r Ît-DONOT D OMÐ Return of Organizat¡on Exempt From lncome Tax ,"rr990 2017 Under section 501(c), 527, or 4947(a)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code (except privale fou ndations ) > l)cl\nrunL'irt ol the Trcrsun lìtcrn¡Ì Rc\ !'nùe Scr\ tcc > Do not enter soclal securlty numbers on thls tom as lt may be made publtc Informatron about Form 990 and rL; rnstructrons ß al w!!yJßS-gqylfg!4.99! Address charrge D lrlame change E lnrtr¿l returil t¡ ¡ E Inspeetion D Emplôyer rdenttftcâtloh c Na applrcable ú Open to Fublic L2-3 A For the 2017 B Check rf No 1545-0047 Forum 54-:-670627 u Number and streeL (or P o box rf nrarl rs not deltvered to street¿ddress) 1875 I street NW Anlended return AppIc¿ttÒn or provtnce, counlry, and Washrnqton, DC 20006 J r¿xexernptstat''t KFormoforg¿nrzatìon st H(a ) NW H(b) sor1.¡( )<(rnsertno) nqs+z(u)(r)o' Sszl Elsor(.)(:) ! M recerpts 5 2,354751 pnncrpal offrcer N¿me CARRIE LUKAS 1875 r or E frust E corporatron Árro.,u,,on D H(c) domrcrle M otn", > DC I Part 1 Bnefly d escnbe the organtzatton's mrssron or most stg nlflcant ¿ctìvltles THEIR LIVES AND IMPACT OF PUBLIC THEM ENGAGE MORE INDIVIDUALS IN THE CIVIC FOR AND RI O a t = o 2 Check thrs box Þ ñ rf the orgàðlzatlon dlscontlnued lts oPeratrons or 3 Number of votrng members of the governlng body (Pàrt VI, ilne la) 4 Number of rndependent votlng members of the governtng body (Part'VI, hne lb) 5 Total number of lndtvrduals employed tn calendar year 20L7 (Pårt V, llne 2¡¡ì 6 Total number ofvolunteers (estlmale lf necessary) ' 7a Total unrelated bustness revenue from PartVIII, column (C). llne 12 ' b Net unreleted buslness bax¿ble tncome lrom Form 990-T. ìrne 34 ' 19 4 g I ¿ than 259o 0f lts net 3 5 19 6 B 7a 7b Current Year Prior Year 10 contnbuttons ãnd gr¿nts (Part VIII, llne th) . Progrâm servlce revênue (Pàrt VUI, llne 29) ,. lnvestment tncome (Part VIII, column (A), lrnes 3' 4, and 7d 11 Other revenue (PartVIII, coiumn (A), llnes I 9 q' = o, (r E i, I throuqh 12 Total révênue-add lLnes 13 14 Grants and srrhllar èmounts pald 15 I Benefrts patd to or for members Salaries, other compensatlon. b ê. n (A), hne I otal 22 Part 0 8B 1,090 4BB 1 0 Part IX, column (A), flne 25) 3,429,42s t.1t5.646 4,3tO,966 2,206,r34 II of per¡ury, I knowledge end beltef, lt ls true, correct, 20 ' rncludrng Declaratton preparer (other than Àq1 End of Yêãr Bêg¡nnrng of culrent Yedl n ê 2 6) X, -)) 1,356,65C 72 balances Subtract llne 21 from lrne Net 1,04 1 (Part X, lrne L6 2L Total lla @ 0 êxpenses (Pèrt la Total expenses Add lihès 13-17 19 Revenue less expenses 5ubtract lrne t8 20 09,098 ) I co 1 > 148, Tolal fundrarstnq expenses 17 other 3,673 2,95412L6 ne 12) lX, column (A), l¡ne 4) benefrts (Part IX, tolumn (A), hnes 5-10) 16a Professtonal fundratstnq fees (Pert 'f 0 -444 ) !-3 lrnes 2,074,542 2,950,981 5,6d,8c,9c, 10c, and 11e) PãÊt VIlt, column ( B 4 1.,576,747 1,439,05 2,3so,L97 2,234,958 -773,4LÊ -79s,907 1 of my rs based on all lnformatlon of whtch preparer has an 5¡gn Here [)ale ol or pnnt nàme ¿nd trtle Prtnt/lyÞe prepar er's nènre Paid Preparer Use Only DOUGLAS S CORI:Y CPA Fiín's ndûre Þ > Frrm's address Preparer's 5rqò¿tuie DOIJGLAs S CORiY CPA Doucll¿s CoreY & Assoclatès PC I o2o1 Falrf¿x Blvd sulte 480 Date 2018-08-17 clreck ! F P00535040 sENÞ Pho^e ¡ro (703) 354-2900 i¿rilùx, VA 22030 lulay the IRS dtscuss thrs return wrth ihe PreParêr shown above? (see rnstrLctrons) for papãrwork Reduction Act Notlce. see the separate instructions rf EY.r !¡¡o Cat No 11282Y Form 990 (2017) Page 2 Form 990 (2017) St'3'.ement of Program Service Accomplishments Pärt 1 Check rf Schedule O contatns a organtzatron's mtsston Brrefly descrt e more E nse or note to an lrne tn thrs PaÉ III the crvrc 2 Drd the organrzatron undertake ãny stgntfrcant progråm servrces durrng the year whlch were not lrsted orr 3 the prror Form 990 or 990-EZt If "Yes," descrlbe these new servlces on Schedule O Dld the organtzatton cease conductrng, or make stgntftcant changes tn how lt conducts, any program v"' fl Ml H" trv". M ¡¡o servrces? If "Yes," descrlbe these changes on Schedule O 4 Descrrbe the organrzatron's program servtce accomplrshments for each of tts three largest program servlces, és measured by expenses 4a (Code Sectton 50l(c)(i) and 501(c)(al organlzattons are requrred to report the amount of grants and allocatlons to others, the total expensesr and revenue, tf any, for each program servlce reported ) (Expenses g 1,528,349 tncludtng grants of $ $ See Addrtronal Data 4b (Code ) (Expenses ) (Revenue g $ See Addrhonal Dðta 4c (CÒde 4d Other program servtces (Descrtbe 4e Total tn o) grants of (Expenses $ Servlce ex ) (Revenue g rrrcludrng grants of $ ) (Expenses $ $ ) (Revenue $ Form 990 2077 Page 3 Form 990 (2017) Part IIP Checklist of u¡red Schedules Yes Is the orqanrzatron descrrbed rn sectron 501(c)(3) or 4947(a)(1) (other than a prlvête foundatron)z 1 scheduË If "Yes," complete t5 Is th€ organtzatron requrred to complete Schedule B, Schedule of Contrbutors (see tnstructtons¡r $¡ Drd the organrzatton engage rn dlrect or lndlrect polrtrcal campargn acttvttles on behalf of or ln opposttton to candldgtes for publtc offrcet If "Yes," complete Schedule C, Part I 2 3 No Yes 1 2 Yes No 3 Section 501(c)(3 ) organizations. 4 the organìzåtron engage rn lobbyrng acttvtttes, or have a sectron 501(h) electron ln effect durtng tfre tax year? "Yes," complete Schedule C, Part II I If Is the organrzatron a sectton 501(c)(4), 501(c)(5), or 501(c)(6) organtzatlon that recetves membershtpdueÈ, assessmants, or slmllar amounts as deflned ln Revenue Procedure 98-19? If "Yes," complete Schedule C, Part Iil Dld the organtzatton matntatn any donor advtsed funds or any srm lar funds. or accouÌTts for tnthlch donors havethe rtght to provlde advtce on the dlstnbutlon or tnvestment of amounts tn such funds or åccoÐnts7 Drd 5 6 If "Yes," complete Schedule D, Part I . Dld the orgântzatton recetve or hold â conservatton easement, rncludtng easements to preserve open space, the envrroñment, htsto¡c land areas, or hrstonc structures? If "Yes," complete Schedula D, Part II mllar assets? 7 I 4 Yes No 5 No 6 7 No I No 9 No 10 No lrabrlrty, serve as a custodlan rep¿rr, or debt negottatton 9 10 11 a 11a b 1lb No 11c No d 1Id No e 11e No f 1lf Yes I2a 12a Yes b 12b No c 13 L4a Yes 13 No 14a No 14b No 15 No 16 No ,,7 No b 15 16 17 18 19 servlces on Part lX, Drd the orgðntzatton report a total of more than $t5,000 of expenses for professtonal fundrarsrng column (Aj, lrnes 6 ani 11er lf "Yes," complete Schedule G, Part f (see tnstructrons) contrlbutlons o-n Part VIII, Drd the organtzatton report more than $15,000 total of fundra tsrng event gross lncome and cll 4 lLnes f c and 8a? If "Yes," complete Schedule G, Pãrt II If "Yes," 9at VIII, llne Part on gamtng acttvlttes Drd the organtzatton report more than $15,000 of gross tncom e trom complete Schedule G, Part III 1a l9 Yes No Form 99O 2017) Page Form 990 (2017) 4 l¡st of Required Schedules (conûnued) Yes 20a Drd the organrzatron operate one or more hosprtal factlrtresT If "Yes," complete Schedule H 2Oa b If "Yes" to lrne 2Oa, drd the organrzätton attach a copy of rts audrted flnanclal statements to thls returnT 27 Dld the organrzatron report more than $5,000 of grants or other assrstance to any domestlc organlzatlon government on Part IX, column (A), lrne L2 If "Yes," complete Schedule I, Parts I and Il 22 Dld the organtzatton repod more than $5,000 of grånts or other ¿sslstance to or for domestlc tndtvlduals . column (A), lrne 2t If "Yes," complete Schedule I, PartsI and III No Dld the organrzatron malntarn an escrow account other than a refundtng escrow at any ttme durrng the year to defease any tåx-exempt bondsr d Dld the organtzatton act as an "on behalf oF' lssuer for bonds outstandtng èt any tlnÌê durrng the yearT ' Drd the organizátroñ ån bànãirt tiansãctton wtth a drsquetÉted person durlnq the year? No 2L Dld the organrzatron answer "Yes" to Part VII, Sectron A, lrne 3, 4, or 5 about compensatton of the orga¡tzatton's current and tormer offtcers, drrectors, trustees, key employees, and htghest compensated employees? lf "YeÐ'" g completeScheduleJ . 24a Drd the organrzatron have a tax-exempt bond lssue wlth an outstandlng prtnctpal amount of more than $100,00Oas of the last dJy of the year, that was lssued after December 3L, 20027 If "Yes," answertþnes 24b through 24d and complete Schedule K If "No," go to l¡ne 25a . . b Drd the organrzatron rnvest any proceeds of tax-exempt bonds beyond a temporary. pertod excepttonT . 