U.S. Department of Labor Office of Workers' Compensa tion Programs Washington , DC 20210 August 25.2017 Austin Evers American Oversight 1030 I 51" Street. NW Suite [3225 Washington. DC 20005 RL::: Freedom or Informati on /\ct Request - Tracking Number 836891 Dear l\llr. Evers: This letter is in response to your Freedom of Information Act ( FOIA) request. dated August 9. 2017. and received on August 1-L 10 17 by the U.S. Department of l.abor (DOL). Office of Workers· Compensation ProgrJms (OWCP) . Division of /\dm inistrnlitrn and Operations (DAO). This request has been assigned FOi/\ tracking number 836891. Please refer 10 this tracking number in any future corresponde nce relative to this FO i/\ request. Under FOi/\. you requested records regarding the Overtime Ruic. OWCP conducted a records search lc.irthe six items you requested regarding the Overtime Ruh: within all or our four programs to include the Division or Federal t:mployees· Compensation (DFF:C). Division of Coal rvtine Workers· Compensation (DCM \\' C). Division or Energy Employees · Occupation Illness Compensat ion (DEEOTC). aml Division or Longshc~i'eand llarb or Workers· Compensation (DI.IIWC). Unfo11una1cly. O\VCP ,, as unable tc,' identili' any records in our files that arc responsive to yom request. Thcref'orc. no records exist pertaining 10 your request\ \ ithin OWC P. Ir you need any rurther assistance or \,vould like to discuss any aspect or your request please do not hesitate to contact Mia Day at 202 -354-9653 or the DOL FOIA Public I .iaison. Thomas I licks. al 202-69:1-54 27 . /\l ternativdy . you may contm:l the Office or Governme nt Information Services National Archives and Reco rds Administration (OGIS) to inquire about the mediation services they o ffer. The contact information for OGIS is as follows: Otlice orGovern ment Information Serv ices. 1 atiom1IArchives and Records J\d ministration . 8601 Adelphi Road. Collegt' Park, MD 20 7-HJ-6001. You can also reach Ihm onicc by e-mail at ogisruinara.gov, by phone at 202-74 1-5 770 . by fax at 202-74 1-5769 . or by calling toll-free at 1-8 77-684-6448. Althoug h no reco rds \.vere located during our search. you have the right to appeal u· .lno records'" response. You may administra tively appeal by writing 10 the Solicitor of Labor within 90 days from the date or this letter. The appeal must slate in writing the grounds ror the appeal. and it may include any suppor ting statements or arguments. but such stateme nts are not required. In order to facilitate process ing o f the appeal. please include your mailing address and daytime telephone number. as well as a cop) of the initial rc4ue~1and copy orthis letter. The envelope and lcttcr of'tbc appea l should he clearly markrJ "Freedom orInformation /\ct J\ ppea1.·· Any amendment to the appeal must he mudc in writing and received prior to a dec ision. The appeal AM[RICAI\ pVERSIGHT should he addressed to the Solicitor of Labor. Division of Management and Administrative Legal Services. U.S. Department of Labor. 200 Constitution Avenue. NW. Room N2420. Washington. DC 20210. Appeals may also be submitted by email to foiaappeal@dol.gov. Appeals submitted to any other email address will not be accepted. Sincerely. ,tua~ Mia Day Lead Communication and lnfonnation Management Analyst Office of Workers· Compensation Programs AMERICAN PVERSIGHT