Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communiqu? en vertu de la Loi surl'acc?s a? I'information. Senk,Kascha From: Armitage, Elizabeth Sent: February 11, 2019 11:36 AM To: Michaud, Anne Subject: RE: Twitter launch materials Ni: specific: dead?ine at this mini -- ww were taming; tar: launch last week, so HQW we are just waiting. ?543) From: Michaud, Anne Sent: Monday, February 11, 2019 11:34 AM To: Armitage, Elizabeth Subject: RE: Twitter launch materials yes, it?s still with Qawc? as per {Jim 3 wise: checked with Karine er: Friday betare left: and she can?rmet? that it was with Qawd. What is yaw deadtine first appraisals? Executive Assistant i Adjointe execut?va Cemmunicatiwns @ublic Frasecut?m Eerv?ce Canada i Service ?es paursu?tee beagles. {its Canada (SPEC) Etgin Street, Ream 12388 i 16% rue Etgm, piece ?32308 Qttawa (Getarie) MA 0H8 Tet, {513} wewwza Eax??tec; (?513) Qavemment of Qa?ada {Ecuvamemenf Canada From: Armitage, Elizabeth Sent: Monday, February 11, 2019 11:25 AM To: Michaud, Anne Subject: Twitter launch materials I know all of senior management has been pretty busy the last few days, so I am not surprised we didn?t get the package approved last when you have a chance, could you check if the twitter launch materials are still with David? I just want to make sure they are still moving Thanks! Elizabeth Elizabeth Armitage Executive Director, Communications Directrice executive, Communications Public Prosecution Service of Canada Service des poursuites p?nales du Canada Ottawa, Canada 000001 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communiqu? en vertu de la Loi surl'acc?s a? I'information. Telephone T?l?phone 613?946?3821 Government of Canada Gouvernement du Canada 000002 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communique en vertu de la Loi surl'acc?s a? I'information. Senk, Kascha From: Nemis, Sabrina Sent: February 18, 2019 3:25 PM To: Armitage, Elizabeth Cc: Martin, Marissa Subject: RE: Two additional tweets based on Kathleen's comments Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged {35:9 aoizi a oi Sabrina :?Ei?ioifiisioa Nomio Mooia Qi?oor/ Ageoi?o {foo aveo foo moi/too Sorvioo of Sewioo ties Citi ?$63 Eigio Street, Room 123%; ?i?ii roe Eigio, ?i233?? Qttowa {Qotorio} ma {ii-i8 Tet. {5?33} Govoromooi of {Samoa {Eoovoroomooi o?o From: Armitage, Elizabeth Sent: Monday, February 18, 2019 3:24 PM To: Nemis, Sabrina Cc: Martin, Marissa Subject: RE: Two additional tweets based on Kathleen's comments threao makos some to me tot Marissa woigh in tootho iogai sioo ooioro WEE go a?oai?i with gottiog a wo with a of twoots on the soojoot oi Maybe we too oo something with om from our oows roioaso? oioar, ogo tooio oaokwtomoaok but have a of oitg on the ?Emma to insert from time to time} The priooipie ot?prosooutoriai is; key to the PPSC prosecutors are to to objectivo, anti disoassiooato in tho oxoi?oiso of {hair dotios? mid to oxoi?oiso tiioso duties; i a monitor froo from any improper iniioonoo, From: Nemis, Sabrina Sent: Monday, February 18, 2019 2:56 PM To: Armitage, Elizabeth Cc: Martin, Marissa save it, oea> Subject: Two additional tweets based on Kathleen's comments Here are two additional tweets. Technically ?one? of them is a thread of four tweets. Unofficially, I tested the tweets about major/minor on my partner, who knows nothing about the law and he said it made sense to him, so now it needs to pass the test of someone who does understand the law. 000003 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communiqu? en vertu de la Loi surl'acc?s a? I'information. Sabrina ?ab?m Ma?a Eaiaz?ia?g Qi?cer??ge?fa SE98 raiafians meg ?33 m??ias ?wb??a gamma mf {Sanada (PQSQ Saw?m ties; murgm?ieg p??aiag {Eu {Sana?a E?gin Sweet me ?523%? ?38% we E?gm, p??ae @i?iawa (@?iaria) Km Tgi? {323) {Savernmam? ?ama?a dz; C?amada 000004 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communiqu? en vertu de la Loi surl'acc?s a? I'information. Senk, Kascha From: Armitage, Elizabeth Sent: February 19, 2019 3:45 PM To: Nemis, Sabrina; Martin, Marissa Subject: RE: Two additional tweets based on Kathleen's comments Satryi Etia anataar may ?at; ham, arty aftaa HQ: iawyara waaid a aatiaam waa thiakiag iatt, aat aa?a tairiy away iataty: Ea thara aayar?za yau?va ctaait with an taa ar athar tatags that: Ea quick with th?a kit/3c? at thing? From: Nemis, Sabrina Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2019 11:53 AM To: Martin, Marissa Armitage, Elizabeth Subject: RE: Two additional tweets based on Kathleen's comments Wha cam wa run it av? Sabrina Namta Ma?a Qf?aar/ Agam?a ataa avaa Mattias Sarv?aa at Sarviaa aauraaitaa panaiaa at; Canada (SPPQE tat} Eigin Strata: Raam ?323%; ?Sat? ma Elgia, Qttawa {Qataria} Rita Tat. {5?33} Gavaramaat at {Eatrvaraamaat at; From: Martin, Marissa Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2019 9:32 AM To: Armitage, Elizabeth a gas a c,ca>; Nemis, Sabrina <3abtiaa??am?a sag t2: Subject: RE: Two additional tweets based on Kathleen's comments "that ma?a ta ma tam. Waray but a?a?a iamgaaga: Eta way ta gat aama aatict acmaa: mama it ha ma by an aha Eagai gida at thtaga tar Sara. From: Armitage, Elizabeth Sent: Monday, February 18, 2019 3:24 PM To: Nemis, Sabrina acma c: Cc: Martin, Marissa a} c: avca> Subject: RE: Two additional tweets based on Kathleen's comments Tia: makaa ta ma: Eat waigh it?; taa, it wa ahaaia ma it by an tha taga? was ga with gattiag a 000005 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communiqu? en vertu de la Loi surl'acc?s a? I'information. Ethiee we ate with a et tweete er: ?the seejeei: ef Maybe we can ee eemete?eg wee tbie teem ?eteiemeet? eewe re?eese?? We be teem be: have differeet eite era the theme te free: time te time} The p?ecipie ef is key it} the mandate, PPSC are expected. t0 be ebjee?tiye, and, in the exeteiee ef their detiee, and te exeteiee duties; in e, ?ee tram any in?uenee teciudieg petitieei in?eenee, From: Nemis, Sabrina Sent: Monday, February 18, 2019 2:56 PM To: Armitage, Elizabeth gems es esee> Cc: Martin, Marissa gene {2 Subject: Two additional tweets based on Kathleen's comments Here are two additional tweets. Technically ?one? of them is a thread of four tweets. Unofficially, I tested the tweets about major/minor on my partner, who knows nothing about the law and he said it made sense to him, so now it needs to pass the test of someone who does understand the law. Sabrina Nemie Meme {Ef?eer/egeete reiee'erre fee mediate gerviee e? i? Sewiee Eig?e Street, Reese 123%} ?32% rue E?gie, 123i}? Gitewe (?eteriej; we Te?? e? (it; 000006 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communique en vertu de la Loi surl'acc?s a? I'information. Senk, Kascha From: Martin, Marissa Sent: February 19, 2019 4:10 PM To: Nemis, Sabrina; Armitage, Elizabeth Subject: RE: Two additional tweets based on Kathleen's comments Yes, She is reai?y nice and very recebtive to our group, wou?d give her a meme days to get back to you but she w?l? Eikeiy be very quick, From: Nemis, Sabrina Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2019 4:06 PM To: Armitage, Elizabeth Martin, Marissa Subject: RE: Two additional tweets based on Kathleen's comments i?m good ta gt} ahead and send her an emai?? Sabrina ?abttm News; Media ?etations ?f?eerngente ties reiaz?ions avet: fee medias Public: Prosecutian gamma of {Zanada {$354383} Sewiae ?es; aoursuitea a?natae do Canada (SPPQ) ?$6533 Etgin Street, Room ?i230?? 2? we Eigin, piece ?323% Qttawa (Qataria) Yet Got/eminent of Canada Gouvemement cit: Canada From: Armitage, Elizabeth Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2019 4:01 PM To: Martin, Marissa Subject: RE: Two additional tweets based on Kathleen's comments Nat Eta; but yeu?ge right, Sha?g been vet?s! hetbtut an thing and she was on the handing so wt?g be Enters-?sated, <15; From: Martin, Marissa Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2019 3:53 PM To: Armitage, Elizabeth Subject: RE: Two additional tweets based on Kathleen's comments How about: {lamiine Marie? From: Armitage, Elizabeth Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2019 3:45 PM To: Nemis, Sabrina Subject: RE: Two additional tweets based on Kathleen's comments Serryi it?s been another? busy day here, 000007 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communiqu? en vertu de la Loi surl'acc?s a? I'information. Amy {ii tita iawyara waaia a aatiaam i wag ihiakiag iaii, iaait i?ia?a iairiy may iataiy, iia?iai?iasa, i3 thara aayai?ia yau?aa with at: athar thiaga that is; await Wi?ii?i thia thing"? From: Nemis, Sabrina Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2019 11:53 AM To: Martin, Marissa aawa ax axaa>; Armitage, Elizabeth a Sana Subject: RE: Two additional tweets based on Kathleen's comments Whi} sari we run ii: by? Sabrir?ia Ma?a Qf?aar/ aigaata giaa avai: aiatziiaa Sawiaa ai ?ai?iada {993(3) i gamma tit; i?i?i Eigii?i Straat, Raisin?: 1238?: i ma Eigia, piazza ?i233? Qi?iawa (@ataria) Km Qiig Tat {@533} 95%8683 Gavarrimaai 0f Gaavamamai?ii From: Martin, Marissa Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2019 9:32 AM To: Armitage, Elizabeth a Sara Nemis, Sabrina <$aiariaaxixiamia a a, Subject: RE: Two additional tweets based on Kathleen's comments ma?a ii: ma ma Waray aiain iaiigiiaga. ita gaati way ta gat aama it ma by Git tha iagai Sicia iai? Stif?: From: Armitage, Elizabeth Sent: Monday, February 18, 2019 3:24 PM To: Nemis, Sabrina 3mg 9:22: Cc: Martin, Marissa gas; a axaa> Subject: RE: Two additional tweets based on Kathleen's comments makaa ta mac i?ii iat weigh tat}, Ewar?iaar ii wa ma it by an iagai was ga with getting a wa with a a? iwaata an ti?ia aaiajaat {3i ia?iayifia wa caa aa thia iiam aai? racant aawa raiaasa? Ciaar, but a dii?iarant iaita Qi?i the titama ta iraa?i tima ta timai ii?iie {if pmaeatitoriai indepeatiaiica is; kay t0 the mandate, PPSC prasac-uiara are eapeciad it} ba abjactiya, and the exercise 0?13: their ciatiea, anti t0 axai?cise these dutiaa in a i'i'iaiiriei" imam any iaciadiag paiiticai Eu From: Nemis, Sabrina Sent: Monday, February 18, 2019 2:56 PM 000008 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communiqu? en vertu de la Loi surl'acc?s a? I'information. To: Armitage, Elizabeth Subject: RE: Two additional tweets based on Kathleen's comments Haw {Zarattaa Atatta? From: Armitage, Elizabeth Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2019 3:45 PM To: Nemis, Sabrina Subject: RE: Two additional tweets based on Kathleen's comments Satryi it?s may ttara: arts; at tha Ht}; ?awaats waaia a aattaam i was thiaktag iatt, taut aa?a tairty hast; iatata, is thata yaujaa with an {apart at athat? tataga that is asaaity aatctt watt this ?t?aa at thing? From: Nemis, Sabrina Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2019 11:53 AM To: Martin, Marissa it gas a: Armitage, Elizabeth a . am; Subject: RE: Two additional tweets based on Kathleen's comments Whit was run it: tats? Sabrtaa Namta Ma?a Rafatiarta Offiaar! Agaat?a dag avaa maa?aa Rabat: ?aw?aa a? Canada Saw?aa daa aaurau?taa at; ?28% Etgia ?ttaat, Raam tat} ma Eigta, 12355}? Qttawa (Qataria) ma Tat mea?a? at Gawamamaat at; From: Martin, Marissa Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2019 9:32 AM To: Armitage, Elizabeth a gems t; Nemis, Sabrina a sat a. Subject: RE: Two additional tweets based on Kathleen's comments that ma?a saasa ta ma ma: Wards; bat atata taagaagat its gaad way ta gat sama satid amass: tth?aa it ahaata tat-3: ma by art ?aha Eaga? side at th?aga tat? sara: Marissa From: Armitage, Elizabeth Sent: Monday, February 18, 2019 3:24 PM To: Nemis, Sabrina saws t2. atta> Cc: Martin, Marissa . sans t; ?3Ca> Subject: RE: Two additional tweets based on Kathleen's comments 000011 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communiqu? en vertu de la Loi surl'acc?s a? I'information. The thread makes sense te me. iet Marissa weigh in tees we sheeie see it by en the ?egei siee betere see ge ahead with gettieg treesietieem? gees we settle de with et tweets ee the seejeet ef Maybe we ease semete?eg wise this tree?s eer resent ?stetemeet? mews retesse?? {tea be eiees, ese teem bee?eteweaek bet have eiittereet eits era the theme te Eesert free?: time tie time} The ef is key ?te the mandate PPSC preseeuters see te be ebjeetiyes independent? and in the exercise eftbeir det?ee and to exercise these duties is manner tsee teem any ettp?repee ie?ee?nees ee?i?tieei From: Nemis, Sabrina Sent: Monday, February 18, 2019 2:56 PM To: Armitage, Elizabeth sews es esee> Cc: Martin, Marissa sens Subject: Two additional tweets based on Kathleen's comments Here are two additional tweets. Technically ?one? of them is a thread of four tweets. Unofficially, I tested the tweets about major/minor on my partner, who knows nothing about the law and he said it made sense to him, so now it needs to pass the test of someone who does understand the law. Sabrina geestee Resets Meets Reietiees Qf?eer/Ageete 558$ reistiees eves: ?es medias gerviee e? {Janette i Sewiee tries sit: see Eigie Street, Reese 123%} ?32% rue E?gie, 123%? ?ttewe (?rearm) we Tet e? {Eteesereemeef e?e 000012 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communique en vertu de la Loi surl'acc?s a? I'information. Senk, Kascha From: Nemis, Sabrina Sent: February 21, 2019 5:01 PM To: Armitage, Elizabeth; Martin, Marissa Subject: RE: Two additional tweets based on Kathleen's comments tie it eetiee it here the Beekheek} t?ti