GRAPHIC g A l.l.qr uruc For > InforilätrÕn ãbout Form 9$0 and ¡ts rnrtructroìs it¡r ec rs at i'lo t545-0047 2tL6 UÀder sectíon 501{c}. $27, or 4947(a)(l} ot the tnternäl Rçven¡¡e Code (except p¡ivate foundations) Þ Do not anter socral secunty numberu on th¡s form as it mèy be made pub c IXftrt¡rre!u ol ilìs ltsi\l¡F I¡tcrr¡l OM8 Return of Organ¡zat¡on Ëxempt From lncome Tax 0".,990 Open tÐ P.¡b¡ic ,//þt!.l,JrQS q,qvlfq{mgg0 ln$peetion 20 O Employer rd€ntrfrcêtroñ humber P!bl,c PoljcV Solúïsös lóa I :-369 1${3 {Jorng bu5rnc55 åF Nuñbè. ðnd street (or P Ð box rl ntàri PO ftûx tf7$6 Ü r J A¡phcatron riol deìrv¿¡ed Èr street addre$l Ktom,/giltte 742-2t40 Crty cr iÒwf, 5(¡tÊ aa Ðrovr¡c€r coutrtiv, âûc Zlp qt foFetqû pôs[ål code Lexrìü(ôn, l{Y S0577 tðr'esÊmritrtå(ut G Grës5 recêrpas il sor(r:( ){{rnseÉno} ü Ë +s+r1*¡1r¡o, KFðrn.ororQanLzÂt!ßñ ts tilrs å group return for H(b) Are all HI H(c) ccrparðtron ff fl lrr,st Âçsolat,cn il 234¿719 subordtnates) sL¡bordrnates EYe* M ¡lo Ey"n Eh" ncfu dÊd ? If'¡'¡o,'' èttåÈh é lrst (see tnsruci¡ons) crz ot9 t H(a) r ffil serr¡.¡1':¡ Wcb¡itc¡ I ¿ç 6ro¡¡p exÈmpfuon nus¡ber Þ M stùrè of legäl dor¡rcle o¡tr*r> KY Bnefly drscrrbe thê organr¿åtron's mrsston or möst åtgnrf¡cåñt acttvtties rcsearch:nd q o ú i.' j5 g t Z. Check thls box > il rf the orgånrzåUon drscontrnued rts ôpÈråtrons or dtsposecl 3 NÉmber of votrflg members of the governrßg body (Part VI, l¡ne la) . * Numb¿r of rôdepënden: vofing merrlbërs ólthé govêûÍ.lg body (pðrt Vl, ol' rnore thån 25o/ú ôf [t9 ôèt frne 1b) ye:r 2G:.6 (Part V, hne ?a) . necessery) . . 5 Total nurnber oa rndtvrdu¿ls employed rn calendar 6 lotal nurnl¡er of vqliln[eerç {estrmate rf 7a Total unref¿têd busrnèss revenue froln Paß VIll, column (C). llne b ¡,let unrelêted burne$s têxêble tncomê fron¡ f,orm 990-T, Irne 34 I2 3 I 4 I 5 4 6 Ta " Current Vear Prior Year O, t ú 4 cc a contfibtrtrons and gr¡nts (Pàrt Vlu, kne 1h) . I PrÇgrðm $êrvrce rtv€nue (Pèít VllI, [ne 29) . , 1Ð ¡nveslr¡enl rrcome {Pà¡'t VIII, côlumn (A), lrnes 3. 4, ånd 7d ) 11 Other revênve (Pårt VIII, column (A), ltnes 5, 6d, 8c. 9e, loc, and t)"e) L2 Total revenue-add 'ú 6 UJ funes B through 1l (must equal Part V¡¡í. colum¡¡ {A), 13 14 1ñ Grants and srm¡lar ¿nrcunls pard (Part lX, cÒlurftn (A), lrnes 16t Frofessronal fundrarsrng fees iPart:X, columr (,(), h:le 11e) b Ëenefrts pard to cr for members (påd IX, column (A), tne t-3 ) 4) 278,367 tì 0 0 Nrne 224,367 t2} 0 , 0 Salarrer, oth6r (ôrñpehJatron, employÉe bênêfrt5 (part ¡X, column (A), hnès 5*10) 18 t9 Levenue less expenses Subträqt l¡ne 18 from lrre r28,5r8 126,237 ô14 0 Total funde*isrnq extensôs (Pðit 12 251 86,791 9å,926 zr6,22S 225/16l ¿9,6r6 12,138 . 8ôg¡rnrng of curent Ye.l b Pärt ¿54,7V9 . Ix, r;rlumn (D), lrn* i5) Þ67,18? Othêr êxpdnses (Part lX, colur¡n (A), hnes trlå-1!d, 11f-24ê) Total expensês Add h¡es 13-tr7 (murt equal Part IX, column {A). Ine 1t 0 7h . 20 21 2ã TÕtå[ ârsÉrÈ (Pðrt X. lrné Il Sionêture Ble, Toìål lràbrlrtre$ (PàÆ 16) x, llne ?6) Ênd 60,916 30.245 , , Net âssetÊ or fund balences Sçbtract lne 21 from lrne 20 " 2,97i 4,032 ¿7,24e 56,894 Uñder p¿nèltres ôf per)$ry, t dèclår€ thát I kno$JlddEe and betref, lr rs truè, corrôcl. ¿nd cônìpleté ânv \nowledce my preÞårer håå \ S¡gn FSr&¡¿tú.e Here 2iÌ17-06 28 te el alúcer Da )¡m qr þnnt 4ìÍìÊ ntlTypê t¡répðréfr ¡ane JùÈ$ C Caitr0 PrÈпreas srùnaturê Juan (: (ìästru Pft Paid Preparer Use Only ol Yeàr ûrrm's n¿rne > .¡CC FrrÍ'r addrÈss > 129 E RFYNOLDS RD SIE 1Õ0 ACCOUMII{G SÒLVIIO$15 1ÈXI¡r(ìrùÈí Kl Ðà!ê pûr-1gt3Iå Fìrtrì's ëlN Þ Phsls nÕ (859) 54]-Llì2 4GSr., ,!tìli the prÊparer shov¡n èbove? (tee lnitru(trons) For Paperwork Redustion Act Notice, see the ceparate instftctiont. ül v.u Mõy the ¡RS drsqi¡Es thrs returàì càt l¿¡ 11282Y il Form t¡o 990 (2o1.6) Form 990 (2016) E[[!f! Page ? Statement of Program Service Âccomptishñents rfS or note to O contalns a 1gn Itne rn thts Part III mtsston To rmprove the quelrty of hfe for *ll KY crtrzens by advaaclng the prrncrples of a free nrarket economy¿ lrrnrted government, ancl respect for ptivate property through scholarly reser¿ch and analysts of publrc poìtcy tssues, and provtston of educatron programs to KY crttzens, and any other crvlc, educatron. or Þollcv ÞurÞos€s therern rn ¿ccordance with KRS 273 L67 2 Dld the orgànrzåtron undertâke any srgnrflcant progråm servrces durrng the year whtch wêre not lrsted on üv"* the pnor Forrn ç90 or 990-EZr "Yes,'' descr¡be these new serytces on gchedule O Ðrd the orgånrzåhon ceâse conductrng, or mËke srgnrfrcëít chångss rn hovr !t coflducts, añy progrèm üIHo If 3 [Y.* serv!ce9? If M ¡¡" "Yes," descr¡be these changes on Sclredule O 4 Ðescrtbe the organtzatron's program servrçe accompkshments for each of rts three largest program s@rvtces, ës mèasured by expenses Sectton 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) orgsnrzatrons are requtred to report the amount of grants and allocatpns to others, the tetcl expense$. and revenue, rf åny, for e*ch prograrn servlce reported 4å {Code 990 Part. [Il 121,599 rncludrng qrãnts of $ ) {Êxpeñses I ) (Rev€nue 5 questran 4 EEual Opportun¡Tl uì Educairan * Efamrned poÌrcy tssuÊs ênd prescflpttçùs to gtve patents and çhlldrsn rnrtre öpttÍ¡ns wtth reçard to therr ' Às the state of Kontucky faqes an uncleer ftnancral futuro. BIFP$ ¿xanunød wáys tr rrlcr€àsê prûpefity rn the state lhrough more effectrve regulairon,-labor !fllProvernents and a more clear and robust pensron Eystem rn the siate Kentuckrnàns were provrded wrth irnport*nt rnforntatron ¿bout hcw such polrcjes could affect thetn tn the ÉutuÍe lntotrììåttor was ptsvtded onhne, rn rectures and !$ !h êr¡êdrâ tû c¡tr¿ên6 cÒ thay wrll be bêtter tnfol nred I'lo adrnrss¡on f€És ,rverê chârced to Paûtr.rpants cr organr?a¡tûns Qther progl'am servKes Schoo{ Ïrðnspôrency " provrdrng taxпyérs wrth rnfo regardrng spendtnç and õcçount*brllty ¡n publrc school Pohctes of all ìg pðr wltlr t otfier ' O r¡n *efofm he budqet ovrdttl ns ìt e$ I lure regå hcy Info Ståte t{ illhle rlh Y 4b (Code ) (Sxpenses s rncludrnq qrants of s ) (Revenue $ 4c {Code ) (ãXprr¡sÈs $ rnc!udrrrg grðD¡$ of ) (RevenuÈ g 4d Other program servrces (Þescrlbe rn Schedule (Expenses 4e $ Total pfooram s€rviçe expenseå > t .5 ng healtheare cosls and - provtdt¡ìg tðr{påyers tûq uôtontzåtto.