CASE SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT I ?133190 I Case id: 11580050 3510 S. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60653 (For use by Chicago Police -Bureau ollnvesligalive Services Personnel Only) Sup id: 13088479 CASR339 PROGRESS DETECTIVE SUP. APPROVAL COMPLETE I 2 Last Offense Classn?IcaIIon .. . NUCR Code OrMOffens-e CIaSSIfCatron . . . . IUCR Code PUBLIC PEACE VIOLATION I other Violation 2890 BATTERY I Agg: Hands/Flst/Feet 0440 '2 Injury 5 5992.9999299?999?299 .. .. Bealofom 340 NORTH WATER ST 3900 1834 1 2 1 . LocatlonTvve .. . LocatonCOde gemnd?mocauon Apartment 090 N0 ?Occurrence . . 2929222999999. .992? RP. 2019 02: 00 1823R 29 JAN 2018 02: 42 NO NO NO Report's! 9992:. SPINO ?22.99. anaw Detect'veAss'gned HAGEN Richard 20606 2HALEEM, Morad 1280 2MURRAY. Kimberly 20808 Date Submitted gDate Approved g'Assignment Iype . - .. - 18:18 . - Iii-:10 THIS IS A FIELD INVESTIGATION PROGRESS REPORT CITY OF CHICAGO TYPE: Government BUS: 5101 Wentworth Ave Chicago IL 60609 312-747-8380 OFFENDERISI SMOLLETT, Jussie -- In Custody-- Male! lac ISG Years 982 DOB: DESCRIPTION: 5'11. 175. Black Hair, Fade Hair Style, Brown Eyes, Light Corn lexion RES: EMPLOYMENT: ACTOR DLNIID: CB 19771648 RELATIONSHIP OF VICTIM TO OFFENDER: CITY OF CHICAGO - NO Relationship 8 ITEM USED: 3 Not Applicable 2.: LOCATION OF 3. INCIDENT: DATE TIME OF 29-JAN-2019 02:00 INCIDENT: Printed on: 27-MAR-2019 07:38 Page: 1 of4 Printed By: EDWARDS, Peter- JC133190 DETECTIVE SUP. APPROVAL COMPLETE MOTIVE Undetermined CAUSE Other METHOD Dna CAU Dna PERSONNEL I Assistinq Detectivei?fouth Inv. ASSIGNED: VOGENTHALER, Michael 20390 THEIS. Michael 21217 Detectiveiltwestiqater CECCHIN, Vincent 20091 MURRAY, Kimberly 20808 Reportinq Officer BAIG, Muhammad 0 #14926 BEAT: 1823R Male Black I 27 Years DOB: _1991 DESCRIPTION: 5'08,175,Black Hair. Short Hair Style. Brown Eyes. Dark Complexion RES: OTHER Cellular Phone: CRIME CODE SUMMARY: IUCR ASSOCIATIONS: INCIDENT NOTIFICATION: Male Black I 25 Years DOB: .993 DESCRIPTION: 6'00,185,Black Hair, Fade Hair Style, Brown Eyes. Dark Complexion OTHER COMMUNIC Cellular Phone: mum: 2890 - Public Peace Violation - Other Violation 28_90_? Public Peace Violatim Other Violat?? CITY OF CHICAGO (Victim SMOLLETT, Jussie Offender NOTIFICATION DATE TIME: 01/29/20191044500 Printed on; 27-MAR-2019 07:38 Page: 2 of4 Printed By: EDWARDS, Peter- JC133190 SUP. APPROVAL COMPLETE REQUEST TYPE: Notification? PERSON NAME: ,Goldie STAR 10478 INCIDENT NOTIFICATION: NOTIFICATION DATE TIME: 01/29/20192042000 REQUEST TYPE: Notification PERSON NAME: INCIDENT NOTIFICATION: NOTIFICATION DATE 8: TIME: 01/29/20193060500 REQUEST TYPE: Notification PERSON NAME: ,Rocco STAR 15049 REPORT DISTRIBUTIONS: N0 Distribution INVESTIGATION: This is an Area Central PROGRESS Supplementary Case Report. This report should be read in conjunction with RD number JC133190. ORIGINAL TYPE OF INCIDENT: Aggravated Battery Hands, Fist, Feet Minor Injury (0440) RECLASSIFIED TO: TYPE OF INCIDENT: Public Peace Violations Other Violation (2890) RD NUMBER: JC-133190 LOCATION: 340 North Water St #3900 Chicago, IL 60611 District 018 Beat 1834 DAY, DATE, TIME: Tuesday, 29 Jan 19, 0200 hours DATE, TIME ASSIGNED: 31 January 2019 at 1230 hours WITNESSES: Printed on: 27-MAR-2019 07:38 Page: 3 of4 Printed By: EDWARDS, Peter- JC133190 DETEQTIVE SUP. APPROVAL COMPLETE OFFENDER: SMOLLETT Jussie 340 North Water St #3900 Chicago, IL 60611 - 982 19771648 DLN MANNER MOTIVE: Jussie SMOLLET made false reports to police claiming to be the victim of an Aggravated battery/ Undetermined motive. INVESTIGATION: The was requested by Det. Thiese #21217 to deliver and serve a Subpoena pursuant to a request for video from the Sheraton Hotel at 301 E. North Water St. in Chicago. The RID along with Det. Zambrano #21178. On 27 Feb 19 the RID went to the reception desk and enquired as to who was in charge to receive service of the Subpoena. The was directed to who was the Wat the time. The and Det. Zambrano met with - at 2 rs. an serve Im WI the grand Jury Subpoena?any further questions regarding video be made to ?the hotel's general manager at The went to the front desk area of 340 E. North Water to check how far off from actual time the time stamp on recorded video on the Exacq Vision NVR system at use at the building was. The RID found that at 2051 hrs. video played back on the buildings video system was four minutes and thirty seconds behind actual time plus or minus 4 seconds. Report of: Det. HAGEN, Richard #20606 Area Central Detectives SOMEX Printed on: 07:38 Page: 4 of4 Printed By: EDWARDS, Pete- NIENI CASE SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT 3510 S. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60653 (For use by Chicago Police Bureau 01 lnvesligalive Services Personnel Only) I JC133190 Case id: 11500050 Sup id: 13088481 CASR339 PROGRESS DETECTIVE sup. APPROVAL COMPLETE :7 Last Offense CIaSSIFcatlon Code" PUBLIC PEACE Violation 2890 Hands/Fist/FeetNo/Mmor 0440 Injury ..099.P??2f.9229?22?e 340 NORTH WATER ST 3900 1834 1 2 1 Apartment 090 N0 Pele PP. 29-JAN-2019 02:00 1823R 29 JAN- 2019 02Pepomng Rifle: . .. . PHEPFMD .5131 .No HAGEN Richard 20606 EHALEEM, Morad 1280 MURRAY Kimberly 20808 Date Submitted gDateApproved 0 THIS IS A FIELD INVESTIGATION PROGRESS REPORT VICTIMISI: CITY OF CHICAGO BUS: 5101 Wentworth Ave Chicago IL 60609 312-747-8380 OFFENDERIS) SMOLLETT, Jussie Male I Black I 36 Years DOB: ?1982 5'11. 