CORRECTED Rules H.B. 2523 Fifty-fourth Legislature First Regular Session COMMITTEE ON RULES SENATE AMENDMENTS TO H.B. 2523 (Reference to House engrossed bill) 1 Page 4, line 38, after "3." insert "Subject to the requirements of article IV, 2 part 1, section 1, Constitution of Arizona," 3 Page 5, after line 8, insert: 4 "Sec. 4. 5 Pursuant to article IV, part 1, section 1, Constitution of Arizona, Requirements for enactment; three-fourths vote 6 section 23-243, Arizona Revised Statutes, as added by this act, is 7 effective only on the affirmative vote of at least three-fourths of the 8 members of each house of the legislature." 9 Amend title to conform 2523RULES 04/08/2019 09:37 AM S: RH