S-hiirI-EYMontgomery I '- f'I-?_‘:j -- - 2/26/2019 H 4. 50 FELICIAPITg- ._. ‘-.-'.._::D.ISTRICT CLE D'C‘918‘4045'5: N63 ' ii TINSTAR TITLE -: f"; Support and _' "IN THE'ID'ISTRICTCOURT 0F INC. dba TinStar Litigation . Title -- .. . .. piamtlfij; I . . _ DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS ' .mmmwmwmmwm ' {,LINEBARGER GOGGAN BLAIR & SAMPSON LLP Respondents ' I I '44*“'J'UD'ICIALZDIST'RICT _ PLAINTIFF’S-FOURTH AMENDED ORIGINAL PETITION TO THE COURT: TINSTAR TITLE, files this its Original Petition INC. dba TinStar Litigation Support and Title (“TinStar”) and would show the Court the following: Discovery Control Plan - I. _ I 1. Plaintiff En this designates Level 2, TEX. R. CIV. P. (“TRCP”), Rule 190.4 for discovéry case and affirmatively pleads that expedited-actions process of Rule 169 this suit is not governed by the TRCP. Rule 47 H " ? :32 Pursuant to Rule 47, Texas Rules of CIVII Procedure (“TRCP”) Plaintiff alleges I lthat Plaintiff seéks monetary relief over $1 000 000. 00 and demands judgment 2' .i-i-iifor all the other relief to which the " Plaintiff itself entitled ' - Page1of26 - . PLAINTIFF’S FIRST deems _ AMENDED ORIGINAL PETITION - _ Parties I' ' ' Plaintiff 3-; TInStar a duly licensed corporation IS in the State of Texas ' " _ Defendant Lmebarger Goggan Blair& Sampson LLP 4 is a Law Firm in Texas _ I 3 'gI-iii'li-I-z'operatlng as a Domestic Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) with its original date Of-filmgséptember 28 2001 wgth a prInCIpal place 0f business being 2700 Via I I {Fortuna Drive. Swte 500 Austin Texas 78746 Linebarger has appeared and I answered and n'o semce is necessary at this time. Jurisdiction The Court has 5. subject matterjurisdiction over the lawsuit because the controversy exceeds this Court’s minimum amount conducts business in . jurisdictional requirements. The Court has personal jurisdiction over both Defendant as Linebarger 6. in regularly the State of Texas. 194mg Venue 7. is proper Dallas County, Texas, as this in is the county in Which all 0r a substantial part of the évents or omissions giving rise to the claim occurred pursuant to §15.002(a)(1), TRCP. " Conditions Precedent -- ' '-8"Pursuant to Rule 54 TRCP ' i'f'ihave an condatuons precedent have bee” performed 0‘ ' " occurred Vicarious Llabzlltv _ T .. _ 3 PLAINTIFF’S FIRST ___ Page20f26'_ __ AMENDED ORIGINAL PETITION l' Defendant Lmebarger engaged Ithe' any act 0r omissron the statement includes in acts or omissions by Defendant its pnncmals attorneys agents employees- ' " representatives and others with actual or apparent authority to act on behalf of i I and bind the Defendant I I I ' '1 .. Facts TInStar-Is-t-ateé 1O that it: hé-s hé‘d é long~term cofitinuing contractual arrangement Z Lmebarger With to perform title work on behalf independent contractor with regard to its Texas, the Dallas Independent School and other Dallas collection service representing itself to $10 delinquent tax accounts receivable for billion in Linebarger further publicly holds itself Linebarger Is an arrangements with Dallas County, District be a professional of Linebarger. its entities, publicly managing more than public—sector clientele.1 out as a representative of hundreds of local faxing jurisdictions in the collection of their delinquent property taxes?" I Linebarger claims t0 have 46 offices to Los Angeles and San Diego, in multiple states from California. One New York, New York of their offices Dallas, is in Texas. 11 . ._ TmStar has been the ii-E'E'work " entity since demanded by Lmebarger Out 2007 handling the massive volume of- its Dallas Office. Procedurally, of title when ' 3:-:.3""'Lmebarger would filé sait to cellect ?'detalled'abstract of the property t9 ‘n'd 1 to determine if- on unpaid taxes Linebarger had TinStar do a ensure that they there were lienholders had. the comet pmperty who neéded t0 be contacted See' http I/www igbs com/our-servuces/ zSe'e': http/Iwwwlgbs com/our-services/coEEections/taxes/ . _ Page 3 PLAINTIFF’S FIRST AMENDED ORIGINAL PETITION Of 26 prior to Linebarger Institutlng the foreclosure and potential sheriff’s sale of the I ' property subject to thé delinquent taxes. Pursuant to the V'arioUs emails texts and other documents between the parties 12 I I I the terms of the contract were clear. It was as simple as Linebarger would forward the details of a delinquent property owner and TinStar would prepare the ' I -. . I_ e search 0n the property and the property owner. When Linebarger would I Il'I'liiresolfie the matter eithér by settlement or judgment, then Linebarger obligated to ensure that TinStar was was paid $350.00 per property from th'e'cOurts or from the owner of the property. TinStar was paid only when Linebarger collected the unpaid taxes and costs. 13. Furthermore, accordance with the contract between Linebarger and TinStar, in TinStar abstracted the affidavits titles and submitted the abstracts were prepared by Linebarger. Linebarger, as The to Linebarger. part of the ongoing contractual arrangement between the parties, always prepared the costaffidavits and TinStar returned a notarized After Oct. 2015, affidavit to Linebarger. and at \- the direction and advice of Linebarger, electronic signatures were included by .. :___l_l--;_:_.._Lmebarger _ _n fact an employee ahd agent of Linebarger Kevin Franks began ' 5”- 5_.I‘-.'3'demandmg ':_"”'_'1':"-'-I'more '::' "iglmore due qurckly m volume of Work to the venfymg the affidavits that TinStar Because money, Kevm Franks adwsed Sandra 'lremotely’Inotanze Franks notified: and forward the affidawts Sandra Daus that it to and Sandra Daus move of Linebarger' s rush to was acceptable Lmebarger Lmebarger was gomg for Sandra In addition, to start make ' t0; Kevin notanzmg her - I Page4of26' .' . . _ PLAINTIFF’S FIRST AMENDED ORIGINAL PETITION I afildaVIts not in 3 her presence All Sandra had to do was confirm her $Ignature and Lmebarger would notarrze her Signatures and send copies back - to her for '- her “Sandra Daus questioned files this but Kevin Franks advised her thatwhat she was domg-vifa'sfiapproved by Lmebarger and 1 t0 keep doing it. Inebarger prowded advsce to TmStar that TinStar could legally execute the preSence notwln the ;-_.;..-aff:dawts of- a notary On nUmerous occasions, Linebarger I liliz'lil_aictiuélly ekecuted ' th‘é affadawts by electronically attaching Isugnature to the affidavits or manually stamping her name Sandra Daus’ to the verification then notarized the affidavits with Sandra Daus never having signed the nor being in employees involved the presence of a notary when scheme which TinStar and Sandra Daus employees were believed to be lega! and proper based on the representations of Kevin Franks at Linebarger. By example Sandra Daus’ signature was notarized by an employee oniy, Linebarger not in Sandra’s presence and -. 3.; p sentations and actions Lmebarger '- --- ,5 a; See record in Suit No. way of of. TX»15— of times by Linebarger and was represented to TInStar as being perfectly acceptable. Relying on these __ ' filed of was repeated hundreds 02217.5 This conduct affidavit the affidavits were notarized by of Linebarger. At least 10 different Linebarger in this and i'n TmStar followed Linebarger’ s advice and assisted the remote notartzatlon of these abstracts 1b:t.-2:-attached hereto Exhibit 3 attached hereto.- '__ " - . _ PLAINTIFF’S FIRST AMENDED ORIGINAL PETITION Page50f26' I l. I'iwzth 7'.'--'.'.-"__-':'":'TInStar from As Linebarger 'a' early as September 13 2011 Edward Lopez wrote and adVIsed Sandra DaUs that he Was having trouble shersz’s sale so h'e‘ ‘Would not allow the property t0 t0 getting her be SthCk money Off t0 the I ' and for TinStar and Sandra Daus to “hang In there and know that I m ' [Edward opez] protecting your Interests that-H-e- II was protecting TmStar S ”6-. NotWIthstandmg that Edward Lopez Interests he falsely represented In his II l'Id-eflpOISItion under oath that he had no knowlédge of TinStar This conduct was consistent with the efforts of Linebarger to divert and unsuspecting Lopez instructed partner, TinStar. to not as admit that he was aware of TinStar Linebarger faisifying its referred to as '- 17 The program 201., admitted that Title, nc., in at least Road 1 which is to to- particularly important in In fact, in Edward him that TinStar one email, TinStar The Initiated innocent lino.