m. a m. 0019 aps i: ii .. . n. l-?ln?ilCiE West Capital Corp. Law Department Mail Station 8695 . . PO Box 53999 13-: "3 {1:21 Phoenix. Arizona 85072-3999 Tel o02-25n-2439 April 5, 2019 Ariama Corporation L'ommissiml DOCKETED Docket Control Arizona Corporation Commission APR 0 5 2019 1200 West Washington Street Docxarea Phoemx. Arizona 85007 Re: Commission's Investigation Into the Political Spending of Arizona Public Service Company and Its Affiliates Docket No. After conferring with Commission Staff and in the spirit of transparency and continued cooperation. APS submits for ?ling the attached additional documents Bates labeled BD- ACC00281-00496 in response to the request for information from Chairman Robert Burns and Commission Boyd Dunn dated February 27, 2019. If you have any questions. please let me know Sincerely, Ill wig/3t }l Melissa M. Krueger MMK Enclosure lag-5.325 . {Em-Ea Elfin E1335. 3.1: mun?ura? alinl viz . I play 233.! . Ema 5.3.. 2- n+waa~uua . 2.333;. 3 Slim. . En. (in 5128:. .9 3:55: 2E EH: EM. art-BB Hun-Bl..- l3-. In lat-n unlit?33- 5 ?33! El- HINGE 5. is: meummu mum ?laurel mm ?In-h unnu- In?- huh-d menu ?has WEI ld?l?In-mmr?lw WEI ?mm: 0m . m?ml?nII-ll-uw mm BD-ACCOUZBZ Front Pacheco. Jessica iJessicaPachecoQoinnedewechomi "Int: maroon 2:26:44 PM in: Geisler, Kerri smiled: FW: Fwd: AESWs Final Data machinists: Please print. Con?dential. Please do not discuss with anyone. I need by 11 AM. Thanks! ?Original Messager From: ScutMussi {We} Suit: Thursday, September 13. 2014 07:25 AM US Mountain Standard Time To: Jessica Pacheco; PachecoJ Jessica Subhct: Fwd: AZ SW - Final Data FYI, for discussion at lunch. See you theni Scot Forwarded message From: Dave Socket: , Steve Voelier estevexoelierem??qmtr Cc: Jessie Ede wrotm . Enriior today, Chahin and Mandel] pound a cmpaian video that' a pretty Attached below 15 transmipt You should also h: able to View it 11m: ymbdaV'i'PGtFiICQ . 4- o. .. arm dra?nd the Med mspom which we'd like in post Gammon-chain. pmuteanwdalmu?amduac with m. We don?t us inmadabme that will help their campaigns, but?nyr?vo produeodan abvim?y ?313: video and we let bad fact: 30 mm. This hits the right bdanca. muyuu're ?anks, BD-ACCODSOO 1?3? Hum: Soul: To: Sukkot: Pat-hem. {Jessiow?ltdimlmamooml 9512010 3:59:53 AM Lockwood, Barbara 0 [unheraloekwoodolpeeomi Re: Campabi video wens-hm and Munddl Please see my response to fear-we are falling into the same patter as last time. - On Sep 2. 2015, at 8:5? PM, Lottmoodl Barbara ems! wrote: Not sure he understands why we are respond? Him: Fathom. Jessica Sent: Friday, Santernba? 02, 2016 8:10:38 PM To: Hat?eld. John - Co: Guidner, Jelf Lochuood, Barbara Hd; lemum, Kevin; HoDonald Jr. SubjeottRe: Cunpaim video by Citaoln and Mundeil lhave a couple of to help directoure?orts. I amworlt?mg offnw phoneso herewith me. In the ?rst paragrash I would like to state (if we can! they have dquit?ed 'Ihemselees from being commissioners. Dr say someti'i'lg along the Ines of the]:r don't understand the role or the duties aid are we! on their way to If possible I mid like to refer to them as the 0 candidates and not lav name. lfwe pxomote our response I wanna ?ve them as ittle name it! as possible. . - I would lilte for us to respond in an aggressive legal {admit It will one up campaign rao'wces and attention. it": obvious they are being a solaoims a: possible to get media attention because they have limited resumes. One of my ounce-ms is St going up on with something similar. i don't think any of the stations would run an ad, but we need to prepared to respond legally. On Sep 2, 1016. at 5:57 PM. John 5 Wm:- wrote: Chitin and Mundell have posted a campaign video. You con see ithero: Attached below is a tranm'ipt for mimoe, as well as a fact checkers tum: drafted to post on mineral-growem and promote on social. We don?t want to engage them in a debate but we simuldn't let had last: so unoorrected. Please-take a look and comment ASAP. l'd like Boo to see this but I'd liketo have your thoughts fist. I?m keepth review Ist snail in the hottest ofspeed. Thanksl John Sent from myiPhorte again forwarded message: Pram: "Lamamn, Kevin? 3.: to: "Hat?eld Jul-I1 5" "McDonald Jr. la?mes E?Wmm> ?Ptmm. Hal" 5m duhh mil-dull Id and rm4b: Here isJohn?stutwi'?I Hamlibed excerpts. Imad: a fewmlnur changes to the text and adiad links In AZEF fur a number materials. Also attached is the full trumu'ip?an. just in case. Win mmdell ad and response?amww Ir' Ear Frau} Wham, Julia NEH-WEE ADMMSIMTWE ERDLF Sent: WW 11.55:: PM to:' McDonald imam-ts Pittman Hal [i-Iai. Hat?eld Jain Doha. madam] Sublets: BE: responsetti Mu??lmahh Iwauidby to avoid getting on this hamster wheel. Fmt?tDmaHI. JamesE 1.1an: 20153451?! HatIHd John 5. Pacheco Justin in?ammatomumhahin - I have attachediha statements we have ptepared on Mundeil thatbest respond to his statement today. lam attaching the broader document. Statement -"Iilt. Handel has s'aid he is mpaim?n: hails: and II immies. His claims mint??! ire interracial}! mailman! his palatal unlit an a coup-n7 he be nailed team to regulate "elected I?i?l?h' nails question when? Mr. Mundali unit! serve as an hit-mm regulator.? Mutant: "Mr. Hm" Is not ?at running against us; by candidate, he want: 96 percent of Arizona utility metal-tars to pay higher hills tn support higher pro?ts fa his political backers.? BD-ACCOOSOB was: Fm: Saul: Mina: Ritalin-I'll: McDonald k..llmuE [meMmm] We 105035 PM Httm,Hal Hat?dd,1ahn 5 Paulina, Junta responsatu APS elation madam {Mundalc} cam-15.69: Ihive attachad the mum: in ham prmrad on Mundel that best remand to ht churned today. lam attaching - the broader document. Stat-mint:- ?Mr. Maud-II has said In 'mimt AW and all Ills daimlg?nst vs intention-alt ??nding. and his political unit on I company he would called [1pm In madam If gland 531m :I?s luau quu?m mm Mr. hind-Ill as an WI mm." aluminum". mall I: rum? gains: RPS: hr runnlru as mums: ml. he 9mm 96 percent oi Arm utility to pay higher support Inhal- pro?: for his nautical hiatus.? BD-ACCDOSCM Manage - Front: ?Loclouootl. Bil-ban Ilahnmlockwaod?mmn] Salt: 6:15:14 PM To: Petunia-tit: Haberlain, Am Ct: McDonald In lemon Subject: RE: Politico mode request leupport the neutral statement Faun: Padan?lesslca Sent: Wednesday. August?s, 2016 11:23:14 AM To: Haberleh, Ame MWJarbn mallow Subject: Re: Poltlco media request negating the not: election only? I km Don and Jeff will want to weigh In on this one. [two went to say anything, the neutral response in {regardless of the hyper-poli?cimd enviorrment} we are looking forward?to mm the new bench on behalf of our customers and employees. On Aug 3. 1015. at 11:09 am, Hannah, Am wrote: Justin: Barbara- Esther Whleldon from Politico is working on a story about not meterin?rate making and the upcoming ACE election. The prams: ofher story ls about how the delay in making a decision on HEM docket} raises the stakes for the election. She is going to mentlon dark wane-y and the ?r'El imest?rgation but it won?t be a big part of the story. She would Itlte a couple ofthings: 1} our standard dark rnonevlpolitical participation statement will direct her to our poiticat participation policy}: and 1) an intemiew or statement regardiru cur sentiment on the election. Her deadline is tomorrow {Thursday} treated like widow; on how but to handte?z. Thanks, Anna BD-ACCOUSDS Message me: McDonaid Ir Ian-es [lamesMCdondd @apsmm] Sent: Bimini 10.50.35 PM To: Pittman,Hal [HalPimnanGapa cumI: Hat?eld John [John Hat?eldoemcom]; Pachem Jessica Mint: response to Mhd'lmul?: APE eiectiun responses undallc} 03-09-16.dac i have attended the statements we have prepared on Mundeiithat hast respond to his statement today. iam attaching the broader docmnent. Statement: ?Mr. Mantle? has said he is campimine "aeainst and all utilities. His claims againstAPSare Mentions]? misleading, and his pitta! emit on a mpany he mild be called upon to regulate Helimd garland? calls into question whether Mr. Mum-l1 could serve as an Impartial realm? Statement: ?llr. Mandel! is not just running against by running as the TASC candida?, he want; 96 percent uf Arizona ut?ity custnmels to pay higher bills to swat higher prams for his political hackers." BD-ACCOOSDB Message From: Stewart. Anna [Anra?tewarteapmco rn] . . Sent: 6:09:00 PM To: Lockwood, Barbara [Barbe ?uldner, Jeff Hat?eld, John 5 Pacheco, Jessica Pittman, Hai McDonald Jr, James [hmML?donaIanpuomh Langbaum, Kevin 500M RE: Munclillfa'labin prim-er {will send around what reporters are posting on social media. .nn-l From: Lodtwood, Barba? Sent: Monday, October 1? 2016 10: 59 AM To: Gunner Shewa't, Anna; Hal?ekl John Pacheco, Eco H: Pittman, Hal McDonaldJr JamesE: Langbaum, Kevin Med: RE: Mmdellt??labin passer [was thinking an external person but that would be entertaining Sent with Good (MW - From: Guldner, Jeff 0 Sent: Monday, October 17', 2016 10:35:49 AM To: Lockwood, Barbara Stewart, Anna; Hatfield, John Pacfeco, Jessica Pittman, Hat; McDonald Jr, James Langbaum, Kevin Subject: RE: MundewChabln nraser Like Ricciardi or EH Man: who can ask questions on behaff of Inside APS. FremLoclunood Earhalaio Salt: Monday October 17 2015 10-35?: To: Stewart, Anna; Hat?eld John Pittman. Hal McDonald Jr JamesE ,Langbaum, Kevin Subject: RE: Mendell/Chatin presser Are we sending meme? Silt with Good (mom!) Fran: Ste-mart, Anna 50:11:: W, October 2016 10:32:54 AM To: Hal?eld, Gu?ner, Jeff lmkwoud. Barbara 0: Pacheco, Jamaica Pittman, Hal: McDonald Jr, Jam E: lambaum, Kevin Su?ect: MundelL'Chabin presser Happening at 11 am. at Grant Park. 701 3" Ave Howie is not attending- no new new: there. Rachel Leingang will be there; may write about it, man:r not. ape Anna Haberlaln Stewart Communications Consultant, Media Relations 400 North 5th Street Phoenix, AZ 35004- 3902 M. S. 3503 Ta! 502 250 Call 602 ma M560 Message Ftom: Doug Goodveer Sent: 10/232015 2:18:95 PM 10: Pacheco, Jessica Subieet: FW:5I.I5tiit1ihlES Mums: AZCREW 30 Sustalnabla ldoex USE CAUTION - EXIERNAL Do mtcliekon links or qt?l'i??s or W115. plea: -an the APS Cybet Defense Center team at or contact the APS Helpdenk Thisis adra?l?dlihyom'teec?tionlo. It?s nul goingtn do Elm With inane-ID spat?but I think it's solid mddoes exactly what we need. getseach ofllteir names out M11111: times. It gets sustainable soturin there twice. And maven gel tn statutlnus whack at ont- of-siale specialintetus. Dunn goes because he needs the most help. Tobin is last because It he's dread and b} aoutetimespeople number the last name they heard And Bums getethe weekentpoeition. boriedinthemiddle Let me know what you think. Larry and teem have been membding dtgitnl photos Miocenge and such. Their goal is to have I rough co: ad for you to View tummv git-1:3 them plenty of time to make ?m I feel pretty gonad about this. Waking on a recommended media budget and a phone program today. Mom to come on those ?nals. Front: Len-5' Hearth: Dulc. Friday, October 21, 20:5 ut 6'14 AM To; Doug Goodyear mot-.021} Cc; Miles Martin Ellison-n Rautenstmueh fel?stxmi?mhmediadommb. Dave whill?? wholemamhmediedecm Subject: Snatumhie 3 ANNUUNCER: Arizona needs dean, allowable energy. That?s why Boyd Dtnm, Bob Bum, and Andy Tobin running for Corporation Commission. Arizona?s Sustainable Solar Team They?ll chm-1m cost: low and mm elem. sustainableenergy. Dunn, Bums, and Tobin know that Arizona's pantie: grid must be rehnble. And they'll rqxesem Arizme taxpayers. not om-of-stete special interest: BD-ACCOOSOQ . Buyd Dam. Bob Burns. Andy Tubiu - Arizona's Snlar Tum. 1 0 h- I-nul-n hm? kin-Inma- ml. nun unnu? Di" Mm a ?11m ?have?? . Him Ilium I 1 Massage From: Stewart. Anna [AnnaStewa?Qaps.com] Sent: 10X1U2015 5:43:15 PM Tu: Lockwood. Barbara 0 (Barbara. Lackwoud?bapsxam]; Guidner, ie? [JefEGulmer?apicnmh Hat?eld, lohn [JoinHatfielannsxou-n]; Pacheco. Jessica [Jessica?adiemr?lpi nadawast.com]; Pittman, Hal McDonald Jr, James Lansbaum. Kevin [Kevinlanghaum?apammh anuva m, Thomas A [Thorn Suhhrl: RE: Mmdelifchabin crease-r Wel, not rnucn activity on social. The only reporters who i know were there are Rachel Laingang and Will Stone. i'ua given both of them the SolarCiiy email. Stone @wsmia?epons 2m: Mantras ago .Wmmi?m?gn says @apaF?rl GED has creatad "culture of comxption? @Cnrp?on?nn?xz ??ll Starla @W?tone?eparlr. 442.15 Mil-153W . habin4C .. um - 5 via- . F?fl only that has endorsed tandilates far @CoranmmAZ - . - - ri?imm,? Barbara 1: Sent: October 2016 10:59 AM To: Gunner, Jeff Stewart, Anna; Hatfield, John Pacheco, Jessica Pittman, Hal: McDonald Jr, James E: Langbaum, Kevin Suliect: RE: MundelifCi-iabin pm 1 was thinking an external person but that would be antanaining Sent with Good mm From: Guidner, Jeff Sent: Monday. Dunbar 17, 2015 10:35:49 AM To: Lockwood, Barbara D: Stewart. Anna; Hatfield, John S;Pac 1acn, Jasica M: Hal; McDonald Jr, Jame: E: Langbaum, Kevin Subject: RE: Mundellfaiabin ..2 Like Hicci?ardi or Bill Man: who can ask questians on behalf of inside APS. BD-ACCOO312 ilh?lQ'mm, man Sent: Monday, Ottobu 2016 10:35 AM .3 To: Slnwatt, Anna; Hat?eld, John Guldner, Jeff Pacheco, Jessica Pittman, Hal; McDonald Jr, James Langbaum, Kevin W: RE: Mun?ldellfdiabin pm Are. we sending someone? Suit with Good Fun: Stewart. Anna To: Ha?'ield, John 5; Guidner. Jeff Locimood, Eamara Pacheco. Jessica firm-nan, Hal; McDonald Jr, James langbatm, Kevin Happening at 11 am. at Grant Park. 701 3" Ave Howie is not attending - no new new: there. Rachel Leingang will be there; may write about it, may not llZJaIins Anna Haba?ain Stewart Communications Consultant, Media Relations 400 North 5th Street, Phoenix, AZ 55004-3902. MS. 3503 Tel 602 250 Cell 602 BD-ACCOU313 PNW Political Participation Draft Language Out-of-state solar leasing companies have an enormous ?nancial state in issues that will be decided by the ACC next year. To protect their new interests, theyr have broken their written promise to stay out of the ADC elections, and are Spending big to support their favored candidates. At snake is whethorArizona will lead in solar the light way, without driving up electricity bills for average customers; or whether diooe customers will pay higher and higher bills to subsidize huge pro?ts for a few California solar leasing mmpaniee. With Solar City now potthig a massive infusion of spending into the campaign, we are compelled to take action. We have created an independent political effort to defend our company and stand up for the best interests of Arizona mnsumere All we ask from members of the A00 is that they study the issuer-3, consider the facts, weigh the long?term impacts on all stakeholders and decide fairly. Based on the steady ?ow of vicious, misleading anti-APB rhetoric ?'om the candidates funded by Solar City. it?s to believe they could regulate APS or any utility impartially. No ratepayer money will be used for this effort, and. as always, our conquer-111.1r will continue to follow every applicable law regarding political speech as well our own political participation policy. found on pinnacleweat.mm. [We could also add language at the end of the internal announcement encouraging our employees to get out and vote] 4 Iron: Allan. Roberts Balms 5:15:05 PM To: Miler. Jeff I ?lial-invention]; Anna [AmmHabai-ielnemsmm] it: Pacheco, Jessica ?ucicaJadlacog?nnadouu-Lcoml mm no Fdifioomod'll oucry How abom amino somii?iim about? and we hope mien choose opal-minded. far-minded cow-ruined candlihtss who are notorarlisposccl to vote formagainsta policy isms or company before they got on theCommisoim and hear byme. author Jofl'El Ramona comm ms '?l?ochBPo?oomIdilm i like the Wool: you might shed: with?kobbio as ho is cloaorioPoli?oo than any ofos out hate. Fm HaberlelmAnna - Wm.mo.zom . To: manarJol'rB- Hat?eld John 5' Eockwood, Banana Pacheco. Wm M: Barnum, Gloom? lnnwam. Thom A: Winn. PHI Cc: MM Jr Jana E: nghaurn, Kevin Mani: mom mda query Esther Whicidon from Politico is a story about not and the upcoming ACE election. The premise of her story is about how thedelav in making a? decision on HEM raises the stakes for the ACE is going to mention dark money and the FBI Investigation but it won?t be a big part of the story. She would like a couple of things: 1. Our standard ih?i money! political particlpatlon stotemmt 2. An hhewlew or statement toga rc?ng our scn?menl' on the elation! Hcrdoadline Is tomorrow {'I?Msday] COB. iahloh is 2 m. in Pluenix. i'd like to have this by noon tomorrow. . Based on my conversation with Esther and input from Barbara and Jessica, I folio-rim statemt. "Qul' polioylorooll?cal MMHB positional: Fair-Idol?s: commotion mom on bun cum plaice, In?unontlu Ma "mm 5 Message From: Pacheco, Jessica UO-APSJWENCHANGE ADMINISTRANVE GROUP Sect: 10:5}2016 Iii-24:13 PM To: Loclmuod, Barbara 0 [Barbara Lodcwoodi?apuom Aiken. Robert [RobbieAike nepin nadewestcoml Still-ct: FW: election recap AZ Coalition for ?lliqble EECh'icitydm Just FYI --N .