ì ) rncludrftE grants of $ ) (Revenue g r:1,599 Form 990 i2016) Form 990 (2016) Part IV Yes t 2 3 Is the organrzâtron descrrbed tn sactton 501(c)(3) or 4947(a)(1) (other than å pr¡vate foundattorr)7 icl¡edule Ae?) . Is the organrzatron requtred to complete Schedule B, Schedule of Cantnþutçrs {see rnstructlons)? Drd the organtzatron engaga ¡n d¡rect or rndrrecl pohtrca ,".rTo"':n for publrc affrcez If "Yes," cornplete Schedule C, PaÍt I u:,u:r'u..on :.0:'t.: If "Yes," comp¡ete I No Yes 2 f\'¡o orrn opposrtion to candrdates It'lo 4 4 fTo 5 No 6 No 7 No a No I Itlo 10 No 5 6 7 I 9 10 t1 L1a b c d rnvestments*otlrer se(urtres rn^Part X, lrne 12 that rs 5olo or more of rts total assets repcrted:n Part X, lrne 16r If "Yes," complete Sch6d$le D, part Ðrd the organrzatron report an arnount for ¡nvestments-program related rn Part X,_hne 13 that rs SYo or more of rts totäf å$sÉt6 repôrted fn Pôrt X, llne tr6? If "Yes," comÞleta Schedule@- Êa¡t . Ðrd the organrzatron report an amount for e f 124 b trh No Itc ftlo 1ld No 11e No X9 1lf No 12a No 12b frlo Vfi5 VIilg ÞtdtheorgånraatronreportanêmotlntforotlreräEsetsrnPartX, lnetSthatls566o¡'moreofrtstotal assetsreported rn Pat X, lrne 162 Íf "Yes," complete $chadule Ð, Paft IX I . Ðrd the orçanrzatron report an amount fqr other lrabrlrtres rn Paü X, hne 25r If "Yes," complete Schedule D, Pad- X 9) Ðrd the qrçånruålron'$ separète çr consohdat*d frnancral stât€ments for the tax yeär rncludc å footnote thet addresses the organrzatron's trabrtrty for unrertam tax posrtÐns under FIN 48 (ASC ?4012 lf "Yes," complete Schedule D, Part Ðrd the organrzatron obtarn séparate, rndependen-l ¡udlted frnancral stãtemênls for the tðx year? If "Yes,'càmpÍete Schedute Ð, Parts XI and X$ Å . Was the qrgånräêtron rncludëd ln conqolrdated, rndependent audrted f'lnanclel stätemênts for the tux yearT If "Yes," and Éthe organ¡¿atron answerêd "No" ta line 72a, then complettng Schedule D, Farts XI and XIf 13 Is the organraatron.a school descr¡bed ln sect¡orì 170(bXf XAXu)z ¡¡ "r*n," complete Schedule E 14a Ðrd the organrzatron marntarn an offrce. employees, or agents outsrde of the Unrted Statesr s Yes optrcnal l3 No 14a $lo 14b ftlo t5 No Ðld the orgånrzatron rêporton Patt lX, colurnn (A), lrne 3, more than $5,000 of aqgregate Erants or other assrstance to or for forergn rndtvldualsT Íf "Ves," complete Schedule F, Parts III and IV . ' . 1ô No L7 Dld the orgänrzatron report a tot¿l of rnore than $15,000 of expenses fcr professrcnal tundratstng servtces on ?art IX, column (A), lrnes 6 and 11e: If "Yes," complete Schedule G, Part I {see rnstructrons) L7 No 18 Drd the orçanrzatron reporl more than $15,000 total of fundrarsrng event grôss rhcome and 9ee ¡nstrt¡cttons for frltng requrrenìentc for ÊrnCËN Ëorm tr14, Report of Ëoretgn Bank and Ftnancral Accounts (FBAR) 5a Was the organ¡zatron a Fãrty to a prohrbrted lax shetter transactron €t any trmÊ dur'ing the tax year? . . to a prohrbrted tax shelter transactron? b Drd any taxable party notrfy the oaganrzâtìon that rt was or rs a pârty c lf "Yes," ta lrile 5è or 5b, drd the organr¿attor't trle Êorm 8886-T? . 5a llo 5b No . 5c 6ã Does lhe crganluðtron havç annu¡l gross 1'êc€rpts that are normally grealer than $f 00,000, and drd the ôrganrzatron sô¡rcrt any côntflbutrolls thàt wére not tåx dêductrblê as chår¡täblê contñbuttÒns7 . . b tf "Yes, " dÉd thè ôrgånrzätrôn not b¿x deducbblez . . 7 rnclude wrth every sohcrtatrorì ån expresÊ gteteÌnent that such cóntnbutrons cr Erfts were 6ã 6b Orgâni2ations thât rìäy receive dedMctihle contr¡but¡onÉ undér sêction l?O(c), a Dtd the organrzatron recerve a payment tn exceÉs of 975 made pattly as è contflbutron and pürtly for çoods and provrded to the payor) 7a b If "Yes," 7b c dìd the ôrgånìzåtron notrfy the donor of the v¿lue óf the goods ôr servrces ÈrovidedT Þrd the orgãnrzåtron sell, exchanqe, or otherwrse drspose of tangrble personal prope.ty for whrch rt was requrred lo ftle Form 8282r d If "Yec," e f g rndrcåte the nLrrnber of Forms 8262 frled dunng the year D¡d the org¿nrzðtton, dunng the year¡ pay premrums¿ drrectly or rndrrectly, on a personål beneRt contr¿ct: If the organr¿åtron rerêrved ä çoöìributron of . or other vehrcles, drd the organrzatron ùin a Form D¡d the spon5onng orçanrzätrûn rnake any tåxäble drstrlbut¡ons under sectron Ir,rt{åtron feeç and cåprtal contnbutrons rnciuded Gross recelÊtF, rûcluded on Forr, 990, Part . VIll Section 501(c)(12) organizations, Ënter GroEs rncome from memþer$ or gharehülders , o¡ P¡rt VIII, hne 12 lrne 12, for pub¡c use of ciub faç¡lrtres . b G¡oss ¡ncome from other;ources (Do not ñet amount' due or patd to othérsourc6s èga,nst årnôunls due or recerved from lhem ) . t3 a If ''Yes," enter the amount of tex-exempt ríter€st recervÊd or accrued durtng the year No 7g No 7h NÔ I No 9a No 9þ No t2a No 1öa 1la r1b l2b Secticn 501-(c)(29) qqa[ifîed nonprotit he¡lth insurance assuers, Is the organizatton ì¡censed to rssue quahfred health plans rn more thän 6ne statelNote. See the rnstruct¡ons for addrtlon¿! ¡rìfórfiätrôn the orçênrzåtron must report on Schedufe O b Enterthe¿mountofrege eetheorgðnrzålrôilrsrcqurredtomatntårnbythsstatestn . whrch the orçân¡zåtrôñ rs hcensed to !s5ue quältfred heêlth plån$ reserves c Enter the amount of on hand 14a No 71 10b 12a Êectiona9aT(a)(f)non-exemptcharitabletruçts,[stheorganrzatronfr ngForm990rnùeuofForm1041¡ I¡ 7ê Section 501(c)(7) organizations, Enter b t 4966" to ä dcnor, donor ådvrsor, or relåled personT D¡d !he sponsonng orgånrzåtìon rñåke a drstrrbütron a 11 No quâláÍtêd rntellecìçål prëpêrty. drd the orq¿n¡z¿tron frle Form 8899 as Dtd a donor advrsed fund matntarned by the sponsorrng organrzatron have excess b*stness hold:ngs at any trme durtng the yearT 10 Tc 7d req utred) þ llo Þ¡d the orgänreâtion recËrvé any funds, drrectly or rndrre.tìy, to pêy pr€mrum* on á personâi benef¡t contrêct7 h If the organrzatron r€cerv€d a contfibutrün of cars, boabs. arrpianes/ 1098-c7 . . I Sponeoring organìzatîons maintaining donor a¡dvised funds. 