whether he had access to children are unknown from 1993 to his death in 2002. Assignments: 1963-1967 St. Rosalie, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1987-1992 Divine Savior, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1967-1975 Holy Redeemer, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1992 St. Luke Institute 1975-1981 Divine Infant, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1993-2002 Unknown 1981-1987 St. Leonard, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2002 Died Fr. Joseph E. Savage Notes: According to Fr. Savage’s priest file, released by the Archdiocese of Chicago in 2014, a parent reported that Fr. Savage had been carrying on “immorally” with her son in 1936. Fr. Savage resigned from his position at Holy Cross Parish in Deerfield the next day. Fr. Savage was permitted to live in Antioch, Illinois, and helped out on weekends in Wilmot, Wisconsin. According to his priest file, Fr. Savage was seen alone with several teenage boys at various locations. Between 2002 and 2003, numerous allegations of sexual abuse by Fr. Savage were reported, alleging sexual abuse by Fr. Savage occurring in both Illinois and Wisconsin. Fr. Savage is included on the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of “Clergy with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors.” Assignments: 1919-1922 St. Andrew’s, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1937-1938 Absent With Leave; Residence - Holy Cross, Deerfield, IL (CHI) 1923 St. Mark’s, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1939-1960 Absent With Leave (CHI) 1924 Immaculate Conception, Elmhurst, IL (CHI) 1960-1969 Retired 1925-1927 St. John Berchmans, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1970-1974 Retired; Residence – 995 S. Main St., Antioch, IL 60002 1928-1930 St. Patrick’s, Wadsworth, IL (CHI) 1974 Died 1931-1936 Holy Cross, Deerfield, IL (CHI) Ordained, 1957 Notes: After working in the Archdiocese of Chicago for nearly 50 years, Fr. Raymond Skriba was removed in 2003 after a review board found “reasonable cause” to suspect him of sexually abusing teenage girls in the 1960s. At least one alleged victim of Fr. Skriba was included in a settlement reached by the Archdiocese in late 2003. Fr. Skriba’s whereabouts and whether he had access to children are unknown from 1985 to 2014. Fr. Raymond Skriba is included on the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of “Clergy with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors.” Assignments: 56 Ordained, 1949 Notes: Fr. Richard L. Skriba was ordained in 1949. In 2002, a survivor came forward and accused Fr. Skriba of repeated child sexual abuse that occurred over multiple years. The survivor first reported the abuse to the Archdiocese in 1998, but the accusations were never made public because Fr. Skriba died the same year. Fr. Skriba is the brother of Raymond Francis Skriba, also accused of child sexual abuse. The Archdiocese settled a civil suit brought by a survivor of Fr. Richard Skriba. Assignments: 1950-1959 Assumption, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1978-1998 Queen of the Universe, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1960-1964 Holy Rosary, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1995-1998 Retired (CHI) 1965-1977 St. Simon, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1998 Died Fr. Marion Joseph Snieg Ordained, 1918 Fr. Raymond Skriba Fr. Richard L. Skriba Ordained, 1955 Notes: Fr. Snieg was first accused of sexual abuse only a few years after his ordination, when in 1959, a young parishioner of St. Jane de Chantal told his father he had been sexually abused by Fr. Snieg. The father informed the Archdiocese, who reportedly said it would “take care of it.” Many years later, in 2001, the man came forward again, after which Fr. Snieg was removed. At least one alleged victim of Fr. Snieg was included in a settlement reached by the Archdiocese in late 2003 and another was included in a 2005 settlement. Fr. Snieg is included on the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of “Clergy with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors.” Assignments: 1955-1960 St. Jane de Chantal, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1981-1993 St. Rosalie, Harwood Heights, IL (CHI) 1960-1966 St. William, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1993-2003 St. Thomas Villanova, Palatine, IL (CHI) 1966-1976 Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2003-2005 Retired; Residence- Bishop Lyne Home, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1976-1981 St. Constance, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2005 Died Fr. Stanley Staniszewski Ordained, 1974 Notes: Fr. Stanley Staniszewski was ordained for the Archdiocese of Warsaw, Poland in 1974. Fr. Staniszewski is known to have worked in Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, South Dakota, and Florida. In February 2002, Fr. Staniszewski had his priestly faculties removed and was asked to leave the Diocese of Sioux Falls. Diocesan officials became concerned when they learned that his previous assignments had not been included in his resume. In November 2003, Fr. Staniszewski again had his priestly faculties removed and was asked to leave, this time by the Diocese of Orlando. Fr. Staniszewski was a “helper priest” at Saint Brendan in Ormond Beach, Florida, when a 70-year-old woman alleged he called her and made sexually explicit comments. In 2008, Fr. Staniszewski was named in a child sexual abuse lawsuit. Fr. Staniszewski allegedly sexually abused a boy, from approximately 1979 to 1981, at St. Casimir in Hammond, Indiana. In 2018, Fr. Staniszewski was included in the Diocese of Gary’s list of “priests who have served in the Diocese of Gary who have been credibly accused of sexual abuse of minors.” Fr. Staniszewski’s whereabouts and whether he had access to children from 2003 until his death in 2016 are unknown. Assignments: 1975-1978 St. Stanislaus, Michigan City, IN (GRY) 1996 St. Monica, Kalamazoo, MI (KAL) 1979 Nativity of Our Savior, Portage, IN (GRY) 1997 St. Augustine Cathedral, Kalamazoo, MI (KAL) 1980-1982 Holy Trinity, Hammond, IN (GRY) 1998 Immaculate Conception, Hartford, MI (KAL) 1957-1962 Queen of the Universe, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1976-1984 Immaculate Conception Waukegan, IL (CHI) 1983 St. Michael, Schererville, IN (GRY) 1999 Unknown 1962-1967 St. Gertrude, Franklin Park, IL (CHI) 1984 St. Joseph, Round Lake, IL (CHI) 1984-1990 Holy Innocents, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2000-2001 St. Lambert, Sioux Falls, SD (SFS) 1967-1970 St. Walter, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1985-2014 Unknown 1991-1993 Unknown 2002 1970-1976 St. Joseph, Round Lake, (CHI) 2014 Died Joseph the Workman Church, Huntimer, SD (SFS) 1994 St. Cyprian, River Grove, IL (CHI) 2003-2016 Unknown 1995 St. Joseph, St. Joseph, MI (KAL) 2016 Died • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 57 Fr. James Steel Ordained, 1968 Notes: A man came forward in 2002 alleging Fr. Steel had sexually abused him in 1982 at St. Joseph the Worker when the man was 13. The man alleged that he went to Fr. Steel after being sexually abused by his school’s principal, and that instead of helping the man Fr. Steel sexually abused him too. In 2006, a review board determined the allegations to be credible and Fr. Steel was included on the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of Archdiocesan “Clergy with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors.” At least one alleged victim of Fr. Steel was included in a settlement reached by the Archdiocese in 2008. Fr. Steel’s current whereabouts and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: Ordained, 1964 Notes: Fr. Strand is a registered sex offender that worked in the Chicago Archdiocese for approximately three decades, from 1964 to 1993, before being removed due to allegations of sexual abuse. In 1995 Fr. Strand pled guilty to sexually abusing a 15-year-old boy. The abuse is said to have occurred over a two-year period, beginning in early 1990, when the boy was serving as an altar boy at St. Mary’s in Des Plaines, Illinois. At least two other individuals have come forward alleging sexual abuse by Fr. Strand and one was included in a settlement made by the Archdiocese of Chicago in 2005. Fr. Strand was included in the Archdiocese of Chicago’s 2006 report of Archdiocesan Priests with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors. Assignments: 1968 St. Tarcissus, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1987-1988 St. Hilary, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1968-1974 St. James, HIghwood, IL (CHI) 1988-1992 St. Bonaventure, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1974-1979 St. Stephen Protomartyr, Desplaines, IL (CHI) 1992 Left Active Ministry 1979-1984 St. Joseph the Worker, Wheeling, IL (CHI) 1992-2019 Unknown 1984-1987 St. John Brebeuf, Niles, IL (CHI) 2001 Laicized 1987 St. Clement, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1964-1968 St. Eugene, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1986-1991 St. Mary, Des Plaines, IL (CHI) 1968-1975 St. Simeon, Bellwood, IL (CHI) 1991-1993 St. Francis Borgia, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1975-1981 St. Thecla, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1993 Administrative Leave of Absence 1981-1986 St. Francis Borgia, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2013 Died Fr. Howard J. Strum (Sturm) Fr. Robert A. Stepek Ordained, 1981 Notes: Fr. Robert A. Stepek was ordained in 1981. In 2006 Fr. Stepek was removed from ministry after a lawsuit accused him of sexually abusing two brothers, then 9 and 16, when Fr. Stepek was pastor at St. Symphorosa in the early 1980s. In response to the allegations Fr. Stepek filed a defamation lawsuit against the two brothers, which was eventually thrown out. In 2006 the Archdiocese of Chicago’s independent review board issued a written statement that “there was reasonable cause to suspect that sexual abuse of minors [by Fr. Stepek] occurred.” Still, in 2013, Fr. Stepek was ruled a priest in good canonical standing in the Catholic Church. Before his death Fr. Stepek worked as a community resource officer with the Burbank police department. Fr. Stepek died on June 25, 2016. Fr. Stepek’s status as a priest and whether he had access to children from 2007 until his death are unknown. Fr. Stepek is on the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of “Archdiocesan Priests with Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors that were not Sustained after Canonical Trial.” Assignments: 1981-1983 St. Symphorosa and Seven Sons, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2007-2010 On Leave 1983-1991 St. Christina, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2011-2016 Unknown 1991-1998 St. Joseph, Homewood, IL (CHI) 2016 Died 1998-2010 St. Albert the Great, Burbank, IL (CHI) Fr. Victor Stewart Ordained, Unknown Notes: In 2004 a survivor settled a lawsuit against the Archdiocese of Chicago, in which she alleged that Fr. Howard J. Strum [Sturm] sexually abused her while she was a teenager at St. Eulalia in Maywood in the 1960’s and 1970’s. The survivor reported the abuse to the Archdiocese of Chicago but no action was ever taken against Fr. Strum [Sturm]. As of 2006, Fr. Strum had reportedly died but his status as a priest, his whereabouts, and whether he had access to children until his death are unknown. Assignments: 1951-1960 Maryville Academy, Des Plaines, IL (CHI) 1969 St. Peter, Skokie, IL (CHI) 1961-1963 St. Leonard, Berwyn, IL (CHI) 1970-1975 St. Eulalia, Maywood, IL (CHI) 1964-1968 Sacred Heart, Melrose Park, IL (CHI) 1976-2018 Unknown Fr. Thomas J. Swade Ordained, 1978 Notes: Fr. Stewart is a prolific sexual abuser that has been accused of sexual abuse by at least 33 individuals, some claiming to be sexually abused when they were as young as seven years old. In 2005, 14 of Fr. Stewart’s alleged victims reached a settlement with the Archdiocese of Chicago. The same year 15 alleged victims filed a complaint against the Chicago Police Department, accusing it of being complicit in silencing victims of Fr. Stewart. Personnel files released in 2014 reveal the Archdiocese had been aware of numerous allegations of sexual abuse by Fr. Stewart and that alleged victims had reported Fr. Stewart and other priests were “part of a club that participated in pedophilia.” Fr. Stewart was included in the Archdiocese of Chicago’s 2006 report of “Clergy with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors.” Assignments: 58 Fr. Ralph S. Strand 1978-1982 St. Catherine of Genoa, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1992-1994 Mercy Health & Rehabilitation Center, Homewood, IL (CHI) 1982-1990 St. Charles Lwanga, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1994 Died 1990-1992 St. Ailbe, Chicago, IL (CHI) Ordained, 1961 Notes: Fr. Swade was removed from public ministry in 1992 after being accused of sexually abusing a 14-year-old boy. Following his removal Fr. Swade was sent to four years of treatment. Fr. Swade was also accused of sexual abuse by another five individuals. In 1997 the Archdiocese arranged for Fr. Swade to live in the rectory and assist with duties at Sts. Faith, Hope and Charity Catholic Church in Winnetka, but after forceful pushback from the church’s parishioners the Archdiocese dropped the plan. Instead, Fr. Swade was given an administrative position within the Archdiocese. In 2002, after the nation’s bishops adopted a new sex abuse standard, Fr. Swade was removed from his administrative position. Fr. Swade was included in the Archdiocese of Chicago’s 2006 report of “Clergy with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors.” He was laicized in 2010. Fr. Swade’s whereabouts, and whether he has had access to children since then are unknown. Assignments: 1962-1966 St. Bernardine, Forest Park, IL (CHI) 1998-2002 Other Assignments – 2058 N. Clark St., Chicago, IL (CHI) 1967-1972 Holy Angels, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2002 Racial Justice, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1973-1993 St. Dorothy, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2003-2009 Other Assignments – P.O. Box 455, Mundelein, IL (CHI) 1994 St. Dorothy, Chicago, IL – Absent on Sick Leave (CHI) 2010 Laicized 1995-1997 Other Assignments – P.O. Box 455, Mundelein, IL (CHI) 2011-2019 Unknown • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 59 Fr. Henry P. Swider Ordained, 1950 Notes: Although the Archdiocese of Chicago had settled at least one sex abuse lawsuit with a victim of sexual abuse by Fr. Henry P. Swider, they did not publicly identify Fr. Swider as an abuser until 2006. In 2007, the Archdiocese admitted in a memo that there was “substantial” cause to believe that Fr. Swider sexually abused at least three boys. Throughout his time in the priesthood, Fr. Swider spent a great deal of time on leave, mostly in Acapulco, Mexico, with and without “justification”. Fr. Swider is included on the Archdiocese of Chicago’s 2018 list of “Clergy with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors.” Assignments: 1950-1959 St. Joseph, Summit, IL (CHI) 1969-1972 Leave of Absence 1959-1960 Sick Leave 1972 St. Casimir, Chicago, Il (CHI) 1960-1966 Holy Innocents, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1973-2007 Unknown 1966-1967 St. Mary of Perpetual Help, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2007 Died 1967-1969 Ordained, 1952 Notes: Fr. Joseph Thomas was ordained in 1952. There have been at least 3 separate allegations of sexual abuse made against Fr. Joseph Thomas. When questioned by the Archdiocese of Chicago about the allegations against him, Fr. Thomas admitted to sexually abusing at least two of the victims when they were minors. Fr. Thomas was removed from ministry and moved to Cardinal Stritch Retreat House in Mundelein, Illinois, with several other priests accused of sexually abusing minors. According to his priest file, Fr. Thomas frequently spent time with his niece’s young children. Despite being under restrictions, Fr. Thomas often went off on his own, including trips to children’s toy stores. Fr. Thomas is included on the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of “Clergy with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors.” Assignments: 1952-1960 St. Columba, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1987-1989 St. John Vianney, Northlake, IL (CHI) 1960-1966 St. David, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1989 Sabbatical 1966-1975 St. Ferdinand, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1990-2002 St. John Vianney, Northlake, IL (CHI) 1975 St. Giles, Oak Park, IL (CHI) 2002-2011 Residence – Cardinal Stritch Retreat House, Mundelein, IL (CHI) 1975-1987 St. Margaret Mary, Chicago, IL (CHI); Our Lady of the Cross Mission, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2011 Died St. Bridget, Chicago, IL (CHI) Fr. Albert (Alberto) Tanghal Ordained, 1991 Notes: A native of the Philippines, Fr. Tanghal was ordained for the Archdiocese of Chicago in 1991. At least one survivor accused Fr. Tanghal of child sexual abuse. Fr. Tanghal was removed from ministry in 2000. In 2003, Fr. Tanghal was killed by a group of robbers in the Philippines. Fr. Tanghal is included on the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of “Clergy with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors”. Fr. Tanghal’s whereabouts and whether he had access to children from 2000 until his death are unknown. Assignments: Fr. Walter J. Turlo Ordained, 1970 Notes: Fr. Walter J. Turlo was ordained in 1970. In 2005 a survivor came forward to report they were sexually abused by Fr. Turlo at St. William in 1975. Fr. Turlo subsequently resigned from his parish and was put on leave. Additionally, in a 2017 lawsuit Fr. Turlo was accused of child sexual abuse from 1978 to 1979. Fr. Turlo was laicized in 2009 and is included on the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of “Clergy with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors.” Fr. Turlo’s current whereabouts and whether he has access to children are unknown. 1991 Holy Spirit, Schaumburg, IL (CHI) 1999-2000 Sabbatical 1991-1995 Our Lady of Ransom, Niles, IL (CHI) 2001 Other Assignments; St. Priscilla, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1970-1975 Sacred Heart, Melrose Park, IL (CHI) 1996-2005 St. Fabian, Bridgeview, IL (CHI) St. William, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2005 Removed Assignments: 1995-1996 St. Leonard, Berwyn, IL (CHI) 2002-2003 Unknown 1975-1982 1996-1999 St. Priscilla, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2003 Died (Philippines) 1982-1985 St. Mary Magdalene, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2006-2008 Other Assignments; Bishop Timothy J. Lyne Residence, Lemont, IL (CHI) 1985-1989 Sts. Peter and Paul, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2009 Laicized 1989-1996 St. Mary of the Assumption, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2009-2019 Unknown Fr. Richard Gregory Theisen (R.G. Theisen) Ordained, 1952 Notes: In 1966 the Archdiocese of Chicago was notified of inappropriate communication between Fr. Theisen and a female college student. Bishop O’Donnell was notified that similar complaints had been received but nothing could be proven. In 1978 Fr. Theisen took a leave of absence and wrote to the Archbishop that he did not want to return to active ministry. Fr. Theisen married in 1979 and was laicized in 2001. A report of sexual abuse of a minor female was reported to the Archdiocese in 2002. Fr. Theisen’s whereabouts and whether he had access to children from 1978 until his death in 2013 is unknown. Fr. Theisen is included on the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of “Clergy with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors.” Assignments: 60 Fr. Joseph Stephen Thomas Fr. Donald Francis Ulatowski Ordained, 1956 Notes: Fr. Donald Francis Ulatowski was ordained in 1956. By 1994 the Archdiocese had received multiple reports of Fr. Ulatowski sexually abusing children. As a result, Fr. Ulatowski was placed on restrictions and monitoring from 1994 to 1999. In 1999 Fr. Ulatowski admitted to abusing children and subsequently retired from ministry. Fr. Ulatowski is included on the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of “Clergy with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors.” Assignments: 1952-1957 St. Francis Borgia, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1972-1978 St. Cornelius, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1957-1958 St. Patrick High School, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1978 Leave of Absence 1956-1963 St. Francis of Assisi, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1986-1989 St. Gilbert, Grayslake, IL (CHI) 1958-1963 St. Francis de Sales, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1979-2001 Unknown 1963-1973 St. Maria Goretti, Schiller Park, IL (CHI) St. Henry, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2001 Laicized St. Jane Frances de Chantal, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1989-1995 1963-1965 1965-1966 St. Christina, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2013 Died 1973-1976 Immaculate Conception, Waukegan, IL (CHI) 1996 Unknown 1966-1972 St. Leonard, Berwyn, IL (CHI) 1976-1980 St. Dismas, Waukegan, IL (CHI) 1997-1999 2839 County Z., Adams, WI (CHI) 1980-1986 St. Francis of Assisi, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1999 Died • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 61 Fr. Anthony Joseph Vader Ordained, 1952 Notes: Fr. Anthony Joseph Vader was ordained in 1952. In 1987 Fr. Vader became a member of the Archdiocese of Chicago Review Board. There have been at least 9 allegations of child sexual abuse made against Fr. Vader.  Fr. Vader was removed from public ministry in 2003 and has been named in one civil lawsuit. Fr. Vader is included on the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of “Clergy with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors.” Fr. Vader’s status as a priest, exact whereabouts, and whether he had access to children from 2003 until his death are unknown. Assignments: 1952-1964 Holy Cross, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1997-2004 Retired; Sacred Heart Mission of Holy Name of Mary, Chicago IL (CHI) 1964-1968 St. Laurence, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2005-2006 Retired; P.O. Box 455, Mundelein, IL (CHI) 1968-2002 Holy Name of Mary, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2007-2010 Retired; Holy Family Villa, Palos Park, IL (CHI) 1990-2004 Sacred Heart Mission of Holy Name of Mary, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2011 Died 1990 Sabbatical Fr. Clovis Javier Vilchez-Parra Ordained, 2012 Notes: Fr. Clovis Javier Vilchez-Parra is a native of Peru who arrived in the U.S. in 2007. In 2012, Fr. Vilchez-Parra was ordained a priest of the Archdiocese of Chicago. In 2015, Fr. Vilchez-Parra was charged and pled guilty to felony possession and reproduction of child pornography. In 2017, Fr. Vilchez-Parra was sentenced to 4 years in prison and ordered to register as a sex offender. In 2018, Fr. Vilchez-Parra was included on the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of “Clergy with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors.” Assignments: 2013 Our Lady of Mercy, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2014 Our Lady of Fatima, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2015-2019 Unknown Fr. Gordon Patrick Wagoner Ordained, 1965 Notes: Fr. Gordon Patrick Wagoner was ordained for the Diocese of Lafayette in 1965. Fr. Wagoner is known to have worked in Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, and New Mexico. According to the Official Catholic Directory, Fr. Wagoner was on duty at an address near the Church of St. Philip Neri in the Archdiocese of Chicago from 1967 to 1969. Fr. Wagoner is known to have held positions as a hospital chaplain and as a professor and Director of Campus Ministry at several universities. In 1983 Fr. Wagoner was reported to have moved back to the Lafayette diocese “for reasons of health.” In 2017 Fr. Wagoner was first named publicly as accused on the Archdiocese of Santa Fe’s list of “Priests, Deacons, & Religious Accused of Sexual Abuse of Children.” Fr. Wagoner’s whereabouts and whether he had access to children from 2006 until his death in 2008 are unknown. Assignments: 1966 St. Mary Cathedral, Lafayette, IN (LFT) 1984-1985 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Carmel, IN (LFT) 1967-1969 On Duty Outside the Diocese (LFT) – 7131 S. Clyde Ave., Chicago, IL 60649 1986 Chaplain, St. Joseph Memorial Hospital, Kokomo, IN (LFT) 1970 On Duty Outside the Diocese (LFT) – St. John’s College of Cleveland, Dept. of Theology, Cleveland, OH 44114 1987-1993 Chaplain, St. Joseph Hospital and Health Center of Kokomo, Inc., Kokomo, IN (LFT) 1971-1975 Wabash College, Crawfordsville, IN (LFT) 1987-1994 Administrator, St. Elizabeth, Lucerne, IN (LFT) 1976 On Duty Outside the Diocese (LFT) – St. Maur’s Seminary, 4545 Northwestern Ave., 46208 1995-1996 In residence, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Carmel, IN (LFT) 1977 On Duty Outside the Diocese (LFT) 1996-2004 Veterans’ Administration Hospital, Indianapolis, IN (IND) 1978-1979 On Duty Outside the Diocese (LFT) – University of Albuquerque, St. Joseph’s Pl. N.W., Albuquerque, NM 87140 2004-2005 Our Lady of Grace, Noblesville, IN (IND) 1980 On Duty Outside the Diocese (LFT) 2006-2008 Unknown 1981-1983 On Leave of Absence (LFT) 2008 Died Fr. Michael Weston Fr. James A. Voss Ordained, 1941 Notes: Fr. Voss was ordained in 1941 and remained an active priest in Chicago until his death in 1984. The Archdiocese of Chicago settled a civil lawsuit in 2016 with a man who alleged he was sexually abused by Fr. Voss in the 1980’s at Queen of Angels in Chicago. Assignments: 62 Ordained, 1973 Notes: Fr. Michael Weston was ordained in 1973. A few years after he was ordained the Archdiocese received allegations of child sexual abuse by Fr. Weston but no action was taken and he was allowed to remain in ministry. In 1992 Fr. Weston admitted to the abuse and resigned in 1993. At least three survivors have accused Fr. Weston of child sexual abuse. Fr. Weston was laicized in 2009 and is included on the Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of “Clergy with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors.” Fr. Weston’s current whereabouts and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1973-1975 St. Linus, Oak Lawn, IL (CHI) 1988-1992 On Duty Outside of the Archdiocese (CHI); Kalamazoo Valley College Kalamazoo, MI (KAL) 1975-1977 Newman Center, Chicago IL (CHI) 1992 Office of Religious Education, Chicago IL (CHI) 1975-1977 University of Illinois, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1992 In Residence – Resurrection, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1942 St. Mary of the Lake Seminary, Mundelein, IL (CHI) 1967-1968 St. Veronica, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1943-1946 St. Hugh, Lyons, IL (CHI) 1962-1972 Quigley Preparatory Seminary North, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1944-1958 St. Cecilia’s, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1970-1972 Ascension, Oak Park, IL (CHI) 1959-1961 St. Dionysius, Cicero, IL (CHI) 1973-1986 Queen of Angels, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1975-1977 St. Teresa, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1992 St. Cecilia, Mt. Prospect, IL (CHI) 1962-1966 Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1984 Died 1977-1981 St. Julie Billert, Tinley Park, IL (CHI) 1992-1993 In Residence – St. Elizabeth Maywood, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1977-1981 Moraine Valley Community, Palos Park, IL (CHI) 1993 St. Eulalia, Maywood, IL (CHI) 1981-1986 Mater Christi, North Riverside, IL (CHI) 1993 Resigned 1986-1988 Sacred Heart, Winnetka, IL (CHI) 1994-2019 Unknown 1988-1992 On Duty Outside of the Archdiocese (CHI); Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI (KAL) 2009 Laicized • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 63 Fr. Joseph M. Wilk Ordained, 1981 Notes: Fr. Joseph M. Wilk was ordained in 1981. At least one survivor has accused Fr. Wilk of sexually abusing him at St. Matthew’s in Schaumburg for eight years, beginning when he was 10 years-old. The survivor’s father reportedly told the Archdiocese of Chicago about the abuse in 2010 but no action was taken against Fr. Wilk. In 2014 the Archdiocese of Chicago placed Fr. Wilk on their list of priests with credible allegations of abuse, but later that year took him off the list and said they found no credible allegations of abuse, allowing Fr. Wilk to be reinstated as a priest in good standing. The survivor has filed a civil lawsuit against Fr. Wilk. Fr. Wilk reportedly resigned from the priesthood in 2010 but his whereabouts and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1982-1989 Queen of All Saints Basilica, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2008-2011 St. Cornelius, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1990-2006 St. Matthew, Schaumburg, IL (CHI) 2012-2019 Unknown 2007 Other Assignments (CHI); 645 N. Michigan Ave., Ste. 543, 60611 Deacon Louis M. Wojtowicz Ordained, 1997 Notes: Deacon Louis Wojtowicz was ordained a deacon in 1997, removed from public ministry in 1999, and dismissed from Mundelein seminary in 2000. In 2018 Deacon Wojtowicz was added to the “Archdiocese of Chicago’s list of Archdiocesan Deacons with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Minors.” Deacon Wojtowicz’s whereabouts and whether he had access to children from 2005 until his death in 2013 are unknown. Assignments: 64 1998-2004 St. Juliana, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2005-2012 Unknown 2013 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Died Those Accused of Sexual Abuse in the Diocese of Belleville • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising 67 Fr. Edward Balestrieri, O.SS.T. Ordained, 1959 Notes: Fr. Edward Balestrieri was a member the Order of the Most Holy Trinity and of the Captives (Trinitarian Order) until approximately 1979 when he became a priest of the Diocese of Belleville. In the early 2000s, Fr. Balestrieri was accused of sexually abusing a minor female in 1975 or 1976 while assigned to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel in Asbury Park, NJ. In 2018, Fr. Balestrieri was included on the Diocese of Belleville’s list of “Clergy who are Currently Removed from Ministry after Credibly Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Abuse of Minors, or Serious Sexual Misconduct with Adults.” Fr. Balestrieri’s whereabouts and whether he had access to children from 2003 until his death are unknown. Assignments: 1959-1960 Unknown 1988-1989 St. Mary, Shawneetown, IL (BEL) 1961-1968 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Asbury Park, NJ (TR) 1990-1994 St. Mary Magdalen, Todd’s Mill, IL (BEL) 1969-1970 St. James (Italian), Trenton, NJ (TR) 1995 Unknown 1971 Pikesville, MD (BAL) 1996-1999 St. Paul, Vienna, IL (BEL) 1972 St. Ann (Italian), Bristol, PA (PH) 2000-2002 St. Mary, Sesser, IL (BEL) 1973-1978 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Asbury Park, NJ (TR) 2003-2006 Leave of Absence (BEL) 1979-1981 St. Joseph, Marion, IL (BEL) 2007-2012 Retired (BEL) 1982-1983 Good Samaritan Hospital, Mount Vernon, IL (BEL) 2012 Died 1984-1987 St. Joseph, Cobden, IL (BEL) Notes: Fr. Robert J. Chlopecki has been accused multiple times of sexual acts with young boys in the 1980s. Fr. Chlopecki has been accused of being part of a sex ring involving Fr. Calhoun and others. In 2018, Fr. Chlopecki was included on the Diocese of Belleville’s list of “Clergy who are Currently Removed from Ministry after Credibly Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Abuse of Minors, or Serious Sexual Misconduct with Adults.” Fr. Chlopecki was believed to be residing in Marissa, IL as of 2003. Fr. Chlopecki’s current whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1975 Our Lady, Herrin IL (BEL) 1986-1987 Church of the Immaculate Conception St. Mary Church, Mound City, IL (BEL) 1976-1977 Our Lady, Fairview Heights, IL (BEL) 1988-1993 St. Ann, Nashville, IL (BEL) 1978 St. Stephen, Caseyville, IL (BEL) 1994-2007 Leave of Absence (BEL) 1979-1982 St. Aloysius, Royalton, IL (BEL) 2008-2018 Retired (BEL) 1983-1985 St. Mary, Mound City, IL (BEL) 2019 Unknown Fr. David G. Crook Ordained, 1981 Notes: Fr. David G. Crook was placed on leave by the Diocese of Belleville in 1993 following allegations of sexual misconduct with a teenager. According to a Diocese spokesperson, Fr. Crook was receiving counseling and therapy shortly after the accusations arose and Fr. Crook was permanently removed from active ministry in 1995. In 2018, Fr. Crook was included on the Diocese of Belleville’s list of “Clergy who are Currently Removed from Ministry after Credibly Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Abuse of Minors, or Serious Sexual Misconduct with Adults.” Fr. Crook was believed to be residing in Bonne Terre, MO as of 2003. Fr. Crook’s current whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Ordained, 1974 Notes: Fr. Ronald E. Brassard was named in a 1995 lawsuit against the Diocese of Belleville. According to the lawsuit, Fr. Brassard sexually abused a teenage boy in the early 1980s, while assigned to Our Lady of the Snows in Belleville, IL. When the allegations arose, the Diocese of Providence, citing to inconsistencies in the allegations, took no action and Fr. Brassard was allowed to remain an active priest. Fr. Brassard is believed to be residing in Providence, RI. Fr. Brassard’s status as a priest and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1975-1976 St. Thomas, Providence, RI (PRO) 1989-2015 Immaculate Conception, Cranston, RI (PRO) 1977 St. Margaret, Rumford, RI (PRO) 2016-2017 St. Mark, Jamestown, RI (PRO) 1978-1983 St. Patrick’s, Providence, RI (PRO) 2018 Retired (PRO) – 21 Normandy Dr., Cranston, RI 02920 On Duty Outside the Diocese (PRO) – National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows, Belleville, IL (BEL) Ordained, 1974 Assignments: Fr. Ronald E. Brassard 1984-1988 Fr. Robert J. Chlopecki 2019 Unknown 1982 Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Herrin, IL (BEL) 1989-1990 Absent on Leave – Location Unknown 1983-1984 St. Teresa of the Child Jesus (Little Flower), Belleville, IL (BEL) 1991-1993 St. George Church, New Baden, IL (BEL) 1985-1987 St. Mary, Mount Vernon, IL (BEL) 1994-2003 Leave of Absence (BEL) 1988 St. Philip, East St. Louis, IL (BEL) 2004-2018 Retired (BEL) 1989-1990 Absent on Leave – Location Unknown 2019 Unknown Fr. Daniel E. Friedman (Daniel L. Friedman) Ordained, 1972 Notes: Fr. Daniel Friedman was accused of making sexual advances towards a boy at Camp Ondessonk in approximately 1986. He was recommended for removal in 1988 but no action was taken until 1994. Fr. Friedman was removed from ministry in 2002 pending review of the 1986 allegation. He was allowed to return to active ministry in 2003. Fr. Friedman remains an active priest in the Diocese of Belleville. Fr. Friedman’s access to children is unknown. Assignments: Fr. James R. Calhoun 1973-1977 Cathedral of St. Peter, Belleville, IL (BEL) 1995 Leave of Absence (BEL) 1978-1980 St. Augustine of Canterbury, Belleville, IL (BEL) 1996-2002 St. Francis of Assisi, Aviston, IL (BEL) 1981-1986 St. Rose of Lima Church, Metropolis, IL (BEL) 2003 Leave of Absence (BEL) 1987-1994 St. Paul, Vienna, IL (BEL) 2004-2019 St. Francis of Assisi, Aviston, IL (BEL) Ordained, 1955 Notes: Fr. James R. Calhoun was removed from ministry in 1993. He was named in a 1994 lawsuit alleging sexual abuse of a teenager in approximately 1980. In 2018, Fr. Calhoun was included on the Diocese of Belleville’s list of “Clergy who are Currently Removed from Ministry after Credibly Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Abuse of Minors, or Serious Sexual Misconduct with Adults.” Fr. Calhoun’s whereabouts and whether he had access to children from 1994 until his death are unknown. Assignments: 1956 St. Bruno’s, Pinckneyville, IL (BEL) 1980-1985 Blessed Sacrament, Belleville, IL (BEL) 1957-1960 St. Luke’s, Belleville, IL (BEL) 1986-1993 St. Boniface Church, Germantown, IL (BEL) 1961-1967 St. Catherine’s Church, Grand Chain, IL (BEL) 1994-1996 Retired (BEL) – Belleville Chancery 1968-1979 Our Lady of Lourdes, Sparta, IL (BEL) 1996 Died Fr. Gerald R. Hechenberger Ordained, 1996 Notes: Fr. Gerald R. Hechenberger was arrested in January 2018 for possession and dissemination of child pornography. In 2011, Fr. Hechenberger, took a leave of absence to work on issues that Vicar General John McEvilly described in a letter as “very serious personal, pastoral and legal challenges.” In 2004, Fr. Hechenberger, was arrested for trespassing at a truck stop in Madison. According to the police report, he was walking between trucks “holding his pants in his hand and had no shirt on”. In 2018, Fr. Hechenberger was included on the Diocese of Belleville’s list of “Clergy who are Currently Removed from Ministry after Credibly Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Abuse of Minors, or Serious Sexual Misconduct with Adults.” Fr. Henchenberger is believed to be residing in Mascoutah, IL as of 2014. Fr. Hechenberger’s current whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 68 1997 St. Joseph, Olney, IL (BEL) 2012-2014 Leave of Absence (BEL) 1998-1999 St. Edward, Fairfield, IL (BEL) 2015-2017 Holy Childhood of Jesus, Mascoutah, IL (BEL); St. Liborius, St. Libory, IL (BEL) 2000-2006 Holy Family, Cahokia, IL (BEL); Sacred Heart of Jesus, Dupo, IL (BEL) 2018 Leave of Absence (BEL) 2007 Unknown 2019 Uknown 2008-2012 St. John the Baptist, Smithton, IL (BEL) • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 69 Fr. Edwin G. Kastner (Edwin H. Kastner) Ordained, 1951 Notes: Fr. Edwin Kastner has been accused of sexually abusing at least one minor. In 1994, Fr. Kastner was permanently removed from active ministry after allegations that he had sexual contact with a teenage boy 20 years earlier. In 2018, Fr. Kastner was included on the Diocese of Belleville’s list of “Clergy who are Currently Removed from Ministry after Credibly Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Abuse of Minors, or Serious Sexual Misconduct with Adults.” Fr. Kastner’s whereabouts and whether he had access to children from 1994 until his death are unknown. Assignments: Ordained, 1952 Notes: Fr. Lessard is a serial sexual predator that has admitted to sexually abusing at least 12 boys. The first known abuse occurred during his time at St. Mary’s in Moselle, Missouri, from 1969 to 1976. Fr. Lessard has admitted to sexually abusing ten boys during his time at St. Mary’s, most of whom were from a neighboring parish. Following a complaint from a family to the Archdiocese of St. Louis, Fr. Lessard was transferred to Good Shepherd in Hillsboro, Missouri. Fr. Lessard was only there briefly before admitting to sexually abusing a boy, after which he resigned and checked into a hospital. His next assignment was at Incarnate World in Chesterfield, Missouri, during which he has been accused of sexual abuse by at least one man. The accuser received a settlement from the church in 1997. The last known allegation of sexual abuse came in 2005, when a man sued the Archdiocese of St. Louis. Fr. Lessard was believed to be residing in Queen Creek, AZ as of 2008. Fr. Lessard’s current whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he has access to children are unknown. 1952-1956 Blessed Sacrament, Belleville, IL (BEL) 1983-1985 Seven Dolors of the B.V.M., Valmeyer, IL (BEL) 1957-1959 St. Clare, O’Fallon, IL (BEL) 1986-1993 St. Rose, St. Rose, IL (BEL) 1960-1961 St. Barbara, Okawville, IL (BEL) 1994-1995 Leave of Absence (BEL) 1953-1961 St. George, Gardenville, MO (STL) 1981-1982 St. Joseph Hospital, St. Charles, MO (STL) 1962-1967 Most Blessed Sacrament, St. Louis, MO (STL) 1983-1984 St. Joseph Health Center, St. Charles, MO (STL) 1968-1969 Visitation – Holy Ghost, St. Louis, MO (STL) 1985 Unknown 1970-1976 St. Mary’s, Moselle, MO (STL) 1986-1993 Holy Innocents, St. Louis, MO (STL) 1977 Sick Leave (STL); Retired (STL) 1994-2003 Retired – P.O. Box 322, Prairie du Rocher, IL (BEL) 1978 Incarnate World Church, Chesterfield, MO (STL) 2004-2019 Unknown 1979-1980 Unknown 1962-1963 St. Elizabeth, Ava, IL (BEL) 1996-2011 Retired (BEL) – Belleville Chancery 1964-1965 St. Mary, Mound City, IL (BEL) 2012 Retired (BEL) 1966-1982 St. Joseph, Lebanon, IL (BEL) 2012 Died Fr. Raymond F. Kownacki Ordained, 1960 Notes: Fr. Raymond F. Kownacki has been accused of sexually abusing at least five individuals. In 1986, Fr. Kownacki was sent to Hincke House, a residence for ailing and elderly priests. In 1995, a woman alleged that Fr. Kownacki raped and beat her repeatedly as a teenager in the 1970s. Two former altar boys filed lawsuits in 2002 and 2003 alleging sexual abuse that occurred in the 1970s. Additional lawsuits alleging sexual abuse by Fr. Kownacki have been brought as recenty as 2012. It is believed that Fr. Kownacki was laicized in 2013. In 2018, Fr. Kownacki was included on the Diocese of Belleville’s list of “Clergy who are Currently Removed from Ministry after Credibly Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Abuse of Minors, or Serious Sexual Misconduct with Adults.” Fr. Kownacki was believed to be residing in Dupo, IL as of 2000. Fr. Kownacki’s current whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: Assignments: Fr. Eugene G. Linnemann (Eugene C. Linnemann; Eugene G. Linneman) Ordained, 1980 Notes: Fr. Eugene G. Linnemann was accused of sexually abusing a minor in 1993. The alleged abuse took place roughly ten years earlier. The allegations came shortly after Fr. Linnemann had been on a leave of absence to address stress and depression issues. In 2018, Fr. Linnemann was included on the Diocese of Belleville’s list of “Clergy who are Currently Removed from Ministry after Credibly Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Abuse of Minors, or Serious Sexual Misconduct with Adults.” Fr. Linnemann was believed to be residing in Columbia, IL as of 2001. Fr. Linnemann’s whereabouts and whether he had access to children from 1994 until his death are unknown. 1961-1962 St. Adalbert’s, East St. Louis, IL (BEL) 1985 Absent on Leave 1963-1964 St. Joseph’s Church, Freeburg, IL (BEL) 1986-1987 Seven Dolors of the B.V.M. Church, Valmeyer, IL (BEL) 1965-1970 El Progreso Guatemala C.A. (Foreign Mission) (BEL) 1988 Poor Clare Monastery of Our Lady of Mercy, Belleville, IL (BEL) 1971 St. Francis Xavier’s, St. Francisville, IL (BEL) 1989-1995 St. Henry, Belleville, IL (BEL) 1981-1983 Blesssed Sacrament, Belleville, IL (BEL) 1994-2007 Leave of Absence (BEL) 1972 St. Martin of Tours, Washington Park, IL (BEL) 1991-1995 Poor Clare Monastery of Our Lady of Mercy, Belleville, IL (BEL) 1984-1986 St. Albert the Great Church, Fairview Heights, IL (BEL) 2008-2011 Retired (BEL) 1973 Washington Park (East St. Louis), IL (BEL) 1996-2007 Leave of Absence (BEL) 1987-1993 St. Patrick, Ruma, IL (BEL) 2011 Died 1974-1982 St. Theresa’s Church, Salem, IL (BEL) 2007-2013 Retired (BEL) 1990-1993 1983 Unknown 2014-2019 Unknown 1990-1993: St. Leo Church, Modoc, IL (BEL); Motherhouse of Ruma Province Adorers of the Blood of Christ, Ruma, IL (BEL) 1984 St. Mary Church, Harrisburg, IL (BEL) Assignments: Fr. Walter E. MacPherson Fr. Albert Eugene (Gene) Kreher Ordained, 1965 Notes: In 1997, Fr. Albert Eugene Kreher was accused of sexually abusing a 14 year old boy in the early 1980s. Fr. Kreher admitted to having slept with the boy numerous times over the course of a year and a half, but claims he never sexually molested the boy. Fr. Kreher was never sued and has never faced criminal charges. In 2010, Bishop Braxton made Fr. Kreher write a letter of apology to the victim, but allowed Fr. Kreher to continue as head of the Boy Scouts Council. The Boy Scouts removed Fr. Kreher in 2016. Fr. Kreher was believed to be residing in Belleville, IL as of 2011. Fr. Kreher’s current whereabouts, status as a priest and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 70 Fr. Joseph P. Lessard Ordained, 1955 Notes: Fr. Walter E. MacPherson was accused by at least one person of childhood sexual abuse. Fr. MacPherson was permanently removed from active ministry after allegations surfaced that Fr. MacPherson sexually abused a boy who was in his early teens in the mid-1970s. In 2018, Fr. MacPherson was included on the Diocese of Belleville’s list of “Clergy who are Currently Removed from Ministry after Credibly Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Abuse of Minors, or Serious Sexual Misconduct with Adults.” Fr. MacPherson’s whereabouts and whether he had access to children from 1995 until his death are unknown. Assignments: 1956-1962 St. Martin of Tours, Washington Park, IL (BEL) 1974-1994 St. Michael of Tours, Washington Park, IL (BEL) 1966-1970 St. Dominic’s, Breese, IL (BEL) 1991-1995 St. Agatha, New Athens, IL (BEL) 1963 St. Joseph, Prairie du Rocher, IL (BEL) 1995-1996 Leave of Absence (BEL) 1971 Holy Family, Cahokia, IL (BEL) 1996-2008 St. Joseph, Prairie du Rocher, IL (BEL) 1964-1968 St. Mary’s Hospital, East St. Louis, IL (BEL) 1996-2011 Retired (BEL) 1972-1976 St. Anthony Church, Lively Oak, IL (BEL) 2009-2011 St. Mary, Trenton, IL (BEL) 1969 2011 Died 1977-1982 St. Lawrence, Lawrenceville, IL (BEL) 2012-2018 Retired (BEL) Academy of Notre Dame, Belleville, IL (BEL) 1983-1990 St. George, New Baden, IL (BEL) 2019 Unknown 1970-1973 St. Michael Church, Paderborn, IL (BEL) • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 71 Fr. Gavin O’Connor Ordained, 1977 Notes: Fr. Gavin O’Connor was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Bridgeport in 1977. Fr. O’Connor was also assigned to work in Illinois and Arizona. In January 1989, Bishop Egan, of the Bridgeport diocese, suspended Fr. O’Connor and persuaded him to leave the priesthood after substantiated allegations of child sexual abuse were made against him. Fr. O’Connor allegedly sexually abused three boys from the same family from approximately 1977 to 1985. It is believed that Fr. O’Connor was laicized in 1989 after Bishop Egan personally delivered Fr. O’Connor’s laicization petition to Rome. It was alleged that Bishop Egan paid Fr. O’Connor to cover personal debts and living expenses when he left the priesthood in exchange for his silence. Fr. O’Connor has been accused by at least three survivors of child sexual abuse and named in at least two civil lawsuits. Both lawsuits later were settled out of court. It is believed Fr. O’Connor went on to co-own a real estate office in San Diego, California. Fr. O’Connor’s current whereabouts and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1978-1979 St. Joseph, Shelton, CT (BGP) 1988 St. Joseph, Cobden, IL (BEL) 1980-1981 St. Edward the Confessor, New Fairfield, CT (BGP) 1989 On Duty Outside the Diocese (BGP) – P.O. Box 845, Safford, AZ 85548 1982-1984 In residence, St. Peter, Danbury, CT (BGP) 1990-2019 Unknown 1985-1988 1985-1988: On Duty Outside the Diocese (BGP) – Chaplain, U.S. Penitentiary, Marion, IL 62959 (BEL) Ordained, 1955 Notes: Fr. William F. Rensing was accused in 2002 of abusing a minor in approximately the early 1970s. The alleged sexual abuse occurred while Fr. Rensing was pastor at Our Lady of Assumption in Fairview Heights, IL. Following an investigation by Rome and the Diocese of Belleville, Fr. Resning was removed from active ministry in 2002. Fr. Rensing was included on the Diocese of Belleville’s list of “Clergy who are Currently Removed from Ministry after Credibly Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Abuse of Minors, or Serious Sexual Misconduct with Adults.” Fr. Rensing’s whereabouts, and whether he had access to children from 2003 until his death are unknown. Assignments: 1956-1962 Cathedral of St. Peter, Belleville, IL (BEL) 1986-2003 Our Lady of the Lourdes Church, Sparta, IL (BEL) 1963-1969 St. Pancratius, Fayetteville, IL (BEL) 2003-2006 Leave of Absence (BEL) 1970 Our Lady of Assumption, Caseyville, IL (BEL) 2007-2017 Retired (BEL) 1971-1985 Our Lady of Assumption, Fairview Heights, IL (BEL) 2017 Died Fr. E. Alan Ruppert (Alan E. Ruppert) Fr. Louis Peterson Ordained, 1974 Notes: Fr. Louis Peterson was accused of sexually abusing a teenage boy between 1992 and 1994. Fr. Peterson was criminally investigated, but never prosecuted. In 1995, Fr. Peterson was permanently removed from ministry. In the early 2000s, Fr. Peterson asked for a review of his case and Bishop Gregory found no reason to return him to active ministry. In 2018, Fr. Peterson was included on the Diocese of Belleville’s list of “Clergy who are Currently Removed from Ministry after Credibly Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Abuse of Minors, or Serious Sexual Misconduct with Adults.” Fr. Peterson’s current whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1975-1976 St. Augustine of Canterbury, Belleville, IL (BEL) 1987-1991 Holy Family, Cahokia, IL (BEL) 1977-1979 St. Mary’s, Belleville, IL (BEL) 1992-1994 St. Teresa of the Child Jesus (Little Flower), Belleville, IL (BEL) 1980 St. Albert the Great, Fairview Heights, IL (BEL) 1995-2007 Leave of Absence (BEL) 1981-1982 Cathedral of St. Peter, Belleville, IL (BEL) 2008-2018 Retired (BEL) 1983-1986 St. Edward, Fairfield, IL (BEL) 2019 Unknown Fr. Jerome B. Ratermann Ordained, 1957 Assignments: 1957-1958 Unknown 1969-1971 St. Joseph’s, Prairie du Rocher, IL, (BEL) 1959-1960 St. Henry’s, East St. Louis, IL (BEL) 1972-1985 Saints Peter and Paul, Waterloo, IL (BEL) 1961 St. Henry’s, Belleville, IL (BEL) 1986-1993 Blessed Sacrament, Belleville, IL (BEL) 1962 Washington D.C. Catholic University (BEL) 1994-1996 Leave of Absence (BEL) 1963 Don Bosco Latin School, Aviston, IL (BEL) 1997-2018 Retired (BEL) 1964 Belleville, IL (BEL) 25 S. 55 St. 2019 Unknown 1965-1968 St. Mary’s Home for the Aged, Carlyle, IL (BEL) Ordained, 1978 Notes: Fr. E. Alan Ruppert was accused of Fr. E. Alan Ruppert was accused of engaging in sexual misconduct with at least one minor. Fr. Ruppert was removed from duties as pastor in 1998. Fr. Ruppert’s name appears as Alan E. Ruppert in the Official Catholic Directory starting in 2000; the same year he took a leave of absence following the sexual abuse allegations. Fr. Ruppert was also a chaplain for a Boy Scout summer camp at Camp Joy near Carlyle. In 2018, Fr. Ruppert was included on the Diocese of Belleville’s list of “Clergy who are Currently Removed from Ministry after Credibly Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Abuse of Minors, or Serious Sexual Misconduct with Adults.” Fr. Ruppert’s current whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1979 St. Mary, Mount Carmel, IL (BEL) 1993 Unknown 1980-1982 St. Teresa’s of the Child Jesus (Little Flower), Belleville, IL (BEL) 1995-1999 St. John Nepomucene, Dahlgren, IL (BEL); St. Clement, McLeansboro, IL (BEL) 1983-1984 St. Dominic, Breese, IL (BEL) 2000-2015 Leave of Absence (BEL) 1985-1992 Immaculate Conception, Centreville, IL (BEL) 2016-2018 Retired (BEL) 1990-1992 St. Philip, East St. Louis, IL (BEL) 2019 Unknown Msgr. Joseph R. Schwaegel Notes: Fr. Jerome B. Ratermann was accused of sexually abusing a minor in approximately 1975 or 1976 while he was pastor of Saints Peter and Paul in Waterloo, Illinois. It is alleged that Fr. Ratermann manipulated a minor boy’s genitals and engaged him in oral sex while on a houseboat on Carlyle Lake. Fr. Ratermann was named in a civil lawsuit in 2009 which settled in 2012. In 2018, Fr. Ratermann was included on the Diocese of Belleville’s list of “Clergy who are Currently Removed from Ministry after Credibly Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Abuse of Minors, or Serious Sexual Misconduct with Adults.” Fr. Ratermann’s current whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he has access to children are unknown. 