CH IEF .JUSTICE SUPREME COURT OF VIRGINIA CLERK DO U GLAS B . R OBE LEN DONALD W . LEMONS JUSTICES EXECUTIVE SECRETARY KARL R . HADE S. BERNARD GOODWYN WILLIAM C . MIMS CHIEF STAFF ATTORNEY E LIZA BETH A. MCCLANAHAN K . LORRAINE LORD CLEO E . POWELL REPORTER OF DECISIONS 0 . ARTHUR KELSEY STEPHEN R. MCCULLOUGH KENT SINCLAIR SENIOR JUS TICES STATE LAW LIBRARIAN GAIL WARREN CHARLES S . RUSSELL ELIZABETH B . LACY LAWRENCE L. KOONTZ, .JR. LEROY F" . MILLETTE , JR . 100 NORTH NINTH STREET RICHMOND , VIRGINIA 23219- 2334 (804) 786-6455 WWW . COURTS.STATE .VA . US Supreme Court of Virginia Press Release Media Contact: Kristi S. Wri ght, Director of Legislative and Public Relati ons, Office of th e Executive Secretary, Supreme Court of Virginia, (804) 786-6455. Release Date: Apri l 18, 2019 THE SUPREME COURT OF VIRGINIA ADOPTS AND PROMULGATES NEW RULES RELATED TO ACCESS TO JUDICIAL RECORDS RICHMOND - Consistent with press releases issued on January 23, 2018, (announcing the Supreme Court of Virginia's intention to adopt Rul es of Co urt regardin g access to j udi cial reco rds), and on October 19, 2018, (seeking comm ent on the proposed Ru les of Court regarding access to judic ial reco rd s), the Supreme Court of Virginia has entered an order adopting and promulgating Part 11 of the Rules of th e Supreme Court of Virg inia "Access to Judi cial Reco rd s," effectiv e June 17, 20 19. The order of the Court is attached. About the Supreme Court of Virginia: T he Supreme Co urt of Virginia possesses both original and appellate jurisdiction. The Court rev iews decisions of lower co urts, including the Court of Appeals, from whi ch appeals have been allowed. Virginia does not allow an ap peal to the Supreme Court as a matter of right except in cases invo lving the State Co rporati on Commission, certain disciplinary actions again st an attorney, and rev iew of th e death pena lty. The Court's original jurisd iction is limited to cases of habeas corpus, mandamus, prohibition, and actual innocence . T he Supreme Court also has ori ginal jurisdiction in matters filed by the Judi cial Inquiry and Review Com mi ssion relating to jud icial censure and retirement, and removal of judges. The C hi ef Justice of the Supreme Court se rves as the administrat ive head of Virginia's Judi cial System. The Chi ef Justice is charged with overseeing the efficie nt and effecti ve operati on of the Judicial Branch. VIRGINIA: (!iltj at J n tIie Supwm &uvd VVtginia fteld at tIie Supwm &uvd fiJuifding in tIie 9licIUrumd em g ~dalJ tIie 18t1i dalJ apm, 2019. at It is effect that heretofore adopted by this Court are amended to become and they Add Part at nowm 9. June 1 as follows: PART TO JUDICIAL RECORDS Rule 11: 1. Scope. Virginia Public access to records of including by this Part Eleven. The purpose of this Eleven is to provide judicial reasonable access to records of judicial officers, is At the same time, in the administration protect (b) law. In addition, this Part § 1-21 Code § 16.1-69.5. Such records are Virginia, to of record is created or maintained. Rule 11:2. Definitions. As used in r"'f'Arrl and administrative Part including the records maintained by the clerks record, as (c) The is intended to provide to public to records ofjudicial not apply to case the in accordance with this court direction to Part to interests Commonwealth, public access to some judicial Part Eleven or other provisions public with courts not record, as to inspection as provided prohibitions or Eleven shall apply the courts of in Virginia Titles 16.1 applicable of where in what 17.1 of or court the (a) record" means any document, information, collected, or or maintained by the Virginia Judiciary and not associated with any the judicial (b) administration of case. means any document, information, data, or by collected, of court in cormection with a in a case management created, including the or system, of II for purposes of these by (i) the of the Supreme Court Code § 1-212, except for the clerks defined a court not their employees; (iii) as defined in Virginia Code § 16.1 clerks of those and (iv) all other persons courts (d) "Judicial officer" means any justice, judge, or of any court of record, as defined in not Va. Code § 16.1-69.5, Code § ]6.1 justices appointed pursuant to including active, retired and Code § 1 12, and any court appointed pursuant to Va. § 37.2-803, judges pro under Va. Code § 17.1-109, tempore appointed pursuant and Commissioners of Accounts to means access to the record is restricted to duties, and persons Virginia, the Court of Virginia, the State the Judicial Conference of Virginia for District Committee on court as required Executive Secretary of all district courts, all circuit the pursuant to Va. Code § 64.2­ the court. includes all judicial . any or justice of any Virginia court. judicial other as Com1s, and all work groups, advisory Appeals of Judicial Conference of Judicial Council, the commissions and any these Rules, or subcommittees of any of 2 "Virginia Judiciary" shall not include the clerks of the courts of record, as defined in Virginia Code § 1-212, and clerks of the courts not of record, as defined in Virginia Code § 16.1-69.5. Rule 11:3. Records of Judicial Officers. (a) In order to protect the administration of justice, the