9a No Þrd 13a 13b 13c the orçanlzatron recêrve äny payments far rndoor ìannrng serv'¿es durrng the tax yeår? . " b If''Yes,"hasit$rtedaFormT?0tcrepoÊthesÉpaymentsllf"No,"provdô¡neiprånatlontnScheduleO 14a No t4b Form 99O 5 Form 990 {2016) Part VI 6 Governaflcer Management, and Ðìsclosure{or eech "l'es" response to løes 2 through 7b below, ¿nd for¿ "No" response ta hfies Ba, 8b. or lÙb below, descnbe the ctrcumstances/ processes, ar changes ¡n Schedute O -Çee ¡nsfrucfrons Check rl Schedule O contarns a resporse or nète to åny hne rn thrs P¿rt V[ Section A. Vèg fa Ënterthenurnberofvofinçr¡êmhersof thegovernrngbodyattheendofthetaxyear No 1a lf there are mater¡al dtfferences tn vottng nghts among members of the govemlnç body, or rf thq goyernrrìg body delegated broad authonty to ÈR executrve commtttee or $rlntlår commritee, expla¡n rn Schedule O b Enter the number of votrng members rncluded tn [ne 1a, above, who åre rndependent th 2 Drd any offrcer. drrector, trustee, or key employee have a famrly refatronshrp or a busr¡ess 3 Drd the organrzatron delegate control over mênêgement dutres customarrly 8 p wrth any other offtcer, dtrectorr trusLee, or key employeeT peformed by or under the drrect of offrcers, drrectors or truEtees, or key employees tû ã mänâEernent compêny or other Fèrson2 o o: .1" o:n*n:*r:n 5 ô Tru: .y t':n,t,:"r:.n:nnï to. Ée No 3 NO sovernrnø d¡cu1ents t,.n...,n".tno"t Form eeo.was frled: 4 No Dtd the organt?ètìon bëcome äware dunñg the year of a srgntftcant dtversron of the orçänr?âtron's êsset$? 5 NO Drd the orgãnrzatron have members or stockholders? 6 No 7a No 7b No 7a Þrd the orgàntzåt¡on have members, stockholders, or other per$ons who hêd the power to elect or êppornt one or more rnembers of the governrng body? b Are any grvernaneê dects¡ons of the orgartzatron reserved to (or sub¡ect to approval by) mernbers, stockholdars, or persons other than the governrng bodyz I Drd thê Ö.gônräêtron contemporaneoustry document th€ meeilngs held or wrrtten äÇtrons undertaken durrng thÊ yeêr by the fûllowrng a The governtng bodyr b Each commrttee wrth êuthorrty to èct on behalf of the governrng body: I 2 :$ there èny dftrcer, drrector, truFtêe, or kEy employee llgted In PaÊ VII, seÇtron A, who cannot be reached at the crganrzatton's marlng addressl lf "'Yes," provrde tñe names ând addresses tn Schedule , ô on B. Thts 8a Yes 8b Yes 0 No the Intern¿l Revenue Code. B Yeg lOa 10a Drd the organrzätron have locai chapters. branches, or aff,Lates? b If "Yes,'' dtd the organrzat¡on have uJntten pohcres and procedures governrng the actrvrtres of such chapters, affrlrates, and branches to ensure thetr operettons are consrstent wtth the organrzàtton's exempt pilrposes? 11a Has the orEanrzðt¡on provldêd å cornÞìete copy of thrs Form 990 to all members of rts çovernrng body before fihng the form: b If 'lvo," go to hne 13 , ^ b Were offtcers, dtrectors, or trustêes, and key employees requtred to dlsclose annually rntereËts that could grve nse to conflrcts) 10h 1la Yes L2a Yes Þrd the organrzatron regularly and consrstently manrtór and enforce complrance wrth the pohcy? Schedule A how th¡s was done . , ¡f "Yes," descnbe tn 12b Yes l2c 13 Drd the organlzat¡on have-a wntten whrstleblower polrcy? 13 t4 Þrd the orEênrzâtron have a wntten document ret€ntrçn and destructron polrcyr l4 15 Drd the prÖcess for determtnrng coilpensàtron ôf thê fôllôw'ng pêrsons rnclude ¿ revtew ånd approval by rndependent Fertonlr comparabtltty data, and contemporaneous substantratron ofthe deirberat¡on and decrsron? a The organrzatron's CEO, Executrve Drrector, or top management offlcraN b Other off¡cers or key employees of the orgåTrzätron If "Yes" to lrne tSa qr 15h, descnbe the process No No Yes 15a No 1$b No 16a No rn Schedule O (see rnstructrons) l"6a Drd the orEåntzètrön rñvest In, contnbute ãssets to, or pàrlrcrpâte rn å Jornt venture or srm¡lar arranqement wtth a taxable enttky dunng the yearT b No Descnbe rn Schedule O the process. rf any, used by the organrzafuon to revrew thrs Form 990 1¿a Þrd lhÊ ûrganrzèt¡on have a wr¡then confllct of rnterest poltey) € l{o lf ''Yes,'' dtd the organrzat¡on follow a wntten pohcy or procedure req!.¡rrlnçi the organrzatron to er¡aluate rts padropatron !n Jornt v€nturÊ Èrrånçernents under apphc*ble federal tax law, ãnd tåke stepg to safeguard the orçanrzatron's exempt status wrth respect to such èr'rängements? r6b Sect¡on Ç. Disclosure L7 Lrst the State$ wrth whrch a copy of thr$ Fôrm 990 rs requrred to be FrledÞ f8 Sectrôn 6104 requrres ån orçañrzatroil to make rts Fôrm 1023 (or 1024 rf applrcable),990, äñd 990-T (501(c)(3)s only) avarlable for publrc rnspectron Indrçåtè how yor,r made these avarlable Check all that apply 19 20 il il M ffl ouun websrte Another's s.rebslte upon request oth*, (explarn rn Schedule o) Þescrlbe tn Schedule O whether (and rf so, hôw) the orgåÞr¿åtron rnade rts governrng documen[s, conf!lct of rnterest poltcy, and frnanc¡al stàtements avarlable to the pubhc durrng the tax year State the name, address, and telephone number of the Þerson who possesses the organr¿atron's books and records )The JÇC Graup l2B E Reynotds Rd ste 100 lexrrìgton,KY 40509 (859) 543-13?2 Form 990 {2016) Form 990 (20X.6) Part VIï Page ü Check rf Schedule 0 contatns a resÐonse or note to ànv [rne rn thrs Part VII Sect¡Çn A. Officers, D¡rectors, Trustees, Key Ëmploy€es, and H¡ghest Compensated Ëmployees la 7 Compen,sation of Officers, Directors,Trustees, Key Êmployees, Highest Compensated Ëmployees, ahd Inde pend ent Contractors Comptete thrs table for a11 persons requrred to be trsted Report compensatron fcr the calendar year endrng wrth or w¡thrn the organrzatron's tax yeð,1 ¡ Lrst ¿11 of the orgàntzat¡on's rurrent offrcers, drrectors, trustees (whether lndlvrduals or örgãrìtzàttons), regardless of amount of compensatron Enter -0- tn columns (Ð), tE), and (F) rf no compensatron lvas pard r Ltst all of the organrzat¡on's current key employees, rf any See rnstructrons for defrnrtron of "key employee " ; Lrst the organtzation's ftve current hrghest compensated employees (other than an offtcer, drrector, trustee or key empfoyee) who recerved reportable compensatton (8ox 5 of Form W-2 and/or Box 7 of Forrn l-099-¡'tlSC) of more than 9100,000 from the orgaÕ'zàtron and any rêlâted orgäntzattong r L¡st all of the organtzatlon's former offrcers, key employees, or hrghest compensated enrployees who recelved more than $100,000 of reportable compensatron from ihe organrzatron and any related organrzatrons a Ltst all of the orgäfiluatlo¡'s former d¡rectors or trustêês that recerved, rn the cêpåc¡ty es a former director or tru$tee ol the organtzatton, more than $10,000 of reportable compensatron from the or'gånrzåtrôn and any related organrzatrons Ltst. persons ln the fotlowtng order rndrv¡du¡l trustees or drrectors, rnstltut¡onaI trusteês, offtcers, key employees, hrghest compefisated employee$, End former such persons üÌ Cnect thrs box rf nerther thê nor any related nr¿ðrron compensàted any (A) (c) Name and Trtle (do not check more than one box, qnless person rs both an ôffrcer and à offr6er PosrLron d rrector/trustee Ð :{ ,t;r :t ,t' tf' 3 :å ?ì õ 3 9l ) gr nT j¡' 'ì ,_' c^ 'fl ,f, 't¡ ,t t:' o ,D 'r. = 'r .ï. Ér it" r]. {1) ïom ûupree 000 X Dr rector X 0 0 0 0 0 O û 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 (2) Aaron Arnûìermôn ûrrector {3) Trm ûûc Yeesrn 1ûC x ChãtiÍndrì (4) Steve f'leçerle X Drrector (5) Jrm Waters $ûc 4$ 0c X Êxecutrve Ðrr X rûc Form 990 (20å6 Forn: 990 (2016) Pärt ìfIT Page ïr Section A. (A) (c) {B} Name and Trtle hest H Average hcurs per week {hst any l'¡ourg for rel¿ted orgånrzaticns betow dotted Irne) (E) {D} {r) PosrÌion (do not check more Repofiable Repott*ble Estrmat*d than one box, unless person rs both ån offrcer and a dlrÊctor/ffusteè) compens,åtron cofñpensätlon fram related organr¿åtrons (lry- ãmcunt of other 2/loss-MIse) crganraatlon and related rr +-.È ä .-. 'f 't, s- .Ë. ù' a rT ,_¡ d* ð ?. D rD c0 s,I' ¡ ..: .Ì 'r €'l -Tt from the Õrqånrzåtron {W- 2/1ü9*-Mt5C) compen'satron fron the fr'"- Ê'i organr¿atrons ,t' {it'11 f, ,¡ a2 Êt {, C! lb Sub-Total c Total from continuation sheets d Total linec lb and 2 to Part VII. Secticn A . Total number of tndtvrduals (tncludrng but trot kmrted to those hsted above) who recerved more than $100,000 of reportable cornpensetron from the organreatron Þ 0 No Yes 3 Ðtd the organtzatton ìrst any fo¡mer offrcer, dtrector or trustee, key employee, l¿ne 1a? If "Yes," canÞlete Schedule I for such mdrwdual , , 4 I , , Drd any person hsted on lrne lä recerve or accrue compensêtron from any urr€lated orgänrråtrön or ¡ndrvrdual for servrces rendered to the organrzatron?lf "Yes," complete Schedula I for such perEan , Complete Èh¡s table for frve hlghest frorn the No 4 Írto 5 No rndependent contrëctors that rccerved more than $100,000 of compensatron 's tax r (B) the calendar year endrng w¡th or wltlrrn the (A) Nême añd 2 3 For any tndlvtdual lsted on lrne ]a, rs the sum of reportable €ompensàtron ðnd other cornpensatron from the orgãnrzåtron and related organtzât,ons greâter than $150,000t If "Yes," camplete Scheds/a J for such ndtvtduat 5 or hrghest compensated employee on nes¡ addreçs Ѐscnobon of servrces (c) Cöm Total number of rndependent contractors (lncludlng but not trmrted to those llsted above) who recerved more than g100,000 from the t0 990 I Forã 99û (¿0).6) {,*t,'fi¡¡A ?age 9 stâtemeñt of Revetue ô ëhecb rf Schedu1e r ü thrâ Fðrt RÊvânuc ê,(qladèd hùßt lëx ufldêr sech0ns Fêdêrätàd cèmpèrgns .â lD (ùf tts .;, ã, Ëã (9:E .È b 6 d þlèrilb€lshtp dues e 4.1 f .E? =4) lr¡l Fundtðl9rhg ëvèfit3 . 1c Relåted orgânrzãtrons t"d 6üverrnìèflt {runi5 {(aÂ{ühuTwasl 1a Àli otößr ùontfrbst,oÊs, Ufts, 6{óJ>t$. and grmilal åJ¡Ofiets to( rn(,u(l4d a g 'sC) Ë!t Uc l,ä , , 1f bsv¿ 250,554 Noncash Çontflbv(ronå rÍ 4 lneoma f¿om rnvËstment oftåx-exêmpt bofid prccêeds > SRoy¿ltiès. . . Þersona 6a GrcgS rents ç llehtÈl Lna$mq êr {loss} d Net rcntal inqoftô or (n) Securûrès d Net garn or (loes) , tä Gross rncome from fundrer:rnq (ñoè rhcludiñg o See P¿ri lV, l¡nE o 6 t 0 of contrìbukóûs reportêd ûil l¡nê 1c) 6 .Ê èvênt€ I b LÉss 18 , drêct êxpÉnsês . 6 Net rncome or (lose) from fundrarsrng 9a Gross ¡ncome frcrn gða¡ung öctrvrÈreå 5eè Pårt lV, lrôè 19 , il b LèsE drrect expenses c Nêt rncomè or (lösÈ) b , froft qàrnlng actrsrues , I ess b Less Form 990 (2016) Page 1O Stäternent of Functionrl ExpenseË Pärt ¡X Sectron 501(c)(3) a¡d 501(cX4) orgðnrzåttcns must cornplete all cotumns Alf other organrzàtrons must complete coÍumn (A) o nsa tf inc[udê reported Do not åmounts on lines 6b, 7b, 8b, 9b, and l0b of Part V[II, or note to ü thrs Part IX (cl (B) (A) Pt Tötêl €rpenses I Grants and other assrstance to domestrc organrzatrons and domestrc governlnent$ Seê pärt IV, f¡ne 21 2 Grants and other assrstrnçe to domest¡c rndrvrduals Sçe lV, hne 22 0 3 GråntË ånd ôther åssrstënËe to forçtgn orgäñi?åTtoil$f forêrgn governrnents, and Forergn rndtvrduÞls See Part lV, hne 15 and 16 U 4 5 Senefrts pard to cr for members 6 Compensatron ¡ot ¡ncluded above, to drsqualrfred persons defrned u¡nder sectron 4958(f)11)) and petsons descrrbed rn sectron 4958(c)(3)(B) 0 7 Other salanes and wages {, I Pens¡oil plåh àccruêls ênd canerþutrcns (rncÌude secÈroñ 401 I Other employee beneirts oqram servrce extenses (Þ) Manåqement åìrd 0eneral expenses Fundfã!$rngexpåûsès 0 Compensatron of currsnt offrcers. drrectors, trustees, and key ernployees 1 16,283 5S,50f) 3,283 54,500 655 4,529 (k) and a03(b) empfoyer contnbutrons) 1O Payroll taxes t,1 Ëees for serv¡ces (non-employees) a 0 9,954 Management . . 