Incident#: 1801662 Forest Park Police Department 517 Des Plaines _Forest1?ark, IL 60130 24 Hr: (708)366-2425, Records: (708)615-6214 sTA?non? ?Scio? 17 0 10 (First Degree Murder) 1801682 1 momma ammo can: DESCRIPTION i I Arrest 1800087535 PERSON {m I Locmou or moi. mouse 910.. STREET _7209 Adams Adams/Elgin FOREST 60130 I HOW aacawao Team was OFOCCURRENCE I coca STATUS DATE i . . . . INVOLVED ENTITIES NAME ABE moms Dorsey, Mane-II 23 Maywood. IL 60153 sax RACE "or war Hm EYES PHONE Elack. African American 6' 1" 155 Black Brown To: on an numLocked pm- Tam emu mam Black Hooded Sweatshirt: Black Pants; Black Basebali Cap; Gray Shoes Yes Yes 'u?ca ?1.?me [0.19 HARE Doc AGE ms 41 um um moms White. Caucasian 9" 150 Brown Brown onALT anon: IL . . momma Handcuff Double Lock-a mm Tum Criminal Hlatory FF '?T_ypg ??'miign?Evm7 ?lp first Dc_grcc Morgen? 720-5I9-_l- .. mm on: AGE morass Harris. Michael as CHICAGO IL 60622 sex Lance HGT on PHONE . lack. Afn'can American 5' 150 Bald Brown Trot on out?. ?t ALTFuoui IL - CLOTHING Handcuff Double Locked Prim Tll'll'l Criminal l-Ilstory We? _m .-- ma? __01 ID First Degree Murder; _7 XICTIM - name not: ABE aooacss 40 35): mm: HIT war mun EYES PHONE ite. Caucasian 5? 9" 180 Brown Hazel ?t on Fair: ALTWNE IL momma Hmdcull' Donhlc Locked Prints Tam Grin-Tim! Him Page I of 46 5 I dent#: 1801662 nen Forest Park Police Department 517 Des Plaines Forest Pa rk, IL 60130 24 Hr: (708)366-2425, Records: (708)615-6214 575130? ?Mama. Hume'?a 01 IQfFirst Degree Murder) 1801662 I momma name?: easement)" Arrest _l 139033753; hon? - . ,_?7209 Adams Adams/Elgin FORESTPARK, IL 60l30 Humane-amen WHEN Hammer: sums eon: "sums curre? .1?:th 3m;m . . . mm ammo 21.10%! Powwow um: I one lane wanes: .43 sat mes war Hm eves PHONE its. Caucasian 5? 8" 175 Brown I Blue We on i 131m nun-Iona l_ I IL I mm Hmdw? Douhll Locked I History net: - - Inn's - unite?em: 01l0 First Degree Murder, 720-5f9-1 - mus nos AGE menses 53 sex [(3:55 HGT wet Hm EYES mom-z ite, Caucasian 5' 4? 1 30 Brown Brown Tum nu in num- Fan sumo: IL eummu Hmdeu? um Locked mm mm emu History 7061" mien'EMTT 0110 First_Degree Mur_der3 720-5514 ?tness NAME no: AGE menses . 43 g_ sex rues war EYES moms 191 Brown Brown ?sTns nu Fan sum IL momma Hindus" Doubl- Loehed Pl'll'?l Taken Cl'lmlnal Him mummy mus boa ma moms sex nee HOT WOT HAIR are: men: ite. Caucasian Brown Brown slot on mem- Fit um CLOTHING Handcuff Double Locked Prints Taken Criminal History Page 2 of 46 1801662 Ineident# Forest Park Police Department 517 Des Plaines Forest Park, IL 60130 24 Hr: (708)366-2425, Records: (708)615-6214 cm ll?mfenn 01 10 {First Degree Murder) 1801662 RELATED cm: 1 Damon Arrest 130003?7531. . mmwomsemb?saumm?m . _?7209 Adams Adams/Elgin FOREST PARK, IL 60130_ How RECEIVED wan REPORTED mar occuansuca sTATus 00?05 'srATus DATE .51 4_ ?aw/20180434 331333133131. . . L, lwimm? mm?. 1 Degree . MTNESS -. .1 RATE nos AGE mamas: all RACE HGT wa'r HAIR Wane 'il'be an IR: mim- Fau ALTPHOHE CLOTHING Hmdm?DouhloLodtad mum aim-1mm _uci I Dl l0 First Degree Murder,__ 720-5194 - 0_cou_n_t(s) DOB AGE ADDRESS NAHE 43 Page 3 of 46 sea: We HGT weT HAIR EYES Imus ite. Caucasian 5? 6" 145 Blonde Green Tau an is num- IL CLOTHING HAT-Ilium Double Locked Hasn't-m Grim-l History _1 i 01 10 F_irst Degree - gamma) MMSS 1801662 Incident# Forest Park Police Department 517 Des Plaines Forest Park, IL 601?30 24 Hr: (708)366-2425, Records: (708)615-6214 "1119111511111 (F1151 Degree Murder) 1801662 1115000111105 I 05101590999 95119111011011 "dd?I 'IAncst i 5 001-9 7209 Adams FOREST IL 60130 - '_1101111051:511159 11115005000150 01.150500011005095 911111150095 Isr11'1119'0'a1'5 [Mess?911 . - INVOLVED PROPERTY 11001150179 I 011111111111 - P180l662-l_ (1_1633, Kennc_111_1I-3 .. I 1.0000 9?1919: 7?953011101'10110001'115050111 Other Propennyommodities . I RECOVERED 6111190111031 Particle Test 00011501119 05110115059" P1801662-10 Thames-I248 I T-Mobile 2.0000 1105 i 5191119 0110050111qu5 Other Propeny/Commgdili99 I RECOVERED I. businesscardand T?Mobile SIM . .. 0001-5011111 050011505097 I 011111111111 PlBOllS_6_2:ll_ Canny; 1116111115948 _1_0000 Irma?5 51910: 0559010110111 0000005011 00005011119105? Food, Other RECOVERED . Brisk Iced Tea 0000501119 0091111111 Pl80l662-12 Cannon, Thomas-248 1.0000 W?m _1319019 . 059001011011' 011000090111'_" 00005011111111.115 BACKPACK EELback pap]; I 0001150119 0500115050911 _7 01191111111 I 1105' "Is?1m- 9590mm 0000005011 I?m_ CLOTHING RECOVERED 1 None) blackiblue knee brace (recovered from Harris) 0000501119 05e011505991r I 011111111111 Pl80l662-l4 I .. . TYPE 05990100011000000501'1' 00005011111111.05 CLOTHING RECOVERED I (one) white hooded jacket/pullover (recovered from Har?s) .I 0000501119_ 05?e011905991r? Pl801662-15 .. I IW Isu'u' 'Temauesmm' radieif?m CLOTHING I RECOVERED I I (one) pair of tan colored khaki pants (recovered from I I I Harris) 00011501119 05001151191911 90111101110051.1951110L00919I1 0110111111 P1801662-16 II I 111115 TIE. - 9590000000500005017 00005017119195 CLOTHING RECOVERED from Harris) I 00011501119 I Pl801662?l7 .. 00005011111qu CLOTHING .. .- (_onIe)_ blue h00ded_ 5129511913111 (recovered from IHaI1-Iris_) . 00011501119" 059011505091 - 011111111111 P1801662-l8 . '11105 Tm? 0000005011 ROPERTWALIE I . CLOTHING I (recovered 110111 Har_ris_) I I I . Page 4 of 46 I 1801662 Incident# Forest Park Police Department 517 Des Plaines Forest Park, IL 60130 24 Hr: (708)366-2425, Records: (708)615-6214 STATION GWPLAINT God?O 0110_{_First Degree Murder) 1801662 IRELATED can I oeseRIPnon Arrest _l__80_0087_535_ .. PERSON 'Eorl I I 1209 Adams Adams/Elgin FOREST PARK, IL 601_3_0 HOW WHEN mm TIME OF occuRRaIeE STATUS cooE STATUS i - I m?m?e' - I m?oI?EoELI?senmnuuh 'Pl80_l662-l_9_ 8mm mile I Other Property/Commodities RECOVERED . . 2 (twa) paper bags (recovered from Harris' hands} PROPERTY: I QUANTITY Gross, Kenneth] - 3 l.0000 ITYFE am I 'OtlIer HopeTwIComjno?dities . RECOVERED Gunshot Collection Kit . ?35' . . - sum NOFPROPERTY CLOTHING RECOVERED I (one) red partial shoelace (recovered ?om Harris) I I momentaumnuuaen P1801662-21 . TYPE sum PROPERTYIIRLIIE Other Property/Commodities RECOVERED I (one) red biohazard bag and I (one) paper bag recovered ??om Medical Examiner?s Of?ce I emquooELIsERuLRuuaER oumnTY P1801662-22 Elm"- I 'oeseRIPnoR' we Other Propertleommodities RECOVERED 1 (one) sealed paper envelope containing: 1 (one) i I envelope containing bullet fragment (recovered from I Harris' tongue 1 (one) envelope containing bullet 'fragment (recovered ?'om Harris' tongue and I (one) I eI_IY_e_lope co_ntalnir_1g bullet fragment (re . munmooEL'IsEmLIiu?ue? Pl801662-23 TYPE Ism?_ Other Biological Specimen RECOVERED I (one) DNA Sample and I (one) Oral Swab taken from I Harris. . BY _h 2 6.0000 TYPE Status - DESWOFPROPERTY I Other Property/Commodities I _photos? and _Po_st-_lt. note I RECOVEREDBY - ""60er Pl80 662-25 I Hickey! _(ieorge - 258 1.0000 I TYPE ERIK PROPERTYV-ADIE Other Property/Commodities I_V_entra Card I Gum P1801662-26 -Heveran, 13:1th- 254 I I 1.0000 Status I I . DISKIEACH RECOVERED . Digital video ?les from _300 Circle Page 5 of 46 1801662 Incident# Forest Park Police Department 517 Des Plaines Forest ParIk, IL 60130 24 Hr: (708)366-2425, Records: (708)615-6214 . era?11011 cod- 0110 Degree Murder) 1 1801662 . RELATED . Arrest - . 1800087535. 1 PERSON I LOOATIONOPOEPENDE tNmsEnm's'TREErumai I 1 Row REOENED 111111511 REPORTED I TDAEOPODODRREROE sTATue DATE .- . - PROPERTY: - . I 'Pl80166_2-27 DEBORNITIDROPPROPERTY - All other documents RECOVERED I Heat sealed plastic bag containing 05 pages of email .. - CT _cor_rc_spo_ndence. . - Moiumm OUANTITY P1801662-28 Bryant, I I Other _Pro?crtleommo?dities NONE .. II II signc_d_ Miranda Rights_ . BY I m? . P1801662-29 122 . I I 1 1.0000 TYPE sum 31511me I Other Property/Conunodities I NONE Morguelntakc Receipt for Harris II . . REOOVEREDBY Pl801662-3 I Hickey. George-258 2.0000 TYPE _st'atna PROPERTYVALDE I AMMUNITION, HANDGUN RECOVERED I Two (02) Live _Speer 9mm Luger hollow poi_nt round5_ ODANRTY P1801662-30 Gross, K611311117 2.0000 sum EDEBORIPTI RECOVERED I Twolauccal swabs, each In one 51:01: REODVEREDBY cum P180l662-31_ Gross, . 