- Title, referred to as valued partners of Linebarger partner of Lmebarger Nail its be seen below, Lopez was forced a valued Title, Inc. was LP and Steven M. Stronq Lawsmt and Implemented by Linebarger continued from 2015 when Lmebarger sued a Deposatlon at Page 47 L097 will was propounded and Sandra Daus were repeatedly finally to caught, Lopez’s lawyer responses to discovery. Lopez’s deposition the question and Lopez when conduct answer the question? 16. ltdid not matter since ultimately, light of In fact, its illegal Limited Partnership called The Nail Road 1 to LP and Lmés 7 15 _ " ... Page60f26 ._ PLAINTIFF'SzFIRST AMENDED ORIGINAL PETITION ' firoperty owned by the Nail Road 1 LP and Steven M. Strong, a Texas attorney ' ' At some point the in litigation, Steven M. Streng Subpoenaed Sandra Daus ' for I Prior to her deposition, TinStar Title, Inc {her depOSItIon 5: '__;E'abstract servace of $3, 850 00 at the suggestion 0f waived its fee for the Edward Lopez and Linebarger Thereashould have been n0 reason for Steven Strong to take her deposition ' :‘'- Zlmtaally Edward Lopez Sandra Daus tOId that he had handled and he had it filed a " II Motion to Quash for Dallas County. Lopez subsequently waived the Motion to Quash and'subjected Sandra Daus to her deposition without any protection. While Sandra Daus thought her partner, Edward Lopez was protecting claims to have told her he was Comment to representing her, he directly violated the Ruies 0f Professional Conduct, Rule 4.03 when he to get legal counsel. Edward Lopez's role, lt is clear that - g.__;-5'_:__:_-:-mtsundeirstandmg course-ofI-‘ia __ "“-"'to In addition as the lawyer s representation 'of failed to fully tell Sandra Daus advised her that her make reasonable client not the Texas Disciplinary that was efforts to correct the Comment to Rule 4. 03 a was Sandra Daus misunderstood assuming arguendo, he had not representing her, and Lopez failed to ": he not representing her but that she had t0 attend the deposition. Despite the fact that he claims that he told her he she needed her, notes “During the the la‘Wyer should ”not give advice an unrepresented perSOn other than the advice to obtain counsel ” Lopez I I IIIIII"I"speCIfIcaIIy testified In his deposstlon lawyer.-. __a_'_n ttorney saon': " - I'Lopez deposmon at when asked so he answered feel I Violated Rule 4. 03 no- you never didfw did not say ‘you need to get because 'd'omg so reqwres me glvmg her Edward Lopez the answer is- legal adwce and the Comment to ”3 By Rule his 4. O3 own and Page 92 Lines 16—25 Page 7 PLAINTIFF’S FIRST AMENDED ORIGINAL PETITION of 26 II I ' I'Is'ubj'eictied ' Sandra Daus fiéver happened. In to ImproperquestiomngInadépOSifibh ad'dixtili'on, thez neverwrote Sé’hdra Daus that shoi'ul'd have prior to the I' I- 5 - dépOSEti'on‘and told her that he'wa's' rioti'rebréSenting her Edward Lopez also faded deposmon I' '7 7:": flied to glve Sandra Daus a copy in the deposition. 0f the Motion t0 9 Quash her by Lmebarger and he neVer disclosed to her that he had waived Iii’Iithe Motion to Quash which stayed hér de‘pOsition. Edward LOpez caused ?damages to Sandra Daus as a result of his violation of the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct. To make things worse, Sandra Daus was advised by Edward Lopez that she did not need to spend the attorney since he was there. Edward Lopez also spent hours money for telling Sandra how an I t0 testify in her deposition, furthering the belief Lopez was, in fact, by Sandra Daus that Edward an attorney representing her in the deposition. Edward Lopez’s actions as a partner of Linebarger, acting for an on behalf 0f the LLP, imputes liability on Edward Lopez as 18. On June all well 16, 2017, pafiners in Linebargerwith “supervision and control” over as the partnership generally. Sandra Daus, appeared for her deposition, as required by the subpoena and the instructions 0f Edward Lopez At the deposition Sandra I' '75-.5‘Daus repeatedly asked for ass:stance from EdWard LOpez and he refused to help II f her essentially abandoning her to the unfettered questions of the defense I i'counse! Ultimately, near the end; of the deposmon Ms. Daus was asked “Who I thé-tithat was'Ia-In-fiacceptable practice for electronically yourself?" - f "-.. Z'9'L‘o‘b‘éidépwtion at Page Her answer was “I was you told to apply the notarization by thé Iawfrrm ?QueStio'n: 12, Lines 10—13. Page 8 PLAINTIFF’S FIRST AMENDED ORIGINAL PETITION of 26 II " You Were told by the law fi'rm Linebarger?” and her answer- defense counsel asked her ho'w many affadavds she did u was “Yes “like this” 1o Thén f _ and she I I. '; I was over a thousand “it testified _3 a year. ”11 I a Lmebarqer and Lopez 21-92'I'1'At this 's Stratew to Destroy TinStar pomt Edward Lopez and Lmebarger Title, Inc. realized that their tactic to istreamlme Linebarger making a fortUne on their cases by having TinStar Title Inc énd Sandra D'aus remotely notarizing the abstracts was about While the debt to TinStar their lap. Title, Inc. the income that Linebarger had just put at dollars risk Title, Inc. elected to because of the advice and explode to {n was approximately $3,000,000.00, risk was in the hundreds of millions of direction that they had provided to TinStar as well as Linebarger’s in~h0use employees. At that point, Linebarger engage from John R. in conduct designed Ames and to destroy TinStar Title, Inc. the Dallas County Tax Office that they and conceal may have to I unwind thousands of cases should the terrified that if their conduct comes to doliars annually that __ even worse have Z to it truth light, come to light. Linebarger may generates from the Dallas taxing repurchase th'e properties it Linebarger was and is lose the millions of perhaps entities and, foreclosed upon forthe taxing ' ' i iij7-I;i'lentltles potentially costing Linéba‘rg‘er hundreds" of millions of dollars. .--.:-'I:Lmebarger needed a scape goat and TinStar Titie Inc and Sandra Dau's Were I I I 'I'the'I'r-unwfltmg ;.-'_-as'they Victims hadfiidone Since. Lmebarger ceased prowdlng TinStar the cost 2007 Without me arger commenced a program notice or explanation ln' affidavits addition, slandenng and freezmg Out TmStar Title Inc. Sandra Daus Deposmon Page 171 Lines 17- 25 at Page 172 Lines1 15 I'd - .. __” Pagesofzs ' PLAINTIFF'S FIRST AMENDED ORIGINAL PETITION I ' from the funds owed to TmStar These actions Were taken to conceal Lmebarger s conduct and to continue generating its massive income at the I " ' 3- zexpense 0f TmStar f Title Now Inc Linebarger Is interfering with TinStar’S rights; II fto being paid for work completed by zeroing TinStar s fees In Judgments entered a "xfisafterl ' 11/6/2017 to present vacating exustlng judgments to enter a new judgment " that-Zzeros out TInStar s fee afftxmg Liby d1fferent abstractors fees dismissals, in Title, Inc. to its new Cost Affidavit to open a Including Linebarger’s among other knees and but illegal acts. suits eXecLJted employees zeroing out TinStar’s Linebarger has brought TinStar for this litigation, would have been successfui in its wrongful conduct. Unbelievably, Linebarger alleges 20. 2018 29, that it cannot make a tribunal” or “offer[ing] or us[ing] in its “false Plea to the Jurisdiction “If information is known provided by the client or another person, the lawyer (emphasis . _ _. __-3.'and in are-part of its scheme to must or artifice to defraud TinStar. lf to be false?” be false and ‘is refuse to offer it?” These statements are obviously original text). on October statement of material fact or law to a evidence that the lawyer knows Linebarger goes on to assert that filed false by Linebarger Lmebarger actually " be gevedi'these assertions they :-'-":I’-"I_re would have notified the CoUrt 0f the allegedly nded the money Lanebarger took from the Dallas County Tax Assessor as “well bought back'the 'a __:ept;.__.the propertyIi'lili‘:at':was money It charged for foreclosed upon. Lmebarger did not its’ alleged sewlces Worse still " L nebarger'rsiééia-th-‘e‘Jurisaicgtsbh‘ ._ _- a athagé '25. . PLAINTIFF’S FIRST AMENDED. ORIGINAL PETITION Page100f26 I Lmebarger had at least 1O members of staff its notanzmg Sandra Daus’ s signature remotely domg We'll In same the very thing, Ewe excess of hundreds of 'these notanzatlons Were" performed by employees of Linebarger. Linebarger and - . never did anythmg about the m house remote notarizations.” Apparently ‘ Q'j'-.'