25a Section 501(c)(3)' 501 (c) (4), and 501 (c)( 29) organizations. No ,nh 23 c No Îf 23 Yes No 24a 24b 24c 24d "Yes," 25a No 25b No 26 No 27 No 28a No 28b No 28c No 29 No 30 No 31 No 32 No 33 No 34 34 No 35a Drd the organrzatron have a controlled entrty wlthrn the meanrng of sectton 512(b)(f3)? ,yes,to lrne 35a, drd the organtzatton recetve any payment from or engage tn any transactton wtth a controlled entlty b If wrthrn the meanrng of sectron 512(b)(13)? If "Yes," complete schedqle R' Part v' lne 2 35a No 35b No Part I complete Schedule L,"ng.ge-,n "x."ss b 26 27 28 a b c 29 30 31 ?2 33 36 37 38 Section SO1(c)(3) organizations, Dld the organtzåtton make any transfers to an exempt non-charltable related organrzatron? If "Yes," complete'schedule R, Part V, ltne 2 and that Drd the organtzatton conduct more than 5Yo of rts actrvrttes through an entlty that ts not a related,organtzatton VI R, Part Schedule complete "Yes," purposes? If tax rncome partnershrp federal for is a iràat"a L 11b and 19? Note' Drd the organrzâtton complete Schedule O and provrde expla natrons rn Schedule O for Part VI, lrnes All Form 990 fllers are requtred to complete Schedule O 36 No 37 3a Yes Form 990 (2017) Page 5 Form 990 (2017) statements Regarding other IRS Filings and Tax compliance [!fl Check rf Schedule O contarns a onse oT note to a ¡ lrne rn thrs Paft V Yes -0- f not applrcable la b c Enter the number reported tn Box 3 2a Enter the number of employees reported on Form W-3, Transmtttal of Wage and Tax Statements, frled for the calendar year endtng wlth or wlthln the year covered by 2a thts relurn If at least one rs reported on ltne 2a, dtd the organrzatron frle all requtred federal employment tax returns? Note,lf the sum of llnes 1a and 2a rs greater than 250, you may be requtred to e-frle (see rnstructlons) Dld the organtzatron have unrelated busrness gToss rncome of $1,000 or more durrnq the year? . b 3a oF Form 1096 Enter Enter the number of Forms W-2G tncluded tn ltne 1a Enter 'O- rf not appltcable 1a No ¿ó 1b a n lzatron comply wrth backup lvlthholdtng rules for reportable payments to vendors and reportable 9amtn9 (gambltn g) wtnntngs to pnze wtnnersT . Drd the o rg h¿s lf flled a Form 990-T for thrs yearrlf "No" to ltne 3b, provtde an explanatton tn Schedule O ' trme durrng the cãlendãr year, drd the organrzatron have an tnterest tn. or a stghature or ôther authortty over, flnanclal accôunt in a forergn coLtntry (such as a bank account, securtttes account, or other flnanctàl account)? 1c 2¡) 34. No 3b b If "Yes," 4ã At any Yes a No b lf "Yes," enterthe nameof theforetgn country > See rnstructrons for frltng requlrements for FInCEN Form 114, Report of Foretgn Bank and Ftnanctal Accouhts (FBAR) 5a Was the organrzatron a party to a prohrbrted tax shelter transàctron àt any ttme dunng the b c 6a b tax year? Drd any taxable party nottfy the organtzatton that rt v!às or Is a party to a prohrbrted tax shelter tr¡nsactton? If"Yes," to ìrne 5a or5b, dld the organtzatton flle Form 8886-T? a d "Yes,', drd the organizatton nottfy the donor of the value of the goods ôr serVlces ÞrovtdÊd? Drd the org¿ntzêtton sell, exrhange, or otherwrse drspose of tangtble persônel propêrty for whrch tt was requtred to ftle Form B28Z? 7d Il "Yes," rndlcate the number of Forms 8282 frled durtng the year e Dld the orgänrzatron recetve any funds, dtrectly or rndrrectfy, to pay premlums on a personal beneflt contract? b c If f Drd the organrzatton, durrng the yeèr, pay premrur¡s¡ drrectly or tRdtrectly, on a personal beneflt contrèct? g If the organtzatton recelved a contnbutlon of quahfred rntellectual prÒpèrty, dtd the organtzatlon flle Form 8899 as req ur red ? h lf the organtzatton recelved a contnbútrÒn of cars, boats, atrplanes. or other vehlcles, dtd the organtzatlon flle a Form 1098-C7 I Sponsoring organizations maintaining donor advised funds. Did a donoia¿vsed fund malnta¡ned by tie sponsonng organrzàtron have excess bustness holdrngs at any tlme durlng the year? ga b 10 a b 11 a b . Dld the sponsor ng organrzatron rnake any tax¿ble dlstrrbutlons under sectton 4966: D¡d the spônso¡ng org¿ntzãtton make a drstrbutron to ä donor, donor advtsor, or related Person? ' Inrtratron tees and capltal contrlbutlons lncluded on Part VIII, ltne 12 Gross recetpts, lncìuded on Form 990, Part VIII, llne 12, for pubhc use of club facrlltles b No 6a No 6b 7a Yes 7b Yes 7c No 7e No 7Í No 7g 7h I 9a 9b 10a 10b Section 501(c)(12) organizations. Enter Gross rnconre from members or sh¿reholders 11a Gross lncome From other sources (Do not net amounts due or patd to other sources agarnst amounts due or r'ecelved from them ) 11b Section ag47(a)(L) non-exemPt charitable trusts, Is the organtzatton frltng Form 990 ln lleu of Form 1041) b If,,Yes,' eìter the amount of tax-exempt ìlteTest Tecelved or accrued durtng the year 12b a 5b Section 5o1(c)(7) organizations. Enter L 2a 13 No 5c Does the organtzatton have annual gross recerpts that are normally greater than $100,000, and dld the organrzatlon solrctt any contrtbuttons that were not tax deductlble as charrtable contrlbutlons? It "Yes," cjrd the organrzatlon tnclude wrth every solrcrtatton an express stetement that such contrlbuttons or I fts were not tax deducttble) Organizations that may receive deductible €ontr¡butions under section 170(c). Drd the organrzatton Tecetve a payment tn excess of$75 made partly as a contrlbutlon and Peftly forgoods and servl provtded to the payor: 7 5a 12a Section 501(c)(29) qualifíed nonprofit health insurance issuers. the orgàntzatton llcensed to rssue qualrfred health plans tn more thån ône stateTNote' See the lnstructlons for addrt¡ona nformatron the organtzatton must report on Schedule O Ënter the arnount of reserves the organtzaiton ts requtred to malntaln by the stètes ln 13b whrch the organrzatlon ls llcensed to tssle qual fred health plans Js 13c c Enter the amount of reserves on hand yearT t¿X lhe rndooTtannlng durrng SerVlces for recelVeany organtzatton ' ' Dtd the 14a Payments ,'yes,'h¿srtftledaFormT20toreportt:lesepàymentstlf "No,"prowdeanexPlanattontnScheduleO b If 13a 14a No 14b Form 990 12017) Page 6 Form 990 (2017) @ E!,'å[i3iïå'iå,li,lå]lll:ï: .?Ë;H,:',"j.:',;i'J";,:ä :,'!f!ìå"?,'i€ln:"::i:":^'::"betow' and,ror a "No " response to ltnes M Check rf Schedule O contatns a resÞonse or note to any lrne ln thls Part VI Section A. Governin B and Mana Yes la EnterthenumberoFvotlngmembersofthegovernlngbodyattheendofthetaxyear No 1a If there are matenal drfferences tn vottng rtghts among members of the governtng body, or ttthe governtng body delegated broad authorrty to an executlve comr¡rttee of s¡mrlar commrttee, explatn ln Schedule O b Enter the number of vottng members ¡ncluded tn itne 1a. above, who are lndêpendent e 1b rp wrth any other Drd any offrcer, drrector, trustee, or key employee haVe a famtly relattonshtp or a bustness re offrcer, drrector, trustee, or key employeee Dld the organrzatrón delegate control over mänagement dutles customarrly performed by or under the drrect supervlsl of offlcers, dtrectors or trustees, or key employees to a management company or other person? 2 3 + of th,e orsanrzatLon T"U: "ï stsnrftcant.n:nn:. ,o,',..n.u:rn,:n O:.u:"n.t' ':n.".,nu.0.,:r 3 No 4 No 5 No 6 No 7a No 7b No Form 9e0.was frledz Dld the orgåntzatron become aware durtng the year of a stgntftcant dlverslon of the organtzatlon's ¿ssets? 5 Yes 6 Drd the organtzatron have members or stockholdersr . 7a Dtd the organrzatron have members, stockholders, or other persons who had the power tó elêct or appotnt one or more members of the governtng bodYr or b Are any governance clecrslons ofthe organrzatron reserved to (orsub¡ect to approval by) members, stockholders, persons other than the governtng body: I the organrzat on contemporaneously document ihe meettngs held or wrltten acttons undertaken durtng the year by Drd the followtng a The governtng body; b Each commtttee wrth authorlty to act on behalf of the governtng bodyr 9 ls there any offtcer, dtrector, trustee, or key employee llsted tn Paft VlI, Sectron A, who cannot ô rq a n rzatto n 's marlrng address2 If "Yes," provde the names and addresses tn Schedule O not Section B. Policies Thts Sectton Drd the organtzatron have a wrltten confllct of lnterest Polrcyr Drd the organrzatLon Drd the organtzat on 13 L4 Dtd the organtzatron 15 Drd Yes 9 No Yes ¡¡ "No," go to ltne 13 ' co n fl rcts2 Schedule O how thts 8b the Internal Revenue Code. ' that could glve rlse to lnterests annually dlscìose to requtred emp oyées and key or trustees, b Were offrcers, dtrectors, c Yes be reached at the 10a Drd the organrzatron have local chapters, branches, or afflllatesr afftltates, b If,'yes,', drd the organ zatron have wrrtten polrcres and procedures governtng the acttvtttes of such chapters, and brånches to ensure therr operatrons are consrstent wrth the organtzabton's exempt purposes) the 11a