efilê GRApHIC Dr¡nt - ÞO NOï pROCESS ÞLtrlr 9349325IÐ72777 oMB No 1545-0047 - Âs F¡led þatä Return of Organization Exempt From lncome Tax ,"rr990 t 20L 'Under section 6O!{e), !27 , or 4941(aX 1) of the Intetnal RÉvdnue Code (txcapt private foundation¡) ) ôo nol êôter sottål sëcunty ilumbêß ôn ths fôrm äÊ lt mäy be made publtc > lnforlnåtrÖn abÖut Ëorm 990 ånd lts Jñstructrons is åt !@4iigyl&¿2.:il2!2 ' De¡xrtnrÉìt fnlcnlil Rc\ lç Opec to PLrblic lnspeetíon .âlêhdâr v€ãT, or tår vear beo 0 f mploy{r women'5 FÖrum s4-1670627 å5 Ë App[catron or ôr ortorà'ß, Wôshlngþn, code DC G Ìl(a) åÞd åddrêsE CARRlE LUXAS 1875 I TËr-Ëx¿mpistãtu" M T õ R0om/surte ls 1875 t gtreet NW Sr NW Ë ü sor("){ ) <('ns6rno) os+r(u)(r)* fl M Iv". Ë If "No," attach s¿t ¿ hst exemptton otq KFô¡rnotórgÈrìÉôbun retum for H(b) Are rorq"¡1r¡ J GrFs rcsrpt5 s 3/059,754 ls thrs F r*rt il coacorut,on Árrua,ut'on I il il ottrsrÞ or most srqntficanÈ åctrvtttes çducate them ¿bout Èhe of publtc pottctes domlclle DC economy, and burld therr l¡ves ry 4 O Che fl lf the orgànlzàtlon dlscont¡nued lts çper¿hons or ¡lumber of votrng members of the governlng body (PåÊ VI, lrne 1a ' Vl, llné 1b) Number of rndepêndent vohng memþers öf the gôvêrnlng 2 3 u ú Total number of rndrvlduals employed rn calendar year 2016 Tstêl n{mbêr of volunt€ers (estlmate if neces#ry) I e I L2 Tã 0 . 7b ' Net unrelâted busrness taxable ¡nçome from Forrn 990-T, hne I 4 5 2a) Totàt unrelaÈed bustnesg revenue from Part VitrI, column 3 34 turrent Year Prîor Yêar I I -ß Þ a( 10 11 Contnbu!ìons ând grà.te (PåÊ Program servrce revênue (pårt VllI, colurnn {A), vill, column (A), hnèJ ltnes I oth*¡'révenue (Pêrt !.2 Totsl revenue-add l1 ú r! Vl$, ttne th) VlIt, hne 2E) InvêstrnÊnt rncome (Part 0 -444 and 7d ) .23,69? 106, àlid Granbs and stmrlar amounts pad f5 Salarres, other compÊnsatlÒn, l6a Professronal fundratutng {eEs (Part b 17 Tolal fundrarsrng expenses 0 4t Benrfrts pald to or for members Total expenses Add 19 Revenue less 881 041 747,t95 (A), llnes 5-10) 0 63?,849 825 1,380,044 4,310,86ô Oth+r expenses {Pert 18 3,673 1,35J,8!+0 12) 13 14 21950i987 1-,377,532 column {A), l¡ne 25) Patt -1,356,650 -26,204 t2 Eñd ÒfYêär 869innlng ûf cùrôfit Yéðl E !,576,78L 668,35: I llne Part II 20 pêrlury, knouledge and behef, tt rs true, D€claràtron preparer -773,4t6 5A3,234 . s¡ûnãture Blol 2,350,197 5,1 19 my stätåmènts, offrcer) ts based on all tnformatlon of whrch preparer has Sign l{erë n¿me o¡ Pfl Prêtrìrefs sr0nälurc nvlyÞè prepärer's mmè ÞQU6IA5 å CORËY çPÀ Þou6tÂ5 5 eoRËY eÉA Frrm! nåmÊ > Ëram'i àddleEF &,¡\sËoo¿las PC t0?01 Éår.fäx Ê¡vd Stfl(€ lð0 Farrfax, VA DätE ¿017.09'08 chects il F¡rm's EIN Phanâ rf > no (701) 354-290Ó 22030 Mv"" Elo l"låy lhè IRs drscuss thrs return \/lth thê prepar€r shown äbove? (see 5ee separate Cat No 11281Y Form 99O (2016) Form 990 (2016) [þsf![ 4a Page Statement of Program Service Accomplishments (Code ) (Expenses g 3,452,743 rncludrng ) (Ëxpenses 5 57f,406 rncludrng see Addrtronal Datå 4b (Code '. ) (Revenue g 5€ô AddJttôñàl Däta 4c (codè 4d Other program servtces (Descrrbe ) (Ëxpênses g (Expenses g 4e Total grènts of $ rn gränt$ of servtcÊ ) (Revenue ) {Revenue g S 2 Pa 3 Part IV Yes 2 Ho Yeg No 4 If 6 uYes," I IIÍ I rn such rrght funds or No 0 Dtd the organrzatton recerve or hold a conservatron easement, rncludrng the envrronment, hrstonc land areas, or hrstonc stn¡ctures? If "Yes," to Schedule D, or other srmrlar 0rd the organrzatron marntarn collectrons of works of art, hrstoncal "Yes," complete Schedule D, Part Iß If 9 for whrch donors Drd the organrzatron marntaln any donor advrsed funds or any srmrlar funds or complete Schedule Ð, Part No 5 to provrde advrce on the drstnbutron or rnvestment of ¿mounts If 'Yes," 7 cdm1lete Schedule C, Part Yes custod ran Itty, , or debt negotråtron Þrd the orgenrzatron report an amount rn Part X, lrne 21 for escrow for amounts noÈ lrsted rn Part X, or provrde credlt counsehng, debt servtceB?ff "Yes," complete Schedute Ð, Part IV l0 Drd the organrzatron, drrectly or through a related permanent endowments, or quasr-endowments) If "Yes," t1 If the orgenrzatron's answer td åny öf the {olfowtng a assêts rn temporarr 0, Part endowm€nts, 7 No I No 9 No 10 No complete Schedule D, PåÉs VI, VII, VIII, or X as applrcable a b Drd the organrzat:on report an amount for aeseß rêportêd rn Part X, fune t6? If "Yes, c Drd the orgånrzåtron repoÈ ån ðmouilt for total assets reported rn fart X, hne 161 lf d e f b Part X, lrne rn tart X, ltne 16r Drd rt X, llne or ancral 16 L7 18 19 tl more of lts or mere of rts total asset$ reported 257 If "Yes," complete Schedule Ð, Pa¡t X for the tax year rnclude a footnote that addresses 4e (ASC 74A)t y'Yes," complete Schedute D, Fart X 'No audrted frnancral statements for the tax year? 12a, then compleùng Schedule Ð, Parts XI and XII ts opÚonal )(f )(AXrr)r ntatn an Dtd ihe organtzatlon bustness, t 0ö0 or mo valued at rs 5olo XI ånd 'Yes," complête Schedule Was the organrzat*on lncluded If "Yes," and tf the Drd the organ SVo t3 that frnancral statements for the tax year? Dtd the organrzatton obtaln If 14a 15 1la D, the organlzatron report an amçunt Is the organtzatton that ls rn Part X, If "Yes," complele Drd the organrzatron's sepårâte wfi complete Þrd the organìzatren repod an amount 13 b 10? X, lrne 12 that ¡s 50ô or more of lts total r secunltes tn Part VII [he organrzatron's habrhly for 12a Ine Drd the organrzatron report äñ êmount for.land, burldrngs, and equtpment Schedule D, Part VI çA . If "Yes," complete ram lf "Yesn" complete Schedule E or agents outstde of the Unrted States? or expenser of more than $10,00Ð From grantmaktng, fundratslng, ãchvrtres outslde the Untted States, or aggregate foretgn lnvestrnÊnts Schedule F, Parts I and IV , report on Part IX, column (A), hne 3, moro than $5,000 ol grants ôr oth€r åsststàûce to or for any Schedule F, Parts lI and IV , . "Yas," IX, column (A), hne 3. more than $5,000 of aggregate grants or other asslstance to Þrd the organtzatton complete Schedule F, Parts III and lV , or for forargn rnd total of more than $t5,O0O of expenses for professronal fundratsrng serytces on Part IX' Drd the organrzatron If "Yes," complete Schedule G, Përt I (see lnstructlons) colurnn (A), hnes 6 a nd Dtd the forergn Dld the orçanrzatton reportmore than $15,000 total of fundratstng eventgross tncome and contrlbutlons on PartVI[I, I Irnes 1c'aí¿ s"r If "Yei," complete Schedule 6, Part II Drd the organrzatton r€port more than $15,000 of gross tnçome from gamlng acttvlttes on Part VIII, llne 9a> If "Yes,' camplete Schedula G, Pdft m Yes f1b No tfc No 1td No lte No 11f Yes t?a Yes 12b No L3 No 74e No L4b No 15 No 16 No L7 No 18 YÉs 19 No Form 990 6) Fçrm 990 (2016i ParT 4 IV Yes t0a Dr'd the or{ånuåtrbn b If "Yes" ôper:ati. one or rnoÉe:rhosþrtal facrlrtreÈ?'lf nYes," cÐrnplete Seh'edule to hne 20å, d¡d the organtzãtron attach a copy of rtÊ audtted frnancral H . ?,oa statements to thrs 2L No ?fth if Êstlc 22 l{o No to or for domesttc No 2A Þtd the orgänrzåtron ån$wer "Yêsl' to Part,VII¡.S.ectton Â,.ltrre,3, 4, or 5 rrent and former off lcersi d reçtar$;.trt gfee*¡ key, em ployees¡ and hrg cr¡ , compleleSchadul*J 24a ?3 r , Dtd the organrzatton have a tax-exempt bond lssue wlth an outstand¡ the last day of the year, thåt was ¡ssued after December3L,2A02z If complete Schedule K If"No," go to hne 25a I oF more than of 24b through No 24a b Þrd thê organ:zâtron lnvest åny proceeds of tax-exempt bonds beyond a tem c Þ¡d the orgãn¡zåtrôn mätntarn afl escrow accoçnt other than a refundrng 24b at any trme to defease åny tåx-exempt bonds) d amount 24c Drd the organrzatron act as an "on behalf oF' tssuer for bonds outstsndl åny trme durrng the 24d 25a Section 501(s)(3), 5O1(c)(4), and Stl(cXZg) organizations, the organrzatron engage tn ån excess benefrt transactlon wrth e complete Schedule L, Part Drd b the year? I Is the organtzatton aware that lt engaged tn ån excess benefrt If 26 "Yes,u complete Schedute L, Part L pnor Ëorms 27 2A a b If 22 for "Yes," canplete Was the organrzåtron a pårty to a buslness transactlon wrth rnstructlons for apphcable frhng and A current or former offrcer, dlrector, Part IV or A famrly member of a current ôr forrnêr Dtd the orEåntzåtlon recelv€ contnbutrons? 31 32 drrector, 33 34 or key employee? b of art, .9 N, Part 3Ðt 770L II d 30L 770L Il "Yes,' complate Schedule M If I l,Ë "Yes," cømplete Schedule R, part II, il , or IV, and 512{bX pðyment from or engåge tn any transåctlon wìth a controlled éntrty complete Schedule R, Part V, Irne 2 36 Section 501(c)(3) organizations, Dld the organtzatton make any transfers to an exempt non.charrtable related organtzatron? If "Yes,' complete Schedule R, P¿¡t V, lne 2 , . 