2.0000 TYPE :smus Othcr PropeTtyICommodinis NONE 2 _pa_ges of Lt. Gross _hand mitten notes reform?cc lSOl_66_2_ . .. PROPERTY: BRAuetuDDatsEI'mLNuuam cum? P1301662-32 1.0000 'sm - RECOVERED 11194 ?les from Fatduck Restauragt - REOOVEREDDY cum I .. Hevcran,_ Jarlath- 2_54_ II 1.0000 RECOVERED containing Samsung cell phone _acqniIintion RECOVERED BY QUANTITY Pl80 662-34_ _Kegting, Michael - 2 . -. .. 5.0000 31am - Other Property/Commodities NONE 4 CDs of radio dispatch/9 ! calls and I sheet of call recerdi . . . .. . I P1301662-35 - - 4.0000 TYRE Ems PROPERTYVALOE I Other Property/Commodities NONE 1 3 DVDs of ERI of Dorsey I i ??113 . - Page 6 of 46 1801662 Incident# Forest Park Police Department 517 Des Plaines Forest Park, IL 60130 24 Hr: (708)366-2425, Records: (708)615-6214 5 _Refer to WESTAFEvidence Log for further cod- IINOIOENTII Oi ID (First Degree Murder) I 1801662 RELATED OAOS I i Arrest 7 OOT a woman OP OPPEIISE InouEE 110..- mm: 7209 Adams Adums/E__Igin PARK, IL 60130 How . REPORTEO STATUS STATUS OATE - .1060012018 04 34 1230333133? 1 P1801662-36 Keating. Michael - 2 '1 I 2.0000 Stunt; memos PROPERTWALIIE Other Property/Commodities . 2 DVDs oI'Ofc. Arroyo squad video I PROPERTY: REOOVEREOSY ERAROIHOOELISERIALRUREER . . 1.0000 TYPE CLOTHING 1 Black sweatshirt with 31111533 logo RECWEREDBY "comm 80 1662-3 8 1.0000 TYPE I Shau- OESORIPTIOR PROPERTWALIIE CLOTEINO RECOVERED B_Iaclc_ 0_Id New brand pants . - P1801662-39 1.0000 . .I TYPE Siam i OESORIPTIOR OPPROTIERTT PROPERTY 11qu CLOTHING [Gray t-shirt California Republic P18016624 I Hick Gear 0- 253 1.0000 TYPE - Sim- PROPERTYVALIJE CELLULAR PHONE RECOVERED One [01) and black Samsung_ cell phone I _lilm Pl8016_6_2-40_ 2.0000 I OlaseRn-nouOPPIIOI-En-niI PROPERTWALIIE CLOTHING 2 Pair) Gray _glg?ivyjhoes size REOOVEREO QUANTITY P1801662-41 __Hcveran, 001th - 254 1.0000 TYPE 'Sm OESORIPTIOR OF PROPERTT I PROPERTY VALUE All other docume_nt_s_ RECOVERED Paiket containing Det. Heveran's case notes. I 801662-42 "lg [.0000 TYPE OESORIPTIOR PROPERTY CLOTHING Black _baseball cap RECOVEREBY: QUANTITY . 2.0000 TYPE OFPROPERTY PROPERTWALIIE CLOTHING I Black _socks_ . PROPERTY: - OOANTITT . P1801662-44 I I ls?ua. ?mm? ?mm? Other PrepertleOmmOdities NONE 1 WESTAF Exhibit #1 i Location Elgin Ave and Adams St. Page 7 Of 46 1801662 Incident# Forest Park Police Department 517 Des Piaines Forest P_ark, IL 60130 24 Hr: (708)366-2425, Records: (708)615-6214 I .STATION Corl- _01 10 (First Degree Murder) i 1801662 I Tieronrme I Reu'reecane nescmou i . Arrest l8000_8_7_5_?5 I?a I 7209 Adams Adamlelgin FOREST PARK, IL 60130 - . How Recenren 'wHeu REPORTED sums ebne? ?srA'rus DATE 1 i 0 . . 06110120180434 1 - "17me? i - - ?TReeovenen_av mommatseamnuum Idem Pl80 662-45 . i. 1 I'm 751m; nesenrenonoeenopenw Other Propertleommodities NONE WESTAF Exhibit #2 - Location Elgin Ave and Adams St I Referto Evidence Log for ?11:th_er 4 Recovenmav I Gum . ?e - IDEECRPTIONOFPROPERTY mehrvvawe - Other Property/Commodities I NONE I WESTAF Exhibit #3 . . Location Elgin Ave and Adams St 1 Refer to WESTAF Evidence Log_ for ?lrther Shem?me _'Re?eovenenev dumm_ . i I me Shiite Pnomvawe Other Property/Commodities NONE WESTAF Exhibit #4 - Location Elgin Ave and Adams St. 1 Refer to WESTAF Evidence Log? for further? I ?tment" Recovene?ov? oumnrv 9180166248 I 3?mo- !neswrmoemoeemv Other Propertleommodities NONE WESTAF Exhibit #5 Location Elgin Ave and Adams St. I R_efcr to WEST AF Evidence Log for Women? . comm-v ?801662-49 . 'me sin]. [nesenienouceraoremv ,pnaeermvawe . 011161- Property/Commodities NONE WESTAF Exhibit #6 I Location Elgin Ave and Adams St. I Refer to E_vidence Log for further . I - ?may eRaTaniseR?LRuuaen qouannrv P1801662-5 . . me Islam cescerR' OFPROPERTY RUPERTYVALIJE All other documents NONE ?led notes from Ofc Cannon and Ofc. Grimes Recoveaenev oumnrv Pl80l662-50_ . In'Pe - sum ?i_ne_scmmueem?_OPERW - mavenrvvawe - Other Property/Commodities NONE - WESTAF Exhibit #7 I Location Elgin Ave and Adams St. . WEIWESTAF Evidms 1&3ngme ~nil?cinem'vc Tneeoveaenev amaruanLwERtALRuual-zn Iona?R1177 P1801662-5l i 1 I Page 3 of 46 5 1801662 Incident# Forest Park Police Department 517 Des Plaines Forest Park, IL 60130 24 Hr: (708)366-2425? Records: (708)615-6214 .- 'l era?non vomit? coi- . 01 10 (First Degree Murder) 1801662__ REMTEDERM I oescmmu Arrest ., non muno??romsElnwsEmsrnEami 7209 Adams AdamsIEIgin FOREST PARK, IL 716w - WHEN REPoRreo nae OF oeeunnauee status cooE sums DATE TYPE 3m nesemnou OFPROPERTY . PROPERTY VALUE Other Property/Commodities NONE WESTAF Exhibit #8 Location Elgin Ave and Adams St. Refer to WESTAF Evidence Log for timher mot-ERR: I RECOVERED av NUMBER P1801662-52 I . .. I. TYPE I sum nesemnoRoFPRoPERw PROPERTYVALIIE Other Propertinommodities NONE WESTAF Exhibit #9 . Location Elgin Ave and Adams St. I Refer to WESTAP: Evidence Log for further I RECOVERED av . omomooELr'sERIhLRuuaER comm P1801662-53 I sum- Eamon" VALUE Other Property/Commodities NONE . WESTAF Exhibit #10 I Location Elgin Ave and Adams St. Refer_ to WESTAF Evidence Lg_ fo_r forth?er 'ouhu'im' i . am oesomoumrnonemr - PROPERTYVALUE Other Property/Commodities NONE WESTAF Exhibit #11 I Location El gin Ave and Adams St. _Ret'erto WESTAF Evidince Log for I 'pRoPERrv' 3' Rec? olmtm'v P1801662-55 - TYPE 5m oEseni?lou PROPERTYVALIJE i 5 Other Property/Commodities NONE WESTAF Exhibit #12 Location Elgin Ave and Adams St. i Rejego WESTAF Evidence Log for further it'E'oovEREo' av 'I?Em?omooeuseniuwu'om? 91301662'56 I sum inesciuinouonnonnw i Other Property/Commodities NONE WESTAF Exhibit 12 . Location Elgin Ave and Adams St. I '_Re_fer _to WESTAF E?vidcn_c_e_Log for ?lrther_ I IREeovERanv I cum" P18016626?r I ennui-? I Other Property/Commodities . NONE WESTAF Exhibit #14 I Location Elgin Ave and Adams St. I Refer to WESTAF Evidence Log for timber . . av oumnrv P1801662-58 1 Page9of46 I .. I 180166 2 Incident# Forest Park Police Department 517 Des Plaines Forest Park, IL 60130 24 Hr: (708)366-2425, Records: (708)615-6214 cart! 01 10 ("First Degree Murder) 1801662 1 REPORT TYPE I I Arrest 800087535 PERSON . LOCATION OFDFFENSEIHDUSE 7209 Adams Adams/El?n FOREST PARK, IL 60130 REOENEO WHEN REPORTEO '1qu OP sTATus sTATus OAT-E TWineEssgiL . 0611000180434 L- -, . I TYPE sum 053m OP PROPERTY I PROPERTY VALUE Other Property/Commodities NONE WESTAF Exhibit #15 Location Elgin Ave and Adams St. Refer to WESTAF Evidence Log for further -REOOVEREOOY Gum TYPE sum OEOORIPTTOR OP PROPERTY PROPERTY Other ProperTyICornmodities NONE I WESTAF Exhibit #16 Location Elgin Ave and Adams St. i Refer to WESTAF Evidence-Log for further I PROREETYO 3.0.1 593-5. 5 TYPE sum PROPERTY VALUE All other documents I NONE photo copy of ?eld notes and leads printouts from 1 cmnon .. . PROPERTY OY ERAIIO I SERIAL Rum - 4' TYPE sum Oesemmou PROPERTYVALIJE Other Property/Commodities NONE WESTAF Exhibit #1 7 Location Elgin Ave and Adams St. Refer to WESTAF Evidence Log for further QUANTITY 131301662451 i smu- PROPERTYVALDE Other Property/Commodities NONE WESTAF Exhibit I 8 I Location El gin Ave and Adams St. Refer to WESTAF Evidence Log for further mm Pi 801662-62_ . sum OP PROPERTY PROPERTY VALIJE Other Property/Commodities NONE WESTAF Exhibit #19 Location Elgin Ave and Adams St. @110 Evidence Log for further FPOOPERTYII ROOTNOREOEY BMNDIMODEIJSERIALNURBER _O'ummv 5 P1801662-63 FPO Other Propertyi'CommOdities NONE WEST AF Exhibit #20 Location Elgin Ave and Adams SL i Refer to WESTAF Evidence L9g_for farther - PROPERTY: - ERAROFEOOLTSOTITILRIIROOR i P180I662-64 . TYPE 3?mo- Other Property/Commodities . NONE WESTAF Exhibit Location Elgin Ave and Adams St. Refer to WESTAF EvideIEe Log {OI-farther Page 10 of46 Forest Park Police Department 51'? Des Plaincs Forest Park, IL 60130 24 Hr: (708)366-2425, Records: (708)615-6214 511111011 1201111111111 acme cm i I Oll0(FirstDegree Murder) I 99 REPORT TYPE IRELATED can 1: names 1? I .. 