72 Fr. William F. Rensing Ordained, 1965 Notes: Msgr. Joseph R. Schwaegel held several high-level positions in the Diocese of Belleville, including Vicar General, Chancellor, and secretary to two former bishops. Msgr. Schwaegel is an admitted sex addict and has been arrested at least two times for solicitation. He has been named in at least one civil lawsuit alleging sexual abuse of an 8-year-old boy in 1973. Msgr. Schwaegel has been accused of improper sexual activity by at least four individuals. One lawsuit involving Msgr. Schwaegel, which settled in 2003, alleged that a minor boy was abused on three occasions in the rectory of St. Peter’s Cathedral in Belleville. Msgr. Schwaegel was treated for his “addictions” at a Maryland hospital. In 2018, Msgr. Schwaegel was included on the Diocese of Belleville’s list of “Clergy who are Currently Removed from Ministry after Credibly Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Abuse of Minors, or Serious Sexual Misconduct with Adults.” Msgr. Schwaegel’s whereabouts and whether he had access to children from 1994 until his death are unknown. Assignments: 1966 Purification B.V.M. Church, Trenton, IL (BEL) 1990-1993 Secular Franciscan Order -St. Peter Fraternity, Belleville, IL (BEL) 1967-1968 Academy of Notre Dame, Belleville, IL (BEL) 1994-2002 Leave of Absence (BEL) 1969-1977 Cathedral of St. Peter, Belleville, IL (BEL) 2003-2016 Retired (BEL) 1978-1988 Special Assignment – Chancery Office (BEL) 2016 Died 1989-1993 Cathedral of St. Peter, Belleville, IL (BEL) • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 73 Fr. Gary Sebescak Ordained, 1994 Notes: Fr. Gary Sebescak was accused of sexually abusing a minor in 1995 and was subsequently removed from ministry after Bishop Wilton Gregory found the allegations credible. It is alleged that Fr. Sebescak sexually abused the minor six years earlier while he was in the seminary studying to become a priest. Fr. Sebescak has never been named in a criminal or civil complaint. In 2018, Fr. Sebescak was included on the Diocese of Belleville’s list of “Clergy who are Currently Removed from Ministry after Credibly Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Abuse of Minors, or Serious Sexual Misconduct with Adults.” Fr. Sebescak was believed to be residing in Sullivan, Missouri as of 1998. His current whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he has access to children are unknown Assignments: 1995 St. Mary, Mount Vernon, IL (BEL) 1996-2018 Leave of Absence (BEL) 2019 Unknown Deacon Francis Theis Notes: Deacon Francis Theis was the manager of the National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows gift shop. He was removed from his position in 1993. Deacon Theis was found to be unfit to continue working within the Diocese of Belleville by the Diocese’s Review Board. Deacon Theis was named by one person in a civil lawsuit alleging he sexually abused a minor. It is also alleged that Deacon Theis was a member of a sex ring that included priests within the Diocese of Belleville. In 2018, Deacon Theis was included on the Diocese of Belleville’s list of “Clergy who are Currently Removed from Ministry after Credibly Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Abuse of Minors, or Serious Sexual Misconduct with Adults.” Deacon Theis’ current whereabouts, status as a deacon, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Fr. Robert J. Vonnahmen Ordained, 1956 Notes: Fr. Robert J. Vonnahmen has been named in at least four civil lawsuits alleging child sexual abuse. It is alleged that at least one instance of sexual abuse of a minor occurred at Camp Ondessonk, a Catholic youth camp in Southern Illinois. According to one lawsuit, Fr. Vonnahmen showed the boy pornography and manipulated the boy’s genitals before sodomizing him. It is also alleged that Fr. Vonnahmen told the boy not to tell anyone, otherwise he would start a building on fire and blame it on the boy. Another victim was allegedly sexually abused when she was six years old at St. Philip’s Church in East St. Louis. She alleged that Fr. Vonnahmen used his position as a priest to force sexual intercourse. It is believed that Fr. Vonnahmen was laicized in 2007 and died in 2016. In 2018, Fr. Vonnahmen was included on the Diocese of Belleville’s list of “Clergy who are Currently Removed from Ministry after Credibly Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Abuse of Minors, or Serious Sexual Misconduct with Adults.” Fr. Vonnahmenn’s whereabouts and whether he had access to children from 1994 until his death are unknown. Assignments: 74 1957-1964 St. Philip’s, East St. Louis, IL (BEL) 1994-2000 Leave of Absence (BEL) 1965-1982 St. Joseph’s, Elizabethtown, IL (BEL) 1995 Golden Frontier, Belleville, IL (BEL) 1983-1985 Unknown 2001-2007 Retired (BEL) 1986-1993 St. Joseph, Elizabethtown, IL (BEL) 2008-2019 Unknown • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Those Accused of Sexual Abuse in the Diocese of Joliet • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising 77 Fr. John F. Barrett Ordained, 1959 Notes: Fr. John F. Barrett was ordained into the Diocese of Joliet in 1959. Fr. Barrett has been accused by at least one person of child sexual misconduct. The abuse is alleged to have occurred in 1968 while the survivor was a student at Notre Dame elementary school in Clarendon Hills, Illinois. The allegations were first reported to the Diocese in 1991 but nothing was done to keep Fr. Barrett out of ministry. In 2002, the same survivor came forward again and the Diocese of Joliet found the allegations to be unsubstantiated. After being put on administrative leave in May 2002, Fr. Barrett returned to ministry just one month later in June. It is unknown whether Fr. Barrett had access to children from 2005 through 2014. Assignments: Ordained, 1987 Notes: Fr. Andrew L. Buczyna was ordained for the Diocese of Joliet in 1987. At least one person has publicly accused Fr. Buczyna of child sexual abuse and in 2008, Fr. Buczyna was removed from ministry. Fr. Buczyna has been named on the Diocese of Joliet’s list of “Diocesan Priests with Credible Allegations of Sexual Abuse of Minors Made Against Them While Serving in the Diocese of Joliet” with “Substantiated Allegations.” Fr. Buczyna’s current status as a priest, his whereabouts, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1988-1992 St. Joseph Church, Downers Grove, IL (JOL) 2000-2009 Silver Cross Hospital, Joliet, IL (JOL) 1960-1964 Saints Peter and Paul, Naperville, IL (JOL) 1997-2004 Mary Queen of Heaven Church, Elmhurst, IL (JOL) 1993-1997 Holy Trinity Church, Westmont, IL (JOL) 2009-2010 1965-1969 Notre Dame, Clarendon Hills, IL (JOL) 2005-2014 Retired (JOL) – 460 Raintree Ct. #1H, Glen Ellyn, IL, 60137 Absent on Leave (JOL) – Location Unknown 1998-1999 Unknown 2011-2018 1970-1972 St. Alexander, Villa Park, IL (JOL) 2011 Notre Dame, Clarendon Hills, IL (JOL) (Administrator) Leave of Absence (JOL) – Location Unknown 2000-2008 St. John Vianney Church, Lockport, IL (JOL) 2019 Unknown 1973-1984 Notre Dame Church, Clarendon Hills, IL (JOL) 2014 Died 1985-1996 St. Alexander, Villa Park, IL (JOL) Fr. James Burnett Fr. Richard L. Bennett Ordained, 1972 Notes: Fr. Richard L. Bennett was ordained into the Diocese of Joliet in 1972. Fr. Bennett has been named in at least one civil lawsuit alleging child sex abuse. The lawsuit alleged that Fr. Bennett sexually abused an 11 or 12-year-old boy at St. Pius X parish in Lombard, Illinois. The lawsuit further alleged that Fr. Bennett abused the boy after finding out that the boy had been sexually abused by another priest. The Diocese of Joliet purportedly received child sexual abuse allegations against Fr. Bennett in 2004, but Fr. Bennett remained in ministry until 2007. In 2007, the lawsuit alleging sexual abuse by Fr. Bennett was dismissed. Fr. Bennett’s whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he has had access to children since 2010 are unknown. Assignments: 1973-1976 St. Dennis, Lockport, IL (JOL) 1999 Catholic Community of Wheatland, Naperville, IL (JOL) 1976-1979 St. Pius X Church, Lombard, IL (JOL) 2000-2009 Holy Spirit Catholic Community Church, Naperville, IL (JOL) 1980-1985 St. Raphael Church, Naperville, IL (JOL) 2004-2007 Office of Deans (JOL) 1985-1986 St. Mary Church, Downers Grove, IL (JOL) 2010 Absent on Leave (JOL) – Location Unknown 1987-1998 Sacred Heart, Joliet, IL (JOL) 2011-2019 Unknown Fr. Gary D. Berthiaume (Berthiame) Ordained, 1968 Notes: After working for over three decades in the Diocese of Joliet, Fr. Burnett was placed on administrative leave in 2006, after a man filed a lawsuit alleging he had been sexually abused as a child by Fr. Burnett. According to the lawsuit, Fr. Burnett sexually abused the boy approximately 40 times at St. Mary Church in Mokena, Illinois, starting in 1978 when the boy was 8 years old. At some point following the first accusation, a second man came forward also alleging he had been sexually abused by Fr. Burnett. In March of 2007, the Diocese of Joliet announced that its Review Committee found the first accusation not credible, but was unable to resolve the credibility of the second accusation. Following the first two accusations, a third man came forward and filed a civil lawsuit. It is believed that this lawsuit was eventually settled in March of 2013. After the lawsuit was resolved, the Diocese of Joliet purportedly conceded that all three allegations against Fr. Burnett had been substantiated and deemed credible. The Diocese of Joliet also added Fr. Burnett to their list of “Diocesan Priests with a Credible Allegation(s) of Sexual Abuse of Minors Made Against Them While Serving in the Diocese of Joliet” with “Substantiated Allegations.” Fr. Burnett’s current whereabouts and whether he has or has had access to children since 2007 are unknown. Assignments: 1969-1974 St. Charles Borromeo, Bensenville, IL (JOL) 2007-2008 Unknown 1974-1990 St. Mary, Mokena, IL (JOL) 2009-2017 Leave of Absence (JOL) 1990-2002 St. Peter & Paul, Naperville, IL (JOL) 2018-2019 Unknown 2003-2006 The Cathedral of St. Raymond, Joliet, IL (JOL) Fr. Thomas A. Corbino Ordained, 1968 Notes: Fr. Berthiaume is a convicted sexual offender that was first assigned as a priest in the Archdiocese of Detroit. Fr. Berthiaume served as a priest in the Archdiocese of Detroit for approximately 10 years before being convicted of a sexually abusing a young boy and sentenced to six months in prison. Following his release from prison, Fr. Berthiaume was transferred to the Diocese of Cleveland. While in Cleveland, Fr. Berthiaume faced additional allegations of sexual abuse. In 1987, Fr. Berthiaume was moved to the Diocese of Joliet. It is believed that the Bishop of the Diocese of Joliet, Bishop Imesch, was aware of Fr. Berthiaume’s history of sexual abuse when he accepted him into the Diocese of Joliet. It is believed that after several more lawsuits were filed against Fr. Berthiaume, Fr. Berthiaume was suspended from ministry in 2002 and eventually laicized in 2007. Fr. Berthiaume whereabouts from 2003 until the present are unknown. It is also unknown whether Fr. Berthiaume has had access to children from 1992 through the present. Assignments: 78 Fr. Andrew L. Buczyna 1969-1973 St. Joseph’s, Wyandotte, MI (DET) 1991 Good Samaritan Hospital, Downers Grove, IL (JOL) 1974-1978 Our Lady of Sorrows Church, Farmington, MI (DET) 1992-1997 Released from Diocesan Assignment (CLV) 1979-1984 On Duty Outside Diocese (DET) – Location Unknown 1998-2000 Absent on Leave (CLV) – Cenacle Retreat House, Warrenville, IL (JOL) 1985-1987 Unknown 2001-2002 Released from Diocesan Assignment (CLV) – Location Unknown 1988 Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, Cleveland, OH (CLV) 2003-2008 Administrative Leave (CLV) – Location Unknown 1989-1991 Absent on Leave (CLV) 2009-2019 Unknown 1991-1996 Congregation of Our Lady of the Retreat in the Cenacle, Warrenville, IL (JOL) Ordained, 1972 Notes: Fr. Thomas A. Corbino was ordained into the Diocese of Joliet in 1972. Fr. Corbino has been accused by at least two people of engaging in sexual misconduct with a minor. In 2011, the Diocese of Joliet received the report that Fr. Corbino had been “inappropriate with a minor” while he was a pastor at both St. Irene parish in Warrenville, Illinois, and St. Anthony Parish in Frankfurt, Illinois, from approximately 1987 to 2008. The Diocese of Joliet’s investigation purportedly found he had been inappropriate, but that it did not rise to the level of sexual abuse. Fr. Corbino resigned from his position at St. Pius X in Lombard, Illinois. Fr. Corbino was assigned under supervision at Central DuPage Hospital and worked there for nearly a year before being removed by hospital administration. Fr. Corbino’s current whereabouts and his whereabouts from 2014 to 2017, as well as his status as a priest, and whether he had or has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1973-1976 Immaculate Conception, Elmhurst, IL (Jol) 2009-2012 St. Pius X, Lombard, IL (JOL) 1977-1978 St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, High School, Lockport, IL (Jol) 2013 Permanent Diaconate (JOL) 1979-1983 Immaculate Conception Church, Elmhurst, IL (JOL) 2014-2017 Unknown 1984-1987 The Cathedral of St. Raymond, Joliet, IL (JOL) 2018 Retired (JOL) – Location Unknown 1988-1999 St. Irene Church, Warrenville, IL (JOL) 2019 Unknown 2000-2008 St. Anthony Church, Frankfurt, IL (JOL) • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 79 Fr. Phillip Dedera Ordained, 1972 Notes: Fr. Dedora was removed from ministry in 2002 after allegations of abuse were made public. The alleged abuse occurred while Fr. Dedera was assigned to St. Andrew in Romeoville, Illinois. Four years later, in 2006, a second man came forward claiming he was sexually abused over 100 times by Fr. Dedera at age 11 or 12 while serving as an altar boy at St. Pius X in Lombard, Illinois. Years later, in 2015, another man filed a lawsuit alleging Fr. Dedera had ignored his screams while another priest, Fr. Henry Slade, assaulted him after he refused a sex act and that afterwards, Fr. Dedera offered him marijuana to “help him forget” the assault. Fr. Dedera was included on the Diocese of Joliet’s list of “Diocesan Priests with Credible Allegation(s) of Sexual misconduct with Minors Made Against Them While Serving in the Diocese of Joliet” with “Substantiated Allegations.” Fr. Dedera’s whereabouts and whether he has access to children since 2003 are unknown, although as of 2016 it is believed he may have been residing in Batavia, Illinois. Assignments: 1972-1975 St. Andrew’s, Romeoville, IL (JOL) 1986-1988 St. Mary’s, Paxton, IL (JOL) 1976-1977 St. Pius X, Lombard, IL (JOL) 1989-1995 St. Patrick, Momence, IL (JOL) 1978 Visitation, Elmhurst, IL (JOL) 1996-2002 St. Patrick Residence, Naperville, IL (JOL) 1979-1983 St. Walter, Roselle, IL (JOL) 1998-2002 Edward Hospital and St. Thomas the Apostle, Naperville, IL (JOL) 1984-1985 St. Scholastica’s, Woodridge, IL (JOL) 2003-2019 Unknown Fr. Arno A. Dennerlein Notes: Fr. Arno Dennerlein was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Joliet in 1969. At least four survivors have accused Fr. Dennerlein of child sexual abuse that occurred in the 1960’s and early 1970’s. In 2003, Fr. Dennerlein was removed from public ministry amid child sexual abuse allegations. Fr. Dennerlein has been named in at least two civil lawsuits. Fr. Dennerlein has been named on the Diocese of Joliet’s list of “Diocesan Priests with Credible Allegation(s) of Sexual Misconduct with Minors Made Against Them While Serving in the Diocese of Joliet” with “Credible Allegations and Canonical Process Pending.” Fr. Dennerlein’s current status as a priest, his whereabouts, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: Notre Dame, Clarendon Hills, IL (JOL) 2005 Unknown 1972 St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, Lockport, IL (JOL) 2006-2010 Absent on Leave (JOL) – Location Unknown 1973-1976 St. Patrick, Joliet, IL (JOL) 2011-2012 Unknown 1977-1978 St. John the Baptist Church, Winfield, IL (JOL) 2013-2018 Leave of Absence (JOL) – Location Unknown 1979-1990 St. Anthony Church, Frankfurt, IL (JOL) 2019 Unknown 1991-2004 Sacred Heart Church, Lombard, IL (JOL) Fr. Paul (P.F.) (Paul F.) Dinan Ordained, 1937 Notes: Fr. Paul F. Dinan was ordained a priest in 1937 and served at multiple parishes throughout the Dioceses of Peoria and Joliet. Allegations of sexual abuse of a minor were made against Fr. Dinan after he was deceased. Fr. Dinan was named on the Diocese of Joliet’s list of “Diocesan Priests with Credible Allegation(s) of Sexual misconduct with Minors Made Against Them While Serving in the Diocese of Joliet” with “Credible Allegations but Unresolved.” Fr. Dinan’s status as a priest and whether he had access to children throughout the 1980’s and until his death in 1996 are unknown. Assignments: 80 Ordained, 1976 Notes: Fr. William Dugal was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Joliet in 1976 and spent much of his priesthood as Chaplain of Driscoll High School in Addison, Illinois. Fr. Dugal retired in 2000 and was removed from ministry in 2002 amid child sexual abuse allegations. Fr. Dugal has been named on the Diocese of Joliet’s list of “Diocesan Priests with Credible Allegation(s) of Sexual misconduct with Minors Made Against Them While Serving in the Diocese of Joliet” with “Substantiated Allegations.” Fr. Dugal’s status as a priest, his whereabouts, and whether he had access to children from 1998 until his death in 2009 are unknown. Assignments: 1977-1984 St. Joseph Church, Lockport, IL (JOL) 2002-2009 Absent on Sick Leave (JOL) – Location Unknown 1985-1997 Driscoll Catholic High School, Addison, IL (JOL) 2009 Died 1998-2001 Unknown Fr. Lowell Fischer Ordained, 1969 1970-1971 Fr. William Dugal 1938-1939 St. Mary’s, Canton, IL (PEO) 1974-1975 St. Mary Church, Paxton, IL (JOL) 1940-1944 St. John’s, Peoria, IL (PEO) 1976-1978 Retired (JOL) – Location Unknown 1945-1948 St. Mary’s Church, Paxton, IL (PEO) 1979-1980 St. Mary Church, Paxton, IL (JOL) 1949-1954 St. Mary’s Church, Paxton, IL (JOL) 1981-1983 Retired (JOL) – Location Unknown 1955-1966 St. Teresa, Kankakee, IL (JOL) 1984-1986 Retired 3500 Lake Bayshore, Apt. K-101, Bradenton, FL 33505 (SP)(VEN) 1967-1972 St. Peter’s Church, Itasca, IL (JOL) 1987-1996 Retired 440 E Pell St. Paxton, IL 60957 (JOL) 1973 On Duty Outside Diocese (JOL) – Location Unknown; Absent on Sick Leave 1996 Died Ordained, 1954 Notes: The first known allegation against Fr. Fischer was made in Hawaii, where he relocated for approximately 18-years from the Diocese of Joliet in 1975. Upon his return to the Diocese of Joliet in 1993, it is believed that Fr. Fischer was placed on restricted ministry. A second allegation of abuse was made against Fr. Fischer in 2002, after which he was removed from ministry. In 2014, Fr. Fischer was named in a lawsuit against the Diocese of Joliet pertaining to a third accusation of sexual abuse. Fr. Fischer was included on the Diocese of Joliet’s list of “Diocesan Priests with Credible Allegation(s) of Sexual misconduct with Minors Made Against Them While Serving in the Diocese of Joliet” with “Substantiated Allegations.” Fr. Fischer’s status as a priest, his whereabouts, and whether he had access to children from 2002 until his death in 2006 are unknown. Assignments: 1955-1962 Unknown 1994-1997 Motherhouse, Novitiate, Sacred Heart Residence, Portiuncula Center for Prayer, Frankfork, IL (JOL) 1963-1966 St. John the Apostle, Villa Park, IL (JOL) 1998 Motherhouse, Novitiate, Sacred Heart Residence, Portiuncula, Center for Prayer – Retired, Frankfort, IL (JOL) 1967-1968 Holy Ghost, Wood Dale, IL (JOL) 1999-2001 Franciscan Sisters of the Sacred Heart – Retired, Frankfort, IL (JOL) 1969-1975 St. Scholastica, Woodridge, IL (JOL) 2002 Removed from Ministry 1976 Absent On Leave (JOL) 2002-2006 Unknown 1977-1993 On Duty Outside Diocese, Joliet, IL (JOL) 2006 Died 1989-1993 St. Michael Church, Waialua, HI (HON) Fr. Alejandro (Alex) Flores Ordained, 2009 Notes: Fr. Alejandro (Alex) Flores is a native of Bolivia who was ordained for the Diocese of Joliet in 2009. In 2010, Fr. Flores was removed after the parents of a 13-year-old boy accused Fr. Flores of sexually abusing their son for the previous five years, while Fr. Flores was a seminarian. It is believed that as a result of the abuse allegations Fr. Flores attempted suicide. In 2010, he was arrested and pled guilty to 16 felonies relating to child sexual abuse and was sentenced to four-years in prison. Upon his release from prison in 2013, Fr. Flores was deported to Bolivia and is barred for life from entering the United States. Additionally, as of 2013, his official removal from the priesthood was under Vatican review. Fr .Flores has been named in at least one civil lawsuit and was named on the Diocese of Joliet’s list of “Diocesan Priests with Credible Allegations of Sexual Abuse of Minors Made Against Them While Serving in the Diocese of Joliet” with “Substantiated Allegations.” Fr. Flores’ current status as a priest, his whereabouts, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 2010 Holy Family, Shorewood, IL (JOL) 2011-2018 Leave of Absence (JOL) – Location Unknown • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 2019 Unknown 81 Fr. Salvatore Formusa Ordained, 1935 Notes: According to Fr. Formusa’s personal file, Bishop Romeo Blanchette was aware of Fr. Formusa’s alleged sexual abuse of young girls as early as 1962. It wasn’t until 1968, after being accused of sexual misconduct with a girl younger than 16 years old, that Fr. Formusa was purportedly removed and placed on sick leave. Approximately eight years later, in 1976, Bishop Romeo Blanchette allowed Fr. Formusa to return to the Diocese of Joliet, where he worked until his retirement in 1985. Fr. Formusa was included on the Diocese of Joliet’s list of “Diocesan Priests with Credible Allegation(s) of Sexual Misconduct with Minors Made Against Them While Serving in the Diocese of Joliet” with “Substantiated Allegations.” Fr. Formusa’s status as a priest, his whereabouts, and whether he has access to children since his retirement in 1985 are unknown. Assignments: 1935-1940 St. John Bosco, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1967 Central DuPage Hospital, Winfield, IL (JOL); St. Luke Parish, Carol Stream, IL (JOL) 1941-1944 St. Charles, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1968 Unknown 1945-1949 St. Anthony, Joliet, IL (JOL) 1969-1975 On Sick Leave (JOL) 1950-1952 Immaculate Conception, Elmhurst, IL (JOL) 1976-1984 St. Anthony’s Parish, Frankfort, IL (JOL) 1953-1957 St. Lawrence, South Wilmington, IL (JOL) 1985 St. Mark’s Parish, Wheaton, IL (JOL) 1958-1962 Holy Trinity, Westmont, IL (JOL) 1985 Retired 1963 Immaculate Conception, Braidwood, IL (JOL) 1985-2019 Unknown 1964-1966 St. John the Baptist, Winfield, IL (JOL) Fr. Michael Gibbney Ordained, 1975 Notes: Fr. Gibbney was first accused of sexual abuse in 1991 when a female came forward alleging she had a three-year sexual relationship with him back in the late 1970s. Following the accusations, it is believed that Fr. Gibbney resigned from Immaculate Conception Parish and entered a treatment program at Jemez Springs in New Mexico. Following the first accusation, one victim after another came forward alleging they, too, had been sexually abused as minors by Fr. Gibbney. In total, at least eleven people have come forward and at least one lawsuit has been settled. Fr. Gibbney was included on the Diocese of Joliet’s list of “Diocesan Priests with Credible Allegation(s) of Sexual Misconduct with Minors Made Against Them While Serving in the Diocese of Joliet” with “Substantiated Allegations.” According to the Diocese of Joliet’s list of “Diocesan Priests with Credible Allegation(s) of Sexual Misconduct with Minors Made Against Them While Serving in the Diocese of Joliet” Fr. Gibbney was removed from ministry in 1992 and dispensed from obligations of the clerical state in 2011. Fr. Gibbney’s whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he has had access to children since 1989 are unknown. Assignments: 1976 Immaculate Conception, Elmhurst, IL (JOL) 1987-1988 St. Charles Borromeo Church, Bensenville, IL (JOL) 1977 Visitation Church, Elmhurst, IL (JOL) 1989-2010 Unknown 1978 St. Mary Church, Elmhurst, IL (JOL) 2010 Laicized 1979-1980 Mary Queen of Heaven Church, Elmhurst, IL (JOL) 2011-2019 Unknown 1981-1986 St. Francis of Assisi Church, Bolingbrook, IL (JOL) Fr. Lawrence Gibbs Fr. James Frederick Ordained, 1959 Notes: In 2013, documents released by court order revealed the Diocese of Joliet was aware of Fr. Frederick’s alleged sexual abuse as early as 1967. The documents included a report sent by Auxiliary Bishop Roger Kaffer to Bishop Romeo Blanchette. In the report, Auxiliary Bishop Kaffer disclosed a conversation he had with Fr. Frederick, regarding abuse allegations he had received from seminarians. Following the report, Bishop Blanchette placed Fr. Frederick on leave, only to later allow him to continue working in the Diocese. Fr. Frederick was included on the Diocese of Joliet’s list of “Diocesan Priests with a Substantiated Allegation(s) of Sexual Abuse of Minors Made Against Them While Serving in the Diocese of Joliet” with “Substantiated Allegations.” Assignments: 1960-1961 St. Liborius Church, Steger, IL (JOL) 1973-1978 St. Anthony, Frankfort, IL (JOL) 1962-1965 Notre Dame, Clarendon Hills, IL (JOL) 1979 St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, Romeoville, IL (JOL) 1966-1967 St. Charles Seminary, Lockport, IL (JOL) 1980-1982 St. Joseph Church, Manhattan, IL (JOL) 1968 Notre Dame, Clarendon Hills, IL (JOL) 1983-1988 Special Assignment – St. Charles Borromeo, Lockport, IL (JOL) 1969-1972 St. Patrick Church, Wilton Center, IL (JOL) 1988 Died Fr. John Furdek Ordained, 1973 Notes: Before Fr. Gibbs was even ordained a priest, Fr. Gibbs had been labeled a “source of scandal” at parishes, and it is believed that even Bishop Blanchette’s own Seminary Board recommended that Gibbs not be ordained. Fr. Gibbs was, nonetheless, ordained in 1973. In 1979, police conducted an investigation into allegations that Fr. Gibbs had sexually abused children while assigned to Christ the King Catholic Church in Lombard, Illinois. Although the police found no evidence of wrongdoing, parishioners continued to send complaints regarding Fr. Gibbs’ conduct with boys. Bishop Imesch ultimately transferred Fr. Gibbs to St. Joseph Church in Lockport, where he was placed in charge of the altar boys training program. Fr. Gibbs was allowed to continue working until he was placed on leave in 1992. In early 1993, the first lawsuit was filed against Fr. Gibbs. The plaintiff alleged that Fr. Gibbs sexually abused him dozens of times for seven years beginning when he was 11 years old. Following the lawsuit, several victims came forward, saying they, too, had been sexually abused by Fr. Gibbs. In total, more than five lawsuits have been filed naming Fr. Gibbs, and some reports claim he may have abused more than 100 boys. Fr. Gibbs has been named on the Diocese of Joliet’s list of “Diocesan Priests with Credible Allegation(s) of Sexual Misconduct with Minors Made Against Them While Serving in the Diocese of Joliet” with “Substantiated Allegations.” According to the Diocese of Joliet, Fr. Gibbs was removed from ministry in 1992. Fr. Gibbs’ whereabouts, status as a priest and whether he has had access to children since 1992 are unknown. Assignments: 1974 Unknown 1987-1991 St. Joseph Church, Rockdale, IL (JOL) 1975-1977 St. James, Glen Ellyn, IL (JOL) 1992-1993 St. Peter and Paul, Naperville, IL (JOL) 1978-1980 Christ the King Church, Lombard, IL (JOL) 1994 Absent on Leave (JOL) 1981-1982 St. Joseph Church, Lockport, IL (JOL) 1995-2019 Unknown 1983-1986 St. Mary Immaculate Church, Plainfield, IL (JOL) Ordained, 1984 Notes: Fr. John Furdek was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Joliet in 1984. In 2000, Fr. Furdek was removed from ministry and arrested after he tried to meet with a 14-year-old boy, who turned out to be an undercover detective, for a sexual encounter. Fr. Furdek was sentenced to 15 years in prison, 12 years of extended supervision, and 10 years of probation. As of 2007, he was living in a Chicago condominium which also housed a day care facility but has since been required to move. Fr. Furdek is on the Sex Offender Registry for Illinois and Wisconsin. Fr. Furdek is also listed on the Diocese of Joliet’s list of “Diocesan Priests with Credible Allegation(s) of Sexual Misconduct with Minors Made Against Them While Serving in the Diocese of Joliet” with “Substantiated Allegations.” Fr. Furdek’s whereabouts and whether he had access to children from 1998 until his death in 2009 are unknown. Assignments: 82 1985-1987 Saints Peter and Paul, Naperville, IL (JOL) 2001 Unknown 1988 Unknown 2002 Absent on Leave (JOL) – Location Unknown 1989 Saints Peter and Paul, Naperville, IL (JOL) 2003-2009 Unknown 1990-1996 St. Philip The Apostle Church, Addison, IL (JOL) 2009 Died 1997-2000 St. Alexander Church, Villa Park, IL (JOL) • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 83 Fr. William Graham Ordained, 1976 Notes: Fr. William C. Graham was ordained for the Diocese of Duluth in 1976. He served as a Professor of Theology at Lewis University in Romeoville, Illinois, from 2000 until 2005. In a 2016 lawsuit, Fr. Graham was accused of sexually abusing a 15 to 16-year-old boy in 1977 to 1978 at St. Benedict’s in Duluth, Minnesota. The Diocese of Duluth placed Fr. Graham on leave in the wake of the allegations. In 2010, the survivor’s father told the Diocese of Duluth of the alleged child sexual abuse, but no action was taken. Following the 2016 lawsuit, Fr. Graham denied the allegation and filed a countersuit against the survivor. In 2018, the Diocese of Duluth found the allegations of child sexual abuse against Fr. Graham to be credible. In 2018, a jury ruled that the survivor interfered with Fr. Graham’s contractual duties when he filed a lawsuit against Fr. Graham, but did not intentionally inflict emotional distress upon Fr. Graham. Fr. Graham is on the Diocese of Duluth’s list of “[c]lergy with credible claims against them concerning sexual abuse of a young person.” According to the Diocese of Duluth, Fr. Graham has been removed from ministry and his faculties have been revoked. Fr. Graham’s current whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1977- 1979 St. John, Woodland, MN (DUL) 2001 On Duty Outside of Diocese (DUL); Our Lady of Guadalupe, New York, NY 1979 St. Joseph, Gnesen, MN (DUL) 2002-2004 On Duty Outside of Diocese (DUL); 5119 N. Kenmore St., 1W, Chicago, IL Ordained, 1948 Notes: In 1956, Fr. Janssen was relieved of his appointment as assistant to Fr. McCann at Sacred Heart Church in Newton, Iowa and granted an “indefinite leave of absence” from the Diocese of Davenport. Fr. Janssen’s personnel file, released in 2014 by the Diocese of Davenport, shows that Fr. Janssen was studying at Loyola University in Chicago and living and working at St. Isaac Jogues in Hinsdale, Illinois from approximately 1956 to 1958. During his time at St. Isaac Jogues, Fr. Janssen is believed to have worked with the Boy Scouts. A parochial school student and altar boy at St. Isaac Jogues reported allegations of abuse and sexual misconduct while Fr. Janssen was serving at St. Isaac Jogues. Fr. Janssen has been accused of sexually abusing at least 37 minors over three decades. In 2004, the Diocese of Davenport settled a suit with 37 plaintiffs who claim to have been accused by Fr. Janssen. The first allegations reach as far back as 1953, while he was assigned to St. Irenaeus’ and Sacred Heart Church, Fr. Janssen has been accused of sexually abusing a number of boys from the diocesan St. Vincent’s Orphanage. Fr. Janssen’s nephew also claims to have been sexually abused by his uncle, starting in approximately 1953 and continuing until 1962. In 2014, Bishop William E. Franklin of the Diocese of Davenport stated in a letter to the people of the Diocese of Davenport that the Diocese’s Review Board recommended that he request that the Vatican laicize Fr. Janssen. Fr. Janssen’s whereabouts and whether he has had access to children from 2004 until his death in 2015 are unknown. Assignments: 1949-1950 St. Paul’s, Burlington, IA (DAV) 1980 St. Anthony’s, Davenport, IA (DAV) 1951-1953 St. Irenaeus’, Clinton, IA (DAV) 1981-1990 Church of St. Philip and James Church, Grand Mound, IA (DAV) 1954-1956 Sacred Heart Church, Newton, IA (DAV) 1991 Absent on Leave (DAV) 1956-1958 Leave of Absence/Suspension – Graduate Studies at Loyola University, Chicago, IL 1992-2004 Retired – St. Vincent Center, Davenport, IA (DAV) 1980 St. Benedict, Duluth, MN (DUL) 2005-2011 Unknown 1981-1982 St. Margaret Mary, Morgan Park, MN (DUL) 2012-2013 College of St. Scholastica, Duluth, MN (DUL) 1983-1990 St. Michael, Duluth, MN (DUL) 2014 Unknown 1991-1993 On Leave for Study (DUL); Fordham University, Bronx, NY 2015-2018 St. Michael, Duluth, MN (DUL) 1957-1959 On Duty Outside Diocese – North American College, Rome, Italy (DAV) 2004 Laicized 1994 On Duty Outside the Diocese (DUL) 2019 Unknown 1960 St. Mary’s, Davenport, IA (DAV) 2004-2015 Unknown 1995-2000 All Saints, New York, NY 1961-1967 St. Joseph’s, Fort Madison, IA (DAV) 2015 Died 1968-1979 St. Joseph’s, Sugar Creek, IA (DAV) Fr. Carroll Howlin Ordained, 1961 Notes: Fr. Carroll Howlin was ordained for the Diocese of Joliet in 1961 and served in several parishes throughout Illinois. Beginning in 1978, Fr. Howlin began serving at Good Shepard in Whitely, KY but remained a priest of the Diocese of Joliet. In 1993, a survivor accused Fr. Howlin of child sexual abuse in the 1970s while at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary High School and College. Fr. Howlin was subsequently sent to St. Luke’s, an institution known for treating priests accused of child sexual abuse, but was allowed to stay in ministry. In 2002, another former St. Charles Borromeo student came forward accusing Fr. Howlin of sexual abuse during the 1970s. In 2003, two brothers came forward accusing Fr. Howlin of child sexual abuse in Kentucky. Fr. Howlin has been named in at least four clergy sexual abuse lawsuits. In 2002, Fr. Howlin was officially removed from ministry and the Vatican banned him from unsupervised contact with minors. Fr. Howlin has been named on the Diocese of Joliet’s list of “Diocesan Priests with Credible Allegation(s) of Sexual Misconduct with Minors Made Against Them While Serving in the Diocese of Joliet” with “Substantiated Allegations.” In 2013, Fr. Howlin was reportedly living unsupervised in Kentucky and remained in church-related jobs and activities, however his exact location and whether he had access to children from 2003 until his death in 2015 are unknown. Assignments: 84 Fr. James Janssen 1962-1965 SS. Peter and Paul, Naperville, IL (JOL) 1984-2000 On Duty Outside the Diocese (JOL); Good Shepherd Catholic Service, Whitely City, KS 1966-1967 Holy Trinity, Westmont, IL (JOL) 1983-2002 St. Peter, Monticello, KY (LEX) 1968-1975 St. Charles Borromeo Seminary High School and College, Lockport, IL (JOL) 2003-2012 Unknown 1976-1977 St. Paul the Apostle, Joliet, IL (JOL) 2013-2015 Leave of Absence (JOL) 1978-1983 On Duty Outside the Diocese (JOL) 2015 Died Fr. Mark Jendrysik (Jendersyk) Ordained, 1985 Notes: Fr. Mark Jendrysik was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Joliet in 1985. In 2018, it is believed that he was permanently removed after admitting to having sexual contact with a minor 35 years prior. Fr. Jendrysik is named on the Diocese of Joliet’s list of “Diocesan Priests with Credible Allegation(s) of Sexual Misconduct with Minors Made Against Them While Serving in the Diocese of Joliet” with “Substantiated Allegations.” Fr. Jendrysik’s current status as a priest, his whereabouts, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1986-1988 St. Alexis Church, Bensenville, IL (JOL) 2004-2013 Office of Cursillo Movement, Romeoville, IL (JOL) 1989-1993 St. Walter Church, Roselle, IL (JOL) 2006-2011 St. Philip The Apostle, Addison, IL (JOL) 1994-1996 St. Elizabeth Seton Church, Naperville, IL (JOL) 2012-2013 St. Raphael, Naperville, IL (JOL) 1997-1999 Assumption Church, Coal City, IL (JOL) 2014-2017 Leave of Absence (JOL) – Location Unknown 2000-2005 St. Dominic Church, Bolingbrook, IL (JOL) 2018-2019 Unknown • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 85 Fr. Frederick (Fred) Lenczycki Ordained, 1972 Notes: Fr. Frederick Lenczycki was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Joliet in 1972. It is reported that Fr. Lenczycki sexually abused at least 30 boys in three states during his approximate 25-year career as a priest. Fr. Lenczycki has been named in multiple civil lawsuits. The first report of child sexual abuse by Fr. Lenczycki was in 1984 by a 12-year-old boy at St. Isaac Jogues. Fr. Lenczycki was subsequently removed and sent to the House of Affirmation, an institution known for treating priests accused of child sexual abuse. It is believed that the Bishop of the Diocese of Joliet then sent Fr. Lenczycki to serve in the Archdiocese of San Francisco and Archdiocese of St. Louis. In 2002, Fr. Lenczycki was removed from the priesthood and convicted of sexually abusing 3 boys in 2004 for which he was sentenced to five years in prison. In 2006, Fr. Lenczycki was remanded to mental treatment facility to determine if he was still sexually dangerous and in 2008, a jury deemed him sexually violent and too dangerous for release. Thereafter, he was sent back to prison until his release in 2009. Fr. Lenczycki is named on the Illinois sex offender registry and on the Diocese of Joliet’s list of “Diocesan Priests with Credible Allegations of Sexual Abuse of Minors Made Against Them While Serving in the Diocese of Joliet” with “Substantiated Allegations.” According to the Diocese of Joliet, Fr. Lenczyski was dispensed from obligations of the clerical state in 2016. Fr. Lenczycki’s current status as a priest, his whereabouts, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: Ordained, 1972 Notes: Fr. J. Anthony Meis was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Joliet in 1972. In 1994, it is believed that Fr. Meis left his position at Saints Mary and Joseph amid allegations that he sexually abused a child at Saints Mary and Joseph in the late 1980s. After Fr. Meis reportedly received therapy, he was sent to serve in St. Louis, Missouri at St. Anthony’s Medical Center from 1994 until he was removed from ministry in 2002. Fr. Meis has been named in at least one civil lawsuit and was included in the Diocese of Joliet’s list of “Diocesan Priests with Credible Allegation(s) of Sexual Misconduct with Minors Made Against Them While Serving in the Diocese of Joliet” with “Substantiated Allegations.” Fr. Meis’ status as a priest, his whereabouts, and whether he had access to children from 2003 until his death in 2015 are unknown. Assignments: 1973 St. Joseph’s, Manhattan, IL (JOL) 1995 Absent on Leave (JOL) – Location Unknown 1974 St. Liborius, Steger, IL (JOL) 1996-2000 Unknown 1975 St. Joseph Church, Lockport, IL (JOL) 2001-2003 St. Anthony’s Medical Center, St. Louis, MO (STL) 1976-1977 On Duty Outside Diocese (JOL) – Location Unknown 2004-2005 Unknown 1973-1975 St. Peter and Paul, Naperville, IL (JOL) 1993-1994 On Duty Outside the Diocese (JOL); St. George Rectory, St. Louis, MO 1976-1978 St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, Lockport, IL (JOL) 1994-2002 De Paul Health Center, Bridgeton, MO (STL) 1978-1979 St. Joseph Church, Bradley, IL (JOL) 2006-2015 Retired (JOL) – Location Unknown 1979-1980 St. Charles Borromeo Seminary High School, Romeoville, IL (JOL) 1995-1996 On Duty Outside the Diocese (JOL); North American Martyrs, Florissant, MO 1979-1980 Bishop McNamara High School, Kankakee, IL (JOL) 2015 Leave of Absence (JOL) – Location Unknown 1981-1984 St. Isaac Jogues, Hinsdale, IL (JOL) 1996-2005 Unknown 1981-1988 St. Joseph Church, Cabery, IL (JOL) 2015 Died 1985-1987 Absent on Leave (JOL) 2006-2007 Absent on Leave (JOL) 1989-1994 1988-1992 On Duty Outside the Diocese (JOL); St. Peter’s, Pacifica, CA (SFR) 2008-2019 Unknown Saints Mary and Joseph Church, Chebanese, IL (JOL) Fr. John D. Malzone Ordained, 1955 Notes: Fr. John D. Malzone was incardinated into the Diocese of Joliet in 1955. Fr. Malzone has been named on the Diocese of Joliet’s list of “Diocesan Priests with Credible Allegations of Sexual Abuse of Minors Made Against Them While Serving in the Diocese of Joliet” with “Substantiated Allegations.” It is believed that Fr. Malzone left ministry in 1970, but his whereabouts and whether he had access to children from 1970 until his death in 2008 are unknown. Assignments: 1956-1958 St. Anthony (Italian), Joliet, IL (JOL) 1970 Absent on Leave (JOL) – Location Unknown 1959 St. Joseph’s, Rockdale, IL (JOL) 1971-2008 Unknown 1960-1965 Visitation, Elmhurst, IL (JOL) 2008 Died 1966-1969 St. James’, Irwin, IL (JOL) Fr. Leonard Mateo Fr. Lawrence W. Mullins Ordained, 1977 Notes: Fr. Lawrence W. Mullins was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Joliet in 1977. At least twelve survivors have accused Fr. Mullins of child sexual abuse, five of whom allege the abuse happened at the Cathedral of St. Raymond in Joliet, Illinois from 1977 to 1987. Fr. Mullins was purportedly nicknamed Fr. Gacy, after serial-killer John Wayne Gacy, because he would isolate boys in the locker room to seek an opportunity to abuse them. In 1993, Fr. Mullins was removed from ministry following past abuse allegations. Fr. Mullins was named on the “Diocese of Joliet’s list of Diocesan Priests with Credible Allegations of Sexual Abuse of Minors Made Against Them While Serving in the Diocese of Joliet” with “Substantiated Allegations.” At least three civil lawsuits have named Fr. Mullins. According to the Diocese of Joliet, Fr. Mullins was dispensed from obligations of the clerical state in 2018. In 2002, Fr. Mullins was reportedly living in Virginia, however, his current status as a priest, his whereabouts, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: Ordained, 1959 Notes: Fr. Leonard Mateo was ordained to the Archdiocese of Cebu, Philippines in 1959, but worked for many years as an extern priest throughout the United States. Fr. Mateo has been accused of child sexual abuse while working in the Diocese of Tagbilaran, the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, and the Diocese of Joliet. In 1984, multiple survivors came forward and accused Fr. Mateo of child sexual abuse while he worked at Immaculate Conception in Elmhurst. Amid the abuse allegations, it is believed that Fr. Mateo left the Diocese of Joliet and later returned back to the Archdiocese of Cebu in the 1990’s. Fr. Mateo has been named in at least three child sexual abuse lawsuits. Fr. Mateo was included in the Diocese of Joliet’s list of “Diocesan Priests with Credible Allegation(s) of Sexual Misconduct with Minors Made Against Them While Serving in the Diocese of Joliet” with “Substantiated Allegations” and the Archdiocese of Los Angeles’ Report to the People of God: Clergy Sexual Abuse, dated February 17, 2004. Fr. Mateo’s whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he had access to children from 1993 until his death in 2004 are unknown. Assignments: 86 Fr. J. Anthony Meis 1960 St. Anastasia, Los Angeles, CA (LA) 1986 Unknown 1961-1975 Unknown 1987-1989 Immaculate Conception, Waukegan, IL (CHI) 1976 St. Patrick’s Cathedral, El Paso, TX (ELP) 1990-1991 Unknown 1977 Unknown 1992 St. Bede, Ingleside, IL (CHI) 1978-1982 Immaculate Conception, Elmhurst, IL (JOL) 1993-2003 Unknown 1983-1984 Unknown 2004 Died 1985 St. Nicholas, Virginia Beach, VA (RIC) 1978 Unknown 1989-1993 St. Margaret Mary, Naperville, IL (JOL) 1979-1983 The Cathedral of St. Raymond Nonnatus, Joliet, IL (JOL) 1994 Absent on Leave (JOL) 1984-1988 Immaculate Conception, Elmhurst, IL (JOL) 1995-2019 Unknown Fr. James A. Nowak Ordained, 1967 Notes: Fr. James A. Nowak was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Joliet in 1967. At least eight survivors have accused Fr. Nowak of child sexual abuse in the 1970s and 1980s. Fr. Nowak retired in 2007 and was removed from ministry without privileges in 2012 amid allegations of child sexual abuse that had occurred 25 years prior. Fr. Nowak has been named in at least two civil lawsuits. Fr. Nowak has been named on the Diocese of Joliet’s list of “Diocesan Priests with Credible Allegation(s) of Sexual Misconduct with Minors Made Against Them While Serving in the Diocese of Joliet” with “Substantiated Allegations.” Fr. Nowak’s current whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1968-1971 Sacred Heart, Lombard, IL (JOL) 1994-2002 Holy Trinity Church, Westmont, IL (JOL) 1972-1974 St. Andrew, Romeoville, IL (JOL) 2003-2008 Saints Peter and Paul Church, Naperville, IL (JOL) 1975-1976 Graduate Studies (JOL) – Location Unknown 2008-2018 Retired – St. John Vianney Villa (Retirement home for priests), Naperville, IL (JOL) 1977-1988 St. Dominic Church, Bolingbrook, IL (JOL) 2015-2018 Leave of Absence (JOL) – Location Unknown 1989-1993 St. Anthony (Italian), Joliet, IL (JOL) 2019 Unknown • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 87 Fr. Donald G. O’Connor Ordained, 1964 Notes: Fr. Donald G. O’Connor was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Joliet in 1964. Reportedly, concerns about the mental health of Fr. O’Connor first surfaced when he was a seminary student. Multiple survivors have accused Fr. O’Connor of child sexual abuse. By 1980, it is believed that the Bishop of Joliet knew of at least five survivors who alleged child sexual abuse by Fr. O’Connor. However, Fr. O’Connor was permitted to keep working as a priest where it is believed that he continued to sexually abuse children. After allegations of sexual abuse with minors were deemed credible, Fr. O’Connor was removed from ministry in 2002. Fr. O’Connor was named on the Diocese of Joliet’s list of “Diocesan Priests with Credible Allegations of Sexual Abuse of Minors Made Against Them While Serving in the Diocese of Joliet.” Assignments: Ordained, 1972 Notes: Fr. Anthony J. Ross was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Joliet in 1972. In approximately 1981, a 15-year-old boy accused Fr. Ross of sexually abusing him while he was serving at St. Peter in Itasca, Illinois. In 1982, it is believed that Fr. Ross was sent to the House of Affirmation, an institution known for treating priests accused of child sexual abuse, where he continued to contact the boy by sending him love letters. The boy’s parents found these letters and purportedly demanded that the Bishop of Joliet remove him from the priesthood. However, Fr. Ross continued to serve in the Diocese of Joliet until 1992. When the survivor found out that Fr. Ross was still serving in Joliet, the survivor said he would forego litigation if Fr. Ross was removed from ministry. Fr. Ross was put on a leave of absence and then transferred to the Diocese of Santa Rosa, where he was incardinated in 1997. In 2002, it is believed that the survivor found out that Fr. Ross was still in ministry and Fr. Ross was subsequently permanently removed. Fr. Ross was named on the Diocese of Joliet’s list of “Diocesan Priests with Credible Allegation(s) of Sexual Misconduct with Minors Made Against Them While Serving in the Diocese of Joliet” with “Substantiated Allegations.” Fr. Ross’s current status as a priest, his whereabouts, and whether he has access to children are unknown. 