Seek teat ehethet? teieveht Sehrihe ?ehttee titeh?tte @ffieer/Agehte {tee teietiehe evee tee mediate Fehtie getviee ei i Sewiee eehetee Citi ?the Eigih Street, Retire ?36% we Eight, @3553? Qtteiee {?etetie} Rte, Gite Tet, {ete} Severhh?teht ei @eeverheiheht eti From: Armitage, Elizabeth Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2019 4:59 PM To: Nemis, Sabrina Martin, Marissa Subject: RE: Two additional tweets based on Kathleen's comments ere i {teh?t thihit we eeh get ewey with hiitieh teie tihie?t theegh. a ?eet ehgi tiehetiieh St: jeegee see ehethihg eiehg the game time? Yea, we tetii etehehiy teeht te techie the ttietihet het that ih get e2 et tweete, it?e etehehty tii?itE hit the fer the hext few weeks: at From: Nemis, Sabrina Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2019 4:48 PM To: Martin, Marissa . gee eveeweex Armitage, Elizabeth Subject: RE: Two additional tweets based on Kathleen's comments iethtett tweete eheht eet Wehie yet: me te try ehei teekie the reiee e?i Attetheyv?ehetet ehe e55 weii?i? :?Ei?ietittee hieette Media Qf?eerfegehte {tee reietiehe evee fee mediate Pehtie Service et? Setviee eeheiee ate (SPPQ) "the Eight Street, iteerh ?323%; tail} the Eight, t?iitit: Qttewe {therie} {Bite Tet. {hi3} et Cieevei?hemeht tie From: Martin, Marissa Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2019 9:32 AM 000013 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communiqu? en vertu de la Loi surl'acc?s a? I'information. To: Armitage, Elizabeth see i; e:ee>; Nemis, Sabrina Subject: RE: Two additional tweets based on Kathleen's comments ?the makes te me: Hi tet weigh in tee, it we theete tee Et by en the tege? Siee betete we ge ahead with gettieg tth?et: we de et tweete er: the Seejeet Maybe we we tie Semett?t?eg Witt: the Etee ttete eet ?statement? eewg {te be eteet, weetde?t tee teem - bet have ette era the theme te trem time te time} "Elite ptieeip?ie i3: key te the mandate PPSC ete expected to be ebjeetive: and in the exeteiee their det?est end to exet?etee duties ?e e, meertet? free any ietieenee: iee?ied?eg peltticei in?eeneet From: Nemis, Sabrina Sent: Monday, February 18, 2019 2:56 PM To: Armitage, Elizabeth t: See es Cc: Martin, Marissa gee e: Subject: Two additional tweets based on Kathleen's comments Here are two additional tweets. Technically ?one? of them is a thread of four tweets. Unofficially, I tested the tweets about major/minor on my partner, who knows nothing about the law and he said it made sense to him, so now it needs to pass the test of someone who does understand the law. Sabrina ?eettee Meeie Qt?eer/egeete e?ee fee mediee ?eet?e getv?ee et Genede i Setv?ee ee {$953363} ??68 Etgie ?treet, Reem ??23535: 5 ?36% me Eig?e, piece ?323%? ?ttewe {Qeterie} me {we Tet {6?23} ef dz; 000014 PSPC Twitter March 2019* Wednesday, March 6* 9am 11 am Text: We?re now live on Twitter! Follow us to learn more about federal offences we prosecute and our latestjob opportunities. Suivez-nous en francais Text: We are a national organization that prosecutes federal offences. Link: tat?: S: 3ch c. em WE bag Weiex?im? Image: Linkedln Image_01 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communiqu? en vertu de la Loi sur I'acc?s I'information. Text: Nous sommes maintenant en direct sur Twitter! Suivez- nous pour en apprendre plus sur les infractions f?d?rales que nous poursuivons et nos dernieres offres d?emploi. Follow us in English: Text: Nous sommes une organisation nationale qui poursuit les infractions f?d?rales. Link: ht?W?exhimi Image: Linkedln Image_01 Thursday, March 7 10:30 am 12:30 pm Text: Prosecutorial independence is key to our mandate. Our prosecutors must be objective, independent and dispassionate, as well as free from improper influence? including political influence. Link: c. msa en E3933 i2Wex.htmE Text: Are you ready to make a difference? Are you a law student, recent grad, or an experienced lawyer? Joining our team will be transformative. Check out our current opportunities. Link: ht: 5W. cw {aria WW ?Wee Text: L?ind?pendance en matiere de poursuite est essentielle a notre mandat. Nos procureurs doivent se montrer objectifs, ind?pendants et impartiaux, et ?tre libres de toute influence indue, compris l?ing?rence politique. Link: Wit 3: am; at. {29:13} ?321?: hag Emiexi?tmi Text: Es-tu pr?t a faire une difference? Tu es ?tudiant en droit, fraTchement diplom? ou un avocat exp?riment?? Joins?toi a notre ?quipe, tu en seras transform?. Consulte nos offres d?emploi. Link: ht: 3: W?ex??ztml SC. cm fra memWe Image: All dates flexible and subject to change. 000015 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communiqu? en vertu de la Loi sur I'acc?s I'information. Image: Linkedln Image_04 Linkedln Image_04 Friday, March 8 11am Monday, March 11 12:30 pm Text: The Public Prosecution Service of Canada works within the criminal justice system to make Canada a safe and just society. Link: htt?s: sews c. amen besindexhtmi Image: Text: We have about 1,040 employees located in 11 regions across the country. Link: Image: Map of Canada Text: Le Service des poursuites p?nales du Canada travaille au sein du systeme de justice p?nale afin de faire du Canada une soci?t? juste et sCrre. Link: at?: 3: sews c, {ace fra ms Enoexhtmi Image: Text: Nous comptons environ 1 040 employ?s r?partis dans 11 r?gions du pays. Link: Image: Map of Canada 000016 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communiqu? en vertu de Ia Loi sur I'acc?s I'information. Tuesday, March 12 Image: 3 pm Image: Image from this page Image from this page Wednesday, Text: Text: March 13 Want to make an impact in the Canadian criminai justice Tu veux faire une difference au sein du syst?me de justice system? We?re hiring prosecutors in Nunavut. Apply p?naie canadien? Nous embauchons des procureurs partout 5:30 pm now. au Nunavut. Postulez. Link: a: .. . iadex?atmi Image: Linkedin Image_03 Image: Linkedin Image_03 Thursday, March Text: Text: 14 In 2017?2018, the Public Prosecution Service of Canada En 2017?2018, le Service des poursuites p?nales du Canada 1:30 pm worked on 65,898 files. s?est occup? de 65 898 dossiers. 000017 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communiqu? en vertu de la Loi sur I'acc?s I'information. Link: Link: Image: Image: Twitter_ppsc_files_eng_01 From Annual Report p. 6 Twitter_ppsc_files_fre_01 Friday, March 15 Text: Text: We prosecute violations of the Competition Act. The Act Nous engageons des poursuites Ii?es aux infractions pr?vues 12 pm protects Canadians from anti?competitive practices in dans la Loi sur la concurrence. La Loi protege les Canadiens the marketplace. contre les pratiques anticoncurrentielles sur la march?. Monday, March Text: Text: 18 In 2016, in R. v. Jordan, the Supreme Court of Canada En 2016, dans I'affaire R. c. Jordan, Ia Cour supreme du outlined a new approach for determining whether a Canada a pr?sent? une nouvelle approche permettant de 5 pm prosecution is completed within a reasonable time. d?terminer si une poursuite est men?e a terme dans un d?lai raisonnable. Link: Link: Image: Image: [Did you know?] [Le saviez-vous?] 000018 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communiqu? en vertu de la Loi sur I'acc?s I'information. Tuesday, March 19 Text: Are you ready to make a difference? Are you a law student, recent grad, or an experienced lawyer? Joining Text: Es-tu pr?t a faire une difference? Tu es ?tudiant en droit, fraichement diplom? ou un avocat exp?riment?? Joins-toi 12:45 pm our team will be transformative. Check out our current notre ?quipe, tu en seras transform?. Consulte nos offres opportunities. d?emploi. Link: Link: ht?: so, cm 232?; we mace indexhtmi hit? 53: 5c. case ?fra ecemwo indexhtm? Image: Image: Linkedln Image_05 Linkedln Image_05 Wednesday, Text: Text: March 20 Drug prosecution files make up the highest percentage Les poursuites en mati?re de drogue repr?sentent le 11:45 am of the total caseload. pourcentage le plus ?lev? du nombre total de dossiers trait?s Link: ht?: s: seas c. cca er: of: indexhtm??sma Image: [lnfographic with percentages from Annual Report, p. 8] par Ie SPPC. Link: hit 3: 3ch c. cuca fra :33 Image: [lnfographic with percentages from Annual Report] Thursday, March 21 5:15pm Text: We prosecute Canada Labour Code offences and matters that ensure the safety of Canada's transportation industry. Link: Image: Train in Canada Text: Nous poursuivons les infractions au Code canadien du travail et les affaires touchant la s?curit? de l?industrie du transport au Canada. Link: Image: Train in Canada Text: 000019 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communiqu? en vertu de la Loi sur I'acc?s I'information. Equit?. Transparence. Coh?rence. Nos procureurs doivent prendre leurs d?cisions sans ing?rence politique ni influence indue. Ils sont tenus de respecter des normes ?lev?es afin de maintenir Ia confiance du public dans I?administration de la justice. Link s: saws r3. cm ides Endexhiml Text: Fair. Transparent. Consistent. Our prosecutors must make their decisions without political interference or improper influence. They're held to high standards to ensure public confidence in the administration ofjustice. Link: fat: 3: sews mas err has indexh?tm? Friday, March 22 Text: To better serve our Indigenous clients in Text: Nous avons traduit nos cartes de rendez?vous et Nunavut, the Northwest Territories and Yukon, we d?pliants d?information en 17 langues autochtones, afin 12:45 pm are translating our appointment cards and de mieux servir nos clients autochtones du Nunavut, des information pamphlets into 17 Indigenous Territoires du Nord?Ouest et du Yukon. languages. Image: Appointment card image from Communique Image: Appointment card image from Communique Monday, March Text: Text: 25 Want to make an impact in the Canadian criminal justice Tu veux faire une difference au sein du syst?eme de justice system? We?re hiring prosecutors in Nunavut. Apply p?nale canadien? Nous embauchons des procureurs partout 12:15 pm now. au Nunavut. Postulez. Link: 000020 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communiqu? en vertu de la Loi sur I'acc?s I'information. image: image: Linkedln lmage_01 Linkedin lmage_01 Tuesday, March Text: Text: 26 We prosecute offences under federal statutes aimed at Nous poursuivons ies infractions aux lois f?d?rales dont protecting environmental resources, wildlife, and public I?objet est de prot?ger les ressources environnementales, la 2 pm health. faune et la sant? pubiique. Link: Link: image: image: [Mallard ducks in water] [Mallard ducks in water] Wednesday, Text: Text: March 27 Occasionally, we accept delegations from provincial Nous acceptons de temps en temps les d?l?gations prosecution services when there is a potential or provena nt de services de poursuite provinciaux, iorsqu?une 12 pm perceived conflict of interest. situation de confiit ci?int?r?ts apparent ou percu existe. Link: Link: image: image: [Did you know?] [Le saviez?vous?] 000021 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communiqu? en vertu de la Loi sur I'acc?s I'information. Thursday, March Text: Text: 28 Our Winnipeg office handles approximately 2,500 files Notre bureau de Winnipeg traite environ 2 500 dossiers each year across Manitoba thanks to the hard work of chaque ann?e dans I?ensemble du Manitoba grace au travail 23 counsel and 17 support staff. acharn? de 23 avocats et de 17 empioy?s de soutien. Link: Link Image: Image [Map of Canada Manitoba highlighted] [Map of Canada Manitoba highlighted?] 000022 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communiqu? en vertu de la Loi sur I'acc?s I'information. Friday, March 29 Text: Text: Our prosecutors, paralegals, legal support staff, and N05 procureurs, parajuristes, employ?s de soutien juridique legal agents spent 1,202,719 hours working on et mandataires ont consacr? 1 202 719 heures de travail aux prosecution files in 2017-2018. dossiers de poursuite en 2017?2018. Link: Link Image: Image [Annual report image with hourly breakdown, 7] [Annual report image with hourly breakdown] 000023 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communique en vertu de la Loi sur l?acc?s a? I'information. Senk, Kascha From: Nemis, Sabrina Sent: February 25,2019 3:59 PM To: Armitage, Elizabeth; Martin, Marissa Subject: Updated Twitter plan for March and followers list Attachments: PSPC Twitter Plan March 2019.docx; Accounts to follow on Twitter.docx; Government of Canada lnitiativebased Twitter Accounts to Follow.docx I?ve updated the daily Twitter plan for March, in hopes that we'll be ready to launch by next week *fingers crossed*. I?ve copied many of the photos into a folder within the Social Media folder, so they're easy to find when we're ready to schedule the tweets. COMMUNICATIONS MEDIA SOCIAL MEDIA VISUALS The follower list includes every Canadian police service Twitter account I could find (new accounts highlighted in yellow). I couldn?t find one for the Chief Electoral Officer, but I saw they were recently looking for someone to work on their social media, so I wonder if that will be coming up soon. I also included initiative-based accounts in a separate document, but they can be combined. Sabnna Sabrina Nemis Media Relations Officer/ Agente des relations avec les medias Public Prosecution Service of Canada (PPSC) Service des poursultes p?nales du Canada (SPPC) 160 Elgin Street, Room 1230F 160 rue Elgin. piece 1230F Ottawa (Ontario) K1A 0H8 Tel. (613) 957?8680 Government of Canada Gouvemement du Canada 000024 PSPC Twitter March 2019* Date Time Monday, March 4* Text: We?re now live on Twitter! Follow us to learn more about federal offences we prosecute and our latest job opportunities. Suivez-nous en francais Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communique en vertu de la Loi sur l'acces I?informafion. Text: Nous sommes maintenant en direct sur Twitter! Suivez- nous pour en apprendre plus sur les infractions f?d?rales que nous poursuivons et nos dernieres offres d?emploi. Follow us 9 am in English: Link: Link: Image: Image: Tuesday, March Text: 5 Text: Nous sommes une organisation nationale qui poursuit les We are a national organization that prosecutes federal infractions f?d?rales. 