4131651 '1300037535 I "1113110019 I I I II I 7209 Adams Adams/Elgin IL 60130 I i new nEcEanD I WHEN REPORTED DE beeun?eiicE sTATus STATUS DATE . OGIWZOIS 04 211 - I Wireless 91_1__ 06/10/2013 04: 34 magnum}, I . I I alumni? I I TYPE amu- OF I-IIDPERTV VALDE Other Property/Commodities NONE WESTAF Exhibit #22 Location Elgin Ave and Adams St. Refer to WESTAF Evidence _L_og_ for ?irther RECOIIEHEDEY I II I II comm P1801662-66 -TYPE sum DesmoEmopEnw I PROPERWVALUE I I . Other Property/Commodities NONE WESTAF Exhibit #23 I Location Elgin Ave and Adams St. Refer to WESTAF Evidence _Log for further emotuoDELIsaiuiLuqueEn? I 1:111me Pl 110 l_6_62-67 Desmosrnoii?nw PROPERTYVALUE Other Property/Commodities NONE WESTAF Exhibit #24 Location Elgin Ave and Adams St. Ref?er to WEETAF Evidence Log {or further I mom: I I REBOVEREDBY . I we sum Demon nor-m norm VALIJE Other Property/Commodities NONE WESTAF Exhibit #25 Location Elgin Ave and Adams St. - Refer to Evidence Log _for thither PROPERTY 0 I RECOVERED av ammoeeu seam. NUIIBER II I 1 QUANTITY P1801662-69 . I II DEPRDPERTY I PROPERTY VALUE Other Property/Commodities I NONE WESTAF Exhibit #26 I Location Elgin Ave and Adams St. 1 _Refer to WESTAF Evidence Log for ?irther Iain?111% 11- II I av I Dumn'nr Pl801662_-7 5 Cannon, ?was - 2411 BIC 1.0000 I we - Deserili'nou OFPROPERTY I I PROPERTY VALUE Other Property/Commodities RECOVERED green Ii I moms 121111111111? Pl80l662-70 7 .I I . sum? I I T?smnou orrnorvenrr I I . Other Property/Commodities I NONE I WESTAF 11111116111127 I -Localion Elgin Ave and Adams St. 1 -Rei?e_r _to Evidence Log for f1_1rther I PROPERTY 11 RECOVEREDBIIY I cum Pl801662-7l 1 Page 11 6146 1801662 Incident# Forest Park Police Department 517 Des Plaines Forest Park, IL 60130 24 Hr: (708)366-2426? Records: (708)615-6214 571111011 comma? ucmorremeeio 0 [0 {First REPORT me RELATED em 6 DESCRIPTION Arrest 13000375}; I PERSON eon OFOFFENSE {House 1110.. mm: 7209 Adams Adams/Elgin FOREST PARK, IL 60130 now seem V1613: 1111?. OF OCCURRENCE I STATUS eons sz'l'u's DATE :mm TYPE I sum or more"? I PROPERTY VALUE Other PropenyIComrnoditics I NONE WESTAF Exhibit #23 Location Elgin Ave and Adams St. - Refer to WESTAF Evidence Log for timber I maven" Inecavenenav Mum-11 cum I P1801662-72 I .. 8m - Other PropertyICommodilics - NONE WESTAF Exhibit #29 Location Elgin Ave and Adams St. . Refer to WESTAF Evidence Log for further . Ree'ovenEn'" EIY aummv P180l662-73 I TVPE I sum I or I'm PROPERTY-VALUE Other Property/Commodities NONE WESTAF Exhibit #30 Location Elgin Ave and Adams St. I . . jIRIefer to WESTAF Evidence L_og for further 131mm: EV I Mium?immue?n I Pl801662-74 . me 1 sum nesemmONesmaiEnw_ Other PropertyIComrnodities NONE WESTAF Exhibit #31 Location Elgin Ave and Adams St. Refer to WESTAF Evidence Log for timber . ocean" aeemreaen'easem? OFPROPERTY PROPERTY Other Property/Commodities I NONE WESTAF Exhibit #32 I Location Elgin Ave and Adams St. I . i Refer to WESTAF Evidence Log for timber I necOVEaEnav . P1801662776 I 191513 I suit} n?scmmu OF PROPERTY PROPERTY VALUE Other Property/Commodities NONE WESTAF Exhibit #1 I Loca?on? Oak Park R_efer to WESTAF _Evidence Lo for further am?tumELisEnlALnuuaen cum I P180l662-77 . me DESCRIPTION Other Property/Commodities NONE WESTAF Exhibit #2 I Location Oak Park I _Refcr to WESTAF _E_vidence further I I mori-z?fvu [Ema I we A I Ahnm I - Pl 80l662-78 I Page 12 of46 .- 1801662 Incident# Forest Park Police Department 51?? Des Plaines? Forest Park, IL 60130 24 Hr: (708)366-2425, Re_cords: (708)615-6214 I 511111011 cquEmu eta. I 0110 (First Degree Murder) 1801662 I RELATED cm: I nesemmon 3 Arrest 1300037535 I 150? mmosmsamwscummnmi I I 7209 Adams Adams/Elgin FOREST PARK, IL 60130 .. I 5 wnai REPORTED TIME OF OCCURRENCE 31111113 cone 311ml: DATE MM 04:14 _m I- me sum menu-non IPROPERTYVALIIE Other Property/Commodities NONE WESTAF Exhibit #3 Location? Oak Park Refer to WESTAF Evidence Log for further__ 5 macaw: . nEcovenen BY BRAND sushi-AI. NUMBER autumn P1801662-79 me cescnIPnONOFPBopen-n PROPHTY Other PropertyICommodities NONE WESTAF Exhibit #4 Location_ Oak Park Refer to WESTAF Evidence Log for cum Cannon, Thomas - 2411 2.0000 I'r'v'ti? sum memories OFPROPERTY - "Fm i Other Property/Commodities RECOVERED two cell pit?_one charge cords ERANOINOOELISERIAL comm Pl80 662-80 .. i 'anE I shut- acumen 0?me mums Other Property/Commodities NONE WESTAF Exhibit #5 Location Oak Park Refer to WESTAF Evidence Log for forth?er uncommon mtucnetiB'EMAmeB?En? autumn 'fsum realm-11610 B?noeenrv met-Elm VALUE I Other Property/Commodities NONE I WESTAF Exhibit #6 Location_ Oak Park Ref?er to WESTAF Evidence _Log_ for further. - i Pl801662?82 . eman? I memorabilia? mmuwe Other Property/Commodities i NONE . WESTAF Exhibit #1 Location Rush Oak Park Hospital _Refer to WESTAF Evidence Log for timber EECOIIENEOBY Twain?wtmuiraa 11?11mm? P1801662-83 . me smti' 'l?nesemon Other Property/Commodities NONE WESTAF Exhibit #2 I Location Rush Oak Park Hospital I I Refer to Evidence _Lo_g {or {other -. .. IREGDVEIIEDBY Taumnw I P1801662-84 Bryant! Robert- 250 I 2.0000 me Tin?? "Bis?BemFmopm I Other Property/Commodities NONE one (1) binder with all original WESTAF ?les one (_llcopy of CaseFile Receift Page 13 of46 Incident#: 1801662 Forest Park Police Department 517 Des Plaines Forest Park, IL 60130 24 Hr: (708)366-2425, Records: (708)615-6214 I STATIOH meta?aura 0110mm Dome Murderjqr - 1301662 aspoarmas I I 4' Emit . . - i I can 7?209 _Adarns Adams/Elg? 601.30 I I I tic?rinseswso Tum?so moses newsman cons srnrus oars i. . . . _i panam' ?s Tthmissm??_ unis?ea P_130166_2-ss_ _B-ryan_t, R_o_ben-250 2.0000 I m?s suan I?mmau new Paossarv' Other Property/Commodities INONE one (I) 8gb ?ash drive containing WESTAF ?les one (_I)cop_y o_t?_C_ase File Recei_pt vitamins asccivsam av moreoostissaIALN?auuan I con?n? P1801662-86 . ms _I's?n - .. Isa?niasawva?is Other Prop_erty!_Cornmodities QneIl) sheet of notes nausea-r" IascovsaErTav -'amm? I_Plsonsa2_-9 C-annon, Thomas-248 I 10000 smis - TP?aoesarriritu?s .. - ?mistNARRATIVES . .Patmav' 'rTAaaA?? I I In summary, myself and other Forest Park units were dispatched to a call of a subject laying on the ground in the area of Elgin and Adams. As I began to make my way to the area, dispatch continued to give out information and said there were new reports of shots ?red from this same area and also the possible offender was last seen headed on Adams toward Harlem from Elgin. Dispatch gave out a description of the possible offender as being a male black I wearing dark clothing and having a grey or silver back pack on his back. I While coming to the area, Sgt. Harrison advised he was on scene at El gin and Adams and located a subject laying on the ground on Elgin (7209 Adams is the building the subject was on the ground in front of). Once I arrived on scene I I exited my vehicle and observed the same male black subject laying on the sidewalk, unresponsive with his eyes wide I open and a large amount of blood on the sidewalk which appeared to be originating from the subjects head. I I As myself and Sgt. Harrison waved the ?re dept. to come to the scene, an Oak Park of?cer, Palladenes, advised dispatch he had seen a subject matching the description of our suspect a couple minutes ago and the subject was i headed eastbound on Jackson from Maple. I began to make my way over to Maple and Jackson as Ofc. Paladenes advised he turned his vehicle around to search for the subject he had seen and stated the subject had doubled back westbound from Wisconsin. Forest Park Ofc. Kendall #202 advised he saw the subject ducking down near the I second house north of Jackson in the alley of the 700 block of Maple (728 S. Maple) and the subject began to ?ee westbound through the yard. I I set up my squad car close to Jackson in the 700 block of S. Maple as did Ofc. Arroyo #263, as Oak Park and I River Forest units began to converge in the area until a perimeter was set up only moments later. Once a perimeter I was set, Harrison, while also on scene, advised