-_if_§f;_'}_.:':-.f:Lmebarger s indignation only applies when it wants to Justify t_hroWi'ng‘ TinStar I The '21. TinStar instituted of 2018 a Rule 202 after their then commencement Instant thlqatlon TRCP proceeding against Linebarger of the action. Linebarger, empioying various counsel, has to the discovery, falsely claimed that they when finally ordered to respond had never heard of TinStar answer the discovery. Linebarger went so mandatory Requests - Ultimately, TinStar Title, Inc. filed the instant obstructed the orderly progress of discovery and to January counsel claimed he needed months to prepare for the action to bring Linebarger to justice. and refused In fa: for Disclosure to allege that “Linebarger relationship, legally or factually with TinStar Title in Title, Inc. answering the never had any Inc?“ This-statement is I In fact blatantlyfalse _ _ on September 19 20133more than five years priorto the " '- ' . .f "false representation in‘ Lmebarger s Request for Disclosure Peggy McCormick ... 5-,};the Operations Manager ”at Lmebarger emailed multiple parties advising them i ”DefendantsResponses tb'P'I'l'a'ih'tifi‘z's- Request fo'r DiScldsure dated November 16, 2018 at Page 1 Page 11 PLAINTIFF’S FIRST AMENDED ORIGINAL PETITION - of 26' . . P0 BOX True! Inc Obvmusly, Lmebarger saw Corporation 22 Lmebarger like TInStar in its _. little Title 76096” (emphaSIS supplied) m 0r n0 downSIde Inc _. ._ '15 TX” 131751 Arlmgton trying to destroy Perhaps, the jury contmumg conspiracy to conceal Will its a small Texas think differently conduct and to hold oln to‘ I H ’ hundreds Its of millions of dollars of Income pursued its scheme to destroy E i I TInStar Title Inc In responding t0 TInStar s requests for production Lmebarger I. ' made the followmg falsé representations to TinStar and the COurt: _ _ I a. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION relating to the NO. All 1: doCumi'ents and f-n'emiéréndagi Because no contract ever existed between Linebarger responsive documents b. ANSWER: agreement between Linebarger and TinStar. Linebarger. Answer: no exist. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION referring to TinStar’s an'd TinStar, NO. 2: All documents compensation agreement relating or relating to its work for Because n0 compensation agreement ever existed between Linebarger and TinStar and TinStar never performed “work Linebarger”, no responsive documents exist. 23 As the evadence shows Lmebarger has engaged ._ _3- for ”16 En falsnfacation of responses to I I discovery in an attempt and TInStar By way 'of to conceal the aCt'ua'l relationship example Linebarger'm its between Linebarger response to Request for II Production” No5 25falsely alleged that there relatmg-to ___e_ en ”an ,?52018 at - _s_ s work; for Lmebarger was no compensation agreement Lmebarger attempted to rewrite the question Objections and Responses to First Request for ProdUCtion of Documents dated No'Ve'mber Page 3.3-. - __ -. Page 12'of26 f' _ PLAINTIFF’S FIRST AMENDED ORIGINAL PETITION s I-n-the 33 response énd then falsely claimed that TinStar never performed wdfksfor claiming that n0 responswe documents exist Lanebarger " As patently false early as August 14-, 2008 a decade This response earlier Ed Lopez is _ Jr., I' I - 'ZPartner and Peggy McCormick Operations Manager Wrote a Memorandum to I ' a ll L"s":-.:';'.'.;:"._'.Sandra Daus and TST (TInStal’ Titie Inc ) adVlsmg sandra 3nd TmStar that I "'-"3'IILInebarger LGBS was pleased to announce has increased abstract fees have been able m as of our August 22th [sic] filing, oar tax Case filings..;..We are pleased to to facilitate this increase continued efforts on your behalf. We appreciate your supplying quality abstracts?” in enumerated responses 24. Linebarger's that to Plaintiff’s Request for Disclosure and _ Request Production are false, misleading and intended to disrupt the orderly for flow of discovery while continuing their efforts to destroy TinStar to preserve Linebarger’s vast fortunes. 25.TinStar has calculated that the Linebarger TinStar damages to TinStar are substantial, arid now attempting to choke off the source of funding to TinStar to keep is Title, Inc. from pursuing this litigation, all to TinStar’s substantial damages. .. . . . I. . Spollatlon of EVIdence. . I -. -. " Request for' vadentlarv Hearinq and Request for Sponafion . _ __ Instruction _ " ' “1" ”i SeeEths att'a-cm hereby I . . _ PLAINTIFF’S FIRST AMENDED ORIGINAL PETITION Page 13 0f 26 spohatlon of evidence by thé knowmg and Intentional concealment of relevant I ' l'eVIdence In addition to the need fer sanctions for falsifying discovery responses I I 3 " I' the Intentional concealment of - ewdence by LInebarger '3 the funcuonal g- equwalent as of- spohatlon 0f ‘bad__fa:th' 0r: wullful’ ewdence “By spohatron intentional’ spoliation often referenced we mean that the Party aCt'ed W'th the- subjectwe purpose of concealing 0r destroying dESCOverable evidence. ”1.8 .27 Lanebarger aCted with the subjective purpose of Cencealing and possibly destroying discoverable evidence. Linebarger had a duty to preserve the evidence and such duty arose because Linebarger knew that there was a substantial chance a claim would be control would be material TinStar was demanding September filed t0 that claim. that the records and the evidence in its possession or Linebarger had actual knowledge that be preserved. 29, 2017, Linebarger received a formal By demand letter dated for preservation of records which included language notifying Linebarger that “certain hard copy and electronic records should be retained by litigation _ 28. ._ concerning Lmebarger by this falsnfymg 'a't' - ?°- é’d-.;héreto as Exhibit 7 WabMart Stores Inc. v. in anticipation of possible matter.“ its responses to discovery breached material and relevant evadence - LGBS 20 Lmebarger had a duty its dutyto preserve t0 preserve the . Johnson 106 s. w. 3'“ 718 722 (Tex 2003). Page 14 IIIPLAINTIF'F’S FIRST AMENDED ORIGINAL PETITION of 26 ' "'b'r'e'é'gh'ihg ' duty'to preserve suchi'evidehbé’ it"rhéy'i‘rh'pose its' RUIe' 215. 2 remedy of. the Texas Rules of CiVil an appropriate Procedure enumerates a wide I I I' ” " '- array 0f remedies available to a I:‘-I__as court an award of attorney s fees or Costs evidence ' trial striking in addressing discovery abuse such to the harmed party, exciusion of a party s pleadmgs or even dismissing a party’ s claims“ .Th'e - '* tnélzéourt also has discretion to craft other remedies it deems appropriate m light II 0f the particular facts of an mdNIdual case including the submission of a spoliation instruction to the jury?“ 30. After 215.2 due notice TRCP and evidentiary hearing, TinStar requests the appropriate Rfile sanctions, including an appropriate spoliation instruction to be given to the jury. Linebarqer’s Spurious “Governmental Immunity” Defense 31 .As part of Linebarger’s obstruction tactics Linebarger filed Jurisdiction in the Rule 202 Proceeding on June 11, 2018. its first On Plea t0 the July 29, 2018 this Court entered an Order finding that the “Court has jurisdiction and therefore denied Respondent’s Plea to the Jurisdiction on June 12, 2018, and hereby . _. ..__-.__-.__-_memonal:zes said verbal order herein IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED ' ‘ AND DECREED that 17ij'f‘7-5:‘-f__?-;f{QADJUDGED ff.{i-Iiifa-I'Ithlngs denied Respondent s Plea to the Jurisdiction Linebarger notified the Court that it an ls in would not mandamus the ' '- Court S Order denying Lmebarger s Plea to the Jurisdiction gust183-20'18 Plaintiff filed O" 2* OctoberZQ 201 Brooksmre Bros Ltd v. 8' Its Plaintiff’s Lmebarger Aldndqe 438 s flies its w 3“ 9 Original Petition second Plea In Cause No. 18— to the Jurisdiction 20 (Tex 2014) ' __ Page 15 _ _ PLAINTIFF‘S FIRST AMENDED ORIGINAL PETITION of 26 . I I I 34. On November 15 2018 TmStar filed its Response to Defendant Lmebargers I a I m Plea to the Jurisdiction outlining detall Linebarger has no why a right to aSsert _ 'g _1-"3:.."