10 am offences. Link: Link: Image: Image: Linkedln Image_01 Linkedln Image_01 Wednesday, Text: Text March 6 432 agents from 170 private-sector law firms perform 432 mandataires de 170 cabinets de pratique priv?e m?nent prosecutions across Canada. They work in areas where des poursuites partout au Canada. Ils pratiquent dans les 10:30 am there are no PPSC regional offices. endroits ou Ie SPPC n'a pas de bureau r?gional. Link: Image: Associate photo Link Image Associate photo Thursday, March 7 Text: Are you ready to make a difference? Are you a law student, recent grad, or an experienced lawyer? Joining Text: Es-tu pr?t a faire une diff?rence? Tu es ?tudiant en droit, fraichement dipl?m? ou un avocat exp?riment?? Joins-toi a All dates flexible and subject to change. 000025 Reteased pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communique en vertu de la Loi sur I'acc?s a I?information. 12:30 pm our team will be transformative. Check out our current opportunities. Link: notre ?quipe, tu en seras transform?. Consulte nos offres d?emploi. Link: Image: Image: Linkedln mage_04 Linkedln Image_04 Friday, March 8 Text: Text: 11am The Public Prosecution Service of Canada exists to protect the rights of Canadians and uphold the rule of law. Link: Image: Linkedln Image_03 La raison d'?tre du Service des poursuites p?nales du Canada est de prot?ger les droits des Canadiens et soutenir l??tat de droit. Link: Image: Linkedln mage_03 Monday, March 11 Text: We have about 1,040 employees located in 12 regions Text: Nous comptons environ 1 040 employ?s r?partis dans 12 12:30 pm across the country. r?gions du pays. Link: Link: Image: Map of Canada Image: Map of Canada Tuesday, March Text: Text: 12 3 pm The Public Prosecution Service of Canada works within the criminal justice system to make Canada a safe and just society. Le Service des poursuites p?nales du Canada travaille au sein du syst?me de justice p?nale a?n de faire du Canada une soci?t? juste et s?re. Link: 000026 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communique en vertu de la Loi sur l'acc?s I?information. Link: Image: Image from this page Image: Image from this page Wednesday, March 13 5:30 pm Text: Want to make an impact in the Canadian criminal justice system? We?re hiring prosecutors in Nunavut. Apply now. Link: Image: Linkedln Image_03 Text: Tu veux faire une difference au sein du syst?me de justice p?nale canadien? Nous embauchons des procureurs partout au Nunavut. Postulez. Link: Image: Linkedln Image_03 Thursday, March 14 Text: In 2017-2018, the Public Prosecution Service of Canada Text: En 2017-2018, Ie Service des poursuites p?naies du Canada 1:30 pm worked on 65,898 ?les. s'est occup? de 65 898 dossiers. Link: Link: Image: Image: Twitter_ppsc_files_eng_01 Friday, March 15 Text: Text: 12 pm We prosecute violations of the Competition Act. The Act protects Canadians from anti-competitive practices in the marketplace. Link: Nous engageons des poursuites li?es aux infractions pr?vues dans la Loi sur la concurrence. La Loi protege les Canadians contre les pratiques anticoncurrentieiles Sur la march?. Link: 000027 Reieased pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communique en vertu de la Loi sur l'acc?s a I?information. Image: Image: Monday, March 18 5pm Text: In 2016, in R. v. Jordan, the Supreme Court of Canada outlined a new approach for determining whether a prosecution is completed within a reasonable time. Link: Image: [Did you know?] Text: En 2016, dans l?affaire R. c. Jordan, la Cour supreme du Canada a pr?sent? une nouvelle approche permettant de d?terminer si une poursuite est men?e a tame dans un d?lai raisonnable. Link: Image: [Le saviez-vous?] Tuesday, March 19 Text: Are you ready to make a difference? Are you a law student, recent grad, or an experienced lawyer? Joining Text: Es?tu pr?ta faire une difference? Tu es ?tudiant en droit, fraichement diplom? ou un avocat exp?riment?? Joins-toi 12:45 pm our team will be transformative. Check out our current notre ?quipe, tu en seras transform?. Consulte nos offres opportunities. d?emploi. Link: Link: Image: Image: Linkedln mage__05 Linkedln Image_05 Wednesday, Text: Text: March 20 Drug prosecution files make up the highest percentage Les poursuites en mati?ere de drogue repr?sentent le of the PPSC's total caseload. pourcentage le plus ?lev? du nombre total de dossiers trait?s 3:15 pm par le SPPC. Link: Link: 000028 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communique en vertu de la Loi sur I'acc?s I?information. Image: [Infographic with percentages from Annual Report] Image: [Infographic with percentages from Annual Report] Thursday, March 21 5:15pm Text: We prosecute Canada Labour Code offences and matters that ensure the safety of Canada?s transportation industry. Link: Image: Truck or train in Canada Text: Nous poursuivons les infractions au Code canadien du travail et les affaires touchant la s?curit? de l'industrie du transport au Canada. Link: Image: Truck or train in Canada Friday, March 22 12:45 pm 3:05 pm Text: that under federal laws, we prosecute people and companies that pollute Canada?s water? Read on to learn about the oil spill related to the. Lac?M?gantic rail disaster. #WorldWaterDay Link: nvs/2018/05 02 18.htm Image: [Did you know?] Text: 0n #WorldWaterDay, let?s celebrate the laws that help protect Canada's water resources, such as the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999. Text: qu?en vertu de lois f?d?rales, nous poursuivons les individus et les entreprises qui polluent l'eau du Canada? Lisez sur la catastrophe ferroviaire de Lac-M?gantic qui a entrain? un d?versement de p?trole. #Journ?eMondialeDeLEau Link: nws/2018/05 02 18.html Image: [Le saviez?vous?] Text: En cette #Journ?eMondialeDeLEau, c?l?brons les lois qui visent la protection des ressources en du Canada, comme la Loi canadienne sur la protection de I?environ nement (1999). 000029 Reteased pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communique en vertu de la Loi sur l'acc?s I?information. Link: Link Image: Image: [Map of Canada] [Map of Canada] Monday, March Text: Text: 25 12:15 pm Want to make an impact in the Canadian criminal justice system? We're hiring prosecutors in Nunavut. Apply now. Link: sc. en wo -oce Image: Linkedln lmage__01 Tu veux faire une difference au sein du systeme de justice p?nale canadien? Nous embauchons des procureurs partout au Nunavut. Postulez. Link: 5: sc. fra oce-wo index.html Image: Linkedln Image_01 Tuesday, March 26 Text: We prosecute offences under federal statutes aimed at protecting environmental resources, wildlife, and public Text: Nous poursuivons les infractions aux lois f?d?rales dont l?objet est de prot?ger les ressources environnementales, la 2 pm health. faune et la sant? pubtique. Link: Link: Image: Image: [Mallard ducks in water] [Matlard ducks in water] Wednesday, Text: Text: March 27 Occasionally, we accept delegations from provincial Nous acceptons de temps en temps les d?I?gations prosecution services when there is a potential or provenant de services de poursuite provinciaux, lorsqu?une 12 pm perceived conflict of interest. situation de conflit d?int?r?ts apparent ou pergu existe. Link: 000030 Im-zage [Did yau knew?) Reteased pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communiqu? en vertu de la Loi sur l'acc?s I?informaiion. 000031 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communique en vertu de la Loi sur l?acc?s a? I'information. Government of Canada Initiative-based Twitter Accounts GC Mental Health I Sant? Mentale GC CESMMT Canada's Free Agents I Agents libre du Canada @FreeAgentLibre Horizons Canada @PolicyHorizons I @lorizonsCanada Talent Cloud I Nuage de talents Talent Canadian Digital Service Le service num?rique canadien GC I GC LeadersGC @_LeadersGC Federal Youth Network (FYN) National Chair I Re?seau des jeunes fonctionnaires f?d?raux IRJFF) Pr?sident national RJFF GCcollab @GCcollab Public Service Commission of Canada I Commission de la fonction publique du Canada @PSCofCanada I @CFPduCanada Open Government Canada I Gouvernement ouvert Canada @OpenGovCan I @GoquuvertCan Beyond2020 I Au?dela de 2020 I Canada School of Public Service I Ecole de la fonction publique du Canada @School GC I @Ecole GC Treasury Board Secretariat I Secr?tariat du conseil du tr?sor du Canada Canada I Canada GC Jobs I Emplois GC @jobs gc I @emplois gc Clerk of the Privy Council IGreffier du conseil priv? @Clerk GC I @Greffier GC Deputy Clerk of the Privy Council I Sous-greffi?re du Conseil priv? @DeputyClerk GC I @SousGreff GC Canadian Heritage I Patrimoine canadien @CdnHeritagLe I @Patrimoinecdn Free to be me I Sois toi-meme @freetobeme ca I @Soistoimeme ca The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Le Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines CRSH I Centre d'analyse des operations at declarations financi?res du Canada I Centre d'analyse des op?rations et declarations financi?res du Canada Canada I Canada National Managers? Community Communaut? nationale des gestionnaires CNG Women in Canada I Femmes au Canada @Women Canada I @emmes Canada Prairie Region Young Professionals Network PRA Statistics Canada I Statistique Canada @tatCan emI @StatCan fra Shared Services Canada I Services partag?s Canada CA I CA Library and Archives Canada I Biblioth?que et Archives Canada @LibraryArchives I @BiblioArchives Job Bank Guichet-emplois @lobBank GC I @GuichetEmplois Government of Canada Newsroom I Centre des nouvelles @NewsroomGC @salledepresseGC Accessible Canada I Canada Accessible @GCAccessible I @AccessibleGC Labour Program I Programme du travai @Labour ESDC I @Travail EDSC GC Entrepreneur Entrepreneur 000032 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communique en vertu de la Loi sur l?acc?s a? i'information. Privy Council Office Impact and Innovation Unit Unit? de l'impact et de l'innovation @meact innovEN @imgact innovFR One Team Gov Gouv ensemble Canada @_OneTeamGovCan @GoqunsembleCan The Digital Academy L?acad?mie du num?rique @DigiAcademmCAN @AcademieNumCAN GovCan North Goquan Nord @GoquanNord @GovCanNorth Language Portal of Canada Portail linguistiques du Canada @Our languages langu_es The Office of the Taxpayers? Ombudsman Le Bureau de l'ombudsman des contribuables Canada I Canada Service Canada @ServiceCanada I @ServiceCanada 000033 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communique en vertu de la Loi sur l?acc?s 61? [information Accounts to follow on Twitter The list is based on the Canadian legal Twitter community, including the list the Department ofJustice is following. No individuals or companies are listed except: Official account of the Minister oflustice Attorney General (not his personal account). Two publications: CanLll and lurisource. Government accounts: Justice Canada follows nearly all of these. @L/linlusticeEn :@MinlusticeFR @sticeCanadaEN /@JusticeCanadaFr Nat Div Div nat @RCdeKelowna @KelownaRCMP @?RCdeSurrev @RCAIberta @mediasGRCenCB @aGRCsudesL/ @GRCdeRichmond 000034 @GRCdeKamloops @GRCDepot @TerraceRCMP @grcvukon @University RCMP @EIectionsCan @CanRevAgency/ @AgenceRevCan TNL MAR Central Centre Gulf/ 60le CCG Quebec/@MPO GCC Quebec @FishOceansCAN @PechesOceansCAN Pacific/ Pacifique @environmentca @environnementca @CompBureau/ @Burconcurrence @iobs gc/@emplois gc @CanBorder/ @FrontiereCan @GovCanNorth/ @GoquanNord Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communique en vertu de la Loi sur I?acc?s a? I'information. 000035 @Canada @AuCanada @PSCofCanada @CFPduCanada @ParksCanada @ParcsCanada @NewsroomGCj @sailedepresseGC @JobBank GC/@GuichetEmplois @CanBorderGTM @FrontiereCanGT @CanBorderATL @FrontiereCanATL @CanBorderPRAJ @FrontiereCanPRA @CanBorderQUE @FrontiereCanQUE @CanBorderPAC/ @FrontiereCanPAC @CanBorderSOR @FrontiereCanRSO @StatCan eng @StatCan Fra @CanadaArctic @CanadaArctique @vukongov @LeYukonFr Provincial Police News Nouvelles COMM WR @OPPCommissioner COMM CR COMM NER COMM NWR @sureteduguebec @SureteEst @sureteouest @SureteSud @SureteNord Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communique en vertu de la Loi sur I?acc?s 61? [information 000036 PoliceNL BC police @AbbyPoliceDegt @BCSheriffs @csgoliceservice @nelsoncitygd @VancouverPD @WestVanPolice @NewWestPD @delta golice @vicpdcanada @SaanichPolice Alberta Police @AlbertaSheriffs @CamrosePolice @lethpolice @medhatgolice @TaberPoliceServ @edmontonpolice @CalgaryPolice Saskatchewan Police @SaskatoonPolice @Estevan Police @DalmenyPolice @CormanParkPoliZ @MJPolice Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communique en vertu de la Loi sur I?acc?s a? I'information. 