CARY PARK DISTRICT 1 April I5, 20|9 Mr. John Krafl Ed nr Counl Waichdo RE FOIA Reguesl Dned -- Apr 8 20I9 Dear Mr. Krafl: in response to your Request for Public Records under the Freedom of information Acl received on April 3. 2019. the following items are being provided lo you: (1) There are no agreements between the Cary Park District and the Algonquin Township. Two agreements belween the Cary Park District and the Algonquin Township Road District are provided to you. (2) Copies of all policies, agreements or understandings reiereneing benefits for park commissioners. ronner park eomnussioners and/or their family members. There are no benefits provided to fomter park commissioners. Policies related to currenl park commissioners are contained in the Board policy manual provided in response I0 item #3 below. (3) Copy of Board poliey manual and Employee policy manual. The Park District has no other records available under your requesl, While nothing in this response eonstitures a denial of your request, if you believe that is a denial you have the right [a have ihis reviewed by lh: Public Access Counselor (PAC) ai ll'le Office oflhe Illinois Allomey Generals 140/9501). You can file your Request for Review with the PAC by writing to: Public Access Counselor omce ofthe Attorney General 500 South 2nd Street Springfield, 6270! E-mail: Qublicaccessfl'aig.SlaieJIus You also have the right to sack judicial review oflhis response by filing a lawsuit in the Store circuit coun. 5 1LCS 140/11, you choose to me a Request for Review with the PAC. you must do so within 60 calendar days or the date of this response, 5 Please note that you must include a copy of your original request and this response letter when filing a Request for Review with the PAC. Sincerely, E91 114 Dan Jones Execulive Director Cary Park District