r- ,?f?gllg??gb Morena County Sheriff?s Of?ce {gugt??g Coroner Division Ml?? Viral, at; ?7 455 em 13* Street Merced. CA 95341-6213 Vernon H. Wank. Mark A. Super, MD Sheriff-Coroner Forensic Pathologist REPORT OF AUT OPS AUTOPOY Elm E3 DECEDENT: CARDQZA, FABIAN DATEZTWE OF 0611m018 13.13 CORONER OASE t: 13 29240 mutton: J. Amen? DATE OF EXAMINATEOR: W192i)? 11? OF EXAM: AGE: 20 85X: Male HEIGHT: 65 in. 09745 WEIGHT: 18-? lb. AUTOPSY Ewes-mm a? mgng?a by strangulation. Ligature- mean}: on neck that is essentially horizontal. gamma fans; Metal and commutative! petechiae, Flarid periorlx?tal and facial mtaneous petechiao, Ram ooze-mm an Inner ammo of Iowa: lip. Fraslwr: a! hyo?tl harm. General?ae? visas-ital canymiaon by non?clotted Hood. 9. Histow of bang summed by melded bed sheet ligature. swash?! 2. Heavy. congested. and edematous lungs (right - 680 grams. Ie? - 630 grams). 3. Pasmw?rem ??aw eta-raised ?ned levels of rmlimmphalamine v- m' mangle; negative for ethanol and all ieslaa?. ma?imiims. CAUSE OF DEATH: Aophyxia by strangulation. Fir/Z Date Mark A. Supe . Forensic Pathologist OARDOZA. FABIAN CC 18 29240 2 WITNESSES: Detectives Sgt. Beoerra. V. Bonita and M. Martinez. Meroed 8.0. Deputy Coroners J. Arguelles. L. Garcia. and 6. Ember. Merced 8.0 AUTOPSY Deputy Coroners L. Garcia and G. Escobar. meme RTION: The body is received encased in a white plastic body bag locked with coroner?s seal #0002981. A coroner?s it) bar code sticker issttachedto the outsideotthebag, labeledwith thesubject'snsmeandcasenumber. Mitepaper bags have been previously placed on the hands. secured by drawstrings. Photographs will be taken of the decedent and ?ngerprints will be obtained. 0F HEDICAL INTERVENTION: A white sheet is lying over the lower torso and legs. This is not retained. Disposable pads are adhered to the HON pectoral area and left chestwal. CLOTHING: The blowing clothing items are on or about the body. . White socks. No signi?cant stains or defects. Canvas jailhouse pants that are black and white striped. These as pushed down just below the hips. A gray stain is on the let! terse area. No signi?cant detects. Gray trunks are In pine. but bunched up at the crotch. These arefaindy urine stained. No defects. There area few smatlweahoiosonthehonlsotbom parrtlegs. White boxer shorts are in place. These are urine stained at the crotch. No signi?cant detects. been pushed up to the elbw. No signi?cant stains or detects. A cutaway white undershirt lhat is pushed aside exposing the anterior torso The garment is bunched up in the back and at the annulus. No signi?cant stains or detects. LIGATURE: Abraded Iioattnecomposedoia whilabedsheetsocompaniesthe Examination reveals a segment alligators that ends in two short loops that are 6 cm in diameter. BeMen them is a slipknot through which is a second segment of ligature that has been cut away that, apparently, was around the neck This ligature averages 0.7 cm in width. The clothed. unembalmod body is that ole normally developed. adequately nourished. Hispanic rode who appears oonsistentwithreported ageotZOyears. Thebodyrneasuresas hclreslong arrdweighs clothing and medical appliances. Rigor inertia is absent in thejaw and arms. still present in the legs. Livldity is prominent and posterior except overpressure points. Spot-litre