1965-1966 St. Rose’s, Wilmington, IL (JOL) 1988-1999 St. Bernard, Joliet, IL (JOL) 1967 Sacred Heart, Lombard, IL (JOL) 2000-2002 Assumption, Coal City, IL (JOL) (s.v.d.) 1968-1970 Assumption, Coal City, IL (JOL) 2003-2005 Unknown 1971-1975 St. Rose’s, Wilmington, IL (JOL) 2006-2011 Retired (JOL) 1973 St. John the Baptist, Winfield, IL (JOL) 1990 St. Isidore, Bloomingdale, IL (JOL) Died 1974-1980 The Cathedral of St. Raymond Nonnatus, Joliet, IL (JOL) 1991-1993 St. Charles Borromeo, Bensevillle, IL (JOL) 1981-1986 St. Peter, Itasca, IL (JOL) 1994 Absent on Leave (JOL) 1987-1988 Sacred Heart, Lombard, IL (JOL) 1994-2019 Unknown 1989 Absent on Leave (JOL) 1976-1987 Immaculate Conception, Braidwood, IL (JOL) 2011 Fr. Donald P. Pock Assignments: Ordained, 1958 Notes: Fr. Donald P. Pock was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Joliet in 1958. At least two survivors have accused Fr. Pock of child sexual abuse with the first survivor reporting the abuse to the Bishop of Joliet in 1975. In 1976, the Bishop placed Fr. Pock on sick leave. In 2002, Fr. Pock was removed after allegations of child sexual abuse were deemed credible. Fr. Pock was named on the Diocese of Joliet’s list of “Diocesan Priests with Credible Allegations of Sexual Abuse of Minors Made Against Them While Serving in the Diocese of Joliet” with “Substantiated Allegations.” Fr. Pock’s whereabouts and whether he had access to children from 2002 through his death in 2004 are unknown. Assignments: Fr. Richard M. Ruffalo Ordained, 1959 Notes: Fr. Richard M. Ruffalo was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Joliet in 1959. At least four survivors have accused Fr. Ruffalo of child sexual abuse. Allegations include Fr. Ruffalo taking young boys to Las Vegas and sexually abusing them. Fr. Ruffalo has been named in multiple civil lawsuits, one of which alleged that he and two other priests abused five brothers over a six-year span. Fr. Ruffalo was named on the Diocese of Joliet’s list of “Diocesan Priests with Credible Allegations of Sexual Abuse of Minors Made Against Them While Serving in the Diocese of Joliet” with “Substantiated Allegations.” 1959-1961 St. Mary Magdalene, Joliet, IL (JOL) 1977-1979 St. Patrick, Joliet, IL (JOL) 1962-1966 Immaculate Conception, Morris, IL (JOL) 1980-1987 St. Joseph, Manteno, IL (JOL) 1967 St. Joseph’s, Joliet, IL (JOL) 1988-2001 St. Peter the Apostle, Itasca, IL (JOL) 1960-1963 St. Rose of Lima, Kankakee, IL (JOL) 1976-1988 St. Mary’s, Park Forest, IL (JOL) 1968 Lewis College, Lockport, IL (JOL) 2002-2003 Unknown 1964-1965 St. Joseph’s, Rockdale, IL (JOL) 1989-1997 Holy Cross, Joliet, IL (JOL) 1969-1976 Divine Savior, Downers, IL (JOL) 2004 Died 1966-1968 St. Peter’s, Itasca, IL (JOL) 1997 Died 1969-1975 The Cathedral of St. Raymond, Joliet, IL (JOL) Fr. Edward F. Poff Assignments: Ordained, 1958 Notes: Fr. Edward F. Poff was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Joliet in 1958. At least one survivor has accused Fr. Poff of child sexual abuse in approximately 1994. It is believed that Fr. Poff retired in 2001, but continued to work in parishes until 2002, when, according to the Diocese of Joliet, he was removed from ministry. Fr. Poff was named on the Diocese of Joliet’s list of “Diocesan Priests with Credible Allegations of Sexual Abuse of Minors Made against Them While Serving in the Diocese of Joliet” with “Substantiated Allegations.” Fr. Poff’s current status as a priest, his whereabouts, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 88 Fr. Anthony J. (A.J.) Ross Fr. Lee Ryan (F. Lee; Francis Lee) Ordained, 1968 Notes: Fr. Lee Ryan was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Joliet in 1968. In 2010, a survivor accused Fr. Ryan of child sexual abuse in 1974 at Providence Catholic High School in New Lenox, Illinois. Fr. Ryan who was removed from ministry in 2010, and temporarily returned to ministry in 2012 only to be removed again later that year. Fr. Ryan has been named in at least one civil lawsuit. Fr. Ryan was named on the Diocese of Joliet’s list of “Diocesan Priests with Credible Allegation(s) of Sexual Misconduct with Minors Made Against Them While Serving in the Diocese of Joliet” with “Substantiated Allegations.” Fr. Ryan’s status as a priest, his whereabouts, and whether he had access to children from 2011 through his death in 2016 are unknown. 1959-1963 The Cathedral of St. Raymond, Joliet, IL (JOL) 1996 Absent on Sick Leave (JOL) 1963-1964 Sacred Heart, Joliet, IL (JOL) 1997-2001 St. Mary’s Hospital, Kankakee, IL (JOL) 1965-1970 St. Joseph’s, Downers, IL (JOL) 2002 Retired (JOL) 1969-1973 St. Liborius, Steger, IL (JOL) 1991 St. Francis of Assisi, Bolingbrook, IL (JOL) St. Joseph’s, Addison, IL (JOL) 1992-2010 St. Edmund, Watseka, IL (JOL) Assignments: 1971-1979 St. Bernard’s, Joliet, IL (JOL) 2003-2005 Unknown 1974 1980-1990 Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Morris, IL (JOL) 2006-2018 Retired (JOL) 1975-1985 St. Anne, Joliet, IL (JOL) 2011-2016 Leave of Absence 1986-1990 2016 Died 1991-1994 St. Andrew the Apostle, Romeoville, IL (JOL) 2015-2017 Leave of Absence (JOL) Special Assignment (JOL); Director of Vocations, St. Charles Borromeo, Lockport, IL (JOL) 1995 Unknown 2018-2019 Unknown • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 89 Fr. Gerald (Jerry) Simonelli Ordained, 1990 Notes: Fr. Gerald “Jerry” Simonelli was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Joliet in 1990. In 2010, a 21-year-old man accused Fr. Simonelli of sexual abuse that had occurred more than two years prior. According to spokespersons for the Diocese of Joliet, including Bishop J. Peter Sartain, Fr. Simonelli was subsequently removed from ministry due to his “homosexual activity” and that he was “unfaithful to his vows on more than one occasion.” Fr. Simonelli was named on the Diocese of Joliet’s list of “Diocesan Priests with Credible Allegation(s) of Sexual Misconduct with Minors Made Against Them While Serving in the Diocese of Joliet” with “Credible Allegations and Canonical Process Pending.” Fr. Simonelli was purportedly removed from ministry in 2010, however, since 2011, Fr. Simonelli’s status as a priest, his whereabouts, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1991-1992 St. Mary, West Chicago, IL (JOL) 2007-2008 St. Joseph, Addison, IL (JOL) 1993-1997 St. Dominic, Bolingbrook, IL (JOL) 2009-2010 St. Isidore, Bloomingdale, IL (JOL) 1998-2001 St. Petronille, Glen Ellyn, IL (JOL) 2011-2018 Leave of Absence (JOL) 2002-2006 St. Andrew the Apostle, Romeoville, IL (JOL) 2019 Unknown Fr. David Stalzer Ordained, 1974 Notes: Fr. David Stalzer was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Joliet in 1974. In a 1993 civil lawsuit, Fr. Stalzer was accused of child sexual abuse that occurred in 1981 while he worked at St Dennis in Lockport, Illinois. It is believed that Fr. Stalzer returned to active duty later that year under supervision and purportedly with limited contact with children. Assignments: 1975 Holy Trinity, Westmont, IL (JOL) 1988-1999 St. Mary Nativity, Joliet, IL (JOL) 1976-1978 St. Joseph, Joliet, IL (JOL) 2000 St. Mary Magdalene, Joliet, IL (JOL) 1979-1980 St. John the Baptist, Winfield, IL (JOL) 2001 Died 1981-1987 St. Dennis, Lockport, IL (JOL) Fr. Edward Stefanich Fr. Henry J. Slade Ordained, 1984 Notes: Fr. Henry J. Slade was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Joliet in 1984. Fr. Slade has been accused of sexually abusing at least four boys during his time in ministry. In 1990, Fr. Slade pled guilty to sexual misconduct with an 18-year-old disabled man at St. Isidore and received 12 months of probation and underwent therapy. The survivor filed a lawsuit against Fr. Slade which later settled. In 2015, an second lawsuit was filed against Fr. Slade which accused him of physically abusing an 11-year-old boy after he rejected his sexual advances in 1976 at St. Pius X. Fr. Slade was named on the Diocese of Joliet’s list of “Diocesan Priests with Credible Allegations of Sexual Abuse of Minors Made against Them While Serving in the Diocese of Joliet” with “Substantiated Allegations.” According to the Diocese of Joliet, Fr. Slade was removed from ministry in 1990. Fr. Slade’s status as a priest, his whereabouts, and whether he has had access to children since 1990 are unknown. Assignments: 1985-1989 St. Isidore, Bloomingdale, IL (JOL) 1990-1993 Leave of Absence (JOL) 1994-2019 Unknown Notes: Fr. Edward Stefanich was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Joliet in 1965. At least three survivors have come forward and accused Fr. Stefanich of child sexual abuse. In 1986, a girl’s parents reported allegations of sexual abuse of their daughter by Fr. Stefanich to the Diocese of Joliet. After no action was taken, the parents went to the police and in 1987, Fr. Stefanich pled guilty to sexually abusing a 14-year-old girl at St. Scholastica. He was sentenced to 6 months in jail, 1 year of counseling, and was laicized. In 2003, Fr. Stefanich was named in a civil lawsuit which accused him of repeated sexual abuse of a 12-year-old boy from 1969 to 1970 at Christ the King Elementary School. Fr. Stefanich was named on the Diocese of Joliet’s list of “Diocesan Priests with Credible Allegation(s) of Sexual Misconduct with Minors Made Against Them While Serving in the Diocese of Joliet” with “Substantiated Allegations.” Fr. Stefanich’s whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he has had access to children since 1988 are unknown. Assignments: 1966-1969 St. Joseph’s, Addison, IL (JOL) 1978-1987 St. Scholastica, Woodridge, IL (JOL) 1970-1974 Christ the King, Lombard, IL (JOL) 1988-2019 Unknown 1975-1977 Visitation, Elmhurst, IL (JOL) Fr. James C. Storm Fr. John C. Slown Ordained, 1959 Notes: Fr. John C. Slown was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Joliet in 1959. Throughout Fr. Slown’s priesthood there were many complaints of his excessive drinking and sexual abuse of children and it is reported that at one point he was sent for treatment at Servants of the Paraclete, an institution known for treating priests accused of child sexual abuse. In 1983, Fr. Slown was convicted of child sexual abuse perpetrated at St. Irene and was subsequently defrocked. It is believed that Fr. Slown was removed from ministry in 1986 due to multiple allegations of child sexual abuse. Fr. Slown purportedly claimed, in 2002, that he left ministry because of alcoholism. In 2003, five brothers filed a lawsuit which named Fr. Slown and two other priests and accused them of sexually abusing them for six years when they were children at St. John the Baptist. Fr. Slown was named on the Diocese of Joliet’s list of “Diocesan Priests with Credible Allegations of Sexual Abuse of Minors Made against Them While Serving in the Diocese of Joliet” with “Substantiated Allegations.” As of 1987, Fr. Slown was reported to be living in Colorado, however, his current whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 90 Ordained, 1965 1960-1963 St. Michael’s, Wheaton, IL (JOL) 1982 Divine Savior, Downers Grove, IL (JOL) 1964-1968 St. John the Baptist, Winfield, IL (JOL) 1983 St. Irene, Warrenville, IL (JOL) 1969-1972 St. Scholastica, Woodridge, IL (JOL) 1984-1985 Absent on Leave (JOL) 1973-1977 St. Mary Magdalene, Joliet, IL (JOL) 1986 On Duty Outside the Diocese (JOL); Nativity, Albuquerque, NM 1978 Absent on Leave (JOL) 1987 Absent on Leave (JOL) 1979-1980 St. Joseph, Bradley, IL (JOL) 1988-2019 Unknown 1981 Absent on Leave (JOL) Ordained, 1952 Notes: Fr. Storm was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Joliet in 1952. Credible allegations of sexual abuse of a minor were made against Fr. Storm after he was deceased. Fr. Storm was named on the Diocese of Joliet’s list of “Diocesan Priests with Credible Allegation(s) of Sexual Misconduct with Minors Made Against Them While Serving in the Diocese of Joliet” with “Credible Allegations but Unresolved.” Assignments: 1953 St. Joseph’s, Manteno, IL (JOL) 1968-1971 St. Joseph’s, Manhattan, IL (JOL) 1954-1957 SS. Peter and Paul, Naperville, IL (JOL) 1972-1973 St. Anthony, Joliet, IL (JOL) 1958-1961 St. Pius X, Lombard, IL (JOL) 1974 St. Joseph’s, Rockdale, IL (JOL) 1962-1965 St. James’, Irwin, IL (JOL) 1974 Died 1966-1967 St. Ambrose, Joliet, IL (JOL) • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 91 Fr. Charles Van Duren Ordained, 1952 Notes: Fr. Charles Van Duren was ordained a priest in 1952 and began working in Diocese of Joliet in 1970. The 1952 to 1970 Official Catholic Directories indicate that Fr. Van Duren was a priest of the Congregation of the Priests of the Sacred Heart. Credible allegations of sexual abuse of a minor were made against Fr. Van Duren after he was deceased. Fr. Van Duren was named on the Diocese of Joliet’s list of “Diocesan Priests with Credible Allegations of Sexual Abuse of Minors Made against Them While Serving in the Diocese of Joliet” with “Substantiated Allegations.” Assignments: 1953 Sacred Heart Monastery, Hales Corner, WI (MIL) 1972-1973 St. Joseph’s, Joliet, IL (JOL) 1954-1963 Dehon Seminary, Great Barrington, MA (SPR) 1974-1975 St. Mary’s, West Chicago, IL (JOL) 1964-1965 Kilroe Seminary, Honesdale, PA (SCR) 1976-1981 St. Irene, Warrenville, IL (JOL) 1966 St. Joseph Indian School, Chamberlain, SD (SFS) 1982-1995 St. Mary Immaculate, Plainfield, IL (JOL) 1967-1970 St. Joseph, Starkville, MI (NAT) 1996 Retired (JOL); 2246 N. 4350 Rd., Sheridan, IL 1968-1971 Mississippi State College, Starkville, MI (NAT) 1997 Died 1971 Immaculate Conception, Elmhurst, IL (JOL) Fr. William D. Virtue Ordained, 1975 Notes: Fr. Virtue was ordained for the Diocese of Joliet in 1975. The first reports of child sexual abuse by Fr. Virtue came in 1984. By 1986, Fr. Virtue had left the Diocese of Joliet and was incardinated into the Diocese of Peoria. In 2006, a lawsuit filed against Fr. Virtue alleged that he repeatedly sexually abused a 10-year-old boy at St. Mary’s in Mokena in 1981. Fr. Virtue was subsequently removed from public ministry in the Diocese of Peoria. In 2007, Fr. Virtue was reportedly working in the Diocese of Rockford but was removed from all public ministry by 2009. Fr. Virtue was named on the Diocese of Joliet’s list of “Diocesan Priests with Credible Allegation(s) of Sexual Misconduct with Minors Made Against Them While Serving in the Diocese of Joliet” with “Credible Allegations and Canonical Process Pending,” the Diocese of Peoria’s list of “Priests Removed from Ministry Due to Abuse of Minor” and the Diocese of Rockford’s list of “Religious Order Priests/Brothers or Priests of another diocese, who worked within the geographical boundaries of the Rockford Diocese or were assigned in this Diocese, against whom a substantiated allegation of sexual abuse of a minor has been reported.” At some point, Fr. Virtue was purportedly in the process of being laicized. Fr. Virtue’s status as a priest, his whereabouts, and whether he has had access to children from 2007 through the present are unknown. Fr. Oliver T. Walsh Ordained, 1960 Notes: Fr. Oliver T. Wash was a native of Ireland who was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Joliet in 1960. Credible allegations of sexual abuse of a minor were made against Fr. Storm after his death. Fr. Walsh was named on the Diocese of Joliet’s list of “Diocesan Priests with Credible Allegation(s) of Sexual Misconduct with Minors Made Against Them While Serving in the Diocese of Joliet” with “Credible Allegations But Unresolved.” Assignments: 1961-1965 St. Isaac Jogues, Hindsdale, IL (JOL) 1971 Mary, Queen of Heaven, Elmhurst, IL (JOL) 1966 St. Theresa, Itasca, IL (JOL) 1972-1975 St. Peter’s, Piper City, IL (JOL) 1967-1970 St. Joseph’s, Bradley, IL (JOL) 1975 Died Fr. Myles P. White Ordained, 1968 Notes: Fr. Myles P. White was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Joliet in 1968. At least five survivors have accused Fr. White of child sexual abuse. In 1992, Fr. White’s abusive behavior first came to light after he accidentally donated a video tape to a garage sale which contained a video of him sexually abusing a 14-year-old boy. Fr. White was subsequently removed from ministry. In 1993, Fr. White pled guilty to child sexual abuse and was sentenced to four years in prison, but only served 21 months. In 1995, a lawsuit was filed against Fr. White which accused him of sexually abusing a boy at St. Boniface from 1982 to 1988, when the boy was 6 to 12 years old. Since then, five other lawsuits have been filed that accuse Fr. White of child sexual abuse. Fr. White was named on the Diocese of Joliet’s list of Diocese of Joliet’s list of “Diocesan Priests with Credible Allegation(s) of Sexual Misconduct with Minors Made Against Them While Serving in the Diocese of Joliet” with “Substantiated Allegations.” Fr. White’s last known address was believed to be in Indiana, but his current status as a priest, his whereabouts, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1969-1972 St. Isaac Jogues, Hinsdale, IL (JOL) 1990-1991 St. Martin of Tours, Itasca, IL (JOL) 1973-1974 Sacred Heart, Lombard, IL (JOL) 1992 St. Martin of Tours, Kankakee, IL (JOL) 1975-1978 Notre Dame, Clarendon Hills, IL (JOL) 1993 Unknown 1979-1988 St. Boniface, Monee, IL (JOL) 1994 Absent on Leave (JOL) 1989 St. Martin of Tours, Kankakee, IL (JOL) 1995-2019 Unknown Assignments: 92 1976-1977 St. Mary Magdalene, Joliet, IL (JOL) 1997-1999 St. Theresa’s, Earlville, IL (PEO) 1978-1980 St. Dominic, Bolingbrook, IL (JOL) 2000 Mount St. Mary’s Seminary, Emmitsburg, MD (BAL) 1981 St. Mary Nativity, Joliet, IL (JOL) 2000-2001 On Duty Outside the Diocese (PEO); Congregation of the Oratory 1982 St. Mary, Mokena, IL (JOL) 2001-2002 On Duty Outside the Diocese (PEO); Mount St. Mary’s Seminary, Emmitsburg, MD 1983-1986 Sacred Heart, Joliet, IL (JOL) 2002 Sacred Heart, Farmer City, IL (PEO) 1987-1988 On Duty Outside the Diocese (JOL); Sacred Heart, Campus, IL (PEO) 2003 On Duty Outside the Diocese (PEO); St. Flannen, Harmon, IL (RCK) 1989-1990 Unknown 2004-2005 On Duty Outside the Diocese (PEO); Diocese of Rockford 1991 Sacre Coeur, Creve Coeur, IL (PEO) 2004-2006 St. James, Lee, IL (RCK) 1992 St. Joseph’s Nursing Home, Lacon, IL (PEO) 2006 St. Theresa’s, Earlville, IL (PEO) 1993-1996 Sacred Heart, Campus, IL (PEO) 2007-2019 Unknown 1994-1996 St. Mary’s, Loretto, IL (PEO) • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 93 Those Accused of Sexual Abuse in the Diocese of Peoria • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising 95 Fr. John C. Anderson Ordained, 1959 Notes: Allegations of child sexual abuse by Fr. John C. Anderson first surfaced in 1993, but he was not removed from ministry until 2002. In a 2018 lawsuit, Fr. Anderson was accused of abusing a child from 1979 to 1984 at St. Edward’s in Chillicothe. As of 2018, Fr. Anderson was living at the Westminster Village Retirement Community in Bloomington and conducting evening prayer. Fr. Anderson was included in the Diocese of Peoria’s list of “Priests Removed from Ministry Due to Allegations of Abuse of a Minor.” Fr. Anderson was believed to be residing in Bloomington, Illinois as of 2007. His whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1959-1965 St. Catherine, Aledo, IL (PEO) 1993-1995 Director of Holy Childhood Association and Mission Co-op Program (PEO) 1965-1971 St. Mary, Canton, IL (PEO) 1993-2002 Director of Propagation of the Faith and Diocesan Director of Cemeteries (PEO) 1971-1973 St. Rose, Rushville, IL (PEO) 1995-2002 Executive Director King’s House of Retreats (PEO) 1973-1984 St. Edward, Chillicothe, IL (PEO) 2000-2002 St. Joseph’s Home of Peoria, West Peoria, IL (PEO) 1985-1993 St. Philomena, Peoria, IL (PEO) 2002 Retired 1991-1993 Vicar of Northwest Peoria Vicariate (PEO) 2002-2019 Unknown Msgr. Charles J. Beebe Ordained, 1970 Assignments: 1970-1973 St. Joseph, Perkins, IL; St. Bernard, Peoria, IL (PEO) 1999-2003 St. Philomena, Peoria, IL (PEO) 1974-1984 Academy of Our Lady-Spalding Institute, Peoria, IL (PEO) 2003-2016 St. Joseph, Roanoke, IL; St. John, Benson, IL (PEO) 1985-1987 Unknown 2011-2016 Diocesan Offices 1988-1991 Peoria Notre Dame, Peoria, IL (PEO) 2016 Senior Priest Status 1991-1993 Sacre Coeur & Sacre Coeur School, Creve Coeur; Diocesan Offices 2017-2019 Unknown 1993-1999 Episcopal Vicar for Permanent Diaconate 96 1955-1959 St. Patrick, Urbana, IL (PEO) 1982-1986 St. Mary, Henry, IL (PEO) 1960-1963 St. Joseph, Pekin, IL (PEO) 1987-2000 St. Joseph, Henry, IL (PEO) 1964-1967 St. Anthony, Atkinson, IL (PEO) 1990-1999 St. Mary, Henry, IL (PEO) 1968-1973 St. Augustine, St. Augustine, IL (PEO) 2001-2005 Retired (PEO) 1974-1979 St. Mary, Henry, IL (PEO) 2009 Died 1980-1981 St. Joseph, Henry, IL (PEO) Notes: Fr. Edward E. Bush taught in Peoria at the Academy of Our Lady from 1957 until 1964, and at Bergan High School from 1964 until 1976, while he worked as assistant pastor at St. Thomas Parish. In approximately 1964 or 1965, Fr. Bush allegedly sexually abused a student at St. Thomas Catholic School in Peoria Heights. In 2002, Fr. Bush was removed from public ministry and retired. After retiring, he resided at St. Anthony’s Rehabilitation and Nursing Center in Rock Island. Fr. Bush has been named in at least one sexual abuse lawsuit. Fr. Bush was included in the Diocese of Peoria’s list of “Priests Removed from Ministry Due to Allegations of Abuse of a Minor.” Fr. Bush’s whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he had access to children from 2006 until his death in 2011 are unknown. Assignments: 1958-1981 St. Thomas, Peoria Heights, IL (PEO) 2004-2005 Retired (PEO) 1982-1983 Sacred Heart, Moline, IL (PEO) 2006-2011 Unknown 1984-2002 St. Patrick, Colona, IL (PEO) 2011 Died 2003 Unknown Ordained, 1984 Notes: Fr. Terry Cassidy took leaves of absence in 1989 and in 1992. Beginning in 2006, while he was assigned to St. Ann in Peoria, Fr. Cassidy worked as spiritual advisor for the Teens Encounter Christ and Cursillo programs. In 2015, the Diocese of Peoria removed Fr. Cassidy from public ministry after he was accused of engaging in sexual misconduct with a minor nearly 30 years earlier. Fr. Cassidy was included in the Diocese of Peoria’s list of “Priests Removed from Ministry Due to Allegations of Abuse of a Minor.” Fr. Cassidy was believed to be residing in Peoria as of January 2019. His whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1985-1987 Christ the King, Moline, IL (PEO) 1996 Unknown 1988-1989 St. Catherine, Aledo, IL (PEO) 1997-1999 St. Joseph, Chenoa, IL (PEO) 1990 St. Mark, Peoria, IL (PEO) 2000 Unknown 1991-1992 St. Edward, Chillicothe, IL (PEO) 2001-2015 St. Ann, Peoria, IL (PEO) 1993-1994 Unknown 2016-2019 Unknown 1995 St. Jude, Peoria, IL (PEO) Fr. Louis M. Condon Ordained, 1954 Notes: Fr. Walter A. Breuning retired in 1999 and was removed from public ministry in 2002 in the wake of allegations that he had sexually abused a child 20 to 40 years earlier. Fr. Breuning has been named in at least three civil lawsuits, one of which was filed by two brothers who accused Fr. Breuning of sexually abusing them in the late 1960s to the early 1970s. Fr. Breuning was included in the Diocese of Peoria’s list of “Priests Removed from Ministry Due to Allegations of Abuse of a Minor.” He is believed to have died in 2009. Assignments: Ordained, 1957 Fr. Terry Cassidy Notes: In 2018, a man filed a lawsuit alleging that he was sexually abused by Msgr. Charles J. Beebe in 1981 as a 15-yearold student at the Academy of Our Lady/Spalding Institute. The man alleged he had reported the abuse to Bishop Daniel Jenky of the Diocese of Peoria after the abuse occurred, but was ignored. After the lawsuit was filed, law enforcement was contacted and Msgr. Beebe was placed on leave while an investigation took place. The Diocesan Review Commission deemed the allegation “unsubstantiated” and Msgr. Beebe was reinstated. His whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Fr. Walter A. Breuning (Bruening) Fr. Edward E. Bush Ordained, 1948 Notes: Fr. Louis M. Condon retired in approximately 1986. He was later removed from active ministry due to circumstances unrelated to sexual misconduct allegations. In 2005, Fr. Condon was named in a child sexual abuse lawsuit that accused him of sexually abusing a female student at St. Mary’s Catholic School in Lincoln from approximately 1958 to 1960. In 2007, Fr. Condon was named in two additional child sexual abuse lawsuits, one of which alleged that he sexually abused a boy at St. Mary’s in Lincoln from 1959 to 1960, while the other alleged that he sexually abused a boy at St. Mary’s in Delavan in the 1960s. Fr. Condon was included in the Diocese of Peoria’s list of “Priests Removed from Ministry Due to Allegations of Abuse of a Minor.” Fr. Condon was believed to be residing in Clarkston, Michigan in 2007. His whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he had access to children from 1986 until his death in 2009 are unknown. Assignments: 1949 St. Louis, Princeton, IL (PEO) 1977-1978 Sacred Heart, Moline, IL (PEO) 1950-1952 Sacred Heart, Rock Island, IL (PEO) 1979-1980 Holy Trinity, Bloomington, IL (PEO) 1953-1960 St. Mary, Lincoln, IL (PEO) 1981-1982 Unknown 1961-1962 St. Rose, Rushville, IL (PEO) 1983-1985 St. Margaret’s Hospital, Spring Valley, IL (PEO) 1963-1965 Immaculate Conception, Delavan, IL (PEO) 1986-1989 Unknown 1966-1971 St. Mary, Delavan, IL (PEO) 1990-2002 Retired (P.O. Box 10319; 3538 70th St., Moline, 61265) (PEO) 1972 St. Joseph, Kewanee, IL (PEO) 2003-2009 Unknown 1973-1976 Absent on leave (PEO) 2009 Died • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 97 Fr. Robert J. Creager Ordained, 1954 Notes: In 2002, the Diocese of Peoria removed Fr. Robert J. Creager from public ministry after he was accused of engaging in sexual misconduct with minors. Fr. Creager was included in the Diocese of Peoria’s list of “Priests Removed from Ministry Due to Allegations of Abuse of a Minor.” Fr. Creager’s whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he had access to children from 2006 until his death in 2008 are unknown. Assignments: Ordained, 1962 Notes: In 1993, at least five individuals accused Fr. William Harbert of sexually abusing them when they were children. The allegations dated back to the late 1960s to 1980s when Fr. Harbert worked at churches in Pekin, Rock Island, Moline, and Walnut. The Diocese of Peoria removed Fr. Harbert from public ministry in the wake of the allegations. Fr. Harbert was sent to the Isaac Ray Center in Chicago, which is associated with the Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke’s Medical Center, an institution known for treating priests accused of child sexual abuse. The Diocese also sent Fr. Harbert to a psychotherapist for intensive therapy. Fr. Harbert was named in at least two child sexual abuse lawsuits. Fr. Harbert was included in the Diocese of Peoria’s list of “Priests Removed from Ministry Due to Allegations of Abuse of a Minor.” Fr. Harbert was believed to be residing in Galesburg as of 1993. His whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he had access to children from 1993 until his death in 2003 are unknown. 1955-1960 Sacred Heart, Moline, IL (PEO) 1984-1985 Unknown 1961 U.S. Navy Chaplin (PEO) 1986-1999 St. Patrick, Ottawa, IL (PEO) 1962-1964 St. Malachy, Geneseo, IL (PEO) 2000-2005 Retired (823 Canal St., Ottawa, IL 61350) (PEO) 1965-1969 St. Mary, Keithsburg, IL (PEO) 2006-2008 Unknown 1963-1966 Holy Trinity, Bloomington, IL (PEO) 1982-1986 Immaculate Conception, Ohio, IL (PEO) Died 1967-1970 St. Joseph, Pekin, IL (PEO) 1987-1988 St. John, Walnut, IL (PEO) 1971 St. Thomas, Peoria Heights, IL (PEO) 1989-1992 Immaculate Conception, Ohio, IL (PEO) 1972-1973 St. Joseph, Rock Island, IL (PEO) 1990-1992 St. John, Walnut, IL (PEO) 1974 St. Rose, Rushville, IL (PEO) 1993-2002 Unknown 1975-1976 Christ the King, Moline, IL (PEO) 2003 Died 1977-1981 St. Mary, Keithsburg, IL (PEO) 1970-1974 Immaculate Conception, Pesotum, IL (PEO) 1975-1983 St. John the Baptist, Clinton, IL (PEO) 2008 Fr. Francis (Frank) Engels Ordained, 1962 Notes: In 1993, Fr. Francis (Frank) Engels was accused of sexually abusing children in the 1970s and 1980s. Fr. Engels acknowledged that he had had a sexual encounter with one of his accusers, but claimed his accuser was over 18 years old when the incident occurred. In 1993, the Diocese of Peoria removed Fr. Engels from ministry and placed him in therapy. In 2004, Fr. Engels entered an Alford plea to criminal sexual abuse of a minor in Wisconsin, following a civil lawsuit alleging the abuse occurred in both Illinois and Wisconsin. At the time of the alleged abuse, Fr. Engels was assigned within the Diocese of Peoria. In 2005, Fr. Engels was sentenced to ten years in a Wisconsin prison. Fr. Engels was included in the Diocese of Peoria’s list of “Priests Removed from Ministry Due to Allegations of Abuse of a Minor.” Fr. Engels is a registered sex offender and is believed to be residing in Kewanee as of 2019. Assignments: Assignments: Fr. George H. Hiland Ordained, 1958 Notes: Fr. George H. Hiland was accused of engaging in sexual misconduct with a minor approximately 50 years ago when he worked at St. Stephen in Streator. Fr. Hiland was removed from public ministry and included in the Diocese of Peoria’s list of “Priests Removed from Ministry Due to Allegations of Abuse of a Minor.” As of 2014, Fr. Hiland was believed to be residing in Sebastian, Florida. His current whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he has access to children are unknown. 1963-1965 St. John, Champaign, IL (PEO) 1977-1986 St. John, Woodhull, IL (PEO) 1966-1967 St. Mary, Champaign, IL (PEO) 1987-1993 Sacred Heart, Annawan, IL (PEO) 1968 St. Mary’s Hospital, Galesburg, IL (PEO) 1994-2002 Absent on Leave (PEO) 1959-1971 St. Stephen, Streator, IL (PEO) 1995-1996 Unknown 1972-1976 St. Patrick, Arlington, IL (PEO) 1997-2004 Retired (374 Benchopst, Sebastian, FL 32958) (PEO) 1977-1992 St. John the Baptist, Fairbury, IL (PEO) 2005-2019 Unknown 1993-1994 St. Patrick, Dwight, IL (PEO) 1969-1970 St. Joseph, Pekin, IL (PEO) 2003 Unknown 1971-1973 St. Columba, Ottawa, IL (PEO) 2004-2005 Retired (PEO) 1974-1976 St. Joseph, Chenoa, IL (PEO) 2006-2019 Unknown Msgr. Norman D. Goodman Ordained, 1960 Notes: In 1997, Msgr. Norman D. Goodman retired after he was accused of sexually abusing multiple children. In 1999, the Diocese of Peoria settled with 13 former altar boys who alleged that they were sexually abused by Msgr. Goodman, mostly in the 1980s. In 2002, the Diocese of Peoria placed Msgr. Goodman on permanent leave. Msgr. Goodman has been named in several sexual abuse lawsuits. Msgr. Goodman was included in the Diocese of Peoria’s list of “Priests Removed from Ministry Due to Allegations of Abuse of a Minor.” Msgr. Goodman’s whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he had access to children from 2006 until his death in 2013 are unknown. Assignments: 98 Fr. William Harbert 1961-1963 Sacred Heart, Moline, IL (PEO) 1964-1978 St. Patrick, Lincoln, IL (PEO) 1979-1997 Holy Family, Lincoln, IL (PEO) 1998 Presbyteral Council, Peoria, IL (PEO) 1999-2005 Retired (PEO) 2006-2013 Unknown 2013 Died Assignments: Fr. William Iserman Ordained, 1956 Notes: Fr. William Iserman served at multiple parishes throughout the Diocese of Peoria before being removed from ministry in 1993. Fr. Iserman is included in the Diocese of Peoria’s list of “Priests Removed from Ministry Due to Allegations of Abuse of a Minor.” Assignments: 1957-1958 St. Patrick’s Church, Washington, IL (PEO) 1973-1974 St. Joseph’s, Peoria, IL (PEO) 1959 St. Patrick’s Church, Ottawa, IL (PEO) 1975-1977 St. John Church, Cullom, IL (PEO) 1960 St. Anthony’s, Hoopeston, IL (PEO) 1978-1992 St. Patrick’s Church, Dwight, IL (PEO) 1961-1962 Holy Trinity, Moline, IL (PEO) 1993-1994 Retired (804 E Kerr Ave., Urbana, IL) (PEO) 1963 Absent on leave 1995 2213 Calibrie Creek Pkwy, Roswell, GA (ATL) 1964 Saints Peter and Paul Church, Leonore, IL (PEO) 1996 Ashton Wood Nursing Home, Atlanta, GA (ATL) 1965 Immaculate Conception, Streator, IL (PEO) 1997 Retired (Livingston Manor, Pontiac, IL) (PEO) 1966-1972 Unknown 1998 Died • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 99 Fr. Duane Leclercq Ordained, 1964 Notes: In 2018, Fr. Duane Leclercq was removed from public ministry after he was accused of sexually abusing a minor 30 years earlier. The Diocese of Peoria deemed the allegation credible. Fr. Leclercq is included in the Diocese of Peoria’s list of “Priests Removed from Ministry Due to Allegations of Abuse of a Minor.” Fr. Leclercq’s whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: Fr. Thomas R. Miller Ordained, 1979 Notes: In 2004, a man alleged that Fr. Thomas R. Miller sexually abused him as a minor in 1979 at Holy Trinity in Bloomington. After the allegation surfaced, other survivors came forward and accused Fr. Miller of sexually abusing them as children. In 2004, the Diocese of Peoria placed Fr. Miller on leave and in 2006, he was laicized. Fr. Miller is included in Diocese of Peoria’s list of “Priests Removed from Ministry Due to Allegations of Abuse of a Minor.” His whereabouts and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1965-1968 Holy Trinity, Bloomington, IL (PEO) 1983 St. Patrick, La Salle, IL (PEO) 1969-1971 St. Mark, Peoria, IL (PEO) 1984-1989 St. John the Baptist, Clinton, IL (PEO) 1980-1983 Holy Trinity, Bloomington, IL (PEO) 1995-2006 St. Vincent De Paul, Peoria, IL (PEO) St. Theresa, Earlville, IL (PEO) 1984-1988 Schlarman High School, Danville, IL (PEO) 2007-2019 Unknown 1989-1994 St. Bernard’s, Peoria, IL (PEO) 1972-1973 1990-1991 St. Mary, Moline, IL (PEO) 1974-1976 St. Vincent de Paul, Peoria, IL (PEO) 1992-1994 St. Boniface, Peoria, IL (PEO) 1977-1979 Sacre Coeur, Creve Coeur, IL (PEO) 1995-2008 St. Patrick, La Salle, IL (PEO) 1980-1981 St. Edward, Chillicothe, IL (PEO) 2004-2008 Sacred Heart of Jesus, Granville, IL (PEO) 1982 Unknown 2009-2019 Unknown Fr. John M. Onderko Fr. Thomas W. Maloney Ordained, 1967 Notes: At least five survivors have accused Fr. Thomas W. Maloney of child sexual abuse. A lawsuit filed against Fr. Maloney claimed that he sexually abused an 8-year-old boy from approximately 1995 to 1996. The lawsuit also alleged that the Diocese of Peoria had received multiple claims of child sexual abuse by Fr. Maloney, the most recent being a year before the 8-year-old boy was abused, but the Diocese failed to investigate any of them. Fr. Maloney retired from the priesthood in 2002. His whereabouts and whether he had access to children from 2002 until his death in 2009 are unknown. Assignments: 1968 St. Mary’s Cathedral, Peoria, IL (PEO) 1996-2002 Epiphany, Normal, IL (PEO) 1969-1972 St. Patrick’s, Ottawa, IL (PEO) 2003-2006 Retired (Rt. 2, Box 35A, Lexington, IL) (PEO) 1973 St. Monica’s, East Peoria, IL (PEO) 2007-2009 Retired (23904 Dameron Rd, Lexington, IL) (PEO) 1974-1976 Epiphany, Normal, IL (PEO) 2009 Died 1977-1995 St. Joseph’s, Chenoa, IL (PEO) Notes: In 2018, Fr. John M. Onderko was removed from public ministry after he was accused of sexually abusing a minor in approximately 1963. The Diocese of Peoria deemed the allegation credible. Fr. Onderko is included in the Diocese of Peoria’s list of “Priests Removed from Ministry Due to Allegations of Abuse of a Minor.” His whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1963-1964 Sacre Couer, Creve Coeur, IL (PEO) 1994-2005 Resurrection, La Salle, IL (PEO) 1965-1979 St. Hyacinth’s, La Salle, IL (PEO) 2006-2009 Retired (St. Pius X, Rock Island, IL) (PEO) 1980-1981 Holy Cross, Mendota, IL (PEO) 2006-2016 Retired (2200 36th St, Rock Island, IL) (PEO) 1982-1992 St. Mary’s, Moline, IL (PEO) 2017-2019 Unknown 1993 Absent on Leave (PEO) Fr. Toussaint J. Perron, W.F. Fr. Frank R. Martinez, Jr. Ordained, 1982 Notes: Fr. Frank Martinez Jr.’s two-decade tenure in the priesthood consists of short assignments, punctuated by leaves of absence. The first leave of absence came after Fr. Martinez was accused of propositioning a 15-year-old boy in a Davenport motel room in 1986. Fr. Martinez was removed from ministry in 2004 and laicized in 2008. The same year he was laicized, the Diocese of Davenport included Fr. Martinez on a list of 24 priests credibly accused of sexual abuse. Assignments: 100 Ordained, 1962 Ordained, 1958 Notes: After working in the Diocese of Peoria for approximately two decades, Fr. Toussaint J. Perron, W.F. was removed from public ministry in 1992 after being accused of repeatedly sexually abusing a 14-year-old boy in the rectory at St. John’s in Walnut during the summer and fall of 1992. A few months later, in early 1993, Fr. Perron was found guilty of aggravated criminal sexual abuse and was sentenced to three years in prison. In 2005, Fr. Perron was accused in a civil lawsuit of sexually abusing a teenage boy while assigned to St. John’s in Galva between 1982 and 1984. The lawsuit subsequently settled. Fr. Perron is included in the Diocese of Peoria’s list of “Priests Removed from Ministry Due to Allegations of Abuse of a Minor.” His whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1959-1970 Unknown 1984-1986 St. John’s Church, Galva, IL (PEO) 1971 Church of the Resurrection, Lakeland, FL (ORL) 1987-1990 St. John’s Church, Woodhull, IL (PEO) 1983 Sacred Heart Cathedral, Davenport, IA (DAV) 1991-1995 Absent on Leave (DAV) 1972-1973 St. Anastasia, Fort Pierce, FL (ORL) 1990-1992 St. John’s Church, Galva, IL (PEO) 1984-1985 Sacred Heart Church, Lost Nation, IA (DAV) 1996-2001 St. Vincent Center, Davenport, IA (DAV) 1974 St. Pius X Church, Rock Island, IL (PEO) 1993 10/198511/1985 Leave of Absence – St. Mary Hospital, Decatur, IL 1997-2001 Special Assignment – 2706 N. Gaines St., Davenport, IA (DAV) Immaculate Conception Church, Ohio, IL; St. John’s Church, Walnut, IL (PEO) 1975-1978 St. Malachy Church, Genesco, IL (PEO) 1994-2019 Unknown 1986 St. Peter’s Church, Buffalo, IA (DAV) 2002-2003 On Duty Outside Diocese (DAV); St. Anthony’s Continuing Care Center, Rock Island, IL (PEO); St. Mary of the Angels Convent, Rock Island, IL (PEO) 1979-1983 St. Bernard Church, Bushnell, IL (PEO) 1987 Absent on Leave (DAV) 2004-2008 Unknown 1988 St. Francis Continuation Care and Nursing Home, Burlington, IA (DAV) 2008 Laicized 1989-1990 On Duty Outside Diocese (DAV) – St. Mary’s Pl., Rochester NY (ROC) 2009-2019 Unknown • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 101 Fr. Gordon J. Pillon Ordained, 1979 Notes: At least two people have accused Fr. Gordon J. Pillon of sexually abusing them as children. One of the survivors filed a lawsuit alleging that Fr. Pillon sexually abused him as a child at Our Lady of Guadalupe in La Habra, California from approximately 1978 to 1981. The Diocese of Peoria placed Fr. Pillon leave in the wake of the allegations. In 2009, Fr. Pillon was reportedly teaching at the University of Northern Virginia’s campus in Prague, Czech Republic. Fr. Pillon is included in the Diocese of Peoria’s list of “Priests Removed from Ministry Due to Allegations of Abuse of a Minor.” Fr. Pillon’s whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1980-1983 Our Lady of Guadalupe, La Habra, CA (ORG) 1998-1999 St. Joseph, Newton, NC (CHL) 1984-1987 St. Juliana Falconieri, Fullerton, CA (ORG) 2000 St. John’s Catholic Chapel, Champaign, IL (PEO) 1988-1989 St. Angela Merici, Brea, CA (ORG) 2001-2003 St. Patrick’s, Wapella, IL (PEO) 1990 St. Columban, Garden Grove, CA (ORG); St. Thomas, Peoria, IL (PEO) 2001-2004 St. John the Baptist, Clinton, IL (PEO) 1991-1993 On duty outside the Diocese (ORG) 2003 Sacred Heart, Farmer City, IL (PEO) 1991-1992 Newman Foundation at Bradley University & Illinois Central College (ORG) 2004-2006 Queen of the Holy Rosary, La Salle, IL; St. Hyacinth’s, La Salle, IL; St. Patrick’s, La Salle, IL (PEO) 1992 St. Peter’s, Peoria, IL (PEO) 2006 Resurrection, La Salle, IL (PEO) 1993-1996 St. Edward’s, Chillicothe, IL (PEO) 2007 Leave of Absence (PEO) 1997-1999 On duty Outside the Diocese, Diocese of Charlotte (PEO) 2008-2019 Unknown 1997 St. Vincent De Paul, Charlotte, NC (CHL) Fr. Samuel D. Pusateri, O.S.B. Ordained, 1979 Notes: In 1990, Fr. Samuel D. Pusateri, O.S.B. was accused and found guilty of sexually abusing a 17-year-old student at St. Bede Academy, where he worked as a teacher, chaplain, and counselor. In 1991, he was sentenced to six years in prison. Fr. Pusateri is included in the Diocese of Peoria’s list of “Priests Removed from Ministry Due to Allegations of Abuse of a Minor.” His whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1980-2002 St. Bede Abbey and Academy, Peru, IL (PEO) 2006-2007 Unknown 2003-2004 Unknown 2008-2018 St. Bede Abbey and Academy, Peru, IL (PEO) 2005 Awaiting Assignment (JOL) 2019 Unknown Fr. Kenneth J. Roberts Ordained, 1966 Notes: Fr. Kenneth J. Roberts, a native of England, was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Dallas in 1966. Fr. Roberts has been accused by at least seven survivors of child sexual abuse and named in several child sexual abuse lawsuits. Fr. Roberts allegedly sexually abused minors in Missouri, Illinois, and Texas. Fr. Roberts reportedly denied some of the allegations and was unsure of others because of alcohol-related blackouts. In approximately 1968, Fr. Roberts was reportedly forced out of parishes in Fort Worth and Garland and was sent by the Diocese of Dallas to a Missouri treatment center. In 1994, the Diocese of Dallas settled with a survivor of child sexual abuse allegedly perpetrated by Fr. Roberts. In 1995, Bishop Grahmann granted Fr. Roberts a medical retirement and removed him from all public ministry. In November 1998, Fr. Roberts was found to have disobeyed Bishop Grahmann’s order to end public ministry; he refused to end his Internet ministry for young Catholics contemplating religious careers. His priestly faculties were suspended as a result. In 2003, the Diocese of Dallas settled with additional survivors of child sexual abuse allegedly perpetrated by Fr. Roberts. Fr. Roberts is included in the Diocese of Dallas’ list of priests with credible allegations of sexual abuse of minors, as well as the Diocese of Peoria’s list of “Priests Removed from Ministry Due to Allegations of Abuse of a Minor.” Fr. Roberts’ whereabouts and whether he had access to children from 2000 until his death in 2018 are unknown. Assignments: Fr. Jerry (Jerome) R. Pilon Ordained, 1989 Notes: In 2009, Fr. Jerry (Jerome) R. Pilon was accused of sexually abusing a child approximately 12 years earlier. Fr. Pilon was removed from ministry in the wake of the allegation. The Diocese of Peoria claimed that the abuse did not occur within the Diocese. Fr. Pilon is included in the Diocese of Peoria’s list of “Priests Removed from Ministry Due to Allegations of Abuse of a Minor.” His whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1990-1991 Holy Family, Lincoln, IL (PEO) 1999-2009 St. Mary’s, Moline, IL (PEO) 1992 Holy Cross, Mendota, IL (PEO) 2010-2019 Unknown 1993-1998 St. Anthony’s, Hoopeston, IL (PEO) Fr. Gregory J. Plunkett 1967 St. Andrew, Fort Worth, TX; Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX (DAL) 1989-1992 In Residence, St. Angela Merici, Florissant, MO (STL) 1968 Good Shepherd, Garland, TX (DAL) 1999 Retired (DAL) – P.O. Box 153, Florissant, MO 63031 1969-1973 Absent on Leave (DAL) 2000-2002 Retired (DAL) 1974-1979 On Duty Outside the Diocese (DAL) – 2055 Huntington, Florissant, MO 63033 2003-2016 Unknown 1980-1984 On Duty Outside the Diocese (DAL) – 2705 Mullanphy Ln, Florissant, MO 63031 2017 On Leave of Absence (DAL) 1985-1986 On Duty Outside the Diocese (DAL) – St. Angela Merici Church, 3860 N Hwy 67, Florissant, MO 63031 2018 Died 1987-1998 On Duty Outside the Diocese (DAL) – 611 Rosetta, Florissant, MO 63031 Ordained, 1988 Notes: In 2002, Fr. Plunkett was accused of sexually abusing a child nearly 20 years earlier in Cambridge, Illinois. Fr. Plunkett was subsequently removed from public ministry in 2002. In 2004, Fr. Plunkett’s accuser filed and later settled a lawsuit related to Fr. Plunkett’s alleged abuse. In 2003, Fr. Plunkett was criminally charged with sexually abusing a 13-year-old boy, but was found not guilty. Fr. Plunkett is included in the Diocese of Peoria’s list of “Priests Removed from Ministry Due to Allegations of Abuse of a Minor.” His whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he had access to children from 2003 until his death in 2011 are unknown. Assignments: 102 1989-1990 St. Columba’s, Ottawa, IL (PEO) 2003-2010 Unknown 1991-1995 Immaculate Conception, Carthage, IL (PEO) 2011 Died 1996-2002 St. Catherine’s, Aledo, IL (PEO) • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 103 Fr. Ronald W. Roth Ordained, 1966 Notes: In 1993, Fr. Ronald W. Roth was named in a child sexual abuse lawsuit filed in New Mexico. Between approximately 1968 and 1972, Fr. Roth allegedly sexually abused three boys and a girl while he worked at St. Anne in Tucumcari and St. Therese of the Infant Jesus in Albuquerque, New Mexico. In April 1993, Diocese of Peoria Bishop John Myers removed Fr. Roth from ministry after the Diocese became aware of the lawsuit. In 2018, Fr. Roth was named in another child sexual abuse lawsuit. In approximately the spring of 1971, Fr. Roth allegedly sexually abused a 14-year-old boy at St. Therese of the Infant Jesus in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Fr. Roth is included in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe’s list of “Priests, Deacons, & Religious Accused of Sexual Abuse of Children.” He is also included in the Diocese of Peoria’s list of “Priests Removed from Ministry Due to Allegations of Abuse of a Minor.” Fr. Roth’s whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he had access to children from 1991 until his death in 2009 are unknown. Assignments: 1967 Holy Family, Oglesby, IL (PEO) 1977 Director, Good Shepherd Apostolic House of Prayer, Urbana, IL (PEO) 1968 St. John’s, Peoria, IL (PEO) 1978 St. Patrick, Ransom, IL (PEO) 1969 On Duty Outside the Diocese (PEO) – Archdiocese of Santa Fe, St. Anne, Tucumcari, NM 88401 1979 Unknown 1970-1971 On Duty Outside the Diocese (PEO) – Archdiocese of Santa Fe, St. Therese of the Infant Jesus, Albuquerque, NM 87107 1980-1981 Special Assignment (PEO) – St. Augustine Manor, 1301 N.E. Glendale, Peoria, 61603 1972-1973 Unknown 1982-1983 Absent on Leave (PEO) 1974 In Residence, Sacre Coeur, Creve Coeur, IL (PEO) 1984-1990 St. John the Baptist, Lostant, IL (PEO) 1975 St. Philomena’s, Peoria, IL (PEO) 1991-2009 Unknown 1976 Absent on Leave (PEO) – P.O. Box 203, Peoria, 61601 2009 Died Fr. John B. Turnbull, O.F.M. Ordained, 1955 Notes: Fr. John B. Turnbull, O.F.M. was accused of sexually abusing a child in the 1970s at St. Anthony in Streator. In 2005, in the wake of the allegation, Fr. Turnbull was placed on administrative leave. As of January 2019, Fr. Turnbull was reportedly living at StoneBridge at Winton Woods, a Franciscan retirement community in Cincinnati. He is included in the Diocese of Peoria’s list of “Priests Removed from Ministry Due to Allegations of Abuse of a Minor.” Fr. Turnbull’s whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1956-1957 St. Lawrence, Lafayette, IN (LFT) 1993 Unknown 1958-1962 St. Boniface’s, Peoria, IL (PEO) 1994-2002 St. Francis of Assisi, Centerville, OH (CIN) 1963-1965 St. Boniface, Lafayette, IN (LFT) 2003 Holy Family, Oldenburg, IN (IND) 1966-1978 St. Louis, Batesville, IN (IND) 2003-2005 Motherhouse of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis, Oldenburg, IN (IND) 1979-1984 St. Anthony of Padua, Streator, IL (PEO) 2006-2019 Unknown 1985-1992 St. Clement, Cincinnati, OH; St. Clement Friary, Cincinnati, OH (CIN) Fr. Michael R. Van Acker Ordained, 1981 Notes: In 2002, Fr. Michael R. Van Acker was removed from ministry after he was accused of child sexual abuse dating back to the 1980s. Fr. Van Acker is included in the Diocese of Peoria’s list of “Priests Removed from Ministry Due to Allegations of Abuse of a Minor.” Fr. Van Acker’s whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: Fr. Richard Slavish Ordained, 1959 Notes: In 2002, Fr. Richard Slavish was asked to step down due to allegations of child sexual misconduct. He retired later that year. Fr. Slavish was included in the Diocese of Peoria’s list of “Priests Removed from Ministry Due to Allegations of Abuse of a Minor.” Fr. Slavish’s whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he has access to children are unknown. 