175, Black Hair, Fade Hair Style. Brown Eyes, Light Com lexion DESCRIPTION: RES: EMPLOYMENT: TYPE: Government -- In Custody-- LOCATION OF INCIDENT: DATE TIME OF INCIDENT: CB 19771648 RELATIONSHIP OF VICTIM TO OFFENDER: CITY OF CHICAGO ITEM USED: Not Applicable 340 North Water St 3900 Chicago IL 60611 090 - Apartment 02:00 - No Relationship Printed on: 27-MAR-2019 07:39 Page: 1 0f 4 06100100 Printed By: EDWARDS, Peter MOTIVE JC133190 DETECTIVE SUP. APPROVAL COMPLETE UnF?terTnined CAUSE Other METHOD Dna CAU Dna PERSONNEL Assisting Dctectivolt?outh ASSIGNED: VOGENTHALER. Michael 20390 THEIS. Michael 21217 Detectiveilrivestiqalor Vincent 20091 MURRAY, Kimberly 20808 Regorting Officer CRIME CODE SUMMARY: IUCR ASSOCIATIONS: INCIDENT NOTIFICATION: BAIG, Muhammad 14926 BEAT: 1823R Male Black I 27 Years DOB: _991 DESCRIPTION: 5'08,175,Black Hair, Short Hair Style. Brown Eyes, Dark Complexion OTHER COMMUNICATIONS: Cellular Phone: Male I Black 25 Years 993 DESCRIPTION: Hair, Fade Hair Style, Brown Eyes, Dark Complexion RES: OTHER COMMUNICATIONS: Cellular Phone: DLNIID: 2890 - Public Peace Violation - Other Violation 2890 - Public Peace Violation Other Violation CITY OF CHICAGO (Victim SMOLLETT, Jussie Offender) NOTIFICATION DATE TIME: Printed on: 07:39 Page: 2 of4 Printed By: EDWARDS, Pete- JC133190 DETECTIVE SUP. APPROVAL COMPLETE REQUEST TYPE: Notification PERSON NAME: ,Goldie STAR 10478 INCIDENT NOTIFICATION: NOTIFICATION DATE TIME: 01/29/2019:042000 REQUEST TYPE: Notification PERSON NAME: INCIDENT NOTIFICATION: NOTIFICATION DATE TIME: 01/29/20192060500 REQUEST TYPE: Notification PERSON NAME: .Rocco 15049 REPORT DISTRIBUTIONS: No Distribution INVESTIGATION: This is an Area Central PROGRESS Supplementary Case Report. This report should be read in conjunction with RD number JC133190. ORIGINAL TYPE OF INCIDENT: Aggravated Battery - Hands, Fist, Feet Minor Injury (0440) RECLASSIFIED TO: TYPE OF Public Peace Violations I Other Violation (2890) RD NUMBER: JC-133190 LOCATION: 340 North Water St #3900 Chicago, IL 60611 District 018 Beat 1834 DAY, DATE, TIME: Tuesday, 29 Jan 19, 0200 hours DATE, TIME ASSIGNED: 31 January 2019 at 1230 hours WITNESSES: Printed on: 07:39 Page: 3 of4 Printed By: EDWARDS, Peter-? JC133190 . DETECTIVE SUP. APPROVAL COMPLETE OFFENDER: SMOLLETT Jussie 340 North Water St #3900 ChicagWH 1982 19771648 MANNER MOTIVE: Jussie SMOLLET made false reports to police claiming to be the victim of an Aggravated battery/ Undetermined motive. INVESTIGATION: Per request of FBI Special Agent Greg WING, the forwarded a copy of the search warrant Number 198W5223, which was issued pertaining to the Apple Incorporated held C oud account controlled by Jussie SMOLLETT to FBI Analyst Mariella LOPEZ via e-mail The RID received an e-mail reply indicating receipt of this document. Report of: Det. HAGEN, Richard #20606 Area Central Detectives SOMEX Printed on: 27-MAR-2019 07339 Page: 4 of4 Printed By: EDWARDS, Peter - CHICAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT CASE SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT 3510 S. Michigan Avenue. Chicago. Illinois 60653 JC133190 Case id: 11580050 sup id: 13095201 CASR339 (For use by Chicago Police - Bureau of Investigative Services Personnel Only) PROGRESS Lasawenss 91999119315911.1517: 0.9991991'00 PEACE VIOLATION/OtherViolation 2890 Hands/Fist/Feet No/Minor 0440 Injury 5 Address or Occurrence .. .. 340 NORTH WATER sT 3900 1334 1 2 1 LITA) .ikcsieii?iipsisi?- . 0519.99.11? Apartment 090 '3 No .Date of Occurrence Un'tASS'gned- 9919.?? 61.1399. 2019 02: 00? 1823R 29- JAN 2019 02: 42 NO NO no :Approving Supervisor Star No Primary Detective Assigned Star No 9 . .. .. VOGENTHALER Mlchael 20390 EHALEEM, Morad 1280 MURRAY, Kimberly 20009 Date Submitted DaleApproved . . . . . . . . FIELD THIS IS A FIELD INVESTIGATION PROGRESS REPORT CITY OF CHICAGO TYPE: Government BUS: 5101 Wentworth Ave Chicago IL 60609 312-747-8380 SMOLLETT, Jussie In Custody?- LOCATION OF INCIDENT: DATE TIME OF INCIDENT: Male I Black! 36 Years DOB: 1982 DESCRIPTION: 5'11, 175. Black Hair, Fade Hair Style, Brown Eyes, Light Complexion RES: EMPLOYMENT: ACTOR DLNIID: c134: 19771648 RELATIONSHIP OF VICTIM T0 OFFENDER: CITY OF CHICAGO No Relationship ITEM USED: Not Applicable 340 North Water St 3900 Chicago IL 60611 090 - Apartment 02:00 Printed on; 07:39 Page: 1 of 5 Printed By: EDWARDS, Pete- INCIDENT NOTIFICATION: INCIDENT NOTIFICATION: REPORT DISTRIBUTIONS: INVESTIGATION: JC133190 DETECTIVE SUP. APPROVAL COMPLETE REQUEST TYPE: Notification PERSON NAME: ,Goldie STAR 10478 NOTIFICATION DATE 8: TIME: REQUEST TYPE: Noti?cation PERSON NAME: . NOTIFICATION DATE TIME: REQUEST TYPE: Notification PERSON NAME: STAR 15049 ,Rocco No Distribution 01/29/2019:042000 01/29/2019:060500 This is an Area Central PROGRESS Supplementary Case Report. This report should be read in conjunction with RD number JC133190. RECLASSIFIED TO: TYPE OF INCIDENT: Public Peace Violations 1 Other Violation (2890) RD NUMBER: JC-133190 LOCATION: 340 North Water St #3900 Chicago, IL 60611 District 018 Beat 1834 DAY, DATE, TIME: Tuesday, 29 Jan 19, 0200 hours DATE, TIME ASSIGNED: 31 January 2019 at 1230 hours WITNESSES: Printed on; 07239 Page: 3 of 5 Printed By: EDWARDS, Peter-? JC133190 DETECTIVE SUP. APPROVAL COMPLETE Det. Theis #21217 Area Central Detectives Printed on: 07:39 Page: 5 of 5 Prihted By: EDWARDS. Peter- CHICAGO PULIUI: I With? CASE SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT 3510 S. Michigan Avenue. Chicago. Illinois 60653 (For use by Chicago Police - Bureau of Invesligative Services Personnel Only) IPROGRESS JC133190 Case id 11580050 Sup id: 13095219 CAS R339 DETECTIVE SUP. APPROVAL COMPLETE Last Offense CIaSSIfIcatIon/Re Classification .. - ICJFIEJIFHI Offense Clae?ei?cation PUBLIC PEACE VIOLATION I Other Violation 2890 Agg: Hands/Fist/Feet No/Minor? 0440 2 Injury 'AddreSSOIOC?iurrence . .. .. .. 340 NORTH WATER ST 3900? 1034 1 2 1 Apartment 090 N0 . .39. @3189?. 29-JAN-2019 02:00 1823R 29? JAN- 2019 029999 5119.9. 