- . Fm: Pacheco. Jessica Su?: Tuea'lojr, NovmiJEr 15: 2016 3:24 PM To: Brandt, Donald Co: Gunner, Je?? Sum: Eamon recap Don, Please ?nd attached a brief overview ofACFtE's effort: during the last three weeks of the election. In addtion to those, we were also instrumental to hehire the AZGDP with its GDW efforts and the Mcthin SuperPAC GGTV activities. As a brief recap: SuperPAC 260.000 doors knodo. during general election 1000.000 phone calls in both the primary and general AZGOP This work started a couple weeks out from the p?maw. 21 Victory Field Of?ces 130 paid staff 12,000 Volunteers 2.9 million calls 2.6 million pieces of mail 4053110 doors knodted We will know total dollars spent from all the IE activity at the end of the year. Please let me know ifvou have any questions or would like the infonna?on in a different format. JP BD-ACCUO31 6 AZ Coalition for Reliable Electricity MEMO Rs: Arizona Coalition for Reliable Electricity After-Action Report Emmi? Sur?ng Polling conducted in the Arizona Corporation Commission race prior to the launch of ACRE indicated a close race, with Bob Burns consistently in ?rst place. Andy Tobin in second and the titres remaining candidates jockeying for the third slot. By October 19, and after a signi?cant investment by Solar City, Bill Mundell and Tom Chabin were in second and third place respectively. Andy Tobin and Boyd Dunn fell to fourth and ?fth place. On Octoberzo. eight days after early ballots had been mailed to voters, a team was assembled for a last-minute push to hem counteract the political advocacy of the out-of-state solar industry, focused on electing Boyd Dunn. Bob Burns. and Andy Tobin to the Arizona Corporation Commission. In short order the team: a? Helped guide the necessaryl legal apparatus, from creating the campaign committee to establishing the appropriate procedures for disclosure and candidate noti?cation . Produced and placed TV and radio spots. - Built and executed a plan for direct contact with voters [primarily phones}. - Effectively handled media inquiries. - Developed a digital companion campaign. The strategy was straightforward: 1. Increase the cantidatos? name awareness through paid advertising. Polling indicated very little was known about any of the candidates. and itvve could simply increase their name ID it would help ensure their election. 2. Drive up Republican voter tumout for the election. Early ballots were mailed October 12. and early returns indicated Democrat voters were participating at a much higher rate than Republicans. Given that down-ballot races tend to bene?t from straight-ticket voting. we warned to increase GOP turnout and close the gap behveen Democrat and Republican voter participation. erentty. with over 2.5 million ballots counted Bob Burns, Andy Tobin and Boyd Dunn have been declared the winners by the Associated Press. Dunn is beating tourth place Mundell by over 39,000 votes. BD-ACCODS ?l TV 'Su?ailable? Stead date: 101231 6 TV Spending Competitive -l . i SaveAZSolar 51 I 5 AZCoal?on iur Reliable Elecl?cly . . . Millions HSOSAZ Radio "Power' Start date: 10i25l?16 Radio Spending Competitlve SaveAZSnlarE s- AZCoalition hrReiabI-e Electricity - 3.20 54D sen sen sum $120 $140 $160 $130 Thousands Phone Calls There were two types of Republicans we contacted: BD-ACCOO31 L. 1. PEVL voters people who received an early ballot in the mail em! were slow to return them. 2. Election Day voters - people who did NOT receive a ballot in the mail and needed to participate by show'mg up at their potting location on Eieotim Day and casting their vme in person. The scripts were similar focusing on naming the three candidates to help raise their name and the scr'pts echoed the messaging from the TV ads: Arizona?s Sustainable Solar team. A detailed breakdown of the calls and results is below, and our ballot returns analysis at the end of the report shows the steer correlation between high volume of calls to these target voters and an increase in returned ballots by these voters during early voting1W2: to IM- siy consewatiw . 10:23 142222 35+ 57,031 ni?a WEE-10128 Uve Advo 312,454 Base Republican PEVLs 115.914 121.333 Live wt patch ?'trough to Gov 1ms-1orac Duoey 256,835 mouldinL Base Republican PEVLS 53.990 129.805 11:3 1TH ??458 Base Republican Detlnquent Republican :15 Live Advo 135.292 71,309 90.933 . Del?muent Republican . we MW 139'533 WW ease? 7 Delinquent Republican 11f: LIVE GDTV 139,501 PEVLs 53'459 90.007 . i Delinquent Republican 11 it] Live 162.031 41.276 52,406 PEVL Total Delivered [Live Machine]: 489.058 501,939 PEVL Grand Total Messages Delivered: 1,091.05? 9 Jr 1M6-10f28 11%de- Foil Locatnr in; Voters (Yawpai. 311533 532M 11f2-11l'3 LiveAdvn 178,112 Ehctiun Da?,t Rapubican Voters 44.834 92.933 11I5 214.100 ElectiOn Day Rewhlcan Voters 75.251 95 .509 11m Live Advo 213,975 Election Day Ramhlcan Vela-rs 63.116 99.251 11f? LMGOTV 213.475 ?ction Day ?apubimn Votan: 81,579 93,552 HIE GOTV - 213,195 Election DWombimn Voters 50.1 T7 111.339 E-?av Total Delivered Messages {Live WWQ mug): 325,430 551 392 my Grand Total ?anges Hamel: ?3.232 BD-ACCDOS20 -..- ACRE ll?l?ll'l'l?10:23 1111:: 142.222 mnsawaliva 35+ 67,031 1113 Election Day Rapu bican Lina Adm 1- Voters {Ympat Pol} Lacainr ?9'55: Mohave. Marianna. Final} 31.533 153.205 WEE-10123 quAdvn 312,454 Base Rapubican PEVLs 115.914 121.336 Live w! patch 10129-111130 33;? 255,335 recording Base Republican FEM 6.1990 129.805 . Eludiun Emilr Ramblican 11121113 LhaeAdvn 175.112 Wm 44334 92.935 1112 1TH 144.488 @1333 Republican Election Day Rapublcan 1115 LMAdvo 214.1111 Voters 751251 951509 Delinquem Republican 1115 Luna Mun 135.292 11339 $1935 median Day Rapubiican Delinquem Repubiican 1 11B Live Adm 189.533 PEULS 55ng 37507 . Eiadinn Day Remb?mn 2" 3-475 Voters 131.579 9955:: . Delinquen! Republican LIVE GOTU 189.5Dl PEVLS 531?59 90,067 Election Day Remb?can 1113 Live GOTV 213-13?? Voters 55.173 111.339 . Delinqueni Republican .133- EVE PEVLs 41275 3.2.405 Tum De?ant! (le0 Anmnihnswing Machine]: 315,548 1,183,791 Fri-75d iataii?Messa? Bolivar?: I 1,i?5,333 Digits Metrics The scaie of the digital campaign effectively reached our targeted voter universe with a frequency of impressions across Faoabuok. video, and display. We maintained a strong dick-?irnugh-rata (CTR) on search engines. In the ?nal days before voting. the CTR was even higher (5.316133 mm sought out on wndid?ea before mating. Main Takeaways The addition 01 the Feceboelc carousel creative and new display creative helped us contime to drive traf?c to the website ahead of Election Day. Website Traf?c We continued to see steady traf?c to the landing page as well. 51% of tin traf?c cane from display. 27% from search, 22% from and the balance from video. Reach Clicks CTR View: Goat Fee-bodi- 936.M1 6.353 {1.53% 161,355 $132533 Video 928.129 eat: small. 192.322 mime Display 115,494,439 3.722 cm - meme} i 9mm 4324 4.33% - memes its-shun ins: 31 11-15 131311 Russians . Um mm 15.933 15,461 3' 16,859 ?murmur. Am. mm him? i Emmi. 1.06 00:00:12 95.69% {raw?r?W.F?Hq I. an.? '2 new HEIDI it 'u'lsiicr BD-ACCOD322 Examples of Creative Our best performing search ad version remained the same. :3ng Arizona Corporation Commit?! air Nam Elmira Mann mm ?on Storm Shari 5! I330. w: air-"ha .33 mails} - nmu?n. -W r. .. .. foiAZGWM?MmFsiioo . .. -.. Arizona Corporation Commission h??siiwmmuov} Miami: Carnot-aim Hangout!- for ?rol duo's-rm: on Fatwa derail-$3 uiil'iiv rate momenta mm mm ?Hiy- and pubiIo umoe momma. and warming Search Carpal-album Division Sal-arch. Samar. For. Eon-.13, Anon: .. 1333 W.'i'hah'ng1on 51 Pinion-nix. Enrol-twp?: mm. 8500? Wu: Filo Comm: Sides. rm ans oar-m balm in an: oaths. Goml Mallng on: fours or manna ior . . newness: izoo w. noun-ingot: eGorp Utilities Division scar-.5 atom you :9 tin: bifn??n'alion EJEBJIIEE Dickson. Bowie - Gas - mammal-315m, . iamr 'ie?ophnno Home: A. Moro resales from Hue-gov The addition of the carousel ad unit (left) had our boat CTR, 2.03% and ailowed us to roam voters even more frequentiy on Facebook. ammo-um We?! Hui-"m 1 FW- Ian." .9 5mm: .1 Wuhan! Uni! mu 'i'ote hum WIMW-rmmw mam; BD-ACCOO323 I DUNN BURNS tit i-i?tD. ?15? .C MWSEWH BOYD DUNN BOB BURNS - AWUQBW LEARN MD RE Earned Media 3. PR Efforts On the earned media front, the Coalition sought to portray the DunnlBurnszobm slate of GOP candidates as advocates of a sensible energy policy that would balance Arizona?s needs to have energy that is sustainable, secure AND affordable.- In media intertriews, the Coalition positioned the Arizona Coalition for Reliable Electricity and Pinnacle West Capital Corp. more generally as reluotant entrants into this campaign forced to respond to a mislead ing. multimillion~dolar spending blitz by out-of?state special interests. SolarCity, obviously hoped to hijack the Commission and install members who would approve rooftop~soiar indusz giveaways at the expense of ratepayers Finally. the Coalition dwaractenzed Democrats Torn Chabin and Bill Mundell as hopelesst compromised based on their inflammatoryr comments and extreme rhetoric. There is no way they would be capable of serving as impartial arbiters on the Commission Given the swimmers the transparency with which ACRE and Pinnacle West operated was significantly beneficial. in a remarkable turnabout, it was actually Save Our AZ Solar [SolarCity's Independent Expenditure) that endured negative media attention for its lack of financial disclosure and apparent advocacy of anonymous mpaion spending. BD-ACC00324 Media Clips 'W3V??smipoin?ngd??nwtm THE 13mm ni?f?l?d me?m ghr?imbfz Wm mm Imam Ada-Rim? 3mm The Arizona Republic: HYPERLINK Associated Press: HYPERLINK 110212557.html" Arizana Capitol Times: HYPERLINK launches- 1 TheArizona Republic: HYPERLINK ergy/ZO 16/ Capital Media Services: HYPERLINK SNL: 3149774-: 1049' 1 The Arizon: Republic: HYPERLEIK edflaurl BD-ACCOUB25 Phoenix Basins: Journal: DMfaps- Themmepum HYPERLINK eyfbusiness/en The Arizona quublic: od?auriemberts??l?! 10f2?mbem-solar-group-m akes-dash-shadowsz?QZ??Zl 02f" ArizonaCapitulTitleszl: HYPERLINK unconstitutionall" Arizona Capitol Tum: seactsf' Arizona Daily Star: HYPERLINK I - -d2cac3ee6fec. html" The Arizona Republic: HYPERLINK azcentral .comisroryl?muneyib usinessfenergy??l 5H a-utility? mmor-racmia? 168816!" K122: HYPER UNK lint? electiun" 3 K122: i Bloc-berg News: solarnwar" - TheAri?zana Republic: HYPERLINK Endorsement/92782688l" L) BD-ACCOO326 . Benson News-Suml HYPERLINK Paysan Roundup: I HYPERLINK "11th newsz?i?f novfos [dark- W?wnaj: HYPERLINK commission/146568523" Capitol Media Services: HYPERLINK - 98a3-7ef1243a7949.html? Capitol Media Serums: HYPERLINK money-was-well?speat-burns- 5b02adf8h4ca.html" Prominent Sonia! Media BD-ACCOO327 1 - M?mxi:?r??dtwumek {Cw MORE 4mm parent under F81 investiga?an for {imam}; spewing in 2614 rates. Today's disclosure is a ?rst. 15; $3 1 1' 41:1 MORE W8 parem PinnWesf-s spendmg in ??ZC?i-?p?nmm race is just a start, LE. Spa: says 5:3 I mm 1.3m MORE 5W5 mm mm a? as: race But Wmmw?m? 51$?th lag-mar cm. rm! 5' 5w: n1?: 1 Murmurs! 1- jh?f?m??r-h BREA-KENG parent dismisses $1 mii?on donation t4: AZ Coalition for Refiable Elaeciricity t0 boast 3 ?enub?cans tn if Lt?a?cmm race ram: '34. Gov @qaugdueev got on the phane last weekend for roboca?s paid for by @apsF?r?l parent co urging votes for Republicans on @Csarp?ommAz 1E3 ?in .J BD-ACCUO328 a $15 an Mahala Re-fzmm? mum! gamma: 31112111 swarm political gram Saw 0m AZ Solar might {axe 12mm}?! fm. Film via @uai?iirf ramrhy- up}; 5 14-: Banana mm! am is; Utility @pri's pawl 20. @Simrs; have each spent ~53m14izcn wag sway 3mm me an mam-max - 3-1-9327 . ?lm ?limit! pour $5 Him in!? Irma: may-manta!? Hare man $6 million in 0mm: spending has been nomad into me Aim Mutation Gamrnissicn ram airman} com Ryan t'?sp?fw: (mini Keep your on the TV. @apsfyi parent company pians $1 mini-on campaign to get Rs etected to @Ca rp?csmmAZ. ?rm ll m3 I 3 Pisa-altar It com. Phracie West shareholders inst pennies of their quarteriy pm?ts to get the company wants. .. a law This-11.15% - Webi?em V. 41205: 1:5 17.32:; Laud. Rain-Its .. Solar gram makes a ?esh far-me m: .c?Lvieai?unz we: ?iazzamms .. 1 Bra,? mm . Fer-mun Burs supp-used mne?abou! mum ital! We. alt?ll'fl BD-ACCOOSSO Ryan Randazzn @L?liiyrafmr?w -- him: Poi?icai gimp funded by @aasfy?; gamut cc, mating calls May, inciuding tn tea pushiang Rs fer @Gorpf?mfiz Eh $223+ 1 43:? Ryan Mam {2:1 2.6 gw?undad by Wam?v 10:3:ng at possible Ems. for late Sta-laxity political annual 52m Our AZ Solar nu?gm fan campaign the Arizona mean am of?cials. waters! Thursday wit-swat?: Meir-? 