0n limemmeni Mail Your Quer) io USAID on Dire Hmall guugle com/mail/u/l Iolz [a Daniel Vaii Schoolen Your Query to USAID on Direct Channel Wed, om 1t 2017 al 7 42 PM dvarisc ooleri pog org Cc. Press Daniel, l'm lollowirig up on your query to some or my colleagues relaled lo the "Direcl Channel" at can provide this on background as a spokesperson. The Direct Channel is one olmulliple mechanisms available for employees to express opinions and voice concerns ahoul policy issues ll is an email lnhox esiablished iri 2011 lnal allows USAID employees lo dlrectly reach senior Agency leaders Below is a copy or lhe Agency rioiice you requested East, Office of AIAID Noilce Category: Aomimsliaior Data OI Announcement: November 7, 2011 USAID/General Noiice message was sent out on November 7, 2011 as an executlve message. notite is being posted to the intranet for record purposes. Launch of USAID Direct Channel USAID is an agency ihai prides ilsell on supporling diverse viewpoinls in lhe pursuil ol belier developmenl program decisions and resulis lo creale a belleri more prosperous. and saler world We are al a crilical momenl in our Agenq's hisioiy as we lace a rapidly changing environmeni undergoing lundamenial and imponanl relorrns while consirained by increasingly limiieo resources To ensure we conlinue In be successluli I have made it a prioriry lhai we lap inlo lhe knowledge. and views ol all Agency employees. paniculany lhose in lhe lielo and on lhe lronl lines who are implememing lhese changes For lhai reason I am announcing lhe ol a lomial Direcl Channel which Will be nlficlally launcheo Monday November 07 This channel Will allow any employee Io lransmii his or her opinion or oissenl on any subsianlive developmenl program issue direclly lo me via lhe Depury Adminislraior Use ol lhe Direcl Channel is limiieo lo dissenl on subsianlive USAID and developmeni program issues alone and is In be used as a means ollasl reson The Direci Channel will be open lo all USAID employees including direcl hires ans TCN and FSCs will be in lhe lorm ol alormal memorandum elecironicaliy io lhe Direcl Channel aoiudicaiion Any employee who submiis a dissenl receive admowledgemeni ol lheir submission Wl|hm 4 business days and a subsianlive response wiihin so business days Submissions will be managed by lhe ellice ol lhe nepury Adminisiralor and Kern confidential lollowing receipl Formal ADS policy guidance Will be issued wiih lhe ollicial launch Many ol you are likely lamiliar wilh lhe Siaie Depanmenl's "Dlssem Channel" ihai allows lor any Siale or USAID direcl hire employee Io send a lorrnal disseming view on a subsianlive loreign policy issue direclly Io lhe Secre|ary ol Siaie and senior Siaie Depanmenl siall The Siale Disseni Channel will siill be available lor use by USAID direcl hire employees. bul ihey will also have lhe opiion ol using lhe inlernal USAID channel Seleclion ol use ol eiiher or bolh 4 58 PM Project On Government Oversight Mail - Your Query to USAID on Dire... 2 of 2 https://mail.google.com/mail/u/1?ik=fb2eb0137a&view=pt&search=all... channels will be at the discretion of the employee. This tool will hopefully serve as another method to ensure we are listening to all of our talented employees to ensure our development reforms are successful and institutionalized appropriately. For questions and input as we finalize the specifics of this channel, please email directchannel@usaid.gov. Any questions concerning this notice may be directed to -- directchannel@usaid.gov. Notice 1142 4/12/2019, 4:58 PM