_.5_2fdefense of governmental Immunity for multiple reasons inclUding, inter alia that 5 '..;7_‘-:I-j'_j-i‘no public money Is threatened by thus lawswt Lmebarger as” not a “governmental 3' "zumt I am LInebarger Is; not_‘performlng a governmental function FUrthe'rmore, I sII'I’:-"I-'-II'..'fI_'"-Ii'_"-Lmebérger not an agent'of Dallas County Is I is It an Independent Contractor as is II ewdenced by -through one own Its it contracts With Dallas County capital partners, its In addition Pamela Pepe Johnson, Linebarger, judicially confeSsed in 1 testimony before this court on June 12, 2018 that the contract between Linebarger and TinStar had the independent was independent of the right to select TinStar, that under the direction of Linebarger, did not do the and of a taxing entity when it came Linebarger’s t he pockets of any taxing 21. Jurnsdrct:on--.:. I total title titie searches searches under the direction independent contractor status who did searches. The instant lawsuit threatens only Linebarger’s title On November entity in Dallas County. 2018 Lmebarqer canCelled the hearing on its Plea to the ._ A private entity such as 36 had TinStar did the to hiring or firing the people, including TinStar, pockets and not 35 that Linebarger County of Dailas and Linebargef Lmebarger shares In th'e’ state s immUnity only if the ' I I state directs and controls'z'I'he complalned Of'condUCt The State did tLInebargera:Qeftalnly;Linebarger has no entitlement, -. ._ .. . _ _ PLAINTIFF’S FIRST AMENDED ORIGINAL In this case, to Page 16 of26 - ._ mt direCt PETITION governmental Immunity nor derivative governmental Immunity assertion Of this defense __37 Plaintiff Incorporates paragraphs as i-f- all In is- deVOId of merit. each Lmebarger s 22 of the followmg Causes 0f action such paragraphs were Incorporated in each all precéding individual cau‘s’e I ' of action verbatim - 38.- As Breach 'Of Partnership. Breach of Fiduciary Duty and Demand for Accountinq and Exemplary Damages the documents recovered by TinStar, despite being concealed by Linebarger reveal, TinStar and Linebarger entered TinStar would provide title into a continuing partnership where a non-Iegal function, abstracts, to Linebarger and TinStar would be paid $350.00 per abstract provided. Linebarger and Ti'nStar had a partnership called the Linebarger “Lawsuit Filing Programm The between Linebarger and TinStar was one where the = -. .-.__-._-.-:_.'-._'-.;:3:;::;and? m parties shared losses; When'I'I'Lmebarger got paid Linebarger took its 20% partnership the profits of the recovery H 3 ?:?."jand T'mStar received: $350 00 pér abstract If Linebarger did not get paid ' '-.' -"I:TmStar did not get paid At n'o time xpresinrgreement to share was there a sharing of legal fees but there profits and loss ' ars-Response to-Defendant Lmebargers 15} 2018: and Incorporated herein as if r‘e'Cite'd verbatim. ._23 See Exhibit 8 attached hereto Intlff - ' -- f' _- _;_ In Pie'a to the Jurisdiction filed on November ' H PLAINTIFF'S FIRST Page170f26 _ AMENDED ORIGINAL PETITION - ' I The partnership between TmStar and Lmebarger was and 39 is not prohibited by I the Texas DISCIpIInary Rules of- Professaona! COnduct. 5. 04 Professiona! I Zil'ii-‘iii’zformiIa'fizpartnership j-{coraSIs-tqof With a non lawyer None the practice of law if any of the activities of the partnership of the activataes of the partnership between - _ Tm - _. tar-and Lmebarger constituted the practice of law and so the partnership Inotl prohibited by thé Texas Disalplmary Rules of Professional Conduct was At no time did a nonlawyer have the right t0 direct or control the professional judgment of a lawyer and at no time was a TinStar member a corporate director or officer of Linebarger. Under both the Texas Uniform Partnership Act and the common 40. have a duty to one another t0 make partnership and to account for one another a all full disclosure of matters affecting the partnership profits and property. “Partners fiduciary duty, including a strict duty of managing partnerzs owes all law, partners good faith owe and candor.“ A his partners the highest fiduciary duty recognized in the aw.”26 " :'_ he actions duelary _o_f Lmebarger breached utaes to anzaiu: its partnership agreement and breached its TmStar by SW 3rd 381 394 (Tex App Beaumont2002 no writ) barger was. the? managing partner 0f the partnership with Peggy McCormick being the “Operations rosseauv. 81 Manager” of the partnership 25Hufimqton v _ See Up‘c‘hurch 532 Exhibit SW2“ 576 579 (Tex 1976). ___ PLAINTIFF’S FIRST AMENDED ORIGINAL PETITION Page180f26' _ ' _ I' 'I I I 'I ' Vibi'afing 4.03" and lthe Comment fo 4.03 bf the Texas Ruiiie'si' Disciipii'ria'ry Of 'Prb'féSSiohél Conduct; c._-. I a prowdmg apparently false advice to TinStar that it‘ was certainly TI” ”iii'acceptable 7 to Use remote notarizations and demanding that TinStar employ remote notartzations _ _ ' Signing Sandra d Daus name to abstract a'ffidévits and having numerous II mdlwduals at Lmebarger notarize Sandra s name outside of Sandra s I presence and e. terminating TinStar, throwing TinStar under the bus and réfuszing to account to or properly pay TinStar for f. services; wrongfully raising governmental immunity and sovereign immunity to avoid g. its its partnership obligations to TinStar; and placinq Linebarger’s financial profitability and its relationéhips with Dallas County, Dallas Citv and Dallas ISD (“Dallas Entities")_over fiduciary obligations to 42.TinStar further to demands a TmStar and demands full that if its its partner, TinStar. accounting of all funds that should have been paid Linebarger cannot account for all of TinStar’ s II I abstract fees that Lmebarger be Held Strictly liable to pay TinSta‘r for such abstract fees as a result 0f Li'nebarger’ s conduct I 43 The dealings between Lmebarger and TmStar were not TmSta place Lan'ebarger made unreasonable use fair and eqwtable of the confidence that TinStar n;Lmebarger-Iandi'ILI'nebarger failed to act In the utmost falled t0 exe'rCIse the good faith and most scrupulous honesty toward TinStar. Linebarger failed Page 19 - ._ PLAINTIFF’S FIRST to AMENDED ORIGINAL PETITION 0f 26 ' "t'é-Tp-Tl'acé {Hé i'rit'ereSts "of TinSta-r before own Linebargers interest andLi-nebarger a '_.'-"used the advantage of its posatlon t0 gain a benefit for itself to the detriment of 2 '.:_:';_- Lmebarger ;.:".{__=I.-;§I‘-.I._'TtinStar failed to fully and fairly disclose important information to all concerning their relationship ”,4 Accordingly, the burden" of proof 0r -- __ene__-I which its ed from: Is 0n Linebarger, since Linebarger dealings With TinStar or has placed its itSelf In ha‘s‘ profited a position in self—mterest conflicts with the interests 0f TinStar. 45. Linebarger’s motivation to violate unfettered greed and as a its result of duties to TinStar came as a result of its __ fear that Linebarger could be exposed to its _ hundreds of millions 0f dollars of the properties that intentionally set notarizations. fiduciary duty up TinStar "The is illegally it ‘intent' damages should it be required to buy back seized on behalf 0f the Dallas Entities. t0 take the blame for its of Linebarger advice to employ remote issue concerning exemplary whether the one with a all damages for breach of fiduciary duty intended to gain an additional unwarranted benefit?” TinStar, Linebarger’s partner, relied'o-n the advice provided to TinStar by . mtentlonal breach of .. E?may recover punitive 1:"s".5-575:33'_3-Ii"._g_f'damages m‘ its its law firm pafiner. Linebarger engaged fidumary duty to TinStar which damages an amount not to ”28 “is a tort for in which an plaintiff TinStar sues for punitive and/or exemplary exceed two times the amount 0f economic II "damages 'iursuant to3§ 41 008(b) CMI Practice & Remedies Code (“CPRC”). Breach of Contract - eek v.,-..Humphreys.- "-800 S Hawthorne V.- Guenther 917 S. W2“ 596 W 2nd 924 - g ;_ 599 (Tex. App.