1982 Holy Trinity, Bloomington, IL (PEO) 1990-1992 St. Patrick’s, Andalusia, IL (PEO) 1983-1986 Central Catholic High School, Bloomington, IL (PEO) 1993 Graduate Studies (PEO) 1987-1988 Bergan High School, Peoria, IL (PEO) 1994-2002 St. Mary Medical Center, Galesburg, IL (PEO) 1989 St. Pius X, Rock Island, IL (PEO) 2003-2019 Unknown Assignments: 1960-1967 Immaculate Heart of Mary, Galesburg, IL (PEO) 1993-1994 Saints Peter and Paul, Nauvoo, IL (PEO) 1968 Sacred Heart, Moline, IL (PEO) 1995-1996 St. Francis of Assisi, Kewanee, IL (PEO) 1969-1971 Chaplain, State Hospital, East Moline, IL (PEO) 1997-2002 St. Anthony’s, Matherville, IL (PEO) 1972-1992 St. Theresa’s, Alexis, IL (PEO) 2003-2019 Unknown Fr. Bernard (B.J.) Tomaszewski Ordained, 1924 Notes: According to the Diocese of Peoria, Fr. Bernard Tomaszewski was removed from ministry in 1946. In 2019, Fr. Tomaszewski was added to the Diocese of Peoria’s list of “Priests Removed from Ministry Due to Allegations of Abuse of a Minor.” Fr. Tomaszewski is believed to be deceased. His whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he had access to children from 1944 until his death are unknown. Assignments: 104 1925-1926 Our Lady of Lourdes, Gibson City, IL (PEO) 1937 Colfax Township (Seymour P.O.), IL (PEO) 1927 206 Howard St., Saginaw, MI (GR) 1938-1941 St. Boniface Church, Seymour, IL (PEO) 1928-1934 St. Valentine’s, Peru, IL (PEO) 1942 927 10th St, La Salle, IL (PEO) 1935 St. Elizabeth’s, Thomasboro, IL (PEO) 1943 Absent on Leave 1936 Tolono, IL (PEO) 1944-2019 Unknown Fr. William D. Virtue Ordained, 1975 Notes: Fr. Virtue was ordained for the Diocese of Joliet in 1975. The first reports of child sexual abuse by Fr. Virtue came in 1984. By 1986, Fr. Virtue had left the Diocese of Joliet and was incardinated into the Diocese of Peoria. In 2006, a lawsuit filed against Fr. Virtue alleged that he repeatedly sexually abused a 10-year-old boy at St. Mary’s in Mokena in 1981. Fr. Virtue was subsequently removed from public ministry in the Diocese of Peoria. In 2007, Fr. Virtue was reportedly working in the Diocese of Rockford but was removed from all public ministry by 2009. Fr. Virtue was named on the Diocese of Joliet’s list of “Diocesan Priests with Credible Allegation(s) of Sexual Misconduct with Minors Made Against Them While Serving in the Diocese of Joliet” with “Credible Allegations and Canonical Process Pending,” the Diocese of Peoria’s list of “Priests Removed from Ministry Due to Abuse of Minor” and the Diocese of Rockford’s list of “Religious Order Priests/Brothers or Priests of another diocese, who worked within the geographical boundaries of the Rockford Diocese or were assigned in this Diocese, against whom a substantiated allegation of sexual abuse of a minor has been reported.” Fr. Virtue was purportedly in the process of being laicized. Fr. Virtue’s status as a priest, his whereabouts, and whether he has access to children from 2007 through the present are unknown. Assignments: 1976-1977 St. Mary Magdalene, Joliet, IL (JOL) 1994-1996 St. Mary’s, Loretto, IL (PEO) 1978-1980 St. Dominic, Bolingbrook, IL (JOL) 1997-1999 St. Theresa’s, Earlvile, IL (PEO) 1981 St. Mary Nativity, Joliet, IL (JOL) 2000 Mount St. Mary’s Seminary, Emmitsburg, MD (BAL) 1982 St. Mary, Mokena, IL (JOL) 2000-2001 On Duty Outside the Diocese (PEO); Congregation of the Oratory 1983-1986 Sacred Heart, Joliet, IL (JOL) 2001-2002 On Duty Outside the Diocese (PEO); Mount St. Mary’s Seminary, Emmitsburg, MD 1987-1988 On Duty Outside of the Diocese (JOL) 2002 Sacred Heart, Farmer City, IL (PEO) 1987-1988 Sacred Heart, Campus, IL (PEO) 2003 On Duty Outside the Diocese (PEO); St. Flannen, Harmon, IL (RCK) 1989-1990 Unknown 2004-2005 On Duty Outside the Diocese (PEO); Diocese of Rockford 1991 Sacre Coeur, Creve Coeur, IL (PEO) 2004-2006 St. James, Lee, IL (RCK) 1992 St. Joseph’s Nursing Home, Lacon, IL (PEO) 2006 St. Theresa’s, Earlville, IL (PEO) 1993-1996 Sacred Heart, Campus, IL (PEO) 2007-2019 Unknown • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 105 Those Accused of Sexual Abuse in the Diocese of Rockford • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising 107 Fr. Alfredo Pedraza Arias Ordained, 1992 Fr. Harlan B. Clapsaddle Ordained, 1977 Notes: In 2013, Fr. Alfredo Pedraza-Arias moved from Colombia to Illinois to work within the Diocese of Rockford. In October 2014, the Rockford diocese removed Fr. Pedraza-Arias from ministry while he was under investigation for two allegations of child sexual abuse. In February 2016, Fr. Pedraza-Arias was arrested and charged with two counts of aggravated criminal sexual abuse of a minor under the age of 13. He allegedly sexually abused two girls, under the age of 6, while he worked at Sacred Heart in Aurora, Illinois. In February 2018, Fr. Pedraza-Arias pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor and was not required to register as a sex offender. He was sentenced to 205 days in county jail with credit for time served. Fr. Pedraza-Arias was released to the custody of Immigration and Customs Enforcement authorities the day after he was sentenced. On February 26, 2018, Fr. Pedraza-Arias was deported back to Colombia. His status as a priest, whereabouts, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Notes: In January 1997, the Diocese of Rockford removed Fr. Harlan B. Clapsaddle from St. Anne’s in Dixon, Illinois, after allegations of child sexual abuse were made against him. In approximately the late 1970s, Fr. Clapsaddle is alleged to have sexually abused three brothers while he worked as a deacon at St. James in Rockford. The Rockford diocese found the allegations credible and sent Fr. Clapsaddle to treatment before he was reassigned to minister to the elderly at Provena Cor Mariae Center in Rockford. In 2002, the allegations against Fr. Clapsaddle were made public. On May 3, 2002, Fr. Clapsaddle resigned from his sacramental ministry position at Provena Cor Mariae Center and was transferred by the Diocese to an undisclosed location to stay with friends. In 2018, Fr. Clapsaddle was included in the Diocese of Rockford’s list of “priests against whom a substantiated allegation of sexual abuse of a minor has been reported.” From 2002 to the present, Fr. Clapsaddle’s status as a priest, whereabouts, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: Assignments: 1993-2013 Unknown (Colombia) 2015 Special Assignment; St. Mary, DeKalb, IL (RCK) 1978 St. Mary Church, McHenry, IL (RCK) 2000-2002 Provena Cor Mariae Center, Rockford, IL (RCK) 2014 Sacred Heart, Aurora, IL (RCK) 2016-2019 Unknown 1979-1981 St. Thomas More Church, Elgin, IL (RCK) 2003-2009 Unknown 1982-1987 St. Edward Central Catholic High School, Elgin, IL (RCK) 2010-2017 Retired (RCK) 1988-1997 St. Anne Church, Dixon, IL (RCK) 2018-2019 Unknown 1998-1999 Unknown Fr. James D. Campbell, M.S.C. Ordained, 1972 Notes: Fr. James Campbell was removed from ministry in May 2002. He was indicted in 2003 and convicted in 2004 on charges of rape, assault and battery, furnishing alcohol to a minor and committing an unnatural and lascivious act after he pleaded guilty to raping two adolescent males. The sexual abuse took place in Uxbridge, Massachusetts. At the time, Fr. Campbell was assigned to St. Joseph Church in West Warwick, Rhode Island. Fr. Campbell was sentenced to 90 days in jail and 10 years of probation. He was laicized in March 2005. In 2018, Fr. Campbell was included on the Diocese of Rockford’s list of Religious Order Priests/Brothers or Priests of another diocese, who worked within the geographical boundaries of the Rockford Diocese or were assigned in this Diocese, against whom a substantiated allegation of sexual abuse of a minor has been reported. Assignments: Fr. Thomas Considine Ordained, 1966 Notes: In April 1980, the Rockford diocese removed Fr. Thomas Considine from ministry. In 2018, Fr. Considine was included in the Diocese of Rockford’s list of “priests against whom a substantiated allegation of sexual abuse of a minor has been reported.” Fr. Considine’s whereabouts and whether he had access to children from 1978 until his death are unknown. Assignments: 1973-1974 Unknown 1992 Sacred Heart Monastery, Aurora, IL (RCK) 1975 Shelby Ohio Religious Center, Shelby, OH (TOL) 1993-2001 Missionaries of the Sacred Heart Community, Aurora, IL (RCK) 1976-1977 St. Joseph’s (Natick), West Warwick, RI (PRO) 2001-2002 Missionaries of the Sacred Heart Foreign Missions – Marshall Islands (FGM) 1978 St. Margaret Mary Parish, Bogota, Colombia (FGM) 2003 Sacred Heart Villa, Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, Center Valley, PA (ALN) 1979-1982 Unknown 2004-2007 Unknown 1983-1991 St. Therese of Jesus, Aurora, IL (RCK) 2007 Died 1967-1972 Cathedral Parish, Rockford, IL (RCK) 1980 Active Outside Diocese, Chaplain, U.S Marine Corps 1973-1976 St. Mary’s, DeKalb, IL (RCK) 1981-1984 Absent on Leave (RCK) 1977 St. Catherine Church, Freeport, IL (RCK) 1985-1987 Absent on Leave (RCK) 1978 On Duty Outside the Diocese (RCK) 1988 Died 1979 Active Outside Diocese Fr. Theodore W. Feely, O.F.M. Conv. Fr. Mark A. Campobello Ordained, 1991 Notes: In 2002, Fr. Mark A. Campobello was arrested and charged with sexual assault of a 14-year-old girl. In approximately 1999, Fr. Campobello sexually abused the teenage girl while he worked as associate pastor at St. Peter in Geneva, Illinois. At that time, Fr. Campobello was assistant principal at Aurora Central Catholic High School, but occasionally said mass at St. Peter. In December 2002, Fr. Campobello was removed from his duties as parochial administrator at St. James in Belvidere and was later laicized in 2005. In 2003, new child sexual abuse charges were brought against Fr. Campobello. The charges allege he sexually abused a 15-year-old girl, from approximately 1999 to 2000, while he worked at Aurora Central Catholic High School. In 2004, Fr. Campobello pleaded guilty to sexually abusing both girls and was sentenced to eight years in prison. In 2007, the Diocese of Rockford settled two child sexual abuse lawsuits that included Fr. Campobello as a defendant. In 2008, Fr. Campobello was released from prison on parole. He was sent back to prison after he violated parole. In July 2010, Fr. Campobello was released from prison upon completion of his parole. In 2018, Fr. Campobello was included in the Diocese of Rockford’s list of “Diocese of Rockford Priests against whom a substantiated allegation of sexual abuse of a minor has been reported.” It is believed Fr. Campobello currently resides in Aurora, Illinois. Whether he has access to children is unknown. Assignments: 108 Ordained, 1958 Notes: Fr. Theodore W. Feely, O.F.M. Conv. was ordained a Conventual Franciscan Friar in 1958 and worked in various parishes throughout Illinois, California, and Nevada. In 2002, two survivors accused Fr. Feely of sexually abusing them from approximately 1968 to 1972 while he worked at St. Anthony of Padua in Rockford, Illinois. In 2006, one of the survivors filed a civil lawsuit against the Diocese of Rockford in which Fr. Feely was named. In 2018, Fr. Feely was named on the Diocese of Rockford’s list of “Religious Order Priests/Brothers or Priests of another diocese, who worked within the geographical boundaries of the Rockford Diocese or were assigned in this Diocese, against whom a substantiated allegation of sexual abuse of a minor has been reported.” Assignments: 1959-1961 St. Thomas, Arlington, CA (SD) 1979-1980 St. John of God, Norwalk, CA (SD) 1962 St. Paul the Apostle, Pismo Beach, CA (MF) 1979-1981 CA Youth Authority, Southern Reception Center & Clinic, Norwalk, CA (SD) 1963 St. Bronislava, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1982 St. George, Stockton, CA (STO) 1964-1968 Queen of Angels, Riverside, CA (SD) 1983-1988 Queen of Angels, Riverside, CA (SB) 1969-1973 St. Anthony of Padua, Rockford, IL (RCK) 1984-1986 Riverside County General, Riverside, CA (SB) 1992-1994 Holy Family, Rockford, IL (RCK) 2000 St. Patrick Church, McHenry, IL (RCK) 1995 St. Peter Church, Geneva IL (RCK) 2001 St. Thomas the Apostle Church, Crystal Lake, IL (RCK) 1974-1975 Our Lady of Guadalupe, Riverside, CA (SD) 1987-1988 Riverside General Hospital (SB); Riverside County Jail, Riverside, CA (SB) 1996 St. Peter Cathedral, Rockford, IL (RCK) 2002-2003 St. James Church, Belvidere, IL (RCK) 1976 St. Thomas, Riverside, CA (SD) 1989-1991 1997 St. Peter Cathedral, Rockford, IL (RCK); Holy Angels Church, Aurora, IL (RCK) 2004-2010 Prison St. Thomas Aquinas Cathedral, Reno, NV (RNO) 1977-1978 Queen of Angels, Riverside, CA (SD) 1991 Died 1998-1999 St. Peter Church, Geneva, IL (RCK) 2011-2019 Unknown • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 109 Deacon Michael Frazier Fr. John C. Holdren Notes: Deacon Michael Frazier was ordained a permanent deacon in 1982. In 2011, Deacon Frazier retired. In February 2014, Deacon Frazier was removed from ministry by the Diocese of Knoxville, Tennessee and his faculties were removed by the Rockford diocese that same month. In 2018, Deacon Frazier was included in the Diocese of Rockford’s list of “Permanent Deacons against whom a substantiated allegation of sexual abuse of a minor has been reported.” Deacon Frazier’s current whereabouts and whether he has access to children are unknown. Notes: In September 2015, Fr. John C. Holdren was named in a child sexual abuse lawsuit. Fr. Holdren allegedly sexually abused a young boy, from approximately 1972 to 1973, while he worked at St. Rita of Cascia in Aurora, Illinois. In August 1994, Fr. Holdren resigned from ministry after he was injured during a home invasion in Aurora. In 2018, Fr. Holdren was included in the Diocese of Rockford’s list of “priests against whom a substantiated allegation of sexual abuse of a minor has been reported.” Fr. Holdren’s status as a priest, whereabouts, and whether he had access to children from 1995 until his death are unknown. Ordained, 1971 Assignments: Fr. James Gaynor 1972-1973 St. Rita of Cascia, Aurora, IL (RCK) 1997-1999 On Health leave 1974-1980 St. Thomas Church, Crystal Lake, IL (RCK) 2000-2005 Absent on Leave 1981-1983 St. Peter Church, Geneva, IL (RCK) 2006-2017 Unknown 1984-1994 St. John the Baptist Church, Johnsburg, IL (RCK) 2018 Died 1995-1996 On Sick Leave Ordained, 1960 Notes: In 2000, an allegation of child sexual abuse was made against Fr. James Gaynor. From approximately 1963 to 1965, Fr. Gaynor allegedly sexually abused a young boy while he worked at St. Rita of Cascia in Aurora, Illinois. The survivor was told by the Diocese that Fr. Gaynor had died of AIDS in 1991. It is unknown whether Fr. Gaynor had access to children prior to his death. Assignments: 1961-1963 St. Rita of Cascia, Aurora, IL (RCK) 1968-1979 Belvedere, IL, St Joseph’s Hospital (RCK) 1964-1965 St. Margaret’s, Algonquin, IL (RCK) 1980-1983 St. Mary, McHenry, IL (RCK) 1966 St. Mary’s, Elgin, IL (RCK) 1984-1991 St. Mary of the Assumption, McHenry, IL (RCK) 1967 Christ the King, Wonder Lake, IL (RCK) 1991 Died Fr. Joseph Jablonski, M.S.C. Ordained, 1976 Notes: Fr. Joseph Jablonski was included in Jeff Anderson & Associates’ 2018 report on clergy sexual abuse in the Diocese of San Bernardino. Fr. Jablonski’s allegedly sexually abused a minor in 2014 and it was reported to police the same year. As a visiting priest, Fr. Jablonski had no faculties in the Diocese of San Bernardino, but he was banned from ministry in the Diocese. Fr. Jablonski was included on the Diocese of Rockford’s 2019 list of “religious order priests or priests of another diocese who were assigned in the diocese, whom an allegation of sexual abused of a minor has been reported, and whose name appears on another diocese’s list of accused.” In January 2016, Fr. Jablonski appeared in a bulletin for St. Patrick’s Parish in Joliet, Illinois. The bulletin stated Fr. Jablonski had led their parish mission retreats for the past 6 years. Fr. Jablonski was filmed presiding at St. Jude Parish in Chicago, Illinois in April 2016. Fr. Jablonski’s last known location was Aurora, Illinois. His status as a priest, current whereabouts and whether he has access to children is unknown. Assignments: Msgr. Al F. Harte Ordained, 1964 Notes: From 1978 to 1980, Msgr. Al F. Harte allegedly sexually abused a student at Holy Family Catholic School in Rockford, Illinois, while he was pastor at Holy Family Parish. In 2014, Msgr. Harte was named in a child sexual abuse lawsuit. Assignments: 1965-1966 Cathedral Parish, Rockford, IL (RCK) 1974-1975 Notre Dame of De Kalb, De Kalb, IL (RCK) 1967 St. Rita’s, Rockford, IL (RCK) 1976 St. Catherine’s, Freeport, IL (RCK) 1968 Boylan Central Catholic High School, Rockford, IL (RCK) 1977-1989 Holy Family, Rockford, IL (RCK) 1969 Diocesan Retreat House, Rockford, IL (RCK) 1990-1997 St. Mary Church, Woodstock, IL (RCK) 1970-1971 Bishop Lane Retreat House, Rockford, IL (RCK) 1998-2002 The Poor Clares of Rockford, Rockford, IL (RCK) 1972 St. Catherine’s, Dundee, IL (RCK) 2002 Died 1973 Active Outside Diocese Fr. David F. Heimann 1977 Columbia Missions (USPROV) 1990-1992 Sacred Heart Monastery, Aurora, IL (RCK) 1978 Bogota, Columbia (FGM) 1993-1997 Missionaries of the Sacred Heart Community, Aurora, IL (RCK) 1979-1981 Unknown 1998-1999 St. Joseph, Upland, CA (SB) 1982 Barrio of Ciudad Kennedy (FGM) 2000-2017 Missionaries of the Sacred Heart Community, Aurora, IL (RCK) 1983-1984 Archdiocese of Bogota (FGM) 2010-2012 Missionaries of the Sacred Heart Community, Chicago, IL (RCK) 1985 Priests of the Province Serving Elsewhere, Aurora, IL (RCK) 2013-2016 St. Joseph, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1986-1988 Archdiocese of Bogota (FGM) 2017 Missionaries of the Sacred Heart Community, Aurora, IL (RCK) 1988-1989 Priests of the Province Serving Elsewhere, Aurora, IL (RCK) 2018-2019 Unknown 1989-1996 Missionaries of the Sacred Heart Foreign Missions (FGM) Ordained, 1958 Notes: In May 1961, Fr. David F. Heimann was dismissed from Pontifical College Josephinum Seminary in Columbus, Ohio, after he was reportedly found to be running a sex ring involving high school boys. He was reportedly laicized in 1963. Fr. Heimann was included on the Diocese of Rockford’s list of religious order priests or priests of another diocese who were assigned in this diocese, whom an allegation of sexual abused of a minor has been reported, and whose name appears on another diocese’s list of accused. Fr. Heimann was also included on the Diocese of Columbus’ list of extern or religious clergy (clergy from other dioceses or religious orders) who served in the Diocese of Columbus who were credibly accused of sexual abuse of minors (alleged conduct occurred in the Diocese of Columbus), released March 5, 2019. From 1963 until his death in 2019, Fr. Hiemann’s whereabouts and whether he had access to children are unknown. Assignments: 110 1958-1961 Pontifical College Josephinum, Worthington, OH (COL) 1964-2019 Unknown 1962-1963 Absent (RCK) 2019 Died • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 111 Fr. William I. Joffe Ordained, 1957 Notes: In December 1987, Fr. William I. Joffe was placed on leave after allegations arose he mismanaged parish funds at St. Joseph’s in Harvard, Illinois. In 1991, Fr. Joffe pleaded guilty to embezzling $265,000 and was sentenced to one year in prison and five years’ probation. In 1992, the Rockford diocese reassigned Fr. Joffe to St. Patrick’s in Amboy, Illinois. In 1993, Fr. Joffe was abruptly removed from ministry after the first allegation of child sexual abuse was made against him. Fr. Joffe has been accused of sexually abusing at least seven children and has been named in at least one civil lawsuit. Fr. Joffe allegedly sexually abused children while he worked at parishes in Dixon, Morrison, and Woodstock. Fr. Joffe held positions as director and co-director of religious education at Newman Central Catholic High School in Sterling and Marian Central High School in Woodstock. In 2018, Fr. Joffe was included in the Diocese of Rockford’s list of “priests against whom a substantiated allegation of sexual abuse of a minor has been reported.” It is believed after the Rockford diocese removed Fr. Joffe from ministry he moved to Florida, where he resided until his death. From 1994 until his death, Fr. Joffe’s status as a priest and whether he had access to children are unknown. Assignments: Fr. Peter D. Kohler, M.S. Ordained, 1968 Notes: In 2018, Fr. Peter Kohler was included on the Diocese of Rockford’s list of “Religious Order Priests/Brothers or Priests of another diocese, who worked within the geographical boundaries of the Rockford Diocese or were assigned in this Diocese, against whom a substantiated allegation of sexual abuse of a minor has been reported.” According to the Diocese of Rockford, Fr. Kohler died in 2014. Assignments: 1969-1970 Our Lady of LaSalette, Sulphur, LA (LAF) 1995-2001 Immaculate Conception, Maplewood, MO (STL) 1971 Residence-Sulphur, LA (LAF) 1999-2001 La Salette Missionaries 1972-1978 Morondava Madagascar Catholic Mission (STL) 2002-2004 Unknown 1958 Unknown 1991 Active Outside the Diocese (Diocese of Venice, FL) 1979-1985 La Salette Missionaries, St. Louis, MO (STL) 2005-2011 La Salette Formation Community, Washington, D.C. 1959-1961 St. Peter’s, Rockford, IL (RCK) 1992 Absent on Leave 1986-1993 Missionaries of LaSalette, Hartford, CT Our Lady of Good Counsel, Aurora, IL (RCK) 1993 St. Flannen Church, Harmon, IL (RCK) Immaculate Conception, Maplewood, MO (STL) 2012-2014 1962-1965 1994 Our Lady of La Salette, Berkley, MI 2014 Died 1966-1969 Saint Patrick’s, Dixon, IL (RCK) 1994-1995 Unknown 1970-1973 St. Mary’s, Morrison, IL (RCK) 1996-1997 Absent on Leave 1974-1983 St. Mary’s, Woodstock, IL (RCK) 1998-2004 On Disability Leave 1984-1987 St. Joseph Church, Harvard, IL (RCK) 2005-2007 Unknown 1988-1989 Absent on Leave 2008 Died 1990 Unknown Fr. Walter E. Johnson, M.M. Br. Richard Kuhl, M.S.C. Ordained, 1953 Notes: Fr. Walter E. Johnson, M.M. was a member of the Maryknoll religious order. During his first assignments in Hawaii, Fr. Johnson allegedly sexually abused young boys, sometimes abusing them with another alleged perpetrator, Fr. James Jackson. After leaving Hawaii, Fr. Johnson worked in the Archdiocese of Chicago for five years at St. Therese’s Catholic Chinese Parish in Chicago. Fr. Johnson then worked in Bolivian parishes for 14 years, beginning in 1963. In 1977, Fr. Johnson returned to the United States. According to the Maryknoll Mission archives, from approximately 1982 to 1988, Fr. Johnson was granted special leave to serve as the Director of the Centro San Jose in Harvard, Illinois. In 1988, Fr. Johnson returned to parochial ministry and continued his work with the Hispanic Apostolate for the Diocese of Rockford in Illinois. Fr. Johnson returned to ministry in September 1988. In 1992, Fr. Johnson moved to the Maryknoll residence in Los Altos, California. In 1993, the order again removed Fr. Johnson from ministry. In 2004, Fr. Johnson retired and moved to Mission St. Teresa’s in Maryknoll, New York. Fr. Johnson is included in the Diocese of Rockford’s list of “Religious Order Priests/Brothers or Priests of another diocese, who worked within the geographical boundaries of the Rockford Diocese or were assigned in this Diocese, against whom a substantiated allegation of sexual abuse of a minor has been reported.” Assignments: 1954-1955 Sacred Heart, Honolulu, HI (HNL) 1983-1991 Unknown 1956 St. Benedict’s Church, Honolulu, HI 1992-1993 Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers, Maryknoll, NY (NY) 1957 1721 Dole St., Honolulu, HI 1994-2004 Maryknoll, Los Altos, CA (SJ) 1958-1963 St. Therese Catholic Chinese Parish, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1997-2000 O’Connor Hospital d/b/a Saint Louise Hospital & Health Center, Gilroy, CA (SJ) 1964-1969 S.A. Casilla 2135, La Paz, Bolivia (NY) 1998-2000 St. Louise Hospital, San Jose, CA (SJ) 1970-1974 S.A. Casilla 131, Cochabamba, Bolivia (NY) 2000-2004 Maryknoll, Los Altos, CA 1975-1978 Bolivia Missions (NY) 2005-2017 Retired – Maryknoll St. Teresa’s Residence, Maryknoll, NY (NY) 1979-1982 Bolivia (FGM) 2018 Died Fr. Augustine K. Jones, O.S.B. Ordained, 1953 Notes: Fr. Augustine K. Jones, O.S.B., was a Benedictine priest. At least two people have accused Fr. Jones of child sexual abuse. Fr. Jones has been criminally convicted of sexually abusing a child on two occasions, once in 1968 and again in 1993. In 1993, Fr. Jones sexually abused a 15-year-old boy at St. Therese in Aurora, IL. He was subsequently sentenced to 4 years’ probation and was removed from ministry later that year. Fr. Jones was named on the Diocese of Rockford’s list of “Religious Order Priests/Brothers or Priests of another diocese, who worked within the geographical boundaries of the Rockford Diocese or were assigned in this Diocese, against whom a substantiated allegation of sexual abuse of a minor has been reported.” Notes: For three decades, Br. Richard Kuhl worked at the Society of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart in Aurora, Illinois. In 1996, a lawsuit was filed alleging Br. Kuhl had sexually abused two sisters. The sisters allegedly confronted Br. Kuhl the summer prior to the lawsuit being filed, and he admitted that the abuse had occurred. Following the first lawsuit, an additional four lawsuits were filed against Br. Kuhl. All five of the cases were dismissed in 2000 on statute of limitations grounds. Br. Kuhl was transferred out of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart in Aurora, Illinois, and eventually removed from ministry following the allegations. According to the Diocese of Rockford, Br. Kuhl died in 2009. Br. Kuhl is included in the Diocese of Rockford’s list of “Religious Order Priests/Brothers or Priests of another diocese, who worked within the geographical boundaries of the Rockford Diocese or were assigned in this Diocese, against whom a substantiated allegation of sexual abuse of a minor has been reported. His whereabouts, status as a religious brother, and whether he had access to children prior to his death are unknown. Msgr. Michael Kurz Ordained, 1975 Notes: Following his ordination in 1975, Msgr. Kurz worked in the Diocese of Pueblo in Colorado for over two decades before being incardinated into the Diocese of Rockford. During his time in Illinois, Msgr. Kurz ministered at St. Rita’s Parish and served as a Judicial Vicar. In 2008, Msgr. Kurz was named in a lawsuit, alleging he had sexually abused a boy attending Christ the King in Pueblo, Colorado. The abuse allegedly began in approximately 1976 and continued for a couple of years. Following the allegation, the Diocesan Review Board conducted an investigation and determined the allegation to be unfounded and false. No punitive action was taken against Msgr. Kurz. After allegations of sexual abuse arose involving Msgr. Kurz, at least two settlements were reached with two survivors. Msgr. Kurz is believed to have died in 2019. His whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he had access to children from 2017 until his believed death are unknown. Assignments: 1976 Sacred Heart Cathedral, Pueblo, CO (PBL) 1995-1997 St. Victor Church, Calumet City, IL (CHI) 1977-1983 Christ the King, Pueblo, CO (PBL) 1995-1998 On Duty Outside the Diocese (PBL) 1984 Special Assignment – Acting Officialis, 1001 N. Grand Ave., Pueblo, CO (PBL) 1998-2005 Adjutant Judicial Vicar, Rockford, IL (RCK) 1985 St. Anne, Pueblo, CO (PBL) 1998-2010 St. Rita Church, Rockford, IL (RCK) 1986-1987 College of Consultors, Pueblo, CO (PBL); Graduate Studies (PBL) – North American College, Rome, Italy 2004-2017 Special Assignment, Rockford, IL (RCK) 1988 St. Francis Xavier, Pueblo, CO (PBL) 2006-2017 Judicial Vicar, Rockford, IL (RCK) 1989 Unknown 2016 Retired – P.O. Box 7044, Rockford, IL (RCK) 1990-1991 St. Columba, Durango, CO (PBL) 2017 Retired – St. Rita, Rockford, IL (RCK) 1990-1993 Adjutant Judicial Vicar, Pueblo, CO (PBL) 2018 Unknown 1992-1993 St. Joseph Church, Monte Vista, CO (PBL) 2019 Died 1994 St. Mary Church, Walsenburg, CO (PBL) Assignments: 112 1954-2008 Marmion Abbey, Aurora, IL (RCK) 2005-2008 Retired (RCK) 1985-2003 St. Augustine’s Abbey, Aurora, IL (RCK) 2008 Died • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 113 Fr. Joseph Marcel Lessard Ordained, 1980 Notes: Fr. Joseph Marcel Lessard was ordained a priest of the Diocese of Phoenix in 1980. Fr. Lessard also worked in several locations in Illinois, within the Diocese of Rockford. In 1985, Fr. Lessard was arrested and charged with sexual misconduct with a minor in Phoenix. Fr. Lessard reached a plea agreement and was sentenced to three years’ probation. In 2001, Fr. Lessard was removed from ministry by the Rockford diocese. In 2002, he was removed from active ministry by the Phoenix diocese. In 2003, Fr. Lessard was named in a child sexual abuse lawsuit which was later settled by the Phoenix diocese. In 2006, the Phoenix diocese said Fr. Lessard had moved to Thailand. In 2018, Fr. Lessard was included in the Diocese of Rockford’s list of “Religious Order Priests/Brothers or Priests of another diocese, who worked within the geographical boundaries of the Rockford Diocese or were assigned in this Diocese, against whom a substantiated allegation of sexual abuse of a minor has been reported.” Fr. Lessard’s status as a priest, current whereabouts, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1981-1982 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, Tempe, AZ (PHX) 1996-1998 1983-1985 St. Jerome, Phoenix, AZ (PHX) 1997-2001 St. Mary’s Church, Aurora, IL (RCK) 1986-1987 Absent on Sick Leave 1998 On Duty Outside the Diocese (RCK) 1988-1990 On Duty Outside the Diocese 1999 On Duty Outside the Diocese (PHX) 1990-1993 Mercy Health Corporation, Aurora, IL (RCK) 1999-2001 Provena Mercy Center, Aurora, IL (RCK) 1993-1995 On Duty Outside the Diocese, Holy Angels, Aurora, IL (RCK) 2002 On Leave (PHX) 1996 Holy Angels Church, Aurora, IL (RCK) 2003-2019 Unknown 1996-2001 On Duty Outside the Diocese (PHX) Mercy Health Corporation, Aurora, IL (RCK) Msgr. Ivan M. Rovira Ordained, 1925 Notes: In 2018, Fr. Tully was included in the Diocese of Rockford’s list of “priests against whom a substantiated allegation of sexual abuse of a minor has been reported.” From 1972 until his death Fr. Tully’s status as a priest, whereabouts, and whether he had access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1926-1929 St. James, Rockford, IL (RCK) 1961 Holy Name, Houston, TX (GAL) 1930-1936 St. Ann’s, Warren, IL (RCK) 1962 St Theresa, Galveston, TX (GAL) 1937-1942 St. Patrick’s, Hartland, IL (RCK) 1963-1966 St. Anne, Beaumont, TX (BEA) 1943 St. Patrick’s, Dixon, IL (RCK) 1963-1967 Houston, TX (GAL) 1944 St. Thomas Aquinas, Freeport, IL (RCK) 1968 St. Anne, Beaumont, TX (BEA) 1945-1949 St. Catherine’s, Freeport, IL (RCK) 1969-1971 St. John the Baptist, Savana, IL (RCK) 1950-1959 Absent on Sick Leave (RCK) 1972-1982 Retired (RCK) 1953-1959 St. Mary’s Cathedral, Galveston, TX (GAL) 1982 Died 1960-1967 Active Outside the Diocese (RCK) Fr. William D. Virtue Ordained, 1971 Notes: Msgr. Ivan M. Rovira, a native of Cuba, was ordained a priest of the Diocese of Rockford on May 30, 1971. On June 6, 1977, Msgr. Rovira was incardinated into the Diocese of Brownsville. Msgr. Rovira has been accused by at least four survivors of child sexual abuse. In 2002, Msgr. Rovira admitted he sexually abused one boy and was sent by the Brownsville diocese to a treatment center. The Brownsville diocese found the allegations to be credible and removed Msgr. Rovira from ministry. In response to his removal, Msgr. Rovira fled to Mexico. Msgr. Rovira continued to celebrate mass and worked as a professor at a Catholic university for the Diocese of Matamoros. In 2005, Msgr. Rovira allegedly resigned from his position at the Catholic university and no longer celebrates mass. In 2019, Msgr. Rovira was included in the Diocese of Brownville’s list of “Clergy with Credible Allegation of Sexual Abuse of a Minor.” Msgr. Rovira’s status as a priest, current whereabouts, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 114 Fr. Joseph J.M. Tully 1972 St. Joseph’s, Elgin, IL (RCK) 1992 Our Lady of Guadalupe, Brownsville, TX (BWN) 1973 St. Therese of Jesus, Aurora, IL (RCK) 1993-1995 St. Joseph, Edinburg, TX (BWN) 1974 Associate, Diocesan Office Spanish Speaking Apostolate, Aurora, IL (RCK); Centro Cristo Rey, Aurora, IL (RCK) 1996 On Special or Diocesan Assignment (BWN) – P.O. Box 2279, Brownsville, TX 78522 1975-1977 On Duty Outside the Diocese (RCK) 1996-2003 Diocesan Offices (BWN) (1996-2002 Director of Seminarians; 19972002 Diocesan College of Consultors; 1998-2002 Chaplain, Sierra Club International; 1999 Bishop’s Administrative Assistant; 1999-2000 Coordinator, Vocational Team; 2000-2002 Evangelization Commission, Presbyteral Council; 2001-2002 Diocesan Finance Council; 2001-2003 Catholic Foundation of the Rio Grande Valley) 1978 Unknown 1997 Holy Family, Brownsville, TX (BWN) 1979-1982 St. Pius X, Weslaco, TX (BWN) 2000-2002 San Juan Nursing Home, San Juan, TX (BWN) 1983-1989 Our Lady of Sorrows, McAllen, TX (BWN) 2002 The Saint Joseph and Saint Peter Seminary, Mission, TX (BWN) 1990-1991 On Assignment Outside the Diocese (BWN) – P.O. Box 5207, McAllen, TX 78507 2004-2019 Unknown Ordained, 1975 Notes: Fr. Virtue was ordained for the Diocese of Joliet in 1975. The first reports of child sexual abuse by Fr. Virtue came in 1984. By 1986, Fr. Virtue had left the Diocese of Joliet and was incardinated into the Diocese of Peoria. In 2006, a lawsuit filed against Fr. Virtue alleged that he repeatedly sexually abused a 10-year-old boy at St. Mary’s in Mokena in 1981. Fr. Virtue was subsequently removed from public ministry in the Diocese of Peoria. In 2007, Fr. Virtue was reportedly working in the Diocese of Rockford but was removed from all public ministry by 2009. Fr. Virtue was named on the Diocese of Joliet’s list of “Diocesan Priests with Credible Allegation(s) of Sexual Misconduct with Minors Made Against Them While Serving in the Diocese of Joliet” with “Credible Allegations and Canonical Process Pending,” the Diocese of Peoria’s list of “Priests Removed from Ministry Due to Abuse of Minor” and the Diocese of Rockford’s list of “Religious Order Priests/Brothers or Priests of another diocese, who worked within the geographical boundaries of the Rockford Diocese or were assigned in this Diocese, against whom a substantiated allegation of sexual abuse of a minor has been reported.” At some point, Fr. Virtue was purportedly in the process of being laicized. Fr. Virtue’s status as a priest, his whereabouts, and whether he has access to children from 2007 through the present are unknown. Assignments: 1976-1977 St. Mary Magdalene, Joliet, IL (JOL) 1997-1999 St. Theresa’s, Earlville, IL (PEO) 1978-1980 St. Dominic, Bolingbrook, IL (JOL) 2000 Mount St. Mary’s Seminary, Emmitsburg, MD (BAL) 1981 St. Mary Nativity, Joliet, IL (JOL) 2000-2001 On Duty Outside the Diocese (PEO); Congregation of the Oratory 1982 St. Mary, Mokena, IL (JOL) 2001-2002 On Duty Outside the Diocese (PEO); Mount St. Mary’s Seminary, Emmitsburg, MD 1983-1986 Sacred Heart, Joliet, IL (JOL) 2002 Sacred Heart, Farmer City, IL (PEO) 1987-1988 On Duty Outside of the Diocese (JOL); Sacred Heart, Campus, IL (PEO) 2003 On Duty Outside the Diocese (PEO); St. Flannen, Harmon, IL (RCK) 1989-1990 Unknown 2004-2005 On Duty Outside the Diocese (PEO); Diocese of Rockford 1991 Sacre Coeur, Creve Coeur, IL (PEO) 2004-2006 St. James, Lee, IL (RCK) 1992 St. Joseph’s Nursing Home, Lacon, IL (PEO) 2006 St. Theresa’s, Earlville, IL (PEO) 1993-1996 Sacred Heart, Campus, IL (PEO) 2007-2019 Unknown 1994-1996 St. Mary’s, Loretto, IL (PEO) • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 115 Those Accused of Sexual Abuse in the Diocese of Springfield • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising 117 Fr. Alvin L. Campbell Ordained, 1952 Notes: In approximately 1977, Fr. Alvin L. Campbell left his position as Army chaplain after he allegedly sexually abused at least one boy. In March 1985, Fr. Campbell was sent to Servants of the Paraclete, an institution known for treating priests accused of child sexual abuse. In August 1985, Fr. Campbell pleaded guilty to sexually abusing seven boys, between the ages of 11 and 15, from 1983 to 1984, while he worked at St. Maurice’s Church in Morrisonville, Illinois. Fr. Campbell later admitted he sexually abused boys for more than 20 years. Fr. Campbell was sentenced to 14 years in prison. In 1992, Fr. Campbell was released from prison and left the priesthood. In 1999, Fr. Campbell was named in a child sexual abuse lawsuit. In 2007, the Springfield diocese settled with six survivors of child sexual abuse by Fr. Campbell. In 2018, Fr. Campbell was included on the Diocese of Springfield’s list of clergy with substantiated cases of sexual abuse of a minor. Fr. Campbell’s whereabouts and whether he had access to children from 1992 until his death are unknown. Assignments: 1953-1956 St. Patrick’s Church, Decatur, IL (SFD) 1979-1981 Assumption B.V.M. Church, Assumption, IL (SFD) 1957-1960 Little Flower, Springfield, IL (SFD) 1982 Mother of Perpetual Help Church, Maryville, IL (SFD) 1961-1962 Our Saviour, Jacksonville, IL (SFD) 1983-1985 St. Maurice’s Church, Morrisonville, IL (SFD) 1963-1968 On Duty Outside of Diocese (SFD) 1986-1992 Absent on Leave (SFD) 1969-1977 Chap. U.S. Army (SFD) 1993-2002 Unknown 1978 Awaiting Assignment (SFD) 2002 Died Fr. Joseph D. Cernich Ordained, 1983 Notes: The summer prior to Fr. Joseph D. Cernich’s ordination he worked as a deacon at St. Mary’s in Quincy and St. Ambrose in Godfrey. Fr. Cernich was also active in Teens Encounter Christ (TEC), taught summer school at Griffin High School, and worked as a staff member for the Christian Family Camps. In April 1995, Fr. Cernich was removed from public ministry. In June 2003, Fr. Cernich was laicized. He was hired five months later as a microcomputer trainer for the city of Springfield. In 2018, Fr. Cernich was included on the Diocese of Springfield’s list of clergy with substantiated cases of sexual abuse of a minor. On December 28, 2018, Fr. Cernich was fired from his job with the city of Springfield, as a technical support specialist, in City, Water, Light, and Power’s information systems division. It is believed Fr. Cernich currently resides in Springfield. It is unknown whether he has access to children. Assignments: 1983-1985 Our Saviour Church, Jacksonville, IL (SFD) 1986-1987 Absent on Leave (SFD) 1988-1989 Blessed Sacrament, Springfield, IL (SFD) 1990-2003 2004-2019 Fr. Garrett Neal Dee Ordained, 1964 Notes: In 2002, Fr. Garrett Neal Dee left the priesthood after the United States bishops adopted the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People. Fr. Dee admitted he sexually abused children while he worked in the Diocese of Springfield. He is alleged to have sexually abused a boy between approximately 1964 and 1968, while he worked at Blessed Sacrament in Springfield, Illinois. Prior to his arrival in the Diocese of Amarillo, Fr. Dee was sent to Servants of the Paraclete, an institution known for treating priests accused of child sexual abuse. In 2018, Fr. Dee was included on the Diocese of Springfield’s list of clergy with substantiated cases of sexual abuse of a minor. From 2002 to the present, Fr. Dee’s whereabouts and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1965-1968 Blessed Sacrament, Springfield, IL (SFD) 1988 Unknown 1969-1971 Immaculate Conception, Alton, IL (SFD) 1989 On Duty Outside Diocese (SFD) 1972-1973 Holy Family, Decatur, IL (SFD) 1990-1996 Holy Family Church, Nazareth, TX (AMA) 1974-1976 St. Boniface’s Church, Edwardsville, IL (SFD) 1997-1998 St. Joseph’s Church, Amarillo, TX (AMA) 1977-1979 Little Flower, Springfield, IL (SFD) 1999-2002 Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, Groom, TX (AMA) 1980-1981 St. Gertrude’s Church, Grantfork, IL (SFD) 2003 Absent on Leave (AMA) 1982-1987 Visitation B.V.M. Church, Illiopolis, IL (SFD) 2004-2019 Unknown Fr. Robert (Bud) DeGrand Ordained, 1980 Notes: Fr. Robert “Bud’ DeGrand is alleged to have sexually abused a child in approximately 1980, while he worked at Our Savior Church in Jacksonville, Illinois. In 2013, Fr. DeGrand temporarily withdrew from public ministry on the recommendation of the Diocesan Review Board. In 2014, the review board found the abuse allegation against Fr. DeGrand to be “credible” and sent the case to the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith for further review. In 2018, Fr. DeGrand was included on the Diocese of Springfield’s list of clergy with substantiated cases of sexual abuse of a minor. It is believed Fr. DeGrand lived in Sigel, IL at one point. Fr. DeGrand’s current whereabouts and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: Absent on Leave (SFD) 1981-1987 Our Savior Church, Jacksonville, IL (SFD) 1999 Unassigned (SFD) Unknown 1988-1991 St. Mark Church, Winchester, IL (SFD) 2000-2014 St. Mary of the Assumption Church, Neoga, IL (SFD); St. Michael the Archangel Church, Sigel, IL (SFD) 1990-1991 St. Patrick Church, Bluffs, IL (SFD) 2003 Absent on Leave (AMA) 1991 Jacksonville Pre-Release Center, Jacksonville, IL (SFD) 2006-2014 St. Mary Help of Christians, Effingham, IL (SFD); Sacred Heart, Sigel, IL (SFD) 1992-1996 St. Elizabeth Church, Granite City, IL (SFD) 2014-2017 Absent on Leave (SFD) 1997 Unknown 2018-2019 Unknown 1998 Absent on Leave (SFD) Msgr. Eugene E. Costa Ordained, 1976 Notes: In 2004, Msgr. Eugene E. Costa was severely beaten in Douglas Park in Springfield after he allegedly propositioned two male teenagers for sex. On October 12, 2007 Msgr. Costa was laicized. In 2018, Msgr. Costa was included on the Diocese of Springfield’s list of clergy with substantiated cases of sexual abuse of a minor. Msgr. Costa’s whereabouts since 2006 and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1977 On Duty Outside Diocese (SFD) 1988-1993 Holy Family, Decatur, IL (SFD) 1978-1984 Cathedral of the Immaculate, Springfield, IL (SFD) 1994-2005 Holy Family Church, Athens, IL; St. John Vianney Church, Sherman, IL (SFD) 1985-1986 Diocesan Seminary of the Immaculate Conception, Springfield, IL (SFD) 2006-2007 Absent on Leave (SFD) 1987 Mother of Dolors Church, Vandalia, IL (SFD) 2008-2019 Unknown Fr. Robert Dodd Ordained, 1964 Notes: Fr. Robert Dodd allegedly sexually abused a student beginning in approximately 1966, while he worked at St. Paul’s Catholic School in Highland, Illinois. In 1971, Fr. Dodd left the priesthood. He eventually became an attorney and served as mayor of Champaign from 1983 to 1987. In 1994, Fr. Dodd was named in a child sexual abuse lawsuit. In 2018, Fr. Dodd was included on the Diocese of Springfield’s list of clergy with substantiated cases of sexual abuse of a minor. Fr. Dodd’s whereabouts and whether he had access to children from 1972 until his death are unknown. Assignments: 118 1965-1968 St. Paul’s, Highland, IL (SFD) 1972-2013 Unknown (Left Priesthood) 1969-1970 St. Patrick’s, Pana, IL (SFD) 2013 Died 1971 Absent on Leave (SFD) • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 119 Msgr. Michael Driscoll Ordained, 1941 Fr. Raymond (Ray) Franzen Ordained, 1940 Notes: Msgr. Michael Driscoll worked in the Diocese of Springfield for nearly five decades until his death in 1989. In 2018, Msgr. Driscoll was included on the Diocese of Springfield’s list of clergy with substantiated cases of sexual abuse of a minor. Notes: In 2018, Fr. Raymond Franzen was included on the Diocese of Springfield’s list of clergy with substantiated cases of sexual abuse of a minor. Assignments: Assignments: 1942-1960 524 E. Lawrence Ave., Springfield, IL (SFD) 1950-1960 Curia for Matrimonial Cases, Springfield, IL (SFD) 1943-1960 Diocesan Director of the Legion of Decency, Springfield, IL (SFD) 1961-1989 Our Saviour’s Church, Jacksonville, IL (SFD); Routt High School, Jacksonville, IL (SFD) 1944-1957 Vice-Chancellor, Springfield, IL (SFD) 1962 Diocesan Commissions on the Sacred Liturgy, Springfield, IL (SFD) 1944-1958 Censor Librorum, Springfield, IL (SFD) 1966-1969 Diocesan Liturgical Commissions, Springfield, IL (SFD) 1946-1949 Springfield Junior College, Springfield, IL (SFD) 1967-1969 Rural Deans, Springfield, IL (SFD) 1948 Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Springfield, IL (SFD) 1970-1989 Our Saviour Church, Jacksonville, IL (SFD) 1948-1951 Examinera of the Clergy, Springfield, IL (SFD) 1989 St. Patrick’s Church, Grafton IL (SFD) 1960-1987 Holy Family, Decatur, IL (SFD) 1943-1949 Our Saviour Church, Jacksonville, IL (SFD) 1987 Died 1950-1959 Sacred Heart Church, Villa Grove, IL (SFD) Fr. Joseph Havey Ordained, 1971 Notes: In 1993, Fr. Joseph Havey was named in seven separate child sexual abuse lawsuits that were later dismissed due to the statute of limitations. Fr. Havey allegedly sexually abused at least five boys from approximately 1978 to 1981, while he worked at St. Agnes in Springfield, Illinois. In 1995, Fr. Havey was named in an eighth lawsuit filed by parents of two of the plaintiffs in the previous 1993 lawsuits. In 2006, Fr. Havey was laicized. In 2018, Fr. Havey was included on the Diocese of Springfield’s list of clergy with substantiated cases of sexual abuse of a minor. Fr. Havey’s current whereabouts and whether he has access to children are unknown. Died Msgr. Robert Eagear 1941-1942 Assignments: Ordained, 1928 Notes: In 2018, Msgr. Robert Eagear was included on the Diocese of Springfield’s list of clergy with substantiated cases of sexual abuse of a minor. It is believed Msgr. Eagear may have died in approximately 1984. Assignments: 1929-1934 St. Bernard’s, Woodriver, IL (SFD) 1958-1969 SS. Peter and Paul’s, Collinsville, IL (SFD) 1935 St. Patrick’s, Decatur, IL (SFD) 1970-1976 Visitation of the B.V.M. Church, Illiopolis, IL (SFD) 1936-1952 St. Mary’s Church, Alexander, IL (SFD) 1977-1984 Retired – Dunlop Motor Inn, 325 W. State St., Jacksonville, IL (SFD) 1953-1957 Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Springfield, IL (SFD) 1985-2019 Unknown 1972 St. Anthony Church, Effingham, IL (SFD) 1981 St. Agnes, Springfield, IL (SFD) 1973-1974 SS. Peter and Paul’s, Springfield, IL (SFD) 1982 On Sick Leave (SFD) 1975 St. Margaret Mary Alacoque Church, Granite City, IL (SFD) 1983-2006 Unknown (Left priesthood) 1976 Holy Ghost Church, Jerseyville, IL (SFD) 2006 Laicized 1977-1978 On Sick Leave (SFD) 2007-2019 Unknown 1979-1980 St. Agnes, Springfield, IL (SFD) Fr. Joseph G. Kromenaker Fr. George Faller Ordained, 1918 Notes: In 2018, Fr. George Faller was included on the Diocese of Springfield’s list of clergy with substantiated cases of sexual abuse of a minor. Assignments: 120 Ordained, 1947 Notes: In 2018, Fr. Joseph G. Kromenaker was included on the Diocese of Springfield’s list of clergy with substantiated cases of sexual abuse of a minor. From 2004 until his death in 2010, Fr. Kromenaker’s status as a priest and whether he had access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1948 Blessed Sacrament, Springfield, IL (SFD) 1970 St. Aloysius’, Litchfield, IL (SFD) 1949 Springfield Junior College, Springfield, IL (SFD) 1971-1990 Absent On Leave (SFD) 1919 St. Paul’s, Highland, IL (SFD) 1955-1961 St. Boniface’s, Edwardsville, IL (SFD) 1920-1922 Immaculate Conception, Alton, IL (SFD) 1962-1969 St. Joseph’s, Benld, IL (SFD) 1950-1952 Our Savior Church, Jacksonville, IL (SFD) 1991 St. Adrian, Chicago, IL (SFD) 1953-1954 Immaculate Conception, Alton, IL (SFD) 1992 St. Kieran Church, Chicago Heights, IL (CHI) 1955-1956 St. Frances Cabrini, Springfield, IL (SFD) 1993-2003 St. Ferdinand Church, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1957-1958 Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Springfield, IL (SFD) 2004-2005 On Duty Outside the Diocese – 5900 Barry Ave., Chicago, IL (CHI) 1959-1966 St. Anne Church, Edgewood, IL (SFD) 2006-2010 Retired – 100 Stardust Dr., Sherman, IL (SFD) 1967 Visitation B.V.M. Church, Alexander, IL (SFD) 2010 Died 1968-1969 Sacred Heart Church, Villa Grove, IL (SFD) 1923-1926 St. Anselm’s, Kampsville, IL (SFD) 1970-1975 Retired – St. Francis Village, Crowley, TX (FWT) 1927 Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Springfield, IL (SFD) 1975 Died 1928-1954 St. Michael’s, Sigel, IL (SFD) • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 121 Fr. Frank R. Martinez, Jr. Ordained, 1982 Ordained, 1941 Notes: After working for over six decades in the Diocese of Springfield, Fr. Francis O’Hara died in 2006. In 2008, two women filed a civil lawsuit alleging the Fr. O’Hara sexually abused them at St. Kevin’s Catholic Church in Rosewood Heights, Illinois from 1971 to 1978. In 2018, Fr. O’Hara was included on the Diocese of Springfield’s list of clergy with substantiated cases of sexual abuse of a minor. Assignments: Assignments: 1983 Sacred Heart Cathedral, Davenport, IA (DAV) 1996-2001 St. Vincent Center, Davenport, IA (DAV) 1942-1951 Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Springfield, IL (SFD) 2002 Saint Patrick Catholic Grade School, Springfield, IL – Retired (SFD) 1984-1985 Sacred Heart Church, Lost Nation, IA (DAV) 1997-2001 Special Assignment – 2706 N. Gaines St., Davenport, IA (DAV) 1952-1959 St. Denis Church, Shipman, IL (SFD) 2003-2006 16051 S. LaGrange Rd., Orlando Park, 60467 – Retired (SFD) 10/198511/1985 Leave of Absence - St. Mary Hospital, Decatur, IL 1960-1985 St. Kevin’s, Rosewood Heights, IL (SFD) 2006 Died 1986 St. Peter’s Church, Buffalo, IA (DAV) 2002-2003 On Duty Outside Diocese (DAV); St. Anthony’s Continuing Care Center, Rock Island, IL (PEO); St. Mary of the Angels Convent, Rock Island, IL (PEO) 1986-2001 SS. Peter and Paul Church, Springfield, IL (SFD) 1987 Absent on Leave (DAV) 2004-2008 Unknown 1988 St. Francis Continuation Care and Nursing Home, Burlington, IA (DAV) 2008 Laicized 1989-1990 On Duty Outside Diocese (DAV) – St. Mary’s Pl., Rochester NY (ROC) 2009-2019 Unknown 1991-1995 Absent on Leave (DAV) Bp. Daniel Ryan Ordained, 1956 Notes: Bp. Daniel Ryan worked as chancellor and auxiliary bishop of the Joliet diocese prior to his appointment as Bishop of the Springfield diocese in 1983. In 1999, Bp. Ryan resigned as the bishop of the Diocese of Springfield. Shortly after his resignation, he was named in a lawsuit that was later dismissed. Bp. Ryan allegedly failed to act and covered up sexual misconduct by other priests within the Springfield diocese. In 2002, an allegation against Bp. Ryan surfaced that he solicited sex from a 15 year-old boy in approximately 1984. Bp. Ryan was removed from public ministry while the child sexual abuse allegation against him was investigated. In 2018, Bp. Ryan was included on the Diocese of Springfield’s list of clergy with substantiated cases of sexual abuse of a minor. Assignments: Fr. Richard Niebrugge Ordained, 1962 Notes: Fr. Richard Niebrugge worked in the Diocese of Springfield for nearly two decades before his death in 1983. In 2004, a woman filed a civil lawsuit alleging that Fr. Niebrugge had sexually abused her during the 1960s and 1970s. According to the suit, the alleged victim came from an abusive family and Fr. Niebrugge took her under his care as a foster child when she was 10 years old. The abuse is alleged to have occurred over the course of many years as the alleged victim lived with Fr. Niebrugge in various rectories. Approximately one decade after the abuse began, the suit alleges the plaintiff gave birth to Fr. Niebrugge’s child. The lawsuit was dismissed due to the statute of limitations. Assignments: 1957-1958 St. Paul the Apostle, Joliet, IL (JOL) 1978-1983 Personnel Advisors, Joliet, IL (JOL) 1959-1960 Rome, Italy (JOL) 1980-1982 St. Michael, Wheaton, IL (JOL) 1961-1963 Diocesan Notary, Joliet, IL; St. Joseph’s, Rockdale, IL (JOL) 1983 Auxiliary Bishop – 19 W. 070 16th St., Lombard, IL (JOL) 1962-1977 Seminary Board, Joliet, IL (JOL) 1984 Unknown 1963-1965 Diocesan Actuary, Joliet, IL (JOL); Assistant Chancellor, Joliet, IL (JOL) 1984-1999 Bishop – 524 E. Lawrence Ave., P.O. Box 1667, Springfield, IL (SFD) 1964-1965 St. Mary Nativity, Joliet, IL (JOL) 2000-2004 Bishop (Retired) – 1625 W. Washington St., Springfield, IL (SFD) 1965-1969 Synodal Examiners and Parish Priest Consultors, Joliet, IL (JOL) 2005 Bishop (Retired) – 1400 Guemes Court, Springfield, IL (SFD) 1963-1966 Immaculate Conception, Alton, IL (SFD) 1979-1980 St. Patrick’s Church, Grafton, IL (SFD) 1967-1969 Blessed Sacrament, Springfield, IL (SFD) 1981 SS. Peter and Paul Church, Alton, IL (SFD) 1970-1972 St. Boniface’s, Edwardsville, IL (SFD) 1982 St. Paul’s Church, Highland, IL (SFD) 1973 On Sick Leave – 3965 Greenridge Dr., Decatur, IL (SFD) 1983 Immaculate Conception Church, Mattoon, IL (SFD) 1965-1978 Chancellor, Joliet, IL (JOL) 2006-2015 Bishop (Retired) – 1464 Green Trail Dr., Naperville, IL (JOL) 1974-1978 SS. Peter and Paul Church, Collinsville, IL (SFD) 1983 Died 1966-1979 St. Thaddeus, Joliet, IL (JOL) 2015 Died 1977-1983 Vicar General, Joliet, IL (JOL) Fr. Joseph (J. Cullen) C. O’Brien Ordained, 1942 Notes: In 2018, Fr. Joseph O’Brien was included on the Diocese of Springfield’s list of clergy with substantiated cases of sexual abuse of a minor. Assignments: 122 Fr. Francis (Frank) J. O’Hara Notes: Fr. Frank Martinez Jr.’s two-decade tenure in the priesthood consists of short assignments, punctuated by leaves of absence. The first leave of absence came after Fr. Martinez was accused of propositioning a 15-year-old boy in a Davenport motel room in 1986. Fr. Martinez was removed from ministry in 2004 and laicized in 2008. The same year he was laicized, the Diocese of Davenport included Fr. Martinez on a list of 24 priests credibly accused of sexual abuse. Fr. Louis Schlangen Ordained, 1957 Notes: Fr. Louis Schlangen was first publicly accused of sexual abuse in a 2018 lawsuit. According to the lawsuit, two priests, one of whom was Fr. Schlangen and the other Fr. Stanislaus Yunker, sexually abused the plaintiff from approximately 1973 to 1975, when she was approximately five to seven years old and she and her family were parishioners of SS. Peter and Paul in Springfield, Illinois. 