Has the oTgantzatton provrded a complete copy of thrs Form 990 to all members of lts governlng body before frltng form2 b Descr¡be tn Schedule O the process, tf any, used by the organlz€tlon to revlew thls Form 990 I2a 8a regularly and conslstently monrtor and enforce compltance wrth the polrcyr was done ' ' h¿ve a wrltten whtstleblower polrcy? have a wrltten document Tetentlon and destructton poltcyr ¡¡ "Yes," descnbe rn 1oa No No 10b 1la Yes 12a Yes 12b Yes L2c Yes 13 Yes 74 Yes 15a Yes 1sb Yes the process for determtntng compensatton of the followrng persons tnclude a revlew ¿nd approvaì by tndependent p"rron., comparabrlrLy data, aÃd côntemporaneous substantrat¡on of the dellberatton and declslon? The argånrzatron's CEO, Execut¡ve Dlrector, or top management offlclal b Other offrcers or key employees of the or9ånrzatlon If ,,Yes" to lrne 15a or 15b, descrrbe the process ln schedule o (see tnstructrons) a wlth a 16a Dtd the organrzatton lnvest rn, contrrbube assets to, or parttctpate tn a Jolnt venture or slmtlar arrangement taxable entrty durrng the Year: ,,yes," drd the organrzatron follow a wítten polrcy or procedure requlrlng the organlzatlon to eveluate lts paftlclpatlon b If the organlzatlon's exempt rn ¡ornt venture ai-rangements under applrcable federal tax law, and take steps to safequard status wrth respect to such arrangementsT sclosu re C, Lrst the States rqlth whrch a copy of thts Form 990 ls requi red to be frledÞ 16ã No 16b Section 17 18 19 20 AL, AR , AK, CA, CO , CT, FL, GA, IL, KS, KY , NV , I,IE , I'4D , l.'lA, MI, MN, MS, HI, NH N],Nf\4,NY NC ND, OH , OK ,OR,PA,Rl,SC,TN,UT , VA, WA, WI , (501(c)(3)s only) sectron 6104 Tequrres an organrzatron to make rts Form 1023 (or 1024 rf applrc-abl.e), 990, and 990'T avallable for pubìrc nspectto-n Indlcate how you maoe these avatlable Check ¿ll that apply n o,rn websrte n Another's websrte M upon request ! oth". (explarn rn Schedule O) conflict of lnterest Descrrbe ln Schedule O whether (and rf so, how) the organlzåtron made tts govern ng documents, polrcy, and frn¿ncral statements avatlable to the publ c durtng the tax year teco'ds State the name, adcjress, and telephone number of the person Who possesses ihe orqantZatton's books And >PETER LIPS !875 I5t NW Washtngto n, DC 20006 (540) 8eB-4752 Form 99O (2017) ?age Form 990 (2017) 7 ComfJensation of Offícers, Directors,Trustees. Key Employees, H¡ghest Compensated Employees, and Independent Contractors EEEEI, Check rf Schedu e O contarns a response or note to any ltne tn thls PaÉ VII Section A" Officers, Directors/ Trustees, Key Employees, and Highest ComPensated Employees 1ã Complete thrs table for all persons requrred tô be lLsted Repc,:'t compensatton for the calendar year endtng wtth or wrthrn the organtzâtton's tax year r Lrst all of the organrzatron's current offlcers, drrectors, tr'ústees (whether rndtvlduals or organtzatlons), regardless of amount of compensatron Enter -0- ¡n columns (D), (E), and (F) rf no compensatton was patd aLtstalloftheorganrzatlon'scurrentkeyemployees,rfany Seernstructronsfordeflntttonof"keyemployee" a Ltst the organrzatron's f¡ve current hrghest compensated employees (other than an offlcer, dtrèctor, trustee or key employee) who recelved rãportable compensatron (Box 5 of Form W-2 and/or Box 7 of Form 1099-lvlISC) of more than s100r00q from the organrzatron and any related organlzattons r Lrst all of the organtzatlon's former offrcers, key employees, or hrghest compensated employees who reCelved more than $100'000 of reportable compensatron from ihe organlzatlon and any related organtzattons r Lrst all of the organtzatron's former directors or trustees that recerved, tn the capacrty as ¿ former dlrector or truslee of the organrzatron, more than S1O,00O of reportable compensatron from the orqantzatton ancj any related organtzattons Lrst persons ln the followrng order ¡ndrvrdual trustees or drrectors, lnstttuttonal trustees, offtcers, key employees, hlghest compensated employees, and former such persons E Chect< thrs box tf nelther the nor rel¿ted tzètton com (A) (c) (F) Name and Trtle Average hours per week (lrst any hours for relaied o rgan zatrons below dotted Posrtton (do not check more than one box, unless person rs both an offtcer and a Est mated r Itne) dr ql _a +: a' t, ù ,] ¡ 4 ,t, ,l B {. rl ,t, HEATHER R HIGGINS = .t. 'f i1 ,t. compensêtron from the organrzatton and related o rgan tzattons -T' = It c ¡ amount of other rector/trustee) í!¿ (1) or current offtcer, an (B) 500 0 0 0 0 Ch¿rrman of the Boarci (2) YVONNE S BOICE (3) GIOVANNA D 0 rector Dr CUGNASCA 100 0 rrÊctor (4) NAN HAYWORIH 100 0 0 X 0 X 0 0 X c 0 X 0 X 0 0 fector (5) ADELE I4ALPA5S 100 Dlrector (6) LARRY KUDLOW D rector (7) ABBY MOFFAT Dr (8) D 0 tector NIYLES POLLIN 100 rrectoÌ (9) CARRIE LUKAS 40 00 X x X 1 0 1B,003 Secreta ry (10) PETER UPS 20 00 36,500 X 0 TTe¿5ureT (11)Ai'4BER ScHWARTZ 40 00 X X 16 0 5,083 Executrve Vrcê PrestdeIt Form 99o (2017) Page Form 990 (2017) Part VIü Section A, Tru Di Em Name and Trtle Avera g e hours per week (ltst anY hours for related and o (D) (F) Posttron (do not check more than one box, unless person rs both an offrcer and a d recto r/trustee ) Reporta ble com pensatron Estrmated orga n rzattons belotry dotted Irne) t !¡_¿_ !l; l 'tl .) c. C a i* = q ¿ c0 ,r' ,f' ={ ,f 't q ,t,7 'r, û, 3 r:t Þ rÞ 11, ]E n,-, /t, ,t, -T amount of other compensatron from the organrzatron and from the organrzatton (W- 2/10e9-Mrsc) rel ated 'J ,!. 8 cônilnued (c) (B) (A) nsated Em hest 3 orga n rzatrons ,1, (-, = -r,f' = aa Êa ß. C! 1b Sub-Total c Total from continuation sheets d lb Total (add lines 2 and to Part VII, Section A lc 319 Total number of lndlvlduals (rncludlng but not l¡mlted to those l¡sted above) who recetved more than $100,000 of repodable compensatton from the organtzatron > 2 Yes or hrghest compensated employee on 3 Drd the organtzatton ltst any former offrcer, drrector or trustee, key employee, lrne 1a? If "Yes," complete Schedule I for such tndtvtdual . 4 For any lndlvrdual llsted on lrne la, ts the sum of reportable compensatton and other compensatlon from the organriatron and related organrzattons qreater thãn 515O,0OOt If "Yes," complete Schedule J for such tndtvtdual . No 3 4 . Drd any person lrsted on lrne 1a recelve or accrue compensatton from any unrelated orqanlzatlon or tndlvldual for servrces rendered to the organrzalron?If "Yes," complete Schedule J for such person , 5 No Yes 5 No Section B. I ndeoendent Contra Complete thls table for your frve htghest compensated lndepend ent contractors that recelved more than $100,000 of compensatton tax year n for the calendar year endrng wtth or wlthln the from the organtzatton RePot com (B) (A) t Name and bustttess addtess Camplon Research and Consulttttg 53 Whtte O¿k (c) Descíptron of sel.llces 129,335 Leqal Fellow 117,908 DnV.e CT Er rn tlawley 5215 E Co 163 H lu s¿tron Resêarch MO 2 Total number of rndependenl contrâctors com on from the anrzatron Þ 2 (rncludrng but not Itmrted to those ltsted above) who recetved more than $100,000 Form 9 (2017) 9 o Check of note a r¡ VI¡I (A) (c) Total revenue Unrelated (D) Rêveilue excluded from t¿x under 51 1a Federated càlhpårgns 8g_ b 9É eE4' Membershtp dues Itol . lt"l I'ol c Fundrars,ng êvents , d Related orgsnrzattons ¡;, ËË (9= e o.= f ãv, coveinment grants (contfl bqtrons) All other contr¡buhons, grfts, gr¿nts, ând srmrlàr ¿mouñts not hclu<,ed above Ëo¡ 'co g ÞÉ (Jo h Total.Àdd llnes 1e l',1 2,Q74,542 Noncåsh cont¡rbutrons rncluded rn ltnes la-lf $ la-{f . Bustnêss ! & ù 3 cñ È b c d e f All other prc.grãm servræ revenue gÎótäl.Add ltnes z¡r-zf 3 rnco ñtè srmrlär amounts) . . udlnE drvrdends, rnterôst, . 