--Houston [14m Dist] 1990 writ denied) 936 (Tex App -Beaumont 1996, writ denied) _' - PLAINTIFF’S FIRST Page200f26 AMENDED ORIGINAL PETITION -- 46 Lmebarger breached contmumg ' its contract With TinStar by failing to perform under the contract betWee'n TinStar and Linebarger. '3 47 As a result of SUCh breach Linebarger damages ansmg from such breach as ts liable for all actual and consequential as reasonable and necessary well I attorneys fees Tortuous Interference wuth Contractual Riqhts and Prospectlve Contractual Rights II I " 48 L'ihi'ébalrgé? by its actions as alleged aboVe h‘as tortuously TinStar’s contractual existing rights. “Texas law protects as well as prospective contracts from interference”.29 TinStar 0f for and prospective contractual inte-rfered-wiith illegal conduct and in interfering In falsely with TinStar’s right to collect each abstract performed by TinStar, Linebarger has caused TinStar actual damages of in accusing its fees to suffer excess of $2,800,000.00 as well as consequential damages as a result of Linebarger’s improper conduct. TinStar also sues for punitive and/or exemplary damages an amount not in economic damages pursuant t0 exceed two times the amount to § 41 .008(b), Civi! Practice of & Remedies Code (“CPRC”). Breach 49 Lmebarger expressly warranted abstract performed by TInStar _by.;_-Interfermg WlthiTilnStar ”Sterner'ivi: -- -: o'f :Méféihbhbfl'cm 767 Express Warranty that TinStar would receive $350 Linebarger has breached s right to collect a's‘ SW2“ 686, 688' (Tex. well this for each express warranty as Simply refusmg to pay 1989)” ' Page 21 of267 'PLAINTIFF’S FIRST AMENDED ORIGINAL PETITION . I Fraud. I ' " 50Th‘é écfidné ':. _- dein'ebai’geir defrauded TinSt'ar. TiriSt‘ar sués fbr'all aCtual and ”I '1- exemplary'damages as a _. ___. __ ._ ._ result of the fraud perpetrated on it by Linebarger. \ __ Quantum memit I In'the'liéiltérnatlve ' " TInStar sues under thé eqwtable remedy of Quantum Martin, " '2.f-_j7'.{'::.‘-_.:'I‘Valuazble sewices were rendered to Lmebarger the person sOught t0 be charged by TInStar The service's and materials Were accepted by Linebarger and used and enjoyed by Linebarger. These services and materials were enjoyed and used by Linebarger under such circumstances as reasonably that TinStar in performing such services was expecting to notified Linebarger be paid by Linebargéf either directly 0r indirectly. Attorney’s Fees TinStar 52. was forced to hire Michael Pezzulli, an attorney licensed and standing with the Texas its Supreme Court and in good State Bar of Texas. TinStar sues for reasonable and necessary attorney’s fees. Motion for Net Worth Discovery 53 TmStar Plaintiff ___to § 41 0115 files this CPRC Motion for Discovery of NetWorth Evidence Pursuant and requests that this CoUrt authorize diacovery of evrdence of Defendant Linebargers net worth pursuant to § 41 01 15 CPRC and I would respectfully show the followmg m""1"”s_filed by Plaintiff TmStarTstle Inc on August 8 2018 rises out of the relationship between Plaintiff seeks exemplary damages against Lmebarger for and Defendant breach of fiduciary ' ' Page22of26 '- .. - _ _ PLAINTIFF’S FIRST AMENDED ORIGINAL PETITION H 'I l. Id ufiés Ia nd fraud among othercounts to Plaintiff’s claims for Lifiébafg’éf’é net worth lrel'evié is nt exemplary damages _ _ b.‘ has a substantial Plaintiff for likelihOOd 0f success on the merits of claim its exemplary damages because the conduct described above shows ”I and malicaous conduct by Linebarger Willful to harm Plaintiff for " -:'._:_'.3_'Lmebarger s‘ personal gain . . . . _ ' ' ' requests the followmg discovery t0 determine Defendant s net 'I'¢:;.I.II3'_PlamtIff ._ . . . worth ' Ail of i-. Lmebargers Income Statements and statements for each quarter from January \ Balance Sheet ii. for Linebarger for its all 1 Other financial 2017 to the present; fiscal/calendar year ending 2017 and 2018; General Ledger iii. for Linebarger’s fiscaI/calendar year ending 2017 and 2018. Listing of iv. all accounts receivable from January 1, 2017 to the present; v. Any and all January 1, bank and/or brokerage accotmt statements from 2017 to the present for Linebarger. 54.TinStar respectfully requests that this Court conduct a hearing and grant TinStar’s Motion for Discovery of Net CPRC, and grant any other justly entitled._ _ __ _ TmStar s damages a which Plaintiff, TinStar, to § 41 may show .01 1.5, itself to be _.__:._ _ 55 relief to Worth Evidence pursuant _ arise from different conduct Of Linebarger: Lmebarger shorted payment to TmStar by not collecting the full I rifabstractl'd .- Stér I I i: 'feezdue to h-as-be-en TmStar TInStar has been damages damaged by the non--paym‘ent of open under-this suits besause of 'I * I‘Llnebarger m the amount of $14 700 00. Page 23 . . PLAINTIFF’S'FIRST AMENDED ORIGINAL PETITION of'2'6 -. H H ' .' deprixking‘ TinStar Tin’Star has been "I of- income in amalgam the $é9l'1-I' #156100. damaged by Linebarger s unpaid judgments m the I I ' been d'amég’édiby LinebargeirfidnL's'u'itifigbas-es'thereby T'insta'rhas ” - . i-'_I-amount $910 350. 00. of ' i TmStar has been damaged by Linebarger zeromg Judgments i.’ In" the _ I ' ‘amount of$184 800. 00-, TinStar has been 1f. damaged by Linebarger failing abstract fees to TinStar thereby $333,550.00. Linebarger in damaging TinStar the in amount of _ - TinStar has been g. f0 distribute COIIeCtéd damaged by the unilateral dismissal of shits by the amount of $175,450.00. _ TinStar has been h. and turning it damaged by Linebarger over to a third party for simply taking TinSfar’s work payment in the amount of I $66,150.00. I TinSfar has been i. “Bailey Suit." TinStar. is damaged by Linebarger faiiing T0 the t0 pay TinStar extent that Linebarger breached its in the agreement, now owed $101 500.00; Prayer far Réui'ef- I '56“. Plaintiff TInStar asks the Court t_o 7“'énter”Ludgment'agamst Lmebarger for allactual compensatory, direct and mca‘dentalg; - - and consequential damages I Page 24 ' PLAiNTIFF’S "FIRST AMENDED ORIGINAL PETITION- of'26': ' I " i . b Iiéh't'ér.jfid'g'ment'agai'nst-Linébargérfor all exemplaryénd/‘c-fif punitive I I I damages; I'asirvéf'd c TihStar attorney’s fees and costs against Linebargerii ' WdTStpldgmt and pudgmttttth h‘ghest I " V f..- "awardI'Ti'h'sxtér'sfich law 'or I'étfie'r and further relief to A written it entitled inf equity. Under Rule 216, TRCP, TinStar requests a 57. is'jiuéstl'y which request has been before'the date set for the filed with trial trial by jury on all issues so triable. the clerk of the court a reasonable time cause and the of the has been paid jury fee - to the clerk of the court. Respectfully submitted, LAW OFFICE OF MICHAEL F. PEZZULLI, P.L.L.C. /s/ Michael F. Pezzulh' ' Michael F. Pezzullf State Bar No. 15881900 880 Country CIub-‘ROad' - '- -' -- -- - _- " ' ' Texas 75069; (972) 713-1300 michael@courtroom;com ' 'Féirvi'ew, www.courtroom.com __ _ . . _ ._ _ _ ' '- Counselfor the'Plai'n'tifffl .. - - - ._ _ ' . . _. __ _ _ _ I Page 25 of'26 . _ PLAINTIFF’S FIRST AMENDED ORIGINAL PETITION - CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I 'Thls on; __ Is to certify that the the below Counsei abOVe Plaintiff’s Road Swte 530 :_”}¥'Dallas Texas 75254 'amh@andrewmhoward com Fourth Amended e service on and/o'r via email Original Petition was Served this the 26th day of February 201 9 1353;352:120 Spring Valley . - -' : -- -' - /s/ Michael Pezzulli " ' . 3. . . . PLAINTIFF’S FIRST AMENDED ORIGINAL PETITION Page 26 of 26 EXHIBIT 1 a Am m i 1233M t 65's. Ii @ Mn < i" Y” mmnmm mmmmenmm mtm‘esrmldbeon mahzeflm§aendcopies M'D'Wrecords. Kevin ‘ mwm W “-‘5 '5 -\ :E‘fliflkfiJ flyfifi ‘3‘" . Them yon". We 3v": mum o EXHIBIT 2 1E3! ?Il A333 L11 arr I I 65$ fl a < i, 51mm iii Mam Hm: yen Ind a review the affidavit tm 13-15-623? mat we need to fiie chance WW m m today? it you 010359 send ll very wt: ham”? Thaak m Kmn'n www.fiwiflsendno vat; r m. we mm ahead and mm“, m. ituanobem mm r rue Wm! retain. 1n“) d you a Thanh anyway and it’s clay. Kevin hid é é .I a_;_» ' EXHIBIT 3 FILEE' D&LAS WIN“ T! I&Emifi 1352-31 Pit 1:5le Pi IRE DISTRWJ C1 ER“ SUIT N0. TX—lS—iflll? DALLAS COUNTY. ET Al. THE IN § IIISTRICT (‘Ol' RT § ' VS. 44TH le' DICIAL IHSTRICI' Wfl“ MARILYN W AL’HE‘L ET Al. FIRST AMENDED AFFIDAVIT FOR COST 0F ABSTRACT BEFORE MT: personally 17h: miiflmgncd :tufiaumy ii. E, fully w his nus fists! b3- Sandra Bans am competent lo make mad: herein TST nt' a nous pub}; iu um! am 51mins Ewan}. Ivan Tin Star Liligaiism Suyptm 5. Title PTST’W am! afiimfl. milking this Afiidaut. and tlacwby quailiticd u: :all “fight“ m muLc Lin:nude; wilt Sum mm! remix? did duly zamxm amt apgxmvd Samara Baas kmmn h}: am: m l»: fir: pmun Affifim DALLAS- C‘OU .VI'Y. 