-:t1=5'-f0 20110829 (Monday) http://wikileaks.org/Wiki leaks-S1a1emen1-o n-1he-9-Mo nth.html 00. Editorial - Wikileaks Statement on the 9 Month Anniversary of Cablegate: Release of 133,887 Cables 29th August 2011 Over the past week, WikiLeaks has released 133,887 US diplomatic cables from around the world - more than half of the entire Cablegate material (251,287 cables). The new release was met with a sustained Denial of Service (DOS) attack during the first 36 hours. WikiLeaks had to rely on back-up servers for some hours. With supporters' help, Wikileaks was able to bring in additional servers to stave off the attack. For 1he first time, the diplomatic cables are available from every country that has US diplomatic representation. Until now, many countries had been excluded from the news stories, partly due to WikiLeaks media partners' geographical bias, and partly due to Wikileaks' resource constraints in establishing new media partnerships (there are now over 90). Background Nine months ago today, Wikileaks launcred Cablegate toge1her with four media partners (Der Spiegel, El Pais, Le Monde, the Guardian) and the New York Times (who obtained the cables 1rom the Guardian). The US adminis1ration and allied media groups responded with 1hreats and intimidation. Wikileaks and an alleged source, US intelligence analyst Bradley Manning, bore 1he brunt of 1hese attacks. During the first weeks, calls to kidnap and assassinate Wikileaks S1aff, and particularly its founder and editor-in-chief Julian Assange, were frequent. Shortly thereafter, VISA, MasterCard, PayPal, Bank of America and Western Union unilaterally prevented Wikileaks from receiving donations from its supporters. The unlawful financial blockade of our publication continues, although Wikileaks is suing VISA Europe and MasterCard, and has filed a complain1 wi1h the European Commission for serious breach. (For ways to donate, see http://wikileaks.org/support ). A secret grand jury in Virginia is deciding whether Julian Assange, a journalist and Australian national, can be charged with espionage for the publication of this material. Rationale: release of 133,887 cables Cablegate launched nine months ago today. Despite the amount of material yet to be reported on, mainstream media organisations in Europe and the United States have slowed their rate of publishing Cablegate derived stories. This has led to the misperception in Europe and the US that Wikileaks has been less active in recent months. In tact, Wikileaks has stepped up its activity, establishing new partnerships on each continent with local media organisations that can contextualise the cables and carry out in-depth analysis. Wikileaks has gone 1rom its four original partners in November 201 Oto over ninety as of this month (August 2011 ). The decision to publish 133,877 cables was taken in accordance with Wikileaks' commitment to maximising impact, and making information available to all. At 1he beginning of the month, the number of cables published had only reached the 20,000 mark - under 10% of the to1al. The cables that had been reported on also demonstrated a less than satisfactory represen1ation on 1he world rnap. Through crowdsourcing, Wikileaks hopes to maximise the impact of the information in the diplomatic cables by allowing universities, investigative journalists, human rights advocates, lawyers, and prosecutors to access the source material all over the world. Crowdsourcing has proved 10 be a success: regional issues overlooked by our initial Western partners have been picked up around the world even journalists who did not have access to our materials at institutions like the Guardian are revealing importan1 stories. Mainstream newspapers, chiefly outside of Europe and the United States, are picking up on the #wlfind hashtag on twitter. People across the globe are looking at the cables that report on their own countries: they are finding stories of corruption, risky local construction projects, stories of environmental degradation and candid analysis of their political landscape. New stories include nuclear safety in China, a letter from the UN rapporteur to the US mission in Geneva inquiring on the reason why a US army soldier was not prosecuted for the killing ot a Reuters journalist, a cable suggesting that the peaceful resolution of the conflict with North Korea may pose a risk to US interests in China because it may lead to China asking the US to leave its army base (some of the #wlfind stories are listed below). Crowdsourcing and journalism Stories of the recently released material is being shared on twitter under the #wlfind hashtag. The site www.cablegatesearch.net is a powerful tool for those scouring the cables: it enables keyword searches for over 140,000 released cables. This page also has a ·comments' field where readers can share research and valuable contextual knowledge regarding the cables, as well as link cables across themes and countries. Crowdsourcing allows tor the significance of the material to grow organically: along with readers' geographical diversity comes a diversification of subject matters and a plurality of angles. Crowdsourcing is not at odds with journalism. Wikileaks has witnessed how the #wlfind hashtag has led to stories being published in the mainstream press. The crowdsourcing of the bulk of the cables will assist journalists to sift through the tens if not hundreds ot thousands of cables relating to the contemporary history of their own region. Readers are discovering that even the media organisations with the most resources, Wikileaks' original partners, do not have the capacity to sift through all the cables nor report on all the big stories. It is a shared responsibility, then, for citizens, journalists, and researchers to comb through the material and find its local and global significance. Those stories that established media organisations are unable or unwilling to report on due to fear of being sued , or conflict of interest, or both, should nevertheless be in the public domain and available for everyone to access. With crowdsourcing, Wikileaks is also observing another interesting pheno'llenon: cables that have been previously published are also finding the r way to the #wlfind hashtag. Cablegate stories that have already been reported in national papers or in a different language have not transcended borders - this is now changing as the readers scour the cables. Crowdsourcing is drawing attention to new angles on previously published cables and helping to maximise the impact of the release. We encourage you to use the cablegatesearch.net tool and to share your finds through articles, or applying the hashtag #wlfinds on biogs and social networking sites such as twitter and Facebook. Readers are also encouraged to stay informed on how to optimise research through the Wikileaks twitter feed and website. Wikileaks ® Attack the Network - Defeat the Device - Train the Force Joint IED Defeat Organization Counter IED Operations Integration Center T""" 0 0 ...._ _J '-----------------------------------------'~ Classified By: Multiple Sources U.. Declassify on;:.;. :M ::.:.:. R;____ _____, (l:: w LL Prepared byl(b)( 6 ) W Reason: 1.4 (e), (e) and (gl 0:: RFS 69307 Red Team Analysis of IZ Wikileaks Published on: 07 JAN 2011 Information Cutoff Date: 06 JAN 2011 Prepared by: COIC MID COIC Reston (COIC Red Team) 0 ...._ "'O 0 0. 0 Q) _J ,-.... 0 0 I 0:: _J I This information has been verified to be releasable to the foreign governments and/or International organizations indicated on this cover slide by the JIEDDO Foreign Disclosure Office. Provision of this Information does not imply a commitment on the part of the US Government to loan, sell, transfer, provide, or convey information, technology, or equipment rererred to herein. Direct all inquiries to _COICFDO@atac.smil.mil This Slide is UNCLASSIFIED When Separated from the Rest of the Presentation ,-.._ UNCLASSIFIED r v__;.::: @ (U) Agenda / Product Overview Agenda • (U) Executive Summary • (U) Methodology • (U) Key Findings • (U) Red Team Methodology • (U) ORSA Methodology • (U) Way-Ahead • (U) Points of Contact Product Overview • (U) Requester: BG James Nixon, USCENTCOM J3 FP N 0 0 --<( • Unit: CENTCOM • Phone:.... l20) simulations were conducted. 0:: --0 • (U/WOUO) In the initial effort, some records were not appended. Text Mining techniques were applied to the records not appended to seek additional compromises and compromise types. These additional compromise types were reviewed and selected ones were appended to the relevant records. "'C 0 Cl. 0 -Q) _J • {U//,-C,UO} This process substitutes computer processing for human reading of every record. Although every effort was made to produce an accurate, high-quality product, incomplete and inconsistent reporting together with the inherent weaknesses of computer processing means that a few reports may have been mischaracterized. The number of such mischaracterizations is a small portion of all of the data and will not significantly change the conclusions. r-0 0 I 0:: _J I r-- UNCLASSlr--lED -:-:.,,..;u U r·J CL ASS WI F:: D - :: :...: (U) Methodology Computational Linguistics Read Statistically Relevant Human Read 10% LO 15% 0 0 ..._ _J 17% Low Low Med 16% • High • High 60% • No ComprOmise • ••• • Med 64% No Compromise • (UPlnQUOj Red Team read a slatistically relevant and random sample (1,890 records). This sample size achieves +/-3% certainty that the sample is representative of the complele set of records. (U//"""°) Red Team used several readers in order to mitigate the influence of bias in the analysis. w w LL et: (U//~ ) On average, the readers determined - 36% of the statistical sample to be compromises of various severities. This ls within 4% of the computational read. (UHFOUO) Red Team determines lhrough an analytical methodology whelher, and to what extent. there is compromise concerning a particular released report et: 0 ..._ High Severity: Infers methods or means of collection or codifies the Coalition understanding of the insurgents' relationship to other entities. Medium Severity: Tactical procedures that may be observed and possibly countered by insurgents. Low Severity: Tactical procedures that are easily observed and cannot be easily countered by insurgents . l :J 0 0. 0 Q) _J ,-.... 0 0 I et: _J (U~ ) No reader read more than ~300 records in order to mitigate the occurrence of cognitive drift and excessive cognitive load. ,-....I T""" (Uh~ The readers had various military backgrounds (Chiefly: Explosive Ordinance Disposal, Special Forces and Army Intelligence) (U~ ) Red Team (the human read) and ORSA (lhe compulalional read) are combined and categorized to determine whelher lhere is a compromise and the concomitant level of severity. I_I N C L A ~.S I F I E D ,. '.:: :_; ,) ® (U) Key Findings (Computational Linguistics) everity: Percent of Total (111 k) High Severity: Infers methods or means of collection or co 10% 0 0 codifies the Coalition understanding of the insurgents' relationship to other entities. --<( _J 17% Medium Severity: Tactical procedures that may be l ow Med observed and possibly countered by insurgents. 44.000 Aecoo:fs • High Low Severity: Tactical procedures that are easily observed and cannot be easily countered by insurgents. 60% No Compromise 0:: 0:: w w LL 0:: ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~SMREL) ORSA determined that ~40% (44k reports) of the 111 k records were compromises of various levels of severity. ~13% (14k reports) of the compromised records are considered high severity. "'O cation of Report: Percent of Total (111 k) 0 a. 0 t(,h'AEL) ORSA Determined that the vast majority of the released records pertain to North and West Iraq (~82%). ---0 Q) 0% 2% • 4% _J • North • West • • -q- r-,... North-Central 0 0 Northwest 0:: I _J Southeast Northeast Analysis: tO,YREL} The impact of the compromise is not attected by the location to which the released report pertains. lnsutgents in the North and West can make full use of compromised Friendly Force TTPs in the East and South. Additionally, compromised reports will significantly aid in the migration and improvement of Insurgent TTPs throughout Iraq, across other theatres of operation and across insurgent networks. I r-,... "C"""" @ (U) Key Findings (Computational Linguistics: Severity) r---- High Severity: Infers methods or means of collection or codifies the Coalition understanding of the insurgents' relationship to other entities. 0 0 -- 10% Medium Severity: Tactical procedures that may be observed and possibly countered by insurgents. _J Low 17% Med Low Severity: T acticaJ procedures that are easily observed and cannot be easily countered by insurgents. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• S111fiU~L} Released reportsl(b)(1),Sec. 1.4(a) • High 60% 0:: I -------, w 14,000 Records No Compromise I (b)(1),Sec. 1.4(a) I tt 0:: --0 High Severity (14k} 10000 l 0 200: ] S2_Assess Q) _J 8000 ] I 4000 I 0 Q. 8840 6000 " 'C 3439 --1790 Attribution LN Informant r---0 0 I 0:: _J I """ (U) Key Findings (Computational Linguistics: Severity) co High Severity: Infers methods or means of collection or codifies the Coalition understanding of the insurgents' relationship to other entities. 0 0 --- 10% Medium Severity: Tactical procedures that may be observed and possibly countered by insurgents. _J Low 17% Med Low Severity: Tactical procedures that are easily observed and cannot be easily countered by insurgents. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ((;" .--c' \ •(b)(1 ),Sec. 1.4(a) I 19,000 Records High 60% No Compromise 13% (b)(1),Sec. 1.4(a) et: w LL w et: ---0 20000 15000 10000 5000 l Medium Severity (19K) 15833 "'O 0 C. 0 Q) _J ..._.. 1416 1408 297 0 ..,.,..,..,.,.,....,,....-.....,....,.,.....--------· ... r b)(1),Sec. 1.4(a) r--,.. 0 0 I et: _J I r--,.. T""" @ (U) Key Findings (Computational Linguistics: Severity) 0) High Severity: Infers methods or means of collection or codifies the Coalition understanding of the insurgents' relationship to other entities. 0 0 .....J -- 100/4 'FOUO) DST Determined that the vast majority of w 0 .._ ..."'C fSrlREL) Percent of Total (3970) 0 Cl.. 0 5%(197)......._ • RC SOUTH - • 0 Legend the released records pertain to RC East and RC South 3450 reports (~87%). RC EAST RC NORTH 25%(996) • "-.62%(2454) Analyst Comments·l(b)( 1),Sec. 1.4(a) l(b)(1),Sec. 1.4(a) 0:: w u.. 0:: •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• (U//FOUO) DST/ORSA Determined that ~20% (793 reports) of the 3,970 records were potential compromises of TTPs. ~4% (183 reports) of the compromised records are considered high severity. _J • High Severity Medium Severity 80%(3177) -.:::t" N 0 .._ RC WEST RC CAPITAL Q) _J -.:::t" t- o I 0:: _J I t- (S//REL) Key Findings (cont'} (U) High Severity: Infers methods or means of collection or codifies the coalition understanding of the insurgents' relationship to other countries. (U) Medium Severity: Tactical procedures that may be observed and possibly countered by insurgents. (U) Low Severity: Tactical procedures that are easily observed and cannot be easily countered by insurgents. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• l.{) N High Severity TTPs ISR use and capabilities Local National cooperation with FF Communications intercept capability Analytical capabilities Tactical Limitations Use and capability of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) 0 .._ _J 0:: w u.. w 0:: :=x: 0 .._ ..."'C (U/.lf QWQ) DST/ORSA determined potential insurgent responses for 6 categories of high severity possible compromises. From the release of these reports, the insurgent will likely be able to discern (to some degree) the effectiveness of friendly forces ISR, the level of LN support in particular areas, IED analytical capabilities, tactical limitations of friendly forces, tactical communication collection methods, and the use and capability of Ground Penetrating Radar. INS Response Compensate for ISA capabilities More effectively intimidate LNs Improve OPSEC Use cover names and locations Exploit tactical limitations Use secondary devices 0 Cl. 0 Q) _J -.:::t" t- o 0 I 0:: _J I tT""" @ (S//REL) Key Find ngs (cont') tS11tREL) 3% (25) out of the 793 possible compromises involve ISR use and capability. High Severity TTPs lSR.U~abjtiti~ )' II le. Ir II I , 11' < ~, y rl1 ,rt I )( u -8 Q) _j I •ns (UNFOUO) Insurgents will likely exploit limitations FF I has with regard to weather, terrain and the presence of civilians when Close Air Support is needed. r-I 0:: _j I r-""""" ® (S//REL) Key Findings (cont') ~SffREL) 6% (51 ) out of the 793 possible compromises involve the use of metal detectors or GPA. High Severity TTPs ('I') -0 _J <( 0:: 0:: ISR use and capan1l111es Local National cooperatron with FF Communicatmns intercept capability Analyt cal capabllrt1es T (. IL 11 1 .J C w w 0:: LL •• • ••• •• .Uae_ao.cLC_apabjJltY_oLGe ------ • • 0 "'C 0 Cl. 0 INS Response (U//fiOUO) Insurgents will likely use secondary and Compensate lor ISA capab1httes • More effectively 1nt11rndate LNs Improve OPSEC Use cove, names and locations r J ,h I )1., ic l I h r I tl J tertiary devices to overcome the effectiveness of metal detectors and G PR. llllP" (U/!FOUO) Insurgents will likely use more low metal Use Second Devices content IEDs in order to defeat the effectiveness of metal detectors. Q) _J --'q'" ,....._ 0 0 I 0:: _J I ,....._ U JCl ,'\ S SI F I E U :-- -:_: ~- (U) Way-Ahead N C't') -0 • (U) Risk Assessment / Risk Mitigation should be completed regarding the infractions determined to be high severity. In particular, records that exposed cooperation by local nationals should be reviewed to determine if protective measures are needed. _J <( n:: n:: w w • (U//FOUO~ Future assessments on perhaps larger data sets should be done with a combination of subjective and objective methods. The larger the data set, the more necessary it is for ORSA to objectively guide the subjective process. LL n:: <( • (U) Inferences to "Special Programs" were not taken into account in this effort as none of the parties involved in the effort are read on to the relevant programs. As part of the way-ahead, DST suggests the customer works with ORSA on search criteria so that any compromises of special programs can be identified. -0 .."'C 0 - (U) Recommend a Special Programs review of the findings in this document and the embedded excel spreadsheet. a. 0 Q) _J • (U) Recommend a SIGINT assessment of IED facilitators mentioning the released reports. "'1" r-,.... • (U) Recommend an analysis of the strategic and political impact of these released reports. 0 0 I n:: _J I r-,.... urJCLASSlrlEL: --~:_::=, ® (U) DST Methodology • (U) The COIC Directed Studies Team (DST) is a "Red Team" charged with conducting threat emulation at the tactical and operational level. As such, the DST is responsible for independently reviewing the full range of analytical issues related to the counter-IED fight. • (U) Charged with assessing the level of compromise regarding 3970 TF Paladin classified records that were released in an open and unclassified manner, Directed Studies has teamed with ORSA. • (U) Directed Studies determines through an analytical methodology whether, and to what extent, there is a compromise with a particular record. C") C") -0 _J 0:: w w LL 0:: • (U) ORSA attacks the same problem set but with a computational methodology. • (U//F8UO~ In the end, there are two categories of compromise that are presented. - Those that are selected by both DST and ORSA and are determined by DST to be high severity: • High Severity: Inters methods or means of collection or codifies the coalition understanding of the --0 "O 0 Cl. 0 • Medium Severity: Tactical procedures that may be observed and possibly countered by insurgents. - • Low Severity: Tactical procedures that are easily observed and cannot be easily countered by 0 0 insurgents' relationship to other countries insurgents. - Those that are not selected by ORSA, but DST determines to be high severity. • (U) Directed Studies provides context for both the DST and ORSA findings. • (U) Comments or questions are welcome and may be directed to any of the team members listed on the POC slide. Q) ....J r-I 0:: ....J I r-- @ (U) ORSA Methodology ,q(") • (U) Computational linguistics techniques were applied to the records to determine which events were relevant to the current study. • (U) OST had human analysts read each record. When they had processed approximately 300 of the records, ORSA used the partial DST results to determine an initial set of categories to be used in labeling the compromised CIONE records. • (U) In the initial labeling, some records received no label. They did not belong in any of the categories. Text mining techniques were applied to the unlabeled documents to suggest additional categories. These additional categories were reviewed and selected ones were added to the labeling program. • (U) The process of labeling, searching for new categories and then relabeling with additional categories was continued until no new categories were added. • (Ul}fQUO} This process substitutes computer processing tor human reading of every record. Although every effort was made to produce an accurate, high-quality product, incomplete and inconsistent reporting together with the inherent weaknesses of computer processing means that a few reports may have been mischaracterized. The number of such mischaracterizations is a small portion of all of the data and will not significantly change the conclusions. -0 _J 0:: w LL w 0:: --0 "'C 0 0. 0 (I) _J ,q- r-0 0 I 0:: _J I r-- UNCLAS::,lf- E'.::) c--:"__:,: UNCLASSIFIED ,- ,:::_;:::: @ (U//FOUO) COIC Points of Contact DST LO Afghanistan Operations Lab Team C") -0 • (b )(6) _J _ (b)(6) • (b)(6) (b )(6) <( 0:: 0:: w w Anal st u.. 0:: ::c • (b)(6) --- - (b)(6) 0 "'C ORSA 0 • ... (b-)(--6)- - - - - - - - , 1 C. 0 -Q) _J OSAAC • !(b )(6) "-:t" !Team Lead r,-... b 6 0 0 ._ (b_)(.... 