4 Income from rnvestment of t¿x-exempt bond proc€êds 5 Royaltres , . N. (rr) Personal r) Reål 6a Gross lêñtE q) = 6 qt c b Less rentål êxpaoses c Rental rncomè or (tóss) d Net rental rncome or (loss) d Net gåln al'(loss) 8a Gross rncome from fundratstng (not lncludlng $ of contnbuhons rèpoÈed on ltne 1c) Seê Part lV, hn:e 18 b Less drêst expenses , toa,420 d) I o 9a Gross rncome from See Pàrt IV, ftnè 19 c Net es5 returng a b Less cost of gopds c Net 11ag¡¡s¡ ¡¡çs¡g 678 b ç d reve nue eTotal. Add llhes 114-1ld 12 Total ievenuê. See Instructtons 67t Form 990 (2017) Page 1O ffiional Expenses Sectron 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(a) organrzatrons must còmplete all columns All other organrzatrons must complete column (A) Check tF Schedule O contarns a se or note to a Do not include amounts reported on lines 6b, 7b, 8b,9b, and 10b of Part VIIL 1 lrne rn th s Part IX (B) (A) lotà1 expenses (D) PTógram seTVrce e xÞenses Fu ndra rsrnqex penses Grants and other assrstance to domesttc organrzattons and domestrc governments See Part IV, rne 21 f 2 Grants and other assrstance to domestlc rndrvrduals See Part IV, lrne 22 3 4 5 Grants and other assrstence to forergn organrzatrons, forergn governments, and foretgn tndlvrduals 5ee Part IV, lrne 15 and 16 Benefrts pard to or for members Compensatton of current offrcers, dtrectors, trustees, and key employees 6 Compensatron not rncluded above, to dtsqualtfted persons ( defrned under sectron 4958(f)(1)) and persons descrtbed tn sectron 4958(c)(3)(B) 7 8 Other salarres and wåges 9 Other employee beneflts 242,801 3s,383 124,7 15 565,786 97,673 8,569 2po4 1,003 71,111 56,645 9,895 4,57r t6,7 50 16,7s0 0 0 )-4A,917 140,917 0 0 r7,grz 0 t7,8L2 0 514,570 479,064 9,3L7 26.189 20,599 8,13 5 3,55 2 r,295 1,295 0 6 1,256 Pensron plan accruals and contrtbuttons (tnclude sectlon 401 (k) and 403(b) employer contrtbuttons) 1O Payro taxes 11 4.902 283,086 Fees for servrces (non-employees) a lvlanagement b Legal c Accountrng d Lobbyrng e Professronal fundratstng gervrces See Part IV, ltne 17 f Investment management fees (If lrne 119 amount exceeds 10% of lrne 25, column (A) amount, lrst lrne 119 expenses on Schedule O) g Other 12 13 14 Advertrsrng and promotton Offrce expenses Informatron technology 15 Royaltres 16 Occup¿ncy 17 Trave 18 Payments of travel or entertarnment expenses for eny federal, state, or local publrc offlctals 19 Conferences, conventrons, and mee[tngs 20 Interest 21 P¿yments to affrlrates 22 Deprecratron, depletron, and amort 23 Insurance 24 Other expenses ltemrze expenses z¿tton not covered above (Ltst m scellaneous expenses tn ltne 24e If llne 24e amount exceeds 1070 of lrne 25, column (A) amount, llst ltne Z4e expenses on Schedule o ) a Actrve engagement/market evaluatton b Events (non-fundrarstng) c Drrect marl d Dues and subscnpttons e Ai other n6es 25 Total functional 26 Joirrt costs. Complete Add lrnes 1 through Z4e I S12 0 965 282 lss 4 76R 110 812 6,25 0 3I,4r7 0 3t,4r7 0 2,806 2,748 439 279 2,784 0 2,784 0 49,006 49,0 06 0 0 r24, /32 106 401 922 7,397 0 o r,397 18,841 t7.824 1,,007 10 75,98 5 51,499 r2,725 17,76I ,82 5.36 3 23t,862 148,909 5.963 4,116 83,600 13,691 21206,134 1 5, 71 ,4O9 thrs llne oniy rf the organtzatton reported rn column (B) lornt costs from a comblned educatronal campåtgn and fundrats ng sollcttatlon Check here > fl rf followrng SOP 98-2 (ASC 958-720) Fornr 990 t7\ Page Form 990 (2017) Part x' Balänce Sheet Check rf Schedule O contatns a nse or note to lrne rn thrs Part IX (B) End of year (A) Begrnnrng of year I Cash- non- nterest-bea 2 Savrngs and temporary cash tnvestments 3 Pledges and grånts recetvable, net 4 Accounts Tecetvable, net 5 Loans ¿nd other recelvables from current and former offtcers, dtrectors, trustees, key employees, and htghest compensated employees Complete Part lI of Schedule L . Loans and other recelvables from other drsqualtfted persons (as defrned under sectron 4958(f)(1)), persons descrtbed ln sectlon a95B(c)(3)(B), änq . contrrbutrng employers and sponsortng organtzattons of sectron 501(c)(S) voluntary employees' beneftcrary organtzattons (see tnstructrons) Complete Part II ot Schedule L Notes and loans recetvable, net I 6 o a 7 I I 10b 18,01 16 Other assets See Part IV, lrne 11 Total assets.Add lrnes 1 through t5 (must equal llne 34) 77 Accounts payable and accrued exÞenses 19 Deferred revenue 20 Tax-exempt bond llabllrtles 4,173 10c 2,668 TZ 11 13 11 15 1 ,576.781 16 1,439,05'1 344,960 L7 259,958 . 19 20 2t or custodlal account lrabrlrty Complete Part IV of Schedule D Loans and other payables to current and former ofrlcers, dtrectors, trustees, key employees, hrghest compensated erRployees, and drsqualrfted Escrorry persons Complete Part II of Schedule L 22 . 23 24 Secured mortgages and notes payable to unrelated thrrd parttes Unsecured notes and loans payable to unrelated thtrd parttes 25 other lrabllrtles (rncludrng federal rncome tax, payables to related thtrd pa*tes, 2,0a5,237 and other llabtlttles not rncluded on lrnes 17-24) Complete P¿rt X of Schedule D Total liabilities.Add llnes 17 through 25 Organizations that follow SFAS 117 (ASC 958), check here complete lines 27 through 29, ând lines 33 and 34' Þ 8l 27 Unrestncted net assets 28 29 Temporartly restrlcted net assets Permanently restrtcted net assets 30 Organizations that do not follow SFAS 117 (ASC 958)' check here Þ Ë an¿ complete lines 3O through 34' Caprtal stock or trust prrnctpal, or current funds 31 Pard-tn or caprtal surplus, or Iand, burldrng or equtpment fund 32 Retarned earnlngs, endowment, accumulated lncome¡ or other funds 33 Total net assets or fund balances Total lrablllttes and net asseis/fund balances 34 12,459 1a Grants u- I L4 18 23 1 11 15 o z Less accumulated dePrectatton lntangtble assets c) C) 20,681 L4 26 o 1Oa Investments-program-related See Part IV, lrne G 36,1 8 8 13 22 4 7 8,336 12 (¡ 2L c0 135 Land, bulldrngs, and equtpment cost or other basrs Complete Part VI of Schedule D payable 1.387 ,743 ,564,'137 2 lnvestments-pubhcly tr¿ded securttles Investments-other securlttes See Part IV. ltne 11 J 1 ng Prepard expenses and deferred charges b o rt Inventones for sale or use t0a 11 24 1,975,000 25 2,350,197 26 2,234,958 -990,270 27 -795,907 216,854 28 an¿ 29 30 31 32 ,773,416 1,576,781 33 795,907 ?4 1,439,051 Form 99O (2017 Page Form 990 (2017) Reconcilliation of Net Assets [![[[ Check rf Schedule O contarns a nse or note to an 1 Total revenue (must equal Part VIII, column (A), ltne 12) 2 Total expenses (must equal Part IX, column (A), ltne 25) Revenue less expenses Subtract llne 2 from lrne 1 3 lrne rn thls Part XI I -22,49L -773,416 Net assets or fund balances at begrnnlng of year (must equal Part X, ltne 33, column (A)) 5 Net unrealrzed garns (losses) on tnvestments 6 Donated servrces and use of factllttes 6 7 Investment expenses 7 I Prror pertod ad¡ustments 5 . 9 Other changes rn net assets or fund balances (explarn tn Schedule O) 10 Net assets or fund balances at end of year Combtne ltnes 3 through 9 (must equal Part X, ltne 33, column Part XII Financial Statements and Reporting Check rf Schedule O contâtns a res 2,L83,643 2,206,134 4 se or note to a (E)) 795,907 10 lrne rn thrs Part XII Yes 1 2a 12 n casn El Accrual Accountrng method used to prepare the Form 990 If the organtzatton changed lts method of accounttng from a prror ye¿r or checked Schedule o Were the organtzatton's flnanctal statements comptled or revtewed by an If 'Yes,' check ¡ No Qther ln 2a No box below to rndlcate whether the ftnancral stãtements for the year were comptled or revlewed on a separate basts, consoltdated basts, or both fl b Separate basrs n Consolrdaied basrs fl aotfr consolrdated and separate basts Were the organrzatron's ftnanctal statements audrted by an tndependent accountant? If ,yes,' check a box below to lndlcate whether the flnancral statements tor the y;êar were audtted on a separate basts, consolrdated basts, or both M separate basrs ! Consolrdated basls E have a commtttee that assumes responstbtlrty for overstght of the audrt, revrew, or comprlatron of rts frnancral statements and selectton of an tndependent account¿nt? If the organrzatron changed erther lts oversrght process or selectlon pTocess durtng the tax year, explatn ln Schedule O b As a result of a federal award, was the organrzatron requrred Audrt Act and OMB Clrcular A-1337 to undergo an audlt or audtts as set forth rn t 2c Yes the Srnqle or audtts? If the organtzatlon dld not undergo the requtred drd the organtzatton undergo the Scheduìe O and descrlbe an y steps taken to undergo such ¿udlts audrt or audrts, explatn why If "Yes,'' Yes aotfr consolldated and separate basts c If "Yes,'' to llne 2a or 2b, does the organrzatron 3a 2b 3a No 3b Form 990 (2017) Additional Data Software ID: 17005306 Software Version: EIN: ' Name: 54-1670627 IndePendentWomen's 7) Form 990, Part III, Line 4al DOMESTIC PôLICY AND ECONOMICS - IWF EXAMINES THE IMPACT OF POLICIES L.AWS AND EDUCATION SYSTEM - ON AMERICAN FAMILIES AND THE ECONOMY . SUCH A5 OUR TAX CODE, . HEAITH CARE Form 990, Part III, Line 4b¡ SPoKESWOMËNr BRINGÍNG-TH-EIR-MESSAGE TO AUoIENCE AND EARNED MEDIA - IWF PRoMOTES rHÊ woRK oF ouR scHoLARS AND rO HELP BUILD lutgoiÀ ÈLnrroaus rwF ALSo oevelops EDUCATToNAL MATERIALS , TELEVISION, RADIO. THE rr,lienñeinrrlo-socl¡l_ UNDERSTANDING OF ECON ONlIC FACTS AND PRINCIPLES Part I1 2 Page Schedule A (Form 990 or 99O-EZ) 2Ot7 Support Schedule for Organizat¡ons Described in Sections 170(b) ( 1)(A)(iv)' 170(b)(1)(A)(vi), and 17o (u)(r)(AXix) (Complete only rf you checked the box on llne 5, 7, B, or 9 of Part under the tests lrsted below nrzatron farls to I or rf the organrzatton falled to qualrfy under III. If thE Part ase com Section A. Public Su year (a) 