dispatch to try and find a K-9 dog we could use to assist with the I search. While of?cers were holding the outer perimeter, Ofc. Kendall advised he located a grey back pack inside a Page 14 of46 I Incident#: 1801662 Forest Park Police Department 517 Des Plaines Forest Park, IL 60130 24 Hr: (708)366-2425, Records: (708)615-6214 srsnou'connalm 0%mnm I 0110(First Degree Murder) 1 1801662 aesonr?rwa RELATED cane Jim? . l. - m- ?53501 . . . oer: I 7209Adams Adamsxgigin FORESTPARKIL 60130 . newnecavan maosoccuanence s?rarusoare I . two?s .. -. . I garbage carTin the rear of 724 S. Maple. Wes-cgadvised there was a page foFa county K-9 officer but no ETA so Sgt. Harrison instructed myself and Ofc. Kendall to begin a "yard to yard" search. Once perimeter of?cers were set in hunt and in the alley of the 700 block of south Maple, I advised dispatch of our yard to yard search beginning with I 732 S. Maple and moving north as we cleared each yard. I When we reached 720 S. Maple, I advised dispatch and we entered from the front yard and began to search the south I side of the rear yard as this area had very dense bushes. As myself and Ofc. Kendall made our way toward the back of the yard, Ofc. Kendall advised there was a crawl space near a rear deck and behind a large bush and began to clear this area while I posted back?up security. I observed as Ofc. Kendall backed out of the crawl space and as he gave verbal commands "show me your hands" and advised there was a subject hiding in the crawl space. I advised dispatch of our situation and began to give verbal commands for the subject to come out with his hands up. The subject began to come out. followed commands to lay on the ground and was hand culled after it was clear be matched the description of the subject we were looking for. I Once the subject, now known as DORSEY, was hand cuffed, Ofc. Palladenes arrived at our location where he identi?ed DORSEY as the same subject he had seen earlier on Jackson. Ofc. Palladenes also went to the rear of 724 S. Maple where he positively identi?ed the back pack found in the garbage can as the same one DORSEY had been wearing when he was seen on Jackson. Once DORSEY had been searched for weapons, he was transported to the station and brought into the detective division. 5 After gathering ET equipment from the station, I photographed the back pack and recovered it from the garbage can in . the rear of 724 S. Maple then relocated back to the Forest Park PD where the contents were photographed and will be entered into evidence. I responded to-Adams in Forest Park to speak with our original 911 caller. Once arrived, I spoke to who stated she was asleep in her bed and woke up because of the heavy rain outside, and thought she i heard a gun shot outside her second ?oor window. stated she looked eastbound out the window and observed a subject laying on the sidewalk across the street (on Elgin in front of 7209 Adams). said she . called police 91 I and began to give information as to what she heard and saw, all the while looking out the window when? stated she observed a tall, male black subject wearing a dark colored top and darkjeans while wearing a grey or silver back pack. said the subject walked northbound on Elgin to the guy laying on the ground, bent over and appeared to remove something from him and then the subject walked northbound on Elgin. . _old me she continued to watch ?'om her window and approximately 5 minutes later,- said she saw the same subject walking southbound on Elgin but as he got up to the guy who was laying on the ground, the male Page 15 0M6 Incident#: 1801662 Forest Park Police Department 51? Des Plaines Forest Park, IL 60130 24 Hr: (708)366-2425, Records: (708)615-6214 mnenco?'?mucmm?d? unclean" 0110 (First Degree Murder) 1801662 monrm?e RELATEJCADI casement Arrest 1800087535 PERSON con . 7209 Adams Adams/Elgin FOREST PARKJL 60130 I HOW near-wen wuss women Ln?scsocwmce sums cone sums one 5 .. . 1W. - black subject bent over and, while stanang over the subj ecL? stated shesaw_a muzzle 03502010 heard a - i? loud boom and then watched as the subject stood up and continued to walk southbound on Elgin. As was giving the above information to dispatch she once again saw the male black subject walk northbound on Elgin and stop about 10 feet ?'om the subject, look at him and then turn and begin to walk eastbound on Adams but then run eastbound on Adams toward Harlem until she could no longer see him. After speaking to I spoke to another 91 caller,_ who lives on the [st ?oor in the next building to the west and stated she was awake because of the rain storm when she heard what she thought was a gun shag?said she woke her husband,_ advised what she heard and asked him to call 91 1. ?'said while her husband was waking up, about 2-5 minutes had passed when she heard a second gun shot and her husband called 911 right away. -said due to the location of her windows she was unable to see anything or anyone but heard both gun shots. I I relocated to ?and spoke to who was listed as another 91 caller to this incident and i ?said she was in her apartment when she heard a single gun shot. Not knowing if it was actually a gun shot said she was reluctant to call 911 but did note the time as about 4:303m. told me . that about 5 minutes passed and she heard another gun shot which is when she called 911 to report the shots. As I prepared to return back to the station, I was informed while on the crime scene at Elgin and Adams, Ofc. Grimes i #210 was approached by three residents who informed him they also heard a single gun shot then a long pause and . another gun shot. See Ofc. Grimes supplemental report for further. I returned to the station where the photos of the back pack, the location it was recovered, and it?s contents were downloaded to this report and I__i_t_1ventoried my ?eld notes into evidence report number as well. mourners! one: 'supenwson our? i . Dianoastin .. Page 16 of 46 Incident#: 1801662 Forest Park Police Department 517 Des Plaines Forest Park, IL 60130 24 Hr: (708)366-2425, Records: (708)615-6214 stands c?mmuem'ncm tsunami 01 10 (First Dogma Murder) 1801662 I surname oescmon Arrest tab?rs? mmormsemwseummrm 7209 Adams Adams/Eight FOREST Pagan. 60130 1 How aseaveo when REPORTED I meosoccunaeuca 'E'srsrus coo: 'srarue oars I . Type-Incident . While on scene, The victim's black visor hat, yellow lighter and black tote bag were all located near the body. A search of the tote bag resulted in a large set of bolt cutters, a crescent wrench, another tool, clear plastic tubing and a I was able to locate and mark two brass shell casings in the grass next to the body. I also located and marked a I responded to 7209 Adams as ET Of?cer for a person shot in the head and now lying on the sidewalk on Elgin near Adams. The victim's head was facing south on Elgin and his feet facing north on Elgin. The victim's body was on the east side ofElgin street. Victim suffered a gunshot wound to the back of his head behind his right ear. The bullet appeared to have exited through the front left side of his mouth knocking out a tooth ?'om the mouth. The victim shown no signs of life. responded to the scene and transported the body to Oak Park Hospital. food dinner in a white styrofoam cover in a plastic bag. I was unable to locate any identi?cation for our victim. A search of the victim?s pants pockets inside the ambulance produce a brown leather wallet but still no identi?cation for him. copper fragment from the bullets next to the body as well. These items were photographed and uploaded to this report and the evidence section of the computer. 3 witnesses that came up to me while i was on scene, all stated they heard a single gun shot then a long pause and then another gun shot. Witnesses information was taken down and passed on to the detectives. 