5m Car A: 3043!?. me mama?s group as: up ta; 50$:ch Corp- of Eaatmt. ??L?rq Fifi; BD-ACCOC1331 @sroiarcity-backed no gui?t admission for discfosure issues, ED says re?act dnvelgoogie.mf?lerdm3?HTMm youtubenomfwatch ?v=1 MEhv . ?igl?an war many of the a and. ma Committee mail-scum a! mmzm~m~~ww? 1.90 to who this am. am hint that In can wart: mm; npe?y mag? this sum am and Is In m: mu any adulation and! . BD-ACCUO332 3mm Increasing Base Turnout While lhe f'nai ballots of the election are not yet all counted and the data ?le of Eleotion Day and early voters will not be available Lnril the end of the quarter. we can look at one major subsets of our target miveree for lumout oalls base Repubiiune on Ihe Permanent Early Voter List (PEVLs) to measure the impact of em repeated phone calls. Below we graphed the miner of voters in our target universe by the date their ballot was received by their county recorder. we can draw the omelueion that 011' cells were instrumental in turning out rundreds of thnusands of target voters. A few days a?ter calla began we can see an uptick in ballots received. Base Republican PEVLs an?. I 2500001 I Calls in 2?3 Bay an Faeeiva I S?i't??td?E?day Turnout Progress Batista worn {Sali- 213mg . .. . J.-- 15mm . . . . :7 .Li50mg . W..-- - - 1.. :1er . . . ..- rad} 6.15;..9gBase Republican PEVL Ballots Returned 13-Oct 19-Oct all-Dot 31-Oct 1-Nw um T-?w l-lilorv 3.81 0 41.321 44.334 123.401 15.203 174.539 191 .H 194.963 196.579 206.021 2116.021 BD-ACCOD333 Closing the Rnlum Rate Gap I We both Republieene md Demuurats were both turning out at a himeer rate than they had in 2012 during early voting, base Republicans were signi?cantly lugging behind base Demoa'ete. The charts below illustrate how the cells were crucial to closing that gap and you can see the particular shit in ballots returned in the few days after our phone program beget-1.. 2-3 may ?air-1 5r to 70-00% 30.00% . - 50.00% 441.00% 30.00% -- Inn-30 20.00% 10. 00% 0.00% - - ?1 luv-9?5: 5? ?35? ?99; 451?} "39? v: ?0 $9 3?3 ?is? 00.00% . MGMD .04 4.. .2 A ff?ff 1m'm% .4. 4. .4 . ..-.. -.. 9030*, . . -- 30.00% . 70 00% 60.00% -- 50.00% - 40. 00% .. 4 30.00051w -- . u?u-mn 10.00% 0.00% -4. 4.4..-. .4 Message From: Sara Mueller Isawsnwatemasllum] Sent; lUl/Z'Dl? 11:59:39 PM To: Doug Goodyear Pacheco,lesslca MERE dlaitnl report Attachments: USE CAUTION - EXTERNAL Do not click on links rim an: mt expected. For questions or cams. plum elmu'l the APS Belem: Center [cam at ACDC-?apmm or com Ur. APS km Goodyear .1 Jessica Please ?nd annulled digital upon, We'll get amulet quick "matinee? report Fridm and another le is more mannehamim like this one Monday or Tucsday. Sara BD-ACCUDBS5 TO: ARIZONA COALITION FOR RELIABLE ELECTRICITY CAVALRY, LLC RE: DIGITAL REPORT This report details performatce of the ?rst week digital ?ight in the arizona Corporation Commission race. Adver?ohg Metrics We've seen solid in AZ thus far in the ACRE campaign. Particularly in video and Facebook mrformance. The search advertising has also a very strutg click-through?rate, which means when voters are aware of our candidates the message resonates. Giicks CTR Views Cost Ponchos-nit 579,838 3,555 0.86% 112,154 $16,031.31 Display 6,249,411 5,482 13.09% - $13,182.83 345,243 360 0.10% 76,063 Search 39350 1.984 4.99% 34.15927 main Takeaways: We will be adding creathe this week in a couple of areas: new dismay creative and a acebook carousel ad unit that highlights the three candidates This will ensure the campaign continues to scale ef?ciently and allows us to mitigate rising prices for digital inventory by adding more scale. Website Traf?c We?ve seen steady traf?c to the landing it page as wet. 53% of the traf?c hm some from display, 21% from search. 17% from Facebook. and the balance from Video 97.115?; 51". . ?ir. . Flam- 9.23 :m?l 595.33% 1 . - lib-WI! ?3 ?Until! BD-ACCOOBSE Examples of Creative: Here?s our best performing search ad version: (5017933 mnemuratbn Gunman Ail Hem 31:;th Men: seep-pm; Mere - 5291935233 mu sesame: mam {3.53 - - - - - .777 Lr 7 .. M?ur??I?I-?nbmif??z .cemn?ssiori Ariznna Cerpma?an Commission Mum-mm Hamish forfmi thallium m1 wiring a: denying am rat: ?asher-mu. when mama-an am are? anal}: arm reeLrWLi._aM rimming Search ['30de Division Saar-ch. Sums} Fur. Emmy. Argent .L 13131.] 3.0an 3i Punt Sabra-r1113: Start; with #2 ?565? Catalan-u .. Fife Contact Babel Mm: IN: albumin: Eds-.1! to ACE Mariana. [in-rue! Haring and farm: at u?llm miller-a Eur Aedresu' 1221.1 WL almigten eCorp Utilities Division 3:12:14 incurs in in Hint-mica mm [ii-??55m. Ehcm: Gal! - WEEDS-reams .. Erma-- Taiepr-ena W33.- Marn resu'ti ire-m 3326.931! Like search. our best performing message is the taxpayer angle which earns a 1.61 dick?through-rate versus 1.49% for our sustainable energy message. Emanmmw ail?? 1: ram-y a- 5:15.! i- We. Willie-Hay. HrirhEeri'ru Jazl?yTum Vutu?qdmun.?uh?um.mm1?ahin mu?ium?m?? =?wrv= Ufauf votodun'ztu male:- an FOX NEWS i; "i l-Jc?? Edda: 1" I.- I . r' .-. ?urn Irma? non?u:% mun . ?lim'ghnt'r' Wuhan-a warm? manna-m ts'msanumo ?manna-ram . .. run- . . . .. .-.. Sen. John McCain: You were fed ObamaCare lies, America. Here's what must happen now Jewry-Mm?: m: . rm? :19 32?} 1111;422:31; ?ngc-Ja'm? Message From: Brandt. Donald Sent: 11!:5l2016 11:02:43 PM To: Pacheco, Jessica [iesaica?acheco @pirmaclewest. com] Suhhu: RE: decdnn recap Good Sniff, thanks mum-mun-.. - .. n. - . -u .. From: Padleco. Jessica Sent: Tuesday, NovembrEr 15, 2016 3:24 PM To; Brandt. Donald Cc: Giddner, Jeff Subject: demon reap Don, Please ?nd attached a brief overview of ACRE's efforts during the last three weeks of the election. In addition to those. we were also instrumental to helping the AZGGP with its 6011! e?or?s and the McCain SuperPAC anti-siting. As. a brief recap: SuperPAC 250,000 doors knocks during general election 3,000,000 phone calls in both the primary and general- AZGOP This work started a couple weeks out from the primary. 21 Victory Field Of?ces 180 paid staff 12,000 Volunteers 2.9 million calls 2.6 million pieces of mail 405,000 doors knocked We will know total dollars spent from all the activity at the end of the year. Please let me know if you have any questions or would like the information in a different format. JP BD-ACC00339 AZ Coatitioafor Reliable Electricity MEMO To: The ACRE Team From: Sara and Doug Date:Nov.13, 2016 Re: Arizona Coalition for Reliable Electricity After-Action Report Executive Polling concluded in the Arizona Corporation Commission race prior to ACRE's involvement indicated a close race, particularly with the third of the potential seats on the commission. While Bob Burns and Andy Tobin were in a better position Boyd Dunn was running well behind his fellow Republicms. On October 20 a team was assembled for a last-minute push to help counteract the political advocacy of the solar industry and to hep elect Boyd Dunn, Bob Burns. and Andy Tobin to the Arizona Caporation Commission. In short order we: . Helped guide the the moessary legal apparatus, from creating the campaign committee to establishing the procedures for disclosure and candidate noti?cation. . Recruited a ?rst?rate media ?rm. McCarthy Hennings Media. for production of TV and radio spots. 0 Built a plan with Direct Responsl, LLC for direct contact with voters (primarily phones). - Retained Matt Benson of Various, LLC for handling media inquiries. - Contracted with Cavalry, LLC to develop an on?Iine presence, including a modest website and a digital advertising plan. The strategy was straightforward: 1. Increase the candidates name awareness through paid advertising Polling indicated very little was io'lown about any of the candidates. and if we could simply increase their name ID it would help ensure that election. 2. Drive up Repubican voter turnout for the election. Ballots were mailed October 12. and early realms indicated Democrat voters were participating at a much higher rate than Republicans. Given that cowl-ballot races tend to bene?t from straight-ticket voting. we wanted to increase GDP turnout and dose the gap between Democrat and Republican voter participation. mm 300. 000 votes still to be counted, we can see that the strategy worked. Burns and Tobin lead the pack. and Boyd Dunn is more that 30,000 votes ahead of the aim-place ?nisher, em Mandell. a?Id has been declared the winner by the Associated Press. BD-ACCOOS40 Paid Advertising ?Sustainable? Start date: 1DI25I16 TV Spending Competitive 1 - i SaveAZSnlar Hiliuns ?808 AZ Radio Start date: 1012516 Radio Spending Competitive 1 Save AZ Solar AZ Cuaition tor Raiiabla Electritity i..j . . Thousands BD-ACCOO341 Phone Calls There were two types of Republicans we called; 1. PEVL voters people who received an early ballot in the mail and Were slow; to return them. 2. Eieotion Day; voters - people who did NOT receive a ballot in the mail and needed to participate by showing up at their precint on Election Day and casting their vote in person. The scripts were somewhat similar. All mentioned the three cmdidaes by name to help raise their name and the scripts echoed the messag'ng from the TV ads that these thee were Arizona' 3 Sustainable Sole team. A detailed breakdown of the cells and results is below. and ballot returns analysis at the end of the repert shows the clear correlation between him volune of calls to thme target voters and an increase in returned ballots by these voters during eany voting. - rm. . -..-- . .- .. . 1e23 Ad? ?2-222 PEULs 35+ s?.os1 nie 10225?1095 Live Advn 312.454 Base Rapublicen 115.914 121.336 Live wi' p?oh through to Gov 10129-1 W30 Duoey 253.835 recording? Republican PEVLs 63.990 129.805 1112 TTH 44 .488 3359 Republican . Delinquent Republican MW ?5-292 PEVLs 71.309 90.933 . . Delinquent Republican 11.13 LIVE Adm . 1 89. 533 PEVLS 55.029 3?'50? . i Delinquent Republican . Delinquent Republican 111'8 LNG GOTV 152.031 PEVLE 41 27a .52 PEVL Total Deivered messages (Live i maniac]: scans: 5:11.999 1 PEVL Grand fatal Massage: mm: 1.091.115? BD-ACCOUS42 ACRE Live Cal Sum Eleb?u? Live 4- Voters (Yawpai. 10125-1 "?23 Pun Locatnr 119.582 Mohave. Mariner-Ia. Email) ?3333 63.205 Elam Day Republican LIVE MUD 173.1 12 ??lm 44.334 92.933 Election Day Republican . 11:5 LMI Advo 214.1% Voters 75,251 95,509 . Elan?nn Damr Repub?nm - 11fB LNG AM 213.975 Vol-ms 33,113 99251 Eamon Day Republican 11!? lea GDTV 21391-75 vow 51579 . 99.552 . Elanlian Dav Republican ma LWEGOTV 213.193 Vales 5&17? 111.339 5-Day Total mu Massages {Live Machine): 123,4? 561,192 E-Day Grand Total Messages Delivered: 381,132 BD-ACCDOMB .7 . 1019211: ndly 1am ognsewativa PEVLs 35+ 87,081 nfa . Elecuon Day Republican Live Adm Voters (Yemeni. 16126-10128 Poll Locate: f. "9'53: Idol-lave. Marianna. . Final) 31.533 63.205 mas-dame Live Adm 312.454 Base Republcan PEVLs 115.914 121.336 Lure patch 1m29-1n'an mm 253.335 recon?nL Base Rm 63.990 128.805 Election Day Reoublm 11:12 1 H3 Live Advo 1?8.112 Valera . ??34 ?933* "h 11l2 1TH 144.485 Ease Ema PEVLs . Election Day Repuhhm 115 LIVE Adm 214.100 Vatets 75.251 . 95.509 - . Delimem Republican . Election Day Republican . Delinqu?lt Repubican TUE MW 139,533 PEVLS 55029 5150? Election Day Republican 1117 Live 90W 21 3.475 Voters 51 .579 99.552 - Delinquent Republican 13}: -- . - we BOW 159'501 EEVLs 53.459 90.02? Election Day Republican 1 we we GOTV 213.198 Wars .. 111,339 . Delinquent Republican Total Delivered I Menage: (Live Halal-line}: 815,543 1,163,391 Grand Total Messages Delivered: 1.575.339 am Advertising Metrics The scale of 111a campaign effectively reached our targeted votar file univeiee match mline with a frequency or 7' ?npreeslons across Faoebook, video. and dplay. We maintained a strong and:- Ihrough-rate on search. In the final days before voting. ?'Ie CTR was even higher as voters sought out information on oanddetee before deciding i . BD-Accoos44 Main Takeaways The addition of the Facebook carousel creative and new display.r creative helped us continue to drive traffic to the website ahead of Election Day. It also gave us more inventory to bid for despite rising prices for impressions around Election Day. Website Traf?c We cmtinued no see steady traffic to the landing page as well. 51% Elf the traffic came from display, 27% {mm search. 22% from Faoabook. and the belated frum widen. ?nch each BTR Wm Cos} Fund! 936.961 3.353 3.83% 151.365 $27,325.83 Wan 928.129 89G 0.096% 132.522 $21,535.09 Display 10.494539 3.722 0.031% - 336315.51 Search 97.810 4.724 433%! - $19,192,913 I Salim: am is}: H. ?2152..- iHMVinitnr Elf-insular; visitor Beam: . {131:3 Pagan-an: 15,980 15.451 16.869 Pains! 51m Ammunition humane 1.06 {30180312 2: 95.59% i 95.35% BD-ACCOU345 Examples of Creative best performing soarm ad version remained the sane. We Mann Corporation Gammon Ali Nam EEuok? mm mango Mom- Who-'5 5mm 9 m. non semis {o as: ammo mun! mm I $31 akin 11119391in n. -m - -- u. Arfmona Common Gommission WIMamgu? Malone Cma?on Cur-mum 93W in! ?nal auctions on gratin; or dong-ix; ma ?Moo 1mm" may and Mia undue and W9 Search Corporations DMsIon Hum-?x. Search AZ 8509?. mmem .- F?ilo Contact Sefooi from the Dem lo AUG Mica. General Wing ?nd ?rms or ?ling option: for morass: 12m W. eCona Ui?iljos Divishn sis-org: 311mm you min:- mam Div-Mm. Eiootm - Got.- - carpal-awn; . . Samar - moorono - Water Him mausisitom 52:5.ng a The addition of the carouse1 ad unit (left) had our best CTR. 2.03% and allowed us to reach voters avon more frequently on Fambook. unauumwmy I unmwnuamammy ?I'm 33513.52? 1? (Hubs: Em! uni-2:1 Wit Got-Tom I: sun Mil with for Va?: Elajrd Ellmi?nh Ema. alt Hazy ?ioi-n fl:- Walling-uh ml Vote ?