'I'EXAS [mural tut nn- tms: and ltax‘ lln: me nr’ Mm mu me age af this Atl'adawiz. Lucht am! bani} umn’uucd with Phintililzw {u [has IE» um t ma. Lm film gum [dc Lin: mm war.» atria: I m pctwml uz' Imus: um ucwr hem uumcwd of a fclnny du hereby; “was thin all smtcnwms 1 smear, us I hm“ lcdgc ut' [Jiwhmgcr fiuggun mum. Mummy each ui' Mm: 5'; the fawn 5c! funk herein. muupwum amt Eumuun n5 lhc P. [.1 ullwucys umwmn puma 3nd m dmuqmmat si u!" 1ch pwgwrtyur {mute Ltzc subgm ut' tin: ubmc uuumhclml mailhm hm min: ‘I'S'l' rm mum} Ami :mmmrd 1h: Unltw (mung 1km Rumids :md Valium minty xmlrcx [u pn‘wuic 2h: rcqucalcd :mhmlm'auu. im- lc»: tn: mid serum: w Sulfllifl um [mniliut‘ “uh mt rum uud churgu‘» {or mic ubstmrb m amt in'uuud mu Unitas Count) arm. 111a" i‘w chmycii rur thus ps'uuunug tlw mccxmf}. lcgué and. l abm c dcscn’t‘ui >cn'l'n‘5. 1} rcasmmblcf' ?L‘ijiz )Inhé CJ) ‘x Sandm Dams - um!" Linen under my hand and $13.1] ul'ufliw am 113:: 13th day u! Jul}. Emu a A Al, 4 If. {J."gv Nomi) J' I . Afgzs-A " 4+» . k J ?ublic in and {hr the Slate 02‘ Fem»; Normv mic. 9m:- ol hum Emma hm!“ B1 ”‘19“ L_fimw nu b ; mam“ E “P g E a Maura s h" WK I” l EXHIBIT 4 bump From: Edward topaz <£dwardl Date: Tue, Sap 13, 2931 at Subject Re: Grand prairie 62¢ PM suit Ta: Tin Star <(ins:artili2@2ma:l,mm> Cc. Peggy McCormick M (Pae- bacon» i Sandra, Ewas heaping that would be cmveying the message that the propefiies went l m sheriff‘s Ede and 50H Much to my chagrin the deveiaper chose mt m hid amen fimugh they were insistem that ihe pmpemv make the sherifis sai-e in Sepiember. as plannefi. Unfnfiunaleiy. that did net happen. much time imaged irate» the tase, and because the remverv 0f yaw fees {and the paramount importance- ta me, maid nut alien: the pimpeny tn be starch ufi’ tn the manage: and city attorney agreed that they would mt (mate an avenue for the developer Because ysu have so ad mews) are The City City. 13f l to get a better "deal.“ All this means is that the neveiaper has m buy {he pmperties 113 cnmpiete their anticipated praieu. So anticipate reposling this very soon, Addixéenaiw, I'm gaiflg 1‘0 d0 can mew? it through the We not afl gem! knew that I'm what can fl m market this property to athez‘ pwspeclive remaining steps in puratlma'segs so we the wncess. mam, as ?eggr nmmioned, them prawnmg yam interests, i5 guod news in between. $0 hang in there and Ed Sent (mm my Phone Du Sep > Ed if 13, 2011. at you can let 11:03 PM. "Tin Star“ > Thank you the quick respunse Peggy! > b Sandra Dans > > Sent ftom > > 0n Sap > my iphzme 13, 2011, at 2:48 PM, Peggy McConnick > Hi Sandra, >> Ed 8: were jam taming about i this when he will be in the office. Ed, good time for us to be able to call is case last 8: need t0 tail you together. and I'm not sum good 15m- vau this week, and Sandra is there a week. He theme a time thai is I you? j” 1) Egg XHIBIT 3 NON N55) ‘J __‘, L. WAHD.CSEH WA armams " . ’ x I p) >> It is a good 5m, bat it’s Ed's stew, sn I want him >> Thanks 3: have a geat day! J) m share it with us both. >> Peggy >) >> Peggy Mcfimmitk _>> Operations Manages: ~ Daiias {3th >> Linebarga Gaggan maria“ a Sampson, LLP {#595 221-59513 g Fax (21a) ?55—7157 x.» 1*} )> Wmfimw >> ——Gfiginal Message-m>> Pram: Tin Sim imihozfizfigg‘ii—flgfigmailwml >> Sent: Tuesday; Seiamher 13, 2011 223$ PM >3» To: Mommi Edward tape: ?eggy Band prairie met >> Subject: >> rs) Hem. >> >> Can yen please advise did not saie as: expected ars la what the status last Tuesday- if thus case What state is i1 in is now? From the loeks nf it, mow? it appears that it 1‘) >2: Thank you, >>- >> 53min Dans >9 {mm my iphone CONFflENTMUTY STATEMENT >> Sent >3 >> ThES transmissian may be: o: [3) strictiy confidential it (1) subject to the Auernev'Ciiem Pn'm-ilega {2} an attmnev walk you are nut the imendad copy or dissemina te- this inflammation- If you have received fihis sender {only} and deiete me message- Unaulhm‘ized imercem‘mn 3f ibis e—mail pn'nt, pmducL message. vm: may not disciase. fig: e! rm, please reply and noliiv the recipient of thus is a vioiafiun of {emeral criminai iaw. CONFIMNMLEW STAT}: MENT This transmission (3! strictly mag be: [1) subject mnfidemiai. Ii 39m: are m the Attornev-Client Privikbgew (2) an almmev work pmdutt, or nut the intended recipiem 0f thig mesaage. mu may mt disclosed, prim came 0r ‘disrueminate this infarmation. If van have reteiwefl this in ermr, please reply and mtifv the sender {unlyi and delete the message. Unauiharized intei‘ceiafiofl flf this e—mail is a viniaticm £3! federal cuiminai law. 5 From: Peggy McCormick waggm @Egbs.cam> Date: Thu, Sep 19, 2013 at 5:54 PM Change 9f address for Tm Star “rifle To: “George Vent jr (Georgefiiemirifidaflaswumyggr' (Genmeyemgn‘gdajgimunw erg) Cc; Tin Siar , Heather Mueller Subject: Mr. Vent, One of mar ahstmctnrs -—Tm Star Title this, changing addresses, and I wanted ta make you aware of (131‘), is so that van can change yum recands 3150. Please mail ail ahsmuer fee disbufsements far TST to the failnwing address: Tm Slat 11112, Inc. P 0 80x 131751 Arlington, TX £9“ T6395 you need any additional information, phase cafi Thanks so me at 469.22 1505!} or e-vmail' gagggymsifiigbmom much for ali of your help. Peggy McCormick “- Manger Operatimls L&aebnrger Gaggan Blair & Sam pson. LLP Amrneys al Law Eggifigjb -t1.\.colu 2323 Bryan Dallas, TX Street, Sle 1600 ESE!“ Main? (114) 836-0089 Dimct: (469) EELSflfifl Fax; (2M) 111523}: L}: u" 1’54—3167 Jabsflfigfi CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT m may be: {l} subjec: the mmmay—{Tlielu Privilege! (2) an 3210mm; work wuduaz. 0! 1.3) Sirimly confideminli. if you arc nut {he intended recipient ai'ahis mssage. yin“ may :10? disclose. prim. mp): {37' difismiml? This transmission this mmived this in emar, pimm rqai)‘ am] notify me sender (mam and dame the mcssngm iulrmrwm 9f this e-mail is a violaiian uf {Marni criminai law. infommtion‘ lfyou have Uunuilmrizcd 5 g'flfi 4; 3' 339413;: Na ‘5' *{A‘mm " «5 ‘— - ‘ 7 .. V ‘— _ L lmkn‘gm ‘SR f i 2 ‘ a ‘i E 7 EXHIBIT EXHIBIT 6 mtEBARGER (306mm Ema & 83mm. LLP AWE: M Law m UWMGRCEW’ 1m ms am‘mmfix MEIR“ ' ram 9351 mm wzmm mt nmmam august 14, 2mg MEMDRANDIJM Mum Ram k 3min Baas. I‘ST TO: R5 Mam; N136 Sim Rumefi: LHS Edwaai Lupcz, EL FROM: We m fees in Mas and km Ema, m Pm Operations h um mas as of our Angus: 22“ filing, manna: pleased ans inmmi nbstmt fii’mgs. [n light of wmml mute: conditions and indusm mamas within our Conny. var dis not marinate m3 {whim in having 1h: new approved as “fair m mt mum mombit"_ The new cfabmact on cach progeny will be £350-00. Migusl 22" will be mu" mason and so all abstracts that arc incinded in this filing will reflect 1h: new fcc fur thv: cost firs; filing fur this Yea. Wt m pleased m have been able to fuciiim this mmmm fins'm Wiring Quality mm on 1mm behalf. \A e main wont shawls. mum-m Mim-m- mm-um.m m Wm WiMf Smkmbbmmrth" ‘ .1}:— .--» 3mg: . Fiam-IIR-nlmgmxl ~ lime» n MIR») lmw mmfil: Luth Millennial I‘Tyiwvhmm-M o - WVa mhm 4:93;__ ”'7 - l _ :‘E‘i J. law N0. EAL}. .3 a WA Morten. 2 m 0N Wank. CS5; flunflqlu i e "man EXHIBIT 7 LAW 09mm OF Mlcnm F. Pmum A Pmpmnmm Lmzmn Llama“ Gaammmn Pfiga *3 Comm? Cum Rona Fmvmw, Tms 75069 F. Puma: szqrgvum C469-233emm memnflmummm.mm 83c; Mm 3 i a i F. Septanm 29,, 201? Ms. Pameia Pope 2??? N. Jmmsm SW5 Freeway Smile 1069 Baflas‘ Tam 75267 PamJ@{gm com Via emaii: Mr- Edward 2?? N. Suiie 1.03323, Jr. Siemmms Fmeway Tm Texas 7.520? Via emaii: Edwardtgfiéggbs.m 3333333,. Haass 711 Navarm Street Suite 300 Sal Mimic. Texas 78205 Via email: haasugg“ athel Mr. Rick ‘WExmm Demand for Re: Preservation 0n behalf of Tin Star d(bia Tin Star Title Deaf Ms. Jahnsm and Mews. Lapez anti & Litigaiicm Title} Inc. Support Haass: ma Piease be advised that have been retainad lo raptesent Tm Star Title, Inc. & Litigaliun Suppm (“Tin Sim“) with respect to work pelfonned by Tin Star 0n behaif of the Dallas mffice of Linebarger Gnggan Blair a Sampsm, LLP (“L688“). My Giant, far years, has beefi pefionnéng abstrac: services fer LGBS and has acumen! a sigrfificant amounts payable cummw due and owing by L633“ Pumuant ta our invesfigafiim inta this matter, cenain hardtop); and eiectmnis records smuld be telained by LGBS in anticipation of possibae iitigaiian concerning this mama“. I Tin Star Title Hammad far Preservation of Electronically Storm! Infamatian Tm 51m demands that van pmaewe au decuments; tangibie things and eieckmicaily stated inftmnmion pclenfially relevant lo the issues in this As user! mm. Emma Cm Cum. Tam. Law, Twas 3mm 9r Lama. Smutmanou. m mmyem Camuamn Mfimxmn, Tame Minimum Cuanmmauna Assem‘rmu www mm om Page}: . mfinis dowmem, “yam” and “yen? refers m 3.633 and its predecassars sumssms parents subsitfiaées divisims araffifiates andtheir mspenlive officers {fireman wants afiameys accountants empioiyees partnersommer parsons mcupying sirrfiiarposifims ' _ 1 “Br patfmmmg gimfi‘aar functmns mum I m animpme that uf the informafinfi subject ta disclasure am! farmer commuter dmscovery in this matter is siored yam systems {and ether media and deviaes (including perseniai digital assistants voice— smassagmg sysiems amine mpOSitofieS and 09H thmS)- {3f particuia; interasi is ail of me anfannahon stared en yéur FTP systems a‘n‘d yaw Oracle Systems Yfiu _ g-ieresponswe *— shrauid m 1c:- mam: -» . .' ' __ 3W the __. Eiaczmnzcafly stfiz‘e‘fi infnnnalé-on (haanina‘fiea’ "E31”; should be broadési pasfible fiefirfitmn and indudes {by way sf example and mat as an exclusive fist) pmaméafly re 26mm anfozmalian eSecfmnmafly magnetically or opficafly 31mm! as: mmmm’écatims (9g, e-mai!