0 0 b Legal c Aecountrng 7,Q7O d Lobbyrng 0 e Professronel fundrarsrng servrces See Part IV, lrne 17 0 f lnvestmènÌ mênagement fess (If hne 119 amount exceeds 0 8,331 6,899 Advertrsrng and promotron 3,787 r.656 50 81 Off¡ce êxpenses 9.617 2,1r1 5,473 1,033 Informatron technology 2,926 1,195 ¡/31 9 Other (A) ômoüñt, 12 13 14 7,Q7O fu5t l Tlê 1070 of trne 25, column 36 1,396 119 *xpen$cs on Schedule O) 15 Royaltres 16 ôccupancy 17 Travel 18 payrnents of tràvel or enteÉarnment I 0 7,800 7,800 r6_559 expenses for any 1t,70û 37?, 2,481 33fi 899 r.93 o ¡s66ra[, state, or local publtc offrçtñls 19 Conferences, conventrons, and meètrngs , 1.430 , 2O lnterest 0 21 P¿yments to affrhates 22 Ðepreclatron, deptetron, and arnortrzatlon " 23 lnsurance 24 Other expenses Itemrze êxpèn$eç nc! covered 0 0 1,048 i,û4õ above (l-rst mtscelfaneous expenses rn hne 24e If llne 24e ãmoun[ exceeds 10% of kne ?5, çcfumn (A) ñmôunt, [$l hne Z4e expenseg on Schedulè o ) a Prrntrng and Publlcatcns b i4,382 t 3t&LZ 367 2ú3 Postage ånd Shtpptng I,v75 9,\32 4X8 z0s c cONTRACï IABOR fr,L75 1,9v5 v,2-qa d MEALS 3,5$5 2, J45 391 e All other 7,s2 25 ïôtâl fqnct¡onäl erpênsès. Add lrnes 1 throuçh 24e 26 Joint costs, Complete thrs lrne only rf the orgäntzàtro!'r 1 235,1 63 1 !,960 3,789 21,59ç 3Þ,182 7S9 67,382 reported ¡n column (B) lornt ccsts from a combtned ed¡¡cattonal cåmpàrgn and fundrarsrng sol¡crtatron Check here Þ Ü rFfolÌowrng SOP 98-2 (ASC 958-720i Ëorm 990 16) Forrn 990 (2016) lfElflit P¿qe 1 I Balance Sheet Clreck rf Schedrtle O contarns n hne rn thrs Fart IX a (A) Elegrnnrng of year 1 2 3 4 5 6 .à o tâ 7 I 9 10ä Cash*non-lnterest-beartnE 12.744 1 Savrngs and tsmporary cash rnvestrnents 59.?85 1.63 Pledges änd gr¿nts recetv¿bfe, net 3 0 Accounts recervable, net 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 Inventones fcr sate or use 8 0 Prepard expenses and deferred chãrges I 0 Loans and other recelvables from current and former offrcerg, dlrectors, trustees, key employees, and hrghest compensated employees Cornplete Part II of Schedule L Loåns änd ôther recervables frorn other dlsqualrfred pê.sons (as defrned under sectron 4958(fX1)), persônE descrrbed rn sèctìôn 4958(c)(3)(B), and contrrbutrnE ernployers and sponsonng orçanrzatrong of sectron 501(cXg) vol untary empf oyees' benefrcr ary organrzatrons ( see Ìnstructlons ) Complete Part II of Schedule L Notes and loans recetvable, net Land, burldrngs, and equtpment cost o¡^ other basrs Complete Part Vl of Schedule D 5,450 1Oä Less åccumulated deprectaLron 10c 0 11 Investments*pubtrcly traded securrtres 11 U l2 Investments*other seçuntres See Part IV, lrne 11 Investments-prograrn-related See Part IV, lrne 11 L2 0 13 13 0 0 b L4 Intangrble assets 14 15 Other assets See Part IV, hne 11 15 0 16 Total assets.Add ll¡es 1 througFr 15 (must egual hne 34) 16 60.E1 b t7 Accsunts påy¿ble and accrued expensÊs L7 4 032 18 Grants payable 30,245 2,977 18 . 19 Deferred r€venuê 19 zo Tax-exempt bond lr¡brhtres 20 tî 2L o 22 Ëscrow or custodral âccouÌt frabrlrty Complete Paft lV of Schedule D 2L G persons Cornplete Part Loans and other payables to current and former offrcers, drrectors, trustees, key ernployees, hrghest compensated employees, and drsqualrfred lI of Schedule L 2L . 2t Secured mortEåges and nÞteE payable to unrelated 24 Unsecured notes and loanr payable to unrelated thrrd partres 24 25 Other ltabtlrtres (tncludrng federal rncorne tax, payables to related thrrd partres, and other lrabrlrtres nct rncluded o{ lrnes 17-24) 25 26 Total liabilitíes.Add thrd 23 pârttes Complete Pårt X of Schedule D t¡neE 17 throtrgh 25 2.9'17 26 4,032 Unrestr¡cted neL assets 14,331 27 52,570 = 28 d Temporarrly restncted net assets 12.537 28 4,314 29 Permanently restrrcted net ëËsets 29 30 Organizations that do not follow SFAS 117 {ASC 958), check here Þ Ë and complete lines 30 through 34. Caprtal stock or trust prrncrpal, or current funds 30 o 31 Pard-tn or caprtat surplus, or land, burldrng or equrpmenh fund 31 { î2 Retarned eãrnrngs, endowrnent, accumufated rncome, or other funds Organizations that follow SFAS 117 (ASC 9S8), check here complete lines 17 througfu 29, and lines 33 and il4. o 27 o C) G Þ M and 32 33 Total net assets or fund balances 27,288 34 Ta[å] fÈabrlrtres ênd flet àsset$/fund balances 30,245 33 34 56,884 60.916 Ëorm 990 {2016) Form 990 (?016) page 12 Êeconcilliation of tlet AsÊets Check rf Schedule I co or note a Itn tÒ n Part XI Total revenue (must equal Part VIII, column (A), lrne 12) Total expenses (must equat Pert lX, column (A), lrne 25) I 254,779 z 2 225,\63 3 Rèvenue less expeflsê$ Subtråct kne 2 from lrne 3 29,616 4 NEt assets or fund bal¿nces at beglnnrng of yeår (rnust equal Part X, ltne 3?, coìumn (A)) 4 27,268 5 Net unreal¡zed garns (losses) on ¡nvestments 5 6 Ðonated servrces and 7 lnvestment €xpenses 7 I Prror perrod ädJUstment$ a I OthêË Ëhänges rn nêt åssets or fuhd balances (expl¿¡n rn Schedule O) s 10 Net assets or fund balances at end of year Combine nes 3 through 9 (must equal Part X, lrne 33, column 10 Pärt XII 1 , lse of factlrtres 6 56,884 Ëinancial 6tätements änd Rêport¡ng Check rf Schedule O contarns a or note to lrne rn thrs Part XII Yes t 2a Account¡ng rnethod used to preparê the Form 990 EI Castr I Ac.rr"l fl otf,"t If the organrzatron chanqed rts method of accountrng frorn a prror yêar or checked "Other," explarn rn Schedule O Were the orgarrzatron's ftnancral statements eomptled or revrewed by an rndependent accountant2 No 2a No 2b No If 'Yes.'check a box betow to rndrc¿te whether the frnancral ståtêmênts for the year were comprled or revrewed on a sepår¿të basrs, consolrdated basrs, or both IJ b Separate basrs fJ Conso[dated basrs fJ not¡r consohdêted an:d separate basls Were the organtzatrcn's ftnanctal stätements àudrted by an rndependent accountant? If'Yesr' check a box betow to rnd¡cate whether the frnanc¡al ståtêments for the year were audrted on a separate consolldåted basrs, or both Ü c basrs I conro]rdated basrs il gottr Çonsoltdêted and separate basrs If "Yes,'' Èo lrne Za or 2b, does the organtzaHcn have ã commrttee that ¡ssurres responsrbrf rly for oversrght of the audrt, revìew; or comprlatton of rts frnancral st*tements and selectron of an rndependent accountantz lf the 3a separate basrs, 2c organtzatron chançed erther tts oversrght process or selectron process durtng the tax yeàr, explarn rn Schedule O As a resull of ¿ federal award. was the organrzatron requrred to undergo an audrt or audlts as set forth rn the $rngle AudrÈ Act and OMB Crrcufar A-133? 