Exhibit n: a. 3"z? ING lNFORMATION EARLY VOTING: M’Ni. 1‘, ELECTION DAY: MAY 1b flu, 2019 4, EARLY VOTING Aplil 22 7 Tuesday, April 23 ‘ednesday, April 24 8 mmfllm‘ddfi'v v . R ' ‘ Ql'lubli!;¥1t'h‘flr‘ ‘_ _ . V ‘ ELECTION DAY Saturday, min polling May 4 plan 7 voling lo: am. wull ECISD BONI to 7 p.m. ELECTION bu (ht ECISD lnformanon nology Building. lotatad a! All N‘ 8th Ave‘, Edinburg, TX, Voting Brunch Locations )l district al several complete oclsdus listing o! will bl operated throughout lhe EARLY VOTING: APRIL 22-30 ELECTION DAY: MAY 4 campuses and departments, the Eavly Vonng Branch Location; vusu 1 " ‘ . h '_ I ' V ., . ' " . ' ' ’ ' ' "T " V m scnso j . m Consolidated ‘ > I U ’ ' _ Independent _ L V ‘ mum». V V , ‘ MOREINFORMATION m..mm.«,¢.«. Edinburg _' V ‘ > nrammm on m. 201' mm... mm m”WW. - School Distnct V CL-19-1591-A am. to 7 p.m. am. to 6 p.m. 8 am. to 6 p.m. Thursday, April 25 8 am. to 6 p.m. Friday, April 26 a am. to 6 p.m. Saturday, April 27 8 am. to 5 p.m. Sunday, April 23 CLOSED Monday, April 29 8 am. to 6 p.m. Monday, TAXPAYER IMPACT COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS In May 20194 Edinburg volevs will (o decide ’ whe‘hev to autholixe Edinbuvg Consolidated independent School District m finance [he construction or renovation o! schools through (he Issuance 01 bonds‘ Tho Slam of Texas helps a dlstricl that passes a bond with matching Funds. The information contained brochure is Mosx secondary (ampuses are overcrowded m sludenx nnmllmpnl and rmwnlly, move than Ion portable twmpomry classrooms arc being used ‘ maximum lax Impact o! thus bond for a Kolal lax rate of SI 28 For a taxpayer wnth a $100.1 lo xaxpaycv wiII be appvommalcly 53,33 a a year, There are a lumiled availability of (arear and Technical Educadon ((IE) classes. with only one sewing (our high schools. (I) CTE $50,000 cuvmnlly facility $75,000 $00,000 ADDITIONS AND RENOVAYIONS IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS Classroom addmons lo c cmcnlavy schools :md Icnovsnons lo elemenlavy school gyms were pnnmund as needs at slum $175,009 s: mu,“ m,- w rwmmmwnswmn‘rw u ‘ \lllk; approved, (he estimated (ems home, tho total cost month or about $40 MORE CAREER OPPORYUNHIES hallm box the- m atcommodalc (he overflow. If 4 ‘o educate dud inlovm [he community aboux the proposed bond projects so that voters can make an inlomled deuslon b ‘ in (his OVERCROWDING @ a have (he opportunity , I TOR ' 2019 ECISD School Bond Proposition: [he bonds $220 Million WIII be paid through Increased property (axes and Smte ol pros (IPA or EDA ngl potential assistanm from [he C‘anroom Adamo", Mom (rmo Es hmmm. (o Elcmuvy smool Gym: $14.7 Nuw M L —\ (mam wtmm‘l [s M $3.9 ”M ,mwmm 4m ‘ . conmuum $2.6M - mnmul summon «Hume: Sam mslllcv snAlE \ $25M mum «w, L v-~dm..v um mom: u. _ («mm $16 Nuul» M u- nm m:nnr sun smut 44‘. \ Mgisaool $103 mun m ‘$. SY.131 leklrufl L h(ll'IK 1 kfllxlhon klnltl LNcllh) S (lvull L 'l‘(hMu Edu(JllM COM" (50‘1”) 5 mommaduw c ha mmmnm, m sambmg .m a 5m mum. Mud cIm-an m m held on Maw ‘ ‘ row. upon me yum: u. ( ‘ m n. Sthool Gym lmflbo'fl WacnflofSLV-llflelfs Chlflmmnv ‘ ‘ , um“. ns‘). subnwpoo mgr. smool New mgr. sum,“ New Mlddll‘ Smod . x u-xuu Nl-w / N#W El'mmulv 4mm ,,Lwd nzumvmonh'or 5““) ‘°"‘ Wulwww 5 5 s M . HOW LONG TO REPAY THE BOND? The 15,) “I H l“ JAM" district utilizes bonds 10.013575 life 20 lo 30 years '01 vepaymer for construction o! facilities, of buildings is considered Io be Edmbuvg CISD has done previous bonds. l’his even lhoug much long a great ;ob of paying allows the district lo call ( ‘ new bond with a very small incvease in the lax CL-19-1591-A How wnLL THE BOND BE Rama? I