Emil Kosa Jr., Cloverleaf Confusion, 1950s. Courtesy of The Hilbert Collection. Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness Predictive Models for Identifying Unemployed Workers and Young Adults who become Persistently Homeless March 2019 Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness Predictive Models for Identifying Unemployed Workers and Young Adults who become Persistently Homeless March 2019 Economic Roundtable Halil Toros Daniel Flaming Patrick Burns Underwritten by The John Randolph Haynes and Dora Haynes Foundation Report available at: www.economicrt.org This report has been prepared by the Economic Roundtable, which assumes all responsibility for its contents. Data, interpretations and conclusions contained in this report are not necessarily those of any other organization. This report can be downloaded from the Economic Roundtable web site: www.economicrt.org Follow us on Twitter @EconomicRT Like us on Facebook.com/EconomicRT Table of Contents I. Executive Summary ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 1 II. Population Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 A. Overview .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 10 III. Workers Who Lose Their Jobs and Become Persistently Homeless .................................................................... 17 A. Demographics ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 18 B. Employment............................................................................................................................................................................................ 20 C. Barriers.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 23 D. Conclusions ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 27 IV. Young Adults Who Become Persistently Homeless........................................................................................................... 29 A. Demographics ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 30 B. Foster Care ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 33 C. Homeless History................................................................................................................................................................................... 35 E. Employment History .............................................................................................................................................................................. 37 D. Jail ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 40 F. Disabilities ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 43 G. Conclusions ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 45 V. Public Costs ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 47 A. Cost Trajectories.................................................................................................................................................................................... 48 B. Local Public Costs after Three Years ................................................................................................................................................ 51 C. Conclusions ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 55 VI. Methodology..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 57 A. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 58 B. Data and Populations ........................................................................................................................................................................... 58 C. Data Preparation and Variable Selection .......................................................................................................................................... 61 D. Model Development .............................................................................................................................................................................. 64 E. Results ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 66 F. Validation Assessment .......................................................................................................................................................................... 70 G. Conclusions ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 83 VII. Appendix Tables .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 87 VIII. End Notes .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 103 Unsheltered homeless in the Great Depression: San Gabriel Canyon squatters. Security Pacific National Bank Collection, courtesy of the Los Angeles Public Library. Executive Summary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness 1 Thousands of persistently homeless Americans are turning sidewalks of U.S. cities into camps for internally displaced persons. In major west coast metropolitan areas, the number of long-term homeless needing housing far exceeds the available housing supply, making it difficult to move persistently homeless individuals off of the streets. One of the most promising approaches to reducing these numbers lies in early identification and quick, effective intervention to help those most likely to become persistently homeless. This report presents two predictive screening models for intervening early to help individuals who would otherwise become persistently homeless. The first tool identifies the eight percent of low-wage workers who become persistently homeless after losing their jobs. The second tool identifies the eight percent of youth receiving public assistance who become persistently homeless in the first three years of adulthood. A majority of people entering homelessness over the course of a year make rapid exits, often with little help, but roughly two-fifths become persistently homeless. These screening tools are valuable for identifying individuals who will remain stuck in homelessness. The screening tools are in the public domain. The factors used in the tools (parameter estimates) are shown in Tables A-4 and A-7 in the Appendix. It is reasonable to use the tools in metropolitan areas throughout the United States, based on the large and broadly representative study population used to develop the tools, and the scarcity of comparable information for other regions. The study population includes nearly everyone who was homeless during fifteen years, a total of over one million people, in the most populous county in the United States. The tools can be reconfigured to use locally available data and still retain a high level of accuracy, provided that key attributes of individuals are addressed. This includes demographic characteristics, homeless and employment histories, and use of services provided by the health, behavioral health, social service, and justice systems. Using Predictive Analytic Models to Guide Homeless Interventions Because it is hard to differentiate newly homeless individuals who will make rapid exits from those who will remain stuck in homelessness, the prevailing service delivery model calls for “progressive engagement.” Progressively more help is given as individuals remain homeless longer. If individuals become chronically homeless, they are offered permanent supportive housing, if units are available. Progressive engagement is pragmatic, but it gives rise to two problems: 1. The longer people are homeless, the worse their problems become, making it more difficult and expensive to stably house them. 2 Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness 2. The flow of people into long-term homelessness is not reduced, so there is growing demand for the most expensive homeless intervention, permanent supportive housing, and meeting this demand is challenging. Predictive analytic models can distinguish accurately between different types of homelessness and predict future outcomes. This can improve both the efficiency and effectiveness of homeless interventions. For example: 1. Predictive models can provide a fair, objective system for prioritizing who gets to be housed based on likely duration of homelessness or public costs in future years. 2. Predictive models can identify newly homeless individuals who are likely to become persistently homeless so they can be targeted for early interventions that will help them escape homelessness with less distress and public cost. In addition to housing chronically homeless individuals, the most promising strategy for combating homelessness is to have tools for differentiating level of need among newly homeless individuals and to intervene early with intensive help for individuals who are likely to become persistently homeless. The pay-offs are: 1. Interventions can be provided that are specifically tailored to meeting the needs of discrete high-risk subpopulations. 2. Small reductions of the flow of people into chronic homelessness will have a large impact on reducing the number of people who are chronically homeless. 3. Individuals will have far less social, economic, legal, and medical damage in their lives, making it more feasible and less costly to help them become stably housed. Historic pictures are used to illustrate this report. These pictures make two points. First, homelessness is not new in Los Angeles, what is new is the number of people living without shelter. Second, we have responded successfully to homelessness in the past by providing housing and jobs. Workers Who Lose Their Jobs and Become Persistently Homeless All low-wage workers face some level of risk that they will become persistently homeless if they lose their jobs, but this risk is disproportionately high for workers who are African American, male and single. It is important that screening to identify unemployed workers who are likely to become persistently homeless be carried out in ways that effectively reach these groups with especially high-risks. Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness 3 Over the course of homelessness, the widening monthly cost gap for local public services and higher cumulative costs for workers who become persistently homeless provides financial justification for a comprehensive package of re-employment services to avoid higher long-term costs. The predictive analytic tool described in this report can target high-risk workers for a package of re-employment services as soon as they lose their jobs, before they become homeless. Some high-risk workers have barriers to employment resulting from substance abuse and involvement in the criminal justice system. This indicates that some need behavioral health services to overcome substance abuse problems as well as legal services to expunge or lessen their criminal justice records. One quarter of high-risk workers are part of a family unit and one third are homeless before they lose their jobs. This indicates that some workers need affordable child care and many workers need affordable transitional housing. Almost one third of workers who become persistently homeless have held down jobs despite having limiting physical or mental conditions. These disabilities become much more frequent during post-unemployment homelessness. These workers are likely to have better employment and job retention prospects if they receive health care support in treating and managing their conditions. These conditions most frequently involve back, joint and arthritic problems. These workers will benefit from finding work in occupations that are less physically demanding than their previous jobs. Workers who become persistently homeless often have histories of job turnover, under-employment and low earnings. This indicates that many high-risk workers need education and training that will enable them to compete for better jobs. They may also need temporary housing and wage subsidies to encourage employers to give them an opportunity to demonstrate their capabilities. Young Adults Who Become Persistently Homeless The young adult screening tool is designed to identify the eight percent of young adults receiving public benefits who will become persistently homeless within three years. Youth who become persistently homeless are far more likely to be solitary and not connected to a family unit. Youth who experienced homelessness in their six years preceding adulthood were more than three times as likely to be homeless as young adults than those who had not previously been homeless. The risk of persistent homelessness is especially high for: • 4 Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness African American youth • • • • Youth who have been in the foster care system Youth who were homeless as children Youth who are homeless when they enter adulthood Youth who have been incarcerated It is important that screening to identify young adults who are likely to become persistently homeless be carried out in ways that effectively reach these groups with especially high-risks. Substance abuse problems increase the likelihood of justice system encounters and are much more prevalent among youth who are persistently homeless. Many high-risk young adults need behavioral health services to overcome substance abuse problems, and some need legal services to expunge or lessen their criminal justice records. Only five percent of the young adult population spent time in the foster care system, but 13 percent of those who were persistently homeless had been in foster care. The enactment of California Assembly Bill 12 in 2012 extended foster care services until youth are 21 years old. It has improved but not eliminated the problem of youth homelessness. Youth who were eligible for extended foster care services under AB 12 had better outcomes – 16 percent of these youth experienced persistent homelessness compared to 24 percent of older foster youth who emancipated into adulthood when they were 18 years old, before the bill took effect. Disabilities emerged rapidly among young adults who were homeless – a quarter of persistently homeless youth had persistent disabilities at the end of the three-year study window. The largest share of these disabilities were for mental conditions. Effective early intervention for young adults who are on a path toward persistent homelessness can reduce the rapid emergence of long-term physical and mental disabilities that result from continued homelessness. Persistently homeless youth have higher employment rates but lower earnings than their peers who are not stuck in homelessness. This demonstrates a strong drive to earn enough money to pay for housing but little success in obtaining sustaining employment. Many high-risk young adults need human capital investments in the form of education and training that will enable them to compete for better jobs. They may also need wage subsidies to encourage employers to give them an opportunity to demonstrate their capabilities. Young adults who become persistently homeless often have histories of social disconnection, high level of effort to find employment but low earnings, and behavioral health needs. This indicates that many high-risk young adults need education and training that will enable them to compete for better jobs, and behavioral health services. They may also need Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness 5 affordable housing and wage subsidies to encourage employers to give them an opportunity to demonstrate their capabilities. Public Costs Individuals who become persistently homeless use more public services and have far higher public costs than their peers who do not become homeless. These costs are ongoing and increase as individuals become older. Health care costs were five times higher for persistently homeless workers and four times higher for persistently homeless youth than for their counterparts who did not become homeless. Justice system costs were nine times higher for persistently homeless workers and seven times higher for persistently homeless youth than for their counterparts who did not become homeless. Using predictive screening tools to identify high-risk individuals and intervene early before they become persistently homeless can help them avoid hardship and help the public avoid continuing high costs from ongoing, intensive and increasing use of local services. Conclusions Both predictive models are very accurate and particularly strong when using high probability cutoff levels for targeting high-risk individuals. A key strength of the models is that the accuracy of predictions was validated using three years of post-prediction data. Another key strength is that the models are transparent and identify distinctive attributes of high-cost individuals. The results confirm that local public costs for targeted individuals are likely to be high and to increase over time. The tools are particularly useful for prioritizing unemployed workers and young adults for services because each individual who is screened is given a probability of becoming persistently homeless. Prioritizing individuals for access to early, comprehensive interventions is important because the resources that are most effective for preventing homelessness, including subsidized housing and employment, are scarce in relation to the demand for those resources. The purpose of the models is to target individuals for additional help. Unlike models used to predict credit rating or justice system outcomes that have punitive consequences, the consequences for individuals targeted by these models are beneficial. The optimal probability cutoff level for individuals who will be targeted for services is not simply an empirical decision but is influenced by resource 6 Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness availability and longer term cost avoidance. Greater program capacity for helping unemployed workers obtain new jobs and for helping young adults make a successful transition into adulthood can increase the percent targeted for help. Longer term public cost avoidance also should be considered in deciding on funding levels for delivery of these targeted services. Both models are system-based tools. Depending on the population targeted, they require information about healthcare, justice system involvement, foster care, employment, homeless history, and demographics that is available only from the records of public agencies. Cooperation of public agencies is necessary to protect the privacy of personal information while providing the data required for the tools. Because of the level of effort required to obtain and integrate the necessary data, the most efficient use of the tools is regular, ongoing system-wide screening of linked records rather than screening clients individually. By predicting how likely each person in the entire identified population of homeless resident is to become persistently homeless, it is possible to prioritize individuals for access to the scarce supply of services. Because the tools do not correctly identify all high-risk individuals, the screening process should include an option to override the probability score based on the judgment of service providers. Allowing overrides permits service providers to adapt to changing populations and conditions and to be responsive to unique circumstances. The descriptive information in this report and the factors used in the predictive models provide extensive information about the characteristics and needs of individuals who become persistently homeless. This information identifies needs that should be addressed but it does not define the program models for addressing those needs. Programs should be structured using evidence-based findings about best practices for helping unemployed workers obtain sustaining employment and helping high-risk young adults make a successful transition to adulthood. The strong validation results for these models show that it is possible to develop many other predictive models that will target other distinct homeless populations for specific types of interventions. Each model is likely to target only a narrow segment of the overall homeless population because discrete population groups with distinctive attributes are needed to produce accurate predictive results. An updated typology of homelessness that breaks out distinct homeless trajectories will be valuable for mapping the full range of groups that should be targeted for interventions that will minimize the harm, cost and duration of homelessness. Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness 7 8 Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness Homeless in Civic Center tunnel. By Anne Knudsen, Herald Examiner Collection, 1987. Courtesy of Los Angeles Public Library. Population Overview ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness 9 Overview There is a solution to every individual’s problems but there are no mass solutions. Differing durations of homelessness point to differing barriers to becoming stably housed and differing solutions. A large population enters homelessness over the course of a year, but only a minority confronts barriers to escaping homelessness so severe that they remain homeless more than a year. In addition to housing chronically homeless individuals, the most promising strategy for combating homelessness is to have tools for differentiating level of need among newly homeless individuals and to intervene early with intensive help for individuals who are likely to become persistently homeless. A breakout of the different durations of homelessness for people who were homeless anytime within a 10-year time window is shown in Figure 1. This profile of time spent homeless is based on linked administrative records that provide fifteen years of history for over one-million residents of Los Angeles County who experienced homelessness. The source data is described in the text box on the following page and the Methodology chapter. 42% of people who become homeless over a two-year period are homeless for 12 or more months. Using just a one-year time window, we see that only 28 percent of individuals who experienced homelessness were homeless for all of the year. However, this narrow window leaves out time spent homeless during Figure 1: Total Months of Homelessness for Everyone who Experiences Homelessness during Intervals of 1 to 10 Years ----------------------------- 10 Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness Total Months Homeless Identify early and intervene the preceding year as well as recurrent episodes of homelessness in following years. When we expand the time window to two or more years, 42 percent of the total population that experiences homelessness is homeless for 12 or more months – they are persistently homeless. Figure 2: Age when First Homeless 45+ 35-44 25-34 20% 18% 16% 14% 12% 11% 16% 16% 15% Male Everyone Female 19% 18-24 22% It is both beneficial for 26% individuals who will go on to become persistently 31% 0-17 32% homeless and in the public 33% interest to identify these 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% high-risk individuals as soon as they become homeless and intervene immediately to support them in becoming stably housed before they are impacted by the problems that accompany protracted homelessness. Early identification of high-risk individuals supports a form of progressive engagement in which more intensive interventions that otherwise would have been deferred until after individuals have been shown to be long-term homeless can be deployed immediately. Early intervention for high-risk individuals is important because the longer people remain homeless, the Data Description The administrative records used for this study include over one-million residents of Los Angeles County who were homeless sometime within a 15-year window. These individuals received some type of public benefits during this period: Medi-Cal, food stamps/SNAP, CalWORKs cash aid, or General Relief cash aid. Individuals were counted as being homeless if they did not have a place of their own to sleep. This was based on using the address of an office of the Los Angeles County Department of Public Social Services as their mailing address. This indicated that they did not have a home address of their own. The definition of homelessness used in this report includes individuals who are couch surfing, which is broader than HUD’s criteria of sleeping in a place not meant for human habitation. Persistently homeless individuals were homeless more than once within three years. This group is not limited to individuals who also have disabilities, so it is broader than HUD’s criteria for chronic homelessness. The screening tools use all of the records that fit each of the two target populations and have benchmark dates for becoming unemployed or entering adulthood within a ten-year time window that provides three years of pre-benchmark historical information and three years of post-benchmark follow-up information. Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness 11 more social disconnection and legal, medical and behavioral health problems emerge and grow as increasingly formidable barriers to escaping homelessness. There is a first day of homelessness for everyone who becomes homeless, however, on that first day it is difficult to differentiate those who will find rapid exits from those who will remain stuck in homelessness. This study presents two screening tools for quickly identifying and helping high-risk individuals, often before the first day of homelessness. The first tool identifies workers who have lost their jobs and are likely to become persistently homeless in the next three years. It can be used at the time of unemployment for individuals who have never been homeless, are not currently homeless, or are currently homeless. The second tool identifies young adults who are 18 to 24 years old and likely to become persistently homeless within the next three years. This screening tool can be used for individuals who have never been homeless, are not currently homeless, or are currently homeless. Figure 3: Newly Homeless compared to Chronically Homeless HEALTH Serious Mental Illness 55% 21% Physical Disability 39% 16% Chronic Physical Illness 38% 16% Drug Abuse 37% 14% Severe Depression 33% 16% Alcohol Abuse 31% 17% PTSD 21% 10% Traumatic Brain Injury 3% Developmental Disability 3% AIDS/HIV 3% 1% 8% 7% JAIL HISTORY Women 52% 34% Men 65% 51% EMPLOYMENT 22% In formal labor force 39% 57% Job is very important 0% 10% 20% 30% Chronically Homeless 40% 50% 60% 71% 70% First-time Homeless Source: Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority, 2016 and 2017 demographic surveys of unsheltered individuals. Respondents identified an average of two reasons, so total responses exceed 100 percent. 12 Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness 80% The screening tools address the needs of two specific adult groups within the overall population that experiences homelessness. Neither population includes children, who make up roughly one third of Los Angeles County resident who experienced homelessness, as shown in Figure 2, which breaks out everyone identified as being homeless within the 10-year window by age and gender. The bi-modal age distribution of the homeless population, with concentrations of older and younger individuals, that has been reported in other studies (Culhane et al., 2013) can be seen in Figure 2. 1 Females who experienced homelessness are more highly concentrated in the 18 to 24 age range than males (26 vs. 19 percent of each gender group), which is important for understanding the population addressed by the young adult screening tool. 2 Extended homelessness is associated with extensive personal distress. Survey responses from Los Angeles’ homeless count (Figure 3), show that every reported health condition is two to three times more prevalent among individuals who are chronically homeless than among new entrants into homelessness. Incarceration histories increase, particularly among women, and there is less interest in developing skills and finding a job. Less intensive interventions are more feasible at the onset of homelessness if high-risk individuals can be identified early. Among the one-million public benefits recipients in this study who experienced homelessness, an average of 10,900 people began a new Figure 4: Monthly Entrants into Homelessness among Public Benefits Recipients 12,000 10,900 10,000 8,000 5,800 6,000 An average of 10,900 LA County residents began a new homeless stint each month, and 4,700 of them become persistently homeless. ----------------------------- 4,700 4,000 2,000 700 670 Young adult beginning 12+ month homeless stint Newly unemployed worker beginning 12+ month homeless stint 0 Entering homelessness Entering homelessness for the first time Beginning 12+ month homeless stint Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness 13 homeless stint each month. 3 This included individuals who had previously been homeless and were beginning a new stint. The entrants into homelessness included an average of 5,800 individuals who were becoming homeless for the first time. Out of the total monthly entrants into homelessness, an average of 4,700 went on to have stints that lasted 12 or more months. This is shown in Figure 4. The two screening tools presented in this study identify 29 percent of the individuals who became persistently homeless. Fifteen percent, or an average of 700 a month, were young adults who were 18 to 24 years old and 14 percent, or an average of 670 a month, were workers who had just lost their jobs. Records of 920,575 people who were homeless were used to develop the youth and employment screening tools. ----------------------------- These two screening tools each provide rifle-shot targeting for identifying distinctive groups of people who become persistently homeless. An additional array of targeting tools is needed to identify other high-risk groups, as well as groups who do not become persistently homelessness but need specific types of short-term interventions. A total of 920,575 records were used to develop the youth and employment screening tools. Forty-six percent of the records were used just for the youth model, 48 percent just for the employment model, and 6 percent were used for both models. This report is one of the few largescale, longitudinal studies of homelessness, utilizing linked administrative records from multiple public agencies serving poor residents (Metraux et al., 2018). 4 The composition of each data set, broken out by duration of homelessness, is shown in Figure 5. In the case of the population of workers who became Figure 5: Records Used to Develop Employment and Youth Screening Tools 500,000 450,000 8% 4% 8% Persistently Homeless 11% 400,000 Short-Term Homeless 350,000 Not Homeless 300,000 250,000 200,000 88% 81% 150,000 100,000 50,000 0 Employment Model Records 14 Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness Young Adult Model Records unemployed, 12 percent experienced homelessness in the three years following unemployment, and 8 percent become persistently homeless. In the case of the young adults, 19 percent experienced homelessness within a three-year time window, and 8 percent became persistently homeless. Each screening tool is designed to identify the 8 percent of individuals in each population who go on to become persistently homelessness. Persistent homelessness is defined as 12 consecutive months of homelessness, or two or more episodes of homelessness within three years. The first part of this report describes the attributes and needs of persistently homeless workers and young adults. The last chapter presents the multivariable analyses conducted to develop the predictive models. The next chapter describes the attributes of workers who lost their jobs and became persistently homeless. The following chapter describes young adults who became persistently homeless, which is followed by a chapter discussing public costs, and finally by the chapter describing the statistical methods used to develop the two screening tools and the results from testing the reliability of the tools. Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness 15 16 Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness Workers using old cars as sleeping quarters. Herald Examiner Collection, 1954. Courtesy of Los Angeles Public Library. Workers Who Lose Their Jobs and Become Persistently Homeless ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness 17 Demographics The ethnic, gender and age distributions of the eight percent of workers who lost their jobs and became persistently homeless are shown in Figure 6 and compared to the distributions for the other 92 percent of workers who also lost their jobs but did not become persistently homeless, including 88 percent who did not become homeless at all. African Americans made up the largest share of persistently homeless workers (45 percent), followed by Latinos (36 percent), then European Americans (16 percent), and other ethnicities (10 percent). 5 The majority of workers who lose their jobs and did not become persistently homeless were Latino African American workers were more than twice as likely as any other ethnic group to become persistently homeless after unemployment. Sixty-two percent of persistently homeless workers were men and 38 percent were women. On the other hand, the majority of workers who lost their jobs and did not become persistently homeless were women. The age distribution, both for workers who became persistently homeless and those who did not, was similar for workers who were 18 through 54 years of age, with a drop-off for older workers. A demographic breakout of workers who became persistently homeless after unemployment is shown in Figure 7. Figure 6: Distribution of Persistently Homeless Workers by Ethnicity, Gender and Age ETHNICITY 18% African American 45% Latino ----------------------------- 56% 36% 16% 15% European American Other 4% 10% Not Persistently Homeless GENDER Female 55% 38% 45% Male 62% Persistently Homeless AGE 18-24 21% 26% 27% 25-34 19% 21% 35-44 18% 45-54 0% Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness 23% 10% 9% 55+ 18 27% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Figure 7: Rate of Persistent Homeless among Unemployed Workers by Attribute ETHNICITY African American 18% Latino 5% European American 8% Other 3% GENDER Female 6% Male 11% AGE 18-24 6% 25-34 8% 35-44 9% 45-54 10% 55+ 7% 0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% 16% 18% 20% African American workers were more than twice as likely as any other ethnic group to become persistently homeless after unemployment. This was the outcome for 18 percent of African American workers who lost their jobs. Ethnic minorities in other developed countries experience greater risks of homelessness as well. An Australian study found that during periods of housing and job shortages, Indigenous Australians have significantly higher risks of entering homelessness. This mirrors the disproportionate numbers of Americans of African ancestry entering into homelessness and becoming persistently homeless (Johnson et al., 2018). 6 Men were almost twice as likely as women to become persistently homeless after unemployment – 11 versus 6 percent. Ten percent of workers 45 to 54 years of age who lost their jobs became persistently homeless – the highest rate of any age group. The household structure of unemployed workers who did not become homeless, experienced short stints of homelessness, or became persistently homeless is shown in Figure 8. Nearly three-quarters (73 percent) of unemployed workers who did not become homeless were part of a family – they had an adult partner and/or children with them. These proportions were reversed for workers who Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness 19 Figure 8: Homeless Outcomes and Household Structure in the 12 Months before Unemployment 100% Family 90% 23% 39% 80% 5% 70% Household structure changed during year 73% 60% 5% 50% 40% 72% 30% 4% Single 56% 20% 23% 10% 0% Not Homeless Short-Term Homeless Persistently Homeless became persistently homeless – nearly three-quarters (72 percent) were single. Support from another adult or a source of cash aid such as CalWORKs in paying the rent was strongly associated with being able to avoid homelessness when workers lost their jobs. In summary, the risk of becoming persistently homeless after losing a job was particularly high for African Americans, was compounded for men and single individuals, and became progressively higher as individuals aged, until they were 55 or older. Employment Persistent homelessness is associated with less consistent employment and lower earnings. The industries in which workers who became persistently homeless lost their jobs tend to pay low wages and have high job turnover, as seen in Figure 9. Temporary employment agencies discharged the largest share of persistently homeless workers (16 percent), followed by retail stores (15 percent), janitors and security guards (10 percent), and private households (10 percent). These four groups of employers accounted for half of all workers who became unemployed and persistently homeless. ----------------------------- These employment outcomes are based on payroll records submitted by employers for work in the formal economy and do not include informal work such as recycling, panhandling, or day labor. 20 Persistent homelessness is associated with less consistent employment and lower earnings, as can be seen in Figures 10 and 11. Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness Figure 9: Industries in which Persistently Homeless Workers Lost Jobs 18% 16% 16% 15% 14% 12% 10% 10% 10% 8% 8% 6% 4% 4% 4% 3% 3% 4% 4% 8% 4% 2% 3% 3% 2% 0% Industry (NAICS Code) Other research using administrative data to track the employment and earnings of homeless workers has shown similar findings: job loss is a precipitating event leading to homelessness. 7 Our Figure 10: Median Months of Work in Past Year finding also is consistent 12 with prior research on the 12 effect of homelessness on employment, highlighting the vulnerability of single 10 adults (Fargo et al., 2010). 8 9 8 6 6 4 2 0 Not Homeless Short-Term Homeless Persistently Homeless Workers who did not become homeless typically worked all 12 months in the year before they became unemployed. Workers with short stints of homelessness worked nine months, and workers who were persistently homeless worked only 6 months. The industries in which workers who became persistently homeless lost jobs tend to pay low wages and have high job turnover. ----------------------------- The impact of intermittent employment on earnings was compounded by lower wages or fewer hours of Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness 21 Figure 11: Median Monthly Earnings when Working in Past Year $1,000 $988 $900 $800 $700 $600 $500 $475 $451 $400 $300 work for persistently homeless workers, who typically earned only $475 a month when employed. In contrast, workers who did not become homeless typically had monthly earnings that were more than twice as high - $988 a month. Workers who became persistently homeless had been unemployed more often than other workers, as shown in Figure 12. All of the workers in the study population had at $100 least one unemployment episode, which was the $benchmark event for Not Short-Term Persistently Homeless Homeless Homeless assessing whether they were subsequently homeless, and if so, for how long. Forty-six percent of persistently homeless workers had previous unemployment episodes in the past five years compared to just 26 percent of workers who did not become homeless and 28 percent of workers who had short stints of homelessness. $200 Figure 12: Number of Times Unemployed in Past 5 Years 100% 6% 7% 20% 21% 90% 80% 70% 15% 31% 60% 50% 40% 2 Unemployment Episodes 74% 72% 30% 55% 20% 10% 0% Not homeless 22 Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness 3 or More Unemployment Episodes Short-Term Homeless Persistently Homeless 1 Unemployment Episode Figure 13: Employment and Homeless Status in Month before Losing Job 100% 90% 22% 35% 80% 70% Employed and homeless 60% 50% 100% 40% 75% 63% 30% 20% Employed and not homeless 10% 0% Not Homeless Short-Term Homeless Persistently Homeless Workers who became persistently homeless were more likely to be homeless before they become unemployed, as shown in Figure 13. Over a third (35 percent) of workers who became persistently homeless were already homeless when they became unemployed, compared to a fifth of the workers with short homeless stints, and none of the workers who did not become homeless. This can be a self-reinforcing downward spiral – low earnings cause workers to lose housing, and the instability inherent in homelessness makes it harder to hold on to a job. In summary, the industries in which workers who became persistently homeless lost jobs paid low wages and had high turnover. Persistent homelessness was associated with inconsistent employment and low earnings. Workers who became persistently homeless were more likely than other workers to have previously been unemployed. They also were more likely than other workers to already have been homeless when they lost their jobs, with the instability inherent in homelessness making it harder for them to hold on to their jobs. Over a third of workers who became persistently homeless were already homeless when they became unemployed. ----------------------------- Barriers Criminal Justice History Justice system involvement in the form of adult probation or jail stints often accompanied homelessness for workers who experienced even short episodes of homelessness after unemployment, as shown in Figure 14. Most workers were not involved with the justice system prior to becoming unemployed. The rates of prior involvement ranged from five percent for workers who did not become homeless to 13 percent for workers who had short homeless stints and 15 percent for workers who became persistently Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness 23 Figure 14: Homelessness and Justice System Involvement 100% 90% 39% 80% No justice system involvement 55% 46% of workers who were persistently homeless became involved with the justice system. 70% 10% 10% ----------------------------- 0% 5% 60% 85% 50% 40% 46% 30% Justice system involvement after unemployment 32% 20% Not homeless 13% 15% Short-Term Homeless Persistently Homeless Justice system involvement precedes unemployment homeless. The higher rate for workers who became homeless may be due to the fact that they were more likely to have had prior episodes of unemployment as well as to have been homeless when they lost their jobs. After they became unemployed, 32 percent of workers with short homeless stints and 46 percent of workers who were persistently homeless became involved with the justice system. Justice system involvement is associated with unemployment and homelessness, and this involvement creates a barrier to future employment. Figure 15: Medical Diagnosis of Substance Abuse 30% 26% 25% 20% 17% 15% 10% 5% 3% 0% Not homeless 24 Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness Short-Term Homeless Persistently Homeless Substance Abuse Substance abuse was diagnosed more frequent among workers who experienced homelessness than among other workers, as shown in Figure 15. Three percent of workers who did not become homeless were diagnosed with a substance abuse related health condition compared to 17 and 26 percent, respectively, of workers who were short- term and persistently homeless. This chart under-reports actual rates of substance abuse because it is limited to individuals with medical diagnoses made in county health care facilities or who received substance abuse services. This includes diagnoses both before and after unemployment but leaves out workers whose problems were not severe enough to come to the attention of the health care system or who were cared for at a private health care facility. The medical diagnostic codes used to identify substance abuse are listed in Appendix Table A-9. Substance abuse is a factor in the lives of many workers who experience homelessness. This issue should be addressed as part of the package of reemployment services for these workers. Disabilities One-tenth of workers (10 percent) had disabling conditions lasting three or more years while they were still employed, indicating that they were able to be gainfully employed despite having physical or mental limitations. 9 This includes 7.6 percent of workers with a physical limitation and 2.6 percent with a mental limitation. It’s likely that more effective help in treating and managing disabilities would have helped some of these workers retain their jobs. The prevalence of disabilities is strongly associated with experiences of homelessness and the duration of those experiences, as shown in Figure 16. Before they became unemployed, 8 percent of workers who did not become homeless, 19 percent of workers with short homeless stints, and 32 percent of workers who became persistently homeless had been identified as having a physical or mental disability. 10% had disabling conditions lasting three or more years while they were still employed. ----------------------------- After they because unemployed, there were proportional increases in the rates of disabilities, including an additional 6 percent of workers who did not become homeless, 16 percent of workers with short homeless stints, and 22 percent of workers who became persistently homeless. These findings suggest three conclusions. First, the presence of a disability does not preclude employment. Second, rapid and effective help in becoming re-employed is likely to reduce the emergence of postunemployment disabilities seen among workers who become persistently homeless. And, third, effective help in treating and managing both physical and mental disabilities will improve the prospects of persistently homeless workers for obtaining new jobs. An earlier study in Alameda County, California (Zuvekas and Hill, 2001) explored whether homeless individuals could start and maintain income (both earned income and public assistance) over a 6-month period, Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness 25 Figure 16: Presence, Timing and Type of Persistent Disabilities among Workers 100% No disabilities before or after unemployment 90% 80% 46% 70% 60% Persistent mental disabilities after unemployment 65% 87% 50% 8% 40% 14% 4% 30% 12% 14% Persistent physical disability after unemployment Persistent mental disabilities before unemployment 20% 10% 0% 5% 7% Not Homeless The most frequent disabilities were back, joint and arthritic conditions. ----------------------------- 1% 1% 7% 12% Short-term Homeless 18% Persistent physical disability before unemployment Persistently Homeless depending on their homeless, health and disability status. All of these issues were barriers to employment, and correlated with lower employment levels. 10 These findings support the conclusion that workers who otherwise would become persistently homeless will benefit from support in treating and managing disabilities. Mental illness does not preclude employment. A survey of individuals with recent histories of homelessness who had a mental illness found that over two-thirds (69 percent) wanted to work (Poremski and Hwang, 2016). 11 Medical diagnostic codes were available for two-fifths (42 percent) of the workers with disability flags in their public benefits records. Their health conditions are shown in Figure 17. The most frequent problems were with the musculoskeletal system, accounting for almost one-third (31 percent) of disabilities. Over threequarters (77 percent) of the problems in this category had to do with back, joint and arthritic conditions. Some of these workers need to be redirected to occupations that are less physically demanding. The next most frequent category of problems were with the circulatory system. Hypertension accounted for three-quarters of these disabling conditions. 26 Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness Figure 17: Medical Diagnoses for Persistently Homeless Workers with Disabilities Musculoskeletal (710-739) 31% Circulatory (390-459) 17% Mental (290-319) 17% Endocrine (240-279) 11% Health status (Z) 6% Respiratory (460-519) 5% Other 10% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% Percent of Diagnoses ICD-9-CM body system code range for diagnoses shown in parenthesis. Mental disorders were the next most frequent category of problems, with episodic mood disorders accounting for 44 percent of these conditions. Endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic diseases and immunity disorders were the fourth most frequent category of problems. Diabetes accounted for 85 percent of these conditions. In summary, most workers were not involved with the justice system prior to becoming unemployed, however rates of prior involvement tripled for workers who became persistently homeless. Substance abuse is a frequent problem and becomes more frequent as individuals are homeless longer. Many workers have held jobs despite having disabling health conditions. These problems are much more frequent after individuals lose their jobs and become persistently homeless. Inadequate support in treating and managing disabling conditions is likely to have contributed to loss of jobs, and medical support in caring for these conditions should be included in reemployment services. Some workers will need to be redirected to occupations that place less stress on their backs and joints. Conclusions All low-wage workers face some level of risk that they will become persistently homeless if they lose their jobs, but this risk is disproportionately high for workers who are African American, male and single. It is important that screening to identify unemployed workers who are likely to become persistently homeless be carried out in a way that includes full representation of these groups with especially high-risks. Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness 27 Some high-risk workers have barriers to employment resulting from substance abuse and involvement in the criminal justice system. This indicates that some need behavioral health services to overcome substance abuse problems as well as legal services to expunge or lessen their criminal justice records. A quarter of high-risk workers are part of a family unit and a third are homeless before they lose their jobs. This indicates that some workers need affordable child care and many workers need affordable transitional housing. Almost a third of workers who become persistently homeless have held down jobs despite having limiting physical or mental conditions. These disabilities become much more frequent during post-employment homelessness. These workers are likely to have better employment and job retention prospects if they receive health care support in treating and managing their conditions. Workers with back, joint and arthritic problems will benefit from looking for work in occupations that are less physically demanding than their previous jobs. Workers who become persistently homeless often have histories of job turnover, under-employment and low earnings. This indicates that many high-risk workers need human capital investments in the form of education and training that will enable them to compete for better jobs. They may also need wage subsidies to encourage employers to give them an opportunity to demonstrate their capabilities. 28 Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness Youth sleeping in cardboard shantytown. By Javier Mendoza, Herald Examiner Collection, 1987. Courtesy of Los Angeles Public Library. Young Adults Who Become Persistently Homeless ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness 29 Demographics The young adult screening tool is derived from information about individuals 18 to 24 years of age who received some form of public benefits – Medi-Cal, Food Stamps/SNAP, or cash aid. Figure 18: Age at Benchmark Month that began 3Year Study Window 60% 54% 50% 40% 30% 20% Outcomes for each youth 12% 10% 8% were tracked throughout a 10% 5% 5% 5% 3% three-year study window, beginning with their 0% 17.6-.9 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 eighteenth year if they Age were receiving public benefits. The ages of youth were rounded to the nearest full year, which meant they were counted as being eighteen in the second half of their seventeenth year. If youth were not receiving benefits when were eighteen, the study window started as soon as they began receiving benefits, up through 24 years of age. It was essential for youth to be receiving public benefits because their benefits records were the source of information about their homeless status. Two thirds of youth entered the study window when they were eighteen, including the second half of their seventeen year and all of their eighteenth year, as shown in Figure 18. The study population includes a mix of youth who became 18 and were emancipated before AB 12 took effect in January 2012, extending eligibility for foster care services beyond age 18 to age 21, and those who were born afterwards and were eligible for this extended support. Five percent of youth in the study population 30 Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness Figure 19: Homeless Status of Young Adults in 3 Year Study Window Short-term homeless 11% Persistently homeless 8% Not homeless 81% received foster care services. A fifth of these youth (19 percent) became 18 years of age after AB 12 took effect and were eligible for extended support. Four-fifths became 18 before that date and were emancipated into adulthood without the extended support provided by AB 12. Eighty-one percent of these young adults did not experience homelessness, as shown in Figure 19. Eleven percent had stints of homelessness that cumulatively lasted less than 12 months. Eight percent were homeless for 12 or more months in a single episode, or experienced two or more episodes over three years. We describe these individuals as having been persistently homeless. Figure 20: Distribution of Young Adult Population and Persistently Homeless Young Adults by Gender and Ethnicity GENDER Female 46% 47% Male 53% 54% ETHNICITY 16% African American Asian American/P.I. 1% 45% 5% Latino 69% 44% 1% 1% Native American 9% 9% European American 1% 1% Other 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Young Adult Population Persistently Homeless Young Adults The young adult screening tool is designed to identify the eight percent of young adults who will become persistently homeless within three years. The gender and ethnic distribution of the population of young adults receiving public benefits, as well as the subset of this population that became persistently homeless is shown in Figure 20. Based on gender, a majority of the population was female, but a majority of those who become persistently homeless were male. Based on ethnicity, a majority of the population was Latino, but a majority of those who were persistently homeless was African American. Other ethnicities accounted for 16 percent of the total population and 11 percent of those who became persistently homeless. 8% of young adults receiving public benefits became persistently homeless. ----------------------------- The percent of young adults in each demographic group who become persistently homeless is shown in Figure 21. What stands out is that 23 Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness 31 23% of African American youth receiving public benefits become persistently homeless. ----------------------------- percent of African American youth become persistently homeless – a rate roughly triple the average for young adults. Figure 21: Rate of Persistent Homelessness among Young Adults in 3 Year Study Window by Gender and Ethnicity GENDER Male Family connections of young adults at the beginning and end of the study window are shown in Figure 22, with youth broken out by gender and homeless history. 9% Female 7% ETHNICITY African American 23% Native American 12% European American 8% With one exception, more Latino 5% young adults were part of a Asian American/Pac. Is. 2% family group at the end of the study window than at Other 5% the beginning. The EVERYONE 8% exception was persistently 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% homeless males, who were the most solitary group when they entered the study window, and even more solitary three years later, with only one out of five in a household with another adult or child. Males with short homeless stints were less solitary. The share connected with a family increasing from 33 to 41 percent from the start to the end of Figure 22: Percent of Young Adults in a Family Unit by Age, Homeless Status, and Gender at Beginning and End of 3 Year Study Window 100% 90% 20% 80% 28% 33% 70% 33% 37% 41% 60% 52% 50% 40% 69% 70% 30% 20% 10% 0% 80% 83% 87% 31% 13% 67% 30% 63% 48% 20% 17% 67% 59% 72% 80% Start End Start End Start End Start End Start End Start End Not homeless Short-term homeless Persistently homeless Not homeless FEMALE MALE Single 32 Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness Short-term homeless Family Persistently homeless the 3-year study window. Over four-fifths of males who were not homeless were connected with a family. Females who experienced homeless were similarly solitary at the start of the study window but by the end, females with short homeless stints were more frequently connected to a family than females who were persistently homeless (70 vs. 52 percent). By the end of the study window, females who did not experience homelessness had the most frequent family connections of any group – 87 percent were part of a family unit. At the start of the study window, more males were connected to families than females (70 vs. 63 percent). Family connections for both males and females increased by end of the window, but at the end, more females had family connections than males (82 vs. 73 percent) In summary, 8 percent of youth receiving public benefits experienced persistent homelessness during the three year study window, but the risk was far greater for African American youth, with 23 percent experiencing persistent homelessness. Males had a slightly higher rate of persistent homelessness than females (9 vs. 7 percent). Youth who were part of a family unit had lower rates of homelessness and the share of youth who were in a family increased during the three year study window. Foster Care Only five percent of the young adult population spent time in the foster care system, as shown in Figure 23, but a foster care history was associated with higher rates of homelessness. Three percent of young adults who were not homeless had a foster care history, 7 percent of those with short homeless stints had this history, and 13 percent of those who were persistently homeless had been in the foster care system. 13% of persistently homeless young adults had been in the foster care system. ----------------------------- Figure 23: Percent of Young Adults who Received Foster Care Services 14% 13% 12% 10% 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 0% Not homeless Short-term homeless Persistently homeless EVERYONE Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness 33 Outcomes for youth from foster care have been found to be poor. Previous research has found that the longer youth received foster care support, the more education and employment outcomes they achieved. Income support and job preparation services were associated with achieving better education and employment outcomes (Barnow et al., 2015). 12 AB 12 reduced homelessness, but 16% of youth receiving extended benefits still became persistently homeless. ----------------------------- Figure 24: Homeless Outcomes during 3-Year Study Window for Foster Care Youth Pre- vs. Post-AB 12 100% 90% 7% 24% 80% 70% 16% 11% Persistently Homeless 13% 17% Short-term Homeless 60% 50% 82% 40% Not Homeless 70% 30% 59% The enactment in January 20% 2012 of Assembly Bill 12, “California Fostering 10% Connections to Success Act,” provided additional 0% help for foster youth by Foster Care Foster Care No Pre-AB 12 Post-AB 12 Foster Care extending foster care services from age 18 to age 21. Homeless outcomes for foster youth based on whether their eighteenth birthday came before or after AB 12 took effect are shown in Figure 24. The rate of persistent homelessness among youth who were eligible for extended services under AB 12 was a third lower than for older youth who were not eligible and who were emancipated into independent adulthood at age 18.13 Twenty-four percent of youth who were not eligible for AB 12 were persistently homeless compared to 16 percent of youth who were eligible for extended help. These rates of persistent homelessness are much higher than the seven percent rate for youth who did not receive foster care services, but it is clear that the extended support for foster youth was valuable for preventing homelessness. The study window ended for most youth when they were 21 years of age. It is outside the scope of this study to identify the extent to which extended foster care support helped prevent homelessness after youth emancipated from foster care at age 21. Positive impacts of extended foster care on reducing homelessness have previously been reported based on a survey of 616 21-year-old California foster youth (Courtney et al., 2018). 14 The study found that each year a youth participated in extended foster care decreased the odds of becoming homeless or couch-surfing by 28 percent, decreased the odds of 34 Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness experiencing an additional instance of homelessness by 32 percent and decreased the total number of days youth were homeless by 15 days. A foster care history was associated with higher rates of homelessness. Forty percent of all youth in the study window with foster care histories experienced homelessness. However youth who were eligible for foster care services until they were 21 years old after AB 12 took effect had better outcomes – 16 percent of these youth experienced persistent homelessness compared to 24 percent of older foster youth who emancipated into adulthood when they were 18 years old. Homeless History Homelessness puts youth at further risk of failing to continue education and prepare for employment, which in turn imperils their short- and long-term economic and housing stability (Milburn et al., 2009). 15 Only 5 percent of young adults were homeless in the 6 years before they entered the study window, as shown in Figure 25. This includes 4 percent who were homeless for up to 12 months, 1 percent for 13 to 24 months, and only 0.3 percent for 25 or more months. Young adults who experienced homelessness in the preceding six years were more than three times as likely to be homeless during the three year study window than those who had not previously been homeless (58 vs. 17 percent). The duration of homelessness during the young adult study window was proportionate to the duration of childhood homelessness, as shown in Figure 26. Among youth who had been homeless up to 12 months, 56 percent were homeless after they entered the Figure 25: Number of Months Homeless in the 6 study window, including Years before the Study Window 26 percent who were Homeless persistently homeless. Among youth who had been homeless 13 to 24 months before turning the study window, 65 percent were homeless during the window, including 37 percent who were persistently homeless. Among youth who had been homeless more than two years before entering the study window, 80 Youth who were homeless before reaching adulthood were 3 times more likely to become homeless as adults. ----------------------------- 1-12 months Homeless 13-24 4% months 1% Homeless 25+ months 0.3% Not homeless 95% Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness 35 percent were homeless during the three-year window, including 54 percent who were persistently homeless. Twenty-one percent of young adults experienced homelessness sometime from their 12th through 20th years of age, as shown in Figure 27. These homeless experiences include both short-term and persistent homelessness. Figure 26: Homeless Outcome in 3 Year Study Window Based on Homeless Status in the Preceding 6 Years 100% 7% 90% 10% 26% 37% 80% 54% 70% 60% Persistently homeless Short-term homeless 30% 50% 40% Homeless Status in 3 Year Study Window 28% Not homeless 83% 20% Youth who were homeless when then entered adulthood were 10 times more likely to become persistently homeless. ----------------------------- Seventy-nine percent were 30% never homeless during the 45% nine-year interval from 20% 35% childhood into young 26% adulthood, compared to 10% 81 percent shown in Figure 19 who were not homeless 0% Not homeless Homeless Homeless Homeless in the three-year study before 1-12 13-24 25+ window. Only 2 percent study window months months months of youth had homeless Homeless Status in 6 Years before Study Window experiences that were confined to their childhoods, and not repeated during the study window. Twelve percent of youth had homeless experiences that began when they entered study window of early adulthood. Only seven percent of youth escaped homelessness until after entering the study window and then became homeless during the remainder of the window. This demonstrates that the transition into adulthood is a high-risk interval for low-income youth. Of the 12 percent of youth who were homeless when they entered the study window, 57 percent had short homeless stints and 43 percent became persistently homeless, as shown in Figure 28. Of the youth who were not homeless when entering adulthood, only 9 percent experienced homelessness and of these, 4 percent were persistently homeless. 36 Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness The likelihood of becoming persistently homeless was more than 10 times greater for youth who were homeless when they entered adulthood. In summary, only five percent of young adults were homeless in the 6 years before they entered three-year study window of early adulthood, but they were more than three times as likely to be homeless during the study window as those who had not previously been homeless. The transition into adulthood is a high-risk interval for low-income youth. Sixty-three percent of the homeless experiences of young adults began as they entered the study window. The likelihood of becoming persistently homeless was more than ten times greater for youth who were homeless when they entered adulthood than for those who were not. Employment History Nearly half (46 percent) of young adults had some employment in the threeyear study window, as shown in Figure 29. Importantly, persistently homeless youth had the highest employment rate, with 56 percent having wage and salary earnings in the formal economy in the three-year study window. Figure 27: Homeless Status in 3 Year Study Window 100% 7% 90% Homeless only after entering study window 12% 80% 2% Homeless when entering study window 70% 60% Homeless only before study window 50% 40% 79% Never homeless 30% 20% 10% 0% 1 Persistently homeless youth had the highest employment rate but low earnings. ----------------------------- Figure 28: Three-Year Outcomes based on Homeless Status when Entering the Study Window 100% 90% 4% 5% 80% 43% Persistently homeless 70% 60% 50% Short-term homeless 91% 40% 30% 57% Not homeless 20% 10% 0% Not homeless when Entering Study Window Homeless when Entering Study Window Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness 37 This demonstrates a strong drive among these youth to support themselves through work. Other youth may have had stronger family or public aid support that made it less essential to support themselves through work. Only 46 percent of youth who were not homeless had earned income, with an even lower employment rate of 39 percent among youth with short homeless stints. The typical young adult that had a job in the three year study window was employed during about one-third of those months, as shown by the median (50th percentile) outcome in Figure 30. Persistently homeless young adults typically had only 10 months with earned income, compared to 12 months for youth who were not homeless or had short homeless stints. Possible explanations include less ability to compete in the labor market or difficulty holding on to jobs because of homeless living conditions. Monthly employment rates in the three-year study window of young adulthood are shown in Figure 31, broken out by homeless status. 38 Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness Figure 29: Employment by Homeless Status of Young Adults in the 3 Year Study Window 100% 90% 80% 46% 39% 46% 56% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 54% 61% 54% 44% 20% 10% 0% Not homeless Short-term homeless No Employment Persistently homeless EVERYONE Employment Figure 30: Number of Months Worked by Young Adults in the 3 Year Study Window 35 Percentile of Young Adults with Earnings 30 95th Percentile 33 25 30 30 75th Percentile 20 21 15 10 5 18 50th Percentile 10 25th Percentile 19 12 12 6 6 6 3 3 3 Not homeless Short-term homeless Persistently homeless 0 5th Percentile Figure 31: Monthly Employment Rate of Young Adults in the 3 Year Study Window 25% 24% 20% 19% 16% 15% Persistently homeless Not homeless Short-term homeless 10% 5% 0% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Month Employment rates increased for all youth cohorts over this three-year period, with the greatest increase and highest rate found among persistently homeless youth. However, having a job in any given month was the exception rather than the rule for all of these low-income youth. In the last month of the three-year study window, roughly a quarter of persistently homeless youth had a job, a fifth of youth who were not homeless, and a sixth of youth with short homeless stints. The median monthly earnings of youth in the months when they were employed are shown in Figure 32. Earnings for each of the three cohorts Figure 32: Median Monthly Earnings of Young Adults when Employed in the 3 Year Study Window $1,200 $997 Median Monthly Earnings in 2017 $ $1,000 $849 $800 $722 Not homeless Short-term homeless Persistently homeless $600 $400 $200 $0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Month Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness 39 increased as they grew older, however their earnings were unlikely to be sufficient to pay for housing and living expenses in Los Angeles County. At the end of their twentieth year, youth who had not experienced homelessness had the highest earnings - $997 a month. This was followed by $849 a month for youth who had short homeless stints. Youth who were persistently homeless had the lowest earnings - $722 a month. Possible explanations for their low earnings include fewer hours worked or lower hourly wages. All dollar values throughout this report are adjusted to 2017 dollars for the Los Angeles-Riverside-Orange County, California area. The family connections of youth who were not homeless or had short homeless stints may have made it more feasible for them to remain housed and maintain more stable employment connections. It is important to improve employment opportunities and earnings for all low-income youth, particularly for youth who are trying to escape persistent homelessness by earning enough money to house themselves. In summary, nearly half of young adults had some employment in the formal economy during the three-year study window. However, less than a fifth of youth had a job in any given month and median earnings were less than $1,000 a month when they were employed. These earnings are unlikely to be sufficient to pay for housing and living expenses. Persistently homeless youth had higher rates of employment in the formal economy than their peers who were not homeless or had short homeless stints, however, they typically were employed for fewer months and had lower earnings in the months when they were employed. Possible explanations include less ability to compete in the labor market or difficulty working regularly because of the instability inherent in homeless living conditions. Jail Half of youth who spent time in jail also spent time homeless. ----------------------------- 40 Young adults rarely spent time in jail in the threeyear study window, as shown in Figure 33. Only four percent were incarcerated, three percent in general jail facilities and one percent in jail mental health or medical facilities. These numbers do not represent the total history of justice system involvement because Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness Figure 33: Jail Time for Young Adults in the 3 Year Study Window General Jail 3% Jail Mental Health or Medical 1% No jail 96% juvenile probation data was not available. Figure 34: Jail Outcomes by Homeless Status of Young Adults in the 3 Year Study Window Persistently homeless young adults were incarcerated more frequently than their peers who were not homeless or who had short homeless stints, as shown in Figure 34. 100% Fourteen percent of persistently homeless young adults spent time in jail in the three-year study window. Ten percent were incarcerated in general jail facilities and four percent in jail mental health or medical facilities. Incarceration rates dropped in half for shortterm homeless – seven percent spent time in jail. And only three percent of youth who were not homeless spent time in jail. The lens is reversed in Figure 35, which shows homeless outcomes based on jail status. Half of youth who spent time in jail also spent time homeless. Among the one percent of youth who were incarcerated in jail mental health or medical facilities, 34 percent were persistently homeless and 21 percent had short homeless stints. 