049.9: 89$ Ratliff VCCENTHALER Mlchael 20390 EHALEEM. Morad 1230 MURRAY Kimberly 20808 Date Submitted gDateApproved . Hf ARSIgnment Type THIS IS A FIELD INVESTIGATION PROGRESS REPORT CITY OF CHICAGO TYPE: Government BUS: 5101 Wentworth Ave Chicago IL 60609 312-747-8380 OFFENDERIS) SMOLLETT. Jussie In Custody-- Male Black/ 36 Years DOB: -982 DESCRIPTION: 5'11, 175, Black Hair, Fade Hair Style, Brown Eyes, Light Complexion RES: EMPLOYMENT: ACTOR DLNIID: CB 19771648 RELATIONSHIP OF VICTIM TO OFFENDER: CITY OF CHICAGO - No Relationship 8 . ITEM USED. Not Applicable LOCATION OF 340 North Water St 3900 8 Chicago IL 60611 090 - Apartment 02:00 INCIDENT: DATE TIME OF INCIDENT: Printed on; 27-MAR-2019 07:40 Page: 1 of 6 Printed By: EDWARDS, Peter-? JC133190 ETECTIVE SUP. APPROVAL COMPLETE Undetermined? CAUSE Other METHOD Dna CAU Dna PERSONNEL Assisting Dotectiuel?fouth law. ASSIGNED: VOGENTHALER, Michael 20390 Michael 21217 Detectivelhweatiqator CECCHIN, Vincent 20091 MURRAY, Kimberly 20808 Bnportinq 0mg; BAIG, Muhammad 14928 BEAT: 1823R Male Black I 27 Years DOB-1991 DESCRIPTION: 5'08,175,Black Hair, Short Hair Style, Brown Eyes. Dark Complexion OTHER COMMUNICATIONS: Phone: Male Years DOB: 993 DESCRIPTION: Hair. Fade Hair Style, Brown Eyes. Dark Complexion OTHER COMMUNI Cellular Phone: 2890 - Public Peace Violation - Other Violation CRIME CODE SUMMARY: 2890 - Public Peac_e Violation - Other Violation IUCR ASSOCIATIONS: CITY OF CHICAGO (Victim SMOLLETT, Jussie Offender INCIDENT NOTIFICATION: NOTIFICATION DATE TIME: 01/29/2019:044500 Printed on: 27-MAR-2019 07340 Page: 2 of 6 Printed By: EDWARDS, Peter? INCIDENT NOTIFICATION: INCIDENT NOTIFICATION: REPORT DISTRIBUTIONS: INVESTIGATION: No?fication- PERSON NAME: ,Goldie STAR 10478 NOTIFICATION DATE TIME: 01f29/2019:042000 REQUEST TYPE: Notification PERSON NAME: NOTIFICATION DATE TIME: REQUEST TYPE: Notification PERSON NAME: .Rocco STAR 15049 No Distribution JC133190 DETECTIVE SUP. APPROVAL COMPLETE This is an Area Central PROGRESS Supplementary Case Report. This report should be read in conjunction with RD number JC133190. RECLASSIFIED TO: TYPE OF INCIDENT: Public Peace Violations I Other Violation (2890) RD NUMBER: JC-133190 LOCATION: 340 North Water St #3900 Chicago, IL 60611 District 018 Beat 1834 DAY, DATE, TIME: Tuesday, 29 Jan 19, 0200 hours DATE, TIME ASSIGNED: 31 January 2019 at 1230 hours WITNESS ES: Printed on: 27-MAR-2019 07:40 Page: 3 of 6 Printed By: EDWARDS, Peter- JC133190 DETECTIVE SUE. APPROVAL COMPLETE OFFENDER: SMOLLETT Jussie 1982 MANNER MOTIVE: Jussie SMOLLET made false reports to police claiming to be the victim of an Aggravated battery/ Undetermined motive. INVESTIGATION: The contents of this report, including interviews, are in essence and not verbatim unless otherwise noted by quotation marks. ours, and Det. Theis #21217 met in room at the Chicago South Loop Hotel located at 11 West 26th Street in Chicago to further this investigation. contacted Attorney Gloria SCHMIDT and had her on speakerphone for the duration of this interview. explained to Attorney? that and Det. Theis Would like to go to TCF Bank and obtain a copy of the $3500.00 check tendered to by Jussie SMOLLETT and had some follow up questions for and tated she would do what she could to comply with request. M11 CF Bank was closed for Washingtons Birthday. stated they would go with RID and Det. Theis to the TCF Bank on 19?Feb?2019 when the bank reopened. asked? and ?where and when they received and spent the $100 bill tendered to SMOLLETT, which was provided to them to buy the rope, masks and hat for this incident. tated he was pretty sure he received the $100 bill from SMOLLETT on 25-JAN-2019. stated he was not sure when and where the bill was used. asked how the rope, masks and hat and if any receipts were kept for these tated he used loose cash to purchase all the items and kept no payme items. receipts. Printed on: 27-MAR-2019 07:40 Page: 4 of6 Printed By: EDWARDS, Pe_ JC133190 DETECTIVE SUP. APPROVAL COMPLETE . RTD?asked when he received {r12 33500.00 check from Jussie SMOLLETT. stated he was pretty sure he received the check on RID asked and they were and stated they wearing during the incident. Both left all of the clothing worn during the incident, in RID asked ?and if either of the two had a cell phone in their possession on aid stated to the best of his recollection, he did not. stated he believed he had a cell phone with him on 25-JAN-2019 but did not have a cell phone with him on 27-JAN-2019, but was not completely certain. "tcons' about the involvement of, and knowledge of, and concerning the le SMO - - - recorded under CPD JC125614. BothW and Wtated they had absolutely nothing to do with that letter. Both were emphatic about the denial. _as shown a large photograph taken of the EL YUCATECO Hot Sauce bottle was recovered on 07-FEB-2019 near the location listed as 406 North New Street, in Chicago. tated that indeed was the bottle he filled with bleach and poured on SMOLLETT and appeared to be the same picture he viewed the previous day. ?was then shown 2 iar hoto ra hs of the vehicle which RID believed was being driven by SM was a passenger in on 25-JAN-2019 and 27-JAN-2019. identified the photographs as the vehicle belonging to and driven by SMOLLETT. ?was then show fthe vehicle which RID believed was being driven by SM whi was a passenger in on and identified the photographs as the vehicle belonging to and driven by SMOLLETT. These photographs were inventoried under INV #14379368. RID and Det. Theis then returned to Area Central. At approximatel 1300 hours RID and TFO SA Win returned to the Chioa 0 South Loop Hotel and met with . *and - OSUNDAIRO. RID and TFO SA Wing accompanied ?to Waffle Restaurant located at 1400 South Michigan Avenue, in Chica o. and TFO SA Wing returned RID then to the Chicago South Loop Hotel. checked in with security being provided by Chicago Police. RID and TFO SA Wing then returned to Area Central. The investigation continues. Report of: Detective Vogenthaler #20390 Detective Theis #21217 Printed on: 07:40 Page: 5 of 6 Printed By: EDWARDS, Peter- JC133190 DETECTIVE SUP. APPROVAL COMPLETE Printed on: 27-MAR-2019 07:40 Page: 6 of 6 Printed By: EDWARDS, Pete-? CHICAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT CASE SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT 3510 S. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60653 (For use by Chicago Police - Bureau of Investigalive Services Personnel Only) PROGRESS Last Offense Classificati-on/Re Classi?cation I DETECTIVE SUP. APPROVAL COMPLETE . Original Offense Classi?cation PUBLIC PEACE VIOLATION I Other Violation 2890 BATTERY Agg: 0440 3' Injury ?0 JC133190 Case id 11580050 Sup id 1309521? CASR339 Hands/Flst/Feet No/MInor Address Of Occurrence Beat of Occur nun340 NORTH WATER sT 3900 1934 1 2 1 .. . Apartment 5 090 No .Daieofoccurrence DatEROArrwed .: FireRe'atet?ti 29 JAN 2019 02: 00 1823R 29 JAN 2019 02. 42 NO NO NO 09000"er . . .. VOGENTHALER Mlchael 20390 Morad 1280 MURRAY, Kimberly 20808 14.1; Sub? II [mire App: twei'l . . Assignment Type THIS IS A FIELD INVESTIGATION PROGRESS REPORT CITY OF CHICAGO BUS: 5101 Wentworth Ave Chicago IL 60609 312-747?8380 OFFENDERIS) SMOLLETT. Jussie Male Black I 36 Years DOB: ?1982 DESCRIPTION: RES: EMPLOYMENT: ACTOR CITY OF CHICAGO ITEM USED: Not Applicable LOCATION OF INCIDENT: Chicago lL 60611 090 - Apartment DATE TIME OF 02:00 INCIDENT: 340 North Water St 3900 TYPE: Government In Custody-- 5'11, 175, Black Hair, Fade Hair Style, Brown Eyes, Light Compiexion 19771648 RELATIONSHIP OF VICTIM T0 OFFENDER: - No Relationship Printed on: 27-MAR-2019 07:40 Page: 1 of5 Printed By: EDWARDS, Peter-? JC133190 DETECTIVE SUP. APPROVAL COMPLETE Undetermined CAUSE Other METHOD Dna CAU Dna PERSONNEL Y__o_t_llh ASSIGNED: VOGENTHALER, Michael 20390 THEIS. Michael 21217 CECCHIN, Vincent 20091 MURRAY, Kimberly 20808 Reporting 0mm BAIG, Muhammad 0 #14926 BEAT: 1823R Male Black I 27 Years omen-1991 DESCRIPTION: 5'08.175.Black Hair, Short Hair Style, Brown Eyes, Dark Complexion OTHER COMMUNIC Cellular Phone: Male Black 25 Years Boa-1993 DESCRIPTION: 6?00,185,Black Hair, Fade Hair Style, Brown Eyes. Dark Complexion OTHER COMMUNICATIONS: Phone: 2890 - Public Peace Violation - Other Violation CRIME CODE SUMMARY: 2890 ?blic?eacg Violation Other Violation IUCR ASSOCIATIONS: CITY OF CHICAGO (Victim) SMOLLETT, Jussie Offender) INCIDENT NOTIFICATION: NOTIFICATION DATE TIME: 01/29/2019:044500 Printed on: 07:40 Page: 2 of 5 Printed By: EDWARDS, Peter - JC133190 DETECTIVE SUP. APPROVAL COMPLETE REQUEST TYPE: Notification PERSON NAME: ,Goldie STAR 10478 INCIDENT NOTIFICATION: NOTIFICATION DATE TIME: 01/29/2019:042000 REQUEST TYPE: Notification PERSON NAME: INCIDENT NOTIFICATION: NOTIFICATION DATE 8: TIME: 01/29/20191060500 REQUEST TYPE: Notification PERSON NAME: .Rocco STAR 15049 REPORT DISTRIBUTIONS: No Distribution INVESTIGATION: This is an Area Central PROGRESS Supplementary Case Report. This report should be read in conjunction with RD number JC133190. ORIGINAL TYPE OF INCIDENT: Aggravated Battery - Hands, Fist, Feet Minor Injury (0440) RECLASSIFIED TO: TYPE OF INCIDENT: Public Peace Violations Other Violation (2890) RD NUMBER: LOCATION: 340 North Water St #3900 Chicago, IL 60611 District 018 Beat 1834 DAY, DATE, TIME: Tuesday, 29 Jan 19, 0200 hours DATE, TIME ASSIGNED: 31 January 2019 at 1230 hours WITNESSES: Printed on: 07:40 Page: 3 of 5 Printed By: EDWARDS, Pete- JC133190 DETECTIVE COMPLETE OFFENDER: SMOLLETT Jussie Icago, -1982 19771648 MANNER MOTIVE: Jussie SMOLLET made false reports to police claiming to be the victim of an Aggravated battery/ Undetermined motive. INVESTIGATION: 17-FEB-2019 The contents of this report, including interviews, are in essence and not verbatim unless otherwise noted by quotation marks. At 1440 hours, and Det. Theis #21217 me in the conference room at the Chicago South Loop Hotel located at 11 West 26th Street in Chicago to further this investigation. lji? the three cell phones 14375283), recovered at OHARE Airport on 13-FEB-2019, that and Det. Theis required a copy of the $3500.00 OL LETT and had some follow up questions stated she would do what she explained to the de osit usin his on line access which showed a deposit for &was unable to view a copy of the check. then sent a copy of the deposit slip to Sgt. Blas #1248 ?was shown a small photograph taken of the EL YUCATECO Hot Sauce Printed on; 07:40 Page: 4 of 5 Printed By: EDWARDS, Peter- JC133190 DETECTIVE SUP. APPROVAL COMPLETE bottle whi? the location listed as 406 North New Street, in Chicago. stated that appeared to be the bottle he filled with bleach and poured on SMOLLETT. stated he would print a larger photograph and for viewing at a later time. ?was then shown 2 small hoto ra he of the vehicle which believed was being driven by SMW was a passenger in on and 27-JAN-2019. identified the photographs as the vehicle belonging to and driven by SMOLLETT. RID stated he would print larger photographs and for viewing at a later time. ?was then shown 2 small hoto ra hs of the vehicle which RID believed was being driven by a passenger in on 25-JAN-2019 and identified the photographs as the vehicle belonging to and driven by SMOLLETT. stated he would print larger photographs and for viewing at a later time. asked nd the area in which SMOLLET drove a?er SMOLLETT pulled up in the alley and Wentered the vehicle and SMOLLETT k, utilizing Montrose Ave and Ashland Ave. SMOLLETT then dropped off Wand?in front of their residence. asks?and ?the area in which SMOL on 27-JAN-2019 Elite?M ?were picked WW _stated both were picked up by SMOLLETT in the front of their residence, on Ashland Ave. taking Ashland Ave. to Irving Park Road. SMOLLETT then took Irving Park Road to Lake Shore Drive to the area where the attack would take place. ?was then asked about his training fees. _stated he likes to get $50 an hour, on averaie but tries to iet what he can. stated he sometimes barters his services. has taken $20 an hour hour on the high end. stated that training was based on need and availability of the client. Prior to the trip t?stated he had 2 clients, including SMOLLETT. tated he currently did not have any clients but was training 11 people on a trial basis for free. ?stated that the brand started in 2014. The team consisted of ?and and a third party known a-who has left to the group and has since move The investigation continues. Report of: Detective Vogenthaler #20390 Detective Theis #21217 Printed on: 07:40 Page: 5 of 5 Printed By: EDWARDS, Peter - CHICAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT CASE SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT 3510 S. Michigan Avenue. Chicago, Illinois 60653 (For use by Chicago Police - Bureau of Invesligative Services Personnel Only) JC133190 Case id 11530050 Sup id: 13095220 DETECTIVE SUP. APPROVAL COMPLETE 9.1921? C'ass'f'camnme C'ass'rwt'on . .. 