hemorrhages involve areas of meme lividlty on the run based-titre neck Thersoe isoemralyoongestedand ?rebodylsoold. The soap hair is black curly and cropped short. averaging approidmetety 3 cm long. There is mild frontal balding. Facial hair consists of a short black nustaohe and board. Fine petochiee are on the lace, primarily the mid-forehead, cheeks and periorbital areas. Blood is dried about the hares extending onto the right side at the face. A shale tattooed dot is below the right eye. A tattoo ol 3 dots is below the left eye. The irides are brown and the corneas are filmy. There are a few line petochiae in both sclerae. right tell. and there are bilateral but somewhat rare. line lower conjunctival petechiae. Theears. nose and mouth are freeofforeign material. Thenasal skeletonendlacirl bonecarepalpm intact. Thelips are uninjured. There are rare peteohiae on the inner surface of the lower tip. The teeth are natural and in fair conditioo with a thin gap between the upper central incisors. The earlobes are each remotely pierced art. The skin behind bo?t ears is intensely congested with a low spot-litre hemorrhages. Behind the toil ear is a 1 cm abrasion, opposed by a smaller abrasion on the posterior let! ear. CARDOZA, FABIAN CC 18 29240 3 The neck is mobile. but symmetric. There is a orerninen: ligature mark on the neck This mark extends hermentaliy across the anterior mid?iine below the level of the laryngeal notch. The mark angles only upward as it crosses the right side of the neck passing within 4.5 cm of the right earlobe. On the right side of the neck. the mark consists of a vague band-like zone of paiior within which are two parchment-colored furrows separated by a central thin, red~ourple pinch mark resulting in a track-like mark that averages 2 cm wide. The superior oi the three marks is broken. up into small segments that are separated by 0.5 cm zones of sparing. giving it a somewhat dotted appearance. On the right anterior neck. below the ligature mark is a vertical linear abrasion. 2.5 cm long. The mark on the left side of the neck angles downward passing with-in 6 cm of the left earlobe. The mark or: the left side oi the neck consists of Sr: somewhat horizontal blanched marks that. focally have a parchment yellow-brown color. The blanched lines average 0.8 cm in thickness Separating the 2 blanched marks is an area of intense congestion and focal hemorrhage. These two blanched marks converge on the left posterior neck. 0n the skin below the ligature mark on the left are numerous spot-like hemorrhages. There are no signi?cant abrasions or oontusions above or below the ligature mark. 0n the back of the neck. the ligature mark angles upward from lower left to upper right. The mark converges into a single blanched mark. 1cm wide that has local parchment yellow-brown coloration. The chest is stable and symmetric. No palpable subcutaneous On the left pectoral area is a monochronwtic tattoo of the name ALLYSON. The abdomen is mildly scaphoid and soft. There is a moderate amount of dark body hair on the anterior torso. No abdominal susgicai scars. The external genitalia are those of an uncircumcised adult male with bilaterally descended testes. The extremities are symmetric. without angularity or detormity. The ?ngernails are uninjured, extending to and beyond the fingertips. The ?ngernails are neatly kept. The nail beds are markedly cvanotlc. No clubbing oi the digits. On the knuckles ot the right hand are numerous irregular remote scars that are mostly semi-ovoid marks. up to 1.5 cm. On the back of the right hand is a monochromatic tattoo of the name JAKUB. No hesitation-type scars on the wrists. No needle tracks. On the lateral ten elbow is a cross-shaped amateur tattoo. 