Case 6:19-mj-04047-MWP Document 1 Filed 04/03/19 Page 1 of 12 AO 91 (Rev. 02109) Criminal Complaint tlnfl'[edl Sta'tes Df,s 'Western forthe District of New York United States of America v. Case No. le-MJ- yU7 THOMAS ALONZO BOLIN a/k/ a Peter Vincent Defendant CRIMINAL COMPLAINT I, ADAM T. PARADOWSKI, the complainant in this case, state that the following is true to the best of my knowledge andbelief. On or about March 12,2019, in the County of Monroe, in the Westem District of New York, the defendant, THOMAS ALONZO BOLIN a/k/a Peter Vincent, did knowingly and willfully make a materially false, fictitious and fraudulent statement and representation in a matter within the jurisdiction of the executive branch of the Government of the United States, by stating to a Special Agent and Task Force Officers of the Federal Bureau of Investigation that he did not possess any firearms in New York State when the defendant then and there knew that he possessed a Mossberg, Model 590,I2-gavge shotgun in his bedroom at 34ThirdAvenue, Rochester, New York, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 1001(aX2). This Criminal Complaint is based on these facts: SEE ATTACHED tr AFFIDAVIT OF SPECIAL AGENT ADAM T. PARADOWSKI. Continued on the attached sheet. Comp lainant's signature S/A ADAM T. PARADOWSKI Printed name and title Sworn to before me and signed in my presence. Date: April3 .2019 [faa'a4 ,rfi*rc,,fudge's signature City and State: Rochester, New York HONORABLE MARIAN W. PAYSON TINITED STATES MAGISTRATE JUDGE Printed name and title Case 6:19-mj-04047-MWP Document 1 Filed 04/03/19 Page 2 of 12 Arrpayrr State of New York ) County of Monroe ) City of Rochester ) U'ry'wm IN Supponr Or Cnnrmlar Corwramr l SS: I, ADAM T. PARADOWSKI, being duly sworn, depose and state the following: INTRODUCTION 1. served I am a Special Agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and have in this capacity for approximately six months. I am currently assigned to the Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF), Buffalo Division, in Rochester, New York. At the JTTF, I work with a team of federal, state, and local law enforcement agents and officers on investigations relating to domestic and intemational terrorism. During my tenure with the FBI, I have also attended intensive training on counterterrorism and other types of investigations, including counterintelligence, white collar crime, public comrption, organizedcrime, and narcotics. prior to my employment with the FBI, I worked for approximately five years as a Border patrol Agent with the United States Customs and Border Patrol. In addition, I worked for approximately one year with New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision. with digital evidence commonly possessed and used by those involved I amfamrliar in criminal activities. I have also conferred with other FBI Special Agents who have expertise and experience in counterterrorism investigations and digitalevidence. 2. The FBI is an agenry within the executive branch of the govemment of the United States and is responsible for investigatrng alleged violations of federal criminal law, including, inter alia, violations of federal civil rights laws (including violations of 18 U.S.C. $$ 241 (conspirary to violate civil rights) ,247 (obstruction of persons in free exercise of religious beliefs), Case 6:19-mj-04047-MWP Document 1 Filed 04/03/19 Page 3 of 12 and 249 (hate crime acts)), and federal firearms laws (including violations of 18 U.S.C. $ 92a@) in furtherance of a crime of violence)). Based on the above- described information, the FBI began an investigation of THOMAS ALONZO BOLIN a/k/a (possession and use of firearms Peter Vincent and others for possible violations of federalcivil rights andfirearms laws. 3. This affidavit is submitted in support of a criminal complaint charging THOMAS ALONZO BOLIN a/k/a Peter Vincent with a violation of 18 U.S.C. $ 1001(a)(2) (materially false statements in relation to a matterwithin the jurisdiction ofthe executive branch ofthe United States government). The assertions made herein are based on my personal knowledge and information I have received from this investigation, including information from several law enforcement officers and agents assigned to the Rochester Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF), records from BOLIN's Facebook account, and information from public databases, all of which are ffue and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Further, I have had discussions with law enforcement officers involved in this investigation who have confirmed the accrJracy of the information contained within this affidavit. Since this affidavit is being submitted for a limited pu{pose, I have not included each and every fac.