31103 . PUBLIC PEACE VIOLATION I Other Vlolatlon 2890 BATTERY Agg: Hands/Fist/Feet NO/Minor 0440 i 5 989180.08. . Btfow NIAIJ 340 NORTH WATER ST 8900 1834 1 2 1 LOCAUOATYDA Locavoncwe 84480941809811 . N0 Apartment 090 Date of Occurrence . Unit Assigned Date Arrived? gunfire-Related? mums; Related? Related? 29-JAN 2019 02: 00 1823R 29- JAN 2019 02 42 NO NO NO WW VOGENTHAIMER Michael 20390 IHALEEM. Morad 1280 MURRAY Kimberly 20808 _Date Approved THIS IS A FIELD INVESTIGATION PROGRESS REPORT CITY OF CHICAGO TYPE: Government BUS: 5101 Wentworth Ave Chicago IL 60609 312-747-8380 SMOLLETT. Jussie Male Black I 36 Years DOB: 982 RES: EMPLOYMENT: ACTOR DLNIID: 19771648 RELATIONSHIP OF VICTIM TO OFFENDER: CITY OF CHICAGO ITEM USED: Not Applicable LOCATION OF 340 North Water St 3900 INCIDENT: Chicago IL 60611 090 - Apartment DATE TIME OF 02:00 INCIDENT: -- In Custody-- DESCRIPTION: 5'11. 175.. Black Hair, Fade Hair Style, Brown Eyes, Light - No Relationship Printed on: 07:43 Page: 1 of 5 Printed By: EDWARDS. Pete-? 06L?8Lor CAUSE METHOD 0005(3): CAU JC133190 DETECTIVE SUP. COMPLETE Undetermined Other Dna Dna PERSONNEL Assisting Detectivoi?fouth Iiw. ASSIGNED: VOGENTHALER. Michael 20390 THEIS, Michael 21217 [Jet-ectivniirwostiqator CECCHIN, Vincent 20091 MURRAY Kimberly 20808 ?awed-5.1931092: BAIG, Muhammad 0 #14926 BEAT: 1823R Male Black l2? Years DOB: -1991 DESCRIPTION: Hair, Short Hair Style, Brown Eyes, Dark Complexion OTHER COMMUNICATIONS: Phone: DLNIID: 025365091238 - Male Black 25 Years DOB: - 993 DESC 6'00 185 Biack Hair, Fade Hair Style, Brown Eyes. Dark Complexion RES: OTHER COMMUNICA Cellular Ph_ne. DLNIID: CRIME CODE 2890 Public Peace Violation - Other Violation SUMMARY: 2890 Public Peace Violation _Oth_eLVioIation IUCR ASSOCIATIONS: CITY OF CHICAGO (Victim) SMOLLETT. Jussie Offender) INCIDENT NOTIFICATION: NOTIFICATION DATE TIME: 01/29/2019:044500 Printed on: 07:43 Page: 2 of5 Printed By: EDWARDS, Peter- JC133190 DETECTIVE SUP. APPROVAL COMPLETE REQUEST TYPE: Notification PERSON NAME: ,Goldie STAR 10478 INCIDENT NOTIFICATION: NOTIFICATION DATE TIME: REQUEST TYPE: Notification PERSON NAME: INCIDENT NOTIFICATION: NOTIFICATION DATE TIME: 01/29/2019:060500 REQUEST TYPE: Notification PERSON NAME: ,Rocco 15049 01/29/20192042000 REPORT DISTRIBUTIONS: No Distribution INVESTIGATION: This is an Area Central PROGRESS Supplementary Case Report. This report should be read in conjunction with RD number JC133190. RECLASSIFIED TO: TYPE OF INCIDENT: Public Peace Violations Other Violation (2890) RD NUMBER: JC-133190 LOCATION: 340 North Water St #3900 Chicago, IL 60611 District 018 Beat1834 DAY, DATE, TIME: Tuesday, 29 Jan 19, 0200 hours DATE, TIME ASSIGNED: 31 January 2019 at 1230 hours WITNESSES: Printed on; 07:43 Page: 3 of 5 Printed By: EDWARDS, Peter - JC133190 DETECTIVE SUP. APPROVAL COMPLETE OFFENDER: iilicago, ?i mg" _1 932 IR MANNER MOTIVE: Jussie SMOLLET made false reports to police claiming to be the victim of an Aggravated battery/ Undetermined motive. The contents of this report, including interviews, are in essence and not verbatim unless othenNise noted by quotation marks. At 0930 hours, and Det. Theis #21217 met ?and? at the Chicago South Loop Hotel locat 6th Street in Chicago. returned the cell phone 14375275), recovered at Won 13- FEB- 2019, to also returned a execution searc warrant 198W4998, to and Det. Theis then drove to the TCF Bank located inside the in Chicago. and Det. Theis were met at this Jewel Food Store located at met with the branch manager and asked location by Det. Jasica #20420. for a hotoco of a check de osited on unt of 3500.00 into the account of was given a photocopy of check #1063 written from Jussie SMOLLETT. Det. Theis notifi Bill Reardon that a of the check had been obtained. ASA Reardon asked to have nd Jresent at the Grand Ju 1300 hours that day. RID and Det. Jasica then returned 0 the Chicago South Loop Hotel. The check photocopy was inventoried under At a roximatel 1230 hours. and Det. Theis met with Attorney bat the Chicago South Loop Hotel located at 11 West 26th Street in Chicago. and Det. Theis then provided transportation for the three to the Cook Count Criminal Court building located at 2650 South California Ave, in Chicago, where were scheduled to appear before the Grand Jury. Prior Printed on: 07:43 Page: 4 of 5 Printed By: EDWARDS, Peter-?