0n the pack of the let: hand. between the thumb and index ?nger is an amateur tattoo of 3 dots. On the ventral lelt wrist is a monochromatic tattoo ot the name SABRINA. The legs show no evidence of peripheral edema. Oh the lateral left heel is a 0.5 cm abrasion. The toenails are not The posterior torso and anus are unremarkable. except for a prominent pattern of lividity on the upper back and posterior neck that has irregular blanched marks attributed to bedding. INTER AT HEAD: The scalp is re?ected after making the usual intes'rnastoid incision and is true of subcutaneous or subgareal hemorrhages. The caivarzum is intact. No epidural or subdural hemorrhage. The brain weighs 1.450 grams and is of the usual con?guration covered my congested. but glistening and transparent lento-meninges with clear cerebrospinal fluid. The brain acct-tars mildly swollen with flattened gyri. No caning or herniation. The vessels at the base of the brain pursue their usual anatomic courses and are patent throughout. without significant atherosclerosis. thrombosis or Recent or remote traumatic lesions or other abnormalities are not noted on serial coronal sectioning in the t: cut: state. except to: mooted. dusky rcdicurpie dismloration of the cortical gray ribbon. The gray'white interfaces are generally distinct. No intracnreoral- hemorrhages. masses. or abscesses. No cortical contusion hemorrhages. The ventricular system is symmetric and free of blood. No lesions are seer: the midbrain, brainstem or cerebellum. The bones at the of the skull are without evidence attractors. The membrane is intact. NECK: The neck is dissected in layers revealing no sucerhciai or deep anterior cervical soft tissue hemorrhage. except for a 1 cm spot-like hemorrhage in the sort tissue over the hyold t?ltJ-lte in the anterior mid line This is assoc: led with a very supnr?oial depressed fracture of the outer table of the bone. The greater horns of the hyoid bone are all intact. The hyoid bone and laryngeal cartilagos are normally formed with flexible laryngeal cartilages but immobile hyoirl joints. Both greater horns of the larynx are fractured. but without associated fresh The fractures are at the base of the greater horns. The larynx and trachea are unobstructed and lined by hyr?ierernic, red-brown mucosa. No muoosal edema or petechiae. The cervical Spine is intact. No anterior prevertebrai fascia hemorrhage. CARDOZA, FABIAN CC 18 29240 4 ac. BODY The body cavities are entered in the usual manner. To sting for free air in the pleural cavities is negative. All cavities are free ofeacess or abnormal lluid accumulations or adhesions. The organs are in their usual anatomic locations. The lungs are expanded. Serosal surfaces are generally smooth and glistening. CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: The heart weighs 360 grams and is of the