2013 (or fiscal year beginning in) Þ 1 Glfts, grants, contrrbutrons, and membershtp fees recetved (Do not rnclude any "unusual grant ") T¿x revenues levled for the organrzatton's beneftt and etther pard to or expended on lts behalf The value of servtces or factlttles furnrshed by a governmental unlt to the organtzatlon wrthout charge Total, Add lrnes I throuqh 3 The portron of total contrrbuttons by each person (other than a governmental untt or publtclY 2 3 4 5 (b) 2074 660,434 1,183,823 660,434 1, r 83,8 23 (c) (f) 201s 8,247,3tB 7,377,532 247 2,O74,542 2,950,987 Public support. Subtract llne 3r8 t,t93,249 supported organtzatton) lncluded on lrne 1 that exceeds 2% of the amount shown on ltne 11, column (f) 6 Total 5 from 7 tO54,O29 lrne 4 Secti 7 8 9 1o 11 B. Total S rt ar yeâr (or fiscal year beginning in) Þ (c (a)2013 Amounts from llne 4 Gross rncome from tnterest, drvtdends, payments recetved on secuntres loans, rents, royalttes and rncome from slmtlar sources Net rncome from unrelated bustness actrvrttes, whether or not the busrness ts regularlY carrled on Other lncome Do not tnclude gatn or loss from the sale of caPrtal assets (Explarn rn Part VI ) Total support. Add llnes 7 through 660,4f4 15 -23,692 48,744 check thrs box and sto here . utation of C, percentage for 2 Publrc support 1B 681 54,784 12 Gross recetpts from related actlvltles, etc First five years, If the Form 990 ts for 3,229 /4,542 8,302,1 02 10 12 13 2,0 2,950,981 1,183,821 (f)Total (e)zot7 (d)2016 tzatron's frrst, second, thrrd, fourth, or flfth tax year as a sectron 501(c)(3) organtzatton, Section L4 (lrne 6, by lrne 11, column 84 97O 74 I4O T4 15 15 o/o o/o X 16a M thrs b n t7a >¡ b supported organlzätlon 16b, 77a, or 17b, 18 private founãation. If the organrzatlon dtd not check a box on ltne 13, 16a, r n structro ns check thts box and see >E >E Schedule A lForm 99O or 990-EZl 2017 Paçe Schedule A (Form 99O or 99A-EZ) 2O17 3 Support Schedule for Organizat¡ons Described in Section 5O9(a )(2) (Compl ete only rf you checked the box on ltne 10 of Pãft I or lf the orga nrzatron farled to qualtfy under Part II. If anrzatron farls to qualrfv under the tests lrsted below, Dlease complete Part IL) the on A. Public Ca r yeär (f) Total (c) 201s (b) 2014 (a) 2013 Part EII 1 2 3 4 5 6 7a b I c (or fiscal year beginning in) Þ Grfts, grants, contrlbuttons, and membershtp feès recelved (Do not rnclude any "unusual grants ") Gross recetpts from admtsstons, merchandlse sold or servlces performed, or facrllttes furnlshed ln any actrvtty th¿t rs related to the organrzatton's tax-exempt purpose Gross recetpts from acttvltles that are not an unrelated trade or buslness under sectron 513 Tax revenues levled for the organtzatton's beneftt and etther pard to or expended on rts behalf The value of servtces or faclllttes furnrshed by a governmental unlt to the'organrzatron wtthout charge Total. Add llnes 1 through 5 Amounts rncluded on llnes t,2, and 3 recerved from dtsqualtfted persons Amounts rncluded on llnes 2 and 3 recerved from other than drsqualrFred persons that exceed the greater of g5,000 or 1% of the amount on llne 13 for the year Add lrnes 7a and 7b (Subtract lrne 7c Public su Section B, Total pport Calendar Year (or fiscal year beginning in) Þ 9 10a b 0 (a) 20 20 l5 (d) 2016 (e) 20r7 (f) Total Amounts from lrne 6 Gross rncome from tnterest, drvrdends, payments recelved on securttres loans, rents, royalttes and rncome from stmtlar sources Unrelated bustness taxable tncome (less sectron 51I taxes) from busrnesses acqutred after June 30, t975 c 11 Add lrnes 10a and 10b Net rncome from unrelated bustness actrvrtres not tncluded ln llne whether or not the buslness regularly carrled on I 12 13 organtzatton's ftrst, second, thrrd, fourth, or ft t4 tax year as a sectton 501(c)(3) organtzatton, >n check thrs box and Section 15 l6 Pu C. lcs Publtc suPPort Section Þ. Com tne n (f) drvrded by lrne 13, column (f)) e for 201 Schedule A, Part IIl, lrne 15 e from 2016 of 15 16 O o/o vestment Income ook column (f)) T7 Investment tncome percentêgè For 2017 (ltne 0c, column (f) drvrded bY ltne L8 17 III, ltne Part A, percentage 2O16 Schedule from Investment tncome lrne 15 ls more than 33 7l3o/o, and llne 17 ls not 19¿ 331/3olo support tests-2o17, If the organrzåtron drd not check the box on ltne 14, and publtcly supported orgânlzatlon qualtftes a as organrzatron more than 33 L/3o/o, check thls box and stop here. The 14 or lrne 19a, and lrne 16 ls more than 33 rl3o/o and llne 18 ls on ltne a box check not dld If the organrzatlon tests-2O16. suPPort 33 Ll3o/o 6 not more than 33 rl3o/o, check thrs box and stop here. The organtzatron qualtftes as a publrcly supported organtzatton ll 18 20 Private foundation' If the dtd not check a box on rne 1 1 or l9b, check thrs box and see tnstructlons ule A f Form 99o or >¡ >fI ) 20L7 Page Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017 Part IV Support¡ng Organizations I (Complete only rf you checked a box on lrne 12 of Part It you checked 12a of Part I, complete Sectlons A and B If you checked 12b of Èart I, complete Sectrons A and C If you checked 12c ot Part I, complete Secttons A, D. and E If you checked 12d of Part I, complete nd com Part V Section A. All o ¡zat¡ons Yes I Are all of the organrzatton's supported organtzättons lrsted by neme ln the org anrzatron's gover.ntng documentsT If "No," descrtbe tn Part VI how the supported organtzatrcns are deagnated lf dengnated by class or descnbe the deagnatron If htstortc and conInutng relatronshq, explarn 1 2 Drd the organrzatron have any supported organtzatton that does not have an IRS determtnaüon of status under sectlon.509 (a)(1) or (2), If "Y.t," explatn tn Part VI how the organzatron determtned that the suppor*ed organtzatqn was descnbed tn sectron 509(a)(1) or (2) 2 3a Drd the orgànrzatton have a supported organrzatton descnbed rn sectron 501(c)(4), (5), or (6)z below b If 4a b c 5a No "Yes," answer (b) and (c) 3a Drd the organtzatton confrrm that each supported organrzatron qualrfted under secilcn 501(c)(4), (5), or (6) å,nd satlsfled the publrc!upport tests under sectron 509(a)(2)r If "Yes," descnbe tn Part VI wfidn and haw the orEanrzatton made the determtnatton c 4 3b Dld the organrzatron ensure that all support to such organrzattons was used exclustvely for sectlon 170(c)(2)(B) PUrposes? If "Yes," explatn tn Part VI what controls the organzatton put rn place to ensure suçh use Was any supported orgåntzètton not organtzed rn the Unrted States ("forergn supported checked 12a or 12b tn Part I, answer (b) and (c) below organrzatton")t If 4a Dld the organtzatton have ultrmate control and drscretron rn decrdtng whether!o roake grants to the foretgn supported organrzatrãn? If "Yes," descrtbe tn Part VI how the organtzatton had such conÈiol ãnd drscretrcn despte berng controlled or suoervtsed bv or tn connectþn wtth tts supported orQanEatrcns ólã th;-"rgãÁrãtiön Á,iþpórt ãnv foréign åúpported órganrzatron that does not have an IRS determrnatron under secttons 501(c)(3)ãnd 5OS(a)(i) or (2)? ff "Yes," explatn rn Part VI w,hat controls thq'organtzatron used to ensure that all support to the foregn supptorted organtzat¡on was used excluavely for sectrcn l'70(c)(2)(E) purposes D¡d the organrzatton add, substttute, (c) below (Í apphcable) Also, provtd organzatþns added, substttuted, or oiganzatron's organ¿ng document authortztng amendment to the organtzrng document) 3c "Yes" and tf You organtzatt 4b 4c b) and tng (r) the for each s súel:t actton, and (tv) how the acilon was accompltshed (such as by b 5a sb 5c c 6 6 7 7 a I 9a 9a b 9b c 10a b Drd a drsqualrfpd person (as defrned rn lrne 9a) have an ownershrp rnterest ln, or dertve any personal beneftt from, assets whrch thesupportinE organtzatton also had an lnterest? If "Yes," provrde detatl tn PartVL 9c (regardrng Was the organtzatton subject bo the excess bustness holdrngs rules of sectton 4943 because of sectton 4943(f, certarn Typã II supportrné organrzatrons, and all Type III nõn-functronally rntegrated supportrng organtzattons)7 If"Yes," answer ltne 70b below 10a Dld the organrzatron have any the organtzatton had excess bustness holdrngs) excess buslness holdrngs rn the tax yearr (Use Schedule C, Form 4720, to determtne 10b A (Form 99o or 99O- 2l)t7 Page Schedule A (Form 99O or 99O-EZ) 2Ot7 Supporting Organizations (contlnued Part IV' 1l a 5 ) Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Has the organrzatron accepted a grft or contnbutron from any of the followlng persons? A person who drrectly or rndrrectly controls, erther alone or together wtth persons descrlbed tn (b) and c) governrng body of a supported organtzatton? 1la b A famrly member of a person descrlbed rn (a) above? 