1 found an outside surveillance camera at- unknown at time of report if it caught anything on video. I stayed on scene until WESTAF Forensic unit arrived on scene and released the scene to them at 0710hrs. I recovered no items from the scene. I uploaded 31 digital pictures taken by the Canon 8X60 to the evidence section of _the computer. . - . momma emcee one Trice superman accuse menu 121?10'9_ -. . Disselus?n No . .. - 1 Pagcl7of46 1801662 IIncidentii Forest Park Police Department 517 Des Plaines For?est Park, IL 60130 24 Hr: (708)366-2425, Records: sumo" comm Em a 0! IO 1rst Degree Murder] 1801662 I RELATED DESCRIPTION Arrest "500087535 I PERSON 7209 Adams Adams/Elgin FOREST PARK, IL 50130 . How acumen I ween aspirin-o me 0? sums sums one "Wireless 911 00/10/2018 0434 . i marksman?; TYPE: Incident _1 I responded to 7209 Adams as ET Officer for a person shot in the head and now laying on the sidewalk on Elgin near Adams. The victim's head was facing south on Elgin and his feet facing north on Elgin. Victim suffered a gunshot wound to the back of his head behind his right ear. The bullet appeared to have exit through the ?'ont left side of his mouth knocking a tooth out of his mouth. The victim shown no signs of life. responded to the scene and transported the body to Oak Park HOSpital. . While on scene, The victim's black visor hat, yellow lighter and black tote bag were all located near the body. A . search of the tote bag resulted in a large set of bolt cutter, crescent wrench, another tool and a dinner in a white styrofoam cover. I was unable to locate any identi?cation for our victim. A search of the victim's pants pockets inside the ambulance produce a brown leather wallet but _still no identi?cation for him. Reromoomoen one 5119mm accuse Grimes, Harold 06/!0f20l8 08:34 Dione, Justin No Page 18 of46 Incident#: 1801662 . County Medical Examiner's Of?ce. Forest Park Police Department 517 Des Plaines Forest Park, IL 60130 24 Hr: (708)366-2425, Records: (708)615-6214 mam I one (First Murder) . 1801662 I momma RELATEDCADI I 055cm Arrest 1300031505 can 7209 Adams Adamlelgin FORESIRARKJL 60130 unwascewec WHEN mom nuecroccumca" sums coca {euros mus . Letitia/20180434 . .. 'suvvteuemumm ?r'f??z'ln'?duu The following is in summary and not verbatim: I contacted the Cook County Medical Examiner's Of?ce (TX 312-666-0200) at approximately 0629hrs on lOJunl 8. I spoke with Inv. Briggs #76 who assigned this incident MEZOI 8-02709. Metro Mortuary was contacted at approximately 0821hrs on lOJunel 8 (TX to transport the victim from Oak Park Hospital to the Cook County Medical Examiner's Of?ce. The victim was transported from Oak Park Hospital at 0907l1rs with Ofc. D. Pater #249 and Ofc. Constantino #267 escorting Metro Mortuary to the Cook via-came emcee DATE nus summon SECURE mm __G_ross, Kenneth 08:57 Diana, Justin No Page 19 of 46 Forest Park Police Department 517 Des Plaines Forest Park, IL 60130 24 Hr: Racer?(ls: (708)615-6214 Ineiden?i: 1801662 ErTnos? con?mm? 0031mm. m: "m mcmenrr'i' 01 10 [First Degree Murder] 1801662 owners I amt-en can: beacon-non __Arrest l800087535 _1 our} Locamuororreuse 7209 Adams Adams/Elgin FOREST PARK, _11. 60130 "How seamen men REPORTED mu: or occum?uce smus coca I arms one __wirc_lcs59u 0611012013 04 .34 I $133333" I . I Mum? TYPE Incident I The following is in summary and not verbatim: Dorsey was escorted into the interview room of the Forest Park PD's Criminal Investigations Division upon his arrival at the FPPD. Prior to his handcuffs being removed a BV100 i Gunpowder Particle Test was used on his hands. This preliminary test appeared to return positive for the presence of gun shot residue (GSR). This was inventoried. A Gunshot Residue Evidence Collection Kit was used to collect possible GSR from Dorsey' hands. This was mom?eomcea DATE I me I swimsuit _w m? Gross, Kenneth] I 06i10/2018 I 09:57 I Gross Kenneth] I No I Page 20 of 46 . Incident#: 1801662 IF saline?Marni tuna/111115 TYPE: Inddant . cell phone with a "Playboy" background on the screen from Dorsey's front right pant's pocket. asked Dorsey if I inventoried the two (02) live 9mm rounds as Ex. 01 and the one (01) Samsung cell phone as Ex. 02. Forest Park Police Department 517 Des Plaines _Forest Park, IL 60130 24 Hr: (708)366-2425, Records: (108)615-6214 's'rino?n court/1111i 11?min" ea. 01 10 (First Degme Murder} 1801662 I momma RELATED can: oesommon 1 _Arrest '_1800087535 . reason . non LOCATION or errata: mouse "materialism: _l 7209 Adams Adams/El?n FOREST IL 60130 . . I new seamen ween ammo me or OCCURRENCE I run-us cone i more cars Wireless 911 06/10/2013 04 34 In summary, performed a custodial search of Dorsey when he was in custody in the interview room at 501 Desplaines Ave. While searching Dorsey, located a black leather wallet, one (01) loose American Express . Business $100.00 Gift Card Expiration 01/26), and one (01) loose Ventra Debit MasterCard inside of Dorsey's back right pant?s pocket. Dorsey acknowledged ownership of the wallet, gi? card, and Ventra card. Also in Dorsey's back right pant's pocket were two (02) live Spcer 9mm Luger hollow point rounds. Det. Bryant retrieved a property bag and RH placed the two (02) live 9mm rounds into the property bag. continued the custodial search and recovered one l) grey and black Samsung this was his cell phone and Dorsey stated it was and that he could provide the cell phone number for the cell phone. momma run-E SUPERVISOR escorts Juvenile Hickey. Q?ge 06! 10/2018 10:34 Gross, Kenneth No Np PageZl of46 Incident#: 1801662 Forest Park Police Department 517 Des Plaines_ Forest Park, IL 60130 24? Hr: (708)366-2425, Records: (708)615-6214 Enos couM?mvcmomm'?od; 01l0(FirstDegree Murder) 1801662 momma can: cosmos . Arrest i1800087535 i PERSON - Don 7209 Adams Admins/El?n FOREST PARKJL 60130 . HownecEIvED masoccunnesee sTATuscooE Ts'umis DATE Wirelesm . 331333033? - Is 4mm"! .. In summary, performed a custodial search of Dorsey when he was in custody in the interview room at 501 . DeSplaines Ave. While searching Dorsey, located a black leather wallet, one (01) loose American Express Business $100.00 Gift Card Expiration 01/26), and one (01) loose Ventra Debit MasterCard inside of Dorsey's back right pant?s pocket. Dorsey acknowledged ownership of the wallet, gift card, and Venn-a card. Also in Dorsey's back right pant's pocket were two (02) live Speer 9mm Luger hollow point rounds. Det. Bryant retrieved a property bag and RH placed the two (02) live 9mm rounds into the property bag. continued the custodial search and recovered one (1) grey and black Samsung . cell phone with a "Playboy" background on the screen from Dorsey? 5 ?oat right pant?s pocket. R/i asked Dorsey if this was his cell phone and Dorsey stated it was and that he could provide the cell phone number for the cell phone. inventoried the two (02) live 9mm rounds _as Ex. 01 and _the one (01) Samsung cell _phone as Ex. 02. I mm?m 1. DATE TIME woman I secular: .IWETILE I _Hickey, George [0:34 I Gross, Kenneth] No No Page 1801662 Forest Park Police Department 517 Des Plaines _Forest Park, 6013?0 24 Hr: (708)366?2425, Records: (708)615-6214 mam tourism? 00?h a 0110 (First Degree Murder} 1801662 RELATEDCADI Arrest 1800087535 PERSON .7209 Adams Adarns] Elgin FOREST HOW RECEIVED WHEN REPORTED TIHE OF OCCURRENCE STATUE CODE STATUS DATE W_irc_1_c?s 911 I 06/1012018 04:34 i . fi?Rmu?-A??m? TYPE?Incident - - .. In summary, was advised Lake County K9 Deputy Sheriff Forienza #9403 and Canine "Dax" arrived at 501 Desplaines Ave. escorted K9 Deputy Sheriff Forlenza and Canine "Dex" to 720 S. Maple, Oak Park, IL to perform an article search. K9 Deputy Shenff orlenza deployed Canine "Dax" the area and "Bax" alerted to an area of plants in the rear of 732 S. Maple, Oak Park, IL. K9 Deputy Sheriff Forlenza advised R/l that Canine "Dax" located a black handgun in the plants. advised dispatch that a handgun was located and to have an ET respond to the scene. WESTAF ET Trevarthen arrived on scene and took custody of the black handgun. K9 Deputy Sheriff Forlenza stated his Canine Usage Report will be #18-06006 (See Canine Usage Report for ?rrther). mmam? twev nus mean seems 'iilveu'u' ?imsy, George 06/10/2011! 