1% 2% 2% 4% 5% 95% 10% Jail Mental Health or Medical 90% General Jail 98% 85% 93% 86% 80% No jail 75% Not homeless Short-term homeless Persistently homeless Figure 35: Homeless Outcomes by Jail Status of Young Adults in the 3 Year Study Window 100% 90% 7% 11% 30% 80% 34% Persistently homeless 70% 60% 20% 21% 50% 40% Short-term homeless 82% 30% 49% 20% 45% Not homeless 10% 0% No jail General Jail Jail Mental Health or Medical Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness 41 African American youth were incarcerated more often than any other ethnic group. ----------------------------- Homeless outcomes for the three percent of youth who spent time in general jail facilities were similar. Thirty percent were persistently homeless and 20 percent had short homeless stints. There is a strong association between incarceration and homelessness. Males were incarcerated seven times more often than females (7 vs. 1 percent), with rates rising from four percent for males who were not homeless, to 13 percent for short-term homeless, to 21 percent for persistently homeless males. These rates are shown in Figure 36. African American youth were incarcerated more often than any other ethnic group. The overall rate was 8 percent for African Americans, 4 percent for both Native Americans and European Americans, 3 percent for Latinos, 1 percent for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, and 2 percent for Other Ethnicities. Figure 36: Incarceration Rate for Young Adults in the 3 Year Study Window by Homeless Status, Gender and Ethnicity NOT HOMELESS Male 4% Female 0.5% African American 5% European American 2% Latino 2% Native American 1% Asian American/P.I. 1% Other 1% SHORT-TERM HOMELESS Male 13% Female 2% African American 8% European American 7% Latino 6% Native American 7% Asian American/P.I. 6% Other 3% PERSISTENTLY HOMELESS Male 21% Female 6% African American 14% European American 17% Latino 14% Native American 14% Asian American/P.I. 11% Other 8% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% Incarceration rates increased for youth who had short episodes of homelessness, and increased still more for youth who were persistently homeless. Seventeen percent of persistently homeless European Americans were incarcerated, followed by 14 percent of African Americans, Latinos and 42 Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness 25% Native Americans, 11 percent of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, and 8 percent of Other Ethnicities. Substance abuse problems increase the likelihood of justice system encounters as well as the difficulty of maintaining steady employment. The rate of medical diagnoses of substance abuse problems amount youth with different homeless outcomes is shown in Figure 37. Figure 37: Medical Diagnosis of Substance Abuse based on Homeless Outcomes of Young Adults 10% 9% 8% 7% 6% 5% 10% 4% 3% 5% 2% 1% 1% 0% The share of youth who Not Short-Term Persistently were diagnosed with a homeless Homeless Homeless substance abuse problem increased in proportion to duration of homelessness. Only one percent of youth who were not homeless were diagnosed with a medical condition related to substance abuse, five percent of youth with short homeless stints, and 10 percent of youth who were persistently homeless. This distribution shows proportionate disparities based on homeless outcomes rather than actual rates of substance abuse, which are likely to be higher because many youth with substance abuse problems have not had this condition diagnosed within the county health care system. In summary, only four percent of young adults spent time in jail in the three-year study window, but homeless outcomes were much worse for those who were incarcerated. Over half of youth who were incarcerated spent time homeless, including almost a third who were persistently homeless. Males were incarcerated seven times more often than females and African Americans were incarcerated twice as often as any other ethnic group. Substance abuse problems increase the likelihood of justice system encounters and are much more prevalent among youth who are persistently homeless. Substance abuse problems increase the likelihood of justice system encounters as well as the difficulty of holding a job. ----------------------------- Disabilities National data reported by HUD shows that unaccompanied youth aged 18 to 24, have high risk of health and mental health problems, as well as more frequent justice system encounters, as their time on the streets lengthens. 16 Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness 43 Figure 38: Presence, Timing and Type of Disabilities among Young Adults 100% 90% 80% No disabilities before or after study window 70% 75% 60% 50% Persistent mental disabilities after study window 89% 96% Persistent physical disability after study window 40% 30% 10% 0% Persistent mental disabilities before study window 9% 20% 3% Not Homeless 1% 0.01% 0.31% 3% 7% Short-term Homeless 0.05% 0.20% 16% 0.13% 0.38% Persistent physical disability before study window Persistently Homeless This is borne out by the rate of persistent disabilities among young adults with different homeless outcomes shown in Figure 38. 25% of persistently homeless youth were found to have disabilities. ----------------------------- Only a fraction of a percent of youth were identified as having disabilities before they entered the study window, but this changed as they progressed through young adulthood. During the three-year study window, 4 percent of young adults who were not homeless, 10 percent of young adults with short homeless stints, and 25 percent who were persistently homeless were found to have persistent disabilities. Effective early intervention for young adults who are on a path toward persistent homelessness can reduce the rapid emergence of long-term physical and mental disabilities that result from continued homelessness. Medical diagnostic codes were available for one-fifth (19 percent) of the young adults with disability flags in their public benefits records. Their health conditions are shown in Figure 39. The most frequent problems are with mental disorders, accounting for two-fifths of disabilities. Over a third (39 percent) of the problems in this category have to do with episodic mood disorders, a quarter (24 percent) with psychoses, and 17 percent with anxiety disorders. The second most frequent problems are with the musculoskeletal system, accounting for over a fifth (21 percent) of disabilities. Four-fifths of the problems in this category had to do with joint and back conditions. Some 44 Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness Figure 39: Medical Diagnoses for Persistently Homeless Young Adults with Disabilities Mental (290-319) 40% Musculoskeletal (710-739) 21% Health status (Z) 16% Respiratory (460-519) 7% Nervous System (320-389) 3% Endocrine (240-279) 3% Circulatory (390-459) 3% Other 7% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% Percent of Diagnoses ICD-9-CM body system code range for diagnoses shown in parenthesis. of these youth need to be directed to occupations that do not require heavy lifting. The third most frequent category of problems were conditions that affect the health status of young adults and required health services. These conditions accounted for 16 percent of persistent disabilities among young adults. Orthopedic aftercare accounted for nearly all (99 percent) of these conditions. Endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic diseases and immunity disorders were the fourth most frequent category of problems. Diabetes accounted for 85 percent of these conditions. In summary, disabilities emerged rapidly among young adults who were homeless – a quarter of persistently homeless youth had persistent disabilities at the end of the three-year study window. The largest share of these disabilities were for mental conditions. Effective early intervention for young adults who are on a path toward persistent homelessness can reduce the rapid emergence of long-term physical and mental disabilities that result from continued homelessness. Conclusions Youth who become persistently homeless are far more likely to be solitary, disconnected from any family unit. Youth who experienced homelessness in six years the preceding adulthood were more than three times as likely to be homeless as young adults than those who had not previously been homeless. The risk of persistent homelessness was especially high for: Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness 45 • • • • • African American youth Youth who had been in the foster care system Youth who were homeless as children Youth who were homeless when they enter adulthood Youth who had been incarcerated It is important that screening to identify young adults who are likely to become persistently homeless be carried out in ways that effectively reach these groups with especially high-risks. Substance abuse problems increase the likelihood of justice system encounters and are much more prevalent among youth who are persistently homeless. Many high-risk young adults need behavioral health services to overcome substance abuse problems and some need legal services to expunge or lessen their criminal justice records. Only five percent of the young adult population spent time in the foster care system, but 13 percent of those who were persistently homeless had been in the foster care system. The enactment of California Assembly Bill 12 in 2012 has improved outcomes for foster youth, but not eliminated the problem of homelessness. Youth who were eligible for foster care services under AB 12 had better outcomes – 16 percent of these youth experienced persistent homelessness compared to 24 percent of older foster youth who emancipated into adulthood when they were 18 years old, before the bill took effect. Disabilities emerged rapidly among young adults who were homeless – a quarter of persistently homeless youth had persistent disabilities at the end of the three-year study window. The largest share of these disabilities were for mental conditions. Effective early intervention for young adults who are on a path toward persistent homelessness can reduce the rapid emergence of long-term physical and mental disabilities that result from continued homelessness. Persistently homeless youth have higher employment rates but lower earnings than their peers who are not stuck in homelessness. This demonstrates a strong drive to earn enough money to pay for housing but little success in obtaining sustaining employment. Many high-risk young adults need human capital investments in the form of education and training that will enable them to compete for better jobs. They may also need wage subsidies to encourage employers to give them an opportunity to demonstrate their capabilities. 46 Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness Trailer homes provided for returning veterans who did not have housing. Herald Examiner Collection, 1945. Courtesy of Los Angeles Public Library. Public Costs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness 47 Cost Trajectories The screening tools can help avert prolonged distress for vulnerable individuals. They can also help avoid ongoing high public costs for individuals who are persistently homeless. This chapter uses cost and service use data from the records of the two study populations to identify the local public costs for unemployed workers and young adults who are persistently homeless. The cost factors for each public service and the sources of cost information are shown in Appendix Table A-1. Two broad trends shape public costs. First, within each population group, some individuals are stuck in homelessness, leading to more frequent use of public services. Most other individuals never experience homelessness or are able to quickly escape homelessness, leading to less frequent use of public services. Public costs for homeless individuals increase as they age. The second broad trend is that young people typically use fewer public services than older people because they are healthier and less entangled with the justice system, and because as they emancipate, they are disconnected from the social safety net for children. Health care and incarceration account for most public costs for homeless individuals, and these institutional connections become more frequent as people age. The levels of service use among persistently homeless individuals within each of the two study populations over the three-year time window in ----------------------------Figure 40: Percent of Persistently Homeless Using Services Anytime Over 3 Years: Young Adults and Unemployed Workers 22% 21% 20% 18% 15% 14% 13% 12% 12% 10% 9% 7% 8% 2% 9% 7% 5% 6% 4% 16% 16% 16% 4% 2% 1% 1% 1% 0% 0% 1% 0% 1% 0% 2% 3% 1% 3% 4% 3% 4% 2% 0% Young Adults 48 Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness Unemployed Workers Figure 41: Trajectory of Monthly Local Public Costs for Workers who lose their Jobs $1,400 $1,200 Persistently Homeless Average Monthly Cost in 2017 $ $1,000 $800 $600 Short-Term Homeless $400 Not Homeless $200 $0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Month After Unemployment which outcomes were assessed are shown in Figure 40. The median age for young adults was 18.7 years at the beginning of the time window and for unemployed workers it was 36 years, so this is a comparison of the frequency with which younger versus somewhat older persistently homeless individuals used services. The most expensive services were used more frequently by older workers. For example: hospital inpatient care, which cost an average of $9,158 a day, was used four times more often by unemployed workers than by young adults; hospital emergency rooms, which cost $1,123 per visit, were used 2.9 times more often, and jail medical and mental health facilities, which cost an average of $1,200 a day, were used 1.8 times more often. Local public costs for persistently homeless workers do not decline they stay high. ----------------------------- Unemployed Workers Average monthly costs over the three years after workers lose their jobs are shown in Figure 41, broken out by homeless status. Two things stand out. First, local public costs for unemployed and persistently homeless workers are much higher than for other unemployed workers. At the end of three years, the monthly costs for persistently homeless workers were two times higher than the costs for short-term homeless and five time higher than the costs for workers who do not experience homelessness. The second thing that stands out is that costs for these persistently homeless workers do not decline - they stay high. In contrast, costs for workers with short homeless stints are 55 percent lower at the end of three years than they were at the beginning. The decrease in monthly costs for workers Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness 49 Figure 42: Monthly Local Public Costs for Young Adults during the 3 Year Study Window $900 $800 Persistently Homeless Average Monthly Cost in 2017 $ $700 $600 $500 Not Homeless $400 $300 Short-Term Homeless $200 $100 $0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 36 Month Study Window who did not become homeless was even greater, dropping 62 percent by the end of three years. Young Adults Persistently homeless youth had increasing costs for health and mental health care, substance abuse, homeless and justice system services. ----------------------------50 Average monthly costs, excluding foster care, over the three-year study window for young adults are shown in Figure 42. Foster care is excluded because most of the five percent of youth in the study group who received foster care services were emancipate before the enactment of AB 12, which extended foster care services to age 21, and therefore were exiting the foster care system. Overall, public costs declined over the first three years of adulthood for these youth. However, the decline was least for youth who became persistently homeless (15 percent), versus 46 percent for youth with short homeless stings and 51 percent for youth who did not become homeless. At the end of three years, the monthly costs for persistently homeless youth were two times higher than the costs for both short-term homeless and youth who do not experience homelessness. When social service costs are removed, leaving health care, mental health, substance abuse, homeless, and justice system services, as shown in Figure 43, costs increased 21 percent for persistently homeless young adults while remaining constant for young adults with short homeless stints, and declining 42 percent for those who did not become homeless. The costs for these services over the three-year time window were comparatively low, but the upward trajectory for these high-cost services suggests a Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness Figure 43: Monthly Local Public Costs for Young Adults Excluding Social Services $400 Persistently Homeless $350 Average Monthly Cost in 2017 $ $300 $250 $200 Short-Term Homeless $150 $100 Not Homeless $50 $0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 36 Month Study Window likelihood of long-term high costs for persistently homeless youth who remain homeless for significant portions of their adult life. In summary, public costs for persistently homeless individuals have upward cost trajectories that are likely to continue increasing as they age. In contrast, public costs for individuals with short homeless stints and even more so for individuals who do not become homeless, decrease over time. The cost difference between individuals who are persistently homeless and their peers who avoid this outcome, as well as the upward cost trajectories for persistently homeless individuals suggest that significant public costs can be avoided by intervening early to prevent persistent homelessness. Local Public Costs after Three Years Unemployed Workers Local public costs for unemployed workers in the third year after they lost their jobs are shown in Figure 44. Three things stand out. First, annual costs were more than $10,000 higher for workers who became persistently homeless than for those who avoided homelessness. The second thing that stands out is that annual health care costs, shown by blue hues at the bottom of the columns in Figure 44, were $4,700, or five times, higher for workers who became persistently homeless than for workers who did not become homeless. The third thing that stands out is that annual justice system costs, shown by green hues at the top of the columns in Figure 44, were $2,700, or nine Annual costs were $10,000 higher for workers who became persistently homeless than for those who avoided homelessness. ----------------------------- Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness 51 times, higher for workers who became persistently homeless than for workers who did not become homeless. Young Adults Local public costs for young adults in the third year after they entered the study window are shown in Figure 45. Foster care costs were excluded because many of the youth were losing eligibility for that service. Three things stand out. First, annual costs were similar for young adults who did not become homeless and those who had short homeless stints, because those who did not become homeless received more public assistance benefits than those with short homeless stints. However annual costs were more than $3,800 higher for youth 52 Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness Figure 44: Total Annual Local Public Costs for Unemployed Workers in Year 3 after Unemployment by Homeless Outcome $14,000 $13,700 $12,000 $10,000 $8,000 $8,000 $6,000 $4,000 $2,900 $2,000 $0 Not Homeless Short-Term Homeless Adult probation Jail mental health Jail medical General jail Court Jail booking Arrest Emergency housing Public assistance admin. TANF cash aid General relief cash aid Medicaid Food stamps Substance abuse resident. Substance abuse outpat. Mental health acute inpat. Mental health outpatient Ambulance Private hospital inpatient County medical inpatient County emergency room Medical outpatient Persistently Homeless Figure 45: Total Annual Local Public Costs for Young Adults in Year 3 of Study Window by Homeless Outcome $10,000 $8,700 $9,000 $8,000 $7,000 $6,000 $5,000 $4,900 $4,600 Not Homeless Short-Term Homeless $4,000 $3,000 $2,000 $1,000 $0 Note: Foster care costs not included. Persistently Homeless Adult Probation Jail Mental Health Jail Medical General Jail Court Jail Booking Arrest Emergency Housing DPSS Administration DPSS CalWORKs DPSS General Relief DPSS Medi-Cal DPSS Food Stamps DPH Residential Care DPH Outpatient DMH Acute Inpatient DMH Residential Care DMH Outpatient Ambulance Private Hosp. Inpatient DHS Hospital Inpatient DHS Outpatient who became persistently homeless than for youth who avoided homelessness. The second thing that stands out is that annual health care costs, shown by blue hues at the bottom of the columns in Figure 45, were $1,400, or four times, higher for youth who became persistently homeless workers than for youth who did not become homeless. The third thing that stands out is that annual justice system costs, shown by green hues at the top of the columns in Figure 45, are $1,900, or seven times, higher for youth who became persistently homeless youth than for youth who did not become homeless. Unemployed Workers in Year 3 Based On Results from Screening by Predictive Model Annual costs were more than $3,800 higher for youth who became persistently homeless than for youth who avoided homelessness. ----------------------------- Each person who is screened by either of the two predictive models presented in this report receives a probability value between 0 and 1 for the likelihood that he or she will become persistently homeless. The screening tools are explained in detail in the following chapter, but the key point for understanding the impact on public costs from using the models is that the differing probabilities for each individuals can be used to rank and prioritize the entire screened population for access to a specific intervention. The models are most accurate at high probability levels. Lowering the probability cut-off point that is used to determine who will receive access Figure 46: Total Local Public Costs for Unemployed Workers in Year 3 based on Probability Cut-Off from Predictive Model Used to identify who is Eligible for Help $25,000 Annual Cost in 2017 $ $20,000 $15,000 True Positive $10,000 False Negative False Positive $5,000 True Negative $0 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10% Percent of Workers Above the Probability Cut-Off Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness 53 to an intervention has the effect of including more high-need individuals but also of making slight, incremental increases in the share of people who do not become persistently homeless but are mistakenly included in the target population. The dataset used to develop the model for identifying workers who become persistently homeless after losing their jobs included an average of 8,700 workers who lost jobs in the formal economy each month. Out of these monthly cohorts of job losers, 670 workers, or 7.7 percent of the total, went on to become persistently homeless. The model is designed to predict long-term outcomes, so annual local public costs in the third year after unemployment are shown in Figure 46. There are four outcomes from the screening model. True positives are workers correctly identified as becoming persistently homeless. False negatives are workers who became persistently homeless but have a probability score below the cut-off level. False positives are workers who do not become persistently homeless but have a probability score above the cut-off level. And true negatives are workers who are correctly identified as not becoming persistently homeless. Any cut-off point that includes less than 7.7 percent of the screened population above the cut-off point is automatically going to include some false negatives because the population prioritized for receiving help will be smaller than the population that becomes persistently homeless. At every cut-off level, the model will also produce some false positives because the probabilities are not completely accurate. Table 1: Size and Local Public Cost of the Monthly Target Population Based on the Percent of the Screened Population above the Employment Model Cut-off Point Percent of Screened Workers above the Cutoff Point for Services Approximate Monthly Size of Target Population in Los Angeles County Approximate Annual Public Cost for Each Worker in the Targeted Population 1 percent 90 $15,900 2 percent 170 $17,100 3 percent 260 $14,800 4 percent 350 $13,500 5 percent 440 $12,400 6 percent 520 $12,00 7 percent 610 $11,800 The potential monthly target population based on different cut-off points for the percent of job losers who are at greatest risk of becoming persistently homeless who can be served each month is shown below in Table 1. The share of the screened population that is shown being served ranges from one to seven percent, the number of people served each month ranges from 87 to 609, and the average annual local public cost for 54 Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness each person in the third year after unemployment ranges from $11,795 to $15,896 based on the mix of true positives and false positives in the population above the cut-off point. In summary, persistent homelessness results in high local public costs that are not found among individuals who avoid homelessness or have short homeless stings. Annual costs were more than $10,000 higher for unemployed workers and $3,800 higher for young adults who became persistently homeless than for their counterparts who avoided homelessness. These costs increase over time as individuals become older. The target population identified by the employment model has ongoing high public costs. The cut-off point for determining which high-risk unemployed workers who have been prioritized through the model will receive services can be adjusted to match the capacity of programs that serve those workers. Conclusions Individuals who become persistently homeless use more public services and have far higher public costs than their peers who do not become homeless. These costs are ongoing and increase as individuals become older. Health care costs were five times higher for persistently homeless workers and four times higher for persistently homeless youth than for their counterparts who did not become homeless. Justice system costs were nine times higher for persistently homeless workers and seven times higher for persistently homeless youth than for their counterparts who did not become homeless. Using predictive screening tools to identify high-risk individuals and intervene early before they become persistently homeless can help them avoid hardship and help the public avoid ongoing high costs from ongoing, intensive and increasing use of local services. Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness 55 56 Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness Works Progress Administration workers building La Brea Avenue, Los Angeles, 1936. Daily News Negative, courtesy of UCLA Islandora Repository. Methodology Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness 57 Introduction The study presents two screening tools to predict persistent homelessness. The employment model works by predicting whether recently unemployed workers will experience persistent homelessness. The young adult model predicts whether youth who are entering adulthood while receiving public benefits will become persistently homeless. These tools make it possible to provide targeted interventions such as short-term subsidized employment or transitional youth services before these individuals enter into costly, protracted spells of homelessness. The tools use administrative data to prioritize homeless adults with the highest risk of becoming persistently homeless. This approach requires some mechanism to accurately identify or predict which high -risk workers or young adults will become persistently homeless before there is substantial preventable personal harm and public costs, and before the crisis of being homeless has diminished their capacity to work and their identity as a member of society. The statistical predictive models presented in this report address that need. No other study has developed models to predict persistent homelessness for low wage workers who lose their job or for youth who transition to adulthood while receiving public benefits. ----------------------------- There is a growing interest in using predictive models to combat homelessness by identifying high-risk homeless persons, such as the work done by Economic Roundtable in identifying individuals with high public costs (see Toros and Flaming, 2016, 2018). 17 Other studies have also identified predictors of homelessness and developed methods for providing more efficient homelessness prevention services (Bryne et al., 2015; Chan et al., 2017; Shinn et al., 2013). 18 However, to our knowledge, there is no other study that has developed models to predict persistent homelessness for either low wage workers after losing their job or youth who are transitioning into adulthood while receiving public assistance. Data sources, study populations, data preparation, variable selection, model development, results, and assessment are presented in the following sections. Data and Populations We used Los Angeles County administrative data for this study, as shown in Figure 47. All source data were de-identified. The main data source was a 10-year time window of records for public benefits recipients from the LEADER eligibility data system managed by the Department of Public Social Services (DPSS). This database provided the study population as well as information about demographics, aid, employment, and homelessness histories of individuals. Homelessness histories were based on case addresses. If in any given month the case address was a DPSS office, homeless shelter or any other nonresidential address, a person was assumed to be homeless in that month. The LEADER system also contains a homeless flag based on self-declared status filled in during an intake assessment. However, since the system does not turn off this flag at the end of a homelessness episode, and since there is a large overlap between the flag and homeless addresses at the beginning of 58 Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness Figure 47: Modeling Time Line MODELING TIMELINE Year 0 Year 3 Year 5 Year 7 Year 10 SOURCE DATA Employment, Homelessness and Aid Data (DPSS/LEADER) ELP Data (DCFS, DHS, DMH, DPH, Sheriff, Probation) HMIS Data (LAHSA) TRAINING AND VALIDATION DATA Young Adults/Employment Spells 4 years Follow-up to Detect Persistent Homeless 5 years Homelessness/Employment History 7 years ELP Data History 6 years Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness 59 an episode, clients’ homeless status was determined based on their address. This practice is also followed by DPSS in their assessment of homelessness. The second data source was the County’s integrated Enterprise Linkages Project (ELP) database (see Bryne, et al., 2012), 19 which includes records of services provided to County clients by the departments of Children and Family Services (DCFS), Health Services (DHS), Mental Health (DMH), and Public Health (DPH). In addition, incarceration and adult probation histories of individuals were available. Finally, the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) data was used to augment information about homelessness. The study and tracking time windows for the training and validation data are shown by the bottom 4 arrows of Figure 47. In the employment model, we included all individuals who had at least one employment spell over 4 years. In the young adult model, we included all youth (18 to 24 years old) who were receiving public assistance benefits in the form of cash aid, Cal Fresh (food stamps) or Medi-Cal. The green arrow shows this window. The target population was comprised of individuals who became persistently homeless during the 36 months after becoming unemployed or their first month in aid as a young adult. This window is shown by the yellow arrow, data was tracked to identify persistently homeless individuals. The blue arrow shows the five-year staggered time window for employment and homelessness data for the study population. Finally, the gray arrow illustrates the two-year staggered time window for ELP data about service utilization from health, social service and justice system agencies. The structure of model variables is discussed later. The size of the study and target populations for the employment model are shown in Table 2. Over four years, we identified 494,584 individuals who were employed at least once and became unemployed during this window. These persons had 673,139 employment spells since some of them were employed more than once. Almost a quarter (22.2 percent) of this population had been homeless at least once over 10 years. Over 72,000 individuals became homeless within three years following an unemployment incident, and almost 38,000 of them were identified as persistently homeless – 7.7 percent of the study population. Table 2: Study and Target Populations of the Employment Model Population Category 60 Population Size Percent Employment Spells Study Population 494,584 100% 673,139 Homeless at least once 109,769 22.2% 163,240 Homeless after Unemployment 72,594 14.7% 105,587 Target Population – Persistently Homeless 37,905 7.7% 58,166 Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness The sizes of the study and target populations for the young adult model are shown in Table 3. We identified 479,111 young adults receiving public assistance during a four-year window. Almost a quarter (24.8 percent) of this population had been homeless at least once over the 10 years of data used for this analysis. Over 106,000 individuals became homeless within three years following their entry into the time window of young adulthood, and over 39,000 of them were identified as persistently homeless – 8.2 percent of the study population. Table 3: Study and Target Populations for the Young Adult Model Population Category Population Size Percent Study Population 479,111 100.0% Homeless at least once 118,582 24.8% Homeless after becoming Young Adult in Aid 106,456 22.2% 39,133 8.2% Target Population – Persistently Homeless In summary, the data used to develop the two models was drawn from a four-year rolling window for identifying benchmark dates when workers became unemployed or youth entered adulthood. Then, three-year outcomes for whether individuals with these benchmark events became persistently homeless were tracked in a five-year rolling follow-up window. Each of the two data sets used to develop the predictive models included nearly half a million people. Data Preparation and Variable Selection We integrated several data sources using multi-tiered fuzzy matching algorithms. All these datasets include information on factors that may have an effect on our outcomes of interest—becoming persistently homeless following becoming unemployed or first month in aid as a young adult. These include demographic variables (e.g., age, gender, ethnicity); clinical variables (e.g., ICD-9-CM medical diagnoses), and utilization variables for all types of services in the current and previous years (e.g., number or days of hospital stays, number of emergency room visits, number of mental health service encounters, days in jail, and number of incarcerations). First, we generated a binary target or outcome variable for each model. In the employment model, it flags whether or not a person became persistently homeless after becoming unemployed. Persistent homelessness was defined as a person becoming homeless more than once or continuously for 12 or more months within three years after becoming unemployed. In the young adult model, the target variable flags whether or not a youth became persistently homeless after the first month of receiving assistance as a young adult. Persistent homelessness was defined the same Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness 61 way—a person who became homeless more than once or continuously for 12 or more months within three years after becoming a young adult while receiving public assistance. The next step was to identify any potential variables that would have an effect on becoming persistent homeless for each model. Since each data source has many variables, this step required a laborious process to prepare all potential variables for the variable selection procedure. We prepared the data by transforming variables to augment their predictive power. For example, continuous fields may be binned (such as the age category, which was modified into 3 groups—18 to 40, 41 to 57, and 58 or older. Binning is the process of reducing the number of levels of a predictor to a smaller number of bins (i.e. consolidations of levels to achieve parsimony and to find a relationship between the bins and the target rate (See Lund, 2016). 20 Some categorical variables were clustered such as ethnicity and diagnostic codes. A majority of the variables were transformed into binary (1 or 0) variables, for example, whether or not an individual had been hospitalized in the last year. These variables equal 1 if a condition exists (such as hospitalization) and 0 if the condition does not exist. All these binary variables were generated for the current and previous years. We generated many count variables that show the number of occurrences of a variable such as emergency room visits and days in probation. All count variables were also generated for the current and previous years. For homelessness and employment variables we used data going back five years. For other service utilization variables we included one or two years of history. Data preparation was followed by the variable selection process, which is the method of selecting a particular set of predictors or independent variables for use in predictive models. The main objective of variable selection is to choose a reduced number of attributes that improve the accuracy of the prediction and to remove unneeded, irrelevant and redundant variables. The process also provides a better understanding of the model and generates simpler variables that can be computed more quickly (See Guyon and Elisseeff, 2003). 21 A parsimonious model is desirable because fewer variables reduce complexity, so a model becomes easier to understand and explain. Predictive models can easily be beset by dimensionality and overfitting to minor or even random variables. Goodness-of-fit must be balanced against model complexity in order to avoid overfitting—that is, to avoid building models that explain the data at hand, but fail in out-of-sample predictions (Vandekerckhove, Matzke and Wagenmakers, 2015). 22 In the predictive analytics practice, applying first a method of automatic variable construction yields improved performance and a more compact set of variables. There are a number of commonly used methods that were applied in this study. 62 Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness Filter methods assess the relationship between predictor variables and the target variable to compute the importance of variables. Various statistical methods such as correlation analysis or F-test can be used to measure the predictive power of single factors. Wrapper methods find the best combinations of variables to determine predictive power by applying different approaches such as forward, backward and stepwise selections that are explained below. Finally, embedded models such as Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO) perform variable selection as part of the model construction process or, in other words, select variables as part of learning. Random forest is another embedded model that was applied in this study. We used multiple variable selection methods in developing the models. Following data preparation, which generated over 350 potential predictors, we first selected relevant diagnostic codes and service factors. To do this we combined our experience in Los Angeles with statistical tests of association-applying chi-squared and t-tests to verify if any of these factors help separate persistently homeless persons from others. This step used the filter method of variable selection described above. After eliminating redundant and irrelevant factors we reduced the list of predictor variables from 350 to approximately 200. The list of these variables is shown in Appendix Table A-2 for both models. In the second iteration, we applied forward and backward selection and LASSO 23 methods to reduce our variable set further. The forward selection technique begins with only the intercept and then sequentially adds the variable that most improves the fit. The process terminates when no significant improvement can be obtained by adding any variable. In contrast, the backward elimination technique begins by calculating statistics for a model, including all of the independent variables. Then variables are deleted from the model one by one until all of the remaining variables are statistically significant at a specified level. At each step, the variable showing the smallest contribution to the model is deleted. 24 Automated selection methods are often criticized for producing biased results (See Flom and Cassell, 2009). 25 However, advanced versions of these methods, particularly applying the Schwarz Bayesian information criterion (SBC) statistic or using a validation sample, generate accurate results (See Dziak et al., 2012, Lund et. al. 2017). 26 Using the SBC statistic as the selection and stopping criteria causes the predictor to be added that gives the lowest (best) SBC for the new model among all predictors currently available or removes predictors that produce the largest (worst) value of the SBC statistic. This stops at the step where adding or removing any variable increases the SBC statistic. SBC is a widely used penalized measure of fit for logistic regression models that favors the selection of a parsimonious model and avoids over fitting (see Judge et al., 1985). 27 The LASSO method applies a regularization process by penalizing variables, shrinking the coefficients of less important variables to zero. Only variables Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness 63 that have non-zero regression coefficients are selected while the values of the selected coefficients and penalty term minimize the prediction error (Fonti and Belitser 2017, Tibshirani 2011). 28 Using a combination of these three methods we reduced our predictor variable list from over 200 to 52 for the employment model and to 60 for the young adult model. The variables selected in the second round of the selection process are shown in Appendix Table A-2 for both models. We used the SAS high-performance procedure HPGENSELECT with the binomial distribution and logit link function to apply forward and backward selection with SBC and LASSO methods. (See Johnston and Rodriguez, 2014, SAS 2017). 29 The HPGENSELECT procedure is designed for predictive modeling. It provides variable selection methods for building models, and it supports standard distributions and link functions for generalized linear models. In summary, over 350 potential predictors of persistent homelessness were developed and then narrowed down to 52 variables for unemployed workers and 60 variables for young adults for use in the next stage of model development. Model Development The variable selection process yielded over 50 potential variables to be trained in our predictive models. In the next step, we built several models to predict future persistent homelessness following an unemployment incidence or a youth’s transition into adulthood while receiving public assistance. We used the high-performance SAS procedures HPLOGISTIC and HPFOREST to develop and assess predictive models (See Nord and Keeley, 2016, SAS 2017). 30 The models were developed to be transparent so that it is possible to explain how specific types of information are used to make predictions. ----------------------------64 Regression models are the mainstay of predictive analytics. The focus lies on establishing a mathematical equation as a model to represent the interactions between the several factors that are associated with an outcome, such as persistent homelessness. Based on the performance of predictive models in our past research and the need for interpretability and transparency, we adopted logistic regression models to predict future persistent homelessness. The results described in the next section represent the outcomes of these models. We also compare the performance of the logistic regression employment model to the random forest employment model, which is an increasingly common method used by scientists for prediction. This assessment is presented later. One critical aspect of our model development methodology is avoiding the application of black-box analytics. Black-box refers to algorithmic predictive modeling techniques, particularly machine-learning techniques such as neural networks, k-nearest neighbors and support vector machine algorithms that do not explain their reasoning or explain it in a limited Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness way. These algorithms are very useful for classification and prediction. However, they do not explain how given types of information are used to make predictions and are ill-suited for work where transparency is critical. Our approach is consistent with conclusions reached in using predictive models to suggest medical diagnoses to clinicians. Diagnostic results from predictive models should not appear as black boxes, but rather should allow clinicians to explore the reasons for proposed diagnoses and provide feedback (Wang et al., 2018). 31 In this study, our focus is not only on prediction but also on interpretability and transparency (see Shumueli, 2010). 32 To make the screening tools understandable and credible to the general public it is important to have reasonable explanations for how information is being used to make predictions. Since our predictive models are intended to be screening tools, we need to know which factors contribute to the final score that prioritizes workers or young adults for special assistance as well as the weights assigned to the variables that produced the score. Moreover, the predictive models require data elements from multiple public service domains ranging from hospitals to jails. Knowing the importance of input factors used in the models is critical for managing the logistics of data integration when the models are implemented. Consequently, we chose to develop logistic regression models that clearly explain the classification or decision process. Logistic regression predicts the values of a discrete variable (persistently homeless or not) based on known values of multiple variables (see Allison, 2012). 33 In a nutshell, logistic regression models the probability of a binary outcome given various input variables. It transforms prediction probabilities with values ranging from 0 to 1 using the logistic function. The performance of the logistic regression models is presented in the Validation and Assessment Section and is quite robust. Moreover, this performance is compared against the random forest model to assess if the predictive power is good in comparison. The results show that the logistic regression model produces comparable prediction accuracy without giving up transparency. The screening tools are intended to be used by agencies that serve workers who have recently become unemployed or adolescence youth who receive public benefits. Ideally, the models can be implemented as system-based screening tools, generating risk scores from screening an entire integrated database and flagging high-risk individuals. While system-based implementation would be the most efficient mode, the tools can also be used to screen clients individually using a simple interface like Excel. Simple models with easy-to-populate variables are especially important if the models are used to screen people individually. Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness 65 Keeping this requirement a priority, we performed a sensitivity analysis on several variables in the model that might not be available when doing person-by-person screening. Consequently, we dropped the number of variables from 52 to 32 for the employment model and from 60 to 20 for the young adult model, particularly eliminating all medical diagnostic variables that did not contribute much to model accuracy but would be difficult to enter into a manual tool. The results from these final models are presented in the next section. In summary, multiple models were built and tested to predict future persistent homelessness following unemployment or a youth’s transition into adulthood while receiving public assistance. The models were developed to be transparent so that it is possible to explain how specific types of information are used to make predictions. To make the models as simple and usable as possible, only 32 variables were used in the final employment model and 20 variables in the final young adult model. Results Employment Model The frequency with which each variable used in the employment model is found among persistently homeless unemployed workers versus other unemployed workers is shown in Appendix Table A-3. The concordance index (C-statistic) was used to assess the predictive strength of the model. Significance of the estimated parameters (p-values) and odds ratios were evaluated as well. The odds-ratios for the likelihood of persistent homelessness based on the presence of each variable used in the employment model are presented in Appendix Table A-4. The Parameter Estimates shown in Table A-4 are the factors that drive the employment model. As shown in Appendix Table A-3, persistently homeless workers included a much higher proportion of males, African Americans and single-individual households than the overall population that experienced unemployment. Their employment history was relatively shorter and average and maximum earnings were much lower than the rest of the population. The largest differences are observed in homelessness measures. While 42.5 percent of the persistently homeless group experienced homelessness during the year before they became unemployed, only 4 percent of others were homeless during that time. In the month preceding unemployment, almost 30 percent of the persistently homeless group was homeless in contrast to less than 2 percent of other unemployed workers. Persistently homeless workers also showed higher rates of engagement with health and behavioral health services. There were large group differences for emergency medical service encounters (9 vs. 3 percent), outpatient 66 Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness medical clinic visits (14 vs. 8 percent), and outpatient mental health services (4.5 vs. 1.5 percent). The proportion who were disabled at the time of unemployment or had a disability history was also much higher among the persistently homeless group. The rate of engagement in the criminal justice system was very high among persistently homeless workers compared to other workers who became unemployed. Over 20 percent were jailed during the last year compared to only 5 percent of other workers. Their average number of days in jail was more than 4 times greater than for the rest of the population—7.2 days vs. 1.6 days. Finally, social services data showed that a very high portion of persistently homeless workers were receiving cash aid at the time of unemployment (42.3 percent), while 75 percent of other workers received only non-cash aid such as Medi-Cal or Food Stamps/SNAP. Adjusted odds ratios are presented in Appendix Table A-4. All variables are statistically significant at the one percent level. The results reflect the differences we observe from the descriptive comparisons discussed above. Logistic regression models generate odds ratios that are used to assess the likelihood of a particular outcome (being a persistently homeless person in this study) if a certain factor (one of the model variables) is present. It is a relative measure showing how likely a person with a certain attribute (say, male) is to experience the outcome (persistently homeless) relative to another person without the attribute (female). In this way we capture the strength of relationship between the factor (gender) and the outcome. Adjusted odds ratios are generated after controlling for all other variables in the model, which means holding all other factors constant. Odds ratios for binary variables (for example, jailed or not) are in general higher than the odds ratios for interval variables (for example, days in jail) and are interpreted differently. Appendix Table A-4 shows whether a variable is binary, nominal or interval to assist the interpretation of odds ratios. For example, the odds ratios show that workers who had been jailed in the past two years are 1.82 times more likely to be persistently homeless in the future than workers who had not been jailed. On the other hand, the odds ratio for each additional 10 days of jail is only .979, decreasing the likelihood (or odds) of being persistently homeless by 2 percent. Adjusted odds ratios show that being younger than 58, African American, Alaskan American or American Indian and belonging to a single individual household significantly increased unemployed workers’ odds of becoming persistently homeless. Being homeless in the past (particularly in the last year or the last month before becoming unemployed) yielded very strong odds ratios. In general, recent employment decreased the odds of becoming persistently homeless in the future, while having health or behavioral health Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness 67 issues increased the odds—except that medical outpatient services decreased the odds. Criminal justice involvement and not receiving any form of public assistance at the time of unemployment also increased the odds of becoming persistently homeless in the future. We summarize the effects of all variables in Appendix Table A-5. It lists the effects estimated by the model and gives a plot of the LogWorth values for these effects. The LogWorth for each model effect is defined as -log10 (pvalue). This transformation adjusts p-values to provide an appropriate scale for graphing. The table shows that the most statistically significant variables are household type, type of public benefits at time of unemployment, if homeless a month prior to unemployment time, if homeless last year, if arrested last year, ethnicity, marital status, age, disability, and amount of earnings in the last year. Young Adult Model The frequency with which each variable used in the young adult model is found among persistently homeless youth versus other youth is shown in Appendix Table A-6. The odds-ratios for the likelihood of persistent homelessness based on the presence of each variable used in the young adult model are presented in Appendix Table A-7. The Parameter Estimates shown in Table A-7 are the factors that drive the young adult model. As shown in Appendix Table A-6, persistently homeless youth include a much higher proportion of African Americans than the overall population of young adults receiving aid. The largest differences are observed in homelessness measures. While almost 60 percent of persistently homeless youth experienced homelessness at the first month in aid as a young adult, only 7 percent of other youth were homeless during that time. While 10 percent of persistently homeless youth experienced homelessness in the past year, only 1.4 percent of other youth experienced homelessness the past year. Persistently homeless youth also had higher rates of engagement with health and behavioral health services. There were significant differences between persistently homeless youth and other youth in terms of using outpatient mental health services (3 vs. 1.5 percent), mental health services (8 vs. 3 percent), and alcohol or substance abuse services (2 vs. 0.3 percent). The proportion who were disabled at the time of entry into adulthood while receiving public benefits was also much higher among persistently homeless youth (12 vs. 2 percent). The rate of engagement in the criminal justice system was very high among persistently homeless youth compared to other youth. Over 10 percent were jailed during the past year compared to only 2.6 percent of other 68 Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness youth. Social services data showed that a higher portion of persistently homeless youth were receiving cash aid when they entered adulthood (30.6 percent) compared to 80 percent of the other youth who only received only non-cash aid such as Medi-Cal or Food Stamps/SNAP. Finally, engagement with the foster care system was more frequent among persistently homeless youth. Thirteen percent of persistently homeless youth were in foster care while 96 percent of other youth were not. Adjusted odds ratios are presented in Appendix Table A-7. The results reflect the differences we observe from descriptive comparisons. Odds ratios for binary variables (for example, jailed or not) are in general higher than the odds ratios for interval variables (for example, days in jail) and are interpreted differently. Appendix Table A-7 shows whether a variable is binary, nominal or interval to assist the interpretation of odds ratios. Adjusted odds ratios show that being African American, Alaskan American or American Indian, or belonging to a single-person household significantly increased a youth’s odds of becoming persistently homeless. Being homeless in the past, particularly in the first month of being a young adult receiving public assistance, yielded very high odds ratios. In general, recent employment, having behavioral health issues, being arrested in the past, receiving cash aid, and foster care placements also increased a youth’s odds of becoming persistently homeless in the future. We summarize the effects of all variables in Appendix Table A-8. It lists the effects estimated by the model and gives a plot of the LogWorth values for these effects. The table shows that the most statistically significant variables are being homeless at the time of entering adulthood, ethnicity, type of public benefits being received, disability status, foster care history, and arrest history in the past year. Overall, the model predicts future persistent homelessness very well based on outcomes produced from the data set used to develop the model. However, in predictive analytics it is necessary to evaluate the out-ofsample prediction power as well, that is, prediction power for cases other than those used to develop the model. The next section presents the validation results. In summary, the variables that have predictive power in the models also identify attributes associated with persistent homelessness. Both unemployed workers and young adults who became persistently homeless included a much higher proportion of African Americans and higher rates of engagement with health and behavioral health services and the criminal justice system than the overall populations that they were part of. Persistently homeless workers also included a much higher proportion of males and single-individual households, and their employment histories were shorter and earnings lower than those of other workers. Persistently homeless youth were much more likely to have experienced homelessness during the first month in aid as a Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness 69 young adult, to have been in foster care, and to have entered adulthood with disabilities. Validation and Assessment In predictive analysis, the biggest danger to having a model that produces generalizable results is overfitting the training data, which produces overoptimistic estimates of predictive accuracy. A good way to avoid this problem is to partition the data into a training and validation set. We then evaluate model performance not on the training set, that is, the data used to build the model, but rather on a holdout or validation sample that the model “did not see.” We often observe strong predictive power based on in-sample performance if the model over-fits the data. In those cases the model only explains well the training data, and out-of-sample performance is very poor. Since a predictive model is intended to be applied to new data with unknown outcomes, validation is needed to assess a model’s performance. Out-of-sample validation enables us to identify overfitting if the performance is significantly better with the training data set than with the validation data set. The creation of a holdout sample can be achieved in several ways. The most commonly used method, which was adopted in this study, is a random partition of the sample into training and holdout sets. Having large data sets of nearly half a million individuals for both the employment and young adult models, we held out half of the data for validation so that we fit each model to half of the data and validated it on the other half. 34 Since the data often has multiple records produced at different times for the same individuals, we partitioned the data randomly by individuals so that the same individual did not appear in both the training and validation samples. We next present statistics to measure model performance using the validation sample. Then we compare the performance of the logistic regression and random forest models. Model Fit Statistics for the Employment Model The employment model achieved a very strong C-statistic, .894, which is the probability that the predicted outcome is better than chance. The Cstatistic is used to compare the goodness of fit of logistic regression models. Values for this measure range from 0.5 to 1. A value of 0.5 indicates that the model is no better than chance at making a prediction of membership in a group (in this case, the persistently homeless group). A value of 1 indicates that the model perfectly identifies those who are within a group and those who are not. Models are typically considered reasonable when 70 Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness the C-statistic is higher than 0.7 and strong when it exceeds 0.8 (Hosmer and Lemeshow 2000). 35 Another widely used measure of model performance is the Average Square Error or Brier Score, which is the mean squared difference between the predicted probability and the actual outcome. The lower the Brier score is for a set of predictors, the better the classification performance of the model. (Zero is a perfect score.) The Brier score for the model is 0.057, which is also a very strong statistic. Moreover, the performance measures were almost identical for training and validation samples indicating that over-fitting was not a problem. Predictive Performance for the Employment Model In addition to model fit statistics, we used sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), accuracy, area under the receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve, and lift curve to assess the out-of-sample model performance. All these values are presented for different percentiles of the validation sample for the employment model in terms of predicted risk—top 1 percent, 5 percent, 10 percent, and so on. Table 4 presents sensitivity, specificity, PPV, and accuracy statistics for different cutoff points for the validation (out-of-sample) employment model cohort. 36 Table 4: Predictive Performance of the Employment Model (Validation Results) Percentile Probability Cut-off Sensitivity 1 - Specificity Accuracy PPV Cumulative Population 1% 0.8430 9.2% 0.2% 91.8% 81.2% 3,338 2% 0.7295 17.3% 0.5% 92.2% 76.3% 6,674 3% 0.6225 24.7% 0.9% 92.5% 72.7% 10,003 4% 0.5280 30.8% 1.4% 92.6% 68.1% 13,334 5% 0.4420 36.3% 2.0% 92.6% 64.3% 16,661 10% 0.2145 54.9% 5.7% 90.9% 48.5% 33,358 15% 0.1435 66.9% 10.0% 88.0% 39.4% 50,112 20% 0.1035 75.5% 14.6% 84.5% 33.3% 66,768 25% 0.0770 81.9% 19.5% 80.6% 29.0% 83,424 30% 0.0605 86.4% 24.5% 76.5% 25.5% 99,853 35% 0.0475 89.9% 29.7% 72.1% 22.7% 116,665 40% 0.0375 92.5% 34.9% 67.6% 20.5% 133,164 50% 0.0270 95.8% 45.5% 58.2% 17.0% 166,373 75% 0.0135 99.0% 72.2% 34.1% 11.7% 248,443 100% 0 100.0% 100.0% 8.8% 8.8% 333,308 Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness 71 The percentile identifies the percent of the screened population that is targeted for services. The probability cut-off is the minimum score from the employment model that is required to be in the group that is targeted for services. The sensitivity statistic measures the proportion of future persistently homeless persons correctly identified by the model with high scores (scores above the cutoff). It is also known as the true positive rate and reflects how well the model performs in identifying people who become persistently homeless in the future after becoming unemployed. The specificity statistic measures the proportion of not-persistently homeless persons correctly identified by the model with low scores (scores below the cutoff). If the level is too low, this is translated into to a high false positive rate (1-specificity) meaning a large number of not persistently homeless persons would be incorrectly identified as having a high risk of becoming persistently homeless. The accuracy statistic is the proportion of observations that are correctly classified. It measures the proportion of true positives and true negatives out of all persons. 37 The PPV statistic estimates the accuracy of the model by measuring the proportion of true positives (correctly classified future persistently homeless persons) within the population predicted to become persistently homeless. In other words, it is the probability that persons with a high score truly became persistently homeless. If PPV equals 1 this means that the model identifies all persistently homeless persons correctly with no false positives. The higher the false positives, the lower the PPV. The first column of Table 4 shows the percentile of the population sorted by descending order of predicted probability of becoming persistently homeless, which is shown in the second column. Percentiles are computed based on the total population of the validation sample, 333,308. For example, the first row shows the results for the top 1 percent or the first percentile, and the sixth row shows the measures for the top 10 percent or the first decile. If the top 3 percent of persons at risk of becoming persistently homeless are considered, we see that the model identifies approximately 10,000 individuals who are predicted to become persistent homeless in the future. We know that out of 333,000 employment spells in the validation sample approximately 29,500 of them became persistent homeless in the future (8.8 percent). The probability threshold is 62.2 percent. Twenty-five percent sensitivity shows that the model captured 25 percent of the 29,500 when targeting the top 3 percent, which is quite impressive. The 1specificity value is only 1 percent, verifying that the model correctly 72 Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness identifies 99 percent of those who do not become persistently homeless in the future. The PPV value of 72.7 percent and accuracy value of 92.5 percent for the top 3 percent are also very high. The model achieves a PPV result of almost 73 percent, meaning that out of 10,000 persons that the model predicted to be persistently homeless, almost three quarters are true positives and the remaining portion is false positives. PPV is an important measure for assessing the effectiveness of the model. At higher probability thresholds PPV increases, but at the cost of lower sensitivity values. At lower probability thresholds, sensitivity increases, but at the cost of lower PPV values or higher numbers of false positives. If we consider 10,000 randomly chosen persons, the PPV value would be only 8.8 percent, which is the ratio of true positives to the population size. This means that a random selection without using any knowledge or model would yield only 8.8 percent true positives. The remaining 91.3 percent would be false positives. When we compare this number to the model PPV for 10,000 persons (73 percent), we get a ratio of 8.2 which shows that the model is performing more than 8 times better than random selection at the 3 percent threshold. This measure is known as the lift of a model and shows the effectiveness ratio between the results obtained with and without the predictive model. Table 5: Prediction Performance showing Predicted Homeless Populations Cumulative True False Percentile Probability Population Positives Positives Homeless False Positives PPV Adjusted PPV 0 NA 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 1 0.8430 3,338 2,711 627 273 81.2% 89.39% 2 0.7295 6,674 5,093 1,581 677 76.3% 86.45% 3 0.6225 10,003 7,269 2,734 1,112 72.7% 83.78% 4 0.5280 13,334 9,087 4,247 1,604 68.1% 80.18% 5 0.4420 16,661 10,710 5,951 2,150 64.3% 77.19% 10 0.2145 33,358 16,173 17,185 5,019 48.5% 63.53% 15 0.1435 50,112 19,729 30,383 7,970 39.4% 55.27% 20 0.1035 66,768 22,264 44,504 10,297 33.3% 48.77% 25 0.0770 83,424 24,153 59,271 12,104 29.0% 43.46% 30 0.0605 99,853 25,472 74,381 13,601 25.5% 39.13% 35 0.0475 116,665 26,510 90,155 14,911 22.7% 35.50% 40 0.0375 133,164 27,266 105,898 16,021 20.5% 32.51% 50 0.0270 166,373 28,227 138,146 17,570 17.0% 27.53% 75 0.0135 248,443 29,168 219,275 19,454 11.7% 19.57% 100 0 333,308 29,473 303,835 20,217 8.8% 14.91% Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness 73 The trade-off to be weighed when using the model is between, on the one hand, using lower probability thresholds in order to identify as many persistently homeless individuals as possible while accepting a substantial number of not persistently homeless individuals as part of the mix, and, on the other hand, using higher probability thresholds to identify a smaller population in which a higher proportion of individuals will be persistently homeless. The model is highly accurate in distinguishing persistently homeless individuals from others. However, it is still necessary to calibrate the probability cut-off level that will be used to determine who within the screened population will be offered the intervention. Table 5 provides insights for making this decision by tabulating the number of false and true positives at different probability levels. In many interventions the selection of the threshold is based on the capacity and funding of the program. Hence, for example, if the goal of the program is to serve 10,000 persons, then the appropriate threshold would be .6225. If the goal is 50,000 then the threshold would be .1435. Table 5 shows that the model performs very well for the top 5 percent and fairly well for the top decile (10 percent). For the top 5 percent, 60 percent of the targeted 16,673 persons were true positives. The PPV value drops to below 50 percent at the 10th percentile. The models predict future persistent homelessness very accurately. ----------------------------- Table 5 also includes a column labeled “Homeless False Positives,” which represents false positives that fell short of becoming persistently homeless in the next 3 years but were observed to be homeless starting from 6 months following the time of unemployment. They had one homeless episode of less than 12 months. When we add these numbers to true positives, PPV values shown as “Adjusted PPV,” values increase significantly. At the top 3 percent threshold, approximately 84 percent of persons were observed to be homeless after the unemployment incidence. At the top decile threshold PPV increases from 48.5 percent to 63.5 percent. Hence the data shows that at high thresholds the model identifies future persistently homeless individuals accurately. Furthermore, a significant proportion of false positives also become homeless with a risk of becoming persistently homeless after 3 years. ROC and Lift Curves for the Employment Model Another way of assessing the predictive power of a logistic regression model is the area under the ROC curve, which shows the trade-off between true positives (sensitivity) and false positives (1-specificity) at all possible thresholds. (See Gonen, 2007 for ROC analysis for predictive models.) 38 The ROC curve for the employment model is shown in Figure 48. 74 Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness True Positive Rate The closer Figure 48: Prediction Results for Unemployed Workers becoming Persistently Homeless in the Next 3 Years the curve ROC Curve: Area Under the Curve = 0.89 follows the 1 vertical axis and then the 0.9 top border, 0.8 the more accurate the 0.7 model. Conversely, 0.6 the closer the 0.5 curve comes Model Result to the 450.4 Random Result degree 0.3 diagonal, the less accurate 0.2 the model is. 0.1 The area under the 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 curve (AUC) measures the False Positive Rate accuracy of the model where 1 represents a perfect model and 0.5 (same as the diagonal line) shows a useless model. The employment model generated a very high AUC of 0.892 for the validation sample, indicating an 89.2 percent probability that a randomly selected unemployed person who becomes persistently homeless in the future will receive a higher model score than a randomly selected homeless person who does not become persistently homeless. In the predictive analytics literature, models with AUC exceeding 0.8 are thought to have good predictive power while AUC values below 0.7 indicate poor model performance. The ROC curve illustrates the trade-off between increasing true positives —finding as many homeless persons as possible who will be persistently homeless in the future—and false positives—decreasing potential program effectiveness by including homeless persons who will not be persistently homeless in the future. It can be used to help select a cutoff value with the ideal balance between these two considerations. The lift curve provides a similar picture. The x axis on the bottom of the graph represents the expected number of true positives we would predict if we did not have a model but simply selected cases at random. It provides a benchmark against which we can see the performance of the model. Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness 75 Figure 49: Lift Chart for Employment Predictive Model 10 9 8 7 Lift 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 50 75 100 Percent of Workers Above the Probability Cut-off Point A good model will give us a high lift when we act on only a few cases, i.e., those with the highest probability scores. As we include more cases with lower scores, the lift will decrease. The lift curve of the employment model for all thresholds is presented in Figure 49. The lift is quite high for cases with a high probability of being in the persistently homeless group. For example, for the top one percent, the model generates a lift of 9.2. This means that the model identifies 9.2 times more future persistently homeless workers (true positives) than random selection. This is presented against the baseline lift of 1. At slightly lower thresholds, such as the top three percent, lift drops to 8.2 because to classify more true positives we have to accept a larger share of false positives. For the top 5 percent the lift is 7.3, and for the top ten percent the lift is 5.5. The overall prediction results from the employment model are shown in Figure 50, based on the percent of screened workers who are above the cut-off level for services (bottom axis). The largest task the model performs is correctly identifying workers who do not become persistently homeless – true negatives. These correctly excluded cases make up roughly 90 percent of employment model predictions. The remainder of the model’s work is to differentiate outcomes for the tenth of workers whose futures are less clear. The most important task the model performs is correctly identifying workers who do become persistently homeless – true positives. The higher cut-off level for probability scores used to target workers for services, the more accurate these predictions are. However, since eight percent of unemployed workers are known are known to become persistently homeless, cut-off levels that include fewer than eight percent of workers necessarily produce false negatives – workers who become persistently homeless but are not targeted for services. 