-Im'l Dunn. Bob Burn, and Au?r Tubin mm "ham moor-rmumw-uwmm 1'17: IT- masBOB BURNS imminent 1 r?l- I urn-Adiipm . w' -1 1 PI 11:37:11 I1 . Earned Media 8: PR Efforts 0n the media front, the Coalition sought to portraythe DunniBurnsiTobin slate candidates as advocates of a sensible energy policy that would balance Arizo na's needs to have energy that is sustainable, secure AND affordable. In media interviews, the Coalition positioned the Arizona Coalition for Reliable Electricity? and Pinnacle West Capital Corp.I more generally as reluctant entrants into this campaign forced to respond to a misleading, multimillion-dollar spending blitz by out-ohstate special interests. SolarC'rtv, we said, hoped to hijack the Commission and install members who would approve rooftop-solar industry giveaways at the expense of ratepayers. Finally, the Coalition characterized Democrats Tom Chabin and Bill Mundell as hopelessly compromised based on their iinflammatory.r comments and extreme rhetoric. There?s no way they?d be capable of serving as impartial arbiters on the Commission, we said. Of signi?cant bene?t was the transparency with which the Coalition and Pinnacle West operated. In a remarkable tumabout, it was actually Save Our AZ Solar that endured negative media attention for its lack of ?ne nciai disclosure and apparent advocacy.f of anonymous campaign soending. L) Media Cligs meMor m? ?rdx?fa Eh tn ruin spat: ?m Barton. The Arizona Republic: HYPERLINK Associated Press: HYPERLINK article 110212557.html" Arizona Capitoi Times: HYPERLINK launches-1m-ca TheArizana Republic: HYPERLINK Capital Media SERVICE: I: HYPERLINK SNL: The Ariana Repub?c: HYPERLINK mfstarwopinicnfop- p5-spends?1-mi I tin n?ensu re-friend 690368r'] BD-ACCDOMB Phoenix Basin-I Jaumal: HYPERLINK The Arizona Republic. HYPERLINK. ergy/ZO 16/ The Arizona Republic: HYPERLINK p-makes-dash?sha dowsig 28621:: mum Capitanilnes: HYPERLINK unconstitutional!" Arizona Capitol T'lrns: secrets!"] Arizona Daily Star: tu?an-uni The Arizona Republic: regulato r- raceigg168816f' KIZZ: HYPERLINK rimna-haliot? eiection? I KJZZ: "hug: ,{g?ijzz -n?iiticai?gmup spend- Harliona summation commissiontraan? Haws: HYPERLINK solar-war? The Arizona Repubiic: HYPERLINK BD-ACCOO349 . endorsement/92782688l? Benson News-Sun: HYPERLINK Payson Roundup: "http?wwgaysn nruundupmomjnewsi 2015! now] 93mm- KYMA {Yuma}: HYPERLINK commission/146568523" Capitol Media Services: HYPERLINK Capitol Media Services;[ HYPERLINK money-was?well?spent-burns? re/ar?cle _-ec02c7d4-a69a lle6?9ae5- Sb02adf8b4ca. html" BD-ACCOU35O Prominent Social Media 419112 MORE #111113 parant under F31 investigation far #darkmmeg spending in 2014 rm. Tnday?s disclost?'e is a firat. h. :31 1. Wm .1121 ~11 MGRE #193 parent PinnWesfs spending an race is just a sta?, LE1 Spox says in $35. . i? Mr! WEI- ?mi-i iinri HQRE 11.9151546-h BREAKING MP5: parent disebses $1 minim donation in AZ Caatition far Reliabte Emtr?fcity tn boost 3 Rapub?cans in ?f?zm?mi?l?a??m race Ryan Madam - Gov. @dougducey got on the phone iast weekend for rob-oca?s paid far by @apsFYI parent can, urging votea for Repubiicans on *1 1'3, Lin BD-ACCOO351 fig-nu; P45059222 i1- Eta?swam ma! aid-mam: {3:1 :3 :5 .. tin-.2? ciEdTFapk ma Mremmr :4 f1 7E Mr R3111 mama gummy-ways?. Him: 7-: Utility pun-3m co. and have sat ii men! ?-5453 Hilton to sway mu: vane an yi??am?p?zrnm?z 465.. arr-h "tr-1T palm anarchy pm: :5 mm lulu Ari-tom away-rum Mare man is mutton In cuisine 553mm ha: been poured lam [Ire Athena comma rate 1mm 50mm: politicai gram Save Soiar might {ac-3 campaign ?ne. BD-ACCOD352 Ryan Radian @4341.- -534:12-= Keep yam on the TV. @apsfyi parent company plans $1 mhilicn campaign to get Rs elected to @CoranmmAZ. t't '1 2 ?0mm Hm . agazza' Tue-6a It was Pi?nmlae Wes: shareholders just pet-mm oftheir (gum pretax. to get @CarpCommAZ the compm'ly wants, 4H 3419:: ?5 Ma?a-H - 3:251:15 van-=52} fix-am? J. . :4 q. Lame 5051: grew makes 2 ?ash in: 5m; mauim?s 32: .11: 231?! mm @Ecenarai For a map Mrs-mum to El! ill-106m sunlight and lranspmarmy. shade. . BD-ACCDOS53 Ryan Randana @isiih?iyraguzrier rig-g; 3? . gr?up flil?ad by ?tms?? parant [making calls ioday. incalcing to cell #3 mah'mg Rs {m 1 mil! Rf? Ri??l? gummy 13;: P?ii?w 9MP mm by {gammy lm?mg- at possibie fans for 1313 ?nancial disclaims Summit? proli?c? guru]: Saw OurAz 30hr mien; face Winn ?ne I. #329118 (313311 Elat?u?us o?sctals wotea mum-av to #nves?gaie whamer Save Our AZ Sara: me poms: group set Lap by ?ow Carp. c: an" ?53 a Ar BD-ACCUOB54 Evan A saiar 1E is 31qu mains! dsclosura mites and Pmnacla Wes! disclosed in alac?an amending. 2616. hwy. J: 13 '9 Evan Ming: ?amybgu Err: set to scrutinize ciaim, asserted by @solarcity-backad 1E group, that disclosure rules are unconstitutional with: in?: man; nap-luau am in mun {hmmumah mm?lwlm nun-arr nuuq, um. sh mm ?In In nun-wind. 14.13th was}. Elan-? main-Irina Talmud nil-ul- 1h Ctr. Maw run: hat-n: use am ?rm has! gym-a. will ?15 I: km C: 355m?). Mar-um 1: Ella walls! #4365? MW HI diamtapdm?m.? *4 1 . L?i?l Pam-tn "?1313: 1? . Ewe ?Mm RENEW W51 4:va kam iawsm: mm mm 4.3mm?: us save Du! AZ Saint?s {met argues that its pro-Bab Bums matter, the suinjaci of a carnplaint to is not express advocacy Easily. :3 1 1-41. graham ire-Jana; By my conni. Data! Saw Solar on AUG race (primarywew-a!) is $2.45 m??m so far. mum! Leingang @?ahel?a'mang Tam new ?ling-3 {tr-m @Sezmm?zsii? alum mm 51.031333 wan! In pan few day's am}; It: support. @fl?nf??wrp?omz . .. "hu.4. ?Jul!- ?If "r M. ?gig..-F?ymkazaw m- Fair??- Z-?iiltrt?i?s is 1:3 9 @amarciw-backed nu gum admissmr} for disclosure issues. ED says reject drivagaogle.nomi?la?d??B?HTMm youtubaLWwatc-hhm 1 idEhu .. . 1. ?inflow-I?ll?- ?mm LN: i?ga?m mr many of the and. the (3m with: Elm ?fm prom mu rumba 1113 mm. km in: an em writ uperly tho ?im* HEEL and 83 It mm vlhwi any mam BD-ACCOU356 Results J- .. Increasing Base Turnout Wl'tile'the ?nal ballots of the eteotion are not yet counted and the complete voted ?le of Election Boy and early voters will not be available until the end of the quarter, we can look stone of the major sweets of our target mhrerse for turnout cells - base Republicans on the Permanent Early Voter List (PEVLs) to measure the impact of our repe?ed phone cells. By graphing the number of voters in our target miverse by the date their ballot wee received by their county recorder. we are able to drew the conclusion that our calls were in turning out hundreds of thousands of target voters. Wr?'iin the 2?3 day tine frame alter receiving one of our cells it takes to mail in a ballot and have it reach a voter?s county recorder. we can see that the round of contact started to produce an increase in ballots received a few days after cells began ?eri increase trend that continued until we SWitChEd our turnout cells to push voters to turn in ballots at the polls or vote at the polls on Election Day. Base Republican 2mmo -- Bails in 2-3 Bey Eteiogrto Receive _j_stgiteh_te:e:qag tenets- Progress Bettots from?ai?ijniu'ense zooms - 4:3, issues meow In?? 5umg .. .. I .W 4 5a A ?ti. #9 epbed?ke?fed}e9 $9 a? riff fest-E Base Republican PEVL Bdlots Returned 15-Oct Ill-Oct 30-Oct 31-Oct 34th? Mile-r l-Hov ms T-lhv 3-H 3.31 0 41.821 44.984 H.471) 121401 1551203 13745339 191.923 194.953 193.519 3.13.021 3.5.021 BD-ACCOO357 Closing the Return Rate Gap A signifth concern in our early analysis of the lack of Republican 1votes at the beginning of early lf??E voting was that. while both Republicans and Democrats were both turning out at a higher rate than they had in 2012, the rate at which base Republicans was lagging behind that of Democrats. And the better voting record a Republican had, the further they were legging behind. 80. for instance, Republicans wit: had voted in oil four of the last four general elections were lagging 10 points behind the Democrats with the same voting record in retuning their ballots. The charts below illustrate how our oells were crucial to closing that gap - and yen can see the particular shift in ballots retumed in the few days after our phone program began. Bay Delay 50:3 73-00% eat-am Bsiiotrfrofrr-m- eo.0osr. .. Gait bemoan. 50.0000n 40.00% . a 30.00% - 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% nun-34 ?000055W00f030 30.00% Tm 70.00% 60.00% .- 500000 40.00% 30.00% -- 20.00% 10.0090 0.0000 ?l4i4D 09 9.50 .20 59* 0r BD-ACCDOS58 From: Brandt, Donald Sent: 10f25?016 12-3911 PM To: 'Bruce 'Dale Klein inon? 'David Wagoner PNWDI Ii' 'De nis {den iscortese?pnwdirtnm]; 'i-Iumoerto Lopez Ibert. lopez?l 'ltathv Munro [hath-mm ?Mlte Gallagher Fair [nck.fart@pnwdir.comi; 'R?'lf Herberger [rov.herberger@pnw dictum] Subiect: FW: Recap oftoday?s media coverage Attachmen- News articles on Pinnacle West Day 1 iatho media went as well as we could have expected. See John Hat?eldfs note below. Also, if you open his enactment, links will take you to the various media outlet stories. Don From: Hat?eld, John Sent: Mmciay, October 24, EDIE 5:52 PM To: Brandt, Donald Scliiavoni, Merit Falclr, David Hat?eld, James Guidner, Jolt Pacheco, Jessica Lodmood, Barbara Freeischer, Daniel Subject: Recap of today?s media cove-age Hello all, Tochrv we reached out to seven Arizona and one national media outlet (Bloom berg. which was already preparing a story on PNW involvement in this year's ACE elections) to provide them with our statement on the launch of the Arizona Coalition for Reliable Eleotricitv. This was the proactive approach we discussed over the weekend and reviewed with APCO. Our goal was to create tie best odds of balanced initial rreporting lav telling the story ourselves first, instud of waiting to react to our critics. This also reinforced our central message of transparencv, and allowed us to drive home the important message that our hand has bean forced tn; SolarCi'tv. Attached is a PDF with the first day of media coverage. Here are ?ve quick observations: or The plan largalv worked. We were successful in launching this storv with our messaging clear and prominent. as SolarCitv's campaign spending and broken promise are highl?ghted, along with the point that we were compelled to dot. ac ACRE spokesperson Matt Benson. a PR veteran, was effective in helping to deliver the initial message. All stories note of our dec'eion to disclose this contribution. . so Several of the storia quote Bill Mundell, who as predicted is aggressive In his criticism of the company and very personal in his attacks on Don. The attached package of stories includes a helpful exchange on social media between local political consultant Barrett Marson and some Tucson reporters. Barrett makes note of the lack of criticism in the media of SolarCitv?s election involvement. This exchange will he seen by other reporters, and mas,l be helpful. Interestingly, political reporter Evan Wvloge commented on social media less than an hour ago that a SoiarCitv-baclted IE is ?ghting certain disclosure rules. We need to ?nd out what that means. but if true, this story could evolve in an interesting wav for us, even given the media?s double standard on this issue. I?ve attempted to paste an image of Evan?s tweet below. John BD-ACC00359 nB?oq-l- . -I- Euan W031 g?bmi?whagg - 33.1: A scrim is arguing agahst disclosure mles and Pinnacta W351 disclosed in election spending. 2015, baby. 1 Evan Nylon! 459:1?. set to scrutinize claim, asserted by @solarcity?backed IE group, that disdosure rules are unconstitutionai amt mailman man ?lly: mad? whit and Fix. I him: I: 5min am thi'?im? s'rir. urn-11a u: than! an ?d?i BMW: (M Bap-m (an sun-rm: {bag-=2: will; am in man man: claw Writ and h- 1mm}. ?lm-Id Imam an- 9m ?am! Will in" ?lm rm 52*? I?m?m and mm: M.- rm: mum} W. manna aim hm; am :11 Mt 55mm fink -.. fir-until, 111.5 C1 It ?rst. mutant-n! a1 . $11.21] ?dull! Inf-Kiwi; "51:5th Pr- .. 1 i ski-?. 3" HJUM pair-=3 Mk? m?mms ?:39 1 as: BD-ACCOD361 Nahum-mug Mill-i ?4.1m - nun-Pad" 1min Pith-w ?imam .- Mill- will"! Mall-nu! ?lm! 11:? Message From: Doug Goodyear [dmodvear?ddamupmml Suit: 10/251016 12:55:14 AM To: Pam, Jessica Subject: Re: Cavalry creame- for [aunch Mam: lmazeDOLpg; lmagam2.mg: hnaienoapnz: Imam.? Imazem?m I?m also good with it and Lhaxwrk nimE?csm Ashley Ram. M3011. Sara! From: Date: Twat-lay October 25. 3.016 H4: 40 PM To: "sam??mtatem?s?mom' WMmm}, Doug?oodqugnodyeam?rmigmwsow Stbjeot RE: Cavalq.? creative Fat launch I'm god. {?gure on: with: cool kids Sula starts re?ning to In: asPacInco. . .-- . Sent: THEM. Octubulfr, 2016435PM To: Dang Gnodyean Pack-co Jess-hm St?ljuct: Cavalry Gratin for launch USE CAUTION - EXTERNAL Do not click on Einks or open ntucrunmts Hm an: mt ?rpectmi For quosliolu or comma. plus: email Um APS Cyber Defense Cults: mum at ACDC or mutual the APS Helmet. Goodyw Jr. hash. The pmposc or this email is to obtain for digital ad mauve. Ham's the video. unlimd on yawn-c: Fmbuuk page Dn?which pods \muld. he lowed for mm within Facebnok (all emu ads will 111i: to landing page AM): I :3 no chliah All! attached starch7 Facchook, and Diwhy cmlivc for ma! Once the display is Cavalry wiil resin: to all ?le di?errni dimcnsinm mquimd for {HE-um Mix-Hes. EargetGOonmwonm?wapmm-HL Thank you, Sara imam-02. momma. $1ch ?macaw -- NOTICE -- This message ?a for (It: migrated mipm only and my curtain mt?dcuial. privilegnd n1- pmprimmy in?rmntion. lfyon have urp?m. Mthnughw: errors 010115510115 in the comma: whichmsuh from e-nnil mnsuission. - (My) acmm mm gamer-? - "39' Van mpiwm m: mm. Tim? AJEIMITEW. um mum Mt Vow Boyd Dunn, Bah 311m. and An?y?fo?n W: :29! MHMM ?rm-tin! 52mm: mm Lim- Wm .. a: mm mm Erratum - '65 Wumw?m? Baum. We?: have m: mmw, Wan-ara- Rah-Bums, and?n?y'l?ubin ?mama, mam {ma-ran. mum . was Dunn, Bums. 5. Twin - far AZ CW Eat can! 7: Manama,- toy-l: iw a sup-wt cum. ?mum: warm. BD-ACCDO366 .33 95:. 95.3. n. 435 . pm 0333:? nog?m?a Fila?mniuscdan?ah?? .an E?w?z KQthEmw? mU->OODommw hum; FOR LEARN MORE BD-ACCDO368 Message From: Pacheco. 11555:; . 5m.- 10(253'2015 9:30:13 . To: Matthew Benson {mbenson ?beriduecom] L?c: Don: Goodyear . Re: Save ou? AZ Solar failure to report expenditures? Good by me, please consider adding: given the broken promises, campaign On Oct 25, 2016. at 2:0? PM, Benson wrote: 95E CAUTION - EXTERNAL Do not dial: on links or open attachments that are not expected. For ques?ons or concerns, please email the APS Cyher Defense Center team at A or contact the APS Helpclesk. Luige at the Cap Times is writing something on this today. At bottom is a quote I've drafted to feed him. Please let me know it" you have changes. Thanks "after 3 ?gears. min?n? the ?nger at others. it is new the height of hgpoerisy for and Save Qur a: Solar ?to argue. for anything. less then diselogure of their. cannaign ?nances Given. the campaign of falsehoods end fabrications that. Save 01.: AZ Solar. has {#105er to rat-gage in it? 5 not surprising they would hepe to shield their activities from Arizerta voters Benson. spokesma n, Arizona Chairman for Reliable Electricity - nun- .. - .. .. i'm: Doug Gowmrimmogmemj Sent: Tuadav, October 25 2015 11:11 AM for Belem ReSaveourAZSolarfarhre to reporteJtpenditures? Pour on the gas. 011 Oct 25, 2016, $1250 PM. Matthew Benson wrote: I?m working a numb-er of reportersfeolmnniets behind the scenes right now to get some activity around this. Ifno results by this afternoon, I?ll take it onto social merl Messier: Pach rm wrote: Chalk and Mendel! have posted a campaign video. You can see it here: MW Attached below is a tranacript for convenience, as well as fact check we have drafted to post on and promote on social. We don?t want to engage them in a debate but we shouldn't let bed {nets go uncorrected. Flam take a look and ooment ASAP. I'd like Don to so: this but no like to have your tllouuhts ?rst. l'rn keeping the review list small in the interest of speed. Jol'm Sern from my iPlione BD-AC000373 ul?n?n-r-l? Begin forwarded mil-?e: Fran: ?Lanihaum. Kain" Wm? . . Tn: "mm'm 5' "mama Jr, James mum, "Etta-nan. Hal" - . ?imilu? II and Hui bJuhrr-?s textwi?uhetramc?bud mu. madea fur Minor changes to the but and for a nanbtr of supporting matwials. . ?scammed Is the full twaip?un. Just in case. 1 Ihh?: this ad works. Doug, do yen haw any suggsted change?? 