1943-1945 SS. Peter and Paul, Alton, IL (SFD) 1969-1970 St. Patrick’s, Alton, IL (SFD) 1946 207 Vandalia St., Collinsville, IL (SFD) 1971-1976 St. Patrick’s, Decatur, IL (SFD) 1947-1948 De Paul University, Springfield, IL (SFD) 1977 St. Mark Church, Venice, IL (SFD) 1958-1965 SS. Peter and Paul’s, Collinsville, IL (SFD) 1996-1997 Unknown 1949-1950 St. Joseph’s, Granite City, IL (SFD) 1978 St. Alexius Church, Beardtown, IL (SFD) 1966-1970 St. Margaret Mary, Granite City, IL (SFD) 1998-2007 St. Edward Church, Mendon, IL (SFD) Died 1971 St. Anthony’s, Effingham, IL (SFD) 2006-2007 St. Joseph, Quincy, IL (SFD) 1972-1984 St. Barbara’s Church, Batchtown, IL (SFD) 2008 Retired – Loraine, IL (SFD) 1985-1989 Immaculate Conception Church, Pittsfield, IL (SFD) 2009-2017 Retired – 1905 N. 2800th Ave., Loraine, IL (SFD) 1990-1995 St. Edward Church, Mendon, IL (SFD) 2018 Died 1951-1955 Chap U.S. Navy (SFD) 1978 1956-1968 Sacred Heart Church, Divernon, IL (SFD) Assignments: • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 123 Fr. Aloysius (A.J.) Schwellenbach Ordained, 1928 Notes: In 2018, Fr. Aloysius Schwellenbach was included on the Diocese of Springfield’s list of clergy with substantiated cases of sexual abuse of a minor. From 1985 until his death in 2000, Fr. Schwellenbach’s status as a priest and whether he had access to children, are unknown. Fr. Frank Westhoff Ordained, 1961 1929-1949 Unknown 1969 On Sick Leave (SFD) Notes: Fr. Frank Westhoff started his career as a priest in the Diocese of Springfield before he was transferred out of the diocese following an accusation that he sexually abused a 14-year-old boy at St. Patrick’s in Decatur, Illinois, in 1966. Fr. Westhoff was sent to the Diocese of Jefferson City in Missouri, where he worked until 2000. In 2018, Fr. Westhoff was included on the Diocese of Jefferson City’s list of “priests and religious brothers credibly accused and/or removed from ministry in the Diocese of Jefferson City” and the Diocese of Springfield’s list of clergy with substantiated cases of sexual abuse of a minor. 1950-1951 1019 Cedar St., Quincy, IL (SFD) 1970 SS. Simon and Jude, Gillespie, IL (SFD) Assignments: 1952 St. Joseph’s, Granite City, IL (SFD) 1971-1984 St. John the Baptist, Quincy, IL (SFD) 1953-1954 Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Springfield, IL (SFD) 1985-2000 Absent on Leave (SFD) Assignments: 1955-1964 St. Barbara Residence, Springfield, IL (SFD) 1965-1968 St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, Granite City, IL (SFD) 2000 Died Fr. Francis Tebangura (Tebanqura) Ordained, 1968 Notes: In 2006, Fr. Francis Tebangura left the United States and returned to his native country of Uganda. In 2018, he was included on the Diocese of Springfield’s list of clergy with substantiated cases of sexual abuse of a minor. Fr. Tebangura’s current whereabouts, his status as a priest, and whether he has access to children are unknown. 1962-1968 St. Patrick’s, Alton, IL (SFD) 1990-1993 On Duty Outside Diocese (SFD) – 216 Broadway St., Jefferson City, MO (JC) 1969-1972 Blessed Sacrament, Springfield, IL (SFD) 1991-1992 St. Peter Church, Jefferson City, MO (JC) 1973-1975 St. James, Decatur, IL (SFD) 1993 On Duty Outside Diocese – St. Peter Church, Jefferson City, MO (JC) 1976 Absent on Leave (SFD) 1994-2000 On Duty Outside Diocese (SFD) – P.O. Box 715, Columbia, MO (JC) 1977-1984 Immaculate Conception Church, Pittsfield, IL (SFD) 2001 Unknown 1985 Unknown 2002-2003 Special or Other Diocesan Assignment – 3930 Brandonshire Dr., Springfield, IL (SFD) 1986-1988 Absent on Leave (SFD) 2004-2005 Retired – 3930 Brandonshire Dr., Springfield, IL (SFD) 1989 On Duty Outside Diocese (SFD) 2006 Died Assignments: 1969-1978 Unknown 2002 Unknown 1979-1980 Most Holy Trinity, St. Louis, MO (STL) 2003-2006 St. Mary and St. Mark, Madison, IL (SFD) 1981-1988 St. Margaret Mary Alacoque Church, Granite City, IL (SFD) 2006-2019 Unknown 1989-2001 St. Elizabeth Church, Granite City, IL (SFD) Fr. Stanislaus (Stanley) O. Yunker Ordained, 1923 Notes: Fr. Stanislaus Yunker was first publicly accused of sexual abuse in a 2018 lawsuit. According to the lawsuit, both Fr. Yunker and Fr. Louis Schlangen sexually abused a girl from approximately 1973 to 1975, when she was approximately five to seven years old. At the time of the alleged abuse, the girl and her family were parishioners of SS. Peter and Paul in Springfield, Illinois. Assignments: Fr. Walter M. Weerts Ordained, 1960 Notes: In 1986, Fr. Walter Weerts pleaded guilty to sexually abusing three boys ranging from 13 to 16 years old. A 225-page report prepared for sentencing stated Fr. Weerts had sexually abused boys for at least 18 years. According to the prosecuting attorney, “There [was] a clear indication (Weerts) was removed from one or more parishes because of relationships with boys.” Fr. Weerts was sentenced to six years in prison. During his stay in prison or shortly after, Fr. Weerts was laicized. Approximately 12 years after he pleaded guilty, Fr. Weerts was found working as a teacher at Palm Beach Community College when officials discovered he had lied on his job application about being a convicted child abuser. The Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office launched an investigation into Fr. Weerts after receiving a complaint that an eight-year-old boy was living with him as an “adopted grandchild.” In total, the Diocese of Springfield has paid settlements to at least eight survivors who allege they were sexually abused by Fr. Weerts. In 2018, Fr. was included on the Diocese of Springfield’s list of clergy with substantiated cases of sexual abuse of a minor. Fr. Weerts’ current whereabouts and whether he has access to children are unknown. 1924 St. Paul’s, Highland, IL (SFD) 1971-1975 Retired 1925-1929 St. Vincent’s, Springfield, IL (SFD) 1975 Died 1930-1971 St. Vincent de Paul, Springfield, IL (SFD) Assignments: 124 1961 Unknown 1979 St. Mary’s of the Assumption Church, St. Marie, IL (SFD) 1962-1963 St. Ambrose Dr., R.R.S., Godfrey, IL (SFD) 1980 St. Boniface’s Church, Edwardsville, IL (SFD) 1964-1967 Sacred Heart, Granite City, IL (SFD) 1981-1985 St. Brigid’s Church, Liberty, IL (SFD) 1968-1972 St. Thomas Apostle, Decatur, IL (SFD) 1986-1988 Absent on Leave (SFD) 1973-1978 St. Michael’s Church, Hume, IL (SFD) 1989-2019 Unknown • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 125 Religious Clergy and Lay Persons Accused of Sexual Abuse in Illinois • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising 127 Fr. Michael (Miguel) Baca, O.F.M. Ordained, 1953 Fr. Harry J. Barton, S.J. Ordained, 1940 Notes: Fr. Michael “Miguel” Baca was ordained for the Franciscans in 1953. Fr. Baca was listed by the Diocese of Gallup, New Mexico in 2014, and again in 2018, on its list of clergy who were “credibly accused of sexual abuse of minors and who have served in parishes or institutions of the church located within the territorial limits of the Diocese of Gallup.” Fr. Baca’s whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he had access to children from approximately 1993 until his death in 2002 are unknown. Notes: Fr. Harry J. Barton, S.J. entered into the Jesuit order on August 8, 1928. In 1940, Fr. Barton completed his studies and was ordained. According to the Jesuits, between approximately 1956 and 1957, Fr. Barton allegedly sexually abused a minor while he worked at St. Ignatius College Prep in Chicago, Illinois. Fr. Barton is included on the USA Midwest Province Jesuits’ list as having at least one “established allegation of sexual abuse of a minor.” Fr. Barton’s status as a priest and whereabouts from 1961 to 1982 are unknown. Assignments: Assignments: 1954-1955 St. Boniface’s., Peoria, IL (PEO) 1976-1978 Unknown 1941 The St. Marys College, St. Mary’s, KS (KCK) 1960 Loyola Academy, Wilmette, IL (CHI) 1956 Our Lady of Guadalupe, Wichita, KS (WCH) 1979-1981 Assumption B.V.M. Church, Assumption, IL (SFD) 1942 Unknown 1961-1982 Unknown 1957-1959 Roger Bacon High School, St. Bernard, OH (CIN) 1982 Mother of Perpetual Help Church, Maryville, IL (SFD) 1943-1948 St. Xavier High School, Cincinnati, OH (CIN) 1982-1988 Loyola Academy, Wilmette, IL (CHI) 1949-1957 1988 Died 1960 Friarhurst Retreat House, Cincinnati, OH (CIN) – “Michael” 1983-1985 St. Maurice’s Church, Morrisonville, IL (SFD) St. Ignatius High School, Cleveland, OH (CLV) 1958-1959 St. Ignatius High School, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1961 St. Anthony’s, Wichita, KS (WCH) 1986-1992 Absent on Leave (SFD) 1962-1971 St. Joseph, San Fidel, NM (GLP) 1993-2002 Unknown 1972-1975 St. Francis Cathedral, Santa Fe, NM (SFE) 2002 Died Fr. John M. Beatty, C.S.V. Ordained, 1950 Notes: Fr. John Beatty was ordained a priest of the Clerics of St. Viator in 1950. He worked for more than three decades in various parishes in Illinois, Florida, and California. In 2018, Fr. Beatty was included in the Diocese of San Diego’s list of priests where the Diocese has received a credible allegation involving sexual abuse of a minor. Assignments: Fr. Edward L. Ball, M.S.C. Ordained, 1966 Notes: Fr. Edward Ball was ordained a priest for the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart in 1966. Fr. Ball began his career in Pennsylvania and worked there before moving to the Diocese of Rockford. In 1992, Fr. Ball was indicted on 4 counts of abuse of minors and removed from ministry. He pleaded guilty and no contest to two of the four counts and was sentenced to 9 months in jail and 5 years of probation. In 1994, two survivors filed a lawsuit against Fr. Ball, which was settled out of court. In 1999, Fr. Ball was charged with 31 counts of sexual assault in connection with alleged abuse of two altar boys in San Bernardino County. Fr. Ball pleaded no contest and was sentenced to three years in prison. The same alleged victims also filed a civil lawsuit against the Diocese of San Bernardino, the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, and Fr. Ball, which was settled by the Diocese and the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart in 2003. The alleged victims subsequently won a verdict against Fr. Ball. Fr. Ball was included in the Diocese of San Bernardino’s list of clergy credibly accused of child sexual abuse. He was believed to be living in Robertsville, Missouri as of 2008. According to the Diocese of San Bernardino, Fr. Ball is deceased. Assignments: 1951-1954 Cathedral Boys’ High School, Springfield, IL (SFD) 1971-1972 Our Lady of Guadalupe, San Bernardino, CA (SB) 1955 Spalding Institute, Peoria, IL (PEO) 1973 University Hospital, San Diego, CA (chaplain) (SD) 1956-1961 St. Patrick’s, Kankakee, IL (JOL) 1974-1976 St. John of the Cross, Lemon Grove, CA (SD) 1962 St. Martin’s, Martinton, IL (JOL) 1977-1980 St. Columba, San Diego, CA (SD) 1963-1965 Alleman High School, Rock Island, IL (PEO) 1981-1985 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, San Ysidro, CA (SD) 1966 St. Clement’s, Ft. Lauderdale, FL (MIA) 1986-1987 Unknown 1967-1968 Our Lady of Angels, San Diego, CA 1988-1997 Retired (SD) 1997 Died 1967 St. John the Baptist, Haycock Run, PA (PH) 1985-1986 Priests of the Province Serving Elsewhere, Aurora, IL (RCK); Colombia, South America 1967-1969 Marian High School, Imperial Beach, CA (SD) 1968 Sacred Heart Novitiate, Youngstown, OH (Y) 1987-1989 Unknown 1969-1970 St. Pius X, Chula Vista, CA (SD) 1969-1971 Sacred Heart Seminary, Center Valley, PA (ALN) 1990-1993 Our Lady of Fatima, San Bernardino, CA (SB) 1972-1979 M.S.C. Center, Shelby, OH (TOL) 1994-2001 Missionaries of the Sacred Heart Community, Aurora, IL (RCK) 1980-1983 Unknown 2002-2019 Unknown 1984 Priests of the Province Serving Elsewhere, Aurora, IL (RCK); San Bernardino, CA Fr. Edwin Banach (Banack), O.F.M. Conv. Br. Robert E. Beckstrom, C.F.C. Notes: Br. Robert E. Beckstrom, C.F.C., former member of the Congregation of Christian Brothers, is included in the Christian Brothers’ list of “current, former and deceased brothers who were identified in at least two (2) sexual abuse claims filed as proofs of claim in the bankruptcy matter In re: The Christian Brothers’ Institute, et al.” Allegations of abuse arose when Br. Beckstrom worked as a teacher and Athletic Director at St. Laurence High School in Burbank, IL. He was accused of sexually abusing at least two minor students at St. Laurence. Br. Beckstrom’s clerical status, current whereabouts, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Ordained, 1941 Notes: Fr. Edwin Banach (Banack) was ordained for the Conventual Franciscans Order in 1941. Father Banach was assigned to St. Anthony of Padua Church in Rockford from for many years. In 2002, he was accused of abusing one boy at St. Anthony of Padua in the 1960s, and of making sexual overtures to another boy there during the same time period. Fr. Banach was transferred to California in 1979, where he worked until he died. Assignments: 128 1942 P.O. Box 66, Hartland, WI (MIL) 1963-1978 St. Anthony of Padua, Rockford, Ill (RCK) 1943 Our Lady Queen of Angels (Polish), Detroit, MI (DET) 1979 Franciscan Fathers, Torrance, CA (LA) 1944-1951 St. Anthony’s Church, Rockford, Ill (RCK) 1980-1983 St. Thomas, Riverside, CA (SB) 1952-1963 Queen of Angels., Arlington, CA (SD) 1984 Died • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 129 Fr. Robert L. Boley, O.Carm. Ordained, 1975 Notes: Fr. Robert Boley, O.Carm., was a member of the Carmelite Fathers and Brothers religious order. Fr. Boley was accused by at least one person of child sexual abuse. Fr. Boley was named in at least one civil lawsuit alleging that he accosted a young girl at a Los Angeles parish in the 1980s. The Archdiocese of Los Angeles settled the lawsuit with the survivor in 2007. As of 2007, it was believed that Fr. Boley was residing at the Carmelite House in Joliet, Illinois, and working in their archives. Fr. Boley’s current whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: Fr. Robert C. Broome, S.J. Ordained, 1943 Notes: Fr. Robert C. Broome, S.J. entered into the Jesuit order on August 27, 1930. In 1943, Fr. Broome completed his studies and was ordained. According to the Jesuits, in approximately 1956, Fr. Broome allegedly sexually abused a minor while he worked at St. Ignatius High School in Cleveland, Ohio. Fr. Broome is included on the USA Midwest Province Jesuits’ list as having at least one “established allegation of sexual abuse of a minor.” Assignments: 1944 Unknown 1950-1956 St. Ignatius High School, Chicago, IL (1076 W. Roosevelt Rd) (CHI) 1945 St. Ignatius High School, Cleveland, OH (CLV) 1957-1978 St. Ignatius High School, Cleveland, OH (CLV) Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Darien, IL (JOL) 1946 St. Stanislaus Novitiate, Cleveland, OH (CLV) 1979-1993 Gesu, University Heights, OH (CLV) Unknown 1947-1948 St. Xavier High School, Cincinnati, OH (CIN) 1994-2000 Colombiere Center, Clarkston, MI (DET) 1949 St. Ignatius High School, Cleveland, OH (CLV) 2000 Died 1976-1978 Mount Carmel High School, Los Angeles, CA (LA) 1995-1999 Carmelite Fathers Provincial House, Darien, IL (JOL) 1976-1988 Mount Carmel Priory, Los Angeles, CA (LA) 2000-2005 St. Cecilia’s Church, Englewood, NJ (NEW) 1979-1988 St. Raphael’s, Los Angeles, CA (LA) 2003-2006 1989 St. Clara, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2007-2019 1990-1994 Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Louisville, KY (L) Br. Dennis Bonebreak, C.F.C. Br. Robert Noel Brouillette, C.F.C. Notes: In approximately 1991, Br. Dennis Bonebreak, C.F.C., member of the Congregation of Christian Brothers, allegedly sexually abused a student while he worked as an admissions director at Leo High School in Chicago, Illinois. The alleged abuse is believed to have occurred at Br. Bonebreak’s residence. Br. Bonebreak has been named in at least one civil lawsuit. His clerical status, current whereabouts, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Notes: It is believed Br. Robert Brouillette, C.F.C., former member of the Congregation of Christian Brothers, sexually abused dozens of children nationwide, including children in New York, California, Washington, Hawaii, Montana, Michigan, and Illinois. Br. Brouillette is alleged to have sexually abused at least one student at Damien Memorial High School in the 1970s. Br. Brouillette returned to Damien in 1984 and, allegedly, immediately began abusing multiple children. It is believed he abused at least six Damien Memorial High School students between 1984 and 1988. Br. Brouillette left Damien Memorial High School briefly, only to return and allegedly abuse yet another student. In 1992, Br. Brouillette was accused of abusing more children on the mainland after leaving Damien Memorial High School, including several children at St. Laurence High School in Burbank, Illinois. In 1998, Br. Brouillette was arrested in Illinois when he solicited an undercover law enforcement officer posing as a minor. Br. Brouillette was convicted on child pornography charges and sentenced to residential treatment at St. John Vianney and four years’ probation. Several survivors have come forward across the country and filed civil lawsuits alleging abuse by Br. Brouillette, including multiple survivors from Damien Memorial High School. Br. Brouillette is included in the Christian Brothers list of “current, former and deceased brothers who were identified in at least two (2) sexual abuse claims filed as proofs of claim in the bankruptcy matter In re: The Christian Brothers’ Institute, et al.” He was last believed to be living in Helena, Montana, where he is a registered sexual offender. Whether he has access to children is unknown. Assignments: Fr. Real (Ray) Bourque, O.M.I. 130 1960 Entered Congregation of Christian Brothers 1976-1984 Brother Rice High School, Birmingham/ Bloomfield Hills/Detroit, MI (DET) Notes: Fr. Real (Ray) Bourque, O.M.I. was a member of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate. Fr. Bourque admitted he sexually abused boys in the late 1970s while he worked as director at St. Paul’s Retreat House and Cursillo Center in Augusta, Maine and the Oblate Center Conference and Retreat Center in Natick, Massachusetts. In 1979, he was sent to Washington D.C. for treatment. In 1981, Fr. Bourque was reassigned by Cardinal Medeiros and continued in ministry until the 1990s when he admitted to child sexual abuse. In 1994, he was sent to St. Luke’s Institute for treatment. For two years before his St. Luke hospitalization and for ten years after, Fr. Bourque was employed by Eternal World Television Network (EWTN) as a speaker on the radio, at retreats, and at other events. Documents from 2002 and 2006 show Fr. Bourque was active in youth ministry at EWTN. He was eventually transferred to St. Henry’s Oblate Residence, retirement home, in Belleville, Illinois. Fr. Bourque’s clerical status, whereabouts, and whether he had access to children from 2007 until his death are unknown. 1960-1964 Iona College, New Rochelle, NY (NY) 1984-1989 Damien High School, Honolulu, HI (HON) 1961 St. Gabriel’s Junior College, Lakewood, NJ (TR) 1989 St. Johns Indian Mission, Laveen, AZ (PHX) 1962 Student Brother, Edmund Rice Hall, New Rochelle, NY (NY) 1990-1991 Unknown 1964-1968 Palma High School, Salinas, CA (MRY) 1992-1997 St. Laurence High School and Community, Burbank, IL (CHI) Assignments: 1965-1969 Summers at University of San Francisco, CA (SFR) 1998-2001 Special Assignment/Other Assignment, Windsor, ON, Canada Ordained, 1954 1955 Unknown 1981 Unknown 1968-1970 O’Dea High School, Seattle, WA (SEA) 2004 Dispensation from Christian Brothers 1956-1958 Oblate College and Seminary, South Natick, MA (BO) 1982-1984 Shrine of Our Lady of Grace, Colebrook, NH (MAN) 1970-1973 Damien High School, Honolulu, HI (HON) 2005-2019 Missouri; Helena, MT 1959-1962 Novitiate of Our Lady of Grace, Colebrook, NH (MAN) 1985-1993 Unknown 1973-1976 Butte Central High School, Butte, MT (HEL) 1963 St. Jean-Baptist Church, Lowell, MA (BO) 1994-1999 Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, Hudson, NH (MAN) 1964 Novitiate of Our Lady of Grace, Colebrook, NH (MAN) 1996 Oblates Foreign Missions (FgM) 1965-1967 Oblates of Mary Immaculate Retreat House, Hudson, NH (MAN) 1998-2002 Oblates Foreign Missions (FgM) 1968-1975 St. Paul’s Retreat House and Cursillo Center, Augusta, ME (PORT) 2003-2006 Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate – St. Henry’s Oblate Residence, Belleville, IL (BEL) 1976-1979 Oblate Center Conference and Retreat Center, Natick, MA (BO) 2007-2014 Unknown 1980 Oblate College, Washington D.C. (WDC) 2014 Died • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 131 Fr. Vincent W. Bryce, O.P. Ordained, 1957 Notes: Fr. Vincent W. Bryce, O.P. was ordained for the Dominican Order in 1957. In 2002, Fr. Bryce was accused, and admitted to, sexually abusing a child in 1977. Fr. Bryce was subsequently removed from ministry and returned to the Order’s headquarters in Chicago. As of 2018, Fr. Bryce remained a priest and was living in St. Louis, MO. His current whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1958 St. Rose of Lima Priory, Dubuque, IA (DUB) 1982-1983 Dominican Fathers, Assigned but Serving Elsewhere, Chicago, IL (CHI); St. Joseph Rectory, Middle River, MN 1959-1964 Holy Rosary, Minneapolis, MN (STP) 1984 Dominican Fathers, Assigned but Serving Elsewhere, Chicago, IL (CHI); St. Gertrude Rectory, St. Clair Shores, MI Fr. Eamonn Byrne, S.S.C. Ordained, 1953 Notes: Fr. Eamonn Byrne, S.S.C. was a member of the Society of St. Columban. Fr. Byrne, originally from Ireland, was appointed to work in the Philippines for most of his career. While in the Philippines, he worked in parishes and universities located in Pangasinan, Manila, and Luzon. Beginning in 1974, Fr. Byrne worked in the United States for three years to develop a Columban apostolate to the Filipino community. Fr. Byrne also reportedly worked in the Archdiocese of Chicago. Fr. Byrne then returned to the Philippines, where he worked until 2007. In 2007, he returned to Ireland and resided at the Retirement Home at St. Columban’s in Navan and later died at the St. Columban’s Nursing Home in Dalgan Park. In 1992, a woman sued the Archdiocese of Chicago, the Society of St. Columban, and Fr. Byrne, alleging that Fr. Byrne had sexually abused her as a 10-year-old while on a church outing. Fr. Byrne’s whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he had access to children from approximately 2007 until his death in 2015 are unknown. Assignments: 1954 Unknown 1975-1978 St. Columban Monastery, Brooklyn, NY (BR) 1965-1968 Holy Ghost, Hammond, LA (BR) 1984-1995 St. Gertrude’s, St. Clair Shores, MI (DET) 1955-1957 Unknown Holy Rosary, Houston, TX (GAL) 1995-2003 Dominican Fathers, St. Pius V Priory, Assigned but Serving Elsewhere, Chicago, IL (CHI) P.I. Cathedral, Lingayan Pangasinan, Philippines (SCFM) 1979-2015 1969-1970 1958-1973 P.I. 967 Singalong, Manila, Philippines (SCFM) 2015 Died 1971-1979 St. Vincent Ferrer Priory, River Forest, IL (CHI) 1996-2002 1996-2002: St. Margaret Mary, Edmore, MI (GR); St. Bernadette or Lourdes, Stanton, MI (GR) 1974 Unknown 1980 Unknown 2004-2018 St. Dominic Priory, St. Louis, MO (STL) 1981 Dominican Fathers, Assigned but Serving Elsewhere, Chicago, IL (CHI); Crookston, MN 2019 Unknown Robert Cachor Notes: For several years, Robert Cachor was the wrestling coach at Brother Rice High School in Chicago, IL. At least two claims were filed in the Congregation of Christian Brothers’ bankruptcy case, In re: The Christian Brothers’ Institute, et al., alleging Cachor sexually abused two minor students in the late 1960s and early 1970s at Brother Rice. It is believed Cachor died in 2015. His whereabouts and whether he had access to children prior to his believed death are unknown. Fr. Ignatius M. Burrill, S.J. Ordained, 1937 Notes: Fr. Ignatius M. Burrill, S.J. entered into the Jesuit order on August 8, 1924. In 1937, Fr. Burrill completed his studies and was ordained. According to the Jesuits, Fr. Burrill has more than one allegation of child sexual abuse against him. In approximately the 1950s, Fr. Burrill allegedly sexually abused a minor while he worked at St. Ignatius High School in Cleveland, Ohio. In approximately 1977, Fr. Burrill allegedly sexually abused a minor while he worked at Loyola Academy in Wilmette, Illinois. Fr. Burrill is included on the USA Midwest Province Jesuits’ list as having at least one “established allegation of sexual abuse of a minor.” Assignments: 1938 St. Mary’s College, St. Mary’s, KS (KCK) 1953-1956 St. Ignatius High School, Cleveland, OH (CLV) 1939 St. Stanislaus Novitiate, Cleveland, OH (CLV) 1957-1958 St. Ignatius High School, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1940-1941 University of Detroit, Detroit, MI (DET) 1959-1963 St. Mary of the Lake Seminary, Mundelein, IL (CHI) 1942-1950 West Baden University, West Baden Springs, IN (IND) 1964-1987 Loyola Academy, Wilmette, IL (CHI) 1951 Woodward Ave. and Quarton Rd., Bloomfield Hills, MI (DET) 1987 Died 1952 Bellarmine Hall, Chicago, IL (CHI) Fr. Richard Edmund Butler, O.P. Fr. Andrew S. Campbell, O.S.B. Ordained, 1981 Notes: Fr. Andrew S. Campbell, O.S.B. was a member of the Benedictine order and was ordained in 1981. At least one survivor has come forward and accused Fr. Campbell of child sexual abuse from 1980 to 1982 at St. Vincent Archabbey. Fr. Campbell has been named in at least one civil lawsuit. From 1983 to 1986, it is reported that Fr. Campbell taught at Northwestern University in Chicago, IL and then later taught at St. Vincent College in Latrobe, PA. In 2002, Fr. Campbell was reportedly placed on leave following allegations of child sexual abuse. His current whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1982-1983 Penn State Catholic Center, State College, PA (ALT) 1987-2018 St. Vincent Archabbey, Latrobe, PA (GBG) 1983 -1986 Northwestern University, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2019 Unknown Ordained, 1949 Notes: Fr. Richard Edmund Butler, O.P., was ordained for the Dominican order in approximately 1949. While living in Tucson, Fr. Butler was the director of a Mexican mariachi band comprised of teenage boys that traveled throughout the U.S. and Mexico. Fr. Butler was named on the Diocese of Tucson’s list in 2003 of “clergy with credible accusations of sexual misconduct with minors who served the Diocese in the past.” Additionally, Fr. Butler was included in the Diocese of Tucson’s “List of Clergy and other Church Personnel Identified by the Diocese of Tucson with Assignments, Employment or ministry Service in the Diocese about Whom the Diocese is Aware of Credible Allegations of Sexual Misconduct Involving a Minor.” Assignments: 132 1950-1953 Unknown 1969-1975 University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ (TUC) 1954-1963 Aquinas Hall Newman Center, Albuquerque, NM (SFe) 1976-1978 St. Dominic Priory, River Forest, IL (CHI) 1957-1962 St. Thomas Aquinas, Albuquerque, NM (SFE) 1976-1985 Fenwick High School, Oak Park, IL (CHI) 1964 7006 S. Euclid, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1979-1988 Priory of St. Dominic and St. Thomas, River Forest, IL (CHI) 1965-1968 Dominican Fathers Provincial Residence, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1988 Died • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 133 Fr. John J. (Jack) Campbell, S.J. Ordained, 1950 Notes: Fr. John J. “Jack” Campbell, S.J. was ordained for the Jesuit Order in 1950. By 2003, 13 people had accused Fr. Campbell of sexually abusing them when they were children. One survivor reported that Fr. Campbell sexually abused him numerous times during counseling sessions when the boy was a student at St. Louis University High School in St. Louis, Missouri. Fr. Campbell was barred from contact with children by the Jesuits in 1987 due to sexual abuse allegations, and removed from public ministry in 1989. Campbell was stripped of all public priestly duties in 1993. Fr. Campbell is included on the list of “Jesuits of the U.S. Central and Southern Province (and its predecessor entities) with Credible Allegations of Abuse of a Minor.” Assignments: 1951 St. Mary’s College, St. Mary’s, KS (KCK) 1980-1982 1980-1982: St. Louis University, St. Louis, MO (STL); Fusz Memorial Bellarmine House of Studies, St. Louis, MO (STL) 1952 St. Joseph Hall, Decatur, IL (SFD) 1953-1965 St. Louis University High School, George R. Backer Memorial, St. Louis, MO (STL) 1983-1987 St. Louis University High School, George R. Backer Memorial, St. Louis, MO (STL) 1963-1964 The Queens Work, St. Louis, MO (STL) 1988 White House Retreat, St. Louis, MO (STL) 1965-1970 National Solidarity Service Center, St. Louis, MO (STL) 1989-1991 Regis College, Denver, CO (DEN) 1971-1977 Jesuit Community at St. Louis University, St. Louis, MO (STL) 1991-1992 Regis University- Jesuit Community, Denver, CO (DEN) 1972-1976 St. Francis Xavier, St. Louis, MO (STL) 1992-2004 Xavier Jesuit Center, Denver, CO (DEN) 1976 St. Louis University, St. Louis, MO (STL) 2005-2008 Unknown 1977-1979 White House, The St. Louis Jesuit House of Retreats, St. Louis, MO (STL) 2009 Died Fr. Stuart B. Campbell, O.P. Ordained, 1930 Notes: Fr. Stuart B. Campbell, O.P. was ordained a priest for the Dominican order in 1930. Fr. Campbell served throughout the U.S. including at Fenwick High School in Chicago. In 2003, Fr. Campbell was named in a civil lawsuit accusing him of child sexual abuse from 1956 to 1959 while he worked for the Diocese of Fresno. Fr. Campbell was included in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles’ ‘2018 Update to the Report to the People of God (Allegations of Sexual Misconduct by Priests Reported to Archdiocese of Los Angeles since 2008). Assignments: 134 1931 College of Immaculate Conception (Dominican House of Studies), Washington, D.C. (BAL) 1961 St. Albert the Great, Reno, NV (RNO) 1932-1934 Fenwick High School, Oak Park, IL (CHI) 1962-1963 Our Lady of the Rosary, East Line, NV (RNO) 1935-1937 St. Catherine of Sienna, New York, NY (NY) 1964 St. John Bosco, Battle Mountain, NV (RNO) 1938-1940 St. Thomas Aquinas’ Zanesville, OH (COL) 1965-1966 St. Teresa’s, Carson City, NV (RNO) 1941-1944 St. Louis Bertrand’s, Louisville, KY (L) 1967-1970 Our Lady of Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NV (RNO) 1945-1946 St. Dominic’s, Washington, D.C. (WDC) 1971 Our Lady of Sorrows, Las Vegas, NV (RNO) 1947 St. Thomas Aquinas’ Zanesville, OH (COL) 1972-1973 St. Robert Bellarmine- St. Joseph the Worker, Fernley-Empire, NV (RNO) 1948-1949 Our Lady of Guadalupe, San Bernardino, CA (SD) 1974 St. Patrick’s, Tonopah, NV (RNO) 1950-1953 St. Augustine’s, Covington, KY (COV) 1975-1976 St. Mary’s in the Mountains, Virginia City, NV (RNO) 1954 Santa Teresita Hospital and Sanatorium, Duarte, CA (LA) 1977-1980 Immaculate Heart of Mary, Santa Ana, CA (ORG) 1955 Unknown 1981-1982 Unknown 1956-1957 St. Ann’s, Porterville, CA (MF) 1983 St. Francis Home, Santa Ana, CA (ORG) 1958-1959 Unknown 1984-1985 Unknown 1960 St. Thomas Aquinas Cathedral, Reno, NV (RNO) 1986 Died Fr. J. Michael Cannon, S.J. Ordained, 1974 Notes: Fr. J. Michael Cannon entered the Jesuit Order in 1962, and was ordained a priest for the Jesuits in 1974. In 2002 he was accused of sexual abuse that occurred from approximately 1967 to 1971 in Wisconsin. Fr. Cannon was dismissed by the Jesuits in 1997. Fr. Cannon is included on the USA Midwest Province Jesuits’ list as having at least one “established allegation of sexual abuse of a minor.” Fr. Cannon’s status as a priest, whereabouts, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1975-1978 Jesuit School of Theology, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1988-1992 The Gesu, Milwaukee, WI (MIL) 1979 Jesuit Community at Creighton University, Omaha, NE (OM) 1993-1994 Jesuit Provincial Office, Wisconsin Province, Priests of the Province Engaged in Higher Studies, Milwaukee, WI (MIL); 1075 Benton St., Santa Clara, CA 1980-1987 Creighton Preparatory School, Omaha, NE (OM) 1995-2019 Unknown 1984 Jesuit Community at Fordham University, New York, NY (NY) Fr. Michael Charland, O.M.I. Ordained, 1971 Notes: Fr. Michael Charland, O.M.I. was a member of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate. He worked as assistant principal and counselor at St. Henry’s Preparatory Seminary in Belleville, Illinois. He also led Teens Encounter Christ programs, as the spiritual director in Superior, Wisconsin and International Falls, Minnesota. He also worked in Missouri, Mississippi, Texas, Nebraska, and Canada. In 1981, Fr. Charland is alleged to have sexually abused a 17-year-old boy on a retreat at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in St. Paul, Minnesota. Fr. Charland worked as the campus ministry director at St. Thomas College when the alleged abuse occurred. In 1984, Fr. Charland left the Order and was later laicized by the Vatican in 1989. Fr. Charland went on to work as a psychologist at Affiliated Counseling Center in Woodbury, Minnesota. In 2017, Fr. Charland surrendered his professional licenses and retired. The Minnesota licensing board determined Charland engaged in sexual and other professional misconduct before becoming licensed. It is believed Fr. Charland currently resides in Woodbury, Minnesota. Whether he has access to children is unknown. Assignments: 1959 Minor Seminary, Our Lady of the Ozarks, Carthage, MO (SPC) 1960-1962 Unknown 1971 Assumption Parish, Richfield, MN (STP) 1963 Our Lady of the Ozarks College, Carthage, MO (SPC) 1972 Oblate House of Studies/Creighton University, Omaha, NE (OM) 1964 Unknown 1973 St. Louis Parish, Fond du Lac, WI (MIL) 1965 Immaculate Heart of Mary Novitiate, Godfrey, IL (SFD) 1974-1977 St. Henry’s Preparatory Seminary, Belleville, IL (BEL) 1966 Our Lady of the Snows Scholasticate, Pass Christian, MS (BLX) 1978-1983 College of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN (STP) 1967 Unknown 1984 University of Wisconsin-River Falls, River Falls, WI (LC); Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Big River), River Falls, WI (LC) 1968-1973 Oblate College of the Southwest, San Antonio, TX (SA) 1985-2019 Unknown Fr. Victor Lucien Chateauvert, M.S.F. Ordained, 1973 Notes: Fr. Victor Lucien Chateauvert, M.S.F. was a member of the Congregation of the Missionaries of the Holy Family. Fr. Chateauvert worked in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, Diocese of Springfield, Diocese of Duluth, and Canada. In 1992, Fr. Chateauvert was arrested on suspicion of second-degree criminal sexual assault. Fr. Chateauvert allegedly sexually assaulted two teenage boys while he worked at Holy Family in Hillman, Minnesota. In December 1992, he was removed from ministry and returned to the Order. In 1993, Fr. Chateauvert was sentenced to six months in jail. Fr. Chateauvert is included in the Diocese of Duluth’s list of “Clergy with credible claims against them concerning sexual abuse of a young person.” Fr. Chateauvert’s whereabouts and whether he had access to children from 1995 until his death are unknown. Assignments: 1974 St. Camillus De Lellis, Los Angeles, CA (LA) 1983-1993 Holy Family Church, Hillman, MN (DUL) 1975-1978 Los Angeles General Hospital, Los Angeles, CA (LA) 1990-1994 Holy Family Mansion House, Hillman, MN (DUL) 1979-1981 St. Joseph’s Church, Granite City, IL (SFD) 1995-1999 Unknown 1982 Unknown 1999 Died • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 135 Br. Damien (Patrick) Chong, O.Carm. Fr. James A. Condon, S.J. Notes: Br. Damien (Patrick) Chong, O.Carm. was a member of the Carmelite religious order. Br. Chong has been accused by at least one person of child sexual abuse and was named in a civil lawsuit alleging that Br. Chong sexually abused a former Crespi High School student in approximately 1984 to 1986. Br. Chong allegedly plied his victim with alcohol and would sexually abuse the boy after football practice in his own residence. After he left Los Angeles, it is believed Br. Chong worked as Associate Pastor and Prior at St. Gelasius Parish in Chicago. Br. Chong is included in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles’ Final Addendum to the Report to the People of God, October 2008. Notes: Fr. James A. Condon, S.J. entered the Jesuit order on September 20, 1926. In 1939, Fr. Condon completed his studies and was ordained. According to the Jesuits, Fr. Condon has more than one allegation of child sexual abuse against him. In approximately the 1960s, Fr. Condon allegedly sexually abused a minor while he worked at The Queen’s Work in St. Louis, Missouri. In 1965, Fr. Condon allegedly sexually abused a minor while he worked at St. Xavier High School in Cincinnati, Ohio. The minor he allegedly sexually abused was not a student of St. Xavier High School. Fr. Condon is included on the USA Midwest Province Jesuits’ list as having at least one “established allegation of sexual abuse of a minor.” It is unknown whether Fr. Condon had access to children prior to his death. Fr. Condon is also included in the Jesuits U.S. Central and Southern Province “list of Jesuits with credible accusations of sexual abuse of a minor.” Assignments: 1964-1967 Crespi Carmelite High School, Encino, CA (LA) 1992-1997 St. Gelasius, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1968-1974 Mount Carmel High School, Los Angeles, CA (LA); Mount Carmel Priory, Los Angeles, CA (LA) 1998-2007 Catholic Information Center, Peabody, MA (BO) 1975-1984 Unknown 1998-2014 St. Therese Carmelite Chapel, Peabody, MA (BO) 1985-1989 Crespi Carmelite High School, Encino, CA (LA) 1999-2014 Our Lady of the Scapular Priory, Peabody, MA (BO) 1989-1991 Unknown 2014 Died Fr. George J. Cody, I.C. Ordained, Unknown Notes: Fr. George Cody worked in the Diocese of Peoria for many years as a hospital chaplain. In 2011, a woman alleged that Fr. Cody had sexually abused her and other girls during the 1950s. At the time of alleged abuse, the alleged victim was 12 years old and a Polio patient at the St. Francis Medical Center. The woman alleged that after she was abused, she told staff about it, but was instructed to say nothing about the abuse. Fr. Cody is believed to have died in 1964, but he is included in the 1965 Official Catholic Directory. Ordained, 1939 Assignments: 1940 St. Mary’s College, St. Marys, KS (KCK) 1967-1969 Unknown 1941 St. Stanislaus Novitiate, Cleveland, OH (CLV) 1970-1991 St. Ignatius High School, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1942-1957 University of Detroit High School for Boys, Detroit, MI (DET) 1991 St. Ignatius Jesuit Community, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1958-1961 Loyola Academy, Wilmette, IL (CHI) 1992 Colombiere Center, Clarkston, MI (DET) 1962 3115 S. Grand Ave., St. Louis, MO (STL) 1993 Died 1963-1966 Chicago Province of the Society of Jesus, Oak Park, IL (CHI) Br. Edmund Corrigan, C.F.C. Notes: Br. Edmund Corrigan, C.F.C., member of the Congregation of Christian Brothers, was named in a 2013 civil lawsuit alleging he abused a student while he worked at Brother Rice High School in Chicago, Illinois. His clerical status, current whereabouts, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1930-1933 Corpus Christi College, Galesburg, IL (PEO) 1948-1958 St. Francis Hospital, Peoria, IL (PEO) 1934 Corpus Christi High School, Galesburg, IL (PEO) 1959-1964 St. Margaret’s Hospital, Spring Valley, IL (PEO) 1935-1938 St. Mary’s Hospital, Galesburg, IL (PEO) 1965 Rosminian Preparatory Seminary, Peoria, IL (PEO) 1939-1947 Corpus Christi High School, Galesburg, IL (PEO) 1966-2019 Unknown Br. Edward Courtney, C.F.C. Notes: Br. Edward Courtney, C.F.C., former member of the Congregation of Christian Brothers, has been accused of sexual abuse of at least 55 boys. Despite the Christian Brothers allegedly knowing in the 1960s of sexual abuse allegations against Br. Courtney, he was allowed to teach in Illinois, Michigan, Nevada, New York, and Washington. Br. Courtney taught in all three Chicago-area high schools, which include: Rice High School; Leo Catholic High School, and St. Laurence High School. It is alleged Br. Courtney sexually abused at least two minor students while he worked at Leo High School in Chicago. Br. Courtney taught in Washington at O’Dea High School in Seattle; Our Lady of the Lake School in Wedgewood; and was principal of St. Alphonsus Parish School in Ballard. In 1983, Br. Courtney left the Christian Brothers and continued to work in public schools in Washington until accusations of abuse began to surface. In 1988, Br. Courtney pleaded guilty to a felony indecent liberties charge and was sentenced to two years’ probation. Br. Courtney’s charges stemmed from alleged sexual contact with students while he worked at a public junior high school in Othello, Washington. While Br. Courtney was a Christian Brother, he was sent to a number of treatment facilities. He has also been named in a number of child sexual abuse lawsuits. Br. Courtney is included in the Christian Brothers’ list of “current, former and deceased brothers who were identified in at least two (2) sexual abuse claims filed as proofs of claim in the bankruptcy matter In re: The Christian Brothers’ Institute, et al” and the Archdiocese of Seattle’s list of “clergy and religious brothers and sisters for whom allegations of sexual abuse of a minor have been admitted, established or determined to be credible.” It is believed Br. Courtney currently resides in Honolulu, Hawaii. His clerical status and whether he has access to children are unknown. 136 • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 137 Br. Frank Luke Dalton, C.F.C. Fr. Michael E. Dorrler, S.J. Notes: Br. Frank L. Dalton, C.F.C., entered the Congregation of Christian Brothers in 1955. Br. Dalton allegedly sexually abused a male student while he worked as principal at Brother Rice High School in Birmingham, Michigan. The survivor said Br. Dalton was transferred to California after he admitted he had a “wet dream” about the boy. Br. Dalton worked at three schools in California: St. Vincent-St. Patrick in Viejo, Palma High School in Salinas, and Cantwell High School in Montebello. Br. Dalton also worked in Vancouver and Burnaby in British Columbia; Butte, Montana; Joliet, Illinois; Burbank, Illinois; and Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. During his final stay in Salinas, California, he reportedly tutored, counseled, and held summer camps for the migrant labor camp children in the Gonzales area. He was also a commissioner on the Monterey County Juvenile Justice Commission. It is believed Br. Dalton died in 2001. Notes: Fr. Michael E. Dorrler, S.J. entered the Jesuit order on September 6, 1975. According to the Jesuits, Fr. Dorrler has been accused of sexually abusing a minor while asigned to Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School in Indianapolis, Indiana, in 1990. Fr. Dorrler is included on the USA Midwest Province Jesuits’ list as having at least one “established allegation of sexual abuse of a minor.” Fr. Dorrler’s whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Fr. Philip DeRea, M.S.C. Ordained, 1968 Notes: Fr. Philip DeRea, M.S.C. was ordained in 1968, and shortly after joined the Society of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart based in Aurora, Illinois. Fr. DeRea became chaplain for the Indy Racing League in 1971 and began traveling the world, ministering to Indy race car drivers and other celebrities. In 2011, a complaint was filed against Fr. DeRea, claiming he had sexually abused a boy in Washington D.C. The abuse allegedly began in 1980, when the boy was eleven years old, and continued for eight years. According to the complaint, Fr. DeRea was a “semi-celebrity” priest who used his connections to the racing world and celebrities to make the plaintiff feel honored to be associated with him. The plaintiff reportedly emailed Fr. DeRea asking about why Fr. DeRea had hurt him when he was a child. Fr. DeRea was allegedly remorseful in his email response, acknowledged the pain his actions had caused, and offered to pay the victim a sum of money. Fr. DeRea is believed to have died in 2017. His whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he had access to children from approximately 2012 until his death in 2017 are unknown. Ordained, 1983 Assignments: 1975-1978 Unknown 1989-1993 Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School, Indianapolis, IN (IND) 1979 Walsh Jesuit High School, Stow, OH (CLV) 1994-1996 Unknown 1980-1983 Unknown 1997 Bellarmine Hall, Barrington, IL (CHI) 1983 Ordained 1998 Chicago Province of the Society of JesusProvincial Office, Chicago, IL; Bellarmine Hall, Barrington, IL (CHI) 1984 Unknown 1999-2007 Chicago Province of the Society of Jesus-Provincial Office, Clark Street Jesuit Residence, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1985 Jesuit Community at Loyola University, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2008 Chicago Province of the Society of Jesus-Provincial Office, Chicago, IL (CHI); Residence-Cincinnati, OH (CIN) 1986 Loyola University Lake Shore Campus, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2009-2010 Chicago Province of the Society of Jesus-Provincial Office, Clark Street Jesuit Residence, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1987-1988 Jesuit Community at Loyola University, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2011-2019 Unknown Assignments: 1969 1991-1994 Unknown Missionary Vehicle Association, Inc. Washington D.C. (WDC) – 1241 Monroe St NE, 20017 1970-1976 Sacred Heart Monastery, Aurora, IL (RCK) 1993-2005 Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, Reading, PA (ALN) 1977-1979 M.S.C. Seminary, Center Valley, PA (ALN) 1995-2011 Missionary Vehicle Association, Inc., Washington D.C. (WDC) – 1400 Michigan Ave NE, 20017 1980 Unknown 2007 Missionaries of the Sacred Heart Foreign Mission – Italy 1981 Sacred Heart Hospital, Allentown, PA (ALN) 2008-2011 Missionaries of the Sacred Heart Community, Aurora, IL (RCK) 1982 Missionary Vehicle Association, Inc., Washington D.C. (WDC) – 1233 Lawrence St NE, P.O. Box 29184, 20017 2012-2016 Unknown (placed on leave) 1983-1992 Sacred Heart Monastery, Reading, PA (ALN) 2017 Died 1984-1990 Missionary Vehicle Association, Inc., Washington D.C. (WDC) – 1326 Perry St NE, 20017 Fr. Kevin J. Downey, O.F.M. Ordained, 1982 Notes: According to a statement issued in 2017 by the Franciscan Friars Holy Name Province, Fr. Kevin J. Downey, O.F.M. was placed on leave of absence from all ministerial environments in 2016 following a complaint of misconduct with a male minor in 1990 “in another state.” According to the Official Catholic Directory, Fr. Downey was working at Quincy College at this time, within the Diocese of Springfield. Although Fr. Downey denied the allegation, an independent investigation deemed the claim credible. As of 2017, Downey was permanently removed from all public ministry, but his current whereabouts and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1983 St. Bonaventure Friary, Allegany, NY (BUF) 1996-1999 Our Lady of the Assumption Church, Pompton Lakes, NJ (PAT) 1983-1985 Quincy College, Quincy, IL (SFD) 2000-2002 St. Bonaventure Church, Allegany, NY; St. John the Baptist Church, Vandalia, NY (BUF) 1986 St. Anthony’s, Butler, NJ (PAT) 2003-2011 Our Lady of the Assumption Church, Pompton Lakes, NJ (PAT) 1987-1991 Quincy College, Quincy, IL (SFD) 2012-2016 St. Francis of Assisi, Triangle, VA (ARL) 1992-1993 St. Francis of Assisi, Raleigh, NC (R) 2017 St. Anthony Friary, St. Petersburg, FL (SP) 1994-1995 Unknown 2018-2019 Unknown Br. Francis Dominic (Anthony Salomane), O.F.M. Notes: Br. Francis Dominic, birth name Anthony Salomane, was a Conventual Franciscan who worked at the Province of Our Lady of Consolation in Mount St. Francis, Indiana, from 1969 to 1980, before transferring to St. Bonaventure in Chicago, Illinois, where he reportedly worked until leaving the Conventual Franciscans in 1989. In 2002, six men filed lawsuits alleging Br. Dominic sexually abused them as minors in the early to mid-1970s. Br. Dominic’s status as a brother, current whereabouts, and whether he has access to children are unknown. 