76 Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness Figure 50: Predictive Results from Employment Model by Probability Cut-Off Level 100% True Positive Percent of Employment Model Predictions 90% False Negative 80% 70% False Positive 60% True Negative 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10% Percent of Workers Above the Probability Cut-Off As the probability cut-off level drops to capture a larger share of workers who become persistently homeless, the share of false negatives decreases, but the share of incorrectly targeted workers, or false positives, increases. The ratio of workers who become persistently homeless and are correctly targeted for services (true positives) versus workers from the same cohort who are incorrectly excluded from services (false negatives) is equal when six and a half percent of screened job losers are above the probability cut-off – a cut-off value of 0.32. Model Comparison for the Employment Model Finally, we present a model comparison between the logistic regression model we developed and the random forest model, which is a very powerful algorithm and increasingly the “standard tool” used for prediction. The drawback is that it is not transparent – the variables it uses are not explained. Our intention is to determine whether the predictive power of the logistic regression model is good enough relative to the random forest algorithm to justify our model selection, which prioritized transparency over accuracy. A recent study presented a large-scale benchmark experiment for comparing the performance of logistic regression and random forest in binary classification. Random forest performed better than logistic regression based on the level of accuracy measured in approximately 69 percent of the datasets (Couronne, Probst and Boulesteix, 2017). 39 Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness 77 Random forest is an “ensemble learning” technique consisting of the aggregation of a large number of decision trees, which results in reduced variance compared to a single decision tree. It combines predictions from many classification or regression trees to construct more accurate predictions using bootstrap methods (see Breiman, 2001). 40 Our comparison is made in several ways. Table 6 shows the goodness-of-fit statistics of both models for the training and validation samples. For both samples, random forest yields slightly better fit statistics—in the validation sample the AUC is .012 higher and the misclassification rate is .003 lower. Training and validation results are almost identical for both samples, verifying the absence of overfitting. Table 6: Measures of Fit for Employment Models Statistic Logistic Regression Random Forest Training Validation Training Validation Area Under the Curve (AUC) .892 .894 .898 .916 Misclassification Rate .072 .074 .070 .071 These comparisons verify that even though the random forest model performs slightly better, the improvement does not warrant its selection over the logistic regression model due to the loss in interpretability. Our logistic regression model performs very accurately, is transparent, and with only 32 variables is simple enough to be used in a manual screening tool. Model Fit Statistics and Predictive Performance for the Young Adult Model The young adult model achieved a very strong C-statistic, .88, which is the probability that the predicted outcome is better than chance. The Brier score for the model is 0.05, which is also a very strong statistic. Moreover, the performance measures were almost identical for training and validation samples indicating that over-fitting was not a problem. In addition to model fit statistics, we used sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), accuracy, area under the receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve, and lift curve to assess the out-of-sample model performance. All these values are presented for different percentiles of young adults in terms of predicted risk in Table 7, similar to what was shown earlier for the employment model in Table 4. Table 7 presents sensitivity, specificity, PPV, and accuracy statistics for different cutoff points for the validation (out-ofsample) cohort. These statistics were explained earlier for Table 4. The first column of Table 7 shows the percentile of young adults sorted by descending order of predicted probability of becoming persistently homeless, shown in the second column. Percentiles are computed based on 78 Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness the total population of the validation sample, 239,555. For example, the first row shows the results for the top 1 percent or the first percentile and the sixth row shows the measures for the top 15 percent or the first decile. If the top 3 percent of persons at risk of becoming persistently homeless are considered, we see that the model identifies approximately 7,300 individuals who are predicted to become persistent homeless in the future. We know that out of 333,000 employment spells in the validation sample, approximately 19,600 of them became persistent homeless in the future (8.2 percent). The probability threshold is 59.7 percent. Twenty-four percent sensitivity shows that the model captured 23.8 percent of the 19,600 when targeting the top 3 percent, which is quite impressive. The 1specificity value is only 1.2 percent verifying that the model correctly identifies 99 percent of those who do not become persistently homeless in the future. Table 7: Predictive Performance of the Young Adult Model (Validation Results) Percentile Probability Sensitivity 1 - Specificity Accuracy PPV Cumulative Population 1 0.7595 8.80% 0.30% 92.30% 72.32% 2,392 2 0.6505 16.40% 0.70% 92.50% 67.10% 4,796 3 0.5970 23.80% 1.20% 92.70% 63.87% 7,305 5 0.4705 35.10% 2.30% 92.60% 57.53% 11,977 11 0.2280 60.10% 7.00% 90.30% 43.36% 27,176 15 0.1240 69.00% 10.20% 88.10% 37.70% 35,917 20 0.0800 76.40% 14.80% 84.50% 31.57% 47,452 30 0.0430 86.50% 24.80% 76.10% 23.73% 71,451 41 0.0275 90.80% 36.40% 65.80% 18.19% 97,947 55 0.0245 94.80% 52.00% 51.90% 13.99% 132,882 91 0.0165 99.20% 90.60% 16.80% 8.89% 218,685 100 0.0035 100.00% 100.00% 8.20% 8.19% 239,555 The PPV value of 63.9 percent and accuracy value of 92.7 percent for the top 3 percent are also very high. The model achieves a PPV result of almost 64 percent, meaning that out of 7,300 persons that the model predicted to be persistently homeless, almost two thirds are true positives and the remaining one-third are false positives. If we consider 7,300 randomly chosen persons, the PPV value would be only 8.2 percent, which is the ratio of true positives to the population size. This means that a random selection without using any knowledge or model would yield only 8.2 percent true positives. The remaining 91.8 percent would be false positives. When we compare this number to the model PPV for 7,300 persons (64 percent), we get a ratio of 8 which shows that the Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness 79 model is performing 8 times better than random selection at the 3 percent threshold. This measure is known as the lift of a model. Similar to the employment model, this model is also highly accurate in distinguishing persistently homeless individuals from others. However, it is still necessary to calibrate the probability cut-off level that will be used to determine who within the targeted population will be offered the intervention. Insights for making this decision are shown in Table 8, which provides the number of false and true positives at different probability levels. In many interventions the selection of the threshold is based on the capacity and funding of the program. Hence, for example, if the program has the capacity to serve 12,000 persons, then the appropriate threshold would be .4705. If the target is around 5,000 then the threshold would be .6505. The numbers show that the model performs very well for the top 5 percent and fairly well for the top decile (10 percent). For the top 5 percent, 57.5 percent of the targeted 11,977 persons were true positives. The PPV value drops to below 50 percent at the 10th percentile. Table 8: Prediction Performance showing Predicted Homeless Populations Cumulative Percentile Probability Population Homeless True False False Positives Positives Positives PPV Adjusted PPV 0 NA 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 1 0.7595 2,392 1,730 662 338 72.32% 86.5% 2 0.6505 4,796 3,218 1,578 711 67.10% 81.9% 3 0.5970 7,305 4,666 2,639 1,160 63.87% 79.8% 5 0.4705 11,977 6,890 5,087 1,798 57.53% 72.5% 11 0.2280 27,176 11,784 15,392 4,422 43.36% 59.6% 15 0.1240 35,917 13,539 22,378 6,366 37.70% 55.4% 20 0.0800 47,452 14,980 32,472 8,829 31.57% 50.2% 30 0.0430 71,451 16,955 54,496 12,814 23.73% 41.7% 41 0.0275 97,947 17,812 80,135 15,300 18.19% 33.8% 55 0.0245 132,882 18,589 114,293 17,879 13.99% 27.4% 91 0.0165 218,685 19,451 199,234 21,010 8.89% 18.5% 100 0.0035 239,555 19,608 219,947 21,492 8.19% 17.2% Table 8 also includes a column labeled “Homeless False Positives”, which represents false positives that fell short of becoming persistently homeless in the next 3 years but were observed to be homeless starting from the sixth month after entering adulthood while in aid. They had one homeless episode lasting less than a year in the three years following their entry into 80 Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness adulthood. Figure 51: Prediction Results for Young Adults becoming When we add Persistently Homeless in the Next 3 Years ROC Curve: Area Under the Curve = 0.88 these numbers to true positives, PPV values shown as “Adjusted PPV” values increase significantly. At the top 3 Model Result percent threshold, Random Result approximately 80 percent of persons were observed to be homeless after their first month as young adults in aid. At the 11th percentile threshold PPV increases from 43 percent to 60 percent. Hence, the data shows that at high thresholds the model identifies future persistently homeless individuals accurately. Furthermore, a significant proportion of false positives also become homeless with a risk of becoming persistently homeless after 3 years. ROC Curve and Lift Curves for the Young Adult Model The ROC curve for the young adult model is shown in Figure 51. Our model generated a very high AUC of 0.88 for the validation sample, indicating an 88 percent probability that a randomly selected unemployed person who becomes persistently homeless in the future will receive a higher model score than a randomly selected homeless person who does not become persistently homeless in the future. The lift curve of the young adult model for all thresholds is presented in Figure 52. The lift provided by the model is presented against the baseline lift of 1, which represents random results. It is quite high for cases with a high probability of being in the persistently homeless group. For example, for the top 5 percent, the model generates a lift of 6.5. This means that the model identifies 6.5 times more future persistently homeless persons (true positives) than random selection. Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness 81 Figure 52: Lift Chart for Young Adult Predictive Model 10 9 8 7 Lift 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 5 11 15 20 30 41 55 91 100 Percent of Young Adults Above the Probability Cut-off Point At slightly lower thresholds, such as the top 10 percent, lift drops to 5.3 because to classify more true positives we have to accept a larger share of false positives. The overall prediction results from the employment model are shown in Figure 53, based on the percent of screened young adults who are above the cut-off level for services (bottom axis). The model correctly identifies roughly 90 percent of young adults who do not become persistently homeless – true negatives. The remaining one-tenth of cases include young adults whose futures are less clear. Figure 53: Predictive Results from Young Adult Model by Probability Cut-Off Level 100% True Positive Percent of Young Adult Model Predictions 90% 80% False Negative 70% False Positive 60% True Negative 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% Percent of Young Adults Above the Probability Cut-Off 82 Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness 9% 10% The higher cut-off level for probability scores used to target young adults for services, the more accurate these predictions are. However, since eight percent of young adults are known are known to become persistently homeless, cut-off levels that include fewer than eight percent of young adults necessarily produce false negatives – youth who become persistently homeless but are not targeted for services. As the probability cut-off level drops to capture a larger share of youth who become persistently homeless, the share of false negatives decreases, but the share of incorrectly targeted workers, or false positives, increases. The ratio of young adults who become persistently homeless and are correctly targeted for services (true positives) versus young adults from the same cohort who are incorrectly excluded from services (false negatives) is equal when seven percent of screened young adults are above the probability cut-off – a cut-off value of 0.32. The performance of the two predictive models was evaluated using data sets different from those used to develop the models. This was done to be sure that the models performed well for the overall populations they will be used to screen and that their accuracy was not limited to the specific data sets used to develop the models. A variety of statistical tests all demonstrated that both models perform very well and are highly accurate. Conclusions Both predictive models are very accurate and particularly strong when using high probability cutoff levels, generating small numbers of false positives and high numbers of true positives. A key strength of the models is that the accuracy of predictions was validated using three years of postprediction data. Another key strength is that the models are transparent and identify distinctive attributes of high-cost individuals. The results confirm that local public costs for targeted individuals are likely to be high and to increase over time. In the absence of broadly representative, local longitudinal data that is linked across service providers and that that can be used to develop tools comparable to those presented in this report, it is reasonable to use these screening tools in metropolitan areas throughout the United States. The study population used to develop these tools includes everyone who was homeless during fifteen years, a total of over one million people, in the most populous county in the United States. The large and broadly representative study population used to develop these tools can reasonable be assumed to share many of the attributes and face many of the same obstacles as their counterparts in other urban centers. Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness 83 The screening tools can be reconfigured to use locally available data and still retain a high level of accuracy, provided that key attributes of individuals are addressed. This includes demographic characteristics, homeless and employment histories, and use of services provided by the health, behavioral health, social service, and justice systems. The tools are particularly useful for prioritizing unemployed workers and young adults for services because each individual who is screened is given a probability of becoming persistently homeless. These probabilities can be used to rank everyone who is screened for access to services. Prioritizing individuals for access to early, comprehensive interventions is important because the resources that are most effective for preventing homelessness, including subsidized housing and employment, are scarce in relation to the demand for those resources. The purpose of the models is to target individuals for additional help, so there are no adverse consequences to individuals if they are incorrectly targeted. The optimal probability cutoff level for individuals who will be targeted for services is not simply an empirical decision. One important factor is program capacity for helping unemployed workers obtain new jobs and for helping young adults make a successful transition into adulthood. Another factor is the extent to which costs avoided by averting persistent homelessness will be relied upon to fund delivery of services. Both models are system-based tools. Depending on the model, they require information about healthcare, justice system involvement, foster care, employment, homeless history, and demographics that is available only from those institutional systems. Cooperation of public agencies is necessary to protect the privacy of personal information while providing the data required for the tools. Because of the level of effort required to obtain and integrate the necessary data, the most efficient use of the tool is for regular, ongoing system-wide screening of linked records rather than screening clients individually. By predicting how likely each person in the entire identified population of homeless resident is to become persistently homeless, it is possible to prioritize individuals for access to the scarce supply of services. Because the tools do not correctly identify all high-risk individuals, the screening process should include an option to override the probability score based on the judgment of service providers. Allowing overrides permits service providers to adapt to changing populations and conditions and to be responsive to unique circumstances. The descriptive information in this report and the factors used in the predictive models provide extensive information about the characteristics and needs of individuals who become persistently homeless. This 84 Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness information identifies needs that should be addressed but it does not define the program models for addressing those needs. Programs models should be structured using evidence-based findings about best practices for helping unemployed workers obtain sustaining employment and helping high-risk young adults make a successful transition to adulthood. The strong validation results for these models show that it is possible to develop many other predictive models that will target other homeless groups for specific types of interventions. Each model is likely to provide rifle-shot targeting because discrete population groups with distinctive attributes are needed to produce accurate predictive results. An updated typology of homelessness that breaks out distinct homeless trajectories will be valuable for mapping the full range of groups that should be targeted for interventions that will minimize the harm, cost and duration of homelessness. Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness 85 86 Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness Social Security Board Records Office, Baltimore, Maryland, 1937. Courtesy of PICRYL. Appendix Tables ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Early Intervention to Prevent Persistent Homelessness 87 Table A-1: Cost Factors for Local Public Services in 2017 Dollars Service Outpatient visit to Los Angeles County Department of Health Services (DHS) outpatient clinic Emergency room visit to DHS hospital Source $823 Los Angeles County $1,213 Los Angeles County $9,158.35 Average OSHPD records for Los Angeles County DHS hospitals in 2014, adjusted to 2017 dollars. This study used varying average costs based on 3-digit ICD-9 diagnosis. Ratio of total private hospital inpatient cost to total Los Angeles County DHS inpatient cost 1.82 OSHPD records for Los Angeles County general hospitals in 2014. 1 emergency medical transportation trip to hospital $553 Cost data from Santa Clara County adjusted to 2017 dollars. The ratios of trips to hospital encounters are: 0.2327 trips per emergency room visit; 0.1711 trips per inpatient admission; and .0618 trips per psychiatric encounter. 1 inpatient day at DHS hospital Outpatient visit to Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health (DMH) $217.44 Average Los Angeles County. Service cost varies by provider. 1 day of residential care by DMH $115 Los Angeles County 1 day of acute inpatient care by DMH $600 Los Angeles County $55 Los Angeles County 1 day DPH substance abuse residential program $115 Los Angeles County 1 day DPH substance abuse detox program $375 Los Angeles County Outpatient visit to Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (DPH) substance abuse treatment program 1 month of Los Angeles County Department of Public Social Services (DPSS) food stamp/SNAP/Cal Fresh benefits $139.66 Food Stamp Program Participation and Benefit Issuance Report (DFA 256) 1 month of DPSS Medi-Cal benefits $644.45 Los Angeles County 2017-18 Budget, Analysis of the Medi-Cal Budget (includes local administrative cost) 1 month of DPSS General Relief assistance $202.85 California Department of Social Services GR 237 report 1 month of DPSS CalWORKs assistance per person in caseload $225.48 California Department of Social Services CalWORKs Annual Summary DPSS administrative cost 1 month of foster care services 30% of budget, 0.431 ratio to benefits $2,139 Los Angeles County 2018-19 Recommended Budget Volume I (Medi-Cal benefits excluded) California Department of Social Services 1 service encounter funded by the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) $40 Los Angeles County 1 night of emergency or temporary housing funded by LAHSA $40 Los Angeles County Arrest by police Jail booking by Los Angeles County Sheriff Department Court cost $405 $662.37 $110 Los Angeles County Sheriff Department hourly patrol rate of $135 x 3 hours Los Angeles County Cost data from Santa Clara County adjusted to 2017 dollars – average cost excluding jury trials. 