usual con?guration covered by smooth glistening eprcardium. No epiardial petechiae. Serial sections show congested and softened. red-brown ?brillar myocardiurn without recent or remote infarcts. The heart walls are not thickened. The endocardium is thin and translucent. The heart valves are normally formed. pliable and intact. No vegetations. The coronary calls are in their usual locations and are patent. The coronary circulation is right dominant. The coronary arteries are tree of atherosclerosis and are patent throughout. without thrombosis. The aorta is intact and exhibits hemolytic stain ing of the smooth intima No atherosclerotic plaques. No complicated plaques or aneurysm. The vena cava and pulmonary arteries are free of antemortem thrombus. The heart and great vessels are distended by Iluid blood. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: The lung weights are: Right 680 grams: Lalt - 630 grams. The right lung hasa four-lobed architecture, while the leli lung has three lobes. The pleural surfaces are smooth and glistening, with minimal anthracotic pigmentation. Sections show moderately congested. red-brown cut surfaces that ooze a moderate amount of frothy serosanguinous ?uid. especially from non-dependent areas. Dependent areas are relatively atelectatic and intensely congested. No focal intrapulmonary lesions. The tracheobronchral tree is lined by markedly hyperamic. red-brown mucosa. but is unobstructed and with-out mass lesions. LIVER AND PANCREAS: The liver weighs 1490 grams and is covered by a smooth intact capsular surface with sharp anterior margins. Sections show congested red-brown cut surfaces with mottled areas of yellow-tan color that display the usual tabular architecture. No focal lesions. I can easily pass my thumb through 2 cm thick sections. The gallbladder contains approxinately 5 ml of thin green-brown bile and the gallbladder mucosa is unremarkable. The bile passages appear patent. No stones. No portal The pancreas is generally and intensely congested. but free of [rank hemorrhages. masses. or fat necrosis. GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM: The tongue is without evident injury. The pharynx is unobstructed. The asephagus is intact and lined by unremarkable gray-tan mucosa. The stomach contains approximately 15 ml of pale. pink-tan mucoid tluid without identi?able food fragments, pill material or peculiar scent. The gastric mucosa is intact and gray-tan. without ulcers or masses. The duodenum and the remainder of the small and large bowels are without evident mucosal abnormality. The colon contains soft formed green-brown feces and is free ofblood. No colonic ulcers. hemorrhages or masses. The appendix is present. SPLEEN AND MODES: The spleen weighs 160 grams and is covered by an intact blue-gray capsule. Sections show congested and softened. red-brown without focal lesions. No enlargement of rrtedlastinal. lung hilar. mesenteric or para- aortic nodes. ENDOCRINE SYSTEM: The adrenal glands have the usual thin golden-yellow cortices surrounding thin red medullary centers. No cortical masses or medullary hemorrhages. The thyroid gland is of the usual size. shape and consistency. No thyroid or masses. The pituitary gland is unremarkable. The thyroid gland is not injured. SYSTEM: The kidneys