138 • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 139 Fr. Daniel Michael Drinan, C.M.F. Ordained, 1977 Notes: In 2002, Fr. Daniel Michael Drinan, C.M.F. was removed from ministry after he was accused of engaging in sexual contact with a minor. Fr. Drinan was subsequently charged with misdemeanor assault. From 2003 to 2006, Fr. Drinan was reportedly working in Reno at a treatment facility for paroled prisoners with addiction problems. Fr. Drinan was expelled from the Claretian order in 2006. In 2012, Fr. Drinan viewed pornography and masturbated on a public flight. In connection with the incident, Fr. Drinan was convicted of engaging in lewd and obscene acts and indecent exposure in public and sentenced to two months of probation. Fr. Drinan was included on the Diocese of Austin’s list of clergy and religious who have been credibly accused of committing sexual abuse against a minor. Fr. Drinan’s current whereabouts and whether he has access to children are unknown. Ordained, 1957 1978 Unknown 1992 Claretians Incorporated, Springfield, MO (SPC) Notes: Fr. John Duggan, S.J. is a Jesuit priest who worked in Illinois, New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, New Jersey, and Nigeria. After nearly four decades in the priesthood, in 1993, Fr. Duggan was sent for a psychological evaluation, during which he admitted to sexually abusing young children. Following the admission, Bishop James C. Timlin, then Bishop of the Diocese of Scranton, allowed Fr. Duggan to continue working under supervision.In 1996, a man reported to Bishop Timlin that Fr. Duggan sexually abused him in the 1970s when he was a teenager engaged in spiritual counseling at the Jesuit house in Scranton. Consequently, Bishop Timlin banned Fr. Duggan from parish work and restricted him to convent and prison ministry. In 1999, the same man reported that he believed Fr. Duggan was participating in unsupervised ministry. The Diocesan Review Board recommended Bishop Timlin constrain Fr. Duggan to celebration of mass and the administration of sacraments in correctional facilities, nursing homes, and convents. The man contacted the Diocese again in 2002, requesting a guarantee that Fr. Duggan would not be a threat to children, causing Fr. Duggan to be removed from the Jesuit Community in Scranton. Fr. Duggan is listed in the 2005 Official Catholic Directory, but he is believed to have died in 2004. 1979 Catholic Student Center, Baton Rouge, LA (BR) 1993 Unknown Assignments: 1980 Unknown 1994-1997 Claretian Fathers Headquarters of U.S.A. Eastern Province, Oak Park, IL (CHI) 1981 Southwest Missouri State University, Springfield, MO (SPC) 1998 Our Lady of Guadalupe, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1982 Sacred Heart, Springfield, MO (SPC) 1999 Claretian Fathers Headquarters of U.S.A. Eastern Province, Oak Park, IL (CHI) 1983-1984 St. Mary of Sorrows, Fairfax, VA (ARL) 2000-2002 Immaculate Heart of Mary, Martindale, TX; St. Michael’s, Uhland, TX (AUS) 1985 Unknown 2003-2013 Unknown 1986-1989 Ecumenical Center, Southwest Missouri State University, Springfield, MO (SPC) 2014 Laicized 1986-1992 Sacred Heart, Springfield, MO (SPC) 2015-2019 Unknown 1990-1992 The Nancy McGregor House, Southwest Missouri State University, Springfield, MO (SPC); Claretian Fathers Headquarters of U.S.A. Eastern Province, Oak Park, IL (CHI) Assignments: Br. Thomas G. Duffin, C.F.C. Notes: Br. Thomas Duffin, C.F.C. was a member of the Congregation of Christian Brothers. Br. Duffin was the principal, from approximately 1978 to 1982, at St. Patrick’s High School in Vallejo, California. He also taught religion for 17 years at St. Laurence High School in Burbank, Illinois where it is alleged he sexually abused at least three minor students. In 2012, multiple survivors filed claims in the Irish Christian Brothers bankruptcy alleging sexual abuse by Br. Duffin when they were students at Brother Rice High School in Chicago, Illinois. In 2013, Br. Duffin was named in three sexual abuse lawsuits which alleged he sexually abused students while he worked at Damien Memorial High School in Honolulu, Hawaii, in the late 1960s. Br. Duffin is included in the Christian Brothers’ list of “current, former and deceased brothers who were identified in at least two (2) sexual abuse claims filed as proofs of claim in the bankruptcy matter In re: The Christian Brothers’ Institute, et al.” It is believed Br. Duffin died in 1999. 140 Fr. John Duggan, S.J. 1958 Weston College/Regis College, Weston, MA (BO) 1984 Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Camden, NJ (CAM) 1959 Tertianship, Auriesville, NY (ALB) 1985-1988 Scranton Preparatory School, Scranton, PA (SCR) 1960-1970 Diocese of Scranton Pastoral Center, Scranton, PA (SCR) 1989-1993 St. Paul’s, Scranton, PA (SCR) 1971-1972 Loyola High School, Baltimore, MD (BAL) 1994 Unknown 1973-1978 St. Agnes Hospital, Philadelphia, PA (PH) 1995 Jesuit Fathers and Brothers Maryland Provincial Curia, Baltimore, MD (BAL) 1979 Unknown 1996-2004 University of Scranton, Scranton, PA (SCR) 1980 Old St. Joseph’s, Philadelphia, PA (PH) 2003 Jesuit Fathers and Brothers Maryland Provincial Curia, Baltimore, MD (BAL) 1981 Faber House, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2004-2005 Campion Hall, Oxford, England 1982-1983 Jesuit Fathers and Brothers Maryland Provincial Curia, Baltimore, MD (BAL) 2004 Died Fr. George B. Dyer (Bernardine George Dyer), O.P. Ordained, 1961 Notes: Fr. George B. Dyer, O.P. was a Dominican priest. Fr. Dyer held assignments throughout the United States, including at The Dominican Fathers Provincial Office in Chicago. A 2006 lawsuit accused Fr. Dyer of engaging in sexual misconduct. Fr. Dyer is included in the Dominicans’ list of friars against whom an allegation of sexual abuse of a minor was deemed established based on a review of provincial files. Fr. Dyer’s whereabouts and whether he had access to children from approximately 2006 until his death in 2013 are unknown. Assignments: 1962-1963 College of Immaculate Conception, Washington, D.C. (WDC) 1990 Dominican Fathers & Brothers, Southern Dominican Province, New Orleans, LA (NO) 1964-1965 Providence College, Providence, RI (PRO) 1990-1991 Dominican Order, Oakland, CA (OAK) 1966-1968 Montreal, Canada, (StJProv) 1991 St. Isabella, San Rafael, CA 1969-1970 Providence College, Providence, RI (PRO) 1992 Unknown 1970-1973 Dominican Fathers Provincial Office, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1993 St. Mark, San Marcos, CA (SD) 1972 Providence College, Providence, RI (PRO) 1994 Unknown 1974-1976 Box 251, Bluffton, SC (CHR) 1995 St. Mary, Johnson City, TX (KNX) 1977-1980 College of the Immaculate Conception, Washington, D.C. (WDC) 1996-1999 St. Thomas the Apostle, Lenoir City, TN (KNX) 1981 Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Tampa, FL (SP) 2000 Unknown 1982 Pan American University, Edinburg, TX (BWN) 2001-2002 St. William’s, Guntersville, AL (BIR) 1983-1984 St. Mark Priory, Dominican Fathers and Brothers, Houston, TX (GAL) 2003 Unknown 1984 Casa Oscar Romero, San Benito, TX (BWN) 2004-2005 U.S. Religious Serving Abroad, Belgium (FgM) 1985 Unknown 2006-2012 Unknown 1986 St. Dominic Priory, San Francisco, CA (SFR) 2013 Died 1987-1989 St. Isabella, San Rafael, CA (SFR) • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 141 Fr. Robert J. Erpenbeck, S.J. Ordained, Unknown Fr. Mark. A. Finan, S.J. Ordained, 1948 Notes: Fr. Robert J. Erpenbeck, S.J. entered the Jesuit order on August 7, 1931. According to Jesuits, Fr. Erpenbeck has been accused of two incidents of child sexual abuse, one incident allegedly occurring in 1961 while he was working at the Jesuit Novitiate in Milford, Ohio, and the other incident allegedly occurring in 1964 while he was working at the Milford Retreat Center in Milford, Ohio. Fr. Erpenbeck is included on the USA Midwest Province Jesuits’ list as having at least one “established allegation of sexual abuse of a minor.” Notes: Fr. Mark A. Finan, S.J. entered the Jesuit order on August 14, 1950. According to the Jesuits, Fr. Finan has been twice accused of child sexual abuse, one incident allegedly occurring in 1944 while he was working at St. Ignatius College Prep in Chicago, and the other incident allegedly occurring from 1964 to 1965 while he was working at St. Xavier High School in Cincinnati, Ohio. Fr. Finan is included on the USA Midwest Province Jesuits’ list as having at least one “established allegation of sexual abuse of a minor.” Assignments: Assignments: 1931-1945 Unknown 1967 Chicago Province of the Society of Jesus, Oak Park, IL (CHI) 1949 Indianapolis College/West Baden College, West Baden Springs, IN (IND) 1960-1961 Chicago Province of the Society of Jesus, Oak Park, IL (CHI) 1946 St. Ignatius High School, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1968 Milford Novitiate, Milford, OH (CIN) 1950 Tertianship, Auriesville, NY (ALB) 1962-1964 St. Xavier High School, Cincinnati, OH (CIN) 1947 St. Stanislaus Novitiate, Cleveland, OH (CLV) 1969-1971 Bellarmine School of Theology of Loyola University, North Aurora, IL (RCK) 1951 Graduate student, St. Louis University, St. Louis, MO (STL) 1965-1967 Bellarmine Jesuit Retreat House, Barrington, IL (CHI) 1948-1949 Treasurer, St. Ignatius High School, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1972-1978 Loyola Retreat House, Milford, OH (CIN) 1952 St. Francis Xavier, Cincinnati, OH (CIN) 1967-1973 Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1950-1964 Chicago Province of the Society of Jesus, Oak Park, IL (CHI) 1979-1986 St. Xavier High School, Cincinnati, OH (CIN) 1953-1955 University of Detroit, Detroit, MI (DET) 1974-1993 Unknown 1958 Treasurer of the Province, Chicago Province of the Society of Jesus, Oak Park, IL (CHI) 1986 1956 Ohio John Carroll University, Cleveland, OH (CLV) 1993 Died 1965-1966 Regis Hall, Wadsworth, IL (CHI) 1957-1959 Xavier University College of Liberal Arts, Cincinnati, OH (CIN) Died Fr. William Patrick Farrell, O.P. Ordained, 1965 Notes: Fr. William Patrick Farrell, O.P. was a Dominican priest. In 2016, Fr. Farrell was accused of sexually abusing a child in approximately the 1970s while he was teaching at Fenwick High School in Oak Park, Illinois. Another person alleged that Fr. Farrell sexually abused him as an adult during the course of a road trip to Southeastern Louisiana University in 1974. Assignments: 1966-1969 Unknown 1976-1988 St. Dominic, New Orleans, LA (NO) 1970-1971 Fenwick High School, Oak Park, IL (CHI) 1989 Dominican Fathers & Brothers, New Orleans, LA (NO) 1972-1975 St. Albert the Great, Minneapolis, MN (STP) 1989 Died Fr. J. Vincent Fitzgerald, O.M.I. Ordained, 1950 Notes: Fr. J. Vincent Fitzgerald, O.M.I. was a priest of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate who worked in various parishes throughout Illinois, Minnesota, South Dakota, and Missouri. At least 17 survivors have accused Fr. Fitzgerald of child sexual abuse, with the earliest accusation dating back to 1963. Much of Fr. Fitzgerald’s alleged abuse occurred on reservations in Minnesota and South Dakota. In a 2010 lawsuit, Fr. Fitzgerald was accused of sexually abusing two children in the 1960s at the Tekakwitha Indian Mission in Sisseton, South Dakota. In a 2013 lawsuit, another survivor accused Fr. Fitzgerald of child sexual abuse in 1984 at St. Anne’s on the White Earth Indian Reservation in Nayatahwaush, MN. In 2014, a third survivor came forward and accused Fr. Fitzgerald of child sexual abuse in 1978 at St. Catherine’s in Squaw Lake while Fr. Fitzgerald was working at St. Thomas More. Fr. Fitzgerald is included in the Diocese of Duluth’s list of “clergy with credible claims against them concerning sexual abuse of a young person” and the Diocese of New Ulm’s list of credibly accused priests. Assignments: Fr. Patrick (P.J.) Fenton, S.S.S. Ordained, 1950 Notes: Fr. Patrick Fenton, S.S.S. worked in the Archdiocese of Chicago, Archdiocese of New York, and Diocese of Cleveland. The Archdiocese of Chicago has settled with at least one survivor of child sexual abuse allegedly perpetrated by Fr. Fenton. Assignments: 1951-1957 St. Jean Baptiste’s, New York, NY (NY) 1981-1990 St. Paschal Baylon Church, Highland Heights, OH (CLV) 1958-1976 Notre Dame De Chicago, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1991-1999 Blessed Sacrament Community, Cleveland, OH (CLV) 1977-1979 Notre Dame, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1999 Died 1980 Unknown Fr. Federico Fernandez Baeza, O.F.M. Ordained, 1977 Notes: In 1983, San Antonio Archbishop Patrick Flores received a report that Fr. Federico Fernandez Baeza, O.F.M. had been seen naked in a swimming pool with two young girls. Although Fr. Fernandez Baeza was charged with exposing himself in public, the charges were dropped. Five years later, Fr. Fernandez Baeza was again charged for sexual misconduct, this time with two counts of “indecency with a child,” after two boys from the same family, ages 10 and 16, disclosed to their parents that Fr. Fernandez Baeza had molested them. Consequently, Fr. Fernandez Baeza was sent for treatment at the Servants of the Paraclete facility in New Mexico, an institution known for treating priests accused of child sexual abuse. The family sued the Archdiocese of San Antonio and the Franciscans. The charges were dropped after the family received a settlement, and Fr. Fernandez Baeza was allowed to go free. In March 2011, a man on death row disclosed to a forensic psychiatrist that he had been sexually abused as a child in the 1980s by Fr. Fernandez Baeza. It is reported that as of June 2013, Fr. Fernandez Baeza was still an active priest in Bogota, Columbia, and that in 2015 he was working at Universidad de San Buenaventura in Cartagena. However, from 2013 to present his precise whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he has access to children are unknown. 1941-1943 St. Henry’s College, Belleville, IL (BEL) 1973-1979 St. Michael, Northome, MN (DUL); St. Patrick, Kelliher, MN (CR) 1943-1944 St. Peter’s Novitiate, Mission, TX (BWN) 1979-1983 St. Charles, Pennington, MN (CR) 1944 Major Seminary, DeMazenod Scholasticate, San Antonio, TX (SAT) 1983-1985 St. Anne, Naytahwaush, MN (CR); St. Francis Cabrini, Big Elbow Lake, MN (CR) 1945-1950 Unknown 1983-1986 St. Benedict, White Earth, MN (CR) 1951-1954 St. Joseph’s Novitiate, Godfrey, IL (SFD) 1986 Franciscan Renewal Program, Santa Barbara, CA (LA) 1951-1952 Alton State Hospital, Alton, IL (SFD) 1987 St. William, Gainesville, MO (SPC) 1953-1956 King’s House of Retreats, Buffalo, MN (STP) 1988 St. Henry’s Oblate Residence, Belleville, IL (BEL) 1957-1961 St. Michael Northome, MN (DUL); Our Lady of Snows, Bigfork, MN (DUL); St. Theresa, Effie, MN (DUL) 1989 Faculties (PT) 1961-1962 King’s House of Retreats, Henry, IL (BEL) 1990 Unknown 1963-1964 Holy Cross, Orr, MN (DUL) 1991 St. Patrick, Calipatria, CA (SD) 1963-1966 Immaculate Conception, Nett Lake, MN (DUL) 1992 St. Henry’s Oblate Residence, Belleville, IL (BEL) 1966-1967 Tekakwitha Indian Children’s Home, Sisseton, SD (SFS) 1993-1994 Oblate Provincial Offices, St. Paul, MN (STP) 1968 St. Michael, Northome, MN (DUL) 1994-2006 Missionary Oblate of Mary Immaculate, St. Henry’s Oblate Residence, Belleville, IL (BEL) 1968-1983 St. Catherine, Squaw Lake, MN (DUL) 2007-2009 Unknown 1969 St. Michael’s Community, St. Louis, MO (STlL) 2009 Died 1969-1973 St. Charles, Pennington, MN (CR) Assignments: 142 1978-1981 St. Augustine, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1984-1987 St. Clare, San Antonio, TX (SA) 1982-1983 St. Leonard’s, San Antonio, TX (SA) 1988-2019 Unknown • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 143 Fr. Terence Fitzmaurice, O.S.B. Ordained, 1963 Notes: Fr. Terrence Fitzmaurice, O.S.B. was a Benedictine priest. Approximately 15 men have accused Fr. Fitzmaurice of sexually abusing them when they were children in the early 1970s, during the time Fr. Fitzmaurice was working at St. Procopius in Chicago. Fr. Fitzmaurice met many of the children he allegedly abused in his capacity as a supervisor of Mayor Richard Daley’s Summer Youth Employment Program, which provided jobs to impoverished youth. Fr. Fitzmaurice has been named in multiple civil lawsuits. Fr. Fitzmaurice reportedly retired from active ministry in 1999. Assignments: 1964 St. Procopius Abbey, Lisle, IL (JOL) 1992-1999 Our Lady of the North, Phillips, WI (SUP) 1965-1968 St. Procopius College, Lisle, IL (JOL) 2004 Our Lady of the North, Phillips, WI (SUP) 1969-1986 St. Procopius, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2006-2009 Unknown 1982-2005 St. Procopius Abbey, Lisle, IL (JOL) 2010 Died 1988-1991 St. Patrick, Phillips, WI (SUP) Br. Thomas Cuthbert Ford, C.F.C. Notes: Br. Thomas C. Ford joined the Christian Brothers and was assigned to Mt. Cashel Home for Boys in Newfoundland, Canada in 1956. During his time at Mt. Cashel, Br. Ford allegedly sexually and physically abused multiple children in a sadomasochistic manner including the use of leather straps. When Br. Ford allegedly severely beat a naked child in the shower so viciously that he lost consciousness and was transported to the hospital, Br. Ford was returned to the United States. The alleged abuse at Mt Cashel was well known to all Brothers including those at Damien Memorial High School. In 1970, Br. Ford began teaching at Damien Memorial High School and one year later he allegedly sexually abused a student at Damien Memorial High Schoo. Br. Ford was reportedly known at Damien Memorial High School for his use of force and violent temper. Br. Ford worked at St. Laurence High School in Burbank, IL in the 1960s and again in the 1980s. By 1974, Br. Ford had reportedly left Damien Memorial High School after abusing a student at the school, and returned to the mainland. In 1996, Canadian criminal officials charged Br. Ford with 9 counts of abuse for beating children at Mt. Cashel in the late 1950s. Br. Ford disappeared from his teaching assignment and resisted extradition. School officials informed students that Br. Ford left to attend to a family emergency. Br. Ford pleaded guilty and was sentenced to five months in jail. Eleven other Brothers were also convicted for physical and sexual abuse at Mt. Cashel. Multiple claims throughout North America have been filed alleging abuse by Br. Ford, including multiple claims in the Irish Christian Brothers’ bankruptcy and two lawsuits in Hawaii in 2014. Assignments: 1956-1959 Mt. Cashel Home for Boys, Newfoundland, Canada 1979-1980 Cantwell High School, Los Angeles, CA 1959 Cardinal Hayes High School, New York, NY 1980-1986 St. Laurence High School, Chicago, IL 1960-1964 Catholic Memorial High School, Boston, MA 1986-1996 Bergen High School, Bergen, NJ 1964-1967 O’Dea High School, Seattle, WA 1996-2000 Unknown; criminal charges for abuse at Mt. Cashel 1967-1969 St. Laurence High School, Chicago, IL 2001-2008 Santa Maria Community, New York 1970-1974 Damien High School, Honolulu, HI 2008 Died 1974-1979 Boy’s Central High School, Butte, MT Fr. Chester E. Gaiter, S.J. Ordained, 1967 Notes: Fr. Thomas M. Gannon, S.J. entered the Jesuit order on September 1, 1954. According to the Jesuits, Fr. Gannon has been accused of sexually abusing four minors between approximately 1961 and 1998. Fr. Gannon is included on the USA Midwest Province Jesuits’ list as having at least one “established allegation of sexual abuse of a minor.” Assignments: 1968 Bellarmine School of Theology, North Aurora, IL (RCK) 1988-1990 Chicago Province of the Society of Jesus – Provincial Office, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1969-1970 Director of Pastoral Research, Province of the Society of Jesus, Oak Park, IL (CHI) 1991-1992 Our Lady of the Gardens, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1971-1974 Residence and Publication Office of American Press, New York, NY (NY); Assistant for Jesuits in Formation, Chicago Province, Oak Park, IL (CHI) 1991-2008 Jesuit Heartland Project, Heartland Center, East Chicago, IN (GRY) 1975-1983 Community at Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1993-2008 Roque Gonzalez Residence – Jesuit Fathers, East Chicago, IN (GRY) 1984-1986 Director, Woodstock Theological Center, Washington, D.C. (WDC) 1999-2002 Milford Spiritual Center, Milford, OH (CIN) 1985 Superior, Woodstock Jesuit Community, Washington, D.C. (WDC) 2004-2008 Catholic Campaign for Human Development (GRY); Global Solidarity Partnership Program (GRY); Office of Peace and Social Justice (GRY) 1986 Woodstock Jesuit Community, Washington, D.C. (WDC) 2009-2011 Colombiere Center, Clarkston, MI (DET) 1987 Unknown 2011 Died Fr. Kenneth John Gansmann, O.F.M. Ordained, 1935 Notes: Fr. Kenneth John Gansmann, O.F.M. was a Franciscan priest who held assignments in several dioceses, including the Diocese of Springfield, Archdiocese of Chicago, and Diocese of Joliet. In 2007, a survivor accused Fr. Gansmann of child sexual abuse at St. John the Evangelist in the 1950s. The Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis reportedly received reports of Fr. Gansmann’s abuse in the 1950s and he was permanently removed from the Archdiocese in 1960. However, no further action was taken and Fr. Gansmann was assigned to other parishes where he was later accused of sexually abusing children. In 2014, Fr. Gansmann was included in the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis list of “individuals against whom there is a substantiated claim of abusing a minor.” Assignments: 1935-1936 St. Joseph, Seminary, Teutopolis, IL (SFD) 1949-1959 In residence at St. John the Baptist, Jordan, MN (STP) 1936-1939 St. Augustine, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1959-1960 St. Peter, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1939-1945 Unknown 1960-1974 St. Vincent De Paul, Nashville, TN (NSH) 1945-1948 College of St. Francis, Joliet, IL (JOL); St. John Friary, Joliet, IL (JOL) 1974 Died 1948-1958 St. John the Evangelist, New Prague, MN (STP) Ordained, 1976 Notes: Fr. Chester E. Gaiter. S.J. joined the Jesuit Order as a brother after professing his vows in 1962. He worked as a brother for approximately 14 years before being ordained in 1976. Fr. Gaiter worked at Cardinal Ritter Preparatory High School in St. Louis, Missouri from approximately 1984 to 1993. He then worked briefly in the Diocese of Belleville in 1994. Following his time in the Belleville diocese, Fr. Gaiter retired to the Jesuit Community at St. Louis University after being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. In 2007, Fr. Gaiter was one of four priests included in a settlement made to a former student of Cardinal Ritter Preparatory High School, who alleged that he was sexually abused by the four priests in the 1980s. A second lawsuit was settled in 2009 with another man who alleged that Fr. Gaiter sexually abused him when he was a child at Cardinal Ritter Preparatory High School in the 1980s. Fr. Gaiter is included in the Jesuits U.S. Central and Southern Province “list of Jesuits with credible accusations of sexual abuse of a minor.” Assignments: 144 Fr. Thomas M. Gannon, S.J. Fr. Gerald B. Garvey, S.J. Ordained, Unknown Notes: Fr. Gerald B. Garvey, S.J. entered the Jesuit order on September 2, 1920. According to the Jesuits, Fr. Garvey was accused of sexually abusing a child while working at St. Ignatius High School in Cleveland, Ohio in the 1950s. Fr. Garvey is included on the USA Midwest Province Jesuits’ list as having at least one “established allegation of sexual abuse of a minor.” Fr. Garvey is believed to have died in 1960, but he is listed in the 1961 Official Catholic Directory. Assignments: 1930-1933 6525 Sheridan Rd, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1940-1947 St. Ignatius High School, Cleveland, OH (CLV) 1977-1978 Unknown 1991-1993 St. Matthew Jesuit Community, St. Louis, MO (STL) 1934 St. Mary’s College, St. Mary’s, KA (KCK) 1948-1954 West Baden University, West Baden Springs, IN (IND) 1979-1983 St. Matthew, Apostle, St. Louis, MO (STL) 1994 St. Joseph, East St. Louis, IL (BEL) 1935 Loyola Academy, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1955-1961 1984 Missouri Province Educational Institute, St. Louis, MO (STL) 1995 Unknown St. Ignatius High School, Cleveland, Ohio (CLV) 1936 6525 Sheridan Rd, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1960 Died 1985 S.J. House, St. Louis, MO (STL) 1996-2010 Jesuit Community Corporation at St. Louis University – Jesuit Hall, St. Louis, MO (STL) 1937-1939 John Carrol University, Cleveland, OH (CLV) 1986-1990 St. Matthew, Apostle, St. Louis, MO (STL) 2010 Died • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 145 Sr. Norma Giannini Fr. Mel W. Hermanns, O.F.M.Cap. Notes: Sr. Norma Giannini is a convicted sex offender who was sentenced in 2008 to one year in prison and 10 years of probation for sexually abusing two boys more than four decades earlier. According to court documents, one survivor was 12 years old when the alleged abuse began and alleged that Sr. Giannini abused him more than 100 times over the next two years. Court documents show that the other survivor was 13 years old when the alleged abuse began, and alleged that he was abused 60 to 80 times in total. The survivors have stated their belief that other boys were also sexually abused by Sr. Giannini, including one who died by suicide. Sr. Giannini is believed to have died in 2011. Notes: Fr. Mel W. Hermanns, O.F.M.Cap. was ordained for the Capuchin Franciscans in 1964. In 1993, a survivor reported to the Order that Fr. Hermann had sexually abused him when he was a child at St. Lawrence Seminary in Mount Calvary, Wisconsin in 1969. Fr. Hermanns was not removed from ministry until approximately 20 years later, at which point he was serving at Our Lady of Gate of Heaven in Chicago, Illinois. At some point during his priesthood, Fr. Hermanns was reportedly sent to Servants of the Paraclete, an institution known for treating priests accused of child sexual abuse, for treatment. Fr. Hermanns was named on the Capuchin List of “friars with confirmed reports of sexual abuse of minors.” His whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Ordained, 1964 Assignments: Fr. Joseph C. Gill, S.J. Ordained, 1959 Notes: Fr. Joseph C. Gill, S.J. entered the Jesuit order on August 18, 1946. At least one person has accused Fr. Gill of child sexual abuse. Fr. Gill is included in the USA Midwest Province Jesuits’ list as having at least one ‘established allegation of sexual abuse of a minor.’ 1965-1970 Unknown 1994 St. Bonaventure, Detroit, MI (DET) 1971-1974 St. Bonaventure Monastery, Detroit, MI (DET) 1995-1999 Monte Alverno Retreat House, Appleton, WI (GB) 1975-1977 Capuchin Community, Detroit, MI (DET) 2000-2012 Our Lady Gate of Heaven, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1978-1981 St. Bonaventure Friary, Detroit, MI (DET) 2013-2014 Unknown 1982-1985 Capuchin Community, Milwaukee, WI (MIL) 2015-2018 St. Fidelis Friary, Appleton, WI (GB) 1986 Unknown 2019 Unknown 1987-1993 St. Elizabeth’s, Milwaukee, WI (MIL) Assignments: 1960 St. Mary’s College, St. Marys, KS (KCK) 1991-1993 St. Thomas the Apostle, Mission, SD (RC) 1961 St. Joseph Hall, Decatur, IL (SFD) 1995-1997 St. Isaac Jogues, Rapid City, SD (RC); Kino Jesuit Community, Howes, SD (RC) 1962-1975 St. Francis Mission, St. Francis, SD (RC) 1998-1999 Sacred Heart, Norris, SD (RC); St. Agnes, Parmelee, SD (RC) 1972-1987 Rosebud Reservation, St. Francis Mission, St. Francis, SD (SD) 1998-2003 Rosebud Reservation, St. Francis Mission, St. Francis, SD (RC) 1983-1984 St. Agnes, Parmelee, SD (RC) 1999-2000 St. Bridget, Rosebud, SD (RC) 1986-1987 St. Agnes, Parmelee, SD (RC) 2001 St. Charles, St. Francis, SD (RC) 1988 Sacred Heart Retreat House, Sedalia, CO (COS) 2004-2012 Jesuit Community at St. Camillus, Wauwatosa, WI (MIL) 1989-1994 Rosebud Reservation, St. Francis Mission, St. Francis, SD (RC) 2012 Died 1990-1994 St. Francis Mission and Rosebud Educational Society School Church, St. Francis, SD (RC) Br. Gilbert Leroy Hensley, O.P. Notes: Br. Gilbert Leroy Hensley was a Dominican Friar that worked in Illinois from the early 1960s to the late 1980s. In 2007, Fr. Hensley was accused in a lawsuit of sexually abusing a boy on at least four occasions at St. Vincent Ferrer Parish in the late 1970s. The plaintiff sued the Dominican Order and St. Vincent Ferrer Parish in River Forest, Illinois, claiming they were aware of Br. Hensley’s sexual deviance but failed to do anything to stop it. Following the first accusation, another two men, both former students of St. Vincent Ferrer, came forward alleging they had also been sexually abused by Br. Hensley. It is believed Br. Hensley may have died in 2014. Br. Jerome “Jerry” Heustis, C.F.C. Notes: Br. Jerome Heustis was accused of sexually abusing one boy between 1963 and 1967 at Essex Catholic High School in Newark, New Jersey. The boy who was allegedly sexually abused died by suicide in 1978. Br. Heustis later worked as principal at Palma High School in Salinas, California for six years in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Br. Heustis was also accused of sexually abusing a minor when he worked at St. Laurence High School in Burbank, Illinois. Br. Heustis is included in the Christian Brothers’ list of “current, former and deceased brothers who were identified in at least two (2) sexual abuse claims filed as proofs of claim in the bankruptcy matter In re: The Christian Brothers’ Institute, et al.” The list, released June 11, 2014, identifies Br. Heustis as deceased. Fr. Michael P. Hogan, O.S.A. (Michael A. Hogan, Michael Hogan) Ordained, 1956 Notes: Fr. Michael Hogan, O.S.A. entered the Order of Saint Augustine on September 9, 1953 and was ordained a priest on June 9, 1956. From 1957 to 1960, Fr. Hogan worked as a teacher and counselor at Austin Catholic High School in Detroit, Michigan. Between 1960 and 1970, Fr. Hogan was a teacher, the Director of Public Relations, and the Vice Principal for Guidance at St. Rita High School in Chicago, Illinois. At Mendel Catholic High School in Chicago, Fr. Hogan held these same positions from 1970 to 1974. In 1974, Fr. Hogan was relocated to Miami, Florida, and in 1985, he was again relocated to the Diocese of Venice, Florida. In January 2019, a man came forward alleging that he was sexually abused by Fr. Hogan when he was a sophomore at St. Rita High School in Chicago, Illinois. The victim reported the abuse to the Archdiocese of Chicago in 2006, however, it is believed that Fr. Hogan remained in ministry and continued to have access to children until his death in September of 2008. Assignments: 146 1957 St. Mary, Rockford, IL (RCK) 1987 St. Elizabeth Seton, Golden Gate, FL (VEN) 1958-1959 St. Augustine, Detroit, MI (DET); Austin Catholic High School, Detroit, MI (DET) 1988-1992 Tolentine Monastery and Tolentine Center, Olympia Fields, IL (CHI) 1960 Austin Catholic High School, Detroit, MI (DET) 1993 The Augustinian Provincialate Tolentine, Olympia Fields, IL (CHI) 1961-1970 St. Rita High School, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1994 Tolentine Monastery at Tolentine Center, Olympia Fields, IL (CHI) 1971-1974 Chicago, IL (CHI) 1995 Casa San Lorenzo, Miami, FL (MIA) 1975-1978 Sick Leave 1996-1997 Unknown 1979-1981 St. Augustine, Coral Gables, FL (MIA) 1998-2003 Holy Cross Hospital, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1982 Alcohol Outreach, Miami Shores, FL (MIA) 2004 Unknown 1983 Alcohol-Drug Outreach, Miami Shores, FL (MIA) 2005-2008 Tolentine Monastery at Tolentine Center, Olympia Fields, IL (CHI) 1984-1986 Unknown 2008 Died • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 147 Fr. John M. Huels, O.S.M. Ordained, 1976 Notes: Fr. John M. Huels, O.S.M., member of the Servite Order, completed his studies and was ordained a priest in 1976. In 1994, Fr. Huels was forced to step down as leader of the Servite Order and was barred from work with minors after two allegations of child sexual abuse were made against him. Fr. Huels admitted he sexually abused a boy while he worked at St. Joseph’s Church in Carteret, New Jersey, sometime in the late 1970s. Fr. Huels went on to teach in Africa for several years and subsequently taught graduate courses in canon law at St. Paul University in Ottawa, Canada. In 2002, Fr. Huels resigned as Vice Dean at St. Paul University and asked for medical leave to be treated for severe depression. He also announced his intention to leave the Servite Order and seek laicization. In September 2018, Fr. Huels was removed from his position at St. Paul University after it was discovered he had maintained a position as a full time professor there. Fr. Huels’ clerical status, whereabouts, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: Ordained, 1986 Notes: Fr. Thomas J. Johnston, O.P. was ordained for the Dominican Order in 1986 and has been accused of engaging in sexually inappropriate behavior around minors and adults. In 2000, a church secretary sued Fr. Johnston after he allegedly fired her in retaliation for her teenage son denying Fr. Johnston’s sexual advances. In response to the allegation, Fr. Johnston admitted to engaging in sexually inappropriate behavior and using sexually suggestive language around the minor, but denied ever sexually abusing him. Fr. Johnston was subsequently removed from the parish and was sent to work in the Archdiocese of Chicago. Fr. Johnston was named on the Archdiocese of Detroit’s list of “Clergy Credibly Accused of Abuse.” Fr. Johnston’s current status as a priest, whereabouts, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1987-1988 St. Vincent Ferrer Priory, River Forest, IL (CHI) 2000 Unknown Servite Friars – Eastern Province, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1989-1992 Dominican Friars, Grand Rapids, MI (GR) 2001-2002 St. Thomas Aquinas Prior, River Forest, IL (CHI) Order of Friar Servants of Mary (Servites) United States of America Provinces, Inc., Chicago, IL (CHI) 1993 Unknown 2001-2003 Dominicans, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1994 Dominican Friars, Grand Rapids, MI (GR) 2004 St. Pius V Priory, Chicago, IL (CHI) Unknown 1994-1995 Basilica of St. Adalbert, Grand Rapids, MI (GR) 2005-2019 Unknown 1996-1999 St. Gertrude, St. Clair Shores, MI (DET) 1977-1979 St. Joseph Church, Carteret, NJ (TR) 1993 Servite Provincial Office, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1980 Unknown 1994-1999 1981-1982 Servite Provincial Residence, Berwyn, IL (CHI) 2000-2002 1983-1993 St. Philip Priory, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2003-2019 1988-1995 The Catholic Theological Union at Chicago, Chicago, IL (CHI) Fr. Harold Jochem, O.F.M. Ordained, 1930 Fr. Paul Kabat, O.M.I. Ordained, 1958 Notes: Fr. Harold Jochem, was ordained a Franciscan priest in 1930 in the Diocese of Joliet. In 2004, a civil suit was filed by a man alleging that he was abused as a youth at St. Jude’s Parish in New Lenox, Illinois, between 1974 and 1978 by Fr. Jochem, and a brother, Jeffery Salwach. The suit alleged that Fr. Jochem and Br. Salwach forced the boy to engage in group sex, smoke marijuana, and drink alcohol. It is reported that Fr. Jochem was deceased at the time the suit was brought forth. From at least 1992 to the time of his death in 2004, his whereabouts and whether he had access to children are unknown. Notes: Fr. Paul Kabat, O.M.I. was a member of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate. Fr. Kabat worked in Missouri, Minnesota, Illinois, and Wisconsin. In 1989, Fr. Kabat left the Order. Fr. Kabat was included in the Diocese of Duluth’s list of “[c]lergy with credible claims against them concerning sexual abuse of a young person” and the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis’ “Statement Regarding Disclosure of Additional Names of Men with Substantiated Claims of Sexual Abuse against Them.” Fr. Kabat’s clerical status, whereabouts, and whether he had access to children from 1984 until his death in 1999 are unknown. Assignments: Assignments: 1931 Unknown 1949-1977 St. Joseph’s College, Westmont, IL (JOL) 1932 Quincy College and High School, Quincy, IL (SFD) 1978-1989 St. Jude Church, New Lenox, IL (JOL) 1933 1900 Elm St., Quincy, IL (SFD) 1990-1991 St. Paschal Friary, Oak Brook, IL (JOL) 1934-1940 St. Joseph’s College, Hinsdale, IL (CHI) 1991-2004 Unknown 1941-1942 Sacred Heart Friary, Washington D.C. (BAL) 2004 Died 1943-1948 St. Joseph’s College, Westmont, IL (CHI) Fr. Robert J. Joda, S.J. 1959 Our Lady of the Snows Scholasticate, Pine Hills Pass Christian, MS (BLX) 1972 Sacred Heart Church, Wilton, MN (CR) 1960 Oblate House of Studies, St. Paul, MN (STP) 1973-1975 Sacred Heart, Bemidji, MN (CR) 1961-1964 Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows, Belleville, IL (BEL) 1976-1978 St. Philip Church, Bemidji, MN (CR) 1965-1966 St. Casimir (Polish), St. Paul, MN (STP) 1979 State University, Bemidji, MN (CR) 1967 St. Michael Church, Northome, MN (DUL) 1980-1983 King’s House, Buffalo, MN (STP) 1968 St. Thomas Church, International Falls, MN (DUL) 1984-1999 Unknown 1969-1971 St. John Church, Howard, WI (GB) 1999 Died Ordained, 1958 Notes: Fr. Robert J. Joda, S.J. was ordained to the Society of Jesus in 1958. At least one person has come forward and accused Fr. Joda of child sexual abuse at Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 1970. Fr. Joda is included on the USA Midwest Province Jesuits’ list as having at least one “established allegation of sexual abuse of a minor.” Fr. Joda’s status as a priest, whereabouts, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 148 Fr. Thomas J. Johnston, O.P. 1959-1960 St. Mary’s College, St. Marys, KS (KCK) 1967-1969 Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI (MIL) 1961 Wisconsin Province of the Society of Jesus, Priests of the Province Serving Abroad (MIL); Bonn, Germany 1970-2012 Jesuit Community at Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI (MIL) 1962-1966 Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI (MIL) 2013-2019 Unknown 1966 Canisius House, Evanston, IL (CHI) Fr. Raymond C. Kalter, C.SS.R. Ordained, 1930 Notes: In 2005, Fr. Kalter was accused of sexually abusing a minor boy in 1959 at St. Alphonsus in Davenport, Iowa. Three years later his name was included on the Diocese of Davenport’s list of clergy who have been found to have credible allegations of sexual abuse against them. In total, there are three known allegations against Fr. Kalter, one of which was settled with the Diocese of Davenport in 2006. Fr. Kalter’s whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he has had access to children since 1978 is unknown. Assignments: 1931 Immaculate Conception Seminary, Oconomowoc, WI (MIL) 1942-1950 Holy Redeemer, Detroit, MI (DET) 1932-1935 Mt. St. Clement’s Novitiate, De Soto, MO (STL) 1951-1956 St. Alphonsus Convent of the Redemptorist Fathers, St. Louis, MO (STL) 1936 St. Alphonsus’ (German), Chicago, IL (CHI) 1957-1962 St. Alphonsus, Davenport, IA (DAV) 1937-1940 Mt. St. Clement’s Novitiate, De Soto, MO (STL) 1963-1977 St. Joseph, Wichita, KS (WICH) 1941 St. Joachim’s Church, Old Mines, MO (STL) 1978-2019 Unknown • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 149 Br. John Kealey, C.F.C. Fr. Bernard Knoth, S.J. Notes: Br. John Kealey is included in the Christian Brothers’ list of “current, former and deceased brothers who were identified in at least two (2) sexual abuse claims filed as proofs of claim in the bankruptcy matter In re: The Christian Brothers’ Institute, et al.” Br. Kealey is accused of sexually abusing a minor when he worked at Brother Rice High School in Chicago, IL. The list, released June 11, 2014, identifies Br. Kealey as deceased. Notes: Fr. Bernard Knoth, S.J. was a member of the Society of Jesus. Fr. Knoth resigned from his position as President of Loyola University in New Orleans following allegations that he sexually abused a student at Brebeuf Jesuit Prep in Indianapolis, Indiana where he was principal from 1986-1988. The alleged abuse occurred in 1986 and upon an internal investigation, the Order deemed the complaint credible. Fr. Knoth is named on the Archdiocese of Indianapolis’ List of clergy credibly accused of sexual abuse of at least one minor or young person. Fr. Knoth was also included on the Archdiocese of New Orleans’ list of religious order priests who were serving in the Archdiocese of New Orleans at the time of the allegation and the archdiocese was notified of the allegation. Fr. Knoth’s current whereabouts are unknown, although he was last believed to have been working in Sarasota, Florida. Whether Fr. Knoth has access to children remains unknown. Ordained, 1977 Assignments: Sr. Benen Kent, S.O.S.F. Notes: Sr. Benen Kent was a Sister of St. Francis of the Congregation of Our Lady of Lourdes. Sr. Kent was a music teacher and gave piano lessons, providing her access to young children. Sr. Kent was named in a civil lawsuit in 2005, which alleged that she had sexually abused a young female student between the years 1962 and 1967 while Sr. Kent was at St. Juliana’s School in Chicago, Illinois. The 2005 civil lawsuit also alleged that Sr. Kent sexually abused the young girl during a visit to Assisi Heights Motherhouse in Rochester, Minnesota. In 2006, two more women came forward and alleged, in a civil lawsuit, that Sr. Kent sexually abused them during their piano lessons from approximately 1964 to 1967. The third woman who was allegedly sexually abused by Sr. Kent alleged that the Franciscans in Rochester knew about Sr. Kent’s issues and sent her to the Mayo Clinic for treatment. It is believed that Sr. Kent sexually abused at least five children. One civil lawsuit was dismissed based on the statute of limitations and the other two cases were settled in 2008. In 2016, another civil lawsuit was filed alleging that Sr. Kent sexually abused two children while she was at Sacred Heart parish in Waseca, Minnesota from approximately 1958-1961. Sr. Kent died in 2003. 1978 Unknown 1992-1995 The Jesuit Community at Georgetown University, Washington D.C. (WDC) 1979-1980 Jesuit School of Theology in Chicago, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1996-1999 Loyola University, New Orleans, LA (NO) 1981-1988 Brebeuf Preparatory School, Indianapolis, IN (IND) 2000-2004 Loyola University New Orleans, New Orleans, LA (NO) 1989 Unknown 2005-2009 Unknown 1990 Jesuit Community at Loyola University of Chicago, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2009 Dismissed and Laicized 1991 Unknown 2010-2019 Unknown Fr. Robert J. Koch, S.J. (Fr. J. Robert Koch, S.J.) Ordained, 1943 Notes: Fr. Robert J. Koch, S.J. entered the Society of Jesus in 1930. Fr. Koch worked at several locations within the Archdiocese of Chicago including: Loyola Academy; St. Ignatius College Prep and Parish in Chicago; multiple hospitals; and Loyola University in Chicago. The alleged abuse occurred in approximately 1966 at St. Ignatius College Prep in Chicago. Fr. Koch is included on the USA Midwest Province Jesuits’ list as having at least one “established allegation of sexual abuse of a minor.” Fr. Koch is believed to have died in 1996. Assignments: Fr. Allan F. Kirk, S.J. Ordained, 1965 Notes: Fr. Allan F. Kirk, S.J. was ordained for the Society of Jesus in 1965. He was born in 1934 and grew up in Chicago, Illinois. Fr. Kirk is included on the USA Midwest Province Jesuits’ list as having at least one “established allegation of sexual abuse of a minor.” According to the report, the abuse occurred in 1979 when Fr. Kirk was at St. Ignatius College Prep School/ High School in Chicago, Illinois. He was a minister, counselor, dean of discipline and Latin teacher at St. Ignatius. Fr. Kirk is believed to have died in 2006 at the Jesuit Residence on the campus of Loyola University in Chicago, Illinois. Assignments: 150 1944 Unknown 1960-1961 Milford Novitiate, Milford, OH (CIN) 1945 St. Stanislaus Novitiate, Cleveland, OH (CLV) 1962-1969 St. Ignatius High School, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1946-1948 Our Lady of the Springs, French Lick, IN (IND) 1969-1982 St. Ignatius Parish, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1946-1953 West Baden University, West Baden Springs, IN (IND) 1983 Chicago Province of the Society of Jesus Provincial Residence, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1949-1952 Our Lady of the Springs, French Lick, IN (IND) and mission, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Paoli, IN (IND) 1984-1996 Jesuit Community at Loyola University of Chicago, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1966 Bellarmine School of Theology of Loyola University, North Aurora, IL (RCK) 1992-2004 Jesuit Community at Loyola University of Chicago, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1967-1968 Milford Novitiate, Milford, OH (CIN) 1993-1995 Ministry in Higher Education (CHI) 1969 Unknown 1993-1995 Loyola University Medical Center, Maywood, IL (CHI) 1952-1954 Diocesan Office (IND) – Archdiocesan Rural Life Board 1986-1988 Frank Cueno Memorial Hospital, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1970-1971 St. Xavier High School, Cincinnati, OH (CIN) 1996-2002 Foster G. McGaw Hospital of Loyola University of Chicago, Maywood, IL (CHI) 1953 1996 Colombiere Center, Clarkston, MI (DET) 1972-1990 St. Ignatius High School, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2005-2006 Jesuit Community at Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL (CHI) Our Lady of the Springs, French Lick, IN (IND) and mission, Our Lord Jesus Christ the King, Paoli, IN (IND) 1954-1959 Died Chicago Province of the Society of Jesus - Provincial Office, Chicago, IL (CHI); Provinces (FgM); Serving Abroad (Africa) 2006 Died University of Detroit High School for Boys, Detroit, MI (DET) 1996 1991 • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 151 Fr. Adalbert (Albert, A.) J. Kowalczyk, C.R. Ordained, 1938 Notes: Fr. Adalbert J. Kowalczyk, C.R. was ordained a priest for the Congregation of the Resurrection in 1938. At least one survivor has come forward alleging child sexual abuse by Fr. Kowalczyk from approximately 1962 to 1964, while he worked at Resurrection in Fontana, California, but it is alleged that he abused at least seven girls there. Fr. Kowalczyk has been named in at least one civil lawsuit. In 2007 Fr. Kowalczyk was included in the Diocese of San Diego’s release entitled “Credible Allegations - Priests of the Diocese of San Diego/San Bernardino. According to a representative for Diocese of San Bernardino, Fr. Kowalczyk died in 1972, but he is listed in the 1973 and 1974 Official Catholic Directories. Assignments: Notes: Father Jerome “Jerry” “John” Kucan was ordained a Franciscan priest for the Diocese of Erie, Pennsylvania in 1951. In February 2005, a 39-year-old man reported to the Diocese of Erie that “Father Jerry” began molesting him when he was an 8-year-old altar boy at St. Anthony’s School in Sharon, Pennsylvania. In response, the Bishop purportedly stated that Fr. Kucan was not a priest of the Erie Diocese and the resolution of the matter rested with the Franciscans. After allegations had been made against Fr. Kucan for sexual misconduct, Fr. Kucan was purportedly removed from ministry. From at least 2006 until his death in 2010, whether he had access to children is unknown. Fr. Kucan has been listed by the Diocese of Erie as “credibly accused of actions that, in the diocese’s judgment, disqualify that person from working with children” and had been “[f]orbidden to function as a priest.” Fr. Kucan was also listed by the Diocese of Harrisburg where “abuse was alleged to have occurred in another diocese.” In the 2018 Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report he was identified as an “offender.” 