11b c A 35o/o controlled entrty of a person descnbed rn (a) or (b) aboveu If llc "Yes" to a, b, or c, prowde detatl tn I 1 1 2 2 organEatþn eII nc. 1 o 5 ons Were a malortty of the organtzatton's each of the organtzatton's supported supporilng organtzatton was vested tn the same persons tha III Section Pa¡t VI how or managed of the drrectors or trustees of or mdnagement of the organtzatron(s) 1 n¡zat¡ons Dld the organtzatton provrde to each of rts suppofted organlzatlons, by the last day of the frfth month of the o rga n tzatton's tax year, (1) a wrrtten notlce desc¡brng the type and amour,rt of support provrdeid.durrng the prror tax year, (tt ) a copy of gove rnrng Form 990 that was most recently frledls of the date-of nottfteatton, and (rrr) coples of the organtzatton's provtded? extent not,prevlously the to of on date nottftcatton, effect the ln documents 1 1 Were any of the organrzatlon,s offrcers, dlrectors, or trustees erther (r),app6rnted or elected by ihe supported organlzatton organtzatton2 If "No," explarn tn Part VI how the organzatnn i5t; iiii ,"ru,ng oá th" gou.rnrng boáy of a suppo.rted wtth the supported organzatton(s) matntatned a clise and conttnuous workrng relatronshtp 2 2 3 the relatronshrp descrrbed rn ( By re¿son of the organtzatton's tnvestment year? If "Yes," descnbe tn Sect¡on 1 2 used to sattsfy the Integral Part Test durrng the year (see instructions) ts suppoded organtzattons Complete line 3 below a governmental entrty Descrrbe rn Part VI how you supported a government enttty The organrza¡ts* is the pärent of each of The organrzatlgn supported (see tnstructtons) fest Answer (a) and (b) below. Yes purposes of the Drd substantrally all of the oiganrzatron's actrvrtres durtng the tax year dtrectly further the exenpt iupported orgaárzatron(s) to whrch the organrzatron was-responstve? If "Yes,¡'then tn PartVI identify those supported oijanizatio'ns and.eìpiain how these aZt.vtttes drrectly furthered thetr.exempt purposest how the argan¡zatrcn was ,"ípoit,u, to those n B Check > n rf the frlrng organtzatron belongs to an affrllated group (and lrst rn Part IV each affrlrated group mernber's name, address, EIN, expenses, and share of excess lobbyrng ..xpendrtures) rf the frlrn nrzätron checked box A and ''lrmrted control" rovtstons a (b) Affrlrated grou p totals Limits on Lobby¡ng Expenditures (The term "expenditures" means amounts paid or incurred.) 1a b c d e 1 Total lobbyrng expendrtures to rnfluence publrc oprnron (9rass roots lobbyrng) Total lobbyrng elpendrtures to rnfluence a legrslatrve body (drrect lobbyrng) Total lobbyrng expendrtures (add lrnes 1a and 1b) Other exempt purpose expendrtures Total exempt purpose expendrtures (add lrnes 1c and ld) 1,825,36: Lobbyrng nontaxable amount Enter the amount from the followrng table rn both columns 241,268 [f the amount on líne le, column (a) or (b) ís: ffhe lobbying nontaxable amount ic: of the amount on lrnc le Not over $500,000 120o/o )ver 9500,000 but llot over $1,000,000 s100,000 )ver s1,000,000 but not over $1,500,000 )ver $r,500,000 but not over S17,000,000 lver 517,000,000 s175,000 15225,000 plus 15Dlo of lhe excess over $500,000 plus 10o/o o[ the excess over $1,000,000 prus 5o/o of the excess over $1,500,000 lsl,ooo,ooo s Grassroots nontaxable amount (enter 2570 of ltne lf) h Subtract lrne 1q from lrne 1a If zero or less, enler -0Subtract ìrne lf from lrne 1c If zero or less, enter -0¡ j If there ls an amount other than zero on erther llne th or llne 60,31 / 11, drd nv."Eno the organrzeûon frle Form 4720 reporttng sectron 4911 tax for thts yeare 4-Year Averaging Period Under sect¡on 5O1(h) (Some organ¡zations that made a sect¡on 501(h) elect¡on do not have to complete all of the five columns below, See the separate ¡nstruct¡ons for lines 2a through 2f,) Lob C¿lendar year (or frscal year begtnnrng rn) 2a nontaxable amount b Lobbyrng cerlrng amount c Total lo d Grassroots nontaxable amount e Grassroots 1 50% f d¡ Durin (a) 4-Year 2014 rB2,26C (b) Period 201s 182,5 50 (c) (d) 20L6 3s 2017 241,26A 1,182 95f ,260 1,435,890 15070 of ltne EX (e) Total res 45. s6s 4 5,638 81 60,3tl ,796 amount 239,316 358,974 n Grassroots lo Schedule C Form 99O or 990-EZ) 2017 Schedule C (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017 Part II-B 3 Complete if the organizat¡on is exempt under sect¡on 501(c)(3) and has NOT filed n under sect¡on 501 h b For each "Yes" response on ltnes 1a through 7t below, provde tn Part IV a detatled descnptrcn of the lobbytng acttvtty year. drd the frlrng organtzatton attempt to rnfluence forergn, natronal, state flng tncludrng any attempt to rnfluence publrc oprnton on a legrslatrve matter or referendum, 1 a Volu nteers? b Pard c Medla advertrsementsT d Marlrngs e Publrcatrons, or publrshed or broadcast statementsz Í i Grants to other organrzatrons for lobbyrng purposes; Drrect contact wrth legrslatorsr therr staffs, government offrcrafs, or Rallres, demonstratrons, semtnärs, conventrons, speeches, lectures. Other acttvrtres? j Total Add ìtnes 1c throuqh s h 2ã b c d Amount at use staff or management (tnclude compensatron rn expenses reported on lrnes lc through il)z to members, legrslators, or the publrcz 1t the actrvrtres rn lrne 1 cause the organrzatron to be not descrrbed rn sectron 501 If "Yes,'' enter the amount of any tax rncurred under sect¡on 4912 If "Yes,'' enter the amount of åny tax rncurred by orqanrzatron manägers n yeär? If the frlrng organrzatron rncurred a sectron 49!Ztax, drd rt frle 472O for Drd Part III- sect¡on 50f(c)(5), or sect¡on Complete if the organization is exempt so1 6 Yes t 3 Were substantrally all (90% or more) dues recerved nondeductrble by of $2, Dtd the organrzatton make only rn-house lobbytng rtures fro:r,n the prror year? Drd the organrzatron agree to carry over lobbyrng añd'polr Part III-B 2 pt Complete if the organization is and if either (a) BOTH Part III-4, lines I No 1 2 3 r sect¡on 501 c) 4 sect¡on 501(c)(5), or sect¡on 501(c)(6) 2, are answered "No" OR (b) Part III-4, line 3, is I 1 ounts of political z 2a a b 2b 2c c 162(e) dues 3 4 If nottces were sent and the the organrzatron agree to expendrture next yearT T¿xable amount of 5 Part fV to the rea 3 s the åmount on lrne 3, what portron of the excess does e eslrmate of nondeductrble lobbytng and polrtrcal 4 ex pend (see rnstructrons) 5 Su Provrde the tnstructroñ5 on lrne urred and Part ll Retu rn 1 for lrne 1, Part l-8, Irne 4, Part l-C, lrne 5, Part II-A (affrlrated group lrst), Part II-4, ltnes ete thrs for addrtto nal l and 2 (see Expla natron Schedu C (Form 990 or 99OEZ) 2Ot7 efile GRAPHIC nt-DO s SCI.IEDULE D Ol'48 Supplemental Financial Statements (Form 990) Dc¡rartrucrrt ol' Lhe Trelrsrrn Illtenr¡l Rerc'nue Scn rcc I As Filed Data - 2017 ) Complete if the organization answered "Yesr" on Form 99O, Part IV, line 6, 7, 8f 9, 10, 11a, 11b, LLc, tLd,71"e, lf-f,12a, or 12b. ) Attach to Form 990. Information about Schedule D (Form 99O) and its instructions is at Name of the organization No t545-0047 0pen to Public Enspection umber Emp Independent Wômen's Forum 54- Part I Organizations Ma¡nta¡ning Donor Advised Funds or Other Similar Fund tf the o Com unts. nrzatron answered "Yes" on Form 990 Part IV lrne 6 (a) 1 2 3 4 5 1 and other accounts Donor advrsed funds Total number at end of year Aggregate value of contnbutrons to (durrng year) Aggreçate value of grants from (durrng year) Agçregate value at end of year Drd the organrzatron rnform aìl donors and donor advrsors rn wntrng that the assets held organrzatron's property, sublect to the organrzatron's exclusrve legal controlz 6 are the Dld the organrzatron rnform all grantees, donors, and donor advrsors rn wntrnE hhat chantable purposes and not for the beneftt of the donor or donor advrsor, pívate benefrt? II Part serva rf the o n Y." E ¡¡o for pe rm sst ble r rm 990 Part IV hne ! v"" ! ¡¡o 7 1 2 Year a 2b b c 2c d 2d 3 4 5 No year 6 7 I No 9 the orga 's accountt Part III la If the organtzatton eàsements OÉEânizations Maintaining Collections of Art, Historical Treasuresr or Other 5¡milar Assets. Part IV lr answered "Yes" on under SFAS 1f6 (ASC 958), not to report rn rts revenue statement and balance sheet works of slmllar assets held for publlc exhtbttron. educatron, or research rn furtherance of publtc servtce, the footnote to tts frnancral statements that clescrlbes these ttems perrnrtted under SFAS 116 (ASC 958), to report rn rts revenue statement and balance sheet works of art, If the organtzatton electedu hlsto¡cal treasures, or othèr slmrlar assets held for publrc exhrbrtron, educatron, or research ln furtherance of publrc servlce, provlde the followtng êmounts relattng to these ltems art, hlstoncàl tTeasures, o provrde, rn