are of similar size and shape. The kidney weights are: Right - 140 grams. Left 150 grams. The capsules strip with ease to reveal smooth cortical surfaces. persistent fetal lobation and intense renal congestion. Sections show uniform cortical thickness with distinct cortico-rnedullary junctions. The cartons. pelves and ureters are unremarkable. The :32ng contains 120 mi of clear. pale yellow urine. The bladder mucosa is unremarkable The prostate gland is not enla CARDOZA, FABIAN CC 18 29240 MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM: The red-brown muscle is ?rm and without focal non-traumatic abnormalities. No visible or palpable fractures of the bony thorax. vertebral column. pelvis or long bones of the extremities. The abdominal fat averages 4 cm in thickness. TOXICOLOGY: Samples of peripheral blood. urine, vitreous humor, liver. and gastric contents are retained. HISTOLOGY: None. Sections of all major viscera are retained in stock. PHOTOGRAPHS: Digital photographs are obtained of external and some internal ?ndings. None. EVIDENCE: DNA blood spot cards are obtained. Fingernail clippings and samples of head hair are obtained. END: 11:40. MEHIRM VALLEY INC. CVT-18-8367 Cage game. TOXICOLOGY NUMBER. Fabian 12 ml peripheral blood (2 gray top vials), 1.25 ml vitreous humor, 18 ml gastric, 3.25 ml hlabeled "Cardoza, Fab? 2018-00029240; Specimen Description soe??z? ssue can Ian Doll I by Tncor [1 20-Jun-18 V?d by Posey Date 20-Jun-48 Request Complete Drug Screen Agency Case 18-29240 Requesting Agency Report To Merced County Sheriff/Coroner Merced County Shed?YCoroner 455 E. 13th 455 E. 13th Merced CA 95340 Maoed CA 95340 Specimen: Peripheral Blood Sample RESULTS Complete Drug Screen: Methamphetamine detected. No other common acidic, neutral or basic drugs daected. No Ethyl Alcohol detected. d-Methamphetamine 0.09 nag/L d-Amphetamine 0.02 lug/L Blood Methamphetamine Ranges Blood Amphetamine Ranges E??ec?ve Level: - 0.05 mg/L) Effective Level: (0.02 - 0.15 mdL) Potentially Toxic: (0.2 - mgll.) Potentially Toxic: (0.2 mg/L) ?m mm Arm/.7 minimum Gui. cam: 93611 B. L. POE June 26, 2018 Huntsman-om Ful?l) 323-7502 Case Report ?u I 9 - had? Summary Print thiamine: 01:28:2019 1:17:59 MERCED COUNTY OFFICE Login ID: ?menu Number: CAOMOODO Case Number: 201 8-00829249 Cu. Gnu um 2018:00029240 Incident Typo: scm4 Locllon: WW 22M) ST Occurred From: 65518323? 3311?: Occur-mt 'l?hru: 06582018 13:13 My ammo: snow-1 . Dbpou?lon: NO comm UP WELES Disposition Duh: mamw new mu: 0611mm 13:42 Monday 9?:ng Adda? Pinon. he. Sax 003M. AV MALE {3651411998 ??55570. CA 935350 29 NEXT or- Km 1 mama. BOBBY ALLEN m1 - MALE so 333 NEXT OF Km 2 PRAK. _a FEMAL #0135810, CA 95357 Arrests Aunt No. Rune Adams Oat-mum Typo Ago, Property Pagez?low Case Report Summary In Prim 000011 Imo: 0112102019 14.19 MERCED COUNTY OFFICE Logln ID: ooIsh0084 Number: CA0240000 Cm umber: 201800029240 Date Code Type like Model Description Tag No. mm No. mum's" SKIIWEOU 66576 1 W016 SAFEKEEPING MISCELLANEOU CK FOR $75.00 60674 1 SAFEKEEPING MISCELLANEOU VINTE CHAIN WITH CROSS 60673 1 8 06202010 SAFEKEEPING MISCELLANEOU CDL Y4106707 60012 1 09102016 EVIDENCE PHOTOCD 60606 1 333192018 EVIDENCE HAIRSAMPLE 60061 I 151100010 EVIDENCE PAIR WHITE SOCKS 60660 1 06I1M010 EVIDENCE MISCELLANEOU GREY SHORTS 60670 