- that I know conceming this investigation. Rather, I have set forth only those facts that relate to the issue of whether probable cause exists to believe that BOLIN committed the above-mentioned offense. II. PnonenrCeusn FBI IrvynsrrcanroN or Borrx 4. THOMAS ALONZO BOLIN is a22-yeN old white male. He is a United States citizen, who until recently resided at 34Thtrd Avenue, Greece, New York. As detailed herein, BOLIN has expressed his support of white supremacist groups and self-identifies as a "Folk Case 6:19-mj-04047-MWP Document 1 Filed 04/03/19 Page 4 of 12 Odinist." Odinist refers to a religious group revering the gods of the Norse mythos. The designation of a "Folk" Odinist adds the additional condition that the Odinist religion is limited to heterosexual whites. As detailed herein, the FBI began an investigation of BOLIN and others for potential violations of federal civil rights andftearms laws in mid-March2019. 5. On March 15, 2079, a gunman attacked two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, shooting and killing 50 worshippers and civilians, and injuring 50 others. The gunman - a self-professed ethno-nationalist - livestreamed the first attack on Facebook. In connection with the attacks, the gunman issued a73-page manifesto titled, "The Great Replacement," which is a reference to white genocide conspiracy theories. The manifesto was e-mailed to numerous recipients and links to the manifesto were shared on Twitter and other platforms. Copies of the livestream video were posted on various social media platforms, including Facebook and YouTube. 6. On March 15, 2019, a Facebook user by the name of "Ragnar Odinson" made threatening statements via Facebook Messenger. Odinson responded to the Christchurch attacks by calling for arc-enactment in the United States. Odinson further indicated that he was willing to "do something as of next week" in Baltimore, Maryland. Odinson encouraged another individual to buy firearms and ammunition, and food, and stated that he (Odinson) would travel to meet the individual the following week. Odinson, whose real name is Austin Witkowski, is BOLIN's cousin and is a member of a Facebook group, Odin's Warriors, which is managed by BOLIN. Case 6:19-mj-04047-MWP Document 1 Filed 04/03/19 Page 5 of 12 7. On March 17,2019, the FBI obtained records relattng to a Facebook account utilized by THOMAS ALONZO BOLIN under the alias "Peter Vincent." 1 The Facebook account profi.le picture depicts the White Pride World Wide banner. White Pride World Wide is listed prominently on the Intemet homepage of Stormfront, which is a white supremacist online forum founded by a former Klu Klux Klan leader in Alabama. The Facebook records showed that BOLIN belonged to multiple Facebook groups, such as Skinheads CZ/SK, Odin's Warriors (2t and 2), Volksfront Intemational, and Asaffu Folk Assembly. These groups are comprised of members who currently and historically have expressed support for a white supremacist ideology. Between March 10, 2019, and March 19, 2019, BOLIN made statements consistent with white supremacist ideology andmade references to the attacks in Christchurch, New Zealand, in several posts and messages on Facebook. The following is a summary of relevant information from the Facebook records:2 a. On March 15,2019, BOLIN used Facebook to post the following statements: i. "As a people we must accept the old gods and rally around our kin. And fight back against the kikes.islamic filth and the niggers in that order"; 11. "Im kinda in the middle of reading that guys manifesto" (referring to the manifesto of the shooter from the Christchurch mosque attacks) and "Brugh readrng the whole thing" I just got done ; 1 On March 21,2019, FBI Kansas City requested and received from Facebook the return of a voluntary emergency disclosure of subscriber and content information for the account using the Facebook identification number 100022393111719 and user name "Peter Vincent," for the period March 10,2019, through March 19, 2019.In a message on March 14,2019, the user stated, "[m]y real name is thomas bolin peter vincent is a character from a horror movie." Subsequently, in an interview on March 30,2019, BOLIN's girlfriend, who has the initials A.L., conflrmed that BOLIN uses a Facebook account in the name of Peter Vincent. 