000037 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communique en vertu de la Loi sur l?acc?s a? I'information. @reginapolice @WeyburnPolice Manitoba Police @wggpolice @Brandon Police @MordenPolice @WinklerPolice PS Ontario Police @PeelPoliceMedia Amherstbum @WindsorPolice @BarriePolice @BarriePoliceKQ @Bra ntfordPolice News @CobourgPolice 000038 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communique en vertu de la Loi sur I?acc?s a? I'information. @GananoguePolice @Sudbu?police @ggsmedia @HaltonPolice @HamiltonPolice @KingstonPolice @LaSaNePoliceON @lgsmediaof?ce @NiagRegPoIice @NorthBayPolice @NBPAssoc @PoliceSmiths @OranggvillePS/ @OPSCommCentre @OttawaPolice @OSpoliceassoc @OwenSoundPolice/ @PoiiceOwenSound @PtboPolice @PortHogePolice @SarniaPolice @SSP80f?cial 000039 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communique en vertu de la Loi sur l?acc?s a? I'information. @Shelbu?rnePolice @SouthSimcoePS @SPSmedlaof?ce @SCPSof?cer @TorontoPollcg/ @TPSOperations @WestGreyPolice @1133 New Brunswick Police @saintjohnpolice 1 @Cityl?red Police @WoodNBPolice Quebec Police SPV ollce mm @Qollcelaval @PoliceSPAL @BLVgolice 000040 @Police MRC rbrooke @PoliceRPY vs' @RegiePoliceLDM Nova Scotia Police @foRegPolice @golicenews @CBRegPolice @Stellarton PD PEI Police @ChtownPolice @SsidePolice @KtownPolice Indigenous Police @BTPAssociation @Tsuutinapolice @tribalgolice Police @WikiPolice @anish golice POLICE @SNPMiller Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communique en vertu de la Loi sur l?acc?s a? I'information. 000041 Police @Rama Police Courts: Couldn?t find Twitter accounts for NWT or Nunavut. eng/ fra @BCProvCourt @gB Alberta @SKCourts @MBCoorts @SCJOntario en/QCSJOntario fr NSSC NSCA NSPC @nlcarules @nicaupdates @nlcadecisions @nlcadocket @NLSupremeCourt @cour appel @YukonCourts @FedCourt CAN en/@Courfed CAN fr Law and bar associations: Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communique en vertu de la Loi sur i?acc?s 61? [information There are societies and associations for every province and Yukon (the other territories? associations have websites, but not Twitter yet). I've also included various multicultural societies as we hope to reach people with ourjob opportunities and it's a small (and definitely incomplete) way to encourage more diverse applications. 000042 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communique en vertu de la Loi sur I?acc?s 61? [information Canada @faclOntario @BarreauduQuebec NS @albertacrownatt @CBAAIberta @CABLNational BC @OBAIawyers @LawSocietyLSO @ABCguebec News @BarreaudeMti YBM Legal @LawSocietySask WLF @MBBarAssn @lawsocietymb @wlao 1919 @Notairesgc Law publications from universities: @altalawreview @DalLawHour 000043 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communique en vertu de la Loi sur I?acc?s a? I'information. @WeldonTimes @UTLawNexus Canadian law schools legal studies: @SchulichGradLaw @MELAWInstitute @WindsorLaw @gueensulaw E?g??giu @westernuLaw @Cd nTechLaw @cu LegalStudies @LachGill @UAlbertaLaw @OsgoodeNews @UVicLaw @ulaval droit @DroitMTL @UCalgaryLaw @robsonhall @Allard Law uOttawa @commonlawfr @LawNIss @LawLakehead 000044 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communique en vertu de la Loi sur l?acc?s 61? [information Law legal studies student societies: @OUTLawSchullch @DalLaerminists SLS @CarletonLaw @Ehgn?a @TRUEnviroLaw @CDOschulichlaw @RunnymedeSoc @LakeheadLSS @UNBLawStudents UNB @lawinsocietyUNB @BLSAOsgoode @UWLegalStudies Other legal publications: @lurisourceCA 000045 Senk, Kascha From: Martin, Marissa Sent: February 26, 2019 4:34 PM To: Armitage, Elizabeth; Nemis, Sabrina Subject: RE: Updated Twitter plan for March and followers list Q.) Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communique en vertu de la Loi surl'acc?s a? I'information. From: Armitage, Elizabeth Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2019 4:23 PM To: Nemis, Sabrina Cc: Martin, Marissa Subject: RE: Updated Twitter plan for March and followers list ?r?ee, ii?ei; ieeirs reuse ee?iier: Theeie: yeei From: Nemis, Sabrina Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2019 4:22 PM To: Armitage, Elizabeth see Cc: Martin, Marissa see it: Subject: RE: Updated Twitter plan for March and followers list i?eeriese tee fiie. it ieei: fezzy re year? Seeriee Nereie Merrie Referees {Ef?eerregeeie e?ee ever: fee mediee EServiee ef Sewiee {Lie (SPPQE ?35$ Eigir?i Street, rue Eigie, 1233i: Qiiewe (Geierie) ere ?i?ie "i?ei, er? Geriverrierrierir e?e From: Armitage, Elizabeth Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2019 3:54 PM To: Nemis, Sabrina 5:3 gems e: Subject: RE: Updated Twitter plan for March and followers list it?s erie tire: frieze m- might be me, theegi?i, me yes, "fer "Erie eereesee ei" ifs "re eririi: there eei: {iie?ii?iieeri er ei eerie re eer Sheree feieersi From: Nemis, Sabrina Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2019 3:25 PM To: Armitage, Elizabeth ?3 see it: er:e>; Martin, Marissa ; Martin, Marissa 23m; t. ete> Subject: RE: Updated Twitter plan for March and followers list ?this teete th the thteteete et eet tee teeth hete thtetmettee ehtt thetetete et the ehtt tee ge eetekty tet?e the tet teehe 2. tet eteet?ehei tt?t eet the Gate? Eteetetet tee weete teeht} it?s the est Eieetteet - e: twittetxeeht eet tee teed; th the eteh} tet?t the egehte tet week it {add them heett Eh week 3 ea? 3e}, ehe sttet; ht est hete tweete tet?t tetegteuee the tehteet that it; etewteg etteet?eh at the memeht, the etteets; ee we have vetetee et the gteehte here the ehheet Thet me it teetthg fetty te 3?3?th 000047 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communiqu? en vertu de la Loi surl'acc?s a? I'information. We shoa?d pr?bab?y also Enc?uda tha visua?s that havaa?t already baan pranapmovad {so the ma?iard ducks and the train} in the package}, so as not ta spring a surprise on anyone. From: Nemis, Sabrina Sent: Monday, February 25, 2019 3:59 PM To: Armitage, Elizabeth Subject: Updated Twitter plan for March and followers list I?ve updated the daily Twitter plan for March, in hopes that we?ll be ready to launch by next week *fingers crossed*. I?ve copied many of the photos into a folder within the Social Media folder, so they?re easy to find when we?re ready to schedule the tweets. COMMUNICATIONS MEDIA SOCIAL MEDIA TWITTER VISUALS The follower list includes every Canadian police service Twitter account I could find (new accounts highlighted in yellow). I couldn?t find one for the Chief Electoral Officer, but I saw they were recently looking for someone to work on their social media, so I wonder if that will be coming up soon. I also included initiative-based accounts in a separate document, but they can be combined. Sabrina Stamina Name Media ?aiatiorta @f?car/Aganta alas relations avat: {as m?dias Rabbi: Proaawt?on Serv?ae at" Canada (Pp??l Service ties paursuitaa panataa du Canada Etgin Street, Retort?: ?5230? i? ?38% we ?ght, p??ae @ttawa (Ontario) ma. Ta? {323) Q?tu??g? Qwammant of Canada 2? gem/armament (it; (imam 000048 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communique en vertu de la Loi sur l?acc?s a? i'information. Senk, Kascha From: Tatiana Castillo Sent: February 27, 2019 3:32 PM To: Michaud, Anne Cc: Nemis, Sabrina Subject: RE: Translation request Attachments: Additional tweets Feb 18 2019_FR.docx Good afternoon, Please ?nd attached the requested translation. Have a nice day, Tatiana Castillo Corporate Translator on secondment I Translation Bureau Public Prosecution Service of Canada Government of Canada Tel: 613-218-3191 Traductrice administrative en d?tachement Bureau de la traduction Service des poursuites p?nales du Canada I Gouvernement du Canada T?l. 613?218-3191 T?l. 613-218-3191 De PPSC Corporate Translation SPPC Traduction Administrative SPPC) Envoy? 26 f?vrier 2019 15:09 A Tatiana Castillo Objet TR: Translation request De: Michaud, Anne Envoy? Monday, February 25, 2019 1:30 PM A PPSC Corporate Translation SPPC Traduction AdminiStrative (PPSC SPPC) Cc: Nemis, Sabrina Michaud, Anne Objet FW: Translation request Hi, Can you please translate the attached for Wednesday? Thank you. Anne Michaud Executive Assistant Adjointe executive Communications 000049 Public Prosecution Service of Canada (PPSC) Service des poursuites pe?nales du Canada (SPPC) 160 Elgin Street, Room 12308 160 rue Elgin, piece 12308 Ottawa (Ontario) K1A 0H8 Tel. (613) 946?3820 Fax/Telec: (613) 9542958 Government of Canada Gouvernernent du Canada From: Nemis, Sabrina Sent: Monday, February 25, 2019 12:44 PM To: Michaud, Anne Subject: Translation request Good afternoon Anne, Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communique en vertu de la Loi sur I?acc?s a? I'information. When you have a minute, can you send these tweets to be translated? Ideally by Wednesday, but if that's not doable, we?ll work with their schedule. Sabrina Sabrina Nemis Media Relations Officer/ Agente des relations avec les medias Public Prosecution Service of Canada (PPSC) Service des poursuites penales du Canada (SPPC) 160 Elgin Street, Room 160 rue Elgin, piece 1230F Ottawa (Ontario) K1A 0H8 Tel. (613) 957-8680 Government of Canada Gouvernement du Canada 000050 Pages 51 to I a 52 are duplicates sont des duplicatas Released pursuant to the Access to information Act. Communique en vertu de la Loi sur i?acc?s a? i'information. Senk, Kascha From: Nemis, Sabrina Sent: February 27, 2019 3:36 PM To: Rainville, Claire Cc: Michaud, Anne; Armitager Elizabeth; Martin, Marissa Subject: A few more tweets Attachments: Additional tweets Feb 18 2019_FR.docx Hi Claire, We have a couple more tweets for your review. If you?re able to review them tomorrow, that would be great. If not, let me know when you?ll be able to review. Thank you, Sabnna Sabrina Nemis Media Relations Of?cer/ Agente des relations avec les medias Public Prosecution Service of Canada (PPSC) Service des poursuites penales du Canada (SPPC) 160 Elgin Street, Room 123OF 180 rue Elgin, piece 1230F Ottawa (Ontario) K1A 0H8 Tel (613) 957?8680 Government of Canada Gouvernement du Canada 1 000053 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communique en vertu de la Loi sur l?acc?s a? i'information. Additional tweets French (257 characters or fewer including spaces, as 23 characters are needed for each link) Prosecutors must be of integrity, above all suspicion, and must exercise the considerable discretion bestowed on them fairly, in good faith, and without any consideration of the political implications of their decisions. (220) Les procureurs doivent ?tre integres, au-dessus de tout soupcon, et exercer le pouvoir discr?tionnaire considerable qui leur est conf?r? de facon ?quitable, de bonne foi et sans ?gard aux repercussions politiques de leurs d?cisions. (232) Did you know? (insert text in visual) [Series of four tweets in Twitter thread format, same photo for each] Thread: We can prosecute a Criminal Code offence that is under provincial jurisdiction that wouldn?t usually be ours to prosecute if it?s related to a more serious federal charge. [172] For example, if a person were charged with impaired driving (provincial) and possessing a large amount of drugs for trafficking (federal), we would most likely prosecute the case federally. [195] In the same way, provincial prosecution services may prosecute federal offences when they?re related to a more serious Criminal Code offence under their jurisdiction. [172] For example, a person charged with murder (provincial) and possessing large amounts of drugs for trafficking (federal), the case would most likely be prosecuted provincially. [180] Le saviez-vous? (lns?rer le texte en format visuel) [S?rie de quatre gazouillis publi?s dans un fil, avec la m?me photo] Fil Nous intentons parfois des poursuites pour une infraction au Code criminel qui releve de la competence provinciale si elle est li?e a une infraction a une loi f?d?rale donnant lieu a un chef d'accusation plus grave. [215] Par exemple, dans un cas de conduite avec facult?s affaiblies (competence provinciale) et de possession de grandes quantit?s de drogues a des fins de trafic (comp?tence f?d?rale), nous intenterons tr?s probablement une poursuite f?d?rale. [238] lnversement, les services de poursuite provinciaux intentent parfois des poursuites pour des infractions a des Iois f?d?rales Iorsqu'elles sont Ii?es a une infraction plus grave au Code criminel relevant de leur comp?tence. [223] Par exemple, dans une affaire de meurtre (comp?tence provinciale) et de possession de grandes qua ntit?s de drogues a des fins de trafic (comp?tence f?d?rale), l?al'faire sera tr?s probablement instruite devant les tribunaux provinciaux. [235] Prosecutorial independence is key to our mandate. Our prosecutors must be objective, independent and dispassionate, as well as free from improper influence?including political influence. (186) L?ind?pendance de la fonction de poursuivant est essentielle a notre mandat. Nos procureurs doivent faire preuve d?objectivit?, d?ind?pendance et de r?serve, et se montrer libres de toute influence indue, compris l?ing?rence politique. (237) 000054 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communique en vertu de la Loi sur l?acc?s 61? [information Fair. Transparent. Consistent. Our prosecutors must make their decisions without political interference or improper influence. They?re held to high standards to ensure