1 EVIDENCE MISCELLANEOU mm: aoxsns 60670 1 5 0611912010 EVIDENCE MISCELLANEOU JAIL PANTS 60677 1 EVIDENCE WHITETEE SHIRT 60676 1 060102016 EVIDENCE MISCELLANEOU FINGERNAIL CLIPPINGS 60675 1 8 0611012010 EVIDENCE RT HANDBAG 60674 1 0611912016 EVIDENCE LTHANDBAG 60672 1 0011012010 EVIDENCE MISCEMNEOU ORAIBESWEATSHIRT 60670 1 06MN2010 EVIDENCE MISCELLANEOU AUTOPSY TISSUE 60653 1 0611012010 EVIDENCE ISMSCELIANEOU TOXICOLOGY 60651 1 08mm" EVIDENCE MISCELLANEOU DNACARD2 60640 1 8 0011012010 EVIDENCE MISCELLANEOU DNACARD 1 60646 1 5 0011012010 CORONER DECEDENT CAROOZA.FABIAN 5114100 60646 1 mm 0000 Transaction From From Role To To Role Typo: Intake Ts RUIZ ARGUELLES Code: INITIAL Tag Number: 60070 Remarks: 06!!"2016 14 36 Typo: Raleuo SHOES-MARK MORTON EATON FAMILY FUNERAL HOME 0000: CORONER REL TO FR Tag Number: 60075 Expochd Retum D010: Remarks: OCRY COLLINS Case Report Summary Print Dame: 0112832019 146:19 MERCED COUNTY SHEREFFS OFFICE Login ID: co?sshOOM Number: Case Number: 2018-0082924!) swimmers!? Date transaction From From Role To To Role 01-121mm 1.3 14:29 Till?: Make RUIZ Em Code: iNlTlAl. Tag Number: soon Remarks: coo-mm 14:33 Type: Release snows-MARK MORTON EATON FAMILY FUNERAL HOME Code: CORONER REL TO PH Tag Number: 60874 Expected Return Date: Remarks: CORY coums Emmw?uaqux Date Transaction From From Role To To Role ore'ma ?af?ne: Intake RUIZ suozawouu .ARGUELLES Code: lNl?l?lAL Tag Number: 80873 Remarks: owmw ".38 Type: Release SHOWS-MARK MORTON FAMIU FUNERAL Code: CORONER REL TO FH Tag Number: Bills? 3 Expected Return Date: Remarke: CORY COLLINS Date Transaction From From Role To To Role We Intake I ARGUELLES Code: INITIAL 1'89 Nmnber: 59872 Remarks: 39.31:! 112333 14:38 Type: Release SHOES-MARK HORTON LATIN 'r'??leLY "tibia; Coda: CORONER REL TO FH Tag Number: 60872 Expected Return Date: Remarks: CORY GULLINS Shalom Date Transaction From From Role To To Role 12:01 "?pe?ntake A-RGUEI USS Code: Tag Number: 80695 Realm: 065'19/2018 12:03 Typo: Release .LES Code: CORONER REL TO INV Tag Number: Expected Return Date: Remarks: Page: 3 ol 9 58595 77- MAR (HA MAHTWEZ Case Report 0? Summary 15 Deterrlme: omenms 14.19 MERCED COUNTY OFFICE Login ID: ee\eh0084 ORI Number: CA0240000 Case Number: 201800029240 ?lial?! Date Transaction From From Role To To Role oanW? 16:55 Type: int-Ice ms: Code: INITIAL Tag Number: 00881 Remarks: 08119120181203 Type: Release snow-Jam ARGUELLES MARTINEZ Code: CORONER REL TO INV AGENCY Tag Number: 000131 Expected Return Date: Remerke: Dale Transaction From From Role To To Role Type: lnleke Wear 511029140?! ARGUELLES Code: Tag Number: 60680 Remarks: 06119120101203 Type: Release smzewonu SH0477-MARTHA ARGUELLES MARTINEZ Code: CORONER RELTO INV AGENCY Tag Number: 60630 Expected Return Date: Remark: Date Transaction From From Role To To Role 31155513 15:17 Intake arm: mama: ARGUELLES coda: INITIR Tag Number: 80078 Remarks: 0011912018 12 .03 Type: Release snow-Jam ARGLELIES MARTINEZ Code: CORONER REL TO INV AGENCY Tag Number: 80879 Exoeeted Return Date: Remarks: Montcalm Dene Treneeo?on From From Role To To Role 00:1 810115 Intake - 1- ARGUELLES Code: INITIAL Ten Number: 00878 Remarks: 08n9l201812:03 Type: Release SH0291-JOHN SH0477-MARTHA ARGUELLES MARTINEZ 00110: CORONER REL TO INV AGENCY Ten Number: Expected Return Date: Rome-rte: Page: 4010 50678 Case Report Summary Print Detemme: 0128/2019 14,19 MERCED COUNTY OFFICE Login ID: co\sh0084 ORI Number: CA0240000 Case Number: zeta-00029240 Date Transaction From From Role To To Role We?; 10:14 Type: Intake JOHN Code: INITIAL Tag Number: 60677 Remarks: osmmon 12:03 Type: Release SH0291-JOHN ARGUELLES MARTINEZ Code: CORONER REL T0 11w AGENCY Tag Number: 150377 Expected Return Date: Remarks: Qnaumwm Date Transaction From From Role To To Role amr?fom 10:13 Type: Intake 31-103? .T-MARK supza ARGUELLES Code: INITIAL Tag Number: 80676 Remarks: Typo; Release SHOZSI-JOHN ARGUELLES MARTINEZ Code: ODRCNER Hill, TO INVAGENCY Tag Number. 6:?:676 Expected Return Date: Remerke: mm Data Transaction From From Role To To Role W013 10-11 Type; 1mm 51103714111.? super: Wont-m ARGLELLES Code: INITIAL Tag Number: 63875 Remarks: Type: Roluasu ARGUELLES Code: CORONEP. REL T0 INV AGENCY Tag Number: 60675 Expected Return Date: Remarks: mammuem Date Transaction From From Role To To Role 0611912018 10:10 Ty": 1mm 31111251401111 cude; Tag Number: 60674 Remarks: 12:03 Type: Ruin-use SI-I047T-MARTHA ARGUELLES MARTINEZ. cm: CORONER REL TO INV AGENCY Tag Number: Expected Return Date: Remarks: Page.50t8 6067? Case Report Summary 8 Print Dehr?me: 01 12512019 14:19 MERCED COUNTY OFFICE Login ID: courtroom ORI Number: CA0240000 Case Number: 2018-00029240 mm Date Transaction From From Role To To Rota Womb '16 10:09 Type: Intake WUPER ARGUELLES Code: INITIAL Tag Number: 80672 Remarks: 091mm 12:03 Typo: Release swam-JOHN ARGUELLES Code: CORONER REL TO INV AGENCY Tag Number: 00872 Expected Return Date: Remarks: mm Date Transaction From From Role To To Rate ?r?maa'ih'?r? Type: Intake Winn ARGUELLES Code: INITIAL Tag Number: 50670 Remarks: ?momma 12:03 Type: Release SHOZSI-JOHN ss-mnmarm ARGLELLES MARTIEZ Code: CORONER REL TO INV AGENCY Tag Number: 60670 Expected Return Date: Remarks: Dale Transaction From From Role To To Role mm Intake mgr: GARCIA Code: INITIAL Tag Number: 60653 Remarke: Date Transaction From From Role To To Role manure 15:34:73?; Ir?eke MUCH GARCIA GARCIA Code: Tag Number: 60651 Remarks: 35:2?203 14:05 Type: Release SIWI-DANIELLE CENTRAL VALLEY OLIVEIRA TOXICOLOGY Code: SENT To 70:: LAB Tag Number: 00851 Expected Return Date: Remake: of Date Transaction From From Role To To Rah ?w?ms'T?szzs Type: Intake Wows?: GARCIA s??a-wcm GARCIA Code: INITIAL Tag Number: 60649 Remarks: P80018019 Case Report Summary Print Datemme: 01(2852019 14:19 MERCED COUNTY OFFICE Login ID: 00300084 Number: CA0240000 Case Number: ems-00029240 9.0010 01.600wa Date Transaction From From Role To To Role Wyp?: 1mm GARCIA mm GARCIA Code: INITIAL Tag Number: 00648 Remrke: 0519:2013 I203 Typo: Remuse snow-mu 5mm MARTHA ARGUELLES MARTINEZ Code: CORONER REL To me :65er Tea Number: 60640 Expemd Return Date: Remerke: ?nale 9! 90.3190! Date Transaction From From Role To To Rob 05,, 325013 15.27 Intake E?s?mom arm GARCIA Code: INITIAL Tag Number: 8:640 Remarks: 0611812018 16:00 Type: Release SH0291-JOHN SH0291-JOHN ARGUELLES ARGUELLES Code: XRAY Tag Number: 00646 Expected Return Date: Remarks; 16:30 Typo: Intake WEN-JOHN $10231 ARGUELLES ARGUELLES Code: INITIAL Tag Number: 60646 Remarks: 061192018 09:15 Type: Release ARGUELLES SUPER Code: AUTOPSY Ten Number: 63040 Expected Return Date: Remarks: 06119120181203 Type: Intake SHOEITIMARK SUPER SHUZQLJOHN ARGUELLIZS Code: INITIAL Tag Number: 60648 Remarks: aemmem 14:38 Type: Release SWZM-MARK MORTON EATON FAME-EX FUNERAL HOME Code: CORQNER REL TO FH Tag Number: 60646 Expected Return Date: Remarks: CORY COLLINS Vehicles No 5919 Vehlcle Type Year Make Model Color License PIate State Page. 7 M9 -. . .U- Casa Number: 2018410029240. 