37 Dtd the organlzatton ccnduct more than 5% of rls actrvrtreç through an entrty 38 No Yes 2tc No 29 No 30 No 31 NO 32 No 33 Nô 34 No 35a No 35b No "Yes," compÍete Schedute N, þart I entrty wrthrn the meâÖrng of se Se€ rnstructrons for frilng requrremenls for FTnCEN Form L14, Repoft of Forergn Bank and Frnancral Accôunts (FBÀR) Was the organrzahon i party to a prohrbrted tax çhelter tr¡nsaçtton at any trme ducng the tax year? b Drd any taxable party notrfy the organriatron that rt rrras or rs a party to a prohrbrted tax shelter trans¿cttont c lf ''Yes." to Irne 5a or 5b, dtd the organrzatton frle Form 9g86-T2 . . 5a 5a f'l 5b No o .)C 6ä Dôes the organrzatron have annual gross recerpts that are normally greater thän $100,000, and drd the organrzatron sofrcrt any contnbutrons that were nöt tåx deductrble as chant¿bìe contnbuttons? b lf "Yes," drd the orgaflrzalrþñ a 6b Organízations that may receive deductible contrÍbutions Ðrd the organrzatron reçerve a pãyment In exç+ss of $75 rnade partly às a contnbutron and provrded to the payorT b lf "Yes," drd the organrzatron notrfy the c Ðld the orgånrzätrofl séll, éxchi!ngê, or d If ''Yes,'' rndrcate Drd lhe orgånrzatron recerve äny funds, req g U Yes 7b Yei 7c No 7e No 71 No the number of Forms f Ðtd the orgåntzättonr dunñg the yeär, påy premtums, dlr€ctly or lndrrêctly, on å personâl beneftt coÒtläct7 . g If lhe crqanrzatron recerved a iontflbut¡on of quãltñèd rntellectual propFrty, drd the orçantzatlon flle Form 8699 as h 7a tô frlè Forrn BZ8?? e $ló rnclude wttlì ev€ry $olrcrtalroñ Èn not t¿x deductrble? 7 6ä tred ? lftheorgantzattonrecelvedacont¡butronofcårs,boàfs;ariplanesrrôrothervehtcles,drdtheorganrzattonfifeaform 1t98-c? spÞnsoring organ¡rations maìntaining donor advised funde. 7g 7h Dtd å donor advlsed fund ma¡ntalned by the sponsonng orgånr2ätron have excess bustneçs holdrngs Ðt any ttrne durlng the yêar) I 9a 9a Drd the sponsônïg Òrgänrl.ôbon mãkÈ äny taxable drstrtbuttons undêr s€cttoir 4966? b Ðrd the sponsorrng organtáatton make * d¡strtbuìton fo a donor, donor advtsor , or relaled 9b personT Section 5oL(c)(7) organizations. Ënter 10 Vlll, üne l2 a lnrtrabron fees and caÞrtal contrrbubons tncluded on Part b Gross rec€rpts, lncluded on Forrn 990, PaÈ VIII¡ lrne f.2, for pubhc use of club 11 a b 6ection 50l(c.)( t2) organiz:tions, Erter Gross rncome ftorn members or shareholders . . Gross rncomB lrom other sources (Do not net èmounls due or pald to olher sources ågarnsl åmounts due or récÈived front them ) . 12a Sectíon a9a7(a)(1) non-exempt charitable lrusts. Is the b 13 10a fa crlrt¡es 7Í r0b l"1a 11b organtzatton ftltng Form 990 rn l:eu of Form 1041: "!es," enter the anloun! ôf lqx-exempt intê¡'êst recatved or ãccruêd dur¡ng the year t2b Section 501(c)(29! qualifìed nonprofÍt health insurance issuers. organ,zattÐn lrcensed to rssua qua[fied heaith plans rn rnore than otle ståte?Note, See the lnstructrons for äddrhonäl rnformälron the órgänrzåftôn rnusl rëport on Schedule O a Is lhe b Enter the amount of reserves the organtzatton ts requrred to malntðln by the states ln whrch the organrzatron ¡s ltcensed to rssue qualrfred health plans . c Ënter the ãmoúñt of rêcerves on hånd 14a 12a 13b 1.3c Drd the organtzatlon recetve ény paymeñts for ¡ndoor tånnrng servtres durln9 the tåx b If "Yes." has ¡t frled ¿ Form 720 ¡o report these lta yeår? . pàyments7lf'No," prowde an explanatton n Schedule No 1.4a . O . L4b Forrn 990 5 Form 99û (2016) Page 6 Govêrhance, Märägêr êntf änd DiÉclôsurêFor e¡cá "Yes" respônse to lnes 2 through 7b balow, and for a "No" response ta lmes 8a, 8þ, or 10b below, descr¡þe the crcurnstance$, processes, or changes tn Súedulè O See inçfructions @ Check rf tr O côñtårng à A. lrote to hne ¡n PâTt VT a Yes la Enler the number of votrng members þf the governrng body at the end of the tax year 1{o 1a If there ãre rrlateflal drfferences rn votrng nghÈs among mernbÈrs ofthe governrng body, or rf the governrng body delegated broad authorrty to an executrve commrRee or srmrlàr cornmrtlea, explarn rn Schedule O b Ente¡ the number of votrng members rncluded tn lrne lar above, who are rndependent J.b 2 B Drd any offrcer, dtrector, trusÈee, or key employee have a ¡àmtly relaùonshrp or a busrness vrtth any offrcer, drrector, trustee, or key employee? 3 Yes Drd the organtzätrôn delegète control over mânågeñent duttes customårrly performed by or under the drrect No of offrcers, drrectors or trustees, or key employees to a manàgemen[ compäny or other perso¡? 4 of 5 ütd the organtzatton become aware durtng the year of a srgnrÊcant drversron ofthe organrzatron's assets? . Ðtd lhe organrzatron hav€ members or stockholders? 6 7a b I 'n" ":n""]'o:" :'u: "1t '':n't:"n: 'n:nnï tÔ rts eovernrns o:'":*",t= "'.nce.tn'.0'':'Form eeo,was rrled? Þtd lhe organtzatton have members, stockholders, or other persons who had the power to elect or appornt Õne oa more members of thô govêrnrñg bodyr Are any governance decrsrons of the organrzatron reserved to (or sub.¡ect to approval by) members. stockholders, or persons other than the governrng body) 4 No 5 No 6 No 7a No 7b No " Dtd the orqantzrtton conterfiporåiÈously document ttre meebngs held or wntten äctrons undertåken dr:nng thê yeår by the followrng a The çovarnrng body? b Each commrttee wrth authorrty to årt on behalf of the governtnç 9 ls there any offrcer, drrector, trustee, or key employee llsted ln Part VII, Sectron organrzahton's martrng addressT If "Yes." prov¡de the names and addresses n Section B, Policies Thls Sectpn 8a Yas 8b Yes be reached at the A, 9 No the Internal Revenue Code, B Yes 10a Dtd the organtzat¡on have local çhapters, brançhes, or b If 1Oa ''Yes," drd the organrz¿tron have wntten poltctes and procedures the actrvrtres of such chapters, affrhates, PurPosesT 1l.a No 10b rts governrng body before frlrng the b 11a Yes I2a Yes L2b Yes Form 990 L2a b Were offtcers, drrËctors¿ or trusteÊE, and key employees requrred to drsclose annually rñtÊr€sts that could grve rrse to c Drd the orgentzatron regularly and cortsrrtently monttor and enforce comp ance wlth the polrcy: Schedule O hov¡ thts wås dÒne , , contllcts? I ¡¡ "Yes," descnbe m 12c Yes 13 Dtd the organrzatron have a wnttên ùhrstleblower pohcyr 13 Yes t4 Dtd the organrz¡tron have ê Wntten document telentroô.ånd destructron polrcy) t4 Yes 15 Dtd the process for delermtntng Çompensatron of the lollowrnq pêr$ôns rnclude a revrew ånd approval by rndapendeni persons, comparabtlrty dat¿, ¿nd cóntÊmporañ€ous substänfiatton of tbe delrber¿tlon and declsron) a The organrzatron's ÇEO, ExeçutrvÊ Drrector, or top rnånàgement offlclal 15a Yes b Other off¡cers or key employees of the organrzetron lsb Yes If 16a b No "Yes" to lne 15a or 15b, descrrbê thê pmqÈEs ln Schedule O (se€ rnstructtôns) Dld the organr?atron rnvest ìn/ contnbute aésets to, or partrcrpate tn a Jolnt venturÊ or srmllar ärrangement wtth a taxable entrÇ dunng the yearr lf "Yes," drd, the orgånrzêtron follow a wrrtten rn Sornt venture årrangÈþerìts a ståtus wrth rèspect to 16ã No or procedure regutnng the orqanrzatlon to evalu¿te tts pärttclpatton tax law, and take steps to safeguard the org¿ntzatron's exempt t6b Section Ç" Disclosure L7 Lrst the States wrth whrch å copy ôf thrs Form 990 ls requ:red to be frled> 18 Sectro.n AL, AR, AZ,CA, CO, gT, FLI GA, IL, KS, KY, NV. fÍE, MD ,MA, Ml, MN,MS, HI, NH, NJ. NM, NY, NC, ND,OH,OK OR PA, RI,5C, TN, UT, VA WA WI, WV 6I04 requrres an orgànrzatron to make rts Form 1023 (or 1024 rF applrcable), 990, and 990-T (50t(c)(3)s only) avarlable for publrc rnspectron IndrÇale how you måde thesê avarlabfe Check all that apply 19 20 n il M [ o*n webstte Another's websrte upon request ûther (explatn rn Schedule 0) Desc¡be ln Schedule O whether (and rf so, ho',.r) thè orgånrzåtron mâdê tts govémtng documentsl confllct of tnterêst polrcy, and frnanclal ståternents åvatlable to the publrÇ iJqnng thê tåx year 5täte the name, address. and telephone nurnber of the peison who possesses the orgåntzàtron's books and records >PÊTËR LIPS 1875 I 5t NW Washrngton, DC 20006 (540) 88S-4752 Form 99û (2016) Forñ 990 (2016) I*¡J,JI Page 7 Compensation of OFfiÇers, ÞirectorsrTrusteesf Key Employees, Highest Conìpensated Employees, afl d Indepêndent Contractors Check rf Schedule O contarns a resDonsè or note to anv hne rn thrs Part n VII Section A. Officers, Directors, Trustees, Key Employeesr and tlighest Compensated Employees r former dírectors ortrustees that recerved, rn the capacrty as a former drrector than 510,000 of reportåble compensahon from the organrzatron and any related organrzattons Lrst persong rn tho followrng order tndtvtdual lrustees or drrestors, rnstrlutronäl ftusteês, offrcers, key employees, hrghest compensated employees, and former such persons L¡st all of the orgenrzetron's org àntzatton, more M Check thrs box rf nerther the (A) Name and Tttle nor reìated l?atton (c) Average Posrtlon (do not check more than onÊ box, unless person rs both an offtcer and a ¡ hours per week (fust any hours for related organrzatrons belolv dotted drrector/trustee) 1= - .,:t u: 'Ii ìrne ) - þ !1 t'rFAI¡-rFç, R HlGGlNs charrman oF i a,¡ t, = ,t. 