3? 011 23. 2016. a 2:5! PM. Larry mamm- mutt: .5 USE CANON 00 mt click onliuks or open am that an: not command. 3- Fur qucsliam or 0mm. email the APS Cybur Gamer team a: ACDCI?cjapsccom-CMMW 3* or comm: APS >Clnn3estothisvusim LP 2* Willa 3' Kymhavc waived Ulimcm?zd Incipicusm unmet which 3.. BD-ACCODSQD M55383 From: Fad'reco, Jusiza [Jes?cafacheco?pinnaclewest com] Slut: IOMIZUIE 4:33:35 PM Ta: arandt. Dundd Suhhct: Annoumnt plan for ACRE It should dimlowmmade. On Oct 21, 2:115, at 9:25 AM, Brandt, Dom?d mate: 3. 2, E3 the initial 11111th in wt? Origfml Mama: From Pacheco. Jessica :v Sent: Dunbar '11. 2016 09:22 AM To; Brandt, Donald 1* Subject: Re: Amour-mm plantar ACRE I think it's a good plan. On On 21.2016, at 91H AM. Brandt, Donald wrote: Front Hat?eld. John 5 W- Scnl: Sammy October}; 20115 3:56 AM To: Bruit. Domtd Schimni. Mark Fatah P: Ide: Pacheco. 1:5:th 3-2- Suhject: plan for ACRE Hello alL >5 Based on the communists we had yesterday about how and me. my: the 131mm hmc's our plan. This the. slum! ofluif, Jessica and me. Please git-T: Ltactosc review. lookfur bolts, and let me know. when-cu mm. 2-3- Everyouc an this :muil has no?; prwidcd feedback on the autumn: and we ham: mad: tlnae charges. Due ta 3 quirk if our email 53mm and the ?nal docummt in a note. Plcam take rm: 1mm incl: and let. me ASAP tfyou haw elm-gas. Ham?s-1h: timclinn: 5m: magnum roll-outphm. Ht: will solicit linirqmatinm. and wc'lt answer whatever we: can. so they feel prcpamd to shalt: the announcement with their pcq?c. =9 1' [hm-=32! media ques?ullsabm we mlaasa the mum durum-.1? and sanditto Durham Nip-om West (1:10:th now: a Warm: media mutation Ham}. :3 *Ifwc Mahatma we she malleaslwmald seniormgm?s won?tleamabou ma. ?Mutiny (assuming mid-mtmemming, ?rmmwoutdbeidm?catmourmm 2'3 Thu-e will BD-ACCDC1391 wi?mut We llama good Immoral. Lars use it. and tell our aim]! ourselves, an weren?t in a motive nude from I11: very beginni I13. 3} =0 Quinn, mm crowns?? >3 Tm 33? John '33} Sam from my Whom BD-ACCOU392 Mung! me: Doug Gouda: Sent 3-3935 PM To: Facheca, Jessica [JessTaPachech-plnnadewest cum] Stiller: Matt Benson i: an buard USE CAUTION - EXTERNAL SENDERIdgoodymiMcigroupmm) Do not clickenh?nlu: 01' 0pm armband; mam: mt expend Fm quznium or comm. please email the APS Cyber Mme Ham I ACDC-?Qapascmm or comm: APE Helpde?c. He?s already familiaxwiihihc mm draft mungpoimfm mdia inquirins onMondny It's a l-linw haf?iK to Val-irks fu?hedm?nn starting today and going thatever campaign ?ling repmts need to h: ?led [curly Dunba'? Wendy the. hang Ii?ingwillhc?xtiznmi-m don: Hum [?vc BD-AC000393 0427 ACRE Corporal? Cunmlsalon lee Advo Topllne Massage From: Doug Good-feu- Sum: min/2015 3:55:25 PM To: . Pacheco, lessrca [JessimPameconinnadmIocm] Re: Matt Banyan I5 on board Excellent Thank yen. (had 22. EDIE, at 8:53 AM. 1justspokenithhany. He is good to hall. On W21 It! at 3:56 AM. Doug Goodyear wrote: Gal '1 x: Think you On 3:53 AM, "JessicaPadnom?pimdewestmm' wrote.- Grant. lam sen?m you 33> On Oct 22, 1016. at 8:39 AM, Doug Goodwil- wrote: USE CAUTIUN -EXTERNAL Ebb} Do not chat on Inks or open anachlnenls that an: ma. expo-dad. 3? For questions or concerts, please email the APE Cyber Baseme- Comer team 91 >rer- or nomad. lh?: APE Holpdosk. 31>} He?s already largely fan?liar with tho issue andissmtingto draft formcdia inquirice on Mmday 11?s .1 Him: fee 013332er to Veri?es for the trunnionw 3mg why and going though whamumu'tgn??ng reports need to be?ledtadg Duembu? 1>>0bwiously the hem?; I?'tingwillbeforthe ma?-lflwoeksandperbps in theumnediate afbl-mamofmeoloc?on 2-3-2, hyphen you oanateet me ttetJ'mlps whicgma? the way 5012: City has spent roomy this card: and 1111 lilo llings?aey?w done would be Illpful. Ifnnl I?ve gotaresemhumn Ih'oadyworking >11? 21-} 'I?lis m3: is for the designated mm! and may contain con?dential, pd?lemd or proprietary ?oatation Ifyou have reoeived the odgimlandang: loopy orp?num Uninendedrmipiemare pmh??lcd from making any ?heme: of this e-nnil. Al?nugh we have when reasonable patcnuliom Io enema no wings are geese-m luasordamoge a?smg?nm the mof??se-ma? 01mm: orforagdelay or arrow or on?xsiom: in the cooled: which mailman: e-ma? tramn??im. BD-ACCOOSQ5 Earlier this week. Tom Chabln and Bill Mundell released a HYPERIJNK for the Arizona Corpora?on Commission. Candidates for the ACE often refrain from taking positions on cases their will he caled upon to decide if they win. out of concern they will be perceived as prejudiced before they hear one feels. Mr. Chabin and Mr. Mondell have taken a different approach. The video makes sevelal claims about ou? rate review proposal that are misleading and in many cases factually wrong. We'd like to set the record straight for APS customers who may:r be needlessly concerned. Excerpt: Paying an electric bill shouldn?t force anyone to choose between basic neceso?ties like medic?nc and food, or keeping their oir conditioning on. Yet under or new pricing scheme being preposed to the Corporation Commission by Arizona Public Senrice and other utilities across the store, that is exactly what will happen. if approved, your basic electric bill will skyrocket Will rates really ?skwocket' under the APS proposal? Voters canjudge ii the rhetoric here is misleading. AFS rates have increasod by over the last Ell-years. In this rate review. Our ?rst in five years, on: proposal would increase residential rates by just coder 3 percent. The bill would increase by 511. Would the proposal really make customers choose between electricity and necessities lite medicine and food? Voters can decide if this rhetoric is a sure tactic. Recognizing that not all customers have shared in Arizona?s economic recovery, we have proposed a special rate for customers with lower usage, and a 35 percent increase in funding for i HYPERLINK Excerpt: To moire matters worse5255 per month would be locked on top of Are the fees descriaed in the video really new? No. Custuner rates that include a HYPERLINK reviewfdemand-ratesf? are not new; tim've been around since 1931 and more then 120,000 custo'ners are already on them. Are they "taciced on" in adcltion to costing rates? No. Man a customer goes on a demand rate. they I HYPERLINK of electricity they use- Most mstorners switching to a demand rate would see little difference in their bills, even if they do not take advantage uithe HYPERLINK 1225dt58?69f2?4w4?a662- created by domand rates BD-ACCOOBQB -. en .. If most customers weuld see Ill-tie difference in their bin, where did the 5265 ?gure name from? We have no idea. It has no basis in what we have proposed to the ACE. BD-ACCOD397 Paying on electric bill shouldn?t forte anyone to choose between basic necessities like medicine and food, or keeping their air conditioning on. Yet under a new pricing scheme being proposed to the Corporation Commission by Arizona Public Service and other utilities across the state, that is exactly what will happen. If approved, your basic electric bill will skyrocket. To melee matters worse$265 per mo would be tacked on top of that. That?s natjusl: wrong. it?s dangerous. We need commissioners that are looking out for us - not the pro?ts of big utility companies. Bill Mumeil and Tom Chabin are running to protect the consumers of Arizona. Let's restore our power to the Arizona Corporation Commission this year. Vote for Tom Chabin and Bill Mundeil. BD-ACCUO398 ma From: Pittman, Hal Sent: 101111 2015 9:3?154 PM To: Guldner, tetra Gudnergaoecom]: Lonuvam, Thomas A [Thomatoquvam?pinmciewemtomh McDonald Jr, James {James MCdonaianos. Hatfield, lohm [torn-I. com}: Bemoskv, Gregory [Gregory?moslwgapem]; Pacheco, Jessica Llesa?ca. PacheconlnnaclewesLoom]; Loci-mood. Barbara [EarharaLockwootleapecom]; langhaum, Kevin {Kettniangbaumeapscomk Stewart. Anna [Mujmn@m. corn] Subject: E: Solar my dark money on Witter Jeff -We will work it on deep background. We are already looking at the issue of Kris Moves not reporting all contributions. from: Guldner, Jeff Stilt! Tuesday, Conner 11, 2016 1; 45 PM To: Loquvam, Thoma?; McDonaldJr, James Pttman, Hal; Hat?eld, John Bemosky, Gregion,t Pane-co, lattice Loclo'rood, Barbara Langheum, Kevh; Stenert, Ame Sul?ect: RE: Solar City dark money on Twitter Communications folks, $011 might use the mntrast that IEs are basically hiding the spend in multiple vehicles while b91113 Egressi'ue and focused on the Corp Comm races specifically, assuming we get challenged on our effort which is a contribution to a Senator McCain super-PAC [not on and not speci?cally targeted at the ACE election. it would be the height of irony for the media to continue to brush aside the SEN Spending and jump on ems (but I expect that?: what will happenFrom: Loquvam, Thomas A Sent: Tuesday, October-11, 2016 1:34 PM To: McDonald Jr, James Pittman, Hat; Hamekj, John Bernosky, Gregory Guldner, Jeff Pachezo. Jessica Lockwood, Barbara D: Langbaurn, Kevin; Stewart, Anna Subject: RE: Solar City dark money on Writer The not: ours that SC :53, 2: 52.130? Um, is that to SUUll's? From: McDonald Jr, James Sent: Tuesd?f. Octobe- 11, 2016 1: 21] PM To: Pittman, Hal, Hat?ekl, John S,Bernosky, Gregory Gutiner, Jeff?; Pacheco, Jessica Lodmood, Borber?aD; Loqwam, Tharias Langbaum, Kevin; Stewart. Anna 5? Solar City dark money on Twitter Interesting from Evan. Evan MEG. ?1 ilr and BD-ACCDOSQQ .- . rm Evan ??oge an Twittar spinning in race, aimed at helping @GMbInACurpCam and @rbumaazt. mummy tram Mrc?y??gim m?.gm?BAv1e? .r Evan 2 Twas: #Dalmoney spend'mg In @CorpCommAZ race. aimed in helping @Chabin4Coranm and @mumsazL cbming from (EM . AZ Dark Mung Bot on Twitter "?snlarumr spent 52.12010 hem elect Tom Chabt?n {@ChublnACoranr-n] in #gljorp-Camm?rz race or 1am I: BD-ACCOO400 v. M65353 Fm: Joseph Kuhajei [ikubalek?deMJDm] Sent: 10?4?015 6:04:49 PM To: Doug 60?:de Pad'leco, 16955! Ct: Sara Mueller Jack Padnvano Samantha Katharina Campbell Suhjcut: RE: 042? ACRE Corporate Commission Live Adm: Topline USE - WERNAL mm) D0 For questions or commas, pious: emu] thy-APE Cyber Defense Center team It or must Iii: APB Helpduk. Continued and will do. sir. Pleased to ?meet" you, 1cm: quph Kuhaldi Pl?oje? Manager C: 430-532- 0: (123458?- Maniac-? From: Doug Goodyearl umlveurfallciizmugm?l Sent. Mazda. mm 24. 2016 [:03 AM To; Joseph Cc. Sm Muller 1: sarar?immcgi?llccom lack Pam-mo: Samantha Timlicir. Katherine Campbelz Subject Kc: ACRE. Corpnrat: Liv: Adm'l'oplinc 10c Our clieni, Jessica Pacheco. is an eager of your reports. She's incltuiad above. Please go ahead and add but in 3mm dimibuliou 1le an that that's rm time lag bum Branching your mum Welcome In the dii?hllion list. Jessica3:54 AM. Jump]! Kubalck gigg?umwh ?Tote: Doug and Sam, Plus: ?nd the Toplinc [span for yesterday's call: attachad. 'A?er dialing the full wiruinw. we ?amed addiu'onal 44,813 live connections - bringing out com-L1 In 37,081 In date. We saw calls basin to slow down law in the as this list was Eartha-summed, which was At this point. it's 5:13:10 any we pushed lhisl?st as hard as we could to gen 10 um: pain! w?hom leaving manning machine mm [Menus moms medtobeinline with Whit 1M: aw Smuday. Whil: we still I: not abkto precisely quantity thc?eqmcy ot'lhislbadhook. it Whileavocal wi?lthis yem?sdectloniugmu? Please let us know if you have any questions Thank you. Joseph Kuhllek P?rq'ect Manager . 430-651- 0: 623-687; {11427 ACRE Corporate Commission Liv: Adm BD-ACCDO402 Message From: Sent: To: Subject: Pacheco, Jessica ADMNISTRATWE GROUP s:5o:+s PM ELI-?ner, Jeff IJeff.Guldner@aps.comi calls Jeff, let me know how much of this detail you want to be sensitive to cluttering your inbox. Calls to date: 0427 ACRE Corporate Commission lea Adm Toplina 1W23n'2015 44.313 BD-ACCOO4D3 From: Kevin McNeil] {mitten-natal ?1de .cnm] Sent: 9:13:17 PM To: Pacheco, Janina Subject: AD: use cannon - EXTERNAL Do not click on our open attachments that are not expected. For questions or concerns, please. email the APS Cyber Defense Center team at er Contact the APS Helpdesk. The ?'eakout has begun. Although the ailm'lce so far from suggests they we taken by surprise. They responded in the news about the Rcalturs almost instantly. Guessing we'll get a statement from them shortly. Ri?Wstatus/?fg??s 1403580 123768 I?m sure you haw: the vendozs already lined up but if you need any help on the digital side, just let me know. Also. l'll give unsulidted advice may: hit Mandel] Chabin hard. I?m sure that thcy won't respond to anything you say will spend all their energy attacking APS and "buying election" So you can blow them up if the hits are effective I'd defer to whatever polling shows, but I'd guess ROC mismanagement for Mundell and taxesIEPAlcap?attadc etc for Chahin BTW. liked the statement PW put cut. Mme diplomatic than the draft I sent Kevin BD-ACCOO404 Message From: Hat?eld. John 5 Sink: 11:57:13 PM To: Standt. Donald Guidner. Jeff [in??uMnarQapsmm]; Pacheco, leasita Schism-ml, Marl: A [Malcsmiavunieapscom] Subject: revised language for Monday atrium-1h: 1501121 Poten?al Language an ACREdncx Here's a revised draft incorporating Don?s changes. We will use this to mate talking points for officers, a story for Hemline, and an external statement. Jeff and Jessica. please let me know if you have suggestions based on your camersations this afternoon. Marl: - you thoughts? Thanks, Jolm BD-ACCDD405 PNW Political Participation Duit language California solarleasing companies have an enormous ?nancial stake in issues that will be decided by the ACC next year. To protect its narrow interests, SolarCity has broken its written promise to stay out of the ACC elmdons, and is spending big to support its favored candidates. stake is whedier Arizona will lead in solar the rightway, widmutdrivirg up electricity bills for average customers; or whether those customers will pay higher and higher billsto subsidize huge pro?ts for solar leasing companies With SolarCity now putting a massive infusion of spending into the mmpaign, we are compelled to take action. We have created an independent political effort called the Arizona Coalition for Reliable Energy to stand up fer the best interests of Arizona consumers. All we have ever asked from ACC Commissioners is that they study the issues, consider the facts, weigh the long-term impacts on all stakeholders and decide fairly. Based on the steady flow of videos, misleading anti-APS rhetoric from the candidates funded by SolarCity, it?s dif?cult to believe they could regulate APS or any u?lity impartially. No customer money will be used for this effort, and, as always, our company will continue to follow every applicable law regarding political speech as well our own political participation polio} found on pinnadewest. com. two could also