MOHVerizen LTE 1:08 PM >5 79% Application: The NYPD is pleased te anneunce the launch ef the NYPD Sex Crimes Case Review, to be knewn as the Timeney Review, a cellaberative effert between the Department and varieus service previders and advecacy erganizatiens in the City te review the case werk cenducted by the NYPD. The geal ef the Timeney Review is twe-feld: fer the NYPD te receive censtructive feedback in erder te impreve the handling ef sexual assault cases; and fer the participating erganizatiens, in turn, te have the an eppertunity te learn mere ab eut hew the NYPD cenducts sexual assault investigatiens. The Timeney Review is named fer ehn Timeney, fermer NYPD Chief ef Department and First Deputy After leaving the Department, Chief Timeney became the Philadelphia Pelice Cemmissiener, where he werked with Philadelphia?s Special Victims Unit and area advecacy erganizatiens te create a sex crimes review pregram. The engeing annual review started in 2000, and prevides a stren and veri?ed framewerk fer the NYPD's pregram. Naming the pregram after Chief Timeney heners his career in the NYPD, his cemmitment te pelicing and victims ef sexual vielence. Overseen by the Of?ce ef Cellaberative Pelicing and the Special Victims Divisien (SVD), the Timeney Review is medeled en the cellaberatien between the Philadelphia Pelice Department and the Wemen?s Law Prejeet, and will entail multiple victim service and advecacy erganizatiens reviewing clesed, redacted SVD cases. The pregram will encempass twe three-day reviews ef case felders, fer a tetal ef six days annually. Prier to the ?rst three?day review, a mandatery half-day training sessien will be cenducted by the SVD. We anticipate the Timeney Reviews will eccur in May and Octeber. We request a cemmitment ef three years frem each erganizatien and a cemmitment ef twe years fer the individual representing the erganizatien. In yeur applicatien, please articulate the erganizatien?s experience with sexual assault services and/er advecacy. Each applicatien must identify the staff member it is neminating te participate, and why that individual weuld be an apprepriate participant. A nendisclesure agreement must be cempleted by beth the selected erganizatiens, as well as individual participants. Please send yeur applicatien te cellab.pelicing@nypd.erg by February 23, 2017.