public confidence in the administration ofjustice. (219) Equit?. Transparence. Coherence. Nos procureurs doivent prendre leurs d?cisions sans ing?rence politique ni influence indue. sont tenus de respecter des normes rigoureuses afin d?assurer la confiance du public dans l?administration de la justice. (250) We exist separately from @JusticeCanada EN and the federal government to ensure that prosecutions are independent from the partisan political process. (149) Nous exercons notre mandat de maniere ind?pendante de @JusticeCanadaFR et du gouvernement f?d?ral pour faire en sorte que les poursuites soient men?es sans ing?rence politique partisane. (186) Our independence enhances the integrity of government: We ensure prosecutorial decisions are made free from inappropriate political control, direction and influence. (165) Notre ind?pendance renforce l'int?grit? du gouvernement nous veillons a ce que les d?cisions en mati?re de poursuites soient prises sans contr?le, intervention, ni ing?rence indus sur le plan politique. (204) 000055 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communiqu? en vertu de la Loi surl'acc?s a? I'information. Tweet Bank as of February 28 2019 English I French (257 characters or fewer including spaces, as 23 characters are needed for links) We?re hiring! We offer career Nous recrutonsl Nous offrons des opportunities for Crown prosecutors, possibilit?s de carriere aux procureurs, paralegals, legal assistants, and a wide parajuristes, adjoints juridiques et a un large range of business professionals. Check out ?ventail de professionnels des affaires. our current opportunities. Consultez nos offres d?emploi. (178)thhouthnk (194) sans hyperlien Want to make an impact in the Canadian Tu veux faire une difference au sein du criminal justice system? We re hiring systeme dejustice p?nale canadien? Nous prosecutors across Canada embauchons des procureurs partout au (114) Canadag? (153) Are you ready to make a difference? Are Es?tu pret a faire une difference? Tu es you a law student, recent grad, or an ?tudiant en droit, fraichement diplom? ou experienced lawyer? Joining our team will un avocat expe?riment?? Joins~toi a notre be transformative. Check out our current ?quipe, to en seras transform?. Consulte nos opportunities. offres d?emploi. (175) (199) We provide articling students the Nous offrons aux stagiaires en droit la opportunity to develop essential skills and possibilit? d?acqu?rir les competences et experience for practicing law. You will I?exp?rience essentielles a la pratique du enjoy the opportunity to prosecute droit. Saisis l?occasion de poursuivre important files in the interest of the d?importants dossiers dans I?int?ret de la Canadian public population canadienne. 5212:. (219) (249) Join our legal support team and make a Rejoins notre ?quipe de soutien juridique et difference in the Canadian criminal justice fais une difference au sein du systeme de system! We?re looking to hire legal justice p?nale canadienl Nous embauchons assistants and paralegals across Canada. des adjoints juridiques et des parajuristes partout au Canada? (170) (210) Join our team of business professionals Rejoins notre ?quipe de professionnels des and make a difference in the Canadian affaires et fais une difference au sein du criminal justice system! We offer positions systeme de justice p?nale canadienl Nous in financial administration services, offrons des postes en finances, services de human resources, communications, and administration ressources humaines, information management and technology. communications et Gl/Tl.3 j. (249) (254) 000056 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communiqu? en vertu de la Loi surl'acc?s a? I'information. 7 #OnThisDay in 1897 Canadian Clara Brett #EnCeJour de 1897, la Canadienne Clara Martin becomes the first woman lawyer in Brett Martin devenait Ia premiere avocate the British Empire. [Feb (101) de l?Empire britannique. [2.f?vrier] (105) 8 To all of our employees, including #Merci a tous nos employ?s, procureurs, prosecutors, paralegals, legal assistants, parajuristes, adjoints juridiques, administrators, communicators, HR, administrateurs, personnel des financial services and information communications, des RH, des services management. and technology staff. financiers et de la gestion et technologie de #Thanks #EmployeeAppreciationDay l?information. [March 1] (213) [1er mars] (235)- 9 We prosecute Species at Risk Act Nous engageons des poursuites li?es aux violations. The Act helps protect many of infractions pr?vues dans la Loisurles Canada?s endangered and threatened especes en pe'ril. La Loi vise la protection des species. #WorldWildlifeDay nombreuses especes menac?es ou en voie [March 3] de disparition au Canada. (145) [3 mars] (232) 10 We prosecute violations of the Nous engageons des poursuites li?es aux Competition Act. The Act protects infractions pr?vues dans la Loi sur lo Canadians from anti-competitive practices concurrence. La Loi protege les Canadiens in the marketplace. contre les pratiques anticoncurrentielles sur [March 15] la march?. (151) eurs [15 mars] (220) 11 #OnThisDay in 1916, Canada adopted the #EnCeJour de 1916, la Canada adoptait la first Migratory Birds Convention Act. The premiere Loi sur la Convention concernant Act aimed to protect migratory birds by les oiseoux migrateurs. La Loi visait a establishing hunting seasons. We prot?ger les oiseaux migrateurs en prosecute violations of the act. [March 16] ?tablissant des saisons de chasse. Nous (187) poursuivons les infractions a la Loi. [16 mars] (236) 12 #OnThisDay in 2000, the Species at Risk Act #EnCeJour de 2000, le projet de loi sur les was introduced in the House of Commons. especes en peril est d?pos? a la Chambre The illegal traffic in species at risk is .des communes. Le trafic illegal d?especes en estimated to be worth over $6 billion a p?ril est un march? estim? a plus de 6 year. We prosecute violations of this act. miliiards de dollars annuellement. Nous [April 11] (208) poursuivons les infractions a la loi. [11 avril] (246) 13 Thank you to all of our administrative staff Merci a notre personnel administratif qui who ensure PPSC is able to operate smoothly so we are able to protect the veille au bon fonctionnement du SPPC afin que nous puissions prote?ger les droits des 2 000057 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communiqu? en vertu de la Loi surl'acc?s a? I'information. rights of Canadians and uphold the rule of law. [April 24] (199) Canadiens et soutenir Ia primaut? du droit. [24avnu(214) 14 #OnThisDay in 1868 the Fisheries Act #EnCeJour de 1868, la Loi sur les p?ches became one of Canada?s first laws. We devenait I?une des premieres Iois du Canada. prosecute violations of the Act to protect Nous poursuivons les infractions a la Loi afin fish and their habitats for future de prot?ger les poissons et Ieurs habitats generations. [May 22] pour les generations futures. [22 mai] (165) (205) 15 Victims and witnesses in the three Le Programme des coordonnateurs des territories can get post?charge court based t?moins de la Couronne offre aux victimes et support services through the Crown aux t?moins dans les trois territoires des Witness Coordinator Program. services de soutien judiciaires post? (142) inculpation. (174) 16 To better serve our Indigenous clients in Nous avons traduit nos cartes de rendez? Nunavut, the Northwest Territories and vous et d?pliants d?information en Yukon, we are translating our appointment l7 langues autochtones, afin de mieux servir cards and information pamphlets into 17 nos clients autochtones du Nunavut, des Indigenous languages. (185) Territoires du Norde-Ouest et du Yukon. (200) 17 This year our appointment cards and Cette ann?e, nos cartes de rendez?vous et information pamphlets will be available in d?pIiants d?information seront disponibles the 11 official languages of the Northwest dans les 11 langues officielles des Territoires Territories, 4 official languages of Nunavut du Nord?Ouest, les 4 langues officielles du and 8 recognized languages of Yukon. Nunavut et les 8 langues reconnues du (204) Yukon. (222) 18 Nunavut is Canada?s largest territory and Le Nunavut possede le plus grand territoire smallest population; prosecutors and du Canada et Ie moins peupl?; au cours Crown witness coordinators in Nunavut d?une ann?e, les procureurs et travel to 25 communities throughout the coordonnateurs des t?moins de la Couronne year. du Nunavut se rendent dans 25 collectivit?s. (162) (200) 19 From the northernmost community of Les procureurs et coordonnateurs des Grise Fjord to the southernmost on the Belcher Islands in Hudson Bay, prosecutors and Crown witness coordinators travel long distances to serve the people of Nunavut. (201) t?moins de la Couronne parcourent de Iongues distances pour desservir la population du NUnavut, de Grise Fjord, la communaut? la plus septentrionale, a la plus m?ridionale sur les iles Belcher dans la baie d?Hudson. (252) 000058 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communiqu? en vertu de la Loi surl'acc?s a? I'information. 20 Launching in April, a new pilot project in En avril, a Cambridge Bay au Nunavut, un Cambridge Bay, Nunavut will support nouveau projet pilote sera Ianc? afin de people with mental health issues soutenir les personnes ayant des problemes throughout their experience in the criminal de sant? mentale, tout au long de leur justice system. parcours dans le systeme dejustice p?nale. (171) (207) 21 First Nations Courts in British Columbia Les tribunaux des Premieres Nations de la emphasize restorative and holistic Colombie?Britannique privil?gient les approaches to the administration ofjustice approches globales et r?paratrices pour les for indigenous people. peuples autochtones en mati?re (142) d?administration de la justice, (186) 22 Four components of the traditional les tribunaux des Premieres Nations First Nations medicine wheel are qui interagissent avec les peuples addressed through First Nations Courts? autochtones en Colombie-Britannique work with Indigenous people in British tiennent compte de quatre ?l?ments de la Columbia: physical, emotional, mental and roue de m?decine autochtone spiritual well?being. traditionnelle, le bien~etre physique, (215) ?motionnel, mental et spirituel. (252) 23 Our Winnipeg office handles Notre bureau de Winnipeg traite environ approximately 2,500 files each year across 2 500 dossiers chaque ann?e dans Manitoba thanks to the hard work of 23 l?ensemble du Manitoba grace au travail counsel and 17 support staff. acharn? de 23 avocats et de 17 employ?s de (139) soutien. (164) 24 Over 50 lawyers and 30 paralegals work in Notre bureau r?gional de la capitale our National Capital Regional Office, along nationale compte plus de 50 avocats, with legal assistants and administrative 30 parajuristes, des adjoints juridiques et du staff, as well as a network of local agents personnel administratif, et fait affaire avec across the region. un r?seau de mandataires locaux de la (189) region. (212) 25 432 agents from 170 privatewsector law 432 mandataires de 170 cabinets de firms perform prosecutions across Canada. pratique prive?e m?nent des poursuites They work in areas where there are no partout au Canada. pratiquent dans les PPSC regional offices. endroits ou Ie SPPC n?a pas de bureau (140) regional. (163) 26 We are a national organization that Nous sommes une organisation nationale prosecutes federal offences. (65) qui poursuit les infractions f?d?rales. (78) 27 The Public Prosecution Service of Canada La raison d??tre du Service des poursuites exists to protect the rights of Canadians and uphold the rule of law. (111) p?nales du Canada est de prot?ger les droits des Canadiens et soutenir l??tat de droit. (130) 000059 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communiqu? en vertu de la Loi surl'acc?s a? I'information. 28 The Public Prosecution Service. of Canada Le Service des poursuites p?nales du Canada works within the criminal justice system to travaille au sein du systeme de justice make Canada a safe and just society. (122) p?nale afin de faire du Canada une soci?te juste etsure. (141) 29 We have about 1,040 employees located in Nous comptons environ 1 040 employ?s 11 regions across the country. (109) r?partis dans 11 regions du pays. (107) 30 The role of the prosecutor is to ensure that Le role du procureur est de veiller a ce que prosecutions brought to trial are les poursuites port?es devant les tribunaux prosecuted with competence, diligence, soient men?es avec competence, diligence and fairness. (132) et ?quit?. (140) 31 Did you know? Le saviez?vous? (insert text in visual) Le Service des poursuites p?nales du Canada In 2017?2018, the Public Prosecution a trait? 65 898 dossiers en 2017-2018. Service of Canada worked on 65,898 files. (98) (93) 32 Our prosecutors, paralegals, legal support Nos procureurs, parajuristes, employ?s de staff, and legal agents spent 1,202,719 soutien juridique et mandataires ont hours working on prosecution files in consacr?. 