.. ' i ., .•. .. , , .. • INFORMATIOI. =OUNCIL ...... f~ ... RETAILERS ~.;l( I II *= ... z .. . . . .. October, 1988 ...:: :: Dear Chief: · elson _;;~~~c~aelson Associates -~_.,_,_..,..,....., · . ...,.,.Working closely with the u.s. Department of Justice, the Fur Retailers Information Council has developed a directory of some 200 animal rights ~nd animal welfare organizations operatin~ in ~orth ~~ric~ which provides office addresses, names of officers and spokespersons, and a diary of incidents. ·We are also developing a database of enforcement information to show connections between individuals and groups involved in illegal activity. There has been an escalation of terrorist activity against furriers in recent months -- windows shot out, twice with customers in the store; paint splashed on storefronts, bomb . scares and death threats, and anti-Semitic slogans painted on windows. Thus the Council's commitment in assisting law enforcement agencies in bringing this violence to an end. Henry"'~o_lll!r ·--~~ Howa~aus ~J~e,._, Arth Himmel & ons --""''IP·"-· Myl~~er . · -rr~.,.:_~s; Ltd. -i~~~~~~.~ This data is available from the u.s. Department of Justice in Washington, D.c. · ·This Directory is also available from our Council, at no charge to law enforcement agencies. Highlights from our files: . Animal Liberation Front, founded in Great Britain in 1976 as a spin-off of the Band of Mercy. Methods are direct action: (a) rescue'animals from places where they are -:::!c;!~~"' suffering and (b) destroy or damage property used to cause ,......,....,:!?~ lc;l!olson ,.... d. .. ·· ... . . . suffering .to ~nimals, · in order to cause financial loss to tVlas e urners u•1 . . • l . ...-r: . -~ . · anJ.ma exp l OJ.. ters. .· · · · · ·· .-':'a. ,. · ·. . ·.... ·: . . ALF Handbook provided by ·u.s. Depar~ment of Justice w~ 0 ~ 1 ~Jl.4fci'"s~~- · ·i ·· provides detailed instruction on building· a firebomb, -~~·~c. breaking into resea:ch laboratories, and ~sing etching acid. Jirni~~ .a~d auto battery acJ.d. . .. :. . . .·· . :. "M~ · . · : · . .. ; .. ~~Two ALF .act;ivists were jailed this year ~n England for Al~mpq(lY. · ·.. fire-bombing three fur . stores i sentenced to up to four · . : ·. :. ,. .·· ~.......:~~~- -~~ · yea~s~. ~..:. scotl~nd·,.;xard ·has identified i;:heir:~·:orga~ization as · · · R.is~rth of $8 million. Shelter groups, devoted to finding homes for strays and . working towards.more humane treatment of farm and T Shapiro-20519 ··-: . '· •• .4 U.S. Depart. of Justice Office of Licuson Services Director Washington, D.C. 20530 May 20, 1987 .·!· b6 b7C DearD Thank you for your lette~ of May 11, 1987 following up on our telephone conversation during which you raised concerns about recent attacks on our nation's fur industry. I appreciate your bringing this issue to my attention. I encourage you to send to me any evidence you have indicating criminal activity committed by animal rights activists and I will immediately turn it over to the appropriate persons at the FBI for proper investigation. I am happy to be of assistance to the Fur Retailers Information Council. With best wishes, I am, Sincerel .- : ' :- b Mr. P J : -~ . . - .'• ~ : ........ ··-..-· . .··-· ...... - ....... ~ bi~c Relat~onsouncil Fur Retailers Information Council 101 West 30th Street Room 300 New York, New York 10001 ~'11..!J~ _., '··-·· 1;9!14 :.._ ..... '] ·- ~ Shapiro-20520 • ~ t·,A tl ........... .,., • .:1 ' ··~' ,- · I •- :~ ,'...-• b6 b7C