1 day of incarceration in general jail facility $99.42 Los Angeles County 1 day of incarceration in jail medical facility $1,309.17 Los Angeles County 1 day of incarceration in jail mental health facility $1,309.17 Los Angeles County $555 Los Angeles County 1 month of adult probation 88 Cost Persistent Homelessness and Early Interventions Table A-2: List of Potential Factors to Predict Persistent Homeless Persons Employment Young Adult Model Model Model Variables 2nd Final 2nd Final Demographic and Household Factors Round Model Round Model Age Gender Ethnicity Marital Status Household Type Homelessness Factors (-1, -2, -5 years) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ If homeless Number of Months of Homelessness If homeless Month before Unemployment If homeless as an young adult in aid ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Employment and Earnings (-1, -2, -5 years) Number of Months Employed ✔ ✔ ✔ If Employed ✔ ✔ ✔ Duration of the most recent Employment ✔ ✔ ✔ The ranking of the employment spell ✔ ✔ Average Earnings ✔ ✔ ✔ Maximum Earnings ✔ ✔ ✔ The year became unemployed ✔ ✔ Health Diagnoses (-1, -2 years) 001-139 Infections and Parasitic 042 HIV Disease 140-239 Neoplasms ✔ 240-279 Endocrine and Metabolic and Immune ✔ 250 Diabetes 280-289 Blood and Blood Organs ✔ 290-319 Mental Health Disorders 291 Alcohol-induced Mental Illness ✔ 292 Drug-induced Mental Illness 295 Schizophrenic Disorders ✔ 296 Episodic Mood Disorders 298 Other Nonorganic Psychoses ✔ 311 Depressive Disorders 309 Adjustment Reaction 303-5 Alcohol and drug dependence 320-389 Nervous System ✔ 390-459 Circulatory System ✔ 402-429 Heart Disease 451-459 Vein and lymphatic Disease 460-519 Respiratory System ✔ 470-478 Other Disease-Upper Respiratory Tract Persistent Homelessness and Early Interventions 89 Employment Young Adult Model Model Model Variables Demographic and Household Factors 2nd Final 2nd Final Round Model Round Model 480-488 Pneumonia and Influenza 490-496 Chronic Pulmonary Disease ✔ 520-579 Digestive System 569-73 and 76-78 and 85-94 and 96 liver, pancreas, intestines and kidneys 580-629 Genitourinary System ✔ 590-599, 614-616 Urinary Disease 680-709 Skin and Subcutaneous 710-739 Musculoskeletal System ✔ 780-799 Ill-defined Conditions 799 Other ill-defined and unknown causes of morbidity and mortality 800-999 Injury and Poisoning ✔ ✔ V01-V89 Factors Influencing Health Health and Behavioral Health Services (-1, -2 years) If any Emergency Medical Service (EMS) encounters ✔ ✔ ✔ Number of EMS encounters If any hospital inpatient admissions ✔ Number of hospital inpatient admissions If any outpatient hospital/clinic visits ✔ ✔ Number of outpatient hospital/clinic visits ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ If any Private Public Partnership (PPP) clinic visits Number of PPP clinic visits Days of hospital inpatient stays Any service received from Health Services ✔ ✔ If disabled at the time of unemployment/adolescence youth ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ If any outpatient visit with mental health targeted services ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Number of outpatient visits with mental health targeted services If any Mental Health admission for Acute Care or Residential Treatment Number of Mental Health admissions for Acute Care or Residential Treatment Days of Mental Health services for Acute Care or Residential Treatment Any service received from Mental Health Services If any Mental Health outpatient admission If any Alcohol and Drug Abuse (ADA) outpatient visits ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Number of ADA outpatient visits If any ADA residential services ✔ Months of ADA residential services If any detox treatments Number of detox treatments If any narcotic treatment Number of narcotic treatments Days of detox treatments 90 Persistent Homelessness and Early Interventions ✔ ✔ ✔ Employment Young Adult Model Model Model Variables Demographic and Household Factors 2nd Final 2nd Final Round Model Round Model ✔ ✔ ✔ Days of ADA residential services ✔ Days of narcotic treatments ✔ Any service received from Public Health Services ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Number of days in jail ✔ ✔ ✔ If housed in medical or mental health facilities ✔ Criminal Justice (-1, -2 years) If in probation Days of probation Frequency of probation times If arrested Number of arrests ✔ Number of days in medical or mental health facilities Social services If aided at the time of Unemployment ✔ ✔ ✔ If cash aided at the time of Adolescence Youth in aid Disability history while on aid ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ If needed mental health services while on aid Number of months with disability while on aid Foster Care If history of foster care ✔ ✔ Persistent Homelessness and Early Interventions 91 Table A-3: Averages of Model Variables for Persistent Homeless Persons and the Rest of the Population (Other) for the Employment Model Persistently Variable Homeless Other Age 18-40 (Percent) 62% 65.5% Age 41-57 (Percent) 34.3% 28.4% Age 58+ (Percent) 3.7% 6% Male (Percent) 62.3% 45.2% Demographics and Household Female (percent) 37.7% 54.8% African American (Percent) 44.5% 18.2% Alaskan American and American Indian (Percent) 1.4% 0.4% Hispanic (Percent) 37.1% 56.3% Other Ethnicity (Percent) 2.4% 10.0% European American (Percent) 14.6% 15.1% 78% 30% 4% 25% Other than single and married individuals (percent) 12.7% 8.3% Single individuals 83.3% 66.7% Single individual household at time of unemployment (percent) Family households at the time of unemployment (percent) Married individuals (percent) Employment and Earnings 74% 68% Employed one to two years earlier (Percent) 59.4% 71.5% Employed three to five years earlier (Percent) 62.3% 67.5% Months employed last year (Median) 9 12 Months employed in three to five years earlier (Mean) 10 13 Duration of the most recent employment (Median Months) 7 13 If the first unemployment (percent) 74% 68% Average earnings last year (median) $469 $1,060 Maximum earnings last year (median) $701 $1,465 42.5% 4% Homeless one to two years earlier (Percent) 29% 3.5% Homeless three to five years earlier (Percent) 34% 6.2% Homelessness Homeless last year (Percent) Months of homelessness three to five years earlier (Mean) 3.55 .05 Homeless month before unemployment started (Percent) 29.5% 1.7% 8.9% 3.4% .5 .3 14% 8% 15.6% 3.8% Disabled at the time of Unemployment (percent) 27% 6.2% Mental Health Outpatient Service encounter last year (Percent) 4.5% 1.5% Number of alcohol and substance abuse services last year (mean) .08 .01 1.1% .1% Health and Behavioral Health Emergency Medical Service encounter this year (Percent) Number of Outpatient Admissions to Hospitals last year (mean) Outpatient Admissions to Hospitals last year (Percent) Disability History (Percent) Detox services (percent) Criminal Justice 92 Persistent Homelessness and Early Interventions Persistently Variable Homeless Other 7.2 1.6 Jailed in last year (percent) 21.7% 4.8% Jailed in one to two years earlier (percent) 18.3% 4.2% In probation last year (percent) 9.4% 2.2% Cash aid at the time of unemployment (percent) 42.3% 13% Not aided at the time of unemployment 15.6% 12% Non-cash aid at the time of unemployment (percent) 42.1% 75% Number of days in jail last year (mean) Social Services Persistent Homelessness and Early Interventions 93 Table A-4: Logistic Regression Adjusted Odds Ratios, Parameter Estimates and Types of Predictor Variables for the Employment Model Variable Variable Type Intercept Parameter Estimate Odds Ratio -3.144 Demographics and Household Age 18-57 Nominal .5896 Age 58+ (Reference Group) Nominal 0 Male Female (Reference Group) Binary Binary .1531 0 1.8 1 1.17 1 African American Nominal .5298 1.7 Alaskan American and American Indian Nominal .7198 2.05 Hispanic Nominal .1422 1.15 Other Ethnicity Nominal -.5671 .57 European American (Reference Group) Nominal 0 Single individual household at time of unemployment Family households at the time of unemployment (Reference Group) Binary Binary 1.0027 0 1 2.73 1 Married individuals Nominal -.9007 .41 Other than single and married individuals Nominal .0923 1.1 Single individuals (Reference Group) Nominal 0 1 Employment Employed one to two years earlier Binary .0553 1.06 Employed three to five years earlier Binary .2406 1.27 Months employed last year Interval -.0191 .981 Months employed in three to five years earlier Interval -.0089 .991 Duration of the most recent employment Interval -.0062 .994 Each additional unemployment spell Ordinal .0428 1.04 Average earnings last year (unit=$100) Interval -.0461 .954 Maximum earnings last year (unit=$100) Interval .0224 1.02 Homeless last year Binary 1.1987 3.32 Homeless one to two years earlier Binary .6638 1.94 Homeless three to five years earlier Binary .7159 2.05 Months of homelessness three to five years earlier Interval .0122 1.012 Homeless month before unemployment started Binary 1.0489 2.85 Emergency medical service encounter this year Binary .23197 1.26 Number of outpatient admissions to medical clinic last year Interval -.03396 .967 Outpatient admission to medical clinic last year Binary -.0859 .918 No disability history Binary .7266 2.07 Homelessness Health and Behavioral Health 94 Disabled at the time of unemployment Binary .6902 1.99 Mental health outpatient service encounter last year Binary .2092 1.23 Number of alcohol and substance abuse services last year Interval .0569 1.06 Detox services last year Binary .6326 1.88 Alcohol or substance abuse services 1 to 2 years earlier Binary .1163 1.12 Persistent Homelessness and Early Interventions Type Parameter Estimate Ratio Number of days in jail last year (unit=10) Interval -.0192 .981 Jailed in last year Binary .5714 1.77 Jailed in one to two years earlier Binary .2053 1.23 In probation last year Binary .0803 1.08 Cash aid at the time of unemployment Nominal .3124 1.37 Not aided at the time of unemployment Nominal .9371 2.55 Non-cash aid at the time of unemployment (Reference Group) Nominal 0 Variable Variable Odds Criminal Justice Social Services 1 Persistent Homelessness and Early Interventions 95 Table A-5: Effect Summary Report for the Employment Model Source 96 LogWorth Effect Summary PValue Household status 670.178 0.00000 Type of aid 399.822 0.00000 Homeless last month 314.383 0.00000 Homeless last year 270.976 0.00000 Ethnicity 254.442 0.00000 Marital status 186.747 0.00000 Homeless 3-5 yrs. earlier 154.241 0.00000 Disabled 143.608 0.00000 Jailed last year 116.555 0.00000 Avg. earnings last year 101.950 0.00000 Disability history 77.411 0.00000 Age group 59.583 0.00000 Max earnings last year 54.999 0.00000 Number of unemp. spells 42.840 0.00000 Homeless 1-2 years earlier 39.281 0.00000 Jailed 1-2 years earlier 29.666 0.00000 Months employed 5 years 23.378 0.00000 Gender 20.662 0.00000 Employed 3-5 yrs. earlier 20.156 0.00000 Emergency med. last year 14.584 0.00000 Outpatient last year 14.416 0.00000 Jail days last year 12.497 0.00000 Months employed last yr. 11.681 0.00000 Employed 1-2 yrs. earlier 10.841 0.00000 Mths. hmls. 3-5 yrs. earlier 10.285 0.00000 On probation last year 5.953 0.00000 Detox services last year 4.411 0.00004 MH outpat. last year 2.539 0.00289 Alc. or SA srvs. last year 1.704 0.01977 Persistent Homelessness and Early Interventions Table A-6: Averages of Model Variables for Persistent Homeless Persons and the Rest of the Population (Other) for the Young Adult Model Variable Note: Time of adolescence refers to the first month in aid as a young adult Persistent Homeless Other African American 44.8% 13% Alaskan American and American Indian .75% .2% Hispanic 44.1% 71% Other Ethnicity 1.8% 6.8% European American (Reference Group) 8.5% 9% Employed before the time of adolescence 40.5% 29% Employed three to five years earlier 28.6% 18.9% Homeless last year 10.5% 1.4% Homeless one to two years earlier 6.4% 1% Demographics Employment Homelessness Homeless three to five years earlier 8.2% 2% Homeless at the time of adolescence 59.9% 7% Disabled at the time of adolescence 11.7% 2.1% Mental Health Outpatient Service encounter last year for the first time 3.1% 1.5% Mental Health Outpatient Service encounter more than 2 years earlier 2.9% 1.5% If any mental health service encounter last year 7.8% 3.2% If any mental health service encounter one to two years earlier 6.8% 2.8% If received alcohol and substance abuse services all 3 past years 1.8% .3% .4 .1 10.5% 2.6% Cash aid at the time of adolescence 30.6% 20.1 Non-cash aid at the time of adolescence (Reference Group) 69.4% 79.9 11.2% 3.5% Health and Behavioral Health Months of residential alcohol and substance abuse services last year Criminal Justice Jailed in last year Social Services Foster Care If history of foster care Persistent Homelessness and Early Interventions 97 Table A-7: Logistic Regression Adjusted Odds Ratios, Parameter Estimates and Types of Predictor Variables for the Young Adult Model Variable Note: Time of adolescence refers to the first month in aid as a young adult Variable Type Parameter Estimate -4.114 Nominal 1.2573 3.5 Nominal 1.076 2.93 Hispanic Nominal .0532 1.06 Other Ethnicity Nominal -.76135 .47 European American (Reference Group) Nominal 0 Intercept Odds Ratio Demographics African American Alaskan American and American Indian 1 Employment Employed before the time of adolescence Binary .4359 1.57 Employed three to five years earlier Binary .07697 1.09 Homeless last year Binary .3399 1.4 Homeless one to two years earlier Binary .4411 1.55 Homeless three to five years earlier Binary .6457 1.92 Binary 2.8416 17.1 Disabled at the time of adolescence Binary .7247 2.05 Mental Health Outpatient Service encounter last year for the first time Binary .2292 1.26 Mental Health Outpatient Service encounter more than 2 years earlier Binary .608 1.85 If any mental health service encounter last year Binary .4658 1.59 If any mental health service encounter one to two years earlier Binary .5535 1.75 Binary .7762 2.11 Interval -.0186 .98 Binary .6724 1.95 Cash aid at the time of adolescence Nominal .4116 1.52 Non-cash aid at the time of adolescence (Reference Group) Nominal 0 Nominal .8821 Homelessness Homeless at the time of adolescence Health and Behavioral Health If received alcohol and substance abuse services all 3 past years Months of residential alcohol and substance abuse services last year Criminal Justice Jailed in last year Social Services 1 Foster Care If history of foster care 98 Persistent Homelessness and Early Interventions 2.416 Table A-8: Effect Summary Report for the Young Adult Model Source LogWorth Effect Summary PValue Homeless at the time of adolescence 887.493 0.00000 Ethnicity 234.362 0.00000 Cash aid 96.346 0.00000 Disabled 82.872 0.00000 History of foster care 63.264 0.00000 Arrested last year 60.715 0.00000 Employed before 50.828 0.00000 Homeless 3-5 years earlier 46.944 0.00000 MH services 1-2 years earlier 25.156 0.00000 MH outpatient enc. last year 22.464 0.00000 Homeless 1-2 years earlier 18.835 0.00000 SA res. serv. duration last year 15.458 0.00000 Homeless last year 9.918 0.00000 SA services last 3 years 7.608 0.00000 MH services last year 5.079 0.00001 First time MH services last year 3.328 0.00047 Employed 3-5 years earlier 0.812 0.03401 Persistent Homelessness and Early Interventions 99 Table A-9: IDC-9-CM Medical Diagnostic Codes Used to Identify Substance Abuse Diagnostic ICD-9-CM Category Code Alcohol withdrawal delirium Description 291.1 Alcohol-induced persisting amnestic disorder 291.2 Alcohol-induced persisting dementia 291.3 Alcohol-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations 291.4 Idiosyncratic alcohol intoxication 291.5 Alcohol-induced psychotic disorder with delusions 291.8 Other specified alcohol-induced mental disorders 291.81 Alcohol withdrawal 291.82 Alcohol-induced sleep disorders 291.89 Other alcohol-induced disorders 291.9 Unspecified alcohol-induced mental disorders 303.00–303.03 Acute alcohol intoxication 303.90–303.93 Other and unspecified alcohol dependence 305.00–305.03 Alcohol abuse 357.5 Alcoholic polyneuropathy 425.5 Alcoholic cardiomyopathy 535.30, 535.31 571 Alcoholic gastritis Alcoholic fatty liver 571.1 Acute alcoholic hepatitis 571.2 Alcoholic cirrhosis of liver 571.3 Alcoholic liver damage, unspecified E860.0 Alcoholic beverages poisoning Amphetamines 304.40–304.43 Amphetamines dependence 305.70–305.73 Nondependent amphetamine abuse 304.30–304.33 Cannabis dependence 305.20–305.23 Nondependent cannabis abuse 304.20–304.23 Cocaine dependence 305.60–305.63 Nondependent cocaine abuse Cannabis Cocaine 968.5 Poisoning by cocaine E938.5 Cocaine, adverse effects Drug-induced mental disorders 292 292.11 Drug-induced psychotic disorder with delusions 292.12 Drug-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations 292.2 100 Drug withdrawal Pathological drug intoxication 292.81 Drug-induced delirium 292.82 Drug-induced persistent dementia 292.83 Drug-induced persistent amnestic disorder 292.84 Drug-induced mood disorder 292.85 Drug-induced sleep disorders Persistent Homelessness and Early Interventions Diagnostic Category ICD-9-CM Code 292.89 292.9 Description Other drug-induced mental disorder Unspecified drug-induced mental disorder Hallucinogens 304.50–304.53 Hallucinogen dependence 305.30–305.33 Nondependent hallucinogen abuse 969.6 Poisoning by hallucinogens (psychodysleptics) E854.1 Accidental poisoning by hallucinogens (psychodysleptics) E939.6 Hallucinogens, adverse effects Opioids 304.00–304.03 Opioid type dependence 304.70–304.73 Combinations of opioids with any other 305.50–305.53 Nondependent opioid abuse 965 Poisoning by opium 965.01 Poisoning by heroin 965.02 Poisoning by methadone 965.09 Poisoning by other opiates and related narcotics E850.0 Heroin poisoning E935.0 Heroin, adverse effects Sedatives, hypnotics, anxiolytics, tranquilizers, barbiturates 304.10–304.13 Sedatives, hypnotics, or anxiolytic dependence 305.40–305.43 Nondependent sedative, hypnotic, or anxiolytic abuse 304.60–304.63 Other, specified drug dependence 304.80–304.83 Combinations excluding opioids 304.90–304.93 Unspecified drug dependence 305.90–305.93 Other, mixed or unspecified drug abuse 648.30–648.34 Drug dependence complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium Other V654.2 Counseling, substance use Persistent Homelessness and Early Interventions 101 102 Persistent Homelessness and Early Interventions End Notes It should be noted that the population shown in Figure 2 differs somewhat from those in the following studies in that it shows the age distribution when individuals were first homeless rather than the age distribution of the point-in-time population. Culhane, D., S. Metraux, T. Byrne, M. Stino, J. Bainbridge. 2013. The Age Structure of Contemporary Homelessness: Evidence and Implications For Public Policy, Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy 13(1) December 2013. See also: Culhane, D., S. Metraux, T. Byrne. 2013. Aging Trends in Homeless Populations. Contexts 12(2): pp. 66-68 (May 2013). This research studied 22 years of New York City shelter records, combined with the 2010, 2000 and 1990 U.S. Census of Population and Housing. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/1536504213487702 1 The administrative records used for this study include only binary gender categories, so it is not possible to identify individuals using categories other than female and male. 2 A report released by the Economic Roundtable in 2015 (All Alone: Antecedents of Chronic Homelessness, p.12, https://economicrt.org/publication/all-alone/) put the average monthly number of entrants into homelessness at 13,300. This report puts the number lower, at 10,900, for two reasons. First, extensive effort was made to de-duplicate records, which reduced number of people identified as having experienced homelessness. Second, a more conservative indictor of homelessness was used – whether a public benefits recipient used the address of an office of the Los Angeles County Department of Public Social Services as their address, rather than whether they had a homeless flag in their record. The address criteria was preferable for this report because it is more reliable for determining the duration of homelessness. 3 Another such study is: Metraux, S., J. Fargo, N. Eng and D. Culhane. 2018. “Employment and Earnings Trajectories During Two Decades Among Adults in New York City Homeless Shelters” Cityscape, Vol. 20, No. 2, The Housing-Health Connection (2018), pp. 173-202. 4 These ethnic categories roll up more detailed categories as follows. African American includes individuals identified as African American or Black. Asian American / Pacific Islander includes individuals identified as Cambodian, Chinese, Filipino, Guamanian, Hawaiian, Japanese, Korean, Laotian, Samoan, Vietnamese, and Other Asian. European American includes individuals identified as White (not of Hispanic origin). Latino includes individuals identified as Hispanic. Native American includes individuals identified as American Indian or Alaska Native. Other includes individuals identified as Other, Unknown or Unspecified. 5 Johnson, G., Scutella, R., Tseng, Y., Wood G. 2018. “How do housing and labour markets affect individual homelessness?” Housing Studies, November 2018. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/328797374_How_do_housing_and_labour_ma rkets_affect_individual_homelessness 6 Metraux, S., J. Fargo, N. Eng and D. Culhane. 2018. “Employment and Earnings Trajectories During Two Decades Among Adults in New York City Homeless Shelters” Cityscape, Vol. 20, No. 2, The Housing-Health Connection (2018), pp. 173-202. 7 Fargo, J., N. Eng, S. Metraux, D. Culhane. 2010. Trends in earnings and employment before and after the first instance of homelessness: A multi-cohort analysis (conference paper). 138th APHA Annual Meeting and Exposition, November 2010. 8 Persistent Homelessness and Early Interventions 103 At some point within the 14-year time window provided by public benefits records, one-fifth (22 percent) of workers had flags in their records indicating a disability. The prevalence of these flags increased with age. One-fifth (21 percent) of these disability flags were removed within three years. This indicates that at some point in their public benefits histories, 17 percent of workers were identified as having persistent disabilities. Among workers with disability flags, 23 percent also had a NSA (needs special assistance) flag indicating a mental disability. 9 Zuvekas, S and Hil, S. Income and employment among homeless people: the role of mental health, health and substance abuse. The Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics: 30 April 2001 https://doi.org/10.1002/mhp.94 10 Poremski, Daniel and Hwang, Stephen. (2016). “Willingness of Housing First Participants to Consider Supported-Employment Services.” Psychiatric Services (Washington, D.C.). 67. appips201500140. DOI: 10.1176/appi.ps.201500140. 11 12 Barnow, B. S., Buck, A., O’Brien, K., Pecora, P., Ellis, M. L., and Steiner, E. (2015). “Effective services for improving education and employment outcomes for children and alumni of foster care service: Correlates and educational and employment outcomes.” Child and Family Social Work, 20(2), 159–170. Four-fifths (81 percent) of the foster youth in the study population emancipated into adulthood at 18 years of age, before AB 12 took effect, and one-fifth (19 percent) were eligible for extended support until they became 21 years of age. Consequently, foster care data in this report that does not break out the pre- and post-AB 12 cohorts is skewed toward youth who did not receive extended foster care services. 13 Courtney, M. E., Okpych, N. J., & Park, S. (2018). Report from CalYOUTH: Findings on the relationship between extended foster care and youth’s outcomes at age 21. Chicago, IL: Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago., p. 12. 14 Milburn, N, E. Rice, M. Rotheram-Borus, S. Mallett, D. Rosenthal, P. Batterham, S. May, A. Witkin, and N. Duan. 2009. “Adolescents Exiting Homelessness Over Two Years: The Risk Amplification and Abatement Model” Journal of Research on Adolescence, December 1; 19(4): 762–785. 15 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 2017. HUD 2017 Continuum of Care homeless assistance programs homeless populations and subpopulations. Accessed on November 27, 2018, at https://www.hudexchange.info/resource/reportmanagement/published/CoC_PopSub_N atlTerrDC_2017.pdf 16 Toros, H. and Flaming, D. (2016). Identifying and Housing High-Cost Homeless Residents. Technical report. Economic Roundtable. Retrieved from https://economicrt.org/publication/ silicon-valley-triage-tool. 17 Toros, H. and Flaming, D. (2018). “Prioritizing Homeless Assistance Using Predictive Algorithms: An Evidence-Based Approach”. Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research 20 (1), pp: 117–146. Byrne, T.; Treglia, D.; Culhane, D. P.; Kuhn, J. and Kane, V. (2015). “Predictors of Homelessness Among Families and Single Adults After Exit From Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Programs: Evidence From the Department of Veterans Affairs Supportive Services for Veteran Families Program” Housing Policy Debate, DOI:10.1080/10511482.2015.1060249. 18 Chan, H.; Rice, E.; Vayanos, P.; Tambe, M. and Morton, M. (2017). “Evidemce from the Past: AI Decision Aids to Improve Housing systems for Homeless Youth” Proceedings of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) 2017 Fall Symposium 104 Persistent Homelessness and Early Interventions Series. Retrieved from http://www-bcf.usc.edu/~vayanou/papers/2017/AAAIsymposium2017evidence-past-ai-accepted.pdf. Shinn, M.; Greer, A. L.; Bainbridge, J.; Kwon, J. and Zuiderveen (2013). “Efficient Targeting of Homelessness Prevention Services for Families” American Journal of Public Health 103 (S2): pp. S324-S330. 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DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199957996.013.14. 22 LASSO (least absolute shrinkage and selection operator) is a regression analysis method that performs both variable selection and regularization in order to enhance the prediction accuracy and interpretability of the statistical model it produces. 23 In the traditional implementation of forward and backward selection, the statistic used to gauge improvement in fit is an F statistic that reflects an effect’s contribution to the model if it is included. At each step, the effect that yields the most significant F statistic is added or the predictor producing the least significant F statistic is dropped 24 Flom, P.L. and Cassell, D.L. (2009). “Stopping stepwise: Why stepwise and similar selection methods are bad, and what you should use” Retrieved from https://www.lexjansen.com/pnwsug/2008/DavidCassell-StoppingStepwise.pdf. 25 Dziak, J, Coffman, D., Lanza, S., Li, R. (2012). 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Cary, NC: SAS Institute. 33 When data is scarce, cross-validation or resampling methods such as bootstrapping and k-fold validation are preferred, but since they are computationally intensive and do not produce different results with large data sets, we used the hold-out sample approach. 34 Hosmer, D.W. and Lemeshow, S. (2000). Applied Logistic Regression (2nd ed.). New York: John Wiley and Sons. 35 Sensitivity = True Positive /(True Positive + False Negative); Specificity = True Negative /(False Positive + True Negative); PPV = True Positive /(True Positive + False Positive); Accuracy = (True Positive + True Negative) /All 36 Misclassification rate is often used as a performance measure, which is 1-correct classification rate. 37 Gonen, M. (2007). Analyzing Receiver Operating Characteristics with SAS. Cary, NC: SAS Press Series. 38 Couronne, R.; Probst, P. and Boulesteix, A-L. 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