deliberative process, and the privacy and safety interests of judicial officers, court personnel, jurors, and the public, records ofjudicial officers are not publicly accessible. (b) Records ofjudicial officers include, but are not limited to (i) memoranda, notes, or drafts prepared by or under the direction of any judicial officer that relate to the adjudication, resolution, or disposition of any past, present,or future case, controversy, or legal issue; (ii) legal research and analysis prepared or circulated by judicial officers or court persOlmel; (iii) written communications or discussions relating to procedural, administrative, or legal issues that have or may come before any judicial officer; (iv) infonnation entered into and maintained in an electronic system used to create and issue judicial process; (v) subject to applicable state and federal laws and policies, personnel information concerning identifiable individuals; (vi) telephone numbers, telephone records and email addresses for justices and judges; (vii) documents or information that would compromise the safety of judicial officers, court personnel, jurors, or the public, or jeopardize the integrity of judicial facilities or any infonnation technology or recordkeeping systems; (viii) communications among court personnel and judicial officers, and communications among judicial officers; (ix) legal documents created or received by magistrates that have not been filed with the appropriate clerk of court; and (x) records, documents, information, data or other items that are sealed, confidential, privileged, or otherwise protected by federal or state law, common law, court rule, or court order. Rule 11 :4. Records of the Office of the Executive Secretary. (a) Except as otherwise provided by law or by this Part Eleven, administrative records maintained by the Office of the Executive Secretary of the Supreme Court of Virginia shall be publicly accessible. Copies of administrative records may be requested as provided in Rule 11 :5, and may include: 0) financial records, including but not limited to travel expense vouchers, purchase orders, and records of payments to court-appointed attorneys, guardians ad litem, and experts; (ii) statistical information derived from the aggregation of a subset of individual case 3 records; (iii) policies other than those determined to be confidential pursuant to subsection (b)(ii) of this Rule; and (iv) court forms. Such records are to be provided in a format approved by the Executive Secretary. (b) In order to protect the administration of justice, the deliberative process, and the privacy and safety interests of judicial officers, court personnel, jurors, and the public, the following administrative records maintained by the Office of the Executive Secretary shall not be publicly accessible: (i) legal research, analysis and work product of any attorney, law clerk, or intern working for any person or entity within the Virginia Judiciary; (ii) records or information collected, notes, correspondence, memoranda, drafts, and work product generated in the process of developing policies or providing guidance relating to the operation of the Virginia Judiciary, and all policies determined to be confidential by the Executive Secretary in consultation with the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Virginia; (i ii) preliminary and draft versions of reports, documents, records, evaluations, investigations, and audits or compliance reviews, including materials prepared by a consultant; (iv) written communications among court personnel, including those maintained either in the Office of the Executive Secretary, or in chambers or offices of judicial officers; (v) subject to applicable state and federal laws and policies, personnel information concerning identifiable individuals; (vi) telephone numbers, telephone records or email addresses for justices and judges; (vii) infrastructure records that expose vulnerability in security of critical systems, including building security, personnel , recordkeeping, information technology, communication, electrical, fire suppression, ventilation, water, wastewater, sewage, and gas systems; (viii) training materials, test questions, scoring keys, examination data, and other materials used for employment or certification purposes; (ix) test scores of a person if the person is identified by name and has not consented to the release of his or her scores; (x) information created or maintained by or on the behalf of the judicial performance evaluation program related to an evaluation of any individual justice or judge made confidential by § 17.1­ 100; (xi) records, documents, information, data, or other items that are sealed, confidential, privileged, or otherwise protected from disclosure by federal or state law, common law, court rule, or order. 