‘ mice msaéL instant messaging); dacumems (e..g.. Word m“ Wordwrfect and drafts}; precessed Wand Sprmsheeis 3nd tables {3.9“ Excei er Laws 123 wnfiazsheefis}; Amuniing flppficafion Data (e.gw Quickfiuoks. Manage, Peadah‘ee flata files); Image and Faca'miie Fiias (3.49.3 .F‘flF, .TIFFJ APB: .Gii: images); fiigiia! mmmts sauna Remrdings (fig, .WAV and MP3 flies); Videa and Animation (8.9., AV! anal MEN files); Databases (e.gr Access} Gracia SQL Sewer data, SAP); Cantact and Relatimship Management Data (egg, Outlmk, ACTH; Calendar and Diary Appiication Data (e.g., Outlook PST, Yam, blag toms); Galina Access Data {e.g. Tempm‘ary lntemet files, History. Cookies); Pmsefiiatiflns (9.9., PaweIPoint, Com! Presentationw; Netvwrk Acces3 and Server Activity Logs; Illlll¢IOOIUOOCO Project Managemenl Appiicatinn Data; Computm Aided DesigniDrawing Files; and, Back Up and Archival Files (99., Zip, .GHO). E3! resides . ._ media reasmabiy , : ' - only in areas of menimni-B magnetic _aincessa‘ble ta mnabie accemble .. ‘ mt Yam: are pm: but alsc abii'ge‘d in and areas you la preserve pnte‘nhafly optical sinrage may deem not maven! evidence fmm hath these sums 0f ES! wen if mu do not aniicipaie preducing such ES! The demand that yeu preserve both accessible and inaccessible ESi is masanabfe and a_esessary Pursuant to the Federal Rules 9f Civi! Pmcadum you " must Idenilfy a1! scarces of ES"! ynu detainee to and demuns‘tmte tn 1m ."__’:‘_'Ceufi why. such sources are hm réas‘onabiy actessible Fm" gum sham thé‘ arde'r preducfim cf the ES: even may :hein it finds that ii is ml masanably accessibie In additian pwwani ta 1'6an Rules {31’ Eivii {REE __196 .4 {Eiectionia or. Ma'g'nefic Data) you musi pmduce the 3396mm 0r magnem: data that rs m_spensive t0 the request and is masanably available m the responding party in {fie aidina‘ry course at businem If yen baliave {hat the data Is not accessfibie through reasonable efferls the Cam can stiii mum yam m cnmply v . , " prom - mm "‘- I g; -— i: ' '_ - mum iii Prom ‘ ii ' page 3 . A A I_ ' 7' -- the request Amerdmly. éamn ESi that yau deem reasonably inacces'sébiel Tm Star c? its right t0 seem must be preserved 1n the interim $0 as 10 mt deprive: 0r” the Cnurl of its fight to acfiudi-cate the issue the evidence wail: Preservatien Requires immediate Intervention I am Yam mus: immediateiy tn :‘vaimout limiiafion information with the I mam pomntiauy relevant ES! 5mm ' 63mg? of a Created or Last Modified date on after 20H Waugh ihe date; 13f this demand and cancemiag the claim of Tm Star ’tfia‘t yam have refused 1c: pay fur abstract services perfmmed on behalf 0f LGBS as “welt as any ES! yam may use 19' "suppmt yew ciaims or defenssas m this case -_"£3fr 7 ,j‘ Adaquate presawafim 9f ESI requires mare man simply? mfiaining fmm destmy or dispose 0f such evidence You musi 31333 i‘ntewene ti; pmvent less due tn {mane operations and empiey proper techniques and protomls suited 19 [ha pmte-cfim of ESL Be advisad that semees 3f ES! are altelad and erased by mniinued use 0f yaw mznputers and aiher devices. Bowing a drive: examimng running any appiicaiiun wig; ineifievabiy alter the avideme it :13 mnten’is mnlains and may commute uniawhst spofiaiéan of evidence. Censequenfly? aiterafim and erasure may ream fawn your faiiure to ac! diligentiy and respansfiaiy 14) prawn: Brass 0r campaign d E33. effcrls 110 m Nothing in this demand for presentation of ES! shank! be understood to diminish your concurrent obh’gatfon to document, tangible things and other polentiafly mievant evidence. pmem Suspension of Routine Destmction You are directed to immediateiy inmate a litigatian hflld for potentially remvant ES! decumenis and tangibie things and t0 act diligently and in good secure and audit mmpiiance wiah such tigaficn hold Yfiu are fume!" ammednately idéhfify and mndify {3r suspend faaiunes a: _jfiimcmd mfmmatmn systems and devices mat m mutam ogaeration operate lo cause 1m lass uf polemialiy refevan! ES: Exampies at such features and emtions faith to - m 3E m -‘ ’ ' include: a» v Paging the mntems of email mmsitmies by age, capamty m d. ‘6.:'iv‘:,i"l.-I.l.fi.32¢}, 9mm mm; 3.;U3ing- dale (gai media wiping, dismsa‘l mi erasure or awypfion uiilitias car defines; flvemmtmg, eraswg, destmying 0r 'discarding back up media; T’JRe—assagnmg, reamagmg or. dismsang oi swims Emery, devices or media; ?TRunnmg aniiviz‘us Jot Other programs efieéfiing Whalés'ale metadafa gf’Reieasmg hr purgingonline siora'ge repusltanes aim; Usmg meia‘flata ' stripper utilities .g-rizq: f o.-‘ Disablmg sewer or 1M logging; ”and Executing drive or file defragmentafion 9r cnmpressian pragmms _. " _ Guard Against cm T ‘ - 7 _ Dem " Yau shmid anfiagale ma? war empiuyees oficers 0r may seek to hide desimy 0r 1319? ES! "and act m prevent 0r guard against such acflms. Especiaiiy where mmpmy manhinés have been used for internei amass 0r personai cammumcafims ta" delate destroy infamaiian they regam 13pm shame! antlmpaie that user's may seek {3r embarrassmg cranfdennal so pasonai and in deing may a1 $9 deflate fir destiny a5 This wmam is not one unique m yea 53016111133 y reievani E81 your emplayees' and th'ai tslemurs with such regulan'fy in eSectmmc discovery 51mph: an em: nifmers ii afiafls that any custadian 0f ES! and their mmsal are abligaied m anticipate and m f = : m I ‘ '- 2‘: i ' _ ‘ Tagamsi iis W mm ' ' Presehirafifln'by Yflu shank! {aka affimaiive systems steps am amhives fmm seeking m "tn imam- ng' prevem anyme whim amass lo yam data modify. destmy 0r hide electronic eviderm On land hard drives (such as deieiing Gr avemriiing flies, using dam shading 1131me and avemiflng applicaficafis, two defiagmen‘étaiian‘ re-imaging car repiacing drivesq m Wsssion; sieg-amgraphy or the like} With [egpeci 19ml hard drives. {me way t0 meted existing daia 9n 10333 hand drives is by the creafion and aulhents'aaiim a wrensicasly quaiified image 0f ail seciors mf me drive. Such a forenstcafiy quaiified dupiicaie may aim be cafled a bilstream image ta? done m‘ the diive, Be advised that a cementimai back up 0f a hard dfive is mat a famsicaliy qualified image becaus-e ii aniy mptures active uniocked data files and fails {o preserve fmeqzsicaiay significmi data that may exist in sum areas as unallecaiad 398m, slack space and the Swap ma encrypfinn, m With reaped to the ham times and named beiow and 0f each persm storage devises {3f each 0f the pmsms acting in the capacity GI helding the job tilie namad beiew. as well as each nther person tikesy to have "mformatim pertaining to the instant computer hard drive(sL demand is made that yau immediaaely obtain, authenticate and presme forensicafly quaiified images of the hard dn‘ves in any mmputer System (inciuding portabie and home computers) used by that person during me [3mm from Januaw 2012 to the pheaent as wail as recerding and mesming the system time and date cf each such coinputer adieu 0n __ their ' awn Franks :-:.::.j"“;". Pam Joimsori _ '5 l'. Q' Rosanna (3051011; Ruth Green; afid ¢ -.:-Peggy McGenmck I“ = 5;__.:_f_ ' = ‘ I jg; 0am untamed fdate each Such flammsmon meduum fmm wind] gaitemnon-:r‘-:-.-:.-.