0R1: CADZW. Page: 3 of 9 CORONER REPORT 1 REPORTABLE CRITERIA: THE DECEDENTS DEATH WAS THE RESULT OF STRANGULATION. REPORTED: 06/18/1018: 1342 INVESTIGATIN AGENCY: MERCED COUNTY OFFICE REPORT NUMBER 18-29196, DETECTIVE MARTINEZ (D49) NARRATIVE: DEPUTY CORONER GARCIA (5722) AND I RESPONDED TO THE MERCED COUNTY MAIN JAIL, 700 WEST STREET, MERCED TO TAKE A REPORT AT THE REQUEST OF THE MERCED COUNTY OFFICE. WE ARRIVED AND WERE INFORMED BY MCSO SGT BECCERA THAT THE DECEDENT IDENTIFIED AS FABIAN CARDOZA, AGE 20 HAD BEEN ATTACKED BY TWO INMATES IN THE SHOWER AREA OF A COMMON AREA OF A GROUP JAIL CELL, WITH ONE HOLDING THE DECEDENT DOWN ON THE FLOOR AND THE OTHER USING AN IMPROVISED LIGATURE MADE FROM BED SHEETS TO FORM A NOOSE WHICH HE USED TO STRANGLE THE DECEDENT. THE DECEDENT WAS PLACED IN HIS BED BY THE IN MATES INVOLVED. THE INCIDENT, WHICH WAS DOCUMENTED 0N JAIL VIDEO ACTUALLY OCCURRED ON 06!] 7/2018 AT APPROXIMATELY 1231 HOURS BUT THE DECEDENT WAS FOUND UN RESPONSIVE WITH SIGNS OF RIGOR AND LIVIDITY PRESENT LYING IN HIS BUNK THIS AFTERNOON AT APPROXIMATELY 1300 HOURS. 911 WAS ACTIVATED. RIGGS AMBULANCE SERVICE PARAMEDIC EIRICH RESPONDED TO THE CELL AND UPON SEEING OBVIOUS SIGNS OF DEATH CEASED THE RESUSCITATION ATTEMPT INITIATED BY JAIL MEDICAL STAFF AT 1313 HOURS (REFER TO THE MCSO INVESTIGATIVE RECORD FOR FURTHER DETAILS). WE BEGAN OUR INVESTIGATION BY TAKING MULTIPLE DIGITAL PHOTOGRAHS OF THE DECEDENT AND THE INTERIOR OF THE CELL. THE ONLY AREA OF TRAUMA FOUND WAS THE LIGATURE INDENTATION AROUND THE NECK. RIGOR MORTIS WAS PRESENT AND LIVIDITY WAS FIXED. AFTER COMPLETING OUR SCENE INVESTIGATION, THE DECEDENT WAS TRANSPORTED TO THE OFFICE. LATER IN THE EVENING, I RECEIVED AN EMAIL FROM SGT RUIZ THAT MCSO DETECTIVES HAD CONTACTED BOBBY CARDOZA, THE FATHER AND INFORMED HIM OF HIS DEATH. OF DEATH: DOCTOR MARK SUPER CAUSE OF DEATH: BY STRANGULATION, INTERVAL MINUTES. THE MANNER OF DEATH IS THAT OF HOMICIDE. FURTHER ACTION TAKEN: THE IDENTIFICATION WAS CONFIRMED BY FIN GERPRINT COMPARISON. X-RAYS OF THE DECEDENT WERE TAKEN AT THE REQUEST 0F DOCTOR SUPER. DOCTOR SUPER PERFORMED AN AUTOPSY ON THE DECEDENT AND ATTESTED THE DEATH CERTIFICATE WITH THE AFORE MENTIONED CAUSE AND MANNER OF DEATH. I ASSIGNED A CORONERS CASE NUMBER TO THE DEATH CERTIFICATE IN CAL-EDRS. THE DECEDENT AND HIS PERSONAL PROPERTY WAS RELEASED TO EATON FAMILY FUNERAL SERVICE OF MODESTO AS REQUESTED IN A FUNERAL HOME RELEASE SIGNED BY HIS FATHER, WHO HAD BEEN GIVEN WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION TO MAKE HIS SON FUNERAL ARRANGEMENTS DY ALLYSON PRAK. THE Case Numb?: 2018410029240. 0R1: CA0240000. Page: 9 of 9 SPOUSE. SUPPORTING CAUSE DOCUMENTATION: MISCELLANEOUS PAPERWORK INCLUDING THE PRE - HOSPITAL CARE FORM, DEATH CERTIFICATE, AND FUNERAL HOME RELEASE HAVE BEEN SAVED TO THE DOCUMENT SECTION OF THE CASE FILE. CASE STATUS: CLOSED ARGUELLES 06-21-18 APPROVED BY 8-8 M. RUIZ 7/18