4 Rule 11:5. Procedure for Public Access to Records of the Office of the Executive Secretary. (a) All requests for publicly accessible records maintained by the Office of the Executive Secretary of the Supreme Court of Virginia shall be in writing and shall describe with reasonable specificity the record(s) requested. All requests shall be addressed to: Office of the Executive Secretary, Attn. Director of Legislative and Public Relations, 100 N. 9th Street, Riclunond, VA 23219. The Office of the Executive Secretary may require the requester to provide his or her name and legal address. The Office of the Executive Secretary shall respond, pursuant to this Rule, within five working days of receiving a written request. (b) The Office of the Executi ve Secretary shall notify the requester if the requested records cannot be found or do not exist. If the Office of the Executive Secretary does not have custody or control of the record(s) requested, the requester shall be notified and furnished the name and contact information of the person or entity having custody of the records, if known. The Office of the Executive Secretary shall not be required to compile information or create a record if one does not exist. (c) The Office of the Executive Secretary may assess reasonable charges not to exceed its actual costs incurred in accessing, duplicating, supplying, reviewing or searching for the requested records. All charges for the supplying of requested records shall be estimated in advance upon the request of the requester. Any charges shall be assessed at the hourly rate of the person(s) engaged in any work necessary to respond to a request for records, even if no records are found . If the Office of the Executive Secretary determines in advance that charges for producing the requested records are likely to exceed $200, it may, before continuing to process the request, require the requester to pay a deposit not to exceed the amount of the advance determination. Such deposit shall be credited toward the final cost of supplying the requested records. If the final charge exceeds the amount of the deposit, the difference shall be charged to the requester, and if the final charge is less than the amount of the deposit, the difference shall be refunded to the requester. (d) A response denying, in whole or in part, production of the requested records, shall be in writing and shall include a statement of the specific reason for withholding of the records. 5 (e) If it is not practically possible to provide the requested records or to detennine whether they are available within the five-working-day period, the response shall specify the conditions that make a response impossible. The Office of the Executive Secretary shall have an additional seven working days in which to provide a response. Rule 11:6. Access to Records of Other Entities of the Virginia Judiciary. (a) Except as otherwise provided by law or court order, records that have been submitted to or approved by the Committee on District Courts, the Judicial Conference of Virginia for District Courts, the Judicial Council, and the Judicial Conference of Virginia, shall be publicly accessible, with the exception of records related to matters discussed in closed sessIOns. AU other records of these judicial policy-making bodies shall be governed by Rule 11:6(b). (b) Except as otherwise provided under these Rules, records of all work groups, conferences, advisory committees, and commissions established or chaired by the Chief Justice or the Executive Secretary shall not be publicly accessible absent a contrary determination by the Chief Justice. (c) The Chief Justice may authorize the public release of any final report or recommendations submitted to the Supreme Court by any work group, conference, advisory committee, commission, or judicial policy-making body described in subsections (a) and (b) of this Rule 11 :6. Rule 11:7. Reconsideration of Denial of Public Access to Records of the Office of the Executive Secretary. (a) A request for reconsideration of a decision denying public access to a record maintained by the Office of the Executive Secretary of the Supreme Court of Virginia may be made to the Executive Secretary of the Supreme Court of Virginia. Such request shall be made in the fonn of a detailed letter, within 30 days from the date of the letter denying access. Failure to submit a request for reconsideration on or before the 30-day deadline shall result in denial of the request for reconsideration. 6 (b) If the Executive Secretary sustains the decision denying public access, a request for reconsideration may be made to the Chief Justice for three Justices of the Supreme Court of Virginia to review the matter. The request shall be made in the form of a letter to the Clerk of the Supreme Court of Virginia, within 10 days from the date of the Executive Secretary's letter denying access. Failure to submit a request for reconsideration on or before the 10-day deadline shall result in denial of the request for reconsideration. Rule 11 :8. Reconsideration of Denial of Public Access to Records of Judicial Officers or Other Entities of the Virginia Judiciary. A request for reconsideration of a decision denying public access to a record of a judicial officer or other entities of the Virginia judiciary may be made to the Chief Justice for three Justices of the Supreme Court of Virginia to review the matter. Such request shall be made in the form of a letter to the Clerk of the Supreme Court of Virginia, within 30 days from the date of the letter denying access. Failure to submit a request for reconsideration on or before the 30-day deadline shall result in denial of the request for reconsideration. A Copy, Teste: Clerk 7