2 The posts and messages summarized in this affidavit are verbatim and contain various spelling and grammatical errors. Your affrant has not corrected those errors in order to convey the original text to the Court. Case 6:19-mj-04047-MWP Document 1 Filed 04/03/19 Page 6 of 12 1ii. "A war is comeing iv. being ignorant of it is not protection from it"; "'Way late for that the invasion happening at the southem border. Or the destruction of our homeland by Islamic trash. Just cause you are a pussy and willing to let it happen dont expect that from me or mine"; b. On March 15, 20L9, BOLIN also posted the two photographs caption "how muslims see white people," which depicted a white male pointing a - one with the shotgun toward the camera, and one with the caption "how white people see muslims," which consisted of a still photograph from the Christchurch gunman's video of the attack showing a long gun being pointed downrange toward a mosque; c. On March 15,2019, Ragnar Odinson exchanged messages with BOLIN. BOLIN stated, "Brugh dude killed 40 muslims," referring to the Christchurch attacks, and Odinson responded with a heart emoji and "Lovely." BOLIN further stated, "Ya ranup in a mosque with an ar [meaning AR-15]," and Odinson responded, "Lol." Odinson also shared links to the Christchurch gunman's manifesto and video of the shooting with a Facebook Soup, which included BOLIN; d. On March t5, 2019, BOLIN exchanged Facebook messages with another Facebook user and, in reference to the Christchurch attacks, stated, "there is a war brewing,, and "realistically this was a small pice of a bigger picture now we wait for the retaliation,,; e' On March 15, 2019, BOLIN, in a Facebook message to his girlfriend, stated, "Come on they are muslim rats they would gladly do the worse to you or me. it does my hart good to see thim run down infront of their saldnigger god" (referring to the Christchurch attacks); f. On March 16, 2019, BOLIN exchanged a series of Facebook messages with Ragnar Odinson. BOLIN stated that he "wrecked" acar andbroke his arm. Odinson responded, "there goes a1l that shit then." BOLIN replied, "[o]nly takes one arm to fire a glock.,, Odinson Case 6:19-mj-04047-MWP Document 1 Filed 04/03/19 Page 7 of 12 stated, "I guess I'11 do this shit my self. I'm not waiting months and months or a week. It was supposed to be done by Halloween"; g. On March 16, 2019, Ragnar Odinson posted, "Words ar.en't going to help. Violence is the key. " BOLIN responded, "Yoooo chill . . . Not on the fed book. " Odinson replied, "No fuck are given anymore"; h. On March 17, 2019, BOLIN exchanged Facebook messages with his girlfriend, A.L. BOLIN told her that his cousin (Austin Witkoski who is the Facebook user known as "Ragnar Odinson") hadbeen arrested. A.L. responded, "Well. You guys areprobably on a watch list now. Especially with that shooting that just happened [which I believe is a reference to the Christchurch attacks]. That facebook chat you were talking about is probably why they went after him." BOLIN replied, "Nah, ik [meaning "I know"] what happened its so retarded." A.L. responded, "You cant rule it out tho. Especially if you were telling the truth and that guy really qas apart of your group." BOLIN then explained that the arrest happened because Witkowski's grarudfather calTedthe police during an argument; i. On March 17,2019, BOLIN, referring to the Christchurch attacks, stated, "Well he wrote a manifesto. What he did was fucked up but politically he is making some points his focus was on the fac. that the elites want to kill off the white race and replace us with a demographic they can control better. Which is fairly obvious if you look into it. His solution was extremely radical and misguided but its a good read ill send you the link to it if you want its about a 30 min read"; and j. On March 18,2019, BOLIN posted, "Im serious war is comeing. My cousin [a reference to Ragnar Odinson] got dragged out of his house yesterday by a swat team reason no charges were fiIled and they put him on a72 hour hold." for 100 no Case 6:19-mj-04047-MWP Document 1 Filed 04/03/19 Page 8 of 12 Bornq's Accpss To Fnranrvrs 8. page: On March 12, 2019, BOLIN posted the following photograph to his Facebook Case 6:19-mj-04047-MWP Document 1 Filed 04/03/19 Page 9 of 12 9. On March 12,2019, BOLIN also posted three photographs on his Facebook page, which depicted atotal of four handguns. Bornq's Sreruuprvrs To TnBFbrOuMencn 30,2019 10. As part of the investigation in this case, members of the Rochester JTTF interviewed BOLIN and his girlfriend A.L. on March 30, 2019. The interviews took place at A.L.'s residence at 4480 Culver Road, Irondequoit, New York. Two members of the investigative team- FBI Special Agent Kevin Black and Task Force Officer (TFO) Scott Hill - approached the front door of the residence and knocked. After BOLIN answered the door, Special Agent Black and TFO Hill identified themselves and asked to speak with BOLIN. BOLIN agreed to speak with them, but would not allow them to enter the residence. BOLIN accompanied Special Agent Black and TFO Hill outside and, due to the fact that it was raining, entered the back seat of one of their vehicles. The vehicle was driven to a parking lot across the street, within view of A.L.'s home. BOLIN remained in the back seat with Special Agent Black, while TFO Hill was positioned in the front passenger seat and TFO Eric Norcross was positioned in the front driver's seat (although he exited the vehicle intermittently to answer telephone calls). At the time of the interview, BOLIN was wearing the same black hooded sweatshirt that was depicted in the photograph from BOLIN's Facebook page, which is set forth in fl 8, above. 