'Tt o s 'ù ô I ;I; .t¡ , u .F f i'¿ e {1) , or truslee sated a (E) .I I' 500 the Board (2) WONNE S BOICE 100 x Drrecior {]) GIÔVANNA CUGNASCÀ Drfe{tor (4) NAN HAYIVORIH 100 x Drrector (5) I\DELE r.JALpA$s Drrector (6) LÂRRY KUDLO\¡/ X Drrector (7) AÊBY f'1of ÊAï X Dtrèctor (81 MYLES pOLLIN 100 x Drrector (10) CARRIË T"UKAS X 106.375 0 0 X 92,40C c 0 X 4 1.50C 0 35 00 Sear'Èlary (11) pFrËR LrPs Tr 20 00 êasuler Form 990 016 ) I Form 990 (2016) FAft VII Section Ä. and Em {A) (c) (D) (ñ) Posttron (do not check more Reportabl* than one box, unless person ¡s both an off¡cer and a drrector/trustee ) compensatron from the organrzation (W- Roportable compensatron frsrn related organrzatlons {W- u1099-MISr) 211099:MIsCi {F} Narne and Trtle Averaçe hours per 'week {hst any hours for related organrtättons nsated b'elcw dotted I ne) .*. !+ J x 7'f' fþi P ,f. 'fY :* <. E ]f t)* ¿ {.Þ 0 --l tt ,¡' ,-, ,r. f1 amount of'other compelsàtron from the organrzatron and related organlãat¡ons :J Ír ,t, r) J 'r' ,I' ,Ì. íft rt,ï n- tr) Estrinated ;l t = 11 Ê ,t ñ_ lb Sub-Total . c Total d 2 Total . from continuation sheets to pârt VIl, dd lines lb and Total number of rnd¡vrduals (rncludlng but not lrmlted to those of reportable compensatron from the orga I who recerved more than 9100,000 l{o Yes 3 on 3 No 4 No E No 4 5 servtces randered to the Schedule J for such person Yes, Sectio 1 your Comptête thtç from the organrzatron' Repo* co compensated rndependenl contràctors that recetved more ihan $100,00û of com pensatlon for the calendar endtng wrth or wrthrn the organlzatron's tax yaar (Å) Name Z Total number of rndepend CO from the onÞ (å) addrass Descnptron of servtces (c) on (rncludrnç but not hmited to those lrsted above) who recerved more than g100,000 of Form 990 (2016) Form 990 {?016) l"tfi[IfTl Page gtaterí€nt of Revènue 9 rf øþ sÉ (JE 1É øtd Ëã (,È o,? Aø go) 'Ëö g NoÊcash oÉ (Jo âoiltr¡butronr rnclud€d tn ltnes 1a-11 $ h Tôtàl.Add lnes 1å-1f BusrnesÊ codê ! c L & ! b c 3 d c ê d 9Totål.Add lrôÈs ñ f All other proqram sêrurcê revenuê 2å-¡f , . 3 ¡nvèslment rncome (rncludrng drvrdends, rntErest, ånd other srmrlãramèunts) , . > d lncómè froø tnvestment of têx-ëxompt bond proceeds SRoyaltres. . Þ I 6a Gross rents b L€is C rêìtåì expétæs Rèntôl rncöh¿ ór (lõàs) d l{eì.entai rncoma or (loss) , Se€üflìles ,444 c¡ 3 8a GToss rncome trom fundratstng (not Includrng $ _ 6 ct) qt o of contflbutrons report€d gn lrne 16) See Pðrt lV, hne 19 , 107,€8t b LEs$ direct èrpenâa5 2.!ó3 c Net rncome or (loss) 9a Gross ¡ncorne from see Pårt ¡V, lrne 19 ¿cùvrtres ä b Less dlrect b êxpen6ês c Net (loss) ftom èss retums b Less cost of goods Ç Nel tncomÉ or fuofi Re!ènué I laoiher rncome BusrnêEs code 710 b c dAll Òthêr révênue . . eTotå , Add l¡nes l1¿-tr1d 12 Total revonue, Sêå [nslruct¡on$ 7t 0 Form 990 (2016) Page lO of Functional Expenses Pãrt ¡X sectroh s0l(c)(3) and 501( c)(4) organrz¡trons must complete ¡ll coiumns All olher organrzetrons musl çomplete column (A) rf thrs n5 Do not include årnounts reported on lines 6b, 7br 8b, 0b, and 10h of Part Vltrl, L Grants and other assrstãncê to domestrc organtzatrons and domestrc Aovernments See Part IV, ftne 21 2 Grants and other ãssrstancê to domestrc rndrvrduals See IV, hne 22 3 Grants and other âsststènce to foretgn orgåni?êtt.ons, forergn governments, and Forergn rndrvrduals See Part IV, lrne 15 ¿nd {c) Program servtÊe expÊn5êt {o} NanåqPm€fit ênd qeneral eigerises Fundrarsrngexpenses l6 4 5 Benefrts pard to or for members 6 Compensatron not rncluded above, to drsqualrfred persons ( deftned under sectron 4958(f)(1)) and perEons descnbed rn sectton 4958(c){3){B) 7 I Other salarres and wages 9 10 11 (3) (Å) Total expe*ses Compensatron oÉ current oÊfrcers, drrectors, trustees, and key employees B1õ,314 685¿ 664 14,060 106,590 Pensron plan accruals and contnbutrons (rnclude sectron 401 (k) and 403(b) employer contnbutrons) Other employee benehts '.0 1,2¿8 6t,49e Påyroll taxes 1,228 0 9x,\7a 4,684 7,645 2s9,100 25,62r 15,520 94,250 0 0 Fees for servrcec (non-employees) a Management 2 50,24 1 b Legal c Accountrng , i7.S26 0 2S5,358 ?53,158 0 I 2,000 6,721 3,71 5 1,870 1,136 499 484 3 T2 ),7 !826 d Lobbytng e Professlonal fundrarsrng servtces SeË Part IV, hne 17 f ïnvestment management fees - (If lrne 119 ðmount exceeds 100/o of ltne 25, co: (A) amount, lrst ftne 119 expenses on Schedule ô) g Other il2 Advertrsrng and prontotron 13 Offrce expenses 14 Informatron technology 15 Royaltres 16 Occupancy . L7 ./ 5,056 0 5,056 0 44,t53 39,531 340 4,782 2,6r3 0 18 l9 20 0 0 5,237 0 21. 22 2,396 0 2,396 0 23 5,505 1,138 4è67 0 2,521,744 ¿,s21,744 0 0 24 oth€r expeilses ltenìtz€ êxpen$es nût covëred åbove (Ltst mrscellaneous expenses rn llne 24e If lrne 24e amount exceeds 1OYo of hne 25, column (A) arnount, llst hne 24e expenses on Schedule O ) a Actrve engagement/market evaluallon b Events (non.fundrarsr 38¿950 r8,950 0 0 c Drrect marl 34.051 8,367 0 25,684 32,791 30,54 9 2,242 0 d Dues and subscnphons e Afl other 25 Total fsnctional expenses, Add llnes I 26 Joint costs. Complete th¡s ltne only rf the h 24e LOz,434 85,629 1,r73 4,3r0,866 4,O23,649 98,716 1 5,632 1BB, s01 organtzatton reported ln column (B) ;ornt costs from a comblned educatronal campatgn and fundrarsrng solrcttätton Check here > ! rf followrng SOP98-2 (ASC 958-720) Form l6 Form 990 (2016) Part X Page n Check rl Schedule O contårns â End 1 2 3 4 5 6 o q¿ 7 I 9 l0a ö year Cash-non-tnterest-bearrng Savrngs and temporary cash tnvestments 2 Pledges and grants recervable, net 3 135 Accounts recêrväblê, nêt Loans ¡nd oiher recervables frorn current and former ofñcers, drrectors, trustees, key employees, and hrghest compensated employees Complete Part 1I of Schedule L Loans and other recervables from other drsqualrfred pèrsons (as defrned under sectron 4958(f)(1)), persons descnbed rn sectton 4958(c)(3)(3), and contrtbuttng amployers and sponsorng organrzatrons of sectron 501(c)(9) voluntary employees' benefrclary organtzatrons (seê tñstructlons) Complete Pan ll of Schedule L Notes ånd loåns recervable, net "t Inventorteg for sale or use 8 Prepard expên$es and deferred charges s 8,336 4,173 Land, burldings, ànd equrpment cost or other basrs Complete Part VI of Schedule D l0a Less accumulated deprecratron 3,348 10c 11 Investments-publrcly traded securrtres 5.ô42 11 12 L2 l3 Investmênts*other securrtres See Port IV, lrne 11 Investments-program-related See Part IV, hna 11 L4 Intangrble assets t4 15 Öther assets See Part IV, ltne 11 15 b 11 Salance Sheet 13 668,353 16 1,576,781 85,1 t 9 T7 344,960 16 Total assets.Add ltnes t7 Ac(ounts payable and açcrued expenses 18 Grants 19 Deferred revèn!e 19 20 Tâx-exempt bond h¡brlrtres 2:A 2L Escrow oì' custodrèf account lrabtlrty Completê Part lV 27 22 Loans and other payables to current and former offrcers, drrectors, trustees, key employees, hrghest compensated €mployees, ênd drsquãlrfred payable 1 through 15 (must equal hne 34) 18 " II ";, , . . 