6)_ _ _ _ _ _"'"'S;..;;. e_ni.a.. or""""Oa.... SINT Analyst (b)(6) (b)(6) l(b)(6) I 0:: _J Cultural Advisor I r,-... "t"'"" UNCLASSIFIED :-:::::.;: • (U) Secretary of Defense tasked DIA to lead a comprehensive DoD review of documents PoS1ed to Wikile,aks website on July 25, 201 0, to include any related data that may have been provided to WikiLeaks, but yet. to be posted or released lo the public. The SECDEF designa1ed the. lRTF as the single DoD organization with authority and responsibility to conduct the DoD review regarding this unauthorized disclosure of DoD information. (b)(3): 1O U.S.C. § 424,(b)(3):5O U,S.C. § 3O240),(b)(S) Cls~.:.ifi\!d Sy: Multip~ Sour~s OecJassify On.: 20350923 l SCU!EI 17-LR-0074 (Leopold)/DIA/REFERRAL/036 (b)(1),(b)(3): 10 U.S.C. § 424,(b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(i),Sec. 1.4(a),Sec. 1.4(c),Sec. 1.4(d),Sec. 1.4(g) 2 17-LR-0074 (Leopold)/DIA/REFERRAL/037 (b)(1),(b)(3):1 0 U.S.C. § 424,(b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(i),Sec. 1.4(a),Sec. 1.4(c),Sec. 1.4(d),Sec. 1.4(g) SECRET 17-LR-0074 (Leopold)/DIA/REFERRAL/038 ~ (bj/3)10 use 424 SU@R@ INFO MEMO 20 Cktober 2010 ~10-0217/lRTF FOR: Director, Defense Counterintelligence and HUMINT Center FROM: Chief, Information Review Task Force SUBJECT\ (b){1)(b){3):10 USC 424 {b){3) 50 USC 3024{i) Sec 1.4(b) Sec 1 4(c) D<1ri,·e1dfnm1; ............_ {)~,·/a."ifr rm: ..._.. Kl!CRl31lr)(3):10 USC 424 I ouse 424 ~ {bJ(3) 1 SilCHil (U) Data Characterization {b){1J,{b){3J:10 USC 424,Sec. 1.4(b),Sec 1 4{c) Prepared by: (b)(3) 10 USC 424,(b)(6) Reviewed by: f>,,m•l'dj iw11: 11 '. · '. S lxd11.mJ.,· 011: SE 0ftE~b)(3) 10 USC 424 2 ~ (b)(3):10 USC 424 "ElCU INFO MEMO -8-10-0229/IRTF 20 October 2010 FOR: Director, Defense Counterintelligence and HUMINT Center FROM: Chief, Information Review Task Force SUBJECT:! (b)(1),{b)(3):10 USC 424,{b)(3):50 USC 30240),Sec 1.4(b) Sec. 1 4(c) (U) Smuggling and Illegal Crossings (b)(1Hb)(3) 10 USG 424,Sec. 1 4(b),Sec 1.4(C) Oerh·ed.tr"'11: 'f;:{;;;' l>eclrll'.1ij\·011: - - . f :::r · r r________.... SECRtr:R )(3) 10 USC 424 r )(3) 10 USC 424 SIJCll~5fi (b)(1 HbJ(:JJ 1O U:,,1., 4;>4.(bJ(~),sec 1 4(b),sec 1 4(c) l>c1·1,·edfm111: . . ._...,.._ l>edassify 011: illilll.- _. iltCRFT r )(3) 10 use 424 2 ~•'~''°use,,. BIJCR:IJ r l(1J,(b)(3)16 use 424,(b)(S),Sec l 4(6),Sec 1 4(c) (U) Iraqi Border Forces Response to Harassment bJ(1 ),(b)(3J:1o use; 424 ,(b)(5),Sec 1.4(b),Sec 1.4(c) (U) Cross-Border Operations b)(1),(b)(3):10 U::,l, 424 (b)(S),Sec 14(bJ,Sec 1.4(C) l >c r /l'ed,1m111: ....,..,...,_ _ l>edassif.· ,m: , . . . 3 e(3) 10 USC 424 SIJCR.ET (b)(1).(b){3):1 o use; 424,Sec 14(bJ,sec 1.4(cJ (U) Politically-Sensitive Incidents (b)(1),{bj\j j10 USC 424,(b){S),Sec. 14{b).Sec. 1 4(c) Prepared by: rli:11 to USC •2• ~J(61 Reviewed by: i>N11•edji'o111: . -. . .. - - • l>ecla.uiji· 011: ouse 424 ~ (6)(3) 1 Sls@D~ 4 INFO MEMO 14 December 20 I0 -81 10-0318/IRTF TO: Director, Defense Counteri ntelligence and HUMINT Center FROM: Chief. Information Review Task Force (b){1)(cl {b)(1J(dHbJ{3) 1o use 424,(b)(Sl (U) Media Treatment (b)(1)(c),{b)(1)(d) {b)(S) • (U) Leading centrist daily Le Soir noted on 30 November 20 IO the leaks mostly highlight the "solid and orthodox work of the ltraditional j press," which has already revealed most of the secrets in the cables.'.! • (U) Popular daily Le Derniere Heu re on 9 December 20 IO said of the following topics concerning Belgium that were revealed in the leaked cables, all had been [),,nv,,,I; mm: .,.....,. ._ _ Dc('ltl.\Sff \ 1111. t1llliillMla iFCRJiTUNOFOIU>J The last 3 pages are withheld in full and are not included. thoroughly covered by traditional media already: - - 3 (U) U.S. pressure on Belgium to accept Guantanamo detainees (U) The presence of nuclear weapons in Belgium (U) European Union (EU) President (and former Belgian Prime Minister) Yan Rompuy's pessimism on Afghanistan and climate change negotiations (U) Belgian internal political debates (U) Official Reaction (U) Belgian officials have downplayed the importance of the disclosures in public, condemning the act of leaking the cables while stressing that they contain few important disclosures. • (U) Foreign Minister Vanackere, specifically referencing negotiations over Guantanamo detainees, said on 29 November 20 IO ''a great many things which are now being presented as leaks were actually already known." 4 • (U) An advisor to Prime Minister Leterme wrote in a 30 November 20 IO op-ed that the content of the leaked cables is not surprising and will not affect U.S. relations with other countries, while criticizing the WikiLeaks organization for being motivated "more by the desire to do harm than to fight injustice." 5 • (U) Vanackere on 12 December 2010 claimed another foreign minister had refused to answer a question "for fear of seeing a report of the conversation on the Internet." 6 (U) Potential Loss of Diplomatic Contacts (b)(1)(C),(b)(1)(d),(b)(3) 10 USC 424,(b){S) l>e1fretl fi·om: 1 ; 6 ts DnlassifY ""' 2 8UCRE6fih'i'fOFOMf The last 4 pages are withheld in full and are not included. INFO MEMO 8 February 2011 ~11-0384/IRTF TO: Director.. Defense Counterintelligence andr HUMINT - - - - Center ---------------, FROM: Chief, Information Review Task Force\ (b)(1)(c),(b)(1 ) •. { cl) • (U) According to an open source report dated 16 December 20 I 0, President Colom reacted to the leaked documents b · savin that some of the divul ed information is inaccurate, (b)(3)1 0 USC 424,(b)(3).50 USC 3024(i) • (U) According to an open source report dated 14 December 2010, Guatemalan officials arc avoiding commenting on the cables divulged by Wikileaks, stating that 2 they will wait until they can see what information the cables contain. Derfredf rom ..... . , . _ _ /)~r/11.m}.i· 011 · . . . . . tJIJCRE12fWPtOFOM.'N"" The Honorab]c.John Ensign United States Senate Washington, DC 20510 Dear Senator Ensign: (U) T~is leuer responds to your December 10, 2010 request to the.Director of National lnLelligence for inform.ltion regarding the impact of unU.J.lthorized disclosures of classified information by Wikikaks. (b)(1),(b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(i),(b)(5),Sec. 1.4(c),Sec. 1.4(d) 18-LR-0001 (Leopold/DIA/REFERRAL/004 ·§ECRSTf}NOFORN (b)(1),(b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(i),(b)(5),Sec. 1.4(c),Sec. 1.4(d) (U) I appreciate the interesu.m9 concern shown by. you aaj. ·ether .Members regarding .unauthoti7.cd.di~olostires ·of-scMitlvc; and classified information. ·Kcc:pin_g .s.uch information secure -is· of'vjtal importance to the Department ana the Li.S. Oovermrien;~ and I i9ok fouwurd ·to working with you in'addres!iing the many-challenges we.face. Michael 0, Vickers Acting_ 66Cllf:n\'lNO:f0RN 18-LR-0001 (Leopold/DIA/REFERRAL/005 From! To: - Cc: Su~ject: A ttach_,.., r::::::~ {;)(8):fO USC ~:souse CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSJFlED- ~10USCQt The tntveiliug ofWildLealI. This Week and El 'urnal1~t1,· 111...k~mt~11cc 4flli puhhc a'-·c,nmtahi lit~' . \,·ichout an) ~c:~,rnHrnt.: 1111'-·rc.·::--t"I LA DR[IOD St.:u1.inp tomorro\\.. •H' \I, 1U l1t:~1n to puhlP•h Lh..·dq,Iomati1.· rahk•s frnr. 1hc U.~.l:.inhas~} , t1 i\1Lo.1ra~u nl ( R,mJLll N,h..·u, l>iuio '\t1:..~_.ragua .•111d. tlw :1t'" "'l1:1qc1 l ..i N,t, 11111. l '< 1,la R 1L1 ,t..,,t tl°'h~h n! .1. p;1nuc1 ~:,1p . 111ei unpt\."1..\."lknh.:tl puMi"-Plltg -..ollahnr;1(11 in bd\H'\;n •h\" 111,:d1:.111' r111h ..:uuntn,.-.;. ·nic comp ~tc (o :L·lu.111 •••, 1p +1m.ilt·. -.. ,1hh·,u 11 r hc ,·;.1.'-l majority 1lf d1plnma1i1,,.·" .,Oh. s ••n "\:1. .!r.l~'ua.;.i tolal 01 I-~..,, H.:-koi\111~ \',, h .111d n•~·,~ 1--u.· \ ii rht \\lrl'°'I • A:;.:,r,d hlud1.dd1-.1,,.~lll'" 1uth1·l111l ~...,, 111 ~k·,;rugu~n gt·ni:-r;1l tl',hh-1,,j,c~ .,1xT1.,1i,1, .,·1.: In , 1gn:l'llll' lll \\ ,th \\1k1Li..:,ii.'.'- f\:llJOiJ. \\lt1. ..,_·,,.unnutmcnt Urn.\ ~\.tl'nd:,i. l<> CRaml This \V<·ck.,mJ l',rnuch th,·m I< H '-:u,·," Diano.did nnt mediate any krnd \it' r1nillh..·1al 1'-:1lb\ _ 1 The figures on Ni.:aragua Cahlc~ 1.432::-.umbc, ,>I ,,,Mc, , tq>plit- the :\;un>n related to l\1c.:c1tagu.1. I 2/12/l 9R6 tn 26/02/20 I O:l'mi.l """""'l-' dipl<-n,.u k n·1~>11" 11 ~k:JI ~mat,oo e;ta~a•,- ,:Pnse: ;;a,, •·ee13,:a, ".ls c 1r ~s que c-:r:uener: ~tJrmacton mas sers101e, de acuerc estudio dP 10s s:n dPspnrhos ol?"~ctt,aao p.:;1 L.1 t~;c,on P~\#3 •:;:1hrar 1 ~~t.ir? -,.:1 cr'"31':r,;. 11n1n11t.:u 1h- •) itUP ·,.n flll 1tJl1Jf1 ..i:nZ1hc,1r) Simbologfo ... Rcfando Lacie ~delPUSC ,. .ii Gerardo Wcarez Vee-~ S.gundad utilice el Zoom para acerr.<1r o lllejar el mapa CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFlED/,,,..._ CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFlE~ !. .. S,mvenido Ve-e:9n '1n.Adr.~.:\ist': e r:im,~,~•wn L:1'5 ht':'ntes qu~ or.ipart1~ -.,n 11,rorm::,oim 1 41- 50 I (b)(5);(b)(6);(b)(3):10 USC 424 a e: CLASSIFICATION: Sf!@ftf!~ {b)(3) so use 3024(!) Ir mro~ f (b){1 ) (b)(5H b)(6);Sec 1 4(c);Sec. 1 4(d) Update on Cables in the Public Domain {b)(3n o USC 424:(b)(3) 5O USC 3024(i) (U) Journalists continue to exploit the leaked cables as a reference archive when breaking news events occur around the globe. Early-to-mid July press reporting highlights included media use ol leaked cables to cast blame on the U.S. governmen1 for pressuring Cyprus in 2009 to seize and secure the illegal shipment of cargo from Iran to Syria that recently exploded in Cyprus, and subsequently to fault the Cypriot government for not taking advantage of training offered by the UN that might have prevented the disaster. The Cypriot Naval Chief is among the dead, and several senior Cypriot defense officials have since tendered their resignations. In the wake of the shooting tragedy in Norway in late July, media outlets seized on cables that discussed Norway's attitudes toward terrorism and preparedness for a terrorist event. (b)(1);(b)(3): 10 USC 424;(b)(5);Sec. 1.4(c);Sec. 1.4(d) (b)(1);(b)(3):10 USC 424;(b)(5);Sec. 1.4(c);Sec. 1.4(d) (b)(3) 50 USC 3024(1) (b)(1 );(b)(5);(b)(3):10 USC 424;Sec. 1.4(c);Sec. 1.4(d);(b)(3):50 USC 3024(i) Update on the Assange Memoir The Assange memoir, already overdue, now appears to be on hold indelinitely. Timeline: 28 March 2011 - Heather Brooke (The Guardian) tweeted hearing on the literary grapevine that Julian Assange's memoir had been pushed back to June. (Twitter - newsbrooke) 15 April 2011 - Wikileaks Versus the World: My Story was scheduled for release April 7, but failed to make the deadline - Canongate told The Standard: "Publishing dates change all the time." No revised date for the book's release was given. (echonews.com) 6 July 2011 - The Guardian reported a million-pound book deal by Assange to write his memoirs had collapsed after the W ikileaks founder became unhappy with the process. He is thought to have told publishing sources the book could give ammunition to US prosecutors, whom he fears may seek his extradition on terrorist charges relating to Wikileaks disclosures. Publishers are waiting to comment until after a decision is reached in the UK High Court hearings of 12 and 13 July. Update on the UK High Court extradition appeal hearings 12 and 13 July 2011 Still no ruling following Assange's 12-13 July extradition hearing. The two-day hearing dealt with Assange's application to overturn a lower court's rejection in February of defense arguments that he would have an unfair trial in Sweden. Lawyer Mark Summers closed the defense's case on Wednesday by reiterating arguments that the European arrest warrant issued by Sweden was invalid because Assange is only wanted for questions and has not been charged. The reality ol the case is also that no decision to prosecute or charge has been made. The preliminary investigation remains open. (AFP) If Assange·s High Court appeal is unsuccessful, he could take his case to the Supreme Court, the highest court in the land. (The Guardian - 12 July 2011) DERIVED FROM:.W.DECLASSIFY ON. 29HJ DATE OF SOURCE~ !O I I onus 3 CLASSIFICATION: SECRET i~l( J:so use 3024 NOFORN (b)(6) ,{b)(3) 10 use 424;(b)(3) 50 use 30240) From: To: Cc; Subject: Date: Tuesday,July 19, 2011 3:53:20 PM Attachments: l(b)(3) 50 USC 30240) CLASSIFICATION: f:l!!@Rt§Sfl;f;it mr@RH (b)(5);(b)(6);(b)(3)"10 USC 424:(b)(3)50 USC 30240) From.'=-~-~~c-=--~-,-.,..,,.....,,....,....,,...,...,~ Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2011 12:04 PM To: (b)(6):(b)(3)10 USC 424 ;(b)(3):50 USC 3024(i) Cc: CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED,\IF@ll!.gi@J (b)(3). \0 use 424;(b)(3)50 USC 3024(i) I (b)(3) 10 USC 424;(b)(3)50 USC 3024(i) (U) Russkiy Reporter on line magazine (Russian Reporter, http://rusrep.ru) started reporting on the Georgia cables on 29 November 2010 named "The War with Georgia." (Russian Reporter, http://rusrep.ru) (U) The Russkiy Reporter received 117 cables from Wikileaks that were not published elsewhere. Origins for cables published in the Russian Reporter on the Russia-Georgia conflict in August 2008 cited at www.xs4all.ni/~aebr/wl/rusrep/georgia.htm1: USNATO USUNNEWYORK STATE TBILISI BUDAPEST ANKARA COPENHAGEN YEREVAN VILNIUS OTTAWA BERLIN WARSAW JAKARTA BRATISLAVA THEHAGUE REYKJAVIK LISBON RIGA TALLINN STOCKHOLM PARIS ROME BAKU MOSCOW LJUBLJANA BEIJING OSLO PRAGUE ATHENS TOKYO BRUSSELS HELSINKI LONDON MADRID KYIV TELAVIV CARACAS (b)(5);(b)(6);{b)(3): 10 USC 424;(b)(3):50 USC 3024(i) (b)(6);(b)(3) 10 USC 424 CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED.4:Pt!Jl!'t!J REGRADE UNCLASSIFIED W/0 ATTACHMENTS. DERIV ED FROM:..., DECLASSIFY ON. iQiHPZlf' DATE OF SOURCE. iH.H IO?l'J CLASSIFICATION: SFCP ETU•IOFOiUI (b )(6);(b)(3):10 USC 424;(b)(3) 50 USC 30240) From: To: Subject: Date: Saturday, December 18, 2010 4:35:18 PM CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED '$ii'Wi' From: ..,_,_,---=---.-----:-=~=-~::-:-;:-:-, Sent: Friday, December 17, 2010 8:15 AM (b)(6);(b)(3):10 USC 424·(b)(3) 50 USC 3024(i) To Cc: _________ Subject: ,...._ CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED!:'f8Ui (b)(5) (b)(6) (b)(3) 10 USC 424·(b)(3) 50 USC 3024(i ) Wikileaks Staff Cited on Infighting, Internal Operation of Whistleblower Site (U/J'F8WQ~ EUP20101216024001 Rotterdam NRG Handelsblad Online in Dutch 15 Dec 10 {l.WF@VO' [Report by Leonie van Nierop: "The Wikileaks Youngsters Are Idealistic, They Want To Manipulate Systems" (U/.lFQla1OH [OSC Translated Text] Reykjavik, 15 December -- A relatively large number of former employees of the core group running Wikileaks live in Reykjavik. They are only too pleased to talk about the whistleblowing website. "I don't like to play James Bond." At the Kormaks og Skjaldar beer house in the capital Reykjavik there is a lot of talk about Wikileaks. The talk is mainly about the criminal charges against the Australian founder Julian Assange for sex offenses. To be precise ; About the question of whether the Swedish women involved are hysterical and jealous lesbian feminists or are under the influence of the CIA. There are also criticisms of Wikileaks. Because the foundation that supports the soldier Bradley who is suspected of making the leaks is said not to have received a single cent of the money that Wikileaks collected for him. Because evil tongues claim that the media have to pay large sums of money to gain access to the quarter of a million US diplomatic cables, just a fraction of which are published. Because chaos has allegedly broken out internally following Assange's arrest last week in London. Because the organization that advocates openness itself remains a mystery. Such malicious talk is being spread not least of all by people who have left Wikileaks in recent years. Although on the Internet they say that they have no comment to make about Assange or Wikileaks , they are only too willing to talk, and openly. Also the Icelanders, which make up a relatively large proportion of the small core that runs the whistleblowing site, are easier to reach than is generally believed. Three former members of the team and three current members spoke in Reykjavik about who they are and how the organization operates. To protect their safety, names have been omitted. The unverifiable "facts" they provide: The permanent inner core consists of -- in addition to Assange and at least three Icelanders -- a Brit and an Australian university employee. The only two or three hackers who are familiar with the entire web infrastructure take great care to remain anonymous. And although the organization runs largely on trust, there is a high rate of turnover about the associates. Of the nine people who worked for Wikileaks in March at least five have left. Internet activist Smari McCarthy (26) is one of the few former employees who left in the last year without having a row. He still has contacts with Wikileaks, has been able to see all the cables and fully supports their circulation. Other aspects he is less enthusiastic about. Such as having to constantly change telephone number for fear of the intelligence services. "Some get a kick out of it but I don't like playing at James Bond." He followed the traditional career path of a hacker. As a youngster -- the kind of youngster who finds pleasure in taking a toaster apart -- he was given a computer on his twelfth birthday. He soon discovered he could improve it and discovered similar souls in chatrooms with whom he talked technicalities. McCarthy: "It was only later that I heard about the bigger problems in the world, also offline. We slowly became politicized." In 2001 he attended his first hackers congress in Amsterdam, about selfdetermination on the web. Nine years later he helped Assange produce the video showing US soldiers shooting dead civilians and journalists in Baghdad. McCarthy describes himself as "a hacker in the positive sense of the word." A hacker is not somebody who breaks into computers to steal, but somebody who is interested in "manipulating the system." And precisely this interest in a higher mission, absolute freedom of information, is something that McCarthy finds is now lacking on WikiLeaks. "They seem to be interested in quick scoops not in changing the system." The legal case in Sweden also bothers hm. "Through his insinuations that the charges are politically motivated, Assange has become a martyr. But that is playing into the hands of the United States. All the attention focusing on him is not focusing on the diplomatic cables." There is not the romantic image of Assange as the vilified man prepared to take on the rest of the world. He is also seen as a paranoid and self-obsessed autocrat. Former employees say that all decisions had to pass through him, which is difficult when somebody is on the run or in jail. That is possibly why the German foundation Wau Holland, which manages a part of the funds, has not yet transferred any money to support Bradley Manning. Since Assange's arrest Kristinn Hrafnsson has been the WikiLeaks spokesperson out of London. The Icelandic investigative journalist travelled to Iraq at the beginning of the year to produce the video. Last weekend he was briefly in Reykjavik. He denies that the media pay for the information. He attributes the rumor to the "excessive attacks" on WikiLeaks. But he says little else. He will not say what is contained in the locked file that WikiLeaks is advising everybody to download in the event of Wikileaks going under, or at what point the key to unlock it will be released. "We are still a long way from that moment. And we hope that it never comes to that." According to WikiLeaks there are still hundreds of volunteers for its cause. For example 25-year-old Herbert Snorrason. When, in the summer of 2009, Wikileaks published an explosive piece about an Icelandic bank, he asked WikiLeaks in a chatroom for some technical details. He continued to hang out there. When a year later the chatroom was flooded out, following the release of around 90,000 documents about the war in Afghanistan, Snorrason himself started to moderate and to answer questions. Wikileaks was happy to let him continue. Since then he has helped with about 40 other volunteers to remove personnel details from 15,000 of these documents. Snorrason's activities for WikiLeaks ended when in a chatroom conversation with Assange he defended Daniel Domscheit-Berg {known at the time as Daniel Schmitt). This 32-year-old German left in September after conflict with Assange, who Domscheit-Berg claimed was dictatorial in his behavior and only interested in dramatic revelations. When Snorrason complained, Assange wrote "piss off." And that was it for Snorrason. His revenge is sweet. Soon he will be launching a rival whistleblowing website with Domscheit-Berg: Openleaks. The founders have high hopes for it. WikiLeaks wishes it all the best. Because on one thing friend and fore are agreed: This information revolution is unstoppable. [Description of Source: Rotterdam NRC Handelsblad Online in Dutch -- Website of prestigious left-of-center newspaper; URL: http://www.nrc.nl] CLASSIFICATION: CLASSIFICATION: The next 4 pages are withheld in full and are not included. SECRLIJ)JCOI OKIC (b)(3):10 USC 424;(b)(3)·50 USC 30240) 30 March 2011 (b)(3) 50 USC 30240) Information Review Task Force Defense Counterintelligence and Human Intelligence Center Defense Intelligence Agency Derived From: ibldl&pM %81 £@§ Declassify on·..._ 81!i@ftf!ifh'!! fOF8ftN MIJ OMlif;fJ) fOPO IU f The next 28 pages are withheld in full and are not included. (b)(3):10 USC 424;(b)(3):50 USC 3024(i);(b)(5) (U) Due to the sheer volume of information the IRTF reviewed, this report focuses on the most significant findings centered on the seven key focus areas, a general overview of what was learned, and selected examples and summaries of relevant reports 10 provide context. (b)(3):1 o use 424 (b)(3):10 USC 424;(b)(3):50 USC 3024(i) 6 iEGMJii.lii(llfOFOIUf The remaining 5 pages are withheld in full and are not included. .. ' APPENDIX B - General Background Information on WikiLeaks (U) (U) Wikilcaks is a publicly accessible Internet website that hosts worldwide submissions of sensitive and classified military, government, corporate, and religious documents, while attempting to preserve the anonymity and untraceability of its contributors. (U) It has been described as a web-based medium for people with damning, potcntia1ly helpful, or embarrassing information to reach the public, without providing any linkage back to the source who disclosed the information. ---. ·· WikiLeah describes itselfas 'an u11censvrable l"JSlemfor 11ntracec1ble mass Jocumenl leaking.· Wikil.Rah is hosted hy PRQ, a Sweden-based company prm•iding 'high(y secure, 110-questions-a.;.