11:14 Gross, Kenneth} No 1 No i?age 23 of 46 1801662 Incident# Forest Park Police Department 517 Des Plaines Forest Park, IL 60130 24 Hr: (708)366-2425, Records: (708)615-6214 'SrTnoTc?p?nfG??r?uEnEo? 1 01 10 (First Degree Murder) 1801682 momma ammo can: 5 names ?1 Arrest 0 1000007535 _1 PERSON 001'. 7209 ?apiidarns/Eigin FOREST PARK, 1L 60130 new RECEIVED warm women me or sums cone era-infants Wireless 911 06/10/2013 04:34 gi?gi??j?f SUPPLEHENTAL NARRATIVE TYPE: Incident _l I In summary, was advised Lake County K9 Deputy Sheriff Forlenza #9403 and Canine "Dex" arrived at 501 Desplaines Ave. escorted K9 Deputy Sheriff Forlenza and Canine "Dax" to 720 S. Maple, Oak Park, IL to perform an article search. K9 Deputy Sheriff orlenza deployed Canine "Dax" in the area and "Bax" alerted to an area of plants in the rear of 732 S. Maple, Oak Park, IL. K9 Deputy Sheriff Forlenza advised R/l that Canine "Dex" located a black handgun in the plants. advised dispatch that a handgun was located and to have an ET respond to the scene. I WESTAF ET Trevarthen arrived on scene and took custody of the black handgun. K9 Deputy Sheriff Forlenza stated his Canine Usage Report will be 1318-06006 (See Canine Usage Report for further). mmam? we we {museum _Hickey, George 0611012018 11314. Gross. Kenneth] NO 319.- Page 24 of 46 Incident#: 1801662 i Page 25 of 46 Forest Park Police Department 517 Des Plaines Forest Park, IL 60130 24 Hr: (708)366-2425, Records: (708)615-6214 The following is in summary and not verbatim: I changed the location of the incident in report 1801662 ?'om 7215 Adams to 7209 Adams to re?ect the correct address of occurrence. ?lo?E?i? 01?} (First Degree Murder) --, 1801662 momma RELATEDCADO 055mm Arrest 1000007535 . 567T 7209 Adams Adams/Elgin IL 60130 maneuver: I wm-mmomo nueoroccunneuce' 51111113131111; Wireless 911 0511012018 04:34 i momem mm a me SUPERWSOR 551511131: mu Gross, Kenneth} _06/_1_0_12018 13:37 0 Gross, Kenneth] _No Incident#: 1801662 Forest Park Police Department 517 Des Plaines Forest Park, IL 60130 24 Hr: (708)366-2425, Records: (708)615-6214 _W?i?r 3 0110 [First Degree Murder) 1801662 momma mm ems 053mm Arrest l809007535 mason non or arms: mouse no. mum; 7209 Adams 60130 Kinsman-:0 WHENREPORTED - mausoccu?h?iee summons sm'usmm' - . . 010100030. Ir mm: Ind'dmr - The following is in summary and not verbatim: Dewey, Martell and Harris, Michael were added to entities in report WIMUIBMQH- I 1801662 by me. mm mm ?mm sewn: mu . gross, Kenneth} 06/ 14:52 Gross, Kqugetlrl Page 26 of 46 1801662 Incident# Forest Park Police Department 517 Des Plaines Forest Park, IL 60130 24 Hr: (708)366-2425, Records: (708)615-6214 1" 0110 (First Degme Murder} 1801662 mm i Deena-mu Arrest 1000037535 PERSON I memories-emanate mouse no. 51mm: 7209 Adams Adams/Elgin FOREST PARK, IL 6030 How RECEIVED 1mm REPORTED me or: occunnsuce sums cone sums DATE Wireless 911 0611012018 04:34 $333}: i shimm? 'dt'm' "?1101? The following is in summary and not verbatim: At my request, Kosinsky, Amy of West Suburban Consolidated Dispatch Center (WESCOM - TX 708-771-91 10) provided this department with three discs containing 9-1-1, telephone, and radio traffic reference incident 1801662. Copies will be made of the discs and all discs will be 1? i inventoried: . DATE sPeunP gogigngc? 06/102018 15:49 . Gross, Kenneth] No Page 27 of 46 I Incident#: 1801662 Forest Park Police Department 517 Des Plaines Forest Park, IL 60130 24 Hr: (708)366-2425, Records: (708)615-6214 {111130?11 eon?lw?cm' '13 chu? ?were 11 0110 (First Degree Murder) 5 1801662 morn-me 1 RELATED we oesemrnos Arrest 1000007535 5 PERSON I 7209 Adams Adams/Elgin FOREST PARK, IL 5111 _31_1 HOW RECEIVED wuss women 111.11; or occunnence sums woe s'rsrus wire? Wireless 911 0611012013 04:34 mama- 1 The following is in summary and not verbatim: I took three photos of the white board in Forest Park PD Investigations . - that had notes reference this incident. The three photos and one of a photo placard were saved to the evidence drive. All photos reference this incident that were saved to the evidence drive at lelmagesmeath h1vestigations\2018\18-01662 Death Inv were movgl __to mma ma . DATE I 3mm . 09159 Scions: No Gross, Kenneth Page 28 of 46 . 1801662 Incident# Forest Park Police Department 517 Des Plaines Forest Park, IL 60130 24? Hr: Records: I eon?rumfuewoiimncwi measure 0113 Degree Murder) I 1801662 lieutenant I DescRIPnoR . I 7209 Adams Adams/Elgin FOREST PARK, IL 60130 Hownecaveo MOFDCCURRENCE lemme DATE 1W I suameuTALuARRAmE TYPE. ladder-It On I HUN 1 8, Det. Pater went to Thomtons Gas Station where (Store Manager DOB- provided Det. Pater video footage from mm 1 8 during the approximate time of incident. had opportunity to review the footage. The camera angle shows the northeast corner of the gas station lot and Harlem Ave. The east side parkway of Harlem is not seen. Several police squads are observed in the area of Harlem Ave. and Jackson . Blvd. on the video. mmaomn DATE I swERmsoR "FE?Dime mu - I Bryant, Robert 0011/2013 10:40 I Gross, Kenneth] No _No Page 29 of 46 I I Inc Ident#: 1801662 Forest Park Police Department 517 Des Plaines Forest Park, IL 60130 24 Hr: (708)366-2425, Records: (708)615-6214 511111611 ?ammu?w?mu?? Ma?a 0 [0 [First Degree Murder) 1801662 momma i ransom: Daemon Amst 1300007535 1 PERSON ours I mumsoromselnwaenmmermi - 7209 Adams Adams/Elgin FOREST PARK, IL 60130 i HOW necerven ween REPORTED nae or occuaaence 1 some cone status oar: Wireless 911 I 06/10/2018 04:34 I . TYPE: madam On 1 1 June 2018, approximately 0800 hours, arrived at the Cook County Medical Examiner's Of?ce in order to I witness a post-mortem examination of Harris. Cook County Sheriff's Police Evidence Technician Evers #652 008-- photographed and ?ngerprinted Harris (see Report #18-174926) for ?thher information. i Dr. Escobar conducted the examination and determined Harris' suffered two gunshot wounds which caused his death. Dr. Escobar provided R11 with three small envelopes, each containing bullet ?'agments which were recovered from Harris' body (Inventory Dr. Escobar also provided with a DNA Sample and an Oral Swab recovered from Harris (Inventory obtained the following wet clothing items which were removed from Harris' body during the post-mortem examination: . i l. bluelblack knee brace 2. white hooded jacket/pullover 3. tan khaki pants 4. red tank top 5. blue hooded sweatshirt 6. white T-shirt two (2) paper bags removed from Harris? hands 8. partial red shoelace 9. red biohazard bag medical examiner's of?ce) 2 10. paper bag (from medical examiners office) i It should be noted the clothing items were wet and contained suspect bloodfbody ?uids. Lieutenant Gross and RH separated and hanged the clothing items in the secure Evidence Room to allow the items to air dry. The aforementioned clothing items, and items Dr. Escobar provided to will be inventoried in accordance to Forest mum one nus . mm item?s?m -1 06:1 Emma .. Grass mesh 1_ No Page 30 of 46 Forest Park Police Department 517 Des Plaines Forest Park, IL 60130 24 Hr: (708)366-2425, Records: (708)615-6214 mm momma 3 0110 (First Degree Murder) I 1801662 I RELATEDCADI baseman i '4 . .. Mes; Lemmas PERSON on" a 7209Adnms AdamsIEIgin FORESTPARKIL 60130 5 now seem men women mar oeeunaence same can: sums one 9 - .5 . _-WNQQill?k?twutw d- .. . . sum we manned? .. .. . . I The following is in summary and not verbatim: The Station Complaint UCR/Offense Code was changed in report 1801662 ??om 9028 (Person Down (Sick/Injured? to 01 10 (First Degree Murder). A Ventra card recovered by Hickey from Dorsey's person during a custodial search of Dorsey that bears was inventoried into evidenee. mama ma DATE I - 7 SECURE mm _G_ross, Kenneth] Gross,Kcnneth 'l (0.46] Ineident#: 1801662 Forest Park Police Department 517 Des Plaines Forest Park, IL 60130 24 Hr: (708)366-2425, Records: (708)615-6214 ?Simon comm?Emma cm 01 10 (First Degree Murder) 1 1801662 momma RELATED em Arrest l800087535 PER SON no" 7209 Adams PARK, IL 60130 How RECEIVED WHII mom 'n?e or oeeumuee sums cone I smug DATE Wireless 011 06/10/2018 04:34 SUPPLEIIBITAL TYPE: hidden! In summary, Ofc. Constantino and RH responded to Oak Park Hospital. RII spoke with ER Nurs? who stated Harris was pronounced deceased at 0512 hrs. on 10 Jun 18 by Dr.? REPORTING OFFICER Pater, Daniel DATE 06/ll12018 12:23 mm seem wveuu Gross, Kenneth 0 Page 32 0f 46 Incident?i: 1801662 Forest Park Police Department 517 Des Plaines Forest Park, IL 60130 24 Hr: (708)366-2425, Records: (708)615-6214 5mm mamwcwomnm molester: 1 01 10 (First Degree Murder) 1801662 momma RELATED can: memo Arrest - 1800087535 PERSON non 7209 Adams FOREST PARK, IL 60130 new seamen was" REPORTED me on: mangoes sun-us com: I sums one _W_?li?iliha?' . _1 Boom?"