23 Secured mortgages and notes payable ts unrelated thtrd parttes 22 23 24 Unsecured notes and loans payable to unrelèted thrrd partres 24 25 Other lrabrlrtres (rncludrng federal rncome tax, payables to related Èhtrd partres, and other habrlttres not rncluded on lrnes 17-.24) 25 26 Total liabilitíes'Add lrnes 17 through persÒns Complête Pert of Scl¡edule L 2,00s,237 Complete Part X o( Schedule D Organizations that follow sFhS 117 (Asc 958), check here complete lines 27 through 29, and lines 33 and 34, a) s 27 ct 28 85,1 25 ) El 1 I 26 2,350,197 -990,270 and Unrestncled net asgets 406.033 27 Temporanly restncted net assets 177.201 2A 29 Permanently restncted net assets 29 30 Organizations that do noÈ follow SFAS L17 (ASC 958). check here Þ [ and complete lines 30 through 34. CâpttÊl stock or trust prrncrpål/ ôr current fundg 30 c) 31 Pard-rn or caprtal surplus, or land, burldrng or equtpment fund 31 d 32 Retarned eårnrngs¡ endowment, accumulated rncome, or other funds E l! zo 216,854 32 33 Total nei assets or fund bal¿nces 583.234 34 Tolal lrabrlrtres and net assets/fund balances 668.353 33 34 -773,416 1,576,781 Form 99o (2016) Form 990 (2016) Page lfflfl 0 I ô 2 Tctal revenue (muçt equal P¿rt VIii, column (A), hne 12) Total expenses (must equal Part IX, column (A), lrne 25) 3 Revenue less €xpènse$ Subtråct }ne 2 fiom hne 4 Net assets or fund balances at begrnnrng of year (must equal Part X, lrne 33, column (A)) 6 Net unreallzed garns (losses) on rnvestments 6 Donated servrces and use of f¡crlrtres 7 Investment f 2,954,¿16 â 4,310,866 3 '1,356,650 4 . ,: 8, 6 expenses i Check rf Schedule O cçntarns .1 t:::i :J . I Prror penod adluslments I Other changes rn net assets or fund balances (explarn rn Schedule O) 10 Net åssets or fund b¿l¿nces at end of year Combrne knes 3 through 9 (must Pðrt XII nänc¡äl Stätêm{nts ând Report¡ng * oÍ note to a Irne rn thrs ::8 's lrne 33, col ,t) -773,416 10 rt XII Yes I 12 Reconcilliation of Net Assets 990 No il Accountrng method used to prepare the Form Castr If tha organrzalton changed rts methqd of accounttng from a pnor ntn 2à 2a N0 ona b 2b Yes 2c Yes basrs, Rl Separate basrs il and separate basrs Consohdated c If "Yes,'' to ltne 2¿ or 2b, does the o ê commrtteê nts ãnd of the audrt, revtew, or comprlatron of Ifthe 3a organrzatron changed etthêr tts As a result of a federal award, was the Audrt Act and OMB Crrcular 4.1 b If "YeE," drd the orgånrzät¡on audrt or audrts, explarn why n responsibrlrty for oversr ght of an tndependent ¿ccount¿nt? durlrtg the tãx yÊat, explätn rn Schedule O underg0 än àudtt or audtts äs sêt forth rn the Srngle 3a No If the orgäntrâtton r d¡d not undergo the requrred ny steps t¿ken to undergo such êudrts 3b Form 990 (2016) Addititj?al nata?: Saffwmem 1666371 SottwareVer?ism: 5415751627 Name: Independent Women'a Ferum Farm 990 {2016} Farm 999, Part Line 43: DOMESTIC POLICY AND ECONOMICS - IWF EXAMINES THE IMPACT OF POLICIES - SUCH AS OUR TAX CODE, REGULATORY SYSTEM, NATIONAL HEALTH CARE LAWS AND EDUCATION SYSTEM ON AMERICAN FAMILIES AND THE ECONOMY Farm 990, 11:, Line?bf: EDUCATION, COMMUNICATION, AND EARNED MEDIA - IWF PROMOTES THE WORK OUR SCHOLARS AND SPOKESWOMEN, BRINGING THEIR MESSAGE. TO AUDIENCE THROUGH PRINT TELEVISION, RADIO, THE INTERNET AND SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS IWF ALSO DEVELOPS MATERIALS TO HELP BUILD AMUUNG THE PUBLIC GREATER UNDERSTANDING OF ECONOMIC FACTS AND PRINCIPLES Nagy üËrifl'tT.ltFlt -Þo efile GRAPHTC ScHEDULE.å Public Charity Status and Public Support (Form 990 or 990ßZ) Coinplete Íf the organizâtioil is ä s€ction EO:.(c)(3) organizalion or e sestion aPaT(aX l,) nonexempt charitable trust. Þ Attach to form 990 or Form 99O*Ë2. Þ Information about Schedule Ä (Form 990 or 99û-ËZ) and its Ìs at 2016 Op€fl to Public number Independent Part Forum I ntzattons must com The organrzatron rs not a prrvate foundatron because rt I rs (For thrs cheqk onìy one A church, conventton of churches, or aggocratlon of churches descnbed ln section I )(1 2 3 4 thÉ hosprtål'r 5 unlt descr¡bed rn sectlon 170 general publrc descrtbed tn that A cornmunrty wrth A¡ a from actrvrtres rêlåtèd to 5ee See section 509(a)(4), to to An rn Lnes a ä b il c I d ! e ! 1¡ pported organrzatron(s), by havrng control or or manage the supported orqanrzatton(s) You (¡¡¡) Yes Total For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Form 990 or 99O-EZ. I No Schedule A (Form 99O or 6 Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-É2) 2ô16 TEFITT Page lsted year (or fiscal year b:ginnírtg I (a)2012 G¡fts, grents, çontnbutrçnB, and membershrp tees recerved (Do nût -'unusual { b)?013 com (d)å015 {c}2û14 organrzatron's benef¡t and erther pard to or expended on rts behalf The v¿lue of serv¡ces or facrlltres furnrshed by a governmentäl unrt to the organrzatton wrthout chèrge Total, Add ìtnes I through 3 The portton of total contrrbutrons by each person (other than a governmental unrt or pubhcly supported organrzatron) lncluded on Itne 1 that exceeds 2% of the amount shown on lrne ll, column (f) 3 4 s 6 (tlïôtål e)2û16 4,396:å27 t60,434 1,1s3,8a3 rr377 $32 2,950,987 10,56$,7û3 4,396!92t 66Ð,434 1,183,82 L,317 .532 2,950,987 703 grant '') Tax revenues levred for the rnclude any 2 2 Support Schedule for Organ izat¡ons Descr¡bed ¡n sect¡ons 170(b)(1)(a)(iv) ârrd 170(b)tl)(A)(v¡) (co only rf the hne or9 I or rf the nrzâtron farled io qualfy under Part 3 2.670,085 Public support, Subtract llne 5 from 7,899,6 I I lrne 4 Section B. Total 5u 7 g 9 10 11 (or fiscal year în) (a'¡2o12 Þ Amounts from lrne 4 Gross tnçome From tnteresl, {b)2013 ' 4,396,927 dtvldends, päym€nt$ recerved on secunttes 1oans, rents, royaltres and lncome from srmrlar sóurces Net rncome from unrelated buslness actrvrtres, whether or not the busrness rs rçgularly carned on Other rncome Do not rnclude garn or logs from the sale of caprtal assets (Éxplarn rn Part Vl ) Total support, Add hnes 7 through 660,434 (c)2014 1,183,823 (e)2016 (f)Total 2,95t,gg"t 7,317 ,537 7ù3 0 ' 3û,946 48,744 25,822 ? t)o ^23,692 84,949 10,654,652 10 L2 13 Gross recetpts from rel¿ted acttvttles, etc 12 second, thlrd, tourth, or flfth tax year às a sect¡on 501(c){3) organrzatton, Ëirst fîve years. If the Form 990 rs for the orçantzatton's check bhrs box and ere Sectlon C, Gom l4 nq Pub c support >tr ion of Itne 11, column (f)) ge 1.5 Publtc support percentage for l6a 33 1/3ôlo support test-2O Schedule o.9ant II, L4 t4 74 L40 alo 7L 69Q ç/o 15 not check the box on lrne 13, and hn e 14 rs 33 7/3Ô/o or more, s >g and stop here. The orga¡tzðtton qualrfres as a pubhcly supported orgåntzatton þ 33 1/3olo supporttest-2015. If the organtzatron drd not check a box on lrne 13 or 16a, and hne 15 ts 33 t/3o/o or more, check thrs box ¿nd stop here. The orEantzatton quahfres å9 a publtcly supported organrzatron ¡7¿ L0ola-Íacis-and-circumstances tçt-2û16. If the orçanlzatron dld nol check a þox on lrne lJ, 16a, or l6b, and ïrne 14 ls 10qô or more, and lf the orçantzatron meets the "facts-and-Çrrçumstances" test, check thrs box and stop here, Explaln ln Part VI how the organtzatton meets thg "facts.and.clrcumstançes" test The organrztstton qualrfres as a pub!rcly suppo*ed >! orç anrzðtron ¡ 10o/o-facts-and'cirrumstancestest-20l5. If the orgahtzatlon d¡d notcheck a box on lrne 13, 16a, 15b, or !7a, and llne 15 lg l0% Õr more, and ¡f the orgâfllzatron meets the "fåsts*and-nrcumst¿nces" test, check thls box and stop here. Explarn tn Pårt VI how the orgån¡¿åtron meets the "facts-¿nd-crrcumstånces" test The orgåfitzêtlor,ì quËltfres is a publrcly supported organtza l,on 18 Private foundation, If the organizatlon d¡d not check a box on llne 13, 16å, 16b, L7¿, oy l7b, check thrs box and see lnstruclrons >l >n >n Schedule A (Form 99O or 990-EZ) 2016 Schedule A (Ëorm 990 or 990-EZ) 2016 I:EtrIffI Þescribed in Section 5O9(a)(2) Iorrf (b)2013 ng in) Þ 1 e orgðnrzatron farled to quahfy under Part 3 ll, If (cJ20L4 Glfts, grantFr contrtbutrons, and membershtp fees recerved (Do not rnclude any "unusual grants ") Gross recerpts from admrssrons, merchand¡se sold or servrces performed, or facrlrtres furnrshed rn any actrvrty that rs related to the organrzètton's tåx-exempt purpoge 2 3 Gross recetpts from ¿chrvttres that are not an unrelated trade or busrness 4 5 6 7a b I Page Support Schedule c under sectron 513 Tèx revenues levred forthe organrzatron's beneflt and erther pard to or expended on rts behalf The value of servrces or faclhtres furnrshed by a governrnental un¡t to thê ôrgånrzatron wrthout charge Total. Add lrnes 1 through 5 Amounts rncluded on lrnes 1, 2, and 3 recerved from drsqualrfred persons Amounts rncluded on lrnes 2 and 3 recerved from other than drsqueJrfred persons th¿t exceed the greater of $5,000 or 1% of the amount on lrne I3 for the year Add lrnes 7a and 7b Public rt. (Subtract ltne 7c 0 from frne Section B. Total Support C¡len 9 10a b c 11 12 13 yéar t975 Add hnes 10a and 1ob Net lrlcome from unrelated busrness acttvrtres not rncluded rn lrne 10b,, whether or not the busrness rs regularly carned on Other rncome Do not lnclude garn or loss from the sale of caprtal a (Explatn rn Pârt VI ) Total support. (Add hnes First fiye years, ff the 9, 10c, organrzatron's frrst, second, thtrd, fourth, or f¡fth tax year as a sectton 50f (c)(3) organtzatton, Þ¡ check thrs Section C rÇ support perçentåge for 2016 (lrne 8, column (i) dtvtded by lrne 13, column Pubic support percentage frorn 2015 Schedule A, Part II1, lrne 15 15 16 (f)fotal Anrounts from lrne 6 Gross ,ncome from tnterest, drvrdends, pêyrrrents received 0n secuntles loans, rents, royaltres and rncome from srmrlar sources Unrelated busrness taxable rncome (less sectron 511 taxes) from busrnesses âcqurred åftêr Jun€ 30, 11, and 12 ) 14 (e)2016 (or físcal year beginning in) SeËtion D. Com u 15 16 O o/o 17 18 0 o/o nvestm€nt InË0 Investment rncome percentaçe for 2016 (lrne 10c, column (f) drvrded by lrne 13, column (f)) Investment rncome percentage from 2015 Schedule A, Part lII, ltne l7 1gv33I/3ala supporttests-2016. If the organrzatron drd not check the box on ltne 14, and ltne 15 ls more than 17 1g 1"/3o/o, and lrne 17 ls not >! more Lhan 33 L/3o/o, check thrs box and stop here. The organrzatron qualrfres as a publrcly supported organtzabton b 33 t/3o/o support tests-2O15. If the organlzatron dld not check a box on lrne 14 or lrne l9a, and ltne 16 ls more than 33 !