·ked hMting services.' PRQ is said 10 have 'almost no information about il.5 cfientele lmd maintains.few if any <.if itl· own fo~s. ' 71w servers lire spread around the world with the central server located in Sweden. " - Source: Wikipedia at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WikiLeaks (retrieved 18 Sep 20 I0) (U) The WikiLcaks website, launched in 2006, is run by The Sunshine Press (http://sunshinepress.org/). Julian Paul Assange, an Austrnlian, is described in open source reporting as the WikiLeaks founder. According to Assange, WikiLeaks maintains its web content on more than twenty servers around the world and on hundreds of domain names. (b)(3):10 USC 424;(b)(3):50 USC 3024(i) 7 ( U) TLS (Transport Layer Security) a cryptographic protocol that provides :.ecurity for communication over networks such as the Internet. TLS protocol allows client/server applications to communicate across a network in a way to prevent eavesdropping and tampering. A prominent use of TLS is for securing World Web traffic by HTTP 10 form HTIPS. .,Ii illlli'.li9',@t JOFOIU f 35 BECRE'F,Vft t0F0Rt f The next 21 pages are withheld in full and are not included. 21 December 2010 Information Review Task Force Defense Counterintelligence and Human Intelligence Center Defense Intelligence Agency Derived From: .8MJf tJ J!IJ18.8 Rczcov ' 4(~;1 Declassify ,m. jjl Ca s:nt c: JO!!I§ SEEftEsfiZ;W i0F8JU f APPENDIX A-GENERAL BACKGROUND INFORMATION ON WIKILEAKS (U) (U) WikiLeaks is a publicly accessible Internet website that host worldwide submissions of sensitive and clas!-lficd military, government, corporate, and religious documents, while attempting to preserve the anonymity and untraceability of its contributors. (U ) It has been described as a web-based way for people with damning, potentially helpful. or just plain embarrassing information to make it public without providing any linkage back to the source who leaked or disclosed the information. "lVikiLeaks descrihes itself as 'an uncen.wrahfe system for umraceahfe mass document leaking.' WikiLeaks is hosted by PRQ. a Sweden-based compuny providing 'liighly secure, no-questions-asked hosting services.· PRQ is said tu have 'almost no it!{ormarion about its cfientele and mai!lfains few if any of its own Jogs. ' The serl"ers are SJm!ad around the world 1vith the central server localed in Sweden." -- Source: Wikipedia athttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WikiLeaks (retrieved 18 Sep 2010) (U) The WikiLeaks website, launched in 2006, is run by The Sunshine Press (http://sunshinepress.org/). Julian Paul Assange, an Australian, is described in open source reporting as the WikiLcaks founder. According to Assange, WikiLcaks maintains its web content on more than twenty servers around the world and on hundreds of domain names. (b)(3): 10 USC 424;(b)(3):50 USC 3024(i) 6 (U) TLS (Transport layer Security) a cryptographic prot ocol t hat provides security for communication over networks such as the Internet. TLS protocol allows client/server applications to communicate across a network in a way t o prevent eavesdropping and tampering. A prominent use of TLS is for securing World Web traffic by HTTP to form HTTPS. 19 The next page is withheld in full and is not included. Information Review Task Force Wikileaks National Defense and Security Impact Brief (U) IRTF Brief to Offices of the Attorney General and Deputy Attorney General 2 February 2011 5Qto TdP Bl!!8RE"Jiil(b)(3)50 USC 3024 ]NiiiDerived from: 1:151:i,gls in Declassify on: ifl?GG196 fil 111 Ctl I6RA11NG OU~ tmn FORCING oui FUTURE UNCLASSIFIED COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE IN DEFENSE OF THE NATION The next 8 pages are withheld in full and are not included. lnfOl"mati on Review T ask Fo r ce (lRTF) What is Wikileaks Doing? According to Assange: • (U,11-etJO) Harm the US War Effort: "The most dangerous men are those who are in charge of war. And they need to be stopped." "I enjoy helping people who are vulnerable. And I enjoy crushing bastards. So it is enjoyable work.,, • (U/fFOHe) Expose Sources: "We are not obligated to protect other people's sources," including sources of "spy organizations or militaries." ... the Afghan public "should know about" people who have been involved in "genuinely traitorous" acts. 5Qtb (!.1~1!Al .tiG OS l'GJ.(~ UNCLASSIFICD llfiWR m::.iNG •)u,1JJIJRE COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE IN DEFENSE OF THE NATION 3 I n f o rmati o n Rev i ew Task For ce (lRTF ) QUESTIONS (b)(3):10 USC 424 5J1b ([.ltRll ,NG O,R l:Gl(Y UNCLASSIFIED fO\;!HG•l1JR I JME COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE IN DEFENSE OF THE NATION 12 The remaining 3 pages are withheld in full and are not included. UNCLASSIFIED l n fo1mati on Review T as k Fo r ce ( l RTF ) Backup Slides I (b)(3): 10 USC 424 5~ ([.!~RAJ.NG0.R liGj(Y UNCLASSIFIED fOi.rNG•)\J'- I JIIJi E COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE IN DEFENSE OF THE NATION 13 The remaining 4 pages are , •4? fl 5' StJ fl If •• =,??\?=, S\2 ES'\? S, f \?'lllllllllll~i~~u~e~~-in full and are not More Media Outlets Gain Access to Unreleased Cables • (U) Wikileaks-approved cable transfer • (U) La Nacion- Costa Rican daily newspaper - received 827 cables from Assange in late-February • (U) El Pais - Uruguayan daily newspaper - received approximately 345 cables from Assange in late-February (b)(1);(b)(3):10 USC 424;(b)(5);Sec. 1.4(c);Sec. 1.4(d) • (U) Cable transfers outside Wikileaks' control • (U) 15 Minutes- a free Lithuanian daily newspaper - gained access an unspecified number of cables, likely via Aftenposten ([.l~~•T "G 0,Rl:GA(Y FOl:. ,,,..1,"'r ••· •·~'1 N • I• •• 1 ,,..- 1 ,_._......,._. , .. u-~1 ""'J,r,J '1'., 6.) .-.1 ,, ,--.1•· ••r~ ,,ro .,,1'1 ,.,..., .-,, , ,.., .. _.,# r-..01 1• 1,• 1, _..., .. t •1...-•,,• ......... ,I r. · ... ,I'-"',•- ._ •'•Ill• l ,._"'" •1(1 , . , , . " " • - ,.,_ ,.,. • r IIH~ttl I 1•• • ... 1• 1 : ,n 1;,· Ji...,-.,~ J ......a<'l..,....• : i.1•••1 ....., 11 , ... , • , j· I ,ru•• "-!>-" •r-,, r,-nl 1-· 1~ ~·• •· 1.- t-t ""~ .,_,,t ,_..,.,.....,,1>c- 1,,..,..,,. • .,...,., , . .,. lv \J •h•'\',: . #C't11, l . ...._. l_, 1-"' ,.,.,,..... l'<>el-'" · r • ~ • uni.• ,..-1. ..,_ ;,_.~1, ,_..,., , . ~ l • •. .,._, 1 .11 ,,,. , ;• 0 1• "" l•«-•• • I ,•,o.iC l•t• I ,-.,~J-cti,1111'• -..,C ,,..,,....,, ••· 1 ,._, ..,..,,. • - -· * IA t ~·l I :11..., ...- 1 ·1 •.• ;, t 'I ',I ""1 ...,r-., <>• •"lt•~ 1 t'l>J .' 4 :61 \Cl • ... •••C---.:1 ...,.r': 1••111""~ hc•l_..,11, l•~l,.,.,.,.__,..-C. .,,., , \ .. The hackers then posted a file purporting to contain the research that Barr had collected on Anonymous members as well as more than 50,000 e-mails in Barr's account. The group claimed to have financial details lor the compa11y and threate11ed to erase content on the company servers. The group also hijacked Barr's Twitter account, sending out tweets as Barr, including a home address and Social Security number purporting to belong to him. In addition to the HBGary site, the hackers gained root access to Rootkit.com, an online forum dedicated to analyzing and developing stealthy •rootkit" malware technology. The forum was founded by Greg Hoglund, CEO of HBGary, a separate security firm that owns about 15 percent of HBGary Federal. They seized Hoglund's email account and then posed as him in order to manipulate a Rootkit.com administrator named Jussi Jaakonaho into giving them root access to Rootkit. Hoglund, Barr and Hoglund's wife Penny, president of HBGary, tried to negotiate with the hackers via phone and chats to get the company's data taken down, stating that Hoglund's e-mails shouldn't be exposed because he has little to do with HBGary Federal and that disclosure of some of the data would cost his company millions of dollars. The group ultimately agreed to remove links to the published e-mails for this reason, according to an online post from an Anonymous member. Hoglund declined lo comment on the hack. REUTERS Wikileaks Bank Of America Documents Could Be A Snore, Founder Suggests The bombshell that Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has said could "take down a bank or two" may in fact be something of a dud. LONDON: Assange has said privately he does not know ii his cache of internal Bank of America (BAC.N} data, whose public release he has suggested might be imminent , contains any big news or scandal, according to three people familiar with the WikiLeaks leader's private discussions about the material. They said that Assange said it consists of e-mails from the hard-drive of a Bank of America executive's computer and that the latest messages are dated sometime in 2006. The sources said that Assange privately acknowledged the material was not self-explanatory and that he personally was unable to make much sense of it. Assange indicated it would require a substantial amount of effort by fi nancial experts to determine whether any of the material was newsworthy, according to the sources. Assange's private characterizations of the Bank of America material as being dated and difficult to interpret contrasts with inflammatory public statements he has made -· some as recently as last month •· touting the significance of bank-related materials Wikileaks has been planning to publish. A person who works with Assange did not respond to an emailed request for comment. In an interview in November with Forbes. Assange said Wikileaks planned early in 2011 to release "either tens or hundreds of thousands of documents depending on how you define it" from a cache of material the website had received from an unnamed American bank. Assange said the material would highlight "some flagrant violations, unethical practices" and added that it could "take down a bank or two." In the Forbes interview, Assange wouldn't identi fy which U.S. bank the material came from. In an interview last month with U.S. television program "60 Minutes." Assange again declined to identify which bank his cache of data came from, claiming to the CBS newsmagazine: 'There'll be a process of elimination if we denied some and admitted others... I think it's great. We have all these banks squirming, thinking maybe it's them." But in an interview with Computerworld magazine in October. 2009, he said ·we are sitting on 5GB from Bank of America, one of the executive's hard drives." The contrast between the schadenfreude with which he has talked about the bank documentation in public and the caution with which he has described the material in pnvate may provide fresh ammunition to opponents of Assange, who have accused him of hyping revelations and promoting conspiracy theories for personal and political gain. His critics include former WikiLeaks collaborators. who allege Assange has sought to dominate WikiLeaks by fostering a cult of personality. Assange and WikiLeaks have become international media phenomena because he has delivered on some of his claims •· particularly through WikiLeaks' acquisition and publication of thousands of classified U.S. government reports about diplomatic machinations and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. WikiLeaks critics have also accused Assange of exaggerating the importance of the leaked official documents, and some internal U.S. government assessments of the impact of WikiLeaks' publication of American government secrets have suggested that long-term damage to U.S. interests and foreign policy are likely to be limited. Some former WikiLeaks collaborators who split away lrom the website due to what they regarded as Assange's erratic and imperious behavior said that over the last year, he had lost interest in publishing linancial secrets which had flowed into the website and was much more enthusiastic about publishing material which would irritate or damage the U.S. government. Last month, Assange appeared at a London press conference where Rudolf Elmer, former head of a private Swiss bank's operations in the Cayman Islands, handed over what purported to be two discs containing documentation of alleged offshore tax abuses by wealthy business people. The day after the press conference, Elmer pleaded guilty in a Zurich courl to violating Swiss laws on bank secrecy. and was released without a custodial sentence. Hours after the court tiearing. Elmer's house was raided by Swiss authorities and he was taken away and detained. (Editing by Claudia Parsons and J im lmpoco) http://www.deathandtaxesmag.com FBl's Twitter Probe Into Wikileaks Supporter Challenged by ACLU and EFF By DJ Pangburn Wednesday, February 09, 2011 Last month. Twitter accounts of WikiLeaks supporters were subpoened by the FBI and Twitter was hit with a gag order. Twitter fought and won the right to inform their users of the subpoena. Now the ACLU and EFF have stepped in. Birgitta Jonsdollir is a one-time WikiLeaks supporter and current member of the Icelandic parliament, but that did not stop the FBI from subpoenaing her Twitter account. According to the Electronic Frontier Foundation's website: "The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and the American Civil Liberties Union represent Birgitta Jonsdottir, a member of the Icelandic Parliament, in response to the efforts by the U.S. Department of Justice to seek information and records about her online activities as part of the investigation into Wikiteaks.' The case is called In the Malter of the 2703(d) Order Relating to Twitter Accounts: Wikileaks, Rop_G, IOERROR: and BirgittaJ. On January 26th, the EFF and ACLU filed two motions in federal court. The first seeks to unseal still-secret records of the subpoena of Twitter accounts, as well as all other businesses who received similar subpoenas. The second motion "seeks to overturn the court Order issued on December 14 requiring Twitter to hand over private records about some of its users, includirlQ Ms. Jonsdottir, Mr. Gonggrijp and Mr. Appelbaum." The motions were unsealed yesterday, February 8th. This is an important cause that EFF and the ACLU have taken up, since it is not a crime first of all to support an organization like Wikileaks, which deals in publishing free information in much the same way as the New York Times did with Daniel Ellsberg's ''Pentagon Papers." Which, as we all know. were important cases in the right to publish information relating to government secrets. (b)(3):10 USC 424;(b)(6) CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED 1;;;,o The remaining 3 pages are withheld in full and are not included. (b)(3): 10 USC 424;(b)(5);(b)(6) Date: Attachments: Friday, January 28, 2011 2: 26:05 PM NYT Magazine.doc CLASSIFICATION. OE@Il!Difln f8F8Il!H I'm st ill waiting on the Newsweek article to be moved up...but here's the quote ... Newsweek Online, 09 Sep 2010 [Bureau of investigative Journalism editor Ian] Overington says that media organizations participating in the [Iraq War] project will be making financial contributions to 'help meet production costs' NYT Magazine, 27 Jan 2010: Much later, some American news outlets reported that they were offered last-minute access to WikiLeaks documents if they signed contracts with financial penalties for early disclosure. The Times was never asked to sign anything or to pay anything. For Wikileaks, at least in this first big venture, exposure was its own reward. 28, 2011 11:23 AM (b)(3) 10 USC 424"(b)(5);(b)(6) CLASSIFICATION. 8EJOIUJ!f:1:11f8F8RH (b)(1);(b)(3):10 USC 424;(b)(5);(b)(6);Sec. 1.4(c);Sec. 1.4(d) (b)(3) 10 USC 424;(b)(6) From: To: Subject: Date: RE: !RTF Update ·• 1700, 23 Oct 2010 • • Monday, Octcber 25, 2010 12: 9:5 PM CLASSIFICATION: iliswiliUiiJ' (b)(1);(b)(3).1o use 424;(b)(5);Sec 1.4{c);Sec 1 4{d) From: '-------'-.....;,,,,,.-------'-'---'-----, Sent: Monda To: Sub~j_e_ ct~:-=R~E~:~I=R=T~F~U~p - d~a~te-----1~7=0=0~,~2=3=-=o~ct.,...,,.,..,~ CLASSIFICATION: 6'8GR.ET (b)(1).{b)(3) 10 USC 424,(b){5),{b)(6),Sec 1 4(c),Sec 1 .4{d) 1s ema1, ,nc u ,ng any a<: men s , 1s ,n en e or e use o e m iv1ou or en , y o 1 1 1s a resse . may con am ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT information that is prNileged, conhdential, or otherwise protected by law. This email may be ATTORNFY·CLIENT PRI VILEGED1FOIA EXEMEPT If 1he reader of this email is not the irrtended recipient or the employee or agenr responsible for delivering the email to the intended recipient, you are hereby nomied that any dissemination, distribution, copying or use of this ema,I or its contents is strictly prohibited. If you have receivec this email in error, please notify me immediately by replying to this message and destroy all copies of this email From: Sent: To Sub.~]-:-.e-c7t:-R~E;::-:-;I,;::;:R-::;::T;:::F 7U;-:'p-:l'da~t-:-e---_"'"17=,...,""'2""'"37Q-=ct~2010 CLASSIFICATION: 8ts@~EJT (b){1);(b)(3) 10 USC 424 (b){S)·Sec. 1 4(c):Sec 1 4(d) (b)(3) 10 USC 424;(b)(6) (b)(1) (b)(3) 10 USC 424lb)(5) (b)(6) Sec 1 4(c) Sec 14 (d) From=~---- -- -- -- - - - - - . Sent: Monda October 25 2010 6:52 AM To: (b)(3):10 USC 424 (b)(6) CLASSIFICATION: 8f9@Rf9T FYSA (b)(3) 10 USC 424 This email. including any atta-:hments, Is intended tor the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed. It may contain ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT information that is privileged, oonhdential, or otherwise protected by law. This email may be ATTORNEY-CLIENT PRIVILEGE0/FOIA EXEMEPT. If ihe reader of this email is not the intended recipient or the employee or agenl resporisible for delivering the email to the intended recipient. you are hereby not~ied that any dissemination. distrtlution, copying or use ol this email or i1s contents is s1ricily prohiMed. If you have received lhis email in error please notify me immedia1ely by replying to this message and destroy all copies of this email. October 23 2010 4:32 PM (b)(3) 1o use 424.(b)(6l Subject: !RTF Update -- 1700, 23 Oct 2010 CLASSIFICATION: !H!!@Rm7 IRTF Update -- 1700, 23 Oct 2010 (b)(1).(b)(3J:10 use 424;(b)(3)50 use 30240);(b)(5);Sec 1 4(c)Sec. 1 4{d) {b){1) {b){3) 10 USC 424 ;{b){5) Sec 1 4 {c) Sec . 1 4{d) (U) Reporting Trends -{b)(3) 10 USC 424 {b)(3) 50 U SC 3024{i) (U) The issue of civilian casualties also generally follows two themes - U.S. escalation of force and defensive measures killed hundreds of Iraqis (Guardian - Civilians Gunned Down at Checkpoints; Al Jazeera - Death at a Checkpoint) and U.S. airstrikes killed a number of Iraqi civilians (Der Spiegel Hellfire from t he Sky; Al Jazeera - ' Crazy Horse' and Collateral Damage). The escalation of force articles generally take a personal tone and highlight the killing of women and children. Most of the U.S. airstrike articles tie in the previously-released " Collateral Murder" video and reference an incident where insurgents allegedly tried to surrender before being killed by U.S. Forces. (U) Major media outlets also highlighted the negative role Iran has played in the Iraq war ( New York Times - Leaked Reports Detail Iran's Aidfor Iraqi Militias; Guardian - Iran Accused of Plotting Attack on Green Zone; Al Jazeera - Iran's 'lnvolvement1. All of these reports document the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Quds Force (IRGC-QF) and Lebanese Hizballah role in supporting Shia militant act ivity in Iraq. The New York Times article makes a point of highlighting t hat U.S.