Part XIII, the b (i) Revenue rncluded on Form 990, Part (ii)Assets tncluded rn Form 990, Part VIII, ltne 1 X >$ >$ organrzatron recerved or held works of art, hrstorrcal treasures, or other stmtlar assets for ftnanctal garn, provrde the followrng amounts requrred to be reported under SFAS 116 (ASC 958) relattng to these ttems Ifthe 2 a Revenue rncluded on Form 990, Part b Assets rncluded tn Form 990, Part VIII, lrne r X For PaÞerwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 99O. > $ >5 Schedule No 522e3D Cat D (Form 99O) 2017 Schedule D (Form 990) 20L7 lrFT¡ m Page 2 Organizations Ma¡nta¡n¡nq Collect¡ons of Art, Historical Treasures, or Other Similar Assets Usrng the organrzètron's acqursrtlon, accessron, and other records, check any of the followrng 3 (contrnued) that are a srgnrfrcant use of tts collectton rtems (check all that apply) a b c exhrbrtlon n Publrc ! scholarly t] Preservatron for future generätrons research d ¡ Loan or exchange programs e f] other empt purpose tn 4 Provrde a descrrptron of the organrzatron's collectrons and explarn how they further the Part XIII 5 Durrng the year, drd the organrzatron softcrt or recerve donatrons of art, hrstorrcal treasures oT other assets to be sold to rarse funds rather than to be marntarned as paÉ of the organrzatron's Part IV EY"" Euo Escrow and Custodial Arrangements. Complete rf the organtzatton answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, lrne 9, or reported an amount on Form 990f Part lrne 21 la Is the organrzatron an agent, trusteê, custodran or other rntermedrary for contnbuttöns rncluded on Form 990, Part X7 er nv"r b If "Yes," explarn the Amount c Begtnntng balance 1c d Addrtrons durtng the 1d e Drstrrbutrons durrng 1e f Endrng balance 1f n 2a Drd the organrzatron b If "Yes," explarn the Part V Endowment Funds. rf the c d e v"t No tr on Form 990, Part IV, lrne 10, answered (clTwo vears back lbìPrror vear 1a b !no ld)Three years l¡ack b¿ck Begtnntng oÊ year balance Contnbutrons Net rnvestment earnrngs, gatns, and losses Grants or scholarshrps . Other expendrtures for facrllttes and programs f s nce (hne 19, column (a)) held as 2 b c rzatron 3a that are held and admrnlstered for the Yes (i) No 3a(i) unrelated organrzatrofis 3a(ii) 3b related organtzatrons lrsted as requtred on Schedule Rr b uses of the orqanrzatron's endowment funds 4 Part VI Land, Buil Equ¡pment. Com rf the Descrrptron of property tzatton answered "Yes" on Form 990 Part IV lrne (a) Cost or other L¡asrs (b) Cost or other basrs (other) 1la. See Form 990 Part (c) Accumulated deprectatton X Irne 10. (d) Book valLre (rnvestr¡ent) 1a Land b Bu rld rngs c Leasehold rmprovements d Equrpment 2 0,681 18,0 i 3 2,668 e Other Total. Add hnes 1a throuqh \e (Column must equal Form 990, Part X, (B), lrne 10(c) ) 2,668 Schedule D (Form 99O) 2017 Schedure D (Form 990) 2017 Page 3 EEEtrIB 'Investmcnts*Other Securities. Complete rf the organrzatron answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, Ine 11b. See (e) Descflptron ol securrty or cðteqoÍy (rncludrng nème ol securtty) Cost or e¡d-ol-year màrket value value (1) Ftnancral deilvaLtves (2) Ciosely-held equrty rnlerests (3)other (A) (B) (c) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) Iolã1, (Coluno (b) nustegual Fotm 990, Part N, cal ¡n hne 12 ) Program rf the nrzatron answered'Yes' on Form (a) Descíptron of rnvestmenL Part 1V lrne 11c- See Form Book value Cost ( 1) (2) (3) (s (6 (7) (8) (e) Total. Part must Part X. col (8) l¡n. 13 ) lX Pa rt lrne 15 Book vèlue (1) (2) (3) (4) (s) (6) (7) (8) (s) rF (a) (:) the o nswered 'Yes on Form (b) Descnptron of Iabìlrty 0, Part IV, ne 11e or 11F Book value Federal rncome (2) (3) (4) (s) (6) (7) (B) (e) muet equàl Fotã1 990, P¿û 2. Lrèþilr!y for uncertarn tax posrtlo¡s I¡ \ crl (Ð) hne 25 Pàrt Xll[, provlde text of cr9¿n zèiron's lrabtltty foruncertÉtntèxposrtorsrnderFlN4S(ASC74O) foot¡ote to the orgênrzètroF's frnanclãl statements ih¿l reports the Checkhe,e,lthetextofthetootnotehasbeen!ro!loedrnP¿rtXIII E Schedule D ( Fo¡m 990) 2017 ScheduLe D (Form 990) 20L7 Page Com rf the anrzätron answered 'Yes' on Form 990 Part IV lrne 12a Total revenue, garns, and other support per audrted flnanclal statements 1 4 Reconciliation of Revenue per Audited FinancÍal Statements W¡th Revenue per Return Part XI 1 2,354,75L Amounts rncluded on lrne 1 but not on Form 990, Part VIII, ltne 12 2 a Net unrealrzed gatns (losses) on rnvestments 2a . b Donated servtces and use of facrlrtres c Recovenes of prror year grants 2c d Other (Descrrbe rn Part XIII 2d e Add lrnes 2a through 2d Subtract lrne 2e from lrne 3 2b ) 2e Investment expenses not rncluded on Form 990, Part VIII, ltne 7b b Other (Descrtbe rn Part XIII c Add lrnes 4a and 4b 1 4c ual Form 990, Part I, lrne 12 1 Total expenses and losses per audrted frnancral statements Amounts rncluded on lrne 1 but not on Form 990, Part IX, ltne 25 2,I83,643 1 2,377,242 Donated servrces and use of facrlrtres b Prror year c Other losses d Other (Descrrbe tn Part XIII e Add lrnes 2a through 2d ad.¡ 2b ustments 2c L71,tog 2d ) 2e 1 3 3 Subtract lrne 2e from lrne 4 Amounts rncluded on Form 990, Part IX, lrne 25, but not on lrne 1: b c 5 5 ) Reconciliation of Expenses per Audited Financial State'ments W¡th Expenses per Return. 'Yes'on Form Part IV anrzatron a rf the 2 a 4a ) Total revenu€ Add lrnes 3 and 4c. (Thrs must Part XII a 171,108 2,I83,643 a 5 t, 108 1 Amounts rncluded on Form 990, Part VIII, ltne 12, but not on ltne 4 17 , Investment expenses not rncluded on Form 990, Part VIII, lrne 7b 4a Other (Descrrbe rn Pèrt XIU 4b ) 4c Add ltnes 4a and 4b Tot¿l expenses Add lrnes 3 and 4c. (Thrs must equal Form 990, Peft I, lrne 18 Part 171,108 2,206,L34 5 2,206,134 XIII Supplemental Inform the descrrpttons requtred for Part II, Provrde XI, lrnes 2d and ltnes 3. 5, and 9, Part III, lrnes la and 4, Part lV, lrnes Lb and 2b, Part V, lrne 4, Part X, lrne 2, Part plete thrs part to provtde any addrtronal lnformatlon 4b, and Part XII, lrnes 2d and 4b Also Return Reference Expl anatton See Add tronal Data Table Schedule D (Form 99O) 2OL7 Schedule D (Forn¡ 990) 2017 Part XIII Su pplemental Informafion Page ( co 5 nthued ) Return Reference w\ 'T .,:w;:- i.T q ,v ule D (Form 99Ol 2017 Additional Data Software ID: 17005306 Software Version: . EIN: Name: Return Reference Pt XI, Lrne 2d Specral event expenses 54-1670627 IndependentWomen's Supplemental Information Return Reference Explanation Pt XII, Lme 2d Spemal event expenses ef¡Ie GRAPHIC pr¡nt - DO NOT PROCESS SCHEDULE G Supplemental lnformation Regarding Fundraising or Gaming Activities (Form 990 or990-EZ) ol llte Trerrrrn Itrtenr¡l Rer enue Serr rr'c f)e¡rart:rrerrt DLN: 93493229004254 OlvlB No 1545-0047 As Filed Data - Complete tfthe organrzatron answered "Yes" on Form 990r Part IV, ltnes L7r Lq or 19¡ or organrzatron entered more than $15f0OO on Form 99O-EZr ltne 6a Þ¡tta.h to Form 99o or Form 99o-EzSchêdule G 99o o àl www tÍs its r 2017 ¡fthe Open to Public Inspection the organtzatron Name number Independent Women's Forum Fundraising Activities.Complete tf the organtzatton answered "Yes" on Form 990-EZ frlers are not requtred to complete thrs part. I 9 Indtcate whether the organtzatton rarsed funds through any of the followrng actrvrtres Check all that n a e ! M¿rl solrcrtatrons Solrcrtatron of non-government grants b c d 2a Yes No ndrarser ts b (i) Name and address of rndrvrduaf or entrty (fundrarser) (ii) (v) Amount Acttvrty pard to (or retarned by) tundrarser lrsted col (i) Yes rn (vi) Amount pard to (or retatned by) organ rzatron No Total 3 Lrst all states rn whrch the Ircensrng rs regrstered or Ircensed to solrcrt contrrbutrons or h¿s been notrfred tt For Paperwork Reduction Act Notrce, see the Instructrons for Form 99O or 990-EZ. Cat No 50083H rs exempt from regtstratton or Schedule G (Form 99O or 99o-Ez) 2017 Schedule G (Form 990 or 99Q-EZ) 20L7 II Part 2 Fundraising Events. Complete rf the organrzatton answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, lrne 18, or reported more than $15,000 of fundrarstng event contnbutrons and gross tncome on Form 99O-ÊZ,lrnes 1 and 6b. Ltst events wtth ross recet reater th an 5 000 (b) (a)Event #1 (c)Other events Event #2 (d) Total events (add col (a) through Women of Valor (event type) col (c)) (total number) (event type) ¿l j U o c( 1 2 3 4 5 (/} o 6 Ø l) O7 ñ õg I õ 9 Gross recerpts , Noncash prrzes Rent/facrlrty costs Food and beverages Entert¿rnment Other drrect expenses 171,108 171,108 l1Net 108,420 fII rncome summàry Subtract lrne 10 from lrne 3, column (d) Gaming. Comp ete rf the organrzatron answered "Yes" on Forrn 990, Part IV, lrne 19, or reported more than $15,000 Irne 6a (a) J 1 Gross revenue 2 Cash prrzes x 3 Noncash prrzes E g 4 Rent/facrlrty costs ct') o- ttl 279 528 Cash prtzes O U) 279,52Ê Less Contnbutrons. Gross rncome (lrne 1 mrnus lrne 2) on Form 990- qt (lì 279 528 10 Drrect expense summary Add lrnes 4 through 9 rn column Part d. 279,52t â S (b) Brngo Pull tabs/lnstðnt brn go brngo/progressrve (c) Other gamrng (d) Total gamrng (add (a) through col (c)) col Other drrect expenses n Yes _"!g- trn" 6 Volunteer labor 7 Drrect expense summary Add lrnes 2 through 5 rn column (d) Net tncome summ Itne 7 from lrne n Yes ! No o/o Yes No column 9 Enter the state(s) rn whrch the organrzâtLon conducts gamrng actrvrtres a Is the organlzatron lrcensed to conduct gamrng ¿ctrvrtres rn each of these states? b If ''No,'' explatn E v"" fl N" I 1Oa b Were any of the organrzatron's gamrng hcenses revoked, suspended or termrnated durrng the tax year? If nY." E r.