11. BOLIN was advised throughout the interview, on at least two different occasions, that it was a crime to lie to federal agents in the course of their investigation. In addition, he was advised that he was not under arrest. During the interview, BOLIN stated that his cousin, Austin Witkowski a/k/a Ragnar Odinson, had told him that the FBI would be coming to talk to him (BOLIN) about the Odin's Warriors Facebook group. BOLIN admitted to sharing the video of the Christchurch attacks and the link for the gunman's manifesto. BOLIN stated that he does not 8 Case 6:19-mj-04047-MWP Document 1 Filed 04/03/19 Page 10 of 12 hate Muslims, but wants them out of the country because he believes they are conffibutingto a comrption of his culture. BOLIN further stated that he never suggested hurting anyone. BOLIN was asked if he possessed any guns. BOLIN admiued to having possessed guns while living in Kansas City, Missouri, but stated that the guns were legal there. BOLIN denied ever possessing a grnwhile in New York State. 12. In a separate interview, A.L. stated that BOLIN moved to New York in May 2018, and has been residing at 34Thtd Avenue, where A.L.'s grandmother also resides. A.L. stated that BOLIN's belongings were at 34Thrd Avenue, but stated that BOLIN did not have any firearms or weapons there. 13. On March 30, 2019, an interview was conducted with a person with the initials M.M. at34ThtdAvenue, Greece, New York. M.M., the owner of the residence, stated that she has been renting a bedroom on the second story of the residence to BOLIN for the last eight months. M.M. has a verbal agreement to rent the bedroom to BOLIN for $200 a month. The room rented by BOLIN can be locked with a key. M.M. maintained a copy of the key because she would periodically enter the bedroom to access a storage closet attached to the bedroom. BOLIN and M.M. are the only people who have a key to BOLIN's bedroom. M.M. has an understanding with BOLIN that she can enter the bedroom whenever she needed to do so. In fact, M.M. has accessed the bedroom six or seven times over the last eight months while BOLIN was not home. M.M. executed a written consent for members of the investigative team to search BOLIN's bedroom and the storage closet. 14. During a subsequent search of BOLIN's bedroom, members of the Rochester JTTF found two boxes of Federal Manufacturrngl2-gatage ammunition on the bed. In addition, Case 6:19-mj-04047-MWP Document 1 Filed 04/03/19 Page 11 of 12 they found a red devil mask - which matched the mask depicted in the photograph from BOLIN's Facebook account, which is set forth in fl 8, above - in plain view on a dresser. In the storage closet off the bedroom, FBI Special Agent Matthew Chilbert recovered a black backpack containing a Mossberg, Model 590,L2-gatge shotgun, bertngserial number V0853179, loaded with five rounds of Federal Manufacturing ammunition, and a plastic bagcontarning additional rounds of shotgun ammunition. M.M. confirmed that the shotgun did not belong to her. Your affrant has examined the front end of the shotgun and determined that it appears to be the same shotgun that is depicted in the photograph from BOLIN's Facebook account, which is set forth in fl 8, above. 15. Based on the evidence recovered in BOLIN's bedroom and closet, and the photograph posted on his Facebook account on March 12,2019, your affiant believes that BOLIN knowingly and willfully made a false and fictitious statement when he denied possessing any firearms in New York State. Your affrant further believes that said false and fictitious statement was material to the FBI's investigation of BOLIN's potential involvement in violations of federal civil rights andftearms laws. III. CoNcLUsroN 16. Based on the foregoing, there is probable cause to believe that THOMAS ALONZO BOLIN has committed a violation of 18 U.S.C. g 1001(a)(2) (materially false statements in relation to a matter within the jurisdiction of the executive branch of the United States government). 10 Case 6:19-mj-04047-MWP Document 1 Filed 04/03/19 Page 12 of 12 Dated: Rochester, New York April 3 ,20T9 ADAM T. PARADOWSKI Special Agent Federal Bureau of Investigation Joint Terrorism Task Force Subscribed and swom to before me this 3 day ffTr^'on of Apnl,2}lg. qfiu4t- HON. MARIAN W. PAYSON United States Magistrate Judge Westem District of New York 11