add language at the end of the internal announcement encouraging our employees to get out and vote.] BD-ACCOO406 Message From: Dom Goodmr Sm: 5:28:44 PM To: Pacheco. Jessica Subject: Fwd: ACRE Corporate Commission Live Adv-u Tupline 042? ACRE Cospaate Comnissiun Live Advo Topll stills; USE CAUTION - EXTERNAE Do acidic]: onlinks thstam not expected. For questions arcomams, phase ctr-1'] tits APS Cybere?snsa Imam at ACDCQiapsc comm? or com the APS w. Begin usage: From: 109::thth Dais: October 24 2015 smWesiL-slic mmsmem?smw?tsW> Cc: link Padm'ttm {IPMDV?m?itgiq TimLidt comm ma, Katharine Campbell When gurshq Subject Dal-27 ACRE Corporal: Con-minim Live Adm Tuplin: Doug and Sam. Pleas: ?nd the. topline tcport ?st- calls autism-i ll. liar dialing, the fu? winimv, wt: scared an addiuuml 4-1113 live constrictions hn?nging our usual completes count In 8103! to date. We sass calls bcg?n to slow down hit-r in the tits as the list was ['unhcr witich \hl? mama At this point. il 5 safe to m: pushed this list as ham as we could to gut to this point witinsl: having answering whim massages. we ofthis response must! to be we we stillsre notable: to precisely quantify the [toqucnny ofthis Mssk.? 31391031de 1 01111:!an 1540 cs?svsicsd this Whiissvocslmim?ty we inst-claims ?ick mbevnting stall arm nail vo?ngparty limit Plus: is! us know if you have any qusstinns. Thank you. Joseph Kubaisk Psqinst Mamas C: 4-30-652- 0; 623-637- Message From: Sent: Ta: CC: Subject: Lift? ITS-HIV m] 10f24f2015 3:26:11 PM Pidimrhni? Jessica Pacheco [mehmsgumalsam]: Dug Goodmr [memm] Mlle-5 Mirth [mllas?mhm?hhmt Elhtn Hugh Dan Whailn [mmhmadhtm] ?lmed Radio Salim Attadments: AZCREIGRIM REV [Mis?t USE CAUTION - EXTERNAL Do not click on links or Rudiments that are not expected. For questions or concerns, please email me AFS Cyber Defense Center team at $1ngth or contact the APS Helpdesk? See attached -- edit under Track Changes BD-ACCOO408 NH HCER: Wlnet powers Arizona? AZ FOR REUABLE :60 - REV LII OCT Clean, a??ortlable energy} With it, are power Arizona's future. That's why Boyd Dunn. Bob Burns, and Andyr Tobin are running for Ariaona Corporation Commission. They're Arizona?s Sustainable Solar Team. Dunn. Burns, and Tobin will work to keep electricity costs low for a_l Ariaonans. And they'll support advanced sources of energy like solar that are clean and sustainable. Dunn. Burns. and Tobin imow that Arizona?s power grid must be reliable and sewre. And they'll fight to pm Arizona oonsumers and taxpayers, not out-of?etate special interests. Vote for Arizona?s Sustainable Solar Team: Boyd Dunn, Bob Burns, and Andy for Corporation Commission. Paid for by Arizona Coalition for Reliable Electricity, sponsored by Pinnacle West Capital Corporation, with major funding from Pinnacle West Capital Corporation. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's campaign committee. Message From: Pachecn, Jessica GROUP 93] Se ht: 2:55:19 PM Tn: Guldn er, Subjecu FW:Ti1isls The Final Amchm??: Sustainable_HNN_docx Final 5512'?; appmved by legal and camp-?ame m-Odgiml Massage?- I'mnx Lam McCarthy Sent: mmy. October 24. 2016 7:4? Tu: Pacheco, Jessica M: Doug Goodyear Cc: M'lcs hhr?mE?oumgh; Dave Wu Szbject: This Is The Final TV Script USE CAUTION - EXTERNAL Do not click on links or open a?achnems that are not expected. Fur qmm'ans or comm please email the APS Defense Cumin-Mat ACDO?lapacmm or WIMAPSW BD-ACCDO41O FINAL A: run ELECTRICITY TV so - Boyd Dunn, Bah Burns at Andy Tobin: Arizona's Power Grid Must Be Elli: hie TENT: Boyd Dunn, sub Burns a. Andyroliln; Represent Arlzona Taxpayers Hm Outer-Stat: Interests VIDEO AUDIO mm muogucsm Arizona Hind! Arizona needs clean, a?ordabla than Afbrdahln mm m; 1mm why Boyd Dunn, Bob sun-nuns And-r Boyd Dunn Tobin arerunnimbr?orparatiun Gomndsahn. Arizona Corporation Commission Athena?s Swahili: Solar Tum Ma's Smnimhle Solar Imam. The? work to keep tost: bill and Boyd Dunn, Bob Burns a. tardy Tobin: mart than. small-ole energy. Keep Electricity Casts Law Clan, Sustainable Dunn. Burns, and Tobi-I how that Arizona?s power grit must he reliable. And thI mrasmt Whom taxpayers. not out?of-stale spacial interests. Boyd Dunn Bob Burns AndyTOhin Arizona's Smulmbin Solar Team for Corporation Commission PAID FOR BY AZ MOTION FOR REIJABLE SPCIISORIED BY FIHNAGE WEST CAPITAL CORPORATION. WITH MAJOR FUNDING FROM WEST CAPITAI. CORPORATION. NOT AUTHORIZED BY ANY CANDIDATE OR CANDIDATES CAMPAIGN WMFHEE. Boyd Dunn, Bot: Eur-us, And-f Tobin - ?naimhh Solar Tiam. 1 AZ Coalitioofor Reliable Electricity Tap-llne - The Arizona Coalition for Reliable Electricity formed to sum-port candidates who share our belief in the critical importance of reliable, secure and affordable energy for Arizona oonsumers. - A mix of reliable. affordable energy sources - including solar - is essential to support a gowhg state and the new jobs our aoonomv requires. - Our Coalition?s font-ration is an unfortunate but neoassarv response to the actions of extremist, solar-only groups. - These fn'nge entities are attempting a multimillion-dollar hostile takeover of the Arizona Corporation Commission - Their mission is clear: to rewrite the rules for the sole bene?t of OLrt-of-state solar oorporations- larding incentives on top of taxpayer giveaways" .and all of it at the expense of Arizona families and ratepayers. - As the Arizona Coalition for Reliable Electricity. we will work to make sure voters understand all that is at stake in this election. 05A 0. Why is APSIPinnacle West getting 'nvolved in the 2016 races now? A. Out?of?state special interests are Spending millions to in?uence voters in these raoes for Corporation Commission. Before Arizona voters cast a ballot, we want to make sure they have the facts and understand how these deoisions may impact their energy costs. (1. Pinnacle West has already given to the Coalition, the ?rst or met may be multiple contributions. Do they view this as .e good investment in light of the pending rate case? A. Why is SolarCity spending millions in this campaign? Their Iarge~scale layoffs and ptummeting stock point to a company desperate to install members on the Commission who will prop-up their failing business model. The Arizona Coalition for Reliable Electrioity exists to make sure voters are aware of this reality. 0. is APSlPinnaoie West trying to ?buy a regulatory body most likely to approve its rate case over the next year? 30'? East; Rosa] Palm Road Phoenix. Anmna [602} 455- for by AZ Coalition for Reliable Electricity, sponsored by Pinnacle West Capital Corporation. with major funding from Pinnacle West Capital Corporation. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's campaign oommittee. BD-ACCOU412 Pinnacle West is engaged tr constitutionally-protected free speech, no different than Solar City and other entities with business before the Arizona Corporation Commission. Affordable energy advocates cannot unilaterally disarm in the face of special interests that are spanning millions of dollars on these races. Didn't APSIPimacia West pledge to stay out of Corporation Commission races in '16? Pimacle West would never forfeit its constitutional rights to participate in the election process, but did not'lntend to engage in the 2016 Corporation Commission races. However, it became clear we could not sit on the sidelines in the face at a multimillion- dollar spending blitz by special interests that world have the Commission carve out giveaways for solar at the expense of Arizma families. Why is your Coalition advocating for the three Republicans (including Bob Bums) and against the Democrats? Energy is not a partisan issue. But, unfortunately, the two Democratic candidates have . made It clear with their own mislead'ng statements and extreme campaign rhetoric that l' they could not be impartial as members of the Corporation Commission. We may not agree with Bob Burns. Andy Tobin and Boyd Dunn every time on every issue, but we know they would at least provide a fair hearing of the issues. How much does APSIPimacla West intend to spend between now and Election Day, and on what forms of advertising? The Coalition will spend what we believe is necessay to inform voters in these races. Obviously. broadcast spots will be central to this effort but we are not disclosing further details about campaign strategy at this time. Why is APSl'Pimacle West disclosing its campaign spending in 2016, whereas the utility has never acknowledged its spend'rlg during the 2014 cycle? Pinnacle West is being fully transparent in its constitutionally?protected campaign activities. The Arizona Coalition for Reliable Energy is a new entity. and I cannot speak to what did or did not during the 2014 cycle. BD-ACCOD413 Message From: Hat?eld, John [lohml-lat?eld?iapscorn] Sent: 9f3??l? 1:5 hum To: Guldner, half 5 [JefLE-uldnereapscom]; Lockwood, Barbara Pad1eoo,lesslca CE: Pittman, Had Langbaum. Kevin [KevlmLargbaquamcom]; McDonald lr, James lJa meMCdonald?msoom} ?bet: Campign video by Clubln Bill Mandel! Attachments: chabin mundell ad and remorsedoc; chabin mundell ad transnibetldoc; Chabin and Mundell have posted a campaign video. You can see ii: here: rFi Attached below is a Irmsm?pt for convenience. as we! as a fact check we have drafted to post on azenem?sture.gm and promote on sodal. We don't want to engage them in a debate but we shouldn't let bed facts go monected. Please take a look and mment ASAP. I'dlike Don to see this but I?d like to have vourthoughts ?rst. I'm keeping the review list small in the interest of speed. Thanks! John Sent from my iPhone Begln fmuarded message: From:"Langbaum, Kevin" To: 'Hat?eld, John 5' dohnHa?c?ei .comh, :Don ald Jr. James ?Pittman, Hal" 'ttrnan a .mmo Subject: chabln mundell ad and responseda: Here is John?s text with the excerpis. I made a few minor changes to the text and added links to AZEF for a number of supporting materials. Also attached Is. the full transcription. just in case. BD-ACCOU414 SLOAN PUBLIC INVOICE Alanna Coalitian [Dr ?ea-liable Blatant?? 39? E. Royal Plim ?nd PHOENIX MEDNA 35920 Irwin DIM Oct 24, 21315 Invoice Hunter Dcsu?ip?on Imunt USD Ariana Caa?ti-un fur Mable Erectridty 103mm .. .-.. -. ?slung??n "1"ng LIED Due Date: Ott 31, 2016 Thank vuu for $ch partnerthup with SLDAH Public Affairs! Please term: payment to: SLDAN LVONS Public Affairs 104-50 Mirth 74th Sheet. Scottsdale. Arimna 85258 5 Message From: Sent: To: Suhiect: Pacheco, lesica 5:34:15 PM Guldner, Jeff [in??uldner?apscom] Hie: Oct. 15 Proposed Disdoeure Statement and Approach i?rn okay wi?'i highighted section. Calif you in 5 On Oct 12. 2015. at 10:12 AM. Guidner, Jeff de??g?g??aogmrm wrote: Call me ondiis when you have a chance. Were you okay with the highlighted section? - .. . From: Put-ran, Hal Sort: Wednesday. October 12, 2016 9:23 AM To: Gu?ner, Jeff B;H1feid, John Cc: McDonaid Jr, James Subject: Oct. 15 Proposed Disclose-e Statement and Approach Jeff and John Foiiowing below is our proposed statement and in response to media queries about the political spending disdoaee that we anticipate this weekend- Because of the media attention this mayI receive. it is Our suuestion that we have off-the-record conversations with the main political reporters on Thursday/Friday of this week, giving them a heads up [Lulge DeiPuerto at the Capitol Times, Yvorme Wingett Sanchez/Ryan ?anciano at the Arizona Republic, Howie Fischer at Capitol Media Services and Bob Christie at the Associated Press). This shows trarISparenq' on our behalf but may also help us shape the characterization of our donation before other political actors weigh-in to try to shade the story to their bene?t. A proactive approach mighttake the edge off the story, which will 5&er play on Monday or Tuesday. Standing by, Thanl-is. Hal ?nerai Plrnacle West shareholders contributed to Arizona Grassroots Action PAC, the political action comittee stupor-ting Senator John McCain and other Republican candidate; The fundswill be usedto swoon: ?Got Out?l?he Vote" efforts for Republican; no customer money was and lei-the curltribl?on. We lave uponrtetl?n from either party who are pro-hmness and pro-energy. meat endowments! monopole-ts wotthomunthe thin-Ito The Pinnacle West emiwu MI: condition to support Democrats as melt as Republicans. For additional information. the policy that sou-ems our political activity is posted on new. ifaslzed: 6 Are you going to donate more? If we do so, it will be disclosed in the next ?nance report. Will ACC candidates receive any of this fundhg? Bob Bums? mono Grassroots Action PAC is summing GUN Effurls for Senator McCain and other Republicnm. It would make 5mm ifthe three Republican candidate are part of this group. Are you donating to any other en?ties? II we do, will follow all laws regarding mom ?nance and d?nclosurn. Tho pollqr that governs our poll'tlcal activity is pound on Massage From: Pad-lam, Mica Sent.- 9:41:28 PM Ya: Doug Ghodyear [dgnadyear?ddgmupcom] Sum: Re: Draft media budget Wow! On Oct 21, mm, at 2:46 PM, wmtc: 2? >33 the way, Max:670,? lunch?: in AZ'witl'lsateilitc. It'sablg Mm. 3.. 3' On 10!: U16, 1:44 PM. wrote: 21- Thanks for ma clari?calions. :5 On Oct 1016. at 2:43 PM, Doug Goodymr mom: :n is Wham itdnes COV?rpaanLl'Eslnl?aI?we choose not :0th ithm it?s so insEEciunL h?siucludrd 5'0an andmlanovcmigll. :3 Address?ilcwe?ileisnmdigiul, a chain: be missing them never see our ads, I'm ?lings cowl for how my Tmmcinlds dis is. I: is pretty naming it alfows you to ddiwrmi?c ad: into speci?c mus. Under norm] Wms?i: cost for W16 mum is com mush: compared In Ixmadcast. However. this late in the cycle and with TV stations mising Ibeirmes. at this ?me it?s actualhi 155 emmivc on a pcr??am hair. so m?ve added it. . Phones will take Ringer. We'm craniu'ng oul all types of scanarius. discuss this with you when I you in 45 mins, ill-2' >3 22-} 011 {0121116, 2:33 PM. ?mm: 2-) >b Continuing Albuquerque catgmy was included by mimic (il. totals mm). This appears In be 11 m?bustbu}: for and radio. 