- JC133190 . DETECTIVE SUP. APPROVAL COMPLETE to arrival, at the request of Attorney TFO 'made arrangements for the group to park and enter the rear of the building to avoid media coverage. TFO SA Wing met the group in the rear of the building, and with the cooperation of Cook County Sheriffs, the group was brought into the building in a covert manner and brought to room 406 (Grand Jury). Once in room 406, RID and Det. Theis were met by ASA Bill Reardon ko and Det. Theis were notified that the Grand Jury appearance for ?would be postponed. Jussie SMOLLET an Is a orney, requested a meeting with Cook County States Attorneys in the morning of 20-FEB-2019 to discuss new information, they had, concerning this case. ASA Nick Trutenko related the States Attorne '3 Office thou ht it was rudent to postpone the Grand Jury appearance of - *until this new information was received and reviewed. ASA Bill Reardon then re ate same mfonidt. ASA Bill Reardon then had conversations with Attorney and reviewing information for the Grand Jury. As the meeting ended, RID learned that there was a large media presence outside of the Grand Jury room, in the hallwa . With the he! of Cook Count Sheriffs, a Ian was uickly formulated to reovem Attorney Home room 406, passed media and out of th heriffs personnel moved Attorney elevator and then covertl out of the buildin . and Det. Theis then drove Attorney Chicago, Where food was ordered for The food was to be picked up by Attorney Schmidt at a later time. and Det. Theis then returned Attorney to the Chicago South Loop Hotel. Det. Theis then checked in with security being provided by Chicago Police. and Det. Theis then returned to Area Central. The investigation continues. Report of: Detective Vogenthaler #20390 Detective Theis #21217 Printed on: 07:43 Page: 5 of 5 Printed By: EDWARDS, Pete-? CHICAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT CASE SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT JC133190 3510 S. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60653 (For use by Chicago Police - Bureau of Investigative Services Personnel Only) Sup id 13095223 PROGRESS DETECTIVE SUP. APPROVAL COMPLETE I .. - .5151.? Code 9.00500'.90000095000090090 ??9090? PUBLIC PEACE 2890 Hands/Fist/FeetNo/Minor Injury . 340 NORTH WATER ST 3900 1334 1 2 1 Apartment 090 ND .DaieOfOGw'renw 00180000060 29-JAN- 2019 02: 00 1823R 290m 2019 02:42 NO NO NO Reporting 05000. 50100 . . . . 50.90191.i.09.?0.e?0509r .. 500000000606055900800? VOGENTHALER Michael 20390 1280 EMURRAY Kimberly 20808. Date Submitted finale-Approved AssignmentT-ype- .. .. . .. Pi?EL?ti? . THIS IS A FIELD INVESTIGATION PROGRESS REPORT CITY OF CHICAGO TYPE: Government BUS: 5101 Wentworth Ave Chicago IL 60609 312-747-8380 SMOLLETT. Jussie -- In Custody-- Male Black 36 Years DOB: -1982 DESCRIPTION: 5?11, 175, Black Hair, Fade Hair Style, Brown Eyes. Light Complexion RES: EMPLOYMENT: ACTOR 19771648 RELATIONSHIP OF VICTIM T0 OFFENDER: CITY OF CHICAGO - No Relationship ITEM USED: Not Applicable LOCATION OF 340 North Water St 3900 INCIDENT: Chicago IL 60611 090 - Apartment DATE 8: TIME OF 02:00 INCIDENT: Printed on: 07:44 Page: 1 of 6 Printed By: EDWARDS, Peter osigupr JC133190 DETECTIVE SUP. APPROVAL COMPLETE Undeter?mi?ned CAUSE Other METHOD Dna CAU Dna PERSONNEL Assisting DetectivelYouth Inv. ASSIGNED: VOGENTHALER, Michael 20390 THEIS. Michael 21217 Detectiveilnvestiqator CECCHIN, Vincent 20091 MURRAY, Kimberly 20808 BAIG, Muhammad 14926 BEAT: 1823R Male l' Black l25 Years DOE-1993 DESCRIPTION: 6'00,185,Black Hair, Fade Hair Style. Brown Eyes, Dark Complexion RES: OTHER COMMUNICATIONS: Cellular Phone: DLNIID: Male Black I 27 Years DESCRIPTION: 5'08,175,Black Hair, Short Hair Style, Brown Eyes, Dark Complexion OTHER COMMUNICATIONS: Phone: CRIME CODE 2890 - Public Peace Violation - Other Violation SUMMARY: 2890 _P_ub ic Peace Violation - Other Violation IUCR ASSOCIATIONS: CITY OF CHICAGO (Victim) SMOLLETT, Jussie Offender) INCIDENT NOTIFICATION: NOTIFICATION DATE TIME: 01/29/20195044500 Printed on: 27-MAR-2019 07:44 Page: 2 of 6 Printed By: EDWARDS, Peter-? JC133190 DETECTIVE SUP. APPROVAL COMPLETE REG-UEST TYPE: Notification PERSON NAME: ,Goldie STAR 10478 INCIDENT NOTIFICATION: NOTIFICATION DATE TIME: 01/29/20192042000 REQUEST TYPE: Notification PERSON NAME: INCIDENT NOTIFICATION: NOTIFICATION DATE TIME: 01/29/2019:060500 REQUEST TYPE: Notification PERSON NAME: .Rocco STAR 15049 REPORT DISTRIBUTIONS: N0 Distribution INVESTIGATION: This is an Area Central PROGRESS Supplementary Case Report. This report should be read in conjunction with RD number JC133190. RECLASSIFIED TO: TYPE OF INCIDENT: Public Peace Violations Other Violation (2890) RD NUMBER: LOCATION: 340 North Water St #3900 Chicago, IL 60611 District 018 Beat 1834 DAY, DATE, TIME: Tuesday, 29 Jan 19, 0200 hours DATE, TIME ASSIGNED: 31 January 2019 at 1230 hours WITNESSES: Printed on; 27-MAR-2019 07144 Page: 3 Printed By: EDWARDS, Peter I JC133190 . APPROVAL COMPLETE OFFENDER: SMOLLETT Jussie 19771648 MANNER MOTIVE: Jussie SMOLLET made false reports to police claiming to be the victim of an Aggravated battery/ Undetermined motive. INVESTIGATION: 20-FEB-2019 The contents of this report, including interviews, are in essence and not verbatim unless otherwise noted by quotation marks. and Det. Theis were advised that an interview with Jussie SMOLLETT and his attorneys had been scheduled for 20-Feb-2019 at a proximately 0 rs interview was to take place at the office of Attorney? located at in Chicago. in an attempt to further this investigation, Using information available at the time, Det. Theis prepared a search warrant for the person of Jussie SMOLLETT. This Search Warrant was sent to the Felony Review section of the Cook County States Attorneys Office where ASA Bill Reardon reviewed and approved the search warrant, assigning it search warrant number 198W5224 Det. Theis then proceeded to the Cook County Criminal Court building located at 2650 South California Ave, in Chicago, where he went to the Chief Judges Office and was assigned the honorable Judge Cannon #1689 for review of the search warrant, -1QSW5224. Det. Theis proceeded to the courtroom of Judge Cannon who then reviewed and approved search warrant 19SW5224. Det. Theis then relocated to and met with Chicago Police personnel for the purpose of conducting the interview of Jussie SMOLLETT (Chicago Police personnel also present were TFO SA Wing, Det. Jasica, Sgt. Haleem, Sgt. Bias, and Commander Wodnicki). See the PROGRESS Supplementary report of Det. Jasica for the specifics of this meeting. At approximately 1500 hours, RID was notified that Printed on: 27-MAR-2019 07:44 Page: 4 of6 Printed By: EDWARDS, Pet' JC133190 DETECTIVESUP. APPROVAL COMPLETE ?were