¡o "Yes," explarn l Schedule G (Forñ 99O or 99O-EZ) 2017 Schedule G (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017 Page 3 nv"" !to 11 Doês the ofganrzatron conduct gamtng äctlvtttes wlth nonmembers? L2 Is the organtzåtron ä grantor, benefrcrary or trustee of a trust or ã mêmber of a partnershtp or other êntrty formed to admrntster chantable gamtng? 13 Indrcate the percentage of gamrng acttvtty conductêd tn a The organrzatton's facrlrty b An outsrde facrllty L4 ot^ Þ Does the orqanlzatron have a contract wrth a thrrd party from whom the organrzatron revenueT b If "Yes," enter the amount of gamrng fevenue recelved by the orgånrzatron amount of gamtng revenue reta.rned by the thrrd party Þ g If Þ !Y." E !Y"r nruo no ê $ "Yes," enter name and address of the thrrd party Name Þ Address 16 o/o 1 Þ Address c ¡lo Enter the name and address of the person who prep¿res the organrzatton's gamrng,/specral events Name 15a nY"" ü Þ Gamrng mãnager rnformatron Name Þ Gamrng mànager compensatron Þ Descrtptron of servrces provrded Þ ¡ L7 Independent iontractor Mandatory drsinbutrons Is the Organrzàtton requrred under state retätn the state gamrng lrcense? b n Enter the amount of to make dr law dr from the g¿mrnq proceeds to to other exempt organrzatlóns. or spent rn the organzãtrgn's own Part IV pplemental ltnès 9, 9b, III, 10 mns (r) and (v the explanattons requtred by Part I, lrne 17b, as applrcable. Also provrde any addrtronãl rnformatron (see rnstructrons). Explanatron le G (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017 ef¡fe GRAPHIC r¡nt - DO NOT ss DLN: 93493229004258 OMB No L545-0O47 Gompensation I nformation Schedule J (Form 990) As Filed Data - For certain Offícers, Directors, Trustees, Key Employees, and Highest Compensated Employees I)cprrt:nt'nl. of tltc Trr'ttrun 2017 Þ Complete if the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, line 23, Þ Attach to Ëorm 990. Þ Information about Schedule J (Form 99O) and its instructions Open to Public þqpection Intemrl lìerenue Serr rre Name of the organrzâtron n Independent Women's Forum t670627 Part I Quest¡ons Regard¡ng Corn pensation Yes 1a No Check the approptate box(es) rf the organrzatron provrded any of the followrng to or for a person llsted on Form 990, Part VII, Sectron A, ltne 1a Complete Part III to provrde any relevant rnformatron regardrng these ltems b ment 1b 2 2 3 4 ofa a 4a No b 4b 4c No 5a No 5b No c Partrcrpate rn, or recetve payment from, If "Yes" to any of lrnes 4a-c, lrst the urty-based campensatron arrangementT provrde the applrcable amounts for each rtem tn Part Only 501(c)(3), 501(c)(4), and 50 5 No III must complete lines 5-9, For persons lrsted on Form 990. P¿rt VII, A, lrne 1a, drd the organtzatton pay or accrue any compensatton contrngent on the revenues of a b The organrzatron? Any related organrzahonT If "Yes," on lrne 5a cr 5b, descnbe rn For persons lrsted on Form 990, Part VII, Sectron A, lrne 1a, drd the organtzatron pay or accrue any compensatron contrngent on the net earntngs of 6 a b The organrzatron? Any related organrzatron) It "Yes," oh ltnê 6a or 6b, descrrbe rn Part 6a No 6b No 7 No III 7 For perso¡ts lsted on Form 990, Part VII, Sectron A, lrne 1a, drd the organrzatron provrde any nonfrxed payments not descrtbed rn lrneg 5 ¿nd 67 If "Yes," descrrbe rn Part III I Were any amounts reported on Form 990, Part VII, pard or accured pursuant to a contract that was sub¡ect to the rnrtral contract exceptron descrrbed rn Regulatrons sectron 53 4958'4(a)(3)r If "Yes," descrtbe rn Part III 9 If No "Yes" on lrne 8, drd the organrzatron also follow the rebuttable presumptron procedure descnbed rn Regulatrons sectron s3 49s8-6(c)r For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Forrn 990. 9 Cat No 50053T Schedule J Form 99O) 2o17 Schedule Part I (Form 990) 2017 II (A) rcatè coptes rf addrtronaf must each InstructFns, on row (lr 2 lru3teés, Do nót on fôw rndrvtduals that are not lrsted on Form (E) Breakdown of W-2 andlor Name and Trtle (ii) 1 AMBER SCHWARTZ (i) f02,083 ofganrzàttons, ts needed ln VIT (F) comÞens¿tron 1.099-MISC compensatron Bonus & rncentrve compensatron (iii) reporÈ3ble comÞensatron 63,000 Í" #,¡ rn coiumn (B) reported as deferred on prlor Form 990 Other Schedule] (Form 990] 2017 Page 3 Supplemental Information the EV-Fll?h?tlom Dr reqmrea far F'art i. line: la. 43, db, Eu, 5b. 5a, 6b, and and for Part 11 N54: cor-mete thus part fm'ang Return Reference Explanation Schadula {Form 9901 2017 Cfile GRAPH As Filed Data - 229004 Supplemental lnformation to Form 990 or 990-EZ COmplete to provide information for responses to specific quest¡ons oñ Form 990 or 990-EZ or to provide any additional inforrhation, Þ Attach to Form 990 or 990-EZ. l)e¡r¡¡¡¡¡¡.1¡1 of thÈ Þ Information about Scheilule O (Form 99O or 990-EZ) and its Tr.'rrr¡n OMB No 017 to Publ Inspection n n Women's Forum 54-1 u The Presrdent and Executlve Vrce Presrdent revtew the 7 99O Schedule O, Supplemental Information Explanatron 990 A copy ofthe 990 s provrded to the board and 990 Schedule O, Supplemental trnformation outsrde counsel for revrew and comments,prror !o,frlrng 990 Schedule O, Supplemental Information Return Reference Pt Vl, Llne 15a Explanaton ïhe Frnance Commntéé along wrth the Chauman,of the Board makè salary 99O Schedule O, Supplemeñtal Informat¡on Explanatron Pt Vl, Ltne 15a Preerdent and Executlve Vlce Presldent based on. 990 Schedule O, Supplemental Information Return Reference Pt Vl, Lrne 15a Explanatron pefformance and comparatrve salary data. The 99O Schedule O, Supplemental trnformation Pt Vl, Lrne 15a recommendatron rs brought to the full board for approval 990 Schedule 0, Supplemental Information Return Reference Explanation Pt VI. Line 15b The PreSIdent and Executive Vice Presndent 990 Schedule O, Supplemental trnformation Explanatron make salary dectsrons for IWF stafi based on performancé 99O Schedule O, Supplementäl Information Explanatron and comparatrve salary dats from other non-profrt 99O Schedule O, Supplemental trnformation Pt Vl, Lrne 15b organrzatrons ïhe board of drrectors revlew and 990 Schedule O, Supplemêntal trnformation Return Reference Ft Vl, Lrne l5b approvê an opêratng budgèt wlth all salailês and , 99O Schedule Or Supplemental Information Board members and staff are gtven thé potrcy and asked to 99O Schedule O, Supplemental Information Explanaíon confirm that there are no confhcts, or lf there are, to 99O Schedule O, Supplementäl trnformation Explanahon address them wlth the board The.revrew ts,ongotng vta 990 Schedule 0, Supplemental Information Return Explanation Reference Pt VI. Llne reVIew of the mvonces/?nanmal data 120 99O Schedule Or Supplemental trnformation Pt Vl, Ltne 19 Ïhe referenced documents are avallable upon requ,est 99O Schedule O, Supplemental Information Explanaíon Pt Vl, Lrne 2 The Treasurer and Presrdent are father/daughter 990 Schedule O, Supplemental trnformation Return Reference Explanatton State regrstratrons 10024 00 10024 990 Schedule 0, Supplemental Information Return Explanation Reference Form 990. Bank servnce charge 8843 0 8843 0 Pad IX, Lrne 24:2 990 Schedule 0, Supplemental Information Return Reference Explanation Form 990. Part IX. Lune 24:2 3565 1717 680 1168 990 Schedule 0, Supplemental Information Return Reference Explanatlon Form 990, Pan 1X. Line 24a Cable/telephone10279 B132 1661 486 990 Schedule 0, Supplemental Information Return Explanation Reference Form 990. Somal networking 22415 22415 0 Part 1X, Lme 249 990 Schedule 0, Supplemental Information Reunn Exphna?on Reference Form 990. Communications 6896 6896 0 0 Part IX. Line 248 990 Schedule 0, Supplemental Information Return Explanation Reference Form 990. Miscellaneaus1207 0 1207 0 Parl IX. Line 24E 990 Schedule 0, Supplemental Information Return Explanation Reference Form 990. Storage 1760' 1392 285 83 Pan IX. Line 249