VHHEHMML RE: Notice of Legislative Vacancy in Legieiative District 1 L-?Jri Pia I'm Ri?IlmeL-Hif [:Ir Dir" .t'lir Di are: w: New. 1 J1: 'i Latte?: c1 'ilt?t?ll'lu Ifrllajiitl: Lit "Ii: 1. [Jerri .3379 the Liftc'iIU-J'i. and "ric- c" :1 ml Lir': Last . '.ii an i .5 wire-- .4. quorum of elected Precinct Cormnitteemen, to proceed with the .rneeting. mite m? um 919 Elie] [Tinn- it: fun' f'w ?ilr-F'I "tr i' L- 5] The ?led-.14] nl The ?.iie dit-[r rIi-- Hi [It a. ii-yl 41- Ila:- rife-g! . L. l* i: Ivar Jf': H. - ?cr" .--.3 :r 1* stat-.2 n.1' - 'r-rr:l. xv. "thief.- ut It aHi-.. Hui-(my - er tilt; 2' dl? - .fo :If Flt-?l - Fit Jet'- -f ?L'u-i Lil": Uur '.Li eIeL'. he'd cent":- ._1ri:J mend-'3 "awe: ["13 V'utucdi BULIHJ [i'fj't n; .1 . "exl :ue'g'l dea-i- lie 1r: tar f't' u-?zur '1 "e II "it-4i .etii-gs Peer-4t [tr-I to it: i ittid'dllirq 1 Tm c110,: - cc oraeiivrd-AEHCP