/7o/o and llne 18 ls >E not more than 33 1/10/0, check thls box and stop here. The organrzatron qualtftes as a publrcly supported organlzatlon 20 Private foundation. If the drd not check a box Irne 14, 19a, or 1 >tr check thrs box and see rnstructtons rm 990 or 990-EZ) 2016 A Sehedule A (Form 990 or ?016 nîzåt¡öñs tf I If you checked l2.a of Pa¡t tr,, cqmplete.$ectrons A and,å If fou cllecked 12b of l?c af,lert I, camplele $ectrons A, Ð, and E If you checked Í2d cf Part I, complelc Part a Yes I desßnâtøt I 2 3ð 2 Drd th e orgänrzåtron håve ô supported orgånrzátron descnbed ln sectron 501(cX4), (5), 0r (6)2 If and (t) below b 3a Drd the orgenrzetron confrrm that each supported the pubhc support tests under secUon 50e(a)(2)r X (5), or ( s¡trsfred made the determnatøn c 3b Þld the organrzatron ensure th¡t all support to çuch organrzatrons was If 'Yes," ëxplaù in Fart vI what caùtrols the ôrgånlzâtton put ,n place 4a Wes any supported orgånlzêtrôn not organreed tn the Unrted Stätes ( checked IZa or 12b n Part I, answer (b) and (c) below b Drd the organrzatron have ultrmate control and drscrehon rn decrdrng c 5a b c 6 organlzatran? If "Yes," descnbe n Part VÍ how thç superwsed by or n connectton wtth tts Drd the organrzatron support any forerg n 501(cX3) and 509(a)(1) cr (2)? If "Yes," exptan m Part VI to the foreryn supported organtzatton was usød exclustvety the j,a ff member complete subst¡ntral contnbutoP rn the uals that defrned rn seçtron Dtd one (other v b 4c the tax yearT If "Yes," answer (b) and ËIN numbars of the suppofted {rrt) the auÈhonty under the çtton was accomplrched (such as by Was tha organtzåtlon certaln Type Il answer hne 70b below Þrd the organrzatron 5a part of a class already desrgnated rn the the organrzatron's control? 5C or the provrsron of servrces or facrhtres) to anyone ft of the chantable class benefrted by one or more of lts that also support or benefrt oîe or more of the flltng Part VI, õ If 7 "Yes," al any trme durrng the tax year by one or mora drsqualrfied persons as managers and organrzatrons descnbed tn seÇtton 509{aXl) ar (2))? If"Yeç, 9a or more Drdadr 4b detèrmrnåtron under sectrons used Êo €ns{/re that atl support m whrch 10a the to the forergn supported desprle betng controlled ar (as defrned rn seçtron 4958) not descnbed rn l¡ne 7? tn hne 9a) hold a controlltng rnterest tn any snttty rn whlch lhe supportrng detail n Part VL had ¿n c you E Was the provde detail f other stm llör päyftênt to å Ëubstànträl ËóntflbutÐr (deflned ln contnbutor. or e 350/o controlled enttty wtth regård to ä Schedule L (form 990 or 990-EZ) complete Pa¡t I of b not håvè n Þtd the organlzatron make a 9a "Yes" and 5b the organrzation provrde support ( than (r) rts supported organrzatrons, (rr) supported orçanrzatrons, or (lr) other sectron I had such control and event Drd Drd 3c If 4a grå (c) ncludng (r) the atganøattons added, substttuted, or removed, (u) for each (tv) how organnatnn's organzrng document authonzng àfiendmêñt to the organttng document) Type I or Type II only. Was any add ed or substrtuted supPo organtzatlon's organr¿tng document? Substitutions only, Was the 2)(B) purposesr ân SU any Drd orga ntzatron's supported a(9 7 srvely for such usê (es a¡ ownershrp tnterest tn, or denve any personal bencfrt from, assets also had an rnterest? If "Yes," provde detaú m Part vr. 9b rn hne 9a) have 9c excess buslness hûldtngs rules of $ectton 4943 because of seçtron 4943(fI (regardrng and all ïype lil non-fqnctronally rntegrated supportlng organtzattons)7 I f "Yes, " 10a any excess bustness holdrngs rn the tax yeaÉ (Use Schedule C, Form 4720, to detarmtne the orgaruzatron had ekcess busness holdngs) 10b A Form 99O or 990-ËZl 5 Fõrt IV No Yes Nb Yes No Yes No I If to powers dunng the tax year 2 I (s) that heneftt for the benefrt of any supported organrzatron other than operated, supervrsed, or controlled the supportrng organtzatt0n2 If "Yes," th Paù VÍ how or cpntrotled lhø cârrrcd out thê purpôsês öfthê iuppofted organzatrcn(s) thët epêrêtëd, Dtd the organrzatron operàte orgàn¡zätþn I 2 Were a malortÇ of the org4ntzatron's dtrectors or trustees durtnq the tax yeår also melonty each of the organrzatron's supported orgenrzatron(s)2 If "No,n n Part Vl how support,ng organrzatton was vested n the same persons that managed the dlrectors or trusteeg of of the organtzatton(s) I I Drd the organrzatron provrde to e¿ch of ¡ts tax year, (r) a wrrtten notrce descrrbrng the typaand amount of of notrfrcahon, Form 990 that was most recently frled as of documents rn effect on the daie of noI 2 Were any of the ôrganrzatron's offrcers, d (s) or (u) servrng on the governtng body màntaned a close and eonttnuous workmg the of the frfth month of the orgentzatton's the prror tax year, (rt) a copy of of organrzatron's governrng provlded? 1 (r) åppo¡nted o¡ elected by the supported orgåntzåtloh If "No," explatn th þart VI how the organtzatton or tru wtth organzatrcn(s) 2 ? By reason of the relatronshrp organrzatton's investment pol year't If "Yes," desmhe n 1 Check 2 Yes the No then n part VI ¡dêntlly those suppofted dtrectly furthered thetr exempt purposest how the organtzatton was and how the ôrEântzatþn determtned tàat tåese àcttvtt,ps constûuted Éhese ¿ctlvltres substanhally all of tts Dld the äcttvttrês descrrbed tn (å) çonEtrtutê åcttvrttêE tlat, but for the orgenrzatron'g lnvolvement, one or more of the organrzatron's supported orgänrzatron(s) would have been engaEed tn) If "Yes," êxplàn tn Pärt VI the reasons for the organtzahon's posttton lhat tts supported organtza\on(s) would have engaged tn these actrvtfies but for the organtzatrcn's 2d nvolvement 2b Parent of Supported b a government entrty (see tnstructtons) further the êxêmpt purposês of lhe all responsÍvè to those a enttty Desc*be :n Part Vl how you supported (a) and (b) below. organlzations and 3 instructions) of rts suppoÊed organrzatrons Complete line 3 below The organtzatton Drd 3 Test Complete line 2 below the parent supported orgånrzåtron b the used to sâtrsfy the Integral P¡rt Test dunng the year (see Actrvrtres a ñle satrsf¡ed bnrhe n tn the bcx next a¡The c supported organrzatrons have a srgntftcant volce ln the use of the organtzatton's rncome or assets at all tlmes durtng the tax k supported organeâlþns played n thrc regard Itl Organtzattons Answer (a) and (b) below. Drd the organrzatron have the power to regularly appotnt or efect a mãJoÍrty of the offtcers, dtrectors, or trustees of each of the supported orgånrzätrons? Prowde detals m Part VL Drd the organtzätlon ex€rctse a substantral degree of drrectron over the poltctes, progràms and acttvltles of each of ¡ts supported org:nrzatrons? If "Yes," descr¡be m Patt Vl, the role played by the organzatron tn thts regatd À 3a 3b or 99o-EZl 2016 Sch¿dule A (Form 990 or 990-Ë2) 2016 Pärt V 1E III Type Chec Page htegrated 5o9(ð)(3) No here rf the pportin g Organizations on såtrsf¡êd thelntegrâl Fart Test as a trust 0n Sect¡on A - Adju$ted Net lncome 1 2 3 4 5 S 7 I (A) Net short-tèrfi caprtal garn I Recovenes of prror-year dtstrrbutrons 2 Other gross rnccme (see tnstructrons) 3 Add hnes 1 through 3 4 Deprecrattan and depletron 5 Portron of operatrng expens€s pard or lncurreê for productron or collectlon of gross rncomê or for managemeñt, conservêtloñ, or rnäJntefläncê of propêrty held for 6 productron of tntome (see rnstructrons) 20, L97O See instructiohs. All òther (B) Gt¡rrent {optmnai) *'-T Olher expensês (see rnshructtons) 7 Adjusted Net Income (subtract ilnes 5, 6 and 7 Trom lrne 4) I Section B - Minimum Asset Amount Plor Year (B) Curent Year {optonål) I Aggregate farr rnarket value of all non-exempt-use assets (see tsx year or âssets held for part of year) a Average b t la: '.tb monthty value of secuntres Average mônthly