3a No b If "Yes,'' drd the org anrzatron undergo the requrred audrt or audrts? If the organrzatron drd not undergo the requrred audrt or audtts, expl arn why ¡n Schedule O and any steps taken to undergo such audlts 3b Ëorm 990 {2016) AdditßonaI Ðata Seftwarc lÞs 160t03S? :$Ðf,G-w{rË-Versiont 2016vS ;0 EINI NnrnE: 990 I"113691û4¡ Btuagrãs$'iln*htr¡fË For solutfong'trnc, efile GRAFHIC print - ÞO NOT PROCES$ SCHËþULË A (Form 99{} ar e9ütz) l)eliìrhiltilt ol' the "['¡'ersun As Filed Data * ÞLN:934931790O1O17 Public Gharity Status and Fuþlic Support Gomplete if the organization is a section 501(c)(3) organization or a section 4947 (a) l l nonexempt charitable t¡ustÞ Attach to Form 990 or Form 990-EZ. Þ Information about Schedule A (Form g9O or 99O*EZ) and lts ¡nstrustions is at 2ilI6 Õpe n etion e number Bfuegrass Instrtute Solutrons Inc Päft T Pubhc Pohcy Reason for Þublic StätuË The organ zat on rs not à prvate 1ü ãn 3E 4n 5n 6! 7ú 8n en 1{r tn Public rt tzåt¡üns must cÖm r9 L2, 1 one A church, conventron of churches, or assocratron of churches descnbed Aschool descr¡bed rn sectíon 1 1-369r843 See thrs ) r¡ section 17O(bXlXA)(¡), 170(bXl)(A)(ii). (Attach Schedule E (Form 990 or990-FZ)) A hosprtal or a cooperatrve hosprtal servrce organrzatron descr¡bed rn sectìon 1t0(bXlXA)(iii). 17o(b)( 1XA)(iii). Enter the hosprial's A medtcal research organtzatton operated rn €onJunctron wúh a hospttal ilame, Ç'ty, ånd Ftate An erçan¡eat¡on operated for the benef¡t of a college or üntversrhy owned or (bXrxnXlv). (Comptete Påft n ) Afedefal, stète, or local government or gqvernmentål unrt descrrþed â governmental unrt descrrbed tn Êert¡on 170 Xv). Aû grgEñrzåtton thât normèlly recetves a substånträl part of rts suppürt seët¡on 170(bXf XA)(vi). (Complete Fart lI ) A cornrnuntty trust descrrbed rn *ection 17O{b)tixA}(vi} {Comp}eÞ Far! unrt or from the general publrc descrrbed rn lI } An agrrcultural research organlzatton non-land grant college of agnculture wrth a ìand-grant college or unrversrty or a of the college or untverstty ffi cêrtatn lnvestment rncome and unrelated busrness taxable 30, 1975 See seclion Foe(a)(ã!. (com 11 L2 fl to test lor pubhc An organrzaùon organrzed and operated il type of See sectio¡ ã09(a)(a). to perform the functlons of, or to carry out the purpsses of onÊ or . See section 5O9(a)(3). Check the box LZe, l?f, and 129 & h c d e f s th* of suppoÉed Type of orEanlzatton {desenbed on hnes t* 10 above {see rnsfructÌön$), {Íii} (iv) (v) ls the orEanr:àtton llsted tn your governrng docume:ìt? Arnqunt of monetary *uppert {see rnstruetrons} Yee of other support {see tnstructrens) No Toùôl For Paperwork Reductíon Act Hotice, see the Form 990 or 990-EZ. 1 Schedule A or 2016 Schedule A (Fqrrn 990 or 990-EZ) ?016 Pärt ïI 2 ule for Organizations Described in and 170(b)(r)(A)(vi) 170(b)(1 A ( (Ccm efe only rf you ciìeckéd lhe box on Lne 5,7, B, or 9 of Part I o¿" tf the 0rçä nrzatron farled to quältfy under Pert farls to ' Calendar year (a)2012 (or fiscal year beginning in) Þ 1 (c)20 14 (d )201s (e)20r6 (f)Total (d)2o15 (e)20 16 (f)TÞtãl Grfts, grãnls, contributrons. ånd membershtp fees recerved (Do not lnclude any "unusuai grant '') Tax revènues levred for the orEanr¿åtron's benefit and erther pard to or expended on lls behalf The valt¡e of servrces or facrlltres fumrshed by a governmentãl ufl¡t to the organrzatron wrthout charge Total, Add lrnes I through 3 The portron of totaf contrrbutrons by each person (other than a governmental unrt or pubhcly supported organrzatron) rncluded on ftne 1 th¿t oxceeds 2% of the amouni shor,ln on lrne 1tr, column (f) 2 3 4 5 6 Public 6upport. Subtråct llne 5 frorn Sect¡on Ð. Total 7 Ë g 10 t1 12 13 rt Calendar year (or fiscal year beginning in) Þ (a)2012 ( þ)201 3 Amounis from hne 4 Gross rncom€ from lnterest, drvrdends, payrnents recetved on s€curtttes loans, rents. royalttes and Income from slrn¡tar sources Net rncorne from unrelated busrness äÇbvrtre$, whether or not the buslness ts regularly c¿rrted on Other rncome Þo not rnclude göin or loss from the sale of caprtal assets (Explarn rn Part Vi ) Total suppott, Add l¡nes 7 through 10 Gross recetpts from related âcttvll,ês, etc First five years. If hhs Form 990 check thrs box and here. rs 12 for the organrzatron's first, seçond, thrrd, fourth, or frfth tax yeqr as ã seçtron 501(cX3) organrzelron, Þ . Section C. Computat¡on of Publíc by trne 11. column (f)) 2016 L4 15 Pubhc support percefitåEe for 2015 Schedule A, Part L6 lI, hne 14 16a 33 1/3o/o suppôrt test-2016, If the organlaatron drd not check the box on l¡ne 13, and frne 14 rs 33 and stop here. The orgånrzåtron guèltftes as a pubhciy supported organlzat,on b 1S 11301ô A3 1/3oloeupporttest*Z0lF. Iftheorgånt¿at¡andrdnotchêckaboxönlrne13or16e,andirne15rs33 box and stop here. The orçanrzatron quatrfres as a publrcly suppofted t7a 1o9lo-facts-and-circumstances test-20tr6" If the organrzætlon or rnore¡ check th¡s box >n lt3ùt.aormqre,checkthrs organrzatlon Þñ ne 13, 16a, or 16b, and lrne 14 ts 10olo or more, and tf the organrzatron meets the ''facts*and-clrcumstances'' t6st, check thrs box ¿nd stop hêre. Explårn drd not check a box on tn Part VI how the orgånrzåtrotr meets the "facts-and-crrcumstancÊs" 6 test The orgånrzatron qualrñes as a pubhcly sL¡pported orgðnrzêtron l0o/o-factt-and-circumstërTêestest-201E.ff thêorgant¿åtrondrdnotcheckaboxonlrne13, 16a, 16b, otl7a, a¡dhne 15 rs lÛç/o or more, and rf the organrzatron meets the "facts-and-crrcumstances'' test, check thts box and stop here. Ëxplarn rn Part VI how the organrzatron meets the "facts-and-crrcurnstances'' test. the organrzatron quahfres as a publrcly supported organtzðtron 1g Private foundation, lf the organreatron drd not check a box on lrne 13, 16a, l6b, instfu€tr0ns J.7a, or 17b, check thrs box arìd see >Ü Þtr >¡ Schedule A lForm 990 or 990-EZì 20i6 Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2016 I¡Elif,Èfil c6u (or fiscal year 2 3 r (al2ü12 nnlng ìn) Þ Grfts. grênts, contrtbuttons, and rnembershrp fees recetved (Do not rnctude any "unusual grants ") Gross re(erpts frorn admrssro;rs, merch¿ndrse sold or servlces performed, or facllrttes furntshed rn any actrvrty that rs related to the orgånrzêtron's täx-exeryì pt purpose (b (c)201"4 )2013 272,342 315,û36 {d}2ü15 189.825 (e)20 l6 (f)Total 254,779 22S,3ô? 1,3 6S,389 o 6ross recerpts frôm êctrvrtres that are not an unrelated trade or 0 bustness under sect¡on 513 4 5 6 7a b c I Tax revenues lev¡ed for the organrzatron's benefrf and etther patd to or' expended on ¡ts beh¡lf t The value of servrces or facrlrtres furntshed by a governmenta! unrt to the organrzatron wtthout charge Totô , Add hnes t thro*gh 5 An'ìounts rncluded on ltnes 1. 