1939 Unknown 1956 St. Hyacinth’s, Chicago, IL 1940 Novitiate of the Congregation of the Resurrection, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1957-1964 Resurrection Church, Fontana, CA (SD) 1941-1943 St. Stanislaus Bishop and Martyr, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1965-1966 St. Hedwig’s Mission, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1952-1955 Unknown 1988 Croatian Franciscan Custody of the Holy Family, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1944 St. Stanislaus Kostka, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1967-1972 St. Stanislaus Kostka, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1956-1961 St. Joseph, Bethlehem, PA (PH) 1989-1994 1945-1954 St. Hedwig’s Mission, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1972 Died St. Augustine’s (Croatian), West Allis, WI (MIL) 1955 St. Mary of the Angels, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1962-1972 Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Croatian), Steelton, PA (HBG) 1995 Sacred Heart Church, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1973-1974 Our Lady of Peace Monastery, Beaver Falls, PA (PIT) 1996 Unknown 1975-1977 St. Anthony Church, Sharon, PA (E) 1997-1998 Croatian Franciscan Custody of the Holy Family, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1978 Sacred Heart (Croatian), Milwaukee, WI (MIL) 1999-2005 Retired; St. Anthony’s Friary, Chicago, IL (CHI), Chicago, IL (CHI) 1979-1982 Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church, Steelton, PA (HBG) 2006-2010 St. Anthony’s Friary Retired, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1983-1987 St. Jerome (Croatian), Chicago, IL (CHI) 2010 Died 1986 Sacred Heart (Croatian), Milwaukee, WI (MIL) Fr. Philip D. Kraus, S.J. Ordained, 1975 Notes: Fr. Philip D. Kraus was a member of the Society of Jesus, for the Central and Southern Province. Fr. Kraus allegedly sexually abused a minor in the 1970s. Fr. Kraus was removed from ministry with minors in 1996 and was permanently removed from all ministry in 2003. Fr. Kraus has been named on the Jesuits’ Central and Southern Province’s list of Jesuits With Credible Allegations of Sexual Abuse of a Minor. According to the Jesuits’ Central and Southern Province, Fr. Kraus has been “[r]emoved from ministry and lives under supervision.” Fr. Kraus’ current whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 152 Fr. Jerome (Jerry, John) Kucan (Kucon), O.F.M. Ordained, 1951 1976 Unknown 1994-1997 White House Retreat Jesuit Community, St. Louis, MO (STL) 1977-1978 Regis College, Denver, CO (DEN) 1995-1997 White House Retreat, St. Louis, MO (STL) 1979-1983 St. Francis Xavier, Kansas City, MO (KC) 1998 Jesuit Community Corporation at St. Louis University – Jesuit Hall, St. Louis, MO (STL) 1984-1985 Rockhurst College, Kansas City, MO (KC) 1999 1999: Jesuit Community Corporation at St. Louis University - Jesuit Hall, St. Louis, MO (STL); Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart, Alhambra, CA (LA) 1986-1987 White House Retreat, St. Louis, MO (STL) 2000 The Jesuits of the Missouri Province, St. Louis, MO (STL) – Awaiting Assignment 1988-1989 Unknown 2000-2001 Colombiere House, Los Angeles, CA (LA) 1990-1992 Jesuits of Saint Peter’s College, Inc., Jersey City, NJ (NEW) 2002-2004 Fusz Pavilion, St. Louis, MO (STL) 1991 Saint Peter’s College, Jersey City, NJ (NEW) 2004-2017 Jesuit Community Corporation at St. Louis University – Jesuit Hall, St. Louis, MO (STL) 1992-1993 Guardian Angel Home, Peoria, IL (PEO) 2018-2019 Unknown Assignments: • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 153 Fr. Richard James Kurtz, S.J. Ordained, 1977 Notes: Fr. Richard James Kurtz was a member of the Society of Jesus for the USA Midwest Province. Fr. Kurtz has been accused of sexually abusing minors in 1970, 1987 to 1989, and 2001. Fr. Kurtz was arrested and charged in 2011 with sexually assaulting a 10-year-old boy in Colorado in 2001. Fr. Kurtz plead guilty and was sentenced to a 10-year-tolife term of supervised probation in confinement in Missouri. In September 2014, Fr. Kurtz was reportedly arrested for producing, transporting, and possessing child pornography. Fr. Kurtz pleaded guilty in February 2015 and faced ten years in prison. Fr. Kurtz is included on the USA Midwest Province Jesuits’ list as having at least one “established allegation of sexual abuse of a minor.” As of December 2018, Fr. Kurtz was still incarcerated in federal prison. Assignments: 1978 Jesuit School of Theology in Chicago, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2002-2006 1979-1981 University of Detroit High School and Jesuit Academy, Detroit, MI (DET) 2005 Jesuit Community at Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1982-1983 University of Detroit High School and Jesuit Academy, Detroit, MI (DET) 2006-2007 Jesuit Community at Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1984 Gesu, University Heights, OH (CLV) 2008-2009 Unknown 1985 Unknown 2010 Colombiere Center, Clarkston, MI (DET) 1986-1988 James Kurtz, S.J., is listed at University of Detroit Jesuit High School and Academy, Detroit, MI (DET) 2011-2019 Unknown 1989-2001 University of Detroit Jesuit High School and Academy, Detroit, MI (DET) Jesuit Provincial OFfice - Detroit Province for hte Society of Jesus, Detroit, MI (DET) (Members in the U.S. Residing Outside the Province); 606 W Sterns Rd, Apt. F, Temperance, MI (DET) Fr. John H. Lane, S.J. Ordained, 1938 Notes: Fr. John H. Lane, S.J. was a member of the Society of Jesus for the Midwest Province. Fr. Lane allegedly sexually abused multiple children from the years of 1966 to 1976 while he was at Holy Family Parish in Chicago, Illinois. Fr. Lane is included on the USA Midwest Province Jesuits’ list as having at least one “established allegation of sexual abuse of a minor.” Assignments: 1939-1941 Unknown 1962-1963 India Patna Mission, Rampur Chauhatta P.O., India 1942-1966 Chicago Province 1964-1966 St. Xavier’s, Patna, India 1942 Fraser Rd., Patna, India 1967-1974 Holy Family, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1944 Catholic Mission, Mokameh Junction, India, E. I. Ry. (Diocese of Patna) 1975-1994 Holy Family, Chicago, IL (Patna Prov.) (CHI) 1945 Khrist Raja High School, Bettiah Champaran Dt., India (Diocese of Patna) 1991-1992 Holy Family Church Inc., Chicago, IL (CHI) 1946-1954 St. Xavier’s, Patna, (Patna P.O. E.I. Ry.), India (Diocese of Patna) 1995-2000 St. Ignatius Jesuit Community, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1955-1958 St. Xavier High School, Jaipur City Rajasthan, India 2000 Resurrection Health Center, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1959 Godavari School, Katmandu, Nepal (Diocese of Patna) 2000 Died 1960-1961 Chuhari P.O. Via Bettiah Champaran District, India Br. Ronald Justin Lasik, C.F.C. Fr. Harvey Lamothe, S.C.J. Ordained, 1947 Notes: Fr. Lamothe, S.C.J. worked in the Diocese of Manchester for over two decades. In 2002, at least one of Fr. Lamothe’s alleged victims was included in a settlement made by the Diocese of Manchester to 62 people who claimed they were sexually abused by priests and other church workers. Fr. Lamothe has been accused of sexually abusing at least one male minor associated with the Sacred Heart of Jesus parish in Manchester, New Hampshire. In 2005, The Manchester diocese disclosed to the New Hampshire Attorney General that Lamothe sexually abused a minor at St. Mary’s between 1979 and 1985. Assignments: Notes: Br. Ronald Justin Lasik was convicted in 1999 by a Canadian jury of sexually abusing six boys at Mount Cashel Orphanage in St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. Police and prosecutors called Br. Lasik the worst of Mount Cashel’s abusers, of which there are believed to be numerous, and a judge noted his lack of remorse and the seriousness of the abuse when she sentenced him to 10.5 years in prison. Unexpectedly, a third of the way through his prison term, Br. Lasik was released on good behavior and deported to New York in 2003. Following his deportation, Fr. Lasik went to live at a Christian Brothers residence about 100 miles north of New York City and was registered as a sex offender in New York and labeled as a high risk by the state. In 2013, Br. Lasik was accused in a civil lawsuit of sexually abusing two boys at St. Laurence High School in Chicago, Illinois. Br. Lasik is included in the Christian Brothers’ list of “current, former and deceased brothers who were identified in at least two (2) sexual abuse claims filed as proofs of claim in the bankruptcy matter In re: The Christian Brothers’ Institute, et al.” The list, released June 11, 2014, identifies Br. Lasik as still being a brother. His status as a brother, current whereabouts, and whether he has access to children are unknown. 1948-1949 Unknown 1970 St. John the Evangelist, Hudson, NH (MAN) 1950-1952 Sacred Heart Monastery, Hales Corners, WI (MIL) 1971-1974 St. Patrick, Pelham, NH (MAN) 1953 Sacred Heart Provincialate, Honesdale, PA (SCR) 1975 St. Catherine Church, Charlestown, NH (MAN) 1954-1959 Sacred Heart Mission House, Ste. Marie, IL (SFD) 1976-1979 Sacred Heart of Jesus, Manchester, NH (MAN) Fr. Richard L. Lause, C.M. 1960 Ste. Marguerite dii Lac Masson, Cte. De Terrebonne, P.Q. Canada (NAProv) 1980-1985 St. Mary Church, Rollinsford, NH (MAN) 1961-1964 St. Christopher’s, Nashua, NH (MAN) 1986 Retired – Webber Rd., Box 558, Rollinsford, NH (MAN) 1965-1967 St. George, Nashua, NH (MAN) 1987 Retired – Box 1440, York Beach, ME (MAN) 1968-1969 Holy Rosary, Rochester, NH (MAN) 1987 Died Notes: In 2004, a former seminarian filed a lawsuit in St. Louis against his alleged abuser, Fr. Lause, and religious officials and organizations. According to the lawsuit, the plaintiff was brought to a seminary in Lemont, Illinois, in 1985, where members of the Midwest Province of the Congregation of the Mission agreed to raise him. The plaintiff, at the time only 15 years old, wanted to become a priest and was transferred to a seminary in St. Louis, where he alleges he was sexually abused. The plaintiff alleges that while he was at the seminary, Fr. Lause took him under his wing and groomed him before the sexual abuse began. The Midwest Province of the Congregation of the Mission was purportedly made aware of the sexual abuse allegations in 1988. Fr. Lause was subsequently removed from ministry and received therapy. It is believed that Fr. Lause was then allowed to return to ministry in 1989. The alleged victim sent another complaint in 2003, at which time Fr. Lause was placed on leave. The claim is believed to have been settled in 2005. Fr. Lause’s whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Ordained, 1977 Assignments: 154 1978-1986 St. Vincent De Paul Seminary, Lemont, IL (CHI) 1994-1995 St. Vincent De Paul Church, Cape Giardeau, MO (SPC) 1987 St. Louis Preparatory Seminary, St. Louis, MO (STL) 1996-1998 St. Henry Church, Charleston, MO (SPC) 1988 Unknown 1999-2000 St. Vincent De Paul, Perryville, MO (STL) 1989 St. Rita Church, Mancos, CO (PBL) 2001-2018 Lazarist Residence, St. Louis, MO (STL) 1990-1993 St. Catherine Laboure Church, Sappington, MO (STL) 2019 Unknown • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 155 Fr. Ronan C. Liles, O.P. Ordained, 1969 Notes: Fr. Ronan C. Liles, O.P. was ordained a priest of the Dominican order in 1969. Fr. Liles was placed on leave in 1982 and was dispensed from vows in 1985. In a 1999 lawsuit, Fr. Liles was accused of sexually abusing two brothers when they were children at a Boy Scout camp from 1969 to 1975. Fr. Liles was named on the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis list of “individuals with substantiated claims against them of sexual abuse of a minor within the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis.” According to documents released by the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, it is believed that Fr. Liles died sometime before 2006. However, his whereabouts and whether he had access to children from 1984 until his believed death are unknown. Assignments: 1970-1978 St. Albert the Great, Minneapolis, MN (STP) 1980-1983 Dominican Fathers and Brothers, Southern Dominican Province, New Orleans, LA (NO) 1979-1980 Dominican Fathers, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1984-2019 Unknown Fr. Larry N. Lorenzoni, S.D.B. Br. Gregory Madigan, O.S.C. Notes: Br. Gregory Madigan, O.S.C. professed his vows to be a Brother of the Crosier Order in 1956. At least seven survivors have come forward accusing Br. Madigan of child sexual abuse at Holy Cross, a prep school affiliated with the Crosier Seminary in Onamia, Minnesota, during the 1960s and 1970s. In 1988, Br. Madigan admitted to sexually abusing a 14-year-old at the Crosier Seminary and prep school in Onamia. Br. Madigan has since admitted to sexually abusing multiple boys during the 1960s and 1970s. Following his 1988 admission, Br. Madigan was sent to St. Luke Institute, an institution known for treating priests accused of child sexual abuse. It wasn’t until 2002, when Br. Madigan was living at the Crosier Community in Shoreview, Minnesota, which is located next to a church and elementary school, that the Crosiers disclosed that Br. Madigan sexually abused children. Br. Madigan has been named in two civil lawsuits. In 2002, the Crosiers publicly named Br. Madigan after the Crosiers hired an independent firm to conduct an audit of allegations of sexual abuse of minors by Crosiers. As of 2014, Br. Madigan was reportedly living under a safety plan in Phoenix, Arizona and was removed from public ministry. Br. Madigan’s current status as a religious brother, whereabouts, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1955-1958 Crosier Community of Hastings, NE (LIN) 1988-1990 Crosier Community of Chicago, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1958-1960 Wawasee Prep, Syracuse, IN (FTW) 1990-2000 Crosier Community of New Rochelle, New Rochelle, NY (NY) 1960-1961 Crosier Community of White Plains, White Plains, NY (NY) 2000-2003 Crosier Community of Shoreview, Shoreview, MN (STP) 1961-1987 Crosier Seminary, Onamia, MN (SCL) 2004-2014 Crosier Community of Phoenix, Phoenix, AZ (PHX) 1988 Sabbatical 2015-2019 Unknown Ordained, 1951 Notes: Fr. Larry N. Lorenzoni, S.D.B. was born in Italy and ordained for the Salesians of St. John Bosco in 1951. In 2002, Fr. Lorenzoni was named in a lawsuit were he was accused of sexually abusing a former student from approximately 1957 to 1958 at St. John Bosco in Bellflower, California. In 2008, Fr. Lorenzoni was again accused of sexually abusing a former student from approximately 1959 to 1960 at a newly opened Salesian high school in Watsonville, California. Fr. Lorenzoni was included in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles’ “Report to the People of God: Clergy Sexual Abuse Archdiocese of Los Angeles 1930-2003.” Fr. Lorenzoni’s status as a priest, whereabouts, and whether he had access to children from 1990 until his death in 2017 are unknown. Assignments: 1952 Salesian Missionary House, Richmond, CA (OAK) 1972-1986 Salesian Provincial Residence, San Francisco, CA (SFR) 1953-1955 St. Francis, Watsonville, CA (MRY) 1987 Unknown 1956 Don Bosco Technical High School, San Gabriel, CA (LA) 1988 U.S. Provincial Headquarters (FgM); U.S. Religious Serving Abroad, Italy 1957-1958 St. John Bosco High School, Bellflower, CA (LA) 1989-1990 Salesians of Don Bosco Foreign Missions (FgM); U.S. Religious Serving Abroad, Italy 1959-1960 Don Bosco Tech High School, San Gabriel, CA (LA) 1991 Unknown 1961-1962 St. Francis High School, Watsonville, CA (MRY) 1992-1993 Salesian Provincial Residence, San Francisco, CA (SFR) 1963 Bishop Mora Salesian High School, Los Angeles, CA (LA) 1994 SS. Peter and Paul, San Francisco, CA (SFR) 1964-1966 St. Francis High School, Watsonville, CA (MRY) 1995-1996 Unknown 1967 Bishop Mora Salesian High School, Los Angeles, CA (LA) 1997-2007 Salesian Provincial Residence, San Francisco, CA (SFR) 1968 St. Francis Xavier, Carbondale, IL (BEL) 2005-2017 Retired (SFR) 1969-1970 800 S. Elizabeth St., Carbondale, IL (BEL) 2017 Died 1971 Special Assignment Educational Project (SFR) Fr. Emmet Malone, O.F.M. Ordained, 1947 Notes: In 1947, Fr. Emmet Malone, O.F.M. was ordained a Franciscan priest. In 2004, it was reported that a man who was allegedly sexually abused as an 11-year-old child by Fr. Malone at St. Joseph in San Antonio received a settlement in connection with his claim against the Franciscans. In response to this claim, a Franciscan representative stated, “We believe something did happen.” Fr. Malone is named in the Archdiocese of San Antonio’s 2019 “Report on Child Sexual Abuse by Clergy in the Archdiocese of San Antonio.” Assignments: 1948 Unknown 1959-1968 St. Michael, Keshena, WI (GB) 1949 St. Joseph’s Seminary, Westmont, IL (JOL) 1969-1972 St. Boniface, Sioux City, IA (SC) 1950-1953 St. Joseph (South), San Antonio, TX (SA) 1973-1990 St. Peter’s, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1954-1955 St. Joseph’s Friary, Franciscan Fathers, Cleveland, OH (CLV) 1991-1992 St. Joseph, San Antonio, TX (SA) 1956 Corpus Christi, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1993 Unknown 1957 St. Joseph (South), San Antonio, TX (SA) 1994 Died 1958 Sacred Heart of Jesus, Indianapolis, IN (IND) Fr. Peter Joseph Marron, O.S.A. Ordained, 1936 Notes: Fr. Peter Joseph Marron, O.S.A. entered the Augustinian order on September 10, 1929 and was ordained a priest on June 9, 1936. He held assignments in the Archdiocese of Chicago, Diocese of Rockford, Archdiocese of San Francisco, and Diocese of San Diego. Fr. Marron was granted faculties under the Diocese of San Diego in 1970. In 1975 Fr. Marron retired to the Saint Augustine High School monastery in California, where he had access to children for eighteen years before his death in 1998. Fr. Marron was included on the Diocese of San Francisco’s 2007 list of priests against whom there are credible allegations. Assignments: 156 1937 Unknown 1972-1975 St. Patrick, San Diego, CA (SD) 1938-1941 St. Rita High School, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1976-1984 St. Augustine’s High School, San Diego, CA (SD) 1942-1948 St. Mary’s, Rockford, IL (RCK) 1985-1990 St. Augustine’s Chapel, San Diego, CA (SD) 1949-1969 U.S. Navy (Chaplain) 1986-1998 Augustinian Community, Oceanside, CA (SD) 1970-1971 Augustinian House of Studies, San Francisco, CA (SFR) 1998 Died • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 157 Sr. Mary Jane, P.M. Fr. Richard J. McGrath, O.S.A. Notes: Sr. Mary Jane, P.M. is a member of the Sisters of Mary of the Presentation. In 2005, a woman sued the Diocese of Peoria regarding child sexual abuse allegedly perpetrated by Sr. Mary Jane. The alleged abuse occurred in approximately 1960 to 1961 while Sr. Mary Jane worked at St. Patrick Catholic School in Washington. Sr. Mary Jane’s whereabouts, status as a nun, and whether she has access to children are unknown. Notes: Fr. Richard J. McGrath, O.S.A. is an Augustinian priest. In late 2017, a student reported having seen an image of a naked boy on Fr. McGrath’s cellphone. Fr. McGrath refused to turn over his cell phone to police and escaped criminal investigation. In 2018, Fr. McGrath was named in a lawsuit alleging he sexually abused a boy from 1995 to 1996, while he was the president at Providence Catholic High School in New Lenox, Illinois. In September 2018, he was reportedly transferred from Providence to the St. John Stone Friary near a preschool and a Catholic grade school. In December 2018, Fr. McGrath is said to have gone missing from the Friary. Fr. McGrath is believed to be living alone and unsupervised in an apartment on Chicago’s North Side. His exact whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Ordained, 1973 Assignments: Fr. Kevin Michael McBrien, O.Carm Assignments: 1971 Immaculate Conception, Norwood, NJ (NEW) 1999-2005 Crespi Carmelite High School, Encino, CA (LA) 1972-1978 St. Cecilia’s, Englewood, NJ (NEW) 2006 St. Jane Frances de Chantal, North Hollywood, CA (LA) 1979-1981 Joliet Catholic High School, Joliet, IL (JOL); Carmelite Fathers St. Elias Priory, Joliet, IL (JOL) 2007 Unknown 1982-1983 Carmelite Priory, Houston, TX (GAL) 2008-2012 St. Thomas Apostle, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1984-1986 Crespi Carmelite High School, Encino, CA (LA) 2009-2010 St. Matthew, Glendale Heights, IL (JOL) 1987-1991 St. Jane Frances de Chantal, North Hollywood, CA (LA) 2011 Darien Carmelite Provincial Office (JOL) 1992-1997 Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Fairfield, CA (SAC) 2013-2019 1998 Unknown Darien Carmelite Provincial Office (JOL) Ordained, 1938 Notes: Fr. David F. McCarthy, S.J. was a Jesuit priest. Fr. McCarthy was accused of sexually abusing a child from 1965 to 1978 while he was at Holy Family Parish in Chicago, Illinois. Fr. McCarthy is included on the USA Midwest Province Jesuits’ list as having at least one “established allegation of sexual abuse of a minor.” Whether Fr. McCarthy had access to children before his death is unknown. Assignments: 1939-1964 Unknown 1996 Colombiere Center, Clarkston, MI (DET) 1965-1967 Loyola Academy, Wilmette, IL (CHI) 1997 Peter & Paul Church, Doylestown, OH (CLV) 1968-1977 Holy Family, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1998-1999 Colombiere Center, Clarkston, MI (DET) 1978 The Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA (OAK) 1999 Died 1979-1995 Jesuit Community at Loyola University, Chicago, IL (CHI) Br. Christopher J. McCartney, O.S.A. Notes: Br. Christopher J. McCartney, O.S.A. entered the Order of St. Augustine on October 10, 1961. Shortly after, he began ministering at Augustinian Academy in St. Louis, Missouri until 1965. He spent two years in Rome, Italy, before he returned to Austin Catholic High School in Detroit, Michigan. In 1973, Br. McCartney was sent to St. Rita High School in Chicago, Illinois. In 2012, he was named in a lawsuit alleging sexual abuse at St. Rita High School in the late 1970s. From 1978 to 1979, Br. McCartney was a dorm parent for wards of the court at Maryville Academy in Des Plaines, Illinois. In 1980, Br. McCartney was moved again to St. Joseph Parish in Pekin, Illinois, within the Diocese of Peoria. In 1988, Br. McCartney was transferred to St. Matthew Parish in Flint, Michigan. Br. McCarthy died in July 2002 in Michigan. 158 St. Rita High School, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2013-2017 The Augustinians-Provincialate, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1984-1985 St. Rita High School and Monastery, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2018-2019 Unknown 1986-2017 Providence Catholic High School, New Lenox, IL; Augustinian Friary, New Lenox, IL (CHI) Ordained, 1970 Notes: Fr. Kevin Michael McBrien, O.Carm. was ordained a Carmelite priest in 1970. At least one survivor has come forward and accused Fr. McBrien of child sexual abuse at Joliet High School in Joliet, IL in the 1970s. In the wake of the allegation, Fr. McBrien was removed from his position at St. Matthew in Glendale Heights, IL and placed on indefinite administrative leave. He is believed to be living in a supervised setting. Fr. McBrien’s whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Fr. David F. McCarthy, S.J. 1974-1983 Fr. Donald J. McGuire, S.J. Ordained, 1961 Notes: Fr. Donald J. McGuire, S.J. was ordained a Jesuit priest in 1961 and primarily served at parishes and schools throughout the Archdiocese of Chicago. At least eleven survivors have come forward and accused Fr. McGuire of child sexual abuse. The Jesuits allegedly first received reports of Fr. McGuire sexually abusing children in the late 1960s, and additional reports followed in subsequent years. In 1993, Fr. McGuire was sent to a treatment center in Maryland for six months but was allowed to return to ministry afterward. In 2006, Fr. McGuire was criminally convicted and sentenced to seven years in prison for sexually abusing two students of Loyola Academy from approximately 1968 to 1969, during his time as a faculty member at the school. Following his criminal conviction, Fr. McGuire was defrocked in 2006. In 2008, he was criminally convicted for traveling to engage in sex acts with a teenager, who he allegedly took on trips to Minnesota, Switzerland, and Austria, and subsequently received a 25-year sentence. Fr. McGuire is included on the USA Midwest Province Jesuits’ list as having at least one “established allegation of sexual abuse of a minor.” He was listed on the Illinois Sex Offender Registry until his death in 2017. Assignments: 1962-1965 Unknown 1988-2002 Canisius House, Evanston, IL (CHI) 1966-1971 Loyola Academy, Wilmette, IL (CHI) 2003 Clark Street Jesuit Residence, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1972-1976 Jesuit Community at Loyola University, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2004-2006 Woodlawn Jesuit Community, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1977-1981 Jesuit Community at the University of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA (SFR) 2007-2016 Unknown 1982-1989 Bellarmine Hall, Barrington, IL (CHI) 2017 Died Fr. Patrick L. McLaughlin, S.J. Ordained, 1925 Notes: Fr. Patrick L. McLaughlin, S.J. is a former member of the Jesuit Fathers and Brothers. Fr. McLaughlin completed his studies and was ordained a priest on September 2, 1925. Fr. McLaughlin allegedly sexually abused a child between approximately 1957 and 1959 while he worked at University of Detroit High School in Detroit, Michigan. Fr. McLaughlin is included on the USA Midwest Province Jesuits’ list as having at least one “established allegation of sexual abuse of a minor.” It is unknown whether Fr. McLaughlin had access to children prior to his death. Assignments: 1926-1939 Unknown 1962-1964 Jesuit Provincial House (Detroit Prov. of the Society of Jesus) Detroit, MI (DET) 1940 St. Stanislaus Novitiate – Tertianship of the Chicago Province, Society of Jesus. Cleveland, OH (CLV) 1965-1966 St. Peter & Paul Jesuit Church Rectory, Detroit, MI (DET) 1941-1944 St. Ignatius College Prep, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1967 St. Stanislaus Jesuit Retreat House, Cleveland, OH (CLV) 1945-1948 Seven Mile Road and Cherrylawn Ave. Detroit, MI (DET) – University of Detroit Jesuit High School and Academy 1968-1970 Columbine College, Clarkston, MI (DET) 1949-1960 University of Detroit High School for Boys, Detroit, MI (DET) 1970 Died 1961 Gesu Church Toledo, OH 2049 Parkside Blvd. (TOL) • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 159 Br. John W. McMuldren, C.S.C. Br. Paul J. Messick, C.F.C. Notes: Br. John W. McMuldren, C.S.C. member of the Congregation of Holy Cross, entered the novitiate in 1964. In 1995, three brothers alleged they were sexually abused by Br. McMuldren at St. Theresa’s Camp in Anchorage, Alaska in 1985. Archbishop Hurley of the Archdiocese of Anchorage declared Br. McMuldren innocent after an investigation found the allegations to be unsubstantiated. Br. McMuldren went on to work as Director of Guidance and Counseling, grades 6 through 12, at Bishop Gorman High School in Tyler, Texas. Prior to Br. McMuldren’s move to Texas he was a counselor at the University of Portland in Oregon, a student in the Dominican Republic, and took a six-month sabbatical at Columba Hall-Notre Dame in Indiana. As of March 2008, Br. McMuldren was the activities director of Holy Cross Village at Notre Dame. He was believed to be residing in Notre Dame, Indiana as of 2015. Br. McMuldren’s whereabouts, status as a religious brother, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Notes: Br. John Paul Messick, C.F.C. was accused of sexually abusing a minor student at St. Laurence High School in Burbank, IL in the early 1980s. A claim was submitted and settled in the Congregation of Christian Brothers’ bankruptcy case, In re: The Christian Brothers’ Institute, et al. Br. Messick’s status as a Christian Brother, his current whereabouts, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1979 Assistant, Candidates Residence, Lincoln Way House, South Bend, IN (FTW) 1986-1989 Brothers of Holy Cross, Holy Cross House, Anchorage, AK (ANC) 1980-1981 Director, Holy Cross High School, River Grove, IL (CHI) 1990 Unknown 1981-1985 Brothers of the Holy Cross, Northern Lights Community, Anchorage, AK (ANC) 1991 Headmaster, Le Mans Academy, Rolling Prairie, IN (GRY) 1981-1989 Director, St. Theresa’s Camp, Archdiocesan Summer Camp, Anchorage, AK (ANC) 1992-2019 Unknown Fr. Thomas S. McShane, S.J. Ordained, 1960 Notes: Fr. Thomas S. McShane, S.J. was a Jesuit priest. According to the Jesuits, Fr. McShane is accused of sexually abusing a minor in the 1950s while he was assigned to the St. Francis Mission in St. Francis, South Dakota. Fr. McShane is included on the USA Midwest Province Jesuits’ list as having at least one “established allegation of sexual abuse of a minor.” Whether Fr. McShane had access to children prior to his death is unknown. Assignments: Ordained, 1970 Notes: Fr. Thomas Gregory Meyer, O.M.I. was ordained a priest of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate in 1970. Fr. Meyer worked in various parishes throughout Illinois, Missouri, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. As part of a 2015 settlement, Fr. Meyer’s name was released among 6 other former Minnesota priests who have been accused of child sexual abuse. Fr. Meyer was accused of sexually abusing a child when he worked in the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis. Fr. Meyer was listed on the Diocese of Duluth’s list of “Clergy with Credible Claims Against Them Concerning Sexual Abuse of a Young Person” and the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis’ list of “individuals with substantiated claims of sexual abuse of a minor outside of the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis.” Assignments: 1971 Unknown 1999 Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, Mansfield, MO (SPC) 1972 St. Henry’s Preparatory Seminary, Belleville, IL (BEL) 2000 Unknown 1961 St. Mary’s College, Kansas City, KS (KCK) 2004 Unknown 1973-1982 St. John the Baptist, Howard, WI (GB) 2001-2007 1962-1963 St. Joseph Hall, Decatur, IL (SFD) 2005-2014 Jesuit Community at Creighton University, Omaha, NE (OM) St. Thomas Aquinas Church, International Falls, MN (DUL) 1983 Unknown 2008-2012 1964-1978 Creighton University, Omaha, NE (OM) 2015-2017 Jesuit Community at St. Camillus, Wauwatosa, WI (MIL) Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate – St. Henry’s Oblate Residence, Belleville, IL (BEL) 1979-2003 Jesuit Community at Creighton University, Omaha, NE (OM) 2018 Died 1984-1990 St. Casimir (Polish), St. Paul, MN (STP) 2012 Died 1991-1998 SS. Peter and Paul, Alton, IL (SFD) Fr. Maurice F. Meyers, S.J. Br. John Paul Medvit, C.F.C. Notes: Br. John Paul Medvit, C.F.C. worked as a teacher at several schools throughout the country, including Essex Catholic in Newark, NJ; Butte Central High School in Butte, MT; St. John’s Indian Mission in Laveen, AZ; Leo High School in Chicago, IL and Cantwell High School in Montebello, CA. Br. Medvit was named in a civil lawsuit filed in 2012 in Hawaii. Br. Medvit is alleged to have abused the survivor in 1986 when he was a freshman at Damien Memorial High School, where Br. Medvit was his teacher. Br. Medvit was reportedly temporarily removed after physically assaulting the boy and later returned to the school where he again physically attacked the student. Br. Medvit was named on the Christian Brothers’ list of “Names of current, former and deceased brothers who were identified in at least two (2) sexual abuse claims filed as proofs of claim in the bankruptcy matter In re: The Christian Brothers’ Institute, et al.” For the last 12 years of his life, Br. Medvit’s whereabouts and whether he had access to children are unknown. 1960 Joined the Irish Christian Brothers 1985-1998 Ordained, 1930 Notes: Fr. Maurice F. Meyers was a Jesuit priest. Fr. Meyers has been accused of sexually abusing several children. According to the Jesuits, three allegations of child sexual abuse have been lodged against Fr. Meyers. Fr. Meyers is accused of sexually abusing a child from 1956 to 1957 while working as a summer chaplain at Alpine Scout Camp in Alpine, New Jersey and teaching in Russia at the Russian Center of Fordham University. Fr. Meyers is also accused of sexually abusing a child in 1959 while he was a summer chaplain at Ten Mile River Scout Camp in Narrowsburg, New York and teaching at St. Ignatius College Prep in Chicago. Finally, Fr. Meyers is accused of sexually abusing a child in 1964 while working at St. Ignatius College Prep in Chicago. Fr. Meyers is included on the USA Midwest Province Jesuits’ list as having at least one “established allegation of sexual abuse of a minor.” Assignments: 1931-1944 Unknown 1960-1970 St. Ignatius High School, Chicago, IL (CHI) Damien High School, Honolulu, HI 1945-1946 Zi-Ka-Wei China – St. Michael’s College 1971 Unknown 1947-1948 Shanghai China – St. Michael’s College – 215 Rue Bourgent 1972 2546 Belmont Ave. Bronx, NY (NY) 1949-1951 St. Francis Xavier’s, New York, NY (NY) 1973-1978 Fordham University, Bronx, NY (NY) 1952 Fordham University Russian Center, New York, NY (NY) 1979 St. Michael’s Church, South Hadley, NJ (PSC) 1953-1959 Fordham Univ. Soloviev Hall, New York, NY (NY) 1980 Died Assignments: 160 Fr. Thomas Gregory Meyer, O.M.I. 1961-1968 Unknown 1998-2001 St. Laurence High School, Burbank, IL 1969-1980 St. Laurence High School, Burbank, IL 2002-2012 Unknown 1980-1981 Damien High School, Honolulu, HI 2012 Died 1982-1984 Unknown • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 161 Fr. Joseph F. (Salvator) Mika, O.F.M Ordained, 1951 Notes: Father Joseph “Salvator” Mika, O.F.M. was ordained a Franciscan priest in 1951. Mika was accused in 2004 of having sexually abused a female student when he served in Pulaski, Wisconsin in the 1950s. A 2008 document signed by the Franciscans’ provincial minister, Fr. Leslie J. Hoppe, said Mika “expressed sorrow” and would be allowed to remain in the order “under appropriate restrictions.” A letter signed in 2009 by Fr. Hoppe to the victim claimed the order could no longer afford to help her pay for counseling. Fr. Mika is reported to have retired to Queen of Peace Friary in Burlington, Wisconsin, in 2002, and later moved to St. Mary’s Home in Manitowoc, Wisconsin, where he died in 2009. His precise whereabouts and whether he had access to children from approximately 2002 until his death in 2009 are unknown. Assignments: 1952 Immaculate Conception of Lourdes Monastery, Cedar Lake, IN (FTW) 1979 Unknown 1953-1954 Assumption Monastery, Pulaski, WI (GB) 1980-1986 Resurrection Church, Wayne, IL (JOL) 1955-1957 Assumption of the B.V.M. Church, Pulaski, WI (GB) 1983-1990 St. John Capistran Friary Franciscan Friars, Dundee, IL (RCK) 1958-1959 St. Leonard Friday and Mission House, Saginaw, MI (SAG) 1989-1994 Immaculate Conception Church, Elmhurst, IL (JOL) 1960 St. Mary’s, Mio, MI (SAG) 1995-1997 Holy Name Friary-Franciscan House of Formation, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1961-1963 St. Thomas Aquinas, Mio, MI (SAG) 1998-2002 Rosary Hill Home, Justice, IL (CHI) 1964-1973 St. Mary of the Angels, Green Bay, WI (GB) 2003-2009 Unknown 1974-1978 St. Celestine Church, Elmwood Park, IL (CHI) 2009 Died Fr. Vincent Minh, C.SS.R. Fr. Phillip T. Mooney, S.J. Ordained, 1944 Notes: Fr. Philip T. Mooney, S.J. is a Jesuit priest. Fr. Mooney has been accused of sexually abusing at least one child in approximately 1953 to 1954 while he was at Holy Family Parish in Chicago, Illinois. Fr. Mooney was not dismissed from the order until 1989. Fr. Mooney is included on the USA Midwest Province Jesuits’ list as having at least one “established allegation of sexual abuse of a minor.” Fr. Mooney’s current whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1945-1957 Unknown 1973-1978 St. Peter’s College, New Jersey City, NJ (NEW) 1958 West Baden College, West Baden Springs, IN (IND) 1979-1981 Jesuits of St. Peter’s College, Jersey City, NJ (NEW) 1959 Jesuit Retreat House, 5629 State Rd, Cleveland, OH (CLV) 1982 Detroit Province of the Society of Jesus, Detroit, MI (DET) 1960-1961 University of Detroit High School for Boys, Detroit, MI (DET) 1983-1987 Jesuits of Saint Peter’s College, Jersey City, NJ. (NEW) 1962-1966 University of Detroit, Detroit, MI (DET) 1988-2019 Unknown 1967-1972 Fordham University, Bronx, NY (NY) Br. John Moriarty, F.S.C. Ordained, 1968 Notes: Fr. Vincent Minh, C.SS.R. is a Vietnamese priest who first arrived in Portland in approximately 1972. During his time there, Fr. Minh rose to prominence helping thousands of Southeast Asian refugees settle in Portland and was pastor of the largest Vietnamese Catholic congregation in Oregon. In 2001, Fr. Minh was accused of raping a woman in 1983 and sexually abusing two young girls in the 1980s. Following the allegations, he was sent to treatment and then to a Redemptorist residence in Illinois. Fr. Minh’s priestly faculties have been permanently removed. He was believed to be residing in Liguori, Missouri as of 2012. Fr. Minh’s current whereabouts and whether he has access to children are unknown. Notes: Br. John Moriarty, F.S.C., a former member of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, joined the Midwest District of DeLaSalle Christian Brothers in 1951. His first known assignment was at LaSalle Manor in Plano, Illinois, from 1970 to 1973. After his assignment at LaSalle Manor, Br. Moriarty left the Midwest and worked in California, Oregon, and East Africa. Br. Moriarty was accused in a 2003 lawsuit of having sexually abused a 17-year-old boy in 1975 and 1976 at the Christian Brothers’ Retreat House in St. Helena, California, where Br. Moriarty was assigned from 1974 to 1978. In 2005, Br. Moriarty was reported to be living at the Wounded Brothers’ Project in Missouri. He died in 2013. His whereabouts and whether he had access to children in the years prior to his death are unknown. Assignments: 1968-1975 Unknown 2002-2004 Redemptorist Theology Residence, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1976-2000 Holy Redeemer, Portland, OR (P) 2005 Redemptorists, Oakland, CA (OAK) 1990-2000 Southeast Asian Vicariate Church, Portland, OR (P) 2006-2019 Unknown 2001 The Redemptorists/Denver Province, Denver, CO (DEN) Fr. Orville Lawrence (O.L.) (Larry) Munie, O.M.I. Ordained, 1937 Notes: Fr. Orville Lawrence Munie, O.M.I. was a member of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate. Fr. Munie worked in Illinois, Minnesota, Missouri, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. In 2015, the Oblates’ Central Province included Fr. Munie in its list of “Members and Former Members Who Have Been the Subject of One or More Credible Allegations of Sexual Abuse of a Minor.” In 2017, Fr. Munie was included in the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis’ list of “individuals with substantiated claims of sexual abuse of a minor outside the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis.” It is unknown whether Fr. Munie had access to children prior to his death. Assignments: 162 1938 Unknown 1972 St. John the Baptist, Egg Harbor, WI (GB) 1939-1959 St. Clara’s Hospital, Lincoln, IL (PEO) 1973-1977 St. Philomena, Peoria, IL (PEO) 1941-1944 Oblate Mission House, White Bear Lake, MN (STP) 1978 Provincialate, St. Paul, MN (STP) 1945-1947 College of Our Lady of the Ozarks, Carthage, MO (KC) 1979 Unknown 1948-1959 St. Henry’s Preparatory Seminary, Belleville, IL (BEL) 1980 Oblate Press, Carthage, MO (SPC) 1960-1961 State School for Boys, Red Wing, MN (STP) 1981-1984 St. Isidore, Bethany, IL (SFD) 1962-1963 Immaculate Conception Church, Waubay, SD (SFS) 1985-1990 Unknown 1964 St. Joseph Church, Arkansaw, WI (LC) 1991-1993 Our Lady of the Snows Apartment Community Retirement Home, Belleville, IL (BEL) 1965-1971 Sacred Heart Church, Campus, IL (PEO) 1993 Died • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 163 Br. Robert Murphy, O.Carm. Fr. Thomas J. Naughton, S.J. Notes: Br. Robert Murphy, O.Carm. was a Carmelite brother. In 1973, Br. Murphy was accused of sexually abusing a child in Georgia while he worked in the Diocese of Savannah. In 1985, Br. Murphy was accused of inappropriate corporal punishment at Mt. Carmel High School in Chicago, Illinois. Following the 1985 allegation, Br. Murphy was removed from his assignment and sent to treatment until 1999. In 2002, after the Carmelites re-examined previous allegations, Br. Murphy was removed from his position at Lewis University in Romeoville, Illinois and from public ministry. Br. Murphy is included in the Diocese of Savannah’s list of “Religious Order Priests with Credible Allegations of Child Abuse in the Diocese of Savannah.” Br. Murphy was believed to be residing in Lombard, Illinois as of 2016. His current whereabouts, status as religious brother, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Notes: Fr. Thomas J. Naughton, S.J. is a Jesuit priest who worked in the geographical confines of the Diocese of Rockford. In 2002, a survivor accused Fr. Naughton of child sexual abuse that occurred in approximately 1978 when Fr. Naughton was president of Jesuit College Preparatory School in Dallas. Fr. Naughton was placed on leave in 2002. Fr. Naughton is included on the Jesuits U.S. Central and Southern Province’s list as having at least one “established allegation of sexual abuse of a minor.” Fr. Naughton’s whereabouts and whether he had access to children from 2002 until his death are unknown. Fr. John D. Murphy, O.S.A. Ordained, 1968 Notes: Fr. John D. Murphy, O.S.A. is priest of the Order of Saint Augustine who worked in the geographical confines of the Archdiocese of Chicago. The Augustinian Order received allegations of child sexual abuse against Fr. Murphy in 1981. Upon professional advice that Fr. Murphy was fit to minister without restrictions, Fr. Murphy was assigned to St. Rita of Cascia in Chicago, Illinois. The Augustinians learned of additional allegations of child sexual abuse against Fr. Murphy in 1993. It is believed that Fr. Murphy resigned from the priesthood in 1993. Fr. Murphy’s current status as a priest, whereabouts, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Ordained, 1965 Assignments: 1966 Bellarmine School of Theology, North Aurora, IL (RCK) 1980 Jesuit School of Theology, Berkeley, CA (OAK) 1967 St. Stanislaus Novitiate, Cleveland, OH (CLV) 1981-1982 Unknown 1968 Jesuit High School, El Paso, TX (ELP) 1983-1989 Manresa House of Retreats, Convent, LA (BR) 1969-1970 Jesuit High School, Tampa, FL (STA) 1990-1991 Jesuit College Preparatory Inc., Houston, TX (GAL) 1971-1972 St. Louis University, St. Louis, MO (STL) 1992-1995 Montserrat Retreat House, Lake Dallas, TX (FWT) 1973 Loyola University, New Orleans, LA (NO) 1995-2012 Unknown 1974-1979 Jesuit College Preparatory School, Dallas, TX (DAL) 2012 Died Assignments: 1969-1970 Unknown 1982 Unknown 1971-1976 St. Rita High School, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1983-1993 St. Rita, Racine, WI (MIL) 1977 Our Lady of the Rosary, Kenosha, WI (MIL) 1994-2019 Unknown 1978-1981 St. Rita of Cascia, Chicago, IL (CHI) Fr. Donald O. Nastold, S.J. Francis X. Nawn, S.J. Notes: Fr. Francis X. Nawn, S.J. is a Jesuit priest who worked in the geographical confines of the Diocese of Springfield before he settled in Alaska for the majority of his career. In a 2004 lawsuit, Fr. Nawn was accused of sexually abusing a child from approximately 1963 to 1964 in Sheldon Point, AK. As of 2005, at least 10 more survivors had come forward accusing Fr. Nawn of child sexual abuse with the earliest allegation occurring in 1963 and the latest occurring in 1977. Fr. Nawn is included in the USA Midwest Province Jesuits’ list of “Jesuits Whose Names Have Been Published on A Diocesan Website, Jesuit Province Website, Named in A Civil Lawsuit, Named within a Bankruptcy Court Process, and/or Named in A Grand Jury Report.” Ordained, 1945 Notes: Fr. Donald O. Nastold, S.J. is a Jesuit priest who worked in the geographical confines of the Archdiocese of Chicago. Fr. Nastold was accused of sexual abuse of a minor between 1999 and 2002 while at St. Francis Xavier in Cincinnati, Ohio. Fr. Nastold is included on the USA Midwest Province Jesuits’ list as having at least one “established allegation of sexual abuse of a minor.” Assignments: 164 Ordained, 1951 Assignments: 1952 St. Mary’s College, St. Marys, KS (KCK) 1981-1982 Jesuit Community at Fordham University, New York, NY (NY) 1953 St. Joseph Hall, Decatur, IL (SFD) 1983 St. Ignatius, Alakanuk, AK (FBK) 1954 2601 N. Union St. Decatur, IL (SFD) 1984-1987 St. Michael, St. Michael, AK (FBK) 1955-1956 Jesuit Residential High School for Catholic Boys, Prairie du Chien, WI (LC) 1988 St. Mary’s – St. Mary’s Mission Center, St. Mary’s, AK (FBK) 1946-1958 Unknown 1985 Xavier University, Springfield, OH (CIN) 1959-1960 West Baden College, West Baden Springs, IN (IND) 1986-1987 Jesuit Community of Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH (CIN) 1957-1961 Marquette University High School for Boys, Milwaukee, WI (MIL) 1989 Unknown 1961-1968 St. Ignatius College, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1988 Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH (CIN) 1962 Creighton University, Omaha, NE (OM) 1990-1992 Seattle University, Seattle, WA (SEA) 1969-1975 St. Xavier High School, Cincinnati, OH (CIN) 1989-1991 Jesuit Community of Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH (CIN) 1963-1965 Holy Cross Alaska/Holy Cross Mission, Fairbanks, AK (FBK) 1993-1994 Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA (SPK) 1976-1978 Weston College, Cambridge, MA (BO) 1992-1996 Chicago Province of the Society of Jesus Provincial Office, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1966-1968 Sacred Heart, Chevak, AK (FBK) 1992 Died 1969-1980 St. Ignatius, Alakanuk, AK (FBK) 1979 Jesuit School of Theology in Chicago, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1997-2002 St. Francis Xavier Church, Cincinnati, OH (CIN) 1980 Jesuit Community of Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH (CIN) 2003-2007 Faber Jesuit Community, Cincinnati, OH (CIN) 1981 Edgecliff College of Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH (CIN) 2007 Died 1982-1984 St. Robert Bellarmine, Bellarmine Chapel, Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH (CIN) Br. Walter D. Neary, C.F.C. Notes: Br. Walter D. Neary, C.F.C. was accused of sexually abusing at least two students at Brother Rice High School in Chicago in the 1960s. Br. Neary was included in the Christian Brothers’ list of “current, former and deceased brothers who were identified in at least two (2) sexual abuse claims filed as proofs of claim in the bankruptcy matter In re: The Christian Brothers’ Institute, et al.” The list, released June 11, 2014, identifies Br. Neary as deceased. • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 165 Br. Jack O’Dell, C.S.V. Fr. Donald J. O’Shaughnessy, S.J. Notes: Br. Jack O’Dell, C.S.V. joined the Clerics of St. Viator in 1980, and worked with the order until approximately 1987. During his time with the Clerics of St. Viator, Br O’Dell worked as a counselor and pastoral minister at St. Viator High School in Arlington Heights, Illinois. In 1996, a civil lawsuit accused Br. O’Dell of sexually abusing one youth at St. Viator High School between 1980 and 1984. The lawsuit was dismissed because the statute of limitations had expired. A second man came forward in 2002 alleging he was sexually abused by Fr. O’Dell in approximately 1974. Br. O’Dell’s status as a cleric, current whereabouts, and whether he has access to children are unknown. It is believed he may have died in approximately 1988. Notes: Fr. Donald J. O’Shaugnessy, S.J. was a Jesuit priest who worked in the geographical confines of the Archdiocese of Chicago. The majority of Fr. O’Shaugnessy’s more than five decades in the priesthood was spent at various schools throughout the Midwest. Fr. O’Shaugnessy was removed from public ministry in 2004 after three accusations of sexual abuse were lodged against him. The accusations were made by former students at Loyola Academy in Wilmette, Illinois, and resulted in three separate civil lawsuits, all of which have been settled. Fr. O’Shaugnessy was included on the USA Midwest Province Jesuits’ list as having at least one “established allegation of sexual abuse of a minor” and the Archdiocese of Indianapolis’ “list of clergy credibly accused of sexual abuse of a minor.” Ordained, 1955 Assignments: Fr. John Baptist Ormechea, C.P. Ordained, 1965 Notes: Fr. John Ormechea, C.P. is a priest of the Passionist Order who worked in the geographical confines of the Archdiocese of Chicago. The Passionists reportedly received allegations of child sexual abuse against Fr. Ormechea beginning in the mid-1980s but have continued to allow Fr. Ormechea to stay in ministry. In 1993, a survivor’s parents reported to Fr. Ormechea’s superiors that he had sexually abused their child at Immaculate Conception Church in 1983. The survivor and his parents were told that Fr. Ormechea had been removed from Immaculate Conception in 1988 because of another incident of inappropriate conduct with a minor. Following the allegation, Fr. Ormechea was sent to St. Luke’s, an institution known for treating priests accused of child sexual abuse. In 2002, four survivors came forward and told Chicago investigators that Fr. Ormechea had sexually abused them in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Due to the statute of limitations, he was not able to be prosecuted. Fr. Ormechea was removed from St. Agnes where he had been serving, and was sent to Rome where he has reportedly resided since. Fr. Ormechea’s status as a priest and whether he has access to children are unknown. 1956 West Baden College, West Baden Springs, IN (IND) 1982-1992 Loyola Academy, Wilmette, IL (CHI) 1957 St. Stanislaus Novitiate, Cleveland, OH (CLV) 1993-1997 Colombiere Center, Clarkston, MI (DET) 1958 Novitiate of the Sacred Heart, Milford, OH (CIN) 1998-2008 Faber Jesuit Community, Cincinnati, OH (CIN) 1959-1965 Loyola Academy, Wilmette, IL (CHI) 2009-2010 Colombiere Center, Clarkston, MI (DET) 1966-1967 R.R. 19 Box 750, Indianapolis, IN (IND) 2011-2012 Unknown 1968-1980 Loyola Academy, Wilmette, IL (CHI) 2013 Died 1981 Jesuit School of Theology, Berkeley, CA (OAK) Fr. Frank Paduch (Br. Frank Paduch, O.S.A.) Ordained, 1989 1966-1968 Unknown 1991-1992 Holy Name Retreat Center, Houston, TX (GAL) 1969 Mother of Good Council Seminary, Warrenton, MO (STL) 1993-2003 Sacred Heart Retreat, Louisville, KY (L); St. Agnes, Louisville, KY (L) 1970-1974 St. Agnes, Louisville, KY (L) 2004-2005 Unknown 1975-1977 Passionist Monastery and Retreat House, Sierra Madre, CA (LA) 2006-2009 Passionist Provincial Office, Special Assignment, Chicago, IL (CHI) Notes: Fr. Frank Paduch was a religious brother of the Order of Saint Augustine and a priest in the Diocese of Beaumont, Texas. As a member of the Augustinians, Fr. Paduch served as a religion instructor and coach at St. Rita’s High School in Chicago, Illinois in the 1980s. In 1987, Fr. Paduch was put on a leave of absence by the Augustinians and by 1989 he received a dispensation from his vows as an Augustinian Brother. Fr. Paduch was then ordained a priest in 1989 for the Diocese of Beaumont. Then Bishop of the Diocese of Beaumont reportedly received two complaint letters from parents regarding Fr. Paduch’s behavior with children in 1991 and 1996. In 1997, a former student at St. Rita High School in Chicago, Illinois, filed a lawsuit alleging that Fr. Paduch sexually abused him in the 1980-1981 school year. The lawsuit settled in 1999. In 2001, another victim came forward alleging abuse by Fr. Paduch in 1993. Fr. Paduch was sent to treatment and took a three-year leave of absence from ministry. In 2003, the Diocese of Beaumont received another allegation of sexual abuse that dated back to 1990 to 1992. Fr. Paduch was laicized in 2005. He is believed to be residing in Melrose Park, IL as of 2017. Whether he has access to children is unknown. 