FAMILY COURT THE STATE OF NEW YORK or: 011200: COUNTY OF ALBANY In the Manor of: on Pmodl 1098 33m! n. Dozltet F-00646-11/l BB Jessica Donovan. Patition or. WARRANT 0F ARREST - owns: - John anon. Respondent. IN THE NAME OF THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK TO ANY POLICEIPEACE OFFICER IN THE STATE OP NEW YORK. atitlon under Article 4 ol'tha Fami Court Act hov boon lad in this Can and it a eat-in that one oftho grounds aquumoai? of a warrantaa apaoi?od ilIItho Family CouugAct at?m n. PF 5 UARE THEREFORE COMMANDBD forthwith to arms! Jessica Donovan. and bring laid parlon bafbra this Cault to boo dealt with according to law. Dated: November 23. 2018 lion. Richard Rivara NOTICE TO RESPONDENT PARENT IN CHILD ABUSE OR CASESI PLACEMENT OF YOUR CHILD IN FOSTERCA 1' IN YOUR LOSS OF YOUR RIGHTS TO UR CHILD. IF YOUR CHILD STAYS IN POSTER MCARE FOR IS OF TIIE MOST RECENT 32 MONTHS. AGENCY MAY BE BY LAW TO FILE A PETITION TO TERMINATE YOUR PARENTAL RIGHTS AND MAY FILE RE THE END OF THE 15 MONTH PERIOD. ORRE RATED CHILD ABUSE IS PROVEN ANYGORIG NVINCING THE Fa lly Cont-I?M Act rovlrlu that: ?Iran adult rosemdont ls arraaltad undar this act when the family co "arm not in sea: on. ha cube n? to the most rm and anal ad. The production ol'a is: thaordaro protactionortom ordero proloctl ?Iat?protaetion or tom pomyz order of .eotion. Ora record ofauch wamnto rordor horn tire wt computer rowan; puruuantto VI 'on 221-o ionic "Kraut/a law shall avidanca of the ?ling of an inform It. or ?path on or worn .gim digraph a this aItialaU pan conaidoration of the bail ?mammal any?mado aatadon [mtlha warrant or certi?cate of mi. the pondant to ytha Mound? of tho alteri?'. ?hear doi'i nod In tuluii' on 35 oftootion on" one claim or ortbr ihml,yoqut Iubj joot totha provlalona 0 arm tour section 530.11 of criminal procedure aw arrests upon a violation of an order oi?pmtoctIon Fun Court Act 15 Idea that: dark of?oor In oh 3 a not on. ooun all or lico haadquam or ang?of hit or har eupmr mean, my. in such place.taloe Ilium ?p'om?IIln arlhar bapfgra the apprapria? court tho naxt morningi?ro manyp person mound want to a warrant issued famiy court; rovidod that ouch arm? occurs batman eleven 0 ?clook In the to'ciaolr tha next morning. qxoapt that in city ltyofNaw shall ha takonb bemoan two 0' olkoo in o??amoon and eight 0 'clook the next morning. The amount ofauoh 0&3th bathe amount ?xad' In tho warrantoi? mast"