? ALuAnriim TYPEIneldertt?" 0n 1 1 June 2018, 1301 hours, received an email from Investigator -(Chicago Transit Authority Security Services Investigations Video 567 W. Lake Street, Chicago, Illinois 60661). The email was in regards in an attempt to locate video surveillance footage of Dorsey arriving in Forest Park via the CTA's Blue Line. The email states the following: reviewed video of 10 Jun 18, 0200-0430 hours at Blueline Harlem and Blueline Des Plaines. There was no sign of anyone wearing your suspect's clothes. Ventra records indicated that the Ventra card belonging to your suspect has not been used since February." A copy of all ematl?ctirrgpondence will be inventoried as evidence. manure omen: oars mu: sumsoa secune mu i 06/11/2018 14:27 Gross, Kenneth J. No Page 33 of 46 Forest Park Police Department 517 Des Plaines Forest Park, IL 60130 24 Hr: (708)366-2425, Records: (708)615-6214 g'mmcaumii?m an.? "m - - 5 1801662 on maven-emu momma 1-1 .. . 1300037535 PERSON no" . 7209 Adams Ad?sf?lgin FOREST PARK, 11. 601?0 [now nee-v- wneu mm occunasuce sums cools rum: DATE ?3 Gena/20180434 lawman-m I The following is in summary and not verbatim: Entity information was updated by me in incident 1801662 as a result . of murder charges being approved by the Cook County State's Attome): of?ce. momeomcea 6161?5 I we 1 Wm sewn: from I 15:13 No - . . . Page 34 of 46 Incident#: 1801662 Forest Park Police Department 517 Des Plaines Forest Park, IL 60130 24 Hr: (708)366?2425, Records: (708)615-6214 0110 (First Degree Murder) 1801662 I I momma neural: ems mom ?nest 130008753; PERSON non lmmnormsemmseumsmmi - 7209 Adams Adams/Elgin FOREST PARKJL 60130 I 1' Ho'iirieeave? war-ism nusoroeeunneucs smus cone :s?mus one I . . wi??h? . [smwumme The following is in summary and not verbatim: Det. J. Heveran obtained a search Warrant. Dorsey was the target of the search warrant and one of the items the search warrant outlined could be seized was a DNA buccal swab. The warrant was signed by the honorable Judge Claps #1746 on lOJunel 8 at l400hrs. At approximately 1410hrs on llJunel 8, I executed the search warrant and obtained two DNA buccal swabs from Dorsey. This was done in the presence of Det. N. Petrovic in the interview room of the Forest Park PD's investigative division. This event was audio and video recorded (see DVD for fin-titer). A copy of the search warrant was attached to Dorsey's prisoner property. The two DNA swabs were each placed in a swab box and both swab boxes sealed in a paper bag and placed into evidence. DATE 1-um. SECURE Gross, Kenneth! I 06/11/2018 I 15:19 I sang, Kenneth] iNo -. Page35 of46 I .- .I Incident#: 1801662 Forest Park Police Department 517 Des Plaines Forest Park, IL 60130 24 Hr: (708)366-2425, Records: (708)615-6214 'ifanon comm 110111011111" cod- 111010511711 0110(Fi1'st Degree Murder) 1001662 momma I RELATEDCAD I memos Anest 1800087535 PERSON 7209 Adams Adams/Eigin FOREST PARK, IL 60130 110? RECEIVE) WHEN REPORTED TIRE OF OCCURRERCE STATUS CODE STATUS DATE Wireless 911 06/10/2018 04:34 $131333? WWII. mm: TYPE: In?del? The following is in summary and not verbatim: I had No pages of hand Written notes reference 1801662. The two pages of notes were inventoried. REPORTING OFFICER Gross, Kenneth I one 111.15 06/11/2018 15:57 SECURE Gross, Kenneth .1 No MERLE Page 36 of 46J Incident#: 1801662 Forest Park Police Department 517 Des Plaines Forest Park, IL 60130 24 Hr: (708)366-2425, Records: (708)615-6214 SUPPLEMENTAL mm 011 June 10th 2018, this investigator was assigned to prepare a search warrant for a Sanisung Cellular Android phene which had been recovered from the person of Martell Dorsey upon his arrest SSW7152). also prepared a search warrant to obtain a Buccal Swab from Mr. Dorsey (188W7154). At 0716hrs, Of?cer Hickey 250 handed the Samsung device, at which time, placed the device in Airplane Mode to prevent the phone ?'om being remotely wiped. At 1400brs, Honorable Judge Joseph Claps 1746 of the Cook County Circuit Court signed both search warrants. At 1549hrs, executed a search on the phone and found no apparent evidence pertaining to this case. A digital acquisition of the device was also conducted and a copy of the report was inventoried in evidence. See Lt. Gross' report?pertaining to the Buccal Swab search. annm?maumm em meloean 1 I 0110 (First Degree Murder] 1801662 I momma RELATED can. I man . Arrest l300087535 - 7209Adams Adams/Elgin FORESTPARKIL 60130 How ri?caveo WHEN REPORTED - nueosoccuaneuee s'm'us cone sums DATE Melisa?? 06110120180434 .. . TYPE?nddem i REPORTING cmeaa Hevcran, Jarlath DATE 06/11/2013 nus 16:42 ammo i Gross, Kenneth] I Page 37 of46 . . . A Forest Park Police Department 517 Dec Plaincs Forest Park, IL 60130 24 Hr: (708)366-2425, Records: (708)615-6214 Friend?s?04?. 1801662 a - I RELATED i DESCRIPTION .. . Arrest 1300087535 PERSON non mmorormsemousenmsmeerml _g 7209 Adams Adams/Elgii} IL 60130 .. men women nueoroeeunneuce s?museone 'srarus one "l . 06110120180428- ,5 Wireless 911 06i10i201s 04:34 . 0614121111943 i i. surmenm. NARRATIVE TYPE: Inddent The following is in summary and not verbatim: I checked the weh site Weather Underground to document the weather conditions on lOJune18. 0n lZJunel 8 at approximate 09451115 the following information was retrieved from 816/1 OIDailyHistory.html? for weather conditions on IOJunel 0: Mean Temperature 66 67 Max Temperature 71 78 98 (191 l) Min Temperature 60 Dew Point 62 Average Humidity 92 i Maximum Humidity 100 Minimum Humidity 34 Precipitation 1.34 in Sea Level Pressure 29.86 in Wind Speed 8 (NE) Max Wind Speed 20 Max Gust Speed 26 I Visibility 3 miles 3 Events Rain Thunderstorm 1 Sunrise 5:15 AM CDT Sunset_8:26 ly DATE THE I mean . - 17 SECURE Mu 06??0i492i?ii .GmssiK?cih . .. . Page 38 of 46 Incident#: 1801662 Forest Park Police Department 517 Des Plaines Forest Park, IL 60130 24 Hr: (708)366-2425, Records: (708)615-6214 moon 0?0an ucruorrm?d'o INCIDENT - 1 0 10 [First Degrrga Murder) 1801662 momma mama can: - momma Arrest 1800087535 PERSON . non 4? 7202 Adams {Adams/Elgin FOREST PARK, . How RECEIVED I WHEN nepoirr'eb i Tate oa onwanaaee sums oboe sums DATE . WIMDIS 04.28 - . Wireless 911 . 01:34 i . _l I 'sor?fu?i?t mm TYPE: Incident The following is in sommary and not verbatim: The clothing that Dorsey Wearing when he was arrested was rain soaked. The clothing was drying within a secured location at the Forest Park PD. Today, I sealed the clothing in evidence bags and logged the items into inventory. Inventoried by me was: 1 Black baseball cap 1 Black pair of Old Navy pants 1 Black sweatshirt with 3 Batman logo 1 Gray "California Republic" t-shirt 2 (1 pair) Gray Old Navy shoes size 1 2 black socks aeronmoomoea 9313 11"! SUPERVISOR SECURE James I Gross, Kenneth] 12:05 I Gross, Ifennethl N0 Page 39 of 46 Forest Park Police Department 51'! Des Plaines Forest Park, IL 60130 24 Hr: (708)366-2425, Records: (708)615-6214 Ineident#: 1801662 3mm cm [scream at 01 10 (First Degree Murder) 1801662 momma neunen can: momma Arrest 1800087535 PERSON LOCATIDH WOFFENSE 1110.. STREETNAHEI 7209 Adams Adams/Eight FOREST PARK, IL 60130 How neeaven men women me as oceuaneuee emu: emu: mu: Wireless 911 1 0611012018 04:34 I - I. mm. - "Hive??lo?au .. I The following is in summary and not Verbatim: I requested the our Commanieations department check via a LEADS I terminal if Dorsey possessed a valid State of Illinois Firearms Owner Identi?cation Card (F OID). A check for a FOID was completed for Dorsey, Martel] (DOB _and Dorsey, Marten I (DOB Both searches returned "No Record Found." I checked the Illinois State Police Concealed Carry Licensing Law Enforcement Portal and found that Dorsey did not possess a Concealed Cany License (CCL) on lOJunlE, nor has he applied for one ?nal 01Jan14 through 121111118. Tam?me?T I one" me lsuaenmsoa mono?meow" i Glms, Kenneth] ?0611212018 12:15 I Gross, Kenneth_]__ No Page 40 of 46 I Incident#: 1801662 Forest Park Police Department 517 Des Plaines Forest Park, IL 60130 24 Hr: (708)366-2425, Records: (708)615-6214 "l 01l0 (First Degree Murder) - 1801662 RELATEDCADI 7 WM Arrest l800087535 .. . PERSON non mmoromsemwseno. 