JOHN H, uwm, SINGER mum G.WBLF LYNDA a 00mm" PAUL soszL mama E. wEle'rEN EVAN SPIEGEL TODD 5 atom. a aqswl.fin. HARY LAVELY 8C SINGER "Magma" cuwvawAflDN 7. HARMAN AT LAW JONEUS 511le 2400 wuss; HENLEVJ HANSEN 2m csNruRv max EASY JAKE A LOS ANGELES A soue7 ms TELEPHONE mo) ssaasor FACSIMILE 131m 556 news Lmusmozmw >4sz L, 5er, February 6. 2019 WA EMAIL. U.S. MAIL Re: Robbins Research lnt'l. lnc.l Our File No.1470-281 Dear This letter is in furtherance of my prior correspondence to you concerning our client, You have failed to respond to my prior requests that Mr. preserve an maintain all written and electronic communications with all persons affiliated with BuzzFeed, including all emails. text messa es and social media communications. Accordingly, I can only assume that Mr. intends to destroy or delete evidence of his communications with BuzzFeed. As stated by my prior correspondence, such conduct by Mr. -would violate California law. In addition, we are informed that Mr. -met with BuzzFeed reporter, Jane Bradley. last week in Florida. We have likewise demanded that BuzzFeed maintain and retain all communications between Jane Bradley and Katie Baker of BuzzFeed with Mr.- includin any recording of the communications that Ms. Bradley may have made with Mr. during their meeting last week. I trust that you will advise your client accordingly. All rights, claims and remedies on behalf of our client are reserved. LAV PR ESSIONALC RPORATION