15 the: last calagoty Slatnaide Addressable Saicilitn Imam digital? Loo?ngfomud to seeing whiplme look like loo. . . hen-=- On Oct II. 2016.11 Dung Goodyear 3 3-3-3- USE - EENDERidgnodyea?dcigm-mcum) 33-} 3? Do not click onlinh or thalm not expecwd, For questions or comma, {than mil the APS Cybu Delano: Cum: Lean: at or comm I11: APE Helpdiask. rap-:- >39 Sony to In sending you stu?'picw?m?. Juli giving you a some of wilt": we're hadnd av.? 30>} BD-ACCOOMB 3-w- <32: Media budgct for ACRExlsv -- NOTICE This mg: is?arth: and may mmncon?dnn?nl, or propridary intonation [fyou tun-e remixed it in mm. phase mti?.? the sender imnudialcir and de?le Ii]: n?gim] and any copy or minimal. Urinal-12d redpiem an: prohibimd any can: use afthis n-Imil. w: have 12km precm?uns in cm no virus-.5 1r: pawn in this c-uil, m: mp; no liability funny loss or damage arising from the use :3me e-mail or mm. or for any delay or man; or omiss'uns in Lt: contents which resu? from c-mail Hummisaion BD-ACCUO419 Message Fm: To: ICE: Suileal: Larry, Overall Pacheco, Jessica [JessicePadleconlnnadewestcoml magnets 12:14:59 AM Larry McCarthy! Doug Goodyear [dgoodmru?ldcigrouocom]; Mlle: Martin Elleen Pruih {Eileen?lmhmedladotomk Dave Whalen [whalen?lmhmedladocuml Re: Advanced TU Rough Cut i think it does exactly what we need it to do. Two quick questions, I 1would like your expert opinion: When the ad begins clean affordable energy has a fuzzy urban background that looks brownish {not very clea does changing the focus or the image make a material difference? Between seconds 20 and 23 the are a look of mirrored looking solar panels. Is that too much? 0an 22, 2016, at 4:42 PM, Larry McCarthy wrote: use marrow - mantel. seuoenumseactoeememdiamml Do not on Ilnks or upon attachments that one not Hooded. For questions or concerns, please email the APS Defense Center team at or contact the APS Helpdesk. For review Sustainable cuti3.m0v.awsec> BD-ACCOD420 essaga From: Dong Goodyear Sun: 19! 1322015 3:49:34 PM To: Pacheco, Jessica Subject: FW: ACRE Corporate IJve Advo?l'upllm Auadimnut 0427 ACRE Emacs Cumissinn Live Adm Tooling-ml: USE CAUTION - EXTERNAL mm) Do not click on links or opcn than: not expected. For questions please email the APS Cyber Cantu-um at gym:- or mutant the APS Hart?s a quickiempm. on yesterday?s calla From: Juscph Kubnlek Darn: Slmday, Dciol?u?. 2016 at 8:33 AM To. Dong ?Sara Mueller mumpu?cmmra Cc; Jack Padovnm Smnn?la 'I?im?d: Katherine Calm-bell Subject: ACRE Cut-puma Emission Live Adm Topljne Doug and Sam. Please ?nd the Iopline fur yesterday?s ACRE calls attachut. We beam dialing at new local yesterday and seam-ed a 10ml of 42.268 Ema] Jive cans. Thu cvci?a? mama: nu: remained uonsi?cnt and pmdictahi: throughout dialing window, so we are optimism that 11?: Will innate d1: mmaumng data with main} '5 calls this is ubvinusl}; subjwl 10 hou- muny folks pic); up 1h: pllunc. While we aucudutaliy hum] some [Callback ?um individuals suymg that they had already hut-mi, and mated for all Lhm: candidates, m3 Lum'. 513mm soft percmnugca. We will continue Lu keep our can: open Fur 11m.- Form dating mdny's c9313. Please 1:1 us know if you have any questions; Thank you. 10mph Kubulck Prujwt Manager C: 430-652- 0: 613?687: BD-ACCOD421 Message From: Sent: To: to- Sweet: Pacheco. lese'ca [Jessioa?acheoogpm nadewest .corn} lDfl?'Z?l? 311215? Pan Hat?eld, John [Mohat?elanpsoom] Guldner, Je?a Lockwood, Barbara [Barbara.Locicwood@aps.com1 Re: Mondallf?sabln press event I think the suggested questions are greatt On Oct 2016, at 7:24 AM, Hatfield. John doth-latfield? ago-mom:- mote: Jeff, See below. Let me know if you?d like us to suggest a few questions to reporters for today?s Mundell 8t Chabin press event. (And, if yes, let us know ASAP if you have additionai suggestions for Questionei John .m-uu rm. Iwnn-vv-II mun. J-u - From: Stewart, Anna- Sui: Sunday. Odober 16, 2016 10:15 PM To: Hat?etl, John 5 Ce: Pittman, Hal; McDonald Jr, James Lanobaum, Kevin Subject: RE: millellj?iabh press event Hi John, Kevin, Brent and I came up with the foliowing questions. I think we can give a few to either Howie or Rachel [or if you 're worried about APS trying to "in?uence the commission". doesn't SoiarCity's support for you raise the same issue? Can you point out any decision since 2014 that shows APS is exercising in?uence over the You're running on an anti-APB platform, how is it possible for you to be impartial if elected? Have you spoken to of?cials to educate yourself on the issues facing the company? Since you've prepdged the rate case, can we assume you've read all the testimony and msweis to data requests, and feel that foilow up testimony and hearings aren?t nemssary? You talk a lot about APS using ?ratepayer money to buy elections." APS has said that's not the case. Are you purposely misleading voters or do you know something that no one else knews? Can you tell us about the new headquarters that APS- is building? From: Hat?eld, John 5 Salt: Someday, October 15, 21316 8:55:98 AM To: Stewart, Anna Sullivan: Re: press event Anna, BD-ACCOMEZ What do you think about gathering and suggesting a few questions for Howie and others to ask Mondell and Chabin, like about their Solar City support. nth?,r they 1?would expect our support while they are attacking us, etc. Even if they don't use than, it might get them thinking. John Sent from my iPl'lone On Oct 15, 2016. at 8:39 AM, Stewart. Anna wrote: Here Is a Ittle more Ird'o-matlon per Wienme email he refers to is Don's bhg. Mundell and Chabin have scheduled a press conference for Monday to blast Brand for trying in in?uence the election by sending out ihe email to AFS employees. From: Stewat, Anna Sent: Friday, Quote? 14. 2026 4:52:53 PM To: Langbaum. Kevin; Pittrran, Hal; McDonald Jr,JameB Hat?eld. John 5; Eu nneli, Alan Subject: RE: Hundeilu'Chabm was evant Taking place Monday at 11 am. From: Langhaum, Kevin Sent FridEW. 0:101:13 I4, 2015 4:43:12 PM To: Pittman, Hal; McDmald Jr, Janus Hat?eld, John Stewart. Anna; Eunneil, Alan Subject: Hundellehabln press event Ryan semen-it??r oueeted this. Anna is trying to find out more (such as timing of eventl @MRSuccess isthe handle forth: Heaters Association. Ryan Rendezze .?EMiilt?epo?er Denoorats @MundellniCorpCom @CnabiMConJCom call press evenl to diemes @apeF?fi dark 5. I expect eowsatione of ties to @?ARSuccess BD-ACCOO423 Message From: LOW. Barbara CI [Barbaraiockwoodoapscom] . 5311:: 10317311116 4:16:00 PM To: Hatfield, John 5 Guldner, Jeff [Je??uldner?apscomk Pacheco, lessioa Ill abject: RE: press event The questions are great Idon?t have any to add Seat with Good From: Hatfield, John 5 Sent: Monday, Octoba' 17, 2016 ?:24:05 AM To: Guldner. Jeff Pacheoa. Eta H: Barbara Subject: Fw: MundelUChabin press event Jeff. 56: below. Let me lmow if you?d like us to suggest a few questions to for today?s Mendeli E: Chahin press event. (And. if yes, let us know ASAP if you have additional suggestions for questions] John a v-H-w?u-u-nn mu- ..-. .- .. . .- -- -- .-- . signs no? Sent: Sunday. October 16, 2016 10:15 PM To: Hat?eld, John 5 CC: Fi?man, Hal; McDonald Jr, James E: Langbaurn. Kevin Subject: RE: Mendelucnabh pras event Hi lohn, Kevin. Brent and I came up with the following questions. lihink we can give a few to either Howie or Rachel {or It you?re worried about APS trying to ?influence the commission". doesn't Solartity's support for you raise the same issue? Can you point out any decision since 2014 that shows APE. is exercising in?uence over the You're running on an anti-APE platform. how is it possible for you to be impartial if elected? Have you spoken to APB officials to educate yourself on the issues facing the company? Since you?ve prejudged the rate case, an we assume you've read all the t?t?imony and answers to data requests, and feel that follow up testirn any and hearings aren't necessary? You talk a lot about APS using "ratepayer money to buy elections." APS has said that?s not the case. Are youmrposely misleading voters or do you know something that no one else knows? Can you tell us about the new headquarters that APE is building? BD-ACCDO424 .- run-nun- Prom: Hat?eld, John 5 Sent: Saturday, 0chcber15,2016 To: Stewart, Anna Suhject: Re: HundelVChacin press event Anna, What do 'you about gathering and suggesting a few questions for Howie and others to ask Mundell and Chopin, like about their Solar City scoped, why they would expect our sopport while they are attacking us. etc. Even if they don?t use them. It might get them thinking. John Sent from my Phone On Oct 15, 2016, at 3:39 AM, Stewart, Anna wrote: Here is a little more infon'nalion per email he refers to is Don's blag. Mundell and Chabin have scheduled a press conference for Monday to blast Brandt for Irving to in?uence the electbn by sending out the email to APS employees. From: Stewart, Anna Sent: Friday, Odour 14, 2016 4: 52: 53 PM i ,3 To: Langbaum Kevin; Pittman, Hal; McDonald Jr, James Hat?eld. lid-m Bunnell, Alan Subjed: RE: MundeWChahh preas event Taking place Monday at I am. From: Langbaun, Kevin Sent: Friday, Octcber 14, 2016 4:43:12 PM To: Fthnan, Hal; McDonald Jr, James E: Hat?w, John Stewart. Inna; Bunnell, Alan Subject: HundelliChabin press event Ryan tweetetl this. Anna is trying to ?nd out more (such as timing of event). @AARSuccess is the handle for the Realtors Asmdation. Ryan Readout: 12m! 2 mi?i??s eon Democrats @MundelMCorpCom a @Chabindl?orp?om call press event to discuss @apsFYi dark I expect accusations of lies to @AARSucoess 5 BD-ACCOD425 Message From: Matthew Bet-eon [mbensoruilveridusxoml Sent: mamas 10:45:15 PM To: Ashleyf Regan Ct: dgoodyearedcigroupeom; Padteco, Jessica Sharon Hossler [mo?lergwerlmmom] Subject: Veri?es invoice - AZ Coalitbn for Reliable Electricity- Mind-11min; USE CAUTIDH - EXTERNAL Do not did: on links or open attachments that are not expected. For questions or concerns, please email the APS Cyber Defense Center team at or contact the APS Helpoesk. Ashley. Please see attached. Let me know if you leave any questions. Thanks535%? ?mum Die $25190300? Dear Ashley: Attached is your meant invoice. Please remit payment at your earliest convenience. - - If you have any questions. please don't hesitate to contact me via email or by phone at 602 .229. . . We appreciate the opportunity to do business with you. \i-Ln. Regards, Sharon Hassler Of?ce Manager Various. LLC 111 W. nonmeSt. Suite 1111 Phoenix, AZ 35003 i 602229. - Hum-e - .. .. BD-ACCDO426 Ven'dus LLC nvonce i W. Mme St. Suite I I ll Phoenix, AZ 35003 [mm Data: Meat 2016373 Ell To: AZ- th?un for Reliable "Eleclricity Ashley Runs: 30': E. Raw Film Road mm, AZ 3502!] PD. umber: Terms Giant Mm: No: Dug on makpl Discriplion Amuuni 25,000.00 We appraise 3:qu human! Picnic run-nit pawn-lam to Tho above addxm Tatal 521000.00 mm Balance Dun Sg?mm Hessage From; Sara Mueller Esara?sme?trategie slfuoml Salt: 10:25pm 65?:30 To: Matthew Benson [mbensonQveridue-xom] CE: Doug Goodyear Pacheco, Jesslca [JessicaPadmcu?pinnadewesLm] Subject: ACRE ad USE CAUTION - EXTERNAL Do net dick. on links er open attachments that are net expected. For questions or cancerns, please email the APS Cyber Defense Center team at {Jr contact the APS Helpdesk. YouI'ube link (unlisted) and raw ?le for domload link belnw nAScarlc Sara Mueilet 430 .225 . From: Ashley M. Hagan [ashleymragan?mmnet] Sent: 4:47:03 PM To: Doug Goodyear CC: Pacheco, Jessica [Jessmead'Ieconinnacleuechan] Subject: DRAFT 505 report Attachments: Scan?ll?pdf USE CAUTION - EXTERNAL Do not click on links or open attachments that are not expucicd. For questions please email the APS Cybe: Dd?ensa Center tam a mm or contact the APS Heipdeak. JP and Dung- 'L'h15 rcport is NOT due until 1 IN. We may ?le anytimu now (Friday) and am Friday. This is a rough draft, 1 just wanted you see: wind it mm'ld look like. Luacd. get on the phone: wi?rh the electunic ?ling of?the other candidancs. The mm only allows you to add one candidate 1 just pul 31.er in as a placeholder. (3min: minds can denial: timing on ?ling thns. Once: it is med it we; 'uve immuiiarcly on the Secretary of Stan's website. . Ashley BD-ACC00430 .5 - 333.? . Human?? :15 an! inn! 2:3 an: can: altIt; Minn?Ju- In I?qu-n It'd-lbw In?u? Dal-mu Elm-sigma? mumm? . mm: mau- manual I ?my: - mum-m BD-ACCOO431 BD-ACCOO432 ?mull ?irt-r i- n?ll-?ing Intuit-It ?Hit-d SHE WIWHW huh-Fm Minimum 1: minim . 91603301 memmlu?mm-humuadaalt Ill'i Mrnmald Read, 17:27:43 Thursday. (kl 13 2016 Do you have tirne for quick call with Anna and me? This! iirn McDonald Read. 20:58:11 0d 13 21316 Please call re Randazzo. Important. That! +1602305 Gu toner Sent 21:18:24 Thu rid-5'. On 13 21116 In the air - wll1 call in about an hour +1602321 lim McDonald Read, 21:20:08 Del: 13 2016 The I will forward an email to you from Ryan. which is l.vil'iat I am Calling about. (He also asked forthe line extension policy -- schedule 3 in reaponseto the realtor participation in the ACE election. He asked about Don?s letter to empioyees on how he will bite and asked fora copy. 4502321 hm McDmald Read. 21:23:53 Thursday, Bot 13 EDIE Jessica is good with giving it to him. We think it is your call. Ifwe wish, I'Iewill keep con?dential where he got the Zetter. 1- 602309 Guldner Sent. 21:32:25 Thursdw. 13 2016 He already has it right? +1??'2321 Jil moral-d Road, HEM Thundly. Col 13 2016 He indicated he does not. but he knows exactly what is in it at a minimum He might have itjudging bythe details he provided. Jeff Guldner Sat, 3:34:24 Hun-"day. Oct 13 2015 Can you email me the text of Brandt's letter Hanan in moaned Read. 21:34:42 Thurs-by. Oct 13 20111 I will have someone get it to you right aways ?312321 [in Mc?-oridd Reed. 2134:? ?iursday, Oct 13 2016 Away. BD-ACCOU433 +1m2321 Jim McDonald Rand. 21:35:25 Tl'ursdiy: 0:113 1015 Bil: Marks is emailing it prontot ?1632321 iim McDonald Read. 211213 Tl'ml'sday. Oct 13 2016 Just sent an email with Don?s input into the statement. He called Jessica after he coutd not reach you or John. +1502321 Jim McDuuld Read. 22:32:03Tm, Oct 13 2015 Any word on pmviding Dorl's election latter to Ryan? Thx! +1602309 le? Gulchm Sent, 22:34:36 Tl'ursday, 0:113 3016 Go ahead and give him a copy but do it as an anonymous source 41602321 um momma rtmd, 22-3445: Thursday. Oct 13 2016 Thy! BD-ACCOD434 Huh?d l7? 1 Pr- nan-turn Ina?! him mammal-mm?; I WW I ?lm lull- l??p?l 13:33 (In Inna-m ma-uh- vacuuming-Mb th?mm.m: I ?may! Iona-mul- 1mm mm- In m? mu m?mu ma BD-ACCDO435 m_n-r_uuman'- unann- D-I Ilklu Vina-u lam um: - In NI wum- Clam Isl-dull mum-Ia mill-an In 1.0mm! um c-zm: - ?ll-ml" ?In? BD-ACCOD436 BD-ACC00437 Eglihg?u?lglii . ?Danni?3 . wt: Wants. a I 5 niacin?It ll: ii FEE i nuns.? as 1: Bi 31.1 n-D?w?uI?u: . nai- i g?agi?lg 1-2-18. l-En. nail-Iii M5535: From: P51116120, Jessica . 52m: 10/251205 4:114:19 PM Ta: Doug Goodyear ?tment: He: Attached is a PDF of media huw Ttmr?ns. We will drown them out9:01 AM Dang Goodyear wratc >Notsurehow widulyyoum??s circulated,su I?mjustsammg you 5111': AZ Sula: placad l?a?Z?-ll??l bPhamis TV $2?2,508 Abom 550 pains Tm TV $227.536?Ahoul points 2? Not cable or radio 2- 3* On 16. 9:06 AM. wrote: Thanks. (1:de in admin don'twathV). Possible for sown: 11:) get a copy of 1'1 or ifsamanne I our team sea: it to recount it In us 21 0n 0:125, 2016, at 7:04 AM, Doug Goodycal main: >5 Checking 0n 2U16.al 8:5? mote: 3'7'3? [5 this in addition {13 Lb: buy ms saw Jan: 1351 week? 011 Gal 1?5. 1.6. at 5:53 AM. Dong Goodymr wrote- _h USE CAUTION - EXTERNAL SEWE?zfdgoodycar?fj?cigmupsom) Do not click cm links mm are mt expected. 