HOUSTON Wm FIRE. BHIIH WILCDI LEGAL 3311 emu-mm 193?: VIA EMAIL April 3. 201*} Hun. Sylvester Turner {'3in nl' IIL?ruhlurl Hex l??l Hnuhmn. Texas TTESI Dear Mayer Turner. In unicr 1n Inwningfully Ice-[mud l? yuur "pmr?lhalr'. will Wu pleas: .111- sure: the quenli?ns presented in am March 13 and :1in 1 [Ellen-L ynu?? Sn. again we Mk: 1. [113:5 lillehl 1Impm~iil Fully implemenl B. hulh heme pity and in- eemives'? Ill jf?ll believe it drIIEi-i. pleura: explain in writing HIE: lhul Her: can advise uur members. 3. If it (Ines- nnt. plum-e explain why the [1111111154]! fails in prnwide purity- r-J The L?in puhlir: mtu ulsu curl ?rm cur euneem that ynu may.r have puh- lit. campaign-HUI: Frnj?lnsilinn budget prawnlulimi and aim secret. undiwlueed une. ?x'nur evervchunging PT-meitl?n cce-I estimates- end yerur refusal fully upen the city hmka fur the purpnse Inf negatialinn Inf Frnm?iti?n an: Lruubling- Finally. [he Pmpuriiliun H-lhemed cumlnunituliu-nzi re]de this week ynu uml ynur [my-lu- play pnlitleal pan-.1112: In raise funds l'?f yeur re-eleetien Campaign um despicable. [?nlitieul fund- I'uining 1:11 the hacks :11" ?rEl-lghlE-I'h ynu intend In Iin HIT further re?ects 1mm fur ?re~ ?ghter l'amilie 5. We ?wail yeur answera- in {he [ending qumtiuna. Telluri- ll/l Palriek M. "Many" lamemn cc: H?llhl?l'l City Cuuncil Hermie-n Fire Chief Samuel Pe?u Ian? FREEMAN HDUETDH. Texas WW9 {1'13} 22343155 FM [113] EST-0512 EH All. ADDRESS: I'm