cash bal¿nces ë Fätr màrket vàlue of other non-exempt-us€ assets d Total (add hnes la, lb, and lc) e Þiscount cla¡med for blockage or other factors 1c 1d (explarn rn detall ln Part VI) 2 Acgursrtron rndebtedness applrcable 3 Subtrgct llne 2 from hne ld to non-exern 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 s I Section I C - nt Current Year 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 Ë 5 5 6 7 ratêd Type III supportrng organrzatron (see A form 99O or 6 Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-Ë2) 2016 Page d 509 a)(3) Non-Functi Þ' I izationg nued Current Year ns direetly furthers exempt purposes of supported orgÞnrzetrons, 4A tq 7 rr'l urre 5 ö Ötlrer drstnbutrons 7 Total annual dístributions. Add lrnes 1 6 I Drstnbutlons to attenttve supported organrzatrons to whlch the organrzatron ts S€e rnstructrons detarls ¡n Parl 9 Drstnbutable amount for 20L6 from Sectron 1O Lne 8 ¿mount drvrded lrne 6 Lrne 9 amount Section ã - Þistribution Atlocations (see instruct¡ons) 1 (provrde (îii) Distributable îstributions Amount for 2O16 Pre-2016 Drstlbutable arnouôt fot 20ï6 from Sectron C, lrne 6 2 Underdrstlbutrons, rf any, for years pnor to 2016 3 reasonable cause Excess dtstrrbutrôns ur red --see rf to 2016 b c d From 2013. From 2014, From ?015" f Total of lrnes 3a thro e lred to underdtstrrbuttons of red to 2016 dlstnbutable amount h i Carryoverfrom 2011 nol applted (see e tnstructì ons Remarnder Sub[ract l¡nes 4 DrstÌrbutrons for 2016 from 3h and 3r to underdrstrrbuttons of a b Apphed to 2016 drstr¡but¡ble c Remarnder Subtr¿ct lrnes 4¿ and 4b 5 Remarnrng underdrstrtbutrons for years 6 2016, rf any Subtract àm0unt reater see tn Remårnrng und for 2016 rt 4 lrne 2 lrnes 3h and 4b from zero, see tnstructrons 7 Excess distributions cärryover to 2017, Add ltnes 3¡ and I 4c .' Breakdown lrne 7 b Excess from 2013, c d Excess from 2014. è Excess from 2016, Ëxcess trom 2015. A or 99o-FZ) (2016) Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-Ê2) 201ö f,H?rlit Page I Information. nes II, lrne 10; Part 1 lI, ltne !7a or 17b j Part IU, Irne 12; Part IV;.Sedt¡on A, Part and a B, hne S, ltnes ând D. al Pt II Ln 10 Other lncome Part II, Lrne l0 Descnptron Event rncome 20[2 660 2015 -25015 2016 2983 Dêåcnptron Othêr 2013 2015 2014 1162 20]4 24 2016 266 I 916: 4233066 10 6G5 111.133: GEE-Q55 efile GRAPHIC print - Do NOT SCHEDULE C (Form 990 or 990- Dzj f)ellff lnrtlr I ol' 0r!' Tnn;uö Intcúíìl Re\ r'nltP Son lùe r As Ëiled Þata - PROCËSS ÞLN: 9349325Lo!2777 Political Campaign and Lobbying Activities For Organrzations Exempt From lncome Tax Under sect¡on $01(c) and w tìt w. I rs, o ov / [o r m 99 or 0n Sectron 501 (cX3) organËatrons Complête Parts l-A and B Do not complete Fart to PuÞlic Inspection Open o' l-t lf t r then complete Part ll-B nol complete Pån ll-A Part V, l¡nê 36c Sechon 501{c)(3) organrzatrons lhal have NOT frled Form 57SB (elecùon under sectlon 501 (h)) Part Ë¡nswêr€d "Yes" on Forth 990, Pärt lV, Lrne 5 (Proxy Tax) (ste ¡hstruct¡ÖnÊ) or tht organizatron tf 2016 27 ÞComplete if the organization is described below. )Attach to Form 990 or ÞInforrïät¡Þn about Schedule C (Forrn 990 or 99O-EZ) ånd its (Proxy Tax) (see separate rnstructrons), then r Part lll Sectron 5û1 or of the organtzatron number Ilìdêpêndènt Womën's Forum Pãrt ï-A if rhÊ Com ls under c 2 ¿ Provrda a descnptron of the organtzatron's drrect ¿nd lndrrect polrtrcal Pol¡ttcal expendrtures 3 Volunteer hours Pärt I-E Com if the t Ënter the amount of any exclse tax l ts 3 Enter the amount of any excrse tax lnçurrod by organuatron If the organlzatron rncurred a sectron 4955 tax, drd rt 4à WEs a correct¡on made? organizat¡on. Part under section rnçurred by the organrzatr or¡sa cxs). sectlon 4955 $ fl v** ü ¡¡o il,Y*" il t*o Part I*C t 2 the amsunt dtre*þ rxpended:rby the frhng Enter the âmount of the ñhng > Ënter" funitron acbvrtres $ 3 Totâl €xêmpt funcltôn expendrtures 4 D¡d the 5 Ënter the nåmes, addresses a organtzatron made payments of polrtrcal contnbutrons fund or a polrttcal ectron on Form 1lZt"pOL, lrùa 37b $ ff v** fl ttlng organrzatlon flìeForm (a) $ for $ëctröð 527 *xempt Name ¡¡o frIng enter the amount the that (PAc) dellvered to a separate poltttcal organtzÊtlon, such as a separate seg regðted P¡rt IV $pace rs needed, provtde rnformat¡on tn (c) dress EIN (d) Amount (e) Amount of funds If none, enter contnbuttons recelved and promptly and drrectly dellvered to a pard from ftlrng orgenrzatron's -0" polrtrcal separete polrtrcal :i.1:, organrzaùon If none, enter -0- - 2 3 4 5 6 Paperwork see of Cat No 500845 Schodule C (Form 990 or 99O-EZ) 2016 Form 990 or 990 PðrT  II-A 2016 2 ComplÈte if the organiza on sèct¡on 501(h)). sect¡on 5 and filed Form 5768 (election under c Öherk > B Check > (b) Limits on Lobbying Expenditures group (The terrn "expenditurel" ñeans a¡nounts paid or incurred,) Ia b c d e 1 Total lobbyng expendrtures to tnfluence publrc oprnron (grass roots lobbyrng) Total lobbyrng expendrtures to rnfluence å leErslåtrve body (drrect lobbyrng) Total lobbytng expendtturas (add hnes 1a and 1b) 4,023,645 Other exempt purpose expendrtures Total exempt purpose expendrtures (add hnes 1c and 1d) Lobbyrng nont¿xable ãmount Enterthe åmount from the followrng table rn both columns lf the amount on line le, column (a) or (b) is: \ilt over $500,000 amount of the alnoun[ on fver 5500,000 but not over 51,000,000 lvel e lobbying nontax 35t,182 100,000 plus 1-50/o s1,000,000 bur not over s1,50o,000 )ver $1,500,000 but rot Òver sl7,000,000 3v¿r 517,000,00ìl s h ¡ j Grâssrools nontåxåble èmount (entêr 25% of lrne lf) Suhtract lrne lg frorn lrne la ff zero ôr less, entor -0Sub[ract lrne lffrom lne 1c Ifzero or less, enter -0If there rs èn åmount other than zêro ot\ elthêr lln€ sect¡on 4911 tax for thrs year? (Some organizations th columns below, $ee Lo 87,79{ 01(h) rats {b) b nontaxable ðrn0unt b LobbYtng cerlrng affount 15ja/o of lrne 2a c Total d Grassrootsnontaxable e Grassroots t1 2014 1 s2,260 Period (c) 2015 182,5S0 (d) (e) Total 2016 35r,182 s96,3 I I 1.,344,4-ì7 45,082 45,565 47,79C 45,ó38 ¿mount n f 180,326 üY"tüno sect¡on 501(h) do not have to complete all of the five s for l¡nes 2a through 2f.) Þurin 4-Year A Calend¿r year (or 2¿ frle Form 4720 repôrtrng 1r, drd the 224,O81 336,122 e Grassroots c Form or 6 Schedule C Part II-B rm 990 or 990 16 Complete if the organization is exe 3 und€r section SO1 (cX3) and has NOTfiled d For each "Yes" response an l¡nes acttvtty 1 Þuflng tncbdrng la through lt Amount Yes yeår orga pt to rnfl uence to oolnton or the use trve a nteers) ã Volu b Påtd staff or månâgernent (tnclude cômpëfisätron rn expeöÊes repörtêd on l¡nes 1c thrôugh 1t)? Medta advertrsemen[s? c d ftr below, prowde tn Part IV a detatled descnptrcn of the lobbyng Matltngs to members, legrslators, or the publlc? Publrc:trons, or pubhshed or broadcasl statemenlsT Gr¿nts to other organrzatrons for lobbying purpose$7 Þlrect contact wtth legrsiators, therr staffs, government offrcrals, or a legrslatrve bodyr Rall¡es, demonstratrons, serntnars¡ convenltons, speeches, Ìectures, or any srmrlar meåns? Other actrvltres: Total Add lrnes 1c through 1r Drd the actrvrtres rn llne 1 cause the organrzatron to be not descrrbed n srct¡on 501{e}{3)r lf "Yes," enter the amount of any tax r¡curred under sectton 4912 If "Yes,'' enter the amount of any tax rncurred by organrzatron manag ers under sectron 49 l2 If the ñltng orgèntzatton rncurred a secbron 49L2tax, dld rt flle 4720 for thrs year? e f I h ¡ j 2a t b c d PArt III.A I Were substantrally all (90olo or more) dues recelved nondeducttble by membersr D:d the organrzatron make only ln-house lobbyrng expendrtures of $2,000 or Did the organlzatron agree to carry over lobbyrng and expendttu res the prror year? Complete if the organization is exempt Éect¡Ön 501"( section SOf(c)(5), or sect¡on 50I(c) Yes 2 3 FêTt TII.B complete ¡f the ürgan¡zät¡on ¡s and if either (a) BOTH Part III- €r section 2, answered "Yes." Dues, assessmenbs änd èr åmounts Sectron 162(e) nondeductrble lobbyrng and poltttcal expendrtures expelsss for which the section 52? (f, tax was paid), Current year Carryover from last year 1, 2 r(cx 4), sert¡on 501(c)(5), or seËt¡on 50t(c)(6 ) "llo" OR (b) Part III-4, fine 3. îs L include âmounts of political the orçantzatton agree to carryover to the reasonable estrmate of nondeductlble lobbyrng and polrtrcal expendtture next yearT Taxable amount of lobbyrnç and expendttures (see rnstructron s) Part IV 2 3 ansì^rered a b c Totäl 3 Aggreget€ amount reported rn secbton 6033(eX1)(A) not¡celot nondeduct¡ble sectton 162(e) dues 4 lf nottces lverÊ sent and the amount on lrne 2c exceeds the ¿mount on hne 3, what portlon of the excess 5 No I 2a 2b 2c 3 does 4 5 trnform SU Provrde the descnptrons På rt rred for Part l-4, llne 1, Part l-8, lrne 4. P¡rt 1 Also thrs rt for a J-Ç, llne 5 , Part II-A (affrhated group lrst), Part II-A, ìrnes 1 and Z (see atton C (Form 990 or 99082) 2016 FÉltlÍt'EEf -Þo efîle GRAPHIC SCHEDULE D öMB No tË45-0047 Supplemental Financial Statements (Form 990) 20L6 Þ Complete if the organization answer€d "Y€sr" on Ëorm 990, Part IV, line 6, 7. 