3-1? Fur qua?ons or contains. plus: email the APS Cyber Defense (Jamar mm at ACDO?QLupacmm am SUCUIIP >999 a: com the APS FYI 33-? Begin Imvmdad massage: by}: 31-3? From: Bath Bull in? Dabs: 0mm 15 2916 817:0437 AMCDT To 'Dwg Gmdziw (daoocbw?ddm ?'me Earthy" ?Ashley Regan (amgan?lm?lspecuumgamm -- .: . -: - i?m mm: . J. . AZ Ebctrirm Comm: BD-ACCOO438 Say: AZ Solar is placing TV 10126-1061 . 33-? So far dram $125,525 inPhoeuix and ?188,350 inTucsun Will repnrt mm ?mm u: have all 3s?: he?: Beth Bull baa->3 WM: HOUSE 33> b? This massagc is for the designated mcipiant only and may contain con?dential. pnvnepd or proprietary infunmm?nn. Ryan have mind ttincuur, plum: notify Inn sunk: jmmdiaiciy an! dalcle 1h: Miginal aMm?cupy orpcimmr. militants in": ptohilitcd ?Dm making any other In of this e-mail. Althoughm he?: mtg-n mandala We. [a ensure no nimsate present. in this e-rmil. w: mm no lidnility for any loss or thing: arising use nl'this email or 311mm, 0: for any delay at :rrots a: mnissims in lb: cranium: which unit in :11 email Bammission. 4A2 Brut-gs; Issue Commit: 1011163115 5 2,956,910 Save AZ Solar 1,086,682 To update the ch art, enter data into this table. The data is BD-ACCUO44O .. automatically saved in the chart. BD-ACCUO441 - -. 7HCoalition for Re?alile Electrictty - I Save AZ Solar To update the chart, enter data into this table. The dat If.? a is automaticailv saved in the chart. BD-ACCOO443 Phoenix Tucson Yuma BD-ACCOD444 .1. 1 23 2,411 1,230 To update the chart, enter data Into this table. The data is automatically saved in the chart. BD-ACCOD445 BD-ACCOO446 image From: Pacheto, Jese'ta GROUP Sent: wild??l? 1:53:00 PM To: ?Matthew Benson' [mbenoonavendueoom]; Dom Goodtea Sukkot: RE: media update- Thanks. Appreciate the update. Please send stories as they met. From: Matthew Benson Sent: Monday, October 24, 2015 12:53 PM To: Dom Goodyear (dgoodyearotdcigrouptom); PadtecoJessice Subject: media update USE CAUTION - EXTERNAL SENDER?mbg?mn-?g?m) Do not click on links or open attachments that are not expected. For questions or concerns. please email the APS Cyner Defense Center team at or contact the APS Helpdesk. JessicafDoug: have spoken with: Ryan Randazzo Republic]; Laurie Roberts Republic}; Brahrn Resnik In?ows); Rachel Lelngang (Capitol Tunes}; Howie Fischer (freelancel; Will Stone {Kill}; Dennis Welch and Bob Christie Response has been tavoraole. Laurie was actually complimentary about the open and transparent disciosure. She is writing something today. I am Emphasizing this Coalition and Pinnacle West's contribution are in response :o the multimillion-dollar campaign led by SolarCity and out-ofastate special interests. Media questions have been pretty basic Wl'w ls Pinnacle West doing this? Why now? What's the plan for reaching voters? Etc Nobody has raised the assertion that these are ratepayer funds (surprisingly). Howie Suggested. rnacle West want a more favorable Commission for the rate case {not surprisingly}. More than anything eise, Ithinlr. the local maria generally is on used to doing the ?APSfdark money" angle that they? re a caught ofl' guard by being informed before the money even hits the account Hopefully this colors the reporting in a positive fashion. Please let me know if you have questions. Matthew Benson Director Verid?us, LLC Phoer?x - 602-229- 602670- mhonso?m?dgegm @MatthowWBonson Sign-Up for Vertdm's Weekly Newsletter HERE. This unmi! Md 11119 mum-nan: :m?dulinl and mat- alsu ha uriv?cgad. 11 an aunt far [he sails n55 nrita human rmipiansm. Inn-n ml 'mmded mi piuuL play: immuimwiy nullify the mm and Mm this mud! 1113': m1: swam 1.19th mac-sing o: ash; i1 mun? mum-n h: eddilim. my mic?: mm in mm my mgudius ['enluml as: im ur nth-n not humid !a be used. aw! mm In: and. in amid Mm] m: [manta Message From: Mettlew Benson [mbensom?terldusoomj Sent: 10f24f2016 3:52:33 PM To: Doug Goodyear ideoodvsar?ldcigroupeom]; Pat new, Jessica Subject: media update USE CAUTION - Do not dick on little: or ope-1 attammentis that are not expected. For questions or concerns, please email the APS Cyber Defense Center team at or contact the APS Helodesk. Jessica;r Doug: I have spoken with: Ryan Randazzo Republic); Laurie Roberts (AZ Republic]; Brahrn Resnik ll?iilews]; Rachel Leineeng [Capitol Times}; Howie Escher (freelance); Will Stone Dennis Welch and Bob Christie Response has been favorable. Laurie was actually complimentary about the open and transparent disclosure. She is writing something today. 5 am emphasizing this Coalition and Pinnacle West's contribution are in response to the multimillion-dollar amoaign [ed by SolarC'rttr and out-of-state special Interests. Media questions have been pretty basic - Why is Pinnacle West doing this? Why now? What's the plan for reaching voters? Etc Nobody has raised the assertion that these are ratepayer funds [surprisingltii Howie suggested APSfPinnade West want a mare favorable Commission for the rate case (not surprisingly]. More than anvthung else, 1 think the local media generally is so used redoing the money" angle that they?re a little caught off guard my being informed before the money even hits the account. this colors the reporting in a fashion. Please let me know if ?you have questions. Matthew Benson Director Von-Edna. LLC - Phoenix 0 - 602?229- 502-570? mbeneongverlduaoom Sign-Up for Veri?us?s Weekly Newsletter 9%09?? TM mi] and In? uranium are all may also be [ranked I was sent for h: sole use oi as biennial It" you tr: not It kindled lempiu?. pica-I: lnluuliately omit} the lender and Girl-all: this and] ?'ul'l system stroking. illicit-sing or us'm; it in any manner. In addition. my alt-Eur.- swam in [his mail or any "rudiment regarding no: issues or minimum it one intended in be MM, and em he owl. Io avoid Fade-.1] lax penalise. BD-ACCOO449 Arizona General Election Brushfire . 5' @Hea?y . i" REEYQRE ?litEf?J?. VDTE NOVEMBER 4TH. 2014 3' L1: . Ex: September 15 18, 201i BD-ACCUO450 Summit Consulting Group is pleased to present the results of a SOON . live dial survey of likely general election voters in the state of Arizona. The - - interviews were conducted September 15-18, 2014. This survey has a margin of error of 4.8% at the 95 percent confidence interval. This survey was weighted based upon Likely general election voter demographics. GEH'it'fl'i-jl Election 2013 BD-ACCOU451 The militia-ii Environment is dismal. Right directiim? wrong ire-1:: ix; mntirmcs toshcm' broad polarization. BD-ACCDD452 Raft are not :15 engaged and will pose a problem rm (-icctinn day for ?camera? Um a :iCifll'J 5mm 1 in W, 1 meaning and ill) meaning Jim-r likely are yup-lg: ypi-efm Uh; mac-mung 11: - .- l. mu Su?: DEM Base GDP Soft GOP H10 BD-ACCOO453 (jm?ernor Brewer is well kmm'n, hut is ?upside {hm-'11 in Pima County. Cam mam" Jan Brewer Mime ill-?image Havel-all Ina-134) Ifmahle Imumrabtn cgRaglan - El Name lD ll Raver-able Imfawlabfe 96% Final Rurai BD-ACCOO454 94% 589E . 44% 47% I I 23% Doug Ducey is well known. but is largely undefined and has significant issues south of the Gila. 131311;; {?lmy llfl-?lm?tge Overall - . lam-MD ll?l?'l'lhlc 'U?maml?: By Region 37.; . 2 I . - Ilea?j lFavorahle 35% 35915 a I 30% Rural El 2 5E. 81% 31% 309%. Pima Maritza-pa BD-ACCDD455 Sand r21 Kennedy is completely and is susceptible to an air campaign. Szj-u'tdr; Kennedy Nm?ne Mirna-g2 Overall IWTHEID By Region II Name ID I Faucrabie Unfaumahm 41% 39% 12% 14% 5% I Maurice-pa Pima BD-ACCOO456 While unkmm-n Kenn?dyscores well with Base Democrat V'Toter'Sl'l.bgroups. - . Gender - Ethnicity "rm-rm IUnfmahfo . EmeL-le luntucnble 1315355.; 253$. 1.41 I -: Air-J nz'rrnraa Amnian Indian Party Af?liation _l Favorable I enjoy; a wide gender gap amongst Base GOP x-x-mnem but) Falls; Short 11161] and gran-p5; Should be Lop targets fur dire?i maiL Men Woman I aw a warm ff; arms a BD-ACCUD45B Doug Little is widely unknown. Nam: iD?inmgc Overail lumen Iva-mart lLIF-?umm :19: By Region lNanmlL?} liJnfauorsa-bie Tum Forcsc- is widely unknown and is upside down in Pimn County. Tum Para-:5: \Junm IDIImagu Overall I Ilium: In Ius'flwri? By Region I Mime ED I Favorable I Unfavorable 33Maricopa Pima Hurai BD-ACCOO460 Ducey needs to improve with the base, and needs to keep even with Independents to win. Bajlut by Bart}: 34% 34% 7% mmpm} Softcopum) mo Soft 0:31am) Base nemzam DHCEV I . BD-ACCDO461 It's :1 dead heat, with candidates largcl}-' unknown and easily: defined? the first one to launch will win. Km?; I?It?d} i Nil-E? 011?ch 31mm: 1 {"Il T135: I Kennedy I Little I Forese a: Haioway Fa Um?ecided -- Kennedy Halowav Undecided BD-ACCOD462 We don?t have a silver bullet as [10110 of the. negative message lasts againstl'iennedy had much intensity. In 2010 when prey-My Serve-1'! on the Ca?pma?un Cmmissian, infamoi increasing water nit-Es by 35 percent. Duringxennedfs- t:rne tn the nrimna [rain-Mute. Ken nedy vote F'm Increase the fuel 11!. and to inrleae 1h: sah? 1.3x. owner: .1an ran a Denny's rnmauanl. During this time, she 243-: men. arm hirer. :Hw I'ism In rep-95ml Fm: When it :arnr mm: In my 5m: Ea?w {inn she h-rcrl, Kennedy ramsed to pay germ-1t of ah: [1251. The law ?rm then mm Rimmed? A5 a legislator re?ne dy voter! to inrrease her mum pansm. even th?ugh 19515 lawn only we: a: pantime. Kennedy, owners and spin-uteri a mtaurant, and was required to pay rent an 11mm?; Basis. Kmnedv defauimd or. her rem payment: and was sued for 531.000. After Kennedy was nali?eu that size needed to plan.I the rent she ?led to (1051: he 9% 1596 70% 311% 40% SUN: 60% 73% B1394 90% 100% l??n Much Lass meaty li'E Tutal La: Likely BD-ACCOO463 After a series of negative tests. the ballot per?urms more to 01.1 liking. 1-42 lr?lwmed B??lat Tam a?ennedy [Little IFDrese EHarioway aaUndecided Forese Haloway Undecide BD-ACCOO464 Mesage From: Sent: T6: cc: Suhiect: The Fathom, Jessica mill-(2016 8:39:33 PM Matthew Benson [mbenson?ueridusnom] ma?a update On Oct 24, 2016} at 1:35 PM, Matthew Bmson cnbenson?veridusnom> mote: Update: I?ve also spoken with Mark Checliak [Blounberg News); Ted Houston and Tim Steler (columnist Arizona Daily Star). Initial storieslcolumns below APS [1:th company launches SIM campaign to support C959 Comm Re?ublicans Arizona Capilol Thur-5 By". Rachel. loiugnng when, 2016 1222 pm The parent company of the state?s largest electric utility entered the Arizona Corporation Commission race, funding an outside group to support three Republican candidates for the regulatory body. The Arizona Coalition for Reliable Electricity, an independent expenditure committee ?led with the Secretary of State?s office on Oct will report receiving $1 million from Pinnacle West Capital Corp. the parent company of Arizona Public Service, the Eli?s spokesman. Matthew Benson, told the Arizona Capitol Times. Benson said the group will be spending money to help elect GOP candidates Bob Burns, Boyd Dunn and Andy Tobin. The move marks a departure from Corp Comm conventions. In the past, regulated entities didn?t spend on commission elections. In 2014, more than $3 million in anonymous spending poured into the commission race to support then-candidates, now-commissioners Doug Little and Tom Foreae. Many speculate the money came from APS or Pinnacle West, though the companies have not con?rmed or denied any involvement The Arizona Coalition for ReliehleElecnzicity is ?led with the Secretary of State as a standard IE committee. meaning it viill have to disclose the source of both income and expendituren The 2014 spending was done primarily by mo 501(c)(4) non?pro?ts. which are not required to disclose the sources of?reir ?mding. The Federal Bureau con?rmed in June that is investigating the ?nancing of ?certain Intewide races in the zen election cycle." Pinnacle West received two grand jury subpoenas related to the investigation, it said in an August ?ling. The 2014 spending has been a focal point of this year?s campaign, par?cularly for Burns and Democrats Bill Mundeli and Tom Chabin. Burns has been working for the past year and half to try to force APB and Pinnacle West todisclose any spending on the 2014 race. The utility sued Burns over subpoenas he tamed calling for disclosure. So far in the 2016 election, Save Our AZ Solar, an IE group backed by SolarCity, has spent more than $1 million to support Burns and Mundell through mailers and digital ads. SolarCity also about $2 million tobaclr a since-abandoned ballot memre that would have protected solar net metering. The Arizona Association of Realtors? independent committee is also spending on the ACC race to back Burns, Dunn and Tobin, and has so far spent about $200,000. In a statement, Pinnacle West said the spending by SolarCity has forced its hand, and the utility parent company?s involvement in the race is in response to the solar company's electioneen'ng. Pinnede West noted that SolarCitj,l has ?broken its written promise to stay out of elections" and is new spending money to ?protect its narrow interests." The move into election spending comes after APS and Pinnacle West CED Don Brandt sent out an onail to the company?s employees saying he would be voting for Burns, Dunn and Tobin. Brandt noted in his email that he knew his plan to vote for Burns was a smprise. ?were certainly had our disagreements. But these three candidates would be far better for Arizona, for electricityr customers, and intent ability' to provide safe, reliable and n??ordable service while running onr bosinem well and earning a fair return for our shareholders." Brandt WTDIE. Benson said the Arizona Coalition for Reliable Electricity is spending on the election as a direct .- reaction to solar interests? spending. He said Pinnacle Wear hadn?t intended lo get involved in the I Corp Comm race. ?If SolarCity going to spend millions of dollars to in?uence the Corporation Commission Pinnacle West has an obligation .. to nice sure its interests are protected as well," he said. Benson said the committee bell eves energy isn?t a partisan issue, and the state needs a mix of reliable, affordable allergy sourced including solar. The ?rst in?ux of ?inds will be from Pinnacle West, but the you]: would be happy to receive money ?'orn any other parties to help its e?mta, he said. In its statement, Pinnacle West said it doesn't think the two Democrats, Mundell and Chabin, could be impartial commissioners. ?All we have ever asked from ACC Commissioners is that they smdy the issues. consider the facts. weigh the long-term hnpacts on all stakeholders and decide fairly. Based on the steady ?ow of misleading anti-APS rhetoric from the candidates funded by ticlanity1 it?s di?icult to believe they could regulate APS orany utility inipa?ially," the statement says. APS planning $1 million ad campaign to tout Republicans for Commotion Commission The Arizona Republic Ryan Bandazzo 12:15 pm. MST October 24, 2016 BD-ACCOO466 putrid. company plans 51 rnlliion in support of Republicans