-lran tensions did not subside following t he change in U.S. administration. While all articles draw connections between Iran and some of t he more prominent Shia milit ias (Jaysh al-Mahdi, Badr Corps, Khataib Hizballah) the Al Jazeera article draws some erroneous conclusions linking Iran to cult -like group (Soldiers of Heaven). (U) Emerging media t hemes include the role of private security contractors (New York Times - Growing Use of Contractors Added to Chaos ) and enduring Arab-Kurd tensions (New York Times Tensions Remain High Along Kurdish-Arab Line). Two Al Jazzeera articles (Faith Held Hostage by Violence; How Suicide Bombings Shattered Iraq) highlight violence against Iraq 's religious minorities. (U} Release Characterization -(b)(3).10 USC 424 ,(b){3):50 USC 3024{i) (b)(1);(b)(3):10 USC 424;(b)(3):50 USC 3024(i);(b)(5);Sec. 1.4(c);Sec. 1.4(d) (U) IRTF w ill continue to monitor press reporting and characterize topics in comparison to IRTF expected releases. Our next update will be released Sunday morning. (b)(3):10 USC 424;(b)(6) DERIVED FROM:eifred j"rom: 2 j Si !ii£ 1.I l>ed as.1ify 1111:°"""' j(b)(3)10 USC 424 I "l~till!)lllllt!flillilil\.Mf31iliTIIIIJII; SECRET//REL USA, FVEY fire. Air Weapons Teams (A WT) consisting of two Apache AH-64's were providing aerial support to ground units involved with Operation llaaj. The A WT spotted a group consisting of 15-20 men believed to be insurgents, some of whom were brandishing AK47s. After receiving permission to engage, the AWT dispensed 30 mm rounds killing several men including one Reuters staff member and severely wounding the other. Crew members mistook their video recording equipment for RPGs. (U,';'FQ!s'Q, Shortly after the initial engagement, a van arrived on scene. Purportedly unarmed men attempted to load the wounded Reuters staff member into the vehicle. The Apache crews believed the men to be additional insurgents attempting to recover bodies and weapons from the scene and requested permission to engage. The A WT opened fire on the van, killing the second Reuters reporter and one other man. Two children sitting in the van were severely wounded in the incident. (U//FOWO) There is a period of 20 minutes not included in the edited WikiLeaks version of video footage that showed the A WT engaging armed insurgents in a firefight on the ground. Some of the insurgents were seen entering a building. The edited WikiLeaks video resumes showing two men holding weapons entering the building. The air crews request permission to engage the target, stating that they believed the buildings to be abandoned. Upon receiving permission, the AWT fires a total of three Hellfire missiles into the target. One of the gunners can be heard on the video stating, "There it goes! Look at that bitch go! Patoosh!" (U) Media Coverage (U) The footage was released by WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange during a 5 April 2010 press conference at the National Press Club, and subsequently under a designated website titled "Collateral Murder." Publicity of the incident spiked following the release of the footage. Some of the more notable media outlets covering the issue were: Al Jazeera English, RT, Reuters, The Washington Post, The New York Times, the Ch1istian Science Monitor, the BBC, and CNN. Coverage of the event in the mainstream media was largely unfavorable towards the U.S. posilion in this incident. (U) WikiLeaks prefaces one of their videos with a disclaimer that some of the men may have been armed. Fox. News claims that, "at least one man in that group was carrying an RPG, a clearly visible weapon that nrns nearly two-thirds the length of his body." However, Glenn Greenwald of Salon.com said that the "vast majority of the men were unarmed" and called the incident "plainly unjustified killing of a group of unarmed men carrying away an unarmed, seriously wounded man to safety.'' The Guardian stated, "It is unclear if some of the men are armed but Noor-Eldeen (Reuters staff) can be seen with a camera." The Australian newspaper described the group as displaying "no obvious Verwed.frc>m: .hiiiii}Ai l>e, /1m /fi · 011: ~ SIMJ[P] 2 ro, SE@Rl31if 10 use 424 hostile action." Reuters further claims that it could not locate any witnesses who had seen gunmen in the immediate area of the incident. (U) Military Legal Review (U!;lf@UO) On 5 April 20 I0, USCENTCOM released two separate 15-6 investigative reports to coincide with the WikiLeaks press conference on the same day. One investigation was commissioned by the I ' 1 Air Cavalry Brigade, I ' 1 Cavalry Division, and another by the 2 nd Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division (MND-B ). Both investigations exonerated the individuals involved in this event, concluding that they followed the rules of engagement to a satisfactory degree. Furthermore, the 2 nd BDE investigation provided stills from the gun cameras and photos from the ground identifying definitively that there were weapons present on the scene and that the Reuters Staff did not have any identification or clothing identifying them as members of the press while traveling with armed insurgents. rb)Ol 10 USC 424 lb)(6J L>eriFedfmm. I !! j L>e, /as.1/f.1· ,m: ailllilo Si ill 1l.l 1"'0) SFCRF71 IOUSC 424 3 :::t:1::1sq ........... Pages 1 and 3-12 are withheld in full and are not included. Provided by the ABC Asia Pacific News Centre Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is at risk of being assassinated over the release of secret US documents and will remain in hiding for his own security, according to the website's spokesman. Spokesman Kristinn Hrafnsson said the Australian's safety was at stake after US politicians called for him to face treason charges and an adviser to Canadian prime minister Stephen Harper reportedly said he should be killed. "We have had threats from governments and commentators, some of them totally preposterous, even calls for the assassination of Julian Assange," Mr Hrafnsson said during a debate at the Frontline Club in London. ,.,.r-,,,.., ....... ,, ••,.J, ..." ...... UNCLASSIFIED,;;-,:.;_;,:. QUESTIONS/ GUIDANCE Qtb 5 rb)(3) 10 USC 424 1 Cfil3R,\11NGOUR lfGACY FOlGIN~ DUR FUTURE UNCLASSIF~ED//Ji84!Ni COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE IN DEFENSE OF THE NATION 13 Pages 1-6 are withheld in full and are not included. =t± 7 i{; 9-_ UK Guardian on Assange and Potential US Charges • The Guardian: "... extradition to the US is safe and fair: we should not allow high-profile cases like Julian Assange's to prejudice us against a due process that has full legal safeguards." • There are rigorous standards of evidence, full rights of defence, a well-trained and scrupulous judiciary, an advanced appeals system up to the state and us supreme courts (depending on the nature of the offence) and full transoarenc.,. {b)(3).10 USC 424;(b){3) 50 use 3024(i) ()tt (£.ltRAl,NGO,R l :Gi(V fO!;.NGOUR f JIIJU UNCLASSIFIECMI COO COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE IN DEFENSE OF THE NATION 7 We ..~non,1110\1:,, lhe peop:r:, ,jern:,M :nat tne A1gemn gcM:rninent ~tao .1nv .1nd ;i; ,·Kt: Qf )UPW'·'ron jgJ1r1st it', own citizens H,f 1nMration (1i d;rn1rtr.e po11cemi:n 1ntr1E- demons'.ra11or, 1; nc,r wltnln th,. 11ght: of .1 ,tate 3nt1 will 1101 n1d~ t11e :;n.:1dc.med trutn GI tile ,:1r;nonouratdf Ji:!'• co~,rrnteJ lly t,11s po,1t1CJI reg;rne We w111 ne payir)J rnse ;3tter,t1tY1 i,:, tile ~equ£-nce of ever1t,1n11·,e tl'1jrcJ, :,rne1::u!ed r.:ir ti-1i> Satur11]y J.inu.ir, It is arr1,ng J1.3rrie mat tt1e protest: 3re 1J1t a11u,~ed F,Jr t jr1·1, :i!.u,lrt1or :11t rer:rr~·i,:in. tr,t .Al1Jernn govrrr11ri~r1t w~1pay j r1un.~redlc: d. tor. 404 Not Found 1 ~} WE 00 NOT FORGET HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS; I Anonymous says it is preparing operations to hack key Internet sites and portals of the Algerian Government. On its website, the hactavists are promising "for each victim of the repression, the Algerian Government will pay 100 times." UNCLASSIFI EP((FO! f@ GlobaLeaks lrttt t1 K•:-y Pulnh PLE..:..SE r:::r.:::,t,1MENT \NITH yr)1_1p ( •P1t,11,:.•N , HELF' 1_1~; IMPPOVE THE IDE,.:..1 L.;•,1k Ao111lifi< ,1lito11 P,,,._. t..,.,_ ~11loiui'>-.i"11 P1 '"· ,_..,., Att""r:t t,:, rrt:>-11~ :i lr,lro ·,•1(,nrJ,,.,,('lf:' n 1, ,tr 1~•1.Itt:>d L • ,lk AmplifiC,ltion N•twotk ,.I 1r.1 I.11:,r11rli] I·. .;..•1 r •(,1 nt·•, ,,,t·,1,t l et,lower':'- ci •I .:iround t he -,.,,.orhJ ['t1:.*t Tr-,.:: 11n;,I '] ,-, :11 ,:, to r ,:>.;1,: r, .:1 nF-r,,...:-,n. or 111,1,;-p,·nNent ,-,r ,:i.1 n 1?.1t,nn<. r unr·,1 n ,J Rout•rs ..·,11t-i",•i:r'l fJ :,nc,n·.,-in,·,u,-, ,,1.:t"irru:.::.i,·J1·1 ,-,, :, •··n·:.1tr•,' f' m .01ten:i1 tn r r1i·1J1:1 1irr,on ~,:1 L ( lt ,:'I IZ.t:' d Glob .1L• .lk s Amp11t1c .1t1on u,:.,,,r"n,·,1,-~1-·., •:tttT ,d h ~-:4f 11_) t I I":';,~ I t i•J R,:• ·;.p (• r, ·:.1t 11l1t.,- r,I OiJlJf:r··,, :11·t1v 1:·,F,. 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Et.:;:1<.,m L,,; .•1 lo:•; Etr u cs ·, t" l·,-L~-• ~. ·, lnf11~,t P.:.11~:•:: v,t:-D·:.,t~ . t1e:e 1s t,:, .:tO'ilf.'Vt:' ..c...11r ,o uqt·1 me··,' <1re bette:· iJesu1t,~d 111 u-:e otr·1i,? r -~e,:11on s ,.:,r tne th,:tl l:11':'!t t:>r CL"ll!!'V c.,ur ,: r..1r,c ept .1ncl .,,,11.,;1! ·.v-=- w,: ...11,, li LI:' .~-1 qL11 t: I·, 1001. ~,: UNCLASSIFll:D'TO: 12 Wlktl•3k$ vs GI0b3Le3kS: How Glob.lLe3k$ differs from Wtk1L•3k~ ·;.orr,,._. flt(1 1) r;, ~-•:. Sp>:•( 11,c :•111)n •:, :.' ti:! 1u11 1 • R•duc• . ev.1lu.1te . .ind mmlmt~• n::<:,pon : .1b1l1t'y • Gu~r3nt•• ,,-1 ~.cr1.;-m21·c• ( •o~r1L•.!-'.- t~:-..... T u 111Lt'«h·a 'N I ~IL e:;,~:-;:. c.~. F--·11)( ( ~ :,•:, Pages 1-2 are withheld in full and are not included. UNC LAS SI FIED:::-::.;: (b)(3):10 USC 424;(b)(3):50 USC 3024(i) • Bahnhof, the Swedish ISP and host of Wikileaks, is moving to encrypt all customer traffic • This will make detailed logging of customer activities impossible • The change comes with Switzerland's implementation of the European Data Retention· Directive • The Directive forces ISPs to store customers logs and provide it to authorities investigating alleged copyright infringement • Bahnhof will not know what Wikileaks and other clients are doing 5J1b (LltRll~G 0,~ l'GA(Y UNCLASSIFIED;; P'8~8 fO!,t NG•lUR IJTIJIE COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE IN DEFENSE OF THE NATION 3 1·1117 t 5 t Z ! t I I 7 7 7 t.. ! 7 t t 7 Z · b.. ! 7 t t? Pages 1 and 3-6 are withheld in full and are - n o t included. - - #=71plf How WikiLeaks Just Set Back Democracy in Zimbabwe • (UA'FOUOj It's difficult to see this as anything but a major setback for democracy in Zimbabwe. Even if Tsvangirai is not charged with treason, the opponents to democratic reforms have won a significant victory. First, popular support for Tsvangirai and the MDC will suffer due to Mugabe's inevitable smear campaign, including the attorney general's "investigation." Second, the Prime Minister might be forced to take positions in opposition to the international community to avoid accusation of being a foreign corroborator. Third, Zimbabwe's fragile coalition government could collapse completely. Whatever happens, democratic reforms in Zimbabwe are far less likely now than before the leak. Morgan Tsvangirai Zimbabwean opposition leader '4tlantic Source: The Atlantic1 28 Dec 201 O UNCLASSIFIED 11§21 IP COMMITTED 5J1b (Ll!IJT,NG0,~ t,G>(Y rni:mc •lll! 1JJIJH TO EXCELLENCE IN DEFENSE OF THE NATION 2 Page 1 is withheld in full and is not included. ·-:ti 7 L() s- Twitter Subpoena • Julian Assange • • Bradley Manning Birgitta Jonsdottir; Wikileaks volunteer, Icelandic parliament member • • Rap Gonggrijp; Dutch hacker and activist USPER; U.S. representative of WikiLeaks Source: WIRED, Threat Level Blog January 7, 2011 Birgitta Jonsdottir Icelandic Parliament Member "According to the subpoena, the government is seeking the customer's full contact details (phone numbers and addresses), account payment method if any (credit card and bank account number), IP addresses used to access the account, connection records ("records of session times and durations'} and data transfer information, such as the size of data file sent to someone else and the destination IP. The latter suggests this is a boilerplate request that was likely submitted to other service providers, such as ISPs, social networking sites and e-mail providers, such as Facebook and Google." ([.lti ll -NG0,~ l:GA(I UNCLASSIFIEDffFC! IC fOl;.NGOUR I;ME COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE IN DEFENSE OF THE NATION 2 Pages 4-8 are withheld in full and are not included. Twitter Subpoena/Legal Update • According to a statement by Wikileaks it was legal action by Twitter that brought about the order to unseal the subpoena. • Assange, Jonsdottir and USPER have indicated they will contest the subpoena • Julian Assange in court Tuesday for extradition hearing on Swedish Charges Sources: WIRED, Threat Level Blog, Jan 7, 2011 Sydney Harold, Jan 10. 2011 (b)(3):1 0 USC 424 ;(b)(3):50 USC 3024(i) l__JWikiLeaks was never mentioned by name and greatest concern appeared to I be about Jonsdottir's ability to travel. ( [ .lti•I ,NG OS l ,GMY m ::JHC•lU,fJIIJIE UNCLASSIFIEC,11 Ot:lt COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE IN DEFENSE OF THE NATION 3 Pages 1-5 are withheld in full and are not included. I 1(olt; Assange and the Al-Jazeera Interview • (U//FOUO) The one month period during which some major newspapers, like the Guardian, El-Pais, and Le Monde, had the exclusive rights to publish the documents is about to end . • " .. .after that we will publish the documents all over the world. Even the small parties concerned will have their documents." • The pace of publishing will increased, and more media outlets will be involved in the process • (U//FOUO) Majority of Israeli-related documents not published; about 3700 ; going to be extremely controversial • major world newspapers published what they considered to be important, "not what we consider to be important;" will take four to six months depending on resources • "You will see more information about Arab countries and Israel, 8)ld this will be published gradually over the next six months." ::J;:)-b (b)(3):5O USC 30240) UNCLASSIFIEDui Source: AI-Jazeer~ UGO COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE IN DEFENSE OF THE NATION I ([.1w1...cos t=••cY f O!:;!N& •)IJR! J!IJIE E Pages 1 and 3-7 are withheld in full and are not included_ tr:::~ a CT 11t.11'\r:::l'\o,-1 it'l(p1 Daniel Schmitt book to be released Daniel Domscheit-Berg AKA Daniel Schmitt P·' ..,,. .. Expose titled: Inside WikiLeaks: My Time with Julian Assange at the World's Most Dangerous Website Release Date: 15 February 2011 Likely a catalyst for Openleaks.org launch Preorder currently available through Amazon _.f.t ~i,.4_ . . . amazon.com. ~ - ,? --·::·_)-:: . '";,,:"_"':o~~,:r'til ·'·\; ....... Openleaks.org ln!!O Riif:liHOEQ 6all Expect media to publicize Domsheit-Berg's book closer to relea~ date; emphasis on new website, inner workings of WikiLeaks, and fall out with Julian Assange COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE IN DEFENSE OF THE NATION 5~ (£.IE~Al~G OS l:GMI' fO\:;!NG ,Ju, IJ[IJIE 2 Pages 1.5 and 7 are withheld in full and are not included. =I±= 1 Gq Where are the Russia Cables? • (U) Novaya Gazeta - Russian opposition newspaper which obtained Russia-related cables from Assange - has published only 2 stories so far • (U) Reportedly acquired cables in late Dec 2010 amid much hype about what would be exposed • (U) Paper owned by former President Gorbachev and recently elected district legislator Alexander Lebedev • (U) Statements by Assange and Novaya Gazeta spokesmen suggest money was paid for the publication rights to these cables • (U) Article questions whether money was actually paid to keep cables out of the public eye Source: Business Insider onllne, 22 Mar 11 UNCLASSIFIED LEN CE N DEFE Ni-8 OF HE N TJON 5.:)ili (Ll!R-'1~fjQ,~L;GJi(\' rn1:;!NC•lU1 /JIUI! 6 5? OUR UNCLASSIFIED wacmenunruwai 8 CUMMITIEDTO Trig} in] 0 14f (b)(3):10 USC 424;(b)(6) Date: Tuesday, August 30, 2011 4: 15:49 PM CLASSIFICATION: SEGRET11P:IOEOiUI Good afternoon (U) We've finally seen a lull in the cable releases - a mere 1 000 new cables have been osted since (b)(3):10 use 424 (b)(3)50 USC 30240) Friday evenin . The latest cable releases include ,__ _, nd Wikileaks was quick to note that these releases did _____________ include some classified cables (apparently in response to criticism that last week's massive push was overwhelmingly unclassified). (b)(3].10 use 424.(b)(3)50 USC 30240) Wikileaks and the DoD CI Insider Threat Program 21J une 2011 Classified by. 1e101 tlple Declassify on:~ earn ces This briefing overall classification: GEQRE1=N~IQl=QR~~ 1 COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE IN DEFENSE OF THE NATION Cl w LL u5 (/) :3 0 z rn -0 C CD 0) > 0 z UJ C, z .:::£. (!) ...I ...I Q) _J <( 0 UJ w 1- z en cu ..-... >< >< >< >< ..-... >< >< >< >< ..-... ._.... ._.... ._.... .:::£. •- w (/) z w LL w 0 => • => • => • 0 w rr: (/) (/) <( _J 0 z J C\J Pages 4-6 are withheld in full and are not included UNCLASSIFIED ,r.,., ( l )C I IC) l ) Pfp 1·1 ':;::, ( I ,:m:i I IIJ \ ·1 1t, I Ct> r.. Wiki Leaks Update I~" UNCLASSIFIED 3 COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE IN DEFENSE OF THE NATION % 7 qI Wikileaks and the DoD CI Insider Threat Program (b)(3):10 use 424;(b)(6) 23J une 2011 Classified by~ 14: :ltip!e Srn ,roes Declassify on:~ This briefing overall classification: g I!! C R I!! T ~filOFiORfi~ ECFIETIINOFO'F~N C Ci MtJt]) TO E N C E D E f E N.S>E OF ·r:Hl~ GO,i\:v..(Y f Ol:!NG•lUR I JlUiE COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE IN DEFENSE OF THE NATION 6 (b)(3):10 USC 424 ;(b)(3):50 USC 3024(i);(b)(5) • (U) Future production will be handled on an ad-hoc basis to respond to RFls, to support senior travel/counterpart visits, or as deemed necessary based on significant related events. ([.l tR.11'"" 0,~ l :Cl(Y I Ol:;JKG•lll~ I JlUil UNCLASSIFIED/ TO: 10 COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE IN DEFENSE OF THE NATION 7 Pages 2-4 are withheld in full and are not included. -=4¼ '7 q UNCLASSIFIED ,s Information Review Task Force Wikileaks Disclosure of Afghan Data (U) (b)(3) 10 USC 424;(b)(6) 20 October 2010 Derivedfrom: Mslliµls81 Declassify on; rs 1 THIS BRIEF IS CLASSIFIED 11s S Ii Ee licl ET Current as of: 27Sep 2010 (0800 EST) UNCLASSIFIED COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE IN DEFENSE OF THE NATION Pages 6-14 are withheld in full and are not 12 · 1111 t S f 7P ! t I I 17 7 t. ! 1 t t 7 Z · b· • 1 t t 7 - UNC LAS SI FIEDt::-::.;: included. Informati on Rev i ew Tas k Fo r ce (lRTF) Information Review Task Force (IRTF) Mission: review impact of unauthorized disclosures of classified information posted to Wikileaks website and any associated materials r)(J) 1O USC 424 :(0)(3) 50 use 30240 I I 5 UNCLASSIFIED/ I L 55 COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE IN DEFENSE OF THE NATION Informati o n Review Ta sk Force (lRTF) ;J • QUESTIONS 15 UNCLASSIFIED COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE IN DEFENSE OF THE NATION UNCLASSIFIED -=M= 19 Wiki Leaks Impact (b)(3):10 USC 424;(b)(6) 18July2011 This briefing is classified •••A..Plill!8lll[lll-t§•111111~..-,-1 1....._..... Derived from: DC::l• ipls Gs nu Declassify on: ii19969Jd 2 5~ (b)(3)50 ~,sc 3024 (Ii f ilR,\llHG OUR I f&A(Y UNCLASSIFIED IORGINf DUP. FUTURE COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE IN DEFENSE OF THE NATION Pages 3-10 are withheld in full and are not included. Agenda • (U) Compromised USG Data Sets • (U) Wikileaks' Mission and Modus Operandi ~\. :J • (U) Wikileaks Impact in South Asia • (U) Potential Future Impact • (U) Where to Access Wikileaks Data 5J1b ([.1£01,NG 0,~ l:v-'(I FOl ~NG•llJR I JlUif UNCLASSIFIED COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE IN DEFENSE OF THE NATION 2 UNCLASSIFIED QUESTIONS 5Qm (tif3R,\IIN GOUi I fGA(Y UNCLASSIFIED FOlGINGOUR FUTURE COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE IN DEFENSE OF THE NATION 11 19g Wikileaks Joins Forces With Billionaire Lebedev • Novaya Gazeta • Moscow newspaper controlled by former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev and billionaire Alexander Lebedev • Says it is joining forces with Wikileaks to expose corruption in Russia • The weekly newspaper is known in an industry dominated by state-run companies for its critical reports of the Kremlin and investigative coverage of Russian affairs. 5J1b ([.ltiil,HG 0,~l,G•(Y 101:,iHC•lllRI Jl•JRE UNCLASSIFIED,flEOUi COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE IN DEFENSE OF THE NATION Wikileaks Joins Forces With Billionaire Lebedev • Novaya Gazeta reports receiving unlimited access to the Wikileaks database, which has a "wide range" of materials reportedly including: • Documents about the murder of reporter Anna Politkovskaya's murder in 2006 J' -- • • Information about Russian politicians' ties to organized crime .· • ·~•.,i .! -- . Newspaper says it will start releasing materials next month ... .., ., ;'3M . - .::-r· c; 1 -~... -· - - _. ·. ~;-; • •: --~ t. 't! •. =- .........~•rrr. e- e:·..:~ --~ . B !-_ i1~:~ .. . - I·- '.-.~..!....... _.- -- --·-.· ··--·,I -;--~ -~:::· ·~ .-· . - -· -:.RIA NO'JO:S:TI "Assange said that Russians will soon find out a lot about their country and he wasn't bluffing," Novaya Gazeta said. "Our collaboration will expose corruption at the top tiers of political power. No one is protected from the truth." u.1ern,11G O,~ l:Gi(V UNCLASSIFIED IIFi'Ji m:;1HG •)IJ~ I J]IJIE COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE IN DEFENSE OF THE NATION 2 Page 4 is withheld in full and is not included. UNCLASSIFIED,';;-..:,~.:, Jordanian News Sites Translate, Republish Wikileaks Cables • Two Jordanian news websites have launched ~. a project to translate Wikileaks cables issues from the American Embassy in Amman and cables related to Jordan. - · 1 AmmanNet.net and 7iber.com began this week posting translations of full translations of these cables. • A special page was created online for this purpose with two categories: cables originated from the US Embassy in Amman, and cables related to Jordan and the Arab region. - The page continuously provides unofficial translations of the leaks released on the Wikileaks website, with a link to the original document in English. Source: Press UNCLASSIFIED:,:pou e COMMITTED 5~ U.lti>I ,NC 0,1 l:Gl(Y f Ol:tNG•l lli I JME TO EXCELLENCE IN DEFENSE OF THE NATION 3 Pages 6-8 are withheld in full and are not included. Spread of NCD? • Oslo-based Aftenposten claims they, along with Swedish outlet Svenska Dagbladet, gained unrestricted access to all 251,287 cables • It also claims it allows them to dodge Wikileaks' current strategy of drip-feeding the cables to preferred partners The New York Times, The Guardian. Der Spieael and El Pais. I lC MailTech .,tLerMliooa!. sa.1(.1 u,; i.: ·~1.1:11::: sl':_,~1,.: r:.x;u:, :,n 1i ·;,; 1 IJ -e-·:11.:;;1t{.;~ ,.-1 1::) ,~1 .11 :t J,:'\,_;)(J~• g • 111~~ 1 ~i: ·,-1.!" -:.::.·Jl.1:1Jr.-1 v.r..11.!• -.,ct~.J '.·1;,:,l -..-.;~1.:,:;ik.l. :,i.1:.~~1·t..v , , c:;· :- ·.v·•w.:.11 tlic-..•;w ;=.·· i"-•,"i'· g ..,~-1~ :.·,r;:.:111·9 1 r:..: r;·· ~1 g·r; .. r; r;I ~- •,•11..l1·!:- 1• 1•~q. •If you·~ goiny to do 1tl,s_ lhel"\ 1,n d 1he reitl 1,Jirt ." said 11-.e pari~liSt, \vho i,111.ialy app~ared ()fl Sl&ge in disguiSI:,-, wedrtt'g sur~lasses ;tl"0 a scarf to coYe, h-s. heAd of hii tac~. Alter 01.Jdi1iilleil nwmbtilrs ca Hid for him k> rev~al hims&lf. he remo..-ed the di:.gt.11:H ano Kt~111ifiad hims&lf Ri wcurity bloggcH Kry013ia. &r'O 111e IOw~ half The d15Q1,.11se highlili,hteo i'le ta.ct ttia.l m3oy seo.mly pi,ople fear speakIrv,i olA publicly ag3ir,s.t .Arionymous 3'lCI LulzSec after AncnyrrrJus hatlted 1he nerwork ol HBGary Federal and eiq:>OS-ed thousands 01 emals fr{)t'TI the C:Oll"lf'.l1')f·s 1neo-Cl::O Aaron Bar, A1-.:inym:Jt1s targete<'I 11'1e co1~ny afler Batt ~,.ras qt101ed in a news article asse11ing 1ha1 he knew lhe idenlilJes ot some Anorrymous rnernt>ers and NOi.Ad provding 11H~ 1nfo una1JOn 10 lhe FBI. Barr and 1-.s co.-np3.-,y laced •/"lle1,s-e scn..tiny alter his expotea emails re-,,,eeiled 1ha1 tl'ley .vere 1wot.,e,ct 1n a snac1y uncseroo~·er operation to OlscreCI( WldLe3k$ and soine of O'te people who "'4)pon the group llar, was .,..,rtullfy fired. rn Jn effOfl by I~• tO"l)any to oislance tsef lrom !he con1rt1ve1sial pian. BA.rr •a.S S<.:lltkh.iled to appear ori 1ne D~Con par•el but Withdrew a.lier H8Gary 1nrearier,ec:1 10 Sl1e n11n c\lld tws a.urei-il tiltl)loyer 11 he $p0ki1t about tne hack and his lori~r compari~ i.Vlli•W1k1Leaks project .,..., hod people come 1,1'.) 10 • 1• saylfl(j ouess ""• my ne><11a,g,,1 is? HB G,ry,' he said The provocative panel. m-odenueo by Paul Robt:rts. ~•or of lhe TtuealPost security blOQ, also i,11,.:U:Md J,t,,ct10. a founding r'J\tJ'l'lt>er vr AUrition 019, a oomputer security si1e that SOCCSilli'lCS in mv~ i,pafil~ and exposing fndustry trat.Jds.. The panel discuss.io11 '!Ouched oo 111e ethics o1 Barr•~ aclivilie$, ULA 1¢ctJS.ed p~rnar~y on !tie activilNS of A1l0rly1rc>us ar,d LullSe<.:. K,.-pn.i:-i :>:~::.,~ ::I It•: ~>,.,.,r~ ,,• "t:/ l;·..,.• !I 1<::~1 i!"=i~lr,; t .. 1 .• fr.ii·t:)lf 'M'u,1it1<_; -:c s-r;__;t, IIT ·~i:-.· r.n:: 1r r:" !::·1Ti..:_; .•:) •,..,1-1 ;_ ,M,•.1st: l:Y 1·1;~1 t,,,::'--.. :ih1.·,:-ir I ·1: J.:'1:1'tn ·hi ·i ;.