1 202 719 heures de travail aux 2017m2018. (132) dossiers de poursuite en 20172018. (155) 33 A prosecution file may include more than Un dossier de poursuite peut comprendre one charge, involve more than one plus d?une accusation et plus d?un accus?, accused, and include charges under ainsi que des accusations en vertu de multiple federal statutes. (137) plusieurs lois. (137) 34 The top five federal statutes we prosecute Voici les cinq lois f?d?rales, en vertu are: (53) (infographic from AR) desquelles on poursuit le plus fr?quemment: Controlled Drugs and Substances Act Loi r?glementant certaines drogues et autres Criminal Code substances Fisheries Act Code criminel Income Tax Act Loi sur les p??ches Employment Insurance Act (151) Loi de l?impot sur le revenu Loi sur l?assurance~emploi (223) 35 We have the jurisdiction to prosecute Nous avons competence pour poursuivre les terrorism offences, crimes against infractions de terrorisme, les crimes contre humanity, and war crimes. (98) I?humanit? et les crimes de guerre. (122) 36 We prosecute of all Criminal Code offences Nous poursuivons toutes les infractions au in the territories. (63) Code criminel dans les territoires. (78) 37 Did you know? Le saviez-vous? 000060 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communiqu? en vertu de la Loi surl'acc?s a? I'information. (insert text in a visual) Our regional offices support various programs of restorative justice, such as drug treatment, community wellness and mental health courts. (155) Nos bureaux r?gionaux appuient divers programmes de justice r?paratrice, comme les tribunaux de traitement de la toxicomanie, les tribunaux communautaires du mieux??tre et les tribunaux de la sant? mentale. (226) 38 Did you know? (insert text in visual) Crown Witness coordinators have the important job of helping people to better understand the justice system. (128) Le saviez?vous? Les coordonnateurs des t?moins de la Couronne ont l?importante tache d?aider les gens a mieux comprendre le systeme de justice. (147) 39 Drug prosecution files make up the highest percentage of the total caseload. (83) Les poursuites en matiere de drogue repr?sentent le pourcentage le plus ?lev? du nombre total de dossiers trait?s par le SPPC. (126) 40 Drug treatment courts were created to attempt to address addiction and addiction-driven crimes. (95) Les tribunaux de traitement de la toxicomanie ont e?t? cr??s pour lutter contre la d?pendance et les crimes motives par la toxicomanie. (134) 41 We have a nationwide network of federal prosecutors appointed as coordinators of fentanyl issues. (97) Nous disposons d?un r?seau national de procureurs f?d?raux qui ont nomm?s coordonnateurs des questions relatives au fentanyi. (129) 42 We prosecute offences related to legislation aimed at protecting the environment, as well as food and work safety, health, and economic security of Canadians.(158) Nous poursuivons les infractions relatives aux lois dont l?objet est de prote?ger l?environnement, mais aussi la sant? et la s?curit? alimentaire, professionnelle et ?conomique des Canadiens. (19D) 43 We prosecute offences under federal statutes aimed at protecting environmental resources, wildlife, and public health. (118) Nous poursuivons les infractions aux lois f?d?rales dont i'objet est de prot?ger les ressources environnementales, la faune et la sant? publique. (145) 44 We prosecute Canada Labour Code offences and matters that ensure the safety of Ca nada?s transportation industry. (112) Nous poursuivons les infractions au Code canadien du travail et les affaires touchant la s?curit? de i?industrie du transport au Canada. (136) 45 We prosecute offences under all statutes administered by the Canada Revenue. Agency. (83) Nous poursuivons les infractions a toutes les lois appliqu?es par I?Agence du revenu du Canada. (95) 46 Did you know? Le saviez-vous? 000061 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communiqu? en vertu de la Loi surl'acc?s a? I'information. (insert text in visual) Occasionally, we accept delegations from provincial prosecution services when there is a potential or perceived conflict of interest. (150) Le SPPC accepte de temps en temps les d?l?gations provenant ole services de poursuite provinciaux, lorsqu?une situation de conflit d?int?r?ts apparent ou percu existe. (183) 47 Did you know? Le saviez~vous? (insert text in visual) En 2016, dans l?affaire R. c.10rdan, la Cour In 2016, in R. v. Jordan, the Supreme Court supreme du Canada a pr?sent? une nouvelle of Canada outlined a new approach for approche permettant de determiner si une determining whether a prosecution is poursuite est men?e a terme dans un d?lai completed within a reasonable time. (175) raisonnable. (206) 48 Did you know? Le savieznvous? (insert text in visual) En tant que procureur de la Couronne au As a Crown counsel at the PPSC, conduct SPPC, je mene cles poursuites au nom de la prosecutions on behalf of the Director of directrice des poursuites p?nales dans de Public Prosecutions on many significant nombreuses affaires importantes et and complex cases. (160) complexes. (187) 49 We?re now live on Twitter! Follow us to Nous sommes maintenant en direct sur learn more about federal offences we Twitter! Suivez-nous pour en apprendre plus prosecute and our latestjob opportunities. sur les infractions f?d?rales que nous Suivez-nous en francais poursuivons et nos dernieres offres- (157) d?emploi. Follow us in English: (199) 50 Prosecutors must be of integrity, above all Les procureurs doivent ?tre integres, au?dessus suspicion, and must exercise the considerable de tout soupgon, et exercer Ie pouvoir discretion bestowed on them fairly, in good discr?tionnaire considerable qui leur est conf?r? faith, and without any consideration ofthe de facon ?quitable, de bonne foi et sans ?gard political implications of their decisions. aux repercussions politiques de ieurs decisions. (220) (232) 51 Did you know? (insert text in visual) Le saviez-vous? (ins?rer ie texte en format [Series of four tweets in Twitter thread format, same photo for each] Thread: We can prosecute a Criminal Code offence that?s usually under provinciai jurisdiction when it's related to a more serious federal charge. [151] For example, if a person were charged with impaired driving (provincial) and possessing a large amount of drugs for trafficking (federal), visuel) [S?rie de quatre gazouillis publi?s sur Ie fil Twitter, avec la meme photo] Fil Nous pouvons nous charger de la poursuite d?une infraction au Code criminel, qui autrement rel?ve de ia competence d?une province, lorsqu?elle est associ?e a une acCusation f?d?rale plus grave. [202] Dans une affaire de conduite avec facult?s affaiblies (competence provinciale) par exemple 7 000062 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communique en vertu de la Loi surl'acc?s a? I'information. we would most likely prosecute the case federally. [190] in the same way, provincial prosecution services may prosecute federal offences when they?re related to a more serious Criminal Code offence under theirjurisdiction. [172] For example, a person charged with possession of firearms (provincial), as well as ll ely prosecu provmcually. [180] et de possession de grandes quantit?s de drogues pour en faire le trafic (competence f?d?rale), nous engagerions probablement une poursuite au federal. [244] De la meme facon, les services de poursuite provinciaux peuvent poursuivre les infractions f?d?rales lorsqu?elles sont Ii?es a une infraction plus grave du Code criminei, mais relevant de leur competence. [206] Une personne accus?e de possession d'armes a le) par example federale), ferait probablement I?objet d?une poursuite deva nt une cour provinciale. [213] 52 Prosecutorial independence is key to our L?indv?pendance en matiere de poursuite est mandate. Our prosecutors must be objective, essentieIle a notre mandat. Nos procureurs independent and dispassionate, as well as free doivent se montrer objectifs, ind?pendants at from improper influence?including political impartiaux, et ?tre libres de toute influence influence. (186) indue, com pris l?ing?rence politique. (219) 53 Fair. Transparent. Consistent. Our prosecutors Equit?. Transparence. Coherence. Nos must make their decisions without political procureurs doivent prend re leurs decisions sans interference or improper influence. They?re ing?rence politique ni in?uence indue. Ils sont held to high standards to ensure public tenus de respecter des normes ?iev?es afin de confidence in the administration ofjustice. maintenir Ia confiance du public dans (219) I?administration de la justice. (250) 54 We exist separately from @JusticeCanadaEN Nous sommes independents de and the federal government to ensure that prosecutions are independent from the partisan political process. (149) @lusticeCanadaFR et du gouvernement federal pour faire en sorte que les poursuites soient men?es ind?pendamment du processus de partisanerie politique. (181) 000063 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communiqu? en vertu de la Loi surl'acc?s a? I'information. Seek, Kaseha From: Rainville, Claire Sent: February 28, 2019 1:37 PM To: Nemis, Sabrina Cc: Michaud, Anne; Armitage, Elizabeth; Martin, Marissa Sub?ect: fait RE: A few more tweets Attachments: Additional tweets Feb 18 2019_bil rev.docx De Nemis, Sabrina Envov? February-2749 3:36 PM it Rainville, Claire Cc Michaud, Anne Armitage, Elizabeth Martin, Marissa abjet A few more tweets Hi Claire, We have a couple more tweets for your review. If you?re able to review them tomorrow, that would be great. If not, let me know when you?ll be able to review. Thank you, Sabrina 000064 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communiqu? en vertu de la Loi sur I'acc?s I'information. Additional tweets Formatted width: 27. 94 cm Height 21. 59 cm English French (257 characters or fewer including spaces, as 23 characters are needed for each link) Prosecutors must be of integrity, above all Les procu reurs doivent ?tre integres, au-dessus de tout suspicion, and must exercise the considerable soupcon, et exercer le pouvoir discr?tionnaire discretion bestowed on them fairly, in good considerable qui ieur est conf?r? de fagon equitable, de faith, and without any consideration of the bonne foi et sans ?gard aux repercussions politiques de political implications of their decisions. ieurs decisions. {2323- Did you know? (insert text in visual) Le saviez-vous? (ins?rer le texte en format visuel) [Series of four tweets in Twitter thread [S?rie de quatre gazouillis publi?s ?7 format, same photo for each] avec la meme photo] Thread: We can prosecute a Criminal Code Fil offence that is provincial jurisdiction ?Ev-vs?? it 5'15 related to a more serious federal charge. - Formatted: Highlight Formatted: Highlight For example, if a person were charged with impaired driving (provincial) and possessing a large amount of drugs for trafficking (federal), we would most Pkwy srosecute the case de possession de grandes quantit?s de drogues . - trafic (competence f?d?rale), nous ., Formatted: Highlight Formatted: Highlight . Formatted: Highlight In the same way, provincial prosecution services may prosecute federal offences when they?re related to a more serious Criminal les services de poursuite Code offence under theirjurisdiction. .. .. psoursui f?d?rales lorsqu? elles sont Formatted: Highlight 000065 For example, a person charged with murder (provincial) and possessing large amounts of drugs for trafficking {federai), the case would most likely be prosecuted provincially. iig?? li?es a une infraction plus grave relevant de leur competence. (3/4 ans une affaire de meurtre (competence et de possession de grandes ?3 trafic probabiement provinciale) quantit?s de drogues (competence f?d?rale), affaire ser instri devant Prosecutorial independence is key to our mandate. Our prosecutors must be objective, independent and dispassionate, as well as free from improper influence?including political influence. nae} Fair. Transparent. Consistent. Our prosecutors must make their decisions without political interference or improper influence. They?re held to high standards to ensure public cent?zdence in the administration ofjustice. Equit?. Transparence. Coherence. Nos procureu rs doivent prend re leurs decisions sans ing?rence politique ni influence indue. sont tenus de respecter des normes afin confiance du public dans l'administration de la justice. We exist separately from @JusticeCanadaEN and the federal government to ensure that prosecutions are independent from the partisan political process. Our independence enhances the integrity of government: We ensure prosecutorial decisions are made free from inappropriate politicai control, direction and influence. Notre ind?pendance renforce l?int?grit? du gouvernement nous veillons a ce que les decisions en Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communiqu? en vertu de la Loi sur I'acc?s I'information. Formatted: Highiight Formatted: Highlight Formatted: Highlight Formatted: Highlight Formatted: ig hlig ht Formatted: Highlight 000066 s.19(1) Senk, Kascha From: Armitage, Elizabeth Sent: March 1, 2019 2:10 PM To: Michaud, Anne Subject: RE: Today Eve left it W?th Lucie: ghe give it: to Karine on Monday, :2 From: Michaud, Anne Sent: Friday, March 01, 2019 10:59 AM To: Armitage, Elizabeth Subject: RE: Today Thankg: Let me know if area: {if} and i de?ate item: Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communiqu? en vertu de la Loi surl'acc?s a? I'information. From: Armitage, Elizabeth Sent: Friday, March 01, 2019 10:56 AM To: Michaud, Anne Subject: RE: Today Gkay thankg. Sabrina has agitated the twitter material 35; be?? Kath?eenig i WEN in; to take that back ever it: Karine matey fer ?nal? abbreva?, From: Michaud, Anne Sent: Friday, March 01, 2019 9:49 AM To: Armitage, Elizabeth Subject: RE: Today Theme: iw?i? be back it: my regular gehedu?e, From: Armitage, Elizabeth Sent: Friday, March 01, 2019 9:38 AM To: Michaud, Anne Subject: RE: Interview Request - CTV's Question Period I should add, we?d like to ask about the tweet sent out this morning soon after the press conference. Public Prosecution Service of Canada SPPC) 2019-03?07, 10:30 AEVI Prosecutorial independence is key to our mandate. Our prosecutors must be objective, independent and dispassionate, as well as free from improper influence?including political influence. ,2019 1:47 PM 000069 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communiqu? en vertu de la Loi surl'acc?s a? I'information. s.19(1) To: Media Enquiries SPPC Demandes des M?dias (PPSC Subject: RE: Interview Request - CTV's Question Period Hi there, We?d like to speak about the testimonies at justice committee yesterday. From: PPSC Media Enquiries SPPC Demandes cles M?dias (PPSC SPPC) Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2019 1:46 PM Subject: RE: Interview Request - CTV's Question Period Ear: yaw provide a Eittle mare: What wauld yea iike to speak to samaene aides?: speci?eaiiy? Thaeks Nathaiia Houie Media Re?atians Advisor 5 (Eonse?iiere an reiations avac ?es medias Communications Pupils Proseeatiaa Eewiea of Canadai?arv?ca ties paursaiies p?naies du Canada 168 Eigm, Roamfit?i?ca ?i23i3i-Z ?ttawa, Canada KEA GHS Mamie 219524? Mattias Liaei??gna ass medias $543303 g/ nhoule 50-3 0. Government of Canadai?ouvememen? du Canada Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2019 1:43 PM To: PPSC Media Enquiries SPPC Demandes des M?dias Subject: Interview Request - CTV's Question Period Hi there, Writing to see if a spokesperson from the office might be available for an interview on our program tomorrow. Please let me know! Thanks, 000070 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communiqu? en vertu de la Loi surl'acc?s a? I'information. s.19(1) Senk, Kascha From: Armitage, Elizabeth Sent: March 7, 2019 3:55 PM To: Houle, Nathalie Subject: RE: Today's tweet tteheay any thee?t?e tweets; we hrehatett a eathage at tweets aha t?ttatatee h: tet ahhteaai, ?theta were tame aha same tt?t that aha theta what Et we tett eh theta tatt test: aha that Say ?The tweet was part at a aathage tweets hteeatea ter the taahth et the W355: aha Cheetatea tet aeeteeat te PEEK genie? Mahagemeht aha the heat that matte teeae? From: Houle, Nathalie Sent: March 7, 2019 3:40 PM To: Armitage, Elizabeth Subject: FW: Today's tweet tithe they heeh Can you tell me why this tweet was issued today? "the hPSt: taeethett week; a at tweeta exhtathteg a aheat the aha its ate Sahetteted ever the weeks, Was this requested by the Justice Minister/ General? hie Who requested this tweet? that State aheet aha. heat ate ah hahhee?? the? the tithh that the tweeta he htehatea hetete we Qt teat Et hast at a haeitage that that htehatett aha thee Seat te het? Who approved it? ?the at Pehtte hreteeatteet att tweett hetete the was; Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2019 2:45 PM To: PPSC Media Enquiries SPPC Demandes des M?dias at? St; t,t:a> Subject: Today's tweet 000071 s.19(1) mam-ate {Eur Hi. Can you tell me why this tweet was issued today? Was this requested by the Justice Minister/ General? Who requested this tweet? Who approved it? Th Globe and Mail Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communiqu? en vertu de la Loi surl'acc?s a? I'information. 000072 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communiqu? en vertu de la Loi surl'acc?s a? I'information. Senk, Kascha From: Armitage, Elizabeth Sent: March 7, 2019 3:41 PM To: Houle, Nathalie Subject: RE: tweets and such See?e erettee ee fer? es; te thiek eet we?re eet eettieg eeyteiee eet See the te From: Houle, Nathalie Sent: March 7, 2019 3:18 PM To: Armitage, Elizabeth Subject: RE: tweets and such yet"? i etii? esse the we werkee eet tee; er i wait See whet weenie te see? From: Armitage, Elizabeth Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2019 2:16 PM To: Houle, Nathalie ; Bourcier, Lucie e, Subject: tweets and such 000073 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communiqu? en vertu de la Loi surl'acc?s a? I'information. Kath?ea? ngaa? {??mamr Fub?ia?: Prmam?mg amt? ?amty Aziam?y Ganara? {Zamda ,1 ?gs; mmau?teg Qt g?n?mia aim {iamada giui??q: Wagawiia? SEWECE Emma Saw?m {jag murguitag g??a?ag Emma 155}; was Qttawa; Km 3H8 kam??emxmag?? gm {ma 000074 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communiqu? en vertu de la Loi surl'acc?s a? I'information. Senk, Kascha From: Armitage, Elizabeth Sent: March 7, 2019 2:18 PM To: Roussel, Kathleen Cc: Dolhai, George; Bourcier, Lucie; Monette, Karine (PPSC) Subject: RE: tweets and such tee, ?338. From: Roussel, Kathleen Sent: March 7, 2019 2:18 PM To: Armitage, Elizabeth Cc: Dolhai, George Bourcier, Lucie Monette, Karine (PPSC) Subject: Re: tweets and such Do you want to come down around 2:45. I am with Lucie. ?eet item my Bet? {tea/tee ever: Original message From: "Armitage, Elizabeth" sews? Date: 2019-03-07 2:15 PM To: "Roussel, Kathleen" sewer Cc: "Dolhai, George" "Bourcier, Lucie" Stem Subject: RE: tweets and such We?ee te the tte?ziee with the te??ewteg: ?Tee Witt: twitter tee eemeet et tweete titt?e the eese met its were ere ever the eeteteg weeks? Wegee e?ee esttett et? timee it itthe we?ve eete? ee, teeteette think in the et excitement, the Wilt ee eewec eet E?t?e te tetteet: From: Roussel, Kathleen tee e: exee> Sent: March 7, 2019 1:58 PM To: Armitage, Elizabeth ?3 sews e: 000075 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communiqu? en vertu de la Loi surl'acc?s a? I'information. Cc: Dolhai, George e?a?m? my?; Bourcier, Lucie Subject: tweets and such Kath?gg? ngga? {3f Fub??a ??wggmi?ang and Sawty Miamey (Emmy a? gamma! {??mai?ae deg mumu?ieg g?maiag a? g?n?mia dag {Zanada ?gub??a ngawiim Sawiae {3f gamma ,1 Sarv?m $63 paurguims gzg??a?szg dag gamma 15$; ma E?g?m @ttawa, Ki?a @13w93?w4??2 33% i; (ma 000076 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communiqu? en vertu de la Loi surl'acc?s a? I'information. Senk, Kascha From: Armitage, Elizabeth Sent: March 7, 2019 1:13 PM To: Houle, Nathalie Subject: RE: Tweet Yas, agraasi: From: Houle, Nathalie Sent: March 7, 2019 1:12 PM To: Armitage, Elizabeth Subject: RE: Tweet iasi aria is this: Why did the Public Prosecution Service tweet about the need to allow prosecutions to proceed without political interference just two hours after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau ?nished a press conference where he insisted nothing inappropriate had happened in the SNC-Lavalin affair? Does the Service have concerns about how this matter is impacting the perception of your team? 53a as a iasper?isa, this saa?ia as baiaw, area ?as? ta this sacai?it?i {i iaff as i sass ta hathai? him with this sari} T?aaks From: Richstone, Jeff Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2019 1:07 PM To: Houle, Nathalie Cc: Armitage, Elizabeth Subject: RE: Tweet Agiaa with raspaasasg iaiissi From: Houle, Nathalie Sent: March 7, 2019 12:34 PM To: Richstone, Jeff Cc: Armitage, Elizabeth Subject: FW: Tweet iaff, Waiva rasaivaa isa iar} ii media twaai ti?iis massing an prasasatariai ragardir?ig its timing aria ?faa sari saa baiaw tha irara Timas: Tha 3 are satiatiaas af tha iirst iwa baiaw, 000077 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communique en vertu de la Loi surl'acc?s a? I'information. s.19(1) EES hah and EE Es Ethe ESQ add Ehahge Ehh he?ew? have a deadhhe ASAP: Ehahhs: What prompted the PPSC to issue that tweet now? Eh EE, EE Eh E: Was that tweet a way for the PPSC to express concern about political interference in its operations? NEE Is the PPSC concerned about political interference in its work? If so, were there attempts to interfere in the work of the PPSC 1n relation to the Admiral Mark Norman case? El EE EE EE EE EEK Does the PPSC believe the Prime Minister's Of?ce attempted to politically interfere with its work on the SNC- Lavalin case? a EE Em" ?the E: E. ha; EE From: Houle, Nathalie Sent: March 7, 2019 12:06 PM To: Armitage, Elizabeth Subject: FW: Tweet Hg .3th EE Ehw high Es arh hrhEEy E?the aim a request Ehh Is this in relation to the current controversy over SNC-Lavalin? Is there a concern about the independence of the prosecution? Ehahhg Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2019 11:35 AM To: PPSC Media Enquiries SPPC Demandes des M?dias wrote: :?Zer mere Eefermet?ee yee may wish ?e e?git me website at: ,?iee may e?ge we re refer ie the WK if yee heve any we Eev?te yee ?re gene were te e5 by eme?? we ee beet {e weeke, Nethe??e Heu?e Mee?e Reiel?ene Aev?eer i Cenee?iiere er: reiet?ene ever?: See mee?ee Peei?e Service e1 pene?ee du Canada ?18% Eight, Ottawa, me we fig? Meme {6?23} $953243 Meme Lieeik?gee mee?ee gem; nhoule sc?s C. ma {Eevemmeei ef Cenedei?eevememem e13 Samaria SC.> Subject: Tweet Hi, 000079 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communiqu? en vertu de la Loi surl'acc?s a? I'information. s.19(1) Can someone there give me a call to provide some context or elaboration on the tweet that you just issued? SPPC/status/ 1 103 679348689776640 My deadline is 3 pm. Thanks, The Hill Times The H111 Times 000080 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communiqu? en vertu de la Loi surl'acc?s a? I'information. Senk, Kascha From: Armitage, Elizabeth Sent: March 7, 2019 12:27 PM To: Houle, Nathalie Subject: RE: Tweet YEESE that Thank: From: Houle, Nathalie Sent: March 7, 2019 12:18 PM To: Armitage, Elizabeth Subject: RE: Tweet We have ahether I?d be very interested to speak to someone about what message this tweet was intended to convey and why it was issued today. thE?: hathw amwer: ht: que??er?: Etta tat: ahat the: tettewwuh that ha?EE hav: .. when WEE them} From: Armitage, Elizabeth Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2019 12:13 PM To: Houle, Nathalie Subject: RE: Tweet Weitt :tatt with Eah?; what he says: We :Ethatty y::tet?a: hat the at tweet: wen: aphatehtty {Eat ?Eh: tetetd, th: hEEt E: a Eh, What prompted the PPSC to issue that tweet now? Eh: EVEN: lEri edWas that tweet a way for the PPSC to express concern about political interference in its operationsthe PPSC concerned about political interference in its work? If so, were there attempts to interfere in the work of the PPSC in relation to the Admiral Mark Norman case? ht: that thatty :hhut tht: Ema tar: we he that threat at at: we waht a thatEE: EE- Em? ESEDoes the PPSC believe the Prime Minister's Of?ce attempted to politically interfere with its work on the SNC- Lavalin case? ?Eh: E: a free E?t he Eh: the at: the tephrte? h: the: 000081 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communiqu? en vertu de la Loi surl'acc?s a? I'information. s.19(1) 1m ems t; sweep whim? hee? ttht?t?a the ettswet te the 55:: he ehe EM, From: Houle, Nathalie Sent: March 7, 2019 12:06 PM To: Armitage, Elizabeth Subject: FW: Tweet he tent es, We jetted dawn a tee; things heiew. New h?gh he is the?: ge?hg te ge? the are htetty ?if??tn thete t3 etee heath ?85; with the tettewthg: Is this in relation to the current controversy over SNC-Lavalin? Is there a concern about the independence of the prosecution? To: PPSC Media Enquiries SPPC Demandes des M?dias Subject: Re: Tweet OK, here are some more speci?c questions. What prompted the PPSC to issue that tweet now? {we htehtieh that the this amt that {the just me et? than}: tweets te exhtaht a aheet FPSC with then}? meet: te thither) Was that tweet a way for the PPSC to express concern about political interference in its operations? Ne Is the PPSC concerned about political interference in its work? If so, were there attempts to interfere in the work of the PPSC in relation to the Admiral Mark Norman case? he he met teetty Sete aheet ehe eats we he that etheet er tie we weet there Does the PPSC believe the Prime Minister's Of?ce attempted to politically interfere with its work on the SNC- Lavalin case? the httg? h; tt etgehtzatteth ttee them th'thtetteet tt wettid he thattpteptiete the titthti te the teettes teherteti ht the thethtt On Thu, Mar 7, 2019 at 11:28 AM PPSC Media Enquiries SPPC Demandes des Medias (PPSC SPPC) wrote: Fer mete thtetmetteh aheat Endeheheehee; yee that; wish te visit eet wehstte at: ,Yee they etee te refer te the W?t: Deshheehg a eehtte it yee have my we thette yea te serge them te he emett ehet we he hit? hest te teseehei 000082 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communiqu? en vertu de la Loi surl'acc?s a? I'information. s.19(1) Thanks; Nathalie HQUEQ Media Reiations Adviaor Consa?ii?re an relations: aver: sea medias Communications Pubiie Sawiee of ties poursa?tas narrates {its Qanada 1% Etgin, Roomr?Pieoa Stiawa, ?anada Km {El??55 Mamie {era} 23%?524? ?aeaa Lima?gaa dag medias gate; 5 Government of Canadai??j?aavemement du Canada Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2019 10:55 AM To: PPSC Media Enquiries SPPC Demandes des M?dias (PPSC SPPC) Subject: Tweet Hi, Can someone there give me a call to provide some context or elaboration on the tweet that you just issued? 103 6793 48689776640 My deadline is 3 pm. Thanks, The Hill Times 000083 s.19(1) Cell The Hill Times Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communiqu? en vertu de la Loi surl'acc?s a? I'information. 