8, 9, l0r 11a, 1lb, llc, t ld, lle, flf, l2a, or l2b, Þ Attach to form 990. Information about Schedule D (Form 990) and its instructions is at $pen to Public tmspection Hame Independent Women'¡ Forum Part I s4-I Organizatiorrs l!l¡!intä¡ñing Donor rf the or Othêr Similar Furtds answered "Yes" on Form Patt IV l¡ne 6. açç0uÊtt Donor advrsed funds 1 Total number at end of year 2 Aggregate value of contnbutrons to (durrnç year) 3 Aggr€gate vålue of gränts from (dunng year) 4 Açgregãtê value at end of year Ë Drd the organreâtron rnfôrrn ¿ll donors and donor advrgors rn wntrng that the funds are thê orgånrzåtion's propeirty, sub¡ect to the organrzatron's exclusrve held ¡n donor 6 Þ¡d the orgânrzatron lnform all grantees, donors, and donor ¿dylsors rn used only for charrtable purposes and not for the benefrt ol the donor or grênt üv." other VJSOT ü v"r f] conferrrng tmpermrsstble pnvate benefrt) lI Part I Purpose(s) of conservatron €âsements held by the organtzâttan H n n 2 üuo cân be ¡¡o üll thðt äpply) ( n Preservat¡on of land for pubhc use (e g , recreatron or an hr:toncally rmportånt land area of a certrfred hrstonc struclu.e ProiecÈron of natur¿l habrtat Preservatron of open space Complete l¡nes 2a through 2d ¡f the organrzatron held a easement on the last day of the tax year a b Total numbêr of conservatron eâsêmênts c Number of consêrvðtron êësêmênt$ on a cedrfled d Nurnber of conservatron easements rncluded structu!é lrsted rn the Natronðì Reglster cóÌìservâtron rn the form of Held at the End ofthe Year 2a 2h Total acreage restrrcted by conservatron easements EtruËlurË after Number of conservahron easements modtfi 6/l å) 2c not on a hrstonc 2d extr or terynrnated by the organtzatton durtng tha tåx yeär > 4 Number 0f ståtes Ìvhêre property 5 Does the organrzatron have a and enforcement of the eå5e 6 St¿ff and volunteer hours monttonng, 7 Amount of expenses s Does each ¡g located Þ c monrtorrng, rnspectton, handilng of vrolattons, Ëv"" üno handltng of vrolatrons, and enforctng conservatton easements dunng the year handlrng of vrolatlons, and enforcLng conservatlon easements durrng the year >$ on lrne 2(d) abave sattsfy the requtrements of se(tlon 170(hX4XB)(l) and sectton 170(h)( 9 baIance and tnclude, the n" easementE Part III la If the organrzatron art, hrstorrcal treàsures, or provrde, rn Part XIII, the Maintaining Çollections of Art, flistorical Treasures, or Other Similar Assett, answefed B under 5ËAS 116 {ASC 958), not to report rn rts rèverue stàtement and balance sheet works of ¿ssets held for pubkc exhrbrtron, educatton, or research rn further¿nce of publtc ser$ce, the footnote to rts financral statements that descr¡bes these ttems pêrmtitêd under SFAS 116 (ASC 958), ho report In rts revênu€ statémènt and balance sheet works of art, or other s¡mrlar ¿ssets held For publ¡c exhtbttron, edrcauon, or re$e¿rÇh rn further¿nce ôf pubhc serv¡ce, provlde lhe followrng amounts reiattng to thesa rtems b (l) Revenue rncluded on Form 990, Pårt VIII, ltne >$ >$ 1 (iilAtsets ¡ncluded 2 a b For I Y." f] conservâtron eãsements In rts revêfiu€ and expensé statsment, ând text of the footnote to the organrzatton's ftnancl¡l staternents thaI descnbes descrrbe rn torm 990, Part X If the organtzatron recelved or held works of art, hrstoncal treasures, or other stmtlar assets for Ênanclal gatn, provtde the followrng åmounts regurred to be reported underSFAS 116 (ASC 958) relattng to theEe ¡tems Revenue rncluded on Form 990, Part Aisets rncluded rn Form 990, Part >$ VlIl, ltne 1 >s X 5ee lor Form 990, D (form 990Ì 2016 Part IV b c d e f 2a b If "Yes," explarn the arrangement tn Part XIII and complete the followlng table Amount Begrnnrng b¿lance 1ë Addttrons durrng the year 1d Þtstnbutrons dunng the year 1e Endrng balance 1f Drd the orgenrzatron rnclude ¿n emount on Form 990,,Pert X, If "Yes,'' explarn the arrangement rn P¿rt XIII Check here rf the expl PaÉ V Endowment Funds, Complete rf the rzatron answered provrded rn Part XIII Begrnnrng of year bal¿nce b Contnbutrons c d e ': . b 4 n (c)ïwo years back fd)ïhree ye¿rs rs back back ,. :' Net lnvestment e¿rntngs, garns, and losses Grants or scholarshrps . Other expendltures for facllttres and programs f Admrnrstrattve expenses g Ënd of year balance 2 Provrde the estlmated p€rcentâge of the current year end balance (Lne 1g, column 3 Board destgnated or quasl-endowme ntÞ b Perinanent endorryment ) s Temporarrly restrrcted endowment Þ ga fno on Form 990, Part IV, hne 10. r la ilY"" or custodr¿l account lreb:lrty: (a)) hetd as The percentages on hnes 2a,2b, and 2c should equal 100% Are there endowmert funds not tn the possessron of the organrzatron that are held and admtnlstered for the organrzatron by (i) unrelated organtzattons 3a(i) (ii) 3a(ii) Yes related organtzattons If "Yes" on 3a(rrJ, are the rel¿ted organrzatrons llsted as requrred on ScheduJe R2 Þescnbe rn Part XI;TI the rntended uses of the organlzatron's endowment funds rufl No 3b Länd, Bu¡ldíngs, ênd Ëquiprnent'Yes'on rf the Descnptton of property (a) Cost 0r oìhet'basls 19,380 must equal Ëorm lrne (c)Accumulated deprecratron (tnveslnrenl) la Land b Butldrngs c Le¿sehold rmprovements d Equrpment e Other Total, Add llnes 1a through 1e hne (b)Cost or other lrasre (other) 15¡ZÐ7 ! (d)Sook value 4/ 173 4,173 Schedule D (Forrn 990) 2016 Scbedule 3 Com ( ( l)FrnÀ¡qa¡ denvëttyes 2)ClûsËly-hë1d ÈqurÊy râtÉrèrtâ (E) (F) 1ô1âl- lçduñn l¡ns t2 o19anlzaiton DèsÈíplton (b) tnvesìment on (r) Book (1) (2) (3' (41 (6) lolã1, lcolumn lh) ñtút equal FÐtm 9t0. Pâìl X,.ol (Bj fhe l3 ! (1) (2) I 1, or e3 on (å) (b) Beok value (1) Federal rncome täxes (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (e) ilÞè 25 lohl. (Coluøa {b) ,nuJl èqudf f¡¿41 to 2. bãbrlrty lor uìcertarn tåx pog(trone I^ Pãrt Xlllj provrdÈ the text oroanrz¡hor's lraÞrlrty for unÇertarn lax po5rtren5 ilnder FIN 48 (ASC 744) check here iF slàtements that ßports th¿ the text ol ihe fooìnote has beèn prcvrded tn Part XIII kl Schadqle D ( Fo.m 990) 2016 Schedule D {Form 990) 2016 Pärt Page zl XX Part L Total revenue, gilns, and other support per audrted flnancral stätemênts 2 Amounts rncluded on lrn¿ 1 but nôton Form 990, Pärt VIII, llne 12 a Net uni:ealrzed garns (losses) on tnvestments b Donated servrces and use of f¿cllttlës 2b c 2r d Recçvenes of Brror yeår grants Other (Descrrbe rn Patt XIII ) e Add hnes 2a through 2d Amounts rncluded on Form 990, Part VIII, hne 12, but not on llne . Ër Invêstment expenses not rncluded on Forrn 990, Part VIII, ltne 7b b Other (Descrrbe rn Part XIII c Add llnes 4a ¡nd I ) 4c . Total revenue Add lrnes 3 and 4c. (Thrs must equal Form 990, Palt e 3 Amounts rncluded on lrne I Ëxpenses per Return. rt IV lrne 12a ntzatron L 4,4t5,790 Donated servrces and use of facrlrtres Prror year ad¡ustments 2b Othêr losses ¿t Other (Descrrbe rñ Pårt XIII Add hnes 2a through 2d ) , ¿tI 2e 1 3 Inv€strneìt expenses not rncluded þn Form 990, b Other (Ðescrrbe tn Pàrt XIII ) c Add llnes 4a and Total 4b 704,924 4,310,866 l: VIII, 4a 4b 4c . Add hnes 3 and 4c, XIII 704,924 , Amounts rncluded on Form 990, Part IX, hne 25, PõTt 2,954,2L6 5 Statements but not o¡ Form 990, Part IX, lrne 25 a 5 hne Tot¡l expenses and losses per audrted frnanclal ståtements Subtract llne 2e from lrne 4 I, Reconciliat¡on of Expenses psr Audîted Com lete rf the t 2 a b c d 2,954,?16 744,924 I 4 Pärt XII 3 2d Subtract [rne 2e from lrne 5 3,ö59,14û . 3 4b I I, ust lrne 18 5 4,?LO,966 lementäl Inforrn Provtde the descnptrons requtred Part V kne 4 Part X, lrne ?,. Part Return Reference III, tneS à lrnes la and 4, Part lV. ftnes 1b ¿nd 2b, hnes 2d and 4b Also complete thrs part to addrtlonal tnformatron Explanatron See Addttronal Data Table Schedule D (Form 990) 2015 Schedule (Form 990) 2G15 Page 5 Supplemental Information (continued) Return Referenca Explanation Schedule (Form 990} 2016 Additional Þata $sttwateint, Íeoöoã¡r ' Softl¡¡. a re, Vs¡,sien r r ËINl 54-1670ç2? f!¡$rÌ¡S':. Retum Reference Pt Xl, Lrae 2d Specral eve?