~"li<:11.:... H,e noteer ol 111~ g rciups, corporate spies and nation-state actors can now hide thair activitias under thll umbntla of Anonymous to draw su:epic:ion away from thltm~ Jcrlelio c-JII0:0 on the corrrnunitv 101 ~buld a bc1tcr Anonymous· to create one tna, wouldn't Q USC as much COlliltcral d;UT'!aQC from its actions aoo OOJld oovc a bcnc11clal crtoct on i,, 1mpro,..ng compu1er seeun1y by hacking companies that 1aa1 10 secure 1ne-ir systQfns the sec'-'11y .,dustry He sugges1ec, tr,at Ano1,y,l'IOl•S ano Lot7Sec l"nl9tlt ha..,.e a ro&e 10 play despite ,epealed wa.mirigs lhal 1tuy'~ vulne,a ~ It cotnpanres onn·, do the- Seo..,"1ty t.tt&~ nE!ed to do "\-lh:f not force them to ge1 •~ he said ·vou·ra n01 le-aming your 1-eSS{)('IS. so maybe k is urne lot Ano1,yrr'(ltiS or LutrSec 10 come 1n _ . . .Ind V.r.3k0 lhCffl up.~ Another tai, targel he sad would be ,:,;ompM1ie& 11,ar: sue rl:l"~arche1$ who u•)c.;()vt11 vu~ralliijlies in 1~r sysk-rl1s or products. Sony, -wvh1ch has ~xpehl::'r1<.'ed o rl(tt)i11g l'ia<..ks. o~ thEt l;is1 rncm1,~ w;,s. iniinlly h~dlcad O\'Qr 1he compariy"s choic9 to !.119 SOnyPlaysrauon 3 tinkerer G.eorge Hmz SOFTPIDIA hnl)·,·,news.soflpedoa.coo1;,oews..l.ul,Sec-L,.,,,1<,r.5abi,-ar1<1-The.Jestor •Challerl\ll>"Eal:KIVl-:1 ) Ft.:{X\.·1: - - [>E('l,.\SSll'Y ( 1~ l ),\'Ll~ C)F.Sl ll'XC ·r.; - ('1.,1.\SIM('ATlages 1 and 3-12 are withheld in full and are no: included. I•1 ::i :I ::i S:..-i :::ii I i ii ::I • • h-1 ::I t.:W ::Ir~ti-1 ::i hi1 * iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii::iiiii==================----- W Cf / J 1nformatlon Review Task Force (IRTF) The Man Who Spilled the Secrets • (UJIFOUO) 01 Nov meeting between Assange and Guardian Editor - Assange threatens to sue the paper • (U//FOUo, A disgruntled Wikileaks volunteer had leaked the last big segment of the documents to the Guardian • (Uh'FOUO) The paper was released from its previous agreement with Assange-that The Guardian would publish its stories only when Assange gave his permission. • (U/, I II f- r, ,\ . ! 0 'I ~;::~;:-;-;,:J(3) 'O USC 424 QUESTIONS (b)(I I (b)(3) 10 USC 424 Sec 1 4(c),Sec · 4(bi - ~(b)(3) 10 USC 424 ,AliiAa I 12 C O •.1 f,I I ' I !- I: I t1 t Y G , t ~I C I· I '• I) E F f: f,J r '. i r ti /\ ' I C -=#=9 3 C) Pages 1-6 are withheld in full and are not included. I•l ::I a ::I I---! ::Ill I i ii ::i 11111 b-1 ::i t..i ::Ir!tc-1 ::i hl'J • I Wikileaks Operational Status Information Review Task Force (IRTF) ~: ~ B==-~• (U) Internet Service Providers • (U) Bahnhof in Stockholm, Sweden - two servers host WikiLeaks data - resources only - no control over content or management of traffic (Collateral Murder video hosted by Bahnhof.de BAHNHOF (b)(:l) 50 USC 3024(1) l ·•~O• l :, I•, 1 ,:•', ' •,' I ' ,:''{'' '1jJ1f!1 'j I '1 I i' • 1 I 'I ; Ml! iK!IJ niP~ 1 • (U) eDot in Zoetermeer, Netherlands - wikileaks. nl (b:(3) 50 US(; JU,41 I • (U) OVH based in Roubaix, France - hosts part o SOURCE: ZDNet France 3 Dec 10 • (U) Swiss Pirate Party - wikileaks.ch (points to OVH) • International Pirate Party - computer activists - provide servers and network capacities l.,o,~,~~"' I 'C?~i / Ol 1 :::i:,::.~' UNCLASSIFIEDMFO U0 ~: i: \i ~.• lJ 1 i t t t ~J l I N f"' F E ~1 c ,. ·i E r~ ,\ - D N 7 • • • I•1 ::I :I ::I~ S:..""I :III~ &ii :::1 • • ti-1 ::I~ hi ::ii'!ttt ::I~ t.:t'J J 1nformation Review Task Force (IRTF) Wikileaks Operational Status (Ui'FOUO) First week in December 2010 - WikiLeaks.org inaccessible (DDoS) • (UfFOUO) Activated servers wikileaks.de, .fr, .nl, and .ch - with 100 in reserve SOURCE: Paris /es echos.fr in French 09 Dec 10 (U,n e11e, • (U) Two or three hackers are familiar with entire web infrastructure • (U) High rate of turnover of associates - permanent inner core - in addition to Assange and at least three Icelanders - a Brit and an Australian university employee I l(b)(3)50USC3024(•) • (U) Disaffected WikiLeaks volunteers took site's software-based securesubmission platform • (U) Group took backlog of previously submitted, leaked material • (U) Software was intellectual property of one of departing volunteers • (U) Group intends to return material unused and unpublished when WL shows technical ability to keep data/sources safe ~th .J~ SOURCE: Domschelt-Berg interview, Wired onlimt~Jl\ll1 UNCLASSIFIEDl\1f8 l:18 f061G 0111 FUIUlf : 1: \l '.' I ; '- I I t 'I '.' ~; : I f ti .' , ' :I t, I ·' ', 8 • -~~' i •1 =I ::i :i e....::i :III~ iii :i ••tit :i hi ::If_-_fit =I~ til'..1 I Information Review Task Force (IRTF) Wikileaks Operational Status • (U) Assange: For 2011-- will publish more telegrams on countries and more than 100 organizations • • (U) Need other publications (U) Will expand our structure SOURCE: Assange interview, 0 Estado de S Paulo 23 Dec 2010 • (U) Jonsdottir: They had to find a way to screen all volunteers who wanted to work with them in order to find out how far they could let them go. Now, Wikileaks reminds me of a small company that is growing, but its founder does not want to let other people participate in the management. This may destroy the company in the end. SOURCE: Interview with Icelandic MP Birgitta Jonsdottir, Bratislava Sme Online In Slovak 9 Mar 11 ~th ! :;to; 20i 1 i~:r:.:..~:.C' UNCLASSIFIEO;;Peuo '.I r.' ! • • T ,! F - I I' ; I ', I ! :, ;, ' I tJ 9 -~'~f,-· -· DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY l ·•.m .,-, I Open Source Wikileaks Reporting ;:,.__ • Information Review Task Force (IRTF) (U) Twitter Must Turn Over Records In Wikileaks Case • Government attorneys requested the identification of screen names, IP addresses and account activity relating to the three people in question (1 US, 2 Icelandic) • Twitter will not hand over the data until the defendants' lawyers have had a chance to appeal the decision • Appeals are planned based on alleged violations of the First Amendment · :•-n · ~·rrn::'!!Hrm1~:li~,;:,.;:!j, · ·-; r i/ ,_:il[,it'!k ! ' lt !' i" ,;, tWil:\:er" !W!fi%;::1!:m:i1:nU;i,:1rk:~i:-1~ · i. j• SOURCE: Information Week 5Qlli :~~=':1:1ru~f' .G6 l 2Cl UNCLASSIFIEDl'fl"eue C ',1 I/ ' ' • r ,; 1 f. ;.: C t. I. , t N C t I\ ('. • ' ! '; o :: " 1 !I E •~ A T I ''· ~I 10 DoD Undassified Talking Points Related to the Compromise of Classified Information by a Former National Security Agency (NSA) Contractor 1. A former NSA contractor downloaded nearly 1.7 mlllion flies from Intelligence Community (IC) systems. TMs is th• single greatest quantitative potential compromise of secrets in U.S. history. 2. Mucii of the information compromised has the potential to gravely impatt the National Security of the United States, to indude the Oepartment cf Defense and its capabilities. 3. While most cf the reporting lo date in the press has centered on NSA's acquisition of foreign lnteffigence to protect the lives or our citizens and allies., the files c:over sensith,e topio well beyond the NSA oollec1ion. Disclosure of this lnfurmation In the press and to adversaries has the potential to put Defense personnel in harm's way aind jeopardize the succe-ss of DoO operations. 4. These unauthorized disclowres have tipped off our adversaries to intelligence sources and methods and negatively impacted our AHies who partner with us to fight terrorism, cyber crime, human and narcotics trafficking, and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Such international cooperation invof\l'ing the pooling of informatron, technology, and expertise is critical ~o preserve our security and that of our allies. 5. An Information Review Task Force 2 (IRTF-21 of the Department of Defense, led by the Defense Intelligence Agency and working in coordination with elements of the Intelligence Com,.,unity, is conducting an assessment of the fmpact to the Department of Oeft!!nse from the compromise or this infor,i,ation. Sent !0 Hill 1/8 UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY SECRETARY OF DEFENSE 1000 DEFENSE PENTAGON WASHINGTON, DC 20301•1000 AUG 5 2010 MEMORANDUM FOR SECRETARIES OF THE MILITARY DEPARTMENTS CHAIRMAN OF THE JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF UNDER SECRETARIES OF DEFENSE ASSISTANT SECRETARIES OF DEFENSE GENERAL COUNSEL OF THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE DIRECTOR, OPERATIONAL TEST AND EVALUATION DIRECTOR, COST ASSESSMENT AND PROGRAM EVALUATION INSPECTOR GENERAL OF THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE ASSISTANTS TO THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE DIRECTOR, ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR, NET ASSESSMENT DIRECTORS OF THE DEFENSE AGENCIES DIRECTORS OF THE DOD FIELD ACTIVITIES Subject: Task Force to Review Unauthorized Disclosure of Classified lnfonnation (FOUO) (U//FOUO) On July 28, 20l0, I directed the Director, Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) to establish an Information Review Task Force (IRTF) to lead a comprehensive Department of Defense (DoD) review of classified documents posted to the WikiLeaks website (www.wikileaks.org) on July 25, 2010, and any other associated materials. Department of Defense Components should provide DIA any assistance required to ensure the timely completion of the review. (U//FOUO) The IRTF will review the impact of the unauthorized disclosure of classified information specified above. The IRTF will coordinate throughout the Intelligence Community in conducting this time-sensitive review and integrate its efforts . with those of the National Coun1erintelligence Executive. (U//FOUO) The IRTF will provide regular updates to the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) on its findings. A more comprehensive interim report will be provided as the effort progresses. That report will include the following items: • (U//FOUO) Any released information with immediate force protection implications; • (U//FOUO) Any released information concerning allies or coalition partners that may negatively impact foreign policy; • (U//FOUO) Any military plans; 0 ••• lilii• UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY • (U//FOUO) Any intelligence repolting; • (U//FOUO) Any released information concerning intelligence sources or methods; • (U//FOUO) Any information on civilian casualties not previously released; • (U//FOUO) Any derogatory comments regarding Afghan culture or Islam; and • (U//FOUO) Any related data that may have also have been released to WikiLeaks, but not posted. A final report will be produced once all documents are assessed. (U//FOUO) The IRTF is the single DoD organization with authority and responsibility to conduct the DoD review regarding this unauthorized disclosure. By separate tasking, I am directing USD(I) to conduct an assessment of the Department's procedures for accessing and transporting classified information. (U//FOUO) This review is separate from, and unrelated to, any criminal investigation of the leaked information. The assessment and review of the leaked documents is not intended to, and shall not limit in any way, the ability of Department, Federal Bureau of Investigation or any other federal criminal investigators, trial counsel and prosecutors to conduct investigative and trial proceedings in support of possible prosecutions under the Uniform c""'°''"-'"""' ~"""" J,::.ec 1 4{b) Sec 1 4{cJ (U) Data Characterization {b){1),Sec 1 4{b).Sec 14 {c) (U) Local Government/Municipality Corruption (b)(1).(b)(J) 1u U::.v 4d4,::.ec 1 4{b) ::.ec 1 4(c) (U) 011/Power Industry Corruption l><:rirfdfmm: - • • - • l>edassif)• 1111: - . , 2 (b)(1 ),(b)(3) I O USC 424 Sec. 1 4(b),Sec 1 4(C) (U) Sons of Iraq Malfeasance b)(1 ),(b)(3) 10 U::,<-, 424,Sec. 1 4(b) Sec. 1.4(C) l>em·ed Jm111: - - - • - • l>ec·lassif.· 011: 4 Prepared by: Reviewed by: ,~)(3110 USC •2• {01(61 l>erh•ed fm111: ·• - - - - • l>edas.iij,· 0 11: 5 SlsCRIJFflllf'i8F8RN The remaining 4 pages are withheld in full and not included. INFO MEMO w-10-XXXX/IRTF 2 February 20 I 1 TO: Director, Defense Counterintelligence and HUMINT Center FROM: Chief, Information Review Task Force SUBJECT) (b)(1),(b)(3) 10 USC),Sec 1 4(c) (U) Data Characterization (b)(1L(b)[J) 10 LJ:,,1., 424.Sec 14 (b),sec 1 4(c) l>eri,,ed_fr,1111: • - - . . , . ~ l>r, la.mf_,· 011: .,..._ n:ii CDlirli C'ItIOFOMibI 2 INFO MEMO 0-00XX/lRTF 07 September 20 10 FOR: Director, Defense Counterintelligence and HUMINT Center FROM: Chief, Information Review Task Force {b)(3J so use 30240) SUBJEC1 {b)(1).sec 1 4(b).~ ec. I .4(c) D1·ri,wl ji'111»: . . . . . .. . _ _ DPda.,sify tm: , _ _ SFCRETHNOFOHPl (U) Data Characterization (b)(1),(b)(3) 10 U:sG 424,:sec. 1.4\DJ,:Sec. 1 4(c) Prepared by: Reviewed by b)(JJ1U U:SG 4l 4,(0)(o) Deri,·,·dfmm: .liiililj]][ Ji Z:: I .I Drrla.,·sify 0 11: . . . _ SECIUt:f 111101:iOMJf The next page is withheld in full and not included. INFO MEMO ~ - 10-XXXX/IRTF 8 February 20 I I TO: Director, Defense Counterintelligence and HUMINT Center FROM: Chief, Information Review Task Force SUBJECT: I (b){1),(b)(5).Sec 1 4(c),Sec. 1.4(d) (b){1),(b)(J)::>0 USC 3024~] Sec. 1 4(b) Sec. 1 4(c),Sec 1 4(d) (U) Sensitive. candid commentary. Derivedji·om: It V, f f' Decla.uiJ:i· on: _._ Ii ~IMjlillJl1l~i81i8ttP' The last page is withheld in full and not included. (b){1 Hb){~),Sec. 1 4{a),Sec 1 4{b) Sec 1.4{c),Sec. 1.4{d) . . (U) Expected media treatment (U) Australian media has thus far focused on Rudd's comments on China and Afghanistan, U.S. criticism of Rudd, and leadership views o n North Korea and Iran. Foreign Minister Rudd publicly responded in December that he did not "give a damn" about criticism of him in the cables. A number of Australian news outlets have also used leaked cables for press reports related to Indonesia including troubled Papua province, the Indonesian Army Special Forces, and human rights abuses, as well as articles highlighting Singaporean criticism of regional neighbors. {b)(1 ) (b){5),Sec 1 4{c) Sec 1 4(d) I Drafted by: Reviewed bfl {b)(3) 10 USC 424,{b)(6) ------------------- INFO MEMO ~11-xxxx/IRTF 9 February 20 I I TO: Director, Defense Counterintelligence and HUMINT Center FROM: Chief, Information Review Task Force SUBJECT: (b)(1)(b)(3) 10 USC 424,(b)(3) 50 USC 3024(i),(b)(5),Sec 14(b),Sec 14(c),Sec 1 4(d) i.Jl'flW•tf .fflfm: Drdass/fr 0 11: - The last page is withheld in full and not included. (U) Expected media treatment (U) Thus far, Timorese media have not reported extensively on Wikileaks disclosures. We expect domestic and regional media would focus on negative commentary about Timorese leaders, shortfalls in the military and police, and the 2006 crisis. L Drafted by: Reviewed by: (b)(1),(b)(3)10 USC 424,{b)(3) 50 USC 3024(1),(b)(6),Sec 14(c) Sec. 1 4(d) 2 INFO MEMO .-XXXXXX-10 14 December 20 I 0 SUBJECT:! (b)(1) (b)(5),Sec 1 4(c),Sec 1 4(d) (U) Media treatment b)(1 Hb)(5),Sec 1 4(C),Sec 1.4(d) • (U) Leading centrist daily Le Soir noted 30 November the leaks mostly highlight the "solid and orthodox work of the ltraditionalJ press," which has already revealed most of the secrets in the cables. 2 • (U) Popular daily Le Demiere Heure on 9 December said of the following topics concerning Belgium that were revealed in the leaked cables, all had been thoroughly covered by traditional media already: 3 SKelUJrt1/11fli8t'8ffN The last 3 pages are withheld in full and not included. - (U) U.S. pressure on Belgian to accept Guantanamo detainees - (U) The presence of nuclear weapons in Belgium - (U) EU President (and fonner Belgian Prime Minister) Van Rompuy's pessimism on Afghanistan and climate change negotiations (U) Belgian internal political debates - (U) Official Reaction (U) Belgian officials have downplayed the importance of the disclosures in public, condemning the act of leaking the cables while stressing that they contain few important disclosures. • (U) Foreign Minister Vanackere, specifically referencing negotiations over Guantanamo detainees, said on 29 November "a great many things which are now being presented as leaks were actually already known." 4 • (U) An advisor to Prime Minister Leterme wrote in a 30 November op-ed that the content of the leaked cables are not surprising and will not affect U.S. relations with other countries, while criticizing the Wikileaks organization for being motivated ;'more by the desire to do harm than to fight injustice."5 • (U) Vanackere on 12 December claimed another foreign minister had refused to answer a question "for fear of seeing a report of the conversation on the lnternet."6 ~otential loss of diplomatic contacts (b)(1 ),(b)(S),Sec. 1 4{c).Sec 1 4{d) 2 INFO MEMO .-I0-XXXX/IRTF l 9 September 20 I 0 FOR: Director, Defense Counterintelligence and HUMINT Center FROM: Chief, '11formation Review Task Force (b)(1 ),(b)(3)50 USC 30240),Sec. 1 4(b),Sec. 1 4(C) SUBJECT:! {U) Background b)(1) Sec. 1 4(b),Sec 1.4(c) f>,,m,,,dfm111:-.--..f>eda.,.nJ.,· "": iaili9 6:li!eJUJif#NOFORN The next page is withheld in full and is not inlcuded. (U) Impact b)(1) Sec 1 4{b),Sec 1 4(c) (U) Data Characterization r;,.,,.,,,,.,dfmm:. iiiii!jili ..ll!llii t .I f>C'C'/11.u/fr on: ___. 2 (b)(1) (b)(J)·1 u U:;t,; 424 Sec 1 4(b) Sec 1 4(c) Prepared b y:~$1(31 lo USC 2306 ful MW: Reviewed b {)('I'll'('(/ {1•,ml." ------- /)f('/(l.tSlf\' 1!11. . . . . Bti@IHJff:'/f, OfORN 4 INFO MEMO -S--10-000X/IRTF 22 August 2010 FOR: DIRECTOR, DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY THROUGH: Director, Defense Counterintelligence and HUMINT Center FROM: Chief, Information Review Task Force SUBJECT:! {b)(1 J Sec 1 4(b),Sec 1 4(c) Reviewed by: 10 USC iiCllJ&'l'UtlO!I.OIUl INFO MEMO 24 September 20 I0 0-00XX/lRTF FOR: Director, Defense Counterintelligence and IDJMINT Center FROM: Chief, Information Review Task Force bl(3l 50 use 3024(il j. { SUBJECll b)(1 ),Sec 1 4(b) Sec 1 4(c) Smugglin2: and Illegal Crossings (bJ(1) :c;ec 1 4(b),Sec. 1.4(c) l>eril'edJr<1111: ..__ _ __ L>e, /a.m j,· 011: . . - , SU€1U,ii1¥fMOfOIDl {b)(1 L(b)(5) ,Sec. 1 4(b),Sec 1 4(c) Harassment of Border Forces (bJ(1) (b)(5) Sec 1 4(b) Sec. 1 4(c) Iraqi Border Forces Response to Harassment l>eriFed /r,1111: Oe,·lass/f" 011: 11 r.- [ r -- 2 SIJCH'f#PiOfOllP, (b)(1 ),(b)(S),Sec 14(b).Sec 1.4(c) Cross-Border Operations (b)(1),(b)(5),Sec 1 4(b) ,Sec 1 4(C) Ocn m l Jr,,111: Oedassify "": - - 3 iliiCIU.1V/l'iOFOltPi rK1 J.~ )(5) S.c 1.4~) Sec 1<(0) Politically-Sensitive Incidents (b)(1 ),(b)(SJ,Sec 14 (b),Sec, 1.4(c) Prepare d by: Reviewed by Oer/\'rd fr1•111: r J<3) 10 use .,. ,,.,, 11111111-llllill-• Oedassify ,111:~ 4 Bis CDl3[1..WoJQltQP N INFO MEMO -8-10-00XX/I RTF 27 September 20 I 0 FOR: Director, Defense Counterintelligence and HUMINT Center FROM: Chief, Information Review Task Force fI'°'so use ,.,,,, SUBJEC (bJ(1J,:;ec 1 4(b),Sec t 4(c) (U) Background b)(f),Sec. 1 4(0).Sec 1 A(CJ (U) Summary (b)(1 ) Sec 14(b),Sec. 1.4(C) Drrirrd {mm:,,,,_ fJ1•,·/m.,ifr 011:·JMIIIMIIIIIIII_.., Slsf!J IUlffl:'N Of OIUt Sis eltl!ift)!;lfliOfOIM i (U) Impact b)(1 )(b)(5) ,Sec 1 4(b) Sec 1 4(C) (b)(3) 10 USC 424,(b)(tl) Prepared by: Reviewed by MIii-- Dni,·,·d.fmm:• Dt·dca.,if.\" m1:!I!. iili Es'IUis,f#NOFO MN r(3) ouse 1 424 SKGaii~. INFO MEMO -tii-10-XXXX/lRTF Draft 29 October 2010 FOR: Director, Defense Counterintelligence and HUMINT Center FROM: Chief, Information Review Task Force SUBJECT: (b){1),(b)(3) 10 USC 424 (b)(3) 50 USC 3O240),Sec 1 4(c),Sec 1.4(d) (U) Characterization of the CID NE-A Data (b)(1) (b)(3) 50 USC 3O24(i),Sec. 1.4(b),Sec. 1 .4(c) f>,,1-i,,ed From: _______ f>,,chmifd)n: 39159¥'6 ~ (b)(3) 10 USC 424 isKeill3 • (U/:lfQUO' Threat reports are immediate, uncorroborated repotting on enemy activities. As time is of the essence when potential threats are identified, speed is more important than fact checking. This reporting is information in its rawest form and not "statements of fact" as the media is likely to report it. (b)(1 ),(b)(3).10 USC 4L4,(b)(5)aSec 1 4(b).Sec 1 4(C) C'Vf"'TH:O'T'l(b)(3):10 USC 424 I I Bl9CD~ ~ {b)(3):t0 USC 424 {b)(1),{b)(3):10 U:sc; 4t4,:sec. t .4{b),Sec. 1.4{c) (U) Prepared by: ... 1• _l<3_J_10-u-sc-42_ 4 _ _ _ _ _..J J{b){3) 10 USC 424 Sls'1H6as1' - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1 3 SE@MIJ1fh'NOPt'1tH INFO MEMO • l 0-0XXX/IRTF 29 September 2010 FOR: Director, Defense Counterintelligence and HUMTNT Center FROM: Chief, Information Review Task Force (b){1) (b)(3):50 U;,1.., 3024Q),(b)(5) Sec. 1 4(b),Sec 1 4(c) SUBJECT: Oeri,wlfnmi: _"""',._. . . {)fffa"if,· on: ...._ 8ts@ltDfJ1:1NOfOIUi r b)(1 j (6)(5),Sec 1 4(b),Sec 14(c) (U) Data Characterization (b)(1 ),Sec 1.4(b).Sec. 1.4(c) (U) Vehicle Accidents (b)(1) Sec 1 4(b),Sec. 1 4(c) (U) Escalation of Force Resulting in Civilian Deaths (b)(1) Sec 1 4(b).s ec. 1 4(c) f>,,nredfi-tm1: ..,..,.. . ._ _ f><'das. Sec 1 4{ci (U) Iraqi PSC Incidents (b)(1) (b)(3) 10 USC 424 {b}(6),Sec 1 4(bLSec 1 4(c) {>,,1wed j i·,m,: ...,,...ioa._ f>eda,.,ij,· 011: , _ . . 3 BIU?lttJffOPiOFOftPi INFO MEMO ~10-00XX/IRTF 29 September 20 l 0 FOR: Director, Defense Counterintelligence and m.JMINT Center FROM: Chief, Information Review Task Force (b)(3) 50 USC 3024(i) SUBJECr ,o)(1 ),Sec t .4(c),Sec 1.4(dl (U) Background (b)(1) Sec. 1.4(b),Sec 1 4(c) 1 The fourth Geneva Convention for the protection of civilian persons in ti me of war; Article 4 define~ who is a Protected person: Persons protected hy the Convention arc those who, at a given moment and in any manner whatsoever, find thcmscl vcs, in case of a conflict or occupation, in the hands of a Pm1y to the contlicl or Occupying Power of which they arc not nationals. 111111111••-- l),;m·t'cl.lrm11..-. l>edassify ,m: - (b)(1) Sec. 1 4(b) Sec 1.4(c) (U) Summary (b)(1 ),Sec. 1.4(b),Sec. 1.4(c) (U) Impact b)(1 ).(b)(5)_Sec 1 4{b) sec 1 4(c) l>c>m·(d ]"11111: 111'.friP('.1 ) PIIS:61 i>edanif~· 011: , _ _ 2 lD)(1),(b)(5) Sec 1 4(b) Sec. 1 .4(c) Prepared by: Reviewed by: I'''" 10 use ,,. .~K61 2 On 16 .July 2010 the U.S. Coun of Appeals for the District of Columbia directed the U.S. Secretary of State to further review the MEK designation as a Forcib'll Terrorist Organization, since due process of the law was Vi{)latcd during the Stale Dcpactment\ previous decision to maintain the MEK's designated status. l>emwlJi·,m1: I itJiiij it Si iii t l$ 1>e,·hm1f,· 011: ...,.._ SFCPFT{NOFOPN 3 The last 2 pages are withheld in full and not included. INFO MEMO 30 December 20 I0 ~XXXXXX-10 SUBJECT:! (b)(1 ),Sec 1.4(c),Sec. 1 .4(d) (U) Media treatment (b)(3):10 USC 424.(b)(3) 50 U~L, JUL40) (U) Official Reaction (U) A foreign ministry spokesman said the leaks would not hann Bulgaria's relations with the U.S. and served only the interest of those looking to weaken transatlantic ties. 2 However, former Foreign Minister Ivo Kalfin decried the collection of personal information, including creoit card numbers, of Bulgarian politicians as inappropriate, but observed the Uniited States would only collect such information if it felt Bulgaria was important. 