MATUSZEWICH KELLY, LLP IN N. Virginil St., Suite 150 Lake. Illinois 600" (815)459-3l10 Telephone (115)459-3123 Facsimile April 8. 2019 VIA E-MAIL at 'oh Re: FOIA Request, Dated Wednesday, April 3. 2019 Dear Kmfi: Thank you for writing to Algonquin Township with your request for information pursuant to the Illinois Freedom of Information Act, 5 ILCS 140/1, et seq On April 3, 2019, you requested: l. Copy of all intergovemmental agreements, contracts. or any other agreements or understandings between Algonquin Township and Cary Park District. There are no documents responsive to your request. The FOIA officer for this response is the Algonquin Township Supervisor, Charles Lutzow. Very truly, co: Supervisor Clerk CmuL LAKE. IL cmcmo. ll. \i Marx Ann Selvey From: Mary Ann Selvey Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2019 2:59 PM To: swim. FOIA Request (Algonquin Township) - 4-3-2019 From: John Kraft Sent: Wednesday, April 3, 1019 2:37 PM To: Pamela (Savers; Karen Lukaslk Subleet: FOIA Request (Algonquln - 4-3-1015 In accordance with the Freedom of Information Act I am requesting the following. If you are not the FOIA officer, you are required to immediately forward this request to the appropriate FOIA ofiicer as required by stalute [5 I am requesting the following information under the Freedom of lnfomiation Act: It Copy of all intergovernmental agreements, contracts, or any other agreements or between Algonquin Township and Cary Park Electronic copies are reguested. This is not 1 commercial reguesl. I, and the organizations I represent (Disclosure News Magazine, Edgar County Watchdogs Inc, and American Watchdogs Inc), quahfl as both media and non - profit under the definitions in Section 2 (c-lD) ("Commercial purpose and the principal purpose a/th: request '5 to access and disseminate information concerning news and or passing events or for articles a/apinlan or features qfinterm to the public; Section 2 (i7 (Wows media as an Investkativc Reporter for Disclosure News Magazine, an online and printed newspaper, and an Investigative Reporter for the Edgar County Watchdogs. an onlin: news site, and am engaged in making news reels and other motion picture for public viawilu and as a news service to provide news and data to news organizauhnis) and nonprofits: Section 2 Q) ('Reourrent requester"): and Section 2 ("Voluminous request") of the Freedom Act, for H19 purposes of being exempt (a the provisions of Section 3. 1 (Requests for conunsrcial purposes); Sectian 3.2 {Recurrent requestersh Section .15 (Voluminous requests), and Section 6' Mirthority to charge fees). This is also a request/arfee waiver, should any fees be imposed, as this information bears on the public business of this public body and will be used to infitrm citizens of the actions of their public aficials and employees, of their rights and responsibilities, of news and current or passing even/s, and/or articles o/opinian or features of inlerest to the public. The principal purpose u/tlu's request is In anus: and disseminale regarding the health. safely. and Wei/are or the legal righls am: general public and is not/or [he principal purpm afgaining a personal or commercial benefit. Thanks, John Kmfi Edgar County Watchdogs -