1978-1979 St. Mary’s, Fairfield, AL (BIR) 2006-2018 Rome, Italy (FgM) Assignments: 1979 Interracial Apostolate in the U.S.A (FgM) 2013- 2018 Passionist Provincial Office, Special Assignment, Park Ridge, IL (CHI) 1990-1991 St. Anthony Cathedral, Beaumont, TX (BEA) 2000-2001 Immaculate Conception, Liberty, TX (BEA) 1980-1988 Immaculate Conception, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2018-2019 Unknown 1990-1992 Infant Jesus, Lumberton, TX (BEA) 2002-2004 Absent On Leave 1989-1990 Passionist Community, Congregation of the Passion, Mother of Good Counsel Community, St. Louis, MO (STL) 1990-1996 Monsignor Kelly Catholic High School, Beaumont, TX (BEA) 2005-2019 Unknown 1993-1999 Our Lady of Victory, Sour Lake, TX (BEA) Assignments: Fr. Thomas Paramo, C.M.F. Ordained, 1956 Notes: Fr. Thomas Paramo, C.M.F. was a priest of the Claretian Order who worked in the geographical confines of the Archdiocese of Chicago. According to a 2005 lawsuit, Fr. Paramo sexually abused a teenage girl starting in 1966 while he was assigned to Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in Chicago. Assignments: 166 1957-1958 Immaculate Heart of Mary Mission House, Perth Amboy, NJ (TR) 1973-1981 St. Francis of Assisi, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1959-1960 Our Lady of Guadalupe, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1982-1987 Our Lady of Guadalupe, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1961-1964 Immaculate Heart of Mary Vicariate, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1988-1992 St. Paul, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1965-1969 St. Francis of Assisi, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1993-2003 Claretian Fathers Headquarters of U.S.A. Eastern Province, Oak Park, IL (CHI) 1970-1972 Our Lady of Guadalupe, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2004 Died • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 167 Fr. Thomas W. Parrott, C.M. (Fr. Thomas W. Parrot,Ordained, C.M.) 1950 Notes: Fr. Thomas W. Parrott, C.M. was a priest of the Vincentian Order who worked in the geographical confines of the Archdiocese of Chicago. In 2010, Fr. Parrott was accused of sexually abusing a boy for two years at St. John’s Diocesan Seminary in Kansas City, Missouri. The boy was a 14-year old freshman in the mid-1960s when the abuse is alleged to have occurred. Assignments: 1951 St. Francis Preparatory Seminary, Bethany, OK (OKL) 1967-1972 St. Vincent’s Preparatory Seminary, Cape Girardeau, MO (SPC) 1952 Vincentian Fathers House of Studies, Washington D.C. (WDC) 1973-1974 Holy Trinity, Springfield, MO (SPC) 1953-1961 De Paul Academy, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1973-1987 St. Mary’s, Seneca, MO (SPC) 1962-1965 De Paul University, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1988-1996 Retired (SPC) – 4730 E Alhambra, Naples, FL 33940 (VEN) 1966 St. John’s Diocesan Seminary, Kansas City, MO (KC) 1996 Died Fr. Donald Petraitis, M.I.C. Ordained, 1964 Notes: Fr. Donald Petraitis, M.I.C. was a priest of the Order of the Congregation of Marians of the Immaculate Conception who worked in the geographical confines of the Archdiocese of Chicago. In approximately the early 1960s, Fr. Petraitis allegedly sexually abused a young boy at St. Mary’s Parish in Norwich, Connecticut. In 1975, Fr. Petraitis was elected Vicar General and moved to Rome where he served nine years as Vicar. In 1984, Fr. Petraitis was elected Superior General and eventually went on to serve as Provincial Superior from approximately 1993 to 2006. Whether Fr. Petraitis had access to children prior to his death is unknown. Assignments: 1965-1978 Marianapolis Preparatory School, Thompson, CT (NOR) 1990-2010 Congregation of Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1975-1984 Vicar General, Rome, Italy 2011-2012 Retired – Marian Home, Thompson, CT (NOR) 1985-1987 Unknown 2012 Died 1988-1989 Congregation of Marian Fathers, Chicago, IL (CHI) Fr. Victor Phelan, M.Afr. Ordained, 1971 Notes: Fr. Victor Phelan, M.Afr. was a priest of the Missionaries of Africa who worked in the geographical confines of the Archdiocese of Chicago. In 2013, a lawsuit alleging sexual abuse by Fr. Phelan was settled. Fr. Phelan’s whereabouts and whether he had access to children from 1993 until his death are unknown. Assignments: 1972-1973 Bawku Catholic Mission, Bawku, Ghana 1988 Missionary Work in Foreign Countries (FgM) 1974-1976 Ghana Missions 1989 Missionaries of Africa Foreign Missions (FgM) 1977-1978 Residence, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1990-1992 Missionaries of Africa, Los Angeles, CA (LA) 1979 White Fathers of Africa, Plainfield, N.J. (NEW) 1993-2014 Unknown 1980-1984 White Fathers of Africa activity in Africa (FgM) 2014 Died 1985-1987 Missionaries of Africa activity in Africa (FgM) Sr. Cheryl Porte Notes: Sr. Cheryl Porte is a nun of the Order of Marianites of the Holy Cross who worked in the geographical confines of Illinois. Sr. Porte was accused of sexually abusing a 12-year-old girl in 1977 at Opelousas Catholic Middle School in Southwest Louisiana. Sr. Porte allegedly coaxed the girl into a sexual relationship that lasted more than two years, until an anonymous person notified the Marianites of the Holy Cross. Sr. Porte was removed from her position, and the alleged victim believed she was no longer in ministry. Years later, the alleged victim discovered that Sr. Porte had been transferred to another parish and, until 2002, continued to serve as a nun in O’Fallon, Illinois in the Diocese of Belleville. Sr. Porte’s whereabouts, status as a nun and whether she has access to children are unknown. Fr. Gregory H. Poser, O.S.C. Kevin Phan Notes: Kevin Phan was a seminarian of the Society of Divine Word, a Catholic missionary organization in Techny, Illinois, when he was criminally charged with having 300 images of child pornography on his computer and sending them to others in 2004. Phan pleaded guilty to one count of possession of child pornography and the prosecutors dropped the other 18 counts of possessing or disseminating child pornography. Following the charges, Phan was expelled from seminary. Phan’s current whereabouts and whether he has access to children are unknown. 168 Ordained, 1975 Notes: Fr. Gregory H. Poser, O.S.C. is a priest of the Crosier Fathers and Brothers who worked in the geographical confines of the Archdiocese of Chicago. Fr. Poser has been accused of sexually abusing at least one minor while at St. Odilia’s in Shoreview, Minnesota during the 1970s. Fr. Poser was suspended from ministry in 2016 when the allegation was made. Fr. Poser’s whereabouts, status as a priest and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1976-1978 St. Odilia, Shoreview, MN (STP) 1991 Crosier Community of Chicago, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1979 Immaculate Conception, Three Rivers, MI (KAL) 1992-1996 Crosier Foreign Missions (FgM) 1980-1982 Crosier House of Studies, Fort Wayne, IN (FTW) 1997 Unknown 1982-1983 Crosier Center, Ft. Wayne, IN (FTW) 1998-2003 Crosier Foreign Missions (FgM) 1984 Crosier Fathers and Brothers, Garrett, IN (FTW) 2004-2018 Crosier Monastery/Priory, Onamia, MN (SCL) 1985 St. Odilia, Shoreview, MN (STP) 2005-2016 St. Rita’s, Hillman, MN (SCL); The Church of the Holy Cross of Onamia, MN (SCL); St. Therese, Little Flower Indian Mission, Onamia, MN (SCL); Sacred Heart, Wahkon, MN (SCL) 1986-1989 St. Joseph, Kalamazoo, MI (KAL) 2008-2016 Pastoral Council (SCL) 1987-1989 Order of the Holy Cross, Kalamazoo, MI (KAL) 2019 Unknown 1990 Crosier Community of Anoka, Anoka, MN (STP) • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 169 Fr. John Powell, S.J. Ordained, 1956 Notes: Fr. John Powell, S.J. is a Jesuit priest who worked in the geographical confines of the Archdiocese of Chicago. During his time at Loyola University in Chicago, Illinois, Fr. Powell became a popular professor and accomplished writer, becoming one of the best-selling Christian authors in U.S. history. In 2003, Fr. Powell was named in a lawsuit by four women alleging they had all been sexually abused by Fr. Powell as teenagers. One of the plaintiffs claimed to have sent a letter to Loyola University in approximately 1993 asking them to take action against Fr. Powell, but no action was taken. After Fr. Powell was first accused, an additional 4 women came forward, claiming they too had been sexually abused by Fr. Powell during the 1960s and 1970s. An additional lawsuit was filed in 2008 by a woman alleging Fr. Powell sexually abused her when she was 16 or 17 at Rosarian Academy in West Palm Beach, Florida, while he was there conducting a seminar. Fr. Powell is included on the USA Midwest Province’s Jesuits’ list as having at least one “established allegation of sexual abuse of a minor.” Whether Fr. Powell had access to children from 1993 until his death is unknown. Assignments: 1957 West Baden University, West Baden Springs, IN (IND) 1968-2001 Loyola University, Jesuit Community, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1958-1959 St. Stanislaus Novitiate, Cleveland, OH (CLV) 2002-2003 Colombiere Center, Clarkston, MI (DET) 1960 College of St. Robert Bellarmine, Rome, Italy 2004-2005 St. Ladislaus, Hamtramck, MI (DET) 1961-1964 West Baden University, West Baden Springs, IN (IND) 2006-2009 Colombiere Center, Clarkston, MI (DET) 1965-1967 Bellarmine School of Theology of Loyola University, North Aurora, IL (RCK) 2009 Died Fr. Thomas J. Powers, S.J. Ordained, 1972 Notes: Fr. Thomas J. Powers, S.J. is a Jesuit priest who worked in the geographical confines of the Archdiocese of Chicago. Survivors have accused Fr. Powers of child sexual abuse while he served at various high schools and universities in the Diocese of Cleveland during the 1970s and 1980s and in the Archdiocese of Detroit in 2001. Fr. Powers is included on the USA Midwest Province Jesuits’ list as having at least one “established allegation of sexual abuse of a minor.” Fr. Powers was reportedly dismissed in 2001, but his whereabouts, status as a priest and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1973-1978 St. Ignatius High School, Cleveland, OH (CLV) 1995 Unknown 1979-1981 Detroit Province of the Society of Jesus, Priests Not Listed Elsewhere, Detroit, MI (DET); P.O. Box 7291, Fort Gordon, GA 1996-1999 St. Mary’s Jesuit Community, Toledo, OH (TOL) 1982-1983 Jesuit Community at Loyola University, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2000 Unknown 1984 Walsh Jesuit Community, Stow, OH (CLV) 2001 Colombiere Center, Clarkston, MI (DET) 1985-1986 Unknown 2002-2019 Unknown 1987-1994 John Carrol Jesuit Community, Cleveland, OH (CLV) Fr. Ponciano M. Ramos, S.V.D. Ordained, 1985 Notes: Fr. Ponciano M. Ramos, S.V.D. was ordained a priest for the Society of the Divine Word in 1985. In 1992, Fr. Ramos was accused of sexually abusing three boys at St. Rita Catholic School in Indianapolis, Indiana. He eventually pled guilty to criminal charges of child sexual abuse and was sentenced to an 18-month suspended sentence and 15 months of probation. According to papers filed in Marion County Superior Court, the incident began when the three boys set off two stink bombs, after which all three were forced to submit to a strip search by Fr. Ramos. Following the conviction, the Chicago Province of the Society of the Divine Word reportedly brought Fr. Ramos to Techny, Illinois, where he resided from approximately May 1992 to September 1993. He was subsequently sent to the Diocese of San Bernardino. He was removed from ministry in 2002. Less than a year later, in 2003, Diocese of San Bernardino Bishop Gerald Barnes and the Diocesan Review Committee unanimously agreed that Fr. Ramos should be brought back to active ministry. Fr. Ramos was allowed to return to restricted duty, working at Divine Word Seminary in Riverside, California. Fr. Ramos was included in the Diocese of San Bernardino’s list of “Clergy Credibly Accused of Child Sexual Abuse. His current whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1986-1992 St. Rita, Indianapolis, IN (IND) 1999-2003 St. Mary of the Valley, Yucca Valley, CA (SB) 1993 Unknown 2004-2007 Society of the Divine Word Missionaries, Riverside, CA (SB) 1994-1996 Society of the Divine Word, Riverside, CA (SB) 2008-2016 Divine Word Seminary Riverside, CA (SB) 1997 Unknown 2017-2019 Unknown 1998 St. Martha’s, Murrieta, CA (SB) Fr. James F. Rapp, O.S.F.S. Ordained, 1967 Notes: Fr. James F. Rapp, O.S.F.S. is a priest of the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales who worked in the geographical confines of the Dioceses of Rockford and Joliet. Fr. Rapp is alleged to have sexually abused many minors, dating as far back as the 1970s. In approximately 1984, Fr. Rapp was accused of sexually abusing two male students while he worked at Lumen Christi High School in Jackson, Michigan. In 1986, the Oblates sent Fr. Rapp to the St. Luke Institute in Maryland and the House of Affirmation in California, institutions known for treating priests accused of sexual abuse. In 1991, the Oblates assigned Fr. Rapp to work in the Oklahoma diocese. Fr. Rapp allegedly sexually abused at least three more boys while he worked at Assumption Church in Duncan, Oklahoma. In 1994, Fr. Rapp was named in two child sexual abuse lawsuits. On May 11, 1999, Fr. Rapp was arrested and charged with two counts of lewd molestation with a minor. In December 1999, Fr. Rapp pled no contest and was sentenced to two consecutive 20-year prison terms. In 2003, Fr. Rapp was named in several more child sexual abuse lawsuits. In 2007, Fr. Rapp was denied parole. In 2015, Fr. Rapp was arraigned in Michigan on criminal sexual conduct charges from alleged misconduct in the 1980s. In 2016, Fr. Rapp pled no contest to three counts of both first and second degree criminal sexual conduct and was sentenced up to 40 years in prison. Fr. Rapp is included on the Diocese of Salt Lake City’s list of “Allegations of Clergy Sexual Abuse of Minors.” Fr. Rapp is believed to have been laicized. Assignments: 1968 DeSales Hall, Hyattsville, MD (WDC) 1986 Lumen Christi High School, Jackson, MI (LAN) 1969-1978 Judge Memorial Catholic School, Salt Lake City, UT (SLK) 1987 Unknown 1979-1981 Unknown 1988-1991 St. Raphael, Naperville, IL (JOL) 1982-1984 Lumen Christi High School, Jackson, Michigan (LAN) 1992-1999 Assumption Church, Duncan, OK (OKL) 1985 Active Outside the Diocese (RCK) 2000-2019 Incarcerated Fr. Robert Reitmeier, O.M.I. Ordained, 1971 Notes: Fr. Robert Reitmeier, O.M.I. is a priest of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate who worked in the confines of the Archdiocese of Chicago. Fr. Reitmeier is included on the Diocese of Duluth’s list of “clergy with credible claims against them concerning sexual abuse of a young person” and the Oblates’ list of “members and former members who have been the subject of one or more credible allegations of sexual abuse of a minor.” Fr. Reitmeier is believed to have left the priesthood in 1992. Fr. Reitmeier’s whereabouts, status as a priest and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 170 1972 St. Jean’s (French), Duluth, MN (DUL) 1982 Unknown 1973-1975 West End Catholic Parishes of SS. Clement and Jean, Duluth, MN (DUL) 1983-1988 Holy Guardian Angels, St. Louis, MO (STL) 1976-1978 Tekakwitha Home, Sisseton, SD (SFS) 1989-1991 Precious Blood, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1979 Tekakwitha Indian Children’s Home Church, Sisseton, SD (SFS) 1992 Oblate Provincial Offices, St. Paul, MN (STP) 1980-1981 St. Casimir (Polish), St. Paul, MN (STP) 1993-2019 Unknown • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 171 Fr. M. Lawrence Reuter, S.J. Ordained, 1971 Notes: Fr. M. Lawrence Reuter, S.J. is a Jesuit priest who worked in the geographical confines of the Archdiocese of Chicago. At least two survivors have come forward alleging sexual abuse by Fr. Reuter when they were students at Loyola Academy, where Fr. Reuter was president from 1975 to 1990. In 2010, Fr. Reuter was removed from active ministry after officials learned that Fr. Reuter had allegedly previously admitted to having an inappropriate relationship with an 18-yearold student at Loyola Academy when he was president. Fr. Reuter was subsequently assigned to internal ministry for Jesuits in a monitored setting. Fr. Reuter is believed to be residing in Clarkston, Michigan as of 2010. Fr. Reuter is included on the USA Midwest Province Jesuits’ list as having at least one “established allegation of sexual abuse of a minor.” Fr. Reuter’s whereabouts, status as a priest and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1972-1990 Loyola Academy, Wilmette, IL (CHI) 2006-2010 Loyola University Medical Center, Maywood, IL (CHI) 1991-2003 Loyola University of Chicago, Ministry Department, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2011-2019 Unknown 1991-2010 Jesuit Community at Loyola University of Chicago, Chicago, IL (CHI) Ordained, 1951 Notes: Fr. Andrew M. Ronan, O.S.M. was a native of Ireland and a priest of the Servite Order who worked in the geographical confines of the Archdiocese of Chicago. In the early 1960s, Fr. Ronan was sent to Chicago, Illinois from Ireland after he admitted he abused a student at a seminary in Benburb, Northern Ireland. In approximately 1965, Fr. Ronan was reassigned to the Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon after it was alleged that he sexually abused students while working at St. Philip Basilica High School in Chicago, Illinois. It is believed that Fr. Ronan was laicized in 1966. In 2002, Fr. Ronan was named in a lawsuit alleging he sexually abused a teenage boy in approximately 1965 or 1966, while working at The Grotto in Portland, Oregon. In 2011, the Vatican disclosed over 70 pages of documents related to Fr. Ronan pursuant to a court order. Fr. Ronan’s whereabouts and whether he had access to children from 1966 until his death are unknown. Assignments: 1952-1955 N. Ireland Priory (AmerProv) 1968-1992 Unknown 1956-1959 N. Ireland Priory (CHI) 1992 Died 1960-1967 St. Philip Basilica High School, Chicago, IL (CHI) Br. Daniel Peter (D.P.) Ryan, C.F.C. Br. Paul (Sean) S. Reycraft, C.F.C. Notes: Br. Paul S. Reycraft, C.F.C. was accused of sexually abusing a minor student at Brother Rice High School in Chicago, IL. Br. Reycraft is included in the Christian Brothers’ list of “current, former and deceased brothers who were identified in at least two (2) sexual abuse claims filed as proofs of claim in the bankruptcy matter In re: The Christian Brothers’ Institute, et al.” The list, released June 11, 2014, identifies Br. Paul Reycraft as a former brother. His current whereabouts and whether he has access to children are unknown. Fr. Louis P. Rogge, O.Carm. Ordained, 1954 Notes: Fr. Louis P. Rogge, O.Carm. was a priest of the Carmelite Order who worked in the geographical confines of the Archdiocese of Chicago and the Diocese of Joliet. In 1974, Fr. Rogge pleaded guilty to child sexual abuse charges in Athens, GA and was sentenced to six years of probation. In 1976, Fr. Rogge returned to active ministry and served at various parishes until he was removed from public ministry in 2002. In 2006, two brothers accused Fr. Rogge of child sexual abuse while he worked in the Diocese of Joliet. In 2007, Fr. Rogge pleaded guilty to these accusations of child sexual abuse. He was expected to receive a 60-day sentence and probation but died before he was sentenced. Fr. Rogge was included on the Archdiocese of Atlanta’s list of “priests, deacons, seminarians and religious credibly accused of sexual abuse of a minor.” Fr. Rogge’s whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he had access to children prior to his death are unknown. Assignments: 172 Fr. Andrew M. Ronan, O.S.M. Notes: Br. Daniel Peter Ryan, C.F.C. was accused of sexually abusing a minor student at Brother Rice High School in Chicago, IL in the early 1960s. Br. Ryan is included in the Christian Brothers’ list of “current, former and deceased brothers who were identified in at least two (2) sexual abuse claims filed as proofs of claim in the bankruptcy matter In re: The Christian Brothers’ Institute, et al.” The list, released June 11, 2014, identifies Br. Ryan as deceased. His whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he had access to children prior to his death are unknown. Fr. Jeffrey Salwach O.F.M. Ordained, 1984 Notes: Fr. Jeffrey Salwach, O.F.M. is a priest of the Franciscan Order who worked within the geographical confines of the Diocese of Joliet. In 2003, Fr. Salwach was suspended as a result of sexual abuse allegations and transferred to Texas. A 2004 lawsuit alleged that Fr. Salwach abused a youth at St. Jude’s Parish in New Lenox, IL between 1974 and 1978 when Fr. Salwach was a religious brother prior to ordination. It is believed that Fr. Salwach was assigned to LaVerna Friary in St. Louis, Missouri in 2011, which is located within a mile of five daycare centers, four elementary schools and a park with a playground. Fr. Salwach was believed to be residing in St. Louis, Missouri as of 2014. Fr. Salwach’s whereabouts, status as a priest and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1985-1987 St. Joseph’s, Quincy, IL (SFD) 1993-1997 St. John the Baptist Friary, Joliet, IL (JOL); St. John the Baptist, Joliet, IL (JOL) 1955-1970 Unknown 1985 Unknown 1988 1998-2003 1971 Joliet Catholic High School, Joliet, IL (JOL); Carmelite Fathers of St. Elias Priory, Lombard, IL (JOL) 1986-1991 Carmelite Fathers Provincial House, Barrington, IL (CHI) St. John Berchman Church, Galena, AK (FBK) St. Clare Church, San Antonio, TX (SAT); St. Joseph Church, San Antonio, TX (SAT) 1989-1993 St. Anthony of Padua, Parma, OH (CLV) 2004 St. Thomas Aquinas, Ruston, LA (SHP) 1990-1992 St. Anthony Friary, Cleveland, OH (CLV) 2005-2019 Unknown 1972 St. John the Evangelist, Leonia, NJ (NEW) 1992-1993 Carmelite Fathers Provincial House, Darien, IL (JOL) 1973-1976 Whitefriars Hall, Washington D.C. (WDC) 1994 St. Albert, Houston, TX (GAL) 1977-1978 Mt. Carmel High School, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1995-2007 St. Elias Carmelites, Joliet, IL (JOL) 1979-1980 Carmelite Priory of St. Cyril, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2004-2007 Retired (JOL) 1981-1984 Brandsma House, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2007 Died Sr. Agnes Santomassimo Notes: Sr. Agnes Santomassimo was a nun of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Sr. Santomassimo is reported to have worked in various hospitals in New York, Illinois, and Canada from 1950 to 1969 and then as provincial office secretary until she retired in 2002. In Chicago, Illinois, Sr. Santomassimo is reported to have worked at St. F.X. Cabrini Hospital from 1950 to 1952 and from 1964 to 1965. Sr. Santomassimo was named in at least one civil lawsuit where she was accused of sexually abusing at least one child in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Sr. Santomassimo’s whereabouts and whether she had access to children until her believed death in 2005 are unknown. • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 173 Sr. Josephine Schmitz, O.S.F. (Sr. Mary Philip) Fr. Wilton L. Skiffington, S.J. Notes: Sr. Josephine Schmitz, O.S.F. is a nun of the Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Family. Sr. Schmitz worked in Iowa and Illinois from 1943 to 1991. Sr. Schmitz reportedly worked at Corpus Christi in Chicago, IL from approximately 1954 to 1957 and St. Christopher’s in Midlothian, IL from approximately 1969 to 1975. Sr. Schmitz was alleged to have sexually abused a boy in approximately the early 1960s while working at Holy Trinity Sacred Heart School in Dubuque, Iowa. In 2004, the Archdiocese of Dubuque found the allegations to be unsubstantiated although one of its investigators found it credible. In 1991, Sr. Schmitz is believed to have retired. Sr. Schmitz’ whereabouts, status as a nun and whether she has access to children are unknown. Notes: Fr. Wilton Skiffington, S.J. was a Jesuit priest who worked within the geographical confines of the Archdiocese of Chicago. In 2003, a former student at Loyola Academy filed a lawsuit against the Jesuits, accusing Fr. Skiffington of repeatedly sexually abusing him starting in 1962. The lawsuit alleged that while the abuse was taking place his parents found an explicit letter from Fr. Skiffington to him, which they then turned over to school officials. After his parents turned the letter over to school officials, Fr. Skiffington was allegedly transferred immediately to a parish in San Diego. The Jesuits settled the case in 2005. Fr. Skiffington is included on the USA Midwest Province Jesuits’ list as having at least one “established allegation of sexual abuse of a minor.” Fr. Skiffington’s whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he had access to children prior to his death are unknown. Ordained, 1936 Assignments: Fr. Roger P. Schoenhofen, O.M.I. Ordained, 1966 Notes: Fr. Roger Schoenhofen, O.M.I. was a priest of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate who worked within the geographical confines of the Diocese of Belleville. It is believed that Fr. Schoenhofen briefly worked in Duluth, Minnesota as well. Fr. Schoenhofen formed the Oblate Youth Mission Team, which conducted retreats for young people around the Midwest. In 1995, Fr. Schoenhofen was named in a child sexual abuse lawsuit which alleged that a ring of homosexual priests sexually abused a student at St. Henry’s Seminary in Belleville, Illinois. Fr. Schoenhofen’s whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he had access to children prior to his death are unknown. Assignments: St. Mary’s College, St. Mary’s, KS (KCK) 1958-1966 Loyola Academy, Wilmette, IL (CHI) 1938 St. Stanislaus Novitiate, Cleveland, OH (CLV) 1967-1975 St. Columba, San Diego, CA (SD) 1939-1941 St. Xavier High School, Cincinnati, OH (CIN) 1976 St. Barnabas, Long Beach, CA (LA) 1942-1952 University of Detroit High School for Boys, Detroit, MI (DET) 1977-1988 St. Victor, Los Angeles, CA (LA) 1953-1955 St. Ignatius High School, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1988 Died 1956-1957 Loyola Academy, Chicago, IL (CHI) Fr. Gerald F. Smola, S.J. (Gerard F. Smola) Ordained, Unknown 1967 Unknown 1993-1996 King’s House, Belleville, IL (BEL) 1968-1984 St. Henry’s Preparatory Seminary, Belleville, IL (BEL) 1997-1998 Retreat and Renewal Center, Belleville, IL (BEL) 1985 Oblate College, Washington D.C. (WDC) 1999-2009 SS. Peter and Paul Church, Alton, IL (SFD) Notes: Fr. Gerald F. Smola, S.J. was a Jesuit priest who worked within the geographical confines of the Archdiocese of Chicago. Fr. Smola was accused of sexual abuse of a minor at the University of Detroit Jesuit High School in the 1950s. It is believed that Fr. Smola was dismissed in November of 1969. Fr. Smola is included on the USA Midwest Province Jesuits’ list as having at least one “established allegation of sexual abuse of a minor.” Fr. Smola’s whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he had access to children from approximately 1970 to his death in 2001 are unknown. 1986-1992 Missionary Oblates-St. Henry’s Community, Belleville, IL (BEL) 2009 Died Assignments: 1991-1992 Oblate Youth Mission Band, Belleville, IL (BEL) Fr. Daniel R. Schulte, C.M. Ordained, 1987 Notes: Fr. Daniel Schulte, C.M. is a priest of the Vincentian Order who worked within the geographical confines of the Archdiocese of Chicago. Fr. Schulte is a registered sex offender. He was removed from ministry in 2005 after child pornography was allegedly found on his computer. Prior to his removal, Fr. Schulte was working as a hospital chaplain in the Chicago Archdiocese. In 2006, Fr. Schulte pleaded guilty to possessing ten photographs and five videos of child pornography and was sentenced to seven years and three months in federal prison. His whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 174 1937 1988 Unknown 2000-2002 St. Vincent de Paul Church, Cape Girardeau, MO (SPC) 1989-1990 St. Vincent De Paul Church, Perryville, MO (STL) 2003 Unknown 1991-1996 St. Vincent De Paul, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2004 Lazarist Residence, St. Louis, MO (STL) 1993-1996 Vincentian Community, Congregation of the Mission, Midwest Province, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2005-2006 St. Alexis Medical Center, Hoffman Estates, IL (CHI) 1997 Vincentian Residence, St. Louis, MO (STL) 2007-2013 Unknown 1998-1999 Unknown 2014-2019 Lazarist Residence, St. Louis, MO (STL) 1952 West Baden College, West Baden Springs, IN (IND) 1958-1963 University of Detroit High School for Boys, Detroit, MI (DET) 1953 St. Stanislaus Novitiate, Cleveland, OH (CLV) 1964-1969 John Carrol University, Cleveland, OH (CLV) 1954 St. Ignatius High School, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1970-2001 Unknown 1955 Loyola University, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2001 Died 1956-1957 St. Ignatius High School, Cleveland, OH (CLV) Br. Ruben Soto, O.F.M. Notes: Br. Ruben Soto, O.F.M. was a Franciscan who was criminally charged in 1995 with three counts of aggravated sexual abuse. Three minor boys alleged the abuse occurred at St. Anthony’s Catholic Church in Cicero, Illinois, where Br. Soto had been assigned since 1994. It is also alleged that Br. Soto may have abused minors in Texas as well. Br. Soto is a registered sex offender in Illinois. Br. Soto’s status as a brother, current whereabouts, and whether he has access to children are unknown. • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 175 Fr. Robert E. Spangenberg, C.S.Sp. Ordained, 1974 Notes: Fr. Robert E. Spangenberg, C.S.Sp. was a priest of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit who worked within the geographical confines of the Archdiocese of Chicago. Fr. Spangenberg is believed to have worked as the chaplain of St. Francis de Sale High School in Chicago, Illinois from 1981 to 1982. In 1988, a woman reportedly contacted the Diocese of Pittsburgh to report that Fr. Spangenberg sexually abused her son. In 1989, the Spiritans moved Fr. Spangenberg to Florida. In 2003, Fr. Spangenberg retired. In 2009, a man reported when he was a 15- to 16-year-old runaway involved in prostitution, he had many “sexual encounters” with Fr. Spangenberg. The man alleged that Fr. Spangenberg would pay him to bring him other “young hustlers” for sex. Fr. Spangenberg is identified in the 2018 Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report. Fr. Spangenberg’s whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he had access to children from approximately 2004 until his death in 2006 are unknown. Assignments: Fr. Charles E. Sullivan, S.J. Ordained, Unknown Notes: Fr. Charles E. Sullivan, S.J. was a Jesuit priest who worked within the geographical confines of the Archdiocese of Chicago. Fr. Sullivan was accused of sexually abusing a boy from 1958 to 1959 when he was assigned to Our Lady of the Springs in French Lick, Indiana. Fr. Sullivan is included in the USA Midwest Province Jesuits’ list as having at least one “established allegation of sexual abuse of a minor.” Fr. Sullivan’s whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he had access to children prior to his death are unknown. Assignments: 1939 St. Mary’s College, St. Marys, KS (KCK) 1965 John Carrol University, Cleveland, OH (CLV) 1940 St. Stanislaus Novitiate, Cleveland, OH (CLV) 1966-1969 Walsh Jesuit High School, Cuyahoga Falls, OH (CLV) 1975 Holy Ghost Prep., Cornwells Heights, PA (PH) 1990 Congregation of the Holy Ghost, Sarasota, FL (VEN) 1941-1944 University of Detroit High School for Boys, Detroit, MI (DET) 1970-1975 St. Mary’s, Toledo, OH (TOL) 1976 St. Mary, Detroit, MI (DET) 1991-1992 St. Patrick, Charleston, SC (CHR) 1945-1946 Chaplain, U.S. Army (DET) 1976 1977 St. Anthony, Millvale, PA (PIT) 1993 Unknown St. Mary’s of the Assumption, Toledo, OH (TOL) 1978 Immaculate Conception, Clinton, NC (R) 1994-1995 Shrine of Our Lady of Victories at St. Peter Claver, Philadelphia, PA (PH) 1947 St. Ignatius High School, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1977 St. Patrick, Cleveland, OH (CLV) 1948-1953 University of Detroit High School for Boys, Detroit, MI (DET) 1978-1996 Gesu, Toledo, OH (TOL) 1952-1953 University of Detroit, Detroit, MI (DET) 1996 Died 1954-1964 Our Lady of the Springs, French Lick, IN (IND) 1979 Unknown 1995-1997 St. James, Hamlet, NC (CHL) 1980 St. Mary, Sharpsburg, PA (PIT) 1998-1999 Epiphany, Pittsburgh, PA (PIT) 1981-1982 Unknown 2000-2002 Unknown 1983 St. Stanislaus (Polish), Pittsburgh, PA (PIT) 2003 Congregation of the Holy Ghost, Sarasota, FL (VEN) 1984 St. Elizabeth of Hungary (Slovak), Pittsburgh, PA (PIT) 2004-2006 Unknown 1985-1989 St. Anthony, Millvale, PA (PIT) 2006 Died Fr. William J. Spine, S.J. Br. Mark Thedens, O.S.A. Ordained, 1973 Notes: Br. Mark Thedens, O.S.A. is a member of the Augustinian order from approximately 1955 until his death in 2003. In 1961, Br. Thedens left the program of preparation for priestly ordination and became a brother in the Order. Between approximately 1976 and 1979, Br. Thedens allegedly sexually abused a male student while working as the choir director at St. Rita High School in Chicago, Illinois. Br. Thedens was reportedly also assigned to St. Nicholas of Tolentine Monastery in Olympia Fields, Illinois and St. Clare of Montefalco in Chicago, Illinois. Br. Thedens’ whereabouts, status as a religious brother, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Notes: Fr. William J. Spine, S.J. is a Jesuit priest who worked within the geographical confines of the Archdiocese of Chicago. In 2006, Fr. Spine was accused of child sexual abuse in the mid-1970s while he was serving in Peru. Following the allegation, Fr. Spine was placed on administrative leave. Fr. Spine is included on the USA Midwest Province Jesuits’ list as having at least one “established allegation of sexual abuse of a minor.” Fr. Spine’s whereabouts, status as a priest and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1974-1975 Jesuit School of Theology of Loyola University, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1991 Jesuit Community at Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA (OAK) 1976-1979 Chicago Province of the Society of Jesus, Oak Park, IL (CHI) 1992-2001 Jesuit Community at Loyola University of Chicago, Chicago, IL (CHI) Fr. Emil Twardochleb, O.M.I. 1980-1981 Chancay, Peru (FgM) 2002-2004 St. Paul, Lexington, KY (LEX) 1982-1983 St. Ignatius, Brooklyn, NY (BRK) 2004-2006 Diocesan Offices (LEX) 1984-1986 St. Mary, Moline, IL (PEO) 2007-2010 Chicago Province of the Society of Jesus – Provincial Office, Jesuits Serving Abroad, Chicago, IL (CHI); Rome Notes: Fr. Emil Twardochleb, O.M.I. was a priest of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate who worked within the geographical confines of the Diocese of Peoria. Fr. Twardochleb was accused of sexual abuse of a minor in 2015. Fr. Twardochleb is included on the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis’ list of “individuals with substantiated claims of sexual abuse of a minor outside of the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis.” Fr. Twardochleb’s whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he had access to children prior to his death are unknown. 1987-1989 Holy Family, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2011-2019 Unknown 1990-1992 Chicago Province of the Society of Jesus – Provincial Office, Chicago, IL (CHI) Fr. Gerald A. Streeter, S.J. Ordained, 1968 Notes: Fr. Gerald A. Streeter, S.J. was a Jesuit priest who worked within the geographical confines of the Archdiocese of Chicago. Fr. Streeter has been accused of sexually abusing a minor in 1963 and 1964 while working at Loyola Academy in Wilmette, Illinois. Fr. Streeter is included on the USA Midwest Province Jesuits’ list as having at least one “established allegation of sexual abuse of a minor.” Fr. Streeter’s whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he had access to children prior to his death are unknown. Assignments: 1969-1970 176 Bellarmine School of Theology of Loyola University, North Aurora, IL (RCK) 1992-1994 1971-1985 Brebeuf Preparatory School, Indianapolis, IN (IND) 1995 Colombiere Center, Clarkston, MI (DET) 1986 Jesuit Community at Loyola University, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1996 Died 1987-1994 Brebeuf Preparatory School, Indianapolis, IN (IND) St. Augustine Home, Little Sisters of the Poor, Indianapolis, IN (IND) Ordained, 1923 Assignments: 1923-1926 St. Joseph, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada 1953-1955 Assumption of the B.V.M., Richfield, MN (STP) 1926-1930 St. Mary, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada 1955-1964 St. Joseph, Arkansaw, WI (LC) 1930-1931 St. Francis Regis, Kerrobert, Saskatchewan, Canada 1964-1967 Our Lady of the Snows Shrine, Belleville, IL (BEL) 1931-1932 St. Mary Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada 1967-1968 St. Martin, Geneseo, ND (FAR) 1932-1938 St. Charles Scholasticate, Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada 1968-1969 St. Patrick, McCook, NE (LIN) 1938-1940 St. Michael, Tromping Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada 1969-1971 King’s House of Retreats, Henry, IL (PEO) 1940-1941 St. Charles Scholasticate, Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada 1971 Retired 1941-1946 St. Henry’s College, Belleville, IL (BEL) 1971-1975 Madonna Towers, Rochester, MN (WIN) 1947-1950 Our Lady of the Ozarks College, Carthage, MO (KCK) 1975-1976 Tekawitha Nursing Home, Sisseton, SD (SFS) 1951-1953 Assumption of the B.V.M., Richfield, MN (STP) 1976 Died 1953 King’s House, Buffalo, MN (STP) • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 177 Fr. Roger W. Vaughn, O.S.C. Ordained, 1977 Notes: Fr. Roger W. Vaughn, O.S.C. is a priest of the Crosier Fathers and Brothers. He has been named in at least one civil lawsuit. It is believed that Fr. Vaughn was removed from ministry in 2000 and dismissed in 2001. Fr. Vaughn is included on the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis’ list of “individuals with substantiated claims of sexual abuse of a minor outside of the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis,” the Crosiers’ list of individuals “who have one or more credible claims of sexual abuse of a minor against them” and the Diocese of St. Cloud’s list of “clergy likely to have abused minors.” Fr. Vaughn was reportedly removed from ministry in 2000 and officially dismissed in 2001. Fr. Vaughn is believed to be residing in Yonkers, New York as of 2010. Fr. Vaughn’s whereabouts, status as a priest and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1978-1980 Crosier Monastery and Seminary, Onamia, MN (SCL) 1989 College of Mount Saint Vincent, New York, NY (NY) 1981-1984 St. Peter, St. Cloud, MN (SCL) 1989-2003 Crosier, New Rochelle, NY (NY) 1985-1987 Unknown 2004-2019 Unknown 1988 Crosier Community of Chicago, Chicago, IL (CHI) Br. Phillip Vorlick, C.F.C. Notes: Br. Phillip Vorlick, C.F.C. entered the Congregation of Christian Brothers when he was 18 years old, in approximately 1961. During his career as a Christian Brother, Br. Vorlick worked at schools in both New York and Illinois. In Illinois, he worked at Brother Rice High School, Leo High School, and St. Laurence High School. He was working in Chicago when he died in 1998. In 2013, Br. Vorlick was one of 10 brothers and two laymen accused in a civil lawsuit of sexual abuse. Br. Karl J. Walczak, C.F.C. Notes: In 2012, Br. Karl Walczak, C.F.C. was accused of sexually abusing a boy in the early 1970s at Brother Rice High School in Chicago. Br. Walczak resigned from his position as principal at O’Dea High School in Seattle after the lawsuit was filed and the same day the allegations were made public. As of 2015, it is believed Br. Walczak was residing in Mount Vernon, NY. Br. Walczak’s current status as a religious brother, his whereabouts, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1970-1977 Brother Rice High School, Chicago, IL 1997-1998 Congregation of Christian Brothers, Brother Rice Provincialate, Joliet, IL 1977-1979 Damien Memorial High School, HI (Dean of Students & Director of Student Activities) 1998-2009 President, Brother Rice High School, Chicago, IL 1980 St. Laurence High School, Burbank, IL 2010 Unknown 1981-1987 Superior of the Community, Palma High School, Salinas, CA 2011-2012 Principal, O’Dea High School, Seattle, WA 1987-1997 Principal, Damien High School, Honolulu, HI 2012-2019 Unknown Fr. Harold (Harry) A. Walsh, C.SS.R. Ordained, 1960 Notes: Fr. Harold A. Walsh, C.SS.R. is a priest of the Order of Redemptorist Fathers. Fr. Walsh is known to have worked in Ireland, Michigan, Illinois, and Minnesota. In 1972, Fr. Walsh was incardinated into the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis. In 1994, Fr. Walsh was accused of child sexual abuse. Fr. Walsh allegedly sexually abused a 15-year-old girl in approximately the mid-1960s, while he worked at Holy Redeemer in Detroit, Michigan. It is believed that Fr. Walsh left active ministry in 2005. In October 2011, he abruptly left his position as music director at St. Henry in Monticello, Minnesota. It is believed that Fr. Walsh was laicized in 2012. It is also believed that Fr. Walsh taught sex education in the St. Paul area until January 2014. Fr. Walsh is included in the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis’ list of “Individuals with substantiated claims against them of sexual abuse of a minor within the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis.” Fr. Walsh’s current whereabouts and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: Fr. Vincent Waiches (Fr. Vincent Waiches, S.V.D.) Ordained, 1946 Notes: Fr. Vincent Waiches, S.V.D. was a priest of the Order of the Society of the Divine World from 1946 to 1967 and the Diocese of San Diego from 1972 to 1995. Fr. Waiches worked at St. Mary Mission House in Techny, Illinois. Fr. Waiches is included on the Diocese of Austin’s list of “clergy and religious who have been credibly accused of committing sexual abuse against a minor.” Fr. Waiches’ whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he had access to children from approximately 1985 until his death in 1995 are unknown. Assignments: 178 1947-1948 Unknown 1965-1967 San Diego College for Men, San Diego, CA (SD) 1949 St. Nicholas, St. Louis, MO (STL) 1968-1971 Unknown 1950 St. Joseph’s, Bakersfield, CA (FRS) 1972 Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, San Diego, CA (SD) 1951 Holy Ghost, Jackson, MI (NAT) 1973-1975 Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Riverside, CA (SD) 1952-1954 St. Francis, Giddings, TX (AUS) 1976-1977 Immaculate Conception, Colton, CA (SD) 1955 St. John the Evangelist, Luling, TX (AUS) 1978-1984 St. Joseph, Holtville, CA (SD) 1956 Divine World College, Washington D.C. (WDC) 1985-1987 Retired (SD) 1957-1961 St. John the Evangelist, Luling, TX (AUS) 1988-1989 Unknown 1962 Divine World Seminary, Bay Saint Louis, MI (NAT) 1990-1995 Retired (SD) 1963-1964 St. Mary Mission House, Techny, IL (CHI) 1995 Died 1960-1965 Unknown 1979-1980 Assigned Outside the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis (STP) 1965-1967 Holy Redeemer, Detroit, MI (DET) 1980-1985 Holy Trinity, South St. Paul, MN (STP) 1967-1969 St. Michael, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1985-1992 St. Henry, Monticello, MN (STP) 1969-1970 St. Pius X, White Bear Lake, MN (STP) 1991-1994 Leave of Absence from the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis (STP) 1970-1971 Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Paul, MN (STP) 1993-2010 Special Assignment, Chancery, Pro Tem (STP) 1970-1974 St. Stephen, Minneapolis, MN (STP) 2003-2011 Music Director at St. Henry’s, Monticello, MN (STP) 1974-1979 St. Ann, Le Sueur, MN (STP) 2012-2019 Unknown • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 179 Fr. Bruce Wellems, C.M.F. (Fr. Bruce Wellams) Ordained, 1986 Fr. Henry Willenborg O.F.M. Notes: Fr. Bruce Wellems, C.M.F., is a priest of the Claretian Order. In 1995, a survivor accused Fr. Wellems of sexually abusing him prior to Fr. Wellems became a priest. The abuse allegedly occurred when the survivor was 7 years old and Fr. Wellems was 15 years old. Fr. Wellems subsequently went through counseling but was allowed to return to ministry in 1996. In 2014, the Archdiocese of Los Angeles removed Fr. Wellems after learning of the sexual abuse allegation and sent him back to Chicago where he was reinstated as a priest. In 2016, Fr. Wellems admitted to an allegation of child sexual abuse and was barred from active ministry in the Archdiocese of Chicago. Fr. Wellems’ whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he has access to children are unknown. Notes: Fr. Henry Willenborg, O.F.M. is a Franciscan priest. Fr. Willenborg was suspended from ministry in October 2009 after it was reported that he had been sexually involved with a high school-aged girl in the 1980s. It was also reported that he had engaged in a five-year relationship with a female parishioner, who gave birth to his son in 1987. The Franciscans provided some financial support for the boy with the stipulation that the mother sign a confidentiality agreement. Although she agreed, she broke her silence in 2009 when the boy developed terminal cancer and the Franciscans refused to pay for his treatment. From 2010 to present, Father Willenborg’s whereabouts, status as a priest and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: Assignments: Ordained, 1976 1987 Unknown 1999-2005 Claretian Fathers Headquarters of U.S.A. Eastern Province, Oak Park, IL (CHI) 1977-1978 Seminary, Quincy, IL (SFD) 2000-2005 Franciscan Friary of St. Anthony of Padua, St. Louis, MO (STL) 1988-1991 St. Paul, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2004-2007 Diocesan Office (CHI) 1979-1987 2006-2009 1991 Catholic Theological Union, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2007-2018 Claretian Missionaries Community Support Trust, Oak Park, IL (CHI) Our Lady of Angels Franciscan Seminary, Quincy, IL (SFD) Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Community, Ashland, WI (SUP) 1988 Unknown 2008-2009 St. Ann, Saxon, WI (SUP) 1991-1995 Holy Cross/Immaculate Heart of Mary, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2010-2019 Claretian Missionaries USA Eastern Province, Priests and Brothers Living Outside the Archdiocese of Chicago, Oak Park, IL (CHI) 1989-1993 LA Franciscan Fraternity, New Orleans, LA (NO) 2010-2019 Unknown 1994-1999 Unknown 1993-1995 Claret House, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2013-2014 San Gabriel Mission, San Gabriel, CA (LA) 1996 Unknown 2015 Claret House, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1997-2012 Holy Cross/Immaculate Heart of Mary, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2016-2019 Unknown Fr. Stanley T. Wisniewski, S.J. Ordained, 1964 Notes: Fr. Stanley T. Wisniewski, S.J. was a Jesuit priest. Fr. Wisniewski is alleged to have sexually abused a minor in 1966 at St. Ignatius College Prep in Chicago, Illinois. Fr. Wisniewski is included on the USA Midwest Province Jesuits’ list as having at least one “established allegation of sexual abuse of a minor.” Fr. Wisniewski’s whereabouts and whether he had access to children prior to his death are unknown. Fr. William C. Wert, O.Carm. Ordained, 1986 Notes: Fr. William C. Wert, O.Carm. is a priest of the Carmelite Order. Fr. Wert was arrested in 2007 in Washington D.C. for allegedly sexually abusing a 14-year-old boy. Fr. Wert was sentenced to 15 days in jail and five years of probation. The Carmelites moved Fr. Wert to a church-owned retirement home in Venice, Florida and banned him from ministry following his 2007 sentencing. Fr. John Welch, a Prior who oversaw Fr. Wert, did not notify the Diocese of Venice about his presence in Florida or the criminal conviction. The retirement home where Fr. Wert resided was located just four blocks from Epiphany Cathedral and School. In 2011, Fr. Wert was again arrested on child sexual abuse charges. He was accused of sexually abusing a 14-year-old boy between approximately 2010 and 2011. In 2013, Fr. Wert was sentenced to life in prison. Fr. Wert is included in Jeff Anderson & Associates’ 2018 report on clergy sexual abuse in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Fr. Wert’s whereabouts, status as a priest and whether he has access to children are unknown. Assignments: 1987 Crespi Carmelite High School, Encino, CA (LA) 2002-2004 St. Elias Carmelites, Joliet, IL (JOL) 1988-1993 St. Elias Priory, Joliet, IL (JOL); Joliet Catholic High School, Joliet, IL (JOL) 2005-2007 Whitefriars Hall, Washington D.C. (WDC) 1994-1999 Crespi Carmelite High School, Encino, CA (LA) 2008-2019 Unknown 2000-2002 Mt. Carmel High School, Chicago, IL (CHI) Fr. Gordon Wilcox, C.S.C. Assignments: 1965 Bellarmine School of Theology of Loyola University, North Aurora, IL (RCK) 1993-1998 St. Patrick, Fallon, NV (RNO) 1966 St. Stanislaus Novitiate, Cleveland, OH (CLV) 1999 St. Stephen, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1967-1981 St. Ignatius High School, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1999-2003 St. Ignatius Jesuit Community, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1982-1983 Unknown 2000-2001 Cristo Rey Jesuit High School, Chicago, IL (CHI) 1984-1988 St. Ignatius High School, Chicago, IL (CHI) 2003 Colombiere Center, Clarkston, MI (DET) 1989-1991 Our Lady of Snows, Reno, NV (RNO) 2004-2005 St. Ladislaus, Hamtramck, MI (DET) 1992 Unknown 2005 Died Ordained, Unknown Notes: Fr. Gordon Wilcox, C.S.C. was a priest of the Order of the Congregation of the Holy Cross. In 2004, Fr. Wilcox was named in a lawsuit alleging child sexual abuse. The abuse allegedly occurred in approximately 1971 at Moreau High School in Hayward, California. Fr. Wilcox allegedly sexually abused the survivor along with Donald Eagleson, another alleged child sexual abuser. Fr. Wilcox is included in Jeff Anderson & Associates’ 2018 report on clergy sexual abuse in the Diocese of Oakland. Fr. Wilcox’s whereabouts, status as a priest, and whether he had access to children prior to his death are unknown. Assignments: 180 1956-1960 St. George’s College, Santiago, Chile (FTW) 1981-1982 University of Portland, Portland, OR (P) 1961-1963 University of Portland, Portland, OR (P) 1983 Unknown 1964-1970 Notre Dame High School, Niles, IL (CHI) 1984 Moreau Seminary, Notre Dame, IN (FTW) 1971-1978 Moreau High School, Hayward, CA (OAK) 1984 Died 1979-1980 Unknown • 312.515.5771 • 312.515.5771 Attorney Advertising Attorney Advertising 181 2201 Waukegan Road, Suite 160 Bannockburn, IL 60015 • • 312.515.5771