RESOLUTION _17-179_ September 19, 2017 A RESOLUTION TO OPPOSE THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN ONSITE WASTE DISPOSAL FACILITY AT THE US DEPARTMENT OF PORTSMOUTH GASEOUS DIFFUSION PLANT IN PIKETON, OHIO. WHEREAS the Village of Piketon conducted a Third Party Assessment to independently review the environmental studies completed and verify the data used by DOE at the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant to make a decision to construct an onsite waste disposal facility in ?Area WHEREAS the Third Party Assessment report indicates that the bedrock underlying ?Area is fractured below the level represented by DOE in public meetings, in the proposed plan, and in the responsiveness summary in the Record of Decision; WHEREAS the Third Party Assessment report also indicates that ?Area cannot meet the requirements of the Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA). TSCA states that the bottom of the landfill liner system must be at least fifty feet from the historic high water table. The data from reports indicate that the depth to groundwater measured from the ground surface at the landfill ranges from 21 feet to 97 feet; WHEREAS the Scioto Valley Local School District recognizes that the community at large opposes onsite disposal; WHEREAS the community?s position regarding onsite disposal was documented during the official public comment period and in official instruments passed by the local governments and recognized community groups. Documentation includes the PORTS SSAB Recommendation 15-05, public comments submitted by the Southern Ohio Diversification Initiative board members and legal counsel, and Resolutions passed by the Village of Piketon, Seal Township, Scioto Township, Scioto Valley Local School District, and the Pike County Career Technology Center; WHEREAS the Scioto Valley Local School District has full confidence in the Ohio Delegation to secure sufficient funding levels through appropriations to allow activities to continue uninterrupted and in compliance with the Records of Decision for of the facilities, without stockpiling waste onsite and without impacting current employment levels at the site; and WHEREAS the Scioto Valley Local School District commends DOE for successfully and expediently shipping legacy waste, waste generated by the current deactivation activities in the X-326, and waste generated by the demolition of other facilities, and expects DOE to continue to ship all waste as it is generated by activities to approved offsite disposal facilities. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SCIOTO VALLEY LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION, that the Scioto Valley Local School District wishes to make it explicitly clear to the residents of the Scioto Valley Local School District and Pike County, the Ohio Delegation, and DOE that the community cannot accept the construction of an onsite waste disposal facility at the DOE Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant in Piketon, Ohio. Motion Mrs. Jenkins Second Mr. Smith Mr. Cutler YEA, Mrs. Jenki{ns YEA, Mr. Smith YEA, Mr. Stockham Absent, Mr. Wooldridge YEA I r. Cir-i cl QM Megan WI iams, Treasurer/CFO