2, and 3 rece¡ved frorn drsqua}fred persons 272,J42 315,036 2a9.8?5 754,779 22S.367 Amounts rneluded on hnes 2 end 3 rece¡ved from other than drsqualrfted per$ons thåt êxceed the greater of $5,000 ar Lola oi the amount on kne 0 13 for the year Add ftneç 7a and 7b from pÐrt Calendar year c 11 12 13 j,4 1,3 60,1S9 6 $ection Ë. Total b 38S 0 Fuhlic support. (Subtract ltne 7c 9 loa 3 Support Schedule fcr Organizðt¡ons Described in Section 50e(a) (21 (Çorrpìete only rf you checked the þox on lrne 10 of P*rt I or rf the organrzätron farled to qualrfy under'Pärt II, If the orqäntzåfron fallE to qu¿lrfy under the tests trsted belolv, pleäse complete Pärt Il,) l\" I Page (or fiscal year beginning in) (a)2012 ) ( !r$,036 Amounts frorn lrne 6 Gross rncome from rntere$t, drvrdends, payrnent$ reçerved on secunttes loans, renEs, royaltres and lncome from srmrlar sourcês Unrelated busrness taxable rncornê (lesc sectron 511 taxes) from busrnesses aÇqulred äfter June 30, I (c)2014 b)2013 289"825 ¿72.382 069 (d )20r5 (e)2016 228.367 (f)Total 254,779 389 1,071 2 0 1975 r,069 Add ltnes tOa and lOb Net rncome from unrelated busrness actrvrtres not rncluded rn lrne 10b, whether or not the busrness rs regularly c¿rned on Ðther rncome Do not rnclude garn 2 0 or loss frorn the saìe of caprtal 0 assets (Ëxplarn rn Part Vl ) Total support. (Add lrnes 9, loc, 11, and 12 ) First five ysars. If the Ëorm 99û check th 316,105 r s for orgå /72,?84 289,r25 rst, second, .ôl 228,367 25'1,779 tèx year as å sect¡on 1,361,{6û orgðn tzatron, ÞÜ here Ê,. 15 16 for 2016 (1rne 8, column {f) drvrded by Ine 13, column suppo Pub c support pêrcentågô from 2015 Schedule A, Pêr[ I:I, lt¡è 15 Sêct¡on D. Com (f)i 15 tô 99 920 99 930 olo olc of Investnrent fncorne 17 lg colurnn lnvestment rncome percentåËe rded by hne t7 0 080 alr Investmenl rnçome percentage from 2015 Schedule A, Part IIl, lrne 17 18 0 070 o/o 331/rolo orçantratton drd check the lrne support tests-2016, If the not box on 14, and lrne 15 rs more than 33 1/3olb, and lrne 17 rs not l9a more thðn 33 Ut%, check thrs box and stop here. The organreahor! qualrfles as a publrcly silpported organrzatron >M b 33 1/3o/o support tests-2015. If the organtzatron drd not check Þ box on hne t4 or f rne 19a, ënd trne å6 rs more than 33 1,13o/c and lrne 18 ts not more thên 33 1/3o/E, check thts box and stop hare" The organtzatron qualtfres as a publrcly supported organrzatron >Ü 20 Priyate faundation. If the drd not check ¿ box on lrne 14 I or check thrs box and see rnstructrons ÞÜ Schedule A lForm 99O or 99O-EZ) 2016 Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2016 tÈlFffi? Page 4 $upparting Organi*atíons (Complefe only rf you cl¡ecked ¿ box on frne 12 of Pãrt I lf you checked 12a of Part I, cornplete Sectrons A and B If you checked 12b of Part l, cornplete Sectrons A and C If you cl¡ecked t2c of P¿rt I, complete gectrons A, Þ, and E lf you checked l2d of Part I, complete .A. Al¡ Yes I Are all of the orgånt¿atron's supported organrratrons lr:ted by namÊ In the organreatron'r governrng doçuments) If "No," descnbe m Part VI how the supported organtzatrans are deargnaled If deøgnaèed by class er purpëse, descnbe the ilespnatrcn Íf htstonc and con&numg relatrcnship, explatn 2 Ðld the organtzatron have any supported orgênr¿êtron thet does not have ån IRS determrnatróR of status under seetlon 509 (a)(t) or (211 If "les," explafi ¡n Pert VI how thë orgârr,zâÈron dctermned fi¡at the suppo¡tld orgaruzât¡çn was dascnbed 1 ln tecttoñ 6OS(a)(I) or (2) 3a 2 Dtd the organlzatton have e supported organtzatron descrrbed rn sectton 501(cX4), (5), or (6)r below h If *Yës," answer (b) and (c) 3e that each supported organr¿atron qualrfred under sectron 501(cX4), (5), or (6) and sabrsfred the publtc $upport tests under sect¡o* 509(å)(?)? ff "Yes." descnbe n Fart VI when and how the organzatron made fhe Ðrd the organtzahton conftrm determtnat¡øn e No ôb that all support to such or€anrzatronÈ was used exclusrvely for $ectlon 17û(cX2)(B) purpoEes? Part VI what controls the argantzatton pat n p/ãce to e¡Ts{¡rg ¡ft¡cñ uie D¡d the orgäntzåtlon ensure If "Yes," explan n 3c 4a 4a b 4b c 5* b s01(c)(3) and 509(a)(1) or (2)? lf "Ycs," explatn n Fart VI to the foreryn supported orgânzatron was used exclusrvely Drd tbe 4c any supported (c) ncludng ú) the orgânzätrcns added, substttuted, ar removed, (u) for each orEanzatrcn's ërgauzmg dotument authonang (rv) how amendme¡t to the organztng document) Type I or Type II only. Was any added or substrtuted c event 6 supported orgån¡uetrons, or (nr) other orçânrzâgon's support€d ôrgðnr2at¡ons? 7 used to ensure that ¿ll suppott the Èax yeaf If "Yes,"'ançwer (b) and EIN numbers of the supported (nt) the authorÊy undêr thê was etcomplrshed (such as by 5å pårt of å class elreedy desrgnated rn the 5b 5ç the organtzatron's contro!7 or the provrsron of servrces or facrhtres) to enyone of the Attâch to Form 990, DclliìruùÉnt öl'thÈ ïruixuß Information about Schedule D (Form 990) and itg instructions is at lnnmrl llcrenu¿ Scrr :rc ParÈ ßlußgråss lßstrtute Sûlútroñs lnc Open to Þulrlic Inspection Pubhc Polcy 69 t843 Organizatíons Mâ¡ntaining Þonor Advised Funds or afiSwered "Yes" on Form t¡ Part TV Irne 6, Donor advrsed funds I 2 Total number at e*d of year 3 4 5 Açgregate valoe of grants frorn (dunng year) ather accounts Agçregate vålue 0f contilbutþns to (dvflng year) AgEregate value at end of year Dtd the orgänr?atron tnfo¡m all dcnors and donor funds are the organt¿atron's prûpefty, trrb;ect to 6 nY*" nxo the organrzatton rnfotm all grantees, donors, used only for chantable Furposes and not for the conf€rrng rmpermrssrbfe pilvale benêtrt2 Drd Part !no nv.t II 1 an hrstorrcalty rmportant land area a certrfred hrstonc structure form of 2 2a 2b b c d Numher of coRservãtro!