3 819@1tOrt,1;1fti6F61tN o)(1).{b)(3) 10 USC 424 (b){6) sec 1 4{c) Sec 1 4{d) From: (b)(1),{b)(3) 10 USC 424 {b) (3) 50 USC 30240) {b) (6) Sec. 1 4 (c) Sec 14(d To: Subject: Date: Thursday, December 02, 2010 1:26:00 PM ··,, ', ··.. (b)(1) (b)(3) 1u U;:," 4l4 (b)(:l) ol/ USC 3024(i),(b)(6),Sec. 1.4(c),Sec 1 4(d) CLASSIFICATION. QE3@Rf!SfiJICeP01Ci4 Alcon, b) 1). ec. 14 (c),Sec Please provide line in/line out comments on t he attached word doc containing th 1 4{dl portions of the latest CJCS Wikileaks slide, by NLT 1400 TODAY. Please send all comments to the Cc line. Thanks, {bJ(3J 10 use 424,(b){6) ._ ··-~ ~. ~. DERIVED FROM:~ DECLASSIFY ON: DATE OF SOURCE: !0 • 0 l !!ft)!i:1 CLASSIFICATION· SFGUFifA')f8JiOilH DERIVED FROM: DECLASSIFY ON: !Hi?El DATE OF SOURCE: !O IO I !O! CLASSIFICATION. QIJGftlJiif:l;'P f8Ji81\t f \ December 23, 20 lO The Honorable John Ensign United States Senate Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Senator Ensign: Thank you for your 10 December 2010 letter on the SHIELD Act, S. 4004, and the impacts of WikiLeaks' unauthorized disclosures of classified infonnation. The Office of the Director of National Intelligence has referred your letter to the Department of Defense as they are the most appropriate agency to answer your questions. The Defense Intelligence Agency is leading the WikiLeaks Information Review Task Force (IR1F) under the direction of Brigadier General Robert Carr. The Congressjonal Activities Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence will ensure you receive a timely response, and they can be contacted at (703) 6976644. We appreciate your continued support on issues conceming national security and the Intelligence Community. If you have any questions, plea..c;e contact me on (703) 275-2473. tff"i?.enTu~ rir.Lr~~~gislative Affairs UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO OFFICE OF THE DrtrncTOR OF NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE NATION AL COUNTERINTELLIGENCE EXECUTIVE WASHINGTON, DC 20505 NCIX~Ol7-l l MEMORANDUM FOR: LTG Ronald L. Burgess, Jr. Director, Defense Intelligence Agency (b)(3) SUBJECT: (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3):10 use 424;(b}(6) (b)(3) (DIA) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) ·(U) STATUTORYAUTHORITY: . In accordance with its statutory responsibility, as provided for at 50 USC 402c(e)( 4 ), the National Couriterintelligcncc Executive (NCIX) leads and coordinates comprehensive government-wide assessments of the damage resulting from unauthorized disclosures. (DIA) (b)(3) (b)(3):10 use 424 DIA UNtLA~~ItI~D//FOUO (b)(3):1 a USC424 UNCLASSTFIED//FOUO (b)(3) SUBJECT: (U) There arc noted Base Realignmcritarid Closul'c (BRAG) issues related to this rcq ucst and my staff will work cfoselywith your facilities and IT infra.-.tructure points of c6ntact tc) address them. (U} l~UNDING: . This reque~t may en t:i1\ :is soc iated fonding which will be fully addressed when necessary; i ! I look forward to our continued ·oint efforts .. Please leJ me knol,1/ wh(lyour lead is forthls nction. My primary points of contact ate Coordination Directorate. (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) Assistant Director,' Andlysis, Collection, and (b)(3) · · · ·chief qf Stafl. > (b)(3) D.~tc Ii .P [: i: i: 2 UNCLASSIFIED/ /FOUO ·. i I I 'i ! -,.:j:J~- ., C) /\ r;- /) V UNCLAS:StFIED//FOUO OFf!CE OF TH r. D1RECT0lf Of N,\'fl0NAL iNTEI.LIGf;NGE NA TlONAt COUNTERtNfELLIGENCR EX'EGUTJVE WASH ING1'.0N, DC 20 505 NCIX-039-1 l MEMORANDUM FOR: SUBJECT: LTG Ronald L. Burgess, Jr: Director, Dcfc1ise [ntelllgence Agency (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) DIA (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (lJ) STATUTORY AUTHORITY: In accordance with its statutory responsibility, as stated in 50 USC 402c(e_)(4), the ~ - - - National Counterintelligence Executive (NCJX) leads .and coordinates cornprchensive ~l~)~1~;(b) govcmment-wide assessments ofthe damage rc.~ulting from unauthorized disclosures. (5) DIA (b)(3) UNCLASSIFIED/ /FQTJQ UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO (b)(3) SUBJECT: (lJ) (b)(3):10 USC424 DIA There are noted Base Realignment.and Closure (BRAC) issues related to this request itnd my staff will work closely with yourfacililies and IT infrastructure pojitts of contact to address them. (U) FUNDlNG: This request niuy entail associated fundingwhich will be fully addressed when necessary. llook forward 10 ourconlinucd joinl (b)(3) this action. My primary points of contact are (b)(3) - -Coordination Directorate, know who your lead is for Assistant Director, Amil~is, (b)(3) (b)(3) · · (b)(3) Date 2 UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO oJ./ 11/l) 7 Chief of Staff, WikiLeaks Situatio n Update (b)(3) Assistant Director Office of the National Counterintelligence Executive April 7, 2011 This briefing is classified TOP SECRET/SI/NOFORN AGENDA Analysis and Production Update WikiLeaks Situation Update NCIX Outreach Update SVTC Participants Questions I Guidance Infor mati on Revi ew Task Forc e Inte llige nce Upd ate DIA (b)(3):1o use 424;(bJ I~\ IRTF Chief 7 April 2011 - 1600 Derived from: t Stitipla Se: :rnn Declassify on: HO@@ IOtJ . · UNCLASSIFIED DIA 19.~j·; ~~2()~ ·1 tEtmtHHG OUR l!:G~(V FORGING OUR nrro KE DIA . ?5 3, . Information Re.view Task Force (IRTF} 15k Da.ta Set 11 (U) Wikileaks withheld 15k records pending "ha.rm minimization" DIA (b)(t);(b)(3): 10 USC 424;(b)(3):50 USC 3024(i};{b) (5);Sec.· 1.4(c);Sec. 1.4(d) ·· · SCCJtti l?6i 201l m!l~Tl~G Olli U.liACT lWWIG DUI rurnu 5 . Information Review Task Force (IRTF) Wikileaks Sparks Conscientious Objector Claim (U) UK Royal Navy medic filed for conscientious objector status after reading Wikileaks Afghanistan data 111 • (U) First person to meet Advisory Committee on Conscientious Objectors in 14 years • (U) Faces up to 10 years in prison for willful misconduct 11 (U) "If more people in my position stood up, there would be less innocent lives losf' '" (U) Press coverage could inspire additional conscientious objector claims L:;;~th ~ .. . 190-'i 2fl)l UNCLASSIFIED " ', ' , ffi!0Allij6 0ml LIii]{( !OJGlHG en Rlll!lf " C O M M l T T E"b " T O E X C E l L E N C E l N D E F E N S' E O F'. T H E N A T I O N 11 , I11formation Review Task Force (IRTF) (b)(3r10 USC .424·,(b) (3):~o use: 3 24(i) · · • Laying the Groundwork for GTMO? DIA (b)(3) II II 1111 ge sc e u e ·. o spea on other topics, at Oslo Freedom Foundation event (U) Apparent discussions with journalists in U.S. and London (b )( 1};(b}(3): 10 USC 424; (b )( 5);Sec. 1.4(c);Sec. 1A d) DIA (b)(1)(b)(3) 5 .. . Sc> . iOUFIDiUililAb . ?25 -!fJ ,:(j lf L{- SECRET //NOFORN (1,· ,: ,H Ill! fli'/11 -,\1;. Date (b)(1) DeclaGsi.fy On: 20350224 Derived From, ODNI A..'i!A S--08 SECRET//NOFORN l· SECRET//NOFORN (b)(3) SUBJECT: (b)(3) Distdhd1ini1l S.::curiiy Ag.::11cy/Ccntrul Sccuriiy Servi(,., Direclor Central lmelii".::nccA"cncv Chil'f Count<:rin1cilh:e11ccCcn1cr f)cpu!y Linder Sccrctar;or Dci;1w lUMINT, CL&Sccurity) (f Director l\fNa!itmal ln1cl!ig.c1lCC Pri 1itipiil DcpulJ• .11il'ci.:lnr ,ifNutibi1ul .! ntcl !i.[!c'ntc Dirc~·tor of the lnlc!Hgcn..:c Stall' Dirccwr. !n1dligcm:c. J,iint Slaff Acting Unnt or Honicl:uul Scturily. Deputy At1m11ey General, Deparuhcnt of.J u~ti..:e . Direct-1r, O!Ticc of lntdl.igcm:c and t'.I, Departmciltnf EnL•i•gy Dirccli:1L Dipiomal(c Security Scnkc ,. Dcpar\mcn I of SI ah: Dircct!ir, C'.m1n1eririrdligcncc, Ikpurlnicn! t1f..%11c • INR Scnitir Direo:itir for l 1itc!J lgcncc progr:ims, Natiimal .Scqiriiy Di1-cctor, i'.krcn~e Cl l1nd Hl 1 MlNT Center, Dcfc-n,c lntdligcnc,: .\gcncy [kputy Assb1am Secretary, Dcpartmciil of'Trcasury A~,oci,itc Dircdor for Si::curity and C:L N11iionnl Sccuri1y Agcni:y Dirct:l(ir, Nmi1ll1W Ue,,sp:1tin!~l111c!ligencc Agency i\e1ing L,ndcr Sccrcwry for lmlu\try ttndS,xurity. Dcpunm.::nt 11f.Cmnmcn.:e Direcl()L Cmm1crintd!1g,:,11,:e. N,11i01ial Rcrn1ini1i~sm\CC Office Director. Dcfcn~c.Sci:t1r'i1y Service: C(1r1m1umkr. Air 1°,ircc Offin' (il'Spc1.:iul !nn,~ligation., Director; Cl, JH;MJNT. ()i,do~ure ,ind Security, L/nilcs Sfo1c~ Amiy Di rd:toi·~ Na val {~rim in:11 ·1n /g:nivc SCrvict: vc,1 .., SECRBT//NOFORN ~li!WRl!lili1l1lt!U!H•~Ri11, Pages 1 and 3-4 are withheld in full and are not included. (b)(1);(b)(3):10 USC 424;(b)(5);Sec. 1.4(c);Sec. 1.4(d) Executive Summary (U) (UJ WikiLenks claims 10 have a compendium o_l over 9/,000 reports covering the war in Afghanistan from 2004 to 20/0, which they refer to as the Afghan War Diary. On 25 July 2010, WikiLniks posted over 76,000 Afghan war reports tu their website (www.wikileak.<.·.org) and threatens to release another 15,000 reports in the near future. (b)(1);(b)(5);(b)(3):10 USC 424;Sec. 1.4(c);Sec. 1.4(d);(b)(3):50 USC 3024(i) 800ROlf/;'JtfQFQlltf MIJUDUiftl/MOFORPf (b)(5).{b){3) 10 USC 424·(b)(3) 50 USC 3024{i) (U) Due to the sheer volume of information that the IRTF reviewed, this report focuses on the mosl significant findings centered on lhe seven key focus areas; a general overview of what was learned; and selected examples and summaries of relevant reports to provide context. 1~){3) IO USC 424 (U) Interagency Collaboration (b)(5);(b)(3):10 USC 424;(b)(3):50 USC 3024(i) if SOFT f0lQFQP tI SECREf))f • Of,ORIC Background (U) (U) On 25 July 2010 al 1700 hours Eastern Daylight Time the WikiLeaks organizaLion released approximately 76,000 government reports to the general public through its website; WikiLcaks.org (dedicated wcbpagc at http://wardiary.wikilcaks.org). (b)( 1);(b)(5);(b)(3):10 USC 424;Sec. 1.4(c);Sec. 1.4(d);(b)(3):50 USC 3024(i) Pages 8-32 are withheld in full and are not included. (U) The WikiLeaks website provided access to the Afghan data in a variety of formats, to include HTML (web), CSV (comma-separated values), SQL (database), and KML (Keyhole Markup Language) geospatial data that can be used with visualization tools such as Google Earth. (U) Prior to the 25 July 2010 public posting of reports from CIONE-A, WikiLeaks provided The New York Times, Der Spiegel, and The Guardian copies of the 76,911 reports subsequently posted online, along with the remaining approximately 15,000 reports. Each of the media outlets has used this information in their reporting and posted a small number or redacted reports beyond what is available on the WikiLeaks website to date. (U) WikiLeaks also posted a 1.4 gigabyte (GB) encrypted file to the "Afghan War Diary, 20042010" webpage, which is labeled "Insurance.file." Minimal information about this file is disclosed on the website, other than "name: insurance.aes256" and "type: unknown file 0,pe, 1.38GB." It appears to be encrypted with AES-256, a publicly available symmetric-key encryption standard. 5 This file is publicly available for download in its encrypted form but without the key/password required to read its contents. Numerous websites have confirmed that they have downloaded the "Insurance file" and are awaiting the release of the password to unlock its contents. Julian Assange, an Australian who is described in open source reporting as WikiLcaks' founder, publicly insists he can release the key to the public at any time. (U) IRTF Assessment: (b)(1 );(b)(3): 10 USC 424;(b)(5);Sec. 1.4(c);Sec. 1.4(d) 5 (U) AES-256: Advanced Encryption System (AES) that uses a 256-bit encryption key (password). 7 iFGRFT(QJQFORN ~tg~R:1!lif;l;l)fYFYIUf APPENDIX A - GENERAL BACKGROUND INFORMATION ON WIKILEAKS (U) {U) WikiLeaks is a publicly accessible Internet website that host worldwide submissions of sensitive and classified military, government, corporate, and religious documents, while attempting to preserve the anonymity and untraceability of its contributors. (U) It has been described as a web-based way for people with damning, potentially helpful, or just plain embarrassing infonnation to make it public without providing any linkage back to the source who leaked or disclosed the information. "Wikileaks descrihes itseffas 'an uncensorable system for u111raceahfe mass document leakinx.' Wikii.R,1ks is hosted by PRQ, a Sweden-based company providini 'highfy secure. no-questions-asked hosting services.· PRQ is said to have 'almost no i11formarion about irs cfiemele and maintains.few (f any of irs own logs.· The servers are sprea,f around the world with the central server localed in Sweden." -- Source: Wik.ipedia athttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/\VikiLeaks lretrieved 18 Sep 20 IO) (U) The WikiLeaks website, launched in 2006, is run by The Sunshine Press (http://sunshincprcss.org/). Julian Paul Assangc, an Australian, is described in open source reporting as the WikiLeaks founder. According to Assange, WikiLeaks maintains its web content on more than lwenty servers around the world and on hundreds of domain names. (b)(3):10 USC 424;(b)(3):50 USC 3024(i) 12 (U) TLS (Transport Layer Security) a cryptographic protocol that provides security for communication over networks such as the Internet. TLS protocol allows client/server applicati ons to communicate across a network in a way t o prevent eavesdropping and tampering. A prominent use of TLS is for sec:vring World Web tr.iffic: by HTTP to form HTTPS. 33 tiliifilH!i'.Jl;l;INQFOftN CO 633 4 4 7 7 U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-12150 Doc No. C06334477 Date: 10/19/2017 fr'Oll'I? B3 To: 86 !M,Ject: Date: (S) W&SA Pfta>AAING FOR EARLY a.ECTIONS, HESITANT ON BORDfR AGREEMENT Monday, Jut, 25, 2011 10:SO:Ol AM CLASSIFICATION: SECRET//NOFORN L _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ ____J 81 1.4(8) 1.4(C) 1.4(0) RELEASE IN PART 1.4(8),B1,1.4(D),B3,B6,1 .4(C) o R 201 22oz J~L 11 TO R::tHC/SECST/\T:;: W.I\SH:X: Hll•'O IWHC!:'J::AN l:'OL!TlCAL COLLJ:;C'i'l VI!: B'I SEC~ ET SENSITIVE NOrnRN •r~•····· LJUBL~ANA OJJ135 THIS IS A COMBINED MESSAGE £.0. :352€: DECL: 2021/C7/20 TAGS: l:'Ht:L, ;>GOV. t'J.ll'S, lL. Ht!, S03.TECT: (S) L I_ __ _ _ rrr••···· Si _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ ____J _ _ ~ 1 L,T::BL,Tl'IN/1 127; t.Ll\SSIFIED BY:~- M.~RTIN MCCO~ELL, POL- ~CON SECTION CHIEF, JEPT. GF STA'IE, ~)iBASSY LJUB.!,,!Lo!llo(llfii.."....ru~'l,llll;_.1.~L.::U_~ U.U- - - -- -- - - ~ l. (S/NF) S~"MMARY: WIKlLZA!CS AND EARLY ELECTIONS: AN ~NS?OKEN NEXUS UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-12150 Doc No. C06334477 Date: 10/19/2017 1.4(8) 1 .4(0) 81 CO 63 3 4 4 7 7=IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-12150 Doc No. C06334477 Date: 10/19/2017 1.4(8) 1.4(0) 81 4_,_@J 5. lS -o,_uil - -J ------=====-=-=-~ ====-=--=---==-=====.:; - UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-12150 Doc No. C06334477 Date: 10/19/2017 CO 6334 4 7 7=IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-12150 Doc No. C06334477 Date: 10/19/2017 1.4(8) 1.4(D) 81 7. (.S/NF) MUS5Ct~EL: BT ~0135 83 86 DERIVED FROM: ms DECLASSIFY ON: 20360723 DATE OF SOURCE: 20110725 CLASSIFICATION: SECRET//NOFORN UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-12150 Doc No. C06334477 Date: 10/19/2017 CO 6 3 3 4 4 8 2 FIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-12150 Doc No. C06334482 Date: 10/19/2017 ·, From: To: Subject: Daile: L.~ - 83 Emailing, Message Text.htm Tuesday, febn,aiy 22, 20118:31:52 AM 86 RELEASE IN PART 81,B3 INA,1.~~LB~,B3 CLASSiflCATION: SECRET//NOFORN SECRET _NOFORN; ENVELOPE OAASZVUW RUEHDBU0045 0491224-SSSS--RUZOTPW. ZNY SSSSS ZOC STATE ZZH TOQ4428 00 RUEHC HEADER 0 1812242 FEB 11 FM AMEMBASSY DUSHANBE TO RUEHC/SECSTATE WASHDC BT CONTROLS S E C R E T DUSHANBE 000045 NOFORN NOFORN E.O. 13526: DECL: 2021/02/18 BODY TAGS: PHUM, PGOV, PREF, Tl SUBJECT: P1 REFUGEE ADMISSIONS REFERRALS '---~ - __ _ _ _ REF: A) 2007 DUSHANBE 1420; B) 2011 DUSHANBE 27; C) 2011 DUSHANBE 13310; CLASSIFIED BY: KEN GROSS, AMBASSADOR, DOS, EXEC; REASON: 1.4(B). (0) 83INA 86 83 INA 86 B1 1.4(0) UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-12150 Doc No. C06334482 Date: 10/19/2017 CO 6 3 3 4 4 8 2 FIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-12150 Doc No. C06334482 Date: 10/19/2017 1.4{0) B1 83 INA 86 -1.:_JS/NFJ I - 3. (SJNF)j 4. (U) CONTACT INFORMATION CAN BE OBTAINED FROM MANUEL MICALLER, EMBASSY DUSHANBE POLITICAUECONOMIC SECTION CHIEF: MICALLER MP1@STATE.SGOV.GOV. UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-12150 Doc No. C06334482 Date: 10/19/2017 C06334482FIED U.S. DepartmentofState Case No. F-2017-12150 DocNo.C06334482 Date: 10/19/2017 GROSS, ADMIN BT #0045 NNNN SECRET NOFORN; DERIVED FROM: ms DECLASSIFY ON: 20360222 DATE OF SOURCE: 20110222 CLASSIFICATION: SECRET//NOFORN ' UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-12150 Doc No. C06334482 Date: 10/19/2017 C06334560 U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-12150 Doc No. C06334560 Date: 10/19/2017 -I! t.( 3 83 B6 Fnim: To: RELEASE IN PART B1, 1.4(8), 1.4(0),B3,B6 CLASSIFICATION: CONflDENTIAL R 2009S2 Z JUL 11 ?')1 AMF.M:IASSY PF.XCM' ?F.NH TO R:;EHC/SECSTAT::: W.l\SH::>C TllF'O ASF.;..N MJ'.MlE:l CCT,T.F.C'r-:-V"". 8'[ C O NFIDENTIAL PHNO~ PEN~ 000221 J:.O. '. 35?.E: OF.Cl, : ?.0?.1 /C7/?.0 Tl\GS : PGGV, PHOM, CB SU3Jl!:C'J': CA.'IBOL>lA: lNlllV~D:.:At. NPJ J::U D: WIXILEA!CED CA:JLI!.' KJ;:;CIHVl!.'S P:IONE 1':l~E,\TS • RE.F: l\) ~7 PHXOM P~N:1 82~; r::::..-=t: \7ED :~ 1. (Cl : D. • 0 - 3, :) 1.4(8) 1.4(D) B1 B6 CJ\.IGLE IJ'i' .;n21 B3 B6 DERIVED FROM: ms DECLASSIFY ON: 20360723 DATE OF SOURCE: 20110725 CLASSIFICATION: CONFIDENTIAL UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-12150 Doc No. C06334560 Date: 10/19/2017 CO 63 7 5 7 0 6=IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-12150 Doc No. C06375706 Date: 10/19/2017 ::LEASE IN PART I WO CoHiiagues, please forward ·the iofo below to your FOs and to any posts that need a beads-up. All re~onal bureaus/posts should relav to the WG and S/CT any reactions from or engagements with host go,;erriments r~arding this is~oe. · . . Current standard guidance that may be helpful, pending more specilic guidance that S/CT may provide for clearance in the morning: 85 lNR Watch,_plea~e forward this information to watches at: NSA, OSD, NMCC, DHS, DOE, CIA, DIA, and CYBF.RCOM. From: CMS TaskForcelC-Coordlnator Sent: Monday, December 06, 2010 1:35 AM Subject: Reaching out re: 09 STATE 15113 · On 12/S at approximately 1500 EST, WikiLeaks released a cable alleged to be 09 STATE 15 I 13, a S/NF cable from February 2009 that contains the entire list of about 300 U.S. critical foreign dependencies from the 2008 Critical Foreign Dependencies Initiative (CFDl) report. The CFDI is the international annex to the National lnfrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP), both ofwhlch list and prioritize U.S. critical infras~cture and key resources (CJKR). The NIPP and CFDI are DHS responsibilities, but SICT works with them to produce the CFDI lists. 85· The WikiLeaks WO is reviewing all response cables and will contact posts which need a heads-up. We have reached out to WHSR, DOD, DHS, and the intelligence community. In the morning, S/CT and the WikiLeaks Working Group will coordinate guidance - -UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-12150 Doc No. C06375706 Date: 10/19/2017 CO 6 3 75 7 0 6FIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-12150 Doc No. C06375706 Date: 10/19/2017 for PA and affected posts. Until cleared specific guidance is released, posts aod others should rely on current standard guidance n:garding WikiLeaks, as contained inALDACs. . . Regards, Deborah Schneider Coordinator, WikiLeaks Working G_ roup UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-12150 Doc No. C06375706 Date: 10/19/2017 CO 6 3 3 4 5 6 5 IED I • I U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-12150 Doc No. C06334565 Date: 10/19/2017 ; From: To: Subject: Monday, Jutv 25, 2011 1:11: 11 PM Date: CLASSIFICATION: CONFIDENTIAL RELEASE IN PART 1 8 1,1.4(C),1.4!_D),83,B~ B1 1.4(C) B3 B6 l B3 B6 1.4(0) B1 B1 1.4(0) Full cable below: 0 H : JOBOS~ J:.:L 11 :'.1 AMEM3ASSY KUALA L:.:MPU~ TO R:.:EHC!SECSTAT::: WASHJC I NFO AS£AN MEMBZ~ CGLL ECt:vz R;!:!.J .Tl? I / Pl\COM : OHS HONOLCJ L:: H l BT ::; 0 N F I D E N T I A L *T'lt'1t-t'**• • KUALA. LU:1?UR CCC:,67 THIS IS A COMBINED MESS.~CE ,nrr•* * **• E.O. :352€:: DECL: 2 0 2 1 /C7/13 Tl\GS : PG:"['l.-.£REL. MY SU.3JECT: R2.:~· : Al rr K:.:ALA LUM:'UR 321; !3) 10 KUl'.L.A. L UMl:'U:l 8J9; C) C9 :i."GASSACO~; REASON: :.4(0) SUMMARY UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-12150 Doc No. C06334565 Date: 10/19/2017 C06334565IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-12150 Doc No. C06334565 Date: 10/19/2017 .J 2. (C J. (c,;) 1.4(0) B1 5. :.(Cl e - UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-12150 Doc No. C06334565 Date: 10/19/2017 CO 63345 65=IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-12150 Doc No. C06334565 Date: 10/19/2017 B1 1.4(0) I . B3 B6 DERI VED FROM: ms DECLASSIFY ON: 20360723 DATE OF SOURCE: 20110725 CLASSIFICATION: CONFIDENTIAL UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-12150 Doc No. C06334565 Date: 10/19/2017 Bl3@ttl3ifYJ'Netrettr • Final Report of the Department of Defense Information Review Task Force Executive Summary (U) The Information Review Task Force (IRTF), at the direction of the Secret;:u·y of Defense, assessed the impact caused by 1he unauthori:ted WikiLeaks disclosure of U.S. government records. To complete the task, the IRTF completed a comprehensive review of more than 740,000 records known or believed to have been compromised to WikiLcaks. The IRTF coordinated its review throughout the Intelligence Community and integrated its efforts with those of the National Counterintelligence Executive (NCIX). (b)(1);(b)(3):10 USC 424;(b)(5);Sec. 1.4(c);Sec. 1.4(d) (U) Overarching Summary of Impacts. After a comprehensive review of all known compromised datasets, the IRTF assesses the greatesl impact to the following Department of Defense equities: • HNII If) The lives of coopernting Afghans, Iraqis, and other foreign interlocutors have been placed at increased risk. (b)(1);(b)(3):10 USC 424;(b)(5);Sec. 1.4(c);Sec. 1.4(d) Dnhwlfiom: fJl'1°f<1.t.cfon~c lnfonn;1fion l{,•,i<.·w ·1 ;ask htrn· .- June J5,201 l ,-,. , _, - fb){3)·10 LSC424 (U) lrtformalfoa Be\'iew Luk Eorce Defense Jnteltigence Agency Dcri,,d t , ..,..,. D-,Of C'-~:~o., 11......" Drrl1,11tr o,., --"""'SfCP SlG?'fwliiQIU' .Sit KP~ I LICOJ (Jki (U) Final Report of the Department of Defense Information Review Task Force (LJ Table ofCont~nts (L.;) l ,._.,..,u1i, c SL mntar:, . . ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . .•. . . . . ... .... . ....... ... .. ...... ... .... . . . .... ...3 fl;) in1roJ~clil!n.. . . . .. . .. . .. ... .. .... ........ ... ..... .... .. .. •· ••· ··· .. ·•· .. & (l_;) Dal~ ~efi and R::,·i.:w ?rotes~.. ......... , ...... ... . .................. , ... ..... . , ... ......... . 10 (l: ) Char,icr I (RTF S111on1.i.ry Rcp,m - .\fit~an,~u,n Datil. Set.. ... . .......... . ...... ...... . .. . . .... 14 ll') Ch:ipm 2 lRH' Summ:it) kerort - In~ 0111a Set ............... .. .... .. .... ...... ... . ....... . 34 (t;) Char,ur 3 Joillt Tulc Force - Guan·..anamo R.ccord~ ... . .................... ..... ..... .... ..5& ( l') ct-.ar,ter 4 lRTf-' Summ11ry Rcpcn. - Net C:cnrric l)iplumacy D.itll Sc1 ... .. .... .. ............... n (C) (1'.lp:cr 5 !RTF Summ~ry R~ptl!'1 - A.C IC Special Report.... . .... ...... . . . .. . . . . . ............97 (Ui Cl\aptr.;r 6 IRTf S:.imma,>· Rcpon. - <.icrani Air\trikc. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ... ........ .... ... ..91/ Summary ~er-:>ri ··· H.1::J',dRA A ir~irih .... ... .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .......... 10, (li) (h.>ptu ' !RTF 1\1 1 CN'ltlu~ i,~ n . . . ... ...... . . . ....... . . ..... .... .. . .... . ....... . . ...... ... .. . .... . ......... . .. . ... .. 10; ( l"J Apl')Cr.dix A - Secretary ,Jr Defense m. IT ~crnarandum ....... ... ... .. ..... .... ..... ... ,.... .!~ rL·J .·\pµ,,,.dix R - Genen! Bad.grou!'lr~· lnfomut1(11\ on Fcr.:i;:n Govcnuncnu ........... . .... . ............ 108 t:. •-· {11dex of Comr,rnmi ~~d JTf.(luan:;,nam,) Rr:.:orJ, Olhcr 1han Du.i.,ne~ A~ic1~men15. .. .. . .. .. . . . .. . ... . ...... . .. ...... . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . ... . . .... . . ...... ... ... ..... . 112 ii..;) r\pptnJi;,. H;) Appc,1d,~ F - IRlr•Prod:.i,eo Countr~ tnfo~mati on ~cmor~L1dums ............ ............ I J l l Lt C &.blc C:tJt;ons .... . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . @~Cll!! lll .481 Ok< . .. ... ...... ... . . ............... 115 (l)) Final Report ortbe Depllrfmt'nt of Defense lnformlltlon R~, k•w Tuk force (U) Er.ecu(h•e Summary (l!I A1 1hc din:~liun of lhi.! U.S. Si:crc1ary "f f}s!fcni;t! (Sc,.•Dcl). 1hc lnfomiurion Rc\,ic.,.. Task for\:\! ((RTF) u:..-.1.·ssc1l lhl· in1ra,·1 ururu1U!hnri,cd Wiicilcab <.li:.elosLlrt: 1,rUnitcu Slull~ Ut>H'Tllln~t (USG) r<."\:on.J.~. 1h: !RTF 1;0inpk1,•J a comprch1.·nsivc r,·..,icw 11fn~N than 740.000 rc.:urus .knuwn or bcli.:\-l.'.J .::orr1prun11~L"ll h.1 Wikil,·.th. ~omuin;itcJ it:. rcnc" 1nrn1•~h0ut thc lntcllil!:cncc Cr:nununity ( ICl ,u,d in1,·grah:-cn,c, la,i., enfon:cmcnt, and tliplomalic c:ommunuie.s (figure l) for 1he conduct of this review. The S1lpport of these p.1rtne1~ was critiul to limd>· completion uf the T35k FoTCe 's work. (IJ! li9UO' The IRTP brought tog~thcr reprci;emativc~ from ') !'£CUEfh PfOf~AN 1 (U) Final Rtport o( the Department or D~fc11i;e lnfortru1tion Review Task Force (ll) D1tc11 Seb and Review Proctis (Ci.lf8eJ8r, The compromised data encompasses four farge dar~ ,c:ti co111aining information up the SECRETHNOFORN level. The: lRTF 1\.-VicweJ thir comp•<•misro inform.,lion in it~ 1.0 c:nlirely, and :t d~,,;criptton of i;e.ch of 1hcsc dat.il sc1s and th~ associated n:Vle"w' proccs~ is outlined below. ln addition. the !RTF rcvit'wc:d two aintrikc \eidcos and 11n AC'IC rcpon alsc lmown to h3VC been obtainod by Wilt1Lcah (b)(1), 1.4 (c) (l:I The A/gh11n Data Set (b)(3):50 USC 3024(i) (lJ.',1f8t;61 The 76,9 1 I (76K) anct 14.821 (15KJ tactical report$ do~nk,a.dcd from the USCEl\'TCO.M! · ·· · k:oatain infom1ation classified up lo tit( SECRET/'NOFORN kvcl. The dat:1base contains dc1ailcd ,ignificant activity (SlGACf) rl:J)Orts and is the designated SIG.'\CT reporting 100I of record m the LlSCl:NTCOM area ofn:sponsihiliry (AOR). (b)(3f 50 USC 3024(i) The compromi1cd rc:ports are dated be.w"11 JAI!~ua i04, c1nd Dc:ccmbcr 31, 1009. . ]. ·· rcp0rts cllntain the: n:port ins unit c51gnator a, \1.1:ll as inforrnation on su..::h event types as enemy action, c.xplo~ivc ha7..ard, friendly action. dclarnc: opeiations, friendly fire, c:oun1cr-iosurgcnc)', and thr~l rtl)()r'.S (Figure 2). WikilAa.ks hali no! yet released the full lcxt oflhc l SK data due to criticism that the release of"sensiti1•c" threat report d11la could place the tiv~ ofinnocenl civilie.ns Ii;.,,,. at ti~: however. $cvcral r,cws or~niz.alions have ;ndudcd inform11:ic,n from lhi~ ala &, b·.:gun re!L-aSil\g lhem into the public:: domain. The: release C'>nlains s.ome repo1ting trom as early as 1966; howevc-r, tfu: hlllk of the ~rting is from 20D2 !(] fcbruilJy JS, 201-0. Ef ·'flW) if.he compromised diplcim.11[c c:.:bks are Jcri\·cd from th~ DO!i NCD daiahue. NCO is a progrtlm tb11t promotes inforrnatiori 5haring and Sllp_pons the initragcncy infonnaticn nx;ulrcmen1.\ of elf:lred L:SG per.onoel in the foreign affairs a.nd na1ion;a! sccurily comnlunilics. l\lCO btin_gs 1ogc1h~r information from more than 200 d iplomatic posts IJld cont.tins copies of cables, e-mail~ wilhcur ani~hmcnts. a11d wcbforms. V!'ll~ss sp~ificalJy IJ!~led otherwi~, content in NCD is oot ~leasablc lo foreign uationdls. Some wcbfonns end ~m~ils availabl,, ir. lhe dalabuc. ~uch ai J>nlittca!-Mili?Ary Aeiion Team (f'MAT) reports, h3,•c not~ compromi;;ed. (b)(1) ,1.4 (a) , 1.4 (c) (U) The IRTF 1.m:d search engmes to mi11aflytriagc, sort, Bl1d eatcgonzc \he reports in each ~la S(t. Tll,s allowed IRTF •llill)'sts to focus thtir initi41 effort~ on re-pons with a high probability of yielding infonnation relcvMI \Q one oflhc key SccDcffocus arc-,s. Once tl,c ini'.ial criagc of information was completed, an.alys1s began a line-by-line review of eve!) report withi11 tha~ dat;i: SCI. filch rcpon receive{! a two-tier revic-w. The firsr-ti.:r rcvic:w, conducted by analysts aided ·. by an auto:11.a1cd chedli,1, cap1urcd significant findingl 11m.l p.'.l.!'..Scd the i11fonnation lo a senior an.ily~J for a 1icr two review. All signific.int rep0rtir.g wa~ idcnlifkd, placc:'1 in 1XJnl1::11tfl (U) WikiLcaks also poi>ted 11 1.4 gigaby1c (GB} encrypted tik lo Ilic ",1fghan War Diary, Jf1042(JJ0'" webp&ge. which is labeled ··1n:J1mi11cef,fr." Minimal infonna1ion ilbout thi.\ fi le i.~ dis<-lose'J 011 •he website, other than "n.1me.· in.omm,;r:.aeslJ6 ·• end "typ~: un~,w,,.:n fife rype. I.Jt1G8. ·• lt appears 10 be cm;rypted with AES-256, a publicly available !iymmewnlo.id«I ihe "J,.,.,,..Qflc,: file·• and are awaitit'I~ the re lea~ of the: password lo unluclc its eontcnls. Julian Assange, an Australian who is descrio~d in open &ourt--e n..")'.)orting a~ WilciLe.1:i.s· fo-.1nder, publicly iMistr. he ean relcosc lhc lcey 10 the public at any time that he feels hi~ i;0111inucJ aoi!ity to di,;scrr.ioate the rompromis~ inrormation is at ri.,k. Bas.:d on public statcn1cnls hy A~~ngc, the- )RTF assesses with modcr:.itc conlidc::ncc thar. t~ " J11mranc:e File" docs no1 coutain ~ny 11-d= I (U} A I the time:, W ikil..caks ebo claimed to have. approximatcl)' 15,000 addi1ion1l reports it would not post lo ir, wc~sile until they had ,rndcrgonc a "ham, minimi~atlon process'' review, Wihl..eaks ad-,,1sed that "'Aftre secu,·ity :,d111alion 1/f Afghanis ran permils, ·• .4..s of June 201 l, :hcse 1e11orts have been reported on :u)(j released in .i limited form by a handful of select Wikit.cak!; media panr:ers. IRTF :'llainrain,, high cnnfidenee th111 these 14,821 ~ru wi1hheld by Wikileak.s itrc a subset or tbc sam~L---..Jpitta set dc:<;erib~ril:s- J) Human So-urcc, .and Methods. 2) SIOINT, and 3} GEOlNT. Although lb~ !RTF assesses there is not JOY significant ..str.at~gic impact" to 1hc rclca~l! of th~ infotmlll.ion, thrv•y vari::ms themes £.eli>crcd b)' WikiLe.aJc.s, su,h a~: direcr fire, indirccr Jin:, c,c.plmive hllT.,Uds, mine; founJ and cleared, IEDs. and 01tiers. (lJi,ili8)j@' The K,\.1"L document~ poc;tcd to Wilc1Lc.aks C'ont:1ining clas.~irici1 SJGACT rcponing wen; li!cely creat~ using third-pa11y sollwarc by 1hc Wikilcaks staff. as they :ire not s:ruclure-0 in the sarnc manner 11s the KML files ,hat art'! available for download via 1hc CrDNE databage on SIPR.'.'JET. Addit;ooally, 1hc parallels between the sprcaclsbccts and KML lilcs poslcd to Wiki lealies sugges-1 rha1 1hc Wi,. iLea '.cs i:ta!T !il,: c-ly tJc rived 1hc Wik iLc&ks-posccd ICML files from 1hc !!CTc:edshccts in order 10 orovidc II visu.a.l rcht.:-:;cnlalion oflhc d.1\a. (b)( 1),(b)(3):10 USC 424,(b )(5), 1.4 (a), 1.4 ( c). 1.4 (d) fliililil6if 1?19f'OA Ii Pages 32 - 33 are withheld in full. l(b)( 1 ),(b)(5), 14 (a), 1.4 (c) IRTF used keyword searches lo idcotify civilian casualties wi1hin 1hc da~ scis. The ~arch fur i;llli.uahies illso c11comp;is....:d llerioos injuries 10 civilians. Reports rcvcallllg in--0cpth 0 R'1 (b)(3):50 USC 3024 (b )(1 ),(b )(3 ): 10 USC 424, 1.4 (a), 1.4 (c), 1.4 (d) (U) An»l)-tical Assessments ~(b)(3):10 USC 424 I H.cfollowing rRTF am,lytical a.s.iessmenlS, organized hy seven kc, fl)Cus areas, arc br,:m:id on the rcsulu ofan initial keyword s~er<.:h, followed by an in· depth, ..li~e-by-linc" re,·ie"" of each report i11 the lraq ' • .-,j(b)(3):10 USC 424,(b) IAnoth~rreportineludes ~ign1ficant details ofan [ED i:1cidcn1 rc~ultir.g in 11 ,,i:h1clc c-ommandcr's de~tli ant (U) Murdt.r (b )( 1).(b )(3): 10 USC 424,(b )(5), 1.4 (a).1.4 (c), 1.4 (d) (U) C,,,rrinl """ Former Sur/or CLS. uadtrslrip i.tf Iraq (U.','fO ts·~~ The IRTF M:an:h(;d the lral{ 1h la ~, for n-rons containing I efcn::nc-:s to eurrcl'lt and fonncr 1:.er io, U.S lc.a111b.a J,m:w:I Oic- U.S s~a~u,ry uf Staie t,,r·b,...- f,-..-i..:w II\.' ~cl,; dc5ijtl'-'l•rganization, through a scri~ of international media outlets, b¢gan releasing Gu11nt1mamo detain~ files 10 the general public. By April 28, 2011, a totol of 769 compromi~ JTF-GTMO documents were p,'.)S!ed to tbc Wil:.1Lcaks website (htip://wikilealcs.chigilmo). Prior ta the public posting ofreporu from JTFGTMO, Wilil.ws provided complete un-rcdai:tcd eopics of thi:sc rcpons 10 IO media outlets, mcluf1ing fhe Wathingtcm Pu.rt, The Telegr(Jph, Der Spiegel, Le Monde, El Pais. the McClatchy Company. and ~vcral othcn; T'h~ New YLlfk Tif'tes, iVorionol Public .Radio, and Tbe Guardian also acquired the JTF-GTMO ,iar;l independently from a separate s.ourre. likely formerly assot.iatod with Wil::il ca.ks (b)(1),(b )(3):10 USC 424,1.4 (a),1.4 (c),1.4 (d) (l!) Kry Fimiings (b)(1 ,1.4 (a).1 4 (c), 1 4- (d) tttlt!IU~ llf:IPl6ft,flN Page 73 is withheld in full .IEE. k2 I J.]COFORC Chapter Four (U) IRlT Summ11ry Report-- ~ct Centric Diplomiicy Data Set (U) Background (U:.'Fi'lii;8) On November 2g, 2010, the WikiL.:ah org1rniui1ion. releueTaphie.~ (e.g., Qaddafi. Mugahe., Ahmca.u:;- cob/es wilt be releosed in stages over rite ne~I f~w mfJnths. Tile subject mailer of 1Jrfl5e c.ibles is ofsuch impor/Jnce, and the geographical spread so broad rhal to oo olhtnl·ise would nor tin this material justice. '' (U) Kev Findin2s (b)(1 },(b)(5), 1.4 (a), 1.4 (c), 1.4 (d) 72 Pages 75 - 93 are withheld 1n full. !tE en lsi'F: .,, , or:mm (U) Analytical Asses:rmDJts (L'J The fo1l1)Wln11 !RTF an31ytic.,J assessmcnls, organi£ed by foctJs area$, arc based on the resullS o [ an in"irial keyword search, follilwcd by an :n-dcpth, line-by-I me review of each report in the NCO data .set. (IJ) F'IJl"C( Pcett>c:tion lmplicqtior,s (b)(1 ),(b)(5), 1.4 (a), 1.4 (d) (l'J l.~S. hr~·o'IS ldo11ifyu.11. l11f,.,,,.a1Jm1 (b}(3}:10 USC 424.(b) (3):50 USC 3024(,J (U) Fare:~ nifpo.,i1lon, anti Vu/neral,i/i1i,, (b)(1),1.4 (a),1.4 (c),1.4 (d) 74 Pages 95 -96 are withheld in full Jl!:en I ;, ,Sot Ql(JC b}(1 },(b)(5}.1.4 (a),1.4 (c) (liJ C1111'l!fl/ Qgm1rio11s qr Military PIIPls (b)(1),1.4 (a), 1.4 (c) 1)4 6:Ei@ll(jil'A!l'I O f810i Pages 98 - 100 are withheld in full. Chapter Fh·e (U) IRTF Summary Report- ACIC Special Report (b)(1 ),(b)(5) ,1.4 (a), 1.4 (c), 1.4 (d) • (ldAJiOU 0, W ikiLc:alcs founder Julian Ass3nge views the ACIC report os a '·declaration of war:· bll~o1 on a June 2010 interview with The New Yorker. wh.ich msy scrv..: 11$ motivalion for further releases. l(b)(1 ),14 (a),1.4 (c), 1.4 (d) ({;) hittu O,ar-arlerh.Ulion (b )(1 ),(b)(3): 10 USC 424,(b)(3):50 USC 3024(i) ,1.4 (a), 1.4 (c) 97 Chwpter Seven (U) IRTF Summary Report - Baghdad Airstrike (b), 1 4 (a),1.4 (c), 1.4 (d) (l/) ll11ckg,0111td (U,WOUO' There &re three distinct engagcmenrs shown in the lenlcc:d footage. According to CNl'< repons. the soldiers of Bravo Company 2· J6 l.nfantry had been under fire all rnominl,\ on Juiy . 2. 2007 . from RPCis and small amtS lire. Air WcapoM Tc:ams I_A WTs) con~ii.ting of two Apache AH-64 ·s were proYiding aerial support to ground units invoh·ed wilt, Operation Jlaaj. The AWT spotted 3 group con~isting of 15-2.0 men believed :o l>e ins1.1r~nts. some of whom were br&ndishing AK-47s. Aflcr receiving petmissi('l'I to engage, tbc AWI dispensed 30 mm roorn!s. killing sc,,cral 1ncn, including one Rcurcrsst.1fT member, and &<;vcrcly wounding th~ other. Crew member.. ml$1ook their 11idco recordin!! equipment for RPGs. (TJ:,lliiQlJ8~ Shortly aft.er tJic inilill.l cogagement. 8 van arril,~ on scene. Purportedly unam:icd m..:n 11Uc1nr100 to load •he wounJcd Rcuicrs sLSfrmember into the "·chide. The ApacM crews bc!ie..-('d lhc men 10 l'lt addition.al iuStJrgents ut1emp1iog to recover bodies and weepom; from the ~ceoc and rcquc~ted permission 10 c:ngage. The AWT opened fire on the van, killing the socond Reut£'rs reporter snd one other rnan. Two children .irtin& in thl' \'an were seYercl)· wounded in Lhc incit!Gor. lOl 1 (U:' F8l'!i~) There is a perioJ of 20 m1mm:s not inclut.lcd in ~11'! cdi1cd WikiLL·ah versitm of v1 cnt~rin~ 1hc building. The aircrew~ r<.:qucst pem1issit1n to engage .1•1. The Nt!w York TIMes, the Chri~tiun Sdem:~ Monitor. the BBC. and CN". Cnven.gc of lhe nenl i11 tJic ltlBio:m~am mf.'dia was largely uniavorable !OW.'.lrds the U.S po~itiun in chis ineitknt. (Li) The footage (U} Wikilea.h prcfaees one of their videos with a discbimc1 llw some of lhe men rNY ha we:: been aimed. fox ~e....-, cltiims that, "tt le:ast one man in that group was ~11)ing an RPG, a clearly vi!l ible ,,.~pcm that runs nearly cwo-lhirds rhc lcng!h of his body.'' However. Glenn G~nwald of Salon.com said thar tlte "vast majority of the men were unarmceJS or lhe press while traveling with armed insur&cnls, IC}2 (lf) Fin.al Report or the Oepartmenr or Dden!e lnformatlon Review Ta,k Force Ill\ r".,rl •1dl\n (b)(1 ),(b)(3):10 USC 424,(b)(5) ,1.4 (a), 1.4 (c), 1.4 (d) (L') This report along with 1\5!\0eilltcd anal ical assessmcr,t!i and otncr IR ucts :ire pos1.:d f )OU haYC .ilfly questions regarding 11\is report plcuc contacl the YRTF through the RfI linl on the IRTF {b)(3): 10 .JSC 42.4 ln!dEpcdie w~bsite rcfe~nccd above. 103 'Jl!t!IU!l'.fll t?i@f'BR!< Sl!Cfttfh!46f&IU APPENDIX A UNCI.ASS!.FlEO,,Hll @Cifil@IJ.t Ot1E S?il . • 51:CIUT.vlV o,r OD'ENSE 1000 DE!"C~ ,O!.').TAQON WAaHINGT'ON, O,C 20.01 -1 00a MEMORANDUM FOR SECRE'!AA!ES OF IBE MJLrrARY DEf>ARTI.ft: '.'ttS C HAIRMAN Of THE JOD'-"1' CHIEFS Of STA.FF L'M>U SECll.ETAlitl.B OF Of:]'£:,. SE. ASSIST"''•T SFCREiAIUES OF DEFENSE GThr:llAl. COUNSEL Of THE Df.i'ARTMENT OF DEFF.NSE OIRECTOR. Oi'F.RA T!ONAL Tti.ST A1':D EV1tLUATIOM O!RECTOR, COST ASSESSMFNT AND PROGRAM F.VALt:ATlON nm or '-'-5PECTOR GDtERAL Of l.)El'I\.R')''-1.ENT OEA:~SE ASSISTA;'-ITS TO TI-ii:: SEC1t£TARY Of DEFnlSI:! DIRECTOR. ADM'll-.lST'RATIO~ AND MANA.GE:MFNT DraECTOR., NET ASSESSMI:1-., DIRI:CTORS OFTm: Df.fE:-.ise AGF.SC'IES DTRECTORS Of'THE DOD FTF.l.D ACTI\TTff:S (~lf!UOj OaJuly :a,20lcutne.c&:ll pas~ 1'l \he Wllcil.Cllks •cbsiv {'ll'"f>..,_~c:alts.ors) oc July 2j, 201 D. &lid l.llY O'.het ~ e d mt'lei&ls. D ~ o(Oc(enae should provide DIA .my auilWk:e IO ecNff: lht: timely et1mal~011 cftbc n:vi~. fl!i,'q;fHJO' Tht IR.TF will rrww ttie impai:t of w ;iuutb.orizcd di5::IQSUte of du,.i&d w'otzet.1(11; tpcci.6cd ~bov~ Tbc: !ltTF wiU coordin&tc tlm>ughc)Ut 1hc fmzlli1caceC0f:l1tNtlity ui tonductillg tha limc-HGSitivercview &lld l o ~ ilJ d!bns . with tllos.e o! th£ National Couatainlcllia=ce faccutive. fW,: fBUUt iTl!e tRTT ...-ill prm,dc rcj1.liat upciatOI to the Office ~!1he Socn:my of Ik fcntc (OSD) Oft itl 6ndillas. A !lli,ll1I: c c ~ i v e U'llerim ~pon will l.,c Jffl)Vided u eff'ort p ~ c , . Thrt n:pon. will iflclucle U,t fo11o,.,;11g i~ms· • (t..i' Ntfe, Any ~lcuc:d i.cl'.onni.cioL coaceni.iq allio or ooa.lition par.:r,mi drat may aeg;aljvc(y impact (omg11 policy-. 0 anulilHi• !~ lr.'-4::::LASS:FIEDi-'Ji-Ofl 6talil@l;tth UMfi ~PIU.S • t't!. :P8U8J A..y intell ig=iu repol'tll)J; • (lJ."eue, All)' rel~ i?1(ormarioo cnncmi:na intclhgcncc 50WvC!I OI' :-r,cthods; • ('l!J 5'ettJ) ;...y ~l&tl:d lilta tbat m,y MV! also have been relwied m W1kiLaks, lru1 roe po~ird. O!' i,illl8'90' T~ m:F is~ ,io.a)e DoD cr;aniz;Jti~ with aUU-,oril)' pd ~oos1"biltty to cana.c1 !he DoO nMcw r q ~ Ulia ~Jlhori~ ~ lo.-ure. By t&!lciria. 1 am duu1ing U$0{I) to conduct ac uaeHmm.t ot'tli& Depan:man'i; procedures fOf ~ o i l and ~ I dusificd infunnaticni. eta:l.fCt!ICJj fhis ~tw ii $-C"plntl ftom., and \Jlll'flated W, my crunluJ in.11ercigaticm or the leaa1Le4 iularmai:icn The ~ , wd re~i cw of 1he Icued docum,;nai i$ not i.ntcndcd IQ, and s!:iall .DOI li.urit i.n IIQY 1111,y, l,\M: i!>ilityof Dc:pl1tlDl!DI. fllden!kcau ofuiva.tiptiOII 01 IQ)' Q'\hcr federal criminlJ in'lcst111aton, !rial COUOjtJ Md plOleMOl'S ic oonduci un~pd11e 111d trial prncecm?1&S in ,urpon o1 pos,iblc ;,ro,ccuti= WMkr the Ulllfurm Cod< orMili..,, '"'"" ,.,,..."...,.., '?~"'=, cc: D ~ ofNdtilml lntclliS"C>CO Ditcc:'lor. Cr.mral l:J.1A111igtACe Agtzcy A11iJwtt. S«mar), o fState mre!]igeDC.e &; Ii. l!SCIJ'dl l\atfoa.ai Countcruilclllgencc Ccntu ~LASSIF1E[)JP01l @I Plt!LIIL USP. 81Jt\l 105 66 P.IUPF:'P:I OFliR:'i Page 107 IS w ithheld in full. APPEM)IX B (U) GESERAL BI\CKGROl:ND l~FORJ\-IATIO'." 0'1 WIKILEA'KS (U) W:kil.cab is a publicly accc~siblc lnrernct website chat ~o.:\ worldwide suh:ni.'lsions of S¢n!litive .tnd classified military, government, co11>orarc, aoo rclisiou, dC)(.."'\lmenLS, whili: sltcmpting to pre.wrvc lhe anonymiry and U11traccahility of its C\intriblltOfs. (U) 1t hat been des.:ribcd as a -.i.·eb-ba.scd "' ..> ! mcdi•Jm fer pccp!e wilh damning, potential!~· hclpfut, or cmba.mssing infomiacion 1<1 reacn the public, 1A1ithou1 providinE any lil)kage back I() the soum:- who disclosed the information. . (U) "Wi/cileo.4s de.u.:ribes ir.scij as 'cm un~nsorabli, ,'{;.wtl!m for llntraceable mass documenl lr.akfng.' W1.t1L ...aAs iJ houc-d fly />RQ. o Swedt·11-bnsed ,M1pany pravidinl( 'highly .utCIJrt. no-quesliOll.r-aslced hosting .o!r.ices. • PRQ is ,mid ro ..,. 'a/mos/ no lnform,.1Jion abou1 ils dien1cl~ and main1alnx Jew if any uf1ls nwn log.r. · The servers are spread arouttd 1he k-arld with the c~lllral ~-i::r-'lll•r /1)(:0Jed 111 Swedr:n. " -~~=·Wilcipcd,a ai nnpJ.'cr..wikircdia_or~·,,u1/WiliLealr.1 {rciricvc:4 : 8 Sep W10) (V;, Th~ WikiLcalrs website, launched in 2006, is run by The Sun5hinc Prc:1s {nttpJ11unshineprtss.01ii'). Julian Paul .'l.snngc, an Aus1ri.lir1n. is described in open riou.u reporting as the Wikil..eaks foumkr. A~ordin& to Assanic, Wikileah msi11ta.ios its web ro::ilent on mort th,m tw~nty s.:rvcrs around lhe wodd and on hundreds or domain names. (LJJf'OUO'.) Wikil-eak3' main website i1> acce$$ible \.U! http://wilciTcaks.Clfg (<;tr&ight plaintexl HTTP) or via hn~://sccure.wikiletlcs.org o~cr TLS.~ The domain name is registered unde, u,o~sibte U.S. person namcncrs. is regjs1crcd to Sla1·c1 Tomai:. c10 WLK. J>O Bo~ SC.J98-00WO, Nairo::ii, K1:nya l• domain lookup 1esol\lcs Lo 88.80.1 J.!60, which also jeolocate:, ro Stockholm, Swcder,) - --·-- - - - - - - -;:!l (l1) 'ILS (Tram,port uycr s~curity) 1 cryii1JJ11r.\llh ;, r,rotoCDI I Nil prO\'ii:k~ ,ry fur tomrr.un i~ac;,)I\ ov~ 11,:cwor"-' sud'. 11, •.ht !!llcm~. TLS prot(l,,;01 ~ll""'l tl1ui:/1,tr,,~ applia1(or,,; lo coinmuriiss a netwono:. in 1 "'"Y tc ;-re.-c:111 ~,-c,dropj1in11 and 11mp-;rin(l A ;m>inin.:~ Ill>(; ofTLS i1 foe sc~1inr.g Wcxkl W,.b 1ra/T«: by ITTTI' to f.,!rn !iTT!>S. Pages 109 - 113 are withheld in full. APPE.'.'IDIX D (I..!) DEROGATORY 1'-lFORJ\1ATJON ON fOREICN CO\/ERNMl::~TS (U) fhc follo11.·ing arc stJmm.tri~·) of reporting found :n tt:c:: Join: Task Forcc-Goantan11mo {JTF'• (HMO) d:sui set thal provide information on !he rn:farious acfr1titics of a foreign iovcmmcnl. Jts. pcrsonr,el, or inslit1Jtions. Mose ofth1$ information is f t.his f'::nii.:.:.. ls rl():-. :-.l:~ intend~d. rec i pier:t er t.:,e employee :Jr agent =espcnsible Io= del.:.ver ing Lhe e:na.:.:.. :.c Lhe .ir:Lenc.ed rec.:.p.i.en:. , you are hereb~· not!tied t~at ar.y di[;ser.!nation, c.istricutior.• copying er: u~,e ot this c:na'.· er its ccr.tcnts is st:-ict'.y prohib:tcd . Tf you :,ave received th is c:na'.'. : r. e:-ror , plea,.;e no:. : ~y :nc immediate l y by re:!) l y'r.g to ~r.'s message and destroy all CO:!)ics of ::1:s erai l . Classification: UNCLASSIFIED:IIFQR QFFllil:1:L ls10[ Ollk;l;f CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED:\lf8e8 CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIEDffilil@Me 8@CIUJFPfA'ft)ft)Mt The remaining 4 pages are withheld in full and are not included. INFO MEMO 30 March 2011 ~ l l-0285A/IRTf' (b)(3) 10 USC 424,(6)(6)""' - --- - ~-~--- FROM: Chief, Information Review Task For SUBJECT: (U) Key Areas of Concern for Pa (b)(1 ),1 4 (C) 1 4 (d) (U) Force Protection Concerns (b)(1),1.4 (c) ,1 .4 (d) :====-• DemV!dfrom: Declassify on: 2636 i55 I SECPFTf(lfQl>ORN UNCLASSIFIED I I Information Review Task Force Situation Update 1")(3) 10 USC 424 .(6R61 IRTF Chief 1 December 2010 - 0800 5Qtb This briefing is classified !E8MET;i;if JO F&~U Derived from: Df::!ti11l1 a Declassify on: Ji!QH mo 1 (flfm l INGOURlfGA(Y UNCLASSIFIED FORCING DUR FUTURE COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE IN DEFENSE OF THE NATION UNCLASSIFIED/,·;--::.;~ (:~;).) DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY •.,J;"'.::....z.-~ ..~\•.