-. it and the system and was obtamed Each Sim image shank! be pmewed wifimt ._ _ Manama; maimed image should be awed to identify the the person or entity acquiring the image _ 7 mem‘iun in Native Form Yau shwkl anfimpate ma! ceriain E83 inciumawg but n91 limiied Ia spmadsheefs énd databases wiii be swam m the form 0r fmms in Wish i: is andinarily maintamed Acmmngiy gm shsuid presewe ES! m such native farms afid yam shuwd net select ans in preserve E33 {hat remma 55 fiegrade the ability t0 Search 3mm ES? by mafia it diffiwfi m burdensome m access 0r use the eiectmmc mamas efiaflweiy 533mg ibis mama} QC: f0 itfigaticm '_ - :- m - 513mm _Metadata _ . Yum: 5min}3:3 father aniz'aipate the Mucé sysiam and need to diflosa and Sysm metadata appficalm metadma am: at?! in mserve it. me h?giflry and characiensnes {3f mmr ES! This informatien és irfinmafian desmtmg is 13:13:63in awmiatad swim {making er managing an eierfimnic fiie and after) inciudes data reflecting a fiie 3 name size: mstodian, .iocaiizon and daie-s 0f creaflm and last modificafiun or access Appfication metadaia is infmnation amanaaiicafly inciuded Gr embedded in dammit; flies but which may nut be apparent a user, induding deieied cantent, drafl language, mmmentary, coliabmalm and distribution data and dates 9f Greafimn and mating Be aflvised {hat metadata may be overwfitten 0r corrupted by careless handiing 0r improper steps ta preserve E31. For electronic mail, metadala includes ax header routing data and Base 64 venmded attachment data, in addiiim to the T0, From, Subjem, Received Dale, CC and EEC flaws. m Servers With respeci ta sewers flee lhase used to manage electronic mail (e.g. Mimaafi Exdmange, Lntus Deming} 0r netwwk (after! called a ufier‘s “network sham"), [he mplete cantents 0f each user s :19th sham and email 3mm!“ should be preserved. mere are several ways 1e preserve fine cements 0f a sewer depending upon, e.g., its RAID cmfiwation and memes“ it can be downed or must be onfirae 24f? If you questian whether the preservatitm method yen pursue is one that we will accept as sufficient please call to discuss i1. 51W _ Home Systems, Laptops 01mm Accounts and Other ES! Venues ‘ " --' Thaug} wfa expect that you win act swim to presewe data on office mmstatim and semen ynu should 3131:» (lemme if any hams or portabie systems may cantain f_ potentiafly relevant data. To the extent that officers partners beam members or e'm‘pioyees have sent 0r received potentiafly relevani emails 01 created 0r neviewed .- ._" 1' potenuafly duwments away fmm the ofiice yaou must preserva the cements 0f systerm. dewces and media used ior these purposes (including nut snly potentially relevant dale from portable and name computers hm 3350 from pertabie thumb drives CD R disks and the: user 5' PBA 3mm phone voice mailbox or other farms 9f E8! storaga ) Simulariy, :fampinvees Qfiicers partners 0r board manners uSed online‘ er brawser— based email accaunts or sewices (such as AOL Gmai! Yahrm Mail er the like; to send bf receive potmfiafly relevant messages and anachments thsi mutants of these ammml mailboxes (mciudang Sent; Dekte‘d and mmived Massage folders) shmfld be _ Afiéiilary Pfiesaniatim I. . Yen must preserve ducumems and ciher tangible iie-ms ihai may be raquired to annex interpret er search potentially relevant E31 including flags mntmi sheets spanificahnns mamas. nammg prommis fiie lists netwam diagrams flaw charts mfimcfiom sheets dam aniw fems abhmviatian Rays user ID anti passwam masters or " - the iikfl Yam: i amass must 33mm any @33st eneryqaied mais- m ma appiicamns manuals and iacmse keys . fur applib'amns keys m eflwr aumenticamrs mated m 33mg swam the msiaiiataoa disks user tar: access the E31. Ycu mus: presewa any cabling {imam and hardware other man a standard CD m [ND $169311dsk maze if neefled 19 access m £13th media which ES! is stored This mamas tape drives bar made waders Zip Drives Jami} firwes and what Segacy {1r m mammary devices. Paw Pfesewatitm at ES! is Inadequate As had copies do not preserve electronic searchabflity an adequate substitute infomatian eru'sis in 9r metadata. they ate mt er cumuiative m, eteclronically stored versims. If esecironic and paper farms, you shmuid preserve bum forms“ for, bum Agents, attorneys and Third Farms Yam preservatian ob-ia'gaflzénn extends beyond ES! wstody and includes E3! én 'in the custody 0f catherS that that your care, possessinn O_r is subject t9 your directinn 0r Acmrdingly, you must nctify any current er fame: agent‘ altmnem mpigyeat wstocfian or vconhactof in passessiw of potentiaiiy relevant ESi {a preserve such ES! t9 the full extent 9f your abiigau‘cm tn do St), and you must take reasoname steps lo secuie contra]. their compliance. Preservation Protccols ., We are willing 10 mark with you to agree upon an acceptable premium for {musically somd presewmion and this is particuiafly true if vow E31 Mommies Giraud Gomputmg and Depi amen! Wiedme _ . . I a am awailabie to discuss reamable preservation steps; hcwever you shmld not siép’s‘ penciing‘ such discussions EFS may be inst car mmmtad as a 'defef pres‘ewatich ._._. __ -_"_ : '3- Do Not Delay Pres'ewafion if pram cansequence 0f delay Sfiouid your faiture t0 pnianiiafiy relevant evidence result m: ihe? campnon insisf or. d‘alay‘m pmduction of eviuence lo which we are entitled wgfifaalwg want! mnsntute spollatmn of evidence and we will mt hesitate to seek the Canfirmafim] Compfimme mafia“ by: Mammy Omaha: 9 201? aha! “yam have aaken the 3mm Sumner} m this Iefiier 3-0 preserve E3! amt! tangibie dncumems fioiantiaaiy {e?evam [a mks P363333 have not taken the steps maimed above, am have taken miner acia’anrs, 933339 Gamma whai 3cm: have dame m pregame paten’téaiiy reiavam evidence. acaim. ii v01: Resyectfuiiy years, ‘g’Z/{rgr Muthaei {392:2th Z’f fi§.(.{/£<\ 1. EXHIBIT 8 From; Peggy ficCtstam': m May finé; £3913 ID: 13 1%: unstamfleQQnaTmm‘M flan: (Meseaiflfiswabej Cc: Edward Lopez; Efid'gat Lapez; Pam Jnhmm; Jonathan Mara Sent: Saturday; Subject: net}; 03m Mm LGfifismmMeefing 5128:33at4 pm am .. . _ mm mmmsmwm‘ mum u nsmmhmammmmwm wrvahm ‘ Wemddiikakxyauiommmmfiimsrdmmmmésday,Hayzfimfma4mfimefing. lwifihewmameefitg mmmmmaHMe—M mwflmwemmMMMmmm.MmmMmaua Wmmdmwm,mmmfidmmhamexmammm. Youatewelmmek: mmmmmfimmmmmflfl.WWWMKhh mmhxmsRmanyafimshfimanmwosfims. mmeiustletmmwsamtlmnmmammma We are asking flint anyone warts with 3m: dummmmwmm gathering data or doing the abstracts, also amend this meeting K warn lo mm ml“: mu ism review of any mack; and balances 0m prom m1 bath LGE&$ and your mfi might have In mane bah" ma alumni: finally get Lo attorney nevi“ (a pnssiblc. days hm Hag) Topics to be muemd include: reflewdihesummmmm hemmed wmkplmfarthemmainéex oflheyear. wil be implemented upda‘es m he e-fifng syszem DalaWamand Damon afiectiwe 1-1-2014 >A 3. > thai fur Updam on any District Glam o: Com pmoess menges — induding infimmafim avaiatfle 0n ROAM m 063852? m > Specific abaract issues our adorneys have encountmed during Ina past year > Quesfions that wt! mbghlhave farm attomeys or for! 81388 abnul research system amass or m-quhd documentation mmwfifinm"PW'Wthfihnauasamcwnmfieswmmetom‘qumfimsmd " nfmm' provde‘ _'afinfito_ymmfibismmhn‘g. _ flhymfl~Weflhmwsmdsfllmmmmdem diam. andromumftdn Weaweualewff“ ammwmsevrm amwmssmfitosamgmmemmrm Opannms Mihagu _ = _- yiAflflnefifilmw A . Imbargchognmm—&mm " ‘ ‘ , I .333 Bum Sm Sit 1603 Dallas Mam TX ?520i izlqyssqws'? ‘ " 2 9mm {mizzrsm Per. (214} 154436? hltptfinm w‘:gi:s.rm= ”‘3 Emmy? Ifilfi‘mfi MBZHESJJF c I Foss'iblé dataé 1 message «?vgmr :Tao‘: - - -§ » WMmam*Pemhwgmm {813mm “Tangier Tziie‘ {er Resaiifid casi’ma ,- fér'fibsmcior’Meéfing I - I Wam.m> maimflnsWWME- _ _ wadFeasthama‘agsgamax-- mm)“ 5 {3m mwmfisnm Gmamymmmmtmhammmmwmmfieammmvflmm kmmmm may — L‘ yam hhaVea—nanmaimmmmfigm WawanymwpmmandMMNmWis mmfiafififiwmesmmmup Wiaameefingmhaflmsmyis Ems mmmlaammmm mfifiWMMmesWe-fiag mug fufiwwflmmmmwwtmmflmdmmmhm—MMWQMMWW mwmmmmjsmmma mmazmwflmhasWMEHMM. W, 1.1mm, Feb 23‘“ Feb 26m mun. Mann“ wed, mam“ PIeaseleMaekermyufflmdafismkfaryoummmwammmas: s,mmmeofommmmyhmm change adm apptanthezfd. We win pnepare an agmda and make sum em has plenty oi time to gather anymmg {hey wi mad. .memma—mmmfinmfimtmmmm mmmmeNammmmmm mmkwboflmfomfm m ‘ I 3353mm m mkmfi hill ammng Main dis ' _:.':_‘_hnehmgnr Giaggas BiairfiSampmn, LL? ---,_‘1:Aflnmcys at-La'w fl - " ' 7_ r n . _ " V I ' ff-“Peggyhi@igb$mm ??’??.N . Siemmms Freeway Sun: H300 -» ;:.'-':-:Danas T157529? .__ _ V_ . _‘ iMmivmmm-mga ~.“:.: » _» j; Fax: {214) J.” -- f'fbm(469)_21_5&m ' . ‘ 754316" Jv---;'_.“...,— Mmiiwwwlghacomi .xu. This mmmmm um be: (3 )snbgmmm: .érmmhflhmt P'zmiegt. (21 ma mama? mafia mmixm m (33 szficth mfidmial l!" - : ,. I amfl'MHV.