ì eesernonts on a certrfred hrstonc structure rncluded tn.{a) 2.c Number of conservetron eàsements ¡ncf uded tn (c) acçurred aft,er 8/L7106, êhd not on å htstonc structure hsted rn the Natronaf Regrster 2d Number ôf Èoilservauon €âgêr¡enG modrf!êd, transferred, released, extrngurohed, or [ermtnated by thÊ org¿nrzätron durrng thê 3 tax year I ) 4 Number of slates where propeÉy sub¡ect to conservatton eäsernent rs located 5 Þoes the organrzatron hève a wntteh po[cy regardrng the perodrc monrtortng, rnspectrofl, handkng of vrolatroos, end enforcement óf the consÉrvåtton easements ft holdsr 6 ü V"" n ¡¡o Steff and volunteer hours devoled to.mÐnrtonng, tnspecttng, handhng of vrolatrons, and enforcrng conservatron eãsements dur:ng the year 7 Amount of expeflses S Þoes eech and sectron 170(hX 9 In Pàd XIII, descnbe rnspecÈrng, handl¡ng of vrolBtrons, ånd enftreìRç conservatro* eåsements dunng the year È$ balance reported on hne 2(d) above satrsfy the requrremenls of sectron r7O{l¡XAXtXli ü v*r rnclude, PäTt I¡I 1ã If the organtz*tron art. hrstoncal treèsuresr or o Mô¡ntð¡nfng Collections of Artr HiËtor¡ca¡ Treäsuree, or Otil€r Simllar Assets. aRgwered "Yes" on Form 990 Part IV I under SFAS 1f6 (ASC 958), nct to report rn rts reveßile statement and balance sheet workç of ass6ts held for pubÉrc exhrbrtron, educatron, or reEearch rn furtherance of publrc serv¡ce¡ th€ footndte to rls frnanc¡al stàternénts that déscflbes thêse rtems pÊrmttted under SFAS r16 (ASC 958), to report rn tts revenue statement and balance sheet works of art, htstor¡cal treasures, or other s¡mrlar ¿ssets held lor pubfrc exhtbttron, educatron, oT research tn fr¡rther¿nte of publtc sen,tc€, provtde thÊ followrng åmounts relatrng to these ttems provrde, tn Fårt XItr¡, the lf the orgaêrzåtion (i) Revenue rncluded on Form 990, På.t VIII, ltne I (aì)Assels rncluded rn Form 990, Part X 2 ¡¡o e¡sements the 6 ü congervatron easements rn tts revenue and expense statement. and text of the footnote to the organtzat+on's frnanclal statements that descnbes >$ >g ¡f the organrzatron recetygd or hêld works of art, htstoñcê[ treâsures, or other srmÌlêr ässets for financral gärn¡ pravrde the folfolvrng smounts requrred to be reported under SFAS 116 (ASC 958) refatrng to these ¡tems a Revenue tncluded on Form 990, Part VXfl, lrne 1 b Assets rncìuded rn Form 990, Fart X ffi,seetheInst¡uctiangforËorm990.CatNa522B3D$cheduleÞ(form99t)2016 Þ$ Þs 9chedule Þ (Form 990) 3 2016 page Z Ustng the orgailzatron's acqutsttton, ac(essron, and other records, check any of the followrng thåt äre a slgnrfrcant uEe of lts collect¡on tiems (check all that apply) â fl b Publrc n il c exhrbrlron ScholarTy research d n Loan or exchange progrèms e n other Preservatron for future generattons 4 Prov¡de ä descrtptton of the organtzat¡on's collectrons and explaln how they fu¡ther the organrzatron's exempt purpose rn Part XIII 5 Durtng the year, dld the organtzahon sohctt or .ecerve donatlons of art, hrstoncal treasures or othersrmrlar assets to be sold to ratse funds rather than to be marnta¡ned as part of the orgenrzatlon's collectron2 nY.s !no Fscrow and Custodial Arrançement5. Complete rf the organrzåtton answered "Yês'' on Forrn 99û, Part IV, ltnÊ 9, or reported añ amount on Form gg0, Part X. lrne 21. la Is the organtz¿tron an agent, truEiee, cusÊodran or other rntermedlary for contnbutlons or other assets not il v." il ¡acluded on form 990, Part X? ¡¡o "Yes," explarn the arrangement tn pårt XÍII and complete the followrng tebie b If c Eegtnnrng b¿lance 1c d Addrtrons durrng the year e D¡stnbutrons durrng the year td te f Sndrng balance 1f 2a Ðld the organtzatton rnclude an ðmount on Form 990, Part X, hne 21/ for escrow or custodlal account lLabrlrty? ¡¡ y." b If "Y"t," expfarn the arrangement rn Part Xlll Check here rf the explanatron has been provrded rn Part XIII Part V Endowment Funds. Completê tf the n on Forrn 990r Part IV Irne 10, ntzatron answerêd {a}current ye¿r !no {c)Twc vears back lblPrror vear ld)fhree ve¿rs back e b¿ck 1a Beg:nnrng of year balance b Contrrbutrons c Net tnvestment earnfngs, gatns, and fosses d Grants or schoLarshrps e Other expend:tures for faclltres and prograrns Í Admr nrstratlve expeflses s End of year balance a Prov¡de thê estrmåled percentêge of lhê current year end balance (hne Eoard desrgnated or quasr-endow¡nent Þ b Perrnanent e¡dowment È c Temporarrly restrrcted endowrnent Þ The percenrages oû lrnes 2a,2b, a¡d 2c shor¡fd equäl 100%) Are there endowmet¡t ft¡nds nct tn the possesston of the organrzatron that are held and admrnrstered for the 2 3a lg, cöfuinfl (a)) held as organtzatron by Yes (i) unrelated orEäfl rzatlons (ii) related orgånrzåtrons b 4 @ 3a(i) 3a(ii) lf "Yes" on 3a(l), are the related organrzâtrons lrsted as requrred on Schedule R? Descrrbe rn Patt Xlll t{re ¡ntended uses of the organrzatron's endowment funds 3b Land, Buildings, and ñquipment. Ir (blCost or other basrs {other) Descrrptron of property la Länd b Burldrngs c Leasehold tmprovements d Équrpment e Other Total. Add lrnes 1a 5,450 11a. See Form Part lrne 10" (c)Accumu latecl dèprecrðtJon 5,450 le (Calumn (d) must Schedule D (Form 99O) 2O1õ S(hedu'e Þ {ncrrn {90J ?016 5 0rì L ôr (l)Froencrêt dewêtrves ( 2 )Closely-hËld equriy rntereslè (3 ) Othêr (A1 {B) iEl lc) íF) fal*i. laolrar4 /þ) nr$ étu¿¿aord *tq P¿¡¡ ¡. Òdl I¿r I? ,ì Rsläted. c0ñplete lf VT¡T ðnswÈted 'Yes' on Form (b) (Ð) Þës(ilp(ron of rËvesìñént ðook velu* VêIUå (r) tot* . t