31515571111115} I 7209 Adams Adamlelgin FOREST PARK, IL 60130 How RECEIVED men women nue'o'? d?cunnence 3111103 cone sums one 1 Wireless 911 0611012010 04:34 i -. . I ?Palm! I --1 On 8, Ril received completed Evidence Logs for all three WESTAF scenes. On inventoried and placed into the Forest Park Police Department Capers Database the WESTAF evidence. All evidence will have a WESTAF evidence number and a corresponding Capers Evidence number. WESTAF Ex: 1 Location Elgin Ave. and Adams St. Capers Ex: 44) i downloaded to Evidence Drive PDFs of the Logs for all three scenes. The PDFs were also uploaded to the original Capers report for reference. DVDs were made of the previously downloaded digital evidence (Exhibits #26 and #32) and placed into evidence under the appropriate exhibit number. momdomcen faint?""1135 SUPERVISOR see-one mu. - Bryant, Robert [37329018 L15: [7 Gross, Kenneth No No Page 41 of46 Incident#: 1801662 Forest Park Police Department 517 Des Plaines Forest Park, IL 60130 24 Hr: (708)366-2425, Records: (708)615-6214 sums com-mm nemm memes? 0110 (First Degree Murder) 1801662 mum Ii mm can: DESCRIPTION Arrest 1800087535_ . PERSON non . 7299 Adams Adams/Elgin FOREST PARK, IL 60130 How RECEIVED wueu neii?nreo me or oceunaenee sums eons sums one Wireless? own/2015.09.34 TYPE: Incident Prisoner property from this case has been held by this Department for over 30 days. None holds any value or use to - this Department so it was shredded or otherwise disposed of with the property sheet indicated accordingly. mus mus supmson seems mm 07/280018 10:20 Hail. Tom No No Page 42 of 46 Forest Park Police Department 517 Des Plaines Forest Park, IL 60130 24 Hr: (708)366-2425, Rico?rds: (708)615-6214 g: - - 3 0110 (First Degree Murder) 1801662 no momma - sarcoma eczema 1?4 . .. Arrest 1800087535 PERSON [non 3 7209 Adams Adams/Elgin FOREST marge 60130 HWRECENED 'W?m REPORTED OCCURRENCE I STATUSDATE -. '9 . amounts 04.23 - .5: . 06110120180434 windows-1:14 i swam. mums TYPE: Incident 0n today's date, LL Greco of the Melrose Park Police Department who is also currently the Commander of WESTAF provided with the original WESTAF ?les. The original ?les are contained in a binder and was also provided a ?ash drive containing all WESTAF ?les which were digitized. copied the digitized Leads ?le and added them to the Forest Park Police Evidence Drive. A copy of the Case File Receipt, which signed, was turned into records and_ a _cop_y also included with each item _which were separately inventoried and placed into_ evidence. mdnmaomccn ??13 -- ?mo" _meggosc_u_ __10/11/2018__ 17:22_ Page 43 of 46 Incident#: 1801662 Forest Park Police Department 517 Des Plaines Forest Park, IL 60130 24 Hr: (708)366-2425, Records: (708)615-6214 [Echoimdcw'w foil-c Wei?? 01 ID {First Degree Murder) 1801662 I momma Ransom: l'oescasmon Arrest 1 1300007535 . 5 PERSON _1 non mumuorotmsemwsenmimm" my 1209 Adams FOREST PARK, IL 60130 _'nownecmeo 1mm women meosoecunneuce I 31111115 coo: sumsoxre' 1 [Wireless 911 1 06l1012018 04:34 11mm TYPE: Incident 0n today's date, Exhibit #85 be removed from evidence. made two DVD copies of the USB contents which will be tendered to the State's Attorney's Of?ce. The USB was placed back into the original heat sealed bag, rescaled and placed back into evidence. REPORTNGOFFICER one nu: 309m sewn: 1111151111.: Leigh 1130px: _i__10/23/2018 14:17 61'9ngan No No Page 44 of 46 Forest Park Police Department 517 Des Plaines Forest Park, IL 60130 24 Hr: (708)366-2425, Records: (708)615-6214 5' sums cmmucwoi?mm Wdii??'i 5 I 0110 (FirstDegIceMurder) I 1801662 moo-rm RELATED can: nesemmou 1? -- ._A_rre?t 1800087535 0 i 3 - 5 I 3209 Adams Atlanis/Elgin FOREST PARK, IL 50130 monsoon-:0 - sums coo: one I 05110120130420- I .5 _siiFmsuanamE I During the course of investigation, Dorsey made post-Miranda admissions to the offense of Burglary to Motor Vehicle where 0 Glock 17 handgun was taken. Please refer to Forest Park Case #18-01657 for ?mher. man-Imam I TIME I Bryant. Robert 12/03/2018 13:53 5 Gross, Kenneth] wee?m; - N0 Page 45 of 46 I Incident#: 1801662 Forest Park Police Department 517 Des Plaines Forest Park, IL 60130 24 Hr: (708)366-2425, Records: (708)615-6214 i mum 10910511111 0110(First Degree Murder) 1801662 serum-me RELATED em oesonnmon Arrest PERSON 1 i non Loeanouormsemouseummerml _7209Adams AdamsiElgin FORESTPARKJL 60130 Howneeavee meia??mo mausoeeunneuee emu: cone 's'rn'rus DATE- Wireless 911 TYPEInddenl was contacted on this date by ASA Sacks who requested information regarding evidence being sent to the laboratory. conferred with Lt. Gross regarding the items mentioned by ASA Sacks. took bn'ef notes during the course of conversing with ASA Sacks and Lt. Gross. RH inventoried and placed into evidence the single sheet of notes taken by M. ASA Sacks also requested WESTAF Evidence Logs. Copies of the logs and the single sheet of notes were provided to ASA Sacks. meme" mm: was "?reman agenda?5W Bryant, Robert 01/04/2019_ 14321 Gross, Kenneth! ASSIBTING OFFICERS - 1- .. 1 00k Kendall,Robert - 202 . .. 253 l-lorrison, MichnelL 119 Grimes. Harold -. 210 Page 46 of 46 Illinois State Police Division of Forensic Services Forensic Science Center at Chicago 1941 West Roosevelt Road Chicago, Illinois 60608-1229 (312) 433-8000 (Voice) (800) 255-3323 (TDD) LABORATORY REPORT Firearms/1?00! Marks L. Riggins #867 DFS Case Cl8-014984 Forest Park Police Department Report 1 517 Desplaines Avenue Report Date: 01/02/2019 Forest Park, IL 60130 Agency Case 1801662 0ffense(s): First Degree Murder Offense Category(s): Homicide Victim(s): Michael Harris Suspect(s): Martel] Dorsey ltem(s) Submitted: LAB SECTION AGENCY DESCRIPTION DESIGNATION 1 1 1m Glock, mode! 17 Gen 4 Serial Number? 9 mm Luger Semiautomatic pistol 6 right polygonal ri?ing characteristics 1 1 1m (1) magazine 1 1 1111 (5) Speer 9 mm Luger cartridges 6 6 6 Speer 9 mm Luger ?red cartridge case 7 7 9 Speer 9 mmgger ?red cartridge case Snb-Item(s) created by laboratory: LAB SUB- DESCRIPTION Test shots ?red by the firearm in Item Page I of 3 Iii-014984 Report it 1 Results: Firearm, Magazine, Cartridges, Accessories, Other Lab Item Type Examination Conclusions Firearm Operable - test ?red using?oratory ammunition 1 Magazine Used to test ?re the ?rearm in Item I Cartridges Examined for caliber and type Cartridge_ Case, Cartridge, Shotshell Findings Lab Item(s)l Item Type Microscopic Compared to Lab Item Type Designator(s) Findings Item(s)l Designator(s) 6, 7 Fired Cartridge Identi?cation - Firearm Case(s) ?red by IBIS Item(s)# Entered Analytical Results 1A2 No association(s) made. Remarks: Information regarding the existence of possible associations to ?rearms related evidence from other cases and subsequent requests for comparisons between cases must be coordinated through the respective agency. It'you have any questions regarding the results of this analysis, please contact this examiner. Any analysis conducted is accredited under the laboratory's 17025 accreditation issued by AN SI-ASQ National Accreditation Board (ANAB). Refer to certi?cate and associated Scope of Accreditation. Respect?illy submitted, Page 2 of 3 C1 8-014984 Kurt Murray Forensic Scientist Report 1 Page 3 of 3