PHYSICS COMMUNITY Attacks 01:1 IPCC Repert Heat Over Global Warming he eIt-tlrn that human :icln'll'h?? ing- ni?eanliy intltienee gltihnl elimnte hae inng heen h?lijf debated. bin when the influential Pane] en Change tIF??f?l get-e,- ite euppert in thin Fer the ?at-at time in its recently: published "Seennrl Aalieesment Hepert" nn girth-.1] climate ehunge, the repert ennte under immediate by -i.l -SlTl:.tll hut t'nrtil eemrnullitgr' mneietingufthe tilehal mEite leitien i.t ?S??t?i?ti-nn reprei-u'enline aheut. EU eempnniee I'rum the eerterl and 3 email number uFeeienhi'ie skeptiee. These t?lit?? eleim that the IFCC hmke ite nut-n rules in preparing the repnrt. and that the ereienee nf a crucial ehetpler lee-e hath: on page Edit [hi-it denie the tie-tee- lien and ulti'ihutinn tit glehttl wen altered in the prtieese. Setentir-tr- and e?'ieiule eithe IFCC. fer their part. den}.r tiny wrung-lining. The eetuhliehed in 1.9351 by the United Hutiene Eln'irenment thetrremme and the t?i?erid Meteum- lugietil. Drganitatien tn pret'ide pet-Indie mmpreheneiee en El change te guide pnlie?rmnhen-j internar tinnalljr. The Stilt. three-teleme- repnrt enreiieti ?it rile nl' the eeieriee et? ehrnete rhtinge pre- pared by Wurl-ting Greup I. irripa'tet [Ln-El reepnnz-ie straw-glee ?Tl II and and metal Intellea- liene try W113 111. int-elven nbent scientietr- worldwide and was renewed experts end he netienel get-?ere- mente. The repert will he need It: edvirie the United Nations Frame- Centre-mien nn Chrnate Chang-r- tF[I?ij ?The meat imme- diate influence will be en the fun- en the Ia UN Indy that Ir: reepnnsihle etmrdinnling the. implementeliert efthe Ftitf?if ?ag-'3 Bremen Gardner. ti L'?llbiull' ent tn the SEE. ?If they" are cen- that climate ehnng-e IR sti?i- tier-?y ttueatening. they may add edditienei requirements tn the whleh enuid eentrr'lit many eemtriee. tn adept new regulatie-ne." "Chapter H- Iii-1' {Ili- mate Eheuge entl Attributien ei' Canary] was the meet charged and hetiy debated subject" it?! ttaternent by scientists that the "balance of evidence 51153515 3. dis- ccmible human in?uence an gluing] mate' has stirred up 3 lilies] L'Gll'l?tlt} Ferry that seem be a I everything except the Elmer}. ill Wt} '31 'Ilt'l'ltll'l'i' ltlL?L'lHu: in Madrid '27?'39 Nltt'etnher mgr-r. .1 View urehu-tl rnunj; The main Iii-rue ul'lht- Madrid hriw- ever. tun-i tn per-[emu the Summer}..- Fur E?Irliefr I'n-Iultenu' heteetl the eleven hi the Wt} rennin The t'nnt'ludee that ?the hztlanrt- e-F et'idente HugueeL-L dIr-eernihie hu- man tenet-nee un meted elimete-" 2 :u'lELlL'l'ltl?nl lhnl. hen-t entir- ntnue mtplit?ntmn?. Fni' Willey-making fer the energy" Induetrg.? fer the glnhel ?It tnr-h heure and hnnre n1" paine- teltinlg.r innftiertlner sees. entiti- ing that there tree ?eternit- hllith-ptiwererl deal euttingr In agreeing tn the til-?51 Ei-ut Ell] Eiti nntinne Finally tipprneed the ESPN line he iim:_ end he ehnngee were made tn it after the Madrid meeting. tn the Setenel Amman-It Intergmermntal Panel eel-{II Etit'tit HF [Hl? ?D'r?tj I i't-ntrihutiun tn the [l't-ili :L'Ftt'lr'. i'llrrIJtt' I'thjr the (innit-ridge Free. The Intht'ninn] in mutt-mat were nut Inr-. l?:Iltt rather were ?nut-rented.? teehnleel tt-rln need by the Le denutt: t: dneument "prehenth' and httlurtee-d t'iew" til the Htlhie-t'i mutter. JIJ-l'ln Ifntlel?ltnn- Ir?l' strewn-tun Ii'lEIl 11F ttii' l'liilrrti?l?? that ehnnet-h wenld he made tn rut-Heel th-r- diet'uee'lnma .'Il the Madrid meeting. The [ii-?it? and 112-: eun- t'erned?u l'ler pnlteiet-z aimed til en r- ttlilini: Iiiel wnuld l?iit't'l' tl 1'l'lilJH?l' 1m the energy intereste that the l't?llft?hl??lh. rHirtnne WEI. nf the erml :mel ml in- rnrnirtt-ratl .1 Ht-J'lt'e. nF tnelta-t tan ll-I'Jtlt the sent-nee rif change and the ?if the Il?t'fi. an article In [Linem- lier'e Hen-Mr}: I The git-1t til the nllegetinne ht that change-2,. made tn ehriptvr ti nit-er the Madrid meetingr were "Linnuthnnaed" :-1ntl In einltittnn til-ll?: precedent] rules. and that the ret'teetl ehapter tilir uncertainty tt- prurient mere etrenitljr the NIH: [er the influence el- human activity H11 glided L'hlt'ltlte Hut the Wt: 1 seientiets nitrl e?it?it?tls Fili'l-tlnt'lill'u? tlirtt?ree the nth-gallium- ?'I1it'l'i they set "'I'het-te ut- tarI-ea mean that the energy Indus- try ire tithing the end the! they eekneuletige met the '.tre set'iutie tin' them." ear-tr: Mtll'l. L'iiJ11-il- trite-met ill'. the Unit-entity el- I'I-iuijr- :It ("allege Park and .El. eun- tn'hnlur tu ti. ?i'hejr hen- 1hmtt mint-thine It: make trtt-tlhle rarer. juet tn F-l-Itll things." he itdd'b'. The deli-nu: hint ere-lured ti Fen-1d Lind uni-mini: lsmu- htihrt. .1an the heart tri'the tentru- melee?the inl'luenee m1 glulml enme- in gel lib-1 the l-L'ieh nuttitemn the 1.13.11 e! the IItheI': the letld Itl' ehepler ti- Hemtea?. tut ill- mnejiherle H1. Lent'renee feelzu' 1115 rt'ientilit' inherit" hem: tut-d the li-tl'let' detreetent her-"e queetierietl the err-ttih-Ihtjr nf the IWF. We Ih'rrl'A hither? 19%- 55