000084 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communiqu? en vertu de la Loi surl'acc?s a? I'information. Senk, Kascha From: Armitage, Elizabeth Sent: March 7, 2019 4:31 PM To: Roussel, Kathleen; Bourcier, Lucie Subject: From: Roussel, Kathleen Sent: March 7, 2019 3:46 PM To: Bourcier, Lucie Armitage, Elizabeth Subject: RE Kathleen Reggae? {Eireetor of Public ngemt?ens and {Beauty Attorney general {Zanada ,1 aireat?ee a?eg gour?u?teg behale? et geuenpreeureme g?n?ta?e Canada Pregewtion Servibe {3f (lemma ,1 Servlee ?ea peerguites n?na?eg do (lemma 15$: me Elg?n @ttawa: Kile 513wg??w4??2 kai??eenmeggel 303 i; am From: Bourcier, Lucie Sent: 2019-Mar-07 3:45 PM To: Roussel Kathleen Cc: Bourcier Lucie ?omegmm?em gems a; at?? 000085 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communiqu? en vertu de la Loi surl'acc?s a? I'information. Kath?aan Rauaga? {Ei??tim? Emb??a: @rag?mt?am and Baggty Aimm?y {gamma {jg?adaf ??recirim ?533 mmrgu?tag ??m?as gaugmmawr?um g?m?raie {Emma ?ub??a Prmemi?m S?fv?m Qana?a 3mm ?533 g??a?ag ?u Qana?a mg E?gm @tmwa, 5:3 39$ {ma 000086 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communiqu? en vertu de la Loi surl'acc?s a? I'information. s.19(1) Senk, Kascha From: Armitage, Elizabeth Sent: March 7, 2019 11:25 AM To: Houle, Nathalie Cc: Nemis, Sabrina Subject: RE: Tweet rte}, year; we have gettee a test er atter?rtiee arid tetiewere? egree with ?re it the is; wee th?e Err were way tr: reseerzee tr; erees ere mere?ee, the net} From: Houle, Nathalie Sent: March 7, 2019 11:21 AM To: Armitage, Elizabeth Cc: Nemis, Sabrina Subject: FW: Tweet Greed mereieg; t??eaee see eeiew, Err; g?ee? Twitter airear?y teeming beta? ?the tweet i3 se i think tee eeretext he ears ee err ear aeri Ree; this: ?eer mere intermattee eheet year may we re visit eer website at: tree may eise wish re refer re the Seekbeek; a ., if tree have are; we invite yet; re there te ea in; ereai? aeri we Witt ee eer best re Theeke Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2019 10:55 AM To: PPSC Media Enquiries SPPC Demandes des M?dias Subject: Tweet Hi, Can someone there give me a call to provide some context or elaboration on the tweet that you just issued? i 103679348689776640 My deadline is 3 p.m. 000087 s.19(1) Thanks, The Hill Times Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communiqu? en vertu de la Loi surl'acc?s a? I'information. 000088 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communiqu? en vertu de la Loi surl'acc?s a? I'information. s.19(1) Senk, Kascha From: Armitage, Elizabeth Sent: March 7, 2019 1:44 PM To: Houle, Nathalie Subject: RE: Global News re: tweet Yet, ?t was; tetet twee teet ta ?eet Meyee ?ere? teeteett et ?wete?? teete ere teete mete From: Houle, Nathalie Sent: March 7, 2019 1:38 PM To: Armitage, Elizabeth Subject: FW: Global News re: tweet See eetewc it wee ?eet? {t etee?t knew tt wee se have ee Eetetteettee} if; wes at were teem; eteet tweete teiettee te tee teenttete? Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2019 1:26 PM To: PPSC Media Enquiries SPPC Demandes des M?dias Subject: RE: Global News re: tweet t?tt theete tet veer Se wee tweet Ee just te eeteetee with eemtee tight ettet the ewe etetset? wee it te we temetee? From: PPSC Media Enquiries SPPC Demandes des M?dias (PPSC SPPC) lete?tteztv?teete it} St: Sent: March 7, 2019 1:22 PM Subject: RE: Global News re: tweet te te yew Why did the Public Prosecution Service tweet about the need to allow prosecutions to proceed without political interference just two hours after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau finished a press conference where he insisted nothing inappropriate had happened in the SNC-Lavalin affair? ?the we week; eemeet et tweete exeteteteg the PPSQ eett Eta ere ever the eeteteg Does the Service have concerns about how this matter is impacting the perception of your team? tie 000089 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communiqu? en vertu de la Loi surl'acc?s a? I'information. s.19(1) Thanks Mathai?e Hattie Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2019 12:17 PM To: PPSC Media Enquiries SPPC Demandes des M?dias Subject: Your tweet just now I?d be very interested to speak to someone about what message this tweet was intended to convey and why it was issued today. Many thanks. Direct line: careuterscom Follow my latest articles and blog postings Follow me on Twitter at 000091 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communique en vertu de la Loi surl'acc?s a? I'information. s.19(1) Senk, Kascha From: Sent: March 7, 2019 1.35 PM To: PPSC Media Enquiries SPPC Demandes des Medias (PPSC SPPC) Subject: Re: Tweet Thanks Nathalie. On Thu, Mar 7, 2019 at 1:16 PM PPSC Media Enquiries SPPC Demandes des Me?dias (PPSC SPPC) wrote: ?eet eeiew the eeswete te yeer What prompted the PPSC to issue that tweet now? the WSQ twitter this week; et eteuwettee tweett exe?eteteg a the Witt: Ete werk ere ever the eemteg weeksa Was that tweet a way for the PPSC to express concern about political interference in its operations? tee Is the PPSC concerned about political interference in its work? If so, were there attempts to interfere in the work of the PPSC in relation to the Admiral Mark Norman case? ?the Witt: eet eet teeget er Er: e? the et tee tree: the ertee 5: tee e? ee ewe eve 2?t? 32 ?32 19mm Does the PPSC believe the Prime Minister's Office attempted to politically interfere with its work on the SNC- Lavalin case? "the eest?: is ergeetzettee; tree trem it weete tee ter the Pe?t?: te ere tee in the meete, 000092 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communique en vertu de la Loi surl'acc?s a? I'information. s.19(1) Methe?ie ?ee?e From' Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2019 11:35 AM To: PPSC Media Enquiries SPPC Demandes des Medias (PPSC SPPC) Subject: Re: Tweet OK, here are some more speci?c questions. What prompted the PPSC to issue that tweet now? Was that tweet a way for the PPSC to express concern about political interference in its operations? Is the PPSC concerned about political interference in its work? If so, were there attempts to interfere in the work of the PPSC in relation to the Admiral Mark Norman case? Does the PPSC believe the Prime Minister's Office attempted to politically interfere with its work on the SNC- Lavalin case? On Thu, Mar 7, 2019 at 11:28 AM PPSC Media Enquiries SPPC Demandes des Medias (PPSC SPPC) wrote: tier mere Eefermet?en may me ?te e?e?t eer at: spongeca/eng/bas/indexhtmI ,?feu may elee w?eh te refer {e :he $33335: a ezzei?e ., yet: have em; eueet?ees; we invite yea; tie eerie them te are ex; emeii ene we tie eez? beet te 000093 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communiqu? en vertu de la Loi surl'acc?s a? I'information. s.19(1) Thanks; Nathaiie Heme Media Retentions Adviseri Cense??iere en relai?ena aver: lea medias Semmunicat?ens Publie Prosecut?en Sari-rise at Canadaigew?ee data: poursuitas narrates an {Janette ?636 E?g?n, ReemiPiaea Q?ttawa, Canada MA 6H8 Mamie {5313} 2t?~524? ??aaia traarergne {leis mat-em gate; E7 nhoule 305 c. Clea Government of Canada??ouvemament {in Canada From: Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2019 10:55 AM To: PPSC Media Enquiries SPPC Demandes des Medias (PPSC SPPC) Subject: Tweet Can someone there give me a call to provide some context or elaboration on the tweet that you just issued? 103679348689776640 My deadline is 3 pm. The Hill Times 000094 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. 8 19(1) Communiqu? en vertu de la Loi surl'acc?s a? I'information. Cell: The Hill Times The Hill Times 000095 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communiqu? en vertu de la Loi surl'acc?s a? I'information. s.19(1) Senk, Kascha From: Sent: March 7, 2019 3:45 PM To: PPSC Media Enquiries SPPC Demandes des Medias (PPSC SPPC) Subject: RE: Statement request you From: PPSC Media Enquiries SPPC Demandes des M?dias (PPSC SPPC) [] Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2019 3:43 PM To: Mercedes Stephenson Subject: RE: Statement request twitter account iauncheci week; a number {ii tweets exgiaining a iittie PPSQ and its W?ik are scheduied was? the mining?; ihanka Nathaiie Home Media Adviser i er: reiatiuns aver: tee medias Cammunicationg Pubiie Prosewiian Sewice of Canadaf?iewiee ates mummies p?naieg Canada i?ii Eigiiz, Roemi??ce Giiawa, Gamma Km SHE {Sig} 2i?u524i LinefLigne dag EEii-??i Government of {BariadaZGouvemerizeni du Canada Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2019 1:54 PM To: PPSC Media Enquiries SPPC Demandes des M?dias 3i; cica> Subject: Statement request Hi PPSC, Would it be possible to get your statement on the tweet? Thank you 000096 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communiqu? en vertu de la Loi surl'acc?s a? I'information. s.19(1) Twitter: Instagram 000097 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communiqu? en vertu de la Loi surl'acc?s a? I'information. s.19(1) Senk, Kascha From: Sent: March 7, 2019 1:22 PM To: Houle, Nathalie Subject: Re: Urgent request from CBC Thank you, Nathalie. On Thu, Mar 7, 2019 at 1:19 PM Houle, Nathalie wrote: Ht agai The WEC twitter Eatsnaheri week; a numeer of prewwr?ttee tweets exp?aintng a tittie aeeatt ?the WSC and its wark are seba?aled ever the eem?ng weeks. in respanse ta year qaest?oes: Is this in relation to the current controversy over SNC-Lavalin? Me Is there a concern about the independence of the prosecution? at} weeks, ?athaiie Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2019 12:53 PM To: Houle, Nathalie Subject: Re: Urgent request from CBC Thanks Nathalie. If we could get a reply asap that would be great. Much appreciated. On Thu, Mar 7, 2019 at 12:51 PM Houle, Nathalie wrote: were werking era it. 000098 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communiqu? en vertu de la Loi surl'acc?s a? I'information. s.19(1) ?thanks; Methane From: Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2019 12:07 PM To: Houle, Nathalie Subject: Urgent request from CBC sent this to the general media email as well. Can you please provide information on the tweet from Is this in relation to the current controversy over SNC-Lavalin? Is there a concern about the independence of the prosecution? Any information much appreciated. Looking for a response urgently, please and thank you, 000099 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communiqu? en vertu de la Loi surl'acc?s a? I'information. s.19(1) CBC News 000100 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communiqu? en vertu de la Loi surl'acc?s a? I'information. s.19(1) Senk, Kascha From: Nemis, Sabrina Sent: March 7, 2019 11:24 AM To: Houle, Nathalie; Armitage, Elizabeth Subject: RE: Tweet ASE tweets; ee were ?free?: the se it}: a tie get ?eeriea Nem?'e ewe @ffieer/Ageere tree fee mediate gerviee e? Serviee Ciee eu 13% Eigiri Street, Reem 123%; 16% rue Eigie, 12353? Qttewe {?eterie} em {Bi-i8 Tet, eeremeet ef t2}? eta? eiiew Twitter! .1 eieez Twitter From: Houle, Nathalie Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2019 11:21 AM To: Armitage, Elizabeth Cc: Nemis, Sabrina Subject: FW: Tweet {Eerie reaming; e?eaee gee eeiewx tire g?ee Twittee is werkieg heir.? The tweet is 3e 3 thieit the eentext he needs we ee ea ear ?ee; this: "Eer mere ieiermetiee ebeet "gee may wish tie visit ear et: free meg; etse wish te refer te the WSQ a deeameet: ., it yet: have any we ?eeite tree te seed them te ee ea; emeii and we tie eer best te Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2019 10:55 AM To: PPSC Media Enquiries SPPC Demandes des M?dias < Viedia sc.> Subject: Tweet Hi, Can someone there give me a call to provide some context or elaboration on the tweet that you just issued? 1 000101 Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communiqu? en vertu de la Loi surl'acc?s a? I'information. s.19(1) SPPC/statuS/l 103679348689776640 My deadline is 3 p.m. Thanks, The H111 Tunes 000102 5.21 (1 Senk, Kascha From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Roussel, Kathleen March 7, 2019 3:16 PM Armitage, Elizabeth Bourcier, Lucie Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communique en vertu de la Loi sur I?acc?s a? I'information. Kathleen Roussel Director of Public Prosecutions and Deputy Attorney General of Canada Directrice des poursuites p?nales et sous?procureure g?n?rale du Canada Public Prosecution Service of Canada Service des poursuites p?nales du Canada 160, rue Elgin Ottawa, ON K1A 0H8 613?957~4762 000103 Page 104 is withheld pursuant to section est retenue en vertu de l'article 21(1)(b) of the Access to Information Act de la Loi de l?acces a l?information Released pursuant to the Access to Information Act. Communiqu? en vertu de la Loi surl'acc?s a? I'information. Senk, Kascha From: Armitage, Elizabeth Sent: March 7, 2019 4:50 PM To: Roussel, Kathleen Subject: RE: tweets Yes; abso?ete?y: From: Roussel, Kathleen Sent: March 7, 2019 4:48 PM To: Armitage, Elizabeth Subject: tweets Importance: High Can we flip tomorrow?s tweet for something like March 12ths? I?m not sure we want to raise rule of law tomorrow given today?s reaction. Kathleen Rousse? Streams" of Embl?c Erosemt?ens and {Emmy Attorney Genera? of (lemma! ?trectrice ties mummies beagles et sousupmwreere ge?n?raie Canada ?ub?ic Erosewtien Service of Cana?a ,f Eervice ?es peorsuites p?naies {to Cana?a me Elg?n Gttawa, KEA kat??tieenirmssel am; am 000105