ìt expênses ) Supplemantal Information Return Reference Explanation Pt XII, Lane 2d Speaal event Expenses efìle GRAPHIC print - ÞO NOT PRÐCËSS SCHEDULE G (Form 990 or 990-EZ) l)e¡orlntrul ol'llrr' l'rcorun Intcnlrl l{crr'nur Sc'rr rcr: Name of the organrzåtlon lndependent Women's Forum As Filed Þata - ÞLN¡ 9349325LOL2777 OfvlB No 1,545-0047 Supplemental lnformation Regarding Fundraising or Gaming Activities 2t16 Complete rl thE organrralron answered "Yes" on Form 990. P¡rt tV, frne3 t7! Lq or 19. or fl thê org¡nrrãtron enter€d more than gl5,00O on Fo¡m 990-EZ, kne 6a Þ¡tt¡ch tô fÒrñ 990 ô¡ Fôrm 990-É2" ÞInformatron åbout Srfiedule G ite tg ãt rrs 'l/¡vly to Public Inspection Öpen öyer num 54- @ Fundrà¡sing Activities,ComplÊte the organrzatton answered "Yes" on Form 990, Form 990-ËZ frlers are not requrred to complete thls part. I rf lndrcate whether the organrzatron ratsed funds through any of ff f I I a b c d rt IV ,l actryrl¡es Checl ¿il Marl sotrcrt¿ttons e 5ollcrtatro.n of non*govèrnment grants Internet ¿nd emarl solrcrtatlons f f] g I Solcrtatm'n of govornment grants"' Phone solrcrtalons Specral fundrarsrng events In-p.ruon solrcrtatrons Dtd bhe organtzatton havo a tryrrtten or oral agreement wrth any tndrvrdual (rncludrng offrcers, drrechors, lrustees or key ernployees itsted rn Form 99O, Pari VII) or entrty rn connectron wrth professronal fundrarsrng serytces? 2ã If "Yes,'' ltçt the ten hrghest patd b to (i) ff V*" fJ *o rndtvrduals or entttres (fundrarsers) pursuant to agreements vnder whrch the fundrarser be compensated at leasl $5,000 by the orqanrzatron Name *nd address of rndrvrdual or @nttty (flndralser) (ii) Actrvrty (iii) Did funclra¡Éer h¿v*:: ' Çustody or {iv} Gross recerpts fi"om actrvlty control of c0ntr¡iluttôn3? Yes I ' (v) Amount pâtd {or retarned by) t0 fundrarser hsted tn col (i) rs (v¡) Amount pård to {or retarned by) orgèntzatton No 2 3 4 5 b 10 Total 3 Llst all stetes ln whlch the organrzètton ts regrstered or ltcensed to sohcrt contrrbut¡ons or has been not¡fled rt rs exempt lrom rêgtstratton or I r censr ng For Paf¡erwork Reduction Açt l{ottc€, see the In$truçt¡ons for form 990 or 990-ã2. cat Nô 500831"1 Schedule G (form 990 0r 990-EZl 2016 Schedule Part 990 or G II 2 2016 Fundraising Events. Complete rf Part IV, lrne 18, or roported more Z, lrnes 1 and 6b. Lrst events wrth answered "Yes'' Women of Valor (event type) 1 Gross recerpts , 2 3 Less Contnbut¡ons. 4 5 (Þ 1' f ¡I, ß¿ 7 t¡J uq) 8 È û i ( col (c)) event 92.88i Gross rncÕme (hne 1 mrnus hne 2) Cash pnzes Noncash prrzes <î) Rent/facrlrty costs 70,806 1,25C 1,250 Food and beverages Entartarnment Other drrect expenses 32,1 52 . 10 Drrect expense summary Add hnes 4 through 9 lf,Net Fart 70,80€ III rn 104,208 lncome silrnmary Subtract lrne 10 from lrne 3, column (d) m¡ng. Complete rf the organrzatron on Form 990Irne 6a a ! "Yes" on , Part IV, rne 19, or reported rnore thän $15,000 f (c) Other gamrng Brngo c) (d) Total g¿mrnç (add (a) through co1 (c)) col q¡ c¿ 1 Gross revenu€ . ç) s' tJ) C a CT ñ lj E LJ S Volunteer labor 7 Drrect expense summary Add lrnes t{et I tncÖmê sum ! Yes tr ilruo nNo î/y. fl Y¿s fJ ¡¿o .'!c. 5 rn column (d) lrne 7 from Ine c01umn Enter the state(s) rn r¿hrch the organrzatlon co¡ducts gðmtng actlvltte¡ a Is the organizatron ltcensed to conduct çamrng activrtres rn each of these 5tát€s7 b If !v*" I tlo il V*, I no "No," explarn lóa Were any of the organrzatron's b If "Yes," explarn gamrng lrcenseç revoked, suspended or termrnal@d durrng the tax year? Schedule G (Ëorm 990 or 990-Ë2) 2016 Schedule G (Fbrm 990 or 990.t2)',20tr$ F.ågÉ 1t Doeetheorg;inäãtion,êõndt¡Ct:gåñ1fi-9,åettvitrËb.:ìvrth ó.Þhnjei¡hêis? rt Is'thê 1 I a Þ, t4 h d rÇe-tÇ' ttr e_, percênbå g e,oiidårn r¡ig;iq c!rylr-y co. t' ,Ëlr,eÊ.,,ilro tllee i I l¡cled n lJxo. i Thä.,o::gánreation'È, faciÙly' ,!16. A¡.'sqtrrde.fåall!y' Enter the name End'sddress'of the person.who, preparEs the organrzgbon'e gamrndls-peqnl NameÞ Addrë5S.Þ. 164 Does the organrzatron h¿ve a contract wrlh a thrrd party from whom the orEantäätton rêcêtv€g Ëv"" üHo réVENUÊ? b If c If "Yes," enterthe amount of gamrng r€venue recerved by the organrzatron ãmount of gamrng revenue retalned by the thrd party $ ) ''Yes," enter namê and ¿ddress Name $ . Þ Address 16 of the thlrd pårty ) Þ Gamrng manåg€r rnformatron ,N.dihBÞ GÊmfi g rt'tånËÐår conpehsatton.ts Þ.e.i$n plrç n of :servrçes; Êr'c yrqÊd > Hl oira*u*¡rrf,"*. ¡*?' \ b ,f,lrra.ç, il,lvo Ent€'rïtfiê .ãm6.uitt ôfjdtbtiibíuhohs Pav"t ÃV tnforrnatþn (sse Return Reference r Fxplanatton Schedule c (Form 99O or99O-EZ) 2016 ]HimïñÇlÊç Transactions with Interested Persons - Þo NoT pRocËss efile GRAFHIC Schedule,L (Ëorm 990 or 990"82) ;934932510 ôMB No 1,345-0047 Þ Complete if the organlzatior¡ answered "Ye¡" on Form 99Or Part IV' lines 2Far ?"8h,?,6127,?'8a,2Ebr or 2016 or Fo¡m qÐO-¿Z, Part Vr line 3Ea or 40b, Þ Attach to Form 99O or form Ð90'gZ. ÞInformation about Schedule L (Form 990 or 990-EZ) and its D+Fírrt[ìfll1 0l' lhe Trcnrr¡n lnternrl Rcrsnue Srrr rcc w w W, I l:s* Rp.v, (l o ¡ m 9 9 a. is at i Open to Fublic Inspe-ction Name orga nlzatron lndependent Women's forum ï Pärt Excess Benefit Transactîons I (a) 2 'ã (sectron 501(c)(3), sectron 501(c)(4), and 501 N lrne 25a or (b) Relatronshrp between drsgualtfred person an{ Name of dtsqualtfred person organtzåtlon Corrected? No Yês under sec on Enter the ãmount of tax tncurred by organtzatron mênaçers or 4950 na 40b ,. >$ >$ . Enter the amount of tax, tf ðny, on ltne 2, above, rermbursed by the Part Iï Loans to and/or From Interested Persons (a) Name of (b) Reìatronsh:p rnterested person wrth organrzatron (c) 990, Part IV, hne 25, or tf the organtzatton Part V, hne Compiete rf the organtzatron answered "Yes" on Pårt llne ä (f)Balance Purpose due of loan (si In default: Yes III Grants or Corî Êtê rf thê (a) Yes No Yes No Þ Total FarE No (i)Wrrtten ãgreement? Name of rnterested person Persons. uåuoñ-a onshr p FÔrM (c) Amount of IV lnø 27. (d) Type of asststance assrstance (e) Purpose of assrstance Per5on For fa Act lor Ëorm 990 or 990-Ë2. 5005óA Schedufe L fForm 990 or 990-E2l 2O16 Schedule 1",(Fqrm"990 p¡ 990-HÐ â0.t_6 Pant IV t ,{e},iån¡.qünÞçf,"" tdsns'åcfioii p .hu-ghidff 8..?,;.üs$ Þ .(d iÞçsÈ-riÞf roïtf trqn s.âËtre$'' Införmât¡0n Provrde addrt¡onal "' ':11þ¿. ¡¡¡: i"%,gffi '.-' ç'r R€t$rÈ ReferÊnce $ /8i v Psrt V ' Èep:È¡ir-,çh I l Å I {Form Ð$0 or 990"Fel - Þo NoT SCHEDULE O (Form 990 or 99Ù- f,U d a Deporrnr*nt ol ths Tn+\ün PROCESS r,ï.tfËfr-!f+t ÞLN¡ 9349325Lo1?777 Supplemental lnformation to Form 090 or 990-HZ Gomplete to provide lnforunation for reeponees to :peclflc queslion* Form 990 or 99O-FZ or tc provide any additional inforrnation. Þ Åttach to Form *90 or 990-EZ, Þ Informatlon about Schedule O (Form 99O or 990*EZ) and lts vut¡ìrw1 independent Women's Ëorum 990 $chedule $upplementål Informãtion Explanatron \ç FtVl, 11b Lrne The Managrng Dnector and Executlve Dræotor revpw the or OMB No r)16 to Publ Inspection 7 990: Schedule 0, supplemental Informatio?n? Return Reference Explanation Pt UL Line 11b 990 A copy of the 990 Is prowded ?0 the board and GILL 5mm a} loud swemmoa pue mamaJ Jo; asunoo aplsinn 911:1 'm 1d aauajawu tummy unnemmur ieau?ama'lddin?g ?0 am paws 065 990 Schedulê O, Supplemefttäl Informätiûn ExÞlåriåtrü1 Fd,tur$ Eûf€rq_rçÊ Vl, Ltnê. 5â, .Pt ,J TlieË'rnange€.otlTräittdetalonf, y..rrith thd,0þåirirã¡Lsf the,Ëöard makb 990 Schedule 0, Supplemental Informatiun Return Reference Explanation Pt VI. Line 153 Managing Director and Executive Director based on 990 Schedule o, Supplêmerïtäl fnformatT$n ,FxFlårt*ftên, BÊtufrr pefforma¡ce,ãñ0,' parativ'*sãli ddþ,Thçì 990 ?Sich?edule 0, Supplemental Infarmati?o?? Return Reference Explanation Pt VI. Line 15a recommendauon :5 brought to the {ul? board for approval 9911 Schedule. 0, Supplemental! Information? Return Reference Explanation fi?t VI. Lina The Managing Director and Executive {Jirector 990 S?ch?dule I?fcrma-?ti?n Return Reference Exphnanon Pt V11 L1ne 15h make salary declsrons for IWF staff based on parme'Iance 990 Schedule 0, Supplement-a! Informatibn Retu rn Reterence Explanatmn Pt VI. LineI 15b and comparative salary data from other non-prom ôuË eW aqt ßegqpjçll¡no¡ro¡*lri€d¡ q.¡ iq'ariÞniiÞor9 . .qs]. å!¡n flA,td . .,. i..r i ., ,âruå*8tqü uçlT,alrgjdxt ,{J¿rrttt uol{çwrörur le¡uaualddns ,o atnpâqcs 066 990 gchÊdule o, supplemêntäl Informät¡ûn ,eXFtAR¿t¡on Eêtufn Raf.erensË PIVI,.L¡NE. :1S ' nlrec.rorandl.H¡ê,1utrvê.þiiéfi otroeêìtþga¡daþp¡.Q,v.¡l,of CISI. saumesyms Uleuao aul'] 'In 1d anumapa :31de mama unnewamuz 'o ampaqos'nss 99O Schedule O, Supp¡emental Xnforffiatinn nxS,l¿n¡¡tìon ü0.àf