•· 1ldl t~ D\ . Agenda Battle Rhythm Functional Representatives • Congressional and Public Affairs • (b)(3) :10 USC 424 ,(b)(3) :50 USC 3024(i) Staff Director and DA Update Analysis & Production Task Tracking Questions I Guidance 5Qtb UNCLASSIFIEDHPIWI COMMITTED ([ .1!2Al'NGO;~ l-:G/o('I f~s~!HGOUU JIUH TO EXCELLENCE IN DEFENSE OF THE NATION 2 UNCLASSIFIED",-':''_'':' DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY SUSPENSES TO DX SENIOR LEVEL MEETINGS 06:00 :30 07:00 :30 08:00 :30 09:00 :30 10:00 :30 11:00 :30 Morning Pre-Brief Email Brief to VTC Members Morning Brief IRTF Morning Brief IRTF Leadership Meeting HPSCI Briefing Daily Talking Points for BG Carr Due 12:00 :30 13:00 :30 14:00 :30 15:00 :30 16:00 :30 17:00 :30 18:00 UNCLASSIFIED,: Daily Talking Points Due lnteragency Pre-Brief (b)(3):10 USC 424,(b)(6) Email Brief to VTC Partici ants lnteragency VTC lnteragency VTC Pe•1 COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE IN DEFENSE OF THE NATION UNCLASSIFIED/::-::.;~ DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Congressional and Public Affairs Liaison • Media: AP, NY Times, Guardian, Voice of Russia, Telegraph, Boston Herald, Register, MSNBC, The Hindu, NY Post, Politico, Reuters, Deutsche Welle, Financial Times, Chronicle Herald, Korea Times, Prague Post, Radio Free Europe, NPR, Bloomberg, Asia Times on line, Al Arabiya ... "Virtually all media outlets continue carrying Wikileaks story" (b)(3) 10 USC 424 • • Reporting Examples: • Wikileaks website blocked behind Chinese firewall (AP) • U.S. Officials insist Clinton not ordering diplomats to spy (CNN) • Wikileaks says Bank of America is next target (Asia Bizz) • Wikileaks: Kuwait wanted GTMO detainees to be killed in combat (Telegraph) UNCLASSIFIED/1'1881::UII COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE IN DEFENSE OF THE NAT I ON 50 U NCLASSIFl ED,",;-:~: DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY The next 4 pages are withheld in full and are not included. Congressional and Public Affairs Liaison • Reporting Examples Cont: • Interpol adds Assange to wanted list (Business Week) • Wikileaks disclosures complicate Clinton's visit to Kazakhstan (Wash Post) • Putin criticizes U.S. remarks on Russia (NY Times) • Congressional: Briefings • HPSCI Briefing - 1100 Wednesday Rm. HVC 304 • SSCI Briefing - 1400 Wednesday "Cancelled" • Briefing to Senate consolidated Committee - 1030 Thursday Rm. SVC 217 • Briefing to House consolidated Committee - 1200 Thursday Rm. 2118 Ra burn • UNCLASSIFIEDUFOI !9 COMMITTED U .ltR•b•G O:R 1-'Gl(t fOl~! NG•l\JU JlURE TO EXCELLENCE IN DEFENSE OF THE NATION 5 UNCLASSIFIED DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY The next 3 pages are withheld in full and are not included. Assange Interpol Arrest Warrant 1~ ,_ • it ,r· I ... ,.. I' Wanted ASSA\tCF, luli'11l Pnul ASSA\iG[ ... -. .. 1 • • JULI A!\J PAUL •, .1 ;,1 .1 .. ' ' I • I • ..J , t , : ,· t '. I tr.,.'' ·•) I '_,I·. Offences i ,,. .,.. ... ... 5~ "" ' 1·, • • UNCLASSIFIED COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE IN DEFENSE OF THE NATION The next 5 pages are withheld in full and are not included. Der Spiegel - Haggling with Allies over New Homes for Detainees • Critical on German government, article supportive of GTMO closure. Why was German government intractable? • Negative reaction of Chinese government over Uighers. Berlin reluctant to take 17 Uighers despite population of 500 in Munich. • Supportive of Amb Fried and humanitarian cause • After rebuffed on Uigher issue supportive of Amb Fried to repatriate sick detainee and his brother, both Uigher • Efforts by U.S. to get cooperation on rehabilitation centers in Maldives, Yemen and Slovenia • Plight of 8 Uigher detainees in Albania frustrated Washington • Situation in Tirana threatened to spiral out of control 5J1b UNCLASSIFIED (f .l ;:•.1..} .. * iC ,. y . .*l \~ ,/J .. -.. 7 /, \\ (,/ . . . 'I",) ·,\ ,I. <.· /') <, .... -· ·~ !• - •; ....... . C -,c *Q'("t.1 . Z /Q ,;.'/) .-0..:,"'<; , ";, ~,, ,,;:, • -- - . I_,.: • . , ,,. '-' :-,, v }. '' ?ATES 0~ ' QUESTIONS/ GUIDANCE UNCLASSIFIED : '-{, 1 !. -, l ' (!UHAUNG out IEGA(l FotGING OUR FUTUif 23 Pages 2-5 are withheld in full and are not included. Information Review Task Force Information Brief (U) (b)(3):10 USC 424;(b)(6) 15 October 2010 This briefing is classified OuOliilliiif:i;iUOFOflU Derived from: Mol1lple eaa:ees Declassify on: 26351668 Ol!ORE!,111161 61 iii COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE IN DEFENSE OF THE NATION Pages 7-17 are withheld in full and are not included. I nformation Rev i ew Task Fo 1·ce (lRTF) Wikileaks & Julian Assange • Australian journalist, programmer and Internet activist • "Australia's most infamous former computer hacker" according to Counter Punch magazine • Best known for his involvement with Wikileaks • Sits on nine-member advisory board of Wikileaks • Prominent media spokesman on its behalf • Claims to be an "unpaid volunteer" • Ongoing internal strife with other staffers & volunteers "I am the heart and soul of this organization, its founder, philosopher, spokesperson, original coder, organizer, financier and all the rest. If you have a problem with me, piss off." -- Julian Assange* • As quoted in Unpublished Iraq War Logs Trigger Internal WikiLeaks Revolt by Kevin Poulsen and Kim Zetter, 27 Sep 2 100, Wired.com 6 UNCLASSIFIED COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE IN DEFENSE OF THE NATION I nfo rmati on Rev iew Tas k Force (lRTF ) ;:, • QUESTIONS (b)(3):10 USC 424 18 UNCLASSIFIED COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE IN DEFENSE OF THE NATION The next 4 pages are withheld in full and are not included. Information Review Task Force Information Brief (U) DoD HUMINT/CI Legal Workshop December 201 O This briefing is classified ()[ () n[TXU() f ()nu 5J11 Derived from: Mslli;els 'iii 111111 Declassify on: l!BeO I el!!O (!l! iihllNGOURl!GlCI fORCIHG OUR FUTURE UNCLASSIFIED COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE IN DEFENSE OF THE NATION lnfmma t ion Rev i ew Ta sk Fo r ce ( IRTF ) Wikileaks Release of the secret data in "Iraq War Logs" endangers US troops, Iraqis, Afghans. 5J1b ([.!!RAT,NG 0,~ l ,G<(Y fO!clHC ,)(JP.I JIIJIE COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE IN DEFENSE OF THE NATION 6 The next 17 pages are withheld in full and are not included. UNCLASSIFIED I n fo r mati o n Re vi ew Ta s k Force (lRTF ) Wikileaks & Julian Assange • Australian journalist, programmer and Internet activist • "Australia's most infamous former computer hacker" -- Counter Punch Magazine • Best known for his involvement with WikiLeaks • Sits on nine-member advisory board of Wikileaks • Prominent media spokesman on its behalf • Claims to be an "unpaid volunteer" • Ongoing internal strife with other staffers & volunteers "I am the heart and soul of this organization, its founder, philosopher, spokesperson, original coder, organizer, financier and all the rest. If you have a problem with me, piss off." -- Julian Assange* * As quoted in Unpublished Iraq War Logs Trigger Internal WikiLeaks Revolt by Kevin Poulsen and Kim Zetter, 27 Sep 2~ 00, Wired.com UNCLASSIFIED 7 COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE IN DEFENSE OF THE NATION Info rm ation Rev i ew Tas k Force (lRTF ) ;J • QUESTIONS (b)(3):10 USC 424 5J1b (Ll!Ril.HG OS l'(,1,(~ UNCLASSIFIED fOl~HG •)UR f JIIJH COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE IN DEFENSE OF THE NATION 25 The next 10 pages are withheld in full and are not included. UNCLASSIFIED lnfm mati on Review T ask Fo 1·ce (lRT F) MISC BACKUP SLIDES 5J13 CE.l,W-NG 0,1 l:GMY UNCLASSIFIED FOl:;JNC •lUR I JMI COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE IN DEFENSE OF THE NATION 26 The next 5 pages are withheld in full and are not included. Information Rev iew Ta$ k Force (lRTF ) Open Source - Baghdad Air Strike Video • On 5 April 2010, Wikileaks released classified U.S. military footage from a series of attacks on 12 July 2007 in Baghdad by a U.S. helicopter that killed 12, including two Reuters news staff, on a website called "Collateral Murder" • Footage consisted of a 39-minute unedited version and an 18-minute version which had been edited and annotated • Analysis of the video indicates that the pilots thought the men were carrying weapons (which were actually camera equipment) Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WikiLeaks (accessed 9/15/2010) 5~ Posted to WikiLeaks website on 5 April 2010 (E.!,R>l.NG O,~ l :G,cr fOlc!HG •lURI JJtJH UNCLASSIFIED COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE IN DEFENSE OF THE NATION 38 The next 4 pages are withheld in full and are not included. I nformati on Review Tas k Force (lRTF ) What We Mean When We Say We use phrases such as we judge, assess, estimate, anticipate, believe, or expect to convey analytical assessments. Such statements are not facts, knowledge, or proof. Because analytic judgnents are not certain, we use probabiistc language to reflect oor judgment of the ~keliness that a development or an event will occur. m V, u, c::, a. :::E .. Remote Very Improbable Improbable - Will Not Very Unlikely Very Probable Probable Almost Certainly m ::,0 E VE tl C H A ,i C E - Unlikely .. ... <"> 'I> Very Likely Likely Will ::E In rare circumstances when we cannot assess likeliness. we use terms may. could, might. or possibly. Confidence is a judgment based on three factors: strength of ttie knowledge Dase, to include the quality of the sources and our depth of understanding about the issue: the number and importance of assumptions used to fill information gaps; and the strength of logic underpinning the argument, which encompasses the number and strength of analytic inferences as well as the rigor of the analytic mettiodology in ttie product. HIGH Well-corroborated information from proven sources, minimal assumptions, and/or strong logical inferences. MODERATE Partially corroborated information from good sources, severaJ assumptions, and/or a mixture of strong and weak inferences. LOW Uncorroborated information from good or marginal sources, many assumptions, and/or mostly weak inferences. 44 UNCLASSIFIED COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE IN DEFENSE OF THE NATION Informati on Review T as k Fo rce (lRTF) Initial Iraqi Reactions (Open Source) • Iraqis asked about the content of the release generally responded that they weren't surprised • Most stated that the casualty count is even higher than the new numbers • Iraqis said reflections of Iranian meddling in the reporting merely corroborated their opinions • Prime Minister Maliki's office criticized Wikileaks, accusing it of releasing documents that were being used "against national parties and leaders, especially against the prime minister." 5J1b ([.!fR.ITJtG 0, Rl'G.CY fOl~IHG •)\JRIJTIJIE UNCLASSIFIED,; POU8 COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE IN DEFENSE OF THE NATION 49 I n formati o n Rev i ew Tas k Fo r ce (l RTF ) Passed to Wikileaks - continued • 26 Jul 2010, Info leaked to Wikileaks ... (www.wired.com) "A detailed Anny database of 500,000 events in the Iraq war.from 2004 through 2009. This has not been published or acknowledged by Wikileaks. H • 27 Jul 2010, "WikiLeaks Iraq Cache More Than Three Times As BigH (www.newsweek.com/declassified) " .. .cache of classified U.S. military reports on the Iraq War .. .. Assange is keeping tighter personal control over the Iraq niaterial than he niaintained over the Afghan 1naterial, ... it's not clear whether any media organizations have had advance access to it or when it might be made public. " 5~ UNCLASSIFIED ( E.l,~T.•Go,n:GHI fOl~IKG •lllRI J1'JIE Current as of: 4 Oct 2010 COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE IN DEFENSE OF THE NATION 50 Informati o n Rev i ew Tas k Fo rc e (IRT F) Passed to Wikileaks - continued • 9 Sep 2010, "Exclusive: WikiLeaks Collaborating With Media Outlets on Release of Iraq Documents" (www.newsweek.com/declassif ied) "A London-base journalism nonprofit is working with the WikiLeaks Web site and TV and print ,nedia in several countries on progranis and stories based on what is described as massive cache of classified U.S. military field reports related to the Iraq War." 5~ UNCLASSIFIED U .l t ilT,KQO, ~ l'Gm Current as of: 4 Oct 2010 COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE IN DEFENSE fOl:ANC•lllRI JJ1J,I OF THE NATION 51 The remaining 18 pages are withheld in full and are not included. UNC LASSI Fl ED/::-:~~ I n form a t io n Revi e w Ta sk For c e (lRT F ) Passed to Wikileaks - continued • 28 Sep 2010, "Wikileaks is Imploding" (www.theinquirer.net) "Wikileaks is set to release the trove of Iraq data on 18 October, which ex-staffers feel is far too early. They want to 1nake sure that the names of US collaborators and informants in Iraq are properly removed to 1nake sure they are not killed. " 409K CIDNE-I 391,832 Reports Relew.ed " .. . at least six Wikileaks staffers have apparently quit in recent weeks, including Daniel Domscheit-Berg, who was Wikileaks' German spokesman. " " ... editing of the most recent batch of 15,000 documents was completed weeks ago, according to some former Wikileaks' staffers, but Assange has held offpublishing those reports for reasons he has not shared with the Rroup. " Iraq War Logs posted to WikiLeaks website 5:00 pin 22 October 2010 UNCLASSIFIED 'ISO: •g TO EXCELLENCE IN DEFENSE Pending Release 5Qtt ([.le2AT.NG OS l:G, (1 fOl~IHG •l URI JJIJil Current as of: 25 Oct 201 O COMMITTED 15K CIONE-A OF THE NATION S2 The next page is withheld in full and is not included . Information Review Task Force Nationa I Security Im pact Brief (U) (b)(3):10 USC 424;(b)(6) 27 January 2011 This briefing is classified lOP OEOREll~~J(3Jso use 3024 Derived from: lal&lrlplc 0ss: sa Declassify on: Bi000196 (HliRAllN~ OU~ 1mn UNCLASSIFIED FORGING OUR fUIURE COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE IN DEFENSE OF THE NATION Pages 4-16 are withheld in full and are not included. I n formati o n Revi ew Ta s k Fo r ce (lRTF ) What is Wikileaks Doing? According to Assange: • Harm the US War Effort: The most dangerous men are those who are in charge of war. And they need to be stopped. " "I enjoy helping people who are vulnerable. And I enjoy crushing bastards. So it is enjoyable work." 1 ' • Expose Sources: "We are not obligated to protect other people's sources, " including sources of "spy organizations or militaries." ... the Afghan public "should know about" people who have been involved in "genuinely traitorous" acts. 5~ ( £.lt h l -NG 0,~ L:GA(\' fOl:.NC•)OF! J ME SEC: tE I;; NOi OfiiQ COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE IN DEFENSE OF THE NATION 3 Jnforma ti o n Review Ta sk Force (lRT F) QUESTIONS (b)(3):10 USC 424 5;y (LIERAI ,N G0,~ L,GMY UNCLASSIFIED m:.iNG•lll! I JJIJRE COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE IN DEFENSE OF THE NATION 17 :iF~~Lt UNCLASSIFIED Information Review Task Force Situation Update (b)(6) (b)(3) 10 USC 424 14 February 2011 - 1600 5::yn This briefing is classified Derived from: h1slli;,ls @ea: ccs Declassify on._.._. ._. TAP mrnnrsJ! JURI JltJiE ;,:: Wikileaks Status WikiLeaks.org and related sites are active \1' 11rt'i :i.1-,, I • Primary Wikileaks.org site is active and directing traffic to two interfaces for accessing reports, WarDiary and WARlogs • Both allow easy exploration of the 392k in a user friendly graphic interface · • II I • ... ••y • -,• I • :'1111 ... H IJ. I ,'O •1 .--...111111 ,- :i-t•:-, :"'J./"1 I ·'•r• I::,:i,::, :l", .", i 1:!! IP I • Both contain significant redactions 11'::""a"' u ~t--- __._ .., -· ............. .._........ .. ...........-.,.-;,·•· - ua:.•u• o,n,G,(1" UNCLASSIFIED:: P.O 1:tl COMMITTED •u '-•~•-• TO EXCELLENCE IN DEFENSE OF THE NATION (LlfiAT,NG ,. fOl~HG •l\lRI JJIJRE ..; UNCLASSIFIED QUESTIONS/ GUIDANCE (fifl~.\IIN GOUR lfGA(Y fDlGINf DUP. fUlURf • 'UNCLASSIFIE COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE IN DEFENSE OF THE NATION 1S .. . UNCLASSIFIED Information Review Task Force Situation Update ~i\..LIGENcJ1 i!-. Ml " .. ~* 9* r ...-:: * • rmatio11 about its c fientefe and mainlainsfew if any of its own logs. · The servers are spread around the ,wrld with the central server located in Sweden." - Source: Wikipedia at http://cn.wikipcdia.org/wiki/WikiLcaks (retrieved 18 Sep 2010) (U) The WikiLeaks website, launched in 2006, is run by The Sunshine Press (http://sunshinepress.org/). Julian Paul Assange, an Australian, is described in open source reporting as the WikiLeaks founder. According to Assange, WikiLeaks maintains its web content on more than twenty servers around the world and on hundreds of domain names. (b)(3):10 USC 424;(b)(3):50 USC 3024(i) 6 (U) TLS (Transport Layer Security) a cryptographic protocol that provides security for communication over networks such as the Internet. TLS protocol allows client/server applications to communicate across a network in a way to prevent eavesdropping and tampering. A prominent use of TLS is for securing World Web traffic by HTTP to form HTTPS. 33 i.FS11fi'f;l;'Pi8F61Hf The next 4 pages are withheld in full and are not included. 2F?PF'.5(210SO?ti INFORMATION REVIEW TASK FORCE SUMMARY REPORT - IRAQ DATASET (U) 30 December 2010 Information Review Task Force Defense Counterinte/Jigence and Human lnte/Jigence Center Defense lnteJllgence Agency Df.riv~ Fr-0rn· p Reaso11 ..... Do,c.ltaw if any of ii.\ {m·n lo;:..~. · 7'/w .w·n·er.'i art• .,pread liround 1/w ~,·orl£1 'H'itlt tire lt'11lral ,\(ln'l 1" luu1ll'ti llJ s~rl'llt Jt. .. -- S,wr,,,: \Vi~ip,:dia .1\ ht1p./lc11. ...-ikipcdia.,ll-glv.-iki/WikiLc.,k, ll'Wic,~d I~ ~p 2010) ,,,,w·, _ 1 1 (U) The WikiLcaks web~itc, launched in 2006, is run by The Sunshmc Press (hllp://sunshi ncprcss.org/). Julian Paul Assangc, an Australian, is dcscribcd in open \ourcc reporting a~ the WikiLeaks founder. AL"cor 4 . Gl"Oef1sboro 44 5 Notfolk,Por1r,mooth 6 Tn-Ot1m;; 0 7 O~;e~;Oa-. H,11 0 8 9 10 1'.:{ Zoom Oul 41 0 tum 4 Washington 5 Reston 6. Arlington 7 Alexaridna 111~CtJ61=mu :u J ------------,oc Zoom0111 ------------,~ ---------ao -------•62 ------sa -----48 ·- - - - - - •• 8 COMM I TTED TO EXCELLENCE I N DEFENSE OF THE NATION City 1¥ -a,-q) \ \ .\ \I( ,i,, It. ( :~:~) ·'._ \~--.. ;; ,. .; DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY _'.,,:- _·_'; Pages 1 and 3-10 are withheld in full lAW Exemptions (b) (1 ), 1.4a/c/d/g; (b)(3),424/3024 (i); (b)(5). Information Review Task Force (IRTF) More Media Outlets Gain Access To Unreleased Cables • (U) Wikileaks-approved cable transfers • (U) The Hindu- Indian daily newspaper received approx 5, 100 cables from Assange • (U) Publication leads to calls for PM resignation • (U) Taraf- Turkish daily newspaper - received • approx 11,000 cables from Assange • Will reportedly publish all 11,000 cables Taraf 0U~UNMI• lAUJ 01"0111 Anosoyfa [konomi Poliliko Guncel Dlinyo Spor Yo~om Bilim \le Teknoloji l['".l W1kileaks TIJRKISr ll:· OOCUMENTS K3 Julian Assar.ge'la IIEJ meetmg Room TV Ergenekon t~mmal lf:'II Hunter:the plot, lii!ill the source Ydmaze1 • (U) Both outlets agreed to redact only when necessary and only to protect individuals from harm Paid m,litan ,ail leaders struggle (b)(1);Sec. 1.4(c);Sec. 1.4(g] I CllEWlllG Oi.a llli.lO' fOIGIIIGNllll~II 81! 8 fU!!,11 f II PI JUI COMMITTED TO EXCELLE N CE IN DEFENSE OF T HE NATION 2 (b)(3)·10 USC 424,(b)(6}- - - -·-·from.- ·-·-··· . --- To: Cc : __R_E;..Aildlhonal ,tems\ --- - - l'iz__.J (b)(3) 10 USC Subject: 424 (bl(3-)50--- - - - - - · - · USC 3024{1) I ---- -- - Friday, December 10, 2010 8:50:02 AM Date: _us~_____CLASSIElGA+I.C:}~; II I Htl•1EJ1111•rui!FlilU!illililil.i.l (b)(3).10 USC 424,(b)(5T{6){6r ·L..;;;= ...!.:::::;::==::;:;;;;:;;:;;:::::=====::::::;;---------------------, ·1hank you for the hei1dsu{CAssmning--1he-occs lu arran· 'e for a yCOB. -1- -· -- (b)(B) I rYSt\. If you have additiunal or ahemale guidance, ph:ase lei nu: knl•w. (b)(3) 10 USC 424 ........... This email, including: any lllliH.:hments. is intended for the use of 1he indi"'idu,il or enlily lo whkh it is addressed. ll may contain A ITOR:--.-EY WORK PRODUCT information chat is privileged. confidential, or otherv.-·ise protected hy law. This email may he ATTORNEY-CLIENT PRIVILEGED/FOIA EXEMEPT. If the reader of this email is no1 1he intended recipient or the employee or agent responsible for delivering the email 10 the intended recipient. you are herehy notified that any dissemination, distrihution, copying or use of this email or its contents is strictly prohibited. If you have received this email in error. ple,L\e notify me immediately by replying to this message and destroy all copies of thi, email. (b)(3) 10 USC ----Ori inal \1essa<>e---From: ..__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___, 424,(fi®r· ···---·--s ene Frid:i : QecemberJ0. 20IO 6:5'.?. AM (b)(3) 10 USC Subjcx:t: IW: Additional itcms,L-------1= (b)(3)50 USC .. -C-LASS-JHCAl'-1O~. SCCICC 3024(i) 11D .424,(b-)(3) 50 USC 3024(i) ICT(T I I (b)(3) 10 USC 424,(b)(Si(DJ{6)-· 1··;.;-;;,,.;;;;.;~;;;:;;;;;;:;;:;;;:;;:::;;,:;:;:;;;;;;:;;:;::;;;;;;:::;;;:;;:;;:;;;:;;::;:;:;;;:;;::;;:;;;:;;:;:;;:;:;---, .,. 1s w1 rcqu1rc-some-wur_;iJJ.E!..._IOn w1 someone w o cxcn:1scs lassificalion authorir ·. of the a11ai:1'ied--·docu-ments.w dc::tennine the following with respt:cl iu Though it's not :;rated, I think it's undcrslood that lhc suspense is asap. Thank you.[ ]!---- - (b)(3):1 0 USC 424 - - -- Thi~ email, including any attachments, is i111ended for the use of the indi,·idual or entity 10 which it is adclre~sed. IL may contain ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT information that is privileged, confidential, or otherwise protected by law. This email may be ATTORNEY-CLIENT PRIVILEGED/FOIA EXEMEPT. If the reader of this email is (b)(3) 10 USC 424 not the in1ended recipien1 or the employee or agent re~ponsible for delivering the email 10 the intended recipiem, you are herehy notiried that any dis-emination. distribution, c,1pying or u~e or this email or its contents is strictly prohibited. If you have received rhis email in error, pl¢iise notify Ille immediately by replying 10 this me~sage and destroy all copies of this email. se;11:·~ ~ = :-,,=~===~~ffl'!'"~r"'1 To: '---=,....-,...,..,.,_.....,....,....--r---:::;;;;.---, : Addiuona items _ _ ___,. Subject: (b)(3) 10 USC · - - - - ~ 1 4-{b)(3) 50 USC 3024(i) • ~J~~(i~o u~~ - -- .f'..LASS.lEICA+IQX: H iUI ·~-----_ --_--_· - - - J2529 II FYI ---Original :vJessa0 e - --(b)(3) 10 USC From: uiig~im1,~ ,---Seut:. ._ I _hur _ .-sd_a_ De ::--c-e_m_b-er- ('}9 "'-_""'2.,.. 0_ll_) 8-:-07,....,. P-::Vt- -, (6) To: - - - - - - - - . 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