scheduled to appear at the Co?ok County Criminal Court building located at 2650 South California Ave, in Chicago and testify at the Grand jury, located in room 406 at approximately 1600 hours. spoke with TFO SA Wing, who then made arrangements for the group to park and enter the rear to media oovera e. RID and Det. Curtin #20310 made preparations to bring Wand *to the Grand Jury. and Det. Curtin the South Loo Hotel located at 11 West 26th Street in Chicago and picked smash It was at this point learned the? would like to accom an her clients to the Grand Jury. RID, Det. Curtin, and ?drove to a parking lot next to Guaranteed Rate Field. located at 333 West 35th Street, in Chicago. then made arrangements for to park her vehicle at Area Central, located at 5101 S. Wentworth, in Chicago. Attorney was then given a ride by Det. Parages #20775 and Det. Medina #20711 to the parking lot next to uaranteed Rate Field. This was done to avoid the media oovera at Area Central. Attorne ntered the vehicle with Det. Curtin, The group then proceeded to the Cook County Criminal Court building. TFO SA Wing and Det. Theis met the group in the rear of the building, and with the cooperation of Cook County Sheriffs, the group was brought into the building in a covert manner and brought to room 406 (Grand Jury). Once in room 406, the group was met by ASA Bill Reardon who then testified before the Grand Jury. After his testimony, he was brought to an office within room 406. stated to RID and Det. Curtin that it felt good that he told the truth but still felt that the Chicago Police may want to charge him. After the testimony of concluded, Det. Theis was notified by ASA Nick Trutenko that the Cook County States Attorneys Office was prepared to approve felony charges of Disorderly Conduct against Jussie SMOLLETT. Det. Theis was told to call the Felony Review section of the Cook County States Attorneys Office for approval. Det. Theis called and spoke with ASA Robert Mack who gave an approval for one count of Felony Disorderly Conduct at 1810 hours. again learned that there was a large media presence outside of the Grand Jury roo hallway. With the help of Cook County Sheriffs, a plan was quickly formulated to remove and Abimbola OSUNDAIRO from room 406, passed media and out of the building while Attorney Schmidt exited the front of the courthouse, and answered questions for WW .is, and Cook County Sheriffs personnel moved and WevaWof the building. and Det. Theis then drov nd with Det. Curtin and TFO SA Wing as a tail car, to Moon ter, in nd Chicago, where food was pic for and?to the Chicago and Det. Theis then returned South Loop Hotel. Det. Theis then checked in with security being provided by Chicago Police. and Det. Theis then returned to Area Central with Det. Curtin and TFO SA Wing. Printed on: 27-MAR-2019 07:44 Page: 5 of6 Printed By: EDWARDS, Peri JC133190 DETECTIVE SUP. APPROVAL COMPLETE After returning to the Area Central SOMEX office, was advised that Jussie SMOLLETT may be willing to turn himself into police on 21-FEB-2019. RID was instructed to be prepared in the event this occurred. and Det. Theis continued with the review of gathered information. At approximately 2200 hours, RID and Det. Theis were notified that Jussie SMOLLETT would be turning himself in on at 0500 hours inthe 001st District. and Det. Theis continued with the review of gathered information, working into The investigation continues. Report of: Det. Michael Vogenthaler #20390 Det. Mike Theis #21217 Printed on; 27-MAR-2019 07:44 Page: 5 of6 Printed By: EDWARDS, Pet? CHICAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT . CASE SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT I I 3510 S. Michigan Avenue. Chicago, Illinois 60653 (For use by Chicago Police - Bureau of Invesligalive Services Personnel Only) Case id 11580050 Sup ID 13095225 CASH301 PROGRESS DETECTIVE SUP. APPROVAL COMPLETE Offense CIaSSIfcationI'Re ClaSSIfIcatIon Code Original Offense Classi?cation QIUCR Code PUBLIC PEACE VIOLATION I Violation 2090 0440 3 Injury Address of Occurrence .. .. . . . . . . No . No 340 NORTH WATER ST 3900 1334 1 1 1 Secondarvmcat'on . . Location Type Apartment 090 NO Date. Re Arrived Fire Related? Gang Related? :deesIIe Related? Date of Occurrence 29-JAN-20190200 1823R 29JAN20190242 NO NO NO Repomngomcer .. ems: VOGENTHALER Michael 20300 Morad 1280 MURRAY Kimberly 20808 Date Submitted gDate Approved ASSIgnment Type I 180426MAR20191818 I THIS IS A FIELD INVESTIGATION PROGRESS REPORT CITY OF CHICAGO TYPE: Government BUS: 5101 SWentworth Ave Chicago IL 60609 312?747?8380 SMOLLETT, -- In Custody -- Male Black 36 Years DOB: ?1982 RES: DESCRIPTION: 5'11,175,Black Hair. Fade Hair Style. Brown Eyes, Light Complexion ITEM USED: Not Applicable OCCUPATION: Actor RELATIONSHIP OF VICTIM T0 OFFENDER: CB 19771648 oeicsIor CITY OF CHICAGO No Relationship I LOCATION OF INCIDENT: 340 North Water St 3900 Chicago lL 60611 090 Apartment DATE TIME OF INCIDENT: 02:00 Printed On: 07:45 1 of 6 Printed By: EDWARDS. Peter- MOTIVE CAUSE METHOD CAU PERSONNEL ASSIGNED: CRIME CODE SUMMARY: IUCR ASSOCIATIONS: ASSOCIATED ARRESTS: Printed On: 27-MAR-2019 07:45 JC133190 SUP: COMPLETE Undetermined Other DNA DNA Assistinq DetectiveIYouth law5 VOGENTHALER. Michael #20390 THEIS, Michael #21217 r- CECCHIN, Vincent #20091 MURRAY, Kimberly #20808 Rego?j?g Officer BAIG. Muhammad 14926 BEAT: 1823R Male Black I25 Years DOB: -1993 DESCRIPTION: 6'00,185,Biack Hair, Fade Hair Style, Brown Eyes, Dark OTHER COMMU CATIONS: Cellular Phone: Male Black 27 Years DOB: -1991 DESCRIPTION: 5'08,175,Black Hair, Short Brown Eyes. Dark RES: OTHER COMMUNICATIONS: Cellular Phone: 2890 - Public Peace Violation Other Violation $99 - Public Pmeaoe Violatici?pther Violat_io_ SMOLLETT, Jussie (Offender) CITY OF CHICAGO (Victim) 2 0f 6 Printed By: EDWARDS, Peter'- 19771648 INCIDENT NOTIFICATIONS: REPORT DISTRIBUTIONS: INVESTIGATION: NOTIFICATION DATE TIME: REQUEST TYPE: Notification PERSON NAME: ,Goldie STAR 10478 EMP NOTIFICATION DATE TIME: REQUEST TYPE: Notification PERSON NAME: 1 STAR EMP NOTIFICATION DATE TIME: REQUEST TYPE: Notification PERSON NAME: ,Rocco STAR 15049 EMP No Distribution JC133190 DETECTIVE SUP. APPROVAL COMPLETE 01/29/2019i044500 01/29/20192042000 01/29/2019:060500 This is an Area Central PROGRESS Supplementary Case Report. This report should be read in conjunction with RD number JC133190. RECLASSIFIED TO: TYPE OF INCIDENT: Public Peace Violations Other Violation (2890) RD NUMBER: LOCATION: 340 North Water St #3900 Chicago, IL 60611 District 018 Beat1834 DAY, DATE, TIME: Tuesday, 29 Jan 19, 0200 hours DATE. TIME ASSIGNED: 31 January 2019 at 1230 hours WITNESSES: Printed On: 07:45 3of6 Printed By: EDWARDS, Peter- JC133190 SUP. APPROVAL OFFENDER: SMOLLETT Jussie Chicago, IL 80611 _1.982 19771648 MANNER MOTIVE: Jussle SMOLLET made false reports to police claiming to be the victim of an Aggravated battery/ Undetermined motive. 21-FEB-2019 The contents of this report, including interviews, are in essence and not verbatim unless otherwise noted by quotation marks. At approximately 0200 hours, relocated to 001st District where he was met by Det. Theis. RD and Det. Theis prepared the necessary documentation for the arrest of Jussle SMOLLETT. At approximately 0430 hours, and Det. Theis were joined by TFO SA Wing, Sgt. Bias and Sgt. Haleem. At approximately 0500 hours, Jussle SMOLLETT arrived in the 001st District, accompanied by his Attorney and other associates. was introduced to who identified herself as the attorney representing Jussle SMOLLETT and stated SMOLLETT imself in to police. was then given a phot alifornia Drivers License A New York State Attorney Registration Card and a business card. This information was provided by Sgt. Haleem. Jussie SMO I was then accompanied to a 001st District interview room with Attorney At approximately 0510 hours, SMOLLETT was read his rights from a pre?printed card. When Printed 00' 07245 4 of 6 Printed By: EDWARDS, Peter- JC133190 DEIECTIVE SUP. APPROVAL asked if he wo speak with police, SMOLLETT declined to answer At that point, Attorney was asked to leave the interview room. Attorney sked if Chicago Police would rel as OLLETT promising he would show court. Sgt. Haleem informed Attorney that would not be possible. Attorney then requested to stay with SMOLLETT during booking process and ride with him 0 ook Again, Sgt. Haleem informed Attorney Glandian that would not be possible. Attorney then exited the interview room. SMOLLETT was allowed to remain in the interview room with Det. Theis while RID completed the necessary paperwork. SMOLLETT was then accompanied to the 001st District lock-up by and Det. Theis. SMOLLETT was immediately searched, fingerprinted and photographed. SMOLLETT was then placed into an unmarked police vehicle, with tinted windows, which was located inside the 001st District sally port. At no time while in the 001st District, was SMOLLETT handcuffed, placed in a cell or subjected to the media. RID and Det. Theis drove SMOLLETT directly to the Cook County Jail, located at 2700 South California Ave, in Chicago. RID hand carried the arrest paperwork for SMOLLETT. While in route, RID offered SMOLLETT breakfast, coffee or something to drink which SMOLLETT declined. When the three arrived, RID contacted LT. Cintron of the Cook County Sheriffs Department who allowed RID, Det. Theis and SMOLLETT to enter the facility via the receiving area gate. Det. Theis stopped at security and secured weapons and .cell phones belonging to RID and Det. Theis. RID, Det. Theis and SMOLLETT then drove to the receiving area. RID went inside while Det. Theis and SMOLLETT waited in the police vehicle. RID introduced himself to LT. Cintron who asked if SMOLLETT could remain in the Chicago Police Vehicle until the receiving area was empty' and free from other prisoners. RID agreed and at the request of SMOLLETT, asked LT. Cintron if SMOLLETT could be kept segregated and housed alone until his attendance in bond court. LT. Cintron stated he would facilitate request. After the receiving area was emptied, RID introduced and turned SMOLLETT over to LT. Cintron. At no time, while SMOLLETT was in the custody of RID and Det. Theis, was SMOLLETT handcuffed, placed in a cell or subjected to the media. RID then dropped off the hand carried papenrvork with Cook County processing personnel. RID and Det. Theis then left the receiving area of the Cook County Jail. RID and Det. Theis then retrieved cell phones and weapons and returned to Area Central. RID and Det. Theis were then notified to go to Chicago Police Headquarters along with all available persons involved in this investigation, and attend a press conference being given by Chicago Police. After attending the Chicago Police press conference, RID and Det. Theis returned to Area Central. RID and Det. Theis were then instructed by Sgt. Bias to return several electronic items (INV #5 14375335, 14375376, 14375446, 1437544 77, recovered in search warrant 19SW4998, to and t. Haleem relat 0 ti a erwork needed to release the property back to- hand ad been taken care of. Printed On: 27FMAR-2019 07:45 5 of 6 Printed By: EDWARDS, Peter - JC133190 DETECTIVE SUP. APPROVAL COMPLETE and Det. Theis took custody of these items and drove to the Chicago South Loop Hotel loca reet et. Theis then went to room -and met with and and returned the listed property. and Det. els en returns 0 Area Central completing the day's events. inventoried a copy of the felony minutes sheet, a copy of the complaint, a copy of Attorney information for Attorney Glandian and a copy of the arrestee and property transport manifest sheet for SMOLLETT under 14397308. The investigation continues. Report of: Det. Michael Vogenthaler #20390 Det. Michael Theis #21217 Printed On: 07:45 6 of 6 Printed By: EDWARDS, Peter-